Exército dos EUA

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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #195 em: Junho 23, 2015, 09:41:00 pm »

Ashton Carter em Tallin, Estonia, hoje

EUA vão mobilizar tanques e artilharia nos Paises Bálticos e no Leste Europeu; Rússia reage

http://br.reuters.com/article/worldNews ... R720150623
Os Estados Unidos irão pré-posicionar tanques, artilharia e outros equipamentos militares no leste e no centro de Europa, anunciou o secretário de Defesa norteamericano, Ash Carter, nesta terça-feira, tentando apaziguar nações da OTAN, apreensivas com o envolvimento da Rússia na Ucránia.

Em Tallin, capital estoniana, Carter disse que os paises bálticos -Estônia, Letônia e Lituânia- assim como Bulgária, Romênia e Polônia, concordaram em sediar peças de equipamento pesado,  parte do qual também será alocado na Alemanha.

A decisão dos EUA de posicionar equipamento pesado perto das fronteiras russas tem o objetivo de acelerar a mobilização de forças norte-americanas ao mesmo tempo em que a Otan reforça seus exercícios em Europa em reação à anexação russa da península ucraniana da Crimeia em março do ano passado. (...)

A Rússia acusa a Ocidente de violar os acordos pós-Guerra-Fria ampliando a atuaçãon da Otan para as suas fronteiras, o que o Ocidente nega.



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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #196 em: Junho 25, 2015, 12:30:07 pm »
A UEP já encomendou 2 destes para levar para o marquês para os festejos do tri..  :lol:




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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #197 em: Junho 29, 2015, 12:12:57 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #198 em: Julho 05, 2015, 03:41:50 pm »
Olha quem voltou a voar!

n recent months, the U.S. special operations community has been quietly evaluating two North American OV-10G+ Bronco light combat aircraft at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nev., and at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.

The Combat Dragon II program, a Limited Objective Experiment (LOE),  is aimed at demonstrating that a small, turboprop-powered warplane can be effective in “high end/special aviation” missions of the kind encountered in Afghanistan. The experiment seeks similar information as Imminent Fury, which used a leased A-29B Super Tucano.

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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #199 em: Julho 06, 2015, 11:02:14 am »
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Olha quem voltou a voar!

n recent months, the U.S. special operations community has been quietly evaluating two North American OV-10G+ Bronco light combat aircraft at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nev., and at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.

The Combat Dragon II program, a Limited Objective Experiment (LOE),  is aimed at demonstrating that a small, turboprop-powered warplane can be effective in “high end/special aviation” missions of the kind encountered in Afghanistan. The experiment seeks similar information as Imminent Fury, which used a leased A-29B Super Tucano.

Bem que o exercito podia seguir o exemplo dos Marines e USAF (querem tirar o A10 de serviço e depois testam o OV10 e o Super Tucano  :mrgreen: ), e colocar o OV1E Mowhawk a voar.  :twisted:
As of 2011, Alliant Techsystems has partnered with the Broadbay Group and Mohawk Technologies of Florida in a venture to return an armed, modernized version of the OV-1D to operational use as a counter-insurgency aircraft. A demonstrator has been equipped with a FLIR Star Safire turret and a ventral, trainable M230 Chain Gun


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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #200 em: Julho 08, 2015, 09:47:51 pm »
Downsized US Army to pass on 533 shunned OH-58, TH-67 helicopters
Citação de: "James Drew, Flightglobal"
The US Army has already found a home for 119 of the 652 Bell OH-58 Kiowa and TH-67 Creek helicopters that have been displaced under the service’s aviation restructure initiative, according to a recent report provided to Congress.

Of those airframes, 60 TH-67s are being transferred to US Department of Justice to support its operations in Columbia, likely counter-narcotics. Another 20 of the FAA-certified trainers are being moved internally to the Army’s combat training centre and five are moving to the Navy’s test pilot school.

The Army is keeping five Kiowas as prototype test aircraft and another 24 for parts reclamation. The remainder of the 119 aircraft are “pending attrition”, leaving a total of 307 OH-58Ds, 130 OH-58A/Cs and 96 TH-67s available for reuse or transfer as of 4 May – when the report was sent to lawmakers. An Army spokesman confirmed the details of the document 8 July.


