Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)

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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #165 em: Março 12, 2024, 10:03:39 pm »



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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #166 em: Março 27, 2024, 06:33:22 pm »
AP footage shows weapon systems and ammo production in Western Ukraine.



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Talent de ne rien faire



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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #169 em: Junho 18, 2024, 12:37:06 pm »
Eurosatory 2024: já arrancou em Paris a maior feira de armamento do mundo




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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #170 em: Agosto 12, 2024, 04:47:30 pm »
Polónia reforça defesa e adquire 48 lançadores de sistemas Patriot

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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #171 em: Outubro 29, 2024, 09:20:34 am »
Ataque contra as instalações da TAI na Turquia:

Ataque contra el fabricante turco del avión de entrenamiento que el Gobierno español quiere para el Ejército del Aire y del Estacio
(29 de Outubro de 2024)
Citação de: defensa
Un grave ataque perpetrado por 2 personas -que posteriormente fueron abatidas- y calificado por el Gobierno turco como terrorista, sacudió las instalaciones de Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) en Kahramankazan, a 17 km. de Ankara, según confirmó el ministro del Interior, Ali Yerlikaya, dejando 5 muertos y 14 heridos, aunque no se proporcionaron detalles específicos sobre la magnitud de los daños o el número exacto de víctimas.


Imágenes de televisión mostraron una puerta de acceso dañada y un enfrentamiento en un aparcamiento cercano, lo que ha alimentado especulaciones sobre un posible ataque suicida, aunque las autoridades aún no han confirmado esta versión.


Las fuerzas de seguridad y los servicios de emergencia fueron desplegados rápidamente en el lugar para controlar la situación y atender a los heridos. El ataque conmocionó al país, que en los últimos años incrementó sus esfuerzos en materia de seguridad y defensa.

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #172 em: Dezembro 29, 2024, 02:06:16 am »
A turca Baykar, fabricante do Bayraktar TB2, adquiriu a italiana Piaggio:

Mimit: Baykar acquisisce Piaggio Aerospace
(27 de Dezembro de 2024)
Citação de: Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy
Il Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy ha autorizzato i Commissari Straordinari di Piaggio Aero Industries e Piaggio Aviation – le due società in amministrazione straordinaria che operano sotto il marchio Piaggio Aerospace – a procedere con la cessione di tutti i complessi aziendali condotti alla società turca Baykar MakinaSanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi ("Baykar"), azienda leader nello sviluppo e produzione di sistemi UAV (veicoli aerei senza pilota) e tecnologie aerospaziali avanzate.

Si avvia così a una positiva soluzione una vertenza iniziata nel dicembre 2018, quando Piaggio Aerospace - realtà italiana attiva nella progettazione, costruzione e supporto di velivoli e motori aeronautici per operatori privati, governativi e militari - era stata ammessa alla procedura di amministrazione straordinaria.

Nell'ambito dell'ultima procedura aperta per l'identificazione di un acquirente, sono pervenute tre offerte definitive e vincolanti da parte di altrettanti player industriali internazionali per l'acquisto di tutti i complessi aziendali.

Dopo un'attenta valutazione comparativa delle tre offerte ricevute, la terna commissariale ha ritenuto che quella di Baykar fosse la più idonea a garantire gli interessi dei lavoratori dipendenti e dei creditori di Piaggio Aero e Piaggio Aviation e a rilanciare le prospettive industriali del Gruppo.

Baykar si è impegnata a mantenere e potenziare sia le attività di produzione di aeromobili – compresi i relativi servizi di supporto tecnico, logistico e di formazione – sia le attività di manutenzione motori e di produzione di componenti motoristici.


Baykar Bid Wins Competition to Acquire Italian Manufacturer Piaggio
(27 de Dezembro de 2024)
Citação de: Kai Greet / The Aviationist
Piaggio Aerospace, based in Genoa, Italy, has faced several years of financial struggle. After declining sales following the late 2000s recession forced the company into administration in 2018, it was eventually put up for sale in 2020. Continuing under the direction of administrators while awaiting a buyer, the company was restructured and new orders secured. By 2022, Piaggio had achieved a turnover of €152 million, and with a now more attractive business for new investors renewed their search for new owners.

Baykar, meanwhile, has enjoyed years of notability and success after their line of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become household names even in non-aviation media. The Bayraktar TB2 in particular has become one of the world's most prolific medium altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAVs.


Adolfo Urso, the Italian Minister for Business, celebrated the news: "After six years of waiting, we are giving Piaggio Aerospace a future, a strategic asset for our country, with a long-term production perspective, safeguarding corporate complexes and workforce."

Three offers were received in the tender process to purchase the company, with Baykar's bid having been chosen after an evaluation process. The names of the companies who submitted the remaining bids have not been disclosed, but are noted as "international industrial players".

Baykar CEO, Haluk Bayraktar, hinted that Piaggio as an individual brand will continue into the future as Baykar looks to preserve the company's historical identity. The new owners will seek to increase Piaggio's production capacity and provide employment opportunities in Italy. The Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology, Mehmet Fatih Kacır, hopes the acquisition will strengthen friendship between the two nations.

Of particular interest in the years to come will be how this new ownership under a company famous for its unmanned aircraft will affect Piaggio's existing offerings in this area. Developed from the Piaggio P.180, the unmanned P.1HH Hammerhead first flew in 2013 but a troubled development timeline, and the company's financial woes, mean no operational aircraft have yet been delivered to customers.

The Hammerhead is a MALE UAV, like the TB2, but importantly is a much larger design with an increased payload, higher service ceiling, and faster operating speed. Both designs have advantages depending on the mission required, so would not necessarily compete with each other.

An improved version, the P.2HH, was revealed in 2018 but has yet to be seen. Baykar may use their expertise in the field to improve upon the P.1HH and P.2HH designs further, and with its marketing prowess and existing customer base could finally get the project fully off the ground.

Production of the manned P.180 will likely continue. The Avanti, and improved Avanti II, have proven themselves as a popular option for executive transport in both the civilian and the military/government market. The turboprop engines offer greater efficiency compared to jet powered competitors, but the aircraft's sleek aerodynamics and pusher-prop configuration mean this efficiency does not come at the cost of speed. Piaggio markets the aircraft as the fastest turboprop aircraft in the world.


An additional area of Piaggio's operations is the maintenance, overhaul, and assembly of aircraft engines. The company holds license agreements with several of the world's major aircraft engine manufacturers, including Rolls Royce, Honeywell, and Pratt & Whitney, allowing Piaggio to officially act as a parts supplier, maintenance hub, and final assembly point for many widely used jet and turboprop powerplants. Among the most notable contracts secured by Piaggio is the manufacture and supply of parts for the F135 engine used internationally in the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.

The intended expansion of production facilities in Italy could even see current and future Baykar products assembled on production lines at Piaggio plants. The company's success is spurring the development of yet more aircraft designs, including the TB3, a naval variant of the TB2. If the TB3 could be locally produced, it may become an attractive purchase for the Italian Navy.


:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #173 em: Janeiro 14, 2025, 06:14:06 pm »



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Re: Notícias (Indústrias de Defesa)
« Responder #174 em: Fevereiro 04, 2025, 12:23:47 pm »
Tatra y Excalibur Army exhibirán el vehículo blindado 4x4 Patriot II el próximo abril en LAAD 2025

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