Expansão portuguesa

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Expansão portuguesa
« em: Dezembro 24, 2010, 11:35:03 pm »
1601 - On Christmas day the five ships of the Dutch Moluccan Fleet reach Bantam (Banten), Java and encounter a blockading fleet of Portuguese ships totaling eight galleons and twenty-two galleys. They engage this fleet in intermittent battle until driving them away on New Years day. This is a turning point in history - the undisputed dominance of the Iberians in the Spice Trade to Europe is over

Alguém sabe pormenores sobre este episódio da nossa história?



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #1 em: Dezembro 25, 2010, 12:14:21 am »
Sendo uma derrota, duvido que conste na nossa historia. :mrgreen:


luis filipe silva

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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #2 em: Dezembro 25, 2010, 12:38:29 am »
Luis Filipe Silva



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #3 em: Dezembro 25, 2010, 12:42:37 am »
Citação de: "LuisC"
Sendo uma derrota, duvido que conste na nossa historia. :mrgreen:

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #4 em: Dezembro 25, 2010, 01:41:05 am »
Citação de: "HSMW"
Citação de: "LuisC"
Sendo uma derrota, duvido que conste na nossa historia. :mrgreen:

Alias uma das batalhas mais importantes e mais miticas da historia de Portugal é uma derrota, e uma valente derrota, a batalha de Alcacer Quibir.


Nuno Calhau

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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #5 em: Dezembro 26, 2010, 11:01:35 am »
Por falta de humildade de reconhecer os fiascos, niguém nos pode acusar!

No nosso dia do combatente nacional celebre-se uma derrota... La Lys...

Um Abraço.



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #6 em: Dezembro 26, 2010, 11:00:07 pm »
Não sendo um mago em História de Portugal, conheço-a o suficiente para concordar convosco…foi um comentário em tom jocoso.

E acrescentaria…espero que essa humildade e capacidade de reconhecer os erros, patente nos relatos da nossa história persista, para que os meus netos percebam onde erraram os actuais protagonistas na condução do país. :wink:  



GI Jorge

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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #7 em: Dezembro 28, 2010, 01:45:00 am »
Citação de: "Nuno Calhau"
Por falta de humildade de reconhecer os fiascos, niguém nos pode acusar!

No nosso dia do combatente nacional celebre-se uma derrota... La Lys...

Um Abraço.

Foi uma derrota, mas não sei até que ponto não poderia ter sido pior, bem pior, se os portugueses não tivessem lutado tão bem.
Confunde-se em Portugal tantas vezes a justiça com a violência que é vulgar não haver reacções contra o crime e haver reacções contra a pena.

Oliveira Salazar



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #8 em: Dezembro 28, 2010, 12:51:33 pm »


GI Jorge

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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #9 em: Dezembro 28, 2010, 01:25:57 pm »
Citação de: "chaimites"
:Soldado2:  Ao meu bisavô que caiu nessa batalha! :Soldado2: A ele e a todos os outros. :Soldado2:
Confunde-se em Portugal tantas vezes a justiça com a violência que é vulgar não haver reacções contra o crime e haver reacções contra a pena.

Oliveira Salazar



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #10 em: Fevereiro 06, 2011, 05:02:44 pm »



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #11 em: Fevereiro 11, 2011, 09:28:23 pm »

135 km from Mumbai, a village that speaks PortugueseShare | Larger | SmallerSatish Nandgaonkar
Posted: Oct 21, 2002 at 0000 hrs IST
‘‘Akkiwei!’’ Father Vincent D’Mello yells at the noisy children playing in the courtyard of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Korlai village, beckoning them from his first floor house. It’s one of the few Portuguese terms the priest understands and uses to communicate with the 250-plus Christian families living in the area. The Portuguese may have fled to Goa in 1740, but a slice of their legacy survives in a tiny village on the Konkan coast, 135 kms from Mumbai, in the form of a language which dates back to the 1500s—Creole Portuguese.

A mixture of Portuguese and Marathi, the language continues to be the mother tongue of the Christian farmer community in upper Korlai, a village of 700 families located at the foot of the Korlai Fort. ‘‘I have been here two years, but I still can’t understand this language. It’s difficult to learn. But I understand certain words rooted in Marathi. The Korlai villagers speak Marathi fluently, but switch to Portuguese while conversing amongst themselves. I don’t even know if they are cursing me!’’ laughs Father Vincent, who manages the Mount Carmel Church and the primary and secondary Marathi-medium school attached to the chapel.

It was only when Jerome Rosario, a villager now based in Mumbai, began collecting facts and data about Korlai’s history that perspective emerged on this unique language—along with the need to preserve it. Rosario, along with a German researcher, compiled the history of the Revdanda, Korlai and Chaul forts for a book published by the University of Munich, Germany. American Professor Clancy Clements also travelled to Korlai, learnt the language and tried to compile an oral history.

According to an article written by Clements, Portuguese invaders arrived on the Konkan coast in 1505, and captured the Revdanda and Chaul forts by 1523. Conversions to Christianity were reported and Portuguese replaced Marathi in certain coastal areas. Between 1505 and 1594, the Portuguese army fought several wars with local rulers and finally established their supremacy in 1594. The Korlai Fort was captured and the village established at the foothills. The Portuguese built the St Mathews Church on the fort around 1630 for their army. Giant creepers have now taken over the dilapidated church on the fort.

According to Clements, the Portuguese were defeated in a war by the Maratha army in 1740, forcing them to flee to Goa. Nine families from the lower village then moved to the upper part of Korlai and built the Mount Carmel Church around that time. Certain Portuguese rituals are still performed in the village—the community annually celebrates the days marking the anniversaries of St Anthony and St Rock. ‘‘People believe that years ago, St Rock saved Korlai from the plague, and his anniversary on June 13 is celebrated every year with much festivity. The villagers mark the anniversary with a procession and a feast is laid out in the church courtyard. A traditional gun salute is offered to the procession as St Rock’s bust is carried through the village,’’ says 42-year-old Father Vincent. And since guns are a trifle more scarce these days, the gun salute has been replaced by fire-crackers. ‘‘We used to have 18 guns in the village. As St Rock’s procession passed through the village, each of the 18 houses fired the guns in salute, one by one. Now, youngsters use fire-crackers instead,’’ says 84-year-old Antone Vegas, Korlai’s longest serving sarpanch.

Vegas is worried that his mother-tongue would soon lose out to Marathi over the years. ‘‘Our children still speak Portuguese at home, but soon they will switch to Marathi. When I was a child, we had Marathi education only till Std IV. Now higher education in Marathi medium is available and so, Marathi is dominating,’’ says Vegas.

Marathi’s dominance can be seen from the fact that Korlai’s Portuguese is largely spoken, and relies on either Devnagri or English script when written. Father Vincent’s young associate Alex manages to find a copy of a book compiled by Prof Clement during his research a few years ago. Titled Naw Ling Su Istaur (The Story of My Language), the book is a compilation of 37 folk tales in Portuguese which have transferred from generation to generation.

‘‘One day, Prof Clements brought together village elders and made them narrate the folk stories. With the help of two local women, he compiled them into a book and distributed a few copies among the villagers,’’ says Vegas, adding that this remains the only surviving document of the Korlai Portuguese.
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #12 em: Abril 14, 2015, 05:23:54 pm »
Um mapa interessante.
:arrow: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mi ... sp=sharing

¿Quién descubrió qué?

Durante siglos los historiadores ingleses se han encargado de exagerar sus logros como nación. Primero a través de la literatura y luego a través del cine y la televisión han conseguido que personas de todo el mundo den por ciertas grandes mentiras históricas que los favorecen. Un tema en el que se hace evidente la búsqueda inglesa de gloria a costa de reescribir la historia son los descubrimientos geográficos. La propaganda inglesa nos contó una y otra vez que Cook descubrió Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Hawaii y multitud de islas del pacífico sur, aunque todos estos territorios ya habían sido descubiertos por españoles y portugueses siglos antes de que los ingleses navegasen por esas aguas. Y no es de extrañar, porque para cuando Cook llegó al Pacífico, los navegantes españoles llevaban doscientos años haciendo la travesía entre Acapulco y Manila. Era tal el dominio español sobre el Pacífico que el investigador australiano Oskar Spate llegó a llamarlo Spanish Lake.

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #13 em: Abril 14, 2015, 10:05:39 pm »
Voltando à discussão acho que em Portugal se valoriza mais as derrotas que as vitórias, (a única batalha em que vencemos e que se dá o devido valor é Aljubarrota de resto fala-se muito pouco, quando temos muitas batalhas que podiam ser lembradas como Ourique, Atoleiros, Diu, Montes Claros, Vimeiro etc) e isso também pode ser algo mau   :arrow: http://www.elmundo.es/la-aventura-de-la ... b4573.html



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Re: Expansão portuguesa
« Responder #14 em: Julho 18, 2015, 07:23:12 pm »
Este ano celebram-se os 600 anos da conquista de Ceuta, e como tal estão a ser lançadas várias obras sobre aquele importante momento da História do nosso pais, além encontrei um blog bastante interessante sobre a presença portuguesa em Marrocos

 :arrow: https://historiasdeportugalemarrocos.wordpress.com/