Força Aérea Francesa

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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #32 em: Julho 20, 2016, 11:59:49 pm »
Força Aérea Francesa planeia actualizar 55 dos 63 Mirage 2000D para operarem até 2030.

Dassault contracted to conduct Mirage 2000D MLU

]The French Air Force is to proceed with an upgrade of its Dassault Mirage 2000D combat aircraft that was approved by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in late 2015.

The contract to carry out the mid-life upgrade (MLU) was announced by Dassault on 19 July, and will see the company carry out work primarily to the avionics and weapons systems.

As previously reported by IHS Jane's , this work will include managing radar and avionics obsolescence issues, as well as swapping the soon-to-be retired MBDA R550 Magic 2 short-range air-to-air missile (AAM) with the newer MBDA MICA InfraRed (IR) AAM, and the fitting of a gun pod for air-to-surface and air-to-air applications.

Further, the Sagem AASM Hammer precision-guided munition (PGM) will be integrated, and the aircraft will be made compatible with the Thales Talios laser designation pod as fitted to the Dassault Rafale. There has been no announcement on the possible integration of the Astac electronic intelligence pod previously fitted to the now-retired Dassault Mirage F1, and trialled on the Mirage 2000D.

No contract value or timelines were given in the Dassault announcement, but IHS Jane's understands that the first aircraft will go through the MLU process in 2019.

The Mirage 2000D has been in service since 1993, and of the 63 listed in the air force's inventory 55 will be upgraded as part of the MLU. Once modernised, the Mirage 2000D is slated to remain in service through to 2030.

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #33 em: Julho 21, 2016, 11:00:55 am »
Força Aérea Francesa planeia actualizar 55 dos 63 Mirage 2000D para operarem até 2030.

Dassault contracted to conduct Mirage 2000D MLU

]The French Air Force is to proceed with an upgrade of its Dassault Mirage 2000D combat aircraft that was approved by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in late 2015.

The contract to carry out the mid-life upgrade (MLU) was announced by Dassault on 19 July, and will see the company carry out work primarily to the avionics and weapons systems.

As previously reported by IHS Jane's , this work will include managing radar and avionics obsolescence issues, as well as swapping the soon-to-be retired MBDA R550 Magic 2 short-range air-to-air missile (AAM) with the newer MBDA MICA InfraRed (IR) AAM, and the fitting of a gun pod for air-to-surface and air-to-air applications.

Further, the Sagem AASM Hammer precision-guided munition (PGM) will be integrated, and the aircraft will be made compatible with the Thales Talios laser designation pod as fitted to the Dassault Rafale. There has been no announcement on the possible integration of the Astac electronic intelligence pod previously fitted to the now-retired Dassault Mirage F1, and trialled on the Mirage 2000D.

No contract value or timelines were given in the Dassault announcement, but IHS Jane's understands that the first aircraft will go through the MLU process in 2019.

The Mirage 2000D has been in service since 1993, and of the 63 listed in the air force's inventory 55 will be upgraded as part of the MLU. Once modernised, the Mirage 2000D is slated to remain in service through to 2030.

Afinal o dinheiro anda pela hora da morte em frança!
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva


Vitor Santos

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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #34 em: Agosto 19, 2018, 07:15:41 pm »
Helicópteros do Armée de l’Air na Guiana Francesa

Raramente vistos, helicópteros AS555AN Fennec e SA330Ba Puma do esquadrão ET00.068 “Antilles-Guyane” que operam a partir da Base Aérienne 367 Cayenne/Rochambeau (Guiana Francesa).
A unidade do Armée de l’Air (Força Aérea Francesa) opera estes Fennecs com a esquadrilha SPA152, além do SA330Ba Puma. O ET00.068 também voa – dentro de 1 Esc (EHOM00.058) – o avião CN235M-200.

Os 130 militares da unidade protegem o Centro Espacial da Guiana (onde os foguetes Ariane são lançados), garantem a soberania francesa no país e combatem a pesca ilegal e exploração ilegal de recursos, além de oferecer SAR e assistência humanitária.



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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #35 em: Janeiro 31, 2019, 04:06:41 pm »
Imagem do voo inaugural do primeiro Mirage 2000D modernizado a 19 de Outubro do ano passado, sendo possível ver já algumas alterações como o aumento do número de estações disponíveis (no 2000D, por exemplo, só uma estação ventral estava disponível para o pod LDP), o pod de canhão que será doravante quase sempre carregado e montado na estação ventral frontal esquerda, as estações ventrais traseiras activas e com capacidade até 1000lbs, calhas para mísseis ar-ar nas estações perto da ponta das asas já alteradas para receber o Mica-IR em detrimento do obsoleto Magic II, e pod TGP PDL-NG substituindo o sistema Damocles anterior.

Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)
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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #36 em: Março 27, 2019, 12:20:06 pm »
A España servir hasta morir
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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #37 em: Maio 02, 2019, 07:20:01 pm »
French air force receives first ‘tactical’ A400M transport plane

By: Christina Mackenzie   22 hours ago

French soldiers stand next to an Airbus A400M on the tarmac at the air force base 101 Toulouse-Francazal, in Toulouse, southern France, on Jan. 17, 2019, before the French president's visit to deliver his 2019 New Year's wishes to the military forces. (Photo by Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images)

PARIS – The French air force has taken delivery of its 15th A400M Atlas military transport aircraft, the first directly outfitted to the “tactical standard,” including an expanded ability to land and take off from unprepared terrain and the capacity to make landing approaches under automatic pilot in all weather.

Three previously delivered aircraft have been upgraded to this new standard. Two new capabilities will be added in the fall: the ejection of heavy loads up to 16 tons from the rear ramp, and refueling by the central point.

The 11 other Atlas aircraft currently in the French inventory will be upgraded to this tactical standard by 2020.

Refueling from a central point will be by means of a Hose Drum Unit (HDU) stored in the hold when not in use. Combat aircraft are already refueled via the wing pods on the Atlas, a capacity available on all 15 of the French A400Ms. Another refueling system will be put into place to refuel helicopters but a DGA French procurement agency official told Defense News that is “for later.”

Also “for later” will be the capacity to parachute more than 30 paratroopers per door and per dispatch. The military’s requirement is that 116 paratroopers jump out of the aircraft in one dispatch. But for the moment this is impossible because of an issue with the so-called D-Bags, which hold the paratroopers chutes on their backs. This bag is opened automatically by a static line connected to an anchor cable and to the paratroopers. As they step out of the aircraft door the static line pulls taut, removing the D-Bag from the parachute and allowing it to open very quickly. The D-Bag remains attached to the static line and flaps alongside the outside of the aircraft. As more paratroopers jump out, the volume of discarded D-Bags increases, presenting a hazard to those waiting to jump.

Manufacturer Airbus has been looking at a way to make the paratroopers step out onto the outer edge of the aircraft frame before jumping. This would take them a sufficient distance from the flapping bags to neutralize the risk of D-Bag interference. It could also help resolve the issue of simultaneous dispatch, which is where parachutists exit the aircraft from both sides at the same time. Currently the danger is that they could get too close together after dispatch, risking collision.

France’s 2019-2025 military programming law provides for the delivery of another 10 A400Ms during the period, for a total of 25 aircraft in service by the end of 2025.

Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!


Vitor Santos

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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #39 em: Junho 27, 2019, 03:21:31 am »



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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #41 em: Julho 25, 2019, 12:44:18 pm »
Accidente de un AlphaJet de la Patrulla de Francia en Perpiñán

Uno de los aviones Alphajet de la Patrulla de Francia se ha salido de la pista en el aeropuerto de Perpiñán al aterrizar. El piloto se ha eyectado y ha resultado herido leve.

El Alphajet número 2 de la Patrulla de Francia, equipo de demostaración aérea de Ejército del Aire  francés ha tenido una salida de pista en el aeropuerto de Perpiñán al aterrizar sobre las 11:25 de la mañana, cuando llegaban para una exhibición que debían hacer sobre la localidad de Saint-Cyprien a las 3 de la tarde.

El piloto, que el pasado año 2018 voló el Alphajet en numerosas demostraciones individuales, se eyectó al ver que no podía detener el avión en la pista y existir un desnivel al final de la misma. Como consecuencia de la eyección y aterrizaje ha sufrido una luxación de un hombro y un traumatismo torácico, habiendo sido trasladado a un hospital, donde además se le realizará un reconocimiento médico en busca de cualquier otra herida o traumatismo, como es norma en cualquier eyección.

El avión ha terminado en el citado desnivel, junto a una carretera, que ha sido cortada por seguridad y el avión rociado con espuma para prevenir cualquier tipo de riesgo de incendio.
A España servir hasta morir



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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #42 em: Julho 26, 2019, 03:35:18 pm »
Collins Completes First C-130H Modernisation for French Air Force

Collins Aerospace has completed the first (of 14) cockpit modernisation for a French Air Force C-130H HERCULES, the company announced on 23 July.

The aircraft is equipped with the company’s Flight2 avionics solution and the dual HGS-4500 Head-Up Guidance System (HGS) with EVS-3000 multispectral enhanced vision system to improve pilot situational awareness. An electro-optical infrared camera for asset detection is also integrated into the HGS. Together, these solutions further enhance C-130H operational capabilities to support specific mission requirements.

“Modernising to the Flight2 system provides the French Air Force with the latest generation of avionics, […] optimised support and maintenance solutions to complete demanding missions all over the world,” explained Managing Director, Avionics for Collins Aerospace in France, Olivier Pedron.

Following first flight and qualification of the first two aircraft by France’s military procurement authority, the DGA, Collins will deliver modification kits to the Service Industriel de l’Aéronautique (SIAé) to complete installation on the remaining 12 aircraft. Under the September 2016 DGA award, Collins Aerospace acts as prime contractor, in accordance with its FRA-21J capability, together with partners Lockheed Martin and Sabena Technics.

With Flight2, the C-130H will comply with the most recent International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards, providing it with a tactical advantage in both military and civil operations. In addition, Flight2 provides commonality for optimised support and maintenance across other French Air Force platforms – such as E-3 AWACS and KC-135 – and HUD commonality with the C-130J.

Collins has delivered over 2,900 Flight2 solutions for military fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft. An additional 371 C-130s have been upgraded, or are on contract to be upgraded, with the Flight2 solution. More legacy C-130 aircraft have been fitted with Collins’ avionics than those of any other single provider in the world.

Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!
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Re: Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #43 em: Agosto 20, 2019, 12:43:24 pm »

A España servir hasta morir



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Força Aérea Francesa
« Responder #44 em: Setembro 23, 2019, 09:14:17 pm »
The French air force received its first of two Lockheed Martin KC-130J Super Hercules aerial refuelling tankers at Orléans – Bricy air base on 19 September.

A second KC-130J is planned for delivery in 2020, says Lockheed Martin.
Paris has ordered four C-130J transports in total, including two C-130J-30 airlifters, which were delivered in 2017 and 2018, says Lockheed Martin. The -30 is a stretch version of the C-130J cargo transport, with 4.6m (15ft) of length added to the fuselage or enough room for two more pallets of equipment.
France also operates a fleet of five C-130H aircraft with an average age of 36.8 years, according to Cirium fleets analyser.

France KC-130J delivery French air force

The KC-130J will allow the country for the first time to refuel its Airbus Helicopters H225M while in flight, extending the range of the twin-engined, troop transport helicopter.
France and Germany are working to setup a joint C-130J squadron. For its part, Germany plans to acquire three C-130J-30s and three KC-130Js, with the first transport aircraft scheduled to be delivered to the Luftwaffe in the middle of 2021.

France KC-130J delivery French air force

All 10 of the C-130Js are scheduled for delivery by 2024 and are planned to be operated out of Évreux-Fauville airbase in France, which is between Paris and Normandy.
The acquisition of the KC-130Js from US-based Lockheed Martin by France and Germany is partly the result of difficulty those countries have had certificating their jointly built Airbus A400M transport for helicopter refuelling. The helicopter aerial refueling certification process for the A400M is ongoing.

France KC-130J delivery French air force

« Última modificação: Setembro 23, 2019, 09:17:09 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!