Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)

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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #105 em: Abril 24, 2015, 04:03:50 pm »
Osnabrück. Depois dos problemas de precisão tornaram-se familiarizado com o rifle padrão da Bundeswehr G36, Associação reservistas alertou contra conclusões precipitadas. "Não há soluções rápidas", alertou o presidente da associação Roderich Kiesewetter na terça-feira em uma entrevista com a equipe editorial. Em primeiro lugar, é necessário o relatório final da Comissão de Peritos para esperar, que está atualmente na ordem de ministro da Defesa, Ursula von der Leyen (CDU), o rifle.
O ministro havia anunciado na segunda-feira que os resultados preliminares apontam para "um problema de precisão em altas temperaturas, mas também no hot shot" do Estado. Von der Leyen também trouxe a aquisição de um novo padrão rifle "médio prazo" entra em jogo. Kiesewetter, que também participa do CDU no Bundestag, expressa cauteloso: "É preciso considerar o G36 é adaptável." Defeitos mecânicos poderiam ser corrigidos certeza de que era diferente em problemas termodinâmicos com a carcaça da arma. O primeiro deve ser cuidadosamente examinada, "antes de gastar dinheiro dos contribuintes."
O exército alemão tinha o fuzil de assalto comprado como um substituto para o antigo fuzil G3 padrão do arsenal Heckler e Koch desde meados dos anos 90. O fabricante alegou problemas de precisão de imediato. Nossos próprios estudos contradizem os "resultados agora se espalhou [...] diametralmente", disse em um comunicado. Não com armas "Com o uso adequado, não há restrições significativas sobre a adequação". A empresa se queixou de que as forças armadas não tê-los envolvidos, apesar de várias ofertas nas investigações.
Possíveis danos tinha Heckler e Koch na terça-feira rejeitou categoricamente. Reservistas oficial Kiesewetter, no entanto, pediu para examinar a questão da responsabilidade possível, pelo menos.
Quais são as consequências dos problemas com o G36 para as missões estrangeiras? O ministro da Defesa von der Leyen quer restringir o uso em climas quentes, como Mali e Afeganistão. Kiesewetter sugeriu recorrendo, se necessário, seja para o velho G3 ou para organizar armas em parceiros da Otan. Associação reservistas '-: Kiesewetter ao G36: não há soluções rápidas | noz.de - Leia mais em:

http://www.noz.de/deutschland-welt/poli ... ellschusse



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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #106 em: Abril 24, 2015, 06:55:04 pm »
http://augengeradeaus.net/wp-content/up ... 4-2015.pdf

http://www.tank-net.com/forums/index.ph ... =40518&hl=


Purely from paper stats, on a no-HK-because-HK base (and in fact there is at least one point for not going with an AR design that has been pointed out might play a role in the decision - namely that it would cause additional cost if a new rifle was not to easily fit in rifle racks installed for the G 36 in vehicles and other form-dependent infrastructure - which would also speak against the SIG 516), and guesstimating what some German preferences might be from the look at earlier rifles (no bullpups, 18-19" barrel standard with shorter for specialist troops rather than the other way round):

1. SCAR. 18" barrel available, light and compact, already proven in use including with USSF to whose requirements it was developed. Built close by by Belgian neighbors.

2. ACR. 18" barrel available, neglegibly less compact and only slightly heavier than SCAR, in use in Europe with Polish special forces, built by Remington which has a name. Minus: American.

3. ARX-160. Standard barrel is 16", but longer being developed. Very light design with interesting long-stroke action which supposedly makes recoil more comfortable, but unproven. No small arms have been acquired from Italy since the wartime surplus Beretta SMGs which equipped early German post-war police forces.

4. SIG 551. 18" barrel available, compact and light, already in use with German authorities as G 37, solid reputation for Swiss reliability and accuracy. Major drawback: non-adjustable buttstock.

5. Radon. At least has a 16" barrel; joint introduction by Poland and Germany would be powerful political signal in current Eastern European situation. Rather long and heavy in standard variant compared to other designs though, possibly the penalty of common upper receiver with bullpup variant; the latter no favorite of the Bundeswehr. Still under development and therefore unknown quantity, though also offers chance for joint final touches.

6. CZ 805. Only comes with 14" barrel or shorter. Heavy for that, too.

7. TAR-21. Bullpup, but would be another pin-up for close German-Israeli relationship.

8. AUG. Also built by close neighbors who even speak our language, and older variant has been used by Bavarian police. Quite a bit heavier than TAR-21 though, and standard semi-full-auto-trigger might not be to the liking of the Bundeswehr.

http://www.tank-net.com/forums/index.ph ... try1163311



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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #107 em: Maio 29, 2015, 11:54:54 am »
Germany, France to jointly develop "Leopard 3" tank

http://www.dw.de/germany-france-to-join ... a-18468270

(...) The German Ministry of Defence announced its plans for the "Leo 3" (...)

