Notícias da Marinha do Brasil

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Vitor Santos

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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1080 em: Dezembro 27, 2017, 07:28:19 pm »
Corveta Classe Tamandaré e HMS Ocean para a Marinha do Brasil

A Marinha abriu no dia 19 de dezembro a segunda etapa do projeto Corveta Classe Tamandaré para o recebimento de propostas de empresas interessadas em construir no Brasil quatro navios de superfície de alta complexidade tecnológica (Imagem: Gino Marcomini, T&D)

O Projeto “Corveta Classe Tamandaré” receberá um investimento da ordem de US$ 1,6 bilhão. Esses navios serão construídos visando atender tanto o mercado de defesa nacional quanto o internacional. A encomenda da Marinha do Brasil, anunciada no último dia 19 de dezembro, tem como previsão de entrega da primeira corveta um prazo de quatro anos após a data de assinatura do contrato com o estaleiro vencedor da concorrência. As três corvetas que completam o lote devem estar entregues e em serviço antes de completados um prazo de oito anos.

O final do ano de 2017 pode ser considerado um marco na recente história da Marinha do Brasil.

Após “cortar na carne” e determinar a desmobilização do NAe A-12 São Paulo, a Marinha viu-se premida pela necessidade de incorporar com urgência novas escoltas de superfície modernas, pois a degradação das fragatas disponíveis é irreversível, devido a idade do material e obsolescência como sistema de armas.

Com as dificuldades orçamentárias, a crise fiscal e a grande soma necessária para viabilizar o PROSUPER e suas escoltas de 6.000 toneladas (fragatas), um “plano B” tomou forma nos corredores do Ministério da Defesa e Comando da Marinha do Brasil.

Vista lateral do Projeto: limpeza de linhas e furtividade.

O caminho seria apostar em corvetas pesadamente armadas multimissão. Assim, foi lançado o “Projeto Corveta Classe Tamandaré“.

Na estratégia montada pelo Almirantado e pelo  Ministro da Defesa, Raul Jungmann, a empresa pública EMGEPRON** assumiu um papel fundamental, recebendo uma capitalização de recursos garantida através de um importante apoio político dos ministros Fazenda e do Planejamento, e do presidente Michel Temer.

**Está em tramitação no Congresso projeto de lei que abre crédito especial para capitalização da Empresa Gerencial de Projetos Navais (Emgepron) em R$ 500 milhões, para início da construção das corvetas.

A lei viabilizará a capitalização a fim de iniciar o programa de Recomposição do Núcleo do Poder Naval a partir da construção das quatro corvetas, em estaleiros nacionais, com transferência de tecnologia e participação de estaleiro/parceiro estrangeiro.

No dia 19 de dezembro último, essas estratégias foram consolidadas com a apresentação pública do Request for Proposal (Solicitação de Propostas) aos estaleiros interessados, durante concorrido evento na Escola de Guerra Naval, prestigiado por quase todos os almirantes da ativa e uma significativa platéia de empresários, representantes de instituições de pesquisa e convidados.

O HMS Ocean (Imagem: Royal Navy).

O ministro Raul Jungmann e o comandante da Marinha do Brasil, almirante-de-esquadra Eduardo Bacellar Leal Ferreira aproveitaram a ocasião para anunciar a compra do navio multifunção HMS Ocean, da Real Marinha Britânica (Royal Navy), avaliado em £ 84 milhões de libras esterlinas.

Segundo o ministro, essa aquisição será feita com recursos próprios. Jungmann complementou a sua fala informando que a construção de navios patrulha é outro programa da força que deverá ser contemplado em breve com novos contratos.

A Corveta Classe Tamandaré em um conceito inicial de 2016. (Arte: Gino Marcomini).



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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1081 em: Dezembro 27, 2017, 07:33:56 pm »
DGS Defense entrega embarcação multimissão blindada à Marinha do Brasil

Projetada e construída no Rio de Janeiro, a Embarcação Tubular Rígida Híbrida DGS 888 RAPTOR, utiliza como matéria prima um composto termoplástico híbrido de alto peso e ultra-alto peso molecular.

