Jordânia era alvo da Al-Quaeda

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Ricardo Nunes

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Jordânia era alvo da Al-Quaeda
« em: Abril 18, 2004, 02:52:17 pm »
Jordan 'was chemical bomb target'

Officials say materials for a chemical bomb have been found
Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists planned a chemical attack on Jordan's spy headquarters that could have killed 20,000 people, officials have said.

Earlier this week King Abdullah said a massive attack had been thwarted by a series of arrests, but named no target.

Now unnamed officials say the suspects have confessed to plotting to detonate a chemical bomb on the Amman HQ of the Intelligence Services.

The plot was reportedly hatched by al-Qaeda suspect Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi.

Washington has accused the 38-year-old Jordanian radical of masterminding a string of spectacular suicide bombings in Iraq.

'Deadly gas'

An official involved in the inquiry in Jordan told AFP news agency: "We found primary materials to make a chemical bomb which, if it had exploded, would have made nearly 20,000 deaths ... in an area of one square kilometre.

"The target of this bomb was the headquarters of the Intelligence Services," situated on a hill in the western suburb of Amman, he added.

The official said another operation planned by the network was to use "deadly gas against the US embassy and the prime minister's office in Amman ... and other public buildings in Jordan".

'Divine protection'

On Tuesday, in a letter thanking his intelligence chief for uncovering the plot, King Abdullah said Jordan had "lived through an extremely delicate situation in recent days".

"But divine protection has thwarted the plans of these criminals and saved the lives of thousands of civilians in what would have been a crime never before seen in the kingdom," he argued.

The intelligence chief General Saad Khair said the group used religion as a pretext for its actions, but their plans were anything but religious.

He thought that they wanted to attack Jordan's position on upholding Arab causes, especially Palestinian rights. He said mop-up operations were continuing.

Two weeks ago the authorities in Jordan said they had found cars carrying explosives by an underground group planning to attack US interests in the kingdom.

Preocupante...  :arrow:
Ricardo Nunes



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« Responder #1 em: Abril 18, 2004, 04:15:08 pm »
Preocupante ! Estes terroristas iam fazer um atentado num País árabe e islâmico, que não apoiou a invasão do Iraque.
Ou seja, ninguém está livre do terrorismo islâmico !

Gostaria de saber o que têm a dizer os adeptos da teoria que o problema são os EUA e Israel e não a Al-Qaeda.



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« Responder #2 em: Abril 19, 2004, 01:27:10 am »
A ser verdade esta notícia, é mais uma prova de que a Al-Qaeda e as suas associadas querem atacar todos os Estados onde a lei islâmica e o islão mais retrógrado ainda não mande. A Jordânia é um espinho na garganta dos fundamentalistas porque já assinou um tratado de paz e reconhecimento com Israel (heresia suprema!!!), tem um rei ocidentalizado e que privilegia as boas relações com o Ocidente, uma sociedade relativamente aberta e no passado o falecido rei Hussein expulsou a OLP de Arafat. Abram os olhos: não se trata do Iraque nem da Palestina, leiam a entrevista a Omar Bakri Mohammed publicada na Pública de Domingo (18-4-2004).
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