Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)

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Fábio G.

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« Responder #15 em: Maio 23, 2004, 07:45:08 pm »
FAM del Mundo

Novas Forças Especiais da Força Aérea da India

A Força Aérea da India começou a treinar os seus primeiros grupos de forças especiais para a protecção de bases aéreas e instalações estratégicas. As unidadse estão a ser treinadas perto do Airmen Training Institute de Agra e na Academia de Guardas de Segurança Nacional, situada perto de Nova Delhi.


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« Responder #16 em: Maio 27, 2004, 02:40:28 pm »
Novo avião AWAC para Israel

A Israel Aircraft Industries mostrou a configuração do Gulfstream G550 Compact Airborne Early Warning (CAEW) adquirido pela Força Aérea Israelense como plataforma do radar Elta Phalcon. Serão adquiridas quatro aeronaves por US$473 milhões com entrega a partir de 2005. As aeronaves serão usadas para alerta aérea antecipada substituindo o E-2 Hawkeye. O contrato também inclui 10 anos de apoio logístico e treinamento inicial.



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« Responder #17 em: Maio 27, 2004, 03:17:27 pm »

Un informe del Pentágono publicado por The New York Times concluye que las Fuerzas Aéreas no necesitan sustituir sus actuales aviones cisterna de forma inmediata. “No existen razones materiales ni financieras para que las fuerzas aéreas compren los aviones”, señala el estudio elaborado por el comité de Ciencia y Defensa. Este veredicto supone un duro revés para Boeing, que ha intentado durante meses cerrar un contrato de esos aparatos de repostaje en vuelo, valorado en 23.500 millones de dólares. El contrato, en suspenso actualmente, ha estado rodeado de rumores sobre un posible trato de favor obtenido por la compañía para ganar el contrato a su competidor Airbus.


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« Responder #18 em: Maio 27, 2004, 05:07:04 pm »
Chegaram os primeiros 3 EF-2000 espanhois.

El Mundo

Llegan a la base aérea de Morón los tres primeros aviones Eurofighter de los 87 con que contará España


Uno de los Eurofighter que ha aterrizado en la base de Morón. (EFE)  
MORÓN DE LA FRONTERA (SEVILLA).- Los tres primeros aviones de combate C-16 Eurofighter (EF-2000) de los 87 con que contará España, dentro de ese proyecto conjunto europeo de defensa, han llegado a la Base Aérea de Morón, adonde se incorporarán otros cuatro a final de año y 57 en total hasta 2010.

Los cazas, la nueva "joya" del Ejército del Aire, son los primeros de ese tipo que están operativos oficialmente en Europa y aterrizaron en la base sevillana procedentes de la fábrica de EADS-Casa en Getafe (Madrid), donde han sido ensamblados y formados sus pilotos y personal, ahora adscritos al 111 Escuadrón del ALA 11 de Morón.

El EF-2000, de diez toneladas de peso, con una altura de vuelo de hasta 15.000 metros de altura, una velocidad punta de 666 metros por segundo y dotado con la más moderna tecnología, destacan por su alta maniobrabilidad, es indetectable y dispone de equipos de guerra electrónica y de trece estaciones para armamento, destacó a los periodistas un portavoz de la base.

A diferencia del F-22 estadounidense, considerado como "el mejor avión del mundo", según este portavoz oficial, el Eurofighter tiene la ventaja de que no sólo está especializado en combate aire-aire, sino también para la lucha aire-tierra.

Desfile militar

Tras una parada y un desfile militar presididos por el general jefe del Mando Aéreo del Estrecho, Pedro Bernal, y el coronel jefe de la base, Javier Salto, los Eurofighter llegaron en formación, tras sólo 23 minutos de vuelo y junto a un avión P-3 de lucha submarina de los siete de ese tipo destinados en Morón, que salió a recibirles.

Tras varias pasadas, estos aviones multifunción, identificados como 11-70, 11-71 y 11-72 -en alusión al ALA 11- e incluidos en ese consorcio formado además por Alemania, Italia y Reino Unido, tomaron tierra en la pista de 4 kilómetros de Morón -una de las más largas de Europa-, donde las autoridades recibieron a sus seis pilotos -dos por aparato al ser vuelo de instrucción, pues en combate sólo va uno-.

