Forças Armadas e Sistemas de Armas => Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas => Tópico iniciado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 01:32:33 pm

Título: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 01:32:33 pm
Carros Challenger 1 para a Jordânia

O RU entregou o primeiro lote de 14 carros de combate Challenger 1,
por valor de mais de 40M libras á Jordânia,  como primeiro passo para
a renovação da força mecanizada. Este pais receberá um total de 288
destes carros procedentes dos stocks do Exército britânico. A oferta
é a custo zero, já que a Jordânia pagará unicamente a modernização
destes veiculos para a sua adaptação ao deserto. Com estas entregas,
Amman modernizará a sua frota de carros composta fundamentalmente por
M-60 (em modernização) e Centurion britânicos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 01:42:00 pm
Veiculo blindado alemão para os Emirados Árabes Unidos e Arábia Saudita

Os EAU e AS estão a examinar conjuntamente a possibilidade de
adquirir um veiculo blindado de transporte alemão com protecção NBC.
Os dois estados do Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo estão a estudar
uma versão melhorada do APC Fuchs, fabricado pela Rheinmetall
Landsysteme. A companhia recebeu um contrato de 45M para desenvolver
123 APC Fuch 6x6 para o Exército alemão até 2006.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 01:54:50 pm
Dublin escolhe o missil Javelin

A Iralanda assinou um acordo com os EUA para a aquisição do sistema
contra carro Javelin da empresa Raytheon. As Forças de Defesa
Irlandesas pretendem usar a arma como meio de dissuasão em missões
de pacificação. Esta arma foi usada ampliamente pelos EUA e RU no
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 03:15:25 pm
Simuladores para África do Sul

A companhia de simulação sul-africana Thoroughbred Technologies
começou a trabalhar num sistema de simulador para o treino do
veiculo de reconhecimento blindado Rooikat 8x8 a nivel de esquadrão,
por um valor de 2.1M $. Este veiculo, armado com un canhão de 105mm,
pode em breve substituir os carros Olifant que restam no Exército
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 03:58:51 pm
"FAM del Mundo"

Nuevos cohetes y artillería para el Ejército Turco

Turquía ha desarrollado una versión mejorada de un lanzacohetes de
122 mm. La empresa Roketsan de Turquía ha completado una versión
mejorada del lanzacohetes múltiple T-122 de 122 mm. El sistema ha
sido montado en un camión MAN 6 x 6 transformado y es utilizado para
apoyo a los sistemas de artillería autopropulsados en servicio. Por
su parte, el Mando de las Fuerzas Terrestres turcas ha recibido el
primer sistema de artillería autopropulsada, de fabri-cación nacional,
T-155 K/M, que ha sido diseñado conjuntamente con la República de
Corea del Sur, y está derivado del ATP sur-coreano K9 Thunder.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 04:07:29 pm
Artilharia para a India.

A India chegou a um acordo comercial com a empresa denel para a
compra de novas peças de artilharia, faltando só os pormenores
para finalizar o contrato.
o pedido é de 180 peças ATP e 100 rebocadas todas de 155/52mm.
Também se fabricarão de forma conjunta 400 peças motorizadas
para exportação.
 Essas novas peças terão um alcance de mais de 40km, irá ser a
artilharia de tubo mais potente da zona, superando a China e o
 O carro ATP apresentado pela empresa DENEL será o T-6, uma
combinação do carro T-72 com a torre G-6.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 04:30:28 pm
Novo canhão para o Challenger2

O Ministério da Defesa do Reino Unido otorgou um contrato á RO
Defence para o desenvolvimento de um novo canhão de 120mm para o
carro de combate Challenger2 (120mm Smoothbore Programme Option
Technical Demonstrator Programme - SO TDP). Com este programa
pretende-se melhorar a capacidade de fogo do carro depois de lições
aprendidas no Iraque.
Enviado por: [PT]HKFlash em Maio 12, 2004, 05:53:26 pm
O Chalanger e um Main Battle Tank? Se sim concordo absolutamente com o novo canhao! Os britanicos tem feito muita asneira no seu armamento a começar pela espingarda L85 :? ...
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2004, 06:26:20 pm
Sim é um MBT.
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 12, 2004, 07:27:28 pm
Citação de: "[PT
HKFlash"]O Chalanger e um Main Battle Tank? Se sim concordo absolutamente com o novo canhao! Os britanicos tem feito muita asneira no seu armamento a começar pela espingarda L85 :? ...

Sim o Challenger 2 é um MBT (com mais de 60 ton), tal como o são o Challenger e o Chieftain em que aquele se baseia.

O principal problema do canhão do Challenger, que ao contrário do alemão é um 120 mm estriado, poderá ser a idade, dado que foi originalmente desenvolvido para o Chieftain (tal como a blindagem Chobam) há mais de 30 anos. Recordo que este canhão tem origem no L7 de 105 mm, utilizado em todo o ocidente nos últimos 40 anos (ainda hoje é este modelo de canhão que equipa os nossos M60A3).

Como pode constatar o Challenger 2 é um carro de combate com uma grande linhagem e é certamente um dos melhores do mundo, assim como as suas tripulações.

Quanto à Enfield é outra história...
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 13, 2004, 08:42:02 pm
Reforço do Exército do Bangladesh

O Primeiro Ministro e o Ministro da Defesa deste pais afirmaram que o
Exército criará em breve novas unidades. Estas novas formações
incluirão um novo quartel general de brigada , 6 batalhões de
infantaria e 3 companhias de transmissões. A expansão do Exército
também inclui a modernização e fortalecimento das unidades existentes,
assim como a aquisição de novos sistemas de armamento, mesmo que
ainda não se saiba quais são os pricipais programas.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 13, 2004, 10:15:13 pm
Desenvolvimento do T-59

O Exército de Libertação do Povo da China está a desenvolver e modernizar uma grande parte da sua frota de carros de combate Type59 com o fim de aumentar a sua potencia de fogo e sua sobrevivência. Estão-se a provar novos canhões e protecção adicional, incluindo blindajem reactiva, assim com novos equipamentos de visão.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 14, 2004, 12:10:33 am
Novo veiculo EW

O Exército indio recebeu o primeiro veiculo Samyukta equipado com um
novo sistema de guerra electrónica. Este novo sistema de
contra-medidas electrónicas está desenhado para identificar e
interferir as comunicações e as emissões de radar inimigas. O
Exército espera receber um total de 26 destes veiculos.
Enviado por: papatango em Maio 14, 2004, 12:23:54 am
Citação de: "Fabio G."
O Exército indio recebeu o primeiro veiculo Samyukta equipado com um novo sistema de guerra electrónica
O general Custer que se cuide ... :twisted:
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 14, 2004, 12:31:10 am
Achque se deve ter em atenção á velocidade a que cresce o poderio militar indio.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 14, 2004, 12:42:04 am
Algumas fotos do MBT Challenger 2:

 :arrow: ... nger2.html (
Enviado por: Paisano em Maio 14, 2004, 01:13:45 pm
Los ejércitos de la Argentina y de Brasil fabricarán un 4x4

un emprendimiento conjunto

Comenzará a gestarse en diciembre y, de acuerdo con la iniciativa, el vehículo cumplirá misiones de reabastecimiento, transporte de material, evacuación de heridos, exploración, comando y control, entre otras múltiples funciones. Y será utilizado para equipar a las fuerzas ligeras además de satisfacer necesidades del mercado regional

Será la primera criatura que dé a luz la sintonía que sellaron los ejércitos de la Argentina y Brasil en el marco de la gestión de Néstor Kirchner y Lula. El acuerdo para fabricar un vehículo liviano de empleo general aerotransportable 4x4 surgió del viaje oficial del jefe del Ejército, general Roberto Bendini, y su par brasileño, general Francisco Roberto De Albuquerque.

El 4x4 tipo "hammer" comenzará a gestarse en diciembre y de acuerdo con la iniciativa, el vehículo cumplirá misiones de reabastecimiento, transporte de material, evacuación de heridos, exploración, comando y control, entre otras múltiples funciones. Y será utilizado para equipar a las fuerzas ligeras además de satisfacer necesidades del mercado regional.

El todoterreno será construido "prioritariamente" con autopartes existentes en la zona de influencia argentino-brasileña, con la premisa de lograr "un producto económico y de fácil mantenimiento", según consta en el proyecto que suscribieron los dos países.

Como su denominación tradicional lo indica, el todoterreno permite a la infantería desplazarse con ductilidad en las más variadas superficies, tales como el barro y la zona montañosa, a buena y constante velocidad y con la protección adecuada. Por esas condiciones es de utilidad para el transporte de heridos, provisiones o municiones.

En sus características generales, el jeep tendrá las condiciones de ser "aerotransportable" y "aerolanzable", y capacidad de desplazamiento a 120 kilómetros por hora, con una autonomía de 500 kilómetros.

El vehículo podrá trasladar una tripulación de cuatro personas y cargas de hasta 800 kilogramos, con una performance para subir pendientes con inclinaciones denominada complejas.

Las conversaciones que permitieron el entendimiento se iniciaron en junio del año pasado entre Bendini y De Albuquerque.

Por entonces el objetivo de mínima era iniciar los estudios tendientes a lograr la cooperación en el área tecnológica, confiaron a Infobae fuentes de la fuerza terrestre.

Entre otras áreas de interés común, se seleccionaron los sistemas de simulación, los vehículos, la visión nocturna, robótica y sistemas de comando y control. Hay que tener en cuenta que Bendini también trabaja en la integración de las fuerzas del Mercosur, por lo que el armado del vehículo marca el punto de partida de una nueva relación con la fuerza brasileña.

Fonte: (
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 14, 2004, 06:29:19 pm
Parece que o Brasil e a Argentina se estão "dar bem", é uma boa opção para ambos este tipo de programas conjuntos já que passam por dificuldades económicas por interessa-lhes equipamento fácil e barato de manter e ainda compartem os custos de desenvolvimento do programa.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 14, 2004, 09:58:58 pm
Primeiro T-90 "made in India" pronto

A fábrica de veiculos pesado de propriedade estatal na localidade
india de Avandhi, terminou o seu primeiro carro de combate T-90 indio.
O carro foi transferido desde Russia parcialmente construido e fez o
seu roll out no dia 7 de Janeiro. india comprou 310 T-90 á empresa
estatal Uralvagonzavd da Russia em 2000. Entre 90 e 100 foram
entregados completos e os restantes serão fabricados na India.
Enviado por: emarques em Maio 14, 2004, 10:08:49 pm
Fábio, sem querer ser chato, mas costuma-se usar o termo "indiano" para coisas provenientes do sub-continente indiano. :)
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 14, 2004, 11:28:13 pm
Cooperação com Turquia

O Pakistão ofereceu á Turquia melhorar conjuntamente as capacidades
do carro de combate Al Khalid para vendê-lo a outros paises. A
empresa pakistanesa Heavy Industries Taxila seguiria a produzir a
blindajem e a montar o carro, e as companhias turcas instalariam os
sensores. O Al Khalid é uma variante do Tipo 90 chin~es cuja
fabricação no Pakistão, desde o ano 2000, tem sido muito problemática.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 15, 2004, 01:29:56 am
Novo sistema anti-aéreo polaco

O Ministério da Defesa polaco completou as provas finais do novo
sistema autopropulsado de defesa aérea ZSU-23-4MP Biala. O Biala é
um ZSU-23-4 Shilka desenvolvido pelo Centro de Investigação OBR
Sprzetu Mechanicznego de Tarnow (Polónia). O veiculo passou as
provas de teste climático na Universidade de Karsow.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 15, 2004, 07:59:06 pm
Apresentação do Leopard2E

A empresa Krauss Maffei Wegman completou a montajem do primeiro carro de combate Leopard2 E fabricado pela General Dynamics Santa Bárbara Sistemas como contratista principal, e foi apresentado o passado 2 Dezembro numa cerimónia privada celebrada na fábrica de Munich. Ao acto assistiram o presidente da KMW, Manfred Bode, o General da Divisão Ignacio Roman Custodio, director de abastecimento do Comando de Apoio Logistico e o presidente do Conselho de Administração da GD-SBS, Antonio Oyarzabal, entre outros. Sete unidades foram postas á disposição do Exército espanhol, 4 versão escola e três de linha. De momento todas estas unidades permanecem em Sevilha.
Enviado por: Spectral em Maio 15, 2004, 09:26:43 pm
Os Leo 2R são Leo2 A6 fabricados em Espanha, não são?
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 15, 2004, 11:57:50 pm
Spectral deves querer dizer Leopard2 E e não R, sim é uma versão espanhola quase idêntica ao Leopard2A6 e os tanques serão montados em Espanha na fábrica da Santa Bárbara em Sevilha se não estou em erro.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 16, 2004, 12:31:43 am

Para ello SBS ha invertido 19 millones de euros destinados a la
construcción de una nave, maquinaria e instalaciones auxiliares,
almacén automatizado y obras exteriores para pruebas.

( (
Enviado por: Paisano em Maio 16, 2004, 04:39:34 am
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 16, 2004, 03:15:40 pm
Novo UAV do Exército francês

O novo sistema de Veiculo Aéreo não tripulado Táctico Interino, SDTI, do Exército françês completou as suas provas de aceitação. O UAV SDTI demonstrou a sua capacidade para operar num espaço aéreo controlado por um sistema de controlo aéreo nacional. Espera-se que o UAV entre em serviço a mediados deste ano.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 16, 2004, 08:59:20 pm
Novos cortes no Exército japonês

O Japão está a pensar em reduzir em 30% o seu inventário de carros de combate e artilharia segundo as directrizes do novo Programa de Defesa Nacional. No entanto, este programa propõe incrementar o nº de efectivos das forças terrestres em 5000. A Força Terrestre de Auto Defesa do Japão tem actualmente 148000 homens, 1080 carros de combate e 900 peças de artilharia.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 16, 2004, 09:14:57 pm
Nova artilharía do US Army :

The U.S. Army is buying 183 155mm Excalibur artillery shells in the next year. These GPS guided shells have a range of fifty kilometers and, because of their GPS guidance system, will land within 30 feet of the target coordinates put into the shell before it is fired. The first version will be a high explosive shell. Other versions will carry cluster bombs or anti-tank weapons. The long range and accuracy of the shell enables artillery units to cover a wider area and deliver accurate fire no matter what the range. Previously, the longer the range, the less accurate fire was. American fire control systems have, for the last seventy years, been capable to coordinating all guns within range on one target. With the Excalibur shell, a massive amount of highly accurate fire can be concentrated on one target within minutes. This means that, no matter where an enemy force shows up unexpectedly, a devastating amount of firepower can be called upon by American troops in order to defend themselves.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 16, 2004, 09:28:28 pm
Zeus: Os EUA têm no Iraque e Afeganistão alguns Hummer com canhão laser para destruir minas, bombas armadilhadas e granadas defeituosas.
Tem um alcance de 300 m e pode disparar 2.000 vezes por día.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 16, 2004, 10:39:59 pm
Um novo "brinquedo" dos americanos: torre de controlo remoto estabilizada com camara térmica:

Yet another weapon in development was sent to Iraq and proved reliable enough to go into production immediately. This one was CROWS (Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station), which is a turret mount for various weapons (.50 caliber, 7.62mm and 5.56mm machine-guns or 40mm automatic grenade launcher.) The CROWS system contains daylight and thermal sights, a laser range finder, electric motors to move the weapon in any direction, and electronics that allow the weapon operator, inside a hummer or Stryker (or any vehicle that can support the mounting hardware and several hundred pounds of weight) to see what's in front of the gun barrel, put a target into crosshairs and fire accurately at up to a thousand meters. CROWS was originally scheduled to enter service in 2006. But it has been doing so well in testing, that four systems were sent to Iraq and mounted on armored hummers. After six weeks of use, the four CROWS systems had suffered no failures, performed as they were designed to and the troops using them didn't want to give them up. Typically, weapons in a hummer turret leave the gunner very exposed to enemy fire. This is not the case the CROWS. In addition, the day sight has telescopic capabilities, as does the thermal sight (for use at night and misty weather.) With CROWS, the gunner is safer, and so is the convoy he is with, because the CROWS sights allow the gunner to see farther, and fire more accurately. CROWS has a stabilizer and software that does all the calculations to make the most accurate shots with whatever weapon is mounted, even if the vehicle is moving. CROWS is going into production ahead of schedule because of the successful operational tests
Enviado por: [PT]HKFlash em Maio 17, 2004, 02:56:11 pm

Aqueles Iraquianos pensavam que bastava mandar uns RPGs, meter umas bombas na estrada etc mas agora os "americanos contra-atacam!" :lol:
Enviado por: dremanu em Maio 17, 2004, 10:35:00 pm
Army running out of ammo, seeks bullets from foreigners

The U.S. Army said it will seek bullets from commercial and foreign producers because its biggest ammunition supplier, Alliant Techsystems Inc., can't keep up with demand.

"The hope is to get it from the U.S., but worldwide suppliers are out there that provide this and it might not be totally available in the U.S.," said Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Butler, Army product manager for small- and medium-caliber ammunition.

Edina, Minnesota-based Alliant Friday said demand is rising to its highest level since the Vietnam War.

To make up for the shortage, the Army recently awarded contracts to state-owned Israel Military Industries Ltd. and Olin Corp.'s Winchester unit, each for 70 million rounds, Butler said in a telephone interview. He said he couldn't disclose the value of the contracts.

The Army wants to buy about 1.4 billion bullets this year and have the capacity for 2 billion rounds a year, Butler said. That is more than Alliant can make, and there are few other companies that can make military ammunition on such a large scale. The Army plans to seek a company able to coordinate production of as much as 500 million rounds by a number of smaller producers, Butler said.

"The strategy now going forward is to go through an integrator or someone who brings all that worldwide capacity together for us," said Butler, 41. "I don't think there is anyone out there who could do it and make U.S. ammo."

The Army on May 18 will meet with as many as 18 ammunition makers in Rock Island, Ill., to seek an integrator. That contract, the value of which hasn't been determined, will be awarded between December and April, Butler said.

Besides Israel Military and Winchester, another potential supplier is Montreal-based SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., Butler said. He wouldn't say which companies will attend. Danielle St. Pierre, spokeswoman for SNC's ammunition unit, said she couldn't immediately comment.

Alliant will make 1.2 billion bullets this year, up 20 percent from last year, and plans to add capacity for another 300 million rounds, Chief Executive Officer Daniel Murphy said Friday during a conference call. The Army will seek the balance from other suppliers, Butler said.

The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq is struggling to control rising violence that in April alone killed more U.S. soldiers than during last year's war, which lasted about six weeks. With U.S. troops engaged abroad, live-fire training exercises to boost preparedness have also increased demand, Butler said.

"It's a surprise they are using so much ordnance over there," said Philip Finnegan, an analyst for the Teal Group consultancy in Fairfax, Virginia. "No one would have expected this a few months ago."
Enviado por: Luso em Maio 17, 2004, 10:46:26 pm
Se é assim com o 5.56 imaginem com a 25mm programável.
Há que começar pelo básico!
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:44:07 pm
The U.S. Army has ordered eleven more Shadow 200 RQ-7A Tactical UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) systems for $8.8 million each. Each system includes four UAVs, two ground control stations, a launcher and communications equipment needed to control the UAV in the air and guide it in for landing. Each UAV weighs 327 pounds and can carry 56 pounds of equipment (usually a day or night vision camera and a transmitter). The UAV is eleven feet long and has a wingspan of 12.75 feet. It can fly as high as 15,000 feet (out of range of small arms). The Shadow has a range of about 50 kilometers and can stay in the air for up to six hours. The army is equipping each combat brigade with a shadow system, to provide the brigade with its own aerial reconnaissance capability. The Shadow has been in use for several years, and the troops are pleased with the ease of use and the quality of the video they get from it. The Shadow has been very reliable, with UAVs being available for use 95 percent of the time.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:54:45 pm
SOCOM (Special Operations Command) has been using dune buggies and other small off road vehicles for decades. But this category of vehicles has been growing of late and SOCOM has decided to ask the manufacturers to come up with proposals for two militarized ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles). One would be a 4x4 vehicle with a 900 pound payload and not weigh more than 1,950 pounds. This would be used by Special Forces and commandoes in the field. Top speed must be 88 kilometers an hour on a flat surface (72 when carrying a full load.) Range on internal fuel (on a flat surface) must be 160 kilometers. This assumes an average mission of 3.7 hours, covering 51 kilometers. It is assumed that the ATV would spend, on average 10 percent on of it’s travel on good roads, 20 percent on secondary roads, 65 percent cross country and less than five percent in a shot up (and rubble strewn) urban area. SOCOM wants a multi-fuel engine (common in military vehicles these days.) The 6x6 vehicle must be able to haul 1200 pounds and not weigh more than 2,300 pounds. Range on internal fuel (on a flat surface) must be 80 kilometers.

Both vehicles must be able a 60 degree slope (going up and coming down). The vehicles must have a roll over bar (similar to one used on a successful Israeli military ATV.) Both vehicles must be able to convert to tracks for travel in snow or very marshy terrain. SOCOM expects to buy up to 700 of each vehicle.

These military ATVs are developing the same way the HYMMWV (hummer) came about. Engineers at the jeep division of American Motors (that eventually became AM General) had been brainstorming new ideas for an improved "jeep" class vehicles ever since World War II. The 1970s was also a time when the concept of cross country vehicles for the masses was taking hold. So when the army came to AM General with the HMMWV proposal, it was not a bolt out of the blue. Army officers and vehicle engineers had been discussing new vehicle ideas for decades. In that sense, the HMMWV was evolutionary, not revolutionary (although a lot of ideas finally found their way into a production vehicle only with the actual design of the hummer.)

The army didn't go to AM General with a detailed spec for the HMMWV, but asked AM (and the automotive industry in general) to come up with a new tactical vehicle that was more mobile, and could carry more stuff, than the current tactical vehicles (Jeep, 3/4 ton truck, Gamma-Goat and others.) The army issued an RFP (Request For Proposal) and got two competing designs. AM Generals effort won hands down. The RFP approach is pretty typical. The armed forces does not try to design stuff, and the specs in the RFP are often kept pretty loose in order to let the contractors to use their imaginations.

Enviado por: [PT]HKFlash em Maio 19, 2004, 12:09:18 pm
Fabio G. :

Penso que você deveria enviar uma menssagem privada a um moderador/administrador a pedir para tornar estes tópicos em tópicos inamoveis :wink:

Não sei como funcionam os comandos dos moderadores/administradores por isso não lhe garanto que estes coloquem os tópicos de outros utilizadores "Inamóveis" mas penso que valeria a pena tentar! :wink:

Os meus sinceros cumprimentos,
Enviado por: emarques em Maio 19, 2004, 02:35:45 pm
A palavra é "inamovível", acho.

De resto, concordo. Os tópicos de notícias podiam ser colados.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 20, 2004, 01:08:31 pm

No quadro geral da preparação e treino da Força Operacional do Exército decorreu desde 03 de Maio até 12 de Maio de 2004 o Exercício “Hidra 04”, orientado para áreas específicas de interesse estratégico em Território Nacional, tendo como cenário a contenção e resposta a novas formas de ameaça.

Este Exercício teve como objectivo testar e avaliar as capacidades do Exército, articuláveis com as forças de segurança e outros serviços ligados à protecção civil, bem como a actualização de planos de contingência orientados para a protecção de bens estratégicos localizados em diversas partes do espaço terrestre nacional.

O Exercício compreendeu três fases cobrindo a prevenção, a acção contra-terrorista e a gestão de consequências no quadro de uma diversidade de missões que o Exército tem capacidade para executar.

No dia 11 de Maio de 2004 decorreu, em Tancos, no Comando das Tropas Aerotransportadas, o Distinguished Visitors Day “DVD” do exercício, que contou com a presença de S.Exa o Ministro de Estado e da Defesa Nacional, Dr. Paulo Portas, que foi recebido por S. Exa. o Chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército, General Luís Valença Pinto e pelo Exmo. Comandante Operacional das Forças Terrestres, Tenente-General Ferreira do Amaral.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 21, 2004, 10:07:35 pm
Too Much Simulator Time Puts Pilots Off Attack Birds

On a day dedicated to showing off Thales' simulation capabilities to the press, one of our hosts admitted that some of the best pilot recruits are deciding to fly utility helicopters because a career in attack birds involves too much simulator time. They joined up to fly real helicopters, not simulators, he said.


Meanwhile, the British Army Air Corps has found a way to mix simulators and real aircraft. Rotorhub has learned that they have just completed a successful exercise in which Apache crews in simulators at Middle Wallop could see a real WAH-64 airborne over Salisbury Plain. It wasn't part of a recruitment drive, but it might help.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 21, 2004, 11:12:37 pm
US Army transfers 40 UH-1s to US Air Force

FORT RUCKER, Ala. --- The Army transferred six of 40 UH-1 Iroquois helicopters to the Air Force May 6 in a ceremony at Lowe Army Heliport for use in the Rotary Wing Qualification Course, which the Air Force uses to train its helicopter pilots.  
The Air Force students begin flying either T-37 Tweets or T-6A Texan IIs, both fixed-wing aircraft, at several Air Force bases and then come to Fort Rucker for their rotary-wing training with the Huey.  
The reason we stayed with the Hueys is because theyre tough, theyre durable and they are the perfect transition from a T-6A or a T-37. We move on to the MH-53 Pave Low, which is 45,000 pounds, or the MH-60K Black Hawk, which is 23,000 pounds or so, and we have M-model Hueys as well, said Air Force Maj. Larry Walker, program manager for undergraduate helicopter training at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas.  
There are two phases of training during RWQC, which the Air Force calls blocks. Each block is three months long, and the first block is the initial contact phase.  
Block I, the initial phase, is where they basically learn how to fly emergency procedures, transition and they (learn) helicopter instruments, said Walker. In Block II, students learn how to perform missions using low-level navigation, low-level flying, load operations and to fly using night-vision devices in formation.  
Before the transfer of the Hueys, the first phase of training was done using Army regulations. The students would then have to switch to Air Force regulations during Phase II. Now the students will be taught using Air Force regulations, or instructions, throughout RWQC.  
The Army is transferring a total of 40 Hueys to the Air Force. The goal is to transfer six per month until Oct. 1, which was the deadline given to Fort Rucker by the Department of the Army, according to Col. Howard Killian, chief, Aviation Center Logistics Command.  
According to Walker, the Air Force will use 24 of the Hueys for training at Fort Rucker. Sixteen of the aircraft will be used for spare parts, and 12 of those 16 will be used to start a Huey 2 line.  
I think (were saying goodbye to the Hueys) with a bit of nostalgia, to say the least, but (we have to) to facilitate the rest of the modernization and transformation planning, said Killian. The quicker we can facilitate this moving to the Air Force, the quicker were going to get things like the Light Utility Helicopter.  
Killian said the Hueys took a lot of time, money and personnel to keep them operational. Therefore, the transfer will also save the Army money. What Hueys the Air Force does not take, the Army will have destroyed, he said.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 07:11:21 pm
FAM del Mundo

Novos veiculos de comando e controlo para o Exército britânico.

O Ministério da Defesa do Reino Unido assinou um contrato com a empresa Alvis para o futuro veiculo de comando e controlo (FCLV - Future Command and Laison Vehicle). O contrato é no valor de 14M de libras e prevê a compra de 401 veiculos Alvis Vickers MLV e uma opção para mais 400. A Alvis assinou um subcontrato com a Iveco SpA como sucontratista para os veiculos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 07:50:48 pm
Entrevista do CEME ao Expresso

I Parte

General VALENÇA PINTO e a reforma das Forças Armadas
«Vamos transformar o Exército»
Alterar tamanho

António Pedro Ferreira

«Caminha-se para uma força de reacção rápida do Exército. Se houver uma portuguesa, o Exército estará pronto a entrar»

É UM homem de raciocínio rápido e cauteloso. Não é fácil apanhá-lo desprevenido. Dispôs-se a falar sobre tudo - a sua querida reestruturação do Exército, o desafio da profissionalização, os problemas com os equipamentos. Em entrevista ao EXPRESSO, o general Valença Pinto, chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército, disse que não «passava mensagens». Mas disse o que quis, como quis.

EXPRESSO - O Exército acaba de realizar em Tancos o seu primeiro exercício de operações de preparação para a luta anti-terrorista. É uma coisa nova?

VALENÇA PINTO -Não inteiramente nova, mas nos tempos recentes tem alguns aspectos de ineditismo. Logo a seguir ao 11 de Setembro, o Estado português entendeu ver como é que funcionava o seu aparelho constitucional e o seu normativo legal nesta matéria da estratégia e combate anti-terrorista. Logo nessa altura a Procuradoria-Geral da república emitiu um parecer que, em síntese, diz que as Forças Armadas existem para a ameaça externa - e a ameaça terrorista é uma ameaça externa, ainda que se possa manifestar dentro de espaço nacional. Consequentemente é perfeitamente pertinente, legítimo e necessário que as FA tenham esse tipo de intervenção interna, em que, no fundo, estão a responder a uma ameaça externa. Depois disso, o Conceito Estratégico de Defesa Nacional e, mais recentemente, o Conceito Estratégico Militar traduziram de uma forma mais arrumada, do ponto de vista político e doutrinário, quais são as competências actividades e atribuições das FA nessa área. Por outro lado, há a realidade - o ambiente estratégico de hoje contém essa questão grave e difícil da ameaça terrorista.

EXP. -Existe uma preparação real do Exército para a acção anti-terrorista?

V.P. - Este exercício durou dez dias, do qual apenas um foi público. A ideia do Exército foi mostrar publicamente algumas das capacidades que tem, designadamente as que nos parecem mais articuláveis com as forças de segurança e os outros serviços ligados à protecção civil, como a própria Protecção Civil, o INEM etc. Exercitámos, em Tancos, alguns aspectos ligados à regulação da circulação e ao controlo de acessos, à defesa aérea de baixa altitude num aeródromo, num aeroporto , à nossa capacidade de inactivação de engenhos explosivos, convencionais ou improvisados. E exercitámos algumas das nossas capacidades em matéria de defesa nuclear, biológica e química, sendo que, por exemplo, a componente de descontaminação é hoje única no país. Finalmente, exercitámos o hospital cirúrgico móvel, uma estrutura muito complexa de apoio sanitário, que o país já projectou algumas vezes em missões de apoio à paz, com grande sucesso e vantagem para as populações.

EXP. -A data escolhida para o exercício tem alguma coisa a ver com o Euro 2004?

V.P. - O exercício estava previsto para 2005, mas depois aconteceu o 11 de Março aqui bem perto de nós e isso fez-nos pensar. Ponderámos a vantagem de vermos como estávamos nesta área e, por acordo com o escalão político, resolvemos antecipá-lo para a primeira oportunidade possível. Um exercício com a envergadura que este teve não se organiza do pé para a mão e a sua realização fala bem pela saúde operacional do Exército.

EXP. -A anunciada reestruturação do Exército e da sua força operacional em que ponto está?

V.P. - Avança, e se não avançar a força operacional, não tem sentido avançar mais nada. As FA existem para terem força, não para se autocontemplarem e autoconsumirem. Esquematicamente, o modelo de exército que foi pensado e que a minha directiva de 2003 procura traduzir assenta na força operacional do exército como referência, numa estrutura de comando e numa estrutura de base. Nesta fase, já definimos o modelo fundamental — que é a sua força operacional e a sua estrutura de comando, incluindo a modificação, no sentido de maior simplificação, das relações de comando. No que se refere à estrutura de base, em primeiro lugar, ela é instrumental em relação ao modelo. Espero ter um primeiro desenho razoavelmente consolidado em Junho e terminado em Setembro.

EXP. -O desenho?

V.P. - O projecto para a estrutura de base. Foi uma escolha que assumi deliberadamente, a de incidir a nossa preocupação no modelo e não no instrumento. A minha directiva apontava para 35 linhas de acção, tarefas que foram associadas a um prazo limite. Todos eles estão a ser cumpridos. A conclusão geral dos trabalhos devia ser em Dezembro, acho que a teremos em Outubro. O que já concluímos deste processo teve a maior adesão do almirante Chefe do Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas e do escalão político, o ministro da Defesa e o Secretário-de-Estado. Desde os anos 50, é a quinta mudança fundamental do Exército. Gostava de saber se há muitas organizações, designadamente no sector público, que em 50 anos mudem cinco vezes de uma forma profunda e que façam acompanhar estas mudanças, embora implicitamente, de um verdadeiro benchmarking externo.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 07:57:03 pm
II Parte
EXP. -E qual é a tradução real dessa reforma profunda

V.P. - Melhores forças, que é o nosso objectivo. Vamos transformar a força operacional permanente do Exército numa força mais pesada, para conflitos de maior intensidade, numa força média para conflitos de média intensidade (e ambivalente, isto é, para uns e para outros)- e uma força mais ligeira projectável, de uma forma muito expedita e com excelentes capacidades, complementáveis com capacidades tecnicamente muito diferenciadas.

EXP. -O novo tipo de forças prevê o fim de algumas unidades, como a dos paraquedistas?

V.P. - Toda a concepção das nossas forças visa produzir boa força militar - completa, treinada, motivada - de acordo com as categorizações que internacionalmente estão acordadas para esse efeito. Ninguém vai acabar com forças páraquedistas ou com comandos. Em primeiro lugar, porque não há no Exército forças de grupos, há forças do Exército, e o que é preciso é que se relacionem de uma forma convergente. Nunca esteve na cabeça do Exército algo que se afastasse de um modelo de modularização, no sentido de que algumas unidades não detivessem em permanência todas as suas valências, mas houvesse uma ‘pool’ das valências mais complexas tecnicamente para poderem ser empregues. É o modelo dos países ricos que, por maioria de razão, tem de ser o modelo de um país como Portugal. O que o Exército garante é que quando empregar uma unidade de manobra, um batalhão de infantaria, por exemplo, eles estarão apoiados pelos elementos de apoio de combate e de apoio de serviços que sejam precisos. Aliás, essa é a tendência doutrinária com que nos confrontamos. As operações de apoio à paz já começaram desde 1998 ou 1999 a sugerir isso, ainda em torno da ideia do batalhão, hoje está em cima da mesa, concretamente na União europeia, um conceito que vai mais longe neste aspecto. É nesse sentido que estamos a trabalhar. O Exército não está a inventar nada, mas não está com certeza agarrado a modelos do passado. A força operacional do Exército corresponde a mais de 50% dos efectivos.

EXP. -Caminha-se no sentido de uma força de reacção rápida portuguesa?

V.P. - Caminha-se para uma força de reacção rápida do Exército e, se houver uma força de reacção rápida portuguesa, o Exército estará sempre absolutamente pronto para entrar nela. O Exército está inteiramente aberto ao aprofundamento da dimensão conjunta das FA, com a reserva de que não aceita perder qualidade por essa razão. A qualidade que existe na Marinha, no Exército, na Força Aérea é um património nacional e não se deve desbaratar.

EXP. -O que é que significa perder qualidade?

V.P. - Podia haver um modelo conjunto que fosse mau.

EXP. -E quanto ao comando conjunto? Desde o Verão que se fala de um estudo a ser feito sobre o assunto...

V.P. - Seguramente não pelo Exército. Repito que_ a força de reacção rápida caracteriza-se pela sua flexibilidade de actuação, por uma multiplicidade de actuações funcionais... e isso exige ligeireza. É assim em todo o lado. Não estamos a inventar nada, estamos apenas a valorizar, e muito, a expressão operacional das nossas unidades especiais e especializadas. Alguns países chamaram a este tipo de unidades forças especiais e especializadas. Não confundir com 'Multinational specialized units', porque isso está muito ligado aos carabinieri, gendarmerie, Guarda Republicana. É no domínio puramente militar. Este é o modelo que está em cima da mesa e é uma valorização fantástica da capacidade de projecção portuguesa.

EXP. -Quando estará constituída essa força??

V.P. - Temos de contar com o reequipamento. Deverá estar completa e com altíssimo grau de prontidão em Janeiro de 2008. Mas a partir de Janeiro de 2005, partes dela vão progressivamente entrando nesse mesmo grau de prontidão, que é o máximo. Em termos de Exército, maior prontidão do que dez dias... Temos sempre forças de escalão mais baixo prontas e, se for preciso projectar uma subunidade, faço-o — é só o tempo de os homens se vestirem e irem para o aeroporto.

EXP. -O que significa que, se se mantiverem esses prazos, Portugal poderá, a partir de 2007, participar na força operacional da UE?

V.P. - O Exército está a fazer um esforço muito grande mesmo nesta circunstância - que ainda é a de aguardarmos o desenvolvimento dos principais programas de reequipamento, cuja demora é normal — não há aqui nenhuma mensagem subliminar. Estamos no ‘timing’ previsto para desde já entrar no exercício das ‘Nato Response Forces’ (Forças de Reacção Rápida da NATO), o que é um grande desafio.

EXP. -Portugal tem forças prontas para partificar na NRF?

V.P. - Já temos forças neste momento em NRF. Elas também são importantes como um guia auxiliar a certificar as forças do ponto de vista da Aliança Atlântica. Portugal não pode correr o risco de oferecer uma força que depois não passe na certificação. Na NRF, estamos no segundo ciclo — há pelo menos seis, que se referem a semestres. Não houve condições para participar no primeiro ciclo (cada um tem seis meses), de resto tinha um carácter experimental e não foi grave não participar. Mas estamos a participar na NRF 2 e está decidida a participação na NRF 3 e 4. Em vias de decisão está a participação nas números cinco e seis, que são as últimas, que ainda estão em planeamento. Aí esperamos poder intervir com subunidades de escalão batalhão com elevadíssimo grau de prontidão. Isto traduz o benefício desta transformação de modelo que gera muito mais sinergias funcionais. Paralelamente, vamos conseguir dar melhor tradução ao compromisso que o país assumiu em matéria de "headline goal".

EXP. -Portugal terá a responsabilidade de gerar forças da NATO muito proximamente...

V.P. - A responsabilidade de activação da NRF 5 (segundo semestre de 2005) será do Joint Headquarters Lisbon. Tal como a NRF 6 será da responsabilidade do comando de reacção rápida da Aliança (ARC) e penso que é do maior interesse do país poder entrar aí com uma forca de reacção rápida de escalão batalhão.

EXP. -O Exército português tem capacidade para actuar em três teatros de operações distintos...

V.P. - Com forças de escalão batalhão. Ou, num teatro, com forças de escalão brigada. Exclui-se a intervenção de unidades mais pequeninas, as tais unidades muito especializadas.

EXP. -Neste momento, Portugal tem forças destacadas na Bósnia e em Timor, no seu grande grosso. Estas regressam agora. E depois, vão para o Iraque, Afeganistão?

V.P. - O Exército nunca escolheu o seu destino em termos de empenhamento operacional, vai para onde o país entender que é preciso que vá. E espero que o faça nas melhores condições. Neste momento, temos de reconhecer que há algumas limitações. A maior é que eu não consigo projectar para o Pólo Note ou para o Pólo Sul mais do que 40 homens, porque só temo 40 capacidades individuais de combate em condições árcticas. Fora isso, o país pode seguramente contar com o seu Exército.

EXP. -E ele estaria pronto a ir para o Iraque, se fosse essa a decisão política?

V.P. - Está sempre pronto. A decisão não é minha e eu não faço essas perguntas. Posso participar no processo decisório, e acho que devo até porque há uma dimensão técnica, que é importante considerar - não é só empregar as forças, mas sustentá-las e há aqui parâmetros complexos. Não falo objectivamente de cenários hipotéticos e, para qualquer cenário, o Exército naturalmente que precisa de algum tempo de preparação. Mas não muito. Há cenários onde o tempo de preparação mais complexo é o da preparação sanitária. Por exemplo, para Timor, é preciso preparar as pessoas sanitariamente para o dengue, a encefalite japonesa. etc. O Exército tem hoje graus de prontidão que lhe permitem reagir.

EXP. -O ex-chefe do contingente da GNR no Iraque disse uma vez que gostaria muito de lá estar com o Exército...

V.P. - Todos os portugueses gostam de estar com o Exercito. Nós ainda não sabemos como vamos ficar em termos de estrutura de base. Não é crível que o dispositivo se mantenha como está. O que me chegou de todas as localidades onde há guarnições do Exército, foi um coro dizendo que a relação entre o Exército, a população e as autoridades é a melhor. O Exército é um elemento estruturador e identificador da sociedade portuguesa, tem-no sido historicamente e continua a sê-lo. Mesmo nas intervenções que o Exército não rejeita e para as quais o Exército não se organiza. Por exemplo, o Exército não se dimensiona para abrir aceiros nas florestas, mas, tendo essa capacidade, faz e têmo-lo feito. Os aceiros são aquelas vias que funcionam como corta-fogos e para permitir o acesso de carros de bombeiros se for preciso. Este ano, pela primeira vez, estamos a abrir aceiros desde 19 de Abril e até 30 de Junho. Planeámos a carteira de encomendas tentativamente para 250 Km, que depois ampliámos para 280-290. Dados de 7 de Maio mostram que já abrimos 150 quilómetros. Para a semana, vamos começar a montar uma grande ponte do Exército em Santo Tirso. É preciso, por que não havemos de o fazer? No ano passado, o Exército empenhou mais de 12 mil na luta contra os incêndios. E este ano, a partir de 31 de Maio, vamos ter as nossas melhores unidades a fazer o patrulhamento de florestas. Desde os anos noventa que o Exército faz patrulha de florestas, mas agora assumimos que vamos para lá, montamos o nosso 'quartel' de campanha e as nossas tropas vão ter uma presença dissuasora. Apostamos muito nisso.

EXP. -Profissionalização. A 20 de Maio, é a última incorporação do serviço efectivo normal (SEN). O que vai mudar no Exército?

V.P. - Há pelos menos duas coisas que não mudam: o Exército continuará a incorporar portugueses e não abdicará dos seus valores institucionais e patrióticos e nacionais, porque são definidoras e uma identificação e de uma estruturação da sociedade e do Estado portugueses. Para preparar a profissionalização, a primeira coisa que fizemos foi assumir o óbvio: que às 0h de 20 de Novembro de 2004, termina a conscrição em Portugal. A mentalidade tem de mudar. Agilizámos muito o processo de recrutamento; aumentámos o número de incorporações. No modelo anterior, havia muita espera entre o oferecimento, a candidatura e a incorporação e, no meio desse processo, havia umas perdas em linha. Passámos a ir à procura dos jovens, em vez de estar à espera que eles viessem ter connosco, passámos a uma postura mais empenhada e pró-activa. Depois, fizemos coisas aqui dentro. Multiplicámos os turnos de incorporação. Este ano, entre tropa geral e pára-quedistas, temos tido uma média de uma incorporação por mês. O que significa que alguém que se ofereça não espera mais do que um mês para ser incorporado, sendo que nesse mês é objecto de provas de classificação e selecção, inspecções médicas rigorosas, etc.

EXP. -E quantos candidatos já incorporou?

V.P. - No dia 8, o Exército passou a ter, em praças contratadas, 11 mil. Juntamente com os oficiais e sargentos, estamos na ordem dos 13 mil contratados no Exército. Entretanto, fizemos há cerca de 15 dias uma acção articulada com o Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional, de que ressaltou a candidatura de cerca de 1600 jovens, o que nos levou a antecipar a próxima incorporação para 31 de Maio. E já há mais uma centenas de oferecidos desde então, que só serão incorporados posteriormente. Por outro lado, vamos redescentralizar a incorporação e a instrução. O Exército não acredita em modelos centralizados e burocráticos de recrutamento e de formação de contingentes. A 31 de Maio, penso que estaremos muito preto dos 12 mil — e ainda amos inorporar os do serviço efectivo normal na próxima semana. Saliento que não entrarão conscritos nas zonas militares dos Açores e da Madeira, porque já não é preciso.

EXP. -Lamenta o fim do Serviço Militar Obirgatório (SMO)?

V.P. - Verifico.

EXP. -Mas não lamenta...

V.P. - Não adianta ter estados de alma. Não é o Exército que faz a lei e nós também verificamos que esta é uma tendência das sociedades. A única coisa que me permito dizer, do ponto de vista da minha responsabilidade institucional, é que o debate sobre o serviço militar obrigatório (ou não) deixou de ser um debate puro na mesma altura em que foi introduzida a modalidade dos quatro meses.

EXP. -Com o fim do SMO, o país, de certa maneira, perde o retrato da sua juventude?

V.P. - Sem dúvida. Não está na mão do Exército, mas o Exército, porque ele tem tido essa responsabilidade principal tem feito sentir que, a partir do fim do serviço de conscrição, deixam de estar disponíveis no país indicadores que nos parecem muito importantes do ponto de vista da escolaridade, situação laboral, saúde, etc. Mas as nossas estruturas estão inteiramente disponíveis, se assim for entendido, para manter este tipo de actividade, inclusivamente com padrões que venham de fora. Continuaremos a fazer esse trabalho em relação aos que continuarem a vir, mas são uma amostra muito reduzida da sociedade portuguesa.

EXP. -Não lhe parece curioso que, quando Portugal adopta finalmente o regime integral de profissionalização, o faça no momento em que ela começa a conhecer os seus limites, nomeadamente à luz do que está a acontecer nos Estados Unidos, que colocam a hipótese de voltar à conscrição?

V.P. - Cada país tem o seu percurso. O modelo de serviço militar apenas define a natureza do instrumento. Não é o elemento estruturante do sistema de forças. Não se pode definir o modelo de serviço militar sem atender à realidade da sociedade portuguesa em todos os aspectos (sociológicos, políticos) e aos cenários e condições previsíveis de emprego. Estaremos atentos ao que vem de fora, mas a decisão tem de ser portuguesa.

EXP. -A afluência de candidatos tem também a ver com a crise económica e o desemprego?

V.P. - Não sei se é, ou não mas, se for, é óptimo que também por essa via se combata essa dificuldade social. Não encontro aí nenhuma mácula para o que tem vindo a ser o resultado positivo deste processo. Toda a gente procura uma profissão para não ficar desempregado, não é? Por que é que isso só é mau para os militares, e não, por exemplo, para a Polícia, ou a Guarda Republicana? Nos Açores e na Madeira, por exemplo, as taxas de desemprego são bastante mais baixas e a afluência é permanente...

EXP. -Qual é a percentagem actual de voluntários e contratados?

V.P. - Temos 24 mil militares, contas redondas. Os voluntários e contratados perfazem 58%, os do quadro permanente 38% e os do SEN 11%.

EXP. -E quanto às mulheres?

V.P. - Praticamente sem excepção, está tudo aberto às mulheres, por uma razão que tem a ver com o problema da igualdade de oportunidades. Mas tem de se ser realista. Por exemplo, as operações especiais (às quais elas ainda não têm acesso, tal como aos comandos) têm um tipo de actuação que impõe determinadas regras, até de vida, que neste momento ainda não temos condições para enquadrar mulheres. A percentagem actualmente anda nos 11-12%, mas quando deixarmos de ter conscritos, que são todos homens, essa taxa vai aumentar e aproximar-se dos 15%, o que é altíssimo para a NATO e muitíssimo alto para a região sul da Europa. Com um excelente desempenho...

EXP. -Se a 31 de Maio, pensa atingir os 12 mil voluntários contratados, significa que atinge, pelo menos o patamar mínimo proposto?

V.P. - Significa que o Exército conseguirá manter a funcionar o seu sistema de forças sem descaracterização, não que consiga ter a funcionar plenamente, como é desejável e necessário, o seu sistema de forças. Consegue manter a estrutura, mas de forma não integral. Os efectivos não são um objectivo do Exército, e muito menos um objectivo estrutural. Isso são as forças, que se traduzem por necessidades de vária ordem, incluindo recursos humanos. Não vamos parar nos 12 mil e dizer que ganhámos a guerra, nem nos 13 ou 14 mil. O nosso sistema de forças exigirá mais e nós sabemos quantos é que, mais ou menos, exigirá. Tem havido alguma confusão, porque tem-se dito 12 mil contratados e não é verdade: 12 mil praças contratados. Porque nós temos mais dois mil oficiais sargentos e só não temos mais porque não precisamos.

EXP. -E quanto às infra-estruturas, já saiu a lei?

V.P. - Não. Está nas Grandes Opções do Plano para o ano de 2004. O Exército fez o seu trabalho de casa, dizendo o que precisava e como é que achava que era susceptível de ser financiado. Fê-lo no reconhecimento das dificuldades financeiras e económicas gerais do país e, a partir daí, o assunto passou para o escalão do Ministério da Defesa. É importante que, quando tivermos uma visão mais ajustada da estrutura de base, revisitemos esse trabalho, que foi entregue ainda em Março de 2003, não é mudar drasticamente, mas para o ajustar ao novo figurino. Entretanto, saíu uma lei-quadro do que possa ser um ‘project finance’ no Estado e que abre para leis sectoriais. Tem havido um grande trabalho para rever os mecanismos de valorização patrimonial do que sejam os activos do Exército. Penso que são etapas preparatórias fundamentais para termos uma boa lei de programação das infra-estruturas militares que, seguramente, definirá um programa de dez anos. Não pode ser menos.

EXP. -O Exército tem uma ideia clara das unidades que vai deixar, manter, ou agrupar?

V.P. - Não, o Exército fez um trabalho dessa natureza que entregámos no ano passado e que agora precisamos de ajustar. Em matéria de estrutura de base, em que se inclui, com grande relevo, o dispositivo, não está tomada nenhuma decisão, mas sê-lo-ão.

EXP. -Mas isso não é fundamental para a modernização das infra-estruturas necessárias para a profissionalização?

V.P. - Por isso vamos rever o trbalho. O que fizemos em 2003 foi dizer que o Exército tem necessidade de requalificação de infra-estruturas desta dimensão, desta dimensão financeira e também técnica, e isto é possível de resolver financeiramente, ou parece-nos possível de resolver financeiramente, por esta via. Agora temos de voltar a verificar tudo, ajustar às necessidades, rever as possibilidades de financiamento... Mas não compete ao Exército dizer como é financiada a requalificação das suas infra-estruturas, apenas fazer sentir que é indispensável requalificar as suas infra-estruturas. A última vez que o país fez quartéis foi nos anos cinquenta, com excepção do quartel da Póvoa e de Alcochete, que foi uma troca directa com o que havia em Beirolas, onde depois se fez a Expo. Dentro dos apertadíssimos limites de capacidade de intervenção financeira que temos, até com muita iniciativa local das unidades, vamos procurando minorar e atenuar as dificuldades e limitações que existem.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 08:04:11 pm
III Parte
EXP. -E não teme que parte desses bens estejam já hipotecados? Fala-se na criação de um Fundo Imobiliário...

V.P. - Não temo nem deixo de temer. O que sei é que o Exército tem de ter as suas infra-estruturas requalificadas e que isso custa dinheiro. Não sou eu que determino ou decido de onde é que ele surge.

EXP. -Não reverte para o Exército parte do produto da venda desse património imobiliário?

V.P. - Desde que este processo de significativa contracção do dispositivo começou, há umas duas décadas, tem havido alienações e alguma transferência de verbas para o Exército. Para mim o que conta é o entendimento político que é preciso requalificar as infra-estruturas do Exército e que isso encontrará boa expressão numa lei de programação das infra-estruturas militares que é objectivo do governo ter aprovada até ao fim deste ano.

EXP. -Há boas perspectivas quanto ao equipamento?

V.P. - O nosso desenho de levantamento de forças é muito exigente, ambicioso e exequível. Isto quer dizer o reequipamento vai contribuir decisivamente para isso. O Exército tem quatro grandes programas (o quinto é o do reequipamento em defesa NBQ): viaturas blindadas de rodas, arma ligeira, rádios e helicópteros. Em todos eles, os ‘timings’ têm vindo a correr como previsto. Ainda há dias, foi anunciado publicamente que estávamos a entrar na fase de negociação do contrato das viaturas blindadas de rodas — é um instrumento fundamental na transformação da capacidade operacional do Exército. O rádio é outro instrumento fundamental, se calhar ainda este mês, conseguiremos ter esse contrato assinado. Também penso que o programa da arma ligeira possa ter desenvolvimentos decisivos este ano. Este programa demorou mais tempo, não tanto por uma questão técnica e mais por procurar pôr em sintonia o conjunto das FA e das forças de segurança. Embora não tenham as mesmas necessidades, têm necessidades complementares, e isso define a compra duma família de armas. De modo geral, os ‘timings’ de fornecimento dos equipamentos são compagináveis com as nossas necessidades de edificação de forças.

EXP. -Está satisfeito com a taxa de execução da LPM?

V.P. - Só se está satisfeito com 100 por cento, não é? O Exército tem executado muito bem o dinheiro da LPM que está à sua disposição.

EXP. -Restam os helicópteros...

V.P. - O programa dos helicópteros existe na LPM. O ministro da Defesa disse em Coimbra, a 17 de Dezembro, que o Exército ia inquestionavelmente ter a sua subunidade de aviação ligeira, isto é, de helicópteros. É um compromisso do ministro e do Governo. O Exército tem-se mantido com um enorme esforço no programa dos NH-90, que é para levar até ao fim.

EXP. - Foram pagas todas as contribuições?

V.P. - Tudo o que é preciso pagar do NH-90 será certamente pago e tudo o que ainda não foi pago nunca comprometeu a presença portuguesa no programa e o desenvolvimento do programa no geral e no que se refere às especificidades lusitanas. É evidente que um país que tem uma esquadra de helicópteros utilitários, médios, como são os NH-90, tem de ter, por razões de instrução e de economia, uma esquadra de helicópteros mais ligeiros. Infelizmente, houve o problema com a Eurocopter, o contrato foi rescindido inapelavelmente e é compreensível que nessa sequência o Exército e o Ministério da Defesa tenham feito exercícios em muitas direcções para criar as melhores condições para ver em que direcção se podia ir. Essas direcções estão basicamente identificadas e seguramente teremos uma noção mais clara de desenvolvimentos concretos nessa área a muito curto prazo. Posso dizer que os helicópteros ligeiros terão de estar disponíveis no país antes de estarem disponíveis os utilitários. E o primeiro NH-90 deverá chegar em 2008.

EXP. - Para os ligeiros, fala-se dos Blackhawk, da Sikorsky americana

V.P. - Há muitas companhias na praça dos helicópteros e nós não devemos excluir nenhuma. Eu nunca falei com ninguém da Sikorsky, mas deixer-me dizer que o Blackhawk não é um helicóptero ligeiro, é médio. Nunca foram pensados pelo Exército para nenhuma tarefa específica, apenas nos limitámos a estudar todos os helicópteros do mercado e não houve nenhum raciocínio apoiado em nenhum tipo de helicóptero. O Exército tem procurado seguir a seguinte via: não tentar inventar a roda. Aquilo que comprovadamente serve em países tão bons e melhores que nós, serve-nos. Fizemos essa avaliação muito seriamente e deu-nos muito custo poder chegar a esta fase hoje.

EXP. -Para manter o seu grupo de aviação ligeira...

V.P. - Para manter uma unidade de aviação ligeira no Exército, que é hoje absolutamente característica e definidora da manobra terrestre. O Exército utilizou helicópteros de outros em Timor, na Bósnia, na Macedónia e quando fazemos exercícios. Isto é como as armas ligeiras, é uma necessidade do Exército. Para um novo tipo de actuação, o que não significa que, sendo indispensável que funcionem no quadro da manobra terrestre, não haja em montes de áreas possibilidade de procurar sinergias num espaço mais geral do que o do próprio Exército. Não vemos nisso nenhum problema.

EXP. - Para a reestrutração, falta o novo uniforme...

V.P. - O uniforme é uma questão básica. O Exército não precisa de uma nova imagem, mas os seus militares devem fardar igual. É uma questão de igualdade de condições e de circunstâncias. Até ao presente, tendo conscritos de quatro meses, não era pensável fardar os homens de quatro meses com requisitos de 40 anos, nem ao contrário. Com o fim do SEN, isto tem de terminar. O primeiro objectivo é uniformizar a apresentação, a maneira de viver e vestir dos militares do que será o exército profissional e profissionalizado. O segundo objectivo tem a ver com alguma questão de imagem, e o terceiro é uma questão de qualidade e de simplicidade. Os nossos uniformes vêm de há muito tempo, são muito complexos, há uma estrutura barroca. Temos basicamente quatro tipos (de cerimónia, serviço interno, instrução e camuflado) e queremos fundi-los dois a dois. A primeira etapa foi fundir o três e o quatro, que já está pronto e até na parada do 25 de Abril, todos já desfilaram com ele. Queríamos tê-lo introduzido a 1 de Janeiro, mas só foi possível fazê-lo em Março/Abril. Relativamente ao outro uniforme, que substituirá o chamado nº1 e 2, conto com ele em Janeiro de 2005. Fizemos uma consulta aos estilistas da praça, concorreu quem entendeu e seleccionámos uma estilista, Olga Rego. É com ela que estamos a desenvolver os protótipos, mas durante este mês, pela primeira vez, teremos para escolha uniformes feitos em diversas cores. Simultaneamente, há uma ponderação financeira, porque a introdução do novo uniforme vai ter custos. Quem paga o essencial das fardas são os militares (cada uma à roda dos 200-250 euros) e porventura haverá necessidade de encarar suplementos financeiros.

EXP. -No campo da reorganização, aborda os sectores em em que vai ser feito ‘outsourcing’?

V.P. - Estamos a fazê-lo um pouco naquilo que é mais necessário, as limpezas, num caso ou noutro a segurança, mas nada de forma muito sistematizada. É muito fruto das circunstâncias. Apenas agora se está a esboçar uma política, no âmbito do projecto da central de compras do Ministério da Defesa, que é, no fundo, uma central de negociação, na qual o Exército participa.

EXP. -As finanças do Exército estão melhor?

V.P. - Tivemos e temos dificuldades, mas mantemos a capacidade para actuar, sempre que é preciso e onde é preciso.

EXP. - E vai haver alterações na carreira?

V.P. - Tem de haver. O problema é que hoje há um estrangulamento na carreira de sargentos. Temos gente que está há muito tempo nalguns postos, sobretudo nos mais baixos, primeiro-sargento, sargento-ajudante. É um problema que decorre dos quadros que legalmente estão aprovados, há um número fixo que não pode ser excedido. A questão é que este número fixo que não pode ser excedido está completamente desfasado da realidade das necessidades. Há menos do que é preciso, os quadros são inferiores às necessidades. O problema não é exclusivo do Exército, até porventura é onde ele é mais atenuado. Tem de haver uma intervenção correctores e a solução só pode ser no plano legislativo.

Luísa Meireles

Voluntários na tropa já são 60%
A PROFISSIONALIZAÇÃO é o grande desafio para o Exército, cujo chefe confessa que, sobre esse assunto, não pode ter «estados de alma». Com uma reviravolta geral no modelo de recrutamento (a palavra de ordem é ir ter com os jovens), multiplicaram-se as iniciativas e as incorporações. O resultado está à vista: o objectivo mínimo dos 12 mil praças voluntários é atingido este mês. No total, o Exército já conta com 58% de voluntários e contratados entre as suas fileiras. As mulheres (que podem concorrer a todas as especialidades excepto, por enquanto, aos comandos e operações especiais) são 11%. Mas vão ser mais depois da profissionalização.

Olga Rego desenha nova farda
NA reestruturação em curso no Exército (a quinta em 50 anos!) nada foi deixado ao acaso. Vai haver dois novos uniformes, que substituirão os quatro existentes (cerimónia, serviço interno, instrução e camuflado). Um deles já está pronto (instrução e camuflado) e foi com ele que as tropas desfilaram na Parada do 25 de Abril. O segundo (cerimónia e serviço interno) está ainda em fase de protótipo, mas deverá estar ao serviço em Janeiro de 2005. A dificuldade está na escolha da cor. A estilista que ganhou o concurso foi Olga Rego.

Duas esquadras de «helis»
A MANUTENÇÃO de uma unidade de aviação ligeira no Exército custou horas de sono ao general Valença Pinto. Mas o ministro Portas já garantiu que o ramo terá não só uma esquadra de helicópteros utilitários (os NH-90 são para seguir até ao fim), como uma outra de helicópteros mais ligeiros, que terão de chegar antes - o primeiro está previsto para 2008. «Não se aprende a conduzir num Ferrari!», diz o general. Quais serão é que ainda não se sabe (à partida, a escolha é entre todos os que estão no mercado) e a mensagem é críptica: «Têm sido feitos exercícios em muitas direcções para se saber qual delas tomar».
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 24, 2004, 11:17:40 am

Pára-quedistas - Aniversário marcado por dúvidas
Associações de pára-quedistas preparavam-se para lançar acções de protesto ontem, em Tancos, durante as cerimónias do Dia das Tropas Pára-Quedistas, no receio de que a anunciada reestruturação do Exército possa pôr fim a este corpo de tropas ou atingir a grande unidade dos pára-quedistas, a Brigada Aerotransportada Independente (BAI).  
“Não seria nada que pusesse em causa a disciplina, mas havia quem se preparasse para aparecer com gravata preta ou mesmo com cartazes”, adiantou um oficial.

Seria, no entanto, o suficiente para marcar a cerimónia, onde milhares de antigos pára-quedistas e famílias estiveram presentes associando-se às comemorações militares e oficiais. O protesto só não foi para a frente porque alguns sectores conseguiram à última hora demover os mais radicais e apelar à calma. “Conseguimos explicar que a reestruturação não aponta para o fim dos pára-quedistas e que nada é definitivo”, explicou um dos elementos contra os protestos previstos.


Há já sectores do Exército, porém, que começam a manifestar preocupação, uma vez que as associações são elementos-chave na angariação de voluntários e se se verificar um divórcio completo entre as associações e o Exército, as consequências poderão ser delicadas.

Ontem eram visíveis sinais de crispação. Manuel Silva, presidente da Associação de Pára-quedistas do Minho, já tinha “ouvido falar” da reestruturação e das consequências para os ‘páras’, mas, na sua opinião, “o Paulo Portas não deve cair nessa asneira”. Outro homem da velha-guarda atira: “Se ele aceitar reduzir os ‘páras’ é porque não percebe nada disto”.

E nem a mensagem enviada pelo Chefe de Estado-Maior do Exército, general Valença Pinto, lida às forças em parada, contribuiu para amenizar o ambiente. Manteve o mar de dúvidas, uma vez que não abordou a saída da BAI do batalhão de apoio e serviços, nem do grupo de artilharia e do esquadrão de reconhecimento e muito menos da ‘desactivação’ do 3.º batalhão de infantaria aerotransportada.

Em contrapartida, a mensagem de Valença Pinto abordou a constituição de uma força de reacção rápida com “subunidades de pára-quedistas e outras de elevada operacionalidade” – mas sem esclarecer quais, o que contribuiu para aumentar a confusão.

“Quem é que são essas?”, queria saber alguém e quando o CM esclareceu que “talvez pudessem ser os comandos” a resposta foi pronta: “Então mas não vieram quando os pára-quedistas passaram para o Exército e agora já vêm?”. E nem a promessa dos helicópteros – inserida na mensagem de Valença Pinto – convenceu: “Já se ouve falar disso há anos”.



Os pára-quedistas foram criados na Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP), nos anos 50, pela mão de Kaúlza de Arriaga, depois de o Exército ter recusado esta força de elite. Entraram no Exército em 1993, quando o ramo terrestre das Forças Armadas conseguiu convencer o então ministro da Defesa, Fernando Nogueira, a apadrinhar a iniciativa. A transferência produziu muitos choques entre o Exército e a força então criada, a Brigada Aerotransportada Independente (BAI).


O Exército criticava então o facto de a Brigada Ligeira Pára-quedista, da FAP, não ter sustentação própria e de apenas dispor de dois batalhões de infantaria, tendo em conta a doutrina, que pende para as estruturas de três. O Exército criticava também o facto de os pára--quedistas não disporem de apoio de fogo de artilharia, nem de uma subunidade de reconhecimento.


Desde a vinda para o Exército, os pára-quedistas têm sido a primeira força a avançar, sempre que o risco seja mais elevado. Foi assim na Bósnia, no Kosovo e em Timor, além da Guiné-Bissau, em 1998. Estão relativamente bem equipados face ao restante panorama do Exército. Na FAP sempre tiveram equipamento e armamento de primeira linha, pouco mas do melhor que na altura se fazia, das armas individuais às transmissões, passando pelos capacetes.


Na reorganização preconizada por Valença Pinto, a BAI fica com dois batalhões de infantaria, perde a artilharia e o reconhecimento, além do batalhão de apoio e serviços. A artilharia, o reconhecimento e o batalhão de apoio e serviços ficam num módulo conjunto com a Brigada Ligeira de Intervenção, a disponibilizar consoante o tipo de missão e o tipo de forças a empenhar.


O colete não deixa margem para dúvidas. Bem definidas, a negro, as seguintes palavras: “Veterano de Guerra”. Daquela guerra que já lá vai, mas que deixou marcas em várias gerações de portugueses. Manuel Martins, de 55 anos, era um desses homens. Mas a boina verde na cabeça deixava outra mensagem: pára-quedista.

A câmara de vídeo manuseia-a freneticamente na direcção da formatura. “Venho cá sempre a Tancos, no dia 23 de Maio. É o dia dos pára-quedistas” – pois então. Como muitos destes homens, não gosta de falar da guerra. “Já passou, já lá vai”. Memórias que marcam e que a consciência faz por apagar cada vez que aparecem, mas a insistência do jornalista é maior. Olha, tira os óculos e dispara: “O que é que quer saber?”. Lá deixa escapar a memória, franjas de uma guerra que “já lá vai”, mas que nunca lhe sai da cabeça.

“Estive em Angola entre 68 e 70”. Passou por vários pontos da então província ultramarina, “sempre em guerra”. Um dia, no Chiume, foi apanhado numa emboscada, “trazia um prisioneiro às costas”. Às costas? “Sim era um miúdo, que eles também combatiam”. Logo de seguida os tiros rebentaram pela mata. Foram longos minutos, mas quando acabaram olhou para o camuflado e encheu-se de espanto: “Tinha o camuflado, junto à barriga, todo esfarrapado”. As múltiplas balas tinham passado de raspão – “Não morri porque não calhou”.

Mas o que mais o marca “nem foi isso”. Ainda hoje se lembra do Magalhães. “Éramos muito amigos”. Acabou por morrer numa picada, em combate, “mas até morrer fartou-se de sofrer. Não morreu logo, nem nada que se pareça”. O ataque foi já perto do quartel e ainda tiveram tempo para o levar para a enfermaria. Quando o Magalhães lá chegou, “quis despedir-se de toda a gente. Ele sabia que ia morrer”.

A conversa acaba ali e Manuel Martins volta a virar-se para a parada e continua a filmar. Não sabemos se para verter lágrimas reprimidas se para se esquecer da memória, mas ela não desaparece. Nem ela nem a boina verde dos pára-quedistas.


“Ó Rosa, Ó Rosa, está aqui o Correio da Manhã para falar contigo”. Rodeada de boinas verdes, a Rosa vira-se e sorri, sorri logo, sem mendigar – os olhos, a boca, as mãos. Que a Rosa sorri com as mãos, que giram encadeadas com o olhar vivo e matreiro. Mantém um encanto e uma graça que os anos nunca podem vencer, mas o seu coração, esse, “é do meu Aníbal”. E bate no peito, a palma das mãos acariciando o rosto de um homem fixo num medalhão.

Conheceram-se na Avenida Almirante Reis, em Lisboa. Ela vinha da Figueira da Foz “para vender marisco a um restaurante”. “Estava lá o Aníbal, começámos a trocar uns olhares e pronto, apaixonámo-nos”. (“Não seria difícil”, penso eu, a pôr-me na pele e nos olhos de Aníbal). Aviva ainda mais os olhos grandes e negros e diz: “Amámo-nos muito, foram 18 anos de muita felicidade”. Ele era um pára-quedista inveterado. Tinha passado pela guerra em Angola e nos anos seguintes manteve a tradição de anualmente respeitar o Dia dos Pára-quedistas, cada 23 de Maio. Sempre rumara a Tancos, à Escola de Tropas Aerotransportadas, e Rosa passou a acompanhá-lo. “Vínhamos cá sempre e como já tinha o restaurante da Figueira da Foz trazíamos sempre o peixe para a incorporação de 63”.

Um dia, em 1995, o Aníbal entendeu que tinha que ir saltar. “Ele tinha aquela coisa e às vezes falava que queria ir saltar, mas nunca acreditei”. Mas um dia foi mesmo, a Rosa bem lhe pediu que não fosse. “Sou supersticiosa e tinha uma coisa que me dizia que ia correr mal, mas era a vontade dele”. Saltou e a queda saiu mal. “Partiu a coluna”, recorda a Rosa. “Ainda fui com ele ao hospital. E ele dizia-me ‘tu tinhas razão, desculpa’”. E foi já bem perto da morte que surgiu o pedido. “Até poderes vai todos os anos a Tancos, dar de comer àqueles cabrõezinhos”.

A Rosa explica: “Ele falava assim mas não era por mal, era a maneira dele de brincar, que eles são todos muitos amigos – são todos pára-quedistas”. E a Rosa Peixeira cumpriu a promessa, religiosamente. A conversa já vai longa, que o tacho de arroz de tamboril tem que vazar. E todos chamam a Rosa. Os trovões rebentam no início da tarde e a Rosa Peixeira tem uma explicação: “É o meu Aníbal lá em cima. Está-me a avisar que estão muitos homens à minha volta. Não te preocupes”.  
Enviado por: Paisano em Maio 26, 2004, 04:29:26 pm
Olá pessoal,

No link abaixo, segue informações sobre o acidente com o helicóptero do Exército no município de Resende, RJ: ... -20654.htm (

Um abraço a todos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 27, 2004, 02:47:42 pm


El Gobierno español ha anunciado que no tiene intención de aumentar las tropas en Afganistán tras la retirada de Irak. El ministro de Defensa, José Bono, se ha mostrado tajante y también ha anunciado que todos los agentes del Centro Nacional de Inteligencia han abandonado el territorio iraquí, por lo que no queda ningún efectivo allí. "No tenemos intención de llevar los soldados de Irak a Afganistán", afirmó durante su comparecencia en la Comisión de Defensa del Congreso.

En otro orden de cosas, Bono ha dado a conocer el gasto que le ha supuesto a las arcas públicas la presencia de las tropas españolas en Irak durante el ejercicio de 2003 y el primer semestre de 2004, repliegue incluido: 369.733.478 euros.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 29, 2004, 02:11:00 pm

Amper Programas, empresa especializada en sistemas y equipos electrónicos para la Defensa, ha sido seleccionada junto con Thales por el Ejército suizo para el suministro de sistemas de información para el mando y control del denominado Programa FIS HE. Amper suministraría la arquitectura y concepto del sistema, así como el sistema Zodiaco, en el que se basará la solución para el Ejército Suizo. Es la primera vez que la firma es contratada por un ejército distinto al español.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 01, 2004, 11:50:49 am

Exército inicia esta terça-feira acções de prevenção contra os incêndios

Os militares do Exército iniciam, esta terça-feira, as patrulhas das matas nacionais, numa acção de vigilância a possíveis incêndios florestais integrada no plano global de prevenção do Ministério da Agricultura.

Envolvendo 1.600 homens, que se revezarão num patrulhamento diário com 200 elementos, a acção de vigilância e fiscalização prolongar-se-á até ao final de Setembro, também com a participação de 30 homens da Engenharia Militar, os quais têm vindo a desempenhar uma função de limpeza e abertura de novos caminhos, desde 19 de Abril e até 30 de Junho.
Para além dos militares, vão estar envolvidos na prevenção e combate aos incêndios ais 10.000 elementos, incluindo guardas florestais, GNR, brigadas voluntárias, bombeiros e beneficiários do Rendimento Social de Inserção.

01-06-2004 10:54:58
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 02, 2004, 12:53:00 pm

Militares portugueses regressam a casa
Metade dos militares portugueses que integraram até ao passado dia 20 de Maio o contingente de «capacetes azuis» estacionados em Timor-Leste regressa na quinta-feira a casa.  

02 de Junho 04    
  A chegada dos 250 efectivos está prevista para as 00:30 de sexta-feira no Aeroporto de Figo Maduro, em Lisboa. O avião fretado pelas Nações Unidas à Egypt Air faz escalas técnicas em Kuala Lumpur e no Cairo.

Os restantes 253 militares portugueses regressam no dia 11 e a sua chegada está prevista também para as 00:30.

Os 250 militares que regressam quinta-feira a Portugal integram a Companhia de Atiradores, formada por efectivos do Regimento de Infantaria 13, sedeado em Vila Real, uma companhia de fuzileiros, do Corpo de Fuzileiros da Armada, e a companhia de apoio, com militares de várias unidades.

O contingente militar português, que constituía o maior de entre os 27 países que contribuíram com efectivos para a Missão de Assistência da ONU em Timor-Leste (UNMISET), ficará agora reduzido a uma presença pouco mais que simbólica: apenas dez militares permanecerão em Timor-Leste ao serviço da ONU.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 02, 2004, 01:25:04 pm

Exército vai guardar votos das eleições europeias

O Exército vai recolher e guardar urnas de voto nas eleições europeias. De acordo com a edição desta quarta-feira do jornal Público, os militares já têm ordens para substituir as forças de segurança em alguns dos distritos que acolhem jogos do campeonato europeu de futebol.

De acordo com a mesma fonte, esta situação vai ocorrer porque os agentes da PSP e da GNR vão ser concentrados na segurança dos estádios onde se disputa o Euro2004 e as forças de segurança entendem que não têm pessoal suficiente para os dois eventos, que ocorrem em simultâneo.
O Exército dará uma ajuda na recolha e protecção das urnas de voto nos distritos de Lisboa, Porto, Leiria e Faro. Segundo informações do ramo, estarão envolvidos nesta operação 234 militares e 68 viaturas, uma vez que o Ministério da Administração Interna solicitou às Forças Armadas «um apoio suplementar» para as eleições europeias. Esse apoio traduz-se no transporte das urnas das assembleias de voto para os governos civis na sua guarda, se necessário, escreve o jornal.

02-06-2004 11:28:13
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 02, 2004, 04:16:49 pm

Belarus to upgrade Buk SAMs
David C Isby
Belarus will upgrade its army's three brigades of Buk (SA-17 'Grizzly')
surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), writes David C Isby. The programme, already
in progress, will last for several years and will include a new missile,
said Belarus's Air and Air Defense Force commander, Lieutenant-General Aleh
Some of the upgrade work will be carried out in Belarus, at Electronic
Armament Repair Plant Number 2566 in Barysaw, Minsk oblast. Most of the
upgrade programme will be carried out in Russia, at the Ulyanovsk
Engineering Plant and the Kalinin Machine Building Plant in Yekaterinburg.
The vehicles will be upgraded at Mytischi in Moscow oblast.
At the recent FIDAE air show in Chile, Makshud Sattarov, deputy chief
executive officer of the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant (the producer of the
system), announced that Russia has made a strong effort to market the Buk
M1-2 version of the system to Chile. According to reports in the Russian
press, Chile wants to order Buk M1-2 SAMs and launchers in 2005 but does not
plan to procure the entire integrated system. Instead, it intends to
integrate the SAMs and launchers with existing systems. Sattarov said that
such integration was feasible and that suitable software was already being
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 05, 2004, 12:29:14 pm

O Exército paquistanês realizou, esta sexta-feira, mais um teste com um míssil balístico, de capacidade nuclear, o segundo que leva a cabo esta semana.  
De acordo com o presidente paquistanês Perverz Musharraf, estes testes não tiveram como finalidade ameaçar o novo governo Indiano. Recorde-se que os testes ao míssil foram realizados após o novo Governo da Índia ter assumido posse e numa altura em que membros do governo indiano e paquistanês estão prestes a reunir-se, a fim de chegar a um consenso na rivalidade existente entre os dois Estados, ambos possuidores de armamento nuclear.

Segundo um porta-voz do Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, estes testes não devem ter qualquer impacto no processo de diálogo com a Índia, na medida em que ambos os países testam periodicamente o seu armamento.  
Enviado por: [PT]HKFlash em Junho 05, 2004, 10:03:11 pm
Citação de: "Fábio G."

Militares portugueses regressam a casa
Metade dos militares portugueses que integraram até ao passado dia 20 de Maio o contingente de «capacetes azuis» estacionados em Timor-Leste regressa na quinta-feira a casa.  

02 de Junho 04    

Os restantes 253 militares portugueses regressam no dia 11 e a sua chegada está prevista também para as 00:30.

Os 250 militares que regressam quinta-feira a Portugal integram a Companhia de Atiradores, formada por efectivos do Regimento de Infantaria 13, sedeado em Vila Real, uma companhia de fuzileiros, do Corpo de Fuzileiros da Armada, e a companhia de apoio, com militares de várias unidades.

Ah pois é! :wink:

(sim, eu sou de Vila Real)
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 02:05:01 pm


El Ministerio de Defensa ha elegido el modelo 'Aníbal' de Santana Motor como nuevo vehículo oficial del Ejército de Tierra, en detrimento del Vam-TL de Urovesa, según ha anunciado el consejero de la Presidencia del Ejecutivo andaluz, Gaspar Zarrías. Defensa adquirirá 750 unidades de este vehículo en un periodo de cinco años, con posibilidad de ampliar el contrato de cara a la renovación de la flota. El concurso requería un todoterreno con capacidad de carga útil superior a los 1.000 kilogramos. El Ministerio de José Bono tendrá que desembolsar 19,78 millones de euros, considerando el coste por unidad presentado por Santana, que era de 26.384 euros.
El modelo de la firma gallega Urovesa tenía un coste por unidad de 29.986 euros, “una diferencia no muy grande si tenemos en cuenta que nuestro modelo tiene muchas más prestaciones”, declaró el director de marketing, Justo Sierra. “El todoterreno de Uro está fabricado directamente desde el punto de vista militar. En cambio, el de Santana es un vehículo civil adaptado a funciones del Ejército”, añadió. Sierra asegura además que la adjudicación no está cerrada y que no han recibido ninguna confirmación oficial.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 05:05:15 pm
Evans & Sutherland win UK army aviation training contract

SALT LAKE CITY-June 3, 2004--

Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. (E&S®) (Nasdaq: ESCC) has received an on-site service and support contract from the United Kingdom's School of Army Aviation, the company announced today. Under the terms of the agreement, E&S will provide full-time on-site engineering and Encore(SM) service for the Aviation Command and Tactics Trainer (ACTT), which is located at Middle Wallop. Commissioned for training early last year, the ACTT uses E&S' Mission Command Trainer (MCT®) to provide cost-effective courses for their pilots, aircraft commanders and flight commanders.

The MCT, which has trained approximately 630 helicopter pilots in the past five years, is a low-cost tactics simulator that provides realistic mission command training, mission planning and mission rehearsal in a virtual environment against an intelligent enemy. Using real-world, high-fidelity databases, PC-based visual systems, and off-the-shelf components, the MCT allows students to experience maneuvers and battles while instructors observe and evaluate their performance. The ACTT is now in the final stages of a system upgrade, which will allow the facility to train nearly 180 pilots each year.

This contract provides an important service for the United Kingdom's army aviation training, and shows continued acceptance of E&S Encore as a full-service solution in the simulator environment.

"By choosing this comprehensive approach to engineering support and spares, the School of Army Aviation is ensuring that they will be able to meet its training requirements in the most cost-effective way," said E&S European Simulation Systems Sales Vice President David Figgins. "We have tailored a support program that addresses the school's critical needs and protects its long-term investment in equipment and technology."

About Encore Support
The most comprehensive package available in the industry, Encore takes customer service and support to a new level. For a yearly service fee, customers receive pre-positioned material and spares, access to regional distribution centers, a yearly preventive maintenance checkup and online and telephone support.

About Evans & Sutherland
Evans & Sutherland produces hardware and software to create highly realistic 3-D images. E&S business units deliver high-quality visual systems for simulation and training in defense and commercial applications, digital theaters and related applications throughout the world. Visit the E&S Web site at (

E&S, MCT, and Encore are trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks of Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp., Salt Lake City. All other trade names or marks are the properties of their respective owners.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 08:10:02 pm

Exército já tem 809 candidatos via IEFP
Francisco Mota Ferreira
O Exército conseguiu, desde Abril, cativar 809 candidatos a este ramo das Forças Armadas através do Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) esta segunda-feira o ministro da Segurança Social e do Trabalho, Bagão Félix.

Falando aos jornalistas após a assinatura de um protocolo de cooperação entre o IEFP e o Exército, o ministro esclareceu ainda que foram convocados por esta via 3.423 candidatos, tendo aceite a via castrense, após entrevista, 809 candidatos.
Bagão Félix disse ainda que estão previstas 6 mil vagas para este ano. O Exército tem já assegurados 12 mil contratados – o número mínimo considerado essencial para suprir as necessidades do ramo com o fim do Serviço Militar Obrigatório em Novembro deste ano.

Os contratos com os mancebos têm a duração mínima de dois anos e a máxima de seis. O regime de voluntariado mantém-se, com a duração de um ano.

O ministro disse ainda que o protocolo assinado prevê que, ao contrário do que sucede na actual lei - onde qualquer desempregado inscrito num centro de emprego só poderá recusar uma vez uma colocação via IEFP - no caso dos pedidos do Exército, o candidato poderá recusar sempre. Porque se trata de um caso à parte, esclarece o ministro, para quem «não fazia sentido aplicar a mesma regra que se aplica no mercado de trabalho.

O ministro esclareceu ainda que não há suspensão ou limitação do subsídio de desemprego para quem acabe os contratos com as Forças Armadas. A não ser que o subsídio de reintegração ultrapasse os 11 mil euros.

Referindo-se ao protocolo, Bagão Félix diz que esta «é uma colaboração inédita e inovadora», que irá dar às Forças Armadas «estabilidade na profissionalização», para além do «alcance social» que esta medida passará a ter.

Para o ministro de Estado e da Defesa Nacional, Paulo Portas, este protocolo vai levar «o Exército a procurar os jovens onde eles estão e oferecer-lhes uma oportunidade no mercado de trabalho».

07-06-2004 17:31:00
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 08, 2004, 12:33:00 am
Amper espera obtener 100 millones de euros con los nuevos programas de Defensa

El grupo Amper, a través de la filial Amper Programas, espera obtener unos ingresos de unos 100 millones de euros como proveedor de los nuevos programas plurianuales de modernización de las Fuerzas Armadas aprobados por el Consejo de Ministros el pasado día 5 de septiembre, según informó ayer la compañía.
No obstante, la empresa compañía precisó que esta cifra es una primera estimación y está condicionada a la programación detallada, plazos y ejecución diseñada por el Ministerio de Defensa.
Amper será el principal proveedor de los sistemas de comunicaciones VHF, UHF y HF, así como de los sistemas de intercomunicación de los 212 vehículos de combate Pizarro.
Por otra parte, la empresa está desarrollando los sistemas de mando y control para los nuevos vehículos mecanizados, aportando su experiencia en el sistema Lince instalado en los carros de combate Leopard, así como en los puestos de mando vehiculares del sistema SIMACET.
Asimismo, Amper Programas, como socio tecnológico del consorcio Eurocopter, ha llegado a un acuerdo para desarrollar los sistemas de mando y control del helicóptero europeo Tigre y su integración con el Sistema de Mando y Control del Ejército de Tierra (SIMACET).
En este sentido, Amper también está preparada para fabricar algunos de los componentes del sistema de aviónica de este helicóptero. También suministrará los sistemas de comunicaciones VHF para el buque de proyección estratégica y los submarinos S-80.
El consejero delegado de Amper, Rafael Lozano, aseguró que la participación de Amper Programas como una de las principales empresa proveedoras del plan desarrollado por el Ministerio de Defensa consolida la posición de la empresa como uno de los líderes europeos en la implantación del software para vehículos tácticos y carros de combate de este tipo de tecnologías".
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 09, 2004, 02:50:40 pm
RAFAEL announces new version of SPIKE-ER multi-purpose missile

Haifa, June 1, 2004 – RAFAEL Armament Development Authority Ltd has announced the release of a new member of the SPIKE Family of 4th generation multi-purpose guided missiles – the Penetration, Blast and Fragmentation (PBF) version of its well-known SPIKE-ER.  

RAFAEL developed the PBF version of the SPIKE-ER to fulfill the needs of its customers for an effective / minimal collateral damage weapon system for urban and anti-terror warfare, low intensity conflicts, and high value targets.

The basic version of the SPIKE-ER contains a tandem-shaped charge warheads system, capable of penetrating any main battle tank armor from ranges of up to 8km.  The    SPIKE-ER, which can be fired day or night from helicopters, light combat vehicles and naval vessels, claims its fourth generation status due to its unusual capabilities. Among others are concealed targets capability, the ability to alternate targets or abort a mission after launch and the ability to perform real-time surveillance and damage assessment.  

The new Penetration, Blast and Fragmentation warhead on the SPIKE-ER is capable of penetrating light armor and concrete bunkers.


The SPIKE-ER's unique capabilities have been demonstrated in a series of successful firing tests against various targets. At different ranges, The PBF version maintained SPIKE-ER's pin-point accuracy, penetrated the targets and exploded after penetration; proving that SPIKE-ER, BPF version, hits precisely where it should while minimizing collateral damage.  

 “This new capability exemplifies once again RAFAEL’s commitment to fulfilling its customer’s requirements by harnessing the most advanced technologies. The PBF warhead is an important addition to the already versatile SPIKE family of multi-purpose missiles”, says Dr. Eitan Yudilevich, Corporate VP Marketing and Business Development at RAFAEL.

RAFAEL designs, develops, manufactures and supplies a wide range of advanced defense systems for all branches of the Israel Defense Forces and allied armed forces worldwide. These leading-edge products are based on RAFAEL's vast experience. In addition to its defense technologies, the company has also formed partnerships with civilian counterparts to develop commercial applications based on its proprietary technology. RAFAEL has a workforce of over 5000 employees and registered sales of $830M in 2003
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 11, 2004, 12:26:32 pm

Militares portugueses regressam hoje de Timor

Não haverá mais "capacetes azuis" portugueses em Timor

Cinco meses depois, com 11 mil quilos de bagagem, 253 militares portugueses terminaram ontem a missão ao serviço das Nações Unidas, em Timor-Leste, regressando, às 7 horas de hoje. A viagem, de cerca de 24 horas, compreende escalas técnicas em Kuala Lumpur e Cairo.

Estes são os últimos "capacetes azuis" portugueses da Força de Manutenção de Paz das Nações Unidas, que tiveram sob o seu comando o Batalhão Oriental, um sector que integrou os distritos de Díli, Aileu, Baucau, Manufahi, Manatuto e Viqueque, numa área que se estende por cerca de 7 mil quilómetros.

Ontem de manhã, à partida de Díli, os militares portugueses foram individualmente cumprimentados pelo comandante das Forças de Manutenção de Paz da Missão de Assistência das Nações Unidas (UNMISET), brigadeiro-general Bin Mat Yusof Khairuddin, que agradeceu o serviço prestado e formulou votos de boa viagem.

Os 503 efectivos do batalhão português integraram militares do Regimento de Infantaria 13, baseado em Vila Real, fuzileiros, do Corpo de Fuzileiros da Armada, e comandos pertencentes ao Regimento de Comandos da Carregueira, tendo sido comandados pelo tenente-coronel Xavier de Sousa.
Enviado por: Spectral em Junho 14, 2004, 09:02:00 pm
Abriu a EuroSatory 2004 a maior exibição europeia de armamento.

Para acompanhá-la, basta irem a
registarem-se (é completamente grátis!) e ficam com acesso a dezenas de notícias completas !

Aqui  ficam alguns exemplos.

14 June 2004
New turret from Belgium

Christopher F Foss

 With medium weight forces that are readily deployable, a number of countries are planning to field vehicles armed with a 105mm gun. This will allow armoured fighting vehicles to be transported in tactical transport aircraft such as the C-130 and A400M.

CMI Defence, the Belgian turret integrator, is using its experience in the design, development and production of two-man 90mm turrets for export markets to create the CT-CV 105mm.

It is shown for the first time at Eurosatory 2004 on a MOWAG Piranha III chassis that was also used for recent firing trials with the demonstrator turret. This turret is armed with the Cockerill CV, a new CMI Defence-developed 105mm rifled tank gun fitted with a muzzle brake, thermal sleeve and fume extractor.

One of the CT-CV's key features is its modularity, which enables it to be tailored to meet specific user requirements. Subsystems are available from a variety of sources and stretch potential has been built into the design.

According to CMI Defence, the gun can fire all current and planned 105mm NATO ammunition, as well as future smart ammunition and guided missiles.

Mounted in the turret bustle and separated from the crew compartment by a bulkhead is the automatic loader that holds a total of 16 rounds of ready-use ammunition in the normal configuration and 12 rounds in the C-130 deployable configuration.

The CT-CV 105mm is fitted with a computerised fire control system with the commander and gunner both having two-axis stabilised sighting systems that have day/thermal channels and eyesafe laser rangefinders.

The commander's sight is of the panoramic type that allows the turret system to carry out hunter/killer target engagements. Commander and gunner each have two display screens showing the image from each of the sighting systems. A 7.62mm machine gun is mounted co-axially with the 105mm gun and a remote control 12.7mm or 7.62mm machine gun, or a 40mm automatic grenade launcher can be mounted on the roof.

It is also expected that the CT-CV 105mm will be shown at the AUSA Exhibition in Washington, DC, in October this year. The company hopes for export orders, especially in South America, following the Belgian MoD decision to field 90mm weapons for political rather than military reasons.

Final qualification and validation tests are expected to take place in the first quarter of 2005, although development of the complete system is virtually complete.


Arrows 300: another string to FN's bow

Paul Beaver

 Belgian small arms system company FN Herstal officially launches the Arrows 300 series of weapon stations at Eurosatory today. Described as the 'world's most advanced remotely operated weapon station', it can be equipped with an assortment of machine guns or 40mm grenade launchers for light to medium vehicles.

FN Herstal has teamed with Swiss systems integrator Oerlikon Contraves to jointly develop the Arrows 300 to meet the most demanding operational requirements. The system has two major assemblies: the above-deck weapon subsystem and the operator console with its own display unit. The weapons fits available include the 7.62mm general purpose machine gun, 0.5in (12.7mm) M2 or 0.5in M3 machine guns and the Mk19 40mm grenade launcher.

Among the benefits being cited by FN are unmatched accuracy (a spread of less than 1.5m at 1,000m range) and a unique high rate of fire with the M3S 0.5in machine gun. It says that thanks to the soft mount, there are very low recoil forces and because the Arrows 300 is modular, its performance can be enhanced with off-the-shelf options and there is the potential for technology insertions during the system's life.

Estes últimos eram jeitosos para as viaturas de rodas não ? :wink:

E agora um "super" CV90

First time for third-generation IFV

Christopher F Foss

 Being shown in public for the first time at Eurosatory 2004, the Alvis Hägglunds CV9035 is in keen competition for the Royal Netherlands Army infantry fighting vehicle requirement. The Dutch want more than 200 vehicles of this class.

The vehicle is described as a third-generation IFV and is derived from the CV9030, claimed by Alvis to be the best-selling vehicle in its class. When compared with the current production CV9030 Mk II, the CV9035 Mk III has significant improvements in the key areas of firepower, protection and mobility.

Main armament comprises the ATK Bushmaster III 35/50 cannon. Its standard 35mm calibre can be upgraded to 50mm, although development of the 50mm version and its associated suite of ammunition are not complete.

In the CV9035, an ammunition programmer is integrated into the computerised fire control system that allows the weapon to fire air-bursting munitions. This is highly effective against a variety of battlefield targets and was demonstrated during recent firing trials.

Main anti-armour projectile is of the frangible AP sabot type with the empty cartridge cases being automatically ejected from the turret. Mounted coaxial with the main armament is a 7.62mm machine gun.

Commander and gunner have stabilised day/third-generation thermal sights with the former being independent to allow for hunter/killer target engagements. In this the target is detected and tracked by the commander and then handed over to the gunner, who carries out the engagement.

CV9035 Mk III has a new armour package that gives improved protection through the horizontal arc, as well as providing a high level of protection against top-attack weapons such as sub-munitions and mines.

The defensive aids suite (DAS) includes laser warning receivers integrated with smoke grenade launchers and alignment of the main armament with the threat via the Hägglunds DAS software.

Gross combat weight of the CV9035 Mk III is currently 32 tonnes, but it has a stretch potential to 35 tonnes. The enhanced powerpack consists of a Scania diesel developing 750hp coupled to the latest electronically controlled Perkins X-300 series automatic transmission.

The CV9030 Mk I is in service with Norway (104 units) armed with a Bushmaster I 30mm cannon. The current production CV9030 Mk II is armed with the Bushmaster II 30mm cannon and has been ordered by Finland (57 vehicles) and Switzerland (186 vehicles).

The Swedish Army uses the CV9040 armed with a Bofors Defence 40mm L/70 cannon and part of the fleet is being upgraded with a new armour package to hull and turret.

Título: Forecast International Re-evaluates Main Battle Tank Market
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 15, 2004, 03:52:19 pm
Forecast International Re-evaluates Main Battle Tank Market
(Source: Forecast International; issued June 14, 2004)
   NEWTOWN, Conn. --- In light of the global war on terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Forecast International Weapons Group has re-evaluated its annual ranking of the world’s best main battle tanks.  
With an unmatched combat record in Operation Desert Storm (1991) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-present), the M1A1 Abrams by General Dynamics Land Systems Division has clearly proven itself to be the premier main battle tank in service today.  Based on its combat debut with the U.S. 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Iraqi Freedom, the M1A2 SEP (System Enhancement Package) Abrams now sets the international standard for main battle tank performance.  
“With the demands of the global war on terror, we no longer have the luxury of evaluating weapons systems solely on their performance in the safe confines of a training environment,” said Dean Lockwood, author of the Forecast International rankings. “For man and machine alike, combat has a way of revealing previously unknown strengths and weaknesses,” Lockwood said.  
When viewed through the prism of actual combat performance, the annual main battle tank ranking takes on a radically different character from years past.  The Israel Ordnance Corps Merkava Mark IV moves up to second place in the Forecast International ranking.  Although generally considered to be outside the mainstream of international tank development, the Merkava series is uniquely suited for the demands of the Israeli security environment.  Like the M1A1 Abrams, the Merkava can boast a proven combat record.  
Japan’s Type 90, by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, maintains its third-place position on the Forecast International list. Drawing heavily on German Leopard 2 technology, the Type 90 is arguably the most technologically advanced main battle tank in service today.  However, the Type 90 suffers from being untried in combat.  As such, its performance remains essentially theoretical.  For the same reason, the Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Leopard 2A6 falls to fourth place. The oft-praised advanced features of the Leopard 2 and the integration of the Rh 120/55 main armament simply cannot compensate for the fact that the Leopard 2A6 remains untested in the crucible of combat.  
Fifth place on the Forecast International ranking belongs to the British Challenger 2 by Vickers Defence Systems Division.  Like the Abrams, the Challenger 2 has earned a solid combat record during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  In comparison with the other tanks on this list, however, the Challenger 2 suffers from the lack of NATO-standard ordnance.  Should the U.K. Ministry of Defence adopt the NATO-standard 120mm Rh 120 ordnance as part of the Challenger Lethality Improvement Program (CLIP), the Challenger 2 will likely take over second place on this list.  
Forecast International, Inc., is a leading provider of Market Intelligence and Analysis in the areas of aerospace, defense, power systems and military electronics.  Based in Newtown, CT, USA, Forecast International specializes in long-range industry forecasts and market presentations, including regular 10-year forecasts.  Its products are utilized by strategic planners, marketing professionals, military organizations, and governments worldwide.  
Enviado por: Spectral em Junho 15, 2004, 06:59:32 pm
É engraçado...
Há um ano atrás, os tanques eram quase todos os mesmos, e as classificações eram diferentes.

Segundo a lógica deles, o Leo2A6 perdeu capacidades ( como justificar a queda de 10 para 4º ?  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Cá para mim o método de seleção é atirar o papelinho ao ar ( ou então, quem paga mais...)

Mais notícias de Paris:

Skyranger offers versatile air defence capability

Christopher F Foss

 Skyranger is the name of a new 35mm self-propelled air defence system from Oerlikon Contraves, part of the Rheinmetall DeTec Group. Details were released at Eurosatory 2002, but this year, the first example is making its debut.

Oerlikon Contraves says Skyranger is designed to meet emerging requirements for a highly mobile air defence system that is capable of meeting a wide range of future air defence threats. The system can, in part, have a ground defence role.

Skyranger consists of three key items, each of which can be installed on a wheeled armoured personnel carrier chassis. The three elements are a remote controlled turret armed with the Oerlikon Contraves 35/1000 revolver cannon, Rheinmetall Defence Electronics ASRAD missile launcher system and Oerlikon Contraves advanced X-Tar 3D I band search and acquisition radar with integrated control centre.

The Skyranger gun system has already been produced in series quantities for the Skyshield air defence system. This weapon fires the 35mm Ahead (Advanced Hit Efficiency and Destruction) ammunition, which although optimised for the air defence role, is highly effective against trucks as well as being able to neutralise the optics of armoured vehicles. A typical burst would consist of 20 to 24 rounds. Each Ahead round releases a lethal cloud of sub-projectiles just in front of the target that could be cruise missiles, air-to-ground missiles, attack drones and unmanned aerial vehicles. Ahead ammunition has been in production for several years and has already been adopted by at least six countries.

Shown at Eurosatory 2004, the Skyranger has four Saab Bofors Dynamics Bolide surface-to-air missiles (SAM) in the ready-to-fire position. It is shown mounted on a Piranha III 8x8 armoured fighting vehicle. It can just as easily be mounted on a full tracked chassis. The Piranha is fully air-transportable in a C-130 tactical transport aircraft. Mounted on the roof of the turret is the electro optical tracking system, which automatically tracks the target with initial information being provided by the Skyranger Radar System.

This radar is capable of detecting, locking onto and tracking a wide range of aerial targets and has a maximum range of 25km. It classifies detected targets, carries out threat analysis and then allocates the target to a weapon platform that performs the actual target engagement. For travelling, the radar is retracted to reduce overall height.

The passive tracking system includes an infra-red camera, TV camera and laser rangefinder. The crew of three - commander, gunner and driver - are seated in the hull under armour protection.

After the show the system will commence its extensive trials programme, the company says.


Seria uma opção para nós, mas já se sabe que a hipótese é nula.

E agora um sistema bastante interessante:

How to make dumb rockets smart

Brian M Walters

 Norwegian company Kongsberg is developing an upgrade that will turn 'dumb' 2.75-inch (70mm) rockets into precision guided rounds for use by land, sea and airborne launchers. Dubbed the 'multirole low-cost precision guided 2.75-inch rocket', the strap-on device is the first of a planned family of interchangeable guidance and control packages that can convert standard 70mm unguided rockets. They will fit all Hydra-70, CRV7 and FZ rockets.

Although the initial Royal Norwegian Navy-funded development features laser and GPS-guided systems, in future the system will be upgraded to include infrared (IR) or anti-radiation (AR) seekers if required.

Initial firings have been made from a 6x6 all-terrain vehicle using the Kongsberg remote weapon station (RWS). Trials, which began in Norway last year using a laser seeker, will be followed by tests with rockets fitted with a GPS guidance unit. If funding is forthcoming, it is anticipated that development will be complete by early 2005 to permit series production to begin by the end of that year. To speed development and production, Kongsberg is seeking partners that could collaborate on the programme and share costs.

Introduced into US Air Force service soon after the Second World War, the 2.75-in folding-fin aerial rocket (FFAR) and its derivatives has become standard equipment for most Nato countries and many Western-supplied armed forces in other parts of the world. Still in production in a variety of guises, 70mm unguided rockets are normally fired in salvos to overcome the limits from atmospheric dispersion effects. In practice this limits the effective range of the weapon to about 4km.

Clearly by turning dumb rockets into precision guided weapons, the effectiveness of 70mm rounds will be substantially increased, so the market potential for the Kongsberg kit is likely to be enormous, despite the inevitable higher cost per round. However, this is true of all 'smart' weapons and is balanced by the reduction in the number of rounds required to achieve a specific objective.

Kongsberg's potential sales for the upgraded rocket and the potential demand for strap-on kits, may be further boosted by the fact that the 70mm rockets can be fired from the company's remote weapon station, which is selling well throughout the world.

The RNoN recently fired 13 Hellfire missiles from an FPB fitted with a remote weapon station stabilised mount, while no fewer than 1,734 are being supplied to the US Army with the 12.7mm machine gun as the primary weapon.

However, the Javelin missile has now been integrated with the RWS and the Australian Army has placed a letter of intent to buy a number in the wake of successful trials firing 12.7mm rounds and 40mm grenades from an LAV-2 armoured vehicle.


Dependendo dos preços daria um bom sistema de apoio de fogo, extremente preciso.
Enviado por: emarques em Junho 15, 2004, 08:50:40 pm
Realmente essa do ranking dos tanques... O Leo2 era o melhor. De repente, porque não tem provas dadas em combate, já é pior do que o Type 90, que também não deu nenhumas provas em combate. :roll: Além disso, o desempenho do Abrams também não tem sido assim tão bom.
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 15, 2004, 10:22:06 pm
A empresa que faz a avaliação é americana, por isso é natural que considere o Abrams o melhor. Mas quanto ao desempenho em batalha têm razão, o M1, o Challenger e o Merkava são os únicos que a têm.
Enviado por: Luso em Junho 17, 2004, 05:49:08 pm
Quanto aos foguetes Hidra.
Já sugeri aos seus fabricantes uma integração com o tubo TOW de modo a ser capaz de albergar 3 desses foguetes.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:13:53 pm
UCAR: Is Army Still Committed? DARPA's Tether Asks

Dr Tony Tether, head of DARPA has become skeptical the US Army is maintaining momentum on its UCAR (uninhabited combat armed rotorcraft) programme.

'I'm worried about it,' he says in a forthcoming interview in sister publication Unmanned Vehicles magazine, 'I'm picking up the sense they don't want to spend the money.'

DARPA shares the investment with the services on long-range R&D projects, and recently helped launch a contest between teams of contractors pitching UCAR designs.

'I'll know more when I see the POM (Program Objective Memorandum) the Army puts out later this year.

'It'll be interesting to see where their true priorities lie.'

In other topics, Tether had an explanation for the purchase of Frontier Systems - developer of the A-160 high endurance helicopter design - by Boeing recently.

Asked if DARPA was disappointed the company sold out after investing nearly $70-million into Frontier, Tether said it was 'basically our fault.'

Tether says there was so much concern the A-160 could not be manufactured by Frontier in the numbers needed, DARPA 'went out and told them to find some way to fix that problem.' The result, he says, was a buy-out.

The A-160 is apparently a hot item.

'It's the only thing the Army has capable of giving a comms relay and moving target indicator (MTI) platform. 'The Army wants that badly, hence the productivity issue became key,' he said.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:22:38 pm
US Army OH-58 crash - both crew survive

BAGHDAD, Iraq: A US Army OH-58 helicopter crashed Sunday north of Baghdad, but the two-member crew was reported alive, the US command said.

The military said the observation helicopter came down about 3:30 p.m on Sunday 13th June near the Taji air base about 12 miles north of Baghdad.

Lt. Dwight Mears of Corvallis broke his back when the helicopter went down near the Taji air base, which is about 12 miles north of Baghdad.

Only two men were on board the helicopter and both survived.

An army spokesperson says there is no indication that they were brought down by enemy fire, although the incident is being investigated.

The US Army has lost about 20 helicopters to hostile fire since June 2003.

Katu and AP press reports
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:51:31 pm
Novos uniformes do US Army


After years of complaints from the troops, and 18 months of effort, the U.S. Army has a new combat uniform. There will be only one color scheme (light green, tan and gray) for this uniform (instead of the current two, one for deserts and the other for temperate climate zones). The new uniform also includes tan combat boots (that cannot be shined, you just brush the crud off them). There is no black in the uniform, because it was pointed out that black is not a color you encounter much in nature. The new uniform costs $88, replacing the $56 BDU, which was introduced in 1981.

Officially called the ACU (Army Combat Uniform), the major changes are all responses to numerous requests from the troops. These changes include;

Mandarin (high) collar that can be worn up or down. When worn up, this keep crud from getting down inside the shirt, and eliminates chafing from the protective vest.

Rank insignia can be attached above the right chest pocket with Velcro.

Velcro is also used for attaching the unit patch, skill tabs and recognition devices. This spares troops the hassle of sewing on, and later removing, patches. The Velcro also allows all the patches and such to be removed before the uniforms are sent to the laundry.

Zippered front on the shirt, which is easier to close than buttons.

Elbow pouch for internal elbow and knee pad inserts. The introduction of knee and elbow pads in the 1990s saved thousands of infantry troops from painful, and sometimes permanent, injuries. Infantry spend a lot of time getting down on elbows and knees, especially in combat. The inserts are cheaper and easier to use than the more traditional elbow and knee protectors similar to those you see in sporting goods stores.

Elastic leg cuff, a useful item for keeping the crud out when you are in the field.

Tilted chest pockets with Velcro closure. Makes the pockets easier to use when wearing your webbing gear.

Three-slot pen pocket on bottom of sleeve. Again, convenience.

Velcro sleeve cuff closure. Keeping the crud at bay once more.

Shoulder pockets with Velcro. When troops are wearing their webbing gear and packs, shoulder pockets are the only ones you can get at easily.

Forward tilted cargo pockets. Again, convenience.
Enviado por: JNSA em Junho 19, 2004, 04:54:04 pm
Esse ranking não me merece qualquer confiança... Por essa ordem de ideias um Sabra é melhor do que um Leclerc ou um Leo2A6 - é baseado numa plataforma testada, teve vários upgrades ao longo do tempo, e foi comprovado em combate, o que não aconteceu com nenhum dos outros...  :?

Para mim, entre um Chalenger 2, um Merkava 4, um M1A2 SEP e um Leopard 2A6EX há muito pouco para escolher. Depois colocaria o T-90 russo e o Leclerc, visto que parecem reunir um conjunto de críticas superior aos outros (o que pode não querer dizer nada), e sobretudo o facto de terem um carregador automático (o que também parece ser cada vez mais uma preferência pessoal do que uma desvantagem). Quanto ao Type 90, francamente não posso dizer muito porque não sei quase nada sobre o blindado...
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 19, 2004, 05:28:06 pm
Bom argumento JNSA.

A questão dos uniformes dos americanos (pessoalmente, prefiro o dos marines) é que é preocupante. Parece que estão todos a começar a mudar para novos tipos de camuflados e nós vamos agora avançar para um com mais de 20 anos.

E nem sequer estamos a falar de algo com grande incorporação tecnológica, mas de simples fardamento, que até pode ser fabricado no país. A inércia das nossas chefias militares é assutadora. Será que ninguém dá conselhos de jeito ao ministro da Defesa Nacional?
Enviado por: emarques em Junho 20, 2004, 12:54:00 am
Não sei se terá sido muito boa ideia dos americanos optar por um único esquema de cores. Parece-me que o mais provável é que esse esquema acabe por se destacar do terreno, tanto em vegetação cerrada como em terreno desértico...
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 20, 2004, 02:11:52 am
Afinal parece que não o fizeram:

"The color scheme in the ACU capitalizes on the environments that we operate in," Myhre said. "The current colors on the ACU are green-woodland, grey-urban environments and sand brown-desert. The pattern is not a 100-percent solution in every environment, but a good solution across the board." (
Enviado por: Luso em Junho 20, 2004, 11:47:03 am
Que... porcaria de uniforme é aquele???
Para uso geral?

Se querem que vos diga, o "nosso" DPM velho de 20 anos deve ser mais eficaz que aquele padrão, que pretende ser bom para todo o lado e acaba por ser mediocre em todos eles!
A mim não me convence. Ao menos o dos Marines tem como cor predominante o castanho.

Prefiro o uniforme de combate americano do Vietnam que é bem confortável (podia ser mais resistente mas...). Se tivesse a camuflagem dos Marines melhor ainda.
Vistas bem as coisas preferiria o DPM.
Ou o lagarto.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:18:22 pm
Little Birds: Boeing's Cavalry Rides To MDHI's Rescue - Sort Of

Boeing and MD Helicopter employees have been told the companies will team to compete for the Army's armed reconnaissance requirement.

The pair will offer a version of the Mission Enhanced Little Bird (MELB) design, based on the MH-6 helicopter, orignally developed by Hughes Helicopter.

MDHI took over the rights to the design when they purchased Boeing's civil helicopter line some years ago.

Speculation the pair would work together has risen since the Army said it would consider a new design in the wake of the Comanche decision. But nothing seemed to happen.

To some the deal was the cavalry arriving. MDHI has been in reported financial cash flow difficulties for some time. Their new partner is reportedly still owed some $10-million from unpaid debt on the purchase price of the Boeing line.

No further details of the arrangement - first reported on several months ago- were given.

Army officials, however, have made no secret of their preference for increasing numbers of MH-6s MLEBs - which currently fly with the 160th SOAR.

The aircraft have proven dependable and effective, despite their advancing years, flying with many modifications, including an advanced cockpit designed to 160th's own specs.

The agreement - an outline teaming arrangement - does not, of course, mean immediate salvation for MDHI. But it will help.

The Army will likely run a competition, and procurement could still be years away given the persistent bureaucratic tone to Army aviation procurement.

But best bet is that MDHI will now survive its difficulties.

Boeing - obviously - would not pitch such an important deal - 360-odd aircraft are involved - with a  prime partner that might go out of business during the procurement decisionmaking process.

The text follows:

'Boeing and MDHI have entered into an arrangement that will allow the two companies to compete for the US Army's upcoming Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter Program.

'On Wednesday, June 16, in Mesa, Ariz., corporate leaders signed a teaming agreement allowing the companies to utilize their respective and complementary capabilities to pursue new business.

'Additional details will be provided as they become available.'
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:22:56 pm
Australian Army to Retire Vietnam-Era Huey Gunship

The Army will tomorrow officially retire the UH-1H Iroquois helicopter gunship, commonly called the 'Huey', a capability originally developed for the RAAF during the Vietnam War.

Part of the ceremony will be a flypast of a Heavy Fire Team (three by UH-1H Huey Bushranger gunships) over Brisbane from 1pm to 1:30pm on Saturday 26 June.   It will be accompanied by another Huey flown by the current Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Angus Houston.

The helicopters will then touch down at Gallipoli Barracks Enoggera for a media conference attended by the Minister Assisting the Minister for Defence, the Hon Mal Brough, Chief of the Defence Force, General Peter Cosgrove, Chief of Army, Lieutenant General Peter Leahy and Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Angus Houston.

WHAT: Farewell of Bushranger Helicopter Gunship capability and another significant announcement by the Assistant Defence Minister, Mal Brough.

WHERE: Duncan Ovals, Gallipoli Barracks, Lloyd Street, Enoggera.

WHEN: Saturday 26 June at 1:30pm.

Interested media should be at the Lloyd Street entrance to Gallipoli Barracks at 1pm for escort to the conference.

* Historical file vision of the Huey Bushranger gunships in action in Vietnam will be available from Channel 7 on Saturday morning.

* In-flight vision taken by Defence cameramen from the chase helicopter during the flypast will be available from Channel 7 after 2:30pm Saturday.

The Iroquois helicopters entered service with the Royal Australian Air Force and were operated by the RAAF until 1986  when all battlefield helicopters were handed over to the Army.

The gunships were operated by No 9 Squadron, RAAF, commanded at one stage by (now) Air Marshal Houston.

For further information:  Paul Lineham, Defence Public Affairs, 0408 972 329
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:26:54 pm
Tenth US Army AH-64D Apache Longbow Battalion Certified Combat-Ready

ST. LOUIS, June 18, 2004 – The U.S. Army's tenth AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter battalion has been certified combat-ready after completing extensive training in its Boeing [NYSE: BA] helicopters at Fort Hood, Texas.

The 2nd Battalion, 6th Cavalry Brigade, based in Illesheim, Germany, completed eight months of training with the AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters built at the Boeing Mesa, Ariz., plant.

To qualify, the men and women of the battalion, known as the Fighting Sixth, completed a series of comprehensive classroom, flight and field exercises. Soldiers underwent a rigorous field examination, three live-fire exercises and completed approximately 3,200 flight-hours during the training program.

The unit fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 as an AH-64A Apache battalion. Upon their return, the helicopters were returned to Mesa where they were remanufactured into next-generation AH-64D Apache Longbows The U.S. Army is modernizing AH-64A Apaches into next-generation AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters that link a wide range of avionics, electronics and weapons into one fully-integrated weapons system. Boeing was awarded a contract in September 2000 valued at $2.3billion over five years to complete the remanufacture of aircraft.

In addition to the U.S. Army, a total of 11 nations worldwide have selected the Apache for their defense forces.

A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world’s largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $27 billion business. It provides systems solutions to its global military, government and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world’s largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense; NASA’s largest contractor; and a global leader in launch services.

Source: Boeing
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 12:53:46 pm
25 de junho de 2004
Iniciadas entregas de morteiros brasileiros de 120mm
Já foi entregue ao Exército Brasileiro o primeiro lote de 20 unidades do Morteiro pesado 120 M2 Raiado (Mtr P 120 M2 R), primeiro produto desenvolvido pelo sistema de Ciência e Tecnologia da Força Terrestre e fabricado em estabelecimento fabril do Exército, no caso o Arsenal de Guerra do Rio de Janeiro (AGR). Devido ao seu manejo simples, o morteiro em questão permite rápida entrada e saída de posição. Além das operações comuns, pode ser empregado também em áreas de selva ou de montanha, bem como no escalão de assalto de operações aeroterrestres.

Segurança e Defesa
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 12:58:34 pm
Novidades sobre a LPM ... =700.topic (
Enviado por: Luso em Junho 30, 2004, 02:09:50 pm
Ainda quanto aos novos uniformes americanos:
É com agrado e muita tristeza também que verifico que alguns comentários que fiz sobre o tema têm razão de ser...
Os americanos andam mesmo loucos!

de: ... 0215569523 (


Ranger Dad Sounds Off

My Ranger son just filled me in on the new BDU's that the Army will be issuing in the upcoming year. I'm not addressing the digital camo, but the Army's brainless idea to incorporate velcro with these uniforms.

With the new uniforms rank insignia and division patches will be attached to the uniform with velcro instead of being sewn onto the uniform. In lieu of buttons, velcro closure tabs and zippers are also part of the new uniforms. Has someone lost their minds?

How many grunts will be KIA because a division patch catches on something in the dark and is ripped off the uniform with the unmistakable sound of velcro being removed? Having walked through Elephant Grass, and vine choked jungle I can assure you that anything attached to our fatigues with velcro would have gotten us KIA damned quick. I can just see old SFC Pryor, my platoon sergeant at Nha Trang kicking our asses if we had worn anything that made noise on our uniforms!

I addition, the new t - shirts are going to be 100% polyester. My God, how many guys will fall from heat stroke wearing these garments?

Maybe it's time the Army recycled some of us over the age of 50 who remember what it was like to be at deaths door if you gave away your position. At least we could tell these dumb asses what will help keep our grunts alive. Hell, what's wrong with the old style rip stop or poplin fatigues we wore? New doesn't always mean improved.

I am becoming more concerned with my son surviving an Army that seems to be trying to get its soldiers killed than I am the enemy that's shooting at them.

Ranger Dad"
Enviado por: emarques em Junho 30, 2004, 02:40:37 pm
Em defesa do velcro, acho que existe uma versão militar em que a separação é silenciosa... Quanto ao poliester, Já lhe dou razão.
Enviado por: Luso em Junho 30, 2004, 05:21:50 pm
Quanto às alterações à LPM:

Onde diabo se vê alterações não ser na desistência mais que esperada da "opção para mais um", o truque do hesitante??
Cá para mim essa é mais um daqueles anúncios para mostrar presença e não obras. Andor com o Portinhas!
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 02, 2004, 11:32:48 am
Segurança e Defesa

30 de junho de 2004
Finlândia encomenda mais blindados CV90
As Forças de Defesa da Finlândia encomendaram à Patria Hägglunds mais um lote de veículos de combate de infantaria CV9030, no valor aproximado de 120 milhões de Euros. A encomenda inicial foi de 57 exemplares, 28 dos quais já foram entregues; as entregas dos 45 que compõem o novo lote serão feitas ao longo de 2006 e 2007.
A Patria Hägglunds OY, contratada principal, é de propriedade da Alvis Hägglunds e da Patria. A primeira é responsável pela integração de sistemas e produção do chassis, enquanto a segunda ficará com a produção das torres e fará a montagem final dos veículos na Finlândia
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 02, 2004, 11:34:29 am
Segurança e Defesa

Alemães e israelenses cooperam em modernização de Leopards
A Reinmetall Defence Electronics GmbH e a MBT Missile Division da IAI assinaram um acordo para o oferecimento conjunto de um kit de modernização para carros de combate Leopard 1 e 2, utilizando o míssil guiado a laser LAHAT, lançado a partir do canhão das viaturas. A utilização do LAHAT aumentaria o alcance eficaz dos carros para mais de 6.000m, conferindo capacidade de ataque de precisão a alvos blindados nessa distância.

Abaixo O míssil LAHAT sendo disparado e, no detalhe, prestes a atingir o alvo (Fotos: IAI).

Enviado por: tsahal em Julho 02, 2004, 10:23:30 pm
Fabio G, gostas mesmo de ler os artigos da Seguranca & Defesa.
Costumas ler os artigos da revista ou apenas os do site?

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 02, 2004, 10:32:41 pm
Apenas do site.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 08, 2004, 07:14:45 pm

Tropas portuguesas na Bósnia vão ser rendidas

A partir do próximo dia 15, as forças portuguesas de manutenção de paz em missão na Bósnia-Herzegovina, no âmbito da NATO, começarão a ser rendidas por um novo batalhão.

O 2º Batalhão de Infantaria Mecanizado da Brigada Mecanizada Independente (2ºBIMec/BMI) das Forças Armadas Portuguesas desloca-se para a Bósnia-Herzegovina de forma faseada nos dias 15, 21 e 27 deste mês, avança esta quinta-feira em comunicado o Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas.
Esta força vai render o 3º Batalhão de Infantaria Pára-quedista da Brigada Aerotransportada Independente (3ºBIPara/BAI), que desde Janeiro se encontra em missão nos Balcãs.

As tropas portuguesas encontram-se integradas nas Forças de paz da NATO, a Stabilization Force (SFOR).

O batalhão que parte a partir de quinta-feira é composto por 289 militares, dos quais 276 integram o Batalhão português e 13 fazem parte do Multinational Battle Group (MNBG).

Esta rendição é faseada de forma a manter no terreno uma força capaz de dar continuidade às tarefas atribuídas ao batalhão português a actuar em Doboj, a Norte da Bósnia- Herzegovina).

08-07-2004 13:17:08
Título: Nato tem nova plataforma tecnológica
Enviado por: Nautilus em Julho 09, 2004, 12:11:22 am
Nato tem nova plataforma tecnológica

Semana Informatica nº 702 de 2 a 8 de Junho de 2004

O sistema de vigilância e reconhecimento terrestre (AGS) pode representar 30 milhões de euros para a participação portuguesa

O consórcio TIPS foi o seleccionado pela Nato para desenvolver e pôr a funcionar o sistema AGS (Sistema de Vigilância e Reconhecimento Terrestre). No nosso país, a Indra Sistemas Portugal integra o consórcio TIPS, sendo de referir que a participação portuguesa é assegurada por um grupo de empresas liderado pela Edisoft, cuja actividade poderá gerar receitas superiores a 30 milhões de euros. Por seu lado, a Indra estima que a sua participação no projecto gere receitas entre os 300 e os 350 milhões de euros.

A nível internacional, e além da Indra, o consórcio integra também a Empresa Europeia de Defesa Aeronáutica e Espacial (EADS), a italiana Galileo Avionica, a General Dynamics do Canadá, a norte-americana Northrop Grumman e a francesa Thales. Segundo está previsto, o programa estender-se-á até 2012 e entrará em vigor após a assinatura do contrato, prevista para a Primavera de 2005.

O AGS é um programa da Nato que tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um sistema para a vigilância de um ou vários campos de batalha terrestre e baseia-se numa série de centros de comando e controlo, situados em plataformas aéreas a partir das quais se dirigem as operações de terra, assim como uma série de estações terrestres de controlo (Base Operacional Central, MOB) e estações aerotransportadas avançadas próximas do terreno de operações.

Este conjunto de sistemas, baseado numa frota mista de plataformas aéreas, tipo avião comercial Airbus A-321 e veículos aéreos não tripulados (HALE) de grande autonomia e voo a grande altitude, inclui sensores que permitem obter informação sobre o terreno e os sistemas de comando e controlo (redes de comunicação e processamento da informação que permitem o seu envio e a sua concentração para apresentação aos altos comandos e estudo das instruções pertinentes).

O sensor principal é um radar de abertura sintética, de tecnologia muito avançada, capaz de detectar e identificar movimentos de veículos e tropas em áreas congestionadas, a muito longa distância. Este radar irá desenvolver-se num programa paralelo, denominado Radar Cooperativo Transatlântico (TCAR), no qual participa também a Indra e outras quatro empresas que pertencem ao TIPS.

O valor do programa na sua fase de desenvolvimento, produção e entrada em serviço ainda se encontra em fase final de negociação, embora as estimativas permitam estabelecê-lo entre os 3 mil milhões e os 5 mil milhões de euros, de acordo com o alcance que na altura seja definido pela Nato.

O consórcio industrial TIPS é integrado por empresas de referência nas diferentes tecnologias e equipamentos necessários para desenvolver o sistema AGS, uma ferramenta básica enquadrada nos objectivos de vigilância, reconhecimento e segurança da Nato.

No caso da Indra, a sua entrada no consórcio é consequência da sua projecção internacional ao nível da tecnologia de sensores e sistemas de comando e controlo e das suas capacidades na integração de sistemas complexos e críticos, áreas em que se concretizará a sua participação industrial no projecto. As seis empresas líderes que integram o consórcio prevêem trabalhar com cerca de 80 companhias subcontratadas dos 26 países que integram a Nato.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:16:35 am
Segurança e Defesa

Nova versão do Wiesel 2
A Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH (subsidiária da Rheinmetall DeTec sediada em Kiel, na Alemanha) recebeu um contrato de aproximadamente 31 milhões de Euros para o fornecimento ao exército alemão de 32 blindados leves sobre lagartas Wiesel 2 na versão Posto de Comando Móvel (PCM). As entregas serão iniciadas em 2005 e se estenderão por um período de dois anos; e o contrato prevê como opção um lote adicional de 16 veículos, para entrega em 2008. Em abril passado a empresa já havia recebido uma encomenda de 4 milhões de Euros para a produção de quatro Wiesel 2 configurados para operações de reconhecimento para tropas de engenharia de combate. A variante PCM será a sexta versão do Wiesel a ser entregue ao exército alemão desde 1996. O Wiesel 2 é aerotransportável por helicópteros Sikorsky CH-53G. (Foto RheinmettalDetec)

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:05:31 pm
AH-64: AATD Testing Optics For IED Detection Potential.

A US Army Apache test team has been testing their TADS/PNVS optics to see if video quality is detailed enough to tell analysts when a bomb or other device has been placed alongside a roadway.

Monitoring the terrain closely will - theory goes - yield indications of  tiny  changes that could be associated with the hiding of  improvised explosives. Such devices - commonly called improvised explosive devices (IEDs) -  have killed and maimed hundreds of people in Iraq.

They are hard to detect and often remotely detonated. The US agency involved is the Ft Eustis-based AATD (Aviation Applied Technology Directorate), the Army's hands-on test unit that looks at unorthodox problems.

 In the tests - which took place at Yuma Proving Grounds over a period of two weeks, an Apache crew flying modified optics collected multiple video data samples of the terrain.

 Researchers want to establish whether matching different data records will reveal small changes that can establish the liklihood of emplacement of a  bomb, or other device. Writing in Army Aviation magazine, Col Boll Gavora, the AATD commander says the 'next step" would be to get such a system to the field.

He points out that the changes to the Apache test optics  were minimal  and says 'with a little luck we are on the verge of a solution to the problem.' The technology - based on pattern recognition techniques - would essentially add a misison to both the  Apache and  (presumably) the OH-58D, both of which have high gain optics. The mission - if adopted - may also be transferable to UAVs.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:29:59 pm
Segurança e Defesa

9 de julho de 2004
Acordo Austrália-EUA para CCs Abrams assinado
Estados Unidos e Austrália assinaram o acordo formal que determina o fornecimento pelo primeiro de 59 carros de combate M1A1 Abrams, sete viaturas socorro M88 Hercules, além de simuladores para atiradores e motoristas, treinamento e equipamento de apoio e sobressalentes. Antes de transferidos para a Austrália, os veículos serão revisados e modernizados. O acordo é parte de um “pacote” que incluirá também viaturas para transportar os carros, viaturas e reabastecimento e munição. As entregas acontecerão em 2007. Nas estradas australianas os CCs poderão atingir 66km/h, sendo a velocidade fora de estrada de 48km/h. O alcance com quatro homens e munição é de 480km, e o armamento consta de um canhão de alma lisa de 120mm, uma metralhadora de 12,7mm e duas de 7,62mm. Entre os tipos de munição utilizados estará uma granada perfurante, com penetrador de tungstênio, e uma granada para uso em apoio a infantaria.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:30:52 pm
Segurança e Defesa

9 de julho de 2004
Iguana conquista prinmeiras encomendas
O blindado leve 4x4 sobre rodas Iguana, desenvolvido pela empresa belga Sabiex International, conseguiu as primeiras encomendas: uma de oito exemplares para um país não identificado do Extremo Oriente e outra de um país latinoamericano, que também não foi explicitado — acredita-se, porém, que seja a Venezuela. Para o final de julho, deverá estar pronto o veículo demonstrador do FV290MPV, variante do Iguana proposta ao exército belga para atender aos requisitos da competição MPPV (Multi-Purpose Protected Vehicle, ouo Veículo Multi-Emprego Protegido). Esse programa prevê a aquisição de 446 veículos em quatro versões (Veículo de Combate de Infantaria, Ambulância, Transporte de Tropas e Posto de Comando). Uma viatura Iguana esteve exposta no Rio de Janeiro durante a LAD 2003, ocasião em que foi feita essa foto (Foto: Segurança & Defesa).

Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 02:05:27 pm
M1A1 Abrams Tank Agreement Signed
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued July 9, 2004)
 Australia has signed a formal agreement with the United States to buy a new fleet of M1A1 Abrams tanks, Defence Minister Robert Hill announced today.  
Under this agreement, the US Government will provide 59 refurbished and updated M1A1 Abrams tanks, seven M88 Hercules Armoured Recovery vehicles, advanced gunnery and driver training simulators, training and other support equipment and a range of spares. This agreement is the central component of the $530 million Abrams package, which also includes tank transporters, refueling vehicles and ammunition.  
Delivery of the tanks and other equipment is expected in 2007. The majority will be operated by the 1st Armoured regiment in Darwin, with a smaller allocation to be allocated to training schools.  
“The M1A1 Abrams tanks will provide a major increase in capability over the present Leopard tanks, particularly with their greater firepower and their potential to operate in a modern, networked communications environment,” Senator Hill said.  
“The new tanks will also provide our soldiers greatly increased levels of protection and survivability on the modern battlefield.”  
The tanks that will be provided to Australia have had relatively low usage and will be refurbished to “as new” condition. Many of their internal systems will be updated to incorporate the latest technology.  
This upgrade work will start soon as part of a major tank refurbishment program being undertaken for the US military’s larger fleet of M1A1 tanks.  
A particularly innovative dimension of the project is the purchase of advanced simulators for training tank crews. This is a new direction for the Australian Army, reflecting a major increase in commitment and investment in simulation to supplement and enhance training of armored vehicle crews.  
The Abrams can reach speeds of up to 66 km/h on Australian roads and up to 48 km cross country with a cruising range of up to 480 kms carrying four crew and ammunition. Each tank is equipped with a 120 mm smooth bore cannon as its primary weapon and a 50 caliber machine gun for the tank commander in addition to two 7.62 mm machine guns. They are capable of firing an advanced kinetic energy Tungsten penetrator against vehicles and a multi-purpose round for infantry support. They have also been designed to provide a level of protection for soldiers from nuclear, biological or chemical threats.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:39:59 pm


El ministro de Defensa, José Bono, ha anunciado su intención de proponer al Consejo de Ministros que ninguno de los militares implicados en la tragedia del Yak-42 continúe en activo en las Fuerzas Armadas. Los generales José Antonio Beltrán y Vicente Navarro, encargados de las identificaciones, habrán dejado el servicio activo la próxima semana, según Bono. El ministro ha señalado que las identificaciones erróneas fueron realizadas por los equipos españoles que se desplazaron a Turquía, mientras que el trabajo realizado por las autoridades del país fue correcto. Asegura además que se ignoraron reiteradamente las quejas presentadas por los militares acerca de la seguridad de los aviones.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:54:05 pm


La India ha probado con éxito un misil tierra tierra de corto alcance dotado de capacidad nuclear, según France Presse. El proyectil tiene un radio de alcance de 700 kilómetros y pasó la prueba con la calificación de “lanzamiento perfecto”, según el portavoz del Ministerio de Defensa indio, Amitabh Chakravarti.
El primer ministro indio, Manmohan Singh, ha dicho que el ensayo no debe ser considerado una amenaza contra ningún país, refiriéndose a Pakistán, con quien está enfrentada por la región de Cachemira.
Por su parte, el presidente de la Comisión de Exteriores del Senado paquistaní, también restó importancia a los hechos, asegurando que los dos países prueban misiles.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 02:54:46 pm
Iraq’s 6th Battalion Completes Training, Activates
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued July 8, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- The Iraqi army’s 6th Battalion completed its basic training and activated today at a graduation ceremony for 523 soldiers at the Kurkush military training base.  
The eight-week basic training program included instruction in basic soldiering skills, weapons, drill and ceremony, and physical training. This course marks just the second Iraqi Army battalion solely trained by Iraqis, officials said. The soldiers will take a week’s leave before returning to the base for more training and to begin operations under the direction of the Iraqi Defense Ministry. The Iraqi army graduated 502 privates July 6, the first class of enlisted soldiers to emerge from the Iraqi basic training program.  
“This marks one more step in building increased capability in the Iraqi Army,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Kevin Foster, Coalition Military Assistance Training Team operations officer, quoted in a coalition news release. “It validates that the training model produces a cohesive unit with well-trained soldiers that will only increase in capability over time.”  
On Aug. 1, soldiers from a new 7th Battalion will join the 6th Battalion to complete the Iraqi army’s 3rd Brigade. The army ultimately will have 27 battalions, nine brigades and three divisions, officials said.  
Leadership cadres for the remaining 20 battalions are preparing to receive their recruits and conduct the same eight-week training process at various training bases throughout the country.  
The Coalition Military Assistance Training Team, part of the Office of Security Transition, assists the Iraqi government in training, equipping and mentoring the Iraqi armed forces.  
The Civilian Police Assistance Training Team graduated 80 Iraqi Police Service officers from four classes at the Adnon Training Facility July 7.  
The courses, meant to augment the standard eight-week basic training and three- week prior-service transition integration program courses, included 11 mid- level management course graduates, 28 basic criminal investigations course graduates, 27 criminal intelligence course graduates and 14 executive leadership course graduates.  
“Every day with graduations like these, the Iraqi police get stronger,” said Steve Casteel, Iraqi Interior Ministry senior consultant, quoted in a news release. “This makes the Iraqi government stronger.”  
Mark Weaver, Civilian Police Assistance Training Team training and standards executive officer, said the courses are tailored specifically to meet the needs of the Iraqi Police Service. The CPATT also is a branch of the Office of Security Transition.  
At the Zarqa military training base in Jordan, 40 Iraqi women soldiers will graduate from the Jordanian Royal Military Academy July 9, the second of three classes of this type planned to train at the academy.  
“This is an innovation for this part of the world,” said United Kingdom Army Col. Kim Smith, chief liaison officer for the Coalition Military Assistance Training Team, quoted in another news release. “At a certain stage in the battle, women will be needed.”  
Smith said that the coalition identified a pragmatic need to have women in the Iraqi army. Terrorists are using women to conceal weapons and to carry out attacks against Iraqis and coalition soldiers.  
“By having women in the army,” he added, “we can deal gently, but firmly with women, … searching them in a way that is culturally sensitive.”
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:55:15 pm
In army the new fighting complete set of an individual defence of the fighter - "Barmitsa" Has acted

The Russian army began to receive universal fighting complete sets of individual equipment "Barmitsa". As the general director of the state enterprise " Central scientific research institute of exact mechanical engineering " Vladimir Ivanov informed today ITAR-TASS, they are intended for military men of the Land forces, VDV and the parts of special purpose working in mountain-woody, deserted district and in areas of Arctic regions.
As he said, the complete set includes bronezhilet "Visor" which is capable to sustain the bullet which has been let out from AE-74 from distance of 10 meters, and protective helmet "Borit-M".
In a cold season of military men will protect from a frost the new winter suit which is included in the complete set. The sleeping bag supplied polyethylene kovrikom, a mosquito net and an inflatable pillow, allows to have a rest normally within 4 hours at temperature up to a minus of 20 degrees. The individual source of heat and a camouflage make-up concern to special elements of a survival the filter for water treating, the complete set for work in night conditions.
"Barmitsa" contains an individual communication facility, investigations, navigation and life-support
The base complete set of individual equipment (BKIE) "Barmitsa" contains as already known elements of equipment, but more high quality, and completely new; by his development the special attention was given an optimum combination of taktiko-characteristics of all components. An individual communication facility, investigations, navigation and the life-support, the raised level of security from means of defeat of the opponent and fiziologo-hygienic characteristics of fighting clothes, and also the improved food and medical maintenance, - all this taken together should lead to qualitative growth of fighting capacity of armies.
In BKIE new 5,45 mm automatic devices AN-94 " Abakans " and 7,62 mm the uniform machine guns "Pecheneg" most suitable to motor-shooting divisions are included. For each speciality of military men SV, VDV and parts SPN the were defined type and purpose of samples individual and group nosimogo arms. Use by staff of new means individual bronezashchity (bronezhileta "Visor" and protective helmet "Borit-M") as show calculations, allows to reduce losses more than to 20 % (at hit of amazing elements of all types the number of lethal outcomes will decrease on 60-70 %). Specially developed portable radio station intended for maintenance of open or closed radio telephone communication in a control link " the commander mouths - the commander of a platoon - the commander of branch - the soldier ", keeps in touch with radio stations of a complex "Aqueduct", and also with radio stations of old park " Cross-bow ". In a cold season, at temperature of air up to-30 degrees With, military men will be protected from a frost with a new winter suit. His details are as much as possible unified among themselves, and also with similar details in samples of special and years field clothes. Legs the special footwear, which bottom of racks to influence of excited environments protects from low temperatures, hits of a dust, sand, a dirty, a snow, writes magazine " Protection and safety ".
For life-support of military men various multipurpose means are used. The groundsheet except for the direct applicability can carry out a role of a stretcher, and connected among themselves some tents allow to collect tent of great volume. The road backpack for perenoski elements BKEI, including teploizoljatsionnyj kovrik, keeps the functional properties even at falling on a rocky ground from ten-meter height. The fighting unloading waistcoats which are put on atop of ammunition and bronezhileta, have a wide variation of places of fastening podsumkov and pockets depending on type of transferable arms and quantity of an ammunition. They are quickly put on and removed. And the sleeping bag supplied polyethylene kovrikom, a mosquito net and an inflatable pillow, allows to have a rest normally within 4 hours at temperature up to a minus 20 ¦ With, and also to transport the military man in weight up to 120 kg.
On a case of application of the weapon of mass defeat in the complete set there are means of individual defence (SIZ) of bodies of breath and an eye, and also leather, protective gloves and stockings.
In frameworks OKR independent state tests on check of compatibility of regular and developed samples of paraborne means in structure BKIE, to perfection of their pendant system are carried out.
The individual source of heat and camouflage make-up concern to special elements BKIE the filter for water treating, the complete set for work in night conditions. To group - plavsredstvo, maintaining weight up to 500 kg, special instrument illumination for conducting investigation and maintenance of navigation in day time and night conditions.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:56:33 pm


Siete directivos y empleados de dos empresas de Nueva Jersey - Universal Technologies (UTI) y Manten Electronics- han sido detenidos acusados de usar su negocio para transferir ilegalmente material tecnológico militar a China. Los detenidos exportaban productos usados en una amplia variedad de sistemas de defensa, incluidos radares, 'armas inteligentes', material de guerra electrónico y de comunicaciones.
La investigación de la fiscalía ha permitido identificar los sistemas utilizados para ocultar las actividades de exportación ilegal, como proporcionar declaraciones escritas y verbales falsas que presentaban como receptor de los materiales a una empresa estadounidense, en lugar de entidades en China. Además, empleaban certificados falsos en los documentos de envío de los productos que no necesitaban licencia de exportación a China.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 03:07:56 pm
The review of armament and military equipment in lower Tagile Andrey GARAVSKIY. Today completes the international exhibition of armament, military equipment and ammunition "the Russian exhibition of armament. Lower Tagil-200ya ". Summing up its sums, it is possible with the confidence to say that this scale weapons forum succeeded. The discussion deals not only with a quantity of prisoners of contracts, although this is important. The success of exhibition has for its organizers great significance. Let us recall that recently actively were inflated the rumors about its transfer into the Moscow it was Red Army. But in the course of Nizhniy Tagil review, as the saying goes, all points above "i" arranged the deputy chief federal'ny agencies for industry Victor kholstov, after stating that the management of agency does not see bases for the transfer of the main Russian exhibition of land armament, military equipment and ammunition. It is thought, this is correct approach. Exhibition on the land thematics must be one as, for example, international aerospace salon (MAX) in Moscow Zhukovskiy - on the aviation. There is neither need nor means to duplicate it. Especially as in lower Tagile is already formed the exhibition complex of international significance. However, what in the active membership of present Nizhniy Tagil forum? In it was accepted a record, in comparison with the previous exhibitions, quantity of participants - it is more than 300 Russian and foreign enterprises, which to third almost exceeds the index of two-year-old remoteness. In lower Tagil arrived about 400 representatives of 42 countries of peace, including of Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia, THE USA, France, Sweden, Israel and so forth of it visited the general director OF FGUP "rosoboroneksport" Sergey chemezov, the governor of Sverdlovsk region the edward Of rossel', the representatives of government RF and Defense Ministry. In lower Tagile were demonstrated more than 2.700 exhibits. Among them, in particular, tanks T -90S, T -80UK, engineer vehicles on their base, the modernized armored carriers OF BTR-'0PB and BTR-"0, self-propelled howitzer" MSTA- S "(152-mm and 155- mm), self-propelled artillery instrument" nona -SVK "(120- mm), the armored reconnaissance patrol machine BRDM-2, etc.


Your exhibition passes in the Urals, where from generation to generation with great care they store and transfer the rich traditions of gunsmiths. The today domestic defense- industrial complex, in which work experienced engineers and controllers, highly skilled specialists, creates the unique models of the defense production contemporary and in many respects. And the exposures represented in lower Tagile convincingly confirm this. President Of Russia Vladimir Putin.


The special interest of visitors drew modernized BMP-E, the two-unit catepillar amphibious personnel carrier DT-E0PM, 155- mm the complex of the controlled armament KM -1 Of "krasnopol'", the jet bombometnaya installation OF RBU-'000, the high-precision complex of the controlled armament "with Sturm- V" with modernized rocket "Attack- V", 30- mm anti-personnel automatic grenade-throwing complex AGS-Y". Was widely represented small arms. Undoubtedly, the raisin of exhibition became the fundamentally new model of armament - combat vehicle of the support of tanks (BMPT), created Shityu uralvagonzavodom to order of the Ministry of Defense RF. The know-how of this development, which absorbed into itself the experience of war shooting in the local conflicts, consists in the fact that BMPT, which has contemporary armament, makes possible for tanks to conduct battle with the high intensity, without being distracted to destruction not of characteristic for them neighbor tank-endangered targets. Drew the attention of specialists and the modernized tank T -72, which obtained to the armament new 125- mm the gun of the increased accuracy, controlled rocket weapon, closed type large-caliber antiaircraft machine gun installation, contemporary system of the fire control, built-in dynamic protection, system of averting undermining on the mines with the magnetometric fuse, and also global positioning system. All this considerably increased combat effectiveness T -72, which today stands in arsenal of many countries of peace. The visited exhibition deputy chief of the Federal Service for defense order colonel general Sergey mayev expressed itself about the problem of the unification of armament - most important strategic direction of the technical policy: "at present is conducted active work on the creation of the united lightly armored technology", united armored carrier and united combat tank ". In this direction already was possible to be achieved good results in the automobile construction, in particular, at present Shityu kamAZom the family of automobiles "mustang", the level of the unification of base chassis in these machines is created approximately 85 percent. Is important the fact that the visitors of exhibition with their own eyes could estimate the possibilities of represented armament and military equipment, were carry ouied exponential shootings and demonstration passages of combat materiel. In a word, Nizhniy Tagil forum actually succeeded. This is still significantly here for what reason. Today as never, important to develop and to support regions. In the majority of them much more complex economic situation than in the same Moscow area. Only in Sverdlovsk region since 1999 the sum of contracts on the deliveries of armament comprised more than 1 billion dollars, the export WEAPONS AND MILITARY EQUIPMENT grew 2,5. It does be worthwhile to indicate that after these numbers - new work sites, economic increase, the prospect for development. In this case let us note that for conducting the Nizhniy Tagil exhibition are not used federal dollar, Ural weapons forum already practically left to the self-support. Briefly, today in Russia to it there is no alternative.
Título: Soldiers
Enviado por: tsahal em Julho 11, 2004, 12:29:49 pm
No ultimo numero da revista Espanhola Soldiers vem um trabalho sobre os precs da BAI mas nao consegui indentificar a marca e modelo de uns oculos de visao nocturna e de um telemetro laser que apararecem em duas fotografias distintas. Alguem pode ajudar?
O jornal semanario O Independente de Sabado traz um anuncio do Forum Defesa, parabens a quem teve esta iniciativa.

Cumprimentos para todos.
Título: Re: Soldiers
Enviado por: Ricardo Nunes em Julho 11, 2004, 12:37:02 pm
Citação de: "tsahal"
No ultimo numero da revista Espanhola Soldiers vem um trabalho sobre os precs da BAI mas nao consegui indentificar a marca e modelo de uns oculos de visao nocturna e de um telemetro laser que apararecem em duas fotografias distintas. Alguem pode ajudar?
O jornal semanario O Independente de Sabado traz um anuncio do Forum Defesa, parabens a quel teve esta iniciativa.

Cumprimentos para todos.

Caro tsahal, seria possível "scannar" o referido artigo e colocá-lo aqui?
Título: Soldiers.
Enviado por: tsahal em Julho 11, 2004, 07:47:57 pm
Obrigado Ricardo mas nao comprei a revista. Ontem fui a Espanha e apenas estive a ver a revista numa papelaria. Salvo erro o artigo tinha umas 5 paginas com boas fotografias e o autor era o senhor Diaz Camara.
Uma certeza tenho, o telemetro laser nao era o Vectronix Vector 1500 utilizado pelos OEs e os oculos de visao nocturna nao eram os modelos US utilizados em grande quantidade pelo Exercito. Ele tinha uma forma rectangular com os dois olhos metidos no interior.

Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 12, 2004, 11:35:26 pm
Contract with Raytheon Worth MNOK 80
(Source: Kongsberg Gruppen ASA; issued July 9, 2004)
 Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS has signed a contract with Raytheon for efforts supporting the U.S. Army SLAMRAAM Program.  
Kongsberg is subcontractor to Raytheon for the U.S. Army SLAMRAAM Program, and responsible for the delivery of command and control software components to the System Development & Demonstration (SDD) Phase running up to mid 2007. The software components are part of the Integrated Fire Control Station (IFCS) for the SLAMRAAM Battle Management Command and Control system  
Since Kongsberg and Raytheon introduced an exclusive international partnership in 1996, five NATO nations have chosen air defense Battle Management Command and Control systems from KONGSBERG and Raytheon. The U.S. Army awarded the Raytheon-led Team SLAMRAAM a $127 million contract in February of 2004 to design, develop, manufacture and integrate the joint U.S. Army/U.S. Marine program.  
The first Kongsberg contract for the Surface Launched AMRAAM air defense system was signed with the Royal Norwegian Air Force in 1989 through the NASAMS program.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 12, 2004, 11:37:47 pm
Ghan to Transport Army to NT Exercise
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued July 12, 2004)
 Army’s use of the newly completed Adelaide to Darwin rail link demonstrates the strategic value of the railway for the Australian Defence Force, Defence Minister Robert Hill said today.  
Adelaide-based 16th Air Defence Regiment is moving more than 200 vehicles, Rapier, RBS-70 surface to air missile systems and some PSTAR Radars on 57 carriages (two trains over two days) to participate in Exercise Pitch Black in the Northern Territory.  
The main body of about 300 personnel will travel by air, with a contingent accompanying the unit’s equipment on the train.  
“The railway is an important addition to the national transport infrastructure network,” Senator Hill said.  
“This use of the rail link provides Defence with another option to move quickly and efficiently. It also means soldiers spend less time away from their families and Defence vehicles spend less time on the roads.”  
Exercise Pitch Black is the Royal Australian Air Force’s largest exercise for 2004. It provides participants with high complexity air combat training opportunities.  
The Exercise involves aircraft and personnel from the Royal Thai Air Force, the Republic of Singapore Air Force, the French Air Force and some Australian Army Units including 16th Air Defence Regiment, which will be providing ground, based air defense.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 12, 2004, 11:46:34 pm
US Microwave Radio Relay Sites to Close in United Kingdom
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued July 9, 2004)
 The Department of Defense announced today that it is closing 10 microwave radio relay sites in the United Kingdom. The sites are: Barkway, Botley Hill Farms, Bovington, Caldecott (also known as Chelveston), Christmas Common, Cold Blow, Daventry, Dunkirk, Swingate, and Uxbridge.  
This closure is not related to the U.S. Global Posture review, it is simply a cost saving measure. The Defense Information Systems Agency determined that DoD could save $1 million annually by using commercial communications instead of continuing to maintain and upgrade the existing sites.  
Operations at these sites ceased in December 2003 and they will be officially closed by the end of December. Since the sites are unmanned, there is no expected impact to military or civilian jobs as a result of the closures.  
As with all stationing actions, the United States has coordinated with host nation officials at all levels prior to this public announcement.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 12, 2004, 11:49:05 pm
Army to Recruit ‘Downsized’ Airmen
(Source: US Air Force; issued July 9, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- After they “Cross Into the Blue” Army officials said they hope Airmen leaving the Air Force will join the “Army of One.”  
A new program, Operation Blue to Green, seeks to recruit into the Army Airmen and Sailors leaving their service because of force reductions. The Army is temporarily increasing its ranks.  
Plans call for the Air Force to reduce its numbers by 16,000 by the end of 2005, Air Force officials said.  
An Army spokesperson called Operation Blue to Green an opportunity that “will definitely benefit the Department of Defense as well as these individuals.”  
Details of the program are still being worked out, but an Army Web site says the program tells potential recruits it “will allow you to continue to serve your country, to maintain the benefits of military service and to expand your horizons by gaining new training and trying new things.”  
Candidates for the program are Airmen and Sailors in grades E-5 and below who qualify for an honorable discharge from active duty. Participation in the program, the Web site says, “is dependent upon your service’s willingness to release you from your current active-duty obligation.”  
New Soldiers recruited under the program will go through a four-week “warrior transition course” being developed by Army Training and Doctrine Command officials.  
“This will further orient them in terms of what it means to be a Soldier in the Army,” the Army spokesperson said.  
This new course in basic combat skills will substitute for the nine-week course currently used to train Airmen, Sailors and Coast Guardsmen enlisting in the Army, according to the Web site.  
Bonuses will be offered to recruits for selected military occupational specialties, although details were not yet available.  
While Army officials finalize details about the program, they are wasting no time getting the word out to potential candidates. An online information form encourages interested candidates to sign up for more information. However, the site notes, “Until formal policies have been approved, Army recruiters cannot accept applications, process paperwork or reserve training seats.”
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 13, 2004, 02:54:00 pm


Santa Bárbara Sistemas ultima la venta de tanques AMX-30 para el Ejército colombiano, además de varias baterías del Obús 155/52 milímetros, que la empresa construye en exclusiva junto con la munición para el obús. Por otro lado, Santa Bárbara continúa negociando la venta de unos 75 obuses al Ejército español.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 13, 2004, 11:55:15 pm
Another £3.7 Billion for Britain's Defence  
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued July 12, 2004)
 (EDITOR'S NOTE: Some British newspapers have been reporting, for several weeks, that MoD was preparing substantial manpower cuts because of a government plan to drastically reduce defense spending. This is manifestly not the case.)
 Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon today welcomed the announcement of the longest period of sustained real terms growth in planned Defence spending since the early 1980s. He stressed that the extra money will be invested in modernising Defence for the challenges of the 21st Century.  
The settlement announced by the Chancellor raises the Defence budget by £3.7 billion between 2004-05 and 2007-08 - a real terms increase of 1.4% a year.  
Responding to the settlement, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said:  
"I welcome this settlement, which demonstrates the Government's continued commitment to Defence. It is also a vote of confidence in the superb performance of our Armed Forces and those who support them, across the world and at home.  
"The threat posed to the UK's interests by international terrorism and failing states presents us with very real and immediate challenges. As well as sustaining our investment in new capability, this settlement enables the continued modernisation of our Armed Forces against a backdrop of evolving threats to our security and advances in technology.  
"My priority now is to drive forward the ambitious modernisation plans which this settlement makes possible. I described the vision in the White Paper I published last December. Next week I will announce what it will mean in practice."  
** The 2003 Defence White Paper, "Delivering Security in a Changing World", builds on the 1998 Strategic Defence Review (SDR) and 2002 Strategic Defence Review: New Chapter, in setting out the strategy for the UK's Armed Forces. The White Paper sets out the policy context within which the future structure and capabilities of our Armed Forces will be determined: (  
** In the three years to 2004, the Government has provided over £4 billion to meet the net additional costs of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and its international obligations.  
** Spending Review 2002 represented the largest planned increase in defence spending for twenty years, providing an additional £3.5bn by 2005-06, representing 1.2% average annual real growth.  
** Spending Review 2002 included a £578M Modernisation Fund specifically to modernise logistics and business information systems across defence. The Spending Review 2004 settlement increases its funding at an increased rate of £1 billion over three years, with an expanded scope which now includes rationalisation of the defence estate.  
** The Ministry of Defence has committed to find over £2.8 billion of efficiency savings by 2007-08, in areas such as more efficient procurement and logistics, and reduced back office and support functions. The settlement includes a specific fund to aid modernisation in key areas of logistics, business information systems and estates rationalisation.  
** This settlement supports the further modernisation of the Armed Forces, focused on increasing their flexibility, agility and operational effectiveness when acting independently or alongside our allies. The longstanding arrangements of central funding of the net additional costs of military operations and urgent operational requirements will remain in place.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 14, 2004, 12:00:13 am
Russia Denies Tank Production Deal with Pakistan
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued July 12, 2004)
 MOSCOW/ISLAMABAD --- Even as Russia today denied it had entered into a battle tank production deal with Pakistan, Islamabad did not rule out cooperation in the field of defense with Moscow in future.  
Russia’s sole arms exporting body “Rosoboronexport” (ROE) State Corporation “unequivocally rejected” an earlier Itar-Tass report about deals between the country’s top tank manufacturer Uralvagonzavod and Pakistan on the sidelines of just-ended UralArmsExpo exhibition in Nizhny Tail (Urals region of Russia.) Asked about the denial, Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Masood Khan told reporters that the “transaction” was not discussed during the just-concluded visit of Foreign Minister Khurshid Muhamed Kasuri to Moscow.  
“We are self sufficient in manufacture of tanks. We are not discussing this transaction with the government of Russia.” However, Khan added that Pakistan-Russian relations have made major strides in economic and commercial strides and “as we go along, we can co-operate productively in the fields of defense, energy and metallurgy.” Khan also said Kasuri had a successful visit to Moscow.  
“He will talk about it later in detail.” In Moscow, a ROE spokesman, who wished anonymity told PTI: “We unequivocally reject the very idea of such sort of contract between Russian defense industries and Pakistan authorities. Actually we have no military-technical cooperation with Pakistan and in this particular area Rosoboronexport strictly adjusts its marketing strategy to clear-cut policy of the Russian leadership.”
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 12:27:42 pm
E&S to Provide Long-Term Support for UK Attack Helicopter Program

SALT LAKE CITY---July 13, 2004--Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. (E&S®) (NASDAQ: ESCC) has received a multimillion-dollar contract to provide Encore(SM) service and support for the British Army's Attack Helicopter Training Service, the company announced today. Under the terms of the contract with training service provider Aviation Training International Limited (ATIL), E&S will provide support for Harmony®/VistaView® visual systems now in training on four U.K. flight simulators.

This award extends the original one-year contract, which calls for rapid replenishment of spares using E&S' U.K. distribution center, for an additional five years. ATIL chose E&S to provide continuing support based on the company's performance during the initial one-year contract.

"Our contract with the U.K. Ministry of Defence calls for service delivery against agreed key performance indicators (KPIs)," said Victor Faconti, ATIL head of engineering. "The Encore contract has allowed us to minimize spares holding whilst having confidence that we can meet our obligations to our customer."

"ATIL has demonstrated its confidence in E&S by extending this contract for five years," said E&S European Simulation Sales Vice President David Figgins. "They have indicated to us that they are well satisfied with the value they receive from their Encore service, and we look forward to continuing to provide this support, which is unique in the visual simulation industry."

The Attack Helicopter Program is a key element of the British Army's aviation program. The flight simulators, operated by ATIL under a 20-year private finance initiative (PFI), are each required to be operational 3,600 hours per year. These simulators provide initial skills during conversion training and realistically depict aircraft system responses, variable target arrays, and weapons effects.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 05:15:36 pm

Itália coloca militares sob vigilância médica

As autoridades militares de Itália anunciaram ontem que vão colocar sob acompanhamento médico os cerca de mil soldados colocados no Iraque - em Nassiriah, sob cujo comando estão as forças portuguesas da GNR - para determinar os riscos da exposição ao urânio empobrecido das munições e bombas usadas pelas forças anglo-americanas no conflito.

A decisão foi anunciada pelo director-geral da saúde militar italiana, o general Michele Buonvito, durante uma audição na Comissão de defesa do Parlamento, em Roma. O acompanhamento começará em Agosto e deverá prolongar-se por dezoito meses. Os resultados da investigação serão anunciados no início de 2006.

A polémica em torno dos perigos da exposição a estas munições recomeçou ontem em Itália, depois de ter sido noticiada a morte de jovem militar de 24 anos na região de Nápoles. Luca Sepe foi vítima da doença de Hodgkin, uma forma de leucemia que lhe foi diagnosticada em 2001, após o seu regresso do Kosovo (onde esteve colocado entre Outubro de 1999 e Janeiro de 2001). No Kosovo foram igualmente utilizadas munições com urânio empobrecido pelas forças da NATO, o que também levantou bastante polémica há alguns anos em diversos países aliados.

Pelo menos um soldado português - o cabo Paulino -, que também foi destacado para o Kosovo, morreu e a família declarou que a sua morte estava relacionada com a exposição ao urânio empobrecido. O Governo fez, então, um rastreio a todos os soldados que estiveram destacados naquele país.

Em Itália foi criada, em 2000, uma comissão científica pelo Ministério da Defesa para avaliar se o urânio empobrecido u tilizado nas munições da NATO durante o conflito no Kosovo esteve, ou não, na origem de leucemias e cancros em soldados italianos. A comissão concluiu que não.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 09:56:05 pm
Da página do Exército

Juramento de Bandeira do Último Turno do SEN e a Entrega do Estandarte Nacional ao 2º BIMec



Juramento de Bandeira do Último Turno do SEN e a Entrega do Estandarte Nacional ao 2º BIMec









Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 15, 2004, 01:06:05 am
FAM del Mundo

Fabricação de armas austriacas na Malásia

O fabricante austriaco de armas, Steyr Mannlicher, vai começar a produção de armas de assalto e pistolas na Malásia. Desde a Malásia fabricar-se-ão armas para todo o mundo, especialmente centrada na zona de Orinente médio e África. Será a empresa malaia National Aerospace Defence Industries (NADI) que fabricará as armas. A principal arma a ser produzida será o fuzil de assalto Steyr AUGA3 de 5.56mm, do qual se espera que tenha um mercado de 15000 unidades por ano a um custo de 2000$ por arma.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 03:36:08 pm
Lockheed Conducts Second Test of GMLRS Unitary Rocket
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued July 13, 2004)
 DALLAS --- Lockheed Martin successfully conducted the second flight test of a Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Unitary rocket at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., on June 30.  
The Guided Unitary rocket will expand the current target set of GMLRS, giving maneuver commanders a precision capability while greatly limiting collateral damage in restrictive terrain and urban areas.  
Test objectives included demonstrating the functionality of the unitary warhead, which was temperature-conditioned “hot” for the test, as well as collecting shock and vibration data. Guidance and control system performance and warhead effectiveness were also tested in the short-range flight. All test objectives were achieved.  
“With two successful flights of Guided Unitary now under our belt, we’re moving steadily forward towards our goal of providing our forces with yet another member of the MLRS family of munitions,” said Al Duchesne, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control’s director - MLRS Rocket Programs. “The Guided Unitary rocket will add another dimension of precision attack to the battlefield commander’s arsenal of MLRS rockets and Army Tactical Missile System missiles.”  
Lockheed Martin received a $119 million contract to conduct System Development and Demonstration (SDD) for a GMLRS variant with a single warhead in October 2003. The SDD contract includes 86 rockets, 71 of which are flight articles, with the balance supporting test and other activities. The contract also provides test hardware to support 26 flight tests for an initial configuration and 39 flight tests of a follow-on configuration.  
The SDD phase of this program was preceded by a successful system demonstration in 2002 of a Quick Reaction Unitary Rocket and a nine-month Component Advanced Development program. The Guided Unitary SDD program will continue through 2007.  
The GMLRS Unitary rocket has a Global Positioning System (GPS)-aided inertial guidance package integrated on the MLRS Extended-Range rocket body. Additionally, small canards on the rocket’s nose add basic maneuverability to further enhance the accuracy of the system. The GMLRS Unitary rocket carries a 180-pound unitary warhead that detonates upon impact, giving battlefield commanders the ability to attack targets up to 70 kilometers away with high precision.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 03:41:02 pm
Citação de: "Fábio G."
A principal arma a ser produzida será o fuzil de assalto Steyr AUGA3 de 5.56mm, do qual se espera que tenha um mercado de 15000 unidades por ano a um custo de 2000$ por arma.  

Presumo que sejam 2.000 dólares americanos por arma. Será?

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 15, 2004, 05:37:46 pm
Penso que sim.
Enviado por: Luso em Julho 15, 2004, 10:16:26 pm
400 contos por uma AUG???
Alguém vai encher os bolsos...
Enviado por: fgomes em Julho 15, 2004, 10:46:16 pm
Será que vale o preço que custa ?
Enviado por: Luso em Julho 16, 2004, 09:44:38 am
Só sei que componentes em segunda mão suficientes para montar uma AUG completa estão à venda na Alemanha por cerca de €500.

E não vale de certeza €2000. Por esse preço compra-se uma arma para Sniper MUITO razoável com óptica. Ou uma custom baseada na Remington 700 mas sem ópticas.
Enviado por: fgomes em Julho 16, 2004, 07:00:12 pm
No site da Steyr informam que em breve haverá mais notícias sobre a AUG A3

Será que os 2000 dólares também incluem o lança-granadas ?
Enviado por: Luso em Julho 17, 2004, 11:48:22 am
fgomes, por esse preço é bom que incluam lança-granadas, torradeira e ligação à internet!
Mas como a Malásia tem petróleo...
Tem de haver esquema.
Enviado por: JNSA em Julho 17, 2004, 11:57:10 am
Esse preço é um absurdo puro e simples... :shock:  A maioria das espingardas de assalto custa cerca de 1/3 desse valor...

Já não tenho a certeza quanto ao número correcto, mas creio que as G-36 que a Espanha comprou custaram cerca de 140 ou 150 contos cada...
Enviado por: papatango em Julho 17, 2004, 07:28:40 pm
1 US Dollar = 3.8 Ringit (moeda da Malásia, também conhecida internacionalmente como "Malaysian Dollar)

Portanto 2.000 ringit seríam 526 dolares americanos.

Assim sería barato demais?

Enviado por: Luso em Julho 17, 2004, 08:34:45 pm
Se fosse feita na Malásia aposto que esse valor ainda dá para uns cobres de lucro.
Mas parece-me um preço muito mais razoável.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 18, 2004, 01:51:11 pm
The next year Ministry of Defence plans to buy at the industry of 20-30 new tanks

Gosoboronzakazom 2005 purchase at the industry of 20-30 new tanks T-90 will be stipulated. " Despite of a difficult situation, volume of the state defensive order grows every year. If five years ago we had no opportunity to buy any tank this year have already bought 14 tanks T-90 and 10 machines modernized. I think, that the next year the situation will be not worse, than this year, and we can buy 20-30 tanks ", - the first deputy head of Federal service under the defensive order of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation general-colonel Sergey Maev has declared.

It has noted, that tank T-90 is the best tank in the world. " In one international tender our tanks did not lose to foreign tanks ", - has declared S.Maev.

Speaking about the tanks submitted at an exhibition, it has noted, that a subject of pride is also modernization of tank T-72 and creation of the engine for this tank capacity of 1200 horsepowers. " We have reached a highest level of modernization of tank T-72 which is on arms in many countries of the world ", - S.Maev has told.

It has noted, that Russian bronetehnika is widely exported abroad. In particular, tank T-90S, an ARMORED TROOP-CARRIER - 80, the modernized fighting machine of infantry - AII-2, AII-3 are delivered in many countries of the world.

As the governor of Sverdlovsk area Edward Rossel informed, and at a present exhibition has been already signed two contracts. That it for contracts, and with which countries it did not become specified. On informal sources, the question is the contracts signed by "Ural Carriage-Building Plant" on delivery abroad of spare parts for tanks maintained there.

Enviado por: dremanu em Julho 20, 2004, 02:26:50 pm
Regiments face the axe in defence overhaul
By Robert Fox
The Independent

The most radical overhaul of Britain's regimental system in more than a century is being prepared by defence chiefs who want lighter, more mobile forces.

Some of the most famous cap badges in the armed forces, including the Black Watch and the Green Howards, could be threatened by plans to specialise battalions, discussed by service heads last Monday.

Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, is fighting off Treasury-imposed cuts that could total £1.2bn a year.

Officials insist, however, that the shake-up of the regimental system is needed because of Britain's involvement in an increasing number of complex missions worldwide.

With British troops already committed to nearly half-a-dozen conflict areas from the Balkans and Sierra Leone to Afghanistan and Iraq, the need for reform has become pressing.

A glimpse of the new, expeditionary army was given in a speech by the Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Mike Jackson, at a Royal United Services Institute seminar last week. British soldiers must now be able to fight what he termed the "three block war".

"A soldier is now asked to fight a dirty, hand-to-hand, urban fight, conduct peace operations and provide humanitarian assistance all in the same operation. Recent experience in Baghdad, Basra and other places suggests that operations flow from war fighting to peace support and humanitarian actions and back without any obvious demarcation."

One of the biggest changes under discussion is to end what is known as "arms plotting", the system of deploying regiments introduced by Viscount Cardwell between 1868 and 1874.

Under the system one battalion of a regiment stays at home close to the recruiting area while the other battalion is on operations overseas, with the two battalions swapping round every few years.

Today this means regiments regularly move base and change roles every few years. Theses changes of barracks and accommodation are becoming too costly, according to MoD officials.

One view is that regular infantry regiments should be made up of at least three regular battalions, each with its own fixed base and speciality - with members of the regiment moving around between the battalions to broaden skills and win promotion.

However, this raises questions over infantry regiments that have just one regular battalion, such as the Green Howards, the Devon and Dorsets, the Cheshire, the Black Watch and the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

Officially, any changes to the structure of the Army, along with those of the Navy and RAF, are still "matters for discussion". But the review has become linked to the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review, which decides Whitehall funding for the next three years.

If Treasury demands for a £1.2bn annual cut are met in full, the Navy and Air Force are likely to lose several thousand personnel - between 7,000 and 9,000 in the case of the RAF. The Army is due to lose four out of its 40 infantry battalions as a result of the winding down of its presence in Northern Ireland.

Tony Blair had hoped to be able to announce his spending plans this week but the announcement has been delayed because of the row over the budget cuts.

Officials admit that both sides are refusing to give way, promising a classic Whitehall bust-up.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 30, 2004, 04:54:51 pm
Segurança e Defesa

27 de julho de 2004

Nova encomenda de mísseis TOW

A Raytheon Company recebeu uma encomenda do governo americano, no valor de US$123 milhões, para a produção de aproximadamente 2.700 mísseis anticarro TOW, incluindo as versões TOW 2B, TOW 2B Aero e exemplares de manuseio. Esses mísseis destinam-se ao U. S. Army, U. S. Marine Corps e clientes internacionais. O 2B (com alcance de 4,5km e capacidade de atacar o topo de viaturas blindadas) é a mais recente versão do conhecido míssil americano, em serviço com mais de 40 países. As outras variantes atualmente em produção são o TOW 2A (para ataque direto) e o TOW Bunker Buster, para ataque a fortificações.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:23:11 pm

Auditoria detecta fraude de 35 M€ nos Serviços de Saúde do Exército

Uma auditoria encomendada pelo Ministério da Defesa aos Serviços de Saúde do Exército detectou uma fraude de 35 milhões de euros no Exército. A notícia é avançada na edição deste sábado do Jornal de Notícias, que refere que os resultados da auditoria foram já enviadas para o Ministério Público, que deverá fazê-los chegar à Polícia Judiciária, para posterior investigação, depois das férias judiciais.

Segundo o JN, dos 35 milhões, 10 milhões dizem respeito a tratamentos dentários, feitos segundo um esquema de sobre-facturação que acaba lesando o Sistema Nacional de Saúde, uma vez que as comparticipações são superiores ao previsto.
Em colaboração com os utentes, médicos, consultórios e clínicas passam facturas mais altas do que o valor real prestado, levando o Estado a pagar ao utente a totalidade do tratamento.

Aindao segundo o jornal, os casos detectados pela auditoria são os mais diversos e vão desde o mesmo tratamento feito várias vezes, em alguns casos, a doentes que já não têm esses dentes, por, por exemplo, usarem placa.

As autoridades vão agora tentar apurar se a fraude servia apenas para que os utentes recebessem do Estado a totalidade dos custos das intervenções médicas, ou se se tratam de casos de falsificação total de documentos e ausência de tratamentos.

Os militares do Exército dispõem do sistema de saúde ADME - Assistência na Doença aos Militares do Estado -, que prevê acordos e comparticipações diferentes dos restantes sistemas de saúde.

31-07-2004 10:56:31

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:47:12 pm


España y Marruecos han acordado enviar tropas en una acción conjunta a la misión de la ONU en Haití. El contingente hispano marroquí estará comandado por España y formado por unos 200 efectivos. La aportación española a esta unidad estará constituida por guardias civiles, policías e infantes de Marina.
Enviado por: Luso em Julho 31, 2004, 02:39:34 pm
"El contingente hispano marroquí estará comandado por España"

Depois desta eu já me acredito em tudo! :shock:
Enviado por: papatango em Julho 31, 2004, 02:44:33 pm
Esta foi uma mensagem sarcástica...
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 01, 2004, 11:58:22 am

Médicos famosos suspeitos de envolvimento em fraude

Suspeitas Investigação pode ser alargada aos serviços de saúde da PSP, da GNR e da Função Pública Exército vai pedir uma nova auditoria para aprofundar a dimensão de esquema ilícito.
Autoridades detectaram que médicos privados ou clínicas passavam facturas com valores muito acima do serviço prestado.

Carlos Tomás e Tânia Laranjo

Vários médicos conceituados do nosso país estão indiciados de envolvimento na fraude de milhões de euros detectada nos Serviços de Saúde do Exército e que ontem foi tornada pública pelo JN. Os clínicos são suspeitos de sobrefacturação, lesando, assim, o Sistema Nacional de Saúde. Embora a grande percentagem das verbas subtraídas ao Estado estejam ligadas a tratamentos dentários, sabe-se já que há também vários laboratórios de análises sob suspeita.

O Ministério Público está na posse dos resultados da auditoria feita no Exército e, segundo o JN apurou, deverá ordenar o alargamento das investigações, a cargo da PJ, a todos os subsistemas de saúde existentes em Portugal, nomeadamente aos serviços de assistência na doença da PSP e da GNR e à própria Direcção-Geral de Protecção Social aos Funcionários e Agentes da Função Pública (ADSE).

As queixas de fraudes nos subsistemas de saúde têm sido frequentes e, na sequência de algumas denúncias, a Inspecção-Geral da Administração Interna, organismo afecto ao Ministério da Administração Interna, chegou a abrir auditorias à PSP e à GNR. Porém, segundo revelou ao JN o inspector-geral Rodrigues Maximiano, "foi criada uma comissão interministerial para investigar os serviços de assistência na doença aos polícias e militares da GNR, tendo a Inspecção-Geral da Administração Interna optado por suspender o trabalho que tinha planeado desenvolver nessa área".

Os resultados das investigações conduzidas por essa comissão, soube o JN, nunca foram tornados públicos. Mais, segundo uma fonte do Ministério da Administração Interna até se desconhece, neste momento, se a comissão permanece em funcionamento.

Tal como foi ontem divulgado, a fraude detectada nos Serviços de Saúde do Exército ascende a pelo menos 35 milhões de euros, mas há indicações de que aquelas verbas estão muito abaixo da real dimensão dos prejuízos provocados ao Estado. Por isso, o Exército pondera a realização de uma auditoria, destinada a aprofundar a verdadeira amplitude do esquema ilícito (ler caixa).

O Ministério da Defesa confirmou, ontem, ao JN, que já estão a ser feitas investigações por parte da Polícia Judiciária, adiantando que elas foram espoletadas por denúncias feitas há um ano na Polícia Judiciária Militar.

Um esquema tradicional de sobrefacturação médica

A fraude agora detectada baseia-se num esquema típico de sobrefacturação, que lesa o Sistema Nacional de Saúde. Em conivência com os utentes, os médicos privados ou clínicas passavam facturas mais altas que o valor real do serviço, beneficiando o doente, que nada pagava pelas consultas e tratamentos, e os médicos, que facturavam valores muito acima do real serviço prestado. Há também indícios da duplicação de tratamentos.
Enviado por: emarques em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:38:46 am
HELSINKI (Reuters) - A number of Finnish conscripts have been excused their full term of military service because they are addicted to the Internet, the Finnish Defense Forces said Tuesday.

Doctors have found the young men miss their computers too much to cope with their compulsory six months in the forces.

"For people who play (Internet) games all night and don't have any friends, don't have any hobbies, to come into the army is a very big shock," said Commander-Captain Jyrki Kivela at the military conscription unit.

"Some of (the conscripts) go to the doctor and say they can't stay. Sometimes, the doctors have said they have an Internet addiction," Kivela said.

There are no official figures for the Internet addict dropout rate.

"They get sent home for three years and after that they have to come back and we ask if they are OK ... they will have had time to grow up," Kivela said.

Finland called up 26,500 men in 2003, nine percent of whom were relieved of duty for medical reasons.

However, the Internet drop-outs have not dented national pride in "sisu," a Finnish quality of being tough and resilient.

"We are very proud of our Finnish men. Eight-two percent of all Finnish men manage their whole military service," Kivela said.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:49:23 am

IBM vai construir super-computador para o exército dos EUA

O gigante da informática IBM anunciou esta terça-feira ter sido escolhido para construir um super-computador para o Departamento de Defesa norte-americano, com o objectivo de desenvolver sofisticadas armas para o exército.

De acordo com a IBM, o super-computador, intitulado «Stryker», vai ser constituído por 1.186 computadores ligados entre si, com um total de 2300 microprocessadores de 64 bits fabricados pela AMD, correndo com o sistema operativo Linux.
O sistema vai funcionar a uma velocidade máxima de 10 teraflops, esperando-se que esteja entre os 20 computadores mais rápidos do mundo.

03-08-2004 20:54:37
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:43:26 am
África do Sul pode comprar veículos blindados da Finlândia

O novo veículo blindado de transporte de tropas do exército da África do Sul  pode ser um veículo projetado na Finlândia.

Fontes industriais informaram que um veículo Patria Armoured Modular Vehicle (AMV)estava atualmente na  África do Sul, para modificações a serem apresentadas na próxima  exposição African Aerospace and Defence, setembro.

O fabricante estatal de armamentos  Denel e o conglomerado europeu European Aeronautic, Defence and Space Company (EADS) planejaram apresentar o veículo para para ter uma liderança na competição e vencer a primeira encomenda de 264 veículos para a infantaria.

O Patria AMV está em produção para as forças finlandesas e as Forças Armadas polonesas. As entregas começarão este ano.
O veículo é a continuação do sucesso do Patria XA-200 6x6, que está em serviço ativo na: Finlândia, Suécia, Noruega e Holanda, assim como com as Forças de Paz da ONU no Líbano, Kosovo e Eritréia.

De acordo com a empresa Patria, o ponto chave do projeto do veículo  está no fato que os clientes podem adaptar a mesma plataforma do veículo, para vários usos diferentes a condições operacionais, de transporte de tropas a plataforma de armamentos e ambulâncias blindadas.

As características do projetos são uma estrutura modular - que permite rápida mudança de configuração - construído em chapa de aço especial e sistemas independente de suspensão. Pesa entre  14 e 24.000 kg.

Armscor, a agência de contratos do Ministério de Defesa enviou os requisitos do contrato a uma dúzia de fabricantes locais e do exterior , para apresentarem até fevereiro de 2005 a sua participação na competição.

As empresas nacionais que foram solicitadas a participar estão : a empresa estatal  Denel., a empresa privada Land Mobility Technologies (LMT), a  OMC, a IST Dynamics, Industrial and Automotive Design SA, a Mechanology Design Bureau (MDB e a  Advanced Technologies Engineering of Midrand, Grintron and Intertechnic.

Os fabricantes externos foram a GIAT Industries( França), Mowag Motorwagenfabrik AG(  Suiça ) e a  EADS-Patria .

As informações iniciais sobre o Projeto 'Hoefyster'  especulavam que  a  Mowag com seu  Piranha IV, seria o virtual vencedor da competição.

Informes posteriores indicaram que  quatro empresas Sul-Africanas tinham recebido contratos da Armscor para desenvolver estudos e projetar protótipos localmente.

O processo chegou a uma conclusão, quando a empresa de Pretoria, a LMT, foi declarada com o projeto  vencedor.

Confirmar detalhes é difícil, as pessoas ligadas ao projeto tem receio de atrair críticas dos  grupos anti-armas, e estão relutantes a falar.

As regras da competição imposta pela Armscor impedem dos competidores falares à imprensa.
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 13, 2004, 07:29:08 pm
The Netherlands Begins Purchase of Lockheed’s PAC-3 Missile Equipment
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Aug. 12, 2004)
 DALLAS --- Lockheed Martin has received a $33.9 million foreign military sales contract for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile-related support equipment for The Netherlands. A follow-on contract for PAC-3 Missiles is anticipated by the end of the year. This is the first international sale of PAC-3 Missile-related equipment.  
The contract, awarded by the U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command in Huntsville, AL, calls for Lockheed Martin to produce PAC-3 Missile Segment ground equipment, including Enhanced Launcher Electronics Systems (ELES) and Fire Solution Computers, for The Netherlands. This equipment will enable The Netherlands’ existing Patriot ground equipment to accept the new PAC-3 Missiles.  
“We’re extremely pleased The Netherlands has moved forward with its purchase of the PAC-3 Missile system, and will soon be obtaining their first PAC-3 interceptors,” said Steve Graham, vice president - PAC-3 Missile program for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “In those defining moments on the battlefield, the PAC-3 Missiles worked as designed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and we’re confident in its ability to defeat the threats facing U.S. and allied forces today and in the future.”  
The ‘hit-to-kill’ PAC-3 Missile is the world’s most advanced, capable and powerful theater air defense missile. It defeats the entire threat to the Patriot Air Defense System: tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs) carrying weapons of mass destruction, advanced cruise missiles and aircraft. PAC-3 Missiles significantly increase the Patriot system’s firepower, since 16 PAC- 3s load-out on a Patriot launcher, compared with four of the older Patriot PAC-2 missiles.  
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control is prime contractor on the PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade to the Patriot air defense system. The PAC-3 Missile is a highly agile hit-to-kill interceptor. The rest of the Missile Segment is made up of the PAC-3 Missile canisters (in four packs), a Fire Solution Computer and an Enhanced Launcher Electronics System. These elements have been integrated into the Patriot system, a high to medium altitude, long-range air defense missile system providing air defense of ground combat forces and high-value assets.  
The PAC-3 Missile has also been selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS). Managed by the NATO MEADS Management Agency (NAMEADSMA), MEADS is a model transatlantic development program focused on the next generation of air and missile defense.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 13, 2004, 07:34:31 pm
Iran Missile Test Raises Concerns
(Source: Voice of America news; issued Aug. 12, 2004)
 Iran's recent test firing of a medium range ballistic missile is raising more concerns about the country's proliferation efforts, especially in light of its alleged efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.  
Experts say the latest test is part of Iran's effort to improve the accuracy of a missile capable of reaching Israel as well as U.S. bases in the Persian Gulf. But Andrew Koch, Washington bureau chief of "Jane's Defense Weekly", thinks the test of this medium range Shahab three missile amounted to more of a political statement by Iran than a real display of new capabilities.  
"It was a missile of the same range and type and capability as missiles that Iran already has deployed so in many ways it didn't really move the bar much in terms of Iranian capability," he explained. "What it did do was answer in a political context a recent Israeli claim that its Arrow missile ballistic missile defense system would be effective against these Iranian missiles."  
Two weeks ago, the United States and Israel conducted what the Pentagon said was a successful test of an Arrow missile, part of a missile defense system specifically designed to protect the Jewish state from threats posed by countries such as Iran.  
Still, for the Pentagon, experts say Iran's efforts to upgrade its missiles have taken on added concern in light of its nuclear activities, and a U.S. defense intelligence official tells VOA this latest missile test is yet another cause for worry. It comes only a week after the Iranian government said it would resume efforts to build centrifuges, required for enriching uranium.  
"They really have a potential wildcard here in the same vein that they're watching North Korea," said Retired Marine Colonel Jay Farar, a former aide to the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff. "The concern obviously for the military command responsible for that region of the world, Central Command, is that they are going to be dealing with another potential nuclear power. The fact that they're also developing and testing more capable delivery means starts to put them in the realm that you find Pakistan and India in."  
Iran maintains its missile program is for purely defensive purposes and its nuclear efforts are for civilian use. Iran denies Bush administration accusations that it is working to build nuclear weapons under the cover of a civilian nuclear program  
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice told American television Sunday the United States would use all the tools it has to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  
"I think you can not allow the Iranians to develop a nuclear weapon. The international community has got to find a way to come together and to make certain that that does not happen," she said.  
But what the international community is willing to do is far from certain. Given their huge amount of trade with Iran, European nations have been seen as reluctant to place the country under United Nations sanctions.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 16, 2004, 10:04:57 pm
Bush Expected to Announce Major Troop Redeployment
(Source: Voice of America news; issued Aug. 15, 2004)
 President Bush is expected Monday to formally announce a plan to redeploy about 70,000 American troops currently stationed in Europe and Asia. U.S. lawmakers are addressing potential concerns of allies who may fear losing the protection of the American military presence.  
The plan President Bush is expected to outline would mark the largest restructuring of U.S. forces globally since World War II. Besides relocating 70,000 American soldiers, the changes would also affect an additional 100,000 military support staff and family members.  
The Pentagon is reported to have been working on the realignment plan for more than a year. It is aimed at giving U.S. military commanders more flexibility in sending forces to trouble spots in the Middle East and Central Asia.  
The majority of American troops would be relocated from bases in European countries, such as Britain and Germany. The changes also would affect South Korea, where South Korean students and workers have called for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country.  
U.S. and South Korean officials last month agreed to move 8,000 American soldiers from Seoul to the city of Pyongtaek, 80 kilometers to the south. The two countries also are discussing Washington’s plan to withdraw about a third of the 37,000 American troops in the country.  
Speaking on the U.S. television program, Fox News Sunday, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar expressed concern that decreasing the U.S. military presence in South Korea could have a negative impact on six-nation talks on ending North Korea’s nuclear programs.  
“I think this is a situation for very careful, continuing negotiations with our South Korean friends, and I would think, with the six-power talks, we ought not to do anything that is going to jeopardize the success, potentially, of those talks,” said Senator Lugar  
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, John Warner, told CNN’s Late Edition, Washington’s decision to move troops is not an indication of U.S indifference.  
“In Korea, you’ve seen the South Korean military strengthen itself each year, to where it now can be less dependent on the U.S. forces,” he explained. “But we haven’t lessened our commitment, in either the South Korean peninsula or in Europe, and our allies know that, because we have been in consultation with them.”  
The highest-ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Carl Levin, said the changes were necessary to better address the threat of international terrorism. He also appeared on CNN.  
“This has been in the works for a long time, and there are some things that we should do to redeploy troops, so they are in the best position possible for what the new threats are,” he said.  
There are more than 100,000 American troops in Europe, and another 100,000 in the Asia-Pacific region. About 150,000 U.S. soldiers are now in Iraq and Afghanistan.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 16, 2004, 10:10:27 pm
GD selected by AT&T Govern. Solutions to Support Comm. Upgrade for US Army Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif.
(Source: General Dynamics; issued Aug. 12, web-posted Aug. 13, 2004)
 NEEDHAM, Mass. --- General Dynamics Network Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics, has been chosen by AT&T Government Solutions as a teammate to upgrade the communications infrastructure at the U.S. Army’s National Training Center (NTC) in Ft. Irwin, Calif.  
The AT&T Government Solutions team, supported by General Dynamics, will enhance the National Training Center’s communications networks, making it possible to create a realistic network-centric battlefield environment. Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training & Support (LM STS) is the Lead Systems Integrator for the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation. Lockheed Martin has overall responsibility for upgrading and modernizing the NTC live training capability under the Combat Training Center Objective Instrumentation System (CTC-OIS) program.  
The AT&T Government Solutions team, as a subcontractor to LM STS, is responsible for the communications infrastructure for the program. The total contract value for this program is potentially $60 million if all options are exercised.  
The NTC, a vast desert training area about the size of Rhode Island, provides tough, realistic, combined arms and joint services training for up to brigade level engagements in a mid- to high- intensity environment.  
“General Dynamics has worked in partnership with the Army for more than 40 years and we are ready to provide the information technology services necessary at the Army’s National Training Center. We look forward to partnering with AT&T and providing these sophisticated services,” said Mike Chandler, president of General Dynamics Network Systems.  
General Dynamics will provide network architecture design, to include local area, campus area and metropolitan/wide area networks; as well as complex information-technology services, including technology insertion, information assurance, instruction and training. In addition, General Dynamics will provide essential inside and outside plant capabilities to ensure the successful deployment of the newly designed networks.  
In the initial phase of the project, General Dynamics will perform a study to evaluate the existing communications capability and infrastructure at the NTC. The study will identify potential reuse of existing systems, including the fiber-optic network. General Dynamics will determine the future of the fiber-optic expansion and ultimately will specify, develop, procure, test, field and support integration of the communications system at the NTC.  
General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 69,400 people worldwide and anticipates 2004 revenue of $19 billion. The company is a market leader in mission-critical information systems and technologies; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and business aviation.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 08:18:49 pm
Bush Announces Global Posture Changes During Next Decade
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Aug. 16, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- The United States will redistribute forces now stationed at overseas locations “where the wars of the last century ended,” President Bush announced in Cincinnati on Aug. 16.  
The president’s announcement came during an address to the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  
“The world has changed a great deal,” President Bush said, “and our posture must change with it for the sake of our military families, for the sake of our taxpayers, and so we can be more effective at projecting our strength and spreading freedom and peace.”  
America’s current posture in Europe was designed to guard against Soviet aggression, the president said. “The threat no longer exists,” he said.  
The decision to redistribute forces comes after three years of study and consultations, President Bush said. “We’ve consulted closely with our allies and with Congress,” he said. “We’ve examined the challenges posed by today’s threats and emerging threats.” The result, he said, will be “a more agile and flexible force.”  
As the new global posture takes shape during the next 10 years, more U.S. troops will be stationed at, and deployed from, home bases in the United States, President Bush said.  
“We’ll move some of our troops and capabilities to new locations so they can surge quickly to deal with unexpected threats,” he said. “We’ll take advantage of 21st century military technologies to rapidly deploy increased combat power.”  
The new plan will strengthen U.S. alliances and build new partnerships worldwide, and it will reduce stress on military people and their families, the president said.  
“Although we’ll still have a significant presence overseas, under the plan I’m announcing today, over the next 10 years, we will bring home about 60,000 to 70,000 uniformed personnel and about 100,000 family members and civilian employees,” President Bush said.  
This would give servicemembers more time on the home front, as well as more predictability and fewer moves during a career, he said.  
“Our military spouses will have fewer job changes, greater stability, more time for their kids and to spend time with their families at home,” he said.  
Taxpayers will benefit from cost savings realized by closing obsolete overseas bases and facilities, the president said. (ends)
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 08:19:50 pm
Australia Welcomes Changes to Us Global Force Posture
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued Aug. 17, 2004)
 Defence Minister Robert Hill today welcomed the United States plans to comprehensively restructure US military forces to better enable them to respond to modern global security challenges.  
President Bush announced overnight the outcomes of a comprehensive review of America’s global force posture. The restructure is intended to make US forces more agile, flexible and capable of responding rapidly to the diverse range of modern security threats.  
The review focuses on the strategic placement of smaller, more mobile forces and will result in an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 overseas deployed troops return to US soil over the next 10 years.  
Senator Hill said the US force restructure was a significant global security development.  
"The US has consulted closely with Australia over its plans for the Global Force Posture Review and we see this initiative as a positive development for both regional and global security," Senator Hill said.  
"While the number of US forces deployed around the world may reduce, the review is designed to develop a force that is better able to respond to a wider range of contingencies.  
"It will improve the US capability to contribute to international efforts to defeat global threats such as terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and enable the US to engage more effectively in regional contingencies.  
"While the redeployments do not directly affect Australia, our two countries continue to work closely to enhance security cooperation in the region. Some examples include our collaborative development of the Joint Combined Training Centre and participation in the US missile defense program."  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 08:34:16 pm
Raytheon Announces Contract Awards for $308 Mn in Ground Sensor Development Sub-Contracts  
(Source: Raytheon Company; issued Aug. 16, 2004)
 PLANO, Texas --- Raytheon Company, the Ground Sensor Integrator (GSI) for the U.S. Army Future Combat Systems (FCS) program, has concluded initial negotiations with the companies selected to fill ground sensor development requirements on five of the six previously announced decisions. Each company has been authorized to proceed under limited funding. Negotiations continue for the remaining effort and are expected to be concluded soon. The total value of the cost-plus-award-fee sub-contracts awarded to date is $308 million.  
Awards are being made to:  
--Lockheed Martin Corporation Missiles and Fire Control, Orlando, Fla., for development and prototypes of the following sensors and subsystems: Aided Target Recognition, and Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle Mast. Lockheed Martin’s initial contract value will be $85.1 million for these two scopes of work.  
--Raytheon Network Centric Systems, McKinney, Texas, for development and prototypes of the following Sensors: Combat Identification, Multi-Function Radio Frequency, and Medium Range Electro-Optical/Infrared. Raytheon’s initial contract value will be $222.9 million for these three scopes of work.  
These development efforts form key elements of the FCS program and continue assembling the best of industry to meet this national priority. FCS will field an unprecedented level of situational awareness, allowing the Unit of Action to achieve greater speed, agility and battlefield flexibility than current forces. These sensors will provide the “content” within the network centric shared information space upon which FCS is based.  
The GSI has yet to make awards for the Remote Chemical Detection System and Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV) Mission Payload Module sensors.  
Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, working under the integration management of the GSI and the Lead Systems Integrator (LSI), Boeing-SAIC, and in cooperation with the Manned and Unmanned Ground Vehicle integrators, will perform the necessary trades and development activities to field sensor suites to meet ORD (operational requirements document) requirements while maintaining program affordability and balanced performance and sustainment.  
Raytheon was selected as the FCS Ground Sensor Integrator as the result of a competitive solicitation issued by the LSI in 2003. The GSI has responsibility to define, along with other stakeholders; the sensor requirements for all manned and unmanned ground platforms that make up the FCS Unit of Action. In addition, the GSI is responsible for the management of sensor developments, the integration of sensors, and the spiral development of future sensing capabilities for FCS.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 08:36:26 pm
Lockheed Announces Diversified Team for ACS Program
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Aug. 16, 2004)
 DENVER --- Lockheed Martin today announced that a broad base of companies will assist it in the development of Aerial Common Sensor (ACS), the U.S. Army’s next generation manned airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance system. The program’s six-year $879 million system development and demonstration (SD&D) phase will produce more than 800 new, high-quality jobs in the United States.  
“The Lockheed Martin ACS team is committed to providing the best value and most effective system possible for this critical government program. This includes creating more than 800 jobs by developing, integrating, building and maintaining ACS in the United States,” said Wes Colburn, Lockheed Martin’s ACS program executive.  
As the prime systems integrator, Lockheed Martin will lead the ACS team from its Integrated Systems & Solutions facility, adding approximately 300 high technology positions to its Denver, Colo., workforce. Aircraft assembly, during the low-rate and initial production phases, will create 150-200 jobs at the new Embraer facility slated to open in Jacksonville Fla., in 2005; aircraft systems integration work will add approximately 100 new positions at L-3 Communications’ facility in Greenville, Texas. Additional Lockheed Martin key ACS subcontractors and their roles include:  
--Argon Engineering (Va.) -- Signals intelligence subsystem provider  
--BAE Systems (N.Y.) -- Hyper Spectral Imagery  
--General Dynamics (Fla.) -- Modeling and simulation  
--Harris (Fla.) -- Mission communications; imagery intelligence exploitation  
--Raytheon (Va.) -- Distributed common ground system (DCGS) 10.2 support  
In addition to these subcontractors, many areas of the country will benefit economically from the ACS program, as its supply sources include more than 150 providers in 27 states. Also, a significant portion of the team’s supplier base -- more than 30 percent -- is comprised of small businesses. “These small businesses form the foundation of a strong, growing economy. It is through these businesses that continual technical innovation thrives,” added Colburn.  
The U.S. Army selected the Lockheed Martin ACS Team on Aug. 2. Following the program’s current SD&D phase, the government is projecting requirements for up to 57 aircraft systems (38 Army and 19 Navy) worth $7 billion over 20 years.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 08:38:31 pm
'Significant Portion' of Troop Shifts to Be Europe-Based Forces
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Aug. 16, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- "A significant portion" of U.S. troop moves caused by a reworking of America's global military posture "will come from Europe," a senior Defense Department official said here today.  
Any redeployment of U.S. troops from Europe to the United States or elsewhere, the official told Pentagon reporters, will involve heavy armor and infantry units now based in Germany.  
As part of the realignment of U.S. forces around the world announced earlier today by President Bush, the official noted that an Army Stryker brigade would be sent to Germany, where the official said a "very substantial" U.S. military ground presence will remain, to join a restructured 5th Corps. The official said DoD wasn't ready to discuss exact numbers of troops and units affected by realignments, saying that Bush's mention of numbers would do for now.  
In his morning address at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Cincinnati, Bush said that over the next decade, about 60,000 to 70,000 uniformed personnel, and about 100,000 family members and civilian employees would be redeployed from overseas bases to the United States.  
Plans to rearrange U.S. military force posture around the world, the senior DoD official noted, have been in the works for the past three years.  
Numbers of troops affected by force structure changes in the Pacific theater under the plan "won't be very dramatic," a senior U.S. State Department official noted at the Pentagon press briefing. U.S. forces in South Korea already are slated to move away from the demilitarized zone and out of the capital city of Seoul to locations further south.  
The State Department official emphasized that any redeployment of U.S. troops in Europe is "not aimed at Russia."  
"It's not our goal to have a shift of our forces to the east" from Germany, the senior DoD official explained, noting that U.S. troops would likely rotate in and out of eastern Europe to conduct joint exercises with allied nations.  
Any realignments from Germany are unlikely to occur until fiscal 2006, another senior DoD official said. The realignments, in conjunction with the upcoming base realignment and closure process, the official said, will improve America's military power projection capabilities as well as ease the turmoil experienced by military families because of frequent change-of-station moves.  
Senior DoD officials said the Defense Department also is deliberating which stateside military bases to recommend for closure or realignment under the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 2005.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 10:51:28 pm
Chief of Army Announces Merger to Enhance Training and Capability Development of Infantry Formation
(Source: Singapore Ministry of Defence; issued Aug. 17, 2004)
 In line with developments to transform the SAF’s fighting force, HQ Infantry will merge with a Combined Arms Division (CAD) to enhance the training and capability development of the Infantry Formation. Officiating at the Infantry Parade held at Selarang Camp this morning, Chief of Army, Major General (MG) Desmond Kuek announced the merger of the 9th Singapore Division and the Infantry Formation to form the new 9th Singapore Division/Infantry Formation (9 Div/Inf). COL Winston Toh, who currently commands the 9th Singapore Division, will concurrently assume the appointment of Chief Infantry Officer.  
The Infantry Formation forms the bulk of the Army’s manoeuvre forces, performing multiple roles in increasingly diverse operating environments. Through the merger, the 3rd Generation Infantry soldier will leverage on new operational concepts and technologies, coupled with the ability to operate directly in a CAD and systems environment, to enhance his soldiering skills and develop new operational capabilities. A key impetus arising from this merger is the role of the Infantry in urban operations and the development of the Advanced Combat Man System.  
A new Infantry Training Institute (ITI) will also be formed by merging three key centres of Infantry training, i.e. Infantry Training Centre, Basic Combat Training Centre and 1 PDF Training Centre. The ITI will strengthen the 3rd Generation Infantry soldier’s foundation in soldiering skills and enable more efficient use of training resources while providing consistent and high levels of training standard. The establishment of the ITI will therefore allow soldiering skills to be managed by a single agency throughout the cycle of the Infantryman’s service with the SAF, thereby facilitating consistency of standards and practices.  
Chief of Army, MG Desmond Kuek noted that the formation of the new 9 Div/HQ Inf is a significant milestone in the Army’s transformation roadmap to build a 3rd generation fighting force.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 20, 2004, 01:38:57 pm
25th ID Goes Modular
(Source: US Army; issued Aug. 19, 2004)
 SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii --- As part of the Army's ongoing transformation, a total of six brigades, including two Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, will form over the next three years under the 25th Division (Light) patch pending future decisions on unit designations.  
Contrary to a recent Army Times article, 3,600 additional Soldiers will not be stationed at Schofield Barracks. Instead, three brigade combat team units of action will be formed under the Tropic Lightning Division, but will be located at other posts.  
The new BCT(UA)s will be temporarily located at Fort Riley, Kan., Fort Benning, Ga., and Fort Richardson, Alaska. The BCT(UA) at Fort Richardson will have an airborne capability for forced entry operations.  
Those locations could change, however, with a Base Realignment and Closure analysis due in 2005.  
Growth in the number of Army modular brigades will include 1st Brigade at Fort Lewis, Wash., the Army's second Stryker Brigade Combat Team; 2nd Brigade at Schofield Barracks, which will convert to an SBCT by 2007; and 3rd Brigade at Schofield Barracks, which will convert to a BCT(UA) in fiscal year 2006.  
The U.S. Army Center of Military History is currently examining options for renaming the new BCT(UA)s, so they will likely assume different unit designations.  
The temporary stationing of modular BCT(UA)s is critical to ensure the Army is properly postured to fully support its strategic commitments, including ongoing operations in support of the global war on terror, according to an Army press release.  
Additionally, this allows the Army to continue its transformation to a campaign-quality force with joint and expeditionary capabilities that meet the future demands of the combatant commanders, the release continued.  
The locations of the new BCT(UA)s were selected based on existing capacities, available training space and current locations of similar units. The Army will revisit the locations of these units during the BRAC process.  
The new modular forces will be capable of operating across the entire range of military operations. As part of Army transformation, capabilities previously found within the divisions and corps will be shifted to the BCT(UA). These new brigades are the first conversions in Army transformation and are designed to deploy as independent units in support of the joint force.  
"The normal links between divisions and brigades are going away," said Lt. Col. Christopher Rodney, a Pentagon Army spokesman. "This is a major change in the command and control piece for our Army."  
The BCT(UA)s are designed to operate independently and will in most cases report to the base commander until they are deployed, Rodney added.  
On Jan. 30, 2004, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld approved increasing the number of active modular BCT(UA)s from 33 to 43 between FY 04-06. In accordance with the Army Campaign Plan, the Army began converting to modular designs this year with three new BCT(UA)s temporarily stationed at Fort Stewart, Ga.; Fort Campbell, Ky.; and Fort Drum, N.Y.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 20, 2004, 01:51:48 pm
New Division Assists in Added Afghan Election Security
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Aug.19, 2004)
 KABUL, Afghanistan --- Afghan citizens want added security leading up to the Oct. 9 presidential elections. That’s exactly what the Afghan National Police, backed by the U.S.-led coalition and the International Security Assistance Force, intends to provide with the emergence of a new Rapid Action Division.  
The division is the Afghan equivalent of a quick-reaction force. U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made mention of the group’s potential during a recent visit, saying that it is vital to the security and stability of the region.  
“This RAD is going to be a very important organization because they’re going to respond to serious election-related contingencies,” said Col. Jon Lopey, chief of the Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan and Civil Military Operations Law Enforcement Cell.  
“These police officers recognize the importance of their mission and I’m confident that with the training they’ve received they will be able to provide much-needed security for the upcoming elections and beyond,” said New Zealand Maj. Bede Fahey, who was sent to Afghanistan to oversee the RAD training.  
Gen. Mahboob Amiri, ANP commander, said the training has been “very effective and very practical” and that he’d like to see the training continue well into the future. “We plan to take the new police force and send them to other areas of the country to provide security for all the people of Afghanistan,” Mahboob said.  
The RAD was recently thrust into action ahead of the elections when they were deployed by the coalition and its ISAF partners to Herat Province to help quell factional fighting among armed gunmen belonging to local militia commanders and bring the Shindand Airport back under control of the Afghan government.  
Abidullah, who only goes by one name, said he joined the ANP because he had always dreamed of becoming a police officer as a child and “he wanted to serve his people and help provide security for the country.”  
“I’m very happy to be providing security for my country,” said Abidullah, 25. “Putting myself in harm’s way is part of my job. Whenever I get a mission, I am ready. If I have to lose my life, I’m ready to do my job.”  
Each member of the division is equipped with an AK-47 assault rifle. The U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has also provided 100 jeeps with communications, 300 police kits and 106 tents.  
The Law Enforcement Cell at CFC-A has also pitched in four 25-man tents and 10 portable generators and will deliver 200 complete sets of riot gear by the end of August.  
In addition to providing the trainers, Task Force Thunder supports the RAD by providing vehicles, communications and other logistical support to RAD elements in their area of responsibility.  
“I’m very proud that the RAD has been formed in a very short time,” Mahboob said. “This division is going to provide hope and promise for the people of Afghanistan and provide security at a high level.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 26, 2004, 08:05:30 pm
Chief of the Defence Staff, General Ray Henault, on Canadian Forces Expansion
(Source: Canadian Department of National Defence; issued Aug. 24, 2004)
 At a recent news conference, the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Ray Henault, discussed the expansion of the Canadian Forces.  
General Henault noted that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces are developing a number of proposals to expand the Canadian Forces. Noting that the emphasis of force expansion will be on increasing the number of land force personnel, General Henault asserted that such an expansion would not result in cuts to other parts of the defense program.  
General Henault further highlighted that force expansion is one component of a larger, ongoing transformation of the Forces, ensuring that the Canadian Forces is relevant, modern and adaptable both today and well into the future.  
Enviado por: Spectral em Agosto 30, 2004, 02:29:06 pm

Forças Armadas regressam ao Kosovo em 2005
Portugal vai disponibilizar um batalhão do Exército para integrar as forças da NATO estacionadas no Kosovo, na conferência de geração de forças que se realiza no próximo mês de Outubro, revelaram ao DN fontes aliadas. A decisão, a concretizar no primeiro semestre de 2005, enquadra-se na política de credibilização da presença militar portuguesa no exterior após a redução de 2004, com o regresso do contingente que estava em Timor-Leste.

Curiosamente, foi a necessidade de Portugal ter um contingente militar em Díli (com os inerentes custos e quando as dificuldades financeiras das Forças Armadas se agudizavam) a justificar a saída do Kosovo em 2001 - anunciada em Setembro de 2000, em Beja, pelo então ministro da Defesa Castro Caldas.

O regresso de Portugal ao Kosovo constitui a única forma de Lisboa partilhar responsabilidades militares no seio da NATO, disseram as fontes, pois ainda não há decisão sobre a ida da Aliança para o Iraque e de a presença lusa no Afeganistão estar reduzida a um C-130 e uma dezena de militares (tendo sido adiado o envio de uma companhia de engenharia).

Isso também decorre do facto de o comando da operação militar aliada na Bósnia-Herzegovina passar no final do ano para a responsabilidade da União Europeia, ficando a NATO apenas com um pequeno quartel-general ali sedeado.

Segundo as fontes ouvidas pelo DN, Portugal vai manter um batalhão na Bósnia - admitindo-se que em meados de 2005 reduza a sua presença a duas companhias.

Ainda no quadro da NATO, o quartel-general de Oeiras comandará a Força de Resposta da organização (NRF, sigla em inglês) a partir de Julho de 2005 e por um ano, embora as NRF 5 e 6 sejam geradas a partir do comando militar de Madrid. Portugal quer participar em força, pelo que vai ter um agrupamento mecanizado na NRF 5 - e já está a levantar um batalhão para a NRF 6 em Santa Margarida, a equipar com as novas viaturas blindadas de oito rodas e, talvez, com 20 carros de combate Leopard (alemães), admitiram as fontes.

A concretizar-se a aquisição dos Leopard, irão substituir os M60.

Idiotas chapados.
Se ainda ao menos as nossas VBR viessem com algum equipamento razóavel, mas tudo o que têm é uma metrelhadora de 12.7mm como os M113 nos anos 60.

 :roll:  :roll:
Enviado por: Ricardo Nunes em Agosto 30, 2004, 02:33:23 pm
É engraçado que mais uma fonte "confirma" a vinda dos Leopard mas sempre no número reduzido de 20 unidades.

Serão afinal de contas as tão faladas viaturas holandesas?
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 30, 2004, 07:49:52 pm
Agni – II Test Fired
(Source: Indian Press Information Bureau; issued Aug. 29, 2004)
 The third flight test of Agni-II missile was carried out successfully today from the Wheelers’ Island in the Bay of Bengal off the Orissa Coast. The missile was launched at 1256 hrs today.  
The mission Director Shri RN Agarwal said that the launch of Agni-II from its rail mobile launcher met all the mission objectives including achieving the high accuracy in guiding the payload to the designated target at 1200 km range. A network of telemetry and tracking stations at Chandipur, SHAR, Car Nicobar and the Naval Ships validated the flight sequence throughout till the payload impacted the designated target. The white-hot object was tracked by pre-positioned Naval ships confirm confirming the impact and the success of the mission.  
Agni-II surface-to-surface, Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) is a two stage solid propellant missile with a range in excess of 2000 km. Armed with state-of-the-art technologies in control and guidance, re-entry, multi-staging and communication interface, Agni II confers an operation capability to deliver a variety of payloads on targets which are, at present, beyond the range of combat aircraft.  
The first prototype variant of Agni-II was tested on Apr 11, 1999. The second Agni-II test was held on Jan 17, 2001.  
The flight was witnessed by Defence Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Defence Secretary Shri Ajai Vikram Singh, Secretary DRDO, Dr. VK Aatre, C-in-C Strategic Forces Command Air Marshal Ajit Bhavnani, Mission Director of Agni Shri RN Agarwal and other Senior Civil and Military Officials.  
The Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh has sent congratulatory message to the scientists and staff of DRDO and the Army officers who were associated with this flawless flight trial. Defence Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee congratulated Dr. VK Aatre, Shri RN Agarwal and all the scientists at the Test Range stating that the successful flight of Agni-II renews the country’s confidence in the capabilities of our scientific and technical community and in the maturity of indigenous technologies. He further stated that today’s flight was an important milestone in India’s defence preparedness.  
Enviado por: JNSA em Agosto 31, 2004, 01:05:51 am
Esta notícia sobre o Kosovo trás alguns pormenores inquietantes... :evil:

Por outro lado, para quê ter um batalhão com VBR's e CC's? Se o nível de ameaça não justifica o emprego dos M-113, então para que servem os CC's? Em vez deles, deveriam ser usados os Panhard M-11 e os V-150, e futuramente os VBR equipados com peça de 105mm, que é mais do que suficiente para o tipo de missão.

Finalmente, 20 Leopard 2 não servem para nada! Mais valia estarem quietos, pois isso, tendo em conta as necessidades de instrução e manutenção, nem dá para equipar um Esq. de CC... :oops: )
Enviado por: Wildcard_pt em Agosto 31, 2004, 08:18:56 am
Concordo com o JNSA em relação ao esq. de CC.
Actualmente nem devemos ter um esq. de CC completo de m60. Se as coisas actualmente estiverem como a quando da minha incorporação ( 2000) só há no máximo 2 pelotões de CC, se não estou em erro isso dá 10 m60 (e a quando da minha só houve 1).
Ora vejamos o RC4 tem 3ECC's e um unico ESquadrão de Intrução onde se formam as tripulações de CC, e quando a instrução acaba ao fim dos 3 meses, os soldados são divididos pelos esquadrões do Grupo de CC (1ºECC, 2ºECC, 3ºECC. EAC, ECS do grupo) juntamente com os atiradores e condutores de m103 que
costumam vir de outras unidades de instrução, e é enviado pelo menos um condutor de cc para Companhia de engenharia de Santa Margarida e para a EPE (para os lança pontes baseados nos chassis do m60) , para a EPC também são enviadas 3 tripulações (se n estiver em erro) Por isso nem que o MD quisesse ia haver pessoal suficiente. Espero bem estar errado senão é sinal que estamos pior do que eu pensava :cry:
Enviado por: Spectral em Agosto 31, 2004, 11:59:38 am
Exactamente JNSA. Cada vez mais dá a ideia que estamos a comprar estas VBR por moda.

Muito mais racional seria por exemplo comprar apenas as VBR necessárias para equipar a BLI ( apenas seriam precisas cerca de 150-200), e comprar uns IFVs como o CV-90 em número necessário para equipar esta força de intervenção. Um batalhão seriam ~36 IFVs, e todas as outras tarefas de apoio ( morteiros, comando, etc) podiam ser cumpridas por M113s, que é o que acontece por toda a parte.

Wildcard, a situação que descrve é bastante preocupante...
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 01, 2004, 02:06:31 pm
Lockheed Martin Delivers Virtual Combat Convoy Trainer Supports U.S. Army Response To Ambush, Roadside Bomb Threats  
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Aug. 30, 2004)
 ORLANDO, FL. --- Lockheed Martin delivered eight Virtual Combat Convoy Trainers (VCCTs) to the U.S. Army to help train troops to recognize and respond to potential convoy threats including Improvised Explosive Devices. Two suites, consisting of four trainers each, were built and shipped to Camp Shelby, MS and Fort Bragg, NC.  
"The fielding of these trainers is critical to help mitigate the impact of life-threatening convoy assaults," said Lt. Col. Joseph Giunta, U.S. Army product manager for Ground Combat Tactical Trainers at the Program Executive Office for Simulation Training and Instrumentation in Orlando, FL. "The trainers will enable us to dramatically reduce the number of convoy-related injuries and deaths which have accounted for about one-third of all casualties since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom."  
Lockheed Martin received a $9.6 million contract in late June for the eight trainers. Each trainer occupies a tractor-trailer box and is fully self-contained, including a full-scale High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) and simulation systems that replicate actual scenarios deployed troops might encounter.  
"Our soldiers are faced with life-threatening experiences each day and our VCCT team members worked around the clock the last two months to provide our troops with the best possible training capability," said Daniel J. Crowley, President of Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training & Support. "Our team is extremely proud of our role in supporting our nation's military."  
With the help of subcontractor Firearms Training Systems (FATS), Inc. of Suwanee, GA, the team developed a comprehensive training device that will enable soldiers to hone basic-to-advanced convoy skills incorporating realistic weapons engagement training and networked vehicle simulators to reinforce crew discipline. The VCCT enables combat crews to communicate, maintain situational awareness and acquire targets while moving at highway speeds operating in a convoy environment.  
Lockheed Martin integrated its Army-proven Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT) with the FATS small arms, precision weapons training system to bring realistic convoy training to the troops. The trainer is distinguished by a full-scale HMMWV that includes high-fidelity driver controls and accurately replicates all the physical and visual constraints associated with the M1025 HMMWV. Vehicle simulation for the VCCT is derived from software developed for both CCTT and the United Kingdom's Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (UK CATT).  
FATS, Inc. designs and sells virtual training systems that improve the skills of the world's military, law enforcement and security forces. FATS training provides judgmental, tactical and collective training, utilizing quality engineered weapons and simulators. FATS has previously delivered small arms training systems to all of the U.S. military services and numerous military and law enforcement agencies around the world.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 03, 2004, 02:06:25 pm
Lockheed Martin PAC-3 Missiles Successfully Defeat Tactical Ballistic Missile and Cruise Missile in Test  
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Sept. 2, 2004)
 DALLAS --- Lockheed Martin Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles successfully intercepted and destroyed an incoming tactical ballistic missile (TBM) and a low-altitude cruise missile in a dual test today at White Sands Missile Range, NM. The battle-proven PAC-3 Missile is the world’s only fielded hit-to-kill, kinetic energy air defense missile.  
In the dual engagement test, two PAC-3 missiles were “ripple-fired” at an incoming Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT) TBM, a legacy Patriot missile modified to represent a short-range TBM. In a second simultaneous engagement, a single PAC-3 Missile was fired at a low-flying MQM-107D cruise missile target. Preliminary data indicates both the TBM target and cruise missile target were destroyed. All test objectives were met.  
“This was an outstanding demonstration of the ability of the PAC-3 missile to defeat the entire threat to the Patriot system,” said Steve Graham, vice president - PAC-3 missile program for Lockheed Martin. “This was our fifth successful “ripple-fire” of PAC-3 missiles against TBMs, both in flight testing and in combat. These tests continue to prove that PAC-3 can effectively protect deployed troops and other high-value assets from a variety of contemporary threats.”  
Test objectives included demonstrating the system’s ability to detect, track and engage a TBM and cruise missile simultaneously, and validating the performance of several components of the PAC-3 missile that were part of on- going cost reduction initiatives. These include an Advanced Master Frequency Generator (AMFG), Multi-Band Radio Frequency Data Link (MRFDL) and a Simplified Inertial Measurement Unit (SIMU).  
“We demonstrated several upgraded components during today's flights,” Graham added. “These improvements add greater functionality to the system while reducing overall missile cost.”  
The ‘hit-to-kill’ PAC-3 missile is the world’s most advanced, capable and powerful theater air defense missile. It defeats the entire threat to the Patriot Air Defense System: tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs) carrying weapons of mass destruction, advanced cruise missiles and aircraft. PAC-3 missiles significantly increase the Patriot system's firepower, since 16 PAC-3s load-out on a Patriot launcher, compared with four of the older Patriot PAC-2 missiles.  
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control is prime contractor on the PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade to the Patriot air defense system. The PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade consists of the PAC-3 missile, a highly agile hit-to-kill interceptor, the PAC-3 missile canisters (in four packs), a Fire Solution Computer and an Enhanced Launcher Electronics System. These elements are being integrated into the Patriot system, a high to medium altitude, long- range air defense missile system providing air defense of ground combat forces and high-value assets.  
The PAC-3 missile has been selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS). Managed by the NATO MEADS Management Agency (NAMEADSMA), MEADS is a model transatlantic development program focused on the next generation of air and missile defense. MEADS will focus on risk reduction, application of key technologies and validation of a system design incorporating the PAC-3 missile as the prime interceptor.  
The Patriot PAC-3 program is managed by the U.S. Army and executed by the Army Program Executive Office, Air, Space and Missile Defense and the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Project Office in Huntsville, AL.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 06, 2004, 06:44:45 pm
Matador: Unguided Short Range Anti-Armour Weapon (SRAAW)
(Source: Singapore Ministry of Defence; issued Sept. 4, 2004)
 Developed jointly by the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA), in collaboration with Dynamit Nobel Defence (DND), the Matador (Man-portable Anti-Tank, Anti-DOoR) is a 90mm caliber, man-portable disposable anti-armor weapon system, which meets the needs of the modern battlefield, especially in an increasingly urbanized environment. The development of this weapon began in 2000 and the Matador will eventually replace the ARMBRUST Light Anti-tank Weapon, which has been in service since the 1980s.  
The Matador, which is among the lightest in its class, has both anti-armor and anti-brickwall capabilities that are suitable for operations in confined spaces. With its enhanced penetration capabilities, it is capable of defeating most known Armored Personnel Carrier and Light Tanks in the world. The dual-capability warhead, when acting in the delay mode, creates an opening larger than 450mm diameter in a double brickwall and offers a non-conventional entry point for the soldier when fighting in built-up areas. The increased range of the Matador over the current ARMBRUST allows the soldier to engage targets beyond small arms effective range and therefore increasing the survivability of our soldiers.  
The Matador innovative propulsion system results in a highly accurate weapon system whose projectile is insensitive to wind. Combined with ergonomic features and a high precision optical sight, the Matador can be fired from a small confined space to enhance our operational capabilities in both conventional and urban operations.  
In the development of the weapon, our soldiers’ feedback during ergonomics trials and many other useful features found in the ARMBRUST were incorporated in the design of the Matador.  
The longer front grip handle prevents the soldier from misplacing his finger in front of the muzzle during firing, thereby eliminating the risk of injury. It also allows the soldier to rest the weapon on the ground, thus improving accuracy when maintaining a firing position. The foldable pistol grips allow the soldiers to lock the weapon, preventing accidental firing.  
Field trials were conducted to tailor the position of the optical sight to the SAF soldiers. The chosen sight magnification provides the soldiers with good field of view to allow for more precise strike on target. The Matador is equipped with Picatinny rail for mounting night vision device for night operations. Improvements have also been made to the sighting system to enhance target acquisition.  
The countermass counteracts the recoil of the weapon upon firing. In addition, the positioning of the countermass takes into consideration the center of gravity of the weapon to ensure good balance for greater accuracy. A wider soft rubber sling replaced the conventional hard, slim canvas sling to reduce the stress on the soldier’s shoulder due to prolonged slinging. The new sling also comes with a quick-release buckle to allow rapid switch from sling to firing position.  
Furthermore, the carriage of the weapon has been made more comfortable with better padding, a feature useful for long route marches. As a whole, these easy-to-use features will help our soldiers achieve proficiency in using the weapon within the shortest possible time.  
The Matador is a crucial step forward in the Army’s journey to transform itself into a 3rd generation fighting force and will greatly enhance the firepower of the Infantry Formation. The Army will gain the added capability to fight in built-up areas. With the improvements to make the weapon user-friendly, our soldiers will find the weapon easy to operate and will spend less training time to achieve proficiency. (ends)  
Click here for additional information, on the Singapore MoD website (HTML, inc. photos & videos)  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 08, 2004, 08:25:51 pm
Israel - Troop Carrier Armored Vehicles
(Source: US Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Sept. 7, 2004)
 On 7 September 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Israel of troop carrier armored vehicles as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $99 million.  
The Government of Israel has requested a possible sale of 103 Textron troop carrier armored vehicles, testing, spare and repair parts, support equipment, contractor engineering and technical support, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $99 million.  
This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.  
Israel plans to upgrade its fleet of armored vehicles and requires a smaller, more maneuverable vehicle for use in urban settings. These vehicles were selected after an evaluation of proposals from several manufacturers.  
Israel, which already has light armored vehicles in its inventory, will have no difficulty absorbing these additional vehicles.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be Textron Corporation of Providence, Rhode Island. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of up to three contractor representatives to Israel for a period of one year or more.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 08, 2004, 08:28:28 pm
Japan - PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Guided Missiles
(Source: US Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Sept. 7, 2004)
 On 7 September 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Japan of Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Guided Missiles as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $79 million.  
The Government of Japan has requested a possible sale of 20 PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) (10 packs containing 2 missiles each) guided missiles, support equipment, modification kits, fire solution computer, publications, personnel training, spare and repair parts, supply support, U.S. Government and contractor technical assistance and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $79 million.  
Japan is one of the major political and economic powers in East Asia and the Western Pacific and a key ally of the United States in ensuring the peace and stability of that region. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist Japan to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability, which will contribute to an acceptable military balance in the area. This proposed sale is consistent with these U.S. objectives and with the 1960 Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.  
This proposed sale is in support of a Patriot PAC-3 ground systems co-production program. The proposed sale will provide Japan with an effective, state-of-the-art, anti-tactical missile capability and will greatly improve the defense posture of Japan. Japan will have no difficulty absorbing these PAC-3 missiles into its inventory.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be Lockheed-Martin in Dallas, Texas. There are no known offset agreements  
proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
Implementation of this proposed sale would require the assignment of two U.S. Government and eight contractor representatives to Japan following delivery of the missiles.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 09, 2004, 11:04:14 pm
General Dynamics Awarded $22 Million Contract to Modify 111 M1A2 Abrams SEP Tanks
(Source: General Dynamics; issued Sept. 8, 2004)
 STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. --- The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command has awarded General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics, a $22.4 million contract to repair and modify 111 M1A2 Abrams System Enhancement Package (SEP) tanks. The work will be performed at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by July 30, 2005.  
The M1A2 SEP is the latest and most advanced configuration of the Abrams main battle tank. The tanks are being retrofitted to modernize the U.S. Army’s 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment.  
M1A2 SEP tanks have a second generation thermal imaging system and commander’s independent thermal viewer, color tactical displays, digital terrain map, thermal management system, and the latest digital command, control and communications capability.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 24, 2004, 12:45:37 pm
Northrop Grumman Awarded Slovakian Command and Control System Contract
(Source: Northrop Grumman Corp.; issued Sept. 22, 2004)
 RESTON, Va. --- Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a contract to provide a national military command-and-control system to Slovakia. The command center, located in Bratislava, is scheduled for delivery in February 2005.  
It will be the second command center in Eastern Europe that is fully compatible with U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization systems. Northrop Grumman delivered the first system to Bulgaria in May 2004.  
Under contract to the U.S. Air Force Electronic Systems Command at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., Northrop Grumman’s Mission Systems sector will integrate, install, test, and deliver the system within six months. Northrop Grumman will provide on-site system support and continue training Slovakian soldiers to use the system for an additional six months and provide off-site support through May 2007.  
“The Slovakian National Military Command Center reflects the increasing importance of Eastern Europe in U.S. national policy and Northrop Grumman’s leadership in this strategic area,” said Barry Rhine, president, of the sector’s Defense Mission Systems, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems unit. “We are providing military commanders with the capability to customize the system for their needs to include military support during civil emergencies.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 28, 2004, 02:09:29 am
A New Concept in Combat Vehicle Self-Protection  
(Source: Grintek Defence; issued Sept. 27, 2004)
 Avitronics, a South African company jointly owned by Grintek (South Africa) and Saab (Sweden), has launched a revolutionary new system at African Aerospace and Defence 2004.  
When installed in full configuration, the Land Electronic Defence System 100 (LEDS-100) will offer main vehicle battle tanks comparable protection against engagement by weapons like the RPG-7, anti-tank guns, missiles and artillery shells.  
The LEDS-100 system consists of a warning sensor system, a central computer and a high-speed directed launcher. The control computer integrates to the vehicle intercom, command and control system and obtains data from the vehicle wind sensor. The control computer also has a global positioning system (GPS) capability.  
The fully integrated system provides automated warning to the vehicle occupants and dynamically and intelligently screens the vehicle from attack in any direction in less than 700 milliseconds. The screen will obscure the attackers’ line of sight and give the vehicle and occupants a chance to get behind cover. The screen is multi-spectral and cannot be penetrated by thermal imaging equipment used to aim weapons or guide missiles. The screen can be deployed hemispherically around the vehicle without having to turn the vehicle or the gun turret. This is achieved by the use of a high-speed directed launcher which can turn to any position in the protected hemisphere in less than 100 milliseconds.  
An option is to add an infra-red jammer to the system. This jammer interferes with the guidance of older generation anti-tank guided missiles. These missiles have proliferated in Africa and together with the RPG, currently form a major portion of the threat against combat and support vehicles.  
The LEDS system has applications for local Army requirements such as the future infantry combat vehicle and ground based air defense system. Due to its exceptional flexibility and modular growth it is also well suited to meet foreign vehicle self protection requirements.  
Use of the LEDS system is not only restricted to combat vehicles. It has been designed to be used on fast patrol boats intended for riverine patrols or special operations and is light enough to fit into vehicles used by Non-Governmental Organisations engaged in medical and other humanitarian relief in conflict areas.  
Avitronics has been successful in entering the world electronic warfare (EW) self protection market with innovative products in the past. Last year the company, together with its partner SaabTech, was rated amongst the top 25 EW companies in the world in an international survey in the USA.  
Two years ago the company launched a world-leading laser warning system for use on combat vehicles. This system was designed to form the baseline sensor system for a self-protection concept that will provide main battle tank comparable protection to light and medium combat vehicles like the Mamba and Ratel types used by the SA Army.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 01, 2004, 09:00:35 pm
US Army’s Futures Center Working Two New Initiatives for Troops in Iraq
(Source: US Army; dated Sept. 27, issued Sept. 30, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- The new Spiral Developments Division of the Army’s “Futures Center” at Fort Monroe, Va., is working on two initiatives which its director hopes may soon help Soldiers deployed in Iraq.  
The RAM Counterstrike Capability is being designed to protect troops against rockets, artillery and mortars. And a Soldier Squad Radio that can transmit through dense urban buildings, officials said, may soon be available for use at the squad level.  
“In this insurgent warfare that we’re dealing with today, mortar attacks are a growing trend in theater,” said Col. Daniel Wolfe, director of the Spiral Developments Division. “Soldiers are being injured and, in some cases, lives are lost due to these attacks.”  
Wolfe’s division is looking at a counterstrike capability that not only aims to knock down incoming mortar rounds, he said, but will also locate the insurgents and send out unmanned aerial vehicles armed with Viper Strike munitions.  
“We are looking at some testing for intercept capability in the near future,” Wolfe said. “There are existing radars that can detect a mortar round from where it was fired, which should allow us to predict with great accuracy where it came from and where it will land based on its trajectory.”  
The target acquisition radars Wolfe mentioned include the Q-36 and Q-37 models used in theater today, as well as a new model, the Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar or LCMR.  
Wolfe described their challenge as taking the information and rapidly directing it to an armed Hunter UAV to provide the counter strike.  
When Wolfe’s Spiral Development Division was organized earlier this summer, it began a “capabilities gap analysis” to identify shortfalls in current force capabilities.  
To address a gap in communications, especially in urban areas, the division has focused on an off-the-shelf solution: the ICOM F-43 radio.  
Communications among squad members and the platoon leader is critical as they navigate from building to building in the urban fight, Wolfe said. He explained that there is a need for radio signals to go through walls and, while it’s not necessary for the signal to go over great distances, the signal needs to flow easily in the built-up areas that don’t allow for line-of-sight or verbal communication between squad members.  
The ICOM F-43, now referred to by the Army as the Soldier Squad Radio, was recently evaluated at Fort Benning.  
The assessment and feedback from Fort Benning was “very positive,” Wolfe said.  
Wolfe predicted that authorization for procurement by units in the field may happen within 90 days, and said that the radio is readily available today from ICOM.  
Serving as director of the Spiral Developments Division since Aug. 1, Wolfe explained how the division was an offshoot of the Current to Future Force task force, which was developed to focus on spiraling future force capabilities into the current force.  
A task force recommendation established the new division, which was approved May 13, at the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command headquarters.  
Located in the Capabilities Development Directorate of the Futures Center, the Spiral Developments Division was created to look at future force capabilities and establish creative ways of bringing those capabilities to help Soldiers deployed in Iraq, Wolfe said.  
“This is what the Spiraling Developments Division is all about – we look at technology solutions to fill the capability gaps and make the necessary recommendations,” Wolfe said. “We will continue to look at the new capability we’re working with today in theater or in near-term development and ensure it is included in the program of the future for our Units of Action.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 01, 2004, 10:57:01 pm
Germany Extends Afghan Mission
(Source: Deutsche Welle German radio; issued Sept. 30, 2004)
Germany’s parliament on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a one-year extension of the Bundeswehr’s Afghanistan mandate. The decision comes a day after a grenade attack on a German camp in Kunduz injured five.  
A large majority of Social Democrat, Green and opposition conservative Christian Democratic parliaments voted in favor of extending the German armed forces mandate in Afghanistan for another year.  
The extension ensures that a maximum number of 2,250 German troops can continue their role in the multi-national ISAF NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kabul and its surroundings as well as their work in two provincial reconstruction teams in Kunduz and Faizabad in northern Afghanistan.  
The current mandate of the German troops expires on Oct. 13.  
“No guarantee against attacks”  
Thursday’s decision comes on the heels of another surge in violence in Afghanistan.  
On Wednesday, a grenade attack on a German camp in Kunduz in northeastern Afghanistan injured five soldiers, three of them German. Though the soldiers are now said to be out of danger, the incident underlined the continuing danger and security threat in the volatile country.  
Earlier German Defense Minister Peter Struck said he saw no connection between Wednesday’s rocket attack and the prolongation of the Bundeswehr mandate. Struck said the attack was a sign that the extension of the mandate “shouldn’t be seen as simply routine.”  
“There is no one hundred percent guarantee against attacks of this kind,” Struck said, adding that German soldiers in Afghanistan weren’t questioning their commitment there.  
Struck also said that attacks had been expected in the run-up to the October 9th presidential election in Afghanistan.  
“Our teams in northern Afghanistan will be reinforced early next year by 80 troops from the Czech Republic and Denmark,” he said. “We’re convinced that our efforts to stabilize peace and security in the region will not be in vain.”  
The German government has been supported by the CDU in its commitment in Afghanistan.  
“You can’t withdraw soldiers just because it really is getting dangerous,” Christian Schmidt, the CDU’s parliamentary spokesman on defense affairs, said on Thursday. At the same time the party has emphasized that the contingents in northern Afghanistan had to be beefed up to be made more secure.  
FDP: half-hearted mission  
But like in the past, the opposition Liberal Democrats (FDP) remained opposed to an extended mandate.  
FDP parliamentarians said the work of the provincial reconstruction teams there could not be called a success story, as their mission did not include the fight against drug cultivation and trafficking. FDP defense spokesman Werner Hoyer also criticized that the original concept of building up a network of Provisional Reconstruction Teams across the country had not materialized in any way, as other NATO members had not provided enough resources to join the campaign.  
“A closely-knit network of PRTs across Afghanistan would be required to extend the central government’s influence to the provinces which are mostly under the control of warlords,” Hoyer said. “But apart from a few exceptions in the north, nothing has happened on this front so far. And I can’t see much progress being made in the months to come despite the desperate campaigning by the NATO secretary-general in recent weeks.”  
The FDP believes that it would have been a better idea to separate the uncontroversial mandate for Kabul from the one for northern Afghanistan. There is cross-party agreement, though, that a withdrawal of troops in general would have sent a devastating political signal to the Karzai government.  
Schröder might drop Afghanistan visit  
However, Wednesday’s rocket attack may have changed Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s original decision to visit Kabul on Oct. 11 as part of his planned tour of Asia next week.  
A spokesman for the chancellery said on Thursday that the security situation on the ground would be followed closely. A final decision on whether Schröder would include Kabul in his itinerary would only be taken at a date close to his departure for Asia, he added.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 04, 2004, 06:21:04 pm
Austria Orders Dingo 2
(Source: Krauss Maffei Wegmann; dated Sept. 30, issued Oct. 1, 2004)
 MUNICH --- On September 30, 2004 a contract for the supply of twenty Dingo 2 APC vehicles was signed in Vienna between Austria’s Ministry of Defence and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW).  
Dingo 2, a four-wheel drive all-round protected APC, offers a high level of mobility as well as providing the vehicle occupants with protection against modern hand-held infantry firearms, artillery shrapnels and shell splinters, and anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. Dingo 2 can accommodate up to eight fully equipped soldiers and has a top speed of 90 km/h and a range of around 1000 km. It can be carried in the C-130 and A400M transport aircraft and can be air-lifted using the CH47 Chinook helicopter.  
Another outstanding feature of the Dingo 2 is the high off-road-capability profided by the UNIMOG chassis which forms its basis and which guarantees excellent maneuverability on bendy roads and in severe terrain. The fact that this chassis unit is a commercially available product makes the vehicle both cost-effective and easy to maintain. The manufacturer also guarantees worldwide availability of spare parts throughout the vehicle's service-life.  
The Dingo 2 is equipped with air-conditioning, a parking heating system, ABS, a rear-view camera, a GPS-based navigation system, a modern radio and outboard intercom system and a overpressure NBC protection system.  
The twenty vehicles for the Austrian forces will be fitted with an equipment kit for eight soldiers. The first Dingo 2 is scheduled for handover to Austria in December, 2004, with the remaining nineteen vehicles following in 2005.  
Austria’s Ministry of Defence is the first foreign customer to opt for the high all-round protection and excellent mobility offered by the new generation Dingo 2. The vehicle also makes a significant contribution to the achievement of interoperability vital for modern-day missions.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 04, 2004, 06:23:18 pm
Canada - TOW-2A/B Anti-Armor Guided and Bunker Buster Missiles
(Source: US Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Sept. 30, web posted Oct. 1, 2004)
 On 30 September 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Canada of 2,000 Radio Frequency (RF) TOW-2A and 600 RF TOW-2B Anti-Armor Guided Missiles, 400 RF Bunker Buster Missiles as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $136 million.  
The Government of Canada has requested a possible sale of 2,000 Radio Frequency (RF) TOW-2A and 600 RF TOW-2B Anti-Armor Guided Missiles, 400 RF Bunker Buster Missiles, spare and repair parts, technical support, support equipment, personnel training and training equipment, technical data and publications, U.S.  
Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $136 million.  
This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by improving the military capabilities of Canada and further weapon system standardization and interoperability with U.S. forces.  
Canada will use these missiles to increase its military defensive posture and will have no difficulty absorbing these additional missiles into its armed forces.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be Raytheon Company in Tucson, Arizona. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Canada.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 04, 2004, 07:11:44 pm
Pentagon Contact Announcement  
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Oct. 1, 2004)
 --AM General Corp., South Bend, Ind., was awarded on Sept. 29, 2004, a $115,573,953 modification to a firm-fixed-price contract for 1,408 M1114 Chassis for the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle.  
Work will be performed in South Bend, Ind., and is expected to be completed by Dec. 31, 2007. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This was a sole source contract initiated on July 17, 2000.  
The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity.  
--O’Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt Armoring Co., Fairfield, Ohio, was awarded on Sept. 29, 2004, a $93,238,340 modification to a firm-fixed-price contract for 1,441 M1114, 78 M1116 Up-Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, and 1,234 Gunner Protection Kits.  
Work will be performed in Fairfield, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by July 31, 2006. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This was a sole source contract initiated on April 10, 2000.  
The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 14, 2004, 01:54:03 am
Further Mowag Piranhas for Denmark
(Source: Mowag AG; dated Oct. 7, 2004)
 On October 5, 2004 the Danish Army Materiel Command (DAMC) and Mowag AG - a General Dynamics company - signed a contract for the delivery of 91 armoured vehicles of the Piranha IIIC 8x8 type with a total value of close to 140 Million Swiss Francs (approx. US$ 112 Million). This is already the third order from the Danish Army  
At the beginning of this year, the Danish Army announced that it intended to use the Mowag Piranha III 8x8 as the standard platform for future procurement activities of protected vehicles in this category, after having ordered the first 22 Piranhas in 1997 and a further 22 Piranhas in 2003. The vehicles ordered in 2003 are at present being manufactured in Kreuzlingen.  
The newly signed contract comprises 69 Piranha IIIC 8x8 in the APC, Ambulance, Command Post, and Reconnaissance vehicle versions and also the 22 APC and Ambulance vehicles contracted already in 2003. Delivery will start in February 2005 with the Ambulance vehicles being delivered first.  
Mowag's CEO, Simon T. Honess, was proud and pleased about the close cooperation with Denmark, and he declared: "This contract is further proof of our customers' confidence in the performance and reliability of our Piranha, and of the good strategic partnership between the Danish authorities and Mowag AG".  
The Piranhas of the most recent order, too, will be used primarily within the framework of international missions of the Danish Army, and thus signifies the changed focus of Danish Armed Forces. The threat situation in such missions specifically calls for a high level of protection for the vehicle crews against mines and ballistic weapons. With the Piranha IIIC 8x8, the technology-minded company from Kreuzlingen offers a proven vehicle, which fulfils this high-ranking requirement of protection. With its third order, the Danish Army continues to trust in the reliability and performance of the successful product from Kreuzlingen.  
With the Piranha III, which is manufactured in the 8x8 and 10x10 versions and was first presented in 1997, Mowag has set the standard in the domain of armoured wheeled vehicles in the weight class of up to 20 t. The Piranha IIIC 8x8 is 7.58 m long and 2.66 m wide. The total useful volume in the interior is approx. 12 m3. On the road, the Piranha III reaches a speed of up to 100 km/h; it manages gradients of up to 60%, obstacles with a height of up to 60 cm, and fording depths of up to 1.5 m without problems.  
The 400 HP Caterpillar engine, in connection with the ZF 7-speed automatic transmission, the modern independent wheel suspension, the tire pressure regulation system, and the disengageable all-wheel drive give the Piranha an outstanding mobility even in difficult terrain  
Mowag AG of Kreuzlingen develops, designs, and manufactures technologically advanced special vehicles for military use. Far more than 10'000 armoured wheeled vehicles of the Mowag Piranha, Mowag EAGLE, and Mowag DURO series are fielded all over the world. Since October of 2003, Mowag is part of the General Dynamics European Land Combat Systems group, and employs a qualified staff of more than 500 in its Kreuzlingen site.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 15, 2004, 04:15:08 pm
Armoured Infantry Gets Latest Anti-Tank Missile  
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 14, 2004)
 The Ministry of Defence has announced an additional purchase of Javelin - the shoulder launched anti-tank guided weapon - with a value of around £100M.  
Already in production for 16 Air Assault Brigade, 3 Commando Brigade and the Mechanised Infantry, Javelin has now also been selected to equip British Army Armoured Infantry (AI) and Formation Reconnaissance (FR) forces.  
Javelin is the most advanced medium-range anti-tank missile system in the world. Each system is light enough to be easily carried by two men and can be set up, locked onto its target and fired in moments.  
Once launched the weapon uses sensitive electronic guidance systems to guide itself towards its target, allowing the user time to reload or move position. Javelin also offers a variety of different attack modes - in top attack it will climb to more than one hundred feet above the target, coming straight down on top of it for maximum effect.  
Minister for Defence Procurement, Lord Bach said: "Javelin is already in service with the US Army and has proved its worth in recent operations in Iraq. It can be moved quickly around the battlefield but also has enough power to take out the most heavily protected tanks and armoured vehicles.  
"We agreed a contract to provide the weapon to 16 Air Assault Brigade, 3 Commando Brigade and the Mechanised Infantry last year and have now agreed an additional purchase for other infantry and reconnaissance units, ensuring they are equipped with the very best weaponry available.  
"It took less than a year to go from formulating the requirement to signing the contract - a contract which promises to deliver an exceptional combination of capability and value-for-money. This is a prime example of the benefits that SMART acquisition can bring.  
I am delighted the purchase will help to sustain some 200 jobs around the UK."  
The Javelin system is expected to be with 16 Air Assault Brigade and 3 Commando Brigade from 2005 and the Mechanised Infantry Armoured Infantry and Formation Reconnaissance from 2007.  
1. Javelin will be provided by a joint venture between Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.  
2. Javelin will replace the Milan and Swingfire anti-tank missiles, which have been in service for more than 20 years.  
3. Javelin is being procured by the Infantry Guided Weapons Integrated Project Team at the Defence Procurement Agency, Bristol. (ends)  
 UK Increases Order for Raytheon-Lockheed Javelin for Light Forces Anti-Tank Guided Weapon system  
(Source: Raytheon Company, Lockheed Martin; issued Oct. 14, 2004)
 TUCSON, Ariz. --- The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence has placed a follow-on order, valued at approximately $180 million, for the Raytheon-Lockheed Martin Javelin weapon system. This purchase of Javelin will provide a medium-range anti-tank missile for the British Army’s Armored Ground Component (AGC) requirement.  
The selection of Javelin for AGC follows a competitive win by the Javelin Joint Venture and its U.K. partners for the U.K. Light Forces Anti-tank Guided Weapon program in 2003.  
This follow-on order increases the number of rounds and command launch units that will be procured through a hybrid foreign military sale/ direct commercial sale.  
Minister for Defence Procurement Lord Bach said: “Javelin is already in service with the U.S. Army and has proved its worth in recent operations in Iraq. It is manoeuvrable enough to move quickly around the battlefield but also has enough power to take out the most heavily protected tanks and armoured vehicles.”  
“We agreed a contract to provide the weapon to 16 Air Assault Brigade, 3 Commando Brigade and the Mechanised Infantry last year and have now agreed an additional purchase for other infantry and reconnaissance units, ensuring they are equipped with the very best weaponry available.”  
“It took less than a year to go from formulating the requirement to signing the contract -- a contract which promises to deliver an exceptional combination of capability and value-for-money. This is a prime example of the benefits that SMART acquisition can bring.”  
“I am delighted the purchase will help to sustain some 200 jobs around the U.K.,” concluded Lord Bach.  
“Continued Javelin procurement will provide the U.K. forces with one of the most precise and lethal weapons on the battlefield for many years in the future,” said Col. Lloyd E. McDaniels, the U.S. Army’s project manager at U.S. Army Close Combat Weapon Systems. “Also, the Javelin’s integrated day and thermal night sights provide the soldier with the ability to perform surveillance missions and increases situational awareness to the commander and Javelin gunners and ensures both operational and logistic interoperability with U.S. Army, Marine and Special Operation Forces.”  
With this award, Javelin becomes the U.K.’s premier anti-armor/assault weapon and will be fielded with light rapid reaction forces, mechanized forces and now the armored forces. Javelin will provide the latest man-portable, anti-tank weapon capability that can be used day or night. With a range of up to 2,500 metres, using long-wave imaging infrared technology, it will allow for deployment by a single soldier and can be fired from within a confined space. The Light Forces component of the Javelin program will enter service in 2005. The AGC Javelin program will enter service in 2007.  
Javelin is in service with the U.S. Army and Marine Corps and has been used extensively on operations including Operation Iraqi Freedom. Along with the U.K. selection of Javelin, other commonwealth nations that have already procured Javelin include Australia and New Zealand. Javelin is also on order for the armed forces of several other countries and is being evaluated for integration onto ground and naval platforms.  
“Javelin and our U.K. team members are very pleased that the U.K. has put its trust in us to deliver such an important capability to the British Army and Royal Marines,” said Michael Crisp, Javelin Joint Venture president. “The Javelin system is the world’s only combat-proven medium range fire-and-forget anti-armor system. I look forward to continuing our relationship with world- class U.K. teammates to bring a combat proven, highly effective, low risk, value for money solution to the British armed forces.”  
“Lockheed Martin chose BAE Systems Basildon to continue to produce the Javelin seeker, a high-technology item,” said Howard Weaver, Javelin Joint Venture vice president. “BAEs’ excellent performance was a key factor in winning this follow-on contract. This lays the foundation for continuing trans-Atlantic cooperation.”  
The Javelin JV is working on a number of technology spirals with both the U.S. and U.K. in support of future requirements including extended range. Future applications such as U.S. Future Combat Systems and the U.K. Future Rapid Effects Systems-Guided Weapon are considered potential future technology insertions.  
The Raytheon-Lockheed Martin Javelin Joint Venture has a large U.K. partnership base and this procurement will further enhance their position within the wider Javelin community. Currently 15 companies throughout the country are supplying components up to sub-assembly level for the Javelin program.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 18, 2004, 07:10:20 pm
Russia to Establish Permanent Military Base in Tajikistan
(Source: Voice of America news; issued Oct. 16, 2004)
 Russia and Tajikistan have signed a deal to have a permanent Russian military base in the former Soviet republic.  
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Tajik counterpart, Emomali Rakhmonov, made the agreement Saturday in the Tajik capital, Dushanbe.  
In exchange for the base, Russia will invest about $2 billion in Tajikistan's economy over the next five years. Details about the base were not immediately clear, but Mr. Putin said it will guarantee Tajikistan's stability.  
He and Mr. Rakhmonov also set a timetable for Tajik forces to replace Russian soldiers who currently guard the Central Asian country's border. And they finalized an agreement for Russia to take control of a space monitoring system that is in Tajikistan.  
Mr. Putin is scheduled to meet officials from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan during his visit.  
Título: Militares recebem 40 M no primeiro ano da profissionalização
Enviado por: Tiger22 em Outubro 19, 2004, 12:03:07 am
Diário Digital 2004/10/18

O Exército português dá início, esta segunda-feira, em Lisboa, às comemorações de mais um aniversário, com a certeza de que o Governo se prepara para disponibilizar, no Orçamento de Estado para 2005, 40 milhões de euros para o serviço militar profissional, que formalmente começa a 19 de Novembro deste ano.

A notícia é avançada na edição desta segunda-feira do Diário de Notícias, que recorda que, embora o montante seja destinado aos três ramos das Forças Armadas – Exército, Marinha e Força Aérea -, é o Exército que mais tem reclamado por recursos financeiros que permitam atrair e reter os voluntários.
No entanto, o ministro da Defesa, paulo Portas, já assumiu que os 40 milhões só vão dar para a instituição castrense atingir os seus «objectivos operacionais mínimos» ao longo do próximo ano.

Quanto às forças portuguesas estacionadas no estrangeiro, têm previsto, no Orçamento para 2005, uma verba de 60 milhões euros.

