Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)

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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1125 em: Março 29, 2018, 03:10:27 pm »



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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1126 em: Abril 05, 2018, 05:46:09 am »
FIDAE 2018: Air Tractor evaluating larger gun on AT-802L  Pat Host, Santiago - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

 04 April 2018

 - Air Tractor has performed engineering analysis for putting a larger gun on the AT-802L
 - This could open the aircraft up to new sales opportunities

 Air Tractor is open to putting a larger gun on its AT-802L Longsword light attack aircraft if it is desired by a potential customer nation, according to a company official.

 Tom Menker, Air Tractor business development representative, told Jane’s on 4 April at the FIDAE air show that the company has performed engineering analysis of putting a 20 mm and 30 mm chain guns on the aircraft. The AT-802L currently operates 12.7 mm GAU-19/A three-barrel Gatling guns.

PS: andamos mesmo a dormir em toda a linha, ele é nos CL415MP para a patrulha marítima e combate aos FF e agora até neste AT802, enfim mais do mesmo  !!

« Última modificação: Abril 05, 2018, 05:51:37 am por tenente »
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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1127 em: Abril 11, 2018, 05:43:56 pm »
Avião militar cai perto do aeroporto de Boufarik na Argélia e faz 257 mortos

O avião militar caiu durante a manhã desta quarta-feira, perto da capital argelina. As causas ainda não foram apuradas. O acidente é o pior desde a queda do MH17 da Malaysia Airlines, em 2014.

Um avião militar despenhou-se durante a manhã desta quarta-feira na Argélia provocando a morte de 257 pessoas, confirmou o Ministério da Defesa argelino. As causas do acidente — que aconteceu por volta das 8h, pouco depois de o avião ter saído da base militar de Boufarik, a menos de 32 quilómetros da capital, Argel — estão ainda por apurar. O desastre é o mais mortífero desde a queda do MH17, da Malaysia Airlines, em 2014.

O voo, que seguia para Bechar, no sudoeste da Argélia, esperava fazer uma paragem em Tinduf, localidade do sul do país que alberga milhares de refugiados do Saara Ocidental, região anexada por Marrocos. A aeronave, um Ilyushin Il-78, transportava entre 100 a 200 oficiais e dez tripulantes de bordo, e terá caído num campo de cultivo. Entre estes contar-se-iam 26 membros da Frente Polisário, um movimento separatista que tem disputado a região com os marroquinos, segundo o canal de televisão Ennahar, citado pela Aljazeera.

Nas últimas horas, o número das vítimas mortais não tem parado de aumentar, com uma fonte militar a revelar ao canal de notícias Al-Hadath que não houve sobreviventes. Ahmed Gaïd Salah, chefe do Estado Maior do Exército argelino, ordenou a abertura de uma investigação para apurar as causas do acidente.

No local, estão dezenas de ambulâncias e também os bombeiros. Imagens partilhadas nas redes sociais mostram uma grande nuvem de fumo negro sobre o local:

Governo argelino faz minuto de silêncio em memória das vítimas

O primeiro-ministro argelino, Ahmed Ouyahia, e restantes membros do governo fizeram um minuto de silêncio em memória das vítimas do acidente desta quarta-feira. Em comunicado, citado pelo site de notícias ALG25, o executivo disse que foi com “grande tristeza” que soube da queda do  Ilyushin Il-78, apresentando as suas “condolências” e “solidariedade” com o Exército.

A queda do Ilyushin Il-78 é o pior acidente aéreo na história da Argélia, mas não é o primero a envolver um avião militar. Em fevereiro de 2014, um C-130 Hercules despenhou-se no monte Djebel Fertas, na região de Oum El Bouaghi, no centro do país, provocando a morte de 77 pessoas. A aeronave, que terá caído devido às más condições atmosféricas, viaja rumo à cidade de Constantine.



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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1128 em: Abril 11, 2018, 09:23:42 pm »
Governo argelino decreta três dias de luto nacional



Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1129 em: Abril 21, 2018, 12:59:08 pm »
Operacionalidade dos aparelhos da Força Aérea Alemã:

Operational readiness of planes and helicopters in 2017

Airbus A310 MRTT: 75%
Airbus A319: 100%
Airbus A340: 100%
Bombardier Global 5000: 100%
Airbus A400M: 37%
Airbus AS532 Cougar: 33%
Airbus Hel. Tiger: 31%
Eurofighter: 48%
Westland Sea King: 31%
Westland Sea Lynx: 31%
Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion: 40%
NH Industries NH90: 51%
Panavia Tornado: 41%
Sikorsky CH-53G/GS/GA: 40%
Airbus Helicopters H145M LUH/SOF: 77%
Transall C-160: 68%
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1130 em: Abril 25, 2018, 01:30:03 pm »
Airbus e Dassault anunciam acordo para avião de combate aéreo franco-alemão

O consórcio europeu de aeronáutica Airbus e o grupo francês Dassault Aviation anunciaram esta quarta-feira um acordo de princípio para a construção do futuro avião de combate aéreo franco-alemão, uma intenção anunciada em julho por Paris e Berlim.

A Airbus e a Dassault “juntaram forças para o desenvolvimento e produção do Sistema de Combate Aéreo do Futuro (europeu)” no horizonte de 2040, anunciaram os dois grupos no salão aeronáutico de Berlim.

“É um acordo de princípio. A primeira mensagem é dizer ‘sim, estamos prontos'” para desenvolver o SCAF, declarou o presidente da Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, numa conferência de imprensa conjunta com o patrão da Airbus Defense and Space, Dirk Hoke, na capital alemã.

“Estamos prontos e queremos dizer aos nossos ministérios da Defesa, aos nossos responsáveis políticos: estamos prontos, avancem”, acrescentou.

“É um momento histórico para a indústria aeronáutica”, declarou Dirk Hoke, sublinhando que “é um passo em frente para desenvolver as comeptências na Europa e assegurar a soberania europeia”.

Paris e Berlim concordaram, no ano passado, com o desenvolvimento de um sistema destinado a substituir no horizonte de 2040 as atuais esquadras de aviões de combate, a Rafale (França) e a Eurofighter Typhoon (Alemanha).



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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1131 em: Abril 25, 2018, 01:54:00 pm »
Mais um projecto para ser cancelado....  ::)

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1132 em: Abril 26, 2018, 11:21:44 am »
Mais um projecto para ser cancelado....  ::)

Como assim, há carradas de projectos europeus. Tendem é a demorar muito a a custar horrores, mas isso já é outra questão.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1133 em: Maio 01, 2018, 09:50:46 am »

Germany is pitching for a seat at the UN Security Council, the UN’s most powerful arm in charge of the authorisation of military action through Security Council resolutions; it is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states.

Should German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas be successful in his pitch (read more about that here), Germany would join the Security Council as a non-permanent member but it’s hard to see what kind of clout it could bring.

The vast majority of major weapons systems in the German military are unavailable for training exercises or deployment, according to a new German Defence Ministry report.

The ‘Report on the Operational Readiness of the Bundeswehr’s Primary Weapons Systems 2017,’ has been seen by local media and is set to be presented to Germany’s lower house of parliament on Wednesday.

The Defence Ministry’s report comes after the Bundestag’s military commissioner, Hans-Peter Bartels, complained about “large holes in personnel and equipment” in the Bundeswehr in a separate paper published in mid-February.

Number of German weapon systems ready for action:

Typhoon jets: 39 of 128
Tornado jets: 26 of 93
CH-53 transport helicopters: 16 of 72
NH-90 transport helicopters: 13 of 58
Tigre attack helicopters: 12 of 62
A400M transport aircraft: 3 of 15
Leopard 2 tanks: 105 of 224
Frigates: 5 of 13
Submarines: 0 out of 6
According to local media, the German Defence Ministry said that a higher number of training missions and deployments since Russia’s intervention in eastern Ukraine in 2014 had caused existing equipment to wear down quicker than it had previously.

“It’s a real disaster for the Navy, it’s the first time in history that there will not be any submarine operating for months,” warned the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Parliament, Hans-Peter Bartels, in an interview published on Sunday in the Berlin weekly Bild am Sonntag.

The problem, he explained, has worsened over time due to the German military not replacing out of date equipment.

The German Navy lost its last submarine in October, as the rudder of its last Type 212A was severely damaged in a collision with a rock off the Norwegian coast while the rest of the fleet was out of service. It is also understood that none of the new frigates, the Type 125s, are able to enter into operational service due to defects and a similar situation is faced by auxiliary ships, Berlin and Bonn, which were sent to dry dock for a year and a half of repairs.

In 2015, it was revealed that only 29 of Germany’s 66 Tornado jets are airworthy. Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen then stressed that only six of the operational Tornado jets would be needed for the proposed German mission in Syria. German chief of staff General Volker Wieker said:

It gets worse. According to local media, the fuel used by the German Tornado fleet appears to have been mixed with ‘too much bio-diesel’. According to news site Frankfurter Allgemeine, this was noticed during a routine check last Monday:

“The tolerance values ​​are minimally exceeded,” said Colonel Kristof Conrath of the Tactical Air Force Squadron 51. “It’s not that the aircraft would fall from the sky. For safety reasons, all tanks of the aircraft must be flushed.”

It is understood that this breakdown is particularly annoying for the Luftwaffe, as training of new Tornado pilots is already three months behind.

This comes after we reported that The German military is under-equipped to take on its upcoming role as leader of NATO’s Russian-aimed Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. The Bundeswehr is due to take over leadership of NATO’s multinational Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) at the start of next year, but doesn’t have enough tanks, a leaked Defence Ministry document said.

Specifically, the Bundeswehr’s ninth tank brigade in Münster only has nine operational Leopard 2 tanks — even though it promised to have 44 ready for the VJTF — and only three of the promised 14 Marder armored infantry vehicles.

The paper also revealed the reason for this shortfall: a lack of spare parts and the high cost and time needed to maintain the vehicles. It added that it was also lacking night-vision equipment, automatic grenade launchers, winter clothing and body armor.

The German air force is also struggling to cover its NATO duties, the document revealed. The Luftwaffe’s main forces — the Eurofighter and Tornado fighter jets and its CH-53 transport helicopters — are only available for use an average of four months a year — the rest of the time the aircraft are grounded for repairs and rearmament.

Believe it or not, there’s more.

German Tornado aircraft are still unable to fight at night, ministers have told lawmakers.

We understand that issues with personnel numbers and delays in equipment certification are to blame. According to local media, the problem is two part: Firstly, the current lights used by displays “are not suited for night-vision mode”, meaning pilots would be blinded by them should they use light enhancing goggle.

Secondly, it has been reported that certification officials are unsure they can obtain documentation from the goggles producer that would be required for a fleet-wide approval, according to DefenseNews.

Recently, a classified German Defense Ministry report says the country’s fleet of Tornado fighter jets may be unsuitable for conducting NATO missions, several media outlets said.
The report, first cited by the German magazine Spiegel, says the Panavia Tornado, which first entered service in the 1970s, has several equipment flaws that make it vulnerable and no longer suitable for duty. The fleet of fighter jets needs costly modernisation if Germany wants to keep them operational until 2035, as it plans.

It is understood that this is particularly annoying for the Luftwaffe, as training of new Tornado pilots is already three months behind. This comes after we reported that The German military is under-equipped to take on its upcoming role as leader of NATO’s Russian-aimed Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1134 em: Maio 01, 2018, 03:45:36 pm »

Azerbaijan shows Hermes 900

Azerbaijan has confirmed the receipt of at least one Elbit Systems Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), with images posted on the government’s website showing the country’s president inspecting military equipment including the Israel-built platform.

The imagery posted on 30 April confirmed national media reports from August 2017 that Azerbaijan has procured the Israeli-made medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV. While only one aircraft was shown, the reports suggested that as many as 15 had been bought with deliveries to take place over the coming years.

The Azerbaijan Air Force (AzAF) and Air Defence Force was already known to have received a number of unmanned aircraft-types from Israel. Indeed, as Jane’s World Air Forces noted, Azerbaijan has so far fully relied on Israel for its UAV acquisitions, with the IAI Harop loitering munition as well as the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Heron 1 and the Elbit Hermes 450 tactical UAVs known to be in operation.

Praticamente a mesma área e população que Portugal, mas com um PIB que não chega a 16% do nosso. E no entanto...

A licence-production agreement is in place for Israel’s Aeronautics Defense Systems’ Aerostar and Orbiter 2M UAVs also.

Most details pertaining to the Hermes 900 that is the subject of this latest disclosure of Azeri UAV co-operation with Israel are classified, but Elbit and the Israeli Air Force have said that it can carry a variety of payloads.

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, walks past an Elbit Hermes 900 UAV during an inspection of military equipment in late April. Source: Office of the President of Azerbaijan
Talent de ne rien faire



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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1135 em: Julho 06, 2018, 10:33:53 pm »
Boeing, Embraer form separate joint venture to boost KC-390

 05 July, 2018 SOURCE: BY: Stephen Trimble Washington DC

 Boeing and Embraer will create a joint venture to promote the KC-390 and other defence products and services for new markets and applications, the companies announced on 5 July.

 The new agreement expands a six-year-old relationship between Embraer and Boeing on the KC-390 programme. A joint press release issued on 5 July includes only two sentences about the formation of the new joint venture.

“Joint investments in the global marketing of the KC-390, as well as a series of specific agreements in the fields of engineering, research and development and the supply chain, will enhance mutual benefits and further enhance the competitiveness of Boeing and Embraer,” says Nelson Salgado, Embraer's executive vice-president, for financial and investor relations.

 The statement does not indicate that Boeing will assume ownership of the KC-390 programme, but rather invest in marketing, engineering and other areas. Embraer’s independence as a defence manufacturer was a key sticking point in negotiations about Boeing taking a stake in Embraer’s commercial aviation division.