"Technologies and concepts will be investigated between 2015 and 2018 in joint studies also involving German industry", Markus Grübel, a deputy minister in the Germsn Ministry told his parliamentary colleagues. He cited the Lepard 2's long years of service as the reason that a new battle tank was required.

The Leopard 2's 50-year service is set to expire in 2030. The tank, which came into service in 1979, was conceived as part of a plan for Cold War-era land defense. Germany commissioned more than 2,000 of them at the peak of arms race of the early 1980s. Currently, however, only about 240 are in active service, but last month citing the security situation in Ukraine, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyden, announced a move to reactivate 100 mothballed  Leopard 2 tanks (...)

The manufacturer of the current Leopard 2, Krauss-Maffei Weigmann is scheduled to fuse with French firm Nexter Systems in the course of this year (...) The new Franco-German firm (...) could be a strong candidate to win the contract to develop a news battle tank for the German Budeswehr (..)


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #108 em: Junho 04, 2015, 05:51:56 pm »
Um vídeo muito interessante:

G-28... c34x
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #109 em: Junho 23, 2015, 08:40:40 pm »
Depois de ver este video fiquei com vontade de invadir a Polónia  :mrgreen:
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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #110 em: Junho 23, 2015, 08:46:57 pm »
German Army receives first production-standard Puma AIFV

Germany's Bundeswehr formally took delivery of its first production Puma armoured infantry fighting vehicle (AIFV) from Projekt System & Management GmbH (PSM) on 23 June during a ceremony held at the Unterlüss Proving Ground.

The first production batch of Puma AIFVs has been used for extensive verification trials in Germany and overseas (including Norway and the United Arab Emirates), leading to the formal 'approval for service use' permit being issued in mid-April 2015.

An initial seven production-standard Pumas have been allocated to trainers at the Munster Training Centre through to the end of 2015. PSM will deliver production-standard Pumas to Munster, where they will be fitted with government-furnished equipment and then be handed over to the troops for a three-month training period. Those troops will then return to their home bases with the vehicles to train the remaining Puma crews.

To enable a high readiness rate to be achieved, contracts for the maintenance and logistical support of the Puma are already in place between PSM and the Bundeswehr.

Under the original plan it was expected that 405 Pumas would be procured, but this has now been reduced to 350, all of which are scheduled to be delivered by 2020. Included in the 350-vehicle fleet are eight driver training vehicles.

The Puma AIFV is the replacement for the current Rheinmetall Landsysteme Marder 1 IFV, which entered service with the Bundeswehr in 1971, although it has been constantly upgraded since then, the latest version being the Marder 1A5 developed for deployment to Afghanistan.

According to PSM, the total value of the Puma contract is now EUR4.3 billion (USD4.9 billion) including additional equipment.

The Puma has already undergone a number of major design changes, including modifications to the hull that included adding an additional road wheel either side for improved mobility.

The vehicle is also fitted with a remote-controlled turret (RCT) armed with a stabilised dual-feed 30 mm Mauser MK 30-2 cannon, which can also fire air-bursting munitions, and a Heckler & Koch (H&K) 5.56 mm MG4 co-axial machine gun. Consideration is now being given to replacing the MG4 with a larger-calibre 7.62 mm machine gun from either H&K or Rheinmetall.

These weapons are coupled to a computerised day/night fire control system that allows stationary and moving targets to be engaged with a high first-round hit probability while the vehicle is moving.

The commander has a roof-mounted day/night panoramic sighting system that allows for hunter/killer target engagements to take place in which the commander locates the target and, if confirmed as hostile, hands it over to the gunner to conduct the engagement.

The baseline Puma weighs 31.45 tonnes to allow it to be airlifted by an Airbus A400M transport, but when fitted with its full armour package the vehicle's weight is increased to 41 tonnes, with a stretch potential to 43 tonnes.

The armour package is a mixture of passive and explosive reactive armour and, according to PSM, the Puma has a higher level of mine protection that the Leopard 2 main battle tank.

PSM is a 50/50 joint venture between Krauss-Maffei Wegmann and Rheinmetall Defence established to handle the design, development, and production of the Puma AIFV.

The original contract was awarded to PSM in 2004, although since then there have been a number of contract amendments as a result of changes in requirements and trials, with the original systems demonstrator completed late in 2005 and five pre-production vehicles completed between 2006 and 2007.


