Indra no Botswana

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Indra no Botswana
« em: Janeiro 18, 2005, 09:10:03 pm »
Indra is Awarded Botswana's Air Defence Control System
(Source: Indra; dated Jan. 2, 2005)
 Botswana's Government, through the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) has awarded Indra, in an international tendering, with the development and implementation of a full air defence command and control system for an amount of 7.1 million euros. The contract, with an execution period of two years, means the entrance of the Spanish company in this country and in sub-Saharan Africa's defence market  
The system commissioned to Indra will provide the BDF's air defence unit with the technical and operating means for the country to exert its sovereignty in the whole air space. The project foresees the development and implementation of an operational control centre, composed of a total of nine air traffic tracking and control posts to process and concentrate the information, regarding the country's air space, from air surveillance radars, radio communication links with the airships, and air traffic management civil systems. The gathering of information as well as its integrated presentation for the Botswana Defence Force will be a key element for the country's surveillance and will permit to respond nimbly to any incident.  
The Spanish company's offer, based on its own technology, has been chosen in competition with the world's main defence technologies multinational companies in an international tendering with a total of 6 proposals.  
The Government of Botswana has valued Indra's technological solution due to its capacity to give a full answer adapted to its needs and requests. The Spanish company has a modular design system both for functions and equipment, based in commercial elements to process information in real time (Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)). The system is versatile to be able to adapt to each client's needs at any moment, and simplify maintenance tasks.  
This contract is Indra's first in the sub-Saharan Africa's defence area and it is included within the Spanish company's strategy to strengthen its international influence in the market niches for which it has its own technology: command and control, security systems, electronic intelligence, avionics, multi-sensor systems (radars and electro-optics) and all-round logistic support.  



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« Responder #1 em: Janeiro 20, 2005, 08:52:24 am »
¿Botswana?Xesús, ¿Iso está en África, non?
The contract, with an execution period of two years, means the entrance of the Spanish company in this country and in sub-Saharan Africa's defence market

Non sei que pensar sobre o mercado da defensa subsahariana, pero as verbas "pequeno", "lonxano", "exótico" e "de cobro difícil" son as primeiras que se me veñen á cabeza.

Bos e africanos días.
Tu régere Imperio fluctus, Hispane memento
"Acuérdate España que tú registe el Imperio de los mares”



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« Responder #2 em: Janeiro 21, 2005, 04:08:26 am »
Non sei que pensar sobre o mercado da defensa subsahariana, pero as verbas "pequeno", "lonxano", "exótico" e "de cobro difícil" son as primeiras que se me veñen á cabeza.

Olhe que talvez não, caro Ferrol.

Botswana tem umas FA's decentemente equipadas (para um país africano), pelo menos a julgar pela sua força aérea (CF-5/C-130/C-212/...).
Os níveis de operacionalidade também me parecem rasoavelmente bons, tendo em conta mais uma vez que estamos a falar de um país africano...

Além do mais, a Indra também não é propriamente uma empresa inexperiente no mercado externo... :wink:

A realidade não alimenta fóruns....



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Pois non llo nego.
« Responder #3 em: Janeiro 21, 2005, 02:21:00 pm »
Hola p_shadow(que nome mais raro para un portugues): Non lle nego nada do que me dí, seguro que é certo, só estaba a matinar en voz alta. É que a verdade, sempre nos miramos bastante o embigo, aquí en occidente, que si os americanos fan, os ingleses mercan, os outros constrúen... e non nos decatamos de que efectivamente, hai outros países que como moi ben di vostede, teñen forzas aéreas bastante decentes e poden mercar radares modernos tan ben coma calquera outro.

Xa lle digo, sorprendeume que Botswana mercase radares modernos, pero á vista da súa información xa me sorprende menos. Un saúdo, compañeiro.

Por certo, ¿hai por ahí algunha páxina con información destes países subsaharianos?
Tu régere Imperio fluctus, Hispane memento
"Acuérdate España que tú registe el Imperio de los mares”



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(sem assunto)
« Responder #4 em: Janeiro 21, 2005, 03:08:50 pm »
Págnas não sei. (Mas há sempre o CIA World Factbook). Mas sei que a Portugal Telecom já faz uns trabalhinhos no Botswana há bastante tempo, e nunca me constou que tivesem grandes razões de queixa.
Ai que eco que há aqui!
Que eco é?
É o eco que há cá.
Há cá eco, é?!
Há cá eco, há.



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(sem assunto)
« Responder #5 em: Janeiro 21, 2005, 04:34:22 pm »
Indra to Develop an Ultralight Satellite Communications Network for Defence Worth 8.2 Million euros
(Source: Indra; issued Jan. 20, 2005)
 Indra, through its affiliate Indra Espacio, has been selected by the Ministry of Defence to develop and implement an ultralight and easy to use satellite network terminal. The amount of the contract is 8.2 million euros.  
The project is based on the development by Indra of a backpack transportable communications terminal (Manpack in NATO terminology), weighing less than 16 kilos, easily deployed, with great autonomy and communication capacity and ease of use.  
The contract was awarded to the Spanish company following a selection process that involved field operation tests of the satellite terminals by the Armed Forces including, during this first phase, the delivery of 69 terminals to be distributed among the three Forces as well as the implementation of the network management centre which controls communications and terminal connections.  
The new network will provide great versatility and coverage to Armed Forces communications, given the ease of transportation and deployment as well as the possibility of operating in remote locations thanks to its alternative power supply systems and its high transmission capabilities using military or civilian satellites, depending on the options available.  
The terminal started to be delivered in November and will continue until the end of 2007, while the network management centre will become operational during early second quarter 2005.  
The design of the Manpack remote communications terminal developed by Indra is based on a backpack transportable unit that simplifies its deployment and withdrawal to and from locations that do not have primary power supply and require the use of alternative power supplies such as batteries or solar panels.  
The system involved uses the military frequency X, but it can also use the commercial Ku frequency of civilian satellites using an optional radio frequency kit, which confers great flexibility and scope of coverage. It offers a configurable digitised voice or data channel with speeds up to 64 Kbps and is easily activated, as it includes a height and amplitude pointing mechanism with an indication between signal strength and noise that helps to easily point it to the satellite and subsequently synchronize with the network. Communication security is guaranteed by the type of modulation and the possibility of including a certified encrypter for encrypting communications.  
The characteristics of the Manpack, together with its reduced weight, provide considerable operational advantages to the Spanish Armed Forces and offers strong marketing opportunities with the Armed Forces of other allied countries.  