Administração do Fórum => Regras-Dúvidas-Informações do Fórum => Tópico iniciado por: Sailor Girl em Maio 05, 2008, 11:37:14 am

Enviado por: Sailor Girl em Maio 05, 2008, 11:37:14 am
Inicio este tópico com o objectivo de divulgarmos eventos e actividades de interesse para a Defesa, Segurança e, em especial, relacionados com o Mar.

Agradeço antecipadamente os contributos de todos.
Título: 2008-05-07 - Fórum Permanente dos Assuntos do Mar
Enviado por: Sailor Girl em Maio 05, 2008, 11:50:40 am
Trata-se da primeira Reunião Plenária do «Fórum Permanente dos Assuntos do Mar» e realiza-se na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian já na Quarta-feira, dia 7 de Maio de 2008. O período de inscrição para esta sessão plenária já encerrou (em 30 de Abril), mas o elevado número de adesões (mais de 400) e de candidaturas à direcção (28) é uma prova de cidadania e do enorme interesse, vontade e motivação por parte da Sociedade Civil para assumir um papel cada vez mais activo nos Assuntos do Mar!

A lista final de candidatos à Direcção do Fórum (perfil e carta de motivação) encontra-se disponível no site (

Darei mais notícias. Penso que este Forum é uma excelente oportunidade para «explicarmos» aos políticos a importância do Mar em todos os níveis, em particular para a Defesa.

* * * * *

Recordo que o Fórum Permanente para os Assuntos do Mar é uma medida da primeira acção prioritária da Estratégia Nacional para o Mar.
Neste sentido, a Comissão Interministerial para os Assuntos do Mar (CIAM) definiu como objectivo a criação de um “…Fórum Permanente para os Assuntos do Mar, aberto a toda a sociedade civil, e promover, nesse âmbito, o estabelecimento de um grupo de reflexão e acompanhamento para os assuntos do mar, onde participem personalidades de reconhecido mérito, organizações não governamentais e entidades privadas.”
O Fórum está aberto a todos os que manifestem expressamente a vontade de se tornarem membros e tem como princípios orientadores:

• Promover uma visão intersectorial e multidisciplinar dos assuntos do mar e a expressão de perspectivas e pontos de vista diversos;
• Funcionar como uma plataforma informal de contacto entre o Governo e a Sociedade Civil;
• Contribuir para a comunicação e partilha de informação associada aos Assuntos do Mar entre os seus membros e toda a sociedade civil;
• Pautar as suas actividades e a prossecução da sua missão pela independência, respeito, cooperação, espírito de abertura e pela diversidade de opiniões e de novos conhecimentos.

O Fórum está aberto a todas as pessoas interessadas pelos Assuntos do Mar que adiram e cumpram o regulamento de funcionamento que for aprovado.
Título: 2008-05-19 - Comemorações do Dia Marítimo Europeu
Enviado por: Sailor Girl em Maio 05, 2008, 12:02:48 pm
Conferência organizada pela Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Marítimos e das Pescas no âmbito das Comemorações do Dia Marítimo Europeu, em Bruxelas (19 e 20 de Maio de 2008). Mais informações em
Título: 2008-05-20 - Sessão de Divulgação das Profissões Ligadas ao
Enviado por: Sailor Girl em Maio 05, 2008, 12:11:59 pm
Sessão de Divulgação das Profissões Ligadas ao Mar no âmbito das Comemorações do Dia Marítimo Europeu, em Lisboa no Auditório do IPIMAR, para alunos do 9.º ano do Ensino Básico e outros interessados.

Encontram-se confirmadas as participações de 8 oradores: 2 da Marinha de Comércio, 2 da Marinha de Guerra, 2 do MADRP, 1 do IGESPAR e 1 da Ciência Viva.

Mais informações em
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 15, 2008, 03:29:08 pm
Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

Timor - Leste: As Errâncias do Estado

 :arrow: ... 008_A4.pdf (

Pólo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda
Rua Almerindo Lessa - 1300-663


Como devem ter reparado, tornei este tópico inamovivel, para poder ficar sempre em destaque no início deste sub-fórum

Pel'A moderação
B. Pereira Marques

Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 15, 2008, 03:34:36 pm
Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

Seminário de Intelligence: As Informações na Guarda Nacional Republicana

Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 15, 2008, 10:16:23 pm
Citação de: "Miguel Silva Machado"
Lançamento DVD "Pára-quedistas" dia 21 às 16H00 no Palácio da Independência - Rossio - Lisboa.


 :arrow: (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 15, 2008, 11:12:20 pm
A Academia Militar irá levar a efeito em 14 de Junho de 2008, através do seu Motoclube, o 7º Passeio de Motociclistas da Academia Militar, destinando-se a todos os Ex-Alunos, adeptos do motociclismo.

Este evento tem como Ponto de Concentração o Aquartelamento da Academia Militar na Amadora, de onde sairá com destino à Serra da Arrábida, com almoço de convívio.

Concentração: 09h00, no Destacamento da Academia Militar na Amadora;

Inscrições até 02 de Junho.

Para mais informações contactar a Secretaria do Corpo de Alunos, através do Sargento-Chefe Casimiro, pelo nº Telefone Civil / Militar – 214 985 660 / 412 604.

 :arrow: ... arinha.htm (
Enviado por: Lancero em Maio 15, 2008, 11:22:54 pm

A 25 de Abril de 1975 foram as primeiras eleições para a Constituinte. O que é que isso tem de tão marcante para os páras?  :?
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 16, 2008, 11:42:37 pm
Citação de: "AyalaBotto"
boa tarde,

está já disponível a divulgação deste evento na Página Web das seguintes Instituíções:

Museu de Marinha: ... arinha.htm (

GAMMA: ... C3%ADcias/ (

Ayala Botto

Enviado por: Lancero em Maio 20, 2008, 10:04:28 pm
52.º Aniversário da Tropa Páraquedista - dia 23 de Maio              

08H00    -   Alvorada Festiva (Fanfarra);
08H30    -   Içar da Bandeira Nacional;
08H40    -   Missa de Acção de Graças/Memória dos nossos Mortos;
09H15 -   Homenagem dos Ex-Páras junto ao Monumento aos
                Mortos em Combate;
09H30  -  Chegada dos Convidados;
10H00    -   Guarda de Honra à Entidade que preside à Cerimónia;
10H30    -   Cerimónia Militar;
    -  Apresentação das Forças em parada à Entidade que
       preside à  Cerimónia;
    - Integração do Estandarte Nacional;
    -  Homenagem aos Mortos;
    -  Alocução do Comandante da ETP;
              -  Alocução da Entidade que preside à Cerimónia;
    -  Entrega de Condecorações;
    -  Desfile das Forças em Parada;
11H30 -  Apresentação de Delegações das Associações de Antigos
    -  Entrega de Grifos de Honra;
11H45    -  Demonstração de Actividades da ETP;
12H00    -  Exposição Estática de Equipamento;
12H30    -  Almoço de Confraternização;
14H30    -  Actividades Diversas na ETP;
17H00 -  Fim das Actividades.
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 23, 2008, 12:24:51 am
NATO Council Simulation

Lisbon, 28 - 31 May 2008
School of Social and Political Sciences
Technical University of Lisbon

   The North Atlantic Council Simulation (SIMOTAN) hosted by the Portuguese Atlantic Youth Association and Portuguese Atlantic Committee represented a chance to understand NATO structure, and a tangible experience beyond the academic teachings to face the concrete challenges of the international scenario, to gain a deeper competence in the crisis management operations and to observe and reproduce the mechanism of the international organizations.

     NATO is an Alliance where members can take a joint action, on issues of common concern, in both a political and military way, but also a forum for dialogue and cooperation. During the simulation, each delegation understood that safeguarding the international order and cooperation were priorities. It is of the outmost importance to soften conflicting interests in order to find a solution that can grant the satisfaction of each party but also the respect of the common principles of the Organization. At the same time, it was clear that cooperation and consensus do not mean the dismissal of national concerns.

     The participation in the simulation has enhanced the ability to collaborate and reach a multinational approach on controversial matters and emerging crises faced by the daily activity of the Alliance. SIMOTAN helped improve the capability of mediation in the negotiation process. University students have benefited from this experience and practice their academic knowledge of the Euro-Atlantic relations. I was extremely interested to participate to this simulation because I am aware of the concrete benefits connected with this program and at the same time, of the human and professional importance of such an experience.

 :arrow: ... 008_1_.pdf (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 02, 2008, 01:32:29 pm
No âmbito das Comemorações do Dia da Brigada de Intervenção, a realizar na cidade de Coimbra no período de 2 a 6 de Junho e inserido nas Comemorações dos 200 Anos da Guerra Peninsular, o Exército leva a efeito um conjunto de actividades para evocar o “Batalhão Académico de 1808”, cujas acções foram preponderantes no reforço da revolta popular no centro do País e na reacção aos efeitos perniciosos da Primeira Invasão Francesa.

 :arrow: ... 20do%20Col (óquio%20e%20Exposição%20do%20Batalhão%20Académico%20de%201808.pdf
Enviado por: Lancero em Junho 12, 2008, 11:55:57 am
Evento: 2ª Encontro de Viaturas Militares Antigas

Tema: "Um Dia no Quartel"

Data: 14 de Junho de 2008

Local: Antigo Quartel de Transmissões de Linda-a-Velha (com percurso pelo Concelho de Oeiras)

Horas ideais para cobertura: Dado que as viaturas vão percorrer o Concelho de Oeiras, os melhores períodos para encontrar todas as viaturas no recinto serão ao inicio da manhã (até às 10h) e ao fim do dia (cerca das 18h)

Actividades complementares: Realiza-se no mesmo local, durante todo o dia, uma exposição de emissores-receptores de colecção utilizados durante a Guerra Colonial e outros da 2ª Guerra Mundial.


Este 2ª Encontro de Viaturas Militares Antigas permite juntar os proprietários (particulares) deste tipo de veículos para troca de conhecimentos sobre a melhor forma de os manter funcionais sem comprometer o seu desenho original e histórico.

Do programa consta, a recepção aos participantes com a distribuição de um kit de sobrevivência, a formação em parada "para revista", e um passeio em coluna militar com visita a diversos locais do Concelho de Oeiras de interesse histórico e militar, e que vai preencher a grande parte do dia.

O local da concentração será no antigo quartel de Transmissões do Exército em Linda-a-Velha, onde, durante todo o dia, vão estar expostas algumas viaturas assim como uma mostra de rádios militares da época da guerra colonial portuguesa.

O dia terminará com um jantar convívio e distribuição das lembranças pela participação neste encontro.

· Horário

Sábado Dia 14 Junho


08.00H ás 10.00H – Recepção aos participantes no Quartel de Linda-a-velha. Distribuição do kit de sobrevivência.

10.00H às 19.00H – Exposição de veículos e rádios militares antigos.


10.00H – Saída para a estrada

11.00H – Chegada e inicio da visita à Fábrica da Pólvora

12.00H – Reinicio da marcha

13.00H – Alto para almoço e visita à Bateria da Lage

15.00H – Reinicio da marcha

15.15H – Chegada e inicio da visita ao Forte de S. Julião da Barra

17.00H – Reinicio da marcha

18.00H – Chegada ao Quartel de Linda-a-velha.


19.30H – Jantar de convívio e distribuição de lembranças

· Participação

Sendo este encontro um evento de âmbito nacional, e sabendo a dificuldade prática para deslocar este tipo de viaturas a grandes distâncias, mediante o contacto atempado dos interessados, a organização tentará providenciar o transporte das mesmas.

Estará disponível um parque fechado, não coberto, para viaturas e reboques logo na sexta-feira (13) e até Domingo (15).

Para qualquer outra informação complementar agradecemos que nos contactem para o email ( e (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 15, 2008, 07:42:51 pm
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 19, 2008, 04:42:14 pm



 :arrow: ... nsular.pdf (
Enviado por: Lancero em Junho 26, 2008, 05:12:03 pm
O instituir da Marinha do Tejo
Publicado em:

No próximo dia 28 de Junho às 10:00 no Cais da Moita, o Tejo será palco da cerimónia de reencontro da Marinha do Tejo, e da sua instituição como pólo vivo do Museu de Marinha.

Pretende-se assim perpetuar a Marinha do Tejo a quem se deve em grande medida o levar de vencida a invasão napoleónica, a última que Portugal sofreu.

Os actuais herdeiros desta Marinha do Tejo são de novo acolhidos onde nasceram, na Marinha Portuguesa.

Após a simbólica entrega das cadernetas, as embarcações que constituem a Marinha do Tejo navegarão até à Doca da Marinha, onde se realizará uma confraternização que simboliza o reencontro dos barqueiros do Tejo com os marinheiros da Armada (que faz duzentos anos garantiram a independência da Pátria).

Estarão presentes nesta cerimónia diversas entidades como sejam o Secretário de Estado da Defesa Nacional e dos Assuntos do Mar, a Secretária de Estado da Cultura, o Almirante Chefe do Estado-Maior da Armada, o Presidente da Câmara Municipal da Moita, os Presidentes da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa e da Academia de Marinha, bem como do Professor Doutor Carvalho Rodrigues, grande entusiasta da Marinha do Tejo.

Do programa da cerimónia consta:
08:40 - Transporte de autocarro da Doca da Marinha para o Cais da Moita
09:40 - Chegada ao Cais da Moita
10:00 - Início da Cerimónia
10:05 - Assinatura do Termo de Abertura do Livro de Registos da Marinha do Tejo.
10:30 - Assinatura do Livro de Registos por todos os proprietários e Arrais das embarcações participantes, e entrega das Cadernetas e Distintivos da Marinha do Tejo
10:50 - Fim da Cerimónia
11:00 - Largada da Marinha do Tejo da Moita
12:45 - Chegada da Marinha do Tejo à Doca da Marinha

 :arrow: ... npublished (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 27, 2008, 10:43:18 pm

A Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, acolhe o Exército Português, no Terreiro do Paço, em Lisboa, nos dias 05 e 06 de Julho de 2008, das 10h30 às 20h00, com um programa de actividades lúdicas e culturais abertas à população.

Esta acção de divulgação representativa das capacidades e meios do Exército, insere-se num conjunto de actividades que o Exército Português tem vindo a desenvolver com o intuito de promover e divulgar a prestação de serviço no Exército em Regime de Voluntariado e Contrato, assim como para os Quadros Permanentes, através dos acessos pela Academia Militar e Escola de Sargentos, dando a conhecer aos jovens, as informações relativas à adesão no Exército.

Do vasto programa de actividades a realizar, destacam-se:
- Uma Exposição de Capacidades e Meios do Exército. Esta demonstração inclui uma multiplicidade de actividades, designadamente, equitação (Baptismos Equestres), demonstração das capacidades da Secção Cinotécnica do Exército, exposição de viaturas blindadas (carros de combate, viatura Pandur e outras viaturas, assim como diverso armamento e equipamento utilizado no Exército), presença da torre multiactividades e balão de ar quente;

- Uma Exposição de Pólos de Excelência do Exército. Esta Exposição inclui uma exposição do Hospital Cirúrgico Móvel e apresentação do Instituto Geográfico do Exército;

- Baptismos Equestres, em 05 e 06 de Julho, a partir das 17h00;

- Demonstração de capacidades da Secção Cinotécnica do Exército, em 05 e 06 de Julho, pelas 17h30 e 18h00, respectivamente;

- Apresentação da Classe Especial de Ginástica do Colégio Militar com Demonstração de Esgrima e de Mesa Alemã, em 05 de Julho, pelas 18h00;

- Concerto da Orquestra Ligeira do Exército, no dia 05 de Julho, pelas 18h30;

- Concerto da Banda Sinfónica do Exército, no dia 06 de Julho, pelas 18h30.

 :arrow: ... %20Divulga (ção%20do%20Exército.pdf
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 05, 2008, 12:48:08 pm
O Exército Português, no âmbito das comemorações do Dia Internacional da Juventude, em 12 de Agosto de 2008, assinala a data com a entrada gratuita nos Museus Militares aos jovens com idades até aos 24 anos.

 :arrow: (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Outubro 19, 2008, 10:02:08 pm
O Dia do Exército comemora-se a 24 de Outubro, data que, celebra a tomada de Lisboa, em 1147, pelas tropas de D. Afonso Henriques, Patrono do Exército.

O Exército assinala a efeméride com a entrada gratuita nos Museus Militares, a toda a população, nos dias 24, 25 e 26 de Outubro de 2008.
Enviado por: jmg em Outubro 20, 2008, 09:50:33 pm
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
O Dia do Exército comemora-se a 24 de Outubro, data que, celebra a tomada de Lisboa, em 1147, pelas tropas de D. Afonso Henriques, Patrono do Exército.

O Exército assinala a efeméride com a entrada gratuita nos Museus Militares, a toda a população, nos dias 24, 25 e 26 de Outubro de 2008.

Isso é bom.
Há 6 anos que vivo em Lisboa e ainda não arrenjei tempo de ir até ao Museu de Santa Apolónia.
É desta. :D
Enviado por: TOMSK em Outubro 20, 2008, 11:28:38 pm
Citação de: "jmg"
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
O Dia do Exército comemora-se a 24 de Outubro, data que, celebra a tomada de Lisboa, em 1147, pelas tropas de D. Afonso Henriques, Patrono do Exército.

O Exército assinala a efeméride com a entrada gratuita nos Museus Militares, a toda a população, nos dias 24, 25 e 26 de Outubro de 2008.
Isso é bom.
Há 6 anos que vivo em Lisboa e ainda não arrenjei tempo de ir até ao Museu de Santa Apolónia.
É desta. :wink:  :)
Enviado por: jmg em Outubro 26, 2008, 06:55:22 pm
Fui hoje ao museu militar e adorei.
Até a minha mulher que não está muito interessada nestas coisas da guerra gostou.
Não é possível tirar fotografia mas para quem estiver interessado todos os domingos das 10H00 às 12H30 a entrada é gratuita.
Recomendo muito esta visita.
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Outubro 26, 2008, 07:12:15 pm
Para recordar um postal já antigo...

 :arrow: ... 6a7d91c903 (
Enviado por: TOMSK em Outubro 26, 2008, 07:12:58 pm
Também fui lá e posso dizer o mesmo.
Há tanta coisa para ver, as pinturas e decorações no tecto das salas, os quadros, as estátuas, as armas...quase que é preciso um dia inteiro para fazer uma visita completa e cuidada a tudo o que o Museu tem para oferecer.
Vale a pena, sem dúvida :wink:
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Novembro 13, 2008, 10:59:20 am
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Seminário Internacional "A importância das Linhas de Torres na Europa"

Nos inícios do século XIX, toda a Europa está em guerra…
Em Portugal, na sequência da segunda campanha de invasões napoleónicas, o duque de Wellington tece uma estratégia defensiva que previa a construção de três linhas de redutos, armados de peças de artilharia, reforçando os obstáculos naturais entre o Tejo e o Oceano Atlântico. O trabalho decorreu em segredo absoluto: sob o comando inglês, milhares de camponeses portugueses trabalharam na construção de 152 fortes. O empreendimento resultou na derrota francesa.
Passados dois séculos, restam os vestígios materiais destes confrontos…

Seminário Internacional e inauguração do circuito de visita da Enxara
Com o objectivo de divulgar a especificidade do sistema militar defensivo de Lisboa, denominado por Linhas de Torres, é organizado o “Seminário Internacional sobre a Importância das Linhas de Torres na Europa”, reunindo no Auditório Municipal de Arruda dos Vinhos, nos dias 20, 21 e 22 de Novembro de 2008, alguns dos mais reputados peritos internacionais neste tipo de património.
No âmbito do programa do seminário, assinala-se ainda a inauguração do primeiro circuito de visita incluído na “Rota Histórica das Linhas de Torres”, projecto dinamizado por uma plataforma intermunicipal que congrega todos os municípios onde se implantam as fortificações: Arruda dos Vinhos, Loures, Mafra, Sobral de Monte Agraço, Torres Vedras e Vila Franca de Xira.
Seminário Internacional sobre a Importância das Linhas de Torres na Europa
Arruda dos Vinhos, 20 a 22 de Novembro de 2008

Com o Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência o Presidente da República Portuguesa e o apoio da Real Embaixada da Noruega, constitui o primeiro evento de visibilidade internacional promovido no âmbito da “Rota Histórica das Linhas de Torres”, projecto financiado pela Islândia, Liechtenstein e Noruega através do Mecanismo Financeiro do Espaço Económico Europeu.

O objectivo deste seminário transcende a esfera da História das Guerras Peninsulares e assume-se como uma oportunidade para chamar a atenção da população em geral, e da comunidade científica em particular, para a valorização cultural e turística deste património militar.

Para o efeito, estão criadas actividades como um  painel de abertura, comunicações livres, debates temáticos, visitas de estudo ao terreno, exposição de painéis e mostra bibliográfica.

Mais informações em (

Inauguração do Circuito da Enxara
Serra do Socorro, 22 de Novembro de 2008

Este circuito disponibiliza à fruição do público três locais na freguesia de Enxara do Bispo, Concelho de Mafra: a Serra do Socorro, onde foi implantado o posto central de comunicações do exército anglo-luso e no qual o visitante pode conhecer o provável espaço onde se implantava o telégrafo, observar a sua réplica e ainda visitar o Centro de Interpretação (para saber mais sobre a história milenar da Serra do Socorro e os sistemas de comunicação nas Linhas de Torres); e os Fortes da Enxara (obras 28 e 29), localizados entre a 1.ª e a 2.ª linhas, tendo como objectivo estratégico a defesa da estrada Torres Vedras – Montachique, em apoio ao Quartel-general de Lord Wellington em Pêro Negro.

O programa de inauguração inicia-se às 11h30 do dia 22 de Novembro na Serra do Socorro, com transporte assegurado em autocarro, ida e volta, para os fortes da Enxara.

Mais informações em (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Novembro 16, 2008, 11:21:00 pm

Conferência “An Analysis of the US Elections and the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama"

No dia 17 de Novembro, pelas 17h, irá decorrer na sala 6 do piso 0 do ISCSP uma conferência com a presença do Professor Rick Ridder, perito em eleições norte-americanas e consultor em várias campanhas presidenciais, com o tema “An Analysis of the US Elections and the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama”.

A conferência é aberta a todos os interessados, não sendo necessário efectuar qualquer tipo de inscrição.

 :arrow: ... _final.pdf (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Janeiro 07, 2009, 11:14:07 pm
Apresentação e defesa da dissertação de Mestrado em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais do Lic.º Reinaldo Saraiva Hermenegildo (Tenente da GNR), na FCSH da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Av.ª de Berna (Lisboa), em 06 de Fevereiro de 2009, pelas 15H00, intitulada "A Política Externa de Portugal para a PESC: O Caso de Timor-Leste"
Enviado por: RODIAS em Janeiro 17, 2009, 01:03:33 pm

apareçam...  :D

p.s.: se tiverem duvidas perguntem-me...
Enviado por: Xô Valente em Janeiro 17, 2009, 09:13:15 pm
Citação de: "RODIAS"
apareçam...  :roll:
Enviado por: RODIAS em Janeiro 18, 2009, 01:23:27 pm
foi com certeza um erro por parte do instituto... pois este anuncio foi publicado à menos de uma semana... como podes ver no site do ISCSP:
Enviado por: RODIAS em Janeiro 20, 2009, 07:43:58 pm
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 28, 2009, 02:34:14 pm
.: Seminários FAST :.

Local: Sala de reuniões DI
Data, Hora: 04/Fev (Quarta-feira), 14h30-15h30
Tema: Software Espacial nos Projetos de Veículos Lançadores Brasileiros
Orador: Miriam Alves (Instituto de Aeronáutica - IAE, Brasil)

Esta apresentação abordará, de forma sucinta, as principais atividades do Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE - Brasil)- relacionadas aos Projetos de Veículos Lançadores de Satélites, com ênfase no desenvolvimento, validação e verificação tanto do software embarcado nestes veículos como nos sistemas de software de apoio de solo para a realização das missões de lançamento. Considerando a importância e o aspecto crítico destes sistemas de software, serão apresentadas as iniciativas mais recentes do grupo de software do IAE para a melhoria do processo de desenvolvimento e da abordagem de verificação e validação.

Mais informações em: ... astSeminar (


Universidade do Minho
Departamento de Informática (
Título: Seminário Internacional de Krav Maga Militar
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Fevereiro 28, 2009, 01:24:01 pm
Seminário Internacional sobre Krav Maga Militar com Mestres e “Expert´s” Israelitas que se realizará já nos dias 10 e 11 de Março de 2009 nas instalações do Regimento de Comandos na Serra da Carregueira.

Mais informações:

Moisés Frutuoso
E-Mail: (
Blog: (

Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 28, 2009, 01:28:57 pm
Organizado por um antigo oficial Pára-quedista no CTC? Espera que eu tenho que mostrar isto a uma pessoa... c34x  :lol:

É pena não haver mais seminários destes para militares.
Enviado por: foxtrotvictor em Março 04, 2009, 12:01:36 am
Com o intrutor Moisés Frutuoso, de certeza que vai ser de primeira.
Enviado por: Miguel Silva Machado em Abril 13, 2009, 09:22:15 pm
Já está - parcialmente - disponível o "Calendário de Eventos" no ( para se poder planear...
Enviado por: RODIAS em Maio 05, 2009, 04:45:52 pm
Enviado por: LM em Maio 15, 2009, 03:41:00 pm
I Curso Livre Guerra no Mar
4 de Junho a 23 de Julho de 2009, todas as quintas-feiras, das 18h às 20h, no Anfiteatro III da FLUL

Coordenação: Prof. Doutor Francisco Contente Domingues / Prof. Doutor José Varandas
Inscrição: 100€ (Alunos da Faculdade de Letras: 80€)
Inscrições no Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa

Conjunto «BATALHAS DA TERRA E DO MAR»: Inscreva-se também no II Curso Livre de História Militar e poupe 25 €
Enviado por: RODIAS em Maio 17, 2009, 01:30:05 pm
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 19, 2009, 11:35:12 am
As Forças Armadas Portuguesas após a Guerra Fria (Conferência)
Organização: CIES-ISCTE

21-05-2009 - 18:00 | Local Auditório B104, Edifício
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Junho 24, 2009, 01:28:16 pm




Sexta, 14 de Agosto de 2009:

09h00 – 09h15, Concentração na BP de Loures, logo na Saída de Loures na A8. Inicio do deslocamento para o Campo SNIPER.

09h45 – 09h55, Concentração dos restantes elementos no Parque de Estacionamento no Campo de Aventura SNIPER.

10h00 – 10h30, Recepção no Campo SNIPER, acomodação nos alojamentos.

10h30 – 13h30, Inicio das actividades SNIPER;

13h30 – 14h30, Almoço convívio.

14h30 – 15h00, Deslocamento para o local de treino de Krav Maga.

15h00 – 19h00, Treino surpresa de Krav Maga.

19h00 – 19h30, Deslocamento para o jantar

19h30 – 21h00, Jantar convívio

21h00 – 21h30, Deslocamento para o Campo SNIPER

21h30 – 22h00, Tempo livre.

22h00 – 23h00, Campeonato de domino, perante inscrição no local.

23h00 - … Silêncio.

Sábado, 15 de Agosto de 2009:

09h00 – 08h20, Alvorada.

09h25 – 09h55, Pequeno-almoço

10h00 – 14h00, Sessão de Paintball.

14h00 – 15h00, Almoço convívio

15h00 – 18h00, Treino surpresa de Krav Maga

18h00 – 18h30, Tempo livre

18h30 – 19h00, Deslocamento para o Jantar

19h00 – 20h30, Jantar Convívio

20h30 – 21h00, Regresso ao Campo SNIPER.

21h00 – 23h00, Campeonato de Setas, perante inscrição no local.

23h00 - … Silêncio.

Domingo, 16 de Agosto de 2009:

07h20 – 07h50, Alvorada e aprontamentos para deixar o Campo SNIPER.

07h50 – 08h10, Deslocamento para o Pequeno-almoço

08h10 – 08h30, Pequeno-Almoço

08h30 – 10h00, Deslocamento para Constância

10h00 – 10h30, Deslocamento para a barragem de Castelo de Bode

10h30 – 13h30, Descida da Rio Zêzere em Canoas.

13h30 – 15h00, Almoço convívio

15h00 – 15h30, Deslocamento para a Ponte de Constância.

15h30 – 17h00, Rappel na Ponte de Constância.

17h00 – Regresso a casa, fim de actividade…

Observações: No preço do Estágio está incluído: Todas as actividades, treino de Krav Maga, dormida, alimentação tal como no programa, uma T-shirt da IKMF-Portugal exclusiva desta actividade.

No preço do Estágio não está incluído: Gastos em alimentação não contemplados no programa, outras situações não contempladas no programa. Qualquer Informação adicional, pode contactar o seu Instrutor de Krav Maga, ou Moisés Frutuoso em:

Bons treinos.
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Julho 07, 2009, 06:34:06 pm
Enviado por: KRAV em Julho 25, 2009, 09:45:35 pm
Federação Portuguesa de Krav Maga (http://http)

( (http://http)

Estão abertas as inscrições para o Summer Camp deste ano, que se realiza entre os dias 1 a 5 de Agosto das 10h às 13h.
O tema deste ano é sobre a defesa contra ameaça de arma branca.

Este ano os participantes tem dois packs à sua escolha, para 2 dias (sábado e domingo), ou para os 5 dias do seminário.

O estágio é ministrado pelo Mestre Paulo Pereira, 2º Dan de Krav Maga da Federação Europeia de Krav Maga.

As inscrições poderão ser feitas directamente com um instrutor de uma escola da Federação, ou directamente para o email ou fax da Federação Portuguesa de Krav Maga.
Para receber o flyer detalhado do programa, e todas as informações  extra do evento poderá enviar um email directamente para [email:2mk4q98s][/email:2mk4q98s].

Mais informações em Federação Portuguesa de Krav Maga (http://http)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 08, 2009, 11:11:58 pm
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 26, 2009, 06:40:22 pm
O grupo de investigação «Paisagens, Fronteiras e Poderes» do Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar ‘Espaço, Cultura e Memória’ tem o prazer de convidar toda a comunidade académica para a conferência «A criação de um passado mítico. A manipulação genealógica na Espanha Moderna», apresentada por Enrique Soria Mesa.

A conferência terá lugar no Anfiteatro Engª/ICS da Universidade do Minho, dia 2 de Outubro de 2009 (Quinta-feira), pelas 10 horas e será seguida de debate.

Enrique Soria Mesa é professor titular de História Moderna da Universidade de Córdova e autor de numerosos estudos sobre a nobreza, as elites, os judeus conversos, os mouriscos e a genealogia na Espanha Moderna.



Esta iniciativa conta com o apoio da Direcção e Secretariado do Departamento de História e das Direcções dos cursos de Arqueologia e História do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Minho.

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 13, 2009, 10:36:40 am

'O novo quadro da Segurança e Defesa Europeia – Desafios e opções para Portugal'


Na perspectiva da ratificação e entrada em vigor, no princípio do próximo ano, do Tratado de Lisboa e à luz dos novos e significativos desenvolvimentos no ambiente estratégico de segurança internacional, a Secção de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais, Escola de Economia e Gestão da Universidade do Minho ( ( e o Centro de Estudos EuroDefense-Portugal (, realizam uma Conferência seguida de debate subordinado ao tema “O Novo quadro da Segurança e Defesa Europeia – Desafios e opções para Portugal”, a decorrer no dia 10 de Novembro, das 14h30 às 17h30, no Auditório B1 do Complexo Pedagógico II da Universidade do Minho, em Gualtar, Braga.

Os cidadãos portugueses, sobretudo os jovens, têm participado muito pouco na concepção, construção e processo de integração da UE, que tem sido feita demasiado à margem dos europeus. Acresce que as questões de segurança e defesa colectiva não são assunto com suficiente debate, conferindo-lhes os portugueses baixa prioridade, como ficou bem patente não só na campanha eleitoral como na elevada taxa de abstenção do passado acto eleitoral para o Parlamento Europeu.


Em análise vai estar a reflexão e debate sobre o novo quadro de Segurança e Defesa Europeia e sua conexão com os interesses de Portugal, tendo em consideração os seguintes desenvolvimentos:

(i)   a previsível ratificação do Tratado de Lisboa;

(ii)  os novos riscos e ameaças identificados no relatório de avaliação da implementação da Estratégia Europeia de Segurança (EES);

(iii) as decisões do Conselho Europeu de 11 de Dezembro de 2008, designadamente no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de capacidades da PESD e ao reforço da coordenação civil-militar;

(iv) a nova administração dos EUA, a mudança de atitude estratégica nas relações transatlânticas e a janela de oportunidade para alcançar uma maior eficácia multilateral perante os desafios da segurança internacional;

(v) a reintegração da França na estrutura militar integrada da NATO, a revisão do Conceito Estratégico da NATO e sua incidência numa parceria estratégica renovada UE-NATO.


O programa e a ficha de inscrição estão disponíveis em (



Inscrições:(até 2 de Novembro de 2009)

Público da Universidade do Minho:

Email: (

Tel.: 213 601 244
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Novembro 22, 2009, 05:46:14 pm
Seminário Internacional de Krav Maga - Dia 28 NOV 09
Contenção e controlo de Pessoas Agressivas
da IKMF com o Mestre Gaby Noah
a realizar-se na Escola de Artes Marciais e Desportos de Luta
no Pavilhão 3 do Estádio Universitário de Lisboa


09h15/09h50 – Recepção dos participantes (recolha dos passaportes dos elementos federados)

10h00/15h00 – Seminário

15h00/15h15 – Entrega de diplomas

15h15/15h45 – Banhos e regresso a casa

Atenção aos candidatos a exames de graduação:
Os exames de graduação serão efectuados como previsto, a partir das 16h na Academia Defesa Pessoal Moisés Frutuoso.


Mais informações: (

Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Novembro 23, 2009, 09:42:57 am
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Novembro 28, 2009, 01:08:07 pm
Mesa da Assembleia-Geral da ANCE


XI Assembleia-Geral

Nos termos do art.º 9º dos Estatutos, convoco a Assembleia-Geral ordinária da Associação Nacional de Contratados do Exército, para reunir no dia 05 de Dezembro de 2009, pelas 14H30 no Salão Nobre da Junta de Freguesia da Cidade de Matosinhos com a seguinte:

Ordem de Trabalhos

1. Informação aos associados sobre as actividades desenvolvidas no último ano.

2. Aprovação e votação do Relatório de Contas.


3. Debate sobre a funcionalidade dos Incentivos ao RV/RC.

4. Outros assuntos de interesse geral.

O Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia-Geral

João Filipe Pinto Lobão

Mais informações: (

Rua Alfredo Cunha, n.º 478, 1º Sala B
4450-021 Matosinhos
Telef./Fax: 22 937 80 44
E-mail: (
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Dezembro 10, 2009, 11:13:40 am
Treino especial “traz um Amigo”

12 Dezembro 2009 das 09h30 ás 11h30

Academia Defesa Pessoal Moisés Frutuoso


Membros da IKMF-Portugal = 5 €  *  Restantes participantes = 10 €

» Aluno da Academia Defesa Pessoal Moisés Frutuoso ou Membro da IKMF-Portugal que traga:

Rua Cristóvão da Gama, n.º 24 - Loja C
1675-194 Pontinha
Tlm: 93 335 2176


Bons treinos
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Dezembro 10, 2009, 06:16:19 pm
( (http://http)
(clica na imagem)


* José Fontes - Coordenador da Feira do Empreendedor

A ANJE considera importante consagrar um salão especificamente ao franchising na Feira do Empreendedor por ser um modelo de negócio talhado para jovens empreendedores, na medida em que se baseia na confiança mútua entre o “franchisador” e o “franchisado”, disse em entrevista ao José Fontes, coordenador do certame, que começa já amanhã no Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto. Pelo quarto ano consecutivo o evento dedica um salão às oportunidades que existem no mercado na área do franchising, um espaço que tem vindo a ganhar peso e importância junto das empresas do sector, que escolhem mais esta oportunidade para apresentarem os seu conceitos a um público cada vez mais interessado.

A 12ª edição da Feira do Empreendedor é um evento de promoção e apoio ao empreendedorismo e auto-emprego, e pelo 3º ano consecutivo dedica um salão exclusivo ao franchising. Qual o peso do franchising na resolução do crescente problema desemprego/dificuldade de integração no mercado de trabalho de jovens em Portugal?

O franchising é um modelo de negócio talhado para jovens empreendedores, na medida em que se baseia na confiança mútua entre o “franchisador” e o “franchisado”. Há desde logo um menor risco no investimento inicial, decorrente do facto de o “franchisado” usufruir do know-how, do apoio operacional e da imagem corporativa de empresas experientes e bem sucedidas no mercado. Ou seja, o empreendedor está à partida mais resguardado no seu negócio, designadamente face à concorrência. Ora, isto constitui não só um estímulo ao investimento como um factor de competitividade acrescido. Mas, por outro lado, o “franchisador” beneficia do espírito empreendedor do “franchisado” e do seu esforço para tornar o “franchise” num negócio de sucesso.
Porquê dedicar neste evento um salão específico para o franchising?

Pelas razões referidas na primeira questão, a ANJE considera importante consagrar um salão especificamente ao franchising. Com este salão, é possível divulgar mais eficazmente as oportunidades de negócio e de criação de auto-emprego que o franchising encerra e que já aqui descrevemos.

Que oportunidades são apresentadas nesse salão, que empresas de franchising estão normalmente presentes nesta Feira?
Habitualmente estão presentes na Feira do Empreendedor empresas de franchising de variadíssimos sectores da actividade económica, o que proporciona aos visitantes do evento uma visão alargada das oportunidades que este regime de negócio apresenta.
Que feedback têm estas empresas da participação na Feira do Empreendedor?

O feedback tem sido positivo, desde logo porque as empresas gozam de uma grande exposição pública durante a Feira do Empreendedor. O evento é visitado por milhares de pessoas e estas, na sua esmagadora maioria, procuram uma via para materializarem o seu espírito empreendedor. E essa via pode muito bem ser o franchising.

Que parcerias desenvolve actualmente a ANJE com redes e entidades de franchising em Portugal, no sentido de promover maior investimento nesta área de negócio?
A ANJE não está envolvida em parcerias especificamente destinadas à área do franchising.
Considera que pelo facto de o franchising ser um sistema que permite mais rapidamente o acesso ao mercado de trabalho, pelos mecanismos de que dispõe para a criação do próprio emprego, é mais procurado em alturas como as que atravessa hoje Portugal no que se refere ao desemprego?  

Sim, sem dúvida. Mas quando a economia se encontra estagnada, como é o caso, impõe-se uma atenção redobrada aos factores que condicionam o franchising. Os empreendedores devem definir bem a sua ideia de negócio, procurar ser criativos, introduzir elementos de diferenciação em produtos ou serviços (preço, qualidade, design, política comercial ou de marketing, etc.), analisar cuidadosamente o mercado e, claro, preparar ao pormenor o business plan, o orçamento, o enquadramento jurídico e a estratégia de gestão.
Estimam receber este ano 20.000 visitantes. Fazendo um balanço dos três anos de existência do Salão das Oportunidades de Franchising qual a percentagem de participação e de interesse nos negócios aí representados?

O balanço é positivo, na medida em que a participação das empresas de franchising na Feira do Empreendedor tem sido crescente e o interesse dos visitantes, embora não seja mensurável, parece-nos que se vem acentuando de ano para ano. Pelo menos é esse o feedback que temos recebido dos expositores de negócios de franchising, que revelam invariavelmente satisfação com a adesão de público e com as condições de que dispõem para apresentar as suas empresas.
Sendo a ANJE uma associação que apoia jovens empresários, que sinergias desenvolvem especificamente para o apoio à criação de empresas de franchising, nomeadamente ao nível de financiamento, internacionalização, integração no mercado, criação de start-ups?
As empresas de franchising beneficiam do mesmo tipo de apoios que todos os outros negócios promovidos pelos nossos associados, o que significa que têm acesso a um vasto conjunto de actividades, serviços e eventos que facilitam o exercício do empreendedorismo empresarial. Entre as actividades, serviços e eventos da ANJE destacam-se o incremento do empreendedorismo, dispondo para tanto de uma Academia dos Empreendedores; a divulgação de sistemas de incentivo à criação de empresas, como a Plataforma Finicia; a prestação de serviços de assistência empresarial, nomeadamente em centros de incubação de norte a sul do País; a promoção de estratégias de internacionalização e de novos paradigmas de desenvolvimento; o combate ao défice tecnológico e o apoio à inovação; a realização de acções de qualificação profissional, quer em sala quer em regime residencial; e o acesso a uma rede de networking que facilita o contacto com eventuais financiadores e parceiros de negócio.

O Salão das Oportunidades de Franchising vai manter-se nas próximas edições da Feira do Empreendedor?

Dado o interesse que gera entre os visitantes do evento e o grau de adesão de empresas a esse mesmo salão não vislumbramos qualquer razão para que assim não seja.

Que mais-valias para o sector, e especificamente para o norte do país?  

O Salão das Oportunidades de Franchising visa, sobretudo, promover o empreendedorismo numa área de negócios com bastantes potencialidades. Ora, como sabemos, a região nortenha tem sido, nos últimos anos, fustigada pelo encerramento de muitas empresas, com tudo o que isso significa em termos de redução de postos de trabalho e de menor capacidade de criação de riqueza. Importa, pois, compensar a perda de empresas no Norte com novos projectos de empreendedorismo, de forma a gerar investimento, estimular a procura, criar emprego e aumentar a confiança dos agentes económicos.

FONTE: ( (http://http)
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Janeiro 07, 2010, 10:26:24 pm
Workshop de KRAV-MAGA

Alfarim (Sesimbra)

Com o Instrutor da IKMF-Portugal João Santana

17 de Janeiro de 2010 das 10h às 14h

“Defesas contra ameaças e ataques de faca”


* 10€ para Membros IKMF-Portugal - 15€ Restantes participantes, com possibilidade de almoço convívio por mais 10€

Para mais informações contactem o Instrutor João Santana
Telemóvel: 912977975
E-mail: (
Telemóvel: +351 93 335 2176
Website: (
Blog: (
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Janeiro 19, 2010, 03:07:25 pm
Sábado dia 23 de Janeiro das 15h ás 18h

Treino especial para o nível de P1

Membros IKMF-Portugal 5€ - Outros participantes 10€

Pré-inscrição através deste e-mail ou pessoalmente na academia
Não percas esta oportunidade de consolidar ideias e técnicas

Bons treinos!
Moisés Gonçalves Pereira Frutuoso
Director e Representante Oficial da IKMF-Portugal
Instrutor de Krav Maga
E-Mail: (
Blog: (
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Janeiro 25, 2010, 08:13:18 pm


- Até dia 01FEV10: Membros IKMF 45€ - outros participantes 50€
- Até dia 19fev10: membros ikmf 50€ - outros participantes 55€

Inscrições no próprio dia ficaram dependentes do número de vagas ainda existentes ou não.

( FICHA DE INSCRIÇÃO (http://http)

Bons treinos!
Moisés Gonçalves Pereira Frutuoso
Director e Representante Oficial da IKMF-Portugal
Instrutor de Krav Maga
E-Mail: (
Blog: (
Título: Re: Vigilância do Índico pela Armada portuguesa
Enviado por: Vicente de Lisboa em Março 01, 2010, 11:54:13 am
Meus senhores, o Instituto da Defesa Nacional convida-vos para o Seminário "A Pirataria no Sec. XXI" (link para pdf). (http://http)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Março 06, 2010, 10:55:34 pm
O Centro de História de Além-Mar tem o prazer de vos convidar para assistir à Conferência “The History of Portugal and its Empire to 1807: Writing an overview for Anglophone readers”, proferida por Anthony Disney, Professor Emérito da Universidade de La Trobe (Melbourne), que decorrerá no próximo dia 8 de Março, às 18.00h, no Auditório I da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Março 06, 2010, 10:56:38 pm
Título: Seminário de Intelligence
Enviado por: Jaromil em Março 07, 2010, 12:28:55 am
No ano que passou frequentei e recomendo a todos aqueles que gostem deste tema e que queiram ver esclarecidas duvidas e debatidos pontos de vista.

aqui vai o link (
Título: Seminário de Intelligence
Enviado por: Jaromil em Março 09, 2010, 12:04:11 pm
Aqui vai mais um .....
Seminário de Intelligence que a decorrer no próximo 10 de Março de 2010, pelas 17 horas, no Auditório do Piso 1, das instalações do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, no qual será proferida a comunicação "Relações Civis-Militares num Contexto Global" pelo Prof. Doutor Thomas C. Bruneau da Naval Postgraduate School (USA). (
Título: Re: Seminário de Intelligence
Enviado por: Jaromil em Março 15, 2010, 12:55:54 pm
Aqui está mais um seminário! Participem!

Seminário de Intelligence a decorrer no próximo 18 de Março de 2010, pelas 18 horas, no Auditório do Piso 1, das instalações do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, no qual será proferida a comunicação "La Cooperación Internacional: El Nuevo Interregionalismo Global" pela Prof. Doutora Cintia Diáz-Silveira Santos da Universidade Rey Juan Carlos.
Título: Re: Seminário de Intelligence
Enviado por: Jaromil em Abril 08, 2010, 04:31:02 am
Seminário de Intelligence no ISCSP, 8 de Abril

As Professoras Doutoras Angeles Cano e Pilar Trinidad, da Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, são as oradoras convidadas para a próxima conferência, a ter lugar no ISCSP, hoje, 8 de Abril, no âmbito do Seminário sobre Intelligence.
A conferência tem lugar na sala 6, do piso 1, com início marcado às 18 horas.
O evento conta com a organização do ISCSP e do Centro de Amdinistração e Políticas Públicas.

Sitio: ... Itemid=393 (
Título: Seminário de Intelligence
Enviado por: Jaromil em Maio 17, 2010, 09:10:04 am
A não perder!

 Seminário de Intelligence hoje dia17 de Maio de 2010, pelas 18 horas, no Auditório do Piso 1, das instalações do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, no qual será proferida a comunicação “Segurança no Ciber Espaço” pelo Almirante António Gameiro Marques, Superintendente dos Serviços de Tecnologias da Informação da Marinha. ... Itemid=399 (
Título: Seminário de Intelligence
Enviado por: Jaromil em Maio 18, 2010, 02:28:29 pm
Novo seminário!!!!

Seminário de Intelligence irá decorrer no próximo 20 de Maio de 2010, pelas 9 horas e 30 minutos, no Auditório do Piso 2, das instalações do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, no qual será proferida a comunicação “Geopolítica do Petróleo dos EUA” pelo Mestre José Caleia Rodrigues, do Grupo de Investigação em Estratégia e Intelligence. ... Itemid=395 (
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Maio 21, 2010, 08:47:51 pm

Será no dia 22 de Maio de 2010 que o Instrutor Moisés Frutuoso realizará um Seminário de Krav Maga para Senhoras.

Para mais informações contactem em:
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 31, 2010, 10:05:38 am
Com relevância para o tema e também para quem se "mas*urba" com estas coisas da maçonaria :mrgreen: ...

Ciclo de Conferências “O Futuro da União Europeia”
Organização: Loja Europa do Grande Oriente Lusitano (GOL) – Maçonaria Portuguesa
Formato: Palestra com até 30’ seguida de P&R; sessão “branca” (aberta a não-maçons)
Local: GOL, sala José Estêvão
Abertura: 19h00 Encerramento: 20h30
Inscrições: em  
Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Julho 05, 2010, 12:54:47 pm


Na continuação do trabalho que a IKMF-Portugal tem vindo a desenvolver, dando a conhecer o seu Krav Maga por esse País fora, será no dia 17 de Julho que se realizarão mais dois Seminários de iniciação a este método de defesa pessoal Israelita, desta feita, em Penafiel e em Amarante.

Com início às 9h e final às 14h no Body House em Penafiel, o Instrutor Moisés Frutuoso, "saltará" de imediato para Amarante onde o evento terá o horário das 15h às 20h no Clube Residencial da Madalena

Para Inscrições ou mais informações, podem contactar ou directamente os locais dos eventos.

Body House: 93 894 9086

Clube Residencial da Madalena: 91 999 0620
Título: II Seminário Ibérico - Mudança Global na Península Ibérica
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 24, 2010, 11:45:35 am
O objectivo do Seminário Ibérico “Mudança ambiental global na Península Ibérica. Uma visão integrada” é congregar os investigadores portugueses e espanhóis que desenvolvem estudos sobre a mudança global. Pretende-se que este seja um fórum de análise e discussão interdisciplinar dos problemas associados à Mudança Global na Península Ibérica.

O seminário encontra-se organizado em torno de três eixos temáticos, aos quais está subjacente a dimensão temporal, que estruturam as sessões e com os quais se pretende explorar, no contexto da Península ibérica, o papel da acção humana na mudança global, as consequências ambientais dessa mudança e as respostas dos sistemas sociais:

Tema 1 - Mudança ambiental: evidências do passado

Num planeta onde os registos instrumentais apenas abrangem os últimos 150 anos, o estudo das alterações climáticas induzidas pela actividade humana implica necessariamente a reconstrução do que aconteceu num passado distante, nos oceanos, na terra, na atmosfera e nos ecossistemas. Só assim se poderá entender como o sistema climático global funciona “como um todo” e definir o seu ritmo de mudança.

Os posters e comunicações deverão apresentar uma visão integrada das condições climáticas da Península Ibérica no passado, investigando a sua relação com o clima global e os efeitos nos ecossistemas e nas sociedades humanas, abrangendo escalas de variabilidade temporal de décadas as milhares de anos.

Tema 2 - Tendências actuais de mudança: vulnerabilidade e resiliência

A dicotomia Mediterrâneo / Atlântico presente na Península Ibérica traduz-se, entre outros aspectos, na diversidade de paisagens e na forma como são utilizados os recursos naturais. Importa, no entanto, ter uma noção clara das tendências de mudança ambiental que têm ocorrido nas últimas décadas, identificando e analisando, através de abordagens sistémicas, os factores (naturais e humanos) de degradação ou conservação ambiental.

Os posters e comunicações deverão possibilitar a construção de uma visão integrada das principais tendências e dos factores de mudança e de resiliência dos sistemas ambientais ao nível das alterações climáticas, da acidificação dos oceanos, da subida do nível do mar, da degradação das zonas costeiras, de fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, da eutrofização dos ecossistemas aquáticos e terrestres, da redução da biodiversidade, da desflorestação, da desertificação, das mudanças de uso do solo, da degradação dos recursos hídricos, do esgotamento dos recursos pesqueiros, da degradação zonas húmidas, entre outras.

Tema 3 - Cenários de mudança ambiental e desafios para o futuro: mitigação, recuperação e adaptação

É hoje reconhecido que o crescimento económico é fortemente afectado pelos problemas ambientais. As ciências naturais e sociais deparam-se com o desafio de colaborar no desenvolvimento de análises integradas e interdisciplinares em temas tão cruciais como: a contribuição do funcionamento dos ecossistemas para o bem-estar e segurança humana; a sustentabilidade das cidades; o aumento da eficiência energética.

Os sistemas sociais têm de encontrar medidas de resposta para fazer face às consequências, positivas e negativas, dessa mudança. Deste modo, torna-se crucial identificar as estratégias de mitigação, recuperação ou adaptação mais adequadas a cada problema e que devem ser implementadas, pela sociedade, às escalas regional, nacional e global.

Os posters e comunicações deverão permitir a apresentação e discussão de estratégias de mitigação, recuperação ou adaptação relacionadas com os seguintes temas: A emergência de novas tecnologias ambientais e energéticas; Restauração de ecossistemas degradados; Acordos e tratados internacionais; Sequestro de carbono; Práticas de conservação dos solos; Gestão Integrada dos Recursos Hídricos; Gestão Integrada de Zonas Costeiras; Desenvolvimento de sistemas de observação e monitorização do ambiente; Controle da poluição; Classificação de áreas para conservação da natureza e biodiversidade; Gestão de resíduos; Utilização de tecnologias da informação e comunicação; Aumento da eficiência energética, entre outras.

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Enviado por: Ranger Rebelde em Julho 28, 2010, 05:17:28 pm

Sábado, dia 11 de Setembro de 2010

Seminário de iniciação ao Krav Maga das 15h ás 20h em Amarante no Clube Resindencial da Madalena.

Para inscrições e mais informações, contactar o Instrutor Moisés Frutuoso em: (
Título: Tapeçarias de Pastrana
Enviado por: João Vaz em Setembro 07, 2010, 02:37:24 pm
Deixo aqui a minha sugestão de visita ao Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga para os últimos dias da exposição das magníficas Tapeçarias de Pastrana. O próximo sábado dia 12 será o derradeiro dia, antes destas tapeçarias históricas embarcarem para Toledo, Madrid e Nova Iorque para regressarem de novo à Colegiada de Pastrana em Guadalajara, Espanha, onde se têm conservado desde há muito.


A exposição intiulada A Invenção da Glória: D. Afonso V e as Tapeçarias de Pastrana (http://http) consiste na apresentação (pela primeira vez em Portugal) do conjunto de 4 tapeçarias recentemente restauradas atribuídas à oficina de Passchier Grenier, em Tournai (Bélgica), datáveis do último quartel do século XV. Formam um testemunho iconográfico de grande raridade para a História militar do início do Renascimento português ilustrando algumas das primeiras grandes campanhas de conquista no Norte de África: a conquista de Arzila e a ocupação de Tânger em 1471.


Vale a pena adquirir o catálogo, muito bem ilustrado e comentado.

Visita virtual breve (http://http), mas comentada

As tapeçarias em Guadalajara, Espanha.
Enviado por: João Vaz em Setembro 30, 2010, 05:53:16 pm


(falta a imagem oficial da exposição, ainda não disponível na net, mas enfim...)

Exposição dividida em dois núcleos:

OS NAVIOS - Museu de Marinha (Praça do Império)

OS MARINHEIROS - Casa da Balança, Instalações da Marinha (Praça do Município)  

De 1 de Outubro de 2010 a 5 de Janeiro de 2011
Entrada livre  :G-beer2:
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Outubro 09, 2010, 11:39:16 pm
Dia do Exército - Castelo Branco - 18 a 24 de Outubro de 2010

 :arrow: ... Ex2010.pdf (
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 12, 2010, 02:36:59 pm
Conferência Internacional: “A World Without Walls 2010”(Berlim, de 6 a 10  de Novembro de 2010)

   O Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) está neste momento a aceitar candidaturas para a sua conferência internacional intitulada “A World Without Walls 2010”. Esta conferência vai explorar o potencial da diplomacia cultural e do “soft power” na construção da paz e reconciliação em diferentes regiões do mundo. A conferência vai consistir em palestras e seminários dados por figuras ilustres do mundo da política internacional, académicos, e membros da sociedade civil. Vão ainda existir debates e paineis de discussão. Este evento está agendado em paralelo com as celebrações dos 21 anos da queda do muro de Berlim que vão ter lugar durante todo o mês de Novembro, dando assim uma oportunidade única aos participantes de celebrarem o 21º aniversário, da queda do muro, nas ruas de Berlim.

   Os oradores incluem, entre outros:
Presidente Joaquim Chissano: Ex-Presidente de Moçambique;
Anatoliy Zlenko: Ex-ministro dos negócios estrangeiros ucraniano;
Presidente Dr. Emil Constantinescu: Membro do Conselho do ICD e Ex-Presidente da Roménia;
Prof. Dr. Fawas A. Gerges; Professor de estudos políticos do Médio Oriente e relações internacionais na London School of Economics and Political Science;
Jack McConnell: Membro do Conselho do ICD, ex-primeiro ministro da Escócia;
HE Lt. Jerry John Rawlings: Ex-presidente do Gana;
Prof. Dr. Joris Voorhoeve: Ex-ministro da defesa dos Paises Baixos e professor de estudos em segurança internacional na Nederlandse Defensie Academie;
Dr. Miomir Zuzul: Ex-ministro dos negócios estrangeiros da Croácia;

   Para mais informações: (
   Para eventuais questões contacte:
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 15, 2010, 12:29:25 pm

20 de Outubro, às 18h30 - Centro Nacional de Cultura, Rua António Maria Cardoso, 68 – 1249-101 Lisboa  – Portugal
Oradores: José Mattos e Silva e António Mattos e Silva

Fernão de Magalhães é o nome que a História destaca como sendo o primeiro navegador a promover uma viagem que acabou por efectuar a primeira circum-navegação ao nosso planeta, permitindo que este fosse integralmente conhecido, o que contribuiu para criar as condições iniciais do fenómeno actualmente designado por “globalização”.

Mas quem era efectivamente este homem? Onde terá nascido? Qual a veracidade sobre as suas relações pessoais com  D. Manuel I? Estes são mistérios que têm perdurado ao longo de quase cinco séculos mas que, de acordo com os factos e raciocínios que vamos expor, pensamos ter conseguido, finalmente, desvendar.

Nesta Conferência os oradores apresentarão, pela primeira vez em Portugal, um documento no qual o navegador indica quem são os seus pais.

 :arrow: (
Enviado por: João Vaz em Outubro 19, 2010, 04:43:53 pm
A Besta em Análise Histórica


Numa altura em que muito se fala em tabus por tudo e por nada, é bom ver alguns a desfazerem-se lá para o Norte.

Inaugurada há pouco uma exposição séria recheada de material histórico que mereceu a polemicazinha da praxe...

Hitler und die Deutschen: Volksgemeinschaft und Verbrechen (http://http)
(Hitler e os Alemães: Nação e Crime)

Em exibição de 15 de Outubro a 6 de Fevereiro no Museu de História da Alemanha em Berlim.

Mas é bom ver os alemães a falaram da sua História. Até que enfim, sem preconceitos.
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 23, 2010, 04:37:16 pm
A Herança do Infante

10 a 12 de Novembro de 2010
Auditório dos Paços do Concelho Século XXI
Câmara Municipal de Lagos
Entrada Livre

Em Novembro de 2010, comemoram-se os 550 anos sobre a morte do infante D. Henrique. Mais do que reescrever as páginas da sua vida, o presente colóquio pretende dar enfoque à sua herança, numa
abordagem cronológica que se inicia nos anos que precedem a sua morte e que vai até à contemporaneidade. As acções de D. Henrique tiveram um efeito irradiador que se prolongou para lá da sua vida. Para se compreender, cabalmente, os efeitos da «empresa» que
dirigiu deve atender-se às suas consequências em diversas áreas, como a náutica ou o conhecimento
geográfico. As diferentes artes, da literatura à escultura, e à própria historiografia, encarregaram-se de transformar o Infante num ícone da identidade portuguesa. O mito, tanto como o homem, apresenta-se como um riquíssimo objecto de análise.
Enviado por: João Vaz em Novembro 09, 2010, 04:38:46 pm

A não perder: a exposição virtual "Lisboa 1755: a cidade à beira do terramoto" (http://http) abre ao público no próximo dia 25 no Museu da Cidade (http://http).

A exposição representa o culminar de um projecto de 5 anos na elaboração da maqueta em modelação 3 D da capital antes do terramoto, desenvolvido pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.
"Com recurso à visualização da cidade em 3D, à reconstituição de 23 pontos notáveis que documentam, na 1ª metade do séc. XVIII, algumas ruas, praças, igrejas, conventos, edifícios públicos e palácios, muitos deles desaparecidos ou alterados na sequência do Terramoto de 1755, complementadas com a reconstituição virtual de percursos que estabeleciam diferentes circuitos na cidade, será agora possível conhecer melhor a Lisboa barroca.

Após a conclusão deste projecto, está prevista a publicação de monografias relativas a cada um dos pontos notáveis que, para além de uma breve contextualização e resenha histórico-artística do edifício, englobará explicação de cada uma das fases do processo de reconstituição, tanto do ponto de vista científico, como do ponto de vista gráfico".


Palácio Pimenta (Campo Grande)

Terça a Domingo
10:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00


- Público em geral: 2,00€ / Desconto 50%: Adultos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos e desempregados, mediante apresentação de documento comprovativo; Grupos constituídos por, pelo menos, um adulto e uma criança (bilhete de família) / Entrada gratuita: Domingos e feriados, entre as 10h e as 13h, dia Internacional dos Museus (18 de Maio) e no acesso às exposições temporárias;
Enviado por: João Vaz em Novembro 11, 2010, 11:48:46 am
Arcos e Flechas no Mundo Antigo (http://http)
IV Curso de História Militar


Centro de História (http://http)
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa


6 de Abril a 4 de Maio de 2011 (sessões alternadas)

18:00 às 20:00

Inscrição: € 60 (alunos/funcionários da Faculdade de Letras e instituições com protocolo: € 40)

Coordenação Científica
Prof. José Varandas

6 de Abril:

O Arco na Pré-História: uma Evolução / Luís Raposo

13 de Abril:

Arcos e Flechas no Mundo Semita / José Augusto Ramos

20 de Abril:

Pesedj: o Arco, Arma do Faraó / Luís Manuel Araújo

27 de Abril:

O Arco: de Agamemnon a Alexandre / Nuno Simões Rodrigues

4 de Maio:

Os Arcos dos Inimigos de Roma / José Varandas

Edifício da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Cidade Universitária - Alameda da Universidade
1600-214 Lisboa

Mais infos:

Tel.: 217 920 000
Fax: 217 960 063
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 15, 2010, 10:54:41 pm
Portugal e Inglaterra: A mais antiga aliança científica do mundo

O colóquio internacional «Portugal-Inglaterra: 250 anos de Intercâmbio Científico» irá realizar-se no dia 10 de Dezembro, entre as 10h e as 18h, na Biblioteca Joanina da Universidade de Coimbra (UC). Este encontro pretende evocar cientistas portugueses e diplomatas que foram membros da Sociedade Real de Londres, a mais antiga academia científica do mundo, actualmente em funcionamento.

“Portugal e Inglaterra são parceiros desde o tratado de Windsor, o mais antigo acordo político ainda em vigor, tendo sempre mantido fortes relações”, explica Carlos Fiolhais, director da Biblioteca Geral da UC e membro da comissão organizadora da iniciativa. Neste colóquio serão abordadas “as relações científicas luso-britânicas, estando apresentações a cargo de especialistas britânicos e portugueses”, acrescenta.

Este encontro pretende, ainda, retratar a vida e a obra dos sócios portugueses da Sociedade Real de Londres, tais como João Jacinto Magalhães, que conviveu com os maiores cientistas da época, Jacob de Castro Sarmento, um médico judeu que enviou para Coimbra o primeiro microscópio, o Padre Teodoro de Almeida, que foi o primeiro físico experimental português, o Abade Correia da Serra, um botânico e diplomata em Washington, e Marquês de Pombal, que além de diplomata em Londres, foi primeiro-ministro português e protagonista da reforma da Universidade de Coimbra, em 1772. Guilherme Elsden, um arquitecto britânico que traçou o edifício do Laboratório Chimico, actual sede do Museu de Ciência daquela estrutura, também será recordado.

A Sociedade Real de Londres vai marcar presença neste colóquio, representada por Robert Fox, que dirige uma das publicações desta instituição e historiador da Universidade de Oxford, e por Keith Moore, director da biblioteca daquela Sociedade. Para participar nesta iniciativa é necessário realizar uma inscrição, no valor de 25 euros.

Ciência Hoje
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 28, 2010, 05:22:50 pm
Investigador italiano fala sobre os arquivos secretos do Vaticano sobre a Guerra Civil Espanhola no ISCTE


Em 2006, o Vaticano abriu os seus arquivos secretos aos investigadores. A documentação sobre a Guerra Civil Espanhola e o papel da Igreja Católica no conflito foi estudada por Alfonso Botti, professor de História Contemporânea na Faculdade de Letras e Filosofia da Universidade de Modena e Reggio Emilia (Itália). Os resultados desta investigação, que esclarece o envolvimento no conflito espanhol de 1936-1939 serão apresentados na próxima terça-feira, dia 30, às 11h00, no ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.

Como esclareceu ao Ciência Hoje a investigadora Guya Accornero, do Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia daquele instituto, este estudo tem bastante relevância pois ajuda a compreender “as décadas em que se instauraram os regimes autoritários na Europa”.

Mediado por António Costa Pinto, professor do Instituto Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, o colóquio dará destaque às informações mais significativas do levantamento de documentos de vários fundos do Arquivo Secreto do Vaticano tais como o discurso de Pio XI, de 14 de Setembro 1936, aos refugiados espanhóis religiosos.

Outros momentos a focar são a carta colectiva do episcopado espanhol de Julho 1937, a atitude do episcopado espanhol face aos projectos de solução negociada do conflito, a posição face aos bombardeamentos das cidades e a preocupação sobre a influência nazi em Espanha.

A posição dos intelectuais católicos como Maritain, Mounier, Sturzo e Mendizábal serão também referidas.

Ciência Hoje
Enviado por: João Vaz em Novembro 30, 2010, 05:37:33 pm
O Combatente Português no Século XX

"Os Combatentes na I República"
Exposição Temporária de Fotografia


 "Em Janeiro de 1917, Portugal marcava presença no conflito, tendo destacado para a Flandres, um Corpo Expedicionário (C.E.P) sob o comando do General Tamagnini constituído inicialmente por uma Divisão sob o comando do General Gomes da Costa e posteriormente por Duas Divisões, com efectivos totais de 1551 oficiais e 38 034 praças (os sargentos faziam, à época, parte da classe de praças). Só em Julho o C.E.P assumiu a responsabilidade de um pequeno sector. A dureza da vida nas trincheiras e a permanência exagerada nas mesmas afectaram o moral das tropas. Em 9 de Abril de 1918, os alemães atacaram em força o sector português (data em que se estava a iniciar a rendição das tropas portuguesas). Considerando-se as circunstâncias, os militares portugueses bateram-se com bravura. Os resultados cifraram-se em cerca de 2000 mortos, 5000 feridos e 6000 prisioneiros. Portugal, durante o conflito, teve também empenhado em África (Angola e Moçambique) cerca de 50 150 homens numa guerra cuja dureza ficou marcada por cerca de 4000 mortos em Moçambique (a maioria por doença) e 1000 mortos em Angola. A cobertura fotográfica destes acontecimentos e da respectiva participação de Portugal apresentada nesta exposição, são de autoria de dois fotojornalistas ao serviço de Portugal – Arnaldo Garcez e Joshua Benoliel".

Museu do Combatente (http://http) (Forte do Bom Sucesso, Lisboa)

Até 13 de Fevereiro de 2011
Segunda - Domingo
10:00 - 18:00 hs
Título: Conferencia : Os Estados Unidos encontra com a Europa
Enviado por: ICD Press em Novembro 30, 2010, 05:58:50 pm
Call for Applications



The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders

Beyond Mars and Venus: The Transatlantic Relationship

in the New World Order

(Weeklong Seminar, Washington DC & New York, 3rd – 9th January, 2011)





The United States Meets Europe is a network of likeminded individuals from across the world, who have an active interest in international affairs, cultural exchange, and the European-American relationship. Members can join the forum by taking part in a USAME Weeklong Seminar. The forthcoming USAME Weeklong Seminar will be held in Washington DC & New York from 3rd – 9th January 2011, and will focus on the following theme:


“Beyond Mars and Venus: The Transatlantic Relationship in the New World Order.”


The Forum is aimed at young professionals and students, economists, diplomatic and political representatives, and civil society practitioners. The weeklong seminar will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops and panel discussions by leading figures from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector, which will offer a range of perspectives on the issues at stake, the challenges ahead, and the new strategies and approaches being taken to address these challenges. The program will be complemented by cultural and social activities that will provide an opportunity to experience the diversity of the respective cultures and provide networking opportunities between the participants themselves, as well as between the participants and speakers.



The Weeklong Seminar is open to students and young professionals as well as to all individuals with an interest in international affairs and transatlantic relations.


The online application form can be found under: ... ation-form (


In particular, the next USAME Weeklong Seminar will focus on the following themes:


·         The State of Transatlantic Relations Today: Confronting Immediate Issues and Identifying Future Challenges

·         Foreign Policy in an Increasingly Multi-Polar World: The Application of Hard and Soft Power by the US and Europe

·         The Future of International Governance: Reforming the UN Security Council and the Role of the G20 as an Engine of International Decision-Making

·         How can Europe and the US Work with Developing Countries to Support Progress in Addressing Poverty, Corruption, and Infrastructure?

·         NATO and the Future of International Security Organisations: Managing Threats from State and Non-State Actors

·         In the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis: Coordinating the New International Financial Architecture and Preventing Future Crises  

·         Climate Change: US and European Perspectives




The speakers during the Seminar will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here).


Speakers for the Conference include:


Alan Larson - Former United States Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs

Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan; Distinguished Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies of the National Defense University, Washington.

Amb. András Simonyi - Former Hungarian Ambassador to the US

President Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador

Amb. Christopher R. Hill - Former US Ambassador to Macedonia, Poland, South Korea and Iraq; Former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Amb. Dr. Cynthia Schneider - Professor of Cultural Diplomacy at Georgetown University, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands

Amb. Elena Poptodorova - Ambassador of Bulgaria to the USA

Ellen P. Embrey - Former US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

Dr. Fred Charles Iklé - Former United States Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland

Dr. Jackson Janes - Executive Director of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at the Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC

Dr. James M. Goldgeier - Professor of Political Science and International Affairs

Sir James Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles

Admiral James Milton Loy - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard

James S. Robbins - Senior Editorial Writer for Foreign Affairs at the Washington Times

John Feffer - Co-Director, Foreign Policy in Focus - Institute for Policy Studies

Dr. Karen Donfried - Executive Vice President, the German Marshall Fund of the United States

Kingsley Smith - Program Director - NPR Worldwide & NPR Berlin

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović - Ambassador of Croatia to United States

Dr. Martin A. Klimke - Research Fellow, German Historical Institute (GHI) Washington, D.C.

The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security

Michele Wucker - Author; President of The World Policy Institute

Dr. Miomir Zuzul - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia, President of Dubrovnik International University

Dr. Paul R. Pillar - Veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); A Visiting Professor at Georgetown University for Security Studies

Phyllis E. Oakley - Former United States Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research; Former United States Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration

Dr. Solomon Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria

Governor Steve Cowper - Former Governor of Alaska

The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas

President Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - Former President of Latvia (tbc)

Vivian Schiller - CEO and President of NPR

Dr. Volker Berghahn - Professor of History, Columbia University, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society

William Howard Taft IV - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Defense; Former Legal Adviser of the Department of State; Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO

Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusetts


For more information, please contact: (
Título: Conferência
Enviado por: ICD Press em Dezembro 14, 2010, 02:15:58 pm

O Instituto de Diplomacia Cultural de Berlim está a organizar uma Conferência em Berlim, de 4 a 9 de Janeiro de 2011, sobre o futuro da Europa intitulada: Europe in the Year 2030: "Digital Technology, Active Citizenship, and the Society of the Future".
Vamos contar com a presença de vários e importantes speakers a nível Europeu. Podem encontrar todas as informações assim como formulário de participação em (
Se tiverem alguma dúvida por favor entrem em contacto connosco através de: (

Estejam à vontade para divulgar este evento a todos os que considerem estarem interessados pelas temáticas europeias.

Paulo Barbosa
Título: Re: Seminário Internacional de Krav Maga Militar
Enviado por: sergio21699 em Dezembro 14, 2010, 04:04:15 pm
Título: Re: Pós Graduação para ingresso nos SI
Enviado por: Jaromil em Janeiro 14, 2011, 02:50:06 am
Voltaram novamente os Seminários de Intelligence. Espero que se mantenham!
Aqui fica! Apareçam!!!

Seminário de Intelligence que irá decorrer no próximo 19 de Janeiro de 2011, pelas 9 horas e 30 minutos, no Auditório 6 do Piso 0, das instalações do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, no qual será proferida a comunicação “O Radicalismo Islâmico Europeu” pela Doutora Teresa de Almeida e Silva, Professora Auxiliar do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.

Enviado por: sergio21699 em Janeiro 18, 2011, 09:19:07 pm

Data- Sábado, 19 de Fevereiro às 4:00 - 20/2 às 18:00

Local   - Arredores de Lisboa

Criado por- Krav Maga Bukan-Egas Moniz

Mais informação:   
- Este evento tem por objectivo treino de tácticas de tiro,aula teórica de tiro,tácticas militares de progressão no terreno,preparação fisica de nivel militar e treino nocturno com instrutores credenciados para tal.
- Cada aluno receberá um diploma de participação
- Cada aluno terá de sinalizar com metade do valor até final do mês de janeiro a fim de validar a sua inscrição
- Contactos: / 93 314 48 33
- Qualquer informação adicional contactem através desta página facebook
- O local onde se realizará o evento será informado pessoalmente a cada aluno.
- O ponto de encontro para residentes da margem sul será ás 4.00 horas de sábado dia 19/02 no centro sul Almada
- A fim de evitar despesas desnecessárias cada viatura levará 5 elementos
- O equipamento necessário para cada aluno será ténis de corrida,t-shirt e swet shirt,calças,mochila de campismo,cantil,barritas energéticas e muita vontade...
Título: ICD presents the Berlin Economics International Congress
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 25, 2011, 10:11:19 am
The Berlin International Economics Congress:
"An International Conference on the Future of Nation Branding, Tourism, and International Investments in a Globalized World"
(March 9th - 12th 2011, Berlin, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin and in conjunction with the ICD conferences "Nuestra America" and "The Rise of Africa") (

“The Berlin International Economics Congress 2011” is an international conference taking place over 4 days that will explore the future of Nation Branding, Tourism, and International Investment in a Globalized World. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, interactive sessions and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from international economics & politics, academia, marketing, advertising, and civil society. Participants of the program will also have the opportunity to experience Berlin through a series of cultural and social activities.

Speakers for the conference include:
•   Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador; ICD Advisory Board Member
•   Baki Irmak - Director of Communications, DWS Investments, (Deutsche Bank Group)
•   Amb. Dan Mulhall - Ambassador of Ireland to Germany
•   Bendt Bendtsen - Former Danish Deputy Prime Minister, Former Danish Minister of Economic and Business Affairs; ICD Advisory Board Member (tbc)
•   Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim  - Former Foreign Minister of Brazil
•   Dr. Erhard Busek - Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria, Former Minister for Education & Cultural Affairs; (tbc)
•   Filippe Savagado- Minister of Culture, Tourism and Communication of Burkina Faso
•   Dr. Gerassimos D. Arsenis- Former Minister of Economics of Greece, Former Minister of Education and Former Minister of Defense; (tbc)
•   Dr. Gerhard Prätorius - Head of Coordination CSR and Sustainability, Volkswagen AG (tbc)
•   Dr. Jacques F. Poos - Former Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Minister of Foreign Affairs (tbc)
•   Sir James R. Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles; ICD Advisory Board Member
•   Janez Jansa - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; president of the Slovenian Democratic Party
•   Joy Wheeler- Ambassador of Jamaica to Germany
•   Kalonzo Musyoka - Vice President of Kenya
•   Kazenambo Kazenambo - Minister of Youth and Sports of Namibia (tbc)
•   Kintto Lucas Lopez - Deputy Foreign Minister of Ecuador
•   MONIE R. Captan - Former Foreign Minister of Liberia; President of Liberian Chamber of Commerce
•   Dr. Miomir Žužul - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia; President of Dubrovnik International University; ICD Advisory Board Member
•   Dr. Rick van der Ploeg - Professor of Economics, Oxford University; Former State Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands; ICD Advisory Board Member (tbc)
•   Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria; ICD Advisory Board Member
•   Dr. Vasile Puşcaş - Former Romanian Minister for European Affairs;
•   Zeine Ould Zeidane - Former Prime Minister of Mauritania (tbc)

Contact: (
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Fevereiro 18, 2011, 04:28:55 pm
O Seminário “O Afeganistão” é uma iniciativa da responsabilidade do Exército Português, que terá lugar no próximo dia 24 de Fevereiro, no Salão Nobre do Comando do Pessoal – PORTO (Praça da República).




Salão Nobre do Comando do Pessoal – PORTO (Praça da República)


09h30 – Sessão de Abertura – Exmo TGEN Mário de Oliveira Cardoso, Vice-Chefe do
Estado Maior do Exército
09h50 – Tema I – “Identificação de Vectores Sociais, Culturais e Religiosos”
• ProfDr Amaro Monteiro – “o Islão: Factores de Expansão e Implosão”
• ProfDr Ivo Sobral – “Afeganistão: Navegar a Encruzilhada Histórica e Étnica”
11h00 – Intervalo
11h15 – Tema II – “A Estratégia e Dimensão Internacional”
• ProfDrª Maria do Céu Pinto – “Afeganistão: Dilemas de Conjugação das acções
de Contra-Insurgência com o Nation Building”
• TCOR Jorge Rodrigues – “Afeganistão: Objectivos Alcançados?”
12h30 – Almoço
14h00 – Tema III – “As Frentes do Conflito”
• Dr Carlos Santos Pereira – “A Frente da Informação no Conflito”
• ProfDr Fernando de Sousa (Lusíada) – “O Afeganistão e a NATO”
• COR Santos Correia – ”O Empenhamento Operacional Português no
16h00 – Encerramento – Exmo MGEN Hugo Borges, Director do PDAH
- Exmo TGEN Luís Miguel de Negreiros Morais de Medeiros,
Comandante do Pessoal do Exército.
• Existe parqueamento no interior do Quartel (entrada junto à Igreja da Lapa).
Título: Nuestra America
Enviado por: ICD Press em Fevereiro 19, 2011, 12:05:44 pm
Call for Applications

Nuestra America
 "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investmentin Latin America"
(Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin)


Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America - A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA)
"Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America"
(Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011)  

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the ICD, I am writing to bring to your attention the next two major programs hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations. We are currently accepting applications to attend these programs and I would therefore be grateful if you could share the announcement within your network and forward the information below on to anyone who you feel may be interested in attending. The programs are under the patronage of the Honorable Dr. Alfredo Palacio (Former President of Ecuador and member of the ICD Advisory Board):

Nuestra America
 "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America"
(Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin) (

Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America- A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA)
"Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America"
(Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011) (
* Participants in the CDLA Weeklong Seminar will also take part in the International Conference: Nuestra America
 "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin)

We would also be delighted to have you involved and to welcome you to Berlin. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support in raising awareness of our upcoming event.

Mark Donfried
General Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680 ( (

The years 2009-2011 mark the two hundred year anniversaries of the beginning of many Latin American Independence movements. It was two centuries ago that Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela declared their independence. The years 1809-1811 therefore represent an important turning point in the history of Latin America, resulting in the emergence of new nation states and constituting the first step in the process of breaking from European colonial rule. The nature of this process remains an important talking point today.

As Latin American and the world celebrate these anniversaries, important questions remain as to how individual countries and the region as a whole should address challenges in the areas of poverty, development, security, public health, and national and international politics. Furthermore, current relations between Latin America, the USA and Europe, and the role that other regions and international stakeholders can play in supporting Latin America, remain fundamental issues to be clarified.

In ensuring stable economic and societal development, Latin American countries will rely heavily on their international images. A strong national brand will encourage tourism, investment, the immigration and retention of intellectual elites, and will enable a country to play more influential role in regional and global politics. Understanding and strengthening how their nation’s brand is understand, and can be shaped, is therefore one of the most important challenges facing governments, private companies, and civil societies in the region and abroad.

To enable academic analysis of the subject, and provide a platform for discussion on related fields, the ICD will host “Nuestra America” to explore the concept of nation branding and how Latin American governments, companies, and other stakeholders can engage with it.

Certificate of Attendance
All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD’s Advisory Board. (The ICD Advisory Board list can be found here).

The speakers during the program will consist of experts and stakeholders in the Latin American Region from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, the private sector, and civil society, from Latin America and across the world.

The conference is open to young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, journalists, and civil society practitioners with an active interest in Latin America, from across the world.

To Apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Participant Papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Conference to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.

Sustainable Network
Conference participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.

Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America- A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA)
"Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America"
(Berlin, from 09th - 16th March 2011) (
* Participants in the CDLA Weeklong Seminar will also take part in the International Conference: Nuestra America
 "Latin America and the Global Economy: The Future of Nation Branding, Tourism and International Investment in Latin America" (Berlin, March 9th - 12th, 2011, Held Parallel to the ITB Berlin)

Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDLA) is a network of young, influential people from across the world, who have an interest in Latin America and its role and responsibilities in the new world order. By promoting interdisciplinary discussion on salient economic, political, and cultural issues, the program activities work to improve dialogue and understanding within Latin America, and between Latin America and other regions.

Individuals can join the CDLA Forum by taking part in one of the CDLA Weeklong Seminars that are held in Berlin every 4 months, and are focused on a specific academic or political theme. These Weeklong Seminars include panel discussions, lectures, seminars, and workshops lead by experts from the fields of politics, academia, and civil society, as well as cultural and social activities across Berlin. In addition to raising awareness amongst the participants of the field of cultural diplomacy and salient issues concerning Latin America, the week also provides an opportunity to network and experience Berlin's remarkable history and contemporary cultural landscape.

Once they have joined the CDLA Forum, members are supported by the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives, conducting academic research, and are invited to join the ICD Online Forum - enabling them to share information and communicate with likeminded individuals across the world.

The program is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

To Apply please visit: ... ation-form (


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability through strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

Previous Events
Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th – ( ). Speakers in this event included the Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard;   Vivian Schiller - CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusetts and the Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.

In November 2010 the ICD hosted “A World without Walls: An International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World”, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall ( ( Speakers in this event included Lord Anthony Giddens (Baron Giddens, of Southgate) - Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics; Former Director of the London School of Economics; Janez Janša - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; Joaquim Chissano - Former President of Mozambique; Former Chairperson of the African Union; and Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland.

In May 2010 the ICD hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010 ( ( ). Speakers in this event included Bertie Ahern - Former Prime minister of Ireland; Emil Constantinescu - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Romania; Sir Malcolm Rifkind - Former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom; Kjell Magne Bondevik - Former Prime Minister of Norway; and Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Latvia.

In February, 2010, the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Roles of Global Politics & Civil Society in International Economics ( (

For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.

For any additional information please address any queries to  

With warm regards and gratitude,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 01, 2011, 07:09:12 pm
Informa-se a comunidade académica que esta 5ª feira, dia 3, 18.30h, terá lugar na sala 1 103 (CPI), uma palestra pelo Coronel de Cavalaria, Domingos Jorge Fernandes Rodrigues, subordinada ao tema: “Afeganistão: Objectivos Alcançados?"

A palestra é aberta a todos os interessados em assistir.


Junta-se abaixo uma breve nota curricular sobre o palestrante.


Domingos Jorge Fernandes Rodrigues é Chefe da Secção de Gestão de Carreiras Militares e esteve na operação ISAF no Afeganistão como Mentor e Oficial de Operações na OMLT/ISAF Afeganistão. Possui o Curso de Promoção a Oficial Superior pelo Instituto de Altos Estudos Militares, é Mestre em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique e foi Auditor da Defesa Nacional (IDN) em 2009. Foi Comandante do Destacamento de Operações Especiais da NATO Response Force (NRF). 2º Comandante do Batalhão de Operações Especiais do CIOE; Comandante do Destacamento de Operações Especiais da ACE Mobile Force Force (AMF-L), força de Reação Imediata da NATO e Comandante de 3 Destacamentos de Operações Especiais que desenvolveram missões na República Democrática do Congo e na República da Guiné-Bissau.

É autor do livro Turquia: País Ponte entre Dois Mundos, Editora Prefácio, 2009; colabora na obra O Exército Português na Fronteira do Futuro, 2005. Participa no livro Ordem e Caos nas Sociedades Atuais do Instituto de Defesa Nacional. É colaborador no Grupo de Investigação do IDN, subordinado ao tema Ordem e Caos nas Sociedades Atuais.

Enviado por: trueI2 em Março 02, 2011, 10:40:10 am
Gostariade dizer que estive presente no seminário O Afeganistão no Porto, e fiquei muito satisfeito com o mesmo!
Desejo que no futuro mais actividades do mesmo nível se organizem!
Muito obrigado aos responsáveis pela iniciativa, estão de parabéns!
Título: The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA
Enviado por: ICD Press em Março 14, 2011, 02:23:12 pm
Call for Applications


The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA
“The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in the New World Order and Digital Revolution: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions”
(Washington, D.C., 18th-21st May 2011) ... foufp-2011 (

The 2011 conference will focus on the theme “The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in the New Global Community”. The theme was selected in recognition of two significant developments in the field of international relations. Firstly: The development of a new global community with new players, both at the sub-state and inter-state level, and new forms of influence and power. Secondly, the emergence of new, global challenges: The developments in the Arab World,  Climate change  disasters, financial instability, terrorism, and the prevention of health pandemics, are all areas of activity that require the community to build sustainable, multilateral approaches.

In recognition of these developments, there is a demonstrable need to analyze and reflect on the activity of the US and Europe within this new context, and in addressing these new challenges. The conference will therefore begin with an assessment of the new global community: How has it been formed, how does it operate, and what changes are we likely see in the future. Following this, the focus will move to a consideration of the key challenges facing the global community today, from climate change and natural disasters to cultural differences. Finally, the program will build on these discussions to reflect on the positions of the US and Europe in this changing international environment and: What do their international partners expect of the US and Europe, and how can they forge stronger relations with countries in all regions to ensure the cooperation necessary to tackle the challenges ahead?

Symposium Participants
The Symposium is open to applications from diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

The online application form can be found under: ... ation-form (

Symposium Speakers
Speakers during the Symposium will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here

Certificate of Attendance
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

Participant Papers
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Symposium to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.

Sustainable Network
Symposium participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.


For any additional information please address any queries to
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 14, 2011, 07:15:39 pm

 “A PSP em missões de paz internacionais”

17 de Março de 2011 – 18h15

Sala 1.103(CPI)

No âmbito do ciclo de conferências, "A participação de Portugal em missões de paz," informa-se a comunidade académica que esta 5ª feira, dia 17, pelas 18.15h, terá lugar na sala 1.103 (Complexo Pedagógico I - CPI), uma palestra pelo Intendente de Polícia, Francisco Pedro Afonso Teles, sobre o tema genérico da participação das forças de polícia em missões de paz, intitulada: "A PSP em missões de paz internacionais". O orador abordará especificamente a sua experiência na missão da ONU no Saara Ocidental.

Francisco Pedro Afonso Teles é Intendente da Polícia de Segurança Pública. Actualmente desempenha as funções de 2º Comandante do Comando Metropolitano da PSP do Porto.

Licenciado em Ciências Policiais pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna, fez o Curso de Direcção e Estratégia Policial (ISCPSI) em 2007, onde apresentou a tese “A PSP e o Interesse Nacional num mundo global”.

Foi Auditor do Curso de Defesa Nacional (IDN) em 2005, onde apresentou a tese “O espaço de liberdade, segurança e justiça europeu e a cooperação policial”.

Fez o Strategic Planning for European Union Police Mission (CEPOL – École Militaire, Paris) em 2008.

Foi Comandante do Contingente Policial Português na MINURSO 1998. Desempenhou as funções de Chief Operations Officer e Acting Commissioner na MINURSO.

Foi Assessor de Segurança na Embaixada de Portugal em Pretória durante o FIFA2010.

Dentro da PSP já desempenhou funções nas áreas do Trânsito, Investigação Criminal, Coordenação Operacional, Comando e no Corpo de Segurança Pessoal.

A palestra é aberta a todos os interessados.

Informações adicionais:

Dr.ª Estela Vieira

Escola de Economia e Gestão

Universidade do Minho

Telefone: 253 604 516

Fax: 253 601 380

Luísa Araújo

Gabinete de Comunicação e Imagem

Escola de Economia e Gestão

Universidade do Minho

Campus de Gualtar

4710-057 Braga

Telef.: 253 604 541

Fax: 253 601 380

Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Março 28, 2011, 11:39:24 am
Convite para a conferência “O MAR - Uma Visão Estratégica para Portugal”
25-03-2011 11:20
No próximo dia 29 de Março vai realizar-se uma Conferência intitulada “O MAR - Uma Visão Estratégica para Portugal”, proferida pelo Contra-almirante António Silva Ribeiro, no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP), das 09h30 às 10h30.

Esta conferência realiza-se no âmbito do protocolo existente entre a Marinha e o ISCSP, em que foi criada uma actividade académica não curricular intitulada Seminário de Estratégia, onde se pretende divulgar temas estratégicos de grande actualidade e que permitam obter a visão dos vários actores dos processos.
Entrada Livre

ISCSP – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas
Pólo Universitário do Alto da Ajuda
Rua Almerindo Lessa
1300-663 LISBOA ... ages/Semin (ários/Seminário.jpg
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Março 29, 2011, 11:14:58 am ... eFSPP2.pdf (

IESM, 31 Março e 01 Abril, 2011
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 06, 2011, 08:15:29 pm


7 de Abril de 2011 – A5(CPII)


No âmbito do ciclo de conferências, "A participação de Portugal em missões de paz", informa-se a comunidade académica que no próximo dia 7 de Abril(Quinta-feira), às 18h00, terá lugar no Anfiteatro A5 do Complexo Pedagógico II(CPII) da Universidade do Minho, em Gualtar, uma palestra apresentada por Pedro Miguel Tavares Cabral (Capitão de Cavalaria), intitulada: “A Minha Experiência em Forças Nacionais Destacadas”.

O Capitão Pedro Miguel Tavares Cabral cumpriu 5 Missões no estrangeiro, nomeadamente nos Teatros de Operações de Timor-Leste, Kosovo e Afeganistão.

Está no Regimento de Cavalaria Nº 6, de Braga desde 2007 onde desempenha as funções de Oficial de Informações e Oficial de Operações do Grupo de Auto-Metralhadoras da Brigada de Intervenção.

Presentemente, desempenha as funções de Oficial de Segurança do Regimento e Adjunto da Secção de Operações, Informações e Segurança.

A palestra é aberta a todos os interessados.


Informações adicionais:

Professora Maria do Céu Pinto

Telefone: 253 604523

Fax: 253 601380

Título: The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin
Enviado por: ICD Berlin em Abril 13, 2011, 09:20:29 am
Last Call for Applications

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin 2011
“Hard Vs. Soft Power in Global and National Politics: Innovative Concepts of Smart Power and Cultural Diplomacy in an Age of Interdependence, Digital Revolution, and Social Media”
(Berlin, 11th - 15th May 2011)

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011
“The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order and Digital Revolution: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions”
(Washington D.C., 18th-21st May 2011)

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

On behalf of the ICD, I am writing to bring to your attention the next major programs hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations. We are currently accepting applications to attend these programs, and I encourage you to read through the information below and learn more about the programs and the subjects under discussions. I would also be grateful if you could share the announcement within your network and forward the information below on to anyone who you feel may be interested in attending. We would be delighted as well to having you involved and to welcome you to Berlin or to Washington D.C.

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation and support in raising awareness of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to; (;) Symposium Speakers>>; Application Form >>

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011
“The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order and Digital Revolution: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions”
(Washington, D.C., 18th-21st May 2011); (;) Symposium Speakers>>; Application Form>>

(For the complete ICD Calendar click here)

With warmest regards,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680 ( (

The 2011 conference will bring together renowned speakers from across the world to discuss how traditional concepts of power and influence are being redefined by globalization, the digital revolution and the emergence of social media. Held annually in Berlin, the program will consist of keynote speeches, lectures, panel discussions and social activities that will provide the audience with an opportunity to gain insights, reflect on, discuss and debate the salient issues.

Symposium Speakers>>
Speakers during the Symposium will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here

A Selection of the Conference Speakers includes:

•   Senator the Hon. Alan Ferguson - The 22nd President of the Australian Senate
•   The Hon. Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador
•   The Hon. Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan
•   H.E. Amb. Delia Domingo-Albert - Former Foreign Minister of the Philippines
•   The Hon. Dr. Erkki Tuomioja - Former Foreign Minister Finland
•   The Ho. Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin - Former German Minister of Justice
•   The Hon. Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland
•   The Hon. Admiral James Milton Loy -Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
•   The Hon. Sir James R. Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles
•   The Hon. Janez Jansa - Former Prime minister of Slovenia
•   Dr. John Packer - Director, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, UK
•   The Hon. Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European Affairs of Ireland
•   The Hon. Dr. Marc Verwilghen - Former Minister of Justice of Belgium
•   Marcia Barrett - Lead Singer of Boney M
•   Merethe Stagetorn - Defense Lawyer for the Danish Supreme Court
•   The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security
•   The Hon. Mirko Tomassoni - Former Head of State of San Marino
•   Philip Dodd - Broadcaster, Writer and Curator, BBC, UK
•   The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania
•   The Hon. Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria
•   The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas
•   The Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
•   The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey  

Symposium Participants>>
The Symposium is open to applications from diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

The online application form can be found under: ... ation-form (

Participant Papers>>
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Symposium to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.

Sustainable Network>>
Symposium participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.

Certificate of Attendance
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD's Advisory Board.


The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA 2011
“The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in a Changing World Order and Digital Revolution: Evaluating the Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions”
(Washington, D.C., 18th-21st May 2011) (

The 2011 conference will focus on the theme “The Roles and Responsibilities of the US and Europe in the New Global Community”. The theme was selected in recognition of two significant developments in the field of international relations. Firstly: The development of a new global community with new players, both at the sub-state and inter-state level, and new forms of influence and power. Secondly, the emergence of new, global challenges: The developments in the Arab World,  Climate change  disasters, financial instability, terrorism, and the prevention of health pandemics, are all areas of activity that require the community to build sustainable, multilateral approaches.

In recognition of these developments, there is a demonstrable need to analyze and reflect on the activity of the US and Europe within this new context, and in addressing these new challenges. The conference will therefore begin with an assessment of the new global community: How has it been formed, how does it operate, and what changes are we likely see in the future. Following this, the focus will move to a consideration of the key challenges facing the global community today, from climate change and natural disasters to cultural differences. Finally, the program will build on these discussions to reflect on the positions of the US and Europe in this changing international environment and: What do their international partners expect of the US and Europe, and how can they forge stronger relations with countries in all regions to ensure the cooperation necessary to tackle the challenges ahead?

Symposium Participants>>
The Symposium is open to applications from diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

The online application form can be found under: ... ation-form (

Symposium Speakers>>
Speakers during the Symposium will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here

A Selection of the Conference Speakers includes:

•   The Hon. Dr. Alfredo Palacio - Former President of Ecuador
•   The Hon. Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan
•   The Hon. Arne H. Carlson - Former Governor of Minnesota
•   Lieutenant General Clarence McKnight - Former Director - Command, Control, and Communications, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US
•   H. E. Amb. Dr. Cynthia P. Schneider - 61st Ambassador of the US to the Netherlands
•   H.E. Amb. Delia Domingo-Albert - Former Foreign Minister of the Philippines
•   Rear Admiral Dr. Joyce M. Johnson – Vice President for Health Sciences of a not-for-profit research organization; Former Director of Health and Safety for the U.S. Coast Guard
•   The Hon. Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland
•   The Hon. Lieutenant General James B. Peake, M.D. - Former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Former Surgeon General of the US Army
•   The Hon. Sir James R. Mancham - Former President of the Republic of Seychelles
•   Dr. Karen Donfried – Former Vice President of the German Marshall Fund of the USA
•   The Hon. Larry Lee Pressler - Former US Senator from South Dakota
•   The Hon. Louis Sullivan, M.D - Former US Secretary of U.S of Health and Human Services
•   The Hon. Michael Chertoff  - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security (Video Lecture)
•   Dr. Miomir Zuzul - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia
•   H. E. Amb. Paula Dobriansky - Former US Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs  
•   The Hon. Major General Robert L. Nabors - Former Commander of the 5th Signal Command (Manheim, Germany)
•   The Hon. Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria
•   The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey

Participant Papers>>
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages research and progressive thought into the fields of culture, globalization, and international relations. In this regard, the ICD welcomes participants of the Symposium to submit papers on this subject. The papers can cover any topic within these fields, according to your own particular interests and passions. Participants can submit work that they have completed in the past for other purposes, ongoing research or a paper written specifically for the conference. Groups of students are also allowed to submit collaborative pieces of work.

Sustainable Network>>
Symposium participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience, who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.

Certificate of Attendance
All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by two members of the ICD's Advisory Board.


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability through strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

ICD Calendar 2011>>

•   The UK Meets Germany – A Forum for Young Leaders (Berlin,  April 26th – May 1st 2011)
•   The British-German Conference 2011 (Berlin,  27th – 30th April 2011)    

Previous Events
Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ( ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

In January 2011 the ICD hosted "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th), which hosted The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard; Vivian Schiller - CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusettsand The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.

In November 2010 the ICD hosted “A World without Walls: An International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World”, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall ( ( Speakers in this event included Lord Anthony Giddens (Baron Giddens, of Southgate) - Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics; Former Director of the London School of Economics; Janez Janša - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; Joaquim Chissano - Former President of Mozambique; Former Chairperson of the African Union; and Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland.

In May 2010 the ICD hosted The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy 2010 ( ( ). Speakers in this event included Bertie Ahern - Former Prime minister of Ireland; Emil Constantinescu - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Romania; Sir Malcolm Rifkind - Former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom; Kjell Magne Bondevik - Former Prime Minister of Norway; and Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga - ICD Advisory Board Member - Former President of Latvia.

For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.

For any additional information please address any queries to  

With warm regards and gratitude,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Abril 14, 2011, 09:52:35 pm
Título: Seminar on Cultural Diplomacy
Enviado por: ICD Press em Abril 18, 2011, 01:44:10 pm
Call for Applications

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is pleased to announce that applications are currently being accepted for the The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, our forthcoming international seminar.

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy  
"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
 (Berlin, June 10th - 16th, 2011)

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

On behalf of the ICD, I am writing to bring to your attention the next major program hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations. We are currently accepting applications to attend this program, and I encourage you to read through the information below and learn more about the program and the subjects under discussions. I would also be grateful if you could share the announcement within your network and forward the information below on to anyone who you feel may be interested in attending. We would be delighted as well to having you involved and to welcome you to Berlin.


The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
(Berlin, June 10th - 16th, 2011) (

ICD Academy Sessions are weeklong programs that explore the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. During their time in Berlin participants will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German Foreign Office, the German Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin-based embassies.

The ICD Academy was established to allow individuals of all academic and professional backgrounds the opportunity to learn more about the subject of cultural diplomacy. In recognition of the growing interdependence of individual nation states, and the increasing role of non-governmental organizations in international affairs, the importance of cross-cultural exchange based on dialogue, understanding, and trust is under ever more focus. Each Academy Session will therefore seek to explore the history and development of cultural diplomacy, with a particular focus on the state-sponsored cultural diplomacy of the cold war, and then to evaluate the development of the concept and its application by different actors across the world today.

The Academy Session timetables are designed to allow participants the opportunity to discuss salient issues with experts from the field, whilst providing a framework for group discussions amongst each other. Further information about the academy methodology, speakers, and locations, as well as the application form, can be accessed using the links on the left hand side.

Certificate of Attendance
All academy participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

Seminars Speakers >
Speakers during the Academy Sessions include experts from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector.

Seminars Participants >
Each Academy Session will bring together an interdisciplinary group of individuals from across the world. Typical participants include young professionals, students, civil society practitioners, scholars and academics, journalists, and private sector representatives.

To apply please visit: ... y_seminars (

Program Agenda
The June Session of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy will take place in Berlin from June 10th - 16th 2011 and will focus on the following theme:

"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the next academy session will explore the influence that culture has on domestic policies and international relations. Academics, artists, politicians, and informed commentators will reflect on the extent to which culture influences a country's Daily life, foreign policy, and the partners it will work with.

Integral to this part of the program is a focus on the concepts of "smart power" and "cultural diplomacy"; the meaning of these terms and their application in contemporary domestic and international relations.

Sustainable Network >
Academy Session participants become part of a growing international network of people from across the world with different fields of interest and levels of experience who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Online Network.

If you would like any further information about the ICD Academy Sessions please contact us under ... r-Speakers (

For more information on previous ICD events, please visit ... nt-reviews (

For any additional information please address any queries to
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Maio 17, 2011, 09:24:17 am
Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa

O Presidente da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (SGL) tem a honra de convidar V.
Exa. e sua Exma. Família para participarem na sessão comemorativa do Dia Europeu do
Mar, organizada com o apoio do Governo Regional dos Açores (GRA) e da Comissão de
Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (CCDR-LVT) a realizar
na sua sede em 20 de Maio de 2011, com início às 16h30. ... 20maio.pdf (
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 17, 2011, 10:23:36 pm
Afeganistão e Iraque: o que mudou com o 11 de Setembro
Conferência aberta ao público no Grémio Literário, em Lisboa

O presente e o futuro do Afeganistão e do Iraque e respectivo protagonismo na política internacional é um dos temas que marca a agenda da ordem e estabilidade política mundiais. As mudanças e implicações na governação destes países vão estar em debate esta quinta-feira, dia 19, às 18 horas, no Grémio Literário, em Lisboa.

A conferência "11 de Setembro: o Afeganistão e o Iraque", organizada pela Fundação Luso-Americana (FLAD), é de entrada livre e conta com a presença do general Loureiro dos Santos e de Carlos Gaspar, do Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais, cuja intervenção será centrada no papel desempenhado por estes dois países antes e depois do 11 de Setembro.

François Lafond, director do German Marshall Fund para a Europa, uma das mais influentes instituições independentes na área da política externa, é outro dos palestrantes, que fará uma análise sobre a forma como os Estados Unidos da América (EUA) justificaram a sua estratégia militar e a invasão do Afeganistão e do Iraque.

Rui Machete, ex-presidente da FLAD, presidirá a sessão, e Rui Vallera, subdirector da Fundação será o moderador do debate.

Até Junho vão realizar-se mais duas conferências e uma exposição fotográfica dedicadas ao 11 de Setembro. A próxima conferência é dia 26 de Maio, com o tema "11 de Setembro: Civilizações, Ideologias e Religiões".

Esta iniciativa da FLAD, em parceria com a Embaixada dos EUA em Portugal e o Grémio Literário, pretende assinalar os 10 anos sobre o atentado que mudou o mundo e que continua a marcar a actualidade política, económica e social.

Ciência Hoje
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Maio 20, 2011, 01:44:12 pm
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 25, 2011, 07:48:59 pm

"A Minha Experiência em Forças Nacionais Destacadas".


No âmbito do ciclo de conferências, "A participação de Portugal em missões de paz," informa-se a comunidade académica que decorrerá no dia 26 de Maio (5ª feira), às 17h30, no Anfiteatro A5 do Complexo Pedagógico 1 da Universidade do Minho em Gualtar, uma palestra proferida pelo Intendente Luís Elias (PSP), intitulada: “A Componente Policial em Missões da ONU e da UE”.

A palestra é aberta a todos os interessados.

Nota Curricular:

O Intendente Luís Manuel André Elias (PSP) desempenha funções de Chefe da Área Operacional do Comando Metropolitano de Lisboa e é docente no Mestrado Não Integrado em Ciências Policiais no Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais (ISCPSI).

Participou na missão de manutenção de paz das Nações Unidas na Bósnia Herzegovina, onde exerceu, entre outras, as funções de Comandante do Contingente da PSP integrado na Polícia Civil das Nações Unidas, entre 14 de Julho de 1998 e 15 de Julho de 1999.

Participou na missão de manutenção de paz das Nações Unidas em Timor-Leste, onde desempenhou funções de Deputy Commissioner para o desenvolvimento da Polícia Local, de Comandante do Contingente da PSP integrado na Polícia da ONU e Comandante Interino da Polícia das Nações Unidas, entre 9 de Janeiro de 2002 e 11 de Agosto de 2003.

É Chefe da Delegação Portuguesa do Grupo de Cooperação Policial no âmbito do III Pilar – Justiça e Assuntos Internos, durante a Presidência Portuguesa - 2.º Semestre de 2007 até à presente data.


ELIAS, Luís, & GUEDES, Armando Marques, Controlos Remotos. Dimensões Externas da Segurança Interna em Portugal (Coimbra: Edições Almedina, 2011)

ELIAS, Luís, A Formação das Polícias nos Estados Pós-Conflito – o Caso de Timor-Leste (Lisboa: Instituto Diplomático, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, 2006)

ELIAS, Luís, A Dimensão dos Direitos Humanos nos Estados Pós-Conflito – o Caso de Timor-Leste, in Volume Comemorativo dos 20 Anos do ISCPSI, (Coimbra: Almedina, 2005)

Informações adicionais:

Prof.ª Maria do Céu Pinto

Escola de Economia e Gestão

Universidade do Minho

Telefone: 253 604 523

Fax: 253 601 380


Título: Call for Applications
Enviado por: ICD Press em Junho 08, 2011, 12:54:27 pm
Call for Applications


Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major programs hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations. Each Program will bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

We are currently accepting applications for these events (below), and I would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in attending. I would also be delighted to welcome you as a participant in Berlin.

The Language of Art & Music
"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
(Berlin, International Conference, July 27th - 31st 2011) (

Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders
 (Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 27th – August 3rd, 2011) (

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy  
"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
 (Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011) (

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to ( (

“A Three Piece Puzzle” is an international Conference taking place in Berlin from July 27th - 31st, 2011 to explore the relationship between culture, international relations, and globalization through a program of workshops, lectures & discussions, debates, film screenings, art exhibitions, performances and cultural activities. The event will bring together artists and practitioners from the fields of culture, literature, and music, that will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, civil society, and the public sector. The audience will include scholars and academics, students and young professionals, artists, diplomatic and political representatives, representatives of civil society, and other interested stakeholders.

The conference will begin by looking in greater detail at "culture" and "identity" and how these terms are used and understood today. The program will then build on these components by considering the role that culture plays in contemporary international relations and the process of globalization. The conference will then explore and summarize the challenges that lie ahead and the complex relationship between culture, international relations, and globalization over the next two decades (during these five days the concepts of "cultural diplomacy" will also be explored in more detail).

Conference Speakers
The event will bring together artists and practitioners from the fields of culture, literature, and music, that will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, civil society, and the public sector. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference Participants Application Form
The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, , and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world

To apply please visit: ... cationform (


Art as Cultural Diplomacy:
A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 27th – August 3rd, 2011) (

Art has a unique role in cultural diplomacy; whether visual arts, literature, film, music, dance or theatre they have the power to transcend political borders and cultural barriers. The arts can appeal to universal feelings, thoughts and ideas that everyone can understand, but also can be specific to certain times, places and political climates.

Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is a network of young influential individuals from across the world, who have an interest in art, music, cultural studies, international relations, political science, peace studies, diplomacy and beyond as well as those interested in exploring the potential for art to serve as a catalyst for cultural diplomacy at both local, national and international levels.

The forthcoming CDA Weeklong Seminar will be held in Berlin from July 27th – August 3rd, 2011. The weeklong seminar is an international and interdisciplinary gathering of young professionals and students from across the world who are looking to develop a career in the cultural sector. The seminar provides an opportunity for young people to expand their knowledge about current and future developments in the field, meet with current and former key cultural players, build sustainable networks with each other and experience Berlin and its rich and diverse cultural life. The program will consist of speeches, panel discussions and workshops by leading figures from the fields of performing arts, visual arts, film, literature, architecture, academia, diplomacy and policymakers. Speakers will offer a range of perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within an international context, and the current and future potential of the arts as a diplomatic tool.

The online application form can be found under: ... ation-form (


The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy  
"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
(Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011)
( (

ICD Academy Sessions are weeklong programs that explore the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. During their time in Berlin participants will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German Foreign Office, the German Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin-based embassies.

 Seminars Speakers >
Speakers during the Academy Sessions include experts from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector.

Seminars Participants >
Each Academy Session will bring together an interdisciplinary group of individuals from across the world. Typical participants include young professionals, students, civil society practitioners, scholars and academics, journalists, and private sector representatives.

To apply please visit: ... y_seminars (


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

Previous Events
Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ( ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

In January 2011 the ICD hosted "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th), which hosted The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former Commandant of the Coast Guard; Vivian Schiller – Former CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusettsand The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.

For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.

Please address any additional queries to (  

Join the ICD’s global network on Facebook – click here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a member of the ICD and help create a strong Cultural Diplomacy community – click here ____________________________________________________________ ___
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Título: ATTENTION: POSTPONED: The Languge of Art and Culture
Enviado por: ICD Press em Junho 10, 2011, 09:58:37 am
Call for Applications


Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major programs hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations. Each Program will bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

We are currently accepting applications for these events (below), and I would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in attending. I would also be delighted to welcome you as a participant in Berlin.

The Language of Art & Music
"A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
(Berlin, International Conference, August 18th - 21st 2011) (

Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders
 (Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, August 15th - 21st, 2011) (

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to (
Título: China on the World Stage
Enviado por: ICD Press em Junho 22, 2011, 09:28:55 am
Call for Applications


The Sino-Global Discourse
"The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders"
(Berlin, Held Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks” September 08th – 11th, 2011) ... rences_roc (

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin, Held Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks” September 05th – 11th, 2011) ... _about-emc (


The Sino-Global Discourse
"The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders"
(Berlin, Held Parallel to the “Berlin Asia-Pacific Weeks”, September 08th – 11th, 2011) ... rences_roc (

The “Sino-Global Discourse" is an international conference held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in cooperation with other leading organizations. The objective of the conference is to examine the growing prominence of China on the world stage, the opportunities for global development that this presents, and how China can maintain its robust economic growth and social evolution to benefit the global environment. The 2011 conference will bring together renowned speakers from across the world for varied discourse, proceeding from the premise that China's future has the potential to result in a seismic shift in global politics.

The issues raised during the conference will be discussed from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives and academic backgrounds, examining the issues that are currently defining the internal and external development of China. Key historical relationships will be analyzed, new strategic partnerships considered, and experts will offer their views on what path China should follow on the international stage, highlighting areas of global agreement and areas where greater cooperation is needed. With the continued expansion of the Confucius institutes, China has embraced the fundamentals of cultural exchange, and is in fact setting a global example for the power of cultural dissemination. In practical terms, the application of cultural diplomacy and soft power as tools in international relations will be considered in detail.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, diplomacy, the private sector, and civil society from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference Participants Application Form
The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 23, 2011, 01:08:24 am ... amento.pdf (

XII Curso de Defesa para Jovens

O Instituto da Defesa Nacional irá realizar o XII Curso de Defesa para Jovens (XII CDJ), entre os dias 05 e 09 de Setembro de 2011, nas instalações do Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna, em Lisboa. O curso destina-se a jovens licenciados e estudantes do ensino superior, de ambos os sexos, entre os 21 e os 30 anos. O período de candidaturas individuais decorre de 01 de Maio a 30 de Junho de 2011.
O Curso de Defesa para Jovens (CDJ) tem por finalidade promover a sensibilização, a valorização e o esclarecimento dos jovens que constituem o universo dos potenciais dirigentes ou quadros superiores das estruturas do Estado e da sociedade civil, através do estudo, reflexão e debate sobre os grandes problemas nacionais e internacionais com incidência no domínio da segurança e da defesa.


•Proporcionar aos jovens auditores/as conhecimentos de base sobre as principais questões relacionadas com a segurança e a defesa, nacional e internacional;
•Promover o desenvolvimento de uma cultura estratégica de segurança e defesa nos jovens auditores/as;
•Aprofundar a consciencialização dos jovens auditores/as para os problemas da segurança e da defesa;
•Proporcionar o contacto mútuo e o intercâmbio de ideias entre jovens auditores/as de formações académicas e experiências profissionais diversificadas.

O CDJ destina-se, prioritariamente, ao jovens cidadãos portugueses, sendo também admitidos candidatos oriundos dos países da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). Poderão, a título excepcional, ser admitidas candidaturas de jovens de outras nacionalidades, quando daí se puder perspectivar uma evidente mais-valia para os restantes participantes em função da finalidade e dos objectivos do curso. ... amento.pdf (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Junho 29, 2011, 10:38:33 pm
( (
Título: Conference in London on Arts in Cultural Diplomacy
Enviado por: ICD Press em Julho 12, 2011, 09:54:09 am
Call for Applications




Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major programs hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations. The Program will bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.


We are currently accepting applications for these events and I would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in attending.


The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

(International Conference, London, August 25th - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”) (


Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

(Weeklong Seminar, London, August 22nd - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”) (


The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session

(Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011) (


Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to ( (


-------------- All programs are currently accepting applications ---------------



Dear Sir/ Madam,


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting applications for the events outlined above, all of which will take place in London and Berlin during July/ August 2011. The Programs will bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.


The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

(International Conference, London, August 25th - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”) (


"A Three Piece Puzzle" is an international Conference taking place in London from August 25th - 29th, 2011 to explore the relationship between culture, international relations, and globalization through a program of workshops, lectures & discussions, debates, film screenings, art exhibitions, performances and cultural activities. The event will bring together artists and practitioners from the fields of culture, literature, and music, that will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, civil society, and the public sector. The audience will include scholars and academics, students and young professionals, artists, diplomatic and political representatives, representatives of civil society, and other interested stakeholders.

The conference will begin by looking in greater detail at "culture" and "identity" and how these terms are used and understood today. The program will then build on these components by considering the role that culture plays in contemporary international relations and the process of globalization. The conference will then explore and summarize the challenges that lie ahead and the complex relationship between culture, international relations, and globalization over the next two decades (during these five days the concepts of "cultural diplomacy" will also be explored in more detail).
Conference Speakers

The event will bring together artists and practitioners from the fields of culture, literature, and music, that will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, civil society, and the public sector. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here).
Sustainable Network »

During the program the participants will have opportunities to network amongst each other, with the speakers, as well as with ICD Advisory Board Members and partners. Conference participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world of diverse interests and backgrounds who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Networks.
Conference Participants »

The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

To apply please visit: ... cationform (


Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

(Weeklong Seminar, London, August 22nd - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”) (


**Participants of the forthcoming ACD weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

(London, August 25th - 29th 2011)


Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is a network of young, influential individuals from across the world, who have an interest in art, music, cultural studies, international relations, political science, peace studies, and diplomacy. The program is particularly suited to individuals with an interest in the role of artistic and cultural expression in providing a platform for strengthening intercultural relations at the regional, national, and local levels.

The ACD Weeklong Seminar is an international and interdisciplinary gathering of students, young professionals, and cultural practitioners from across the world. The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for young people to expand their knowledge of current and future developments in these fields, meet with current and former key cultural players and politicians, build sustainable networks with each other, and experience the rich and diverse cultural life of the city of London.


The program will consist of speeches, panel discussions and seminars held by leading figures from the areas of performing arts, visual arts, film, literature, architecture, academia, diplomacy and politics. Speakers will offer a range of perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within an international context, and the current and future potential of the arts as a diplomatic tool.

In addition to the academic components, participants will take part in a range of social and cultural activities that will allow them to experience London's unique cultural landscape. These activities will include group dinners and drinks, trips to artistic performances, concerts, and literary readings, and visits to important cultural and artistic landmarks.


To apply please visit: ... ation-form (




The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session

(Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011) (


ICD Academy Sessions are weeklong programs that explore the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. During their time in Berlin participants will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German Foreign Office, the German Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin-based embassies.


Seminars Speakers

Speakers during the Academy Sessions include experts from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector.


Seminars Participants >

Each Academy Session will bring together an interdisciplinary group of individuals from across the world. Typical participants include young professionals, students, civil society practitioners, scholars and academics, journalists, and private sector representatives.


To apply please visit: ... y_seminars (





The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.


Previous Events

Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ( ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.


In January 2011 the ICD hosted "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th), which hosted The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former Commandant of the Coast Guard; Vivian Schiller – Former CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusettsand The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.


For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.


Please address any additional queries to (


Join the ICD’s global network on Facebook – click here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a member of the ICD and help create a strong Cultural Diplomacy community – click here ____________________________________________________________ ___

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Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 22, 2011, 02:01:09 pm
UMinho recebe exposição dos 50 anos da Guerra do Ultramar


O Edifício dos Congregados da Universidade do Minho, no centro de Braga, tem patente a partir desta semana, e até 19 de Agosto, a exposição comemorativa “50º Aniversário do Início da Guerra do Ex-Ultramar”. A mostra é promovida pelo Regimento de Cavalaria nº6, em colaboração com a Direcção de Cultura e História Militar, a Liga dos Amigos do Museu Militar do Porto, a UMinho e a Associação Portuguesa de Veteranos de Guerra.


No hall do edifício podem ser vistos diversos documentos alusivos ao período da guerra colonial, como fotos, mapas, livros, equipamentos, uniformes, armamento, o documentário “Guerra” de Joaquim Furtado e ainda conteúdos multimédia, nomeadamente nos teatros de operações da Índia, Angola, Moçambique e Guiné. Os movimentos independentistas, os líderes africanos, a lista de militares falecidos e a propaganda salazarista são também destacados.


Esta iniciativa pretende divulgar ao público em geral o contributo das Forças Armadas na História recente de Portugal e recordar aqueles que, com o seu sangue, suor e lágrimas, serviram a pátria com elevado sentido do dever e, por vezes, com o sacrifício da vida, explica a organização.


O Regimento de Cavalaria nº6, também designado Dragões d’Entre Douro e Minho, foi criado em Chaves em 1709 e está aquartelado em Braga desde 1979. Está inserido na Brigada de Intervenção do Comando das Forças Terrestres do Exército português. O RC6 possui um milhar de elementos, é vocacionado para o reconhecimento blindado e tem participado em diversas operações especiais e forças de intervenção um pouco por todo o mundo.
Título: Congresso: Promovendo Paz e Estabilidade no Mediterrâneo
Enviado por: ICD Press em Julho 27, 2011, 09:42:41 am
Call for Applications


Is diplomacy a viable tool of statecraft in the Mediterranean?
What is the role of religion in shaping the relations between Mediterranean countries?
What potential actors and opportunities can be identified as stakeholders of peace in the Mediterranean region?

“A World without Walls 2011” - “Promoting Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean: An International Peacebuilding Congress”
(Barcelona, International Conference, September 22nd - 25th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “La Merce Festival 2011”) (

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

“Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean” - A Forum for Young Leaders
(Weeklong Seminar: Barcelona, September 22nd – 28th, 2011 – Held Parallel to “La Merce Festival 2011”) ... _cdm_about (
**Participants of the forthcoming CDM weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “A World Without Walls 2011” (Barcelona, 22nd – 25th, 2011)

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

A World without Walls is a global conference held annually by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and other leading international organizations. Its aim is to reflect on the changing nature of international relations since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to consider the implications of these changes for peace building and stability in different regions of the world. The 2011 conference will focus the attention of the international community on the importance of strengthening intercultural relations within the Mediterranean region. It will bring together world's leading experts in politics, diplomacy, peace & conflict, academia, and civil society, for a four-day program of lectures and discussions.

Some of the topics to be covered at the conference will include:
Israel-Palestine (Focus: Plausibility of a two-State Solution, Global Context, Third Party Interventions)
Israel and its Neighbors (Focus: Relations between Israel, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria)
Cyprus (Focus: Greek-Turkish Relations, EU Membership, Local Initiatives, Recent Developments)
Syria and Lebanon (Focus: Syrian Lebanese Relations, The “Arab Spring”, Relations between Ethnic and Religious Groups, Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas)
Egypt, Lybia and Tunisia (Focus: The “Arab Spring”, Relations between Ethnic and Religious Groups, Al Qaeda, Relationship with Europe)
Algeria (Focus: A History of Conflict and Division)
Balkans (Focus: Peace Building Initiatives, Kosovar Independence, the International Criminal Court)
Greek-Albanian Relations (Focus: Recent Developments, Immigration)
Migration from Africa to Europe (Focus: Illegal Immigration and Repatriation, Integration of the African Diaspora)
EU Expansion (Focus: The EU Boundary, EU Neighborhood policy, EU Membership Process, Turkish Membership)
Climate Change (Focus: Desertification, Rising  Sea levels, Regional Cooperation, Energy Policies)

Please address any additional queries to  

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona.
Título: Congresso: O Discurso Sino-Global
Enviado por: ICD Press em Julho 27, 2011, 09:46:42 am
Call for Applications

Is China a partner or rival to the EU?
How much of an impact has Chinese culture had on the world?
What are the domestic and regional challenges to China's rise?

The Sino-Global Discourse - "The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders"
(International Conference, Berlin, September 15th - 18th, 2011 - Held Parallel to the "Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011") (

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)
(Weeklong Seminar: Berlin, September 12th - 18th, 2011 – Held Parallel to the “Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011”) (
**Participants of the forthcoming  EMC weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “ The Sino-Global Discourse” (Berlin, 15th – 18th, 2011)

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Cultural Diplomacy in East Asia: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDEA)
(Weeklong Seminar: Berlin, September 12th - 18th, 2011 – Held Parallel to the “Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011”) (
**Participants of the forthcoming  CDEA weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “ The Sino-Global Discourse” (Berlin, 15th – 18th, 2011)

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Key speakers
Adrian Severin
, Member of the European Parliament
Deepak  Bhattasali, 
Economist, World Bank
Dr. Du Lun,
Chair of the "German Confucian Society"
Robert de Vos,
Chairman of Europe China Foundation
Dr. Zhang Haiyan,
Programme Director, Euro-China Centre at Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp

Please address any additional queries to  

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
Título: MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 03, 2011, 09:41:15 am
MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin and Dubrovnik, from October 2011)


Dear Sir or Madam,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention Masters Program in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations. We are currently accepting our new applications for this MA program, and would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in applying.

MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, in Cooperation with Dubrovnik International University
(Berlin and Dubrovnik, from October 2011)
( (; Application Form>

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy I would like to thank you in advance for your help in this matter. If you have any further questions regarding the MA program or our institution,please do not hesitate to contact us at: ( ( Application Form>

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and Dubrovnik International University (DIU) are pleased to announce the launch of a graduate Master of Arts program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy. Offered by DIU in partnership with the ICD, the program will combine the traditional academic components of international relations with a new focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary global affairs. Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.

If you would like any further information about the ICD Academy contact us under (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

ICD Events
Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ( ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; TheHon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

In January 2011 the ICD hosted "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th), which hosted The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former Commandant of theCoast Guard; Vivian Schiller – Former CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusettsand The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.

In November 2010 the ICD hosted “A World without Walls: An InternationalConference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World”, which marked the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall ( ( Speakers in this event included Lord Anthony Giddens (Baron Giddens, of Southgate) - Former Director of the London School of Economics; Janez Janša - Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; Joaquim Chissano - Former President of Mozambique; and Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland.
For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.

Please address any additional queries to (

Join the ICD’s global network on Facebook – click here
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the ICD on Twitter – click here
Become a member of the ICD and help create a strong Cultural Diplomacy community – click here
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for routing it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
review, dissemination, copying or forwarding of this e-mail is strictly
prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please reply to the
sender of such and delete the e-mail in its entirety. Thank you.
Título: Call for Applications ICD: The Language of Arts and Music
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 08, 2011, 10:16:45 am
-Call for Applications -
ICD Summer Conference & Young Leaders Forum (London- August 2011)

•   Does cultural identity divide more than it bridges people?
•   Is there a European Identity emerging?
•   Is Globalization a synonym for Americanization?

The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"
(International Conference, London, August 25th - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill  Carnival 2011”) (
To apply please visit: ( ... cationform

ICD Young Leaders Forums: (

Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)
(Weeklong Seminar, London, August 22nd - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”) (
**Participants of the forthcoming ACD weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization" (London, August 25th - 29th 2011)

•   Denis Beuret- Minister of Culture, Switzerland
•   The Hon. Yasar Yakis- ICD Advisory Board Member, Former Foreign Minister of Turkey
•   The Hon. Dr. Alfredo Palacio- ICD Advisory Board Member, Former President of Ecuador
•   Trudy Gold- Chief Executive of London Jewish Cultural Center
Título: Call for Applications ICD: The Sino-Global Discourse
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 08, 2011, 10:18:27 am
- Call for Applications -
The Sino Global Discourse
(Berlin, September 12th - 18th, 2011)

Is China a partner or rival to the EU?
How much of an impact has Chinese culture had on the world?
What are the domestic and regional challenges to China's rise?

The Sino-Global Discourse - "The Growing Prominence of China on the World Stage: Exploring the Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations of China and Global Stakeholders"
(International Conference, Berlin, September 15th - 18th, 2011 - Held Parallel to the "Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011") (

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)
(Weeklong Seminar: Berlin, September 12th - 18th, 2011 – Held Parallel to the “Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011”) (
**Participants of the forthcoming  EMC weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “ The Sino-Global Discourse” (Berlin, 15th – 18th, 2011)

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Cultural Diplomacy in East Asia: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDEA)
(Weeklong Seminar: Berlin, September 12th - 18th, 2011 – Held Parallel to the “Berlin - Asia Pacific Weeks Conference 2011”) (
**Participants of the forthcoming  CDEA weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “ The Sino-Global Discourse” (Berlin, 15th – 18th, 2011)

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Key speakers
Adrian Severin
, Member of the European Parliament
Deepak  Bhattasali, 
Economist, World Bank
Dr. Du Lun,
Chair of the "German Confucian Society"
Robert de Vos,
Chairman of Europe China Foundation
Dr. Zhang Haiyan,
Programme Director, Euro-China Centre at Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp

Please address any additional queries to  

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
Título: Call for Applications ICD: A World Without Walls 2011
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 08, 2011, 10:19:30 am
Call for Applications


Is diplomacy a viable tool of statecraft in the Mediterranean?
What is the role of religion in shaping the relations between Mediterranean countries?
What potential actors and opportunities can be identified as stakeholders of peace in the Mediterranean region?

“A World without Walls 2011” - “Promoting Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean: An International Peacebuilding Congress”
(Barcelona, International Conference, September 22nd - 25th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “La Merce Festival 2011”) (

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

“Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean” - A Forum for Young Leaders
(Weeklong Seminar: Barcelona, September 22nd – 28th, 2011 – Held Parallel to “La Merce Festival 2011”) ... _cdm_about (
**Participants of the forthcoming CDM weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “A World Without Walls 2011” (Barcelona, 22nd – 25th, 2011)

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

A World without Walls is a global conference held annually by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and other leading international organizations. Its aim is to reflect on the changing nature of international relations since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to consider the implications of these changes for peace building and stability in different regions of the world. The 2011 conference will focus the attention of the international community on the importance of strengthening intercultural relations within the Mediterranean region. It will bring together world's leading experts in politics, diplomacy, peace & conflict, academia, and civil society, for a four-day program of lectures and discussions.

Some of the topics to be covered at the conference will include:
Israel-Palestine (Focus: Plausibility of a two-State Solution, Global Context, Third Party Interventions)
Israel and its Neighbors (Focus: Relations between Israel, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria)
Cyprus (Focus: Greek-Turkish Relations, EU Membership, Local Initiatives, Recent Developments)
Syria and Lebanon (Focus: Syrian Lebanese Relations, The “Arab Spring”, Relations between Ethnic and Religious Groups, Iran-Hezbollah-Hamas)
Egypt, Lybia and Tunisia (Focus: The “Arab Spring”, Relations between Ethnic and Religious Groups, Al Qaeda, Relationship with Europe)
Algeria (Focus: A History of Conflict and Division)
Balkans (Focus: Peace Building Initiatives, Kosovar Independence, the International Criminal Court)
Greek-Albanian Relations (Focus: Recent Developments, Immigration)
Migration from Africa to Europe (Focus: Illegal Immigration and Repatriation, Integration of the African Diaspora)
EU Expansion (Focus: The EU Boundary, EU Neighborhood policy, EU Membership Process, Turkish Membership)
Climate Change (Focus: Desertification, Rising  Sea levels, Regional Cooperation, Energy Policies)

Please address any additional queries to  

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona.
Título: Call for Applications ICD: Cultural Bridges in Germany & Ger
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 08, 2011, 10:20:32 am
Call for Applications

What is meant by 'multiculturalism'?
How has this concept impacted upon German society?
How is this political concept applied in other European states?

Cultural Bridges in Germany – "Multiculturalism in the 21st Century and its Reality in Germany“ (Language: German)
(Weeklong Seminar, Berlin, September 5th - 9th, 2011 - Held Parallel to "Germany meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders“ (GMT) (

Cultural Bridges is a network of young leaders committed to the challenges and chances that Germany faces on a national and international level. The Forum offers a platform for interdisciplinary discussions on selected themes, such as multiculturalism in the 21st century and explores Germany´s role and responsibilities in this global context.

To apply please visit: ... _about-cbg (

Germany Meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT)  
(Language: English)
(Weeklong Seminar: Berlin, September 5th - 9th, 2011 – Held Parallel to  “Cultural Bridges in German: A Forum for Young Leaders ” CBG) (

The principal focus of "Germany Meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders" is to develop a network of young leaders committed to building and sustaining lasting ties between Germany and Turkey in the fields of politics, academia, science, media, business and culture, thereby strengthening the bilateral relationship. The network is supported through a diverse range of ongoing activity and is highlighted each year by a weeklong study tour for new members, which alternates between Turkey and Germany.  

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

Please address any additional queries to  

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
Título: Applications ICD Academy: Faith, Globalisation and Interreli
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 08, 2011, 10:21:57 am
- Call for Applications -
The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin – September 2011)
What impact does religion have on one's culture and identity?
Can religion be used as a tool for cultural diplomacy or is it a cultural barrier?
How is Globalization changing the world of religion?

The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy – "Faith, Globalisation and Interreligious Dialogue”
(Weeklong Seminar, Berlin, September 19th-23rd, 2011 - Held Parallel to Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Berlin scheduled for September 22nd, 2011) ... en_academy (
"Faith, Globalisation and Interreligious Dialogue" is an weeklong seminar taking place in Berlin from September 19th - 23rd, 2011 to explore the relationship between religion, international relations, and globalization through a program of workshops, lectures & discussions, debates and cultural activities.
To apply please visit: ... y_seminars (

The ICD Academy was established to allow individuals of all academic and professional backgrounds the opportunity to learn more about the subject of cultural diplomacy. Each Academy Session will therefore seek to explore the history and development of cultural diplomacy, with a particular focus on the state-sponsored cultural diplomacy of the cold war, and then to evaluate the development of the concept and its application by different actors across the world today.

During their time in Berlin participants will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German Foreign Office, the German Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin-based embassies.

The Academy Session timetables are designed to allow participants the opportunity to discuss salient issues with experts from the field, whilst providing a framework for group discussions amongst each other.

Please address any additional queries to  

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 12, 2011, 09:32:56 pm
Presença do Ministro da Defesa Nacional no Dia da Arma de Infantaria

12.08.2011 - O Ministro da Defesa Nacional, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, preside às Cerimónias Comemorativas do Dia da Arma de Infantaria e da sua Escola Prática, no dia 14 de Agosto, pelas 10h00.

10h00 - Chegada do Ministro da Defesa Nacional, à Escola Prática de Infantaria (EPI), em Mafra
10h30 - Cerimónia Militar no Terreiro D. João V
12h05 - Inauguração de Exposição, no Museu da Infantaria da EPI
12h50 – Saída do Ministro da Defesa Nacional
Título: London International Human Rights Congress
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2011, 09:48:05 am
The London International Human Rights Congress 2011

"Immigration & Integration in an Age of Austerity: Challenges and Opportunities"

(London, November 22nd - 25th, 2011) (


Dear Sir/ Madam,


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting applications for the event outlined above, which will take place in London during November 2011. The program will bring together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.


The London International Human Rights Congress 2011

"Immigration & Integration in an Age of Austerity: Challenges and Opportunities"

(London, November 22nd - 25th, 2011) (

The London International Human Rights Congress is an international Conference held annually by the ICD and other leading organizations in a different global capital city. The aim of the conference this year is to reflect on the operation and application of Human Rights with particular focus on Immigration and Integration. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector.
Since the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the dignity and respect afforded to the protection of Human Rights across the Globe has faced an unprecedented amount of challenges. In our Globalised and Multicultural world rights relating to Immigration and Integration are those which are both most important in terms of International Relations, and those most at risk. It is during times like these that the International Human Rights framework is tested in a way like never before. Raising new questions such as how far should National Financial or Economic failings be allowed to influence the Universality of access to fundamental rights? The London International Human Rights Congress will discuss the challenges and opportunities which arise in the quest to protect Human Rights in the 21st Century.
Conference Participants »

The conference is open to applications from diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, young professionals, students and scholars, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (




The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.


Previous Events


Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May 11th-15th 2011 – (, which hosted The Hon. Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European Affairs of Ireland; The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas; The Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey


In March 2011 the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ( ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.


Please address any additional queries to (
Título: ICD Conferences (November 2011 – January 2012)
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 21, 2011, 01:29:11 pm
Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major program (outlined below) hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations. The Program will bring together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, academia, civil society, media, and business.

We are currently accepting applications for this event and I would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in attending.

The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011
“Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations: New Actors, New Initiatives, New Targets”
(Berlin, December 15th - 18th, 2011) (

The “ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2011” is the concluding conference of the Institute’s Cultural Diplomacy year. Taking place in Berlin, the aim of the conference is to review, debate and evaluate the year in terms of Cultural Diplomacy.

This end of year academic conference will bring together scholars, politicians, diplomats, activists and young leaders to discuss Cultural Diplomacy within International Relations. Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual conference will provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2011.

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

The European African Alliance Conference 2012
Development Initiatives, Trade Relations and Interregional Cultural Exchange in the European African Alliance (

The “European African Alliance Conference 2012” is the first of four conferences held during January specifically on the continent of Africa. This conference will focus on the relationship between Europe and Africa in the context of development, trade, security and cultural exchange with the view to explore and evaluate Africa’s role in the globalised world and the field of Cultural Diplomacy.

Africa’s relationship with Europe and European Institutions has developed significantly over the last decade making the European African Alliance an interesting and relevant topic for discussion today. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector.

This conference will focus on and analyze economic issues such as migration and employment, political issues such as the use and affect of institutions, democracy and international relations and security and trade issues.

To Apply please visit: ... ation-form (

ICD Young Leaders Forums: (
Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders
Development Initiatives, Trade Relations and Interregional Cultural Exchange in the European African Alliance
(Weeklong Seminar, Berlin, January 9th - 15th, 2012) (  
**Participants of the forthcoming  CDA weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference “The European African Alliance Conference 2012 (Berlin, January 10th - 13th, 2012)

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to (
Título: The International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy & the UN
Enviado por: ICD Press em Dezembro 09, 2011, 01:58:35 pm
“Call for Applications”

The International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy & the UN
“Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power in an Interdependent World: The Opportunities of Global Governance”
(New York, February 21st – 24th, 2012) (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting applications for our forth coming event, which will take place in New York City from February 21st – 24th, 2012. The event will bring together government and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

The “Conference on The United Nations and Cultural Diplomacy” is one of a three–part series of International Conferences held by the ICD on the issue of ‘International Institutions and Global Governance: The Role of Cultural Diplomacy’. The aim of the conference this year is to reflect on the role of institutions such as the United Nations within the international system, on global governance as a whole in terms of key international issues and on how Cultural Diplomacy takes place. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector.

In an age of international instability and discontent, the United Nations marked a transition towards a more ‘soft’ power-based approach to international relations. With its specific aim to foster peace and cooperation agreements, the United Nations was the first institution to focus on relations between states and international understanding. Cultural Diplomacy is becoming increasingly important within international relations and The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy reflects the desire to expand on this work.

This conference will focus on and analyze the probability of Cultural Diplomacy representing a useful tool for fostering international cooperation within an institutional framework and within the wider global government.

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (
Título: The Berlin International Economics Congress 2012 (BIEC)
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 16, 2012, 03:49:03 pm
“Call for Applications”

Dear Sir/ Madam,

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting applications for the event outlined below, all of which will take place in Berlin from March 7-10th, 2012. The program will bring together economists, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students, scholars and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, panel and group discussions and social and cultural activities.


The Berlin International Economics Congress 2012 (BIEC)
“Building Economic Bridges: Integrating Cultural Diplomacy into Nation Branding, Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Governance”
(Berlin, March 7th – 11th, 2012) (

The Berlin International Economics Congress 2012" is one of the world leading global conferences combining the fields of International Economics, Nation Branding and International Relations with an interdisciplinary and multinational program. The conference will take place over 4 days and will examine the role of Cultural Diplomacy in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Bridges, Global Governance and Nation Branding with an international outlook.

In today’s world, with the financial crisis ravaging national economies, the importance of regional alliances, strategic partnerships and co-operations among countries is becoming increasingly relevant. Indeed, countries struggling with unemployment and debt have begun to turn to other nations and international institutions for support. The congress will concentrate on current and emerging business opportunities in the market, created through economic bridges.

With such prominence in today’s world, the international economic system is of the highest importance, the conference will examine relevant aspects of the international economic system and how Cultural Diplomacy can help to support interstate economic relationships.

The four-day international congress will consist of lectures and seminars held by international politicians and various experts in the economic, academic and marketing fields as well as panel discussions, workshops, interactive sessions and social activities.

To Apply please visit: ... ation-form (

The ICD Young Leaders Forums 2012
Cultural Diplomacy in the Global Economy: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin, March 05th - 10th, 2012) (


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

Previous Events
Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, May 11th-15th 2011 – (, which hosted The Hon. Lucinda Creighton - Minister of European Affairs of Ireland; The Hon. Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; The Hon. Rexhep Meidani - Former President of Albania; The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas; The Hon. Judge Theodor Meron - Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; The Hon. Yasar Yakis - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey.  

In March 2011 the ICD hosted the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – ( ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

I also warmly encourage you to join and contribute to the development of the ICD Networks below:

ICD Berlin »
(Through Facebook)
Join our community of friends by adding “ICD Berlin” as your friend on Facebook. Just copy the link ( in your browser, or search for “ICD Berlin” once logged into Facebook, and click the button “Add Friend” on the page. You will thus be connected to our network of friends.

The ICD Official Organization Profile »
(Through Facebook)
Please stay informed about the activities of the ICD and join our community by “Liking” our official organization profile, “Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)”, which you can access by following the link ... 5959932672 (

We look forward to hear from you soon.

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)
Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719
Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680
Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811 (
Título: MA Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 31, 2012, 11:24:35 am
Master of Arts Program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Cooperation with Dubrovnik International University
(Berlin, from March 26th, 2012); (;) Application Form>
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and Dubrovnik International University (DIU) are pleased to announce the graduate Master of Arts program in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy. Offered by DIU in partnership with the ICD, the program will combine the traditional academic components of international relations with a new focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary global affairs.
The Degree
While the study of political science has been a cherished tradition of academia, the developments outlined above demand the identification of entirely new theories and models. An understanding of the challenges faced by the contemporary world requires an interdisciplinary approach; International Relations and Diplomacy should not be understood only as disciplines of Political Science or Political Theory, but also be interpreted from the perspective of art and culture, economics, law, and other social sciences.
Further information about the program curriculum is found under: ... iculum.pdf (

DIU and the ICD do not consider any one element of an application exclusively. Rather, our admissions panel considers academic achievement as well as personal qualities such as strength of character, motivation and the ability and willingness to take on new academic challenges. Additional factors, such as essays, letters of recommendation, and interviews are also a vital part of the admissions process. Our aim is to attract students from a variety of backgrounds and countries that will foster a unique and diverse learning environment.
Further information is found under: ... admissions (
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.
Please address any additional queries to (
Título: The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012
Enviado por: ICD Press em Fevereiro 14, 2012, 10:10:51 am
The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (

The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012 will explore how the arts can be used to change theory into practice and express, create and improve social awareness and diplomatic relations. The arts include a variety of mediums through which emotions and culture can be expressed: music, art, literature and sports, to name only a few. The program will examine how the arts can be used within the field of cultural diplomacy to initiate intercultural dialogue and cooperation through movement, thought and active expression.

The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012 is the brainchild of Cultural Diplomacy in Practice (CDP), a department within the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. CDP is predicated on the ICD’s philosophy that diplomacy must transcend mere discussion and include practical implementation of theory for the reason that sometimes actions speak louder than words: Cultural diplomacy must show rather than tell.

Popular art forms have a unique ability to bring people from disparate backgrounds together by underscoring shared values. The Arts Diplomacy Festival intends to demonstrate the underutilized power of art and physical expression to further the cause of cultural diplomacy.

The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions featuring leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. The Festival will also showcase the performances of artists, musicians and performers from all over the world and include a full day of practical workshops devoted to planning for future initiatives.

The Arts Diplomacy Festival 2012: Cultural Diplomacy in Practice
Cultural diplomacy relies upon thorough dialogue between disparate nations and cultures as a tool to promote a global peace and stability; however, there remains a tendency within the field to let the development of theory overshadow the practical elements necessary for implementation. The Arts Diplomacy Festival aims to explore how the arts; particularly music, fine arts and literature, sports, gastronomy, academia, religion and politics can be utilized by and delivered to governments, businesses and universities in an active practical, informative and effective way of communication and expression.
Please address any additional queries to (

Join the ICD's global network on Facebook
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the ICD on Twitter
Become a member of the ICD and help create a strong Cultural Diplomacy community
Título: The Ankara Conference on Peace building & Conflict Resolutio
Enviado por: ICD Press em Março 13, 2012, 04:48:25 pm
Call for Applications
The Ankara Conference on Peace building & Conflict Resolution
Using Cultural Diplomacy as a Tool to Build Sustainable Peace
(Ankara, April 17th - 19th, 2012) (


On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major program hosted by us, under the Patronage of ICD YLF President the Hon. Yasar Yakis, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey and in partnership with other leading organizations.

The program will bring together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, seminars, debates and Panel discussions, featuring leading figures and experts from the fields of international politics, academia, diplomacy, the private sector and civil society.

The Ankara Conference on Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution stands out as the ICD's effort to impact the international system at its most sensitive and efficient level: conflict resolution and peacebuilding, taking the Mediterranean as the focus of our study. Reflecting on the role of cultural diplomacy as a tool for conflict resolution, and in empowering the Mediterranean countries at a global scale, will be the main goal of this conference.

The conference will address the roots of conflicts in the region and will assess the resolution efforts from regional and global actors, putting cultural diplomacy forward as a means towards enhanced regional cooperation. Moreover, change is taking place – evidenced by the Arab Spring– creating a higher risk for conflict, or a new chance for peace. The aim of this conference is to reassess the intimate cultural ties that link the Mediterranean countries together, and consequently the potential for conflict resolution.

Conference Speakers >
 Speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from civil society, international politics, academia, diplomacy, and the private sector from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference Participants >
The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students, scholars and academics, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

To apply please visit: ... cationform (

Further information is found under: (

For enquiries, please contact us at:

Título: The Power of Africa Conference, Paris, May 2012
Enviado por: ICD Press em Março 15, 2012, 11:18:48 am
Call for Applications  
The Power of Africa
“Africa as a Stronger Actor on the International Stage”
(International Conference, Paris, May 02nd -04th, 2012)


On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major program hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations.

The program will bring together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young professionals, students and scholars and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, seminars, debates and Panel discussions, featuring leading figures and experts from the fields of international politics, academia, diplomacy, the private sector and civil society.

The Power of Africa is the third Africa related conference that is being hosted in the beginning of 2012. It will focus on the possibilities and barriers that the African countries are facing in terms of economic and political bargaining power as well as the prospect of speaking with one voice on the international stage.  

The conference will in particular address the expectations and opinions that the outside world holds of African development and how this often diverges with what might be more realistic and customized solutions on the ground. One aim of the conference is thus to debate whether alternative forms of institutional rule and economic models can be deemed more effective in Africa than the established forms of Western governance.  

The conference will look at global as well as local perceptions of African leadership and development, and the bilateral trade relationships that Africa has with China and India.  Furthermore we will explore the role of the African Union as well as civil societies in enhancing interregional relations within Africa and what prospects this holds for its future international image and bargaining power.

Conference Speakers
 Speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from civil society, international politics, academia, diplomacy, and the private sector from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

 Conference Participants
The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students, scholars and academics, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

To apply please visit:
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Webpage!

Or visit us on our Facebook page: ICD
Título: The Europe Meets Russia Conference, Berlin, April 2012
Enviado por: ICD Press em Março 15, 2012, 11:19:46 am
Call for Applications  
The Europe Meets Russia Conference- A Forum for Young Leaders
“Political, Economic and Cultural Trends in the European-Russian Partnership“
(Berlin, April 24th - 27th, 2012)


On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following program hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations.

Europe Meets Russia: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMR) is a network of young, dynamic, and influential individuals from across the world, that have an interest in the European-Russian relationship. The program has been developed in recognition of the importance of the relationship between Russia, Europe, and the global political system.

Individuals can join the EMR Forum by taking part in one of the EMR Weeklong Seminars that are held in Berlin every 4-6 months. Each EMR Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to European-Russian relations and the goals of the Forum.
The forthcoming EMR Weeklong Seminar will focus in particular on the following theme:
“Political, Economic and Cultural Trends in the European-Russian Partnership

The Weeklong Seminar will include lectures, seminars, and workshops led by experts from the fields of politics, academia, and civil society, as well as cultural and social activities.

The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for young people to expand their knowledge of current and future developments in these fields, meet with current and former key cultural players and politicians, build sustainable networks with each other, and experience the rich and diverse cultural life of the city of Berlin.

To apply please visit:

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy Webpage!

Or our Facebook page: ICD
Título: The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
Enviado por: ICD Press em Abril 02, 2012, 01:38:01 pm
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) is the world’s leading center for the study of cultural diplomacy, offering educational opportunities ranging from week-long seminars for undergraduate students and interested professionals, to Master's and Doctoral programs for graduates pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, dedicated either wholly or in part to the field of cultural diplomacy.

CCDS offers the following opportunities:

•   PHD Program in Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  
•   MA in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  
•   MBA in Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  

Distance Learning Programs:

•   e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
•   e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
•   e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in the Global Economy (June 4th – 30th, 2012)
•   e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy & the Media (June 4th – 30th, 2012)

To find more information and apply to the above programs, please visit: (
Título: The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies
Enviado por: ICD Press em Maio 09, 2012, 11:42:46 am
Upcoming Programs at the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
For more information please visit: ccds-berlin (dot) de
(Berlin, From June 18th, 2012)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) is the world’s leading center for the study of cultural diplomacy, offering educational opportunities ranging from week-long seminars for undergraduate students and interested professionals, to Master's and Doctoral programs for graduates pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, dedicated either wholly or in part to the field of cultural diplomacy.

We are currently accepting applications for enrollment to the summer semester and would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in applying.

CCDS offers the following opportunities:

•   PHD Program in Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  
•   MBA in Cultural Diplomacy & the Global Economy (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  
•   MA in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  
•   MA in Cultural Diplomacy and Euro-Mediterranean Studies (Berlin, June 18th, 2012)  
•   E-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy (June 4th – 30th, 2012)

To find more information and apply to the above programs, please visit: ccds-berlin (dot) de
Título: The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
Enviado por: ICD Press em Setembro 25, 2012, 10:25:21 am
The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference

“Multiculturalism, the 2012 Global Debate: Strengthening Intercultural Relations through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy”

(Berlin, November 7th - 9th, 2012 - Held parallel to “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall”) (



Dear Friends and Colleagues,


On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, we are writing to bring to your attention our upcoming programs hosted by the ICD, in partnership with other leading institutions. We would be grateful if you could forward the information below to anyone you feel might be interested in participating.




The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference

“Multiculturalism, the 2012 Global Debate: Strengthening Intercultural Relations through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy”

(Berlin, November 7th - 9th, 2012 - Held parallel to “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall”) (


Contemporary Germany consists of a diverse multicultural landscape of individuals whose origins stem from every continent of the world. These multicultural individuals/communities both live and work together, and as such the question of defining the German identity becomes a major question for the German public at large. In addition, new opportunities and challenges are faced in developing and maintaining international and intercultural relations both within the framework of the EU and internationally. On a global level, the question of multiculturalism is a growing issue and will be a main world focus for the next generations.  Western countries are engaging with Multiculturalism policies on a significant basis and are continually amending and reinventing to fit the policies to an ever changing world.


The ICD recognizes the opportunity for Cultural Diplomacy to serve as a bridge between people of different cultures. The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference will therefore focus on the potential for Cultural Diplomacy to further promote and strengthen multicultural relations both in Germany and worldwide. The application of these new practices of multicultural dialogue and exchange will be analyzed during the Conference and will offer a wide diversity of perspectives on the issue of cultural bridges in Germany and internationally. The Conference will consist of a series of simultaneous sessions of lectures, panel discussions, interactive roundtable discussions, seminars, group visits, excursion and cultural activities.


The Conference will be held parallel to the “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall” and the participants will be able to participate in the official ceremony and events which will be a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and contemporary context of German unity.


Forum Participants >

Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, economists, journalists, artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.


If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click HERE


Forum Speakers >

The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics (including head of states and ministers), academia, the diplomatic community, civil society, and the private sector. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. To learn more about the ICD Advisory Board please click HERE.






The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums

Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars 2012

(Weeklong Seminars, Berlin, October - November, 2012) (


The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums are networks of young individuals, who share an interest in strengthening German intercultural relations in addition to exploring the challenges and opportunities facing Germany, both domestically and internationally. The forums provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion and exchange on salient issues concerning German culture, society and related political and economic subjects. At the international level, the program seeks to analyze the roles and responsibilities of Germany in the emerging new world order. Through these discussions and exchanges, the forums play a valuable role in strengthening relations between Germany's cultural communities and between its international partners.


The following Weeklong Seminars will take place during September - November, 2012:


    The Germany meets Slovenia Conference – (Ljubljana, October 30th – November 3rd, 2012)
    The Germany Meets Turkey Conference – (Berlin, November 5th – 9th, 2012)
    The Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 7th – 11th, 2012)
    The UK Meets Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 7th – 11th, 2012)
Título: The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
Enviado por: ICD Press em Setembro 25, 2012, 11:01:33 am
The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference
“Multiculturalism, the 2012 Global Debate: Strengthening Intercultural Relations through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy”
(Berlin, November 7th - 9th, 2012 - Held parallel to “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall”) (

Contemporary Germany consists of a diverse multicultural landscape of individuals whose origins stem from every continent of the world. These multicultural individuals/communities both live and work together, and as such the question of defining the German identity becomes a major question for the German public at large. In addition, new opportunities and challenges are faced in developing and maintaining international and intercultural relations both within the framework of the EU and internationally. On a global level, the question of multiculturalism is a growing issue and will be a main world focus for the next generations.  Western countries are engaging with Multiculturalism policies on a significant basis and are continually amending and reinventing to fit the policies to an ever changing world.

The ICD recognizes the opportunity for Cultural Diplomacy to serve as a bridge between people of different cultures. The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference will therefore focus on the potential for Cultural Diplomacy to further promote and strengthen multicultural relations both in Germany and worldwide. The application of these new practices of multicultural dialogue and exchange will be analyzed during the Conference and will offer a wide diversity of perspectives on the issue of cultural bridges in Germany and internationally. The Conference will consist of a series of simultaneous sessions of lectures, panel discussions, interactive roundtable discussions, seminars, group visits, excursion and cultural activities.

The Conference will be held parallel to the “23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall” and the participants will be able to participate in the official ceremony and events which will be a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and contemporary context of German unity.

Forum Participants >
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, economists, journalists, artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click HERE

Forum Speakers >
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics (including head of states and ministers), academia, the diplomatic community, civil society, and the private sector. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. To learn more about the ICD Advisory Board please click HERE.


The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums
Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars 2012
(Weeklong Seminars, Berlin, October - November, 2012) (

The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums are networks of young individuals, who share an interest in strengthening German intercultural relations in addition to exploring the challenges and opportunities facing Germany, both domestically and internationally. The forums provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion and exchange on salient issues concerning German culture, society and related political and economic subjects. At the international level, the program seeks to analyze the roles and responsibilities of Germany in the emerging new world order. Through these discussions and exchanges, the forums play a valuable role in strengthening relations between Germany's cultural communities and between its international partners.

The following Weeklong Seminars will take place during September - November, 2012:

•   The Germany meets Slovenia Conference – (Ljubljana, October 30th – November 3rd, 2012)
•   The Germany Meets Turkey Conference – (Berlin, November 5th – 9th, 2012)
•   The Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 6th – 11th, 2012)

*Participants of the November 2012 weeklong Seminars will participate in international conference: The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference.

**To apply, please click HERE


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. Over the past decade, the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, whose programs facilitate interaction between individuals of all backgrounds from across the world.

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming programs. If you no longer wish to receive emails from the ICD, please send us an email at indicating this.

With warmest regards,

Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Título: The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:26:55 pm
The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums
Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars 2012
(Weeklong Seminars, Berlin, October - November, 2012) (
The Cultural Bridges in Germany Young Leaders Forums are networks of young individuals, who share an interest in strengthening German intercultural relations in addition to exploring the challenges and opportunities facing Germany, both domestically and internationally. The forums provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion and exchange on salient issues concerning German culture, society and related political and economic subjects. At the international level, the program seeks to analyze the roles and responsibilities of Germany in the emerging new world order. Through these discussions and exchanges, the forums play a valuable role in strengthening relations between Germany's cultural communities and between its international partners.
The following Weeklong Seminars will take place during November, 2012:
•   The Germany Meets Turkey Conference – (Berlin, November 5th – 9th, 2012)
•   The Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 7th – 11th, 2012)
•   The UK Meets Germany Conference – (Berlin, November 7th – 11th, 2012)

 *Participants of the November 2012 weeklong Seminars will participate in international conference: The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference.
Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
Cultural Bridges in Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (CBG) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in strengthening German intercultural relations and exploring Germany's challenges and opportunities, both at home and abroad.

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... n-form_cbg (

For more information please visit: ... _about-cbg (
Título: Germany Meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT)
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:29:54 pm
Germany Meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT)
(Berlin, November 5th - 9th, 2012 - Parallel to "23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall")

Seminar Agenda
Germany Meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT) is a network of individuals who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between Germany and Turkey. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing cultural, economic and political relations must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.

Individuals can join the GMT Forum by taking part in one of the GMT Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each GMT Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to the German- Turkish relations and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.

The next GMT Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from November 5th - 9th, 2012 - Parallel to "23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall". In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Forum will focus on the following theme:
“From the Bosporus to Berlin: crossing the Bridge”. Alongside the GMT, participants will attend the event:  The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference “Strengthening Intercultural Relations in Germany through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy” (Berlin, November 7th - 9th, 2012).  

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
Germany Meets Turkey: A Forum for Young Leaders (GMT) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring and strengthening the German- Turkish relations

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... n-form_cbg (

For more information please visit: ... g-seminars (
Título: UK Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (UKMG)
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:31:19 pm
UK Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (UKMG)
(Berlin, November 7th - 11th, 2012 - Parallel to "23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall")

Seminar Agenda
UK Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (UKMG) is a network of individuals who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between Germany and the UK. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing cultural, economic and political relations must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.

Individuals can join the UKMG Forum by taking part in one of the UKMG Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each UKMG Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to the German- British relations and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.

The next UKMG Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from November 7th - 11th, 2012 - Parallel to "23rd Anniversary to the fall of the Berlin Wall". In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Forum will focus on the following Theme: “The Anglo-German Relationship: Using the Arts and Culture to strengthen the Alliance”.
Alongside the UKMG, participants will attend the event:  The 2012 Cultural Bridges in Germany Conference “Strengthening Intercultural Relations in Germany through the Arts, Sports, Politics and the Economy” (Berlin, November 7th - 9th, 2012).  

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
UK Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (UKMG) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring and strengthening the German- British relations

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... n-form_cbg (

For more information please visit: ... inars-2012 (
Título: The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:33:31 pm
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012
"Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace"
(Berlin, December 13th-16th, 2012)

 The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 is the final concluding event of the Institutes Cultural Diplomacy year. Taking place in Berlin, the aim of the conference is to review in detail, debate and evaluate the most significant developments in 2012 in the field of Cultural Diplomacy.

In today’s rapidly globalizing world, the exploration of cultural diplomacy initiatives within the sphere of International Relations is vital. With the transition from the traditional bi-polar international structure towards a more multi-polar world understanding state perspectives, different cultures and different traditions is important if the international system is to remain stable. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy recognizes that all areas of the international system must be addressed and the Annual Academic Conference will provide the opportunity to discuss the past year, present initiatives and the future of Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations.

This end of the year conference will bring together artists, scholars, politicians, diplomats, activists, senior experts and young professionals to discuss Cultural Diplomacy in our interdependent world. Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas within the field of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual conference will provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2012, during which Cultural Diplomacy initiatives; key political, economic and social shifts and the changes in the International System are discussed. The aim of the conference this year is to reflect on the role of new actors, new initiatives and new targets in terms of key international issues and on how Cultural Diplomacy takes place.

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the Conference will include celebrated artists and leading figures and experts from international politics, the diplomatic community and civil society from across the world.
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

For more information please visit: ... _accd-2012 (
Título: The ICD Young Leader´s Forum Annual Conference 2012
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:39:05 pm
The ICD Young Leader´s Forum Annual Conference 2012
“Culture as an Emotion: The Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace”
(International Conference, Berlin, December 13th-18th, 2012) (

Seminar Agenda
The ICD Young Leaders Forum Annual Conference 2012 is part of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s Annual Academic Conference during which Cultural Diplomacy initiatives; key political, economic and social shifts and the changes in the International System are discussed. The aim of the conference this year is to reflect on the role of new actors, new initiatives and new targets in terms of key international issues and on how Cultural Diplomacy takes place.

In today’s rapidly globalizing world, the exploration of cultural diplomacy initiatives within the sphere of International Relations is vital. With the transition from the traditional bi-polar international structure towards a more multi-polar world understanding state perspectives, different cultures and different traditions is important if the international system is to remain stable. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy recognizes that all areas of the international system must be addressed and the Annual Young Leaders Meeting and Academic Conference provide the opportunity to discuss the past year, present initiatives and the future of Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations:

Alongside the  Forum, participants will attend the event:  The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 "Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace" (Berlin, December 13th - 16th).  

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
The ICD Young Leaders Forum Annual Conference 2012 is open to  young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

For more information please visit: ... ylfcd-2012 (
Título: Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:40:56 pm
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
(Berlin, December 13th-18th, 2012)

Seminar Agenda
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) is a network of individuals, who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between European States. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing economic and political integration of the European Union must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.

Individuals can join the CDE Forum by taking part in one of the CDE Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each CDE Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to Europe and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.

The next CDE Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from December 13th-18th. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Seminar will provide perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within the European context, and the current and future potential of re-building the European Identity and the Integration process.
Alongside the CDE, participants will attend the event:  The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 "Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace" (Berlin, December 13th - 16th).  

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe (CDE) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring the relation between European states  

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... ation-form (

For more information please visit: ... _about-cde (
Título: The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (U
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 04, 2012, 01:42:10 pm
The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME) (Berlin, December 10th-16th, 2012)

Seminar Agenda
The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME) is a network of individuals from both sides of the Atlantic, who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between the United States and Europe. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing cultural, economic and political relations must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.

Individuals can join the USAME Forum by taking part in one of the USAME Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each USAME Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to the European- American relations and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.

The next USAME Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from December 10th-16th. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Forum will focus on the economic, political, cultural, and societal dimensions of the relationship, and the wider context within which this relationship exists and will provide perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within the European- American context, and the current and future potential of strengthening the European- American relations.
Alongside the USAME, participants will attend the event:  The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 "Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace" (Berlin, December 13th - 16th).  

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (USAME) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring and strengthening the relation between Europe, the European states  and the USA.

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit: ... g-seminars (

For more information please visit: ... same_about (
Título: MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Novembro 15, 2012, 09:32:37 am
MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

The degree is offered and awarded by Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

When: Year Round
Overview: Offered by the BBU in partnership with the ICD, the program will combine the traditional academic components of International Relations with a focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary global affairs.
The Key Objectives of the program are:
•To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
•To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
•To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.”

The MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy is a 4 semesters´ year program. The program is consists of two semesters at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, Germany), a semester (three months) at Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) and a Thesis semester, which could be completed either onsite or as a distance semester.  The unique combination of studying at two different institutions provides the vital support and experience that a student needs in order to succeed in the academic, political and professional fields.
Setting and Course Description: The Master’s program follows the structure of a 4 semesters´ year program  - the curriculum is divided into four different semesters. However, the curriculum has been built in such a way that students are able to condense their studies into a period of 12-15 months should they wish. This is particularly useful to students with other commitments, whether professional or otherwise. Students are offered an array of optional courses to accompany the mandatory courses, work experience opportunities and the final thesis. The first semester in Berlin will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional, whilst during the second semester, students will undertake a professional development and training program at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, where each student can immediately apply in practice what they learned in theory in the first semester. The third semester will take place on the campus of BBU in Cluj, Romania, and will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional courses. During the fourth semester students will produce a final thesis on a related topic of their choice.

Program Value:
•The program offers students a core curriculum of International Relations, which will prepare the student for a vast array of career opportunities across the world.
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.
•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy which is currently a rare yet rapidly increasing and important field within the public sector, private sector and civil society.
•Students of this program will be significantly advantaged in the political arena against students who simply obtain an MA in international relations.
•During the “Professional Training” semester of the MA students will be able to create and implement their own programs of cultural diplomacy.
•Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sectors

Program Cost: Tuition for the program is €12,000 (€3,000 per semester).

Dates & Deadlines:
Spring Semester 2013:
Enrollment Day: February 4th, 2013
Late Submissions: December 10th, 2012

Key words: graduate program, graduate degree, MA course,  culture, cultural diplomacy, soft power, smart power, inter-cultural affairs, nation branding, peace, civil society, conflict, resolution, sustainability, economy, international relations, politics, awareness, crisis, European studies, cross-cultural research, international trade, market orientation, political economy, integration, human rights, entrepreneurship, education,  

ICD link: (
Título: The e-Learning Courses program in Cultural Diplomacy (Dece
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Novembro 15, 2012, 09:34:30 am
The e-Learning Courses program in Cultural Diplomacy  
(December 3rd- 31st 2012; January 3rd - 31st 2013; February 4th- 28th 2013

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS)  has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.
The e-Learning department has developed and offers the following programs:
Distance Learning: e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations  

The courses will provide insights into how modern cultural diplomacy can be practiced in a wide variety of settings and contexts around the world. The key objectives of the program are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of cultural diplomacy within the contemporary interdependent world.

Distance Learning: e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy with concentration on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa  
Further to the History and Evaluation of The cultural Diplomacy Field and its applications, this program will emphasize how cultural diplomacy can be used as an increasingly useful tool for building cooperation both regionally and globally, and explores avenues through which this new form of diplomacy can be used as a driving force to foster good governance, development and the promotion of human rights through the African continent.
Distance Learning: e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy with concentration on the Global Economy  
As the move towards more socially responsible business practices gains momentum, the ability to understand and embrace the different values and needs of diverse cultures and societies becomes ever more important. This program will analyze the many reasons why private companies need to be aware of the differences between cultures in their strategic decision-making process and adopt cultural diplomacy models into their agenda. It is in recognition of these three trends: the growing importance of intercultural communication to the private sector, the increasing influence of national image to economics, and the opening up of the global economy, that the ICD has established the E-Learning Courses program in Cultural Diplomacy with the Concentration on the Global Economy.
Distance Learning: e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy with concentration on the Media  
Further to the History and Evaluation of The cultural Diplomacy Field and its applications , the E-Learning Courses program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media will focus on the media and its relationship to cultural diplomacy and the international community. The program will emphasize how cultural diplomacy can be used as an increasingly useful tool for bridging the gap between society and the Media, and the role cultural diplomacy can play in shaping the field of communications
Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advisory Boards, which include high-level politicians, leading academics and renowned experts, all of whom are responsible for assuring the academic quality of each of the courses as well as the individual intellectual experience of each student. For those students who implement specific projects of cultural diplomacy or write exceptional final papers for their e-learning course it is possible for the student to request letters of recommendation from the ICD to assist in their career development.
Dates, Financials & Application Procedure
The next Programs will be conducted on: December 3rd-31st, 2012; January3rd- 31st, 2013; February 4th- 28th, 2013
Financials - The tuition fee for the program is 600 Euros (including 4 courses) to be paid upon acceptance to the program. The payment instructions will be sent to students together with the acceptance letter.

Program Methodology & Course Descriptions
The courses have been designed in a flexible way to allow students to structure their instruction around their own schedules. Students will be required to do weekly readings and interact with fellow students and professors via the website; however, students can pace themselves according to their preferences. A final paper will be required, upon which the course grade will be based.

The program includes the following components:
Video lectures which students can watch at their convenience
Reading material relevant to the course’s different modules;
Online mentoring, discussion forums, and assessments;
Networking access to other students and professionals enrolled in the e-Learning courses
Final Paper to be completed within 90 days from the end of the course
The courses will be delivered via the e-learning platform module, a pedagogical tool designed to help participants meet the course's learning objectives through a self-paced study routine supported by multimedia, required and optional readings, discussion forums, assessment quizzes, and a wealth of other information. Adapted specifically to full-time professionals, participants will learn by absorbing (reading), doing (exercises), interacting (online forum) and reflecting (relating to personal experiences).

Key words: cultural diplomacy, International Relations, Media, culture, e-learning course, distance learning,  International Economic organizations, CSR, Corporate Cultural Diplomacy,  global economy, social media, inter-cultural affairs, international community, cultural communication, African studies , cultural management, internet, nation branding, smart power, soft power, peace, civil society, conflict, resolution, politics,

ICD link: (
Título: The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy MA in Cultural Diplomac
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Novembro 15, 2012, 09:35:18 am
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
MA in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy: Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The MA degree is offered and awarded by the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

When: Year Round

Overview: The MA program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy is a two-year program consisting of two semesters in Berlin and two at the Babeş-Bolyai University.
Harnessing the potential of cultural diplomacy as a sustainable, responsible business strategy, the program equips students with a comprehensive training in macroeconomic principles, business management strategy and marketing with an emphasis on a unique brand of diplomacy that furthers the social and cultural power of the private sector. This unique approach to international business ensures that the leaders of tomorrow are adequately prepared for the challenges of an ever-changing and increasingly interdependent world.

The Key Objectives of the program are:
•To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of global economics and Cultural Diplomacy, as well as the basics and foundations of how the fields work together.
•To explore the historic and recent developments in international economics and cultural diplomacy and to prepare students for future developments in the evolving global economy.
•To analyze the developments in the field of cultural diplomacy and to create and apply strategies of how cultural diplomacy can further influence, support, and strengthen the activity of the private sector.
•To enable students to develop successful projects applying the practice of cultural diplomacy and international economics.
•To analyze the strategic and ethical foundations of corporate social responsibility programs and corporate philanthropy with regards to Cultural Diplomacy

Setting Description: The MA in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy is a two-year program consisting of two semesters at the Babes-Bolyai University and two at BBU Berlin Campus in cooperation with the ICD in Berlin.

The program follows the conventional university structure of a two-year course divided into four different semesters. Students are offered an array of optional courses to accompany mandatory courses, professional training opportunities, and the final thesis.
The first semester in Berlin will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional, whilst during the second semester, students will undertake a professional development and training program at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, where each student can immediately apply in practice what they learned in theory in the first semester. The third semester will take place on the campus Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, and will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional courses. During the fourth semester, students will produce a final thesis on a related topic of their choice.
 These modules have been designed to provide a balance between historical, current and future perspectives of the Global Economy and Cultural Diplomacy. Topics range from Cultural Diplomacy at the corporate, strategic and management level. And focus on International Business and Communications, Globalization, and Crisis Management, as well as Economic Governance, International Organizations, and Contemporary Politics. Many of these courses will focus on the practical applications of Cultural Diplomacy and political economic thought and theory, as well as current transnational and international economic business activities.

This unique combination of study at two different institutions provides the crucial support and experience that a student in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy needs in order to flourish in today’s globalized world.
The structure and geographical division of the courses provides students with access to different cultures that will enhance cultural awareness and understanding of different political and economic norms, as well as providing a useful platform on which to broaden the areas of study offered within the program.

Program Value:
•The program offers students a core curriculum in international business education, preparing the future leaders of tomorrow for the leadership, marketing and strategic skills they will need to build careers in economics or business
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international economics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a changing global order.
•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy, currently an underutilized but increasingly significant business tool.
•The curriculum and faculty prepare graduates for careers in academia, economic governance, advocacy and all branches of the international private sector.
•Students will be uniquely situated to create and implement their own programs of corporate cultural diplomacy.
•The program will allow students to study with distinguished and renowned faculties from around the world, enabling contacts with experts in organizations affiliated with international business and economics

Program Cost: Tuition for the full program is €12,000 (€3,000 per semester)

Subjects: Cultural Diplomacy, Commerce and Management, Economics, International Relations, Global Economy, International economic Organizations, CSR, Corporate Cultural Diplomacy,  Nation Branding, Cultural Management,

Dates & Deadlines for the Spring Semester 2013:

• The semester will start on February 4th, 2013 (Enrollment day) and will end on May 3rd, 2013. Lectures begin on February 5th, 2013.

• The deadline for late admissions is December 10th, 2012.

Keywords: Cultural Diplomacy, Graduate Program, Graduate Degree, Masters, Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Commerce and Management, Economics, International Relations, Global Economy, International economic Organizations, CSR, Corporate Cultural Diplomacy,  Nation Branding, Cultural Management, International Leadership, Social Responsibility, International Management.

ICD Link: (
Título: MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Janeiro 08, 2013, 11:38:41 am
MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

The degree is offered and awarded by Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

When: Year Round

Next Program Start:
Spring Semester: February 18th - May 17th, 2013;
Summer Semester, Start: June 10th – September 06th, 2013
Overview: Offered by the BBU in partnership with the ICD, the program will combine the traditional academic components of International Relations with a focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary global affairs.
The Key Objectives of the program are:
•To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
•To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
•To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.”

The MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy is a 4 semesters´ program. The program is consists of two semesters at the Babes-Bolyai University- Berlin Campus with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, Germany), a semester (three months) at the Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj, Romania) and a Thesis semester, which could be completed either onsite or as a distance semester.  The unique combination of studying at two different institutions and locations provides the vital support and experience that a student needs in order to succeed in the academic, political and professional fields.
Setting and Course Description: The Master’s program follows the structure of a 4 semesters´ program- the curriculum is divided into four different semesters. However, the curriculum has been built in such a way that students are able to condense their studies into a period of 13-15 months should they wish. This is particularly useful to students with other commitments, whether professional or otherwise. Students are offered an array of optional courses to accompany the mandatory courses, professional experience opportunities and the final thesis. The first semester in Berlin will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional, whilst during the second semester, students will undertake a professional development and training program at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, where each student can immediately apply in practice what they learned in theory in the first semester. The third semester will take place on the campus of BBU in Cluj, Romania, and will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional courses. During the fourth semester students will produce a final thesis on a related topic of their choice.

Program Value:
•The program offers students a core curriculum of International Relations, which will prepare the student for a vast array of career opportunities across the world.
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.
•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy which is currently a rare yet rapidly increasing and important field within the public sector, private sector and civil society.
•Students of this program will be significantly advantaged in the political arena against students who simply obtain an MA in international relations.
•During the “Professional Training” semester of the MA students will be able to create and implement their own programs  and Initiatives.
•Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sectors

Program Cost: Tuition for the program is €12,000 (€3,000 per semester).

Dates & Deadlines:
For enrollment to the Spring Semester 2013:
Enrollment Day: February 18th, 2013
The Deadline for Late Admissions: Late admissions are possible until the date of February 15th, 2013, prior to the start of the lectures for the coming semester.
For Enrollment to the Summer Semester 2013:
Enrollment Day: June 10th, 2013
The Deadline for Admissions: April 12th, 2013

ICD link: (
Título: MA in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Janeiro 08, 2013, 11:41:06 am
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
MA in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy: Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The MA degree is offered and awarded by the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

When: Year Round

Overview: The MA program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy is a two-year program consisting of two semesters in Berlin and two at the Babeş-Bolyai University.
Harnessing the potential of cultural diplomacy as a sustainable, responsible business strategy, the program equips students with a comprehensive training in macroeconomic principles, business management strategy and marketing with an emphasis on a unique brand of diplomacy that furthers the social and cultural power of the private sector. This unique approach to international business ensures that the leaders of tomorrow are adequately prepared for the challenges of an ever-changing and increasingly interdependent world.

The Key Objectives of the program are:

•To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of global economics and Cultural Diplomacy, as well as the basics and foundations of how the fields work together.
•To explore the historic and recent developments in international economics and cultural diplomacy and to prepare students for future developments in the evolving global economy.
•To analyze the developments in the field of cultural diplomacy and to create and apply strategies of how cultural diplomacy can further influence, support, and strengthen the activity of the private sector.
•To enable students to develop successful projects applying the practice of cultural diplomacy and international economics.
•To analyze the strategic and ethical foundations of corporate social responsibility programs and corporate philanthropy with regards to Cultural Diplomacy

Setting Description: The MA in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy is a two-year program consisting of two semesters at the Babes-Bolyai University and two at BBU Berlin Campus in cooperation with the ICD in Berlin.

The program follows the conventional university structure of a two-year course divided into four different semesters. Students are offered an array of optional courses to accompany mandatory courses, professional training opportunities, and the final thesis.
The first semester in Berlin will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional, whilst during the second semester, students will undertake a professional development and training program at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, where each student can immediately apply in practice what they learned in theory in the first semester. The third semester will take place on the campus Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, and will consist of three mandatory courses and two optional courses. During the fourth semester, students will produce a final thesis on a related topic of their choice.

These modules have been designed to provide a balance between historical, current and future perspectives of the Global Economy and Cultural Diplomacy. Topics range from Cultural Diplomacy at the corporate, strategic and management level. And focus on International Business and Communications, Globalization, and Crisis Management, as well as Economic Governance, International Organizations, and Contemporary Politics. Many of these courses will focus on the practical applications of Cultural Diplomacy and political economic thought and theory, as well as current transnational and international economic business activities.

This unique combination of study at two different institutions provides the crucial support and experience that a student in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy needs in order to flourish in today’s globalized world.
The structure and geographical division of the courses provides students with access to different cultures that will enhance cultural awareness and understanding of different political and economic norms, as well as providing a useful platform on which to broaden the areas of study offered within the program.

Program Value:

•The program offers students a core curriculum in international business education, preparing the future leaders of tomorrow for the leadership, marketing and strategic skills they will need to build careers in economics or business
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international economics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a changing global order.
•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy, currently an underutilized but increasingly significant business tool.
•The curriculum and faculty prepare graduates for careers in academia, economic governance, advocacy and all branches of the international private sector.
•Students will be uniquely situated to create and implement their own programs of corporate cultural diplomacy.
•The program will allow students to study with distinguished and renowned faculties from around the world, enabling contacts with experts in organizations affiliated with international business and economics

Program Cost: Tuition for the full program is €12,000 (€3,000 per semester)

Subjects: Cultural Diplomacy, Commerce and Management, Economics, International Relations, Global Economy, International economic Organizations, CSR, Corporate Cultural Diplomacy,  Nation Branding, Cultural Management,

Dates & Deadlines:

Enrollment Day: February 18th, 2013
The Deadline for Late Admissions: Late admissions are possible until the date of February 15th, 2013, prior to the start of the lectures for the coming semester.
For Enrollment to the Summer Semester 2013:
Enrollment Day: June 10th, 2013
The Deadline for Admissions: April 12th, 2013

ICD Link: (
Título: The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy & IR
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Janeiro 08, 2013, 11:42:29 am
The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations
(February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.
The course will provide insights into how modern cultural diplomacy can be practiced in a wide variety of settings and contexts around the world. The key objectives of the program are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of cultural diplomacy within the contemporary interdependent world.

Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advisory Boards, which include high-level politicians, leading academics and renowned experts, all of whom are responsible for assuring the academic quality of each of the courses as well as the individual intellectual experience of each student. For those students who implement specific projects of cultural diplomacy or write exceptional final papers for their e-learning course it is possible for the student to request letters of recommendation from the ICD to assist in their career development.

Dates, Financials & Application Procedure

The next Programs will be conducted on: February 4th- 28th, 2013; March 4th- 28th, 2013; April 1st-26th, 2013
Financials - The tuition fee for the program is 600 Euros (including 4 courses) to be paid upon acceptance to the program. The payment instructions will be sent to students together with the acceptance letter.

Program Methodology & Course Descriptions
The course has been designed in a flexible way to allow students to structure their instruction around their own schedules. Students will be required to do weekly readings and interact with fellow students and professors via the website; however, students can pace themselves according to their preferences. A final paper will be required, upon which the course grade will be based.

The program includes the following components:
Video lectures which students can watch at their convenience
Reading material relevant to the course’s different modules;
Online mentoring, discussion forums, and assessments;
Networking access to other students and professionals enrolled in the e-Learning courses
Final Paper to be completed within 90 days from the end of the course

The course will be delivered via the e-learning platform module, a pedagogical tool designed to help participants meet the course's learning objectives through a self-paced study routine supported by multimedia, required and optional readings, discussion forums, assessment quizzes, and a wealth of other information. Adapted specifically to full-time professionals, participants will learn by absorbing (reading), doing (exercises), interacting (online forum) and reflecting (relating to personal experiences).

ICD link: (
Título: The e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Janeiro 08, 2013, 11:43:53 am
The e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa
(February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.
Further to the History and Evaluation of The cultural Diplomacy Field and its applications, this program will emphasize how cultural diplomacy can be used as an increasingly useful tool for building cooperation both regionally and globally, and explores avenues through which this new form of diplomacy can be used as a driving force to foster good governance, development and the promotion of human rights through the African continent.

- All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advisory Boards, which include high-level politicians, leading academics and renowned experts, all of whom are responsible for assuring the academic quality of each of the courses as well as the individual intellectual experience of each student. For those students who implement specific projects of cultural diplomacy or write exceptional final papers for their e-learning course it is possible for the student to request letters of recommendation from the ICD to assist in their career development.

Dates, Financials & Application Procedure

The next Programs will be conducted on: February 4th- 28th, 2013; March 4th- 28th, 2013; April 1st-26th, 2013
Financials - The tuition fee for the program is 600 Euros (including 4 courses) to be paid upon acceptance to the program. The payment instructions will be sent to students together with the acceptance letter.

Program Methodology & Course Descriptions

The course has been designed in a flexible way to allow students to structure their instruction around their own schedules. Students will be required to do weekly readings and interact with fellow students and professors via the website; however, students can pace themselves according to their preferences. A final paper will be required, upon which the course grade will be based.

The program includes the following components:
Video lectures which students can watch at their convenience
Reading material relevant to the course’s different modules;
Online mentoring, discussion forums, and assessments;
Networking access to other students and professionals enrolled in the e-Learning courses
Final Paper to be completed within 90 days from the end of the course

The course will be delivered via the e-learning platform module, a pedagogical tool designed to help participants meet the course's learning objectives through a self-paced study routine supported by multimedia, required and optional readings, discussion forums, assessment quizzes, and a wealth of other information. Adapted specifically to full-time professionals, participants will learn by absorbing (reading), doing (exercises), interacting (online forum) and reflecting (relating to personal experiences).

ICD link: (
Título: The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and GE
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Janeiro 08, 2013, 11:45:14 am
The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Economy
(February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.
As the move towards more socially responsible business practices gains momentum, the ability to understand and embrace the different values and needs of diverse cultures and societies becomes ever more important. This program will analyze the many reasons why private companies need to be aware of the differences between cultures in their strategic decision-making process and adopt cultural diplomacy models into their agenda. It is in recognition of these three trends: the growing importance of intercultural communication to the private sector, the increasing influence of national image to economics, and the opening up of the global economy, that the ICD has established the E-Learning Courses program in Cultural Diplomacy with the Concentration on the Global Economy.

Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advisory Boards, which include high-level politicians, leading academics and renowned experts, all of whom are responsible for assuring the academic quality of each of the courses as well as the individual intellectual experience of each student. For those students who implement specific projects of cultural diplomacy or write exceptional final papers for their e-learning course it is possible for the student to request letters of recommendation from the ICD to assist in their career development.

Dates, Financials & Application Procedure

The next Programs will be conducted on: February 4th- 28th, 2013; March 4th- 28th, 2013; April 1st-26th, 2013
Financials - The tuition fee for the program is 600 Euros (including 4 courses) to be paid upon acceptance to the program. The payment instructions will be sent to students together with the acceptance letter.

Program Methodology & Course Descriptions
The course has been designed in a flexible way to allow students to structure their instruction around their own schedules. Students will be required to do weekly readings and interact with fellow students and professors via the website; however, students can pace themselves according to their preferences. A final paper will be required, upon which the course grade will be based.

The program includes the following components:
Video lectures which students can watch at their convenience
Reading material relevant to the course’s different modules;
Online mentoring, discussion forums, and assessments;
Networking access to other students and professionals enrolled in the e-Learning courses
Final Paper to be completed within 90 days from the end of the course

The course will be delivered via the e-learning platform module, a pedagogical tool designed to help participants meet the course's learning objectives through a self-paced study routine supported by multimedia, required and optional readings, discussion forums, assessment quizzes, and a wealth of other information. Adapted specifically to full-time professionals, participants will learn by absorbing (reading), doing (exercises), interacting (online forum) and reflecting (relating to personal experiences).

ICD link: (
Título: The e-Learning Course in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Janeiro 08, 2013, 11:46:35 am
The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media
(February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.
Further to the History and Evaluation of The cultural Diplomacy Field and its applications, the E-Learning Courses program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media will focus on the media and its relationship to cultural diplomacy and the international community. The program will emphasize how cultural diplomacy can be used as an increasingly useful tool for bridging the gap between society and the Media, and the role cultural diplomacy can play in shaping the field of communications

Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advisory Boards, which include high-level politicians, leading academics and renowned experts, all of whom are responsible for assuring the academic quality of each of the courses as well as the individual intellectual experience of each student. For those students who implement specific projects of cultural diplomacy or write exceptional final papers for their e-learning course it is possible for the student to request letters of recommendation from the ICD to assist in their career development.

Dates, Financials & Application Procedure
The next Programs will be conducted on: February 4th- 28th, 2013; March 4th- 28th, 2013; April 1st-26th, 2013
Financials - The tuition fee for the program is 600 Euros (including 4 courses) to be paid upon acceptance to the program. The payment instructions will be sent to students together with the acceptance letter.

Program Methodology & Course Descriptions

The course has been designed in a flexible way to allow students to structure their instruction around their own schedules. Students will be required to do weekly readings and interact with fellow students and professors via the website; however, students can pace themselves according to their preferences. A final paper will be required, upon which the course grade will be based.

The program includes the following components:
Video lectures which students can watch at their convenience
Reading material relevant to the course’s different modules;
Online mentoring, discussion forums, and assessments;
Networking access to other students and professionals enrolled in the e-Learning courses
Final Paper to be completed within 90 days from the end of the course

The course will be delivered via the e-learning platform module, a pedagogical tool designed to help participants meet the course's learning objectives through a self-paced study routine supported by multimedia, required and optional readings, discussion forums, assessment quizzes, and a wealth of other information. Adapted specifically to full-time professionals, participants will learn by absorbing (reading), doing (exercises), interacting (online forum) and reflecting (relating to personal experiences).

ICD link: (
Título: The Reykjavik Congress on Human Rights
Enviado por: ICD Press em Fevereiro 13, 2013, 10:05:52 am
The Reykjavík Congress on Human Rights
“Human Rights Protection & International Law: The Multifaceted Dilemma of Restraining and Promoting International Interventions”

Co-hosted by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy & Ministry of Interior of Iceland
(Reykjavik, Iceland; April 10th – 13th, 2013) (

The international community acknowledges the increasing and persistent cases of mass atrocities and crimes against humanity occurring on a vast scale.

Understanding the complexity in bringing these crimes to an end, the Reykjavík Congress on Human Rights aims to argue and debate the notion of the responsibility to protect from a human rights perspective, taking into account the divergent dimensions in restraining or promoting international intervention.

Through the discussions and exchange of this conference, we aim to consider the current most vehement cases of human rights violations, and further comprehend the varied issues and approaches to these mass atrocities and crimes against humanity from a theoretical perspective, analyzing the complex layers and structures, and taking into account the ethical dilemma surrounding the responsibility to protect and international intervention.

The 2013 Congress will create and publish a discussion document that will be presented to the international community on how to overcome the dilemma of restraining and promoting all forms of International Interventions based on coordinated global coalition efforts between governments, NGOs, and International Institutions.

The Congress will focus in particular on the following Issues:

Humanitarian Crisis - This section of the conference will serve as an introduction to current and most pressing cases of crimes against humanity, considering the role of race and ethnicity throughout. The examples covered will include a focus on escalated mass atrocities during wartime such as in contemporary Mali, the ongoing and systematic violence in Darfur, an analysis of gender based violence as a form of genocide and finally the international focal point for crimes against humanity such as in Syria.

The UN Genocide Convention & R2P - Following the in-depth discourse on current cases of human rights crisis areas, this section of the conference will focus on the ethical dilemma of foreign interventions. The conference aims to achieve an outline of innovative solutions for how to overcome the dilemma of foreign intervention based on coordinated global coalition efforts between governments, NGOs and International Institutions.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during the Conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia, diplomacy, civil society, and the private sector. The speakers will also include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference Participants
Participation in The Reykjavík Congress on Human Rights is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, human rights activists, journalists, artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other interested individuals from across the world

To apply please visit: ... onferences (

For more information please visit: (
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Fevereiro 26, 2013, 10:25:40 am
MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
(Fall Semester- Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca
When: Year Round
Next Program Start: Fall Semester: October 2nd 2013

International careers increasingly require knowledge and skills that transcend the confines of traditional academic disciplines. The contemporary world is strongly characterized by parallel processes of globalization and integration. These processes pervade almost all areas of human activity, and the issues that foreign policy makers address at the highest levels increasingly affect the ordinary lives of people around the world. Nation states are no longer capable of resolving certain issues single-handedly, whether they be international terrorism, global (and often national) financial crises, or climate change. Moreover, the emergence of asymmetrical security threats and the international convergence of social, political and economic relations, have underlined the need for a renewed focus on diplomatic relations and soft power, of which cultural diplomacy is a crucial component.

Operating under a joint partnership, Babes-Bolyai University and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy are the first institutions to offer a Master of Arts degree program that will educate students from around the world in several academic disciplines related to International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy.

The Key Objectives of the program are:
•To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
•To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
•To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.”

Program Overview & Structure:
The Master’s program follows the structure of a 4 semesters´ program- the curriculum is divided into four different semesters. However, the curriculum has been built in such a way that students are able to condense their studies into a period of 13-15 months should they wish. This is particularly useful to students with other commitments, whether professional or otherwise. Students are offered an array of optional courses to accompany the mandatory courses, professional experience opportunities and the final thesis. The first semester in Berlin will consist of three mandatory courses and two elective courses. During the second semester, students will undertake two elective courses as well as a professional development and training program at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, where each student will apply in practice what they learned in theory in the first semester. The third semester will take place on the campus of BBU in Cluj, Romania, and will consist of three mandatory courses and two elective courses. During the fourth semester students will undertake three workshops and produce a final thesis on a related topic of their choice.

•The program offers students a core curriculum of International Relations, which will prepare the student for a vast array of career opportunities across the world.
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.
•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy which is currently a rare yet rapidly increasing and important field within the public sector, private sector and civil society.
•Students of this program will be significantly advantaged in the political arena against students who simply obtain an MA in international relations.
•During the “Professional Training” semester of the MA students will be able to create and implement their own programs  and Initiatives.
•Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sectors

Program Cost: Tuition for the program is €12,000 (€3,000 per semester).

Dates & Deadlines:
For Enrollment to the Fall Semester 2013:
Enrollment Day: October 2nd, 2013
Deadline for Admissions: April 10th, 2013

Key words: graduate program, graduate degree, MA course,  Diplomacy, International Relations, International Affairs, culture, cultural diplomacy, soft power, smart power, inter-cultural affairs, nation branding, peace, civil society, conflict, resolution, sustainability, politics, Global Studies, Global Affairs, Crisis Management, European studies, cross-cultural, international trade, market orientation, political economy, integration, human rights, entrepreneurship, education,  

ICD link: (
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Fevereiro 26, 2013, 10:33:47 am
MA in Euro-Mediterranean & Cultural Studies with Emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University
BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
(Program Start: Summer Semester - Berlin, June 3rd, 2013)

When: Year Round

Operating under a joint partnership, The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy are the first institutions to offer a Master of Arts degree program that will educate students from around the world in several academic disciplines related to International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy with an emphasis on Euro-Mediterranean Studies. The MA Program is designed therefore to provide students with an in-depth awareness and expertise in the discipline of International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, within the context of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Key Objectives of the Program:
•To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
•To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
•To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.”

Program Overview & Structure:
The international environment of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Campus offers students a unique opportunity to interact with leading experts and academics at a wide variety of international organizations and research centers. This exceptional learning environment leads to original research and independent study opportunities.

The program provides a thorough background in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach. The program addresses contemporary international issues, with classroom seminars supplemented by lectures and briefings at international and non-governmental organizations; educational events, conferences, tours, and meetings with foreign officials are further incorporated into the curriculum.

Students will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of International Relations, Politics, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Development, and Economics.

The program provides students with practical experience for both academic and professional development. It allows students to create a solid professional network and form a concrete base for future academic and professional career choices. On a practical level, the program prepares students for engagement in the international arena, civil society, politics, governmental organizations and international economic organizations.

•The program offers students a core curriculum of International Relations, which will prepare the student for a vast array of career opportunities across the world.
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.
•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy which is currently a rare yet rapidly increasing and important field within the public sector, private sector and civil society.
•Students of this program will be significantly advantaged in the political arena against students who simply obtain an MA in international relations.
•During the “Professional Training” semester of the MA students will be able to create and implement their own programs  and Initiatives.
•Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sectors

Program Cost: Tuition for the program is €12,000 (€3,000 per semester).

Dates & Deadlines:
For Enrollment to the Fall Semester 2013:
Enrollment Day: June 3rd, 2013
Deadline for Admissions: March 31st, 2013

Key words: graduate program, graduate degree, MA course,  Diplomacy, International Relations, International Affairs, culture, cultural diplomacy, soft power, smart power, inter-cultural affairs, nation branding, peace, civil society, conflict, resolution, sustainability, politics, Global Studies, Global Affairs, Crisis Management, European studies, cross-cultural, international trade, market orientation, political economy, integration, human rights, entrepreneurship, education

ICD link: (
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Fevereiro 26, 2013, 10:37:17 am
Study Abroad Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
(Spring Semester: Berlin, April 15th - June 14th, 2013)

Where: Germany: Berlin;
When: Spring Semester: Berlin, April 15th - June14th, 2013
          Summer Semester: Berlin, June 17th - August 16th, 2013

Overview: The Study Abroad Program in Cultural Diplomacy is an innovative opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to experience the theoretical background as well as practical applications of Cultural Diplomacy. Whether you want to pursue a career in the field, are thinking of going into a related area of study, or simply are interested in learning more about the revolutionary discipline of Cultural Diplomacy, the program offers cutting-edge courses which deal with International Relations from multiple angles, providing a broad perspective on the subject. Participants will follow the Master’s program curriculum at the world’s first and leading center for the study of Cultural Diplomacy - the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS).
Studying in a foreign country greatly increases the opportunities of employment in the public and private sectors, and through the ICD Study Abroad Program students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding international job market. Additionally, they will have the possibility to experience living in Berlin, a dynamic, multicultural city with a rich historical heritage and wide array of cultural and recreational activities

The Key Objectives of the program are:
•To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of global economics and Cultural Diplomacy, as well as the basics and foundations of how the fields work together.
•To explore the historic and recent developments in international economics and cultural diplomacy and to prepare students for future developments in the evolving global economy.
•To analyze the developments in the field of cultural diplomacy and to create and apply strategies of how cultural diplomacy can further influence, support, and strengthen the activity of the private sector.
•To enable students to develop successful projects applying the practice of cultural diplomacy and international economics.
•To analyze the strategic and ethical foundations of corporate social responsibility programs and corporate philanthropy with regards to Cultural Diplomacy

Program Overview and Structure:
The ICD Study Abroad Program on Cultural Diplomacy is a two-month program in Europe devoted to Cultural Diplomacy topics. Based on lectures, workshops, and cultural activities, the program is designed for students who would like to enrich their studies and develop their future career. The ICD Study Abroad program is a full-time, intensive program, consisting of 40 hours/week of lectures, workshops, and cultural excursions over an eight-week period. Consisting of a world-renowned Faculty, multicultural environment, and an innovative educational approach, the ICD Study Abroad Program on Cultural Diplomacy offers a structure and curriculum which is unique in its field.

The international environment of the ICD offers students a unique opportunity to interact with a multicultural team within the Institute and with leading experts, academics, and diplomats around the world. Although the program is scheduled within a 9-week frame, the carefully structured curriculum allows a deep understanding into the field of Cultural Diplomacy and the related fields of International Relations, Negotiations, Public Policy, and International Economics. Furthermore, the program offers an excellent opportunity for learning or improving one’s German language skills- an increasingly necessary skill needed in the international arena. Upon completion of the program, students will be empowered and have an exceptional edge for future academic and career choices. Additionally, as the program takes place in one of the most culturally thriving cities of Europe, students will be further enriched. Steeped in history, Berlin is becoming a melting pot of cultures with events taking place every day, thus providing an additional practicality in the actual practicing of Cultural Diplomacy

Program Cost: The tuition fee for the Study Abroad Program in Cultural Diplomacy is €1,900. This fee includes: academic program components, participation in all ICD International Conferences & Events, cultural excursions, social activities, public transportation in Berlin, and ICD services.

Dates & Deadlines:
For enrollment to the Spring Semester 2013:
Spring Semester - Program Start: April 15th, 2013
Deadline for admissions: April 1st, 2013

For Enrollment to the Summer Semester 2013:
Summer Semester - Program Start: June 17th, 2013
Deadline for Admissions: May 3rd, 2013,

Keywords: Cultural Diplomacy, Graduate Program, Graduate Degree, Masters, Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Commerce and Management, Economics, International Relations, Global Economy, International economic Organizations, CSR, Corporate Cultural Diplomacy,  Nation Branding, Cultural Management, International Leadership, Social Responsibility, International Management.

ICD Link: (
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Fevereiro 26, 2013, 10:39:42 am
Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations
(Spring Program, Berlin, May 1st - May 31st, 2013)

Where: Germany: Berlin;
When: Spring Semester: Berlin, May 1st – May 31st, 2013
          Summer Semester: Berlin, July 1st- July 31st; August 1st- August 30th, 2013

Overview: The Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations, offered by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, is a one-month long program that explores the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. The course combines both theory and practice, making it a unique experience for those interested in this innovative and growing field of study.
Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops led by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to courses taught by leading practitioners in the field of Cultural Diplomacy, students will participate in the diverse activities of the ICD, including international conferences and forums,  social activities and cultural events. The educational programs of the Center for Cultural diplomacy Studies are actively supported by notable figures in international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society, and the private sector.

Program Overview and Structure:
Based on lectures, workshops, action projects, and cultural activities, the Certificate Program is designed for students, young professionals, and those who would like to enrich their background and enhance their education. This is a full-time, intensive program, consisting of 30 hours of lectures and workshops per week over a four-week period. Consisting of a world-renowned Faculty, multicultural environment, and an innovative educational approach, the ICD Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy offers a structure and curriculum which is unique in its field. All courses will be taught in English, thus giving participants an advantage in their current or future careers. In addition to the Cultural Diplomacy courses, participants will also be able to attend German language courses if they desire. Learning German while living in Berlin offers the best opportunity to improve one’s language skills and fully immerse themselves in the culture.

The program provides a thorough background in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach. The program addresses contemporary international issues, with classroom seminars supplemented by lectures and briefings at international and non-governmental organizations; educational events, conferences, tours, and meetings with foreign officials are further incorporated into the curriculum. Participants will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of International Relations, Politics, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Development, and Economics

The program provides participants with practical experience for both academic and professional development. It allows students to create a solid professional network and form a concrete base for future academic and professional career choices. On a practical level, the program prepares students for engagement in the international arena, civil society, politics, governmental organizations and international economic organizations.

The Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy will consist of both academic and social components, and will offer educational benefits in all regards. The international environment of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies will furthermore offer participants a unique opportunity to interact with leading experts and academics at a wide variety of international organizations and research centers, which will greatly enhance and nicely supplement the overall education of each individual.

Program Cost:
The tuition fee for the Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations is €950. This fee includes: academic program components, participation in all ICD International Conferences & Events, cultural excursions, social activities, public transportation in Berlin, and ICD services.

Dates & Deadlines:
For Enrollment to the Spring Program 2013:
Spring Semester - Program Start: May 1st, 2013
Deadline for Admissions:  April 15th, 2013

For Enrollment to the Summer Program 2013:
Summer Semester - Program Start: July 1st, 2013
Deadline for Admissions: May 17th, 2013

For Enrollment to the Summer Semester 2013:
Summer Semester – Program Start: August 1st, 2013
Deadline for Admissions: June 19th, 2013

Keywords: Cultural Diplomacy, Graduate Program, Masters, Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy Case Studies, Hard Power, Soft Power, International Relations, European Politics, International Organizations, Nation Branding, Cultural Management, International Leadership, Social Responsibility, Foreign Policy, Future Trends

ICD Link: (
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Fevereiro 26, 2013, 10:41:36 am
The e-Learning Course on Cultural Diplomacy in Europe
(March 4th- 29th, 2013 or April 1st- 26th, 2013)

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS)  has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

The courses will provide insights into how modern cultural diplomacy can be practiced in a wide variety of settings and contexts around the world. The key objectives of the program are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of cultural diplomacy within the contemporary interdependent world.

The e-learning course on Cultural Diplomacy in Europe is designed to provide students with an in-depth insight into the political, economic, social, and cultural trends shaping Europe in the Twenty-First Century. The interdisciplinary curriculum explores the multifaceted dimensions of modern Europe, with a particular focus on the importance of Cultural Diplomacy in promoting intercultural relations at the local, national, and regional levels. Specific themes of the program include the ongoing process of European integration and the development of the European Union as both a regional organization and a key global player.  In addition to acquiring a thorough understanding of present challenges and opportunities in the region, students will develop a sound knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of Cultural Diplomacy in contemporary world affairs. The course is ideal for those wishing to gain fresh perspectives in this fast-growing and field of study.

Program Curriculum & Structure
The courses have been designed in a flexible way to allow students to structure their instruction around their own schedules. Students will be required to do weekly readings and view lectures via the website; however, students can pace themselves according to their preferences. A final paper will be required, upon which the course grade will be based.

The program includes the following components:
Video lectures which students can watch at their convenience
Reading material relevant to the course’s different modules;
Online mentoring and assessments;
Final Paper to be completed within 90 days from the end of the course

The courses will be delivered via the e-learning platform module, a pedagogical tool designed to help participants meet the course's learning objectives through a self-paced study routine supported by multimedia, required and optional readings and a wealth of other information. Adapted specifically to full-time professionals, participants will learn by absorbing (reading), doing (exercises) and reflecting (relating to personal experiences).

Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advisory Boards, which include high-level politicians, leading academics and renowned experts, all of whom are responsible for assuring the academic quality of each of the courses as well as the individual intellectual experience of each student. For those students who implement specific projects of cultural diplomacy or write exceptional final papers for their e-learning course it is possible for the student to request letters of recommendation from the ICD to assist in their career development.

Dates, Financials & Application Procedure
The next Programs will be conducted on: March 4th- 29h, 2013; April 1st-26th, 2013
Financials - The tuition fee for the program is 600 Euros (including 4 courses) to be paid upon acceptance to the program. The payment instructions will be sent to students together with the acceptance letter.

ICD link: (
Título: ICD Summer/Fall Calendar of Academic Programs & Events for 2
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Julho 18, 2013, 11:13:15 am
- Call for Applications -
ICD Summer/Fall Calendar of Academic Programs & Events for 2013
Master Programs, Distance Learning Programs, International Conferences & Certificate Professional Training Programs
(Berlin,Brussels, London; July – October, 2013)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce and bring to your attention our Summer/Fall Calendar of Academic Programs and forthcoming international conferences, to be hosted by the ICD in partnership with other leading organizations. The information attached below provides further details on the programs offered at these events. We would be extremely grateful if this announcement could be shared with other interested parties by forwarding the information provided below.
If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to ( (
To apply, please click HERE
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS) is the world’s first center, dedicated to the study of Cultural Diplomacy, offering educational opportunitiesfor individuals pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, related either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy. Our education programs are provided along 4 lines: Graduate Degree Programs in Cultural Diplomacy – MA and PhD, e-learning courses with certificates (designed specifically for governmental officials, academics, and professionals who are not able to leave their current positions), Certificate Programs and Study Abroad Credit Programs, dedicated either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy.
The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

Distance Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
International Relations, International Economics, the Transatlantic Relation, International Media, European Studies
(Start: July 1st - 26th, August 5th - 30th, September 2nd - 30th, 2013)
MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the Babes-Bolyai University in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013) (
MA Program Global Governance& Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the University of Siena in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013) (

MA Program Globalization & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the University of Bucharest in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013) (
MA Program in International Economics & Cultural Diplomacy
The Degree is offered by the Babes-Bolyai University in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Start: Fall Semester - Berlin, October 2nd, 2013) (
Professional Development Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
Certificate Programs in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; July 1st - 31st, 2013; Berlin, August 1st - 30th, 2013)

Professional Development Program inCultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
(Berlin; August 18th - 30th, 2013)

Professional Development for Africans Planning to Work in and Engage with Europe
Certificate Program for African Engagement in Europe & the EU
(Berlin; August 18th - 30th, 2013)

Weeklong Seminar in Cultural Diplomacy
The August Session  
(Berlin; August 14th - 18th, 2013)
To apply, please click HERE


The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
"The Potential for Cultural Diplomacy in Supporting National and International Governance"
(Berlin, Ankara, Istanbul, Bucharest, Rome, Washington, NYC, Brussels, London; May-August 2013) (

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013 is the world's leading and largest event in the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The Symposia 2013 will include large-scale events exploring the potential for Cultural Diplomacy in supporting national and international governance. The events will take place in different cities throughout the months of May - August 2013.

The following Events will take place during July - August 2013:

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK
“Cultural Diplomacy throughout the Commonwealth of Nations: International Cooperation across Six Continents”
(London; July 10th – 12th, 2013) (

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Latin America
“The Colors of Latin America: Preserving Traditional Arts & Heritage in a Multicultural World”
(Berlin; August 14th - 16th, 2013) (

The London Art as Cultural Diplomacy Conference 2013
“Contemporary International Dialogue: Art-based Developments and Culture Shared between Nations”
(London; August 21st - 26th, 2013) (

The Berlin Annual African Film & Media Festival 2013
”Africa on Screen: Through the Eyes of Africa"
(Berlin; August 22nd - 25th, 2013) (

ICD Young Leaders Conferences
Forthcoming Conferences
(London, Berlin, Brussels; July - August, 2013) (
To apply, please clickHERE

The ICD Young Leaders Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the ICD Young Leaders Forums have grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

Europe Meets Latin America: A Forum for Young Leaders
“Recent trends in European and Latin American Social-Politics”
(Berlin, August 12th - 16th, 2013) (

The Art as Cultural Diplomacy Conference: A Forum for Young Leaders
“Contemporary International Dialogue: Art-based Developments and Culture Shared between Nations”
(London, August 21st – 26th, 2013) (

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders
“Using Art and Film as Tools for Sustainable Development within Africa”
(Berlin; August 22nd – 27th, 2013) (

To apply, please clickHERE

To view the complete ICD calendar of events for 2013, pleaseclick here
Título: Certificate Program in Conflict Zones Mediation
Enviado por: ICDBerlin em Julho 18, 2013, 11:15:32 am
Professional Development Program in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
(Berlin Summer Programs: August 18th - 30th, 2013, September 16th - 27th, 2013)
To apply, please click HERE

The ICD Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation is a two-week program devoted to Cultural Diplomacy topics. The program provides a thorough background in International Relations, Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation, using a historical and case study approach. The program addresses contemporary international issues, with seminars supplemented by lectures, briefings at international and non-governmental organizations, conferences, tours, and meetings with foreign officials are further incorporated into the curriculum. Participants will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of International Relations, Politics, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Development and Economics.During their time in Berlin participants will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German Foreign Office, the German Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions, private businesses and Berlin-based embassies.

Academic Components
The Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation consists of four types of academic activities: courses, workshops, action projects, and special events. Each participant will take part in obligatory scheduled courses and workshops, as well as conduct an action project in cooperation with a local NGO or specific community in Berlin, and will have the opportunity to attend all ICD conferences, events, lectures, and other academic activities. Participants will work closely with highly experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields, all while enjoying a unique multicultural atmosphere.

Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation Courses
The courses will provide participants with an introduction to the fields of Cultural Diplomacy, Conflict Studies and Resolution subject-specific knowledge, while the structure will enable participants to learn about the theoretical background and teach them how to use conceptual approaches during the workshops, thus providing a great opportunity to enhance one’s career advancement.

The Certificate Program is designed for students, professionals, and those who would like to enrich their background and enhance their education. Candidates are required to have an undergraduate degree of any field of study or to be enrolled as students in a university/higher education institute as a pre-requisite for application.  Proficiency in English is also pre-requisite for application (Studies in English of at least 1 semester or extensive working experience in English are sufficient as proof of the English level).

All participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

Dates & Deadlines:
Summer Program - Program Start: August 18th, 2013
Deadline for late Admissions: July 31st, 2013

Summer Program - Program Start: September 16th, 2013
Deadline for late Admissions: August 31st, 2013

Program Cost
The tuition fee for the Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy is €475. This fee includes: all academic program components, participation in all ICD International Conferences & Events, cultural excursions, social activities, public transportation in Berlin, and ICD services.

For more information please click HERE

For further enquiries please contact us at:
Título: The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 18, 2013, 10:18:31 am
The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2013
“Cultural Diplomacy & Cross Continental Cooperation: Building Bridges between Europe, USA, Russia, and China"
(Berlin: December 17th – 21st, 2013)  

The Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy is the world's leading event in the field of cultural diplomacy and is the final concluding event of the Institutes Cultural Diplomacy for the year.  

The conference will bring together current and former heads of state and ministers, celebrities and dignitaries including an interdisciplinary group of participants traveling to Berlin from all over the world to discuss Cultural Diplomacy in our interdependent world. The 2013 event will include parallel large-scale events dedicated to the fields of cultural diplomacy & international relations, peace building, human rights, arts and culture.  

The 2013 Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy is ICD's will be held in the framework of the ICD event series on Cross Continental Co-operation; The Annual conference will be the final and sixth event in the series. Ranging from broad topics of discussion to specific areas within the field of Cultural Diplomacy, the annual conference will provide a wide and detailed analysis of Cultural Diplomacy for 2013. The Summit will create a forum for the world's superpower´s representatives to publicly discuss and promote common goals, thus devising potential solutions for contemporary and future world challenges while keeping individual interests at heart. The ultimate aim of the Summit will be to create a more stable public global environment by promoting intercultural dialogue between nations, consequently bringing the international community closer to secure more prosperous future.

Conference Locations
Based in Berlin, the conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.  

Conference Speakers & Delegates
The speakers during the Conference will include heads of state and ministers, dignitaries and celebrated artists as well as leading figures and experts from international politics, the diplomatic community and civil society from across the world.   These speakers will include high number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Conference participants
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the Conference. The ICD would therefore like to welcome the participants of the conference to submit a paper they would like to be considered for presentation at the conference as well as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the conference and will be sent to all governments and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of Attendance
All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.

Berlin Christmas Markets
Participants of the conference will have the opportunity to visit the famous Berlin Christmas markets while they are in Berlin. Anyone who wants to experience the incomparable charm of "WinterMagic" has to come to Berlin! Berlin is the capital city of the German Christmas Markets. Whether one prefers a contemplative and magical Christmas Market or a lively and urban one, this year Berlin offers a choice of over sixty Christmas Markets spread across the city.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and submit the online application form: (

Participant Papers » ... ant-papers (
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the summit, and would therefore like to welcome participants to submit a paper they would like to be considered for delivery at the summit. Following the summit, select papers will be chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all governments and leaders of the international community following the summit.

Certificate of Attendance
All Symposium participants will be awarded an official Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part in the event, and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Advisory Board.
For further information please contact us
Título: Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
Enviado por: ICD Press em Outubro 23, 2013, 09:09:14 am
The ICD Experience Africa Program
Forthcoming Events & Programs: International Conferences, E-Learning Programs, Young Leaders´ Forums & Professional Training Programs
(November, 2013 - February, 2014)


International Conferences

The following events will take place from January-February 2014:

Trans Continental Cooperation in Africa
"The Future of the Millennium Development Goals in the African Union"
(Addis Ababa; January 27th – 31st, 2014 – Held Parallel to African Union Summit) ... _tcca-2014 (  
To apply, please visit: ... ions-forms (

Two years away from the deadline set by the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the ICD´s Conference on the Future of the Millennium Development Goals in the African Union aims to review the progress already made across Africa in regards to meeting the 8 Millennium Development Goals and to discuss the potential the continent has for further development, so that the targets set by world leaders at the Millennium Summit in 2000 to reduce extreme poverty might be reached, sustained and expanded in the foreseeable future.

With the deadline for these targets approaching rapidly and significant progress remaining to be made, it is essential to create a new agenda for Africa, focused on reinvigorating the existing initiatives in place to tackle the eight MDGs and propel Africa into a better economic, political and social climate. As a means to this end, the ICD will gather stakeholders from all sectors of society to jointly design the developmental future of the continent.

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and submit the online application form: (

Conference Speakers & Delegates
The speakers during the Conference will include heads of state and ministers, dignitaries and celebrated artists as well as leading figures and experts from international politics, the diplomatic community and civil society from across the world.
These speakers will include high number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Participants papers

The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the Conference. The ICD would therefore like to welcome the participants of the conference to submit a paper they would like to be considered for presentation at the conference as well as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the conference and will be sent to all governments and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of Attendance
All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD's Advisory Board.
For further information please contact us at: (
Título: The Berlin International Economics Congress
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 21, 2014, 09:29:38 am
"Global Trends in Creative Economies: Education, Entrepreneurship and Tourism as Drivers of Sustainable Economic Growth"
(Berlin; March 5th - 7th, 2014 – Held Parallel to the Famous Berlin Tourism Trade Fair) (

The onset of the global financial crisis has prompted the emergence of creative economies as an attractive and potentially more viable alternative to classical growth strategies. The increasing importance given to the cultivation of these creative industries on a global scale relies on a novel approach to economic development, one which adopts a more dynamic and human-centered framework. The components of creative economies, such as Green Industries, new media, performing arts, heritage, design and creative services are beginning to form integral parts of the global economy, allowing for the exploration of innovative resources, which are accessible to developing and developed countries alike.

Promising to generate sustainable economic growth through the creation of jobs and the innovation of trade, creative industries can simultaneously occupy a central role in promoting and maintaining cultural diversity, social inclusion and environmental sustainability. The effects are thus two-fold, delivering both economic and socio-cultural benefits.

Creative industries are also redefining the education system and the tourism industry. This is reflected for example in the on-going shift from traditional leisure-based tourism to more dynamic forms, such as cultural, educational and ecological tourism. This diversification of the tourism sector enriches the local, regional and the international economy through its use of creative goods and services and represents an alternative to the domestic, goods-based economy.

Conference Agenda
The Berlin International Economics Congress 2014 seeks to explore and analyze the myriad of opportunities offered by the nurturing of creative industries, while integrating tools of Cultural Diplomacy into the creation and implementation of joint strategies of sustainable economic development.
The Conference will focus in particular on the following issues:
•   Creative Industries in the Context of Globalization
•   Global Trends in Creative Economies
•   Engaging Developing Countries in the Creative Economy for Sustainable Development
•   Contemporary Trends in the Tourism Sector
•   Tourism as a Tool for Sustainable Economic Growth
•   The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Culture-based Economic Development
•   Opportunities & Challenges facing Creative Industries
Summit Locations
Based in Berlin, the conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Summit Participation
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

Certificate of Attendance - All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the Conference Committee.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click ( and submit the online application form

For further information please contact us
Título: The Berlin Language of Art & Music Conference
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 21, 2014, 09:30:38 am
"Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy: Practicing Cultural Diplomacy through Film"
(Berlin; February 12th - 14th, 2014 - Held Parallel to the Berlin International Film Festival) (

As technological developments are accompanied by enhanced access to films, cinematography is increasingly gaining importance as an invaluable medium of cultural diplomacy. With innovative regional cinematic industries making their mark on the global artistic landscape, talent from around the world is being showcased to large audiences who would normally not have access to the cultural particularities of the diverse regions of the world.

These films, by telling stories that reflect the social, cultural and political landscapes of their origin, are serving to promote diplomatic relations on the one hand and at the same time challenge stereotypes and foster intercultural understanding on a scale never before imagined. In addition to the story-telling components inherent in films, they simultaneously raise intercultural awareness through the incorporation of art and music specific to their region of origin.

These contributions to international relations will be celebrated during two high-level conferences taking place in Berlin and in Hollywood. The conferences will examine the immense transformative value that film holds as a vehicle of Cultural Diplomacy. The conferences will gather an interdisciplinary mixture of practitioners of Cultural Diplomacy from across the globe for a true celebration of art as cultural diplomacy that will run parallel in Berlin to the world renowned Berlinale International Film Festival and in Hollywood, parallel to the 86th Academy Awards.

In both events the use of music and art as integral components of Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy will be explored and analyzed as tools for enhancing cross cultural understanding and interaction.

Conference Agenda

(Berlin; February 12th - 14th, 2014)

The Conference will feature a variety of lectures, seminars, panel discussions, and film presentations allowing participants to gain an in depth insight into the dimensions and implications of Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy across the world. Participants will be invited to contribute to the development of creative ideas and recommendations to promote film and cinema as vehicles of successful international relation and intercultural exchange. In addition, participants will have the unique opportunity to experience first-hand Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy in action by attending the world renowned Berlin International Film Festival.

The Conference will focus in particular on the following areas:
•   An Introduction to Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy
•   Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy in Practice - Case studies
•   Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy in the Diplomatic Sector
•   Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy as a Strategy of Nation-branding
•   The Cultural Industry of Film as a Driver of Development
•   Film as a Catalyst of the Creative Economy
•   Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy & Peacebuilding and in Conlict Zones
•   Cinematic Cultural Diplomacy in raising Political Awareness

Summit Locations

Based in Berlin, the conference will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Summit Participation

The Conference Committee encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the Conference. The Conference Committee would therefore like to welcome the participants of the conference to submit a paper they would like to be considered for presentation at the conference as well as being included in the proposal document that will be issued following the conference and will be sent to all governments and leaders of the international community worldwide.

Certificate of Attendance

All conference participants will be awarded an official certificate of attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part and the topics discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the Conference Committee.
If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click ( and submit the online application form

For further information please contact us
Título: The Helsinki Conference on International Law & Women's Right
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 21, 2014, 09:31:39 am
"An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of International Law in Promoting Women's Rights"
(Helsinki; March 10th - 12th, 2014) (

The digital revolution, which has been highlighted by extensive citizen journalism, the dominance of social networks, as well as growing possibilities for people to travel and move around the world, has brought a renewed awareness and emphasis once more on the current widespread gender imbalance worldwide. It has become apparent to the global community that in both developing to industrialized countries, gender imbalance exists in many forms and creates a burden on society in economic, moral and other terms at local, national and global levels. Global governance organizations, federal governments, parliaments and NGOs from around the world are therefore working tirelessly, and in some cases collectively, to both raise awareness for this situation and to improve it by tackling gender imbalance both directly and indirectly.

International law has the unparalleled potential to support and protect women's rights as well as to equalize them to men's rights. It plays a vital role in the development and the progress of improving their future status.  However, in order to change the reality of women's rights globally, and to implement international law at all levels, the legislation of these laws at the local parliamentary level must take place in each individual country providing the framework for the application of women's rights.  Without this legal framework applied at both the global and the local level, it will be considerably more difficult to constitute and to assure the protection of women's rights globally in a sustainable approach.

Summit Agenda
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy recognizes the historic importance and potential for international law to serve as a strong catalyst for women's rights advocacy. Therefore, this event has been designed in order to be the first of an event series aiming to analyzing the role of international law in promoting human and women's rights. The conference will focus, in particular, on the following areas and issues:

•   The Potential for International Law to create a Framework for the Development and Protection of Women's Rights
•   Using International Law for Effective Implementation of Gender Equality Policies
•   The Role of Cultural Diplomacy to Promote Gender Equality
•   Raising Awareness for Gender Equality Globally using International Law

The Helsinki Conference on International Law & Women Rights will be hosted by the ICD Inter-parliamentary Alliance for Human Rights & Global Peace, which was established in 2009 with the aim of promoting local legislation that protects human rights, and support the long-term campaign for global peace and stability.

Summit Participation
Participation in the summit is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and submit the online application form: (

Participant Papers »
 The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the summit, and would therefore like to welcome participants to submit a paper they would like to be considered for delivery at the summit. Following the summit, select papers will be chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all governments and leaders of the international community following the summit.
Certificate of Attendance All Symposium participants will be awarded an official Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part in the event, and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Advisory Board.
For further information please contact us
Título: Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy & Religion 2014
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 21, 2014, 09:32:25 am
“The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & the Unity of Faiths"
(Rome & Vatican City; March 31st- April 3rd, 2014) (

The International Symposium on Religion & Cultural Diplomacy will focus on "The Promotion of World Peace through Interfaith Dialogue & the Unity of Faiths" and highlight the importance of religious interchange as a vehicle for World Peace. The potential role religion plays in the promotion of global peace and stability will be outlined, with the aim to exemplify the positive and demonstrative effect it can bear in impacting society.

Religion can be used as a major force of unification between divergent factions; through the analysis and promotion of inter-faith dialogue, the Symposium will illustrate the key role religion plays in facilitating mutual understanding and tolerance of varying spiritual affiliations. The overall objective of the Symposium will be to demonstrate how inter-faith dialogue can be used as an effective tool in promoting global peace and reconciliation, and the power of religion to bring varying groups together in order to establish and maintain constructive channels of communication and sustainable collaboration.

Symposium Agenda

The Symposium will employ thorough examinations and in-depth analyses of past and present occurrences of conflict in order to propose solutions and explore the use and potential of inter-faith dialogue to promote discourse with the ultimate goal of world peace promotion. The Symposium will unite religious leaders together with politicians, diplomats, and academics in order to create cultural platforms for dialogue between nation states and leaders; the event will emphasize the necessity for such global players in joining together to commit to open inter-faith dialogue.

The Symposium will focus in particular on the following areas:

•   Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in the Global Community
•   The Role of Inter-faith Dialogue in Peace Building & Reconciliation
•   Challenges and Opportunities for World Leaders Promoting Inter-faith Dialogue
•   The Application of Cultural Diplomacy in Promoting Inter-faith Dialogue

Summit Locations

Based in Rome & the Vatican City, the Symposium will be hosted at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city, and will consist of excursions to the country's top institutions and landmarks.

Summit Participation

Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

Participant Papers » The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the summit, and would therefore like to welcome participants to submit a paper they would like to be considered for delivery at the summit. Following the summit, select papers will be chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all governments and leaders of the international community following the summit.
Certificate of Attendance All Symposium participants will be awarded an official Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part in the event, and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Advisory Board.
If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and submit the online application form: (
For further information please contact us
Título: The Strasburg Conference on International Law & Human Rights
Enviado por: ICD Press em Janeiro 21, 2014, 09:33:08 am
“Human Rights-Based Approach as a Basis for Development, Justice and International Law"
(Strasburg; April 8th - 10th, 2014) (

The post WWII international framework witnessed the emergence of a set of liberal norms and values conceptualized today as the international human rights regime. Hopes for the effective functioning of such legal instruments at the international level are high; however the lack of universality in practice and the inherent difficulties of their implementation have increased the need for greater cooperation between coalitions active in this area to come together under a developed set of rules. In that sense, contemporary international law serves as a campaigning mechanism for the development and application of the process of achieving functioning universal human rights. Some of the main obstacles posed to the implementation of human rights are the economic interests and inequalities that permeate the international community. Therefore, any efforts at supporting international law must be accompanied by sustainable development through economic empowerment. In addition, issues of global justice must be incorporated in an integral way into the process in order to assure its positive progress and long term success.

The Strasburg Conference on International Law & Human Rights will gather a broad range of stakeholders to explore and analyze these issues and to formulate joint strategies for immediate and future implementation, thus framing the future path of the human rights based approach as a basis of international law, global justice, and sustainable development. The Strasburg Conference will create and publish a proposal document that will be presented to world leaders and the international community.

Conference Agenda

The Conference will feature a variety of lectures, seminars, and panel discussions, providing participants the unique opportunity to engage in stimulating debate on the present and future challenges of the human rights based approach in transnational justice and sustainable development. Participants will also be invited to contribute to the development of creative solutions and recommendations to achieve a more equitable application of international law.

The Conference will focus in particular on the following areas:

•   Human Rights & International Law
•   The Integration of Human Rights into International Legal Mechanisms
•   Institutional Dimensions of International Law & Political Obstacles to Implementation
•   Reconciling Universal Jurisdiction & Sovereignty
•   Global Justice in Safeguarding Human Rights
•   The Unequal Application of International Law
•   Reforming the International Legal System
•   International Criminal Law - Achievements & Challenges for Human Rights
•   Human Rights & Sustainable Development
•   Ensuring Equal Access to the Global Economy
•   Gender & Economic Empowerment
•   The Rule of Law as a Prerequisite for Development
•   Good Governance & Democratic Participation for Inclusive Development
•   Cultural Diplomacy as a Facilitator of Sustainable Development

Summit Participation

Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics, artists, journalists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals and students as well as other interested individuals from across the world.

Participant Papers » The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy encourages academic research and analysis of issues related to the goals of the summit, and would therefore like to welcome participants to submit a paper they would like to be considered for delivery at the summit. Following the summit, select papers will be chosen to be included in the proposal document that will be issued and sent to all governments and leaders of the international community following the summit.
Certificate of Attendance All Symposium participants will be awarded an official Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the program, which will provide details of the speakers who took part in the event, and list the topics which were discussed. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Advisory Board.
If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click on the link below and submit the online application form: (
For further information please contact us
Título: ICD Forthcoming International Symposia
Enviado por: ICD Press em Maio 16, 2014, 03:25:56 pm

To view the complete, recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014, please visit the website: ( .

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2014
"Applied Cultural Diplomacy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Best Practices & Future Strategies"
(Rome, Strasbourg, Brussels, Washington DC, Baltimore, NYC, Cetinje, Madrid, Berlin, London, Copenhagen) (April - September 2014)
The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy is now 7 years old and has become the world's largest event series in the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The seventh Symposia will take place in 2014 and will include large-scale events that will take place in different major capital cities around the world in cooperation with governments, leading academic institutions and civil society organizations throughout the months of April - September 2014.
The 2014 symposia will focus on and explore best practices & future strategies for applied cultural diplomacy; and thus strengthen relations between states & communities and contribute to more just and harmonic relations between societies.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA
“US Cultural Diplomacy in Practice:  Building Cultural Bridges to Strengthen the Relationships between America and the Global Community”
(Washington D.C. & New York City; June 23rd, 27th, 2014) (

The Montenegro Symposium on International Law & Human Rights
 "An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of International Law in Promoting Human Rights"  
(Cetinje, Montenegro; July 8th - 9th, 2014) (

Madrid Symposium on Peace Building & Conflict Resolution
"The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & Global Political Discourse"
(Madrid, Spain; July 15th - 17th, 2014) (

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Germany 2014
“Cultural Diplomacy in the German Public & Private Sectors”
(Berlin; July 29th – 31st, 2014) (

The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Africa 2014
 “Building Economic Bridges to Enhance African Sustainable Development and Economic Growth"  
(Berlin; July 25th - 28th, 2014) (

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK 2014
“Nation Branding in the Commonwealth of Nations”
(London; August 25th – 28th, 2014) (

To apply please submit the online application form found HERE

To view the complete, recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014, please click here.


Organization for Youth Education & Development

Young Leaders' Forums
(Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars)
(Washington D.C. & New York City; June 23rd - 27th, 2014) (

The OYED Young Leaders' Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the OYED Young Leaders' Forums have grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent, cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

•   Africa Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•   Nigeria Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•   Afghanistan Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•   Pakistan Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders
•   The USA Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders
•   Ethiopia Meets the USA: A Forum for Young Leaders

To apply please submit the online application form found HERE


Professional Development
Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
 (Berlin; Next Programs Start: July 28th – August 8th, 2014) (

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies, (of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational and professional development opportunities for individuals pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, related either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The CCDS programs are divided into the following categories: Distance Learning Courses, Professional Development Certificate Programs, and Degree Programs in Cultural Diplomacy.

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies developed the Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy in order to offer and provide participants with comprehensive, tailored learning opportunities in a number of related fields. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector.

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

•   International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy  
•   Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy  
•   Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation  
•   Cultural Diplomacy, Sustainable Development & the Global Markets
•   Cultural Diplomacy & the European-African Alliance
•   Weeklong Seminars in Cultural Diplomacy

To apply please submit the online application form found HERE


To view the complete, recently announced ICD calendar of programs and events for 2014, please click here.
Enviado por: ICD Press em Agosto 11, 2014, 01:42:08 pm

Call for Applications – International conferences and academic programs in Europe

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational and professional development opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing further education and careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector. The information enclosed below provides further details on the events and programs of the CCDS. We hope you will be able to join and we look forward to having your participation.

BA, MA & PhD Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
In cooperation with: the Furtwangen University (HFU), Germany; the University of Siena, Italy; the University of Bucharest, Romania; the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), Romania
(Berlin; Next Programs Start: Fall Semester – November 17th, 2014) (
The Degree Programs operate under a joint partnership between the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy and leading European universities. The Degrees are all awarded by the Universities, which are recognized as fully accredited institutions of higher education with the right to award university degrees.

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:
•   BA Program in Political Science with concentration on Cultural Diplomacy
•   Combined BA-MA Program in Political Science, Global Governance and Cultural Diplomacy
•   One Year MA in Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy
•   MA in Globalization & Cultural Diplomacy with concentration on International Relations
•   MA in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
•   MA in International Economics, Business & Cultural Diplomacy
•   Online MA in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
•   PhD Program in International Relation & Cultural Diplomacy
To apply please submit the online application form found here: ... rm_ccds_ma (

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2014
"Applied Cultural Diplomacy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Best Practices"
(April-September 2014; Rome, Strasbourg, Brussels, Washington D.C., Baltimore, NYC, Cetinje, Madrid, Berlin, Copenhagen, Seoul, Paris, Moscow) (
The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy is now 7 year old and has become the world's largest event series in the field of Cultural Diplomacy. The seventh Symposia will take place in 2014 and will include large-scale events that will take place in different major capital cities around the world in cooperation with governments, leading academic institutions and civil society organizations throughout the months of April - September 2014.

The 2014 Symposia will focus on and explore best practices & future strategies for applied cultural diplomacy; and thus strengthen relations between states & communities and contribute to more just and harmonic relations between societies.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

To apply please submit the online application form found here: (

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Nordic Countries
“Nordic Strategies for Regional Development, Cooperation, Peacekeeping, and Humanitarian Assistance”
(Copenhagen; September 8th - 9th, 2014) (

Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Francophone Region
"The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in the Francophone Region"
(Paris; September 21nd - 23th, 2014) (

Professional Development
Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
(Berlin; Next Programs Start: November 3rd – 14th, 2014) (
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies developed the Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy in order to offer and provide participants with comprehensive, tailored learning opportunities in a number of related fields. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector.

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

To apply please submit the online application form found here: ... te-program (
•   International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy  
•   Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy  
•   Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation  
•   Cultural Diplomacy, Sustainable Development & the Global Markets
•   Cultural Diplomacy & the European-African Alliance
•   Weeklong Seminars in Cultural Diplomacy

E-Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
Professional Development Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
(Next Starting Date: September 1st - 30th, 2014) (
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies has developed the E-Learning Programs in order to offer individuals interested in the field of Cultural Diplomacy and related areas the opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating and expanding field. The E-Learning Programs have been designed to be studied at a distance, giving students the flexibility to study from any location in the world within a structured and supportive framework.

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

To apply please submit the online application form found here: ... e-learning (
•   International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
•   Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy
•   Cultural Diplomacy, Sustainable Development & the Global Markets
•   Cultural Diplomacy & the New Media
•   Cultural Diplomacy & Conflict Zone Mediation
•   Cultural Diplomacy for Diplomats

Organization for Youth Education & Development
Young Leaders' Forums
(Forthcoming Weeklong Seminars & Conferences)
(Next Programs for Fall 2014:
Berlin, November 5th – 10th, 2014; London, October 15th - 17th, 2014) (
The OYED Young Leaders' Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the OYED Young Leaders' Forums have grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent, cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world.

To view the Calendar of the forthcoming forums, please click here: (

To apply please submit the online application form found here: ... g-seminars (