Refira-se igualmente que, ainda no âmbito das comemorações do Dia do Exército, o ministro da Defesa, Paulo Portas, prepara-se para anunciar, no dia 24 de Outubro, o nome do vencedor do concurso das viaturas blindadas de rodas.
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 19, 2004, 11:51:53 pm
Force Protection, Inc. Announces Delivery of Cougar HEV to U.S. Marines in Iraq
(Source: Force Protection; issued Oct. 18, 2004)
 LADSON, S.C. --- Force Protection, Inc., the leading manufacturer of mine and blast protected vehicles for military and security users, announced today the first delivery of a mine protected 4x4 Cougar Hardened Engineer Vehicle (HEV) to the U.S. Marines in Iraq. An additional thirteen Cougar vehicles are scheduled to be shipped prior to the end of 2004.  
“Force Protection’s vehicles are critically needed to protect our troops and save lives,” said CEO Michael Watts. “Landmines and IEDs have had a devastating effect on our armed services that require vehicles specifically designed to withstand these types of attacks. This shipment is reflective of the fact that our vehicles continue to meet this urgent and critical need.”  
The Cougar H series is a family of medium size mine protected vehicles that can be supplied in 4X4 or 6X6 layout. It can be configured for a wide range of tasks including troop transport, EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), command and control, reconnaissance and lead convoy vehicle.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 19, 2004, 11:57:38 pm
Iraqi Army’s 4th Brigade Completes Initial Training  
(Source: US Central Command; issued Oct. 18, 2004)
 BAGHDAD, Iraq --- Three battalions from the Iraqi army’s 4th Brigade graduated basic training in a “march-on” ceremony at the Al Kasik Military Training Base west of Mosul, Oct. 15, as the Iraqi army continues the training effort in Iraq. The Iraqi army is slated to complete training of its originally programmed 27-battalion force by early 2005.  
“We graduate these people today to defend the Iraqi people and our dear country,” 4th Brigade Commander, Lt. Col. Qais Khalid Ghaly said.”You’re the protectors of our people and the leaders of the good future,” Khalid Ghaly said.  
A single company from each of the brigade’s three battalions took part in the ceremony serving as a ceremonious “moving on” to follow-on training in anticipation of future operational duties.The 4th Brigade is assigned to the Iraqi army’s 3rd Division.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 19, 2004, 11:59:03 pm
Australia Rejects Plea to Send More Troops to Iraq to Protect UN Staff
(Source: Voice of America; issued Oct. 18, 2004)
 Australia has turned down a request by the United Nations to send more troops to Iraq to protect U.N. personnel there. Australia has agreed instead to train a contingent of Fijian soldiers for the job.  
Australia was approached informally through its diplomatic missions in the United States to send more troops to help protect U.N. workers in Iraq.  
Australia has around 920 military personnel in the Gulf region, and a Foreign Ministry spokesman say the government has refused to send any more.  
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says Canberra has already made a substantial commitment to Iraq, and has no intention of deploying more troops there.  
“There is something to be said for the argument that we could provide some support to the United Nations, but there is more to be said for us sticking with the commitment we made that we would not send ever-increasing numbers of troops there,” Mr. Downer says.  
Instead, the government says it will help to help train and equip troops from Fiji, which has offered a detachment of 155 soldiers to protect the U.N. mission.  
Canberra’s decision is another headache for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan as he struggles to win international backing for a security force to try to keep the U.N. staff in Iraq safe.  
A lack of protection for U.N. workers has been a key concern since a suicide bomber killed 22 people, including the organization’s special representative to Iraq, Sergio de Mello, in Baghdad last year.  
Only a few countries, including Fiji, have answered the U.N. calls for help in Iraq. In the meantime, the U.N. mission there is relying on the increasingly hard-pressed U.S. military for protection.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 25, 2004, 05:47:01 pm
General Dynamics Awarded $5 Million Contract to Perform Engineering Studies in Support of Mobile Gun System
(Source: General Dynamics Land Systems – Canada; issued Oct. 22, 2004)
 LONDON, Ontario --- The Canadian Department of National Defence has awarded General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada a $5 million CAD (approx. $4 million USD) contract to perform engineering feasibility studies in support of the Canadian Mobile Gun System program.  
These studies will assist the Department of National Defence in defining modifications to the Stryker Mobile Gun System to meet Canadian requirements. Studies are anticipated in a number of technical areas including communications, navigation and logistics support.  
In April 2004, the Canadian Government announced that they would be entering into negotiations with General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada for the acquisition of 66 Mobile Gun Systems. These vehicles will provide direct-fire support and are a key element of the Canadian Army Transformation. The performance of these engineering studies will be an important part of the negotiation process.  
The Mobile Gun System is a variant of the Stryker family of infantry combat vehicles that are currently being manufactured for use by the U.S. Army Stryker Brigade Combat Teams. On Thursday, October 14, 2004, the U.S. Army authorized low-rate initial production of the Stryker Mobile Gun System. All ten Stryker variants are now in full-rate or low-rate initial production.  
General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada, located in London, Ontario, Canada is a business unit of General Dynamics Land Systems of Sterling Heights, Michigan. For more than 25 years, approximately 1,500 highly skilled technical personnel at the company have designed, manufactured and delivered a unique family of light armoured vehicles (LAV).  
General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 71,600 people worldwide and anticipates 2004 revenue in excess of $19 billion. The company is a market leader in mission-critical information systems and technologies; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and business aviation.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 02, 2004, 08:34:58 pm
As Germany’s Role Changes, So Does Military
(Source: Deutsche Welle; issued Oct. 31, 2004)
 A military spokesman confirmed Sunday that Germany’s Bundeswehr will shut down more than 105 military bases as part of an overall plan to trim down the country’s military forces.  
The announcement, which will be made official by German Defense Minister Peter Struck in Berlin on Tuesday, ends weeks of speculation on the fate of the bases.  
Military officials said last week that they planned closures in each one of Germany’s 16 states. The shut-downs come as the Bundeswehr embarks on a reform that will reduce the number of troops from 280,000 to 250,000 by 2010.  
The changes are supposed to reflect the transformation the Bundeswehr has undergone from a national guard to an army serving in peace missions around the world. There are more than 2,000 German troops currently serving in the NATO peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan. An additional 5,000 troops are stationed in the Balkans.  
Struck, echoing a modern military philosophy shared in Washington, has repeatedly said he wants his military smaller, more specialized and able to deploy quickly.  
Germany’s larger role on the world stage, evident by its ambitions of winning a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, has meant more is expected of the country than the “checkbook diplomacy” former Chancellor Helmut Kohl exercised in the Persian Gulf War in 1991.  
Current military structures make the sort of long-term missions currently required of German troops by NATO and the European Union in Central Asia and the Balkans difficult. In addition, mobilizing troops takes too long, say critics, a major problem when rapid troop deployment in crisis regions is called for.  
In addition to the 35,000 soldiers cut from the army, the Bundeswehr plans to eliminate 10,000 civilian jobs.  
Talk of cuts has been a political hot potato in recent months, especially with the announcement by Washington last summer that it will withdraw a large portion of its 70,000 troop contingent stationed in Germany.  
Residents of the cities in which the bases were located had protested possible closures. As in the case of US and British military camps in Southern Germany, the Bundeswehr barracks and camps help support local economies.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 02, 2004, 08:48:50 pm
Up-Armored Vehicle Effort Progressing Full Steam Ahead
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Oct. 29, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- The assembly lines are moving 24/7 to keep up with the demand for up-armored vehicles in Iraq and for conversion kits to add extra protection to vehicles already there.  
Gary Motsek, director of support operations for the U.S. Army Materiel Command, said the effort to provide increased vehicle protection against grenades, improvised explosive devices and small-arms fire is progressing fast and furiously as demand continues to increase.  
Nearly 5,100 up-armored Humvees have been delivered to Army and Marine Corps units in Iraq, with another 724 on ships bound for the theater, Motsek said.  
There, the up-armored Humvees are being issued to units based on their missions — regardless whether they’re Army or Marine Corps, or active or reserve component, Motsek emphasized. “These factors have no bearing whatsoever on who’s getting them,” he said. “It’s all based on the missions, and who has the greatest need for them,” he said.  
U.S. Central Command’s current requirement for up-armored Humvees, one that has continued to increase, is for 8,105 up-armored Humvees in Iraq.  
It’s a number Motsek said was once considered almost unthinkable. At the beginning of the Iraqi war, the Army had only about 500 up-armored Humvees, called “UAHs,” in its inventory. These were primarily used by military police units in their rear-protection role, he said.  
No longer. Because they’re easy to maneuver and just the right size for many of the missions being conducted in Iraq, Humvees have become “the platform of choice,” Motsek said.  
“If anyone would have told me a Humvee would be the platform of choice in a war, I would have told them they’re crazy,” he said.  
Motsek said AM General, the company that builds the up-armored Humvees, has gone into around-the-clock production to churn out the vehicles as quickly as possible, but still is able to produce only several hundred a month.  
“There’s a perception that all you need to do is cut some carbon steel and slap it on the side of a vehicle,” Motsek said. “That’s simply not the case.”  
In addition to increased armor protection, up-armored Humvees feature more rugged suspension systems able to handle the added weight and ballistic- resistant glass. They also include air conditioners that enable crews to operate with the windows up, even in stifling temperatures.  
Unwilling to leave deployed troops vulnerable while the production lines struggled to keep up with the demand, the Army came up with a second solution: add-on armor kits.  
Not confident that commercial contractors could respond to the need quickly enough, Motsek said the Army ultimately designed and designed its own add-on armor kits in record time.  
Engineers at the Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Md., went to the drawing board to design the kits “over a weekend,” he said. The Army field-tested them at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., to ensure they met strict ballistics protection standards.  
Even as the field tests were taking place, the Army started ordering the special steel and bullet-resistant glass needed to build the vehicles, he said.  
That calculation proved to be decisive in moving the effort forward with unprecedented speed. Within six weeks of putting pen to paper to come up with a design, Motsek said the Army had the first kits in hand, ready for shipment to Iraq.  
In contrast, the normal procurement process takes five to seven years.  
The Army also field tested prototype add-on armor kits from several contractors, Motsek said, ultimately settling on one produced by O’Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt.  
Today, Army employees at four depots, two arsenals and an ammunition plant are working three shifts a day, producing the Army-designed kits to keep up with demand. Motsek said they’ve produced 8,800 add-on-armor kits, 8,700 of which have already been installed in vehicles in Iraq. O’Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt has provided 289 more kits, he said.  
Yet despite the progress, Motsek said employees at production facilities keep their eye on the demand for more kits. The current requirement is for 13,872 kits.  
During a recent visit to Letterkenny Army Depot, Pa., one facility producing the kits, Motsek said he was particularly impressed with the motivation of the workers he saw. One worker, who operated a laser-cutting machine that cuts the steel used in the kits, hadn’t taken a single day off — not weekends, not holidays – since starting the job seven months earlier.  
“No sir, I have a mission to do” was the employee’s response, Motsek said.  
In addition to Letterkenny, other Army facilities producing the kits are Anniston Army Depot, Ala.; Red River Army Depot, Texas; Sierra Army Depot, Calif.; Watervliet Arsenal, N.Y.; Rock Island Arsenal, Ill.; and Crane Ammunition Activity, Ind.  
Fueling the motivation of workers at these facilities, Motsek said, are the testimonials they regularly receive from Iraq from troops who credit the kits with saving their lives. “That’s a real motivator, when you hear soldiers telling stories about how they were able to survive because of their up-armored equipment,” he said.  
While the military moves double-time to up-armor its Humvees, it’s also producing add-on armor kits for other vehicles in Iraq.  
Motsek said the Army began anticipating this requirement even before U.S. Central Command passed it down, and laying the groundwork for a quick response.  
So far, the Army has installed armor add-on kits on almost 400 Heavy Expanded Mobile Tactical Trucks, or HEMTTs, about 35 Palletized Load System tactical trucks and 450 vehicles from the Army’s Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles, he said.  
In addition, Motsek said the Army is in the process of buying the new Armored Support Vehicle, which he describes as a “mini Stryker vehicle” that’s larger and has more armor protection than even the up-armored or enhanced Humvees.  
The Army currently has 70 Armored Support Vehicles, all en route to Iraq, where they will support convoy movement, he said.  
“For us, the bottom line is getting this equipment to the theater as quickly as possible,” Motsek summarized. “When you’re putting people in harm’s way, you want to ensure that they have everything they need to protect them as they carry out their missions.”  
 Ceradyne, Inc. Receives $75.7 Million Ceramic Body Armor Contract
(Source: Ceradyne Inc.; issued Nov. 1, 2004)
 COSTA MESA, Calif. --- Ceradyne, Inc. announced the receipt of a $75.7 million delivery order for its lightweight ceramic body armor. This order is the second delivery order issued under the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) $461 million maximum value contract, which the Company announced on August 20, 2004. The first delivery order was for over $28 million.  
These two delivery orders result in at least $100 million in body armor under this contract, scheduled for Ceradyne shipment in the first three quarters of 2005. The contract was awarded to Ceradyne by the U.S. Army Unique Missions Division, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.  
Joel Moskowitz, Ceradyne chief executive officer, commented: “We expect to continue to receive additional delivery orders against the base ID/IQ order in the future. However, this $75.7 million delivery order is the largest single order the Company has ever booked. The August 2004 acquisition of our supplier, ESK, of the raw material, boron carbide, coupled with additional armor capacity coming on stream in our new Lexington, Kentucky plant and Irvine, California facility are anticipated to allow Ceradyne to meet these as well as other projected requirements.”  
Moskowitz also noted: “Under an ID/IQ government type contract, the government is obligated to purchase only certain minimum quantities. Each delivery order, such as the initial Ceradyne $28 million order, and this $75.7 million order, is issued as a release against a maximum amount, which for this contract is $461 million total. Therefore, our projections of follow-on business under this contract anticipate receipt of additional releases, or delivery orders.”  
Moskowitz further added: “Ceradyne is proud to have been awarded this contract and is confident that the Ceradyne armor systems that will be fielded in large quantities will save American lives.”  
Ceradyne develops, manufactures and markets advanced technical ceramic products and components for defense, industrial, automotive/diesel and commercial applications. (ends)  
 Armor Holdings. Receives $30 Million Order to Provide Additional Heavy Truck Armor Kits to U.S. Army
(Source: Armor Holdings Inc.; issued Nov. 1, 2004)
 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. --- Armor Holdings, Inc. announced that it has received a contract modification from the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command to supply additional crew protection kits for the U.S. Army’s heavy truck fleet.  
The modification adds approximately $30 million to 2005 production levels. Armor Holdings’ Aerospace and Defense Group will supply the additional supplemental armor systems and product support for the Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET), the Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), and the M915 series of trucks through its Phoenix, Arizona based Simula, Inc.  
Robert Schiller, President and Chief Operating Officer of Armor Holdings, Inc., said, “We are working hard to meet the earliest possible deliveries with the highest quality for our U.S. military and coalition forces. The U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command has assisted us greatly with this ramp up of add-on armor for heavy truck production. We believe that this contract modification, and the now over $700 million in vehicle armoring awards under contract for production in 2004, 2005 and 2006, are evidence that our customers are confident that we can continue to meet the force protection needs of our forces overseas.”  
Armor Holdings, Inc. is a diversified manufacturer of branded products for the military, law enforcement, and personnel safety markets. (ends)  
 Armor Holdings, Inc. Receives $26.6 Million Order for Military Body Armor
(Source: Armor Holdings Inc.; issued Nov. 1, 2004)
 JACKSONVILLE, Fla.-- Armor Holdings, Inc. announced today that it has received a contract modification from the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command to supply additional quantities of Small Arms Protective Inserts (SAPI). The modification adds approximately $27 million of anticipated revenue and increases 2005 production backlog. Work under this contract will be performed by the Armor Holdings’ Aerospace and Defense Group through facilities in Phoenix, Arizona and Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  
Robert Schiller, President and Chief Operating Officer of Armor Holdings, Inc., said, “This order, the second under the Company’s $461 Million multi-year indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract announced earlier this year, significantly increases 2005 bookings and still leaves us with substantial capacity for other customers. This award requires monthly production rates significantly greater than that required under our initial order from the U.S. Army and recognizes our continual improvements and increasing capability to serve the force protection needs of U.S. and foreign militaries. “  
Armor Holdings, Inc. is a diversified manufacturer of branded products for the military, law enforcement, and personnel safety markets. (ends)  
 DHB Industries Announces $19 Million in New Orders
(Source: DHB Industries; issued Oct. 29, 2004)
 WESTBURY, N.Y. --- DHB Industries Inc., the market leader in the rapidly growing protective body armor industry, announced today that its Armor Group has recently received new purchase and delivery orders for a wide variety of its protective products in excess of $19 million from various branches of the United States Military, Federal Government and Domestic Law Enforcement Agencies. These new orders follow directly on the heels of $35+ Million in new orders announced by the Company on October 5, 2004.  
Sandra Hatfield, Chief Operating Officer of DHB Industries commented, “We continue to provide exceptional products and service that exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers. These purchase and delivery orders substantiate the confidence and demand for DHB Armor Group’s products and underscores our ability to provide unparalleled levels of service and support.”  
DHB Industries Inc.’s Armor Group is the market leader in the rapidly growing protective body armor industry. Its highly recognized subsidiaries, Point Blank Body Armor, Inc. and Protective Apparel Corporation of America (PACA) are focused on the design, manufacture, and distribution of bullet resistant and protective body armor for military, law enforcement, and corrections in the U.S. and worldwide.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 04, 2004, 03:31:23 pm
Soldiers Glimpse Future Capabilities
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Nov. 3, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- Soldiers of the future will head into battle with lighter loads, enhanced body protection, better chow, and more portable electrical power.  
Technologies like nanotechnology and photovoltaics – evolving methods that are responsible for much of the improvements – were part of a recent forum on “Equipping the Soldier for the 21st Century” at the Association of the United States Army annual meeting.  
Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of atoms and molecules to create materials or items at the nanometer scale, which is about 50,000 times smaller than the diameter of a strand of human hair. It’s being used to develop lighter, stronger and more flexible body armor, helmets, uniforms, eye protection, and food packaging, among other possibilities.  
Using nanotechnology, scientists and engineers envision the Soldier of the future in a battle uniform that can stop or slow bullets and other projectiles, repel water, monitor health and automatically deliver medicines to treat injuries.  
Such technology will improve a Soldier’s chance of surviving serious injuries from blasts and firefights, said Lt. Col. Charlie Dean, the Army’s liaison at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where The Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies opened earlier this year.  
Photovoltaics, or PVs, use solar cells to convert light into electricity, with no noise, no moving parts and without producing pollution, scientists said. PVs can be integrated into existing materials like fabric, shelters, and vehicles.  
Lightweight and portable PV panels can be laid out on a table, or spread out on top of a shelter, to generate power that can be used for a variety of things, like recharging batteries. With a small PV panel that rolls up and fits in a pocket, Soldiers can recharge two double-A batteries in about two hours. Larger PV panels can also provide emergency power to field hospitals.  
The forum also included a demonstration of the new combat uniform, with Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth Preston fielding questions about it. The uniform, designed with input from Soldiers, has been field tested by Stryker Brigade Soldiers in Iraq.  
Wrinkle-free with a digitized camouflage pattern of greens and light browns, the uniform features angled breast pockets, a collar that folds up to prevent chaffing from body armor, Velcro and zippers instead of buttons and pockets on the upper sleeves and toward the bottom of the legs. A pleat in the back shoulders makes the shirt more expandable for larger-chested Soldiers.  
Soldiers will also wear moisture-wicking T-shirts and undergarments, and lightweight jungle-style brown boots.  
The uniform will help Soldiers blend into a variety of environments and especially so in urban areas and at night, Preston said. It will be phased in much like the physical training uniform was, he added. Soldiers deploying next year for OIF 3 and OEF 6 will get the uniforms, which will replace the desert camouflage uniforms and both the summer and winter versions of the battle dress uniforms.  
Basic training Soldiers should start getting them issued in May 2006, with all Soldiers in them by May of 2008. They’ll cost a little more than BDUs, but clothing allowances will be adjusted to compensate, Preston said. Soldiers will also save money because the uniforms cannot be professionally laundered or dry-cleaned; they also won’t pay for patches to be sewn on since Velcro will be used.  
Preston said sleeves stay down in theater and the Army is getting away from rolling sleeves up in general.  
One concern expressed about the uniform was the noise Velcro makes when a Soldier opens a pocket. Preston said the leg pockets have drawstrings that can be used instead.  
Most Soldiers were enthusiastic about the uniform and future technologies. Sgt. Samuel Cowell, a signal intelligence analyst from Korea, appreciated the chance to see the uniform up close. “This dispels a lot of rumors about it,” Cowell said. “People saying there aren’t any real improvements, that the Velcro won’t work right. But with all the testing it’s been through, and showing us, I think it’s going to be fine.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 05, 2004, 08:47:21 pm
USAF’s Myers Details Forces Priorities (Nov. 5)  
Myers Talks Transformation, Terror War at Forum  
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Nov. 4, 2004)  
ARLINGTON, Va. --- Furthering transformation, along with the global war on terror, is the mission over the next year, said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at an Institute of Land Warfare Forum here today.  
Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers told the group, part of the Association of the U.S. Army, that the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will continue to discuss the Quadrennial Defense Review.  
“One of the things that we will discuss is how do we keep transforming?” he said. DoD will deliver the review to Congress this time next year, and transformation will be a big part of it.  
The chairman said that people must stop thinking about pieces of equipment being “transformational.” He said as the department prepares the fiscal 2006 budget request, people are “running around the Pentagon and you in industry are running around [Capitol] Hill” saying the piece of equipment or program they have is transformational. They believe saying this will increase the chances for funding, Myers noted.  
“It’s too bad, because in most cases, transformation isn’t about things,” he said. New equipment may aid transformation, but it’s new thinking that is really the engine for transformation. He said that a new vehicle like Stryker is not transformational in and of itself. It’s when the unit the vehicle is used with is redesigned and reconfigured with new doctrine, procedures and manning that the piece of equipment is part of transformation.  
Military planners also must look at the range of programs and capabilities in the military before making funding decisions, he said. He said one illustration took place in the early 1990s. He was present when an Army two-star briefed the Joint Requirements Oversight Council – chaired by then-Vice Chairman Adm. David Jeremiah – on an Army tank-killer system.  
After hearing about the benefits of the system, Jeremiah asked how many tank- killer systems did the Army have? He also asked how many were there also in the Air Force and Navy? “The answer was about 15 to 20 systems,” Myers said. “Jeremiah asked, ‘Do we need 15 or 20, or do we need five or six?”  
Myers said there was no mechanism at the time to make those types of decisions. “We think we have those today,” he said. Projects come up through the service stovepipes and can reach a pretty high level “before someone asks the all- important question of how does this fit in the overall scheme of how we fight?”  
He said that in the future, those sorts of questions must be asked earlier. There needs to be more “analytical rigor, intellectual rigor on how we fight (and) how the systems fit together,” he said. “We’ve come an awful long way by necessity.” He said people saw some of that in Army Gen. Tommy Franks’ plans in Iraq and Afghanistan. The chairman called the U.S. Central Command plans “a well-integrated effort,” with “in some cases interdependence” among the services.  
Myers said Americans should be very proud of what the U.S. Army is doing today. “In my view it is the busiest service,” he told the group.  
There are 17 brigades in Iraq, five in Afghanistan and units around the world dealing with various parts of the war on terror. In addition, the service is moving to transform its basic nature to produce a more flexible and agile force ready to confront the threats of the 21st century.  
He said Americans should also be “happy about the impact that we had in Afghanistan.” The Afghans enthusiastically supported the elections in October. “There were people who showed a lot of personal courage to vote,” he said.  
The Army – with civil affairs personnel, the provincial reconstruction teams, combat forces and others – have been at the forefront in Afghanistan. “The issue in Afghanistan from my viewpoint is the drug issue,” the chairman said. The U.S. military will help, but it is primarily a British and Afghan initiative. Afghanistan needs a substitute for the opium poppy crop, better interdiction and a fair and impartial judiciary to deal with the drug issue.  
In Iraq, the country is marching toward elections in January. Myers said the coalition is working with the Iraqi interim government to provide security for the elections and for the U.N. team that will supervise the polls. He said much routine work is being done.  
“We still, of course, have the security issue,” he said. The coalition will deal with security in partnership with the Iraqi interim government. “Any use of military force has to have a political outcome too,” he said. “The Iraqi interim government is the only (body that) can do that.”  
“It’s a region of the world where force is respected, but at the same time you can create more enemies by the use of force,” the chairman said. “It’s a fine balance that has to be made.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2004, 04:07:40 pm
Stryker: Bulky Fighting Vehicle Is Winning Over Once-Skeptical Soldiers
(Source: Stars and Stripes; issued Nov. 10, 2004)
 MOSUL, Iraq --- Ask nearly anyone in a Stryker unit and they’ll say they weren’t too crazy about the eight-wheeled vehicles at first.  
Something about rubber tires seemed unlikely to withstand the same beating as a tracked vehicle. The Strykers looked slow and lumbering.  
But the naysayers have been converted.  
After the Strykers’ introduction to the Army two years ago, and after a year of combat experience in Iraq, the vehicles are almost too good to be true, say those who ride them, fix them or command them.  
“I was kind of skeptical,” said Sgt. David Finney, noncommissioned officer in charge of the ground support equipment shop for the 73rd Engineer Company, part of the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division.  
“I was used to working on tanks. I saw the tires and thought, ‘what are you going to do with broken tires?’ But it’s surpassed everything I’ve expected,” he said. “It’s definitely saved lives. The Strykers can take a pretty big hit and get back on the road quickly.”  
In October, a car bomb packed with 500 pounds of explosives hit a Stryker in Mosul. It killed a soldier and pummeled the vehicle.  
The Stryker was back on the road in six days.  
“Strykers are extremely durable vehicles,” said 1st Lt. Eric James Joyce, battalion maintenance officer for the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, with the 1-25th.  
The vehicle’s heavy armor shelters occupants from blasts and ballistics. Its eight individual wheels have a “run flat” technology that allows them to drive on after being blown out.  
“I’ve seen Strykers be hit by an [improvised explosive device] and drive home on eight flats,” said Staff Sgt. Lee Hodges, assistant vehicle commander and gunner for the Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Squadron of the 14th Cavalry with the 1-25th, who rode a Bradley in the Persian Gulf War.  
“I look at it as the ultimate SWAT vehicle — for urban assault.”  
Strykers are quick, quiet and surprisingly nimble, particularly in urban areas. They can drive nearly 70 miles per hour and hold about a dozen fully loaded troops.  
“You can hear a tank from two miles away. You can’t hear a Stryker until it’s right next to you, and by then you’ve got 11 guys on the ground,” Joyce said. “It’s like our land helicopter. You get there, [do what you have to do,] get back in and go.”  
Stryker units bridge the gap between heavy armor and light infantry, filling a particular niche in Iraq.  
“It’s like a light infantry battalion on steroids,” said Lt. Col. Erik Kurilla, 1-24 battalion commander.  
They can move many troops quickly and safely and carry significant firepower. In cities, they roll in to create instant roadblocks and fit on roads for urban patrols. In the country, they can travel long distances to patrol vast stretches of western Iraq.  
The vehicles are also integrated into a computerized battle tracking system.  
“It’s a whole concept — [and raises] the situational awareness of both blue (friendly) and red (enemy) forces,” Kurilla said.  
Commanders in the vehicles and back in the operations center can immediately see friendly and enemy forces as well as specific attacks or any other specified detail plotted on a map.  
“Now [we’re] able to look on a screen and say ‘these guys are friendly,’ “ Hodges said. “Touch an icon and know who they are — not just friendly, but what unit.”  
When the 1-25th arrived in Iraq weeks ago, they inherited the Strykers left behind by their predecessors, the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division.  
The vehicles had endured a year of heavy action, thousands of miles on the roads and the unforgiving extremes of the desert. But they were good to go.  
“The vehicles were never an issue for those guys,” Joyce said.  
Civilian mechanics who deploy with the units helped to maintain a 95 percent operational readiness, Kurilla said.  
Soldiers say they’re impressed by the Stryker’s road worthiness. But many appreciate the security of the vehicle’s almost-impenetrable skin.  
“They’re not worried that ‘I’m sitting in a death trap,’ “ Joyce said. “They can focus on the mission, not whether or not a bullet is going to come through.”  
Soldiers rest more easily knowing no one has died inside a Stryker, and none of the vehicles have been ripped open by bullets or bombs.  
“We are definitely earning our imminent-danger pay. But I feel a lot better leaving [camp] in this,” Hodges said. “It gives soldiers the peace of mind that when they go out of the FOB (forward operating base), they have something to rely on.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2004, 04:09:10 pm
ThalesRaytheonSystems Receives $13.1 Million Follow-On Contract for U.S. Army AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel Radar Modernization Kits
(Source: ThalesRaytheonSystems; issued Nov. 10, 2004)
 FULLERTON, Calif. --- ThalesRaytheonSystems (TRS) Company has been awarded a $13.1 million dollar firm-fixed price contract by the U.S. Army Air and Missile Command for the production and integration of more than 20 AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel Radar Modernization kits.  
The AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel Radar is a highly mobile, ground based, air defense radar that automatically detects, tracks, identifies, classifies and reports airborne targets to supporting weapons systems for engagements of hostile targets. The kits will provide the Sentinel Radars with increased detection and acquisition ranges, improved target classification and greater detection of smaller targets in both clear and cluttered environments.  
This is the second contract for modernization kits awarded to TRS in the past two years as the U.S. Army continues to move forward with implementation of its P3I (pre-planned product improvement) program for the Sentinel Radar.  
The Sentinel Radar is the premier air surveillance and target acquisition/tracking sensor for the U.S. Army SHORAD (Short Range Air Defense) program. Accurate, quick reacting and able to acquire targets far enough forward of friendly units, Sentinel allows air defense weapons systems to engage hostile targets at optimum ranges. Sentinel is also the designated radar for the U.S. Army’s Surfaced Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (SLAMRAAM) system.  
“The follow-on production kit award for the Sentinel Radar ensures that a smooth continuation of the modernization program will occur while maintaining cost effectiveness,” said Rick Russell, ThalesRaytheonSystems Sentinel- Modernization program manager. Work on the kits will be performed in Fullerton and El Segundo, Calif., and El Paso, Texas. All work on the current contract is expected to be completed by fourth quarter 2008.  
ThalesRaytheonSystems is a transatlantic joint venture (JV) between Raytheon Company and Thales Group. ThalesRaytheonSystems is a worldwide supplier of air defense command and control centers (ADCC) and ground based battlefield radars  
Título: Novo míssil anti-tanque hipersónico
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 15, 2004, 02:03:31 pm
Lockheed Conducts Second CKEM Flight Test  
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Nov. 12, 2004)
 DALLAS, TX --- Lockheed Martin successfully conducted the second controlled flight test of the Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) recently at Eglin Air Force Base, FL. The test demonstrated multiple missile component capabilities in an operational environment. All primary and secondary test objectives were achieved.  
The missile was internally guided and traveled 10 kilometers. The missile flew a long-range, minimum off-axis trajectory with no planned target impact. The first CKEM flight test for Lockheed Martin was conducted in October 2003.  
“The data collected during this flight will be extremely valuable in reducing any risks associated with the CKEM ATD,” said Loretta Painter, CKEM program manager for the U.S. Army Aviation Missile Research Development and Engineering Center in Huntsville, AL (AMRDEC).  
The CKEM is the next generation hypervelocity anti-tank missile. It is 60 inches long and weighs less than 100 pounds. It has an extended range for direct fire, line-of-sight engagements and will provide the Future Combat System (FCS) Unit of Action (UA) Infantry companies and STRYKER Brigades overwhelming lethality overmatch, high probability of first round kill and near fire-and-forget capability.  
“Another successful CKEM test bodes well for our soldiers because it means we are one step closer to getting this tremendously lethal, hit-to-kill technology in their hands,” said Ron Abbott, vice president – Tactical Missiles for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “We have a long history of successfully designing, developing and producing hit-to-kill missile systems. CKEM will expand the battle space, provide increased mutual support and defeat all known threat countermeasures.”  
Lockheed Martin received an $82 million contract to begin an Advanced Technology Demonstration of the Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) in 2003. The contract was received from the U.S. Army AMRDEC. CKEM will enter the SDD phase of development in the fall of 2006. Work on the contract will be performed at the company’s facilities in Dallas, TX, El Paso, TX, and Camden, AR.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Título: M-109 Paladin Provides Fire Support
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 17, 2004, 04:09:44 pm
Army Artillerymen Support Marines, Others in Operation Al Fajr
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Nov. 16, 2004)
 BAGHDAD, Iraq --- While the battle against terrorists and insurgents moved from house to house through the streets of Fallujah, Iraq, a group of U.S. soldiers on the outskirts of the city rained precise destruction down on the enemy in support of the coalition's front-line fighters.  
Artillerymen of the 1st Cavalry Division's Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, fired roughly 1,600 rounds against enemy targets during a two-week period. Supporting Operation Al Fajr, the field-artillery soldiers provided indirect fire support with their M-109 Palladin 155 mm self-propelled howitzers to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, fellow soldiers of the 1st Cavalry Division, Iraqi forces and other coalition troops.  
"We've had very good results. Our fires have been very effective, and I'm glad we've been able to make a contribution to this important fight," said Army Capt. Michael Burgoyne, Battery A commander.  
The unit's success during the mission is due to the professionalism and dedication of his soldiers, Burgoyne said. "They are excited to be here, doing the jobs they enlisted to do," he said. "They have been completely dedicated to firing effectively and safely."  
Safety is of paramount importance during artillery operations, when there is literally no margin for error. This is never more true than in a situation such as the one in Fallujah, where the soldiers were firing in direct support of friendly forces within a small, confined area, Burgoyne said.  
An artillery shell landing just slightly off target could have disastrous consequences, causing many casualties among friendly troops. Fortunately, Burgoyne said, the battery's excellent performance kept the rounds on target, preventing tragedies.  
Three major sections must work in concert in order to function effectively. Forward observers on the ground near the target call in the exact location of where the strike is to take place. The fire-direction center receives the information, processes it and transmits it to the gun crews who operate the actual guns.  
"We have guys on the ground who mark the targets with lasers. Our forward observers are very good, and our guns have been accurate," Burgoyne said. "We haven't had to adjust our fire too much."  
Since Operation Al Fajr has been led and conducted primarily by the Marine Corps, many of the forward observers who called in strikes during the fierce fighting have been Marines. According to Burgoyne, this joint aspect worked well, and there were no communication problems between the Marine forward observers and the Army artillerymen.  
"We've turned out to be a good team, working here with the Marines," Burgoyne said. "They are very professional, and we were able to accomplish the mission together."  
A good example of the full collaboration between the artillery soldiers and their Marine Corps comrades, according to Burgoyne, involved a group of Marines pinned down in a trench by heavy enemy fire.  
"They called in our fire on the enemy positions, and we accomplished the mission," Burgoyne said. "The enemy was very close to the Marines, but they were eliminated, and the Marines were able to get out of that trench and drive on with their mission."  
For the artillerymen, supporting Operation Al Fajr has meant concentrating and working very hard for extended periods. "We've been working long hours -- 12- to 16-hour shifts. That's been pretty tough," said Army Pfc. Roy Beach, a Battery A fire-direction specialist.  
Beach said he is glad, however, for the opportunity to do the job for which he was trained. For the first few months of their deployment, Beach said, he and his fellow artillerymen found themselves performing a variety of non-artillery missions.  
"When we first got here, we went on patrols and conducted raids. We did a lot of infantry stuff," Beach said. "It's good to have a chance to do our jobs as artillerymen."  
Army Gen. John Abizaid, commander of U.S. Central Command, visited the battery Nov. 14 and observed them conduct a fire mission during Operation Al Fajr. Abizaid said he was impressed with their performance.  
"Captain Burgoyne and his young soldiers are a perfect example of the great troops we have fighting and winning this war," Abizaid said.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 18, 2004, 10:30:46 pm
Pakistan - TOW-2A Anti-Armor Guided Missiles
(Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Nov. 16, 2004)
 On 16 November 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of 2,000 TOW-2A missiles, 14 TOW-2A Fly-to-Buy missiles, as well as associated equipment and services.  
The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $82 million.  
The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 2,000 TOW-2A missiles, 14 TOW-2A Fly-to-Buy missiles, spare and repair parts, technical support, support equipment, personnel training and training equipment, technical data and publications, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $82 million.  
This proposed sale will contribute to furthering the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping a friendly country provide for its own legitimate self-defense needs and to enable Pakistan to support U.S. operations against terrorist activity along its porous borders. In addition, these missiles have most recently been employed in several global war on terrorism operations in the tribal areas of Pakistan and have allowed -when coupled with Cobra attack helicopters - the Government of Pakistan to employ new tactics, techniques and procedures that have proven highly effective against terrorists.  
Pakistan will augment its land forces with these TOW-2A anti-armor guided missiles. Pakistan will use these missiles to increase its military defensive posture and will have no difficulty absorbing these additional missiles into its armed forces. Pakistan's existing inventory of TOW missiles will soon begin to be affected by its specified shelf life. While TOW missiles can be employed beyond their shelf life, system reliability and safety are eroded. Pakistan continues to expend TOW missiles in both training exercises and combat operations.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be Raytheon Company in Tucson, Arizona. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Pakistan.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.  
Título: Patriot PAC-3
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 19, 2004, 03:54:16 pm
Lockheed's PAC-3 Missiles Successfully Intercept Two Targets During Flight Test at White Sands
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Nov. 18, 2004)
 DALLAS --- Lockheed Martin's Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile successfully intercepted two missile targets today during Developmental Test/Operational Test-12 (DT/OT- 12), the most complex flight test scenario to date for PAC-3. During the initial phase of the test, conducted at White Sands Missile Range, NM, six missiles were in the air simultaneously.  
In DT/OT-12, a total of four PAC-3 Missiles were ripple-fired against two separate targets: a Patriot-As-A-Target (PAAT) modified to represent a short- range Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) and a medium velocity Storm Maneuvering Tactical Target Vehicle. The mission sequence was a two missile ripple-fire against the modified PAAT, closely followed by a two missile ripple-fire against the Storm target. Once the targets were intercepted and destroyed, the two remaining PAC-3s executed a preplanned self-destruct sequence.  
Test objectives included demonstrating the system's capability to detect, track, engage and intercept two simultaneously arriving, threat representative TBM targets, and to validate the performance of several components of the PAC- 3 Missile that were part of on-going cost reduction initiatives. Preliminary data indicates that all test objectives were achieved.  
Also taking part in today's test was the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) radar. The THAAD radar tracked the two target missiles. Although not part of the test objectives, the THAAD radar was able to participate and reduce risk as the THAAD system leads up to its own flight testing next year.  
"With today's test, we have wrapped up the near-term PAC-3 flight test program to successfully demonstrate the cut-in of cost reduction hardware," said Colonel John Vaughn, U.S. Army Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense project manager. "I couldn't be happier with the results, but more than that I'm proud of the professionalism and expertise of our air defense soldiers from Ft. Bliss who so flawlessly executed these last three tests. It's a great reflection upon their outstanding ability to get the job done, and is truly characteristic of the high caliber personnel that are part of the PAC-3 team."  
"We continue to demonstrate the capabilities of the PAC-3 Missile in increasingly taxing scenarios, and it consistently proves to be the most reliable, advanced air defense missile deployed today," said Steve Graham, Lockheed Martin's vice president - PAC-3 Missile program. "Our goal is to prove that the system is mature and capable of defending soldiers in the field from numerous threats. We are very proud of the PAC-3s performance."  
Lockheed Martin is the only provider of proven hit-to-kill missile defense systems capable of defeating weapons of mass destruction, including missiles carrying biological, chemical and nuclear payloads. The PAC-3 Missile, THAAD and the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS), which utilizes the PAC-3, are elements of the terminal defense layer of the National Ballistic Missile Defense System.  
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control is prime contractor on the PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade to the Patriot air defense system. The PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade consists of the PAC-3 Missile, a highly agile hit-to-kill interceptor, the PAC-3 Missile canisters (in four packs), a Fire Solution Computer and an Enhanced Launcher Electronics System.  
The PAC-3 Missile has been selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national MEADS program. Managed by the NATO MEADS Management Agency (NAMEADSMA), MEADS is a model transatlantic development program focused on the next generation of air and missile defense. MEADS will focus on risk reduction, application of key technologies and validation of a system design incorporating the PAC-3 Missile as the prime interceptor.  
The Patriot PAC-3 program is managed by the U.S. Army and executed by the Army Program Executive Office, Air, Space and Missile Defense and the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Project Office in Huntsville, AL.  
Lockheed Martin is a world leader in systems integration and the development of air and missile defense systems and technologies, including the first operational hit-to-kill missile defense system.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 22, 2004, 09:11:43 pm
The Swiss Army: A Gentle Giant
(Source: Deutsche Welle; issued Nov. 20, 2004)
 Switzerland is a politically neutral country and hasn't fought a war for centuries. Yet it has more soldiers per capita than any other Western democracy. Is this enormous army really necessary?  
Following the end of the Cold War, mandatory military service in Europe seemed an anachronism. Since the mid-1990s, many European countries have ended the draft or plan to phase it out within the next several years. But the list does not include notoriously neutral Switzerland.  
This month, Switzerland has its national call-up, when the country's young men are summoned for their obligatory stint in the army.  
Swiss men spend a lot of time in the military, despite their country's neutral status. An initial five-month spell is followed by regular stints every year until the recruits are 30 -- and even longer for officers.  
"It's a huge change."  
This November, the authorities called up 7,000 teenagers. Most young men in Switzerland have known since they were small that the day would come for their first weapons training. But still, for 21st century boys, used to their own rooms and plenty of free time, the army is a shock.  
"The first week was hard," one recruit said. "I got shouted at and I didn't know what I had to do. But it's a bit better now."  
And the army certainly marks a shift in reality. "At home, you have your Mom or your girlfriend cooking for you," another conscript said. "Here, we are 700 people altogether, eating together, sleeping together -- it's a huge change."  
The commanding officer in Horgen, Blaise Pelletier, is a keen supporter of Switzerland's obligatory military service. He believes it makes the armed forces truly democratic.  
"Rich, poor, student, worker – they're altogether, everybody equal for once," Pelletier said. "It's a very special system, and its part of our culture."  
The downside of this special system is that those who don't want to take part face a prison sentence. Obligatory means obligatory. Sometimes, recruits can only take on a fatalistic attitude.  
"I really don't like guns, they cause too much harm," one of them said. "But I have to, so I'll just shoot, put my gun down, and go home."  
Service in the Swiss army is very hard to avoid unless you are physically or mentally unfit.  
This means that neutral Switzerland, with a population of seven million and which hasn't done battle since 1815, has an army of 250,000 men. Of course, they are part-time, but all are armed, trained, and ready to be called up within 72 hours.  
But some people, such as Paul Gunter, a member of the Swiss parliament, think it's time for a change.  
"If we must have an army, we would like to have one who can do their job, professional, peacekeeping missions, for example," Gunter said. "You can't do that with our soldiers. It would be too dangerous for everyone."  
When Switzerland's defense minister suggested earlier this year, however, that obligatory service might not be eternal -- the first member of a Swiss government ever to do so -- he was greeted by a storm of protest.  
The army is just too big a part of Swiss life. Many people can't imagine Switzerland without it. Even if the recruits can't imagine ever being part of an armed conflict.  
"No, the Swiss army is not training us for that," one said. "This is the school of life here."  
And, if it comes to the crunch, Switzerland doesn't have a chance anyway. "If a big country like France or Germany attacked us, there's not much we could do," one recruit said. "We're too small."  
But for commanding officer Pelletier, the army is there to show Switzerland's enemies -- wherever, whoever they may be nowadays -- that this small neutral country isn't to be taken lightly.  
"We are training for something we hope will never arrive," he said. "That's the whole point of this army. We want to show we are prepared, that we will fight for our freedom, and no one's going to take our small country because we really like it."  
So, Switzerland's new recruits can look forward to another four months of training for something that won't happen. Their only comfort is the fact that everyone's got to do it.  
Título: US Army compra 500 TOW 2B AERO GEN 2
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 25, 2004, 10:20:00 pm
Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Nov. 24, 2004)
 Raytheon Co., Tucson, Ariz., was awarded on Nov. 23, 2004, a $24,500,000 modification to a firm-fixed-price contract for 500 TOW 2B AERO GEN 2 Missiles.  
Work will be performed in Tucson, Ariz., and is expected to be completed by Aug. 31, 2006. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This was a sole source contract initiated on July 15, 2002.  
The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., is the contracting activity (W31P4Q-04-C-0061).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 29, 2004, 10:13:12 pm
The First Revamped Bison Ambulance Rolls off the Production Line
(Source: Canadian Department of National Defence; issued Nov. 26, 2004)
 OTTAWA --- The first revamped Bison ambulance is being delivered to the Canadian Forces. Major-General Lise Mathieu, Commander of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group, and Brigadier-General Peter Holt, Director General Land Equipment Program Management, today accepted the Ambulance, which is the first to be delivered as part of a $5.8 million contract awarded to DEW Engineering of Miramichi, New Brunswick in January 2003.  
"It gives me great pleasure to accept this new Bison ambulance, marking another significant occasion in our centennial celebration of Canadian military medical service," said Major-General Mathieu. "This truly impressive vehicle will ensure that, as medical staff, we can continue to provide first-rate care for the Canadian Forces in the 21st century."  
"The Bison ambulance represents a key accomplishment for the Wheeled Light Armoured Vehicle Life Extension project," said Brigadier-General Holt. "This project enhances the protection and combat support capabilities of the Canadian Forces, providing our soldiers with modern equipment for today's operational environment."  
The new Bison Ambulances will be based at Regular Force Field Ambulance Units across Canada which include 1 Field Ambulance in Edmonton, Alberta, 2 Field Ambulance in Petawawa, Ontario and 5 Field Ambulance in Valcartier, Quebec. It will also be used for training at army training centers located in CFB Wainwright, Alberta and CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick.  
The Bison has many features that make it ideal as an ambulance. The vehicle has eight-wheel drive with independent suspension, providing a smooth cross-country ride for up to four stretchers to be transported under the protection of armor. It is air transportable and will provide the Canadian Forces with an armored ambulance that is comparable in capability to a typical civilian paramedic vehicle. The remainder of the Bison ambulances will be delivered to the Canadian Forces over the next two years.  
The refurbished Bison ambulance meets the goals of the Army's Transformation to a medium-weight rapidly deployable and knowledge-based Army. It has the power and speed to move with the Army's fast, wheeled Light Armoured Vehicle fleets in order to support units on operations.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 01, 2004, 04:17:05 pm
Pak Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Ghaznavi Missile
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued Nov. 29, 2004)
 ISLAMABAD --- Pakistan today test fired its short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile which could carry nuclear and conventional warheads up to the range of 290 kms.  
New Delhi was informed about the launch as per the understanding between the two countries, an official said making it clear it was not against India and "is part of the Pakistan's missile development programme".  
"A successful test of the indigenous surface-to-surface solid-fuel missile Hatf-III Ghaznavi with a range of 290 kilometers was conducted," an official statement here said.  
"Today's test is part of a series of test planned by Pakistan," Pakistan's Defence spokesman Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan said adding "We can not reveal schedule".  
He said though Ghaznavi has been inducted into the army it required testing to improve some of its parameters. "Whenever we felt it is necessary the tests will be conducted. This is part of our missile development programme," he told private Geo Television.  
The test was part of a series of tests planned to be conducted in order to verify certain parameters and to further refine different subsystems of the missile. The flight date collected indicates that all the design parameters have been successfully validated, the statement said.  
Today's test came in the wake of India test-firing its surface-to-surface missile, Aakash, on Friday.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 01, 2004, 05:47:57 pm
Anaconda Soldiers Get Better Gun Trucks
(Source: Defend America; issued Nov. 30, 2004)
 LOGISTICS SUPPORT AREA ANACONDA, BALAD, Iraq --- Soldiers from Logistics Support Area Anaconda picked up new Convoy Protection Platform M1114 Humvees at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait Nov. 12.  
The new vehicles will help soldiers escort critical supply convoys in a safer, more fully armored vehicle. Each Humvee came with a.50 caliber machine gun, Mark 19 grenade launcher or a M240B machine gun to go along with its fully armored chassis and shell, improved armor for the turret system, air conditioning, communications headsets, and movement tracking systems. The tracking system constantly updates the Humvees location.  
The soldiers from the 7th Transportation Battalion, 512th Maintenance Company and 3625th Maintenance Company were happy to get their hands on some new equipment. After picking up the new vehicles, soldiers conducted preventive maintenance checks and services on their individual vehicles and prepared movement tracking systems.  
"It's completely armored and provides a level of protection unseen in any other Humvee," said Capt. Gavin McCulley, 7th Transportation Battalion.  
The Humvees weigh about 12,000 lbs. with extra steel and ballistic windows that will protect from 7.62 mm small arms fire, 155 mm artillery airburst overhead and improved anti-tank mine protection.  
The four-speed automatic M1114 is built with a 6.5 liter diesel supercharged engine made to handle the extra weight, giving it an advantage over other uparmored Humvees, McCulley said. The M1114 Humvee's speed exceeds 75 miles per hour, makes the trip from zero to 30 in less than seven seconds and from zero to 50 in just under 18 seconds.  
"The great thing about these vehicles is the improved communications and speed," said Sgt. James Bonnette, 644th Transportation Company.  
After mounting their new weapon systems for the first time and taking a short break for lunch, the soldiers were able to test out their new vehicles both on and off road on a two-hour convoy back to Camp Buehring, Kuwait.  
Other than a few transmission issues, the new vehicles performed brilliantly, according to 2nd Lt. Jason G. Crow, 644th Transportation Company, 1st Platoon leader.  
"I like these new vehicles," Crow said. "They're stout, and they handle great."  
Crow, whose company picked up several vehicles, was pleased with the new weapon systems as well. His company received their first M240Bs. "You can always use more crew served weapons," he said.  
The new vehicles give them much needed security, McCulley said. "The new armored vehicles provide increased survivability, the ability to maneuver better under fire and increased lethality when engaging the enemy," McCulley said.  
The fielding of these new vehicles is just a small step in a new way of thinking for the Army, McCulley said. "The fielding of the M1114 Humvees marks a shift in conventional thinking. The Army realizes that transporters are no longer behind the lines," he said.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 02, 2004, 03:59:02 pm
Swiss Troops Join Bosnia Peacekeeping Mission
(Source: Swissinfo; issued Dec. 1, 2004)
 The European Union and 11 countries, including Switzerland, are set to take over peacekeeping duties in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Thursday. However, Swiss participation in the mission remains controversial at home.  
The 7,000-strong Eufor mission is replacing Nato, which has kept the peace in Bosnia for nine years. It is the bloc's biggest military operation to date.  
Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU or Nato, will deploy up to 20 officers as part of the European force.  
EU officials said Brussels hoped to complete its peacekeeping mission in Bosnia within three years. They also expressed confidence that senior war-crimes suspects, including the fugitive Bosnian Serb leaders, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, would be detained by European forces.  
The peacekeeping mission is seen as a major test of the EU's drive to develop a military arm, following its failure to halt the ethnic fighting that ravaged Bosnia in the early 1990s.  
The rightwing Swiss People's Party has criticised the presence of Swiss troops in the European mission, describing it as pointless. "It's useless to deploy Swiss officers and only costs money," said People's Party parliamentarian Ulrich Schlüer.  
He said Swiss involvement was hypocritical and he called for an end to participation in international peacekeeping missions.  
However, Swiss government officials said sending troops to Bosnia to help stabilise the country following the 1995 Dayton peace agreement was in Switzerland's own interest. Dante Martinelli, Switzerland's former ambassador to the EU, said peace and stability in the Balkans also contributed to security in Switzerland.  
Switzerland currently designates Bosnia as a "safe country" for returning rejected asylum seekers.  
Swiss diplomat Benedikt Wechsler said the peacekeeping mission was also necessary to combat organised crime in the region and to bring to justice suspected war criminals. Wechsler dismissed allegations that Swiss participation in the Balkans had no mandate from the people.  
He said Swiss voters approved foreign missions by Swiss armed forces in 2001 and indirectly endorsed this decision two years later by giving the green light to a reform of the Swiss army.  
Switzerland stationed 11 officers in Bosnia as part of the Nato's peacekeeping force between 1996 and 2000.  
It is the first time that Swiss troops will serve under the command of a European Union force. They will work in liaison and observation teams at hot spots across Bosnia. The mission will cost the Swiss government SFr5.4 million ($4.7 million) a year.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 03, 2004, 03:48:37 pm
PUMA: Green Light for the German New Infantry Fighting Vehicle; Rheinmetall Also Awarded Further Contracts  
(Source: Rheinmetall DeTec; issued Dec. 2, 2004)
 The Budget Committee of the German Bundestag has just given the go-ahead for the most important project of the German land systems industry: the new Puma infantry fighting vehicle.  
The procurement contract for the low rate initial production, valued at approximately EUR 350 million, is to be awarded to the company Projekt System und Management (PSM) GmbH of Kassel. PSM is a 50/50-joint venture of Rheinmetall Landsysteme (RLS) of Kiel and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann of Munich. Rheinmetall Landsysteme is a subsidiary of the Rheinmetall DeTec group, the defence technology branch of Rheinmetall AG of Düsseldorf.  
In total, the German Army is to be equipped with 410 vehicles, costing roughly EUR 3.05 billion. The decision just taken contains an option valid till 2007 for the full scale production of the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV).  
In 2002, PSM was awarded a contract to develop the new IFV for the Bundeswehr. Roll-out of the first prototype is planned for the end of 2005.  
The German Parliament has also approved the award of two other important contracts to Rheinmetall. A working group consisting of the companies Rheinmetall Landsysteme and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann will be tasked with outfitting some 1,500 vehicles of the German Army with a state-of-the-art command and information management system corresponding to the Bundeswehr's new mission profile of international crisis management.  
The first phase of the order (worth some EUR 19 million) encompasses the manufacture, delivery and testing of prototype units for field trials, as well as an option for full-scale production, the total volume of which comes to EUR 380 million.  
Also coming in the wake of the recent decision of the Budget Committee, Rheinmetall Landsysteme will be awarded a EUR 58 million-contract to supply the German Army's crack Gebirgsjäger mountain troops with 75 Bv206s armoured command and transport vehicles; RLS will serve as main contractor. Versatile, air portable, and highly manoeuvrable in all types of terrain, these armoured vehicles will make a major contribution to enhancing the overall operational effectiveness of these elite infantry units.  
The Puma infantry fighting vehicle is a key project for the German defence industry, a clear expression of its technological superiority in this important domain. The vehicle offers a degree of crew protection and system survivability unrivalled anywhere in the world.  
Systematically designed to meet the future needs of our armed forces, this medium-weight vehicle can be airlifted to crisis regions in the new A400M transport aircraft. The Puma is a modular system with a high degree of battlefield effectiveness.  
No vehicle in its class comes close to such excellent protection of the crew against mines and rocket propelled grenades, the most serious threats in crisis regions.  
Due to its newly developed 800 kW engine, novel turret design and use of programmable ammunition, the Puma sets an entirely new global standard in the world of armoured vehicle design. More than 30 years after the Marder IFV was first fielded by the Bundeswehr, the Puma – with its expanded scope of capabilities – represents the transition to a completely new category of combat vehicles.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 08, 2004, 06:54:32 pm
Two Thai Army Black Hawks Delivered
(Source: Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.; dated Nov. 29, web-posted Dec. 6, 2004)
 STRATFORD, Conn. --- Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. delivered two S-70 Black Hawks to the Royal Thai Army at a ceremony here today.  
His Excellency Mr. Kasit Piromya, Royal Thai Ambassador to the United States, accepted the aircraft logbooks as part of the ceremonial transfer of title.  
With the delivery, the Royal Thai Army now has five S-70 Black Hawks. The aircraft were acquired through the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. Sikorsky had previously delivered six S-70B SEAHAWKs for shipborne service and six S-76s for search-and-rescue to the Royal Thai Navy via FMS.  
“Sikorsky Aircraft is grateful that Thailand and the Royal Thai Army have shown such trust in our products,” said Sikorsky President Stephen Finger. “We will continue to support Thailand and work to maintain that trust as Thailand modernizes its aviation capabilities.”  
Worldwide, S-70 Black Hawk helicopter variants are serving, or are on order, with 25 governments -- Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, People's Republic of China, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey.  
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of advanced helicopters for commercial, industrial and military uses. Sikorsky helicopters are flown by all five branches of the United States armed forces, along with military services and commercial operators in more than 40 nations. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation, of Hartford, Conn., which provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 09, 2004, 04:20:14 pm
Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV)
(Source: New Zealand Ministry of Defence; issued Dec. 8, 2004)
 The New Zealand Army requires a family of wheeled armoured vehicles for use in support of light motorised infantry. The vehicles are intended to provide protected mobility for light infantry manoeuvre groups in combat or when undertaking peace support operations. It is not intended to use the vehicles in a fighting role; rather, infantry will dismount to conduct combat operations on foot.  
The total approved project cost for vehicles, training, infrastructure, spares, ammunition, and project management is NZ$652.833 million including GST.  
On 29 January 2001 a contract was signed with General Motors of Canada Ltd for the supply of 105 light armoured vehicles. Since signing this contract General Motors of Canada Ltd has been bought out by General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada.  
On 24 October 2003, the Minister of Defence accepted delivery of the first vehicles at a formal handover ceremony held at Waiouru.  
Delivery of the vehicles is as follows:  
--August 2003 – first batch of vehicles delivered to New Zealand  
--September 2003 – first batch of vehicles offered for acceptance  
--June 2004 – 91 vehicles in New Zealand  
--June 2004 – 57 vehicles in service with the Army  
--June 2004 – 90% of spares and special tools delivered  
--August 2004 – final batch shipped from Canada  
--November 2004 – final batch delivered to Army.  
Vehicle deliveries are complete, with handover to Army on schedule.  
Enviado por: Spectral em Dezembro 10, 2004, 11:02:45 pm
South Africa set to buy 8 to 14 Airbus A400Ms
[10 Dec 2004]    


South Africa is set to sign a multi-million-euro deal to buy between eight to 14 Airbus A400M military transport aircraft in exchange for investment, technological knowledge and jobs.

In return for buying the aircraft in a deal valued from 837 million euros (1.1 billion dollars) between 2010 and 2014, South Africa will also participate in the A400M design and manufacturing programme, the transport department said in a statement late Thursday.

"We are confident that a memorandum of agreement will be signed in the coming weeks," the statement added.

Airbus Military marketing manager Peter Jost said in September a study showed that "an interest in as few as eight of the aircraft could create at least 401 direct jobs and 2,767 indirect jobs over the programme's projected 50-year life," the SAPA news agency reported.

Jost said currently the South African Air Force needed new transport aircraft.

An existing fleet of a dozen upgraded C130 medium transports and a few smaller Spanish-built CASA 212 light transports would not be able to meet future airlift requirements, including a greater focus on peacekeeping activities on the African continent.
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 13, 2004, 11:35:33 pm
Bilateral Development Contract on the Boxer Programme
(Source: OCCAR-EA; dated Nov. 23, web-posted Dec. 10, 2004)
 Today, after intense negotiations, the Boxer Programme has started a new course with the signature by OCCAR-EA and ARTEC GMBH, Munich, of a major industrial contract amendment for the completion of the development of a family of armoured utility vehicles.  
This collaborative programme, which originally included the participation of the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom, has now been reshaped on a binational (Germany and the Netherlands) basis, both on the governmental and the industrial side, after the UK's decision to withdraw from the programme due to major changes in its operational requirements.  
The programme is also known as Gepanzertes Transport Kraftfahrzeug (GTK) in Germany and in The Netherlands as Pantser Wiel Voertuig (PWV).  
ARTEC GmbH, a consortium formed by Kraus-Maffei Wegmann (GE), Rheinmetall Landsysteme (GE) and Stork (NL), is developing the BOXER family of vehicles.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 13, 2004, 11:42:48 pm
Textron Systems Awarded Two Additional U.S. Army Contracts for 50 More Armored Security Vehicles
(Source: Textron Corp.; issued Dec. 10, 2004)
 WILMINGTON, Mass. --- Textron Marine & Land (TM&L) of New Orleans, Louisiana, an operating unit of Textron Systems, today announced that it has been awarded two more contracts by the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive & Armaments Command (TACOM) to manufacture an additional 23 and 27 M117 Armored Security Vehicles (ASV), respectively.  
All 50 vehicles have been designated for use by the U.S. Army Military Police, and are potentially worth up to $36 million, subject to final contract terms.  
The newly contracted 50 vehicles will be delivered by January 2006, bringing the total number of U.S. Army ASVs fielded, in production, or ordered to 182.  
B. Clay Moise, Textron Marine & Land's vice president of marine and combat vehicles, stated "We currently have 77 ASVs serving in Iraq and we're very proud that the vehicle is playing such an important role in helping to protect our U.S. soldiers. We've received an overwhelming amount of positive customer feedback regarding the ASV's superior levels of crew protection and mobility, and we welcome continued opportunities to deliver even more vehicles in the future."  
From its recent delivery schedule of one vehicle every three weeks, Textron has increased production to approximately one ASV per week and is prepared to produce at least 36 per month by the fourth quarter of 2005, if required.  
The ASV is a 4X4 wheeled armored vehicle that offers exceptional crew protection with multiple layers of armor that provide defense against medium caliber armor-piercing machine gun fire, large artillery fragments, and land mines. This advanced armor is exceedingly lightweight and allows the vehicle to be able to "roll on/roll off" military transport aircraft.  
The ASV possesses superior mobility, agility, handling and ride quality through the utilization of a new all-wheel independent suspension. Textron Cadillac Gage has equipped the ASV with a specially designed dual-weapon station that, unlike many other vehicles, enables all ammunition reload to be performed under armor and allows the crew to remain protected from enemy fire.  
Textron Systems Corporation, a Textron company, provides innovative technology solutions to meet the needs of the global aerospace and defense industries. The company supports military precision engagement and dominant maneuver with strike weapons, mobility and surveillance systems. The Textron name is well known in the areas of advanced weapons, surveillance systems, aircraft control components, specialty marine craft and armored vehicles.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 14, 2004, 12:03:40 am
Patria to Modify Estonian XA Vehicles
(Source: Patria; issued Dec. 10, 2004)
 Patria and Estonian Ministry of Defence have today signed a contract for modernisation of the Estonian XA-vehicles. The contract also covers required training for Estonian personnel, technical documentation, support tools and equipment and initial spare part packages. The modification will take place in 2005-2007.  
The Estonian Ministry of Defence and the Finnish Ministry of Defence signed a purchase contract for 60 XA-180 APC vehicles earlier today.  
"Patria's armoured wheeled vehicles are currently used by several nations in international missions and we are very pleased that Estonia is now joining this group. We feel this will benefit all user nations in the future", states Mr Heikki Hulkkonen, Exective Vice President, Patria Vehicles.  
Patria Vehicles will check and modify the XA-180s according to the customer’s requirements. The majority of the vehicles will be so called basic vehicles, major modifications will be made for some Ambulance versions and Command/Control vehicles. Basically vehicles are similar as their counterparts in Finland.  
For the life cycle support of the Estonian XA fleet the parties are reviewing the best possible set up.  
Patria is an internationally operating Aerospace and Defence Group with significant positions in the Nordic and Baltic Sea countries. Patria’s main business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortars, helicopters and aircraft and the life cycle support of these solutions. Patria delivers internationally competitive solutions to global markets through own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria’s owners are the Finnish State and EADS, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 14, 2004, 10:37:26 pm
Order for 72 Caesar Cannons to GIAT Industries
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Dec. 13, 2004)

(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
 PARIS --- As set out in the French Army’s equipment modernisation objectives, reaffirmed by Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie during the budget debate in the Senate, on Dec. 6, the defence procurement agency, DGA, has awarded GIAT Industries an order for 72 truck-mounted (6x6 wheels) self-propelled guns derived from the Caesar concept.  
This order fulfils one of the undertakings given by the government as part of the company’s business plan contract, signed on March 26, 2004, and reinforces the company’s prospects.  
Valued at almost 300 million euros, including value-added tax, this contract covers the procurement of 72 guns with a 52-calibre, 155mm barrel. The program schedule calls for the service introduction of eight nine-gun batteries in the army by 2011.  
The contract also includes the operational support and maintenance of the weapons, under which GIAT Industries guarantees an availability rate of 80% of the inventory, and will ensure the supply and management of spare parts. These stringent contract conditions attest to the system’s technical maturity.  
The Caesar gun is an innovative artillery system. The weapons are air-transportable by C-130 or A400M aircraft, and their manoeuvrability makes them particularly mobile. The gun has a range of 40 kilometres, can fire all NATO-standard 155mm munitions as well as new munitions developed by France, such as the BONUS terminally-guided anti-tank round.  
During several demonstration and firing trials, several countries have expressed interest in the Caesar system, which is particularly well-suited to the requirements of rapid deployment forces.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 16, 2004, 11:28:25 pm
Saab Wins RBS 70 Order from Czech Republic
(Source: Saab AB; issued Dec. 15, 2004)
 Saab Bofors Dynamics AB has won another contract for the RBS 70 Air Defence Missile System, this time with the Czech Armed Forces as the end customer.  
The order is worth MSEK 204 to Saab.  
"In the past three years we have sold RBS 70 systems worth a total of over one billion SEK. This shows that the system is well adapted to meeting different customers' demands for modern anti-aircraft defence, and is performing well in tough international competition," says Tomas Samuelsson, President of Saab Bofors Dynamics.  
Saab Bofors Dynamics won the contract for the RBS 70 in competition with other European and American missile systems. The Czech Republic will be the eighteenth nation to add the RBS 70 to its defence materiel.  
The order is for the upgraded version of the RBS 70 with a night sight, aircraft identification and the new Bolide missile.  
Deliveries will take place in 2005, 2006 and 2007.  
Saab is one of the world's leading high-technology companies, with its main operations focusing on defence, aviation and space. The group covers a broad spectrum of competence and capabilities in systems integration.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 21, 2004, 10:49:40 pm
General Dynamics Awarded $267 Million Contract for Egyptian M1A1 Co-production Program
(Source: General Dynamics Land Systems; issued Dec. 20, 2004)
 STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. --- The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command has awarded General Dynamics Land Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics, a $267 million modification to a previously awarded contract to produce 125 M1A1 Abrams tank kits for the Egyptian tank co-production program.  
Deliveries begin in 2005 and will continue through 2008.  
In December 2003 the U.S. Army awarded General Dynamics an $8.4 million long-lead material contract to begin work on this increment, which increases the number of Egyptian co-production-built M1A1 tanks to 880 since the program's inception in 1992.  
General Dynamics provides components for kits used in Egyptian M1A1 production.  
Work will be performed in Lima, Ohio, Scranton, Pa., Muskegon, Mich., Tallahassee, Fla., Anniston, Ala., and Imperial Valley, Calif., by existing General Dynamics Land Systems employees.  
General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 71,600 people worldwide and anticipates 2004 revenue in excess of $19 billion. The company is a market leader in mission-critical information systems and technologies; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and business aviation.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 23, 2004, 10:13:03 pm
Patria Received AMV Vehicle Order from the Finnish Defence Forces
(Source: Patria; issued Dec. 22, 2004)
 Patria has today received an order for 62 Patria AMV armoured wheeled personnel carriers from the Finnish Defence Forces. A Memorandum of Intent had been signed earlier. The total value of the order is approximately EUR 96 million. Deliveries will take place in 2006 - 2007. The employment effect at Patria Vehicles will be approximately 400 man-years.  
The AMV 8x8 vehicles will be integrated with heavy machine gun turrets. The Finnish Defence Forces have already used two Patria AMV prototypes for about a year. Additionally the Finnish Defence Forces have ordered 24 AMV vehicles as chassis for the AMOS mortar system. These deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2006.  
Patria AMV has also raised keen international interest. In November 2004 the Polish Ministry of Defence officially approved AMV vehicles for army use after Polish verification tests. The AMV consequently fulfils all the requirements set by a NATO country. Currently, it is not only a totally new concept but also the only fourth generation armoured modular vehicle already in serial production on the market.  
Patria AMV has been successfully tested in the Finland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, South Africa and Brazil. The vehicle has also raised interest in several countries in Europe and Asia. The latest demonstrations of AMV vehicles have taken place in Lithuania and Latvia in December 2004.  
Patria is an internationally operating Aerospace and Defence Group with significant positions in the Nordic and Baltic Sea countries. Patria’s main business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortars and field gun systems and their life cycle support as well as life cycle support of helicopters and aircraft. Patria delivers internationally competitive solutions to global markets through own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria’s owners are the Finnish State and EADS, European Aerospace, Defence and Space Company. (ends)  
 Patria to Deliver Bridging and Breaching Systems to the Finnish Defence Forces
(Source: Patria; issued Dec. 22, 2004)
 Patria has received orders from the Finnish Defence Forces for the delivery of Bridging and Breaching Systems. The deliveries are scheduled to take place in 2006 - 2008. The total value of the deliveries is approximately EUR 72 million. Patria Weapon Systems is the prime contractor with a number of significant European defence industries as sub-contractors. The deliveries have a considerable effect on employment in 2005 - 2008.  
The order includes six Tracked Bridging Systems and nine Wheeled Bridging Systems as well as the tooling and training for the usage and maintenance as well as documentation. The Tracked Bridging Systems are based on Leopard 2A4 tanks. The Wheeled Bridging Systems are based on the Finnish Sisu off-road vehicles.  
The order includes also six Beaching Systems together with the tooling and training for the usage and maintenance as well as documentation. The Breaching Systems are mounted on the Leopard 2A4 assembled with full-width mine ploughs, combat dozers and line marking systems.  
Delivery of a total system is a new field for Patria Weapon Systems. In this project the supplier is in close cooperation with the customer all the way from the very beginning through the system’s entire life cycle. In connection of the project the domestic industry will create an ability to overhaul and maintain the new systems and strengthen its com-petence in system integration even further.  
Patria is an internationally operating Aerospace and Defence Group with significant positions in the Nordic and Baltic Sea countries. Patria’s main business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortars and field gun systems and their life cycle support as well as life cycle support of helicopters and aircraft. Patria delivers internationally competitive solutions to global markets through own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria’s owners are the Finnish State and EADS, European Aerospace, Defence and Space Company.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 05, 2005, 12:54:31 am
Lockheed Martin Receives $109 Million Contract for Low-Rate Production of Combat-Proven HIMARS
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Jan. 3, 2005)
 DALLAS, TX --- Lockheed Martin has received a $109.1 million contract for continued Low-Rate Initial Production-III (LRIP-III) of the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. HIMARS, combat proven in Operation Iraqi Freedom, provides fire support for lighter, more mobile fighting forces.  
Under the contract, the third awarded under the program's LRIP phase, the Army plans to buy 37 HIMARS launchers and the Marines will buy one launcher. Total joint procurement of the system is expected to be more than 900 launchers. HIMARS can accommodate the entire family of Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) munitions, including the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missile and Guided MLRS rocket.  
In November 2004, HIMARS successfully completed extensive operational testing, firing the entire MLRS Family of Munitions and hundreds of practice rockets in operational environments. Although the First Unit Equipped (FUE) milestone is not scheduled until calendar year 2005, and remains on track, HIMARS prototype launchers were sent to Iraq to participate in Operation Iraqi Freedom, successfully completing a significant number of fire missions.  
"HIMARS has proven itself in both Operation Iraqi Freedom and in very rigorous operational testing," said Ron Abbott, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control's vice president - Tactical Missiles. "HIMARS is C-130 transportable, supports existing and new precision munitions, and it meets all of the requirements of the Future Force System."  
Because of its C-130 transportability, HIMARS can be deployed into areas previously inaccessible to larger launchers. It also incorporates the self-loading, autonomous features that have made MLRS the premier rocket artillery system in the world. HIMARS carries a single six-pack of MLRS rockets, or one ATACMS missile. Its fire control system, electronics and communications units are interchangeable with the existing MLRS M270A1 launcher, and the crew and training are the same.  
Additionally, HIMARS is capable of launching the new Guided MLRS, the next major step in the evolution of the MLRS Family of Munitions, offering advanced capabilities, reduced logistics support and precision attack. Designed to enable troops to engage and defeat artillery, air defense concentrations, trucks, light armor and personnel carriers, as well as support troop and supply concentrations, after launching, HIMARS can move away from the area at high speed before enemy forces are able to locate the launch site.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 06, 2005, 03:18:09 pm
United Defense Awarded $8.8 Million Contract for Egyptian Recovery Vehicle Co-Production Effort
(Source: United Defense Industries; issued Jan. 4, 2005)
 YORK, Pa. --- United Defense Industries, Inc. has been awarded an $8.8 million contract modification from the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command to provide manufacturing technical assistance in support of the co-production of 21 M88A2 HERCULES recovery vehicles in Egypt.  
The awarded work is to be performed primarily at the Egyptian Tank Plant (ETP) in Cairo beginning January 2005 and continuing through December 2006.  
"The M88A2 HERCULES is meeting the recovery needs of the Egyptian Land Forces, providing the safe, effective recovery of their 70-ton main battle tanks. The cost-effective M88A2 HERCULES delivers significantly improved towing power, lifting muscle and winch strength to the soldiers of the Egyptian Land Forces in completing their main battle tank recovery missions," said John G. Tile, United Defense's Director of Recovery Systems.  
Previously, United Defense was awarded a $53M contract to provide the material for the follow-on co-production of the 21 additional M88A2 HERCULES recovery vehicles at the ETP, with associated spare parts.  
United Defense designs, develops and produces combat vehicles, artillery, naval guns, missile launchers and precision munitions used by the U.S. Department of Defense and allies worldwide, and provides non-nuclear ship repair, modernization and conversion to the U.S. Navy and other U.S. Government agencies.  
Enviado por: Lynx em Janeiro 07, 2005, 04:06:29 pm
) The Pentagon’s undersecretary of defence for policy Doug Feith accused top Israeli defence ministry official on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) deal between Israel and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and claimed that this has caused a confidence crisis between the Pentagon and the Israeli MoD.

Israel’s Channel Two television reported on 15 December that Feith had demanded the resignation of retired Maj. Gen. Amos Yaron, the widely respected and longtime director-general of Israel’s MoD. According to the reports, Feith was ‘outraged’ that he was not informed the UAV sale to China few years ago, and demanded the resignation of retired Maj. Gen. Amos Yaron, the widely respected and long-time director-general of Israel’s MoD.

This is also the first time that the existence of such a deal between China and Israel is confirmed. China reportedly acquired some unknown number of the Israeli Aerospace Industry (IAI)’s Harpy Attack UAV in 1994. In summer 2004 some of these UAVs were sent back to Israel to be upgraded for better performance. The Pentagon has already demanded that Israel not to deliver these UAVs to China, even though they are properties of the PRC.

Harpy is the armed UAV developed by IAI in the 1990s. It is a unique weapon system with features of both UAV and cruise missile. Launched from a ground vehicle or surface warship far away from the battle zone, the Harpy UAV can detect, attack and destroy radar emitters in all-weather conditions, day/night over a distance of 500kg. Once an enemy radar is detected and verified, the UAV transitions into a near vertical dive and destroy the target with its high explosive warhead.

As well as in service with the Israeli Defence Force, the Harpy UAV has also been exported to Turkey and India. The Western intelligence first identified Harpy UAVs in service with the PLA in the joint PLA exercise held near the Taiwan Strait in 2004. The Bush administration has pressured Israel to ‘roll back’ on its defence relations with China.

Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 08, 2005, 12:00:30 am
Sultanate of Oman Agrees to Purchase Raytheon-Lockheed Martin Javelin Anti-Tank Weapon System
(Source: Raytheon/Lockheed Martin JAVELIN Joint Venture; issued Jan. 6, 2005)
 ORLANDO, Fla. --- The armed forces of the Sultan of Oman have selected Javelin for Oman's medium-range anti-tank guided weapon requirement. In October, the Government of Oman signed a Letter of Agreement with the U.S. Government to procure approximately 100 Javelin missiles and a corresponding number of command launch units, along with training and support packages.  
This selection marks the Raytheon-Lockheed Martin Javelin Joint Venture's tenth international sale of the advanced anti-tank weapon system.  
"The Javelin Product Office of the Close Combat Project Office is extremely pleased that Oman has selected Javelin," said Col. Lloyd McDaniels, U.S. Army Close Combat Weapon Systems project manager.  
"Javelin provides Oman with a highly effective means of deterrence for its soldiers," said Michael Crisp, president, Javelin Joint Venture. "Javelin gives the soldier an unprecedented capability to defeat any armored or platform, both today and in the future. Additionally, Javelin is highly effective against alternate targets."  
"Oman's detailed evaluation process included assessments of whole life costs and worldwide supportability. Javelin's high reliability, worldwide support and very low operational and maintenance costs were key factors. The selection of Javelin by Oman represents a key strategic sale in the region," said Howard Weaver, Javelin Joint Venture vice president.  
Raytheon Company provides system engineering management and support for the Javelin Joint Venture and produces the command launch unit, missile guidance electronic unit and system software. Work is performed primarily at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Ariz., and at other Raytheon facilities in Texas, Massachusetts and California.  
Lockheed Martin provides missile engineering and production support for the Javelin Joint Venture in Orlando, Fla., produces the missile seeker in Ocala, Fla., and performs missile all-up-round assembly in Troy, Ala.  
The combat-proven Javelin is in service with the U.S. Army and Marine Corps and has been used extensively on operations including Operation Iraqi Freedom. Along with the Omani selection of Javelin, other nations that have already selected Javelin include the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Australia and New Zealand. Javelin is also on order for the armed forces of several other countries and is being evaluated for integration onto ground and naval platforms.  
With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon Company is a global technology leader in Defense, government and commercial electronics, and business and special mission aircraft.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 12, 2005, 05:23:49 pm
Taiwan Unveils New Vehicle, Stresses Need for Defenses  
(Source: Agence France Presse; issued Jan. 11, 2005)
 NANTOU, Taiwan ---Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian on Jan.11 unveiled a new, homemade armored vehicle, stressing the need to beef up self-defense capabilities with rival China preparing a hostile law aimed at the island.  
“Beijing has continued to suppress Taiwan’s space in the international community and even attempts to create a legal basis for the use of force against Taiwan in the so-called anti-secession law,” Chen said at a military base in central Taiwan.  
“Therefore, A Bian (Chen’s nickname) urges the public to support the (government) policy of strengthening self-defense capabilities,” he said while unveiling the eight-wheeled, CM-32 armored vehicle.  
Chen named the vehicle “Yun Pao” (Cloud Leopard) for its mobility, speed and firepower. “Yun Pao” was jointly developed by the military and industrial research institutions in a 700 million Taiwan dollar ($21.88 million) project launched in 2002.  
It has a maximum speed of 100 kilometers (62 miles) per hour and is especially designed for Taiwan’s hilly topography.  
Equipped with guns, “Yun Pao” will become the army’s most powerful armored vehicle when mass production starts in 2007.  
Taiwan, worried about China’s growing military strength, has been upgrading its weaponry research and development abilities in recent years.  
The defense ministry reportedly has successfully test-fired its Hsiung Feng III supersonic anti-ship missile in November in a major military technology breakthrough. The missile is believed to outperform China’s Russia-made SS-N-22 Sunburn supersonic anti-ship missile.  
Taiwan and China split in 1949 after a civil war but Beijing still considers the island part of its territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 14, 2005, 11:17:44 pm
Thales and EADS Appointed Co-Prime Contractors for SIC Terre Programme
(Source: EADS; issued 12 Jan. 2005)
 The French defence procurement agency (DGA) has appointed Thales and EADS DCS as joint industrial prime contractors on the MOIE SIC Terre programme for the French Army's information and communication systems.  
The overall contract is worth 230 million euros. Thales will assume a 70% share of the contract, while the EADS workshare will be 30%, with Thales as lead contractor.  
As a key battlefield digitisation programme, MOIE SIC Terre will increase combat effectiveness by networking all players in the battlespace and speeding up the operational tempo through:  
--automated information exchange;  
--controlled networking of all information at all levels of the command chain;  
--enhanced interoperability in national, multinational and NATO environments.  
The MOIE SIC Terre programme will provide a common technical platform to network all the French Army's information and communication systems, currently developed independently. This single, shared platform will guarantee interoperability between the French Army's legacy and future systems, as well as with other armed forces and nations. It will also optimise the total cost of ownership and facilitate deployment in the theatre of operations, by ensuring coherent implementation.  
Under the contract: Thales and EADS will integrate the French Army's fourteen existing communication and information systems and significantly improve the operational capabilities of the command chain.  
Thales and EADS will develop a complete technical platform incorporating a common model for displaying operational information and integrating the latest information system, security and IP communication technologies.  
Thales will develop and produce the next generation of SICF command and control information systems for the French Army's major units, based on this common technical platform. To carry out the MOIE SIC Terre contract, Thales and EADS will draw on the recommendations of the ATTILA study, which Thales conducted to define a new, unified communication architecture based on IP technologies. These recommendations are already being implemented on the SIC 21 programme, which calls for development of a new-generation command, control and information system for the French Navy.  
The SIC 21 contract was awarded to Thales in January 2004.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 17, 2005, 10:17:02 pm
Singapore, India Sign Memorandum Of Understanding For Army Exercise in India
(Source: Singapore Ministry of Defence; issued Jan. 17, 2005)
 Earlier today, the Indian High Commissioner to Singapore His Excellency Alok Prasad and Chief of Army MG Desmond Kuek signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on behalf of the Indian Army and the Singapore Army for the inaugural joint army exercise in India next month.  
The exercise from 11 Feb to 5 Apr 05 will involve armour and artillery units from both armies. The armour exercise will be held at Babina Field Firing Range about 400km southeast of New Delhi, while the artillery exercise will be conducted concurrently at Devlali Field Firing Range about 200km northeast of Mumbai.  
This exercise will provide the Singapore Army with a valuable opportunity to train alongside the Indian Army, and will enhance mutual understanding and inter-operability between the two armies.  
The forthcoming exercise is also a reflection of the growing defence cooperation between Singapore and India.  
The Republic of Singapore Air Force recently conducted its inaugural exercise with the Indian Air Force in October 2004, while the Republic of Singapore Navy conducts regular exercises with the Indian Navy.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 22, 2005, 07:46:09 pm
$35 Million Defence Package to Boost Army's Combat Capability  
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued Feb. 22, 2005)
 Australian Defence Force personnel will be better equipped to defeat enemy forces on the battlefield under a $35 million equipment package announced today by Defence Minister Robert Hill.  
Senator Hill said the package will improve the fighting capability and safety of the Army's regular infantry battalions in future combat operations.  
"Delivering on a Coalition election promise, our infantry soldiers will receive enhanced night fighting equipment, improved load carrying equipment, additional protective clothing, improved body armour and a significant increase in communications equipment," Senator Hill said.  
"Our Special Forces have already proved the effectiveness of some of these technologies during recent operations and the Government has decided to deliver some of the same equipment to the regular infantry battalions."  
The package, to be introduced from late 2005, is part of Army's Project Wundurra which is an evolutionary project that will continue to monitor emerging technologies and ensure our soldiers are equipped with the necessary capabilities for the future.  
This equipment purchase is scheduled to be delivered within 18 months and will complement other Government initiatives to improve our soldiers capability on the battlefield.  
Recent initiatives include the upgrade of 350 M113 tracked armoured vehicles, the delivery of new ASLAV wheeled armoured reconnaissance vehicles, the introduction of the Bushmaster infantry mobility vehicles, the purchase of Abrams tanks and the increase in Army's helicopter troop lift capability.  
Senator Hill said that the Coalition Government has given the men and women of the ADF a long-term commitment to provide them with the necessary equipment and support they need to safely carry out the operations that are asked of them. This project is another example of this Government delivering on this commitment.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Março 23, 2005, 09:50:45 pm
AEV 3 Kodiak Stands Up to Extreme Arctic Conditions in Sweden
(Source: Rheinmetall Detec; issued March 23, 2005)
 The Swedish Army has successfully tested the AEV 3 Kodiak armoured engineer vehicle (based on the MBT Leopard 2 chassis) at Boden in northern Sweden.  
Under a lease agreement between the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, the AEV 3 Kodiak was tested under real winter conditions close to the Arctic Circle.  
Beforehand, Rheinmetall Landsysteme spent several days training the Swedish Army's test team to operate the AEV 3 Kodiak. The AEV 3 Kodiak had already been successfully tested by Switzerland, the Netherlands and Denmark.  
During the test, the Kodiak's ability to operate even under conditions of snow and ice were carefully evaluated. The trials confirmed that the Kodiak meets Sweden's requirements for a modern, high-performance, multiple purpose engineering system.  
At the end of the trials the Kodiak, together with the main test results, was presented to the International AEV Coordination Group, which, apart from Sweden, consists of Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Spain. Chaired by Sweden, the group was established to harmonise national AEV requirements and programmes.  
Following the positive outcome of these trials in Sweden, the company now expects the system to be procured by both the Swedish and Danish armed forces.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Abril 07, 2005, 05:06:27 pm


TC acusa Exército de ter desviado 55 M€ da LPM

O Tribunal de Contas (TC) acusa o Exército de desviar para despesas correntes um quarto das verbas da lei de Programação Militar (LPM) destinadas aos programas de reequipamento do Grupo de Aviação Ligeira (GALE) e Brigada Aerotransportada (BAI).

Em relatório divulgado esta quinta-feira, o tribunal estima que 55 milhões de euros, do total de 220 milhões de euros afectos aos dois programas para o período 1998-2001, tenham sido desviados dos fins previstos, e recomenda «exame detalhado e reforma dos sistemas de gestão e controlo interno da execução» das LPM.
Diário Digital / Lusa
Enviado por: papatango em Abril 07, 2005, 11:49:27 pm
:shock:  :shock:  :shock:
Enviado por: JLRC em Abril 11, 2005, 01:09:39 pm
More MPs in Iraq Train on New Armored Vehicle
(Source: US Army; issued April 8, 2005)
 CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq --- The Army's military police force has recently fielded a highly- mobile vehicle to its supply of convoy operation equipment for use throughout the Iraq theater; and the MPs are learning the ins and outs of the vehicle from the people who know it best - the manufacturers.  
The M-1117 Armored Security Vehicle is a four-wheeled vehicle with a mounted .50-caliber machine gun, in production for the Army since 2000. In order for soldiers to be familiar with and maintain the ASV, the manufacturer, New Orleans-based Textron Systems, is supplying the Army with representatives in Iraq to train soldiers on maintenance, repair and operations.  
One of the representatives, Brian D. Perkins, a 15-year Textron employee from Picayune, Miss., spent most of last year in Iraq training troops about the M-1117. Part of Perkins’ job is to go to the field and work on the ASV, but he said he also is here to support Army units that have the vehicle.  
"I provide them with maintenance advice as a subject-matter expert," Perkins said.  
Perkins and his staff offer the MPs courses on maintenance and operations of the ASV while they are here in Iraq. Perkins said each course is part classroom, part hands- on.  
Speaking of the 40-hour operator’s course, Perkins said, "We familiarize the operator on preventative maintenance checks and services procedures; driving the vehicle; bore sighting the weapons, and teaching the weapons systems and how they work. Every time we deliver to new operators, we give the operator’s course."  
Perkins said the maintenance course is more comprehensive, and most of that means getting inside the vehicle.  
"The maintenance course is an 80-hour course, and two-thirds of that is hands-on," Perkins said. "We train the mechanics on all levels of maintenance.  
"We'll teach the soldiers how to pull the power packs, trouble shoot the hydraulic lines, fix electrical problems and pull the turrets,” Perkins said. "The soldiers are taught where the locations of all the different things are on the engine and how to fix them.  
"Everything we can give the soldiers to help them down the road we teach them," he said.  
Sgt. Mark J. Meunier, vehicle commander and MP, 940th MP Company, recently had some trouble with his ASV and had to see Perkins for repairs.  
"We blew the o-ring on the wheel solenoid," Meunier said. "Over time these things just give out and the Textron representatives are the ones who help us out. They know everything about these vehicles."  
Meunier and his fellow crewmembers were on their way from Forward Operating Base Diwaniyah to Camp Liberty to take the maintenance course when a problem happened before they made the trip. The vehicle made the trip and Meunier and crew were able to get their hands dirty before the class even started.  
Along with Sgt. Anthony Faul and Spc. Ashley N. Walters, both MPs with the 940th, Meunier and Perkins worked using wrenches, jacks and good-ol’ elbow grease to fix the problem. With Perkins supervising and offering a hand or advice when needed, the o-ring was replaced in a couple hours.  
Faul said "(Perkins) knows all about the vehicle, so he was able to teach us a lot. We'll be here for a week though, so they'll show us a lot more."  
Meunier, Faul and Walters are able to then take the knowledge they learn at the course and turn around to teach their mechanics how to fix the ASV.  
"Our mechanics don't know anything about the vehicle because it is new to us," Faul said. "So we'll show them everything that he teaches us."  
The M1117 is a vehicle that Perkins said he is proud to work with, and he is happy to pass on his knowledge of the ASV to the soldiers in Iraq.  
"The soldiers have been very receptive and are eager to learn," Perkins said. They want to know about their equipment, and I'm more than willing to teach them. They want to keep their equipment going because they're outside the wire with it, and they don't want to break down. I can't really blame them."  
Enviado por: Normando em Abril 12, 2005, 07:57:24 pm ... Boosts.htm (

US Army Boosts Production of Security Vehicle
Michael Peck

Responding to the growing insurgency in Iraq, the Army is accelerating production of an armored car that originally was designed for military police patrols.

The Army has increased its purchases of the M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicle, with three new contract awards alone issued in 2004. It recently awarded Textron Marine and Land, New Orleans, a $167 million contract for 212 vehicles, to be delivered by April 2006.

“The Army has asked us to ramp up to 36 ASVs a month by the fall of 2005,” said Clay Moise, vice-president of Textron. “To put that in context, a year ago we were looking at one ASV every three weeks.”

A military police brigade in Iraq already is using 77 of the vehicles for urban security, convoy escort and other missions. More are being flown directly to the war zone as soon they come off the production lines. In parts of Iraq, ASVs are replacing Humvees, as well as easing the wear and tear on heavier armored vehicles, officials said.

The M1117 weighs about 15 tons, compared to 20 tons for the Stryker armored personnel carrier, 25 tons for the Bradley assault vehicle and almost 70 tons for the Abrams tank. Its skin is tough enough to stop .50-caliber rounds, but not a rocket-propelled grenade.

The $700,000 ASV is only 8 feet wide (2,43 m), compared to 11 feet for a Bradley and 12 for an Abrams. This gives it a relatively short wheelbase and turning radius that allows the vehicle to navigate narrow streets. Its tires do not wear out as out as quickly as rubber tracks. The M1117 can travel at 63 miles an hour (101 km/h), compared to 45 mph for a Bradley - giving it enough zoom to keep up with a truck convoy exiting an ambush zone in a hurry.

The crew has 360-degree visibility even while buttoned up. The M1117 can withstand 12-pound mine blasts under its wheels, while its armor is thick enough to provide overhead protection against 155-millimeter fragments. The dual weapons mount, equipped with a .50-caliber machine gun and a Mark 19 grenade launcher, can be fired while the crew is inside the vehicle.

“If you look at a threat spectrum that’s anchored at one end by an unarmored Humvee, and the other by a Stryker, we feel that the ASV fills the gap between those two,” Moise said.

In addition to urban security and convoy escort, ASVs in Iraq have also been used in reconnaissance and surveillance, quick reaction force missions, cordon and search and urban extraction.

Although the ASV was not designed for convoy escort missions, it has been “pressed into duty as convoy escort vehicles because of the mine and improvised explosive device threats in Iraq,” said Moise. The M1117 can handle IEDs better than an armored Humvee. “Usually, when you think of convoys, you think of open road convoys,” Moise said. “Most of the time in Iraq, these convoys are running through small towns and cities, where they’re detonating IEDs. The ASV has been able to withstand these IEDs. In fact, some of our vehicles have been hit multiple times.”

One ASV returned 45 kilometers after an IED blew out all four tires, according to Sgt. Marshall Dickinson, with the 527th MP Company. “With that added protection, it was not as bad as it would have been in a Humvee. It shook us a little.”

The angled armor also deflected RPG rounds, Dickerson said. “RPGs damaged it, but they didn’t penetrate.” Dickerson, whose company served in the Iraq theater from February 2003 to February 2004, also liked the dual mount on the ASV, compared to the difficulty of mounting multiple weapons on a Humvee. His unit fielded platoons of three ASVs and three Humvees. “If we were in a firefight and just needed the M249 [machine gun], we could use the Hummers. If we needed the .50 caliber and the Mark 19, we could use the ASVs.”

The ASV had no problem keeping up with truck convoys. “It’s a large vehicle, but it rides smooth,” Dickerson said. Nor did it encounter difficulties in traversing Iraqi villages. “We went everywhere that a up-armored Humvee went.”

Moise conceded that the ASV’s armor, despite a ceramic composite applique, is vulnerable to RPGs. “We have taken a couple of RPG strikes that have glanced off because of the obliquity of the vehicle.” In any event, “if the enemy gets the right angle, no vehicle is going to survive an RPG, unless you have slat, active or reactive armor,” he added.

Marines in Iraq borrowed a few ASVs from the Army. Marine crews found the vehicles easy to operate because they use a newer version of the same Textron-built weapons turret found on the LAV-25, Moise said. Another user will be the Iraqi government, which has signed contracts for 63 ASV variants, including four turret-less command vehicles, two rescue-recovery versions and 57 armored personnel carriers that can accommodate 10 passengers.

Intended for the civilian government, rather than the Iraqi military, the vehicles lack weapons stations, but do have overpressure protection against chemical and nuclear agents. “These vehicles are for civilian government force protection, so they’re going to use them for high-profile escort,” Moise said. They are slated for delivery by September. A half-dozen other governments have expressed interest.

Textron already is looking at modifying the ASV based on feedback from users in Iraq, Moise said. While he declined to give details, possible upgrades include the vehicle’s mobility, armor and fire-control systems.
Enviado por: papatango em Abril 12, 2005, 08:47:26 pm
A volta do Chaimite, em força  :mrgreen:
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Abril 19, 2005, 09:38:16 pm


TC acusa Exército de ter desviado 55 M€ da LPM

O Tribunal de Contas (TC) acusa o Exército de desviar para despesas correntes um quarto das verbas da lei de Programação Militar (LPM) destinadas aos programas de reequipamento do Grupo de Aviação Ligeira (GALE) e Brigada Aerotransportada (BAI).

Em relatório divulgado esta quinta-feira, o tribunal estima que 55 milhões de euros, do total de 220 milhões de euros afectos aos dois programas para o período 1998-2001, tenham sido desviados dos fins previstos, e recomenda «exame detalhado e reforma dos sistemas de gestão e controlo interno da execução» das LPM.
Diário Digital / Lusa

Alguns esclarecimentos sobre esta notícia:

Enviado por: papatango em Abril 19, 2005, 11:48:32 pm
Bom, do mal o menos.
Também é interessante a conclusão relativamente aos melhoramentos dos M-60 (ou à sua inviabilidade).

Uma das coisas que é necessário cobrar deste ministro, é a substituição dos M-60, ainda mais que já houve  negociações sobre a questão com os Holandeses (que imaginem, querem dinheiropelos tanques) :mrgreen:

A marinha, tem duas fragatas,  NPO's, submarinos U-209PN e o NAVPOL decidido.

A Força aérea, Helicopteros novos, e MLU nos F-16, e o programa de substituição dos AVIOCAR em andamento

O exército até ao momento tem apenas a questão das VBR resolvida. Em termos de prioridade, este ministro tem que tratar da questão da arma ligeira, e também dos carros de combate.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 12, 2005, 10:28:14 am

LPM: relatório revela que o Exército foi quem menos gastou

Um relatório elaborado pelo gabinete do ex-ministro Paulo Portas e já entregue à Comissão Parlamentar de Defesa revela que o Exército foi o ramo com a mais baixa taxa de execução da Lei de Programação Militar (LPM), em 2004.

Segundo o mesmo documento, a que a edição desta quinta-feira do Público alude, o Exército gastou apenas 38 por cento da verba disponível, ou seja, cerca de 36 milhões de euros.
A baixa performance do Exército é explicada com os magros investimentos em alguns programas como o de reequipamento e modernização das infra-estruturas da Brigada Mecanizada Independente (Campo Militar de Santa Margarida), que quase não avançou no ano passado, o sistema de comando e controlo, comunicações e informações do Exército e o de unidades de apoio de combate.

De resto, devido a constrangimentos financeiros, este ramo já chegou, no passado, aliás, a utilizar verbas da LPM para despesas correntes de funcionamento.

Mesmo assim, a taxa de execução total da LPM foi, em 2004, a mais alta de sempre, atingindo os 67,95 por cento (em 2003, foi de 67,11 por cento).

O documento refere ainda que, na Marinha, o grau de execução foi de 87,7 por cento (cerca de 60 milhões de euros), destacando-se a compra de dois submarinos, os contratos para dois navios de combate à poluição, navios de patrulha oceânica e lanchas de fiscalização costeira, enquanto na Força Aérea, a utilização das verbas ficou-se pelos 80 por cento (cerca de 73 milhões de euros) devido, em grande parte, à modernização do sistema de armas dos caças F-16 e aos investimentos em material NBQ (protecção nuclear, biológica e química).

Elaborado pelo gabinete do ex-ministro Paulo Portas, o relatório recomenda ainda que seja revisto o mecanismo de cativação de verbas da LPM, previsto na lei do Orçamento do Estado, uma vez que, no ano passado, 20% do total da verba prevista na LPM foi logo cativada, ou seja, ficou nos cofres do Ministério das Finanças.

Portas defendia que a cativação deveria incidir não sobre «o montante global das dotações inscritas na LPM, passando a incidir apenas sobre o montante global menos o montante já cabimentado para fazer face aos contratos assinados e visados pelo Tribunal de Contas».

O ex-ministro da Defesa apela ainda à revisão rápida da LPM (que deve ser bianual), uma vez que o novo sistema de forças nacional foi aprovado em Conselho Superior de Defesa Nacional em Outubro do ano passado, pelo que a lei (de 2003) deve ser adaptada a essas novas prioridades.

12-05-2005 9:08:15
Enviado por: JLRC em Maio 17, 2005, 08:37:34 pm
Next-Generation Fighting Vehicles to Be Deployed by 2008
(Source: Korea Information Service; issued May 17, 2005)
 The Defense Ministry said on Tuesday (May 17) that it has developed a prototype of a state-of-the-art amphibious armored vehicle equipped with guided missiles and laser warning system.  
The new armored vehicles, called the Korea Next Infantry Fighting Vehicle (KNIFV), will be deployed in the military starting from 2008, as part of the ministry’s mid- to long-term weapons buildup program, Choi Chang-kon, a researcher at the Agency for Defense Development (ADD), said in a media briefing.  
The ADD, a state-run research institute, and other domestic companies including Doosan Infracore launched a weapons development project in December 1999, Choi said. The government will spend 91 billion won ($90.2 million) by 2006 for the development of the KNIFV, he said.  
“The new armored vehicles have far better capabilities than the K-200s which the military is currently operating,” Choi said. “It is also superior to the U.S. M2 Bradley and Russia’s BMP-3.”  
The 25-ton vehicle, which has a seating capacity of 12, is equipped with sophisticated anti-tank missiles, a 40mm anti-air craft gun and a 7.62mm machine gun, he said. It can move in the water with the help of an automatic airbag system on both sides of the vehicle.  
The fighting vehicle is also equipped with a high-tech identification system, dubbed the “friend or foe” system, using an ultraviolet sensor to detect the approach of enemy airplanes, Choi said.  
“We expect the KNIFV would be in high demand among Middle East and Southeast Asian countries because of its accessible price of $2.5 million and superior capabilities as compared to foreign vehicles,” he said. The 33-ton M2 Bradley and 18.7-ton BMP-3 cost some $4.5 million.  
A ceremony marking the production of three KNIFV prototypes will take place at a plant of Doosan Infracore in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province on Thursday (May 19), according to the ADD.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Junho 02, 2005, 11:55:29 am
Holland Orders 74 BvS10 All Terrain Vehicles from BAE Systems
(Source: BAE Systems; issued June 1, 2005)
 The Netherlands Defence Materiel Organisation has today signed a contract with BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds for 74 BvS10 All Terrain Vehicles valued at approximately 570 mSEK (approximately £43 million).  
The BvS10 is being acquired for the Royal Netherlands Marines. The vehicle will be procured in four variants; troop carrier, command, repair & recovery, and ambulance. They will be used for worldwide operation as logistics vehicles for carrying both troops and equipment. They will supplement the Bv206 vehicles in service with the Dutch Royal Marines since the early 1990s. Series deliveries of the BvS10 will commence in January 2006 and will conclude in April 2007.  
The BvS10 is the latest generation of the Land Systems Hägglunds All Terrain Vehicle family, and is based on more than 25 years experience of articulated all terrain vehicle design and production.  
Compared with the Bv206, 11,000 of which have been sold to forty countries around the world, the BvS10 has, in addition to armour protection, a higher load-carrying capacity and greater top speeds both on and off-road.  
The BvS10 is currently in operation with the British Royal Marines, and is under trial and evaluation in military procurement projects in France and Finland.  
Sven Kågevall, President of Land Systems Hägglunds, said:  
"We are delighted to be awarded this important contract, further cementing our relationship with the Netherlands. The BvS10 provides the Netherlands Royal Marines with the ability to safely transport personnel and equipment to remote and inaccessible places."  
"This contract also supports our marketing of the BvS10 and highlights the need for armoured all terrain vehicles in the future. The BvS10 has primarily been designed for multi-role worldwide operations, for emergency and peacekeeping operations, being capable of rapid deployment and outstanding performance."  
BAE Systems Land Systems is part of the CS&S and Land Systems group. It has some 5,100 employees across four business streams: Land Systems Hägglunds, Land Systems Weapons & Vehicles, Land Systems Munitions & Ordnance and Land Systems OMC.  
Land Systems' product portfolio includes military vehicles, main battle tanks, munitions, artillery, armoured personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, turreted weapon systems, engineering vehicles and bridging equipment that can be fully integrated and supported to meet a range of customer requirements.  
Land Systems Hägglunds designs, manufactures and markets military vehicle systems. The company's primary products are infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), armoured all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and turret systems. The head office and production facility is in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. Land Systems Hägglunds employs around 1100 personnel and in 2004 had a turnover of 3 billion Swedish Kronor (£223 million).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Junho 06, 2005, 01:34:34 pm
Patria to Take Part in Vehicle Bidding Process in the Czech Republic
(Source: Patria; dated June 2, web-posted June 3, 2005)
 Patria has received an RFQ for the rearmament of the Czech Armed Forces with new wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers and Infantry Fighting Vehicles.  
Patria now officially declares its intention to take part in the public tender process and capitalize on the efforts invested and local knowledge developed during its presence in the Czech Republic during the last three years.  
The procurement includes 199 vehicles and an option for 35 and its total value is approximately EUR 700 million.  
Patria offers the Czech Republic the Patria AMV 8x8 vehicle, the only fourth generation armoured wheeled vehicle now in serial production.  
Patria is an internationally operating Aerospace and Defence Group with significant positions in the Baltic region. Patria’s key business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortar systems, helicopters and aircraft, and life cycle support of these products. Patria delivers internationally competitive solutions to global markets based on its own specialist know-how and partnerships.  
Patria’s owners are the Finnish State and European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V.  
Título: Suiça congela venda de M113s ao Iraque
Enviado por: Normando em Agosto 16, 2005, 06:31:47 pm
Switzerland Freezes Armored Vehicle Deal with Iraq

Switzerland said Aug. 15 that it would freeze a deal to send armored personnel carriers to Iraq until Baghdad guaranteed that the vehicles would not be used in combat operations.

Economics Minister Joseph Deiss has ordered his staff to ensure that the 180 APCs will only be used for “police services, border protection and transport of material” before giving approval for the sale, a ministry spokesman said.

The announcement in June that Switzerland planned to offload 180 of its U.S.-made M113 vehicles to the United Arab Emirates provoked controversy.

Under the deal, the UAE was then to donate the Swiss Army surplus hardware to Iraq.

Critics across the Swiss political spectrum said this would breach the country’s longstanding tradition of neutrality, as well as legislation barring the export of military material to conflict zones.

They also raised the specter of Switzerland or its interests becoming a target for terrorists.

Swiss authorities had said that the APCs were due to be used to protect Iraqi security forces, which are the target of regular attacks by rebel groups, and that the deal did not break the law.

But Swiss media, citing the specialized U.S. outlet Defense Industry Daily, reported that the M113s were planned to form the core of a new armored division of the Iraqi army, alongside Hungarian-made T-72 tanks.
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 05, 2005, 08:46:30 pm
Transfer to Spain of Full Ownership of 108 Leopard Tanks
(Source: Spanish Government Cabinet; issued Sept. 2, 2005)

(Issued in Spanish only; unofficial translation by
 The Council of Ministers has approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the Spanish Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense of the Federal Republic of Germany for the transfer to Spain of full ownership of 108 Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks currently in service with Spanish Army units.  
On June 6, during the meeting in Germany between the Spanish and German Ministers of Defence, it was agreed that both parties would make the necessary efforts to resolve, by the end of the summer, issues that were pending since 1995 about the transfer of the 108 Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks.  
It also was agreed that full property rights of the 108 tanks and their related equipment, including training material and communications equipment, would be transferred to Spain.  
A total price of 16.2 million euros has been agreed for the 108 tanks, to be paid by June 2016 with no interest charges. When payment is completed, full ownership of the tanks will be transferred to Spain with no additional cost. Monies paid by Spain since 2001 on this account will be deducted from the total price.  
In this way, the acquisition cost of equipment related to the tanks will be reduced to 1.8 million euros, after deduction of payments made between 2001 and 2004.  
The remaining balance of 15.1 million euros will be paid between 2005 and 2016.  
Enviado por: Cody em Setembro 05, 2005, 09:51:31 pm
Asi es,esos 108 leopard ya son 100% de España.
Enviado por: typhonman em Setembro 05, 2005, 11:34:10 pm
Parabens :lol:
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 10, 2005, 12:59:04 am
Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) System Conducts Successful Test  
(Source: US Missile Defense Agency; issued Sept. 8, 2005)
 The U.S Army and the Missile Defense Agency announced today it has completed a successful intercept test flight of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile defense system at White Sands Missile Range, N.M.  
The test involved an engagement using two PAC-3 missiles against a short-range ballistic missile target. Preliminary test data indicates the first missile successfully intercepted its target and mission objectives were achieved.  
Objectives of this mission included demonstrating the performance of PAC-3 missile software changes and associated ground system software improvements. The test demonstrated the system's capability to detect, track, engage and intercept the target missile, Patriot-as-a-Target (PAAT), a Patriot legacy missile modified to represent a short-range aerodynamic ballistic missile target.  
Soldiers of the 1-7th Air Defense Artillery, Fort Bliss, Texas, participated in today's test.  
The PAC-3 system successfully completed operational testing and began fielding in 2002. It was first used in combat during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.  
The PAC-3 Missile is a high-velocity, hit-to-kill interceptor missile, and is the newest addition to the Patriot family of missiles. It provides increased capability against advanced tactical ballistic missiles, and other air-breathing threats, such as aircraft and cruise missiles.  
The Patriot PAC-3 program is managed by the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space and executed by the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Project Office in Huntsville, Ala. (ends)  
 Lockheed Martin's PAC-3 Missile Successfully Destroys Tactical Ballistic Missile in Test
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Sept. 8, 2005)
 DALLAS --- Lockheed Martin's Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) Missile successfully intercepted and destroyed an incoming tactical ballistic missile (TBM) today during a flight test at White Sands Missile Range, NM. The battle-proven PAC-3 Missile is the world's only fielded hit-to-kill, kinetic energy air defense missile.  
During the flight test, designated Task 2-2, two PAC-3 Missiles were "ripple-fired" at an incoming Patriot-As-A-Target TBM, a legacy Patriot missile modified to represent a short-range TBM. Preliminary data indicates the TBM was destroyed and all test objectives were achieved.  
"Today's test demonstrated software improvements in the PAC-3 Missile Segment and associated ground systems," said Richard McDaniel, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control's director of PAC-3 programs. "We also demonstrated the system's capability to detect, track, engage and intercept a threat- representative short-range TBM. No other air defense missile fielded today can protect our Soldiers like PAC-3."  
Patriot warfighters from units at Fort Bliss, TX, participated in today's mission. This test follows three successful PAC-3 Missile tests conducted in 2004. An additional PAC-3 test is scheduled for 2005.  
"We continue to mature our system's capability to pace the evolving threat," said Col. John Vaughn, Lower Tier Air & Missile Defense project manager. "Today's success helped validate several key enhancements we will provide to the warfighter to more effectively defeat these threats."  
Lockheed Martin is the only provider of proven hit-to-kill air defense systems capable of defeating threats potentially carrying biological, chemical and nuclear payloads. The PAC-3 Missile, Terminal High Altitude Air Defense System (THAAD) and the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS), which utilizes the PAC-3 as the primary interceptor, are elements of the terminal defense layer of the National Ballistic Missile Defense System.  
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control is prime contractor on the PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade to the Patriot air defense system. The PAC-3 Missile Segment upgrade consists of the PAC-3 Missile, a highly agile hit-to-kill interceptor, the PAC-3 Missile canisters (in four packs), a Fire Solution Computer and an Enhanced Launcher Electronics System.  
The hit-to-kill PAC-3 Missile is the most advanced, capable and powerful theater air defense missile. It defeats the entire threat to the Patriot Air Defense System: TBMs carrying weapons of mass destruction, advanced cruise missiles and aircraft.  
The PAC-3 Missile has been selected as the primary interceptor for the multi-national MEADS program. Managed by the NATO MEADS Management Agency (NAMEADSMA), MEADS is a model transatlantic development program focused on the next generation of air and missile defense. MEADS will focus on risk reduction, application of key technologies and validation of a system design incorporating the PAC-3 Missile as the prime interceptor.  
The Patriot PAC-3 program is managed by the U.S. Army and executed by the Army Program Executive Office, Air, Space and Missile Defense and the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Project Office in Huntsville, AL.  
Lockheed Martin is a world leader in systems integration and the development of air and missile defense systems and technologies, including the first operational hit-to-kill missile defense system. It also has considerable experience in missile design and production, infrared seekers, command and control/battle management, and communications, precision pointing and tracking optics, as well as radar and signal processing. The company makes significant contributions to all major U.S. missile defense systems and participates in several global missile defense partnerships.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Enviado por: fealcap em Setembro 25, 2005, 08:59:49 pm
En Aleman
Citação de: "Krauss-Maffei Wegmann "
Griechenland kauft Kampfpanzer LEOPARD 2

Vertreter der griechischen Regierung haben gestern in Berlin einen Vertrag über den Kauf von 183 gebrauchten Kampfpanzern vom Typ LEOPARD 2 A4 und 150 LEOPARD 1 A5 aus den Beständen der Bundeswehr unterzeichnet. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Vereinbarung zwischen der deutschen und griechischen Regierung, bei dem Europas Marktführer für gepanzerte Rad- und Kettenfahrzeuge, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, mit einem substantiellen Arbeitsanteil beteiligt ist.

"Die Entscheidung der griechischen Regierung über den Kauf weiterer LEOPARD-Panzer unterstreicht abermals die unangefochtene Spitzenstellung, die dieses Produkt von Krauss-Maffei Wegmann auf dem internationalen Markt einnimmt.“, so Frank Haun, Geschäftsführer und stellvertretender Vorsitzender von KMW.

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann wird mit der Instandsetzung und technischen Anpassung des Kampfpanzers LEOPARD 2 A4, sowie der Lieferung von Sonderwerkzeugen mit einem Auftragsvolumen von rund 150 Millionen Euro an diesem Regierungs-geschäft beteiligt sein. Darüber hinaus stellt KMW die Instandsetzungsfähigkeiten für den LEOPARD 2 A4 in Griechenland ab dem Jahr 2006 sicher.

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann
Die Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co.KG ist Marktführer in Europa für gepanzerte Rad- und Kettenfahrzeuge. Mit rund 2.500 Beschäftigten und einer umfassenden Systemkompetenz entwickelt, fertigt und betreut KMW als führender Systemhersteller ein Produktportfolio, das von luftverladbaren und minengeschützten Radfahrzeugen (Mungo und Dingo), über die Aufklärungs-, Flugabwehr- und Artilleriesysteme (Fennek, Panzerhaubitze 2000) bis hin zu schweren Kampfpanzern (Leopard 1 und 2) und Schützenpanzern (Puma) reicht. Auf die Einsatzsysteme von KMW verlassen sich weltweit die Streitkräfte von 25 Nationen. ... .php?id=29 (

En Frances

Citação de: "Armyrecognition"
Une représentation du gouvernement Grecque à signé à Berlin un contrat pour l'achat de 183 Leopard 2A4 et de 150 Leopard 1A5.

A Berlin le 03 août 2005, une représentation du gouvernement grecque a signé un contrat pour l'achat de 183 Leopard 2A4 et 150 Leopard 1A5 de seconde main qui proviennent de la réserve de l'armée allemande. Le contrat entre l'Allemagne et la Grèce implique un contrat de travail global pour la firme Krauss-Maffei Wegmann qui est le lader sur le marché Européen pour les véhicules blindés et véhicules chenillés. Krauss-Maffei Wegmann aura un partage de plus ou moins 150 millions d'Euro dans cette transaction gouvernementale pour l'entretien et les modifications techniques du Leopard 2A4 et l'approvisionnement d'outils spéciaux. En complément, KMW devra fournir des capacités de réparation pour le Leopard 2A4 en Grèce durant l'année 2006. ... 005_FR.htm (

Enviado por: 3520 em Setembro 25, 2005, 09:22:04 pm
percebe-se tudo,..  :P
Enviado por: Benny em Outubro 21, 2005, 07:58:18 pm
"Instandsetzungsfähigkeiten"??!! Mas que palavrão é este?
Enviado por: emarques em Outubro 22, 2005, 03:01:51 am
A minha ignorância parece discernir qualquer coisa sobre 183 Leo2 A4 e 150 Leo 1 A5 e o exército grego. O quê, exactamente, não sei. :)
Enviado por: fealcap em Outubro 22, 2005, 01:00:41 pm
Pues dice que los Griegos han adquirido eso 183 Leopard 2A4 y 150 Leopard 1A5.
Aparte hay que sumarles  170 Leopard 2 HEL (GR) que son Leopard 2A6EX y a los 160 Leopard 1V, 104 Leopard 1GR, 269 Leopard 1A5 que ya disponía. (

Un saludo
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 25, 2005, 07:21:23 pm
Spanish Army Awards General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas Euro 181 Million Contract for Howitzers
(Source: General Dynamics; issued Oct. 24, 2005)
 MADRID, Spain --- General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas has signed an eight-year, euro 181 million (US $216.2 million) contract to supply the Spanish Army with a total of 70 155/52 APU SBT howitzers. General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas is a subsidiary of General Dynamics.  
The contract includes the acquisition of four of the current 155/52 APU SBT (V07) howitzers, and design, development, production and delivery of 66 units of a new version of the howitzer (named SIAC) with improved mobility and new capabilities, including C2 integration. The contract also includes retrofit of 12 Army APU SBT howitzers from the V06 to the V07 version; 82 towing vehicles and radio communication sets; and integrated logistical support.  
Subcontractors on the program include Amper (Madrid, Spain) for communications equipment and Iveco (Turin, Italy) for vehicles.  
The APU SBT is a 155mm, 52 caliber towed/self-propelled howitzer developed by General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas; it provides substantial benefits thanks to a high rate of fire, high survivability, digital navigation and automatic laying system, low maintenance, and a reduced crew requirement. The Spanish Army has four 155/52 APU SBT (V06) howitzers already in service for field artillery and eight APU SBT (V07) howitzers integrated in a Coastal Artillery Group.  
General Dynamics Santa Barbara Sistemas, part of the General Dynamic European Land Combat Systems unit, employs approximately 2,300 people in nine facilities in Spain and Germany. It is the Spanish Army's main supplier of combat vehicles and ammunition. The company has production contracts for the Spanish Leopard tank and the Pizarro Infantry Fighting, in addition to other systems, and its products are marketed in 47 countries.  
General Dynamics, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, employs approximately 71,900 people worldwide and had 2004 revenue of $19.2 billion. The company is a market leader in mission-critical information systems and technologies; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and business aviation.  
Enviado por: Cody em Janeiro 17, 2006, 01:29:43 am




Imágenes de la Brunete.Bonitas eh?


Título: Pizarro
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 17, 2006, 10:16:30 am
Bem...Parece que os Pizarros nunca mais acabavam!
Enviado por: TOMKAT em Fevereiro 07, 2006, 04:51:14 am
Enviado por: TOMKAT em Fevereiro 07, 2006, 05:31:38 am
Enviado por: Marauder em Fevereiro 19, 2006, 01:56:33 pm

Canada develops new reconnaissance vehicle to strengthen light force capability
The Canadian Army is developing a new reconnaissance vehicle to fill the gap between the Mercedes Benz G-wagons and the Coyote Light Armoured Vehicle - Reconnaissance (LAV-Recce).
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 24 January 2006]

Dutch army gets Fuchs NBC vehicles
Rheinmetall Landsysteme (RLS) of Germany has delivered six Fuchs 6 x 6 nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) reconnaissance vehicles to the Royal Netherlands Army (RNLA).
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 16 February 2006]

US Army moves on joint Humvee replacement
The US Army has selected International Truck and Engine and Lockheed Martin to build demonstrator vehicles for an effort that will eventually lead to a replacement for the Humvees now in service with the army and the US Marine Corps (USMC).
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 16 February 2006]

Raytheon, ITT team up for software radios
Raytheon and ITT have teamed up to develop two radios that integrate some of the coming features of the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) into radios that can be produced as early as this year, the companies announced at the AUSA Winter Symposium and Exhibition in Florida.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 16 February 2006]

TacSAS battlefield weather-data system begins preliminary tests in Europe and US
A satellite data-based alternative to balloon-borne sounding systems for artillery met (meteorological) data acquisition on the battlefield has begun preliminary testing in the US and Europe.
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 11 January 2006]

Turkish defence budget sees increase
THE projected Turkish Ministry of National Defence (MND) budget for Fiscal Year 2006 (FY06) is fixed at TRY11.8 billion (USD8.6 billion); a slight increase over the previous year (TRY10.9 billion).
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to ( - 18 January 2006]

Russian minister cites rise in defence spending
Russia's defence industry has contracts and orders worth USD22 billion, while military equipment exports reached USD6 billion in 2005, according to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov. * Ivanov said contracts agreed in late December had boosted sales figures for the year, but did not outline specific contract details.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to ( - 23 January 2006]

Alcatel to maximise 'relationship' with Thales
Alcatel could be preparing to increase its holding in Thales from 9.5 per cent to around 30 per cent. * The French government - Thales' biggest share investor and holder of a golden share - will have the right to veto any major deals.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to ( - 3 February 2006]

Raytheon more than doubles 2005 net income
Raytheon has reported strong results for 2005 operations, more than doubling its net income to USD871 million. * The 2006 outlook remains largely unchanged, although a USD0.05 rise in earnings per share expectations was announced.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to ( - 3 February 2006]

Osa-1T upgrade boosts combat capability
The Belarus company Tetraedr has completed the development of its 9K33M3-1T OSA-1T upgrade for the 9K33M3 Osa-AKM (SA-8 'Gecko') mobile surface-to-air missile system, writes Miroslav Gyurosi.
[Jane's Missiles and Rockets - first posted to ( - 24 January 2006]

Raytheon demonstrates PAASM from digital launcher
Raytheon has successfully demonstrated its Precision Attack Air-to-Surface Missile (PAASM), a derivative of the Precision Attack Missile (PAM). The latter weapon is being developed in conjunction with Lockheed Martin under the US Army's Non-Line-of-Sight - Launch System (NLOS-LS) programme.
[Jane's Missiles and Rockets - first posted to ( - 24 January 2006]

US government certifies Cluster 2 JTRS
Having completed the necessary JTRS Technology Laboratory SCA verification assessment and operational trials last year, Thales Communications Inc (TCI) announced on January 5 that its Cluster 2 Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Enhanced Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio (MBITR), or JEM, had finally received its formal Software Communications Architecture (SCA) certification from the US government. This clears the way for the start of full-rate production that had originally been expected to begin in the first quarter of 2005.
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 17 January 2006]
Enviado por: Marauder em Fevereiro 21, 2006, 10:55:03 am
Enviado por: garrulo em Março 07, 2006, 02:26:13 pm
Portugal encarga treinta sistemas de armas a Santa Bárbara Sistemas.

La empresa General Dynamics Santa Bárbara Sistemas suministrará treinta sistemas d armas con cañones MK-30/2 para el Gobierno de Portugal, que se destinarán a 260 unidades del vehículo 8x8 Pandur II, adquiridos a la compañía austriaca Steyr Spezialfahrzeug por 344 millones de euros. Este pedido ha sido posible gracias a la ampliación de la licencia adquirida en 2004 a Máuser para la fabricación de estos sistemas de armas y la homologación de las instalaciones de Santa Bárbara Sistemas. Asimismo, este encargo supondrá para la factoría de La Vega (Asturias) un incremento en 15.000 horas de trabajo al incluir la fabricación del tubo del arma, el doble alimentador y las pruebas del montaje del cañón.
Título: Quem sabe que concurso de blindados é este ?
Enviado por: antoninho em Março 13, 2006, 03:46:43 pm
Caixa BI financia compra de aeronaves

O Caixa Banco de Investimento (CaixaBI), juntamente com o Barclays Capital, lideraram a operação de montagem do financiamento que vai permitir ao Estado português adquirir 12 aeronaves à EADS Casa, o que representa um investimento de 277 milhões de euros. Esta é a segunda operação de aquisição de equipamento militar que o CaixaBI financia. E o banco de investimento do grupo Caixa Geral de Depósitos quer continuar a participar neste tipo de operações, preparando-se para concorrer ao financiamento da compra dos carros blindados para o Exército, um negócio avaliado entre 300 e 400 milhões de euros e que deverá ser adjudicado até ao final deste ano. Fonte oficial da instituição confirmou ao DN que o banco pretende posicionar-se para participar nas próximas aquisições de equipamento militar previstas na Lei de Programação Militar.

O CaixaBI estreou-se nesta área de financiamento com a montagem do leasing operacional que permitiram à Força Aérea adquirir os helicópteros NH90. Nesta operação, o banco contou com a colaboração do Banco BPI.

A operação financeira feita para as aeronaves Casa C-295 é um leasing operacional estruturado, no âmbito do qual o equipamento é adquirido pela Defaerloc - Locação de Aeronaves Militares, uma empresa participada da Empordef , holding estatal para os negócios da Defesa. A Defaerloc locará os aviões ao Estado português, por um período de 16 anos. Durante os três primeiros exercícios, não haverá lugar ao pagamento de qualquer montante, por parte do Estado, que só começará a liquidar as prestações do financiamento a partir do início do quarto ano do contrato.

Do ponto de vista das instituições financeiras, este tipo de operações permite não só ganhar dinheiro com o spread (margem que o banco acrescenta à taxa de juro de referência), mas também com as comissões bancárias associadas ao serviço de montagem do financiamento. A escolha do CaixaBI e do Barclays foi feita através de um concurso aberto a todos os interessados. O principal critério de selecção dos financiadores foi o custo total a suportar pelo Estado com a operação de financiamento. C

retirei a noticia do diario de noticias do dia 23/02/06 e fiquei sem saber que raio de concurso é este dos blindados será que os pandur só agora vão arranjar financiador , ou vamos ter alguma surpresa , tipo centauro ou leopard
Título: Re: Quem sabe que concurso de blindados é este ?
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Março 13, 2006, 04:12:04 pm
Citação de: "antoninho"
O CaixaBI estreou-se nesta área de financiamento com a montagem do leasing operacional que permitiram à Força Aérea adquirir os helicópteros NH90. Nesta operação, o banco contou com a colaboração do Banco BPI.

Mais outras "pérolas":"permitiram" (passado), o mistério dos NH-90 desaparecidos 8), NH90 na Força Aérea, enquanto eles deverão ir para o Exército... :roll:
Título: Re: Quem sabe que concurso de blindados é este ?
Enviado por: Lightning em Março 13, 2006, 06:55:22 pm
Citação de: "antoninho"
Caixa BI financia compra de aeronaves

A Defaerloc locará os aviões ao Estado português, por um período de 16 anos. Durante os três primeiros exercícios, não haverá lugar ao pagamento de qualquer montante, por parte do Estado, que só começará a liquidar as prestações do financiamento a partir do início do quarto ano do contrato.

Isso do locará é um sinónimo de alugar, emprestar, o que é?
E no fim desses 16 anos o que é que acontece aos C295? É que uma aeronave com 16 anos está na meia idade, pode eventualmente precisar de um melhoramento ou não mas operar 30 anos é o normal.
Título: alocará
Enviado por: antoninho em Março 15, 2006, 05:57:18 pm
significa a mesma coisa de quando se compra um carro a leasing. A FAP na verdade é  dona e senhora dos aparelhos, responsável pela manutenção destes em todos os sentidos. A menos que o estado os deixa-se de pagar aí ....em caso de perda por acidente é que já não sei se o estado arranjou seguradora :arrow:
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 20, 2006, 09:18:21 pm
Saudi Arabia to trial Al Khalid MBT

By Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent

The Saudi armed forces are due in April to begin trialling the MBT 2000 Al Khalid main battle tank (MBT), manufactured by Pakistan's Heavy Industries Taxila. Islamabad is hoping that this will lead to the conclusion of the country's first large MBT export deal, Pakistani defence sources told JDW.

Pakistani defence officials said that if the tests are successful, Saudi Arabia could buy up to 150 Al Khalids in a deal worth up to USD600 million. This would be the largest single export contract of its kind ever for Pakistan's emerging defence industry.

The Al Khalid is of conventional layout, with the driver's compartment at the front, turret in the centre and the power pack at the rear. In many respects it appears to be almost identical to the Chinese Norinco Type 90-II MBT. The turret and hull are of all-welded steel armour construction and an additional layer of composite armour has been added over the frontal arc, to which explosive reactive armour can be added if required. Turret thickness at the front is estimated to be 600 mm with the glacis/nose estimated to be 450 to 470 mm. ... _1_n.shtml (
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 25, 2006, 12:24:30 pm
Enviado por: fealcap em Março 26, 2006, 01:24:18 pm
Chile ha realizado la compra de 100 Leopard 2A4 a Alemania

Esto se puede encontrar en la página 24 del pdf ... nce_de.pdf (

Un saludo
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 27, 2006, 11:18:43 pm
Citação de: "fealcap"
Chile ha realizado la compra de 100 Leopard 2A4 a Alemania

Esto se puede encontrar en la página 24 del pdf ... nce_de.pdf (

Un saludo

Até digo mais....comprou 118 Leopard. ... 343858.htm (
Enviado por: garrulo em Março 28, 2006, 03:26:30 pm
Si son 118,pero para las unidades son 93 y el resto para repuestos y versiones especiales.
Enviado por: fealcap em Abril 01, 2006, 08:52:55 pm
Tiene razón garrulo en mi opinión ha sido un error de Rheinmentall al apresurarse en publicarlo.

Un saludo
Enviado por: Marauder em Abril 06, 2006, 07:04:48 pm
Confirmado: Chile terá Leopard 2
Agora é oficial: o governo chileno assinou com a Alemanha a aquisição de cem carros de combate pesados Leopard 2, provenientes dos estoques excedentes do exército daquele país. Anteriormente, o Chile havia tentado adquirir Leopard 2 da Suíça, mas as negociações foram encerradas em outubro do ano passado.
O plano chileno, tornado possível pelo valor alto do cobre no mercado internacional, prevê a aquisição de um total de 260 Leopard 2. Está também sendo negociada a compra de outros veículos blindados, e já está acertado o fornecimento pelos Estados Unidos de aproximadamente uma centena de Humvees.

de: (

Cada site dá 1 numero  c34x ...
Enviado por: Marauder em Abril 06, 2006, 08:23:55 pm
Missil de Cruzeiro alemão entra em serviço ( Espanha compra 43) ... 60402.aspx (
Enviado por: Azraael em Abril 07, 2006, 01:20:37 am
Citação de: "Marauder"
Missil de Cruzeiro alemão entra em serviço

Ja aqui perguntei isto uma vez e nao obtive resposta...

Portugal nao andava a desenvolver uma coisa dessas?
Enviado por: Marauder em Abril 07, 2006, 11:01:28 am
Citação de: "Azraael"
Citação de: "Marauder"
Missil de Cruzeiro alemão entra em serviço
Ja aqui perguntei isto uma vez e nao obtive resposta...

Portugal nao andava a desenvolver uma coisa dessas?

  Que eu tenha conhecimento não...

            e pessoalmente eu não recomendaria um projecto 100% tuga disto. Mas sim, nossas empresas de defesa bem que se podiam envolver num projecto destes...
Enviado por: Azraael em Abril 07, 2006, 02:00:52 pm
Citação de: "Marauder"
Citação de: "Azraael"
Citação de: "Marauder"
Missil de Cruzeiro alemão entra em serviço
Ja aqui perguntei isto uma vez e nao obtive resposta...

Portugal nao andava a desenvolver uma coisa dessas?

  Que eu tenha conhecimento não...

            e pessoalmente eu não recomendaria um projecto 100% tuga disto. Mas sim, nossas empresas de defesa bem que se podiam envolver num projecto destes...

Esquisito... eu lembro-te de ouvir falar disto quando era "puto" (prai por alturas do Cavaco como PM), mas se calhar ficou tudo em aguas de bacalhau (como de costume).
Enviado por: Marauder em Abril 12, 2006, 12:35:54 pm
Noruega compra IVECO MLSs resistentes a minas ... x.php#more (
(Portugal em vez de andar a comprar "às mijinhas" para tapar buracos Hummers e alugar Rebecos deveria era decidir-se por renovar toda a sua frota por 1 único modelo, estilo este)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 28, 2006, 06:37:32 pm (
Enviado por: Marauder em Maio 10, 2006, 10:06:48 pm
Veículos anfíbios para o Uruguai
O Exército do Uruguai adquiriu 48 exemplares do veículo anfíbio de transporte Vodnik 39371, cuja entrega deve ocorrer nos próximos meses. Parte das viaturas será imediatamente integradas às missões de paz no Congo e no Haiti, ficando o restante no próprio Uruguai, à disposição do Sistema Nacional de Emergencias, para atuação no caso de desastres naturais. Pesando 7.500kg e com uma carga útil de 2.000kg, o Vodnik é produzido na Rússia e dispõe de um motor de 175 cv, podendo transportar onze pessoas. O valor da compra é de 5 milhões de euros, incluindo treinamento e preparação de técnicos, além da garantia de um ano (Juan Carlos Cicalesi-Santiago Rivas).

de: (

Novos veículos para o Ejército Argentino

Como parte do plano de modernização de veículos iniciado no ano passado pelo Ejército Argentino, aconteceu em abril a entrega, no Comando de Arsenales (em Boulogne Syrmer, Provincia de Buenos Aires) a entrega de viaturas (novos e recondicionados) àquela força. Os recondicionados eram 53 caminhões Unimog 416, 44 ambulâncias Unimog 416 (foto acima), nove caminhões REO e 22 cavalos mecânicos Fiat 697 (fotop abaixo). Os veículos adquiridos novos são 19 caminhões Mercedes Benz 1720 4x4, 23 do mesmo modelo mas 4x2, 31 ambulâncias Fiat Ducado para transporte de pacientes, cinco ambulâncias Fiat Ducado melhor equipadas, cinco ônibus Mercedes Benz Sprinter e cinco veículos do tipo tailift. Recorde-se que em fevereiro de 2005 haviam sido adquiridos 15 caminhões Mercedes Benz 1720 4x4, 12 ônibus e 22 ambulâncias Ducado. No final de 2005 a força também recebeu 110 Unimog (de carga e ambulâncias) e 15 caminhões Merdedes Benz 1518, todos recondicionados (Juan Carlos Cicalesi-Santiago Rivas). (Fotos: J.C. Cicalesi-S. Rivas)

de: (

Mais blindados para o Chile
A empresa belga Sabiex International anunciou oficialmente a venda ao Ejército de Chile de 139 Viaturas Blindadas de Transporte de Pessoal YPR765. A aquisição inclui variantes de transporte de tropas (armada com canhão de 25mm, como na foto), engenharia, ambulância, transporte de munição e posto de comando. Os veículos complementarão a frota de M113

de: (
Enviado por: Marauder em Maio 20, 2006, 11:37:18 am
Mercado de obuseiros autopropulsados
permanece ativo
Segundo o estudo “The World Market for Self-Propelled Artillery Systems”, recém-lançado pela empresa americana Forecast International, mais de 4.500 obuseiros autopropulsados, no valor de US$14 bilhões, serão absorvidos pelo mercado internacional até 2015. O líder de mercado nesse período será o veículo coreano Samsung Techwin K9 Thunder, que, incluindo o programa de produção sob licença na Turquia (com o nome de TUSpH Storm), será responsável por 21,76% em termos quantitativos, e por 31,02% em termos de valor. Obuseiros sobre rodas — como o GDLS Stryker Móbile Gun System (MGS) americano e o Giat Industries CAESAR francês — terão 7,64% do mercado quantitativo, e 8,37% em valores. Os obuseiros Krauss-Maffei Wegmann PzH2000, alemão, e o Mitsubishi Type 99, japonês — ambos estão entre os tipos mais sofisticados — serão responsáveis, respectivamente, por 6,26% e 3,26% em termos quantitativos; devido ao seu custo mais elevado eles representarão 11,44% e 9,58% do valor total do mercado, respectivamente.

de: (
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 24, 2006, 09:05:13 am
Additional Bv206S All Terrain Vehicles to the Swedish Armed Forces
(Source: BAE Systems Hagglunds AB; issued June 13, 2006)
BAE Systems Hägglunds AB has in a very short period of time received an order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) on additional armoured all terrain vehicles type Bv206S. The order amounts to 52 vehicles with an option to acquire additional vehicles.  
The order value is estimated to 260 million Swedish Kronor. With this order the Swedish Armed Forces will hold a vehicle fleet of totally 93 Bv206S.  
The reason why the Swedish Armed Forces now is expanding its possession of Hägglunds’ armoured vehicles is the need for tactical and strategic mobility, which is required in the rapid reaction force called Nordic Battle Group, which will be at EU’s disposal as from January 1st 2008. The Battle Group will be led by Sweden with participation from Finland, Norway and Estonia.  
Bv206S adds to the rapid reaction force ability to swift and safely transport troop and equipment to exposed and distant areas. Bv206S can be transported by air with several of the smaller airplanes and helicopter models, which makes it a very suitable vehicle alternative for rapid forces with high demands on tactical and strategical mobility and troop transport under protection.  
“Thanks to a very intense and meritorious work this order has been placed in a very short period of time. It is very satisfactory that we can respond to the narrow time schedule for delivery, set by our customer. We have great expectations that our armoured all terrain vehicles Bv206S and BvS10 increasingly will be demanded for by rapid forces in the future,” says Sven Kågevall, President of Hägglunds.  
The vehicle has full power on all four tracks at all times which, together with the ingenious steering device, gives superior mobility in all types of terrain. Bv206S is also fully amphibious and has a loading capacity of 1550 kg. A tow with a total weight of up to 2500 kg can be connected to the vehicle. The vehicle’s easy handling implies a minimum need of driving training.  
Totally, with this order included, 479 units of the Bv206S have been sold to Sweden, Germany, Italy, France and Spain. Bv206S is an armoured variant of Bv206, which has been produced by Hägglunds in over 11.000 units to about 40 countries worldwide.


Eslovénia escolhe Patria AMV ... _1_n.shtml (
(realmente é chato para a Steyr-Daimler-Puch..) ... 006396.php (
Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Junho 25, 2006, 11:42:58 am
Jane's Land Forces News Briefs - 23 June 2006

France receives first Special Patrol Vehicles
The French Army's Special Operations Command has taken delivery of the first of its 4x4 Special Patrol Vehicles (SPV) to equip selected special forces units. The order, for around 40 vehicles, was placed with Panhard General Defense in mid-2005, with final deliveries anticipated to take place in September 2006.
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 1 July 2006]

Slovenian MoD opts for FN Herstal F2000 assault rifle
The Slovenian Ministry of Defence (MORS) has signed a EUR13 million contract with FN Herstal and Slovenian company Arex for the delivery of 6,500 5.56 x 45 mm F2000 bullpup tactical assault rifles.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 22 June 2006]

Romania develops new 8 x 8 APC
Romania is expected later in 2006 to complete the first prototype of a new multirole 8 x 8 armoured infantry vehicle (AIV), dubbed 'Zimbru 2006' to meet the potential requirements of the Romanian Army.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 22 June 2006]

Israel Defence Force prepares to buy ATMOS
The Israeli Ministry of Defence is expected to order an initial batch of 18 Soltam Systems Autonomous Truck Mounted Howitzer Systems (ATMOS) - funding permitting - sufficient to equip one Israel Defence Force (IDF) artillery regiment with three batteries, each with six weapons.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 22 June 2006]

Competition develops for third Excalibur upgrade
A competition to develop a lower-cost version of the XM982-U Excalibur guided artillery projectile emerged in early June even as the US Army announced a contract to build a second batch of the munition supplied by Raytheon/BAE Systems Bofors.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 22 June 2006]
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 26, 2006, 09:05:19 am
BAE Systems Bofors to Upgrade Swedish Artillery
(Source: BAE Systems Bofors; issued June 12, 2006)
KARLSKOGA, Sweden --- BAE Systems has received approval from the Swedish Parliament for an upgrade of the Swedish artillery that will allow the Swedish Defence Material Administration to continue its program with the Archer System.  
"The Parliament has decided that the Archer program should be a joint program, primarily with other Scandinavian countries," said Urban Öholm, Sales Director for artillery systems.  
Archer is a 155 mm self propelled and self loading howitzer with a crew protected cockpit. BAE Systems Bofors has recently delivered the second demonstrator in the Archer Program.  
The first, delivered last year, has just finished a successful firing of the intelligent munition, Excalibur, a GPS guided munition developed in cooperation with Raytheon. The projectile was fired with the new modular insensitive charges developed by BAE Systems Bofors. The test firings hit well inside the targeted area and were considered a success.  
If the Swedish Armed Forces exercise their long term plan, they are expected to order 24 Archer Systems along with ammunition and support vehicles, modular charges and ammunition. The Archer is expected to be in full scale operation by 2011.

DGA Equips French Special Forces
(Source: DGA French defence procurement agency; issued June 13, 2006)
VILLEPINTE, France --- In 2006, the French defence procurement agency, Delegation Generale pour l’Armement (DGA) is providing the Special Operations Command with new helicopters and patrol vehicles.  
Eight EC725 HUS helicopters, of which six have already been delivered, will be operational by year-end. The performance of this aircraft provides the qualitative leap forward required by the special forces to carry out their missions: increased range and payload; high maneuverability at high all-up weight; all-weather capability; in-flight refueling; and high degree of protection.  
41 VPS four-wheel drive patrol vehicles, manufactured by Panhard, and intended for in-depth operations by small combat groups, will also be delivered this year. Again, these vehicles are particularly well-suited to modern combat conditions: they are transportable by helicopter; protected against anti-personnel mines; have a payload of one metric tonne, including a .50-calibre (12.7mm) heay machine-gun.  
First 1,000 FELIN Systems Ordered  
DGA recently awarded an order for the first 1,000 production FELIN future soldier systems. Beginning in 2008, they will equip the combat elements of one infantry regiment, at the same time as the Army will also take delivery of the first VBCI wheeled combat vehicle outfitted as a mobile support base.  
FELIN is a truly integrated weapon system, and was designed to optimize various capabilities of combat infantrymen, such as observation (by day and night, at long ranges), mobility (light weight, optimal interface, positioning and navigation aids), protection (low visual, acoustical and electro-magnetic signatures; armor protection) as well as enhanced communications and high-endurance power pack).

  :arrow: Jordania adopta camuflagem fractal nos veículos
( ... x.php#more (

Iraque desesperado compra +1000 camiões ligeiramente blindados à turca OTOKAR ... 60616.aspx (

e..Eslovénia contractualiza compra de F2000..
FN Herstal Awarded Major Contract for F2000 Assault Rifles

(Source: FN Herstal; dated June 2006, web-posted June 15, 2006)

Leading manufacturer of small arms FN Herstal in Belgium is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Defence in Slovenia has recently adopted the F2000 Tactical Assault Rifle and Grenade Launcher for all its Armed Forces. Deliveries will be completed in the course of next year.  
The F2000 won the competition after one year of successful tests carried out according to NATO standards by the Slovenian MoD.  
The F2000 Assault Rifle 5.56 mm calibre, which combines innovative features, modern technology and top quality components, is short in length, light in weight, modular and capable of taking a variety of accessories to meet the diverse operational requirements facing modern military units today and in the future.

Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 27, 2006, 11:43:42 am
Negócios com munições, camiões e helicópteros anunciados no Eurosatory (

Piranha IIIC para a Bélgica..
Thales Contributes to Mowag's Belgian Army Armoured Infantry Vehicle Programme Win
(Source: Thales; issued June 15, 2006)
The Belgian Ministry of Defence has awarded Mowag the contract for the first batch of new wheeled armoured vehicles under the Armoured Infantry Vehicle (AIV) programme. The contract calls for the delivery of 138 Piranha IIIC 8x8 vehicles in seven different variants.  
The multi-vehicle electronic architecture proposed by Thales in close cooperation with Mowag is one of the key factors in this success. As electronics become increasingly critical to the operational effectiveness of military vehicles, this new-generation electronic architecture provides a backbone to optimise integration of vehicle subsystems such as electrical power, voice, data and image communications and mission system management. The electronic backbone provides an advanced networking capability both inside and between the vehicles, which will play a key role in armed forces transformation and battlespace digitisation.  
The electronic architecture meets the following core customer requirements:  
-- increased operational effectiveness (acceleration of the tempo of operations) and better survivability  
-- a single architecture for all types of platforms and missions  
-- plug & play mission system support for scalability and upgradability  
-- compatibility and interoperability with NATO and other forces  
-- common architecture for reduced risks and cost.  
The award confirms Thales' major role in land systems and electronic architectures for vehicles, which are critical to the effectiveness of land-based platforms and their ability to accomplish their missions today and in the future.


Unidades aerotransportadas russas recebem novos veículos (

Tiger também já pode disparar mísseis Spike (para além dos anunciados Hellfire) ... _20_4.html (

SISU apresenta novo camião todo-o-terreno ... 006506.php (

Suécia expande frota dos cada vez mais populares Bv206S ... x.php#more (
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 28, 2006, 03:16:38 pm
Produção “nativa” de T-72 indianos atrasada 5 anos (

Rússia vai activar mais TOPOL-M ... 744307.htm (

Romania develops new 8 x 8 APC
Romania is expected later in 2006 to complete the first prototype of a new multirole 8 x 8 armoured infantry vehicle (AIV), dubbed 'Zimbru 2006' to meet the potential requirements of the Romanian Army.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 22 June 2006]
Israel Defence Force prepares to buy ATMOS
The Israeli Ministry of Defence is expected to order an initial batch of 18 Soltam Systems Autonomous Truck Mounted Howitzer Systems (ATMOS) - funding permitting - sufficient to equip one Israel Defence Force (IDF) artillery regiment with three batteries, each with six weapons.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 22 June 2006]
France receives first Special Patrol Vehicles
The French Army's Special Operations Command has taken delivery of the first of its 4x4 Special Patrol Vehicles (SPV) to equip selected special forces units. The order, for around 40 vehicles, was placed with Panhard General Defense in mid-2005, with final deliveries anticipated to take place in September 2006.
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 1 July 2006]

BAE realizará manutenção e reparação de APCs americanos ... /index.php (

Singapura “inaugura” esquadrão de Apaches ... 51/1/.html (

Austrália encomenda mais NH-90, (Blackhawk perde outra vez) ... 60624.aspx (

Coreia do Sul com novo sistema de comando ... 270039.asp (

..e vai lançar seu 1º satélite militar (
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 29, 2006, 11:52:25 pm
US vai colocar unidade Patriot no Japão ... 895614.php (

NATO quer apressar construção de radar ucraniano para “controlar” espaço aéreo russo

NATO wants Ukraine radar station control of Russia - expert
KIEV, June 23 (Itar-Tass) - NATO urges Ukraine to set up three radar complexes for control of Russia's air space.
Brussels "is ready to finance this project for creating a common radar field for controlling the air traffic", the Ukrainian newspaper Delo said on Friday, citing a military expert, Colonel Alexander Manachinsky.
He said that "representatives of NATO ask to install the radar stations in one of regions in eastern Ukraine and near Kiev and Borispol. For this reason a real goal of the alliance can be judged – controlling the air space of Russia," Manachinsky said.
If the radar stations are deployed, they will be able to monitor a major part of Russia's territory.
Manachinsky asserted that such complexes had been set up in the Baltic republics and Poland.
The director of the NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Ukraine, Michel Duray, said that NATO would spend about 10 million euros in Ukraine in 2006.
Of these funds, 5.8 million euros are slated for the scrapping of munitions, 700,000 euros for the "social retraining of military servicemen" and 800,000 euros for the retraining of personnel of the Defense Ministry and the Security Service.
A representative of the Ukrainian Centre of Army Studies, Conversion and Disarmament, Mikhail Samus, said that work was going on at the Kharkov Institute of Monocrystals to create "transparent armour". The institute refuses to call costs of the secret project.
fonte itar-tass

Russia oferece à Turquia Ka-52A para concurso de helicóptero de ataque
Russia Offers Turks Ka-52A Strike Helicopter
The results of the largest tender for the purchase by Turkey of strike helicopters, as expected, will be announced on Tuesday at a meeting of the country's defense industry executive committee. The project, estimated at 2.5 – 3 billion dollars, provides for obtaining 91 new generation combat helicopters for the needs of the Turkish armed forces.
Companies form France, Italy, the Republic of South Africa and Russia are participating in the tender being held by Turkey The Russian side is offering the Turks the Ka-52A strike ((UDARNO-SHTURMOVOY)) helicopter which is manufactured by the Kamov firm, and that fully meets NATO standards, in which Turkey is included, and is cheaper than Western counterparts.
In the even of this helicopter's selection, Russia promises to render aid to Turkey in the creation of its own helicopter industry and to arrange joint production of helicopters, including for sales to third parties.
Turkey has been trying unsuccessfully to realize a program for equipping the armed forces with combat helicopters since 1997.
((Rest about non-Russian stuff snipped.))
Source: 27.06.06, RIA Novosti
fonte military news yahoo

…e também na Índia.. ... 280313.htm (

No seguimento do concurso para futuro helicóptero indiano, Eurocopter planeia subsidiária na Índia ... 50&sid=BUS (

Series Production of Mi-38 Helicopter May Begin in 2009
((EXTRACT.  Much money stuff snipped.))
Certification of the twin-piloted "Ansat" ended in 200 for use of an emergency water landing system. Tests of obtaining additional certifications for increasing takeoff weight to three tonnes and installation on the helicopter of a fire fighting system have ended. The enterprise ((OAO Kazan' Helicopter Plant)) already has received 420 million rubles from sales of the helicopter. Last year flight tests of a training helicopter, the "Ansat-U," began, which was designed and assembled on order of the Russian Federation defense ministry for training cadets.  Tests of the Mi-8MTV5 helicopter have been made, and approval has been obtained for installation of new VK-2500 engines on the helicopter, which will allow basing the helicopter at an altitude of 5,500 meters and making flights at an altitude of more than 6,000 meters. The new Mi-38 helicopter is participating in the federal targeted program for Russian aviation, and 300 million rubles was allocated in 2006 form the federal budget. Its takeoff performance exceeded those declared in the technical task as a result of the tests. Work has begun on creation of a second experimental example. Series production of the helicopter is intended for 2009. A factory development – the ultra light-weight three-place "Aktay" helicopters has a chance to get into the federal program for upgrade of Russia's transportation system. The first prototype of the aircraft has been assembled for the time being, and series production may begin not earlier than 2009.
Source: 28.06.06, Intertat, Correspondent: Evgeniya Gazizova

military news yahoo
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 30, 2006, 11:48:56 am
Bulgária investe no melhoramento dos sistemas de comunicações do Exército ... -1263r.htm (

Saab lança novo Skeldar V-150 UAV ( ... 8b21819fb1 (

Testes demonstram limites do Apache no Inverno canadiano ... dd05a1d665 (

Patria Received AMOS Mortar System Order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
(Source: Patria; issued June 28, 2006)
Patria together with its co-operation partner BAE Systems Hägglunds of Sweden has received an AMOS mortar system order from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). The order contains development and production of two prototypes as well as an option on a number of series systems including both land and navy versions and ammunition. The total value of the order is approximately EUR 55 million and the two prototypes will be delivered in the beginning of 2011.  
The order of the Advanced Mortar System AMOS is a concrete result of the government and industry co-operation started in the mid 90´s between Finland and Sweden.  
The Finnish Defence Forces ordered 24 AMOS-AMV mortar vehicles in 2003 and the first vehicles were delivered in the end of March 2006. Together AMOS and AMV offer a unique solution for a wide range of support needs in many different environments and operations.  
"With these references from both Sweden and Finland we are very optimistic regarding future export possibilities with completely new product to launch on the world market," say both Mr Puputti, Executive Vice President of Patria's Weapon Systems and Mr Kågevall, President of BAE Systems Hägglunds AB.  
AMOS system has been jointly developed by Patria and BAE Systems Hägglunds, marketing and sales has been in responsibility of a joint company Patria Hägglunds Oy.  
The AMOS mortar system provides a completely new solution that is fast, accurate and efficient. AMOS is based on a twin-barrel 120 mm mortar turret. It is the only system in the market that can fire indirect MRSI fire with ten grenades hitting the target simultaneously. AMOS can also use direct fire in addition to conventional mortar trajectories. Efficient firing is provided by a semi-automatic loading system and a fully automatic laying system. AMOS can use any type of ammunition intended for 120 mm smoothbore mortars. It can also use guided PGMM ammunition currently under development.  
The AMOS system recently underwent with impressive test results an extensive series of firepower and mobility trials in Saudi Arabia with the system integrated on a Swedish BAE Systems Hägglunds CV90 infantry fighting vehicle. Tests included both indirect and direct firing both in daylight and at night.  
Patria is a Defence and Aerospace Group with international operations. Its key business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortar systems, helicopters and aircraft, and their life cycle support, as well as defence electronics systems. Patria delivers internationally competitive solutions to global markets based on own specialist know-how and partnerships. Patria is owned by the State of Finland and the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V.  
BAE Systems Hägglunds AB designs, manufactures and markets military vehicle systems. The company's primary products are infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), armoured all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and turret systems. The head office and production facility is in Örnsköldsvik. BAE Systems Hägglunds employs around 1100 personnel and in 2005 had a turnover of 2.2 billion Swedish Kronor (US$278 million).
Enviado por: Marauder em Julho 01, 2006, 10:59:05 am
Canada vai comprar 2.300 camiões ... 006621.php (

RU vai comprar 2.077 camiões à MAN, a somar a outros 5.000
Troops Keep On Trucking With New Deal
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued June 29, 2006)
The UK's Armed Forces will get an extra 2,000 trucks under a deal announced today by Defence Procurement Minister, Lord Drayson.  
The Defence Procurement Minister said the MoD was taking up an option to extend the £1.1 Billion contract it placed last year and would buy a further 2,077 vehicles in addition to the approx 5,000 earlier announced.  
Worth in the region of £250 million, the taking up of the option with MAN ERF UK Ltd is part of the MoD's biggest truck deal in over quarter of a century and will see a fleet of new trucks and recovery vehicles replacing the existing vehicles.  
Lord Drayson said: "By taking up this option our Armed Forces will take delivery of a further 2,000 modern, versatile and robust support vehicles which will carry out the vital task of supplying our front line troops. This is in addition to the 5,000 vehicles which we announced last year and which will start coming into service from next year."  
Helping support some 400 UK jobs the Support Vehicle programme includes a Contractor Logistic Support package which will lead to a long term partnering arrangement consistent with the DIS published last December. The vehicles are specially designed so they can be quickly fitted with 'armour kits' which will help protect drivers and crew from blast and small arms attack.  
The vehicles will be capable of transporting large quantities of bulk equipment to our front-line troops wherever they are operating. Partly built in the UK the new fleet will consist of a mix of cargo and recovery vehicles. They will replace the MOD's tri-service fleet of four, eight and 14 tonne cargo vehicles and recovery trucks.

E quando é que Portugal vai comprar camiões de jeito???

Sistema Avenger para o Egipto (outra coisa que bem faz falta à malta..)
Boeing Awarded Contract to Build Avengers for Egypt
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued June 27, 2006)
ST. LOUIS --- Boeing has signed a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreement with the U.S. Army to deliver Avenger short-range air defense fire units to Egypt. The $50 million contract includes associated spares and logistics support.  
The Avenger is the U.S. Army's mobile, shoot-on-the-move, short-range air defense system. Armed with Stinger missiles and a 50-caliber machine gun, Avenger provides effective tactical defense and convoy protection against helicopters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.  
"Avenger is a lethal forward-area air defense system with proven capabilities deployed worldwide," said Debra Rub-Zenko, vice president and program director for Boeing Integrated Missile Defense. "Through the cooperative efforts of the U.S. Army, Boeing is pleased to once again provide the Egyptian air defenders with increased Avenger force protection for their nation."  
The new contract calls for Boeing to deliver the Avengers by September 2008. Under a previous FMS contract, Boeing delivered Avengers to Egypt from 2000-2004.  
The Egyptian order will allow Boeing to restart the Avenger production line, which has been dormant since 2004. Having an active production line ensures Boeing's ability to respond quickly with an affordable short-range air defense solution for both domestic and international customers.  
Boeing assembles the Avenger in Huntsville, Ala. Boeing is the largest aerospace company in Alabama. Today, the workforce of nearly 3,300 employees perform leading edge work on an array of key space and defense programs including the Ground-based Midcourse Defense, International Space Station, Delta Launch Vehicles, Avenger, Arrow and PAC-3.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $30.8 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer; a foremost developer of advanced concepts and technologies; a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in sustainment solutions and launch services.

Novos mísseis PARS 3 para Tiger alemães
Germany Launches PARS 3 Main Armament for Tiger Helicopter
(Source: MBDA; issued June 30, 2006)
On 30th June 2006, the procurement contract for the PARS 3 Long Range precision fire-and-forget weapon system was signed in Koblenz by the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement (BWB), LFK-MBDA Deutschland and Diehl BGT Defence.  
PARS 3 LR (third generation missile/long-range) is the main armament for the Tiger helicopter ordered by the German Army. The contract for industrialisation and series production of the PARS 3 LR missiles will be managed by PARSYS, a joint venture between LFK GmbH (50%), now part of MBDA, and Diehl BGT Defence (50%).  
The contract, valued at EUR 380 million, covers industrialization and delivery of 680 missiles for the German Army by the year 2014.  
PARS 3 LR was developed for the Tiger support helicopter for defeating hardened high-value targets from a distance of up to 6,000 meters. The new fire-and-forget missile allows the helicopter to quit its position immediately after firing, thereby increasing the survivability of the platform and crew. The precision of the state-of-the-art missile is assured by the passive infrared seeker combined with the optical system, enabling unambiguous target identification and target designation over the entire range spectrum. The warhead has been proven against a variety of targets and has the growth potential to fulfil future requirements.  
Development of the overall PARS 3 LR system was formally completed in mid-2004. However, LFK GmbH has been manufacturing key components of the PARS 3 LR system which have then been integrated by Eurocopter into the platform since the series production contract for the 80 Tiger helicopters was signed in 1998.  
Werner Kaltenegger, Managing Director of LFK - MBDA Deutschland, said: "We are delighted to be able to sign this contract as it consolidates the German missile industry over a common programme and provides the best weapon solution for the Tiger and the Bundeswehr, while also securing our industrial capability and important key technologies for LFK, DBD and our subcontractors".  
Marwan Lahoud, MBDA's CEO, said: "This German procurement decision is a major step forward as it provides a European solution for the Tiger's main armament needs and a significant contribution of Germany to building up battlefield engagement solutions for Europe".  
With an annual turnover exceeding EUR 3.5 billion, a forward order book of over EUR 14 billion and over 70 customers worldwide, MBDA is a world leading, global missile systems company. MBDA currently has 45 missile system and countermeasure programmes in operational service and has proven its ability as prime contractor to head major multi-national projects. MBDA is jointly owned by BAE Systems (37.5%), EADS (37.5%) and Finmeccanica (25%).  
LFK is the German part of MBDA with approximately 1100 employees and an annual turnover of approximately EUR 400 million. LFK's main programmes include the transatlantic missile defence system MEADS, the stand-off cruise missile system Taurus KEPD 350, the PARS 3, the main weapon system for the Tiger helicopter, and the Milan ER/ADT, the new generation version of the successful antitank missile family developed with MBDA.

Alemanha vai comprar mais 149 Dingo 2
Bundeswehr Procures an Additional 149 Dingo 2 Vehicles
(Source: Krauss Maffei Wegmann; issued June 29, 2006)
MUNICH, Germany --- The Budget Committee of the German Parliament yesterday gave the go-ahead for the procurement of 149 all-protected transport vehicles, type Dingo 2, made by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW).  
The contract totalling approx. 109 million euros is to be awarded shortly. The vehicles to be ordered include 15 for the so-called immediate requirement.  
"With the Dingo 2, the German armed forces will be receiving the best protection available worldwide for their international missions", says Frank Haun, chairman of the KMW Board of Management. "Moreover, this contract underlines our leading defense systems expertise in the field of highly protected mobility", continues Frank Haun.  
In addition to the 52 vehicles already procured in 2005, the German Bundeswehr will thus receive further cross-country and airportable wheeled vehicles meeting the requirements for maximum mobility and optimum crew protection on the battlefield unequalled by any other vehicle on the world market.  
Modularity and Maximum Protection  
The Dingo 2 is available in several mission variants. An NC detector vehicle offers space for five crew members. Nuclear and chemical combat agents can be detected and analysed in the NBC-protected large safety cell of the Dingo 2. As an ambulant emergency vehicle with its medical equipment on board, the Dingo 2 permits mobile initial medical treatment of patients under ballistic, mine and NBC protection.  
It accomodates four crew and either two injured personnel or one contaminated patient in a personnel treatment chamber. This kit variant of the Dingo 2 equally features the known high level of mine protection.  
Dingo 2  
The Dingo 2 is a consistent upgrade of the Dingo 1 all-protected transport vehicle fielded in 2000 and proven in many international missions. In its current patrol and security version, it offers space for up to eight crew and affords maximum protection against modern hand-held weapons, artillery fragments, anti-personnel and anti-tank mines as well as against NBC agents. The UNIMOG chassis of high cross-country mobility provides the vehicle with maximum speeds of more than 90 kph and a radius of action of roughly 1,000 km. Moreover, the Dingo 2 is airportable on the C160 Transall, C130 Hercules and A400M transport aircraft.  
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH und Co. KG is Europe's market leader for armored wheeled and tracked vehicles. With a workforce of approximately 2,600 and extensive system expertise, KMW as the leading system manufacturer develops, manufactures and supports a product line-up ranging from air portable and mine-protected wheeled vehicles (Mungo and Dingo), to reconnaissance, air defense and artillery systems (Fennek, Gepard, PzH 2000) all the way to heavy battle tanks (Leopard 1 and 2) and armored infantry fighting vehicles (Puma). The armed forces of 29 nations worldwide rely on operational systems supplied by KMW.
Enviado por: Marauder em Julho 02, 2006, 11:42:13 am
Austrália e os seus futuros MRH-90s (notícia muy velha)
Official Contract Signature Between Eurocopter and the Australian Government Confirming the Order of 34 MRH-90s
(Source: Eurocopter; issued June 29, 2006)
Eurocopter's subsidiary, Australian Aerospace, and the Australian Defence Material Organisation (DMO) today signed the contract to provide 34 additional MRH-90 medium-lift helicopters to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the associated support for a period of ten years.  
The signing ceremony, which took place in Canberra, follows the announcement last week by Prime Minister John Howard and Defence Minister Brendan Nelson that the ADF was ordering the extra MRH-90s, the most advanced helicopter of its size in the world.  
Australia now has ordered 46 MRH-90s as part of the modernization and rationalization of its helicopter fleet, which will develop a hardened and networked defence force. This decision comes indeed less than two years after the Federal Government ordered the first 12 MRH-90s as additional troop lift helicopters. Already in December 2001, Eurocopter was selected to provide 22 Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH) to the Australian Army.  
Eurocopter warmly welcomes this decision, which confirms the leadership of its products in the military sector and the trustworthy relationship it has built with the Australian government.  
The MRH-90s, the world's most advanced medium-lift helicopter, was chosen ahead of the Black Hawk. It will now be stepped up at Australian Aerospace's Brisbane plant. Through-life support services also will take place in Australia.  
Expanding local production and support for the MRH-90s will make Australia one of the cornerstones of the global supply chain of the Eurocopter network, which includes Australian Aerospace.  
Together, the two MRH-90 contracts will generate 400 highly skilled jobs in Australia and will inject A$ 1.1 billion into the Australian economy.  
Eurocopter CEO, Fabrice Bregier, said: "this additional order confirms not only the superiority of the NH-90 in its class but also the strong links developed between Eurocopter and its Australian partners. It will be a major step ahead for the Australian industry and is fully in line with the worldwide expansion strategy of Eurocopter, which consists in developing long term industrial partnerships with major customer countries."  
The Australian version of the NH-90, called MRH-90, is a truly multi-role helicopter which carries more troops and more equipment, further and faster than other helicopters of the same weight. It can be configured in more ways and is fully interoperable with NATO and Coalition forces. The MRH-90 is ideal to operate from land and sea. Its composite construction means there is no corrosion. It is easy and quick to maintain and spends a greater percentage of its operational life in the air than other helicopters in this class.  
The NH90 is the biggest helicopter programme ever launched in Europe, with firm orders now at 391 units and options for a further 187. Customer countries which have placed firm orders are France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Oman and Australia. The latest countries to have officially selected the NH90 are New Zealand, Spain and Belgium. Due to its inherent multi-role capability, the NH90 is able to fulfil a large variety of missions and has been selected for Army, Air Force, Navy and SAR services by the respective customer nations.  
In Australia, Eurocopter, through Australian Aerospace and its Regional Centre of Excellence in Brisbane, assembles, tests, supplies, maintains, modifies and enhances civil and military aircraft for the Australian and export markets. Currently, it is assembling and delivering 18 of the 22 Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters to the Australian Army, to be followed by 42 of the 46 MRH-90s for the troop and utility lift role.  
At the same time, Australian Aerospace assembles and delivers the EC120 Colibri light civil helicopter for customers throughout the Asia Pacific region, as well as supporting the more than 350 Eurocopter helicopters currently active in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Australian Aerospace recently announced plans to invest a further A$ million in a state-of-the-art composite fibre manufacturing plant in Queensland  
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 13,000 people. In 2005, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world's No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 3.2 billion euros, orders for 401 new helicopters, and a 52 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group's products account for 30 percent of the total world helicopter fleet. Its strong worldwide presence is ensured by its 16 subsidiaries on five continents, along with a dense network of distributors, certified agents and maintenance centres. More than 9,500 Eurocopter helicopters are currently in service with over 2,500 customers in 139 countries. Eurocopter offers the largest civil and military helicopter range in the world.

Índia doa 2 radares ao Sri Lanka (

Exército Neo-zelandês recebe Javelin
Goff Announces New Army Capability
(Source: New Zealand Ministry of Defence; issued June 28, 2006)
"The New Zealand Army has increased its inventory of world-class equipment with the delivery of 24 Javelin medium range anti-armoured weapons," Defence Minister Phil Goff announced today.  
The new weapon systems are part of the Army's $26 million dollar modernisation project approved by the Government in 2001.  
"The Javelin is a state of the art and technologically advanced anti-armoured weapon, effective in destroying any armoured vehicle out to a range of 2500m," said Mr Goff.  
The introduction of the Javelin enhances the protection of the Army's soldiers, vehicles and equipment. The Javelin's optics and thermal imaging capabilities enable it to locate and accurately engage targets by day and night. The Javelin missile is effective against bunkers, buildings, boats and helicopters, as well as armoured vehicles.  
"The Javelin system includes both indoor and outdoor simulators that provide realistic training that has proved to be highly successful.  
"This approach to training has been effective overseas, with 92% of operators trained using the simulators, achieving a first time hit with live ammunition.  
"The Javelin medium range anti-armoured weapons are now in Waiouru where the initial training on the new weapon system will take place between July and December 2006," Mr Goff said.

Exército ingles contente com Apache ... 60630.aspx (

Holanda aprova mais Boxers AFV
GTK Boxer: Dutch Parliament Endorses Procurement
(Source: Dutch Ministry of Defence; issued June 28, 2006)
(Issued in Dutch only; unofficial translation by
State Secretary of Defence Cees van Der Knaap obtained a green light from a majority of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament for the joint purchase with Germany of the Boxer large wheeled armored transport vehicle.  
The price of the Boxer vehicle was reduced to an acceptable level after renewed negotiations with the Dutch manufacturer producer Stork.  
Boxer will replace the Dutch Army's obsolete YPR and M577 armored personnel carriers. The Netherlands want to buy 200 vehicles and the German army another 279.  
Germany wants to award the first order next year, while the Netherlands needs the vehicles only beginning in 2010.  
However, Germany can only proceed with the procurement phase if the Netherlands advance their own plans. Without Dutch participation, the expectation is that the price of the vehicle would increase considerably.

Novidades: Denel e AgustaWestland seguem em frente para a ronda final do concurso dos helicópteros de ataque turcos (

Canada para receber 2 Skylark UAVs ... 60701.aspx (
Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Julho 02, 2006, 04:56:29 pm

South Korea tests surveillance prototype
The Republic of Korea (ROK, South Korea) is testing from June to August an unmanned surveillance system aimed to enhance its coverage of the demilitarised zone along the common land frontier with North Korea.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 28 June 2006]

Pakistan strengthens forces on Afghan border
Pakistan is set to increase the strength of its army in the restive Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Afghan border by 10,000 personnel to bring the total to 90,000, according to Pakistani Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 28 June 2006]

India plans to expand number of special forces
The Indian Army is planning to expand its special forces (SF) despite the element's rudderless organisation and lack of dedicated funding.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 28 June 2006]

France is to upgrade VBLs in Afghan service
Panhard General Defense has been awarded a contract by the French Délégation Générale pour l'Armement (DGA) to supply 50 enhanced protection kits for the Véhicule Blindé Leger ( VBL) scout cars used by the French Army in Afghanistan.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 29 June 2006]

COUNTRY BRIEFING - IRAQ: Battle for control
The daily toll of civilian casualties in insurgent attacks, kidnappings and other acts of random violence is grim testimony to Iraq's continuing security crisis.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 29 June 2006]

Enviado por: Marauder em Julho 04, 2006, 10:43:34 pm
Será o Jeep do séc. XXI?


Novo veículo tático leve alemão
A Rheinmetall Defence mostrou em Eurosatory, pela primeira vez, seu novo Veículo Tático leve TOKEH, de alta mobilidade, destinado ao uso por forças especiais e especialmente projetado para ser transportado pelo helicóptero NH90, também visto na foto. O veículo é 4x4, sendo equipado com uma inovadora suspensão que permite o ajusta da altura livre em relação ao solo, além de pneus à prova de bala; a viatura possui também um sistema central para enchimento dos pneus. Impulsionado por um motor diesel IVECO F1A EURO 3 (2.300 cm3), o TOKEH pode transportar dois homens e uma metralhadora leve. A velocidade máxima em estradas é de 120km/h, e o gradiente máximo é 60%. e a viatura possui um sistema central para enchimento dos pneus. O comprimento do TOKEH é de 3,40m,  a largura 1,60m, e o peso máximo permissível é de 2,4t. (Foto: Rheinmetall Defence)

de: (

Aparentam ser baratos...
Enviado por: Luso em Julho 04, 2006, 10:58:22 pm
Os "jipes" a sério parecem estar de volta. Nos EUA estão a conceber um que seja compatível com o "pato" do V22.
Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Julho 11, 2006, 08:51:54 am

RG-31 mine-protected APCs proving popular
BAE Land Systems OMC has begun building a batch of RG-31 Mk 5 mine-protected armoured personnel carriers (APCs) for the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces under a USD11 million order placed in November 2005
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to ( - 07 June 2006]

US special ops rifle enters low-rate production
The US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has authorised low-rate production of the Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR), a multicalibre modular carbine that may point the way for future small-arms acquisitions
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to ( - 28 June 2006]

US seeks to switch body armour
The US Army is looking to replace its Interceptor Body Armour (IBA) with a new individual armour system that would increase a soldier's manoeuvrability and flexibility
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to ( - 28 June 2006]

COUNTRY BRIEFING - IRAQ: Battle for control
The daily toll of civilian casualties in insurgent attacks, kidnappings and other acts of random violence is grim testimony to Iraq's continuing security crisis
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to ( - 29 June 2006]

Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Julho 19, 2006, 09:07:58 am

Saab develops PLSS RWS surveillance mast for Swedish Leopard 2A5 MBTs
Saab Systems of Järfälla, Sweden, displayed the prototype of its Panoramic Low-Signature Sight (PLSS) remote weapon station (RWS) -- developed as a private venture -- at Eurosatory 2006 (12-16 June) in Paris. Sweden's FMV (Defence Materiel Administration) subsequently contracted Saab Systems to install the system on a Swedish Army Strv 122 (Leopard 2A5) main battle tank (MBT) and conduct trials. Prototype development is now complete
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 26 June 2006]

EURENCO shifts to large-scale production of insensitive projectiles at new facility
Mass production of insensitive projectiles started in late June 2006 at EURENCO's (European Energetics Corporation) Sorgues factory in southern France, where cast-cured plastic-bonded explosive (PBX) charges for army and navy projectiles will be produced on a large scale
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 27 June 2006]

General Dynamics pushes Piranha V for FRES
As the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) makes plans to select competing designs as candidates to fulfil the requirement for a utility variant of its Future Rapid Effects System (FRES) vehicle family, General Dynamics UK revealed further details of the Piranha IV 8x8 and the growth path to the highly protected Piranha V model now being postulated
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 04 July 2006

Taiwan switches from Tien Kung I to Tien Kung II
Taiwan plans to retire its Tien Kung I (Sky Bow I) surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems and to upgrade the missiles, radars and training simulator to the Tien Kung II (Sky Bow II) standard, writes Doug Richardson. Tien Kung II is less expensive than Patriot, so acts as a complement to the US system. Taiwan uses its Patriot systems to defend metropolitan areas, a task likely to be shared with the PAC-3 version, whose procurement has yet to be ordered. Tien Kung II defends airfields and military bases against aircraft threats
[Jane's Missiles and Rockets - first posted to ( - 05 July 2006]

GosCSI virtual-reality trainer promises to cut training costs for 3K38 Igla missile
For a defence journalist attending the Eurosatory defence exhibition, being invited for a drink or lunch is a fairly predictable event; being invited to shoot down a helicopter is not, writes Doug Richardson. But Dmitry Samoylov, of the Moscow-based GosCSI Federal State Unitary Enterprise, was determined to provide JMR with a hands-on demonstration of his company's new 9F874 virtual-reality (VR) trainer for the 3K38 Igla (SA-18 'Grouse') surface-to-air missile system
[Jane's Missiles and Rockets - first posted to ( - 05 July 2006]

France pursues ERC90 Sagaie re-gunning trial
French defence ministry (MoD) sources have confirmed to Jane's that a Panhard ERC90 Sagaie 6x6 reconnaissance and fire-support vehicle - currently armed with a 90 mm medium-velocity gun - is to be refitted with the CTA International (CTAI) 40 mm case telescoped weapon system (CTWS)
[Jane's International Defence Review - first posted to ( - 11 July 2006]

Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Agosto 07, 2006, 08:44:24 am
International Defense Exhibition of Land Forces IDELF -2006 - Moscovo

In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation Decree № 115-r of February 2, 2006 International Defense Exhibition of Land Forces IDELF -2006 will be held on August 2 – 6, 2006 in the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region. The Exhibition is included in the Intergovernmental Plan of Events on Celebration of 15th Anniversary of the Community of Independent States.

Organizer of the Exhibition - the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation has approved the following format of the IDELF 2006 Exhibition:

The basic exposition of IDELF 2006 will take place on the territory and on the scale of the main exhibition ground of Russia – All-Russia Exhibition Centre VVC (the total area of the VVC is 238 hectares).

Demonstration and business program of the IDELF-2006 Exhibition will involve the best facilities, pavilions and conference halls of the VVC (№№ 57, 20, 69). At the disposal of participants and visitors of the exhibition are specially equipped and decorated in the common renovated style outdoor grounds along the whole length of the All-Russia Exhibition Centre Central Alley from the historic arch of the Main Entrance till the Cosmos Pavilion. The total area of the IDELF Exhibition ground will exceed more than 50,000 sq. m.

Russian Military and Sport Foundation will organize National Youth Military and Sport Festival “Be Ready to Labor and Defence”, which will on the whole

 attach even more public and political importance to the exhibition event and will attract keen interest of numerous foreign and domestic mass media.

The Exhibition and numerous events within its framework will be attended by more than 1,000,000 visitors. Heads of the Russian Federation, high ranking officials from the central federal ministries, foreign guests, leading experts of the Russian Ministry of Defence, Federal Service for Defence Order, Federal Agency for Industry and other Federal executive bodies.

Tactical, technical and performance characteristics of various armaments and technical military equipment will be demonstrated on the testing and firing ranges of Moscow Region. For this purpose will be used forces and facilities of the Russian Ministry of Defence and of Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of the Interior. Two Russian Ministry of Defence Research Institutes take active part in preparation of these demonstrations.

It is necessary especially to mark international program of the Exhibition. At present contracts for organization of the national stands have been signed with the corresponding companies from Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, People’s Republic of China, Slovakia and Switzerland.

Poland, USA, Turkey, India, South Korea, South African Republic,  Kazakhstan,  have also expressed their interest in participation in the exhibition.

Besides their interest in participation in the exhibition have shown specialized foreign leading mass media editions – the largest publishing groups Jane's and MONCH.

It is expected that the exhibition will be visited by the official delegations from Indonesia, India, China, Malaysia, UAE, Jordan, Venezuela, Uganda, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Algeria, Libya, Angola, Guinea, Congo, Finland, Macedonia, Syria, Bangladesh, Poland, Korean People’s Democratic Republic, Yemen, Greece, Uzbekistan, Sudan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Iran, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Cuba, Cyprus, Nigeria, Armenia, Senegal, Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kirgizia, Estonia, USA, Canada, EU members states, etc.

All issues of technical, organizational, informational, marketing and promotional work for preparation and holding the 2nd International Defence Exhibition of Land Forces «IDELF-2006» are entrusted to JSC “Bizon” Moscow). (
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Outubro 19, 2007, 06:58:24 pm
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Armored Vehicles


The Pentagon has approved the expansion of the MRAP program to over 20,000 vehicles. The US Army plan to increase its fleet of MRAP vehicles from the planned 2,300 to 17,700. The Marines's allocation will remain at 3,400 and special operations forces will receive about 300 (170 have already been ordered). This plans will virtually phase out the HMMWV from use in combat patrols and high risk missions. Responding to the urgent requirement, the Army plans to have all 17,700 MRAPs in theater by April 2009. To accomodate this plan all suppliers are expanding their production facilities to speed up deliveries, reaching several hundred vehicles per month by the automn of 2007. By July 2007, 6415 vehicles are on order and the Pentagon expects 3,500 of them to be delivered to US forces in Iraq by the end of 2007.


The total procurement of MRAPs for all services could surpass 20,000 units, with an estimated procurement cost above $10 billion. However, the MRAP life cycle cost is expected to rise significantly above that level, due to the need for frequent damage repair resulting from high operational tempo and frequent battle damage. Some estimates value the program's life cycle cost at about $20 billion. The up armored Humvees proved vulnerable in Iraq and Afghanistan, resulting in the growing demand for vehicles that could better withstand roadside bomb blasts.

Between October and December 2006 the U.S. Navy evaluated nine suppliers for the procurement of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) trucks, destined to augment and later replace up-armored HMMWVs currently operating in Iraq and Afghanistan. The new vehicles provides much improved protection , specifically against Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), which cause 70% of all U.S. casualties in Iraq.

The initial joint services program, was expected to cost over US$2 billion is being managed by the US Marine Corps. However, given the poor performance of lightly armored vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan, the realistic requirement for MRAP rose to over 7,700 vehicles, worth an approximate $8.4 billion. Some 3,700 MRAPS will go to the USMC while the Army plans to buy 2,500. The Army is expected to get much more than what it currently plans, as priorities are changed and additional funding allocated. MRAP is the "highest priority Department of Defense acquisition program," Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote in a memo sent in early May 2007 to the secretaries of the Army and Navy. Current forecasts based on urgent requirements directed by the Department of Defense, call for the rapid acquisition of 17,000 - 20,000 heavily armored MRAP vehicles, replacing protected HMMWV currently operating in theater. Despite the demand, manufacturers are producing the vehicles at full capacity and it is doubtful if they can increase production further in the near term.

Previous MRAP models (including Cougar JERRV and Buffalo mine protected trucks) are currently in service in Iraq and AFghanistan. These armored vehicles have a proven record of saving lives by augmenting the current level of mine, rocket propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices (IED) protection with a V-shaped hull and raised chassis.


Of the original 4,100 vehicles included in the initial program, 1,500 will be Category I Mine Resistant Utility Vehicle (MRUV) (designed for the US Marines and U.S. Navy use) while 2,600 will be Category II Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle (JERRV) destined mostly for U.S. Army units.

According to the original plans, the Army would get 2,500 vehicles, the USMC: 1,022 and Navy: 538. As mentioned above, the Army plans to significantly increase its procurement, with over 10,000 additional vehicles. Current MRAP, considered to be better protected against IEDs, mines and, if required - RPGs, is expected to significantly improve the protection of troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The vehicle will use bullet-proof armor and are designed with V shaped hull, deflecting the blast effect created by mines or IED explosions.

By February 23, over $200 million were awarded to five contractors for the low-rate initial production of some 400 vehicles, both category I and II MRAPs, including Cougars,RG-33Ls, Alpha, Golan and RG-31s. By April 24, an additional orders for more than 1,190 MRAP vehicles was awarded to Force Protection.

In July 2007 Armor Holdings' Stewart Stevenson subsidiary received production orders for 1,170 Caiman model MRAP vehicles based on the company's FMTV truck. The Caiman vehicle is based on Stewart Stevenson's FMTV truck chasis, applied with bullet proof armor and IED protection to fulfil the MRAP mission.


Further orders were issued to Oshkosh for 100 Alpha vehicles and to PVI for 60 Golan based MRAP were issued in March 2007. BAE Systems received orders for 90 4x4 and 6x6 RG-33s.

The U.S. Navy program office has allocated over US$34.5 million for the initial evaluation phase of 36 vehicles. Nine contracts have been awarded last week to most producers of armored vehicles, excluding AM General, (AMG) the producers of the HMMWV, which will continue production of the lighter, Up Armored vehicle under existing programs. The joint venture between AMG and AMG Each company will deliver four test vehicles (two per category), within 60 days. Among the contractors are some of the well established names, such as BAE Systems, GDLS and Force protection, and truck producers Oshkosh, International and Stewart & Stevenson (Armor Holdings) but also smaller producers of special armored vehicles, such as New Haven, Michigan based GPV and PVI, based in North Charleston, S.C. The full list of MRAP contractors include:

BAE Systems, Ground Systems Division - RG-33
Oshkosh Truck Corporation - Alpha (designed by PVI)
Protected Vehicles, Inc. (PVI) - Golan, Alpha
General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada - RG-31
Force Protection Industries, Inc. - Cougar, Buffalo
Armor Holdings, Inc. Armored FMTV
International Military and Government LLC (APC)


Due to the tight procurement schedule, only commercially available designs were considered. The vehicle should be designed for off-road and highway mobility, and be configured for personnel, cargo and litter transportation. Two versions of the targer truck size vehicles are considered - a Cougar sized, 38,000 pound (17 tons) vehicle with a payload capacity of 5,000 pounds (2.25 tons), that will be able to carry 6 – 10 troops (about 2,000 vehicles required). The vehicle will be configured to carry existing gunner protected turrets or remotely controlled weapon stations, enabling the gunner to load, operate and engage targets from fully protected positions. To improve recovery after mine damage, the vehicle will be built of modular components that could break away from the vehicle in the case of a blast. Its energy absorbing seats should be capable of withstanding the accelerative effects of mine blasts. The truck sub-category also includes a larger 45,000 pound (20 tons) armored truck, (Buffalo size) are also required by the USMC and Navy.


truck manufacturers Oshkosh and International were selected among nine companies, each providing two Category I and two Category II vehicles for testing. The Category I vehicle is the smaller of the two vehicles, intended for urban operations and referred to as the Mine Resistant Utility Vehicle (MRUV). The Category II vehicle is a larger platform, designated as the Joint Explosive Ordnance Disposal Rapid Response Vehicle (JERRV), and is designed to carry up to 10 passengers on multiple types of missions.

International Engines and Trucks (IET) has teamed with the Israeli armor expert Plasan Sasa to provide protected Mine Resistant, Ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles. The two companies have already completed another armoring design, fitting add-on armor cab to the MXT-MV utility vehicle. International’s trucks will utilize a modular concept to armor its trucks for the MRAP bid. The design maintains the standard chassis to ensure commonality and enable worldwide support, while assembling the modular, V-shaped crew compartment hull on top. The V-shaped hull helps to deflect any blasts from underneath the truck to dissipate around the crew area, minimizing damage. The chassis types selected for the bid include commercial trucks built to carry heavy loads, therefore accommodating the weight of protective armor built into the truck design. This design maintains the vehicle's maneuverability even under full loads.


International's has an armor integration center in Mississippi, and is teamed with Israeli armor expert Plasan Sasa to design and produce the protection suit for International's MRAP model. In March 2007 the company will deliver to the U.S. Marines four vehicles for testing. In June 2007 International receivd an initial order for 1,200 Category I MRAP vehicles.

The armor protection of the vehicle include mine protection and ballistic protection of the full, roof protection from overhead airburst and side protection against fragmentation and blast. The transparent armor windows will have protection level equal to or greater than that of the ballistic armor on the vehicle, and will have built-in gun-ports. RPG protection could also be an option.

Enviado por: Lancero em Novembro 02, 2007, 03:29:31 pm

The first shipments of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles arrived at Camp Liberty in western Baghdad and are being fielded to units who operate in areas with the highest threat levels. The 40-hour training course at Camp Liberty is designed to teach Soldiers how to operate, maintain and drive the new MRAP vehicles. These are the first of an estimated 7,000 MRAP vehicles expected in theater by early summer.

Marines Urge Caution on MRAP Fielding  |  By Christian Lowe  |  October 19, 2007

Marine commanders in Iraq are asking the Pentagon to slow down deployment of IED-resistant vehicles in order to give them more time to figure out how best to employ the heavily-armored trucks, a top Corps official Wednesday.

Congress and the Pentagon have devoted billions to a crash program to field so-called Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles that are said to protect troops from deadly roadside bombs more effectively than up-armored Humvees. But the vehicles are more than four times heavier than an armored Humvee and may require different tactics for their use.

"I would say 'relax,' we don't know how we're going to use them, nobody does," said Brig. Gen. select Larry Nicholson, deputy commander of the Marine Corps Combat Development Command based in Quantico, Va. "And anyone who says ... 'this is exactly how many we need and this is exactly how we're going to use them' is not being truthful."

Commanders in Iraq are asking military officials in the U.S. to send "a few more" MRAPs, "then let us figure it out," Nicholson said during a panel discussion on the future of the MRAP, sponsored by the non-partisan Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a defense think tank with close Pentagon ties.

The push-back from the field stands in sharp contrast to Pentagon moves to field more than 15,000 MRAPs over the next two years, including 1,500 by the end of 2007. The Marine Corps has an estimated 380 MRAPs in service with II Marine Expeditionary Force in al Anbar province so far, and the service is forecasted to receive a total of 3,700 MRAPs.

Nicholson strongly advocated the deployment of MRAPs for Marine operations in Iraq; despite his caution on the rate they'd be fielded.

The MRAP "is a vehicle that allows us to get to, and circulate amongst, the population better," he said. "The continued introduction of the MRAP as the primary transport vehicle will not change the way we conduct counterinsurgency."

But analysts with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, who sponsored the Oct. 16 event on Capitol Hill, said the MRAP has yet to prove its place in future service equipment plans. The gas-guzzling MRAP could impose a strain on logistics, suck funding away from needed vehicle upgrades in the future and could run counter to the intent of counter-insurgency doctrine, which stresses close contact with the population.

"Our concern is there seems to be this rush to judgment on spending a fairly large amount of money on a program that hadn't been planned for and not much discussion about how you actually plan to operationalize this and incorporate it into the force," said Dakota Wood, former Marine transport officer and co-author of the CSBA analysis report "Of MRAPs and IEDs: Force Protection in Complex Irregular Operations."

MRAPs are said to cost as much as $800,000 per vehicle, he added, with up-armored Humvees coming in at about $150,000 each - leading Wood to call the MRAP a "million dollar Kleenex."

The Pentagon plans to spend nearly $25 billion on MRAP buys.

Other experts disagreed with the CSBA report, however, saying MRAP use today hasn't precluded troops from dismounting their vehicles and interacting with the Iraqi people.

"I generally agree with the purchase of MRAPs in large numbers," said retired Army Col. Bob Killebrew, a former Special Forces officer and frequent Pentagon consultant, during the panel discussion. "I find unpersuasive the argument that MRAP will have some kind of doctrinal impact on the conduct of the war in Iraq."

"It will have no effect at all on the current tactics of putting troops out on the beat and on their feet taking on insurgents in Baghdad and elsewhere," Killebrew added.

While the CSBA report cautioned that the heavy MRAP vehicle would overburden an Army and Marine Corps aiming toward a more expeditionary future, others countered that the lust for lightness has been proven empty given the difficulties of counterinsurgency operations.

"This slow building of alliances and the confrontation of growing terrorist threats by other people's armies who have more at stake in it than us is going to be the next military strategy of the United States," Killebrew said. "We should build as many [MRAPs] as we need now to protect our troops in Iraq, and we should be prepared, as we withdraw eventually, to turn over MRAPs to people who are going to live in that area and who are going to have to continue to contend with the war."

Fonte (http://http)
Enviado por: Bulldozer em Novembro 05, 2007, 03:13:01 pm
O RC6 começa hoje e vai estar estes dias a fazer manobras e fogo real na Serra da Cabreira em Vieira do Minho... Alguem sabe de que exercicio se trata?
Enviado por: Daniel em Novembro 05, 2007, 04:19:03 pm
El Ejército gastará 320 millones en blindados diseñados contra minas

A sólo cuatro meses de las elecciones generales, el Ministerio de Defensa se propone lanzar uno de los programas más ambiciosos del Ejército: el Plan de Renovación de Vehículos Blindados, que supondrá la adquisición en los próximos años de entre 570 y 600 unidades de distintos modelos por unos 320 millones de euros.Hoy mismo, el Consejo de Ministros tiene previsto aprobar la primera fase del plan, que incluye la adquisición de 40 vehículos por 14 millones de euros. La compra se hará por el procedimiento de máxima urgencia, de forma que estén disponibles entre finales de este año y el primer trimestre de 2008.

La razón de tanta premura radica en la necesidad de proteger a las tropas españolas desplegadas en Afganistán y Líbano frente a lo que constituye su principal amenaza: las minas y los artefactos explosivos improvisados (IED), así como las granadas de carga huecas. Más de la mitad de los militares occidentales muertos en Irak y Afganistán han sido víctimas de atentados con explosivos. Diez soldados y un traductor del Ejército español (seis en Líbano y cinco en Afganistán) han perdido la vida en cuatro ataques de este tipo en los últimos 16 meses.

Los vehículos que adquirirá Defensa no sólo disponen de un blindaje más robusto que los actuales, sino que están especialmente diseñados para resistir este tipo de ataques; por ejemplo, con el chasis en forma de uve para facilitar la dispersión de la onda expansiva.

Los MRAP (vehículos protegidos frente a ataques con minas, según sus siglas en inglés) no son una panacea, según fuentes militares, pero sí constituyen la mejor defensa posible en este momento, como prueba el que muchos países de la OTAN los estén adquiriendo.

La primera fase del programa, de carácter urgente, se completará con una segunda, que debe estar concluida en el año 2013, y que supondrá, en conjunto, la compra de 220 vehículos; de los que 120 serán de escuadra (para cuatro o cinco militares) y 100 de pelotón (diez soldados con todo su equipo).

La culminación del programa supondrá el desarrollo de una nueva familia de vehículos polivalentes -en principio, en versión ocho por ocho ruedas- dotados de módulos intercambiables, de forma que la misma plataforma pueda reconvertirse en sólo una hora en un vehículo de transporte de tropas, centro de mando o ambulancia.

El objetivo no es sólo ir sustituyendo a los Blindados Medios de Ruedas (BMR), con 30 años de antigüedad, sino también a los Vamtac (Vehículo de Alta Movilidad Táctica) y a los Aníbal, que son mucho más recientes.

Aunque aún no se conoce cuál será el modelo elegido, los que se barajan para el de cinco plazas son el MLV (Vehículo Ligero Multirol), de la firma italiana Iveco (que ha sido adquirido por los ejércitos del Reino Unido, Bélgica y Noruega), además del italiano; el Eagle de la firma Suiza Mowag, que pertenece a General Dynamics, propietaria de Santa Bárbara Sistemas; y el Dingo de la alemana KMW. El Ejército de Tierra español ya dispone del blindado Centauro de Iveco y del Leopard de KMW; y la Infantería de Marina, del Piranha de Mowag. Respecto al vehículo de diez plazas, los principales candidatos son el RG-31 Nyala, fabricado en Suráfrica por BAE Land Systems OMC; y el Golan de la israelí Rafael.

Probablemente, por razones de premura, los primeros vehículos se adquieran por procedimiento negociado, mientras que se convoque un concurso público para comprar los siguientes.

Fuentes de Defensa indicaron que el ministro José Antonio Alonso dio instrucciones antes del verano para que se preparase un programa destinado a mejorar las capacidades de autodefensa, superioridad en el enfrentamiento y enlace y comunicaciones de los vehículos de transporte terrestre. Las mismas fuentes insistieron en que el plan de renovación no supone que los modelos en servicio sean malos, sino que hay que adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías, amenazas y requerimientos.

El programa de los nuevos vehículos no figura en los presupuestos para 2008, pero el pasado 11 de octubre la secretaria de Estado de Defensa, Soledad López, anunció que antes de que acabara el año se aprobaría la compra de un "número mínimo" de unidades con capacidad de defensa contra minas, ya que "la seguridad de las tropas" constituye la primera prioridad.

Enviado por: Lancero em Novembro 10, 2007, 08:22:32 pm
US to purchase $700m worth of arms from Israel

Weapons and technological systems to be acquired from Jewish state's defense industries include navigation and attack sensor system for combat aircraft, UAV and advanced pilot helmets

Yitzhak Benhorin Published:  11.09.07, 22:26 / Israel News  

WASHINGTON – The US Congress on Friday approved the purchase of weapons and technological systems from Israel's defense industries for $700 million.

The advanced technological products will be acquired as part of the American security budget for the coming year to be used by US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The purchase of weapons from Israel is not part of Israel's annual defense aid from the United States, which amounts to $2.4 billion and is expected to grow in 2009 to an annual average of $ 3 billion for the following 10 years.

Only one part of the security budget – the production of the Arrow anti-ballistic missile system and the research and development of other defense missiles, the cost of which is estimated at $155 million – is related to special US aid, with the American Boeing company involved in the manufacturing of parts of the Arrow missile.

The weapons and components to be purchased by the US include Lightning – a navigation and attack sensor system for combat aircraft produced by the RAFAEL Armament Development Authority.

This system replaces obsolete systems and enables US pilots in Iraq to operate both in the day and in the night under all weather conditions. The system's purchase price is estimated at $39.6 million.

The Israel Aerospace Industries' Hunter unmanned aerial vehicle will be bought for $36.5 million. The use of UAVs allows the US military to locate targets and then examine the results of the strike without putting pilots in danger.

Elbit's pilot helmet systems will be purchased for $37.5 and RAFAEL's Typhoon stabilized marine gun system will cost $16 million.

In May, the US Congress also approved the purchase of reactive Israeli defense systems placed on American Bradley fighting vehicles in Iraq. This systems helps the American APCs escape antitank missiles.

Fonte (http://http)
Enviado por: zecouves em Novembro 12, 2007, 10:30:33 am
Citação de: "Bulldozer"
O RC6 começa hoje e vai estar estes dias a fazer manobras e fogo real na Serra da Cabreira em Vieira do Minho... Alguem sabe de que exercicio se trata?

Exercicio de preparação para a Nato Response Force 11.
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 07, 2007, 03:04:08 pm
Dia do Exército: ... %20do%20Ex (ército.pdf
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 07, 2007, 03:04:54 pm
Dia da Brigada de Reacção Rápida: ... de%20R%20R (ápida.pdf
Enviado por: Lancero em Dezembro 24, 2007, 01:57:03 pm

New armored vehicle bullish in Pentagon test

By Tom Vanden Brook - USA Today
Posted : Monday Jun 11, 2007 13:30:45 EDT
A new armored vehicle capable of protecting troops against the deadliest roadside bombs in Iraq has been successfully tested by the Pentagon and could go into production immediately, according to its manufacturer and a U.S. senator.
The vehicle, known as the Bull, has proved effective at repelling blasts from explosively formed penetrators. These roadside bombs have been particularly lethal in Iraq because they can pierce even heavily armored vehicles. The Bull’s method for defeating these bombs is classified, said Marc King, vice president of armor operations at Ceradyne Inc., the vehicle’s manufacturer.
The Army declined to comment on the vehicle because it has not issued contracts to purchase it, said Dave Foster, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon. The Marines are evaluating the Bull and its effectiveness, said Bill Johnson-Miles, a Marine spokesman.
USA Today has reported that Marine Corps officials in Iraq had issued an urgent plea to bolster the armor on new vehicles being built. The request noted that Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, which the Pentagon already is scrambling to build and ship to Iraq to counter conventional makeshift bombs, need more armor to deal with EFPs.
The Pentagon has ordered 7,700 MRAPs. The Army is considering ordering an additional 17,000, according to estimates from military documents.
Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., criticized the Pentagon for not moving fast enough to field both vehicles.
“The ball is being dropped again,” said Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Today, we have two main threats. ... We have proven technologies to beat these threats: the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle and the Bull.”
Improvised explosive devices have taken an increasingly heavy toll on U.S. troops in Iraq. Nearly 80 percent of U.S. troops killed in Iraq last month died in roadside bomb blasts, according to Pentagon records. In January, IEDs were responsible for 39 percent of deaths.
Marine Gen. Peter Pace, outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, noted that there were 69 attacks by EFPs in April, the highest monthly number recorded.
King said the Bull had passed limited government tests, including most tests for survivability. The vehicle can be configured to transport troops or haul cargo, he said. King envisions the Bull to be a complement to the MRAP.
“It can ... perform against the most lethal threats on the battlefield at a high probability of success,” he said.
The Bull would cost about $500,000 per vehicle. By comparison, the most common version of the armored Humvee costs $150,000. The cost of the MRAPs ranges from $700,000 to $1 million, Pentagon documents show.
King said his company could produce 100 vehicles per month, but the Pentagon has not ordered any.
That irks Biden.
“I’m tired of hearing that there might not be enough money,” he said. “Tell us what you need to protect our soldiers and Marines, and we will find a way to pay for it.”
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 07, 2008, 12:47:41 pm
Decisão polémica de Severiano Teixeira

O ministro da Defesa escolheu o último vice-chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército para presidir ao Instituto de Acção Social das Forças Armadas.

A decisão de Severiano Teixeira gerou mal-estar na Armada, por representar a quebra nas regras de rotação pelos três ramos das Forças Armadas.

video: ... 46&tema=28 (
Enviado por: lazaro em Fevereiro 07, 2008, 02:00:02 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Decisão polémica de Severiano Teixeira

O ministro da Defesa escolheu o último vice-chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército para presidir ao Instituto de Acção Social das Forças Armadas.

A decisão de Severiano Teixeira gerou mal-estar na Armada, por representar a quebra nas regras de rotação pelos três ramos das Forças Armadas.

video: ... 46&tema=28 (

Guerrinhas de poleiro ... :roll:
Enviado por: Garcia em Fevereiro 07, 2008, 07:29:41 pm
Nao será mais correcto colocar um elemento de cada ramo como estava antes?

Enviado por: Lancero em Junho 17, 2008, 03:41:24 pm
Defesa: França suprime 54 mil postos nas Forças Armadas e cria Comando Conjunto

Paris, 17 Jun (Lusa) - O Presidente francês, Nicolas Sarkozy, apresentou  hoje em Versailles a nova doutrina de segurança nacional francesa, com uma  nova reorganização das forças armadas que prevê a redução de 54 mil dos  seus 320 mil efectivos.  


   A redução será partilhada pelos três ramos das Forças Armadas, embora  a Força Aérea sofra uma redução de um quarto dos seus efectivos, ao passo  que o Exército e a Marinha sofrerão cortes nas fileiras da ordem dos 17  e 11 por cento.  


   O objectivo do novo Livro Branco francês para a Defesa indica que o  Estado deve caminhar em direcção à criação de umas Forças Armadas mis pequenas  e melhor equipadas.  


   À semelhança da intenção anunciada pelo governo português, o executivo  francês também vai adoptar também um Comando Conjunto para os três ramos  das Forças Armadas e financiar a aquisição de equipamento militar através  da redução de efectivos e e instalações militares.    
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 17, 2008, 03:57:47 pm
Citação de: "Lancero"
O objectivo do novo Livro Branco francês para a Defesa indica que o  Estado deve caminhar em direcção à criação de umas Forças Armadas mis pequenas  e melhor equipadas.

Quero um livro branco português :D .
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 17, 2008, 04:07:29 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"

Quero um livro branco português :oops:  :shock:  :?
Enviado por: old em Junho 17, 2008, 04:10:54 pm
Citação de: "Lancero"
Defesa: França suprime 54 mil postos nas Forças Armadas e cria Comando Conjunto

Paris, 17 Jun (Lusa) - O Presidente francês, Nicolas Sarkozy, apresentou  hoje em Versailles a nova doutrina de segurança nacional francesa, com uma  nova reorganização das forças armadas que prevê a redução de 54 mil dos  seus 320 mil efectivos.  


   A redução será partilhada pelos três ramos das Forças Armadas, embora  a Força Aérea sofra uma redução de um quarto dos seus efectivos, ao passo  que o Exército e a Marinha sofrerão cortes nas fileiras da ordem dos 17  e 11 por cento.  


   O objectivo do novo Livro Branco francês para a Defesa indica que o  Estado deve caminhar em direcção à criação de umas Forças Armadas mis pequenas  e melhor equipadas.  


   À semelhança da intenção anunciada pelo governo português, o executivo  francês também vai adoptar também um Comando Conjunto para os três ramos  das Forças Armadas e financiar a aquisição de equipamento militar através  da redução de efectivos e e instalações militares.    

Algunos errores:

El ejército contará con 130.600 efectivos (-17%), la fuerza aérea con 50.000 (-24%) y la marina con 44.100 (-11%). La parte esencial de esa reducción debería afectar, sin embargo, a los sectores de apoyo y de logística.

El ejercito de Tierra debera de deshacerse de unos 100 carros de combate Leclerc

La marina tendrá que poder alinear una fuerza aeronaval con un grupo aéreo completo, 18 fragatas de primer rango y 6 submarinos nucleares de ataque. Se aplaza la construccion del 2º Portaaviones.

La fuerza aérea contará con un parque único de 300 aviones de combate (Rafale y Mirage 2000 modernizados) y deberá poder enviar 70 aviones (contra 100 en la actualidad) "a un teatro de operaciones distante entre 7000 y 8000 kilómetros". Ese esquema se completa con un sistema de alerta de unos 10 aviones.

Por su parte, el dispositivo de disuasión nuclear conserva sus dos componentes (misiles balísticos y bombarderos). El primero está compuesto de cuatro submarinos nucleares lanzamisiles.
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 17, 2008, 04:11:13 pm
Então isso do livro branco existe mesmo? Eu estava no gozo, mas deve ser na mesma linha dos 50 programas que vão mudar as forças armadas. ... gramas.htm (
Enviado por: Lancero em Junho 17, 2008, 04:19:50 pm
Citação de: "old"
Citação de: "Lancero"
Defesa: França suprime 54 mil postos nas Forças Armadas e cria Comando Conjunto


   A redução será partilhada pelos três ramos das Forças Armadas, embora  a Força Aérea sofra uma redução de um quarto dos seus efectivos, ao passo  que o Exército e a Marinha sofrerão cortes nas fileiras da ordem dos 17 e 11 por cento.  

Algunos errores:

El ejército contará con 130.600 efectivos (-17%), la fuerza aérea con 50.000 (-24%) y la marina con 44.100 (-11%).

Onde estão os erros?  :?
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 17, 2008, 04:20:10 pm
Até há uma mais recente...

 :twisted: é só rir :roll:
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 17, 2008, 09:33:37 pm
Por último, o programa de melhoria das capacidades de apoio aéreo próximo e a
aquisição das capacidades de vigilância e reconhecimento resulta da necessidade de
substituição dos “ALPHA-JET” por aeronaves mais capazes para operarem em conjunto
com forças nacionais e aliadas em situações de crise ou conflito de baixa intensidade.
As aeronaves a obter destinam-se a ser empregues na interdição do campo de batalha e
no apoio aéreo próximo, tal como os aviões de ataque, podendo operar em conjunto com
os “F-16” (com MLU) e trocar dados entre si. Além de poderem efectuar ataques em
profundidade, fornecem a uma força conjunta meios de reconhecimento e escolta de
meios de progressão e ataque de alvos seleccionados.

Que avião estariam a pensar?
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 17, 2008, 10:33:38 pm
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Que avião estariam a pensar?

Penso que poderiam nem estar a pensar num avião em particular, como nessa altura (anos 90) o Alpha Jet equipava 2 esquadras, a 301 de ataque e a 103 de instrução, a ideia era uma aeronave que substituisse o Alpha Jet nessas duas esquadras.
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 18, 2008, 01:42:46 am
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
Até há uma mais recente...

 :twisted: é só rir :lol:  :oops:  :x



Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 18, 2008, 02:09:52 am
Não sei se ria se chore, mas acho que nem uma coisa nem outra, ja me habituei ao "nada fazer", ou quando se faz é sempre já tarde, veja-se os U-214, e ainda estou admirado ainda hoje como se lembraram de ir buscar as M-Class a Holanda.
Enviado por: jmg em Junho 18, 2008, 07:02:27 pm
Eu acho que as coisas estão a mudar e desde o senhor Fernando Nogueira que não se assistia a tais mudanças.
Quem espera sempre alcança e temos Pandur, Leo II A6, Novas Fragatas classe Bartolomeu Dias, EH 101, C 295, U 209 PN, novo concurso para aquisição de espingarda ligeira, pistola, metralhadora ligeira.....
Pronto acho que para um país como o nosso podemos estar atrsados no reequipamento mas mesmo assim não vamos mal.
Eu tenho fé. :jaja2:
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 12, 2008, 10:54:26 pm

Eu tentei procurar no fórum e não vi nada, mas se esta informação for repetida apaguem:



Country     Military Spending (Billions of $)     World Ranking
United States    711.0    1
China    121.9    2
Russia    70.0    3
United Kingdom    55.4    4
France    54.0    5
Japan    41.1    6
Germany    37.8    7
Italy    30.6    8
Saudi Arabia    29.5    9
South Korea    24.6    10
India    22.4    11
Australia    17.2    12
Brazil    16.2    13
Canada    15.0    14
Spain    14.4    15
Turkey    11.6    16
Israel    11.0    17
Netherlands    9.9    18
United Arab Emirates    9.5    19
Taiwan    7.7    20
Greece    7.3    21
Iran    7.2    22
Myanmar    6.9    23
Singapore    6.3    24
Poland    6.2    25
Sweden    5.8    26
Colombia    5.4    27
Norway    5.0    28
Chile    4.7    29
Belgium    4.4    30
Egypt    4.3    31
Pakistan    4.2    32
Denmark    3.9    33
Indonesia    3.6    34
Switzerland    3.5    35
Kuwait    3.5    36
South Africa    3.5    37
Oman    3.3    38
Malaysia    3.2    39
Mexico    3.2    40
Portugal    3.1    41
Algeria    3.1    42
Finland    2.8    43
Austria    2.6    44
Venezuela    2.6    45
Czech Republic    2.5    46
Romania    2.3    47
Qatar    2.3    48
Thailand    2.3    49
Morocco    2.2    50
Argentina    1.9    51
Ukraine    1.7    52
Cuba    1.7    53
Angola    1.6    54
New Zealand    1.5    55
Hungary    1.3    56
Ireland    1.1    57
Jordan    1.1    58
Peru            1.1    59

( ... st_global/ (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 28, 2008, 09:57:17 am
Turks Buy Protection From Russian Weapons

August 26, 2008: Turkey has spent $100 million to buy S-300V (SA-12), S-300 (SA-10) and Tor-M1 (SA-15) air defense systems from Ukraine and Belarus. The U.S. also did this in the 1990s, to develop electronic countermeasures against these systems. Turkey also wants to develop countermeasures, and sell hardware and software for this on the international market. The U.S. kept its countermeasures classified.

The Tor-M1, known to NATO as the SA-15 Gauntlet, has a maximum range of 12 kilometers. It is only effective up to 6,000 meters altitude. The system was designed as a successor to the SA-N-8 Gecko. Each launcher carries eight missiles, and it is claimed to be capable of engaging two targets simultaneously. The system was designed to be a tactical battlefield air-defense system, designed to take out close-air-support planes like the A-10 or tactical fighter-bombers like the F-4, F-16, and F-18.

 Roughly equivalent to the U.S. Patriot, the Russian built S-300 was known as the SA-10 to NATO, when the system first appeared in the early 1980s. Improved versions were tagged the SA-12. S-300 missiles weigh 1.8 tons each and are 26 feet long and about 20 inches in diameter. The missiles have a range of 70-100 kilometers (depending on the model) and can hit targets as high as 100,000 feet. The missile has a 320 pound warhead.

Russia sold the S-300 to Cyprus in 1998, but Greece ended up with them to settle a dispute between Cyprus and Turkey (a long story…). The Turks want S-300 countermeasures in case the Greek Cypriots get their S-300s operational, and get into a fight with the Turkish Cypriots (who are defended by 15,000 Turkish troops.) ... 80826.aspx (
Enviado por: triton em Agosto 28, 2008, 07:46:39 pm
Citação de: "jmg"
Eu acho que as coisas estão a mudar e desde o senhor Fernando Nogueira que não se assistia a tais mudanças.
Quem espera sempre alcança e temos Pandur, Leo II A6, Novas Fragatas classe Bartolomeu Dias, EH 101, C 295, U 209 PN, novo concurso para aquisição de espingarda ligeira, pistola, metralhadora ligeira.....
Pronto acho que para um país como o nosso podemos estar atrsados no reequipamento mas mesmo assim não vamos mal.
Eu tenho fé. :jaja2:

mais vale tarde que nunca.

e para um país como o nosso até nem estamos muito mal, mas podíamos estar como os nuestros hermanos
Enviado por: MoisésPMagalhães em Agosto 28, 2008, 08:57:20 pm
Realmente a evolução do reequipamento das nossa Forças Armadas, parece-me no bom caminho, no entanto tivemos anos na travessia de um longo dezerto, que decerto terá consequências no curto e médio prazo, será necessário formação e consequentemente a experiência para os novos equipamentos, tudo levará o seu tempo.
Quanto aos nossos vizinhos, acredito que mais importante que a qualidade dos equipamentos que poderão ter do outro lado da fronteira, a alma portuguesa tal como no passado, fará sempre a diferença.

Enviado por: PedroM em Agosto 28, 2008, 11:05:23 pm
É engraçado como "o pessoal"  :D  sempre faz comparações com Espanha.
Talvez isso seja normal dado que durante vários séculos fomos inimigos e, nos dias de hoje, se alguma ameça houvesse (que não há), para o território nacional essa só poderia vir de lá. Apesar de sabermos que são fantasiosas, improváveis e escassissimas as possibilidades de algum conflito, a lembrança do passado ainda subsiste. Creio que por isso Espanha está muitas vezes no nosso subconsciente.

Eu também concordo com as opções de reequipamento do exército e das FA's em geral.
Elas têm por objectivo permitir a Portugal responder às ameaças dos dias de hoje; colaborar com os aliados em missões no exterior quando tal é necessário, vigiar o oceano à nossa frente e assegurar alguma capacidade de intervenção "a solo" ou com outros países de expressão portuguesa no âmbito da CPLP, em caso de crise nos PALOP se para tal formos requisitados.
A própria politica de reequipamento das FA's é a prova provada de que Portugal não vê a Espanha como ameaça, se tal acontecesse as opções seriam certamente outras e obrigariam a um esforço financeiro muito mais substancial do que aquele que está previsto na LPM.

Por acaso eu até sou daqueles que pensa que Portugal pode e deve fazer um significativamente maior esforço financeiro no que se refere à aquisição de equipamentos militares, não porque acho que vá ser necessário defendermo-nos de Espanha, mas para possibilitar a Portugal uma maior capacidade de intervenção nas missões e cenários em que participa no âmbito da NATO ou UE, dando maior "visibilidade" ao país, e para melhor vigiar e exercer a soberania no Atlântico à nossa frente.
Enviado por: MoisésPMagalhães em Agosto 29, 2008, 12:16:29 am
Caro PedroM, o conflito aguarda-nos onde se menos espera, até posso concordar com a possibilidade escassa de um conflito com Espanha no presente, mas fantasiosa nunca! a nossa história ao longo de oito séculos de existência, assim nos obriga, mas será necessário conhecê-la.

Temos que estar atentos aos sinais dos tempos, tenhamos capacidade de interpetar o exponencial militar e a crescente visão geoestratégica do país vizinho procurando-se assumir como uma potência regional á qual indubitalvelmente por razões geográficas pertencemos, a ameaça será sempre sentida mesmo que dissimulada, quando Portugal, entender ter interesses que não sejam coíncidentes com os de Madrid, é a minha convicção.

O reequipamento das nossas FA's e num conceito mais alargado, o da própria Politica de Defesa, deverá em primeira instância e sempre, obdecer a pressupostos e a requesitos na defesa da sua SOBERANIA, tudo o resto, será importante na medida do possível e do aceitavel, mas concordo plenamente que a nossa capacidade de poder intervir em operações internacionais, não só nos dará visibilidade, mas credibilidade e prestígio, pois penso que no actual contexto internacional as nossas FA's são o braço armado da nossa Política Externa.

Enviado por: PedroM em Agosto 29, 2008, 11:58:23 pm
Caro MoisesPMagalhães,

Respondi ao seu post em Geopolítica/Portugal/Portugal Arrisca-se a ser um Estado Exíguo?

Creio ser esse o local mais adequado para o proseeguimento deste debate.

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 11, 2008, 12:32:35 pm
Aconselho todas as pessoas a verem este vídeo: (
Enviado por: lazaro em Setembro 12, 2008, 03:23:03 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Aconselho todas as pessoas a verem este vídeo: (

Interessante de facto. Vi ali coisas que parecem dignas de critica no ambito táctico mas como não se está lá, mais vale a apena ficar calado aqui no meu cantinho confortável e fresco.

No entanto houve um pormenor que achei curioso: os Marines ainda usam o velhinho Huey para Apoio Aéreo Próximo, mas também possuem equipamento altamento avançado no ambito do Contra-IED :roll:
Enviado por: Lightning em Setembro 12, 2008, 05:27:58 pm
Citação de: "lazaro"
No entanto houve um pormenor que achei curioso: os Marines ainda usam o velhinho Huey para Apoio Aéreo Próximo

Ainda usam e vão continuar a usar por muitos anos.

A versão que os Marines usam é o UH-1N Twin Huey (2 motores) que está ao serviço desde 1970 mas está a ser substituido a partir deste ano, os Marines começaram a receber a versão mais recente desse helicóptero, o UH-1Y Venom que além de ter mais capacidade, alcance, velocidade, etc que o seu antecessor, ainda tem 84% de peças em comum com futuro helicoptero de ataque dos Marines, o AH-1Z Viper que irá entrar ao serviço a partir de 2009 (quer o UH-1Y ou o AH-1Z tem a sua origem no UH-1 Iroquois que ficou a imagem de marca da guerra do Vietname).

Em termos de imagens temos:

UH-1 Iroquois (passado)

UH-1N Twin Huey (presente)

UH-1Y Venom (futuro...muito proximo)

E já agora  :lol: ...

AH-1 Cobra (passado, evoluiu do UH-1 Iroquois)

AH-1 Super Cobra (presente)

AH-1Z Viper (futuro, também conhecido por Zulu Cobra)

PS: Penso que Apoio Aéreo Proximo não seja a designação correcta da função destes helicopteros (os UH-1), pois a sigla em inglês (CAS - Close Air Support) é aplicada a aeronaves de ataque ao solo ou helicopteros de ataque, penso que a designação mais correcta seja helicopteros utilitários.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 12, 2008, 05:37:11 pm
Era a favor sempre cobra na UALE, só de o ver parece manter respeito! c34x
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Setembro 12, 2008, 08:23:24 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Era a favor sempre cobra na UALE, só de o ver parece manter respeito! c34x

De facto, o bicho mete respeito; não é por acaso, que durante a Guerra do Golfo (1991), e apesar de todo o alarido da comunicação social em torno do Apache, o Cobra era a aeronave mais temida pelos iraquianos, que o apelidavam de "pássaro magricelas".  :wink:
Enviado por: lazaro em Setembro 12, 2008, 09:52:45 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "lazaro"
No entanto houve um pormenor que achei curioso: os Marines ainda usam o velhinho Huey para Apoio Aéreo Próximo

Ainda usam e vão continuar a usar por muitos anos.

A versão que os Marines usam é o UH-1N Twin Huey (2 motores) que está ao serviço desde 1970 mas está a ser substituido a partir deste ano, os Marines começaram a receber a versão mais recente desse helicóptero, o UH-1Y Venom que além de ter mais capacidade, alcance, velocidade, etc que o seu antecessor, ainda tem 84% de peças em comum com futuro helicoptero de ataque dos Marines, o AH-1Z Viper que irá entrar ao serviço a partir de 2009 (quer o UH-1Y ou o AH-1Z tem a sua origem no UH-1 Iroquois que ficou a imagem de marca da guerra do Vietname).

PS: Penso que Apoio Aéreo Proximo não seja a designação correcta da função destes helicopteros (os UH-1), pois a sigla em inglês (CAS - Close Air Support) é aplicada a aeronaves de ataque ao solo ou helicopteros de ataque, penso que a designação mais correcta seja helicopteros utilitários.

Obrigado pela informação relativa ao Huey, foi bastante "actualizante" para mim. Quem diria que 30 anos depois a máquina ainda não exalou o ultimo suspiro.

Quanto ao CAS/Apoio Aéreo Próximo: o que caracteriza o CAS não é o tipo(s) de aeronave(s) que a executa(m) mas antes a acção que executa (ataque ao solo), como é activada/orientada/guiada (geralmente por um controlador aéreo avançado) e com que objectivo (apoiar pelo fogo as forças em combate no solo). Obviamente que um Héli de Ataque está melhor equipado e a sua tripulação melhor treinada para CAS do que um Héli Utilitário.

Um Héli Utilitário não é pão nem é queijo e serve também para ataque ao solo.
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Setembro 29, 2008, 09:08:56 pm
Parece que o EC635 poderá ter outros pequenos problemas...

Swiss Suspend Solo Eurocopter Flights
GENEVA - Switzerland's armed forces have suspended solo flights in a new fleet of Eurocopter helicopters because a problem of balance poses a safety risk, the government's defense procurement agency said Sept. 29.

The center of gravity in the EC635 machines lies so far back that there is the risk they could be thrown off balance when in flight, said Sonja Margelist, spokeswoman for the Swiss defense procurement agency.

"This defect has been formally complained about to Eurocopter," she said. "The company is investigating the causes and working on corrective measures."

Until the fault has been rectified, pilots can only take up the helicopters if they are accompanied by a co-pilot or another crew member to ensure sufficient balance within the craft, she added.

Eurocopter, a unit of Franco-German aviation conglomerate EADS, would bear the costs of all necessary repairs, the procurement agency said in a statement.

Defense News (http://http)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Outubro 17, 2008, 08:55:18 am
Pentagon Cancels Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter

The Defense Department late today scrapped the $6.2 billion program to replace the aging OH-58D Kiowa Warrior with the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, citing cost overruns.

The Army announced in July that the contract with Bell-Textron was then more than 40 percent over cost, triggering a program reviewunder legislation know as the Nunn-McCurdy statute.

John Young, undersecretary of Defense for acquisition, technology and logistics announced late Thursday that DoD notified Congress that, as a result of the review, it would not re-certify the program because "the fundamental cost and schedule basis underlying award of the ARH is no longer valid."

"Rather than continue this program," Young said in a news release, "I have decided that the best course of action is to provide the Army with an opportunity to define a coherent, disciplined Kiowa Warrior helicopter replacement program, and to obtain more rigorous contract terms for its development."

Army Secretary Pete Geren echoed those comments in a press release.

"We have a duty to the Army and the taxpayer to move ahead with an alternative course of action to meet this critical capability for our Soldiers at the best price and as soon as possible," he said.

Joseph LaMarca Jr., Senior Vice President Communications at Bell Helicopter Textron, said in a statement, "We are extremely disappointed by this decision and still believe that the ARH-70A is the best replacement for the Kiowa Warrior... The ARH has proven to be a great performing aircraft and we are in the process of evaluating the impact of this decision and our next steps."

The embattled ARH program has been beset by delays and cost escalation since the program's baseline price tag was established in July 2005.

At that time, the per-unit cost for a new armed reconnaissance helicopter was tagged at $8.56 million, including research and development, site construction and labor. As of July, the cost of each aircraft was estimated by the Army to exceed $12 million, a cost 43 percent beyond the baseline estimate was reported July 8 to the Defense Department and Congress.

DoD now estimates that development will cost $942 million and the procurement average unit cost will be $14.48 million. Delivery of ARH to the Army was originally scheduled to take place by 2009, but the current projection is for 2013.

The Army's chief of operations promised a quick return to the drawing board and sought to reassure Kiowa aviators that their aircraft would be outfitted for their missions.

"W will rapidly pursue a re-validation of the particular characteristics needed for this capability so that we can restart the process of acquiring a manned, armed reconnaissance helicopter," Lt. Gen. James Thurman said in an Army news release. "Concurrently, we will invest significant efforts into our existing Kiowa Warrior fleet that ensures our air crews and commanders continue to have the best capability possible to perform the mission," he said.

The Army has 339 Kiowa helicopters dispersed among 10 squadrons, almost half of which are deployed. Most of those are in Iraq.

Under the original ARH timeline, the new recon aircraft was slated to have begun replacing the Kiowa in June.

But a year ago, when it became apparent that the summer 2008 timeline would not be met, the Army began enhancing the existing Kiowas with updated avionics and safety measures at about $2 million an aircraft. The airframe is 40 years old.

Seven squadrons now have the reset Kiowas. The aircraft in the remaining three squadrons, which would have been the recipients of the first ARH to be fielded, are also being reset.

Bell officials issued a written statement July 9 stating that "we remain confident that that we can produce the ARH at an affordable price. Bell Helicopter and its team of suppliers are ready to begin low-rate initial production of the ARH, and we are dedicated to producing a world-class weapons system for the Army's warfighters."

Thurman further stated that an armed recon helicopter was a critical capability for ground combat commanders and that the decision to discontinue the Bell contract "does not, in any way, diminish the imperative for this capability. Our operational tempo, attrition, and losses of six aircraft per year underscore the need to fill this requirement as quickly as possible," he said.

Defense News (http://http)
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Outubro 24, 2008, 01:44:58 pm
Y la crisis economica sigue viajando por Europa. :roll:

Recorte del presupuesto de defensa de Italia.

El Ministerio de Finanzas de Italia ha presentado en el Parlamento el presupuesto de Defensa de 2009, que prevé un recorte de 6.9 % con respecto al de 2008. Así, el presupuesto de 2009 sería de 14340 millones de euros, por 15410 en 2008. Representa el 0.87% del PIB. El presupuesto se deberá de someter a votación a fines de año.
Algunas partidas del presupuesto sufren grandes recortes : 44.5 % menos para entrenamiento, incluido en el recorte de 1890 millones de mantenimiento y operaciones ( 29 % menos globalmente). Investigación ( que incluye las compras ) cae un 20.6 %, de 3640 a 2890 millones.
Los gastos de personal suben un 5 %, de 9110 millones a 9570 millones, lo que representa un 66.7 % del total del presupuesto de Defensa ( en Italia el presupuesto de Defensa paga las pensiones militares ).
190000 son los militares en activo actualmente, aunque podrían bajar a 141000 en 2012 si se mantiene la bajada de presupuestos.
El Ministerio de Industria parece que salvará con sus aportaciones diversos programas, tales como las fragatas FREMM, el Eurofighter y el VCI Freccia. Otros programas han visto atrasar sus compras varios años, o congelarse, como el caso de satélites o un avión Elint.
El Ministro de Finanzas ha impuesto una reducción de gastos de tres años a todos los Ministerios, con la intención de rebajar el enorme déficit público italiano.

FUENTE:El tirador solitario

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 03, 2008, 10:28:04 pm
E voltamos ao frio

Russians Returning To Cuba

November 3, 2008: Russia has offered to send technical experts to Cuba, to help optimize Cuban air defenses. Currently, the Cuban air defenses are largely ineffective. The main anti-aircraft weapons are some SAM-6 (self-propelled system that fires 1200 pound missiles with a range of 24 kilometers), SAM-8 (self-propelled system that fires 360 pound missiles with a range of 15 kilometers) and several shorter range (4-8 kilometers) missiles, either portable or self-propelled. Most of these are inoperable, as Cuba has had little money for spare parts and maintenance since Russian aid was ended in the early 1990s. There are only about two dozen warplanes in working condition, but these can be quickly eliminated by a smaller number of more modern aircraft. The most effective anti-aircraft weapons are thousands of heavy (14.5mm) machine-guns and automatic cannon (mostly 23mm).

What the Cubans need is $20-30 million worth of spare parts, and several hundred new missiles. The Russians are apparently not willing to be that generous. The Russian offer does include training some Cuban air-defense officers. All this appears to be what you could call a "friendly gesture," and not something really meaningful. But it's a start, and perhaps the Russians are thinking of reopening their electronic listening operation. The Chinese have replaced them in that department, but Cuba would welcome the Russians back, for the right price. ... 81103.aspx (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 22, 2008, 03:26:53 pm
Chegam os Gepard do Ejército de Chile
Já começaram a chegar ao Chile os primeiros blindados antiaéreos Gepard do lote de 30 adquiridos para distribuição às Brigadas Blindadas do Exército daquele país. Atualmente está em estudos se, dentro dos trabalhos de atualização, será incluída a aquisição de “software” que permita a adaptação de um sistema duplo, envolvendo a utilização de mísseis Mistral. Originalmente, os veículos, construídos em 1976 pela Krauss-Maffei, são artilhados com dois canhões Oerlikon-Bührle KDA L/R04 35/90 de 35 mm, e possuem radar de vigilância MPDR-2 (doppler, funcionando nas bandas E-F, com IFF Siemens MSR-400) (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 12, 2008, 10:43:41 am
The U.S. wants to support the reconstruction of the Iraqi Armed Forces with billions-worth weapon supplies. According to U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), Iraq wants to buy military equipment including Abrams tanks, Stryker wheeled vehicles, helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft worth over $6 billion (€4.5 billion).

Other requests include over 80.000 rifles and coastal patrol boats.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) reports that these proposed sales would advance Iraq’s effort to develop a strong, well-equipped, trained, and dedicated military force, and thus to establish security and stability throughout the country. The extension of the military capacities of Iraq would support the fight of the U.S. troops. The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region, the report concludes. (

The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), which oversees major foreign arms sales, confirmed yesterday that it had notified U.S. Congress this week about eight separate arms sales agreements with the Iraqi government.

The largest of the agreements is for 140 M1A1M Abrams tanks (upgraded and modified version), 8 M88A2 tank recovery vehicles, 64 M1151A1B1 up-armored Humvees as well as shelter carriers and other military vehicles. The total value of this contract is up to $2.16 billion.

Other arm sale agreements includes:

- 26 Bell Armed 407 Helicopters equipped with Rolls Royce 250-C-30 Engines, M280 2.75-inch Launchers, XM296 .50 Cal. Machine Guns and M299 HELLFIRE Guided Missile Launchers with a total value of $366 million;
- 400 M1126 STRYKER Infantry Carrier Vehicles as well as associated equipment for $1.11 billion;
- Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelters (DRASH) and different military radios for some $485 million;
- 80.000 M16A4 5.56MM Rifles, 25.000 M4 5.56MM Carbines, as well as 2,550 M203 40MM Grenade with a total value of $148 million;
- 20 Coastal Patrol Boats (30-35meter) and 3 Offshore Support Vessels (55-60 meter) worth some $1.010 billion;
- 20 T-6A Texan aircraft equipped with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) worth $210 million.
- 36 AT-6B Texan II Aircraft as well as associated support with a total value of about $520 million.
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 19, 2008, 07:36:29 pm
BEIRUT, Dec 19, 2008 - The United States plans to deliver M-50 tanks to Lebanon in spring next year as part of a commitment to help the country's army, a senior US state department official said in Beirut on Friday.

O que é um M-50  :shock:
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Dezembro 19, 2008, 07:42:01 pm
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 19, 2008, 07:48:35 pm
Já sei qual é

Será que queriam dizer 50 M-60?
Enviado por: bidas em Dezembro 19, 2008, 10:15:15 pm
segundo este link:

é M-60
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 19, 2008, 10:28:59 pm
Citação de: "bidas"
segundo este link:

é M-60

fala-se que os americanos vão dar aos libaneses helicópteros cobra

U.S. to Supply Tanks to Lebanon in Spring 2009

he United States plans to deliver M-50 tanks to Lebanon in spring next year as part of a commitment to help the country's army, a senior US state department official said in Beirut on Friday.

David Hale, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, denied the U.S. is in competition with Russia, which announced on Wednesday that it would give Lebanon 10 MiG-29 fighter jets.

 "Support for the Lebanese Armed Forces remains a pillar of our Lebanon policy," he told reporters after a meeting with Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, without saying how many tanks the U.S. will supply.

"We are working to provide the training and equipment the LAF needs... to maintain internal security and to fight terrorism in Lebanon," Hale added.

In addition to supplying the tanks, the U.S. is "preparing a new package of assistance including close air support capabilities with precision weapons and urban combat gear much of which will also be provided in the spring of 2009."

The United States has given 410 million dollars in military aid to the Lebanese army since 2006 but this has been limited to light weapons and vehicles.

Hale said Russia's announcement on Wednesday was "a signal of strong international support for Lebanon, for its institutions, for the Lebanese Armed Forces."

"There is no competition," Hale added.

The 15-week battle the army fought against Islamists in the northern

Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr el-Bared in 2007 left over 160 soldiers dead and highlighted the need for improved military equipment and capabilities. ... =AME&s=TOP (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 21, 2009, 03:05:23 pm
MRAPs for Austria

Austria has been a neutral power since World War 2, but contingents from its small armed forces are sometimes made available for international deployment. The growing realization that blast resistant vehicles are an essential piece of equipment in any combat zone appears to have finally reached Austria’s priority list, spawning a EUR 104 million (about $138 million) contract for 150 “protected multipurpose vehicles.” ... ria-05257/ (

não é esta a quantidade de veículos de 4x4 que Portugal quer comprar??
preço unidade 693 mil euros, ou seja, mais barato que .......
Enviado por: bidas em Janeiro 21, 2009, 04:40:29 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Citação de: "bidas"
segundo este link:

é M-60

fala-se que os americanos vão dar aos libaneses helicópteros cobra

U.S. to Supply Tanks to Lebanon in Spring 2009

he United States plans to deliver M-50 tanks to Lebanon in spring next year as part of a commitment to help the country's army, a senior US state department official said in Beirut on Friday.

David Hale, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, denied the U.S. is in competition with Russia, which announced on Wednesday that it would give Lebanon 10 MiG-29 fighter jets.

 "Support for the Lebanese Armed Forces remains a pillar of our Lebanon policy," he told reporters after a meeting with Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, without saying how many tanks the U.S. will supply.

"We are working to provide the training and equipment the LAF needs... to maintain internal security and to fight terrorism in Lebanon," Hale added.

In addition to supplying the tanks, the U.S. is "preparing a new package of assistance including close air support capabilities with precision weapons and urban combat gear much of which will also be provided in the spring of 2009."

The United States has given 410 million dollars in military aid to the Lebanese army since 2006 but this has been limited to light weapons and vehicles.

Hale said Russia's announcement on Wednesday was "a signal of strong international support for Lebanon, for its institutions, for the Lebanese Armed Forces."

"There is no competition," Hale added.

The 15-week battle the army fought against Islamists in the northern

Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr el-Bared in 2007 left over 160 soldiers dead and highlighted the need for improved military equipment and capabilities. ... c=AMEs=TOP (

Basta ver o link que colocou que o "M-50" foi um erro e que já foi corrigido.


Enviado por: Lancero em Janeiro 27, 2009, 04:58:17 pm
Defesa: Abrandamento económico vai afectar orçamentos militares em todo o mundo - Relatório    

   Londres, 27 Jan (Lusa) - O abrandamento económico afectará os orçamentos  de defesa em todo o mundo e complicará a tarefa do Presidente norte-americano  de partilhar com outros países ®o fardo¯ no Afeganistão, refere hoje o relatório  do Instituto Internacional de Estudos Estratégicos.  


   O relatório anual deste grupo de análise sobre as forças armadas mundiais,  "Military Balance 2009", publicado hoje, indica que a vontade de Barack  Obama de reduzir as tropas norte-americanas no Iraque e reforçar a presença  militar no Afeganistão vai criar tensões com os aliados da NATO que, num  cenário de crise económica, deverão restringir os gastos militares.  


   "O Pentágono deve colocar em perspectiva (as suas prioridades militares)  no contexto de uma crise económica que não vai deixar de pôr em causa o  nível das despesas em matéria de defesa", escreve James Hackett, redactor-chefe  do relatório.  


   "As nações que despenderam somas consideráveis em operações no estrangeiro  (...) verão, no futuro, os seus orçamentos militares pressionados pela necessidade  de gastar mais em outras prioridades nacionais", acrescenta.  


   Depois de o reforço das tropas no Iraque ter sido um êxito, "as tensões  persistem em relação à partilha do fardo no Afeganistão", defende, sublinhando  que a NATO se depara com "dificuldades crescentes para conseguir um consenso  quanto aos objectivos da sua missão no Afeganistão".  


   No que diz respeito ao Iraque, o relatório sustenta que o reforço de  tropas lançado pelo ex-Presidente norte-americano George W. Bush "funcionou  sem qualquer dúvida ao reduzir de forma significativa o número de vítimas  civis e ao travar a descida inexorável do país para uma guerra civil".  


   O IISS sustenta que "apesar dos progressos, houve muito poucos sinais  de que esta 'janela de oportunidade' para que os políticos iraquianos avançassem  para a reconciliação nacional tenha sido aproveitada e, em consequência,  sejam levantadas questões sobre a longevidade dos seus efeitos".  


   O relatório afirma que o orgulho da Rússia no seu exército "está a ser  restabelecido" mas que isso se baseia simplesmente "numa presença mais importante  a nível internacional e na sua vitória na Geórgia", ao mesmo tempo que as  forças armadas são promovidas a nível interno.  


   "A contínua expansão das actividades dos Estados Unidos e da NATO na  esfera tradicional de interesse da Rússia é uma força motriz da actual postura  militar" russa, lê-se no relatório.  
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 13, 2009, 11:19:57 am
:shock:  :( (

Gostava eu que Portugal tivesse o que estes tem.
Enviado por: migbar2 em Março 15, 2009, 10:23:17 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
:shock:  :(  :( (

Gostava eu que Portugal tivesse o que estes tem.

Estás só a falar de F.A.???
Tomara eu que tivesse o salário que eles têm no meu trabalho...e o sistema nacional de saude e a educação e o nivel de emprego e o subsídio de desemprego e as empresas que eles têm e o trabalho sério dos políticos e o sentido de honra da população em geral e etc, etc, loooooooooooooooooooooongo caminho nos aguarda...
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 17, 2009, 11:32:26 am
compras do chile
2 Radares AN/TPQ-37(V)3 FIREFINDER

2 Hummer M1165A1

2 Hummer M1152

12 obuses ATP M-109A5

12 obuses ATP M-109A3

18 M-113A2

6 M577A2

24 M548A1

12 ametralladoras M2

1968 proyectiles M107 y 896 proyectiles M549, de 155 mm

Otros equipos incluyen 2 sistemas meteorológicos AN/TMQ-41, 4 camiones de 5 toneladas, 12 lanzagranadas MK-19 de 40 mm, espoletas (
Enviado por: Crypter em Junho 17, 2009, 11:50:03 am
Citação de: "nelson38899"
:shock:  :(  :( (

Gostava eu que Portugal tivesse o que estes tem.

Só a força mecanizada é já por sim impressionante! Mas também digamos, que eles encontram-se noutro sitio do planeta.. O nivel de perigo é completamente diferente do nosso.
Enviado por: Aim em Junho 22, 2009, 11:14:23 am
Espero este ser o local adequado para a colocação deste material .

As fotos foram retiradas em diversas ocasiões:

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 14, 2009, 10:06:32 pm
Slovaks Order 10 Blast-Resistant Iveco LMVs

Fiat subsidiary Iveco Defence Vehicles recently announced a contract with the Slovak Army for 10 Light Multirole Vehicles to be delivered by the end of 2009. They join a larger trend of blast-resistant vehicle orders that are connected with international deployments; Slovakia is a NATO country, and in June 2008 it agreed to increase its troop commitment in Afghanistan.

Iveco’s LMV is known by many names, including MLV, CLV, Lynx, Lince, and Panther. Under any name, this vehicle is quickly becoming a standard among NATO countries in the blast-resistant vehicle segment. The vehicle has survived IED land-mines, suicide car bombs, and even a possible RPG attack in Afghanistan. Back in March 2006, “Norway Rush-Orders Mine-Resistant Iveco MLVs” discussed the vehicles protective features, which accompany a mobility level that might have made it a legitimate candidate for the recent American M-ATV competition – if Iveco had participated.

Iveco reports in an emailed document that its vehicle has received a total of 2,498 orders so far from Italy (1,286) and from Austria (150), Belgium (440), Britain (401), Croatia (10), The Czech Republic (21), Norway (60), Spain (120), and now the Slovak Republic (10). ... MVs-05608/ (
Enviado por: cromwell em Julho 15, 2009, 12:46:07 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Slovaks Order 10 Blast-Resistant Iveco LMVs

Fiat subsidiary Iveco Defence Vehicles recently announced a contract with the Slovak Army for 10 Light Multirole Vehicles to be delivered by the end of 2009. They join a larger trend of blast-resistant vehicle orders that are connected with international deployments; Slovakia is a NATO country, and in June 2008 it agreed to increase its troop commitment in Afghanistan.

Iveco’s LMV is known by many names, including MLV, CLV, Lynx, Lince, and Panther. Under any name, this vehicle is quickly becoming a standard among NATO countries in the blast-resistant vehicle segment. The vehicle has survived IED land-mines, suicide car bombs, and even a possible RPG attack in Afghanistan. Back in March 2006, “Norway Rush-Orders Mine-Resistant Iveco MLVs” discussed the vehicles protective features, which accompany a mobility level that might have made it a legitimate candidate for the recent American M-ATV competition – if Iveco had participated.

Iveco reports in an emailed document that its vehicle has received a total of 2,498 orders so far from Italy (1,286) and from Austria (150), Belgium (440), Britain (401), Croatia (10), The Czech Republic (21), Norway (60), Spain (120), and now the Slovak Republic (10). ... MVs-05608/ (

E Portugal continua atrás.

Temos veículos osboletos no Afeganistão e temos veículos anti-minas com fartura no mercado.

Do que é que estão a espera?

Vamos ter mais tropas no Afeganistão em 2010 e se não comprarmos rapidamente veículos destes, vai haver mais alguma morte portuguesa no Afeganistão devido à incompetência dos políticos portugueses de comprarem veículos adequados ao teatro de operações.
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 15, 2009, 04:10:18 pm
Que veiculos absoletos nós temos no Afeganistão? :?
Enviado por: raphael em Julho 15, 2009, 05:46:35 pm
Citação de: "cromwell"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Slovaks Order 10 Blast-Resistant Iveco LMVs

Fiat subsidiary Iveco Defence Vehicles recently announced a contract with the Slovak Army for 10 Light Multirole Vehicles to be delivered by the end of 2009. They join a larger trend of blast-resistant vehicle orders that are connected with international deployments; Slovakia is a NATO country, and in June 2008 it agreed to increase its troop commitment in Afghanistan.

Iveco’s LMV is known by many names, including MLV, CLV, Lynx, Lince, and Panther. Under any name, this vehicle is quickly becoming a standard among NATO countries in the blast-resistant vehicle segment. The vehicle has survived IED land-mines, suicide car bombs, and even a possible RPG attack in Afghanistan. Back in March 2006, “Norway Rush-Orders Mine-Resistant Iveco MLVs” discussed the vehicles protective features, which accompany a mobility level that might have made it a legitimate candidate for the recent American M-ATV competition – if Iveco had participated.

Iveco reports in an emailed document that its vehicle has received a total of 2,498 orders so far from Italy (1,286) and from Austria (150), Belgium (440), Britain (401), Croatia (10), The Czech Republic (21), Norway (60), Spain (120), and now the Slovak Republic (10). ... MVs-05608/ (

E Portugal continua atrás.

Temos veículos osboletos no Afeganistão e temos veículos anti-minas com fartura no mercado.

Do que é que estão a espera?

Vamos ter mais tropas no Afeganistão em 2010 e se não comprarmos rapidamente veículos destes, vai haver mais alguma morte portuguesa no Afeganistão devido à incompetência dos políticos portugueses de comprarem veículos adequados ao teatro de operações.

Existem engenhos que não há blindagem que resista... e compras "urgentes e à pressa" não resultam...dá sempre buraco...
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Julho 15, 2009, 06:01:31 pm
"Absoletos" [sic] :roll:

Cabeça de Martelo já deve ser a 3.ª ou a 4.ª vez que te corrijo!!!!   :cry:
Enviado por: cromwell em Julho 18, 2009, 01:28:13 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Que veiculos absoletos nós temos no Afeganistão? :?

Hummers e Panhard´s que não são veículos apropriados para o teatro de operações do Afeganistão, visto que são veículos que não tem protecção contra minas, que são o horror para as tropas da Coligação.
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 18, 2009, 02:08:05 pm
Neste momento não temos os Panhard M-11 no Afeganistão. Os Hummer poderão não ser a melhor solução para a ameaça dos IED (Improvised Explosive Device), mas são veículos 4x4 blindados. Isso não faz deles obsoletos.

Desta vez escrevi correctamente.  :oops:
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 18, 2009, 02:34:49 pm
Citação de: "cromwell"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Que veiculos absoletos nós temos no Afeganistão? :?

Hummers e Panhard´s que não são veículos apropriados para o teatro de operações do Afeganistão, visto que são veículos que não tem protecção contra minas, que são o horror para as tropas da Coligação.

Gostava de saber o porquê das Panhard não prestarem para operar no Afeganistão.
Enviado por: LuisC em Julho 22, 2009, 11:28:15 pm
Claro que o termo “obsoletos” não se aplica a estas viaturas…quer o Hummer quer o M-11 são engenhos modernos e actuais.
Já no que toca à capacidade de resistirem a Minas e IEDs, o caro cromwell tem toda a razão, nesse particular não são as viaturas mais adequadas e essa capacidade é importante num teatro de operações como o Afeganistão.
Enviado por: Portucale em Agosto 01, 2009, 04:06:19 am
Noticia tirada do site; (

July 28, 2009 by worldef
According Portuguese news agency LUSA, the Portuguese Army day ceremony will be held this year in the Northern city of Braga from October 24 to 25. The event include a military parade and the display of weaponry used by Portugal´s land forces.
Enviado por: pchunter em Setembro 06, 2009, 10:42:04 pm
França confirma aquisição de mais VBCI

Atingirá pelo menos 630 o numero de viaturas VBCI fabricadas em França pela NEXTER, depois de a Direcção Geral de Armamento francesa ter confirmado a encomenda de mais 332 exemplares daquela viatura blindada 8x8 para o exército da França.

O VBCI é uma viatura blindada sobre rodas, com características modernas e comuns nos veículos do tipo lançados recentemente. Trata-se de uma viatura relativamente pesada, que consoante as características pode atingir um peso total de até 28 toneladas, com um peso vazio de aproximadamente 18 toneladas, o que permite o seu transporte em aeronaves do tipo C-130.

Este tipo de viatura corresponde à visão das necessidades futuras do campo de batalha conforme são antecipadas pelos estrategas franceses. Não prescindindo de viaturas blindadas pesadas que se deslocam sobre lagartas, como o carro de combate Leclerc, os franceses olham para a possibilidade de utilizar viaturas sobre rodas com maior peso e capacidade para receber peças de maior calibre (como canhão de até 120mm).
A superior mobilidade (ainda que as versões mais pesadas não tenham capacidade anfíbia) é um factor de grande importância.

Como acontece com outras viaturas do tipo o VBCI tem capacidade de receber blindagem modular. Ou seja, ele tem uma blindagem base, sobre a qual podem ser aplicados distintos módulos de distintas espessuras e materiais que permitem aumentar a capacidade para a viatura resistir ao impacto de projécteis.

A necessidade de viaturas deste tipo com alta mobilidade e capacidade para integrar blindagem tem vindo a ser reforçada com a experiência de vários exércitos no Afeganistão, onde várias destas viaturas deverão ser utilizadas.

Lançado em 2006, o VBCI foi apresentado como concorrente para o programa britânico FRES, onde acabou por ganhar a General Dynamics com um derivado do Piranha-IV.

Os custos do programa de desenvolvimento e de construção apontam para um preço médio de 4 milhões de Euros para cada viatura, com uma previsão de 700 unidades. O valor unitário deverá descer, se mais encomendas forem colocadas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Setembro 22, 2009, 11:56:57 pm
Kalashnikov à beira da falência

A mítica espingarda automática Kalashnikov pode já ter gasto os cartuchos todos.

Depois de mais de meio século de vida catapultado por se ter tornado na arma preferida de ditadores, mafiosos e revolucionários, a fabricante OAO Izhmash poderá declarar falência.

A crise económica revelou-se a gota de água para a fabricante. Ontem, um tribunal russo considerou que poderá obrigar a OAO Izhmash a declarar falência pelo facto da fabricante dever mais de 13 milhões de dólares a um fornecedor.

A fama acabou, igualmente, por ser a sua ruína. Segundo algumas estimativas, vendem-se dez imitações por cada Kalashnikov autêntica em países como a China, Bulgária ou Polónia.

"A arma tem este problema desde há, pelos menos, cinco anos. A Kalashnikov encontra-se nesta situação pelo facto da sua construção ser muito fácil", assegura o estudioso Larry Kahaner, citado pelo ‘The Globe and Mail'.

Mas não é apenas a Kalashnikov que está em crise. O mercado internacional de armas também foi afectado e já há muitos governos que optaram por reduzir os gastos militares dos seus orçamentos. ... 70234.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 09, 2009, 12:38:33 am
Russia and Libya Announce Weapons Deals (

Russia has confirmed five arms contracts with Libya as part of military cooperation between the two nations, according to Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

Rosoboronexport deputy general director Alexander Mikheyev said the arms deals involved military equipment, the modernisation of T-72 tanks, and the general supply of spare parts for the Libyan ground forces.

The deputy general director, who is heading the 4th Arab-African aviation exhibition and conference LAVEX-2009 air show in Tripoli said the country had already guaranteed the payments for three contracts.

"The Libyan military wants to have only the most advanced military equipment because neighbouring countries, including Egypt, have recently bought new weaponry and strengthened their defence potentials," he said.

In addition, the contracts involve equipment for the Libyan Navy while Rosoboronexport is also participating in a Libyan tender to deliver aircraft and air defence systems.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 28, 2009, 11:20:15 pm
Raúl Castro lança o maior exercício militar dos últimos cinco anos, envolvendo cem mil soldados e quatro milhões de milícias populares, como treino para uma resposta a uma hipotética agressão norte-americana.

O Presidente cubano, Raúl Castro, mobilizou cem mil soldados e reservistas no maior exercício militar dos últimos cinco anos em Cuba. Às manobras, iniciadas há três dias, juntar-se-ão amanhã cerca de quatro milhões de cubanos, organizados em milícias populares desde a implantação do actual regime comunista, em 1959.

"Nunca deixar de lutar, sejam quais forem as situações. Combater e combater até que esgotemos o inimigo e o derrotemos", afirmou Castro, em jeito de palavras ordem, num vídeo difundido quinta-feira à população cubana no noticiário nocturno da televisão estatal.

As manobras, sob o título genérico 'Bastião 2009', visam responder a uma hipotética invasão norte-americana apesar de o actual inquilino da Casa Branca, Barack Obama, ter assegurado mais de uma vez que não tem qualquer intenção de usar a poderosa força militar de Washington contra a ilha.

Pelo contrário, desde que iniciou funções, em Janeiro, Obama tem repetido o seu objectivo de "relançar" as relações com Cuba, país com o qual os Estados Unidos cortou relações em Janeiro de 1961, sob o mandato do presidente Dwight Eisenhower. Em Fevereiro de 1962, o presidente John Kennedy, sucessor de Eisenhower, decretou um embargo comercial à ilha que ainda vigora, embora Obama o tenha suavizado em diversos aspectos.

Nas manobras militares, sob o comando supremo de Raúl Castro, vértice do poder político e do poder militar de Havana, os soldados cubanos utilizam tanques, helicópteros de combate e lança-chamas - quase todos de fabrico russo. Recentemente, o Presidente da Rússia, Dmitri Medvedev, autorizou o envio de novo material bélico para Cuba, retomando uma prática que foram interrompida com a queda da União Soviética, em 1991.

"Quando se perde o contacto com a autoridade superior cada um deve converter-se em comandante-chefe, seja um general de divisão, um sargento ou um soldado", declarou Raúl Castro numa recente reunião com comandos militares. O irmão mais novo de Fidel Castro, que lhe sucedeu em Devereiro de 2008, é general e manteve durante quase meio século a pasta da Defesa. ... Am%E9ricas ( ... 23511.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 24, 2009, 07:05:47 pm
Francia ofrece a Colombia más de 30 carros de combate Leclerc de segunda mano ... &n=Francia (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: sivispacem em Dezembro 25, 2009, 08:18:51 am
Agora é que a Colômbia vai à falência, com os custos associados à exploração do Lecrerc...... :o))
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 12, 2010, 10:59:05 am
China testa sistema antimísseis
Agência oficial garante que teste «não visa nenhum país»

A China testou com sucesso um sistema de defesa aéreo, interceptando um míssil em voo, anunciou esta terça-feira a agência oficial Nova China, no auge de uma controvérsia sobre venda de armas norte-americanas a Taiwan.

«A China executou um teste de tecnologia de intercepção de um míssil em voo a partir do solo, dentro do seu território. O teste atingiu o seu objectivo», afirma a agência.

O teste, realizado segunda-feira, «é de natureza defensiva e não visa nenhum país», acrescenta.

Na passada semana, fonte do Instituto Americano em Taiwan anunciou que Washington autorizou a venda de um sistema antimísseis a Taiwan, como parte de um acordo aprovado pelo Congresso em 2008.

A República Popular da China considera Taiwan parte do seu território e criticou a venda do armamento, por considerá-la um obstáculo às relações militares entre a China e os EUA. ... -4563.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lancero em Janeiro 29, 2010, 08:01:04 pm
EUA: Venda de armas a Taiwan pode agravar relações com China

Washington, 29 Jan (Lusa) - A administração de Barack Obama anunciou  hoje planos para aprovar mais de seis mil milhões de dólares em venda de  armas a Taiwan, uma opção que poderá agravar as já tensas relações entre  os Estados Unidos e a China.    


   A venda, anunciada na página na Internet do Pentágono, inclui helicópteros,  mísseis Patriot Advanced Capability-3, localizadores de minas e diferente  tecnologia de informação.    


   Os legisladores norte-americanos têm agora 30 dias para comentar a proposta  de venda, o que, a suceder sem objecções, levará a que a proposta avance.  


   Taiwan é o assunto mais sensível nas relações entre EUA e China, com  potencial para mergulhar em conflito as duas potências mundiais, cada vez  mais ligadas em questões de segurança e de economia.  


   Os Estados Unidos são o aliado mais importante de Taiwan, ilha que a  China reclama como sua, e o seu maior fornecedor de armas.  


   A China opõe-se à venda de armas a Taiwan e ameaçou invadir a ilha se  a mesma formalizar a sua independência.  


   O pacote de venda de armas dos EUA evita, no entanto, uma questão espinhosa:  os caças F-16 que Taiwan cobiça não estão incluídos no pacote.  


   A venda satisfaz parte de um pacote de armas de 11 mil milhões de dólares  inicialmente prometidos para Taiwan pelo ex-presidente norte-americano George  W. Bush, em 2001.    


   O pacote foi fornecido por fases, devido a considerações políticas e  orçamentais em Taiwan e nos Estados Unidos.  


   O pacote de venda de armas irá testar a política do governo de Obama  em relação à China, que funcionários norte-americanos dizem que melhorará  a confiança entre os países, de modo a que as divergências por causa de  Taiwan ou do Tibete não invertam os esforços de cooperação nos impasses  sobre o nuclear no Irão e na Coreia do Norte, bem como nas questões económicas  e nas alterações climáticas.  


   A China tem mais de mil mísseis balísticos em Taiwan, ao passo que o  governo norte-americano, por seu turno, é obrigado por lei a garantir que  a ilha é capaz de responder às ameaças do lado chinês.  

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Janeiro 29, 2010, 08:15:46 pm
A China tem mais de mil mísseis balísticos em Taiwan
Nem sequer vou perguntar onde foram buscar tamanho disparate...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 29, 2010, 08:45:34 pm
Citação de: "ShadIntel"
A China tem mais de mil mísseis balísticos em Taiwan
Nem sequer vou perguntar onde foram buscar tamanho disparate...

Eu gostei desta parte :lol: .
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 17, 2010, 05:38:59 pm
Brits Getting into the 7.62 vs 5.56 debate

Military​.com sister site HM Forces has an interesting story today on the debate raging across the pond over effective calibers for long range engagements in Afghanistan.

It looks as if the UK MOD has issued what the US calls a “designated marksman” rifle for its forces there.

The Ministry of Defence has spent £1.6million on 440 semi-​​automatic rifles, which use 7.62mm ammunition.

The order from U.S based company Law Enforcement International followed concern that UK forces’ 5.56mm rounds were unsuitable for battle in Afghanistan.

Because the 5.56mm bullets – used in the standard-​​issue SA80A2 assault rifle – are smaller and lighter, they are less effective from 300 yards or further away.

It means insurgents – who use 7.62mm ammunition for their AK47s – back off and shoot at British troops from greater distances. Half of all battles in Helmand are fought between 300 and 900 yards.

Now the MoD has splashed out on the gas-​​operated LM7 semi– automatic rifles – renamed the L129A1 – which can hit targets up to a mile away.

Of course, caliber doesn’t necessarily equate to range, but we get the point.

I did a little research and found some info on the LM7 from a random UK-​​based gamer forum. The LM7 looks a lot like a DM rifle in 7.62 with an adjustable stock. The tone of the AP report posted on HM Forces indicates the Brit military is wavering between the 5.56 SA80A2 and a higher-​​caliber rifle, but I seriously doubt that.

It is interesting to see the same debate cropping up in the UK over whether going back to 7.62 makes more sense:

But the purchase has raised concerns over whether the UK was wrong to give soldiers the SA80 assault rifle in 1986 rather than retaining 7.62mm firearms.

Tory MP Bernard Jenkin, a member of the Commons defence select committee, said: ‘This goes to the heart of the Nato decision back in the 1980s to go for a 5.56mm standard Army rifle. It made the SA80 rifle all the more controversial.

‘The realisation that the SA80A2 does not throw a heavy enough round for combat operations opens up the whole question of what is the right standard rifle for the British Armed Forces.’

I’ve never fired one, but it seems the SA80 is a pretty good rifle and I just don’t think it’s realistic to assume that NATO militaries are going to go back to the 7.62 as the standard issue. Anyone with more gouge from across the pond on this, please dive into the comments and tip lines to let us know more about what’s going on with this.

(Gouge: Thanks to hobsonross for the tip off)

– Christian

 :arrow: ... -56-debate (
Título: Guarda Nacional de Chipre
Enviado por: sergio21699 em Março 15, 2010, 02:26:48 pm
Chipre uniformiza forças blindadas
Primeiro país da U.E. armado exclusivamente com carros russos

A Guarda Nacional de Chipre, terá adquirido da Rússia 41 carros de combate do tipo T-80U, que deverão ser incorporados em substituição de carros de combate do tipo AMX-30B2 armados com canhão de 105mm. O negócio começou a ser preparado no inicio de 2009 e em Junho desse ano, os rumores relativos à compra foram tornados públicos na imprensa turca.

Chipre poderá assim uniformizar a sua força de carros de combate médios/pesados, que já conta com outros 41 carros do tipo adquiridos nos anos 90.
Com esta aquisição, Chipre passa a ser o único país da União Europeia a estar equipado exclusivamente com carros de combate russos, logo que os tanques franceses AMX-30B2 (versão modernizada do carro de combate AMX-30) sejam substituídos pelos T-80 russos.

Tanto os cipriotas gregos como a própria Grécia que é membro da NATO, adquiriram vários tipos de equipamentos fabricados na Rússia. A razão principal dessas aquisições tem razões históricas e pode ser encontrada na desconfiança que os gregos e os cipriotas gregos foram acumulando relativamente aos seus aliados da NATO, após a invasão da ilha de Chipre (ver operação Áttila) em 1974, operação durante a qual, os aliados ocidentais da Grécia, impediram os gregos de intervir directamente contra os turcos.

As relações entre gregos e russos, também são facilitadas pela identidade religiosa e cultural, resultado de se tratar de países de religião cristã ortodoxa. Este facto, aproximou russos e gregos após o fim da União Soviética e essa aproximação também se estendeu aos gregos de Chipre.

Do outro lado a Turquia é um tradicional aliado dos Estados Unidos, ainda que recentemente as relações entre Washington e Ankara não estejam na sua melhor fase, resultado dos problemas relacionados com o reconhecimento ou não reconhecimento do massacre de arménios durante a I guerra mundial.

A Turquia desenvolveu a sua própria industria militar, ainda que não esteja à altura dos seus equivalentes norte-americanos.
A Turquia possuiu uma poderosa força militar no norte e nordeste de Chipre que sustenta a república turca de Chipre, que não é reconhecida por nenhum país.

As forças terrestres turcas em Chipre contam com uma força estimada em 400 carros de combate M-48A5 modernizados, que continuam a dar aos turcos uma clara vantagem táctica, quanto mais não seja pela sua grande vantagem numérica. A reconhecida debilidade da blindagem dos carros de combate russo, não é um problema para os armamentos turcos, ainda que por sua vez, os carros M-48 sejam igualmente considerados obsoletos perante viaturas armadas com peças de 125mm, como é o caso dos carros de combate T-80U.

Chipre tem alguma tradição na utilização de meios militares russos e mesmo soviéticos. Durante a invasão de Chipre pelos turcos em 1974, as tropas de Chipre estavam equipadas com carros de combate T-34/85 de fabrico soviético.
in Area Militar
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 01, 2010, 11:49:57 pm

M1117_Guardian colombiano em testes:

mais aqui:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 19, 2010, 10:14:52 am
New Light Tactical Armoured Vehicle

    BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa has won the Irish Army’s Light Tactical Armoured Vehicle (LTAV) contest, securing an order for 27 RG32MLTVs. The contract is worth some €19.6 million, and includes an option for a further batch of 27 vehicles. According to BAE, deliveries will start this year and take place over a three year period.

    This deal follows on the heels of a third order from Sweden for the RG32M. The latest Swedish contract, announced last month (December) is for 60 vehicles and is worth some €18 million. It follows two previous orders for RG32Ms, the first – placed in 2005 – for 102 vehicles, and the second, placed in 2007, for another 98. The 200th and last vehicle acquired under these first and second contracts was delivered last year, and the first vehicle from the new contract will be delivered in February 2010. The RG32Ms of this third batch will be upgraded in various ways (the details are confidential) and the delivery of the production vehicles will be preceded by an upgrade and test cycle during this year.

    Regarding the Irish order, the RG32M LTV was chosen after two months of intensive field trials, beating two European competitors – the Mowag Eagle IV from Switzerland, and the Iveco MLV from Italy. The Irish are adopting an LTAV, as they call this type of vehicle, specifically to participate in peacekeeping missions abroad, on behalf of the UN or EU – Ireland currently has an infantry battalion serving with the EU force in Chad.

    In Irish service, the RG32M LTV will be employed in various roles, including surveillance, communications, target acquisition, and transporting US-made Javelin anti-tank missiles. The Irish vehicles will be armed either with 12,7 mm heavy machine guns or 40 mm automatic grenade launchers.

    The RG32M LTV is the latest version of the RG32M, LTV standing for Light Tactical Vehicle. It has improved mine protection in comparison with previous models, providing greater blast survivability and crew protection.

    The RG32M LTV is classified as a light armoured vehicle, in the light mine protected patrol vehicle category, and has a gross vehicle mass of only 9 t. Its armour can protect its crew from armour-piercing rifle fire as well as anti-tank land mine blasts, with its externally mounted windows providing improved side-blast protection. It has a 200 mm wider hull and 50 mm greater head space in comparison to earlier RG32Ms. The LTV version also has an increased, 2 t, payload and a new design of load bay which can take a wide variety of mission-specific equipment, making it more versatile. Despite its better protection and greater internal space, it has lost none of the ground clearance, agility, or mobility of the earlier versions.

    The RG32M family makes extensive use of commercial-off-the-shelf components, reducing maintenace costs and minimising logistical burdens. These latest contracts take the total number of RG32Ms, of all models, built or on order, to more than 500. All have been, and will be, manufactured at the company’s plant in Benoni, east of Johannesburg.

    (Photos from DFMagazine Flickr Photostream)

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 19, 2010, 10:16:19 am
The UK’s Watchkeeper ISTAR UAV

3-year support contract; 30,000 hour mark and possible interim UAV extension; first WK450 OC flight; new program members. (April 15/10)

Britain has given the green light to the Watchkeeper Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Program. The initial August 2005 contract award to Thales UK’s joint venture was worth around GBP 700 million, and the program expected to create or sustain up to 2,100 high-quality manufacturing jobs in the UK. The Watchkeeper platform is based on Elbit Systems’ Hermes 450 UAV platform, which is serving as a contractor-operated interim solution on the front lines of battle.

Watchkeeper will be an important system, working as the likely medium-range mainstay within a complementary suite of manned (vid. ASTOR Sentinel R1) and unmanned (Buster, Desert Hawk, MQ-9 Reaper) aerial Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition Reconnaissance (ISTAR) systems. This will make it a core element of the UK Ministry of Defence’s Network-Enabled Capability strategy. ... -uav-0909/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Nuno Calhau em Abril 19, 2010, 03:40:52 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"

M1117_Guardian colombiano em testes:

mais aqui:

De uma forma simplista.

Ora aqui se apresenta uma boa solução para os cascos dos Chaimites.

Em vez de ir enriquecer mais um "boy" da sucata...

Um Abraço.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 20, 2010, 02:35:37 pm
Li num outro fórum que a IDF vai substituir as M-4 das suas unidades de infantaria pela Micro-Tavor, sim a Micro-Tavor e não pela Tavor que já estava a equipar algumas brigadas. :shock:

Alguém sabe se é verdade?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: lazaro em Maio 21, 2010, 06:21:54 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Li num outro fórum que a IDF vai substituir as M-4 das suas unidades de infantaria pela Micro-Tavor, sim a Micro-Tavor e não pela Tavor que já estava a equipar algumas brigadas. :shock: ... f***** vai lá vai ... :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 03, 2010, 10:26:52 pm

desfile de tropas ( (

se virem o desfile, poderão ver os países amigos de Itália. Irão ter uma surpresa agradável! :twisted:

Posso-vos dizer que Portugal é! E até desfila. Ao minuto 31 podem ouvir e ver os países amigos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 05, 2010, 09:50:56 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 11, 2010, 05:31:27 pm
Citação de: "lazaro"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Li num outro fórum que a IDF vai substituir as M-4 das suas unidades de infantaria pela Micro-Tavor, sim a Micro-Tavor e não pela Tavor que já estava a equipar algumas brigadas. :shock: ... f***** vai lá vai ... :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Camuflage em Junho 11, 2010, 10:06:42 pm
O desfile finlandês pareceu tão pobrezinho, então e os aviões e a restante tropa?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: lazaro em Junho 12, 2010, 08:23:31 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Citação de: "lazaro"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Li num outro fórum que a IDF vai substituir as M-4 das suas unidades de infantaria pela Micro-Tavor, sim a Micro-Tavor e não pela Tavor que já estava a equipar algumas brigadas. :shock: ... f***** vai lá vai ... :shock:
Onde está a fonte dessa noticia?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 12, 2010, 10:37:57 am
Vai por MP.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 12, 2010, 02:41:45 pm
Citação de: "Vitor"

Corps to use more lethal ammo in Afghanistan

By Dan Lamothe - Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday Feb 16, 2010 9:29:10 EST

The Marine Corps is dropping its conventional 5.56mm ammunition in Afghanistan in favor of new deadlier, more accurate rifle rounds, and could field them at any time.

The open-tipped rounds until now have been available only to Special Operations Command troops. The first 200,000 5.56mm Special Operations Science and Technology rounds are already downrange with Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan, said Brig. Gen. Michael Brogan, commander of Marine Corps Systems Command. Commonly known as “SOST” rounds, they were legally cleared for Marine use by the Pentagon in late January, according to Navy Department documents obtained by Marine Corps Times.

SOCom developed the new rounds for use with the Special Operations Force Combat Assault Rifle, or SCAR, which needed a more accurate bullet because its short barrel, at 13.8 inches, is less than an inch shorter than the M4 carbine’s. Using an open-tip match round design common with some sniper ammunition, SOST rounds are designed to be “barrier blind,” meaning they stay on target better than existing M855 rounds after penetrating windshields, car doors and other objects.

Compared to the M855, SOST rounds also stay on target longer in open air and have increased stopping power through “consistent, rapid fragmentation which shortens the time required to cause incapacitation of enemy combatants,” according to Navy Department documents. At 62 grains, they weigh about the same as most NATO rounds, have a typical lead core with a solid copper shank and are considered a variation of Federal Cartridge Co.’s Federal Trophy Bonded Bear Claw round, which was developed for big-game hunting and is touted in a company news release for its ability to crush bone.

The Corps purchased a “couple million” SOST rounds as part of a joint $6 million, 10.4-million-round buy in September — enough to last the service several months in Afghanistan, Brogan said. Navy Department documents say the Pentagon will launch a competition worth up to $400 million this spring for more SOST ammunition.

“This round was really intended to be used in a weapon with a shorter barrel, their SCAR carbines,” Brogan said. “But because of its blind-to-barrier performance, its accuracy improvements and its reduced muzzle flash, those are attractive things that make it also useful to general purpose forces like the Marine Corps and Army.”
M855 problems

The standard Marine round, the M855, was developed in the 1970s and approved as an official NATO round in 1980. In recent years, however, it has been the subject of widespread criticism from troops, who question whether it has enough punch to stop oncoming enemies.

In 2002, shortcomings in the M855’s performance were detailed in a report by Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane, Ind., according to Navy Department documents. Additional testing in 2005 showed shortcomings. The Pentagon issued a request to industry for improved ammunition the following year. Federal Cartridge was the only company to respond.

Brogan said the Corps has no plans to remove the M855 from the service’s inventory at this time. However, the service has determined it “does not meet USMC performance requirements” in an operational environment in which insurgents often lack personal body armor, but engage troops through “intermediate barriers” such as windshields and car doors at security checkpoints, according to a Jan. 25 Navy Department document clearing Marines to use the SOST round.

The document, signed by J.R. Crisfield, director of the Navy Department International and Operational Law Division, is clear on the recommended course of action for the 5.56mm SOST round, formally known as MK318 MOD 0 enhanced 5.56mm ammunition.

“Based on the significantly improved performance of the MK318 MOD 0 over the M855 against virtually every anticipated target array in Afghanistan and similar combat environments where increased accuracy, better effects behind automobile glass and doors, consistent terminal performance and reduced muzzle flash are critical to mission accomplishment, USMC would treat the MK318 MOD 0 as its new 5.56mm standard issue cartridge,” Crisfield wrote.

The original plan called for the SOST round to be used specifically within the M4 carbine, which has a 14½-inch barrel and is used by tens of thousands of Marines in military occupational specialties such as motor vehicle operator where the M16A4’s longer barrel can be cumbersome. Given its benefits, however, Marine officials decided also to adopt SOST for the M16A4, which has a 20-inch barrel and is used by most of the infantry.
Incorporating SOST

In addition to operational benefits, SOST rounds have similar ballistics to the M855 round, meaning Marines will not have to adjust to using the new ammo, even though it is more accurate.

“It does not require us to change our training,” Brogan said. “We don’t have to change our aim points or modify our training curriculum. We can train just as we have always trained with the 855 round, so right now, there is no plan to completely remove the 855 from inventory.”

Marine officials in Afghanistan could not be reached for comment, but Brogan said commanders with MEB-A are authorized to issue SOST ammo to any subordinate command. Only one major Marine 5.56mm weapon system downrange will not use SOST: the M249 squad automatic weapon. Though the new rounds fit the SAW, they are not currently produced in the linked fashion commonly employed with the light machine gun, Brogan said.

SOCom first fielded the SOST round in April, said Air Force Maj. Wesley Ticer, a spokesman for the command. It also fielded a cousin — MK319 MOD 0 enhanced 7.62mm SOST ammo — designed for use with the SCAR-Heavy, a powerful 7.62mm battle rifle. SOCom uses both kinds of ammunition in all of its geographic combatant commands, Ticer said.

The Corps has no plans to buy 7.62mm SOST ammunition, but that could change if operational commanders or infantry requirements officers call for it in the future, Brogan said.

It is uncertain how long the Corps will field the SOST round. Marine officials said last summer that they took interest in it after the M855A1 lead-free slug in development by the Army experienced problems during testing, but Brogan said the service is still interested in the environmentally friendly round if it is effective. Marine officials also want to see if the price of the SOST round drops once in mass production. The price of an individual round was not available, but Brogan said SOST ammo is more expensive than current M855 rounds.

“We have to wait and see what happens with the Army’s 855LFS round,” he said. “We also have to get very good cost estimates of where these [SOST] rounds end up in full-rate, or serial production. Because if it truly is going to remain more expensive, then we would not want to buy that round for all of our training applications.”
Legal concerns

Before the SOST round could be fielded by the Corps, it had to clear a legal hurdle: approval that it met international law of war standards.

The process is standard for new weapons and weapons systems, but it took on added significance because of the bullet’s design. Open-tip bullets have been approved for use by U.S. forces for decades, but are sometimes confused with hollow-point rounds, which expand in human tissue after impact, causing unnecessary suffering, according to widely accepted international treaties signed following the Hague peace conventions held in the Netherlands in 1899 and 1907.

“We need to be very clear in drawing this distinction: This is not a hollow-point round, which is not permitted,” Brogan said. “It has been through law of land warfare review and has passed that review so that it meets the criteria of not causing unnecessary pain and suffering.”

The open-tip/hollow-point dilemma has been addressed several times by the military, including in 1990, when the chief of the Judge Advocate General International Law Branch, now-retired Marine Col. W. Hays Parks, advised that the open-tip M852 Sierra MatchKing round preferred by snipers met international law requirements. The round was kept in the field.

In a 3,000-word memorandum to Army Special Operations Command, Parks said “unnecessary suffering” and “superfluous injury” have not been formally defined, leaving the U.S. with a “balancing test” it must conduct to assess whether the usage of each kind of rifle round is justified.

“The test is not easily applied,” Parks said. “For this reason, the degree of ‘superfluous injury’ must … outweigh substantially the military necessity for the weapon system or projectile.”

John Cerone, an expert in the law of armed conflict and professor at the New England School of Law, said the military’s interpretation of international law is widely accepted. It is understood that weapons cause pain in war, and as long as there is a strategic military reason for their employment, they typically meet international guidelines, he said.

“In order to fall within the prohibition, a weapon has to be designed to cause unnecessary suffering,” he said.

Sixteen years after Parks issued his memo, an Army unit in Iraq temporarily banned the open-tip M118 long-range used by snipers after a JAG officer mistook it for hollow-tip ammunition, according to a 2006 Washington Times report. The decision was overturned when other Army officials were alerted.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 18, 2010, 11:35:00 am
Citação de: "Bolovo"
L129A1, adquirido pelo Exército Britânico, já está no Afeganistão.


 :arrow: ... 18827.aspx (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Junho 18, 2010, 09:19:04 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Citação de: "Vitor"
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Junho 18, 2010, 09:29:26 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Citação de: "Bolovo"
L129A1, adquirido pelo Exército Britânico, já está no Afeganistão.


 :arrow: ... 18827.aspx (

Parece que os Britanicos Renderam-se às "AR10" !!!"%20.$session%20.%20"

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 19, 2010, 11:27:29 am
A SAS, SBS e os Precursores já usam espingardas-automáticas da familia à décadas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Junho 19, 2010, 09:44:47 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
O SAS, SBS e os Precursores já usam espingardas-automáticas da familia à décadas.

Normalmente sao AR15 e nao AR10
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: sergio21699 em Junho 22, 2010, 04:51:25 pm
Santarém: idoso morre atropelado por camião do Exército
Condutor não se apercebeu de que tinha atropelado o peão nem de que este estava a atravessar a via

Um idoso com 89 anos morreu esta terça-feira atropelado em Santarém por um veículo militar do Exército, disse à Lusa fonte da PSP, entidade que abriu um inquérito para averiguar as condições em que se deu o acidente.

O idoso estava a atravessar a estrada, numa zona sem passadeira, próximo do Largo Infante Santo, nas imediações do edifício da Câmara Municipal, tendo sido atropelado pela traseira de um camião do Exército que estava parado ao sinal vermelho do semáforo, disse à Lusa fonte do Exército, sem dar mais explicações.

A vítima, viúvo, ex-funcionário reformado da Câmara de Santarém, teve morte imediata, no acidente que ocorreu cerca das 13:30.

Segundo a PSP, o condutor do veículo militar não se terá apercebido de que tinha atropelado o idoso nem de que este estava a atravessar a via.

Segundo tenente-coronel Hélder Perdigão, relações públicas do Exército, o condutor do camião militar é um cabo da Brigada de Reacção Rápida de Tancos com cerca de 20 anos de idade.

A viatura envolvida no acidente mortal é um camião MAN e deslocava-se para a zona do exercício militar de demonstração Apolo 10 que estava a acontecer na zona do Jardim da República, em Santarém.

A mesma fonte do exército frisou que o trajecto efectuado pelo camião na altura do acidente não tinha nada a ver com o exercício militar em curso.

Ainda segundo o Exército, «não há indícios de culpabilidade do condutor, mas o inquérito será feito pela PSP de Santarém visto que o acidente se passou na via pública».

A vítima mortal foi transportada para hospital de Santarém e o inquérito está já a ser conduzido pelo departamento de investigação criminal de acidentes da PSP de Santarém.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 26, 2010, 12:56:04 pm
SOCOM Cancels Mk-16 SCAR
by christian on June 25, 2010 · COMMENTS (0)

In an exclusive report for we reveal that US Spec Ops Command has abandoned the 5.56 version of the SCAR and will use FY 2011 money to buy more 7.62 Mk-17s to fill a “capability gap” for a 7.62 battle rifle.

Here’s an excerpt:

In a surprising reversal that follows years of effort to design a one-of-a-kind commando rifle, the U.S. military’s Special Operations Command has abruptly decided to abandon the new SOCOM Combat Assault rifle – the “SCAR,” as the rifle is commonly known – in favor of previously-fielded carbines.

Details provided exclusively to reveal that SOCOM, the Tampa-based command that oversees the training and equipping of SEALs, Green Berets, Air Force Special Tactics Teams and Marine SOC groups, will stop purchasing the 5.56 mm Mk-16 Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle and might require all units who now have them to turn the new weapons back into the armory.

“The Mk-16 does not provide enough of a performance advantage over the M-4 to justify spending USSOCOM’s limited … funds when competing priorities are taken into consideration,” officials at USSOCOM said in an email response to questions from “Currently, three of USSOCOM’s four components receive the 5.56 mm M-4 from their parent service as a service common equipment item.”

A couple things to note here, so far SOCOM has purchased 850 Mk-16s and 750 Mk-17s — way below their original requirement. The weird thing to consider here is that the requirement was for a 5.56 and that was what was competed. Now they’re buying a 7.62 that has no written requirement document attached to it.

Further, the SEALs are going to be particularly in the hurt locker on this one since the Navy doesn’t buy their guns, SOCOM does. I hear that it was Naval Special Warfare that really pushed this program and that it was the USASOC that basically killed it. More of the Mk-16s were fielded to SEALs than any other unit within SOCOM.

Also of note: I hear that the services who have them will have to hand back their Mk-16s when they’re back from deployment and pick up their old SOPMOD M4s or HK-416s. So so a final goodbye to your SCAR-16 when you’re back from The Box.

Two well-informed industry analysts tell me that SCAR-maker FNH-USA will try to sell SOCOM on the idea of a Mk-17 common receiver that can be turned into a 5.56 or other caliber by switching out part of the lower receiver. So FNH-USA is positioning itself to rescue the Mk-16 through the Mk-17. But there’s no indication that SOCOM is biting.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Trafaria em Junho 26, 2010, 05:40:46 pm
Citação de: "Camuflage"
O desfile finlandês pareceu tão pobrezinho, então e os aviões e a restante tropa?
Depende do ponto de vista.
Eu achei este defile riquissimo ...
Camiões Sisu de vários modelos, tamanhos e funções .... made in Finland.
Varios modelos de blindados Pasi... made in Finland.
Espingardas automaticas SAKO RK-95 ... made in Finland.
E muito, muito mais...

Enfim... valente desfile!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Junho 26, 2010, 06:21:30 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
SOCOM Cancels Mk-16 SCAR
by christian on June 25, 2010 · COMMENTS (0)

In an exclusive report for we reveal that US Spec Ops Command has abandoned the 5.56 version of the SCAR and will use FY 2011 money to buy more 7.62 Mk-17s to fill a “capability gap” for a 7.62 battle rifle.

Here’s an excerpt:

In a surprising reversal that follows years of effort to design a one-of-a-kind commando rifle, the U.S. military’s Special Operations Command has abruptly decided to abandon the new SOCOM Combat Assault rifle – the “SCAR,” as the rifle is commonly known – in favor of previously-fielded carbines.

Details provided exclusively to reveal that SOCOM, the Tampa-based command that oversees the training and equipping of SEALs, Green Berets, Air Force Special Tactics Teams and Marine SOC groups, will stop purchasing the 5.56 mm Mk-16 Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle and might require all units who now have them to turn the new weapons back into the armory.

“The Mk-16 does not provide enough of a performance advantage over the M-4 to justify spending USSOCOM’s limited … funds when competing priorities are taken into consideration,” officials at USSOCOM said in an email response to questions from “Currently, three of USSOCOM’s four components receive the 5.56 mm M-4 from their parent service as a service common equipment item.”

A couple things to note here, so far SOCOM has purchased 850 Mk-16s and 750 Mk-17s — way below their original requirement. The weird thing to consider here is that the requirement was for a 5.56 and that was what was competed. Now they’re buying a 7.62 that has no written requirement document attached to it.

Further, the SEALs are going to be particularly in the hurt locker on this one since the Navy doesn’t buy their guns, SOCOM does. I hear that it was Naval Special Warfare that really pushed this program and that it was the USASOC that basically killed it. More of the Mk-16s were fielded to SEALs than any other unit within SOCOM.

Also of note: I hear that the services who have them will have to hand back their Mk-16s when they’re back from deployment and pick up their old SOPMOD M4s or HK-416s. So so a final goodbye to your SCAR-16 when you’re back from The Box.

Two well-informed industry analysts tell me that SCAR-maker FNH-USA will try to sell SOCOM on the idea of a Mk-17 common receiver that can be turned into a 5.56 or other caliber by switching out part of the lower receiver. So FNH-USA is positioning itself to rescue the Mk-16 through the Mk-17. But there’s no indication that SOCOM is biting.


Pelo que percebo isto é de um forum!! E o proprio que escreve parece estar muito na duvida sobre o que fala!!
A confirmar-se é uma grande bomba pra FN.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Trafaria em Junho 29, 2010, 01:57:47 pm
Citação de: "Trafaria"
Citação de: "Camuflage"
O desfile finlandês pareceu tão pobrezinho, então e os aviões e a restante tropa?
Depende do ponto de vista.
Eu achei este defile riquissimo ...
Camiões Sisu de vários modelos, tamanhos e funções .... made in Finland.
Varios modelos de blindados Pasi... made in Finland.
Espingardas automaticas SAKO RK-95 ... made in Finland.
E muito, muito mais...

Enfim... valente desfile!

A propósito disto ocorreu-me que neste cantinho à beira mar plantado nem sequer as simples rações de combate são de fabrico naciomal…
Estas coisas para mim assumem-se de grande relevância.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 06, 2010, 12:38:24 pm
Concurso no Peru:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Julho 07, 2010, 01:10:09 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Concurso no Peru:


Engraçado que eles falam de armas em .308 e depois misturam uma Galil com um carregador de .223 !!! É que nem o carregador de 7,62x39 é !! Muito estranho ...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 07, 2010, 10:02:54 am
Há uma versão para 7.62mm x 39mm e outra para 7.62mm x 51mm.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 13, 2010, 06:16:53 pm

   MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. – Amphibious operations made a debut in the Marine Corps during the Revolutionary War when Marines stormed the sands of New Providence,  Bahamas in 1776. Technology and concepts have improved since the 18th century, allowing troops to reach inland objectives faster and safer. With a top speed of 40 knots and the ability to travel ashore from more than 25 nautical miles away, the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle brings another tool to the Corps’ amphibious arsenal.

Camp Pendleton’s Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch took possession of the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle Command Variant-1 System Development and Demonstration-2, also known as EFVC-1 SDD-2, June 29. AVTB will begin a series of land, amphibious and firepower tests over the next four to six months to assist General Dynamics, the vehicle’s developer, in evaluation of the advanced features on board prior to production scheduled for fiscal year 2012.

“We’re taking hold of these vehicles and starting the developmental testing this week,” said Capt. Charles R. Ibatuan, AVTB’s communications officer, who added that the communication systems remained the same, but many changes have taken place since the development of the first command variant prototype, the SDD-1, in 2003.

After a series of testing and feedback the SDD-2 was developed, replacing the first prototype, and is now the focus of the EFV program.

Following the SDD-2’s introduction, developmental test operators explained the systems and advantages over the first command variant prototype.

“The capability of the SDD-2 greatly supersedes those of its predecessor. This prototype is much more user friendly,” explained Sgt. Robert Baxter, a developmental test operator with AVTB.

With the command element in mind, the SDD-2’s mission is to provide unit commanders and selected staff the ability to communicate with subordinate units while maintaining survivability, along with water and ground maneuverability, according to EFV program documents.

“The specific mission of the Amphibious Assault Vehicle is to carry troops and cargo ashore. We’re not carrying cargo [in the EFV] but we’re getting troops inland quickly and getting them there safely, while giving them enhanced capabilities to communicate and increasing firepower,” added Baxter, 26, from Scottsdale, Ariz.

Noticeable improvements to the vehicle include a fully-stabilized 30 mm cannon and 7.62 mm machine-gun.

“The 30 mm cannon allows Marines to engage enemy vehicles, while the 7.62 mm machine-gun targets infantry in the open,” said Col. Keith M. Moore, EFV program manager.

Improved munitions are one of many changes to the vehicle’s blueprints, offering Marines assurance of lethality and increasing firepower for possible operations on foreign lands.

“The EFV is essential to the Marine Corps mission. There are programs that are absolutely and vitally important. One of those is our EFV,” said Gen. James T. Conway, Commandant of the Marine Corps.

EFV full-rate production is expected by FY15 with 573 being produced by FY25. Once in service, the EFV will allow Marines to penetrate inland objectives by sea from distances over the horizon with more speed and control while offering superb protection against opposing forces.

Eu pensava que o projecto tinha sido cancelado. :o
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 05, 2010, 02:10:23 pm
Portas vende arma ao desbarato

Em 2004, o Ministério da Defesa, então liderado por Paulo Portas, vendeu, por 50 mil dólares, uma pistola-metralhadora criada em Portugal...

Mas que treta é esta? Alguém leu o artigo?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Agosto 05, 2010, 03:25:22 pm
O projecto foi vendido em 2004 a um conjunto de empresários americanos por 50 000 USD. Gastou-se no desenvolvimento 15 000 000 EUR. Quando a INDEP foi fechada aproveitaram e compraram a maquinaria. Agora, segundo o artigo do CM, é um sucesso de vendas .
A ser verdade é mais um triste exemplo da má gestão neste país.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 05, 2010, 03:29:01 pm
É a história da Pistola-Metralhadora Lusa. ( (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 05, 2010, 04:07:12 pm
Sim senhor, o sô Portas fez um grande negócio... :roll:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 05, 2010, 04:18:06 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Portas vende arma ao desbarato

Em 2004, o Ministério da Defesa, então liderado por Paulo Portas, vendeu, por 50 mil dólares, uma pistola-metralhadora criada em Portugal...

Mas que treta é esta? Alguém leu o artigo?

 :arrow:  :arrow: ... -4207.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Crypter em Agosto 05, 2010, 04:25:10 pm
Citação de: "AtInf"
O projecto foi vendido em 2004 a um conjunto de empresários americanos por 50 000 USD. Gastou-se no desenvolvimento 15 000 000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              15 000 000      end_of_the_skype_highlighting EUR. Quando a INDEP foi fechada aproveitaram e compraram a maquinaria. Agora, segundo o artigo do CM, é um sucesso de vendas .
A ser verdade é mais um triste exemplo da má gestão neste país.

Não é o que está descrito no site oficial da Lusa!

In 1983, the LUSA-A2 SMG was developed by INDEP Industries of Portugal who, at the time, was manufacturing under license from H&K, the HK21 and the HK G3. Improvements and modifications were a continuing process, culminating in 1992, and with a development cost of 2.5 million dollars. The weapons are now used by the Portuguese and three other European countries.

Em (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Agosto 06, 2010, 09:14:56 am
Citação de: "P44"
Cabeça de Martelo Escreveu:
Portas vende arma ao desbarato

Em 2004, o Ministério da Defesa, então liderado por Paulo Portas, vendeu, por 50 mil dólares, uma pistola-metralhadora criada em Portugal...

Mas que treta é esta? Alguém leu o artigo?
Citação de: "AtInf"
O projecto foi vendido em 2004 a um conjunto de empresários americanos por 50 000 USD. Gastou-se no desenvolvimento 15 000 000 EUR. Quando a INDEP foi fechada aproveitaram e compraram a maquinaria. Agora, segundo o artigo do CM, é um sucesso de vendas .
A ser verdade é mais um triste exemplo da má gestão neste país.
A noticia a que me referi foi a  publicada no CM de ontem.
Quais são as forças em Portugal que utilizam a LUSA? Segundo eu sei só foram distribuidos alguns exemplares para avaliação.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 06, 2010, 10:29:41 am
Salvo erro a Guarda Prisional tem alguns exemplares.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 06, 2010, 10:50:53 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Salvo erro a Guarda Prisional tem alguns exemplares.

A marinha também! Na reportagem feita pela rtp, sobre a ultima viagem do submarino barracuda. lembro-me de ter visto essa arma, enquanto o submarino atravessava o estreito de Gibraltar.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 06, 2010, 05:07:36 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"

A marinha também! Na reportagem feita pela rtp, sobre a ultima viagem do submarino barracuda. lembro-me de ter visto essa arma, enquanto o submarino atravessava o estreito de Gibraltar.

 :?  :? Não seria mais Walther MPL ou mesmo FBP  :?:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 06, 2010, 05:34:50 pm
As primeiras fotos da nova espingarda-automática Brasileira (fotos do Guerra do DB):


Porreirinha, pelo menos estéticamente. c34x
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Agosto 06, 2010, 05:58:20 pm
Os picattini são interessantes. Quem é que produz ? A Taurus? E já agora qual é o calibre?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 06, 2010, 06:27:46 pm
Salvo erro é a Imbel e a CTEx responsáveis pelo projecto. Calibre 5.56 x 45 mm.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Nuno Calhau em Agosto 07, 2010, 01:15:56 am
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
Citação de: "nelson38899"

A marinha também! Na reportagem feita pela rtp, sobre a ultima viagem do submarino barracuda. lembro-me de ter visto essa arma, enquanto o submarino atravessava o estreito de Gibraltar.

 :?  :? Não seria mais Walther MPL ou mesmo FBP  :?:

Obvio que sim caro Pereira Marques, obvio que sim!

Mas esta rapaziada anda toda desatenta...

Todo este processo do INDEP traduz o que se passa no nosso país. Os políticos hajam com incúria, desleixo, ignorância, etc. etc, baseados apenas nas luvas que vão auferir nas negociatas a realizar, protegidos pela impunidade dos seus actos.
Desta forma se traduz a total falta de visão dos citados senhores nas mais diversas matérias de cariz nacional.

Para os mais desatentos, a Lusa foi preterida tanto na Guarda Prisional como na GNR, para não falar no Exercito.
Tanto a primeira como a segunda, receberam por imposição do Tribunal Administrativo (com os juízes a anular 04-11-1998 o despacho de Alberto Costa, que anulava a aquisição de 6000 aramas ao Chile, em prol da LusaA2), a FAMAE/SAF.

Para que conste, a GP recebeu em 1995 uma dezena de Lusa A2, armas que foram mantidas em armazém dado não serem capazes para o serviço...

Com as embrulhadas do costume, quem lucrou com a brincadeira foi a FAME, que arrecadou a módica quantia de 600 mil contos!
Dinheiro que não sairia de Portugal não fosse o tradicional "fado" a que somos submetidos à décadas..

Já que falamos do Dr. Paulo Portas, porque não relembrar também a venda a Espanha da linha de produção de munições de armas ligeiras?!

Teve um preço de aquisição de 2,5 milhões de contos (Qual teria sido o valor da sua venda? Dado que nunca foi revelado ou tornado público...), tendo capacidade para produzir o mínimo 20 milhões de munições por ano, nos calibres 7,67 & 5,56.

Para não falar da linha de 9mm e 12,7 que também foi alienada na mesma negociata...

Como me desabafou um Amigo (antigo quadro do INDEP); "O nosso país sempre teve talvez pruridos de mais em fornecer determinados países clientes."
Dando o exemplo de uma encomenda (o negocio estava firmado) por parte de Macau, que foi chumbado por receio das munições se destinarem à China.

Bem por aqui me fico. Resignado a ver o "fado" usual...

Um Abraço.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 07, 2010, 05:37:11 pm
Primeiro os Britânicos, depois os Espanhóis e agora os Russos...nada mau para os Italianos.

The Russian Defense Ministry is going to set up a joint assembly line with the Italian automaker Iveco to produce LMV M65 tactical vehicles in Russia, the Kommersant daily said on Friday.

The Italian vehicles have already been included on the list of Russian military equipment, the paper said.

The LMV M65 is a light multirole armored vehicle developed in 2001 by Iveco Defense Vehicles. It is designed primarily for strategic and tactical mobility with a high level of protection against anti-tank and anti-personnel mines

Italian LMVs have been used in Iraq, Afghanistan and other NATO missions, where their performance has been praised.

The Russian state corporation Rostekhnologii is currently holding talks with Iveco on launching the joint venture with planned minimum capacity of 500 vehicles per year.

The move is a serious blow to the interests of the Russkie Mashiny company headed by tycoon Oleg Deripaska. His company produces Tigr (Gaz-233014) vehicles with characteristics close to LMV M56 ones. The Gaz-233014 vehicles entered into service in 2006.

The LMV M65 assembly line will be based at one of the sites belonging to leading Russian truck manufacturer KamAZ, the paper said, citing a source close to the Defense Ministry.

"This project has been approved at the highest level, the country's top leadership is abreast of the situation," the source said.

"The Iveco vehicles assembled in Russia are expected to be acquired by the Russian Interior Ministry and the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation," he added.

A representative of the state Rostekhnologii corporation also confirmed the plans, adding that the details were being negotiated.

The Russian Defense Ministry will acquire 278 Italian vehicles in 2011 and 2012, and during the next two years the volumes of supplies will be increased to 458 vehicles per year. In 2015, the ministry will buy 228 vehicles and 75 vehicles in 2016, the source said.

The Defense Ministry plans to spend some 30 billion rubles ($1 billion) on the project in the next few years, and Rostekhnologii has pledged that the average price of a vehicle will not exceed 300,000 Euros ($395,340).

MOSCOW, August 6 (RIA Novosti)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Agosto 09, 2010, 11:30:16 am
USMC iniciam entregam a IAR M27 para testes a unidades

SAW replacement set for real world testing

5 units to  use Infantry Automatic Rifle during pre-deployment workups
This fall, Marine units will finally get their hands on the experimental M27 infantry automatic rifle as several units employ the 5.56mm weapon during pre-deployment training. It will likely be another year before the weapon is sent down range, however.

The plan is part of a new round of experimental testing called for by Commandant Gen. James Conway, said Lt. Col. Mark Brinkman, who oversees the program’s development at Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Va. The commandant has authorized the command to buy 458 IARs, with limited fielding to one infantry battalion in each Marine expeditionary force, one light armored reconnaissance battalion and one reserve infantry battalion.

Marine officials declined to comment on which units were selected or why, but the decision would appear to indicate that Conway is seeking additional feedback on the weapon’s performance from the infantry. The Corps has tentative plans to buy about 4,100 M27s to replace the aging M249 squad automatic weapon in some infantry formations, but the commandant is concerned the new weapon, carrying a 30-round magazine, would provide enough firepower to establish superiority in combat.

The units receiving the IAR will be in the pipeline to deploy in 2011, but will get the weapon in “sufficient time to train with the weapon prior to deployment,” Brinkman said. Marines in the selected units will carry it through pre-deployment workups, including Enhanced Mojave Viper training at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, Calif.

The limited fielding is the latest step for the program, which has been closely scrutinized by Marines who share Conway’s concerns. Proponents have countered that fielding the IAR will give Marines a lighter-weight alternative to the SAW and is also more accurate in combat.

In the last year, the Corps has narrowed its search for the weapon to a specific variant, Heckler & Koch’s HK416 IAR, and tested it at Twentynine Palms, Fort McCoy, Wis., and Camp Shelby, Miss.

The testing at Twentynine Palms enabled the Corps to see how it performed in a dusty environment, Brinkman said. Cold-weather testing was conducted at Fort McCoy last winter, and hot-weather testing was completed in June at Camp Shelby. The Marine Corps Operational Test & Evaluation Activity, based at Quantico, oversaw testing, but its report is not yet complete, Marine officials said. The agency independently tests gear that the Corps may field.

The Corps is still interested in potentially fielding a high-capacity magazine that would carry between 50 and 100 rounds, but is “not actively pursuing” it currently, Brinkman said.

“If we do pursue a high-capacity magazine, it will be critical that it does not have a negative impact on the reliability of the weapon,” he said.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Smoke Trails em Agosto 09, 2010, 01:03:31 pm
Boa tarde,
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Portas vende arma ao desbarato

Em 2004, o Ministério da Defesa, então liderado por Paulo Portas, vendeu, por 50 mil dólares, uma pistola-metralhadora criada em Portugal...

Mas que treta é esta? Alguém leu o artigo?
A edição de hoje do Correio da Manhã traz um artigo sobre a arma Lusa A2 ... em-registo (

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 11, 2010, 01:10:16 am
Citação de: "Smoke Trails"
Boa tarde,
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Portas vende arma ao desbarato

Em 2004, o Ministério da Defesa, então liderado por Paulo Portas, vendeu, por 50 mil dólares, uma pistola-metralhadora criada em Portugal...

Mas que treta é esta? Alguém leu o artigo?
A edição de hoje do Correio da Manhã traz um artigo sobre a arma Lusa A2 ... em-registo (


Como é possível trocar 15 milhões por 40 mil euros? é um nível de estupidez incrivelmente grande, mesmo nos padrões do governo português...  :roll:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Agosto 12, 2010, 10:46:06 am
Citação de: "AtInf"
USMC iniciam entregam a IAR M27 para testes a unidades

SAW replacement set for real world testing

5 units to  use Infantry Automatic Rifle during pre-deployment workups
This fall, Marine units will finally get their hands on the experimental M27 infantry automatic rifle as several units employ the 5.56mm weapon during pre-deployment training. It will likely be another year before the weapon is sent down range, however.

The plan is part of a new round of experimental testing called for by Commandant Gen. James Conway, said Lt. Col. Mark Brinkman, who oversees the program’s development at Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Va. The commandant has authorized the command to buy 458 IARs, with limited fielding to one infantry battalion in each Marine expeditionary force, one light armored reconnaissance battalion and one reserve infantry battalion.

Marine officials declined to comment on which units were selected or why, but the decision would appear to indicate that Conway is seeking additional feedback on the weapon’s performance from the infantry. The Corps has tentative plans to buy about 4,100 M27s to replace the aging M249 squad automatic weapon in some infantry formations, but the commandant is concerned the new weapon, carrying a 30-round magazine, would provide enough firepower to establish superiority in combat.

The units receiving the IAR will be in the pipeline to deploy in 2011, but will get the weapon in “sufficient time to train with the weapon prior to deployment,” Brinkman said. Marines in the selected units will carry it through pre-deployment workups, including Enhanced Mojave Viper training at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms, Calif.

The limited fielding is the latest step for the program, which has been closely scrutinized by Marines who share Conway’s concerns. Proponents have countered that fielding the IAR will give Marines a lighter-weight alternative to the SAW and is also more accurate in combat.

In the last year, the Corps has narrowed its search for the weapon to a specific variant, Heckler & Koch’s HK416 IAR, and tested it at Twentynine Palms, Fort McCoy, Wis., and Camp Shelby, Miss.

The testing at Twentynine Palms enabled the Corps to see how it performed in a dusty environment, Brinkman said. Cold-weather testing was conducted at Fort McCoy last winter, and hot-weather testing was completed in June at Camp Shelby. The Marine Corps Operational Test & Evaluation Activity, based at Quantico, oversaw testing, but its report is not yet complete, Marine officials said. The agency independently tests gear that the Corps may field.

The Corps is still interested in potentially fielding a high-capacity magazine that would carry between 50 and 100 rounds, but is “not actively pursuing” it currently, Brinkman said.

“If we do pursue a high-capacity magazine, it will be critical that it does not have a negative impact on the reliability of the weapon,” he said.

Isto foi uma maneira que os MArines tiveram de arranjar umas M4 mais fiaveis.
Deram as desculpa que era pra substituir as M249 visto que não havia orçamentos pra substituir M4.  
E assim deram a volta a coisa!! Vamos ver se segue para a frente...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Agosto 12, 2010, 11:12:55 am
Citação de: "ACADO"
Isto foi uma maneira que os MArines tiveram de arranjar umas M4 mais fiaveis.
Deram as desculpa que era pra substituir as M249 visto que não havia orçamentos pra substituir M4.
E assim deram a volta a coisa!! Vamos ver se segue para a frente...
Quanto a substituir a M4  :D   Os Marines não a utilizam, continuam com a M16 A2.
A M249 tem funções diferentes da M4, substituir uma quando se quer substituir a outra seria no minimo estupido.
A intenção é voltarem a ter o que havia com a BAR, uma arma com poder fogo elevado mas suficientemente ligeira e que à distância não seja facilmente referenciada ( alvo prioritário ). O aumento de operações em areas edicadas tambem contribuiu para tal.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 12, 2010, 12:31:36 pm
E não se podem esquecer uma coisa, os pelotões de atiradores no US Marine Corp são maiores do que os nossos pelotões de atiradores, por isso mesmo que percam um pouco de potência de fogo, isso não significa que fiquem com menos poder de fogo que um pelotão de atiradores de um BIPara (para comparar com um outro pelotão também ele equipado com espingardas-automáticas de 5.56mm).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Agosto 12, 2010, 03:39:18 pm
Citação de: "AtInf"
Citação de: "ACADO"
Isto foi uma maneira que os MArines tiveram de arranjar umas M4 mais fiaveis.
Deram as desculpa que era pra substituir as M249 visto que não havia orçamentos pra substituir M4.
E assim deram a volta a coisa!! Vamos ver se segue para a frente...
Quanto a substituir a M4  :D   Os Marines não a utilizam, continuam com a M16 A2.
A M249 tem funções diferentes da M4, substituir uma quando se quer substituir a outra seria no minimo estupido.
A intenção é voltarem a ter o que havia com a BAR, uma arma com poder fogo elevado mas suficientemente ligeira e que à distância não seja facilmente referenciada ( alvo prioritário ). O aumento de operações em areas edicadas tambem contribuiu para tal.

Desculpe lá, nem vou comentar.
Vá pesquisar um bocadinho e percebe o que lhe estou a dizer.
Que mania de contradizer coisas!! Se lhe estou a dizer, não porque é a minha opinião, é porque vi isso relatado!!!

Esta concurso da HK pra substituir algumas M249, foi um subterfugio que arranjaram para comprarem M4 mais fiaveis.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Agosto 12, 2010, 03:48:21 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
E não se podem esquecer uma coisa, os pelotões de atiradores no US Marine Corp são maiores do que os nossos pelotões de atiradores, por isso mesmo que percam um pouco de potência de fogo, isso não significa que fiquem com menos poder de fogo que um pelotão de atiradores de um BIPara (para comparar com um outro pelotão também ele equipado com espingardas-automáticas de 5.56mm).

MAs eles não querem substituir nada!!
Aquilo foi uma marosca porque eles queriam mesmo era ter acesso a M4 novas e alguem não aprovou isso.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Portucale em Agosto 12, 2010, 07:13:44 pm
Alguém tem informações sobre esta notícia?
Diz que até ao fim do ano seria feita uma demonstração do equipamento em Portugal!

Posted on July 26, 2010 by worldef
French Nexter Systems has developed an improved configuration of its CAESAR (CAmion Equipé d’un Système d’ARtillerie) wheeled light self-propelled artillery system. This new configuration designed CAESAR MK2 includes a highly protected cabin which is fitted with a hatch to allow firing with a 5.65mm or 7.62mm guns.
The company is looking to sell a second batch of 64 systems to the French Army through the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement) procurement agency. The French Army operates 8 systems in Afghanistan since August of 2009.
Prospects include countries like Belgium, Poland, Italy, Thailand, India and Portugal. A CAESAR system will be trialed in Portugal before the end of 2010.
CAESAR has been so far procured by France (77), Thailand and by Saudi Arabia where 100 systems are being delivered to the SANG (Saudi Arabian National Guard).
CAESAR system feature a 155mm/52 gun fitted with a Sagem Défense Sécurité SA SIGMA 30 inertial navigation system, Sagem Défense Sécurité SA CALP2G ballistic computer, Zodiac Data Systems RDB4-MK3 muzzle velocity radar, the Thales Communications PR4G tactical communications system and the Thales ATLAS fire control system. CAESAR systems in service in France and Thailand are integrated on a Renault Trucks Defense SHERPA 5 heavy tactical truck. CAESAR is able to fire NATO 39 caliber munitions.
SANG systems use a Mercedes Benz Unimog U5000 chassis adapted and modified by the French company SOFEMA.
CAESAR can be transported by aircraft like the C-130H Hercules, C-130J Super Hercules and the A400M Grizzly.
CAESAR weights 17 Tonnes and has a top road speed of 80 km/h and its autonomy is 600 km.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 12, 2010, 11:30:01 pm
Este assunto já foi debatido no fórum, basta procurares. O CAESAR vem a Portugal com o objectivo de num futuro próximo, poder participar no concurso da Brigada de Intervenção (BrigInt) para substituir das peças de artilharia actuais.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 12, 2010, 11:46:01 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Este assunto já foi debatido no fórum, basta procurares. O CAESAR vem a Portugal com o objectivo de num futuro próximo, poder participar no concurso da Brigada de Intervenção (BrigInt) para substituir das peças de artilharia actuais.

Se de facto os sistemas de artilharia da BrigInt forem sustituidos pelos CAESAR, ficava muito contente. Preferia o Pzh 2000, mas já o CAESAR seria muito bom. Mas com a actual conjuntura económica, não me parece que tal venha a acontecer num futuro próximo...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 12, 2010, 11:57:59 pm
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Este assunto já foi debatido no fórum, basta procurares. O CAESAR vem a Portugal com o objectivo de num futuro próximo, poder participar no concurso da Brigada de Intervenção (BrigInt) para substituir das peças de artilharia actuais.

Se de facto os sistemas de artilharia da BrigInt forem sustituidos pelos CAESAR, ficava muito contente. Preferia o Pzh 2000, mas já o CAESAR seria muito bom. Mas com a actual conjuntura económica, não me parece que tal venha a acontecer num futuro próximo...

Estás a confundir as brigadas. Se um dia houver dinheiro para concursos de artilharia nas diferentes brigadas. Estes dois sistemas não iam competir, pois cada um ia para uma brigada diferente, o CAESER iria para a brigada de intervenção e o Pzh2000 ia para a brigada  Mecanizada.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 13, 2010, 04:49:11 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Este assunto já foi debatido no fórum, basta procurares. O CAESAR vem a Portugal com o objectivo de num futuro próximo, poder participar no concurso da Brigada de Intervenção (BrigInt) para substituir das peças de artilharia actuais.

Se de facto os sistemas de artilharia da BrigInt forem sustituidos pelos CAESAR, ficava muito contente. Preferia o Pzh 2000, mas já o CAESAR seria muito bom. Mas com a actual conjuntura económica, não me parece que tal venha a acontecer num futuro próximo...

Estás a confundir as brigadas. Se um dia houver dinheiro para concursos de artilharia nas diferentes brigadas. Estes dois sistemas não iam competir, pois cada um ia para uma brigada diferente, o CAESER iria para a brigada de intervenção e o Pzh2000 ia para a brigada  Mecanizada.

Então mas o CAESER também não pertence à categoria de artilharia auto-propulsada?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 13, 2010, 05:20:23 pm
Jorge já viste fotos dos sistemas por ti mencionados? Achas que um camião pode acompanhar forças mecanizadas de uma forma operacional? Para levar o abastecimento às tropas é viável, agora esta missão especifica é inviável. Os Espanhóis têm um projecto muito interessante e que provavelmente vai ser mais barato que o Pzh 2000, mas ainda está em testes.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 13, 2010, 06:35:09 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Jorge já viste fotos dos sistemas por ti mencionados? Achas que um camião pode acompanhar forças mecanizadas de uma forma operacional? Para levar o abastecimento às tropas é viável, agora esta missão especifica é inviável. Os Espanhóis têm um projecto muito interessante e que provavelmente vai ser mais barato que o Pzh 2000, mas ainda está em testes.

pois, de facto não pensei nisso. e já vi uma projecto que usa o mesmo canhao do pzh 2000 só que por não ter blindagem nem metralhadoras fica muito mais barato. Mas eu penso que a blindagem não é lá muito necessária... Porque não vai combater ao lado das tropas, e no caso de uma contra-bateria (penso que é este o nome), não existe blindagem que sirva para muita coisa... Mas deixo isso aos especialistas, porque de facto ainda tenho muito para aprender...  :oops:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 24, 2010, 12:55:17 pm
   Bundeswehr Faces Biggest Shake-Up In Its History
(Source: Deutsche Welle German radio; issued Aug. 23, 2010)

Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg presented his draft plans for the future of the German army to government ministers on Monday. The model Guttenberg unveiled will see the present 252,000 soldiers cut to 163,500 over the next few years, a reduction of around a third.

Conscription will be suspended in the short term, with young men no longer called up to do compulsory service. But Guttenberg stressed that it was important conscription retains its place in the constitution, in case it becomes viable again in the future.

"By the end of the year it ought to become clear that the Bundeswehr will become smaller, but better," Guttenberg said after discussing his proposals with coalition partners.

Knock-on effects

The chosen model would mean a reduction in the professional standing army from around 195,000 soldiers to 156,000. The cuts mean that the army would be left with three tank battalions, two artillery battalions and one paratrooper regiment.

The civilian service alternative to military conscription, an important provider of labor to Germany's care homes, will also be suspended. Family Minister Kristina Schroeder proposed on Monday to introduce a national voluntary community service.

"I'm not giving myself hope that we can completely replace what we have now," Schroeder told reporters in Berlin. But she celebrated the fact that women would be able to perform community service for the first time.

The proposal to suspend rather than scrap conscription altogether postpones a contentious debate that has been bedevilling Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition in recent weeks. Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) sees itself as a staunch defender of compulsory military service, though its military impracticality and high cost have long threatened the ideal of a 'citizen's army.'

'Voluntary conscription'

Guttenberg, of the CDU's Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union, hopes to mollify his party colleagues with the new "voluntary military service" model, which he says represents "a modern variation for the citizen to take on responsibility."

The government is hoping to attract volunteers to sign on to this new scheme for up to 23 months by promising driver's licenses, university places and other fringe benefits.

Women would be included amongst an estimated 7,500 army volunteers. "Not enough to safeguard the regeneration of the troops with up-and-coming soldiers," criticized Ulrich Kirsch, head of the Armed Forces Association.

The Defense Ministry is aiming to cut some 8.3 billion euros ($10.6 billion) off its budget over the next four years, though Guttenberg warned that savings in new armament projects would also be needed.

-ends- ... story.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: lazaro em Agosto 24, 2010, 03:39:48 pm
Os países emergentes estão a aumentar as despesas militares e a lançar ambiciosos programas de armamento, como China, Índia e Brasil. Os EUA decidiram parar programas destinados às guerras do futuro, mas concentram-se em equipar as suas forças militares actuais.

Na Europa, a crise justifica dietas demasiado apertadas na defesa. Alemanha, França e Inglaterra, para lá dos menos poderosos, diminuem drasticamente os investimentos com as forças militares. A percentagem média dos gastos com a defesa, que já rondava apenas 1,7% do PIB (inferior ao compromisso de 2%), desceu abaixo de 1,5%. Nas decisões que exijam exibição ou emprego da força, os europeus tinham peso insignificante. Agora é quase nulo. Confirmando que, nas alterações geopolíticas do mundo, o maior perdedor de todos é o continente europeu.

General Loureiro dos Santos, CM de 20 de Junho de 2010
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Agosto 24, 2010, 08:58:46 pm
Citação de: "lazaro"
Os países emergentes estão a aumentar as despesas militares e a lançar ambiciosos programas de armamento, como China, Índia e Brasil. Os EUA decidiram parar programas destinados às guerras do futuro, mas concentram-se em equipar as suas forças militares actuais.

Na Europa, a crise justifica dietas demasiado apertadas na defesa. Alemanha, França e Inglaterra, para lá dos menos poderosos, diminuem drasticamente os investimentos com as forças militares. A percentagem média dos gastos com a defesa, que já rondava apenas 1,7% do PIB (inferior ao compromisso de 2%), desceu abaixo de 1,5%. Nas decisões que exijam exibição ou emprego da força, os europeus tinham peso insignificante. Agora é quase nulo. Confirmando que, nas alterações geopolíticas do mundo, o maior perdedor de todos é o continente europeu.

General Loureiro dos Santos, CM de 20 de Junho de 2010

Basta ver a R.A.F que vai abater a frota de 120 Tornados, assim como os Harrier, ficando só com 107 Typhoon II, sendo que o F-35 vamos ver a sorte que corre...O exército vai sofrer cortes substanciais no numero de efectivos, bem como a RN que vai sofrer cortes no numero de unidades de superficie.

"pussy europe" again..
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 25, 2010, 10:17:45 pm
Citação de: "typhonman"

Basta ver a R.A.F que vai abater a frota de 120 Tornados, assim como os Harrier, ficando só com 107 Typhoon II, sendo que o F-35 vamos ver a sorte que corre...O exército vai sofrer cortes substanciais no numero de efectivos, bem como a RN que vai sofrer cortes no numero de unidades de superficie.

"pussy europe" again..

Não me importava que uns 40 tornados viessem substituir os alphajet. Não são propriamente novos, mas são bastante superiores a estes ultimos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 25, 2010, 11:29:00 pm
:roll: Para que é que a Esquadra 103 quer Tornado?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Agosto 26, 2010, 01:29:13 am
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
Citação de: "typhonman"

Basta ver a R.A.F que vai abater a frota de 120 Tornados, assim como os Harrier, ficando só com 107 Typhoon II, sendo que o F-35 vamos ver a sorte que corre...O exército vai sofrer cortes substanciais no numero de efectivos, bem como a RN que vai sofrer cortes no numero de unidades de superficie.

"pussy europe" again..

Não me importava que uns 40 tornados viessem substituir os alphajet. Não são propriamente novos, mas são bastante superiores a estes ultimos.


O F-16MLU cumpre todas as missões de combate em que a FAP poderá estar envolvida, sendo que o Alpha-jet apenas é usado para a instrução de pilotos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 26, 2010, 04:05:43 pm
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
:roll: Para que é que a Esquadra 103 quer Tornado?

Esqueci-me que os alphajet também são para instrução...  :oops:
Estava a falar na versão de ataque ao solo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 26, 2010, 04:06:15 pm
Citação de: "typhonman"


O F-16MLU cumpre todas as missões de combate em que a FAP poderá estar envolvida, sendo que o Alpha-jet apenas é usado para a instrução de pilotos.

Estava a falar na versão de ataque ao solo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 26, 2010, 10:36:59 pm
Jorge por acaso já percebeste que os Alpa são apenas para instrução? De que os F-16 substituiram os Alfa nessa função? De que os Tornado são demasiado para o nosso orçamento? De que nem temos pilotos para os nossos F-16 e muito menos para um caça-bombardeiro que leva dois pilotos (o segundo não é na verdade um piloto).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 27, 2010, 03:21:01 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Jorge por acaso já percebeste que os Alpa são apenas para instrução? De que os F-16 substituiram os Alfa nessa função? De que os Tornado são demasiado para o nosso orçamento? De que nem temos pilotos para os nossos F-16 e muito menos para um caça-bombardeiro que leva dois pilotos (o segundo não é na verdade um piloto).

Então, os poucos F-16 que temos (e ainda menos pilotos) têm de manter a superioridade aérea e apoiar as forças no solo? Como? Simplesmente não teriam hipótese...

*de facto não sabia que os F-16 tinham substituído os alphajet na função de ataque ao solo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Agosto 29, 2010, 12:17:01 pm
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
*de facto não sabia que os F-16 tinham substituído os alphajet na função de ataque ao solo.

A reorganização foi feita a nivel das esquadras, à alguns anos atrás havia na Base Aérea de Monte Real a esquadra de caças 201 equipada com o F-16 e na Base Aérea de Beja a esquadra 301 de ataque e a esquadra 103 de instrução, as duas com Alpha Jet.

A reorganização que se fez é que o Alpha Jet já não tem capacidade de ataque ao solo que se pretende nos dias de hoje, essa capacidade foi adquirida com o F-16 MLU, então toca a mandar a esquadra 301 da Base Aérea de Beja para a Base Aérea de Monte Real e a equipa-la com o F-16 MLU, e já agora a esquadra 201 também muda para o F-16 MLU, assim fica o mesmo avião para as suas esquadras, a esquadra 103 de instrução continua na sua vidinha na Base Aérea de Beja com os Alpha Jet.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Agosto 29, 2010, 04:54:16 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
*de facto não sabia que os F-16 tinham substituído os alphajet na função de ataque ao solo.

A reorganização foi feita a nivel das esquadras, à alguns anos atrás havia na Base Aérea de Monte Real a esquadra de caças 201 equipada com o F-16 e na Base Aérea de Beja a esquadra 301 de ataque e a esquadra 103 de instrução, as duas com Alpha Jet.

A reorganização que se fez é que o Alpha Jet já não tem capacidade de ataque ao solo que se pretende nos dias de hoje, essa capacidade foi adquirida com o F-16 MLU, então toca a mandar a esquadra 301 da Base Aérea de Beja para a Base Aérea de Monte Real e a equipa-la com o F-16 MLU, e já agora a esquadra 201 também muda para o F-16 MLU, assim fica o mesmo avião para as suas esquadras, a esquadra 103 de instrução continua na sua vidinha na Base Aérea de Beja com os Alpha Jet.

ah, ok. obrigado pela explicação
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 30, 2010, 01:10:19 pm
SAS lose veterans and TA regiment

The SAS is facing the greatest cuts since the end of the Second World War with veterans being forced out and a Territorial Army regiment set to close.
By Thomas Harding, Defence Correspondent
Published: 1:14PM BST 29 Aug 2010

The Director of Special Forces, a major general who cannot be named, will meet with reserve SAS soldiers this week to inform them that their services are no longer required.

Already more than 40 veteran SAS men have been given their marching orders after the Army said it can no longer afford to pay them.

However, like the rest of defence the SAS has had to make cuts and getting rid of the “old and the bold” and part of the TA is seen as the best solution.

As a result of the Strategic Defence and Security Review, under which the Ministry of Defence has to make cuts of between 10 and 20 per cent, the SAS will also lose either 21 SAS or 23 SAS, its two TA battalions who also contribute to the war in Afghanistan.

“Sadly the director (DSF) is going round this week to talk to people because it looks likely we are going to lose a reserve regiment,” an SAS source said. “This is modern times and all we can really afford is the fighting young blades who deploy on operations.

“DSF is doing the sensible thing and is looking at them in the eye and saying the pot is this big and here are the options and this is why.

“It very unfortunate and inevitably will take something away from UK special forces but that is the reality of it.”

There has also been outcry that the SAS is losing its most experienced men who have served on operations since September 11th.

Special forces troops are given special exemption to serve beyond their contracted 22 years as recognition of their contribution to national security. The system is called “continuance” and the troops are found jobs on operations desks or backroom work.

But with defence cuts and more numbers of men staying in the regiment as a result of the poor economy the older troops have been told to move on.

The decision has been criticised as “ludicrous” by SAS insiders although the men have accepted that “their time is up”.

Some of the soldiers, who are in the 40s, have been involved in some of the toughest fighting against the Taliban in 2001 and Iraqi insurgents from 2003.

It is believed that the reductions were ordered before the current government came into power.

Throughout the Army there are currently moves to get rid of “dead wood” as it has reached nearly 100 per cent manning for the first time since the last war.

A further time bomb facing commanders is the potential dismissal of more than 4,000 badly wounded troops from Iraq and Afghanistan who will never be able to deploy on the front line.

Former SAS officer Colonel Clive Fairweather said: "I'd hang on to the special forces, to every bit of experience they've got, even if they are grey-haired, old dogs – it's what's in their heads that's important. I would really fight hard to keep those guys."

But Col Tim Collins, a former infantry commander who served in the SAS, said it had come to the point where “the experience they bring is no longer needed on operational tasks”.

“At the age of 45 or 50 you are no longer swinging through windows dishing out death.

“The regiment is a young man’s game and in fairness the old and bold have had a good run.”

The regular SAS was disbanded at the end of the Second World War but reformed to meet fight the Malayan Emergency in the early Fifties.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Agosto 30, 2010, 01:26:55 pm
Pois é, pelos menos por lá até as vacas sagradas já estão a ser consideradas como boas para abate :(
Com a pressão da economia, PEC's, agências de rating e afins vamos a ver como é que vão ser as modas por cá.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 07, 2010, 03:54:49 pm
Colt Modular Carbine

 :arrow: ... orces-gif/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Outubro 07, 2010, 04:56:13 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Colt Modular Carbine

 :arrow: ... orces-gif/ (

Engraçado que a Colt está a manter a investigação em armas sem ser de pistão.
Mas da-me ideia que pouca investigação foi feita e limitaram-se a fazer mais do mesmo mas com outros nomes.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 14, 2010, 05:38:38 pm
Delta Force Gets a Name Change

You know them as the "Delta Force," the elite team of military commandos who bust in places, kill the bad guys, and do the nation's necessary dirty work. More accurately, they've been busting their hump as lawnmowers against Al Qaeda and Iranian proxies for nine years on relentless three-month rotations.

For years, the military has delicately referred to this special missions unit (SMU) as "CAG," which stands for "Combat Applications Group (Airborne)."

That's because, although its existence is widely known, although dozens of books have been published by former Delta Force operators about their experiences, the SMUs are not acknowledged. If you want to impress your military friends, dropping a "CAG" here and there wasn't a bad way to go.

But CAG ... is no more. For at least the past several months, and maybe even longer, the unclassified designation for the Delta Force squadrons has been something different: they're now called "Army Compartmented Elements," or "ACE."  

Why? Well, the Joint Special Operations Command, which oversees the special missions units, likes to change the unit designation from time to time, in order to provide the unit with an extra bit of cover for its sensitive operations. Collectively, the SMUs of JSOC (sounds like a Klingon soap opera) form what's known as the "National Missions Force," distinguished thusly because they are not allocated to regional combatant commands.

However, since "ACE" is unclassified -- just Google it, and you can easily find people who openly identified as "Delta Force" commanders calling themselves commanders of the compartmented elements -- it is a secret that serves little purpose. ACE is listed on a public phone directory published on Ft. Bragg's web site. (ACE is described as belonging to the U.S. Army Special Operations Command. Also, think about it. "Army Compartmented Element." Compartmented? It's set off from others; e.g, secret. Element? A fancy word for group, or unit. So it literally means "Army Secret Unit."

Every so often, the Defense Security Service, which is in charge of counter-intelligence for the Pentagon, will send investigators into the innermost realms of JSOC offices in Washington State, Virginia, Colorado, and North Carolina, and tell employees to stop what they're doing, move away from their desks, and leave the room. DSS will then audit the paper lying about to see what sorts of information isn't stored properly. Then they'll Google various acronyms to see if unit designations have been published. And then, based on their recommendations, JSOC will change them.

Another storied unit, the Navy's SEAL Team Six, has also had its cover name changed. No longer is it called the "Naval Special Warfare Development Group," or DevGru.

But a senior defense official asked that its new cover name not be made public because there is currently no open source reference to the designation.

 :arrow: ... nge/64310/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 20, 2010, 02:11:57 pm
Mais uma espingarda-automática Israelita, a Gilboa:


 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: armando30 em Outubro 20, 2010, 09:48:07 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Mais uma espingarda-automática Israelita, a Gilboa:


 :arrow: (

mais uma versão da M4, e têm saído muitas nos últimos anos.

como as outras só deve ter um mecanismo de disparo diferente da original para dar mais poder de fogo.
só uma, pelo que tenho conhecimento, é que mudou também o calibre da munição que utiliza.
falo da Grendel

Alexander Arms AAR15 6.5 Grendel


que trocou a 5.56mm pela 6.5mm (que também se enquadra nos padrões da NATO)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Outubro 21, 2010, 09:40:17 am
Citação de: "armando30"

mais uma versão da M4, e têm saído muitas nos últimos anos.

como as outras só deve ter um mecanismo de disparo diferente da original para dar mais poder de fogo.
só uma, pelo que tenho conhecimento, é que mudou também o calibre da munição que utiliza.
falo da Grendel

Alexander Arms AAR15 6.5 Grendel


que trocou a 5.56mm pela 6.5mm (que também se enquadra nos padrões da NATO)

Meu caro, o nome Grendel é verdadeiramente conhecido é como um calibre e não como uma arma.

E existem dezenas de A15 nos mais variados calibre, desde o .22Lr até ao .50.

E explique lá isso de se enquadrar nos padrões na NATO?? o que quer dizer com isso?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: armando30 em Outubro 21, 2010, 11:28:16 pm
Citação de: "ACADO"
Citação de: "armando30"

mais uma versão da M4, e têm saído muitas nos últimos anos.

como as outras só deve ter um mecanismo de disparo diferente da original para dar mais poder de fogo.
só uma, pelo que tenho conhecimento, é que mudou também o calibre da munição que utiliza.
falo da Grendel

Alexander Arms AAR15 6.5 Grendel


que trocou a 5.56mm pela 6.5mm (que também se enquadra nos padrões da NATO)

Meu caro, o nome Grendel é verdadeiramente conhecido é como um calibre e não como uma arma.

E existem dezenas de A15 nos mais variados calibre, desde o .22Lr até ao .50.

E explique lá isso de se enquadrar nos padrões na NATO?? o que quer dizer com isso?

eu ouvi falar desta arma no programa da discovery " Future Weapons ", quando eles a apresentaram foi dizendo que tinha sido encomendado um estudo pelo " Department of Defense " sobre a criação de uma arma para equipar as forças americanas que conseguisse ter igual ou maior poder de fogo que a AK-47 russa.

uma das exigências é que a munição utilizada tivesse um calibre inferior à munição 7.62mm disparada pela arma russa. nesse programa disseram que a nova munição tinha de ter calibre inferior devido a normas da NATO para que as forças militares dos países que a constituem utilizassem munições de calibre inferior às da AK-47.
claro que no programa eles podem ter-se enganado.

tens razão quanto a Grendel se referir à munição, mas também é verdade que a empresa que a criou utilizou o mainframe de uma M4 e mudou algumas coisas como o mecanismo de disparo porque a munição 6.5 é maior que a 5.56

se eu conseguir encontrar um vídeo desse programa vou colocar aqui o link, mas não é certo que o consiga porque a discovery bloqueia a visualização desses vídeos fora dos E.U.A
neste link podes confirmar que a empresa que criou a munição também criou uma arma compatível com a sua munição (na primeira imagem da direita)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 22, 2010, 04:45:39 pm
Em Israel as coisas estão engraçadas, ainda nem sequer substituiram todas as M-16/4 pela Tavor e já têm uma outra versão:

Citação de: "REMOV"
The X95 was called first "Micro Tavor 2", then just "Micro Tavor" and now X95. Basically it is redesigned Tavor TAR-21 with some improvements. The weapon in my opinion is the best bullpup on the market from ergonomic point of view.

CTAR-21 (above) and X95 (below) carbines

X95 night firing
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Outubro 22, 2010, 05:25:20 pm
Acho que a Tavor ou a Micro-Tavor seriam ideais para o GOE.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: armando30 em Outubro 22, 2010, 11:20:06 pm
tem havido um grande avanço na indústria militar israelita nos últimos tempos, desde armas a mísseis.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 23, 2010, 10:16:26 am
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
Acho que a Tavor ou a Micro-Tavor seriam ideais para o GOE.

O GOE já tem uma espingrada-automática, eles têm a G-36. Segundo li no fórum o pessoal da PJ que experimentou a G-36 depois de já ter a Tavor achou a G-36 superior.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 23, 2010, 10:17:42 am
Citação de: "armando30"
tem havido um grande avanço na indústria militar israelita nos últimos tempos, desde armas a mísseis.

Não noto, acho queé apenas o continuar de todo um processo, já nos anos 80, o CTP aquiriu inúmero material Israelita, desde a Galil a material para NBQ.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Outubro 23, 2010, 12:52:26 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Citação de: "GI Jorge"
Acho que a Tavor ou a Micro-Tavor seriam ideais para o GOE.

O GOE já tem uma espingrada-automática, eles têm a G-36. Segundo li no fórum o pessoal da PJ que experimentou a G-36 depois de já ter a Tavor achou a G-36 superior.

Sim, já sabia que operavam a G-36. Mas pensei que talvez preferissem a Tavor ou Micro-Tavor pelo tamanho.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 23, 2010, 12:56:54 pm
As espingardas-automáticas Bullpup têm vantagens e desvantagens em relação às tradicionais espingardas-automáticas. Dúvido que haja no mercado uma espingarda-automática Bullpup com a fiabilidade de uma G-36.

Há também uma questão pertinente, presumo que as G-36 que eles usem sejam na versão C ou K.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Outubro 28, 2010, 11:30:15 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
As espingardas-automáticas Bullpup têm vantagens e desvantagens em relação às tradicionais espingardas-automáticas.

A unica vantagem é o tamanho.
De resto nenhuma bullpup tem vantagens sobre os formatos tradicionais.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 28, 2010, 11:47:06 am
E mesmo assim os Israelitas preferiram a X95 à M-4. O que não falta no mundo são exemplos de unidades e/ou Exércitos que usam a AUG Steyr, Famas, Tavor, etc.

Cada um tem as suas experiências e é com base nessas mesmas experiências e necessidades é que escolhe o que vai usar (para não falar de motivos económicos, politicos, industriais, etc).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Outubro 28, 2010, 04:39:56 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
E mesmo assim os Israelitas preferiram a X95 à M-4. O que não falta no mundo são exemplos de unidades e/ou Exércitos que usam a AUG Steyr, Famas, Tavor, etc.

Cada um tem as suas experiências e é com base nessas mesmas experiências e necessidades é que escolhe o que vai usar (para não falar de motivos económicos, politicos, industriais, etc).

Os Israelitas preferiram os que preferiram. Ainda há muitos que preferem o formato Ar15.
Mas também vindo de um País que está em Guerra e que mesmo assim obriga certas pessoas a não andarem com munição na camara para mim perdem muita credebilidade no que toca a armas ligeiras.

Não há nenhuma bullpup que seja melhor que qualquer AR15. Isso é ponto assente e de concenso mundial. Se há países que as escolhem, va se lá saber porquê!!!
Eu sei as coisas que fariam uma bullpup ficar quase ao nível do formato convencional, mas isso fica pra outros capitulos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 29, 2010, 11:02:44 am
Citação de: "Left Hand of God"
Novidades, o HK417 não foi aprovado para ser o novo Designated Marksman Rifle do Bundeswehr, por problemas de acurácia/precisão.

E o programa do Bundeswerh, Infanterist der Zunkunft vai receber um novo G36, o G36-IDZ.

( ... -g36k-idz/ (

Reparem que a nova coronha é rebatível, dobrável e tem um apoio pra bochecha. O ejetor do carregador é mais longo, baseado no do XM8, tem um trilho abaixo do guarda-mão, um bolt-release dentro do guarda-mato.

7.62x51mm NATO, 5.56x45mm NATO? Há aí uma jogada que eu não estou a captar. :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Outubro 29, 2010, 12:37:13 pm
On a side note, the German Army Special Forces (KSK) and Military Police (Feldjaeger) will be holding a competition for a new carbine that feed from M16/AR-15 magazines. According to REMOV, next year H&K will introduce a new magazine well for the G36 that accepts M16 magazines as well as a translucent M16 magazine.

Isto parece-me uma noticia interessante. Finalmente perceberam que os carregadores sao um problema.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 29, 2010, 12:46:21 pm
Mas os carregadores das G-36 dão problemas?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Outubro 29, 2010, 08:47:06 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Mas os carregadores das G-36 dão problemas?

Sim, nada de especial na alimentação, mas têm de ser carregados só com 28/29.
O sistema de ejecção do carregador também não é muito prático porque é nas costas em vez de ser de lado.
O maior problema é mesmo no transporte que são muito volumosos, onde cabem 3 dos outros só cabem 2 de G36.
E depois há muito poucas marcas a fazerem porta carregadores pra eles.

Não são problemas nada de maior, mas para quem lida com armas a alto nível faz diferença.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 03, 2010, 04:38:36 pm
Isso não é defeito, é feitio... :twisted:

Citação de: "Bolovo"
Citação de: "Left Hand of God"
Uma ótima idéia os carregadores do G-36 que depois foi adotada por alguns carregadores não padrões da especificação STANAG é a peça pra acoplar carregadores lado a lado.
HK416 com novo carregador.



Carregador antigo de metal e o novo de polímero.


Carregador novo com o carregador do G36.


G36 com adaptador STANAG para aceitar o novo carregador.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Novembro 04, 2010, 12:45:32 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Isso não é defeito, é feitio... :twisted:

Pra nós que usamos a arma é um defeito.

Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

G36 com adaptador STANAG para aceitar o novo carregador.


E sabe quem está a fabricar essa peça?? Ou onde se vende ??
E será que aceita os P-mags normais ou terão de ser os E.

Os carregadores não preciso pra nada que tenho P-mags que cheguem à anos e sei que são bons agora a peça para os começar a usar ia dar muito jeito aqui à malta.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 05, 2010, 11:25:01 am
Não faço a menor idéia, fala com o autor das fotos no Militaryphotos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Novembro 05, 2010, 11:23:33 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Não faço a menor idéia, fala com o autor das fotos no Militaryphotos.

Não é preciso obrigado. Já encontrei a peca aqui na Alemanha.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 07, 2010, 10:38:28 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: pchunter em Novembro 08, 2010, 10:30:25 pm
Muito bom.  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 09, 2010, 01:44:07 pm
Os nossos foram modernizados com esta actualização, ou uma menos recente?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: armando30 em Novembro 13, 2010, 03:49:09 pm
não vi nenhum tópico sobre o tipo de material que vou referir:

Dragon Skin

supostamente consegue resistir a impactos múltiplos de vários calibres de balas, incluindo disparos de balas 7.62x39 mm (com núcleo de aço) disparadas de uma AK-47, e foi testada em como consegue resistir à detonação de uma granada de fragmentação com 2 ou mais vezes a quantidade de explosivos de uma granada de fragmentação normal.

mais informações:


sabemos que neste momento as nossas FA não estão muito envolvidas em combates de vida ou morte, mas penso que neste momento esta deve ser o colete à prova de bala mais eficaz do mundo.

a título de curiosidade vejam isto:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 13, 2010, 03:55:50 pm
:arrow: (

Não acreditem em tudo o que vêm num programa de TV, faz mal à saúde e ao bolso.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: armando30 em Novembro 13, 2010, 04:08:13 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
:arrow: (

Não acreditem em tudo o que vêm num programa de TV, faz mal à saúde e ao bolso.
na wikipedia, eu coloquei o Link no post anterior, referem a certificação deste equipamento.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 13, 2010, 04:37:24 pm
Citação de: "armando30"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
:arrow: (

Não acreditem em tudo o que vêm num programa de TV, faz mal à saúde e ao bolso.
na wikipedia, eu coloquei o Link no post anterior, referem a certificação deste equipamento.

Tens a certeza? Lê desde o principio até ao fim, vê como todo o projecto já foi recusado repetidas vezes pelas Forças Armadas Norte-Americanas, vê como o processo de certificação já foi para a frente e para trás repetidamente.

A última linha é:

As of November 2007, Pinnacle is suing to force the NIJ to recertify the SOV-2000 vest.

Como o Wiki não é um meio seguro de informação deixo para quem saiba, a informação se eles sempre conseguiram ou não a certificação. De qualquer maneira eu não comprava isto para mim, é que levanta demasiadas questões em relação à capacidade destes coletes manterem as suas capacidades ao longo do tempo de utilização.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: armando30 em Novembro 13, 2010, 05:33:02 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Tens a certeza? Lê desde o principio até ao fim, vê como todo o projecto já foi recusado repetidas vezes pelas Forças Armadas Norte-Americanas, vê como o processo de certificação já foi para a frente e para trás repetidamente.

no último parágrafo:
On August 20, 2007 at the United States Test Laboratory in Wichita, Kansas, nine Dragon Skin SOV-2000 (Level III) body armor panels were retested, for the purpose of validating Pinnacle Armor's six year warranty. The panels tested were between 5.75 years old to 6.6 years old. All items met the NIJ Level III ballistic protection, confirming Pinnacle Armor's six-year warranty for full ballistic protection.[40] Pinnacle resubmitted the SOV-2000 vest to the NIJ for certification based on this successful testing, but this application was rejected because the test had not been properly documented. As of November 2007, Pinnacle is suing to force the NIJ to recertify the SOV-2000 vest.
este parágrafo diz que passou os testes em 2007 e desde aí eles têm tentado a certificação mas não têm conseguido.
isto não me surpreende porque há uma longa história nos E.U.A de pressões empresariais para que certos produtos não sejam certificados (na maioria dos casos medicamentos que poderiam ajudar a salvar vidas e/ou reduzir os custos dos doentes com medicamentos) e é certo que o principal fornecedor das FA Norte-Americanas faria de tudo para que novos e melhores produtos não fossem certificados. a indústria militar nos E.U.A gera muito rendimento e com as guerras que os E.U.A travam agora isso significa ainda mais rendimento, o que provoca situações semelhantes à que referi antes.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Novembro 15, 2010, 12:55:00 am
Nao acredite em tudo o que le na internet. Especialmente sobre material muito recente.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 14, 2010, 03:14:26 pm
Tanques da Áustria para a venda
A Áustria vai reduzir pela metade o número de veículos blindados de combate do Exército, para economizar 12 milhões de euros por ano. Isso inclui dezenas de tanques Leopard 2A4.

Nos próximos anos, serão postos no mercado internacional dezenas de leopardos austríacos. Os húngaros manifestaram interesse preliminar em comprá-los / Foto: MD da Áustria.

O Ministro da Defesa, Norbert Darabos, em uma entrevista publicada em 11 de dezembro, disse que por causa das mudanças na situação européia, a defesa dos territórios internacionais não é mais necessária.

Essa filosofia se reflete - nos últimos anos - nas forças armadas, que em tempo de paz contam com cerca de 19 mil soldados. Após uma mobilização, esse valor pode subir para cerca de 120 mil soldados. É um número várias vezes menor do que durante a Guerra Fria.

Atualmente, no entanto, as reduções previstas são principalmente de ordem financeira. Seriam vendidos ou desmobilizados cerca de 500 veículos blindados de combate e transporte pessoal, na esperança de uma economia de 12 milhões de euros por ano.

Atualmente, os austríacos têm 114 Leopard 2A4, 120 tanques leves Kürassier SK-105, 112 Ulan IFV, cerca de 370 transportadores e 71 Schützenpanzer Pandur I, 80 M109 autopropulsados e dezenas de veículos especializados, bem como mais de cem carros de patrulha Dingo e Iveco LMV.

O processo de eliminação gradual dos equipamentos está prevista para começar no próximo ano. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Dezembro 15, 2010, 09:09:05 am
Interessante o interesse dos húngaros, nomeadamente quando já tinham abandonado o uso de Carros de Combate.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 15, 2010, 09:19:00 pm
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan is planning on slashing the number of main battle tanks from a 790 to 400. The cuts would result in a savings of just over a billion dollars annually, which would then go towards reinforcing the Nansei islands. This would result in a national tank force less than half stipulated in the 1995 defense planning guidelines.

Wikipedia lists the number of Japanese tanks as 902, broken down as follows:

Type 74: 561
Type 90:341
Type 10: 0

Wikipedia numbers for Japanese equipment are generally pretty accurate, and I assume these numbers were accurate at some point. The discrepancy between the Yomiuri’s numbers and Wikipedia’s is probably due to Type 74s being phased out. The Type 74 is roughly in the same league as the American M60A3, Russian T-72, and British Chieftain. It’s an old, obsolete design and really should have been retired a long time ago. Two reasons why it hasn’t so far are a flat defense budget and a budgetary emphasis on the ballistic missile defense mission.

The planned cuts mean the Type 74 will be phased out completely, and their numbers not replaced. The Type 90 is still fairly new, so one can assume that all of them will remain in service for the foreseeable future. However, under the new plan, this would only leave room for a 60 tank purchase of the new Type 10.

Japan maintains two basic types of divisions: infantry divisions, which have a small, battalion-sized complement of tanks, and tank divisions. Implementation of the planned cuts almost certainly means the disbandment of the only tank division, the 7th Armored Division, as keeping it would hog all the tanks and tie them all up in Hokkaido. (

The 7th AD is an anachronism now anyway, without the threat of a Soviet invasion of Hokkaido.) My guess then is that Japan will parcel out what tanks that remain to the infantry divisions. 400 tanks divided by 60 (per battalion) = 6 1/2 battalions. That’s enough to equip 6 infantry divisions and one understrength training battalion.

That’s fine, but Japan currently has 9 infantry divisions, not to mention several separate brigades.

Japan doesn’t need a lot of tanks — terrain-wise, Japan is a mixture of extremes not conducive to tank warfare: narrow streets in built-up areas and forested mountains cut through with equally narrow roads. In an all-arms Japanese ground force, tanks should probably be de-emphasized in order to make room for more helicopters and engineers. But is it wise for any industrialized country lower tank inventories to the level of three tanks for every one million people, especially one that that is separated from 3,600,000 active duty PLA and NKPA only a short skip across the Sea of Japan
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 16, 2010, 04:43:01 pm
Do foro militar:

Citação de: "Ouroboros"
16/11/2010. El 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment recibe 84  M27 IAR (Infantry Automatic Weapon) de 5,56 mm para su testeo, el USMC tiene la intención de dotar de este fusil a los infantes que ahora operan la ametralladora ligera M-249 (aunque este arma esté a disposición de su uso eventual). El USMC quiere adquirir 4.100 IARs para reemplazar a  2.000 M249. Este arma está basada en el HK-416. Ya hay varias quejas sobre la perdida de potencia de fuego del "fireteam" -escuadra-:
 ( (http://http)

( (http://http)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 19, 2010, 07:38:40 pm
Porque o Natal é para todos

gostaria de assistir este tipo de operação, numa terra que eu conheço e que se encontra ocupada!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Dezembro 20, 2010, 03:30:37 pm
Pues ve, nadie te lo impide.....¿no?.... c34x
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 21, 2010, 05:20:01 pm
Evolution of the M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round
By Lt. Col. Jeffrey K. Woods (USAASC)
Republished from Army AL&T Magazine, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASAALT)

PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. -- Perhaps no subject is closer to the hearts of Soldiers than their weapons and ammunition. For decades, this intense interest in "guns and ammo" has sparked sharp debate over the best weapons and ammunition on the battlefield, a debate that continues to the present day.

Today, Program Executive Office Ammunition (PEO Ammo) at Picatinny Arsenal, N.J., manages DOD's conventional ammunition programs for all of the military services. PEO Ammo has life-cycle responsibility for the many different types of ammunition used by the joint warfighter, including general-purpose small-arms ammunition.

In 1960, when Army Research and Development Newsmagazine-the forerunner of Army AL&T Magazine -first appeared in print, a major contro¬versy was raging over the relative merits of the then-standard 7.62mm round and a lighter, higher-velocity 5.56mm alternative. The Army adopted the 5.56mm M16 rifle in 1967; it fired the M193, the first 5.56mm round.

Nevertheless, the controversy continued over which caliber was better-5.56mm vs. 7.62mm-as the magazine noted through the years. In 1982, a review by Army Research, Development, and Acquisition Magazine (as it was then called) of small-arms ammunition development praised the lighter weight and lesser recoil achieved with the smaller round, yet observed that, "One of the inferiorities is, however, its penetration capability."

In 1982, the Army adopted the 5.56mm M855 round to replace the M193 in an effort to achieve better performance at longer ranges with the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW). A steel penetrator in the front end of the M855 provides increased hard-target performance.

Development of the M16A2 rifle, which matched the twist of the M249 SAW, also allowed use of the heavier M855 round. The M193 is still produced today, largely for foreign military sales.

From 2003 to 2006, the Army conducted a study of available bullets, commercial and military, and found none that provided improved perfor¬mance over the M855 against the target sets required of a general-purpose round.

Ensuring Consistency and Environmental Responsibility

In post-combat surveys and field reports from Iraq and Afghanistan, most Soldiers have indicated that the round works fine, delivering the desired effects against threat targets. But some Soldiers have reported that the round did not perform consistently, causing concern in the ammunition community.

In parallel, mounting environmental concerns drove the Army to consider replacing environmentally unfriendly materials such as lead. The Army's ammunition community, led by PEO Ammo, saw an opportunity to address the two concerns associated with the M855 round-lead and consistency.

The Army's solution is the new M855A1 Enhanced Performance Round (EPR). This round offers better performance than the M855 against all targets likely to be engaged with small arms. This is quite a feat, considering the long-standing solid performance of the M855.

While it's true that a number of bullets (such as armor-piercing bullets) can penetrate hard targets well, they don't provide the needed effects against soft targets. Conversely, some bullets (such as hunting rounds, hollow-point, and other bullets) work well against soft targets but can't penetrate harder barriers. Nor do hollow points meet the Army's requirement to adhere to the Law of War, defined as "[t]hat part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities. It is often called the 'law of armed conflict' " (DoD Directive 2311.01E, DoD Law of War Program). Even today, we have found no other round-other than the new EPR-that can outperform the M855 as a capable, general-purpose round.

Why the M855A1 Excels

So what makes the EPR so good? It uses the same components as the M855-a jacket, a penetrator, and a metal slug. But the new round contains some subtle changes (see Figure 1). The copper cup, from which the jacket is formed, is reverse-drawn, the opposite of how the M855 jacket is drawn. The hardened steel penetrator is almost twice as heavy as the one used in the M855 and is fully exposed instead of hiding beneath the softer copper jacket.

The slug is made of copper, making the projectile nonhazardous to the environment while delivering needed performance. Since the EPR is similar to the M855, the Army can use the same manufactur¬ing equipment now used for the M855, providing additional savings and large-scale manufacturing capability. Once the M855A1 replaces the leaded M855, it will reduce the amount of lead in production by approximately 2,000 metric tons yearly, based on the amount now used to make the M855.

There are three main areas in which the new round excels: soft-target consistency, hard-target penetration, and the extended range at which it maintains these performance improvements.

This is not to imply that the EPR increases the maximum effective range of the M4 or M16. Its trajectory matches the M855's, which aids in training, lessens the need to re-zero the weapon, and allows it to link to the current tracer round (the M856) for eventual use in the M249 SAW. So while the maximum effective range does not increase, effectiveness at range does, meaning the round greatly extends the range of desired effects along its trajectory.

The Army tackled the consistency issue by focusing on the yaw of a projectile and how differences in yaw can influence results when striking soft targets. The M855 round, similar to the Army's M80 (7.62mm ball round), is a "yaw-dependent" bullet. As any bullet travels along its trajectory, it "wobbles" in both pitch and yaw, causing the projectile to strike its target at different attitudes with virtually every shot.

For a yaw-dependent bullet such as the M855 or M80, this results in varying performance, depending upon where in the yaw/pitch cycle the bullet strikes its target. For example, at a high angle of yaw, the M855 performs very well, transferring its energy to the target in short order. At a low angle of yaw, however, the bullet reacts more slowly, causing the inconsistent effects observed in the field.

The M855A1 is not yaw-dependent. Like any other bullet, it "wobbles" along its trajectory. However, the EPR provides the same effects when striking its target, regardless of the angle of yaw. This means the EPR provides the same desired effects every time, whether in close combat situations or longer engagements. In fact, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) verified through live-fire tests against soft targets that, on average, the M855A1 surpassed the M80 7.62mm round. The 7.62mm, although a larger caliber, suffers from the same consistency issue as the M855, but to a higher degree.

Hard-target performance is a second area where the EPR really shines (see Figure 2). The exposed, heavier, and sharper penetrator, along with a higher velocity, allows Soldiers to penetrate tougher battlefield barriers than is possible with the current M855. Although it's not an armor-piercing round, the EPR can penetrate 3/8 inch-thick mild steel at distances approaching 400 meters (based on the range at which 50 percent of the rounds can pass through the barrier). The M855 only penetrates this material out to approximately 160 meters.

Not only is this performance much better than the M855's with its smaller steel penetrator, it is vastly better than the M80 7.62mm round.

Additionally, the EPR can penetrate concrete masonry units at ranges out to 80 meters with the M16 and 40 meters with the M4. The M855 can't penetrate this type of battlefield barrier at any range.

Also notable is the EPR's excellent performance against softer intermediate barriers such as car doors, windshields, or Kevlar fabric. The thinner metal found on car doors poses no problem. When engaging targets behind windshields with the EPR, ARL has shown an increase in the probability of hitting the occupant, due to both the steel penetrator and the copper slug remaining intact through the glass. Furthermore, ARL tested the round against 24 layers of Kevlar fabric out to 1,000 meters, but discontinued the test as the Kevlar showed no sign of being able to stop the EPR. The EPR also penetrates some lesser-quality body armors designed to stop 7.62mm ball rounds.

Another benefit Soldiers will see from the new round is its effectiveness when engaging soft targets at longer ranges.

As a small-caliber projectile's velocity decreases, it eventually will reach a point at which it can no longer transfer most of its energy to its target. Below this velocity, which equates to range, the round is more likely to pass through its target with little effect. The M855A1 can maintain consistent, desired effects at a much lower velocity, resulting in excellent effectiveness at far greater ranges along its trajectory.

In addition to the above-mentioned performance improvements, the EPR is more accurate than the M855. Accuracy testing during production lot acceptance has shown that, on average, 95 percent of the rounds will hit within an 8 x 8-inch target at 600 meters. It also uses a flash-reduced propellant optimized for the M4's shorter barrel.

The good news is that all of these performance improvements come with no weight increase to the Soldier.

Soldiers Are the Focus

Soldiers will surely discuss the M855A1 EPR during their ritual debates on guns and ammo. The new M855A1 will greatly increase Soldier performance on the battlefield, but inevitably, Soldiers will have the final vote as they must maintain their weapon systems, train, aim, and engage their targets. As always, good marksmanship skills are critical for success in small-arms engagements. No matter how good the bullet, it can't do its job if it doesn't hit the target.

During the past 50 years, 5.56mm general-purpose ammunition has evolved to a level of performance that addresses all of the major warfighting needs of our services. The M855A1 EPR is a significantly improved 5.56mm round that provides excellent soft target consistency and vastly better hard target performance, and increases our Soldiers' effectiveness at extended ranges with better accuracy-all without increasing their load.

The M855A1 represents the most significant performance leap in small-arms ammunition in decades. Our Soldiers deserve the best, and with the M855A1 EPR, they get it.

LTC JEFFREY K. WOODS is the Product Manager for Small-Caliber Ammunition in the Office of the Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems, PEO Ammo. He holds a B.S. in business administration from the University of Texas and an M.S. in operations research from the Florida Institute of Technology. Woods is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and Defense Systems Management College, and is a U.S. Army Acquisition Corps member.

 :arrow: ... index.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 11, 2011, 11:15:07 am
O novo modelo da Barret:

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Fevereiro 11, 2011, 09:27:18 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
O novo modelo da Barret:

 :arrow: (

A Barret tem outra menina ainda muito mais interessante. 3 em 1 num pacote incrivel.
A ultimo brinquedo que tive o prazer de conhecer, a MRAD:


A 107A1 já existe desde o ano passado, mas, claro que tem algum interesse como podem comprovar as fotos! eheheh




Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 12, 2011, 02:44:30 pm
Infelizmente nem tão cedo veremos meninas como estas nas mãos de militares Portugueses. Tenho pena porque desde que se comprou as Accuracy e as Barret houve passos gigantes no armamento dos snipers. Tanto o calibre usado (7.62mm NATO), como as alças telescópicas já estão a ficar um pouco ultrapassadas. Basta ver o que os exércitos da OTAN compraram nos últimos anos, como por exemplo o Exército Britânico e Alemão. Mas quando ainda vemos as Forças Armadas equipadas com G-3, Galil e a “fantástica” SIG-543, estamos falados.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Fevereiro 13, 2011, 10:50:09 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Infelizmente nem tão cedo veremos meninas como estas nas mãos de militares Portugueses. Tenho pena porque desde que se comprou as Accuracy e as Barret houve passos gigantes no armamento dos snipers. Tanto o calibre usado (7.62mm NATO), como as alças telescópicas já estão a ficar um pouco ultrapassadas. Basta ver o que os exércitos da OTAN compraram nos últimos anos, como por exemplo o Exército Britânico e Alemão. Mas quando ainda vemos as Forças Armadas equipadas com G-3, Galil e a “fantástica” SIG-543, estamos falados.

Sim, o pessoal da Barret está sempre a perguntar quando é que Portugal compra a .50 Semi-autómática, que nunca percebem porque Portugal é dos raros que não a tem. A Espanha era outro mas entretanto já se rendeu às evidências.

Mas as nossas Accuracy estão actuais, inclusive a Marinha tem accuracy em .338LM com miras Schimt & Bender. São provavelmente uma das melhores armas de precisão com uma das melhores miras onde já puz as unhas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 14, 2011, 11:04:35 pm
Pois, mas os Fuzos não são do Exército, pois não?!

Tanto os Fuzos como a UPF estão em algumas coisas, décadas à frente de qualquer unidade do Exército.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 23, 2011, 03:50:34 pm
New Helmet Coming for US Troops

For the first time, U.S. Forces will be equipped with combat helmets capable of providing reliable protection against rifle fire (an as yet undisclosed .30 threat) at close range and at any angle. Such an advancement, long the Holy Grail of armored headgear designers, has been achieved through the use of an advanced thermoplastic composite mixture by Ceradyne, maker of advanced hard armor inserts for ballistic vests and vehicles.

Called the Ceradyne Diaphorm Ballistic Helmet, the design is twice the price of current Army and Marine Corps helmets, but provides up to 70% improvement in ballistic protection while remaining light enough to meet current requirements. Moreover, use of advanced construction techniques makes production simpler by allowing molding of the shell without having to cut or dart materials, as has been done previously. This allows creation of a seamless, multilayered form that is weather and chem/bio agent proof.

The U.S. Army is expected to field some 200,000 of the helmets beginning in the fall of 2011, with units bound for Afghanistan being the first recipients.

-Mike Perry


 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 10, 2011, 10:36:10 am
This monday the tank batallions will be decomissioned and by May 9th the decomissioning must be finished.. That is not just the two tank batallions but also all its support, maintenance and school units.

a noticia em cima refere-se à Holanda. Estes europeus andam malucos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Abril 13, 2011, 08:47:47 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
This monday the tank batallions will be decomissioned and by May 9th the decomissioning must be finished.. That is not just the two tank batallions but also all its support, maintenance and school units.

a noticia em cima refere-se à Holanda. Estes europeus andam malucos.

Ou se calhar nós é que andamos malucos de andar a gastar dinheiro à doida...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: alphaiate em Abril 15, 2011, 12:32:07 pm
Roma desarma as legiões e paga imposto aos Godos...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 15, 2011, 04:19:49 pm
:arrow: ... 11--FUZIS- (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 15, 2011, 09:33:38 pm
Outro projecto brasileiro:

Citação de: "Bravo"
Novo Fuzil da Taurus!!!


Fonte Tecnologia e Defesa

Vejam na página 6: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 20, 2011, 03:31:31 pm

A TAURUS, desta vez, trouxe para a LAAD 2011 novidades de fato, ou seja, produtos nunca antes mostrados em outras feiras e eventos, nem mesmo no famoso SHOT SHOW 2011, ocorrido em janeiro passado, na cidade de Las Vegas, EUA.

Alexandre Beraldi

A TAURUS, desta vez, trouxe para a LAAD 2011 novidades de fato, ou seja, produtos nunca antes mostrados em outras feiras e eventos, nem mesmo no famoso SHOT SHOW 2011, ocorrido em janeiro passado, na cidade de Las Vegas, EUA.

A primeira novidade é a TAURUS ST12, uma espingarda de repetição em calibre 12 com câmara de 3 polegadas (Magnum), podendo também calçar a tradicional munição 2 ¾  (12/70).  Na LAAD foi apresentada sua configuração militar e policial, com cano de alma lisa com opções de 18 ou 20 polegadas de comprimento, equipado com um quebra-chamas do tipo “stand off” capaz ser utilizado em operações de arrombamento de portas, bem como com um defletor de calor que protege o atirador do contato com esta parte da arma. Sobre o cano, uma massa de mira equipada com um fio de fibra ótica melhora muito a visada durante o tiro em ambientes adequadamente iluminados natural ou artificialmente, tal qual quando do emprego conjunto com lanterna tática, sendo que o guarda-mão dianteiro vem equipado com um trilho Picatinny, prevendo justamente a utilização deste tipo de acessório, entre outros.
A arma possui um carregador tubular com capacidade para 7 cartuchos, uma trava de gatilho de acionamento transversal, facilitando o uso ambidestro, e uma empunhadura vertical do tipo “pistol grip”, permitindo o emprego confortável em diversas posições de tiro. Sua coronha é rebatível para o lado esquerdo, não interferindo com a operação do armamento, sendo também, numa configuração similar à do fuzil de assalto M-4, ajustável em comprimento, com 6 posições. É equipada com uma substancial soleira de borracha, de maneira a permitir um tiro confortável com as potentes munições 12 Magnum mesmo numa arma tão leve, que possui a caixa de culatra em duralumínio.
Outra novidade foi a renovada linha de submetralhadoras e carabinas, composta pelas submetralhadoras MT9 G2, no calibre 9x19mm OTAN, e MT40 G2, no calibre .40S&W, bem como pelas carabinas CT40 G2C e CT40 G2L, ambas no calibre .40S&W. Estas novas armas têm um sistema de construção similar ao do fuzil de assalto FN SCAR, com uma caixa de culatra feita em alumínio extrudado e anodizado sobre um conjunto de alojamento para o sistema de gatilho e carregador (Lower) em polímero, porém, diferentemente do famoso fuzil de assalto, estas armas operam no tradicional sistema “blowback”, mais simples e apropriado para os calibres típicos de armas curtas. Todas são equipadas com uma coronha polimérica ajustável em comprimento e rebatível para a direita muito similar à do citado fuzil, porém sem o ajuste de altura de visada. Também são equipadas com um “pistol grip” padrão do fuzil de assalto M-4, o que permite sua eventual substituição por similares presentes no mercado internacional, como os da Magpul, Hogue ou Tango Down. Outras semelhanças são a alavanca de manejo reversível para o lado direito ou esquerdo, o seletor de tiro ambidestro e os trilhos Picatinny, porém a TARUS vai além, incluindo um retém de ferrolho ambidestro, um apoio para a mão no alojamento do carregador e miras com pontos de trítio. As submetralhadoras MT9 G2 e MT 40 G2, bem como a carabina CT40 G2C, possuem um comprimento máximo de 672mm a 753mm, dependendo da posição de extensão da coronha, um comprimento com a coronha rebatida de 466mm e cano de 200mm, sendo que as submetralhadoras têm uma cadência cíclica de 700 a 800 disparos por minuto e peso de 3,29 kg, empregando carregadores curvos de 34 disparos no calibre 9x19mm OTAN, ou retos de 30 disparos no calibre .40S&W. A carabina CT 40G2C pesa apenas 3,1kg e, como sua similar CT40 G2L que pesa 3,86kg com um cano de 412mm, emprega também os carregadores retilíneos de 30 disparos.
A grande novidade anunciada no evento foi a entrada da TAURUS no mercado de fuzis de assalto e lançadores de granadas de projeto e fabricação próprios. Após o término do acordo com a IWI com relação à produção e comercialização do fuzil de assalto TAVOR em suas diversas versões e seus acessórios, a TAURUS apresentou seu fuzil de assalto ART556, sua carabina CT556 e seus lançadores de granadas LT37/38 e LT40.
O fuzil de assalto ART556, no calibre 5,56x45mm OTAN, é claramente baseado no fuzil de assalto FN SCAR, tanto em suas soluções construtivas como em seu sistema de operação: possui uma caixa de culatra feita em alumínio extrudado e anodizado sobre um conjunto de alojamento para o sistema de gatilho e carregador (Lower) em polímero, funcionando pelo sistema de tomada dos gases do disparo que agem sobre um pistão, o qual movimenta o transportador do ferrolho que opera um ferrolho rotativo com seis ressaltos de trancamento.  Estão presentes também a coronha polimérica ajustável em comprimento e rebatível para a direita, sem o ajuste de altura de visada, o “pistol grip” padrão do fuzil de assalto M-4, a alavanca de manejo reversível para o lado direito ou esquerdo, o seletor de tiro ambidestro e os trilhos Picatinny por todo o topo do conjunto composto pela caixa de culatra e o guarda-mão, bem como nas laterais e na parte inferior deste, tendo sido incluído também nesta arma o retém de ferrolho ambidestro e o apoio para a mão no alojamento do carregador. Com 750mm de comprimento total, 463mm com a coronha rebatida e cano de 254mm (existindo versões com outros comprimentos de cano), a arma emprega os carregadores padrão AR-15/M-16/M-4 (STANAG 4179), pesando 3,6kg com um carregador vazio para 30 cartuchos feito de alumínio inserido na arma. O que diferencia o fuzil de assalto ART556 da carabina CT556 é o seletor de tiro: segurança, semi-automático, “burst” de três disparos e fogo automático para o fuzil, e somente as duas primeiras posições para a carabina.
Os lançadores de granadas LT37/38 e LT40 são uma interessante solução até então  inexistente no mercado nacional. Possuem um tubo de 37/38mm para o emprego de munições menos letais ou um tubo de 40mm para o emprego de munição padrão 40x46mm OTAN, sendo estes tubos intercambiáveis. O sistema de disparo é por ação dupla com cão, o que traduz um enorme aumento na segurança do manuseio do armamento quando comparado a um similar, como o onipresente M203, que opera com mecanismo de disparo de ação simples. Inobstante o sistema de disparo mais seguro, os LT 37/38 e LT40 possuem uma trava de segurança manual. A abertura para carregamento se dá como no lançador de granadas MK13 que acompanha o fuzil de assalto FN SCAR: o cano bascula para a esquerda ou para a direita, expondo totalmente a câmara de disparo, o que permite o carregamento ambidestro de granadas sem limite de comprimento total da munição, sendo que este comprimento total da munição normalmente é um fator limitante para lançadores de granadas como o M203, que emprega um sistema de abertura do cano por deslizamento à frente. A arma possui trilhos Picatinny acima e abaixo de sua estrutura, permitindo a acoplagem em armamentos diversos, ou ainda o uso de maneira independente, com o auxílio de uma coronha rebatível similar à do Para-FAL. O LT37/38 tem um comprimento total de 640mm com a coronha estendida e 380mm com esta rebatida, para um cano de 260mm. Já o LT40 emprega um cano de 220mm, com redução proporcional nos suas medidas. O peso da arma equipada com coronha é de 1,8kg.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Abril 21, 2011, 12:57:21 am
A Rapaziada da Taurus tem de pensar em por os seus engenheiros a mexer mais com armas...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 21, 2011, 12:13:18 pm
Os brasileiros que foram à LAAD 2011 foram surpresos com estes projectos e de forma geral ficaram bastante contentes com os mesmos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Abril 22, 2011, 04:21:47 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Os brasileiros que foram à LAAD 2011 foram surpresos com estes projectos e de forma geral ficaram bastante contentes com os mesmos.

Surpresos ou surpreendidos?  :mrgreen: .
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Trafaria em Abril 22, 2011, 09:36:03 pm
Mas quando ainda vemos as Forças Armadas equipadas com G-3, Galil e a “fantástica” SIG-543, estamos falados.
Que força está equipada com essa SIG-543?
A PSP tem espingardas Barrett (não me recordo de que modelo).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: sergio21699 em Abril 22, 2011, 09:50:16 pm
Os Comandos
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: LuisC em Abril 22, 2011, 10:46:12 pm
Os Rangers-CIOE parece que também a usam.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: pankeka em Abril 23, 2011, 10:26:37 am
Citação de: "LuisC"
Os Rangers-CIOE parece que também a usam.

Sim, é verdade, o CIOE - Vulgo "Rangers"- Também equipam com Sig-543.

Wilson "pankeka" Fernandes
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 23, 2011, 11:32:29 am
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Os brasileiros que foram à LAAD 2011 foram surpresos com estes projectos e de forma geral ficaram bastante contentes com os mesmos.

Surpresos ou surpreendidos?  :mrgreen: .

Cumé prayboy, vai encárá?! :twisted:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 23, 2011, 11:40:37 am
Citação de: "Trafaria"
Mas quando ainda vemos as Forças Armadas equipadas com G-3, Galil e a “fantástica” SIG-543, estamos falados.
Que força está equipada com essa SIG-543?
A PSP tem espingardas Barrett (não me recordo de que modelo).


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 23, 2011, 02:25:20 pm
Army May Field More Powerful Sniper Rifle

The Army is moving closer to arming all of its sharpshooters with the XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle, a powerful new sniper rifle that can reach more than 50 percent farther than the weapon currently in use.
The XM2010 first hit Army ranges late last year, and the service's top gear buyer says it is already targeting bad guys in Afghanistan.
The new rifle takes some of the parts of the current Remington-built M24 bolt-action sniper rifle -- which has been in the Army's inventory since the late 1980s -- and marries them with an updated stock, magazine and rail system.
But in a major shift brought on by experience in Afghanistan, the XM2010 is being built to fire the .300 Winchester Magnum round, which can hit targets up to 1,200 meters away. The current M24 -- much the same as the civilian Remington Model 700 -- fires a 7.62mm round that can reach targets about 800 meters away.
"We're trying to reach those extended ranges in Afghanistan … so [snipers] can reach out and hold that enemy out farther," said Brig. Gen. Pete Fuller in an April 14 interview with military reporters.
Fuller went on to say that the success of the XM2010 in Afghanistan caused the Army to consider fielding the longer-range rifle to all snipers servicewide.
"There is ongoing discussion in the Army right now whether we are going to 'pure fleet' the whole Army with this capability," Fuller said.
"I believe the Army will go in that direction" but a final decision hasn't been made, he said.
The Army will continue to procure the semi-auto M110 sniper rifle for shorter ranges and urban engagements, officials say.
In September, the Army signed a contract with Remington Arms to "rebuild" about 250 M24s into the XM2010 rifle for use in Afghanistan. The contract left open the possibility that the service could buy up to 3,600 rifles if it received the funds.
The Army was concerned that the M24 fell short in typical engagement ranges in Afghanistan, where Taliban fighters tend to ambush U.S. troops from high-altitude escarpments just beyond the lethal range of current Soldier arms.
The bolt-action XM2010 includes a five-round magazine, an adjustable, folding stock and enough rail space to accommodate a variety of optics, designators and illumination tools, the Army says.

According to Army weapons buyers, the original program was spearheaded by Rep. Mike Arcuri, a Democrat congressman whose district includes the Remington Ilion Firearms plant near Utica. Arcuri was defeated by Republican Richard Hanna last year.
"The Army has about 2,500 M24s in its inventory so there is enough headroom in the current contract to provide all sniper teams an XM2010 capability if the Army ultimately approves the decision and allocates the budget to do so," a PM Soldier weapons representative said in a statement.

 :arrow: ... M2010.aspx (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Abril 24, 2011, 06:03:23 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Os brasileiros que foram à LAAD 2011 foram surpresos com estes projectos e de forma geral ficaram bastante contentes com os mesmos.

Pois, são brasileiros! não são dificeis de contentar!! eheh
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Abril 24, 2011, 06:05:28 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Citação de: "Trafaria"
Mas quando ainda vemos as Forças Armadas equipadas com G-3, Galil e a “fantástica” SIG-543, estamos falados.
Que força está equipada com essa SIG-543?
A PSP tem espingardas Barrett (não me recordo de que modelo).



Na realidade ninguém equipa porque a arma é uma verdadeira MERD@ , e ninguém arrisca a andar com aquilo...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Abril 24, 2011, 03:38:39 pm
Não sabia onde havia de por este Vídeo.
Achei que era interessante de ser estudado.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Trafaria em Abril 24, 2011, 08:32:03 pm
O que é que há ai de novidade que eu nao tenha reparado?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Abril 26, 2011, 04:23:10 pm
Citação de: "Trafaria"
O que é que há ai de novidade que eu nao tenha reparado?

Novidade nao ha nenhuma...
So pra estudar
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Portucale em Abril 27, 2011, 05:18:16 pm
Trata-se de um vídeo bem informativo sobre o que se passa no Afeganistão e do que é uma guerra de guerrilha.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 12, 2011, 04:31:05 pm
Army Plan to Halt US Tank Production Draws Fire in Congress

The Army's M1 Abrams tank has careened across battlefields in U.S. combat operations since 1980.

But now the 75-ton, American-made icon is at the center of the federal budget debate, with the Pentagon calling for production to halt and Congress determined to say no.

The Army says taxpayers could save $1.3 billion in the defense spending bill for fiscal year 2012 if lawmakers agreed to temporarily shutter the nation's only tank production facility in Lima, Ohio, for at least three years, starting in 2013.

The closure would be the first cessation of U.S. tank production since World War II.

"We've got a very fit and complete fleet that we'll have at this time. And that's what has caused us to stop buying something that we no longer need," Lt. Gen. Robert Lennox, the Army's deputy chief of staff, told a Senate committee last month.

But a bipartisan group of lawmakers, under pressure from the tank's producer, General Dynamics Land Systems, says the military has it all wrong.

One hundred thirty-seven House members argued Friday in a letter to Army Secretary John McHugh that the proposal would dangerously harm the country's "industrial base," forcing highly-skilled workers to go elsewhere and adding unnecessary re-training and certification costs to the taxpayers' tab.

"Our industrial base cannot be turned on and off like a light switch," said Rep. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee and co-signed the letter.
Mauricio Lima/AFP/Getty Images
A U.S. Army M1A1 Abrams tank rolls through the streets of downtown of Tikrit, Iraq, Dec. 16, 2003. The Army wants lawmakers save $1.3 billion in the defense authorization bill for fiscal year 2012 by temporarily closing the Lima, Ohio, Abrams facility for at least three years, starting in 2013.

"It's always more expensive than the initial estimates," said Daniel Goure, an analyst with the Lexington Institute, a defense industry think tank, of the Army's proposal.

"As for the workers, this is an extraordinarily experienced and specialized crew. You can't take 'Joe the Welder' out of the auto body shop and put him on the tank line in a day when they start back up," he said.

Company officials say 250 workers at the Lima plant and thousands of others at more than 500 businesses in the tank equipment supply chain would be forced to find other work.

"We simply cannot shut down this plant and expect them to wait around for it to start up again," said Rep. Michael Turner, whose district is adjacent to the Abrams plant.

But with U.S. defense spending expected to top $700 billion this year -- twice the amount spent 10 years ago -- critics say programs such as the Abrams tank line shouldn't be immune from cuts to help trim the federal deficit.

"At a time when the defense budget obviously needs to go south, not north, only a cynic would say it's predictable that Congress won't cancel a program the Department of Defense says it doesn't need," said Winslow Wheeler, director of the Straus Military Reform Project at the Center for Defense Information, a think tank.

Lt. Gen. Lennox said because the military's fleet of tanks is an average of just four years old, the military won't need technical upgrades or new equipment until at least 2016, when the plant could reopen.

The Army estimated closing the plant and reopening it later would not cost more than $800 million, while keeping the plant running at a minimal level would cost roughly $2.1 billion.

"The amount that we've been given, that it would take to keep those plants open, is extraordinarily enough of or put our scarce resources against something else," Lennox said of the funds.

The House Armed Services Committee, which is drafting the defense spending bill for 2012, has included $272 million to keep Abrams tank production going through Sept. 30, 2013. The bill still needs to pass the Senate and get signed into law by the president.

The funds would churn out roughly 60 tanks and keep thousands of workers on the job, supporters say.

"Politicians are so ineffectual that the only way they feel they can appeal to voters is by bringing home the pork," Wheeler said. "These tanks are eminently useful. I'm not against them. But we've got plenty, and many upgraded ones as well."

 :arrow: ... d=13582237 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 17, 2011, 02:53:31 pm

The SCAR Program: Present and Future

The U.S. Special Operations Command is going forward with the MK17 7.62x51 mm NATO SCAR-H program.

By David Crane

On April 14, 2010, FN Herstal (FNH) received notification from the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) Program Executive Office that the FN SCAR (Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle) program achieved the Milestone C phase, authorizing the production and deployment of the following: MK16 5.56x45 mm NATO SCAR-L (SCAR-Light) (Short Barreled Rifle); MK17 7.62x51 mm NATO SCAR-H (SCAR-Heavy); MK20 7.62x51 mm NATO SSR (Sniper Support Rifle); and 40x46 mm MK13 Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module (EGLM). According to an Aug. 16, 2010, FNH USA press release, SOCOM approved the SCAR systems for full-rate production on July 30, 2010. This created some confusion at the time, however, since SOCOM quickly let it be known that it would not be purchasing the MK16.

The approval on the rest of the SCAR systems was a long time coming, considering that SOCOM had awarded FNH the SCAR development contract in November 2004. The program was actually conceived in 2002, and SOCOM drafted the Joint Operational Requirements Document (JORD). The original objective of the SCAR program was to develop a modular, multi-caliber platform for Special Operations Forces (SOF). Six years later and after spending $19 million on research, development and procurement, SOCOM is on the verge of achieving this end. SOCOM and FNH are presently developing the FN MK17 SCAR-H “common receiver,” which takes the MK17 to the next level of modularity, past its quick-change barrel function. The MK17 common receiver will be capable of accepting a 5.56 mm conversion kit, consisting of a trigger module, bolt, firing pin, magazine and barrel. According to FNH USA’s Marketing Director Combat Rifles & Technical Support Gabe Bailey that the recoil spring and guide remain the same, and there’s no need to change the case deflector.

As of December 2010, FNH has been actively developing the SCAR common receiver platform/system for about the past year and a half, and it has been testing it for roughly the past six to eight months. The common receiver is currently approaching the final phase of government testing. Bailey informed me that they’re looking at fielding the SCAR common receiver system sometime in 2011, most likely around the mid-year mark.

FNH made a wise choice in developing the common receiver, since SOCOM has decided not to purchase the MK16 variant. The reason for this is pretty straightforward: According to SOCOM Public Affairs Officer Maj. Wes Ticer, “The MK16 does not provide enough of a performance advantage over the M4 carbine to justify spending limited SOCOM funds when competing priorities are taken into consideration.” This is a diplomatic way of saying that the MK16, although it is a capable weapon system that offers more than 80 percent parts commonality with, and identical ergonomics to, the MK17, it doesn’t offer any measurable combat-relevant performance or lethality advantage over the M4 carbine. Put another way, there’s nothing a military operator can accomplish tactically or ballistically with a MK16 that he can’t already accomplish just as well with an M4, i.e., putting rounds on target quickly, accurately, and reliably in a fight. Rifle on rifle, the two look pretty evenly matched.

The FN MK17 SCAR-H common-receiver platform is a very different story, however, as its light weight (7.91 pounds in standard configuration with 16-inch barrel), multi-caliber capability, semi-quick-change barrel system, and monolithic upper receiver with integrated quad-rail system provide a new level of usability and mission adaptability/versatility over the M14. This allows the MK17 to “fill an existing capability gap for a 7.62 mm rifle,” wrote Bailey. Right out of the box, the MK17 “adds no more than one m.o.a. over the ammunition at 100 meters; this is really more precision than accuracy. In regards to accuracy, with the MK16 and MK17, it is really tied to other factors, i.e., reliability and barrel life. In basic terms, the MK16 and MK17 had to fire a minimum of 15,000 rounds with a mean-rounds-between-stoppages better than in 2,000. I believe we came in around 1 in 3,600 on both weapons and maintain 70 percent of hits on an e-type target at 300 meters. Of the 15,000 rounds, 50 percent were full-automatic fire and 25 percent were suppressed.”

The MK17 common receiver’s caliber convertibility is arguably one of the most profound threats to the M4’s survival with SOCOM, and potentially with U.S. infantry forces, since it provides long-term production and training cost advantages. Greater production increases absolute cost savings. A single SCAR common receiver can double as an assault rifle/carbine/SBR and battle rifle/carbine/SBR, as opposed to the M4, MK18 MOD 1, M16, MK12 MOD 1 and M14, which are all individual systems, and the AR-type arms and the M14 are completely different platforms. This may be one of the reasons Colt Defense has designed and developed the Colt CM901 7.62x51 mm NATO AR-10 type modular/multi-caliber battle rifle with a “universal” lower receiver, to match the capabilities of the SCAR series.

The MK17’s reception by SOF warfighters has generally been positive. Operators enjoy the rifle’s light weight and adaptability. The only controversial aspect of the system of which I am aware is its reciprocating charging handle, which some military operators find unwieldy. I am not a big fan of reciprocating charging handles either, and I would like to see a non-reciprocating charging handle developed for SCAR.

FNH’s and SOCOM’s goal with the MK20 SSR (Sniper Support Rifle) was originally to give military snipers a one m.o.a. gun that can fire 4,000 rounds between stoppages, fire accurately on full-automatic, and be used as a full-capability battle rifle. However, it would appear that the MK 20 is now a semi-automatic-only rifle with a 45-degree-throw safety/selector lever. The MK20 features a beefed-up barrel attachment system, utilizing more barrel retention and barrel extension screws; an extended receiver for mounting in-line night vision and thermal optics and standard day sniper optics; a modular single-stage/two-stage trigger; a non-folding adjustable precision buttstock; and a thicker, free-floating heavy barrel.

According to FNH, it is to be fielded in May 2011. The MK20 offers more than 60 percent parts commonality with the MK17. Its trigger-pull weight is 4 pounds (+/- 0.5 lbs.) versus the MK16’s and MK17’s 6-pound (+/- 1.5 lbs.) trigger-pull weight. Accuracy is a claimed 0.25 m.o.a. at 100 meters over baseline ammunition. The MK20’s threshold barrel life is a claimed to be 7,000 rounds, but 15,000 rounds is the objective goal, while maintaining a group size under 2.5 m.o.a. SOCOM has deemed the MK20 “Operationally Effective /Operationally Suitable and Sustainable.”

A bit lower down on most people’s SCAR radar is the under-barrel-mounted/stand-alone 40 mm MK13 EGLM (Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module), which replaces the M203. Unlike the M203, the MK13 swivels left and uses new low-impulse 40 mm munitions that allow the operator to engage the enemy out to 800 meters.

In my opinion, the hands-down most interesting and ambitious SCAR variant is the aptly named FN Heat Adaptive Modular Rifle (HAMR), which is FN’s Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR). Where other IARs feature open-bolt, full-automatic/closed-bolt, semi-automatic operation to avoid cook-offs, the HAMR’s thermal regulation system controls the bolt carrier position. The FN HAMR will initially fire from the closed-bolt position in both either semi-automatic or full-automatic. Once the chamber reaches a certain temperature, however, it will transition automatically to open-bolt operation before it reaches its cook-off threshold. Once the chamber’s temperature comes back down below its cook-off threshold, the gun will return to closed-bolt operation. The HAMR hasn’t landed any U.S. military contracts, yet.

SOCOM’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget submission for all SCAR variants is $3 million. According to SOCOM Public Affairs, “SOCOM will use the existing contract with the manufacturer to procure the weapons. SOCOM is in the process of determining the exact quantities of the MK17, MK13 and MK20 variants that will be purchased,” said Maj. Ticer. ... r-program/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 19, 2011, 02:59:19 pm

Uns produzem mesmo sendo pobres, outros nada produzem e só criam divida atrás de divida.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 27, 2011, 12:58:09 pm
Citação de: "talharim"
Pessoal nessas 2 ultimas semanas chegaram e estao chegando grandes carregamentos de armamento russo comprado pela Venezuela destinados ao seu Exército.

Segundo informes foram 7 navios até o momento e estao para chegar mais de 30 navios !!!!!
Já existem informes de já terem chegado :

1 centena de BM 21 "GRAD"


Centenas de caminhoes URAL 4X4 e 6X6

1 Centena de blindados BTR-3


1 Centena de blindados BTR-80


1 Centena de tanques anfibios BMP-3


Dezenas de SMERCH


Um numero indefinido de S-300


1 Centena de Tanques T-72 em sua ultima versao


Fotos do descarregamento dos T-72 no site :
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Maio 27, 2011, 05:27:28 pm
Tudo coisas boas para um dia serem derretidos pela Forca Aerea e Marinha Norte Americana...

Mal empregue dinheiro num pais com tantas necessidades!!!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 27, 2011, 05:30:55 pm
Os "states", mais dia menos dia entram oficialmente em bancarrota (na prática já o estão). A única coisa que realmente funciona bem nos EUA é o complexo militar, de resto foi tudo para o México e para a China.

Em relação à Venezuela, isto tudo é para dizer que ninguém pode invadir o país, mas na prática muitos destes meios poderão ser usados contra a própria população. Já há falta de alimentos, cortes de electricidade e outras carencias.

Ditadores...todos sabemos como são (vejam o nosso caro Sócrates que em 6 anos duplicou a nossa divida pública externa). :roll:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 27, 2011, 06:04:05 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Em relação à Venezuela, isto tudo é para dizer que ninguém pode invadir o país, mas na prática muitos destes meios poderão ser usados contra a própria população. Já há falta de alimentos, cortes de electricidade e outras carencias.

Ditadores...todos sabemos como são (vejam o nosso caro Sócrates que em 6 anos duplicou a nossa divida pública externa). :roll:
E que por cá temos as mesmas carências! Tanta vez que cá em casa, no Inverno não tenho electricidade e no Verão não tenho água! (ainda esta semana...)
O telefone e internet basta fazer um bocado mais de vento para os cabos da linha telefónica abanarem mais um bocado e eu ficar sem ligação.

Depois estas empresas continuam a apresentar recordes de lucros...

Desculpem o oftopic...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 27, 2011, 06:07:35 pm
Eu não tenho desses problemas por aqui. Não me lembro qual foi a última vez que fiquei sem electricidade ou água.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 28, 2011, 12:15:23 pm
Holanda – Militares Vaiam o Parlamento
Surpreendente protesto dos militares holandeses contra os cortes na defesa.

Milhares de soldados e oficiais em uniforme vaiaram o Parlamento hoje, quinta-feira (26MAI11), em uma demonstração contra os cortes orçamentários que afetaram profundamente as Forças Armadas Holandesas. A manifestação que incluiu também funcionários civis do Ministério da Defesa marcharam através de Den Haag para protestar contra o corte de 1 bilhão de euros no orçamento de defesa e conseqüente eliminação de 12.000 postos civis e militares.
As maiores críticas foram para os políticos dos partidos  Democrata Cristão e o conservador  VVD. Durante os protestos, o líder do VVD, André Bosman, afirmou que os cortes eram necessários e nada poderia ser feito.
Cantos como: "It’s stupid to want this" e em resposta "This can’t be" eram ouvidos durante a marcha.
Partidos pequenos  aplaudiram os protestos: “Nós precisamos parar de atirar em nosso próprio exército,” afirmou o líder de um partido.
Os militares holandeses não têm o direito de greve. A maioria tirou um dia de folga para participar da demonstração, enquanto outros simplesmente faltaram o serviço.
Deverão ser retirados de serviço:quatro caça-minas, 14 helicópteros Cougar e 19 dos atuais 87 caças F-16. Porém o que causou maior impacto foi a decisão de vender TODOS os carros de combate Leopard 2A6. Acabando assim como uma tradição de 400 anos de cavalaria do Exército Holandês.
Os cortes orçamentários reduzirão os gastos anuais de €8.5Bilhões  (U$12.6Bilhões) em 2011 para  €7.5Bilhões em 2015, eliminando 12.000 postos de uma força de 59.000 homens.
Dentro da OTAN as Forças Armadas Holandesas são consideradas altamente efetivas embora seu tamanho. A Real Força Aérea Holandesa tem seis caças F-16 operando na Líbia e fragatas cem ações aanti-pirataria nas costas da Somalia.
A Holanda participou em operações no Afeganistão(encerrada no ano passado), Iraque, Kosovo e Bosnia.
As Forças Armadas holandesas foram a mais rápida em adotar uma estrutura mais simples após a Guerra Fria – 45% das organizações militares consistem de unidades de combate, comparado com os 18 % da Alemanha e Bélgica. Como resultado o efeito dos cortes serão devastadores na capacidade operacional na Holanda comparado com os da Alemanha e Bélgica.
Em 18 de maio, no campo de Bergen-Hohne, Alemanha, foram efetuados os últimos quatro tiros, presenciados por 350 militares e veteranos. Ver vídeo da cerimônia co o link no box abaixo.
Os milhares de militares cruzando Den Haag e vaiando o Parlamento era algo impensável e de difícil realização. Porém os próprios holandeses reconhecem que a sociedade do país é dissociada de suas Forças Armadas.
Com exceção da Radio Netherlands os grandes jornais holandeses simplesmente não noticiaram o evento.

Fonte: ... Parlamento (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Maio 29, 2011, 10:11:11 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Os "states", mais dia menos dia entram oficialmente em bancarrota (na prática já o estão).

Nao diga tal coisa que ate lhe fica mal...
Nao conhece muito bem o Pais, pois nao?? Para aquela nacao entrar em bancarrota era preciso nem sei bem o que!!
Se me disser que ja nao estao no seu apogeu, isso e natural, qualquer Imperio que dure mais de 150 anos nos dias que correm e complicado. Ate porque sendo teoricamente o unico "Imperio" que existe actualmente e normal que entre em decadencia.
Mas dai ate falir vai uma grande distancia!! Desintegra-se primeiro, antes de falir...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Maio 29, 2011, 10:17:42 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Porém o que causou maior impacto foi a decisão de vender TODOS os carros de combate Leopard 2A6.

Os Holandeses sempre foram inteligentes!!
E quem foram os burros que lhes compraram os Tanques ??? Os ricos dos Tugas...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tyr em Maio 29, 2011, 12:24:06 pm
Pelo que sei os EUA só não estão na bancarrota, porque não existe interesse internacional que isso aconteça (a economia mundial actualmente esta exessivamente dependente da saude da economia americana).
Pelo que sei a divida publica americana é tal que se for dividida por cada cidadão americano cada um deles deveria mais de 45.000$ e o PIB per capita anda por volta dos 47.000$. Ou seja, se os mercados se comportassem com os EUA, como se comportaram com Portugal (aumentando as taxas de juro e automaticamente aumentando a divida), os EUA entrariam em bancarota (pois a divida é de tal maneira que não acredito que haja organização que possa resgatar os EUA).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 29, 2011, 06:19:39 pm
Citação de: "ACADO"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Os "states", mais dia menos dia entram oficialmente em bancarrota (na prática já o estão).

Nao diga tal coisa que ate lhe fica mal...
Nao conhece muito bem o Pais, pois nao?? Para aquela nacao entrar em bancarrota era preciso nem sei bem o que!!
Se me disser que ja nao estao no seu apogeu, isso e natural, qualquer Imperio que dure mais de 150 anos nos dias que correm e complicado. Ate porque sendo teoricamente o unico "Imperio" que existe actualmente e normal que entre em decadencia.
Mas dai ate falir vai uma grande distancia!! Desintegra-se primeiro, antes de falir...

O meu pai ainda tem alguma familia afastada nos "states", o padrinho da minha irmã tem um irmão que foi Sargento nos Marines e agora está reformado.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 11, 2011, 04:42:54 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 14, 2011, 01:49:19 pm

Imaginem-me uma Galil com um carrgador destes...brutal! :twisted:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Junho 14, 2011, 05:03:19 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

Imaginem-me uma Galil com um carrgador destes...brutal! :twisted:

Achei o de 100 um bocado mau. Não deve dar jeito nenhum a baixar e a movimentar rapidamente e numa posição agachada. Dava até para ver no video um homem com esse carregador deitado e que tinha de disparar de lado para conseguir fazer pontaria. Se fosse talvez mais grosso e menos comprido, talvez desse mais jeito, mas mesmo assim parece-me pouco prático.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 14, 2011, 09:27:24 pm
Eu estava a referir-me ao carregador de 60 munições. A primeira vez que eu li sobre um carregador com estas caracteristicas foi com os Russos. Parece que houve alguém nos EUA que decidiu apostar num projecto semelhante.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 16, 2011, 12:02:12 pm
Citação de: "Cross"
Novo produto da Contour em conjunto com a Daniel Defense, um câmera montada em trilhos picatinny, alimentada por bateria, resolução de 1080pi, capaz de aceitar cartões miniSD de 2 até 32 gigabytes. Além de poder transmitir a imagem em tempo real, via bluetooth, pra um smartphone com Sistema Operacional Android ou IOS4. Também possui um GPS interno que pode ser usado pra registrar a posição da arma em tempo real com a gravação do video.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 29, 2011, 10:24:40 am
PDF com os resultados dos testes feitos com o Dragon Skin... ... 1may07.pdf (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 01, 2011, 03:29:32 pm
Corps to Replace SAW With Automatic Rifle

Marine infantry squads will replace their M249 light machine gun with a highly accurate, auto rifle geared for fast-moving assaults. In late May, Gen. James Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, approved a plan to field the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle to all Marine infantry battalions.

The lightweight auto rifle, made by Heckler & Koch, is a variant of the 5.56mm H&K 416. It weighs just under eight pounds unloaded -- almost 10 pounds less than the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon.

The decision comes after the Corps fielded 458 M27s to five battalions as they prepared for upcoming deployments to Afghanistan.

"We wanted to get through the limited fielding and get the feedback before we moved ahead with the full fielding," said Charles Clark III, who oversees infantry weapons requirements at the Corps' Combat Development and Integration office in Quantico, Va.

"The decision is made. It's happening," Clark said.

Program officials plan to spend about $13 million to field all 4,476 M27s by late summer 2013, Clark said. In addition to the guns, that money also pays for spare parts, tools and gauges, he said.

Marine gunners trained with the new M27s all the way through their pre-deployment evaluation.

"They performed really well," Clark said. "They were hitting more targets and expending less ammo than they would have with the SAW."

Former commandant Gen. James Conway had concerns about replacing the M249 with a magazine-fed automatic rifle. His main worry was how the M27 would make up for the loss of suppressive firepower Marine gunners would give up when they went into battle without the belt-fed M249 machine gun.

Program officials acknowledge that a 30-round magazine cannot produce the high volume of fire the M249 is capable of when loaded with a 200-round belt.

And because gunners cannot change out over-heating barrels on the M27, they will likely keep sustained rates of fire at nearly 40 rounds per minute for 600 rounds on days with mild temperatures. They will have to reduce that to 28 rounds when the temps climb past 100 degrees.

But accuracy seems to be the key to the M27's effectiveness, Clark said. The auto rifle is already showing signs that it could to be twice as accurate as the Marine M16A4.

Gunners shooting the M27 have been getting first-round hits on targets beyond 300 meters much more consistently than they have in the past with the M249, Clark said.

"In the training, the Marines were employing it in the semi-auto mode until they closed within 100 meters or so of the enemy and then switch to full auto to provide very accurate high rates of fire," he added. "We don't lose the ability to gain fire superiority."

But time will tell.

Currently, the Marines have two battalions of M27s in Afghanistan and another three preparing to deploy. Marine battalions will also keep nine M249s per rifle company to allow commanders to beef up firepower when needed.

The M27s will be equipped with the Marine Corps SAW Day Optic, made by Trijicon. They will also have an AN/PEQ 16A laser pointer and integrated white light, Harris bipod legs and a vertical forward grip.

Marine officials selected the H&K weapon in October 2009 over two prototypes from Colt Defense LLC and one made by FN Herstal. Colt makes the M4 and FN makes the M249.

The M27 uses a short-stroke gas piston, which proved more reliable than the M16/M4's direct gas system in an Army dust test in late 2007.

Marine weapons officials also maintain that the improved 30-round magazine that the Army developed for the M4 carbine and the M16 is working well in the M27.

Some are concerned that M27 gunners are not being issued higher-capacity magazines. Program officials have not ruled this out as a possibility for the future, but for now, gunners will carry about 22 of the standard 30-round magazines for a basic load.

"We are looking at the potential for high-capacity magazines, but right now the new service magazine with the brown follower is working really well," Clark said. "We have had no issues."

 :arrow: ... rifle.html (

A substituição é total e não apenas parcial. No more SAW!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 20, 2011, 04:02:24 pm
IAR wins over skeptical Marine infantrymen

 :arrow: ... an-071911/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 04, 2011, 04:03:35 pm
O Exército Grego vai receber 400 Abrams dos EUA (de graça, pagando apenas o transporte).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Outubro 04, 2011, 06:43:23 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
O Exército Grego vai receber 400 Abrams dos EUA (de graça, pagando apenas o transporte).

 :conf:  Então e a Grécia conseguirá mantê-los?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Trafaria em Outubro 04, 2011, 08:25:36 pm
Claro que sim. A Grécia é dos países europeus que mais percentagem do PIB afecta ao orçamento da defesa devido à histórica e pouco benigna relação que tem com a vizinha Turquia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Outubro 04, 2011, 09:42:50 pm
Que desperdício de dinheiro em combustível e numa nova cadeia de logística. Estou para ver se a longo prazo vai ser realmente mais barato do que comprar Leopards. Sem falar em Leopards made in Europe que têm peças fabricadas na Grécia.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Outubro 04, 2011, 09:45:53 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Outubro 04, 2011, 10:16:09 pm
Citação de: "Trafaria"
Claro que sim. A Grécia é dos países europeus que mais percentagem do PIB afecta ao orçamento da defesa devido à histórica e pouco benigna relação que tem com a vizinha Turquia.

No entanto já tem uma força blindada considerável. E das duas uma: ou retiram alguns tanques de serviço e substituem-nos por estes M1's, ou têm de aumentar o orçamento.
E depois, o combustível para aqueles meninos não fica barato...
Pessoalmente, acho que é uma má (péssima) ideia, ainda mais se considerar-mos que a Grécia não está particularmente rica...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Outubro 04, 2011, 10:28:36 pm
Um comentário colocado no MP.NET sobre esta questão:
Citação de: "enallos"
We'll need to withraw 500 Leopard 1A5, 400 M48A5 MOLF and well over 300 M60A1/A3. That's 1,200 MBTs gone in the next 5-6 years. Of the potential 400 M1A1 sale only about 300 will be be operational, the rest will be canibalised.

1,200 vs 300 MBTs: This aquisition is essentially a cut.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Digo em Outubro 04, 2011, 10:49:59 pm
Mas eles nao têm 180  leopard A4 mais 170 Leopard A6?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 05, 2011, 10:16:26 am
Citação de: "Digo"
Mas eles nao têm 180  leopard A4 mais 170 Leopard A6?

Até se pode dizer que eles tem uma versão leo só deles que é o Leopard 2A6Hel
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: GI Jorge em Outubro 05, 2011, 12:02:15 pm
Ou seja, retiram 1200 dos seus tanques mais antigos, substituem-nos por +-300 Abrahams M1A1, mas mantêm ainda mais de 300 outros tanques modernos.
Assim, já não me parece uma má ideia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 20, 2011, 01:47:01 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 28, 2011, 12:04:15 pm
Artilharia autopropulsada sobre rodas:

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: sergio21699 em Novembro 01, 2011, 09:01:30 pm
Ministro da Defesa grego troca chefias militares

O ministro da Defesa grego, Panos Beglitis, demitiu esta terça-feira todas as chefias militares. A decisão surge após uma reunião surpresa do Executivo liderado por George Papandreo e levantou receios de que a situação de tensão social na Grécia esteja a fugir do controlo.
 No mês passado, Beglitis havia afirmado que queria nomear homens da sua confiança para as chefias militares, considerando que o poder militar no país era um «Estado dentro do Estado».

Entretanto, há notícias contraditórias sobre a questão do referendo ao novo pacote de ajuda externa à Grécia. Depois de segunda-feira Papandreo ter anunciado que iria submeter a votação popular a aprovação do novo plano de resgate, um deputado do Partido Socialista, no poder, indicou hoje ao Dow Jones Newswire que a ideia do referendo estava «morta».
As mudanças nas chefias militares fazem crescer receios de que se pudesse estar a preparar um golpe de Estado no país.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 02, 2011, 08:51:06 pm
Israel testou hoje com êxito um míssil com um novo sistema de propulsão na base aérea de Palmahim (sul de Telavive), numa altura em que os media locais falam da possibilidade de ataques israelitas contra o Irão.

"O teste do sistema de propulsão de míssil, previsto há muito, foi concluído com êxito", declarou um responsável do Ministério da Defesa à agência noticiosa francesa AFP.

O teste ocorreu numa altura em que os media israelitas têm vindo a falar num debate no seio do governo entre os partidários e os opositores de um ataque contra as instalações nucleares iranianas.

"Trata-se de uma conquista tecnológica impressionante e de um passo importante no avanço de Israel na área dos mísseis e do espaço", considerou num comunicado o ministro da Defesa, Ehud Barak, antes de partir para uma visita ao Reino Unido.

Barak assegurou que o teste não está ligado às especulações sobre eventuais ataques preventivos contra o Irão, segundo media israelitas.

Segundo estes, o engenho lançado hoje da base de Palmahum é um "míssil balístico".

De acordo com especialistas militares estrangeiros, Israel desenvolve há anos um míssil terra-terra "Jéricho 3", que pode ser equipado com uma ogiva nuclear, química ou bacteriológica.

Este míssil tem um alcance de 4.500 a 7.000 quilómetros e pode assim atingir o Irão.

Israel e os Estados Unidos acusam o Irão de pretender obter a arma nuclear a pretexto do desenvolvimento do seu programa civil, o que Teerão desmente.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 22, 2011, 02:52:43 pm
A ‘Guardia Nacional de Venezuela’ incorpora novo armamento

A “Guardia Nacional”, quarto componente das Forças Armadas Nacionais da Venezuela, está incorporando novo armamento individual. Assim, efetivos do Comando Nacional da Guarda do Povo (organismo de segurança cidadã), se exibiram  recientemente, em uma solenidade militar, portando carabinas Beretta Cx4 Storm, de fabricação italiana, substituindo os seus fuzis de assalto russos Kalashnikov AK-103, que é a arma longa padrão dos quatro componentes das Forças Armadas Nacionais.

A Storm pesa 2,575 kg contra os 3,40 kg do AK-103, e mede 18 cm menos que o fuzil russo, sendo portanto uma arma mais apropiada a operações de segurança urbana. Outra vantagem é que utilizam o calibre 9×19 mm Parabellum, o mesmo das pistolas Imbel e FN/Browning, que também equipam os guardas nacionais.
( ... cx4-storm/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 23, 2011, 11:54:53 am
Os Franceses estão à procura de uma nova espingarda-automática:

 :arrow: ... mas-rifle/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 23, 2011, 01:41:34 pm

E em Portugal? O que mudou?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 24, 2011, 12:40:11 pm
Australia is to get a powerful new fighting force akin to the US Marine Corps that will be able to launch amphibious assaults and carry out humanitarian missions across the region.

It is understood the Government will establish the equivalent of a US Marine Expeditionary Unit by 2016, training troops to conduct seaborne missions from large ships capable of carrying landing craft, tanks and attack helicopters.

The plan is to be rolled out as thousands of US marines are based in the Northern Territory, with Diggers to learn from the Americans the mechanics of deploying troops and equipment on beaches while under fire.

The Government will use the 3rd Royal Australian Regiment, stationed in Townsville, as the basis for the force, to be known as the Amphibious Ready Group.

Troops will be trained to operate from the two new Landing Helicopter Docks, the equivalent of small aircraft carriers each able to carry two Abrams tanks, Tiger attack helicopters and landing craft.

"This will be the most powerful amphibious force in the region bar none," a Defence source said.

Until recently, 3RAR was Australia's crack parachute regiment.

But it was stripped of its ability to launch airborne assaults and moved from NSW to Queensland under a major revamp of the Australian Defence Force.

It is currently preparing to deploy to Afghanistan and will begin training for its new role when it returns.

The plan for the creation of Australia's own marine assault force comes as neighbours in the region express caution about Prime Minister Julia Gillard's decision to allow 2500 US troops to be based in the NT for six months of the year.

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has suggested Australia allow Chinese troops on its soil to train alongside Diggers as part of efforts to promote understanding between Canberra, Beijing and the US.

Defence Minister Stephen Smith said yesterday that the idea had merit but pointed out that Australia already carried out some Defence exercises with China.

"We don't see it as something which would necessarily occur in the short term but it's a good suggestion, it's an interesting suggestion, it's a positive suggestion and one which I think in the longer term is good for serious consideration," Mr Smith said.

The first of Australia's two LHDs is due to begin service in 2013.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Novembro 24, 2011, 06:01:21 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Eles vão transformar um regimento Pára-quedista numa unidade de Fuzileiros?! :? .

Eu por acaso pensei que isso ia acontecer era com um dos Regimentos de Comandos que eles tem, quando o Regimento de Comandos das Forças Reservistas passou a ser um Regimento de Comandos operacional a tempo inteiro, fiquei mesmo com ideia que era por causa dos LHDs novos, mas também me lembro de no passado aparecer uma noticia que o Batalhão Pára-quedista ia deixar de saltar e passar a ser de Infantaria Ligeira tal como os outros 2 da mesma Brigada, afinal além de deixar de saltar vão passar a nadar :mrgreen: .

O Regimento (

A 3ª Brigada (Brigada Ligeira) (
(No fim do artigo refere que intenção de primeiro transformar o Batalhão Pára-quedista em Batalhão de Infantaria Ligeira e depois disso em Batalhão Anfíbio)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 25, 2011, 12:56:04 pm
Os Comandos Australianos são muito diferentes dos Portugueses, por isso nunca puderiam tornar-se numa força de Fuzileiros (Infantaria Ligeira de Assalto especializada em missões anfibias). É como os Comandos Brasileiros, a única semelhança entre eles e os Comandos Portugueses é a designação "Comando", porque de resto são muito diferentes.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 21, 2011, 05:07:58 pm
BUK-M2 na Síria! (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 15, 2012, 05:15:03 pm
RAFAEL Unveil a Light, Affordable Member of the Spike Missile Family

Rafael is expanding the Spike missile family with the lightweight, man-portable Spike SR, a ‘fire and forget’ short range guided missile enabling infantrymen to engage a wide range of targets with high precision, from ranges up to 800 meters. Spike SR is positioned between the Spike MR (medium-range) weapon and the unguided Matador multipurpose rocket, offering the advantages of both weapons for infantry-relevant ranges, at a full system weight of less than 10 kg., therefore reducing load by 3 percent.


RAFAEL has completed the program’s feasibility testing and is now seeking international customers and partners to pursue full-scale development. The company positions the new weapon at a level well above RAFAEL’s own Matador rocket system, Talley SMAW or Saab AT4, as well as the Saab MBT LAW. According to Rafael, despite the much improved precision, performance and probability of kill, Spike SR will be slightly more expensive than those other unguided rockets.

The guidance system provides the distinctive advantage of the Spike SR – a strapdown camera located at the fin providing both target acquisition sensor and a seeker, employed for in-flight guidance. Spike SR carries a multi-purpose tandem shaped-charge warhead with blast-fragmentation effect, offering capabilities similar to those of the Spike LR missile.

The seeker tracks the target sending flight control commands to the aerodynamic controls, keeping the missile on its flight course to hit the target with high precision. The missile offers very high-hit probability, against point targets, as well as moving targets. Its target acquisition functionality enables Spike SR to operate in both day and night modes, without a dedicated magnifying day/night optics or laser rangefinder, thus saving significant additional weight, power consumption, logistics complexity and costs.


 :arrow: ... amily.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: brunopinto90 em Fevereiro 17, 2012, 07:41:01 pm ... rized-zone (

Korean Sentry Gun
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 13, 2012, 04:10:56 pm
CC Anders polaco.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 19, 2012, 07:35:31 pm
Norinco's New MBT 3000 Tank
China’s North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) also displayed their Main Battle Tank 3000 the company hopes to deliver to the Chinese Army in two years, Cheng said. It’s one of the few, if not the only, company to be developing a main battle tank.

The tank can reach speeds up to 42 miles per hour with a cruising range smoothbore gun onto the MBT 3000. The main gun can fire APFSDS, HEAT and HE shells and gun launched missiles with a maximum missile range reaching 5,000 meters.

MBT 3000 also features a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. Tankers can also fire from 8 76mm smoke grenade launchers and 4 76mm shrapnel grenade launchers.

It carries 38 rounds of main ammunition with a loading speed of eight rounds per minute with 22 rounds on the loader. An un-cooled thermal imagery is installed for the driver while a second generation cooled thermal imager is provided for gunner and the tank commander.

The engine is a water-cooled turbocharged electronic-controlled diesel engine with 1300 horsepower.

The tank is fully digitized with inertial navigation and GPS. Engineers also built a new fire extinguishing and explosion suppression system.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 23, 2012, 09:27:43 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

E em Portugal? O que mudou?

Falou-se num artigo do operacional, que algumas tropas lusas iriam usar "Multicam" no Afeganistão, alguém sabe de algo ?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 23, 2012, 11:49:56 pm
Citação de: "typhonman"
E em Portugal? O que mudou?

Falou-se num artigo do operacional, que algumas tropas lusas iriam usar "Multicam" no Afeganistão, alguém sabe de algo ?

Algumas coisas mudaram, pelo menos mudaram de camuflado de selva para um do deserto.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: routechecker em Junho 27, 2012, 09:12:50 am
Army's $5B failed pixelated uniform getting scrapped

The Army’s pixelated camouflage uniform is getting scrapped — after costing $5 billion and making soldiers easier targets because the design stood out in nearly every environment they were worn in, according to a report in The Daily.

Researchers at the Natick Soldier Center in Natick, Mass. told The Daily that the gray-green uniform debuted in 2004 after Army brass interfered in the selection process, choosing looks and politics over science,

Researchers are now testing new patterns to replace the gray Universal Camouflage Pattern, known as UCP, and troops in the field have been given a greenish, blended replacement called MultiCam, according to The Daily.

“Essentially, the Army designed a universal uniform that universally failed in every environment,” an Army specialist who served two tours in Iraq, wearing UCP in Baghdad and the deserts outside Basra, told The Daily.  “The only time I have ever seen it work well was in a gravel pit.”

“As a cavalry scout, it is my job to stay hidden. Wearing a uniform that stands out this badly makes it hard to do our job effectively,” he said. “If we can see our own guys across a distance because of it, then so can our enemy.”
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Julho 09, 2012, 11:32:27 pm
Tecnologia nacional ??: ... nK-4PI6EvQ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 18, 2012, 09:10:24 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Outubro 16, 2012, 10:49:53 am
Esta é gira: ... so-do-euro (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 06, 2012, 11:10:27 pm
Teste de mobilidade do prototipo de CC Turco Altay.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Novembro 07, 2012, 07:30:10 am
Olha a solucão para substituir a G3: ... an-rifles/ (  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 07, 2012, 12:22:23 pm
Citação de: "saojorgexercito"
Olha a solucão para substituir a G3: ... an-rifles/ (  :G-beer2:

Isso não é um artigo mas sim publicidade, mais nada. Que países da OTAN/UE iriam adquirir isto? Não estou a ver nenhum, até porque a HK está a "comer" isto tudo, e quando não é a HK é por norma alguma solução doméstica (Itália, Polónia, etc).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Novembro 07, 2012, 01:41:59 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Citação de: "saojorgexercito"
Olha a solucão para substituir a G3: ... an-rifles/ (  :G-beer2:

Isso não é um artigo mas sim publicidade, mais nada. Que países da OTAN/UE iriam adquirir isto? Não estou a ver nenhum, até porque a HK está a "comer" isto tudo, e quando não é a HK é por norma alguma solução doméstica (Itália, Polónia, etc).

A Polónia, a Roménia, a Estónia, sei lá, tantos que podiam usar kalashnikovs e não vão no engano das g36 q já nem os alemães querem!!
E sem duvida nós, mais valia do que os trambolhos das g3
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 07, 2012, 03:07:27 pm
A Polónia tem andado a desenvolver vários projectos, o que vai substituir as AK vai ser bem bonito (produto doméstico).

A HK está a ganhar concursos tanto com as G-36 como com as M416. E a última tem sido continuadamente desenvolvida HK 416 A5 (http://http) .

Eu estou cada vez menos "clubista" e por mim até podia ser o novo projecto Polaco, ou alguma AR-15 de uma companhia Norte-Americana (há tantas), ou a...

Há tanta coisa por aí, acho que basta haver dinheiro (que não temos), vontade politica (que não há) e substituimos as G-3/Galil em dois tempos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Novembro 08, 2012, 12:16:03 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
A Polónia tem andado a desenvolver vários projectos, o que vai substituir as AK vai ser bem bonito (produto doméstico).

A HK está a ganhar concursos tanto com as G-36 como com as M416. E a última tem sido continuadamente desenvolvida HK 416 A5 (http://http) .

Eu estou cada vez menos "clubista" e por mim até podia ser o novo projecto Polaco, ou alguma AR-15 de uma companhia Norte-Americana (há tantas), ou a...

Há tanta coisa por aí, acho que basta haver dinheiro (que não temos), vontade politica (que não há) e substituimos as G-3/Galil em dois tempos.

A Hk já vai na versão a5!!! Parece q já perceberam q as outras não eram grande coisa não é. E já admitem q so conseguem ter canos de 10,5' q se não não funciona sem ser com silenciador!! Vá lá, começam a admitir os erros...
Ta a ver porque é q se diz tanto mal da Hk. O tuga é q so conhece essa marca de merd@...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 16, 2012, 06:37:55 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 22, 2012, 11:05:49 pm
Upgrade dos Leopard2 canadianos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 27, 2012, 07:30:35 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 18, 2013, 11:57:09 pm
Main Battle Tanks Moving East

With the world’s largest armies (except China and India) have ceased procurement of Main Battle Tanks (MBT), third world countries are becoming more dominant customers for this weapon category. In recent years, following major reorganization programs, where western armies have been retiring their armored regiments, severely eroding the production base of heavy armored vehicles, countries of the former Soviet Union and China are finding markets for tanks in developing countries ... -east.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 30, 2013, 03:40:27 pm
A Letter From The Special Forces Community Concerning The Second Amendment

 :arrow: ... dment.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mayo em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 08:34:41 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ACADO em Fevereiro 11, 2013, 11:01:51 am
Nao sei se existe alguma coisa sobre os Australianos mas o Video e muito interessante nos primeiros minutos

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 13, 2013, 10:51:47 am
Mariconços, macho que é macho grita:

- 001, 002, 003 e só depois é que lança a granada! :lol:  :roll:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 17, 2013, 12:40:14 pm
China takes first and second in special forces competition
By Mohammed Najib


The Snow Leopard Unit of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force has won the fifth annual Warrior Competition held at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) in Amman from 24-28 March.

The special duty group of the Special Police Academy of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force's came second, followed by the Canadian Special Operations Regiment. The Palestinian Presidential Guard, which has been trained by Russia, the US and Jordan, came in fourth position, a significant improvement on its 10th place in 2012.

Thirty-three special operations and counter-terrorism teams from 18 countries participated, with Algeria, Bahrain, France, Greece, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and the US also sending teams.

The competition was expanded to include 15 activities instead of the seven in 2012. Three of these took place at night and three were surprise events designed to test the teams' ability to react quickly to unexpected challenges. The tests included hostage rescue, aircraft assault, building entry, casualty evacuation, and various shooting exercises.

Não foram estes que foram treinados pelo GIGN?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Abril 18, 2013, 12:51:00 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Não foram estes que foram treinados pelo GIGN?

Eu acho que devem ser os gajos treinados pelo Marco  :twisted: .
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Abril 18, 2013, 08:16:24 am
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Não foram estes que foram treinados pelo GIGN?

Eu acho que devem ser os gajos treinados pelo Marco  :lol:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 26, 2013, 09:29:02 pm
Bisonte do búfalo vs

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 06, 2013, 02:10:21 pm
:o  :arrow: ... s-vietnam/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 12, 2013, 09:50:59 pm
Conheço uma viatura parecida...  :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Schütze em Junho 16, 2013, 02:49:39 pm

Novo sistema de mísseis por contentor. Especialmente criados para países com pouca capacidade militar.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 28, 2013, 06:58:59 pm
 Primeiro T-84 OPLOT M para a Tailândia
 :arrow: ... RTP/page64 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 23, 2013, 11:07:45 am
Nove é o número mágico
21 de julho de 2013, em Blindados, por G-LOC

O US Army está desenvolvendo um novo blindado de transporte de tropas e uma questão importante é poder levar um grupo de combate de nove soldados. O número é visto como o mínimo necessário para um grupo de combate de infantaria e os comandantes querem este grupo junto em um blindado. Os projetistas do próximo blindado de transporte de tropas querem manter a capacidade de sete soldados do M-2 Bradley pois aumentar a capacidade irá forçar o projeto de um veículo maior, criando problemas de peso.

O blindado anterior ao M-2, o M-113, podia levar nove militares, mas era menos blindado e menos armado. O blindado mais novo, o Stryker, pode levar nove soldados e os comandantes que serviram com o M-2 e o Bradley perceberam que levar nove soldados faz diferença. O USMC trabalha com um grupo de combate de 13 soldados e usa um blindado maior e também consideram esta abordagem mais efetiva.

O M-2 original levava apenas seis soldados, depois aumentado para sete. Na prática, um pelotão mecanizado com quatro blindados M-2 levam dois grupos de combate divididos em quatro veículos. Esta opção nunca foi popular e querem mudar isso. Foram os alemães que popularizaram as táticas de grupo de combate com os “Stosstrupen” (tropas de assalto) em 1917. Foi a primeira vez que o grupo de combate passou a ser função independente e não apenas administrativa.

FONTE: Strategypage

 :arrow: ... ro-magico/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 03, 2013, 04:14:58 pm
Chile concreta la compra de fusiles SCAR-L y SCAR-H de FN HERSTAL para Infantería de Marina

( L. Vásquez, Santiago de Chile - La Armada de Chile ha puesto finalmente un primer pedido de fusiles SCAR-L y SCAR-H con el fabricante belga FN HERSTAL, para re-equipar a su Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina (CIM), confirmaron fuentes locales.

El pedido, por 1.800 piezas, también incluye un número de ametralladoras ligeras MINIMI. Los planes vigentes de la Marina chilena prevén un segundo pedido, para completar un número total de 3.500 armas.

El SCAR-L en calibre 5.56mm reemplazará al HECKLER & KOCH HK33A2 del mismo calibre como arma ligera estándar de los fusileros del CIM, en tanto que el SCAR-H en calibre 7.62mm será el arma empleada por los tiradores escogidos de escuadra, reemplazando a los HECKLER & KOCH HK33SG1 empleados por estos hasta ahora.

El calibre de las ametralladoras MINIMI, que reemplazarán a las ULTIMAX 100 Mk3 de calibre 5.56mm hasta ahora en servicio, también será 7.62mm.

Las armas del primer pedido están destinadas a los dos batallones de fusileros que conforman la Brigada Anfibia Expedicionaria (BAE) creada a principios de 2012. El segundo pedido, a ser concretado en el corto plazo, tendrá como destino equipar otras unidades de fusileros y consolidar material de recambio en reserva.

La demora en concretar este primer pedido se debió a la espera de la autorización presupuestaria, y también al estudio de una oferta no solicitada de fusiles COLT M4 A1 a un costo substancialmente menor, que finalmente probó no ser viable.

Los fusiles HK33A2, que han sido el arma estándar por los infantes de marina chilenos desde fines de los años sesenta, seguirán en servicio con las unidades de apoyo, seguridad de instalaciones, servicios y reserva del CIM.

A fines de los años setenta se renovó a nuevo parte del stock de HK33A2 y se adquirieron ejemplares adicionales nuevos del mismo. Tras evaluar nuevos fusiles de asalto a principios de los años noventa, se optó una vez más por conservar y recuperar a nuevo los HK33A2.

 :arrow: ... -de-marina (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 05, 2013, 03:49:30 am
This new concept vehicle (PL-01 Concept) is presented by the Polish Defensive Holding and BAE Systems during the 21st International Defense Industry Exhibition MSPO-2013 (2-5 September) in Poland
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Setembro 10, 2013, 03:27:37 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 10, 2013, 10:18:33 pm
Gosto! Mas mesmo assim parece-me demasiado convencional...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 20, 2013, 10:37:55 pm
22º aniversário das FA Croatas.
T-84 Oplot M em testes na Tailândia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 28, 2013, 04:47:20 pm
Swedish AK5, AK4 and 50 .cal vs SAAB Barracuda soft armour  

"Saab Barracuda's Modular Soft Armour system provides protection against
ballistic penetration up to NATO 7,62 mm AP ammunition (STANAG level
It can be integrated with any type of structure as well as fit
onto existing structures or vehicle. The modularity of the system is
granted by using Panels. Ceramic filling is added after construction of the panel boxes."
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Outubro 19, 2013, 03:07:52 am
Ainda falta mais de um ano mas ficam já avisados, em 2015 a Península Ibérica vai ser invadida :D
Alguns exercícios deste ano, 2013, atenção ao pormenor dos F-16 portugueses na Noruega :wink:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Outubro 24, 2013, 09:25:21 pm
Para complementar a noticia que tinha dito acima. ... to-em.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Outubro 31, 2013, 09:29:24 pm
The Official Military Guide To Hand Signals (

PS: Não é para levar a sério :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 08, 2013, 10:41:11 pm

AH-64E para Taiwan

Mais em:  :arrow: ... ers/page62 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 21, 2014, 02:41:56 pm
Ucrânia faz o 1º contracto para a venda dos T-64BV. Congo.


Ukraine has more than 2,000 old Main battle tank T- 64 they want to sell updating and developing countries , instead of being recycled .

The Ukrainian state-owned company Ukroboronservice the Democratic Republic of Congo signed a contract to supply 50 Main battle tank T- 64BV -1. The Congo is expected to sign a contract in late 2013 , each tank is expected to cost around $ 200,000 . Congo will be the first country outside the former Soviet bloc, which will have in its armament thin T- 64th

It is not surprising that Ukraine offers to Third World countries to date a thin T- 64BV - 1 , as used by Ukrainian army of more than 2,200 , selling tanks but bring more money than recycling. Ukrainians promise you great success mainly to the sale of tanks T- 64BV - 1 in the markets where they are already so far used the weapons systems manufactured in the Soviet Union .

Updates tanks T- 64 will be conducted Ukrainian companies , according to the Ukrainian producer , and a thin T - 64BV1 according to the main technical specifications better than the T- 72M1 tanks . This should have more firepower and had a better tactical and combat attributes.
The main weapon thin T-64BV1 the smoothbore top KBA-3 caliber 125 mm, equipped with a thermal lining (in order to avoid bending pipe) and separator gas, machine gun PKT 7.62 mm coaxial mounted with the main weapon, the master is equipped yet with a machine gun NSVT 12.7 mm. Tank T-64BV1 is also equipped with protection against radiation and ERA.

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Março 05, 2014, 01:37:01 pm
Kosovo cria o seu Exercito.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 11, 2014, 11:11:43 am
Avibras apresenta sua Viatura Multitarefa Blindada Tupi

 :arrow: ... dada-Tupi/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 15, 2014, 12:33:59 pm
Chilean Army Selects Galil ACE as New Standard Rifle

 :arrow: ... dard-Rifle (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 15, 2014, 07:36:00 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"
Ucrânia faz o 1º contracto para a venda dos T-64BV. Congo.

Alguém sabe qual o ponto de situação deste negocio? Até que ponto foi afectado com a queda de governo e guerra civil.
Li que UKROBORONSERVICE/Ukroboronprom ( ( / ( ( era controlada pelo antigo presidente ucraniano.

E sobre a constituição da blindagem dos T-64 e T-72:
 :arrow: ... ?id=227540 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 28, 2014, 01:54:22 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 28, 2014, 02:06:29 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 01, 2014, 06:36:51 pm
Governo do Japão aprova resolução que encerra proibição de ação militar no exterior
terça-feira, 1 de julho de 2014 10:02 BRT Imprimir [-] Texto

Por Linda Sieg e Kiyoshi Takenaka

TÓQUIO (Reuters) - O Japão deu um histórico passo na direção oposta de seu pacifismo pós-guerra, nesta terça-feira, ao encerrar uma proibição que mantinha suas forças militares longe de combates internacionais desde 1945, uma vitória para o primeiro-ministro Shinzo Abe, mas uma medida que irritou a China e preocupa muitos eleitores japoneses.

A mudança, o mais dramático movimento político desde que o Japão montou suas forças armadas pós-guerra há 60 anos, vai ampliar as opções militares do Japão ao encerrar a proibição sobre o exercício de “autodefesa coletiva”, ou auxiliar um país aliado sob ataque.

O gabinete de Abe adotou uma resolução que delineia a mudança, a qual também afrouxa os limites sobre atividades em operações de manutenção de pez lideradas pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e incidentes de “zona cinza” que não representem uma guerra em escala total, disse a repórteres o ministro da Defesa, Itsunori Onodera.

Há muitos anos restringida pela Constituição do pós-guerra, as forças armadas do Japão se tornarão mais alinhadas com os militares de outros países, em termos de suas opções, mas o governo ficará receoso em despachar tropas para operações multilaterais como a invasão do Iraque liderada pelas EUA em 2003.

Abe repetiu esse posicionamento nesta terça-feira, ao salientar que o Japão tem de responder a um ambiente de segurança cada vez mais duro.

"Não há mudança no princípio geral de que não podemos enviar tropas para outros países”, disse Abe em uma coletiva de imprensa televisionada, ao lado de um cartaz com mães japonesas e crianças fugindo de uma hipotética zona de combate em uma embarcação dos EUA sob ataque.

A nova política irritou a China, cujos laços com o Japão se desgastaram por causa de um impasse marítimo, desconfiança e o legado passado da agressão militar japonesa.

“A China se opõe à fabricação japonesa de uma ameaça da China para promover sua agenda política doméstica”, disse a porta-voz do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, Hong Lei, em uma coletiva de imprensa em Pequim.

“Exigimos que o Japão respeito as preocupações razoáveis de segurança de seus vizinhos asiáticos e prudentemente lide com o assunto relevante.”

A Coreia do Sul, como o Japão, é aliada dos EUA, mas ainda lamenta a colonização na península coreana imposta por Tóquio durante parte do século 20, e disse que não aceitaria qualquer mudança de política que afetasse sua segurança a menos que consentisse com isso.

Os conselheiros de Abe disseram que Tóquio não deve tomar medidas envolvendo países amigáveis sem esse consentimento.

A mudança, no entanto, será bem recebida por Washington, que há tempos pede que Tóquio se torne um parceiro mais igualitário, e também por outros países do sudeste asiático que mantêm impasses com a China.

Conservadores dizem que o Artigo 9 da Constituição, que renuncia à prática da guerra, limitou a capacidade do Japão de se defender, e afirmam que as mudanças no equilíbrio de poder regional, incluindo o avanço da China, significam que as políticas internas têm de ser mais flexíveis.

Alguns eleitores se preocupam sobre o envolvimento em guerras internacionais, ao passo que outros estão irritados com o que enxergam como um descumprimento do Artigo 9 sem os procedimentos formais de emenda constitucional. A Constituição nunca foi revisada desde que foi adotada após a derrota do Japão na Segunda Guerra Mundial, em 1945.

No domingo, um homem ateou fogo em si mesmo perto de um movimentado cruzamento em Tóquio — um raro ato de protesto no Japão — após se manifestar contra a reinterpretação de Abe sobre o Artigo 9.

Enquanto Abe discursava, milhares de manifestantes, incluindo aposentados, donas de casa e trabalhadores na saída do trabalho, se juntaram próximos ao gabinete do primeiro-ministro com cartazes e gritando “Não destrua o Artigo 9”, “Somos contra a guerra”, “Chega de Abe”.

(Reportagem adicional de Nobuhiro Kubo, Antoni Slodkowski, Elaine Lies e Minami Funakoshi)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 02, 2014, 10:17:51 am

KMW + NEXTER - Alemanha e França Unidas nos Carros de Combate

A alemã Krauss-Maffei Wegmann e a francesa NEXTER Systems assinam aliança criando uma JV Franco-Germânica de blindados

Um assunto que tem sido recorrente nos últimos 15 anos, a unificação da indústria de defesa da Europa deu um passo decisivo com anúncio de hoje.
Impensável há alguns anos com um possível carro de combate franco-germânico agora poderá ser realidade. A tentativa anterior os anos 60 de um carro único para França-Alemanha-Reino Unido, levou à produção de três carros diferentes: AMX30, Leopard 1 e Chieftain.
Os franceses sofreram um grande baque com a chegada tardia de seu MBT o LeClerc. Após o mercado ter sido divido entre os americanos com o M-1 Abrams e as gerações Leopard1 e 2.

materia completa: ... e-Combate/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 05, 2014, 07:56:54 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"
Ucrânia faz o 1º contracto para a venda dos T-64BV. Congo.


Ukraine has more than 2,000 old Main battle tank T- 64 they want to sell updating and developing countries , instead of being recycled .

The Ukrainian state-owned company Ukroboronservice the Democratic Republic of Congo signed a contract to supply 50 Main battle tank T- 64BV -1. The Congo is expected to sign a contract in late 2013 , each tank is expected to cost around $ 200,000 . Congo will be the first country outside the former Soviet bloc, which will have in its armament thin T- 64th

It is not surprising that Ukraine offers to Third World countries to date a thin T- 64BV - 1 , as used by Ukrainian army of more than 2,200 , selling tanks but bring more money than recycling. Ukrainians promise you great success mainly to the sale of tanks T- 64BV - 1 in the markets where they are already so far used the weapons systems manufactured in the Soviet Union .

Updates tanks T- 64 will be conducted Ukrainian companies , according to the Ukrainian producer , and a thin T - 64BV1 according to the main technical specifications better than the T- 72M1 tanks . This should have more firepower and had a better tactical and combat attributes.
The main weapon thin T-64BV1 the smoothbore top KBA-3 caliber 125 mm, equipped with a thermal lining (in order to avoid bending pipe) and separator gas, machine gun PKT 7.62 mm coaxial mounted with the main weapon, the master is equipped yet with a machine gun NSVT 12.7 mm. Tank T-64BV1 is also equipped with protection against radiation and ERA.

 :arrow: ... ?id=227540 (

Ora aqui está o ponto de situação deste negócio com o Congo!
O modelos originalmente propostos seriam T-64B1M e não T-64BV

The Ukrainian upgraded T-64B1M tanks were originally planned to be exported to Congo

Originally these upgraded tanks were built for export and were planned to be delivered to Congo. However due ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, tanks were delivered to Ukrainian armed forces instead. First vehicles were handed over to Ukrainian units in 2014. Currently it is unknown how many of these tanks will be delivered.

 Fonte :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 27, 2014, 02:58:33 pm
US military bolstering its arsenal of weapons in Norway’s caves

The United States is adding massive amounts of new tanks and armored vehicles to its arsenal of weapons inside a series of climate-controlled caves in central Norway, according to Pentagon officials.

The caves in the Norwegian countryside are part of the Marine Corps’ global prepositioning program, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

The rarely discussed program began during the Cold War as a way for the US to store weapons and vehicles in Europe and several locations across the world in case the Pentagon wanted to use them in war against the Soviet Union.

The Marine Corps is overseeing the current deployment of the military equipment in the Norway cave system, which was established in 1981, Marine officials said.

According to the Post, the Pentagon has over 700,000 square feet (65,032 square meters) facilities in Norway, including six climate-controlled caves and two airfields.

Much of what stored in the caves were pulled out for the US-led wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.

In February, a number of vehicles were taken out for Exercise Cold Response 2014, a military maneuver in which they served primarily as stuff to load on US transport ships to test out new piers.

According to Marine officials, the planned US military expansion in Norway has been under consideration since 2013.

The Pentagon has apparently decided to bolster its equipment in Norway at a time when tensions between the United States and Russia are very high over the crisis in Ukraine and a number of other issues.

In an interview with Press TV in May, American Professor James Petras said, the United States is implementing a global strategy of encircling Russia.

In March, Petras told Press TV that the world is heading towards the biggest crisis since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis when the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a 13-day nuclear confrontation.

“I think we are entering a period of revival of a very intense Cold War” between Russia and the US, he said, adding that US President Barack “Obama has finally broken the string of any possibility of reaching a peaceful coexistence with Russia.”


 :arrow: ... way-caves/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 14, 2014, 08:24:42 pm
a Defence & Security News - Iveco
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 09:53 AM
Iveco to deliver 90 LMV M65 to Ukrainian Army
According to local medias, Italian Prime Minister Mateo Renzi stated at the NATO summit in Wales that he allowed Italian government to negociate with the Ukrainian side for the purchase of 90 Iveco LMV (Light Multirole Amoured Vehicle) M65.

Renzi also recalled that Italy announced its willingness to provide financial assistance to the NATO Trust Fund in 2015 to support the defense potential of Ukraine.

Iveco LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) is a 4WD tactical vehicle developed by Iveco, and in service with several countries. LMV can be fitted with modular armour, who gives a protection against any type of mine and ballistic threats, favoring crew protection versus vehicle integrity. The Iveco LMV can be fitted with a remote controlled weapon station armed with weapons up to 12,7 mm in caliber. Larger weapons systems such as air-defense missiles, shelter, box-type or even pick-up style bodies can be mounted behind a smaller two-seat cab. IVECO LMV M65 is deservedly considered as one of the best Light Armoured MRAP. He can not only withstand fire from automatic weapons, but also withstand bombs up to 6-7 kg of TNT.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 16, 2014, 11:07:50 am
( Caracas – El ministro de Seguridad Nacional de Trinidad y Tobago, Gary Griffith informó, mediante una nota de prensa, sobre la próxima compra de vehículos blindados especialmente equipados para la Fuerza de Defensa (Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force -TTDF-) y el Servicio de Policía (Trinidad and Tobago Police Service -TTPS-).

El ministro Griffin recuerda en el comunicado que el empleo blindados de transporte de personal (APC: Armoured Personnel Carriers), no es nuevo en Trinidad y Tobago. Recuerda que en el pasado, el The Trinidad and Tobago Regiment (Fuerza Terrestre), empleó sistemas de ese tipo; sin embargo, “la  Fuerza de Defensa no ha podido adquirir estos tipos de vehículos en veinte años y ha tenido que utilizar vehículos civiles para desempeñar sus funciones, lo cual es inapropiado”.  

En un segundo comunicado, el ministro Griffin aclaró  la cantidad de vehículos blindados que van a ser adquiridos. Explicó que ha sido aprobada la compra inicial de seis vehículos blindados de transporte de personal (APC) para el Regimiento de la Fuerza de Defensa y el National Operations Center (NOC); no obstante, la Fuerza de Defensa ha presupuestado para el ejercicio fiscal 2014-2015 la adquisición de doce APC adicionales, si bien, puntualizó, “esta compra se concretará una vez que se compruebe su idoneidad y que los vehículos hayan sido revisados y evaluados”.

Vehículos para seguridad de personalidades

También señaló que el  Ministerio de Seguridad Nacional va a adquirir  veinte vehículos blindados, tipo SUV (camionetas 4x4), que serán asignados a la Special Branch del Servicio de Policía y  utilizados únicamente para tareas de escolta del equipo de seguridad del presidente de la República y otros oficiales gubernamentales, así como, para proveer seguridad a visitantes extranjeros como jefes de Estado y otros dignatarios.

La información oficial no indica más detalles de la negociación, aunque fuentes citadas por el diario local Newsday revelaron que una comisión de la Fuerza de Defensa viajó a Estados Unidos y al Reino Unido, donde conocieron vehículos presentados por cinco empresas que han sido invitadas a participar en un proceso de licitación que debe comenzar en unas pocas semanas
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 14, 2014, 06:20:36 pm
Décès du général Paul Tellié, le « père » du FAMAS

Depuis 1978, tous ceux qui ont porté l’uniforme, ou du moins une grande partie d’entre eux, ont eu entre les mains le fameux Fusil d’assaut de la Manufacture d’armes de Saint-Étienne, c’est à dire le FAMAS. Peu nombreux connaissent son concepteur, à savoir le général Paul Tellié, qui s’est éteint dans sa 95e année à Sorède (Pyrénées-Orientales), où il s’était retiré, l’heure de la retraite venue.

Saint-Cyrien en 1940 ayant rejoint, après l’armistice, l’Afrique du Nord où il rencontra celle qui sera son épouse pendant 70 ans, le général Paul Tellié reprit ses études à l’âge de 30 ans pour obtenir un diplôme d’ingénieur. Par la suite, il fut nommé à la Manufacture d’armes de Saint-Étienne. Là, le projet du Famas commença, sous sa direction, en 1967. Quatre ans plus tard, le premier prototype était prêt…

Une fois les essais achevé, le Famas entra en service au sein de l’armée de Terre à partir de 1978… Année où Paul Tellié obtint ses étoiles de général avant de partir en retraite. Pour avoir imaginé ce fusil d’assaut – produit à 400.000 exemplaires -, il ne reçut qu’une « simple prime », a confié son épouse, au quotidien L’Indépendant.

« Mon mari avait son caractère. Quand il avait une idée, personne ne pouvait lui en faire changer. Ce qui lui a valu quelques soucis avec la hiérarchie. Il avait par exemple refusé de mettre au point un lance-flammes, car il estimait l’arme trop cruelle », s’est-elle aussi rappelé.

Outre le Famas, qui sera remplacé dans le cadre de l’actuelle Loi de programmation militaire, l’on doit aussi au général Tellié le Fusil à Répétition modèle F1 (FR-F1), qui fut la première arme de précision française. Cette dernière resta en service de 1966 à 1989.

 :arrow: ... -du-famas/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 26, 2015, 12:05:54 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"
E foram aumentados ao efectivo do Exército Ucraniano. O seu destino só ficará definido no fim do conflito.

 :arrow: (

Parece que alguns exemplares destes carros que seriam originalmente para o Congo mas entretanto aumentados ao efectivo do Exército Ucraniano já foram capturados pelas forças pró-russas:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 02, 2015, 10:18:29 am
O Exército da China começou a receber, no fim de 2014, seus novos tanques leves – de pouco mais de 30 toneladas – conhecidos pela sigla ZTQ.

As primeiras imagens do blindado foram transmitidas ao Ocidente, no início do ano passado, por meio de fotografias tomadas com aparelhos celulares. Os veículos estavam em carretas ferroviárias, com as torres protegidas por malha de camuflagem. Mais tarde surgiram algumas imagens do carro sendo testado em campo aberto, numa área de provas pertencente à empresa Norinco.

O ZTQ vai substituir o tanque Tipo 62, de 21 toneladas e canhão de 85mm, produzido pela indústria militar chinesa entre as décadas de 1960 e de 1980. O novo blindado chamou a atenção pelo canhão bem mais comprido – de 125mm ou de 105mm –, a blindagem modular de tipo reativa na torre e as saias de proteção para as lagartas.

Sua principal característica é, contudo, ter sido concebido com tração especial, capaz de mover a viatura nos terrenos acidentados da fronteira da China com o Tibet, e nas áreas de montanha recobertas de selva da divisa do território chinês com o Vietnã.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 08, 2015, 10:57:50 am
Representantes da empresa americana General Dynamics Landing Systems (GDLS) estarão no mês que vem em Bogotá para continuar os entendimentos com o Exército da Colômbia acerca do plano dessa instituição de incorporar um pequeno lote de main battle tanks (tanques principais de batalha).

A princípio os colombianos planejam adquirir 44 unidades, o suficiente para mobiliar dois batalhões blindados.

Em meados de 2011, durante o I Congresso de Blindados promovido pela Escola de Cavalaria do Exército colombiano, os militares locais selecionaram os seis modelos de carro de combate pesado que melhor se encaixariam nos requisitos técnico-operacionais definidos (desde 2010) por sua corporação: Mantak Merkava IIIC (chassis do Merkava IV com a eletrônica do Merkava III), de Israel – à época considerado o mais indicado –; M1A1 Abrams, americano; K1A1, sul-coreano; Nexter AMX-56 Leclerc francês; Arjun Mk. 2 hindu e MBT 2000 chinês.

Nessa época, a ideia era de que a Colômbia pudesse importar entre 64 e 68 exemplares de uma dessas viaturas, quantidade considerada adequada à dotação de uma brigada blindada.
A crise não chega Às americas...  :wink:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 12, 2015, 10:50:08 am
A ameaça representada pelos helicópteros caça-tanques e, sobretudo, pelas dezenas de Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs) militarizados que proliferam no mercado internacional, está levando alguns especialistas em guerra de blindados e em defesa antiaérea a adotar uma solução no mínimo criativa para proteger as suas tropas de ataques pelo ar: fixar MANPADS (Man-portable air-defense systems) – mísseis antiaéreos portáteis de curto alcance – nas torres dos carros de combate e no chassis de outros veículos couraçados.

A novidade surgiu primeiro na Rússia, onde o Exército instalou disparadores do míssil Igla 9K38 (designado SA-18 pelos americanos), cada um pesando cerca de 11 quilos, no seu conhecido blindado antiaéreo ZSU-23-4. A viatura assim modificada teve sua matrícula na força terrestre mudada para ZSU-23-4M4.

Polônia – Outro Exército que recorreu ao estratagema do MANPAD foi o polonês.

A viatura antiaérea ZSU-23-4 modernizada foi dotada de quatro mísseis “de ombro” tipo Grom (“Trovão”, no idioma local), um “sistema antiaéreo propelido por foguete” (na nomenclatura militar polonesa) que modificou a classificação do veículo blindado para ZSU Biala.

China – Mas a grande sensação entre os blindados dotados de MANPAD é o ousado programa chinês que instalou dois lançadores de mísseis antiaéreos “de ombro” no costado direito da torre do main battle tank T-98G. O sistema de pontaria do míssil foi colocado no topo da torre.

As poucas imagens do T-98G dotado de MANPAD que chegaram ao Ocidente mostram lançadores que se assemelham aos do sistema FN-6, produzido pela China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation. Esse engenho se desloca a 600 metros por segundo, e mostrou-se eficaz na busca de alvos que se movimentavam a distâncias de até 6 km.

Como nos outros casos, toda a sequência de procedimentos para o disparo do míssil tem lugar no interior da torre.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Fevereiro 23, 2015, 09:16:29 pm
On February 23, 2015 was held a gift ceremony for the donation from the Royal Jordanian Armed Forces to the Lebanese Armed Forces of 30 M113 APCs and 12 M109 howitzers.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 24, 2015, 03:09:30 pm
Two commandos 'killed by friendly fire from untrained Danish officer'

Capt Tom Sawyer and Cpl Danny Winter were killed when a Javelin missile struck their rooftop position while they were on an operation in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

 :arrow: ... ficer.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 26, 2015, 04:15:43 pm
Finland selects FN SCAR-L for its special forces

Remigiusz Wilk, Warsaw - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

Finland's special forces have selected the Belgian FN SCAR-L assault rifle as a new standard firearm.

The FN SCAR-L will be the first 5.56x45 mm NATO calibre firearm introduced to the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF). It will supplement the current RK 95 TP assault rifle chambered in the Russian 7.62x39 mm cartridge. Both weapons will be used in parallel by Finnish soldiers.

"We decided that the rifle for the special forces [should be] compatible with other nations for use in crisis management and national defence," said infantry inspector Colonel Jukka Valkeajärvi.

The weapon was approved after field tests. A contract for FN SCAR-L rifles and FN40GL-L under-barrel grenade launchers is to be signed in March.

The special forces units are also seeking a new light machine gun chambered in 5.56x45 mm. The FN Minimi and the H&K MG4 are being tested at the Finnish Army training centre (Utin Jääkärirykmentti).

Finland launched its 'reconnaissance weapon system' for the special forces in March 2014. Under it, the country was looking for 200-300 rifles chambered in 5.56x45 mm and 50-75 grenade launchers chambered in 40x46 mm low velocity ammunition. Rifles are set to be equipped with additional accessories, including the tactical light and laser pointer Insight Model 7500 (AN/PEQ-2A). The contract is estimated to be worth EUR750,000 (USD851,378) with all weapons to be delivered in 2015.

 :arrow: ... ial-forces (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Março 04, 2015, 10:24:05 pm
Mais T-64B recuperados e entregues ao Exército Ucrâniano.



The National Guard of Ukraine and The Ministry of Defence received new set of tanks T-64B (B1), ready for military missions in ATO zone.

The vehicles, mentioned above, were renewed and overhauled by one of UKROBORONPROM enterprises “Kharkiv Plant of Armored Tanks”.

Hulls and turrets of armored vehicles were equipped with dynamic protection curtain type "contact", providing anti-tank weapons protection.

Additional Information: state enterprise “Kharkiv Plant of Armored Tanks” overhauls and offers engineering modification of tanks T-64 for Ukrainian army needs; the enterprise performs repair and overhaul of heavy armored vehicles for the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 05, 2015, 08:56:59 pm
[18 de Dezembro de 2014]
Aeromedical research lab works to make MedEvac missions safer
Citação de: ""
FORT RUCKER, Ala. (Dec. 18, 2014) -- Medical evacuation operations are very complex and dangerous for evacuation helicopters, crewmembers, and patients. MedEvac missions consist of retrieving the wounded from a dangerous environment and transporting them to medical triage or a medical treatment facility.

In the event that a helicopter cannot land, MedEvac crewmembers are trained to send down a medic, who evaluates and packages the patient, and to then use a rescue hoist device to lift the medic and patient into the aircraft.

One complication of MedEvac hoist operations is the uncontrolled spinning of the stretcher at the end of the hoist cable. This spinning can cause harm to the medic and patient.

Medical equipment, like hoist cables and stretchers, used aboard an aircraft must be tested and evaluated for aircraft compatibility to improve products or techniques that may reduce risk and increase efficiency of MedEvac missions.

Scientists and engineers with the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, or USAARL, Enroute Care and Airworthiness Division and Flight Systems Branch here, recently tested an anti-rotational device that, when used on a hoist cable, is intended to reduce the spinning of a load when lifted from the ground to the helicopter. The purpose of the test was to observe how the device interacted with the rescue basket and hoist system during helicopter transport over open terrain, an urban environment, and a ravine. USAARL also tested the tagline hoist that is currently used in many hoist missions and compared the performance of the tagline hoist to the performance of the anti-rotational device.

[continua] (http://http)


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 11, 2015, 02:26:57 pm
A Agência de Cooperação para Segurança e Defesa do governo dos Estados Unidos deve anunciar, nas próximas semanas, a transferência, para a Arma Aérea do Exército argentino, de dois bimotores de transporte Aviocar C-212-200, capazes de decolar com um peso máximo de 7,7 toneladas.

As aeronaves, de matrícula civil, se encontravam disponíveis no mercado americano e estão agora sendo revisadas por uma empresa especializada.

Elas serão vendidas aos argentinos em condições facilitadas, por meio do programa conhecido como Foreign Military Sales (FMS) – criado por Washington, em 1968, com o objetivo de contribuir com a modernização das forças militares consideradas “amigas” dos EUA.
Não querem também tentar vender os Aviocar Ex-FAP aos Argentinos? Já que cá estão "ao fresco".  :twisted:  

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 14, 2015, 12:03:51 am

Argelia fabricará bajo licencia 200 tanques T-90 rusos

Argelia ha firmado con el holding ruso Rosoboronexport la adquisición de una licencia de fabricación que le permitirá construir en el país 200 carros de combate T-90SA, valorados es más de mil millones de dólares. Los carros de combate serán ensamblados en instalaciones que hasta ahora se dedicaban al mantenimiento de esos vehículos, ya que el T-90SA ya se encuentra en servicio en el Ejército argelino.

Entre 2006 y 2008 Argelia recibió 185 T-90S por valor de 1.000 millones de dólares y en 2011 se firmó otro acuerdo para comprar otros 120 T-90S entre 2012 y 2013 por 470 millones de dólares. Argelia es el país de Africa que realiza hoy más compras militares, lo que podría motivarse por la desestabilización de la vecina Libia y la presencia allí de una franqucia de los yihadistas del Ejército Islámico.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 14, 2015, 12:27:35 pm
200, 200 CC!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 14, 2015, 12:39:35 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
200, 200 CC!

do outro lado da fronteira tens

O exército marroquino realizou a aquisição de equipamento militar tornando-se no décimo primeiro no mundo entre 2008 e 2011, com 5,1 mil milhões de dólares gastos com esta finalidade, revela o centro de pesquisa militar do Congresso dos EUA. O relatório discute as recentes aquisições de armas e equipamento militar de Marrocos, incluindo os 24 caças F-16, 24 aeronaves de treino T-6 Texan II, ou a renovação de 200 tanques M1A1 Abrams por mais de 1 milhão de dólares, acredita que o exército de Marrocos está predisposto a tornar-se o melhor exército em África nos próximos anos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 14, 2015, 04:17:24 pm
Según este estudio (http://http), de noviembre último, que se basa en otro de "The Economist", mientras en Occidente se reducían los gastos militares,

En 2013, el gasto militar en Africa aumentó el 8,3%, según el SIPRI. Dos países destacan. Argelia es el país con el presupuesto (orçamento) más alto, con 10.000 millones de dólares. En porcentaje, Angola tuvo el mayor incremento, con un espectacular 36%.

La embajada de Marruecos en Lisboa comete un claro error al escribir: "a renovação de 200 tanques M1A1 Abrams por mais de 1 milhão de dólares" cuando la cifra correcta sería "mais de 1.000 milhões de dólares".

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 20, 2015, 03:20:42 pm
O Exército colombiano vai substituir os blindados de reconhecimento sobre rodas EE-9 Cascavel, dotados de canhão de 90 mm, pelo novíssimo LAV III 8×8, equipado com uma peça de artilharia de 105 mm.

O LAV III, de 17 toneladas, é fabricado pela divisão de sistemas terrestres do grupo empresarial americano General Dynamics. Seu projeto começou a ser desenvolvido no início da década de 1990, quando a viatura brasileira Cascavel, de 11 toneladas, já havia completado mais de 15 anos de sucesso no mercado internacional dos veículos blindados leves.

No começo do ano, a imprensa colombiana pensou que a delegação da General Dynamics aguardada em Bogotá no mês de fevereiro, estava incumbida de dar prosseguimento a conversações anteriores sobre a transferência de um lote de tanques pesados Abrams para a força terrestre local.

Nada transpirou acerca dessas tratativas – se é que elas existiram –, mas sabe-se agora que os militares colombianos solicitaram uma dúzia de LAV III dotados da arma de 105 mm. O lote será alocado à chamada Força Tarefa de Armas Combinadas Médias (FLUTAM), sediada na província de La Guajira – extremo noroeste do território colombiano –, junto à fronteira com a Venezuela.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 20, 2015, 09:57:22 pm
Russia Expands Military Exercices to 80,000 Troops

Russia said it had doubled the number of troops taking part in mass drills ordered by President Putin to 80 000 in a major show of strength amid tensions with the West over Ukraine. Putin on Monday ordered drills for more than 40,000 troops in regions spanning the country, from the Arctic to the far east to the volatile southern Caucasus and ordered nuclear bomber jets to be deployed in Crimea a year after its annexation by Moscow.

Russia's chief of the general staff, Valery Gerasimov, said that "the number of troops taking part in the exercises has gone up to 80,000, and the number of aircraft had risen to 220". Troops of the western and central regions and military aircraft were scrambled for exercises, Gerasimov said.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 06, 2015, 06:41:45 pm
Bahrain Army mulls Spanish surplus Leopard-2A4 tanks buy
Citação de: "Defence Blog"
A delegation from Bahrain Armored Corps recently visited the Spanish Army’s No. 41 AALOG facilities located in Zaragoza, where 53 Leopard tanks 2A-4 retired from active duty by the Army.

The Royal Bahraini Army might be interested in these Spanish Leopards to replace its aging M60 A3 tanks.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 06, 2015, 07:31:44 pm
Estos Leos están almacenados desde 2013 por un período previsto de 5 años. Proceden del lote de 108 que se alquilaron mediante leasing a Alemania en 1995 y que después de más de diez años de uso fueron comprados por un valor residual de 15 millones de euros en 2006.

Antes de Bahrain, Perú, Chile y, según parece, Finlandia, estudiaron su posible compra en 2013, pero finalmente desistieron.

Actualmente, salvo error, el Ejército español tiene en activo 219 Leopard 2E, junto con 16 carros de recuperación (CREC)  Leopard 2ER y otros 4 del tipo de carro de combate escuela (CESC) ... eopard-2e/ (

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 07, 2015, 09:36:43 am
United States to sell 15 state of the art AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters to Pakistan. This deal is worth $952 million and it includes the following elements.
15 AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters
32 T-700 GE 401C Engines (30 installed and 2 spares)
1000 AGM-114 R Hellfire II Missiles in containers
36 H-1 Technical Refresh Mission computers
17 AN/AAQ-30 Target Sight Systems
30 629F-23 Ultra High Frequency/Very High Frequency Communication Systems
19 H-764 Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems
32 Helmet Mounted Display/Optimized Top Owl
17 APX-117A Identification Friend or Foe
17 AN/AAR-47 Missile Warning Systems
17 AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser Sets
18 AN/APR-39C(V)2 Radar Warning Receivers
15 Joint Mission Planning Systems
17 M197 20mm Gun Systems.
Also included are system integration and testing, software development and integration, aircraft ferry, support equipment, spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 07, 2015, 10:29:56 am
Russia to purchase back BMP-3s from South Korea


South Korea Army's Russian-made BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle]

Originally, the ROKA planned to retire by 2015 all the T80U and BMP-3, which it received from Russia since 1995. However, the plan is changing as Russia is going to purchase back BMP-3 from Korea and pay with T-80U components. South Korea will be able to operate T-80U several more years, and Russia can support BMP-3 logistics as its closed factory just reopened in 2015.

Soutk Korea operates a very diverse armored vehicle collection. Former Soviet era tanks mixed with Cold War era American M-48 tanks and modern state of the art domestic Korean tanks.

Russia provided 35 T-80U, 70 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, METIS-M anti-tank missiles, Kamov Ka-22 transport helicopters and Murena-E hovercrafts in 1995 and 2003 as payment of the debt of $1 billion in bank loans and a $470 million commodities loan  extended to Moscow in 1991 by the Roh Tae-woo government as a reward for Moscow's recognition of the ROK the previous year.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 08, 2015, 12:39:37 pm
Representantes dos Exércitos do Paquistão e da Jordânia se habilitaram a visitar o depósito ao ar livre de viaturas blindadas colocadas em desuso pelo Exército italiano na localidade de Lenta, no Piemonte, região norte da Itália.

De acordo com uma reportagem do jornal L’Espresso da terceira semana de março, em um descampado vigiado por militares armados se encontram cerca de 2.700 veículos de diversos tipos, 2.300 deles em condições de serem recuperados.

Os paquistaneses mostraram interesse na aquisição de aproximadamente cem exemplares do obuseiro autopropulsado M-109, de 155 mm. Os veículos ofertados são os das versões A2 e A3.

Na Itália, entre os blindados que mais chamam a atenção estão 70 viaturas 8 x 8 tipo Centauro, um caça-tanques de 24 toneladas e canhão de 105 mm que deixou de ser fabricado em 2006.

Mas o lote do Piemonte inclui desde a versão original do carro de combate pesado Leopard, de projeto alemão, até 1903 viaturas de transporte de pessoal M-113, de desenho americano.

Segundo o jornal, alguns valores unitários são, efetivamente, convidativos:

Obuseiro autopropulsado M-109: valor médio em torno dos 40.000 Euros (136.960 Reais) ;
Tanque Leopard (no estado em que se encontra): 30.000 Euros (102.720 Reais) ;
Tanque Leopard (com atualização de alguns sistemas feita na Itália): 150.000 Euros (513.600 Reais) ; e
Blindado de transporte M-113: 15.000 Euros (51.360 Reais).
Saldos de Blindados... :mrgreen:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Abril 08, 2015, 04:35:28 pm
Citação de: "olisipo"
Estos Leos están almacenados desde 2013 por un período previsto de 5 años. Proceden del lote de 108 que se alquilaron mediante leasing a Alemania en 1995 y que después de más de diez años de uso fueron comprados por un valor residual de 15 millones de euros en 2006.

Antes de Bahrain, Perú, Chile y, según parece, Finlandia, estudiaron su posible compra en 2013, pero finalmente desistieron.

Actualmente, salvo error, el Ejército español tiene en activo 219 Leopard 2E, junto con 16 carros de recuperación (CREC)  Leopard 2ER y otros 4 del tipo de carro de combate escuela (CESC) ... eopard-2e/ (


Mais los 32 Leopard II A4, (16+16) destinados en Ceuta y Melilla..... :wink:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 09, 2015, 02:46:13 pm
Citação de: "Menacho"

Mais los 32 Leopard II A4 (16+16), destinados en Ceuta y Melilla...   :D
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 09, 2015, 08:24:36 pm
Sweden to join US-led coalition against Islamic State in Iraq


                              A soldier of the Swedish Army in Afghanistan

Swedish military specialists will work with other members of the coalition in Iraq, including some 60 countries, among them the United States, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland. The Swedish government intends to deploy up to 120 troops to Northern Iraq to instruct mostly Kurdish Pershmerga forces. To date, Stockholm has provided only humanitarian aid as well as political assistance in finding long-term solutions to the problems in the region.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 10, 2015, 10:14:13 am
Algeria to get another 360 upgraded BMPs from Russia


Spectacular array of Algerian BMPs

Russia's KBP Instrument Design Bureau has started to  fulfil the second part of a contract to upgrade Algerian BMP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFVs). Previously more than 400 upgraded BMP-1s were delivered to Algeria. The contract is expected to be completed in the next two or three years.

The BMP-1s are being upgraded with the Berezhosk combat module, which is armed with four 9M133 Kornet-E anti-tank guided missiles and an AGS-30 30 mm automatic grenade launcher in addition to the 30 mm 2A42 main gun used in the BMP-2 IFV and the standard PKT 7.62 coaxial machine-gun. The Berezhosk upgrade also includes a new fire-control system and optics

The modernization of the BMp-1s is being carried out at an Algerian armour repair plant with the assistance of Russian technicians
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 10, 2015, 03:31:47 pm
NATO makes first tests of newly created rapid response force


Czech Republic's soldiers from the 43rd airborne battalion take part in the NATO drill "The Noble Jump". NATO is completing the first test of its new rapid response force created  to face new challenges from Russia.

This exercise involves Dutch and German soldiers in the Netherlands and Czech soldiers in their country.

The next "Noble Jump" drill is planned for June in Poland. Some 25,000 NATO troops will be deployed in Italy, Portugal and Spain for another exercise in October and November.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 10, 2015, 05:51:38 pm
Entretanto a Alemanha vai aumentar os seus CC de 200 e poucos para 328! c34x
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Abril 10, 2015, 10:09:18 pm
Citação de: "olisipo"
Sweden to join US-led coalition against Islamic State in Iraq

                              A soldier of the Swedish Army in Afghanistan

Swedish military specialists will work with other members of the coalition in Iraq, including some 60 countries, among them the United States, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Finland. The Swedish government intends to deploy up to 120 troops to Northern Iraq to instruct mostly Kurdish Pershmerga forces. To date, Stockholm has provided only humanitarian aid as well as political assistance in finding long-term solutions to the problems in the region.

Isto sim é uma novidade. Nem nos tempos quentes dos Balcâs os suecos foram "tão longe". É caso para perguntar o que viram os suecos no médio oriente?  :twisted:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Abril 10, 2015, 10:13:08 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Entretanto a Alemanha vai aumentar os seus CC de 200 e poucos para 328! c34x
Recentemente falei com um oficial alemão e este passou-me a ideia que os governantes alemães  estão a concluir que foram longe demais com os cortes nas FFAA. Parece que até há a ideia de chamar pessoal que já saiu bundeswehr para reactivar capacidades que foram extintas recentemente.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 13, 2015, 02:28:29 pm
Rússia anunciou esta manhã que anula a proibição de venta de misseis S-300 ao Irão

Video do arquivo da TV do Ministério russo de Defesa Zvezda (http://http) ( ... is-ao-irao (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 13, 2015, 04:44:00 pm
Citação de: "saojorgeexercito"

Isto sim é uma novidade. Nem nos tempos quentes dos Balcâs os suecos foram "tão longe".

Um bocado mais longe. Tropas suecas são parte da ISAF no Afeganistão. ... stan-isaf/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 15, 2015, 11:38:15 pm
China, first foreign buyer of Russia's S-400 missile defense system


Russia has just reached a deal to supply China with the S-400 missile defense system. It is an upgraded version of the S-300, which had been previously only been available to the Russian Ministry of Defense. China will be the first foreign buyer. Last year, president Putin had approved in principle the sale, but he postponed the deal until now.

This sophisticated air defense system is capable of firing three types of missiles, creating a layered defense, and can simultaneously engage 36 targets. The system is able to shoot down manned-aircraft and unmanned-and-ballistic-missiles and cruise missiles within a range of 400 km.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 16, 2015, 09:08:37 am
Citação de: "olisipo"
China, first foreign buyer of Russia's S-400 missile defense system


Russia has just reached a deal to supply China with the S-400 missile defense system. It is an upgraded version of the S-300, which had been previously only been available to the Russian Ministry of Defense. China will be the first foreign buyer. Last year, president Putin had approved in principle the sale, but he postponed the deal until now.

This sophisticated air defense system is capable of firing three types of missiles, creating a layered defense, and can simultaneously engage 36 targets. The system is able to shoot down manned-aircraft and unmanned-and-ballistic-missiles and cruise missiles within a range of 400 km.

Os russos adoram que os chineses copiem os seus equipamentos!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Edu em Abril 16, 2015, 10:57:28 am
Diria que a China já pagou a licença de construção no negócio do gás que assinou com a Rússia à pouco tempo.

A Rússia bem tentou passar que tinha sido uma vitória negocial mas obviamente que a China não iria ficar sem ganhar.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 17, 2015, 10:28:52 pm
Pakistan Tests Nuclear-Capable Missile

Pakistan succesfully conducted a training launch of the Ghauri missile, capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads up to a distance of 1,300 km. This launching came a month after the test firing of the surface-to-surface nuclear-capable Shaheen III missile, with a range of 2,700 km.

Pakistan and neighbouring India -which have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947- have routinely carried out missile tests since both demonstrated a nuclear weapons capability in 1998.

Tensions are higher than normal since Pakistani authorities last Friday freed on bail Zaki-ur-Rekhman Lakhvi, the alleged mastermind of the 2008 attack in Mumbai, where 173 people were killed. The move was furiously condemned by India.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 22, 2015, 09:22:57 am
Em uma demonstração de força e aprestamento, o Exército venezuelano testou, em março passado, diferentes equipamentos de seu arsenal dotados de mísseis e foguetes – todos de tecnologia russa.

As provas tiveram lugar na localidade de San Carlos del Meta, nos arredores da cidade de Puerto Páez, no município de Pedro Camejo – estado de Apure, sudoeste da Venezuela –, e integraram as manobras de guerra denominadas “Escudo Soberano 2015”.

O Exército mobilizou 480 oficiais e subalternos para a operação, e a Força Aérea Venezuelana alguns caças Su-30 Mk.2 e F-16, que se desempenharam como elementos do poderio aéreo inimigo.

O primeiro veículo lançador a fazer disparos foi o sistema Buk M2-ME (SA-17 na nomenclatura da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte).

Essa arma é do tipo daquela que, em 17 de julho de 2014, derrubou, sobre a faixa leste do território ucraniano – aparentemente por engano –, um jato Boeing 777 da Malaysian Airlines.

A aeronave fazia o voo MH-17, transportando 298 pessoas (entre passageiros e tripulantes) na rota de Amsterdam para Kuala Lumpur, e teria sido tomada por um avião pertencente à aviação militar da Ucrânia. Não houve sobreviventes.

O sistema Buk M2 entrou em operação regular no Exército russo há sete anos, empregando mísseis antiaéreos 9M317, que podem ser disparados apenas 5 segundos depois de o alvo ter sido adequadamente enquadrado. De acordo com informações divulgadas pela força terrestre venezuelana, o alcance do armamento é de 50 km.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 22, 2015, 06:15:09 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 26, 2015, 10:31:03 am
US Army, April 23, 2015 - By 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command - GRAFENWÖHR, Germany - The U.S. Army will exercise its regionally-aligned forces to Europe at the Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels training areas during Exercise Combined Resolve IV, May 1 - June 26.

Combined Resolve is a series of bi-annual U.S. Army Europe exercises designed to train participants to function together in a multinational and integrated environment and to train U.S. Army rotational forces in Europe to be more flexible, agile and better able to operate alongside allies and partners in the region.

The exercise will feature more than 4,700 participants from 10 NATO allies including Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Slovenia, the United States, and three partner nations of Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 29, 2015, 11:11:01 am
A empresa privada turca FNSS Defence Systems – uma joint venture entre a Nurol da Turquia e a reputada corporação britânica BAE Systems – e a estatal PT Pindad, da indonésia, apresentarão este ano, de forma independente, um protótipo do carro de combate médio B2B, que equipes das duas empresas vem desenvolvendo desde o início da década.

O tanque deve ter entre 30 e 35 toneladas, tripulação de três homens, um canhão de 105 mm e velocidade em estrada entre 70 e 75 km/h. O Exército indonésio solicitou um blindado leve mas de motorização potente, capaz de se movimentar em zonas de vegetação alta (ainda que não de selva fechada).

De acordo com Silmy Karim, um ex-funcionário do Ministério da Defesa da Indonésia que hoje ocupa o cargo de diretor-presidente da Pindad, seus especialistas precisaram atender a alguns requisitos básicos: “Queremos fazer um tanque médio com perfeição em mobilidade, poder de fogo e capacidade de sobrevivência”.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 29, 2015, 11:32:09 am
Ui, vou já colocar essa noticia no DB, é que isso cai mesmo no que o EB gosta.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Abril 29, 2015, 10:11:20 pm
Citação de: "olisipo"
Citação de: "saojorgeexercito"

Isto sim é uma novidade. Nem nos tempos quentes dos Balcâs os suecos foram "tão longe".

Um bocado mais longe. Tropas suecas são parte da ISAF no Afeganistão. ... stan-isaf/ (

Quando fiz esta afirmação não estava a referir-me ao nível do empenhamento de forças em teatros mais "cinéticos" mas sim ao facto da Suécia ter alinhado numa coligação liderada pelos EUA.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 02, 2015, 02:45:51 pm
Dinamarca elige el Piranha 5 como transporte de tropas 8×8 como sustituto del M-113


Dinamarca ha elegido al 8×8 Piraña 5 de General Dynamic European Land Systems (GDELS) para ser su nuevo vehículo blindado de transporte de Personal (APC en inglés) en sustitución de los M-113. Las Fuerzas Armadas Danesas adquirirán al menos 206 unidades, aunque el número exacto se determinará más adelante

El Piranha 5 de GDELS, grupo del que forma parte la española Santa Barbara Sistemas, es también candidato al programa del Nuevo Vehículo Blindado de Combate de Ruedas 8×8 de Ruedas (VCR) del Ministerio de Defensa español.

La decisión danesa pone fin al más largo concurso europeo reciente de ese tipo, que enfrentó a dos escuelas: los vehículos de ruedas y los de cadenas.

Los candidatos derrotados fueron otro 8×8, el francés Nexter Systems Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie, y tres de cadenas: el FFG Flensburger Protected Mission Modular Carrier G5, el inglés de la BAE Systems "Armadillo" y el español de la GDELS-Santa Bárbara "Ascod 2".

Al mismo tiempo Dinamarca ha renunciado a su programa de compra de un nuevo sistema de artillería 155/52 para sustituir a los cañones autopropulsados M-109A3 de la Forsvaret.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 02, 2015, 03:16:49 pm
Ou seja, vai ser como na França, VBTP a Rodas a acompanhar os CC. SE os Pandur ainda fossem cá montados, via com bons olhos a aquisição de mais para a Brigada Mecanizada, mas assim, M-113 forever! :(
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 02, 2015, 04:22:16 pm
Citação de: "mafets"
A empresa privada turca FNSS Defence Systems – uma joint venture entre a Nurol da Turquia e a reputada corporação britânica BAE Systems – e a estatal PT Pindad, da indonésia, apresentarão este ano, de forma independente, um protótipo do carro de combate médio B2B, que equipes das duas empresas vem desenvolvendo desde o início da década.

O tanque deve ter entre 30 e 35 toneladas, tripulação de três homens, um canhão de 105 mm e velocidade em estrada entre 70 e 75 km/h. O Exército indonésio solicitou um blindado leve mas de motorização potente, capaz de se movimentar em zonas de vegetação alta (ainda que não de selva fechada).

De acordo com Silmy Karim, um ex-funcionário do Ministério da Defesa da Indonésia que hoje ocupa o cargo de diretor-presidente da Pindad, seus especialistas precisaram atender a alguns requisitos básicos: “Queremos fazer um tanque médio com perfeição em mobilidade, poder de fogo e capacidade de sobrevivência”.


Esta máquina lembra muito o Tamoyo, um projeto de CC da falida Bernardini S.A. Indústria e Comércio com o apoio do Centro Tecnológico do Exército (CTEx). O projeto morreu nos anos 80 por culpa da ingerência do (des)governo brasileiro.



 :arrow: ... urhN0cj9Ck (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 04, 2015, 10:12:51 am
Oito dezenas de portugueses estão atualmente nas fileiras da mítica Legião Estrangeira Francesa, que vê neles "soldados rústicos, sérios e com grandes capacidades de adaptação".
Correia Estradas está há 22 anos nas fileiras da Legião Estrangeira. Já passou por muito em muitos sítios, sob a bandeira da França, mas lembra-se perfeitamente de quem lhe abriu o portão do quartel no primeiro dia, às 06.30 da manhã.
"De onde é que vens?", perguntou-lhe, em francês, o cabo-adjunto que nessa manhã de outubro de 1992 lhe abriu a porta do forte. "De Portugal", respondeu o jovem da Baixa da Banheira, mal saído do autocarro que o transportara para Bayonne. Seguiu-se a primeira ordem recebida - em português: "Se estás motivado, vem às 08.30!"
António José Correia Estradas é agora sargento-mor e um dos cerca de 80 portugueses atualmente alistados na Legião Francesa. No total, o número dos que serviram nesta mítica força de elite "desde o princípio" - em 1831 - é desconhecido "porque a nacionalidade dos legionários não é um fator determinante", observou o militar ao DN.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 06, 2015, 11:24:19 am
The first two of seven Boeing CH-47F heavy-lift helicopters for the 5th Aviation Regiment of the Australian Army were commissioned in a ceremony at RAAF Townsville on 5 May.

The remaining Chinooks will be delivered by the end of July, Defence Minister Kevin Andrews said. Initial operating capability (IOC) would be achieved by December 2015 and full operating capability (FOC) by January 2017, he stated.

Although the new aircraft are being received in a common configuration with the US Army's baseline CH-47Fs, they also incorporate optional Boeing-designed rotor brakes and ship tie-down adaptors to enhance operations from the Royal Australian Navy's (RAN's) two Canberra class landing helicopter docks (LHDs).

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Maio 10, 2015, 12:04:37 pm
Estados Unidos venderá a Japón 17 convertiplanos V-22 Osprey Block C y equipo asociado por 3.000 millones de dólares


( La Agencia de Cooperación en Seguridad y Defensa estadounidense (Defense Security  Cooperation Agency o DSCA) ha comunicado al Congreso la posible venta a Japón de 17 convertiplanos V-22 Osprey y equipo asociado por 3.000 millones de dólares. El suministro de estas aeronaves de despegue y aterrizaje vertical servirá para que las Fuerza de Autodefensa de Japón puedan operar de manera más estrecha con los Estados Unidos en el Pacífico y aumentar el alcance de sus unidades terrestres.

Las capacidades de esa aeronave servirán para que Japón pueda apoyar sus operaciones anfibias, uno de los objetivos de su actual presupuesto de defensa además de poder desempeñar misiones de tipo humanitario o de ayuda tras catástrofes naturales. Además Japón dispone ya del Izumo, el primero de dos portahelicópteros desde los que podrán operar los Osprey.

Se especifica que los 17 Osprey serán de la versión V-22B Block C, la última versión de este convertiplano, que dispone de un nuevo radar meteorológico y de modernos sistemas de guerra electrónica. Concretamente dispone de un nuevo radar meteorológico asociado a un mapa móvil que permite disponer de información meteorológica y también posibilita la identificación de buques. Incluye un nuevo sistema de aire acondicionado y equipos de guerra electrónica y autodefensa mejorados además de una nueva cabina con paneles a color actualizados.

La DSCA detalla el contenido de la posible venta a Japón que, además de los 17 convertiplanos, incluye 40 motores AE1107C de Rolls-Royce, 40 sistemas de infrarojos de visión frontal (FLIR) AN/AAQ-27, 40 sistemas de alerta contra misiles AN/AAR-47, 40 receptores de radar para alertar contra misiles AN/APR-39, 40 dispensadores de contramedidas AN/ALE-47, 40 sistemas de identificación amigo-enemigo (IFF) AN/APX-123, 40 altímetros radar AN/APN-194, 40 sistemas de navegación instrumental AN/ARM-147, 40 radios multibanda 629F-23, 40 sistemas de posicionamiento GPS miniaturizados AN/ASN-163, 40 AN/ARN-153 sistemas de navegación táctica, 80 gafas de visión nocturna y sistemas de planificación de misión. Además se incluyen los habituales paquetes de apoyo logístico formados por repuestos, equipos de pruebas y apoyo, formación de personal, apoyo técnico y documentación. El V-22 Osprey es el único convertiplano operativo en el mundo, combina la capacidad para despegar y aterrizar verticalmente como un helicóptero basculando los motores de que dispone para luego mantenerlos horizontales durante el vuelo como un avión. De ahí que disponga de las capacidades tácticas de un helicóptero y el radio de acción y velocidad de un avión. Puede transportar 24 efectivos o nueve toneladas de carga, tiene un radio de acción de 390 millas náuticas (700 kilómetros) a una velocidad de crucero de 241 nudos (440 km/h).

El importe de la oferta resulta sorprendentemente elevado para solo 17 aeronaves, en comparación a ofertas recientes como las realizadas a Israel, sin embargo se puede ver que se han incluido 40 motores (supuestamente 34 para los Osprey y 6 de repuesto). Y sobre todo sorprende el gran número (40) de sistemas embarcados, por lo que se podría pensar que no sea el último contrato de venta de estas aeronaves que se haga a Japón. (J.N.G.)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 13, 2015, 07:19:15 pm

Video de promoção do tanque turco Otokar Altay.
Título: Re: Fotos Internacionais (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 26, 2015, 09:44:09 am
As empresas Kraus-Maffei Wegmann, da Alemanha – fabricante do afamado carro de combate pesado Leopard 2 –, e Nexter, francesa, vão criar, ainda este ano, uma joint venture para desenvolver e produzir o Leopard 3, a resposta da Europa Ocidental ao tanque russo T-14 Armata, de 48 toneladas.

A companhia a ser criada terá pouco mais de 6.000 funcionários, um capital de, aproximadamente, 2 bilhões de Euros, e uma enorme chance de ganhar o próximo contrato do Ministério da Defesa alemão para a compra de carros de combate pesados.

As informações foram dadas, semana passada, pelo site da reputada rede de notícias alemã Deutsche Welle.

Em Berlim, sem se referir ao blindado russo, o ministro-adjunto da Defesa, Markus Grübel – um político de 56 anos que deixou a ativa da Marinha alemã como capitão-tenente –, já admitiu o planejamento para o Leopard 3, sob a justificativa de que o atual Leopard 2 – recentemente apresentado na sua versão Leopard 2 A7 – terá a sua carreira encerrada por volta do ano de 2030.
Ou seja, depois de 2040 o Leclerc já era... :wink:
Leopard 2 A7, na mostra internacional de armamentos Eurosatory, de 2010; a versão A7 Plus possui inovações importantes, no armamento e na establização da torre

Título: Re: Fotos Internacionais (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 26, 2015, 02:37:23 pm
E o Leo 2 também! Mas por essa altura já estarão ambos em idade de reforma.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 27, 2015, 05:29:03 pm
Estado Islâmico paga lua de mel e dá mesada aos seus combatentes

Um militante de 28 anos, por exemplo, recebeu quase 1400 euros para a lua de mel e para começar uma nova casa, além de uma contribuição mensal

Ler mais: ... z3bMCcReGz (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 29, 2015, 01:59:29 pm
:arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 02, 2015, 10:03:28 am
Chinese PLA assembling near Myanmar border for war games

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 06, 2015, 10:04:13 am
Bolivian armed forces require 40,000 new assault rifles, adding to the country's ongoing military modernisation programme that includes a new air surveillance radar system and up to 20 new light combat aircraft, Minister of Defence Reymi Ferreira has announced.

Of these rifles, 30,000 will be assigned to operational units and 10,000 will be kept in reserve. According to Ferreira, a new-generation assault rifle is the Ministry of Defence's second-highest priority, as the current infantry's inventory has become obsolete.

Bolivian forces use a wide variety of rifles, including the 7.62 mm Chinese Type 56, SIG 542, and FN FAL acquired in different batches from Argentinian and Brazilian production lines.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 11, 2015, 03:49:14 pm
Guerra cibernética? Maior fabricante de armas da China insulta rival russa no WeChat
Norinco está usando as redes sociais para lançar provocações de nível militar contra o tanque mais avançado de sua rival russa

Por Bloomberg  
|11h40 | 09-06-2015

(SÃO PAULO) - A China e a Rússia assinaram um acordo no mês passado para não realizar ataques cibernéticos entre si. Aparentemente ninguém avisou à maior fabricante de armas da China.

A Norinco está usando as redes sociais para lançar provocações de nível militar contra o tanque mais avançado de sua rival russa. A empresa utilizou o popular serviço de mensagens WeChat, em maio, para vender seus principais veículos blindados... e insultar a concorrência.

A companhia com sede em Pequim usou como alvo um embaraçoso e amplamente divulgado incidente envolvendo o T-14 Armata, produto mais recente do aparelho militar da Rússia. Um desses tanques de alta tecnologia parou abruptamente na Praça Vermelha durante os ensaios para as celebrações do 70o aniversário da vitória na Segunda Guerra Mundial.

WeChat: China e a Rússia assinaram um acordo no mês passado para não realizar ataques cibernéticos entre si

A provocação foi particularmente irritante porque a Rússia e a China foram as aliadas que sofreram mais baixas naquele conflito mundial.

“A transmissão do T-14 não foi bem desenvolvida, como vimos naquele mau funcionamento durante um ensaio antes do desfile de 9 de maio”, disse a Norinco, em uma postagem em chinês em sua conta oficial no WeChat. “O VT-4 nunca teve um problema como esse até hoje. Nossos tanques, além disso, contam com sistemas de controle de fogo de classe mundial, algo que os russos ainda estão tentando igualar”.

Com a queda na demanda global, a China North Industries Group Corp. está buscando expandir as vendas em economias emergentes da Ásia e da África, onde o conglomerado estatal está esbarrando em fabricantes de armas russos, europeus e americanos já estabelecidos.

A escolha deveria ser óbvia, segundo a empresa chinesa.

Os russos estão cobrando um valor próximo ao de um tanque de guerra Abrams fabricado pela General Dynamics Land Systems, disse a Norinco. A empresa dos EUA produz alguns dos tanques de guerra mais avançados do mundo, sendo que um Abrams custa cerca de US$ 6 milhões, segundo um relatório de 2012 do exército para o Congresso americano.

“Se um cliente internacional quer comprar um novo tanque, ele pode escolher apenas entre a China e a Rússia”, disse a Norinco, em uma postagem em chinês em sua conta oficial no WeChat. “Por que os compradores não consideram os tanques chineses, que têm tecnologias e equipamentos bem desenvolvidos e preços muito mais baixos?”.

O T-14 é produzido pela fabricante industrial OAO NPK Uralvagonzavod, cujos representantes não responderam aos telefonemas em busca de comentário.

‘Prato do dia’

A Norinco e outras fabricantes de armas chinesas postam comparações no serviço WeChat, de propriedade da Tencent Holdings Ltd., que poderiam ser provocativas demais do ponto de vista diplomático para serem publicadas em seus sites, segundo o jornal estatal China Daily.

Em maio, a Rússia e a China decidiram não realizar ataques cibernéticos uma contra a outra. No entanto, mais de um ano depois dos dois países terem assinado um acordo para um gasoduto, negociado há tempos, existem poucos sinais efetivos de concretização da alardeada reaproximação entre eles, afastando a ideia de que os dois países estejam caminhando para uma significativa aliança anti-EUA.

“Esta ainda é, basicamente, uma relação de conveniência”, disse Bobo Lo, associate fellow da Chatham House, cujo livro “Russia and the New World Disorder” (“A Rússia e a Nova Desordem Mundial”, em tradução livre) será publicado em agosto. “Trata-se de chegar a um acordo sobre o que você pode conseguir e não ter medo de aproveitar as oportunidades quando elas surgem”.

Com a postagem de maio no WeChat não foi a primeira vez que a Norinco recorreu a uma estratégia de marketing inovadora.

A empresa oferece conjuntos iniciais de equipamentos de defesa básica -- de todo tipo, de rifles a canhões, bombas guiadas por laser, veículos blindados para transporte de tropas, tanques e drones -- para governos que querem equipar rapidamente suas forças armadas. A mídia chinesa chamou o pacote de “prato militar do dia”.

Com vendas ao exterior de US$ 7,4 bilhões no período de cinco anos até 2013, a China superou a França e se tornou a quarta maior exportadora de armas do mundo, segundo o Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 13, 2015, 10:52:21 am
O Exército do Líbano receberá um lote de blindados de reconhecimento Renault VBC (Véhicule Blindé de Combat) 90, 6×6, dos estoques da força terrestre francesa.

Em situação de emprego real, o VBC 90 transporta 20 projetis de 90 mm na torre e mais 25 em um encaixe da parte interna do chassis. O sistema de pontaria do canhão é assistido por um designador de alvos laser e um magnificador de visão que multiplica a qualidade da imagem por seis vezes, tanto de dia como de noite.

A viatura é equipada ainda com uma metralhadora coaxial de 7,62 mm à esquerda do comandante, e dois lançadores de granadas de fumaça de cada lado da torre.

A tripulação dispõe de sistema de proteção NBC e equipamento anti-incêndio.

O primeiro Renault desse tipo foi produzido em 1981.

A Gendarmeria francesa recebeu 28 carros, e Oman ordenou um pequeno lote – seis unidades – por volta de 1983. Dois exemplares do VBC 90 que pertenciam à Gendarmeria estão, atualmente, preservados no Museu Général Estienne, da cidade de Saumur, no Vale do Loire – também conhecido como Musée des Blindés (Museu dos Blindados).

Em outubro do ano passado o Ministério da Defesa da França anunciou a cessão de veículos VBC 90 às tropas libanesas, mas sem especificar a quantidade.

O ForTe – Forças Terrestres apurou que a transferência dos carros para o território libanês está amparada em uma operação de financiamento liderada pelo governo da Arábia Saudita, que vem arcando com os custos de boa parte das ações militares destinadas a confrontar a guerrilha do Estado Islâmico.
Preocupação com as Forças Armadas do Líbano tem levado a uma proliferação nos últimos dias de equipamento para as forças libanesas (não percebo a comparação feita pelo "forte" com o Cascavel, mas fica o essencial da notícia).  :wink:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 14, 2015, 10:41:19 am
O Exército brasileiro lançou-se em uma experiência inédita: criar o cargo de Adjunto do Comando, para distinguir o subtenente ou o 1º sargento que, por meio de sua destacada liderança, reconhecida competência e perfeita conduta pessoal, seja capaz de representar um elo a mais entre o comando de sua unidade e a tropa.

A Portaria Nº 103, assinada pelo chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército, general Sergio Westphalen Etchegoyen, a 22 de maio último, aprovou “a Diretriz de Implantação, em caráter experimental, do Projeto de Criação do Cargo de Adjunto de Comando”.

A novidade será materializada através de projeto piloto a ser implantado em cinco unidades: na 4ª Brigada de Infantaria Motorizada (Juiz de Fora – MG), na 10ª Brigada de Infantaria Motorizada(Recife – PE), na 1ª Brigada de Infantaria de Selva (Boa Vista-RR), na 4ª Brigada de Cavalaria Mecanizada (Dourados – MS) e na 6ª Brigada de Infantaria Blindada (Santa Maria – RS).

De acordo com a Diretriz de Implantação, a criação do cargo “terá alta prioridade para o Estado-Maior do Exército”.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 16, 2015, 10:45:37 am
A empresa ucraniana Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau – mais conhecida como KMDB – e a Diseños Casanave Corporation, do Peru, deram por concluído, no início deste ano, o programa que durou aproximadamente cinco anos e visa oferecer uma solução prática e definitiva para o reaproveitamento dos carros de combate (tanques principales de combate, na nomenclatura militar peruana) T-55, fabricados na União Soviética e adquiridos pelo governo de Lima.

A força terrestre peruana dispunha de aproximadamente 280 desses blindados em operação, mas, segundo informação do site espanhol, só uns 200 serão contemplados com uma possível modernização.

De acordo com Sergio Casanave Quelopana, gerente geral de Desenhos da empresa peruana que se associou aos ucranianos, a ideia geral foi montar uma viatura de, no máximo, 47 toneladas (o T-55 chegou ao Peru com o peso de seu projeto original: 39 toneladas), com blindagem especial, alta potência de fogo e um grupo propulsor capaz de conferir ao veículo elevado nível de operação. O resultado foi o modelo básico T-55M8A2 Tifón, que ainda pode ser upgradeado para o Tifón-2A.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 16, 2015, 04:26:40 pm
Interessante projecto. Destaco o perfil lateral com o compartimento da munições longe da guarnição.

   Power pack with 5TDFM engine
    Improved running gear
    Automated movement control system with a steering handlebar control
    Additional passive protection, built-in explosive reactive armour, optronic countermeasures system, and new fire suppression system
    Up-to-date fire control system with over-ride facilities at the commander's station
    Automatic loader
    Anti-aircraft machine gun that can be aimed and fired from within the turret under complete armour protection
    New 125 mm calibre main gun

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 17, 2015, 09:54:05 am
The Russian company «Asteys» demonstrated modernized armored vehicle “Patrol-A” at international military forum “ARMY 2015″, reported (

The high capacity wheel and tire assembly comprise of built-in run-flats and bead lock systems. «Patrol-A» 4×4 is capable of operating in temperatures ranging between -20 C and +55C. The vehicle interior can be fully customized to specific requirements which include jump seats, benches and individual bucket seats with safety features for personnel protection during high speed and off-road maneuvers.

Armored Car «Patrol-A» is equipped with a 261-horsepower turbo diesel Cummins ISBe 6.7 250 and 9-speed gearbox ZF9S1310. Gross weight of 12,700 kg armored car, with a top speed of 100 km / h.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 19, 2015, 10:00:07 am
Em meio a uma severa crise financeira, a empresa paulista Avibras Aeroespacial e o Centro de Lançamento da Barreira do Inferno (CLBI), do Comando da Aeronáutica, realizaram, mês passado, a chamada “Operação Astrus” de disparo dos diferentes tipos de foguetes de artilharia que constituem a munição do sistema Astros 2.

Os lançamentos foram feitos de uma viatura do próprio sistema Astros, que fora levada para dentro do perímetro da base, e serviram para que os especialistas da empresa observassem a trajetória cumprida pelos foguetes.

Nem a Aeronáutica, nem a Avibras, emitiram qualquer comunicado acerca da “Operação Astrus”, mas o ForTe – Forças Terrestres pode apurar que os resultados alcançados com os disparos foram considerados suficientes e satisfatórios para que a empresa obtivesse os dados que almejava sobre o rastreio dos foguetes e a qualidade desse rastreio.

O sistema Astros usa, atualmente, o foguete SS-30, de 127 mm, com 30 km de alcance; o SS-40, de 180 mm, com alcance acima dos 35 km; o SS-60, com 60 km de alcance; e o SS-80, capaz de alcançar alvos a 90 km de distância. Os dois últimos tem calibre de 300 mm.

O CBLI está sediado no município potiguar de Parnamirim, 12 km ao sul de Natal, a capital do estado. Dias antes da “Operação Astrus”, Barreira do Inferno havia sido palco da “Operação Barreira XIII”, que servira para testar os resultados do programa de modernização dos radares da base.

Crédito – Os cerca de 1.500 funcionários da Avibras convivem, desde o fim do ano passado, com atrasos de salário e períodos de licença remunerada que são pagos apenas parcialmente.

Mesmo tendo R$ 2,4 bilhões na carteira de pedidos – advindos de contratos já assinados – a empresa alegou aos representantes dos seus trabalhadores que está sem capital de giro para comprar matéria-prima e atender as encomendas que lhe chegam do exterior.
Apesar das dificuldades a Avibrás testou os foguetes do Exercito no RN, em testes considerados satisfatórios.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 21, 2015, 10:59:55 am
PHOTO from Taiwan military parade for victory celebrations. Military parade marking the ROC’s victory in the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) was staged June 11 in Hsinchu County, northern Taiwan.

A total of 64 military aircraft, 294 vehicles and 3,858 personnel participated in the event, which kicked off with a special forces demonstration followed by a flyover comprising F-16, Indigenous Defense Fighters and Mirage 2000-5 jets, as well as AH-1W Super Cobra attack, EC225 Super Puma rescue and OH-58D reconnaissance helicopters.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 22, 2015, 09:54:20 am
Myanmar has received the first batch of air defense systems HQ-12 / KS-1A, reported Defense Studies. The first batch consists of 4 cars missile launchers, each of which can carry a pair of medium-range air defense missile this.

Myanmar Armed Forces have signed a contract to purchase four systems (consisting of a pair of missile launch vehicle 24) air defense system Kaishan 1A (KS-1A), the export variant of Hongqi 12 (HQ-12).

With the arrival of the missile system, Myanmar became the first country outside China that use the KS-1A. This missile can reach targets at a distance of 50 km of air and altitude of 27 km.

Kanwa Defense Review also said that Malaysia was originally planned to buy the KS-1A from China in the 2000s, but then failed to do after the KS-1A was not able to compete with missile systems SA-11 Buk from Russia.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 24, 2015, 09:50:23 am
O Exército e a Marinha do Brasil julgam que poderiam empregar 26 dirigíveis operados remotamente para o transporte de carga sobre a floresta amazônica.

A informação constitui o dado mais recente do longo histórico de interesse da força terrestre pelos aeróstatos, termo que designa os veículos de um tipo especial de balão cativo, cujo formato lembra o de um dirigível convencional (imortalizado pela silhueta do famoso Zeppelin alemão).

O Exército estuda documentos produzidos por seus oficiais acerca da utilidade de dirigíveis na Amazônia desde a década de 1970.

Esse meio de transporte sempre pareceu um instrumento muito atraente para que a força terrestre realize sua logística estratégica em áreas de fronteira. Mas há outros aplicativos.

Os aeróstatos também podem ser empregados como plataformas para sensores e antenas integrantes de sistemas de vigilância e/ou monitoramento e/ou telecomunicações – sendo possível que todas essas funções sejam atendidas simultaneamente em função dos equipamentos que estiverem instalados como carga paga (payload).

A principal dúvida que subsiste sobre a eficácia dos voos de dirigíveis na Região Norte do país diz respeito à sua resistência às fortes tempestades – fenômeno meteorológico comuníssimo na Amazônia.

Mas isso não impediu a força terrestre de, nos anos de 1990, criar o “Projeto Dirigível do Exército Brasileiro”.

Nos últimos dez anos a Airship do Brasil tem trabalhado em pesquisas e desenvolvimento de aeronaves mais leves que o ar (lighter than air ou LTA, como são conhecidas internacionalmente).

No aspecto administrativo, a empresa que nasceu com vocação para ser uma prestadora de serviços na área de logística, logo evoluiu para o segmento da indústria aeronáutica.

O aeróstato ADB-A-150 é um equipamento derivado das pesquisas da empresa com um diversificado leque de dirigíveis não tripulados: o ADB-1 (4 metros de comprimento e disponibilidade para dois quilos de carga paga), o ADB-2 (16 m de comprimento e disponibilidade para 20 kg de carga), e o ADB-3-30, um veículo cargueiro que deverá nascer do trabalho de nacionalização do dirigível americano 138S Skybus.

Complementarmente a esses projetos, a ADB vem trabalhando na montagem e estruturação dos currículos e de cursos a serem ministrados para a formação de recursos humanos tanto para a operação como para a manutenção dos equipamentos por ela produzidos, estando prevista para funcionar em São Carlos, a primeira escola latino-americana formadora de pilotos, tripulações, mecânicos e gestores operacionais de dirigíveis.
O conceito é interessante mas... outro projecto?  :roll:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 25, 2015, 01:31:36 pm

La empresa turca Otokar presenta el blindado Tulpar-S ... e&id=15978 (

Otokar (...) ha ampliado su familia de vehículos de cadenas con el vehículo anfibio multitarea Tulpar-S (Small o pequeño), La primera unidad desarrollada fue presentada en configuración anticarro eqipada con una estación de control remoto (...) armada con cuatro misiles guiados anticarro KPB Design Instrument Bureau Kornet-3. (...) La estación también puede albergar misiles Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire II,  Raytheon-Lockheed  Martin MGF-148 Javelin y Roketsan OMTAS.

El Tulpar-S se ofrece en variante de transporte de tropas, plataforma de armas, vehículo de combate de infantería, ambulancia, vehículo de ingenieros, mantenimiento y recuperación, mando y control, y reconocimiento. (...) El vehículo tiene un peso en orden de combate de 15 toneladas, una longitud de 5,7 metros, una anchura de 2,9 metros y una autonomía de 500 kilómetros. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 30, 2015, 10:29:17 am
O Brasil planeja comprar os sistemas russos de defesa antiaérea Pantsir na primeira metade de 2016, disse à RIA Novosti e Sputnik o embaixador do país na Rússia, Antônio José Vallim Guerreiro.
“A decisão geral sobre a compra foi já tomada, por isso os sistemas serão comprados. Segundo a informação que eu possuo neste momento, a assinatura do acordo está prevista para a primeira metade do ano 2016”, disse em entrevista.

Antônio Guerreiro tinha declarado anteriormente que o arranjo podia ser concluído ainda em 2015, mas agora ele explicou o atraso pela razão que “no orçamento de 2015 não foram alojados recursos financeiros suficientes para pagar pelos armamentos”.
O ministro acrescentou que, neste momento, se realiza o trabalho para que a provisão correspondente seja incluída na meta orçamental de 2016.

O Pantsir-S1 (SA-22 Greyhound na classificação da OTAN) é um sofisticado sistema de artilharia antiaérea que conta com mísseis terra-ar de curto e médio alcance, sendo considerado um dos mais avançados do mundo.
Além disso, Antônio Guerreiro também não exclui a possibilidade de compra de caças russos se a Força Aérea Brasileira achar este passo útil.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 01, 2015, 10:00:51 am
The Ministry of Defence of Serbia sold 282 T-55 tanks to Pakistan Army, which were from the arsenal marked as an obsolete equipment, Serbian Daily ‘Blic’ reported.

The deal was agreed at the Arms Fair in Belgrade, and the contract of purchase, worth tens of millions of dollars, will be signed next week. A source from the Army told the daily that this contract is very important for the Serbian Army.

“The tanks, which had to be sold as obsolete equipment, will be modernized and sold to Pakistanis. Modernization will increase T-55 value many times. The deal was made in great secrecy because it is a contract worth tens of millions of dollars. An agreement in principle was reached in person with Pakistani Minister of Defense Industry,” said the source.

‘Blic’ findings were indirectly confirmed by the Chief of the Defence Technology in the Ministry of Defence, Major General Bojan Zrnic.

“It is true that there was an agreement in principle for the sale of 282 tanks from the arsenal of retired and obsolete military equipment, but I do not want to talk about with which country and the army this deal was made. It would not be appropriate because the contract has not been signed. What can I say is that the offer is extremely favorable for the Army of Serbia as the tanks will not be sold in its current state, they will be modernized first. This task will be entrusted to our defense industry,” says General Zrnic.

He added that the money from the deal will go into the budget for new weapons.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 02, 2015, 09:53:48 am
The Netherlands has ordered an extra 12 Thales Australia Bushmaster 4x4 protected mobility vehicles, Thales announced on 30 June.

The latest vehicles will be delivered to the Netherlands in 2016, the company said.

The Netherlands first ordered 25 Bushmasters in 2006 as an urgent operational requirement (UOR) for use by the Royal Netherlands Army in Afghanistan. Since then the country has made a series of almost annual small-batch follow-on orders, either to expand the fleet or to replace lost vehicles.

The latest order brings the total number of vehicles procured by the Netherlands to 98.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 03, 2015, 10:26:48 pm

Romania May Restore Conscription ... e/29583685 (
Romanian Defense Minister Mircea Dusa is aiming to restore conscription as a result of Russia's increased military activities in Eastern Europe and its intervention in Ukraine, reports local daily Gandul.

The planned move would follow similar initiatives in other Eastern European countries. In Lithuania, the country's parliament passed a bill in March to temporarily restore conscription for a period of at least five years. Lithuania's Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius said the decision resulted from "changes in the geopolitical situation in the region" which forced the country to increase its "defense capacity in response".

Meanwhile, Czech Defense Minister Martin Stropnicky has announced plans to increase the Czech Republic's troop level from the current 16,000 to as much as 27,000 by 2025. The government may also revive conscription, as there are ongoing discussions on the measure.

The Romanian Parliament is currently drafting a law with the aim of introducing voluntary military internship for the country's youth.

Ninei Peia, an MP from the ruling Social Democratic Party, said the initiative was a "very good project for Romania, in particular due to the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe".

 According to the draft law, Romanians aged 18 to 25 will be enabled to take part in internships with the country's armed forces for a period of six months. The program is designed to encourage the youth to join the military.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Julho 03, 2015, 10:59:20 pm
Rheinmetall diseña un silenciador ... para artillería!


La casa Rheinmetall GmbH está diseñando un silenciador de artillería para el ejército alemán. El objetivo de tan mostruoso aparato es el de proporcionar soluciones tácticas para ataques por sorpresa o para no revelar su posición en los ataques de larga distancia.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Crypter em Julho 04, 2015, 02:36:31 pm
Oh Menacho, não vale a pena dizer o que esse silenciador parece.. Pois não? :)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Julho 04, 2015, 08:32:38 pm
Parece que foi desenhado há uns anos atrás para reduzir o ruído em campos de tiro situados perto de áreas residenciais. Não é para ser utilizado em conflito real. ... uppressor/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 07, 2015, 11:15:43 am
Key Points
New GBAMD initial operating capability expected between 2020 and 2022
Lockheed Martin, MBDA, Raytheon, and Saab expected to respond to Land 19 Phase 7B
International suppliers of air defence missile systems are preparing to answer a request for information (RFI) from Australia's Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) regarding a new ground-based air and missile defence (GBAMD) system for the Australian Army. The new GBAMD system will replace the in-service combination of the Saab RBS-70 very short-range man-portable air defence missile system and Lockheed Martin PSTAR-ER radar operated by the 16th Air Land Regiment (16 ALR).

Several original equipment manufacturers are expected to respond to the Project Land 19 Phase 7B RFI issued by the DMO's Combat Support Systems Program Office on 22 June 2015.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 11, 2015, 10:06:38 am
As part of ongoing modernisation efforts centred on automation and mobility enhancements, the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) on 8 July commissioned a new 6x6 protected mobility vehicle that is designed for island-defence operations.

The Peacekeeper Protected Response Vehicle (PRV), which is based on Renault Trucks Defense's Higuard mine resistant ambush protected (MRAP) platform, was commissioned by Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen at a 50th anniversary parade organised by the 2nd People's Defence Force (2PDF) Command at the western Clementi Camp.

Ng noted in his address that the induction of the Peacekeeper was a significant capability enhancement for 2PDF - also known as the Island Defence Task Force - which is operating an ageing fleet of 4x4 Commando V200 armoured personnel carriers (APCs). The V200 platforms have been in service with the Singapore Army since 1970 and are planned to be phased out in 2016.

IHS Jane's understands that 40 Peacekeeper PRVs have been acquired for the SAF, although details of the delivery schedule were not disclosed. At least seven vehicles were showcased in dynamic and static displays at Clementi Camp during the parade.

"We mark another milestone in growing new capabilities for 2PDF Command by commissioning the PRVs, named the Peacekeeper, which will provide better means for 2PDF Command to keep Singapore's key installations and facilities safe," said Ng. "The current threats from extremist groups like the [Islamic State] and [Islamic State]-inspired lone-wolf attacks are clear and present, and [have] affected all countries globally…2PDF Command must therefore continue to update its doctrine, tactics, and equipment to meet these new challenges."

The Peacekeeper PRV has been customised by the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) to meet the SAF's requirements. The vehicle - which accommodates 12 personnel including a driver, vehicle commander, and 10 dismounts - measures 7.28 m long, 2.65 m wide, and 3.53 m tall (with roof weapon installed). Weighing 21.5 tonnes at full load, it is capable of achieving a maximum road speed of 90 km/h.

In terms of armaments, the Peacekeeper PRV is equipped with a roof-mounted RCWS that is compatible with one of the three weapons depending on mission requirements: a 7.62 mm machine gun, a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. The RCWS, which is operated by the vehicle commander, also features a daylight TV camera and infrared (IR) imager as well as a laser-rangefinder that enables the vehicle to engage targets up to a maximum range of 600 m.

Besides enhanced ballistic protection for troops, the new vehicles also incorporate a host of safety features, including a rear-mounted video camera that offers the driver increased situational awareness, as well as a vehicle fire suppression system in the engine and passenger compartments

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 19, 2015, 11:16:49 am
Saudi commandos accompany Yemeni government delegation to Aden

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 19, 2015, 05:12:56 pm

 Finland To Establish Quick Response Units Along Russian Border ... a/30197931 (  
Finland's Armed Forces Command has added  a quick response dynamic with plans to locate rapid reaction units (RRUs) to military districts that fall under the command of the country's four military provinces.  

Defense Minister Jussi Niinistö described the initiative as necessary to strengthen operational readiness and bolster Finland's overall defense and deterrence capabilities against rising regional tensions over Russia's military intervention in Ukraine.

   The focus of the deployment for the RRUs, which constitute a new feature within Finland's territorial-based, infantry-centered defense strategy, will be military districts close to Finland's 833-mile border with Russia. (...)

   The RRUs are intended to comprise a mix of career and soldiers, as well as troops drawn from special forces units, retrained reservists and conscripts  (...)

   The Finnish armed forces have a standing strength of 12,000 troops. The conscript-centered armed forces, based on current reservist numbers, can mobilize up to 230,000 combat troops and service personnel within one to four weeks. (...)

  The growing all-party support for a much larger defense budget is being driven by unprecedented public support for a stronger military organization, a greater deterrence capability and a closer relationship with NATO. (...)

 The military's modernization program has reinforced shortfalls in the Navy's and Army's operating capabilities.

The Navy took delivery of its first Jehu-class fast landing boats in June, filling a void in its littoral fleet  (...)

The Army's purchase of 20 NH90 helicopters has improved its tactical and transport capability (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 20, 2015, 12:46:34 pm
In the trial in 2014 at the shot K3 – Military Zone 9, the anti-tank gun SPG-9T2 is installed on M-113 armored upgrade successfully destroyed the target.

The use of CNC machines and drills for machining capabilities lumen size 60-100 mm with time is shortened, for gun SPG-9T2, within 1 hour can drill 1 m2 and it is important that the Z125 machine can now manufacture drills, help actively in the production and reduce costs.

Compared with other types of grenade launchers antitank shoulder as B-40, B-41, the SPG-9 has the advantage of superior range (effective range of 800 meters, a maximum range of 1,300 m).

Antitank recoilless gun SPG-9 size 73 mm were Soviet-built in 1962 to replace the B-10 recoilless rifles, 82 mm size.

Basic specifications of SPG-9 anti-tank guns: Weight: 47.6 kg and 59 kg when prices 3 feet;

SPG-9 anti-tank gun capable of firing various types of ammunition, such as anti-tank grenade explosion standard dose concave PG-9, PG-9N;

Viewfinder: Optical viewfinder PGO-9 with 4 times magnification and PGN-9IR viewfinder for shooting night service.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 31, 2015, 04:43:01 pm
Nexter, KMW Seal Deal To Forge Joint Venture

PARIS — State-owned Nexter of France and family-controlled Kraus-Maffei Wegmann of Germany signed an agreement on July 29 to set up a 50:50 joint venture holding company, marking a major consolidation in the European land weapons sector.

“The alliance of KMW and Nexter creates a group with the momentum and innovative force required to succeed and prosper in international competition,” the companies said in a joint statement.

A closing of the deal is expected early in January, after clearance by European Union, French, German and US regulatory authorities, company and defense ministry sources in France and Germany said. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is required to approve the deal as KMW has a US subsidiary.

The agreement is expected to generate benefits totaling €60 million ($66 million) for the two companies in five years’ time, amid growing competition from armored vehicle producers around the world.

The two companies announced in May 2014 their plan to create the holding company, which carries the project name of KMW and Nexter Together, or KANT. The company will be based in Amsterdam. A competition will be held to determine the new company's final name.

Nexter sees each partner finding €35 million of benefits in five years time through the alliance, an industry source said. The partnership seeks to cut costs, such as buying raw material and manufacturing tools. The partners seek to boost foreign sales by agreeing which products to pitch and fielding a single export sales team.

Exports account for 56 percent of annual sales for Nexter and some 80 percent for KMW, a French defense official said.

Nexter and KMW are in direct competition for an armored vehicle contract in one of the Baltic states, the industry source said. The French company sent the Titus 6x6 armored vehicle to Qatar for trials, with a first demonstration in June and a second currently in progress. The vehicle faces competition from vehicles made by Patria and Iveco.

The alliance could open its doors to other partners such as Italian gun maker Oto Melara or French light vehicle maker Renault Trucks Defense (RTD), the French defense official said. But RTD’s parent company, Volvo, would need to decide on such a move.

France and Germany have started early studies on a next-generation tank to succeed the Leclerc and Leopard, the official said. France's 2014-19 multiyear military budget lacks funds for acquisition of a Leclerc successor, so the replacement could feature in the next budget law. Nexter has won a contract for modernization of the Leclerc.

The companies could self-finance work for vehicles for export markets and the government could buy off the shelf, such as the French special forces bought the RTD Sherpa vehicle, the French defense official said.

The Griffon, a planned six-wheel troop carrier in the €5 billion Scorpion Army modernization program, is also aimed at export markets and will be built around a simple design rather the more usual technical sophistication, the  official said.

Production of current products will continue, but the partners could invest company funds to develop new vehicles, the industry source said. There is scope for designing and building a new medium-weight armored vehicle as the two companies already produce 4x4 and 8x8 vehicles.

Nexter Chairman Philippe Burtin and KMW Chairman Frank Haun signed the main document that sets outs the agreement. French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and the German Defense Ministry's parliamentary secretary, Markus Grubel, attended the corporate signing, which required political support, at the French Defense Ministry in Paris.

The annexes of the agreement run to thousands of pages, which the top executives have initialed.

There is political debate in Germany over the partnership with Nexter, with a call for protection of key technology. But there is a lack of clarity on what that sensitive know-how is, the industry source said.

Haun effectively opened the Nexter alliance talks five years ago, according to the industry source. The political scene in Germany changed with general elections in 2013, which allowed a more positive approach to a partnership with the French state-owned company, the same source said.

Even before that, there had been an attempt to forge a Franco-German partnership 10 years ago, but there was a lack of enthusiasm at Nexter then, a defense specialist said.

There is strong German debate on a domestic or European consolidation, with land weapons specialist Rheinmetall seen by some as a preferable partner for KMW. But the Bode family preferred to back the deal with Nexter.

The partnership will have annual sales of almost €2 billion euros and an order book of €9 billion, and employ more than 6,000 staff, the companies said.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 13, 2015, 04:33:30 pm
^ Interessante como a nova empresa, KANT (que raio de nome), vai ter a sua sede na Holanda. :D Estes alemães e franceses até que podem ser nacionalistas e proteccionistas, mas gostam na mesma dos impostos mais baixos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 13, 2015, 06:55:58 pm
Citação de: "Get_It"
^ Interessante como a nova empresa, KANT (que raio de nome), vai ter a sua sede na Holanda. :D Estes alemães e franceses até que podem ser nacionalistas e proteccionistas, mas gostam na mesma dos impostos mais baixos.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 13, 2015, 10:26:47 pm
Há países que tem mais olhos que barriga!

A Nicarágua quer adquirir não sei quantos T72.

( El embajador de Nicaragua en Rusia, Juan Ernesto Vásquez Araya, ha anunciado que su país estudia comprar estos carros de combate para reemplazar a los T-55. Las declaraciones han  tenido lugar e el marco de la participación, por primera vez, de Nicaragua en el biathlon de carros de combate que comenzó el pasado 1 de agosto en Rusia y que se extenderá hasta el próximo día 15 y en el que trece países participan en una singular competición que pone a prueba la formación de las tripulaciones de carros de combate y las cualidades de sus máquinas.

Los Juegos Militares Internacionales 2015 (ARMI 2015) que es como se conocen, reúnen cerca de Moscú a tripulaciones de carros de combate de 13 países (Angola, Armenia, China, India, Kazajistán, Kirguizistán, Kuwait, Mongolia, Rusia, Serbia, Nicaragua, Tayikistán y Venezuela). Los participantes emplean el carro de combate T-72B3 para la competición y realizan con él carreras de obstáculos con relevos, marchas forzadas y prácticas de tiro con fuego real.

La posibilidad de probar este carro de combate por parte de las tripulaciones de Nicaragua ha permitido familiarizarse con este vehículo, conocer sus características y evaluarlo personalmente. El año pasado Nicaragua participó como observador pero este año recibió una invitación para participar. Nicaragua posee actualmente 31 carros de combate T-55 en condiciones de servicio después de que desde comienzos de los ochenta adquiriera varios lotes de estos carros de procedencias diversas y que han ido dándose de baja. (J.N.G.)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 13, 2015, 11:05:01 pm
Que países? Aqui não interessa o melhor para o país.
Tudo se resume a corrupção, subornos e interesses...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 14, 2015, 12:18:45 am
Nicaragua tem comprado também em Fevereiro oito MiG 29

 :arrow: Primero fragatas artilladas, luego aviones MiG-29 y ahora tanques T-72 I Nicaragua-Rusia ... ques-t-72/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 14, 2015, 11:02:03 am
Citação de: "HSMW"
Que países? Aqui não interessa o melhor para o país.
Tudo se resume a corrupção, subornos e interesses...

Por onde queres começar!

-Coreia do Norte
- Nicarágua
- Todo o continente Africano
- India

entre outros
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Agosto 21, 2015, 04:59:21 pm
Czech Republic funds Pandur II command vehicle purchase

The Czech government approved on 20 August the procurement of 20 Steyr Pandur II 8x8 armoured vehicles for the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) for CZK1.3 billion (USD70 million).

Czech defence manufacturer Excalibur Army will be awarded a contract by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) by the end of 2015 to supply 14 communications and six command platforms in 2018-20.

The ACR currently operates a fleet of 107 Pandur II vehicles in various versions. Defence Minister Martin Stropnicky said the original procurement called for 197 platforms, and that the ACR continues have an urgent requirement for 90 additional vehicles.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 23, 2015, 10:57:43 am
Rehearsal at the Tiananmen Square in Beijing for the upcoming V-Day parade

10,000 soldiers, 500 military vehicles & 200 aircraft attend V-Day parade rehearsal

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 27, 2015, 11:28:45 am
This CS/VP3 «Bigfoot» MRAP, manufactured by Poly Technologies Incorporated(China), has been armed with a pair of W85 12,7mm heavy machine guns.

The W85 HMG is produced NORINCO of China.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 31, 2015, 10:48:28 am
Rehearsals in late August for the 3 September parade in Beijing commemorating the 70th anniversary of Japan's surrender in China provided the first views of some new missiles in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Second Artillery Corps' service.

If the parade includes the same kit as the rehearsal, the Dong Feng (DF, East Wind) DF-15B short-range ballistic missile (SRBM), DF-16 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM), DF-21C MRBM, DF-26 intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM), the warhead section of the DF-5B intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the DF-31A ICBM, and the DF-10 land attack cruise missile (LACM) will be shown publically the first time.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Agosto 31, 2015, 02:00:11 pm
Citação de: "mafets"
Rehearsals in late August for the 3 September parade in Beijing commemorating the 70th anniversary of Japan's surrender in China provided the first views of some new missiles in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Second Artillery Corps' service.

If the parade includes the same kit as the rehearsal, the Dong Feng (DF, East Wind) DF-15B short-range ballistic missile (SRBM), DF-16 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM), DF-21C MRBM, DF-26 intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM), the warhead section of the DF-5B intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the DF-31A ICBM, and the DF-10 land attack cruise missile (LACM) will be shown publically the first time.


Já fui fazer as minhas pesquisas, apesar de não ser muito fácil andar pela internet chinesa.

As comemorações começam às 00:30 de Lisboa, mas não garanto que a parada seja logo a essa hora.

Deverá ser transmitido nos seguintes canais:

CCTV-1 (Generalista): (

CCTV-7 (Agricultura e Militar): (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 31, 2015, 11:36:40 pm

Rehearsal of the missile troops

1.000 foreign troops from 17 countries will take part in the parade:
Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tayikistan, Mongolia, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela,
Egypt, Pakistan, Serbia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Laos, Fiji and Vanuatu

And meanwhile: China will delay August economic data due to the parade ... 6?irpc=932 (

 :arrow: As Economy Falters, Military Parade Offers Chance to Burnish China's Image ... e.html?r=0 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 01, 2015, 09:46:17 pm
Senator Rob Portman announces big news for the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center here in Lima. Morocco has committed to the purchase of 222 M1A1 Abrams Tanks from the JSMC under the foreign military sales program. Portman also announced that the initial contract for upgrading turrets has been awarded. The Moroccan ambassador to the U.S. and the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces were recently urged by Portman to move forward with the foreign military sales program. The Army awarded a contract to General Dynamics Land Systems on Friday in the amount of 17 million 2 hundred thousand dollars.

Read more at: ... tanks.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Setembro 03, 2015, 09:04:17 am
:arrow: Movido
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 03, 2015, 09:06:41 am

China Announces Cuts of 300,000 Troops at Military Parade Showing Its Might
(The cuts would shrink the Chinese armed forces to 2,000,000 personnel) ... arade.html ( (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 03, 2015, 05:23:25 pm
China vai reduzir 300 mil efectivos militares

O Presidente chinês, Xi Jinping, anunciou esta quinta-feira que vai cortar 300 mil dos seus efectivos militares, o que representa uma redução de 13%. Actualmente a China conta com 2,3 milhões de militares, o que faz desta unidade uma das maiores forças armadas do mundo, refere a agência "Reuters".

O anúncio foi feito no desfile para comemorar a vitória sobre o Japão na Segunda Guerra Mundial, um evento evitado pela maioria dos líderes ocidentais.

O presidente, que falou na Praça de Tiananmen em Pequim, na China, não avançou com o prazo para esta redução, mas referiu que faz parte dos planos de racionalização militares investir mais em armas de alta tecnologia para a marinha e força aérea. O número de soldados chineses conheceu três reduções desde os anos 1980.

"Preconceito e discriminação, o ódio e guerra só pode causar um desastre e dor", disse Xi Jinping. "A China irá sempre defender o caminho do desenvolvimento pacífico".

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 04, 2015, 10:20:52 pm
( El Ejército de Tierra paraguayo acaba de reactivar diez de sus 15 tanques ligeros “Stuart”. Los vehículos, cinco M3 y cinco M3A1,  fueron presentados en el desfile del Día del Ejército, el 24 de julio de 2105, donde  aparecían en excelente estado, a pesar de sus más de 70 años de edad, habiendo sido dotados de motores diesel en vez de los originales de gasolina. Según fuentes no oficiales, los diez vehículos formarán parte de la dotación de un reactivado Regimiento de Caballería Nº10 para operaciones contra guerrilleros del EPP en el norte del país. (Adrian J. English)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 04, 2015, 10:36:13 pm
Ganhem juízo...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Setembro 04, 2015, 11:10:29 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 05, 2015, 10:38:34 am
Lusodescendente nomeado para segundo lugar na hierarquia militar dos EUA


O lusodescendente Paul Joseph Selva foi confirmado esta semana como o novo subchefe do Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos.

Selva, de 56 anos e com família originária na ilha do Faial, Açores, é piloto de formação e exercia as funções de comandante da Base de Transporte Militar Scott, no estado do Illinois.

O general foi nomeado para o novo cargo pelo Presidente Barack Obama em maio e agora confirmado pelo Senado.

Na mesma altura, o Senado confirmou o General Joseph F. Dunford como presidente do Estado-Maior-General.

O secretário de Defesa, Ash Carter, disse que os dois homens provaram "a sua coragem ao longo das suas carreiras": "o General Dunford desde os primeiros anos na infantaria até à sua liderança no Afeganistão e nos Marines, e o General Selva desde os seus dias iniciais como piloto até à sua liderança do comando de transporte militar".

"Sei que o Presidente Obama, eu e a nossa segurança nacional vão beneficiar largamente dos seus sábios conselhos e da sua perspetiva estratégica conseguida durante anos de experiência operacional", acrescentou Carter.

Selva é um piloto com mais de 3.100 horas de voo, com uma licenciatura em engenharia aeronáutica da Forca Aérea Americana, um mestrado em gestão e recursos humanos e outro em ciência política.

Entre outubro de 2008 e outubro de 2011, serviu como assistente do presidente do Estado-Geral-Maior da Marinha.

"Torna-te muito humilde representar os homens e mulheres que vestem o uniforme da nossa nação e a nossa população civil. Eles são exemplo daquilo que de melhor o país tem para oferecer, e prometo ser um defensor apaixonado para garantir que continuemos a ser a forca militar mais bem treinada, melhor dirigida, melhor equipada e mais capaz de todo o mundo", disse.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 06, 2015, 11:16:51 am
Plasan Sasa has won a contract worth PLN24.75 million (USD6.56 million) to provide modified SandCat 4x4 armoured vehicles for the Polish Military Police Special Unit.

The new vehicles will be known as Szop (Racoon) in Polish service, with the SandCat beating the Germaz vehicle proposal for the light armoured intervention vehicle programme (Samochod Interwencyjny Lekko Opancerzony - SILO).

The Israeli SandCat vehicle, based on a shortened Ford F350 chassis, is powered by a 6-litre diesel engine with a 4x4 transmission.

The SILO requirement had called for a 5-door vehicle capable of transporting 6-8 fully equipped soldiers and additional equipment with a gross vehicle weight under 10 tonnes, powered by at least a 280 hp engine, and capable of mounting add-on Super Multi-Hit Armour Technology (SMART) composite armour.

The 14 Szop vehicles will be supplied by the Polish firm Zeszuta, as a representative of Plasan Sasa, by the end of 2015. The Szop vehicles will be delivered in several variants, all painted black: seven armoured intervention vehicles, two vehicles with an assault ramp, three medical evacuation vehicles, one VIP emergency evacuation vehicle, and one command vehicle, which will be equipped with a sensor mast.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Setembro 17, 2015, 05:26:50 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 17, 2015, 05:54:14 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

 :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10886&start=120 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 18, 2015, 04:32:27 pm
Angola compra fardamento e outro equipamento militar à China por 40 milhões de euros

Angola vai comprar fardamento e outro equipamento militar no valor de 44,6 milhões de dólares (quase 40 milhões de euros) a uma empresa chinesa, segundo um despacho do Presidente angolano, a que a Lusa teve hoje acesso.

De acordo com o documento que autoriza a compra, de 15 de setembro, o negócio envolve a China Xinxing and Export Corporation, que segundo informação da própria empresa conta com 180.000 trabalhadores e mais de 50 subsidiárias da área militar, como fábricas de vestuário, calçado e proteção individual.

A empresa chinesa refere ter negócios com 40 países africanos, para onde vende anualmente mais de 100 milhões de dólares em equipamentos.

No despacho assinado pelo Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos é autorizada a inclusão deste projeto de Fornecimento de Fardamento e Equipamento de Uso Militar para as Forças Armadas Angolanas na Programação Anual de Investimento Público (PIP) e assinatura do contrato com a empresa chinesa pelo ministro da Defesa, João Lourenço.

Os três ramos das Forças Armadas Angolanas integram atualmente cerca de 100.000 militares.

Angola prevê gastar este ano 847,3 mil milhões de kwanzas (mais de 5,5 mil milhões de euros) na Defesa, Segurança e Ordem Pública, de acordo com o Orçamento Geral do Estado (OGE) revisto em março, devido à quebra nas receitas petrolíferas, o que representou um corte de 17,2 por cento face ao orçamentado anteriormente.

Estas áreas - que envolvem o setor militar, polícias, bombeiros, tribunais, prisões e proteção civil - representam, em conjunto, 15,5% do total despesa pública angolana programada para 2015 pelo Executivo angolano.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 19, 2015, 06:46:29 pm

Saab receives first order for Carl-Gustaf M-4 ... -m4-65415/ (

Defence and security company Saab has received the first order for the new Carl-Gustaf M4 system from the armed forces of the Slovak Republic. Deliveries are expected to take place during 2016.  

The Carl-Gustaf M4 made its market debut in late 2014. It has all the effectiveness and versatility of the proven Carl-Gustaf system, but its improved, lightweight design (weighing only about 7kg) offers significant mobility improvements to the soldier.  

The M4 is also compatible with future battlefield technology developments such as intelligent sighting systems and programable ammunition. Now Slovakia has become the launch customer for the next-generation M4 system. In addition, the Carl-Gustaf M4 system has been acquired by two other undisclosed countries for evaluation / qualification purposes. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 30, 2015, 04:16:00 pm
Lithuania orders German PzH 2000s

Key Points

    Lithuania has ordered 21 PzH 2000s from former German Army stocks
    The new SPAs will replace the country's former Danish 105 mm towed howitzers

Lithuania signed a EUR58.3 million (USD65.4 million) contract with Germany on 29 September for 21 Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000) 155 mm self-propelled artillery (SPA) systems.

The SPAs, which are of ex-German Army service, will be operated by the Lithuanian Army's General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion. In total the battalion will operate 16 PzH 2000s, with the remaining five SPAs being used for spare parts (three), gunnery training (one) and driver training (one).

In addition to the howitzers, Lithuania is also buying 32 support vehicles from Germany as part of the sale. These comprise 26 M577A2 tracked command post vehicles (a variant of the M113 family), and six Bergepanzer 2 (BPZ-2) recovery vehicles, based on the Leopard 1 tank chassis.

The first PzH 2000 is scheduled for delivery in 2016, with all equipment delivered by 2019, according to the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence (MoD).

Of the EUR58.3 million being spent on the programme, EUR16.2 million is being paid to the German Federal Ministry of Defence for the equipment itself. The remaining EUR42.1 million will be spent on modernising the mothballed equipment and on infrastructure/training for the new systems. The modernisation work is stated to include a battlefield management system and communications equipment.

The German Army will support the programme with technical assistance and by training Lithuanian personnel in Lithuania and at the German School of Artillery in Idar-Oberstein.

The General Romualdas Giedraitis Artillery Battalion currently relies on 105 mm M101 towed howitzers for fire support, purchased originally from Denmark - one of several Lithuanian-Danish defence deals done in the early 2000s. The Lithuanian MoD noted that the PzH 2000's 40 km range is a major improvement over the 11 km range of the M101.

Lithuania has ordered 21 PzH 2000 SPAs from Germany, of which 16 will be used operationally by the Iron Wolf Brigade's artillery battalion, with the remainder for spares and training. Source: Bundeswehr
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 01, 2015, 04:46:20 pm


 :arrow: ... 2015_autos (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 16, 2015, 06:01:14 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Outubro 17, 2015, 11:10:30 am
Comienzan en Espanha las mayores maniobras de la OTAN, Trident Juncture 2015





















En el ‘Trident Juncture 2015’, el ejercicio de alta visibilidad de la OTAN, participarán más de 30.000 militares de más de 30 naciones con el objetivo de adiestrar y certificar a la NRF 2016, una fuerza de alta disponibilidad y tecnológicamente preparada, capaz de desplegarse donde sea necesario en un periodo corto de tiempo.

España, uno de los países anfitriones del ejercicio, aportará 8.000 efectivos y 8 escenarios.

Escenario del ejercício
Escenario ficticio

El ejercicio, se desarrollará en dos fases, del 3 al 16 de octubre la fase CPX (Command Post Exercise o ejercicio de puesto de mando), y del 21 de octubre al 6 de noviembre la fase LIVEX (Live Exercise o fase real).

Para el #TJ15 se ha establecido un teatro de operaciones irreal, "Escenario SOROTAN", en el que tendrá lugar un conflicto entre países también ficticios situados en el Cuerno de África. El país agresor, Kamon, invadirá Lakuta, y Tytan quedará bajo amenaza. En este supuesto, la OTAN ensayará operaciones de combate, de control de territorio, de estabilización y resolución de crisis humanitaria. ... e-2015.pdf (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Outubro 19, 2015, 07:40:32 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Outubro 22, 2015, 11:00:08 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Outubro 22, 2015, 09:35:46 pm












Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 23, 2015, 11:42:07 am
A-10C Thunderbolt II attack aircraft landed at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, last week in support of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the coalition campaign against ISIL.

( (http://http)

A U.S. Air Force pilot steps out of an A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft shortly after arriving at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey Oct. 15, 2015. The 12 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs are deployed to Incirlik AB in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. The aircraft is deployed to Incirlik AB in an effort to enhance the international Coalition against ISIL. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Cory Bush

“There’s nothing special or magical about the actual platform, right? It’s the ability to conduct strikes when we need them and where we need them. [The] A-10 is just another platform in this case.”

The 12 A-10s, 300 personnel, and deployed support equipment from Moody Air Force Base, Georgia arrived at Incirlik Oct. 15. The Warthogs of the 74th Squadron, 23rd Fighter Wing, are replacing six F-16s of the 31st Fighter Wing out of Aviano Air Base, Italy, which deployed to Incirlik in early August. The replacement of six F-16s with 12 A-10s has led to some speculation among the press that it is a sign of a new offensive against ISIL, or changing tactical conditions.

“These A-10s are replacing some F-16s that were rotating out,” said OIR Spokesman Col. Steve Warren in a press briefing. “It’s just that simple. This is normal rotation of forces. There’s nothing special or magical about the actual platform, right? It’s the ability to conduct strikes when we need them and where we need them. [The] A-10 is just another platform in this case.”

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 23, 2015, 02:18:56 pm
Vejam aqueles M-113 e depois comparem-nos com o que temos na Brigada Mecanizada... :(
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: saojorgexercito em Outubro 24, 2015, 08:35:45 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Vejam aqueles M-113 e depois comparem-nos com o que temos na Brigada Mecanizada... :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 24, 2015, 10:48:13 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Outubro 27, 2015, 10:10:16 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Outubro 28, 2015, 08:00:19 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 02, 2015, 11:56:23 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 02, 2015, 11:11:55 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 02, 2015, 11:15:38 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 03, 2015, 09:52:57 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 04, 2015, 05:52:35 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 04, 2015, 06:23:28 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 04, 2015, 06:30:17 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 05, 2015, 11:38:40 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 05, 2015, 06:40:00 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 06, 2015, 04:35:59 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 06, 2015, 04:42:52 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 08, 2015, 07:37:33 pm

NATO exercise ends in show of force
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 20, 2015, 09:08:37 pm

Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or  Shiite militias provides rehabilitated  Chieftain  tanks to  Iraqi Armed Forces.

PMU Refurbishment of Chieftain tanks in Basra for the Iraqi Armed Forces.  Iraq have 50-75 tanks in service  in 1990. Most upgraded to Khalid-level, with air-conditioning for the crew and reinforced armour and night vision.

The Chieftain FV4201 was the main battle tank of the United Kingdom during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. A development of the Centurion and therefore a continuation of the British cruiser series, sharing a substantial commonality of parts with both its predecessor and successor. It was the “most formidable main battle tank in the world” with, at the time of its introduction in 1966 the most powerful main gun and most effective armour of any tank yet made.

Um dos meus CC favoritos de volta à vida!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Janeiro 05, 2016, 01:41:47 pm

Poland orders 128 upgraded Leopard 2PL main battle tanks
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 12, 2016, 04:53:07 pm
U.S. donates 24 armored personnel carriers to Nigeria


LAGOS, Nigeria – As part of the continuing support from the United States to the government and the people of Nigeria to defeat Boko Haram, the U.S. government has donated 24 mine-resistant armor-protected (MRAP) vehicles, valued at $11 million, to Nigeria’s military authorities.

“These vehicles provide increased protection from improvised explosive devices, roadside bombs, and small arms fire, while offering more maneuverability and better fuel economy than other types of armored personnel carriers,” the U.S. Defense Attaché to Nigeria, Colonel Patrick Doyle, said.

The U.S. government donated the armored vehicles through the Excess Defense Articles Program.  The Nigerian military arranged for transportation from the port to Lagos.  Nigeria is in the process of receiving an additional eight more MRAPs through this program, valued at approximately $7.4 million.

The Excess Defense Articles Program is designed to transfer excess military equipment from the United States to foreign governments or international organizations to help with modernization of partner nation military capabilities.

Through a similar program, the U.S. Government donated to the Nigerian Navy the NNS Okpabana in 2014 and NNS Thunder in 2012.  The two ships have bolstered maritime security in Nigeria.

The equipment donation represents part of the continuing U.S. commitment to Nigeria and its neighbors to counter Boko Haram’s senseless acts of terror and to promote regional security.  The United States provides advisors, intelligence, training, logistical support, and equipment to African partners as they work to defeat Boko Haram, and also supports those affected by Boko Haram’s violence through ongoing humanitarian aid and victim support services.  The U.S. is committed to working with African partners in the region to identify new opportunities to restore order in the Lake Chad Basin region.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Janeiro 23, 2016, 03:32:35 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 02, 2016, 02:00:58 pm

North Korea rocket launch: Japan deploys Patriot missile defense in preparation


Units of Patriot PAC-3 missiles stand at the Defence Ministry in Tokio, January 29, 2016

Japan sets up anti-air missiles in Tokyo to boost defense against North Korea
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 12, 2016, 12:17:48 pm

This Video of China's Lethal Aircraft Carrier Missile  DF-21D Should Scare U.S. Navy
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 13, 2016, 11:50:35 am

Everything about made-in-Ukraine tanks
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 15, 2016, 11:32:13 am

Caesar, Nexter, França


K9 Thunder, Hanwha Techwin, Coreia do Sul 


M109G, Ruag, Suécia


Panzerhaubitze 2000, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Alemanha

Testes em Noruega dos quatro candidatos ao novo SPG do Exército norueguês
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 19, 2016, 12:43:50 pm


Rússia e Irão finalmente assinam contrato de entrega de mísseis S-300
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 01, 2016, 05:54:07 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 16, 2016, 05:05:05 pm
In Italy spotted prototype of «Centauro II» wheeled armoured fighting vehicle


In Italy spotted prototype of «Centauro II» wheeled armoured fighting vehicle.

The «Centauro II» is the latest version. Its fitted with a 120mm smoothbore main gun. The «Centauro 2»vehicle features a new interior layout and based on Freccia 8×8 wheeled Infantry fighting vehicle.

The tower is a HITFACT-2 with 120/45 mm cannon. The secondary armament presents a HITROLE Mod. L2R (remotized tower) and a coaxial machine gun 7.62 mm. Optional can also install three types of weapons: machine gun Browning 12.7 mm MG-3 machine gun or MG-42/59 7.62 mm or a grenade launcher SACO MK19 40mm.

The Commander can control the turret and gun movements and can perform the target search and detection, irrespective of the turret traversing movements, through either the self stabilized Panoramic sight with Day TV camera and IR Camera including situational awareness and full hunter capability modules or the Turret on Turret (optional) which combines the Day and Night vision with the remote use of a 7.62mm machine gun.

The engine is a IVECO Vector 8V 714 hp (525 kW) with top road speed – 105+ km/h and Operational range – 800km.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 31, 2016, 03:28:22 pm
Norwegian Armed Forces

"Hunter Troop" - Norway's All-Female Special Operations Unit

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 06, 2016, 05:29:26 pm

Anglo-French "Griffin Strike" 2016. Demostrating their Combined Joint Expeditionary Force
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 08, 2016, 09:18:33 pm
Programa de upgrade para o M-60 da Raytheon
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 18, 2016, 03:06:16 pm (
The King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) unveiled the latest version of its heavy armoured personnel carrier (APC), the Al-Dawsar, at SOFEX 2016 in Jordan.

Al-Dawsar is based on a surplus Tariq main battle tank (MBT) hull that is essentially an upgraded British Centurion MBT. Some 293 Tariq MBTs were built but they have now been phased out of Jordanian Army frontline service and are available for conversion.

Previous versions of the KADDB heavy APC had a much-modified Tariq hull with a raised roofline and this is retained in the latest Al-Dawsar. One version had a widened hull that had a crew access ramp in the rear and hull front; this was known as the Modular Armored Platform II (MAP II).

The Al-Dawsar retains the standard Tariq hull but has a raised superstructure. Its US L-3 Combat Propulsion Systems AVDS 1790 V-12 diesel engine develops 750 hp and is coupled to an Allison CD 850-6A automatic transmission at the rear.

The hydropneumatic suspension of Tariq is retained, providing an improved cross-country ride over the original Centurion suspension.

The raised crew and troop compartment is at the front of the hull. In addition to the commander/gunner, it can carry seven dismounts seated individually facing inwards. However, alternative seating arrangements could increase this to up to 10 dismounts. The area to the rear is used to stow equipment such as ammunition.

In addition to the four hatches (three left and one right) in the roof is a hydraulically operated opening in the front left side of the hull. The top part opens upwards and the lower part opens downwards to form a ramp.

The driver's position is at the front right and has the same yoke-type steering controls as those fitted to the upgraded Tariq, rather than the original tillers/sticks of the Centurion, plus a single-piece hatch and periscopes for observation over the frontal arc.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 03, 2016, 09:33:44 am (
A Rheinmetall alemã divulgou um vídeo do seu novo carro de combate, o MBT Revolution. O demonstrador, baseado no Leopard 2A4, tem sido desenvolvido nos últimos 6 anos e é composto de upgrades modulares que aumentam o grau de sobrevivência no campo de batalha, especialmente contra IEDs, RPGs e mísseis armas anti-carro.

O MBT Revolution é um competidor direto do T-14 Armata russo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 10, 2016, 03:12:21 pm

Iveco – Oto Melara Consortium published a photos of new Centauro II MGS 120/105
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 17, 2016, 02:29:37 pm

Shanika Reed, foreground, and Ryine Truss touch up the paint on a M1 Abrams tank bound for Morocco in Anniston Army Depot's final paint shop. Completion of the 22 Moroccan tanks took a cooperative effort of everyone who worked on the vehicles. (Photo Credit: Mrs. Jennifer Bacchus (AMC))
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 21, 2016, 04:34:15 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 29, 2016, 10:46:21 pm

NATO, partners begin "Rapid Trident" exercise in Ukraine
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 06, 2016, 07:38:30 pm
Poland modernises its defence programmes

A Polónia planeia gastar 42 mil milhões de dólares nos próximos 10 anos na modernização das suas forças armadas.  :o :o
130 mil milhões de Zlotis!
Gostava de ver alguns projectos em conjunto com a Ucrânia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 08, 2016, 07:19:58 pm
Sobre o reequipamento das FA libanesas em 3 mil milhões de $ financiado pela Arábia Saudita.
Cancelado e os Sauditas ficam com o material já encomendado à França.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 09, 2016, 10:00:31 am (
The Djiboutian Armed Forces (FAD) revealed during the country's independence day parade on 27 June that it is now operating at least seven General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) Cougar 4x4 mine-resistance, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles.

It has previously been reported that Cougar vehicles appeared in the FAD parades in 2014 and 2015, but these were actually GDLS Peace Keeping Security Vehicles (PKSV).

While externally similar to the Cougar, the PKSV is lighter (with a curb weight of 11,340 kg compared with the Cougar's 17,236 kg), has a lower height and ground clearance, and is also slower than the Cougar, according to official GDLS documentation. The PKSV has room for 10 personnel, including the crew, while the Cougar can carry six.

One of the Cougars that appeared in the parade was fitted with a Hispano-Suiza Lynx 90 turret that is used on the Panhard AML-90 armoured car or Ratel 90 infantry fighting vehicle, both of which are in service with the FAD.

The parade also featured three GDLS International Light Armoured Vehicles (ILAVs), two of which were fitted with interrogation arms for clearing improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The single Chinese NORINCO WMA301 Assaulter tank destroyer that made its first appearance in the 2015 parade was seen again on 27 June.

Other armoured vehicles seen in the parade included AML-90s, Ratel 90s, BTR-80As, Iveco Pumas, and Casspirs.

The parade also saw the Djiboutian Gendarmerie showcasing its Indian-made Tata Motors light armoured troop carriers, while the Djiboutian Police paraded three NORINCO VN-4 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) a type that is also in service with the Kenyan police force.
A still from local television coverage of the military parade shows the Cougar MRAPs, one of which is fitted with a Lynx 90 turret. Source: Tele Djibouti

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 05, 2016, 03:45:09 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 05, 2016, 04:58:59 pm
Nicaragua has received a batch of Russian T-72B1 main battle tanks (MBT), according to a source in the Russian defense industry. The T-72B1 is a modernized version of the T-72 main battle tank, featuring a new engine and main gun, additional armor protection and advanced fire control system among other improvements, which makes its characteristics comparable to those of a more modern T-90 tank.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 13, 2016, 11:42:43 am
China’s Type-96B seen as pillar of nation’s tank force
Aug 11, 2016

China’s military is likely to deploy the Type-96B tank as the pillar of its tank fleet, replacing most of its old models, observers said.

Gao Zhuo, a military observer in Shanghai who has close contact with the People’s Liberation Army, told China Daily that the excellent capabilities of the Type 96B qualify it to be the backbone of China’s tank force.

The Type 96B is the strongest variant of the Type 96 family and is truly an advanced, third generation main battle tank, he said. The PLA will use it to replace the old tanks such as the Type 59 and Type 69 models

His remarks came as the Type-96B delivered impressive performances in the ongoing Masters of Automobile and Tank Hardware competition, also known as the Tank Biathlon, at the Alabino training range in Moscow.

The PLA sent several Type-96B tanks to take part in the tank competition, the most watched part of the Russia-hosted International Army Games.

The eight-day individual part of the competition, which involved 54 teams from 17 countries, ended on Sunday, with the Chinese delegation scoring the highest.

All of the PLA’s three teams were to compete in the semifinal that started on Tuesday.

By the end of last year, the Chinese military had more than 7,000 tanks in active service, including about 2,000 Type 96s and Type 96As, as well as about 600 Type 99s and Type 99As, so the majority of the PLA armored force is still equipped with tanks made several decades ago, according to foreign military analysts.

Huang Guozhi, senior editor at Modern Weaponry magazine, said that despite the fact that Type 99 series tanks are more advanced, their high price and limited production capacity mean that it’s unrealistic for the PLA to purchase and deploy them on a large scale.

Therefore, the Type-96B, with a better price and satisfactory capabilities, is very attractive to the Chinese and foreign militaries. It is the best option for the PLA to modernize its armored forces, he said.

According to an article posted by China North Industries Group Corp on its WeChat social media account, the Type-96B;compared with its predecessors in the Type 96 family has a high-performance 125 mm smoothbore gun, an improved, more powerful engine, newly developed transmission gear and a state of the art fire control system.

Yu Shuo, a tank researcher in Beijing, said the Type 96B is among the latest achievements by the nation’s land arms industry. He suggested that too much emphasis should not be placed on the results of the Tank Biathlon, as the experience gained is more important to the PLA.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 13, 2016, 11:46:35 am
First Textron TAPV armored vehicle shipped to 5th Canadian Division Support Base
Aug 12, 2016
Photo by 5thCanadianDivision

The first  Textron TAPV  (Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle) armored vehicle shipped  to 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown of  the Canadian Army. That reported by 5thCanadianDivision.

Further, TAPV armoured patrol vehicles will go to units and 1 will be on display at the Army Run.

The Textron TAPV (Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle) is an armoured car currently in development for the Canadian Army. It is based on the M1117 Armoured Security Vehicle. Development began in 2009, and in 2012 the contract was awarded to Textron Systems, Inc. The first production vehicles are slated to enter service in 2016. An eventual 500 vehicles will be purchased, with the option to order an addition 100.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 16, 2016, 04:40:35 pm
New Chinese Type-96B tank just broke down at «Tank biathlon» competition

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 23, 2016, 07:48:55 pm

Nicaragua, el país centroamericano con la fuerza acorazada más poderosa, exhibe sus tanques T72B
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 26, 2016, 09:39:01 am (
The NASAMS High Mobility Launcher provides transportability to maneuvering forces. Raytheon has delivered the first HML for Norway’s National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System to provide Norway with advanced air defense capability. (PRNewsFoto/Raytheon Company, KONGSBERG)

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 31, 2016, 02:17:02 pm (
Azerbaijan will showcase the new Ildirim Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle at the Azerbaijan International Defence Industry Exhibition ADEX 2016.

The new  Ildirim (English:  Lightning) is a mine-resistant light armored vehicle. The Ildirim based on the Caprivi Mk3 armoured personnel carrier designed by Mobile Land Systems (Pty) Ltd.

According to the manufacturer armored offers protection STANAG 4569 3B, which is equivalent to undermining the 8 kg of explosives under the vehicle, and STANAG 4569 4A, the corresponding erosion of 16 kg of explosives under the wheel.

Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition is a 4 day event being held from 27th September to the30th September 2016 at the Baku Expo Center in Baku.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Agosto 31, 2016, 02:51:40 pm
Até o Borat* fabrica veículos destes, enquanto nós...

*sim, eu sei que essa figura fictícia é do Cazaquistão.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Agosto 31, 2016, 03:09:54 pm
Até o Borat* fabrica veículos destes, enquanto nós...

*sim, eu sei que essa figura fictícia é do Cazaquistão.

E que o Cazaquistão herdou parte do complexo industrial Soviético e que em tamanho é maior umas 25 vezes que Portugal.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 01, 2016, 11:20:09 pm
Não está fácil a vida para os M-48H de Taiwan. O rebentamento de uma peça de 105mm causou um ferido.

E no mês passado outro caiu de uma ponte e matou 3 elementos da guarnição.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 16, 2016, 11:40:08 pm

Norway, first NATO country to introduce compulsory military draft for women
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mayo em Setembro 18, 2016, 02:18:18 pm
Mais uma palhaçada !
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 18, 2016, 08:59:41 pm
Até o Borat* fabrica veículos destes, enquanto nós...

*sim, eu sei que essa figura fictícia é do Cazaquistão.

E que o Cazaquistão herdou parte do complexo industrial Soviético e que em tamanho é maior umas 25 vezes que Portugal.

Peço desculpa, camarada Alvalade, mas só agora vi o seu post. A propósito da minha graçola, o Azerbaijão (que era o país mencionado na notícia) é mais pequeno do que Portugal, com menos população que Portugal e com um PIB 3 vezes menor que Portugal. Desconheço as suas capacidades industriais, mas serão suficientes para produzir este tipo de veículo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 23, 2016, 03:48:58 pm

Armenian parade reveals Iskander ballistic missile

Armenian paraded newly-acquired weapons systems, including 9K720 Iskander (SS-26 'Stone') short-range ballistic missiles (SSRBMs) during its Independence Day parade on 21 September.

The revelation marks Armenia as the first export customers for the Russian system. (...)

According to military and industrial sources cited by Russia's Vedomosti newspaper, Russia likely delivered to Armenia one Iskander división  (typically four launchers). One  Vedomosti source suggested the missile system's acquisition  was intended to deter Azerbaiyan from attacking main Armenian population centres,  as has been threatened by Azerbaiyani military officials. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 19, 2016, 03:32:13 pm (
The CCTV News has released video footage of new Z-18A military transport helicopter for People’s Liberation Army Ground Force.

China started reforming the People’s Liberation Army a year ago. Its ground force is undergoing a transformation, with the help of some helicopter test pilots.  Part of the reforming program was the development of a new medium transport helicopter.

The  Z-18A is a  is a medium transport helicopter developed by Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) to replace the Z-8 and Russian Mi-17.

The Z-18 is a single-rotor helicopter with tail rotor and a non-retractable landing gear, thought to be based on the Avicopter AC313, an updated design based on the earlier Harbin Z-8, itself a development of the Aérospatiale Super Frelon.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 03, 2016, 01:02:39 pm
US Army 2016 European Best Squad Competition

The U.S. Army hosted the annual Best Squad Competition in Grafenwoehr, Germany with teams going head-to-head in 30 different challenges. This years competition, which emphasizes joint readiness and on bringing NATO partners together, focused on sniper team qualifications.

The competition included a friendship shoot, a high-angle shoot from a helicopter, a water shoot from a boat, advanced marksmanship and night shooting. Some of the physical events included stalking, a terrain run, a 20-kilometer foot march, an obstacle course and land navigation.


The results for the 2016 European #BestSquad Competition are in:

First place is Forsvaret / Hæren (Norway).

Second place is Försvarsmakten (Sweden).

Third place is Defensie – La Défense – Belgian Defence (Belgium).

Congratulations to the teams who placed and thanks to all the European and NATO nations who took an active part in building international camaraderie, esprit de corps, interoperability and readiness on a personal and individual level during this friendly competition.


This year’s Best Squad Competition includes competitors from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The four-day competition, with approximately 30 events, will test multinational sniper squads on land navigation, advanced marksmanship, medical simulations and more.

The Best Squad Competition is designed to project a dynamic presence, foster military partnership and promote NATO and partner nation interoperability.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 12, 2016, 02:49:06 pm
Estou a gostar bastante deste projecto Turco!


The vehicle architecture contains protection systems against mines, rocket propelled grenades and kinetic energy threats. In addition up to date electronic subsystems are also integrated together with high performance power pack, heavy duty suspension and tracks which enables the vehicle to carry heavy loads such as 105 mm gun systems.
KAPLAN is a new generation armored fighting vehicle that has the ability to move together with main battle tanks, has a 22-25 Hp/ton power-to-weight ratio, which takes into account the weight of the communication system and the automatic transmission.

KAPLAN has a low silhouette, and with its twin 6 road wheeled tracks, has the ability operate in hot/cold weather conditions at high speed not only on asphalt and stabilized highways, but also in soft soil, muddy and rough terrains. The advanced suspension system, tracks has been designed to reduce vibration and increase road holding. Access to the vehicle is gained through a personnel door on the ramp or the hydraulic ramp located at the rear of the vehicle. On the top, there is a wide hatch for personnel and another hatch that has been specifically designed to maximize the driver’s field of view. The maintenance and repair of the power pack are performed via the cabin access hatch and hatches that are at the front of the vehicle. The two fuel tanks are located at the rear for balance and are fully-armored and isolated from the vehicle to ensure the security of personnel.



KAPLAN is one of the very few vehicles that have amphibious characteristics. Thanks to the two water propulsion systems located at the rear of the vehicle, KAPLAN can perform in deep and water current rate. It can perform pivot turns in the water and even move backwards. In addition to this, it allows the driver to enter the water without any preparation.

The hull of KAPLAN is manufactured and integrated using a ballistic welding technique. The hull is water resistant together with the hatches and lids are water-proofed via seals. While the power pack cabin and the expanded driver area are located in front of the vehicle, the gunner and the commander areas are located in the middle of the vehicle. The personnel carrier version can carry 8 troops in the rear, and the turreted version can carry 6 dismounts.

Survivability systems such as, reduced thermal signature, laser warning system and sniper detection and CBRN protection systems are also applied the vehicle.

There are also laser-protected glass periscopes that allows the driver to see outside with wide angle of view which provides, high situational awareness. Integrated night vision systems is standard in all variants.

The vehicles structural design enables to improve complete family of vehicles consist of different variants.

Misson Specific Features

Multi-mission capable vehicles
Mechanized / Armored infantry
Special operations
Independent infantry operations
Full spectrum conflicts


 :arrow: h
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 12, 2016, 02:55:08 pm (
Belarus' Minotor-Service has developed a new tracked light armoured vehicle (LAV), IHS Jane's has learned.

Designated Breeze, the vehicle consists of an upgraded one person turret - originally installed on the Volgograd Tractor Plant BMD-2 airborne assault vehicle (AAV) - that is integrated onto a new light-tracked platform developed by Minotor-Service.

The turret retains its 30 mm 2A42 dual-feed cannon and a 7.62 mm PKTM co-axial machine gun (MG). A total of 300 rounds of 30 mm ammunition and 2,000 rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition are carried.

Mounted on the right side of the turret is a pod of two KBP Instrument Design Bureau Kornet-EM laser guided anti-tank missiles; this is coupled to what the company describes as "an automated day/night sight" that is mounted on top of the turret on the left side.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 13, 2016, 12:36:57 pm
Deve ser para as suas VDV (Tropa Aero-Mecanizada).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 28, 2016, 09:51:59 am (
A empresa de defesa e segurança Saab recebeu uma encomenda para entregas do sistema de armas anti-tanque NLAW. As entregas ocorrerão em 2016 e 2017.

O sistema NLAW combina a simplicidade das armas leves anti-blindagem com as vantagens dos pesados sistemas de mísseis guiados por operadores. Com NLAW, um único soldado pode destruir um tanque de batalha principal pesadamente protegido (MBT) com apenas um tiro. O soldado pode dentro e além do alcance de combate desmontado normal, imediatamente após a detecção de alvo, independentemente da atitude, sem ter que montar o sistema, carregar a arma e completar um lock-on antes do lançamento.

“Há um crescente interesse e demanda por armas anti-tanque leves no mercado e esta encomenda é uma forte prova da confiança de nossos clientes no sistema NLAW”, diz Görgen Johansson, diretor de área de negócios da Saab Dynamics.

“Em muitos países, tem havido um grande foco na última década na construção da capacidade de lutar uma guerra contra o terror, mas agora vemos que muitos países novamente percebem também que a capacidade de lutar contra um inimigo mecanizado moderno, no nível do soldado individual, cada vez mais importante. Um sistema como o NLAW fornece essa capacidade “, diz Görgen Johansson.

A natureza da indústria é tal que, dependendo das circunstâncias relativas ao produto e ao cliente, informações adicionais sobre o cliente não serão anunciadas.

O NLAW (Next Light Light Anti-Tank Weapon) é um sistema de mísseis anti-tanque lançado de ombro que ataca o tanque por cima. O sistema foi originalmente desenvolvido para a Suécia e Grã-Bretanha e cumpre os requisitos para um moderno sistema anti-tanque de armas em operações internacionais, bem como a defesa nacional.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 04, 2017, 04:24:29 pm
Indonesia suspends military cooperation with Australia after training material insult
By Indonesia correspondent Adam Harvey and Andrew Greene

 Members of the Indonesian Army's Kopassus special forces patrol.
PHOTO: Indonesia's Kopassus special forces train in Perth. (Reuters: Edgar Su )

Indonesia has suspended all military cooperation with Australia, allegedly over insulting training material on display at an Australian Special Forces base in Perth.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Janeiro 14, 2017, 04:35:13 pm
A Alemanha vai enviar quatro helicópteros NH-90 e quatro helicópteros de ataque Tiger para o Mali ainda no início deste ano como parte da missão das Nações Unidas. Vão substituir os Chinook e Apache holandeses que estavam até ao momento lá.

Germany to send Tigers and NH90s to Mali (

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 17, 2017, 11:59:03 am
American Women Are Signing Up for Combat in Unexpected Numbers
Women have qualified for combat jobs at double the rate U.S. Army officials expected, but their future is uncertain

“I have to admit that there was a time when I was on the other side of the argument,” Rachel Washburn said. “I thought, like maybe full integration isn’t what’s best.”
In college, she was a Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader before she commissioned as a U.S. Army intelligence officer. She’s hardly the traditional archetype of an American warfighter.
However, when the U.S. military’s Joint Special Operations Command launched a program to attach women to special operations units as members of “cultural support teams” to help with intelligence gathering, Washburn felt called to at least try.
“Even though I wanted to go in and I wanted to be close to combat, and I was obviously felt called to do something like the cultural support mission — or maybe if things had been different I would have branched infantry—[but with] the politics of integration, I was kind of hesitant about what does integration really look like?” she explained.
“[Then] I got on a team and saw how much value added there is to harnessing all sorts of talent regardless of gender.”

During Washburn’s first deployment as a junior officer, she was attached to a small U.S. Army Special Forces team doing when the Pentagon called “village stability operations.” She lived in a small mud compound and helped gather intelligence and track insurgents.
Along the way she got in firefights with the Taliban and navigated Afghanistan’s rugged landscape. Sometimes she would be accompanied by just one fellow soldier or an Afghan interpreter. It was a high risk, high stress assignment — and it transformed her view of herself and what she could do.

“All those stereotypical arguments people have against integration, I saw them first hand debunked,” Washburn said.
“You have the hygiene concerns, you have men wanting to defend women, you have women falling out of very long movements, women not reacting properly to a firefight — I saw all of those things not manifest in the way people are worried about, and it just made me incredibly passionate for the need for women to have the ability to pursue any job they want to in the military.”
Washburn is a member of a unique generation of women in the U.S. military’s history. In 2016, the Pentagon officially opened all military jobs to female applicants as part of an initiative laid out by the Obama administration.
The shift followed the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy enacted under the Clinton administration. Those rules banned openly gay troops from joining or serving in the military. A separate rule — since repealed by Congress — criminalized consensual same-sex conduct within the military.
The integration process is already well underway. In December 2016, the Army reported that a higher number of women than expected had been joining and qualifying for ground combat jobs as both new recruits and transfers — double the number senior leaders had predicted. Many have already reported for duty at their units.
“The female attrition rate is lower or the same as men,” U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Hugh Van Roosen said. “These are women who are physically fit and absolutely prepared for this.”
In January 2017, the U.S. Marine Corps reported the first batch of female infantry Marines were arriving at their units at Camp Lejune, North Carolina, all of which had to meet the Corp’s new, tougher standards for combat units. Even though women are joining and succeeding at a higher rate than many military leaders predicted, it will still take time before full integration.
“Relatively small cohorts of female and male officers are currently being trained together and assigned to the same company as a way of gradually adjusting the culture in male-dominated units before female enlisted soldiers begin to graduate this summer,” an Army news release stated.
The prospect of full integration of women into ground combat jobs has evoked heated debate between those who argue it’s about equal opportunity and broadening the talent pool and those who argue it will threaten military readiness.
Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory cast some doubt on the potential future of a fully gender integrated force. Trump — a military high school graduate who got five draft deferments and once boasted that avoiding sexually transmitted infections was his “personal Vietnam” — suggested during the campaign that he might move to reinstate the military’s policy of combat exclusion.
As proponents of a gender integrated force prepare for a potential battle, a 2013 American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against the U.S. government brought by several female veterans challenging the policy of combat exclusion could find new relevance.
Despite the Obama administration’s move to integrate women, the ACLU never dropped the suit.
“Both the Combat Exclusion Policy and the order repealing it are at the discretion of the Department of Defense,” Colleen Farrell, a Marine who was among the women party to the suit, explained. “The new administration’s Secretary of Defense could re-impose the ban on women in combat.”
“Additionally, a Republican congress could legislate a ban,” she continued. “Until women are fully integrated in every service, our lawsuit will remain relevant.”
However, whether in official combat jobs or not, women have already been fighting for years.

Despite the official ban on women in ground combat units that was in place for most of the post-9/11 era, women were regularly in the line of fire in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
There is a military maxim — the enemy always gets a vote. The chaotic nature of counterinsurgency warfare doesn’t allow for cleanly delineated boundaries between “combat” and “non-combat.” There was — and is — always the potential for a fight.
In March 2005, a group of around 50 Iraqi insurgents ambushed a U.S. military convoy. Members of the Army’s 617th Military Police Company fought back.
One of the soldiers in the unit was then-23-year-old Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester. For her actions, which included killing three enemy insurgents, Hester received a Silver Star, the third highest award a soldier can receive for valor in combat.
In Iraq, American commanders regularly sent military police units — not technically combat units — on patrols and to advise and train local police. These jobs took the military cops “outside the wire” and into harm’s way. Some soldiers called them the “co-ed infantry.”
“It was that one job where you can get out there and get dirty and be in an infantry-type environment,” Hester later told The Tennessean. “I guess it was one of the more exciting jobs in the military for women when I enlisted and it still is now.”

But it was far from the only job that took women into battle.
Women took part in convoy operations down bomb infested roads, diffused bombs as members of explosive ordinance disposal teams, worked with local officials as members of civil affairs teams and went out into insurgent territory as human intelligence gatherers.
Each job was potentially fatal.
“I really found that the formative years for me were when I was a captain,” said Kate Germano, a Marine veteran who’s now the chief operating officer of the Service Women’s Action Network, an advocacy group for women serving in uniform.
Germano is a combat veteran who served in Iraq and deployed on several emergency humanitarian operations during her time with the Marines.
“I would say that the Marine Corps is very, very good at putting differences aside when it needs to most and that’s what I take away,” Germano said. “My best memories are those types of bonding experiences with my peers.”
She said the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan fundamentally changed many of the discussions about the role of women in war.
“Women were operating in every MOS [Military Occupational Specialty] except for the ground combat jobs for the past 16 years, proving themselves more so than in any other combat environment in our history,” Germano explained. “It made it more difficult to defend women not being in combat.”
The questions for military professionals became less about whether women could endure combat. The conversation turned to how the military should deploy female troops in combat, and whether that meant incorporating women into traditionally male dominated fighting units.

For instance, the U.S. military had long included women on missions to help build trust among local populations, or if needed, to search local women for weapons or contraband. Over time, military leaders began creating specially trained teams of women that received extra combat training and were attached directly to combat units.
Cultural norms concerning relations between men and women are a complex matter in the Middle East and South Asia — where many of America’s recent wars have been fought. The Free Syrian Army at one time had more female combat leaders than the U.S. military. War Is Boring documented Kurdish women in combat in Iraq.
But many regions are much more conservative than others, and violating local norms can cause long lasting problems. For instance, a man putting his hands on a woman to search for weapons could be seen as an obscene violation.
Farrell, who followed her sister into the Marine Corps, originally trained as an air support control officer, akin to a military air traffic controller, but ultimately spent little time in the job. When she learned that newly formed Female Engagement Teams needed recruits for duty in Afghanistan, she jumped at the opportunity.
“I have always been an athlete and interested in the military,” Farrell explained. “I chose the Marine Corps because of the history and traditions, the discipline and physicality, and the esprit de corps.”
“As soon as I got to the fleet, I volunteered for the Female Engagement Team and spent a majority of the next three years training and deploying with the team,” she added. “All Marines want to fight at the tip of the spear, and the Female Engagement Team allowed me to do that.”
As part of these units, increasing numbers of women went on missions carrying the same equipment as men, sometimes for days at a time. Not all of the men were immediately on board with the idea.
When Washburn went to Afghanistan in a cultural support unit attached to an Army Special Forces team, she observed growing pains as the team’s male soldiers adjusted.
“We were the first females they’d ever worked with,” she said. “Frankly they weren’t sure how best to utilize us … we kind of had to win their hearts and minds first.”



Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 19, 2017, 11:01:20 am
T-62M e BMP-1 para a Síria:
Deve ser aquilo que os russos tinham a mais.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 21, 2017, 12:18:16 pm
Cá estão eles.
Sempre pensei com que material iria a Rússia apoiar o reequipamento do exército sírio e que uns T-62 ou T-64 da reserva com alguma modernização serviriam bem.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 23, 2017, 11:16:33 am (
The PGZ-07 twin 35 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) system currently in service with China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been upgraded with the addition of a new sensor pod.

The existing sensor pod is positioned above the tracking radar, which is mounted on the forward part of the turret, and includes a laser rangefinder to ensure that the target is within the effective range of the 35 mm cannon. The additional sensor pod is mounted to the right of the tracking radar.

The sensor pods contain a number of systems, including a charge-couple device (CCD) camera and a thermal imager, that enable the 35 mm cannon to be used in almost all weather conditions.

Furthermore, the pods can be used if electronic countermeasures are jamming the surveillance and tracking radars, or if adversaries are using anti-radiation missiles (ARM).

The 35 mm cannon used in the PGZ-07 are Chinese-manufactured versions of the Swiss Oerlikon (today Rheinmetall Air Defence) KDA, which are also used in the similar German Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Gepard twin 35 mm SPAAG.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 19, 2017, 02:14:44 pm (

Finland will purchase K9 Thunder 155 mm self-propelled howitzers from South Korea, the country's defence ministry (MoD) confirmed on 17 February.

According to the MoD announcement, Finnish defence minister Jussi Niinistö has approved the purchase of 48 former South Korean Army K9s at a cost of EUR146 million (USD155 million). The MoD stated this includes training, spares, and maintenance. The contract also includes options for the procurement of additional K9s, the MoD added.

The move has been expected since the MoD announced in July 2016 it was beginning direct negotiations with South Korea to buy K9s. At the time, the MoD said the choice to pursue the K9 over other options on the market was due to price, and the compatibility of the system with a conscription-based military. The Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) have been conducting trials of the K9 since late 2016, some of which Jane's witnessed.

Deliveries of the howitzers to Finland are due to begin during 2017, in order to begin staff training this year. Finnish conscripts are due to begin being trained on the K9 in 2019, while deliveries of all 48 systems are due to be completed by 2024. This timeline accords with previously released Finnish plans to declare initial operating capability with a new howitzer in 2020 and full operating capability in 2025.

Purchasing the K9 will enable Finland to phase out the majority of its old Soviet-designed artillery systems. Currently the FDF operate a number of Soviet-era and -calibre artillery pieces, including the towed 130 mm M-46, self-propelled 152 mm 2S5 Giatsint-S, towed 122 mm D-30, and self-propelled 122 mm 2S1 Gvozdika. The K9s are expected to supplement the FDF's existing NATO-calibre artillery pieces, including its towed 155 mm 155 GH 52 APU systems.

Although not mentioned by the MoD, it is expected that the K9s will need to go through an overhaul, modification, and modernisation process before entering FDF service.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 29, 2017, 09:59:29 am (
The first of 309 Piranha 5 armoured personal carriers (APCs) for the Royal Danish Army was rolled out on 17 May in a ceremony at the facilities of manufacturer General Dynamics European Land Systems - Mowag (GDELS-Mowag) in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland.

The Piranha 5 was selected by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) for the Royal Danish Army's APC requirement in April 2015.

The first seven pre-series vehicles, which are built in the infantry combat vehicle (ICV) configuration, will be put through a comprehensive test programme, starting in the second half of 2017.

Upon successful completion of the test programme by the end of the year, deliveries will start in early 2018. All Piranha 5s are set to be in service by 2023, according to the Danish Ministry of Defence.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 29, 2017, 08:43:31 pm
Suécia militariza Gotlândia com os olhos postos na Rússia

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: perdadetempo em Maio 30, 2017, 09:13:54 pm
A escolha do exército dinamarquês para substituir o M109 (

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas) MOWAG PIRANHA5 A CAMINHO
Enviado por: tenente em Junho 08, 2017, 06:01:07 pm
Analysis: Can the Piranha devour the APC competition?

08th June 2017 - 13:00  by Christopher F Foss in Kreuzlingen

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The first example of the Danish Army's Piranha 5 APC was rolled out in May (Photo: Christopher F Foss)

General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS-MOWAG) is hoping for increased sales of its latest 8x8 Piranha 5 armoured personnel carrier (APC) following the handing over of the first of 309 examples to the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) in May.

Production is now underway at a new final assembly and integration facility in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland with some ten vehicles already on the production line.

In addition to the first contract for 309 Piranha 5s, there is also an option for an additional 141 vehicles, which would bring the fleet up to 450 units, although this is not expected to be firmed up for a number of years.

In addition, Spain has selected the Piranha 5 to replace its currently deployed 6x6 BMR-600 and four prototypes will be supplied by GDELS-MOWAG to GDELS Santa Barbara Sistemas in Spain where volume production will eventually be undertaken.

Now that the Piranha 5 is in quantity production for Switzerland and has been selected by Spain, GDELS is hoping for extra export sales to keep the production lines running.

The Swiss Army is due to order a batch of Piranha APCs fitted with the RUAG Defence 120 mm Cobra advanced mortar, and there is also another potential army requirement for several hundred APCs.

Romania continues to take delivery of the Piranha 3 and the vehicle has recently been demonstrated in Bulgaria to meet one of its requirements.

Verification acceptance tests should be concluded and user acceptance test completed by the end of 2017. This will allow for deliveries to start to the DALO early in 2018 followed by deliveries to the Danish Army in 2019.

In the APC role, the Danish Piranha 5 has a crew of three consisting of commander, gunner and driver plus nine dismounts.

As well as the APC version, the Danish Army will likely acquire five specialised versions of the Piranha 5 including ambulance, command, engineer, heavy mortar and recovery.

According to Pederson, ‘exact quantities of the specific numbers of each variant have yet to be decided’.

All the Piranha 5 vehicle variants will have the same roof line as the APC apart from the ambulance which will have a higher roof line for greater internal volume for its specialised role.

According to the Danish Army, the 120 mm heavy mortar version will be a turntable-type firing through open roof hatches rather than a turret-mounted mortar system. The mortar type has yet to be selected by the DALO.

The engineer variant will be fitted with a wide range of specialist equipment at the front of the hull including mine clearing devices, dozer blade and fascines on the roof to drop into ditches. Some of the Danish Piranha 5s will be fitted with a remote weapon station (RWS) armed with a .50 M2 HB machine gun (MG) on the right side of the roof.

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The Danish Army currently uses the BAE Systems Bofors Lemur (RWS) armed with a .50 M2 HB MG on a number of platforms which were supplied from 2007 and there are potentially other options.

The RWS is provided as government furnished equipment (GFE) as is the communications equipment.

All of the Piranha 5s for Denmark are powered by a Scania diesel engine coupled to a ZF automatic transmission and feature powered steering on the first, second and four road wheel stations.

Like earlier Piranha variants, the latest Piranha 5 was developed as a private venture and was unveiled at Eurosatory in Paris in 2010 and, when compared to earlier vehicles, has more volume, payload and protection.

It can be fitted with a wide range of weapon systems including a Belgian CMI Defence Cockerill 3105 two-person armed turret with a 105 mm gun fed by an automatic loader.

Typical gross vehicle weight (GVW) for the Piranha 5 is around 33 tonnes, of which 15 tonnes is payload which includes armour package, weapons, ammunition, fuel and crew.

Standard equipment includes an air conditioning system, NBC system, cameras for situational awareness through 360 degrees, electronic architecture and height adjustable semi-active suspension.

The British Army also has a requirement for a mechanised infantry vehicle (MIV) for its Strike Brigades and the Piranha 5 could be one of the vehicles offered. This is actually one of the few remaining European 8x8 competitions, along with those mentioned above.

In addition to the Piranha 5, GDLS has also said that it could offer the UK a number of other 8x8 platforms – including the LAV 6.0 and LAV 700 – depending on exactly what the customer requires.

For Denmark, the DALO placed a contract in January 2016 for 309 Piranha 5 vehicles plus an integrated logistics support (ILS) package valued at DKK4.5 billion ($679 million).

According to Brig Gen Anders Pederson, Chief of Staff of the DALO: ‘The Piranha 5 programme is on time and on budget.’

Denmark is the launch customer for the latest Piranha 5, which was selected to replace the army’s current fleet of upgraded FFG M113 series of tracked APCs following trials with five tracked and wheeled APCs.

The competition included the BAE Systems Hagglunds CV90 Armadillo, FFG PMMC G5, GDELS-MOWAG Piranha 5, GDELS Santa Barbara Sistemas Pizarro 2 and Nexter Systems VBCI.

Production of the Piranha 5 for Denmark will run through to 2023 with the first company being operational by 2020 and the first battalion by 2021.

The first seven pre-series Piranha 5s in the APC configuration will be put through an extensive series of tests, which will include hot weather trials at Yuma Proving Ground in the US.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 22, 2017, 03:20:45 pm
Canadian elite special forces sniper makes record-breaking kill shot in Iraq

A sniper with Canada’s elite special forces in Iraq has shattered the world record for the longest confirmed kill shot in military history at a staggering distance of 3,450 metres.

Sources say a member of Joint Task Force 2 killed an Islamic State insurgent with a McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle while firing from a high-rise during an operation that took place within the last month in Iraq. It took under 10 seconds to hit the target.


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Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 19, 2017, 03:38:47 pm
Este general ainda os tem no sitio !!!!!!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 19, 2017, 04:31:11 pm
Este general ainda os tem no sitio !!!!!!

Ainda recentemente tivemos um CEME e dois outros Oficiais Generais a demitirem-se e o que eu mais ouvia era boquinhas foleiras sobre como o que eles queriam era tachos...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 19, 2017, 04:39:46 pm
Este general ainda os tem no sitio !!!!!!

Ainda recentemente tivemos um CEME e dois outros Oficiais Generais a demitirem-se e o que eu mais ouvia era boquinhas foleiras sobre como o que eles queriam era tachos...

como um dos instrutores me dizia no meu COM,  " os cães ladram e a caravana passa ".

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 26, 2017, 12:33:58 pm
SEA DRAGON 2025: Small Unit Leaders’ Thoughts

Based on experiences from the 2016 MAGTF Integrated Experiment (MIX), six months of different battalion training events, and executing Integrated Training Exercise 1-17 (ITX 1-17) as part of our Corps’ SEA DRAGON campaign, 3d Bn, 5th Marines’ small unit leaders have identified trends in using new technology and different tables of organization through repetitive, hands-on employment. Cast against a variety of enemy threat scenarios forecasted in the Marine Corps Operating Concept (MOC),1 we have experienced firsthand: the friction of previous training meeting new ideas, gaps in conceptual understanding causing missteps in execution, and had the opportunity to create new techniques and procedures to solve emerging problems – all while still dealing with the day-to-day infantry battalion life and training requirements. We are grateful to have had all of these opportunities to date.  The goal of this article is to provide feedback on the “best of” or “most critical” concepts and capabilities that we feel must be pursued to ensure “superior infantry is a Marine Corps asymmetric advantage,” as per the MOC’s explicit guidance.2

C2: Digital, Interoperable, Flat, Federated, and Shared

Our command and control (C2) networks must be brought into the future, now. First and foremost, we must re-invent the acquisitions wheel, specifically figuring out ways to enable our small units to leverage the revolution in commercial information technological advances that our enemies are readily using. There is no reason that it takes us almost a decade to field a new communications device while our adversaries just pre-order the latest Samsung or iPhone, create an ad-hoc network over whatever waveform is available, and out communicate us at the tactical level. The C2 acquisitions system must be streamlined to allow our small units to rapidly test and field current and emerging technologies.

With so many emerging technologies, what kind of system, or system of systems, should be developed? For understandable reasons, each element of the MAGTF has unique requirements that input into their respective C2 system to help enable and drive decision making.  Thus, the baseline network should enable operating on different waveforms, depending on the best suited or least interfered with (much the way we have historically chosen between VHF or HF, for example). Components of the MAGTF, to include smaller tactical formations down to the rifle squad level, should be able to access this backbone – or Wider Area Network (WAN) to use a civilian model – through a radio such as the soon-to-be fielded next generation handheld (NGHH) or SOF tactical communications (STC).3 This WAN is our tactical Internet, allowing us to share information seamlessly and fluidly whenever, and however, we are able to connect to it. To this end, we need a digital battalion Tac 3 and 4 (and platoon, company, and even regiment) that are on available waveforms to serve as our Local Area Network (LAN). Americans have secure, modifiable, and adaptable LANs in every house in neighborhoods across the Nation – the same should be true for tactical, small unit formations. The tactical LANs will allow digital sharing of information, key to decentralized decision making in the future, and multiple LANs should be available at any time to allow us to use the best available waveform. For example, a complete list of company tactical nets to be used for voice and data, both internal as LANs or to the higher headquarters in the WAN would read:

Co Tac 1 – VHF SINCGARS voice

Co Tac 2 – VHF SINCGARS voice

Co Tac 3 – ANW2, simultaneous data and voice, including sensor information

Co Tac 4 – Trellisware-TSM-X, simultaneous data and voice, including sensor information

(This framework for useable communications nets could be replicated at every level.)

Utilizing a common radio and common handheld or wearable device that can plug into this network would allow specific elements of the MAGTF to have their own applications to provide information management while also allowing seamless consolidation and sharing of information on the network. Radios at the headquarters elements at all levels would be responsible for bridging information across the LANs and to higher headquarters as well. The endstate should be a federated – no longer hierarchal – network that allows individual combat formations to operate independently if required, while also, depending on the conditions in a given combat environment, enable the unit to connect and share information across all networks to provide a common operational picture. A small multi-terabyte hard drive attached to a computer power unit, which is connected to each network, could mean a server to cache information and store it to share with adjacent, higher, and subordinate units whenever connectivity is achieved from even the most dispersed units.  This would create the following:

1st Squad, 1st Platoon, Company X is part of a company clearing operation and has a sUAS airborne that has identified an enemy position. 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon, Company X is on the opposite side of the company formation, but the enemy is to his front. The squad leader, after being informed and shown by his infantry systems operator (ISO) or his assistant to the squad leader (ASL) and joint fires observer (JFO), is able to “see” what the sUAS is able to see, multiple kilometers away, and orient on the enemy. All the while, depending on the situation, he, his ISO, or ASL is text chatting and talking VOIP [voice over Internet Protocol] over Co Tac 4 to their very adjacent squad leader. Simultaneously, the company sees what the squads and small unit leaders are all seeing. Within seconds the battalion is tracking all the digital traffic as well, to include locations of all friendly units and any possible geometry of fire issues resolved. No traffic was passed over VHF communications, which are often degraded in urban environments, rather than optimized for them such as the NGHH/STC’s TSM-X illustrated in Figure 1. This scenario has been trained to and the operations order accounted for this – with no direction from higher the 3rd Squad Leader in 3rd Platoon understands his intent, knows he is able to defeat this enemy position organically, and he acts – Immediately and With Knowledge!

Figure 1.

Additionally, we have learned so far there is no such thing as too much information. There can certainly be poor information management, but increased information, if we have proper information management processes in place, becomes increased knowledge. Today’s Marine grew up in the Information Age and was nurtured by the Internet. Today’s Marine had Google instead of a hard spine encyclopedia. He is comfortable in an information rich environment.  Just as Google organizes our search results, with simple information management techniques we can trust today’s Marine to sort and identify what information is critical to him at that time and place. Applications, common interfaces, and consolidation and sharing of information across all networks is critical. The Marine Corps would be wise to devise a flat network that maximizes information organization and sharing (simply!) and that will update as distant units come on and off the net.

Rifle Squad Size: 15 Marines

“We recognize that operations in urban areas are the most likely to occur and the most dangerous. Urban areas are complex terrain, which emphasizes the need to maneuver in the human dimension of conflict… Conducting operations in very large urban areas… can soak up personnel resources in labor-intensive ground actions.”

- Marine Corps Operating Concept, September 2016

If our Service truly desires to achieve all that the MOC describes for our infantry small units, the 15 Marine rifle squad, as illustrated in Figure 2 is, at a minimum, the way to go.  This organization accounts for the integration of advanced technologies to enhance the squad’s situational awareness and battlefield understanding per the unanimously approved Marine Requirements Oversight Council August 2015 Marine Expeditionary Rifle Squad (MERS) Initial Capabilities Document (ICD).5  This organization also provides the rifle squad the flexibility and lethality required to win the direct fire fight in a complex, most likely urban environment.

Figure 2.

The 13 Marine rifle squad is a proven construct to fight and win in complicated direct fires engagements. The employment of assault, support, and security is easily accomplished, squad leaders are able to effectively lead subordinate elements of “3,” and each fire team is capable of independent combined arms. This model has proven effective on islands in the Pacific, mountains in Korea, jungles in Vietnam, dense urban sprawl in Iraq and villages and intersecting farmlands in Afghanistan – in everything from daily patrols to deliberate attacks to straight up clearing in zone. We cannot afford to sacrifice the killing efficiency and combat power that three combined arms fire teams possess, but we do need to enhance their capabilities to provide the currently absent asymmetric advantages that the MOC mandates.

The “new” fire team should be fundamentally constructed in the same manner as today. However, the fire team’s Marines’ weapons should all be M27 IARs [infantry automatic rifles], with one Marine still designated as the true “automatic rifleman.” This frees up the old “assistant” automatic rifleman to become a combat multiplier. Each fire team within the squad would have a different specialty training requirement for their new “combat multiplier” capability, creating enhanced fire teams with unique abilities that together enhance overall squad combat power. 1st Fire Team will have an infantry Marine with specialized demolitions and rocket proficiency, 2nd Fire Team an unmanned air/ground/water system (UxS) operator  that will be operated as needed, and the 3rd Fire Team a counter-UxS. The strength of this model is that it builds a table of organization that allows the infantry to adapt to the future -- the combat multiplier is an infantry Marine with additional, specialized, and formal training which can be modified to fit future requirements.

The rifle squad also needs a “fighting headquarters” which will bring the unit size to 15 Marines. This headquarters will consist of the three Marines: the rifle squad leader (0365), the assistant to the squad leader (0311 that has graduated the Advanced Infantry Course and JFO course6) and an infantry systems operator (0311 that is the squad’s UxS and digital communications subject matter expert). The ISO’s primary mission is to operate and employ assigned unmanned systems in support of the rifle squad, be it UAS or UGV, and if and when necessary, he integrates the 2d Fire Team’s UxS operator to assist in carrying equipment or to operate a second system. The ASL is knowledgeable on the employment of the rifle squad, will act as an “in the know” radio operator and serve as the squad’s certified fires coordinator and observer. On one end, this Marine will manage information and provide to the squad leader knowledge that is critical to his decision making and reporting with higher headquarters. He will also assist the squad leader in the employment of technologies such as KILSWITCH and its connection to persistent close air support (PCAS) airborne systems (more on this below), as well as other fires capabilities.7 On the other end, the ASL will also conduct pre-combat check/pre-combat inspection of the squad’s new equipment. Ultimately, the ASL and ISO allow the actual rifle squad leader to control his teams, fight his squad, and supervise the employment of new capabilities to support his Marines in the “last 600 meters.”

Infantry Weapons Systems

To achieve the MOC vision, our infantry small units need different weapons and equipment:

1. M27 should be the Marine Infantry Service Rifle. Infantry Marines serving in the rifle squad should carry the M27 for its increased accuracy, cleaner operating system, and higher rate of fire. Some worry that equipping Marines with the M27 will lead to wasting ammunition, but we have found that through proper training, which would be enhanced through introduction at Infantry Training Battalion, the proper fire discipline is able to be taught and understood by Marines. Within the fire team, one Marine is still designated as the true automatic rifleman. The other Marines in the fire team carrying the M27 will allow the squad leader the ability to order his entire squad to fire on automatic as required. As a general rule, any automatic fire should be employed on the bipods (which should be improved and made more durable like the old M249 bipods) and at ranges up to 50m unless ordered by exception from the unit leader. The abundance of automatic fire enhances the close in, urban fight as well; for example, making entry into rooms. Additionally, one M27 per platoon should be given an improved scope to use in the designated marksman role.

2. The M4A1, which provides automatic fire but is lighter weight, should be the Marine Infantry Support Service Rifle and should be carried by the squad’s fighting headquarters as well as all unit leaders and those carrying crew-served systems.

3. Our rifles should be suppressed. This will cost money up front (but much will be saved in Veteran’s Affairs disability claims for tinnitus and hearing loss in the long term), but allows for a greater level of concealment/force protection and communication when in contact with the enemy.

4. The Carl Gustav should exist at the squad and platoon level. Its increased range and use by the U.S. Army, Special Operations Command, and key U.S. allies provides us increased, sustainable combat power when we have to fight ashore and integrate into the joint logistics infrastructure. The multiple munitions to choose from also grant new capabilities in the direct fire fight. An example for Range 400, the popular “standard” company attack of ITX: bunkers could be destroyed from Machine Gun Hill before closure occurs, greatly increasing the company and platoon’s ability to shape the enemy appropriately and increase tempo.  The image below, taken by 3/5’s Kilo Company, highlights the battalion’s experiences with the Carl Gustav.

5. Precision guided munitions (PGM) must be brought to the company level as a way to reduce the amount of ammunition to be carried, increase probability of hit, and reduce collateral damage in the forecasted urban fight. This may be done in two ways. First, develop a PGM for the Carl Gustav (see China Lake’s Spike Missile as an example for innovation or possible adaptation). Second, increase the capability and use of light miniature attack munition (LMAM) systems. Currently, LMAMs provide the company commander the ability to support platoons and squads with a hip pocket PGM. Again, at Range 400 at ITX, we used LMAMs effectively, especially when teamed with other intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets, to rapidly destroy the enemy 82mm mortar position. The LMAMs should be capable of using GPS or terminally controlled by each squad’s ASL and certified JFO.

6. The M320 Grenade Launcher. This weapons system is a reliable, proven grenade launcher used by the US Army. Attachment becomes an issue: The M27 becomes very front heavy and unstable, and is only mounted via drilling holes in the M27 handrail or using a different handrail.  Our recommendation is that M320s be assigned to grenadiers as secondary weapons much like the old M79; M203s are still employed on M4A1s, and in the future a lighter weight, under-barrel mounted grenade launcher may be developed for the M27. Additionally, development of a medium velocity round that can increase the range and transition from an HEDP [high explosive, dual purpose] to an HE round would be advantageous for general purpose and more realistic for use against strong points often protecting enemy crew-served weapons.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 09, 2017, 05:27:21 pm

Mais informação :
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Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 18, 2017, 05:22:32 pm
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Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 04, 2017, 10:59:05 am (
Malaysia’s Deftech unveiled a converted Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Condor 4x4 logistics support vehicle prototype during Malaysia’s Independence Day parade on 31 August.

The original armoured personnel carrier (APC) has been converted into a flatbed logistics support vehicle, with the primary intention of transporting and supporting Deftech’s Aludra unmanned aerial vehicle, though the vehicle can be employed for general logistics support as well.

The conversion involves removal of the top half of the APC’s troop compartment and transforming the freed space into a flatbed to transport supply containers securely. With the passenger space eliminated, internal personnel capacity is now limited to only the driver and vehicle commander.

Deftech is also considering the installation of an integral loader crane to facilitate loading and unloading.

Jane’s has learnt that the prototype vehicle was developed in late 2015 by Deftech under a company funded initiative based on the requirement for a rugged mobility vehicle to transport the Aludra UAV.

The Aludra UAV system had earlier been deployed under a services-based contract to support Malaysian Armed Forces operations in East Malaysia, although the contract has recently expired and is in the process of being renegotiated.

Although the logistics vehicle variant is currently not a Malaysian Army requirement, then Malaysian Army Chief (now Chief of Defence Force) General Raja Affandi told Jane’s in April 2016 at the Defence Services Asia (DSA) exhibition that the army’s plan for the modernisation and upgrade of its Condor fleet – should funding for the program be approved – would include some of the fleet being converted into flatbed logistic transports.

Deftech also displayed its Condor upgrade prototype at the parade. This effort involves the replacement of its 168 hp Mercedes Benz engine with a 215 hp Deutz engine, an independent axle replacing the rigid axle, an automatic transmission replacing the t manual transmission, and a new drop box which will increase the vehicle’s power output of 491 Nm at 1600 rpm to 800 Nm at 1200-1700 rpm.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Setembro 19, 2017, 01:49:26 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Outubro 06, 2017, 01:02:11 pm
Armada da Colômbia está interessada no Sistema ASTROS 2020


Por Carlos Vanegas

Em 20 de setembro último, militares colombianos visitaram o 6º GMF baseado no Forte Santa Bárbara, no município de Formosa-GO. Uma comitiva com membros da Armada da República da Colômbia (ARC) e da Força Aérea Colombiana (FAC), conheceram as especificações técnicas e tudo relacionado com o sistema ASTROS 2020, fabricados pela AVIBRAS.

Durante a visita, foi realizada uma conferência institucional pelo comandante do 6º GMF, o tenente-coronel Elson Lyra Leal e uma demonstração do Sistema ASTROS 2020. Em 2013, a AVIBRAS teria oferecido seu sistema ASTRO 2020 ao Exército Colombiano, mas agora é a Marinha, através do Corpo de Fuzileiros, que estaria interessado em equipar-se com pelo menos duas baterias do sistema ASTROS 2020 para ser usado como um sistema de defesa costeira.


O sistema ASTROS 2020 pode operar o míssil AV-MT 300 ‘Matador’ e o foguete orientado SS40G (180mm), o fabricante afirma que o sistema tem uma autonomia de até 300 quilômetros, cada bateria é composta por 1 veículo de comando e controle, 6 lançadores múltiplos, 6 veículos para munição, 1 veículo de controle de incêndio, 1veículo de oficina e 1 veículo meteorológico.

A delegação colombiana foi representada pelo contra-almirante José Joaquim Amézquita García, diretor de programas estratégicos da ARC, pelo coronel César Felipe León Giraldo pela FAC, e o pelo capitão Jaime Gálvez Moreno da ARC, que foram acompanhadas pelo brigadeiro-geral José Julio Días Barreto, gerente do programa estratégico do exército brasileiro “ASTROS 2020” e do coronel Nereu Augusto dos Santos Neto, do Ministério da Defesa.

Participaram também o vice-presidente comercial da AVIBRAS, José De Sá Carvalho Jr., o executivo de vendas da AVIBRAS, Patrício Enrique Bejar Rejas e o gerente da AVIBRAS, Elcio Prado Martins da Costa.

FONTE: ( /
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 10, 2017, 03:31:38 pm
Agência Europeia de Defesa lança o Projeto OMBT-Leo2

A Agência Europeia de Defesa (EDA) lançou um projeto para aumentar as capacidades das Viaturas Blindadas de Combate Carro de Combate (VBCCC) em serviço no continente europeu, este projeto recebeu o nome de "OMBT-Leo2".

No âmbito do projeto, a EDA espera transferir as plataformas disponíveis de Leopard 2 A4 que estejam excedentes em certos países para outros Estados-Membros.

A iniciativa, conjunta e compartilhada, em um primeiro momento concentrar-se-á na locação ou venda do Leopard 2 A4 visando sua redistribuição. Posteriormente, esses carros de combate podem receber um pacote de atualização, transformando-os na versão 2 A7.

A atualização das VBCCC para versões mais modernas deverá ter um impacto positivo no setor de defesa europeu e também contribuirá para a manutenção da excelência da Base Tecnológica e Industrial Europeia (EDTIB).

O estudo de viabilidade produzido pela EDA fornecerá informações sobre o conteúdo e os custos do pacote de Suporte Logístico Integrado que poderá ser fornecido pelos parceiros industriais.

O pacote abrange a manutenção periódica e agendada, além dos valores estimados dos custos do ciclo de vida dos blindados atualizados, de acordo com a EDA.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 15, 2017, 10:29:07 pm

UkrOboronProm unveils model of new MR18 radar can detect stealth aircraft
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 27, 2017, 11:03:26 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 08, 2017, 01:03:52 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 16, 2017, 04:57:31 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 28, 2017, 10:13:24 am (
Rwandan SH3 self-propelled howitzer spotted

A Norinco 122 mm SH3 tracked self-propelled howitzer was observed in service with the Rwandan Defence Forces (RDF) for the first time on 10 November, with President Paul Kagame’s office releasing a photograph of a vehicle that participated in a combined-arms exercise designated ‘Hard Punch II’.

The SH3 superficially resembles the PLZ-89 in service with China’s People’s Liberation Army, but it is an entirely different vehicle, with a stated combat weight of 24.5 tons compared with the PLZ-89’s 20 tons. The variant was not previously known to have been exported, and no longer features in the Norinco catalogue.

The system that participated in the exercise may have been one of six unidentified large-calibre artillery platforms that China exported to Rwanda in 2007, according to Beijing’s confirmation to the UN Register of Conventional Arms at the time. The RDF is also known to possess Russian-manufactured 2S1 self-propelled howitzers, which feature similar 122 mm D-30-derived guns.

The Rwandan Ministry of Defence stated that Hard Punch II was carried out at the Combat Training Centre Gabiro on 10 November, and demonstrated “how different military capabilities are integrated and synchronised during a military operation at the level of an infantry division”.
A Rwandan SH3 self-propelled howitzer is seen with an RM-70 multiple rocket launcher in the background. Source: President Paul Kagame

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Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 08, 2017, 04:18:18 pm (
The Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) is retiring its 9K33 Osa (SA-8 ‘Gecko’) mobile surface-to-air missile systems as part of its on-going reorganisation, a Jordanian military source has confirmed to Jane’s .

The JAF announced on its website in late September that it was offering 52 Osas for sale. The source said five countries and companies have expressed interest in purchasing the systems, including the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and a US company. Both Poland and Ukraine are still Osa operators, but the Czechs retired theirs in 2006.

The JAF was considering contracting Belarus to upgrade its Osas, but decided to abandon the modernisation programme as it was unable to find the required money, the source said.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 03, 2018, 04:24:46 pm
Up-armored Leclerc operational with UAE Army

The United Arab Emirates is operating a variant of the Leclerc main battle tank (MBT) fitted with applique armor. This armor is understood to be explosive reactive armor (ERA) made by Dynamit Nobel Defence (DND) of Germany. In 2016 the company was contracted by the military of the UAE to provide reactive armor kits for more than 200 Leclerc MBTs. According to the official report on arms export from Germany, the contract has a total value of €125.84 million, suggesting that each ERA kit costs about €500,000.




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Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 10, 2018, 01:47:36 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 17, 2018, 03:03:12 pm
Suécia vai distribuir aos cidadãos um guia de preparação para a guerra


O Governo sueco vai editar em Maio uma versão atualizada de “Om Kriget Kommer” (E se a guerra chegar), um guia ilustrado com informação prática para a população. O guia é uma “reedição” de um manual enviado pela primeira vez em 1943 e que posteriormente foi utilizado durante a Guerra Fria.

A agência sueca para as Contingências Civis, dependente do ministério da Defesa, vai elaborar a brochura, cuja publicação é justificada pelo Governo “devido ao deterioramento das condições de segurança na Europa”, em especial, “nos países que rodeiam a Suécia”, numa alusão às tensões com a Rússia.

O guia, cujo título pode ainda ser alterado, pretende aumentar o conhecimento da população sobre como reagir, caso existam situações de crise ou que exijam uma rápida mobilização e faz parte de um plano para reforçar a Defesa Civil, explica a agência sueca, citada pelo Financial Times.

“A sociedade precisa de estar preparada para um conflito, e não apenas os militares. Não utilizamos palavras como “defesa total” há mais de 30 anos, o que quer dizer que os conhecimentos da matéria entre os cidadãos são muito fracos”, afirma Christina Andersson, líder do projeto na agência sueca.

O guia foi atualizado aos tempos de hoje e tratará temas actuais como as alterações climáticas, o terrorismo ou os ataques cibernéticos: “O foco era só na guerra, mas a sociedade de hoje é completamente distinta e as ameaças são mais complexas. As pessoas têm de ser informadas e saber como reagir”, acrescenta a responsável.

A Suécia é um país neutro associado à NATO e alterou a sua política de Defesa nos últimos três anos, intensificando a colaboração com a Aliança Atlântica. Também aumentou consideravelmente o seu orçamento para a Defesa.

Entre várias medidas implementadas, destacam-se o envio pela primeira vez desde 2005 de um destacamento permanente para a ilha báltica de Gotland; o restabelecimento do serviço militar obrigatório e um acordo parlamentar para permitir a permanência de tropas da NATO no seu território.

Por causa deste acordo, o país nórdico organizou em setembro as maiores manobras militares em 24 anos, com cerca de 20 mil soldados e pessoal civil e 1500 militares dos Estados Unidos, Estónia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Lituânia, França e também a neutra Finlândia.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 31, 2018, 12:33:45 pm
Ucrânia testa míssil nacional

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Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 02, 2018, 11:45:39 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 08, 2018, 12:59:03 pm
Turkish active protection system ‘Akkor Pulat’ to equip tanks in Syria
March 2018

Developed by the Turkish company Aselsan and the country's top scientific body, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), an active protection system is ready to be retrofitted on Turkish tanks in Afrin.

Turkish active protection system ‘Akkor Pulat’ ready to equip tanks (Picture source: ASELSAN)

In a share on Twitter, the undersecretary of state for the defense industry, Ismail Demir, said that the active protection system "Akkor Pulat" developed by the Military Electronic Industry (ASELSAN) and the Turkish Institute Research and Scientific and Technological Development (TUBITAK SAGE), had passed the tests successfully.

Demir said the active protection system would soon be integrated with the tanks on mission in Afrine in Syria, as part of Operation Olive Branch launched on January 20 to neutralize PKK/KCK/PYD members, YPG and DAESH, as well. Last week, Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli said that around 91% of the weapons the Turkish forces are using in Operation Olive Branch were domestically-produced.

PULAT is effective in both asymmetric warfare and operational environment of main battle tanks. It can also handle multiple threats effectively at the same time as a result of its distributed architecture. The system can be adapted to different armored vehicles by altering its modular and distributed system solution. It is aimed at intercepting close-range anti-tank weapons and long-range guided anti-tank missiles by detecting them with high-technology radars at a definite distance. This way, it provides 360 degrees of protection for tanks on the battleground, depending on the placement of the modules on the platform, against anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) and rockets.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 09, 2018, 03:25:36 pm
Em que ficamos, os Turcos desenvolveram ou compraram?!

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 11, 2018, 12:42:06 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 06, 2018, 10:59:49 am
MMP fifth generation land combat missile system - MBDA

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 24, 2018, 09:58:56 am
Textron TAPV armoured vehicles for Canadian Calgary Regiment

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Textron's TAPV (Picture source: Cpl Beaudoin)

 On 22 April, the King’s Own Calgary Regiment unveiled their newest 4x4 armoured vehicle – Textron’s Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV) – to mark the unit’s regimental anniversary known as St. George’s Day. 500 of the TAPVs will be put into service in the Canadian Forces, with 307 GU (General Utility) variants and 193 outfitted as reconnaissance vehicles.

 The TAPV programme began in 2009, and in 2012 the contract was awarded to Textron Systems Inc. On August 16, 2016, Textron systems delivered the first units to the Canadian Army.

 500 vehicles have been purchased, valued at $603.4 million, and a second contract for their support at $105.4 million to conduct in-service support for the fleet for five years following the last vehicle delivery. The TAPV will replace the reconnaissance role currently carried out by the Coyote reconnaissance vehicles (LAV II), and the patrolling, liaison, and VIP transport roles formerly carried out by the Armoured Patrol Vehicle (RG-31). The TAPV will complement the Light Utility Vehicle Wheeled (G-Wagon).

 The TAPV is powered by a Cummins QSL diesel engine, which provides 365 horsepower (272 kW), allowing the vehicle a maximum speed of 105 km/h (65 mph), and a maximum range of 644 km (400 miles). The vehicle utilizes an independent suspension axle system originally developed by Irish Timoney, and it has a central tire inflation system to prevent flat tires during combat operations.

 The TAPV has a V-shaped hull, which provides protection against mine and improvised explosive device (IED) blasts. The vehicle also has a high ground clearance, which increases protection from mine and IED blasts. It can withstand up to 10 kg of explosive force directly under its hull, and can resist even 12.7mm armour-piercing rounds. Each of the seats in the vehicle is blast protected, and the vehicle has vented wheel wells to disperse the energy of an explosion out from the vehicle.

 The TAPV is slated to have a remote weapons system based on the M151 Protector. The weapon system is called the Dual Remote Weapon System, and can mount both a C6 7.62mm machine gun and either a HK GMG 40 mm automatic grenade launcher or an M2HB 12.7mm heavy machine gun. The vehicle also possesses smoke grenade launchers located throughout the hull that can fire 350 grenades per minute up to one kilometre.

 Lieutenant-Colonel Christopher Hunt, commanding officer of the King’s Own Calgary Regiment, says that the biggest advantage of having access to the vehicle is that his soldiers will be able to integrate their training with the regular forces. “This allows us to train with a modern armoured fighting vehicle and it’s also used by the regular force, so we are able to integrate for large scale collective training and on operations overseas.” It takes two weeks for soldiers to qualify to drive on these vehicles, after they’ve completed their basic soldier training and a month’s worth of basic armoured crewman training.

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PS A nova e muito melhorada "Chaimite" lá do sitio .

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 24, 2018, 10:36:58 am
Não se arranja uma versão Porta-Morteiro?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 24, 2018, 10:45:10 am
Não se arranja uma versão Porta-Morteiro?

Pensaste exactamente o que eu pensei quando compilei a info e as fotos, uma versão Porta morteiros nesta viatura vinha mesmo a calhar, mas, mesmo como viatura de rec era uma boa compra termos uma dúzia deles, mas enfim.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 24, 2018, 10:48:31 am
e não é que cá está ela a versão porta morteiro !!!!

COMMANDO Select vehicle variants

The COMMANDO Select family of armoured vehicles includes four variants: COMMANDO Select armoured personnel carrier (APC) with turret, APC ambulance, 90mm direct fire vehicle and mortar vehicle.

The COMMANDO Select mortar indirect fire vehicle, unveiled at the ‘International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX)’ in 2013, is intended to deliver superior firepower from a protected mobile platform.

"The mortar vehicle variant is capable of carrying a commander, driver and two mortar crew members."

The mortar vehicle variant is capable of carrying a commander, driver and two mortar crew members. The vehicle can fire 120mm mortars through a common mount and stow 82 rounds of high explosive illumination and smoke munitions. The firing elevation of the vehicle is between 45° and 85°. It is capable of firing at an azimuth of 360°.

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The 90mm direct fire armoured vehicle, introduced at the ‘AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition 2013’ in Washington, is equipped with a lightweight cockerill CSE 90LP turret from CMI Defence. The two-man weapon system incorporates a cockerill Mk3 90mm low-pressure gun. The turret provides additional firepower and combat support day and night in counter-insurgency and legacy combat operations. The vehicle has a crew of four members, including driver, commander, gunner and loader.

The COMMANDO Select APC with turret can carry three crew members (driver, commander and gunner) and four dismounts. The vehicle accommodates three crew and seven troops when fitted with an objective gunner protection kit (OGPK) or a remote weapon station (RWS). It offers increased security, mobility and endurance.

The COMMANDO Select APC ambulance offers protection for medical crew against explosions during the treatment and transport of patients. The vehicle can accommodate three crew, two ambulatory patients and two litter patients.

COMMANDO Select vehicles are optionally integrated with mission equipment based on customer specifications. The family also includes additional variants, namely command and control vehicle, engineering vehicle, maintenance vehicle, OGPK and recon vehicle.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 29, 2018, 11:33:15 am
M119 105mm howitzers on Humvees for US infantry brigades
 Posted On Friday, 27 April 2018 17:14

 The European (potential) theatre of operations appears adequate for using a more mobile 105mm howitzer than a towed version. Hence a clever adaptation of the long-serving M119 howitzer, so much appreciated in the U.S. infantry brigades, on a light 4x4 vehicle.

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M119 105mm howitzer mounted on a Humvee (Picture source : Army Recognition)

So, work is underway to have a Humvee-mounted 105mm M119 Howitzer in the Army’s infantry brigade combat teams. Recent artillery demonstrations during the Maneuver and Fires Integration Experiment at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, drew the interest from the House Armed Services Committee’s subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces. Light artillery within infantry units must by improved.

So, to meet this goal, a new self-propelled light howitzer must be further developed, a relevant tool” to face sophisticated, quick-fire counterbattery systems,” according to language in the subcommittee’s draft version of the National Defense Authorization Act, released this week. Adding the artillery could “address the indirect fire capability gaps in the IBCTs,” subcommittee members wrote.

The M119 Howitzer has long served as a towed artillery piece but mounting it on a light 4x4 would give troops a way to maneuver more quickly around the battlefield, avoiding artillery counter-fires. It is easily foreseeable that Russian artillery is powerful enough for various scenarios in which NATO forces would be prevented from entering certain battle spaces, should conflict erupt in parts of Europe such as the Baltic region.

To that end the Army has also reverted previous infantry units to their armor origins, such as with the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The ABCT served as an armored brigade in the 2003 Iraq invasion but transitioned to an infantry brigade following drawdowns. It has since reconstituted itself as an armor brigade. Moves such as these in recent years have all been aimed at a potential mechanized ground fight in Europe.

Heavier artillery platforms such as the155mm M109A7 Self-Propelled Paladin Howitzer are again favoured. “Back to the future!”

105mm howitzers mounted on highly mobile 4x4 vehicles like Humvees that are available by the thousands, be it to refurbish from storage areas like the old Avengers are, appears to be a very attractive and cost-efficient solution.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 02, 2018, 03:00:11 pm
Eis uma solução barateca para a Brigada de Intervenção.

Imagino um Unimog com esta engenhoca, seria fantástico!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 07, 2018, 05:05:54 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 08, 2018, 12:40:56 pm
US Army soldiers have demonstrated Automated Direct Indirect Mortar ADIM

 Posted On Monday, 07 May 2018 12:07

 In April 2016, U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division have demonstrated the automated mortar system Automated Direct/Indirect Mortar (ADIM) mounted on HUMVEE tactical vehicle during a multinational joint equipment training exercise with the U.S. military at Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, as part of a Robotic Complex Breach Concept demonstration.

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A U.S. Soldier assigned to the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, simulates loading a vehicle mounted Automated Direct/Indirect Mortar (ADIM) during a Robotic Complex Breach Concept assessment and demonstration, at Grafenwoehr, Germany, April 6, 2018. (Picture source US Army)

 The ADIM, currently an 81mm mortar weapon system, uses "soft recoil" to reduce the firing loads transmitted to the platform by a factor of eight, well within the limits of the HMMWV (or other light tactical vehicles) capacity. This enables mounted firing and supports rapid mobile operations.

 An associated benefit of the soft recoil system is the ability to fire the weapon (direct) at low quadrant elevations (QE) as well as (indirect) at high QE to either compensate for terrain interferences or take advantage of the reduced time of flight associated with low QE firing solutions.

 ADIM functions are automated so that operations normally conducted manually by the Soldier can instead be executed via electro-mechanical actuators controlled by the weapon Actuator Control System (ACS), which was also developed by Picatinny engineers and is a government owned technology.

 ACS operation is directed by the Automated Fire Control System -- Mortar (AFCS-M) which is an enhanced version of the fielded M95 Mortar Fire Control System (MFCS).

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The ADIM, currently an 81mm mortar weapon system, uses "soft recoil" to reduce the firing loads transmitted to the platform by a factor of eight, well within the limits of the HMMWV (or other light tactical vehicles) capacity. (Source picture U.S. Army)

 The AFCS-M provides the human interface for controlling the loading/unloading, emplacing, aiming and firing of the ADIM.

 A key capability associated with the AFCS-M is the incorporation of an inertial navigation unit and GPS receiver, which enable full-time emplacement of the ADIM and thus eliminate the long setup and reset times of several minutes associated with traditional surveying and aiming stake methods.

 The ACS and AFCS-M combination enables rapid execution of mobile "shoot and scoot" operations to reduce Soldier exposure to enemy fire and susceptibility to counter-fire. AFCS-M also provides the ability to operate the ADIM via remote control as an unmanned weapon system operated by Soldiers in a protected (Fire Direction Center) location. An ideal application for this is Forward Operating Base (FOB) protection.

 Although the ADIM can be fired remotely, it is designed to require a Soldier to identify the target and make the decision to fire as prescribed in DoD Directive 3000.09 Autonomy in Weapon Systems. ADIM automation and Fire Control reduces the Soldier burden while increasing survivability.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 09, 2018, 07:27:09 am
Oshkosh Defense showcases its S-ATV combat vehicle at SOFEX 2018 Jordan

 Posted On Tuesday, 08 May 2018 16:12

 American Company Oshkosh Defense, LLC, an Oshkosh Corporation company showcases its Special Purposes All-Terrain Vehicle (S-ATV) at the Special Operations Forces Exhibition & Conference (SOFEX), that takes place May 8-10 in Amman, Jordan. The S-ATV was unveiled at Modern Day Marine exhibition in September 2012.

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American Company Oshkosh Defense showcases its S-ATV Special Purposes All-Terrain Vehicle at SOFEX 2018, Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference in Amman, Jordan. May 8, 2018. (Picture source Army Recognition)

 The S-ATV is lightweight and agile, with a modular design to meet a diverse range of mission requirements for armed forces in the United States, Middle East, and around the world. This new Special Purpose All-Terrain Vehicle (S-ATV) was especially designed to perform unconventional and reconnaissance missions.

“Building on the success of Oshkosh’s proven off-road military vehicles, the Oshkosh S-ATV is a military-grade platform that is rugged, versatile, and built for speed,” said Mike Ivy, Vice President and General Manager of International Programs, Oshkosh Defense. “With its superior levels of off-road mobility and maneuverability, as well as its ability to disembark aircraft with primary weapons ready to fire in 60 seconds or less, the S-ATV enables Special Forces units to deploy quickly with stealth and agility in the most severe environments.”

The S-ATV comes equipped with the Oshkosh TAK-4i® intelligent independent suspension system, providing soldiers with superior maneuverability and a smooth ride. The Oshkosh S-ATV can operate in the harshest terrain with a 70 percent off-road profile capability and cruising range of 800 km at 110 kilometers per hour, with a top speed of 145 km/h.

 The S-ATV is fitted with a 360° ring mount circular station mounted on the top middle of the crew compartment which can be armed with a 12.7mm or 7.62mm machine gun. Another 7.62mm or 5.56mm is mounted at the rear of the vehicle. A swivel weapon station with one 7.62 mm or 5.56mm machine is available on the side window for the vehicle commander.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 27, 2018, 07:37:04 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 31, 2018, 11:36:55 am (

The Lithuanian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on its website on 18 July that the country’s first two Boxer infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) prototypes have entered trials in Germany under the leadership of the Artec industrial consortium between Rheinmetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW).

The MoD stated that the main goal of the trials is to identify any weaknesses or defects in the vehicles, which it considers integral to Lithuania’s military modernisation.

The trials will test the electronic and mechanical elements of the Boxer to the maximum possible levels to assist in the identification of any deficiencies and allow for adjustments before full-scale production begins.

Members of the Lithuanian armed forces will take part in the trials, providing them with the opportunity to gain experience in the operation of the vehicles. Prior to this, the Lithuanian forces only had access to driver training variants.

The project manager, Lithuanian Army Major Nerijus Šivickas, said, “Compared to last year's driver training vehicles, these combat vehicle prototypes are much more complex, [and] they have more and different equipment.”

Once the trials are completed, the vehicles will be returned to factory conditions and delivered to the Lithuanian Army in early 2019, provided no adjustments are required.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 05, 2018, 07:09:06 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 09, 2018, 09:07:23 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 10, 2018, 09:00:37 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Barlovento em Setembro 11, 2018, 11:56:30 am

Tremendo poder militar el nuestro, ya vamos a poder dar de baja los prehistóricos M-24 y sustituirlos por los anticuados M-41.

Esperemos que en futuros ejercicios no se le ocurra a nadie intentar un disparo y suceda un lamentable accidente, pues el recalibrado de 75 a 90, dejó muy delicados los cañones.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 12, 2018, 11:55:44 am (


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Setembro 13, 2018, 01:53:50 pm
The Republic of Korea Army has fielded the K-153C anti-tank guided weapon carrier, which is based on Kia Motors’ 4x4 Light Tactical Vehicle chassis and armed with the LIG Nex1 Raybolt missile system. Source: IHS Markit/Kelvin Wong

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The Republic of Korea Army (RoKA) has unveiled a new anti-tank guided weapon carrier at the DX Korea 2018 exhibition.

The K-153C ATGW carrier was introduced in 2017 as part of the service’s ongoing tactical vehicle fleet recapitalisation efforts, which include replacing the army’s ageing K-131 (Kia Motors KM420) light utility vehicles and K-311A1 (Kia Motors KM450) cargo trucks with a more survivable and agile multirole platform that can be readily configured for a variety of missions.

 The 5.7 tonne vehicle – which is operated by a crew of four including the driver, commander, gunner, and loader – is based on the standard wheelbase version of Kia Motors’ Light Tactical Vehicle (LTV) and measures 5 m long, 2.2 m wide, and 2 m high.

 The primary armament of the K-153C is a roof-mounted twin mount for the indigenous Raybolt anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system and its associated Observation and Launch Unit (OLU) – a target acquisition device equipped with a day/night thermal sight. The weapon has been developed by the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and manufactured by LIG Nex1 to replace the RoKA and Republic of Korea Marine Corps (RoKMC) BGM-71 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked and Wire-guided) missiles.

 Jane’s understands from a RoKA spokesperson that the fire-and-forget capability of the Raybolt ATGM increases the K-153C vehicle’s lethality and survivability as it carries a tandem high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) shaped charge that can defeat up to 900 mm of rolled homogeneous steel under explosive reactive armour protection. The vehicle carries up to four ready-to-fire Raybolt missiles in their launch tubes in its rear cargo bay.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Setembro 28, 2018, 03:30:23 pm
ADAS 2018: Upgraded M113 vehicles on display (video)

28th September 2018 - 08:36 GMT | by Gordon Arthur, Richard Thomas in Manila

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With the Philippine Army undergoing a modernisation push under the Horizon 1 and 2 programme, ADAS 2018 provided an ideal opportunity for Elbit Systems and the service to showcase upgraded M113 armoured vehicles to delegates and international visitors.

Gordon Arthur, Asia-Pacific editor at Shephard, provided a run through of the kinds of upgrades that have taken place already and what the next stage could see in terms of additional firepower and capability for these venerable vehicles.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 07, 2018, 05:15:24 pm
Saab, Raytheon to Demonstrate a Guided Munition for Carl Gustaf M4 Recoilless Rifle

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Three test firing of Carl-Gustaf guided munitions are planned for 2020 in Sweden

The Raytheon Company and Swedish aerospace and defense firm Saab are developing a guided munition for the Carl-Gustaf man-portable, shoulder-launched weapon system under a U.S. Army contract. This new munition answers a U.S. Special Operations Command requirement to increase the capability of the multirole Carl-Gustaf weapon system built by Saab.

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The munition’s advanced warhead is designed to penetrate light armor, bunkers and concrete structures while decreasing collateral damage. With increased range, the new munition will offer greater protection for ground troops by enabling them to fire at targets from inside structures or buildings. Photo: Saab

Under the contract, the team will provide all-up-rounds for three test firings against threat-representative targets. Test firing of the guided Carl-Gustaf munition is planned for 2020 in Sweden. In 2017, Raytheon announced its partnership with Saab to develop new weapons for infantry forces.

“The Carl-Gustaf system paired with this new guided munition gives U.S. and coalition dismounted forces a tremendous advantage on the battlefield,” said Kim Ernzen, Raytheon Land Warfare Systems vice president. “The munition is intended to enable ground troops to engage multiple targets precisely at distances up to 2,000 meters, including moving targets.” The munition’s advanced warhead penetrates light armor, bunkers, and concrete structures while minimizing collateral damage.

With increased range, the new munition offers greater protection for ground troops by enabling them to fire at targets from inside structures.

The recent contract continues work on “Massive Overmatch Assault Round” (MOAR) awarded to Saab Dynamics in 2016. “Focused on the Carl-Gustaf and AT4 shoulder-fired weapons, which are already fielded and procured under U.S. Army Programs of Record allows the research to remain focused on the munition itself, rather than developing a completely new solution, we are seeking to apply improved capabilities to existing systems” Görgen Johansson, Head of Saab’s Dynamics business area said at the time of the MOAR award.

Será que ainda teremos algumas destas munições para os nossos Carl-Gustaf ???

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 29, 2018, 11:26:28 pm
Spain looking for new mounted mortar
Andrew Galer, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 29 October 2018

The Spanish Army is to announce a requirement for a new mounted mortar system in 2020, Jane's has learnt.

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An Expal EIMOS system firing during a firepower demonstration in Almeria, Spain. (IHS Markit/Charles Forrester)

Speaking at the IQPC Future Mortars Conference in London on 24 October, Lieutenant Colonel Fernando Cano Artero of the Spanish Army told Jane's the service will be looking for a 120 mm mounted system to replace its Elbit Cardom systems.

Current modernisation plans will see a decision being taken in 2020, with both the Alakran system from Everis Aerospace/NTGS and the EIMOS system produced by Expal expected to be in contention (although the EIMOS is currently only configured for 81 mm mortars).

PS E uma vintena destes morteiros para a BRR, que tal ?? A viatura até é um VAMTAC........... ;) 8)

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 30, 2018, 10:47:31 am
Spain looking for new mounted mortar
Andrew Galer, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 29 October 2018

The Spanish Army is to announce a requirement for a new mounted mortar system in 2020, Jane's has learnt.

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An Expal EIMOS system firing during a firepower demonstration in Almeria, Spain. (IHS Markit/Charles Forrester)

Speaking at the IQPC Future Mortars Conference in London on 24 October, Lieutenant Colonel Fernando Cano Artero of the Spanish Army told Jane's the service will be looking for a 120 mm mounted system to replace its Elbit Cardom systems.

Current modernisation plans will see a decision being taken in 2020, with both the Alakran system from Everis Aerospace/NTGS and the EIMOS system produced by Expal expected to be in contention (although the EIMOS is currently only configured for 81 mm mortars).

PS E uma vintena destes morteiros para a BRR, que tal ?? A viatura até é um VAMTAC........... ;) 8)


Eu estava a pensar mais na BrigInt.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Barlovento em Outubro 30, 2018, 12:19:43 pm
España ya ha tenido que comprar de urgencia algunas unidades de este sistema para uso en misiones internacionales por su facilidad y prontitud para entrar en fuego. Otros sistemas exigen mover el vehículo portador del mortero, mientras que este dispara en 360°

Como inconvenientes están su alto precio y complejidad.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 10, 2018, 08:49:15 pm
IndoDefence 2018: EXPAL presents EIMOS mortar system for the 1st time in APAC


EXPAL brings to the South East Asia Pacific region its integrated mortar system EIMOS, designed to increase accuracy, reliability and survivability of Armed Forces’ operations in the battlefield. The company is showing the latest revision of the EIMOS onboard mortar system in its stand at Indo Defence 2018 exhibition in Jakarta.

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EIMOS integrated mortar system on Expal stand at IndoDefence 2018 (Picture source Army Recognition)

EXPAL's EIMOS system, which has been in service since 2015, is the natural evolution of the conventional 81/60 mm mortar system. This mobility solution for mortar units integrates a 81 mm mortar (interchangeable with 60 mm) on a high mobility 4x4 vehicle, improving accuracy and reliability. This solution integrates also EXPAL’s TECHFIRE fire support information system, acting as a ballistic calculator, automatic aiming and firing system, as well as command and control system. All these functionalities let units quickly share targets, fire orders, impact adjustments among others. SHEPHERD-MIL, a mini UAV, completes EIMOS solution acting as an unmanned forward observer for the onboard mortar system and fully integrated into TECHFIRE.

A very quick time of deployment (less than 20 seconds), automatic aiming and firing with high accuracy, high effective hydro-pneumatic recoil absorption, fast fire rate, “shoot & scoot” capability and share of vital battlefield information, reflects the pursuing of troops survivality for different kind of missions.

The EIMOS system is part of EXPAL's one-stop shop solution, covering all lifecycle needs in indirect fire support missions in infantry operations, from ammunition and systems design and production to ammunition demilitarization.

Cá temos o belo do EIMOS de 81mm montado no ST5 Vamtac.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 15, 2018, 10:14:57 pm
Excalibur Army eyes Indonesian requirements with Pandur II CZ
Christopher F Foss, London - Jane's International Defence Review 14 November 2018

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The Pandur II CZ configured as an infantry fighting vehicle and fitted with ARES remote-controlled turret armed with 30 mm MK44 dual feed cannon and co-axial 7.62 mm MG. It is also fitted with the French Matravib Pilar V acoustic gunfire detection system on the turret roof. Source: Christopher F Foss

Czech company Excalibur Army has developed a new version of the 8×8 Pandur II CZ armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) called the Pandur II CZ Fire Support Vehicle (FSV), which has recently undergone trials in Indonesia alongside an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant.

The Pandur II CZ FSV is fitted with the Belgian CMI Defence CT-CV 105HP turret, which is armed with a 105 mm rifled gun fitted with a thermal sleeve, fume extractor, and muzzle brake. The gun is fed by a bustle mounted automatic loader that holds ready for use 105 mm ammunition.

The turret also features a co-axial 7.62 mm machine gun (MG) and an additional MG mounted on the left side of the turret roof. It is also provided with a bank of four electrically operated smoke grenade launchers.

A computerised fire control system (FCS) is fitted, with the commander and gunner equipped with stabilised day/thermal sights and a laser rangefinder. A commander’s panoramic sight is installed on the right side of the turret roof and enables hunter/killer target engagements to take place.

In addition to firing conventional natures of 105 mm ammunition, the 105 mm gun can also fire a Falarick laserguided projectile out to a maximum range of 5,000 m.
It has a high elevation of up to +42° that enables the vehicle to perform indirect fires.
The Pandur II CZ in the IFV configuration has been demonstrated in Indonesia fitted with a Brazilian ARES remote-controlled turret (RCT) armed with a Northrop Grumman Armament Systems 30 mm MK44 dual feed cannon and co-axial 7.62 mm MG.
It is also fitted with a computerised FCS and stabilised day/thermal sights incorporating a laser rangefinder for both commander and gunner, with the commander’s panoramic sight mounted on the top left of the turret.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 16, 2018, 12:29:37 pm
Royal Jordanian Army Awards SDLE A Multi-Million Euros Contract
(Source: Star Defence Logistics & Engineering; issued Nov 15, 2018)

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Spain’s Star Defence has been awarded a contract for the modernization of the Jordanian Army’s first-generation Centauro 8x8 armored vehicles, built in Italy and also in service with the Spanish Army. (SDL&E photo)

Star Defence Logistics & Engineering (SDLE) has won a multi-million Euros contract for the reactivation, maintenance and modernization of 80 first-generation Centauro Cavalry Reconnaissance Vehicles (CRV) of the Royal Jordanian Army.

This is the first time in the last twenty years that a company from the Spanish defense industry has obtained an export contract of this magnitude for maintenance, modernization of military armoured military vehicles and associated training.

The fleet of 80 Centauro CRVs, originating from Italy, will have its operational relevance extended through the modernization of the fire control system and the thermal cameras.

SDLE was selected in an international tender which also included the Centauro CRV manufacturer, the Iveco-Oto Melara (CIO) consortium.

The contract was signed a few months ago, after two years of negotiations, during which SDLE and the Jordan Army Forces (JAF) – in the Knowledge of the Spanish Ministry of Defense – have set the contractual scope.

The contract constitutes an integral service for which SDLE is committed with the JAF for provide technical assistance during the entire life cycle of these vehicles.

Training for the Jordanian Army

In addition to the modernization and supply of spare parts and special tools for the Centauro CRV, SDLE will provide the necessary advice and training for the reactivation of the vehicles by the Royal Jordanian forces.

In order to provide an Integrated Logistic Support (ILS), SDLE has dispatched a team of between 10 and 20 technicians and engineers to the facilities of the Royal Jordanian Army.

Star Defense Logistics & Engineering has an extensive experience as independent distributor of spare parts for military vehicles and equipment. SDLE is one of the main suppliers of the military sector in Spain, and is already exporting products and services to more than 25 countries.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 24, 2018, 12:48:57 pm
Lithuania to acquire 200 Oshkosh L-ATV multirole combat vehicles

FRIDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 2018 17:17

Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis announced on 22 November that the country plans to acquire L-ATV combat multi-role vehicles from the USA. According to citing the Lithuanian Defense Minister, it is anticipated that the L-ATV (JLTV) contract will be signed in 2020 and will cost $114 million (Euro 100 million).

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Oshkosh Defense L-ATV, or JLTV, demonstrated at DVD 2018 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

“The (technical) specifications are being finalized now. We plan to move toward final decisions next year or in 2020,” the minister said. “About 100 million euros have been earmarked,” he added. A potential contract, announced on 22 November by Raimundas Karoblis, will be worth more than $114 million (Euro 100 million) and covers delivery of up to 200 Light Combat Tactical All-terrain Vehicles (L-ATV), or JLTV, from Oshkosh Defense.

The vehicles would be distributed across the Lithuanian Armed Forces to fill a shortage due to “normal wear and tear” of equipment and increased demand, the Defense Ministry has said. Currently, the Lithuanian Armed Forces use HMMWV and Toyota Land Cruiser 200 armored all-terrain vehicles.

The Oshkosh L-ATV/JLTV is a light combat multi-role vehicle which combines field-proven technologies, an advanced crew protection system that provides MRAP-level protection and expeditionary levels of mobility in a light-duty profile. Equipped with the Oshkosh TAK-4i intelligent independent suspension system*, this Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle delivers new levels of agility to safely traverse rugged terrain and compressed urban areas. The L-ATV can be fitted with a wide range of remote-controlled weapon stations or ring mount 7.62 or 12,7mm machine gun. The L-ATV’s Oshkosh roof mounted turret is capable of mounting either an M240 machine gun, a Mk.19 grenade launcher or, a BGM-71 TOW anti-tank guided missile, all of which can be operated either from the turret or remotely inside the cabin.

100 milhões para 200 Oshkosh L-ATV/JLTV enquanto nós pagamos 60 milhões para 139 Vamtac st5, 1/2 milhão p Oshkosh contra 430 mil p/Vamtac !!!!

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 26, 2018, 12:19:13 pm
First pic I've seen of the Lithuanian BOXER's with the Israeli 30mm RCWS turret that is not a photoshop:

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Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: MATRA em Novembro 26, 2018, 12:53:58 pm
Lithuania to acquire 200 Oshkosh L-ATV multirole combat vehicles

FRIDAY, 23 NOVEMBER 2018 17:17

Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis announced on 22 November that the country plans to acquire L-ATV combat multi-role vehicles from the USA. According to citing the Lithuanian Defense Minister, it is anticipated that the L-ATV (JLTV) contract will be signed in 2020 and will cost $114 million (Euro 100 million).

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Oshkosh Defense L-ATV, or JLTV, demonstrated at DVD 2018 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

“The (technical) specifications are being finalized now. We plan to move toward final decisions next year or in 2020,” the minister said. “About 100 million euros have been earmarked,” he added. A potential contract, announced on 22 November by Raimundas Karoblis, will be worth more than $114 million (Euro 100 million) and covers delivery of up to 200 Light Combat Tactical All-terrain Vehicles (L-ATV), or JLTV, from Oshkosh Defense.

The vehicles would be distributed across the Lithuanian Armed Forces to fill a shortage due to “normal wear and tear” of equipment and increased demand, the Defense Ministry has said. Currently, the Lithuanian Armed Forces use HMMWV and Toyota Land Cruiser 200 armored all-terrain vehicles.

The Oshkosh L-ATV/JLTV is a light combat multi-role vehicle which combines field-proven technologies, an advanced crew protection system that provides MRAP-level protection and expeditionary levels of mobility in a light-duty profile. Equipped with the Oshkosh TAK-4i intelligent independent suspension system*, this Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle delivers new levels of agility to safely traverse rugged terrain and compressed urban areas. The L-ATV can be fitted with a wide range of remote-controlled weapon stations or ring mount 7.62 or 12,7mm machine gun. The L-ATV’s Oshkosh roof mounted turret is capable of mounting either an M240 machine gun, a Mk.19 grenade launcher or, a BGM-71 TOW anti-tank guided missile, all of which can be operated either from the turret or remotely inside the cabin.

100 milhões para 200 Oshkosh L-ATV/JLTV enquanto nós pagamos 60 milhões para 139 Vamtac st5, 1/2 milhão p Oshkosh contra 430 mil p/Vamtac !!!!


Oh diacho, qual é a nossa desculpa desta vez? São demasiado grandes para os KC? Colocando em perspectiva os 2 negócios, este parece muito melhor, mas confesso que desconheço os parâmetros do concurso.

Ainda tenho esperança, se nos arranjarem uma boleia, os que estão emprestados no Afeganistão, ainda venham cá para parar quando a missão acabar, senão o mais provável é acabarem nas forças afegãs, uma vez que o US Army, provavelmente até já os retirou do inventário activo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 26, 2018, 03:17:22 pm
Esta Oskosh estava nas favoritas do Exército juntamente com as Iveco e mais 3 viaturas.
Mas não apresentaram proposta para concurso.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: MATRA em Novembro 26, 2018, 03:21:01 pm
Pronto a nossa fama nos concursos já chegou longe :(
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 26, 2018, 03:37:51 pm
Acredito que também seja isso mas o que me venderam foi mais relacionado com a capacidade da linha de montagem.
Estas empresas preferem contratos grandes e acabam por ignorar os mais pequenos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 26, 2018, 05:03:36 pm
Slovenia orders SAAB Carl Gustaf M4 multi-role weapon system


Saab has received an order for deliveries of the new Carl-Gustaf® M4 multi-role weapon system to the Slovenian Armed Forces. Deliveries will take place during 2018-2020. Slovenia is a new customer of the Carl-Gustaf system, and Saab’s ninth customer for the Carl-Gustaf M4 version since its launch in late 2014.

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Carl-Gustaf M4 man-portable multi-role weapon system developed and designed by the Swedish Company SAAB. (Picture source SAAB)

The Carl-Gustaf M4 is the latest version of the portable, shoulder-launched, multi-role weapon system. It gives users a wide range of engagement options and allows troops to remain agile and effective in any scenario. It builds on the system's formidable capabilities, offering a higher degree of accuracy, lighter construction and compatibility with future innovations. The M4 is also compatible with future battlefield technology developments such as intelligent sighting systems and programmable ammunition.

“The Slovenian order is further proof that Carl-Gustaf M4 is the number one multi-role weapon on the market. We are happy to introduce the Slovenian Armed Forces to Saab’s Carl-Gustaf M4 with outperforming capabilities and high tactical flexibility, and we feel confident that the end user will be satisfied”, says Görgen Johansson, head of Saab business area Dynamics.

The new version retains all the effectiveness and versatility of the proven Carl-Gustaf system while introducing a range of major enhancements. These include a lighter weight design (weighing less than 7 kg), a round counter, improved safety and intelligent features, such as compatibility with future intelligent sighting systems and programmable ammunition, which collectively offer significant operational improvements for the soldier. The weapon is fully backward compatible with all ammunition types.

E nós ?? Não seria uma excelente aquisição para substituir os nossos Carl-Gustaf ???

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 27, 2018, 11:33:46 am
Claro que sim.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Dezembro 06, 2018, 07:15:54 pm
Centauro II Mobile Gun Systems takes shape

Christopher F Foss, London - Jane's International Defence Review 05 December 2018

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The first example of the CIO Centauro II 8×8 MGS showing its 120 mm smoothbore gun fitted with muzzle brake, muzzle reference system, and fume extractor. Source: Leonardo Defence Systems

Leonardo Defence Systems has confirmed that the Italian Army placed its first contract for 11 Centauro II 8×8 Mobile Gun Systems (MGSs) in July. Details about the contract were revealed to Jane's in November.

This order comprises the single prototype to be brought up to full production standard, as well as 10 new Centauro II vehicles and a two-year support package.

Extensive user trials resulted in several suggested improvements, and these are being fitted to the prototype that will be completed in 2019 for final test and evaluation.

Improvements include installing an identification, friend-or-foe (IFF) system, latest generation radios, and new grenade launchers that are to meet the European environmental requirements.

The commander and loader's hatches are to be capable of being lifted through 180°, and the driver's situational awareness is to be improved for driving in the closed-hatch position. The roof-mounted Hitrole remote weapon system (RWS), armed with a 12.7 mm machine gun (MG), will be repositioned because its location on the forward part of the turret roof can restrict the view through the commander's Leonardo Attila stabilised day (colour charge device camera)/third-generation thermal sighting system that includes a laser rangefinder.

Production of the complete hull and running gear will be undertaken at Iveco Defence Vehicles Bolzano facility, while the turret is to be manufactured at the Leonardo Defence Systems facility in La Spezia.

The first four production Centauro II 8×8 MGSs are slated to be complete in the last half of 2020, followed by another six in 2021. The Italian Army's total requirement for the Centauro II 8×8 MGS, funding permitting, is for 148 units in two batches of 74, with tranches within these batches.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Dezembro 13, 2018, 06:09:35 pm
Saab Receives Order from Ireland for RBS 70 Missiles (Source: Saab; issued Dec 12, 2018)

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The Bolide supersonic missile provides a de facto upgrade for the RBS-70 short-range air-defense system, seen here is Swedish service fitted with a night sight. (Saab photo)

Saab has received an order for RBS 70 BOLIDE missiles from Irish Defence Forces, the total order value is approximately 60 MSEK and deliveries will take place in 2019-2022.

Ireland has been a RBS 70 customer for more than 30 years; this order contains the BOLIDE missile, which is latest missile available for the RBS 70 system.

“With this order Ireland continues to improve their air defence capability. The BOLIDE missile is our most advanced RBS 70 missile yet, with a top speed of Mach 2 and an effective range for up to 9000 meters, it provides excellent protection for their forces and a deterrent to opponents”, says Görgen Johansson, Head of Saab business area Dynamics.

The Saab portfolio of short-range ground-based air defence missile systems includes the RBS 70 and the latest version, RBS 70 NG. The RBS 70 system has an impressive track-record on the market with more than 1,600 launchers and over 17,000 missiles delivered to nineteen countries.

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, Saab develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Dezembro 18, 2018, 04:49:01 pm
Spain’s Pizarro combat engineer vehicle takes shape
Christopher F Foss, London - Jane's International Defence Review 17 December 2018

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The CEV has a new hull with a higher level of protection. The front-mounted dozer blade can be replaced by other attachments. Source: GDELS-SBS

General Dynamics European Land Systems - Santa Barbara Sistemas (GDELS-SBS) is completing the first of 36 Pizarro combat engineer vehicles (CEVs) for the Spanish Army at its Seville facility.
Following company trials, the vehicle will be handed over to the Spanish Army for formal qualification in early 2019, and will then be followed by 35 production vehicles with final deliveries due in 2021.

The Pizarro CEV has a new all-welded steel hull design with a higher level of ballistic and mine protection than the Pizarro infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) deployed by Spain; this is based on General Dynamics' Austrian Spanish Co-Operative Development (ASCOD) platform.

Mounted at the CEV's front is a Pearson Engineering Common Interface Attachment (CIT), which enables various engineer equipment to be rapidly attached. All vehicles are to be fitted with the hydraulically operated Pearson Earth Anchor Dozer Blade (EADB), which can be used for earth moving, obstacle reduction, and mobility support tasks. This can be rapidly replaced in the field by the Pearson Engineering Light Weight Mine Roller (LWMR) or Surface Mine Plough (SMP) to neutralise scatterable mines and munitions.

Mounted on either side at the rear of the hull is a Pearson Engineering Obstacle Marking System (OMS), known as Pathfinder. When deployed on mine-clearing operations these are swung outside of the hull and dispense marker poles into the ground as the vehicle moves through the cleared minefield.

The Pizarro CEV's crew consists of a commander, gunner, and driver, and it can carry six engineers. The latter can be reduced by one to enable anti-tank mines (ATMs) to be carried for manual laying.
The vehicle is fitted with a Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Mini Samson remote weapon station (RWS) armed with a stabilised .50 M2 machine gun (MG) that is fed from the left with a sensor pod on the right.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 24, 2018, 04:58:25 pm (
A fabricante japonesa Subaru realizou com sucesso no dia 21 de dezembro o primeiro voo de um protótipo do helicóptero multiuso UH-X, junto a instalação da fabricante em Utsunomiya.


Cumprimentos e Boas Festas
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Janeiro 01, 2019, 05:58:27 pm
A Israel recebeu o sistema de radar passivo de longo alcance móvel de nova geração Kolchuga-M passive radar fabricado pela Ucrânia.

O Kolchuga-M é um sistema passivo de suporte eletrónico que permite identificar alvos terrestres e superficiais e rastrear seu movimento em um raio de até 600 km e alvos aéreos aos 10 km de altitude – até 800 km, o que torna este sistema bastante eficaz de defesa antiaérea.

A estação Kolchuga-M é equipada com cinco antenas ativas de gama métrica, decimétrica e centimétrica, que fornecem alta sensibilidade de rádio dentro de uma faixa de 110 dB/W – 155 dB/W, dependendo da frequência.

De acordo com a página, a faixa de detecção de 800 km é alcançada apenas pelo sistema ucraniano Kolchuga-M. O melhor que o AWACS (EUA) faz é de 600 km, enquanto os complexos terrestres Vera (República Checa) e Vega (Rússia) podem alcançar até 400 km – metade do que o complexo ucraniano alcança. O limite inferior da frequência de trabalho de Kolchuga-M é de 130MHz, o mais baixo de todos os seus análogos. O AWACS usa 2.000 MHz, Vera fica aos 850 MHz, Vega aos 200 MHz.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 11, 2019, 03:12:12 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 11, 2019, 09:22:05 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 12, 2019, 07:03:46 pm
Já alguém viu o desfile militar do Gana? Afin Wakanda existe :N-icon-Axe: ;D
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 15, 2019, 10:13:10 am
Entretanto no Gana...  c56x1 c56x1 (

Um gigantesco veículo de transporte de pessoal – supostamente blindado – e uniformes militares de exoesqueleto foram revelados em Gana durante uma feira tecnológica, destacando as conquistas nacionais de alta tecnologia do país.
O armamento de ponta foi mostrado na capital da cidade de Accra na 38ª Exposição Anual de Tecnologia do Grupo Kantanka, de acordo com a mídia local.

Filmagens mostram um enorme veículo blindado de transporte de pessoal (APC), bem como vários homens “vestidos de exoesqueleto” entrando lentamente em um quadrado, enquanto os espectadores aplaudem. O armamento é então inspecionado por uma delegação de – supostamente – oficiais militares de alta patente.

O carro blindado parece ter uns quatro metros de altura (13 pés) e com comprimento três vezes maior, com uma espécie de arma em seu teto, bem como vários tubos, vagamente parecidos com lançadores de cortina de fumaça. Além disso, tem várias escotilhas e numerosas aberturas, permitindo que os soldados usem armas pessoais. De acordo com o projetista do APC, ele também é equipado com uma espécie de “telêmetro a laser”.

O APC também possui uma grande escotilha em sua traseira – parecendo um elevador hidráulico de um caminhão, várias câmeras para observar os arredores e um interior confortável com ar condicionado e uma tela plana.

Infelizmente, nenhum detalhe técnico dos sistemas de armas foi revelado ao público em geral. A reduzida altura do fundo do APC até o chão, assim como suas dimensões impressionantes, estão sinalizando que ele provavelmente tem capacidade muito limitada – se é que tem alguma – fora de estrada. A extensão da proteção que fornece também é desconhecida.

Os “exoesqueletos”, por sua vez, parecem ser bastante confiáveis, já que um deles aparentemente teve um de seus tubos – presumivelmente cabos hidráulicos , quebrados durante uma demonstração, mostra o vídeo. O mau funcionamento, no entanto, não afetou o desempenho do homem dentro do uniforme, que continuou a andar devagar, mas com firmeza. Ainda não está claro se o exoesqueleto aumenta o peso, a força ou a velocidade de um soldado – como deveria.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 17, 2019, 12:48:59 am
Entretanto manutenção de motores para os M60 egipcios por 19,6 milhões de dólares.

E 7,2 milhões para manutenção dos M88 americanos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Janeiro 17, 2019, 08:21:16 pm
Afghan MD 530F helos to receive safety, range, and endurance upgrades
Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Defence Weekly 17 January 2019

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The US Army is to upgrade the fuel systems of 25 of the Afghan Air Force’s MD 530F helicopters to improve safety and performance. Source: 438th Air Expeditionary Wing

The MD Helicopters Inc. (MDHI) MD 530F Cayuse Warrior light attack and reconnaissance rotorcraft operated by Afghanistan are to be upgraded to improve their safety, range, and endurance.
The US Army disclosed on 16 January that it is seeking vendors to supply and install crashworthy and auxiliary fuel tanks in 25 of the 'Little Bird'-derivative helicopters delivered so far to the Afghan Air Force (AAF).

"The US Army Contracting Command - Redstone is issuing this sources-sought notice as a means of conducting market research to identify parties having an interest in and the resources to provide up to 25 MD 530F Robertson Crashworthy Fuel System (CWFS) and Little Bird Auxiliary Tank System (LBATS) kits, and three support equipment packages for the Afghanistan Air Force", the solicitation said.

The AAF currently fields 30 MD 530F helicopters, and will receive a further 25 before the end of the year. The first 25 helicopters received have been fitted with the Enhanced Mission Equipment Package (EMEP) that includes the baseline Robertson Fuel System, while the initial five of the 30 follow-on helicopters were delivered with the Ballistic Tolerant Crashworthy Fuel System (BTCWFS) developed by Robertson (this will be fitted to the remaining 25 helicopters also). As such, this latest US Army request for information (RFI) is for a retrofit of the first 25 helicopters delivered to the AAF.

While the Afghan helicopters are adapted for 'hot and high' operations with an uprated 650-shp Rolls-Royce 250-C30 turbine engine and longer main and tail rotor blades, when operating at altitude with a full weapon load they currently lack the range to venture too far beyond their operating base or the endurance to remain on station for any significant length of time; MDHI figures give the baseline MD 530F a range of 400 km and an endurance of 2.2 hours at sea level.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 07, 2019, 03:19:46 pm (

The Nigerian Army is domestically manufacturing a light military patrol vehicle at a new facility that was recently launched by the head of the Army.

Chief of Army Staff Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai on 26 January formally commissioned the Nigerian Army Vehicles Manufacturing Company (NAVMC) at Rigachikun in Kaduna state, although the company was set up on 16 November 2018. A tour of the factory was carried out and took in the NAC-V (infantry patrol vehicle), B vehicle assembly plant, fitter machine plant, engine overhaul shop, engine test bay, fabrication, painting and spray shop and foundry and metalsmith shop.

The Nigerian Army said that production had begun of prototype light and heavy infantry vehicles and Buratai commissioned some refurbished A and B vehicles. These included Otokar Cobra light armoured vehicles, a BTR recovery vehicle, and an MT-LB tracked carrier.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 11, 2019, 12:37:30 pm

Ukrainian defense giant, the UkrOboronProm, has unveiled an improved version of the T-64 main battle tank.
During upgrading, modern night vision devises with an electro-optical system of the third generation is integrated into the combat vehicle
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 14, 2019, 03:58:11 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 20, 2019, 07:59:00 am


At HOMSEC 2017, MBDA is unveiling a new short range air defence system called Mistral ATLAS-RC.

As a response to the Spanish MoD’s requirements to modernize its existing Mistral launchers, this new system is based on a remotely controlled turret, equipped with two Mistral missiles and a latest generation thermal sight, capable of being mounted on light armoured vehicles such as the URO VAMTAC ST5, the Spanish Army’s high mobility tactical vehicle.

Whilst the standard Mistral ATLAS system is a manually operated twin missile launcher, the new ATLAS-RC system provides greater protection to the crew, since it can be operated from within the vehicle’s cabin or, remotely, through a state-of-the-art fully mobile workstation.Its 360° revolving, motorised turret is easy to operate, provides an optimised operational capability while at the same time keeping costs to a minimum.

ATLAS-RC is compatible with all versions of the combat proven Mistral missile and benefits from its many performance advantages. These include: fire-and-forget capability; high reliability; exceptionally high kill probability against fixed and rotary wing aircraft and UAVs. Mistral incorporates the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology to ensure optimum effectiveness, such as a full imaging IR seeker which provides a very high resistance to IR countermeasures as well as the ability to engage low IR signature targets.

Mistral ATLAS-RC is MBDA’s response to today’s requirements for a weapon system that combines high re power, short reaction time, day/night surveillance and engagement capabilities, tactical and strategic mobility, together with a high level of crew protection.

The system can be integrated into a coordinated re control network and adaptable to any communication system chosen by the customer. The system has been designed to minimize
crew workload and number (it can be operated by one single soldier), to be easily integrated on a wide range of high-mobility armoured or non-armoured combat vehicles and to be air transportable on aircraft such as the A400M and C130.

MBDA Spain will develop, produce and support this system, backed by the MBDA group’s wide experience in remote controlled launcher systems, along with the significant participation of the Spanish defence industry supply chain.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Fevereiro 21, 2019, 06:55:11 am

MBDA is promoting the ATLAS-RC/LIC2ORNE combination at IDEX this week. Used in tandem with the MISTRAL short-range air defence missile, the combination offers substantial protection to mobile units, carried on light armoured vehicles while also integrating into the theatre air defence network.

The MISTRAL is an extremely reliable fire-and-forget air defence missile, with a success rate of nearly 95%. Equipped with an infrared imaging seeker and advanced image processing capabilities, the missile offers excellent countermeasures resistance and can engage low thermal-signature targets such as UAS and turbojet-powered missiles at long range, in addition to the usual combat aircraft and helicopter targets.

The ATLAS-RC is an automated turret, carrying two ready-to-fire MISTRALs controlled from within the vehicle. It is equipped with day/night sensors for fire control and tracking.

LIC²ORNE is a command and control (C2) unit, developed from a set of software already proven on MBDA's MISTRAL and VL MICA air defence systems. It can coordinate up to 8 ATLAS-RC systems and connect them to higher-level command systems, including using advanced connections such as Link 16 or satellite links. With its ability to use radar or electro-optic sensors, LIC²ORNE ensures that the ATLAS-RC turret has sufficient early warning to make full use of the MISTRAL’s firing envelope.

Thanks to LIC2ORNE's open architecture, MBDA has been able to build in defences against mini- and micro-UAS in just a few months. These defensive systems can now protect the firing unit against terrorist actions or asymmetric attacks.

“Drawing on the lessons of recent conflicts in Europe or the Middle East, the ATLAS-RC/LIC²ORNE combination is designed to provide a real air defence and engagement capability in the lower layer, while ensuring very high mobility to accompany and protect mobile detachments and front-line units. The deployment of an air defence system as close as possible to ground units is once again becoming a necessity, and a key survivability factor for ground forces,” explained MBDA’s Military Advisor, Land Systems, Francis Bordachar.

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ATLAS-RC makes use of the MISTRAL fire-and-forget air defence missile. (Photo: MBDA Systems)


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Fevereiro 21, 2019, 06:55:45 am
MBDA Packs Fully Integrated Air Defence Capability on Light Armoured Vehicles 
(Source: MBDA; issued Feb 17, 2019)

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By combining its Mistral fire-and-forget anti-aircraft missile with the Atlas RC/Licorne fire-control system into a single unit, MBDA can provide permanent and autonomous Shorad capabilities to very small and very mobile units. (MBDA photo)

MBDA presents the Atlas-RC/LIC²ORNE combination which, together with the Mistral missile, provides a substantial protection to mobile units, while fully integrated into the theatre air defence network and portable on light armoured vehicles.

The Mistral is an extremely reliable fire-and-forget air defence missile, with a success rate of nearly 95%. Equipped with an infrared imaging seeker and advanced image processing capabilities, the Mistral offers excellent countermeasure resistance and can engage low thermal signature targets such as UAVs and turbojet-powered missiles at long range, in addition to the usual combat aircraft and helicopter targets.

The Atlas-RC is an automated turret, carrying two ready-to-fire Mistrals and controlled from the cabin of the vehicle. It is equipped with day/night sensors for fire control and tracking.

LIC²ORNE is a command and control unit, developed from a set of software components that have already been proven on MBDA's Mistral and VL MICA air defence systems. It can coordinate up to 8 Atlas-RC systems and connect them to higher-level command systems, including via advanced links such as Link 16 or satellite links. With its ability to use radar or electro-optic sensors, LIC²ORNE ensures that the Atlas-RC turret has sufficient early warning to make full use of the Mistral’s firing envelope.

Thanks to LIC²ORNE's open architecture, MBDA has been able, in just a few months, to build in defences against mini and micro UAVs. These defensive systems can now protect the firing unit against terrorist actions or asymmetric commando attacks.

“Drawing on the lessons of recent conflicts in Europe or the Middle East,” says Francis Bordachar, MBDA’s Military Advisor Land Systems, “the Atlas-RC/LIC²ORNE combination is designed to provide a real air defence and engagement capability in the lower layer while ensuring very high mobility to accompany and protect mobile detachments and front-line units. The deployment of an air defence system as close as possible to ground units is once again becoming a necessity, and a key survivability factor for ground forces."

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 25, 2019, 01:12:37 pm
Abrams MiA2C con blindaje extra, sistema de protección activa Trophy y mejoras internas, electricas y de sensores.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 25, 2019, 02:38:50 pm
Russian T-80 tanks to receive ‘soft packages’ with explosive reactive armour

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 25, 2019, 10:54:19 pm

Ukrainian defense giant, the UkrOboronProm, has unveiled an improved version of the T-64 main battle tank.
During upgrading, modern night vision devises with an electro-optical system of the third generation is integrated into the combat vehicle

Mais sobre a modernização do T-64 na Ucrânia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 04, 2019, 05:35:10 pm
Porque os EUA querem comprar o sistema Iron Dome de Israel

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 06, 2019, 11:44:06 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Março 13, 2019, 01:02:47 pm
Really Bad African Paratroops Demonstrate Every Jump Ramp Error in One Jump
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Março 14, 2019, 06:43:38 pm
Uma torre da oto melara, com a 30mm que poderia equipar alguns Pandur, ou até alguns futuros Centauros como actualmente equipa no Exército Italiano e no Polaco.

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Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 15, 2019, 03:45:05 pm
O Exército Português já tem uma versão do Pandur com canhão de 30mm.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Março 15, 2019, 05:58:48 pm
O Exército Português já tem uma versão do Pandur com canhão de 30mm.

pois tem, tem 30 viaturas porta canhão 30mm, mas as torres só vem equipadas com a 30mm ATK Mk 44, nenhuma tem os 02 TOW.

The main armament is an automatic cannon of 25 or 30mm
, electrically controlled for elevation, traversing and firing operations; feeding is through belted roundshoused in two ammunition containers. A 7.62mm machine gun is coaxiallymounted to the main cannon. Two TOW armoured launchers are side-mounted on the turret with remote control (Digital Missile Guidance Set) integrated in the HITFIST fire control system. Four smoke-grenades discharger 80 mm are mounted to each side, on the front of the turret.
In the Italian Army, the HITFIST® turret is mounted on the armoured infantry fighting vehicle Dardo.

The Polish HITFIST® turret is armed with a single 30mm ATK Mk 44 chain gun and a coaxially mounted 7.62x51mm machine gun. The turrets have provisions for the installation of two anti-tank guided-missile launchers. The fire-control system includes a Kollsman (Merrimack, NH) DNRS-288 day/night sight and incorporates a Galileo Avionica (Campi Bisenzio, Italy) TILDE FC second-generation thermal imager. The self-protection suite includes a PCO-Cenzin (Warsaw, Poland) SSP-1 OBRA-3 automated laser-warning system and six 81mm grenade launchers.

The Italian Dardo HITFIST® turret is armed with an 25mm Oerlikon KBA automatic stabilised cannon which has a rate of fire of 600 rounds a minute. 200 rounds of ammunition are carried in the turret ready to fire. Two 7.62mm machine guns are installed on the turret, one co-axial with the main gun. Two TOW anti-tank guided weapon launchers are installed, one on each side of the turret.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitaniae em Março 15, 2019, 06:48:20 pm
O Exército Português já tem uma versão do Pandur com canhão de 30mm.

Aqui está um Pandur envolvido em ataque na RCA com o canhão.
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Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Março 15, 2019, 11:05:17 pm
Isso é uma 12.7 montada num RWS. Salvo erro, não enviámos nenhum carro com a torre de 30 para a RCA.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Março 16, 2019, 09:08:16 am
Isso é uma 12.7 montada num RWS. Salvo erro, não enviámos nenhum carro com a torre de 30 para a RCA.

Afirmativo é um com 12.7 RWS!

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitaniae em Março 16, 2019, 10:02:39 am
Isso é uma 12.7 montada num RWS. Salvo erro, não enviámos nenhum carro com a torre de 30 para a RCA.

Afirmativo é um com 12.7 RWS!


Então não é um canhão é um canhãozinho! 💣
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: raphael em Abril 10, 2019, 01:59:15 am
off-topic...too much free time and money

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 17, 2019, 12:47:12 pm
Indonesian army to receive Pandur II Cobra IFVs


On April 12, 2019, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense issued PT Pindad a contract worth $ 80 million for the production of the first 22 Pandur II series 8x8 infantry fighting vehicles that received the Indonesian designation Cobra. The vehicles must be delivered to the Indonesian army within three years and will reportedly be equipped with the Israeli remote-controlled uninhabited combat module Elbit Systems U30MK.II, which Ares (Elbit Systems Brazilian) will supply with a Northrop Grumman Bushmaster Mk.44 30mm automatic gun and two 7.62mm machine guns.

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Pandur II fitted with a remotely controlled uninhabited module Ares / Elbit Systems UT30MK.II armed with a 30mm Northrop Grumman Bushmaster Mk.44 automatic cannon and a paired 7.62mm machine gun, displayed under Pindad's brand name at IndoDefense 2018 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Four Pandur II vehicles were received by PT Pindad in 2017 from the Czechoslovak company Excalibur Army, which is part of the Excalibur Group (now called Czechoslovak Group - GSG). Excalibur, in 2015, acquired the license to manufacture the Pandur II armored vehicles from GDELS.

Initially, the Pandur II family in the 6x6 and 8x8 configurations was developed by the Austrian company Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeug, now part of the European division of General Dynamics Corporation as General Dynamics European Land Systems - Steyr (GDELS-Steyr). It was a further development of the previously produced – and very popular - Steyr-Daimler-Puch 6x6 armored personnel carrier.

In 2005-2006, the Pandur II family was ordered as a new generation of armored vehicles by the armed forces of Portugal and the Czech Republic, but the implementation of both contracts faced considerable difficulties and delays, and was accompanied by significant technical complaints from both armies.
As a result, both contracts were reduced and even partially canceled. In 2015, General Dynamics actually turned off the marketing of Pandur II and sold the full rights on its vehicle to the Czech company Excalibur Army, which organized the assembly of the Pandur II IFVs at a specially created enterprise controlled by the CSG company: Tatra Defense Vehicle, in Kopřivnice. In fact, as can be seen, the machines to be assembled in the Czech Republic are obtained in the form of kits from the Steyr-Daimler-Puch enterprise in Vienna, and are only completed in Kopřívnice.

PT Pindad, in partnership with the Czechoslovak Group, is promoting the Pandur II 8x8 of the Indonesian army in several versions. In 2017, PT Pindad received four units of the Pandur II from the Czech Republic, and fitted them with an armament: two Pandur IIs were equipped with remote-controlled Ares REMAX (Elbit Systems) combat modules armed with 12.7-mm machine guns, one vehicle was equipped with an Elbit Systems uninhabited combat module / Ares UT30MK.II with a Bushmaster Mk 44 30mm cannon (this vehicle was demonstrated at IndoDefense 2018, in November 2018) and one non-floating vehicle was armed with a Belgian CMI Defense CMI-3105HP turret (Cockerill Series 3000) with a 105mm cannon ( a similar turret is mounted on a Turkish-designed FNSS Kaplan/Harimau medium tank).

Apparently, the Brazilian branch as a mediator of Elbit Systems was needed by the Indonesian side in order to avoid delicate questions about the direct cooperation of the "Muslim" country with the Israelis.

Previously, PT Pindad stated that the Indonesian army plans to purchase 250 units of the Pandur II (Cobra).

O pandur II da foto tem capacidade de flutuação.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 17, 2019, 04:50:40 pm

JLTV com o PROTECTOR RWS LW-30 (M230 LF de 30mm e misseis anti-carro Javelin).
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas) os 10,5 em tiro directo ACar
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 19, 2019, 06:10:39 pm
Peças 10,5 a rapidez da entrada em bataria e o primeiro tiro directo, da 2ª secção BF num minuto e trinta !! ;)

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 29, 2019, 07:57:59 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 29, 2019, 10:05:04 pm


??????? :conf:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 30, 2019, 12:09:45 am
De acordo com os sul-coreanos.  ;)
According to the triennial report published by the DTaQ, the comparative level of South Korea’s overall defense technology remained at the world’s ninth, tied with Italy, among 16 major countries.

Of eight technology categories, South Korea retained its highest level in military firepower, or 84 percent of the U.S., but defense modeling/simulation and software showed a relatively poor level with 76 percent, the report showed.

“Improvements to the K9 Thunder self-propelled howitzer and the development of ground-to-air guided weapons, among others, helped pull up our overall defense technology level, though the global ranking remained unchanged due to America’s development of superior weapons in diverse fields,” the agency said in a release.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 16, 2019, 11:00:35 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 30, 2019, 12:02:15 pm
GDELS Presents ECV
General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) presents the Engineering Combat Vehicle (ECV) for the first time at the International Fair of Defence and Security (FEINDEF), taking place on 29th, 30th and 31th of May at IFEMA exhibition center in Madrid. This is the last version of the ASCOD/Pizarro Family of vehicles, built for the Spanish Ministry of Defence.

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VCZAP (Photo: GDELS-SBS_2019)

The Engineering Combat Vehicle is a tracked armored vehicle that has been commissioned by the Spanish Ministry of Defense. It complements the different variants already delivered as part of Phases I and II of the Pizarro Program, in total 225 vehicles.

The ECV offers the Spanish Army with a unique capacity since it has a flexible automated system installed in a single vehicle, allowing the installation of different equipment required for each specific mission (dozer blade, track wide mine plough, mine roller, obstacle marking systems, and winch). In addition to its specific mission equipment, it provides the highest international standards in terms of protection (anti-mine and ballistic), as well as maintaining the excellent mobility, which has always been the international hallmark of ASCOD.

General Dynamics European Land Systems - Santa Barbara Systems is the original designer and manufacturer as well as systems integrator of the base platform. This fact has allowed the Engineering Combat Vehicle to have an important growth capacity. Since its initial conception, the platform was designed and equipped with physical pre-installations to integrate the main mission teams that the Spanish Army could require in the future (LSAS, BMS, communications, protection, etc.).

As a Systems Integrator, General Dynamics European Land Systems - Santa Bárbara Sistemas has been able to comply with the requirements for future growth and flexibility required by the Directorate General of Armament and Material (DGAM) of the Spanish Ministry of Defense during the phase design, complying at all times with the production schedules established contractually.
The vehicle presented at FEINDEF is the first of the 36 contracted units.

Simultaneously, two other variants of the ASCOD family, one with an unmanned 30 mm tower and another with an integrated bridge system, will be exhibited at the IDET exhibition that will take place in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic, where General Dynamics European Land Systems will present this tracked armored vehicle as one of the candidates for the Tracked Vehicles Program of the Czech Ministry of Defense

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 30, 2019, 12:14:26 pm
IDET 2019: BAE Systems showcases two CV90 variants

Posted On Thursday, 30 May 2019 09:32

BAE Systems is showcasing two in-service variants of the CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle at this year’s International Defence and Security Technologies Fair (IDET) in Brno, Czech Republic on May 29-31.

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The Mjölner variant of the CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle, designated as CV90 Mjölner, at IDET 2019, Czech Republic (Picture Source: Army Recognition)

With support from the Swedish FMV (Defence Materiel Administration), BAE Systems will display the vehicle-mounted mortar system Mjölner – a turret solution with two smoothbore 120mm gun barrels fixed on a CV90 – and an Armoured Recovery Vehicle (ARV). Both variants are currently in service with the Swedish Army.

CV90 Mjölner: Known as “the Hammer of Thor,” Mjölner increases the indirect fire support for mechanised battalions.

Soldiers can field a capability well-adapted for the CV90, while enhancing the whole fleet’s firepower. This CV90 variant has a robust mechanical loading system that rapidly and reliably reloads in varied combat conditions. An elevation between 45 and 85 degrees allows targets to be effectively engaged over a wide range of distances and gives Mjölner a full 60-degree frontal engagement arch without the complexity and costs of powered turret rotation.

BAE Systems’ $86 million Mjolner programs to deliver 40 vehicle-mounted mortar systems for the Swedish Army’s CV90s started in December 2016. The first four vehicles were delivered to the FMV in February 2019 for training and validation, with the remaining deliveries scheduled to complete this fall. The program has proven successful to date and continues to meet milestones in the demanding schedule.

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The CV90 ARV Infantry Fighting Vehicle at IDET 2019, Czech Republic (Picture Source: Army Recognition)

CV90 ARV: One of the original variants delivered to the Swedish Armed Forces, the ARV supports the CV90 fleet when Sweden is part of any international coalition. Combat-proven in NATO-led operations in Afghanistan and UN-led peace enforcement in Liberia, the ARV is also the backbone of everyday activities in diverse conditions within Swedish borders. With two winches, a light crane, and supreme mobility the ARV is often used to quickly recover heavy vehicles like Main Battle Tanks if they become bogged-down on the battlefield.

“The Mjölner and Armoured Recovery Vehicle are two of fifteen variants in the combat-proven CV90 family,” added Mikael Segerman, regional director at BAE Systems Hägglunds, the manufacturer of the CV90. “We’re pleased to have both vehicles here at IDET to support Sweden’s presence as the host nation this year and celebrate the spirit of Swedish-Czech cooperation in the defence industry.”

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 01, 2019, 05:40:34 pm
ASCOD com a torre Samson (canhão de 30mm, misseis anticarro Spike, TROPHY APS)

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 04, 2019, 11:52:17 am
New Finnish Army assault rifles have been finalized and put to service 7.62 RK62 M3


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Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Junho 13, 2019, 07:41:31 am

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Parece um Kualhão, mas não é  :mrgreen:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 03, 2019, 02:33:04 pm
ASCOD com a torre Samson (canhão de 30mm, misseis anticarro Spike, TROPHY APS)



Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 19, 2019, 10:15:36 pm
JAngola’s military has taken delivery of upgraded SA-6 surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems from Lithuania.

Two batteries, comprising 16 launchers, were exported from Lithuania in 2018, according to the Ukrainian Military Portal.

The exported hardware comprised 2K12M1-2L systems, which are modernised versions of the 2K12 (SA-6 Gainful) SAMs. The upgrade enhances the system’s overall combat performance, with new software for target processing and display.

Lithuania’s LiTak-Tak facility performed the upgrade work. The company states the upgrade to 2K12-ML standard restores the service life of the SAM by replacing 99% of old components and improves combat performance, allowing the system to operate in complex jamming environments. The system can apparently target small and low-flying targets such as cruise missiles.

The upgrade was apparently developed by the Ukraine’s Aerotechnica-MLT, which supplied upgrade kits to Lithuania. It appears the missile and radar vehicles were acquired from Poland and the Ukraine.

In 2016, it was reported that Litak-Tak had upgraded Angola’s S-125 (SA-3 Goa) surface-to-air missiles and supplied three P-180ML and three Mars-L radars. The P-180ML radar is an upgrade of the S-125’s radar, whilst the Mars-L is a new radar that can be used for air traffic control, surveillance and target acquisition.

Earlier this year Angola was reported to be in discussions with Belarus over the acquisition of air defence systems worth $200 million.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Julho 25, 2019, 12:33:54 pm
Egypt has received 930 surplus US mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles (MRAPs) and has requested another 1,000, the US Army reported on 19 July.

It said the final shipment of 101 MRAPs arrived in Alexandria in May, after which they were taken to a military workshop in Cairo for refurbishment.

The sale of the vehicles to Egypt was approved in 2015 and carried under an Excess Defense Articles (EDA) Grant Program. It includes M1232 RG33L, M1233 RG33L heavy armoured ground ambulances (HAGAs), M1237 RG33 Plus, M1220 Caiman, and M1230 Caiman Plus MRAPs, as well as recovery vehicles and training, the report said.

The publicly available EDA database identifies the Egyptian MRAPs as 468 Caimans, 360 6×6 RG-33s, 90 RG-33L HAGAs, and 12 MaxxPro recovery vehicles.

Já para nos o MRAP não servia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 25, 2019, 04:15:17 pm
Tu sabes que estas viaturas foram usadas até ao osso, não sabes?!
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Julho 25, 2019, 04:39:21 pm
Tal como os M60A-3, os M113 e os Chaparral, quando chegaram a Portugal. Ainda assim serviram, ou continuam a servir no caso dos dois últimos, o Exército Português, apesar da sua utilidade militar ser, no mínimo, duvidosa. E depois há ainda um pequeno detalhe: quando se dispõe de frotas imensas, nem todos os veículos operam até à exaustão em teatros operacionais; muitos (uma fracção significativa) ficam 'em casa' para treino de tripulações, reserva operacional, ou reserva estratégica.

Faz mais sentido ir comprando material às mijinhas, ou criar um programa de aquisição com orçamento limitado que, devido à inflação, posteriormente resulta em frotas reduzidas e lacunas graves (falta de veículos porta-morteiros, ou atiradores expostos, por exemplo).

Não serve para nós, mas serve para um dos maiores exércitos do mundo, ou até mesmo para FFAA pequenas que até dispõem de mais helicópteros que as nossas 'poderosas' e altivas Farsas Armadas e, pasme-se, até possuem CL-415 e Fire Boss!

Claro que se pode sempre pedir emprestado. Será que o contingente no Afeganistão tem muitas queixas deste tipo de veículos?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Julho 25, 2019, 04:56:34 pm
Tu sabes que estas viaturas foram usadas até ao osso, não sabes?!

Dos milhares que estão no surplus não se arranjava umas centenas de RG-33 e RG-3L para se poder operar no Mali e na RCF. Se calhar ate dava para sacar uns SOCOM e uns HAGA, mas para isso tinha que haver vontade.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 02, 2019, 06:08:47 pm
24 Apaches para Marrocos e no futuro, submarinos.

O nosso flanco  a sul está a ficar  interessante
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Agosto 06, 2019, 07:08:06 pm
Israel’s Carmel future AFV programme unveiled

The Israel Ministry of Defense (MoD) unveiled on 4 August a new armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) concept, dubbed Carmel, that uses artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous capabilities, and enhanced situational awareness to achieve new levels of battlefield effectiveness.

The goal of the programme is to reduce the number of onboard personnel in AFVs like the Merkava tank from four to two and enable them to operate under closed hatches, with the vehicle driving itself, detecting threats in real time, and providing recommendations to the crew on critical decisions.

The vehicles will also be able to control unmanned air and ground vehicles, as well as operate as part of a network that builds a shared picture of the battlefield and co-operate to efficiently engage targets.

The programme will not immediately produce new vehicles, according to the MoD, but will develop capabilities that will gradually be installed on the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF's) Merkava Mk 4, the next-generation Barak tank, the Namer tracked armoured personnel carrier (APC), and the Eitan wheeled APC. The MoD will also begin developing an AFV that incorporates the new capabilities at an unspecified time in the future.

Brigadier General Yaniv Rotem, head of research and development at the MoD's Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D), told journalists that the programme began around three years ago after the MoD decided to revolutionise the ground forces' manoeuvring capabilities.

Israel's three largest defence companies - Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Elbit Systems, and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems - were asked to develop their own Carmel prototypes using M113 APCs. These were unveiled on 4 August following a month of trials by a DDR&D team in northern Israel.

"The challenge was proving the feasibility of two soldiers conducting closed-hatch operations and integrating technological capabilities that would enhance mission efficiency for the IDF's manoeuvre forces.

Pode ser uma boa opção para países com numero limitado de recursos humanos. 8)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 11, 2019, 08:48:41 am
Interessante a 12.7 RWS poder ser utilizada manualmente e tão rápido.
O facto de sermos clientes da FN herstal até pode ser que venha a ser uma aquisição futura por exemplo para os Vamtac, digo eu .

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 15, 2019, 08:57:59 pm (

Tanque leve chinês VT-5 receberá sistema de proteção ativa

O tanque leve feito para exportação da China, VT-5, será equipado com um sistema de proteção ativa, informou a emissora estatal do país, que permitirá que o tanque de blindagem fina amplie significativamente sua capacidade de defesa.

Um sistema de proteção ativa pode detectar projéteis hostis e disparar foguetes de interceptação para detoná-los antes que eles atinjam o tanque, informou a China Central Television (CCTV) no sábado.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 20, 2019, 01:07:07 pm
Rússia vence mundial de biatlo para tanques

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Setembro 27, 2019, 08:07:59 pm
Os Ucranianos receberam o primeiro Bars-8MMK (mobile mortar complex).

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 05, 2019, 01:41:01 pm
New NATO Buyer For JLTV; More Buyers On The Way?

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The sale to Montenegro might be small, but the US push into the Balkans will not make Moscow happy.

 WASHINGTON: In a sign the floodgates may be opening for allies to buy the Army’s newest tactical vehicle, the US appears to be finalizing a $36 million agreement with Montenegro to sell them dozens of brand-new Joint Light Tactical Vehicles.

 The tipoff came this morning when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is visiting the country, said the US “offered an agreement to Montenegro for the largest sale of military equipment in the history between our two nations. The United States looks forward to delivering $36 million worth of light tactical vehicles to our NATO ally once this agreement is finalized.”  A defense official confirmed the deal is for 67 Oshkosh-made JLTVs.

 If the deal goes through, Montenegro would become the fourth NATO ally to express interest or actually buy into the program, though so far Lithuania is the only country to receive US approval after the State Department signed off on a $170 million deal with the Baltic nation for 500 JLTVs in August.

 Mike Ivy, Oshkosh’s senior VP for international programs, wouldn’t comment on the Montenegro deal, but told me via email the “JLTV was intended from the beginning to be an international program,” pointing out the common systems on the vehicle make it easier for allies to work together in the field.

 A vastly larger sale is in the works with the UK, which is considering buying 2,747 JLTVs as part of its Multi Role Vehicle-Protected program. British Army officials acknowledged for the first time earlier this month that Oshkosh has been working on a UK variant. In October 2018, Slovenia also signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance for 38 JLTVs, though no deal has been finalized.
 Montenegro joined NATO in 2017, and is a critical part of the Balkan region’s slow turn away from their Russian-dominated past, which Washington and NATO have taken pains to nurture. “It is of strategic importance for Montenegro to have US and EU presence in the Balkans so there would be no space for those countries who do not share the same values,” Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said alongside Pompeo Friday.

 Like so many DoD programs, the JLTV has had an exceptionally long and checkered past. The effort kicked off in 2006, eventually enduring a series of fits and starts before being forced to undergo a full requirements overhaul in 2011 after the Army realized the design would need to change to meet demands beyond those of counterinsurgency warfare.
 In 2015, Oshkosh was awarded a $6.7 billion contract for the initial 16,901 vehicles. In June the Army declared the JLTV was finally ready for full production, clearing the way for the sale of the truck to allies.

 Although the program spent 13 years churning through the development cycle, the JLTV has recently come under fire from the Army for being built for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not the potential conflicts of tomorrow against peer adversaries like China and Russia.

 In April, then-Army Secretary and now Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the JLTV, like the Chinook helicopter, was “designed for a different conflict,” but could still play a role on the battlefield. That shot came around the same time that the service slashed $800 million from its planned JLTV purchases, which translates to at least 1,500 vehicles over the next five years. The cut is only a dent in the massive program’s armor, however. The Army has not backed off plans to acquire almost 50,000 JLTVs over the life of the program, which will run into the 2030s.
 The Marine Corps is also slated to buy about 9,100 JLTVs in the coming years.

 The Army and Marine Corps are planning to buy four versions of the truck, a general purpose model, a turreted gun truck, a TOW anti-tank missile launcher and a two-door utility variant, basically a militarized pickup truck.

PS : até o Montenegro :rir: :rir: :rir:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 19, 2019, 02:23:08 pm
Iron Spear – World’s Largest Tank Concentration and Shooting Competition


1º - France – Foxtrot 5
2º - Norway – November 5
3º - USA – Yankee2
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Dezembro 13, 2019, 07:47:13 am
 :amazing: primeras imágenes del nuevo ATP 155 de los USA:



Las nuevas fotos filtradas están dando a los expertos y analistas militares una primera visión detallada del avanzado obús autopropulsado de 155 mm del Ejército de Estados Unidos, equipado con un enorme cañón calibre XM907 58.

Una fuente anónima ha publicado algunas fotos del nuevo prototipo de obús autopropulsado de próxima generación del Ejército, actualmente conocido como XM1299

El nuevo obús se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto Extended Range Cannon Artillery, o ERCA, y está financiado por la oficina de ciencia y tecnología del Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo e Ingeniería de Armamentos.

El sistema de artillería de alcance extendido del Ejército está siendo diseñado para aumentar el alcance y la velocidad de los obuses autopropulsados ​​M109A7 actuales y futuros. En comparación con sus predecesores, el nuevo sistema de artillería recibirá dos tecnologías de vanguardia: el nuevo proyectil impulsado por cohetes XM1113 y un cañón calibre 58 de obús más largo que aumenta su alcance de 38 km a 70 km o más.

El nuevo sistema de artillería será designado como M1299.

El Ejército espera que con municiones mejoradas esos súper cañones puedan alcanzar objetivos a 100 km. Para ello desarrolla no solo el cañón XM907 sino también productos, como el proyectil asistido por cohete XM1113, la sobrealimentación XM654, un autocargador y un nuevo sistema de control de fuego.

Basándose en las mejoras de movilidad, el M1299 aumentará la letalidad de los obuses autopropulsados. El nuevo SPH proporciona una capacidad “10x” a través de una combinación de mayor alcance, mayor tasa de disparos, mayor letalidad, mayor fiabilidad y una mayor capacidad de supervivencia.

El M1299 proporcionará soluciones tecnológicas integradas de artillería de cañón para maximizar el rendimiento a nivel de sistema y recuperar la letalidad de los sistemas de fuego indirecto de 155 mm del Ejército para operaciones en espacios de batalla emergentes y entornos de guerra.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 08, 2020, 01:49:40 pm
Nuevo cañón y municiones de Rheinmetall:




Ya hay alcances reales de 83km.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Janeiro 13, 2020, 03:43:19 pm
Rafael Demonstrates SPIKE SR Unique Capabilities

Rafael recently demonstrated the uniquely lethal capability of the short-range SPIKE SR precision-guided missile in a series of tests in the Negev Desert, the company announced on 13 January.

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SPIKE SR has been designed to be transported and operated by a single soldier, providing powerful stand-off anti-armour capability at the squad and platoon level. (Photo: Rafael)

An electro-optically shoulder-fired guided missile designed for infantry use, SPIKE SR is the smallest and lightest member of Rafael’s growing SPIKE family. Weighing only 10kg and featuring a stand-off range of 2,000m, the weapon is currently in use with the armed forces of several nations, including members of NATO. The entire SPIKE family is now operational in 34 nations, with more than 33,000 rounds delivered and as many as 45 different platforms integrated, including attack helicopters, ground vehicles and marine vessels.

Designed as a portable, fully disposable munition, SPIKE SR carries a powerful high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead, combined with a frontal precursor for defeating explosive reactive armor (ERA) tiles. During the most recent demonstration, operators hit targets at ranges up to 2,000m, with impressive armor penetration results.

"[SPIKE SR] proved to be as lethal as other large-calibre missiles, with great agility for the warfighter due to its light weight, as well as its ability to act rapidly within six seconds from cold start, engaging fast moving targets, highly-demanded capabilities in today's warfare,” commented Gal Papier, Director of Marketing and Business Development for Rafael’s Precision Tactical Weapon Systems directorate.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Janeiro 17, 2020, 10:05:06 am
 Military Capabilities

Egypt inaugurates major Red Sea base complex

Jeremy Binnie, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
16 January 2020

 An armoured formation lined up at the new Berenice Air Base for the inauguration ceremony on 15 January. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Defence

Egypt formally inaugurated a strategically significant new base complex on 15 January in an event attended by high-ranking dignitaries from allied Arab states.

Berenice (Barnis) Military Base is located on the Red Sea coast approximately 90 km north of the Halayib Triangle, an Egyptian-controlled area disputed by Sudan. The Egyptian Ministry of Defence said the base has been built to secure Egypt's southern coasts, economic interests in the Red Sea, and international maritime traffic moving through to and from the Suez Canal.

The MoD released a video showing the new base is made up of several facilities for the navy, air force, ground forces, and air defence forces.

Open source satellite imagery shows the existing airbase has been significantly expanded with the construction of 18 new hardened air shelters, each capable of accommodating two fighters, as well as new parking aprons, hangars, and an accommodation and administration area.

A new runway has also been constructed in addition to the two existing ones, albeit this appears to serve a new civilian airport that has been built at the base. The MoD said the airport can accommodate eight aircraft and its terminal can handle 600 passengers an hour.

A new naval base has been built to the northeast. The MoD says this base's quay is 1,000 m long and 14 m deep. A commercial port that will have 1,200 m of berthing space is under construction, it added.

There are also bases for the ground and air defences forces, with the MoD video showing signs for both an Air Defence Group and the 124th Ground Defence Battalion.

The base complex is supported by local infrastructure developments that include a 50-bed hospital, a desalination plant with a 34,000 m 3 per day capacity, and 40 km of roads that link the various bases.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Janeiro 26, 2020, 07:42:12 pm
BAE Systems integra el misil Spike LR en el blindado CV90

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 14, 2020, 05:15:33 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Abril 24, 2020, 06:10:22 pm
General Dynamics Land Systems, una unidad de negocios de General Dynamics, ha presentado su más reciente vehículo de combate desarrollado para el programa Mobile Protected Firepower (Potencia de Fuego Móvil Protegido) del Ejército de Estados Unidos.

El nuevo vehículo fue presentado durante la visita del Secretario del Ejército, Ryan D. McCarthy, y Vice Jefe de Estado Mayor del Ejército, general Joseph M. Martin, en las instalaciones de General Dynamics en Detriot, Michigan., el 23 de abril.

Los líderes del Ejército visitaron las instalaciones de General Dynamics y BAE Systems en Detroit para inspeccionar varios programas militares interesantes que continúan progresando a pesar de la pandemia de COVID-19.



Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 04, 2020, 02:54:02 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 05, 2020, 10:04:42 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 10, 2020, 09:17:58 am
Increible... :o :o :o :o  salen a 120.000 dólares cada unidad.......yo quiero uno!!... :mrgreen:

Quizás sea buena oportunidad de quedarse ustedes con 200 unidades por solo 20 millones de euros.

Emiratos Árabes Unidos autorizado a comprar 4.569 vehículos blindados MRAP por solo 556 millones de dólares.

El Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos ha dado su visto bueno para vender 4.569 vehículos protegidos contra emboscadas resistentes a las minas (MRAP) que el Ejército no utiliza, a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU) por “solo” 556 millones.

En septiembre de 2014, la Agencia de Cooperación en Seguridad de la Defensa [DSCA], la agencia responsable de las exportaciones de equipos militares estadounidenses, recomendó al Congreso que aceptara una posible venta a los Emiratos Árabes Unidos de 4.569 vehículos blindados del tipo MRAP, especialmente diseñados para contrarrestar la amenaza de los artefactos improvisados explosivos ​​[IED], como parte de un programa urgente para satisfacer las necesidades del Ejército y el Cuerpo de Marines de Estados Unidos. La factura se estimó entonces en 2.500 millones de dólares.

Según la Oficina del Programa Conjunto del Pentágono, los vehículos MRAP, con blindaje en forma de V en la parte baja del vehículo, permite desviar la explosión hacia los lados calculando que habrían salvado 30.000 vidas en Afganistán y 10.000 en Irak. Se construyeron un total de 27.000 vehículos por un coste estimado de 50.000 millones de dólares.

Sin embargo, en enero de 2014, dada la gran disparidad de modelos (se pusieron en servicio al menos 25 versiones diferentes) y la dificultad de mantenerlos, el Ejército anunció que solo mantendría en su inventario un tercio de los MRAP producidos, mientras que el resto se revendería. Esto despertó el interés de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

Desde entonces, estos 4.569 MRAP se han añadido a los 3.000 vehículos Nimr utilizados por las pequeñas fuerzas terrestres de los EAU. Se calcula que EAU tiene unos 60.000 efectivos.

De hecho, en febrero de 2019, una investigación publicada por el Washington Post reveló que varios de estos vehículos MRAP habían sido vendidos a milicias armadas, con diversas alianzas, en Yemen. Y algunos incluso habían caído en manos de los rebeldes hutíes respaldados por Irán.

En ese momento, el Pentágono dijo que tomaba “las acusaciones de mal uso del equipo de defensa de origen estadounidense muy en serio” y aseguró que iniciaría “investigaciones una vez que se recibieran pruebas creíbles”.

Sin embargo, a pesar de este caso, la DSCA recomendó una vez más al Congreso que aceptara una solicitud de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos para adquirir un nuevo lote de 4.569 vehículos MRAP, en un aviso publicado el 7 de mayo bajo el título de “Artículos de defensa en exceso”. Y por una factura de “solo” 556 millones de dólares [cinco veces más barato que en septiembre de 2014.


La venta propuesta respaldará la política exterior de Estados Unidos y los objetivos de seguridad nacional al ayudar a mejorar la seguridad de un importante socio regional”. Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos han sido y siguen siendo un socio esencial para la estabilidad política y el progreso económico en Oriente Medio. Esta venta es coherente con las iniciativas de EE. UU. para proporcionar a los principales aliados de la región sistemas modernos que mejoren la interoperabilidad con las fuerzas estadounidenses y aumenten la seguridad “, afirma la DSCA en su opinión.

En cuanto al uso previsto por los Emiratos de los 4.569 MRAP, la agencia estadounidense dice que se “utilizarán para mejorar la protección” de las fuerzas de los Emiratos, “llevar a cabo operaciones de asistencia humanitaria” y “protegerán infraestructuras críticas”.

Como recordatorio, el último informe del grupo de expertos de las Naciones Unidas para Libia afirma que los vehículos MRAP fueron entregados al Ejército Nacional Libio [ANL] del mariscal Khalifa Haftar, a pesar del embargo de armas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 13, 2020, 04:55:49 pm
Maniobras en Lituania.

A partir del 0:56 se ve en acción la nueva manguera explosiva ligera en servicio en el Ejército español.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 20, 2020, 10:32:04 pm
US Army Examines Patria NEMO 
Patria Oyj (Helsinki, Finland) announced on 19 May it has entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center to determine feasibility of incorporating a turreted, breech-loaded 120mm mortar weapon system into US mortar carriers.

( (                      NEMO firing trials mounted on a Patria AMV. (Photo: Patria)

The scope of the agreement is to assess the capabilities of Patria’s NEMO mortar system, its compatibility with US mortar carrier platforms and fire control systems as well as to evaluate the use of current US 120mm mortar ammunition in a breech-loaded mortar, such as the NEMO.

This agreement is a continuation of the service’s effort to provide Armored and STRYKER Brigade Combat Teams with rapid, precise indirect and direct fire capability in circumstances in which the operating crew is well protected and its physical burden significantly reduced. In late 2018, the army published a market survey to identify capable sources to develop and produce the 120mm Mortar Future Indirect Fire Turret (FIFT). Patria answered the market survey based on NEMO.

Patria’s NEMO is a turreted, remote-controlled 120mm mortar system with both direct and indirect fire capability, capable of executing up to six-grenade multiple rounds simultaneous impact fire missions. In addition to being highly protected, it is light, compact and easily installed on light, tracked chassis, wheeled armored vehicles or naval vessels.

“The agreement between the US Army and Patria exemplifies the capability leap that modern turreted mortar systems can introduce to armed forces and illustrates Patria’s leading role in this technology area. It is also [a] logical continuation to the cooperation between Patria and the US government that began with Patria NEMO sales to a third country through a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme,” commented Jussi Järvinen, President of Patria’s Land Business Unit.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Junho 04, 2020, 07:31:21 am

The first Bradley A4 vehicles have been delivered to our U.S. Army customer! Production on the Bradley vehicles spans BAE Systems’ industrial network, so share a photo of the vehicles on the road if you see them in Anniston, Alabama or York, Pennsylvania.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 16, 2020, 08:17:14 pm
New ASTROS II Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems Delivery to Indonesia Army


Indonesian Army continues to taking delivery of new military platforms. Images of new Multiple Rocket Launcher System arrived to the country were published on social media. The Indonesian Army took delivery of a new batch ASTROS II multiple rocket launcher system. ASTROS II includes 27 unit of ASTROS II and it’s ammunition just arrived in Port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta. The ASTROS II artillery system entered service with the Indonesian Army in 2015. Under the agreement Indonesia received 36 launchers and a similar number of transport-charging machines, fire control, mobile repair shops, mobile weather stations, control vehicle battery commander. Avibras provided training facilities, simulators and a package of spare parts.


ASTROS II (Artillery Saturation Rocket System) is a self-propelled multiple rocket launcher produced in Brazil by the Avibras company. It features modular design and employs rockets with calibers ranging from 127 mm to 450 mm ( 5-17.72 inches). It was developed on the basis of a Tectran VBT-2028 6×6 all-terrain vehicle for enhanced mobility. The Astros II are normally grouped in artillery batteries consisting on average of about 13 vehicles: 6 of them are Astros II launchers, 6 are rocket resupply trucks and one a special radar-equipped vehicle controlling the fire control system. The launcher is capable of firing rockets of different calibers armed with a range of warheads.


The Astros II artillery system entered service with the Brazilian Army in 1983. The system is battle proven, having been used in action by the Iraqi Army in the Gulf Wars. In the 1980s, Avibrás sold an estimated sixty-six Astros II artillery systems to Iraq. Iraq also built the Sajil-60 which is a license-built version of the Brazilian SS-60. Sixty Astros II were sold to Saudi Arabia and an unspecified number sold to Bahrain and Qatar. Total sales of the Astros II between 1982 and 1987 reached one billion dollars. Exported to many countries the Astros is considered a market-leader among the small and highly competitive group of manufacturers of such systems.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Junho 18, 2020, 08:09:03 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 27, 2020, 11:22:37 pm
Egypt reportedly signed contract for 500 T-90MS main battle tanks

Parece que está concluído o acordo.

Então 1360 M1A1, 1716 M60A1 e A3, 34 T-80UK e U, 200 T-62, 260 Ramses II ( que é basicamente um um T-54 com motor e armamento do M-60 e novo computador de tiro)
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 06, 2020, 01:02:20 pm
BAE Systems CV90 MkIV enhanced and modernized version of CV90 tracked armored IFV

BAE Systems continues to enhanced and modernized the CV90 tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle with the CV90 MkIV offering more mobility, firepower, and protection. The CV 90 MK IV was unveiled by BAE Systems during the International Armored Vehicles conference and Exhibition in September 2017.

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BAE Systems CV90 MKIV tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle. (Picture source BAE Systems)

BAE Systems has introduced the next phase of development for the CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) with the launch of the new CV90 MkIV in 2017. This fifth generation of the company’s combat-proven IFV family represents the next step for the CV90 concept.

This fifth-generation combat-proven Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) combines improved battlefield speeds and handling with an upgraded Electronic Architecture to support future growth capabilities.

The MkIV represents the next step in the evolution of the CV90 concept. Building on a proud legacy of best-in-class mobility and survivability spanning more than two decades, the CV90 MkIV brings unrivaled technological capabilities and flexibility to today’s complex battlefield.

With a new engine, the MkIV boasts up to 1,000 horsepower and the latest upgraded X300 heavy-duty transmission. The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating is increased from 35 tones to 37 tones, offering users two tones of extra payload without a decrease in vehicle agility. The MkIV generation will also be the first Western IFV with a qualified Active Protection System.

The new CV90 MkIV D-series of turrets which feature a modular design offering 30/40-, 35/50 and 120mm main guns and weapon pods for integrated Anti-Tank Guided Missiles and machine guns. The turrets are designed to support a more extensive sensor suite integration and utilize BAE Systems’ revolutionary new iFighting™ concept. The MkIV generation will also be the first Western IFV with a qualified Active Protection System.

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With a new engine, the MkIV boasts up to 1,000 horsepower and the latest upgraded X300 heavy-duty transmission. (Picture source BAE Systems)

The design of the CV90 Mk IV is very similar to the original CV90 with the driver seated front left, the power pack to his right, the turret in the center and the troop's compartment at the rear of the hull. The CV90 Mk IV is of all-welded steel armor construction. The CV90 basic armor provides all-round protection against 14.5 mm armor-piercing rounds. Armor protection over the frontal arc is classified, but all models from CV90 and later are said to be protected against 30 mm APFSDS (Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot) ammunition.

Active damping is included as part of the base offering for the chassis. This feature enables active vehicle dynamics to give users a more stable platform, allowing increased speed across all terrain. It also reduces life support cost significantly for the end user.

The fourth generation of NGVA Standard Electronic Architecture makes sensor data fusion more effective and significantly increases real-time parallel data processing. This upgrade will support machine-learning algorithms, artificial intelligence capabilities – including autonomous crew support – and Augmented Reality and 3D map data to enable future adoption and growth.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 11, 2020, 06:29:37 pm

Using its recently unveiled eight-missile launcher for the SPIKE NLOS missile, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is offering the system in partnership with PGZ for the Polish Ottokar-Brzoza programme – formerly known as the Tank Destroyer programme. PGZ is offering BWP-1 and KTO ROSOMAK vehicle platforms for the requirement.

With a standoff range of 32km, SPIKE NLOS is the longest-range variant of the SPIKE family, featuring all-weather performance. One SPIKE NLOS battery can cover a large operational area, creating a significant tactical footprint. It is a 5th-generation ATGM and includes an advanced EO guidance unit, enabling passive target engagement with no laser emission, radar signals or GPS-dependence. The unique combination of standoff and EO guidance allows a SPIKE NLOS unit to launch stealth salvo attacks, engaging multiple armoured targets simultaneously, breaking the enemy's momentum.

The system is capable of engaging line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight targets, with a choice of engagement modes using digital targeting data provided over standard secure military networks, fully interoperable with NATO solutions.

To meet a key requirement of the Polish  programme, the selected standoff weapon must be able to cope with any type of terrain, including urban. SPIKE NLOS, with its real-time datalink and high quality EO seeker, facilitates engagement in urban terrain with pinpoint accuracy that is hard to obtain with laser-guided or radar-guided missiles, thereby minimizing potential collateral damage and allowing significantly better discrimination among targets as friend, foe or uninvolved.

Another major differentiator for the EO guidance system is the ability to discriminate real-time high value targets (as the missile approaches the target area) such as C2 assets or air-defence launchers whose removal dramatically affects the opponent. 

The SPIKE NLOS missile is in service with multiple armed forces, including several NATO members, and has been fired thousands of times in combat from vehicle and naval platforms as well as attack helicopters. It is slated to compete in the future KRUK attack helicopter programme for the Polish armed forces.

The new SPIKE NLOS launcher is based on a stand-alone multi-purpose launcher that can be integrated onto any current or future Polish platform, such as the BWP-1, the KTO ROSOMAK or the future BORSUK IFV. An important feature of the launcher is its compatibility with other SPIKE family members in service in Poland, including SPIKE LR and SPIKE LR2, allowing use of the thousands of existing SPIKE rounds in inventory.

The valuable experience gained by Polish forces in the use of SPIKE to date, coupled with the fact that the missile is produced in Poland by Mesko – a PGZ company – provides a suitable infrastructure for future local production of the NLOS missile and the new launcher.

A brief video of the SPIKE NLOS system may be viewed by clicking here:

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 03, 2020, 05:44:14 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 07, 2020, 11:58:53 am
Colombia vai receber 144 blindados m1117 (ASV) dos Estados Unidos

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 09, 2020, 11:24:23 am
US Marines is looking to field new generation of light anti-armor weapon M72 FFE


According to information published on the U.S Marines website on August 4, 2020, the United States Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) is looking to field a next-generation, shoulder-fired anti-tank rocket system M72 that will increase lethality and safety for U.S. Marines.

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New M72 LAW FFE Fire from Enclosure antitank weapon. (Picture source My New Desk website)

With guidance from MCSC’s (Marine Corps Systems Command) Program Manager for Ammunition, the Army in July released a Request for Proposals for the M72 Light Assault Weapon (LAW) Fire from Enclosure (FFE) munition. The Army is procuring the system on behalf of MCSC, fulfilling a requirement for the Corps.

The United States developed the M72 Light Antiarmour Weapon (LAW) in the 1960s as a single-shot, disposable rocket launcher. The weapon consists of two telescoped tubes that, when extended, automatically prepare the weapon for firing (safety release, cocking of the firing mechanism, and deployment of pop-up sights). Although the weapon bears superficial resemblance to many tubular rocket launchers, its compact size, squared firing mechanism, and sight housings make it relatively easy to identify.

The M72 LAW’s warhead has excellent penetration ability and lethal after-armor effects. The extremely destructive, shaped-charge explosive penetrates more than 12 inches of armor. It has a maximum effective range of 200 meters.

The M72 LAW FFE is a compact, lightweight, single-shot weapon system. It incorporates an improved launcher, featuring an enhanced in-line trigger mechanism and improved sling design.

Managed by PM Ammo, the FFE technology is an upgraded version of the legacy M72 LAW system. The newer system enables Marines to fire several shots per day from inside a room—a capability the legacy system lacked. When firing at night, the flash from the M72 FFE’s muzzle and backblast is less than that of an M9 pistol.

The ability to fire from an enclosed position combined with reduced noise and flash allows Marines to maintain a covered and concealed position, reducing the enemies’ ability to identify the point of origin.

The M72 FFE comprises two configurations: the M72A8 anti-armor and the M72A10 multi-purpose, anti-structure munition. The anti-armor warhead improves armor penetration while the multi-purpose warhead gives Marines the added capability of an anti-structure round capable of eliminating hardened structures, such as buildings.

The M72A10 incorporates an advanced warhead design with a multipurpose explosive and a self-discriminating fuse that operates in either fast- or delay-mode based on target construction. It can be used to engage various targets, such as structures, bunkers, and enemy personnel.

The FFE’s lightweight allows smaller units to increase the amount of shoulder-fired munitions available during operations. It also provides them with an easy-to-carry, fast-to-employ system designed to defeat multiple targets in all conditions.

The U.S. Marines Program Manage ammo expects to field the new generation of M72 FFE in the fiscal year 2022.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 11, 2020, 06:31:53 pm
Germany announces a plan to boost its defense spending
According to information published by the World Socialist Web Site on August 10, 2020, Germany has announced a plan to boost its defense spending. The German Defense Minister has published a first priority list for the acquisition of military equipment to continue the modernization of its armed forces.
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A member of the German support element, assigned to the Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), checks a Heckler & Koch G36 rifle prior to the qualification at the Benelux Training Support Center indoor range on Chièvres Air Base, Belgium, Feb. 26, 2019. (Picture source U.S. DoD)
The German army needs to replace its standard assault rifle G36, a new tender could be released in the next few months for a total of 120,000 rifles including spare parts and accessories for an amount of $245 million. In 2019, the German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen has confirmed that the G36,a rifle which has been in service since 20 years with the German army, will be phased out and needs to be replaced by a new generation of assault rifle.
For the German Air Force, in addition to the 138 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft that are already in service, a new batch of 38 additional fighters will be purchased. Currently, the German air force has a total of 143 Typhoon aircraft, 33 of Tranche 1, 79 of Tranche 2 and 31 of Tranche 3A.
The Eurofighter Typhoon is a twin-engine, canard–delta wing, multirole fighter. It was designed originally as an air superiority fighter and is manufactured by a consortium of Airbus, BAE Systems, and Leonardo that conducts the majority of the project through a joint holding company, Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH.
On 4 August 2003, the German Air Force accepted its first series production Eurofighter (30+03) starting the replacement process of the Mikoyan MiG-29s inherited from the East German Air Force.[157] The first Luftwaffe Wing to accept the Eurofighter was Jagdgeschwader 73 "Steinhoff" on 30 April 2004 at Rostock–Laage Airport.[158] The second Wing was Jagdgeschwader 74 (JG74) on 25 July 2006, with four Eurofighters arriving at Neuburg Air Base, beginning the replacement of JG74's McDonnell Douglas F-4F Phantom IIs.
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A German Eurofighter Typhooner links up with a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker assigned to the 100th Air Refueling Wing to be refueled via its multi-point refueling system during a NATO Multinational Air Group exercise over Germany, June 25, 2020. (Picture source U.S. Dod)
Germany has also many new projects for its naval forces including the procurement of 31 Sea Tiger Naval helicopters and the development and purchase of naval drones. Germany Navy has also planned to acquire a new generation of frigate. On June 17, 2020, the German Parliament has approved the budget for the acquisition of four MKS 180 frigates that will be built by the Dutch shipbuilder Damen. This contract will be the largest naval contract for the companies Damen and Thales with an estimated amount of 5.473 billion Euros.
The German navy has also planned to acquire F125 frigates and Class 212 submarines.
For the Army, the delivery of the new tracked armored IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) Puma will continue, and the old Marder IFV will be upgraded to extend its operational life. The Leopard 2 MBT (Main Battle Tank) which is the backbone of the German Army will be modernized with APS (Active Protection System), a system designed to prevent line-of-sight guided anti-tank missiles/projectiles from acquiring and/or destroying a vehicle.
German armed forces also plan to purchase different types of ammunitions including RBS15 Mk3 sea/land target drone for the first and second batch of corvettes, GBU-54 guided bombs for the Eurofighter, new ammunition for the 125 frigates, torpedoes and new tank ammunition

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Major Alvega em Agosto 19, 2020, 01:51:39 am (

Hungria encomenda mais de 200 AIFV KF41 Lynx que irão ser produzidos no país em associação com a Rheinmetall.

A juntar aos recentemente encomendados: 44 Leopard 2A7+, 24 PzH2000, 5 Wisent 2, NASAM's II, Carl Gustav M4, 16 H225M, 20 H145M, 2 Falcon 7X, C-17's (partilhados) etc. etc.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Setembro 06, 2020, 08:14:47 pm
Lockheed Martin Awarded to Produce Parts of M142 HIMARS for US and Foreign Countries


Lockheed Martin Missile Fire Controls, Grand Prairie, Texas, was awarded a $23,067,054 modification to contract W31P4Q-19-C-0101 for the purchase of production parts for the production of M142 HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) launchers. Work will be performed in Camden, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 30, 2023. Fiscal 2019 missile procurement (U.S. Army) funds; 2020 United States Marine Corp funds; and 2020 Foreign Military Sales (Romania, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Finland) funds in the amount of $23,067,054 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

U.S. Marines with 3rd Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, conduct dry fire drills with an M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System during exercise Caged Hydra on Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, May 20, 2020. Caged Hydra is a battalion-level exercise that reinforces 3rd Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment’s ability to implement distributed command and control. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Donovan Massieperez)

The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is a light multiple rocket launcher developed in the late 1990s for the United States Army, mounted on a standard Army M1140 truck frame. The HIMARS carries six rockets or one MGM-140 ATACMS missile on the U.S. Army’s new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) five-ton truck, and can launch the entire Multiple Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions (MFOM). HIMARS ammunition is interchangeable with the MLRS M270A1, however it is only able to carry one pod rather than the standard two for the M270 and A1 variants. It was designed as a small, mobile, MLRS, with the ability to ‘shoot-and-scoot’.

Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, “The Steel Warrior Battalion,”, 14th Field Artillery Regiment, 75th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Sill, Okla., prepare to unload rocket pods for a M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) on February 14, 2020 during a field training exercise on Fort Sill. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Dustin D. Biven / 75th Field Artillery Brigade)

The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is the light, wheeled version of the M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). The HIMARS utilizes the same pod as the M270 MLRS uses. A pod can hold six rockets or a single missile. The windows are made of glass and layers of sapphire. The launcher is C-130 transportable. The chassis is produced by BAE Systems Mobility & Protection Systems (formerly Armor Holdings Aerospace and Defense Group Tactical Vehicle Systems Division), the OEM of the FMTV. The M142 HIMARS is now in service with the United States, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Poland, Finland, and Romania. Other countries including Canada, Qatar, and the Philippines has requested the United States to acquire M142 HIMARS.

U.S. Marines from 5th Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, shoot a M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) during U.S. Northern Command’s Exercise Arctic Edge, Fort Greely, Alaska, Mar. 3, 2020. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Diana Cossaboom)


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 08, 2020, 05:55:39 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 09, 2020, 01:08:23 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 14, 2020, 09:56:27 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Outubro 24, 2020, 01:53:37 pm
Philippine Army's Light Tank and Wheeled APC projects awarded to Israel's Elbit Systems


With the Philippines looking at reopening itself to business despite COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, it looks like the Department of National Defense (DND) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP are doing the same now.

As the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) confirming the release of funding for the initial 15% of the total project costs of the Light Tank and Wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) Acquisition Projects of the Philippine Army (PA), we now believe its time to announce the results of both projects.

Not surprising, many of our community members guessed who the winners are for both the Light Tank and Wheeled APC APC Acquisition Projects.  And yes, MaxDefense Philippines can finally confirm that the winner for both projects is none other than Elbit Systems Land & C4I of Israel, working closely with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, which received the Notice of Award (NOA) for the projects a few months ago.

Elbit Systems was working with General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) and Excalibur Army/Czechoslovak Group to offer the Sabrah Light Tank family using the ASCOD 2 tracked armored vehicle and the Pandur II 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle are platforms.

Also, Elbit Systems was working with IVECO Defense Vehicles for the Wheeled APC project, which offered to use the Guarani 6x6 wheeled APC. 


The Sabrah Light Tanks using the GDELS ASOCD 2 tracked, and GDELS-Excalibur Army Pandur II 8x8 wheeled armored vehicles as platforms (top), and the IVECO Guarani, all offered by Elbit Systems Land & C4I to the Philippine Army. Top photo from Elbit Systems, above photo from IVECO.

MaxDefense previously mentioned in past posts and blogs, as well as in our extension Philippine Defense Resource, that as as October 2019, the Department of National Defense (DND) already released a Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) that points to the Light Tank and Wheeled APC Projects to be acquired through Government-to-Government  (G2G) process.

This was later affirmed in April 2020 with the PA and DND finally confirming that the project would be undertaken with the Israeli Ministry of Defense's International Defense Cooperation Directorate (MODSIBAT). So far, IMOD-SIBAT has  assigned only Elbit Systems as their proponent.

The DND was already preparing the details and terms for the project's contract when the Philippine government decided to stop international travel and close the country due to COVID-19 pandemic. This delayed the entire process since both the Light Tank and Wheeled APC projects were among those affected by the realignment and diversion of funding as covered by Republic Act 11469, or the Bayanihan to Heal and One Act.

The Light Tank's 1st MYCA allocation worth Php1,422,649,800.00 provided under GAA FY2019, and the Wheeled APC's 1st and 2nd MYCA allocations worth Php339,780,000.00 and Php792,820,000.00 as provided by GAA FY2019 and FY2020, respectively were among those included in the fund diversions/But not all was lost. Due to the realignment, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the DND revised its funding plan for FY2020, by identifying which projects from the original GAA FY2019 and FY2020 are the most important. Among those considered important were the Light Tank and Wheeled APC projects. This allowed both projects to be re-assigned with funding of what remained of the GAA FY2019 and Y2020

Thus, the 1st MYCA for the Light Tank worth Php1,422,649,800.00 and the 1st MYCA for the Wheeled APC worth Php339,780,000.00 were restored. They only adjusted the project's delivery schedule which is now to be completed by 2022 instead of 2021. The 3rd and final MYCA allocations for both projects were also moved to be funded under FY2022. This revision was approved by the DND and national government on May 2020, and paved the way to continue with the finalization of both projects.

As early as August 2020, MaxDefense already received confirmation that the DND has released Notices of Awards (NOA) for both projects to Elbit Systems Land & C4I, which also represented their partners in the project. When Elbit Systems formally included the Sabrah Light Tank family into their portfolio as posted on their website since last August 2020, it was actually a heads-up that something positive already happened. The information was also confirmed by MaxDefense sources who were familiar with the project.

And since the Wheeled APC would be closely tied to the Light Tank Project, it was expected that it would also be reaching the same milestone.

With the funding allocation for both projects already released, its only a matter of time for both project to proceed further.

Why Guarani 6x6 for Wheeled APC, and not Pandur II 6x6?

Another main point that many of our readers have been asking, is why did Elbit Systems offered to use the IVECO Guarani 6x6 for its Wheeled APC offer, rather than use the GDELS/Excalibur Army Pandur II 6x6? Commonality should have been a factor in deciding to go with Pandur II 6x6 since it shares a lot of parts and traits as the Pandur II 8x8 that Elbit offered for the Wheeled Tank component of the Light Tank project. According to Army sources, it was the Philippine Army's Technical Working Group who actually decided to go for the IVECO Guarani, as Elbit Systems offered both the Guarani 6x6 and Pandur II 6x6 for the project. But it appears that Pandur II was more expensive than the Guarani, since Guarani benefits from cheaper. Brazilian labour and steel compared to the Pandur II which is produced in the Czech Republic.

Also, if Elbit Systems offered to use IVECO's Italian-made SuperAV 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle for the Wheeled Tank component of the Light Tank project, it would also be more expensive than the Pandur II 8x8, thus the decision to stick with Pandur II 8x8. Honestly, this is one of the flaws in the Philippine defense procurement, as it makes more sense for the Philippine Army to have chosen the Pandur II 6x6 if cost is the only issue.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Novembro 13, 2020, 07:09:46 pm
Made in Spain

Ibero SMV20, el blindado 4x4 multipropósito de la española TSD que puede alcanzar las 14 toneladas y que ya tendría cliente lanzador


El nuevo concepto de vehículo táctico multipropósito Ibero SMV20 desarrollado por TSD – Technology and Security Developments ha sido presentado hoy en las instalaciones de la compañía en Herencia. El SMV20, por Security Multipurpose Vehicle, es el resultado de la colaboración de TSD con otras compañías españolas, como Escribano Mechanical & Engineering, Hispamast, RFE o DTA Innovation, materializando 30 años de experiencia en el desarrollo y fabricación de vehículos para aplicaciones de seguridad y defensa.

Este proyecto de colaboración ilustra las posibilidades de cooperación de la industria nacional para configurar un vehículo táctico multipropósito con elevada habitabilidad y ergonomía, de concepción modular, que puede ser adaptado a aplicaciones de seguridad y defensa como la protección de fronteras, destacando por su elevado nivel de protección para el personal.

El Ibero es un 4x4 de gran tamaño basado en la probada plataforma Unimog de Mercedes lo que asegura un elevado nivel de movilidad y robustez. Con 340 cv de potencia, ha sido evaluado en las instalaciones del Campus de la Marañosa del Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA), se trata de un vehículo diseñado en torno a un concepto modular que permitirá adaptarlo a las necesidades concretas de sus clientes. La versión presentada hoy tiene un peso de 9,5 toneladas pero hay versiones de más tamaño, como la Ibero Pro que alcanza las 14 toneladas y que ya tendría un cliente lanzador.

El vehículo presentado hoy cuenta con capacidad para seis tripulantes incluyendo un puesto específico en el asiento del tripulante para el operador de la estación de empleo remoto Guardian. Tras estos, en el compartimento principal, el jefe del vehículo y el operador de comunicaciones cuentan con puestos dotados de terminales específicas para los equipos de comunicaciones y el sensor OTEOS montado sobre el mástil desplegable de Hispamast.

El vehículo cuenta con un elevado volumen interior que permite configurarlo de diferentes maneras, puerta posterior de apertura lateral, troneras para el empleo de arma en las puertas y bajo las ventanillas, cámaras exteriores que sustituyen a los espejos retrovisores y que permiten una conciencia situacional de 360 grados.  La posibilidad de que el cliente opere distintas versiones del Ibero redunda positivamente en los costes asociados al coste de vida, reduciendo la huella logística.

La protección balística y antiminas es de nivel 1 según la normativa STANAG pero se podrá incrementar según las necesidades del usuario. Se puede configurar para misiones que van desde la protección de fronteras, misiones de seguridad interior, tareas policiales, así como misiones de mantenimiento o imposición de la paz donde la separación entre vehículos militares y policiales es a menudo difusa.

El Ibero ofrece la posibilidad de integrar sistemas de armas de empleo remoto como la Guardian 2.0 o sensores electroópticos para tareas de vigilancia, como la OTEOS,  soluciones ambas proporcionadas por Escribano Mechanical & Engineering, socio de TSD en el programa y que forman parte del sistema SCOA o Sistema de Combate y Observación Avanzada. Este sistema ha sido diseñado para misiones de reconocimiento diurno y nocturno con capacidad de defensa de corto y medio alcance. Todos los sistemas están controlado por un Batlle Management System (BMS) desarrollado por la compañía que facilita la toma de decisiones sobre un blanco detectado por los medios de observación, además de facilitar la recepción de información procedente de sistemas externos.




Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Dezembro 07, 2020, 05:32:57 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Dezembro 10, 2020, 12:18:59 pm
Iveco Defesa Sells VBTP-MR Guarani 6X6 to the Philippine Army


Iveco Defesa has supplied the Philippine Army with 28 Guarani 6×6 armoured personnel carriers. At a total value of $47 million (€39.3 million), the contract marks the first export win for the vehicles. Iveco Defese will arms Philippines cars with an operated turret with a 12.7 mm machine gun or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. Onboard systems include an E-LynX software-defined radio, a COMBAT NG command and control system and a TORCH-X combat management system, all supplied by Israel’s Elbit Systems. The design was also adapted by IVECO for its SuperAV 8×8, which eventually was selected by the US Marine Corps for its Amphibious Combat Vehicle program to complement and eventually replace the USMC’s AAV7A1 amphibious assault vehicles.


The VBTP-MR (Viatura Blindada Transporte de Pessoal – Média de Rodas; “Armored Personnel Carrier Vehicle – Medium Wheeled Type) Guarani is a 6×6 armoured personnel carrier developed by Iveco and the Brazilian Army as part of its “URUTU-III” modernization program aimed to replace all EE-11 Urutu by 2015. The 8×8 version of the VBTP-MR is the base of Iveco’s Superav armoured personnel carrier. In the program other Brazilian Companies also participated, such as IMBEL (Communications), ELBIT (Armaments), Usiminas and Villares (development of national ballistic structural steel). The Brazilian Army has signed with Iveco a contract worth about €2.5 billion for supplying armoured personnel carriers of the VBTP-MR model. The contract covers the delivery of 2,044 vehicles and logistical support for a period of 20 years.

The VBTP is a new family of 19,6 tonnes 6×6 armoured, amphibious vehicles, developed jointly by Iveco and the Brazilian Army (DCT – Department of Science and Technology) following the contract signed in 2009. Fitted with an Iveco-FPT 9-litre, 281 kW (383 HP) bi-fuel common-rail engine, coupled to an automatic gearbox, the VBTP can carry 11 personnel. It is 7.0 metres long, 2.7 metres wide and 2.3 metres in height and can be transported by C-130 Hercules and KC-390 aircrafts. The adoption of a modular approach to product development provides numerous advantages including development of product variants without unnecessary re-engineering (reducing timescales and costs), optimum combination of power, protection and payload, flexibility in operation, support through improved maintainability and ease of upgrade.


The Guarani can be equipped with manned and unmanned turrets carrying armament from 5.56 to 30 mm. The requirements for the VBTP-MR VBCI included an ELBIT remote control turret, equipped with a Mk44 Bushmaster II cannon and a 7.62mm machine gun; it should also be able fire anti-tank guided missiles. This turret, capable of 360 degree swivel and elevation / depression of -15 to +60 degrees, was chosen by the Brazilian Army on a selection made from among four companies. It is expected to be manufactured in Brazil. The firing system has a laser rangefinder, vision and fire control by day/night thermal vision, double shot of command (commander and gunner of the car, with precedence for the later), automatic target tracking system, and hunter killer smoke launchers. A significant aspect of this vehicle is that the turret is equipped with weapons sights and it is stabilized in two axes, allowing firing on the move with very high probability of hit within the first shot.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 08, 2021, 12:08:40 pm
This pics confirms that the glacis plate and the turret modules of #Merkava 4 has explosive contents.
Inscription on the glacis "נפיץ סידרה.01.11"- Series Explosive.01.11
On turret module "01.05.נפיץ סידרה"- Series Explosive.01.05
So, its must be #SLERA and not NERA
Via Wiedzmin


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Janeiro 14, 2021, 05:27:12 pm
Taurus Armas fecha venda de 12 Mil fuzis T4 para o Exército das Filipinas


A Taurus Armas S.A. divulgou (26DEZ2020), que, após o fuzil Taurus T4 ser aprovado nos rigorosos testes qualificatórios de resistência realizados nas Filipinas, a empresa oficialmente fechou a venda de 12.412 unidades dessa arma para suprir o Exército Filipino.

Para a Taurus, a transação é significativa, tanto pela quantidade envolvida, como pelo fato de ser a primeira força militar do mundo a adotar o fuzil T4, já que, até então, a arma só era adotada por forças policiais no Brasil e em outros países.

A entrega de todo o lote será realizada durante o primeiro semestre de 2021.
O preço ofertado pela fabricante brasileira foi de 590,78 dólares por unidade, o que significará um significativo ingresso de mais de 35 milhões de reais nos cofres da companhia.

O fuzil T4, produzido na planta da Taurus no Brasil, deverá ser o primeiro fuzil automático no calibre 5.56 produzido fora dos Estados Unidos a ser adquirido pelo Exército Filipino. Em todas as licitações internacionais anteriores, o Exército das Filipinas adquiriu esse tipo de armamento de fabricantes norte-americanos.

A arma é baseada na consagrada plataforma M4/M16, amplamente empregada pelas Forças Armadas em todo o mundo e, principalmente, pelos países membros da OTAN, por ser considerada extremamente confiável, leve e de fácil emprego e manutenção.

A adoção do Taurus T4 pelo Exército das Filipinas comprova, mais uma vez em nível mundial, a excelente qualidade das armas produzidas pela Taurus, decorrente do exigente protocolo de desenvolvimento de produtos do Centro Integrado de Tecnologia e Engenharia da empresa.


Parceria com empresa filipina

A Taurus estabelecerá uma parceria com a empresa filipina Trust Trade, que prestará serviços de pós-venda nesse país (assistência técnica e reposição de peças). Esta empresa é a responsável pela distribuição exclusiva dos produtos das brasileiras Taurus Armas, CBC/Magtech e Condor Tecnologias Não-Letais, além de importadora e distribuidora internacional líder em armas de fogo, munições e acessórios nesse país asiático, atendendo às necessidades da polícia, agentes da lei, militares e civis para transações individuais, no atacado e institucionais.
Filipinas e Índia credenciam a Taurus no imenso mercado asiático

O fornecimento de fuzis e pistolas para as forças armadas e policiais das Filipinas e a joint venture com a indiana Jindal Defense estabelecem um cenário promissor para a Taurus Armas, pois credenciam a empresa junto ao imenso mercado asiático, pressupondo novos e significativos negócios no maior e mais inexplorado mercado mundial para armamentos leves.

Como exemplo, recentemente a Índia solicitou 10 unidades do Fuzil T4 para submetê-los a testes, haja vista que pretende fazer uma licitação que poderá variar entre 350.000 e 500.000 fuzis CQB (Close Quarters Battle - arma mais curta que o fuzil de assalto, destinada ao combate aproximado) para suas unidades de Infantaria, especialmente as que atuam nas regiões da fronteira com o Paquistão.

O pioneirismo da Taurus e da CBC, sendo parceiros de primeira hora do Primeiro-Ministro indiano Narendra Modi em seu Programa Make in India (concretizado por meio das joint ventures já firmadas com a Jindal Defence e com a SSS Defence, respectivamente), poderá pesar favoravelmente na balança das negociações para a escolha do novo fuzil CQB indiano.

Além desse fator, poderão também pesar também no negócio a afinidade ideológica e os interesses comerciais mútuos entre o PM Modi e o Presidente Jair Bolsonaro, bem como a ambição geopolítica da Índia nas Américas, tendo o Brasil como epicentro. Correndo por fora, há ainda o fato (noticiado pela imprensa indiana) de o governo desse país asiático ter grande interesse em firmar uma parceria com a Embraer, visando sua divisão de jatos comerciais.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 25, 2021, 03:50:39 pm
Morocco has bought the Patriot air defense missile system
Posted on January 23, 2021
The U.S. Trade Department has disclosed the sale of the Patriot air defense missile system to Morocco in December, the announcement was uncovered by The North Africa Post.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 28, 2021, 06:55:46 am
EEUU captura en Libia un sistema Pantsir y lo traslada a Alemania


A truck-mounted Russian air defence missile system captured on a Libyan battlefield was flown intact to a US air base in Germany in a covert mission, The Times has learnt.

The operation was ordered amid concerns that the Pantsir S-1 missile battery, which can easily bring down civilian aircraft, could fall into the hands of militias or arms smugglers in the war-torn north African country.

The operation involved sending a team on a US air force C-17 Globemaster cargo plane to Zuwara airport, west of Tripoli, last June to load the battery and transport it back to the Ramstein base in southwestern Germany. It had been purchased from Russia by the United Arab Emirates, which had sent it to Libya to support forces loyal to
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Fevereiro 10, 2021, 12:22:15 am
Oshkosh Defense celebrates production of 10,000th JLTV

Oshkosh Defense announced on February 9 that the company recently produced the 10,000th Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV).

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Oshkosh Defense's Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Oshkosh Defense states that this significant milestone represents over a decade of proprietary experience in designing, building, and delivering a state-of-the-art light tactical vehicle. Since the program was awarded to Oshkosh Defense in August 2015, the company has built a robust, dependable supply chain; optimized its manufacturing process and maximized efficiencies; and provided JLTVs at a contractual price substantially lower than the Government cost estimate.

"This milestone is a true testament to the pride and dedication that our team members have in the JLTV program which has become a central piece of the U.S. military's ground force," said George Mansfield, Vice President and General Manager of Joint Programs for Oshkosh Defense. "Producing the 10,000th JLTV in under five years is further evidence of our ability to meet the demands of our domestic and international customers by providing the world's most capable light tactical vehicle at a great price. We're excited to continue working with our military customer to further refine and expand the platform."

To date, Oshkosh Defense has received orders for 18,126 JLTVs for a total contract value over $6 Billion. Over 6,500 of those vehicles have been fielded with Warfighters around the globe, including over 30 U.S. and international military installations.

International interest in the Oshkosh Defense JLTV also continues to grow. Oshkosh Defense has received orders or commitments from seven NATO and non-NATO allies including United Kingdom, Belgium, Montenegro, Slovenia, Lithuania, Brazil, and North Macedonia.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 12, 2021, 02:28:34 pm

CZG – Česká zbrojovka Group SE (“CZG” or “the Group”) hereby informs that on 11 February 2021, it signed a definitive agreement to acquire 100% of the outstanding equity interest in Colt Holding Company LLC (“Colt”), the parent company of U.S. firearms manufacturer, Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC as well as its Canadian subsidiary, Colt Canada Corporation.Subject to the terms and conditions of the definitive agreement, CZG shall acquire a 100% stake in Colt for upfront cash consideration of $220 million and the issuance of 1,098,620 shares of newly issued CZG common stock. The agreement also provides for potential earnout consideration of up to 1,098,620 shares of newly issued CZG common stock if defined EBITDA thresholds are achieved in years 2021 - 2023.Commenting on today’s announcement, Lubomír Kovařík, President and Chairman of CZG, said: “This merger is a strategic step for both companies. The acquisition of Colt, an iconic brand and a benchmark for the military, law enforcement and commercial markets globally, fits perfectly in our strategy to become the leader in the firearms manufacturing industry and a key partner for the armed forces. We are proud to include Colt, which has stood shoulder-to- shoulder with the U.S. Army for over 175 years, in our portfolio. We believe in the successful connection of our corporate cultures, the proven track record of the current management team and the complementary nature of the CZ and Colt brands. The combined group will have revenues in excess of USD 500 million and presents a real small arms powerhouse. The experience of CZ and Colt management will further strengthen both brands and ensure CZ and Colt continue to deliver top quality products and solutions to all our customers.”Dennis Veilleux, President and CEO of Colt, agreed: “We are very pleased with the prospect of such a strategic combination. Having completed a historic turn-around of the operations and financial performance at Colt over the past five years, this important next step with CZG positions the company to take advantage of significant growth opportunities. We are excited to join forces with CZG which will be a powerful combination for both brands and for our customers.”The acquisition is to be financed from the Company’s existing cash resources, including recent IPO proceeds, and from the contemplated bond issuance.The transaction is subject to regulatory approval but is anticipated to close in the second quarter of 2021.With this strategic move, CZG will acquire significant production capacity in the United States and Canada and substantially expand its global customer base. Colt is a traditional supplier to global military and law enforcement customers. Among others, Colt is a long-term supplier to the U.S. Army (which relationship dates back over 175 years) and, through its Canadian subsidiary, Colt a designated exclusive supplier of small arms to the Canadian military.The management of CZG will organize a conference call for media to discuss this topic (more details to be announced in due course). Registrations to the call can be made by sending an email to CZG - Česká zbrojovka Group SE
CZG – Česká zbrojovka Group (CZG), together with its subsidiaries, is one of the leading European producers of firearms for military and law enforcement, personal defense, hunting, sport shooting and other civilian use. CZG markets and sells its products mainly under the CZ (Česká zbrojovka), CZ-USA, Dan Wesson, Brno Rifles and 4M Systems brands. CZG’s subsidiaries include Česká zbrojovka, CZ-USA, 4M Systems and CZ Export Praha. CZG owns a minority stake in Spuhr i Dalby, a Swedish manufacturer of optical mounting solutions for weapons.CZG is headquartered in the Czech Republic. It has production facilities in the Czech Republic and in the United States and employs around 1,650 people in the Czech Republic, the United States and Germany.About Colt
Colt is one of the world’s leading designers, developers, and manufacturers of firearms. It has supplied civilian, military and law enforcement customers in the U.S. and throughout the world for over 175 years.Colt is a supplier to the U.S. military, the exclusive supplier to the Canadian military and it also supplies its products to other armed forces around the world. Colt firearms enjoy a reputation throughout the world for accuracy, reliability and quality. Colt pistols and revolvers are carried by military and law enforcement personnel in numerous countries and are used by hunters and sportsmen and sportswomen worldwide. Colt commercial, sporting, military and law enforcement rifles enjoy similar renown.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 26, 2021, 04:02:50 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Março 18, 2021, 08:16:00 pm (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Março 19, 2021, 07:18:31 pm
Macedonian army to get various Strykers variants and weaponry from US Government

The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced on March 16 that the State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of North Macedonia of Stryker Vehicles and related equipment for an estimated cost of $210 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on March 16.

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M1126 Stryker (Picture source: U.S. Army /Pfc. Nicholas Vidro, 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)

The Government of North Macedonia has requested the possible sale of 54 Stryker vehicles, including M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicles (ICV), M1130 Command Vehicles (CV), and M1129 Mortar Carrier Vehicles (MCV). Also included are M2A1 .50 cal machine guns; M6 Smoke Grenade launchers and associated spares; Harris radios; Common Remote Operated Weapons Station (CROWS); Defense Advanced GPS Receiver; AN/VAS-5 Driver’s Vision Enhancer; spare parts and components; special tools and test equipment; publications and technical manuals; training; field service representatives; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistical support services, and other related elements of program and logistical support. The estimated cost is $210 million.

The principal contractor will be General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), Sterling Heights, MI; vehicles will be produced at GDLS-Canada in London, Ontario.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require 1 Stryker contractor representative for 12 months, 2 CROWS contractor representatives for 2 months, and 4 contractor representatives for 2 months to travel to North Macedonia to conduct the Operator and Maintenance OCONUS.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 27, 2021, 01:47:36 pm
Algeria has ordered 300 Russian-made BMPT-72 Terminator 2 fire support armored vehicles
Defense News March 2021 Global Security army industry

According to information published by the SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute ) arms trade database 2020, Algeria has ordered 300 BMPT-72 Terminator 2 tracked armored fire support vehicles from Russia.


BMPT-72 Russian-made fire support tracked armored vehicle at KADEX, defense exhibition. (Picture source Army Recognition)

Since the year 2013, the Algerian has bought a significant number of land military equipment from Russia including 38 Pantsir-S1 air defense missile/cannon systems, 100 SA-17 Buk-M2 air defense missile systems based on tracked armored, 12 9P78 Iskander mobile short-range ballistic missile system, and 203 T-90SA main battle tanks.

The BMP-72 also called Terminator 2 is a fire support tracked armored vehicle fully developed and designed by the company Uralvagonzavod and was unveiled for the first time to the public at the Russian Arms Expo 2013 defense exhibition in Nizhny Tagil (Russia). It is based on the chassis of the Russian-made main battle tank T-72. The vehicle offers new protection and firepower, especially in urban operations.

The main armament of the BMPT-72 turret consists of two 30mm automatic guns 2A42 and one PKTM 7.62mm coaxial machine gun which can be used against light armored vehicles and manpower. The guns can fire a wide range of ammunitions as APERS-T (Anti-Personnel ammunitions), HEF-I (High-explosive Fragmentation Incendiary), AP-T (Armour Piercing)., and KE (Kinetic Energy). Two anti-tank guided missile Ataka-T launcher units are mounted to each side of the turret. The anti-tank missile can engage a target up to a maximum distance of 6,000 m while the guns have a maximum range of 2,500 against light armored vehicles and 4,000 against light tactical vehicles and troops.

The BMPT-72 or Terminator 2 has a crew of three including a driver, commander, and gunner. The hull and turret of the BMPT-72 are made of steel armor and integrates the latest protection systems with explosive reactive armor (ERA) to the front of the turret, a detachable ERA module on the glacis plate, and applique ERA on the sides of the hull and turret.

According to Russian defense industry information, the BMPT-72 can be motorized with two types of engine, the original 850 hp B84MC or the new 1000 hp. B92C2 power plants, both are 12 cylinder V type multi-fuel, liquid-cooled Diesel engines. It can reach a maximum road speed of 60 km with a maximum cursing range of 500 km.

The BMPT-72 or Terminator 2 is fitted with an advanced automatic fire control system which can be used for terrain observation, target location, and detection on the move at day and night. A laser range finder is also available. The commander and the gunner of the BMPT-72 are equipped with control panels and LCD screen.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 23, 2021, 11:58:54 am
Nexter Develops A Scalable Gun for Future Tanks


Nexter-KNDS unveiled today an innovative concept for a large caliber gun system for main battle tanks designed to overmatch the heavy threats expected in the 2040-2050 timeframe. The “Autoloaded and SCALable Outperforming guN” (ASCALON) concept is designed to cope with the latest generation of heavy armor while staying ahead of the threats of the next half-century.

Based on know-how gained with battle tank armament, illustrated by the Leclerc’s 120mm smoothbore auto-loading gun system and associated ammunition, the new weapon maximizes energy levels with compact weight and volume, utilizing cutting edge technologies such as telescoped ammunition, and maturity achieved during firing campaigns with a 140mm caliber gun.

Next-generation large-caliber weapons will have to be able to guarantee the armed forces tactical superiority not only through the next decade (2035) but also for the following decades.

By 2040-2050, allied nations will potentially face the return of high-intensity confrontations. In the land domain, armies will have to equip themselves with modern means for tactical superiority, manned or unmanned, integrating numerous systems, reaching the highest levels of protection for the crew, and the capacity to neutralize the adversary. Faced with numerous and hardened threats, winning the battle from the outset will require shooting faster, farther, and with a higher destructive capacity on the first shot, while reducing logistical and ergonomic constraints.

The company expects the technical solutions to be fully mature by 2025, based on an open architecture design to serve as the basis for cooperative development under the Franco-German Main Ground Combat System (MGCS) program. This concept lays the foundations for the future European battle tank gun and ammunition standard, drawing on previous experiences with allies, such as in the 140mm Future Tank Main Armament-Programm (FTMA) gun program.

What makes ASCALON different from today’s tank guns?

A wide choice of terminal effects: The enlarged caliber enriches the range of ammunition for an optimal effect on the target thanks to rods of unparalleled length. It also makes it possible to foresee intelligent ammunition (missiles, projectiles, and other munitions) for firing beyond the line of sight (BLOS/NLOS), which will provide new capacities while reducing the vulnerability of the tank.

Increased firepower: An optimized chamber offers exceptional operational performance with an energy level close to 10 megajoules for kinetic ammunition while remaining below the internal pressure level of current calibers. This untapped potential will enable the weapon to evolve to a performance class of 13 megajoules capable of addressing any threat over the next 50 years.

A controlled blast effect: an innovative muzzle brake, adjusted external pressure fields, and an optimized firing impulse will reduce the blast effect of the shot, reducing the safety distance around the tank, enabling dismounted troops to operate closer to the tank, particularly in urban areas.

Compact ammunition: With a maximum length of 130 cm, ASCALON telescoped ammunition will be more compact than an equivalent caliber ammunition while maintaining maximum rod length. It can be used with automatic loading systems as the current Leclerc tank has, or stored and integrated into new, remotely-operated turrets as foreseen in some configurations of the MGCS.

Lighter Platforms: thanks to a controlled impulse, ASCALON will have With reduced recoil and lower acceleration generated by the gun, ASCALON could be mounted on platforms weighing less than 50 tons while exceeding the performance and lethality of today’s main gun.

For its scalability and growth potential, ASCALON offers a technological and tactical capability that, once matured, could become the standard gun for future heavy battle tanks for the coming decades, similar to the smoothbore 120mm ammunition standardized by NATO in the 1980s. While the 120 was based on German know-how, ASCALON represents a major contribution by the French industry to achieve a new common solution for France and Germany. However, for wider deployment, its maturation will have to be based on the European defense technology industrial base.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 09, 2021, 02:13:41 pm
Viatura de transporte secção infª

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 11, 2021, 06:05:14 pm

XM1299 ERCA tested with new fast autoloader
The demonstration involved the 31-round full-capacity autoloader using different types of charges, and the goal was to obtain data on how to increase the rate-of-fire.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Julho 01, 2021, 01:06:05 pm



Piranha wheeled vehicle and ASCOD series tracked vehicles at GDELS Santa Barbara facility in Spain.
Left to right:
Piranha III
VCR 8x8 w/ Samson 30
VCR 8x8 w/ UT30 Mk2
ASCOD 35 chassis
Ajax chassis
MTR 1000 Mobile Test Rig (Pizarro III pre-prototype)

Se ve que la nueva fase del Pizarro será considerablemente mas grande y blindada
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Julho 14, 2021, 10:47:38 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitan em Julho 19, 2021, 11:10:19 am
O Northstream 2 começa a pesar nos bolsos dos alemães...
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 18, 2021, 10:10:00 am
Rússia e Tajiquistão iniciam exercícios militares

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Setembro 15, 2021, 07:07:21 am
Finland, Latvia To Jointly Procure 360 Land Vehicles; Estonia, Sweden Could Join

The agreement includes an order from Latvia for the delivery of 200 APC variant vehicles and another 160 for Finland.

( (
Patria’s 6×6 vehicle, which will jointly procured Finland and Latvia.

AUCKLAND: A new agreement signed between Finland, Latvia and Finnish armored vehicle manufacturer Patria represents the official start of a joint-procurement effort by those two countries, known as the Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) program.

The CAVS 6×6 is based on Patria’s earlier 8×8 AMV and 6×6 XA-series vehicles with a similar chassis and power train. However, there are differences based on 6×6 requirements for both Finland and Latvia.

The project began in 2019 as a multinational cooperation effort that also included Estonia, which has since dropped out. The research and development phase has resulted in a common armored vehicle platform and armored personnel carrier (APC) variant.

Signed Aug. 30, the agreement includes an order from Latvia for the delivery of 200 APC variant vehicles and another 160 for Finland. Latvia’s are expected to cost around €1 million each, with Finland’s likely higher, as they are requesting a more advanced version of the vehicles.

A spokesperson from the Latvian MoD told Breaking Defense that the deliveries would begin this year and go through 2029. “This year’s delivery volume will be 10 vehicles,” the spokesperson said adding, “The total value of the contract is around €200 million; that includes the vehicles’ delivery, initial maintenance and training.”

Finland will order some vehicles this year, but a Letter of Intent from Helsinki states that serial procurement will not begin until 2023. Patria stated that an initial order of 160 is expected.

Meanwhile, further vehicles are under development to meet Finnish Army requirements. Col. Rainer Peltoneimi, inspector of infantry with Army Command Finland, told Breaking Defense that “Product development will continue with the development of a command post vehicle, a lifecycle package and an increasingly protected APC version.”

He added: “In conjunction, it is possible that also other vehicle variants get to be designed and developed depending on the needs of the participating countries.” It is expected that Estonia will re-join CAVS along with new entrant Sweden; the latter is expected to begin talks on joining the program sometime this year.

For Latvia, the new APC will provide a vehicle with additional mobility and ease of use for operators compared to existing assets. Currently, Latvia only fields an inventory of lightly armored 4×4 vehicles.

“Long life cycle and easy maintenance makes [CAVS] very cost-efficient. It adapts into several missions,” the Latvian MoD spokesperson said. A joint venture between Patria and Latvian company Unitruck, called Defence Partnership Latvia (DPL) that was created in 2020, will provide the maintenance and repair of the 6x6s for the Latvian Army in-country.

For Finland, CAVS is part of the Army’s wider effort to upgrade its wheeled mobility capability through to the 2060s. With the introduction of the new 6x6s it will mean that the Finnish Army can reallocated its existing older 1980s-vintage Sisu Pasi XA-180M 6x6s to local forces.

Meanwhile, Finland is modernizing its entire XA-180 armored vehicle fleet. Work started in 2015 and is due to be completed in 2022. The total value of the modernization is approximately €65 million.

“Modernization ensures that the capability, condition and technical life cycle of the XA-180 APC will extend into the 2040s,” Peltoneimi explained. “Electric systems will be upgraded, power transmission components will be improved and suspension and external coating will be renewed. Seats with security belts will also be installed in the vehicles.”

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 29, 2021, 06:16:40 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 29, 2022, 11:07:23 am
EEUU entrega 89 M2 Bradley a Croacia por 145 millones de $

Bradley M2A2 ODS: Croacia ordena 89 vehículos de combate de infantería estadounidenses
Gerhard Heiming

Tras la publicación del presupuesto por parte del Comité de Defensa del Parlamento de Croacia, el Ministerio de Defensa de Croacia acordó con el gobierno de los EE. UU. entregar 89 M2 de vehículos de combate de infantería Bradley como parte de Ventas Militares Extranjeras (FMS). Según un tuit del primer ministro croata, Croacia pagará 145,3 millones de dólares (130 millones de euros) del precio de compra. El gobierno estadounidense se hará cargo de 51,1 millones de dólares (46 millones de euros). Según información anterior, los costes de todo el programa ascienden a 630 millones de euros e incluyen la revisión de los vehículos previamente almacenados. Soldier & Technology informó sobre el programa con anticipación.

Como resultado de las renegociaciones, Croacia recibirá 62 vehículos de combate de infantería Bradley equipados y armados en la versión M2A2 ODS. Según los hallazgos de la Operación Tormenta del Desierto (ODS), estos vehículos estaban equipados con navegación, reconocimiento amigo-enemigo y misiles guiados antitanque, y estaban optimizados para la protección contra las minas. Las primeras entregas tuvieron lugar en 1995. Otros cinco vehículos se suministran con fines de formación y 22 vehículos como donantes de repuestos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 01, 2022, 01:27:25 pm
Bangladesh Army is buying Alcotan-100(M2) anti-tank missiles from Spain. It has a reusable firing control unit, named VOSEL (M2),with integrated night vision,which calculates the target position and trajectory, measures the propellant temperature,calculates the projectile and shows the gunner the future aiming point to maximize the hit probability.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 18, 2022, 01:17:08 pm
INSTALAZA suministrará lanzacohetes CS90 para la Brigada SAN MARCO italiana. La decisión final se encontraba entre el CS90, el RGW90 y el Carl Gustaf. INSTALAZA se encuentra compitiendo con el CS90, en otras FAS de gran importancia

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 03, 2022, 01:42:59 pm
Egito próximo de adquirir mísseis AV-TM 300 e sistema Astros II MK6 da Avibras


Segundo o Tactical Report, o Egito está próximo de adquirir mísseis AV-TM 300 junto com sua plataforma de lançamento, o sistema Avibras Astros II MK6.

Diz-se que este acordo faz parte de uma série mais ampla de acordos que foram recentemente assinados entre o Egito e as empresas de defesa brasileiras.

Segundo informações do Exército Brasileiro, o AV-TM 300 ou MTC (Míssil Tático de Cruzeiro) é do tipo terra-terra, podendo atingir o alcance de até 300 quilômetros.

Ele é lançado pelas mesmas viaturas do Sistema ASTROS II, modernizadas para a versão MK6, a fim de disparar foguetes e mísseis.

O míssil será empregado em duas versões: Cabeça-de-Guerra do tipo Auto-Explosiva (AE), com peso máximo até 200 kg, contendo 109 kg de PBX como explosivo; e cabeça-de-guerra múltipla, com cerca de 66 submunições de 70 mm, podendo ser utilizado em alvo anticarro.

O programa de construção do MTC é parte do Projeto Estratégico do Exército (PEE) ASTROS 2020, uma das sete prioridades no processo de modernização da Força Terrestre. É um projeto 100% nacional, com independência tecnológica e propriedade intelectual do Exército Brasileiro.

A navegação do MTC é feita por meio de sensores de navegação inercial junto com GPS, com um sistema antijaming e rádio altímetro para mantê-lo na altitude correta em relação ao solo. Obedece seu curso em conformidade com as informações armazenadas a bordo, com possibilidade de serem estabelecidos waypoints.

O míssil poderá ser utilizado contra instalações estratégicas, alvos inimigos de valor (meios logísticos, artilharia, blindados e meios aéreos) e alvos que devam ser neutralizadas logo no início do conflito, normalmente associadas à obtenção de superioridade aérea e à quebra da capacidade de coordenação das ações pelo inimigo.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Junho 13, 2022, 08:39:37 pm
Aí vem o Panther do séc XXI.
Venham de lá os 2A6 que precisamos urgentemente para as reservas de guerra.  ::)

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PTWolf em Junho 14, 2022, 03:26:31 pm
Aí vem o Panther do séc XXI.
Venham de lá os 2A6 que precisamos urgentemente para as reservas de guerra.  ::)


Não consigo julgar o resto, mas relativamente à estética está muito bonito
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 01, 2022, 01:44:07 am
Entregues os primeiros Guarani para as Filipinas


Na manhã de 28 de junho, na fábrica da IDV LATAM (Iveco Defence Vehicles Latin America), localizada na cidade de Sete Lagoas (MG), ocorreu a cerimônia de recebimento das cinco primeiras viaturas blindadas de transporte de pessoal 6X6 Guarani pelo Exército das Filipinas.

Este lote faz parte de uma encomenda de 28 unidades, feita em 2020, sendo que os restantes das entregas estão previstas para ocorrer em 2023  e 2024, com 10 e 13 viaturas, respectivamente. Os cinco exemplares entregues devem ser embarcados para as Filipinas nas próximas semanas, onde serão integrados aos sistemas de armas remotamente controladas (SARC), sistemas de gerenciamento de batalha TORCH-X TM e rádios definidos por software E-LynX TM, todos da Elbit Systems.

A entrega foi feita pela empresa Elbit, a responsável pela venda e principal contratada do programa junto ao governo filipino, e contou com todo o suporte da empresa Ares Aeroespacial e Defesa, que ficou encarregada do programa no Brasil.

Uma das viaturas Guarani das Filipinas no campo de provas da IDV

Outra venda recente do Guarani foi para Gana, que adquiriu 10 viaturas em 2021, e que deverá receber seu primeiro exemplar ainda este ano, sendo que as nove restante tem previsão de entrega para 2023. Esta aquisição tem uma particularidade bem relevante, pois um dos exemplares adquiridos será da nova versão de Comando e Controle (C2), que esta em desenvolvimento.

Além do Brasil, Filipinas e Gana, o Guarani já esta em uso no Líbano, em sua Força de Segurança Interna, a Internal Security Forces (ISF), que recebeu 16 unidades em 2015; participa de concorrências de programas de aquisição na Argentina (onde foi testado recentemente) e na Malásia; e está sendo cotado por diversas outras forças, indicando que novas exportações podem ser anunciadas, principalmente na América Latina, África e Sudoeste Asiático, colocando nosso país novamente no seleto grupo de fornecedores deste tipo de equipamento militar.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 02, 2022, 05:37:37 pm
Essa fábrica da Iveco no Brasil parece a fábrica de Pandur em Portugal...  :bang:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 29, 2022, 09:17:32 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: LuisPolis em Julho 29, 2022, 04:45:01 pm
Não tenho acesso ao artigo completo. Mas parece que os Ucranianos estão a usar os Pzh2000 para além das especificações e começam a surgir problemas de fiabilidade. O exército Alemão especifica 100 tiros por dia e os Ucranianos estão a disparar 300. Se alguém conseguisse escavar o problema com mais literatura seria interessante.

Tradução com (
Os sistemas de artilharia alemães na Ucrânia estão a experimentar os seus primeiros problemas. De acordo com informações da SPIEGEL, alguns dos howitzers 2000 autopropulsionados já estão a precisar de reparação após intensas batalhas. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: CruzSilva em Agosto 20, 2022, 07:11:11 pm
Não tenho acesso ao artigo completo. Mas parece que os Ucranianos estão a usar os Pzh2000 para além das especificações e começam a surgir problemas de fiabilidade. O exército Alemão especifica 100 tiros por dia e os Ucranianos estão a disparar 300. Se alguém conseguisse escavar o problema com mais literatura seria interessante.

Tradução com (
Os sistemas de artilharia alemães na Ucrânia estão a experimentar os seus primeiros problemas. De acordo com informações da SPIEGEL, alguns dos howitzers 2000 autopropulsionados já estão a precisar de reparação após intensas batalhas. (

A realidade é que 15 obuses são poucos para o que os ucranianos precisam, levando ao seu excessivo uso. É enviar para a Polónia para manutenção.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 28, 2022, 11:31:34 am
Citação de: Ministry of Defense
Another Step in "Eitan" APC Serial Production: the IMOD has selected "Oshkosh Defense" to produce hundreds of hulls for the IDF's new wheeled Armored Personnel Carriers (APC).

The deal between the procurement mission and "Oshkosh Defense" is estimated to be over 100 million dollars, financed by American aid funds. Once fully assembled, the APCs will be transferred for operational use.



Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 19, 2023, 04:05:11 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 31, 2023, 04:50:10 pm
Elbit Systems presents the Crossbow – its new 120mm turreted mortar
The new mortar is scheduled to enter service in 2024 with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which financed its development

Eyal Boguslavsky

Photo: Elbit Systems

Israel’sElbit Systems presented the Crossbow 120mm turreted mortar at Defence iQ's International Armoured Vehicles (IAV) 2023 conference, held in London this week.

According to Elbit, the weapon can be installed in a mission module with minimal protrusion, can be easily operated by a single crew member, and is fused for fully automatic operation

Elbit officials told Janes that the mortar can fire the company's range of mortar rounds, including those with an extended range and precision guidance. It has a range of 10 km and a rate of fire exceeding 12 rds/min, achieving 16 rounds for the first minute. Crossbow is designed to be fired on the move and to shoot and scoot with a multiple round simultaneous impact (MRSI) capability.

They also said that it was developed over the last three years based on Elbit's experience in ammunition, fuzes, fire control, and command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) integration. It is scheduled to enter service in 2024 with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which financed its development.

The Janes report notes that the IDF will receive dozens of Crossbows installed in Oshkosh Defense's Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV). At IAV 2023, Elbit showed an artist's impression of Crossbow mounted on a Boxer armoured vehicle.

Elbit is marketing the Crossbow to NATO countries and partners, including for Czech CV90 tracked armoured vehicles, Austrian Pandurs, and US Stryker wheeled armoured vehicles.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 11, 2023, 06:20:45 am
Japan to replace attack, observation helicopters with drone fleet
(9 de Fevereiro de 2023)
Citação de: Mike Yeo / DefenseNews
Japan has indicated it will give up its "obsolete" attack and observation helicopters in favor of unmanned systems, according to its defense buildup plans.

They will be replaced by "attack/utility," "miniature attack" and "surveillance" unmanned aircraft systems, according to the English-language version of Japan’s defense buildup strategy released by the Defense Ministry in January.

That document did not provide further specifics about helicopter replacements. However, a Japanese-language summary showed graphical representations of what appears to be loitering munitions and medium-altitude, long-endurance drones as replacements.

It added that existing Japan Ground Self-Defense Force helicopters will be armed to maintain the minimum required capability. Japan currently operates about 50 Bell AH-1 Cobra and 12 Boeing AH-64D Apache attack helicopters. It's observation helicopter fleet includes 37 Kawasaki OH-1s and approximately 100 Hughes OH-6D Cayuse light helos.

The country originally planned to acquire a new attack helicopter to replace its AH-1s, although that was subsequently canceled.

The elimination of the attack and observation helicopters would come with a reduction in required personnel by about 1,000. The plan comes amid efforts to reorganize the force's aviation component, which includes the reassignment of air assets to regional army groups instead of the current structure, which attaches aviation squadrons at the division and brigade levels.

Japanese documents did note there will be exceptions, although it did not offer more specifics.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 17, 2023, 03:41:34 pm
Japan to import FN Herstal Minimi Mk3 machine guns and HK G28E sniper rifles

The Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced it is to start procuring two new types of small arms for the infantry units of the Japan Ground Self-Defence Force (JGSDF) in FY2023, Shinichi Kiyotani reports on European Security and Defence website. The new procurement includes the acquisition of Belgian FN Herstal MINIMI Mk3 light machine guns and German G28 sniper rifles.


The Japanese MoD has selected the FN Herstal Minimi Mk3 squad support weapon, as the Minimi (B), to fill the shortfall in the procurement of the 5.56 mm Minimi Mk1 currently produced under licence by Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) and will procure 514 such weapons for JPY 920 M over the next financial year, Shinichi Kiyotani reports. Additionally, anti-heat bags for spare barrels (to allow the weapon crew to reposition while carrying hot barrels), and dustproof carrier bags (which were not adopted for the Mk1), will be included in the purchase. An advantage in selecting the Mk3, industry sources noted, is that it shares the same barrel as the Minimi Mk1. With SHI withdrawing from machine gun production, the Minimi Mk3 is being procured directly from FN in Belgium.

Japan’s Ground Staff Office has announced it will procure 3,100 Minimi Mk3s, at a unit cost of approximately JPY 1.9 M (USD 14,316) each, and a life-cycle cost of approximately JPY 14.9 Bn (USD 112.2 M). This means the Ground Staff Office considers the Mk3 to be a complete replacement for the JGSDF’s Mk1s, Shinichi Kiyotani reports.


The G28 covers the range between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. (Picture source: Heckler & Koch)

The Ground Staff Office will also procure 182 G28E2 7.62 mm semi-automatic rifles from Heckler & Koch (H&K) to replace the JGSDF’s current sniper rifle, the Remington M24A2 bolt-action rifle, at a cost of JPY 1.13 Bn in FY2023. The system includes optical sights, bipods and vertical grips. The Ground Staff Office has a total requirement for 900 G28E2s, to be procured at a unit cost of JPY 7 Bn (USD 52,744) each, and a life cycle cost of around JPY 9.3 Bn (USD 70 M).

As a classic DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) in calibre 7.62 mm x 51 NATO, the G28 guarantees a series-reproducible accuracy level of max. 1.5 MOA with 10 rounds of precision ammunition at 100 metres. The semi-automatic rifle is designed for an effective combat range of up to 800 metres. In a precise suppressive fire, the engagement distance is around 1000 metres. The G28, therefore, covers the range between an assault rifle and a sniper rifle. In addition, thanks to the extended barrel nut and the double handguard mount, the G28 DMR system offers a backlash-free and accurately fitting receiver connection to prevent zero shifting of tactical sighting accessories. Combined with the adjustable gas port, all the prerequisites for unrestricted night combat and silencing capability are given.

The G28 DMR system is designed to enable military and police user groups to operate with precision, in the most adverse conditions, against single targets or against technical targets such as surveillance cameras, light sources and the optics of onboard weapons on combat vehicles. In its basic configuration, the precision rifle is equipped with a telescopic sight with 3x to 20x magnification. The red-dot sight mounted on top serves as an aiming aid for faster target acquisition beyond 100 metres. For distances below the 100-metre limit, the red-dot sight can be used for close combat. Regardless of the use of special precision ammunition, the G28 ensures high ammunition compatibility with standardised NATO ammunition types.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 22, 2023, 12:09:21 pm

Fonte: Nicholas Drummond
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 27, 2023, 11:26:27 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PTWolf em Abril 27, 2023, 06:24:51 pm

Fonte: Nicholas Drummond

As pandur também oferecem esta versatilidade?
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Abril 27, 2023, 09:17:06 pm

Fonte: Nicholas Drummond

As pandur também oferecem esta versatilidade?

O mission module do Boxer é mesmo top

E se não estou em erro os mission modules serão todos compatíveis com a versão lagartas
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PTWolf em Abril 28, 2023, 03:47:58 pm

Fonte: Nicholas Drummond

As pandur também oferecem esta versatilidade?

O mission module do Boxer é mesmo top

E se não estou em erro os mission modules serão todos compatíveis com a versão lagartas

Desconhecendo preços e valencias, parece-me um excelente conceito.
Ha uns dias vi algo similar do CV90 mas penso que sem tantas opçoes como aqui na imagem
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 17, 2023, 01:53:03 pm
Rheinmetall and Elbit Systems conduct live-fire demonstration of automated 155mm L52 wheeled self-propelled howitzer

Rheinmetall and Elbit Systems have successfully conducted a live fire demonstration of an automated 155mm L52 wheeled self-propelled howitzer.  The demonstration of the new system took place in early March 2023 at the Shivta firing range in southern Israel. It was attended by high-ranking officials of the armed forces of the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands and Hungary.

Rheinmetall and Elbit Systems signed a cooperation agreement last year to develop, manufacture and market an automated European 155mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer system.

Led by Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH, the “Rheinmetall Elbit” team will compete for Germany’s “Future System, Indirect Fire, Medium-Range (ZukSysIndF)” programme, which will modernize and broaden the Bundeswehr’s artillery capabilities. The UK’s “Mobile Fires Platform” programme also remains a focus and additional potential customers, such as Hungary, have expressed interest. 

The cooperation between Rheinmetall and Elbit builds on the fully automated wheeled self-propelled howitzer procurement programmes that Elbit has signed with Israel and additional customers.  As a result, a technically mature system is already available, enabling the integration of a Rheinmetall gun into the unmanned, fully robotic artillery turret of the Elbit system. The integration is currently in an advanced phase of the verification process. This will help reduce development risks and enable faster realization of operational readiness. 

Intensive bilateral technology transfer is currently underway, increasing the availability of domestic know-how and components. Rheinmetall is currently carrying out modifications to customize the system to European operational requirements and the German regulatory approval process. Furthermore, the Düsseldorf-based tech enterprise brings its tried-and-tested 155mm L52 gun; high mobility HX 10×10 tactical truck with a well-protected cabin; and electronic components for the fire control unit and sensor suite to the solution.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Malagueta em Maio 19, 2023, 02:51:19 pm

Elbit's 30t Sabrah light tank (LT105) fire 105mm rounds at the live-fire demonstration.
The hulls based on ASCOD 2 platform (called Castor in the Spanish Army) are provided and manufactured by GDELS-SBS in Spain. The two-man turret is equipped with a 105mm gun and an autoloader.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 15, 2023, 09:24:10 pm
Estes Merkava deverão ser para substituir carros de combate que serão doados à Ucrânia.

Israel plans first-ever sale of flagship Merkava tank to European country
(15 de Junho de 2023)
Citação de: Reuters
Israel is in talks to sell its Merkava tank to two countries, one of them in Europe, in what would be the first export of the flagship fighting vehicle, a Defense Ministry official said on Thursday.

Introduced after Israel's armored corps suffered heavy losses against Egypt and Syria in a 1973 war, and with a view to reducing reliance on foreign arms supplies, the Merkava - biblical Hebrew for "chariot" - is now in its fourth generation.
Israel exporting surplus systems it had not previously sold abroad

Yair Kulas, head of the Defense Ministry export coordination department SIBAT, said record demand for Israeli products was due in part to countries wanting to replenish their arsenals after providing Ukraine with weapons for its war with Russia.

As a result, he told Calcalist newspaper, Israel was exporting surplus systems it had not previously sold abroad, including earlier-generation Merkavas.

"There are two prospective countries with which we are in advanced negotiations (on a tank sale)," Kulas said. "I am barred from naming them, but one is on the European continent."

Israel has provided Ukraine with humanitarian and diplomatic assistance but not arms, mindful of the need to keep open channels with Moscow given Russia's clout in next-door Syria.
Fonte: (

( (

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: CruzSilva em Junho 16, 2023, 02:09:18 pm
Com um "MLUzinho" devem dar uns belos carros de combate.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 20, 2023, 10:12:19 am
Citação de: Defence 360°
@RAFAELdefense has developed an advanced interceptor, named Sky Sonic. This system will be officially unveiled at the #ParisAirShow. The Sky Sonic interceptor was designed to effectively neutralizes hypersonic missiles, which travel at ten times the speed of sound.


Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 21, 2023, 12:22:36 pm
1:1 Mockup of in development MBDA AQUILA, European Air Defence missile with hypersonic and endo-atmospheric capability. MBDA will develop AQUILA concept for the EU Defense Fund, supported by Hypersonic Defense Interceptor project, aimed to devolop 🇪🇺 hypersonic defense system.


Fonte: Ciro Nappi
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 22, 2023, 05:17:38 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 23, 2023, 10:42:25 am
Confirmado? ( Merkavas para o Chipre mas supostamente para substituir os seus AMX-30B2 e não os seus T-80U/UK de forma a poderem ser doados à Ucrânia:

Israel Plans to Sell Its Merkava Tanks to Cyprus
(22 de Junho de 2023)
Citação de: Amir Tibon, Oded Yaron / Haaretz
Israel and Cyprus have held talks regarding the sale of Merkava tanks, sources in both countries told Haaretz.

One of the options that was raised during the discussions is that Cyprus will purchase Merkava tanks from Israel and then send older Russian-made tanks to Ukraine. However, Cypriot sources have denied that this is their intent.


Last week, Yair Kulas, the head of the Defense Ministry's export coordination department, said in an interview with the economic daily Calcalist that Israel is in negotiations with two countries, including one in Europe, regarding the sale of older Merkava tanks that are no longer in use by the Israeli army.

If the deal goes through, this would be Israel's first sale of a Merkava tank to a European country. The Defense Ministry refused to name the country that Kulas was referring to.

After Kulas' interview, several websites and various accounts on social media claimed that said country is Cyprus. Last year, the Biden administration removed its arms embargo on Cyprus, enabling such a deal.

The Defense Ministry responded by saying that "Due to the war in Europe, several countries have shown interest in buying from Israel's reserves, including older Merkava tanks that were taken out of service years ago. The negotiations have yet to yield an agreement, and neither the Defense Ministry nor the interested countries have approved."

An official in Cyprus confirmed to Haaretz that negotiations have been taking place between the two countries, but refused to provide specifics about the deal itself or a timetable for completing it

Last month, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited Cyprus. During a meeting with his Cypriot counterpart Michalis Giorgallas, said that "Cyprus and Israel have significant partnerships in munitions, through bilateral agreements between our governments. We appreciate Israel's defense industry as a trustworthy partner in our effort to upgrade our security and deterrence."


John Ioanou, a security analyst and founder of Geopolitical Cyprus, told Haaretz that he believes that the attempt to connect the Israeli-Cypriot negotiations to the war in Ukraine is based on "Russian disinformation on social media." He added that one of Cyprus' considerations in buying Israeli weapons is the probable difficulty in attaining spare parts for Russian tanks over the next few years, due both to the Russian military's operations in Ukraine and international sanctions against Moscow.
Fonte: (

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Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 30, 2023, 02:53:45 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 05, 2023, 02:07:58 pm
Citação de: A-129 Mangusta
Remember last year when RID did that interview and it was revealed Italy was working on a new anti air missile to replace the stinger? Well here it is, shown to us for the first time. An anti air turret for the AICS is being developed, likely with this missile being part of it.



Mais informações:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 20, 2023, 11:07:05 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Julho 29, 2023, 11:57:28 am
Infelizmente um MRH-90 australiano teve um acidente ontem durante o TS23, ainda nenhum dos tripulantes foi encontrado

( (
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 03, 2023, 04:11:53 pm
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Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 09, 2023, 04:05:33 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 20, 2023, 04:15:51 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Setembro 23, 2023, 05:49:45 pm
French, German defense ministers throw support behind future tank effort
After a high-level meeting, both stressed a separate European Defense Fund effort is no competition for the Main Ground Combat System.
on September 22, 2023

PARIS — The defense ministers of France and Germany on Thursday gave a clear thumbs-up for the delayed Main Ground Combat System (MGCS), suggesting that not only is the future tank program in fine health, but other countries have expressed interest in joining the effort.

The French minister, Sebastien Lecornu, specifically mentioned Italy and the Netherlands, but added “there are others,” who could be welcomed with observer status before any more formal additions to the MGCS team.

Lecornu was hosting his German counterpart, Boris Pistorius, on an airbase in Évreux, northwest of Paris, the second time the pair has met in as many months.

The meeting took place amid strained relations between Berlin and Paris on a broad range of topics. In perhaps a symbolic gesture, the two gave a joint interview earlier in the week with Le Monde in which they made clear their support for the MGCS program and attempted to tamp down rumors of additional tension in the wake of reports about Germany’s involvement in another future tank effort without France.

That effort, a nascent initiative involving industry from Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden, amounts to a tender launched by the European Union’s European Defense Fund (EDF) to win a €20 million ($21.3 million) grant for the what’s designated the EDF-2023-DA-GROUND-MBT program, which media have dubbed the Future Main Battle Tank.

But the tender does not represent a threat to the MGCS program, the ministers said today.

“The European Union is playing its role to finance innovation. That’s a good thing,” Lecornu said. He pointed out that the limited EU funding for this research program was to be compared to €500 million ($533 million) just for the French share of the MGCS program, which is “an industrial project backed by two great armies.”

He added that he hoped the EDF project “would help technological [breaks] emerge that will be of benefit to all member states.”

Likewise, a spokesperson for the German defense ministry told Breaking Defense that “depending on what results from this [EDF] project, integration into MGCS is even conceivable.”

Lecornu also defended the delays to the MGCS program, saying it was put on the back burner in favor of the Future Combat Aircraft System (SCAF), a Franco-German-Spanish-Belgian initiative centered on a sixth-generation fighter jet. There was also a delay while the ministry awaited the French parliament’s approval for the military program law that would secure the MGCS developmental budget.

That is now done, so the Franco-German team is now putting “absolute priority” on the MGCS, he said.

The MGCS is a system of systems built around a manned heavy combat vehicle which will team and network with a variety of external platforms, most likely including both manned and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Pistorius stressed during the post-meeting press conference that the MGCS “will be something completely new. It’s not just a modernization of the [German] Leopard or [French] Leclerc tanks.”

Lecornu noted that a key point about MGCS was to ensure it was interoperable with other NATO systems.

“One of the things that NATO-members’ aid to Ukraine has highlighted is the growing lack of interoperability of weapons systems used by NATO countries,” he said.

When it comes to the German and French militaries, Lecornu said, “They will not always be present on the same theaters nor have the same doctrines, but it is extremely likely that we’ll be on the same side.”

The MGCS project was initially led by one of Germany’s two main land defense system industries, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW). The other, Rheinmetall, joined in 2019. Their French counterparts are Nexter Systems and Arquus, though the latter is not yet involved in the project.

In 2015 KMW and Nexter joined forces, creating KMW Nexter Defense Systems, known officially as KNDS, but each carried on selling its own products under its own brand. That changed in June when the companies issued a simple statement announcing that KNDS “is harmonizing its brand image.”

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 30, 2023, 11:03:22 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 01, 2023, 04:18:52 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 17, 2023, 12:40:50 pm
STX Engine to showcase hybrid engine systems at Seoul ADEX 2023


STX Engine Co. will unveil some of its latest engine systems at this year’s Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (Seoul ADEX), starting on Tuesday at Seoul Airport in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province.

Some of the company’s latest developments will be presented at the fair, including a hybrid engine system, a performance-enhancing diesel engine for the K1A2 tank, a diesel engine for the K9 self-propelled howitzer, and the intelligent seashore surveillance radar-II.

Among these, the hybrid engine system is a combination of a military equipment diesel engine hybrid system with condition-based maintenance, offering improved fuel efficiency, instant acceleration, and an optimal maintenance system, and will make its debut at the fair.

“We are delighted to be able to showcase our domestic defense industry engine development capabilities and advanced technology in electronic communication equipment. We aim to contribute to providing innovative solutions in the defense sector,” Chief Executive Officer Lee Sang-soo said.

Seoul ADEX is the largest domestic aerospace and defense industry exhibition in Korea. This year, it boasts a record-breaking participation with 550 companies from 35 countries and will run until Sunday.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Outubro 24, 2023, 11:54:44 pm
França assinou com a Arménia um acordo de venda de 3 radares GM 200 da Thales, e ainda a possível venda de Mistral
Feliz pela Arménia, triste por ser tão tarde
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Outubro 27, 2023, 10:18:15 pm
Pode não ser só a questão do material militar comprado, pode também ser a Arménia estar a passar da influência russa para a Europeia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 28, 2023, 02:17:43 pm
Os Arménios finalmente acordaram para a vida e perceberam  que os Russos não são um aliado fiável e que são na prática o passado e não o presente e muito menos o futuro.

Veremos os Arménios cada vez mais afastados da Rússia e cada vez mais perto da UE e da OTAN.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 09, 2023, 09:40:03 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 09, 2023, 10:20:56 am
IMCO Group to produce next batch of sub-systems for Israeli Army's new Namer 1500 APC
Defense News November 2023 Global Security army industry

IMCO Group has been selected again by the Israeli Ministry of Defense to provide dozens of platform electrical sub-systems for the Namer 1500 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). This substantial continuation order amounts to approximately 25.2 million NIS (more than 6 million $).


IMCO Group's subsidiaries, IMCO Projects, Nir-Or, ADTI, and EMT, will produce and provide the platform electrical sub-systems. Those include advanced electrical and video sub-systems, electric power and control units, operational control panels, illumination solutions, Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) sub-systems, and electronic infrastructure for weapon systems. Altogether, these elements contribute to the unparalleled capabilities of the Namer 1500 APC, ensuring optimal performance, survivability, and enhanced situational awareness.

IMCO Group's solutions are already installed and operational on various IDF armored vehicles, such as the Namer and Eitan (8x8) Armored fighting vehicles (AFVs), and the Merkava tank.

IMCO Group CEO, Mr. Ariel Kandel: "IMCO Group takes great pride in being a trusted supplier of the IDF, developing and equipping the IDF's most advanced armored vehicles with the company's various sub-systems. We are working around the clock these days, providing the IDF logistic support and maintenance services for its armored vehicles which are in intense operation. IMCO Group's strength lies in the seamless integration of its collective capabilities, which allows us to handle complex projects with a comprehensive approach, drawing on the specialized knowledge and capabilities of each entity within our group."

Offering complete, turn-key defense solutions for airborne, land, and naval platforms, IMCO Industries Ltd. specializes in providing advanced build-to-spec and build-to-print solutions uniquely designed to fit the needs of each customer. With its subsidiaries in Israel and the US, IMCOgroup provides high-end electro-optic and power management systems for the defense, HLS, and security markets. IMCO Group has six subsidiary companies: IMCO Projects, Nir-Or, Atena, EMT, ADTI (in the USA), and Blaze.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Novembro 09, 2023, 11:17:25 pm

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) signs an agreement with the Netherlands Defence procurement agency COMMIT (Commando Materieel en IT) for the acquisition of five Thales Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission Compact radars.

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 13, 2023, 03:05:06 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 14, 2023, 03:18:39 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 02, 2023, 03:07:39 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 20, 2023, 03:35:39 pm
Citação de: Colby Badhwar 🇨🇦🇬🇧
Lockheed Martin & Rheinmetall are planning on hosting a demonstration of their new GMARS launcher at the end of next year. The system is being developed in anticipation of the Bundeswehr releasing a tender to replace their MARS II MLRS.

GMARS has 2 pods instead of HIMARS' 1, allowing it to carry up to 12 GMLRS, 4 PrSM, or 2 ATACMS. GMARS will also give European states the option of buying a locally produced system without forfeiting access to Lockheed's aforementioned MLRS Family of Munitions, which is rapidly becoming a de facto NATO standard.

@elisabethmalom1 for @defense_news

Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 10, 2024, 04:36:40 pm

Citação de: Defence 360°
🇮🇱 @RAFAELdefense has completed a test for its SPYDER ground-based mobile air defense system in its newest All in One configuration. The test, which was conducted last month in 🇮🇱, involved intercepting a unmanned aerial vehicle, achieving a direct and effective hit.




Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 28, 2024, 01:40:53 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 09, 2024, 09:21:59 am
O Exército norte-americano já cancelou o programa FARA para o substituto do Kiowa. Os dois últimos concorrentes eram o Bell 360 Invictus e o Sikorsky Raider X.

Army cancels FARA helicopter program, makes other cuts in major aviation shakeup
(8 de Fevereiro de 2024)
Citação de: Ashley Roque / Breaking Defense
he US Army is cancelling its next generation Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) program, service officials announced today, taking a potential multi-billion-dollar contract off the table and throwing the service’s long-term aviation plans into doubt.

In addition, the Army plans to end production on the UH-60 V Black Hawk in fiscal 2025, due to "significant cost growth," keep General Electric's Improved Turbine Engine Program (ITEP) in the development phase instead of moving it into production, and phase the Shadow and Raven unmanned aerial systems out of the fleet, the service added.

All told, it reflects a massive shift in the Army's aviation strategy and upends years of planning. There is also an ironic sense of history repeating: the decision to end FARA comes two decades to the month after the Army ended its plans to procure the RAH-66 Comanche and nearly 16 years after it terminated work on the ARH-70A Arapaho, both aircraft designed to replace the Kiowa — the same helicopter FARA was supposed to, finally, replace.


Although the Army still has a requirement for a FARA-like capability, Rainey said the service does not plan to kickstart another manned Kiowa replacement effort like it has done in the past. Instead, it will invest elsewhere, especially on the unmanned side, to fulfill the Kiowa’s role as an armed scout operating ahead of other units in war zones.

Just what those final investments will look like will take time to emerge, but Bush said the service plans to use a portion of the billions of dollars freed up, to invest in four spots inside the aviation portfolio.

Ink a new multi-year procurement deal with Lockheed-Sikorsky for the UH-60M Blackhawk line.
Give Boeing the greenlight to formally begin production on the CH-47F Block II Chinook.
Continue Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) development as planned.
Additional investments for developing and buying unmanned aerial reconnaissance systems like the future tactical unmanned systems and launched effects.

Fonte: (

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Enviado por: Malagueta em Fevereiro 20, 2024, 08:36:51 am
The first pre-production Challenger-3 has been deployed to Germany for trials

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Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 25, 2024, 03:07:28 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Malagueta em Março 07, 2024, 04:03:40 pm

BAE has delivered an AMPV prototype to the US Army that is equipped with a Patria NEMO remote-controlled 120mm turreted mortar system.



The prototype showcases a newly designed top plate system—the External Mission Equipment Package (ExMEP)—that allows for the easy installation of a variety of turrets. This vehicle prototype is also outfitted with the Patria NEMO remote-controlled 120mm turreted mortar system.
The result of a rapid collaborative technology investment effort involving the U.S. Army, BAE Systems, and KONGSBERG/Patria, the prototype demonstrates potential variant growth for the highly adaptable AMPV family of vehicles. By using a fielded and fully-qualified asset like the AMPV chassis, it gives the Army options to field combat capabilities—such as the Patria NEMO—to Soldiers who need them at a much faster pace and reduced cost.

“Handing this remarkable capability over to the Army for evaluation is an important step in creating broader multi-purpose options for Soldiers to maintain combat overmatch on the battlefield,” said Bill Sheehy, BAE Systems AMPV program director. “The AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype was born from a capability discussion we had with the Army in 2022—the same year ExMEP was conceptualized with industry partners, and we look forward to its evaluation. The collaborative, future-driven approach to develop it will benefit the warfighter, and that is what the AMPV program is all about.”

The AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype that leverages BAE Systems’ ExMEP to rapidly integrate the NEMO 120mm mortar system is an indirect and direct fire support platform that can be used in multi-mission scenarios. The system enables Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact fire missions where up to five mortar rounds can hit targets simultaneously in less than four seconds while the vehicle is stationary or on the move.

The AMPV Mortar Carrier variant, which is one of the five variants currently in production with the Army, is comprised of the legacy 120mm mortar system. This new AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype offers a significant enhancement that would not only allow for increased capabilities and force protection, but also keep Soldiers completely under the armor protection provided by the vehicle.

Over the next several months, the Army will run the AMPV Turreted Mortar prototype through rigorous field evaluations to mark its capabilities against what Soldiers would require in the battlefield.

This is the second turreted AMPV prototype in the last three months that BAE Systems has showcased, the other being a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System (C-UAS) capability, that utilizes the ExMEP top plate. As the future of battle evolves, the purpose-built framework of the AMPV platform exemplifies endless opportunities for seamless capability integration for the Army’s Armored Brigade Combat Team.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Março 10, 2024, 01:09:06 am

John Cockerill Defense From Belgium Unveils Cockerill 1030 weapon station fitted with counter drone
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 26, 2024, 05:10:57 pm
BAE Systems is showcasing its third Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) prototype at the 2024 AUSA Global Force Symposium.



BAE Systems is showcasing its future-driven Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) prototype configured with the External Mission Equipment Package (ExMEP) at the 2024 AUSA Global Force Symposium. ExMEP, also described as the universal top plate, provides a common integration point across all AMPV hull structures to allow for seamless and modernized technology enhancements. This prototype marks the third successful capability combination in the last six months.
The AMPV’s ExMEP is capable of adapting to more than 30 turret systems and builds on the vehicles modular approach enabling the rapid integration of new mission roles into the AMPV family of vehicles. The latest prototype features Elbit America’s UT30, a 30mm unmanned turret. BAE Systems also fully integrated and successfully demonstrated a C-UAS prototype in November 2023 prior to delivering a 120mm unmanned Turreted Mortar capability to the U.S. Army in January 2024—all utilizing the ExMEP design.
“I was one of those Soldiers in the battlefield, so I can tell you firsthand how critical it is to field modern capabilities quickly,” said Bill Sheehy, AMPV program director for BAE Systems. “Keeping pace with the rapidly evolving threats on the battlefield is the objective of the AMPV with ExMEP.”
The newest prototype demonstrates the capabilities of ExMEP and the options it provides the Soldiers for rapid integration of next-generation technology onto an already-proven hull. The purpose-built platform exemplifies many opportunities for future capability configurations for the Army and its allies.
The AMPV prototype will be on display at booth 321. For those not attending Global Force, learn more about AMPV and ExMEP here:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Março 26, 2024, 06:48:11 pm
>Make Bradley
>Take the turret of the Bradley
>Add the a turret on the turretless Bradley

 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 27, 2024, 12:15:19 pm
>Make Bradley
>Take the turret of the Bradley
>Add the a turret on the turretless Bradley

 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

É uma boa piada, mas com as modificações ao projeto inicial, eu diria que é a versão 2.0 do Bradley.
Título: Re: Notícias (Exércitos/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 30, 2024, 02:54:30 pm
France and Germany Collaborate to Create MGCS New Combat Platformn Munich, on April 29, 2024, KNDS Deutschland, KNDS France, Rheinmetall AG, Rheinmetall Landsysteme, and Thales expressed their enthusiastic support for the recently concluded agreement between the French and German governments on the Main Ground Combat System (MGCS), which was reported on by Army Recognition on April 29, 2024.

This support expressed by the various project stakeholders follows an agreement signed between the French Minister of Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, and his German counterpart, Boris Pistorius. This agreement took place on April 26, 2024, in Paris.

The MGCS aims to replace current main battle tanks, such as the French Leclerc and the German Leopard 2, by integrating advanced and innovative technologies. This new ground combat system, which will include features such as networked operations management and autonomous and automated capabilities, is designed to excel in high-intensity combat scenarios through its technological innovations.

The Franco-German partnership, which began with formal discussions in 2012 and was officially sealed in 2017, represents a significant step in consolidating European defense efforts. It leverages the strengths of several stakeholders, including KNDS, a joint venture between the German manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and the French manufacturer Nexter Systems. This collaboration aims not only to enhance military capabilities but also to promote integration within the broader European defense industry.

The envisaged project company, to be established by KNDS Deutschland, KNDS France, Rheinmetall Landsysteme, and THALES SIX, will operate in accordance with the spirit of the Franco-German bilateral agreement. Using an innovative "pillar-level" approach, the consortium plans to ensure a fair distribution of responsibilities, with a balanced workload ratio of 50:50 between French and German companies. This distribution will be based on complementary technical expertise and resources of the participating companies.

The program is divided into eight pillars, ranging from chassis development with automated navigation to defense against drones, as well as the creation of a simulation environment and the establishment of an advanced communication and command system. Each pillar will be led by France, Germany, or jointly, depending on their specific areas of expertise.

To effectively implement contracts starting from 2025, the industry is about to commence negotiations for the establishment of the project company. The goal is to facilitate a streamlined and targeted implementation process, leveraging the collective strengths and capabilities of the consortium members.
