MiG 1.42 - 1.44

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Rui Elias

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« Responder #15 em: Junho 09, 2004, 03:39:12 pm »
Os russos vendem quase todo o seu material para os chamados países do 3º mundo e para a China, ou esta fabrica-o sob licença.

Serão mesmo mais baratos?

Acredito que sim, mas o que por vezes tem feito a diferença não é a qualidade das aeronaves nem as suas capacidades, embora admita que posam ser em alguns aspectos tecnológicos menos avançadas que as americanas ou europeias, mas sobretudo o nível de preparação e treinamento dos pilotos.



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« Responder #16 em: Junho 09, 2004, 07:02:37 pm »
Sobre a tecnologia "plasma stealth":


Tendo em atenção que este site é descaradamente pró-russo, portanto há que ter um certo cuidado a ler as coisas.

Esta tecnologia nunca foi demonstrada de um modo independente, e aperentemente, os russos vão abandoná-la no PAK-FA seguindo uma via mais "tradicional" de stealth.

Eu diria que com esta tecnologia activada o avião seria um farol no espectro dos infravermelhos, mas é apenas uma suposição minha...
I hope that you accept Nature as It is - absurd.

R.P. Feynman



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« Responder #17 em: Junho 10, 2004, 12:23:14 am »
Tenho sérias dúvidas sobre a tecnologia "plasma stealth" - os russos falaram dela durante anos mas nunca equiparam um caça operacional com ela (e se fosse assim tão boa, ou exequível, certamente que resolveriam os problemas de dinheiro... :wink:

Mas esperemos para ver o que os Russos inventam..


Fábio G.

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« Responder #18 em: Junho 10, 2004, 01:00:57 pm »
Comparando o stealth americano e russo, neste momento eu escolheria o americano que está operacional e já foi testado em combate (F-117, B-1, B-2), e virá o F-22 que durante os próximos anos não terá rival á altura. Eu não duvido que a Russia aposte pelo PAK FA, porque o projecto já está em "andamento" e o unico que poderá travar este projecto poderá ser os cortes no orçamento ou a falta de orçamento, agora resta ver se estará á altura do F-22. A China só conseguirá um avião stealth com a ajuda tecnológica da Russia disso tenho quase a certeza, por isso o suposto J-12 será uma cópia do PAK FA, já que o J-10 é um derivado do projecto LAVI israelita.
Eu diria que a China em vez de ter um departamento de I&D teria um de C&D, ou seja cópia e desenvolvimento. :lol:






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« Responder #19 em: Junho 11, 2004, 11:36:41 am »
Eu não duvido que a Russia aposte pelo PAK FA, porque o projecto já está em "andamento" e o unico que poderá travar este projecto poderá ser os cortes no orçamento ou a falta de orçamento, agora resta ver se estará á altura do F-22.

Parece-me que o PAK-FA será mais um equivalente do F-35 do que do F-22... E ainda estou para ver a capacidade de processamento de dados dos computadores de bordo dos aviões russos - sim, porque um avião de 5ª geração exige não só capacidades stealth, mas também a chamada "sensor fusion".

Ora os russos têm os melhores caças de 4ª geração, com os hiper-manobráveis e potentes Su-30 e Su-35 (e futuramente com o Su-32/Su-32FN/Su-34, ou como raio é que eles lhe chamam agora, que vai complementar o PAK-FA nas missões de ataque). Mas passar para um caça de 5ª geração (ou de 4ª geração "e meia", como os Rafale, EF2000 e Grippen, embora estas classificações sejam sempre relativas :lol:  :lol:



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« Responder #20 em: Junho 11, 2004, 08:20:37 pm »
Parece-me que o PAK-FA será mais um equivalente do F-35 do que do F-22...

O PAK-FA tem sido definido da seguinte maneira : menor que um Flanker e maior que um Fulcrum; e com a ênfase no combate ar-ar, com uma missão de ataque ao solo secundária. O principal aparelho de ataque será o Su-27IB/32/34 (  :wink: , que está agora a entrar em produção.

Aqui está uma imagem, do primeiro exemplar de produção:

(é grande)

Impressionante não ? :wink:

O futuro do Su-35 parece estar dependente do Brasil. Se eles não o escolherem, então vai passar à história...
« Última modificação: Junho 11, 2004, 09:37:18 pm por Spectral »
I hope that you accept Nature as It is - absurd.

R.P. Feynman


Ricardo Nunes

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« Responder #21 em: Junho 11, 2004, 09:30:33 pm »
grrr, vcs sabem qual é, o Flanker de 2 lugares em tandem  , que está agora a entrar em produção

Caro Spectral, tandem é disposição vertical - um atrás e um à frente. Desculpe a correcção.

Um grande abraço!
Ricardo Nunes



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« Responder #22 em: Junho 11, 2004, 09:36:53 pm »

devia ser então -2 lugares um ao lado do outro-
I hope that you accept Nature as It is - absurd.

R.P. Feynman


Fábio G.

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« Responder #23 em: Junho 11, 2004, 09:45:50 pm »
O avião que está a entrar agora em produção e se prevê que esteja operacional para 2005-06 é o SU-34:




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« Responder #24 em: Junho 11, 2004, 10:30:36 pm »
Só por curiosidade, qual é o interesse de uma pintura camuflada em "azul eléctrico"?
Ai que eco que há aqui!
Que eco é?
É o eco que há cá.
Há cá eco, é?!
Há cá eco, há.


Fábio G.

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« Responder #25 em: Junho 11, 2004, 11:17:00 pm »

The J-12 or the XXJ is China's fifth generation. The revealed design shows an aircraft with a stelthy appearence and the capabilities of a fifth generation fighter. The program is refered to as F-12 in China.

