Nota interessante do Defense Industry daily sobre o preco dos Litening II...baixaram de $3.3 milhoes de US Dol. das primeiras encomendas, para $1.28 milhoes de US Dol. em 2004 e tratando-se ja do Litening AT.
Comeca-me a parecer que os 13 milhoes de Euros para equipamento dos F16 entre 2007 e 2010 serao para os POD's de Reconhecimento...
Scoping The Buy: Past Orders
LITENING IIThough the contract did not mention how many pods were being purchased, some reference contracts may help. The USAF Reserve's initial program to equip four F-16 squadrons involved 16 pods at $53 million ($3.3 million each), including support equipment, training, and initial maintenance support. By July 2000, however, a procurement order of 15 LITENING II pods plus support and training for Harrier aircraft of the US, British and Spanish navies cost only $25 million ($1.67 million each). In 2001, a USMC order of 47 LITENING II pods for its AV-8B Harriers cost $54.8 Million ($1.16 million each). In 2003, an order for 24 LITENING IIs for F-15E Strike Eagles cost $32.6 million ($1.35 million each). Finally, in 2004, amidst a number of refits and upgrades there was also a USMC contract to purchase 8 of the more advanced LITENING AT pods for its F/A-18s at a price of $10.3 million ($1.28 million each). Note that all LITENING pods in US servicve have now been upgraded to the LITENING AT standard.
The USAF's Air Force Link fact sheet lists the price at $1.4 million each, though it does not note which fiscal year dollars are used as the baseline. Note also that many contracts, especially those that represent the LITENING's inaguration with a country's military, will include a substantial technical, spares and maintenance compnent. If the new customers are mounting the pod on a new aircraft type, platform integration costs may also factor in.