Afeganistão: diversos

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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #660 em: Agosto 18, 2021, 11:00:20 pm »
A respeito das forças especiais afegãs não quererem se render e de se os afegãs quererem ou não lutar, este vídeo aborda um bocado disso:

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #661 em: Agosto 19, 2021, 11:36:31 am »
No que diz respeito ao colapso do exército afegão. Achei interessante este ponto de vista do Gen. Michael Nagata, de como os americanos, e ocidentais no geral, não são muito bons a treinar exércitos de determinados países/culturas.

General Michael Nagata, the former commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, “We don’t have to teach American soldiers to obey the law, not to take bribes, to respect human rights; they come into our force having internalized those things already.” We try to create militaries in our image, and that’s often not congruent with the political and social circumstances in which those forces are operating.

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #662 em: Agosto 19, 2021, 03:49:25 pm »
Talibãs declaram Emirado Islâmico do Afeganistão e mudam símbolos. Conheça a nova bandeira

Os talibãs anunciaram oficialmente esta quinta-feira uma mudança no nome e na bandeira do Afeganistão, na sequência da tomada do país que começou no passado domingo.

Numa publicação na rede social Twitter, o porta-voz dos talibãs, Zabihullah Mujahid, declarou hoje o “Emirado Islâmico do Afeganistão”, substituindo assim o nome do país no 102º aniversário da independência do domínio britânico.Para além disso, o responsável apresentou também uma nova bandeira, onde é visível a alteração do símbolo anterior e do brasão de armas, que vão passar a figurar na bandeira país.

Esta não é a primeira vez que este nome é utilizado. Já entre 1996 e 2001, os talibãs tinham denominado o país de Emirado Islâmico do Afeganistão.

Recorde-se que Cabul foi tomada no domingo pelas forças talibãs, na sequência de uma campanha militar incrementada desde o passado mês de maio, altura em que os militares norte-americanos começaram a retirada final do Afeganistão.

Os talibãs tomaram o controlo da cidade, depois de terem entrado sem encontrar resistência, com quase todas as províncias debaixo do seu domínio.

“O Emirado Islâmico [como os Talibãs se autodenominam] deu ordens aos seus mujahideen e mais uma vez reitera que ninguém pode entrar em casa de ninguém sem autorização. A vida, a propriedade e a honra não serão prejudicadas”, escreveu na rede social ‘Twitter’ o porta-voz talibã, Suhail Saheen.

Os meios de comunicação locais relataram imagens dramáticas de milhares de pessoas no aeroporto de Cabul a tentar fugir do país, apesar do cancelamento da maioria dos voos comerciais e das restrições.

Esta quinta-feira um militar britânico deu conta do desespero de algumas mulheres afegãs, que atiraram os seus bebés a militares estrangeiros, junto ao aeroporto, de forma a salvá-los dos talibãs.

“As mães estavam desesperadas e a ser espancadas pelos talibãs. Só gritaram, ‘salve o meu bebé’ e atiraram-nos as crianças, algumas caíram no arame farpado. Foi horrível o que aconteceu. No final da noite, não havia nenhum dos nossos homens que não estivesse a chorar”, disse um militar britânico ao ‘The Independent’.

As cenas de violência brutal desenrolaram-se numa das rotas para o lado militar do aeroporto de Cabul, capital afegã, onde milhares de pessoas, ameaçadas pelos jihadistas, estão a ser transportadas de helicóptero pelos Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e outros governos estrangeiros.
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #664 em: Agosto 19, 2021, 05:24:14 pm »
Panshir volta a ser o bastião da resistência




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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #665 em: Agosto 19, 2021, 07:42:43 pm »
Dozens of Afghan Air Force aircraft flown out of Afghanistan

More than 40 Afghan Air Force (AAF) aircraft have been flown to Uzbekistan to prevent them from falling in the hands of the Taliban after the group regain control over Afghanistan on 15 August.

The arrival of the platforms at Termez Airport in southern Uzbekistan was reported by local media on 16 August, with commercial satellite imagery of the site subsequently confirming the relocation of a significant part of the AAF's fleet. Nearly 600 Afghans were reported as being aboard the aircraft and to be seeking asylum in Uzbekistan.

An Afghan Air Force (AAF) A-29B Super Tucano light attack aircraft. More than 40 AAF aircraft have been flown to Uzbekistan to prevent them from falling in the hands of the Taliban after the group regain control over Afghanistan on 15 August. (USAF 438th Air Expeditionary Wing)

Satellite imagery from Planet Labs appeared to indicate that about 26 helicopters and 21 small, fixed-wing aircraft were at Termez on 16 August: 11 C-208 utility aircraft and 10 A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft, along with up to 16 Mi-17, five Mi-25, and five UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. Social media imagery posted on 17 August appeared to confirm that at least three UH-60s were at Termez.

