Exército Russo

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Exército Russo
« em: Agosto 01, 2006, 05:35:15 pm »
Russia faz pedido para 67 helicópteros de ataque Mi-28N a adquirir nos próximos anos



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« Responder #1 em: Agosto 04, 2006, 08:40:56 pm »
Mais BMD-4s vão entrar ao serviço este ano

7Km....muito bom..



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« Responder #2 em: Agosto 05, 2006, 09:00:44 am »
Russian Defense Ministry to purchase 12Ka-52 helicopters for Intelligence Head Office and terrorism-fighting

[14 Jul 2006] /ARMS-TASS/The Russian Defense Ministry will purchase 12 Ka-52 helicopters for Intelligence Head Office and terrorism-fighting. The Russian Defense Ministry doesn't decline to acquire up-to date helicopters AligatorKa-52.

Under the state arms program it will acquire 12 such machines, said vice-premier, and RF minister of defense Sergey Ivanov.

Ivanov also noted 'during the upcoming 9 years we shall purchase 67 latest combat helicopters Mi-28N each of which, by its combat qualities, can replace 3 Mi-24 helicopters.

'Only in 2006 the Defense ministry purchases 6 such machines', specifies the minister.

He also reminded that one year and a half ago there was taken a decision that won't be revised:

' The Ministry of Defense has eventually made a stake on Mi-28N helicopter which is going to be a base one for the Russian Armed Forces.'



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« Responder #3 em: Agosto 18, 2006, 05:45:17 pm »
Arsenal nuclear da ex-URSS vulnerável a ataques terroristas:

Security Issues Surround Russian Nuclear Stockpile
(Source: Voice of America news; issued Aug. 17, 2006)
 MOSCOW, Russia --- It's been almost 15 years since the United States launched its program to help secure the world's largest nuclear stockpile -- in Russia. But analysts warn that the efforts on improving the security have been going at a terribly slow pace. They say the issue of securing the Russian nuclear arsenals is starting to fade from the two countries' agenda, leaving more than half of the Russian nuclear arsenal vulnerable to possible terrorist attacks.  
Experts agree that one of the most serious security threats in the world today is a terrorist detonating a nuclear device in a large city. Modern Russia possesses about 16,000 nuclear warheads and 600 tons of nuclear material and is believed to be the likeliest source of material for such a device.  
And it takes only a small amount of that material to put together a so-called "dirty bomb." At least several dozen cases of suspected smuggling of nuclear and radiological materials were reported in Russia over the last several years -- despite all the international efforts to secure Russian nuclear arsenal.  
Robert Berls, Senior Advisor for Russia Programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative says only a part of Russian nukes have been secured. “Russia has the largest stockpile of weapons-usable material, enough to make from 40,000 to 80,000 nuclear bombs, to some of the estimates. So that’s a lot of material, and a lot of it has been secured, but only about 50 percent.  
The United States spends about half a billion dollars a year in threat-reduction projects. Since the early 1990s, the U.S. and Russia have worked to destroy or deactivate the Russian nuclear arsenal -- missiles, strategic bombers, submarines.  
But the Russian nuclear research reactors are also at risk -- many of them are poorly guarded and very unlikely to be able to defend themselves against possible terrorist attacks.  
“It's a problem that's worldwide,” says Mr. Berls. “There are approximately 128 research reactors around the world -- these are relatively small reactors quite often located in universities or scientific institutes that have relatively small amount of highly-enriched uranium. But this highly-enriched uranium could very easily be used for developing nuclear weapons just as it could from a major storage facility in Russia or someplace else. And the problem with these research reactors is that they are in most cases very poorly secured.”  
In 2002, when some 40 armed men took over a Moscow Dubrovka theater with some 800 people inside, it was revealed that they were also planning to take over the capital's Kurchatov Research Institute, which has several research nuclear reactors.  
But despite the remaining threat, the Russian military seems to be increasingly opposed to having Americans too involved in securing the Russian nuclear facilities, fearing that such inspections could give the United States valuable insights into the Russian weapons' technology.  
In the past, the Russian officials have said no foreign access will ever be provided to at least two facilities: large Russian weapons factories which store a quarter of Russian highly-enriched uranium and plutonium.  
Rose Goethemuller, at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says that in the last five years, Russia and the United States have fallen away from the rich nuclear reduction dialogue they used to have.  
“We do continue to target our weapons at the Russians and the Russians target their weapons at us. So we have a Cold War deployment of nuclear forces even if we don't consider the threat to be there anymore and we don't think the Russians are our enemies in the way we did in the past. I think it's very important that, just by accident or carelessness, that because they are still in this hair-trigger kind of deployment against each other, that we don't end up with the nuclear disaster.  
Observers say that if the current rate of effort on dismantling Russian nuclear arsenal continues, it would take up to 14 years to complete the job, but since no one knows exactly how large the Russian nuclear arsenal is, it might take even longer.

http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bi ... ele=jdc_34
"Há vários tipos de Estado,  o Estado comunista, o Estado Capitalista! E há o Estado a que chegámos!" - Salgueiro Maia



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« Responder #4 em: Março 09, 2007, 03:20:08 pm »
Zvezda, a estação de TV do Ministério da Defesa da Rússia transmitiu uma reportagem mostrando o que aparenta ser um novo modelo automotor, o Koalitsyia-SC, que apresenta a  caracteristica pouco habitual de  dois canhões sobrepostos.Supõe-se que isto lhe permitiria atingir cadências de tiro superiores a 15/minuto.O "chassis" seria o mesmo do T-72 ( mas alguns especialistas indicam que brevemente poderia passar para o do Black Eagle) com capacidade interna para cerca de 50 munições.Embora sempre no condicional, parece que a amplitude de suspensão dos canhões poderia ser diferenciada, ao mesmo tempo que o auto-carregador conseguiria distinguir os diferentes tipos de munição.Como resultado final, o objectivo visado poderia ser atingido por varios obuses.
A complexidade do conjunto não deixa de pôr alguns problemas e levantar uma certa perplexidade :conf:  



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« Responder #5 em: Agosto 12, 2007, 06:20:50 pm »
Criador da 'Kalashnikov' russa critica as armas de imitação

Cópias são produzidas em vários países e vendidas por um terço do preço
O pior adversário da espingarda automática Kalashnikov não é a paz. São as imitações da mítica arma russa, considerada a melhor na sua categoria, "que pirateiam a marca e a fama", lançou o seu criador, Mikhail Kalashnikov, numa conferência de imprensa na fábrica de Ijevsk, cidade dos Urais a 1300 quilómetros de Moscovo.

Convocada para assinalar o 60.º aniversário de início de produção da arma de guerra ligeira mais vendida no mundo e apresentar um novo modelo de Kalashnikov (ver caixa), a conferência de imprensa serviu para Mikhail Timofeevitch Kalashnikov, de 86 anos, abrir fogo sortido sobre as fábricas chinesas, checas, polacas e especialmente búlgaras e americanas que fabricam variantes da arma que começou a desenvolver durante a II Guerra Mundial, em que combateu nos blindados.

"Há imensas preocupações com a pirataria de CD e DVD, mas já não vejo essa preocupação com as falsificações" da arma apresentada por Kalashnikov em 1949, declarou o director da fábrica, Vladimir Grodetsky. Designada AK-47, a arma será adoptada pelo exército soviético no ano seguinte.

Na época da ex-URSS, este regime concedeu licenças de produção a outros países comunistas que, após a desagregação do bloco soviético, continuaram a fabricar a arma, sob outras designações e a menor preço. Uma original custa cerca de 300 euros enquanto as cópias se situam abaixo dos cem euros. Para os responsáveis da fábrica de Ijevsk, uma empresa búlgara e uma outra americana são os principais imitadores.

Estima-se que sejam produzidas um milhão de Kalashnikovs no mundo por ano, mas destas só cem mil têm origem em Ijevsk. Com AFP



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« Responder #6 em: Agosto 12, 2007, 06:37:29 pm »
Isto de um russo se queixar das imitações de armas é de uma pessoa beber uma boa vodka.....Finlandesa....coitados deles que nunca imitaram nada....



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« Responder #7 em: Agosto 12, 2007, 09:09:53 pm »
Criador da 'Kalashnikov' russa critica as armas de imitação

Gosto particularmente destas ironias históricas. :lol:
Ai de ti Lusitânia, que dominarás em todas as nações...



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« Responder #8 em: Janeiro 02, 2008, 10:17:35 pm »
Russian Defence Procurement in 2007

Andrey Frolov

In 2007 Russia’s national defence procurement (NDP) amounted to 302.7 billion rubles (app. $11.6 billion), which marks an increase of 27.9% over 2006. Of this sum, $5.6 billion (47.9%) will be spent on purchases of new equipment, $2.3 billion (19.8%) on repairs and modernization, and $3.7 billion (32.2%) on R&D. Appropriations for purchases, repairs and modernization, and R&D grew by 25.5%, 23.6% and 34.4%, respectively.