A DGS Defense, Empresa Estratégica de Defesa, entregou à Marinha do Brasil nesta terça-feira (19/12), em cerimônia realizada na Marina da Glória, no Rio de Janeiro, a embarcação DGS 888 RAPTOR.

Embarcação multimissão blindada, projetada para operar em ambientes hostis, possui potente motor FPT N67 EVO, que entrega 570 hp a um sistema de propulsão hidrojato AlamarinJet AJ340, permite à embarcação alcançar velocidades superiores a 42 nós.

A embarcação da DGS tem comprimento total de 9,2 metros, cabine blindada e escudos balísticos (removíveis) todos com nível de proteção NIJ III, capacidade de carga superior a 2.000 Kg, radar de alta definição e uma estação para armamento 7,62 mm na proa.

Projetada e construída no Rio de Janeiro, a Embarcação Tubular Rígida Híbrida DGS 888 RAPTOR, utiliza como matéria prima um composto termoplástico híbrido de alto peso e ultra-alto peso molecular.

Esse material confere características como ter propriedade retardante a chama, ser insubmergível (por ter uma densidade menor que a água) e ter elevada capacidade de absorver choques, bem diferente das embarcações construídas em fibra de vidro e alumínio.

A DGS 888 RAPTOR é uma embarcação multimissão blindada, projetada para operar em ambientes hostis. O potente motor FPT N67 EVO, que entrega 570 hp a um sistema de propulsão hidrojato AlamarinJet AJ340, permite à embarcação alcançar velocidades superiores a 42 nós.




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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1082 em: Dezembro 29, 2017, 03:23:11 pm »
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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1083 em: Dezembro 30, 2017, 12:21:00 pm »



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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1084 em: Janeiro 02, 2018, 02:13:06 pm »
Brazil has now confirmed the purchase of British helicopter carrier HMS Ocean.

We were informed by a source in the Brazilian defence community that the vessel has been sold for £84 million.

Roberto Lopes has informed us that the purchase of HMS Ocean by the Brazilian Navy was confirmed within the last week by Brazilian Defence Minister Raul Jungmann.
We understand the first group of four Brazilian officers will head to the UK within the next few weeks.
We also understand that there are doubts over the retention of the Phalanx CIWS by Brazil but are unsure regarding the reasons why. The vessel will remain in the UK until October or November this year.
We broke the news in March that Brazil was interested in helicopter carrier HMS Ocean, this has now been confirmed by the Brazilian government.
Then in April, we reported that the Brazilian Navy had reportedly sent a proposal to pay for helicopter carrier HMS Ocean in instalments.

HMS Ocean is the UK’s only helicopter carrier and the fleet flagship of the Royal Navy. She is designed to support amphibious landing operations and to support the staff of Commander UK Amphibious Force and Commander UK Landing Force.
According to Brazilian journalist Roberto Lopes in an e-mail to us, the ship’s cost to the Brazilian Navy is fixed at £84.3 million pounds (312 million Brazilian Reais). Commander of the Brazilian Navy, Admiral Eduardo Leal Ferreira, claimed that the price of Ocean seemed “convenient”.
Then this week, IHS Janes reported that Brazil’s MoD authorised efforts to purchase Ocean once she leaves UK service.
We understand from Roberto Lopes via e-mail, the source who let us know that Brazil has already submitted a payment plan for the vessel, that the officers involved in the ship acquisition process are optimistic and are already discussing details beyond the technical and financial assessments that have been made, such as the name of the ship.
“Minas Gerais is the strongest designation at the time. Rio de Janeiro was ‘saved’ for the future aircraft carrier. However, nothing definite. Only with the execution of the acquisition is that defined.”
According to someone we spoke to earlier in the year currently on-board the vessel, there were rumours that this is one of a number of possibilities:
“People have been talking about what will happen to the ship after 2018, there were rumours that the vessel might be sold to another navy but there’s been no mention of what navy that might be.”
The helicopter carrier was constructed in the mid-1990s and commissioned in September 1998. In November 2015, the MoD confirmed that HMS Ocean is to be decommissioned in 2018 with no like-for-like replacement.

