F-35A Lightning II na FAP

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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #510 em: Maio 08, 2024, 02:15:40 pm »
O que é  FOC?
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #511 em: Maio 08, 2024, 02:16:39 pm »
O que é  FOC?

Full operating capability.
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: P44, Charlie Jaguar


Charlie Jaguar

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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #512 em: Maio 08, 2024, 02:21:35 pm »
O que é  FOC?

Full operating capability.

Isso mesmo.

Full Operating Capability ou Full Operational Capability é quando todo um processo de desenvolvimento termina, neste caso quando é esperado que o F-35A esteja a operar na plenitude das suas capacidades.
Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)
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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #513 em: Maio 08, 2024, 03:09:55 pm »
Tirem lá o ST das fotos, já chateia.  :N-icon-Axe:

Será que na FAP, quem olha para as imagens e vê um ST e um "RPAS" lado a lado, não chega à conclusão que um RPAS sob a forma de UCAV faz o trabalho da avioneta LAA?
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: P44, Pescador



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #514 em: Maio 08, 2024, 03:18:32 pm »
Segundo a FAP, o primeiro F35 chegará cá em 2031, caso o governo avance com a decisão até 2025, logo ponho cá o cronograma

E a FAP só informou o nelson38899?

Sim eu sou especial!


O que são as duas aeronaves na coluna de 2026, por favor?


Uav e Cl515.


P.S. O ST já cá está. :mrgreen:

Obrigado pelo esclarecimento!

Os C-295M/MPA estão ausentes por algum motivo em especial?



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #515 em: Maio 08, 2024, 03:22:57 pm »
Só devem estar incluídos programas em curso/previstos na LPM. Os Merlin também não aparecem.
« Última modificação: Maio 08, 2024, 03:23:40 pm por dc »
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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #516 em: Maio 08, 2024, 03:25:43 pm »
O que é  FOC?

Full operating capability.

Isso mesmo.

Full Operating Capability ou Full Operational Capability é quando todo um processo de desenvolvimento termina, neste caso quando é esperado que o F-35A esteja a operar na plenitude das suas capacidades.

Thx  :G-beer2:
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Charlie Jaguar



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #517 em: Maio 08, 2024, 05:08:34 pm »

FOC dos F-35A em 2039, ou seja, daqui a 15 anos...  :N-icon-Axe:

Preocupa-me mais é quantos F-35 isso significa

FOC para 32 em 2039 é uma coisa, FOC para 16 F-35 (mais 16 F-16V, números tirados da cartola ik) será outra  :-P


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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #518 em: Maio 08, 2024, 05:24:28 pm »
Preocupa-me mais é quantos F-35 isso significa

FOC para 32 em 2039 é uma coisa, FOC para 16 F-35 (mais 16 F-16V, números tirados da cartola ik) será outra  :-P

Sim, é verdade.

E atenção, tudo isto é partindo do pressuposto que o Governo, seja ele qual for, coloca a encomenda à Lockheed Martin no ano que vem, o que está longe de ser um facto consumado.
« Última modificação: Maio 08, 2024, 08:58:56 pm por Charlie Jaguar »
Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)


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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #519 em: Maio 08, 2024, 05:52:04 pm »
Com patrocínio Saab:

Sweden goes back to the drawing board for a next-gen warplane
By Elisabeth Gosselin-Malo

MILAN — Amid a rush within NATO to rally around next-generation combat aircraft, new alliance member Sweden is taking a pause to assess what’s next for its lineage as a warplane-producing country.

The Nordic state in 2022 suspended its flirtation with one of Europe’s two marquee airpower efforts, the Global Combat Air Programme, an initiative led by the U.K., Italy and Japan that seeks to deliver a sixth-generation fighter capability by 2035.

Fast forward to today, and Sweden’s industrial champion Saab is freshly under contract with the Ministry of Defense’s equipment branch, dubbed FMV, to conduct “conceptual studies” on future fighter systems — military jargon for starting at square one.

Saab has managed to secure a share of the global warplane market with the Gripen family of aircraft. The decades-long work has spawned an industrial ecosystem in aerospace engineering that political leaders hope to bring to bear in the NATO alliance.

Next-generation air power concepts on both sides of the Atlantic envision a move away from traditional fighter jets steered by humans as the central pillar of future air forces. Instead, nations are fine-tuning ideas for a networked hodgepodge of flying objects at various altitudes that can be synchronized at the push of a button to overwhelm enemy forces.

A key factor in those considerations is forging a multinational industrial base that can make it happen. For Europeans, that means consolidating workshare around critical aviation technologies while trying to preserve enough national know-how as a hedge against crises to come, an issue certain to be on the minds of decision-makers in Stockholm.

“It has been a successful story so far [for Sweden’s jet-manufacturing chain] and we are looking forward to the future,” Maj. Gen. Jonas Wikman, chief of the Swedish Air Force, told Defense News. He referred to the newly contracted warplane studies as a “journey to figure out what the next steps are for us.”

“What the concept studies are allowing us to do is to have the freedom to decide what suits us best and the freedom to invest in capabilities that make sense to us,” Wikman said.

Yet another program?
Sweden’s decision to take a pause to determine its own requirements has brought about a guessing game across the defense industry regarding what the country’s next move might be.

Will Stockholm try to rejoin GCAP through Saab in the future? Could it team up with the rival program, the Future Combat Air System led by France, Germany and Spain? Or will it opt to build and develop its own fighter with other partners? Might it simply acquire an existing fighter when the time comes?

“Nothing has been decided yet and won’t be decided until at the very least the beginning of the next decade,” Wikman said. “No matter the direction we opt to go in, Swedish industry will always be involved.”

In the mix of options, the emergence of yet another fighter program in Europe is unlikely because of the enormous investment involved, Douglas Barrie, a senior fellow for military aerospace at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, told Defense News.

“Saab and the FMV are looking at all possible options, but I wouldn’t put the emergence of a third European crewed combat aircraft project particularly high in terms of outcomes,” he said. Instead, Stockholm could seek to tack onto a collaboration in an effort to spread the research and development costs, he added.

Affordability is a major challenge to programs like FCAS and GCAP, with high-tech ambitions driving the life-cycle costs into the tens of billions of dollars or more.

To put the amounts required into perspective, as of last year, the U.K. pledged to spend around $2.5 billion on GCAP’s initial research and observation stage alone, an amount equivalent to roughly one-fourth of Sweden’s planned 2024 defense budget.

Whichever path leaders in Stockholm decide to take, there is such a thing as a uniquely Swedish approach to combat airplanes that officials will likely want to retain, according to Justin Bronk, a senior research fellow at the London-based RUSI think tank.

“Sweden is likely to stick to its traditional areas of design and technology strength in the combat air design space during any next-gen program,” he said. Its features include “designing comparatively small, and therefore, efficient aerodynamic airframes; electronic warfare suites; rapid software iteration; and ease of maintenance.”

Gripen DNA
Considering the Gripen fighter will be the backbone of the Swedish Air Force for decades to come, with plans to operate the latest variant, the Gripen E, until 2060, some of its design tenets are expected to bleed into any future Swedish fighter ideas.

“The easy upgradability, robustness allowing for disperse operations from highways, and flight hour costs – these are all characteristics that are a great foundation for a starting point when looking into the next fighter system,” Peter Nilsson, head of Saab’s business unit for advanced programs, told Defense News.

Sweden’s national emergency plans dictate fighter aircraft must be able to use roads as makeshift runways in the event of a crisis.

At a media briefing during the Singapore Airshow in February, Saab’s chief marketing officer, Mikael Franzén, said due to the current threat level in Sweden, the country would operate the Gripen C/D variant for longer than anticipated.

“The C/D versions are to be retired between 2035 and 2040, or beyond, so that the Air Force does not have a dip in readiness and retains full capability during this re-armament period,” Franzén told reporters.

There are now more than 21 operational Gripen E models globally, including test models, and 35 aircraft in production, according to the company.

Franzén also said the Swedish company had improved every system in older C/D models under the Gripen E program, including an upgraded electronic warfare suite and the ability to carry three times more armaments.

When it comes to a future fighter system, Sweden does not plan to go it alone.

“We have a long heritage of international collaboration and will continue working in that way — the Gripen is truly an international fighter, but built in Sweden,” said Saab’s Nilsson. “We’ll continue working with partners from other countries.”

At this point, the studies under contract with the defense ministry are meant to illuminate the trade space in which Swedish leaders will make decisions later on. Focus areas include technology analysis, partnership opportunities, logistics and industrial implications, as well as digital and physical testing of capabilities, according Nilsson

Some high-tech areas of interest Saab plans to explore are a mix “between manned and unmanned systems as well as disruptive technologies,” he said.

A unique aspect of Saab’s vision of fighter jets is the company’s specialization on counter-stealth technology, which is the discipline of detecting aerial objects designed to be concealed from radar.

At an air warfare conference organized in March by the RUSI think tank, Jonas Grönberg, Saab’s director of strategy for fighter aircraft, said that given the fast-paced development of software and hardware systems for signals processing, stealth fighters are bound to increasingly be more discoverable by radars.

“Some military trends we’re seeing influence electronic warfare are radar threats regaining importance and the re-emergence of surveillance radars at low-frequency bands,” he added.

Some older radars function at much lower frequency ranges, which means their wavelengths are considerably longer and capable of effectively spotting most stealth aircraft.

An unmanned companion
Sweden, like other countries, is considering the addition of a drone to accompany Gripen fighters even before plans for a next-gen fighter are hatched. The idea is conceptually known among air forces as “loyal wingman,” a reference to an unmanned helper which pilots can task mid-flight to attack targets, collect intelligence or act as a decoy.

In 2022, Saab’s concept for a supersonic loyal wingman broke cover as part of an academic paper presented by a company employee at the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences in Stockholm.

While little is known regarding the status of the technology today, the document states it was initially developed under Saab’s participation in the U.K.-led program now known as GCAP. The wingman was designed for combat with a low radar signature profile, to fly at high speeds and to conduct long-range air-to-air battles.

Saab, for its part, is readying its workforce for the pivotal next-gen study. For one, the company has equipped the unit tasked with the project to have “full fighter system capability,” and hiring is underway to beef up the engineer ranks, Nilsson said.

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #520 em: Maio 08, 2024, 07:28:00 pm »
Bom então a proteção antiaérea das unidades militares vai ser confiada ao exército? É isso?

Porque alocar caças de 5 geração da unidade militar do costume sem proteção das aeronaves no solo...é peculiar...ou um alvo fácil de oportunidade se quisermos assim designar...

uma fragata russa em águas internacionais dispara uns zircon de águas internacionais e a malta nem descola...e nem precisa de atacar os F's basta acertar na pista...

Um abraço
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: P44, Charlie Jaguar



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #522 em: Maio 08, 2024, 10:28:10 pm »
Bom então a proteção antiaérea das unidades militares vai ser confiada ao exército? É isso?

Porque alocar caças de 5 geração da unidade militar do costume sem proteção das aeronaves no solo...é peculiar...ou um alvo fácil de oportunidade se quisermos assim designar...

uma fragata russa em águas internacionais dispara uns zircon de águas internacionais e a malta nem descola...e nem precisa de atacar os F's basta acertar na pista...

Esse problema já se verifica hoje, e pelo andar da carruagem, vai continuar assim, quer se comprem F-35, quer se mantenham F-16, quer se extinga a aviação de caça no país.

O EP não vai resolver o problema, porque o dito ramo também não tem defesas aéreas credíveis, e não é o micro-programa SHORAD que vai mudar isso.
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Pescador



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #523 em: Maio 09, 2024, 12:42:18 am »
O objetivo é assinar para 20 aeronaves em 2025.
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: P44, Pescador, JohnM, Fmfg



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Re: F-35A Lightning II na FAP
« Responder #524 em: Maio 09, 2024, 11:18:26 am »
Bom então a proteção antiaérea das unidades militares vai ser confiada ao exército? É isso?

Porque alocar caças de 5 geração da unidade militar do costume sem proteção das aeronaves no solo...é peculiar...ou um alvo fácil de oportunidade se quisermos assim designar...

uma fragata russa em águas internacionais dispara uns zircon de águas internacionais e a malta nem descola...e nem precisa de atacar os F's basta acertar na pista...

Esse problema já se verifica hoje, e pelo andar da carruagem, vai continuar assim, quer se comprem F-35, quer se mantenham F-16, quer se extinga a aviação de caça no país.

O EP não vai resolver o problema, porque o dito ramo também não tem defesas aéreas credíveis, e não é o micro-programa SHORAD que vai mudar isso.


Cá está. Não tem nem parece ser coisa que desperte atenção de quem de direito.
Querem gastar 200 milhões com aventura tropical a hélice para encher uns bolsos, mas nem uns misseis anti navio de longo alcance e uns misseis de defesa aérea existem, pelo menos nos pontos estratégicos da resposta militar. Seria cômico que não fosse demasiado mau

Se eles encostarem a sul e atirarem umas pedras de longe, nada impede de caírem onde quiserem, nomeadamente Radares. Depois...acabou a resposta militar.
Até podem desmentir que depois é só protestos na ONU e nada mais.

Agora que diminuíram o numero de fragatas, até porque pouca relevância têm, não há uns  Harpoon que possam levar upgrade e serem montados em veículos, nem que seja aos pares, para serem facilmente e rapidamente transportados por avião para onde possa fazer falta?
Não se procura soluções criativas, que até se observam noutros com mais meios. Não dá dinheiro no bolsos nem tachos a alguém?

Restam  dois submarinos para  fazer um acto simbólico

Começa a formar-se a ideia de gente inútil que só pensa no bolso


Sempre a darem exemplos mas só no  interesse pessoal. Se não for em camiões que seja e até preferível, em veículos mais pequenos
Algures num dos tópicos deixei um exemplo de uma viatura 4x4 com um par de misseis anti navio
« Última modificação: Maio 09, 2024, 11:34:18 am por Pescador »