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« Responder #180 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 08:08:24 am »
French Government, Naval Group React to Australia’s Decision to end Attack-class Submarine Program

Attack-class Program to enter System Functional Review on time as planned
Artist impression of the Attack-class submarine. Naval Group image.
French Government, Naval Group React To Australia’s Decision To End Attack-Class Submarine Program
Naval News Staff  16 Sep 2021

Following yesterday’s announcement that the Australian Government will no longer be proceeding with the Attack Class Submarine Program, France’s Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Defense issued the following statement:

France takes note of the decision just announced by the Australian government to stop the “Future Submarine Program” ocean-class submarine program and to launch cooperation with the United States on nuclear powered submarines.

It is a decision contrary to the letter and the spirit of the cooperation which prevailed between France and Australia, based on a relationship of political trust as on the development of an industrial and technological base of defense of very high level in Australia.

The American choice which leads to the removal of an ally and a European partner such as France from a structuring partnership with Australia, at a time when we are facing unprecedented challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, whether on our values ​​or on respect for multilateralism based on the rule of law marks an absence of coherence that France can only observe and regret.

While the joint communication on the European strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region is being published today, France confirms its desire for very ambitious action in this region aimed at preserving the “freedom of sovereignty” of everyone. . The only European nation present in the Indo-Pacific with nearly two million of its nationals and more than 7,000 soldiers, France is a reliable partner which will continue to keep its commitments there, as it has always done.

The regrettable decision just announced on the FSP program only reinforces the need to raise the issue of European strategic autonomy loud and clear. There is no other credible way to defend our interests and values ​​in the world, including the Indo-Pacific.

French shipbuilder Naval Group issued the following statement:

Naval Group takes note of the decision of the Australian authorities to acquire a fleet of nuclear submarines in collaboration with the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Commonwealth decided not to proceed with the next phase of the program. This is a major
disappointment for Naval Group, which was offering Australia a regionally superior conventional
submarine with exceptional performances. Naval Group was also offering Australia a sovereign
submarine capability making unrivalled commitments in terms of technology transfer, jobs and
local content.

For five years, Naval Group teams, both in France and in Australia, as well as our partners, have given their best and Naval Group has delivered on all its commitments.

The analysis of the consequences of this sovereign Australian decision will be conducted with the Commonwealth of Australia in the coming days.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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« Responder #181 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 12:16:44 pm »

WASHINGTON/CANBERRA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The United States, Britain and Australia announced a new security partnership for the Indo-Pacific in a move hailed by regional allies but denounced by China as intensifying an arms race in the region.

Under the partnership, announced by President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the United States and Britain will provide Australia with the technology and capability to deploy nuclear-powered submarines.

The United States and its allies are looking for ways to push back against China's growing power and influence, particularly its military buildup, pressure on Taiwan and deployments in the contested South China Sea.

The three western leaders did not mention China by name in Wednesday's announcement and senior Biden administration officials, who briefed reporters ahead of time, said the partnership was not aimed at countering Beijing.

However, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the trio were "severely damaging regional peace and stability, intensifying an arms race, and damaging international nuclear non-proliferation efforts".

Countries should not build partnerships that target third countries, he told a regular briefing in Beijing on Thursday.

"China will closely watch the situation's development."

In a three-way virtual announcement, the leaders stressed Australia will not be fielding nuclear weapons but using nuclear propulsion systems for the vessels, to guard against threats.

"We all recognize the imperative of ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific over the long term," said Biden.

"We need to be able to address both the current strategic environment in the region, and how it may evolve because the future of each of our nations and indeed the world depends on a free and open Indo-Pacific enduring and flourishing in the decades ahead," he said.

Morrison said the submarines would be built in the city of Adelaide and Australia would meet all of its nuclear non-proliferation obligations.


Johnson said the pact, dubbed AUKUS, was not meant to be adversarial towards anyone and it would reduce the costs of Britain's next generation of nuclear submarines.

"Now that we have created AUKUS we expect to accelerate the development of other advanced defence systems including in cyber, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and undersea capabilities," Johnson told parliament.

One U.S. official said the partnership was the result of months of engagements by military and political leaders during which Britain - which recently sent an aircraft carrier to Asia - had indicated it wanted to do more in the region.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern welcomed the focus on the Indo-Pacific but said Australia's nuclear-powered submarines would not be allowed in its territorial waters under a long-standing nuclear-free policy.

