Invasão da Ucrânia

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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2205 em: Março 10, 2023, 11:01:25 am »
O Domínio de Guerra em direto na Rádio Observador

Potius mori quam foedari


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2206 em: Março 10, 2023, 11:18:15 am »
A sério, não te enterres mais.

O que é que um grupo dos filhos e apoiantes do antigo regimento Azov tem a haver com grupos juvenis organizados pelo estado Nacional Socialista Alemão e o "Fascista" Russo?

Isso na tua cabeça faz sentido?! :o

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2207 em: Março 10, 2023, 11:20:20 am »

Cito este vídeo, porque tem informações relevantes para os próximos tempos. Pelos vistos os músicos estão cada vez mais isolados e com menos apoio politico e logístico nas esferas de poder e Forças Armadas.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2208 em: Março 10, 2023, 11:29:12 am »
Zelensky’s heroic wartime leadership has deep historical roots
In ‘The Zelensky Effect,’ Olga Onuch and Henry Hale investigate the historical and cultural origins of Ukraine’s solidarity in the face of Russian invasion
Review by Serhii Plokhy
March 9, 2023

In a recent interview with Volodymyr Zelensky on “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction,” David Letterman asked the Ukrainian president about the source of his country’s fighting spirit. Letterman also suggested that he already knew the answer: that it came from Zelensky himself. The president demurred, instead praising the courage of Ukrainians in military uniform defending their country.

The basis of Zelensky’s personal courage and the solidarity of Ukrainians resisting unprovoked Russian aggression are among the key themes of Olga Onuch and Henry E. Hale’s deeply researched and well-argued book, “The Zelensky Effect.” They locate the roots of Zelensky’s ability to captivate and mobilize the imagination of his fellow citizens in the rise of Ukrainian civic identity. “This is not simply Zelensky’s doing,” the authors write, adding that the Ukrainian president is “a product of a Ukrainian culture steeped in the same sense of civic national belonging and duty that he advocates, advances and now symbolizes.”

The Zelensky effect, as the authors define it, is the manifestation of Ukrainian civic identity since the start of the all-out war, though its origins are far older. Looking for the sources of Ukraine’s inclusive national identity, which crosses linguistic, ethnic and religious lines, Onuch and Hale follow the life story of Zelensky and his generation from the final decades of the U.S.S.R. to the current war. The results of that history were succinctly expressed in the words “I’m Ukrainian” printed on the hoodie that Zelensky wore on “My Next Guest.” But it’s even clearer in the language he used in that interview, responding to questions in Ukrainian but slipping in a few Russian words when telling a Jewish joke from Odessa. As Onuch and Hale explain, the rise of independent Ukraine in the early 1990s helped to overcome the obstacles that had long divided Ukrainians and Russians from each other and from their Jewish and Crimean Tatar fellow citizens.

Zelensky, who today represents the entire Ukrainian nation, was long regarded by supporters and opponents alike as a representative of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking east, a region whose inhabitants had stood apart from the struggle for democracy and sovereignty embodied by the revolutions of 2004 and 2014. But Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its attack on Donbas in 2014 changed Zelensky and Ukraine itself. A comedian who made a name for himself in Russia before becoming known in Ukraine, Zelensky left political news to others. But in 2014 he turned political, reacting to the annexation of Crimea with pointed barbs and sarcasm. Zelensky and his cohort, politically inactive up to that point, adopted the big-tent Ukrainian civic identity that Onuch and Hale regard as a result of decades of civic activism.

The vision of a multiethnic and multicultural Ukrainian nation was initially formulated in the middle of World War I by Mykhailo Hrushevsky, who was the first scholar to make a persuasive historical case that Russia and Ukraine were separate entities. Hrushevsky envisioned the rise of a free Ukraine as the result of common efforts of Ukrainians, Jews, Russians and Poles. Jews, as fellow victims of Russian imperial rule, were at the top of Hrushevsky’s hierarchy of friends of Ukrainian freedom. He also welcomed Russians and Poles who wanted to support the cause, promising Ukrainian support and cultural autonomy in return.

