A-400 M

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« Responder #105 em: Março 03, 2009, 06:03:12 pm »
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
aumenta-se o tamanho

Parece-me que você não tem noção que o C-27J, apesar de ser feito pela Alenia (Italiana), é feito em parceria com a Lockheed Martin (EUA), e devido a isso o C-27J possui muitos equipamentos idênticos ao C-130J como os motores, o painel de instrumentos, etc, o que torna esse avião o melhor complemento ao C-130.

Não tem lógica nenhuma aumentar o tamanho do C-27J, de certeza que os italianos não o farão para a Força Aérea deles, eles compraram recentemente C-130J, e quem é que vai pagar os custos de desenvolvimento? quem quiser um avião maior que o C-27J vai simplesmente comprar o C-130J e não um "C-130" de dois motores que, além de não existir, nunca fará o que faz um avião com 4 motores.

tem razão
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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« Responder #106 em: Março 03, 2009, 06:11:21 pm »
Citação de: "antoninho"
O problema dos europeus é terem certas nações dentro da comunidade europeia que continuam a trilhar caminhos e interesses próprios, a mais de muita "pêga" politica.....nos estados unidos a defesa não é posta em causa de maneira tão inconsequente....
Reparem bem nos três casos expostos pelo colega Old e atenção, isso é só um grão de areia.....

Todos os países fazem o mesmo. E muitas vezes, com razões importantes.
Os países da Europa são diversos e essa diversidade leva à necessidade de equipamentos diferentes.
Por vezes, os projectos são demasiado ambiciosos e é impossível conciliar todas as necessidades.
Por exemplo, a França saiu do EFA porque queria um avião suficientemente pequeno para operar em porta-aviões enquanto os outros países não estavam interessados em usar o EFA em porta-aviões e, principalmente o Reino Unido, queriam uma aeronave maior, com um radar maior, com mais autonomia e capaz de transportar mais armamento.

*shit* just happens and physics is a bitch.

A diferença é que nos EUA, é apenas um país. E já agora, sim, lá os programas de defesa também são cancelados e dão merda e o apoio politico depende de em que estados é que vai criar emprego.
 Para o ano, vão para a 3ª tentativa de substituir os KC-135 que já contam com mais de 40 anos...



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« Responder #107 em: Março 03, 2009, 07:21:20 pm »
Citação de: "nelson38899"
tem razão

 :wink: , mas as suas outras hipoteses são todas possiveis, umas mais e outras menos, mas todas possiveis.

Eu pessoalmente penso que se não comprarmos o A400M, então deve ser o C-130J, porque o Antonov além de ser Russo é muito grande, o C-17 também é muito grande e o Embraer é pequeno, só se o aumentarem.



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« Responder #108 em: Março 03, 2009, 10:33:12 pm »
O ideal seria mesmo comprar 2 C-17 e modernizar os 6 C-130H.



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« Responder #109 em: Março 03, 2009, 10:39:41 pm »
A que Antonov se refere?

BTW, a Antonov está sediada na Ucrânia e a Ucrânia já esteve mais longe da NATO...



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« Responder #110 em: Março 04, 2009, 09:22:30 am »
Citação de: "AC"
A que Antonov se refere?

BTW, a Antonov está sediada na Ucrânia e a Ucrânia já esteve mais longe da NATO...

Antonov An-70

ou então o nosso conhecido beriev 200
"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva


Charlie Jaguar

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« Responder #111 em: Março 04, 2009, 03:31:43 pm »
E não se esqueçam também do seguinte: a Lockheed Martin confirma estar a efectuar estudos com vista ao desenvolvimento de uma versão de maiores dimensões do Hércules, de modo a poder competir com o A400M e o futuro C-17B.  :arrow: http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/20 ... cules.html

É um projecto interessante e que explora um conceito claramente ganhador: o C-130.
Saudações Aeronáuticas,
Charlie Jaguar

"(...) Que, havendo por verdade o que dizia,

Luís Vaz de Camões (Os Lusíadas, Canto I - Estrofe 97)



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« Responder #112 em: Março 04, 2009, 07:41:51 pm »
O Be-200 nem sequer tem rampa e é, de facto, russo. Logo, não entra nestas contas.

