Soldado do Futuro

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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #135 em: Julho 31, 2017, 04:12:30 pm »
Com a verdade me enganas............
Obama anunciou e todos riram pensando ser brincadeira

"We are building the iron man"
It's 'getting real': Special Ops Iron Man suit takes shape
SOCOM expects ‘Iron Man’ suit testing by summer 2018

SOF AT&L Seeks Industry Partners for Future TALOS Innovations
U.S. Special Operations Command’s Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Center provided a status update of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit at the 2017 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida, 17 May.
By: U.S. Special Operations Command Office of Communication - 5/24/2017
SOF AT&L Seeks Industry Partners for Future TALOS Innovations
U.S. Special Operations Command’s Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Center provided a status update of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit at the 2017 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida, 17 May. The suit is intended to offer SOF operators increased survivability, lethality, situational awareness and decreased time to target engagement. Photo by U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Jayson Price
SOF AT&L Seeks Industry Partners for Future TALOS Innovations
U.S. Special Operations Command’s Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Center provided a status update of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit at the 2017 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida, 17 May. The suit is intended to offer SOF operators increased survivability, lethality, situational awareness and decreased time to target engagement. Photo by U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Jayson Price
SOF AT&L Seeks Industry Partners for Future TALOS Innovations
U.S. Special Operations Command’s Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Center provided a status update of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit at the 2017 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida, 17 May. The suit is intended to offer SOF operators increased survivability, lethality, situational awareness and decreased time to target engagement. Photo by U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Jayson Price
​U.S. Special Operations Command's Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Center provided a status update of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit at the 2017 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Tampa, Florida, 17 May.

The suit is intended to offer SOF operators better protection and enhanced capabilities. These capabilities include increased survivability, lethality, situational awareness and decreased time to target engagement by the operator.

In addition to showcasing the latest TALOS design accomplishments, SOF AT&L used this assembly of more than 400 defense-industry oriented companies to tackle its newest set of challenges in advancing the TALOS and to further explore potential solutions with defense industry firms both large and small.

"SOFIC provides an ideal opportunity to engage with industry," said U.S. Army Col. James D. Miller, director of the TALOS program. "We're able to leverage the eleven thousand attendees and hundreds of defense industry companies here to find solutions that may not have been considered."

Throughout the week SOF AT&L engineers, acquisition experts and SOF operators were on hand to look at potential technologies and provide inputs to existing industry partners as well as explore potential new partnership opportunities. The teams met with some of the defense industries largest and most notable companies as well as small organizations and start-ups for breakout sessions addressing various aspects of suit development.

"We provided two open sessions to educate the greater community about the technology gaps that have emerged over the life of the program," said Miller. "We also met privately with potential technology contributors to assess the potential for system integration. Overall, the individual sessions were successful and they helped us further connect with industry." 

Reaching out to industry is not a new concept for SOF AT&L. It's been part of the center's approach to acquisition since its inception in 1991 and has become deeply ingrained in the organization's ethos.

"We have always sought to accelerate the delivery of innovative TALOS capabilities to the special operations forces warfighter through outreach and collaboration with industry," said Miller.  "USSOCOM is developing revolutionary capabilities — a suit that offers operators better protection, enhanced performance, and improved situational awareness. We have been able to do that in large part to our numerous partnerships with industry."

SOF AT&L established a joint acquisition task force in November 2013 to begin the iterative process of developing TALOS. To tackle the herculean task, USSOCOM assembled a team of SOF operators, technical experts and acquisition professionals to explore and develop the required technologies. The task force was a success and the TALOS team has since produced numerous iterations of the suit with ever-increasing capabilities and effectiveness. The task forces' original charter called for a first article-prototype in the summer of 2018. The team in on track to do just that, and expects the prototype to be available for testing and further advancement of the design.

"The end game for TALOS is to have unprecedented and overmatched capability against the enemy threat," said Miller. "We move closer to that goal with each iteration of the suit. We'll continue to work with our partners in industry to accelerate the delivery of the most effective technologies."

#SOCOM30; Science and Technology; SOF Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; SOF AT&L; SOF Operators; SOFIC 2017; Special Operations Forces Industry Conference; TALOS; Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit; Tampa
« Última modificação: Julho 31, 2017, 04:52:44 pm por ICE 1A+ »
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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #136 em: Outubro 23, 2017, 02:42:12 pm »



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #137 em: Novembro 28, 2017, 05:57:34 pm »



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #138 em: Dezembro 02, 2017, 04:35:39 pm »
Future Soldier Documentary: How Will The Future Soldier Be Eqipted & Look Like? Military Documentary




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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #139 em: Março 04, 2018, 12:10:25 pm »



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #140 em: Março 07, 2018, 10:46:35 pm »

Não podemos passar essa fase e saltar já para o exoesqueleto? ...  8) ;D

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Cabeça de Martelo



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #141 em: Maio 14, 2019, 11:57:27 pm »



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #142 em: Fevereiro 14, 2020, 09:25:54 pm »



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #143 em: Junho 04, 2020, 11:44:19 pm »
EDA readies GOSSRA soldier modernisation pitch to NATO

The European Defence Agency (EDA) is to hand over proposals for its Generic Open Soldier System Reference Architecture (GOSSRA) to NATO in May, as the alliance considers adopting it as a standardisation recommendation (STAREC).

The EUR1.5 million (USD1.62 million) multinational GOSSRA project, which was launched in 2018 by the European Union under the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) scheme, featured a consortium led by Rheinmetall Electronics (Germany) that also included GMV (Spain), iTTi (Poland), Tekever-ASDS (Portugal), Larimart (Italy), Leonardo (Italy), SAAB (Sweden), Indra (Spain), and TNO (the Netherlands).

The project was initiated to develop a common reference architecture covering software, electronics, voice and data communication, sensors, effectors, human interface devices, and C4i in support of soldier modernisation programmes.

The reference architecture represents “best practice, future trends and developments” and proposes standard interfaces to enhance interoperability across the various EU and NATO soldier programmes.

Project officials told Jane’s that GOSSRA formally concluded at the end of April. Findings are to be delivered to the NATO Land Capability Group on Dismounted Soldier Systems in May.

The GOSSRA study culminated in a final demonstration conducted near Madrid on 20 February, comprising a live exercise that showcased the interoperability of soldier systems from EU countries such as Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands.

Designed around a ‘loaned radio concept’, the demonstration featured Leonardo S-wave handheld secure wideband soldier radios and included a force protection scenario in which an enemy sniper and suspicious vehicle were observed by coalition forces.

A consortium of companies from across Europe conducted a final demonstration of the GOSSRA concept ahead of its acceptance by NATO as a standard agreement.
Talent de ne rien faire



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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #144 em: Abril 01, 2021, 09:54:58 pm »
Microsoft fechou negócio de $21,9 mil milhões para dispositivo de RA para o exército

Cada vez mais, assistimos a uma fusão daquilo que é a atividade humana e as possibilidades encontradas na tecnologia. Então, a Microsoft está preparada para fornecer mais de 120 mil headsets baseados em HoloLens ao Exército dos Estados Unidos da América. O negócio envolverá 21.9 mil milhões de dólares e servirá para munir os militares com Realidade Aumentada.

Para já, o horizonte estabelecido para o acordo situa-se no período de 10 anos.

Microsoft contribui para aprimoramento do Exército

Há uns dias, o Exército dos Estados Unidos da América concedeu à Microsoft um acordo bilionário. A empresa possui agora um acordo de produção com preço fixo para iniciar o desenvolvimento do Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS).

Este negócio acelera o processo de fabrico dos headset de Realidade Aumentada (RA), bem como a sua implementação no terreno.

Baseado no headset HoloLens de RA da Microsoft, o IVAS fornecerá às Forças de Combate Direto (CCF, sigla em inglês) a próxima geração de visão noturna e capacidades de perceção adaptadas a cada situação.

Além disso, munirá o Exército de uma vantagem naquilo que é a partilha de informação e as consequentes tomadas de decisão nos vários cenários. De acordo com a Microsoft, os militares estarão mais seguros e tornar-se-ão ainda mais eficazes.

A empresa está preparada para fornecer mais de 120 mil headsets baseados nos seus HoloLens de RA, durante um horizonte definido de 10 anos.

RA e machine learning unem-se aos militares americanos

Conforme afirmou o Exército, o IVAS reúne várias tecnologias num único espaço, dando a possibilidade aos militares para combater, ensaiar e treinar numa única plataforma.

Para que isso aconteça, a tecnologia assegurada pela Microsoft, com um sistema de RA e machine learning incorporado, baseia-se em capacidades como a visão noturna de alta resolução, sensores térmicos de soldados e a facilidade na partilha de informação.

O objetivo é claro: conseguir ser melhor do que qualquer adversário, detetando alvos, percebendo a situação de cada militar e tomando decisões ponderadas.

Aliás, a combinação da tecnologia fornecida pela Microsoft com táticas de combate, poderá tornar o Exército americano efetivamente poderoso.

O contrato envolverá, em 10 anos, 21,88 mil milhões de dólares e implicará a entrega de mais de 120 mil headsets baseados nos HoloLens de RA da Microsoft.
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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #145 em: Abril 17, 2021, 02:27:14 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #146 em: Maio 27, 2021, 12:54:02 am »

Lockheed Martin has been partnering with the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command in a series of experiments designed to advance capabilities required for joint all-domain operations (JADO).
In this video, our team discusses the most recent experiments at the 2021 Northern Edge exercise in Alaska.

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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #147 em: Maio 27, 2021, 10:36:38 pm »
Quando chegam as G3 para os nossos soldados do futuro?


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #148 em: Maio 28, 2021, 10:28:23 am »
Quando chegam as G3 para os nossos soldados do futuro?

Os nossos soldados do futuro andam com FN SCAR e Minimi.

« Última modificação: Maio 28, 2021, 10:30:01 am por Cabeça de Martelo »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Soldado do Futuro
« Responder #149 em: Maio 28, 2021, 11:20:04 am »
Quando chegam as G3 para os nossos soldados do futuro?

Os nossos soldados do futuro andam com FN SCAR e Minimi.

O que acho estranho é ninguém mencionar que pelas fotos é perceptível que o Exército português está a preparar um exército de clones.