Sukhoi T-50(PAK-FA)

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« Responder #30 em: Novembro 13, 2007, 08:11:35 pm »
Saudaçõea guerreiras

Citação de: "JLRC"
Citação de: "Leonidas"
 O melhor exemplo disso e caricato, para ser soft, foi o que se passou com uns hélis de origem indonésia que foram “arranjados” nas OGMA, estando Portugal em conflito aberto com a Indonésia por causa de questão de Olivença[/b].  

 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

É verdade, não se trata da questão de Olivença. Tratava-se da questão de Timor leste, por causa da invasão indonésia. Já fiz a correcção. Obrigado pelo alerta.




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Re: ????
« Responder #31 em: Novembro 14, 2007, 04:58:20 am »
Citação de: "zocuni"
Citação de: "Sintra"
Eu sou é do TSCDUADTDJ (Tipos Sem Cheta Depois Do Ultimo Aumento Das Taxas De Juros)...  :?:


 Descobriram a minha careca   c34x



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« Responder #32 em: Novembro 23, 2007, 11:22:43 am »
Segundo as informações oficiais o desenho final do projeto será finalizado no final de 2003, com o primeiro protótipo levantando vôo em 2006/7 sua entrada em serviço ficaria entre 2010-12.

PAK atrasado?
Um Forte Abraço.
André Finken Heinle
"Em condições normais, corro para vencer e venço. Em situações adversas, também posso vencer. E, mesmo em condições muito desfavoráveis, ainda sou páreo." (AYRTON SENNA)


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t 50
« Responder #33 em: Dezembro 25, 2007, 04:31:42 pm »

Aqui esta o que Brasil tem que fazer entra no consórcio entre Rússia índia e china na fabricação de um novo caça de 5º geração para o Brasil.
 Seja como for, o Brasil não irá a lugar algum apenas pensando em pequenas aquisições condicionadas a uma improvável e fantasiosa transferência de tecnologia. Somente alcançará seus objetivos se abrir os olhos para reais parcerias de desenvolvimento, caminhando aí sim para obter tecnologia própria no futuro.

Nesse espírito, o T-50 PAK FA é o caça de superioridade aérea de 5ª Geração da Sukhoi ideal para o NOVO FX BR. Trata-se do sonho dos pilotos militares de todo o mundo, pois é o sucessor natural da poderosa FAMÍLIA FLANKER.
Em 12 de dezembro de 2007, a revista ASAS publicou matéria afirmando que a Rússia teria oferecido ao Brasil a possibilidade de tornar-se parceiro do Programa PAK-FA.

Recentemente, a Índia assinou um protocolo com a Rússia, tornando-se a primeira parceira internacional do programa. A oferta teria ocorrido durante a visita de uma delegação governamental russa, ligada à indústria de Defesa ao Brasil, ocorrida 2 semanas antes.

Além de equipamentos militares diversos, as conversações teriam também incluído a possibilidade de compra do Sukhoi Su-35-1 e sua produção sob licença no Brasil, com amplos pacotes de transferência de tecnologia. Teria havido reuniões com autoridades civis e militares brasileiras em Brasília.
A torcida do DEFESA BR
é apenas por inteligência
e legitimidade da escolha !

Para esse aumento para 36 caças, existiriam 2 fatores : o Chávez e a desmilitarização do controle aéreo nacional.

O "Fator Chávez" mostrou à sociedade brasileira que ela não conta com Defesa à altura do País há décadas. Já a perda que a FAB teria de R$ 2 bilhões anuais sem o controle aéreo seria compensada com mais investimentos em defesa aérea, aliás, sua obrigação constitucional mais básica de todas.

Esse NOVO FX BR poderia ser bem superior, pois o FX original objetivava a montagem no Brasil sob licença, em uma fase seguinte, de 108 aeronaves de modelo já aperfeiçoado ao inicialmente escolhido, vindo a totalizar 120 aeronaves de interceptação.

Uma aquisição menor que essa não ensejará montagem local nem poderá contar com plena transferência de tecnologia. Mesmo 120 unidades produzidas aqui sob licença não garantirão transferência de tecnologia atualizada, isso é muito improvável de acontecer.