A day earlier, open-source aircraft tracking websites had indicated more than 10 Afghan aircraft including C-208s and Mi-17s had left Kabul heading into Uzbek airspace.

Local media reported on 15 August that one A-29 had been shot down by Uzbek air defence forces, although subsequent reports suggested it collided in mid-air with an Uzbek MiG-29s, with images emerging online showing the wreckage of the aircraft.

« Última modificação: Agosto 19, 2021, 07:44:26 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #666 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 03:12:31 am »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #668 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 05:44:14 am »
Sobre os depósitos minerais do Afeganistão também há este.

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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #669 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 08:43:10 am »
Da Toranja Mecânica...

O op-ed que foi hoje publicado por Brett Sinclair na RT, é absolutamente devastador e expõe a fundo os motivos pelos quais tantos ocidentais estão felizes com a derrota dos EUA/NATO no Afeganistão e cada vez sentem mais simpatia pelos Talibã:

«However, how can a Westerner like me feel sympathy for the Taliban? Believe it or not, there are many who view the recent dramatic turn of events with an observer's dark joy. Those who are tired of seeing their own culture and religion eroded from within, and who feel a kind of secret relief at seeing someone successfully resist globalism, feminism, LGBTQ+ and critical race theory (CRT) ideology. They can see that their society has been turned into something dark by a manufactured value-system, promulgated by political elites and the money-power behind them.

When you are robbed of national pride, have no faith in your leaders, have no control over citywide riots or crime epidemics, and when the cornerstone of civilization itself (the family) is degraded by your own government, then you cannot so easily root for the home team in foreign engagements.

Even those who do ‘root’ for continued American forever-wars do not do so with the US itself in mind, so much as the expansion of vague globalist values. They show allegiance to an abstract concept of democracy which they feel they themselves represent, so much so that the democratic choices of nations they dominate do not count unless first approved by them. They speak in buzzwords like ‘inclusivity’ and ‘intersectionality’ and believe they are forever on the side of good. They have no apparent grasp or care for causality, let alone reality.

For those who have lost faith in this approach and in the Western elites, and who have no power to change things, there are no options that remain apart from taking joy at their misguided failures.

Who, in truth, can support a system that creates foreign wars without end or purpose (apart from destabilization), on the supposed behalf of other foreign nations but really in the interests of global finance or in the runaway scheming of a neocon military-industrial complex. A system that seeks only get-rich schemes for its own elites, or the market manipulations of Wall Street, or the destabilizing economy-gambling of men like George Soros.

America’s losses are mounting both home and abroad, and, as its grip on international hegemony falters, no effort is being made to heal bitter bipartisan domestic wounds.

The world tires of endlessly multiplying victimhood flags (rainbow and Black Lives Matter) that hang outside US embassies, as a warning to disbelievers. Yet the American elite seems only faintly aware of the loss of trust they have suffered in the wake of this incessantly delusional decision-making, which, in Afghanistan alone, has resulted in over 100,000 deaths. And to what end?

Already, there are policy pronouncements in Kabul that sound more adroit and well-considered than anything under the US occupation. A Taliban spokesman has declared that the country would“no longer be a hub for poppy cultivation and the drug business.”

Ironically, America itself, suffering from a domestic opioid crisis it would rather ignore than tackle, might benefit the most from this. Western mainstream journalists, who convey only the narrative of the political elite, have zero self-awareness when bringing up concerns over ‘freedom of speech’ to the Taliban spokesman, who very easily replied that the question should be asked of US companies like Facebook.

The Taliban may be extreme, indeed it has promised strict action against bankers and financial workers, gay activists, feminists and journalists, but it represents the polar opposite to the Orwellian neoliberalism which rules ‘permissible’ Western thought.

This tyrannical Big Brother works in the opposite direction, on the behalf of radical feminists, the transgender lobby and elite bankers, and with its own extreme zeal. American liberals cannot even conceive that their rainbow-flag, junk-consumerist ideology comes, as much as any other, at the point of a gun. Nor can they conceive that anyone would reject their wokeness and the culture that goes with it (you mean you aren’t hypnotized by Lizzo, ‘Cuties’ and ‘Love Island’?)

The Afghans have chosen: they have rejected Western liberalism and American consumerism. They wish to live by Sharia law. And given the choice, who can blame them?»