The aircraft are available due to the Army’s controversial aviation shake-up, which retires the OH-58 armed scout helicopter and replaces the TH-67 with the dual-engined Airbus UH-72 Lakota as a cost-cutting measure, expected to save $12 billion up front and a further $1 billion annually in avoided operating and support costs.

Transfer of the TH-67s, based on the Bell 206B-3 JetRanger, is expected to be fairly easy since the aircraft are FAA-certified and available to the civil aviation community.

Moving the OH-58 presents more of a challenge, since the aircraft are not civil-certified and can only be used domestically by government agencies for non-commercial purposes. Transferring the 307 D-models will be even more difficult, since the aircraft has a fully integrated surveillance and targeting system and is “incapable of safe flight operations following the removal or demilitarisation of equipment without significant engineering design change and modifications”.

Those aircraft can be sold internationally as combat helicopters through the US government’s foreign military sales process. Eight countries have expressed interest in buying the OH-58Ds and the forecast demand between 2015 and 2019 is for 41 aircraft, the report says.


The report also addresses concerns that flooding the market with excess defence stock will hurt manufacturers.

“The impact to the domestic rotary wing industrial base due to Army’s divestment of the OH-58 and TH-67 is assessed as low,” the report concludes, adding that only one of six manufacturers (that is not a defence supplier) could lose up to 9.8% of its annual revenue. “It does not represent a significant threat to the domestic rotary wing industrial base because the total revenue of the remaining five, which includes two DOD suppliers, is not significantly disrupted.”

Fonte: http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/downsized-us-army-to-pass-on-533-shunned-oh-58-th-67-414435/

 :arrow: Bell cautions surplus OH-58s may undermine new military helo sales (p259543)

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #201 em: Julho 10, 2015, 11:21:24 am »

The US Army announced a plan to cut 40,000 troops that would hit almost every base

http://www.defensenews.com/story/breaki ... e/29932107
The US Army announced a plan to cut 40,000 troops that would impact nearly every Army installation, warning that the reductions could grow if the Congress cannot reach a deal to avert sequestration budget cuts.

 The Army detailed plans to cut active-duty force from 490,000 to 450,000 within two years. (...)

Army Director of Force Management, Brig. Gen. Randy George, at a press conference Thursday, attributed the decision to fiscal constraint (...)

The cut land hardest in Georgia, Alaska and Hawaii, though George said they affect troops ranging from the infantry, logistics, civil affairs, and military police and trainees.

Big cuts come from restructuring the 3rd Brigade Combat Team  (BCT), 3rd Infantry Division, at Fort Benning, Georgia, followed by the 4th BCT (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.

Each would shrink from a 4,000-person brigade to a 1.000-person task force (...) The reductions amount to a $7 billion saving (...)

Altogether, the Army will be 21 percent smaller than it was in 2012 if the cuts proceed. (..)



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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #202 em: Julho 11, 2015, 01:50:20 am »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #203 em: Agosto 13, 2015, 07:37:13 pm »
Herds of feral horses are roaming on thousands of acres in Louisiana where soldiers conduct intensive training, posing a danger and a nuisance to troops at risk of being kicked, bitten or unpleasantly surprised by random piles of manure, Army officials say.
"Sometimes training has to be halted while they shoo horses out," said Kim Reischling, spokeswoman for Fort Polk, a 198,000-acre base about 20 miles from the Texas state line.
The officials are trying to find a way to deal with the approximately 700 "trespass horses," and are holding a meeting Thursday to hear input from residents and animal rights groups, among others.
Most of the horses can be found on about 48,000 of the 90,000 acres of forest land that the base uses for training, said Jim Caldwell, spokesman for the 604,000-acre forest.
Some people speculate that the horses are descended from Army cavalry horses, and a local author has self-published a children's book based on that tale. But it is more likely that they are descendants of area farm and ranch horses, said Reischling and Rita Bingham, director of the Humane Society of West Louisiana.
Others were almost certainly released fairly recently by people who could no longer afford to feed them, Caldwell said.
"These horses vary from being pretty untamed to coming up and eating potato chips out of your hand. So some of them have not been there that long," he said.
Roundups are difficult because the horses spend much of their time in the forest, officials said. In addition to presenting a nuisance for the soldiers, they also put a damper on local hunters' efforts, according to Caldwell.
"If you plant wildlife foods for deer or turkey, the horses are right on those foods because they're fertilized, and more nutritious."
They also snarf up sprouts from seed planted to control erosion, he said.
Reischling said one problem is what the horses leave behind: "horse manure in the areas used by soldiers."
Reischling said a roundup in 1993 snared 41 horses, which were placed with two local ranches. Another in 2000 placed only eight with new owners.
In 2007, horses were caught, tested for infectious diseases, and sterilized.
As far as controlling the horse population goes, however, "the sterilization does not work," Reischling said.
"With animals migrating in from other properties or being dumped, it's been determined that the sterilization process will likely not even stop growth," she said. "And in any case, it would take years."
Carne de cavalo para toda a gente...  :twisted:

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil




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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #204 em: Agosto 18, 2015, 08:40:32 pm »
Fez-se história no exército dos EUA: duas mulheres vão ser Rangers

Duas das 17 mulheres inscritas no primeiro curso da força de elite dos EUA aberto ao sexo feminino conseguiram concluir o treino. É a primeira vez na história das forças armadas norte-americanas.
Pela primeira vez na história do exército norte-americano, duas mulheres vão completar o curso da Ranger School e tornar-se Rangers, ou seja, soldados de elite.
Numa altura em que o país está a avaliar, em todos os ramos das forças armadas, a melhor forma de integrar soldados do sexo feminino, mesmo em regimentos de infantaria - cujo acesso sempre foi negado às mulheres - o feito das duas Rangers é assinalável e tem-se constituído como um auxiliar ao debate. Porém, apesar da conclusão do curso, as duas soldados não poderão juntar-se ao 75º regimento dos Rangers, uma força de operações especiais que permanece restrita ao sexo masculino.
A cerimónia em que as duas jovens, na casa dos 20, receberão o novo distintivo, está marcada para a próxima sexta-feira em Fort Benning, a sede da escola dos Rangers, escreve o Washington Post. Estarão acompanhadas por mais 94 colegas, todos homens.
O secretário de Estado da Defesa norte-americana, John McHugh, emitiu um comunicado elogiando os estudantes que agora concluem a formação do exército, sublinhando que este curso dos Rangers "provou que todos os soldados, independentemente do género, conseguem atingir o pleno do seu potencial. Devemos aos soldados a oportunidade de servirem com êxito em qualquer posição para a qual sejam qualificados e capazes, e continuamos à procura da melhor forma para selecionar, treinar e reter os melhores soldados conforme as necessidades da nação".
Na sexta-feira, as duas novas Rangers deverão falar à comunicação social, num evento que deverá atrair atenção mediática de todo o mundo. Apesar de não terem sido identificadas, sabe-se que as duas jovens começaram a 20 de abril a sua formação, com mais 380 homens e outras 17 mulheres, que ficaram pelo caminho, naquele que foi o primeiro grupo a aceitar soldados do sexo feminino. Perante as acusações de que as mulheres teriam uma formação diferente, menos exigente, os responsáveis da escola abriram o treino à comunicação social durante alguns dias, demonstrando que as avaliações eram sempre imparciais e permitindo aos avaliadores que se explicassem publicamente.




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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #205 em: Agosto 18, 2015, 08:49:06 pm »

Two women make history as first female Army Rangers


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #206 em: Agosto 19, 2015, 12:57:52 pm »
Há algo de errado, estas duas mulheres já tinham sido eliminadas e acabam por chegar ao final do curso?!
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #207 em: Agosto 19, 2015, 02:15:26 pm »
Acho que estas a confundir com o Curso de Oficiais para Infantaria/Operações Anfíbias do USMC, julgo que ai é que foram eliminadas duas mulheres em Abril deste ano.

http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/story/m ... /25418867/
http://www.military.com/daily-news/2015 ... s-end.html
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/che ... er-course/


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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #208 em: Agosto 19, 2015, 02:38:06 pm »
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
Acho que estas a confundir com o Curso de Oficiais para Infantaria/Operações Anfíbias do USMC, julgo que ai é que foram eliminadas duas mulheres em Abril deste ano.

http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/story/m ... /25418867/
http://www.military.com/daily-news/2015 ... s-end.html
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/che ... er-course/

Também, mas não só.

Ed.: depois de tentar encontrar os vídeos das noticias a dizer que elas tinham sido todas eliminadas, só encontrei este:

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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Re: Exército dos EUA
« Responder #209 em: Agosto 19, 2015, 03:53:47 pm »
:shock:  :lol:
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.