En su fabricación han participado las factorías de EADS-CASA en Sevilla y Cádiz, cuyos responsables estuvieron en el acto, al producir las máquinas de control numérico de alta velocidad, el sistema del cableado, componentes superplásticos y el fuselaje del ala derecha y los slots de ambas alas, con una inversión de más 12 millones de euros.

Según este grupo aeronáutico, el trabajo hecho en Tablada ha supuesto un 45% de la carga de trabajo de EADS-Casa, con 100.000 horas anuales de trabajo, mientras que en total, según el portavoz militar, este programa europeo ha generado 10.000 empleos y en él han intervenido más de 80 empresas españolas.

Formación de los pilotos

El portavoz de la base moronense dijo que ya hay siete pilotos formados para operar con estos nuevos cazas, cuyo programa de fabricación empezó a desarrollarse hace 20 años, tras los cursos de instrucción y adaptación que han hecho desde septiembre en EADS-Casa Getafe.

Desde ahora y conforme a la progresiva incorporación de aviones hasta 2010, añadió, los pilotos y mecánicos del Eurofighter en España serán instruidos en el 113 Escuadrón Conversión Operativa de Morón, por lo que en ese periodo se incorporarán unos 400 militares más -60 de ellos pilotos- a los 1.100 que ya hay en esta base.

De los 87 Eurofighter más otros 16 opcionales que tendrá España -Reino Unido tendrá 232, Alemania 180 e Italia 120-, los escuadrones 111, 112 y 113 de Morón contarán con 57 en total hasta 2010, mientras que a partir de ese año los 30 restantes entrarán progresivamente en servicio en la base de Albacete.

En el acto, el coronel Salto destacó que es "un día histórico" para la Base de Morón" y para el Ejército del Aire, mientras que el piloto comandante Isaac Crespo destacó que el avión, que incluye el casco más innovador del mundo con cámaras directas en su visor, "es muy seguro y fácil de volar, y va a ser una punta de lanza muy importante" para el Ejército.


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« Responder #19 em: Maio 28, 2004, 10:15:46 pm »
Eurocopter USA completes delivery of 12 AS350B2s to LA County Sheriff

American Eurocopter is proud to be a part of one of the finest and largest Sheriff Departments in the country. The final four helicopters of the 12 ordered are complete and have been delivered on Friday, May 21, 2004. This will complete the fleet for the Sheriff’s Department of the new AS350B2. Captain Jim Di Giovanna was at the American Eurocopter plant in Grand Prairie to take delivery on the final two helicopters.

The Sheriff’s Department replaced their previous fleet of McDonald Douglas with the Eurocopter AS350B2 to keep up with the growing needs of their department.

"We needed a larger aircraft that would provide greater flexibility for various mission needs," said Captain Di Giovanna. "The AS350 was head and shoulders above the rest in capabilities."

The airborne law enforcement of the LA County Sheriff’s Department is crucial to law enforcement efforts. This aircraft helps in various missions, including homeland security. The AS350B2 is also used to transport small teams across the county into critical areas quickly.

"The AS350 is the best single engine aircraft I have ever flown, the ease of flying is effortless, the cockpit is very spacious so you can work and maneuver," Captain Di Giovanna said.

"American Eurocopter has been wonderful, they have met every one of our expectations, our pilots and crews are very happy with them, they have not let us down at all," Captain Di Giovanna said.

About the AS350:
The Eurocopter single-engine, 6-7 place AS350 series. The 350’s maneuverability, superior visibility with all seats facing forward and low vibration level, mean your mission will be as comfortable as it is productive. The cost effective, popular AS350B2 powered with a 732 shp Turbomeca Arriel 1D1 engine is a true multi mission workhorse known for its outstanding performance.

Eurocopter’s helicopters help stop criminals in their tracks. Whether it's surveillance, policing traffic or patrolling the border, their quiet technology, excellent visibility, comfort and incredible endurance enable our helicopters to work extra long hours on patrol.

