Soldado do Futuro

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« Responder #75 em: Setembro 12, 2008, 04:22:42 pm »
ok... mas como é que a bala/projectil pode ser teleguiada?? Se não tem sistema de propulsão próprio após sair do cano da arma... as estrias do cano, normalmente dextrossum, é que lhe dão o efeito que lhe permite a direcção... além de que 15mm é um calibre anti-carro, se o .50 é 12,7mm... 15mm é um abuso.
Como é que uma arma que disparará projectéis de 15mm pode ser ultraleve?? e qual o tamanho do cano? Se querem adoptar o principio dos misseis e das bombas guiadas por laser... estão a esquecer uma coisa básica a dita arma é para tiro tenso, no terreno, as bombas são lançadas em altitude e caem... e o texto... "miniturização" ou miniaturização.
Na parte do fato com camuflagem devem ter andado a ver o "Predador".
Um abraço



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« Responder #76 em: Setembro 14, 2008, 11:38:30 am »
Raphael :roll:
"Aqui na Lusitanea existe um povo que não se governa nem se deixa governar" voz corrente entre os Romanos do Séc. I a.C



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« Responder #77 em: Setembro 14, 2008, 01:19:22 pm »
Entretanto, o concurso da G3 parece estar no limbo...

Fazer futurologia quando a realidade presente é o que é parece ser um exercício, no mí "estranho".
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...



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« Responder #78 em: Novembro 10, 2008, 12:01:15 pm »
Daquilo que vi era parecido com este ... felin.html
« Última modificação: Novembro 10, 2008, 12:08:21 pm por HSMW »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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« Responder #79 em: Novembro 10, 2008, 12:04:56 pm »
Eu não vi o projecto, mas pelos imagens do link que puseste isso é muito à frente
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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« Responder #80 em: Novembro 10, 2008, 12:12:20 pm »
Mas também disse "parecido", antes fosse igual a este FELIN...  :cry:

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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« Responder #81 em: Dezembro 16, 2008, 06:41:10 pm »
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

Brig. Gen. R. Mark Brown, Program Executive Officer Soldier agreed to release a June 2006 test results rebuffing claims that commercially available body armor is supperior to the Interceptor Body Armor the Army issues to warfighters. Gen. Brown said the Army had been reluctant to release test results that could inform the enemy of U.S. capabilities. "Right now, we believe it's critical that our Soldiers have confidence in their equipment and that their families know force protection is the Army's number one priority," Brown said. (more...)

Driving the decision to release May 2006 test data is an assertion by Pinnacle Armor Inc. of unfair treatment. The issue surfaced again in this week's investigative report aired by NBC. Pinnacle, based in Fresno, Calif., is the manufacturer of Dragon Skin SOV3000 body armor, which Brown said failed "catastrophically" when it was tested by HB White Labs in Street, Md., one of two labs in the nation certified by the National Institute of Justice. "It failed to stop 13 of 48 [first- or second-round] test shots," Brown said of the testing at H.P. White. "The CEO and vice president of Pinnacle witnessed it. One bullet penetration is cause for failure to meet the Army's standard."

According to Gen. Brown, Pinnacle's Dragon Skin SOV3000 body armor was subject to the same fair and independent testing, in a variety of environmental conditions, as products from the six producers of the Army's current body armor. All six of the current producers passed every test with zero failures, which is the standard. In addition to failing ballistic testing, Dragon Skin is also operationally unsuitable because of its greater weight and bulk and compared with the Army's body armor. Depending on size, Pinnacle is 46% to 70% heavier than the current IBA. "We are trying to make the armor lighter, not heavier," Brown said. It should be noted, however, that DragonSkin provides full side protection with the baseline system, while IBA requires two additional ESBI modules which add more weight to the system.

Assim está melhor.  :wink:

aqui fica o video sobre esta armadura dos tempos modernos ... r_embedded
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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« Responder #82 em: Fevereiro 01, 2009, 07:47:07 pm »
Liquid Armor

Flexible full-body protection that could save our troops' lives and limbs is at the top of the list for many researchers and technology companies. One such product could soon make its way to Iraq. As this ScienCentral News video explains, the secret ingredient is a liquid that could turn lightweight material into full-body armor.

Full Liquid Jacket

The current war in Iraq is leaving behind a legacy of wounded soldiers. For every fatality there have been between seven or eight injured -- a number amounting to 18,356 as of June 11, 2006 (U.S. Department of Defense). That's a higher ratio of injured to dead than in any previous American war, a mixed blessing that can largely be attributed to advances in body armor and improved battlefield medical treatment.

A new "liquid armor" could be the solution for protecting the parts of the body that aren't currently covered by standard-issue ballistic vests – arms and legs, where many of these devastating and life-threatening injuries occur. Co-developed by two research teams – one led by Norman Wagner at the University of Delaware, and the other led by Eric Wetzel at the U.S. Army Research Lab in Aberdeen, MD – the liquid technology will soon lead to light, flexible full-body armor.

The liquid - called shear thickening fluid is actually a mixture of hard nanoparticles and nonevaporating liquid. It flows normally under low-energy conditions, but when agitated or hit with an impact it stiffens and behaves like a solid. This temporary stiffening occurs less than a millisecond after impact, and is caused by the nanoparticles forming tiny clusters inside the fluid. "The particles jam up forming a log jam structure that prevents things from penetrating through them," Wagner explains.

Wagner and Wetzel developed a way to specially treat ballistic fabrics, such as Kevlar, with the liquid, making them dramatically more resistant to puncture and much better at reducing blunt trauma.

"We integrate those materials with the fabric itself, imbibe it in a way, such that the shear thickening fluid is not at all evident, it's not a coating on the outside. It's actually intercalated directly into the material," says Wagner.

The stiffening of the liquid allows the energy of an impact to be distributed over a much larger surface area – so the force, rather than being focused on the area of a bullet head, is distributed over the area of the surrounding fabric. Ballistic tests have demonstrated that the treatment can actually prevent bullets from penetrating.

The treated Kevlar is even better at resisting puncture from sharp projectiles, such as knife stabs or shrapnel from roadside bombs. As Wagner explains, Kevlar was never designed to function against puncture.

"Bullet proof vests and Kevlar are not very good against stab threats like puncture that you might see in correctional prison guards or from fragmentation threats on the battlefield," he says.

The treatment of the fabric prevents the fibers from spreading apart or "windowing," which keeps sharp objects from entering. That means that not only would materials treated with shear thickening fluids be better against conventional threats such as bullets, but would also resist puncture from shrapnel. The materials would also remain light – only 20 percent heavier after treatment - and flexible, which means they could be used for much-needed protection of the limbs.

"We can make thin layers of material for use on the arms and legs that remain flexible under normal motion, but become rigid and absorb energy when impacted by a ballistic threat or a knife," Wagner says.

U.S. manufacturer Armor Holdings recently licensed the technology and plans to release its first products by the end of the year.

Wagner says there could also be many civilian applications – like protecting people during car crashes, or making tires sturdier. ... =218392807



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« Responder #83 em: Fevereiro 17, 2009, 07:56:22 pm »
Alguns previews:



Cabeça de Martelo

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« Responder #84 em: Fevereiro 18, 2009, 10:44:46 am »
Estás a misturar fotos/desenhos de várias coisas ao mesmo tempo.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #85 em: Fevereiro 23, 2009, 04:21:29 pm »
Portugal não pode financiar um projecto de grande escala deste tipo. Um bom projecto está em desenvolvimento na Espanha, liderado pela EADS.

Portugal faz bem em desenvolver o seu projecto porque:
- serve para preparar a integração de novas tecnologias que facilitarão um ugrade operacional no futuro
- serve para manter a parte de pesquisa das nossas Forças Armadas em sintonia com o state of the art
- serve para que se possua know-how, para o caso de um dia se avançar para a compra de um produto, se possam ter critérios de escolha baseados em experiência.



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« Responder #86 em: Fevereiro 24, 2009, 02:28:12 am »
Julgo que será inevitável o desenvolvimento ou a adaptação de um programa de “Soldado do Futuro”.
Caso contrário, como seria possível no futuro integrar as nossas forças com as dos nossos aliados em missões internacionais?




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« Responder #87 em: Março 03, 2009, 03:14:24 pm »
Este projecto EDA, vai desenvolver uma parte do soldado do futuro:

Contract A-0380-RT GC “MUSAS”

Multi Sensor Anti Sniper System   
Indicative total value:       5.7 million Euro
Duration:       30 months
GMV, Tres Cantos (ES) - Metravib, Limonest (FR) - DS PISA, SAN PIERO A GRADO (IT) - PIAP, Warsaw (PL) - Skysoft, Lisboa (PT) - UoU, Udine (IT)
A sniper is a highly skilled warrior tasked to shoot from a concealed position over longer ranges than regular infantry, and usually shoots at high value. In the recent years, and mainly in asymmetric conflicts, sniper confrontation has proven to be a decisive threat which has to be duly faced. Snipers are used more as a mean to spread terror by indiscriminately shooting even civilian population. Therefore the sniper should be detected before the shooting, but existing techniques have proven to be highly unreliable leading to an unacceptable level of false alarms. The main objective of this proposal is to research different technologies (acoustic and radar sensors, image processing, enhancement of data fusion, inclusion of intelligence information, human machine interface…). Objective is to obtain a real-time reliable estimation of the sniper position before the first shot and disseminate this information in a properly manner optimising the resources for neutralisation. The project will assess different scenarios (military base, convoy and dismounted soldier) and platforms (fixed, wearable, vehicle mounted). It is envisioned to develop a laboratory demonstrator which will show the feasibility of the system and its integration with in future soldier programmes.



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« Responder #88 em: Abril 20, 2009, 12:37:56 pm »
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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« Responder #89 em: Abril 20, 2009, 03:10:25 pm »
Citação de: "inox"
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 Quase parece aqueles gajos do jogo Halo
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