Singapore said it had long had relations with Australia, Britain and the United States and hoped their grouping would contribute to peace and stability.

Japan said the three countries' strengthening of security and defence cooperation was important for peace and security.

A U.S. official briefing before the announcement said Biden had not mentioned the plans "in any specific terms" to Chinese leader Xi Jinping in a call last Thursday, but did "underscore our determination to play a strong role in the Indo-Pacific." read more

U.S. officials said nuclear propulsion would allow the Australian navy to operate more quietly, for longer periods, and provide deterrence across the Indo-Pacific.


The partnership ends Australia's 2016 deal with French shipbuilder Naval Group to build it a new submarine fleet worth $40 billion to replace its more than two-decades-old Collins submarines, a spokesperson for Morrison told Reuters. read more

France accused Biden of stabbing it in the back and acting like his predecessor Donald Trump.

"This brutal, unilateral and unpredictable decision reminds me a lot of what Mr Trump used to do," Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told franceinfo radio. "I am angry and bitter. This isn't done between allies."

Naval Group said in a statement that Australia's decision was a major disappointment.

Biden said the three governments would launch an 18-month consultation period "to determine every element of this program, from workforce, to training requirements, to production timelines" and to ensure full compliance with non-proliferation commitments.

The pact should be a boon for the U.S. defense industry and among the firms that could benefit are General Dynamics Corp (GD.N) and Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc (HII.N).

General Dynamics' Electric Boat business does much of the design work for U.S. submarines, but critical subsystems such as electronics and nuclear power plants are made by BWX Technologies Inc (BWXT.N)

U.S. officials did not give a time frame for when Australia would deploy a nuclear-powered submarine, or how many would be built. They said that since Australia does not have any nuclear infrastructure, it would require a sustained effort over years.

A U.S. official said Washington had shared nuclear propulsion technology only once before - with Britain in 1958 - and added: "This is frankly an exception to our policy in many respects, I do not anticipate that this will be undertaken in other circumstances ... We view this as a one-off."
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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« Responder #182 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 01:31:52 pm »
Resumindo, a Europa cada mais isolada e afastada dos EUA (independentemente de serem presidentes republicanos ou democratas no poder) e aliados mais próximos (RU, Autrália......) e um fortíssimo abalo para a França!!!!



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« Responder #183 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 01:49:53 pm »
Resumindo, a Europa cada mais isolada e afastada dos EUA (independentemente de serem presidentes republicanos ou democratas no poder) e aliados mais próximos (RU, Autrália......) e um fortíssimo abalo para a França!!!!

Para os EUA a Europa será cada vez mais insignificante, já têm o aliado natural deles de volta (UK), portanto os "continentais" que se amanhem...e o "grande amigo" Joe Talibiden já aproveitou para dar a facadinha nas costas da França...mas "orange man bad"... c56x1
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas
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« Responder #184 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 04:56:29 pm »
E a Jacinta Arden como boa fã da China que é, proibe os submarinos de passarem por lá antecipadamente, não vá o tio Xi chatear-se com ela....



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« Responder #185 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 07:59:10 pm »
France Calls U.S.-Australia Submarine Deal a Betrayal

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian calls U.S. move to step in a ‘stab in the back
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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« Responder #186 em: Setembro 16, 2021, 11:41:45 pm »
Os franceses tem que rever — com urgência — a sua política de vendas, contrapartidas e participação industrial dos seus clientes de produtos militares. Primeiro foi o negócio dos Rafale com a Índia (apesar da eventual compra de duas esquadras por parte deste país) e agora os submarinos australianos. Ambos negócios com um valor gigantesco para a indústria e o prestígio da França. O caminho que têm vindo a tomar vai relegar a França para fornecedor de países sem capacidade industrial, negócios tipo chave na mão que não têm o prestígio nem a capacidade de influenciar outras nações, como teriam os negócios com a Índia e Austrália.
« Última modificação: Setembro 17, 2021, 12:17:39 pm por NVF »
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« Responder #187 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 09:26:36 am »
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas
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« Responder #188 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 11:30:23 am »
Segue-se a Roménia?

A realidade é lixada. A política, a televisão, a educação actual, está a criar malta alucinada e alienada da realidade. A França é só o que dá mais nas vistas dessa desgraça toda que assola a UE mais a ocidente. Os centros de decisão são cada vez mais constituídos por carreiristas cujo objectivo é a bajulação do poder. Não se liga ao cliente, mercado, necessidades. O saber ouvir e falar. Tudo se perde.

A malta é instruída a ignorar, cancelar, censurar os que não são como eles. E depois percebem que no mundo real são na realidade putos imbecis. E choram ...
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« Responder #189 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 12:21:34 pm »
Australia To Procure Tomahawk And Hypersonic Missiles

Australia will acquire greater long-range strike capability across the air, land and maritime domains, including Tomahawk cruise missiles for Royal Australian Navy's Hobart class destroyers, to "enhance Australia's ability to deter and respond to potential security challenges".

Announced this week as part of the AUKUS trilateral security agreement, the systems and activities will include:

* Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, to be fielded on Hobart class destroyers, enabling Australia’s maritime assets to strike land targets at greater distances, with better precision.

*Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (Extended Range),  to enable Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18 Hornets and in future, the F-35A Lightning II, to hit targets at a range of 900km.

*Long-Range Anti-Ship Missiles (Extended Range) (LRASM) for the F/A-18 Super Hornet.

*Continuing collaboration with the United States to develop hypersonic missiles for air capabilities.

*Precision strike guided missiles for Australia’s land forces, capable of destroying, neutralising and supressing diverse targets from over 400km.

*Accelerating $1 billion for a sovereign guided weapons manufacturing enterprise, to enable creation of Australian weapons in country.

The management of this transition, and other capability acquisition options that will meet Australia’s strategic requirements, will be at the forefront of consultations through AUKUS over the next 18 months.

Back in March 2021, the Australian Government announced it would accelerate the creation of a $1 billion Sovereign Guided Weapons Enterprise, boosting skilled jobs and helping secure Australia’s sovereign defence capabilities.
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« Responder #190 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 02:15:03 pm »
Para já, o que se sabe é que os franceses estavam a cumprir com o que estava acordado, e que esta decisão é, aparentemente, mais relacionada com a nova reorganização estratégica do eixo anglo americano, no qual os australianos, e compreensivelmente, querem estar incluídos.

Não é propriamente um caso de falhanço da indústria francesa mas mais do bloco europeu, com quem ninguém conta, caso o verniz venha a estalar com os chineses.




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« Responder #191 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 02:35:22 pm »
Exacto - mas, mesmo que o "bloco UE / França" fosse muito mais eficaz, era difícil "bater" a hipótese EUA (RU, aqui, é para compor o ramalhete), tendo em conta a geo-estratégia da Austrália.   
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur
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« Responder #192 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 02:38:02 pm »
Para já, o que se sabe é que os franceses estavam a cumprir com o que estava acordado, e que esta decisão é, aparentemente, mais relacionada com a nova reorganização estratégica do eixo anglo americano, no qual os australianos, e compreensivelmente, querem estar incluídos.

Não é propriamente um caso de falhanço da indústria francesa mas mais do bloco europeu, com quem ninguém conta, caso o verniz venha a estalar com os chineses.


Acho que os custos já estavam a derrapar e nunca foi mostrado uma prova de conceito. E penso que esta situação toda é também uma consequência da desgraça do contrato de aquisição dos helis Tiger. A indústria australiana não estava contente com os offsets e os militares já estavam escaldados com o apoio técnico francês. O ministro australiano é que teve a iniciativa de falar com os primos que clara e objectivamente chegaram-se à frente com um produto melhor e de outro campeonato.
« Última modificação: Setembro 17, 2021, 02:45:51 pm por LuisPolis »



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« Responder #193 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 02:44:36 pm »
... mesmo que o "bloco UE / França" fosse muito mais eficaz

Mas o que é que a UE tem a ver com isso? Os próprios Franceses desentenderam-se com a Navantia (Espanha) na construção de submarinos e os espanhóis acabaram o projecto sozinhos sem antes pedir apoio aos americanos porque os mesmos não flutuavam.



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« Responder #194 em: Setembro 17, 2021, 03:42:40 pm »
Além dos problemas com os Tiger, os aussies também tido imensos problemas com os NH90.
Talent de ne rien faire