Marinha da Holanda

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Charlie Jaguar

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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #90 em: Março 29, 2018, 01:20:48 pm »
Já há uns tempos atrás tinha sugerido isso mesmo. Como a Marinha continua a ter nos seus planos uma eventual aquisição de duas fragatas AAW, as Zeven encaixariam na perfeição, mesmo apesar de em 2029 se tratarem de navios com 25 anos. O cenário mais plausível, quanto a mim, são duas para PT e duas para o Chile.

Para mim  o ideal era virem as quatro unidades, entre 2027 e 2030 para substituírem as VdG, e uns anos depois, lá para 2035 abatermos as BD.
A ser tentado, o negócio, poder-se-ia abordar a hipótese do Rotterdam fazer parte do pacote, e que pacote, pois a ser concretizado ficávamos com uma classe de Fragatas com excelentes capacidades na Luta AA/AS/ASW que, pelas minhas contas, durariam mais uns vinte anos ao nosso serviço, pois deviam durar até 2050 no mínimo !!
Quanto a custos penso que o " Pacote " ficaria por uns mil milhões de Euros mais coisa menos coisa.
O único senão para mim é o facto das guarnições serem de 200 almas p/ Fragata, mas não se pode ter tudo sem custos.


Tiraste-me as palavras do teclado, tenente.  ;)
Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)



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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #91 em: Março 29, 2018, 01:35:01 pm »
Dificilmente conseguiremos os quatro (se a Marinha os quiser, obviamente). São excelentes navios e vai, de certeza, haver muita competição para os adquirir em segunda-mão.
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #92 em: Março 29, 2018, 01:39:39 pm »
Já há uns tempos atrás tinha sugerido isso mesmo. Como a Marinha continua a ter nos seus planos uma eventual aquisição de duas fragatas AAW, as Zeven encaixariam na perfeição, mesmo apesar de em 2029 se tratarem de navios com 25 anos. O cenário mais plausível, quanto a mim, são duas para PT e duas para o Chile.

Para mim  o ideal era virem as quatro unidades, entre 2027 e 2030 para substituírem as VdG, e uns anos depois, lá para 2035 abatermos as BD.
A ser tentado, o negócio, poder-se-ia abordar a hipótese do Rotterdam fazer parte do pacote, e que pacote, pois a ser concretizado ficávamos com uma classe de Fragatas com excelentes capacidades na Luta AA/AS/ASW que, pelas minhas contas, durariam mais uns vinte anos ao nosso serviço, pois deviam durar até 2050 no mínimo !!
Quanto a custos penso que o " Pacote " ficaria por uns mil milhões de Euros mais coisa menos coisa.
O único senão para mim é o facto das guarnições serem de 200 almas p/ Fragata, mas não se pode ter tudo sem custos.


Tiraste-me as palavras do teclado, tenente.  ;)

Já viste o tempo que poupaste e o desgate do teclado que evitaste CJ ???? ;)

Abraços e boa Páscoa que o je começa o turno amanhã .
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #93 em: Março 29, 2018, 01:40:36 pm »
Dificilmente conseguiremos os quatro (se a Marinha os quiser, obviamente). São excelentes navios e vai, de certeza, haver muita competição para os adquirir em segunda-mão.

mas que ficávamos bem servidos ficávamos e.....quem quer bolota, TREPA !! ;)

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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #94 em: Março 29, 2018, 02:35:20 pm »
Certamente que sim! Mas para além da eventual competição para aquisição destas belezas, há dois factores importantes que pesam contra a compra das quatro unidades: 1) o preço, obviamente (já para não falar do custo do armamento); 2) e, como muito bem disseste, a guarnição relativamente grande para os nossos padrões (232, de acordo com a Wiki e outras fontes). Não sei se este número já inclui equipas de abordagem e afins, mas é importante realçar que estas não se tratam de simples fragatas AAW, mas também de comando, i.e., preparadas de raiz para acomodar o staff de comando de uma flotilha; presume-se que a guarnição alargada reflecte esta capacidade.

O 'meu plano' sempre passou pela aquisição de duas Zeven para substituir as VdG, seguidas da aquisição de 4 M novas, para substituir as BD.
Talent de ne rien faire



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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #95 em: Março 29, 2018, 11:07:37 pm »
...parece que há quem chame as esses "barquinhos" destroyer!...
...coisa que só as grandes potências têem!...
...não seria melhor focarmo-nos em arranjar 4 ou 5 fragatas novas das que vão substituir as actuais M-frigates ?...
...e teríamos boas fragatas para a luta anti submarina com capacidade de defesa contra mísseis,,,
...e já com design furtivo...



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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #96 em: Março 30, 2018, 01:34:03 am »
Os planos da Marinha são para 5 fragatas multi-usos/ASW e duas fragatas multi-usos/AAW. É um facto que nos últimos 20 anos a tendência tem passado por engordar cada vez mais os navios de forma a poderem carregar mais armamento e sensores e, também, aumentar a sua resistência em combate. Mas isto não deve constituir um factor impeditivo ao alcance dos objectivos que a Marinha se propôs.
O que antigamente eram fragatas agora são corvetas; o que antigamente eram contratorpedeiros agora são fragatas; o que antigamente eram cruzadores agora são contratorpedeiros. Praticamente todas as fragatas que entraram ao serviço das marinhas ocidentais nos últimos dez anos, bem assim como as planeadas para a próxima década, têm deslocamentos entre as 4.000 e as 7.000 toneladas (tipicamente mais perto do limite superior que do inferior). As FREMM, as F125, as futuras F110 e as futuras Type 26, por exemplo, deslocam todas mais de 6.000 toneladas. Os contratorpedeiros dos países ricos (EUA, Japão, Coreia do Sul) deslocam mais de 10.000 toneladas.
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #97 em: Março 30, 2018, 12:33:05 pm »
Se a MGP tiver 5 fragatas equivalentes às actuais M  já não é mau... i.e., ter 5 fragatas "relativamente" modernas e multi-missões; 2 AAW + 3 "multi" melhor, mas duvido.   

Como se explica a tendência para o aumento de tonelagem, tendo em conta a crescente automatização? Posso argumentar com a capacidade de resistir a danos e manter operacionalidade, mas a capacidade de com 1 ataque infligir danos também aumenta e 2 navios duplica hipóteses de manter capacidade...     
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #98 em: Março 30, 2018, 01:02:34 pm »
A tendência na minha modesta opinião é uma diminuição do número de fragatas. Fala-se por portas e travessas que as VDG, a serem substituídas, possivelmente serão apenas por duas unidades. Se fossem duas M já não era mau.   

Embora o automatismo nas unidades mais recente seja norma, na verdade a quantidade de sensores e armamento, bem como a capacidade de motorização e geradores para colocar todo o navio em andamento e operação, justificam o aumento de tonelagem. Além disso é importante não esquecer que um upgrade realizado por exemplo nas M para permitir a utilização do Nh90 só é possível com uma certa tonelagem e cumprimento. Numa corveta, por exemplo como a Barroso, isso dificilmente seria possível (Aliás, face ao tamanho e tonelagem seria sempre mais limitado, tanto mais que a previsão foi sempre modificação de alguns sensores e armamento, mantendo por exemplo o Lynx como heli embarcado ) .

« Última modificação: Março 30, 2018, 01:04:29 pm por mafets »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #99 em: Abril 05, 2018, 05:32:16 am »
Netherlands ‘very welcome’ to join European sub program — with a caveat  By: Sebastian Sprenger

A sketch of the 212CD design, which Norway has decided to procure. (tkMS via Norwegian Ministry of Defence)

 COLOGNE, Germany — The Netherlands would be welcome to join a German-Norwegian submarine acquisition program, even as the door is closing for final design work on the boats, the Norwegian defense ministry said.

 The statement comes as German defense industry officials have talked for weeks about what they believe is an impending move to reshuffle big-ticket shipbuilding programs by way of a new naval cooperation umbrella with the Dutch. In that telling, The Hague would join the purchase of 212CD-class submarines, built by Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems’ undersea division, and gain a say in the fate of Germany’s Mehrzweck-Kampfschiff 180 frigate program, from which the surface division of TKMS was excluded last month.

 While Berlin and The Hague have officially kept mum about details, several German industry officials and analysts surveyed for this article believe the prospect of a Dutch move is keeping the MKS-180 program’s fate unpredictable.

 When asked about the Netherlands’ interest in the German combat ship effort, Dutch defense ministry spokesman Peter Valstar only wrote in an email to Defense News that senior acquisition officials from both countries had met recently to discuss “various topics like possible cooperations on all kinds of defense projects.”

As for submarines, “We’re currently in the B-phase (research) of our so-called ‘Defence Material Process,‘” Valstar wrote. “The ‘need’ (A-phase) of a submarine purchase is clear. The C-phase (further research) and D-phase (product and supplier) are still to come.”

Norway has always considered the door open for additional submarine buyers since Oslo teamed with Berlin last year. The joint acquisition would see Norway buy four boats and Germany two. Buying and maintaining identical submarines would keep cost down for both countries, the argument goes.

“Norway and Germany would like to see additional partners joining the cooperation, and it would be very welcome if the Netherlands should decide to join,” Norwegian defense ministry spokeswoman Ann Kristin Salbuvik wrote in an email to Defense News.

“We are working together towards several potential nations, and we have a good dialogue with potential partners,” Salbuvik added when asked if the Dutch had formally expressed an interest.

 But the door is closing for would-be partners to have a say in the boats’ configurations. “The design of the German-Norwegian submarines will soon be frozen in order for the supplier, TKMS, to be able to provide a binding offer in July 2018,” the spokeswoman wrote.

“After this point in time, design changes will be costly, and will also have a negative impact on time and delivery schedules for the German-Norwegian submarine building program,” she added. “If additional partners join the cooperation, it will be beneficial for them to strive for as identical a design as possible.”

It is unclear how far discussions for a Dutch-German naval armaments pact have bubbled up toward the defense ministries’ leaders. But the issue is “very much a topic of conversation in political Berlin,” one source noted.

 If given the chance to tweak the MKS-180 configuration, the Dutch would push for a smaller ship design than is currently envisioned, one industry source predicted.

 With Damen Shipyards, the Dutch already have local industry in the running for the program, teaming with Germany’s Blohm &Voss, which is now part of the German Lürssen group.

PS Mas quanto a nós mantem-se o já usual " Orgulhosamente sós " onde é que eu já ouvi isto ??? Não aprendemos mesmo nada !!!
Quer dizer, aprender até aprendemos a continuar a ser capazes de........... roubar á vontade !!!!

« Última modificação: Abril 05, 2018, 05:42:13 am por tenente »
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #100 em: Abril 05, 2018, 10:15:09 am »
Tenente, se há duas Forças Armadas que estão cada vez mais integradas, são as da Holanda e da Alemanha. Por exemplo a última unidade de Carros de Combate do Exército Holandês faz parte integrante de uma Divisão Alemã.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #101 em: Maio 05, 2018, 06:09:25 pm »
Multibillion Euro Impulse for the Dutch Navy
(Source:; posted May 04, 2018)

The Dutch Navy will replace its two M-frigates (HNLMS Speijk seen here) and Alkmaar-class minehunters, and buy a second logistic support ship, under a 6.7 billion plan submitted to Parliament yesterday by the defense ministry. (NL MoD photo)

 PARIS --- The Dutch Navy is on the verge of receiving a multi-billion euro investment, the Dutch daily De Telegraaf reported Thursday. In addition to the two M-Frigates, six minehunters are also being replaced by partly unmanned systems. There will also be new missiles, torpedoes and cannons, while the four air-defense and command frigates will undergo a thorough upgrade.

 Secretary of State for Defense Barbara Visser officially announced this to Parliament’s Lower House on Thursday. In total, this involves an investment of 6.7 billion euros beyond the replacement of the submarines, for which an additional 2.5 billion euros has been earmarked.

 According to a bilateral agreement on joint naval procurement signed in November 2016, the Netherlands is the lead nation for the procurement of frigates for both countries’ navies, while Belgium is to lead procurement of new minehunters for both.

Dutch tender

 In the State Secretary’s memorandum, naval forces seem to benefit most from the extra funds that this government is spending on the armed forces. By the end this cabinet period, it will eventually receive a structural 1.5 billion euros.

 Frigates are the backbone of the navy, and their replacement is therefore essential. Because of their power, they ensure safety at sea, defense of their national territory and that of allies, and unrestricted sea transport. Where the air defense and command frigates specialize in air defense, the M-frigates are designed for anti-submarine warfare, which is a capability that NATO has a great need for. In addition to combat operations, frigates are also suitable for, for example, anti-terrorism, drugs and piracy control and the provision of emergency aid.