This comes as the Brazilian Navy have decided to abandon the refit of the  aircraft carrier Sao Paulo and decommission the vessel after a series of technical issues and accidents. Rectification costs are understood to be a major factor in this decision.
The Sao Paulo is a Clemenceau class aircraft carrier commissioned in 1963 by the French Navy as Foch and was transferred in 2000 to Brazil, where she became the new flagship of the Brazilian Navy. The earlier intention of the navy was that the vessel would continue in active service until 2039, at which time the vessel would be nearly 80 years old. IHS Janes reported that during its career with the Brazilian Navy, São Paulo has suffered from ‘serviceability issues and has never managed to operate for more than three months at a time without the need for repairs and maintenance’. It is no surprise therefore that the navy have now announced, as reported by DefesaNet, that the ship will be ‘demobilised and subsequently decommissioned’.

« Última modificação: Janeiro 02, 2018, 02:23:42 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1085 em: Janeiro 02, 2018, 02:25:26 pm »

Esta foi, sem qq dúvida, a pior compra que o Brasil, fez para a sua MdG !!!

..........the Brazilian Navy have decided to abandon the refit of the  aircraft carrier Sao Paulo and decommission the vessel after a series of technical issues and accidents. Rectification costs are understood to be a major factor in this decision.
The Sao Paulo is a Clemenceau class aircraft carrier commissioned in 1963 by the French Navy as Foch and was transferred in 2000 to Brazil, where she became the new flagship of the Brazilian Navy. The earlier intention of the navy was that the vessel would continue in active service until 2039, at which time the vessel would be nearly 80 years old. IHS Janes reported that during its career with the Brazilian Navy, São Paulo has suffered from ‘serviceability issues and has never managed to operate for more than three months at a time without the need for repairs and maintenance’. It is no surprise therefore that the navy have now announced, as reported by DefesaNet, that the ship will be ‘demobilised and subsequently decommissioned’.

« Última modificação: Janeiro 02, 2018, 02:28:32 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1086 em: Janeiro 03, 2018, 08:15:47 pm »
Report: Royal Navy helicopter carrier HMS Ocean definitely sold to Brazil

UK helicopter carrier HMS Ocean has reportedly been bought by Brazil.

The purchase was confirmed by Brazilian defense minister Raul Jungmann, according to UK Defence Journal. :arrow:

Brazil is reportedly paying £84 million for the UK helicopter carrier which recently returned from her final deployment as a commissioned Royal Navy ship, serving the role of NATO Standing Maritime Group 2 flagship in the Mediterranean.

UK Defence Journal further said the first group of Brazilian officers are to travel to the UK while the vessel is expected to remain in the UK until October or November 2018.

Commissioned in October 1995, the 202-meter long HMS Ocean replaced HMS Bulwark as fleet flagship in June 2015. In her role as a helicopter carrier and amphibious assault ship, Ocean is designed to deliver troops by helicopter or by landing craft.

The acquisition of HMS Ocean comes as the Brazilian Navy decided to decommission their only aircraft carrier BNS Sao Paulo (A 12) after it had been determined that the cost of returning the aircraft carrier to an operational status was too high.

After several attempts to improve the ship’s operational capacity failed in previous years, the navy reasoned that a modernization procedure would necessitate heavy investment without a guarantee of operational improvement.

BNS Sao Paulo, formerly known as Clemencau-class FS Foch, was a conventionally-powered aircraft carrier built for the French Navy in 1959. By acquiring the ship in 2000, Brazil became the only country in South America to operate an aircraft carrier.