Plus, their quick conversion capabilities, large useful load, generous internal volume combined with a wide CG range give you the ability to respond to any situation that arises. Which makes Eurocopter’s helicopters a partner any law enforcement department could use.
Source: Eurocopter




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« Responder #20 em: Maio 31, 2004, 06:55:04 pm »
meio old.. mas interessante historia e imagens deveras apeteciveis em full resolution.. ;) ... gal_1.html
"The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten."


Fábio G.

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« Responder #21 em: Junho 02, 2004, 01:06:04 pm »

Rússia fornece aviões militares à Argélia

A Rússia vai fornecer à Argélia 50 caças MIG-29 para modernizar a força aérea no âmbito de um contrato no valor de 1,4 mil milhões de euros. Segundo a Imprensa argelina, esta aquisição faz parte de um acordo de entrega de armas, num montante de 2,04 mil milhões de euros, estabelecido na assinatura da de parceria estratégica entre os dois países, durante a visita do presidente argelino, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, a Moscovo, em Abril de 2001. A cooperação militar remonta à independência da Argélia, em 1962. Depois do desmembramento da União Soviética, a Argélia, que é actualmente parceira daOTAN, procurou diversificar os seus fornecedores.


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« Responder #22 em: Junho 05, 2004, 04:03:06 pm »
PAK FA Sujoi T-50  :

A industria aeronáutica russa continua em alta, dentro de pouco aparecerá o prototipo do avião de 5ª geração(PAK FA T-50)

Assembly of Fifth Generation Fighter Prototype to Start soon in Russia

Assembly of the fifth generation fighter prototype will begin soon in Russia, the Sukhoy company, where this combat airplane is being developed, has reported. An artificial intelligence system will be installed in it which improves the pilot’s awareness of the situation and aids him in the process of decision making. The airmen is not able to make an incorrect decision - the system will cut him off from control and indicate the error. The Russian super airplane will have supersonic speed, low detectability, ultra-maneuverability, and the capability to make a short takeoff and landing.  


Fábio G.

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« Responder #23 em: Junho 07, 2004, 02:06:32 pm »

La Base Aérea madrileña de Getafe celebró el pasado sábado una jornada de puertas abiertas para mostrar lo mejor de la aviación militar y civil española, después de permanecer diez años cerrada para este tipo de acontecimientos. En la exhibición aérea participaron, entre otros, un Mirage F-1 del Ala 14, un F-18 del Ala 12 y un Harrier. Un Hércules simuló un reabastecimiento en vuelo con dos CN 235. Además de la exhibición, los más de 5.000 asistentes pudieron contemplar una exposición de aparatos y material complementario.


Fábio G.

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« Responder #24 em: Junho 07, 2004, 04:53:03 pm »
Bell 412: Mirabel Building PakAF Utility Ships

Border watchers in Pakistan say the Air Force there has picked Bell 412s for high altitude patrol and reconnaissance work in the mountains there fighting against insurgents - and the search for Bin Laden.

The airceraft will be constructed new at Bell's Mirabel, Canada, facility, and about a dozen aircraft are said involved in the deal. It's understood the sale is government-to-government and the aircraft chosen because it is not 'overtly military' in that the type is frequently used in the area.


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« Responder #25 em: Junho 07, 2004, 05:00:39 pm »
UK CAA issues top 10 tips to avoid airspace infringements

Airspace infringements continue to be one of the UK’s main aviation safety risks. The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), through its Airspace Infringements Working Group, is currently working with industry to tackle the issue. With the start of the summer flying season now upon us, the Group has issued a list of top ten tips to avoid an infringement.


1. Navigation is a skill, and needs to be practised regularly, both planning a flight and conducting it. Safety Sense Leaflet 5 (available on the CAA website and in the LASORS publication) contains good advice on VFR navigation, but it only works if you read and apply it!

2. If you plan a route through controlled airspace, remember that a crossing clearance may not always be possible and consider that route as your ‘secondary’ plan. Your primary plan should avoid controlled airspace - and don’t forget to make your overall time and fuel calculations using the longer, primary route!

