Novo navio «patrulha» dinamarquês

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Jorge Pereira

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Novo navio «patrulha» dinamarquês
« em: Outubro 28, 2006, 11:41:43 pm »
Navio patrulha? :arrow: Large and Powerful

With a displacement of an estimated 6,200 tons, the new patrol ships will have double the size of the last frigates in the RDN, the frigates of the PEDER SKRAM Class (1966-1990), and more than four times the size of the corvettes, which they are intended to replace.

The patrol ships are to be built at the Odense Steel Ship Yard at Lindoe, just like the command and support ships of the ABSALON Class.

They will use the same hull as the ABSALON Class, and the propulsion system will be almost the same, but with 4 main engines, giving the ship a maximum speed at around 28 knots.

The endurance will be 9,000 nautical miles at 15 knots, and the ship can hold the sea for around 30 days with-out additional supplies, increasing its ability during international operations.

 :arrow: Armament

The main weapons platform will be placed amidship, as on the command and support ship of the ABSALON Class. It will hold a number of flexible container positions for the standard versions of containerized Harpoon and SeaSparrow missiles.

The weapons platform will be slightly larger, as it should also hold the new Mk 41 Vertical Multi Missile Launcher planned for the new patrol ships, giving them primarily a heavily increased air defense capabilty.

The launcher has been chosen, but there has been no decission on the type or types og long range missiles.

Main artillery will initially be a Danish standard 76 mm Oto Melare in the A-position on the foredeck. This mount is prepared for the quick installation of the 127 mm (5").

In the B-position is a 76 mm in the Danish standard contanerized model, which makes it possible to quickly exchange the B-position with a 35 mm CIWS, depending on the task.

One 35 mm Millenium CIWS will be placed in a fixed mount on the top of the helicopter hangar, as is also the case on the ABSALON Class.

The patrol ships will also be equipped with MU90 anti submarine torpedoes, Stinger missiles for close-in air defense, and a number of 12,7 mm (cal. 50) heavy machine guns.

 :arrow: Helicopter Platform

The patrol ships will be the first dedicated combatants int the RDN being able to operate a helicopter from its helodeck aft. The ships will have a hangar that can house an Agusta-Bell EH-101 Merlin helicopter (Danish designation, EH-101 Joint Supporter).

The Royal Danish Air Force has already taken delivery of the first eight of a total of 14 new EH-101 helicopters. The first eight are primarily to be used for SAR (Search and Rescue) and the remaining six will be equipped for tactical troops transport.

The Danish Defense Plan 2005-2009 also included the acquiring of an addi-tional four helicopters in a maritime configuration for use on the command and support ships of the ABSALON Class and on the new patrol ships.

No final descission has been made on the type of naval helicopters, but due to standardization, it seems most likely that the maritime version of the EH-101 will be the choice for RDN.

 :arrow: Total Expenditures over 4,7 Billions

The total cost of the three new patrol ship will be in the surrounding of 4,7 billion Danish kroners (around US$ 800 millions), which include 435 million dkr. already spend on the pre planning, and the balance amount of 4,2 billions to be accepted by the Finance Committee.

The price tag does not include the future aquiring of long range air defense missiles  etc. This descission wil most likely be included in the upcoming Defense Agreement after 2010.

Should the RDN descide to equip the ships with a 127 mm (5") gun, due to a change in the operational pattern; such a descission would call for a new separate apporval.

Bearing in mind, that the expected lifetime of the new ships are expected to be around 30 years, the total costs seems reasonable, and far beyond those amounts used by other nations on new similar naval projects.

Helicopters for the patrol ships are not included, as these helicopters are a separate part of the Defense Plan, and this descission will be made during the upcoming year.



Um dos primeiros erros do mundo moderno é presumir, profunda e tacitamente, que as coisas passadas se tornaram impossíveis.

Gilbert Chesterton, in 'O Que Há de Errado com o Mundo'




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« Responder #1 em: Outubro 29, 2006, 02:46:44 am »
Não é esse "patrulha"* que é baseado no mesmo desenho e casco do LPD dinamarquês?

* Se não estiver a confundir com outro projecto dinamarquês, algum pessoal no designou este patrulha de fragata. :roll:

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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« Responder #2 em: Outubro 29, 2006, 03:31:09 pm »

Parece que estarán mejor armadas que las Absalon:




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« Responder #3 em: Outubro 31, 2006, 01:05:03 pm »
Citação de: "Get_It"
Não é esse "patrulha"* que é baseado no mesmo desenho e casco do LPD dinamarquês?

* Se não estiver a confundir com outro projecto dinamarquês, algum pessoal no designou este patrulha de fragata. :twisted:


Cabeça de Martelo

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« Responder #4 em: Outubro 31, 2006, 02:25:42 pm »
Já não é a 1ª vez que as Marinhas Europeias brincam com as designações dos seus Vasos de Guerra para que desta forma não chamarem muita atenção sobre si próprias. Desta forma podem fazer os seus projectos sem que as oposições dos respectivos governos levantem muitas questões. É uma questão do politicamente correcto...
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



Rui Elias

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« Responder #5 em: Outubro 31, 2006, 02:38:32 pm »

Não é esse "patrulha"* que é baseado no mesmo desenho e casco do LPD dinamarquês?

Sim, o desenho e o deslocamento é muito semelhante ao dos navios da classe Absalon, que são uma espécie de híbridos entre uma fragatas, com peça de artilharia, lançadores de mísseis e de torpedos e RoRo.  As 2 Absalon têm ainda a capacidade de transportar viaturas e até 350 homens para missões no exterior, ao contrário deste projecto de "patrulhas".

Só não têm doca inundável na ré, e por isso os Absalon não podem ser chamados de LPDD.

Talvez essa semelhança no desenho e estrutura explique a rapidez com que os dinamarqueses pretendem construir essas 3 fragatas grandes, a quem eles chamam Patrulhas, num prazo de 3 ou 4 anos.