Last month, the Brazilian Navy also issued a request for proposals (RFP) for the construction of new Tamandaré-class corvettes.

The RFP was announced at the Brazilian Naval Academy by defense minister Raul Jungmann and navy chief Admiral Eduardo Bacellar Leal Ferreira.

Brazil is planning to invest US$1.6 billion to acquire four corvettes in the class with the first unit in the class set to arrive by 2021-22.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas


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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1087 em: Janeiro 06, 2018, 02:17:57 pm »
Em maio de 1997, a convite de Portugal, o submarino brasileiro Tamoio (S-31) participou da operação Linked Seas 97 da OTAN, ao lado da fragata União (F-45) e a corveta Júlio de Noronha (V-32). Nos exercícios realizados ao longo da costa portuguesa até o Estreito de Gibraltar, o Tamoio conseguiu furar um bloqueio de escolta composto por mais de dez fragatas e contratorpedeiros e "afundou" o porta-aviões espanhol SMS Príncipe de Astúrias (R-11).

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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1088 em: Janeiro 07, 2018, 07:33:30 pm »
The sale of HMS Ocean to Brazil’s navy is one more British hull that is going to serve under the Brazilian flag, joining her sisters that are already part of that naval force.

After growing speculation both in Brazil and in Britain, it has been confirmed that the British helicopter carrier HMS Ocean is being sold to Brazil for roughly £84 million. Following her decommissioning from the Royal Navy in Spring 2018, she will undertake some months of maintenance in Britain and is set to leave to Rio de Janeiro by the end of the same year to be commissioned and fully operational under Brazilian command by 2020.

The ship will join ranks with other former British hulls, for the whole of the Brazilian Navy (BN) eight-strong frigate force is formed by former British vessels or designed and built by a British shipyard to be sold overseas. Two Type 22 frigates are in active service in the BN, former HMS Battleaxe and HMS Broadsword. Other Type 22, HMS Brilliant and HMS Brazen were also sold to Brazil in the 1990s and decommissioned in 2012 and 2015 respectively, and HMS Brazen being sunk as a target in July 2017 during Operation Missilex 2017 carried out by the Brazilian Navy.

The remaining six frigates in active service were built and designed by the British shipyard Vosper Thorneycroft (VT) in the 1970s. Named Niterói class, the ships were the largest of many ships constructed by VT for both the Royal Navy and foreign buyers. The six ships were divided into two categories: four vessels would be for Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) and two for General Purpose (GP). Two of the ASW and both GP hulls would be built in the UK and the remaining ASW were constructed in Brazil with close assistance from VT. Eventually, a seventh ship was made to become the Brazilian Navy’s primary training unit, not fitted with sensors or weapons; named simply as ‘Brasil’, the ship receives officers in training from the Merchant Marine and Brazilian Naval Academies.

The central amphibious capabilities of the BN relies on four vessels: one former Newport-class tank landing ship bought from the United States in 2000, one French Foundre-class landing platform dock that was sold to Brazil in 2015 for €80 million; a value that includes spare parts, missile launchers for the Mistral missile, landing craft and training. She currently serves in the BN as a multipurpose amphibious ship.

The other two ships are the British Round Table-class, also known as the Sir Lancelot-class, designated as landing ship logistics (LSL) seven were built for Britain and served under the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), and one more hull was ordered for the Royal Australian Navy. RFA Sir Galahad was one of the many ships of the RFA that saw service in the Falklands War. On the 8 June 1982, Sir Galahad was preparing to unload personnel from the Welsh Guards in Port Pleasant, alongside RFA Sir Tristram, when she was attacked by three A-4 Skyhawks, the ship was hit by two or three bombs and set alight. In one of the worst setbacks of the war for the UK, 48 crewman and soldiers lost their lives. A replacement entered service in 1988, carrying the same pennant number and name, this was one of the ships that were subsequently sold to the Brazilian Navy in 2007; the other was Sir Bedivere, the first ship of the class.

