Marinha Francesa

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Marinha Francesa
« em: Novembro 29, 2004, 10:00:02 pm »
Commissioning of the Nuclear-Powered Missile Submarine Le Vigilant
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Nov. 26, 2004)

(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by
 PARIS --- The nuclear-powered missile submarine Le Vigilant, of the Triomphant class, has been officially commissioned into the fleet.  
Third boat of the SNLE Nouvelle Generation design, Le Vigilant will replace the SSBN L’Indomptable, which will be decommissioned in 2005. Operating as part of the navy’s Force Oceanique Strategique (FOST), Le Vigilant will contribute to permanently ensuring France’s nuclear deterrence.  
With a length of 138 meters and a displacement of 14,300 metric tonnes, Le Vigilant carries 16 M45 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, which from 2010 will be gradually phased out and replaced by the M51 missiles.  
The submarine’s performance, in terms of endurance and low acoustic signature, as well as its higher submerged speed, will protect Le Vigilant against current and future detection capabilities and ensure its operational invulnerability.  
As with all French nuclear submarines, Le Vigilant will be operated by two alternating crews (called Blue and Red). Each crew consists of 110 officers, NCOs and sailors, compared to 130 in boats of the previous generation, thanks to enhanced automation. The crews are on average 27 years old, and will alternate on board to allow the boats to be at sea almost permanently.  
The fourth and final boat of the Triomphant class, Le Terrible, is due to be commissioned in 2010.  



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2º PA francês
« Responder #1 em: Janeiro 26, 2005, 11:25:55 pm »
Launch of the Design Phase of the Second Aircraft Carrier
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; dated Jan. 24, web-posted Jan. 25, 2005)

(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by
 PARIS --- The Minister of Defence, Mrs. Michèle Alliot-Marie, has launched the design phase for the French Navy’s second aircraft carrier.  
This step marks the end of the program’s preparatory phases, during which the aircraft carrier’s main technical and operational characteristics were defined. They also validated the French President’s decision to opt for conventional, rather than nuclear, propulsion for the new ship.  
Teams from the Ministry of Defence and participating manufacturers will now undertake the ship’s detailed design, which will lead to the beginning of the production phase, presently scheduled for 2006.  
A contract for the design work, worth approximately 100 million euros, will be awarded by the defence procurement agency, DGA, to DCN and Thales Naval France, which will act as joint prime contractors. Other major manufacturers involved in the naval sector, such as Alsthom-Chantiers de l’Atlantique and EADS, will also participate in the design phase.  
In line with the strategic guidelines decided during the French-British summit meeting of November 2004, the design phase will include risk reduction and cooperative opportunity studies so as to determine, by the summer of 2005, the feasibility and the scope of cooperation between the French and British aircraft carrier programs.  
The decision to equip the French navy with a second aircraft carrier was included in the multi-year defence planning law for 2003-2008. The new ship is to be commissioned in 2014, in time to ensure the French Navy’s uninterrupted naval air capabilities when the current aircraft carrier, the nuclear-powered “Charles de Gaulle,” will become unavailable due to its scheduled refuelling and refit.  



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2º PA francês
« Responder #2 em: Janeiro 26, 2005, 11:35:48 pm »
Second French Aircraft Carrier: Thales and DCN Ready for Launch of Design Phase
(Source: Thales; issued Jan. 26, 2005)
 Thales and DCN warmly welcome the 25 January announcement by the French defence minister, Michèle Alliot-Marie, concerning the launch of the design phase for France’s second aircraft carrier (PA2).  
This important step marks the end of the preparatory study phase, in which Thales and DCN have been closely involved.  
The current studies, which began in June 2004 and will be completed this summer, include risk reduction studies and an evaluation of opportunities for cooperation between the British and French aircraft carrier programmes. Once these studies have been completed, the final design definition phase will begin.  
In June 2004, Thales and DCN announced their decision to combine their strengths and set up an integrated Prime Contract Office to jointly lead the future French aircraft carrier programme. A jointly owned company will assume the role of prime contractor on this programme. This company will have a four-member board of directors, with equal representation by Thales and DCN, chaired by a DCN nominee.  
This company, which is currently being set up, will lead the PA2 programme from conception to completion and support implementation of cooperation with the United Kingdom’s future aircraft carrier programme.  
The new joint company will be 65% owned by DCN and 35% owned by Thales Naval France.  
Thales is a leading international electronics and systems group, serving defence, aerospace, security and services markets worldwide. The Group employs 62,000 people throughout the world and generated revenues of 10.6 billion euros in 2003.  
DCN — a world leader in prime contracting for fully-integrated warships — offers a vast range of high-performance products and added-value services. As a designer, builder and integrator of state-of-the-art warships, DCN offers capabilities spanning ail aspects of naval defence, from design concept to through-life support and decomrnissioning.  



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Marinha Francesa
« Responder #3 em: Junho 02, 2005, 11:50:47 am »
Operational Practice Firing of the Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier Self-Defence System  
(Source: Eurosam; dated May 25, issued June 1, 2005)
 On 25 May 2005, the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier conducted another operational practice firing of its SAAM-FR antimissile self-defence system.  
The purpose of this firing was to engage a high subsonic anti-ship target with a salvo of 2 Aster 15 equipped with warheads. All the objectives of this firing were achieved.  
Once again, the system demonstrated its outstanding precision, with a direct hit of the target engaged by the Aster 15 missile.  
This firing is the latest in a 100%-successful series of SAAM-FR practice firings using the Aster 15, including in particular, in 2004, a firing from the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier in December, and one firing from each of the 3 frigates in the SAWARI II programme, on 23 March, 7 September and 29 September 2004, respectively.  
Besides the SAAM-FR system (the SAAM-FR on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier is made up of a fire control system comprising the Arabal radar and SYLVER vertical launchers associated with the Aster 15 missile), Eurosam presents a family of naval systems designed to carry out different missions to meet new-generation threats:  
-- The SAAM, in its Italian configuration, SAAM-IT (SAAM-IT is made up of a fire control system comprising the EMPAR radar and SYLVER vertical launchers associated with the Aster 15 missile) has also completed its qualification programme; the “Cavour” aircraft carrier will be the first ship to be fitted with it.  
--The PAAMS (Principal Anti-Air Missile System) is made up of a fire control system comprising the EMPAR radar and SYLVER vertical launchers associated with the Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles) will be installed on the Horizon Franco-Italian frigates to provide self-protection and area defence.  



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Marinha francêsa sem dinheiro para combustível
« Responder #4 em: Outubro 18, 2006, 01:21:55 am »
Afinal não é só cá, a Marine National também tem falta de combustível:


Depuis notre article du 4 juillet dernier, où nous vous révélions que la Marine nationale connaissait de gros problèmes de combustible, la situation ne semble pas s’être améliorée. Subissant le contrecoup de la hausse du prix du pétrole et le manque d’anticipation des budgets associés au poste carburant, l’état des réserves de la flotte serait toujours aussi critique, le niveau du stock de crise ayant même atteint, selon certaines sources, la zone rouge. Conséquence directe de cette situation, les navires, très sollicités cette année, risqueraient bien de voir leur activité sérieusement réduite dans les prochains mois, les entraînements et le moral des équipages faisant les frais de la pénurie de gasoil. En 2005 déjà, les crédits alloués n'avaient pu couvrir qu'entre 60 et 70% des besoins opérationnels. Cette année, la réduction des sorties en mer a empêché les bâtiments de la marine de remplir les objectifs de la loi de programmation militaire, soit 110 jours de mer par an. Si aucune rallonge budgétaire conséquente n’intervient rapidement, les problèmes devraient même se poursuivre l’année prochaine. En effet, si le projet de loi de finances 2007 constitue un léger mieux sur la question du combustible, cette hausse du poste resterait, aux dires de spécialistes, insuffisante pour reconstituer les réserves stratégiques.

450 M€ en 2007 pour les dépenses courantes

Alors que le plein d'une simple frégate du type La Fayette atteint près de 400.000 euros, les crédits alloués l'année prochaine aux dépenses de fonctionnement courantes, qui comprennent le carburant, n'atteignent que 450 M€. De même, si le ministère de la Défense consent à anticiper une dépense de 375 millions d’euros pour les opérations extérieures, cette somme ne correspond, environ, qu’à la moitié des dépenses moyennes réalisées chaque année par les armées pour les « opex ». Ironie du sort, c'est au moment où la flotte réduit la voilure qu'elle bénéficie à plein de la nouvelle politique d'entretien de ses unités. Après avoir atteint le taux de disponibilité record de 70% cette année (contre 64% en 2004), l'amélioration du maintient en condition opérationnelle (MCO) devrait porter ce chiffre à 72% en 2007.
Mer e Marine de 18-10-06



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« Responder #5 em: Outubro 25, 2006, 09:05:26 pm »
De um artigo do jornal francês 'Le Monde' de 26/10/06( na ed. impressa):


Desencadeou-se uma corrida para a industria naval de defesa a respeito dos sistemas de armas que a marinha francesa vir(i)a a dispor.Varios, ambiciosos e caros programas, entre os quais o segundo porta-aviões (PA2) é o mais emblematico, foram lançados sem que a sua realizaçao esteja garantida.
O horizonte proximo das eleiçoes presidenciais de 2007 constitui um factor de incerteza: o proximo Presidente da Republica ver-se-a obrigado a fazer economias orçamentais,  que as Forças Armadas receiam vir a ser uma das vitimas.No salão EURONAVAL, a ministra da Defesa Michéle Alliot-Marie reafirmou ( na quarta-feira 25/10) o seu apoio  ao projecto PA2, bem como aos submarinos nucleares de ataque Barracuda e o missil naval de cruzeiro SCALP.A ministra pretende por estes projectos ao abrigo das incertezas da politica.A principal inquietação diz respeito em especial ao PA2, um projecto franco-britanico (tres navios a construir, dos quais dois para a Inglaterra) em que a justificação do seu custo - mais de 2 000 milhões de euros para o navio frances-estao a ser contestados por alguns politicos e militares.
"podemos economizar um segundo porta-aviões" considera o secretário-geral do Partido Socialista,  François Hollande (por acaso também marido da principal favorita socialista a Presidente, Segoléne Royal).
Nicolas Sarkozy (o mais provavel candidato da direita) também já defendeu no passado a revisão em baixa dos créditos para a Defesa, embora um dos que lhe é próximo, lembre que uma vez chegado ao Eliseu o novo Presidente nao tarda em tomar consciência das responsabilidades estratégicas da França.

O PA2 nao tem porém a unanimidade no meio das Forças Armadas " no estado actual das coisas- diz um general- parece-me dificil de financiar.As economias esperadas nesta cooperação franco-britânica nao estarão a altura do que se esperava.O ponto de não-retorno poderia ser ultrapassado na altura do Orçamento 2008, mas essa escolha arrisca-se a ser entre um segundo porta-aviões e a supressão de outros equipamentos de que temos muita necessidade" acrescentou ele.
Clássicamente os 'marinheiros' sao favoraveis ao PA2, enquanto o Exército espreita os dividendos em matéria de equipamentos que espera poder aproveitar se o projecto for posto em causa, uma hipótese que nao desagradaria aos 'aviadores' que receiam uma diminuição de encomendas do RAFALE.

O PA2 "deve assegurar a permanência da nossa capacidade de poder" insistiu Alliot-Marie, que deseja "tornar este programa o mais irreversivel possivel".Pediu mesmo, indirectamente , aos industriais(DCN e Thales) para reduzirem as suas margens comerciais.

Também na Grã-Bretanha um debate parecido esta a desenrolar-se entre o Tesouro e o Ministro da Defesa, Gordon Brown, sucessor designado de Tony Blair, e que é favoravel a uma baixa nos créditos militares, mas isso nao quer dizer que ele esteja prestes a renunciar aos seus dois CVF (Carrier Vessel Future).
"Os ingleses lançaram o seu programa antes de nós, e irão até ao fim, asseguram no Ministério da Marinha,  porque eles estiveram sem porta-aviões durante vinte anos e sabem bem a falta que lhes fez".
Esta opinião é partilhada por peritos que pôem à frente a importância crescente da "guerra litoral" e a necessidade de poder "projectar as suas forças" sem necessidade de bases terrestres.Para esta escola de pensamento, um porta-aviões é um instrumento indispensavel para a independencia estratégica da França.


m/trad. e uma breve nota auxiliar:
PA2 (Paris e Londres assinaram em Fev/2004 um acordo de construçao de tres porta-aviões- 2 britânicos e um francês)
Barracuda- programa francês de submarinos nucleares de ataque.Seis encomendas esperadas até ao fim do ano com primeira entrega para 2016.



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« Responder #6 em: Dezembro 22, 2006, 02:20:47 pm »
Defesa:  França encomenda seis submarinos nucleares à DCN

Paris, 22 Dez (Lusa) - A ministra francesa da Defesa, MichŠle Alliot-Marie, oficializou hoje a encomenda de seis submarinos nucleares de ataque da nova geração Barracuda num montante de 7,9 mil milhões de euros, com vista a renovar a actual frota.

      A entrega dos seis submarinos, a cargo dos estaleiros navais da Direcção de Construções Navais (DCN) e do grupo nuclear Areva e ao Comissariado da Energia Atómico (todos estatais), acontecerá entre 2016 e 1017.

      Os Barracuda, embora a propulsão nuclear, serão também equipados com armas convencionais e substituirão os actuais submarinos nucleares Rubi, alguns com mais de 20 anos de serviço.

      Segundo o governo, as encomendas garantirão, até 2027, uma parte significativa da actividade das empresas fabricantes, designadamente na manutenção.

      Actualmente a DCN, que em tempos foi candidata ao fabrico dos submarinos convencionais para a marinha de guerra portuguesa, encontra- se em processo de fusão com a Thales (empresa de electrónica naval de defesa) sendo ainda responsável pela construção do segundo porta- aviões da armada francesa.
"Portugal civilizou a Ásia, a África e a América. Falta civilizar a Europa"




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« Responder #7 em: Março 03, 2007, 10:32:44 am »
DGA Takes Delivery of BPC Tonnerre Built by DCN
(Source: DCN; issued March 1, 2007)

French defence procurement agency DGA took delivery of BPC-type force projection and command vessel Tonnerre built by naval defence group DCN. This important milestone will be followed by formal handover to the French Navy.  
On 14 February, BPC Tonnerre left Brest for Toulon where the combat system will undergo a final series of tests. Delivery to the DGA was previously scheduled to take place in May 2006. The ship was ready and all tests completed on schedule when nonconformities attributed to Chantiers de l'Atlantique (CAT) and its subcontractors were discovered in the accommodation area floors. The repairs resulted in a significant delay.  
Formal delivery means that ownership of the Tonnerre has been transferred to the DGA prior to handover to the French Navy.  
DCN designed and built the Mistral and its sister ship, the Tonnerre, as programme prime contractor to contract principal DGA. The industrial organisation adopted for this major programme enabled each contractor and subcontractor to contribute efficiently to the overall effort. CAT played a key role as designed and builder of the forward section of each ship.  
The 199 metre-long Tonnerre offers a displacement of 21,000 tonnes, a speed of 19 knots and sufficient endurance and range for global force projection. A typical payload might comprise 450 troops, 16 heavy helicopters, two hovercraft and four LCM landing craft or one-third of a mechanised regiment complete with armoured vehicles (1,000 tons).  
The design features electric propulsion using azimuth pods and high-level automation compatible with a complement of just 160. The class offers ample capacity as a hospital ship and for large-scale humanitarian evacuation missions. A high-performance communications suite makes the ship ideal as a command vessel.  
The class's exemplary capabilities and modular design ensure excellent prospects on the international market.  
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas


Rui Elias

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« Responder #8 em: Março 05, 2007, 03:23:09 pm »
Para quem pensava que os velhos Clemanceou e Foch (actual A-12 S. Paulo) eram grandes navios (e são-no):

Os dois principais navios de projecção de forças da Armada fancesa (eu consideraria o CdG e os navios de linha, nomeadamente os novos Horiozon como navios de projecção de poder) a partir de hoje, uma vez que os Orage e Oragan deverão ser desmantelados após as nóticias vinda a lume sobre a já não venda destes à Argentina, e quando é duvidoso o futuro do Foudre num horizonte de 4 ou 5 anos:




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« Responder #9 em: Março 05, 2007, 03:50:47 pm »
Citação de: "Rui Elias"
e quando é duvidoso o futuro do Foudre num horizonte de 4 ou 5 anos

Porquê duvidoso Rui? O que você sabe e que eu não sei? E porque é o futuro do Foudre duvidoso e o do Sciroco não?


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« Responder #10 em: Março 05, 2007, 03:57:10 pm »
Bueno, julgo saber que os Foudre poderão passar a uma espécie de reserva, lá para 2012, e nessa altura, ou serão acostados ou passarão a fazer companhis às "coloniais" Floreal, para missões  mais "civilistas" e menos eminentemente militares.



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« Responder #11 em: Março 05, 2007, 04:24:15 pm »
Não acredito nisso Rui. A França precisa de ter 4 navios anfíbios, motivo pelo qual o Orage ainda não foi desarmado, só o será depois do Tonerre estar 100% operativo, lá para o Verão. Aliás, a França recuperou o Bougainville para missões anfíbias e de apoio logístico, o que reflecte bem a necessidade que a França tem deste tipo de navios. Concluindo, a França necessita de 4/5 navios de apoio logístico permanentes, ficando futuramente com os 2 Mistral, os 2 Foudre e durante algum tempo com o Bougainville. Restam ainda os Batral, usados sobretudo no "Ultramar".


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« Responder #12 em: Março 05, 2007, 04:34:56 pm »
Se você o diz...   :?  :?



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« Responder #13 em: Março 05, 2007, 04:52:31 pm »
Penso que o JLRC tem razão. O que marinha francesa tem previsto (sem falar das Horizon, das FREMM...) é por volta de 2015 ter pelo menos 4 navios anfibios (Os Mistral e os Foudre) e dois PA.
"Se serviste a patria e ela te foi ingrata, tu fizestes o que devias, ela o que costuma"
Padrea Antonio Vieira


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« Responder #14 em: Março 05, 2007, 04:56:22 pm »

Mas manter os 2 Foudre completamente integrados na força e operacionais?

O que eu ouvi (melhor, li) seria que iriam para uma espécie de reserva, nada sobre serem abatidos o efectivo.