3. Where possible, avoid planning to fly close to controlled airspace boundaries. If you do need to do so, be very careful. A small navigational error or distraction of any sort can lead to an infringement – and it doesn’t take much to ruin your day!

4. Pilot workload rises rapidly in less than ideal weather - and so do infringements. If the weather starts to deteriorate, consider your options early and if necessary divert or turn back in good time.

5. If you wish to transit controlled airspace, think about what you need to ask for in advance and call the appropriate Air Traffic Control (ATC) unit at 10 nautical miles or five minutes flying time from the airspace boundary. This gives the controller time to plan ahead.

6. Thinking before you press the transmit switch and using the correct Radio phraseology helps air traffic control to help you - and sounds more professional!

7. Be aware that ATC may be busy when you call them – just because the frequency doesn’t sound busy doesn’t mean that the controller isn’t busy on another frequency or on landlines.

8. Remember - the instruction ‘Standby’ means just that; it is not an ATC clearance and not even a precursor to a clearance. The controller is probably busy so continue to plan to fly around the airspace. Only fly across the airspace if the controller issues a crossing clearance.

9. Your planned route through controlled airspace may appear simple on your chart but the traffic patterns within that airspace may make it unrealistic in practice. Be prepared for a crossing clearance that does not exactly match your planned route but will allow you to transit safely.

10. Don’t be afraid to call ATC and use the transponder when lost or uncertain of your position - overcoming your embarrassment may prevent an infringement which may in turn prevent an Airprox (or worse).

For further information please contact Jonathan Nicholson on 020 7453 6027.

The full On-Track report into airspace infringements is available on the CAA web site at

As well as representatives from the GA community the AIWG has representation from:
· The Ministry of Defence;
· National Air Traffic Services; and
· The CAA’s Air Traffic Standards, General Aviation and Personnel Licensing Departments, plus the Directorate of Airspace Policy.



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« Responder #26 em: Junho 07, 2004, 05:10:52 pm »
Superior Helicopter adds two K-MAX; takes fleet to six

Bloomfield, Conn., June 3, 2004 -- The operator of the largest K-MAX helicopter fleet is expanding yet again, further enhancing its capabilities for firefighting and construction work.  

The good news comes from Kaman Aerospace Corp., where company officials today announced the delivery of two K-MAX® helicopters to Superior Helicopter LLC, of Grants Pass, Oregon. The aircraft have been nicknamed Smokey and Hulk by the Superior Helicopter team.  The names reflect their solid metallic gray and metallic green colors as well as their firefighting and heavy lift missions for which K-MAX is so ideally suited.

Gary Jantzer, vice president of Superior Helicopter, said “we are looking forward to employing the new helicopters, now part of a fleet of six, in support of firefighting and construction work around the world. The K-MAX has proven itself to be a versatile platform and an efficient performer," Jantzer said. "We have found that it is extremely effective for the firefighting mission, and the helicopter has truly distinguished itself in that regard."

"Superior Helicopter is doing important work in helping to battle wildfires around the world with its K-MAX fleet," said Roger Wassmuth, director K-MAX marketing and business development for Kaman Aerospace. "They are saving lives, property and valuable forests, and Kaman is proud to play a part in that effort. The K-MAX is coming into its own as the helicopter of choice for the firefighting mission, and operators are seeing that no other helicopter can match its unique performance capabilities."

K-MAX is specifically designed for vertical reference flight, an important feature for external load work. It has a 5,000-pound (2268 kg) on-the-hook lift capacity at 8,000 feet of altitude (2446 meters) and 6,000 pounds (2722 kg) on-the-hook at lower altitudes.  A K-MAX equipped with a Sling Tank can carry 700 gallons (2655 liters) of water per drop.

Kaman Aerospace Corp. is a subsidiary of Kaman Corp. (NASDAQ:KAMNA) of Bloomfield, Conn. In addition to K-MAX, the company also manufactures the SH-2G Super Seasprite maritime helicopter, and is a subcontractor for aircraft structures and components, including applications on most current Boeing commercial airliners and the C-17 transport.  The company also manufacturers safe, arm and fuzing devices for missiles and bombs, rugged environment mass memory systems, precision measuring devices and electro-optic systems.

Kaman Corporation conducts business in the aerospace, industrial distribution and music markets.


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« Responder #27 em: Junho 07, 2004, 05:14:15 pm »
VP & General Manager of V-22 Programs to leave Bell for Rolls-Royce

FORT WORTH, TX (June 4, 2004)  Mike Redenbaugh, Chief Executive Officer of Bell Helicopter, announced today that Dennis Jarvi, currently the Vice President & General Manager for V-22 Programs at Bell Helicopter, has resigned from his position effective July 18th.  He is leaving to take the position of President, Defense North America for Rolls Royce Corporation.  Mr. Jarvi joined Bell Helicopter Textron in May of 2001.

In making the announcement Mr. Redenbaugh said, “We’ll miss the strong and effective leadership Dennis has brought to the V-22 program.  His program management skills, understanding of the V-22 program and leadership ability have been a great asset for Bell in this important program.  Dennis’ contributions to the V-22 have put us on track to deliver 18 aircraft this year.  We wish him every success in his future endeavor.”

Speaking of his time at Bell Mr. Jarvi said, “I will really miss working at Bell and particularly appreciate the opportunity to work on the V-22 program.  We have turned the corner and are well on the way to ramping up to full rate production.  It has been very challenging and rewarding.  While the decision to leave is a difficult one, the new position offers me the opportunity of a lifetime.  To lead a business unit in the aerospace industry charged with the full responsibility for the profit and loss has long been a goal of mine.”

“We have a strong leadership team led by our V-22 Program Director, Bob Ellithorpe.  We have an excellent program in place and will continue to refine our processes and reduce our costs in the production of the V-22.”

Bell Helicopter Textron, a subsidiary of Textron Inc., is a $1.6 billion, leading producer of commercial and military helicopters, and the pioneer of the revolutionary tiltrotor aircraft. Globally recognized for customer service, innovation and superior quality, Bell's global workforce of over 7,500 employees serves customers flying Bell aircraft in over 120 countries

Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) is a $10 billion multi-industry company with more than 43,000 employees in 40 countries. The company leverages its global network of aircraft, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others.  More information is available at



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« Responder #28 em: Junho 07, 2004, 05:28:52 pm »
Bell XworX Team Developing New Turned Exhaust System to Enhance Combat Survivability on the H-1

(Fort Worth, Tex., Jun. 3, 2004)    
Bell Helicopter’s recently formed XworX organization is engaged in a new design and modification effort that will make the US Marine Corps’ fleet of H-1 aircraft (AH-1Z and UH-1Y) the most combat survivable helicopters in the world.  By turning the exhaust system on the H-1’s twin GE T-700 engines Bell XworX skilled team-members will substantially reduce the infrared heat signature on the aircraft, a feature that will greatly increase survivability according to lessons learned in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

XworX was charged to manage this design modification because of the speed they could turn around the aircraft with the new exhaust configuration installed. Doing this very quickly reduces the program schedule risk and allows flight test data to be collected well in advance of committing to a production design.

Formally established in November 2003, Bell XworX brings together several organizations that have been developing new ideas and products at Bell Helicopter for many years. Now contained in one organization, the resulting synergy of effort provides Bell, and its customers, a tremendous developmental capability.

The Bell XWORX is responsible for the rapid development and prototyping on new vertical solutions for emerging and changing requirements. XworX addresses all aspects of the industry including manufacturing processes, cost containment and new technology integration. Located at the Bell facility in Arlington, the Bell XWORX has already begun work on numerous projects, to include the full-scale flying prototype of the HV-911 Eagle Eye UAV.

The H-1 Upgrades Integrated Test Team currently has achieved over 2,000 flight test hours with five aircraft (three AH-1Z and two UH-1Y test aircraft, of which all but one AH-1Z are production representative).  The test aircraft have flown 222 knots, maneuvered from –0.4 to +3.5 g’s and been well above the 10,000-foot altitude mark.  

By 2014, the Marine Corps will have procured 100 UH-1Y Hueys and 180 AH-1Z Super Cobras.

Bell Helicopter has a long legacy of developing innovative solutions for aviation challenges. Bell’s storied lineage goes from the production of the first jet aircraft in the U.S.(P-59)), to the first certified commercial helicopter, and the first tiltrotor aircraft, the XV-3. In addition Bell conducted the longest running X program in NASA history, the XV-15 which ran for 25 years.

Bell Helicopter, a Textron company, is the world’s leading manufacturer of vertical lift aircraft.  Bell has manufactured more than 35,000 helicopters; flying in more than 120 countries.   The current line includes a full range of commercial and military helicopters as well as a Family of Tiltrotor Aircraft ranging from the Bell Eagle Eye UAV, to the V-22 Osprey for the US military, as well as the BA609 nine passenger civil tiltrotor aircraft. Textron Inc. is a $10 billion multi-industry company with more than 43,000 employees in 40 countries. The company leverages its global network of aircraft, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others.



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« Responder #29 em: Junho 07, 2004, 05:34:27 pm »
Patria and Danish Aerotech form consortium for Danish helicopter support

Patria Aviation Oy and Danish Aerotech A/S have established a consortium, PD Aerotech, to offer full life cycle support and integrated logistics support for helicopters and aircraft. The potential customers include among others the Royal Danish Air Force and NATO partners in Europe. This agreement is one step in Patria’s strategy to become the leading life cycle support provider in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region.
“Patria has been looking for a reliable partner in Denmark for some time. We feel that now, when the Danish Armed Forces’ have recently announced their intention to outsource certain maintenance tasks, is the right time to act. I am convinced that combining our knowledge and skills with the Danish Aerotech’s expertise we will be able to offer our customers cost efficient life cycle maintenance and logistic support to military aircraft and helicopters”, says Aarne Nieminen, Executive Vice President of Patria Aviation.

The aim of PD Aerotech will be to offer its services through a long-term partnership model to its customers. There will be a strong focus on the support of a flexible transition from the present three level maintenance system, now performed solely by the Armed Forces, to a two level system based on a public-private partnership – a system which has been operating in Finland for more than 40 years with Patria Aviation as an important player.

PD Aerotech will operate from Danish Aerotech's facilities at Karup Air Base, Denmark. “Danish Aerotech was established in 1992 when the Royal Danish Air Force privatised its main workshops. Therefore we have more than a decade’s experience of working closely with the Air Force to build on, when preparing to meet their future maintenance requirements”, says Søren E. Petersen, CEO of Danish Aerotech.
Patria Aviation with more than 700 employees performs through its business units life cycle support and integrated logistic support for helicopters and aircraft in the Nordic and the Baltic Sea region. Helicopters Business Unit, where Patria Ostermans and Patria Heli-Support are integrated, was recently founded as a result of Patria Aviation Business Strategy to strengthen its position within the business area of life cycle support and integrated logistic support for helicopters in the selected region. Recently Patria Aviation has completed the assembly of the F-18 fighter aircraft, and is now assembling NH 90 helicopters and engines for the Nordic countries. Patria Aviation also owns Patria Pilot Training Oy providing training to the Finnish Air Force as well as international military and civilian organisations.

Patria is an internationally operating Aerospace and Defence Group with significant positions in the Nordic and Baltic Sea countries. Patria’s main business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortars and field gun systems and their life cycle support as well as life cycle support of helicopters and aircraft. Patria’s owners are the Finnish State and EADS, European Aerospace, Defence and Space Company.

Danish Aerotech specialises in the production and maintenance of mechanical, electrical and electronic parts and subassemblies for aircraft and helicopters, such as EH-101, Lynx, Sea King, AWACS, and F-16. It performs maintenance from line to depot level on aircraft such as the RDAF T-17 as well as Life Cycle Maintenance on missiles. Danish Aerotech also offers a modular solution to reconfiguration of transport aircraft.

Source: Patria