Guerra na Síria

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Jorge Pereira

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Guerra na Síria
« em: Setembro 01, 2013, 01:26:38 am »
Dados os últimos acontecimentos, este conflito merece um tópico específico.

EUA abrem guerra com a Síria
Barack Obama anunciou intervenção dos EUA na Síria, mas diz que quer aprovação do Congresso norte-americano.

Ler mais: ... z2db1U29rk
Um dos primeiros erros do mundo moderno é presumir, profunda e tacitamente, que as coisas passadas se tornaram impossíveis.

Gilbert Chesterton, in 'O Que Há de Errado com o Mundo'




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #1 em: Setembro 01, 2013, 01:56:00 am » ... WW20130829

Insight: Syria pays for Russian weapons to boost ties with Moscow

By Thomas Grove
MOSCOW | Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:45pm EDT
(Reuters) - More than two years into Syria's civil war, President Bashar al-Assad is settling his bills for Russian arms orders through the Russian banking system to try to shore up ties with his most powerful ally, according to a Russian arms industry source.

The payments, which have increased in recent months, show how Assad has sustained his ties with his main diplomatic defender, a relationship that has come under the spotlight this week as Western countries plan military action to punish him for suspected chemical weapons attacks on civilians.

A Reuters investigation shows that the relationship has deepened in recent months.

Although it was not possible to say for certain if they are bringing weapons, the number of ships travelling to Syria from a Ukrainian port used by Russia's arms export monopoly has increased sharply since April.

The Russian defense industry source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Assad had started in recent months paying off a nearly $1-billion contract for four S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems and another $550-million order for 36 Yak-130 trainer fighter planes.

"They've already made the first payment for the Yak-130, likely 10 percent of it. Regarding the S-300, they've definitely made a first downpayment of 20 percent, but we are probably at half of the payment at this point," said the source.

Another Russian source who has links with businesses dealing with Syria, and two Moscow-based members of the Syrian opposition, said the Assad family's financial affairs in Russia have been personally looked after by Assad's maternal uncle Mohammad Makhlouf, from a room in a Soviet-era skyscraper hotel, overlooking the Moskva river.

"That's where all the operations have taken place. That's where Makhlouf meets with those bringing money in. He is looking after all the operations, making sure everything goes according to plan," said one of the Syrian opposition members living in Moscow, who is in touch with the central bank in Damascus.

Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the magazine Russia in Global Affairs, said the payments for arms were an important way for Syria to prove to Moscow that it deserves its continued support.

"Syria needs Russia to lend it some international credence and any payments would be a way of ensuring Moscow that it can be taken seriously as a partner," he said

Repeated attempts to reach Makhlouf and other Syrian officials for comment on this story were unsuccessful.


Russian weapons accounted for 50 percent of Syria's arms imports before the uprising against Assad began in 2011, according to a Syrian defense ministry defector. Payments for those arms were usually deposited in the state bank accounts of Rosoboronexport, Russia's state arms dealer.

In 2011, when protests against Assad began, Russia sent almost $1 billion in arms to Syria's troops. Russia has often repeated that the weapons it sends cannot be used in the conflict and that it will continue selling arms while no international arms embargo exists on Syria.

Nevertheless, through much of last year and the start of this year as Russia was working with the West to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis, no new arms deals were signed with Assad. Rosoboronexport said Damascus had fallen to be Moscow's 13th or 14th biggest client last year.

That appears to have changed in the past few months as diplomacy between Washington and Moscow reached a dead end over a proposed peace conference in Switzerland. President Vladimir Putin approved more weapons sales, the Russian arms industry source said.

"About a year ago they put (some small arms deliveries) on hold. But after Putin got angry in the lead-up to talks about Geneva 2, the green light was given for limited small arms deliveries," the source said.

The source said shipments of weapons, large and small, may be on the rise again. Reuters analysis of international shipping satellite data appears to support that conclusion.

The data from Reuters parent company Thomson Reuters, which tracks ship movements based on satellite imaging of their radar signals, shows that at least 14 ships travelled from the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Oktyabrsk to Syria's port of Tartous over the past 18 months.

Nine of those trips were made since April, showing a dramatic increase in traffic on the route.

While it is not possible to say definitively what was in those ships, Russian defense experts say they suspect they could have been carrying arms. Oktyabrsk is one of the main ports used by Rosoboronexport to ship Russian weapons.

Moscow-based think tank CAST said the route is a common one for arms deliveries.

Apparently underscoring the secrecy of the shipments, most vessels making the trip switched off their radar while at Oktyabrsk only to turn it on again after setting sail for Syria.

The defense industry source said he was not aware of what small arms were being delivered to Syria, but said shipments most likely included continued deliveries of anti-tank Kornet missiles, which Syria has bought since around 1998. Moscow and Damascus have concluded around six or seven contracts for the system.

Israeli defense think tank the International Institute for Strategic Studies said in 2010 that Syria had concluded contracts for 1,500 Kornet missiles and 50 launchers, and that further contracts were under discussion.

Small arms such as machine guns are nearly impossible to trace because of the amount of counterfeit weapons and the number of arms traders who sell weapons without the blessing of the Kremlin.

In January, Russian news agencies reported that two ships were carrying munitions to Syria, but did not clarify whether they were delivering the munitions to Assad or to the small repair and maintenance base Russia's navy keeps at Tartous.

Ruslan Pukhov, director of CAST, said large numbers of Russian military ships were also travelling to Tartous over the past year, and speculated that they could be carrying arms.

"I wouldn't be surprised, given their frequency, if these ships were carrying some kind of weapons we haven't been told about," said Pukhov.

The United States and European Union have both imposed sanctions on Syria's financial system which, though not applying in Russia, could apply to large Russian banks that do business in the West.

Earlier this year a U.S. Treasury official, speaking to Reuters on the condition of anonymity, said Washington could take action against any Russian banks found dealing with Syria's central bank and the state-owned Commercial Bank of Syria.

A Syrian newspaper reported that Syria's central bank said two years ago it had rouble and foreign currency bank accounts in Russian banks VTB VEB and Gazprombank.

VTB denied doing business with the Syrian central bank. VEB chairman Vladimir Dmitriyev said he had no knowledge of links to any Syrian companies. Gazprombank did not reply to an e-mail seeking comment.