A production-standard Puma AIFV with full armour package being put through its paces and clearly showing the remote-controlled turret armed with a 30 mm cannon and 5.56 mm co-axial MG. Also visible is the MUSS ATGW countermeasure system mounted on top of the commander's panoramic sighting system. Source: PSM
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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #111 em: Julho 25, 2015, 11:15:02 am »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #112 em: Julho 25, 2015, 11:46:57 am »
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

Não está na hora de substituirmos o M-113?? :mrgreen:


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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #113 em: Julho 25, 2015, 02:24:09 pm »
Tinhas de vender a alma para conseguires comprar meia dúzia destes meninos... dizer que é caro é dizer pouco!
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #114 em: Agosto 08, 2015, 04:09:35 pm »
 A German NH90 helicopter

Berlin To Spend Billions Of Euros Upgrading Military Hardware  

http://www.defensenews.com/story/defens ... e/31302981
The German military is to invest billions of euros to fix recurring problems with its aircraft, helicopters and other military equipment, an official said on Friday.

 "We will invest up to €6 billion in the next seven to eight years to obtain improvement in these areas", a defense ministry spokesman told AFP.  

  Der Spiegel newsweekly, which first revealed the investment programme, said the army planned 120 measures to boost personnel and stocks of spare parts.

 The paper Der Spiegel cited "numerous" defense documents, which confirmed the "hardware problems constraining the capacity " of the Bundeswehr.

 It listed radar problems with Eurofighter jets and winches on board the NH90 transport helicopters that hampered their use in operations.

  Only four of military's 39 NH90 helicopters are currently useable, Der Spiegel said.

   Germany's military has come in for repeated criticism in recent months over the state of their weaponry.  

The G-36 assault rifle became the butt of jokes following reports it had trouble firing straight in high temperatures.  

The army has since stop using the rifle.

In September, Defence Minister Ursula Von der Leyen admitted that the army could not currently meet its commitments to NATO in the event of an attack on an alliance member.  

She blamed the situation partly on delays in the supply of spare parts for planes and helicopters.



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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #115 em: Agosto 28, 2015, 11:38:01 pm »



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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #116 em: Setembro 10, 2015, 01:44:04 am »
Germany to replace G36 service rifle


Germany has decided to entirely replace the recently troubled Heckler & Koch (HK) G36 as the country's service rifle, Katrin Suder, German State Secretary for Defence Procurement, told the defence committee of the German parliament on 8 September.

Suder told the committee that the decision to fully replace the rifle was based on the fact that "the G36 was procured with a service life of 20 years in mind, which will be reached in 2016. Furthermore, the current forces' requirements by far exceed the potential of modifications that could be made to the G36".

IHS Jane's understands that, with the decision to replace the G36 taken, the German Ministry of Defence (MoD) is planning to introduce a new service rifle by 2019.

The German Army will now look to replace the Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifle by 2019. (Bundeswehr)
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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #117 em: Setembro 10, 2015, 01:03:39 pm »



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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #118 em: Setembro 10, 2015, 06:04:36 pm »
Citação de: "NVF"
Germany to replace G36 service rifle


Germany has decided to entirely replace the recently troubled Heckler & Koch (HK) G36 as the country's service rifle, Katrin Suder, German State Secretary for Defence Procurement, told the defence committee of the German parliament on 8 September.

Suder told the committee that the decision to fully replace the rifle was based on the fact that "the G36 was procured with a service life of 20 years in mind, which will be reached in 2016. Furthermore, the current forces' requirements by far exceed the potential of modifications that could be made to the G36".

IHS Jane's understands that, with the decision to replace the G36 taken, the German Ministry of Defence (MoD) is planning to introduce a new service rifle by 2019.

The German Army will now look to replace the Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifle by 2019. (Bundeswehr)

Bem com esta do período de vida até 2016, significa que ao fim de 21 anos de serviço no Bundeshwehr vai á vida, Tal e qual como nas Forças Armadas Portuguesas !
Cá para nós se fosse adoptada pelas FA Portuguesas, nunca duraria os 21 anitos do Heer, teria que durar o que a G3 durou, uns cinquenta e cinco anos até á data.

Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!


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Re: Bundeswehr-Heer (Exército Alemão)
« Responder #119 em: Setembro 11, 2015, 04:12:41 pm »
Veio um desmentido no Fire Arm Blog acerca dessa noticia, o que eles vão fazer é complementar a dita espingarda-automática com a HK417 entre outras coisas.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.