Dassault Rafale

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Re: Dassault Rafale
« Responder #30 em: Setembro 15, 2023, 03:50:43 am »

First Croatian Air Force Rafale B flying
(14 de Setembro de 2023)
Citação de: Scramble
On 14 September 2023, the first Hrvatske Zračne Snage (Croatian Air Force) Dassault Rafale B was photographed while landing at Base aérienne (BA) 113 Saint-Dizier. Most probably, the new Croatian fighter will be used for training future pilots at this French fighter training air base.

The aircraft, serial 171, is one of two Rafale B fighters that were ordered by the Croatia government. On 28 May 2021, Croatia officially announced the winner of the fighter aircraft procurement programme.

By the end of 2021, a contract was signed for the procurement of twelve former used Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace (AAE, French Air and Space Force) Rafale fighters. The twelve aircraft are divided into ten single-seat and two dual-seat aircraft.

The tie-up with the French identity of the Rafale is not yet known, but former French Air Force Rafale Bs 315 and 318 were reported as to be transferred to Croatia.

The contract, valued at 999 million euro, includes a flight simulator, basic weapons package, ground and test equipment, spare parts, training of staff and instructors, support from manufacturers for three years and a 12-month warranty for each aircraft, engine and other equipment.
Fonte: https://www.scramble.nl/military-news/first-croatian-air-force-rafale-b-flying

Na notícia tem a fotografia do caça com a nova pintura.

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Re: Dassault Rafale
« Responder #31 em: Setembro 19, 2023, 04:41:39 am »
Bangladeche: Eurofighter vs Rafale.

After Macron’s visit: What are the outcomes and why Bangladesh in the priority list?
(17 de Setembro de 2023)
Citação de: Shafik A. Rahman / Policy Watcher
French President Emmanuel Macron has just concluded a historic two-day visit to Bangladesh on Sept. 10-11, 2023. In the background briefing to French journalists, the Elysee presidential palace gave an official argument on how Paris was planning to structure its "economic partnership" with Dhaka. The Elysee Palace termed Bangladesh a "model country" in terms of public finance management, with a debt level of around 40 per cent.


Defense and Security Cooperation

Security cooperation has gained prominence in France-Bangladesh relations. Both nations have cooperated in counterterrorism efforts and have engaged in joint military exercises. France has provided support for capacity-building in the Bangladesh Navy and Coast Guard, emphasizing the importance of maritime security in the Bay of Bengal. These efforts aim to enhance regional stability and security.

Bangladesh announced to modernize its military under the Forces Goal 2030. Under the scheme, the country has bought 16 fighter jets from China. However, to reduce reliance on China and to include western fighter jets in their arsenal, Bangladesh decided to choose between Euro fighter Typhoon and French Rafale. During Hasina's visit to France in 2021, the two countries signed a letter of intent on defense cooperation. And the visit of Macron will obviously increase the potentiality for the Rafale deal.

Fonte: https://policywatcher.com/2023/09/after-macrons-visit-what-are-the-outcomes-and-why-bangladesh-in-the-priority-list/

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Re: Dassault Rafale
« Responder #32 em: Outubro 25, 2023, 11:57:57 pm »



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Re: Dassault Rafale
« Responder #33 em: Novembro 29, 2023, 11:15:39 am »
Rafale para o Cazaquistão e Uzbequistão?

Next in line for Rafales: Uzbekistan?
(25 de Novembro de 2023)
Citação de: Scramble
On 2 November 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron visited the Uzbek capital Tashkent. During the visit, bilateral economic ties were high on the agenda. According to sources within the French government, the Uzbek government has expressed interest in purchasing 24 Dassault Rafale fighter jets from France.

Currently, the O'zbekiston Harbiy havo kuchlari (UzAF, Uzbek Air Force) operates just over a dozen MiG-29 (9-13) fighter jets from Qarshi-Xonobod, and about 20 Su-25 attack aircraft from the same base.

Fonte: https://www.scramble.nl/military-news/next-in-line-for-rafales-uzbekistan

France pitches Rafale to Kazakhstan
(28 de Novembro de 2023)
Citação de: Matteo Sanzani / Blog Before Flight
France is aiming to sell Dassault Rafale multirole combat aircraft to Kazakhstan, French newspapers reported. French President Emmanuel Macron explored this opportunity during a trip to Kazakhstan in early November. The visit took place the day before the one in Uzbekistan where he also discussed the sale of the Rafale.

While Uzbekistan appears to be very interested in buying up to 24 Rafales, Kazakhstan is at a much earlier stage.

Fonte: https://www.blogbeforeflight.net/2023/11/france-pitches-rafale-to-kazakhstan.html

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Re: Dassault Rafale
« Responder #34 em: Janeiro 26, 2024, 01:37:07 pm »



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Re: Dassault Rafale
« Responder #35 em: Abril 26, 2024, 10:10:07 am »
Oficialmente entregues os primeiros seis Rafale à Croácia:

U Hrvatsku sletjeli prvi borbeni avioni Rafale (25 de Abril de 2024)

Otvoreno: O nacionalnoj sigurnosti nakon dolaska Rafalea (25 de Abril de 2024)

Croatian Air Force welcome the arrival of six Rafale fighters
(26 de Abril de 2024)
Citação de: alert5
The Croatian Air Force (Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstvo i protuzračna obrana, HRZ i PZO) officially received its first six Rafale fighter jets in a ceremony held on Apr. 25, at the 91st operational base near Zagreb. This marks a significant milestone in the country’s ongoing military modernization efforts.

The ceremony was attended by top Croatian officials, including President Zoran Milanović, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, and Defense Minister Ivan Anušić. The arrival of the French-built aircraft, piloted by Croatian crews, was hailed as a historic moment for Croatia.

Fonte: https://alert5.com/2024/04/26/croatian-air-force-welcome-the-arrival-of-six-rafale-fighters/

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