Industria de defesa europeia

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Industria de defesa europeia
« em: Julho 10, 2004, 01:53:16 pm »
Coherent European Policies and Increased R&D Funds Are Key to Success in the Aeronautic, Space and Defence Industries, Says ASD
(Source: AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe; issued June 28, 2004)
 Despite the experience of difficult times during the past few years, the aeronautic, space and defence industry is showing economic stabilization. However, coherent European policies and increased R&D funds are needed to enhance the competitiveness of the sector, stresses ASD (AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe).  
At the Annual Press Conference in London today ASD President Mike Turner presented the overall situation of the industry. “The European Aerospace Industry turnover of 74 billion Euros in 2003 is an acceptable result as it represents a stabilization of the aerospace and defence industry”, said Mike Turner. “As a summary based on the sales results, we can say that a platform for a secure development in the medium/long term is still to come, but we can start looking to the future with more confidence”, he added.  
“Research is a key factor for competitiveness and a coordinated strategy and increased resources are essential”, said Turner. “Also security-related research requires great efforts. We need a coherent structure for defence and security equipment in Europe. Military requirements should be harmonized and procurement budgets planned jointly”.  
ASD emphasized that, based on the forecasts indicating a doubling of air traffic in the coming decade, action must be taken to deal with the present inadequate air traffic management (ATM) systems on both sides of the Atlantic.  
ASD welcomes the decision to create a Single European Sky that will replace the various national ATM systems by a new, single system, which will be co-ordinated at European level. Our industry is proposing a study to create a roadmap through implementation. In 2007+, the EU ATM Budget should be identified as a priority and the funds allocated.  
ASD also supports the recent approval of the European Defence Agency dealing with the harmonisation of defence capabilities, development, research, acquisition and armaments. However, ASD is concerned that slowness in build-up, complexity of decision making process and the lack of resources for research and technology investment could inhibit its full development.  
“Our industry is actively participating in a number of initiatives in order to build a competitive European framework for aerospace”, said Mike Turner. “The European initiatives such as ACARE (Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe), Single European Sky, EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency), Security research, are well promoted and widely supported but they still have to be converted into action to change the situation in a visible manner”, he added.  
ASD is the result of a merger of three major associations representing the aeronautics, space and defence industry in Europe – AECMA, the European Association of Aerospace Industries, EDIG, the European Defence Industries Group and EUROSPACE, the Association of the European Space Industry. ASD represents the aeronautics, space and defence industries in Europe in all matters of common interest with the objective of promoting and supporting the competitive development of the sector. It pursues joint industry actions which require to be dealt with on a European level or which concerns issues of an agreed transnational nature, and generates common industry positions on economic and technical topics.



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« Responder #1 em: Outubro 28, 2004, 11:06:43 pm »
European Naval Consolidation Still Remote
(Source:; issued Oct. 28, 2004)
 by Giovanni de Briganti
 EURONAVAL SHOW, Paris --- Despite the encouraging noises made at the Euronaval show here this week about the consolidation of Europe’s naval shipbuilding industry, the fact remains that the prospect of a pan-European naval group is still a long way off, and may in fact never materialize.  
At issue is that while national consolidation is widely seen as a pre-condition to transnational restructuring, it is not clear that it would benefit all of the existing shipyards, many of which face excess capacity and low orders which suggest several may go out of business. Also at issue is the fact that France’s DCN group is currently state-owned, and that until it is at least partly privatized the German government refuses to allow it to merge with German shipyards, which are themselves being restructured.  
France and Germany are open in principle to an alliance between shipbuilders in both countries but a deal needs time, a German Economy Ministry spokeswoman said on Tuesday after talks between the two countries’ finance ministers. "We are basically open to a Franco-German shipyard alliance. But for that time is needed," she said.  
French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie announced here Oct. 25 that France would by year-end enact a bill allowing defense electronics group Thales (which is 31% owned by the French state) and others to buy a stake of up to 49% in DCN. However, she said, the French government’s stake will not drop below 51%.  
The preferred option seems the merger of DCN’s naval construction unit and Thales’ French naval business into a new company, employing fewer than 6,000 people, or less than half of DCN’s current workforce. The net effect would be to dilute DCN’s state ownership and make it an acceptable partner for Germany, while improving the joint company’s effectiveness and profitability. However, working out the details of the merger will require quite some time, Jean-Marie Poimboeuf, CEO of DCN, said Oct. 26.  
But some doubt that a healthy French naval industry would want to share work with less favored European competitors, and go as far as to suggest that French ambitions end with the partial privatization of DCN. “The real goal is to merge DCN with Thales’ naval business,” says one European industry executive. “The prospect of pan-European restructuring is simply being bandied to placate DCN’s trade unions.”  
Nonsense, says a senior Thales official. “We can help DCN improve substantially its profit margins, and by teaming even more closely for export we can also generate additional business,” he said.  
Thales CEO Denis Ranque said in an Oct. 25 television interview that it is “too soon” talk of Franco-German naval defence conglomerate along the lines of the European EADS group, adding that some housework needs to be done on both sides before going European.  
DCN, which was incorporated under company law in early 2003, foresees sales of about 2 billion euros in 2004 and a profit greater than the 107 million euros it earned in 2003. More significantly, says Poimboeuf, its current order book is worth nearly five years of sales, and it is negotiating additional orders worth an additional 15 billion euros with the French government for a new aircraft carrier, a new class of six attack submarines and a new class of multipurpose frigates to be developed jointly with Italy.  
This program, designated FREMM (Frégates Multi-Missions) calls for construction of an initial batch of 12 ships, eight for France and four for Italy, for which a contract is to be let in early 2005. However, the two navies see a combined requirement for 27 of these 5,500-tonne, gas-turbine-powered ships, for delivery by 2017. The MoU launching the program was signed at the Euronaval show here on Oct. 25 by French Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie and her Italian counterpart, Antonio Martino. With such a backlog and future prospects, it is not clear that DCN would gain by merging with less financially secure European shipyards.  
But whereas French and German shipbuilders do not have any common program around which to structure a possible merger, France now has two major frigate and one missile program in common with Italy. “We’ve been working together for a long time, and it would make more sense to link up with Italy’s Fincantieri rather than with German yards with which we compete across our entire product line,” one French official told  
Another stumbling block is that French officials are leery of combining their shipyards with Germany’s as long as an American firm, One Equity Partners (OEP), retains its 25% percent stake, but German industry officials say OEP would be willing to sell its share to a European buyer if the price is right.  
Under an agreement announced Oct. 7, Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Werften and Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) agreed to merge and form a new company, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AG, which will have 9,300 employees and an annual turnover of 2.2 billion euros. The new company will be controlled and managed by the Thyssen Krupp group, with a 75% stake. The balance will be owned by OEP, which will also receive a cash payment of 220 million euros from Thyssen Krupp.  
In addition to the new Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems, other European yards looking to consolidate include part of Spain’s Izar group, France’s Chantiers de l’Atlantique, a unit of the troubled Altom group. Another European player is Italy’s Fincantieri, currently controlled by a state-owned holding company and a consortium of Italian banks, but which has a large business building cruise ships.  
Finally, the future of British naval shipbuilding remains unclear. BAE Systems tried, without success, to sell off its naval business earlier this year, but in now considering developments. “We are currently reviewing all options, and have made no decision on the naval business,” a company official said Oct. 27. Also unclear is whether VT Group, the other British shipbuilder, will be able to retain its independence in the long run.  



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« Responder #2 em: Dezembro 15, 2008, 09:33:05 pm »
French City Forms Regional Defense Industry Cluster

Five French companies and the chamber of commerce of Lyon in southeastern France were poised to launch Dec. 16 a regional defense and security industry cluster aimed at boosting small and medium-sized firms in international markets.

"This cluster brings together 24 small and medium-sized firms in the Rhone-Alps region in the sector, and with the goal of strengthening their position in international markets, where competition is lively and where large groups hold a dominant position," Lyon chamber of commerce officials said in a statement.

The cluster, called European Defense Economic Network, will be officially launched with a day of five workshops dedicated to international business development in the defense market. The subjects to be covered include the French arms export control regime, access to international and U.S markets, participation in trade shows and export aid.

The cluster and the opening day's proceedings are sponsored by the Délégation Générale pour l'Armement (DGA) procurement office, the regional research agency Direction Régionale de la Recherche, de l'Industrie et de l'Environnement, and the Lyon chamber of commerce.

DGA officials will attend the workshops, along with small and medium-sized companies and large defense accounts.

"The idea is to develop a system of mutual support in which each small and medium-sized company benefits from the experience of others in, for example, applying for a research and development program or to meet the procedures for export authorization," cluster chairman Jean-Luc Logel said.

"It is also possible to envisage pooling commercial efforts," he added. Logel also is chairman of Central Automatismes, one of the founding five companies.

Some 200 companies work in the defense field in the Rhone-Alps region, in electronics, nanotechnology, alloys, vehicles and lasers. They employ 20,000 workers and had combined 2007 sales of more than one billion euros ($1.35 billion), with 120 million euros of exports. ... =EUR&s=TOP
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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« Responder #3 em: Março 03, 2009, 10:50:13 pm »
Suécia: Exportações de armas e material de defesa aumentaram 32% em 2008

As exportações de armas e material de defesa da Suécia aumentaram 32 por cento em 2008, tendo chegado aos 12,7 mil milhões de coroas suecas (1,1 mil milhões de euros), divulgou hoje a Inspecção dos Produtos Estratégicos.

As exportações deste tipo de material são sobretudo para a União Europeia (59 por cento), seguindo-se os Estados Unidos, Austrália, Canadá, Japão, Singapura, África do Sul e Nova Zelândia (28 por cento).

Treze por cento das exportações de armas e material de defesa são transaccionadas para o Paquistão, Índia, Coreia do Sul, Chile e Arábia Saudita.

De acordo com a agência noticiosa sueca, TT, as exportações de armas da Suécia representam quase dois por cento do mercado mundial.




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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #4 em: Março 10, 2011, 11:16:45 am » ... cicio-2010

EADS tuvo un beneficio neto de 553 millones de euros en el ejercicio 2010

La multinacional bate además un récord de entregas, con 510 aviones, 527 helicópteros y el 41º lanzamiento consecutivo con éxito del Ariane 5.



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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #5 em: Janeiro 01, 2013, 11:49:10 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #6 em: Março 19, 2013, 08:42:58 pm »
España es el séptimo exportador mundial de armas con una cuota del 3%.

En plena crisis España ha conseguido mantenerse en el séptimo puesto mundial de exportadores de armamento y lo ha hecho mejorando sus resultados. El país mantiene una cuota del 3,02% de este mercado global, y además consigue vender fuera el triple de lo que importa. Únicamente le superan –en orden decreciente– Estados Unidos, Rusia, Alemania, Francia, China y Gran Bretaña. Por detrás de España en el comercio de armas, por tanto, quedan países como Italia, Israel, Canadá, Suecia, Suiza, Holanda y Ucrania. Así lo revelan los últimos datos del Instituto de Estudios para la Paz de Estocolmo (SIPRI) sobre las tendencias internacionales en las transferencias de armas, divulgados ayer.

Este organismo sueco compara lustros completos para que su clasificación sobre las tendencias globales sea lo más real posible, sin la distorsión de circunstancias muy puntuales, como una venta extraordinaria en un único año. Así, en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2008 y 2012 se exportó en el mundo armamento pesado convencional por un valor superior a los 133.468 millones de dólares. De esa cantidad, el 3% (4.036 millones) tuvo su origen en España. En realidad las cifras son mayores, porque el SIPRI las expresa en precios constantes de 1990 (descontando los efectos de la inflación desde entonces para mostrar la verdadera evolución de los datos). De esta manera, resulta más sencillo comprobar que España exportó en el último lustro más del doble que en el anterior (entre 2003 y 2007), cuando se alcanzaron los 1.707 millones de dólares.

Esa cantidad supuso entonces apenas el 1,5% de las exportaciones mundiales y situaban al país en el puesto 13º de todos los exportadores. En los datos actualizados el año pasado para el periodo 2006-2011, España alcanzó por primera vez el séptimo lugar (con 3.910 millones, el 2,9%de total de entonces), una posición que ahora mantiene con datos mejorados. Los diez principales clientes de las ventas internacionales de armamento español entre 2008 y 2012 han sido, por orden decreciente, Noruega, Australia, Venezuela, Malasia, Arabia Saudí, México, Estados Unidos, Portugal, Turquía, y Chile. También destacan por su singularidad países como Yemen, Ruanda, Kenia, Ghana y Botsuana, a los que España ha vendido durante el mencionado periodo armamento por un valor en conjunto de 94 millones de dólares. La mitad del valor de todas las armas españolas exportadas correspondía a aeronaves, el 48% a buques, y el resto se reparte entre sensores (el 1,6%) y algunas ventas, casi anecdóticas por su cuantía, de sistemas de artillería y vehículos blindados.

Alemania y EE UU copan el 75% de las importaciones españolas
En cuanto a las importaciones militares, España ha comprado a otros países durante los últimos cinco años sobre todo vehículos blindados (el 50% de total), misiles (29%) y sensores (8,5%), además de algunos gastos en motores, aviones y artillería. Sus principales suministradores durante el periodo estimado han sido Alemania, que le ha procurado más de la mitad de las compras internacionales (el 55%); Estados Unidos, a quien España ha comprado casi una cuarta parte de todas sus armas de importación (el 24,4%;, Francia, con casi el 5%; e Israel, que ha supuesto casi el 4%. El resto de suministrdores, en orden decreciente, han sido Italia, Suiza, Sudáfrica, Suecia y Gran Bretaña.




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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #7 em: Março 20, 2013, 10:38:21 am »
gostava de saber a que se referem os dados de Portugal :|
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #8 em: Março 20, 2013, 10:59:23 am »
Pelo menos aos C295 deve ser de certeza.


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #9 em: Março 20, 2013, 12:37:55 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #10 em: Março 21, 2013, 02:11:36 pm »
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

Bem lembrado Cabeça, o radar que a Força Aérea instalou na Madeira é da empresa espanhola Indra.

Outros exemplos são os LGA Santa Barbada do Exército, os instalaza C90 da UPF, as rações de combate também acho que vem de Espanha.

Além da compra de equipamento também pode ser questões de sustentação logistica, de enviarmos equipamento para manutenção em empresas espanholas.



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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #11 em: Junho 30, 2013, 02:00:17 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #12 em: Julho 19, 2013, 10:52:25 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #13 em: Julho 25, 2013, 08:49:49 pm »
União Europeia planeja reestruturar indústria de defesa

Representantes da União Europeia devem emitir na próxima semana uma série de recomendações para alavancar a indústria de defesa da Europa, atualmente fragmentada e com sérias restrições financeiras.

Autoridades representativas do bloco declaram que os cortes severos nos orçamentos dos países membros por conta da crise financeira tornam imperativa a integração entre pesquisa tecnológica, fabricação e encomenda de produtos da área de defesa, para que o dinheiro circule. O setor é responsável pela geração de cerca de 400 mil empregos, e movimentou em torno de 90 bilhões de euros em 2010, segundo dados da própria UE.

Em dezembro deste ano será apresentado também aos líderes da UE um pacote destinado ao setor de defesa. Entre as propostas estaria uma série de regras que permitiriam aos governos do bloco delimitar áreas sensíveis. O objetivo seria identificar campos em que a Europa possa desenvolver capacidades próprias. Um exemplo seria o desenvolvimento e construção de drones, atualmente importados. Outra possibilidade também seria a aquisição de sistemas de reabastecimento de aeronaves e navios comuns para todos os países membros. E ainda a integração de redes de guerra cibernética e segurança marítima.




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Re: Industria de defesa europeia
« Responder #14 em: Janeiro 03, 2014, 09:20:02 am »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."