Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #900 em: Julho 08, 2016, 09:17:03 am »
será que o Exército alemão quando liberta os seus elementos operacionais desse tipo de serviços e, coloca elementos para militares e outros de empresas de segurança a fazer a guarda a certas unidades, estará a agir erradamente ?????

Podem fazer isso, dinheiro não falta, a Força Aérea Holandesa faz o mesmo, eles não tem nada como a Policia Aérea, eles tem um grupo civil de seguranças que fazem o controlo de entradas e segurança, e para tratar de crimes e outros problemas existe uma força policial tipo a GNR que tem essa responsabilidade a nível das Forças Armadas Holandesas.

Mas a Alemanha em muita coisa não é exemplo, basta ver que num exercício NATO na Noruega eles regressaram à Alemanha com o exercício a meio pois já tinham feito as horas todas da semana.
Ora bem. E mais acrescento.  ;)
The end of the Cold War and withdraw of the Red Army from Eastern Europe was a boon for European security. The National Volksarmee of East Germany and the Bundeswehr merged into a new national army. Inventories of ships, aircraft and armored vehicles were cut by up to seventy five percent, and the German defense budget was cut further. Germany now spends just 1.2% of GDP on defense, far below the NATO recommended 2%.


It won't be a loss on the battlefield that destroys Berlin's armed forces, but rather massive underfunding.
As 150 German soldiers were preparing to return home from serving in Afghanistan, they were told their aircraft had broken down.

Under normal circumstances, the commander would have called for another military transport plane. But there were none available. They weren’t fit to fly. If necessary, the government’s plane, used by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, was on standby.

All this would be laughable were it not so serious.

Germany’s poorly equipped armed forces have serious implications. They hamper the country from meeting its responsibilities that Joachim Gauck has been advocating since becoming German president in March 2012.

Germany’s military shortcomings also affect the EU’s security and defense strategy. If Europe’s largest economy cannot even provide transportation for its troops, then how on earth can it contribute to the EU’s hard- and soft-power tools?
The grounded soldiers in Afghanistan are just one example of the sorry state of the Bundeswehr, Germany’s armed forces. The country’s military is in such bad shape that Berlin would find it difficult to patrol the skies over the Baltic states, a task NATO has taken on. Germany cannot even provide two helicopters to support the EU’s antipiracy mission off the coast of Somalia.

And when in September Germany agreed to train and supply weapons to the Kurds in northern Iraq, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen traveled in advance of the mission, only to discover none of the trainers or equipment had arrived.

The mission’s military transport plane had broken down; so had the two replacement planes. On top of that, the first batch of guns and antitank missiles was delayed—the Dutch transport plane used to carry them wasn’t feeling well either!

So what’s wrong with Germany’s armed forces? Lack of money? Hardly. Germany spent $49 billion on defense in 2013, the equivalent of 1.3 percent of the country’s GDP. Even though it falls way short of the 2 percent benchmark set by NATO, that still is a huge amount of money. Per capita, Germany’s defense spending amounted to $505 in 2013. The average for European NATO members was $401.

If money is not the real problem, then priorities are. Half of the German defense budget goes to personnel costs, compared with 35.0 percent in the UK and 36.5 percent in the United States.

There have been shifts in the allocation of the defense budget. Soldiers deployed in Afghanistan had complained about poor equipment and protection. That was remedied by Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the flamboyant defense minister who scrapped military conscription but who resigned in 2011 for plagiarizing his PhD thesis.

However, Germany paid too little attention to restructuring its armed forces, a task that Guttenberg’s successor, Thomas de Maizière, hardly tackled. Above all, a top-heavy bureaucracy combined with more protection for German troops failed to notice (or ignored?) the fact that money was not being spent on spare parts. Hence the problems with maintaining helicopters and other air transport for the army and navy.

These shortcomings came to light in September during a hearing of the German parliament’s defense committee, in which top military officers were quizzed. It turned out that only 24 of Germany’s 56 transport planes and sixteen of its 83 helicopters could function. And when Germany sent Patriot missiles to Turkey to protect the country against any possible attack by Syrian government forces, only half of the Patriot systems were in working order.