The defense industry source said Assad's government has routed its payments through at least one smaller Russian bank, making the money harder to trace.

"The big Russian banks are not eager to work with Assad. There were some problems with payments because big Russian banks were scared of dealing with Assad."

"But there were bank transfers. There may be VTB, VEB and Gazprombank, but there are also small banks and banks that are not based in Moscow."

A second defense industry source confirmed the transactions were being made through smaller banks.

(Reporting by Thomas Grove; Editing by Peter Graff)
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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #2 em: Setembro 01, 2013, 03:04:33 am »
Citação de: "Jorge Pereira"
Dados os últimos acontecimentos, este conflito merece um tópico específico.

EUA abrem guerra com a Síria
Barack Obama anunciou intervenção dos EUA na Síria, mas diz que quer aprovação do Congresso norte-americano.

Ler mais: ... z2db1U29rk

Uma decisão sensata do Obama, mas também pode ser interpretada como um lavar de mãos.

Se a comunidade de inteligência americana,inglesa,israelita têm tanta confiança na culpabilidade do regime sírio no ataque quimico sobre a população devem a bem da transparência dar prova às Nações Unidas, como no caso do Iraque, mas desta vez sem mentiras  :evil:

Andamos todos aos papéis. O mais certo é ambos os lados terem recorrido ao uso de armas quimicas ao longo do conflito.

Certo é este episódio favorecer as pretensões das forças da oposição, ou seja, a necessidade de intervenção ocidental numa altura em que as forças de Assad estão por cima.

Eu não tenho qualquer simpatia pelo regime sírio, mas não gosto de ver guerras começarem baseadas em mentiras!!!
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #3 em: Setembro 01, 2013, 10:06:53 pm »
http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e36050.htm

Israeli Firsters Urge President Obama to Respond to Assad's Chemical Attack

By James Kirchick, Christopher J. Griffin, Dan Senor, Robert Zarate, Robert Kagan, William Kristol

August 31, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "Foreign Policy Initiative" - WASHINGTON, D.C. – Seventy-four former U.S. government officials and foreign policy experts have now signed a bipartisan open letter to President Barack Obama, urging a decisive response to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's recent large-scale use of chemical weapons. The group recommends direct military strikes against the pillars of the Assad regime, along with accelerated efforts to vet, train, and arm moderate elements of Syria's internal opposition.

"Left unanswered, the Assad regime’s mounting attacks with chemical weapons will show the world that America’s red lines are only empty threats," the group warned in the letter. "It is therefore time for the United States to take meaningful and decisive actions to stem the Assad regime’s relentless aggression, and help shape and influence the foundations for the post-Assad Syria that you have said is inevitable."

The full text of the letter follows. The letter was organized by the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), a non-profit and non-partisan 501(c)3 organization that promotes U.S. diplomatic, economic, and military engagement in the world.

August 27, 2013

The Honorable Barack Obama                                              
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:
Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has once again violated your red line, using chemical weapons to kill as many as 1,400 people in the suburbs of Damascus.  You have said that large-scale use of chemical weapons in Syria would implicate “core national interests,” including “making sure that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating, as well as needing to protect our allies [and] our bases in the region.”  The world—including Iran, North Korea, and other potential aggressors who seek or possess weapons of mass of destruction—is now watching to see how you respond.
We urge you to respond decisively by imposing meaningful consequences on the Assad regime.  At a minimum, the United States, along with willing allies and partners, should use standoff weapons and airpower to target the Syrian dictatorship’s military units that were involved in the recent large-scale use of chemical weapons.  It should also provide vetted moderate elements of Syria’s armed opposition with the military support required to identify and strike regime units armed with chemical weapons.
Moreover, the United States and other willing nations should consider direct military strikes against the pillars of the Assad regime.  The objectives should be not only to ensure that Assad’s chemical weapons no longer threaten America, our allies in the region or the Syrian people, but also to deter or destroy the Assad regime’s airpower and other conventional military means of committing atrocities against civilian non-combatants.  At the same time, the United States should accelerate efforts to vet, train, and arm moderate elements of Syria’s armed opposition, with the goal of empowering them to prevail against both the Assad regime and the growing presence of Al Qaeda-affiliated and other extremist rebel factions in the country.
Left unanswered, the Assad regime’s mounting attacks with chemical weapons will show the world that America’s red lines are only empty threats.  It is a dangerous and destabilizing message that will surely come to haunt us—one that will certainly embolden Iran’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons capability despite your repeated warnings that doing so is unacceptable.  It is therefore time for the United States to take meaningful and decisive actions to stem the Assad regime’s relentless aggression, and help shape and influence the foundations for the post-Assad Syria that you have said is inevitable.

     Ammar Abdulhamid
Ambassador Robert G. Joseph

     Elliott Abrams
    Dr. Robert Kagan
     Dr. Fouad Ajami
    Lawrence F. Kaplan
     Michael Allen
    James Kirchick
     Dr. Michael Auslin
    Irina Krasovskaya
     Gary Bauer
    Dr. William Kristol
     Paul Berman
    Bernard-Henri Levy
     Max Boot
    Dr. Robert J. Lieber
     Ellen Bork
    Senator Joseph I. Lieberman
     Ambassador L. Paul Bremer
    Tod Lindberg
     Matthew R. J. Brodsky
   Mary Beth Long
     Dr. Eliot A. Cohen
   Dr. Thomas G. Mahnken
     Senator Norm Coleman
    Dr. Michael Makovsky
     Ambassador William Courtney
    Ann Marlowe
     Seth Cropsey
   Clifford D. May
     James S. Denton
    Dr. Alan Mendoza
     Paula A. DeSutter
   David A. Merkel
     Dr. Larry Diamond
    Dr. Joshua Muravchik
     Dr. Paula J. Dobriansky
    Ambassador Andrew Natsios
     Thomas Donnelly
   Governor Tim Pawlenty
     Dr. Michael Doran
    Martin Peretz
     Mark Dubowitz
    Danielle Pletka
     Dr. Colin Dueck
    Dr. David Pollock
     Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt
    Arch Puddington
     Ambassador Eric S. Edelman
    Karl Rove
     Douglas J. Feith
    Randy Scheunemann
     Reuel Marc Gerecht
    Dan Senor
     Abe Greenwald
    Ambassador John Shattuck
     Christopher J. Griffin
    Lee Smith
     John P. Hannah
    Henry D. Sokolski
     Dr. Jeffrey Herf
    James Traub
     Peter R. Huessy
    Ambassador Mark D. Wallace
     Dr. William Inboden
    Michael Weiss
     Bruce Pitcairn Jackson
    Leon Wieseltier
     Ash Jain
    Khawla Yusuf
     Dr. Kenneth Jensen
    Robert Zarate
     Allison Johnson
    Dr. Radwan Ziadeh
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #4 em: Setembro 02, 2013, 01:05:12 pm »
Liga Árabe favorável a uma intervenção na Síria com aval da ONU

