CSTAR Thin Towed Array is Ideal for Small Spaces
(Source: Qinetiq; issued Nov. 1, 2004)
QinetiQ has designed a novel towed array system that has been compactly configured to fit into a small space so making it ideal for use by submarines. This is the first time towed array technology has been inserted into such a small volume with all of the advantages of more conventional larger systems.
Towed arrays are long tubes containing ‘listening’ sensors, which are towed behind submarines to allow them to detect other shipping. The CSTAR towed array system is a thin (38mm diameter) towed array with Vibration Isolation Modules, tow cable and handling system. The system is driven by four electric drives, one each for the winch, spooling, transfer drive and flushing pump, and the control hardware comprises almost entirely of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) equipment.
At the design stage of CSTAR all design preconceptions were discarded and a totally novel mechanical design produced. The longitudinal strength members were distributed just inside the hose wall rather than in thick ropes down the centre of the array. Previous array designs were unable to meet customer requirements, but CSTAR does. It is neutrally buoyant, submarine winchable, emits low noise, has high survival speed, long acoustic aperture, high channel count and all at an affordable price.
The towed array design is robust and has already proved its reliability and maturity in a number of trials including one with a UK submarine.