As for fighter jets, only 42 out of 109 Eurofighters and 38 out of 89 Tornados can be used. After promising 60 Eurofighters to patrol the skies over the Baltic states, von der Leyen said Germany would not be able to meet its NATO commitment.

Von der Leyen, who has been in the job for just over a year, has been quick to deflect criticism, saying she inherited many of the military’s problems, which is true. But now she is going to need much political support to fix things in a defense ministry that is notorious for destroying political careers.

All the reports about the miserable state of Germany’s armed forces could be turned to von der Leyen’s advantage. This is her chance to explain how the Bundeswehr works, what the money is spent on, and why security matters to German and European citizens. Otherwise, the pleas by Gauck and von der Leyen that Germany should take on more responsibilities will remain just rhetoric—much to the disappointment of the country’s allies.

The German army has faced a shortage of equipment for years, but the situation has recently become so precarious that some soldiers took matters into their own hands.

On Tuesday, German broadcaster ARD revealed that German soldiers tried to hide the lack of arms by replacing heavy machine guns with broomsticks during a NATO exercise last year. After painting the wooden sticks black, the German soldiers swiftly attached them to the top of armored vehicles, according to a confidential army report which was leaked to ARD.

[Related: The German military faces a major challenge from disrepair]

A defense ministry spokesperson said the use of broomsticks was not a common practice, and that the decision of the involved soldiers was "hard to comprehend." According to the ministry, the armored vehicles were furthermore not supposed to be armed. It remains unclear how many broomsticks were substituted for machine guns.

The awkward revelation on Tuesday came at the worst possible moment for Germany's defense ministry. The same day, Ukraine's army was about to suffer a defeat in the town of Debaltseve, putting a renewed focus on the question whether Europe's NATO allies would be able to manage the crisis militarily – without an American intervention, if necessary.

To make matters worse, the broom-equipped German soldiers belong to a crucial, joint NATO task force and would be the first to be deployed in case of an attack. Opposition politicians have expressed concerns about Germany's ability to defend itself and other European allies, given that even some of the most elite forces lack basic equipment.

The central European country was the world's third-largest arms exporter in 2013, but when it comes to Germany's own defense politicians have been unwilling to invest. In 2013, Germany spent only 1.3 percent of its GDP on defense -- a ratio which was below the average spending of the European members of NATO.

In an interview with local German newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, the head of the country's green party Cem Özdemir argued that it was not only the lack of funding that posed a problem. "The financial resources are not being used efficiently," Özdemir said last September. According to him, Europe's armies only have one tenth of the strength of the U.S. Army, although they cost half of the defense budget of the United States.

The lack of equipment does not come as a surprise to close observers of the German army. Last year, the parliamentary defense committee was informed that out of 89 German fighter jets, only 38 were ready for use. The list of damaged items also included helicopters, as well as a variety of weapons.


The six Tornado jets Germany deployed for anti-terrorist missions in Syria cannot fly night reconnaissance because their cockpit lighting is too bright and blinds the pilots, Bild newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Tornados are equipped with advanced high-resolution infrared surveillance equipment and are supposed to be capable to conduct reconnaissance sorties in any weather, at any time of day. Germany sent its warplanes to assist the US-led coalition in a strictly information-gathering capacity in response to the November terrorist attacks in Paris.

A Defense Ministry spokesman confirmed that there was "a small technical problem that has to do with the cockpit lighting" and that the problem would be resolved within the next two weeks, Deutsche Welle reported.

He added that there was no need for the German Tornados to fly at night in Syria.


"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #902 em: Agosto 02, 2016, 09:32:04 pm »

Quanto a mim é conversa para encanar a perna á rã, ou para boi dormir mas enfim...... cá vamos cantando e rindo, como os outros cantavam, LOL, LOL, LOL !!!!

Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!


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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #903 em: Agosto 03, 2016, 12:25:59 pm »
« Última modificação: Agosto 03, 2016, 12:59:47 pm por Cabeça de Martelo »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #904 em: Agosto 21, 2016, 10:30:10 pm »
Depois de concluir o curso de fuzileiro e já com boina qual o destino de um fuzileiro, isto é, o que é que ele pode fazer?
Missões no estrangeiro e?