 The construction of a complex ship like a frigate takes more than 7 years. The first new frigate is expected to be operational from 2025 onwards.

 The current multipurpose frigates, the HNLMS Van Speijk and the HNLMS Van Amstel were commissioned into Navy service in 1991 and 1995, ( correct comissioning dates are 1995 and 1993 respectively ) with a planned lifespan of 25 years. By 2024, new frigates must enter service to replace them.

 The replacement of the M-frigates is estimated to cost 1 to 2.5 billion euros, Visser estimates, and the ministry would like to stay close to home, preferring a tender in which Damen Shipyards in Gorinchem would be the biggest contender, according to RTL Nieuws. Defense procurement is not subject to European procurement rules.

 Another major purchase is that of a second supply ship. The Netherlands now has one supply ship, the joint logistic support ship (JSS) Karel Doorman after one - the Zr. Ms. Amsterdam - was retired in 2014 and sold to Peru. For a new ship, 250 million to 1 billion euros will be allocated.

 A second Combat Support Ship (CSS) should increase the effectiveness of naval vessels, as they would have to leave the area of operations less frequently for a port visit. With a second support vessel, the Dutch Defense organization can permanently have supply capacity at sea and also make it available to NATO.

 The CSS must be launched relatively quickly from 2023 onwards. For this purpose, the Defense organization will take the existing design of the JSS. Buying “off-the-shelf” has several advantages: use can be made of existing knowledge and experience, and the maintenance and training and training of the crew can be pooled.

 The CSS is smaller than the JSS, but still the same as much as possible. Think of architecture and design, the command system, the armament and the use of (sub) systems as radar.

 For a new ship, 250 million to 1 billion euros will be allocated.

New mine hunters

 The Dutch Navy operates six Alkmaar-class minehunters. Developed and built in the 1980s in a joint program together with Belgium and France, and have now reached the end of their lifespan.

 The deteriorated security situation increases the chances that naval mines could be deployed, and there are also many explosives on the coat left over from the First and Second World War.

 The future of maritime mine control lies in unmanned and partly autonomous systems. These are deployed at a safe distance from a manned mine-control vessel. In addition, the minehunters are designed in such a way that they can operate worldwide and under high threat. The Netherlands will receive the new units, both manned and unmanned, between 2025 and 2030.

 The cost of the replacement of the six Dutch mine hunters will fall in the same order of magnitude and the CSS, or less than 1 billion euros.

Other expenses

According to the memorandum to Parliament, a selection of other acquisitions planned by the defense ministry in the coming years for the Royal Netherlands Navy includes:
 -- New generation of anti-aircraft missiles for M-frigates: 250 million - 1 billion euros;
 -- Softkill defense system against torpedoes: 100-250 million euros;
 -- Replacement 127 mm gun LC frigates; 100-250 million euros;
 -- Replacement Harpoon system (surface-to-surface missile): 100-250 million euros; and
 -- Replacement Goalkeeper system for self-defense against short-range air threat: 100-250 million euros.


« Última modificação: Maio 05, 2018, 06:42:25 pm por tenente »
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #102 em: Maio 14, 2018, 06:10:44 pm »
Navy to replace its two multi-purpose frigates  04 May 2018

The HNLMS Van Speijk at sea. (Photo courtesy of Dutch Defence.)
THE HAGUE--The two multi-purpose frigates of the Royal Dutch Navy that are stationed on a regular basis in the Caribbean, HNLMS Van Speijk and HNLMS Van Amstel, will be replaced by new, more modern ships in about eight years.

 The lifespan of the two multi-purpose vessels, commonly referred to as the M-frigates, is nearing its end. HNLMS Van Speijk (F828) entered service in 1995 and HNLMS Van Amstel (F831) in 1993. They are the last two in a series of eight ships in the Karel Doorman class.

 The ships, which measure 122 metres in length and have a crew of 150 to 160, are decreasingly able to match current and future threats, the systems on board are becoming outdated and spare parts are harder to come by, which results in high maintenance cost. In 2020, the two ships will have reached the end of their operational and technical lifespan.

