Royal Air Force

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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #60 em: Dezembro 18, 2020, 10:43:33 am »
Iguales que los que están en servicio en España:

New state-of-the-art radar delivered to UK

A new state-of-the art long-range air defence radar that can be deployed in support of worldwide operations or used to cover gaps in coverage on home shores has been delivered to the UK.

Last year, the DE&S Air Defence and Electronic Warfare Systems (ADEWS) team based at RAF Henlow awarded a £13.1 million contract to Indra, a Spain based global company to produce their Lanza Long Tactical Range 25 radar for the RAF’s Battlespace Management Force.

Due to its small number of components, this system can be rapidly deployed worldwide using in-service military vehicles and transport aircraft such as the Hercules C-130J. The radar also benefits from being highly capable of mitigating the effect of windfarms and can rotate at two different speeds providing an Air Traffic Radar Service mode long desired by the RAF.

The radar will be used mainly for long range surveillance of co-operative (secondary surveillance) and non-co-operative aircraft. The flexibility of the system means that the RAF will be able to carry out a variety of Battlespace Management Missions, including long and short term deployments worldwide, as well as gap-filling in the UK in response to national operational requirements.

Last year the DE&S ADEWS team excelled in getting Indra on contract in just six months due to hard work and an open relationship with their RAF customer and despite COVID 19 significantly impacting both Spain and UK making planning particularly challenging on both sides the team has made significant progress. Now the radar has arrived in the UK it will undergo extensive trials and is due to be accepted into service with the RAF by mid-2021.
« Última modificação: Dezembro 18, 2020, 10:43:59 am por goldfinger »
A España servir hasta morir



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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #62 em: Janeiro 21, 2021, 08:46:28 pm »
Airbus pitches H175 as potential Puma replacement for UK
by Gareth Jennings

Airbus is pitching its H175 as a potential replacement for the United Kingdom’s fleet of Royal Air Force (RAF) Westland-Aerospatiale SA 330E Puma HC2 medium-lift helicopters in the 2025 timeframe.

Airbus is pitching its H175 as a potential Puma HC2 replacement for the UK in the 2025 timeframe, noting industrial benefits for the country in developing a military variant of the helicopter. (Airbus Helicopters)

Speaking at the virtual Royal Aeronautical Society Next-Generation Rotorcraft Conference, Jerome Combe, Portfolio Policy & Strategy at Airbus Helicopters France, said that while the company’s NH90 and H225M platforms would suit the capabilities required of any UK Puma replacement effort, the H175 would also provide industrial opportunities for the country.

“We know that in the UK there are questions about a Puma replacement,” Combe said on 21 January. “There are two ways to look at it – either the UK will push for a capability requirement, and I think that both the [NH90 and H225M] would be the perfect ones [in that case], or if the UK had in mind the national cost [benefits] I think that [the H175] could really offer a huge opportunity for UK content in the design of the [military variant of the] platform, [which it could] also export. So, I think it is good to have it in mind that the H175 could play a role.”

The RAF currently fields 23 Puma helicopters that were upgraded to the HC2 standard in the mid-2010s. With the airframes themselves dating back to the early 1970s, these helicopters are slated for retirement in 2025 with no replacement planned.

Pois é o que dá sermos ricos eles ainda operam os 330, da década de 70, melhorados, nós mandámos os nossos ás couves, há dez anos !! :bang:

« Última modificação: Janeiro 21, 2021, 08:52:28 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #63 em: Março 21, 2021, 06:45:28 am »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #64 em: Novembro 19, 2021, 01:55:22 pm »
A number of defence commentators have said this week's F-35B crash highlights the need for an attrition reserve. And I agree with them. Worth pointing out though that the RAF has lost 7 C-130s since 1999. That's 1/3 of the Tactical Air Transport fleet after 2024.

A España servir hasta morir



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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #65 em: Agosto 17, 2022, 09:30:34 pm »
Os ingleses sempre tiveram um humor muito próprio... parece que os russos  não acharam piada.
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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #66 em: Outubro 25, 2022, 12:29:04 pm »
A pesar de ciertas voces discordantes, el MoD del ReinoUnido, ha marcado como excedentes los 14 Hercules que quedan en servicio con la RAF, estarán disponibles para la venta a terceros entre 2023 y 2025

« Última modificação: Outubro 25, 2022, 12:30:25 pm por goldfinger »
A España servir hasta morir
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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #67 em: Março 09, 2023, 09:23:42 pm »
A Boeing, que fez parceria com a Leonardo para fornecedor o AW139M à USAF, juntou-se agora à equipa da Airbus para concorrer com o H175M no programa de substituição dos Pumas da RAF.

Airbus welcomes Boeing to H175M Task Force for UK New Medium Helicopter competition
(6 de Março de 2023)
Citação de: Airbus
Boeing has become the latest and final defence and aerospace company to join the H175M Task Force addressing the UK New Medium Helicopter requirement.

