Notícias da Armada Espanhola

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Re: Os novos BAM.
« Responder #30 em: Dezembro 16, 2004, 12:23:29 pm »
Citação de: "ferrol"
Hola a todos:
Parece que a Armada confirmou hoxe a nova serie de Buques de Acción Marítima (BAM), para a loita contra a contaminación:

Inicialmente, la integrarán diez unidades, pero a éstas se le sumarán seis más antes del 2014. A partir de un esqueleto común, dos se adaptarán para tareas hidrográficas; otra, para labores de inteligencia; y una cuarta, como elemento de apoyo a operaciones bajo el agua. Las demás se dedicarán a contrarrestar las amenazas terroristas y los llamados riesgos no militares, o sea, la inmigración ilegal, el narcotráfico, las castástrofes ecológicas...

Por certo, un pdf cos datos máis sobresaíntes:

Sobre 2300Tons de media, 90 metros de eslora, e 25 nós de punta.
¿Armamento?Pois en principio, e segundo os debuxos, suponse que os OTO 76mm e algunha ametralladora do 12,7.

Un saúdo.

Ai seus Malvados, a copiar os nossos NPOs!!!!!! :mrgreen:
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas


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Re: No sé...
« Responder #31 em: Dezembro 16, 2004, 02:55:55 pm »
Ferrol dijo:

Bueno, yo creo que precisamente lo que necesita la Armada es un buque de porte medio polivalente que evite a las caras F´s acercarse a costas peligrosas en conflictos de baja intensidad (ya sabes a lo que me refiero) y que le den presencia suficiente en alta mar para vigilar la ZEE con garantías y porque no, atender a "guerras de fletan" y servir de plataforma para combatir la contaminación.

Desde mi punto de vista, no se trata de lo que necesita la Armada, sino de lo que necesita España. Y me da igual que lleven el gris Armada, el verde de la Guardia Civil o el azul del SVA. Se necesitan, y punto.

Precisamente estamos en un foro portugués, donde los primos están hablando de sus NPO, con usos similares. Casi todos los países del entorno tienen buques más o menos similares o piensan en tenerlos. Nosotros, responsables en parte de las aguas ibéricas, por las que pasan gran cantidad de buques basura y entran muchos ilegales, debemos poder responder a eso, y creo que los BAM lo harán bien.

No niego que se necesiten buques de ese tipo, pero... ¿16? ¿con ese desplazamiento y tamaño? ¿practicamente desarmados?

No sé, pero que sea la Armada la dedicada a detener el tráfico de inmigrantes me da mala espina, no es una tarea propia lo mires como lo mires. Otra cosa es que me digas que a algunos de esos barcos le quitarán el 76 mm y serán operados por la Guardia Civil, eso ya sería más aceptable.

Por cierto, ¿Tienes algún problema con escribir en gallego?Porque los primos seguro que te entienden mejor que en castellano.

Lamentablemente no estoy muy suelto con el gallego y escribirlo me lleva un tiempo y esfuerzo preciosos. Ojalá pudiese escribir en portugués, pero tampoco me atrevo a maltratar esa hermosa lengua. Si llegase el momento en que mis conocimientos de portugués fueran suficientes, que no les quepa duda a los foristas que me leerán en portugués.

Claro que eso no va a ser mañana  :D



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« Responder #32 em: Dezembro 16, 2004, 03:03:24 pm »
Mas infelizmente o nosso NPO não tem hangar  :oops:



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« Responder #33 em: Dezembro 16, 2004, 03:20:52 pm »
E é um bocadito mais pequeno, e vai ser mais lento... Mas nós começamos primeiro! :) Mas parece que os navios espanhóis vão ter umas linhas bastante modernas, com formas angulares, não o desenho "traineira cinzenta" que todos conhecemos para o NPO2000.
Ai que eco que há aqui!
Que eco é?
É o eco que há cá.
Há cá eco, é?!
Há cá eco, há.



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« Responder #34 em: Dezembro 17, 2004, 11:51:04 am »
Citação de: "emarques"
E é um bocadito mais pequeno, e vai ser mais lento... Mas nós começamos primeiro! :) Mas parece que os navios espanhóis vão ter umas linhas bastante modernas, com formas angulares, não o desenho "traineira cinzenta" que todos conhecemos para o NPO2000.

Mas os nossos podiamos pintar de azul, por umas redes á ré e dar-lhes nomes assim tipo "Maria do Meu coração", com registo em Peniche... 8)
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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« Responder #35 em: Dezembro 29, 2004, 01:44:16 pm »
Izar Signs Agreement for Financing of the Combat Resupply Ship Program
(Source: IZAR; dated Dec. 23, web-posted Dec. 27, 2004)
 (Issued in Spanish; unofficial translation by
 The President of IZAR, D.J. Pedro Gomez Jaen, today signed with the Ministry of Finance an agreement for the financing of the “Buque de Aprovisionamiento de Combate” combat resupply ship program, which includes the detailed design and the construction of the ship.  
The value of today’s agreement is 35 million euros.  
The executive order launching the project should be signed during the first quarter of 2005, allowing the first metal to be cut on the ship by June. Construction of this ship, a first for the Astillero Real shipyards since its transfer to the military company, will require 42 months. The delivery of the ship is planned for mid-2009.  
This new vessel will substantially increase the Spanish navy’s logistic support capabilities, while meeting and incorporating all environmental requirements, including a double hull.  
The main mission of this ship is the delivery, at sea, of fuel, water, food, supplies and ammunition to the ships of the naval strike group.  



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« Responder #36 em: Janeiro 14, 2005, 11:26:37 pm »
Bono Presides Over the Delivery of the Minesweeper "Tajo" in Cartagena  
(Source: IZAR; dated Jan. 10, web-posted Jan. 12, 2005)

(Issued in Spanish only; unofficial translation by
 CARTAGENA, Spain --- The Spanish Minister of Defense, Jose Bono, presided on January 10 the ceremony marking the delivery of the minesweeper M36 "Tajo," sixth and last of the “Segura” class built in the Cartagena shipyard, to the Spanish Navy.  
In addition to Don Juan de Borbón, the event was also attended by the armed forces chief of staff, Admiral Sebastián Zaragoza; the Government representative to the Community of Murcia, González Angel Hernandez; and the Mayoress of Cartagena, Barreiro Pillar, as well as other civilian and military authorities.  
After the signature of the act of delivery by the Director of the shipyard, Javier Cabins, and the Arsenal chief, Admiral Rafael Martín, the ship's first commander, Lieutenant Commander Manuel Aguirre, received the flag from the Minister of Defense.  
The minesweeper "Tajo" is equipped with most modern means of detection and destruction of all type of marine mines. The minesweepers of the "Segura" class have been constructed with non-magnetic materials to avoid the action of magnetic mines. In this case, polyester reinforced with fiber glass was used for the hull, and materials such as stainless steel and aluminum and copper alloys for other parts and accessories.  
The engines are the only parts that can attract magnetic mines, but the design of the ship makes it easy for them to be extracted for periodic degaussing.  
The mission of the six minesweepers of this class ("Segura", "Sella", "Tambre", "Turia", "Duero" and "Tajo") is to maintain accesses to ports, naval bases and coastal navigation zones free of mines.  



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« Responder #37 em: Março 02, 2005, 03:47:00 pm »
De visita a Leixoes
El portaaviones Príncipe de Asturias inicia esta semana un periodo de adiestramiento en la mar cuyo objetivo es calificar a pilotos de aeronaves de la Armada y llevar a cabo instrucción de Seguridad Interior.[...]
Los ejercicios con la Unidad Aérea Embarcada se llevarán a cabo en aguas del Golfo de Cádiz desde hoy martes hasta el viernes, día en que el «Príncipe de Asturias» hará escala en Porto.

Haber si algún alma caritativa pode sacar unhas fotos. Gracias anticipadas.
Tu régere Imperio fluctus, Hispane memento
"Acuérdate España que tú registe el Imperio de los mares”



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« Responder #38 em: Março 02, 2005, 07:44:05 pm »
Caro Ferrol, se o tempo colaborar, pode contar com as fotos de Leixões.  :wink:
Um abraço,

André Carvalho



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Moitas gracias.
« Responder #39 em: Março 02, 2005, 07:50:43 pm »
Pois moitas gracias, amigo snakeye25. Seguro que habemos de disfrutar delas.
Tu régere Imperio fluctus, Hispane memento
"Acuérdate España que tú registe el Imperio de los mares”



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« Responder #40 em: Março 03, 2005, 06:18:04 pm »
Lamentavelmente, segundo a APDL o navio não vai estar aberto a visitas.  :(
Um abraço,

André Carvalho



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« Responder #41 em: Março 04, 2005, 01:51:28 pm »
Chegou esta manhã, dando entrada no porto de Leixões pelas 9h40, precedido pela fragata Asturias (classe Baleares).

Apresenta-se com um complemento no convés de 5 Harrier II, 1 Sea King e 1 AB212.  8)

Mais tarde conto ter as fotos disponíveis. Infelizmente as condições não são as melhores, visto que a segurança do porto não permite fotos no interior, e os navios não estão abertos a visitas.
Um abraço,

André Carvalho



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« Responder #42 em: Março 04, 2005, 03:17:54 pm »
Non se preocupe, amigo snakeye. Nestas cousas, nós os afeccionados sabemos que o importante é a intención, así que aínda que non saian moi de preto ou perfectamente enfocadas, vostede colóqueas que de seguro as saberemos disfrutar.

Unha aperta e gracias de novo, snakeye25.
Tu régere Imperio fluctus, Hispane memento
"Acuérdate España que tú registe el Imperio de los mares”



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« Responder #43 em: Maio 23, 2005, 10:38:08 pm »
New Modernization Programs of the Armed Forces: 2.5 billion euros to Support Naval And Aeronautical Sectors
(Source: Spanish Council of Ministers; issued May 20, 2005)

(Issued in Spanish only; unofficial translation by
 MADRID --- The Cabinet has approved the development of four new modernization programs for the Armed Forces funded under the 2005 budget and authorized immediately.  
The programs include the F-100 Frigate (one ship), the Naval Operations Vessels (1st batch of four ships), NH90 medium helicopters (1st phase with 45 helicopters) and short-range missiles for the ground forces and the Marines.  
These are four programs of great importance from the operational point of view, for the necessary modernization of the armed forces, allowing them to fulfill their permanent national missions and carry out the international commitments of Spain. In addition, the four approved programs have a high technological and industrial interest that will allow the consolidation of strategic sectors of the Spanish industry.  
The programs, with a total cost of 2,500 million euros, will generate significant work for the naval, aeronautical and electronic sectors, generating 1,500 direct jobs and 1,600 indirect ones and very significantly impelling the activities of the Navantia shipyards and creating a true helicopter industry in Spain.  
--Naval Programs:  
Both naval programs ensure workload for the Navantia shipyards at Ferrol, with 500 jobs for period 2006-2011, and at Cadiz, with 400 jobs for period 2006-2010.  
The contracts cover the construction of the lead ship of a new class of ocean-going patrol ships, which are very necessary for countries having extended coastlines, and which should create significant interest on the export market.  
The design of the new platform could be used to meet other existing and future requirements of the Navy, such as intelligence-gathering, hydrography, diver support and mine countermeasures.  
With these contracts and the institutional support and the orders already skilled, Defense guarantees the workload portfolio Navatia and, by extension, of their subcontractors.  
The construction of a fifth F-100 frigate and the four naval operations ships is made necessary by the end of the operational life of the Balearic-class frigates, scheduled for 2010, by the need to maintain the capability to escort the naval battle group, and by the requirement to carry out complex missions in Exclusive the Economic Zone and on the high seas in actions against the drug trafficking, the fight against the terrorism, anti-pollution and similar missions.  
--NH90 Helicopter Program  
In the field of helicopters, launch of the first phase of the NH-90 procurement will allow the consolidation of a national industry (Eurocopter Spain) that will create 600 new jobs in series production.  
The acquisition of the NH-90 by the Ministry of Defense will have a very significant effect on the national and international markets.  
The armed forces’ current medium transport helicopters are considered obsolete, because some models even date from the 1960s, and the acquisition of a new multipurpose model is necessary to ensure that the fleet remains up to date.  
-- The short-range missile program will support 60 jobs over six years, will allow to specialize in state-of-the-art technology some manufacturing plants that are producing older conventional products for which future demand will be progressively reduced.  
The present short-range missiles in service with the army and the marine infantry must be replaced before the end of their service life. Companies directly involved will be informed of the detailed industrial plans corresponding to each program, since, in addition to the main contractors, many other companies will benefit.  



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« Responder #44 em: Junho 08, 2005, 03:31:36 pm »
Navantia Starts Construction of Strategic Projection Ship
(Source: Navantia (formerly IZAR; dated May 25, web-posted June 6, 2005) (edited for clarity)
 On 20th May, Navantia started the construction of the Strategic Projection Ship (LHD), in the Ferrol-Fene shipyard. The ship, the biggest of the Spanish Navy will be launched in November 2007 and will be commissioned in December 2008.  
The ship missions are to allow the strategic projection of Marines and ARMY forces with respect to their own action roles and to serve as eventual aircraft carrier to support aviation embarked forces, as well as humanitarian missions. These missions require a multipurpose ship, the vessel should be able to operate in the above-mentioned missions but not necessarily in a simultaneous mode.  
The ship is a mono-hull type with the superstructure at starboard side, is built in steel, and shall include the space needed to transport personnel and equipment.  
The vessel has a dock located aft, and forward from that are arranged the heavy vehicles and/or cargo garage. The main accommodation deck (damage control deck) is located above the dock and the heavy vehicles and/or cargo garage and it includes cabins, toilets, medical spaces, galley and pantries, offices, mess rooms and recreation rooms.  
The hangar for aircraft (airplanes and helicopters) is located aft, above the main accommodation deck, and forward from that is located the storage space for light vehicles or cargo.  
The ship has accommodation capacity for 243 persons from the ship’s crew; 103 persons from the general staff; 172 persons of the shipboard flight unit; 23 persons of the naval landing group, and 902 embarked landing troops.  
About 20% of on-board space by category (lodgings and specific sanitary services) will be reserved for female personnel.  