Missão militar portuguesa na RCA

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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1005 em: Janeiro 01, 2021, 10:52:02 pm »
Emprego de Tropas Especiais em Forças Nacionais Destacadas Estudo de Caso: Teatro de Operações da República Centro Africana

Um exercito com  2x CCmds e 4x CPara faz confusão... e não ter, pelo menos para uma FND escalão companhia, todo o equipamento em excelentes condições.

entrevistado N.º  1 referiu que “face  ao  número  reduzido  de efetivos pertencentes àsTEsp, o empenhamento neste tipo de TO pode exaurir a capacidade de empenhamento das mesmas.”e o entrevistado N.º 2identifica “o facto de uma unidade de TEspnão ser capaz de realizar a manutenção da permanência de um TO”

Alguns dos meios e equipamentos não eram os mais adequados e em alguns casos, comodestacado  pelosentrevistados  da  3.ª  FND,já  não  se  encontravam  nas  melhores condições.

Alguns dos meios e equipamentosnão eram os mais adequados e em alguns casos, comodestacado  pelosentrevistados  da  3.ª  FND,já  não  se  encontravam  nas  melhores condições.

Foram identificados vários problemas  relativos  aos  meios  disponíveis,sendo  que  os  mais  destacados  foram relativos aos meios  aéreos  da MINUSCA.

Nada garante que nós quiséssemos colocar meios aéreos - helicópteros médios militares - na RCA ou que a ONU quisesse... mas não ter essa capacidade é grave.


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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1006 em: Janeiro 03, 2021, 06:37:05 pm »
Central African Republic rebels seize Bangassou, says UN

The rebels staged a dawn raid and were now everywhere in Bangassou, the official said, adding that fighting is continuing in several parts.

A rebel coalition has attacked several towns in recent weeks, and currently controls two thirds of the country.

They accuse the government of holding a fraudulent election on 27 December.

The government has denied allegations of poll rigging. Initial results of the election for president and seats in the national assembly are expected on Monday.

The authorities have also accused former President François Bozizé, who supports the rebels, of trying to stage a coup - something he has denied.

The Central African Republic (CAR) is resource-rich but deeply unstable country that has seen several coups since independence from France 60 years ago.

BBC Africa editor Mary Harper says there seems to be no let up in rebel activity.

On Saturday, the rebel coalition attacked the town of Damara, which is about 70km (43 miles) north of the capital Bangui.

Impressão minha ou os OCS em Portugal não têm dado mt espaço à situação na RCA? Talvez por não haver imagens das operações destas últimas semanas?
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1007 em: Janeiro 05, 2021, 03:08:51 pm »
Não te enganes, os vídeos que tens é do próprio Exército e têm sempre semanas ou mesmo meses depois das ditas acções. Todos os vídeos são limpos e não aparece nem mortos, nem sangue, nem nada de nada a não ser a nossa tropa a mandar fusgada e a dar alimentos/brinquedos/material escolar às crianças.

O estado novo não faria melhor e atualmente nós temos  uns media "independentes".
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1008 em: Janeiro 07, 2021, 07:37:46 am »
Não te enganes, os vídeos que tens é do próprio Exército e têm sempre semanas ou mesmo meses depois das ditas acções. Todos os vídeos são limpos e não aparece nem mortos, nem sangue, nem nada de nada a não ser a nossa tropa a mandar fusgada e a dar alimentos/brinquedos/material escolar às crianças.

O estado novo não faria melhor e atualmente nós temos  uns media "independentes".

Creo que eso es una moda general, en España casi todos los videos "oficiales" son "soldadas", para que se vea la integración de la mujer, y en misiones tipo ONG, repartiendo materiales a la población civil, ayudando a un anciano a cruzar la calle...

