Brown-water navy

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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #60 em: Abril 25, 2018, 06:37:31 pm »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #61 em: Agosto 27, 2018, 05:11:30 pm »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #63 em: Fevereiro 20, 2019, 05:19:38 pm »
Não conhecia este tópico tão interessante parabéns ao criador do mesmo.



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #64 em: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 09:58:57 am »
Portuguese Mozambique Lake Niassa Flotilla.

« Última modificação: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 10:02:18 am por mafets »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #65 em: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 12:25:21 pm »
Portuguese Mozambique Lake Niassa Flotilla.


Esta foto aérea é da base naval e não só também era a base dos Fuzos em Metangula, tinha instalações excelentes !

« Última modificação: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 12:26:22 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #66 em: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 03:47:43 pm »
E agora qual é a situação actual dessa base?

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #67 em: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 04:11:58 pm »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #68 em: Fevereiro 26, 2019, 05:08:00 pm »
Estive a comparar imagens no google earth. Parece que uma LF está no estaleiro.

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #69 em: Fevereiro 27, 2019, 03:57:38 pm »
Estive a comparar imagens no google earth. Parece que uma LF está no estaleiro.

Pelo que estive a ler a base é ainda usada, com pelo menos duas LF. As LDM é que já não serão usadas até porque existem reivindicações territoriais por parte do MALAWI.

Aquilo agora tem para lá uns resorts todos xpto.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: HSMW



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #70 em: Abril 06, 2019, 08:57:30 pm »
Sailors assigned to Coastal Riverine Group 1, Det. Guam, conduct a live fire exercise on a Mark VI patrol boat. #NavyLethality. CRS-2 Det. Guam, assigned to Coastal Riverine Group 1, Det. Guam, is capable of conducting maritime security operations across the full spectrum of naval, joint and combined operations.

Fonte: U.S. 7th Fleet

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #71 em: Julho 03, 2019, 11:00:41 am »
Notícia já com uns anos mas ainda não tinha postado por aqui.  ;)

River Armored Artillery Boat project 58155 "Gyurza-M" was developed by Ukrainian company "State-owned research and design center of shipbuilding" in Nikolaev the existing project 58150 "Gyurza".

Two Gyurza class Armored Boats were built by "Leninska Kuznya" in 2004 for the border Service of Uzbekistan. The purchase was funded by the USA (5.6 million US Dollars).

Project 58155 "Gyurza-M" are larger with a total displacement of 50.7 tons, a length of 23 meters, a width of 4.8 meters and a draft of 1 meter. Maximum speed of "Gyurza-M" is 25 knots with a cruising range of 700 miles (at economic speed). The endurance of the vessel is five days. The crew consists of five sailors.

"Gyurza-M" boats will be fitted with two BM-5M.01 "Katran-M" remotely operated turret located forward and aft. This turret is built by "Mykolayiv Mechanical Repair Plant". It is a naval variant of the fighting module BM-3 "Storm" developped for armored vehicles. Each "Katran-M" module is fitted with a 30-mm automatic cannon ZTM1, 30-mm automatic grenade launcher and 7.62mm machine gun, as well as two "Barrier" anti-tank missiles with a laser guidance system.

The boat is equipped with electro-optical fire control system, and also has a set of portable air defense missile systems.


P.S. Entretanto:

« Última modificação: Julho 03, 2019, 11:02:38 am por mafets »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #72 em: Julho 06, 2019, 02:01:16 pm »
A 8 milhões Usd por unidade os 30 milhões dos Tejo davam para 4...  ::) ::)

COLONIA, Yap – Two Mark VI patrol boats, attached to Coastal Riverine Squadron (CRS) 2, along with the Island-class Patrol Boat USCGC Kiska arrived in Colonia, Yap July 3 for a port visit.

This visit allows CRS-2, assigned to Coastal Riverine Group (CRG) 1, Det. Guam, a chance to train with our Coast Guard partners and build upon existing training conducted in Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Island.

“Our Coastal Riverine Sailors will be able to enjoy some much needed down time in Yap, said CRS-2 Patrol Officer Lt. Max Duncan, a native of Ithaca, New York. “We have visited Yap multiple times this year, and were treated with the highest levels of hospitality. We hope to continue strengthening our bilateral relationship with Yap and the rest of FSM [Federated States of Micronesia]. Additionally, the opportunity to work with the United States Coast Guard in and around FSM continues to strengthen our inter-branch relationships and enable us to complete more significant operations in the future.”

During the visit, CRS-2 Sailors delivered basic preventive medical supplies needed by the Yap state first responders.

“During our previous visit to Yap we asked the Yap State Police Chief if they needed any medical supplies,” said Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Tschauner, a native of Suffolk, Virginia. “We used this opportunity to bring them the preventive medical supplies they needed. We gave them basic PPE [personal protective equipment] like gloves and face masks that will allow them to be protected while taking care of emergency patients.”

The Yap State Police Chief, Daniel G. Ramngen, said that he was thankful for the supplies the CRS-2 Sailors gave them and the life support training they provided for them during the last visit to Yap.

“The life support training they [CRS-2 Sailors] provided during the last trip, helped us keep a recent suicide victim alive,” said Ramangen. “I am thankful to the Navy for everything, I hope we can keep this relationship going strong for many years.”

The Mark VI patrol boat is an integral part of the expeditionary forces support to 7th Fleet, capability of supporting myriad of missions throughout the Indo-Pacific.

Since Navy Expeditionary Forces Command Pacific’s (NEFCPAC) creation in January 2015, expeditionary forces in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) region have become completely integrated into the seventh fleet combat readiness scheme and have built and maintained multinational partnerships that have been providing regional stability and security for more than seventy years.

As an organization, NEFCPAC executes operational command and control of assigned and attached Navy Expeditionary Combat Forces in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations and serves as the core Navy battle staff for crisis response and major combat operations. They plan and execute coastal riverine, explosive ordnance disposal, diving operations, construction and Navy expeditionary logistics operations.

NEFCPAC is capable of providing the fleet diverse warfighting capabilities such as coastal riverine support, explosive ordnance disposal, diving, salvage and construction capabilities, as well as expeditionary intelligence and logistics in near-shore waters, littoral regions and inland areas.

Safe Boats International, LLC, Bremerton, Washington, is being awarded a $34,5 million firm-fixed-price contract for the construction of four MK VI Patrol Boats.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #73 em: Julho 06, 2019, 03:01:42 pm »
Estes navios não fazem a mesma função dos Tejo. No entanto seriam um belo complemento, nomeadamente a Sul, na entrada do Mediterrâneo, e nas ilhas.



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Re: Brown-water navy
« Responder #74 em: Julho 06, 2019, 03:49:40 pm »
Estes navios não fazem a mesma função dos Tejo. No entanto seriam um belo complemento, nomeadamente a Sul, na entrada do Mediterrâneo, e nas ilhas.

Originalmente os Tejo eram Patrulhas Costeiros e estes são Patrulhas Costeiros e fluviais. Mas... ;) ;)

Mark VI Patrol Boats Sail 500 Nautical Miles in Record Transit

Two Navy Mark VI Patrol Boats recently completed a 500 nautical mile transit from Guam, showing Navy planners in the region that the boats could reach nearby island groups to conduct maritime security patrols and disaster relief efforts.

The Mark VI Patrol Boats are intended to be used to patrol littoral areas outside sheltered harbors and bays, providing security force assistance, shipping escort, and visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) operations. The long-range transit was within the manufacturer’s stated range of 600 nautical miles, but the boats had never been pushed that hard in the Pacific Ocean. The recent transit was the longest trip ever attempted by a Mark VI Patrol Boat in the Pacific, according to the Navy.

“It’s incredibly valuable to test the endurance of these boats, which will give the crews and leadership confidence in the platform and thereby expanding the operational reach of MK VI to our close and valued partners in the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau,” Lt. Cmdr. Greg Dusetzina, the officer in charge of Coastal Riverine Squadron 3, said in a statement.

The Micronesian island of Yap is about 456 nautical miles from Guam, according to the DistanceFromTo mapping tool. The Navy now knows it can use Mark VI Patrol Boats to bring personnel and supplies to Yap without requiring a larger vessel to accompany them on the trip


« Última modificação: Julho 06, 2019, 03:57:55 pm por mafets »
"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil