ITS Caio Duilio the 2nd destroyer AAW 'Andrea Doria (Orizzonte) class'
Is it still on trials or already fully operational?
This is the Caio Duilio, the 2nd italian and the last one of the Orizzonte/Horizon series. It's the first sea trials.
The sistership Andrea Doria is almost ready as well as the new aircraft carrier Cavour. They are formally in the italian navy, but will be fully operational before the end of 2008 when they'll receive the WarFlag and they will be part of the fleet.
It seems (maybe I'm wrong) the 2 Italian Horizon were finished much faster than their French I wrong or was there any problem with the 2 French horizons?
The combat system PAAMS has taken a lot of time to be tested to begin operational. The italian and french ships are equals, They share the same dessin, but the construction has been different between the 2 shipyards DCNS and Fincantieri. The 2 shipyards have different 'style' to work.
The delay has been due to the combat system, not to the hull.