Cuando los combates en Iraq y Afganistan, algunos muy duros como la batalla de Najaf, oficialmente no se ha publicado ni una sola imagen, todas las que circulan, como las de un BMR con los cadáveres de varios talibanes muertos dentro, son tomadas extraoficialmente por soldados y luego sacadas a la red anonimamente so pena de fuertes sanciones.
En Afganistan las tropas españolas oficialmente no entraron en combate mas que en 2 o 3 pequeñas escaramuzas, pero la realidad es que a los 3 meses tuvo que salir un C130 cargado a tope de munición del 5,56 y 7,62, por que las tropas allí desplegadas habián consumido toda la munición que se llevó para un año.
Que la realidad no te estropee una buena sonrisa electoral.... :bang:

Mierda de políticos, ...aquí,....allí... >:(
A España servir hasta morir
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1009 em: Janeiro 07, 2021, 10:57:06 am »
Lembro-me de ver um video à uns bons anos atrás de militares Espanhóis no Afeganistão...muita fosgada! :G-bigun:
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1010 em: Janeiro 09, 2021, 06:00:09 pm »
Boa tarde . O brigadeiro general Eduardo Ferrão de partida da RCA faz o balanço do ano que passou no país . Não diz nada de especial , mas deixo o vídeo da Minusca para quem quiser ver . Um abraço e bom ano de 2021 para todos .
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1011 em: Janeiro 13, 2021, 12:56:49 pm »
República Centro-Africana. Rebeldes realizam dois ataques simultâneos à capital

Estes dois ataques são os primeiros confrontos nos arredores de Bangui desde que os rebeldes anunciaram uma ofensiva há quase um mês ao Presidente da República Centro-Africana.

Os rebeldes que lideram uma ofensiva contra o regime do Presidente da República Centro-Africana, Faustin Archange Touaderá, recentemente eleito, realizaram esta quarta-feira, dois ataques simultâneos na entrada de Bangui, que foram repelidos, disse o Ministro do Interior centro-africano.

Os dois ataques, confirmados pelo ministro centro-africano Henri Wanzet Linguissara à agência de notícias AFP, também foram corroborados por dois funcionários da missão da ONU na República Centro-Africana (MINUSCA), sob condição de anonimato.

Em duas frentes, a poucos quilómetros da capital, na madrugada desta quarta-feira, as brigadas do exército “foram atacadas simultaneamente mas, graças à bravura das nossas forças e ao apoio bilateral, conseguimos repelir os atacantes que são atualmente em fuga”, disse o ministro centro-africano.

O porta-voz da MINUSCA no país, tenente-coronel Abdoulaziz Fall, referiu “um ataque” e confrontos ainda em curso.

Estes são os primeiros confrontos nos arredores de Bangui desde que os rebeldes anunciaram uma ofensiva há quase um mês.

Em 19 de dezembro, oito dias antes das eleições presidenciais e legislativas, uma coligação de seis dos grupos armados mais poderosos que ocupam dois terços da República Centro-Africana – desde o início da guerra civil há oito anos -, anunciou uma ofensiva para impedir a reeleição de Touaderá.

O Presidente foi reeleito em 04 de janeiro, depois de uma votação muito contestada pela oposição, que afirmam que apenas um em cada dois eleitores registados teve oportunidade de ir às urnas devido à falta de segurança fora de Bangui.

Os rebeldes da Coligação de Patriotas para a Mudança (CPC) realizaram, até agora, ataques esporádicos geralmente repelidos pelas forças da ONU, apoiados por contingentes de soldados ruandeses e paramilitares russos fortemente armados desembarcados recentemente para ajudar o Governo central do país.

Esses ataques ocorriam em cidades e locais distantes da capital.

A RCA caiu no caos e na violência em 2013, após o derrube do então Presidente François Bozizé, por grupos armados juntos na Séléka, o que suscitou a oposição de outras milícias, agrupadas na anti-Balaka.

Desde então, o território centro-africano tem sido palco de confrontos comunitários entre estes grupos, que obrigaram quase um quarto dos 4,7 milhões de habitantes da RCA a abandonarem as suas casas.

Portugal tem atualmente na RCA 243 militares, dos quais 188 integram a Minusca e 55 participam na missão de treino da União Europeia (EUTM), liderada por Portugal, pelo brigadeiro general Neves de Abreu, até setembro de 2021.
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1012 em: Janeiro 14, 2021, 10:44:33 am »

ISS: CAR elections expose the depth of the country’s crisis

On 27 December 2020, citizens of the Central African Republic (CAR) were called to elect their president and 140 Members of Parliament amid renewed violence between non-state armed groups.

