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« em: Dezembro 29, 2004, 01:38:22 pm »
Diehl Wins Series Contract for Guided Missile IRIS-T
(Source: Diehl BGT Defence & Co.; issued Dec. 21, 2004)
 On December 20, 2004, the contract covering series production of the air-to air guided missile IRIS-T was signed by the Federal Office for Military Technology and Procurement (BWB) and Diehl BGT Defence & Co. KG, a company of the Nuremberg-based Diehl Group.  
The BWB acted on behalf of all six European nations participating in the IRIS-T program. The series production contract is worth 1 billion Euro and makes an essential contribution to safeguarding core capabilities at Diehl.  
In the IRIS-T program, Germany acts as lead nation and Diehl BGT Defence as prime contractor.  
The IRIS-T guided missile was developed in a multi-national European program under the lead of the industrial prime contractor Diehl BGT Defence. IRIS-T is a successor of the Sidewinder missile produced in US license.  
The dog fight-optimised IRIS-T will be operational on modern combat aircraft such as the Eurofighter, Tornado, F-16 and F-18 in the air forces of Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden.  
Deliveries of the more than 4.000 IRIS-T guided missiles will last until 2011.  
The air-to-air missile IRIS-T is also being considered for a surface-launched role and other forms of air defence.  
Diehl once again proves its leading position in missile expertise by winning the contract on series production of IRIS-T.  



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« Responder #1 em: Janeiro 31, 2005, 11:13:36 pm »
Nammo Raufoss ContractfFor IRIS-T Series Production
Nammo Raufoss ContractfFor IRIS-T Series Production
 IRIS-T is a multinational programme established between the Governments of Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Norway for joint development and procurement of a new generation air-to-air missiles. Diehl BGT Defence is the Prime Contractor for IRIS-T, and NAMMO Raufoss is Sub Contractor for the Rocket Motor with Thrust Vector Control (TVC).  
Series Production of IRIS-T will commence in 2005 and last until 2011 based on a firm order with fixed monthly deliveries. The total quantity of missiles to be delivered will be more than 4000 units including options.  
NAMMO Raufoss has developed and manufactures an advanced Rocket Motor with TVC that makes IRIS-T a highly maneuverable and agile missile. The new TVC technology from NAMMO Raufoss has demonstrated superb performance and contributes significantly to the excellent capabilities of IRIS-T.  
The firm contract has a value for NAMMO Raufoss in excess of 420 Million NOK.  



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« Responder #2 em: Janeiro 31, 2005, 11:24:45 pm »
Quando vi na secçao tecnologia "IRIS-T" e "RAKEL" até me assustei, pq Íris Raquel é o nome da minha namorada.... há cada coisa...  :shock:

Terão estes misséis mais alcançe que os actuais sidewinder? Será possível adaptá-los aos nossos MLU? Será possível ter aliado ao sensor térmico, um pequeno radar activo que elimine a possibilidade de se usar uma contra-medida térmica?
"History is always written by who wins the war..."



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« Responder #3 em: Janeiro 31, 2005, 11:59:55 pm »
Quando vi na secçao tecnologia "IRIS-T" e "RAKEL" até me assustei, pq Íris Raquel é o nome da minha namorada.... há cada coisa...


Terão estes misséis mais alcançe que os actuais sidewinder?

Sim, cerca de 20-25km, senão mais

Será possível adaptá-los aos nossos MLU?

Sim. Os F-16 MLU de vários países ( Noruega, Holanda) vão usá-los, logo é apenas uma questão de a FAP comprá-los ( ou os equivalentes AIM-9X ou ASRAAM).

Será possível ter aliado ao sensor térmico, um pequeno radar activo que elimine a possibilidade de se usar uma contra-medida térmica?

Não. A antena do radar tem que ocupar toda a secção do míssil para ser eficaz. Se pusermos o sensor atrás dela  ele não detecta nada, e se pusermos à frente este bloqueia e causa interferências na antena.
I hope that you accept Nature as It is - absurd.

R.P. Feynman