 The Brazilian air force formed Embraer in 1969 to re-market a military transport for the commercial sector, and the company remains the service’s primary aircraft supplier.

 At the same time, Boeing has been involved in the KC-390 programme since early in the transport-tanker's development.

 Boeing agreed to provide technical support to Embraer on the twin-engined KC-390 in 2012, just as the US manufacturer’s production line for the four-engined C-17 airlifter neared an end. A year later, Boeing and Embraer expanded the agreement to allow the former to provide marketing support in new markets.

 The KC-390 is close to completing a nine-year-long development phase. Last month, Embraer re-affirmed that the first delivery of a production version of the KC-390 to the Brazilian air force is on track by the end of the year.

 One of Embraer’s two KC-390 test aircraft sustained damage during a runway test on 5 May in Brazil.

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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1136 em: Julho 10, 2018, 12:11:41 pm »

Draken International
6 de Julho às 13:47 ·

Reassembly begins in the USA 🇺🇸

First of 20 Mirage F1Ms to be returned to service as Adversaries for the USAF!!

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil


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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1137 em: Julho 13, 2018, 06:14:44 pm »
Mali receives four Super Tucanos

Mali’s four new Super Tucanos are seen during a welcoming ceremony at Air Base 101. Source: Présidence de la République du Mali

Erwan de Cherisey, Paris - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

The Malian Air Force formally inducted four Embraer EMB 314/A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft into service during a ceremony attended by President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, it was announced on 11 July.

Embraer announced in July 2015 that Mali had ordered six Super Tucanos, but a Brazilian source subsequently told Jane’s that delays were experienced due to financial issues and the order was reduced to four aircraft. The Malian presidency said the aircraft were entirely funded by the country.

The training syllabus was also delayed by difficulties in finding pilots for conversion training on the type, according to the Brazilian source. Photographs released by the presidency showed at least nine Malian Air Force personnel in anti- g flight suits standing in front of the four aircraft at Air Base 101, which is next to Bamako’s international airport.

The Super Tucanos delivered to Mali are armed with 12.7 mm machine guns and can carry 70 mm rocket pods and 250 kg bombs. The presidency indicated that Mali has also acquired 20 mm cannon pods for the aircraft.

With this delivery, Mali joins Angola, Burkina Faso, and Mauritania as African operators of the Super Tucano.




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Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
« Responder #1138 em: Julho 17, 2018, 12:37:59 pm »
FARNBOROUGH: Airbus details maritime patrol plans for A320

 16 July, 2018 SOURCE: BY: Craig Hoyle Farnborough

 Airbus Defence & Space is advancing plans to adapt the top-selling A320 for a broad range of military applications, with the need to replace ageing maritime patrol aircraft fleets in Europe driving early activities.

The company is using the Farnborough air show to outline the potential of its planned modular multi-mission product – dubbed the A320M3 – in roles that could also cover airborne early warning, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and signals intelligence-gathering.

 A leading application could come via a Franco-German requirement to replace the nations' existing Dassault ATL-2 Atlantique and Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion platforms. The partners earlier this year confirmed their intention to pursue a future maritime airborne warfare system, to enter use from around 2035.

 "We are at the beginning of understanding exactly what that common requirement could be, but believe we have a platform which can easily be turned into a system which can match it," says Airbus Defence & Space head of strategy Antoine Noguier.

 Beyond the needs of the European partners, he sees "a huge requirement with regard to replacing old maritime patrol aircraft", including those with other NATO nations.

 "If you look at our portfolio, we have a very successful C295, which we turned into a very cheap, reliable multi-mission aircraft, and then we have the A330, which is a tanker but can do much more," Noguier says. "We have a gap in between, and we believe that the A320 can nicely fill this gap."

 "In the past, we have been trying to promote the C295 maritime patrol aircraft in different parts of the world.

 Frequently, we come to the point where the C295's legs are too short: some nations need a bigger platform," says head of military aircraft Fernando Alonso. "Why not use the availability, reliability and simplicity of the A320 and build more capabilities on it?"

 Internally funded design studies are under way and the company expects to receive its first financial backing soon from the French and German governments to advance the activity.

 Alonso says Airbus is also assessing whether to best serve the market by offering new-build Neo aircraft, or offering conversions of second-hand airframes. Key questions facing the company include where to perform such modification work, and conducting design studies on integrating a bomb bay and other sensors onto the narrowbody.

 The A320M3 will enter the market after Boeing's 737NG-based P-8A Poseidon. The maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare derivative has already entered use with the US Navy and Australian and Indian militaries, with other future operators to include New Zealand, Norway and the UK. An AEW version of the 737 has also been delivered to the air forces of Australia, South Korea and Turkey.

« Última modificação: Julho 17, 2018, 12:43:01 pm por tenente »
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