NDP-2007 includes purchases of new equipment and the continuation of long-term programs begun in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The latter consists mostly of Navy projects, given their high cost and relatively long production cycles, when compared to the equipment of other services. Published data tends to support official statements that mass purchases of serially-produced items are planned, especially with regard to the Navy, though the scale of such purchases remains rather low.

Significant sums (41% of the sum, reserved for purchasing of the new equipment) have also been allocated to repairs and modernization. Given the Defence Ministry’s tradition of procuring new equipment for its strategic nuclear forces, most of funds assigned to repairs and modernization will be devoted to conventional weaponry. In 2007, the strategic forces will acquire 17 land and sea-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) – a post-Soviet record, according to published information – finance the construction of three ballistic nuclear missile submarines and acquire new strategic bomber.

There is virtually no information on purchases of weaponry, for the air force and navy above all. Taking account of the high price of modern weapons systems, which one can estimate on the basis of export contracts, it is likely that the share of such purchases in absolute and relative terms is quite large.

It is interesting to compare NDP‑2007 with the State Program of Armaments for 2007—2015 (SPA-2015). The latter allocates $190 billion, of which the Defence Ministry should provide $173.5 billion, including $109.2 billion. for the purchase of new arms and equipment at constant 2006 prices. This sets appropriations for arms and equipment in 2007 at 5.1% of the overall spending planned to 2015, or about half of the proportion that would have to be spent equally over the next eight years (11.1%) to match the forecast of SPA‑2015. The gap between the relative percentage allocated to purchases of new arms and equipment is evident with 63% for SPA‑2015 and just 47.9% for NDP‑2007. These figures could be related to the tendency to reduce “inertial” purchases, i.e., the completion of long drawn-out projects, some dating to Soviet times and requiring repairs even before the completion of construction, and the simultaneous growth of “innovative” projects, i.e., the rising number of newly-acquired weapons systems. Indeed, it is clear that purchases of arms and equipment purchases is set to increase by 2010. The number of long drawn-out projects will be also be reduced by administrative action; for example, the fitting-out of the Project 949AM cruise-missile nuclear submarine at Sevmash was rejected in 2006 and not included in NDP‑2007.

Finally, NDP‑2007 marks the threshold of a new practice for the arms-procurement system: from 2008 the national defence procurement will be defined for a three-year period.

The tables below show only known purchases of arms and military equipment for the Russian armed forces, not including purchases for law enforcement and security agencies like the Interior Ministry, the Federal Security Service and others. Published orders for repairs and modernization are also included, but R&D contracts
are not.

para mais informações ver o endereço a seguir

"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva


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« Responder #9 em: Fevereiro 13, 2008, 03:02:48 pm »
E se a Kalashnikov fosse usada em Portugal?? :?:  Depois de tantos anos de existência e mesmo assim ser uma das melhores armas actualmente e de sempre. Até não seria uma má ideia se não fossem as questões políticas... :twisted:
O que acham??
http://valente-city.myminicity.com/  -  Cria a tua minicidade também.


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« Responder #10 em: Fevereiro 13, 2008, 03:10:59 pm »
Temos a Galil e ela vai ser substituida pela nova geração de espingardas-automáticas que viram para Portugal no futuro próximo. É um projecto antigo e que não traria nada de novo para as Forças Armadas Portuguesas.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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« Responder #11 em: Fevereiro 13, 2008, 11:03:40 pm »
e tanto quanto sei.. a galil foi uma alternativa a velha kalash... assim como o karl gustav ao rpg7...  por isso não trariam mesmo nada de novo (e acho que la por lamego ha umas quantas type56)



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« Responder #12 em: Fevereiro 14, 2008, 12:20:17 am »
Citação de: "Tomasis"
E se a Kalashnikov fosse usada em Portugal?? :?:  Depois de tantos anos de existência e mesmo assim ser uma das melhores armas actualmente e de sempre. Até não seria uma má ideia se não fossem as questões políticas... :twisted:
O que acham??

Que vantagems isso ia trazer? A G3 e muito superior!



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« Responder #13 em: Fevereiro 14, 2008, 01:32:58 am »
mesmo em termos de doutrina iriam obrigar a uma adaptação demasiado grande!!


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« Responder #14 em: Fevereiro 14, 2008, 10:41:28 am »
Citação de: "oultimoespiao"
Citação de: "Tomasis"
E se a Kalashnikov fosse usada em Portugal?? :?:  Depois de tantos anos de existência e mesmo assim ser uma das melhores armas actualmente e de sempre. Até não seria uma má ideia se não fossem as questões políticas... :twisted:
O que acham??

Que vantagems isso ia trazer? A G3 e muito superior!

Superior exactamente em quê?
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.