Nos ensina João Verdi que é preciso evitar essas famosas aquisições condicionadas à transferência de tecnologia, pois nenhuma empresa de Defesa do mundo irá transferir tecnologia atualizada e de ponta, para um País dito emergente. Um País que não investe em seu próprio PD&I não vai a lugar algum. Já as parcerias de desenvolvimento são bem vindas.


A preocupação do DEFESA BR em que a escolha fosse russa refere-se não somente à superioridade de seus meios aéreos de combate, mas ao contínuo oferecimento de transferência de tecnologia, que se trata da maior necessidade do Brasil nesse campo. Mas isso só virá com uma parceria mais profunda.

Entre os caças russos, poder-se-ia pensar no tão falado Su-35 e até mesmo no Su-47 Berkut, aquele de asas invertidas, antes conhecido como S-32 e depois S-37, mas este ficará mesmo na história como mero demonstrador de tecnologia.

Entretanto, no mundo real, o Su-35 deverá ter como sucessor tecnológico de 5ª Geração o PAK FA (2), ou T-50, que deverá entrar em operação na Rússia talvez em 2010. Trata-se do sucessor natural da FAMÍLIA FLANKER (um Berkut sem as asas invertidas).

Já a partir de 2010, o T-50 tornar-se-ia a opção ideal para o NOVO FX BR da FAB, que ainda sequer é oficial, porém já é bastante comentado e discutido.


Concepção artística do T-50 PAK FA.

Sabe-se que o PAK FA (Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsyi - Future Air Complex for Tactical Air Forces - Sistema Aéreo Futuro para Forças Aéreas Táticas - contrapartida do JSF) vem sendo desenvolvido desde 2002 pelo Bureau Sukhoi com estreita participação indiana. Deverá custar US$ 30 milhões a unidade.

O T-50 PAK FA será um puro caça furtivo multimissão de 5ª Geração, que  terá um ação de 1.200 km. Como caça médio de 20.000 kg, será capaz de operar em Navios-Aeródromos. Poderá ser superior ao F-35 Lightning II americano, o JSF, e pretende ser tão invisível quanto o F-22, com baixíssima Assinatura Radar, ou RCS.

O futuro caça PAK FA deveria usar 2 turbinas AL-41F, mas parece já contar com outro motor em avançado desenvolvimento, que é turbo jato 117C também da NPO-SATURN. Trata-se de uma modernização do motor AL-31F instalado nas versões anteriores das aeronaves Sukhoi Su-27 e Su-30.

O novo turbo jato combina a experiência com o AL-31F com novas tecnologias obtidas durante anos no desenvolvimento do motor AL-41F. Comparado com o AL-31F (de 12.410 kg de potência), o 117C tem sua potência aumentada em pouco mais de 2 ton para 14.500 kg, e incorpora uma entrada de ar maior, um sistema de vetoração de empuxo e um sistema de controle de vôo digital.

O pesado uso de compostos de carbono na estrutura do PAK FA permitirá que tenha peso reduzido. Espera-se que ele tenha melhor desempenho, com melhor aceleração, maior velocidade de cruzeiro e alcance. Os novos motores permitirão ao T-50 operar em pistas curtas, de 300 a 400 m de extensão.

Com o 117C, o PAK FA não precisará usar o pós-combustor para decolar, acelerar, subir e fazer curva e melhora a capacidade de supercruzeiro. Uma dupla de 117C dará ao T-50 velocidade supersônica de cruzeiro, sem uso de pós-combustão.

Os fabricantes já produziram cinco protótipos, que foram testados com sucesso em caças Su-27LL e Su-30. Baseado nos resultados desses testes, os projetistas melhoraram o fluxo de ar no motor e o sistema de controle. Acredita-se que o Su-35 também contará com os 117C.

Especula-se que possa haver 2 versões do PAK FA, uma pesada e outra média. A primeira teria 2 turbinas e pesaria 30.000 kg, para uso da Rússia, devido às suas elevadas dimensões continentais, mesmo caso de Brasil, China e Índia.

A outra versão contaria com somente 1 turbina e teria somente 20.000 kg, para exportação à maioria dos Países, de reduzidas dimensões geográficas.

O novo caça russo poderá realizar missões tanto táticas quanto estratégicas, percorrendo grandes distâncias a velocidade supersônica, e recebendo múltiplos REVOs em qualquer ponto da Terra. Será automatizado com novos sistemas inteligentes.


Mais um aconcepção artística do T-50 PAK FA.

De acordo com Felipe Salles : "para a indústria aeroespacial brasileira, que, por diversas razões perdeu o trem no caso dos aviões de caça europeus, esta pode ser uma oportunidade rara e muito interessante".

O T-50 ainda se encontra num estágio ainda bastante inicial, com muito trabalho restando ainda pela frente. A tecnologia desenvolvida para ele será no estado da arte, podendo servir como alavanca para nos capacitar nas próximas décadas para mantermos a liderança conquistada pelos eficientes EMB170/190 no mercado comercial civil.

A Embraer tem muitas habilidades técnicas que a distinguem e pavimentam seu caminho de sucesso até o ponto em que ela se encontra hoje. Uma destas, é justamente seu know-how de vendas e de suporte pós-vendas.

Imaginem um caça de 5ª Geração nascendo com encomendas de várias centenas de unidades já garantidas, unindo
       a alta tecnologia dos russos;

       o baixo custo industrial dos chineses;

       o domínio de software indiano; com

       a atenção a clientes alinhada com os melhores padrões
          de serviço da indústria ocidental, amplamente dominados
          pelos brasileiros.

Esta seria uma combinação inédita das melhores características de um grupo notável de Países chamados pelos analistas econômicos internacionais como BRICs (Brasil-Russia-Índia-China). A Índia já se associou ao projeto do T-50 no segundo semestre de 2007.

Eis uma janela única se abrindo à nossa frente, será que teremos habilidade para aproveitar ela? O tempo dirá."

Seria possível que o Brasil viesse a participar um dia no desenvolvimento do PAK FA devido ao acordo com os russos, que também abrange o desenvolvimento aeronáutico e aeroespacial (veja em ALIANÇAS). Com essa parceria, nosso PD&I só teria a ganhar.  

O Brasil não irá a lugar algum apenas pensando
em pequenas aquisições condicionadas à uma
improvável e fantasiosa transferência de
tecnologia. Somente alcançará seus objetivos
se abrir os olhos para reais parcerias de
desenvolvimento, caminhando aí sim
para obter tecnologia própria no futuro.





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« Responder #34 em: Dezembro 26, 2007, 09:31:15 pm »
hoje vi uma noticia na revista asas que a embraer e a avisbras estão se unido para fazer o Rafale francês  aqui no brasil sobre licensa da  Dassault. Sera que e bom para o brasil esta aeronave? :)  :roll:


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« Responder #35 em: Dezembro 27, 2007, 10:09:45 am »
Eu espero mesmo que o governo Brasileiro se decida, porque o vosso programa de reequipamento da FAB já começa a parecer com o nosso da Armada...já cheira mal! :oops:

Esperemos que as mentes "brilhantes" no planalto de Brasilia compreendam que um país como o Brasil não pode depender de meia dúzia de Mirages e F-5 para se defender.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



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« Responder #36 em: Dezembro 27, 2007, 11:29:03 am »
e verdade o brasil não pode depender de apenas os f5 eles são velhos e de geração passada, esperamos que seja breve a compra das novas geração de aeronaves que seja o rafale e melhor do que nada. :P



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« Responder #37 em: Dezembro 04, 2008, 05:00:23 am »
India, Russia to have different versions of same fighter plane
Sandeep Unnithan
New Delhi,  September 29, 2008

The Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) being jointly developed by India and Russia will look substantially different for the two countries. While the Russian version will be a single-pilot fighter, the Indian variant will have a twin-seat configuration based on its operational doctrine which calls for greater radius of combat operations.

"The Indian FGFA is significantly different from the Rusisan aircraft because a second pilot means the addition of another dimension, development of wings and control surfaces," said Ashok Baweja, chairman of the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), which is developing the aircraft alongwith Russia's Sukhoi design bureau.

Speaking to mediapersons at the eighth Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation (IRIGC), Baweja said that both sides had moved closer towards identifying the key areas of participation in the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Programme (FGFA) for which both countries had signed a joint agreement in 2007. India would bring into play its expertise in composites, lightweight high-strength materials that significantly bring down the weight of an aeronautical platform.

The Russian aircraft is thus called because it is a successor to virtually every fourth and 4.5 generation fighter aircraft like the MiG-29 and Su-30 MKI in the inventories of both countries. It has been dubbed the 'Raptorski' for its similarity to the US F-22 Raptor that entered squadron service this year.
PAK-FA 'T-50'

The first prototype of the Sukhoi Design Bureau's PAK-FA 'T-50' fighter aircraft is set to fly in Russia next year. "We are in the process of defining what part of the contract to give to the Indian production agencies,'' said Alexey Fedorov, president of the United Aircraft Corporation, the umbrella organization of Russian fixed-wing aircraft manufacturers. Fedorov said that the process of identifying the participation of Indian partners in the FGFA would be completed by the year-end or in the shortest possible time.

According to Baweja, it features stealth, or a drastic reduction in the aircraft's radar cross-section or 'signature', and the ability to 'super cruise' or jet engines that fly stealthily without engaging noisy afterburners even at supersonic speeds, embedded weapons with the capability to engage multiple ground, sea and air targets and seamless communication between the fighter, other aircraft and ground stations.

Baweja said that the first prototype of the FGFA was to fly next year with the ALF-31 FP engine. He said he would want an engine that had 15 to 20 per cent more growth than this engine in the final aircraft configuration. The FGFA is to enter squadron service by 2015 and will replace at least three classes of aircraft in the IAF.

The joint-venture borrows heavily from the success of the Brahmos project but seems fated to repeat its story. By the 1990s, Russia, the world's only operator of supersonic surface-to-surface missiles, had already perfected the Yakhont missile but lacked the funds to pursue its development. Indian stepped in with the finance in 1998 and the missile was re-launched as the Brahmos.

Designs for the PAK-FA have already been frozen by the Sukhoi design bureau, which means that Indian aircraft engineers have already missed out on the critical knowledge curve of aircraft design. Also, the unequal status of the Indian and Russian aviation industries means India will be the junior partner contributing very little except finance. "So if we have missed out on the design phase, we have to analyse the cost-benefits of acquiring only super cruise and stealth technology for $ 10 billion," asks Air Vice Marshal Kak. ... 4&Itemid=1




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« Responder #38 em: Janeiro 21, 2009, 08:40:15 pm »

Russia's next-generation warplane to make maiden flight in 2009

ASTRAKHAN, January 21 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's first fifth-generation warplane will make its maiden flight before the end of this year, the deputy prime minister in charge of arms procurement said on Wednesday.

"We expect the plane to take to the skies no later than the end of this year," Sergei Ivanov told a news conference after a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission.

Earlier plans set 2010 for the first tests of the new fighter, which will feature high maneuverability and stealth to ensure air superiority and precision in destroying ground and sea targets.

Russia's advanced multirole fighter is being developed by Sukhoi, which is part of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), along with India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), under a preliminary intergovernmental agreement signed in October 2007.

Russia and India will simultaneously develop two versions of the combat aircraft - a two-seat version to meet the requirements of India's air superiority doctrine, and a single-seat version for the Russian Air Force.

The Russian version will be built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft-manufacturing plant in Russia's Far East.

Ivanov said the plant had almost completed the construction of a first prototype of the fifth-generation fighter, but it will undergo only durability tests on the ground at a research facility in Zhukovsky near Moscow.

However, a second prototype will be built and will take to the skies by the end of this year, he said.

Ivanov also said on Wednesday that the aircraft manufacturing industry should review and adjust some testing programs and methods due to advanced nature of the new aircraft.



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Re: Sukhoi T-50
« Responder #39 em: Janeiro 27, 2010, 11:49:28 pm »
7/01/10, 17:10

The first-flight of PAK-FA will take place before the end of this week, a source from Komsomolsk-on-Amur reported to Interfax AVN on Wednesday.
"Taxi-trials have been successfully conducted and technically the aircraft is ready for flight testing- which will be held depending on the actual weather conditions during the next 2-3 days" the source said.

According to him, the first flight tests of PAK FA will be held at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association (KnAAPO) airfield.
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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Re: Sukhoi T-50
« Responder #40 em: Janeiro 28, 2010, 11:08:40 am »
Cá estaremos para ver. :G-beer2:



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Re: Sukhoi T-50
« Responder #41 em: Janeiro 28, 2010, 11:16:59 am »
Vôo adiado para sexta-feira devido ás condições metereológicas adversas
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Sukhoi T-50
« Responder #42 em: Janeiro 29, 2010, 08:27:44 am »

Sukhoi LAUNCHES Flight tests Prospective COMPLEX Frontal Aviation (PAK FA)

Moscow, January 29. Today in Komsomolsk - on - Amur hosted the first flight of an experienced aviation complex of the fifth generation. The plane was piloted honored test pilot Sergei Bogdan Russia. Prototype PAK FA spent 47 minutes in the air and landed on the runway of the factory airfield.

The flight was successful, in full accordance with the flight plan. "During the flight we had a primary assessment of controllability of the aircraft, engine and major systems, the aircraft made a full-time cleaning and landing gear. The aircraft proved itself well in all phases of our intended flight program. They easily and comfortably manage ", - said Sergey Bogdan.

Compared with previous generations of fighters, PAK FA has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of e-pilot, and promising radar with a phased antenna array. This significantly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks. On-board equipment of a new aircraft enables the exchange of data in real time as a land-management systems, and within the aviation group.

</span>The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility. </span>This allows you to significantly improve the combat effectiveness in the work, both by air and ground targets, at any time of day, in simple and adverse weather conditions.

"Today we started a program of flight tests of fifth generation fighter aircraft. This is a great success of Russia's science and engineering thought. For this achievement is worth more than a hundred co-operatives allied enterprises, our strategic partners. PAK FA program displays Russia's aircraft manufacturing and related industries on a qualitatively new technological level. These planes, along with modernized aviation system of the fourth generation will determine the potential of Russian military aircraft in the coming decades. The plans of the Company "Sukhoi" is included and further development of the Program PAK FA, on which we will work with Indian partners. I am confident that our joint project will surpass the Western counterparts by the criterion of cost-effectiveness and will not only strengthen the defensive power of the Air Force of Russia and India, but will take its place in the world market ", - said General Director of JSC" Sukhoi "Mikhail Pogosyan, </span>Commenting on the start of flight testing.

Summary of fifth generation fighter aircraft.

Compared with previous generations of fighters, the fifth generation has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of the e-pilot, and promising radar with a phased antenna array. </span>This significantly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks. On-board equipment of a new aircraft enables the exchange of data in real time as a land-management systems, and within the aviation group.

</span>The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility. </span>This allows you to significantly improve the combat effectiveness in the work, both by air and ground targets, at any time of day, in simple and adverse weather conditions. Low visibility, aircraft performance and maneuverability allow to minimize the threat to the pilot, at the expense of the fifth generation fighter aircraft have increased survivability in difficult combat conditions, with the active counter air defense systems. </span>Increased radius of combat use leads to greater autonomy of the fifth generation fighter aircraft in the implementation of the planned combat missions.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft will complement the fleet of modernized aircraft complexes of the fourth generation, as well as to replace the aging fleet of combat aircraft. In the long term availability of the fifth generation aircraft in service will allow customers to optimize and structure of the park, due to repeated increase combat effectiveness and capacity to address a broader range of tasks with a single plane.

</span>Program to create long-term aviation system of the fifth generation is a technological breakthrough in the domestic aircraft industry, which allows to maintain a stable leading position of Russia on the international market of combat aircraft. </span>In the world aviation there is a unique analogue of fifth generation fighter aircraft - is the F-35, a product of Lockheed Martin.

The plans of the Company "Sukhoi" is the further development of the Program to create a fifth generation fighter aircraft and the creation of modification of aircraft with Indian partners. The joint project will surpass the Western equivalent to the criterion of cost-effectiveness and will not only strengthen the defensive power of the Air Force of Russia and India, but will take a worthy place in the world market.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Sukhoi T-50
« Responder #43 em: Janeiro 29, 2010, 09:46:24 am »
Citação de: "P44"

Sukhoi LAUNCHES Flight tests Prospective COMPLEX Frontal Aviation (PAK FA)

Moscow, January 29. Today in Komsomolsk - on - Amur hosted the first flight of an experienced aviation complex of the fifth generation. The plane was piloted honored test pilot Sergei Bogdan Russia. Prototype PAK FA spent 47 minutes in the air and landed on the runway of the factory airfield.

The flight was successful, in full accordance with the flight plan. "During the flight we had a primary assessment of controllability of the aircraft, engine and major systems, the aircraft made a full-time cleaning and landing gear. The aircraft proved itself well in all phases of our intended flight program. They easily and comfortably manage ", - said Sergey Bogdan.

Compared with previous generations of fighters, PAK FA has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of e-pilot, and promising radar with a phased antenna array. This significantly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks. On-board equipment of a new aircraft enables the exchange of data in real time as a land-management systems, and within the aviation group.

</span>The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility. </span>This allows you to significantly improve the combat effectiveness in the work, both by air and ground targets, at any time of day, in simple and adverse weather conditions.

"Today we started a program of flight tests of fifth generation fighter aircraft. This is a great success of Russia's science and engineering thought. For this achievement is worth more than a hundred co-operatives allied enterprises, our strategic partners. PAK FA program displays Russia's aircraft manufacturing and related industries on a qualitatively new technological level. These planes, along with modernized aviation system of the fourth generation will determine the potential of Russian military aircraft in the coming decades. The plans of the Company "Sukhoi" is included and further development of the Program PAK FA, on which we will work with Indian partners. I am confident that our joint project will surpass the Western counterparts by the criterion of cost-effectiveness and will not only strengthen the defensive power of the Air Force of Russia and India, but will take its place in the world market ", - said General Director of JSC" Sukhoi "Mikhail Pogosyan, </span>Commenting on the start of flight testing.

Summary of fifth generation fighter aircraft.

Compared with previous generations of fighters, the fifth generation has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of the e-pilot, and promising radar with a phased antenna array. </span>This significantly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks. On-board equipment of a new aircraft enables the exchange of data in real time as a land-management systems, and within the aviation group.

</span>The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, measures to reduce the visibility of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility. </span>This allows you to significantly improve the combat effectiveness in the work, both by air and ground targets, at any time of day, in simple and adverse weather conditions. Low visibility, aircraft performance and maneuverability allow to minimize the threat to the pilot, at the expense of the fifth generation fighter aircraft have increased survivability in difficult combat conditions, with the active counter air defense systems. </span>Increased radius of combat use leads to greater autonomy of the fifth generation fighter aircraft in the implementation of the planned combat missions.

Fifth generation fighter aircraft will complement the fleet of modernized aircraft complexes of the fourth generation, as well as to replace the aging fleet of combat aircraft. In the long term availability of the fifth generation aircraft in service will allow customers to optimize and structure of the park, due to repeated increase combat effectiveness and capacity to address a broader range of tasks with a single plane.

</span>Program to create long-term aviation system of the fifth generation is a technological breakthrough in the domestic aircraft industry, which allows to maintain a stable leading position of Russia on the international market of combat aircraft. </span>In the world aviation there is a unique analogue of fifth generation fighter aircraft - is the F-35, a product of Lockheed Martin.

The plans of the Company "Sukhoi" is the further development of the Program to create a fifth generation fighter aircraft and the creation of modification of aircraft with Indian partners. The joint project will surpass the Western equivalent to the criterion of cost-effectiveness and will not only strengthen the defensive power of the Air Force of Russia and India, but will take a worthy place in the world market.

bonito avião!
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva


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Re: Sukhoi T-50
« Responder #44 em: Janeiro 29, 2010, 11:34:22 am »
Olha o F-22 made in Russia... :twisted:  :G-beer2:

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.