In 1917, Hrushevsky’s vision of a multiethnic and multicultural Ukraine served as the political foundation of the first modern Ukrainian state, known as the Ukrainian People’s Republic. It did not survive the Bolshevik invasions of 1918 and 1919, which brought civil strife and violence, often directed against minorities. To pacify Ukraine, however, Vladimir Lenin eventually made concessions to the Ukrainian cause that Vladimir Putin now finds unforgivable. The Ukrainians were recognized as a distinct people, and their language and culture received state support in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the founding polities of the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin reneged on many of those concessions, pushing a Russification agenda that produced a new category of citizens, Russian-speaking Ukrainians, consisting largely of Ukrainian peasants who moved to the cities, where they lost their language but not their identity.

In December 1991, when Ukrainians went to the polls to vote on the future of their republic, the results were astounding: More than 92 percent chose independence, with huge majorities registered not only in all regions of Ukraine but also among all ethnic groups. Jews demonstrated slightly greater support for independence than did ethnic Russians.

A week after the Ukrainian referendum, the Soviet Union was dissolved by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Independence created a new country that faced the difficult task of reconciling its borders with the politically, culturally and linguistically diverse population that it inherited from the U.S.S.R. At the time, some observers wrote of two Ukraines: the largely Ukrainian-speaking and Europe-oriented west and the Russian-speaking and Russia-oriented east. Those were the divisions that Russia tried to exploit in 2014, annexing Crimea and starting a hybrid war in Donbas that succeeded in some Russian-speaking areas but failed in others.

That was the juncture at which Zelensky and his generation of Russian-speaking citizens from Ukraine’s east and south joined the battle to preserve the Ukrainian nation and state. When Putin ordered his armies into Ukraine in February 2022, the new Ukraine embodied by Zelensky fought back. Zelensky was both product and architect of Ukraine’s new sense of identity. That identity has grown stronger over the course of the war, helping to ensure Ukraine’s survival as an independent nation-state after Putin’s Russia confronted it with an existential challenge. In their conclusion, Onuch and Hale write that “Ukrainian civic identity was what had produced not only Zelensky, but 44 million Zelenskys.”

Serhii Plokhy is the author of “The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History,” to be published in May.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2209 em: Março 10, 2023, 11:46:39 am »
Filhos de uma senhora da mais velha profissão do mundo!!!!

Citação de: Russia's MFA in Crimea🇷🇺
Russia government organization
Protests against “foreign agents" bill, erupted in #Tbilisi🇬🇪, result in demands for the resignation of the government. We recommend to the georgian people to recall a similar situation in Ukraine🇺🇦 in 2014 and what it finally led to!



Mas eu pensava que República Popular de Donetsk e a República Popular de Luhansk tinha surgido como por magia e de uma forma voluntariosa. Não me digas que foi a FSB que andou a apoiar estes "movimentos"?! Estou estupefacto!!! ::)
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2210 em: Março 10, 2023, 12:18:50 pm »
Então, os russos já conquistaram (finalmente) Bakhmut pela vigésima quinta vez?



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2211 em: Março 10, 2023, 12:59:56 pm »

E depois falam de trols e tal. 
Fazer o quê? É isto e as greves...
E ai de quem contrarie.

E informares-te?

Os Nashi são uma organização de juventude ao serviço do estado semelhante ao que foi a juventude hitleriana

Que informação dramática...
João Pereira



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2212 em: Março 10, 2023, 01:04:07 pm »

E informares-te?

Os Nashi são uma organização de juventude ao serviço do estado semelhante ao que foi a juventude hitleriana

Bem sei, que sou desinformado....  :mrgreen:

Sub-Saharan Europe? Azov Battalion: A Ukraine based Neo-Nazi organization is employing child soldiers

Estes comparo com quem, os escuteiros???

E estão ao serviço de quem?
Os "maus" desse batalhão saíram todos.
Foram para o Wagner.
Só não digo que agora só lá estão padres porque a coisa também não anda fácil para eles...
João Pereira



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2213 em: Março 10, 2023, 01:29:46 pm »

E depois falam de trols e tal. 
Fazer o quê? É isto e as greves...
E ai de quem contrarie.

E informares-te?

Os Nashi são uma organização de juventude ao serviço do estado semelhante ao que foi a juventude hitleriana

Que informação dramática...
o que tu queres sei eu

Fica aí a falar para as paredes
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2214 em: Março 10, 2023, 01:34:41 pm »

E depois falam de trols e tal. 
Fazer o quê? É isto e as greves...
E ai de quem contrarie.

E informares-te?

Os Nashi são uma organização de juventude ao serviço do estado semelhante ao que foi a juventude hitleriana

Que informação dramática...
o que tu queres sei eu

Fica aí a falar para as paredes
Toma um chá que te faz bem e ajuda a digerir a "palha" que andas a comer e a tentar enfiar aos outros.
Eu penso por mim e não por aquilo que me dizem que devo pensar para parecer bem.
« Última modificação: Março 10, 2023, 01:36:57 pm por Lampuka »
João Pereira


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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2215 em: Março 10, 2023, 01:58:37 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2216 em: Março 10, 2023, 02:10:29 pm »
Eu penso por mim e não por aquilo que me dizem que devo pensar para parecer bem.

As "tácticas" dos troll estão todas bem identificadas e estudadas.  Ora aqui está mais outra...

Ardent Researchers

These trolls like to harp on about ‘doing your own research’, which has become a common catchphrase among conspiracy theorists. They appear on discussion threads with inflammatory remarks like “COVID-19 is a hoax”, or “Bill Gates is responsible for the pandemic”. When people ask them to provide evidence of these claims, the trolls just tell them to go “do your own research”. For good measure, they may also accuse others of being ‘sheeple’ (i.e. brainwashed by the mainstream).
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Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2217 em: Março 10, 2023, 02:18:33 pm »
E depois falam de trols e tal. 
Fazer o quê? É isto e as greves...
E ai de quem contrarie.

E informares-te?

Os Nashi são uma organização de juventude ao serviço do estado semelhante ao que foi a juventude hitleriana

Que informação dramática...

Não, é simplesmente informação factual.

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2218 em: Março 10, 2023, 02:37:06 pm »
Eu penso por mim e não por aquilo que me dizem que devo pensar para parecer bem.

As "tácticas" dos troll estão todas bem identificadas e estudadas.  Ora aqui está mais outra...

Ardent Researchers

These trolls like to harp on about ‘doing your own research’, which has become a common catchphrase among conspiracy theorists. They appear on discussion threads with inflammatory remarks like “COVID-19 is a hoax”, or “Bill Gates is responsible for the pandemic”. When people ask them to provide evidence of these claims, the trolls just tell them to go “do your own research”. For good measure, they may also accuse others of being ‘sheeple’ (i.e. brainwashed by the mainstream).
Bebe do mesmo chá do outro porque a palha  deve ser a mesma.
Ou vai para as páginas de apoio aos clubes de futebol. Lá é que gostam de tipos como tu que só vêem para um lado e o resto não conta.
E se trool é ser diferente de ti, aceito com agrado. Carneiro é que nunca.
João Pereira



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Re: Invasão da Ucrânia
« Responder #2219 em: Março 10, 2023, 02:38:56 pm »
Bebe do mesmo chá do outro porque a palha  deve ser a mesma.
Ou vai para as páginas de apoio aos clubes de futebol. Lá é que gostam de tipos como tu que só vêem para um lado e o resto não conta.
E se trool é ser diferente de ti, aceito com agrado. Carneiro é que nunca.

Toma um chá que te faz bem e ajuda a digerir a "palha" que andas a comer e a tentar enfiar aos outros.

 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: