Armada Italiana

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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #120 em: Maio 22, 2015, 06:26:11 pm »
Minerva class corvettes of #ItalianNavy Minerva and Sibilla were decommissioned and they will be sold to Bangladesh.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #121 em: Julho 02, 2015, 08:21:19 pm »

New amphibious ship for Italian Navy ... y/29611993
Italian state shipyard Fincantieri and Italian defense group Finmeccanica have signed a €1.1 billion contract to build a new amphibious ship,  or LHD, for the Italian Navy. (...)

The unit will be approximately 200 meters long, with a maximum speed of 25 knots. It will be equiped with a combined diesel and gas turbine plant and be able to accommodate on board more than 1.000 people, of whom more than 700 would be military or civilian transported people.

The LHD military profile provides transport and landing, in equipped and unequipped areas, of troops, military vehicles and logistics equipment.

The civil profile use provides:

- Healthcare and hospital support.

- Transfer and landing of people and wheeled or tracked means of transport in equipped and unequipped areas.  Supply of drinking water to land through on board desalination plants or storage.  

- Supply of electricity to land with 2000 kilowatts of power and its distribution through containerized conversion and distribution units.

- Possibility of accommodating specialized staff  on board or hosting up to 700 civilian personnel, plus the same number in containerized residential units.

 - Rescue operations base through helicopters and vessels  (...)



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #122 em: Julho 06, 2015, 10:28:16 am »
The Italian Navy has ordered a new landing helicopter dock (LHD), with Fincantieri and Finmeccanica announcing they had been awarded a EUR1.1 billion (USD1.3 billion) contract for the vessel on 1 July.

The delivery of the new ship is planned for the beginning of 2022. Design activities have already begun, with initial construction (steel cutting) due at the end of 2016. The launch is scheduled for the beginning of 2019.

The contract awarded by the Italian Ministry of Defence (MoD)'s General Directorate for Naval Armaments (NAVARM) to the Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Impresa (RTI) industrial consortium of Finmeccanica and Fincantieri covers the design, construction, fitting out, and delivery of the LHD.

The contract also includes logistic services and in-service maintenance support t from RTI for the first ten years of the vessel's lifecycle. Finmeccanica, through Selex ES, will act as prime contractor for the ship's entire combat system, delivering and integrating all the systems; including those provided by Oto Melara, WASS and Elettronica.

The division of the contract is worth about EUR853 million to Fincantieri and EUR273 million to Finmeccanica.

According to industrial sources the new LHD is to be built at the Italian group's Castellammare di Stabia shipyard near Naples, while testing and acceptance trails are expected to be conducted from Muggiano shipyard near La Spezia.

The Naples shipyard has previously delivered mostly civil vessels, principally cruise liners and ferries but is being used as Fincantieri's other naval shipyards are already being used for construction. The shipyard has however delivered naval vessels in the past, and in 2012/2013 launched the Italian Coast Guard's two Luigi Dattilo-class offshore patrol vessels (OPVs).

According to the Italian Navy General Staff the vessel will have dual-use capabilities, for a wide range of military and humanitarian missions. The new LHD will be of 22,000 tonnes displacement, be about 210 m long, with a beam of 30 m. It will have a crew of around 450 personnel and will have accommodation for up to 1,000 people in total - allowing the transportation of 550 additional troops or civilians.

The LHD will be equipped with a 50 m x 15 m well dock able to accommodate up to four landing craft mechanised (LCM) with a load capacity of 60 tons, as well as amphibious vehicles and landing craft air cushioned (LCAC).

The flight deck will have at least five spots for helicopters, a hangar for recovery and a 4,500m² combined helicopter maintenance and dock-garage.

The combat system elements will be based on the more comprehensive package the industrial consortium is developing for Italian Navy's new combatant patrol vessel (PPA - Pattugliatore Polivalente d'Altura). The sensor suite will include an X-band, four-fixed-face, multi-functional scanned-array radar system and will be fitted for the C-band segment. The new LHD is also to receive a rotating L-band active electronically scanned array (AESA) surveillance radar. The vessel will be powered by a combined diesel and gas turbine (CODOG) plant providing a maximum speed of around 25 kts and a range of 7,000 n miles at 16 kts.