When it comes to the patrol vessels responsible for the security and maritime law enforcement tasks of the Brazilian coastline and large rivers so characteristic of the country – the Amazon River, for example – Britain recently supplied Brazil with the Amazonas-class Offshore patrol vessel (OPV), also regarded as ‘Light Corvette’. The Amazonas-class has initially been set to be part of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force when the contract was cancelled by the Trinidad and Tobago government in 2010 the vessels were acquired by the Brazilian Navy in 2012.

Ordered initially from Vosper Thorneycroft, its shipbuilding arm merged with BAE Systems in 2008, and it eventually sold the ships to Brazil. The sale for £133 million of three ships , based on the River-class OPV serving in the Royal Navy, was confirmed in January 2012 and the first ship was commissioned into the Brazilian Navy on 29 June in Portsmouth. With more than 2,000 tones the vessels are the country’s largest hulls responsible for coastal patrol amongst the 34 vessels that carry the same duty.

The British presence in the ranks of the Brazilian Navy also includes the River-class Minesweeper built for the Royal Navy in the 1980s. Eleven of these ships were designated to various Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) in the UK and HMS Blackwater entered service with the Royal Navy. Following defence cuts, when the role of the RNR was under review, the entire class was withdrawn from RNR service in 1993. Subsequently, four ships were assigned to the Northern Ireland Squadron, for patrol of waterways and future support to the British Army. Eventually, the entire River-class of minesweepers were sold to the navies of Brazil, Bangladesh and Guyana. In 1998 Brazil acquired seven vessels, and four are in active service as part of the patrol fleet. The other three were fitted out to accommodate the Brazilian Navy’s desire for Oceanographic research vessels; currently, the sister ships are in active service fulfilling that wish.

As a result, roughly 20 vessels of the Brazilian Navy served under British flag or were designed by Britain and sold to Brazil afterwards. HMS Ocean is set to join a twenty-strong fleet of British ships under the Brazilian colours and might serve well the Brazilian demands in the next decades. She will replace a quickly ageing French aircraft carrier, now known as São Paulo. This aircraft carrier is an old Clemenceau-class, built by the French in the 1950s and purchased by Brazil in 2000. Nevertheless, since 2004, when an explosion and subsequent fire broke onboard, the São Paulo has been suffering from technical issues and has never managed to operate appropriately for prolonged periods. According to the Brazilian Navy, she was demobilised in February 2017, and her decommissioning is due to increasing costs of further repairs.

The relations between Brazil and the UK are friendly and longstanding. The only sensitive matter is the Argentine claims over Falklands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands that the Brazilian government officially supports. Despite that, Brazil has been a British partner in many aspects; when its navy needs replacements, Britain’s Royal Navy and know-how is always put in high esteem, the purchase of HMS Ocean exemplifies the Brazilian appreciation of British naval assets and displays the defence links that the two countries have.

Furthermore, even officially supporting Argentina, Brazil is a friendly nation in South America that is willing to co-operate with Britain in many diplomatic and commercial issues – including a future trade agreement – going beyond the Argentine territorial claims. Signalling that the future relations between Brazil and Britain have a unique potential to be a source of positive prospects for both nations.

« Última modificação: Janeiro 07, 2018, 07:37:52 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Vitor Santos


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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1089 em: Janeiro 07, 2018, 08:28:49 pm »
The relations between Brazil and the UK are friendly and longstanding. The only sensitive matter is the Argentine claims over Falklands, South Georgia and the Sandwich Islands that the Brazilian government officially supports. Despite that, Brazil has been a British partner in many aspects; when its navy needs replacements, Britain’s Royal Navy and know-how is always put in high esteem, the purchase of HMS Ocean exemplifies the Brazilian appreciation of British naval assets and displays the defence links that the two countries have.

