Construção naval

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Construção naval
« em: Abril 07, 2004, 09:14:03 pm »
Eis aqui mais umas fotos da construção do porta-aviões "Ronald Regan":

"Esta é a ditosa pátria minha amada."


Rui Elias

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« Responder #1 em: Abril 08, 2004, 11:14:29 am »

Estas fotas são pra nos fazer inveja, ou para nos fazer sentir muito pequeninos?



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« Responder #2 em: Abril 12, 2004, 04:23:06 pm »

Nem um nem outro, são fotos para aqueles frequentadores do forum que como eu, sentem um fascinio por processos de contrução.

Além do mais é interessante "ver" como se fabrica um navio deste tipo, para se entender que isto não são projetos dos deuses, o que seria algo que é impossível de se realizar. A realidade é que contrução de navios, ou sejá o que for de material militar, não passa de empreendimentos humanos.

Requer-se vontade e trabalho, isso sim, porque sem essas duas forças nada aconteçe.
"Esta é a ditosa pátria minha amada."



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« Responder #3 em: Abril 12, 2004, 05:25:09 pm »
Pensei que estes novos modelos já tivessem uma "ilha" mais pequena!!!
Alguém sabe qual é o modelo(classe, CVN-??)  deste porta-aviões??


Jorge Pereira

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« Responder #4 em: Abril 12, 2004, 06:47:04 pm »
Citação de: "TazMonster"
Alguém sabe qual é o modelo(classe, CVN-??)  deste porta-aviões??

É um navio da classe Nimitz ao qual corresponde a designação CVN 76

USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) is the first carrier since USS NIMITZ to have major carrier design changes.  The ship’s design incorporates many changes including a completely re-designed island, a bulbous bow and flight deck modifications.

Island Structure
•   Inside the island is a re-designed and state-of-the-art primary flight control station (pri-fly), giving a 270-degree view of all aircraft on deck and within the carrier’s airspace.  This larger, expanded panorama ensures better visibility of operations and control of the precise actions on the flight deck.  That, in turn, provides a safer working environment for the crew.
•   The aft radar antennae and a new weapons elevator were incorporated into the island structure, making it 20 feet longer and giving RONALD REAGAN a unique profile.
•   The overall height of the island house did not change, but the new island has one less deck, and individual deck heights were increased by nine inches to accommodate overhead systems and allow growth margins for future capability improvements.
•   For the first time aircraft carrier island structure was designed using a 3-D product model and all the construction work for the island was done indoors, in the Modular Outfitting Facility.
Flight Deck
•   The flight deck angle has increased from 9.05 degrees to 9.15 degrees from the centerline.  This allows unobstructed simultaneous launching and recovering of aircraft.
•   There is one less arresting gear engine and three wires instead of four.  This allows for more space for other essential equipment.  The new three-wire arresting gear design can withstand more aircraft landings than the old design due to stronger wire sheaves.
•   USS RONALD REAGAN is the first carrier to have the Integrated Communication Advanced Network (ICAN) installed throughout all areas of the ship.  
•   Digital communications run on a laser fiber backbone for enhanced communications and future upgrade capability.
•   The ship’s engines have been outfitted with Titanium pistons for increased strength.
•   There are six, 800-ton air condition units vice the eight 360-ton units on other aircraft carriers.
•   Digital flat panels, instead of analog panels, are installed on the bridge. The ship’s control console uses a touch screen format.
•   USS RONALD REAGAN is equipped with Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM), which replaces the Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) used on other carriers.  RAM Systems pack 21 fire and forget missiles capable of destroying any high-speed incoming targets.  
•   An aircraft weapons elevator was relocated from the flight deck and now extends up into the aft section of the island, allowing for more efficient movement of aircraft ordnance during flight operations.
Additional Innovations
•   RONALD REAGAN has a large bulbous bow, similar to commercial tankers, resulting in increased list, stability and speed.
•   Fifty-person life rafts versus the twenty-five-person life rafts on other carriers.

•   Information courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
For more information about USS RONALD REAGAN visit
or contact the public affairs office at
Um dos primeiros erros do mundo moderno é presumir, profunda e tacitamente, que as coisas passadas se tornaram impossíveis.

Gilbert Chesterton, in 'O Que Há de Errado com o Mundo'




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« Responder #5 em: Abril 12, 2004, 09:03:31 pm »
Este modelo vai fazer a evolução para o CVN-X.
Esse sim terá grandes alterações e novidades, como catapultas electromagnéticas e esses gadgets todos...

I hope that you accept Nature as It is - absurd.

R.P. Feynman