 It takes about seven years to construct a frigate. The first of the two new M-frigates is expected to be ready for deployment in 2025. Replacing the two ships will cost between 1 billion and 2.5 billion euros. The ships will be developed together with Belgium with which the Netherlands has intensive cooperation where it concerns M-frigates and mine combat vessels. Belgium will also get two new M-frigates.

 The M-frigates play a vital role in the Navy, and their replacement is essential. “Frigates are all-round ships and form the backbone of the surface fleet. They are important units to bring safety at sea and for the maritime defence of our own territory and that of allies, including the Caribbean part of the Kingdom,” stated Dutch State Secretary of Defence Barbara Visser in a letter to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament on Thursday.

 The M-frigates are specialised in anti-submarine warfare, a much-needed capacity in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). M-frigates are also equipped to combat illegal drug operations, terrorism and piracy, and to provide emergency relief and carry out evacuations. The ships are regularly dispatched to the Caribbean as the so-called station ship.

 The Navy vessel HNLMS Zeeland that provided the much-needed and appreciated assistance in the Windward Islands, in particular in St. Maarten, and in Dominica after Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September 2017, was not an M-frigate, but an Ocean-going Patrol Vessel (OPV).

 The HNLMS Zeeland, which measures 108 metres in length and has a crew of 50, is a smaller vessel than the M-frigate type, but also a much younger one: it was deployed in 2013. The OPV type vessels are especially used for Coast Guard tasks in the North Sea and in the Caribbean.

 Several other new ships of different types will be constructed in the coming years besides the two M-frigates. A second supply ship will be built. The Netherlands currently has one supply ship, the Joint Logistic Support Ship (JESS) HNLMS Karel Doorman, which was dispatched twice to St. Maarten after Hurricane Irma to bring large cargo loads to the island. The HNLMS Karel Doorman is 205 metres long, the largest ship of the Dutch Navy.

 A second supply ship, a so-called Combat Support Ship (CSS), should increase the effectiveness of the Navy ships because the latter would not have to leave the operational area on a regular basis to get supplies at a harbour. With a second supply ship, the Dutch Defence can have permanent supply capacity at sea.

 The Combat Support Ship will be smaller than the HNLMS Karel Doorman, but there will be many similarities, as the design of the latter ship will be used for the CSS. The CSS should be deployed by 2023.

 The six mine combat ships of the Alkmaar class will be replaced. The ships date back to the ’80s and are reaching the end of their lifespan. The vessels are increasingly having trouble detecting modern sea mines. The Navy will receive the new ships, manned and unmanned, between 2025 and 2030. The new mine combat ships will also be developed together with Belgium.

« Última modificação: Maio 14, 2018, 06:17:17 pm por tenente »
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #103 em: Maio 14, 2018, 06:23:08 pm »
Se houvesse pensamento estratégico cá pelo burgo, já estaríamos atrelados a estes projectos: novas M para substituir as actuais a partir de 2035, CSS para substituir o Bérrio e desempenhar algumas funções de NPL e uns 4 MCM para restituir uma capacidade que muita falta faz a um país com uma jurisdição marítima gigantesca, mas que dispõe somente de uma única base naval. Ah, e nunca é demais recordar a enorme lacuna na actual esquadrilha de submarinos: somente dois submarinos.
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Re: Marinha da Holanda
« Responder #104 em: Maio 14, 2018, 07:49:20 pm »
Se houvesse pensamento estratégico cá pelo burgo, já estaríamos atrelados a estes projectos: novas M para substituir as actuais a partir de 2035, CSS para substituir o Bérrio e desempenhar algumas funções de NPL e uns 4 MCM para restituir uma capacidade que muita falta faz a um país com uma jurisdição marítima gigantesca, mas que dispõe somente de uma única base naval. Ah, e nunca é demais recordar a enorme lacuna na actual esquadrilha de submarinos: somente dois submarinos.

Ora nem mais eu até dou de barato termos cinco fragatas, mas que se devia pensar já na aquisição das novas Fragatas para 2035, já não é cedo, pois não tarda nada as actuais fragatas tem 30 e mais anos !!!
Quanto aos restantes tipos de Navios que mencionaste 100% de acordo nas aquisições , principalmente nos Contra Medidas, pois é uma lacuna de bradar aos Céus !!!

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