Furthermore, even officially supporting Argentina, Brazil is a friendly nation in South America that is willing to co-operate with Britain in many diplomatic and commercial issues – including a future trade agreement – going beyond the Argentine territorial claims. Signalling that the future relations between Brazil and Britain have a unique potential to be a source of positive prospects for both nations.

Grato pela postagem deste primoroso texto jornalístico. As ligações da Marinha do Brasil com a Royal Navy são históricas. Diria que a 'Senior Service' dos britânicos é uma espécie de força 'madrinha' da MB. A influência é inegável (apesar dos franceses e americanos).   


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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1090 em: Janeiro 24, 2018, 03:27:32 am »



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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1091 em: Janeiro 25, 2018, 08:16:56 pm »
Fragata “Independência” (F44) prepare-se para assumir como Navio Capitânia na Operação “Líbano XIII”

A Marinha do Brasil, dando sequencia para a troca de comando da Força-Tarefa Marítima da Força Interina das Nações Unidas no Líbano (FTM-UNIFIL), irá enviar a Fragata “Independência” (F44) que desatracará da Base Naval do Rio de Janeiro, no próximo domingo dia 28 de janeiro, às 10 horas, para cumprir a Operação Líbano XIII durante o período de março a setembro de 2018. O navio irá capitanear a FTM-UNIFIL, que tem como missão impedir a entrada, em território libanês, de armas ilegais e contrabandos, além de prestar apoio para o desenvolvimento da Marinha do Líbano, no que tange o treinamento de seu pessoal, a fim de torná-la capaz de controlar suas águas territoriais no futuro.

Após o seu suspender para o Líbano, a Fragata “Independência” irá realizar escalas logísticas nos portos de Natal-RN, Praia-CPV e Toulon-FRA. A Fragata é a quinta de uma série de 6 fragatas da classe Niterói; ordenadas em 20 de setembro de 1970 como parte do Programa de Renovação e Ampliação de Meios Flutuantes da Marinha, e a primeira construída pelo Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ). Desloca carregada 3.800 ton, possui 129.2 m de comprimento, com 13.5 m de boca e um calado de 5.9 m.




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« Última modificação: Janeiro 29, 2018, 06:33:31 pm por Lusitano89 »


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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1093 em: Fevereiro 03, 2018, 03:37:40 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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Re: Marinha do Brasil
« Responder #1094 em: Fevereiro 08, 2018, 05:52:03 pm »
Jane’s: Marinha do Brasil vai modernizar apenas 3 fragatas

O Jane’s noticiou que a Marinha do Brasil modernizará os sistemas de gerenciamento de combate (CMSs) em apenas três fragatas da classe Niterói, em vez de seis como planejado anteriormente, segundo uma fonte da indústria.

A empresa local privada Consub Defesa e Tecnologia recebeu um contrato para atualizar o sistema SICONTA Mk II para o SICONTA Mk II Mod 1 padrão como parte do Projeto ‘Fênix’ em dezembro de 2013.

Esse contrato deverá ser alterado para atender à mudança . O SICONTA MKII foi desenvolvido pelo Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha do Brasil (IPqM).

Um sistema de gerenciamento de combate brasileiro

O primeiro SICONTA foi instalado em outubro de 1993 no Navio-Aeródromo Ligeiro (NAeL) Minas Gerais, durante o PMM – Período de Manutenção e Modernização, que incluiu a instalação do Sistema de Controle de Dados Táticos Navais – SICONTA Mk 1, desenvolvido no Brasil, e com capacidade de enlace de dados com as unidades de escolta. O SICONTA do Minas tinha sete consoles de operações.

O SICONTA Mk II aperfeiçoado foi desenvolvido para substituir o CAAIS 400 das fragatas classe Niterói no programa MODFRAG, o SICONTA Mk III foi instalado na corveta Barroso e o SICONTA Mk IV no Navio-Aeródromo São Paulo.

Displays do SICONTA Mk II no Centro de Operações de Combate (COC) da fragata Niterói