O secretário-geral da Liga Árabe, Nabil al Araby, mostrou-se hoje favorável a uma intervenção na Síria com aval da ONU e descartou que existam divisões entre os países árabes em relação à última resolução sobre o conflito sírio. «O que pedimos é que a intervenção seja com aval das Nações Unidas», assegurou Araby em conferência de imprensa.

Araby também destacou que a resolução emitida ontem após a cimeira de ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros dos países da Liga Árabe só contou com a rejeição do Líbano.

Os chefes da diplomacia dos países árabes não fizeram domingo alusão à intervenção militar reivindicada pelos Estados Unidos, apesar de pedirem à ONU e à comunidade internacional que assumam as suas responsabilidades para «tomar as medidas dissuasoras necessárias» contra os autores do suposto ataque químico de 21 de Agosto perto de Damasco.

«Qualquer acto para enfrentar ou castigar o regime sírio deve ocorrer no quadro dos acordos da ONU, sobretudo porque os tratados de Genebra e das Nações Unidas criminalizam o uso de armas químicas nos conflitos armados», disse Araby.

Em alusão à possibilidade de que os Estados Unidos ataquem a Síria, o secretário-geral afirmou que «a ONU dá legitimidade a qualquer acto e, se alguém utilizar a força militar fora da legitimidade, fa-lo-á de maneira unilateral».

Araby classificou as reações ao conflito sírio como próprias de «um novo tipo de Guerra Fria a nível internacional».

O secretário-geral frisou que a sua organização sempre insistiu na importância de uma solução política para a Síria, mas considerou que agora a comunidade internacional deve resolver a questão do uso de armas químicas.

A oposição síria denunciou a 21 de Agosto a morte de mais de mil pessoas num suposto ataque químico do regime na periferia de Damasco, apesar do governo ter negado essas acusações e culpado os rebeldes pelo acto.

Na resolução de domingo, os países árabes «responsabilizam totalmente o regime sírio por este crime horrível e pede que todos os envolvidos sejam julgados perante tribunais internacionais como criminosos de guerra».

Araby disse que o regime do presidente sírio, Bashar al Assad, tem a responsabilidade sobre o uso de armas químicas no seu território, mas rejeitou que a Liga Árabe tenha acusado directamente Damasco de ter cometido aquele ataque.

A cimeira da Liga Árabe no Cairo, antecipada dois dias para dar uma resposta à intenção dos Estados Unidos de atacar a Síria, revelou domingo o apoio da Arábia Saudita a uma intervenção estrangeira e a rejeição de potências regionais como o Egipto a uma açcão com aquelas características.




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #5 em: Setembro 03, 2013, 12:17:52 pm »
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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #6 em: Setembro 03, 2013, 12:28:34 pm »
Jihadistas sírios temem ser alvo de ataque dos EUA

A possibilidade de ataque fez soar o alarme e causou confusão na Síria entre outros grupos islâmicos, e muitos dizem estar convencidos de que os alvos reais dos ataques norte-americanos serão as numerosas milícias islâmicas anti-ocidentais que proliferaram nos dois anos e meio da guerra civil na qual mais de 100.000 pessoas foram mortas. «Um ataque iminente dos Estados Unidos terá como alvo posições da al-Nusra, do Estado Islâmico do Iraque e do Levante (ISIL)», lê-se numa mensagem no Twitter de dia 25 de agosto publicada numa conta que apoia um dos dois mais efectivos grupos jihadistas que lutam na Síria.

A mensagem descreveu a visão do grupo sobre os objectivos primários dos mísseis: sistemas sírios de radar e defesas aéreas, depósitos de mísseis Scud e veículos envolvidos com armas químicas.

O grupo afirmou ainda que o segundo ataque de mísseis seria contra forças da al-Nusra, campos de treino do ISIL, líderes de facções jihadistas e tribunais da Sharia (lei islâmica).

A administração norte-americana tem se esforçado para salientar que qualquer acção militar será uma resposta estrita para o que dizem ser um uso significativo de armas químicas pelo regime de Assad nos subúrbios de Damasco a 21 de Agosto.  O governo dos EUA também nega que vá entrar na guerra civil síria ao lado de alguma das partes.

Até à data, o receio por parte dos norte-americanos sobre o crescimento do efetivo e do poder de fogo dos rebeldes jihadistas impediu que os opositores de Assad recebessem o apoio dos Estados Unidos.

Na segunda-feira, o vice ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Síria, Faisal Mekdad, disse à BBC que qualquer ação norte-americana contra o seu governo na verdade ajudaria os jihadistas anti-ocidente.

«Qualquer ataque contra a Síria é apoio à al-Qaeda e seus filiados, como a Frante al-Nusra ou o Estado do Islão na Síria ou o Iraque», afirmou.




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #7 em: Setembro 03, 2013, 02:00:41 pm »
a CIA ... uma turma de bons rapazes ... mmence.php

Syrie : l'opération anti-Assad a commencé

Isabelle Lasserre
Mis à jour le 22/08/2013 à 22:10
Publié le 22/08/2013 à 19:46

INFO LE FIGARO - Selon nos informations, des opposants au régime, encadrés par des commandos jordaniens, israéliens et américains, progressent vers Damas depuis mi-août. Cette offensive pourrait expliquer le possible recours du président syrien à des armes chimiques.

S'il est encore trop tôt pour pouvoir écarter catégoriquement la thèse défendue par Damas et Moscou, qui rejettent la responsabilité du massacre sur l'opposition syrienne, il est d'ores et déjà possible d'apporter des réponses à une troublante question. Quel intérêt aurait eu Bachar el-Assad à lancer une attaque non conventionnelle au moment précis où il venait d'autoriser des inspecteurs de l'ONU - après les avoir bloqués pendant plusieurs mois - à enquêter sur l'utilisation d'armes chimiques?

Une logique opérationnelle d'abord. Selon les informations recueillies par Le Figaro, les premiers contingents syriens formés à la guérilla par les Américains en Jordanie seraient entrés en action depuis la mi-août dans le sud de la Syrie, dans la région de Deraa. Un premier groupe de 300 hommes, sans doute épaulés par des commandos israéliens et jordaniens, ainsi que par des hommes de la CIA, aurait franchi la frontière le 17 août. Un second les aurait rejoints le 19. Selon des sources militaires, les Américains, qui ne veulent ni mettre de soldats sur le sol syrien, ni armer des rebelles en partie contrôlés par les islamistes radicaux, forment discrètement depuis plusieurs mois, dans un camp d'entraînement installé à la frontière jordano-syrienne, des combattants de l'ASL, l'Armée syrienne libre, triés sur le volet.
Sentiment d'impunité

À la faveur de l'été, leurs protégés auraient commencé à bousculer des bataillons syriens dans le sud du pays, en approchant de la capitale. «Leur poussée se ferait désormais sentir jusque dans la Ghouta, où les formations de l'ASL étaient déjà à l'œuvre, mais sans réellement pouvoir faire la différence aux abords de la forteresse damascène», explique David Rigoulet-Roze, chercheur à l'Institut français d'analyse stratégique (Ifas).

Selon ce spécialiste de la région, l'idée envisagée par Washington serait la création éventuelle d'une zone tampon à partir du sud de la Syrie, voire d'une zone d'exclusion aérienne, qui permettrait d'entraîner les opposants en toute sécurité, jusqu'à ce que le rapport de forces change. C'est la raison pour laquelle les États-Unis ont déployé des batteries Patriot et des F16, fin juin, en Jordanie.

La pression militaire récemment exercée contre al-Ghouta menace la capitale Damas, le cœur du pouvoir syrien. En juillet dernier, le porte-parole du président el-Assad avait publiquement affirmé que le régime n'utiliserait pas d'armes chimiques en Syrie «sauf en cas d'agression extérieure». L'intrusion d'agents étrangers dans le sud du pays, par exemple…

L'autre raison, si l'armée a réellement commis un massacre chimique à Damas, est davantage diplomatique. Depuis le mois d'août 2012, date à laquelle Barack Obama a prévenu que l'utilisation d'armes chimiques constituait une «ligne rouge» qui, une fois franchie, pourrait déclencher une intervention militaire, treize attaques chimiques de moindre envergure ont été recensées, sans provoquer de réaction américaine. Certes, les preuves sont difficiles à obtenir, puisque Damas bloque systématiquement le travail des enquêteurs de l'ONU. Le sentiment d'impunité ressenti par le régime syrien est renforcé par la protection russe apportée au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU. Barack Obama qui, lorsqu'il est arrivé à la Maison-Blanche, avait proposé au Kremlin un «redémarrage» des relations, ne veut pas briser le lien avec Moscou. Le chef d'état-major américain, Martin Dempsey, son principal conseiller militaire, justifie son opposition à une intervention, même limitée, par l'atomisation de l'opposition syrienne et le poids exercé par les groupes extrémistes.

Quelles options?

Si le régime syrien est réellement derrière le bombardement chimique de Damas, il aura fait franchir un degré supplémentaire à un conflit qui a déjà fait plus de 100.000 morts. «Il ne s'agit plus d'un test à petite échelle comme avant. Les armes chimiques font désormais partie de la guerre, où elles jouent un rôle de dissuasion. C'est un message aux Américains. C'est aussi un défi lancé à Barack Obama, qui risque de perdre sa légitimité auprès de ses alliés dans le monde», analyse un spécialiste du dossier.

Parallèlement aux opérations clandestines menées depuis le sol jordanien, la communauté internationale, comme chaque fois que la crise franchit un pic, reconsidère les différentes options militaires. Armer les rebelles? «Si on le fait un jour on ne le dira pas», commente une source diplomatique. Des frappes aériennes chirurgicales? Possible, mais la solution comporte des risques de régionalisation du conflit. Des forces spéciales pour sécuriser et neutraliser les sites d'armes chimiques? Israël a frappé son voisin syrien à plusieurs reprises. Mais les services occidentaux ne veulent pas prendre le risque que les stocks d'armes chimiques se retrouvent aux mains des groupes djihadistes. Dernière option, l'inaction. C'est celle sur laquelle semble avoir parié Bachar el-Assad à Damas.
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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #8 em: Setembro 03, 2013, 10:58:43 pm » ... 91693.html

SYRIE Massacre Chimique d’Al Ghouta : La Russie fournit les preuves satellites que les auteurs sont des rebelles

Les preuves sont là !

Une faction rebelle a bel et bien tiré 2 missiles à tête chimique et massacré des centaines d'enfants à des fins de propagande.

Black out complet de la presse occidentale sur ce revirement, la honte !

La Russie qui fournit aux Nations Unies les images satellites, irréfutables, des 2 missiles chargés de produits chimiques qui se sont abattus sur Al Ghouta faisant des centaines de morts, dont la plupart des enfants, ont été lancés depuis la région de Douma en Syrie, sous contrôle des rebelles !

Information relayée par plusieurs autres médias.

Que dit la Presse occidentale ? Blackout total ! La France, mise en difficulté fait allusion, et pour la première fois depuis le début de cette insurrection, Le Figaro, très connu pour le soutien qu’il apporte à Fabius et aux rebelles, se pose pour la première fois des questions jamais vues auparavant, même si le titre est 100% sioniste, ce passage en dit long :

« Quel intérêt aurait eu Bachar el-Assad à lancer une attaque non conventionnelle au moment précis où il venait d’autoriser des inspecteurs de l’ONU ? » – Le Figaro 22/08/2013 CQFD !

Source Journal Al Khabar le martyre de centaines de Syriens, à Al-Ghouta près de Damas, dont la plupart étaient des enfants, a soulevé l’opinion publique mondiale, ce mercredi dernier (21/08/2013), et notamment avec la propagation des images d’enfants et de civils martyrs, qui ont péri dans ce massacre. Les médias de l’opposition Syrienne ont accouru accusant le régime d’avoir commis ce massacre, dans une pression sur le Conseil de sécurité, qui s’est rapidement réuni, avant que la surprise survienne.

Est Gouta 22.08.2013 enfants non identifiés ont été retrouvés victimes de produits chimiques

Not a valid youtube URL

Le Conseil de sécurité réuni vient de rendre son rapport avec la mention «fragile», et la déclaration claire «Nous voulons découvrir la vérité sur l’accusation du régime syrien qu’il aurait utilisé les armes chimiques sur la campagne de Damas, et nous accueillons la décision de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour enquêter sur cette affaire », une déclaration qui vient s’ajouter à celle de la délégation Italienne qui rapporte «la délégation syrienne a présenté une vision qui mérite que l’on s’attarde dessus ! ». Et pour la première fois de son genre, la déclaration également de la délégation française, connue pourtant pour être la plus radicale et enclin en faveur de l’opposition.

La délégation française avait fournit tout ce qu’elle possédait en informations sur le massacre qui a coûté la vie, selon les dernières statistiques neutres, à environ 800 syriens, dont la plupart étaient des enfants. Mais c’est la première fois que la délégation attribue ces informations à la coalition de l’opposition et à son Président « Awinnen Jarba, » dans une tentative française de se soustraire à ces renseignements et d’en porter la responsabilité à » Awinnen Jarba ».

A quoi est du ce revirement ?

Une source diplomatique syrienne de haut niveau, a révélé à la Tlévision d’Al Khabar, que la délégation Russe a rendu la version sur les faits qui se sont produits, en fournissant des documents irréfutables, extraits des images satellites qui viennent appuyer de ce fait la version officielle syrienne. Qu’effectivement des militants armés ont bien bien lancé les deux rockettes remplies de produits chimiques, depuis la zone rurale de Douma, toujours sous contrôle des rebelles, ce qui a laissé toute l’assemblée (du Conseil de Sécurité) sans voix et les a obligés à revoir leurs positions.

La source, qui a préféré garder l’anonymat, a déclaré à la Télévision d’AlKhabar, que la version officielle syrienne sur le massacre (présentée au Conseil de Sécurité), a confirmé que les militants ont effectivement tiré deux roquettes chargés de produits chimiques depuis la zone rurale de Damas, encore sous contrôle des Rebelles, et cela en fournissant les images des satellites russes, qui confirment les faits.

Le diplomate a souligné, à cet égard, que la position russe était, ce jour-là, exceptionnellement la seule position la plus radicale de toutes, que se soit celle des pays européens ou des Etats Unis, à exiger de faire procéder à une enquête sur ce massacre. Il a ensuite expliqué par ces mots que «La position de la Russie est basée sur des images satellites illustrant de manière incontestable que les militants sont effectivement ceux qui ont utilisé le chimique. »

Sur la raison pourquoi les militants de l’opposition ont commis ce massacre, la source diplomatique a précisé qu’«une faction des militants, ont tiré ces roquettes pour exploiter la présence de la Commission d’enquête et accroître les documents (en leur faveur), et cela en collaboration avec l’un des pays arabes, mais sans avoir cette fois-ci, préalablement informé les pays occidentaux sur une telle étape à franchir. »

La source a également rapporté la précision donnée dans la version de la délégation syrienne, que les États membres n’ont pas demandé les images aux satellites américains, comme à leur habitude dans les cas précédents, se contentant des images russes, qui se sont révélées identiques aux images des Etats Unis, établissant ainsi une preuve définitivement irréfutable » .

Le diplomate a ajouté que ce massacre aura désormais des effets politiques majeures sur la position des pays qui soutiennent l’insurrection, à commencer par la France, qui devra réévaluer sa position, d’autant plus que ce crime a été commis sans que ses renseignements généraux en aient été préalablement informés, ce qui la place aujourd’hui dans une position critique ».

Le diplomate a ajouté que la faction armée, des rebelles qui ont lancé ces deux roquettes, est une faction radicale qui œuvre sous les ordres d’un État arabe du Golfe, sans indiquer son nom, sachant que l’Arabie saoudite est le plus grand partisan des militants de l’opposition et des factions militantes en particulier.

Ce massacre a touché plusieurs villages d’Al-Ghouta Est, et a causé, sur estimation des recensement des organismes neutres, le martyre d’environ 800 syriens, dont la plupart des enfants, et plusieurs milliers de blessés.
Source Journal Al Khabar

INHFR Un autre mensonge est la publication sur youtube, la veille de l’attaque chimique qui a coûté la vie à des centaines d’innocents syriens, d’une vidéo d’un enfant entre la vie et la mort, avec un titre sur le massacre qui allait se produire le lendemain !

La video a été publiée par le site des rebelles, et titrée du massacre de l’attaque chimique sur AL Ghouta le 21/08/2013, le lien vidéo sur Youtube atteste encore de sa publication réelle, en date du 20/08/2013, soit la veille !

Al Ghouta a réellement été attaquée, et des centaines de syriens ont succombé à une mort chimique,

Comment un enfant montré sur cette vidéo peut-il mourir le lendemain ? Et comment les rebelles peuvent-ils savoir la veille qu’une attaque chimique allait se produire le lendemain sur Al Ghouta, pour titrer à l’avance leur vidéo de la date du massacre, c’est à dire du 21/08/2013, alors que Youtube atteste automatiquement de la date réelle de la publication, qui est clairement indiquée au 20/08/2013 ?

La vidéo en question a donc été publiée sur youtube, la veille de ce massacre, elle ne peut pas correspondre à un évènement du lendemain, ce qui indique qu’une ancienne vidéo a été attribuée au massacre du lendemain, dans un loupé de timing entre youtube et le site qui publie cette vidéo ! Une véritable fabrication de l’information avant qu’elle ne se produise ! C’est la seule explication à ce loupé qui a manifestement échappé à la vigilance du site de l’opposition qui a publié cette vidéo !

