NH90 On-board Helicopter Makes Debut Mission in Somalia
(Source: Netherlands Ministry of Defence; issued Jan. 23, 2013)
(Issued in Dutch only; unofficial translation by defense-aerospace.com)

The Dutch Navy frigate De Ruyter has sailed for the Gulf of Aden carrying a naval NH90 helicopter; this is the first operational deployment for the helicopter. (NL MoD photo)
The Dutch military’s newest helicopter, the NH90, is on board the Netherlands navy frigate HNLMS De Ruyter as it sails for Somalia.
This is the first overseas mission for the maritime helicopter. Although in its current configuration the helicopter cannot perform all of its missions, it provides an important contribution to the EU’s anti-piracy mission, Operation Atalanta.
The on-board helicopter is mainly used for intelligence, reconnaissance and patrol, and thus acts as the 'eyes and ears' of the frigate.
With advanced detection equipment such as a thermal-imaging, radar and optical sensors, information can be collected and quickly and automatically transmitted via a secure data link connection.
The helicopter crew consists of a pilot, a tactical coordinator for the execution of the mission and an operator who operates the sensors, observes and, if necessary, analyzes whether it is necessary to use on-board weapons. For helicopter operations from the De Ruyter, a total of 13 equipped soldiers are carried on board.
Because the Dutch are participants in the international NFH maritime helicopter project, its partners are kept informed of the results and operational experiences. The NH90 (NATO Helicopter 90) is in fact the result of years of collaboration by the four NATO countries Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands and their national helicopter manufacturers.
NH90 Purchase
The Netherlands have bought 20 NH90s: 12 have been specifically designed for maritime operations (NFH90) and eight for tactical transport (TTH) from the sea and over land. The NH90 is also used for search and rescue missions in the Netherlands.
Eventually, it will assume all of the missions currently carried out both by the AB-412 helicopters deployed on Leeuwarden Air Base and the Lynx helicopters in Den Helder, which are being phased out.
The eighth helicopter, due to arrive in February, will be the first to be delivered in the so-called Fully Operational Capable configuration.
After an evaluation period, the first NH90s will attain full operational capability in the second half of 2013.
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