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #905 em: Agosto 23, 2016, 11:51:05 am »
Depois de concluir o curso de fuzileiro e já com boina qual o destino de um fuzileiro, isto é, o que é que ele pode fazer?
Missões no estrangeiro e?

Pode fazer muita coisa, desde guardar o Alfeite/Escola de Fuzileiros ou qualquer instalação que a Armada o queira, pode fazer exercícios, pode fazer cursos, pode...

Missões ultimamente e pelo que eu tenho visto tem sido principalmente para o pessoal do Pelotão de Abordagem, mas antes disso tinha havido pessoal das Companhias de Fuzileiros a ir para o Afeganistão e futuramente de certeza que haverá mais missões.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #906 em: Agosto 23, 2016, 06:11:42 pm »
Pode ser que ainda vão dar uma volta à Republica Centro Africana...

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #907 em: Setembro 14, 2016, 07:27:02 pm »
Curso oficiais Fuzileiros

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #908 em: Setembro 28, 2016, 02:09:40 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #909 em: Setembro 30, 2016, 06:55:37 pm »
A Força de Fuzileiros nº3 vai participar no exercício anfíbio Emerald Move 2016 (ERMO16), que irá decorrer na Ilha da Sardenha (Itália) de 4 a 13 de outubro e envolve um total de 90 militares. Este exercício pretende demonstrar a capacidade europeia de projeção anfíbia (escalão Brigada), no contexto da European Amphibious Initiative (organização a que Portugal pertence na qualidade de associate member desde 2015).
A Força de Fuzileiros embarcou em Rota (Espanha) no dia 25 de setembro, no Navio Espanhol de Projeção Anfíbia “Juan Carlos I”, constituindo um Batalhão Combinado com a Infantería de Marina para a execução do Exercício.

facebook da Marinha


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #910 em: Outubro 01, 2016, 10:12:53 am »
A Força de Fuzileiros nº3 vai participar no exercício anfíbio Emerald Move 2016 (ERMO16), que irá decorrer na Ilha da Sardenha (Itália) de 4 a 13 de outubro e envolve um total de 90 militares. Este exercício pretende demonstrar a capacidade europeia de projeção anfíbia (escalão Brigada), no contexto da European Amphibious Initiative (organização a que Portugal pertence na qualidade de associate member desde 2015).
A Força de Fuzileiros embarcou em Rota (Espanha) no dia 25 de setembro, no Navio Espanhol de Projeção Anfíbia “Juan Carlos I”, constituindo um Batalhão Combinado com a Infantería de Marina para a execução do Exercício.

facebook da Marinha

Embarque no Navio Espanhol de Projeção Anfíbia Juan Carlos I

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #911 em: Outubro 01, 2016, 10:49:14 am »
Estando pendente a substituição da G3 no exército e pelo que se fala não estando previsto essa substituição abranger os Fuzileiros, vamos ficar com uma FOE em pleno séc XXI com um equipamento dos anos 60 enquanto as restantes actualizam-se?? Ou será que existe alguma surpresa na manga para substituir o armamento nas forças especiais da marinha?




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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #912 em: Outubro 01, 2016, 03:17:28 pm »
O DAE tem equipamento moderno.

Mas espero que as outras unidades dos Fuzileiros também não demore a receber uma espingarda moderna.


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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #913 em: Outubro 01, 2016, 04:23:45 pm »
 Como sempre à boleia dos outros. O país participa numa manobra militar anfíbia conjunta e só leva 80 homens? O que é que são 80 homens? Nem as ilhas Vanuatu ou Malta.
 Estamos reduzidos ao ridículo, à mera insignificância e à indigência.
 Humilhante ver os nossos soldados nesta situação com todo aquele material e equipamento obsoleto.

Já agora aquele distinto membro deste fórum , o tal (dos EH101 que dobram todos as pás e que tem sonda de reabastecimento) que me acusa de só criticar e falar mal. O que é que tem a dizer sobre isto?


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Fuzileiros da Armada Portuguesa
« Responder #914 em: Outubro 01, 2016, 04:56:13 pm »
Major Alvega, os Fuzos Espanhóis já chegaram a serem representados cá em exercícios militares, com apenas um pelotão...
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.