Já o An-70...  se conseguissem cumprir as especificações, não seria demasiado grande. Estamos a falar de uma aeronave com +/- ou mesmo peso vazio de um A-400M e 30% mais potência.
E a Ucrânia não é a Rússia.



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« Responder #113 em: Março 20, 2009, 10:48:48 am »
German Official: Dropping A400M a 'Serious Option'


FRANKFURT, Germany - German Deputy Defence Minister Ruediger Wolf said March 19 that canceling orders for the problem-plagued Airbus A400M military transport plane was a serious option.

Wolf told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper that to bring pressure on Airbus' parent company EADS, "cancellation must be a serious option after a delay of three to six months."

The A400M has been plagued by setbacks, with the aircraft's first flight postponed to a date that has yet to be determined because of engine problems.

Wolf, who was quoted indirectly by Sueddeutsche Zeitung, said it was more realistic to extend to six months a moratorium accorded to EADS to get the program back on track.

Countries that have ordered the plane, Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain and Turkey, have suggested delaying from April 1 to July 1 the date on which they can begin to cancel contracts.

The European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) was supposed to get the transport plane in the air for an inaugural flight in January 2008, and the seven countries await a total of 180 A400Ms.

On March 18, French defense official Laurent Collet-Billon said Paris might reduce the number of planes it has ordered.

France has signed on for 50 aircraft, while Germany has ordered 60.

http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i= ... =EUR&s=AIR



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« Responder #114 em: Março 20, 2009, 11:38:33 am »
France to cut A400M orders?
Written by Reuters
Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Reuters reports France may need to reduce its order for 50 A400M military transport planes from European aerospace group EADS because of development delays.

The A400M programme is running at least four years late, said Laurent Collet-Billon, recently appointed director general of French defence procurement and export agency DGA.

The DGA is looking at the possibility of leasing or buying alternative transport aircraft to meet the shortfall as it struggles to maintain a fleet of ageing transport aircraft in Afghanistan, he said.

"It is one of the alternatives which we have to examine. We have not yet finished examining the capacity gap and that could lead to a reduction in the target (of 50 aircraft)," he said.

He declined to comment on whether France would consider acquiring Boeing's C17 strategic jet-powered airlifter but said he was looking at an aircraft in that category which he declined to identify.

He ruled out buying Lockheed Martin's C130 Hercules, which is smaller than the A400M.

Like Britain, France was studying bringing forward deliveries of combined troop carrying and refuelling aircraft to help meet the gap left by the A400M.

The A400M is a military airlifter being built by EADS's Airbus Military division on behalf of seven NATO nations who have together ordered 180 of the planes. South Africa and Malaysia have ordered a dozen more.

The manufacturer says it is running 3-4 years late amid a dispute with suppliers over engine problems and has asked for more time to finish the project as well as relief on billions of euros of potential delivery penalties.

"One shouldn't get fixated by this delay," French Defence Minister Herve Morin told Reuters on Tuesday. "What is certain is that we need this aircraft. We need to renew a part of our transport fleet that is very old." Morin also said Britain's transport fleet was ageing and needed overhauling.

The NATO countries that initially ordered the plane agreed last week in Prague to call for a three-month moratorium to prevent individual nations walking away from the project.

Speaking after talks between the seven countries that ordered the plane on the sidelines of an EU defence ministers' meeting in Prague, France said they agreed a three-month moratorium to prevent automatic cancellation.

"This moratorium has been accepted by all countries," Morin told Reuters at the time, adding it was agreed that "no state would take a decision without consulting the others."

Spanish Defence Minister Carme Chacon, whose country is responsible for assembling the turboprop-driven heavy airlifter, told Reuters it was vital in order to boost European defence.

"Spain is confident this project will in fact go ahead," she said.

Airbus parent EADS says the A400M project can be cancelled on 1 April 1 if the NATO nations buying the plane decided in unison to walk away.

Germany and Britain have expressed anger over the delivery of the plane, which could lead to billions of euros in penalties.

Airbus has said it would be crippled by the penalties just as it recovers from a crisis over delays to its A380 superjumbo, the world's largest civil airliner. Blame for the delays has triggered a furious row with engine makers.

German Defence Minister Franz Josef Jung told reporters earlier it was possible the project could be scrapped, but Germany wanted to see it go ahead.

"The company must fulfill all the conditions to guarantee the (project) in the manner that we want to and do this transparently so that we know what we have to expect," he said.

Morin said the aim was to reach an agreement with EADS on the moratorium this month.

A source familiar with the talks told Reuters there was general support for keeping the project alive, but individual nations were expected to put maximum pressure on EADS.

A British parliamentary panel last month urged Britain to consider abandoning the project and weigh other options for supplying air transport to combat zones such as Afghanistan.

http://www.defenceweb.co.za/index.php?o ... Itemid=350
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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« Responder #115 em: Maio 24, 2009, 03:15:26 pm »
Citação de: "Miguel"
Lembro que Portugal chegou a estar associado a este projeto, e o antigo MDN Portas cancelou este programa como o dos EC635.

Penso que ficavamos bem com 3 A400M para transporte estrategico em complemento dos 12 C295

Sendo as 2 aeronaves fabricadas com varias peças comuns EADS :wink:

(ps nao encontrei os antigos posts do A400M)

A fonte que me revelou o primeiro voo do A400M é membro duma delegaçao de investidores da EADS.

Alias neste fim de semana 60 Rafale foram vendidos aos EAU.

Citação de: "AC"
Por curiosidade, quais são os componentes partilhados entre o C-295 e o A-400M?

Citação de: "Chicken_Bone"
Não me parece que estae seja a parte do fórum apropriada para este tópico, mas sim a outra sobre a Força Aerea.

De qq forma:

EADS sees first A400M flight around yr-end -report

PARIS, May 20 (Reuters) - The delayed A400M military airlifter will likely fly for the first time around the end of this year, Louis Gallois, chief executive of European aerospace and defence group EADS (EAD.PA), told L'Express magazine. Asked whether comments by the head of French aerospace group Safran (SAF.PA) earlier this year suggesting a first flight was possible before the end of the year were realistic, Gallois said: "With a margin of a few weeks, yes."

Safran co-leads a four-nation consortium with Britain's Rolls-Royce (RR.L) to build the engine for the A400M.

The A400M, which is running 3-4 years late and is expected to cost EADS billions of euros in charges, is Europe's biggest military project and seen as crucial to EADS' efforts to reduce dependence on Airbus passenger jets. (Reporting by James Regan, editing by Marcel Michelson)

http://www.reuters.com/article/rbssIndu ... 6120090520



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« Responder #116 em: Junho 14, 2009, 11:07:25 pm »
Mais uma - curta - notícia acerca do primeiro voo do A400M previsto para o final deste ano.
Citação de: "Christina Mackenzie@Ares"
First flight for A400M by year end seems likely
The A400M appears to be heading for its first flight by year end. The aircraft's TP400-D6 turboprop engine has now completed 35 of the 55 or so hours of flight tests it must complete on the Lockheed C-130K flight test-bed in order to qualify the FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) software system, Philippe Petitcolin, CEO of Snecma, Safran's engine-making division said. “From the engine point of view all developments are fully consistent with a first flight for the A400M by year end,” added Safran CEO Jean-Paul Herteman.
The 12 flights so far, another one is scheduled next week, “have led to no remarks or modifications,” Herteman said.

Fonte: Ares

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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« Responder #117 em: Junho 19, 2009, 08:12:00 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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« Responder #118 em: Junho 20, 2009, 11:19:02 am »
Citação de: "HSMW"
Já voa!

Vai gozar com o $&#&%/#%  :lol: .



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« Responder #119 em: Junho 20, 2009, 02:22:03 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."