As training services partner, Boeing Defence UK will provide aircrew, groundcrew and maintenance training, if the super-medium class Airbus H175M, to be built at Broughton in Wales, is selected to replace the Airbus Puma HC2.

The company joins a UK-based industry team created to offer, supply and support the British-built H175M which includes some of the most respected players in international aerospace.

Managing Director of Airbus Helicopters in the UK, Lenny Brown, said: "Boeing Defence UK is rightly respected in this country for its long-standing support of the British Chinook and Apache fleets. As training services partner it completes a rock-solid line-up of UK-based first tier aerospace partners who bring a guarantee of world-class service provision to the UK Ministry of Defence for decades to come."

"We are delighted to collaborate with Airbus and join their innovative team of aerospace leaders to meet the UK's New Medium Helicopter requirement", said Steve Burnell, managing director of Boeing Defence UK. "Our local team has supported the British armed forces for decades, sustaining hundreds of jobs across the country in helicopter training. As a member of the H175M Task Force, we look forward to leveraging our current expertise to ensure availability and readiness for the UK’s future helicopter fleets."

Launched at the UK's RIAT 2022 airshow, the H175M Task Force also includes defence and helicopter specialist Babcock fulfilling the critical role of support partner for the H175M in UK service at military operating locations.

Martin Baker, at Denham, Middlesex, with more than 70 years of aerospace experience, is providing specialist troop seating and cabin integration services.

In Belfast, Northern Ireland and Prestwick, Scotland Spirit AeroSystems, already an Airbus partner on the CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL aircraft, has begun extensive detailed design and manufacturing activities on the H175M.

In addition, Pratt & Whitney Canada, is formally partnering in the team for which it supplies and supports the highly reputed PT6C-67E turboshaft engines from its market leading family of powerplants.

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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« Última modificação: Julho 07, 2023, 09:02:03 pm por Lightning »



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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #69 em: Julho 20, 2023, 09:44:19 am »



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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #70 em: Outubro 23, 2023, 10:26:40 pm »
Foi entregue o primeiro de 16 drones Protector. Irá ainda fazer testes no final do ano

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Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #71 em: Outubro 24, 2023, 12:37:31 pm »
La RAF activa radar LANZA.

Não foram esses que a Marinha Indiana adquiriu para substituir os LW08 também usados nas Fragatas Portuguesas BD?
« Última modificação: Outubro 24, 2023, 12:39:34 pm por Cabeça de Martelo »
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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #72 em: Outubro 24, 2023, 10:34:26 pm »
Caramba! Que diferença de preço!
E justifica-se??

The penny-wise pound-foolish Apache/JAGM saga continues.

The UK is now buying 3,000 JAGM missiles for $957.4M.

That equates to $319,000 per missile for a system already integrated onto our AH-64E's, that the UK has already trained on, which the UK has already paid for and received examples of for handling, from an Ally who is supposedly covering all extra costs of development, leaving little to no NRE expectations for the UK to bear.

Even if we go with the highest Brimstone 3 cost of £175,000 per missile which is meant to include Brimstone 3 R&D amortisation, even if we go with double the integration cost the UK was meant to "save" at £150M, the UK would have saved £110M by sticking with our own developed and proven system.

This does not even go into details such as re-investment in industry via procurement, tax recovery to Treasury or potential for exports (Poland's own AH-64E purchase is a vast missed opportunity). The UK already knows how to use and handle Brimstone eliminating most of the NRE with the system, and we have heard from defence ministers on the record in Parliament of the superior and battleproven hit rate of the Brimstone in active Operations compared to Hellfire based systems such as JAGM repeatedly over the years.

If we do take the lower of the purchase price per missile that is known for Brimstone and the £70M quoted as being "saved" by not integrating Brimstone on Apache, then for integration and purchase of 3,000 Brimstone on British AH-64E's we would expect to see a lower end cost, using DE&S own figures, of around £385M, saving almost £400M on this purchase compared to JAGM.

Even the £110M saving at the higher prices is desirable right now and would lead to further savings in future.

It is quite clear that the promised JAGM price reduction has not occurred.

BS was called at the time of the claims and these calls have clearly, demonstrably, been borne out.

This huge expense on an unproven foreign supplied missile with variations in reliability of supply, when a higher performing and perception-busting lower cost British missile exists and is in production, does not meet the claims at the time that JAGM would save the taxpayer money and should be both questioned and investigated.

Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #73 em: Outubro 25, 2023, 03:24:09 pm »
Essa decisão é para lá de bizarra. Se fosse em Portugal, eu sei muito bem o que o pessoal diria.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Royal Air Force
« Responder #74 em: Outubro 25, 2023, 03:43:08 pm »
Atenção que os 314 mil dólares, não é o custo unitário do míssil. A compra inclui todo o apoio logístico por trás da compra. E ao que tudo indica, ainda são números da produção inicial do míssil, o que é forçosamente mais caro do que lotes seguintes (vimos como foi com o F-35).

Ainda assim, a lógica diria que fazia mais sentido integrar o Brimstone, produzido localmente.