« Responder #127 em: Outubro 22, 2015, 05:25:36 pm »
Germany's G36 cleared by trio of studies http://www.janes.com/article/55456/germ ... of-studies The Bundeswehr's G36 service rifle and its manufacturers have been cleared by three investigative reports into the subject, providing a new twist to a complex saga.
These findings contrast with a solid year of criticism to the rifle, at the highest levels levels of German defence establishment, over its accuracy when heated.
While the first study criticises the Ministry of Defence (MoD) for responding slowly and inconsistently to reports of issues with the G36, the second clears the manufacturer Heckler & Koch (HK) of wrongdoing and the third finds no German operations were effected or soldiers wounded/killed through any shortcoming of the rifle.
The three studies were initiated by Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen in March after an earlier investigation found the G36 significantly loses accuracy when its barrel becomes hot. Specifically, the composite holding the barrel in place softens when heated, allowing the barrel to move and so reducing accuracy. In April Von der Leyen said that "the G36, in its current state has no future in the Bundeswehr". In September this year, she decided to fully replace the G36 by 2019.
Conducted by Klaus-Peter Müller, chairman of the supervisory board of Commerzbank, the first study examined the Mod's conduct and processes in the procurement of the G36. It criticises the MoD's responses to the issue, its control over procurement processes, and its product management. But it notes that measures have been taken to rectify the ministry's deficiencies, while recommending the establishment of a better compliance system.
The second study, conducted by an internal MoD commission, examines the ministry's business relationship with HK over the G36 with regard to regulation. It found "no clues for corruption or any other kind of legally relevant wrongdoing".
Yet the study states there should not have been a physical presence of MoD quality control at HK's G36 production site.