The security situation had worsened after the Constitutional Court invalidated former president François Bozizé’s candidacy for the presidential election on 3 December. Bozizé joined hands with other armed groups, some of which were an off-shoot of the Séléka coalition that toppled him in 2013, plunging the country into instability.

According to the National Elections Agency, incumbent Faustin-Archange Touadéra won with 53% of the votes in the presidential race, securing a first-round victory. Preliminary results from the legislative elections also promise to be favourable to the ruling coalition.

While the government and international community celebrate this election as a success, opposition candidates have rejected the results. Challengers point to various irregularities that marred the polling, particularly the violent attacks by armed groups that prevented voting in some areas. Most have asked for a rerun of the general elections.

Seven years after the last coup d’état and six years after the deployment of the third-largest United Nations (UN) peace mission, can this election be seen as a milestone in the country’s path to peace?

In addition to the UN mission, Russian instructors and Rwandan soldiers had to help stabilise voting.

Successes have been achieved in recent years due to a range of interventions from both the region and the international community. But these elections revealed major vulnerabilities that require rethinking the role of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) and international stakeholders.

The biggest weakness exposed by the polls is that 11 000 UN troops weren’t enough to secure the vote across the country. It took the deployment of additional Russian instructors and Rwandan soldiers to help stabilise some of the voting operations.

MINUSCA’s robust posture, particularly the Portuguese special forces’ decisive interventions, did derail armed groups’ plans to seize Bangui. But the role played by the Central African Armed Forces was concerning. Various sources, including government, reported mass desertion by soldiers as they heard about armed groups’ attacks.

The army’s reaction indicates the failure of current international efforts to reform the security and defence sectors. It also reveals the inability of the country’s armed forces to ensure the country’s security.

CAR presidents, including Touadéra, have often depended on external actors to boost their political fortunes and the country’s security. While such support has generally provided short-term relief, it has rarely contributed to durable stability.

The CAR army’s reaction indicates the failure of international efforts to reform the security sector.

It certainly hasn’t advanced the objectives in CAR’s 2016-21 national security sector reform strategy. These include building well-trained, well-equipped and professional defence and security forces able to carry out their missions in compliance with the country’s laws and international obligations. Discussions between the government and international partners should focus on readjusting the strategy to the current security problems.

Peacebuilding literature suggests that the best barometer of a post-conflict country’s stability lies in the third election after the formal end of the conflict. For the CAR, this will be at the end of Touadéra’s upcoming term, which has started with his most important political opponents questioning the legitimacy of his win.

These are hardly the best conditions for building national consensus and implementing the political agreement signed between the government and 14 armed groups in Khartoum in February 2019. As it is, most of these groups never seemed particularly keen to implement an agreement that would curtail their privileges and their predatory raison d’être.

Is the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation still a relevant means to bring peace in the CAR? Moreover, should the UN doctrine of solving crises politically continue to be applied in this context?

The agreement has often been criticised for lumping together non-state armed groups with very different structures, membership, affiliations, agendas and military capabilities. It has legitimised predatory entities that have weak political constituencies as indicated by their poor showing in elections and limited willingness to morph into political actors.

The situation calls for a reflection on the relevance of the UN crisis management doctrine in CAR.

Many observers say most of the groups have ceased to represent communities’ grievances, so it’s unlikely that any political process would turn them into legitimate actors. A more robust form of engagement should be considered to neutralise Central African armed groups who are unwilling to become part of the formal political process and give peace a chance.

An intervention brigade like that in Democratic Republic of the Congo could help create the conditions needed to restore state authority in a country where rural populations don’t distinguish between non-state armed groups and the Central African Armed Forces. But this would require a wide national consensus as it would lay the ground for political competition in the CAR in the long run.

Continuing to provide the government with lethal equipment won’t solve the problem of armed groups. Nor will a more coercive and offensive MINUSCA, if members of the Central African Armed Forces are inclined to disengage when armed groups violate the peace agreement and threaten democracy.