The office of the Naval Intelligence revealed the existance of this project. The ONI believes that the Chinese researchers have begun studies on the design concept. The studies are conducted by Chengdu aircraft manufacturing plant and they are considering a twin engine version for the aircraft and is believed to have a single and twing seat configuration.

The J-12 is expected to enter service in the year 2015. There may be a dalay in this expectation as the Chinese lack the capability to build some of the vital systems on the aircraft such as the Radar absorbant material and most important the engine which is believed to be a thrust vectoring engine. This means that the Chinese would have to purchase equipment from Russia. But the provision of such equipment by Russia is still a question as Russia denied the sale of engines for the Super-7 project because of pressure from one of Russia's allies. The Super-7 project is almost nearing a state in which it will be scrapped.

Another main problem with the Chinese is that they have no fourth generation fighters except for the Su-27s which are made in lisence production. This would mean a generation leap fo the Chinese. Though the J-12 belongs to the same generation to that of the F-22 and the MiG-MFI/LFI it would be far more inferior to those aircraft in many ways.

Quanto a essa pintura não tenho grande conhecimento mas penso que tem a ver com a capacidade anti-radar do avião, ou seja tentar alguma absorção das ondas de radar e dificultar a sua detecção, quanto á cor não sei se terá a ver com isso ou com o céu.



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« Responder #26 em: Junho 18, 2004, 01:53:55 pm »
emarques: eu diria que é uma questão de tradição/estilo  :!: )

Quanto ao Mig 1.44 há notícias importantes. Parece que a MiG ainda não desistiu dele:

RSK MiG Resumes Work on Project 1.44

By 2008, the corporation's orders on hand will be 6 million dollars

RSK MiG management received a delegation of State Duma deputies on 10 June. The corporation's general director, Valeriy Toryanin, and deputy director of the RSK MiG Engineering Center, Andrey Karasev, gave a presentation on the enterprise for the legislators, and also displayed the shop for experimental production to them.

Included in the delegation were the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Aleksey Sigutkin, the chairman of the Expert Council on Questions of Aviation and Cosmonautics and member of the State Duma Committee on Industry, Construction and High Technology, Aleksandr Belousov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee n Industry, Construction and High Technology, Yuriy Savel'ev, and deputy chair of the State Duma Defense Committee, Svetlana Savitskaya. ((Savitskaya is a former pilot who has set world-class records for women in various aircraft.)) According to Aleksey Sigutkin, the deputies visited RSK MiG in order to have a real concept of the enterprise's condition. In the near future it is planned to undertake another series of excursions around the design bureaus and plants of the aircraft building industry.

Appearing before the deputies, the RSK MiG general director Valeriy Toryanin noted that recently, after the change of the corporation's management, definite progress in its development is being observed. In particular, the orders on hand for the year has increased from 1.4 to 2.6 billion dollars, and by 2008, it is intended to extend it to 6 billion dollars. There are all the prerequisites for it. The corporation has new developments and upgrade variants of previously manufactured aircraft which are of interest to foreign customers. "Ever newer and newer customers appear with every day who wish to buy new modifications of the MiG-29 fighter," Valeriy Toryanin noted. The right of independent export of its product and also a significant production potential are enabling RSK MiG's firm position in the marketplace. The enterprises included in the corporation are providing a full cycle of an airplane's life - from development to utilization. RSK MiG's capabilities allow the execution of practically any contract. The corporation's production facilities are estimated for the production of 200 MiG-29 type fighters a year. As of today, the are at approximately 35% of capacity.

The deputy director of the RSK MiG Engineering Center, Andrey Karasev, named as most prospective for Russian and foreign air forces such RSK MiG aircraft as the MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB and the MiG-29SM and MiG-29SMT fighters produced earlier are being upgraded to this level, the MiG-29M/M2 are completely new and the most modern airplanes of the family, which will be delivered to customers from 2005-2006, and also the MiG-AT new generation combat training airplane and MiG-31 interceptor, experimental design work on its completion is being performed in the interests of the Russian Federation air force.

Work also is not stopping at the MiG firm on the fifth generation fighter. As Andrey Karasev declared, "three weeks ago the general director of our corporation adopted a decision regarding the unfolding of further work on the 1.44 airplane." In the opinion of the Engineering Center's deputy director, the realization of this project will be less costly and simpler for Russia than the creation of a new fighter, inasmuch as all technical developments on the 1.44 airplane connected with the engine, aerodynamics, and primary airplane systems have not gone out of date. Only the avionics need be substituted, which have been developing rapidly in recent years. According to Andrey Karasev, a task to resume tests of the 1.44 airplane before the end of 2004 has been delivered to the Engineering Center. In Andrey Karasev's opinion, the circumstance, that the idea of heavy fighter has been chosen as fundamental for the Russian air force, should not nullify the great amount of work carried out at the MiG firm on the creation of a fifth generation airplane.

State Duma deputies examined the experimental production shop and the static tests hall with great interest. As Aleksey Sigutkin noted, RSK MiG is operating in the complex conditions of a tough competitive struggle, but at the same time it is noted that the corporation is picking up steam. "There are problems, however, management sees how to resolve them."

Aleksandr Belousov, who also heads the expert council on questions of aviation and cosmonautics, noted that the level of equipping the Russian air force is causing anxiety against the background of RSK MiG's successful activity in the area of military and technical cooperation. In his opinion, "aircraft should be created which are a generation above those that go for export." By all appearances, it is necessary for the elected representatives of the people to work in this direction too. You see, according to Aleksandr Belousov, "without the creation of a complete legislative base, it simply is not possible for say that Russia will recover for itself the laurels of a great aviation power".

Source: 17.06.04, Voenno-Promyshlennyy Kur'er

Via fórum AFM.
I hope that you accept Nature as It is - absurd.

R.P. Feynman