A actual ordem "liberal" e "democrática" do Ocidente, que anda a tentar impor ao Mundo as suas ideias depravadas sobre ideologias de género, paradas gays, feminismo, direitos LGBT e aberrações intelectuais como a assim-chamada "teoria critica da raça", tem cada vez mais os dias contados.

O Ocidente, hoje, transformou-se numa distopia que nada tem de verdadeiramente "democrático" e muito menos de "liberal". A forma fanática como os dissidentes do sistema instalado são perseguidos, difamados, censurados e ostracizados pelos guerreiros woke nas redes sociais, é a maior prova da grave doença que está gradualmente a corroer todos os aliceres morais, espirituais e culturais do Ocidente. É precisamente contra esta podridão, contra esta anti-Civilização, que os Talibã lutaram com tremendo sucesso no Afeganistão. Agora a China, a Rússia e o Irão, têm uma clara responsabilidade colectiva no sentido de conseguir comunicar positivamente com os Talibã e garantir assim que os mesmos passam para o lado do bem, de uma vez por todas.

P.S. - No momento em que escrevo estas palavras, acabo de saber que o chefe da diplomacia da UE, o senhor Josep Borrell, quer controlar a influência russa e chinesa no Afeganistão. Segundo o senhor Borrell, a UE não pode "deixar os russos e os chineses assumirem o controle da situação". Alguém que faça o favor de informar o senhor Borrell, de que a Rússia e a China estão-se redondamente nas tintas para a UE e as opiniões dos degenerados morais que mandam na mesma. Os tempos em que o Mundo andava a reboque daquilo que os EUA/NATO e a UE ditavam, acabaram de uma vez por todas.
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #670 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 10:20:48 am »
Afinal parece que há outros...
E no fim fica a ideia que talvez se  tenha apostado no cavalo errado.
João Pereira



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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #671 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 01:51:21 pm »
Brief summary of the air-bridge.

To start with, right now there's no flight control over Afghanistan: flight-crews are "de-conflicting" each other through mutual communication.
The situation at the Hamid Karzai International ("Kabul IAP", for simplicity's sake) is reported as between "volatile", "chaotic" and "tense", depending on the source.
All the European-NATO-patners are complaining that the Americans are determining who is permitted to board the aircrafts, who to land and who to take-off - entirely at their own discretion. If anything is not to their wish, they're shutting down the entire operation. This is regularly resulting in other (than American) aircraft flying out half-empty.
Similarly, the Americans are insisting on being the only ones to have a contact to the Taliban. NATO is zip lip on this, the EU is now trying to open its own communication link (I'm sure that Doha will be curious to help...).
There are reports about multiple Taliban teams moving among the masses of people at the airport, searching for members of the armed forces and for "Afghans" that used to work with the USA and NATO: they are threatening to open fire if the people wouldn't reveal such persons - which in turn is making the Americans ever more nervous. It remains "unclear" what subsequently happens to whoever is caught.

Anyway, as far as we know, the following contingents are involved:

- 400-500 commandos of the ("former") National Directorate of Security, plus scattered ANA troops are helping US and other foreign troops in controlling the perimeter and overseeing the evacuation. The Pentagon was quick to agree with them, that they're going to act as a rear-guard and be the last flown out.

- 1 or 2 C-130Js are used to evacuate Danes and eligible Afghans (including their families) to Islamabad; from there they're flown to Denmark by chartered civilian airliners.
- A company-sized element of the ARmy SOF (Jaegerkorpset) is involved, too.

- at least one A.400M and one C-130H-30 are flying people out to Dhafra AB, in the UAE: from there, A.330s of the AdA are flying people to France.

- A.400Ms of the Luftwaffe; don't know how many, but between 18 August and yesterday afternoon, they've evacuated 1,150 people - all to Tashkent in Uzbekistan. A single A.400M flew out 230 people, yesterday. It was followed by two additional A.400s, which managed to evacuate 800.
- Germans have meanwhile deployed a team of the KSK to Kabul, to help with evacuation and "vetting".
- Germans also recently deployed two H.145M helicopters to Kabul IAP: these are planned to be used for picking evacuees that can't reach the airport...

Great Britain
- It might be easier to get a spoon full of snake's sweat than precise info in this regards. Essentially, London claimed the evacuation would be running "at full speed" already two days ago, and it intends to evacuate 6,000-7,000 British nationals and eligible Afghan staff.
- involved British troops seem to be from the 16th Air Assault Brigade. RAF is probably involved with Globemaster and Hercules transports...
- Aid workers are excluded, just like about 125 Afghan guards of the UK Embassy: the latter were hired by a private contractor, and thus are not eligible for evacuation.

- 4 C-130Js are used to evacuate people to Kuwait. From there, 3 KC-767 are flying people out to Italy.
- Italians have a small team of the Tuscania Airborne Regiment (Gendarmerie) at Kabul IAP.
- Italian gov is planning to evacuate 2,500 Afghans that used to work for it.

- at least two C-130H-30s (for example: 1 C-130 flew out 69 Germans and 9 Dutch yesterday; the other suffered some kind of technical issue).
- The Dutch are planning to increase the tempo to three C-130-flights a day, today.

- 1 flight to Islamabad (Pakistan) - by C-130 - evacuating 2 Romanians, 1 British, 1 Bulgarian, and 1 US citizen.
- 14 Romanians waiting to be evacuated yet.
- C-27J available to support if necessary.

- At least two A.400Ms were involved the last two days; the number should be increased to 4 today. They're evacuating to Dubai, UAE. An airborne ambulance (unclear if A.320 or Dassault Mystere) is waiting for permission to fly to Kabul.
- Spain has two teams deployed at Kabul IAP: a squadron of EZAPAC, the other is the GEO of the CNP at Kabul IAP. The latter are civilians, no military personnel: well-armed for anti-terrorist and security operations, but not trained for "combat", actually. Both were deployed to secure the perimeter (especially the runway).
- Spanish MOD claimed no Spaniards are left in Afghanistan, but this turned out to be wrong when the former Spanish ambassador (sacked on 3 August, but still waiting for replacement) turned out to still be there and organising the evacuation of remaining Spaniards and Afghan co-workers. Meanwhile Spanish president Sanchez continues his vacation at Canary Islands.
- So far, it seems the Taliban denied access to the "Afghan" translators that used to work for the Spanish government and army.
- Thus, the CNP GEO team drove out of the airport (in borrowed vehicles) and picked up a group of Afghans that used to work for Spaniards. These were flown out by a Spanish A.400M, late in the evening: total of 48. Another flight then evacuated about 100.

- A.400Ms are flying in and out, but I can't find any precise info, right now.
- Turkish Army has a total of 650 troops drawn from the 2 Bolu Commando Brigade and 5 Hakkari Brigade, reinforced by 200 Azerbaijani Army troops, deployed for protection of the Kabul IAP's perimeter.

- The Pentagon has declared this a "non-combat evacuation operation".
- since 14 August, the Pentagon claims to have evacuated 9,000.
- involved aircraft: lots of C-17As (about 20 flights are undertaken a day), no clear info, but most of ground troops seem to be from the 10th Mountain Division, US Army.
- There are certainly diverse special forces assets around: their presence is confirmed by activities of MH-60M Black Hawk, MH-47G Chinook, and AH/MH-6 Little Bird helicopters - mostly from the 160th SO Aviation Regiment, US Army.
- what's sure is that the PMC contracted to support the State Department has abandoned all seven of CH-46E Sea Knights it used to operate in Afghanistan. These included the one with the registration 154038/N38TU, which - while still operated by the USMC - was involved in the Operation Frequent Wind (Saigon, 1975).
- HH-60Ls operated by the same "wing" of the State Department have all been withdrawn.
- There are considerations of the USA securing the (abandoned) Baghram AB, north of Kabul, to enable more people to be flown out - but there's definitely no "political will" to do so.
- F/A-18E/Fs from USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) are flying top cover (via Pakistan).

As far as I was able to collect info, since Sunday, 15 August, at least 12 people were killed at the Kabul IAP. Some while falling off the aircraft after take-off, others by US, Turkish and other troops deployed there.
Overall number of evacuated so far: 18,000 (as of the last night).

I'm very, very, surprised: nobody is evacuating expats and Afghans via Qatar.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #672 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 05:12:41 pm »
Este já sabia o caminho de uma evacuação anterior.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

"This SeaKnight helicopter (154038) has participated in the evacuations of Saigon and now Kabul. It’s now left in Afghanistan and been disabled"

Até um S61.  :-P :-P


P.S.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #673 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 06:50:20 pm »
Os Seaknight pertenciam a uma empresa, pelo que li no

Eram 5 no total, nos quais se contava o veterano de Saigão
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Afeganistão: diversos
« Responder #674 em: Agosto 20, 2021, 08:04:56 pm »
Parece que sempre foi verdade o voo do C-17 com 823 pessoas a bordo, só que 183 eram crianças que iam ao colo...