Current political and security developments call for a reflection on the relevance of the UN crisis management doctrine in the CAR. The situation has evolved since 2013 when the country faced a state breakdown after a coup led by armed groups representing marginalised communities.

The crisis today has at least three layers. One is the deadlocked political dialogue due to a lack of consensus regarding elections. The second is the fragile security situation characterised by predatory armed groups with a limited political agenda. And third, the fraught state-building process fuelled by the first two factors, including citizens’ limited engagement.

Before MINUSCA was deployed, there were three main armed groups in the CAR. Now there are 14 recognised entities. This suggests that a UN presence doesn’t deter armed entrepreneurs’ ambitions to prey on the country’s fragility.

Any prospect of stability in the CAR will require the region and the broader international community to adopt a flexible mechanism that prevents the next elections from taking place in conditions similar to those of 27 December. Business as usual shouldn’t be an option.
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1013 em: Janeiro 15, 2021, 01:35:29 pm »

Rebel Forces Attack On Bangui Repelled By UN And CAR Forces

On January 13th, rebels in the Central African Republic launched a coordinated attack on the capital Bangui.

They were ultimately pushed back, as announced by the UN Mission in the country.

The assault was the first time rebels struck so close to the city since President Faustin Archange Touadera was re-elected on December 27th.

“The attackers who came in large numbers to take Bangui have been vigorously pushed back,” Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada said

This vote followed what the authorities in the countries was an attempt at a coup by the rebel forces.

It all began with attacks on the CAR and UN army units in the early morning. These positions were at 9km and 12km from the capital, targeted two army brigades but the rebel forces were repelled, Interior Minister Henri Wanzet Linguissara said.

A Rwandan member of the force was killed while another was wounded. A number of attackers were killed, while others were arrested, according to the MINUSCA statement.

The attacks were the latest since the alliance of CAR’s six most powerful rebel groups who control two-thirds of the country launched an offensive to prevent Touadera’s re-election.

Despite that, he won the vote and was declared the winner on January 4th. The coalition of armed groups, the same one that’s accused of a coup vowed to march on Bangui and take control.

The rebels have carried out sporadic attacks mostly in towns far from the capital that were repelled by UN peacekeepers and Central African troops, along with Rwandan and Russian soldiers and mercenaries.

CAR prosecutors have launched an investigation into former President Francois Bozize, whom the government accuses of plotting the alleged coup with the help of the armed groups.

– On January 13, CAR forces repelled two large attacks by rebels in the outskirts of Bangui city
– On January 14, the CAR government announced strengthened the curfew in Bangui. It is now from 6pm to 5am
– On January 13, rebels attacked the capital of Central African Republic, but the attack was repelled by security forces and UN peacekeepers
– On January 13, Security Council members discussed the situation in the CAR under “any other business” at the request of France
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1014 em: Janeiro 19, 2021, 11:04:43 am »
Rebels Kill 2 Peacekeepers in Central African Republic
January 18, 2021

The peacekeepers, a Gabonese and a Moroccan, died during an ambush on their convoy.

Rebels killed two peacekeepers in the Central African Republic on Monday, the UN mission MINUSCA said, hours after the country’s top court confirmed that President Faustin Archange Touadera had won re-election.

The deaths brought to seven the number of MINUSCA troops killed since the start of a rebel offensive against Touadera on December 19.

MINUSCA said in a statement that the peacekeepers slain Monday were a Gabonese and a Moroccan who died during an ambush on their convoy.

It blamed the attack on “elements of the coalition of armed groups,” referring to a newly formed rebel alliance that mounted an attempted coup ahead of the December 27 election in the violence-wracked country.

Touadera has alleged that his predecessor, Francois Bozize, fomented the offensive.

Also Monday, the Constitutional Court confirmed Touadera’s victory in the December election but said turnout, which was suppressed by armed groups, was little more than a third, with many voters prevented from casting their ballots.

Two-thirds of the former French colony is in the hands of armed groups, and Touadera relies on security and military support from MINUSCA as well as Russia and Rwanda.

Ou a MINUSCA tem vontade e meios para passar à ofensiva, para anular (pelo menos) alguns dos grupos - talvez, através do governo RCA e os seus aliados, negociarem com um dos grupos e anular os restantes  - ou isto não termina.
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1015 em: Janeiro 19, 2021, 12:44:10 pm »

Rebel Forces Attack On Bangui Repelled By UN And CAR Forces

Fonix. Grande Granel. E cá no Burgo é só covid e já nem se fala dos tais helis de evacuação, tão necessários. Esperemos que não acordem tarde...

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1016 em: Janeiro 19, 2021, 01:03:44 pm »
Há mais grupos do que estão mencionados.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1017 em: Janeiro 22, 2021, 01:45:46 pm »
Central African Republic declares emergency as rebels surround Bangui

The Central African Republic (CAR) has declared a state of emergency as the army and UN forces try to repel advancing rebel groups who want to overthrow the government.

The anti-government fighters, who now control two-thirds of the country, have surrounded the capital, Bangui.

The UN envoy to CAR has warned the country was "at grave risk."

The rebels dispute the validity of President Faustin Archange Touadéra's re-election in last month's poll.

The authorities have accused former President François Bozizé, who was blocked from running in the 27 December election, for the escalating violence.

"The perpetrators... of these unforgettable crimes against the people of CAR will be found, arrested and brought before the competent courts," President Touadéra said on Monday, while also calling for national reconciliation.

Mr Bozizé, who came to power in 2003 before he was overthrown in 2013, had denied the allegations.

At least 60,00 civilians have fled the country due to recent fighting.

Call for more UN peacekeepers

The state of emergency declared on Thursday evening will last for 15 days, the government spokesman Albert Yaloke Mokpeme said on national radio.

He said soldiers will be allowed to make arrests without going through prosecutors.

The BBC's Pacôme Pabandji in Bangui says many residents of the capital are not surprised at the state of emergency given the deteriorating security situation in recent weeks.

According to security sources, the declaration was a necessary step after information obtained from people arrested in the last few days suggested there was an imminent threat to the government.

CAR "is at serious risk of a security and peacebuilding setback," said Mankeur Ndiaye, the UN envoy to the country.

He urged the UN Security Council to increase the number of peacekeepers with a flexible mandate, that allows them to respond to the escalating security challenges in the country.

Mr Ndiaye did not specify the security resources he wanted to be deployed but the Reuters news agency, quoting a source close to the UN mission, Minusca, reported that CAR needed 3,000 extra peacekeepers, attack helicopters and even special forces.

According to Mr Ndiaye, large numbers of government troops have deserted due to insufficient training and resources.

At least 12,000 peacekeepers are already on the ground in CAR.

Ahead of the December election, Rwanda and Russia sent in reinforcements to help the government. France has also sent in military resources to back President Touadéra's government.

Meanwhile, the government is pushing for the lifting of a 2013 UN arms embargo which it sees as an obstacle in its fight against the rebels.
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1018 em: Janeiro 23, 2021, 11:25:20 am »
Mr Ndiaye did not specify the security resources he wanted to be deployed but the Reuters news agency, quoting a source close to the UN mission, Minusca, reported that CAR needed 3,000 extra peacekeepers, attack helicopters and even special forces.

Agora que a ONU quer... lá vamos nós, até para segurança da nossa FND, ter que projectar um "batalhão" (tipo GTIA francês)  Pandur e/ou Para, uns 600 a 800 homens, um par de meses para aquilo estabilizar até chegarem outras tropas ONU - e, claro, uma meia dúzia de helicópteros médios com capacidade de ataque e drones.

Ou não...  :bang:
« Última modificação: Janeiro 23, 2021, 11:30:58 am por LM »
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Re: Missão militar portuguesa na RCA
« Responder #1019 em: Janeiro 23, 2021, 12:20:48 pm »
Esta situação na RCA não me cheira nada bem. Em caso de necessidade como poderemos evacuar as nossas unidades? quem efectuará um possível "medevac"?

Estamos dependentes de uns quantos mirage para apoio aéreo? ou existe algum plano de contenção? as coisas são feitas mesmo às três pancadas, honrando a nossa recém adquirida tradição.