"Invasão" acidental de Liechtenstein pela Suiça

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"Invasão" acidental de Liechtenstein pela Suiça
« em: Maio 06, 2007, 02:22:09 am »
Uma notícia antiga mas que, segundo o motor de pesquisa daqui do fórum, passou ao lado. Durante um treino de rotina uma companhia de soldados suíços perdeu-se de noite e marchou para lá da fronteira com o Liechtenstein. Os soldados de infantaria - equipados com armas mas sem munições - marcharam mais de uma milha antes de se aperceberem do seu erro e voltarem para trás.
Citação de: "[i
The Associated Press[/i]"]Oops! Swiss 'invasion' of Liechtenstein
ZURICH, Switzerland — What began as a routine training exercise almost ended in an embarrassing diplomatic incident after a company of Swiss soldiers got lost at night and marched into neighboring Liechtenstein.
According to the Swiss daily Blick newspaper, the 170 infantry soldiers from the neutral country wandered more than a mile across an unmarked border into the tiny principality early Thursday before realizing their mistake and turning back.
"We've spoken to the authorities in Liechtenstein, and it's not a problem," Swiss army spokesman Daniel Reist told The Associated Press on Friday.
Officials in Liechtenstein also played down the incident.
Interior Ministry spokesman Markus Amman said nobody in Liechtenstein had even noticed the soldiers, who were carrying assault rifles but no ammunition. "It's not like they stormed over here with attack helicopters or something," he said.
Liechtenstein, which has about 34,000 inhabitants and is slightly smaller than Washington, D.C., does not have an army.

fonte: http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/171780

Citação de: "[i
BBC News[/i]"]Swiss in Liechtenstein 'invasion'
The traditionally neutral Swiss army has staged an unplanned invasion after troops blundered into Liechtenstein.

A 171-strong Swiss company got two kilometres into its neighbour before realising the mistake and heading back.

Liechtenstein authorities made light of the intrusion, saying they only knew about it when the Swiss told them.

In 1985, the Swiss had to pay Liechtenstein compensation when rockets fired by its army went astray and set a forest ablaze.

'All so dark'
The latest incident began on Wednesday night during a routine training exercise for the infantrymen in the Alpine forests close to an unmarked section of the border.

The company commander led his men in the wrong direction in bad weather but gave the immediate order to return when realising the error.

"It was all so dark," one soldier told the Swiss newspaper Blick.

A spokesman for the Liechtenstein authorities said: "It's not like they invaded with attack helicopters."

The BBC's Paul Legg says the incident is embarrassing for the Swiss but not as bad as the one in 1985.

The countries became embroiled in a lengthy dispute when the protected forest was set on fire.

fonte: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6415531.stm

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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« Responder #1 em: Maio 06, 2007, 11:25:56 am »
Bom Dia! :twisted:

"Nos confins da Ibéria, vive um povo que não se governa, nem se deixa governar."

Frase atribuida a Caio Julio César.