Força Aérea de Israel

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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #45 em: Agosto 10, 2018, 11:10:29 am »


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #46 em: Novembro 21, 2018, 12:06:39 pm »
Sky Angels’: Elite search-and-rescue teams from six countries train in Israel
IDF hosts its largest-ever exercise for heliborne crews, practicing war-time extractions under fire, civilian car-wrecks in difficult terrain

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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #47 em: Novembro 23, 2018, 03:14:40 pm »
E eu a julgar que eram mais F35's...  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The Israeli Air Force will purchase a fleet of a new F-15IA (Israeli Advanced) fighter jets, according to an official announcement.

According to Ynetnews citing the Israeli Government, the purchase of advanced version of F-15 has already been approved by the government, and the first of the aircraft is expected to arrive in Israel as soon as 2023. In the meantime, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) will continue purchasing F-35 aircraft.

In addition to continuing purchasing F-35 multirole stealth fighters, IAF decides to upgrade its dependable F-15 fleet with an improved model capable of carrying 13 tons of explosives with advanced avionics.

The purchase will be funded from US military aid money, which comes to some $3.8 billion annually, over the next decade as the new planes are delivered.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #48 em: Novembro 23, 2018, 04:38:47 pm »
Deve ser por isso é que estão 2 F-35I parados na Base das Lajes à uns dias... :mrgreen:


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #49 em: Novembro 23, 2018, 05:42:14 pm »
Deve ser por isso é que estão 2 F-35I parados na Base das Lajes à uns dias... :mrgreen:

Rápido, agarra nas chaves e pira-te com eles! :mrgreen: c56x1
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #50 em: Novembro 24, 2018, 02:48:41 pm »
Deve ser por isso é que estão 2 F-35I parados na Base das Lajes à uns dias... :mrgreen:

F35's parados é normal. Se calhar não voam à espera da actualização do computador de missão ou estão interditos, coisa bastante comum com o avião em questão...  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :-P :)

« Última modificação: Novembro 24, 2018, 04:03:56 pm por mafets »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #51 em: Novembro 24, 2018, 08:34:12 pm »
Deve ser por isso é que estão 2 F-35I parados na Base das Lajes à uns dias... :mrgreen:

F35's parados é normal. Se calhar não voam à espera da actualização do computador de missão ou estão interditos, coisa bastante comum com o avião em questão...  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :-P :)


São mesmo novos para entregar em Israel (e já estão parados à uma semana)!

Podem é estar à espera de autorizações para sobrevoar espaço aéreo até Israel ou de mais alguns aviões.
« Última modificação: Novembro 24, 2018, 08:35:06 pm por oi661114 »



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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #52 em: Novembro 24, 2018, 10:13:37 pm »
Deve ser por isso é que estão 2 F-35I parados na Base das Lajes à uns dias... :mrgreen:

F35's parados é normal. Se calhar não voam à espera da actualização do computador de missão ou estão interditos, coisa bastante comum com o avião em questão...  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :-P :)


São mesmo novos para entregar em Israel (e já estão parados à uma semana)!

Podem é estar à espera de autorizações para sobrevoar espaço aéreo até Israel ou de mais alguns aviões.

Ou a LM ainda não inspeccionou os tubos de combustível ;)  :-P

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #53 em: Novembro 25, 2018, 11:54:48 am »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #54 em: Julho 24, 2019, 04:20:37 pm »



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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #55 em: Agosto 15, 2019, 08:51:48 pm »


Israel solicita preço e disponibilidade para aquisição do V-22 Osprey

Depois de um interesse de longa data, o Ministério da Defesa de Israel está pedindo detalhes sobre novas aeronaves para as Forças de Defesa de Israel (IDF). Uma dessas aeronaves é o tiltrotor V-22 Osprey, que decola e pousa verticalmente e voa horizontalmente como uma aeronave.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #57 em: Agosto 13, 2020, 12:27:56 pm »
Israel, US test upgraded Arrow 2 missile, capable of intercepting incoming nukes

Weapon to defend against long-range projectiles shoots down target off Israeli coast in ‘perfect’ simulation, Defense Ministry says


Israel and the United States completed a successful test of the advanced Arrow 2 air defense system late Wednesday night, shooting down a simulated long-range missile high over the Mediterranean Sea, defense officials said.

The system successfully intercepted the target, which behaved in a way similar to the types of weapons that Israel anticipates could be fired at it someday — like those made by Iran — and was affixed with an explosive warhead, according to Boaz Levy, vice president and head of the Systems, Missiles and Space Group at Israel Aerospace Industries, which manufactures the Arrow 2.

The platform was tested by the Defense Ministry’s Missile Defense Organization, the Israeli Air Force, IAI, and the US Missile Defense Agency. The test was carried out late Wednesday night from the Palmachim Air Base in central Israel.

“The test last night can be described in one word: perfect,” Moshe Patel, head of the MDO, told reporters Thursday morning.

An Arrow 2 interceptor missile is fired at an incoming target in a live-fire test on August 12, 2020. (Defense Ministry)

According to Patel, the incoming target was first detected by the Arrow’s radar system and that the Arrow 2 interceptor missile was fired “at the precise moment” it was meant to and detonated its explosive payload, completely destroying the target.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said of the test, “Our elite technological unit ensures that we will always be one step ahead of our enemies.”

“We will defend Israeli skies from any threat,” Gantz said.

With hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles pointed at Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, Israel maintains one of the world’s most advanced multi-tiered air defense systems, designed to intercept incoming short-, medium- and long-range missiles.

“Our enemies and those wishing us evil will know that the State of Israel is prepared for any threat,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, following Wednesday night’s test.

The Arrow system — made up of the Arrow, Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 interceptor missiles — represents the longest range of Israel’s air defense network, designed predominantly to shoot down ballistic and cruise missiles, including those that could be used to carry a nuclear warhead or other non-conventional munitions.

Though in recent years, the Defense Ministry has focused on testing and improving the Arrow 3, which was declared operational in January 2017, its Missile Defense Organization has continued to upgrade the Arrow 2, which is designed to intercept incoming missiles at slightly lower altitudes than the Arrow 3.

Patel said the Arrow 2 system has been upgraded five times over the course of its 20 years in use.

An Arrow 2 interceptor missile shoots down an incoming target in a live-fire test on August 12, 2020. (Defense Ministry)
According to Levy, the test late Wednesday night simulated an incoming missile that represented a threat that was between the capabilities of the two systems, coming in at the upper reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere and just beyond it. Though the Defense Ministry did not specify precisely at what altitude the system intercepted the target missile.

“During the test, the updated capabilities of the Arrow system to contend with current and future threats were validated,” the Defense Ministry said.

Last summer, Israel and the US successfully tested the Arrow 3 system.

According to Levy, the target intercepted by the Arrow 2 on Wednesday night was the same type as was shot down by the Arrow 3 over Alaska last summer.

The Arrow 3 system, which was developed in a joint Israeli-American program, is designed to shoot down intercontinental ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere, taking out projectiles and their nuclear, biological, chemical or conventional warheads closer to their launch sites — and farther from Israel.

The Arrow 2 was first rolled out in March 2000. Its first reported operational use was in March 2017 against a Syrian surface-to-air missile that was fired at Israeli aircraft. Reports at the time said the missile cost nearly NIS 3 million (some $827,000).

The lowest layer of Israel’s multi-tiered missile defense system is the Iron Dome, capable of shooting down short-range rockets, small unmanned aerial vehicles and some mortar shells like those that are fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip or from southern Lebanon.

The middle tier of the missile defense array is the David’s Sling system, which is designed to shoot down medium-range projectiles.

But even with the full complement of missile defense systems, defense officials warn that it is not a hermetic seal and some rockets will inevitably slip past the defenses.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.



Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #58 em: Agosto 13, 2020, 12:29:16 pm »
Israel, US test upgraded Arrow 2 missile, capable of intercepting incoming nukes

Weapon to defend against long-range projectiles shoots down target off Israeli coast in ‘perfect’ simulation, Defense Ministro says


Israel and the United States completed a successful test of the advanced Arrow 2 air defense system late Wednesday night, shooting down a simulated long-range missile high over the Mediterranean Sea, defense officials said.

The system successfully intercepted the target, which behaved in a way similar to the types of weapons that Israel anticipates could be fired at it someday — like those made by Iran — and was affixed with an explosive warhead, according to Boaz Levy, vice president and head of the Systems, Missiles and Space Group at Israel Aerospace Industries, which manufactures the Arrow 2.

The platform was tested by the Defense Ministry’s Missile Defense Organization, the Israeli Air Force, IAI, and the US Missile Defense Agency. The test was carried out late Wednesday night from the Palmachim Air Base in central Israel.

“The test last night can be described in one word: perfect,” Moshe Patel, head of the MDO, told reporters Thursday morning.

An Arrow 2 interceptor missile is fired at an incoming target in a live-fire test on August 12, 2020. (Defense Ministry)

According to Patel, the incoming target was first detected by the Arrow’s radar system and that the Arrow 2 interceptor missile was fired “at the precise moment” it was meant to and detonated its explosive payload, completely destroying the target.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said of the test, “Our elite technological unit ensures that we will always be one step ahead of our enemies.”

“We will defend Israeli skies from any threat,” Gantz said.

With hundreds of thousands of rockets and missiles pointed at Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, Israel maintains one of the world’s most advanced multi-tiered air defense systems, designed to intercept incoming short-, medium- and long-range missiles.

“Our enemies and those wishing us evil will know that the State of Israel is prepared for any threat,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, following Wednesday night’s test.

The Arrow system — made up of the Arrow, Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 interceptor missiles — represents the longest range of Israel’s air defense network, designed predominantly to shoot down ballistic and cruise missiles, including those that could be used to carry a nuclear warhead or other non-conventional munitions.

Though in recent years, the Defense Ministry has focused on testing and improving the Arrow 3, which was declared operational in January 2017, its Missile Defense Organization has continued to upgrade the Arrow 2, which is designed to intercept incoming missiles at slightly lower altitudes than the Arrow 3.

Patel said the Arrow 2 system has been upgraded five times over the course of its 20 years in use.

An Arrow 2 interceptor missile shoots down an incoming target in a live-fire test on August 12, 2020. (Defense Ministry)

According to Levy, the test late Wednesday night simulated an incoming missile that represented a threat that was between the capabilities of the two systems, coming in at the upper reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere and just beyond it. Though the Defense Ministry did not specify precisely at what altitude the system intercepted the target missile.

“During the test, the updated capabilities of the Arrow system to contend with current and future threats were validated,” the Defense Ministry said.

Last summer, Israel and the US successfully tested the Arrow 3 system.

According to Levy, the target intercepted by the Arrow 2 on Wednesday night was the same type as was shot down by the Arrow 3 over Alaska last summer.

The Arrow 3 system, which was developed in a joint Israeli-American program, is designed to shoot down intercontinental ballistic missiles outside the atmosphere, taking out projectiles and their nuclear, biological, chemical or conventional warheads closer to their launch sites — and farther from Israel.

The Arrow 2 was first rolled out in March 2000. Its first reported operational use was in March 2017 against a Syrian surface-to-air missile that was fired at Israeli aircraft. Reports at the time said the missile cost nearly NIS 3 million (some $827,000).

The lowest layer of Israel’s multi-tiered missile defense system is the Iron Dome, capable of shooting down short-range rockets, small unmanned aerial vehicles and some mortar shells like those that are fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip or from southern Lebanon.

The middle tier of the missile defense array is the David’s Sling system, which is designed to shoot down medium-range projectiles.

But even with the full complement of missile defense systems, defense officials warn that it is not a hermetic seal and some rockets will inevitably slip past the defenses.
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Re: Força Aérea de Israel
« Responder #59 em: Setembro 01, 2020, 06:17:00 pm »

A España servir hasta morir
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