Titre de la vidéo : Ghouta Est le 21/08 – Dernier soupir d’un enfant sans que personne puisse le sauver

"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare



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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #9 em: Setembro 04, 2013, 03:05:30 pm »
Isto é muito grave, muito mais grave do que um civil pode alguma vez pensar!

7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #10 em: Setembro 04, 2013, 06:17:19 pm »



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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #11 em: Setembro 05, 2013, 12:30:27 am »
Alemães dizem que ataque químico resultou de "um erro"

O ataque com armas químicas perpetrado no dia 21 de agosto perto de Damasco terá sido lançado pelo regime sírio, mas o elevado número de mortes será fruto de "um erro" de dosagem, segundo os serviços secretos alemães, citados pelo semanário Der Spiegel.

A edição online do semanário cita uma apresentação confidencial do diretor do BND, os serviços de espionagem alemães, Gerhard Schindler, aos deputados, no qual a autoria do ataque é atribuída às forças governamentais sírias, ainda que sem se ter certeza absoluta.

Para o BND, apenas os especialistas do regime de Assad dispõem de substâncias como o gás sarin, são capazes de o misturar e de o utilizar graças aos pequenos mísseis de calibre 107 mm que possuem em abundância.

Já os rebeldes não têm capacidade para levar a cabo tais ataques, disse Schindler aos deputados, segundo o Der Spiegel.

O BND sublinha ainda que ataques semelhantes já tinham sido realizados antes de 21 de agosto, mas utilizando uma versão muito diluída do gás, o que resulta num número mais reduzido de baixas.

Gerhard Schindler considerou ser assim possível que um erro de dosagem esteja na origem do pesado número de mortos registado no último ataque.

Durante a apresentação, que durou cerca de meia hora, Schindler também se referiu a uma conversa telefónica intercetada, entre um alto dirigente do movimento xiita libanês Hezbollah, tradicional aliado do regime sírio, e um diplomata iraniano.

Este responsável do Hezbollah atribuiu a responsabilidade do ataque a Assad e considerou que o presidente sírio "perdeu o controlo" e cometeu "um grave erro" ao dar a ordem para a utilização de armas químicas, escreve ainda o Der Spiegel.

Este novo elemento poderá pesar no debate sobre uma eventual intervenção no país, reforçando a tese da responsabilidade do regime de Assad no ataque que, segundo o Observatório Sírio dos Direitos do Homem, matou 502 pessoas, das quais 80 crianças e 137 mulheres.




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #12 em: Setembro 05, 2013, 01:27:58 pm »
FEVEREIRO 2012 !!! ... ddle-east/

End of game in the Middle East
By Thierry Meyssan
Source: Voltaire Network

Although the armed clashes are not completely over in the beleaguered district of Homs and that the Syrian and Lebanese authorities have yet to inform public opinion of their recent actions, Thierry Meyssan appeared Monday night on the leading Russian television channel to make an initial assessment of the operations, providing first-hand information which he is sharing with the readers of Voltaire Network.
For eleven months, the Western powers and the Gulf States have lead a campaign to destabilize Syria. Several thousand mercenaries infiltrated the country. Recruited by agencies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar within the Sunni extremist community, they came to overthrow the “usurper Alawite” Bashar al-Assad and impose a Wahhabi-inspired dictatorship. They have at their disposal the most sophisticated military equipment, including night vision systems, communication centers, and robots for urban warfare. Supported secretly by the NATO powers, they also have access to vital military information, including satellite images of Syrian troop movements, and telephone interceptions.
This has been falsely portrayed to the Western public as a political revolution crushed in blood by a ruthless dictatorship. Of course, this lie has not been universally accepted. Russia, China and the Latin American and Caribbean member states of ALBA repudiate it. They each have a historical background that allows them to readily grasp what is at stake. The Russians are thinking of Chechnya, the Chinese of Xinjiang, and the Latin Americans of Cuba and Nicaragua. In all these cases, beyond ideological or religious appearances, the methods of destabilization by the CIA were the same.

Group of Syrian government opponents, belonging to the hotchpotch commonly known as “Free Syrian Army.”

The strangest thing about this situation is to observe the Western media deluding themselves that the Salafists, Wahhabis and Al-Qaeda fighters are motivated by democratic principles, while they continue to demand on Saudi and Qatari satellite airwaves the head of the Alawi heretics and the Arab League observers. It matters little if Abdel Hakim Belhaj (number 2 of Al-Qaeda and current military governor of Tripoli, Libya) came personally to install his men in northern Syria, and Ayman Al-Zawahiri (current leader of Al-Qaeda since the official death of Osama bin Laden) has called for a jihad against Syria: the Western press pursues its romantic dream of a liberal revolution.

Even more ridiculous is to hear the Western media slavishly disseminating the daily dispatches put out by the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood ranting about the crimes of the regime and its victims, under the signature of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. Besides, since when has this Brotherhood of putchists been interested in human rights?

Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda’s number one following the official death of Osama Bin Laden, reiterated his call for hijad to overthrow the Baasist regime in Syria.

All it took to turn “terrorists” into “democrats” was for Western secret services to arrange for the puppet “Syrian National Council” to enter the scene, with a Sorbonne professor as President and as spokesperson the mistress of the former head of the DGSE. In a sleight of hand, the lie has become a media reality. Those abducted, mutilated and murdered by the Wahhabi Legion are transformed by the press into victims of the tyrant. Conscripts of all faiths who are defending their country against aggression are painted as sectarian Alawite soldiers oppressing their people. The destabilization of Syria by foreigners is treated as one more episode of the “Arab Spring.” The emir of Qatar and the Saudi king, two absolute monarchs who have never held national elections in their countries and incarcerate protesters, have become the champions of revolution and democracy. France, the United Kingdom and the United States, who just killed 160,000 Libyans in breach of the mandate they received from the Security Council, have turned into philanthropists responsible for the protection of civilian populations. Etc..

However, the low intensity war that the Western press and the Gulf have hidden behind this masquerade came to an end with the double veto by Russia and China on 4 February 2012. NATO and its allies were ordered to cease fire and withdraw, at the risk of sparking a war on a regional, or even global, scale.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov on 7 February in Damascus.