The Italian Navy has ordered a new LHD from RTI. Pictured is one of the two concept designs from RTI, which features a single extended island. The alternative design features two separate and smaller islands. It is currently unclear which design has been chosen. Source: Luca Peruzzi

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #123 em: Julho 09, 2015, 11:50:23 am »
Key Points
Italy's fourth Todaro-class Type 212A submarine is presented officially, in preparation for launch
Romeo Romei is the last of a pair of batch two boats ordered by the defence ministry in April 2008
The Italian Navy officially presented for launch its fourth Todaro-class Type 212A air independent propulsion (AIP) conventional submarine, at a ceremony at Fincantieri's Muggiano shipyard on 4 July. While the ceremony marked the submarine's official launch, IHS Jane's understands that the boat will enter the water for the first time in mid-July.

Named Romeo Romei (S 529), the boat is the last of a pair of batch two 212As ordered by the Italian defence ministry in April 2008, under a joint programme with Germany for the acquisition and support of a new submarine. Under this arrangement, Italy has already received the batch one boats Salvatore Todaro (S 526) and Sciré (S 527); the lead batch two boat Pietro Venuti (S 528) was launched on 9 October and is scheduled to enter service in December 2015.

" Romei is planned to complete fitting-out and to conduct harbour acceptance trials [between] the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, when sea acceptance trials will begin, in order to be delivered in September 2016," said Lieutenant Fabio Casamassima, Romeo Romei 's commanding officer, at the ceremony. "We will conduct a similar acceptance tests plan to Pietro Venuti ," he added. This plan includes 10 test launches of the new WASS Black Shark Advanced (BSA) heavyweight torpedo.

Pietro Venuti began sea acceptance trials at the end of April 2015, and has successfully completed the first two of a planned eight BSA firings, noted the submarine's commanding officer Commander Giuseppe Galeandro. "The boat is expected to conduct fuel cell-based Air Independent Propulsion long-endurance tests as well as degaussing," he added: these tests will take place later in 2015 on the navy's Augusta range.

The navy's batch two boats differ from the first batch through having received a series of platform and system enhancements (although emphasis has been placed on retaining the maximum level of logistics and maintenance commonality with the first batch). The most significant enhancements include the Atlas Elektronik DBQS 40 electro-acoustic suite, which has been updated to the fully digitised CSU 90-138 version; the OMS 100 optronic surveillance mast; and the Kongsberg MSI-90U Mk 2 submarine combat management system (CMS), which offers the ability to control the boats' periscopes from the CMS consoles.

The navigation system has also been improved, with the installation of ECDIS digital cartography. The communications suite has been augmented with the addition of an SHF-band SATCOM-dedicated mast and Link 16 Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol-C (JREAP-C) capabilities. The Indra MRBR 800 has been installed as the electronic support measures (ESM) system.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #124 em: Maio 28, 2016, 09:44:14 am »
No dia 17 de maio, a fragata FREMM italiana Luigi Rizzo zarpou do estaleiro Fincantieri em Muggiano (La Spezia) para suas primeiras provas de mar. Esta atividade marca o início do programa de testes que continuará até a conclusão da fase de armamento do navio. A fragata FREMM está programada para ser entregue à Marinha italiana no início de 2017.

A Luigi Rizzo – sexta fragata de nova geração encomendada pela Marinha Italiana no âmbito do programa ítalo-francês FREMM (European Multimission Frigate), e segunda unidade da versão de Emprego Geral (GP) – é caracterizada por uma elevada flexibilidade e é projetada para cobrir uma variedade de missões. Com início de construção em 5 de março de 2013, foi lançada em 19 de Dezembro de 2015, no estaleiro Fincantieri, em Riva Trigoso (Genoa).

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #125 em: Outubro 10, 2016, 12:02:09 pm »
A Marinha Italiana recebeu sua quinta fragata FREMM (Frégate Européenne Multi-Mission), quarto e último navio da variante modificada para guerra antissubmarino (ASW).

A fragata ITS Alpino foi entregue à Marinha em 30 de setembro, durante uma cerimônia com a presença de Timothy Rowntree, diretor da agência europeia de contratos de defesa OCCAR, que está gerindo o programa em nome da Itália.

Estiveram presentes também o contra-almirante Matteo Bisceglia, chefe naval da direção de compras de armamentos do Ministério da Defesa italiano; Giacomo Sardina, executivo-chefe da Orizzonte Sistemi Naval e representando a joint venture entre a Fincantieri e Leonardo como contratante principal do programa FREMM; e Angelo Fusco, vice-diretor da Fincantieri para programas navais.

São planejadas mais 5 fragatas da classe FREMM para a Itália, da versão de emprego-geral.

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #126 em: Novembro 25, 2016, 07:36:50 pm »
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas
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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #127 em: Março 06, 2017, 04:01:01 pm »

Fincantieri Launched the 7th FREMM "Frederico Martinengo" for the Italian Navy
The launching ceremony of the “Federico Martinengo” frigate, the seventh of a series of 10 FREMM vessels - Multi Mission European Frigates – took place on March 4th at the Riva Trigoso shipyard (Genoa). The 10 FREMM vessels have been commissioned to Fincantieri by the Italian Navy within the framework of an Italo-French cooperation program under the coordination of OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Cooperation sur l’Armement, the international organization for cooperation on arms).

The “Federico Martinengo” frigate is the seventh of a series of 10 FREMM vessels for the Italian Navy.
The ceremony was attended, among others by Gen. Claudio Graziano, Chief of Defence, Adm. Valter Girardelli, Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy, Giovanni Toti, Governor of the Liguria Region, and Giuseppe Bono, CEO of Fincantieri.

After the launching, fitting activities will continue in the Integrated naval shipyard of Muggiano (La Spezia), with delivery scheduled in early 2018. The “Federico Martinengo” vessel, like the other units, will feature a high degree of flexibility, capable of operating in all tactical situations. 144 metres long with a beam of 19.7 metres, the ship will have a displacement at full load of approximately 6,700 tonnes. The “Federico Martinengo” will have a maximum speed of over 27 knots and will provide accommodation for a 200-person crew.

The FREMM program, representing the European and Italian defence state of the art, stems from the renewal need of the Italian Navy line “Lupo” (already removed) and “Maestrale” (close to the attainment of operational limit) class frigates, both built by Fincantieri in the 1970s.
The vessels “Carlo Bergamini” and “Virginio Fasan” have been delivered in 2013, the “Carlo Margottini” in 2014, the “Carabiniere” in 2015 and the “Alpino” in 2016. The Italian program has been fully implemented with the option exercised in April 2015, regarding the construction of the ninth and tenth vessel, whose delivery is scheduled after 2020.

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (51% Fincantieri, 49% Finmeccanica) acts as prime contractor for Italy in the initiative, while Armaris (DCNS + Thales) is prime contractor for France.

This cooperation has applied the positive experience gained in the previous Italo-French program “Orizzonte” that has led to the construction for the Italian Navy of the two frigates ”Andrea Doria” and “Caio Duilio”.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #128 em: Maio 05, 2017, 11:04:27 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #129 em: Maio 09, 2017, 04:08:28 pm »
Keel laid for first Italian Navy Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship

Photo: Fincantieri

Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri laid the keel for the Italian Navy’s first Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Ship (PPA) on May 9.

The ceremony took place at Fincantieri’s shipyard in Muggiano, La Spezia.

According to Fincantieri, the first of seven offshore patrol ships will be delivered in 2021. The PPA vessels are part of the Italian Navy’s fleet renewal plan, approved by the government and parliament and started in May 2015.

The project as a whole involves the construction of nine units, including seven PPAs, one multipurpose amphibious unit (LHD or Landing Helicopter Dock), and one logistic support unit (LSS or Logistic Support Ship).

The 132.5-meter multipurpose offshore patrol vessels will serve multiple functions, ranging from patrol with sea rescue capacity to civil protection operations and, in their most highly equipped version, first line fighting vessel.

According to Fincantieri, PPAs will have different configurations of the combat system: starting from a “soft” version for the patrol task, integrated for self-defence ability, to a “full” one, equipped for a complete defence ability.

The vessels will be crewed by 171 servicemen and, propelled by a combined diesel, a gas turbine plant (CODAG) and an electric propulsion system, they will be capable of reaching speeds of over 33 knots. RHIBS up to 11 meter in length will be deployed through lateral cranes or a hauling ramp located at the far stern.

Fincantieri expects to deliver the final PPA vessel by 2026.

« Última modificação: Maio 09, 2017, 04:11:02 pm por tenente »
Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #130 em: Junho 01, 2017, 05:58:12 pm »
Italian Navy decommissions two more Minerva-class corvettes

The Italian Navy retired two Minerva-class corvettes, ITS Fenice and ITS Sfinge, during a May 29 ceremony at the Augusta Naval Base.

The formal flag-lowering ceremony, attended by Italian Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Valter Girardelli and the Commander in Chief Admiral Donato Marzano, marked the end of almost 30 years of service for the corvettes.

With the decommissioning of Fenice and Sfinge, the Italian Navy’s Minerva-class of eight boats is now left with only two active vessels, ITS Driade and ITS Chimera.

ITS Fenice and ITS Sfinge will be recycled unlike their four predecessors which were sold to Bangladesh and now serve as Leader-class offshore patrol vessels with the Bangladesh Coast Guard.

In July 2015, Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri and Bangladesh Coast Guard signed the contract to upgrade and convert the corvettes into Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs), and to provide the related logistics support services.

By decommissioning the ships, the Italian Navy is continuing its process of downsizing its ageing fleet. The navy also estimates the vessel count will decline by 65% within the next decade.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #131 em: Novembro 11, 2017, 05:14:17 pm »




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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #132 em: Novembro 15, 2017, 06:22:43 pm »
Entrando en Siracusa

Base Naval de Siracusa




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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #133 em: Novembro 30, 2017, 06:37:35 pm »




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Re: Armada Italiana
« Responder #134 em: Janeiro 26, 2018, 09:34:57 am »
Hoje, 25 de Janeiro de 2018, foi entregue oficialmente, em cerimónia realizada em Cameri, Itália, o primeiro F-35B montado fora dos Estados Unidos.

A célula n/s BL-1 agora pertencente à Marinha Italiana, foi montada nas instalações da Leonardo, em estreita colaboração com a Lockheed Martin e o Ministério da Defesa italiano.

Depois de nove células do modelo A já entregues à Aeronáutica Militare Italiana, esta seria a primeira na variante de descolagem curta e aterragem vertical (STOVL), - o modelo mais complexo tecnicamente. A Itália é, de resto, o único país licenciado fora dos EUA, para realizar a montagem do modelo B.

Dos nove F-35A entregues até à data, quatro encontram-se em Luke, Arizona, EUA para o treino internacional de pilotos, enquanto os restantes cinco estão baseados em Amendola, Itália.
Ambos os modelos de F-35, irão substituir nas Forças Armadas italianas as frotas de Tornado, AMX e AV-8B Harrier.

As instalações da Leonardo irão produzir - além da frota italiana - 29 F-35A destinados aos Países Baixos, podendo acomodar também futuras encomendas do F-35 na Europa.

O primeiro F-35B montado fora dos EUA           Foto: Ministério di Defensa

"Nunca, no campo dos conflitos humanos, tantos deveram tanto a tão poucos." W.Churchil