On 7 February, a large Russian delegation, including the highest ranking foreign intelligence officials, arrived in Damascus where it was greeted by cheering crowds, aware that Russia’s return to the international scene marked the end of their nightmare. The capital, but also Aleppo, the second largest city, were decked out in white, blue, red, and people marched behind banners written in Cyrillic. At the presidential palace, the Russian delegation joined those of other states, including Turkey, Iran and Lebanon. A series of agreements were reached to re-establish peace. Syria has returned 49 military instructors captured by the Syrian army. Turkey intervened to obtain the release of the abducted Iranian engineers and pilgrims, including those held by the French (incidentally, Lieutenant Tlass who sequestered them on behalf of the DGSE was liquidated). Turkey has ceased all support for the “Free Syrian Army,” closed down its facilities (except the one on the NATO base at Incirlik), and turned over its commander, Colonel Riad el-Assad. Russia, which is the guarantor of the agreements, has been allowed to reactivate the former Soviet listening base on Mount Qassioum.

The next day, the US State Department informed the Syrian opposition in exile that it could no longer count on its military aid. Realizing that they have betrayed their country to no avail, the Syrian National Council members went in search of new sponsors. One of them even went so far as to write to Benjamin Netanyahu asking him to invade Syria.

Deployment of the Lebanese army during its operation in the north of the country.

After a period of two days required for the implementation of the agreements, not only the national armies of Syria, but also Lebanon, stormed the bases of the Wahhabi Legion. In northern Lebanon, a massive arsenal was seized in the town of Tripoli and four officers were taken prisoner in Akkar, in a school abandoned by UNRWA and transformed into a military HQ. In Syria, General Assef Shawkat in person commanded the operations. At least 1,500 fighters were captured, including a French colonel of the DGSE technical communication services, and more than a thousand people were killed. At this stage it is not possible to determine how many among the victims are foreign mercenaries, how many are Syrians cooperating with foreign forces, and how many are civilians trapped in the beleaguered city.

Lebanon and Syria have restored their sovereignty over their entire territory.

Intellectuals are debating whether Vladimir Putin might have made a mistake in protecting Syria at the risk of a diplomatic crisis with the United States. The question is wrongly put. Having reconstituted its forces for years and asserted itself today on the international stage, Moscow has put an end to two decades of a unipolar world order, permitting Washington to expand its hegemony to achieve global domination. The choice was not between siding with tiny Syria or with the mighty United States, but between allowing the first world power to destroy yet another government or upsetting the balance of power to create a more just international order in which Russia has a say.
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #13 em: Setembro 05, 2013, 01:57:31 pm »
A BATER NA MESMA TECLA ... l-attacks/

Saudi Arabia’s ‘Chemical Bandar’ behind the Syrian chemical attacks?

U.N. chemical weapons experts visit a hospital where wounded people affected by an apparent gas attack are being treated, in the southwestern Damascus suburb of Mouadamiya, August 26, 2013 (Reuters / Abo Alnour Alhaji)

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, OP Ed for RT

Nothing the US claims about what happened in Syria adds up. We are being asked to believe an illogical story, when it is much more likely that it was Israel and Saudi Arabia who enabled the Obama Administration to threaten Syria with war.

The Obama Administration’s intelligence report on Syria was a rehash of Iraq. “There are lots of things that aren’t spelled out” in the four-page document, according to Richard Guthrie, the former project head of the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. One piece of evidence is the alleged interception of Syrian government communications, but no transcripts were provided.

Just as with the Obama Administration’s speeches which all fall short of conclusively confirming what happened, nothing was categorically confirmed in the intelligence report. Actually it comes across more as a superficial college or university student’s paper put together by wordsmiths instead of genuine experts on the subject.

Going in a circle, the report even depends on “unnamed” social media and accounts as sources of evidence or data. Lacking transparency, it states that “there are accounts from international and Syrian medical personnel, videos, witness accounts, thousands of social media reports from at least 12 different locations in the Damascus area, journalist accounts and reports from highly credible non-governmental organizations.”

Chances are that these unnamed sources are actually foreign-funded insurgents, Israeli media, Saudi media, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights – which includes fighters in the ranks of the insurgency and salutes Saudi Arabia as a model democracy – or the NGO Doctors Without Borders. These are the same sources that have been supporting the insurgency and pushing for regime change and military intervention in Syria.

Moreover, one of the main sources of the intelligence and communication interceptions that are supposed to be a smoking gun is none other than Israel, which is notorious for doctoring and falsifying evidence.

The US intelligence report also claims to have advanced knowledge about the plans to launch a chemical weapons attack several days before it happened. A leading expert on chemical weapons, Jean Pascal Zanders, who until recently was a senior research fellow at the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies, asks why the US government did not tell the world about it and issue warnings about a chemical attack at that time.

An Israeli-Saudi-US conspiracy?

The US-supported anti-government forces fighting inside Syria are the ones that have a track record of using chemical weapons. Yet, Obama and company have said nothing.

Reuters / Loubna Mrie

Despite the anti-government forces accusations that the Syrian military launched a chemical weapon attack on Homs at Christmas in December 2012, CNN reported that the US military was training anti-government fighters with the securing and handling of chemical weapons. Under the name of the Destructive Wind Chemical Battalion, the insurgents themselves even threatened to use nerve gas and released a video where they killed rabbits as a demonstration of what they planned on doing in Syria.

According to the French newspaper Le Figaro, two brigades of anti-government fighters that were trained by the CIA, Israelis, Saudis, and Jordanians crossed from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon into Syria to launch an assault, respectively on August 17 and 19, 2013. The US must have invested quite a lot in training both anti-government brigades. If true, some may argue that their defeat prompted the chemical weapons attack in Damascus as a contingency plan to fall back on.

However, how they came by chemical weapons is another issue, but many trails lead to Saudi Arabia. According to the British Independent, it was Saudi Prince Bandar “that first alerted Western allies to the alleged use of sarin gas by the Syrian regime in February 2013.” Turkey would apprehend Syrian militants in its territory with sarin gas, which these terrorists planned on using inside Syria. On July 22 the insurgents would also overrun Al-Assal and kill all the witnesses as part of a cover-up.

A a report by Yahya Ababneh, which was contributed to by Dale Gavlak, has collected the testimonies of witnesses who say that “certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack.”

The Mint Press News report adds an important dimension to the story, totally contradicting the claims of the US government. It quotes a female insurgent fighter who says things that make a link to Saudi Arabia clear. She says that those who provided them with weapons ‘didn’t tell them what these arms were or how to use them” and that they “didn’t know they were chemical weapons.” “When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she is quoted.

There is also another Saudi link in the report: “Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a ‘tube-like structure’ while others were like a ‘huge gas bottle.’”

So it seems that the Saudis enabled the chemical attack while the Israelis provided them cover to ignite a full-scale war, or at the very least enable a bombing campaign against Damascus. Israel and Saudi Arabia have empowered the Obama Administration to threaten war on Syria.

Obama wants to change the balance of power in Syria

The moralistic language coming out of Washington is despicable posturing. The hypocrisy of the US government knows no bounds. It condemns the Syrian military for using cluster bombs while the United States sells them en mass to Saudi Arabia.

US President Barack Obama (AFP Photo / Scanpix Sweden / Jessica Gow)

The UN inspectors entered Syria in the first place on the invitation of the government in Damascus. The Syrian government warned the UN for weeks that the anti-government militias were trying to use chemical weapons after they gained control of a chlorine factory east of Aleppo. As a precaution, the Syrian military consolidated all its chemical weapons into a handful of heavily guarded compounds to prevent anti-government forces reaching them.

Yet, the insurgents launched a chemical weapon attack against the Syrian government’s forces in Khan Al-Assal on March 19, 2013. Turning the truth on its head, the insurgents and their foreign backers, including the US government, would try to blame the Syrian government for the chemical attack, but the UN’s investigator Carla Del Ponte would refute their claims as false in May after extensive work.

Concerning the alleged August attack the Obama Administration has been lying and contradicting itself for days. They say that traces of chemical weapons cannot be eliminated, but that the Syrian government destroyed that same evidence that cannot be eradicated. They want an investigation, but say they already have all the answers.

The claims that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the suburb of Ghouta defy logic. Why would the Syrian government unnecessarily use chemical weapons in an area that it controls and shoot itself in the foot by presenting the US and its allies with a pretext to intervene? And of all the days it could unnecessarily use chemical weapons, the Obama administration wants us to believe that the Syrian government picked the day when United Nation inspectors arrived in Damascus.

Even the biased and misleading state-run British Broadcasting Corporation admitted that there was something strange about the event. The BBC’s own “Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowenl says many will ask why the [Syrian] government would want to use such weapons at a time when [United Nations] inspectors are in the country and the military has been doing well militarily in the area around Damascus.”

The US is deliberately pointing the finger for the use of chemical weapons at the Syrian government.

American officials have a track record of lying to start wars against other countries. This has been the consistent modus operandi of the US from Vietnam to Yugoslavia, and from Iraq to Libya.

It is not Syria that is going against the international community, but the warmongers in Washington, which include the Obama Administration.

Washington is threatening to attack Syria as a means of prolonging the fighting inside Syria. The US government also wants to have a stronger hand in the country’s future negotiations by restoring the balance of power between the Syrian government and America’s anti-government insurgent allies, thus weakening the Syrian military and ending its winning momentum against the insurgency. If not softening Damascus up for the insurgents, America wants to level the equation and undermine the Syrian government before a final negotiation takes place.

Now is the time for the “responsibility to prevent war”—the real R2P—to come into play.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a sociologist, award-winning author and geopolitical analyst.
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Guerra na Síria
« Responder #14 em: Setembro 05, 2013, 02:07:05 pm »

Letter of Pope Francis to Vladimir Putin dealing with Syria

To His Excellency
Mr Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation

In the course of this year, you have the honour and the responsibility of presiding over the Group of the twenty largest economies in the world. I am aware that the Russian Federation has participated in this group from the moment of its inception and has always had a positive role to play in the promotion of good governance of the world’s finances, which have been deeply affected by the crisis of 2008.

In today’s highly interdependent context, a global financial framework with its own just and clear rules is required in order to achieve a more equitable and fraternal world, in which it is possible to overcome hunger, ensure decent employment and housing for all, as well as essential healthcare. Your presidency of the G20 this year has committed itself to consolidating the reform of the international financial organizations and to achieving a consensus on financial standards suited to today’s circumstances. However, the world economy will only develop if it allows a dignified way of life for all human beings, from the eldest to the unborn child, not just for citizens of the G20 member states but for every inhabitant of the earth, even those in extreme social situations or in the remotest places.

From this standpoint, it is clear that, for the world’s peoples, armed conflicts are always a deliberate negation of international harmony, and create profound divisions and deep wounds which require many years to heal. Wars are a concrete refusal to pursue the great economic and social goals that the international community has set itself, as seen, for example, in the Millennium Development Goals. Unfortunately, the many armed conflicts which continue to afflict the world today present us daily with dramatic images of misery, hunger, illness and death. Without peace, there can be no form of economic development. Violence never begets peace, the necessary condition for development.

The meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the twenty most powerful economies, with two-thirds of the world’s population and ninety per cent of global GDP, does not have international security as its principal purpose. Nevertheless, the meeting will surely not forget the situation in the Middle East and particularly in Syria. It is regrettable that, from the very beginning of the conflict in Syria, one-sided interests have prevailed and in fact hindered the search for a solution that would have avoided the senseless massacre now unfolding. The leaders of the G20 cannot remain indifferent to the dramatic situation of the beloved Syrian people which has lasted far too long, and even risks bringing greater suffering to a region bitterly tested by strife and needful of peace. To the leaders present, to each and every one, I make a heartfelt appeal for them to help find ways to overcome the conflicting positions and to lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution. Rather, let there be a renewed commitment to seek, with courage and determination, a peaceful solution through dialogue and negotiation of the parties, unanimously supported by the international community. Moreover, all governments have the moral duty to do everything possible to ensure humanitarian assistance to those suffering because of the conflict, both within and beyond the country’s borders.

Mr President, in the hope that these thoughts may be a valid spiritual contribution to your meeting, I pray for the successful outcome of the G20’s work on this occasion. I invoke an abundance of blessings upon the Summit in Saint Petersburg, upon the participants and the citizens of the member states, and upon the work and efforts of the 2013 Russian Presidency of the G20.

While requesting your prayers, I take this opportunity to assure you, Mr President, of my highest consideration.

Pope Francis
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare