Forças Armadas e Sistemas de Armas => Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas => Tópico iniciado por: dremanu em Maio 17, 2004, 10:39:58 pm

Título: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dremanu em Maio 17, 2004, 10:39:58 pm
Northrop Grumman Delivers 200th Fuselage Section for Navy F/A-18E/F Super Hornets


PRIMEZONE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation observed another milestone in its continuing production work on the U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet by delivering the 200th center/aft fuselage section to The Boeing Company, the F/A-18 prime contractor. The Super Hornet is the United States' newest and most advanced fighter/attack aircraft.

Several hundred employees gathered for a ceremony on May 14 at Northrop Grumman's facility in El Segundo, where its Integrated Systems sector assembles the F/A-18's center/aft fuselage and twin vertical tails, and integrates all major subsystems as Boeing's principal subcontractor.

The Super Hornet was introduced into the Navy fleet in the summer of 2000 and flew its first combat mission over Afghanistan in November 2002. The Super Hornet was also used in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

``Navy pilots who fly the Super Hornet are counting on us,'' said Corey S. Moore, Northrop Grumman vice president and F/A-18 program manager, who spoke at the ceremony. ``The quality products we deliver protect the lives of our men and women in combat, and that's something our employees keep in mind every day.''

The F/A-18 program accounts for more than 1,200 jobs at Northrop Grumman in El Segundo and approximately 9,500 additional jobs at nearly 750 other companies in California. It also generates more than $900 million in annual revenue for these businesses.

In addition to assembling the center/aft fuselage structure, Northrop Grumman integrates subsystems such as hydraulic, fuel and environmental control into its portion of the aircraft. The company sends the completed fuselage ``shipsets'' to Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems facility in St. Louis, Mo., for final assembly.

Northrop Grumman has been working on the F/A-18 since the program began in the 1970s. Its work for Boeing is expected to continue into the next decade on the Super Hornet and the EA-18G, an electronic attack aircraft based on the F/A-18. Including the latest Super Hornet, Northrop Grumman has delivered a total of 1,679 shipsets.

Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems is a premier aerospace and defense systems integration enterprise. Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., it designs, develops, produces and supports network-enabled integrated systems and subsystems for government and civil customers worldwide. Integrated Systems delivers best-value solutions, products and services that support military missions in the areas of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; space access; battle management command and control; and integrated strike warfare.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:19:26 am
Compra de aviões transporte russos

China quer adquirir uns 30 aviões de transporte e cisterna á Russia. A Russia e o Uzbequistão discutiram a venda de um grande lote de transportes militares Ilyushin Il-76 (Candid, Nato), assim como a versão cisterna IL-78 Midas. As negociações reanudaram-se depois da visita do Ministro da Defesa chinês Cao Ganchuan a Moscovo no passado mês de Janeiro. Os Il-76 formam hoje em dia a espinha dorsal do transporte militar da Força Aérea Russa.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 11:40:53 am

Sistemas AEW israelíes
India ha ordenado un nuevo sistema de observación y vigilancia de
origen israelí. Nueva Delhi ha firmado un contrato por 63 millones $
con la empresa Elbit. Una subsidiaria de esta empresa, El-Op
Electro-Optics Industries, firmó el mes pasado un segundo pedido de
tales sistemas con India. Igualmente, se ha firmado un contrato con
Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) para tres aviones de alerta temprana
AEW; el coste estimado será de 1.100 millones $. Los aparatos serían
capaces de señalar objetivos aéreos y recogida de información
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:07:15 pm
Homenagem aos "Albatrozes"


Estava tudo programado com precisão militar: saída de Figo Maduro, em Lisboa, em avião C-130, com destino à Base das Lajes, na Terceira, Açores. Assistir a uma simulação de operação de salvamento na baia de Angra com meios da Força Aérea portuguesa, antes do lançamento de um relógio que homenageia o trabalho da Esquadra 711 - "Albatrozes". Regresso a Lisboa, de novo em avião militar.
Mas a realidade ultrapassou a ficção e os operacionais foram chamados mesmo a actuar numa situação de emergência no alto mar - a evacuação de um tripulante de um cargueiro, que exigia hospitalização imediata. E muitos dos meios adstritos à simulação lá foram para o teatro real, no Atlântico...
A Esquadra 711 já fez, desde que foi criada, há dez anos, mais de 20 mil horas de operações conjuntas utilizando os dois meios aéreos ao seu dispor, os helicópteros SA330 puma e os aviões C-212 Aviocar. À data em que se decidiu comemorar isso com a edição de um relógio, tinham sido efectuados 124 salvamentos. No dia da cerimónia, há um mês, eles já iam em 127...
A Esquadra "Albatrozes ", que tem por lema "Para que outros vivam", tem um significado muito especial para a sociedade civil açoriana, muito dependente da Força Aérea Portuguesa para o transporte de feridos ou de grávidas entre ilhas
Os "Albatrozes", no seu historial, contam já com 13.100 voos, 34.900 passageiros transportados, 2.140 doentes evacuados e 658 toneladas de mercadoria transportada.
Com base no historial da missão humanitária desenvolvida, a Esquadra 711 decidiu criar um símbolo que eternizasse este momento, e a escolha recaiu sobre um relógio.
Trata-se de um modelo New Pilot Classic, da marca Zeno-Watch Basel. Um cronógrafo, com caixa de 42 mm, mecanismo automático Valhoux 7750. A edição está limitada a 124 unidades, tantos quantos os salvamentos efectuados até à data em que a decisão de fazer o relógio foi tomada.
Os "Albatrozes" estão estacionados na Base Aérea n° 4, nas Lajes, Terceira, que além desta Esquadrilha de Busca e Salvamento, tem outras duas unidades aéreas, uma de Ataque e outra de Transporte e Patrulhamento Marítimo.
O relógio Zeno edição especial "Albatrozes" ostenta no mostrador o escudo da Esquadrilha, que tem por símbolo o albatroz errante, a ave marinha de maior envergadura, chegando a atingir três metros e meio de ponta a ponta das asas. O albatroz é considerado, no seu planar calmo, mesmo no meio de ventos fortes e tempestades, um sinal de bom augúrio pelos marinheiros que o avistam.
Nas missões de busca e salvamento, Aviocar e Puma completam-se. O primeiro localiza o objectivo, o segundo actua directamente no resgate, muitas vezes agindo "à queima" quanto a autonomia de voo.
Num humor um tanto negro, o operacional que desce, pendurado de um cabo de aço, para ir buscar um náufrago ou um doente, com vento forte ou vaga cava, é alcunhado de "saco de chá"... Alguns jornalistas tiveram algumas dessas sensações, embora mais mitigadas, quando os pilotos dos Aviocar e dos Puma quiseram demonstrar, com eles lá dentro, as capacidades extremas dos seus aparelhos... As três horas e meia de regresso a Lisboa, em bancos improvisados do C-13O, não deram para recuperar.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:15:29 pm
Uma noticia antiga de Setembro de 2003.

Aviões russos podem ser comprados por Portugal
Portugal é um dos países interessados na aquisição de um avião de combate a incêndios de fabrico russo, o Beriev Be-200, de acordo com a revista britânica Flight International da primeira semana de Setembro.

O Be-200 tem capacidade para 12 mil litros de água, distribuídos por oito tanques com aberturas independentes, o que possibilita que sejam lançados de uma só vez ou de forma faseada, numa ou em várias frentes de incêndio.

O aerotanque pesado actualmente utilizado no combate aos fogos florestais em Portugal é o Canadair, do fabricante canadiano Bombardier. O modelo disponível no nosso país (CL-215) tem capacidade para 5400 litros, mas a última versão (CL-415) deste avião chega aos 6137 litros.

Para a comercialização do aparelho russo, a EADS (gigante da aeronáutica europeia que detém 80 por cento da Airbus) e a NPK Irkut (empresa russa fabricante do Be-200) vão formar uma joint venture com a Rolls-Royce Deutschland. A NPK Irkut tem a sua sede nas margens do mar de Azov, em Taganrog, terra natal do escritor Anton Tchekhov.

O avião a comercializar é uma versão «ocidentalizada» do original russo. Os motores serão da Rolls-Royce, mas, se o cliente preferir, poderão ser de fabrico ucraniano, como os utilizados na versão-base.

O Be-200 está já equipado com um sistema de aviónica da autoria da empresa norte-americana Honeywell.

De acordo com a Flight International, alguns países europeus, incluindo França, Itália e Portugal, manifestaram interesse no aparelho. Este interesse teria sido «perversamente encorajado» pelos graves incêndios deste Verão nesses países, afirma Stefan Zimmermann, vice-presidente da Rolls-Royce alemã para as relações comerciais.

Ainda segundo Zimmermann, o Governo italiano, tentando contornar eventuais problemas orçamentais, sugeriu a cooperação entre vários países para a criação de uma frota «mediterrânica» de Be-200.

Contactado pelo DN, o Serviço Nacional de Bombeiros e Protecção Civil, através do seu Gabinete de Imprensa, declarou não ter qualquer informação sobre o assunto.


Características do 'Be-200'

O Beriev Be-200, fabricado na Rússia, é um avião anfíbio, como o seu «parente» Canadair da empresa canadiana Bombardier, bem conhecido das florestas portuguesas. Têm ambos dois motores, mas, enquanto o Canadair é um turbo-hélice, o Be-200 é um jacto. A diferença principal é, porém, a capacidade: os Canadair presentemente ao dispor dos bombeiros portugueses podem largar 5400 litros sobre um incêndio, de uma só vez ou em duas passagens (o modelo mais moderno deste aparelho vai até aos 6137 litros). O Be-200 tem o dobro da capacidade da versão mais recente do Canadair _ 12 mil litros, lançados de uma só vez ou de forma faseada, pois a água fica distribuída por oito tanques com aberturas independentes. Esta característica permite-lhe lançar os 12 mil litros em passagens sucessivas, à medida das características de cada incêndio. Os preços do Canadair e do Be-200 são semelhantes, variando entre os 20 e os 25 milhões de euros. Os meios aéreos de combate a incêndios usados em Portugal são os aerotanques ligeiros ou pesados e os helicópteros bombardeiros ligeiros, médios e pesados. No ano de 2003 foram contratados 36 aparelhos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:23:05 pm
FAM del Mundo:

oriente medio y magreb
Retraso en la entrega de cazas F-16 a los EAU

Los Emiratos Arabes Unidos (EAU) han anunciado un retraso de al
menos ocho meses en la entrega del primer caza F-16E/F Fighting
Falcon procedente de EEUU. El comandante de la Fuerza Aérea de los
EAU, gene-ral Khaled Mubarak Albu Ainan, afirmó que el primer F-16
llega-rá directamente desde la empresa Lockheed Martin a finales de
de este mismo año 2004; Inicialmente se esperaba que el primer
aparato de este lote para el emirato llegase en abril.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 18, 2004, 12:40:16 pm
FAM del Mundo:

A Força Aérea não levará a cabo mais operações com UAV nos territórios ocupados

A Força Aérea israelita começou a retirar as operações com veiculos não tripulados. A partir de agora serão companhias privadas que levarão a cabo estas operações com os seus próprios aparelhos para operar sobre a faixa de Gaza e Cisjordania; esta medida tomou-se para reduzir os custos das operações e manutenção, devido ás restricções orçamentais que sofre a Força Aérea, assim como os outros ramos das Forças de Defesa.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 20, 2004, 02:00:33 pm
FAM del Mundo

AS-565 MB Panther para a Aramada Mexicana

A Eurocopter assinou um contrato com a Armada Mexicana para a venda de 2 helicópteros navais AS-565 MB Panther com uma opção de mais 8. Os helicópteros serão operados desde os navios para missões de vigilância e patrulha, SAR, interdição de droga e transporte. Espera-se que os exemplares sejam entregues em 2005 para compeltar a frota de helicópteros BO-105 CB e AS-555 AF. Os Panther mexicanos estarão equipados com duas turbinas Turbomeca Arriel 2C. A Marinha mexicana assinou em 2002 um contrato para a modernização da frota de BO-105. O programa encontra-se activo e espera-se que o primeiro helicóptero modernizado seja entregue a finais deste ano.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 20, 2004, 02:10:46 pm
Helicópteros Sea King em terra por defeitos mecânicos

A já velha frota de helicópteros Sea King da Força Aérea canadiense foi "posta em terra" temporáriamente. A "pausa operativa de 3 dias" decretada ás 28 aeronaves em serviço foi decretada por problemas técnicos não especificados. Também as unidadse pertencentes á Marinha, e na base na Columbia Britânica, também lhes foi proibido voarem até nova ordem.
Título: Eurofighter Typhoon!
Enviado por: [PT]HKFlash em Maio 20, 2004, 06:01:23 pm
E agora noticias do EF!

Eurofighter Typhoon Guns and Missiles  06 April 2004

Eurofighter GmbH announced the successful completion of the first in a series of in-flight gun firing trials of the BK27mm Mauser cannon and the first air launch of an IRIS-T short range air-to-air missile (SRAAM) from the outboard and ITSPL station. The trials were undertaken as part of a weapons flight test campaign that will progressively clear advanced missiles and systems for the Eurofighter Typhoon Weapons System.

The Mauser BK27mm for Eurofighter Typhoon is a revolver gun system that features a linkless-closed ammunition feed system. This system eliminates the risks associated with the ejection of cases and links and provides a 60% reduction in volume over existing systems and a constant firing rate from the first round onwards.

IRIS-T is planned for Batch 2 Entry in to Service with Eurofighter fleets in Germany, Italy and Spain from end 2004. In operational service Eurofighter will be able to carry and fire up to four IRIS-T missiles across the entire flight envelope. Clearance for full IRIS-T capabilities enabled by a digital interface on the Eurofighter will be included with Tranche 2 enhancements. This includes advanced capabilities that fully realise the potential of IRIS-T off-boresight and lock-after-launch capabilities.

IRIS-T is one of two new generation Short Range Air-to-Air missiles that will equip Eurofighter Typhoon. In the UK an alternative missile, ASRAAM, has been selected for introduction to service.

Gun Firing Trials
Aircraft    Eurofighter Typhoon DA3 (AIenia Aeronautica)
Location    Decimomannu, Sardinia
Profile    25,000ft – 0.7M – 1g
Pilot     Maurizio Cheli (Alenia Aeronautica)

IRIS-T Trials
Aircraft    Eurofighter Typhoon DA7 (Alenia Aeronautica)
Location    Decimomannu, Sardinia
Profile    5,000ft - 0.8M - 6g (ITSPL)
15,000ft - 0.7M - 6.6 g (O/B)
Pilot     Enrico Scarabotto (Alenia Aeronautica)

IRIS-T (Infra Red Imaging System – Tail/Thrust Vector Control) is a modern short range air to air missile which has been selected by the German, Italian and Spanish Air Forces as their replacement for the AIM-9L Sidewinder short range air to air missile. IRIS-T provides high agility through thrust vector control, +/-90 degrees off-boresight seeker angles, lock-after-launch capabilities, image processing with resistance against counter measures and built in test features. IRIS-T has been developed by an international consortium led by Bodenseewerk Gerätetechnik (BGT).


Informação retirada de: ... ItemID=166 (
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 21, 2004, 10:15:22 pm
FlightSafety's Sikorsky UH-60/S-70 Simulator Receives FAA Level "D" Certification

LA GUARDIA AIRPORT, New York  - FlightSafetys Daleville Center has received FAA Level D certification for its Sikorsky UH-60/S-70 full flight simulator.  The Daleville facility is one of two FlightSafety centers located close to Fort Rucker, Alabama, devoted to the training of military pilots.

The Fort Rucker-specific database on the new simulators VITAL-9 visual system provides a completely convincing training experience.  Using the advanced detailing and texturing of the latest VITAL system, the simulator creates realistic visual cues ranging from desert brown out to rotor-wash effects in a forest-landing site.

SimVu dynamic debriefing service driven by the new simulator adds significantly to the effectiveness of the training session.  FlightSafetys SimVu provides the instructor with a tool for detailed post-simulator session analysis that fully exploits the training experience.

This is the second Sikorsky S-70 Black Hawk Level D simulator for FlightSafety.  The first simulator for this model is located at the companys West Palm Beach Learning Center. FlightSafety is the official factory authorized Sikorsky training organization.

The Daleville full flight simulators and all devices at 40 FlightSafety training locations were designed and produced by FlightSafety Simulation at its Tulsa, Oklahoma, facility. FlightSafety Visual Systems Division in St. Louis, Missouri produces the panoramic VITAL-9 visual display which surrounds the Black Hawks cockpit.

FlightSafety has pioneered the FAA certification of helicopter simulators to the highest level.  The company operates the worlds largest fleet of full flight simulators at locations in North and South America, Europe and Australia.  FlightSafety headquarters are located at the Marine Air Terminal on New Yorks LaGuardia Airport.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 21, 2004, 11:01:06 pm
Dois veteranos de sucesso, as suas novas versões parecem continuar a tradição.

UH-1Y fires first weapons

NAVAIR PATUXENT RIVER, MD The Bell UH-1Y Huey, the Marine Corps newest and most capable utility helicopter, fired weapons for the first time during a test flight at the Armys Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia Monday.

H-1 Integrated Test Team test pilots Herb Moran, of Bell Helicopter, and Marine Corps Maj. Eldon Metzger were at the controls for the historic first.

Weapons firing testing is being performed to evaluate the aircrafts reaction to the stresses placed on it by weapons getting launched or fired from it, according to H-1 Upgrades Program system engineer Bert Frowein.

"This is the first ordnance expenditure from a brand new aircraft," Frowein explained, "and the most complicated testing weve done so far. Flying the aircraft, navigating, working the avionics and communicating between the mission computer and the weapons make for the highest workload environment the pilots face.

"Were early in the test but so far, so good," he stated.

The routine testing makes sure the loads and vibrations are within expected limits when the weapons mounted on the aircraft are fired, according to Frowein. By the time this portion of the test is complete, approximately 400 2.75-inch rockets, 12,800 rounds of machine gun ammunition, 136 flares, 104 chaff canisters and 104 decoys will have been fired on nearly 40 test flights.

As the developmental flight test continues to build towards the final Operational Evaluation, scheduled to begin early next year, program officials see this current testing as positive indication of successful transition to production.

"This is proof that the Yankee can deliver," Frowein said.

Weapons testing of the UH-1Ys attack partner, the AH-1Z, is concurrently being done at the Armys Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.

Both aircraft recently completed their second operational assessment by Fleet operators. Results of that assessment are not expected to be released for several months.

By 2014, the Marine Corps will have procured 100 UH-1Y Hueys and 180 AH-1Z Super Cobras.

After remanufacture, the H-1 Upgrades aircraft will feature the latest technology in rotor and drive train design, avionics, sensors and weapons. They also share approximately 84 percent of their parts, making them far more maintainable, supportable, survivable and deployable than todays H-1 aircraft.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 01:40:03 am
Quad-A Convention
Comanche Tech Transfer? There’s Not Much There
March, 27 2004
Nashville, Tenn:-Slim pickings in Comanche able to be transferred to other systems, it emerged from a briefing here. Maj Gen Joe Bergantz, aviation PEO could come up with a scant list of five items. They are: some of the radar electronics, elements of the Comanche’s fly-by-wire (FBW) system, the image intensifier, its engine (the Rolls/Honeywell T-802) and the ICNIA system, the package of integrated communications and navigations functions. That was all he could find to mention in a review of aviation actions his office is planning over the next couple of years. The issue is important: the amount of salvageable equipment (or systems) will play a part in the financial settlement the Army must now make with Boeing and Sikorsky. There is no immediate word on how those negations are going, but agreement by some that the DoD number on the issue - around $650-million – is about right. Also important: the timing of such a settlement, with some saying a quick agreement would mean the curs would come during the current fiscal year, when over a billion was assigned to Comanche’s account. But if the deal rolls over to next year, it could be more difficult to programme. Of the potentially transferable technology, perhaps only the radar technology will be of any direct use; it can be used to miniaturise the Longbow Apache’s Longbow radar systems. The fly by wire technology is being studied in a lot of places, including at Boeing, which has plans of its own for FBW in a putative Block IV Apache they have planned. There is considered not much chance for a home for the engine, although there is a push on to get it into a light utility helicopter platform (when and if such a programme becomes reality), and the Bell 210 in particular. ICNIA may be more useful in the UAV world than the rotary wing one, but would have to be heavily modified .

-David S. Harvey
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 07:23:05 pm
China desenvolve junto com a Russia os SU-27 Flanker

O desenvolvimento do caça russo SU-27SM está a ser impulsionado por um projecto paralelo da Força Aérea chinesa para modificar os SU-27 da sua frota, de tal maneira que se crê  que Pekin esteja a dar apoio económicamente a dito projecto com o fim de baixar os custos e adquirir nova tecnologia para a sua industria.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 07:33:34 pm
Turkistão compra aviões SU-25 Frogfoot
Prevê-se a compra de cerca de 25 aviões de ataque Sujoi SU-25 provenientes da Georgia. Este pais solicitou 25 aviões aparelhos adaptados, mas estuda ao mesmo tempo a possivel compra de novos exemplares a Tbilisi. o contrato estaria avaliado em cerca de 100M $.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 23, 2004, 07:45:08 pm
FAM del Mundo

Novas Forças Especiais da Força Aérea da India

A Força Aérea da India começou a treinar os seus primeiros grupos de forças especiais para a protecção de bases aéreas e instalações estratégicas. As unidadse estão a ser treinadas perto do Airmen Training Institute de Agra e na Academia de Guardas de Segurança Nacional, situada perto de Nova Delhi.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 27, 2004, 02:40:28 pm
Novo avião AWAC para Israel

A Israel Aircraft Industries mostrou a configuração do Gulfstream G550 Compact Airborne Early Warning (CAEW) adquirido pela Força Aérea Israelense como plataforma do radar Elta Phalcon. Serão adquiridas quatro aeronaves por US$473 milhões com entrega a partir de 2005. As aeronaves serão usadas para alerta aérea antecipada substituindo o E-2 Hawkeye. O contrato também inclui 10 anos de apoio logístico e treinamento inicial.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 27, 2004, 03:17:27 pm

Un informe del Pentágono publicado por The New York Times concluye que las Fuerzas Aéreas no necesitan sustituir sus actuales aviones cisterna de forma inmediata. “No existen razones materiales ni financieras para que las fuerzas aéreas compren los aviones”, señala el estudio elaborado por el comité de Ciencia y Defensa. Este veredicto supone un duro revés para Boeing, que ha intentado durante meses cerrar un contrato de esos aparatos de repostaje en vuelo, valorado en 23.500 millones de dólares. El contrato, en suspenso actualmente, ha estado rodeado de rumores sobre un posible trato de favor obtenido por la compañía para ganar el contrato a su competidor Airbus.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 27, 2004, 05:07:04 pm
Chegaram os primeiros 3 EF-2000 espanhois.

El Mundo

Llegan a la base aérea de Morón los tres primeros aviones Eurofighter de los 87 con que contará España

Uno de los Eurofighter que ha aterrizado en la base de Morón. (EFE)  
MORÓN DE LA FRONTERA (SEVILLA).- Los tres primeros aviones de combate C-16 Eurofighter (EF-2000) de los 87 con que contará España, dentro de ese proyecto conjunto europeo de defensa, han llegado a la Base Aérea de Morón, adonde se incorporarán otros cuatro a final de año y 57 en total hasta 2010.

Los cazas, la nueva "joya" del Ejército del Aire, son los primeros de ese tipo que están operativos oficialmente en Europa y aterrizaron en la base sevillana procedentes de la fábrica de EADS-Casa en Getafe (Madrid), donde han sido ensamblados y formados sus pilotos y personal, ahora adscritos al 111 Escuadrón del ALA 11 de Morón.

El EF-2000, de diez toneladas de peso, con una altura de vuelo de hasta 15.000 metros de altura, una velocidad punta de 666 metros por segundo y dotado con la más moderna tecnología, destacan por su alta maniobrabilidad, es indetectable y dispone de equipos de guerra electrónica y de trece estaciones para armamento, destacó a los periodistas un portavoz de la base.

A diferencia del F-22 estadounidense, considerado como "el mejor avión del mundo", según este portavoz oficial, el Eurofighter tiene la ventaja de que no sólo está especializado en combate aire-aire, sino también para la lucha aire-tierra.

Desfile militar

Tras una parada y un desfile militar presididos por el general jefe del Mando Aéreo del Estrecho, Pedro Bernal, y el coronel jefe de la base, Javier Salto, los Eurofighter llegaron en formación, tras sólo 23 minutos de vuelo y junto a un avión P-3 de lucha submarina de los siete de ese tipo destinados en Morón, que salió a recibirles.

Tras varias pasadas, estos aviones multifunción, identificados como 11-70, 11-71 y 11-72 -en alusión al ALA 11- e incluidos en ese consorcio formado además por Alemania, Italia y Reino Unido, tomaron tierra en la pista de 4 kilómetros de Morón -una de las más largas de Europa-, donde las autoridades recibieron a sus seis pilotos -dos por aparato al ser vuelo de instrucción, pues en combate sólo va uno-.

En su fabricación han participado las factorías de EADS-CASA en Sevilla y Cádiz, cuyos responsables estuvieron en el acto, al producir las máquinas de control numérico de alta velocidad, el sistema del cableado, componentes superplásticos y el fuselaje del ala derecha y los slots de ambas alas, con una inversión de más 12 millones de euros.

Según este grupo aeronáutico, el trabajo hecho en Tablada ha supuesto un 45% de la carga de trabajo de EADS-Casa, con 100.000 horas anuales de trabajo, mientras que en total, según el portavoz militar, este programa europeo ha generado 10.000 empleos y en él han intervenido más de 80 empresas españolas.

Formación de los pilotos

El portavoz de la base moronense dijo que ya hay siete pilotos formados para operar con estos nuevos cazas, cuyo programa de fabricación empezó a desarrollarse hace 20 años, tras los cursos de instrucción y adaptación que han hecho desde septiembre en EADS-Casa Getafe.

Desde ahora y conforme a la progresiva incorporación de aviones hasta 2010, añadió, los pilotos y mecánicos del Eurofighter en España serán instruidos en el 113 Escuadrón Conversión Operativa de Morón, por lo que en ese periodo se incorporarán unos 400 militares más -60 de ellos pilotos- a los 1.100 que ya hay en esta base.

De los 87 Eurofighter más otros 16 opcionales que tendrá España -Reino Unido tendrá 232, Alemania 180 e Italia 120-, los escuadrones 111, 112 y 113 de Morón contarán con 57 en total hasta 2010, mientras que a partir de ese año los 30 restantes entrarán progresivamente en servicio en la base de Albacete.

En el acto, el coronel Salto destacó que es "un día histórico" para la Base de Morón" y para el Ejército del Aire, mientras que el piloto comandante Isaac Crespo destacó que el avión, que incluye el casco más innovador del mundo con cámaras directas en su visor, "es muy seguro y fácil de volar, y va a ser una punta de lanza muy importante" para el Ejército.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Maio 28, 2004, 10:15:46 pm
Eurocopter USA completes delivery of 12 AS350B2s to LA County Sheriff

American Eurocopter is proud to be a part of one of the finest and largest Sheriff Departments in the country. The final four helicopters of the 12 ordered are complete and have been delivered on Friday, May 21, 2004. This will complete the fleet for the Sheriff’s Department of the new AS350B2. Captain Jim Di Giovanna was at the American Eurocopter plant in Grand Prairie to take delivery on the final two helicopters.

The Sheriff’s Department replaced their previous fleet of McDonald Douglas with the Eurocopter AS350B2 to keep up with the growing needs of their department.

"We needed a larger aircraft that would provide greater flexibility for various mission needs," said Captain Di Giovanna. "The AS350 was head and shoulders above the rest in capabilities."

The airborne law enforcement of the LA County Sheriff’s Department is crucial to law enforcement efforts. This aircraft helps in various missions, including homeland security. The AS350B2 is also used to transport small teams across the county into critical areas quickly.

"The AS350 is the best single engine aircraft I have ever flown, the ease of flying is effortless, the cockpit is very spacious so you can work and maneuver," Captain Di Giovanna said.

"American Eurocopter has been wonderful, they have met every one of our expectations, our pilots and crews are very happy with them, they have not let us down at all," Captain Di Giovanna said.

About the AS350:
The Eurocopter single-engine, 6-7 place AS350 series. The 350’s maneuverability, superior visibility with all seats facing forward and low vibration level, mean your mission will be as comfortable as it is productive. The cost effective, popular AS350B2 powered with a 732 shp Turbomeca Arriel 1D1 engine is a true multi mission workhorse known for its outstanding performance.

Eurocopter’s helicopters help stop criminals in their tracks. Whether it's surveillance, policing traffic or patrolling the border, their quiet technology, excellent visibility, comfort and incredible endurance enable our helicopters to work extra long hours on patrol.

Plus, their quick conversion capabilities, large useful load, generous internal volume combined with a wide CG range give you the ability to respond to any situation that arises. Which makes Eurocopter’s helicopters a partner any law enforcement department could use.
( Eurocopter

Enviado por: psychocandy em Maio 31, 2004, 06:55:04 pm
meio old.. mas interessante historia e imagens deveras apeteciveis em full resolution.. ;) ... gal_1.html (
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 02, 2004, 01:06:04 pm

Rússia fornece aviões militares à Argélia

A Rússia vai fornecer à Argélia 50 caças MIG-29 para modernizar a força aérea no âmbito de um contrato no valor de 1,4 mil milhões de euros. Segundo a Imprensa argelina, esta aquisição faz parte de um acordo de entrega de armas, num montante de 2,04 mil milhões de euros, estabelecido na assinatura da de parceria estratégica entre os dois países, durante a visita do presidente argelino, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, a Moscovo, em Abril de 2001. A cooperação militar remonta à independência da Argélia, em 1962. Depois do desmembramento da União Soviética, a Argélia, que é actualmente parceira daOTAN, procurou diversificar os seus fornecedores.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 05, 2004, 04:03:06 pm
PAK FA Sujoi T-50  :

A industria aeronáutica russa continua em alta, dentro de pouco aparecerá o prototipo do avião de 5ª geração(PAK FA T-50)

Assembly of Fifth Generation Fighter Prototype to Start soon in Russia

Assembly of the fifth generation fighter prototype will begin soon in Russia, the Sukhoy company, where this combat airplane is being developed, has reported. An artificial intelligence system will be installed in it which improves the pilot’s awareness of the situation and aids him in the process of decision making. The airmen is not able to make an incorrect decision - the system will cut him off from control and indicate the error. The Russian super airplane will have supersonic speed, low detectability, ultra-maneuverability, and the capability to make a short takeoff and landing.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 02:06:32 pm

La Base Aérea madrileña de Getafe celebró el pasado sábado una jornada de puertas abiertas para mostrar lo mejor de la aviación militar y civil española, después de permanecer diez años cerrada para este tipo de acontecimientos. En la exhibición aérea participaron, entre otros, un Mirage F-1 del Ala 14, un F-18 del Ala 12 y un Harrier. Un Hércules simuló un reabastecimiento en vuelo con dos CN 235. Además de la exhibición, los más de 5.000 asistentes pudieron contemplar una exposición de aparatos y material complementario.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 04:53:03 pm
Bell 412: Mirabel Building PakAF Utility Ships

Border watchers in Pakistan say the Air Force there has picked Bell 412s for high altitude patrol and reconnaissance work in the mountains there fighting against insurgents - and the search for Bin Laden.

The airceraft will be constructed new at Bell's Mirabel, Canada, facility, and about a dozen aircraft are said involved in the deal. It's understood the sale is government-to-government and the aircraft chosen because it is not 'overtly military' in that the type is frequently used in the area.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 05:00:39 pm
UK CAA issues top 10 tips to avoid airspace infringements

Airspace infringements continue to be one of the UK’s main aviation safety risks. The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), through its Airspace Infringements Working Group, is currently working with industry to tackle the issue. With the start of the summer flying season now upon us, the Group has issued a list of top ten tips to avoid an infringement.


1. Navigation is a skill, and needs to be practised regularly, both planning a flight and conducting it. Safety Sense Leaflet 5 (available on the CAA website and in the LASORS publication) contains good advice on VFR navigation, but it only works if you read and apply it!

2. If you plan a route through controlled airspace, remember that a crossing clearance may not always be possible and consider that route as your ‘secondary’ plan. Your primary plan should avoid controlled airspace - and don’t forget to make your overall time and fuel calculations using the longer, primary route!

3. Where possible, avoid planning to fly close to controlled airspace boundaries. If you do need to do so, be very careful. A small navigational error or distraction of any sort can lead to an infringement – and it doesn’t take much to ruin your day!

4. Pilot workload rises rapidly in less than ideal weather - and so do infringements. If the weather starts to deteriorate, consider your options early and if necessary divert or turn back in good time.

5. If you wish to transit controlled airspace, think about what you need to ask for in advance and call the appropriate Air Traffic Control (ATC) unit at 10 nautical miles or five minutes flying time from the airspace boundary. This gives the controller time to plan ahead.

6. Thinking before you press the transmit switch and using the correct Radio phraseology helps air traffic control to help you - and sounds more professional!

7. Be aware that ATC may be busy when you call them – just because the frequency doesn’t sound busy doesn’t mean that the controller isn’t busy on another frequency or on landlines.

8. Remember - the instruction ‘Standby’ means just that; it is not an ATC clearance and not even a precursor to a clearance. The controller is probably busy so continue to plan to fly around the airspace. Only fly across the airspace if the controller issues a crossing clearance.

9. Your planned route through controlled airspace may appear simple on your chart but the traffic patterns within that airspace may make it unrealistic in practice. Be prepared for a crossing clearance that does not exactly match your planned route but will allow you to transit safely.

10. Don’t be afraid to call ATC and use the transponder when lost or uncertain of your position - overcoming your embarrassment may prevent an infringement which may in turn prevent an Airprox (or worse).

For further information please contact Jonathan Nicholson on 020 7453 6027.

The full On-Track report into airspace infringements is available on the CAA web site at (

As well as representatives from the GA community the AIWG has representation from:
· The Ministry of Defence;
· National Air Traffic Services; and
· The CAA’s Air Traffic Standards, General Aviation and Personnel Licensing Departments, plus the Directorate of Airspace Policy.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 05:10:52 pm
Superior Helicopter adds two K-MAX; takes fleet to six


Bloomfield, Conn., June 3, 2004 -- The operator of the largest K-MAX helicopter fleet is expanding yet again, further enhancing its capabilities for firefighting and construction work.  

The good news comes from Kaman Aerospace Corp., where company officials today announced the delivery of two K-MAX® helicopters to Superior Helicopter LLC, of Grants Pass, Oregon. The aircraft have been nicknamed Smokey and Hulk by the Superior Helicopter team.  The names reflect their solid metallic gray and metallic green colors as well as their firefighting and heavy lift missions for which K-MAX is so ideally suited.

Gary Jantzer, vice president of Superior Helicopter, said “we are looking forward to employing the new helicopters, now part of a fleet of six, in support of firefighting and construction work around the world. The K-MAX has proven itself to be a versatile platform and an efficient performer," Jantzer said. "We have found that it is extremely effective for the firefighting mission, and the helicopter has truly distinguished itself in that regard."

"Superior Helicopter is doing important work in helping to battle wildfires around the world with its K-MAX fleet," said Roger Wassmuth, director K-MAX marketing and business development for Kaman Aerospace. "They are saving lives, property and valuable forests, and Kaman is proud to play a part in that effort. The K-MAX is coming into its own as the helicopter of choice for the firefighting mission, and operators are seeing that no other helicopter can match its unique performance capabilities."

K-MAX is specifically designed for vertical reference flight, an important feature for external load work. It has a 5,000-pound (2268 kg) on-the-hook lift capacity at 8,000 feet of altitude (2446 meters) and 6,000 pounds (2722 kg) on-the-hook at lower altitudes.  A K-MAX equipped with a Sling Tank can carry 700 gallons (2655 liters) of water per drop.

Kaman Aerospace Corp. is a subsidiary of Kaman Corp. (NASDAQ:KAMNA) of Bloomfield, Conn. In addition to K-MAX, the company also manufactures the SH-2G Super Seasprite maritime helicopter, and is a subcontractor for aircraft structures and components, including applications on most current Boeing commercial airliners and the C-17 transport.  The company also manufacturers safe, arm and fuzing devices for missiles and bombs, rugged environment mass memory systems, precision measuring devices and electro-optic systems.

Kaman Corporation conducts business in the aerospace, industrial distribution and music markets.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 05:14:15 pm
VP & General Manager of V-22 Programs to leave Bell for Rolls-Royce

FORT WORTH, TX (June 4, 2004)  Mike Redenbaugh, Chief Executive Officer of Bell Helicopter, announced today that Dennis Jarvi, currently the Vice President & General Manager for V-22 Programs at Bell Helicopter, has resigned from his position effective July 18th.  He is leaving to take the position of President, Defense North America for Rolls Royce Corporation.  Mr. Jarvi joined Bell Helicopter Textron in May of 2001.

In making the announcement Mr. Redenbaugh said, “We’ll miss the strong and effective leadership Dennis has brought to the V-22 program.  His program management skills, understanding of the V-22 program and leadership ability have been a great asset for Bell in this important program.  Dennis’ contributions to the V-22 have put us on track to deliver 18 aircraft this year.  We wish him every success in his future endeavor.”

Speaking of his time at Bell Mr. Jarvi said, “I will really miss working at Bell and particularly appreciate the opportunity to work on the V-22 program.  We have turned the corner and are well on the way to ramping up to full rate production.  It has been very challenging and rewarding.  While the decision to leave is a difficult one, the new position offers me the opportunity of a lifetime.  To lead a business unit in the aerospace industry charged with the full responsibility for the profit and loss has long been a goal of mine.”

“We have a strong leadership team led by our V-22 Program Director, Bob Ellithorpe.  We have an excellent program in place and will continue to refine our processes and reduce our costs in the production of the V-22.”

Bell Helicopter Textron, a subsidiary of Textron Inc., is a $1.6 billion, leading producer of commercial and military helicopters, and the pioneer of the revolutionary tiltrotor aircraft. Globally recognized for customer service, innovation and superior quality, Bell's global workforce of over 7,500 employees serves customers flying Bell aircraft in over 120 countries

Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) is a $10 billion multi-industry company with more than 43,000 employees in 40 countries. The company leverages its global network of aircraft, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others.  More information is available at (

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 05:28:52 pm
Bell XworX Team Developing New Turned Exhaust System to Enhance Combat Survivability on the H-1

(Fort Worth, Tex., Jun. 3, 2004)    
Bell Helicopter’s recently formed XworX organization is engaged in a new design and modification effort that will make the US Marine Corps’ fleet of H-1 aircraft (AH-1Z and UH-1Y) the most combat survivable helicopters in the world.  By turning the exhaust system on the H-1’s twin GE T-700 engines Bell XworX skilled team-members will substantially reduce the infrared heat signature on the aircraft, a feature that will greatly increase survivability according to lessons learned in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

XworX was charged to manage this design modification because of the speed they could turn around the aircraft with the new exhaust configuration installed. Doing this very quickly reduces the program schedule risk and allows flight test data to be collected well in advance of committing to a production design.

Formally established in November 2003, Bell XworX brings together several organizations that have been developing new ideas and products at Bell Helicopter for many years. Now contained in one organization, the resulting synergy of effort provides Bell, and its customers, a tremendous developmental capability.

The Bell XWORX is responsible for the rapid development and prototyping on new vertical solutions for emerging and changing requirements. XworX addresses all aspects of the industry including manufacturing processes, cost containment and new technology integration. Located at the Bell facility in Arlington, the Bell XWORX has already begun work on numerous projects, to include the full-scale flying prototype of the HV-911 Eagle Eye UAV.

The H-1 Upgrades Integrated Test Team currently has achieved over 2,000 flight test hours with five aircraft (three AH-1Z and two UH-1Y test aircraft, of which all but one AH-1Z are production representative).  The test aircraft have flown 222 knots, maneuvered from –0.4 to +3.5 g’s and been well above the 10,000-foot altitude mark.  

By 2014, the Marine Corps will have procured 100 UH-1Y Hueys and 180 AH-1Z Super Cobras.

Bell Helicopter has a long legacy of developing innovative solutions for aviation challenges. Bell’s storied lineage goes from the production of the first jet aircraft in the U.S.(P-59)), to the first certified commercial helicopter, and the first tiltrotor aircraft, the XV-3. In addition Bell conducted the longest running X program in NASA history, the XV-15 which ran for 25 years.

Bell Helicopter, a Textron company, is the world’s leading manufacturer of vertical lift aircraft.  Bell has manufactured more than 35,000 helicopters; flying in more than 120 countries.   The current line includes a full range of commercial and military helicopters as well as a Family of Tiltrotor Aircraft ranging from the Bell Eagle Eye UAV, to the V-22 Osprey for the US military, as well as the BA609 nine passenger civil tiltrotor aircraft. Textron Inc. is a $10 billion multi-industry company with more than 43,000 employees in 40 countries. The company leverages its global network of aircraft, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 07, 2004, 05:34:27 pm
Patria and Danish Aerotech form consortium for Danish helicopter support

Patria Aviation Oy and Danish Aerotech A/S have established a consortium, PD Aerotech, to offer full life cycle support and integrated logistics support for helicopters and aircraft. The potential customers include among others the Royal Danish Air Force and NATO partners in Europe. This agreement is one step in Patria’s strategy to become the leading life cycle support provider in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region.
“Patria has been looking for a reliable partner in Denmark for some time. We feel that now, when the Danish Armed Forces’ have recently announced their intention to outsource certain maintenance tasks, is the right time to act. I am convinced that combining our knowledge and skills with the Danish Aerotech’s expertise we will be able to offer our customers cost efficient life cycle maintenance and logistic support to military aircraft and helicopters”, says Aarne Nieminen, Executive Vice President of Patria Aviation.

The aim of PD Aerotech will be to offer its services through a long-term partnership model to its customers. There will be a strong focus on the support of a flexible transition from the present three level maintenance system, now performed solely by the Armed Forces, to a two level system based on a public-private partnership – a system which has been operating in Finland for more than 40 years with Patria Aviation as an important player.

PD Aerotech will operate from Danish Aerotech's facilities at Karup Air Base, Denmark. “Danish Aerotech was established in 1992 when the Royal Danish Air Force privatised its main workshops. Therefore we have more than a decade’s experience of working closely with the Air Force to build on, when preparing to meet their future maintenance requirements”, says Søren E. Petersen, CEO of Danish Aerotech.
Patria Aviation with more than 700 employees performs through its business units life cycle support and integrated logistic support for helicopters and aircraft in the Nordic and the Baltic Sea region. Helicopters Business Unit, where Patria Ostermans and Patria Heli-Support are integrated, was recently founded as a result of Patria Aviation Business Strategy to strengthen its position within the business area of life cycle support and integrated logistic support for helicopters in the selected region. Recently Patria Aviation has completed the assembly of the F-18 fighter aircraft, and is now assembling NH 90 helicopters and engines for the Nordic countries. Patria Aviation also owns Patria Pilot Training Oy providing training to the Finnish Air Force as well as international military and civilian organisations.

Patria is an internationally operating Aerospace and Defence Group with significant positions in the Nordic and Baltic Sea countries. Patria’s main business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles, mortars and field gun systems and their life cycle support as well as life cycle support of helicopters and aircraft. Patria’s owners are the Finnish State and EADS, European Aerospace, Defence and Space Company.

Danish Aerotech specialises in the production and maintenance of mechanical, electrical and electronic parts and subassemblies for aircraft and helicopters, such as EH-101, Lynx, Sea King, AWACS, and F-16. It performs maintenance from line to depot level on aircraft such as the RDAF T-17 as well as Life Cycle Maintenance on missiles. Danish Aerotech also offers a modular solution to reconfiguration of transport aircraft.

Source: Patria

Enviado por: Paisano em Junho 11, 2004, 08:22:50 pm
Notícia do jornal "O Estado de São Paulo" de 30/05/2004:

"Aeronáutica vai `blindar´ fronteiras da Amazônia

Força aprova construção de mais duas bases na região, que fecham área de proteção


BRASÍLIA - Preocupado em fechar a fronteira oeste do País para tentar reduzir as invasões no espaço aéreo brasileiro, principalmente por aviões usados pelo narcotráfico, a Aeronáutica aprovou a construção de mais duas bases aéreas na região amazônica, em Eirunepé (AM) e Vilhena (RO). Com essas duas bases, a Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) fecha o arco de proteção das fronteiras com a Colômbia, Peru e Bolívia, três grandes preocupações do governo.

O início das obras foi aprovado nesta semana. O Estado já havia revelado que o governo decidiu transformar a Amazônia em sua prioridade em termos de segurança nacional. Para lá, estão sendo transferidas unidades militares que antes estavam localizadas no litoral ou no Cone Sul, traçando, assim, um novo planejamento estratégico, onde a atenção principal é fronteira seca do Brasil.

A necessidade de reforço na aérea foi detectada a partir da avaliação de que houve aumento de 20% nas violações do céus brasileiros, pela Amazônia, nos primeiros meses do ano. No Sul também houve aumento, só que menor, de 10%.

A Amazônia já conta hoje com as base aéreas de Boa Vista (RR), Manaus (AM), Porto Velho (RO) e Belém (PA) e está em construção a base de São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM). Estão previstas ainda as Bases Aéreas de Cachimbo (PA), de Cuiabá (MT) e Macapá (AP), além das de Vilhena e Eirunepé.

A estratégia da Aeronáutica é fazer um rodízio de aeronaves entre as bases, de forma que não se saberá que aviões e helicópteros estarão onde, em que data e executando que tipo de missão. Dessa forma, em duas horas, qualquer aeronave chegará ao ponto devido, mesmo que esteja o mais longe possível daquela base onde ela deverá operar, protegendo a fronteira, desde a Guiana Francesa até a Bolívia. Com isso, não haverá necessidade de aumento de efetivo da FAB, porque militares estão sendo deslocados de outras unidades.

O que a FAB chama de `arrumação da fronteira´ prosseguirá com a construção de novas bases aéreas em Cascavel (PR), Santa Vitória do Palmar, na ponta do Rio Grande do Sul, fronteira com o Uruguai e em Caravelas (BA). As bases se juntarão às unidades de Santa Maria (RS) e Campo Grande (MS).

Apesar da carência de recursos, a Aeronáutica está convencida de que não faltará verba para a construção das bases, já que a maior parte das obras será feita pela Comara - entidade da FAB que constrói aeroportos, hangares e pistas de pouso na Amazônia. As cidades que foram escolhidas pela FAB na Amazônia para a construção das novas unidades usaram pelo menos dois critérios: a proximidade estratégica com a fronteira seca oeste e a existência de instalações do Sistema de Vigilância da Amazônia (Sivam).

O governo entende que, embora essas medidas não eliminem completamente o tráfico de drogas na região amazônica, as novas bases aéreas servirão como elemento de dissuasão.

Reforços - A Marinha e o Exército prosseguem reforçando suas instalações e equipamentos. Depois de ampliar a área de atuação do Projeto Calha Norte, incluindo entre as áreas de ocupação a Ilha de Marajó e os Estados do Acre e Rondônia, até o limite com Mato Grosso, a Marinha inaugurou um novo comando naval da Amazônia Ocidental, na Ilha de São Vicente.

O Exército prossegue na instalação da Brigada de Selva de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, no Amazonas, que só estará concluída em fins de 2005, por causa da falta de recursos. O Exército planeja, ainda, construir uma unidade especial em Querari, por causa das preocupações que exigem uma vigilância constante e completa em relação à fronteira com a Colômbia.

Com as transferências, o Exército ampliará a presença na área para pelo menos 25 mil soldados, ainda este ano. Hoje são 22 mil, o que corresponde a 12% do efetivo da Força. Há, ainda, planos de mais dois pelotões de fronteira no Acre e em Rondônia, as novas áreas do Calha Norte."
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 14, 2004, 12:57:16 pm
Uma noticia curiosa:

Sunday Telegraph
MoD to sell off undelivered Eurofighters
By Sean Rayment Defence Correspondent
(Filed: 30/05/2004)

The Ministry of Defence is seeking to sell off dozens of Eurofighter aircraft before it has even received them in an attempt to avoid further embarrassment over the escalating cost of the project.

The Government is committed to buying 232 Eurofighters despite concerns that the aircraft, which is 10 years behind schedule and £5.4 billion overspent on a budget of about £15 billion, is already outdated and not suited for modern warfare.

Ministers are now planning to sell up to 50 of the jets to Austria and Singapore instead of first re-equipping the Royal Air Force. The aircraft, which cost about £43 million each, could even be sold off at a loss if a country bids for a large number of them. Other countries on a list of potential purchasers include Norway and South Korea.

Austria has agreed to purchase 18 aircraft, while Greece, which had said it was interested in buying 60 British Eurofighters, has deferred a decision on the final contract until after the Olympic Games.

The Government had agreed to buy its Eurofighters in three separate packages of 55, 88 and 89, over the next 10 years as part of a joint project with Germany, Italy and Spain.

The RAF has already taken delivery of six of the aircraft, which are being used to train pilots. The arrival of the remaining 49 from the first tranche will be delayed, however, if required by other countries.

Although senior RAF officers have tried to argue that the full complement of 232 aircraft is essential for the security of Britain, the heads of the Army and the Royal Navy have convinced the Government that the money could be better used on more relevant defence projects.

The decision to sell off some of Britain's Eurofighters was disclosed by Adam Ingram, the Armed Forces minister, in a reply to a parliamentary question by Norman Lamb, a Liberal Democrat MP.

Mr Ingram said: "Some consideration has been given to the scope to provide for early export of Eurofighter to potential overseas customers.

"If pursued, a sale might be accomplished by adjusting the delivery profile to the RAF. The RAF remains, however, the primary customer for these aircraft and any decision made will take full account of its requirements."

Paul Keetch, the defence spokesman for the Liberal Democrats, said: "If other countries get their hands on Eurofighter it will be a blow to our pilots who have been waiting for this plane for years.

"The fact that the Ministry of Defence is trying to sell off planes ordered for the RAF might make financial sense, but it is a damning indictment of government procurement strategy."

The embarrassing revelation comes just days after it emerged that the Eurofighter's test pilots had been told to avoid flying through clouds because computer problems risked throwing the aircraft into a "catastrophic spin".

In a leaked report by a test pilot it emerged that the computer had a tendency to switch from flight mode to ground mode while still in the air.

Eurofighter was originally conceived 30 years ago to attack formations of Soviet bombers attempting to penetrate Western airspace before a full-scale invasion of Europe.

When the threat of invasion disappeared with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the aircraft was remodelled to become a multi-role aircraft. The project has since been beset with a succession of problems, which have delayed the arrival of the aircraft and pushed up the cost.

Two weeks ago, Mr Ingram was also forced to admit that the separate £25 billion Joint Strike Fighter project was also facing serious difficulties after it emerged that the aircraft, which is due to replace the Harrier jump jet, was more than 3,000lb too heavy to fly safely.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman confirmed that the Government was examining a deal that would see Eurofighters delivered to the Austrian air force before being delivered to the RAF.

All Eurofighters were recently grounded because of problems with landing gear and brakes - a problem described by the manufacturers, British AerospaceSystems, as "teething troubles".

In 2002, during a test flight, a Spanish Eurofighter crashed after both of its engines failed. Both crew ejected and survived.
Enviado por: Spectral em Junho 14, 2004, 01:16:38 pm
A credibilidade do Sunday Telegraph ( mais conhecido com "Torygraph" pela sua simpatia pelos Tories) é ZERO.

Mas a notícia tem um fundo de verdade. Aproveitando a alta do preço do petróleo, o consórcio está a tentar vender Typhoons à Arábia Saudita. Ora para melhorar as condições de venda, o governo inglês disponiblizou que alguns desse aviões a serem vendidos saiam do lote destinados à RAF. Mais tarde eles receberiam o nº correspondente a esses aviões "desviados".-

Algo de semelhante pode acontecer com Singapura.

A história das nuvens é um mito urbano.

E os projectos aeronáuticos militares em que um dos protótipos não teve um acidente são bastante raros...
Enviado por: lf2a em Junho 14, 2004, 03:22:33 pm
Citação de: "Paisano"
A estratégia da Aeronáutica é fazer um rodízio de aeronaves entre as bases, de forma que não se saberá que aviões e helicópteros estarão onde, em que data e executando que tipo de missão.

Lamento ter de dizer isto aos nossos colegas brasileiros mas aqui vai: QUE TRISTEZA!!! :shock:
Ainda que não indiquem valores, estou em crêr que pelo preço de construção de cada uma dessas bases poderiam encomendar à EMBRAER pelo menos 20 AMX e esquecer essa do Chimarrão, ooops... quero dizer rodízio. Embora eu acredite na honestidade de todos os militares brasileiros, parece-me que será muito fácil para um grupo narcotraficante subornar alguém da FAB de modo a descobrir os planos de vôo das diversas esquadrilhas da área referida.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 15, 2004, 02:46:45 pm

Francia e Israel firmarán en el marco de la exhibición internacional de armamento Eurosatory (París) el acuerdo de mayor envergadura para el intercambio de armamento y tecnología militar entre los dos países desde el embargo francés a ala venta de armas a Israel previo a la Guerra de los Seis Días. El acuerdo está valorado entre 150 y 200 millones de dólares, según el diario “Haaretz”. Las Industrias Aeronáuticas de Israel (IAI) venderán tecnología a las empresas más importantes de armamento francesas.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 15, 2004, 03:45:56 pm
China is about to receive 24 Sukhoi Su-
30MK2 fighters from Russia in 2004, according to the latest report by Jane's Defence Weekly. These aircraft are improved naval variants based on the Su-30MKK fighter, with enhanced anti-ship strike capabilities including the Kh-31 supersonic anti-ship missile. China has already purchased 78 Su-27SK/UBK fighters and 76 Su-30MKK fighters from Russia, and is building 200 Su-27SKs under license. The latest Su-30MK2 will be deployed by the PLA Naval Air Corps. This is the first time that the PLA Navy obtains the imported Sukhoi fighter.
Título: Czech Republic Leases Gripen
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 15, 2004, 03:56:21 pm
Czech Republic Leases Gripen
(Source: FMV Swedish Defence Procurement Administration; issued June 14, 2004)
   Sweden and the Czech Republic has today signed a leasing agreement for 14 Gripen fighter aircraft for 10 years.  
FMV (The Swedish Defence Material Administration), representing the Swedish Government, signed an agreement with its equivalent department at the Czech Ministry of Defense, at a ceremony today in Prague. The Czech Republic will lease 14 Gripen fighter aircraft (12 single-seat and 2 two-seat) of the latest version JAS 39 C/D Gripen for a period of ten years (2005-2015) according to the agreement.  
The agreement follows the offer submitted by FMV in October 2003, which resulted in the Czech Governments decision to start negotiations with the Swedish government in December 2003. The negotiations have been ongoing since January 2004 and have now been successfully concluded by today's agreement.  
The Czech Republic will be the first NATO-country to operate the fourth generation Gripen, to meet the country's national and NATO defense needs.  
The Czech Republic will receive the latest C and D versions of the Gripen aircraft. These aircraft are the latest standard of the Gripen and are equipped with full color cockpits, air-to-air refueling probes, and are fully NATO-interoperable. The Gripen aircraft will be delivered to the Czech Republic during April-August 2005.  
Sweden will provide extensive operational and tactical training of both Czech pilots and technicians as a part of the agreement. The training will be done in Sweden with the Swedish Air Force who is responsible for the training program.  
Saab AB will be responsible for certain adaptations of the Gripen aircraft to meet the Czech requirements. Saab AB will also provide technical support during the whole duration of the leasing period.  
Training devices will be supplied by Sweden during the whole leasing period to provide an in-country training capability, and in addition simulator training will be provided in Sweden.  
The agreement also covers the provision of the necessary maintenance equipment, a fully integrated logistics support package including spares, ground support equipment, repairs and technical and tactical support systems during the whole leasing period. The integrated logistics support package includes the transport of materiel between Sweden and the Czech Republic, publications and technical support during the whole leasing period. This support concept is the same model as used by the Swedish Air Force.  
The Czech Republic is responsible for its own pilots, technicians and for normal maintenance of the Gripen aircraft in addition to consumable items such as aircraft fuel.  
The total value of the contract is 19.650 billion CZK.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 16, 2004, 02:16:54 pm


La Marina de Estados Unidos ha adjudicado al grupo liderado por Boeing un contrato de 3.890 millones de dólares para la construcción del avión marítimo multimisión (MMA). Este avión se basa en el modelo 737-800. El programa total está valorado en torno a 15.000 millones de dólares, con una producción que se desarrollará a lo largo de 10 años.
El equipo liderado por Boeing, que incluye a otras compañías como CFM International, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, y Smiths Aerospace fabricará siete aviones de pruebas durante la fase de desarrollo de sistemas y demostración. Está previsto que la Marina estadounidense compre 109 aviones para reemplazar a su antigua flota de 223 aparatos P-3.
“El 737 MMA va a tener un papel fundamental en el futuro de la práctica militar marítima, ya que aportará superioridad defensiva submarina y en la superficie, así como en misiones de reconocimiento y vigilancia”, destacó Jim Albaugh, presidente y Consejero Delegado de Boeing Integrated Defense Systems. El programa MMA dará empleo a 1.600 personas de las instalaciones de la división de IDS en St. Louis, Seattle y Patuxent River, en Estados Unidos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 16, 2004, 02:17:25 pm


La española Construcciones Aeronáuticas Casa ha anunciado que modernizará al menos 18 unidades del Casa C-101 de la Fuerza Aérea Chilena, un reactor de entrenamiento básico, avanzado y táctico.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 03:39:49 pm
Começa o up-grade dos SU-25 russos.

Aircraft Repair Plant in Moscow Suburb Kubinka Begins Series Upgrade of Su-25 Attack Aircraft

Series upgrade of Russian air force Su-25 attack aircraft has stared at the aircraft repair plant in the Moscow suburb of Kubinka.

"The first three Su-25 attack aircraft have reached the aircraft repair plane in Kubinka for overhaul and reconditioning and a subsequent upgrade," the chief designer of the Sukhoy Attack Aircraft scientific and production concern, Vladimir Babak reported.

He recalled that the first upgraded Su-25SM was built in March 2002. "At the present time, a third upgraded experimental Su-25SM is being prepared for lifting into the air. Its flight will take place in the very near future," V. Babak said.

According to him, upgrade of the attack airplanes at the aircraft repair plant in Kubinka will take place in accordance with serial documentation.

The on-board equipment and some systems for weapons use have been fully renovated on the attack aircraft being upgraded. The "Bars" targeting and navigational complex being installed on the airplane is based on a fast-acting new generation computer. It allows an increase of 2-3 times of the precision of weapons usage and 10 times navigation precision. The "Pastel" ELINT station and SUO-39 weapons control system also have been installed on the airplane, and new types of ammunition also are being used.

The Su-25SM allows the use of precision weapons with a laser-guidance system. The airplane's armament will be expanded owing to the use of guided weapons with television and laser guidance.

Nearly 500 Su-25 attack aircraft are in the inventories of 16 countries at the present time. A program for upgrade of the airplane for foreign customers has been developed.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:10:08 pm
EH101: Canadian Cormorants return to full flight status while Royal Navy continues investigation of Merlin crash of 30 March ‘04

Rotorhub can confirm that the Canadian Cormorants are flying again, despite an aircraft landing last week due to the crew experiencing aircraft vibrations and the ongoing investigation by the UK’s Royal Navy into the crash of one of its Merlins at RAF Culdrose at the end of March ‘04.

The crash occurred as the aircraft was lifting off following a hot refuelling and crew change.

While the RAF and the Royal Navy Merlins are still grounded under a precautionary directive that was issued by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) immediately after the crash, the Canadians returned to normal flying operations on 3 June.

This followed the imposition of their own flying restrictions on 1 April that virtually limited all flights to search and rescue missions only.

Rotorhub flew in a Canadian Cormorant on Monday 15 June on a SAR exercise and no problems were encountered.

In an incident last week that is considered to be an unrelated issue, a Canadian Cormorant crew landed their aircraft away from their airfield after vibrations were experienced during the flight.

As the aircraft had a vibration analysis kit on-board, the crew decided to land immediately and connect the kit to the sensors embedded in the aircraft. When the Cormorant was started again, some excessive vibration was recorded and the decision was made not to fly out before further investigation.

Later analysis revealed a problem concerning the lead-lag damper on the main rotor head. This was changed and the aircraft eventually flown back to its base.

Rotorhub currently understands that the problem with the Royal Navy Merlin might be traced to a maintenance procedural issue.

Other EH101 users - the Italian Navy and the Tokyo police - decided that there was no need impose any flying restrictions on any of their EH101s
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:16:51 pm
Wulfsberg Selects EDMO as Distributor for P-2000 Tactical FM Radio


PRESCOTT, Ariz., June 18, 2004 – Wulfsberg Electronics has enhanced its sales and service capability by naming EDMO Distributors Inc., of Spokane Valley, Wash., as the exclusive distributor for its P-2000 digital tactical FM radio.

Although Wulfsberg™ has an existing dealer network, the use of a distributor is a first for the company that will strengthen its product marketing, according to Walter Crawford, vice president of marketing and sales.

“As our distributor, EDMO will multiply Wulfsberg’s existing capabilities, and specifically provide better, more direct support to our dealers,” Crawford said. “EDMO has an experienced and knowledgeable sales team that will enhance our overall marketing efforts, in part by maintaining closer, more regular contact with our dealers.”

EDMO will also maintain inventory of the P-2000 in some of its more popular configurations.

“EDMO looks forward to working with Wulfsberg and contributing to the success of the P-2000,” said Jeff Christensen, vice president of marketing and sales.

Wulfsberg is the leading supplier of Flexcomm™ multi-band, airborne, FM/AM, analog and digital radio communication systems for the public safety and industrial markets.

EDMO is a wholesale distributor of aircraft avionics, avionics test equipment, and other aviation-related products.

The P-2000 is the world’s first digital tactical FM radio with a color LCD display. In addition to its brilliant display, which highlights critical information in an easy-to-read format, the P-2000 is the first panel-mounted, multi-band radio ever offered by Wulfsberg™. The P-2000 transceiver complements the powerful C-5000 and RT-5000 multi-band transceiver already in use by public service providers worldwide.

Wulfsberg’s Flexcomm communication systems can be configured to support all conventional FM/AM channel frequencies from 29.7 MHz to 960 MHz plus multiple analog and digital P-25 compatible transceivers in the VHF-Hi, UHF-Lo, UHF-Hi, 700/800 MHz FM bands.

In addition to its radio communication products, Wulfsberg™ designs and manufactures a complete suite of Chelton FliteLine™ Nav/Com products for the corporate aviation, military trainer, commuter airline, and helicopter markets.

Wulfsberg Electronics is one of fifteen Chelton Avionics, Inc. Companies, including ACR Electronics, Artex Aircraft Supplies, Chelton Aviation, Chelton Flight Systems, Chelton, Inc., Chelton Satcom, Comant Industries, dB Systems, DTC Communications, Orion Electronics Ltd., Northern Airborne Technology (NAT), Pentar Avionics, Seimac, Sea Tel and Wulfsberg Electronics.

Chelton Avionics, Inc. is a wholly owned business unit of U.K. based Cobham plc which has annual sales in excess of £690M ($1 billion).
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:24:10 pm
CHC Awarded Super Puma MKII Contract in Angola

ST JOHN'S, NL, TORONTO, June 15 CHC Helicopter Corporation ("CHC") announced today that it has been awarded a new contract in West Africa for the provision of one Super Puma AS332L2 aircraft for a period of initially 18 months commencing immediately. Anticipated revenue over the term of the contract is approximately CDN $11 million.

Under the terms of the contract, CHC will lease the advanced Super Puma MkII to Sonair, the aeronautical subsidiary of the Angolan national oil company Sonangol. The helicopter will be based at Luanda, Angola.

CHC Helicopter Corporation is the world's largest provider of helicopter services to the global offshore oil and gas industry, with aircraft operating in 30 countries and a team of approximately 3,400 professionals worldwide.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 19, 2004, 04:46:13 pm


Dassault y EADS han llegado a un acuerdo para cooperar en la nueva generación de aviones de combate sin piloto, UCAV en sus siglas en inglés. Sin embargo, Dassault ha descartado la idea de fusionarse con EADS, que lleva tiempo considerando opción de absorber a su competidor francés.España podría entrar en el programa con una inversión de entre 20 y 25 millones de euros.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:15:20 pm
A129 Combats: Sardinian work-up confirms Italy’s first Airmobile Brigade now ready to go

After three years of development and intense training, the Italian Army’s Friuli Airmobile Brigade has now achieved its full operational capability (FOC) certification. This followed the successful culmination of exercise Forward Challenge ‘04, which took place in March at the Capo Teulada and Salto di Quirra ranges in Sardinia. The exercise involved 2000 soldiers, 52 helicopters and over 700 vehicles belonging to the Friuli Airmobile Brigade and validated the unit’s operational capabilities through a series of new force projection scenarios. The exercise was attended by the Italian Army’s Chief of Staff, General Giulio Fraticelli, the 1st Italian Army Land HQs commander, Lt. General Gaetano Romeo, as well as representatives from similar French and German airmobile units.

In addition to AB205, AB412 transport, A109 scout and A129 anti-tank helicopters, it marked the first public showing of the AgustaWestland A129 EES combat helicopter (see Mangusta sharpens its teeth, p8-10, Defence Helicopter, Dec ’03 / Jan ‘04). The first two aircraft had been delivered from Agusta in time for the exercise.

Headed by Brigadier General Enzo Stefanini and headquartered near Bologna, the Friuli Brigade is composed of two Army Aviation Regiments, the 5th Rigel at Casarsa della Delizia near Udine in northern-east Italy and the 7th Vega, near Rimini on the Adriatic coast. Other elements in the Brigade include the 66th Trieste airmobile infantry regiment based near Forlì, the Savoia Cavalry Regiment based in Grosseto and the Friuli Brigade command and tactical support unit near Bologna.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:16:07 pm
EH101: new tail rotors send UK Merlins flying again

All of the UK’s EH101 ‘Merlins’ are being fitted with the latest version of the tail rotor hub – a move which should have both the Royal Navy and RAF fleets (39 and 22 aircraft respectively) back to full time flying within the week.

Chris Palmer, deputy chief of aviation, Royal Navy, speaking to said that the preliminary results of the RN’s investigation into the crash of a Royal Navy EH101 at RNAS Culdrose (30 March) revealed that the aircraft had suffered “vibration sufficient to cause the failure of the hub and the subsequent detachment of a rotor blade.”

Tests conducted at AgustaWestland’s Yeovil facility in the UK with the new tail rotor hub fitted onto an RAF aircraft have satisfied the investigation team that all of the Merlins can be cleared to fly.

“Our aim in conducting a detailed investigation was to maintain crew confidence in the aircraft,” said Palmer. “We are fully behind the Merlin and consider it a fantastic aircraft to fly,” he confirmed.

Both the Italian and Canadian aircraft fleets have different tail rotor hub varients to those on UK aircraft.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:19:13 pm
RAF: first of 16 SAR STAR-Q thermal imagers delivered

The RAF’s Search and Rescue Mk3A Sea King fleet has just taken delivery of its first two FLIR Systems STAR-Q thermal imaging systems with the larger detector chip which provides 640 (W) x 480 (H) resolution (the first UK customer to take this variant).

Although the contract stipulates a delivery time of 18 months, FLIR’s programme manager Richard Bower says the company hopes to have completed delivery and installation by the end of the year. “It’s not a matter of when we can deliver but when the RAF can rotate these valuable aircraft out of line,” said Bower.

In November 2001, FLIR won the RAF tender and will now supply 16 turrets to the Sea King fleet at a total cost of £10 million. There are eight RAF SAR stations with two aircraft per station, each of which will have a turret fitted. “All of the RAF’s reserve aircraft will also be made ready to accept the FLIR kit which can be installed in around 20 minutes,” said Bower

Although STAR-Q is an off-the-shelf package, the operators desktop controls (joystick and function switches) have been ergonomically designed to fit around the standard onboard keyboard.

The increasing prospects of a warm summer will guarantee plenty of people out along the coastline and therefore a correspondingly higher work-rate for SAR Sea Kings. The first two aircraft are operating out of RMB Chivenor in North Devon, UK.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:21:36 pm
Royal Air Force Of Oman Super Lynx 300 Deliveries Begin

The first three of sixteen AgustaWestland Super Lynx 300 helicopters ordered by the Royal Air Force of Oman arrived in Oman on 24th June 2004. The three aircraft were loaded aboard an Antonov An-124 cargo plane at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton on the 23rd June, having completed pre-delivery inspections at AgustaWestland's UK plant in Yeovil.

This important milestone was achieved just 28 months after contract signature. Richard Case, Managing Director of AgustaWestland, commenting on the achievement said  "We are delighted that the Super Lynx 300 will soon be entering service with the Royal Air Force of Oman; our first customer for the type in the Middle East.  The exceptional hot and high performance of Super Lynx 300, combined with the Royal Air Force of Oman's multi-role equipment fit makes this version of the Super Lynx 300 the most capable version of Lynx to be developed so far."

The Royal Air Force of Oman will become the second operator of Super Lynx 300's and the first customer to operate the aircraft in a multi-role configuration. The aircraft are equipped for a wide range of overland and maritime roles including search and rescue, utility, troop transport and coastal patrol.

In 2003 the Royal Malaysian Navy became the first operator of the Super Lynx 300 when its aircraft entered service in the shipborne anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare role. The Royal Thai Navy and the South African Defence Force have also placed orders for Super Lynx 300 aircraft for ship based naval roles, maintaining Super Lynx as the number one maritime helicopter in the market place

The Super Lynx 300 represents a new generation of the Lynx family incorporating more powerful CTS800 engines, a fully integrated avionics and mission system with a colour LCD instrument display system, new mission sensors, new weapon systems and an upgraded airframe. Over 420 Lynx helicopters have now been sold to sixteen nations.

About AgustaWestland
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica and GKN Company, is one of the largest helicopter companies in the world. The company offers an unrivaled range of helicopters designed to satisfy the most diverse requirements of civil and military customers. Committed to delivering outstanding products and services, AgustaWestland is capable of supporting wide-ranging missions in globally competitive markets. AgustaWestland has its primary operations in Cascina Costa, Italy, and Yeovil, United Kingdom. AgustaWestland has two subsidiaries in the USA: AgustaWestland Inc located in Arlington, VA and Agusta Aerospace Corporation located in Philadelphia, PA., where helicopters are assembled and customized for the US market.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:29:01 pm
Eurocopter Delivers the First EC 130 B4 into the Canadian Market
Edouard Gaillat, President, Eurocopter Canada Limited, handed over the keys to a new EC 130 helicopter to Mr. Barry O’Brien, General Manager, Aviation Services for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR).

“Our decision to evaluate the 130 was easy”, said Mr. O’Brien.  “We needed a helicopter for forest fire initial attack, and the EC 130 meets our specialized criteria.  The large cabin also provides remarkable visibility and is especially quiet with the shrouded tail rotor.  These are very important features in our line of work”.  

The EC 130 will be engaged in utility type operations.  Along with the initial attack operations OMNR is planning to use the EC 130 in Ministry of Natural Resource activities including: wildlife surveys, fish planting, reconnaissance, compliance monitoring, remote sensing and forest fire management.  

The EC 130 is currently operated in the tourism, EMS, police, passenger transport and utility markets around the world.  The EC 130 profits from the proven experience of the Ecureuil (AS350) family offering users exceptional performance with straightforward maintainability and low operating costs.  

About Eurocopter Canada Limited
Eurocopter Canada Limited a subsidiary of Eurocopter, the world’s largest designer and manufacturer of civil helicopters.  Eurocopter, in turn, is a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS.  EADS is the second biggest aerospace and defence company in the world with a turnover of 29.9 billion euro in 2002 and over 100,000 employees. It is among the market leaders in almost all sectors in which it is active.  The company has more than 70 sites in Germany, France, Great Britain, the USA, and Spain. It is active throughout the world, including Russia and Asia.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:30:12 pm
UK start to upgrade IR systems on SAR Sea Kings

New equipment that will significantly improve the ability of RAF Search and Rescue teams to detect missing people in all weather conditions has begun to enter service across its fleet of Sea King helicopters.

Sea Kings are used to rescue downed aircrew around the UK, as well as a range of other groups from fishing vessels in trouble at sea to stranded mountain climbers.

Two Mk3A Sea King helicopters, based at RMB Chivenor, North Devon, have been fitted with an infra-red detection system that has the ability to detect a person from over one kilometre away, even in choppy or stormy seas.

Procurement Minister Lord Bach said:
"The installation of these advanced new sensors will give the Royal Air Force's Search and Rescue crews a hugely enhanced capability which will undoubtedly help save lives. The advanced sensors being fitted incorporates the latest technology which will allow people to be seen at ranges of one kilometre or more - even at night or in poor visibility. It will be a significant boost to our capabilities and I am delighted to say has come in under budget and on time, representing excellent value for the taxpayer."

Search and Rescue Commander, RAF Group Captain Jim Goodbourn, said:
"RAF Search and Rescue helicopters perform hundreds of rescue operations in and around British coastlines and remote areas every year. This new system, which is at the cutting edge of modern infra-red technology, will greatly enhance the capability of the helicopters by allowing them to locate and rescue people in danger
much quicker than before.

"This has obvious benefits - the helicopters and their crew can carry out their missions more efficiently and effectively, but most importantly, we have a greater chance of saving the lives of those who need us most."

The £10 million Sea King Multi Sensor System (SKMSS) comprises a thermal imaging camera mounted alongside a daylight TV camera in a gyro-stabilised turret. The turret is mounted on the side of the lower hull of the Sea King and feeds pictures into the cabin where it is displayed and recorded by an airborne video recorder.

Source: UK Ministry of Defence - Defence Procurement Agency
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:39:19 pm
First flight for H-1 turned exhaust

NAVAIR PATUXENT RIVER, MD - A major survivability upgrade to the AH-1Z/UH-1Y aircraft, currently in the latter stages of developmental flight test here, made its first flights this week at the Bell Helicopter XworX facility in Texas.

The upgrade, consisting of an integrated engine exhaust management system that then turns the hot exhaust gases out and away from the aircraft's tail boom, quickly followed Monday's ground run accomplishment by expanding the flight envelope from hover to 120 knots Tuesday.

"The flight consisted of a six-minute hover," explained Marine Lt. Colonel David J. Anderson, the H-1 program's assistant program manager for Systems Engineering, "followed by an over-night teardown and inspection. Tuesday, after the Bell team put everything back together, we took it up to 120 knots."

Bell's Advance Programs unit has been exploring ways to improve survivability of the Cobra for several years, developing a solution by managing the exhaust flow and integrating off-the-shelf components, then turning the exhaust away from the helicopter's tail boom.  "This is the culmination of over a year of design integration effort by a team of dedicated professionals," said Tom Mast, a Bell design engineer on the program. "Not only will it further decrease the helicopter's infrared signature, but engineers expect it will help with decreasing engine exhaust heat on AH-1Z and UH-1Y tail booms and reducing engine compartment temperatures. The upgraded T-700 engines require more advanced engine exhaust management than the older, less powerful ones. Finally, the system permits the engine to perform more efficiently, burning less fuel for  the same amount of power."

The upgrade, which will also be applied to currently fielded AH-1W Super Cobras, many of which are supporting Marine Corps operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa, is the first major engineering prototype effort for Bell's XworX to benefit the H-1 program. Flight testing of the turned exhaust modification on the AH-1W Super Cobra is scheduled to begin in October with fielding in March 2005.

"Performance of the new turned exhaust over the past two days confirms what we hoped we would see," Anderson said. "Bell Advanced Programs and XworX are living up to our expectations - they're cutting their teeth on the AH-1Z and so far, we like what we see."  

As originally configured, exhaust gases flowing over the tail boom made for a larger IR signature in both the AH-1W and the upgraded AH-1Z and UH-1Y. Because of greater heat coming out of the up-rated engines in the AH-1Z and UH-1Y, the exhaust heat also started affecting the structure of the tail boom itself. Advanced non-destructive inspection technology enabled NAVAIR engineers to understand the problems caused by the heating before they became safety of flight issues.

"We developed this innovative modification to save lives and reduce support costs," said Kendall Goodman, Bell's engineering team leader.  XworX engineers, working with their NAVAIR counterparts, fabricated and installed the parts for the turned exhaust modification. Complete flight test envelope expansion flights for both the AH-1Z and UH-1Y will continue at NAS Pax River.

"We were going to do this all along to gain additional survivability," explained Marine Col. Doug Isleib, H-1 program manager here, "but we found that what works for IR signature reduction also works to lower tail boom temperatures - making turned exhaust the optimal solution to both concerns."

The H-1 Upgrades Integrated Test Team here currently has achieved approximately 1,800 flight test hours with five aircraft (three AH-1Z and two UH-1Y test aircraft, of which all but one AH-1Z are production representative). The test aircraft have flown 222 knots, maneuvered from -0.4 to +3.5 g's, been well above the 10,000-foot altitude mark and recently completed their second operational assessment by Fleet pilots. The report from that assessment is pending.

With the turned exhaust-equipped AH-1Z returned to a flight status, XWorX artisans are now turning their attention to performing the same modification on the 84 percent identical UH-1Y. Flight test on that Y-Model Huey will resume once the modification is completed.

Source: NAVAIR
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:43:19 pm
Sikorsky S-92 Completes First Production Flight

STRATFORD, Conn., June 15, 2004 – Sikorsky Aircraft’s first production S-92 helicopter took to the Connecticut skies on June 14, accomplishing a successful first flight and ushering in a new era in civil rotorcraft.

Pilots Ron Doeppner and Andy Evans guided S-92 #6 into a standard 30-minute hover over Sikorsky’s Stratford plant, performing all routine controllability maneuvers and completing engine and avionics checks.

“The aircraft is spectacular,” said Doeppner.  “The engines have more power margin than anything I’ve ever flown before, and the vibrations were incredibly smooth for a first flight.”

Aircraft #6 is scheduled for a mid-summer production delivery to Petroleum Helicopters, Inc., and a total of 12 aircraft will be delivered this year.  Customers include VIP transport as well as both domestic and international offshore oil operators.

On June 8, Sikorsky’s S-92 became the first helicopter in the world certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency/Joint Aviation Authorities (EASA/JAA) to the latest and most rigorous safety standards.  The S-92 is the first and remains the only helicopter in the world certified by the FAA to FAR Part 29 Transport Rotorcraft, Amendment 47, the latest U.S. safety regulations. The Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) are the European counterpart of the USA-based FAR, with similar safety regulations.  On the heels of last week’s EASA/JAA certification is Transport Canada approval, slated for later this summer.  

Sikorsky recently established another rotorcraft industry first when the company standardized its new S-92 and S-76 safety baseline to include Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Systems (EGPWS) in all civil aircraft configurations.  EGPWS helps pilots avoid controlled flight into terrain (CFIT).

“Sikorsky has a fierce commitment to customer value, which encompasses constant safety oversight and unwavering customer support,” said Jeff Pino, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Commercial Programs.

Sikorsky is moving full speed ahead with the S-92 performance expansion envelope.  The S-92 was certified for flight in instrument conditions (IFR) in April, while major advancements toward certification of the S-92 for flight into known icing conditions were achieved earlier this year, as the aircraft completed successful tests behind a CH-47 icing tanker.  Favorable weather at test sites throughout North America produced a broad range of natural icing temperature and moisture conditions that spanned the entire certification envelope.  The concluding aspects of full icing certification will occur later this year when regulatory agencies fly the S-92 for final approval in known icing.

As first deliveries approach, all necessary elements of support are ready or in final preparation.  A multi-million dollar range of spare parts inventory, publications and support equipment are in place, and technical manual validation on the first aircraft is being completed. Sikorsky’s Worldwide Customer Service organization is implementing systems to capture and use data originating on the first operational aircraft.  Combined data from the Health Usage Monitoring System (HUMS), bearing monitors, maintenance data computers, and maintenance management systems will electronically flow to Sikorsky for real-time analysis and action.

Training, conducted by Sikorsky’s partner FlightSafety International, is in full swing.   Crews scheduled for operational missions are already using the FlightSafety S-92 flight simulator at the West Palm Beach Learning Center, and customers are currently attending training courses. The simulator is on track for FAA Level D certification in July.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of advanced helicopters for commercial, industrial and military uses.  Sikorsky helicopters occupy a prominent position in the intermediate to heavy range of 5,300 kg. to 33,000 kg. gross weight. They are flown by all five branches of the United States armed forces, along with military services and commercial operators in more than 40 nations.

Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX), of Hartford, Conn., which provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:45:15 pm
Contract signed for EC120 production line in China

The official signing of the contract for the assembly in China of the EC 120 light helicopter - baptized the HC 120 for the Chinese market - took place in the presence of Mr. Jean Pierre Raffarin, the French Prime Minister, and Mr. Zeng Peiyan, the Chinese Vice Premier today in Paris.

This signifies a decisive step forward in the development of co-operation between Eurocopter, CATIC and Hafei Aviation Industry Co. Ltd.

The contract was signed by Mr. Fabrice Brégier, the Eurocopter President, Mr. Wang Bin, Chairman of the Board of Hafei Aviation Industry Co. Ltd (Harbin – China), and Mr. Yang Xueling, the Helicopter Department Director of CATIC (Peking – China).

This official signing follows the Memorandum of Agreement that was signed in November 2003 in Peking, following the visit to China of the French Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, and the negotiations conducted between Philippe Camus, the EADS President, and Zhang Yanzhong, the AVIC II President, with the aim of strengthening relations between the Chinese and French and German aeronautical industries.

To mark this occasion, Fabrice Brégier declared: "The launch of a local assembly line for the EC 120 indicates a new step in the strengthening of co-operation with the Chinese helicopter industry. Considering the growing potential of the Chinese market, and the capacities of Chinese industry, I believe this is only the beginning and that other developments will swiftly follow."

This agreement forms part of the new strategy implemented by Fabrice Brégier concerning emerging markets.

The EC 120 is a genuine commercial success with 400 aircraft already delivered to date, representing 75% of the five-seat helicopter market.

China is currently the largest potential market in the world for the helicopter industry and the EC 120 (HC 120 in China) is the 'ad hoc' aircraft for meeting the requirements of military, civil and parapublic customers.

The EC120 is recognized as an aircraft that is easy to maintain with a reasonable purchase price, which is perfectly adapted to these types of market.

Eurocopter is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EADS. EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, EADS generated revenues of € 30.1 billion and employed a workforce of about 109,000. The EADS Group includes the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the world's largest helicopter supplier Eurocopter and the joint venture MBDA, the second-largest missile producer in the global market. EADS is the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium, is the prime contractor for the Ariane launcher, develops the A400M military transport aircraft and is the largest industrial partner for the European satellite navigation system Galileo.

Source: Eurocopter
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:47:30 pm
Bell Launches "Team Eagle Eye" Core Team to promote Tiltrotor UAV

Bell Helicopter, Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC), AAI Corporation and Textron Systems Corporation have reached an agreement in principle to form the Core Team for TEAM EAGLE EYE to develop, produce and market the Eagle Eye Vertical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VUAV) System.

The Eagle Eye System consists of one or more Eagle Eye tiltrotor unmanned air vehicles, ground control equipment, payload (sensors, weapons and other items carried internally or externally by the air vehicle), communications, and integrated logistics support.  

The Eagle Eye System offers a potential revolution in vertical unmanned warfighting in the tactical unmanned aerial vehicle (TUAV) environment.  The unique combination of speed, range and versatility of Bell’s tiltrotor technology, the precision control and downlink capability of the AAI One Systemä ground control equipment, Textron Systems’ innovative tactical UAV munitions solutions, and LMC’s advanced technology make the Eagle Eye System the clear solution for all vertical tactical UAV requirements.  

 Already selected for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (VUAV) portion of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Integrated Deepwater System contract, the Eagle Eye passed a critical milestone recently within the Deepwater System program, with the highly successful completion of its Preliminary Design Review (PDR), a required deliverable to proceed to the next stage of the contract.  

The PDR demonstrated that Eagle Eye will successfully fulfill the U. S. Coast Guard missions.  In meeting these mission requirements, the system is well within margins for risk, performance, supportability and cost allocations.

The preliminary design of the Eagle Eye is based on the successful demonstrator that flew over 90 hours, and achieved 200 knots in level cruise while carrying 210 pounds of payload at 7/8 the scale of the planned production version.

Prospective markets include the emerging US Marine Corps’ VUAV requirement.


Core Team members for TEAM EAGLE EYE:

Bell Helicopter.    A Textron company, Bell will bring a unique, innovative air vehicle and 6000 hours of tiltrotor expertise to the team.  Responsible for overall system performance, programmatics, air vehicle design, development, production, flight-testing and delivery.  

Lockheed Martin Corporation.   Will provide advanced technology expertise, prototyping, network centric knowledge and low cost composite capability to the realm of vertical lift.  

AAI Corporation.  Will provide its One Systemä joint, common ground equipment and any integration expertise required.  AAI will bring time-tested, operational, combat-proven, real-time UAV expertise to the team.

Textron Systems Corporation.  Will provide a variety of specialized UAV weapons payloads specifically designed or adapted for a tiltrotor UAV, to include ordnance integration support.

Source: Bell Helicopter
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 26, 2004, 11:51:06 pm
UK RAF picks ESL Defence's EW stimulators

ESL Defence Ltd, a world leader in Electro Optic stimulation, announces the winning of a contract to supply long-range UV stimulators to RAF Spadeadam, the UK EW range.

The UV Mallina System, capable of stimulating AAR 47, 54, 57, 60 and MWS 200 at distances in excess of 3km provides an ideal training tool for pilot and aircrew. It is also often used as an Operational Test and Evaluation stimulator when countries accept aircraft platforms that have a Defensive Aid Suite incorporating a UV Missile Warner.

Pilot Confidence in Aircraft Defensive Aid Suite

With “In theatre” operations becoming more frequent, it is vitally important that pilots have the utmost confidence in the systems that are protecting them, and that they are fully conversant with the indications and alarms they should expect if they were to be attacked by MANPADS threats. UV Mallina is capable of replicating today’s threats and provides the pilot training link.

The Mallina system is fully transportable and operates from a tripod. It can be powered from a Battery pack making it totally autonomous and able to behave like a MANPAD threat moving around the training range with ease. Simply visually sight the aircraft and when in range, “fire the missile”. The cockpit indications are as if under attack from a SAM.

The Laser rangefinder enables the system to accurately determine aircraft range and automatically select and fire the range-optimised profile ensuring a high probability of declaration, whilst at the same time exercising the Laser Warning Receiver if fitted.

The UV Mallina system has been fielded with many NATO countries and is proving to be an invaluable and cost effective training aid.

For further details contact:   Steve Pilling -  Business Development Manager,
ESL Defence Ltd.          Tel: +44 2380 455110 Fax +44 2380 8074 4200.
Título: Eurofighter!
Enviado por: [PT]HKFlash em Junho 29, 2004, 01:20:55 pm
Mais noticias do Eurofighter:

Eurofighter Typhoon Single-Seat Production Aircraft Takes Flight  15 June 2004  

PS002, the fifth Eurofighter Typhoon Instrumented Production Aircraft (IPA5), successfully carried out its first flight on 7 June 2004, at BAE SYSTEMS Warton, United Kingdom. IPA5 took off from Warton at 1602h, piloted by Typhoon Project Pilot, Mark Bowman, and landed at 1630h. This new Eurofighter Typhoon production test aircraft was assembled by BAE SYSTEMS on behalf of the Eurofighter partners and will now join the four nation flight test programme.

IPA5 is the first UK single seat production aircraft to roll off the final assembly line at the BAE SYSTEMS facility in Warton. IPA5 is primarily designed to qualify production standards and functionality in concert with single-seat production across the Eurofighter Partner Nations. IPA5 joins the test fleet of six Development Aircraft, three twin-seat Instrumented Production Aircraft and two single-seat Instrumented Production Aircraft. IPA4, the first single-seat Instrumented Production Aircraft flew on 26 February, 2004, at the EADS CASA flight test facility in Getafe, Spain.

Production and Functionality Qualification – Eurofighter Typhoon IPA5
Single-seat fuel system
Single-seat production cockpit lighting
Single-seat structural health monitoring (SHM)
Sensor Fusion
Radar (Captor)
Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS)
Mission Assessment
Carefree Handling
Head Equipment Assembly (HEA)
Through a series of flight qualification tests Eurofighter Typhoon IPA5 will make a major contribution to finalising integration of the Full Operating Capability (FOC) standard avionics system for the production single-seat weapon system.

Commenting on events, Aloysius Rauen, Chief Executive Officer Eurofighter GmbH, said ‘This is a significant step for our programme as we transition to the next production phase for single-seat aircraft. In this phase we will deliver the Weapon System that will equip the frontline units of the four Eurofighter Typhoon Partner Nations.’


eurofighter website (http://http)
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 12:52:11 pm
25 de junho de 2004
OGMA iniciou trabalhos nos SA 330B Puma do Exército francês
A OGMA-Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal SA venceu um contrato para efetuar a revisão periódica do tipo P2 em 130 helicópteros Eurocopter SA 330B Puma utilizados pela ALAT (Aviation Légère de l'Armée de Terre, a aviação do Exército francês). Essas revisões, feitaa a cada 500 horas de vôo ou a cada 24 meses, vão ser executadas nas instalações da empresa. Em 2002 a OGMA já havia feito o mesmo trabalho em 22 aeronaves, em colaboração com a sua representada em Franca, a GMD. A OGMA já faz revisão e manutenção dos SA 330 da Força Aérea Portuguesa e de outros países.

Segurança e Defesa
(Victor Manuel Saraiva Barreira).
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 01:01:38 pm
Segurança e Defesa

Aermacchi modernizará treinadores
A Aermacchi assinou um contrato de 33 milhões de Euros com o Comando Logístico da Força Aérea Italiana para suporte e modernização dos treinadores MB-339A, MB-339CD e SF-260, incluindo simuladores de vôo e equipamento de solo. Além do fornecimento de peças de reposição e serviços de revisão e apoio técnico no solo, o contrato inclui a Modernização de Meia Vida do MB-339° (foto ao lado). Ao final do programa, a Aermacchi terá modernizado 49 MB339A.
O MB339 é utilizado na Itália para treinamento básico/avançado, ataque ao solo (como segunda linha) e interceptação de aeronaves lentas. Durante a recente visita de George Bush a Roma, o MB339CD foi utilizado nessa última missão, reforçando a defesa aérea sobre a capital italiana.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 03:04:04 pm
Segurança e Defesa

Mais um golpe para a Boeing
O Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos resolveu adiar a decisão sobre a aquisição ou não de uma centena de aeronaves de reabastecimento KC-767A, provavelmente até após a eleição presidencial. O programa da nova aeronave de REVO da USAF já envolveu um escândalo que resultou até na demissão do CEO da Boeing. Não está descartada a possibilidade de que seja aberta uma nova concorrência, que incluiria não só a EADS (que participou da primeira) como também a Lockheed Martin,que está propondo o desenvolvimento de um avião inteiramente novo, ao invés da adaptação de um avião civil. Apesar dos desmentidos da Boeing, o adiamento é um sério golpe para a empresa, já que a carteira de encomendas pendentes do 767 soma apenas 24 unidades.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 06:59:59 pm
US Ambassador Hands Over 30 refurbished UH-1s to Royal Thai Army

U.S. Ambassador Darryl N. Johnson today handed over 30 refurbished UH-1 helicopters to the Royal Thai Army (RTA) at the RTA Aviation Center in Lopburi Province. The cost of the aircraft, spare parts, and training totals approximately $30 million.

In late 2001, the RTA signed an agreement with the U.S. Government to procure 30 refurbished UH-1 helicopters. These helicopters were refurbished and delivered to the RTA in three shipments. The shipment containing the last 10 UH-1s arrived recently.

During his remarks in Lopburi, Ambassador Johnson said the ‘like new’ airframes are “designed to meet RTA aviation needs for the years to come.”

UH-1s are normally used for day-to-day operations, generally transporting troops and light equipment. These UH-1s were used by the U.S. Army from 1967 to 1990.

“We know you will make good use of these UH-1s, as you have the Black Hawks you have purchased the past several years, and which we hope will be the long-term future of Army Aviation in Thailand. We know you will put these helicopters to good use because we and our predecessors have been working closely with you and your predecessors in the Royal Thai Army for over 40 years as you and they have defended Thailand’s borders,” Ambassador Johnson noted.

Source: US Embassy in Bangkok
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Junho 30, 2004, 07:01:22 pm
Digital flight control system on US Army CH-47F to use BAE Systems CsLEOS™ real-time operating system
An open-architecture real-time operating system developed by BAE Systems has been selected for use on the newest version of the U.S. Army’s CH-47 Chinook heavy-lift transport helicopter, the CH-47F. The CsLEOS™ operating system will underpin the helicopter’s digital flight control system.

The digital control will replace analog flight controls on CH-47D helicopters as Boeing upgrades 300 of the aircraft to the F-model standard under contract to the U.S. Army. Its digital design will provide significantly greater reliability, maintainability, and flexibility than the existing analog control. The system also will incorporate a built-in diagnostic system for detecting and analyzing system failures and faults.

“The operating system that runs an aircraft flight control computer must be exceptionally robust,” said Milan Dedek, CsLEOS product manager for BAE Systems Aerospace Controls. “Our operating system was developed specifically for use on flight control and other mission-critical aircraft systems and is ideally suited to this use. We are proud that CsLEOS has been chosen to demonstrate its capabilities on this important Army program.”

An ARINC-653-compliant, fault-tolerant, hard-real-time operating system, CsLEOS was designed from the ground up for safety- and mission-critical applications that place a premium on security, predictable real-time response, and safety. Utilizing hardware memory protection, CsLEOS provides “Brick-wall” time, space, and resource partitioning between the kernel and applications operating on the same hardware platform. It also assures resource availability in both the time and space domains.

This combination facilitates the robust partitioning defined in ARINC 653, enabling applications with different DO-178B safety levels to run concurrently on the same processor. CsLEOS also supports “on-the-fly” application rescheduling, giving it the flexibility needed to meet a broad range of today’s safety-critical applications.

To assure fast recovery for time-critical events without compromising system safety, CsLEOS synchronizes all redundant channels on a frame-by-frame, lock-step basis, ensuring that all channels process the same data concurrently. In the event of a fault on one of the channels, the RTOS restarts the channel within milliseconds. To further enhance fault tolerance, CsLEOS provides a built-in health monitor.

To streamline application development, upgrades, and D0-178B certification, CsLEOS supports independent loading of application modules. Unlike approaches in which a portion of the kernel must be linked to each application, CsLEOS interacts exclusively with applications through its applications programming interface. This enables existing applications to be modified and new applications to be built and installed without the entire system having to be recompiled and rebuilt.

About BAE Systems
BAE Systems is an international company engaged in the development, delivery, and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air, on land, at sea, and in space. The company designs, manufactures, and supports military aircraft, surface ships, submarines, radar, avionics, communications, electronics, and guided weapon systems. It is a pioneer in technology with a heritage stretching back hundreds of years and is at the forefront of innovation, working to develop the next generation of intelligent defense systems.

BAE Systems has major operations across five continents and customers in some 130 countries. The company employs more than 90,000 people and generates annual sales of approximately £12 billion through its wholly owned and joint-venture operations.

BAE Systems North America is a high-technology U.S. company employing more than 25,000 people who live and work in some 30 states, the District of Columbia, and the United Kingdom. The company is dedicated to solving its customers’ needs with highly innovative and leading edge solutions across the defense electronics, systems, information technology, and services arenas.

BAE Systems Platform Solutions Sector provides a wide range of products and capabilities that include fly-by-wire flight controls, digital autopilots and flight directors, full-authority digital engine controls, inertial sensors and navigation guidance systems, displays, integrated avionics, power management systems, unmanned aerial vehicle systems, low-visibility precision landing systems, air traffic management systems, launch-vehicle controls, and hybrid electric vehicle drive systems. The sector is based in Johnson City, N.Y., and employs more than 6,000 people at facilities in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 02, 2004, 11:36:11 am
Segurança e Defesa

RAFAEL anuncia nova versão do míssil Spike-ER
A RAFAEL anunciou o aparecimento de mais um membro da família de mísseis israelenses Spike: trata-se da variante PBF (Penetration, Blast and Fragmentation, ou Penetração, Sopro e Fragmentação) do Spike-ER. A nova versão foi desenvolvida para possibilitar o uso em áreas urbanas e conflitos de baixa intensidade com um mínimo de danos colaterais. A variante básica do Spike-ER contém duas cabeças de guerra em tandem, capazes de penetrar a blindagens de carros de combate pesados em alcances de até 8km. Pode ser disparado de dia ou de noite a partir de helicópteros, veículos leves e plataformas navais, dispondo ainda das capacidades de poder ter a missão abordada após o lançamento, atacar alvos ocultos e realizar vigilância e avaliação de danos em tempo real.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 05, 2004, 03:18:26 pm
Segurança e Defesa

3 de julho de 2004
FAB negocia aeronaves de segunda-mão
A FAB está estudando uma proposta sul-africana para o fornecimento, por US$2 milhões, de dois lotes de treinadores bipostos Atlas Impala Mk.1. O primeiro seria de 22 aeronaves, a serem entregues juntamente com 48 motores Viper; no segundo, viriam mais 23 aviões. O Atlas Impala Mk. 1 é a versão do Aermacchi MB326 construída sob licença na África do Sul em número de 151 exemplares. Com esses aeronaves, a combalida frota de Xavante da FAB seria reforçada, podendo o tipo se manter em serviço até 2010.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 05, 2004, 03:22:04 pm
Segurança e Defesa

3 de julho de 2004
Sensor sul-africano escolhido para o Rafale
O sistema de determinação e acompanhamento da posição da cabeça do piloto desenvolvido pela Denel foi escolhido para instalação nos caças multifunção Rafale encomendados pela França. O equipamento é vital para a utilização de displays e/ou visores de tiro acoplados ao capacete do piloto, e também foi selecionado para uso no Gripen e no Eurofighter Typhoon. Utilizando diodos emissores de luz, o sistema é imune a variações do ambiente eletromagnético do cockpit, e não requer recalibragem quando da instalação de outros equipamentos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:07:12 pm
Egypt requests upgrade of three CH-47Cs to D configuration

On 6 July 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Egypt to upgrade three CH-47C Chinook medium lift helicopters to the newer CH-47D configuration as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $108 million.

The Government of Egypt has requested a possible sale to upgrade three CH-47C Chinook medium lift helicopters to the newer CH-47D configuration, eight T55-L-712 turbine engines, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical data, communications equipment, maintenance, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government Quality Assurance Team, contractor representatives, contractor engineering and technical support services, preparation of aircraft for shipment, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $108 million.

This proposed sale would contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been an important force for political stability in the Middle East.

The Egyptian Armed Forces will use these helicopters for troop transport and logistics support. They may also be deployed in future joint exercises with the United States such as Operation Bright Star. Egypt, which already has CH-47 helicopters in its inventory, will have no difficulty absorbing the upgraded helicopters.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractor will be Boeing Helicopter Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There are no offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require a U.S. contractor representative for up to two years in Egypt. Additionally, four contractor representatives and several

U.S. Government Quality Assurance personnel will be required for one week following the arrival of the aircraft.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale

This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.

Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:12:34 pm
Lockheed Martin / Northrop Grumman team delivers first Longbow radar hardware to Japan

ORLANDO, FL, July 6, 2004 --

Longbow International, a Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] and Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) joint venture, delivered the first two of 23 Longbow Fire Control Radar units to Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) in support of the Japanese Defense Force.

“This delivery is important because it is the first in support of a licensed production program in which Longbow International transfers technology to MELCO,” said Tom Eldredge, Longbow International program manager.  “This technology transfer will enable MELCO to perform final assembly and test of fire control radar line replaceable units.”  

MELCO representatives visually inspected the assembled hardware, and the Longbow International program quality manager signed the certificate of conformance, establishing that units meet procedures and requirements for final acceptance and sell-off of the units.

“Customer inspection of the deliverable hardware was highly successful,” said Bill Liable, Longbow International quality manager.  “This was the first time MELCO representatives were exposed to the hardware.  They were very satisfied with the inspection and data review, noting that the Longbow fire control radar team had demonstrated commitment and dedication to deliver nothing but the best quality products.”

With U.S. government approval, Longbow International is transferring technology in exchange for license fees and royalties. The government of Japan selected the Apache in August 2001, and decided to enter a licensed production program contract rather than a direct purchase.  MELCO was selected as the fire control radar customer-teammate. The agreement specifies that approximately 60 aircraft and 23 radars will be procured in annual contracts for two or three fire control radars per year for 10 years.  

The Longbow system comprises a fire control radar, a radio frequency (RF) interferometer, a fire-and-forget RF Longbow Hellfire missile and an M299 launcher. The Longbow system’s integrated capabilities enhance the Apache’s lethality fourfold and its survivability sevenfold.  Longbow’s radar enables the pilot to rapidly and automatically search, detect, locate, classify and prioritize multiple moving and stationary targets.

“This contract for delivery of fire control radars and RF interferometers to the government of Japan through MELCO continues a tradition of providing the world’s finest attack helicopter equipped with the latest technology sensor systems to our allies,” said Richard Russell, Longbow International president.

The licensed production work scope includes all of the hardware in line replaceable unit kits consisting of line replaceable modules, shop replaceable units, cables and chassis for final assembly and test of the mast mounted assembly, programmable signal processor and low-power radio frequency units by MELCO.  It also includes the test equipment required for final assembly and test, training for production and documentation.  

Current contract work is performed in Orlando and Ocala, FL; Baltimore, MD and Owego, NY.

Baltimore-based Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems is a world leader in the design, development and manufacture of defense and commercial electronic systems and sensors, including airborne radar, navigation systems, electronic countermeasures, precision weapons, airspace management systems, communication systems, space sensors, marine and naval systems, government systems and logistics services.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:14:56 pm
GE Delivers First CT7-8E Engines For US101/EH101 Helicopters
July 06, 2004 -- LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS -- GE has delivered the first set of three CT7-8E engines to Agusta Westland for the US101/EH101. The CT7-8E has been selected as the powerplant for the US101 helicopter being proposed for the U.S. Marine Corp VXX program.

"We are very pleased to be a part of the US101 team," said Ed Birtwell, vice president of Turboshaft Engines at GE. "With the recent FAA certification, the CT7-8E provides the most advanced engine in its class for the US101 and the EH101, delivering 20 percent more power with a state-of-the-art FADEC (full authority digital electronic control) system. This is an important milestone for GE Turboshaft Engines. For over two years, we have been working with the helicopter team to develop the growth engine for the US101/EH101, and we are proud to now deliver this superior product on schedule."

GE delivered the first set of engines for the first model of the EH101 19 years ago. Since then, the GE-powered EH101 has amassed over 100,000 engine flight hours, serving a worldwide customer base.

The CT7-8E, the newest member of the CT7/T700 engine family, incorporates improvements derived from over 50 million flight hours on over 30 different helicopter and fixed-wing applications powered by CT7/T700 engines throughout the world. The CT7-8E features an advanced, higher-flow compressor designed with new 3D aerodynamic technology, a modern FADEC system, a hot section and turbines proven on GE's CT7-9 engine, and significantly increased hot-temperature/high-altitude performance.

GE Transportation, Aircraft Engines, part of General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of jet engines for civil and military aircraft, including engines produced by CFM International, a 50/50 joint company of Snecma Moteurs and GE. In addition, GE Transportation, Aircraft Engines provides comprehensive maintenance support for GE and non-GE jet engines in service throughout the world.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:17:09 pm
Eurocopter Romania completes first Royal Air Force Puma upgrade

6th July 2004


An important phase has been covered on the delivery, today, in Brasov, to the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom, of the first PUMA helicopter completely refurbished and overhauled by EUROCOPTER ROMANIA. After the investments made in 2002 and 2003 to provide EUROCOPTER ROMANIA with a modern production hall, this delivery demonstrates factually what the company is capable of offering on the worldwide, highly competitive market, referring to overhaul/repair and upgrading works for both civil and military PUMA helicopters.

Starting this moment by the end of the year, other three PUMA helicopters will be delivered to the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom.

Another important phase will be covered at the beginning of September on starting the upgrading works for 24 PUMA helicopters belonging to the UAE Armed Forces, in cooperation with S.C. IAR S.A. Brasov. The works are complex, looking at a complete re-motorization, the installation of a new automatic pilot and of a new avionics system.

In the same time, EUROCOPTER ROMANIA develops its activities so that it may cover the civil market needs in Romania as well as in the neighboring countries.

Thus, at the beginning of January, the company was certified by the Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority, as per European regulations, as a JAR 145 repair and overhaul centre for the EC 135 helicopter. This agreement allows the company to assure the technical support for the civil customers operating such type of helicopter in Romania. Two such helicopters are going to be delivered next week to the Ministry of Health. An extension of this agreement is in preparation for other types of helicopters (EC 120, EC 155, AS 350, AS 365) in order to cover the entire range of helicopters currently operated in Romania by both civil and para-public customers.

Source: Eurocopter
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 01:20:31 pm
Team US101 selects Applied Geo Technologies to supply wiring harnesses for Marine One helicopter

Choctaw, MS, July 1, 2004 – The US101 team competing to offer the next Marine One helicopter for the President of the United States expanded by one today with the announcement that Applied Geo Technologies (AGT), a CHAHTA Enterprise company owned by the Mississippi Band of the Choctaw Indians, will supply wiring harnesses for the US101 medium-lift executive aircraft.
“The Choctaw Indians are the latest addition to Team US101, a partnership of more than 200 small and medium-sized American companies in 41 states that are creating thousands of long-term jobs to build the most capable and best-equipped helicopter for the President at a time of increased threat,” said Stephen C. Moss, AgustaWestland Inc's president.

CHAHTA Enterprise is a leading supplier of wiring harnesses for the automotive industry with manufacturing facilities in Choctaw, MS and Mexico. Customers include Ford, General Motors and Daimler-Chrysler. Under this agreement, US101 team member AgustaWestland will enter AGT into a mentoring protégé program that will allow AGT to expand into the aerospace industry; AgustaWestland will also assist AGT in further developing its aerospace capability to compete successfully in both the commercial and military markets. This agreement paves the way for the creation of new employment opportunities in Choctaw, MS.

“AGT is yet another solid example of Team US101’s commitment to create jobs by building, integrating and maintaining the US101 helicopter in the United States,” said Stephen D. Ramsey, Lockheed Martin’s US101 vice president and general manager.

“The Choctaw Indians have a proud heritage of faith in their country and their freedom and it’s an honor for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians to be part of the team that will build the US101 for the President of the United States,” said Chief Phillip Martin.

“AGT is proud to be a part of the US101 team building the most technologically-advanced medium lift helicopter in the world,” said Allen Hines, AGT’s president.  “The expansion of our business into the military and civil aerospace markets will create additional jobs in Mississippi.”

Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 01:35:34 pm
Galileo and GPS Will Navigate Side By Side: EU and US Sign Final Agreement
(Source: European Commission; issued June 28, 2004)
 The European Union and the United States concluded an agreement on GALILEO and GPS at the end of the Summit held in Ireland on 26 June 2004.  
The agreement on the promotion, provision and use of the two satellite-based navigation systems and related applications that was signed by Commission Vice-President Loyola de Palacio and US Secretary of State Colin Powell will allow each system to work alongside the other without interfering with its counterpart’s signals and thus give a huge boost to users worldwide.  
Vice-President Loyola de Palacio said: “This agreement will allow the European project GALILEO to become the world standard for civil and commercial use of satellite navigation; it will offer the best possible level of services to all users”.  
After more than 4 years of intensive talks, the results for GALILEO, and, more importantly, users of GALILEO and GPS worldwide, are highly satisfactory. The agreement confirms that GPS and GALILEO services will be fully compatible and interoperable and therefore makes the joint use of GPS and GALILEO and the manufacturing of equipment much easier and cheaper.  
GALILEO has now become the de facto world standard of open signals in the GNSS mass market. GALILEO will not need to rely on a “GALILEO-only” user community; instead it will be instantly accessible and used by millions of people who today use GPS. This means that all users of satellite radio-navigation will be able to simultaneously, with only one receiver, use one or the other of the two systems, or both at the same time.  
In addition of being the first civil system specifically dedicated to civil users, the additional feature of GALILEO is its commercial nature. The agreement with the United States does confirm the quick introduction of GALILEO in all user segments (mass market and professional) throughout the world. The market potential is indeed considerable: 3 billion receivers and revenues of some 250 billion euros per year by 2010 worldwide, and the creation of more than 150.000 high qualified jobs in Europe alone.  
The agreement represents a major asset for the business case of the future GALILEO operator expected to finance at least two-third of the deployment of the system (1.4 billion euros), one-third being financed by the public sector (700 million euros). Such promising prospects will intensify the current competition between the three pre-selected consortia of companies which are running to get the concession to operate the system.  
Results of this competition which is run by, the Galileo Joint Undertaking (the programme’s management-arm), will be disclosed by the Commission in October in view of a decision by the Council in December to move to the successive phases of the programme and open the way for the conclusion of the concession contract in 2005.  
Finally, this agreement allows the last system specifications to be set, a crucial aspect for the swift operation of GALILEO. After the current development phase (2 satellites under construction will be launched by the end of 2005 and 2 shortly after), the deployment of the remaining 24 satellites (and related ground stations) is expected by 2008, date at which the system should start operation.  
The total cost of Galileo amounts to 3.2 billion euros, respectively 1.1 billion euros for the development phase (2002-2005), fully financed by the public sector (half by ESA and half by the Commission) and 2.1 billion euros for the deployment phase (2006-2007), co-financed by the private (the concession holder) and public sectors (the Commission).
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 01:59:49 pm
Czech Republic’s Airspace Protection with Multi-Role Supersonic Aircraft
(Source: Czech Ministry of Defence; issued June 14, web-posted June 18, 2004)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the most detailed review available of the process which led the Czech Republic to sign on June 14 a lease agreement for Swedish-supplied Gripen fighters.)  
**In 1993, MiG-29 supersonic fighter aircraft were decommissioned from the inventory of the Czech Armed Forces.  
**In 1995, the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Parliament resolved that modernizing the MiG-21 aircraft would be ineffective.  
**In 1997, the Government decided in favour of supersonic aircraft acquisition and endorsed a plan to procure 72 L-159 subsonic aircraft.  
**In 1999, Concept on the Development of the MoD Department, including procurement of supersonic aircraft, was approved by the Government. In the same year, MiG-23 and Su-25 aircraft were decommissioned from the inventory of the Czech Armed Forces.  
**In 2000, public bidding process began in order to select supersonic aircraft supplier.  
**In 2001, a report on bids evaluation was submitted. The government decided to initiate contractual negotiation with BAE/SAAB. Furthermore, the Su-22 aircraft were decommissioned and the L-159 aircraft introduced in this year.  
**In May 2002, draft agreement on the procurement of 24 Gripen tactical supersonic aircraft was submitted. The draft agreement was approved by the Government. With that, the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic rejected the draft bill on the aircraft’s procurement financing.  
**On July 9, 2003, the Government of the Czech Republic, by decree No. 686, endorsed the draft provision for completing the Concept on the Development of the Air Force of the Czech Armed Forces in the area of airspace protection by means of a supersonic aircraft, and, commissioned the Minister of Defence, inter alia, to:  
--send a request for submitting Feasibility Study to the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, French Republic, Canada, the Kingdom of Netherlands, Republic of Turkey, United States of America, Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden;  
--assess the Feasibility Studies received, including that of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, develop a proposal on further procedure and submit these to the government for decision.  
**On July 25, 2003, multilateral working session was held where the tender specifications and further requirements by the MoD were conveyed to the bidders.  
**September 11, 2003, expert workshop attended by representatives from the countries addressed was held AFB Caslav to specify the terms of the procurement process.  
The workshop was not attended by UK representatives. The British party, having analysed the requirements that were submitted to all addressed countries on July 25, 2003, decided not to continue in the process of searching an interim solution to securing the Czech Republic’s airspace.  
The aim of the Caslav meeting was to specify technical, financial and time aspects concerning the bids processing.  
The workshop participants were apprised of the operational conditions and parameters of the airbase where the aircraft are planned to be operated in future.  
**On October 20, 2003, the Government, by decree No. 1051, determined the aircraft procurement is a strategic order.  
**On October 31, 2003, the three-month period for development of feasibility studies was terminated and the bidders’ proposals were submitted:  
--7 countries presented their bids – Belgium, France, Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Sweden and the USA.  
--Turkey withdrew on 15 Oct 2003.  
--By the decree No. 1050, dated 20 October 2003, Bids Review and Evaluation Commission was appointed. This nine-member joint commission was included representatives from the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Finance.  
**On November 30, 2003, the interdepartmental commission completed the Feasibility Studies’ assessment and, based on the set criteria, established bids’ order which was then presented to all government members by the Minister of Defence. The Commission recommended the bid submitted by the Kingdom of Sweden on the JAS-39 Gripen complex system as the most favourable. The bid on F-16 MLU aircraft by the Kingdom of Belgium placed second, bids submitted by Canada, Netherlands and the USA followed.  
**On December 17, 2003, the Government of the Czech Republic decided the Swedish bid is the best one for the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. Minister of Defence Miroslav Kostelka, Minister of Finance Bohuslav Sobotka, Minister of Industry and Trade Milan Urban and Minister of Foreign Affairs Cyril Svoboda were commissioned to negotiate  procurement of fourteen aircraft exclusively with the Kingdom of Sweden.  
**In December 2003, the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, along with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Industry and Trade, initiated negotiations on the Swedish bid.  
**On May 28, 2004, documentation on the prepared supersonic aircraft lease was presented to the Government.  
**On June 2, 2004, the Government held deliberations on draft Memorandum of Understanding, Lease Agreement and Industrial Co-operation Agreement.  
**On June 9, 2004, the Government of the Czech Republic, based on successful negotiation between the Czech ad Swedish parties, by Government decree No. 596,  decided on the lease of Gripen aircraft, and entrusted the Ministry of Defence with finalizing negotiations with the Swedish party and signing contractual obligations.  
**On June 14, 2004, agreements between the Czech Republic and the Kingdom of Sweden concerning the lease of JAS-39 Gripen aircraft for the needs of the Czech Armed Forces were signed at the Ministry of Defence. By these agreements, the Czech Republic’s airspace protection will be secured through leasing the JAS-39 aircraft for the duration of 10 years (from 2005 till 2015).  
In 2005, service life of the MiG-21 supersonic aircraft of Czech Armed Forces’ inventory will be over. (ends)
 Agreements on Gripen Supersonic Aircraft Lease Signed Today
(Source: Czech Ministry of Defence; issued June 14, web-posted June 18, 2004)
 On Monday, 14 June 2004, a set of agreements were entered into and signed at the Czech Ministry of Defence by the Czech Republic and the Kingdom of Sweden on the lease of JAS 39 Gripen supersonic fighter aircraft to be operated by the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic.  
The agreements are as follows:  
--Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden, which regulates the use options of JAS 39 Gripen fighters by the Czech Republic;  
--Agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic and Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV), on lease of the aircraft, support system  and provision of related services;  
--Agreement on Industrial Cooperation Program, through which the Gripen International undertakes to perform in the Czech Republic so-called offset programs valued at 130 percent of the contract value.  
A press conference was held after the agreements were signed, attended on behalf of the Czech party by Minister of Defence Miroslav Kostelka, Deputy Minister of Defence for Armaments Jaroslav Kopriva, Chief of General Staff ACR Lieutenant-General Pavel Stefka and the Head of the Czech negotiation team COL Vladimir Ficenec; and Minister of Defence Leni Bjorklund, Director of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration Jan-Olof Lind and Executive Director of Gripen International Ian McNamee representing the Swedish party.  
Pursuant to the signed contracts, the Czech Republic will lease 14 new JAS 39 Gripen supersonic fighters. The lease period starts on the day of acceptance of the first plane and terminates as at September 30th, 2015. The first 6 fighters are to be delivered to the Czech Armed Forces in April 2005, the remainder in August and October 2005. Pilot training will be launched in August 2004.  
The total contract price, amounting to CZK 19.650 bn., is fixed and will not be subject to possible future exchange rate fluctuation. The Czech Republic will repay the lease on annual basis. Thirty projects have already been agreed upon in the framework of the offset program, while 20 percent of the Swedish investments will be directed immediately into the Czech defence and aviation industry.  
“The Czech Republic becomes the first NATO nation to use a fourth-generation supersonic aircraft. You will be proud of it“, said Leni Bjorklund, Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Sweden, in conclusion of the press conference.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 02:02:24 pm
South Korea Chooses Three Helicopter Bidders
(Source: Korea Information Service; issued July 9, 2004)
 Two European consortiums and Bell from the United States were picked by the Defense Ministry on Friday (July 9) as the three final contenders for Korea's 10 trillion won ($8.6 billion) "miracle" helicopter project, which would give this country a fleet of next generation craft and generate lucrative exports.  
The three are AugustaWestland consortium from Britain and Italy, the Franco-German Eurocopter and Bell.  
Boeing and Sikorsky, both from the United States, were cut from the field as the heated global competition for the Korea Multirole Helicopter project, the country's single largest arms procurement undertaking, entered its closing stages.  
The ministry refused to disclose any specific data of its review, or why Boeing, which has rarely failed to win military bids in Korea, was excluded.  
The objective of the multi-billion dollar project is to replace the country's aging choppers with 477 new aircraft by 2012. Another several hundred helicopters will be built simultaneously for export purposes. Korea wants the foreigner manufacturer to design an aircraft that combines the concepts of cargo delivery and attack.  
Though this design may be economical, some experts say it is not practical for a real combat situation and they point to previous failures.  
The ministry exploratory team's next move is to learn if the three bidders can meet Korea's procurement standards and help Korea develop 34 core components.  
The selection process is to end late next month and by mid-September the ministry will chose a winner.  
"We will take into consideration the bidder's development plan and its credit in deciding a final winner, but the bottom line is we want a bidder who could provide stable research and development," said Park Sung-kuk, a head of the KMH project in the ministry at a news conference.  
Park was referring to the government expectation that a partnership with any one of these companies can help Korea develop its own brand.  
Another ministry official added that they will choose whoever suggests the best and lowest bid.  
The ministry aims to set the price of a helicopter for utility operations under 15 billion won and the model for attack 20 billion won.  
The Korea Aerospace Research Institute, a pool of major aircraft developers, has been contracted to work on the project with foreign bidders on 18 key components such as engines and computer-guided operations.  
The Agency for Defense Development has been reviewing proposals from domestic bidders who are to develop 16 core techniques on computerized cargo and data recording systems.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 02:03:44 pm
Graz: Federal Councilor Samuel Schmid Hands Over First F-5E Tigers to Austria
(Source: Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports; issued July 8, 2004)

(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
 Federal Councilor Samuel Schmid is due to hand over the first four F-5E “Tiger” combat aircraft to the Austrian air force today, Friday July 9. In total, Austria has leased 12 “Tiger” aircraft belonging to Switzerland to ensure the surveillance of its air space until the service introduction of its fleet of Eurofighter combat aircraft.  
The Austrian Defence Minister; Günther Platter, will take part in the hand-over ceremony, which will take place at Graz-Thalerhof air base. Federal Councilor Samuel Schmid will be accompanied by the commander of the Air Force, Corps Commander Hans-Rudolf Fehrlin, and by defence procurement chief Alfred Markwalder. The two ministers will also discuss bilateral security issues.  
Austria and Switzerland signed an umbrella agreement governing the four-year lease of 12 F-5E aircraft in April 2004. In addition to the aircraft, the agreement also covers logistical aspects, maintenance and personnel training. In exchange, Austria will pay Switzerland the amount of 54 million euros.  
The United States authorized the transfer of the aircraft on June 14. American authorization is required as the aircraft were originally procured by Switzerland from the United States.  
Pilot and ground crew training began at Dübendorf immediately after this agreement.  
The first four aircraft, already sporting Austrian air force livery, will be flown to Graz by Austrian pilots.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:44:15 pm


Indra se ha hecho con un contrato del Ministerio de Defensa de Nueva Zelanda para la implantación, integración y mantenimiento de un sistema de defensa antiaérea por un importe global de diez millones de euros. Este contrato supone el primer suministro de la empresa española a las Fuerzas de Defensa neocelandesas. El puesto de mando de integrará en el sistema táctico de comunicaciones móviles del Ejército. El sistema entrará en servicio a finales de 2006.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 02:47:30 pm


El pasado 28 de junio dos aviones Typhoon de la Royal Air Force –RAF- salieron de las instalaciones de BAE Systems en Warton – base actual del Typhoon en el Reino Unido – con rumbo a Singapur, donde el avión ha sido seleccionado para la fase final del programa de sustitución del avión de combate de este país. Tras cinco días de navegación y 13.000 kilómetros recorridos en varias etapas, los aviones llegaron a su destino el viernes día 2 por la tarde. Los aviones Typhoon se quedarán en Singapur alrededor de dos semanas. Este desplazamiento representa un gran reto, ya que el avión ha entrado en servicio en la RAF solo a finales de 2003 y que se encuentra en la fase inicial de vida operativa. El requerimiento de Singapur de realizar la evaluación “in situ” ha coincidido con la necesidad de ensayar algunos elementos del Typhoon. El desplazamiento del avión a Singapur cumple así con una serie de objetivos, incluidos ensayos operativos iniciales de reabastecimiento en vuelo, ensayos de soportabilidad del avión y evaluación de sus prestaciones en ambientes cálidos y húmedos.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 02:56:50 pm
Sweden Not to Sell Gripen Fighter Planes to Pakistan
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued July 7, 2004)
 ISLAMABAD --- In a setback to Pakistan’s efforts to get new generation Swedish-made Gripen fighter planes, Stockholm has said that it will not sell any weapons or weapon-related equipment to Islamabad.  
“There is no question of selling them weapons or anything directly related to weapons,” Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds said after her talks with visiting Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf in Stockholm yesterday.  
Before his talks with Freivalds, Musharraf, who is currently on a tour of Scandinavian countries, said that Pakistan might be interested in purchasing JAS Gripen fighter planes from Sweden. “Pakistan is looking for a high-tech aircraft. Gripen is one of several alternatives,” he was quoted as saying by Swedish newswire TT.  
Freivalds, however, said Sweden would not be considering the sale of any weapons or weapon-related equipment to Pakistan, media reports here said.  
She also said the Swedish government has yet to decide whether to sell Erieye radars, which was sought to be purchased by Pakistan for its Air Force. She said a decision has to be made whether the radar came under the category of weapon. “We have yet to reach that stage,” she said.  
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has been looking for alternatives to acquire new generation aircraft to modernize its ageing fleet after US declined to sell old as well as new F-16 fighter planes.  
Musharraf concluded his Sweden visit yesterday and went to Finland on a two-day trip.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 10, 2004, 02:57:59 pm
Egypt – C-130 Aircraft
(Source: Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued July 7, 2004)
 On 7 July 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Egypt of three C-130H aircraft as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $94 million.  
The Government of Egypt has requested a possible sale of three C-130H aircraft with engines, spare and repair parts, devices, support equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics personnel services and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $94 million.  
This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that has been and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.  
Egypt requires these aircraft to further develop and enhance its C-130 fleet. These aircraft will be used for airlift of military forces and supplies. Egypt can easily absorb and utilize these additional C-130 aircraft within its existing structure.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company of Marietta, Georgia. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
The number of U.S. Government and contractor representatives required in-country to support the program will be determined in joint negotiations as the program proceeds through the development, production and equipment installation phases.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 10, 2004, 08:26:42 pm
Russia and India consider an opportunity of attraction of China to development of a fighter of the fifth generation

Russia and India consider an opportunity of attraction of China to development of a multipurpose fighter of the fifth generation, the ambassador of the Russian Federation in India Alexander Kadakin has declared. Our countries, the diplomat has told, plan to suggest Chinese People's Republic to take part in realization of this large project. It will be the flying device of new generation which creation will need the big financial and intellectual expenses. The arrangement on creation of such plane has been achieved by Russia and India in November, 2001.

The ambassador informed also, that India and Russia discuss an opportunity of realization protivokorabelnyh cruise missiles "BraMos" in the markets of the third states. " Interest in their purchase was shown already with some states of Southeast Asia ", - A.Kadakin has told. Besides these unique rockets on the characteristics which is not present in the world of analogue, will act on arms of the Russian and Indian armies. The joint Russian-Indian joint venture " BraMos aerospejs limited " is engaged in development and manufacture of rockets.

Speaking about terms of delivery from Russia to India heavy avianesushchego a cruiser " Admiral of Pots ", A.Kadakin has declared, that the fighting ship will be delivered in republic in 2008. The corresponding contract has been signed in January of this year.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 13, 2004, 02:39:54 pm


EADS-CASA está ultimando la venta a las Fuerzas Armadas argelinas de seis aviones de transporte C-295 por unos 150 millones de euros. Si la operación culmina con éxito, sería el contrato más importante de material militar firmado con Argelia. Su importancia radica además en la apertura de este nuevo mercado, ya que la relación se prolongaría con el suministro de repuestos y el mantenimiento.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 13, 2004, 02:58:46 pm


El “Marine One”, nombre con el que se conoce a los helicópteros militares utilizados por los ocupantes de la Casa Blanca enfrenta a la empresa norteamericana Sikorsky, fabricante del actual H-3 “Sea King” utilizado por Bush, y a Lockheed Martin. Sikorsky ha presentado para este concurso el VH-92, una versión de su nuevo modelo S-92 con dos motores. Por su parte, Lockheed Martin ha presentado el US101, versión americana del helicóptero de tres motores producido por Augusta Westland, un consorcio de Italia y Gran Bretaña que ya ha comercializado su producto en países de la OTAN. El contrato asciende a 1.600 millones de dólares.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 14, 2004, 12:09:47 am
Boeing to Highlight Dreamliner, MMA at Farnborough  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued July 12, 2004)
 CHICAGO --- The Boeing Company today detailed its media presentations for the July 19-25 Farnborough International Air Show, which include discussions of the transformational 7E7 Dreamliner and Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft programs.  
The company’s schedule begins Monday, July 19, at 9:30 a.m. with a briefing by Commercial Airplanes President and Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally. That session will be in the Radlett Suite of the show’s Media Centre. Also on Monday, representatives from the U.S. Navy and Boeing will brief the media on the Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft program that the Navy recently awarded to Boeing, at 11:00 a.m. in the Media Centre’s Hatfield Suite.  
“The Boeing story is about aerospace leadership, and we are looking forward to telling that story at Farnborough,” said Tod Hullin, Boeing senior vice president of communications. “This company is on the move and generating real momentum. Our successes with the 7E7 and the Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft programs are just the latest examples of Boeing executing its strategy of commercial and military balance to lead the aerospace industry.”  
Several Boeing-built aircraft will be on display at the show, including the F/A-18F Super Hornet, AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter and F-15C Eagle, which are scheduled for daily flight demonstrations. Other Boeing products scheduled to be on static display include the F-15E Strike Eagle, C-17 Globemaster III, the Standoff Land Attack Missile, Harpoon and a full-scale mock up of the Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems (J-UCAS).  
Accredited journalists are invited to the Boeing Press Chalet (B6), adjacent to the main Boeing chalet, throughout the week. Boeing will hold a series of briefings on key programs and issues. Each day, media should check the briefing schedule at the Boeing Press Chalet, Boeing Exhibits and the Media Centre for updates.  
Boeing Commercial Airplanes President and Chief Executive Officer Alan Mulally will discuss the current commercial airplanes market and provide an outlook to the future for Boeing Commercial Airplanes, highlighting the tremendous interest in the 7E7 Dreamliner.  
Boeing and the U.S. Navy will discuss the system development and demonstration phase of the 737 Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) program. The 737 MMA will significantly transform maritime patrol and reconnaissance. Presenters will address plans for the developing the 737 MMA and its mission systems, benefits of the total system and potential international market.  
The Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (J-UCAS) X-45 is the first highly automated unmanned system designed for combat and is one of the most exciting development programs in the defense industry. Its two X-45A technology demonstrators are currently conducting system test operations and have logged more than 30 flights from the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. The Boeing X-45A system made aviation history in April by releasing a near-precision weapon and hitting a ground target. With the first X-45C now being built in St. Louis, MO, Boeing is on track to deliver a revolutionary weapon system that will conduct a broad spectrum of missions to include airborne electronic attack; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; suppression of enemy defenses; and strike.  
The 7E7 Dreamliner will incorporate the latest in a wide range of aerospace technologies, including composite structures. The 7E7 team, lead by Boeing 7E7 Senior Vice President Mike Bair, will provide a 7E7 program update, including a demonstration of composite technology advances.  
Recognizing the costly challenges military services face in keeping high- demand yet aging fleets of aircraft ready and effective for ever-changing missions, Boeing is bringing innovative new approaches to the sustainment market. These approaches offer the best of commercial processes and the latest network-centric technologies in tailored packages that complement customer capabilities. The result ensures the highest levels of readiness and effectiveness along with the lowest total ownership costs, for both new and legacy aircraft and weapon systems.  
U.S. Navy Capt. BD Gaddis, U.S. Navy F/A-18 program manager, along with Raytheon and Boeing executives, will discuss capabilities that provide combat forces increased situational awareness, connectivity and lethality beyond that of a single platform. Capabilities specifically addressed will be the Multifunction Information Distribution System (MIDS), optimized links, connectivity with ground forces and UAVs, and advanced sensors such as the APG-79 AESA, ASQ-228 ATFLIR and ALR-67(V)3 radar warning receiver.  
Randy Baseler, Boeing vice president, marketing, gives the Boeing Current Market Outlook, which outlines the Boeing analysis of the commercial aircraft market and the Boeing strategy for delivering products and services that meets market needs and demands. Baseler will provide an update on the Boeing point- to-point strategy of designing and delivering cost-effective aircraft that take passengers where they want to go when they want to go, and ensuring that the Boeing product offerings are matched to the market at the right time for the market.  
The leaders of Boeing’s rotorcraft programs will provide updates on current programs as well as new technology initiatives that will involve Boeing rotorcraft sites in Mesa, AZ, and Philadelphia for the next decade or more. Boeing rotorcraft programs include the AH-64D Apache Longbow, the CH-47 Chinook and the V-22 Osprey. The presenters also will cover developments on a variety of other efforts, including unmanned aircraft programs.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 12:14:25 pm

Novo míssil antibalístico israelita testado nos EUA

O míssil antibalístico Jetz, o primeiro capaz de interceptar mísseis balísticos em pleno voo, vai ser testado nos EUA, país que financiou o projecto, segundo informa esta quarta-feira o diário Maariv.

O teste realizar-se-á nos próximos meses e representará um «acontecimento histórico» para o futuro deste míssil, refere o jornal, numa aparente alusão aos lucros que Israel obterá com a exportação do Jetz.
14-07-2004 10:09:00
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 12:19:58 pm
Pennant to Supply Defensive Aids Trainers for UK Apaches

Pennant Training Systems Limited (Pennant) is pleased to announce the award of a contract from Westland Helicopters Limited (Westland), an Agusta Westland Company, for the supply of two Helicopter Integrated Defensive Aids (HIDAS) trainers. The trainers will be installed at the Aviation Training International Limited (ATIL) training centre at Middle Wallop for training ground crews for British Army Apache Helicopters.

The award follows Pennant's earlier contract for the supply of the Apache weapons loading and fuelling trainers already in service at Middle Wallop, and the recent supply of a Super Lynx Maintenance and Weapons Trainer to Westland for an overseas customer.

"We are delighted to further strengthen our relationship with Westland" commented Joe Thompson, Chief Executive, Pennant International Group, "and bring the benefits of our extensive experience on training systems for Apache, Lynx and other Westland helicopter programmes."

The Apache Helicopter provides a major enhancement to the British Army's operational capability. Designed to hunt and destroy tanks and other difficult and important targets, the aircraft can operate in all weathers, day or night, and can detect, classify and prioritise up to 256 potential targets at a time. In addition to 16 'fire-and-forget' anti-armour missiles, 76 2.75in rockets and a 30mm chain gun the Apache carries a suite of sophisticated defensive aids.

ATIL is a joint venture between Westland Helicopters Ltd and the Boeing Company.

Pennant Training Systems Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pennant International Group plc, based in Cheltenham, England and listed on the Alternative Investment Market [AIM] of the London Stock Exchange.

Source: Pennant plc
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 12:23:50 pm
Sikorsky sends Presidential Demonstrator VH-92 out on tour

Jul. 13, 2004 - Stratford, Conn. - Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. launched the VH-92 All-American Tour to showcase its award-winning aircraft and the U.S.-based team of aerospace companies it has partnered with to produce the next presidential helicopter.

A crowd of more than 225 employees, members of Connecticut's congressional delegation and guests gathered at the company's Stratford, Conn. headquarters for the kick-off ceremony. The event was held in the hangar where Sikorsky's Vh-92 presidential demonstrator aircraft was on display.

"The President deserves the safest, most advanced helicopter in the world built under the most secure environment possible," said Sikorsky President Steve Finger. "That helicopter is the Sikorsky VH-92; engineered, manufactured and assembled in America. It flies faster, farther, quieter, carries more and costs less to operate than the competition."

In the coming months, the Sikorsky VH-92 presidential demonstrator will embark on a multi-state tour to its partners' facilities and other stops for employee rallies, flight demonstrations and press events.

In January 2004 Sikorsky announced the formation of the All-American VH-92 Team to respond the Navy's Request for Proposal for the VXX competition, the designation for the procurement of presidential helicopters.

Joining Sikorsky are six companies that already provide products, systems, or training for a presidential mission: FlightSafety International in New York, NY (simulation and training equipment); L-3 Communications Integrated Systems in Greenville, Tex. (mission communications equipment and aircraft interior furnishings); Northrop Grumman in Rolling Meadows, Ill. and San Jose, Calif. (aircraft survivability equipment); Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (major cockpit systems); Vought Aircraft Industries in Dallas (integrated aerostructures); and General Electric Aircraft Engines in Lynn, Mass.

Sikorsky has built and maintained the presidential helicopter fleet since 1957 and has a Department of Defense compliant security infrastructure in place. The VH-92 will be made in America. Sikorsky's competitor is offering an Anglo-Italian helicopter for the presidential mission.

"The security of the President cannot be compromised," Finger said. "Sikorsky uniquely understands the security needs of the Presidential fleet. We have the team and processes in place to meet this critical requirement. In fact, the VH-92 All-American Team was created to ensure that the data, design, manufacture, assembly and support of the Presidential helicopter will always be under U.S. control."

The VH-92 is a derivative of the Sikorsky S-92, the first and only helicopter in the world certified to the FAA's latest and most stringent safety standards as well as the latest safety standards of the European Aviation Safety Agency/Joint Aviation Authorities. The S-92 also meets U.S. military crashworthiness standards.

"Sikorsky has invested hundreds of millions of dollars of its own money in this product. The VH-92 incorporates safety and survivability improvements learned in millions of hours of Sikorsky BLACK HAWK helicopter experience." Finger said.

In 2002 the S-92 won the Collier Trophy for the "greatest achievement in aerospace" by the National Aeronautic Association, only the second helicopter ever so honored. The competitor's helicopter was originally designed in the 1980s and does not meet the latest FAA or European safety standards.

The VXX contract will provide research and development funds to improve the technologies and capabilities for the selected aircraft. "The VXX decision will be a significant factor in the future of the American helicopter industry. It raises the issue of whether American investment is to be rewarded or whether American tax dollars will be used to bring foreign competition up to the standards already certified by Sikorsky," Finger said.

The VH-92 demonstrator's cabin is equipped with leather chairs, couches, wood paneling, and carpeting. Special soundproofing and vibration control equipment provide a smooth, quiet ride that rivals an executive jet. Strategically-placed vibration sensors provide continuous data to a suite of active force generators. These sensors and force generators work as a system to counter the vibration of the rotors.

The VH-92 demonstrator has also been enhanced by an extensive set of Office in the Sky systems, including multiple communications downlinks, satellite data link, in-flight video conferencing capability, and wireless encrypted internet access from every seat.

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of advanced helicopters for commercial, industrial and military uses. Sikorsky helicopters occupy a prominent position in the intermediate to heavy range of 5,300 kg to 33,000 kg gross weight. They are flown by all five branches of the United States armed forces, along with military services and commercial operators in more than 40 nations.

Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation (NYSE:UTX), of Hartford, Conn., which provides a broad range of high-technology products and support services to the aerospace and building systems industries.

Source: Sikorsky
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 12:25:52 pm
Wind River Selected for Flight Display Systems on EC225/725

ALAMEDA, Calif. & PARIS--July 13, 2004--Wind River Systems (Nasdaq:WIND)

-- Wind River Platform for Safety Critical Selected as Device Software Foundation for State-of-the-Art Avionics System

-- Avionics System Successfully Meets DO-178B Level A Certification

Wind River Systems (Nasdaq:WIND), the global leader in device software optimization (DSO), today announced that Eurocopter used Wind River Platform for Safety Critical as the device software foundation for the flight display system of two new helicopters -- the Super Puma EC 225 and the Cougar EC 725. Eurocopter, a subsidiary of EADS, the largest aerospace company in Europe and the second largest worldwide, also signed a global enterprise licensing agreement, which provides EADS' developers easy access to Wind River technology year after year.

"Wind River worked closely with the Eurocopter team throughout the development and certification process, providing tremendous value in optimizing the safety, security and reliability of Eurocopter's new flight display systems," said Marc Achache, System architecture department manager at Eurocopter's design office. "Wind River's technology and expertise is quickly making them an international standard for safety-critical systems. By choosing Wind River for this project, we had the complete foundation required to build and certify these mission critical systems on time."

The Super Puma EC 225 is the next generation civil helicopter while the Cougar EC 725 helicopter was specifically designed for military use. Using Wind River's Platform for Safety Critical, Eurocopter began work on the flight display systems in 1999 and these systems will achieve complete DO-178B Level A certification, summer 2004. With Wind River's expertise in aerospace and defense as well as proven, tested and reliable technology, Eurocopter was able to meet stringent specifications for commands, reconfiguration modes and other essential functions to protect against breakdowns or system malfunctions.

"Wind River is a leading provider of commercial technology for the aerospace and defense market and, in particular, for the safety-critical markets that require certifications such as DO-178B level A," said Dave Fraser, chief marketing officer for Wind River. "Through Wind River Platform for Safety Critical, we are able to provide our customers with a proven foundation and certification evidence, enabling them to build their products better, faster, at a lower cost and more reliably."

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 14, 2004, 09:51:48 pm
Segurança e Defesa

HUDs para aeronaves comerciais
Foi anunciado no dia 6 de julho que a subsidiária americana da Elbit Systems Ltd., de Israel, estaria — juntamente com a Honeywell Intrernational (EUA) — iniciando o fornecimento de sistemas de Head-Up Display (HUD) para aviões comerciais. Embora não tenha sido revelado o nome do primeiro cliente, sabe-se que se trata de uma importante companhia de transporte aéreo de carga. A Elbit Eystems fornecerá as unidades eletro-óticas de projeção, que serão integradas aos novo HUD da Honeywell. O sistema permitirá aos pilotos acompanhar parâmetros essenciais ao vôo enquanto olham para fora do cockpit, não havendo portanto necessidade de leitura direta dos instrumentos — algo que trará benefícios principalmente durante as decolagens e os pousos.
Enviado por: Spectral em Julho 14, 2004, 09:59:11 pm
E os paquistaneses continuam a sonhar:

Pakistan seeks Swedish radar system to match India

Wed Jul 14, 4:39 AM ET  

By Zeeshan Haider

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan, concerned over nuclear rival India's plans to acquire a strategic radar system from Israel, is seeking a similar system from Sweden.


Air Commodore Sarfraz Ahmed Khan, spokesman for the Pakistan Air Force, said talks were underway with Sweden over the purchase of an Airborne Early Warning System, but no final decision had been taken.

A Swedish embassy spokesman confirmed that the matter came up for discussion when Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf visited Stockholm last week.

He said a Swedish parliamentary commission, which handles defence-related deals, had approved the sale of the radar system and it was now up to Pakistani authorities to decide.

"I can't say at what stage it's at, but the negotiations have been going on for quite some time," he told Reuters.

Nuclear-armed Pakistan and India have continued to focus on building their military capabilities despite a warming of ties since they went to the the brink of a fourth war in 2002.

News of Pakistan's negotiations with Sweden comes after India announced one of its highest peacetime hikes in annual defence expenditure last week, saying it was needed to honour a slew of arms contracts.


These included a deal signed with Israel -- which has emerged as India's second biggest arms supplier after Russia -- to mount Phalcon radar systems on a Russian-made aircraft to enable the Indian Air Force to pry deep into Pakistani airspace.

Pakistan, which itself raised its spending on defence by seven percent for the financial year from July 1, said the sharp increase in India's defence spending could trigger an arms race.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Masood Khan said on Monday the scale of the increase by India was not justified, given recent bilateral peace moves and talks between India and China, which also have been traditional rivals.

Pakistan has long relied on China for defence purchases to counter any threat from India.

Now a key ally in the U.S.-led war on terror, Pakistan argues that Washington should assist it in correcting its conventional imbalance of forces with India.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage is due to arrive in Islamabad on Wednesday and local newspapers said he would be told Pakistan needed more help from Washington.

"Pakistan badly needs equipment for its armed forces and the U.S. assistance should be forthcoming in this regard," the News newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying.

Diplomats say Armitage is expected to encourage Pakistan's peace process with India, aside from discussing the war on terror and cooperation to purge the Afghan-Pakistan border area of Taliban and al Qaeda militants.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 15, 2004, 12:52:29 am
FAM del Mundo

Austrália desenvolve UCAV

A empresa BAE Systems Austrália e a organização ADSTO estão a estudar várias tecnologias para a fabricação de um veículo não tripulado avançado de combate (UCAV). O aparelho deverá levar a cabo tarefas tanto de reconhecimento como de ataque (FURI). O programa FURI está orientado a levar a cabo os primeiros ataques em profundidade nas primeiras etapas de um ataque. Espera-se que seja desenvolvido em 2005 para aparecer um primeiro protótipo em 2006.
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 02:15:46 pm
First German Eurofighter Single Seater Leaves EADS Production Line
(Source: EADS Military Aircraft; issued July14, 2004)
 MUNICH --- The first single-seater production Eurofighter destined for the German Luftwaffe left the final assembly hall of EADS Military Aircraft in Manching in early July.  
The aircraft, which has been designated GS 001 (German Single-Seater), is now undergoing those functional tests that for reasons of industrial safety could not be carried out in the final assembly hangar. These include the already completed fuel tests and the subsequent engine runs. There then follow extensive measuring campaigns on the EADS-own test facility to establish the electromagnetic compatibility of the GS 001 in the so-called “heavy fighter configuration”, in which the aircraft is equipped with short- and medium-range air-to-air guided missiles and external tanks.  
Handover of the first single-seater aircraft to the Luftwaffe is planned for the end of this year, reports EADS, the German partner in the four-nation Eurofighter consortium. Currently, a further ten single-seaters and also a twin-seater are under construction on the Eurofighter final assembly line at Manching. In the meantime, the twentieth German production aircraft is in final assembly at EADS Military Aircraft, with eight twin-seaters already delivered to the Luftwaffe, who have successfully been using them since 2003 for training and in flight operations.  
The production and entry into service in 2002 of the instrumented – i.e. fitted with test instrumentation – twin-seater production Eurofighter IPA 3 marked the start of delivery from Manching of the first production tranche of Eurofighter aircraft, which comprises 44 of the 180 aircraft ordered for the Luftwaffe. The first tranche for the European partners consists of 148 aircraft in all.  
At the moment, a total of 22 twin-seater production aircraft are in operational use in the four Eurofighter partner countries. But in these countries too the single-seater era has begun. At EADS CASA in Spain, the instrumented production aircraft IPA 4, which had entered service on 26 February 2004, was transferred to the Spanish Air Force base Morón de la Frontera on 13 July 2004 for the purpose of investigations into operational mission use at high temperatures. In the coming winter this aircraft will be subjected to arctic operational conditions in Scandinavia before being tested in the extreme heat of the Arizonan desert next year.  
On 7 June this year, a further instrumented production aircraft, IPA 5, took off on its first flight from BAE Systems at Warton in Great Britain. The task of IPA 5 is to demonstrate the functionality of the production single-seaters through flight qualification tests. The aircraft is thus making an important contribution to the qualification for full acceptability for service use with the four air forces (final operational clearance), planned for 2006 on. In addition, flights to test further performance improvements for the aircraft of the second production tranche are being undertaken by an instrumented twin-seater production aircraft (ISPA1, first flight at BAE Systems on 11 May 2004) and a single-seater Eurofighter (ISPA2, first flight at Alenia Aeronautica, Turin, on 9 July 2004). With these two “new arrivals”, the Eurofighter consortium now has a total of 13 flying testbeds at its disposal at the flight test centres in all four partner countries.  
In the Military Aircraft Business Unit, which is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS), are concentrated all the EADS capabilities in the areas of high-performance combat aircraft, unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), manned mission aircraft and training aircraft and the ground support equipment for these systems.  
With revenues of approx. 5.2 bn euros in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, DS forms the defence pole within EADS. It offers integrated systems solutions to the new challenges confronting armed forces and homeland security units. It is active in the areas of military aircraft, missile systems, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems with manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), battlefield management systems, defence electronics, sensors and avionics, and related services.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of 30 billion euros and employed a workforce of more than 109,000. (ends)  
 Eurofighter: the First Production-Series Single-Seater Flies in Italy
(Source: Alenia Aeronautica; dated July 12, released July 14, 2004)
 The first production-series single-seat Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft to carry out the first flight belongs to Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica company. The flight has taken place successfully at Alenia Caselle (Turin) plant. The aircraft, called IS001, has flown for 59 minutes piloted by Maurizio Cheli, Alenia Aeronautica’s Chief Test Pilot for Combat Aircraft, implementing two “touch and go” manoeuvres.  
The fighter, Cheli said, “has already reconfirmed in this first flight the Typhoon’s excellent performance, proving to be extremely easy to manoeuvre, exceptionally reliable and having a highly advanced avionic system.  
The deliveries of the single-seat aircraft units, manufactured by Alenia Aeronautica within the Eurofighter Consortium, to the Italian Air Force will start at the end of this year, once concluded the international procedures of “type acceptance”, which will receive the contribution of the IS001 unit’s ground and flight activity.  
The first batch of fighters for the Italian Air Force amounts totally to 29 units, of which 10 twin-seat and 19 single-seat. Until now Alenia Aeronautica has delivered four twin-seater Eurofighters: the first is used for the initial training of Air Force personnel at the Cameri Air Base (Novara). The other three are in service at the 4th Squadron of Grosseto, where they have already reached over 100 training flights.  
The Eurofighter production has been planned in 620 units, split as follows: Germany (180), Italy (121), United Kingdom (232) and Spain (87). Alenia Aeronautica participates in the programme with a share of 19.5%, and is responsible for the wing design, the production of the left wing, of the rear fuselage together with BAE Systems, and of some on-board systems such as navigation, weapons, the utilities’ control system, and propeller system’s integration. Furthermore, the Italian company is responsible for the final assembly of all aircraft for the Italian Air Force.  
The plants of the companies participating in the program (Turin-Caselle plant for Alenia Aeronautica) have 71 aircraft in the final assembly phase, over a total of 110 in production. Up to now the Air Forces of the Consortiums’ four nations have received 22 units. In addition to the partner countries, the Eurofighter has also been ordered by the Austrian Air Force (18 units), selected by the Hellenic Air Force (Greece) and down-selected by Singapore.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 03:16:35 pm
T-50 Trainer Begins High Angle-of-Attack Flight Testing
(Source: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.; issued July 13, 2004)
 FORT WORTH, Texas --- The Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) recently began high angle-of-attack (AOA) flight-testing on the T-50 Golden Eagle, a supersonic jet trainer being developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) with technical assistance from Lockheed Martin.  
“It is imperative that we build an advanced jet trainer that is safe for our student pilots to fly,” said Lt. Col. Lee, Choong-Whan, the senior ROKAF T-50 test pilot. “Although the design engineers have excellent design tools and simulation capabilities, our job in the test force is to wring the aircraft out, looking for any anomalies. It is important that we fully understand the high AOA characteristics of this aircraft before it is placed in the training command.”  
The initial high AOA flight-testing will use the basic air-to-air loadings and include planned departures from controlled flight. These departures result from climbing the aircraft at low power setting until it runs out of airspeed with the pilot applying aggressive control inputs. Once the aircraft is departed, recoverability will be tested. These maneuvers will demonstrate the ability to recover to normal flight within all operational weights and possible centers of gravity of the airplane.  
The T-50 has an advanced digital electronic flight control system that is designed to be highly departure-free during normal operations and aids in recovery from any out-of-control situation. The AOA limiter in the flight control system is set at 25 degrees AOA. High angle-of-attack testing is needed to verify predicted AOA stall and departure limits, aircraft departure characteristics when these limits are exceeded, and the flight control system’s effectiveness in both prevention and recovery of departures from controlled flight.  
Testing will be conducted at the Korean flight test facility at Sachon Air Base, Republic of Korea, using the second of four test aircraft. As a safety measure, an external spin recovery parachute assembly has been mounted on the aircraft for use in the event the aircraft cannot be recovered normally.  
Approximately 47 flights over a four-month period will be required to complete this phase of testing. Full training loadings and air-to-surface loadings will be tested in subsequent series of high AOA testing.  
The T-50 flight test program continues to progress satisfactorily and recently surpassed 400 sorties. The first flight test aircraft has completed more than 200 sorties.  
The T-50 is the only supersonic trainer in development or production. It has the performance, handling qualities, cockpit and advanced systems necessary to train pilots to fly both today’s advanced fighters and the next- generation of combat aircraft.  
The T-50 Golden Eagle is being developed by KAI for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). Lockheed Martin is providing technical expertise for the FSD program and is responsible for developing the T-50 avionics system, flight control system and wings. The program entered the transition-to-production phase with initial contract from the ROKAF awarded to KAI in December 2003. The first KAI production aircraft is expected to be delivered in late 2005.  
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. is the Republic of Korea’s national aerospace company, established in 1999 with the consolidation of Samsung Aerospace, Daewoo Heavy Industries and Hyundai Space and Aircraft Co. KAI lines of business include fixed-wing aircraft, helicopter aircraft and satellites. Its major products are the KF-16, KT-1 basic trainer, T-50, SB427 helicopters, UAVs, aerostructures and KOMPSAT satellite program.  
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., a business area of Lockheed Martin, is a leader in the design, research and development, systems integration, production and support of advanced military aircraft and related technologies. Its customers include the military services of the United States and allied countries throughout the world. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin Corp. employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 03:22:59 pm
F/A-18 Hornet Strike Capability to Get Major Boost
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued July 14, 2004)
 Australia’s F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft will be equipped with state-of-the-art target designation systems, under a project worth more than $100 million that was approved by the Government today.  
Defence Minister Robert Hill said the systems were a vital part of the Hornet’s weapons suite.  
“The target designation systems will improve the detection, identification, precision targeting and damage assessment phases of F/A-18 strike and offensive air support operations,” Senator Hill said.  
“This means the aircraft will be better equipped to detect and attack targets by day or night, increasing their operational effectiveness and reducing risk to aircraft and crew.”  
The project will equip the Hornets with a proven, self-contained, current generation targeting and laser designation system – upgrading the current Nite Hawk Forward Looking Infra-red pod with state-of-the-art technology.  
Defence will assess three systems: the Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infra-Red (ATFLIR) pod manufactured by Raytheon, the Pantera pod manufactured by Lockheed Martin, and the Litening AT pod manufactured by RAFAEL and Northrop Grumman.  
“The pods produce an image of the target area (similar to a black and white television picture) on a screen in the cockpit. The pilot is able to use this image to exactly designate the desired target, to maximize accuracy and minimize collateral damage. The pods also include a laser system, allowing for the employment of precision laser guided bombs.”  
Senator Hill said Defence would release a restricted Request for Tender to the makers of suitable target designation systems. After assessment of the responses, a decision on the preferred replacement will be made next year. The first squadron is expected to be equipped with the new system by early 2007.  
“This project is one of a number of planned upgrades to the Hornet aircraft that will ensure the potent strike capability of our fighter fleet,” Senator Hill said.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 03:24:22 pm
Lockheed's Pantera Targeting Pod Completes First International Deployment With RNoAF
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued July 13, 2004)
 ORLANDO, Fla. --- Norway became the first international country to deploy Lockheed Martin’s Pantera targeting pod when the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) participated in Exercise Maple Flag in May.  
Exercise Maple Flag is an international air combat exercise held at the Canadian Forces’ Base in Cold Lake, Canada. It provided Canadian and allied aircrews with realistic combined air operations training in a modern simulated air combat environment. Participating countries included Canada, Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States. The NATO Airborne Early Warning Control Force from Geilenkirchen, Germany, also participated in the exercise.  
“Because of the enhanced capability delivered by Pantera, Norwegian pilots were consistently assigned the most challenging targets,” said Morri Leland, business development manager for Pantera. “Pantera enabled earlier target acquisition, giving the pilots more time for threat awareness and weapon delivery. Ultimately, Pantera’s performance really changed the rules of the game.”  
Pantera is the export version of the Sniper XR targeting pod, which was selected by the U.S. Air Force as the world’s most advanced targeting pod in a 2001 competition. Pantera sets the world standard for long-range target detection to help aircrews perform their missions at safe distances against heavily defended targets.  
Pantera incorporates a high-resolution mid-wave third generation forward looking infrared (FLIR), infrared pointer, dual-mode laser, day television, laser spot tracker and advanced algorithms in a lightweight, aerodynamic pod. Pantera’s long range FLIR and TV imagery allows pilots to avoid enemy air defenses and preserve national assets. Its unique common aperture and rock- steady stabilization permits sub-sonic and supersonic performance not possible with other pods. The pod is designed for one-half the life cycle cost and much easier maintenance than all other targeting pods.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 15, 2004, 03:31:41 pm
Agusta Westland at Farnborough International 2004
(Source: Agusta Westland; issued July 13, 2004)
 AgustaWestland is preparing for its biggest ever display at Farnborough Air Show, which takes place from 19th to 25th July.  
Visitors are invited to view the AgustaWestland display, located at site OE1, where they will be able to see the complete range of AgustaWestland helicopters, all displayed in one location alongside the AgustaWestland pavilion. Military helicopters on display will include the 15-ton three-engine EH101, the Apache AH Mk.1 and A129 attack helicopters, and both naval and multi-role variants of the Super Lynx 300 helicopter. Representing the civil product line will be the A119 Koala and A109 Power helicopters, while Bell/Agusta Aerospace Company, which are co-located with AgustaWestland, will be showing the AB139 all new medium twin helicopter.  
The US101, the American version of the EH101, will be featured in the Lockheed Martin Pavilion.  
The NH90, the 11-ton helicopter programme managed through NHIndustries, will be featured in the NHI Chalet at Chalet Row K12.  
Located alongside the AgustaWestland pavilion will be the Capabilities Pavilion in which AgustaWestland will be showing and demonstrating its latest training and customer support technologies and services. AgustaWestland is setting new standards in training and support, helping customers maximise the use and availability of their helicopter fleets.  
Commenting on the planned AgustaWestland presence at Farnborough International 2004, Richard Case, Managing Director of AgustaWestland said, "Visitors to the AgustaWestland display at Farnborough will not only be able to see that we have the widest range of helicopters, for civil and military applications, but that we are a true total capability provider, delivering world leading training and support services. Our focus is to deliver to our customers a capability that meets their requirements in the most cost effective way and the way we do this will be there for visitors to see."  
During the show a number of special events will be taking place in AgustaWestland's Pavilion and Static Park including:  
-- Monday 19th July: Royal Air Force of Oman Super Lynx 300 Handover Ceremony  
--Wednesday 21st July: Final Apache AH Mk.1 Handover Ceremony  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 16, 2004, 12:20:57 am
Segurança e Defesa

13 de julho de 2004

Nova variante de míssil sul-africano

O míssil solo-ar Unkhonto-IR, desenvolvido pela Denel para uso na defesa aérea de plataformas navais, ganhará uma nova variante, especificamente destinada a lançamento a partir de plataformas terrestres. Recentemente, foi feito umlançamento a partir de um shelter de oito células, em apoio à segunda fase do programa de reequipamento da artilharia antiaérea do Exército sul-africano. O Umkhonto-IR é um míssil de lançamento vertical, de grande mobilidade (usa vetoração de empuxo), tem alcance de 12.000m e alcança teto superior a 9.000m. Sendo eficaz contra aeronaves — tripuladas ou não — e mísseis antinavio, o Umkhonto-IR foi escolhido para equipar as fragatas Meko A200 da África do Sul (16 células de lançamento vertical) e as embarcações rápidas de ataque classe “Hamina” da Marinha finlandesa.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 16, 2004, 12:25:24 am
Segurança e Defesa

14 de julho de 2004
Primeiro Eurofighter monoposto para a
Luftwaffe quase pronto para entrega
O primeiro exemplar do Eurofighter monoposto (GS 002) destinado à força aérea alemã saiu do hangar de montagem final da EADS Military Aircraft (em Manching, Alemanha) no início de julho, e atualmente está sendo submetido a testes funcionais que por razões de segurança industrial não podiam ser realizados naquele hanger. Esses testes incluem o do sistema de combustível (já realizado) e o dos motores; seguir-se-á a campanha para estabelecer a compatibilidade eletromagnética do GS 001 na configuração conhecida como “caça pesado”, em que a aeronave é equipada com mísseis ar-ar de curto e médio alcances e tanques externos. A entrega à Luftwaffe está prevista para o final desse ano. Atualmente encontram-se em construção nas instalações da Eurofighter em Manching outros dez monopostos e um biposto.
Oito bipostos já foram entregues à Luftwaffe, que os vêm utilizando desde 2003 para treinamento. O primeiro biposto de produção (IPA 3) foi entregue à Luftwaffe em 2002, sendo o primeiro do lote inicial da produção em Manching (44 aeronaves das 180 encomendadas pela Alemanha). O total do primeiro lote para os parceiros europeus é de 148 aviões.
Até o presente 22 bipostos de produção já se encontram operacionais nos quatro países parceiros no programa Eurofighter. Além disso, em 13 de julho a EADS CASA passou à força aérea espanhola (para ensaios de missões operacionais em temperaturas elevadas, a serem realizados em Morón de la Frontera ) seu primeiro monoposto, que já estava operando desde 26 de fevereiro. No próximo inverno esse avião será submetido a condições operacionais árticas na Escandinávia, e posteriormente levado para o extremo calor do deserto do Arizona. No dia sete de junho voou pela primeira vez nas instalações da BAE SYSTEMS em Warton (Grã-Bretanha) mais um monoposto de produção (IPA 5), que será usado para ensaios de qualificação. Outros testes visando futuros melhoramentos estão sendo realizados por um biposto (ISPA1, produzido pela BAE SYSTEMS, que voou pela primeira vez em 11 de maio de 2004) de produção e por um monoposto também de produção (ISPA2, produzido pela Alenia Aeronautica, tendo voado em 9 de julho de 2004). O consórcio Eurofighter tem agora 13 aeronaves à disposição dos centros de ensaios em vôo dos quatro países envolvidos.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 16, 2004, 12:28:29 am
Segurança e Defesa

15 de julho de 2004
Nova versão do B-52?
Com a aposentadoria prematura dos EF-111 Raven da USAF, há alguns anos, as Forças Armadas americanas passaram a contar com apenas um tipo de aeronave tática de guerra eletrônica capaz de acompanhar os aviões de ataque/bombardeio até a área do alvo: o Northrop Grumman EA-6B Prowler, da U.S. Navy. Na época, houve reações negativas por parte de alguns setores, que apontavam que, devido à limitada quantidade de EA-6B disponíveis, a médio prazo não haveria plataformas de GE suficientes para atender as necessidades operacionais caso os EUA se envolvessem em conflitos prolongados, mesmo de intensidade média contra adversários dotados de defesas aéreas de capacidade apenas razoável. As operações realizadas em anos recentes na região da antiga Iugoslávia, no Afeganistão e no Iraque tornaram essa deficiência gritante. Muito tem se falado, por exemplo, da adoção de aeronaves não tripuladas, mas isso só seria possível a médio prazo. Soluções emergenciais estão sendo estudadas, entre elas o desenvolvimento, a partir do B-52H, de uma versão de guerra eletrônica do Stratofortress, conhecida por enquanto como EB-52. Pouco se sabe ainda da configuração prevista, mas já foi anunciado que a variante deverá transportar, sob as asas, potentes casulos de jammers (“embaralhadores”)...
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 16, 2004, 12:29:19 am
Segurança e Defesa

15 de julho de 2004
Voou o M-346
O treinador italiano Aermacchi M-346 realizou hoje (15 de junho), em Venegono (Itália) seu primeiro vôo, pilotado pelo piloto-chefe de ensaios da Aeromacchi, Olinto Cecconello. Durante o vôo, que teve a duração de 55 minutos, o M-346 foi acompanhado por dois MB-339CD. Após o pouso, Cecconello declarou: “O M-346 confirmou sua elevada razão potência/peso, extraordinário desempenho de pista, com corrida de decolagem de 400m e distância de pouso de 520m. O sistema digital de controle de vôo permitiu manobras suaves e precisas”. A campanha de ensaios em vôo englobará 700 vôos, a serem reliazados por três exemplares. O M-346 é impulsionado por dois turbofans Honeywell/Avio F-124, que olhe concedem uma razão potência/peso de 1:1, e seu sistema de controle fly-by-wire lhe permite vôo controlado em ângulos de ataque de até 40 graus (Foto: AerMacchi).
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 17, 2004, 03:06:17 pm
FAM del Mundo

Novos misseis SSM

Taiwán planeia desenvolver novos misseis balisticos e de cruzeiro capazes de alcançar a China continental bem no interior do seu território. Taipei quer fabricar uns 30 misseis de alcance médio, com um alcance de uns 2000 km e 120 misseis com um alcance de uns 1000 km.
Estes dois misseis serão baseados no actual missil terra-ar Tien Kung, de desenvolvimento e fabricação nacional, segundo um documento do Estado Maior de Taiwán.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 17, 2004, 03:22:14 pm
FAM del Mundo

India realiza teste de missil SAM

A India levou a cabo um novo teste do missil superficie-ar SAM Trishul no campo de provas de Chandipur. O missil, que está a ser desenvolvido para a Força Aérea, Exército e Marinha da India, tem um alcande de 5 milhas. O missil está em desenvolvimento desde 1983 e já foi testado ao menos umas 20 vezes.
Enviado por: FinkenHeinle em Julho 17, 2004, 08:03:28 pm
Citação de: "Fábio G."
FAM del Mundo

Novos misseis SSM

Taiwán planeia desenvolver novos misseis balisticos e de cruzeiro capazes de alcançar a China continental bem no interior do seu território. Taipei quer fabricar uns 30 misseis de alcance médio, com um alcance de uns 2000 km e 120 misseis com um alcance de uns 1000 km.
Estes dois misseis serão baseados no actual missil terra-ar Tien Kung, de desenvolvimento e fabricação nacional, segundo um documento do Estado Maior de Taiwán.

Humm, muito interessante!!! Tens mais informações???
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 17, 2004, 10:58:30 pm
Não há muita informação a este respeito, sei que é um desejo que Taiwán tem desde á algum tempo já que um meio importante de dissuasão perante a China, penso que têm pedido ajuda aos EUA para tentar desenvolver misseis com estas capacidades, mas os EUA não parecem muito dispostos a que Taiwán tenha misseis com esta capacidade.

Vou pôr aqui uma noticia do Taipei Times.

Military still far from mass production of SSM

NATIONAL DEFENSE: The Chun Shan Institute of Science and Technology has yet to produce more than a handful of short range surface-to-surface missiles
By Brian Hsu
Saturday, Apr 03, 2004,Page 4
The military has developed a short-range surface-to-surface missile (SSM) capable of reaching China's coastal provinces but has not acquired the ability to mass produce a medium-range SSM, defense sources said yesterday.

The short-range SSM has been in service since 1996. Its range is 300km, so it does not violate international restrictions on offensive weapons.

The missile was based on the Tien Kung-II air defense missile developed by the Chun Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST). It is a variant of the Tien Kung-II, but almost a totally different system.

A defense source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said during the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, the nation was not totally defenseless against ballistic missile threats from China.

"The SSM was then already deployed but in small numbers. It could be used against certain vital military assets in Fujian Province. But it was limited in number. It could not become an effective deterrent against China," the source said.

"The same is true of the reported development of a medium-range SSM by the CSIST. The institute might have acquired the ability to produce such a missile, but it could not move beyond the prototype stage to mass production," he said.

"The institute has obtained from the US certain key components for the production of a medium-range SSM. But these components are small in number. If the medium-range SSM development project did succeed, less than 10 such missiles could be built," the source said.

A military analyst, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue, said he did not know whether there was a medium-range SSM development project but that he was quite sure that quite a number of Taiwan-born scientists now living in the US have visited over the past few years to offer help in the development of an offensive weapon such as the medium-range SSM.

"These scientists did want to teach the military, especially the CSIST, relevant technology. But they were not accepted by the military for a variety of reasons," the analyst said.

"One reason was that the military does not trust people from outside. The institute, for instance, trusts only its own people regardless of the fact that its researchers and technicians might not be as capable as believed," he said.

"Almost all of the self-made products that the institute takes pride in were not developed by its staff. They were based on key components and core technologies bought from abroad. The institute did nothing more than put the parts together to get products similar in many ways to what one could find on the international market," the analyst said.

Before the 2000 presidential election then vice president Lien Chan  proposed the idea of developing a medium-range SSM. The proposal reminded the public of the military's efforts to develop a 1,000km SSM, codenamed "Tien Ma" (Sky Horse), which was cancelled under pressure from the US.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 18, 2004, 02:48:51 pm
FAM del Mundo

Interesse no KT-1

O General Phung Quang Tnanh, Comandante em Chefe do Exército do Vietnam, dirigiu uma delegação militar que visitou a KAI (Korea Aerospace Industries) em Seul, e estabeleceram-se conversações sobre a compra do avião de treino turbohélice KT-1, assim como do avião de treino T-50.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 27, 2004, 11:33:15 am
Segurança e Defesa

22 de julho de 2004

Reino Unido seleciona VANT

O governo do Reino Unido anunciou no dia 20 de julho ter selecionado a Thales UK para executar a segunda fase do ciclo de aquisição do programa “Watchkeeper”, que em última análise constará de um modelo de Veículo Aéreo Não Tripulado (VANT) tático para prover inteligência, vigilância, aquisição de alvos e reconhecimento para as forças armadas britânicas. As outras empresa envolvidas são: Thales/Elbit Joint Venture (JV), Elbit Systems, Marshall SV, LogicaCMG, Vega, Boeing, Cobham, Cubic, Supacat, QinetiQ e Praxis.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 27, 2004, 11:34:11 am
Segurança e Defesa

22 de julho de 2004
Governo Português decide finalmente modernizar o P-3P Orion
O Governo português decidiu esta semana optar pela modernização dos seis P-3P Orion da Força Aérea Portuguesa, isto depois de ter considerado adquirir à Real Força Aérea Holandesa alguns P-3C Update 2 já retirados do serviço ativo. O contrato de modernização, no valor de 310 milhões de Euro (verba esta inscrita na Lei de Programação Militar, LPM) vai — segundo fontes militares — ser assinado durante o mês de outubro com a Lockheed Martin Tactical Systems. O programa de modernização do avião, utilizado em missões de patrulha marítima e guerra anti-submarino pela Esquadra 601 da FAP, visa essencialmente a introdução de sistemas electrônicos modernos e na atualização da célula e da estrutura. Conhecido por P-3P LECIP (Life Extension Capability Improvement Program), o progorama iniciou-se com uma licitação internacional na que participaram dois candidatos: a L3 Communications e a Lockheed Martin Tactical Systems, esta em colaboração com OGMA - Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal SA. Atualmente a OGMA realiza a manutenção dos P-3 em suas instalações. A idéia de modernizar os P-3P Orion, originalmente adquiridos à Royal Australian Air Force na década de 80, foi lançada pelo atual Ministro da Defesa em 2002, mas apenas agora se chegou a uma decisão concreta. (Victor Manuel Saraiva Barreira)

Abaixo Um dos P-3P Orion da Força Aérea Portuguesa (Foto: FAP/António Catroga).

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 27, 2004, 11:44:40 am


Eads-Casa ha entregado a la Armada de México dos aparatos C-212-200, transformados como aviones de patrulla marítima en la factoría española de San Pablo. El contrato se firmó en enero de 2002 e incluye la modernización, la instalación del sistema de misión FITS (Fully Integrated Tactical System) y el mantenimiento de ocho aviones C-212-200 que posee México, así como la creación de un centro de Apoyo a la Misión.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 27, 2004, 11:54:13 am
Boeing Delivers First Production F-Model Chinook

ST. LOUIS, July 22, 2004 – The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has delivered the first production CH-47F Chinook helicopter two months ahead of schedule, marking the beginning of the U.S. Army’s Chinook modernization program.

The aircraft, the first of seven Lot 1 deliveries, will be used initially for flight demonstrations. The remaining six aircraft in Lot 1, all MH-47G Special Operations Chinooks, will be delivered by March 2005. To ensure that the U.S. Army Special Operations forces can meet high priority operational needs, Boeing will next remanufacture approximately 30 more G-model Chinooks before the next CH-47F is delivered in 2006. Boeing will deliver more than 300 F-model Chinooks to the U.S. Army between 2006 and program completion.

“This delivery continues Boeing’s long history of producing and modernizing this vital aircraft for Army service and begins what is expected to be nearly 15 more years of business with our U.S. Army customer,” said Pat Shanahan, vice president and general manager, Boeing Rotorcraft Systems. “The Chinook is the world’s most advanced heavy-lift helicopter, and the Army’s commitment to the aircraft is a testament to its proven technology, productive history and continued relevance to the Army’s future.”

Boeing delivered the first of two F-model engineering and manufacturing development prototypes in May 2002. Like the prototypes, the first production CH-47F not only will extend the service of the fleet, but features numerous upgrades over its predecessors, including reduced vibration, improved avionics and more powerful engines to help improve mission performance and reduce operation and maintenance costs. The aircraft’s improved cockpit design offers improved situational awareness to support interoperability requirements.

Boeing builds the Chinook in Philadelphia, where employees use state-of-the-art lean manufacturing and engineering methods to generate efficiencies and cost savings in all stages of development and production. Boeing’s longest running continuous production program, the Chinook first entered service with the U.S. Army in 1962, is in service with 20 allied nations and in use in countless military, civilian and humanitarian missions around the world every day. The U.S. Army will upgrade more than 300 D-model Chinooks to the fully modernized F-model configuration, extending the Chinook’s service life through at least 2030.

Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $27 billion business that provides systems solutions to its global military, government and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities (or systems); the world’s largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world’s largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense; NASA’s largest contractor; and a global leader in launch services.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 30, 2004, 04:55:53 pm
Segurança e Defesa

28 de julho de 2004

Mais Mentor para a Bolívia

A Fuerza Aérea Boliviana (FAB), acaba de receber da Venezuela, como doação, oito treinadores Beechcraft T-34 Mentor, com as duas primeiras célular tendo sido entregues em 12 de julho. O T-34, incorporado à Fuerza Aérea Venezolana em 1959, para substituir os T-6, foi por sua vez substituído em 2000 por 12 Aermacchi SAF-260U. A FAB já havia recebido onze dessas aeronaves provenientes da Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya; esses aviões estão sendo revisados pela Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina Sociedad Anónima (LMAASA), e serão colocados no mesmo padrão dos 29 Mentor atualmente utilizados pela Fuerza Aérea Argentina. (Juan Carlos Cicalesi/César Del Gaizo)
Enviado por: Spectral em Julho 31, 2004, 12:04:41 pm
O sistema interceptor de mísseis balísticos americano (ABM) começou a ser colocado em funcionamento. Robert Park ( esteve lá e ouviu umas opiniões muito curiosas dos responsáveis:

"It marks the end of an era during which we could not defend our
caribou against long-range ballistic missile attacks," General
Persiflage told reporters at a Missile Defense Agency briefing.
Alas, I was the only one there; everyone else was covering the
campaign.  "But is it true," I asked, "that the interceptor has
not been tested?"  "Of course," he snapped, "the whole purpose of
a missile defense is to sow doubt in the mind of any would-be
attacker.  All testing would do is remove the uncertainty."

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:25:46 pm

Israelitas reforçam defesa com novo míssil
Ariel Sharon não desarma

O míssil antimíssil israelita Hetz (Arrow), agora testado com êxito, dá uma nova vantagem estratégica a Telavive, sobretudo porque o último ansaio foi feito pela primeira vez tendo como alvo um Scud.

Comentando o ensaio que decorreu nas costa da Califórnia, o ministro israelita da Defesa, Shaoul Mofaz, disse que dada a instabilidade na região causada pelo Irão, "é legítimo que Israel tenha capacidade militar ao nível de armamento não convencional".

"O Hetz reforça a nossa capacidade de dissuasão", explicou Arié Herzog, director do projecto de defesa antimíssil "Homa" , acrescentando que "o Irão desenvolve hoje mísseis mais sofisticados e de maior alcance pelo que era urgente Israel ter capacidade de resposta.

Ou seja, o Governo de Ariel Sharon tem informações de que Teerão terá uma assinalável capacidade nuclear antes de 2007.

O desenvolvimento do Hetz foi acelerado antes da guerra no Iraque, em Março de 2003, sobretudo porque durante a guerra do Golfo, em 1991, o Iraque disparou 39 mísseis Scud contra Israel.

O projecto Hetz foi lançado em 1988 por iniciativa dos EUA no âmbito da "guerra das estrelas", do presidente Ronald Reagan que, contudo, foi abandonado oficialmente em 1993. Os EUA asseguraram o financiamento da primeira geração do Hetz até 80%. Desde 1991, o seu desenvolvimento é financiado em partes iguais pelos norte-americanos e pelos israelitas.  
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:45:43 pm


Turkmenistán solicitó dos Sikorsky S-92, que recibirá en el 2005 y 2006, para transporte del jefe del Estado. El fabricante ha vendido hasta el momento 27 unidades de este modelo.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:46:07 pm


Pakistán encargó 26 Bell 412EP para transporte de personal, EMS y actuación en desastres, con entregas durante el próximo año. mid-2005.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:49:06 pm

Boeing entregó el primer ejemplar de producción -de un lote de siete- del helicóptero CH-47F "Chinook" al U.S. Army, dos meses antes de lo previsto. Se trata de una modernización que reduce las vibraciones, mejora la aviónica e incorpora nuevos motores T55-GA-714. Espera hacer lo mismo con más de 300 ejemplares.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:49:43 pm


Jordania ha comprado ocho helicóptos Sikorsky UH-60L, para entregas en el 2006, que se agregarán a los cinco "Black Hawk" que ya opera.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Julho 31, 2004, 12:50:25 pm


El Ministerio de Defensa británico prevé adquirir para la Royal Air Force los cuatro aviones de transporte C-17 que opera, al final del periodo de alquiler y añadir un quinto ejemplar; retirar la flota de "Jaguar" a finales del 2007, en favor del "Typhoon" y de "Tornado" modernizados y "Harriers"; reducir la cantidad de "Nimrod" de 21 a 16; e invertir 3.000 millones de libras en helicópteros en los próximos diez años.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 01, 2004, 12:33:38 am
Marine One: Former Senator, Now Sikorsky Consultant, Blasts US-101 For Jobs Claims.

In his years in the US Senate, Malcolm Wallop tackled a lot of defense issues. Now, as a consultant to Sikorsky on its bid for the executive helicopter project, VXX (or 'Marine One' ) Wallop says award of the contract would mean an overall loss of high tech jobs from the military helicopter industry in the US. Instead, jobs would go overseas to Italy and the UK.

Claims of any new jobs are false, he says. New work created by the contract coming to the US would be taken from other parts of the aerospace industry.

Wallop is out with his claim under the banner of being chairman of the Frontiers of Freedom foundation, a lobbying group based in Oakton, Va., But his survey of the job situation was produced on contract to Sikorsky. The PR firm, Edleman, which does work for the latter in the run-up to contract award, released Wallop's remarks.

In them, he calls on 'Italy's AgustaWestland' to stop what he says are misleading claims on the issue. 'It is simply disingenuous for these companies to claim they will be creating new jobs,' he says.

He also goes on the attack over marketing and political lobbying activities by the team, which he claims routinely over-state the jobs issue. He is particularly critical of the team's role in a visit by Sen Hillary Clinton  (Dem, NY) to Lockheed Martin's Owego facility, which is in her state.

In other criticisms, Wallop says AgustaWestland stands to receive $1.7-billion, or about 68 percent of the value of the contract if they win. And he goes back to old press cuttings to support a view that the Brits and Italians may be pitching the US-101 as an 'American' helicopter knowing it to be false.

The full text of the release follows:

(Washington, DC) – Frontiers of Freedom chairman and former U.S. Senator Malcolm Wallop today called on Italy’s AgustaWestland and partner Lockheed Martin to put an end to their misleading claims about the number of jobs they would create if granted the Navy’s Marine One helicopter contract.  

'It’' simply disingenuous for these companies to claim they will be creating new jobs,' said Wallop.  'If they got the contract, they would merely shift jobs from existing U.S. manufacturers to their companies, but even that would cause a net loss in U.S. jobs because many high-value, engineering and technology-related positions will be going to Italy.'

Lockheed Martin and AugustaWestland have been holding publicity events and making job-related announcements in several states over the past several months, including a groundbreaking for a “Presidential Helicopter Program Office” in Maryland, visits by Sen. Hillary Clinton to Lockheed’s Owego campus in New York, and a recently announced deal with a company owned by Choctaw Indians in Mississippi to build wiring harnesses.  By their own admission, AgustaWestland and Lockheed Martin will build 35 percent of the helicopters’ content in Europe, a figure that represents 1500 European jobs based on the size of the Marine One contract.

Wallop cited a recent study by Goldman Sachs that estimated AgustaWestland stands to receive nearly $1.7 billion, or roughly 68 percent of the Marine One contract, if their bid prevails over Connecticut-based Sikorsky, the incumbent manufacturer. Sikorsky has been building and servicing the Marine One fleet since the helicopters began Presidential service in the Eisenhower Administration.  

Wallop also cited remarks by Kevin Smith of GKN, the former British parent company of AugustaWestland, as additional evidence for the need to have the Italian company come clean on the jobs story.  In The Guardian's August 8, 2003 story  'Blair and Berlusconi Lobby Bush for Helicopter Deal,' Smith was quoted as saying: 'you never know, you might just see the president climbing into a foreign helicopter.'  Westland's pubic relations director, David Bath, has gone on record in a January 10, 2004 story in the Western Daily Press saying 'the aircraft will be largely sourced and completed in the U.S. to satisfy its need for it to be an American helicopter.  But we will certainly make the first four in Yeovil (England).'

'It's time to stop the jobs facade and let American taxpayers know what's really at stake in this competition.  If AgustaWestland and Lockheed Martin win the competition, there will be a net loss in U.S. jobs plain and simple,' said Wallop.  'Perhaps the pending European Commission lawsuit against Italy for anti-competitive practices in granting helicopter contracts to Agusta will infuse a greater sense of fairness into this team.'

Agusta and the Italian government made news earlier this month when the European Commission decided to refer Italy to the European Court of Justice for the country's history of awarding helicopter contracts directly to Agusta, without competition and in violation of laws intended to promote transparency, better service to taxpayers, and to prevent corruption.  The Italian Government owns roughly one-third of Agusta.

In a similar contract competition, the Government of Canada last week announced that it had selected Sikorsky’s H92 over AgustaWestland's EH101 after a thorough pre-qualification and evaluation process.      

Malcolm Wallop served for 18 years in the United States Senate representing the state of Wyoming.  His tenure included serving on the Senate Arms Control Observer Group and the Committee on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Senator Wallop has written numerous articles on defense and foreign policy. He is currently a Senior Fellow with the Heritage Foundation where he writes and speaks on issues of foreign policy and national defense.  Wallop is working on behalf of Sikorsky Aircraft in support of their bid for the Marine One contract.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 01, 2004, 12:35:11 am
UK: Royal Air Force detail Future Armed Forces (Re)Structure

(Press release edited, helicopter related elements only)

The main changes to the force structure are set out below:

Changes will also be introduced in the RAF Search and Rescue (SAR) force where it is planned that the military engineering support will be contractorised. At the same time, to maximise training benefits, we plan to move the RAF St Mawgan SAR Operational Conversion Unit and Force HQ to RAF Valley alongside the operational SAR Flight. The long-term requirement for RAF St Mawgan will be considered as part of the review of the future requirements for Defence airfields.

Within Joint Helicopter Command, a number of changes will impact on RAF personnel. There will be an adjustment in the size of the Puma force to reflect the improving security situation in Northern Ireland - 6 aircraft and 9 crews will be withdrawn from 230 Squadron. Other changes may emerge from the review of the future requirements for Defence airfields and the helicopter procurement programmes, details of which will be reported in due course.

With the changes in force structures outlined above, and the other MOD efficiencies already in hand, the trained strength of the RAF will reduce to 41,000 by 1 April 2008 from its current level of around 48,500. This reduction will be managed through a combination of natural wastage, recruiting adjustments and a redundancy programme. This will enable the Service to maintain a satisfactory balance between skills, capability, experience, seniority in rank and promotion prospects. The details of how the redundancy programme will be administered will be announced towards the end of the year.

The review of the future requirements for Defence airfields, mentioned above, will be looking for opportunities to deliver military aviation requirements across all 3 Services with fewer, larger and better supported bases. The findings will be announced in 2005.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 02, 2004, 12:30:37 am
Novidades sobre o avião stealth russo.

Concept Design of Fifth Generation Airplane to Be Presented to Customer in Third Quarter 2004

The Sukhoy Aviation Holding Company (AKhK) will present the concept design of the fifth generation combat airplane to the customer – the Russian Federation ministry of defense – in the third quarter 2004, the Sukhoy AKhK general director, Mikhail Pogosyan, reported at a press conference at the Interfax central office on Wednesday.

"The concept design (of the fifth generation fighter – Interfax) will be presented to the customer in the third quarter. We plan to have the customer's decision on the airplane concept design being developed before the end of the year," M. Pogosyan said.

According to him, the period for development of the concept design was shifted somewhat, but the timetable on the whole for creation of the new airplane will be sustained.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 02, 2004, 12:34:58 am
Upgraded Su-27SM Airplane Maximally Approximates Fifth Generation Airplane

The Komsomol’sk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association is realizing the upgrade program for the Su-27 multirole fighters into the Su-27SM variant developed by the Sukhoy OKB. The first five Su-27SM fighters reached the Russian air force inventory at the end of 2003. A task was set in place for 2004 to complete state tests and upgrade 12 Su-27 fighters to comply in full with the air force tactical-technical task. The whole fleet of Russia’s Su-27 air force fighters is subject to the upgrade. This work is going on within the framework of the state defense order, and also using non-budgetary funds which are earned and attracted from Sukhoy Aviation Holding Company export contracts.

The upgraded Su-27 are distinguished by an appreciably increased combat effectiveness. An modified radar has been installed on them which allows the use of television guided missiles with the aid of prior target designation from the radar set and also to carry out bombing in poor weather conditions and at night. The Su-27SM airplane is equipped with a new reconnaissance system.


They Are Upgrading Several Dozen Su for the Air Force

Several dozen Su-27SM airplanes will arrive in Russian air force aviation units before year's end, Russian Federation air force CinC, General of the Army Vladimir Mikhaylov, announced on Wednesday.

According to him, at the present time the air force has eight aircraft of this type available, Interfax reports. "Methods of usage are being polished on them at the aviation training center," the CinC said.

He reported that the line for upgrade of the aircraft fleet will be continued. "We are working on the creation of new aircraft, but the main direction is upgrade. This route is cheaper," Mikhaylov said.

Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 02, 2004, 12:36:13 am
Generations not Changing

The appearance of the new combat airplane isn't expected until 2012

Yesterday, the head of the Sukhoy Aviation Holding Company, Mikhail Pogosyan, and the air force commander-in-chief, General of the Army Vladimir Mikhaylov, almost simultaneously acknowledged that there will not be a revolution is military aircraft construction in the near future. Russian aces will receive the long-awaited fifth generation combat airplane not earlier than 2012. Only the aircraft's concept design will be presented to the customer – the Russian Federation defense ministry – at the end of this year. The Su-35 airplane will fill the eight-year time interval, which, according to Mikhail Pogosyan's assurance, will be "an intermediate airplane between the utmost as of today in the family of Sukhoy Su-30 and the fifth generation airplane."

Nevertheless, it will be difficult to call the Su-35 brand-new: the fighter, per se, will be a hodgepodge of all the best which has been produced by the Sukhoy OKB aircraft designers. In particular, they will take the airframe from the Su-27, and the different experiences of the Su-24M and Su-30 airplanes will be used. As regards the airframe, as Mikhail Pogosyan explained, the use of the airframe from the Su-27 "will permit essentially shortening the time for the development of a new aircraft, since tests of the airframe will not have to be performed. The new aircraft is supposed to appear as early as 2006. OKB adviser, Marshal of Aviation Evgeniy Shaposhnikov, also supported Sukhoy's position on the upgrade while answering a Russkiy Kur'er question. "We have achieved such a technological level that it isn't suitable to expect a revolution a revolution in aircraft construction. The Su-30 has even outpaced the fifth generation in aerodynamic qualities," the ex aide to Russia's president for space and aviation assured. "But it is worth putting work on the avionics over combat characteristics. The new generation airplane is not a 30—50 percent improvement of qualitative performance, but by 2 – 3 times. But this can be achieved today only by evolutionary, and not by a revolutionary means." "We will be able to preserve our leading positions in the aviation marketplace in the 2006 - 2012 interval with the Su-35 airplane and also owing to the upgrade of the Su-30," Mikhail Pogosyan added.

As regards the fifth generation airplane, the air force CinC confirmed to Russkiy Kur'er the words of the Sukhoy manager. "We expect the new airplane by 2012," the general reported. "But it is supposed to be a really new airplane, and not an upgrade of an old aircraft."
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 02, 2004, 12:05:37 pm
Mercury Selected By LockMart For Joint Common Missile Program


File image of a JCM test

Chelmsford MA (SPX) Jul 15, 2004
Mercury Computer Systems announced Wednesday that Lockheed Martin will use Mercury's tactical version of its RACE++ Series commercial off-the- shelf (COTS) multicomputers in the guidance electronics unit of the Joint Common Missile (JCM) system.
Mercury's contract, valued at approximately $9 million, is part of the JCM program three-year System Design and Development (SDD) phase.

Lockheed Martin, the largest U.S. defense contractor, was selected to develop and build a new JCM system, which Lockheed anticipates will result in the procurement of about 54,000 missiles from 2008 to 2018.

The JCM system is the next-generation air-to-ground missile to be carried on U.S. Armed Forces rotary- and fixed-wing platforms, replacing Longbow-Hellfire and Maverick, respectively.

"We are pleased with the high-performance COTS solution Mercury is developing to support the JCM program," said Steven Barnoske, JCM program director at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control.

"Mercury worked with Lockheed Martin to meet the challenge of our customer to deliver a high-performance, scalable and cost-effective missile system."

"Mercury's selection by Lockheed Martin for the JCM program is a milestone event," said Jay Bertelli, president and chief executive officer of Mercury Computer Systems.

"The adaptation of commercial technology for the JCM system demonstrates the ability of our engineering teams to develop solutions for high-volume, low-cost systems deployed in quantities much greater than the typical programs we support in defense electronics."

"It underscores Mercury's leadership as a top supplier of a full range of COTS computing technology and marks a new chapter in our valued relationship with Lockheed Martin."

"We believe Lockheed Martin's team won in part by demonstrating to the government a low-risk integrated solution. Mercury is proud to bring this cost-effective computing capability to Lockheed Martin's innovative team."

The Lockheed Martin JCM system includes a tri-mode seeker for diverse mission, multi-target capability from a variety of Army, Navy and Marine aircraft.

The seeker design includes imaging, infrared, semi-active laser and millimeter wave radar capabilities for active and passive "fire-and forget" and precision-strike targeting with minimal collateral damage, all-weather capability and robustness against enemy countermeasures.

Mercury's tactical field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based compute node (FCN) module, known as VantageRT FCN, provides the processing engine of the tri-mode seeker.

"Our JCM design reduces program risk and ensures future technology insertion by leveraging Mercury COTS technology," Barnoske said.

"Besides reducing time to a hardware solution, by adopting COTS, Lockheed Martin can leverage proven operating software and integrated development tools."

"For example, FPGA development is enhanced with Mercury's FCN Developers Kit (FDK) suite of development tools and services," Bertelli explained.

"The FDK contains off-the-shelf, ready-to-use components for managing input and output data flows and memory transfers in FPGA applications, reducing the time and risk involved in developing fully functional applications which exploit the power of FPGA and PowerPC computing."

Mercury and Lockheed Martin have collaborated on other programs including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), Portable Search and Target Acquisition Radar-Extended-Radar (PSTAR-ER), shipboard tactical imagery, and advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) programs.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 03, 2004, 10:57:22 am

Novos hélis da Força Aérea poderão vir a combater incêndios

Os novos helicópteros que a Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) vai receber a partir do Outono, os Augusta-Westland EH-101, poderão vir preparados para combater incêndios, revela a edição desta terça-feira do Diário de Notícias, com base em informações obtidas junto de militares do ramo.

Questionado pela FAP nesse sentido, terá sido o próprio construtor a confirmar que os helicópteros «(podem) ser usados» nessa missão, revelaram as mesmas fontes ao DN, ainda que, como não foram construídos para esse fim – a FAP terá sido o primeiro cliente a querer usar os aparelhos nesse sentido - , os helícopteros tenham de ser submetidos, antecipadamente, a «testes» específicos (incluindo a escolha do balde), para depois serem devidamente certificados para poderem operar no combate aos incêndios.
Um dos problemas operacionais que se colocam aos helicópteros diz respeito, segundo o DN, ao transporte do balde (com capacidade para meia dezena de milhar de litros de água), o qual, uma vez cheio, se transforma num verdadeiro pêndulo durante a deslocação do aparelho, interferindo, dessa forma, com a estabilidade e manobrabilidade dos helicópteros em vôo.

03-08-2004 9:40:26
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 03, 2004, 11:08:23 am
A noticia do DN.

Novos hélis capazes de combater incêndios

Os novos helicópteros que a Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) vai receber a partir do Outono, os EH-101 da Agusta-Westland, poderão vir preparados para combater fogos florestais, admitiram ao DN fontes militares do ramo. Questionado sobre essa possibilidade pela própria FAP, depois do flagelo dos fogos florestais que no ano passado assolaram o País (e numa altura em que os aparelhos já tinham entrado em fase de produção), o construtor respondeu que os helicópteros «[poderiam] ser usados» nessa missão, afirmaram as fontes.

Contudo, e porque os EH-101 não foram construídos para desempenhar de raíz esse tipo de operação - a FAP foi a primeira operadora a querer usar os aparelhos nessas missões -, os helicópteros destinados a Portugal teriam «de fazer testes» específicos (incluindo a escolha do balde) e depois ser devidamente certificados para poderem operar no combate aos fogos, adiantaram as fontes, que falavam sob anonimato.

Um dos problemas operacionais que se colocam aos helicópteros diz respeito ao transporte do balde (com capacidade para meia dezena de milhares de litros de água), já que o seu peso o transforma num verdadeiro pêndulo durante a deslocação dos apare-lhos - o que interfere com a estabilidade e manobrabilidade dos helicópteros em voo, explicaram as fontes.

O que é certo é que, mesmo usando «o maior balde do mercado», as capacidades estruturais e de motor dos EH-101 ficarão sub-aproveitadas nesse tipo de operações, garantiram.


Os 12 EH-101 que a Força Aérea vai adquirir, ao abrigo da Lei de Programação Militar (LPM), começaram a ser construídos em 1992 (embora o projecto italo-britânico seja de 1984). Esses modernos helicópteros - cuja fase de testes terminou em 2001, ano em que o Governo português concluiu o concurso - destinam-se a substituir os «velhos» Puma que estão ao serviço desde a guerra colonial.

Embora já não satisfaçam as exigências operacionais da Força Aérea, os Puma têm condições para funcionar durante vários anos, sendo uma das possibilidades avançadas a de os disponibilizar ao Serviço Nacional de Bombeiros e Protecção Civil (para o combate aos fogos) - havendo quem defenda que devam continuar a ser operados pela própria Força Aérea para aproveitar os conhecimentos e experiência do ramo, e evitar os custos de formação e especialização que os bombeiros teriam de fazer.

Os EH-101 destinam-se às missões de busca e salvamento em território português e numa área de responsabilidade que corresponde a cerca de um quarto do Atlântico Norte - adstrita às Regiões de Informação de Voo de Santa Maria (Açores) e de Lisboa.
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 03, 2004, 06:33:34 pm
Rockwell To Modernize USAF Crypto Development
(Source: Rockwell Collins; issued Aug. 2, 2004)
 CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa --- Rockwell Collins was selected by the U.S. Air Force for the initial System Design and Development phase of the KG-3X Cryptographic Modernization Program, which is designed to provide the U.S. military with assured, survivable, protected and highly reliable strategic communications for airborne portions of the Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN) as well as the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System.  
“Our significant experience within the MEECN community positions us as an industry leader in information assurance,” said Walter “Woody” Hogle, vice president and general manager of Integrated Systems for Rockwell Collins Government Systems. “This contract will allow the Air Force to leverage our experience in this area for this important strategic mission.”  
KG-3X units are used in the MEECN System and the Fixed Submarine Broadcast System (FSBS) for strategic transmission of emergency action messages. The contractor effort for the follow-on production phase of the KG-3X program will include replacement of up to 477 units.  
Rockwell Collins has been involved in the MEECN system since its inception and continues to provide key portions of the network for the U.S. military, including work on the Ground Element Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN) System (GEMS) program.  
Rockwell Collins is a leader in the design, production and support of communications and aviation electronics solutions for government and commercial customers worldwide.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 03, 2004, 06:44:25 pm
Two X-45A Fly Together to Demo Coordinated Flight  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Aug. 2, 2004)
 ST. LOUIS --- Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., home of the U.S. Air Force Flight Test Center, where the sound barrier was broken on October 14, 1947, hosted another aviation milestone on Sunday. The historic event took place as two Boeing X-45A unmanned aircraft, under the control of a single pilot-operator, successfully operated together in a coordinated flight completing the first ever multiple air vehicle control flight demonstration.  
The groundbreaking mission began when both Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems (J-UCAS) X-45A technology demonstrators departed in succession from NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base. After joining up over the test range, the air vehicles demonstrated coordinated operations by flying preset formations that involved autonomous maneuvering to hold their relative positions. The two X-45A aircraft were able to fly the same mission plan on their own which significantly reduced their pilot-operator’s workload.  
“Our X-45 team has demonstrated that a single pilot can manage multiple unmanned aircraft during all phases of a coordinated flight,” said Darryl Davis, Boeing  
J-UCAS X-45 program manager, “This event is very significant because it is the first step in demonstrating the ability of this distributed weapons system to coordinate operations in a high-threat environment.”  
Once the demonstration was completed, both unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs) returned safely to the base, landed on a common runway and taxied to the shutdown location.  
The J-UCAS X-45 program is a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency/U.S. Air Force/U.S. Navy/Boeing effort to demonstrate the technical feasibility, military utility and operational value of an unmanned air combat system for both the Air Force and the Navy. Operational missions for the services may include suppression of enemy air defenses; strike; electronic attack; and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world’s largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $27 billion business. It provides systems solutions to its global military, government and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; the world’s largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world’s largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense; NASA’s largest contractor; and a global leader in launch services.  
Título: Embraer vence licitação de US$ 7 bi do Pentágono
Enviado por: ALX em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:19:38 am
Confiram na página do Defesanet! (
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:33:31 am
Apresentado o novo caça do Irã
No começo de julho último, foi apresentado um caça iraniano, derivado do F-5E norte-americano(cerca de 160 deles foram fornecidos ao Irã nos fins dos anos 70), com a presença do presidente Mohammad Khatami, o caça chamado Saee'qeh (trovão) realizou um voô de demonstração para as autoridades e militares que salientaram a importância que do novo caça para a Força Aérea Iraniana(IRIAF), representando mais um passo rumo a independência no fornecimento de armas.

Anteriormente o caça derivado do F-5 era denominado pelos especialistas de Azarakhsh, enquanto a denominação Saee'qeh era dada a um caça totalmente novo com tecnologia derivada do F-14(também operado pela IRIAF), mas com dimensões aproximadas as do F/A-18. Também se especula que o Azarakhsh é uma cópia exata dos F-5E/F. Enquanto que o novo caça apresentado em julho de 2004 possui como grande diferencial duas derivas contra apenas uma nos F-5, as suposições de que ele seria 10 ou 15% maior, se os motores usados são cópias dos J-85 ou até mesmo os equivalentes russos desse motor e se seus sistemas seriam de origem iraniana ou russa continuam apenas suposições.


Fotos acima o Safaqh, desenvolvido em colaboração com a Rússia, é um avançado jato de treinamento e combate com características "Stealth".
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:37:33 am
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Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:39:51 am
O Programa Su-32, recebe a oitava aeronave

Em dezembro passado vou o 1° Su-32 de pré-série,(a oitava aeronave construída), esse novo avião recebeu novos computadores de bordo e um novos painéis digitais de cristal líquido(LCD), novo radar de scaneamento eletrônico e outros aperfeiçoamentos que serão introduzidos nos aparelhos de série, os motores continuam sendo modelos da série AL-31F mas se espera que no futuro o modelo seja os AL-41 ou mesmo uma variante intermediária uma AL-31F com componentes, aperfeiçoamentos e conceitos da AL-41, variante esta já em desenvolvimento para as novas variantees dos Flankers em especial os Su-35/37++ propostos pela Sukhoi para a força aérea russa como um caça transitório para o futuro PAK-FA, além manter a família Flanker ainda combativo para os caça surjidos depois de 2010, com esses novos motores a Família Flanker adquiriria a capacidade de supercruzeiro. Até 2008/2010 devem ser fabricados mais 9 Su-32, posteriormente será lançada sua produção em massa.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:41:09 am
Força Aérea Russa perde interesse nos Su-25TM e Su-25SM

Com vistas a um possível sucesso de vendas do Yak-130 e visando a padronização da aviação de treinamento e ataque, militares russos podem reduzir os números dos Su-25 a serem modernizados para os padrões Su-25SM/UBM para apenas 50 unidades(as forças aéreas russas dispõem de mais de 300 Su-25, anteriormente se pretendia modernizar pelo menos 100 aviões. O Su-25TM(Su-39) também pode ter sua produção reduzida para apenas 15 ou 10 unidades, que formariam um esquadrão para introduzir as novas armas e tecnologias à Força Aérea Russa, anteriormente havia se falado em produzir pelo menos 50 unidades do Su-25TM.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:42:26 am
Yakolev Yak-130

Um derivado de ataque, do próximo jato de treinamento da Força Aérea Russa, o Yak-130 pode vir a ser o substituto do Su-25. A aquisição de uma variante especializada em ataque, pode impulsionar o desenvolvimento das novas variantes em estudos pela Yakolev, acreditando que no futuro deva prevalecer as aeronaves mais econômicas e baratas, os Yak-130 de combate não seriam apenas atraentes para as forças aéreas de países em desenvolvimento, a própria Força Aérea Russa demonstrou interesse nesses modelos, as vantagens são a redução nos custos para manutenção, logistíca e treinamento. Com as novas variantes aumenta as chances de exportação do modelo. Segundo o presidente da Yakolev, Oleg Demchenko, são pelo  menos 3 os países interessados em adquirir o Yak-130, Argélia, México e Índia.

As principais variantes do Yak-130 em desenvolvimento:

Yak-133- Aeronave de ataque leve
Yak-133IB- Caça Bombardeiro
Yak-133R- Reconhecimento
Yak-133PP- Especializado(Guerra Eletrônica)
Yak-130K- Treinador Embarcado
Yak-133BR- Ataque/Combate/reconhecimento sem piloto(UCAV)
Yak-135- Aeronave supersônica de combate leve

O segundo Yak-130 de série deve ficar pronto em fins de março, esse modelo padrão para treinamento da Força Aérea Russa, também é capacitado para combate, podendo operar inclusive mísseis e bombas inteligentes, ainda segundo Oleg Demchenko, isso já seria uma das vantagens sobre seu rival e irmão gemêo, o Aermachi M-346.
Enviado por: ALX em Agosto 04, 2004, 02:20:22 am
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Citação de: "ALX"
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Desculpa! :oops: Não tinha lido os tópicos da seção Indústrias de Defesa...
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:21:56 pm
Segurança e Defesa

2 de agosto de 2004

Raytheon testa micro-VANT

Foi revelado que em maio e junho a Raytheon Company demonstrou seu micro-VANT (Veículo Aérreo Não Tripulado) SilentEyes, ejetando um exemplar a partir de um canister montado num pilone subalar de um VANT MQ-9 Predator. Os testes foram gerenciados pelo USAF Aeronautical Systems Center e apoiados pela General Atomics Aeronasutical Systems, Inc. O SilentEyes foi carregado em um magazine semelhante ao usado para o despistador rebocado Raytheon AN/ALE-50, e seu lançamento comandado do solo. Após desdobrar a asa, voou automaticamente e transmitiu imagens do alvo para o solo pelo seu data link (através do data link to MQ-9). Ainda através do MQ-9, o SilentEyes recebeu comandos para dirigir-se a pontos intermediários e a outros alvos. O SilentEyes é capaz de confirmar a identificação de alvos fixos e móveis, reduzindo os tempos de descoberta, localização, acompanhamento e engajamento dos mesmos — tudo isso a um custo inferior a US$15.000 por exemplar.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:55:36 pm
A modernização dos Su-27

Cinco caças Su-27 da Força Aérea Russa modernizados, foram entregues em dezembro para avaliação daquela força. Os caças modernizados serão tanto modelos bipostos como monopostos e contam com um novo radar, painéis de cristal líquido, novos computadores, novos aviônicos em geral, sonda de reabastecimento em voô, capacidade ar-superfície para qualquer tempo(incluindo anti-navio)  e 12 cabides para armamento que pode ser os mais novos mísseis do arsenal russo incluíndo os mísseis R-77, Kh-31, Kh-35, Kh-59 e etc. Outra boa notícia para os militares russos foi o aumento de 50% das horas de voôs.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:56:43 pm
Saturn inicia produção da 3°geração da turbina AL-31F

Iniciada a produção da 3°geração da turbina AL-31F, esse modelo se destina a todos os Sukhois Flankers, ainda não foram divulgados dados quanto a potência e economia, apenas o aumento da vida útil que agora gira em torno de 3000 horas de voô. Esse período deve ser ampliado ainda mais nas novas gerações já em testes e previstas para entrar em produção em 2007.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:57:39 pm

As forças aéreas russas receberam quatro helicópteros de combate modernizados, os Mi-24PN, para combate noturno e condições climáticas adversas.
Apesar do avanço em relação aos outros modelos dos Mi-24, os generais russos deixaram bem claro que já se faz necessário novos helicópteros de combate, dizendo inclusive que os Mi-24PN ainda são inferiores aos AH-64D LongBow, que para se equipar à esses helicópteros os russos necessitam se equipar com o MI-28N que é naturalmente da mesma categoria que o Apache norte-americano.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:58:41 pm
Mi-28N vs. Ka-52

A Mil esta preparando para lançar a produção do Mi-28N a partir de 2006, mas formalmente o Exército russo não encomendou o modelo, há apenas rumores que podem ser encomendados 10 unidades para avaliação e comparação com os 12 Ka-52 encomendados ano passado.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 12:59:39 pm
Voa o Mi-38

Finalmente voou, em dezembro de 2003, o Mi-38 helicóptero projetado para substituir os Mi-8/17. O grupo europeu Eurocopter(Franco-Alemão) também tem pequena participação no projeto e tem a responsabilidade de comercializar o aparelho no ocidente. O Mi-38 tem maior capacidade de carga 5T(interna) e até 7T(externa),contra 4T e 5T dos Mi-17.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 04, 2004, 01:00:12 pm

Força Aérea dos Emirados Árabes Unidos comprou um An-124 por apenas 38 milhões de doláres.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 05, 2004, 11:50:22 am

Defensa negocia cofabricar los «Taurus» europeos para los cazabombarderos
F-18 y «Eurofighter»

España se incorpora a la restringida lista de países que disponen de los
«misiles de crucero», similares a los «Tomahawk» norteamericanos, capaces
de alcanzar objetivos a cientos de kilómetros de distancia. El Ministerio
de Defensa negocia en secreto la cofabricación del misil germano-sueco
«Taurus», con un radio de acción de 400 kilómetros, desarrollado por el
consorcio aeronáutico europeo Eads. Un centenar de estos misiles dotarán a
los cazabombarderos F-18 y a los nuevos «Eurofighter», para reforzar la
Defensa Nacional ante el aumento de los riesgos procedentes del Magreb.


La empresa española de ingeniería Sener será la encargada de fabricar
diversos componentes de la totalidad de los misiles que salgan de la planta
de producción de la firma germana LFK. El primer país en apostar por el
«Taurus» ha sido Alemania, que ha adquirido un total de 600 unidades para
equipar su fuerza aérea. Está previsto que comience a recibir las primeras
unidades a mediados del próximo año. A este respecto, no se descarta que la
cadena de producción de misiles germanos intercale los primeros del pedido
español para que el Ejército del Aire disponga del «Taurus» también en 2004.
Francia, Gran Bretaña e Italia han optado por el misil de crucero
«Storm Shadow», puesto a punto por un consorcio de industrias de estos tres
países. Una de las cualidades de los «Taurus» es su versatilidad. Han sido
desarrollados como una «familia» con alcances desde 150 hasta 600
kilómetros, lo que permite, en función de la misión, incorporar cargas
explosivas de diferentes características. A mayor radio de acción se
incrementa el gasto de combustible y, consiguientemente, ha de reducirse el
peso de la cabeza de guerra. Todos sus componentes se integran en un «puro»
de apenas 5 metros de longitud con el fin de que pueda ser disparado desde
un cazabombardero. El «Taurus», de menor envergadura que los «Tomahakw»
norteamericanos, utiliza para su guiado un sistema de navegación por
diferentes sensores, entre ellos GPS, y vuela a 50 metros del suelo,
sorteando los accidentes geográficos, hasta llegar a su objetivo. Son
prácticamente indetectables. Cada unidad costará un millón de euros. El
Ministerio de Defensa está interesado en la versión naval para las cuatro
nuevas fragatas F-100 provistas del sistema «Aegis», cuyo radar es capaz de
detectar el vuelo de un avión en mil kilómetros a la redonda. Ésta es una
capacidad complementaria a la hora de que un «Taurus» vuele seguro hacia su
objetivo. También se estudia una variante para los submarinos S-80,
recientemente aprobados por el Gobierno. Fuentes militares señalan que
dotar con misiles de crucero a los tres sistemas de armas punteros con los
que las Fuerzas Armadas inauguran el siglo XXI, supone un considerable
salto cualitativo para ejercer «suficiente poder disuasorio» ante el
aumento de riesgos procedentes del Magreb.
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 07, 2004, 10:36:52 pm

Irão prepara-se para testar versão optimizada de míssil

O Irão está a preparar-se para testar uma versão optimizada e com alcance superior do míssil convencional Chahab-3, habitualmente apresentado como uma arma contra Israel, segundo declarou este sábado o ministro da Defesa iraniano, Ali Chamjani.

«Vamos melhorar o Chahab-3 e quando o testarmos, um futuro não muito longínquo, faremos saber» a que melhorias procedemos, precisou o ministro, acrescentando que os trabalhos incidem não apenas no alcance mas também noutros pormenores.
«Os israelitas esforçaram-se em aumentar a capacidade dos seus mísseis, nós também tentamos melhorar o Chahab-3», sustentou, desmentindo ainda a produção do Chahab-4.

07-08-2004 17:28:29
Enviado por: Fábio G. em Agosto 08, 2004, 01:35:24 pm
FAB recebe os primeiros Supertucanos

São José dos Campos (SP), 5 de Agosto de 2004 - São três aviões turboélice de treinamento militar ALX, de uma encomenda de 76 aeronaves. O turboélice de treinamento militar ALX, produzido pela Embraer na versão de exportação conhecida como Supertucano, entrará em operação na Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) com a entrega das três primeiras unidades. A solenidade de entrega dos aviões, que acontece amanhã, no Centro Técnico Aeroespacial (CTA), terá como ponto alto o vôo das três aeronaves, pilotadas por três oficiais do alto comando da Aeronáutica.

A Embraer receberá o certificado de conformidade da qualidade das aeronaves, que seguirão para o segundo e quinto Grupo de Aviação, sediado na Base Aérea de Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. Os aviões serão utilizados, inicialmente, para capacitar os instrutores que serão responsáveis pela formação dos pilotos de caça na FAB. O contrato do ALX com a Embraer prevê a produção de 76 aeronaves, que equiparão os esquadrões da FAB em Natal, Boa Vista (Roraima), Porto Velho (Rondônia) e Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul).

O valor do contrato é estimado em US$ 420 milhões. Os aviões estão sendo produzidos na fábrica da Embraer em Gavião Peixoto (SP). Concebido para missões de treinamento avançado e ataque leve ao solo, o ALX também irá complementar a estrutura operacional do Sistema de Vigilância da Amazônia (Sivam).

Na FAB, o avião irá substituir os EMB-326 Xavante nas missões de interceptação de aeronaves e no ataque leve. O modelo tem preço estimado entre US$ 5 milhões e US$ 10 milhões, dependendo da configuração e dos equipamentos embarcados. Tem capacidade para carregar até 1.500 quilos de armamentos em cinco pontos sob as asas e a fuselagem.

Além da Embraer, o programa de desenvolvimento do ALX conta com a participação da empresa gaúcha Aeroeletrônica, que foi adquirida pela israelense Elbit. A empresa é responsável pelo fornecimento de um pacote de sistemas de navegação, armamentos, computadores e radares de última geração para o ALX. O trem de pouso da aeronave é fornecido pela Eleb, joint venture entre a Embraer e a alemã Liebherr, com fábrica em São José dos Campos (SP).

Projetado para operar em ambientes hostis da Amazônia, o Supertucano pode voar em missões de vigilância diurnas e noturnas, recebendo e transmitindo dados através de avançados sistemas de datalink a bordo. Uma versão blindada do ALX já foi desenvolvida em cooperação com o CTA. Dos 76 aviões encomendados pela FAB, 40 receberão a blindagem feita pelo CTA. A República Dominicana, que comprou 10 aviões da Embraer, também pediu a blindagem das portas.

O objetivo principal da blindagem no avião ALX é proteger o piloto contra ataques de armamentos de calibre 0.50, que são muito comuns em regiões afetadas por conflitos de baixo impacto, comandados por guerrilheiros, ou em áreas dominadas pelo narcotráfico.

kicker: Aparelhos são fabricados pela Embraer e vão equipar os esquadrões de todo o País

(Gazeta Mercantil/Caderno A - Pág. 4)(Virgínia Silveira)
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 09, 2004, 01:13:57 pm
German-Polish MiG-29 Transfer Complete
(Source: Deutsche Welle German radio; issued Aug. 5, 2004)
 German military officials have transferred nine MiG-29 fighter jets to Poland, completing the handover of 22 planes that started last fall.  
Germany had sold the jets to the Polish air force for a symbolic price of 1 euro ($1.20). But Poland has to spend about 43 million euros to modernize the planes, which will replace its own MiG-21 jets.  
Warsaw has also ordered F-16 fighter jets from the US, but they are not expected to arrive until 2006.  
The German military, the Bundeswehr, had acquired the planes from the East German military after reunification.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 10, 2004, 10:50:24 pm
Airbus A310 MRTT Performs First In-Flight Refuelling
(Source: Airbus; dated July 28, web-posted Aug. 9, 2004)
 Airbus has successfully started in-flight refuelling trials as part of the certification process of the A310 Multi-Role Transport Tanker (MRTT), achieving in-flight refuelling with an Airbus aircraft for the very first time. The successful achievement by the A310 MRTT of this important milestone marks the arrival by Airbus in the military mission aircraft market.  
The in-flight refuelling trials included both “dry contacts” as well as “wet contacts” with two receiver aircraft, one Panavia Tornado and one F18 “Hornet”. Up to 270 US gallons of fuel were transferred for the F18, while the Tornado received up to 260 US gallons.  
The Airbus A310 MRTT is based on the A310 passenger jet converted to a multi-role mission aircraft, providing military customers with an economic solution for passenger and cargo transport needs as well as air-to-air refuelling missions.  
Currently six A310s are scheduled for conversion to MRTT versions by a consortium of Airbus and Lufthansa Technik AG. Four aircraft will join the German Air Force, while Canada will receive another two. Three of these aircraft, including the one that was used for the refuelling trials, are undergoing conversion at Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) – an EADS company - in Dresden, Germany, while the conversion work on the other three aircraft will be performed at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg, Germany.  
The A310 MRTT is a two-point hose-and-drogue tanker utilising under-wing pods. In addition to the A310 MRTT, the Airbus A330 long-range twin-engined widebody aircraft provides a more capable platform for MRTT applications. The A330 MRTT offers an optional third centreline hose-and-drogue unit as well as an optional refuelling boom.  
The EADS Military Transport Aircraft Division is developing an advanced refuelling boom system (ARBS) utilising the latest fly-by-wire technology. An ARBS prototype will be flight tested on an A310 test bed in 2005. Tanker solutions, based on the Airbus A330 airframe, are on offer from EADS Military Transport Aircraft Division and are already under consideration by the British and Australian Armed Forces as well as other interested nations.  
The A330 MRTT represents the most advanced solution to military transport and tanking needs and -- together with the A310 MRTT -- constitutes an attractive option as replacement for older generation aircraft.  
Airbus is an EADS joint company with BAE Systems.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 11, 2004, 01:52:56 pm
Northrop Grumman Awarded Contract to Develop Radar Upgrade Kit for U.S. Air Force F-16s
(Source: Northrop Grumman Corp.; issued Aug. 10, 2004)
 BALTIMORE --- Northrop Grumman Corporation has received a two-year contract to develop a radar replacement “kit” that will improve performance and enhance reliability in approximately 280 U.S. Air Force F-16C and D fighter aircraft.  
Designated the AN/APG-68(V)9, the radar has been sold to six foreign customers as standard equipment on new F-16s. To date, Northrop Grumman’s Electronic Systems sector has delivered 150 of the radars to aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin on or ahead of schedule, marking another milestone in the successful 28-year production of fire-control radars for the F-16.  
The (V)9 variant provides a 33 percent improvement in air-to-air detection range over earlier versions of the radar and introduces synthetic aperture radar, which allows high-resolution ground mapping for 24-hour, all-weather precision strike capability. The combination of new technology with open-systems architecture also reduces total ownership cost of the radar.  
“This kit offers a very economical way to make a critical upgrade to the aircraft and provides our Air Force with a substantial boost in capability,” said Bruce Ballantyne, vice president of F-16 Sensor Systems at Northrop Grumman. “The integration of these kits in the Air Force’s F-16 is central to planned, continual improvement of the aircraft, ensuring its combat viability for decades to come.”  
The value of the two-year contract is $22 million.  
Based in Baltimore, Md., Northrop Grumman’s Electronic Systems sector is a world leader in the design, development, and manufacture of defense and commercial electronic systems and sensors, including airborne radar, navigation systems, electronic countermeasures, precision weapons, airspace management systems, communications systems, space sensors, marine and naval systems, government systems, and logistics services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 11, 2004, 01:57:57 pm
LM, KAI Say T-50 Supersonic Trainer Developing Rapidly
(Source: Korea Aerospace; issued Aug.9, 2004)
 Officials from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) and Lockheed Martin [LMT] recently said the T-50 Golden Eagle is moving forward rapidly in both development and production, with full-scale development on track for completion by the end of 2005.  
“The T-50 full-scale development program is doing very well,” said Alex Jun, T-50 international marketing director for KAI. “All ground testing is on schedule. Flight testing is also doing well, with more than 450 flights completed using four test aircraft.”  
“We recently began high-angle-of-attack testing, and the aircraft is very well behaved when forced into this regime by overriding the limiters,” Jun added.  
KAI is developing the T-50 with assistance from Lockheed Martin, and the production program is off to a fast start, the companies said. Last December, South Korea issued the contract for the first 25 aircraft.  
Major components for the first two aircraft are coming together at KAI’s facility in Sacheon, South Korea, they said. This will lead to fuselage mate of the first aircraft in December, followed by completion and delivery late next year.  
With associated logistics support and training systems, this schedule will support initial operations by the South Korean air force in early 2006, as programmed.  
“Market potential for ROKAF (South Korea) is between 100 and 300 aircraft,” Robie Notestine, Lockheed Martin’s T-50 international marketing director, said. “And there are prospects for another 600 aircraft sales on the international market, for a total potential of 900 aircraft over the next 25 years.”  
A supersonic, high-performance trainer is necessary to smooth the transition of new pilots to their first operational fighter, Notestine said. “The T-50 closely approximates the performance and handling qualities of modern fighters, yet it is easy and safe to fly.”  
Cost savings associated with operating one type of aircraft for all jet training needs are another big plus, Notestine said. “The T-50 can also offload basic weapons and tactics training from the more expensive-to-operate fighters in operational squadrons.”  
The T-50 has many features in common with modern high performance fighters, including low drag external lines with wing-body blending, a variable camber swept wing with strakes, relaxed static stability, a rugged airframe capable of 8G turns, a powerful afterburning turbofan engine and a digital electronic flight control system, Notestine said.  
The Lead-In Fighter Trainer version also has an internal 20mm gun, modern multi-mode radar and a multi-role weapons capability with seven external store stations, he added.  
Smiths Aerospace was recently awarded a number of contracts for systems on the T-50 Lead-in Fighter Trainer from KAI, with production deliveries beginning this year (Defense Daily, July 20).  
The T-50 is intended to fill the current gap between turboprop trainer aircraft, like KAI’s KT-1, and Raytheon’s [RTN] T-6 Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (Defense Daily, Aug. 26).  
“The T-50 not only has the performance, it also has the integrated avionics, cockpit and other subsystems that are typical of modern fighters,” Notestine said.  
It also has a number of special features that significantly enhance its utility as a trainer and provide additional safety, he added.  
According to the companies, their program is the first to offer a total training system package that includes a full-up ground-based training system for both pilots and maintenance personnel.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 12, 2004, 01:56:12 pm
EADS Technology Protects German Helicopters Against Missile Attacks in Afghanistan  
(Source: EADS; issued Aug. 12, 2004)
 ULM, Germany --- EADS will be equipping the CH-53 helicopters of the German Armed Forces intended for operations in Afghanistan with missile warning systems incorporating the most modern technology.  
As the company announced on Thursday, the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement has placed an order to replace the missile warning system currently installed with the AN/AAR-60 MILDS (Missile Launch Detection System), initially in six helicopters. The decision whether further CH-53s earmarked for crisis management scenarios will also be equipped with MILDS, is expected in the near future.  
“More than 4,000 units of the MILDS are being successfully used throughout the world in helicopters and transport aircraft,” Bernhard Gerwert, Head of EADS Defence Electronics, explained. “Its high degree of reliability and precision makes it possible to initiate protective countermeasures against missiles in the few seconds remaining. This means it makes a decisive contribution to the safety of our soldiers in dangerous operations.”  
MILDS is a passive, mapping sensor system that detects the ultraviolet emissions of the approaching missile. The extremely high resolution and the fast data processing make it possible to reliably emit warning signals at an early stage. The system, consisting of several sensors and a signal processor, ensures all-round protection and a short response time. MILDS is also in use as part of the self-protection system of the NH90 and Tiger helicopters.  
EADS Defence Electronics, supplier of radar, avionics and electronic warfare systems, is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS). DS, with revenues of about 5.2 billion euros in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, forms the defence pole within EADS. It offers integrated systems solutions to the new challenges confronting armed forces and homeland security units.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of over 30 billion euros and employed a workforce of more than 109,000.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 12, 2004, 01:57:26 pm
Raytheon’s AMRAAM Selected by UK as Interim BVR Solution  
(Source: Raytheon Company; issued Aug. 11, 2004)
 TUCSON, Ariz. --- The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MOD) has signed a contract with Raytheon Company’s Missile Systems business for AIM-120 C-5 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and associated safety, logistical and surveillance support. The contract has an estimated value of $144 million.  
Logistical and surveillance programs will cover a period of 10 years with options to increase it to 25 years.  
This U.K. MOD procurement is an interim solution to the overall beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) program. The U.K. MOD selected Raytheon’s low-risk, low-cost, AMRAAM as the interim solution to the BVRAAM requirement primarily due to AMRAAM’s proven capability. AMRAAM is currently in production and in service with 28 nations.  
Raytheon Company, with 2003 sales of $18.1 billion, is an industry leader in defense and government electronics, space, information technology, technical services, and business and special mission aircraft. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 78,000 people worldwide.  
AMRAAM sets the global beyond-visual-range standard. AMRAAM’s incorporation of the latest digital technology and microminiaturized solid- state electronics make this remarkable weapon more reliable and maintainable, resulting in the highest dependability at the lowest cost of ownership.  
AMRAAM’s unprecedented air combat flexibility, including its multi-shot capability, provides pilots the ability to launch at an enemy aircraft day or night, in all weather. In beyond-visual-range engagements, AMRAAM is guided initially by its inertial reference unit and microcomputer. During midcourse flight, AMRAAM receives target location updating directly from the launch aircraft radar system.  
In the terminal phase of flight, without further reliance on the launching system, the internal active radar seeker independently guides the missile. AMRAAM’s autonomous guidance capability provides the pilot with critical range-preserving launch and leave capability, which substantially improves the pilot’s survivability. AMRAAM has also demonstrated equally outstanding performance in the surface-to-air role.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 12, 2004, 02:01:35 pm
Office of Naval Research Awards Lockheed Martin Phase II Rattlrs Contract
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Aug. 11, 2004)
 PALMDALE, Calif. --- Lockheed Martin received a Revolutionary Approach to Time-critical Long Range Strike (RATTLRS) phase-two contract award from the Office of Naval Research on July 20. RATTLRS is part of the National Aerospace Initiative and is a demonstration program to increase capabilities and performance for expendable supersonic vehicles. In total, this is a five-year (base and options) Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract with a ceiling of $175 million.  
Lockheed Martin is teamed with Allison Advanced Development Company (AADC) to develop technologies that will provide an advanced Mach 4+ integrated propulsion system in an operationally traceable airframe. The AADC YJ102R engine provides the supersonic cruise capability of the legendary SR-71 spy plane in a simple and inexpensive engine suitable for an expendable missile. Advances in turbine cooling technology in the 40 years since the SR-71 first flew allow the YJ102R to provide more than six times the specific thrust of the SR-71 engines, allowing the RATTLRS vehicle to cruise at similar Mach numbers without the high fuel consumption of afterburning engines.  
“Our team’s RATTLRS approach will contribute landmark technologies toward Long Range Strike,” said Neil Kacena of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company’s Advanced Development Programs organization, also known as the Skunk Works. “The Lockheed Martin-led team builds on years of demonstrated success in high speed, hypersonic technology development and weapon system performance in support of the Office of Naval Research’s RATTLRS program goals,” Kacena said.  
Lockheed Martin is the industry leader in high-speed aerospace systems, providing expertise, technology and operational systems to the war fighter. The RATTLRS program is a key component in Lockheed Martin’s goal to develop high-speed weapon systems for joint U.S. customers.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 12, 2004, 02:10:11 pm
Lockheed Martin Hellfire Scores Perfect 6-For-6 in British Army Live-Fire Tests  
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Aug. 11, 2004)
 ORLANDO, Fla. --- The British Army Air Corps recently fired Lockheed Martin AGM-114K Hellfire missiles in a live-fire training exercise at the British Army Training Unit-Suffield (BATUS) in Alberta, Canada. The missiles scored six hits in six launches in their first live-fire tests with the British Army Air Corps.  
This was the first live-fire event for the Hellfire missiles using the Westland Apache AH-Mk1 (Longbow Apache) helicopter. The Canadian government granted permission to fire the rounds in BATUS. During the first two Hellfire exercises, targets were tank-size mockups and both tests were successful. In the second exercise, all four Hellfire missiles also hit their targets.  
“We are extremely pleased with Hellfire’s 100 percent mission success in its first live-fire tests with the British Army Air Corps,” said Andy Marshall, program manager of international Air-to-Ground Missile Systems (AGMS). “The Apache AH Mk1 and M299 launcher can carry any combination of anti-tank and blast fragmentation Hellfire II rounds as well as the fire-and-forget Longbow Hellfire.”  
The six engagements employed Hellfire in a wide range of modes, including autonomous designation, remote ground designation, and designation by a second aircraft. The high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds used were manufactured by Thales, near Belfast, Northern Ireland, under a UK industrial partnership with Lockheed Martin under contract from INSYS Ltd. as the UK Apache munitions prime contractor.  
“The precision-strike semi-active laser seeker of the Hellfire II, plus the all-weather millimeter wave seeker of the Longbow Hellfire, gives the British Army Air Corps operational flexibility in combat,” Marshall said. “The Apache AH Mk1 has unmatched lethality, and the Hellfire missile family gives it the ability to defeat a wide range of targets in all kinds of battlefield conditions.”  
The Longbow missile is the product of a Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman joint venture.  
Baltimore-based Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems is a world leader in the design, development, and manufacture of defense and commercial electronic systems and sensors, including airborne radar, navigation systems, electronic countermeasures, precision weapons, airspace management systems, communication systems, space sensors, marine and naval systems, government systems and logistics services.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 12, 2004, 02:12:42 pm
GE Engines Will Power Canada’s Cyclone Helicopters
(Source: GE Aircraft Engines; issued Aug. 9, web-posted Aug. 11, 2004)
 LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS --- General Electric’s CT7-8A turboshaft engines will power 28 Sikorsky H-92 Cyclone helicopters ordered last month by the Canadian government.  
Selected as part of Canada’s US$3-billion Maritime Helicopter Project (MHP), the twin-engine H-92s will perform anti-submarine patrols, surveillance and ship-borne duties, and a wide range of utility roles such as Search and Rescue support, cargo and personnel transport, and disaster relief support. The first aircraft will be delivered in 2008.  
“We are very proud to be serving with the Canadian maritime forces,” said Ed Birtwell, vice president of Turboshaft Engines at GE. “These are very demanding missions for which the CT7-8 is designed to excel.”  
The CT7-8A is the newest member of the CT7/T700 engine family. Recently certified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and by Transport Canada, the CT7-8A features an advanced, higher-flow compressor designed with new three-dimensional aerodynamic (3-D aero) technology, a modern full authority digital electronic control (FADEC) system, and hot-section and turbine components proven in millions of flight hours on GE’s CT7-9 engine. The CT7-8A engines for this program will be assembled, inspected and tested, as well as repaired and overhauled, in Canada.  
The CT7/T700 engine family has amassed more than 50 million flight-hours powering 21 different aircraft models in civil and military service throughout the world. To meet current and future requirements, GE continues to enhance the performance, reliability and durability of in-service engines, while developing new, more powerful models.  
GE Transportation - Aircraft Engines, a part of General Electric Company, is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of jet engines for civil and military aircraft.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 13, 2004, 07:32:36 pm
BAE Systems Avionics Group Announces Award of Supply Contract for HIDAS for Greece’s Apache Helicopters  
(Source: BAE Systems; dated Aug. 11, web-posted Aug. 12, 2004)
 BAE Systems Avionics Group has announced that the US Army has signed the contract for the supply of Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment plus associated engineering and support for the Greek Apache helicopters.  
As a US Foreign Military Sale, the US Army is charged with the responsibility of producing the EW systems for the Greek Air Force. The US Army’s Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM) at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, who procure the EW for all US Army platforms, has confirmed the supply contract with BAE Systems Avionics for HIDAS for the Greek Apache helicopters.  
Dr David Hughes, Executive Vice President for EW Systems, said “This milestone marks a further significant achievement for BAE Systems Avionics. The selection of HIDAS for Kuwait and now by Greece for their fleet of Longbow Apaches emphasises the fact that national defence forces increasingly recognise the importance of protecting their pilots and aircraft.”  
BAE Systems Avionics co-operates closely with Boeing, Mesa, Arizona and is delighted to be part of the ever-increasing Apache user community.  
HIDAS, the Helicopter Integrated Defensive Aids System, designed and manufactured by BAE Systems Avionics Group, detects, identifies, prioritises and counters threats to the Apache helicopter, without the need for crew intervention. It is unique for its degree of integration, its use of 'best of class' sensors and its intelligent software controller. The HIDAS controller uses information from its multi-spectral threat warning sensors to produce a comprehensive tactical picture. It then uses the pre-defined mission data to enable HIDAS to recognise the threatening weapon system, and to automatically select and implement the appropriate countermeasure.  
HIDAS can be used in Automatic, Semi-automatic or Manual mode, thus offering significant operational benefits to the Apache aircrew. It increases their situational awareness, reduces the time to react to threats and increases the efficiency and effectiveness of countermeasures. In short, it enhances survivability on the battlefield, where crew workload is at its highest.  
HIDAS is fully programmable by the user to detect and counter enemy weapon systems, providing for a mission library of over 5,000 threat modes. The BAE Systems Merlin integrated EW operational support system enables the user to create his own mission libraries, specifying the required countermeasures, and to carry out post-flight analysis of mission data.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 13, 2004, 07:46:04 pm
BAE Begins Flight and Fire Control Upgrades on Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II Aircraft  
(Source: BAE Systems; issued Aug. 12, 2004)
U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft are receiving a substantial performance upgrade from a new flight and fire control computer and software upgrade designed and developed by BAE Systems.  
BAE Systems Platform Solutions received a contract from Lockheed Martin Systems Integration-Owego, the A-10 prime contractor and Prime Team lead. The team also includes Southwest Research Institute and Northrop Grumman. The effort to equip the entire Thunderbolt fleet with an Integrated Flight and Fire Control Computer (IFFCC) is valued at $30 million.  
Accompanied by an updated Suite 2 software package, the new control is significantly improving aircraft and weapon-system safety, accuracy, and maintainability.  
“Since the 1970s, the A-10 has been a vital component of the Air Force’s close-air support capability, and we are proud of our continuing role in improving this very capable platform,” said Jim Garceau, vice president of Aerospace Controls for BAE Systems Platform Solutions. The Platform Solutions unit developed and produced the A-10’s Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement system, forerunner to IFFCC.  
BAE Systems is producing the new computers and working closely with Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Air Force to manage system installations on all A-10 squadrons throughout the world. The company is providing on-site engineering support and familiarization training for pilots and maintenance personnel.  
Among the flight and fire control computer’s added capabilities:  
--An automated, continuously computed weapon delivery function that improves accuracy and reduces pilot workload.  
--A digital terrain system that uses terrain elevation data for ground collision avoidance and to aid in weapon delivery. The system incorporates BAE Systems’ TERPROM digital terrain software.  
--Growth capability to support additional functions, including the Precision Engagement Suite 3 modification.  
--Easier system maintenance and elimination of parts obsolescence issues associated with the previous-generation technology.  
BAE Systems is an international company engaged in the development, delivery, and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air, on land, at sea, and in space. BAE Systems Platform Solutions Sector is a leading global supplier of integrated electronic control products, subsystems, and man-machine interface systems for air, space, sea, and ground vehicles.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 16, 2004, 10:07:50 pm
Swarms on the Edge of Chaos
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued Aug. 16, 2004)
 Swarms of small expendable unmanned aircraft may become part of Australia’s defence arsenal in the future.  
Mathematician Alex Ryan from the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) is part of a research team that is using advanced mathematics and state-of-the-art computing to design ‘collective intelligence’ for groups or swarms of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).  
The UAVs could be used for surveillance of possible enemy activity, as small weapons carriers, or to investigate areas too dangerous for human entry.  
“We’re working at the edge of chaos,” says Mr. Ryan. “There’s a fine line between systems which are too ordered and stagnate; or systems which are too chaotic and collapse into total disorder.”  
“Swarm behavior as such is not what we are after,” he says. “Swarms - like the notorious killer bees - concentrate on attacking a single enemy in vast numbers. Our aim is rather to develop an intelligent and communicating network.  
“Each ‘agent’ in the network has its own utility function while there is an over-arching utility function for the whole system. It is vital that the agents don’t work at cross-purposes, and they must each be able to react to unexpected circumstances.”  
Mr. Ryan says that many small, simple and inexpensive UAVs, costing less than $20,000 each, are a more practical answer than larger, more sophisticated vehicles costing millions of dollars.  
Mr. Ryan also says that much work needs to be done to reduce the imbalance between unmanned vehicles, and the people who control them. “At present, each unmanned aircraft needs a ground crew of about thirty people,” he says.  
Australia too poses its own special problems, as imported technology may be quite unsuitable for our topography. “We are in a ‘littoral’ region, with miles of coastline and chains of islands. And we have a vast interior. These geographical features make quite special demands on the design of unmanned aerial vehicles,” Mr. Ryan says.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 16, 2004, 10:14:13 pm
Life Support Keeps Pilots Prepared
(Source: US Air Force; issued Aug. 13, 2004)
 BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan --- The cockpit of an aircraft is a self-contained environment, protecting the pilots from their surroundings.  
One group of Airmen here ensures the pilots have everything they need close at hand in there, especially those items they might need just “in case.”  
“We take care of the entire life-support system -- everything the pilot needs in case he has to eject,” said Tech. Sgt. Matthew Freeman, a life support noncommissioned officer assigned to the 355th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron. “We also maintain and repair everything the pilot takes out to fly, as well as everything in the survival kit.”  
This means long before the pilots ever takes their first steps toward the aircraft, the life-support Airmen ensure more than 50 different items per pilot, ranging in size from Chap Stick to a 6-foot inflatable life raft, are serviceable and packed into a 13-by-15-inch space.  
Taking care of all that equipment requires extreme attention to detail, Sergeant Freeman said.  
“If the littlest thing isn’t perfect, it could possibly cause injury or death. For instance, although programming the survival radios here isn’t difficult, it is very involved. If it doesn’t work correctly, a pilot can’t talk to rescuing forces,” he said.  
The radios are one of many differences between operations here and operations at home.  
“We have to put some extra items in the survival vest -- items associated with combat instead of with a normal training mission,” Sergeant Freeman said.  
Additionally, the environment here adds to the challenges because the dust tends to clog up the masks and associated equipment, Sergeant Freeman said.  
“We have to clean out the equipment a lot more to keep it working,” he said.  
The environment also requires a number of changes to equipment in the survival vest. Survival requirements in Afghanistan are much different from the A-10 Thunderbolt II pilots home station in Alaska.  
Providing life support also means the Airmen work closely with other allied soldiers as well as other Air Force units.  
“We have inspected and lent out radios to Dutch, German and Slovak soldiers and well as other support agencies doing security missions,” Sergeant Freeman said. “We have also helped inspect a C-130 [Hercules’] life-support equipment when (the crew) had to have their equipment certified to fly a mission. It’s good to know that we helped them accomplish their mission.”  
Other than the environment and equipment requirements, the job here is very much the same as at home, said Airman 1st Class Daniel Matthews, of the 355th EFS life support section.  
“We get a lot more fulfillment from doing the job here,” he said. “When you have everything working correctly, it ensures the pilots can put bombs on target.”  
Sergeant Freeman agreed.  
“When a pilot comes back and says they just got back from ‘doing escort,’ it’s kind of hard to understand exactly what they are doing. But when you see how the mission here (affects) the efforts to bring democracy to the Afghan people, it can be quite an eye opener,” he said.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 17, 2004, 08:44:07 pm
Boeing Small Diameter Bomb Aces Test Mission  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Aug. 16, 2004)
 ST. LOUIS --- A Boeing Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) was successfully launched Tuesday over the Gulf of Mexico Test Range by a U.S. Air Force F-15E aircrew assigned to the 46th Test Wing at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.  
The 250-pound class, near precision-guided weapon was dropped from 30,000 ft. and accomplished a demanding series of flight maneuvers. The weapon, also identified as the GBU-39, traveled more than 25 miles before hitting the target. This was the third guided launch in just four months and exercised the entire SDB system to include the weapon, a four-bomb carriage, accuracy support, integrated logistics, and the mission planning.  
“This flight was another indicator of the outstanding partnership between the Air Force and Boeing on this high-priority program. This is a warm-up for an unprecedented flight test schedule leading to an initial production decision in April 2005,” said Col. Jim McClendon, director of Miniature Munitions, Eglin AFB.  
The SDB is currently in a 36-month System Development and Demonstration phase that began in October 2003. Extensive ground and flight-testing is currently underway for the stationary target increment of SDB. In a previous development period, the SDB completed six guided launches and extensive flight and ground testing.  
“I am extremely proud of the accomplishments of the SDB Team and the performance of this system,” said Dan Jaspering, Boeing’s Small Diameter Bomb program manager. “We are focused on doing what it takes to provide this critical capability to war fighters as promised in 2006.”  
At a compact 71 inches long and 7.5 inches wide, the SDB is the next generation low-cost precision strike weapon. It can be launched from a fighter, bomber or unmanned aircraft and will provide a standoff range of 60 nautical miles. The weapon will be capable of penetrating more than three feet of steel-reinforced concrete. Its small size allows four weapons to be carried on the smart weapon stations used on F-15E, F/A-22, F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter), Joint Unmanned Combat Air System, and almost all other weapons platforms.  
Boeing will build an estimated 24,000 weapons and 2,000 carriages over the next 10 years at its production facility in St. Charles, Mo., at an estimated cost of $2.5 billion. Development of the Increment II SDB (GBU-40) is planned to start in 2005.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 18, 2004, 05:09:45 pm
EDO Demonstrates Next-Generation Weapon-Release Unit on B-1B Bomber  
(Source: EDO Corp.; issued Aug. 17, 2004)
 NEW YORK --- EDO Corporation has successfully demonstrated new B-1B pneumatic-ejection equipment during test flights at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The tests in July and August included the release of 500- and 2000-pound inert weapons from the aircraft.  
The B-1B Pneumatic Assisted Release (PAR) initiative is a proof-of-concept demonstration to assess the benefits of an improved weapons carriage and release rack. The PAR equipment uses compressed air as the energy source for the ejection, rather than the pyrotechnic cartridges used in legacy ejector units. The tests are proving that the pneumatic rack provides consistent performance while reducing maintenance and logistics burdens.  
“EDO Corporation has been the market leader in sophisticated aircraft-armament carriage and release systems for decades,” said James M. Smith, EDO’s chief executive officer. “We continue to invest in the advancement of weapon-interfacing systems, including this state-of-the-art pneumatic technology. The B-1B’s substantial weapons-carrying capacity offers the potential for approximately 24 racks per aircraft.”  
EDO provides aircraft-armament equipment for many of the world’s dominant military aircraft, including the F-15, F-16, F/A-18, F/A-22, and Tornado. For the F/A-22, EDO has developed and produces the AMRAAM Vertical Eject Launcher (AVEL), which employs the company’s pneumatic ejection technology. EDO is also developing a pneumatic suspension and release system for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  
In September 2002, the Air Expeditionary Force Battlelab (AEFB) contracted with EDO to supply the PAR rack and support all levels of ground and flight-testing required to demonstrate this technology. The AEFB has also requested the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center to provide support to the PAR initiative by reporting on activities designed to demonstrate the military utility of PAR.  
EDO’s involvement with the B-1B bomber extends back more than 20 years, primarily through the development and deployment of its AN/ALQ-161 electronic self-protect system. The AN/ALQ-161 is one of the most sophisticated airborne electronic-warfare systems ever fielded, and has protected the B-1B in several recent conflicts with an outstanding performance record. EDO continues to provide logistical and operational support and is now assisting the Air Force with major hardware and software upgrades.  
EDO Corporation provides military and commercial products and professional services, with core competencies in a wide range of critical defense areas.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 19, 2004, 12:41:16 pm
Predator B drops Paveway II

A Predator B unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has successfully attacked stationary ground targets during tests with the 500lb (226kg) Paveway II GBU-12 laser-guided bomb, according General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI).
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to ( – 13 August 2004]
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 20, 2004, 01:30:19 pm
EADS Technology protects German Helicopters against Missile Attacks in Afghanistan
(Source: EADS; issued Aug. 19, 2004)
 ULM, Germany --- EADS will be equipping the CH-53 helicopters of the German Armed Forces intended for operations in Afghanistan with missile warning systems incorporating the most modern technology.  
As the company announced on Thursday, the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement has awarded ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, Munich, in cooperation with Mann Aviation and EADS Defence Electronics a contract to replace the missile warning system currently installed with the AN/AAR-60 MILDS (Missile Launch Detection System), initially in six helicopters.  
The decision whether further CH-53s earmarked for crisis management scenarios will also be equipped with MILDS, is expected in the near future.  
“More than 4,000 units of the MILDS are being successfully used throughout the world in helicopters and transport aircraft,” Bernhard Gerwert, Head of EADS Defence Electronics, explained. “Its high degree of reliability and precision makes it possible to initiate protective countermeasures against missiles in the few seconds remaining. This means it makes a decisive contribution to the safety of our soldiers in dangerous operations.”  
MILDS is a passive, mapping sensor system that detects the ultraviolet emissions of the approaching missile. The extremely high resolution and the fast data processing make it possible to reliably emit warning signals at an early stage. The system, consisting of several sensors and a signal processor, ensures all-round protection and a short response time. MILDS is also in use as part of the self-protection system of the NH90 and Tiger helicopters.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 20, 2004, 01:32:17 pm
World’s Most Modern Missiles Give Hornets a New Sting
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued Aug. 19, 2004)
 Australia’s F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft are now equipped with the world’s most modern missile capability following the introduction into service of the Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile, Defence Minister Robert Hill announced today.  
Senator Hill made the announcement at a special ceremony at RAAF Williamtown attended by the Member for Paterson, Bob Baldwin, Chief of the Air Force Angus Houston, Steve Wadey, managing director of ASRAAM manufacturer MBDA UK Ltd, and other RAAF and industry representatives.  
“The Howard Government has invested $488 million to provide the Hornets with leading edge state-of-the art missile technology and capability,” Senator Hill said.  
“The ASRAAM is a short range heat-seeking missile capable of tracking and intercepting airborne targets. It has a significantly greater range than the Sidewinder missiles which it will replace.  
“Combined with the Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile, which has an all-weather, beyond visual range ability to hit low-altitude targets, and supported by the APG-73 radar fitted under the Hornet upgrade program, the F/A-18s now have the world’s most modern missile capability.”  
ASRAAM was accepted for service in July following successful test firings at Jervis Bay Air Weapons Range earlier this year.  
Senator Hill said that in addition to providing a capability boost for the Air Force, the project had delivered benefits to Australian industry and technology.  
“RAAF personnel at Williamtown will be trained to handle the aircraft fitment and flight line support of the new missiles. These new skills will complement the significant Hornet support base which has already been established in the Hunter region,” Senator Hill said.  
“In addition, software support and deeper maintenance facilities are being established in Adelaide. These new facilities will inject some $20 million over the next six years into the South Australian economy and have the potential to create extra high-technology jobs at BAE Systems.  
“As with many of today’s complex systems, software is a major portion of the missile’s capability. The software support facility, to be located at the Defence Science Technology Organisation at Edinburgh, will allow Australia to improve the ASRAAM software in response to the ADF’s specific requirements.  
“The deeper maintenance capability will be established at BAE Systems at Edinburgh Park to ensure that Australians conduct missile maintenance in Australia.”  
Senator Hill said the ASRAAM project had resulted in closer ties between the ADF and the UK Ministry of Defence as the missile is already in service with the Royal Air Force, and was used on their Tornado aircraft during the Iraq conflict.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 20, 2004, 01:35:14 pm
L-3 Selected by New Zealand Ministry of Defence as Preferred Contractor on P-3 Orion Patrol Fleet Upgrade
(Source: L-3 Communications; issued Aug. 19, 2004)
 NEW YORK --- L-3 Communications announced today that its Integrated Systems division (L-3 IS) has been selected as the preferred contractor by the New Zealand Ministry of Defence to upgrade mission and communication-navigation systems for New Zealand’s fleet of P-3 Orion (P-3) patrol aircraft.  
The upgrade to the six aircraft operated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force will include the replacement of the data management system, radar, electronic sensors, communications and navigation systems. The upgraded P-3 fleet will be equipped to meet both civilian agency and military requirements, as well as provide interoperability with New Zealand’s security partners.  
Contract value will be determined through negotiations, which are under way now and expected to conclude in October.  
“This is another move towards the realization of the government’s goal of a modernized, well-equipped and sustainable Defence Force,” said Mark Burton, New Zealand Minister of Defence. “The P-3 Orion is increasingly regarded as a multi-role aircraft. Its ability to support both maritime and land operations significantly enhances the NZDF’s ability to achieve defense policy objectives.”  
“Our selection for this important program affirms our capability to deliver affordable, superior maritime surveillance systems,” said Bob Drewes, president of L-3 IS. “Our Integrated Data Handling System (IDHS), already in service with customers worldwide, is a low risk solution to meet New Zealand’s requirements. IDHS also provides an excellent upgrade path as new technologies are developed in the future.”  
L-3 IS will provide the mission system design, system integration, the intercommunications subsystem, the data management system and system installation and test at its facility in Greenville, Texas. New Zealand-based Safe Air Ltd. and Beca Applied Technologies will work closely with L-3 IS throughout the program to ensure their ability to provide long-term support to the updated fleet.  
L-3 Communications Integrated Systems is an SEI CMM Level 5 software developer and integrator of complex electronic systems for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Headquartered in Greenville, Texas, L-3/IS also operates from major sites in Austin and Waco, Texas; Madison, Miss.; Lexington, Ky.; Tulsa, Okla. and Avalon, Australia.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 20, 2004, 01:53:27 pm
C-17 Testers Airdrop Army Stryker Mobile Gun System
(Source: US Air Force; issued Aug.19, 2004)
 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. --- An aircrew from the C-17 Globemaster III combined test force here successfully airdropped a mobile gun system for the first time during a feasibility test Aug. 13. The system fits the Army’s Stryker engineer squad vehicle.  
The Army is testing the 52,500-pound system to possibly equip the armored vehicle to meet operational needs.  
“There is a present need to have airdrop capability for the mobile gun system, and we performed the feasibility test to see if the impact of an airdrop is consistent with static impact testing the Army has already completed,” said Alec Dyatt, 418th Flight Test Squadron C-17 CTF flight test engineer.  
Before the airdrop here, the Army performed static airdrop impact tests to build a honeycomb cargo carrier for the system to absorb energy generated by a 12-foot drop, Mr. Dyatt said.  
During those tests, the Stryker was equipped with strain gages to measure the forces on the vehicle after a 12-foot drop, Mr. Dyatt said.  
The purpose of the feasibility airdrop was to verify if the extraction system was adequate, demonstrate the system could be extracted safely and verify there was sufficient clearance in the C-17 for it to be extracted, said Dan Jones, a 418th FLTS systems engineer.  
“We built up to this test by dropping a cargo container that contained steel plates with the same mass properties as the mobile gun system (on Aug. 11),” Mr. Jones said.  
The cargo container is equipped with 10 100-foot diameter parachutes that allow the container to hit the ground with the same force as if it had been dropped from 12 feet, Mr. Jones said.  
During the airdrop, the cargo was pulled out of the aircraft with three 28-foot parachutes that are attached to the cargo platform, Mr. Jones said. After leaving the aircraft, 10 100-foot parachutes open, allowing the cargo to drift to the ground at about 28 feet-per-second.  
“The next step after the feasibility test is to have the Stryker vehicle undergo full developmental testing, which will conclude when the Army performs three operational extractions,” said Maj. Landon Henderson, 418th FLTS C-17 test director and test pilot.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 24, 2004, 01:20:29 am
ASRAAM Enters Service With Royal Australian Air Force  
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Aug. 20, 2004)
 A ceremony today at the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base in Williamtown marked the official entry into service of MBDA's Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile system (ASRAAM).  
Congratulating MBDA and the RAAF, Lord Bach, Minister for Defence Procurement, said "I am delighted to hear that the missile has entered into service with the RAAF. ASRAAM is the most advanced air-to-air missile in the world and I am delighted that the RAAF has decided to use this to enhance the capability of their F/A-18 Hornet aircraft. This is an important milestone for ASRAAM and a major breakthrough as this is the first MBDA weapon system to be integrated onto a US combat aircraft".  
ASRAAM, a rail launched missile which is compatible with any aircraft currently carrying Sidewinder or AMRAAM, is already in service with the UK's Royal Air Force. It was developed under a UK MOD contract to equip the RAF's Tornado F3 and its Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft. This weapon system will also be fitted to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for the UK RAF and Royal Navy.  
Present at the ceremony on Friday 20 August were the Australian Defence Minister, Robert Hill, and Air Marshall Angus Houston, Chief of the Australian Air Force.  
ASRAAM, a rail launched missile, compatible with any aircraft currently carrying Sidewinder or AMRAAM, is already in service with the UK's Royal Air Force. It was developed under a UK MOD contract to equip the RAF's Tornado F3 and its Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft. This weapon system will also be fitted to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for the UK RAF and Royal Navy.  
ASRAAM's high speed is achieved by means of a combination of low drag and rocket motor size. By using a 166mm (6.5ins) diameter motor, compared with other missiles which use a 127mm (5ins) motor, ASRAAM has approximately 70% more thrust and can maintain a high speed throughout its flight time.  
Designed to outmanoeuvre target aircraft in short-range aerial engagements and to allow launch at high off-bore sight angles during such engagements, ASRAAM is a highly agile missile. The exceptional manoeuvrability is provided by a sophisticated control technique achieved using innovative body lift technology coupled with tail control.  
ASRAAM provides a pilot with the ability to effectively engage targets from gun range to near Beyond Visual Range. The pilot can cue the missile using a Helmet Mounted Display, Infra-Red Search and Track (IRST) or aircraft radar.  
ASRAAM's maximum range is uncontested, and no other short-range air-to-air missile comes near to this capability, providing the ability to passively home beyond the limits of visual range and well into the realm traditionally thought of as Beyond Visual Range. Combined with its very high speed, this makes ASRAAM the ideal weapon to win the Within Visual Range combat regime.  
With an annual turnover exceeding E2 billion, a forward order book of over E14 billion and over 70 customers world wide, MBDA is a world leading, global missile systems company. MBDA currently has 45 missile system and countermeasure programmes in operational service and has proven its ability as prime contractor to head major multi-national projects.  
MBDA is jointly owned by BAE Systems (37.5%), EADS (37.5%) and Finmeccanica (25%).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 24, 2004, 01:26:55 am
Lockheed Martin Celebrates Fifty Years of Airlift Excellence
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Aug. 20, 2004)
 MARIETTA, Ga. --- Lockheed Martin will celebrate five decades of airlift excellence on Monday, August 23, as the 1954 first flight of the YC-130 prototype will be recognized in ceremonies at the company’s facility here. Bob Hill, a 53-year employee of the company, who helped build the first production C-130 in 1954, will read a proclamation adopted by the Georgia General Assembly honoring the Hercules. In another historic event, the Honorable Kevin Hellmer, the postmaster of Marietta, will unveil a special U.S. Postal Service pictorial cancellation in honor of the first flight.  
“As we look forward to another half century of C-130 production, I think Willis Hawkins, the designer of the Hercules, said it best. He noted that the C-130 may not be the most attractive aircraft, but it is still in production and still doing the job it was designed for. No one else can say that,” says Ross Reynolds, Lockheed Martin C-130J program vice president. “Hawkins also said before the first aircraft ever flew that if it was designed right the first time, it could be sold everywhere, and history has proven him correct. He said he felt that we must have done it exactly right. I couldn’t agree more.”  
The C-130J of today incorporates advanced technologies in systems, cockpit displays, materials and other areas – building on the long heritage of proven performance that all started with the original Hercules being “designed right the first time,” as Hawkins put it.  
Hawkins, now 90 and mentally sharp and physically active, recalls that the Air Force’s request for proposal for what became the C-130 contained only seven pages. The then-Lockheed Aircraft Corporation responded with a proposal that was 130 pages, quite a contrast to the many thousands of pages required to respond to current government proposals.  
The first flight of the YC-130, which was actually the second of two prototypes built, came on August 23, 1954, with company test pilots Stan Beltz and Roy Wimmer at the controls. Dick Stanton was the flight engineer and Jack Real was the flight test engineer. During the 61 minute flight, the aircraft was flown from the Lockheed plant in Burbank, Calif., to what was then known as the Air Force Flight Test Station at nearby Edwards AFB.  
Since then, more than 2,260 Hercules aircraft of all types in more than 70 different variants have been delivered to 60 countries. Today, 67 countries, counting those that bought used aircraft, fly the Hercules. The C-130J is the latest version to come off the longest, continuous, active military aircraft production line in history.  
A total of 179 C-130Js are on order, and 113 have been delivered to date. In the U.S., Air Force Reserve Command and Air National Guard units fly C-130Js. The Marine Corps operates KC-130J tankers and the Coast Guard has introduced the HC-130J into service. International C-130J operators include the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Italian Air Force, and the Royal Danish Air Force. The capabilities and performance of the C-130J in supporting light, fast and lethal combat operations make it a true transformational asset.  
BACKGROUND: Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules Airlifter  
At the end of a hastily called U.S. Air Force budget meeting held one week after the Korean War started in June 1950, an idea was born. One of the participants, whose name is unfortunately lost to history, said that the service needed a rugged medium transport that could be operated out of unimproved landing strips and haul cargo or troops a considerable distance at moderately high speeds.  
Funds for the new transport were included in the service’s supplemental research and development budget that year. In July 1951, the then-Lockheed Aircraft Corporation’s Model 82 was chosen over designs from Boeing, Douglas, and Fairchild to be the U.S. Air Force’s new tactical airlifter.  
Later designated C-130 and nicknamed Hercules, this airlifter, with its distinctive shape and four turboprop engines, has been in continuous production since early 1954, or nearly half the entire history of powered flight. The C-130 is the product of the longest, continuous, active military aircraft production line in history.  
The first prototype was flown August 23, 1954 in Burbank, Calif. The first production aircraft was flown from Lockheed’s Marietta, Ga., facility on April 7, 1955. Since then, more than 2,260 Hercules aircraft have been delivered to 60 countries. Today, 67 countries, counting those that bought used aircraft, fly the Hercules.  
The C-130 entered operational service in 1956 and since then, aircrews have, quite literally, been everywhere and done everything. It is safe to say that anytime there is a conflict, a natural disaster, or situation where significant quantities of people, supplies, or equipment have to be on scene quickly anywhere in the world, Hercules crews will be flying them there.  
You name it and the Hercules has been used to do it. The C-130 has been flown from both poles; landed or airdropped cargo at every hot spot from the Congo to Vietnam to Kosovo to Afghanistan and Iraq; and hauled relief supplies to every outpost on the globe. It has been used to airdrop 15,000 pound bombs, paratroopers, and leaflets that weigh ounces. The C-130 serves as a gunship; monitors and jams enemy radio transmissions; it is used to track icebergs in the North Atlantic and drug traffickers in the Caribbean and Pacific. The Hercules is flown into hurricanes to obtain wind and rain data; it is used to drop retardant on forest fires and insecticide on mosquito infestations.  
A modern-day Noah’s ark, the C-130 has been used to haul whales, camels, horses, and cows. It has been used to medevac thousands of casualties to hospitals. As further proof that this aircraft can be used for everything, there was once a four-ship aerial demonstration team that flew C-130s. Incredibly, a C-130 once carried 452 people, despite being designed to carry only 90. In 1963, a Hercules crew landed on and took off from an aircraft carrier 21 times. That particular aircraft is still in active service with the U.S. Marine Corps.  
There have been five major military versions of the C-130 along with close to 70 special purpose variants. Between 1954 and 1959, 231 C-130As were built. Production of the C-130B ran from 1958 until 1963 and resulted in 230 aircraft. A total of 488 C-130Es were built from 1961 to 1974. The most produced version of the Hercules so far is the C-130H, with 1,205 aircraft coming off the assembly between 1964 and 1997. Production of the L-100, the civilian variant, totaled 115 aircraft and production ran primarily from 1964 to 1987.  
Today’s C-130J represents a nearly complete reinvention of the Hercules. The C-130J, first flown in 1996, has a wingspan of 132 feet — 12 feet longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight — a height of 38 feet, and comes in two lengths. The short fuselage aircraft is 97 feet, the same as all previous models, and the longer aircraft is 112 feet, which allows it to accommodate more payload. The longer aircraft can carry a maximum payload of 47,812 pounds. Maximum range with a 25,000 pound payload is more than 3,700 nautical miles without external fuel tanks.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 26, 2004, 08:18:09 pm
Long Range Missiles For Air Force
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued Aug. 26, 2004)
 Australia's F/A-18 Hornet fighter and AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft will be equipped with long range missiles capable of destroying land and sea targets, Defence Minister Robert Hill announced today.  
Senator Hill said Defence would choose from the following three long-range air-to-surface weapons:  
-- Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile (JASSM) manufactured by American company Lockheed Martin which is a stealthy long range missile that can reach targets from about 400 kilometres away;  
-- A variant of the precision-attack cruise missile KEPD 350 manufactured by the European company Taurus Systems GmbH that has a range of about 350 kilometres; and  
-- The Stand-off Land Attack Missile - Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) manufactured by American-based Boeing that is modelled on the Harpoon anti-shipping missile, currently used by the Australian Defence Force and has a range of more than 250 kilometres.  
"The new weapon will significantly enhance the ADF's air strike capability, providing a long-range, accurate and lethal attack against a range of targets including fixed and re-locatable targets on land and sea," Senator Hill said.  
"Combined with the new air-to-air missiles and upgraded precision-guided bombs, Australia's fighter jets will be the region's most lethal capacity for air combat and strike operations.  
"The long range of these new missiles will reduce the risk to both aircraft and crew by decreasing their exposure in a high threat environment."  
Defence will advise the Government of its preferred weapon next year after a process of information solicitation and evaluation. The project is worth $350-$450 million.  
Senator Hill said the new weapons would be introduced into service between 2007 and 2009.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 26, 2004, 08:20:32 pm
Deployment of RAF Harrier GR7 Aircraft to Afghanistan  
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Aug. 25, 2004)
 The Secretary of State for Defence today announced the UK's decision to deploy under coalition control six RAF Harrier GR7 aircraft to Kandahar, Afghanistan, for an initial period of nine months. This is the first time in the current campaign in Afghanistan that the UK has deployed combat aircraft. Mr Hoon said of the decision:  
"Deployment of these aircraft confirms our commitment to the NATO mission in Afghanistan, our support for the International Security Assistance Force and our determination to help ensure the success of the international community's support for the Afghan electoral process. The Royal Air Force crews will provide a highly capable and credible force which will contribute to improving the security environment in the region. This is another clear sign of the UK's long term commitment to achieving a stable and secure Afghanistan."  
The Harriers will provide Close Air Support and a reconnaissance capability to both coalition forces and the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). We also aim to have the aircraft operational in time to provide, at need, an air presence to assist ISAF's security support for the Afghan presidential elections on 9 October.  
The deployment forms part of OPERATION VERITAS, our wider operation to help end international terrorism.  
The deployment will be drawn from No 3 Squadron, RAF, part of the Joint Force Harrier, and based at RAF Cottesmore. It will include a temporary deployment of 53 Field Squadron (Airfield Support), Royal Engineers, based at Waterbeach, who will carry out some minor building work necessary to operate the Harriers from Kandahar airfield. Initially, we shall deploy some 315 members of the Army and the RAF, but that should eventually settle at a detachment of around 230 personnel.  
The first deployment - a mixed party of about thirty Royal Engineers from 53 Field Squadron (Airfield Support), Royal Engineers, and RAF personnel from 3 Squadron will leave for Kandahar on 26 August. Their role will be to prepare for the arrival of the main deployment. We aim for the whole force to be operational by the end of September.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 26, 2004, 08:32:06 pm
Dutch Boost for ISAF
(Source: Radio Netherlands news; issued Aug. 25, 2004)
 The Netherlands is sending a small number of troops to Afghanistan to form a new Provincial Reconstruction Team in Baghlan province. A number of Dutch fighter planes will also start operating from nearby Kyrgyzstan. Both deployments are taking place at the request of NATO.  
Military support for the reconstruction of Afghanistan is, according to NATO, a number one priority. In fact, NATO believes it has greater priority than a possible mission in Iraq, which the United States has been calling for. The main focus in Afghanistan is on creating safe and secure conditions for presidential elections to be held in October this year, followed by elections for a new parliament during the course of 2005.  
However NATO's member nations appear to be having a problem converting this high priority into concrete action in the shape of providing additional troops and military hardware for the multinational mission in Afghanistan, ISAF (the International Security Assistance Force).  
Planes and troops  
The Netherlands has now given a modest but positive signal regarding the Afghanistan mission. It is the only NATO member to be sending six F-16 fighters to the region, where they will support ISAF from a US base in nearby Kyrgyzstan. It is, in fact, a renewed deployment for the Dutch air force, because Dutch planes also operated from the same base back in 2002 and 2003. The Netherlands is also to provide, for the first time, a Provincial Reconstruction Team or PRT. This team will be put to work in Afghanistan's Baghlan province, which lies in the northeast of the country. A further 39 Dutch troops will be assigned to strengthen the German PRT in Kunduz.  
The Netherlands already has a not inconsiderable military presence in places such as Bosnia-Herzegovina and Iraq, and – given the nature of the troops about to be sent to Afghanistan – it's possible to conclude that the country's possibilities in that field are running a little short. The new 150-strong Provincial Reconstruction Team in Baghlan is to be manned by an anti-aircraft defence unit. The Netherlands usually assigns troops who are better trained to deal with more immediate forms of aggression and conflict, such as marines or members of the Dutch air mobile brigade or other soldiers of the more "sturdy" kind.  
A diplomatic purpose  
However, the army has pointed out that it's not the aim of a PRT to provide an imposing military presence. The team of 150 soldiers will be little more than the "eyes and ears" of the local authorities and, according to the commander of the unit, its mission will be more diplomatic than military in nature.  
The Dutch troops posted to sparsely populated Baghlan will not be going on patrol through the province conspicuously laden with weaponry or travelling in tanks or armoured vehicles. Preferably, they'll be using vehicles with a more `civilian´ look. There are no concrete plans for reconstruction activities: the mission has a very modest budget which is to be used for humanitarian projects.  
Risky all the same  
However, the Baghlan mission is not entirely without risk. The province is said to still be home to a number of residual Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters, but is chiefly known for a high level of crime and lawlessness. Power resides with local warlords and the mainstays of the local economy are the expansive poppy fields and related opium and heroin trades. Human rights violations in the region are said to be widespread.  
To begin with the Dutch mission will operate mainly in the provincial capital, Pul-I-Khomri, and only move out into the more remote districts later on.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Agosto 26, 2004, 08:33:21 pm
AESA Radar Reaches One Year Flight Test Milestone
(Source: US Navy; issued Aug. 25, 2004)
 PATUXENT RIVER, Md. --- More than a year since its first flight, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Strike Fighter Program office’s F/A-18 Hornet Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) APG-79 Radar program continues to rapidly advance toward equipping the fleet with cutting edge radar technology.  
Since its inaugural flight July 30, 2003, the AESA system has undergone successful testing that has exceeded the expectations of both government and industry.  
AESA is far more advanced than the APG-73 radar that is currently installed and fielded on the F/A-18. When fully integrated into the U.S. Navy’s F/A-18E/F and EA-18G aircraft, the AESA radar will support Network Centric Warfare, Sea Shield, and Sea Strike missions as one of several systems that provide robust forward deployed sensor capabilities.  
The AESA radar will enhance the warfighter’s situational awareness regarding the air and ground operating picture, increase targeting levels, and provide superior air-to-air and air-to-ground target detection and tracking capability.  
“The radar itself has little contribution to Network Centric Warfare,” said Cmdr. Aaron Bowman, F/A-18 Radar Integrated Product Team (IPT) lead. “However, when you surround that radar with all the onboard systems, it drives a tremendous capability toward linking in the future of Network Centric Warfare combat operations.  
“AESA’s contribution to network centric warfare will be through the generation of target information, which in turn will be distributed to multiple users,” he said. “Getting that combat information down to the ground troops near real-time can be a life-saver.”  
An agile solid state radar, AESA far exceeds the performance of its mechanically steered predecessors.  
“AESA is infinitely more responsive in its ability to track and scan a volume of airspace, in comparison to our legacy mechanically scanned radars that are limited by the drives associated with moving the radar dish around,” Chip Guffey, F/A-18 Radar deputy IPT lead said. “AESA is an electronically steered array of smaller sensors that can point and move the radar beam at near-light speed.”  
What the pilot will see in AESA is more range capability, better resolution, and the capability to perform several missions at the same time. Automation of radar operations via a resource management system provides operators reduced workloads during normal operations, and increased flexibility to support multiple tasks in high workload environments.  
“AESA will revolutionize the way the warfighter employs the Super Hornet,” said Guffey. “AESA represents not only a new radar, but the potential to create significant opportunities to improve how we use the airplane itself.”  
Looking back over the past year and further, Bowman believes one of the factors that has enabled the radar program to enjoy success thus far is the support it has received from the entire naval aviation community.  
“We’ve had an incredible amount of support from the Navy’s top leadership all the way down throughout the Navy,” he said. “Also, the three main players, Navy, Boeing and Raytheon, truly operate as an integrated team.”  
AESA is scheduled for operational evaluation in 2006. The first deployment is expected at the end of FY07.  
Enviado por: Paisano em Agosto 31, 2004, 06:15:15 pm
Esquadrão Guardião faz teste de conexão entre rádios de aeronaves

O Segundo Esquadrão do Sexto Grupo de Aviação (2º/6º GAV), Esquadrão Guardião, realizou, de 23 a 25 de agosto, um teste de interconexão entre rádios de uma aeronave R-99A e três A-29 Super-Tucano, em Gavião Peixoto, no interior de São Paulo.

A realização dos testes do sistema "data link" entre os dois modelos de aviões começou na manhã do dia 24. O primeiro enlace de voz, em modo seguro, ocorreu por volta das 16h, entre o R-99A FAB 6704 e o A-29B FAB 5902.

Na manhã do dia seguinte, o enlace de voz foi realizado também com as aeronaves FAB 5901 e FAB 5903. Após, foi conseguido entre as quatro aeronaves, sendo um R-99A e três A-29B.

O fato é inédito na história da Força Aérea Brasileira, pois relata a primeira comunicação entre aeronaves de modelos diferentes em modo seguro (criptografado), sendo o passo final que faltava dentro do Sistema de Vigilância da Amazônia (SIVAM), com o objetivo de realizar, com eficiência e segurança, o desenvolvimento sustentável da região amazônica.

É também o passo inicial para alcançar as demais aeronaves da FAB, em nosso território, permitindo o exercício da garantia da soberania nacional.

Além do 2º/6º GAV, os Órgãos envolvidos na missão foram o Comando de Defesa Aeroespacial Brasileiro (COMDABRA), a Comissão de Implantação do Sistema de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (CISCEA), a Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate (COPAC) e a EMBRAER.

Fonte: (
Enviado por: Paisano em Setembro 01, 2004, 01:39:05 am
NOTA 42 – 31/08/04

O Comando da Aeronáutica lamenta informar o acidente aeronáutico ocorrido hoje, dia 31 de agosto de 2004, por volta das 13h53 (horário local), com 2 aviões do tipo T-25 Universal, nas proximidades do município de Casa Branca (SP).

O acidente aconteceu durante missão de treinamento realizada na área de instrução da Academia da Força Aérea, sediada na cidade de Pirassununga (SP).

Faleceram no acidente os seguintes militares:

Cadete-Aviador Gustavo Klug;

Cadete-Aviador Diogo Balonecker.

O Comando da Aeronáutica já iniciou as investigações para apurar os fatores que contribuíram para o acidente.

Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 01, 2004, 01:40:35 pm
New Helicopters for Army
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued Aug. 31, 2004)
 The Australian Army will be equipped with 12 new troop lift helicopters under a $1 billion project approved by the Howard Government, Prime Minister John Howard and Defence Minister Robert Hill announced today.  
Senator Hill said the Government had selected Australian Aerospace to supply the new MRH-90 aircraft to form an additional troop lift helicopter squadron, subject to satisfactory conclusion of negotiations.  
This will bolster Australia’s counter-terrorism capabilities by releasing a Black Hawk squadron to provide dedicated support to our Special Forces on the east coast.  
“The MRH-90 is the new generation of multi-role helicopters, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, a rear ramp that can be used to load small vehicles, a flexible cabin configuration, a full fly-by-wire flight control system and digital cockpit,” Senator Hill said.  
“The helicopter can carry up to 18 troops plus four crew or 4000kg of underslung cargo, cruises at up to 300kph and has a maximum range of over 900km. It is a fully marinised helicopter that is able to operate from the Royal Australian Navy’s current and future amphibious ships.  
“It is purpose-built for amphibious operations and includes extra corrosion protection, folding rotor blades and other enhancements to allow shipboard operations. This will give the Army an enhanced ability to move more soldiers further and faster from our amphibious lift ships, HMAS Kanimbla and Manoora, and their replacements.  
“The aircraft is certified for ditching and is designed to modern safety standards, including crashworthiness and tolerance to structural and system damage – offering excellent protection for our troops that will be conducting sea and land operations.”  
Senator Hill said the first helicopter for the new squadron at Townsville would be delivered in 2007, with all 12 aircraft expected to be delivered by 2008.  
“The new squadron will increase Army’s troop lift capability by more than half,” Senator Hill said. “This will allow the relocation of a squadron of Black Hawk helicopters to the Sydney area to support the ADF’s Special Forces, further strengthening the Howard Government’s commitment to fighting terrorism.  
“The Black Hawk squadron will be located near our Special Forces soldiers that are based at Holsworthy and will enhance mobility and training effectiveness for this critical capability.  
“The Howard Government has committed more than $1.3 billion to the Australian Defence Force to fight the war against terrorism since 11 September 2001. This project will mean our Special Forces are better equipped to respond swiftly to any terrorist threat or incident.”  
Senator Hill said the project would also provide a substantial boost for Australian industry.  
“The purchase of these new helicopters will include a support contract that may last for up to 20 years, and the overall Australian industry component of this project is expected to exceed $300 million,” Senator Hill said.  
“Benefits are expected to build on Australian Aerospace’s industry commitment developed as part of project AIR 87 and the delivery of the Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, the Eurocopter Tiger. Opportunities for Australian industry are anticipated in helicopter assembly, common and similar aircraft systems, avionics equipment, structural and engine technologies and training systems.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 01, 2004, 01:48:49 pm
Stork Modifies Two Fokker 60s for Royal Netherlands Air Force
(Source: Stork; issued Aug. 30, 2004)
 Fokker Services, part of Stork Aerospace, has received an order from the Royal Netherlands Air Force for the modification of two Fokker 60 aircraft to be stationed in the Netherlands Antilles. The modifications to the Fokker 60s will include an enhanced radar system, additional fuel tanks and special observation windows. The contract has a value of 12 million euros.  
The aircraft will take over the air reconnaissance tasks of the naval P-3C Orion aircraft for the Coastguard of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The Orions will be withdrawn from service. The Fokker 60s will be stationed in the Netherlands Antilles for a period of approximately one-and-a-half to two years.  
The modification of aircraft into special mission versions is a growing market for Fokker Services. After the successful modification of two Gulfstream V aircraft for the Japan Coastguard, this is the first conversion of a Fokker 50/60 into a maritime surveillance aircraft since the launch of the program in February 2004.  
These conversion activities form part of the Future 50 program, through which Fokker Services aims to promote the use of Fokker aircraft by new owners and in new roles. More than 120 aircraft have now been transferred to new owners under the Future 50 and Future 100 programs.  
Fokker Services is part of Stork Aerospace, which develops and produces advanced components and systems for the aviation and aerospace industry, and supplies integrated services to aircraft owners and operators. The group achieved a turnover of 478 million euros in 2003 with 3,000 employees out of the total Stork turnover of 1.94 billion euros.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 03, 2004, 01:59:22 pm
S Korea Chooses Two AWACS Bidders
(Source: Korean Information Service; issued Sept. 3, 2004)
 The Defense Ministry selected two final competitors to launch its 2 trillion won ($1.3 billion) airborne reconnaissance system for the Air Force, ministry officials said on Thursday (September 2).  
American manufacturer Boeing and IAI Elta from Israel were chosen. The ministry expected five bidders but three did not join the process.  
The project, the code-named E-X, is one of the largest-scale procurement projects aimed at deploying four Airborne Early Warning and Control systems, commonly known as AEW & C. Two will be deployed by 2009 and the others by 2011.  
The project came as the government is trying to build up its own defense posture against possible North Korean aggression. The United States is initiating to withdraw one third of its troops stationed in South Korea along with its repositioning of global forces to better cope with enemies like terrorists.  
The system is designed to detect, track and intercept hostile aircraft operating at low altitudes over any terrain, and also identify and control friendly aircraft in the same airspace.  
Maj. Gen. Won Jang-hwan, the ministry’s chief procurement officer, said the ministry received two presentations from Boeing and IAI ELTA in early June and determined both companies met the initial operational requirements.  
The radar equipment will be installed aboard large jets; Boeing nominated its B-737 model and IAI ELTA choose the Gulfstream G-550.  
According to a news release, the operating altitudes of the aircraft should have a range of higher than 26,500 feet with more than six hours flight.  
The radar must have a 360-degree view of the horizon with the ability to detect objects 200 nautical miles sideways and 180 nautical miles ahead and behind the jet.  
The ministry will send an inspection team led by Air Force Maj. Gen. Koh Kyung-ryun to the United States and Israel this month to make an actual inspection of the two aircraft systems.  
He said the ministry would choose a final winner in November, who meets the operations standards and suggests the best and lowest bid.  
“The lowest price is the most important factor in deciding the successful bidder, once they meet other government requirements,” Won said.  
The bidders should give to Korea key technology for the radar system and delegating at least 30 percent of the project’s money to domestic subcontractors, Won explained.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 03, 2004, 02:09:10 pm
Saab Conducts Autonomous Take-Off and Landing of the SHARC Technical Demonstrator
(Source: Saab AB; issued Sept. 2, 2004)
 On Wednesday August 25, Saab conducted its first totally autonomous flight with its unmanned aerial vehicle, the SHARC technical demonstrator. SHARC took off, flew and landed completely according to plan, and Saab can now count itself among the few companies to succeed in conducting a totally autonomous flight.  
“By conducting flights with autonomous take-off and landing, we have shown the rest of the world that we are a company to be reckoned with in future collaborative international UAV projects. We have strengthened our position as one of the main players in the UAV market,” says Lennart Sindahl, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Saab Aerosystems.  
The flight took place during a test campaign at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration test site in Vidsel. After taking off without pilot assistance, the SHARC performed a totally autonomous mission before landing on its own, aided by differential GPS and a radar height finder.  
The SHARC technical demonstrator has been developed by Saab. The project began in 2001 and the first flight was conducted in February 2002. The test campaign recently carried out in Vidsel is the third in order. The previous test campaigns, which included autonomous flights both within and beyond the point of visibility, laid the foundation for the successful autonomous take-off and landing.  
Successfully completing totally autonomous flights – i.e. flights with no pilot assistance whatsoever – is an important stage in Saab’s development of autonomous UAVs.  
There are many advantages of being able to conduct autonomous take-offs and landings, as these are the points where a large proportion of UAV failures occur. Automating these parts of a flight therefore represents a dramatic risk reduction, while also bringing about tactical and operational benefits such as landing at dusk or in darkness.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 03, 2004, 02:10:49 pm
Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) Delivers Second Batch of CN-235s to Pakistan Air Force
(Source: Indonesian Aerospace; web-posted Sept. 2, 2004)

(Edited for clarity by
 BANDUNG, Indonesia --- Indonesian Aerospace (IAe) has delivered a second CN-235 Military Version to the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). This was the second of four aircraft ordered under a contract valued at US $49 million.  
The delivery was marked by the signature of the Protocol Acceptance by CEO of Indonesian Aerospace, Edwin Soedarmo, and PAF Technical Representative, Squadron Leader, Sayid Mehmood Awan, witnessed by Pakistan Ambassador of Indonesia, HE Syed Mustafa Anwar Husain, in the CN-235 hangar at the area of IAe, in Bandung.  
Edwin Soedarmo said that the second delivery should have taken place in August 2004, but that financial constraints had an impact on the availability of aircraft material and automatically affected the production schedule.  
"The third delivery may be scheduled in October 2004 and the fourth will be in December 2004," he added.  
Edwin also said that CN-235 aircraft was designed with STOL (short take off landing) specification. It is a multipurpose and easily modified aircraft. It is also equipped with a rear ramp-door and can be operated in any field. This aircraft is powered by two CT7-9C turboprop engines, each rated at 1870 hp, and equipped with four CRT cockpit displays to assist the pilot in controlling the aircraft.  
Today there are more than 200 CN-235 aircraft in operation around the world.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 06, 2004, 06:49:57 pm
Shadow TUAV Pass 2,500 Sorties in Operation Iraqi Freedom
(Source: AAI Corp.; issued Sept. 3, 2004)
 HUNT VALLEY, Md. --- U.S. Army RQ-7A Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV) systems have achieved new, major milestones of flight, surpassing 10,000 flight hours and 2,500 sorties while performing surveillance and reconnaissance for coalition war fighters in Operation Iraqi Freedom.  
The record marks for cumulative flight hours and sorties were achieved in mid-August.  
“The performance of Shadow systems in support of our soldiers has been outstanding,” said Steve Reid, Shadow TUAV program director for AAI Corporation, prime contractor for the Shadow TUAV program. “The air vehicles, ground control stations, and support systems have delivered when called on in the harsh combat environment of Iraq. We are very proud of the Shadow systems and the soldiers who operate them so well.”  
AAI has delivered 19 Shadow TUAV systems: 15 to U.S. Army and National Guard operational units and four to the Army’s TUAV training center at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona.  
Fielding of Shadow TUAV systems was recently accomplished by Maryland and Pennsylvania National Guard units in training at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama.  
Production and delivery of the 100th RQ-7A Shadow TUAV air vehicle was completed in July 2004. Soon thereafter AAI began delivering a new model Shadow TUAV, designated the RQ-7B, with slightly larger wings, a modified tail assembly, and an extended flight endurance capability.  
AAI Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of United Industrial Corporation, is a company focused on the design and production of defense and training systems. In addition to unmanned aerial vehicle systems, its products include training and simulation systems, automated aircraft test and maintenance equipment, and logistical/engineering services for government- owned equipment.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 06, 2004, 06:52:24 pm
Boeing SLAM-ER Weapon Shows Moving Target Capability
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Sept. 3, 2004)
 ST. LOUIS --- Boeing successfully conducted its first captive-carry test of a Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) missile enhanced with moving-target, network-centric software recently at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Range, China Lake, Calif.  
Carried on an F/A-18 aircraft assigned to VX-31 Air Test and Evaluation Squadron, the SLAM-ER received real-time data via standard Link-16 messages that originated from an orbiting Joint STARS aircraft. Once the information was relayed automatically through the F/A-18 controlling the missile, the SLAM-ER trained its seeker on the moving target and gauged its velocity. The F/A-18 pilot then used “Stop Motion Aimpoint Update” technology to designate the precise impact point and simulate attacking and destroying a truck traveling in traffic between 40-50 mph.  
“SLAM-ER will provide Naval war fighters with the first network-centric weapon capable of tracking down and eliminating moving targets,” said Mike Marks, Boeing vice president and general manager for U.S. Air Force Fighter and Bomber Programs, and Weapons Programs. “This is a significant step forward in weapons development.”  
The SLAM-ER production software with moving target capability will be delivered to the U.S. Navy in October 2004, followed by flight tests in mid-2005, and fleet deployment in October 2005. SLAM-ER missiles have a range exceeding 150 nautical miles (278 kilometers) against land and ship targets, and can fly a pre-planned or target-of-opportunity route to the target area.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 07, 2004, 08:44:39 pm
MBDA Signs Contract for Eurocopter NH-90 and Tiger Helicopters Self-Protection Systems
(Source: MBDA; issued Sept. 4, 2004)
 MBDA today signed an initial production contract with Eurocopter to equip all versions of the Tiger assault and NH90 multi-role helicopters with the advanced SAPHIR-M decoy self-protection system. The contract, which represents over 500 systems, is the largest of its kind in terms of quantity for MBDA and is the largest single contract placed for such a system in Europe.  
Commenting on the order, MBDA’s Chief Executive Officer, Marwan Lahoud said, “The development contract for SAPHIR-M, won in the face of stiff competition, is a strong endorsement of MBDA’s ability to work effectively with the leading platform suppliers of the world. With the production contract now in place, helicopter aircrews will have the confidence of knowing that the latest technology is in place to provide them with the highest levels of protection throughout the duration of the mission.”  
Following a request for tender issued by Eurocopter, MBDA won the development contract for SAPHIR-M against international competition from the leading suppliers in the field. The system is the latest addition to MBDA’s successful SAPHIR family of chaff and flare decoy systems, already proven in service on over 200 helicopters including Ecureuil, Gazelle, Puma, Super-Puma, Cougar and Lynx.  
On the Tiger and NH90, SAPHIR-M will provide helicopter self-protection for army, navy and air forces in Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal. This list will certainly be extended with other NH90 and Tiger customers to come.  
Deliveries have already begun and are scheduled to be completed over the next 15 years. SAPHIR-M will enter service on the first Tigers and NH90s to be delivered to the various customers.  
SAPHIR-M, suitable for all types of helicopter, is an expendable dispenser delivering countermeasures against the whole threat spectrum posed by radar and missiles, even against the type of very short-range surface to air missiles typically encountered on peacekeeping and counter terrorism missions. Protection is provided by the optimised ejection of chaff and/or flares controlled by the system’s Sequencing Supply and Safety Unit. The system’s magazines, housed in the cartridge dispenser modules, are capable of carrying cartridges in a chosen mix of chaff and flares. SAPHIR-M features manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic release.  
With an annual turnover exceeding EUR 2 billion, a forward order book of over EUR 14 billion and over 70 customers world wide, MBDA is a world leading, global missile systems company. MBDA currently has 45 missile system and countermeasure programmes in operational service and has proven its ability as prime contractor to head major multi-national projects.  
MBDA is jointly owned by BAE Systems (37.5%), EADS (37.5%) and Finmeccanica (25%).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 08, 2004, 08:24:04 pm
Brazil - UH-60L Black Hawk Helicopters
(Source: US Defense Security Cooperation Agency; issued Sept. 7, 2004)
 On 7 September 2004, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Brazil of UH-60L Black Hawk Helicopters as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $250 million.  
The Government of Brazil has requested a possible sale of 10 UH-60L Black Hawk helicopters with T-700- GE-701C engines, 25 spare T-700-GE-701C engines, 22 7.62mm M134 Mini guns, search and rescue equipment, litters and hoists, spare and repair parts, tools and support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, contractor engineering and technical support services and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $250 million.  
This proposed sale would contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country, which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in South America.  
Brazil needs these aircraft to fulfill its strategic commitments for search and rescue and self-defense within the region without being dependent upon assistance of other countries. This procurement will upgrade its air mobility capability and provide for the defense of vital installations and close air support for ground forces. Brazil will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters into its armed forces.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The principle contractors will be: Sikorsky Aircraft of Stratford, Connecticut and General Electric of Lynn, Massachusetts. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Brazil.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 09, 2004, 11:08:13 pm
Northrop /Raytheon Team Completes Major Risk Reduction Program for New Airborne Surveillance Radar
(Source: Northrop Grumman Corp.; issued Sept. 8, 2004)
 EL SEGUNDO, Calif. --- A Northrop Grumman Corporation/ Raytheon team has successfully integrated and tested a laboratory-based prototype of a new airborne surveillance radar planned for deployment on the U.S. Air Force’s RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial reconnaissance and E-10A battle-management platforms.  
Known as the “single-string” Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (MP-RTIP) radar, the prototype radar provides a key risk-reduction tool for the MP-RTIP team. It has allowed the two companies to identify and resolve technical integration issues long before starting production and integration of actual flight hardware. The single-string radar developmental testing culminated in a demonstration of the MP-RTIP capability on July 30.  
MP-RTIP is a family of modular, active, electronically scanned array radar systems that will dramatically improve the Air Force’s ability to detect, track and identify stationary and moving vehicles, and low-flying cruise missiles. Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are jointly developing and producing the MP-RTIP radars for the Air Force’s Electronic Systems Center under a six-year, $888 million system development and demonstration contract awarded in April.  
Northrop Grumman’s Integrated Systems sector serves as the Air Force’s MP-RTIP prime contractor, while the company’s Electronic Systems sector and Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems unit share the radar development and production work.  
“This demonstration proves that the team’s fundamental processes for producing and integrating this new radar system are correct,” said Dave Mazur, Northrop Grumman’s MP-RTIP program manager. “It not only raises our confidence in the way we build and test the first MP-RTIP units for Global Hawk, but also provides critical insight into the processes we’ll use to integrate and test the E-10A MP-RTIP units in the future.”  
According to Tom Bradley, Raytheon’s MP-RTIP program manager, the single-string radar demonstration also validated the MP-RTIP program’s decision to divide the radar development and integration work between two companies. “Our success integrating radar components produced in different development and manufacturing environments with critical mission software reflects the strong collaborative spirit and commitment to success that drives the Northrop Grumman/Raytheon MP-RTIP team,” he said.  
Functionally, the single-string radar is a prototype Global Hawk MP-RTIP radar. Its name is derived from the fact that it contains only the functional elements of the radar required to demonstrate critical integration techniques and to operate it in a few select test modes. For example, it contains critical MP-RTIP hardware such as receivers, exciters and antenna elements, but uses laboratory-based systems, such as power supplies, for many of its “support” components.  
As configured, the single-string radar contains two of MP-RTIP’s primary air moving target indicator (air-to-air) tracking modes.  
For the single-string test program, the MP-RTIP antenna elements were produced, assembled and tested at a Northrop Grumman’s facility in Norwalk, Conn. The complete radar was then installed in a Raytheon high-rise facility near Los Angeles International Airport. The radar antenna was positioned behind a flat, window-replacing radome pointing out at a series of passive and active “targets” installed on a second Raytheon facility about one mile away.  
Over the course of several months, the Northrop Grumman/Raytheon engineering test team actively operated the radar by transmitting radar signals to the targets, measuring signal strength at the targets, and measuring the strength of the reflected signals received by the antenna.  
“The single-string radar test program produced a strong vote of confidence for the MP-RTIP radar design,” said Russ Conklin, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems’ MP-RTIP program manager. “In terms of its beam width, beam steering characteristics, transmit power, receiver sensitivity and antenna gain, the radar consistently met or exceeded its design specifications.” Lessons learned from the demo will help the team shorten and simplify the processes it uses to integrate and test the radars for both Global Hawk and the E-10A applications, he added.  
Under the current MP-RTIP contract, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon will build six MP-RTIP radars - three for Global Hawk, three for the E-10A wide-area surveillance platform. The single string-radar, when built into a complete, fully functional system, will count as one of the three Global Hawk MP-RTIP radars.  
The MP-RTIP program schedule calls for flight-testing of the first Global Hawk radar to begin in October 2006. The team will conduct the testing using a manned, Northrop Grumman-owned Global Hawk surrogate aircraft called Proteus. Flight-testing of the MP-RTIP radars aboard a real Global Hawk is scheduled to begin in late 2007.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 10, 2004, 08:12:37 pm
Northrop Awarded $388 Million Contract for Next Phase of B-2 Bomber's Radar Modernization
(Source: Northrop Grumman Corp.; issued Sept. 9, 2004)
 EL SEGUNDO, Calif. --- Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a $388 million contract by the U.S. Air Force for the next phase of a program to modernize the B-2 radar system. This program continues the efforts of the Air Force and Northrop Grumman to enhance the stealth bomber’s ability to operate as part of the military’s increasingly integrated force structure.  
Northrop Grumman’s Integrated Systems sector, the B-2 prime contractor, is leading the radar modernization effort, which will replace the current radar antenna with an active electronically scanned array (AESA) antenna. Raytheon Company’s Space and Airborne Systems in El Segundo, which provided the original B-2 radar, is the principal subcontractor.  
During the system development and demonstration (SDD) phase, Northrop Grumman will develop and test the antenna and integrate six new radar systems on B-2 aircraft for initial demonstration and operational training.  
The subsequent production and deployment phase will include low-rate initial production and full-rate production to field the upgraded radar. Installation of the new antenna into the B-2 fleet will take several years to complete.  
The new radar system will resolve conflicts in radio frequency usage between the B-2 and commercial systems and allow future upgrades to improve radar performance. In addition to replacing the antenna, Northrop Grumman will modify the B-2 defensive management system and the radar transponder to support the change in operating frequency.  
Northrop Grumman’s work on the radar modernization program began in October 2002 with the component advanced development phase. The entire program is estimated to be worth more than $900 million to the company through 2011.  
Northrop Grumman performs its B-2 radar work in Palmdale, Calif. In addition to Raytheon, subcontractors include Lockheed Martin Corporation in Owego, N.Y., for defensive management system modifications and BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration in Greenlawn, N.Y., for radar transponder modifications.  
The radar modernization and other efforts to upgrade the B-2 will improve its ability to communicate and exchange data with joint force commanders, and share updated target information during a mission. Under another program, Northrop Grumman recently delivered the first B-2 with a specially formulated coating developed to improve the aircraft’s combat readiness. Still another significant improvement is a bomb rack assembly that enables the B-2 to deliver up to 80 ‘smart’ (GPS-guided) weapons on a single pass, five times as many as its current capacity.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 10, 2004, 08:14:57 pm
CCS Gives Go Ahead for Revival of 1800 Crore AWACS Project
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued Sept. 9, 2004)
 NEW DELHI --- Five years after a setback to its indigenous Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AWACS) program, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) today gave the go ahead for the revival of the project setting a timeframe of seven years for its development at a cost of Rs 1800 crore.  
Apparently buoyed by the recent breakthroughs in radar technology by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the CCS cleared the project for an indigenous AWACS at an hour-long meeting presided over by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.  
“The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Air Force will jointly cooperate in the development of the system,” Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said.  
He also said the CCS accorded an ex-post facto approval to a wide-ranging defense agreement between India and Brazil.  
The revival of the AWACS project comes after five years DRDO’s HS-748 technology demonstrator aircraft crashed, killing some DRDO scientists and technicians in Tamil Nadu in 1999.  
Though the Minister did not spell out the aircraft on which the new AWACS would be mounted, his announcement of ratification of a defense agreement with Brazil assumes significance as Brazilian aviation company Embraer is one of the few countries to have the AWACS technology.  
India recently concluded an agreement with a company for the purchase of five Embraer executive jets, four for the VVIP squadron of the IAF and one for the Union Home Ministry.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 13, 2004, 08:48:01 pm
French Defence Procurement Agency Launches AASM Precision-Guided Weapon
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Sept. 10, 2004)

(Issued in French; unofficial translation by
 PARIS --- The French defence procurement agency, Delegation Generale pour l’Armement (DGA), has carried out the first test launch of the AASM laser-guided bomb.  
On Monday September 6, 2004, the first Armement Air-Sol Modulaire was launched from a Mirage 2000 combat during a trial. The weapon was tracked during all of its flight trajectory by the DGA’s test centers: Centre d’Essais des Landes (CEL) at Biscarosse and Centre d’Essais de la Mediterranee.  
Developed by Sagem, the AASM will allow the guidance of a 250-kilo conventional bomb from the launch aircraft. The weapon has a range of several dozen kilometers, and it has an accuracy of 1 meter or 10 meters. The latter version is also fitted with GPS guidance, and will be delivered to the forces beginning in 2006.  
It will give the standard attack (F2 version) of the Rafale combat aircraft an all-weather capability.  
The former version, with an accuracy of 1 meter, will in addition be fitted with a thermal imaging sight which further improves terminal accuracy. Its delivery to the forces is planned to begin in 2008.  
The AASM confers an increased range, and an all-weather capability, to “iron” bombs in the inventory. It is the first weapon of its category to be developed in Europe.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 13, 2004, 08:54:07 pm
First Denel Agusta A109 Helicopter Takes Off
(Source: Denel; issued Sept. 10, 2004)
 History was made yesterday (9 September 2004) when the first locally assembled Agusta A109 Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) took to the skies. The helicopter, with tail number 4006, successfully completed a series of acceptance test flights at Denel's Kempton Park facilities adjacent to Johannesburg International Airport.  
"We are contracted by Agusta to manufacture 25 of the 30 helicopters for the South African Air Force," says Mr Victor Moche, Denel chief executive officer. "I am very proud of this milestone we achieved, given that several members of the Denel team working on this first flight are historically disadvantaged individuals trained at the Agusta facilities in Italy as part of the skills development programme."  
Yesterday's flights conclude a week of preparatory testing of all the helicopter's sophisticated systems by a joint Denel-Agusta team. The flight crew consisted of Pietro Venanzi (test pilot) and flight engineers Renato Iulita and Ben van den Berg.  
After the flights lasting a total of two and a half hours, the pilot praised Denel's work on the helicopter: "The aircraft systems were all operational at first start of the engines. After the very first start we hovered to assess the vibration levels that appeared extremely good," Pietro Venanzi explained. "A quick trimming of the track and balance of the rotors enabled us to take off in forward flight to complete the necessary system checks."  
According to him the exceptional work done on the first helicopter would lead to a successful service of the A109 LUH in the South African Air Force (SAAF). This helicopter will be on display at the Africa Aerospace & Defence (AAD 2004) exhibition, taking place in Pretoria from 21 to 25 September 2004.  
The local Agusta programme at Denel is a consequence of South Africa's Strategic Defence Acquisition Programme. Denel signed a Product Supply Agreement in 1999 with Agusta SpA, an AgustaWestland Company for the A109 Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) programme. The agreement provides for a phased multi-year programme for the manufacturing of the complete A109 LUH airframe and systems installation in South Africa. Denel is involved in the integration of subsystems, manufacture, final assembly, customization engineering and flight-testing, as well as maintenance support of the South African Air Force (SAAF) helicopters.  
Denel's production of the rest of the 25 Agusta A109 LUH helicopters is scheduled to run over the next three years. Once in service, the helicopters will initially be based at Bloemfontein to be used in various roles, including humanitarian operations and disaster relief.  
The Agusta A109 Military (of which the LUH is a derivative specifically for the SAAF), is a multirole light twin-engined helicopter able to satisfy several basic military requirements, including transport of men and material, patrol and reconnaissance, liaison and command, casualty evacuation and escort / area suppression roles.  
Enviado por: Spectral em Setembro 13, 2004, 09:09:09 pm
French Defence Procurement Agency Launches AASM Precision-Guided Weapon

(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Sept. 10, 2004)

(Issued in French; unofficial translation by

PARIS --- The French defence procurement agency, Delegation Generale pour l’Armement (DGA), has carried out the first test launch of the AASM laser-guided bomb.rench defence procurement agency, Delegation Generale pour l’Armement (DGA), has carried out the first test launch of the AASM laser-guided bomb.

Developed by Sagem, the AASM will allow the guidance of a 250-kilo conventional bomb from the launch aircraft. The weapon has a range of several dozen kilometers, and it has an accuracy of 1 meter or 10 meters. The latter version is also fitted with GPS guidance, and will be delivered to the forces beginning in 2006.


The former version, with an accuracy of 1 meter, will in addition be fitted with a thermal imaging sight which further improves terminal accuracy. Its delivery to the forces is planned to begin in 2008.

Desde quando é que o AASM em guiamento por laser ? Tudo o que tinha visto era GPS e visor térmico ( infravermelhos).
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 13, 2004, 10:13:48 pm
RSAF Fighter Jets Deploy to France for Bilateral Air Exercise
(Source: Singapore Ministry of Defence; issued Sept. 13, 2004)
 Six Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) F-16C/D Fighting Falcon jets departed Singapore today for an exercise in France. This is the first time that the RSAF is conducting a long-range deployment to France. The bilateral exercise with the French Air Force (FAF), codenamed Exercise Western Arc, is also the first in its series.  
The F-16s will transit through India, United Arab Emirates and Greece en route to France. Two KC-135R tankers will provide air-to-air refuelling support for the 10,250 km journey. The exercise with the FAF will take place at Dijon Air Base in eastern France from 20 September to 4 October 2004, and will see both air forces engaging in air combat and air-to-air flying manoeuvres.  
Exercise Western Arc provides the RSAF a valuable opportunity to conduct a long-range deployment and air operations in realistic and challenging conditions. It enhances inter-operability and mutual understanding between the FAF and RSAF, which also has a training detachment in Cazaux in southern France. The bilateral exercise underscores the good defence relations between France and Singapore.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 13, 2004, 10:21:03 pm
Mariner Demonstrator UAV Achieves Industry Milestones during Canadian Deployment
(Source: General Atomics; dated Sept. 7, web-posted Sept. 10, 2004)
 SAN DIEGO, CA --- General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., a leading manufacturer of unmanned aircraft surveillance systems, announced today that its ALTAIR unmanned aircraft, dubbed the Mariner Demonstrator due to its configuration and mission objective, successfully concluded its deployment to Canada on 30 August where it supported the Atlantic Littoral Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Experiment (ALIX).  
Deployed to Goose Bay, Canada in early August, Mariner participated in three long endurance mission scenarios in order to evaluate the use and integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the Canadian Force architecture for enhanced situational awareness and increased dissemination of intelligence. The result was historic in that the Mariner was the first beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) UAV to fly to 66.5 degrees north altitude in the Canadian Artic and the first to be integrated and operated in Canadian national airspace. Equipped with a surface search radar and as well as other payloads, radar and video imagery was disseminated to remote locations throughout Canada.  
Launched from a main operating base at Goose Bay, Newfoundland and flown on an instrument flight plan, control of the aircraft and payload was passed via BLOS satellite communications to a remote operations center in downtown Ottawa. Icing conditions, cloud cover, and severe winds did not impact the aircraft’s ability to perform surveillance in support of three operational scenarios: a domestic contingency, peace-keeping and domestic defense/national security over Baffin Island in the Artic Circle and the Canada’s Atlantic Economic Exclusion Zone in which the aircraft was flown at altitudes ranging from 16,000 to 43,000 ft.  
During the first mission to the Artic Circle, Mariner flew a landmark total range of over 2,800 nautical miles. Throughout the deployment, Mariner passed surface search radar and video imagery to two separately-located remote video terminals (RVT) where data collection and fusing of intelligence products from maritime, air and ground forces were conducted for situational awareness evaluation. The deployment concluded on 30 August 2004.  
For over ten years, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. has been delivering proven and reliable unmanned aircraft systems to customers throughout the world. In 1995, the U.S. Air Force began operating Predator in combat areas over the Balkans and then Afghanistan and Iraq. Predator acquires surveillance and targeting information and immediately transmits it via satellite to various end users including command centers in-theater, RVTs in the field, receive-only terminals in the Pentagon and other locations throughout the world. With this type of data collection and dissemination, a reliable and immediate picture of the battlefield can be evaluated by officials for quick decision-making.  
In July of this year, the Mariner Demonstrator deployed to Alaska in support of U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Concept of Operations Development tests. The aircraft, equipped with maritime surface surveillance radar, a USCG-developed Automatic Identification System and television and infrared cameras provided real-time surveillance of the coastal waters surrounding southern Alaska.  
The U.S. Coast Guard also conducted a Predator deployment in late 2003 to Alaska where the aircraft operations were conducted in harsh and severe weather conditions. In both cases, real-time video was provided to various customers throughout the world. The U.S. government has also used the IGNAT, Predator and Predator B aircraft systems for patrol of the U.S.-Mexico border.  
Founded in 1993, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. has spearheaded acceptance and set industry reliability standards for unmanned aircraft systems for military and commercial customers such as the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, NASA, Department of Energy and several overseas governments. Leading the industry to new levels of performance and interoperability for network centric operations, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. uses proven design philosophies and the experience gained by the combat-proven Predator to develop aircraft systems which meet the performance requirements of customers worldwide. Mr. Thomas J. Cassidy, Jr. is President and Chief Executive Officer.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 13, 2004, 11:04:56 pm
Citação de: "Spectral"
Desde quando é que o AASM em guiamento por laser ? Tudo o que tinha visto era GPS e visor térmico ( infravermelhos).

MILITARY Combat Aircraft
Introducing the Rafale
By Henri-Pierre Grolleau

Air-to-ground weapons

.........To supplement the Scalp, the French MoD decided in 1995 that a cheaper weapon had to be designed, leading to the AASM (Armement Air-Sol Modulaire, Modular air-to-ground armament) concept of modular all-weather attack weapons using global positioning/inertial navigation and terminal-phase seeker to enhance precision in some variants. The AASM kit will initially be adapted to 250 kg bombs (or American Mk82s), but several versions of different weights and powers will join the French inventory, including rocket powered versions. The AASM has a long range - up to 60 km for the boosted variant when launched at 45,000 feet -, and is able to hit pinpoint targets (precision of about 3 feet). The first of 3,000 weapons will enter service in 2005, and six AASMs on two triple ejector racks will normally be carried by a Rafale.

A series of tests was recently conducted by Dassault to validate GBU-12 laser-guided bomb deliveries from the Rafale. This weapon is widely used by air forces around the world, and the type is already in service in France onboard Mirage F1CTs, Jaguars, Mirage 2000Ds, and Super Etendard Modernisés. Separation tests were carried out using two-seat prototype B01, with a typical configuration featuring four wing-mounted GBU-12s together with four MICAs, two Magic 2s, and three 2,000 litre drop tanks. In this configuration, combat radius is said to be 800 nautical miles, and the Rafale boasts significant self-escort capability.

To use in conjunction with the GBU-12, the Thales Damoclès laser designation pod will be adopted. Already selected by the United Arab Emirates for their Dassault Mirage 2000-9s, this new-generation system features extended range and greatly improved resolution thanks to new infrared sensor technology, permitting laser-guided munitions to be delivered at very long-range from very high-altitude, and reducing the aircraft's vulnerability.

For the F3 standard, a full range of air-to-surface ordnance will become available, including anti-ship missiles and the future ASMP-A (Air-Sol Moyenne Portée-Amélioré, Improved Medium Range Air-to-Ground) stand-off pre-strategic nuclear missile which will supersede the current ASMP in service

Enviado por: Spectral em Setembro 17, 2004, 09:38:43 pm
WHAT'S NEW  Friday, 17 Sep 04   Washington, DC

A second interceptor missile has been lowered into its silo in
Fort Greely, AK.  Meanwhile, the  flight test scheduled for late
September has been postponed another two months.  It will then be
two years since the last flight test.  It will also be after the
election.  I called on General Persiflage at the Missile Defense
Agency.  "Shouldn't we wait to see if the system will work?" I
asked.  "It's already working," the general shrugged.  "Our goal
is to keep America safe.  We put the first interceptor in its
silo in July, and there hasn't been a missile attack since."  He
had me there.  I still felt a little uneasy, but before I could
ask another question, workmen came in carrying a huge banner.
"Where do you want us to hang this, General?"  They unfurled the
banner, which read simply "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED."

-Robert L. Park , American Physical Society

 :roll:  :roll:
Enviado por: Ricardo Nunes em Setembro 20, 2004, 06:50:31 pm
Sikorsky Pitch for chopper contract

Irish Independent, 16th September 2004

AMERICAN helicopter manufacturer Sikorsky has told the (Irish) government that it can deliver new Blackhawk helicopters to Ireland within a year of a contract worth more than 50 Million euros being signed.

The company, which has supplied more than 3,000 of the legendary helicopter to 26 countries, has told the Department of Defence that it can deliver four of it's S-70A Blackhawk model to the Irish Air Corps within a short timeframe.

The Department wants four armed utility helicopters able to carry eight soldiers, with an option on two more. It also wants two light utility helicopters mainly for training, and Sikorsky is offering it's S-76 (H-76?) model for this role.

Also in this competition is Agusta Westland with it's successful A109 and new AB139, and Eurocopter with the EC 135 and EC 145.

But the four utility helicopters will be primarily tasked with transporting special forces, the Army's Ranger Wing, and Sikorsky is emphasising the Blackhawk's use worldwide in this role.

The helicopter is used by America's special forces, including US Army Rangers, Green Berets and SEALs; while the Australian SAS also use it.

Ireland's Rangers have used the Blackhawk while operating with the Australian and New Zealand SAS in East Timor. But the highly paid force have no suitable helicopters available to transport their soldiers to an incident within Ireland.

Irish Rangers on operations in Liberia have had to borrow Ukrainian Army helicopters to insert their patrols and armed jeeps deep into the bush.

Incredibly, the 2000 Defence White Paper dismissed the need to move large numbers of troops by air within Ireland, citing the small size of the Country and the "greatly improved roads infrastructure".

Meanwhile the embassies of the various countries competing for the order are gearing up for a lobbying campign for the different companies.

If Sikorsky wins the deal, the sale may have to be approved by the US Congress.
Enviado por: Ricardo Nunes em Setembro 21, 2004, 01:16:33 pm
US offers to sell F-16s to Pakistan

By Joshua Kucera JDW Staff Reporter
Karachi, Pakistan
Additional reporting by Michael Sirak JDW Staff Reporter
Washington, DC

The US is offering to sell 18 F-16 fighter aircraft to the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) pending Congressional approval: one of several such deals in the works after years of US-led defence sanctions against Pakistan, the PAF Chief of Staff has disclosed.

"[The Americans] have indicated that they are ready to give us F-16s," said Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Kaleem Saadat. "This is not a rumour; it is from the American government."

Pakistan said it hopes the deal is the beginning of greater US co-operation. "Eighteen I consider to be the first instalment of what would follow," ACM Saadat told JDW. Approval from Congress, however, is not likely to come until after the US elections in November, he said.

Pakistan is asking that the F-16s be equipped with Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs). Along with additional fighter aircraft, Pakistan has also outlined a requirement for a beyond-visual-range missile, which the AMRAAM would meet.

In 1988-89, Pakistan arranged to supplement its stock of 40 F-16A/Bs - about 32 of which remained in service as of 2003 - by ordering an additional 71 aircraft. Lockheed Martin began producing them, but then the US Congress imposed sanctions in 1995 that barred military sales to the country unless the US president could certify that Pakistan was not pursuing nuclear weapons.

As a result, only 28 of the 71 were ever built and none of them were delivered to Pakistan. Instead they were kept in storage in the US until the Bush administration reimbursed the Pakistanis financially and assigned 14 aircraft each to the US Air Force and Navy in June 2002 for training and testing purposes.

The episode still rankles in Pakistan and the renewed possibility of acquiring F-16s is seen partly as making amends in thanks for Pakistan's efforts as an ally of the US in the wake of 9/11.

"Right from day one, we have been impressing upon the US government what symbolic value the F-16 has for the Pakistani people and the Pakistani nation," ACM Saadat said. "So it's not as if 10, 15, 20 aircraft would make a world of difference in our operational capability, but it's a symbol in the sense that the people of Pakistan think that if they give us this then they are really sincere in helping us."

382 of 1,045 words

[End of non-subscriber extract.]

 :arrow: ... _1_n.shtml (
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 22, 2004, 11:39:28 pm
Chief of Staff Outlines Plans for Fewer Combat Aircraft
(Source: US Air Force; issued Sept. 13, 2004)
 WASHINGTON --- The Air Force will have fewer fighters and strike aircraft, but the lethality of those that remain will increase, the service’s top general said Sept. 13 at the 2004 Air Force Association’s Air and Space Conference and Technology Exposition here.  
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper said the service plans to reduce its number of combat aircraft. By reinvesting the potential savings from operating and maintaining those “surplus” aircraft, the Air Force can significantly improve the capability of those that remain, he said.  
“I don’t think that even reduced numbers … will produce any less killing capacity,” General Jumper said. “As a matter of fact, the lethality of even a reduced number of weapons systems will be extraordinarily increased over what we have right now.”  
To illustrate his point, the chief of staff reminded people of the successful test of a multi-unit bomb rack aboard the B-2 Spirit bomber that released 80 Global Positioning System-guided bombs.  
“Eighty targets now are the potential for one airplane,” he said. “So it’s neither right nor proper for us to argue that the same force structure and size is required when the killing capacity of each of these systems goes dramatically up.  
“It’s already a matter of record that we plan on replacing an F-15 (Eagle), F-15E (Strike Eagle) and F-117 (Nighthawk) fleet that was numbered above 750 with F/A-22 (Raptors) in numbers around 400,” General Jumper said.  
Money saved from reducing the number of operational aircraft will then be used to improve the remaining fleet.  
“We need to recapitalize the fleet, so we look at things like the A-10 (Thunderbolt II),” General Jumper said. “We can do that... by taking savings from that reduction, as we did with the B-1, and make (the A-10) digitally capable.”  
While the number of F-15s may get smaller, the general promised gainful employment to those who fly and work with them.  
“There is no need for anxiety on the part of anyone in the F-15 community -- their jobs will not go away,” he said. “We intend to make the airplanes we have more versatile.”  
Specifically, the chief of staff said the traditional air-to-air version of the F-15 (the C model) will pick up air-to-ground capability. General Jumper said the remaining F-15Es will have their capabilities expanded.  
“With the advent of bombs we can release just based on a cross on a display that says where a target is, it makes it much easier for F-15Cs to play in the whole execution phase after air superiority has been attained, and be active in all phases of combat rather than just be in the air superiority phase,” the general said.  
“To me, it’s good sense; it’s good finance; it’s good decision-making,” he said.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 22, 2004, 11:45:46 pm
With Weight Issues Resolved, F-35 Focus Turns to Production
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Sept. 14, 2004)
 FORT WORTH, Texas --- Engineers have removed more than 2,700 pounds (1,225 kilograms) of unwanted estimated weight from the short-takeoff/vertical-landing (STOVL) version of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, while increasing propulsion efficiency and reducing drag. The result is an F-35 JSF design recommendation that is expected to meet or exceed all of its performance requirements.  
"The F-35 is now tracking ahead of its Key Performance Parameters, and past concerns about the aircraft's aerodynamic performance have diminished," said Tom Burbage, Lockheed Martin executive vice president and general manager of F-35 JSF program integration. "Because of the design similarities among the three F-35 variants, many of the STOVL-version refinements will translate to the conventional and carrier versions, which already met their performance requirements even before the STOVL improvements were instituted."  
The F-35 team anticipates final approval of the STOVL revisions when the U.S. Defense Acquisition Board meets on Oct. 14.  
"We have addressed every known aspect affecting STOVL aerodynamic performance and shipboard compatibility," said Rear Adm. Steven Enewold, F-35 JSF program executive director. "We feel our proposed configuration is operationally viable. The next step is to get the trade-study results implemented into the detailed STOVL design package."  
With first flight expected in August 2006, production becomes the program's central focus. All four of the first test aircraft's major subassemblies are now in work. Last month BAE Systems began assembling the aft fuselage and tails in Samlesbury, England, and Lockheed Martin started wing assembly at the company's Fort Worth plant. In May, Northrop Grumman kicked off F-35 assembly when it began making the center fuselage in Palmdale, Calif. Forward-fuselage assembly started the following month in Fort Worth. Production of control surfaces and edges will soon be under way at Lockheed Martin's Palmdale site.  
Final assembly of the F-35 is planned to start next spring in Fort Worth, with completion of the first aircraft anticipated in late 2005.  
The program already is preparing for the challenge of operating, supporting and sustaining thousands of F-35s worldwide. Nine countries currently are engaged in the aircraft's development and are expected to begin adding F-35s to their fleets early in the next decade. Many other nations have expressed interest in the aircraft, and the roster of international F-35 customers is likely to grow. The task of sustaining such a large number of aircraft over a geographically dispersed area for more than 40 years will be made possible by the F-35's exceptional reliability, its next-generation onboard diagnostics, its standardized and simplified maintenance processes, streamlined supply-chain management and many other advances over current fighters.  
The F-35 is a next-generation, supersonic, multi-role stealth aircraft designed to replace the AV-8B Harrier, A-10, F-16, F/A-18 Hornet and the United Kingdom's Harrier GR.7 and Sea Harrier.  
Lockheed Martin and its principal industrial partners Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems are employing an array of advanced and highly accurate manufacturing machines to help the F-35 achieve its goals of affordability, quality and assembly speed.  
Three F-35 variants -- a conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL), a short- takeoff/vertical-landing (STOVL) and a carrier variant (CV) -- each derived from a common design will ensure that the F-35 meets the performance needs of the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, the U.K. Royal Air Force and Royal Navy, and allied defense forces worldwide, while staying within strict affordability targets.  
Lockheed Martin is developing the F-35 in conjunction with Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems. Companies worldwide are participating in the F-35's development. Two propulsion teams, led by Pratt & Whitney and General Electric, are developing separate interchangeable engines for the F-35.  
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., a business area of Lockheed Martin, is a leader in the design, research and development, systems integration, production and support of advanced military aircraft and related technologies. Its customers include the military services of the United States and allied countries throughout the world.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Setembro 23, 2004, 12:26:00 am
Maiden Flight of First Finnish NH90
(Source: Eurocopter; issued Sept. 17, 2004)
 MARIGNANE, France --- The first NH90 destined for the Finnish Armed Forces took off for a successful maiden flight on September 15th at Eurocopter’s production site and headquarter in Marignane.  
The aircraft is the first series-produced NH90 in France  
The flight was conducted by one test pilot and two flight engineers over more than one hour around the area of Marignane and Marseille under full fly-by-wire conditions, during which high speed levels were reached and the flight envelope of the basic aircraft was tested. The success of the campaign was observed by an official Finnish representative.  
The maiden flight of the Finnish NH90 follows the first flight of the first production aircraft for the German Armed Forces on May 4th of this year in Germany, and is a further important milestone in the ambitious multi-national helicopters programme, which will commence deliveries to customers from 2005 on.  
NH90 is the biggest helicopter programme ever launched in Europe. In addition, it just recently booked international and overseas export successes with an order for 20 NH90 by the Sultanate of Oman and 12 by Australia. To date, eleven countries have ordered a total of 357 units, with options for a further 86 helicopters. This makes the NH90 a worldwide and unrivalled success.  
The NH90 has been designed from the outset as a multi-role weapons system. The tactical transport (TTH) and naval (NFH) variants of the helicopter share a common basic helicopter in a modular design. Dedicated, specialized mission equipment packages allow for maximum flexibility in operations. Special emphasis has been given to features such as safety, reliability, availability, maintainability, testability, and supportability. The diamond shape of the all-composite, corrosion-free airframe combines optimal aerodynamics with low detectability. Optimized man-machine interface significantly reduces pilot and crew workload.  
The NH90's superior handling qualities are enhanced by a fly-by-wire flight control system, making it the first production helicopter in the world to feature this advanced technology.  
Due to its inherent multi-mission capability, the NH90 will greatly enhance interoperability of the European armed forces in NATO and United Nations missions, contribute to the standardization of equipment and to the rationalization of costs, training and logistics.  
Eurocopter is a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS. EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003 EADS generated revenues of 30.1 billion euros and employed a workforce of more than 109,000. The EADS Group includes the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the world’s largest helicopter supplier Eurocopter and the joint venture MBDA, the second-largest missile producer in the global market. EADS is the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium and is the prime contractor for the Ariane launcher. EADS is also developing the A400M military transport aircraft and is the largest industrial partner for the European satellite navigation system Galileo.  
Enviado por: Spectral em Setembro 29, 2004, 07:26:44 pm
Os indianos querem comprar mais 126 caças ( o LCA aparece cada vez mais um fracasso).

IAF gets bids for replacing MiGs

The Ministry of Defence is against the IAF’s idea of going for the French Mirage as it may lead to a single vendor situation.



The Indian Air Force (IAF) is evaluating bids for a mega purchase of 126 aircraft from four foreign aeronautical majors to replace seven squadrons of its obsolete MiG 21, 23 and 27 fighter aircraft.

The contenders are the Swedish Saab Viggen, the Russian Moscow Aircraft Production Organisation, the French Marcel Dassault and the US Lockheed Martin. Delays in induction of the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft into squadron service and the intermittent MiG 21 crashes necessitate this purchase.

The various aircraft for sale include the Swedish Saab, the Russian MiG 29M, the French Mirage 2000-5 and the US F-16 Block 50. The IAF is said to be keen on the French Mirage 2000-5 since it already has three Mirage squadrons on its inventory. However, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has insisted against the IAF getting into a single vendor situation, as in the case of the advanced jet trainer aircraft, with only the British Aerospace’s Hawk aircraft eventually being available for purchase.
The Russians have evolved a new MiG-29M that is an improved version of the 1970s vintage aircraft that continue in IAF squadron service. This plane comes without problems of poor fuel combustion, weak avionics, air-to-ground strike. The IAF’s ‘air staff requirements’ or product specifications demand a multi-role fighter capable of an air superiority/ air defence role, and an anti-surface forces role against land/sea targets.

Besides, these new aircraft should be compatible with the IAF’s newly acquired air-to-air refuelling capabilities and use as a ‘force multiplier’ to conduct counter-air operations against enemy airfields, radars etc; also strike roles against targets deep within enemy territory.

These companies have responded to a global tender floated by the MoD and includes license production at the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL). The French company Dassault’s executives have already inspected HAL facilities that is supposed to produce 12 aircraft per year.

The expenditure covers acquiring the license, setting up infrastructure like production lines, civil construction work, associated facilities that is estimated to be in the region of Rs 30,000 crore. The IAF would ideally like to maintain a 37 fighter squadron strength on its ‘order of battle’ to cope with a two-front threat that pertains to hostile actions either from Pakistan or China. The remainder of the aircraft on its inventory comprise transport and helicopter squadrons.

Como é óbvio, no texto acima "Viggen" é uma gralha. Estariam a referir-se ao Grippen. Entretanto parece que o Eurfighter entrou na corrida mas tem poucas hipóteses.

E o grande favorito é o Mirage 2000-5...
Enviado por: Ricardo Nunes em Outubro 01, 2004, 01:04:07 pm
Dutch and Belgian F-16s intercept airliners
Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 07:55 AM  

Two Dutch F-16 fighters from Leeuwarden AB, the Netherlands have escorted British Airways flight BA 983. Earlier this week two F-16s from the Belgian Air Force intercepted a Russian airliner over French airspace.

The British Airways Airbus (BA 983) was on a non-stop flight from Berlin to London when it had to make a precautionary landing thursday afternoon at Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands.

The pilots of the airliner requested this because there had been a bomb alert. Someone recieved a call that there was a bomb on board of that specific airplane. Details as whom made that call and where exactly it came from are yet unknown.

The two Dutch F-16 Fighting Falcons escorted the plane from it's entry in the Dutch airspace all the way to it's unforeseen landing. The Dutch military police searched the airplane without finding any explosive device.

Earlier this week two Belgian F-16s intercepted an airliner over French airspace.

On September 27th, 2004, at around 18:30h, two F-16s on quick reaction alert (QRA) took off from Kleine Brogel AB, Belgium, to intercept an airliner originating from Moscou and on its way to a French airport. Air traffic control had lost radio contact for quite a while.

De F-16s took off from Kleine Brogel air base and went supersonic for two minutes to get to the Russian airliner. At 18:40h the airliner was within visual reach. Six minutes later, the civilain aircraft re-established radio contact.

Since September 1st, the Belgian F-16s have been brought to highest state of alert already 10 times. Only three times they actually had to take off.
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 01, 2004, 09:15:26 pm
DARPA Begins Advanced Radar Program
(Source: DARPA; dated Sept. 29, issued Sept. 30, 2004)
 The first phase of the Affordable Adaptable Conformal Electronic Scanning Antenna Radar (AACER) program began this summer when the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded funding to Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems (Baltimore, Md.), and Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems (El Segundo, Calif.).  
Raytheon was awarded $6,057,431 and Northrop Grumman received $5,781,583.  
The AACER program will develop extended range ground moving target indication (GMTI) radar combined with a high resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and integrated communications to be used on tactical-level unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such as the U.S. Army’s Class IV UAV or the A-160 Hummingbird.  
The radar will provide unprecedented, high update rates for tracked targets, and persistent stare over large areas with high update rates. The affordable, adaptive and conformal electronic scanning antenna developed under the AACER program will provide the U.S. Army with enhanced GMTI/SAR systems for reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition and tracking missions.  
During the initial 12-month phase of the AACER program, the contractors will demonstrate key electronic scanning antenna technology and develop preliminary designs for each radar concept.  
In phase II, the program will down-select to a single contractor to complete a system design and build key sub-assemblies that meet weight and form factors for the Army’s Future Combat Systems Unit of Action Class IV UAV.  
During phase III, the program will perform a final system integration and flight test demonstration that will bring forth a new capability for the Army’s Future Combat Systems Unit of Action.  
Although the AACER program is focused on a future Army ground unit capability, the AACER capability may also be useful to other ground forces such as the U.S. Marine Corps and special operations forces.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 01, 2004, 10:43:29 pm
Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Sept. 30, 2004)
 Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Co., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $26,970,000 firm fixed price contract to provide for Incorporation of Advanced Integrated Defense Electronics Warfare Systems (AIDEWS) and ALE-47 into Oman and Chile F-16 C/D aircraft.  
Total funds have been obligated. This work will be complete by June 2006. Solicitation began October 2002 and negotiations were completed April 2004.  
The Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (F42620-01-D-0058, SC08).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 05, 2004, 10:37:22 pm
American Eurocopter Wins $75 Million U.S. Border Patrol Contract to Support the Department of Homeland Security
(Source: EADS; issued Oct. 4, 2004)
 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX. --- American Eurocopter - a subsidiary of Eurocopter, the largest manufacturer of commercial helicopters in the world, and EADS North America announced on Monday that the company has been awarded a contract by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to supply more than 55 aircraft to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency.  
The value of the award is potentially $75 million over the five-year term of the contract.  
[The US Border Patrol] will use the EC120 for the Law Enforcement Equipped Single Engine Light Observation Helicopters – or “Light Sign Cutter” fleet. The single-engine turbine EC120 is the quietest helicopter in its class, making it one of the most environmentally-friendly helicopters that can be flown in some of the wildlife areas contained within the Border Patrol’s area of operation. The aircraft offers excellent endurance, unmatched cabin visibility and compliance with energy attenuating capability. The EC120 offers excellent value to the Department of Homeland Security. Currently, more than 380 EC120 aircraft are in operation worldwide.  
The Light Sign Cutter fleet of more than 55 EC120 aircraft will be produced in Mississippi at the company’s second and newest manufacturing facility in Columbus, adjacent to the Golden Triangle Airport.  
The U.S. Border Patrol’s primary consideration in making the selection was to procure a helicopter that was technically compliant with its mission requirements. The light observation helicopter fleet will provide low-level surveillance and security patrol of U.S. borders to detect, interdict and apprehend persons either trying to illegally enter the United States or conduct illegal activity along U.S. borders. The majority of the U.S. Border Patrol’s current light observation fleet consists of Vietnam-era surplus helicopters that are slated for replacement by the EC120.  
The Department of Homeland Security currently operates 96 helicopters (HH-65 Dolphin) for the U.S. Coast Guard and 44 AS350 AStar light utility helicopters.  
“We have been working with the Department of Homeland Security for more than 16 years, and they are our largest para-public customer,” said Marc Paganini, President and CEO, American Eurocopter. “I am pleased that we have established a track record of excellence, and are able to continue and expand our relationship with the DHS – and support the business of protecting America.”  
Ralph D. Crosby Jr., Chairman and CEO EADS North America, member of the EADS N.V. Executive Committee said: “We are pleased and proud of this competitive award. This award builds upon the great success our aircraft have enjoyed in the law-enforcement and para-public communities in the United States. With this contract we will honor our commitment to providing best value products to the U.S. government, and also importantly, our commitment to provide jobs and growth in the Columbus, Mississippi community.”  
American Eurocopter Corporation (AEC) is the American subsidiary of Eurocopter, the largest helicopter manufacturer in the world, and EADS North America, the North American operations of EADS.  
EADS North America is the North American operations of EADS, the second largest aerospace and defense company in the world. As a leader in all sectors of aerospace, defense and homeland security, EADS North America and its parent company, EADS, contribute more than $6 billion to the U.S. economy annually, and support more than 100,000 American jobs through its network of suppliers and services. With 11 operating companies located in 38 cities and 20 states, EADS North America offers a broad array of advanced solutions to its customers in commercial, civil, para-public and defense markets across the United States.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 05, 2004, 10:44:15 pm
Burton Signs Orion Upgrade Contract
(Source: New Zealand Ministry of Defence; issued Oct. 5, 2004)
 With final negotiations completed and the contract signed, work can begin next year on a major upgrade of New Zealand’s P-3 Orion aircraft fleet.  
At the signing ceremony today with US firm L-3/IS Communications Integrated Systems, Defence Minister Mark Burton said that this $352 million project was another significant step in re-equipping all three services of the NZDF.  
“Since the 2002 release of the Defence Long-Term Development Plan, 22 major re-equipment projects have been advanced. They include investments in seven new purpose-built naval vessels, a 15-year life extending upgrade of our C-130 Hercules aircraft, the purchase of two 757-200 jet aircraft to replace our ageing 727s, and the recent acquisition of a new fleet of Light Operational Vehicles.  
“Our Orion fleet is critical for surveillance of New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone and surrounding waters, as well as meeting our South Pacific obligations. The Orions are also used for search and rescue operations, and were recently deployed to the Arabian Sea area in support of the international campaign against terrorism.”  
Mark Burton noted that the upgrades had been developed from a whole-of-government approach, involving extensive consultation with a range of government agencies to ensure that the planes will meet both military and civilian agency requirements.  
The mission systems and communication and navigation equipment will both be upgraded together, with the two projects running in parallel to maximise efficiency and cost effectiveness.  
The mission systems upgrade involves the installation of new imaging radar electronic sensor equipment (video and infrared camera), and mission management systems. The upgrade of the communications and navigation will ensure the aircraft are able to comply with pending mandatory global air traffic regulations. The upgrades also include ground-based support and training facilities.  
“This government has been committed from day one to building a modern, sustainable, well-equipped Defence Force, and this investment in our P-3 fleet is another clear example of that commitment. This upgrade will ensure interoperability with our security partners, allow New Zealand to participate in a range of operations, and provide support to the Defence Force’s other maritime and land force elements,” said Mark Burton.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 05, 2004, 11:22:06 pm
Airmen Use GBU-38 in Combat
(Source: US Air Force; issued Oct. 4, 2004)
 SOUTHWEST ASIA --- During one particular night shift recently, a team primarily composed of Air National Guardsmen conducted the first successful drop of a GBU-38 bomb in combat.  
The majority of the people connected to the effort came from the Alabama Air National Guard and were supplemented by airmen from Illinois and Wisconsin. They worked together to put two 500-pound bombs on target and into the history books, officials said.  
Two F-16 Fighting Falcons performed a simultaneous GBU-38 release on the same target in central Iraq. The bombs precisely hit a two-story building with minimal collateral damage.  
This was “a successful precision strike on a confirmed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi terrorist meeting,” Coalition Press Information Center officials said.  
The introduction of the GBU-38 gives coalition leaders a smaller precision weapon to further decrease the likelihood of collateral damage in Iraq. This is especially important as forces continue to target insurgents and their meeting places, normally within heavily populated residential areas.  
“This was the right weapon for the job,” said Lt. Col. Mitch, the lead pilot who carried out the mission. (Full names of pilots are omitted for security reasons.) “If we used any bigger of a bomb, we would have caused unnecessary damage.”  
“This gave us a great sense of personal satisfaction because we really feel like we made a direct impact on the war on terror,” said Maj. Brian, the wingman on the mission.  
From the assembly of the precision-guided bomb to its release in combat, hundreds of Airmen worked together to make the mission a success.  
“Everybody worked so well together, despite being from different home bases and working in different jobs,” Major Brian said. “Every job counted, and people were ready at the right time -- from the intelligence, maintenance, command and control, air refueling, to us.”  
The people who worked directly with the drop said this accomplishment did not come without foresight and thorough preparation. In fact, this ability to predict future mission needs and make quick, accurate changes is probably what gave this ANG team the opportunity to carry out the mission.  
“Even before Sept. 11, 2001, we were modifying our aircraft’s capabilities from general-purpose daytime bombing to conducting precision strikes at night,” Colonel Mitch said.  
When the GBU-38 was deemed “war-ready,” the unit’s jets already had the correct wiring necessary to connect to that particular munition, he said.  
Major Brian said they were prepared to make this mission a success.  
“We certainly had enough time to spool up for this mission,” he said. “We found out about a month before we deployed here that we may be dropping the GBU-38, so we spent a couple weeks learning about the different parameters needed to successfully put that bomb on target.”  
In regards to the procedures to release the GBU-38, the pilots said it is no different than any other bomb.  
“This is a relatively easy bomb to drop,” Colonel Mitch said. “We simply set the coordinates and deliver the bomb. There’s a slight shake in the jet as the bomb is released because [of] the sudden weight reduction, which happens after every drop.”  
The weapons loaders from a maintenance squadron in the Alabama ANG said they had the proper time and training to make the mission a success.  
“For this deployment, we were prepared for the possibility that we might be mounting a new munition like the GBU-38,” said Lt. Col. Woody Klinner, an Alabama ANG maintenance officer.  
Recognizing the GBU-38 was soon to be released to the warfighter, Alabama ANG officials sent a load standardization crew to Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., to become certified instructors on loading this type of munition. When the unit deployed, the crew then immediately turned around to teach others how to load it.  
Additionally, the munitions flight that helped build the bomb at the deployed location, spared no time in getting it ready for the load crews to practice mounting on the jets.  
“Because they’re relatively easy bombs to build, we had the first two bombs ready for load crew training within 24 hours of receiving the parts,” said 1st Lt. Glen Titus, a munitions flight commander from Seymour Johnson AFB, S.C.  
Few people working with the bomb said they knew they would be involved with the first drop in combat.  
“We had an idea that we may get to put the GBU-38 on a jet, but we had no idea we’d be putting it on the first jet to use it in the war,” said Senior Airman William Russell, a weapons loader with the Alabama ANG. “It’s a good feeling knowing now we contributed to that.”  
From the munitions loaders’ perspective, the training not only paid off by giving them a chance to load the bomb for a combat mission, but it also paid off by “lightening their load.”  
Composed of a MK-82 with the joint direct attack munitions guidance system, the GBU-38 is considered a “lightweight” compared to most of the other munitions loaded on F-16s.  
“It’s a whole lot easier to load onto the aircraft than weapons like the GBU-12, or even the GBU-31, because it’s a lot smaller and lighter,” said Tech. Sgt. Mark Worley, a load crew chief in the Alabama ANG. “It takes longer to prep the station than it does to put the bomb on.”  
As aircraft continue to fly supporting operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, hundreds of Airmen work together around the clock to make each mission a success.  
Título: F-22
Enviado por: capelo em Outubro 11, 2004, 12:03:04 pm
Citação de: Code One Magazine

Five Eagles In Three Minutes

  A single Raptor pilot from the Combined Test Force at Edwards AFB, California, launched four guided AIM-120 missiles against four separate targets on 24 July. The Raptor's integrated weapons system successfully identified, tracked, and linked each target's data to the AIM-120s and each missile passed within lethal range of its target. During a press conference at Andrews AFB, Maryland, in May, Secretary of the Air Force Dr. James G. Roche told reporters that in one test "We had five F-15 Eagles against one Raptor and the engagement was over in three minutes. None of the F-15s even saw the Raptor. The Raptor simply went down the line and, in simulation, took out all five of the F-15s."
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 14, 2004, 12:13:05 am
Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Oct. 12, 2004)
 Raytheon Co., Tucson, Ariz., is being awarded a $78,221,940 firm fixed price contract to provide for Air-to-Ground Missiles, AGM-65G2 Tactical Missile quantity 360; Air-to-Ground Missiles AGM-65G2 Spares GCS, quantity 15; TGM-65G Training Missile quantity 8; TGM Training Missile quantity 10; TGM-65G2 Spare Guidance Control Section quantity 6; Signal Processing Unit, quantity 3; AGM-65 Missile Load Trainer quantity2; AGM-65 Missile Maint Trainer quantity 2.  
This effort supports the Weapon System AGM-65 Maverick Missile. This effort supports foreign military sales to Poland.  
Total funds have been obligated. This work will be complete by July 2007. Negotiations were completed September 2004.  
The Headquarters Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity (FA8213-04-C-0127).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 14, 2004, 01:46:07 am
New Zealand MOD Awards P-3 Systems Upgrade Program to L-3 Communications Integrated Systems
(Source: L-3 Communicationss; issued Oct. 12, 2004)
 NEW YORK --- L-3 Communications announced today that the New Zealand Ministry of Defense has selected L-3 Communications Integrated Systems (L-3 IS) for a contract valued at approximately $200 million to upgrade mission and communication-navigation systems for New Zealand’s P-3K maritime patrol aircraft.  
The upgrades to the six aircraft operated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force will include the replacement of the data management system, radar, electro optics, communications and navigation systems. The mission systems upgrade involves the installation of new imaging radar electronic sensor equipment (video and infrared camera) and mission management systems. The upgrades also include ground-based support and training facilities.  
“This win affirms our long-standing commitment to New Zealand,” said Bob Drewes, president of L-3 IS. “We have established great relationships with our New Zealand industry partners and our Integrated Data Handling System superbly meets New Zealand’s requirements.”  
L-3 IS has total system integration responsibility and will provide the mission system design, system integration, the intercommunications subsystem, the data management system and system installation and test on the first aircraft at its Greenville, Texas facility.  
The L-3 IS team includes New Zealand companies Safe Air Limited and Beca Applied Technologies. Other team members include L-3 Communications Wescam, IAI ELTA Electronics Industries, Universal Avionics Systems Corporation, and Rockwell Collins.  
Safe Air Limited will complete production on the five remaining aircraft, support development of integrated logistics support data, and install the ground support facilities under sub-contract to L-3 IS. Beca Applied Technologies will provide software design support for the data management systems and long-term software maintenance support under a separate contract with the Crown.  
IAI ELTA Electronics will supply the radar subsystem and L-3 Communications Wescam adds its industry-leading electro-optical/infrared subsystem. Universal Avionics Systems Corporation will provide its flight management subsystem and Rockwell Collins will supply the communication subsystem.  
“Our Orion fleet is critical for surveillance of New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone and surrounding waters, as well as meeting our South Pacific obligations,” said New Zealand Defense Minister Mark Burton. “The Orions are also used for search and rescue operations, and were recently deployed to the Arabian Sea area in support of the international campaign against terrorism.”  
“This government has been committed from day one to building a modern, sustainable, well-equipped Defense Force,” Burton continued, “and this investment in our P-3 fleet is another clear example of that commitment. This upgrade will ensure interoperability with our security partners, allow New Zealand to participate in a range of operations, and provide support to the Defense Force’s other maritime and land force elements.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 14, 2004, 10:32:06 pm
ATG and IAI Sign Strategic Partnership to Develop and Manufacture Advanced Jet Trainer for the Global Market
(Source: Israel Aircraft Industries; issued Oct. 13, 2004)
 LAS VEGAS, NV --- Aviation Technology Group (ATG) and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) have signed a strategic cooperative agreement for the design, development, and manufacture of an Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT).  
The AJT is an innovative concept based on ATG’s two-seat jet, the Javelin, and is optimally suited for a variety of advanced military training and support requirements. Integration of the Javelin prototype is in its final stages and handoff to flight operations is scheduled for this month.  
The ATG and IAI partnership is a cooperative development process which also includes joint global marketing, engineering and co-production of the Javelin AJT. The agreement maximizes commonality between the Javelin civil aircraft and the military advanced jet trainer. It also utilizes long term IAI’s proven experience in commercial and military aircraft certification. Final assembly of the aircraft will take place in New Mexico and Israel allowing increased logistical flexibility. IAI will invest equity and matching funds in ATG for the advanced trainer derivative and the aircraft will be the central element of an integrated system that includes flight simulators, ground-base training systems, and maintenance and logistics infrastructures.  
The dual-engine Javelin AJT will optimize aircraft performance during advanced and pre-operational training, allowing pilot trainees to better develop data analysis, information management, decisionmaking, and situational awareness skills.  
The Javelin AJT will perform in the class of 0.90 Mach/500 knots. It is based on a light small dimension platform (approximately 6000 lbs/2700 kg). Maneuverability matches the requirements of advanced and pre-operational (“lead-in”) pilot training. In the Javelin AJT the cockpit and avionics will be compatible with the display and operation of systems in fourth and fifth generation fighters including the F-15, F-16, Mig-29, Sukhoi-30, Rafale and Eurofighter. Systems will include embedded simulations of combat scenarios, sensors data, simulated operation of weapons and self-defense systems, and mission planning and debriefing capabilities.  
IAI is a world leader in designing and installing sophisticated avionics and displays in a large variety of both Eastern and Western aircraft and this expertise will be applied to the Javelin AJT.  
“We evaluated options to develop a next-generation trainer aircraft and concluded that a strategic codevelopment partnership with ATG was most cost effective option," said Moshe Keret, President and CEO of IAI. “The Advanced Jet Trainer will incorporate low-risk design and technologies of great interest to air forces around the world seeking pilots' training solutions.”  
“IAI’s faith and commitment to the Javelin program validates ATG’s core value proposition. Using a modular, core platform, we are able to offer jets at a price to performance ratio that cannot be matched,” said George Bye, Chairman and CEO of ATG. “We are committed to build upon our progress in the civil sector by entering the advanced training market with IAI. The Javelin AJT concept allows flight training units to improve training effectiveness while simultaneously reducing budgets.”  
Established in 1953, IAI is Israel's largest high-tech concern and a globally recognized leader for the defense and commercial markets. IAI provides unique and cost-effective technological solutions for a broad spectrum of needs in space, air, land, sea and homeland defense.  
Headquartered at Centennial Airport in Englewood, CO, ATG is the developer and manufacturer of high performance military and civil aircraft for domestic and international customers. ATG offers highly competitive products by integrating new technology and off-the-shelf systems into modular platforms.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 14, 2004, 10:46:05 pm
Helmet Upgrades Enhance Air Power
(Source: US Air Force; issued Oct. 13, 2004)
 SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany --- F-16 Fighting Falcon pilots here can now look, lock and launch on an enemy target in the blink of an eye. Because split seconds can mean the difference between life or death for a pilot in combat, the 52nd Fighter Wing here adopted an advanced approach to high-tech man-machine interaction with the Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System.  
The system provides an electronic interface allowing the helmet and jet to communicate putting critical data less than three inches from a pilot’s right eye. Human retinal nerve impulses and eye movement can be faster than one-twenty-fifth of a second. Pilots quickly locate, track, identify and lock onto airborne and ground-based targets at longer ranges and safer altitudes -- all by simply looking at a target, said Staff Sgt. Terence Zelek, a life-support technician with the 23rd Fighter Squadron. “By keeping their eyes pointed outside the cockpit, pilots will be better equipped to support the formation via visual lookout and avoid potential midair collisions in crowded airspace,” said Lt. Col. David Youtsey, 52nd Operations Support Squadron director of operations.  
Avoiding such collisions is part of what makes the nearly $100,000 price tag per system money well spent, Colonel Youtsey said. “Compared to the cost of a trained pilot, the cost of the (F-16), or the cost of many weapons that are used only once, the price is not an issue,” he said. “(With) more survivable air attack engagements or faster destruction of enemy ground forces during a close-air support mission, the benefits are easily recognized. “Colonel Youtsey said the new system also pays dividends in training.  
“Our young pilots will learn the skills and tactics necessary to transfer to more capable aircraft,” he said. “The skills acquired via (the system) will support the fielding decisions and employment tactics of those future stealthy platforms in an even more networked and sensor-dense battle space.”  
One pilot said the ease of the helmet system makes the idea of returning to the “old-fashioned” system unappealing, but he also recognizes the importance of meticulous training, fitting and assembly on the new system.  
“Your head is connected to the end (of the cord) and inside the helmet,” said Capt. Kevin Lord, 23rd FS life-support officer and F-16 pilot. During an ejection or other mishap, “if the (system) is improperly connected, it could rip your head off.”  
Three dedicated rides with an instructor, coupled with a regular flight schedule, should keep pilots proficient with the new equipment.  
“When you know how to wear (the helmet) and it’s properly fitted, it’s awesome,” Captain Lord said. “It’s first look, first lock, first kill and now we can track altitude, speed and just about any information we need to keep the aircraft level and in our control.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 15, 2004, 04:53:01 pm
Predator Achieves 100,000 Flight Hours
(Source: General Atomics; dated Oct. 11, web-posted Oct. 14, 2004)
 SAN DIEGO, California --- General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., the leading manufacturer of unmanned aircraft systems, announced that the RQ-1/MQ-1 Predator unmanned aircraft has achieved a milestone of 100,000 flight hours.  
This significant achievement occurred on September 27, 2004, during a routine combat mission over Iraq with the U.S. Air Force Predator number 61 (P-61). In June 2004, GA-ASI family of unmanned aircraft achieved 100,000 total flight hours – the accomplishment of 100,000 flight hours for a single model of aircraft is truly extraordinary.  
Predator, developed in 1994, has been operational in every U.S. conflict since 1995, and has amassed almost 70,000 combat flight hours. Configured with an electro-optical and infrared camera system and synthetic aperture radar, Predator has provided field commanders and the National Command Authority with a unique surveillance and reconnaissance intelligence capability for more than nine years.  
The introduction of the Hellfire missile air-to-surface attack capability in 2001 has significantly changed the way that Predator has contributed to the war on terrorism. Predators are flying more than 3000 flight hours per month while maintaining the highest operational readiness rates in USAF inventory. Predator is the major contributor to U.S. tactical reconnaissance in theater.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 15, 2004, 04:54:13 pm
Honeywell to Provide Multifunction Radar Displays for L1011 Tri Star Tanker Aircraft
(Source: Honeywell; issued Oct. 13, web-posted Oct. 14, 2004)
 PHOENIX --- Honeywell announced today that it has signed an agreement with Marshall Aerospace to provide Multifunction Radar Displays for nine L1011 TriStar tanker aircraft for the United Kingdom.  
Deliveries will begin this year and will be completed in 2005.  
“Honeywell’s Multifunction Radar Display provides interfaces for multiple radar systems -- Honeywell systems and older radar systems that include the Bendix APS-133 and RDR-1E/F,” said Joe Longworth, Director of Government Sales, Honeywell Defense & Space Systems. “This system provides weather radar, Enhanced Traffic Collision Avoidance System (ETCAS) and Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) display, along with a navigation overlay.”  
Honeywell’s display provides control of the RDR-4B weather radar, eliminating the need for a separate control panel and independent displays for primary functions.  
Honeywell International is a $23 billion diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township, N.J., Honeywell’s shares are traded on the New York, London, Chicago and Pacific Stock Exchanges. It is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is also a component of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index.  
Based in Phoenix, Honeywell’s aerospace business is a leading global provider of integrated avionics, engines, systems and service solutions for aircraft manufacturers, airlines, business and general aviation, military, space and airport operations.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 18, 2004, 07:03:22 pm
Gripen for Thailand
(Source: Gripen International; web-posted Oct. 15, 2004)
 Following the visit to Sweden by the Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra 23-24 September, and following a meeting with the Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson, he stated that Thailand is in favor of Gripen as its F-5 replacement aircraft.  
This very positive statement has recently been confirmed by the C-in-C of the Royal Thai Air Force, Air Chief Marshall Kongsak Wantana, saying to the Reuters news agency in Bangkok on 8 October “We have decided to select Gripen fighters to replace our F-5 fleet”.  
However, the Thai interest in Gripen dates back to earlier briefings given by Gripen International to Thai officials. Gripen has also been presented to the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) on several occasions, including when the C-in-Chief of the Royal Swedish Air Force, Maj.Gen Jan Andersson, was on an official visit on the occasion of the RTAF’s 90th anniversary on 26-27 March 2004.  
While visiting the RTAF, Maj.Gen Andersson invited the RTAF to visit Sweden and familiarize itself with Gripen. The invitation was accepted and on 24 May, two pilots from the RTAF - Wing Commander Punpakdee Pattanakul (call sign “Kai”) and Wing Commander Manat Chuanprayon (call sign “Maverick”) - arrived at Swedish Air Force (SwAF) base F7 at Såtenäs, 120 kms north of Gothenburg in the west of Sweden.  
The F7 wing is the home of two Gripen squadrons and the Gripen Centre, where all Gripen pilots undergo conversion and tactical training on Gripen. The Thai officers were given an introductory course on the Gripen aircraft which included 10 hours of flying.  
In parallel, Swedish industry and Swedish authorities have held extensive talks with their Thai counterparts. A joint Swedish-Thai group, at the highest political level, will meet on a regular basis to prepare for a widespread bilateral agreement. The aim is to further develop the relations between Thailand and Sweden and to create a bilateral co-operation program serving as a base for a possible future sale of Gripen to Thailand. An acquisition of Gripen for the RTAF could be part of such a co-operation program, as could other products of the Saab Group or other companies.  
“We are naturally very pleased with the positive signals we have received from Thailand”, says Kaj Rosander, Thai Project Manager at Gripen International.  
“The Thai Air Force is well known for its high standard of operations and with Gripen being seen as the prime replacement for their F-5’s, it is a further evidence of Gripen’s capabilities both in terms of performance as well economically” he added.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 18, 2004, 07:15:36 pm
Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Oct. 15, 2004)
 Northrop Grumman Corp., San Diego, Calif., is being awarded a $207,700,000 firm fixed price contract modification to provide for Low Rate Initial Production Lot 3.  
One Global Hawk (RQ-4A) Production Air Vehicle with Basic Integrated Sensor Suite; Two Global Hawk (RQ-4B) Production Air Vehicle; One Global Hawk Production Air Vehicle with Enhanced-Integrated Sensor Suites and Clip-In Sensor (Hyperwide); One Mission Control Element; One Launch Recovery Element; Basic Integrated Sensor Suite; and Support Equipment and Spares.  
At this time, $48,675,000 of the funds has been obligated. This work will be complete by October 2005. Solicitation began September 2003 and negotiations were completed June 2004.  
The Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (F33657-03-C-4310, PZ0002).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 20, 2004, 05:36:01 pm
Maiden Flight of First Czech Gripen
(Source: Saab AB; issued Oct. 20, 2004)
 Monday October 18 saw the take-off of the first Gripen fighter ordered for export. The aircraft, which will be delivered to the Czech Republic, was marked with Czech colors.  
"This maiden flight marks an important milestone for Gripen on the export market. Today's flight demonstrates that Saab is world leading when it comes to developing modern fighters and that we will stay in that position for a long time", says Johan Lehander, head of Gripen operations at Saab Aerosystems.  
The Czech Air Force will be the first NATO country to operate Gripen, one of the world's most modern, fourth generation fighter aircraft. The fighters will be delivered by FMV to the Czech Republic from April 2005.  
Gripen was up for 1 hour and 25 minutes and was flown by Mats Thorbiörnson, one of Saab's test pilots. Following today's maiden flight there will be a period of further air and ground tests to verify that the systems are working in line with the Czech specifications.  
The fighter that made the historical flight is the first of 14 aircraft that the Swedish state (FMV) is leasing to the Czech armed forces.  
The contract also includes training. Since August, the first Czech pilots have been re-training for the Gripen systems at the F7 Swedish Air Force base in Såtenäs, western central Sweden. Approximately 40 engineers are also being trained in Gripen systems at the Armed Forces Halmstad Schools (FMHS) on the south-west coast.  
Gripen is the most cost-effective and capable supersonic, multi-role/swing-role fighter aircraft in operational service today. In service with the Swedish Air Force since 1997, it will also equip the South African, Hungarian and Czech Air Forces.  
Saab is one of the world's leading high-technology companies, with its main operations focusing on defence, aviation and space. The group covers a broad spectrum of competence and capabilities in systems integration.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 20, 2004, 05:42:56 pm
Lockheed Receives Additional C-130 Order
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Oct. 19, 2004)
 MARIETTA, Ga. --- Lockheed Martin has signed a contract with the Royal Danish Air Force for an additional C-130J Super Hercules aircraft. The new contract is the exercise of an option available under Denmark’s original order for three C-130Js, placed in December 2000. The first three aircraft were delivered to Denmark earlier this year.  
“Denmark has rapidly become a highly proficient C-130J operator and this further order shows this customer’s satisfaction with the aircraft,” said Ross Reynolds, Lockheed Martin’s vice president for the C-130J program. “The face of modern conflict is changing all over the world, and the C-130J brings a transformation to air mobility that meets that challenge. The C-130J’s outstanding performance and reliability have been rapidly exploited by the Royal Danish Air Force as part of the expanding fleet of operational C-130Js around the world.”  
The Danish aircraft, which are the long-fuselage version of the C-130J, feature a strengthened cargo ramp and improved airdrop system that allows crews to make airdrops at 250 knots to avoid anti-aircraft fire in hostile areas; the Enhanced Cargo Handling System for rapidly converting the aircraft from hauling rolling stock to palletized cargo; and Denmark-specific items, including a tailored electronic warfare suite.  
The Royal Danish Air Force conducts air transport operations for the Danish Defense Forces and other international operations. A number of Danish units have been designated for service with NATO’s reaction forces in connection with international military operations.  
More than 2,260 Hercules aircraft of all types in more than 70 different variants have been delivered to 60 countries since the program began. A total of 67 countries, counting those that bought used aircraft, now fly the Hercules. The C-130J is the latest version to come off the longest, continuous, active military aircraft production line in history.  
As of Lockheed Martin’s 2nd quarter earnings report, a total of 180 C-130Js are on order and 115 have been delivered. In the U.S., Air Force Reserve Command and Air National Guard units fly C-130Js. The Marine Corps operates KC-130J tankers, and the Coast Guard is now introducing the HC-130J into service. International C-130J operators include the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Italian Air Force and Royal Danish Air Force. The capabilities and performance of the C-130J in supporting light, fast and lethal combat operations make it a true transformational asset.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 20, 2004, 05:49:26 pm
PerkinElmer Selected as Lockheed Martin Supplier for Joint Common Missile Program
(Source: PerkinElmer; issued Oct. 19, 2004)
 BOSTON --- PerkinElmer, Inc. today announced its selection by Lockheed Martin to provide two critical subsystems for the Joint Common Missile (JCM). The initial contract is for development and prototype work through mid-2005.  
PerkinElmer’s Optoelectronics unit will design and manufacture the firing modules for the electronic safe and arm device (ESAD) fuze system, as well as the power supply for the next-generation precision-strike air-to-ground missile system.  
Over the life of the program, production contracts for these two subsystems could be in excess of $100 million to meet domestic requirements. Foreign military sales are also expected to be significant; the United Kingdom has already expressed interest in potential co-production of the new missile system.  
The Joint Common Missile provides extended-range fire-and-forget capability and robust performance against countermeasures to minimize exposure of pilots to the dangers of enemy fire. The multi-purpose missile will be fired from a variety of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft and possibly from ground vehicles as part of the Future Combat Systems program.  
The U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps are expected to purchase up to 54,000 JCM rounds to replace the Hellfire, Longbow and Maverick missiles currently in their arsenal.  
JCM’s multi-service, multi-mission requirements place significant demands on the design of the fuze and missile power systems. The missile’s warhead and associated multi-target, time-delay programmable fuze provide both a shaped-charge capability to defeat armored targets and a blast fragmentation capability for use against lightly armored or soft targets. The warhead design and the single fuze allow the pilot to select either of the two different detonation modes just prior to missile launch.  
“The performance of the PerkinElmer ESAD, a derivative of its successful design used in the Javelin missile, contributed to our selection as the JCM prime contractor,” said Rick Edwards, director of Tactical Missiles for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “The fuze was subjected to air gun firings of test missiles against brick-over-block structures, as well as howitzer shots that blasted it through concrete walls, and it performed flawlessly.”  
“We selected PerkinElmer to provide the power supply for this program because they demonstrated a unique capability to provide a very lightweight, efficient power supply at an affordable price,” said Steven Barnoske, Lockheed Martin JCM program manager.  
“PerkinElmer is uniquely qualified to deliver world-class solutions that meet or exceed the demanding needs of our military-aerospace partners,” said John Murphy, president, PerkinElmer Optoelectronics. “From design to deployment, customers such as Lockheed Martin rely upon our optoelectronics solutions and expertise to support their rigorous performance requirements. We are proud of this proven track record of success in supporting the creation of a new generation of smart weaponry.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 22, 2004, 11:56:12 pm
Lockheed Receives $87M to Provide Upgrade Kits for Jordan’s F-16s
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Oct. 21, 2004)
 FORT WORTH, Texas --- Lockheed Martin recently received a contract valued at $87 million to support upgrades to 17 F-16A/Bs transferred to the Royal Jordanian Air Force.  
The main upgrade is the F-16A/B Mid-Life Update (MLU), essentially the same as being performed on 400 F-16s operated by the five European Participating Air Forces (EPAF). This modification consists of enhancements to the cockpit, avionics, sensors and weapons. These upgrades also improve system reliability and supportability. In addition, future software upgrades will be available through the common M-series F-16 software upgrade program being implemented by the U.S. Air Force and the EPAF.  
“This will be a low-risk, cost-effective modification for Jordan’s F-16s,” said David T. Wesolka, Lockheed Martin’s director of F-16 Sustainment Product Group. “No development is required, and they will be upgrading their jets to the same state-of-the-art capability as the five EPAF partners are implementing currently. Plus, they will benefit from the advantages of interoperability with other users of modern F-16s and be able to share in future software updates in a very cost-effective manner.”  
The 17 aircraft to be modified are USAF Block 15 F-16A/Bs with the Air Defense Fighter modification provided to Jordan under the Peace Falcon II Foreign Military Sales program. Some were flown to Jordan in 2003 and the rest are in storage in the United States. These aircraft are in addition to the 16 F-16A/Bs received by Jordan in 1997-98 in the Peace Falcon I program.  
The upgrade package also includes Falcon UP and Falcon STAR structural upgrades. The structural upgrades will extend the service life to 8,000 flight hours under demanding usage criteria. With typical flight rates, these aircraft could remain in service for another 20 years.  
The letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) for this Foreign Military Sales upgrade program was signed in January of this year and long-lead effort began in February. Modification kits will be delivered from the spring of 2006 through the spring of 2008. All aircraft will be modified between mid- 2006 and mid-2009. A brief flight test program will be conducted in late summer 2006.  
The contract was awarded Sept. 30. It covers kits, installation instructions, training, and normal spares and support after the aircraft have been modified. The kit components will be produced in the United States and Europe. The aircraft modifications will be performed at Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) facilities in Ankara, Turkey, and at a base to be named in Jordan.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 25, 2004, 05:23:16 pm
Eurofighter Production in Full Swing at EADS: 100th Fuselage Centre Section Now in Equipment Assembly
(Source: EADS Military Aircraft; issued Oct. 23, 2004)
 MUNICH / MANCHING, Germany --- The 100th fuselage centre section for a Eurofighter production aircraft is currently undergoing equipment assembly at the Manching plant of EADS Military Aircraft.  
This ‘celebration’ main assembly is destined for the seventh Spanish single-seater fighter (SS007). The fuselage centre sections form the German production workshare in the four-nation Eurofighter production alliance, in which EADS in Germany and Spain, the Italian Finmeccanica subsidiary Alenia Aeronautica and the British BAE Systems are working together.  
At Manching, within the scope of the "core programme" for the Luftwaffe and the air forces of the UK, Italy and Spain alone, a total of 620 fuselage centre sections will be equipped "ready for flyaway", after which they will be delivered to the respective national final assembly lines at Manching, Getafe near Madrid, Turin and Warton.  
In the production of the fuselage centre section, the Augsburg plant of EADS Military Aircraft has been entrusted with the main responsibility for manufacturing major components and assemblies, such as frames and the forward fuselage sections as well as the entire structure assembly. Augsburg assembles not only the Eurofighter sections produced at its own site but also the components that, since August this year, have been manufactured by ASL Lemwerder located near Bremen. EADS holds a majority stake in ASL Lemwerder since the beginning of 2004.  
The fuselage centre section is one of the technologically most demanding Eurofighter main assemblies. For the most part it consists of carbon composite materials, which are complicated to handle in the production process. The fuselage centre section has to absorb immense and varied forces, which act upon the nose landing gear, engine air intakes, the wing roots and the cannon. In addition, it serves as the integral central fuel tank.  
In the Military Aircraft Business Unit, which is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS), are concentrated all the EADS capabilities in the areas of high-performance combat aircraft, unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), manned mission aircraft and training aircraft and the ground support equipment for these systems.  
With revenues of approx. EUR 5.2 billion in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, DS forms the defence pole within EADS. It offers integrated systems solutions to the new challenges confronting armed forces and homeland security units. It is active in the areas of military aircraft, missile systems, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems with manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), battlefield management systems, defence electronics, sensors and avionics, and related services.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of EUR 30 billion and employed a workforce of more than 109,000.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 26, 2004, 08:22:43 pm
Aermacchi: First Flight of the SF-260 in a New Version for the Italian Air Force
(Source: Aermacchi; issued Oct. 25, 2004)
 VENEGONO, Italy --- The SF-260, Aermacchi's (a Finmeccanica Group Company) primary trainer, has performed its first flight, in the new "EA" version specifically designed for the Italian Air Force.  
The maiden flight has lasted over 70 minutes and has allowed functional checks of the engine, flight controls and airborne systems of the aircraft, which is the first of thirty units covered by the contract that Aermacchi and the Italian Air Force signed early this year. Deliveries will start in early 2005, after the "type certification", and will be completed in summer 2006.  
The new EA configuration features a new avionics suite, improved cockpit ergonomics and improved maintainability.  
The electro-avionics equipment includes new radio-navigation and communication systems.  
The radio-navigation system consists of VOR/ILS, ADF, DME, GPS, ADI and HSI, arranged on both instrument panels in the usual “T” layout. They extend the possibility of assisted navigation and allow fully instrumented landings, improving the safety of flight and the effectiveness of training in navigation and aerobatic maneuvers.  
Radio communication systems that include two VHF/AM and an UHF/AM transceivers and an interphone system are provided with state-of-the-art components that ensure optimized communications between ground control and pilots.  
A new canopy design provides a more spacious cockpit compared with the previous aircraft configuration in service with the Italian Air Force. Instruments and control panels fitted with integrated lights allow easier reading. Cockpit ventilation has also been improved thanks to newly designed outlets and a new air conditioning system.  
Easy access to the battery compartment through a panel on the aircraft fuselage side and several other changes will facilitate maintenance operations.  
As Carlo Logli, Senior Vice President Aermacchi stated: "The Aermacchi SF-260 is the most successful Italian aircraft on the international market, being sold in over 880 units to 27 Air Forces. The flight of the SF-260EA, about two weeks after the official presentation of the advanced trainer M-346, confirms the commitment of Aermacchi to offer a complete range of trainers always able to respond to the ever-changing requirements of the market."  
The SF-260 is the world’s most successful modern pilot screener and primary trainer.  
The SF-260 is a fully aerobatic, two seat side-by-side propeller-driven trainer, with an additional third seat to expand its flexibility in non-aerobatic missions.  
Its flight characteristics and performance levels allow it to screen student pilot candidates while also effectively covering the entire primary training phase. The worldwide SF-260 fleet has accumulated over 1,800,000 flight hours.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 27, 2004, 08:15:46 pm
First Single-Seater Eurofighter Takes Off in Manching
(Source: EADS Military Aircraft; issued Oct. 26, 2004)
 MUNICH, Germany --- The first single-seater production Eurofighter destined for operational service has completed its first flight at EADS Military Aircraft in Manching. The aircraft was aloft for 65 minutes.  
EADS test pilot Heinz-Dieter Spölgen, who flew the aircraft on its first flight, expressed his extreme satisfaction upon touchdown: "That was a really successful first flight! I was able to fly the test profile, taking the aircraft through its prescribed production flight acceptance test steps point for point in an exemplary manner. From the test pilot's point of view, the flight with the GS002 was rather in the category of a routine or functional check flight. Everything went off well and I enjoyed it very much!"  
The maiden flight of the Eurofighter designated GS002 – GS standing for German Single-seater – on the afternoon of 22.10.2004, marked the first flight of a single-seater production aircraft that will be assigned to flight operations. In contrast to the development aircraft or the so-called Instrumented Series Production Aircraft (ISPA), this aircraft is not equipped with test instrumentation. It is the first single-seater to be brought into operational service by an air force of the four partner nations, namely Germany's Luftwaffe, who will shortly be receiving the aircraft.  
Up to now, eight twin-seaters have been delivered to the Luftwaffe. They are being deployed both for training and also for operational testing at Fighter Wing "S" 73 at Laage. Twin-seater Eurofighters are also operational with the air forces of the other Eurofighter partner nations. Since deliveries commenced, all the partner air forces together have logged up more than 1,700 flight hours on twin-seater Eurofighters.  
With the maiden flight of the GS002, an important step has been taken towards delivering single-seater aircraft from the first production batch. Currently, all 148 of these Tranche 1 aircraft are at various stages of completion within the four partner nations.  
The Eurofighter partner companies have fulfilled the prerequisites for continuation of the Eurofighter project and are confident that the production contract for Tranche 2 will be signed before the year is out. In all, the order book currently stands at 638 aircraft, which are destined for the Eurofighter partner nations Great Britain, Germany, Spain and Italy and also the export nation Austria. In addition, negotiations are being conducted with Greece on procurement of Eurofighter. Further prospects are seen in Singapore, where Eurofighter has been downselected for the country's Next Fighter Replacement programme.  
In the Military Aircraft Business Unit, which is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS), are concentrated all the EADS capabilities in the areas of high-performance combat aircraft, unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), manned mission aircraft and training aircraft and the ground support equipment for these systems.  
With revenues of approx. 5.2 billion euros in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, DS forms the defence pole within EADS. It offers integrated systems solutions to the new challenges confronting armed forces and homeland security units. It is active in the areas of military aircraft, missile systems, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems with manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), battlefield management systems, defence electronics, sensors and avionics, and related services.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of 30 billion euros and employed a workforce of more than 109,000.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 27, 2004, 08:21:16 pm
Life Time of Su-30MKI Power Plant Al-31FP Has Been Certified  
(Source: Irkut; issued Oct. 26, 2004)
 Within the frames of the contract for delivery of the Su-30MKI aircraft to the Indian Air Force, bench tests of the AL-31FP engine with thrust vector control (TVC) have been successfully completed in  
The tests of the engine had been carried out in parallel, at the bench of its designer – “NPO “Saturn” in Moscow, and the series production plant – JSC “UMPO” in the city of Ufa. The results of the tests confirmed 1000 hours mean time to overhaul and 2000 hours assigned life that were declared in the contract. Besides, the tests confirmed the mean time to overhaul making out 500 hours of the controlled jet nozzle.  
The “Certificate of the AL-31FP life-time” was signed on October 6, 2004, by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defence, the Central Aviation Engines Institute (CIAM), “NPO “Saturn”, UMPO, SUKHOI Corporation and IRKUT Corporation.  
All the works to certify the AL-31FP life-time were conducted upon order and at the expense of Irkut Corporation. Costs of AL-31FP research and development (R&D) were around 20% of the total Su-30MKI contract R&D costs.  
Irkut Corporation President Alexey Fedorov stated that “engine life-time has always been one of the most critical factors to define customer’s choice. I’m glad that the tests have been accomplished successfully and we managed to implement parameters that were declared. Test program was very long and complicated, and I would like to thank for excellent work all who participated in its realization”.  
The AL-31FP is the only engine with TVC under series production in the world. TVC improves safety of flight in all modes, prevents spin and enables the Su-30MKI aircraft to operate in the super maneuverability mode, thus ensuring a critical advantage in close-in air-to-air combat. The AL-31FP thrust amounts to 12500 kgf, the engine is controlled by means of an electronic regulating system. In terms of its lifetime parameters, the engine complies with the international standards of fighter power plants and has no equivalent in Russia.  
Mastering of the AL-31FP license production has started at the facilities of the Indian HAL Corporation. Its maintenance and repair will be carried out in a service center being established in India jointly by Russia and India.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 28, 2004, 10:54:22 pm
ITT Industries Wins $40 Million U.S. Air Force Contract to Supply Night Vision Goggles
(Source: ITT Industries; dated Oct. 18, released Oct. 27, 2004)
 WHITE PLAINS, NY --- ITT Industries, Inc. announced that it has been awarded a $40 million firm fixed price contract to provide AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles for use by U.S. Air Force fixed and rotary wing crews. These include pilots, co-pilots and other crewmembers aboard H-60 helicopters, KC-135 and KC-10 tankers, as well as C-17 and C-130 transport aircraft. The work will be performed by ITT_s Night Vision Division and is scheduled to be complete by July 2007.  
“The U.S. Air Force has been using our product for years, and we welcome this latest contract win,” said ITT Industries’ Night Vision Vice President and Director of Business Development Larry Curfiss. “As the industry leader in high-performance night vision technology, we value our strong relationship with the U.S. Air Force and are committed to helping these men and women perform their critical missions.”  
ITT Industries Night Vision, based in Roanoke, Va., is the world’s leading developer, producer and supplier of Generation 3 image intensifier technology for U.S. and allied military forces as well as federal, state and local law enforcement.  
ITT Industries, Inc. is a $6 billion global multi-industry company based in White Plains, NY.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 28, 2004, 11:02:18 pm
Danish Multi-Role EH101 Named Merlin Joint Supporter
(Source: Agusta Westland; issued Oct. 27, 2004)
 The Danish Multi-Role AgustaWestland EH101 helicopter was officially named Merlin Joint Supporter by Major General Klaus Axelsen of Air Materiel Command, Denmark, at a ceremony held yesterday at Agusta Westland’s Yeovil factory.  
Alan Johnston, Managing Director of Westland Helicopters, [said] “A tremendous amount of work has been undertaken throughout AgustaWestland, working closely with the Danish Air Materiel Command to prepare for the initial delivery at the end of this year. We look forward to Denmark joining the growing number of EH101 operators around the world who on a daily basis are benefiting from this helicopter’s excellent operational capabilities.”  
Major General Axelsen speaking at the naming ceremony said “I look forward to the delivery of the first Merlin Joint Supporter, a helicopter that is going to serve, not only the Danish Air Force, but also the Army and Navy for many years to come. It is going to provide the Air Force with the necessary capacity to continue its development towards an Expeditionary Air Force.”  
He went on to say the Merlin Joint Supporter with its high airspeed, modern sensor package and ability to fly in icing conditions will add a new dimension to the Tactical Troop Transport and Search and Rescue capabilities of the Danish armed forces.  
Denmark selected the EH101 for its Search and Rescue and Tactical Troop Transport requirements in September 2001 after an extensive assessment of both the EH101 and the Sikorsky S-92.  
Fourteen aircraft were ordered in multi-role configuration and the first EH101 for Denmark performed its maiden flight on 12th December 2003. Deliveries of the Merlin Joint Supporter will continue through 2005.  
AgustaWestland is one of the largest helicopter companies in the world. The company offers an unrivaled range of helicopters to satisfy the requirements of civil and military customers. AgustaWestland has its primary operations in Cascina Costa, Italy, and Yeovil, United Kingdom. AgustaWestland has two subsidiaries in the USA: AgustaWestland Inc located in Arlington, Virginia and Agusta Aerospace Corporation located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where helicopters are assembled and customized for the US market.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 03, 2004, 07:29:43 pm
Lockheed Martin Delivers First Super Hercules Built Under Multi-Year Acquisition Contract  
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Nov. 2, 2004)
 MARIETTA, Ga. --- Lockheed Martin has delivered the first KC-130J Super Hercules aircraft ordered under a joint United States Air Force/U.S. Marine Corps multi-year acquisition program. The KC-130J for the Marine Corps was formally accepted by Lt. Gen. Michael A. Hough, Deputy Commandant for Aviation, Headquarters Marine Corps. The aircraft will be delivered to Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 252 (VMGR-252) at the Cherry Point, North Carolina, Marine Corps Air Station.  
“A weapon system bought under a multi-year program is a weapon system that is of little risk. This means the price has been finalized and therefore you can buy a lot of them ... people have a lot of trust, faith and confidence in this not only because it works, but because it’s going to work for many, many years to come. The C-130 is without a doubt the world’s best transport,” said General Hough, during ceremonies at Lockheed Martin.  
“The reason we’re still building this airplane, and improving upon it, is because there’s no airplane that can do what it does and nothing has been invented that can do it better, especially in the business we are in today where we’re in a war on terror,” Hough said. “It’s a credit to everybody that works here and to this leadership to build this airplane for this country. It’s a national asset.”  
In 2002, the Department of Defense entered into a $4.3 billion contract with Lockheed Martin for a multiyear program to buy 60 Super Hercules aircraft for the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps. The contract includes 40 C-130J airlifters for the Air Force and 20 KC-130J tankers for the Marine Corps to be delivered between 2004 and 2009. There is currently a requirement for 51 KC- 130Js, of which 33 have been ordered and 14 delivered.  
The KC-130J is the tanker variant of the C-130J. Using only wing and external tanks, the KC-130J has a 57,500-pound (8,455 U.S. gallons) fuel offload capability while performing a 500 nm radius mission, compared with 38,000 pounds (5,588 U.S. gallons) for the current, and nearly 40-year-old, KC-130F fleet. The aircraft’s propulsion system offers a key enhancement for rapid ground refueling, including a function that feathers the props while the turbines continue to run and pump fuel. This eliminates prop blast behind the aircraft so ground forces can operate in relative calm. The KC-130J can offload up to 600 gallons of fuel per minute -- nearly four times the current offload rate.  
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the C-130. More than 2,270 Hercules aircraft of all types in more than 70 different variants have been delivered to 60 countries since the program began. Today, 67 countries, counting those that bought used aircraft, fly the Hercules. The C-130J is the latest version to come off the longest, continuous, active military aircraft production line in history.  
A total of 180 C-130Js have been ordered, with 118 delivered to date. In the United States, Air Force Reserve Command and Air National Guard units fly C-130Js. The Marine Corps operates KC-130J tankers and the Coast Guard has introduced the HC-130J into service. International C-130J operators include the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force, Italian Air Force and the Royal Danish Air Force. The capabilities and performance of the C-130J in supporting light, fast and lethal combat operations make it a true transformational asset.  
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, a business area of Lockheed Martin, is a leader in the design, research and development, systems integration, production and support of advanced military aircraft and related technologies. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin Corp. employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 04, 2004, 03:26:29 pm
Mach 10 Free Flight of Hypersonic X-43A Delayed
(Source: NASA; issued Nov. 3, 2004)
 EDWARDS, Calif.--- Due to weather and scheduling concerns, the third flight of NASA’s X-43A hypersonic research aircraft has been rescheduled for no earlier than Monday, Nov. 15, 2004.  
If availability of the U.S. Navy test range off the Southern California coast or weather conditions preclude conducting the mission, Nov. 16 is the backup date for the flight. The flight is scheduled at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.  
The mission is intended to flight-validate the operation of the X-43A’s supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engine at an airspeed of almost Mach 10, about 6,800 mph. Technicians are preparing the research vehicle and its rocket booster for mating to the B-52B launch aircraft. Project engineers are completing control room training for the mission.  
The final X-43A mission is also expected to be the last research mission for NASA’s venerable B-52B “mothership” heavy launch aircraft. It is due for retirement after almost 50 years of service.  
A pre-flight news media briefing at Dryden is rescheduled for the week of Nov. 8-12.  
The exact date will be announced to coincide with the X-43A mission.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 04, 2004, 03:27:53 pm
Lockheed Delivers Airborne Laser Flight Turret Assembly
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Nov. 3, 2004)
 SUNNYVALE, Calif. --- Lockheed Martin today announced it has delivered the Airborne Laser (ABL) Flight Turret Assembly (FTA) to Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., for integration into the aircraft. This event follows Lockheed Martin’s delivery of its ABL Beam Transfer Assembly and Multi-Beam Illuminator earlier in the year.  
ABL will be the world’s first megawatt-class laser weapon system integrated on a specially configured Boeing 747-400F aircraft to autonomously detect, track and destroy hostile ballistic missiles. Lockheed Martin is responsible for the system that will accurately point, focus and fire the laser to provide sufficient energy to destroy the missile while it is still in the highly vulnerable boost phase of flight. The ABL program is managed by the Missile Defense Agency and is executed by the U.S. Air Force from Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, N.M.  
“Integration and delivery of the FTA -- the third major element of our Beam Control/Fire Control segment of ABL marks a major milestone for both the program and our team,” said Paul Shattuck, ABL technical director for Lockheed Martin Space Systems. “Our extensive testing has validated the ability to point the turret with the agility and speed required to track and negate targets.”  
The FTA comprises the flight turret ball, containing a 1.5-meter telescope beam director and the conformal window, and its lightweight composite roll shell structure that covers and protects the optics when they are not in use. It is the FTA that distinguishes the ABL aircraft from any other Boeing 747. It is the distinctive “nose” of the aircraft from which the high-energy laser will be “fired” at threat missiles.  
The flight turret ball arrived for integration at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in early May from subcontractor L3-Brashear, Pittsburgh, Pa. The turret activity in Sunnyvale focused on testing of the outer gimbal controls using a surrogate turret configuration and regression testing of the flight ball. The testing using the surrogate configuration (surrogate ball and flight roll shell) verified that the gimbal -- or rotational -- system functions properly and reduced risk prior to integration of the flight ball, which took place in June. Following integration of the flight ball, the flight turret was subjected to a thorough set of performance tests prior to shipment to Edwards.  
The end-to-end ground tests and staggered deliveries of ABL Beam Control/Fire Control (BC/FC) components to Edwards Air Force Base throughout the spring and summer of 2004 -- and their sequential integration onto the aircraft -- have been carefully planned to achieve the objective of a flight test of the ABL aircraft by the end of the year, with the complete BC/FC element as an integral part of the system.  
Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, working closely with the Air Force and the Missile Defense Agency, are developing ABL. Boeing is responsible for developing the ABL battle management system, integrating the weapon system, and supplying the modified 747-400 freighter aircraft. Lockheed Martin is developing the Beam Control/Fire Control system. Northrop Grumman is providing the complete chemical oxygen iodine high-energy laser system.  
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, a major operating unit of Lockheed Martin Corporation, designs, develops, tests, manufactures, and operates a variety of advanced technology systems for military, civil and commercial customers. Chief products include a full-range of space launch systems, including heavy-lift capability, ground systems, remote sensing and communications satellites for commercial and government customers, advanced space observatories and interplanetary spacecraft, fleet ballistic missiles and missile defense systems.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin Corporation employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 04, 2004, 03:33:08 pm
Lockheed Flight Tests Sniper XR Downlink Capability
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Nov. 3, 2004)
 ORLANDO, Fla. --- Lockheed Martin’s Sniper XR/PANTERA advanced targeting pod (ATP) data downlink capability was successfully flight tested on a Norwegian mid-life upgrade F-16 aircraft at Bodo Air Force Base in Bodo, Norway. This event marked the first flight for the Sniper XR-based downlink capability.  
A production PANTERA pod was modified in-country by Royal Norwegian Air Force personnel in less than one hour to provide the downlink capability. The data downlink demonstration included both a ground-based safety-of-flight electromagnetic compatibility test and two flying missions. The downlink performed flawlessly and was shown to have no adverse affects on other aircraft systems.  
Representatives from both the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) and the Norwegian Army witnessed the demonstration and were impressed with the success of this first-time event. The downlink system transmitted a real-time PANTERA video stream to a downlink ground station from the F-16 aircraft at tactically significant ranges. It was “absolutely phenomenal,” stated Lou Karbiener, PANTERA Norway program manager. “The system exceeded even our most optimistic operational expectations.”  
The Sniper XR/PANTERA downlink supports the armed forces move towards a net-centric battlespace, allowing ground forces to view the battlefield from the airborne vantage point by providing wireless, scrambled, real-time streaming video (infrared and day TV) from the aircraft to ground forces. Linking targeting sensor imagery to ground forces significantly enhances their situational awareness, allows for greater precision and shortens timelines in coordinating air and ground operations.  
The Sniper XR/PANTERA downlink is compatible with currently fielded, man- portable ground receiver stations (Rover III) and features a long-range line- of-sight transmission radius. User-defined pod symbology, including aircraft display indications and Global Positioning System (GPS) information, are contained in the video transmission. Additionally, this downlink allows for simultaneous video transmission from multiple downlink-equipped aircraft operating in the same airspace.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 05, 2004, 08:53:36 pm
Boeing selects Stork Aerospace for the Wiring Systems of the 737 AEW&C programme
(Source: Stork Aerospace; issued Nov. 4, 2004)
 Stork Aerospace has reached agreement with The Boeing Company about the supply of design assistance and wiring systems for the Boeing 737 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) programme. The package includes all complex interconnections for the AEW&C mission systems.  
The Boeing 737 AEW&C system is the new world standard in AEW&C because of its superior aircraft performance and supportability based on the experience gained with the commercial 737 family. The 737 is integrated with combat-proven systems, which will provide survivable crisis/battle management and superior early warning, command and control capabilities. The aircraft is equipped with a 360-degree surveillance radar for continuous coverage of air and sea targets.  
Fokker Elmo, part of Stork Aerospace, was able a number of years ago not only to meet but even to exceed Boeing's expectations with the delivery of the first series for the 737 AEW&C 'Wedgetail' for the Royal Australian Air Force.  
This performance by the Stork company was the basis of Boeing's decision to include Fokker Elmo on the entire 737 AEW&C product line. Under the new agreement Fokker Elmo will start preparations this month for the next series of the 737 AEW&C 'Peace Eagle' for the Turkish Air Force.  
Deliveries are scheduled to start at the beginning of March 2005, continuing to the end of 2007. The 'Peace Eagle' programme represents a value for Fokker Elmo of several million euro over this period.  
Jan Lagasse, president of the Stork company Fokker Elmo, stated: "We are delighted to have this opportunity to further extend our relationship with The Boeing Company, following the mutually successful partnership on a previous AWACS contract a few years ago".  
Fokker Elmo (with locations in the Netherlands, the USA and China) specialises in electrical systems for the commercial and military aircraft industry. The company is part of the Stork Aerospace group. The group achieved a turnover of EUR 478 million in 2003 with 3,000 employees out of the total Stork turnover of EUR 1.94 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2004, 03:41:03 pm
Elbit Systems with Avioane Craiova Will Supply Eight IAR-99 Lead-in Trainer Aircraft to Romanian AF
(Source: Elbit Systems; issued Nov. 10, 2004)
 HAIFA --- Elbit Systems, in cooperation with the Romanian aircraft manufacturer Avioane Craiova, was recently awarded a $43 million contract from the Romanian Defense Ministry to supply eight IAR-99 lead-in trainer aircraft. The project will be executed in cooperation with Romanian industries over a period of three and a half years.  
As part of the contract, Elbit Systems will supply an advanced avionics package which will contribute to significant savings in pilot training costs. Elbit Systems will also supply ACTS, an Advanced Combat Training System, which will aid pilot training and the transition to upgraded MiG-21 aircraft and other future fighters.  
This contract follows Elbit Systems’ upgrade project of four IAR-99 aircraft which was announced in 2001. The first program has since been completed and the aircraft are currently used by the Romanian Air Force.  
Elbit Systems has been operating in Romania for the past 10 years and has conducted joint ventures with the country’s leading defense industries in domestic and international projects wards, achieving an offset value through investment in and export from Romania of high-tech products.  
Joseph Ackerman, President and CEO of Elbit Systems, said that supplying the advanced avionics and training packages to Romania’s Air Force flight training school strengthens the company’s cooperation with the Romanian Ministry of Defense, Air Force and military industries. He added it is yet another step in Elbit Systems’ strategy to expand its upgrade operations in Israel and around the world.  
The upgraded IAR-99s, developed by Elbit Systems and Avioane Craiova, have already recorded 1,300 flight hours and performed at the Farnborough and Paris air shows.  
Elbit Systems Ltd. is an international defense electronics company engaged in a wide range of defense-related programs throughout the world, in the areas of aerospace, land and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (“C4ISR”), advanced electro-optic and space technologies. The Company focuses on the upgrading of existing military platforms and developing new technologies for defense and homeland security applications.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2004, 03:42:58 pm
Lockheed UK Submits Proposal for Merlin CSP Program
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Nov. 10, 2004)
 HAVANT, United Kingdom --- Lockheed Martin UK Ltd submitted its proposal for the next phase of the Royal Navy’s Merlin helicopter program; the Merlin Capability Sustainment Plus (Merlin CSP) programme, which is aimed at securing Merlin’s capabilities into the foreseeable future.  
The Merlin CSP programme aims to solve future obsolescence issues and provide a significant reduction in whole life costs. This will be achieved through investment in new technology which, while primarily aimed at solving obsolescence, also brings with it improvements in capability with benefits such as an open computing architecture system with processing speeds and memory storage more than 250 times greater than current systems.  
The proposal is the culmination of a successful assessment phase of nearly 18 months which has brought together the strengths of Lockheed Martin as prime contractor and lead systems integrator, with the world-class helicopter platform skills of AgustaWestland to create a strategic business alliance.  
Ron Christenson, group managing director of Lockheed Martin UK – Integrated Systems said: “Merlin is at the core of our business in the UK and we are committed to taking this sophisticated multi-mission weapons system into the future. Our focus on best value for the customer throughout the assessment phase provides the MoD with confidence that a reliable, supportable weapon system is developed and delivered within affordable time and price constraints.”  
A competitive subcontractor selection process is a key factor in Lockheed Martin’s ‘whole system’ approach as the prime contractor. By focusing on every level of the contract from procurement to critical support factors such as intellectual property rights and support costs, Lockheed Martin UK will provide the Royal Navy with the best overall value through each phase of the program’s lifecycle.  
Mr. Christenson added: “Our contractor selection approach balances the use of domestic industrial resources and technology transfer, and builds on existing Merlin Mk1 partnerships where appropriate. It is anticipated that Merlin CSP will sustain more than 1400 high technology jobs in the UK. Additionally the domestic technology advances on Merlin CSP will allow UK industry to export competitively to other markets.”  
Lockheed Martin UK, a unit of Lockheed Martin Corporation, is a leader in systems integration working on major programs spanning the aerospace, defense, civil and commercial sectors. In the UK, Lockheed Martin has annual sales in the range of £400-600 million working with more than 75 business partners. Lockheed Martin employs approximately 1,000 people across the UK at facilities including London, Havant, Southampton, Yeovil, Swindon, Hertford, Reading, Bristol and Cornwall.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2004, 04:04:23 pm
Mirage 2000 Crashes Surprising and Alarming: Air Force
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued Nov. 10, 2004)
 NEW DELHI --- Terming the recent spate of Mirage 2000 fighter crashes as “surprising and alarming”, the Air Force today said that IAF’s frontline fleet had recently been put to a strenuous checks and some of the components of the accident-involved aircraft were being examined.  
Giving details of the last night’s crash of the Mirage fighter near the Gwalior Airbase, Air Marshal S K Malik, Vice Chief of the Air Staff said preliminary reports indicated that the pilot could have orientation problems leading to the crash.  
He said the flight data recorder of the aircraft had been recovered and would be thoroughly examined by the court of inquiry instituted to probe the crash.  
The Vice Chief said preliminary reports of earlier two crashes last month - one near Gwalior and other during air show at Mauritius - had indicated technical problems, so some of the components like blades had been sent for examination to the National Metallurgical Labortary in Jamshedpur.  
“Once the report expected within a week is received, it would be sent for expert study by the French manufacturers”, Malik said.  
The Vice Chief said the recent crashes were surprising as the Mirage of all fighters in the inventory of IAF had the cleanest safety record, with only six aircraft involved in accidents since their induction in 1987  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2004, 04:10:36 pm
Thailand and Singapore Sign Long-Term Air Force Training Agreement  
(Source: Government of Singapore; issued Nov. 12, 2004)
 1. Thailand and Singapore have entered into a long-term reciprocal agreement which would allow their air forces to conduct training in each other’s countries.  
2. Minister for Defence Rear-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean and Thai Defence Minister General (Retired) Sumpun Boonyanun signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today concerning mutual training and logistical support between the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF).  
3. The MOU expands the scope of cooperation between the RTAF and RSAF, thereby creating more opportunities for the two air forces to train together. Such cooperation enhances professional development and inter-operability.  
4. Thailand and Singapore share longstanding and close defence ties, and the two armed forces interact regularly through a wide spectrum of visits and professional exchanges. The signing of the MOU marks a significant milestone in the bilateral defence relationship and underscores the excellent cooperation between the RTAF and RSAF.  
5. Given Singapore’s limited land and airspace, overseas training is very important for the SAF. RSAF, in particular, conducts a significant portion of its flying training overseas and this is made possible through the support of friendly countries like Thailand. The SAF has been training in Thailand since 1978 and this MOU further demonstrates the trust and commitment between the two defence establishments toward long-term cooperation.  
Título: Global Hawk UAV
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 17, 2004, 04:00:39 pm
First Production Global Hawk UAV Arrives at Beale Air Force Base
(Source: Northrop Grumman Corp.; issued Nov. 16, 2004)
 SAN DIEGO --- The first production RQ-4A Global Hawk unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle has arrived at its new home at Beale Air Force Base, Calif.  
Designated AF-3, the UAV arrived on Oct. 28 following a short ferry flight from the Birk Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Northrop Grumman produces Global Hawk for the U.S. Air Force.  
"This is the first Global Hawk to arrive on base, but it's not new to us," said Col. Larry Wells, commander of the 9th Reconnaissance Wing at Beale Air Force Base. "For quite some time, our pilots and sensor operators have been operating the system in theatre from half a world away. During its current deployment, just one RQ-4A air vehicle has flown more than 1,000 combat hours, providing tremendous support to our fighting men and women on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan."  
"AF-3's arrival at Beale symbolizes Global Hawk's transition from a development program to an operational system," said Carl O. Johnson, Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk vice president and integrated product team leader. "Its performance in theatre has surpassed all expectations. Northrop Grumman is extremely proud to provide our customer and our country with this remarkable reconnaissance system."  
AF-3's arrival at Beale recently followed the first flight of N-1, the first Global Hawk for the U.S. Navy. N-1 is currently in test at Edwards Air Force Base. It will ferry to Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., next summer to prepare for the Navy's Global Hawk maritime demonstration scheduled to begin in mid-2005.  
To date, the Global Hawk system has logged more than 5,000 flight hours in test flights over the western U.S; on deployments to Florida, Australia, and Germany; and while conducting combat missions supporting the war on terrorism. More than 2,000 of those hours are attributed to the system's operational service.  
The company recently began production of an enhanced Global Hawk air vehicle, designated the RQ-4B, at its Antelope Valley Manufacturing Center in Palmdale, Calif. Compared to the RQ-4A, the RQ-4B features a larger wingspan (130.9 feet), a longer fuselage (47.6 feet) and a generator that can deliver 150 percent more power, enabling it to accommodate a 50 percent increase in total payload weight. Northrop Grumman plans to deliver the first three RQ-4B air vehicles in 2006 as part of the Lot 3 low rate initial production contract.  
Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems is a premier aerospace and defense systems integration organization. Headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., it designs, develops, produces and supports network-enabled integrated systems and subsystems optimized for use in networks. For its government and civil customers worldwide, Integrated Systems delivers best-value solutions, products and services that support military and homeland defense missions in the areas of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; space access; battle management command and control; and integrated strike warfare.  
Título: Upgrade dos CF-18 canadianos
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 25, 2004, 10:15:55 pm
Upgrading the CF-18 Fighter Aircraft: First Phase is on Time and within Budget
(Source: Auditor-General of Canada; dated Nov. 23, issued Nov. 24, 2004)
 OTTAWA --- Fourteen years will have elapsed from the time National Defence identified the need to modernize 80 of its CF-18 fighter aircraft until the first phase of upgrades is completed in 2006. But now that upgrades are proceeding, they are going reasonably well, says Sheila Fraser, the Auditor General of Canada, in her Report tabled today in the House of Commons.  
The challenge for National Defence is to finish the upgrades on time so that full advantage can be taken of improvements before the aircraft reach the end of their useful lives.  
“The CF-18 project team worked hard to overcome problems and keep much of this complicated project on track and within contract costs,” said Ms. Fraser.  
The Department was able to minimize the impact of delays in two of its projects. At the time of the audit, Canada had taken delivery of 33 upgraded fighter jets, which are now being flown and are meeting the Department’s performance expectations.  
The Department plans to fly the CF-18 until 2017, at which time the airframe is expected to be close to its maximum flying time. Therefore, the sooner the upgrades are installed, the longer National Defence can fly the aircraft with modernized equipment on board.  
The audit identified some problems—staff shortages, approval delays, and deficiencies in risk management and project management. Unless addressed, these problems could delay the successful completion of the project and prevent the Department from getting the full benefits of its investment in the CF-18 upgrade.  
“The Department needs to complete this upgrade on schedule by 2009 in order to take full advantage of its projected C$2.6 billion investment,” said Ms. Fraser.  
Ms. Fraser also noted that the Department needs to ensure that it has enough qualified pilots, maintenance technicians, spare parts, and funding to keep the upgraded CF-18 fleet fully operational until the expected end of its useful life. (ends)  
EDITOR’S NOTE: While this point is not mentioned in the above press release, the Auditor-General’s report expressed concern that the decision to upgrade just 80 of Canada’s CF-18 fighters was made without any analysis of the air force's real needs, and that of the 80 upgraded aircraft only 34 will be available for front-line service. We reproduce the salient excerpt from the Auditor-General’s report below.)  
Excerpt: Decision to Upgrade 80 aircraft.  
“We expected to find an analysis to support why the Department chose 80 aircraft as the number to modify. We expected that this analysis would take into account the many variables affecting the estimated useful life of the aircraft, including its expected attrition rate, age, and roles as defined in National Defence policy.  
“We were unable to find such an analysis. However, Department officials told us that upgrading 80 CF-18s was reasonable, financially. Yet, new threats to North America in light of global events over the past two years may increase the demands on the upgraded 80-aircraft fleet and may put even greater pressure on the Air Force to manage its fatigue life, maintenance, and flying hours.  
“Air Force analysis indicates that modernizing 80 aircraft does not mean that 80 aircraft would be available on a daily basis. The planned allocation of the 80 CF-18s is four operational squadrons of 12 aircraft each, with the remaining 32 available for training, testing and evaluation, and depot level maintenance. Of the 48 aircraft in operational squadrons, only 70 percent, or 34, are normally mission-ready on a daily basis.  
“With an expected attrition rate of one aircraft every two years, National Defence has recommended a review of how well the modernized 80-aircraft fleet will meet Canada's ongoing commitments, particularly in a post-September 11, 2001 environment.” (end of excerpt)  
- ends -
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 25, 2004, 10:28:51 pm
MQ-1 Predator Crashes in Southwest Asia
(Source: US Air Force; issued Nov. 24, 2004)
 SOUTHWEST ASIA --- An Air Force MQ-1 Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle crashed at 10:20 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time on Nov. 24 at an undisclosed military installation in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.  
Combined Air Operations Center officials said the accident was not the result of enemy fire, and the aircraft was recovered.  
A board of officers will investigate the accident.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 26, 2004, 11:03:13 pm
French Eurocopter to Deliver Helicopters for Bulgarian Army
(Source: Sofia News Agency; issued Nov. 24, 2004)
 French aircraft maker Eurocopter has been picked to supply a squadron of Cougar transport helicopters for Bulgarian Air Forces, Defence Minister Nikolay Svinarov said.  
The minister signed a protocol to this effect on Wednesday after a 15-member commission preferred the French company to US Sikorsky and Italia's Augusta.  
Minister Svinarov would not disclose any parameters in the deal, including its price. “We need to fix a few parameters on the contract financing and an offset agreement,” he told journalists.  
The contract is expected to be inked by December.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 29, 2004, 09:50:21 pm
Israel to Purchase ALH from India to Ferry VIPs
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued Nov. 26, 2004)
 JERUSALEM --- Israel is expected to purchase indigenously developed Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv, from India for transportation of VIPs and defense officials, a media report said here.  
Talks were on between the two sides over the deal, Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) spokesman Doron Soslik was quoted as saying by 'Ha'aretz' daily.  
The terms of the deals are yet to be finalized, he said.  
IAI and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited have joined hands to market Dhruv.  
IAI, which has supplied the avionics system and glass cockpit for the 'international version' of the ALH, has been negotiating with the Israel Air Force on the deal.  
The Israel Air Force dispersed its light helicopter squadron a year ago.  
The deal is said to be part of the reciprocal procurement from India in exchange for its purchase of the Phalcon early warning system.  
IAI officials told PTI that a joint team from India and Israel recently performed helicopter tests in Chile, which has shown keen interest in procuring Dhruv for its combined armed forces.  
US Customs are also likely to purchase Dhruv, which is said to have proven reliability even in battlefield conditions, defense sources said.  
The ALH set a new world record by flying at an altitude of around 8,000 meters in the Himalayan mountain ridge.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 29, 2004, 10:04:41 pm
RADM (NS) Teo Chee Hean Opens Changi Air Base (East)
(Source: Singapore Ministry of Defence; issued Nov. 29, 2004)
 Minister for Defence, Rear-Admiral (NS) Teo Chee Hean, officially opened Changi Air Base (East) this afternoon. The opening of Changi Air Base (East) is a milestone in the development of the RSAF as it is a significant enhancement to the operational capability of the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) to defend Singapore’s airspace.  
Changi Air Base (East) is an extension of the existing Changi Air Base. It will house 145 Squadron, which operates the F-16D Block 52+ Fighting Falcons. Changi Air Base (East) gives the RSAF greater flexibility in the dispersal of its assets while providing easier access to the training areas over the South China Sea.  
Jointly conceptualised and developed in close collaboration by MINDEF, the RSAF and the Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA), Changi Air Base (East) is built on about 200 hectares of undeveloped land. It was developed and designed with the latest information technology and innovative engineering solutions to optimise the use of land to meet the RSAF’s operational requirements.  
The innovative and sophisticated features at the base include an airfield lighting system and supervisory control and data acquisition system, anti-condensation system, aircraft arresting system, energy conserving lighting management system, and ergonomically-designed consoles at the air traffic control tower.  
Besides 145 Squadron, Changi Air Base (East) will also house support squadrons like the Flying Support Squadron, the Air Logistics Squadron and the Airfield Maintenance Squadron.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 29, 2004, 10:23:37 pm
Sukhoi 30MKI Fighter Handed Over To IAF
(Source: Press Trust of India; issued Nov. 29, 2004)
 OZAR AIRBASE, NASIK, India --- Marking a new chapter in the history of the Indian Air Force, the first indigenously built multi-role Sukhoi 30MKI fighter aircraft was today handed over to the force here.  
Built by HAL with Russian technology, the frontline twin-seater was rolled outat the Ozar airbase here.  
Addressing the ceremony at the sprawling air force base, Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India's defence policy is based on a very basic foundation and the country does not have any territorial ambition.  
"We don't have any territorial ambition. We don't want to play the role of aggressor. But that does not mean we should not be careful about our defence requirements.  
"We are equally determined not to allow anyone to annex even a small portion of our land," Mukherjee said.  
Título: Upgrade dos B-52H
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 01, 2004, 04:42:58 pm
B-52 Upgrade Meets Net-Readiness Criteria  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Nov. 23, 2004, web-posted Nov. 29, 2004)
 ST. LOUIS --- A Boeing program to modernize the U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber is the latest Integrated Defense Systems program to meet the Company's key requirements for networked combat readiness.  
Boeing defense programs are required to meet internal Company criteria ensuring the systems and platforms are delivered with the inherent ability to seamlessly share data and voice communications via mobile wireless networks. This capability Ð known as interoperability Ð is a key tenet of network centric operations, in which networked systems share information and are able to dynamically reallocate resources based upon operational needs.  
The Boeing criteria for NCO readiness incorporate customer requirements while helping to ensure the interoperability of enduring Boeing platforms. Boeing Strategic Architecture, the organization that developed the collection of interoperability standards and interfaces known as the Strategic Architecture Reference Model, is responsible for setting the internal criteria and certifying each of the programs. Compatibility with the SARM is among Boeing's key internal NCO requirements and ensures Boeing-built systems remain compatible with standards recommended by the newly formed Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium, of which Boeing is a founding member.  
"This important milestone is also a solid indication of Boeing's commitment to provide our nation's warfighters with the networked tools and technologies they need to prevail in battle and return safely from the fight," said Strategic Architecture Vice President Carl O'Berry. "It also demonstrates the adaptability of the reference model as an architecture approach enabling new systems, such as Future Combat Systems, and Joint Tactical Radio Systems as well as fielded systems, such as the B-52, to operate in a network centric environment."  
T he B-52 Stratofortress has proven its flexibility over 40 years, from dropping bombs at 50,000 feet to providing close-air support. Through this upgrade, these planes will be able to share data seamlessly with the newest platforms that are now being built.  
The B-52 Combat Network Communications Technology (CONECT) program is now in an initial phase at the Wichita Development and Modification Center. The program will improve the B-52's ability to share data with other military systems and platforms through enhanced communications, added tactical data links for increased situational awareness, and new technology to allow aircraft crews to dynamically retask missions and weapons during flight.  
"We see the B-52 CONECT program as the enabler for Network-Centric operational capability on the B-52. CONECT will allow B-52 mission transformation through information integration, both on-board and off-board the aircraft, creating new warfighting roles not previously anticipated," noted Scot Oathout, B-52 program manager for the IDS Aerospace Support business.  
Boeing built a total of 744 B-52 aircraft. The first B-52 flew in 1954. The last one built, a B-52H, was delivered in October 1962. Today 94 of the H model planes remain in the Air Force inventory, assigned to the Air Combat Command and the Air Force Reserves.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $27 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government, and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense and Department of Homeland Security; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in launch services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 01, 2004, 05:24:24 pm
Air to Air Refuelling of the Eurofighter Typhoon
(Source: Eurofighter GmbH; dated Nov. 19, web-posted Nov. 30, 2004)
 HALLBERGMOOS, Germany --- Eurofighter GmbH announced the successful completion of the first full night-time Air to Air Refuelling by Eurofighter Typhoon. The trial, performed by Eurofighter Typhoon IPA2, flying out of Practica di Mare Air Base, Italy, was conducted under the cover of darkness as part of an Air to Air Refuelling campaign focusing on qualifying the aircraft for night-time refuelling missions.  
The test was carried out by Alenia Aeronautica as the first in a series of eight integration exercises consisting of both day and night refuelling flights. During the night sortie, particular attention was paid to aircraft performance in terms of operating with the aid of only the lights from the refuelling aircraft and from the basket. The tests also validated the design decision of not including lighting in the refuelling probe with the aircrew involved encountering no difficulties in the execution of the tests.  
During the campaign, close attention was paid to potential interference with visibility from internal cockpit lighting, as well as the ability to refuel with rear-seat instruction. In both instances, the Eurofighter Typhoon successfully demonstrated the suitability of the cockpit design.  
Commenting on the evaluations, Alenia Aeronautica Chief Test Pilot Com Te Maurizio Cheli, stated “With this positive step forward, Eurofighter Typhoon has demonstrated the rate at which the flight test programme is progressing. The aircraft is in service, the Tranche 2 development and qualification work is well underway and we are clearly and quickly realising the potential of this aircraft.”  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 03, 2004, 03:46:21 pm
EADS Welcomes Go-Ahead from Bundestag for Second Tranche of Eurofighters
(Source: EADS Military Aircraft; issued Dec. 2, 2004)
 MUNICH --- "With today's approval from the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag, on the German side the way has been opened up for the signatures to be set to the long-awaited four-nation call-off contract for the second batch of Eurofighter aircraft," Rainer Hertrich, Co-CEO of EADS, stated on Thursday, commenting on the parliamentary release of funds for Eurofighter procurement.  
Tom Enders, CEO of the Defence and Security Systems Division of EADS (DS), underscored the positive signal this decision would send out for the ongoing final deliberations of the other participating nations. "This is a good day for the NATO and EU partner air forces of Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain, who will now receive a further total of 236 modern fighter aircraft. Furthermore, as the aircraft are equipped with the latest information and data transmission systems, complete compatibility with the global military information, command and control networks within the European and transatlantic defence alliances is ensured. Eurofighter is thus the first European combat aircraft that without reservation meets the requirements of the NATO and EU forces relating to Network Enhanced Capabilities."  
Johann Heitzmann, who heads the Military Aircraft Business Unit within DS, expressed relief at today's Bundestag decision, which means that several months of uncertainty regarding the continuation of the programme have now come to an end and the necessary planning security for all involved is well on track. "Through this parliamentary approval, the German side has fulfilled all the preconditions to enable the contract between the contracting authority NETMA and Eurofighter GmbH, which had already been initialled on 24 November, to be signed before the end of the year. This is an important milestone for the Eurofighter consortium and the European aeronautics industry including its small and medium-sized companies, which are also participating in the programme as suppliers," said Heitzmann.  
Tranche 2, as now approved by the Budget Committee of the Bundestag, is the second sub-contract within the umbrella contract for a total of 620 aircraft destined for the air forces of the four partner nations. Of the 236 aircraft in this production batch, the German Air Force will receive 68 and the Spanish Air Force 33, which will undergo final assembly in the EADS manufacturing plants in Germany and Spain. The tasks for Tranche 2 include both production and development for the extended air-to-ground mission capability of the Eurofighter, which will involve integration of state-of-the-art precision weapons for this role.  
The four partner nations' air forces have already received 34 of the 148 Eurofighter aircraft in the first production tranche. Currently a further 50 are on the industry's final assembly lines and the others are at various stages of series production.  
In the Military Aircraft Business Unit, which is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS), are concentrated all the EADS capabilities in the areas of high-performance combat aircraft, unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), manned mission aircraft and training aircraft and the ground support equipment for these systems.  
With revenues of approx. EUR 5.2 billion in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, DS forms the defence pole within EADS. It offers integrated systems solutions to the new challenges confronting armed forces and homeland security units. It is active in the areas of military aircraft, missile systems, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems with manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), battlefield management systems, defence electronics, sensors and avionics, and related services.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of EUR 30 billion and employed a workforce of more than 109,000.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 09, 2004, 04:14:00 pm
The RADA Advanced Israel Air Force A-4 "Skyhawk" Aircraft Successfully Performs its Inaugural Flight
(Source: RADA Electronic Industries Ltd.; issued Dec. 8, 2004)
 NETANYA, Israel --- RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. announced today that the first upgraded Israel Air Force A-4 Skyhawk has successfully completed its inaugural flight. This critical milestone of the program was accomplished within a tightly planned schedule of only 11 months following the program initiation.  
The A-4 Skyhawk is the IAF's advanced trainer used in the flight academy and as a lead-in fighter trainer for both the modern fighters (F-15 and F-16).  
The program, activated on January 1st, 2004, includes replacements of out-dated avionic units onboard the aircraft with newly designed equipment. The modernization aims at improving the training environment of air cadets flying the aircraft, enables a complete debrief of each flight using 3 dimensional graphic displays synchronized with video and audio recordings, while significantly reducing the aircraft's cost of ownership.  
The flight testing phase is scheduled to be completed within 3 months; with serial production and installation continuing until the third quarter of 2005.  
RADA's President, Brig. Gen (Res.) Herzle Bodinger, a former IAF Commander and former IAF Flight Academy Commander, commented on the successful flight: "We have justified the confidence the IAF and Ministry of Defense have put in RADA, by selecting and trusting us to perform this task. We thank the IAF and Ministry of Defence for their cooperation and salute our partners in this venture: Israel Aircraft Industries, Vectop and Nir Or for their outstanding performance."  
Zvika Alon, RADA's V.P of Business Development, added: "This program enables RADA to provide similar affordable solutions to other customers operating various trainers with common needs worldwide. Our solutions allow Air Cadets to train in an environment very similar to the one they will find later on their flying career in most advanced fighters."  
RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. is an Israel-based company involved in the military and commercial aerospace industries. The company specializes in Avionics, Ground Debriefing Stations (Video, ACMI and Maintenance) and Automatic Test Equipment.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 10, 2004, 06:44:51 pm
Statement on Participation in Airbus Design and Manufacturing Programme
(Source: South African Ministry of Transport; issued Dec. 9, 2004)
 Government is pleased to announce that it has accepted an invitation from Airbus Military for South Africa to participate in the A400M multi-role mission transport aircraft design and manufacture programme.  
In return, the Government has committed to procure and take delivery of between 8 and 14 aircraft as the programme matures between 2010 and 2014. The cost of 8 aircraft would be Euros 837 million.  
Negotiations are currently underway between the Government and Airbus Military to determine the terms of agreement for the country’s participation. At the same time, Denel and Aerosud have engaged Airbus Military to develop the details of industrial partnership contracts around specific dedicated work-share packages that will become effective as soon as an agreement has been signed between Government and Airbus Military. We are confident that a Memorandum of Agreement will be signed in the coming weeks.  
Further announcements will be made as soon as more information becomes available.  
1. Since at least 2000, the SA Government, through the Departments of Trade and Industry, Public Enterprises and Defence have been developing a strategy for the long-term development and sustainability of South Africa’s high technology aerospace sector.  
2. Government’s Integrated Manufacturing Strategy (through the dti) and the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy (through the Department of Science and Technology) both emphasise the importance of building globally competitive capabilities in knowledge intensive industries, of which aerospace is a prime example, if we are to grow our economic and industrial development away from resource-based industries. We have already had marked successes beyond all initial estimates in the automotive industry in this regard.  
3. South Africa boasts strong engineering capabilities in the aerospace sector which provide a solid foundation for future development. However, shifts in the global environment towards mergers and acquisitions and increased pressure on profitability of country-specific programmes have encouraged governments and the industry to contemplate multinational, long-term investments in specific, high volume contracts. The A400M Programme is the only global aviation programme of its kind, offering launch countries unequalled opportunities to participate in ways that sustain and enhance their own industrial and technological base.  
4. Of critical importance to Government is the fact that the A400M programme provides the country with the opportunity to meet its growing international obligations, particularly in regard to peacekeeping and support disaster relief and management, and a range of other civil, commercial and military missions.  
5. The SANDF’s current military transport and airlift capability is carried by a small fleet of 9 Hercules C130 aircraft. They are reaching the end of their working life, and will need to be replaced by about 2010.  
6. More important, experience has shown, and projections indicate, that the cargo carrying ability of the C130 and its various upgrades are insufficient to modern and future needs. Already over the last three years, South Africa has had to spend over R100 million to contract in privately owned airlift capabilities so that the SANDF could deploy personnel, resources and material into certain African peacekeeping operations.  
7. The current proposal contains specific benefits for South Africa:  
-- Firstly, guaranteed work-packages to industry, designed to meet global standards, will be in place for the next 17 years. Being in at the beginning also gives our industry a strong chance to bid successfully for maintenance and upgrade work in the future. This will allow South African companies to be integrated into what could be the world’s largest aviation supply chain.  
-- Secondly, the partnership allows South African industry and the Defence Force to influence the design and industrialisation of the aircraft that will ensure, amongst other things, that the aircraft we are committed to purchase already incorporate many of the features we consider necessary for deployment according to our own needs.  
-- Thirdly, the cost benefit to the country as a whole is greater than following a simple procurement process in 2010 as the country’s investment is linked directly to the number of aircraft to which we commit, but the return on that investment will derive from the success of the whole programme. Furthermore, the payments are stretched over the whole period of the programme, thus ensuring that costs are more easily managed on a year-by-year basis, rather than on large commitments over a short period of time.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 10, 2004, 07:15:09 pm
More Mine-Hunting Weapons for Spain
(Source: Kongsberg Gruppe; issued Dec. 10, 2004)
 Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace has signed a contract valued at approximately MNOK 31 with the Spanish Navy for the delivery of the mine-hunting weapon the Minesniper, an underwater vehicle for the destruction of sea mines.  
The contract is a continuation of a contract signed in 2002, and the latest addition brings the total contract value to roughly MNOK 69.  
The Spanish Navy is the first to use the Minesniper as a fully operational system. It has been deployed on all six of Spain's Segura Class mine clearing vessels, making the sale an important, international reference for Kongsberg.  
The Minesniper is a low-cost mine disposal system based on a remotely controlled submersible vehicle for the efficient identification and destruction of sea mines. Developed in close co-operation with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and the Norwegian Navy, the Minesniper is currently deployed onboard one Norwegian mine clearance vessel. The Minesniper is two meters long and weighs about 30 kilograms  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 10, 2004, 07:32:33 pm
Denel-OTB Supports German Missile Flight Trials  
(Source: Denel; issued Dec. 10, 2004)
 Denel's OTB test range near Bredasdorp in the Western Cape has just successfully concluded a month-long flight test campaign in support of the German Air Force for its Taurus KEPD 350 precision standoff guided missile system. This is the fifth campaign conducted at OTB following the successful negotiation in 1999 of a multi-million rand umbrella contract with the Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung (BWB) in support of the development programme of the weapon.  
The German test team complimented OTB on the professional management of the test campaign and expressed the highest appreciation for the excellent support received from Denel's OTB staff and the South African Air Force (SAAF) during the campaign.  
According to Dr. Jan Malan, general manager of Denel's OTB facility, the decision by a discerning client country like Germany to opt for OTB for their flight test campaigns, is testimony to the recognition it enjoys in the international arena.  
"This recent success again confirmed our ability to cater for evaluations of the most advanced weapon systems," Dr. Malan added. "Denel is confident the German client will return to the OTB test range by the middle of next year for a follow-up campaign."  
Two German Tornado fighter aircraft used during the test will return to Germany later this week from the SAAF's Air Base Overberg adjacent to Denel OTB. A US tanker aircraft will provide in-flight refuelling for the Tornado jets on their three-day journey from South Africa to Germany via Ascension Island and the Canary Islands. The almost 30 tons of equipment used in support of the test campaign, will be returned to Europe by charter flight over the next three weeks.  
More than 30% of OTB's annual turnover is earned from international contracts. According to the German client OTB's test facilities and the SAAF's Air Base Overberg proved well integrated and on par with any of the international test ranges it has been using in the past.  
Título: Boeing X-45A UCAV
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 13, 2004, 10:38:23 pm
Two Boeing X-45A Unmanned Jets Continue Coordinated Flights
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Dec. 10, 2004)
 ST. LOUIS --- Two military jets flying together may seem routine, but when they are pilotless, tail-less aircraft, routine goes out the window and science fiction springs to mind. Boeing continued to turn science fiction into reality when two X-45A technology demonstrator aircraft made their second and third coordinated flights at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.  
Controlled by a single pilot-operator, the Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems' (J-UCAS) X-45As, complete with Boeing's latest software build known as Block 3 software, departed in succession and entered coordinated flight over the test range. Known by the call signs “Stingray 01 and 02,” the revolutionary aircraft operated together in coordinated flight for more than one hour. During the Dec. 3 mission, the 27-foot-long air vehicles flew successfully in several different formations, demonstrating the ability to autonomously enter and exit coordinated flight based on pre-identified points and showing the ability to dynamically alter the formation in all three axes simultaneously.  
The previous Block 3 multiple vehicle flight on Nov. 12 demonstrated “4-D” navigation, which allows the vehicles to accurately control time-of-arrival over specified geographic locations in addition to maintaining relative position – a critical capability in tactical operations.  
“With 42 flights and more than two years of testing under our belts, we're ready to take unmanned systems to the next level,” said Darryl Davis, Boeing J-UCAS X-45 vice president and program manager. “Using data from our first coordinated flight in August and others in 2004, we're developing an affordable, effective war fighting system capable of operating autonomously and cooperatively within networked combat environments.”  
Boeing was recently awarded $767 million in funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to build and demonstrate three X-45C aircraft, two mission control elements, and to integrate a common operating system technology for the J-UCAS program. Boeing's software used on the X-45As may be offered as a candidate for functionality in J-UCAS' Common Operating System. The first X-45C flight is scheduled to take place in early 2007.  
The J-UCAS X-45 program is a DARPA/U.S. Air Force/U.S. Navy/Boeing effort to demonstrate the technical feasibility, military utility and operational value of an unmanned air combat system for the Air Force and the Navy. Operational missions for the services may include suppression of enemy air defenses; strike; electronic attack; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and persistent global attack. The two X-45A technology demonstrators are currently verifying the core functionality of the software necessary for these and related missions.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $27 billion business. It provides network-centric systems solutions to its global military, government and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense and Department of Homeland Security; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in launch services.  
Título: Egipto compra C-130H
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 13, 2004, 11:32:41 pm
Pentagon Contract Announcement
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued Dec. 10, 2004)
 Lockheed Martin Corp., Marietta, Ga., is being awarded a $30,690,000 firm fixed price contract to provide for three C-130H aircraft and related spares for the Egyptian Air Force.  
This effort supports foreign military sales to the Egyptian Air Force.  
Total funds have been obligated. This work will be complete by December 2004. Solicitation began November 2004 and negotiations were completed December 2004.  
The Headquarters Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins Air Force Base, Ga., is the contracting activity (FA8504-05-C-0005).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 14, 2004, 10:41:47 pm
L-3 Communications Selected to Modernize Republic of Korea Navy P-3 Fleet
(Source: L-3 Communications; issued Dec. 13, 2004)
 L-3 Communications announced today that its Integrated Systems (L-3 IS) subsidiary, as part of an industry team headed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), has been selected by the Republic of Korea (ROK) Ministry of National Defense to complete mission system modernizations and service life extensions for eight ROK Navy P-3 aircraft, known as "Lot II".  
The contract, details of which have not been finalized, will provide the ROK Navy's newest P-3 patrol aircraft with a complete suite of modern sensors and electronics, as well as ground support systems to augment the eight P-3 aircraft already in the ROK Navy fleet. The Lot II aircraft are being procured from the U.S. Navy.  
"This selection affirms our long-standing commitment to Korea," said Bob Drewes, president of L-3 IS. "We have established great relationships with our Korean industry partners and our best people will work shoulder-to-shoulder with KAI to deliver the industry's most advanced and reliable airborne mission systems."  
L-3 IS has modified over 300 P-3 aircraft dating back to the 1960s and is currently performing advanced mission systems, major structural modification, refurbishment and revitalization across a broad customer base including the U.S. Navy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.), Royal Australian Air Force and Royal New Zealand Air Force.  
L-3 Communications Integrated Systems is an SEI CMM Level 5 developer and integrator of complex electronic systems for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions. Headquartered in Greenville, Texas, L-3 IS operates from major sites in Austin and Waco, Texas; Madison, Mississippi; Lexington, Kentucky; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Newport News, Virginia; and Avalon, Australia.  
Headquartered in New York City, L-3 Communications is a leading merchant supplier of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) products, secure communications systems and products, avionics and ocean products, training products, microwave components and telemetry, instrumentation, space and wireless products. Its customers include the Department of Defense, selected U.S. government intelligence agencies, aerospace prime contractors and commercial telecommunications and wireless customers.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 16, 2004, 11:42:13 pm
Procurement of Il-78 Flight Refueling Aircraft
(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued Dec. 15, 2004)
 NEW DELHI --- The Government concluded a contract for the procurement of six IL-78 Flight Refueling Aircraft in Feb 2001.  
There was a delay of about eight months in the delivery of the third and fourth aircraft. Recently, the fifth IL-78 Flight Refueling Aircraft was delivered. All the Five IL-78 Refueling Aircraft have been inducted in the Air Force.  
The sixth aircraft, which was scheduled for delivery in Nov 2004, is now expected during this month.  
This information was given by the Defence Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee in a written reply to Smt NP Durga in Rajya Sabha today.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 16, 2004, 11:53:04 pm
First Flight for the C-27J Spartan for the Hellenic Air Force  
(Source: Alenia Aeronautica; issued Dec. 15, 2004)
 The first C-27J Spartan series aircraft to be delivered to the Hellenic Air Force, has successfully achieved its first flight in Caselle, after the final integration at Alenia Aeronautica’s plants of Turin-Caselle.  
After take-off at 10 a.m. from the Alenia Aeronautica’s flight test field, piloted by Commanders Agostino Frediani and Gianluca Evangelisti (also on-board the third test pilot, Commander Mario Mutti), the C-27J has performed some manoeuvres and flight figures for a total of 83 minutes.  
The success of the first flight of the Hellenic Air Force aircraft enables the Italian company to respect contractual time schedule, which envisages delivery by end of January 2005.  
The C-27J, manufactured by Alenia Aeronautica and Lockheed Martin, is the most advanced tactical transport aircraft and has already been ordered by the Italian and Hellenic Air Forces (12 units each).  
A range of potential American, European and Asian customers have also shown a keen interest in the C-27J. Particularly the C-27J was engaged in a campaign in the USA and Canada. During the demo tour Alenia Aeronautica has shown the aircraft to the institutional representatives, the Armed Forces and the specialised public.  
The US have shown a great interest in the C-27J. In fact, the US Army is developing a joint requirement (FCA Program) for the US Army National Guard (replacement of 43 C-23 Sherpa), US Army Fixed Wing, for an initial market size of 37 aircraft. The Army National Guard has indicated the Italian/American aircraft as the likely successor of the C-23 Sherpa, presently used by the National Guard in some 20 States.  
The C-27J is the best answer to the need of renewing the Search and Rescue airlift fleet (the Buffalos and the C-130s) of the Canadian Government, which could purchase 15 units of the Italian-U.S. airlifter.  
The aircraft has already been formally evaluated by the Air Forces of Australia, Taiwan, Ireland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and other countries that have recently joined NATO.  
The C-27J is, in fact, an aircraft fully meeting the interoperability requirements, necessary for the future aircraft of the Alliance’s Air Forces.  
Currently, a total of sixteen (16) C-27J aircraft, at different progress levels, are being manufactured at Alenia Aeronautica’s plants of Pomigliano d’Arco (near Naples) and Caselle (Turin).  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 16, 2004, 11:57:45 pm
Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina Rolls Out First AT-63 Pampa
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Dec. 15, 2004)
 CORDOBA, Argentina --- Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina S.A. rolled out the first upgraded Pampa jet trainer in a formal ceremony today. This AT-63 Pampa is the demonstrator of the new configuration of the Pampa, and is ready to initiate the ground testing phase, the necessary stage prior to flight testing which is expected to begin mid-year 2005.  
"We are proud to roll out this aircraft today, manufactured for the Argentine Air Force," said Alberto Buthet, President of Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina. "The Pampa rollout highlights a year of considerable growth for our company that included new contracts with other countries and companies and a 10 percent growth in our workforce."  
The AT-63 Pampa is a low-cost advanced trainer and light attack aircraft. It is the new version of the legendary IA-63 Pampa originally built in Cordoba. The new generation Pampa continues to provide the ease of maintenance and airframe stability of the original version, while featuring an upgraded crew station and modern avionics suite with a military standard 1553B data bus architecture and sophisticated mission computers to provide more reliability to support advanced weapon systems. These upgrades significantly reduce maintenance costs by using the modular approach to systems design.  
The aircraft rolled out in Cordoba today is part of the Pampa program, which was reactivated in February 2004 with the two five-year contracts awarded by the Argentine Government to Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina. The contracts include the upgrade of 12 existing aircrafts to the AT-63 configuration for the Argentine Air Force, and manufacturing 12 AT-63 Pampa jets, six for the Argentine Air Force and the other for international sales. The contracts also included maintenance and modification services for aircraft, engines and accessories to the Argentine Air Force's fleet.  
Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina is a major industry leader in the province of Cordoba, with about 1,000 employees. In addition to its work for the Government of Argentina, the company also signed other important contracts in 2004 to provide maintenance services to Colombian and Bolivian aircraft, engines and fans of commercial airlines, and to manufacture aircraft parts for Chile and Lockheed Martin USA.  
One of the most important aerospace industry centers in Latin America, Lockheed Martin Aircraft Argentina is a member of Lockheed Martin Aircraft & Logistics Centers. Lockheed Martin is a global leader in the design, manufacture and support of military aircraft. The company produces the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the F/A-22 Raptor and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 17, 2004, 05:05:50 pm
Hungary Signs for AMRAAMs
(Source: Magyar Nemzet, Hungary; published Dec. 16, 2004)

(by Gabor Zord, Magyar Nemzet defense correspondent)
 Just before the expiration of a US offer dated July, Hungarian MoD acquisition chief Ferenc Bese signed a Letter of Acceptence (LoA) last week on the purchase of forty (40) AIM-120C-5 missiles and associated equipment, valued at 25,389,904 USD.  
The weapons are scheduled to be shipped between 2006 and 2007 to equip the new JAS-39 EBS-HU Gripen aircraft of the Hungarian Air Force which will take the country's Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) task from January 2009.  
The contract identifies successful airframe/missile integration certification as a condition which must be met before the missiles will be transported to the country.  
Under a separate deal between AMRAAM manufacturer Raytheon Corporation and Gripen manufacturer SAAB/BAE, this work is currently underway in Sweden, as the Swedish Materiel Administration (FMV) has signed for two AIM-120C-5 missiles in March. As the Gripen is currently certified only for the earlier AIM-120B variant, more integration work -- especially software -- is required.  
The AMRAAM offer was part of a larger package comprising stocked US AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles, newly manufactured GBU-10, 16, 12 laser guidance kits for Mk84, 83, 82 bombs and AGM-65H/K air-to-ground missiles. However, these were all rejected as "too expensive".  
To fulfill the need for short range air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground weapons, the Hungarian MoD is going to issue an open tender early next year. According to Nandor Hollosi, chief advisor to the defence minister, the winners will be announced during the spring.  
Sources close to the Air Force suggest that offers from Germany on stocked AIM-9JULI, and from Sweden on stocked AIM-9L missiles are the likely front runners; however, such deals require US approval beforehand.  
These budget-driven considerations are seen with concern by the small Hungarian fighter community which prefers Bodenseewerk Geratetechnik/Saab Dynamics IRIS-T High-Off-Boresight (HOBS) missiles cued by Helmet Mounted Sight (HMS). They see the Sidewinder as a step back from their current R-73E (AA-11)/HMS combination employed on their current mount, the MiG-29.  
However, IRIS-T is considered too expensive by the Hungarian MoD, while its integration on the Gripen airframe has not been completed by the Swedish Air Force, which is a likely future customer for that missile.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 21, 2004, 01:24:29 am
New Hangars Establish Bomber Deployment Option
(Source: US Air Force; issued Dec. 17, 2004)
 WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. --- The B-2 Spirit now has a new home away from home.  
Officials at Royal Air Force Fairford in the United Kingdom recently unveiled two climate-controlled permanent hangars specifically designed for the B-2. The new 50,000-square-foot facilities allow specialized low-observable-surface maintenance to be performed.  
“Low-observable maintenance is the backbone of the B-2,” said Col. Chris Matson, 509th Maintenance Group commander. “Having the LO dock at Fairford allows us to do this critical process faster and better.”  
LO maintenance is essential to maintaining the specialized coatings that cover the aircraft’s composite and metal skin. Applying these coatings, and ensuring they cure correctly, must be done in a climate-controlled environment, said Master Sgt. Brian Tobin, 509th Maintenance Squadron.  
Forward basing B-2s at Fairford saves about 16 hours of flight time across the Atlantic Ocean and will enable the bombers to reach targets sooner, Colonel Matson said.  
“Staging the B-2 closer to potential theater engagement areas will provide a deterrent to adversaries of the United States,” said Lt. Col. Tom Bussiere, 325th Bomb Squadron commander. “The completion of the B-2 shelter is a step in the right direction in making RAF Fairford a fully operational B-2 forward operating base.”  
The $19 million hangar complex was completed seven months ahead of schedule, officials said.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 23, 2004, 11:07:45 pm
Turkey Signs for Head-of-State Sikorsky S-92
(Source: Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.; issued Dec. 22, 2004)
 STRATFORD, Conn. --- The Turkish government has signed a contract for a Sikorsky S-92 helicopter to serve head-of-state missions.  
Turkey joins Turkmenistan in selecting the S-92 as its head-of-state helicopter. Turkmenistan is buying two aircraft. To date, Sikorsky has orders, including options, for more than 60 S-92 helicopters, making it the most successful commercial launch in the company's history.  
Sikorsky has been contracted by the Government of Canada to provide 28 military H-92 derivatives. The S-92 is also becoming popular candidate for head-of-state aircraft, with a version of the H-92 under consideration for the next-generation helicopter to serve the White House mission.  
"This further solidifies Turkey's relationship with our company," said Joseph Gigantelli, regional vice president for Sikorsky. "We are pleased with the confidence Turkey has shown in our products." Turkey operates S-70 Black Hawk and Seahawk helicopters.  
The S-92 provides unprecedented levels of safety and reliability, including Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Systems (EGPWS) in all civil aircraft configurations.  
It is the first and remains the only helicopter in the world certified by the FAA to FAR Part 29 Transport Rotorcraft, Amendment 47, the latest U.S. safety regulations. The Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) are the European counterpart of the USA-based FAR, with similar safety regulations.  
The type certification and safety capabilities place the S-92 firmly ahead of other medium helicopters in the marketplace.  
Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, based in Stratford, Conn., is a world leader in helicopter design, manufacturing and service. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation, of Hartford, Conn.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 23, 2004, 11:12:39 pm
Delivery of the First EC 225 to the Ministerial Air Liaisons Group of the Republic of Algeria
(Source: Eurocopter; issued Dec. 22, 2004)
 MARIGNANE, France --- On 22 December 2004, the first series production EC 225 to roll off the Marignane assembly lines was officially delivered to the Ministerial Air Liaisons Group (GLAM) of the Algerian Republic. This helicopter in VIP livery will join the prestigious transport squadron, which serves the Presidency of the Algerian Republic.  
The choice of the Algerian Government confirms the success of the aircraft of the Super Puma/Cougar family, which have already been chosen by 32 heads of state or governments. The EC 225, the latest addition to the Super Puma/Cougar family of twin-engine, medium-sized aircraft in the 11-ton class performed its maiden flight in November 2000.  
This helicopter has been developed to perform passenger transport work, in particular for the Offshore and VIP sectors, and public service missions such as Search and Rescue (SAR). In July 2004, the EC 225 satisfied the most recent JAR 29 regulations, and was awarded its IFR certificate of airworthiness by the new European airworthiness authority EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency).  
The EC 225 features:  
-- A new Spheriflex main rotor with five blades equipped with a very advanced airfoil shape providing the aircraft with an extremely low vibration level.  
-- A strengthened main gearbox.  
-- Two new Turbomeca Makila 2A turboshaft engines developing 2448 hp and equipped with a duplex, dual-channel full authority digital engine control (FADEC) system, guaranteeing top-level reliability.  
-- A new, integrated Advanced Helicopter Cockpit and Avionics System designed to reduce the amount of work required by the crew to fly the helicopter (digital 4-axis autopilot), which also displays the flight and subsystem management data.  
These new technologies have improved performance (speed, maneuverability), comfort (vibration, noise) and flight safety – a quality that is particularly appreciated by the crews who have flown the helicopter.  
Twenty-two aircraft from the EC 225/EC 725 family have already been ordered and the total number of orders for the Super Puma/Cougar family has increased to 682 helicopters.  
Eurocopter is a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS. EADS is a global aerospace, defense and related services company. In 2003, EADS recorded a turnover of 30.1 billion Euros and the company employs more than 109,000 people. EADS companies include the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, the world’s biggest helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter, and the joint venture MBDA, the world’s second biggest missile manufacturer. EADS is the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium, and is the main contractor for the Ariane launcher. EADS is also developing the A400M military transporter and is the biggest industrial partner for Galileo, the European satellite navigation system.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 04, 2005, 01:23:39 am
Irkut Corporation Completed Delivery of Su-30MKI Fighters to India  
(Source: Irkut; issued Dec. 28, web-posted Dec. 30, 2004)
 On Decemder 26, 2004 Irkut Corporation completed delivery of the third phase Su-30MKI multifunctional fighters to the Indian Air Force. Thus, Irkut has fulfilled its commitments on the delivery contract signed with Indian Ministry of Defence in November 1996.  
The Su-30MKI aircraft designed by Sukhoi Design Bureau possess unsurpassed performance and combat capabilities. Avionics suite of the aircraft includes the most advanced developments of avionics building companies from Russia, India, France, Israel and Great Britain. Integration of avionics was performed by Ramenskoe Design Bureau.  
The Su-30MKI, as the first among production aircraft, is equipped with the AL-31FP thrust vector controlled engine designed by “Saturn” Research and Production Corporation. Thrust vector control provides for the supermaneuverability mode significantly improving flight safety and ensuring a critical advantage for the Su-30MKI in a close-in air-to-air combat.  
Su-30MKI radar, the N-011 (BARS), with a phased antenna array, designed by NIIP named after Tikhomirov, ensures simultaneous tracking and attack of several aerial and surface targets. Delivery of the BARS radar to the Indian Air Force was provided by “Airspace Equipment” Corporation.  
Series production of the Su-30MKI fighters was conducted by Irkutsk Aviation Plant of Irkut Corporation.  
Developing cooperation with India, Irkut is presently implementing a contract for licensed production of the Su-30MKI by India based Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. That was signed in 2000. According to contract terms reaching to 2017, the Indian side is manufacturing the Su-30MKI including engines, aircraft systems and avionics.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 05, 2005, 12:56:04 am
South Korea to Push Ahead with Helicopter Procurement Project
(Source: Yonhap news service; issued Dec. 28, 2004)
 SEOUL --- The South Korean government on Tuesday [28 December] decided to push ahead with a controversial multi-billion dollar helicopter procurement project next year, an official said.  
The government plans to spend 8-13 trillion won (7.6-12.4bn dollars) to develop 500 modern helicopters by 2012 in partnership with foreign manufacturers.  
The procurement plan, dubbed the KMH project, however, ran into trouble in July when a state audit agency said the plan is not economically feasible and pointed to several other problems. Some military experts estimate the procurement will cost more than 30 trillion won.  
On Tuesday, Unification Minister Chung Dong-young, who concurrently heads the National Security Council, convened a meeting to discuss the KMH procurement project with defence, foreign, commerce and budget ministers, said a government official, requesting anonymity.  
The top officials agreed on the need to move ahead with the procurement project which would replace South Korea's aging helicopter fleet, the official said. They, however, agreed to push to develop transport helicopters using domestic technology and will later decide whether to introduce attack helicopters, he said.  
Under the initial KMH project, South Korea was to develop 300 transport helicopters by 2010 and 200 attack helicopters by 2012.  
"We'll be able to report to President Roh Moo-hyun within the week at the earliest, and we will make an official announcement on it after getting his approval," the official said.  
Five foreign arms manufacturers, including Boeing, Bell and Eurocopter, have applied to produce airframe parts for the project. Another five foreign bidders, including Rolls-Royce International, have expressed interest in supplying the engines.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 05, 2005, 01:00:29 am
Certification of Pilatus PC-21
(Source: Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.; issued Jan. 3, 2004)
 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. received the type certification of its new military training aircraft, the PC-21, from the Swiss Federal Office for Civil Aviation shortly before the end of 2004. This certification opens the way for series production of the PC-21.  
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. celebrated the rollout of the revolutionary PC-21 training aircraft on May 1, 2002 and witnessed the first flight two months later. It was stated at that point to have the aircraft certified by the end of 2004, which has been successfully completed.  
The two PC-21 prototypes have logged more than 750 flight test hours during the development and certification phase. Pilatus will continue to work on the testing and certification of several additional systems, such as autopilot and instrument flying (IFR), to further increase the aircraft’s market potential and competitiveness.  
The PC-21 is an entirely new aircraft design, developed by Pilatus from the ground up to meet the enhanced training needs of modern air forces, who require the downloading of training to cheaper platforms and airborne embedded simulation. The aircraft has pushed the envelope of turboprop aircraft capabilities to meet and exceed the training capabilities of many jet trainers.  
The greatest breakthrough of the PC-21 is its cutting edge cockpit based on open architecture avionic systems. Performing both basic and advanced flying training was not possible with older turboprop training aircraft, and thus places the PC-21 as the leader in this market segment. The sophistication and performance of the PC-21 will now allow air forces to train many pilot skills previously exclusive to jet trainers. In addition to the economic sense of training on a turboprop trainer, air forces can benefit from the reduced ambient noise and pol-lution levels encountered with jets.  
Thirty air forces worldwide train their pilots with Pilatus aircraft. In addition to the new PC-21, Pilatus continues to offer the successful PC-9M and PC-7 MkII training aircraft.  
PS : Este é o Pilatus construído nas OGMA?
Título: re:
Enviado por: p_shadow em Janeiro 05, 2005, 03:36:49 am
PS : Este é o Pilatus construído nas OGMA?

Não. As OGMA fabricam parte do PC-12.

Enviado por: Major Alvega em Janeiro 05, 2005, 02:17:40 pm
Este PC-21 é a evolução do PC-9M para fazer face ao Super Tucano, seu arqui-rival de mercado aviões de treino que foi recentemente introduzido pela Embraer para substituir e como evolução do EMB312 Tucano.

 O PC-12 que a OGMA, sub-contratada da Pilatus, produz a fuselagem e vários componentes é uma aeronave monomotor de 9 lugares.
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 06, 2005, 03:12:12 pm
Taiwan Agrees to Purchase Lockheed Martin's Battle-Proven Hellfire II Missiles
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Jan. 4, 2005)
 ORLANDO, Fla. --- The U.S. Army has executed a letter of agreement with Taiwan, setting the stage for the sale of more than 400 AGM-114M blast-fragmentation Hellfire rounds under a foreign military sales contract (FMS). The value of the Taiwan order is in the range of $50 million.  
The Taiwanese Hellfire purchase comprises the largest part of the U.S. government's Hellfire missile Buy 10 contract award to Lockheed Martin. The new contract equates to approximately six months of activity on the Hellfire production line at Lockheed Martin's manufacturing plant in Troy, AL.  
The total U.S. Government contract will include more than 600 AGM-114M blast fragmentation and AGM-114K high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds. It represents the largest single sale of the AGM-114M to date, either domestically or internationally. The Taiwan portion represents approximately 70 percent of the rounds to be delivered; between 5-10 percent are earmarked for Israel under FMS, with the balance going to the U.S. Army. Work on the missiles began earlier this year.  
"Hellfire's lethality and combat-proven performance, coupled with its precision-strike capability, provides the Taiwanese armed forces with the best air-to-ground weapon system in the world," said Mark Stenger, director of the Air-to-Ground Missile Systems program area at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control in Orlando. "In Afghanistan and Iraq, Hellfire not only proved to be superior against buildings, but was extremely effective against ships, light armor and urban targets."  
Hellfire II and Longbow Hellfire have been used in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), with more than 600 Hellfire rounds fired to date. At one point, the Lockheed Martin Hellfire team was asked to accelerate delivery of 84 blast fragmentation rounds, from six months to less than two weeks, to support the war effort; the missiles arrived a day ahead of schedule.  
Army users reported excellent Hellfire II missile performance and durability in the desert environment: According to the Hellfire II Durability Field Report from OIF, "With the amount of dust, impact shock from bouncing on the metal floor of a truck traveling at 30, 40, 50...mph across bumpy, off- road terrain, being dropped or thrown down, seeker domes exposed to dust/wind, fins grabbed in awkward ways, etc. ...the missiles ... have been superb!"  
Taiwan's decision to purchase Hellfire ensures its military's interoperability with the U.S. Army, Marine Corps and Special Operations Forces' deployed worldwide. With more than 18,000 rounds produced for U.S. and international customers, Hellfire has been successfully integrated with every leading attack helicopter in the U.S. and Allied fleets. It is approved for international sales both through the foreign military sales system and direct commercial sales.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services.  
Título: USAF retira temporariamente de serviço os B-1B
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 06, 2005, 03:25:52 pm
B-1 Fleet Grounded After Landing Gear Collapses
(Source: US Air Force; issued Jan. 4, 2005)
 SAN ANTONIO --- B-1 Lancers Air Force-wide were grounded after one aircraft’s nose-gear collapsed at a forward-deployed location supporting operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, Air Combat Command officials said Jan. 4.  
The 67 aircraft fleet will be grounded until each aircraft goes through a one-time inspection. Officials said they expect the inspections to be completed within a few days.  
After landing safely at the deployed location, the pilot taxied the aircraft to its parking spot. When the engines were shut down, the nose landing gear collapsed, officials said.  
No one was injured in the incident. The aircraft and its four-person crew are deployed from the 28th Bomb Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., to the 40th Air Expeditionary Group.  
A board is investigating the cause of the collapse and determining the extent of damage to the aircraft.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 08, 2005, 12:14:34 am
CF-18 Modernization Celebrates Midway Point of Phase I
(Source: Canadian Department of National Defence; issued Jan 6, 2005)
 OTTAWA – The Canadian Forces took delivery of the 40th “Phase I” modernized CF-18 Hornet from Boeing International today. This marks the midway completion point for Phase I modernization.  
The $880-million contract with Boeing, awarded in 2001, includes procurement and installation of a sophisticated technical upgrade package that will help extend the life of the CF-18 until at least 2017. The package is based on the US Navy's F-18 Hornet upgrade program and was found to be the most cost-effective and lowest risk solution for Canada's CF-18 modernization requirements. Under sub-contract, the aircraft modifications are being done by L-3 MAS at its facilities in Mirabel, Quebec.  
“This contract was undertaken as part of a thorough mid-life upgrade of our CF-18s that will ensure we have a modern and interoperable fighter fleet for years to come,” said Defence Minister Bill Graham. “We are meeting the challenges of today's global security environment with the cost effective acquisition of a fully tested and proven system.”  
“The CF-18 Incremental Modernization Project reflects the first step to ensuring Canada is able to maintain a supportable, survivable and operationally capable fighter force,” said General Ray Henault, Chief of the Defence Staff. “The modernized aircraft will allow us to better serve Canadians at home and abroad.”  
Phase I constitutes the greater portion of the two-phased modernization program and is being conducted in parallel with several other upgrades, from new simulators to new air-to-air missiles. The upgrade package, which has been extensively tested and flown operationally by the US Navy, includes: a new radar; “Have-Quick” jam-resistant radios; a combined interrogator-transponder; stores management systems; mission computers; and embedded global positioning and inertial navigation systems.  
Phase I modernization is on target for completion by summer 2006.  
Enviado por: TazMonster em Janeiro 11, 2005, 07:19:15 pm
Não costumo colocar post nesta área, mas aki vai.

em: (

USAF and European Air Forces adding new capabilities to their F-16s
The U.S. Air Force and five EPAF countries - Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal - are receiving new technologies for their F-16s that will ensure the latest combat capabilities, along with an unprecedented degree of interoperability and cost savings among these NATO allies.

Upgraded F-16sThe capabilities are being implemented mostly through software developed by Lockheed Martin.

The new software packages for the USAF F-16s, designated M3+, and the corresponding EPAF (European Participating Air Forces) version, designated M3, were released this summer and are being implemented on aircraft having received appropriate avionics upgrades (described in text below). There is a high degree of commonality in the software, with some differences owing to features that are unique to the various aircraft models.

The most notable common new capabilities are the Link 16 data link and a helmet-mounted cueing system (HMCS). The USAF F-16s also will be receiving a capability to deliver the Lockheed Martin AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) and have compatibility with the Lockheed Martin Sniper XR targeting pod, both recently certified on the F-16. The European F-16s will gain the capability to deliver the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM).
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 14, 2005, 11:15:38 pm
Boeing Signs $549 Million Chinook Contract  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Jan. 12, 2005)
 ST. LOUIS --- The Boeing Company and the U.S. Army signed a $549 million contract Dec. 21, 2004, for 17 new-build CH-47F Chinook helicopters.  
“The contract underscores the importance of the Chinook to U.S. Army aviation and validates the steps we've taken to improve the aircraft's cost, quality and performance,” said Jack Dougherty, Chinook program manager. “Our ability to respond rapidly to customer needs has made the Chinook more attractive in domestic and international markets.”  
The contract, the largest Chinook order by any domestic or international customer since the mid-1980s. It includes seven aircraft authorized in December 2003 as part of the FY '03 supplemental defense appropriation bill and 10 aircraft approved in the current fiscal year defense budget. Manufacturing preparations have continued since the FY '03 authorization under an undefinitized contract agreement. Deliveries of the 17 new-build Chinooks will begin in September 2006 and continue through the end of 2008.  
The U.S. Army Systems Acquisition Review Council, the Army's highest acquisition review panel, approved a new acquisition plan that increases the Chinook fleet from 463 to 513 aircraft. Under the plan, the Army will modernize its entire fleet of 397 CH-47D Chinooks to the new F-model configuration and procure at least 55 additional new-build CH-47F Chinooks. The U.S. Army Special Operations Command will increase its inventory of 34 MH-47D/E Special Operations Heavy Assault Chinooks to 61 MH-47Gs, with an option for future growth.  
The CH-47F and MH-47G feature numerous upgrades over earlier models, including reduced vibration, improved avionics and more powerful engines to help improve mission performance and reduce operation and maintenance costs. The aircraft's improved cockpit design offers improved situational awareness to support interoperability requirements.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $27 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government, and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense and Department of Homeland Security; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in launch services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 14, 2005, 11:20:36 pm
O'Dea Signs Contract for New Air Corps Helicopters
(Source: Irish Ministry of Defence; issued Jan. 12, 2005)
 The Minister for Defence, Mr. Willie O'Dea, T.D., has today signed a contract for the purchase of four new helicopters for the Air Corps.  
The four AB 139 Utility Helicopters are being acquired from the Bell Agusta Aerospace Company at a cost of 49 million euros including VAT and will be operated by the Air Corps in a general purpose military operational and training role. Two helicopters will be delivered in 2006 and the other 2 in 2007.  
A contract for the purchase of two light utility EC135 helicopters from Eurocopter SAS will be signed shortly. These machines will be delivered later this year.  
“I am looking forward to these helicopters coming on stream over the next three years” commented Mr. O'Dea. “The Air Corps are performing a superb job and deserve the very best of equipment to support them in their work. These new helicopters will provide a very significant boost to the Defence Forces and Air Corps. The purchase of the helicopters is another positive indication of the Government's commitment to ensure that all branches of the Defence Forces are fully equipped to carry out their day-to-day roles.”  
The tender competition for helicopters was advertised in the Official Journal of the European Communities on 29 May 2004.  
A comprehensive evaluation process was carried out on three tender proposals by an evaluation team comprising officials from the Department of Defence, the Air Corps and the Army and that process was completed in November 2004.  
A total of 6 helicopters are being purchased for the Air Corps at an overall cost of €60m approx. Bell/Agusta Aerospace will supply 4 AB139 Utility Helicopters and 2 Light Utility EC135 helicopters will be supplied by Eurocopter SAS.  
The four utility helicopters will be operated by the Air Corps in general purpose military operational and training roles. Primary taskings will include training and operations with Special Forces, security and aid to the civil power, military exercises, infantry interoperability training and limited troop transport. They will also be used to perform air ambulance, inland Search and Rescue, aid to the civil community and VIP transport tasks.  
The AB139s helicopters will be built at the Agusta facility near Milan, Italy.  
The AB139 is a twin turbine helicopter with inherent multi-role capability and flexibility of operation. It is ideal for Military training and operational roles because of its modern design and compliance with the latest safety and certification standards combined with an exceptional power to weight ratio and high-speed capability.  
The AB139 is in full production, with firm orders for over 80 helicopters for more than 40 customers, for offshore, corporate, law-enforcement, paramilitary and military roles worldwide.  
First deliveries to customers commenced in 2003.  
BellAgusta Aerospace Company (BAAC) is a joint venture company formed in 1998 between Agusta SpA of Italy and Bell Helicopters of the USA. BAAC was established for the joint design, manufacture and product support of the AB139 helicopter and BA609 tilt-rotor aircraft. Agusta has product leadership for the AB139 and the helicopters are built at the Agusta facility near Milan, Italy.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 18, 2005, 08:55:15 pm
Maiden Flight for South Africa's First Locally-Assembled Hawk Fighter Trainer  
(Source: Denel; dated Jan. 13, web-posted Jan. 17, 2005)
 South Africa's first locally-assembled Hawk fighter trainer aircraft successfully completed its maiden flight earlier today.  
The aircraft, a BAE Systems Hawk Mk.120, was flown by South African industry test pilot, Dave Stock, together with Gordon McClymont, test pilot for the UK aerospace and defence group, BAE Systems. They took off from Denel Aviation at Johannesburg International Airport at 10h20 on a 80 minute test flight during which the aircraft's flight controls and response and essential systems functionality were confirmed.  
Denel Aviation, under contract to BAE Systems, assembled the new fighter trainer at its recently refurbished facility. Denel which manufactures Hawk aerostructures including the tailplane and airbrake, is assembling 23 of the 24 new jet trainers.  
The sole UK-assembled aircraft is currently based at the SA Air Force's Test Flight & Development Centre near Bredasdorp, where it has been engaged in flight testing the navigation and combat training systems designed and developed by the local company ATE (Advanced Technologies and Engineering).  
"We are proud of this milestone in the Hawk programme," said Mr Knox Msebenzi, Denel Group Executive Director (Aerospace). "Chief of the South African Air Force, Lt Gen Roelf Beukes, recently visited the Hawk final assembly line, congratulating Denel and BAE Systems on the outstanding work done in South Africa."  
Hawk deliveries to the SA Air Force are on schedule to commence by mid-year, continuing at a rate of two aircraft a month until mid-2006.  
BAE Systems Vice President for South Africa, Jonathan Walton, said "the progress which has been made is due to the successful close collaboration of the joint South African Hawk programme team, most notably the invaluable contributions from the SA Air Force, Armscor, Denel, ATE and Rolls-Royce".  
"At the same time that we are building and developing South Africa's new aircraft, we are also getting on with the job of delivering US$8.7bn of new economic benefits to the country through our various and wide-spread industrial participation activities in the defence, aerospace and numerous civil sectors," he added.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 19, 2005, 04:52:05 pm
Aermacchi and the Hellenic Government Sign a Memorandum of Understanding for the M-346 Production
(Source: Aermacchi; issued Jan. 19, 2005)
 VENEGONO, Italy --- Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica company leader in the field of military training aircraft, and the Hellenic Ministry of Defence signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the potential cooperation of the Hellenic industry in the production of the advanced LIFT trainer M-346. This MoU initiates the discussion to define a partnership agreement, which would make Greece a primary partner in the programme.  
Currently in its early industrialisation phase, the M-346 programme is fully supported by the Italian Government.  
Greece is the first European nation signing a MoU to join the programme. In case the agreement is finalised, it would be the first time that this country enters an aircraft partnership programme. Aermacchi is now identifying other potential European partners, which should participate in the programme with either a primary or secondary role, according to their respective level of involvement.  
Giorgio Zappa, General Manager of Finmeccanica and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alenia Aeronautica stated: “We are delighted to see the commitment of Greece in joining first our project. The signature of this MoU strengthens our strategy to build an international network of partnerships around the M-346, starting from its industrialisation phase. The involvement of European industrial partners in this programme will permit a fruitful exchange of know how and will accelerate the manufacturing process. This will favour the success of the M-346 in Europe, through agreements that could involve, in particular, some of the EU founding countries.”  
The M-346 is a twin-engine transonic trainer covering the advanced and Lead-in-Fighter phases of the syllabus. Its “design-to-cost” and “to-maintain” philosophy, vortex-lift aerodynamic, high thrust-to-weight ratio and entirely Fly-by-Wire flight control system permit the aircraft to combine a performance close to that of front-line fighters and highly competitive acquisition and operational costs. For these reasons the M-346 is the ideal platform for innovative Integrated Training Systems.  
Unveiled in June 2003, the M-346 performed its maiden flight on July 15th, 2004. Today the programme includes two prototypes. The first prototype is already conducting an extensive flight test campaign in view of the type certification. This aircraft confirms the design and production leadership of Aermacchi in military training. In more than 40 years of activities, the company sold 2,000 units to several Air Forces worldwide.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 20, 2005, 06:46:02 pm
Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules Praised by Air Mobility Command
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Jan. 19, 2005)
 MARIETTA, Georgia --- In a release issued today detailing the success of the U.S. Air Force deployment of C-130Js to South West Asia General John W. Handy, commander of Air Mobility Command and U.S. Transportation Command said "I am extremely pleased with the performance of the C-130J during this deployment," he said. "That success is a testament to the dedicated, professional team of airmen supporting the mission and the magnificent C-130J. Together, they are setting a pace that will be hard to beat!"  
Col. Lawrence Gallogly, commander of the 746th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, said the C-130J has performed admirably, and all indications are the aircraft is ideally suited for conditions that require the higher power settings and increased cargo-carrying capacity of the C-130J.  
"We have only had [about four weeks] of flying in the theater, but we have already logged in excess of 393 flying hours, carried over 1,743 passengers and over 627 tons of cargo," said the colonel. And, he said as unit personnel become more familiar with the J model and its payload capacity, he expects those numbers will be even higher.  
Colonel Gallogly said one of the biggest benefits of the J model has been the aircraft's increased cargo capacity. He said two C-130Js can provide the cargo carrying capacity of almost three E and H model C-130s. "This is a force multiplier for the theater commander," added the colonel.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2003 sales of $31.8 billion  
Título: Bulgária compra helicópteros à Eurocopter
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 31, 2005, 11:07:46 pm
12 Cougars and 6 Panthers for the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense  
(Source: Eurocopter; issued Jan. 28, 2005)
 MARIGNANE, France --- On January 28, 2005, Mr. Svinarov, the Bulgarian Defense Minister and Mr. Luc Barrière, the Eurocopter Senior Vice-President for Sales & Marketing, signed a contract in Sofia for the supply of twelve AS 532 AL Cougar helicopters and six AS 565 MB Panther helicopters.  
The deliveries of the 18 helicopters are scheduled on a 3 years period. The 3 first aircraft of the Cougar type will be delivered by end 2006.  
This contract specifies the delivery of 12 Cougars to the Bulgarian Air Force . Eight of these aircraft will perform tactical transport missions and the four others will fly Combat SAR missions.  
The six Panthers for the Bulgarian Navy will perform sea surveillance and search and rescue missions; along with anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface operations.  
The acquisition of the Cougar helicopters is part of the restructuring initiated following Bulgaria's entry into NATO in March 2004. If necessary, the aircraft, which will be operated by the Air Force, may be sent to external theater of operations to assist NATO and UN missions.  
The AS 532 Cougar is a twin-engine helicopter designed for tactical transport with a maximum take-off weight of 9,000 kg (9,350 kg with a sling load). The aircraft is powered by two Turboméca Makila 1A1 turboshaft engines each developing 1,877 shp. In its AL version, the helicopter may be equipped with side- or pod-mounted guns and rocket launchers. 682 aircraft from the Super Puma/Cougar and EC 225/EC 725 family have already been sold to 90 customers in 48 countries.  
The AS 565 MB Panther is a twin-engine helicopter with a maximum take-off weight of 4,300 kg, which offers exceptional performances. The aircraft is equipped with two Turboméca Arriel 2C turboshaft engines each developing 977 shp, governed by a FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control). The FADEC provides unbeatable advantages over competing helicopters in terms of increased performance and engine service life, and heightens safety by reducing crew workload, a particularly valued asset in combat zones.  
835 Dauphin/Panther/EC 155s have been ordered by 164 customers in 59 countries.  
Eurocopter is a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS. EADS is a global company specializing in the aerospace and defence sectors and related services. In 2003, EADS generated revenues of EUR 30.1 billion, and employed a workforce of over 109,000. EADS includes the aircraft manufacturer Airbus; Eurocopter, the world's largest helicopter manufacturer; and joint venture MBDA, the world's second largest missile company. EADS is also the biggest partner in the Eurofighter consortium and is developing the A400M military transport aircraft. EADS is the lead industrial partner in the European Galileo programme for satellite-based navigation.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 04, 2005, 09:19:26 am
The Spanish EF-18 MLU Entry Into Service
(Source: EADS Military Aircraft; issued Feb. 2, 2005)
 MADRID --- The first EF-18 MLU production aircraft has been delivered to the Spanish Air Force during a ceremony celebrated at EADS Military Aircraft facilities at Getafe that was honoured with the attendance of the Chief of the Air Staff and other military and civil authorities.  
Pablo de Bergia, President of EADS Military Aircraft in Spain has commented, “The modernization of the EF-18 is, at present, one of the most important programmes for the Spanish Air Force that will obtain a fundamental increase its operational capabilities. The MLU will guarantee Spain more homeland security and the interoperability with Allied Forces in international missions. The confidence of the Spanish Air Force in this project and the excellent collaboration between client and industry, have allowed, in only a few months, the achievement of highly qualified results”.  
On 29th December 2003, EADS Military Aircraft in Spain and the Spanish Air Force signed the contract, valued aprox. 186 Millions Euro, which started the EF-18 MLU process.  
The first aircraft arrived at Getafe on January 2004 and since than EADS has respected the contractual agreement and has punctually received one aircraft per month.  
The software team of the SpAF Armament and Experimental Logistics Centre (CLAEX) and EADS CASA Military Aircraft have actively collaborated in the design and development of the software and in the integration and testing of the new avionics equipment, as well as in the complete development of the modified system integration software.  
New characteristics of the upgraded aircraft:  
--Tactical computer TPAC, high speed multiprocessor, 6 buses 1553 to wing tip, 4 digital graphics channels and associated software  
--Two multifunctional colour screens  
--Upgraded communications systems (Have-Quick II radios)  
--Inertial GPS navigation system  
--Full targets identification capacity  
--Cockpit and external lights compatible with night vision  
--Digital mission recording system  
--MIDS pre-installation  
--IDM (Improved Data Modem)  
The Spanish Air Force will upgrade 67 aircraft in total (65 + 2 prototypes modified during the certification of the new systems), operated by the 12th and 15th Wings at Torrejón and Zaragoza Air Bases respectively.  
The Military Aircraft Business Unit focusses the EADS competence on high-performance combat aircraft, unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), manned mission aircraft, trainer aircraft and related ground-based equipment and is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS). DS, with revenues of about EUR 5.2 billion in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, forms the defence pole within EADS.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of over EUR 30 billion and employed a workforce of more than 109,000.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 04, 2005, 09:23:14 am
EADS Missile Warning Sensor Successfully Tested on Royal Danish Air Force F-16 Fighter Aircraft  
(Source: EADS Defence Electronics; issued Feb. 2, 2005)
 ULM, Germany --- EADS Defence Electronics has successfully conducted first ground tests with its missile launch detection sensor MILDS-F on a Royal Danish Airforce F-16.  
As reported by EADS on Wednesday, the objective of the tests was to prove that MILDS-F can be integrated into the F-16 Electronic Warfare System and furthermore to collect neccessary data for the MILDS-F software adaptation to the environmental conditions on F-16 aircraft. Successful results were achieved in both parking position and taxiing the aircraft. Stimulation of the sensors caused corresponding indications on the Advanced Threat Display in the cockpit of the testbed aircraft. As the next milestone in the project, flight tests with MILDS-F installed on the testbed F-16 are planned in the first half of this year.  
The Royal Danish Air Force in July 2004 had awarded EADS Defence Electronics (DE) a contract for the delivery of 30 Systems AN/AAR-60 (V)2 MILDS-F to be installed on the Danish F-16 fleet in order to protect the aircraft especially against electro-optically guided surface-to-air missiles which cannot be detected by the aircrafts' radar warning system.  
“MILDS F with its very low false alarm rate and fast detection combined with automatic initiation of countermeasures relieves the pilot’s workload in time-critical situations and ensures the safe return of both crew and aircraft”, explains Bernhard Gerwert, CEO and President of EADS Defence Electronics.  
MILDS F is a passive, imaging sensor detecting the UV radiation signature of approaching missiles. The extremely high resolution combined with rapid processing enables a very reliable identification and virtually eliminates false alarms. Several sensors linked to a Countermeasure Signal Processor provide full spherical coverage and rapid reaction. The system is optimised for the installation either in pylons or in the fuselage of fighter aircraft. MILDS-F is based on the MILDS (Missile Launch Detection System) sensor proven in service aboard a huge variety of rotary wing and wide body aircraft, including Tiger, NH90, CH-47 and C-130.  
For the Danish programme, the EADS DE self-protection system will be integrated into TERMA A/S’ Pylon Integrated Dispenser System (PIDS+) and Electronic Combat Integrated Pylon System (ECIPS+) and linked to the AN/ALQ-213 EW Management System. The Danish solution will be marketed worldwide by the companies EADS DE and TERMA A/S.  
EADS Defence Electronics, supplier of radar, avionics and electronic warfare systems, is an integrated part of the EADS Defence and Security Systems Division (DS). DS, with revenues of about EUR 5.2 billion in 2003 and roughly 24,000 employees across nine nations, forms the defence pole within EADS. It offers integrated systems solutions to the new challenges confronting armed forces and homeland security units.  
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2003, the Group generated revenues of over EUR 30 billion and employed a workforce of more than 109,000.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 04, 2005, 09:36:07 am
Iraqi Air Force Receives Helicopters
(Source: US Central Command; issued Feb. 2, 2005)
 TAJI, Iraq --- Iraqi air force officials welcomed the arrival of two UH-1H Huey helicopters Feb. 1 to Taji Air Base.  
The completely refurbished helicopters will provide airlift support and important troop-moving capabilities for the growing Iraqi air force command. A gift from Jordan, this is the first in a series of scheduled deliveries to occur during the next 12 months.  
A total of 16 UH-1H aircraft are slated to arrive in Iraq by February 2006. The Iraqi flag is displayed on the fuselage of both aircraft.  
According to Wing Commander Rad Greene, Royal Air Force, “It is an exciting time for the Iraqi air force as they re-enter the world of rotary wing aviation.”  
Iraqi air force officials are genuinely excited about the prospect of operating these new aircraft, Greene said. The first eight aircraft will comprise Squadron 2 and the second eight aircraft will become Squadron 4, both based at Taji.  
Currently, 14 Iraqi pilots are fully trained and awaiting additional flight instruction from their U.S. advisory support team (AST) pilots. Flight training will continue for the next several months until all 48 Iraqi pilots are certified. In the meantime, maintenance training will commence for the engineers and ground crews.  
Título: O realmente importante.
Enviado por: ferrol em Fevereiro 04, 2005, 10:50:16 am
Citação de: "JLRC"

--Tactical computer TPAC, high speed multiprocessor, 6 buses 1553 to wing tip, 4 digital graphics channels and associated software  
--Two multifunctional colour screens  
--Upgraded communications systems (Have-Quick II radios)  
--Inertial GPS navigation system  
--Full targets identification capacity  
--Cockpit and external lights compatible with night vision  
--Digital mission recording system  
--MIDS pre-installation  
--IDM (Improved Data Modem)

O realmente importante de todo esto é o MIDS. Consiste nunha consola que recibe datos de todos os avións, barcos ou o que sexa aliados que están do teu redor. É como un CIC dun barco. No teu avión ves o mesmo que outro que está a 20 kms sen necsidade de acende-lo teu radar.
Este tráfico de información realízase a través de ondas codificadas polo Have-QuickII, entre outros.

O GPS inercial é necesario para adaptar os Meteor e os Iris-T, á espera de que o Galileo esté definitivamente en función.

O feito de que todo valga 180 millons para 65 aparatos, a case 3 millóns por aparato, quere dicir que a reforma só se fixo de parte elctrónica, non de sistemas mecánicos.


O MIDS. Neste .pdf hai unha interesante descripción do MIDS e da sua contrapartida americana, o JITDS, do que ó parecer provén o MIDS e que pretende se-lo sistema de intercambio de datos estandar na OTAN, polo que tamén terá que chegar a Portugal, máis cedo ou máis tarde...
España mercou 49, 29 para o EFA e 20 a razón de 5 para cada exército e 5 máis para I+D.
O custo é de 365.000$ cada un, e ven de serie a partir das F-100 en todos os novos desenrolos, S-80, Tigres, LHD, etc...
e ven indisolublemente unido ó Link-16 de transmision e codificación de datos.

Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 15, 2005, 12:57:53 am
Lockheed Martin Completes Deliveries of C-130J Super Hercules Airlifters to Italy
(Source: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company; issued Feb. 11, 2005)
 MARIETTA, Ga. --- Lockheed Martin delivered the last C-130J Super Hercules airlifter for Italy on February 10, completing a 22-aircraft program for the Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare Italiana, or AMI).  
"Our crew members have been operating in Iraq, Afghanistan, in all weather conditions and in very demanding and difficult environments, with enemy threat, and this has always been a very reliable aircraft," said General B. A. Settime Caputo, Chief of Staff, Force Command, Italian Air Force.  
"The C-130J is a strategic asset for the Italian Air Force and our fleet is performing all over the world well up to our expectations," said Brigadier General Vincenzo Lops, Head of 1st Department, ARMAEREO, Italian Ministry of Defence.  
"The Italian Air Force has demonstrated what is possible with a new aircraft and how quickly it can change a country's operational capability," said Ross Reynolds, Lockheed Martin vice president for Air Mobility. "Although we have seen several countries acquire and now operate the C-130J, it will take U.S. orders to sustain production."  
The first AMI Super Hercules was delivered in 2000 and shortly after, crews began flying relief supplies to Eritrea. In April 2002, an AMI crew returned exiled Afghani King Zahir Shah and now-President Hamid Karzi to Kabul on board one of the C-130Js. Because of the defensive systems on board the Italian aircraft, a second C-130J was dispatched to fly top cover as the leaders returned to their country. Earlier this year, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi paid a surprise visit to Italian troops at a base near Nasiriyah, Iraq, after traveling in a 46th Air Brigade C-130J in secrecy and under tight security.  
In addition to the aircraft, the Italian C-130J program also included construction of AMI's National Training Center (NTC), a two-story, 57,000 square-foot facility that includes an operational flight simulator and a cockpit avionics part-task trainer, as well as classrooms and training spaces for other aircraft types. The NTC opened in April 2003.  
The Italian Air Force first ordered 18 C-130Js in 1997, two more in 1999 and then two more in 2000. This final Italian aircraft is a long fuselage C-130J, which, in addition to highly advanced communications and defensive systems suites, features a strengthened cargo ramp and improved airdrop system, allowing crews to make airdrops at 250 knots, helping them avoid antiaircraft fire in hostile areas. These aircraft are 112 feet long, 15 feet longer than the standard-length C-130J aircraft, which translates to 30 percent more usable volume for increased seating, litters, pallets or airdrop platforms.  
The AMI received 10 of the longer aircraft (one of which was the 100th C-130J delivered worldwide), as well as 12 standard-length C-130s. These aircraft replaced a fleet of early 1970s-era C-130Hs.  
Six of the shorter aircraft will be operated as KC-130J tankers, a capability the AMI has not had previously. Using only wing and external tanks, the AMI KC-130Js, which are the same basic configuration as the U.S. Marine Corps tankers, have a 57,500 pound (8,455 U.S. gallon) fuel offload capability while being flown on a 500 nm radius mission. The KC-130J is also configured to accept a fuselage tank, which adds another 24,392 pounds (3,600 U.S. gallons) of available offload to a mission.  
The C-130Js are operated by the 46th Brigata Aerea (Air Brigade), the AMI's air transport wing at Pisa Air Base, which shares the runway with the commercial airport there. The 50th Gruppo (Squadron) flies the long-fuselage aircraft and the 2nd Gruppo operates the short aircraft and the tankers. The 46th Brigata Aerea will also soon operate the C-27J Spartan medium transport developed by Lockheed Martin and Alenia Aeronautica.  
Military technicians perform the on-aircraft maintenance for the AMI's C-130Js and depot-level parts repair is coordinated through the Integrated Contractor Support System (ICSS). Managed by Lockheed Martin, ICSS is also responsible for ensuring fleet-wide spare parts availability. ICSS was the AMI's first contractor logistics support operation.  
A total of 180 C-130Js are on order, and 121 have been delivered to date. In the United States, Air Force Reserve Command and Air National Guard units fly C-130Js. The Marine Corps operates KC-130J tankers and the Coast Guard flies the HC-130J.  
International C-130J operators in addition to the AMI include the Royal Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force and the Royal Danish Air Force. All four have recently operated, or are currently operating, deployed C-130J aircraft in the Middle East or Afghanistan. The capabilities and performance of the C-130J in supporting light, fast and lethal combat operations make it a true transformational asset.  
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, a business area of Lockheed Martin, is a leader in the design, research and development, systems integration, production and support of advanced military aircraft and related technologies. Its customers include the military services of the United States and allied countries throughout the world.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin Corp. employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2004 sales of $35.5 billion.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 18, 2005, 07:38:44 pm
United Arab Emirates Award Contract for Eight AB139 Helicopters
(Source: Agusta Westland; dated Feb. 15, released Feb. 16, 2005)
 ABU DHABI, UAE --- Bell/Agusta Aerospace Company announced today that the United Arab Emirates Air Force has awarded the Company a contract for eight AB139 medium-twin helicopters. The value of the contract stands at about US$83 million. The contract award coincides with the biennial IDEX military exposition held in Abu Dhabi, UAE.  
This order, combined with last week's from SEACOR Holdings for 20 AB139s, raises the backlog to more than 100 helicopters for over 40 customers worldwide.  
Six aircraft will be configured for search and rescue operations, while the remaining two will be assigned to VIP transport. The UAE is the third country to choose the AB139 for SAR applications, following previous orders by the governments of Oman and Ireland.  
Bell/Agusta Aerospace Company is a joint venture corporation that markets and supports the AB139 medium twin helicopter and the BA609 civil tiltrotor. The AB139 promises true medium lift capability combined with a class-leading interior designed for maximum utility. The BA609 features extended range and speed compared to traditional VTOL aircraft.  
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, with primary operations in Italy, United Kingdom and USA, is a commercial enterprise offering an unrivaled range of products designed to satisfy the most diverse requirements of civil and military customers. With turnover exceeding $2.5 billion, AgustaWestland is committed to delivering outstanding products and services in globally competitive markets.  
Bell Helicopter, a Textron Company, is a $1.6 billion, leading producer of commercial and military helicopters, and the pioneer of the revolutionary tiltrotor aircraft. Globally recognized for customer service, innovation and superior quality, Bell's global workforce of over 8,500 employees serves customers flying Bell aircraft in over 120 countries.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 22, 2005, 07:26:29 pm
Defence Minister Kicks off Phase II of CF-18 Upgrades
(Source: Canadian Department of National Defence; issued Feb. 18, 2005)
 OTTAWA --- The second phase of the CF-18 Modernization Project kicked off today during a ceremony that saw the Boeing Company sign a contract with the Department of National Defence for $117 million. Defence Minister Bill Graham and Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, Chief of the Air Staff, attended the ceremony held by Boeing in Mirabel, Québec.  
"The CF-18 is Canada's primary aircraft for maintaining air defence and air superiority," said Minister Graham. "The $2.1-billion CF-18 modernization program will ensure that the CF-18s continue to provide security to Canadians and defend Canada, both at home and abroad, well into the future."  
The fighter jets will be equipped with a secure data and communications link that allows CF-18 crews to stay in constant contact with other jets, ground stations, and airborne warning and control systems (AWACS) to maintain awareness in their constantly evolving environment. New state-of-the-art colour display panels will provide pilots with improved access to flight data and communications. Their helmets will feature new visors that display readings from the instrument panel, so that pilots can maintain visual contact with a target and not look down. The aircraft will also be outfitted with a new missile countermeasures chaff/flare dispenser.  
"This contract will ensure we have up-to-date aircraft and increased interoperability with our allies," said Lieutenant-General Pennie. "The CF-18 is key to the Air Force's job of guarding North American airspace and protecting Canada's interests abroad."  
The modernization program, based on the US Navy's F-18 Hornet upgrade, was found to be the most cost-effective and lowest risk solution for modernizing Canada's CF-18s. The first phase of modernization, also contracted to Boeing, has just passed the midway point and is on target for completion in 2006.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 22, 2005, 07:35:47 pm
TDN Exclusive: Turkey Re-Launches Troubled Helicopter Competition
(Source: Turkish Daily News; published Feb. 18, 2005)
 © Turkish Daily News; reproduced by permission  
Six international bidders obtain tender documents for the multi-billion-dollar contract for an eventual purchase of 90 attack helicopters New program involves an initial off-the-shelf purchase of 10 choppers; later, some critical subsystems, including the mission computer, electronic warfare suites and weaponry are to be installed on the remaining 20 platforms locally Some international heavyweights in the market may abstain from bidding because of too much local content.  
ANKARA, Turkey --- More than eight years after Turkey kicked off its ambitious program to co-manufacture dozens of attack helicopters for its Army, procurement officials in Ankara are almost back to square one.  
The “lost years” saw extended bickering with a leading U.S. helicopter manufacturer and wrangling with the Pentagon over technology transfer.  
When Turkey originally launched the chopper program, it faced two options: first, buying a few dozen helicopters off the shelf and simply operating them, and, second, co-producing the systems and in the meantime gaining key technological capabilities for its defense industry. Turkey has ended up with neither.  
Ankara is now once again inviting international defense contractors to a fresh bidding for the helicopter gunship business, but in the best case it may take another decade before the Army operates a strong fleet of attack helicopters.  
Turkey's defense procurement office, the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM), on Feb. 10 released a long-delayed request for a proposal, or a detailed bidding document, for the attack helicopter program. Turkey asks contenders to submit their bids by June 10.  
The 30 gunships are expected to cost anywhere between $1-2 billion, with Turkey eventually planning to buy some 90 helicopters.  
Six foreign contractors have already obtained the tender document. Potential bidders are the U.S. Boeing, maker of the AH-64 Apache; the U.S. Bell Helicopter Textron, with the AH-1Z; the U.S. Sikorsky Aircraft, with an armed version of its S-70 Black Hawk; Europe's Eurocopter, maker of Tiger; Italy's Agusta, maker of the Mangusta A129; and Russia's Moscow Helicopter Plant, maker of the Mi-28 Havoc.  
In the event Turkey, as expected, lifts procurement restrictions against South Africa soon, the country's helicopter manufacturer Denel, maker of the Rooivalk, is also expected to join the competition.  
Officials said the new program involves an initial off-the-shelf purchase of 10 choppers. Later, some critical subsystems, including the mission computer, electronic warfare suites and weaponry are to be installed on the remaining 20 platforms locally.  
One key matter is Turkey's insistence on indigenously developing and building those critical subsystems. Many analysts say some international heavyweights in the market may abstain from bidding because of “too much local content and related complications” for the program.  
“There are problems particularly for American companies,” said one analyst. “As Turkey can remember from its previous and collapsed chopper program, the U.S. government, for its own reasons, doesn't allow for assembling too many locally-produced subsystems on U.S.-designed platforms.”  
“And secondly how Turkey in the years to come will be able obtain a capability to develop, build, integrate and operate the subsystems it intends to make locally and assemble on purchased platforms is not clear at all.”  
In the now-defunct program, Turkey in 2002 selected Bell Helicopter Textron for contract negotiations for co-production of 50 AH-1Zs.  
But after four years of talks that failed to produce reconciliation on price and technology transfer, Ankara altogether cancelled the program last May and opted for fresh international competition.  
One reason why the talks collapsed with Bell was related to the mission computer, a device integrating a helicopter's electronic and aviation systems. Citing obstacles in U.S. export regulations, the Pentagon did not allow Turkey to install a nationally-designed mission computer in a U.S. helicopter.  
But Turkish officials say that gaining the capability to locally manufacture the mission computer and many other subsystems is critical to the development of a stronger defense industry.  
The government has already ordered the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) to begin work to develop the mission computer. TUBITAK will receive some $30 million in R&D money for the process.  
“The American position is clear on the issue, but Turkey is still is insisting on a local nature for the mission computer,” said one industry source. “In addition there are other major critical subsystems Turkey wants to manufacture itself. So, it will be very difficult for a U.S. company to meet these requirements if the Turkish government selects an American option.”  
Indeed there are early indications that the three potential U.S. contenders will evaluate the Turkish criteria in a very detailed way before deciding whether to bid for SSM's tender.  
Also it is not clear how Eurocopter and Agusta, two Western European defense powerhouses, will receive the Turkish position. Analysts said the Russians, however, are likely to agree to SSM's conditions.  
The Turkish Army presently has less than 10 AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters, manufactured by Bell and purchased in the 1990s, and 20 earlier models of the Cobra family.  
“We don't know at this point if the SSM model will be successful, or if it will become another failure like the previous case,” said an industry source.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 22, 2005, 07:41:33 pm
First Japanese EH101 Completes Maiden Flight
(Source: Agusta Westland; issued Feb. 21, 2005)
 A major milestone was achieved on Tuesday February 15th when the maiden flight of the Japanese EH101 was successfully completed at Agusta Westland’s Yeovil facility in the UK. The helicopter, designated KHI-01, is the first of 14 aircraft ordered by the Japanese Defence Agency to meet its Transportation, Airborne Anti Mine Counter Measures (AMCM) and Antarctic survey requirements.  
Assembly of the aircraft at Yeovil was successfully completed in just 44 weeks, a record timescale for a ‘first of type’ EH101. Alan Johnston, Westland Helicopters Managing Director said: “Since contract award 16 months ago we have achieved all our major programme milestones on schedule and we are delighted that the first flight has now taken place.”  
Deputy Chief Test Pilot Andy Strachan, who took the controls for the 30 minute flight said: “The aircraft performed exactly as expected. We flew a standard initial test schedule including aircraft system checks and aircraft/engine handling as well as forward flight to 120 knots and low speed manoeuvres.”  
Following an acceptance phase in the UK, the first aircraft will support KHI Pilot training prior to being shipped to Japan later this year. The aircraft will then undergo completion work by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), which will include the installation of radio equipment, defensive aids suite and other customer-specific equipment.  
AgustaWestland and KHI signed a licence and purchase agreement in 2003 to produce and support the Japanese EH101s. KHI has established manufacturing, test flight and support facilities at its Gifu works in Japan. Fourteen utility RTM322 powered, rear-ramped variants of the EH101 have been ordered to replace the Japan Maritime Self Defence Force’s (JMSDF) fleet of Sikorsky MH-53Es and S-61s.  
Aircraft kits for the remaining 13 aircraft will be prepared by AgustaWestland in the UK with final assembly taking place in Japan. The KHI build line is due to receive the first two aircraft in the last quarter of 2005 with delivery of the first aircraft to the JDA in 2006. KHI personnel have worked closely with AgustaWestland in the UK over the last year, undergoing on-the-job training and assembly familiarisation. Two pilots from KHI will start a four month flight training programme in February at Yeovil.  
On 28th January the U.S. Navy selected the US101, an American variant of the EH101, for a new fleet of "Marine One" helicopters for the President of the United States. The 101 was selected based on its proven capabilities, superior cabin space and excellent safety. The selection of the US101 after an extensive evaluation alongside the competing helicopter clearly demonstrates the 101 is the best helicopter in its class for head of state transport requirements.  
The EH101 has also won competitions against its nearest competitor in Denmark, Portugal and Japan highlighting its clear advantage in capability and value for money. When its greater payload and longer range capability are combined with a cabin more than 30% larger than its nearest competitor, the EH101 provides a capability that makes it the new benchmark helicopter in its class.  
Orders for 146 EH101 have been placed till now by seven customers around the world comprising the Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Italian Navy, Canadian Forces, Tokyo Metropolitan Police, Portuguese Air Force, Royal Danish Air Force and Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force. The EH101 has been ordered in a range of variants to perform many diversified roles including troop transport, logistic support, search and rescue, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, maritime patrol, combat SAR, airborne early warning, amphibious support, airborne mine countermeasures and head of state transport, demonstrating the multi-role capabilities of the EH101 platform. Certified by military and civil authorities around the world the EH101 meets or exceeds the most stringent safety and certification requirements.  
The EH101 is powered by three General Electric or Rolls-Royce Turbomeca engines that provide superior one-engine inoperative performance over twin-engine designs, giving it a reassuring safety advantage. Additionally many critical systems are duplicated or triplicated giving the EH101 a large level of system redundancy and safety margin, something which is especially important when operating in hostile environments.  
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is one of the largest helicopter companies in the world. The company offers an unrivaled range of helicopters to satisfy the requirements of civil and military customers. AgustaWestland has its primary operations in Italy, United Kingdom and the United States of America.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 23, 2005, 07:33:03 pm
Boeing Awarded $117 Million Prime Contract for Second Phase of the Canadian CF-18 Aircraft Modernization Project  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Feb. 22, 2005)
 ST. LOUIS --- After successfully passing the midway point on the first phase of modernization of the Canadian Forces' CF-18 aircraft, the Canadian Department of National Defence and Boeing today signed a new $117 million (Cdn) contract naming Boeing as the prime contractor for the next phase.  
The contract signing ceremony for Phase 2 of the CF-18 Modernization Project took place at Mirabel International Airport, Quebec.  
"Boeing is committed to continuing to provide the Canadian government, and Canada 's Air Force, with high quality service and timely delivery of the CF-18 Modernization Project," said Chris Chadwick, Boeing F/A-18 Programs Vice President. "We are very proud of the fact that we have delivered Phase 1 on time and on budget, and we intend to continue to uphold these high standards of performance for Phase 2."  
The aim of the CF-18 Modernization Project is two-fold: to bring the Canadian Air Force's fleet of 80 CF-18 Hornets into full inter-operability with the aircraft of key allies; and to extend the life of the aircraft through 2017. The eight-year, two-phased project includes modernizing specifications of newer models through an avionics configuration upgrade program. This approach allows Canadian Forces uninterrupted access and use of its CF-18 fleet.  
The contract for Phase 1 of the project, valued at $880 million (Cdn), was awarded to Boeing in April 2001 and concludes in 2006. Phase 1 equipped the CF-18s with improved communication and navigation capabilities, including a new, state-of-the-art mission system for communications purposes, an APG-73 radar system that is compatible with NATO ally air forces, a stores management system for weapon system and associated equipment control and a combined interrogator/transponder system that ensures allies recognize Canadian CF-18 aircraft as friendly aircraft. Boeing's sub-contractor for installation of these systems is L3Com Canada (Military Aviation Services) at Mirabel.  
Phase 2 of the modernization project will add a data link system, a helmet mounted sight system, new color cockpit displays and a new chaff and flare dispensing electronic warfare system to the CF-18 Hornets. Boeing will provide program management services, installation kits and color displays. Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in 2006 and conclude in 2009.  
Boeing's quality execution of the CF-18 project has been recognized and acknowledged in Canada. Apart from the performance on the prime contract, the industrial offset obligations are ahead of schedule. "We feel this contract is a result of the Department of National Defence's confidence in Boeing, which is a positive advancement given other opportunities Boeing is pursuing in Canada," said Chadwick.  
Boeing contributes approximately $1 billion (Cdn) annually to the Canadian economy, directly employs around 1,500 highly skilled Canadians in four facilities and several thousand more indirectly through its supply chain of some 200 companies.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $30.5 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government, and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense and Department of Homeland Security; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in sustainment solutions and launch services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 23, 2005, 07:33:42 pm
Boeing Awarded $117 Million Prime Contract for Second Phase of the Canadian CF-18 Aircraft Modernization Project  
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued Feb. 22, 2005)
 ST. LOUIS --- After successfully passing the midway point on the first phase of modernization of the Canadian Forces' CF-18 aircraft, the Canadian Department of National Defence and Boeing today signed a new $117 million (Cdn) contract naming Boeing as the prime contractor for the next phase.  
The contract signing ceremony for Phase 2 of the CF-18 Modernization Project took place at Mirabel International Airport, Quebec.  
"Boeing is committed to continuing to provide the Canadian government, and Canada 's Air Force, with high quality service and timely delivery of the CF-18 Modernization Project," said Chris Chadwick, Boeing F/A-18 Programs Vice President. "We are very proud of the fact that we have delivered Phase 1 on time and on budget, and we intend to continue to uphold these high standards of performance for Phase 2."  
The aim of the CF-18 Modernization Project is two-fold: to bring the Canadian Air Force's fleet of 80 CF-18 Hornets into full inter-operability with the aircraft of key allies; and to extend the life of the aircraft through 2017. The eight-year, two-phased project includes modernizing specifications of newer models through an avionics configuration upgrade program. This approach allows Canadian Forces uninterrupted access and use of its CF-18 fleet.  
The contract for Phase 1 of the project, valued at $880 million (Cdn), was awarded to Boeing in April 2001 and concludes in 2006. Phase 1 equipped the CF-18s with improved communication and navigation capabilities, including a new, state-of-the-art mission system for communications purposes, an APG-73 radar system that is compatible with NATO ally air forces, a stores management system for weapon system and associated equipment control and a combined interrogator/transponder system that ensures allies recognize Canadian CF-18 aircraft as friendly aircraft. Boeing's sub-contractor for installation of these systems is L3Com Canada (Military Aviation Services) at Mirabel.  
Phase 2 of the modernization project will add a data link system, a helmet mounted sight system, new color cockpit displays and a new chaff and flare dispensing electronic warfare system to the CF-18 Hornets. Boeing will provide program management services, installation kits and color displays. Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in 2006 and conclude in 2009.  
Boeing's quality execution of the CF-18 project has been recognized and acknowledged in Canada. Apart from the performance on the prime contract, the industrial offset obligations are ahead of schedule. "We feel this contract is a result of the Department of National Defence's confidence in Boeing, which is a positive advancement given other opportunities Boeing is pursuing in Canada," said Chadwick.  
Boeing contributes approximately $1 billion (Cdn) annually to the Canadian economy, directly employs around 1,500 highly skilled Canadians in four facilities and several thousand more indirectly through its supply chain of some 200 companies.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $30.5 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government, and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense and Department of Homeland Security; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in sustainment solutions and launch services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Fevereiro 26, 2005, 01:43:04 am
Boeing Rolls Out First KC-767 Tanker for Italian Air Force
(Source: The Boeing Company; issued Feb. 24, 2005)
 ST. LOUIS --- Boeing officials and their Italian Air Force customers revealed the first KC-767A advanced aerial refueling tanker during ceremonies today at the Boeing site in Wichita, Kan.  
The rollout event marks completion of essential structural modification to the world's most advanced aerial refueling aircraft.  
"The KC-767A program represents the fulfilment of one of the most important goals in the Italian Air Force transport and support fleet modernization process," said General Giovanni Sciandra, the three-star general commanding the Italian Air Force Logistics Command. "As a transportation platform, the KC-767A will increase the expeditionary capability of the Italian Air Force." General Sciandra represented the Italian Air Force Chief of Staff at the ceremony.  
The aircraft unveiled at the ceremony is the first of four tankers being built for the Italian Air Force, and is scheduled for delivery in April 2006 after completion of flight testing and certification.  
"Boeing is proud to produce this completely new aerial refueling aircraft," said Jim Albaugh, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems president and CEO. "Due to the vision and commitment of our Italian customer, we have been able to design new capabilities into this aircraft that are uniquely suited for the security needs of today and tomorrow.  
"We have built upon 60-years of Boeing experience to provide our customers with the latest refueling technologies and incorporated advanced networking and communications capabilities into the KC-767," Albaugh said. "Those capabilities will ensure the Italians can operate in the battlespace of the future. To ensure this, the design team used an open architecture that allows for new and emerging technologies to be easily integrated into the KC-767A system, ensuring it will remain relevant for decades to come."  
To the more than 800 employees, suppliers and customers in attendance Albaugh emphasized the Company's commitment to its tanker program saying Boeing will continue to bring together the best of global industry and Boeing to meet its customers' specific requirements.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $30.5 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government, and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense and the Department of Homeland Security; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in sustainment solutions and launch services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Março 02, 2005, 12:49:18 am
Ministry of Defence Announces AirTanker Ltd as Preferred Bidder on FSTA Programme
(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Feb. 28, 2005)
 The Royal Air Force is a step closer to getting a modern air refuelling aircraft under a Private Finance Initiative programme worth £13bn.  
The British based AirTanker consortium has today been selected as Preferred Bidder for the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) programme, which will create hundreds of jobs in the UK and sustain thousands of others.  
Geoff Hoon, Defence Secretary said:  
"FSTA is the MoD's biggest Private Finance Initiative project. I applaud the positive spirit in which industry has engaged during these important negotiations over the past 12 months and I am sure that they will approach the final detailed negotiations with the same energy and commitment.  
It is expected that several hundred jobs will be created to support this programme throughout the United Kingdom. Several thousand more are expected to undertake work in support of the service.  
The Ministry of Defence and the AirTanker consortium are equally committed to making FSTA a success, bringing to bear the private sector disciplines to provide military capability."  
1. Proposals submitted by AirTanker Ltd last year were judged to offer the best prospect of providing a value for money PFI solution to meet the RAF's Air to Air Refuelling requirement. Since then AirTanker has been engaged in detailed discussions with the Ministry of Defence over the key terms of the contract.  
2. FSTA was nominated as a potential PFI project in 1997, when it was judged that the project, scoped as a service, could offer better value for money than conventional asset based procurement.  
3. Under a PFI contract, AirTanker would own and maintain the aircraft and provide training services, infrastructure and some personnel, whilst the RAF would undertake military operations. A PFI contract offers the potential for the contractor to make use of aircraft not required by the RAF in peacetime to generate revenue through commercial use.  
4. AirTanker Ltd. comprises EADS, Rolls-Royce, Cobham, VT Group and Thales.  
5. The AirTanker Ltd proposal is based on a service solution utilising Airbus A330-200 fitted with Rolls-Royce Trent engines. The aircraft would operate out of RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire.  
6. AirTanker expects to employ, directly and indirectly, several thousand people in the UK particularly at RAF Brize Norton (construction of facilities and service delivery), Airbus UK at Broughton (wing manufacture), Cobham at Bournemouth & Wimborne (aircraft conversion and air refuelling equipment), Rolls Royce, Derby (engines) and Thales, Crawley (training simulator). Hundreds of UK suppliers are expected to benefit from the contract.  
7. The programme has an estimated whole life value of around £13Bn and is expected to provide the RAF with Air Refuelling capability under a 27-year service contract. Contracts have not been placed at this stage.  
8. FSTA is planned to replace the RAF's fleet of VC10 and Tristar Air Refuelling/ Air Transport aircraft. Air refuelling is a vital military capability that enables our armed forces to rapidly deploy offensive, defensive and combat support aircraft, as well as troops and equipment, over long distances, in as short a time-scale as possible.  
9. The enduring importance of air refuelling has been demonstrated on operations over many years and its importance was reaffirmed as part of the Strategic Defence Review.  
10. The FSTA Integrated Project Team is based at the Defence Procurement Agency at Abbey Wood, Bristol.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Março 08, 2005, 03:55:33 pm
Aermacchi: First Flight in "Dual FADEC" Configuration for the M-346
(Source: Aermacchi; issued March 8, 2005)
 VENEGONO, Italy --- Yesterday the M-346, the Aermacchi twin engine advanced trainer, has performed its first flight in "dual FADEC" configuration, with both engine featuring full functioning digital electronic engines control.  
The digital FADEC (Fully Authority Digital Engine Control) technology, developed by Honeywell for the F124-GA-200 engines installed on the aircraft, is superior to traditional control units, allowing accurate control of several functioning parameters and providing a more effective exploitation of the engine performance potential in flight.  
The new FADEC system developed by Honeywell for the M-346 is based on a MAC (Modular Aerospace Control) modular architecture control platform, specifically adapted for the new trainer of Aermacchi.  
The installation and testing of the FADEC control system has been accomplished one month in advance on the schedule and it's an important achievement in the experimental flight test campaign, currently aimed at widening the flight envelope and ultimately obtaining the type certification.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Março 15, 2005, 03:04:38 pm
Full Fleet of New Orions Delivered
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued March 15, 2005)
 The full fleet of 18 upgraded AP-3C Orions has been successfully delivered to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), Defence Minister Robert Hill announced today.  
The last of the upgraded AP-3C Orion aircraft have been delivered from the production facility at Avalon airfield in Victoria and will be based at RAAF Edinburgh in South Australia. A ceremony to mark the delivery of the full fleet has been held at Australian International Airshow at Avalon in Victoria today.  
"The upgraded Orions are providing an improved surveillance capability to the Australian Defence Force and currently providing invaluable support to the Coalition Forces in the Middle East Area of Operations," Senator Hill said.  
"The new information systems and advanced sensors on the AP-3C Orions provide a good basis for establishing the aircraft as an important element in our future network warfare capability.  
"The project was initiated back in the 1990s, primarily to upgrade the avionics on the P-3C Orion fleet. It has been a very complex project providing leading edge technology to Defence's number one surveillance and response aircraft."  
An AP-3C prototype was produced in Greenville, Texas by L3 Communications (then known as E-Systems); with the remainder of the fleet production completed under sub-contract to Australian industry at Avalon Airfield.  
Tenix Defence eventually took over the production in mid 2003 and completed the production of the final ten aircraft on schedule. BAE Systems was also involved in the many sub systems including simulation and software development facilities at RAAF Edinburgh.  
Australian companies will continue to be involved in ongoing maintenance and logistic support of the AP-3C fleet under a proposed alliance arrangement currently being developed.  
"Experience gained in this project has helped secure long term Australian industry involvement in the ongoing support and further enhancement of the Orion fleet," Senator Hill said.  
"This project is an example of how Australian industry combined with international manufacturers can deliver a leading edge capability for the ADF." (ends)  
 L-3 Communications and Tenix Deliver last Sea Sentinel Aircraft
(Source: Tenix Defence Aerospace; issued March 15, 2005)
 Tenix Defence Aerospace and L-3 Communications Integrated Systems have delivered the last AP-3C aircraft in the production phase of the Sea Sentinel upgrade program, on time and within budget.  
The Chief Executive Officer of Tenix Defence, Robert Salteri, said the delivery marked the completion of the largest and most complex aerospace modification and upgrade program in Australia to date.  
"In 18 months, the Avalon-based team was able to modify and deliver the final 10 RAAF AP-3C aircraft to L-3 and the Commonwealth – on time and within budget," Mr Salteri said.  
"The success of this production phase illustrates what can be achieved when you team Australia's largest defence business with one of the world's leading Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance systems providers."  
The AP-3C aircraft is widely recognised, both domestically and within the international maritime patrol aircraft community, as the most capable aircraft of its type in operational service anywhere in the world.  
The Sea Sentinel upgrade program involved modifying the P-3C aircraft to an AP-3C configuration, resulting in operational weight reduction and a significantly increased sensor capability. The major new systems include:  
--Electronic flight instrument system  
--Navigation system  
--Forward and aft radar system  
--Sensor stations  
--Inter-communication system  
--Communication suite  
--Acoustics system  
--Data management system  
--Direction finding system.  
These were interfaced with all existing systems, and then tested, accepted and delivered.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Março 23, 2005, 09:54:56 pm
South African Air Force 707 Re-fuelling Tanker Arrives in Sweden for Gripen Trials
(Source: Gripen International; issued March 22, 2005)
 Saturday 19 March saw the arrival of a South African Air Force (SAAF) Boeing 707 re-fuelling tanker aircraft, at Saab's facility in Linköping, Sweden.  
After a 15 hour flight from South Africa, the tanker and its team of 20 SAAF aircrew and ground crew landed at 13.00 where they were welcomed by Ola Rignell, Mikael Seidl and Mats Lundberg from Saab’s Flight Test organization. The team were also greeted by Chris Skinner, Charl Coetzee and Mike Edwards from the SAAF/Armscor Gripen Joint Project Team based in Linköping.  
The SAAF tanker will be based in Linköping for the next few weeks, where it will be taking part in a series of ground and air-to-air (AAR) re-fuelling trials with the Gripen new generation fighter.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Abril 04, 2005, 01:11:59 pm
New Helicopters Selected for the NZ Defence Force
(Source: New Zealand Ministry of Defence; dated March 31, web-posted April 4, 2005)
 Minister of Defence, Mark Burton, announced today that NH Industries’ NH90 helicopter has been selected to replace the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s ageing Iroquois. The new helicopters will represent another significant step in re-equipping all three services of the NZDF.  
“The NH90 is a modern, very capable helicopter with a growing international customer base and assured long-term support. It has been designed to meet current and future requirements and provides an excellent long-term investment.  
“It has the capacity to carry up to 16 fully equipped troops; and has a rear ramp that can be used to load small vehicles such as quad bikes with a large freight capacity that will also be particularly useful for tasks such as disaster relief operations.” Mark Burton said.  
Mark Burton noted that utility helicopters provide essential support for a wide range of military operations, peace support, civil emergencies and counter terrorism requirements.  
“We used our utility helicopters extensively on New Zealand’s missions in such places as the Solomon Islands, Timor Leste and Bougainville. They also provide important support to the police and civil authorities in New Zealand, in activities as wide ranging as disaster relief, search and rescue, fire fighting and counter-drug operations”.  
“This Government is committed to building a modern, sustainable, well-equipped Defence Force, and this investment in new helicopters is another clear example of that commitment. These helicopters will ensure interoperability with our security partners, allow New Zealand to participate in a range of operations, and provide valuable support to land force elements and other government agencies.”  
The other key element of the helicopter modernisation project is the replacement of the old Sioux training helicopter with a new training/light utility work helicopter. Work is well advanced and can move towards completion now that the preferred medium utility helicopter has been identified.” Mark Burton said.  
“Since the 2002 release of the Defence Long-Term Development Plan, 24 major re-equipment projects have been advanced. They include investments in seven new purpose-built naval vessels, a 15-year life extending upgrade of our C-130 Hercules aircraft, an upgrade of the P3 Orion aircraft, the purchase of two 757-200 jet aircraft and the recent acquisition of a new fleet of Light Operational Vehicles”.  
Discussions with NH Industries will now focus on cost finalisation, numbers to be purchased and delivery availability. This information will be made public once the commercial negotiations have been finalised and decisions have been made about the replacement for the Sioux training helicopter.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Abril 08, 2005, 10:42:18 pm
Korea Aerospace Industries signs the Agreement for the 2nd Phase of the P-3 Project
(Source: Korea Aerospace Industries; issued April 8, 2005)
 Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), the only firm in Korea able to assemble complete aircrafts, announced on April 8 that it has finalized the P-3 aircraft upgrading project agreement with the Defense Procurement Agency of the National Defense Ministry for the Korean Navy, worth around 500 billion won.  
The project, which will be completed as a partnership with the leading worldwide systems integrator L-3 Integrated Systems, is to introduce the surplus P-3 aircraft used by the US Navy, extend their aircraft lifespan and modernize core on-board equipment by using cutting-edge software integration technology. Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is scheduled to deliver all P-3 aircraft to the Korean Navy by 2010.  
Prior to the agreement, on March 21, KAI announced that it had signed a joint production agreement for technology related transfers of the P-3 project with L-3 Communications Integrated Systems (L-3/IS), a world premier aircraft upgrading company located in Greenville, Texas, USA.  
L-3/IS, an affiliate of the world class L-3/COM - producers of communications systems for information, reconnaissance and surveillance, aerospace electronics and marine products, has carried out the upgrading of more than 15,000 military aircraft including the P-3 marine patrol aircraft for the US Navy, Royal Australian Air Force, and the Royal New Zealand Air Force.  
This agreement will enable KAI to extend the scope of its business to aircraft performance upgrading, alongside its activities in the finished aircraft sector - the KT-1 (basic training aircraft), T-50 (next generation training aircraft) aircraft - and the large civil aircraft parts business.  
KAI expects to secure more than 1 trillion won in exports by targeting aircraft in the Asia and Pacific region where the same system as the P-3 aircraft is being used, and by improving the capacity of the P-3 aircraft flown by the Korean Navy.  
Although most of Korea is surrounded by sea, the number of marine patrol aircraft operated by the Korean Navy is [small] while neighboring Japan has around 100 marine patrol aircraft. The need to develop our marine patrol strength will be critical in coping with our relatively weak marine patrol competence, which has been ignored until recently.  
A KAI official said, "The Korean Navy's P-3 aircraft were introduced in the mid 1990s and the time to upgrade them has arrived. In addition, we plan to penetrate into the P-3 aircraft capacity upgrading market, along with L-3/COM, given that some 450 aircraft operated in 16 countries worldwide have been used for more than 25 years."  
Chung Hae-joo, the President and CEO stated, "We intend to build up core technologies and experience in the aircraft upgrading sector through this agreement and cultivate the area as our key business for the long-term development of KAI."  
Meanwhile, KAI, the only general aircraft manufacturer in Korea, plans to reorganize the business ratio between munitions and the private sector from 8:2 to 6:4 with exports of KT-1 and T-50 aircraft and drive through an international joint development project including the civilian helicopter 429 (9 seater).  
Such an effort is intended to establish KAI as one of the top 10 aircraft manufacturers in the world by 2010. To do so, KAI is undertaking overall management innovation activities including the relocation of its headquarters to Sacheon.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Abril 12, 2005, 11:18:29 pm
Israel Accepts First AH-64D Apache Longbows
(Source: Boeing Co.; issued April 11, 2005)
 ST. LOUIS --- The government of Israel accepted its first three AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopters yesterday from the United States Department of Defense in a ceremony held in Israel.  
Key Israeli government and military leaders, as well as representatives from the U.S. Army, Boeing and the international Apache team attended the ceremony.  
The Israel Air Force, which has operated Boeing AH-64A Apaches since the early 1990s, is modernizing its fleet through a combination of AH-64A upgrades and new-build Apache Longbow combat helicopters. The Israel Air Force designation for the aircraft is the AH-64D-I Apache.  
While the aircraft were purchased through a U.S. Army foreign military sales agreement, some of the modifications to are being completed through a direct commercial sale agreement signed in 2000. The process enables Boeing to make several undefined changes directly with the Israel Air Force.  
The exact numbers and configurations of the Apache Longbow aircraft that will be delivered over the next several years under the contract have not been released. The aircraft were flown from Mesa, Ariz., where they are produced by Boeing, to Israel aboard a transport aircraft. Israel is one of 11 nations flying Apache helicopters and one of nine to have ordered or received the multi-mission next-generation AH-64D helicopter.  
The Apache Longbow features fully integrated avionics and weapons plus a state-of-the-art modem transmitting real-time, secure digitized battlefield information to air and ground forces. It can rapidly detect, classify, prioritize and engage stationary or moving opposition targets at standoff ranges in nearly all weather environments.  
A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $30.5 billion business. It provides network-centric system solutions to its global military, government, and commercial customers. It is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems; the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and a leading provider of space-based communications; the primary systems integrator for U.S. missile defense; NASA's largest contractor; and a global leader in sustainment solutions and launch services.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Abril 14, 2005, 09:04:51 pm
Zimbabwe Opposition Opposes Government Purchase of Fighter Jets
(Source: Voice of America; issued April 13, 2005)
 WASHINGTON, DC --- Zimbabwe state radio says the government of President Robert Mugabe has purchased six fighter jets. The radio called the aircraft "K-8" fighters, said to be a Chinese copy of the British Aerospace BAE “Hawk.”  
The British government suspended the sale of spare parts to Zimbabwe’s fleet of Hawks five years ago. The radio report did not mention the cost of the new planes, but a defense specialist quoted by the South African Mail and Guardian newspaper estimates they cost about 20 million dollars each.  
Giles Mutsekwa is the shadow Minister of Defense for Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change. He called the jet purchase “sad news,” given the poor economy and growing poverty. Mr. Mutsekwa told English to Africa reporter William Eagle that the government is “playing to the gallery” with its decision, suggesting one motive for the deal is to keep the military on its side. He said what the government should do – and what his party supports instead – is to improve the pay and standard of living for rank and file soldiers.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Abril 18, 2005, 03:02:41 pm
Australia – Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response Missile Systems  
(Source: US Defense Security Cooperation Agency; dated April 14, released April 15, 2005)
 On 14 April 2005, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) missile systems as well as associated equipment and services.  
The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $430 million.  
The Government of Australia has requested a possible sale of SLAM-ER missile systems which includes up to 260 Operation, Telemetry, and Captive Air Training Missiles with containers; support equipment, integration and certification support, training missiles, containers, spares and repair parts, missile support and test equipment, provisioning, program management, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $430 million.  
Australia is an important ally in the Western Pacific. The strategic location of this political and economic power significantly contributes to ensuring peace and economic stability in the region. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability and contribute to an acceptable military balance in the area. This proposed sale will improve interoperability between RAAF and U. S. Navy (USN) forces. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives and facilitates burden sharing with our allies.  
Australia intends to use the SLAM-ER missile on its F/A-18 and AP-3C aircraft. The RAAF can easily integrate SLAM-ER into its concept of operations. The proposed sale of SLAM-ER to Australia will contribute to U.S. security objectives by providing a coalition partner with enhanced strike capability for its tactical fighter or maritime patrol fleets. This will improve the RAAF ability to participate in coalition operations, provide common logistical support with the USN, and enhance the lethality of its forces. Australia will have no difficulty absorbing these weapons into its armed forces.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be the Boeing Company of St. Louis, Missouri. Although generally the purchaser requires offsets, at this time, there are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
Implementation of this proposed sale may require the assignment of U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Australia to support the integration of the selected weapon into the Australian fleet, but the estimated number of representatives has not been determined at this time.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
Australia is also considering a competing bid for Joint Air-to-Surface Stand Off Munition (JASSM).  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded. (ends)  
 (Source: US Defense Security Cooperation Agency; dated April 14, released April 15, 2005)
Australia - Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Munition
 On 14 April 2005, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of Joint Air-to-Surface Stand Off Munition (JASSM) as well as associated equipment and services.  
The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $163 million.  
The Government of Australia has requested a possible sale of JASSM which includes up to 260 AGM-158 Operation, Telemetry, and Captive Air Training Missiles with containers, support equipment, integration and certification support, training missiles, containers, spares and repair parts, missile support and test equipment, provisioning, program management, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $163 million.  
Australia is an important ally in the Western Pacific. The strategic location of this political and economic power significantly contributes to ensuring peace and economic stability in the region. It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) to maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability and contribute to an acceptable military balance in the area. This proposed sale will improve interoperability between RAAF and U.S. Air Force (USAF) forces. This proposed sale is consistent with those objectives and facilitates burden sharing with our allies.  
Australia intends to use the JASSM missile on its F/A-18 and AP-3C aircraft. The RAAF can easily integrate JASSM into its concept of operations. The proposed sale of JASSM to Australia will contribute to U.S. security objectives by providing a coalition partner with enhanced strike capability for its tactical fighter or maritime patrol fleets. This will improve the RAAF ability to participate in coalition operations, provide common logistical support with the USAF, and enhance the lethality of its forces. Australia will have no difficulty absorbing these weapons into its armed forces.  
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not affect the basic military balance in the region.  
The prime contractor will be Lockheed Martin Defense Systems of Orlando, Florida. Although generally the purchaser requires offsets, at this time, there are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.  
Implementation of this proposed sale may require the assignment of U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Australia to support the integration of the selected weapon into the Australian fleet, but the estimated number of representatives has not been determined at this time.  
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.  
Australia is also considering a competing bid for Stand-off Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) missile systems.  
This notice of a potential sale is required by law; it does not mean that the sale has been concluded.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Maio 18, 2005, 04:23:02 pm
Aermacchi: The Second Prototype of the M-346 Flies
(Source: Aermacchi; issued >May 17, 2005)
 VENEGONO, Italy --- The second prototype of the M-346, new Aermacchi’s advanced trainer, has performed its maiden flight today. The aircraft has taken off from Venegono airfield at 10.11 a.m., local time, piloted by Olinto Cecconello, Aermacchi’s Chief Test Pilot.  
The 42 minute flight, has allowed the new prototype performance and the correct operation of the airborne systems to be evaluated.  
The second M-346 prototype will permit the program to be pushed ahead at the fastest pace, as it will accomplish a part of the aircraft qualification tests. In particular, the second prototype will be used to assess the structural characteristics and flying qualities of the machine, while the first will be dedicated to the engine and system qualifications, as well as to the extension of the envelopes associated with the flight controls software.  
Two prototypes will ensure more flexible tests and demonstration activities to demonstrate the M-346 unique and remarkable features, as an ideal platform for future Integrated Training Systems.  
The flight of the second prototype, within schedule, shows the maturity of a program that starts achieving widespread support from potential international partners in view of the imminent production phase.  
The M-346 Programme was launched by Aermacchi in early 2000, after a phase of in-depth studies, market surveys and benchmarking.  
In order to optimise the training effectiveness and the life cycle cost, the aircraft combines the latest “design-to-cost”, “supportability” and “lean manufacturing” concepts with performance, handling qualities and man-machine interface fully representative of the latest front line fighters generation, as Eurofighter, F-35 and Rafale.  
The M-346 integrates technologies, systems and competencies of several Finmeccanica companies.  
The aircraft exploits non-conventional features and advanced technologies: vortex lift aerodynamics with full authority care-free handling digital Fly-by-Wire Control System allowing full controllability up to 40° degrees angle of attack.  
The two Honeywell/Avio F-124 turbofans provide the M-346 with a thrust to weight ratio close to 1 and optimum energy management capabilities.  
The M-346 has state-of-the-art modular avionics and it is equipped with a glass-cockpit/mission computer by Galileo Avionica, a Laser Gyro GPS embedded inertial navigation system by Honeywell, HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick), control, stores management system, collision avoidance and embedded simulation.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Junho 02, 2005, 12:02:34 pm
Denmark Awards Lockheed Martin $40 Million Long-Range Radar Contract
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued May 31, 2005)
 SYRACUSE, N.Y. --- Lockheed Martin received a contract valued at approximately $40 million from the Air Material Command (AMC) of the Royal Danish Air Force for two long-range AN/TPS-77 transportable radar systems and a four-year logistic support package.  
The new radars will enhance air surveillance within Denmark and over surrounding seas. Although the radars will be stationed at fixed sites within radomes, the mobility of the AN/TPS-77 allows the systems to be quickly redeployed as needed.  
"The radar's performance, reliability and transportability offers Denmark unprecedented mission flexibility," said Dr. Denny Beres, vice president, Airborne and Land-Based Radars at Lockheed Martin in Syracuse. "We're pleased to provide these systems to one of our nation's strategic allies."  
The AN/TPS-77 is the latest configuration of the world's most successful three-dimensional (3-D) solid-state radar design, the AN/FPS-117. This L- band, tactical radar provides continuous high-quality 3-D surveillance on air targets at ranges out to 280 miles and at elevations up to 100,000 feet. These two radars now under contract will represent the 26th and 27th AN/TPS-77 radar sets produced to date. In addition, there are 127 AN/FPS-117 systems operational in 14 countries. Many have operated for years in remote areas, completely unmanned and in a wide range of operational environments.  
Enviado por: JLRC em Julho 07, 2005, 10:54:38 pm
Lockheed Martin Flies First F-16 for Chile
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued July 6, 2005)
 FORT WORTH, Texas --- Lockheed Martin flew the first F-16 produced for the Chilean Air Force on its initial production acceptance flight. Two flights were successfully accomplished here on June 23, with no discrepancies reported on either flight.  
"The Chile program continues to progress right on schedule,” said June Shrewsbury, vice president of F-16 programs. “First flight is a significant milestone and the first of several leading to the planned arrival of the aircraft in Chile early next year. We continue to be excited about our progress and about meeting our customer's expectations."  
This milestone follows the April 14 inauguration ceremony for Chile's Peace Puma program held at Fort Worth attended by the Chilean Minister of Defense, Jaime Ravinet, the Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Air Force, Gen. Osvaldo Sarabia, and Chile's Ambassador to the United States, Andrés Bianchi.  
The next milestone planned for July involves the acceptance of the first three Chilean aircraft by the U.S. government. One of these aircraft will be used for flight testing. The other two will be used for hands-on maintenance training of Chilean Air Force technicians. This training will be done in Fort Worth. The next two aircraft off the production line will be the first sent to Chile early next year. All 10 aircraft are planned for delivery in 2006.  
The Chilean F-16 Peace Puma program is a U.S. government Foreign Military Sales program and includes 10 Advanced Block 50 F-16s: six single-seat F-16Cs and four two-seat F-16Ds.  
The F-16 is the choice of 24 countries. More than 4,000 aircraft have been delivered worldwide from assembly lines in five countries. The F-16 program has been characterized by unprecedented international cooperation among governments, air forces and aerospace industries. Major upgrades to all F-16 versions are being incorporated to keep the fleet modern and fully supportable over the aircraft's long service life.  
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., a business area of Lockheed Martin, is a leader in the design, research and development, systems integration, production and support of advanced military aircraft and related technologies. Its customers include the military services of the United States and allied countries throughout the world.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2004 sales of $35.5 billion.  
Título: A400M para o Chile
Enviado por: Major Alvega em Julho 26, 2005, 11:38:56 pm
18 July 2005
Airbus Military signs agreement with Chile

 The FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE has signed a Declaration of Intent (DOI) with Airbus Military under which it indicates its intention to purchase up to three A400M military transport aircraft.

The DOI, signed on July 15th at the Chilean Ministry of Defence in Santiago by General Osvaldo Sarabia Vilches, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Air Force, and Francisco Fernández-Sáinz, Managing Director of Airbus Military, is a further commitment for the A400M from a customer outside the group of seven European launch nations.

Subject to a detailed contract to be signed by December 2005, the declaration provides for Chile to take delivery of A400M aircraft between 2018 and 2022 and for Chilean industry to benefit from aerospace related industrial participation.

“I very much welcome this declaration by the Chilean Air Force,” said Francisco Fernández-Sáinz during the signature ceremony, “which strengthens our relationship with this important Latin American customer and demonstrates the growing confidence around the world in our new aircraft.”

The signature took place in the presence of the Chilean Minister of Defence, Snr.Jaime Ravinet De la Fuente, and the ambassadors of France, Germany, Spain and the UK.

The A400M will enable Chile to upgrade its airlift capability for military, humanitarian and peace-keeping activities and assist the country in strengthening its aerospace industry.

The A400M programme, was launched in May 2003 following a single order for 180 aircraft by seven European NATO nations.

The A400M, the world’s most modern military transport aircraft will first fly in 2008 with deliveries beginning from 2009.

18 July 2005
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Setembro 10, 2005, 09:48:45 pm
France 'regrets' Singapore won't be buying its Rafale jet fighters

PARIS (AFP) Sep 06, 2005

The French defense ministry on Tuesday voiced "regret" over Singapore's decision to acquire F-15 jet fighters from the US company Boeing rather than the Rafale fighter built by France's Dassault Aviation.

"It is a sovereign decision of the Singaporean state. France respects it. Even if we regret it, this decision will not detract from the quality of our bilateral relations," the ministry said in a communique.

"In a hard-driving international competition involving several aircraft, the Rafale was one of the two finalists," the statement said, adding that "the current weakness of the dollar however seemed to have been a determining factor for our competition."

Singapore's defense ministry announced Tuesday that it was in final talks with Boeing to buy a new generation of fighter planes, marking a victory for the US-made F-15 Eagle in its dogfight with the French-built Rafale.

The Rafale and F-15 were shortlisted after the Eurofighter Typhoon was knocked out of the running for new fighters to replace a squadron of aging A4SU Super Skyhawks, upgrades of US-made aircraft first bought in the 1970s.

Singapore is expected to order about 20 F-15s for a total of some one billion dollars (800 million euros).
Enviado por: garrulo em Dezembro 15, 2005, 06:02:28 pm
Portugal compra 12 aviones militares de transporte españoles por 274 millones de euros

El Ministerio de Defensa portugués ha decidido la compra de 12 aviones militares de transporte C-295 por 274 millones de euros a la empresa EADS-CASA, filial española del consorcio aeronáutico europeo, según informó ayer el lisboeta Diario de Noticias citando fuentes oficiales.

En la fase final del concurso, el C-295 compitió con el avión C-27J del consorcio formado por la firma italiana Alenia y la estadounidense Lockheed Martin.

La decisión sobre la adjudicación ya ha sido comunicada a los contendientes, que disponen de un plazo de diez días para presentar alegaciones.

Los aviones serán adquiridos por la Fuerza Aérea Portuguesa y se dedicarán a misiones de transporte táctico y vigilancia marítima. Se trata, según subraya el rotativo luso, de la primera decisión en materia de equipamiento militar adoptada por el nuevo ministro portugués de Defensa, Luis Amado.

El pasado 12 abril, el socialista José Sócrates visitó Madrid en lo que constituyó su primer viaje al extranjero como primer ministro de Portugal.

CASA-EADS, en asociación con la empresa brasileña Embraer, compró en 2004 el 65% de las acciones de la industria aeronáutica portuguesa OGMA por 11,4 millones de euros

Enviado por: TOMKAT em Dezembro 16, 2005, 09:10:24 am
F-22 Stealth ability reveled by USAF

The U. S. Air Force, in it´s effort to get money to bulid more F-22's, has revealed just how "stealthy" the F-22 is.
It's RCS (Radar Cross Section) is equivalent, for a radar, to metal marble.
The less stealthy (and much cheaper) F-35, is equal to a metal golf ball.
The F-35 stealthiness is a bit better than the B-2 bomber, wich, in turn, was twice as good as that on the even older F-117.
Much older aircraft, like the B-52, have a huge RCS, which makes them very easy to spot on radar. But with a smaller RCS, it's more likely that the aircraft won't be detected at all.

The air force revealed this information, which is usually kept secret, because it wants to make the case that it makes more sense to cut production of the F-35 (which cost $30-50 million each), so that more F-22's (that cost over $100 million each) can be bought.
Most of the air force generals are former fighter pilots, and the F-22 is a much hotter fighter than the F-35 (which is basically a fighter-bomber, with emphasis on the latter function).
This is causing an international uproar, because of the many foreign countries that are buying the F-35. Some of these countries have contributed money for the development of the F-35.
The F-22 will not be exported, because it uses so much top secret technology.

December 9, 2005


A assinatura de radar do F-22 é equivalente a uma "metal marble" (???)
Mármore metálico???
O meu "inglês" não conseguiu traduzir esta expressão... :?
Enviado por: NVF em Dezembro 16, 2005, 09:30:29 am
E' um berlinde pa'! Um guelas.  :D
Enviado por: TOMKAT em Dezembro 17, 2005, 04:22:20 am
Citação de: "NVF"
E' um berlinde pa'! Um guelas.  :)
Nunca mais lá chegava, apesar de o contexto em que a frase se integrava apontar para algo parecido.
Inglês "americanado"...
Obrigado NVF :wink:
Enviado por: NVF em Dezembro 17, 2005, 05:36:25 am
De nada, sempre 'as ordens.  :Soldado2:
Enviado por: TOMKAT em Janeiro 16, 2006, 02:27:00 pm
O maior Radar de Defesa Aérea do mundo

Janeiro,15 2006: Um dos mais poderosos e versáties radares de defesa aérea do mundo é o sistema australiano JORN (Jindalee Operational Radar Network).

Cientistas e engenheiros australianos desenharam e construiram este sistema único, usando a técnica de captura de sinais de radar da ionosfera.
Este sistema dá ao radar um alcance superior a 3000km.

O desenvolvimento do sistema começou no inicio dos anos 90, custando mais de $1 bilião de dólares a construir, ficando operacional em 2002.

O segredo do sistema é o software que disponibiliza um fraco sinal de retorno dificilmente detectado.
Assim até aviões stealth podem ser detectados pelo JORN.
Muitas capacidades do sistema são mantidas secretas, mas os EUA estão a trabalhar com a Austrália para integrar o JORN numa rede mundial de defesa de misséis anti-balistícos.
Normalmente o JORN disponibilizará muitos alertas se aviões hostis se aproximarem da austrália.

O sistema foi criado para dar cobertura à costa norte da Austrália, que é pouco habitada, mas também muito vulnerável a actos de pirataria, emigração ilegal, ou invasores armados.
O JORN pode também ser reconfigurado para busca de navios, e tem sido usado desta forma para detectar barcos que tentam infiltrar emigrantes ilegais.
O JORN é operado pela Força Aérea Australiana.

Título: DD: Força Aérea substitui helicópteros Puma por EH101 Merlin
Enviado por: Get_It em Janeiro 29, 2006, 03:59:08 pm
Citação de: "Diário Digital"
Força Aérea substitui helicópteros Puma por EH101 Merlin
A partir da próxima sexta-feira a Força Aérea vai abandonar os helicópteros Puma do tempo da guerra colonial, trocando-os por 12 EH101 Merlin, que têm custos de manutenção ainda indeterminados, segundo a edição de hoje do Diário de Notícias.

Ao que o jornal apurou junto de várias fontes, o programa de aquisição dos EH101 não incluiu um contrato de manutenção.

Todavia, fonte oficial da Força Aérea precisou que os custos de manutenção dos EH101 baixarão quando estiverem em missão, por ser mais barato do que usá-los só no treino e formação das tripulações.

Os 12 EH101 vão cumprir missões de busca e salvamento, fiscalização das pescas, resgate em teatros de guerra e transporte.

A cerimónia realiza-se na sexta-feira na base do Montijo e será presidida pelo ministro da Defesa, Luís Amado.

29-01-2006 12:02:04

Lá vão os Puma de vez.
Enviado por: Marauder em Fevereiro 19, 2006, 02:00:16 pm
China and the Illegal F-16 Engine
February 16, 2006

Last week, U.S. authorities charged two foreigners with attempting to export military equipment to China. Ko-Suen Moo, a Taiwanese man, was arrested last November. His partner, Frenchman Maurice Serge Voros, is still at large. The two were trying to export an F-16 engine, forty engines for the UH-60 helicopter, plus cruise missiles and other items, to China. It was not revealed exactly how far along this plot was. China has denied any connection with the two men. However, much military equipment has made its way to China. And China has, in the past, been prepared to pay well for any foreign military equipment that can be gotten into China. The Chinese are usually more successful at getting, literally, bits and pieces of engines out of the country. China prefers to use many spies, to go after many different pieces of military equipment. The complete plans for an engine, for example, can be moved out of the country via the Internet, or a memory stick. Small components can be hidden in a cargo container full of more mundane (and legal-to-export) goods. While getting a complete F-16 engine is spectacular, it's an effort that is more likely to fail. Getting it out in pieces is more likely to happen, and not be noticed. ... 60216.aspx (

Boeing Israel Aircraft Industries Capture Short Range BMD Contract
by Staff Writers
St Louis MO (SPX) Feb 16, 2006

Boeing and Israel Aircraft Industries have agreed to pursue the new Israeli Short Range Ballistic Missile Defense Program. Through this agreement, the two companies will partner to potentially provide the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) with a robust, all-weather defense capability against short-range ballistic missiles and long-range artillery rockets.
"This is an opportunity to build on the exceptional partnership that Boeing and IAI have established through the co-production of the successful Arrow II interceptor," said Debra Rub-Zenko, vice president for Boeing Integrated Missile Defense. "It is our privilege to join forces once again with IAI to provide leading edge technology to rapidly and effectively address threats as they evolve."

Boeing and IAI currently partner on co-production of the Arrow II interceptor, an element of the anti-ballistic missile defense system that was jointly developed by the United States and Israel and is deployed and operational in Israel today.

Yair Ramati, IAI/MLM's general manager, said, "I am convinced that the combination of technical ingenuity, drive for low life-cycle cost and proven working relationship between IAI and Boeing will provide the best all-around value for the defense of Israel's population against these threats."

IMDO will select an Israeli-U.S. industry team in March 2006 to complete the risk reduction phase of the SRBMD program. Full-scale development and production phases of the program will follow as a cooperative initiative between the IMDO and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. ... tract.html (

Pak lodges strong protest with India over violation of airspace
Friday February 17, 2006 (0453 PST)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has lodged a strong protest with the government of India through their High Commission in Islamabad for violation of its airspace and Exclusive Economic Zone by an Indian maritime aircraft and two coast Guard Fast Patrol Crafts on February 13.
This proactive action by the Indian maritime aircraft is in contravention of the Pakistan-India Agreement on Advance Notice on Military Exercises, Maneuvers and Troops Movement of April 16 1991 as well as neighborly relations and good seamanship practices, said a foreign office statement issued here on Thursday.

Indian Dornier maritime aircraft made a number of low altitude passes over MSS Vehdar a vessel of the Pakistan Amritime Security Agency which was engaged in patrolling and apprehending/clearing Indian fishing boats involved in poaching well inside Pakistan;s Exclusive Economic Zone at position 2329N 6735E at 0300 hrs on February 13 2006.

The aircraft again made repeated low altitude passes at about 1530 hrs in approximately the same area. Thereafter, around 1645 hrs two Indian Coast Guard Fast Crafts approached MSS Vehdat at 03 Nautical Miles in a proactive posture with ammner armament pointing towards the Pakistani vessel. These Indian Fast Patrol Craft remained in the vicinity of the Pakistani vessel.

These Indian Fast Patrol Craft remained in the vicinity of the Pakistani vessel for approximately two hours befoe clearing away. A similar demarche about these violations was made by the Pakistan High Commission with the Indian Ministry of External Affairs in new Delhi. (

C-130 cost issue raised in Senate
Star-Telegram Washington Bureau

Sen. John McCain of Arizona says Lockheed Martin's C-130J program has been developed under a contract that prevents the government from scrutinizing cost reports.
WASHINGTON -- Sen. John McCain on Wednesday said there was "an emerging scandal" in defense procurement and promised to block the nomination of a high-ranking defense official until he gets answers in a contract dispute involving Lockheed Martin's C-130J transport.

The accusations by the Arizona Republican, considered a leading, if unannounced, contender in the 2008 presidential race, injected a burst of drama into what was expected to be a relatively tame confirmation hearing for four defense nominees before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

McCain told Michael Dominguez, President Bush's nominee to become deputy undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, that he would not allow the nomination to move forward until the committee fully investigates the Air Force's handling of the C-130J transport contract.

McCain, who is chairman of a key armed services subcommittee on military aviation programs, complained last year that the C-130J program was developed under a "commercial" contract that prevented the government from scrutinizing the defense contractor's cost reports.

McCain said that Dominguez, while serving as acting Air Force secretary, assured him that the program would be restructured as a military contract to allow greater scrutiny. Air Force and Lockheed Martin officials say the restructuring is under way, but McCain said Wednesday that there has been no apparent movement.

"Mr. Dominguez, I'm sure you're a good man. I'm sure you're a decent person," he said. "But we have got to get this cleared up. We have got to get the C-130J cleared up."

The $4.15 billion contract, which calls for 62 aircraft for the Air Force and Marines, is a mainstay for Lockheed Martin's aeronautics company, which is based in Fort Worth. The planes are built at a plant in Marietta, Ga., employing 1,800 workers.

"Air Force contracting officers and their leadership should never have acquired the C-130 J using the commercial ... acquisition strategy, but they did," McCain said. "It was done for 10 years."

McCain said he and his staff "intend to pursue this issue until it is completely resolved and Lockheed Martin is held accountable for whatever part they played in this ... disgraceful performance." He also complained that Robert Stevens, Lockheed Martin's chairman, chief executive and president, had not provided information McCain had requested on the contract, despite his earlier assurances.

Tom Jurkowsky, corporate spokesman for the defense giant, which is based in Bethesda, Md., said Lockheed Martin acted properly in executing the program under a commercial contract in the early 1990s. The arrangement, he said, was permitted under legislation designed to save taxpayers' money by allowing defense contractors to carry out "dual use" programs for both military and commercial development.

Lockheed Martin invested $1.4 billion in research and development, but commercial expectations never materialized, he said.

"We're a government contractor who prides ourselves on being forthright and transparent," Jurkowsky said. "We have a reputation to preserve. ... We've done everything we've been asked to."

McCain, whose office was instrumental in exposing a tanker-procurement scandal involving Boeing, said the defense department's acquisition system "is badly broken" and complained that defense contractors operate as a virtual monopoly, free of serious competition or government scrutiny. Several major procurement programs are behind schedule and overpriced, he said.

Also appearing before the committee was Pete Geren, a former Fort Worth congressman nominated to become undersecretary of the Army. Geren is now a special assistant to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. (

Stealth jets bound for 'boneyard'

The black jets that revolutionized air warfare with their radar-evading technology and ability to drop precision-guided bombs at night are to be discarded in 2008, 20 years after the Air Force acknowledged the stealth fighters' existence, officials said.

Capt. Michelle Lai, an Air Force spokeswoman at the Pentagon, said Wednesday that "right now the overall plan is being worked out," but most if not all of the nation's 52 F-117A Nighthawks are expected to go to "the boneyard": Davis-Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Ariz., where rows upon rows of scrapped planes cover acres of desert.

The Nighthawks are priced at $45 million apiece, not counting costs for research and development, according to an Air Force fact sheet.

Some of the stealth jets could be sold to U.S. allies, Lai said. "But I wouldn't say that's the plan," she added.

"I think they'll probably put at least one in a museum," she said. "But are the first ones going to the museums or the yard? All those details are still being worked out."

Fifty of the Nighthawks are based in the 49th Fighter Wing at Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, N.M. The other two are assigned to test squadrons, including one in a tenant unit at Nellis Air Force Base. That plane, tail No. 835, belongs to the 53rd Wing at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.

The reason for pushing up the retirement date from 2011 to 2008 as called for in the Bush administration's proposed budget is because the F-117A has gotten too expensive and difficult to maintain, officials said.

Better replacements are available: the F-22A Raptor stealth attack jet and the unmanned Global Hawk high-altitude reconnaissance plane, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley told the Review-Journal on Friday during a visit to Nellis.

Tom Fuller, spokesman for the Nighthawks wing at Holloman, said that the F-117 is old.

"This is a good time for the Air Force to start investing in the future ... and not spending taxpayers' dollars because its time may have passed," he said.

"The aircraft was made with off-the-shelf parts: the landing gear from an F-15, the engines are from F-18s, and the controls F-16 and on and on. Some of those parts might not even be manufactured now because some of those aircraft have been retired from the fleet," Fuller said.

Moseley said, "The F-22 can carry eight bombs, eight small-diameter bombs or pair of big bombs plus the missiles. The 117 can still only carry two bombs." And, he added, "it has a very labor-intensive maintenance package on it."

"It is still a good airplane right now. But when you look 10 years from now or 15 years from now when you have F-22s and Joint Strike Fighters that have the same, low-observable characteristics and can carry more than two internal weapons, it's time to start looking at a transition," Moseley said.

His trip coincided with a Red Flag air combat training exercise at Nellis that runs through Saturday. Eight F-117A Nighthawks from the 9th Fighter Squadron at Holloman are participating in the exercise.

The return of the Nighthawks to Nevada marked a return to their roots. Much of the testing and development of the nation's first stealth aircraft took place at a classified installation, known as Area 51 along the dry Groom Lake bed three decades ago, sources who worked there have said. The first war-fighting F-117s were based at the Tonopah Test Range.

News that the F-117A was destined for retirement in the next two years surprised and disappointed Clark County Public Works spokesman Bobby Shelton.

As an Air Force spokesman in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Shelton played a role in lifting the veil of secrecy about the program when the Nighthawks were based at the Tonopah range.

"I'm a little set back," Shelton said Wednesday. "I had no idea they were looking at retirement. I thought it would stay around for many, many years kind of like the old B-52s did."

The B-52's first flight was in April 1952, and an upgraded version of it is expected to continue to be used by the Air Force beyond the year 2030, according to the Air Force's Web site.

The Lockheed F-117A was developed under a tightly guarded program in the 1970s and early 1980s. It was designed to bomb targets without detection by enemy radar systems, which is why the planes were tested at Groom Lake, 90 miles north of Las Vegas and 35 miles west of Alamo, sources close to the project have said.

The F-117 fighter-attack jet made its first flight on June 18, 1981. After the stealth program was declassified in November 1988, the first warplanes were deployed in combat over Panama in December 1989. It blazed the trail for today's more advanced stealth aircraft, the B-2 Spirit bomber and the F-22A Raptor.

Shelton was the F-117s' public information officer between 1989 and 1992, assigned first to the 4450th Tactical Group and later the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing.

"I was one of those people basically hired to bring it out. ... It was in the 'black' world in the late-1979 time frame to when the Air Force first acknowledged it in November 1988," he said.

He remembered when the first F-117A was put out for public display at Nellis.

"Prior to April 21, 1990, nobody could get close to those airplanes. We had it cordoned off with a 50-foot cord and had a mini-open house at Nellis. We had about 350 media types from around the world in addition to tens of thousands of people from the Las Vegas area," Shelton said. "For some, it was probably the ugliest airplane that anybody had ever seen."

In the Persian Gulf War in 1991, 36 F-117As bolstered the allied effort against Iraq by bombing targets in Baghdad, Iraq.

The original stealth fighter wing at Tonopah on the Nellis range was relocated to Holloman after the Persian Gulf War. The first plane arrived at Holloman in May 1992.

Fifty-nine production models were made with the last rolling off the line at Lockheed's Palmdale, Calif., plant on July 12, 1990. Seven were destroyed in crashes, including one that was lost in combat over Yugoslavia on March 27, 1999, in the Kosovo war effort.

Fuller, spokesman for the Nighthawks wing at Holloman, said a pair of F-117As led the charge at the onset of Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003.

"The president authorized the mission. Two flew in unescorted over Baghdad and dropped two bombs per aircraft," he said, describing the attack on Dora Farms, where intelligence sources thought Iraq leader Saddam Hussein was hiding. ... 07352.html (

Prototype Global Hawk flies home after 4,000 combat hours

by Tech. Sgt. Andrew Leonhard
380th Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

2/14/2006 - SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) -- A high-flying prototype “Airman” is heading home after being deployed more than four years and flying 4,245 hours supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom and the Combined Task Force-Horn of Africa.

Global Hawk Air Vehicle No. 3 began its journey back home at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Feb. 10, and is expected to land there Feb. 16.

This unmanned aerial vehicle, AV-3, first deployed as a prototype during the build-up for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2002. It returned to Edwards for a couple of months and then was recalled by U.S. Central Command to help in the fight against terrorism.

Production Global Hawks arrived in theater in January and pilots and operators consider them to be remarkable aircraft.

“To know it was a technology demonstrator and then to (see) it sent into war is amazing,” said Lt. Col. Thomas Buckner, 12th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron director of operations. He was at the controls the day the AV-3 began its trip back to the United States. According to Colonel Buckner, the airframe had a “charmed life” with 18 lives, doubling that of a cat.

“There were a few times we could’ve lost the aircraft,” Colonel Buckner said. Once there was a lucky bump on the taxiway that caused its wing to be raised over a sign it would have otherwise sideswiped. It also survived an engine failure.

That charmed life meant a lot of extra airtime surveying large geographic areas with pinpoint accuracy, giving military decision-makers the most current information about enemy locations.

The AV-3 flew two-thirds of the Global Hawk missions for Operation Enduring Freedom and nearly all the combat missions. AV-3 was considered a workhorse and has created a high benchmark for other Global Hawks to reach.

“Global Hawks are in huge demand by combatant commanders,” Colonel Buckner said. “We’re able to respond and be flexible for the users on the ground.”

During a typical mission, the aircraft can fly 1,200 miles to an area of interest and remain on station for 24 hours. Its cloud-penetrating sensors can image an area the size of Illinois (40,000 nautical square miles) in 24 hours. Through satellite and ground systems, the imagery can be relayed in near real-time to battlefield commanders.

With production aircraft available, Lt. Col. Martin Fass, 12th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron commander, knows demand for its services will increase. Colonel Fass said that AV-3 brought an unprecedented combination of abilities to the fight and he expects more to come as the system matures.

“That is the reliability and the technology advantage Global Hawk brings each and every time,” Colonel Fass said. “This is the only aircraft in the world that can loiter over a target area for 24 hours while responding to dynamic re-taskings. Our reachback concept allows aircrews to ’fly’ from home station, reducing our overseas footprint, deployment tempo and risk to the crews.”

“AV-3’s contribution to the global war on terrorism is a lasting testament to the skills and dedication of those who conceived, developed and operated this remarkable system,” Colonel Fass said. (

Sea King chopper set to be replaced

Jonathan Porter and Sid Marris
February 16, 2006
THE troubled, ageing Sea King helicopter may be replaced earlier than planned in the wake of the crash on the Indonesian island of Nias that claimed nine Defence Force lives and injured two others last year.

On the same day the inquiry into the crash heard that no pilot could have rescued the plummeting craft after a critical bolt dislodged, the Senate was told the navy would make recommendations on a new machine later this year.

Head of the defence capability development group Lieutenant General David Hurley said a Sea King replacement was part of a larger program to upgrade the defence helicopter fleet.

"We are not to that point to give advice to government yet, but it will be done this year," he told a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra.

A replacement for the Sea King was envisaged over the next 10 years as part of the 2003 Defence Capability Plan, but will now be accelerated.

Defence Force chief Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston would not be drawn on when the replacement would happen when asked in Senate estimates hearings yesterday.

But a Defence spokeswoman last night confirmed a decision would be made on the replacement craft this year.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said the European MRH-90, of which a dozen have been ordered for the army, would be one suitable option.

At the inquiry in Sydney into the crash of a Sea King at Nias in January last year, following the Boxing Day Tsunami, one of the nation's top naval aviation test flyers ruled out pilot error as the cause of the crash, which killed nine defence personnel, saying the tragedy was "inevitable" after a 5cm bolt came loose.

The pilots of doomed Sea King helicopter Shark 02 had less than three seconds to save the aircraft, said Tony Baker, who has more than 2000 hours flying helicopters for the Australian, US and Royal navies.

Mr Baker said the crew could "not have averted the inevitable crash".

Crash investigators believe Shark 02 went down because either a defective slit pin was fixed to the bolt, or no split pin was in place at all.

The bolt joined two components in the "broom cupboard" behind the pilots' seats, so-called because it houses a succession of rotor control rods.

Mr Baker said once the bolt had worked loose the control rod would have slipped "under gravity", activating a servomechanism that pitched the helicopter into a nosedive.

"Once that happened there was no way to recover the aircraft because the pilots had no fore and aft control," Mr Baker told the inquiry.

"There is no doubt in my mind that that bolt is most likely the cause (of the crash)."

Mr Baker said the pilots' first reaction would have been to pull back on the joystick. The next would have been to feed more power if any were available to the rotors, or apply collective pitch to the rotors to create more lift.

But with the chopper's nose facing the ground, such an action would "not affect the outcome", he said. ... 02,00.html (,5744,18163273%255E2702,00.html)

Russia to reinforce Kyrgyz base
KANT (Kyrgyzstan), February 15 (RIA Novosti) - Russia plans to reinforce its airbase in the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan, the air force commander said Wednesday. "The base will be doubled in terms of personnel and aircraft within a year," General Vladimir Mikhailov said.

He promised to improve living conditions for personnel at the Kant base, about 20 miles west of the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek.

One of the main tasks for the Russian contingent this year will be training Kyrgyz pilots using Russian L-39 Albatros jet trainers, Mikhailov said, adding that he would discuss these issues at a meeting with the Kyrgyz defense minister Thursday.

The Kant airbase was established in October 2003 to enable Russian jets to provide close air support for ground units of member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan).

Last year, Kyrgyzstan said it was planning to make changes to an agreement on the status of the U.S. Manas airbase located at Bishkek's main airport. It was created in 2001 to support refueling and cargo missions for U.S.-led anti-terrorist operations in neighboring Afghanistan. It is currently the only U.S. base in former Soviet Central Asia, following the expulsion of American troops from Uzbekistan. (

 Goodrich posts a 2005 profit increase
US aircraft component specialist Goodrich has reported sales and profit growth for Q4 2005 and the full year. * However, defence aftermarket sales are expected to dip in the coming year.
[Jane's Defence Industry - first posted to ( - 2 February 2006]

Lockheed Martin unveils 'Hellfire Junior' rocket
Lockheed Martin unveiled an initial design description for its proposed solution for the Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) increment II competition at AUSA.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 16 February 2006]
Título: DID: Bulgaria Finalizes Order for 8 C-27J "Baby Hercs&q
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 28, 2006, 03:06:37 pm
Citação de: "Defense Industry Daily"
Bulgaria Finalizes Order for 8 C-27J "Baby Hercs"
Finmeccanica notes that a the C-27J Spartan (http://http) (aka. "Baby Herc"), developed as a joint venture between its Alenia Aeronautica subsidiary and Lockheed Martin, has been finalized as Bulgaria's choice (http://http) to replace its current fleet of Antonov An-26 "Curl" (http://http) airlifters. The Bulgarians want 8 C-27Js, which share significant commonalities with the C-130J Hercules (http://http) that extend to most of their avionics and their engines as well as their look. The "Baby Hercs" will be used for troops and material transport within Bulgaria, and may also participate in NATO operations (Bulgaria has been a NATO member since April 2004) as they are fully compliant with civil and military interoperability standards. Contract negotiations are due to start shortly.

The C-27J has been ordered so far by the Air Forces of Italy (12) and of Greece (12, in a deal worth EUR 297 million). In the U.S. the aircraft is a candidate for the FCA (Future Cargo Aircraft) program to provide local airlift within theater, and Spartans are also being proposed as Canada's new search-and-rescue aircraft. Finmeccanica notes that the C-27J is also under evaluation by Portugal, "other countries recently become NATO members," plus Australia (to replace the fantastic but aged DH-4 Caribou), Ireland and Taiwan.

In most of these cases, the C-27J is competing with CASA's C-295. Based on DID's research, the key tradeoff is that CASA aircraft is more efficient per flight hour and also longer, which gives it the capacity for more standard pallets. On the other hand, the C-27J offers extensive Hercules compatibility, as well as internal dimensions and floor strength levels that let it carry smaller armored vehicles like an M113 or even a prepared OH-58C Kiowa helicopter internally.

Título: DID: Norway to Back out of F-35 JSF Over Industrial Share?
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 03, 2006, 01:58:36 pm
Citação de: "Defense Industry Daily"
Norway to Back out of F-35 JSF Over Industrial Share?

DID reader Endre Lunde drew our attention to an article that was published March 1, 2006 on the official web-site of the Norwegian military. The article is in Norwegian (http://http), but Mr. Lunde helps by explaining:

"It is reporting from a recent visit by representatives of the Norwegian MoD and key figures of the RNoAF to the Lockheed Martin JSF research plant. In this article, as it reads, the secretary of state of the ministry of defense (equals deputy minister) states that if there are no signs of improved industrial relations between Lockheed Martin and the Norwegian defense industry by the time the next partnership-payment is due, Norway will resign its JSF partnership. This payment, due in June, amounts to roughly 18 million US dollars. It is said, however, that a notice of intention to withdraw must be posted by April. This means, that if there are no new contracts or general improvement of relations within two months, Norway might just be withdrawing from the JSF development project."

Norway is a Tier 3 JSF consortium member (http://http) who joined on June 20, 2002 with a $125 million contribution. Gripen International director of sales Bob Kemp seems to think (http://http) withdrawal is a real possibility, and Mr. Lunde adds:

"This improvement, or new contracts, must be considerable, as contracts have been lagging behind for quite some time. About one year ago, representatives from Lockheed Martin visited the Norwegian parliamentary defense committee, and promised improvement and more contracts. After this meeting, the leader of the committee at the time announced that the JAS-39 Gripen was back on the table. This was scorned by most as an attempt to play hardball with Lockheed Martin. Whatever it was, it did not work, and now discontent from politicians is obviously blooming again.

Reader should note that the JSF consortium is a fairly strict meritocracy, thanks in part to a philosophy of Cost as an Independent Variable (http://http). That is to say, cost is not the result of other decisions, it is a performance criterion to which other decisions may bend. At the press conference announcing Turkey's Tier 3 membership, Brigadier General Jack Hudson explained how program procurement works (http://http):

"Eventually Turkey will have one person in our program office as a level three partner. That person will be what we call a National Deputy for Turkey. Each country has that person. They will also be involved in the day-to-day activities in the program office as our other partner countries are so we have them fully integrated in the office in that sense. So they'll see a great deal of information on the program.

Then on the industry side what happens is, as you know, industrial participation is worked on a best value or a best athlete process. It's a competitive process amongst industries across the board, principally through our partner countries. That's done by Lockheed, Pratt, GE [General Electric] and their principal partners, subs [subcontractors] and suppliers. That's done on a basis that's controlled through processes that are governed by the State Department and DoD as to what technologies are used in the industrial processes.

So they'll be able to work that on a competitive process on the industry side, and then within the government side they'll have that one person in the office that will work with us on a day-to-day basis within the program."

Unlike typical European projects, therefore, work share is not guaranteed and each country's industries must compete for subcontracts. Some, like Holland's Stork Aerospace, have done exceedingly well. Our Benelux correspondent David Vandenberghe even points out that Belgium's Barco recently picked up a subcontract from L-3 Communications, to provide technology for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Panoramic Cockpit Display (PCD). Yet Belgium was the only country invited into the JSF concortium who refused participation.

Endre Lunde adds:
"It should also be noted that the committee leader that made the statement, and the deputy minister that made this one, are of the same political party, Labour. Another interesting note: he is visiting the Gripen production plant next week. So this could be a repetition of last years game of hardball, putting pressure on Lockheed Martin at the same time as they are flirting with Gripen, or it could be the real thing, and Norway might just be backing out of JSF."

We'll see. DID would also point out to readers that Norway is also a minor member of the Eurofighter consortium (http://http). Will they stick with the versatile, mid-range 5th generation F-35 JSF (http://http)? Look to the higher-end Eurofighter (http://http), with its twin engines for long range patrol over the sea lanes? Or will they step away from both options and join its neighbour Sweden and fellow NATO members The Czech Republic and Hungary as operators of the less expensive, shorter range JAS-39 Gripen (http://http) - whose workforce has suffered layoffs (http://http), but which just got a $600 million financial boost as a spin-off from the nEUROn UCAV program?

Título: New Heavy Airlift Capability for the Royal Australian Air Fo
Enviado por: NVF em Março 04, 2006, 11:07:46 pm
New Heavy Airlift Capability for the Royal Australian Air Force
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued March 3, 2006)
   I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will acquire up to four new Boeing C-17 Globemaster III aircraft and associated equipment to provide the Australian Defence Force (ADF) with a heavy airlift capability.  
The Government has selected the C-17 by for its ability to meet the needs of the ADF over the next 30 years.  
This is the only aircraft currently in production which has a proven capability to meet ADF operational commitments, in Australia, the region and globally. The C-17 has four times the carrying capacity of the RAAF C-130 Hercules.  
The C-17 aircraft has the load capacity and range that will allow the ADF to rapidly deploy troops, combat vehicles, heavy equipment and helicopters. This includes the M1A1 Abrams Tank, as well as Black Hawk, Sea Hawk, and Chinook helicopters. Each C-17 has the capacity to transport five Bushmaster Infantry Vehicles, or three Tiger helicopters.  
The fleet of up to four aircraft will give Australia a new Responsive Global AirLift (RGA) capability, significantly enhancing the ADF's ability to support national and international operations, and major disaster rescue and relief efforts.  
As the C-17 aircraft is currently in production, it is possible for the first aircraft to be delivered later this year with the balance of the fleet to be delivered by mid 2008. This will give the ADF the Responsive Global Airlift operating capability it needs within a short time-frame.  
Acquisition of the C-17 will also provide significant opportunity for our aerospace industry with Boeing proposing an Australian Industry Capability program valued at $345m over the life of the aircraft.  
I had the pleasure of inspecting a United States Air Force C-17 today with my colleague, the Member for Macquarie, Mr Kerry Bartlett, at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Richmond.  
This investment of up to $2 billion is in addition to the Howard Government's commitment of $28.5 billion in increased spending on defence capability over the 10-year period to 2010, building on the 2000 White Paper to increase Defence funding by three per cent annually, in real terms, until 2010/11.  
Título: Pentagon Plans To Buy JSF Fighters Without Full Testing...
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 16, 2006, 02:17:09 pm
Citação de: "Defence Talk"
Pentagon Plans To Buy JSF Fighters Without Full Testing: Audit

 The Pentagon plans to buy 424 Joint Strike Fighters at a cost of more than $49 billion before the next generation fighter has been fully flight-tested, according to a U.S. congressional audit released March 15.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) said the Pentagon’s acquisition strategy for its most expensive aircraft program is risky and would leave U.S. taxpayers covering the cost if anything goes awry.

“Producing aircraft before testing demonstrates the design is mature increases the likelihood of design changes that will lead to cost growth, schedule delays and performance problems,” the report said.

It recommended that the Pentagon delay procurement of the aircraft until flight testing shows that it will perform as expected.

Using a chart depicting the overlap of production and testing schedules, the GAO showed that the Pentagon will have spent $49.3 billion for 424 of the fighter aircraft by 2013, but flight testing will only be 98 percent complete by then.

The GAO also recommended that the Pentagon develop the aircraft in stages, rather than attempt to develop and deliver it in a single-step, 12-year development program.

The current approach is “a daunting task given the need to incorporate the technological advances that, according to DoD (Department of Defense), represent a quantum leap in capability,” the report stated.

Development costs for the aircraft already have increased by 84 percent, planned purchases have gone down by 535 aircraft and the schedule for developing it has been extended by five years, according to the report.

Lockheed Martin won the competition to develop the fighter in 2001. The first five aircraft are supposed to roll off production lines next year.
The program is jointly funded by the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and eight international partners.

It is being developed in three variants — one designed for conventional take-offs and landings for the Air Force; another for carrier landings and takeoffs for the Navy; and a third for short take offs and vertical landings for the Marines and Great Britain.

Enviado por: luis filipe silva em Março 20, 2006, 07:48:24 pm
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 20, 2006, 09:25:25 pm
Fuji Heavy Industries Delivers First Apache Longbow Helicopter to Japanese Government under Boeing Licensing Agreement
ST. LOUIS, March 15, 2006 -- Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI) today delivered the first AH-64D Apache Longbow multi-role combat helicopter to the Japanese government during a ceremony in Japan, signaling a new era in capabilities for the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force.

FHI and The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] teamed for the production of the aircraft. The ceremony was held at the FHI production facility in Utsunomiya, Japan, where FHI will produce future Apaches.

The Japan Defense Agency (JDA) selected FHI to produce the AH-64D Apache Longbow with unique requirements for Japan. FHI is producing the aircraft under license from Boeing, which is supporting systems integration and aircraft production.

Japanese and international government, military and industry leaders attended the ceremony.

"Delivery of the new Apache Longbow for Japan ahead of schedule confirms the dedication and cooperation experienced between the Boeing and FHI teams in fulfilling Japan Ground Self Defense Force's fielding of its first two aircraft next year," said Patricia Carson, program manager of the Japanese Apache program for Boeing. "FHI has an outstanding record as an aircraft manufacturer that will ensure a high-quality product every time."

Carson said Boeing and FHI have been working closely for the last year to conclude qualification testing of the unique configuration for Japan that includes incorporation of an air-to-air Stinger launcher. Following the initial aircraft qualification, FHI will produce the Apache Longbow aircraft in Japan.

Al Winn, vice president of Apache Programs at Boeing, said, "We are extremely pleased that the Apache will be one of the first weapons platforms with 21 st century joint and interoperable capabilities deployed with the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force."

The Apache Longbow features fully integrated avionics and weapons plus a state-of-the-art modem transmitting real-time, secure digitized battlefield information to air and ground forces. It can rapidly detect, classify, prioritize and engage stationary or moving opposition targets at standoff ranges in nearly all weather environments. ... 5b_nr.html (

Enviado por: Marauder em Março 21, 2006, 09:59:44 am
Ukrainian Aircraft Plug NATO Transport Gap
March 19, 2006

NATO will rely on the Ukrainian An-124 transport aircraft to bridge its strategic airlift gap starting in March 2006. Under the so called Strategic Airlift Interim Solution (SALIS) NATO will have access to up to six An-124-100 transport aircraft. Two of the aircraft will be permanently placed in Leipzig, Germany, with the remaining four available from Russian and Ukrainian airports at short notice for additional requirements. The leasing contract will initially run for three years for a leasing rate of approximately $220 million with the contract rolling on a yearly basis until 2012. Every year the SALIS members have committed themselves to a minimum usage of 2,000 flying hours. Any further operational use will result in additional leasing costs.

Since NATO members had identified strategic airlift as one of their most pressing military deficites in 2002, options were discussed how to overcome those shortfalls. Most European NATO members have decided to boost their capabilities in this regard through the acquisition of the Airbus A400M. However, with the Airbus not entering into service before the end of this decade, a short term gap remains. As an unilateral solution, the United Kingdom decided in 2000 to lease four Boeing C-17 Globemaster III for seven years with a two year renewal option for an initial price of $1.34 billion. Other European countries together with Canada signed instead the common interim solution in February 2006.

The An-124-100 can carry up to 130 tons of cargo and is due to its size also capable to handle outsized and extremely large cargo. In comparison to those specifications, the C-17 can only carry up to 84 tons and the A400M can lift a maximum of 40 tons. The advantage of the two smaller airlifters is the ability to operate from shorter unpaved runways, which makes them less dependable on existing infrastructure. The limitations of the future European A400M fleet for outsized cargo are a credible indicator that the now launched interim solution might turn into a permanent solution beyond 2012. ... 60319.aspx (
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 21, 2006, 10:00:48 am
Rooivalk helicopter. WILL TURKEY TAKE THE CHOPPER?

(Financial Mail Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)Rooivalk helicopter WILL TURKEY TAKE THE CHOPPER? The Rooivalk helicopter's last chance for survival may be in Turkish hands. A technical evaluation team from Turkey is here to assess the possible purchase of 50 of the armoured gunships for its armed forces.

Denel CEO Shaun Liebenberg says it is probably the best opportunity we've ever had with Rooivalk. The future of our helicopter capability is dependent on this deal. We'll probably know by August if it's on. He refuses to qualify his comment as a last-chance warning about Rooivalk, saying only that if the Turkish option wilts, government will have to reconsider the programme.

Rooivalk, developed in the 1980s in the heat of the apartheid war, has weighed like an albatross around Denel's neck because it has failed to attract foreign orders that make it cost-effective to produce. The SA Air Force has 12, keeping the programme open at a huge cost to Denel.

Liebenberg is involved in a workshop with private SA aero-engineering companies Aerosud and ATE to assess the feasibility of producing a lighter and less costly version of the helicopter dubbed Rooivalk Lite to sell to developing countries. But this would depend on a big Turkish order. Rooivalk is competing against an Agusta-Westland consortium and the lighter Eurocopter.

Aerosud chiefs were involved in Rooivalk's development. ATE has found a ready market in developing countries for reconditioned Russian Hind helicopter gunships, having sold about 100 units around the world in recent years. It might have had even more success if Denel had been more willing to share its technology and gone into business with ATE, using the Rooivalk air frame instead. (
Enviado por: antoninho em Março 22, 2006, 12:16:17 am
Desculpem não tenho noticias para dar, mas já agora este site é em que lingua por favor ? ( escrito).
Como podemos argumentar patriotismo contra certos senhores quando aqui no site são metidas noticias em inglês.
Claro que sei que é a lingua mais falada internacionalmente mas com os diabos porque não traduzir em Portugês e informando  o site de onde foram retiradas.
Sei que sou um convidado neste fórum, desde já quero pedir desculpa  por este aparte, mas argumentamos que outros não defendem a nossa soberania e nós aqui damos o exemplo que nem a nossa lingua defendemos.
Como diria o poeta a minha Patria é a minha lingua Portuguesa......
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 22, 2006, 12:56:45 am
Citação de: "antoninho"
Desculpem não tenho noticias para dar, mas já agora este site é em que lingua por favor ? ( escrito).
Como podemos argumentar patriotismo contra certos senhores quando aqui no site são metidas noticias em inglês.
Claro que sei que é a lingua mais falada internacionalmente mas com os diabos porque não traduzir em Portugês e informando  o site de onde foram retiradas.
Sei que sou um convidado neste fórum, desde já quero pedir desculpa  por este aparte, mas argumentamos que outros não defendem a nossa soberania e nós aqui damos o exemplo que nem a nossa lingua defendemos.
Como diria o poeta a minha Patria é a minha lingua Portuguesa......

O mais que posso fazer é dar o título da noticia em português e meter o link. Como é obvio, andar a traduzir integralmente noticias de inglês para português também não lembra a ninguém!! Mas concordo com a crítica :wink:
Enviado por: Marauder em Março 22, 2006, 05:26:20 pm
1º de 14 Gripens pronto a entregar à Hungria ... 328707.htm (

  Russia vai ter um novo regimento de SU-34 (

 Chile celebra entrega de F-16s ... F-16s.html (

 Itália recebe HH-3F modificados ... HH-3F.html (

 Japão constrói primeiro Apache Longbow (sob licença) ... eiled.html (
(ADORO A CAMUFLAGEM JAPONESA!! Pena é que a foto é pequena)

Título: DID: British JSF Prospects Looking Up
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 23, 2006, 12:59:51 pm
Citação de: "Defense Industry Daily"
British JSF Prospects Looking Up

Recent news has been alternately bad and good for the JSF program. Fortunately, the good news came last. DID has covered the saga of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, and especially the controversy in the UK over its planned purchase of at least 150 F-35B STOVL fighters for its carriers, and the problems created by technology sharing issues et. al. Past DID articles covering this topic have included our March 10 article "F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program: UK Update," wherein Britain's 'Plan B' carrier fighter alternative became clear. Also:

* AESA Radar to Be Trialed on UK's GR4 Tornados By 2007 (March 2/06). Britain doesn't have an AESA radar. Which has real advantages. But the F-35 would give it one, plus outstanding sensor capabilities. Is that enough?
* P&W, Rolls Royce Define Cooperation on F135 Jet Engine (Feb 27/06). Rolls, and Britain, still want their F136 engine to go ahead.
* UK Defence Committee Continues Questions RE: CVF, F-35 (Jan 10/06)
* Reports: Cuts on the way to F-35 JSF R&D, Engine Programs (Jan 6/06). Britain isn't happy.
* ITAR Fallout: Britain to Pull Out of F-35 JSF Program? (Dec 7/06)
* UK Warns USA Over ITAR Arms Restrictions (Dec 1/06)

So, what's happening now? First, there's more bad news...

First came reports that the F-35's stealth features would be degraded in order to keep the project on track and on budget. Given the aircraft's intended role as a platform that can penetrate enemy air defense to deliver airstrikes on target, this is a significant change. Stealth also has considerable advantages in air-air combat, where it can equalize the odds against superior fighters.

The difference was described as the difference between the profile of a marble and the profile of a beach ball, but that could matter given improvements in modern ground and air radars. Those Meteor missiles being adapted for the F-35 may come in very handy.

Then Britain's Minister for Defence Proccurement Lord Drayson, fresh from a viable Plan B option, told a U.S. Senate committee last week that his country would be unable to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on buying the aircraft unless technology transfer issues were worked out. While regular DID readers would be wholly unsurprised by this, it's never good news when the project's only other Tier 1 partner, who has invested almost $2 billion, threatens to pull out.

According to Reuters, however, UK Embassy spokesman Steve Atkins said Drayson had "extremely constructive" talks with U.S. officials after his testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee. The report claims that progress had been made, and Lord drayson was quoted as saying:

"We are more optimistic that we can find a way through that will meet our requirements, and look to move forward now with greater confidence toward the next key milestone in the program signing of the MOU."

And that's the way things stand today. DID will continue to follow this program as it evolves toward a formal MoU and production commitments in late 2006 - early 2007.

Enviado por: Marauder em Março 25, 2006, 11:41:10 am
Finlândia receberá primeiros NH90 no final do Ano ... up=General (

Mini-C.130 vão equipar exercito e força aérea americana ... 60322.aspx (

Romania opens talks on fighter procurement
Romania is planning to replace its MiG-21 fighter aircraft * Israel has offered used F-16s
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 17 March 2006]
Enviado por: Marauder em Abril 12, 2006, 01:47:01 pm
Ecuador tenciona comprar helicoptéros Mi-171Sh ... 1144053739 (

Paquistão tenciona comprar aviões americanos, russos e chineses ... 96149.html (

Lockheed Martin Delivers New F-16 for Poland Peace Sky Program

(Source: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company; issued March 31, 2006)

FORT WORTH, Texas --- The United States Air Force contractually accepted the first new F-16 aircraft for the Poland Peace Sky program on March 30. The F-16 is developed and produced by Lockheed Martin.  
The Poland Peace Sky program is comprised of 48 new F-16 Block 52+ aircraft, including 36 F-16C and 12 F-16D aircraft. The acceptance marks a major milestone for the program as it reflects the completion of the research and development phase for the F-16C, or single-seat model, aircraft. All tooling is complete and full-rate production can now begin.  
Contractual aircraft acceptances occur with the signing of the DD-250 (Department of Defense Form 250) by officials of the U.S. Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), on behalf of the customer nation.  
"This delivery marks the culmination of months of work by a strong partnership between Polish and U.S. government authorities and Lockheed Martin. These partnerships are important to Lockheed Martin and as a company we are pleased with the results of this effort. This is truly a success story for everyone involved in the program," said June Shrewsbury, Lockheed Martin's vice president of F-16 programs.  
"The first delivery is an important milestone in that it demonstrates that the program continues to progress on schedule and further ensures that the Polish Air Force is receiving the most advanced fighter in NATO, which is also fully interoperable with allied nations," said Irma Sippel, director, Poland Peace Sky program.  
This advanced version of the F-16 Block 52+ includes APG-68 (V) 9 radar, a Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS), an Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare System (AIDEWS), Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), color moving maps, Link - 16 and Conformal Fuel Tank (CFT) provisions.  
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 135,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2005 sales of $37.2 billion.
Enviado por: Menacho em Abril 24, 2006, 08:40:46 pm
:shock:  Me causa sorpresa esta informacao:

Vender parte dos F-16MLU ?
por Paulo Mendonça

Em meados do mês de Março de 2006, e a propósito da aproximação da discussão da Lei de Programação Militar, foi apresentada publicamente uma proposta por parte de um partido político com representação parlamentar, que propõe a venda de 10 (dez) unidades dos actuais F-16 da Força Aérea Portuguesa.

O partido em causa, apresenta como uma das soluções para reduzir os apertos orçamentais a venda de aeronaves F-16A/B-MLU (a seguir designados por F-16MLU ou apenas MLU), ou seja, com a instalação e incorporação do kit MLU, que as transforma em aeronaves mais modernas.

A vantagem da possibilidade apresentada prende-se com o facto de, procedendo à modernização das aeronaves ser pelo menos em teoria possível efectuar a sua venda no mercado internacional a um preço aproximado do custo da modernização, mantendo assim postos de trabalho na industria nacional. Tal preço deverá roncar os 8 milhões de Euros, o preço que o o Chile pagou por aeronaves idênticas compradas à Holanda.

No entanto, a proposta de venda dos F-16MLU, depara-se com um problema político, que decorre do facto de, sendo aeronaves americanas (20 delas compradas novas na fábrica e outras 20 adquiridas em segunda mão), a sua venda necessitar de autorização do governo norte-americano.

Os potenciais clientes, no entanto, não serão provavelmente países europeus. Parte deles estão envolvidos com custosos projectos de modernização e substituição de aeronaves mais antigas por outras novas, (Eurofighter e Grippen) as quais são mais capazes que os F-16MLU e outros, mais pequenos, não têm recursos financeiros nem dimensão para operar mesmo os 10 F-16MLU que Portugal poderia vender. Entre países com capacidade para adquirir este tipo de aeronave estariam por exemplo a Eslováquia, que ainda opera aeronaves de fabrico russo, mas este país assinou há pouco um contrato para a completa modernização dos seus MIG-29 com equipamentos ocidentais, e outros países como a Roménia foram alvo de propostas para a modernização de MIG-29 para padrões ocidentais. A Eslovénia, parece não ter dimensão para operar uma esquadra de aeronaves como o F-16MLU, uma vez que a sua Força Aérea se resume a aeronaves de asa rotativa e a aviões de transporte.

Em termos de Europa, outros países, ou não têm capacidade para a operação deste avião, ou então não têm necessidade dele, por operarem outros mais sofisticados.

Fora da Europa, os potências clientes, também não abundam, e surge o problema de poder até haver potenciais clientes para a aeronave, mas cuja transação, ao ter que ser autorizada por Washington se tornaria impossível.

A Venezuela, por exemplo, não consegue sequer manter os seus F-16A/B-Block 15 (idênticos aos nossos F-16 não modernizados) no ar, e o governo americano, ainda há pouco proibiu a Espanha de vender aviões C-295 para aquele país da América do Sul.

Outra versão mais próxima é Marrocos, e aqui existe a mais que provável oposição de Espanha, pois embora 10 aeronaves F-16MLU sejam pouco quando comparadas com o arsenal espanhol, aumentariam grandemente as capacidades das forças marroquinas.

É aliás o problema das autorizações de Washington, que leva muitos países a duvidar dos equipamentos americanos, porque se os países da NATO podem dispor das armas sofisticadas que um F-16MLU utiliza, outros países não têm a mesma facilidade, ficando essas armas, (como os mísseis ar-ar AIM-120 AMRAAM) nos Estados Unidos, com o compromisso de serem entregues em caso de necessidade.

Portando, a possibilidade de venda dos F-16MLU, que à partida teria algum interesse (isto se concluirmos que será difícil e demasiado caro completar duas esquadras com 20 aparelhos cada uma) resvala em problemas técnicos e políticos, não sendo a venda viável, sem que exista a autorização respectiva por parte do governo dos E.U.A.

Resta saber se, tomando o governo a decisão de reduzir o numero de F-16MLU a operar, se justifica efectuar a modernização dos últimos 10 aparelhos, ou se os equipamentos já adquiridos deveriam ser vendidos, (não se tocando nas carcaças dos F-16 mais antigos) propondo Portugal o programa de modernização a outras forças aéreas.

No entanto, tal tipo de solução, enfrentará os mesmos problemas políticos que se colocam para os aviões actuais.
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Abril 25, 2006, 01:17:25 am
Menacho, essa foi só uma proposta disparatada de um partido (PCP, partido comunista português :diabo: ) que vive no passado em termos gerais e na pré-história em termos de defesa. Não há que lhe dar a mais mínima importância.
Enviado por: Menacho em Abril 25, 2006, 09:11:32 pm
Obrigado,  son iguales en todo el mundo................. :roll:
Enviado por: Marauder em Maio 03, 2006, 11:09:50 pm
RJAF orders 20 surplus MLU F-16s
The Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) is planning to acquire 20 surplus Lockheed Martin F-16AM/BM multirole fighter aircraft from Belgium and the Netherlands.
[Jane's Defence Weekly- first posted to ( - 21 April 2006]

Lá se foi o possivel comprador da ideia do partido comunista...
Enviado por: antoninho em Maio 12, 2006, 09:59:51 pm
Suíça comprou 20 helicópteros Eurocopter para missões militares e transporte de entidades

Terça-feira, 2 de Maio de 2006
Aviação Militar, Defesa, Internacional, CF


As Forças Armadas suíças anunciaram a compra de 20 helicópteros Eurocopter. Dezoito dos aparelhos EC635 serão utilizados em missões de treino e dois EC135 serão destinados a missões de transporte de altas entidades, nomeadamente membros do governo e do parlamento.
A Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH confirmou a encomenda e esclareceu que os novos aparelhos, que substituirão a frota de Alouette III actualmente ao serviço da Força Aérea da Federação Helvética, serão entregues entre o início de 2008 e o final de 2009.
Enviado por: Lightning em Maio 12, 2006, 10:28:51 pm
A França vai ser o primeiro cliente do mais recente helicoptero da familia "Puma", o EC725 Cougar. em termos de numero de aeronaves estão confirmados 6 para a Força Aérea em versão CSAR e 8 para o exército para transporte de forças especiais.

Enviado por: typhonman em Maio 22, 2006, 09:53:56 am
Quanto a nossa Força Aérea aqui têm esta prenda: ... l=10&p=200 (

Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 24, 2006, 09:00:21 am
HAL desenha novo helicóptero de ataque ... oryid=5600 (

   EUA vão construir novo bombardeiro ... 4553-1.xml (

  Força aérea russa planeia ter 250 Yak-130 ... 4553-1.xml (
 (era uns destes para Portugal sff..)
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 26, 2006, 08:38:35 am
EUA afirmam que que DF-31 chineses vão entrar ao serviço em 2006 ... _1_n.shtml (

India vai receber 12 SU-30MKI ainda este ano (

Pressão para novos F-16 aumenta em Taiwan (

Colombia vai receber Super Tucano EMB-314 com possibilidade de transportar bombas inteligentes (guiadas por laser) ... _1_n.shtml (

Projecto JSF terá montagem final na Itália ... M06196.xml (

Dados interessantes nesta ultima notícia, em exercicios recentes no Alaska, o F-22 conseguiu um espantoso rácio de 108:0 contra F-15s, F-16s e F-18s.
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 27, 2006, 12:11:26 pm
França recebe 4º E-3F AWACS,15240,101920,00.html (,15240,101920,00.html)

Índia planeia aumentar capacidade com novos 126 caças e 80 helicópteros (nada de novo) ... 690600.htm (

..que despoletou o interesse da Boeing no concurso dos caças ... _id=131094 (

Austrália vai adquirir 34 novos NH-90 por 2 biliões de dólares,1016 ... 37,00.html (,10166,19515371-31037,00.html)

Índia prepara instalação do sistema Phalcon ... 006617.asp (

Força aérea indiana tem falta de aviões (

e para terminar..
More Than 50 Mi-28N Helicopters to Reach Air Force Inventory before 2010
Eight Mi-28N helicopters will reach Russia's air force inventory this year, and by 2010 it is planned to buy more than 50 such aircraft, Russia's air force commander-in-chief, Vladimir Mikhaylov, reported.
The CinC recalled that the Mi-28N will be activated for the first time in the Shield of the Union – 2006 exercises. "Two Mi-28N arrived in Byelorussia for participation not only in a demonstration of Russian aviation equipment, but also for practical operations in the joint Russo-Byelorussian exercises," Mikhaylov said. - "We plan to use the Mi-28N together with Byelorussian helicopters during fire support of the ground forces."
The Mi-28N is a fourth generation combat air complex. The aircraft equipment allows it to fly in any weather conditions and extremely low altitudes – from 5 to 15 meters. The helicopter is equipped with precision weaponry, an on-board multifunctional defense complex, an optical and electronic system for night navigation and target designation, and also a modern radar, infrared and laser designation warning system. The helicopter's blades have been made from composites which sustain the hit of 30-milimeter rounds. In the Mi-28N arsenal are supersonic "Ataka" and "Igla" missiles and a 30-milimeter cannon.
Source: 21.06.06, ARMS-TASS
Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Junho 27, 2006, 06:31:06 pm
FRANÇA:Resumo das principais entregas de material  em 2005

- 1 satélite de comunicações Syracuse IIIA, já posto em órbita
- 5 'nós' da rede internacional de telecomunicações MATILDE-
 - 1 nova versão(V2) do sistema de comando SICF
- 73 veículos de postos de comando de teatro de operações equipados com SIR(SistInfRegim)
- 600 postos de radio-comunicação táctica PR4G
- 1 Centro de detecção e controle para a base aérea de Mont-de-Marsan
- 1 satélite Helios IIA para as Forças Armadas
- 1 navio de pesquisa-informação marítima (sea intelligence) (MINREM) o Dupuy de Lôme
- 1 navio de apoio a mergulhadores  Alizé
- 8 'reboques' para os tanques Leclerc (DCL)
- 10 aviões Rafale para a Força Aérea
- 100 mísseis de cruzeiro SCALP para os Mirage  2000D e Rafale (dos quais 20 para a Marinha)
- 60 mísseis ar-terra AS-30 para os Mirage 2000D e SuperEtendard modernizado
- 4 hélis de ataque TIGRE para o Exército
- 2 hélis EC 725HUS para o Comando de Operações Especiais
- 4 hélis EC 725 RESCO para o Exército
- 37 carros de combate Leclerc
- 13 blindados AMX-10RC
- 3 radares 'anti-battery' COBRA
- 965 obuses de artilharia anticarro de 'efeito dirigido' (BONUS)
- 4 navios caça-minas (CMT) (tripartite mine-detectorships)
- 7 vedetas para a 'gendarmerie'
- 1 sistema de mísseis anti-míssil PAAMS para integrar fragatas tipo Horizon
- 41 mísseis MICA para Mirage 2000-5 e Rafale
- 1 centro de comando de operações aéreas para a NATO Response Force

e ainda
 as principais encomendas efectuadas em 2005:
- Renovação dos componentes submarinos (SNLE-NG e M51) e aéreos (ASMPA) de dissuasão
- Instalação do 'alto débito' e securização de dados na rede metropolitana de telecomunicações SOCRATE
- Lançamento de sistema de comunicação HF táctico 'interarmas' e OTAN MELCHIOR
- Lançamento de sistema de vigilância de aproximação marítima SPATIONAV
- Encomenda de 2 aviões de transporte de longo raio de acção(TLRA)
- Lançamento da versão de 'support-destruction'  (HAD(appui-destruction)) do héli TIGRE
- encomenda de 8 fragatas multi-missões ( FREMM)
- encomenda de 108 veículos VBCI AMX-10P
- encomenda de 41 carros de patrulha para as Forças Especiais (VPS)
- encomenda de 5000 obuses para o sistema de artilharia CAESAR
- encomenda de 130 mísseis de intercepção, combate e auto-defesa (MICA) para armar os Mirage 2000-5 e Rafale

Peço desculpa por eventualmente utilizar termos técnicos não usuais em português,( mas esperando  serem compreensíveis) pois fiz  'tradução em directo', a partir da T&A-Technol.&Armament n°2de Julho-Setembro2006.Cumprimentos
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 27, 2006, 07:14:02 pm
Penso que haja aí uma pequena confusão na matéria relacionada com os EC 725, os numeros de aeronaves distribuidas não sei os valores mas sei que quer o Exército Francês como a Força Aérea Francesa encomendaram EC 725, o Exército para equipar o DAOS (Destacamento de Aviação de Operações Especiais) e fornece apoio às forças especiais do exército e a Força Aérea quer o EC 725 para missões de Busca e Salvamento em Combate para uso em conjunto com a unidade RESCO que é similar à nossa RESCOM da FAP, é por isso que ao ver EC 725 RESCO para o Exército, fico com a ideia que deve haver aí alguma confusão e seja na verdade EC 725 RESCO para a Força Aérea, já que os EC 725 de operações especiais é que são para o Exército.
Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Junho 27, 2006, 07:33:39 pm
ao ver EC 725 RESCO para o Exército, fico com a ideia que deve haver aí alguma confusão e seja na verdade EC 725 RESCO para a Força Aérea, já que os EC 725 de operações especiais é que são para o Exército.

Tem toda a razão Hélder, evidentemente...erro meu, por precipitação, ao não transcrever correctamente  'armée de l'air' ( Força Aérea) :(   também teria sido mais simples se me baseasse na versão inglesa(a revista é bilingue) "4  EC 725 RESCO helicopters for the Air Force"
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 28, 2006, 12:09:17 pm
Trials Success for Europe's Meteor Air Dominance Missile
(Source: MBDA; issued June 20, 2006)
The six-nation Meteor Beyond-Visual-Range (BVR) air-to-air missile was successfully fired for the second time at the FMV missile test range at Vidsel, in northern Sweden, on 20th June. The firing continues the ongoing Air Launched Demonstration (ALD) firing campaign, scheduled for completion during 2006 under the Meteor development contract.  
The purpose of the ALD campaign is to demonstrate the maturity of the missile development programme and provide an opportunity to identify issues which may affect the missile's development such that these can then be resolved at an early stage.  
On 9th May, Meteor prime contractor MBDA conducted the first firing while the second took place on 20th June, completing the first two of a series of scheduled firings aimed at gathering data on the missile's performance and its characteristics during launch and free flight. This data will be utilised in the further development of the missile. Both firings were rail-launched from a Saab Gripen combat aircraft flying at an altitude of 23,000 ft.  
The firings follow rapidly on from the successful series of Meteor carriage trials on each of the platforms for which the missile is being developed – Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. Prior to these air-launched firings, MBDA also successfully completed a series of "free jet" wind tunnel tests of Meteor at the ONERA supersonic wind tunnel facility in Modane, France. During the final test, conducted by a joint MBDA / ONERA team, a live propulsion system was fitted to the missile and the transition from the boost to sustain phase of operation was demonstrated in simulated free flight conditions.  
Both air-launched firings demonstrated the successful launch of the missile from the Gripen aircraft, control of the missile over the pre-determined flight time (slightly under one minute), the operation of the telemetry system with data being recorded across the complete flight times and the telemetry break-up sub-system, with the missiles being broken up within the confines of the test range by the Vidsel range authorities as intended.  
MBDA's Meteor Multinational Project Director, Dave Armstrong, said: "These live missile air launches represent a huge achievement as they represent the earliest ever flights of a new missile with solid fuel ramjet technology and have been completed in just over three years from contract let. A minor glitch was observed during the first missile firing with the missile failing to transition to the sustain phase of flight and therefore continuing over the pre-determined flight time under boost impulse, gradually decelerating through the flight. The source of this failure was quickly identified and a modification made which was subsequently proven during the second firing with the missile successfully transitioning from the boost to the sustain phase of flight and completing a series of post-transition manoeuvres".  
"I am delighted that the test proved to be such a resounding success. It is a testament to the combined efforts of the Meteor team, its subcontractors and, of course, the customer nations," Armstrong added.  
The ALD campaign will continue through 2006, with firing dates agreed with the customer to fit with availability of the Vidsel range.  
-- Located about 900km north of Stockholm in the Arctic Circle, the Vidsel missile test range forms part of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration Testing Directorate. It is the largest overland test range in Western Europe.  
-- MBDA is the prime contractor for the Meteor missile programme and has established the Meteor team with Saab Bofors Dynamics of Sweden and INMIZE of Spain as its partners.  
-- Saab Bofors Dynamics is a business unit of Saab, one of the world´s leading high-technology companies whose main operations focus on defence, aviation and space.  
--Meteor is being developed to meet the requirements of six European nations for a superior Beyond Visual Range missile system with the operational capability to dominate the air battlespace, excelling in all future combat scenarios and capable of being integrated on Europe's major platforms, Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. It also has the potential to add to the air-to-air capability of the next generation combat platform, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  
The Meteor programme sees France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK joining together in order to provide access to guided weapons technology and expertise across Europe. The Meteor contract was signed by the UK Defence Procurement Agency on 23rd December 2002 on behalf of all six nations. This contract covers development of Meteor and provides production options to meet the individual national requirements.  
Meteor is a fast and highly manoeuvrable Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air weapon. Guidance is provided by an active radar seeker benefiting from enhanced technologies drawn from the MBDA Aster and Mica missile programmes. The missile is allocated targets from the launch aircraft radar and is capable of engaging air targets autonomously by night or day, in all weather and in severe electronic warfare environments.  
With an annual turnover exceeding EUR 3.5 billion, a forward order book of over EUR 14 billion and over 70 customers world wide, MBDA is a world leading, global missile systems company. MBDA currently has 45 missile system and countermeasure programmes in operational service and has proven its ability as prime contractor to head major multi-national projects. MBDA is jointly owned by BAE Systems (37.5%), EADS (37.5%) and Finmeccanica (25%).

Israel tenciona substituir F-16 por mais de 100 F-35 ... 8&fid=1725 (

Canada deve assinar contracto por C-17 da Boeing, $4biliões, oposição fala do A-400 por apenas $2biliões e 1000 postos de trabalho no Canadá ... 58&k=78835 (

Força Aérea Russa terá “novo” avião radar (awacs) (

Saab finaliza acordo com Paquistão por Saab 2000 AEW ... x.php#more (
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 29, 2006, 01:48:04 pm
Quem vai construir o JSF? ... g+JSF.html (

HAL e Tata para montar F-16 indianos (em caso de este ganhar concurso)? ... 31198&pn=0 (

F/A-18 Fleet: 1st Phase of Upgrade Successfully Completed
(Source: Swiss Defense Procurement Agency, armasuisse; issued June 22, 2006)
Armasuisse has successfully completed the first step of upgrading the F/A-18 fleet. In Emmen the last converted F/A-18 fighter aircraft could be officially handed over to the Swiss Air Force according to schedule and within the target costs of CHF 220 million. [Funding] was approved with Armament Program 2001.  
The new systems provide the Air Force with F/A-18 fleet optimized for air defence tasks. The improvements were mainly achieved by installing an active Identification Friend or Foe unit and a map display system featuring latest technology. Furthermore preparations were made for the installation of a data link system foreseen for phase 2.  
The fleet conversion was realized under armasuisse project management in two years by the industrial team of Boeing and RUAG Aerospace in Emmen. Today the last of totally 33 converted F/A-18 jets was officially handed over to the Swiss Air Force in the presence of all organizations involved in the project.  
The installation work for the phase 2 systems has already begun. This system conversion in the amount of CHF 292 million was approved with Armament Program 2003.  
The second step of the medium-term upgrade program for the F/A-18 fleet, with the installation of a high-capacity data link system, the new AIM-9X missile and the helmet-mounted sight system will be completed by 2009.


Canada deve confirmar 4 C-17, enquanto Boeing tenta “caçar” mais contractos ... sales.html (

Congresso americano tenciona levantar proibição de exportação do F-22ª ... _1_n.shtml (

Os novos U-2 ... 60627.aspx (

Thales “tenta” fazer upgrade aos Mirage 2000 indianos (

Eurofighter inglês vai-se “mostrar” ao público UK neste verão ... 006612.php (
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 29, 2006, 11:38:09 pm
A nova visão sueca ... ision.html (

Contracto australiano para avião de vigilância de longo alcance está atrasado,10117,19600773-2,00.html (,10117,19600773-2,00.html)

USAF aprende a aceitar o C-27J ... 60627.aspx (

Saab estuda novas variantes para o Gripen ... +Saab.html (

USAF e US Army juntos para futuro Joint Cargo Aircraft ... 006633.php (


Sokol and Irkut Share Yak-130 Airplane Market
Sokol will fulfill orders for the domestic market, in particular for Russia's air force, and Irkut will produce the export variant of the airplane, the general director of the Sokol aircraft plant, Mikhail Shibaev, reported to journalists. According to him, Sokol also will participate in cooperation with Irkut, since some components for the export Yak-130 will be manufactured in Nizhniy Novgorod.  
A year ago, Sokol concluded a contract with the Russian Federation defense ministry for air force delivery of 12 Yak-130 airplanes over a period of 3 years, Shibaev recalled. Four airplanes of an experimental batch are now undergoing tests in the air force, and from 2007, deliveries of a preproduction batch will already have begun, ITAR-TASS reports.
Source: 27.06.06, Vzglyad

military news do Yahoo
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 30, 2006, 12:40:42 am
Parece que o Canadá vai optar pela opção C17+C130J.

Podia ter sido feito o mesmo em Portugal, por exemplo a frota de C295 poderia ser "substituida" por helicopeteros de transporte pesados, ou então comprar mais EH101.

Ficando a missão de fiscalização das pescas/SAR toda concentrada no EH101, isto sem retirar o P3C da vigilância maritima.

Uma dupla de 3 C17+6 C130JJ30 não estaria nada mal.

Para além do Canadá, a Austrália também já optou pelo aparelho e o UK parece que vai comprar os 4 aviões alugados assim como adquirir mais 3 ou 4 aviões complementares. Já ouvi falar na hipotese C17+C130J, mas não sei se vão ter coragem de abandonar o A400M.
Assim sendo o UK ficaria com 3 frotas de transporte.

Já ouvi falar da Itália como candidata, mas não arranjo confirmação em lado nenhum.
Enviado por: Marauder em Junho 30, 2006, 11:39:50 am
EUA vão integrar novo armamento nos B-52 por 150 milhões de dólares ... /index.php (

Canada vai-se juntar ao clube anglófono do C-17? ... x.php#more (


Russos alugados ameaçam C-17 ... 60628.aspx (

3 C-27J para Bulgária por 75 milhões (não é novidade) (

Problemas com os custos do F-22 segundo estimativas do Department of Defense ... D&keyword= (

L- 159 Effective for 21st Century Threats
(Source: Aero Vodochody; issued June 26, 2006)
In Medellin, Colombia, at Colombian Air Show, AERO Vodochody a.s. presents its flagship – the L-159 Combat and Training System which is supported on site by the Czech Ministry of Defense and the Czech Embassy in Bogotá.  
The AERO L-159 multi-role light combat aircraft is actively promoted in Colombia since it can effectively contribute to the demanding Fuerza Aérea Colombiana missions: "Execute and keep the air space dominion and execute air operations that contribute to defense of sovereignty, independence, national territorial integrity and constitutional order."  
An L-159 pilot can prepare and operate this user-friendly aircraft himself with no ground support. The L-159 can take off from any prepared or unprepared airstrip, during the day or night, in any weather regardless of wet or dry, hot or cold, windy or calm. A glass cockpit, equipped as the latest generation of fighters, is protected by advanced armor, Head-Up and Multi-Function Displays or Hands-On-Throttle-and-Stick concept. This gives the pilot complete confidence to successfully complete any FAC mission required of him.  
Moreover, the L-159 can also fulfill recce missions using the latest technology deployed through various types of sensors. The pilot is protected by a self-defense system and escape system, based on the VS-2 lightweight ejection seat. Multi-mode radar capable of a variety of air-to-air, air-to-ground or air-to-sea modes provides him with exceptional situational awareness.  
The L-159 is capable of carrying a wide range of weapons, including bombs, rockets, guns or missiles which allow the pilot to effectively destroy air, ground or sea targets. The subsonic aircraft configuration together with best-in-class high-performance Honeywell/ITEC F124 turbofan engine is well suited for conditions typical for Colombia.  
The L-159 has superior maneuverability and take-off performance even in the most difficult high temperature/thin air conditions of Colombian air fields. Its performance under these extreme conditions makes it much better suited than supersonic fighters to support required FAC missions. It is capable of slow speed high angle of attack marine/ground close air support type missions and its 500 knots top speed and 10,000 ft per minute climb rate enables the pilot to also effectively chase and intercept high speed airborne targets.  
The L-159 represents a family of advanced light combat and training aircraft, which mates AERO's long-term experience in development of jet training and light combat aircraft with the latest technological advances in avionics and engine development.  
However, the L-159 does not include only the aircraft. AERO offers the complete L-159 Combat & Training System, featuring its Advanced Training System, including Ground Based Training, Integrated Logistic Support, Mission Planning and Debriefing Aids and further Extended Operational Support.  
In a world where new threats (terrorism, local insurgencies, guerilla warfare, drug trafficking etc.) present serious security problems, the NATO-compatible L-159 meets the needs of countries that wish to build a modern, balanced and affordable air force.  
With a well-established service record in the Czech Air Force, the L-159 aircraft successfully participated in international military exercises (NATO Air Meet, Clean Hunter, Flying Rhino, etc.). The L-159 managed to defeat supersonic "adversaries" in mock-up combats and received positive ratings (e.g. at NAM in Turkey, the L-159 was evaluated as the most reliable aircraft of the whole exercise).  
AERO Vodochody knows how the security of Colombia is important for the Colombian Government and is ready to offer the complete solution for FAC combat and training needs.


Pessoalmente, gostaria de ver o L-159 ou o Yak-130 como substitutos do Alpha Jet , quando este se retirar…
Título: F-16 para o Paquistão
Enviado por: Sintra em Junho 30, 2006, 09:57:31 pm
Finalmente parece que o Paquistão vai receber Viper´s novos, 16 inicialmente mais uma opção de 18, mais um MLU para os 34 que lhes restam e ainda um pacote de armamento, por um valor que pode chegar aos 5 BILIÕES de dólares, subitamente os Typhoons, Rafales e outros F35 parecem baratos por comparação... (

Enviado por: Luso em Junho 30, 2006, 10:01:35 pm
Com os preços incomportáveis dos novos caças não me admiraria nada que alguém começasse a fazer alterações à célula e outras coisas para dar mais capacidades aos velos f16, F18 e F15.
O próprio F15 teria já uma versão melhorada (MANX) para servir de backup caso o F22 falhasse, se é que já é um sucesso.
Tirem as derivas, novos aviónicos, motores...

Foto: F15 ACTIVE, com motores vectorizados.
Enviado por: Marauder em Julho 01, 2006, 10:32:51 am
Chile com mudanças a nível de força de caças ... ID=5832114 (

Turquia e Paquistão produzem conjuntamente UAVs (

Israel luta por F-22s e F-35s ... 60629.aspx (

Negócio F-16 US-Paquistão (noticiado ontem pelo Sintra) ... 155856.htm (
US Congress Notified of Pakistan Fighter Deal

(Source: Voice of America news; issued June 29, 2006)

The Bush administration has formally notified Congress of its intention to proceed with a fighter-jet sale to Pakistan worth up to $5 billion. Pakistan is to purchase as many as 36 new-model F-16 fighter aircraft and may also acquire some used F-16s.  
The Congress will have 30 days in which to reject the offer to Pakistan. However that is considered unlikely, since the Bush administration has been consulting informally with key members of the Senate and House for several months and no major objections have been raised.  
The State Department said the deal calls for Pakistan to purchase 18 new F-16s with an option to buy 18 more.  
The United States will also upgrade Pakistan's existing fleet of 34 old-model F-16s, and the South Asian country would also have the future option of buying 26 used aircraft from U.S. inventories. A munitions package and logistical support for the planes are also part of the deal.  
The Bush administration first announced its intention to make the offer to Pakistan in March of last year, as it was also beginning talks on a new strategic relationship with India including help for that country's civilian nuclear program.  
A State Department spokeswoman said the F-16 sale is aimed at cementing the U.S. strategic partnership with Pakistan, and will not upset the military balance with India. She said India has its own plans to upgrade its air force, and that the two South Asian powers have a dialogue underway and have reduced tensions over the long-running Kashmir dispute.  
The F-16, which has long been on one of the mainstays of the U.S. Air Force, has been upgraded many times since its introduction in 1979.  
Pakistan acquired its F-16 fleet in the mid-1980s and had contracted to buy more, but the deal was blocked by a 1989 Congressional ban on arms transfers because of Pakistan's then-covert nuclear weapons program.  
The suspended sale of the aircraft, some of which Pakistan had paid for, was an irritant in bilateral relations for many years. But the relationship warmed markedly after the September 2001 terrorist attacks amid cooperation by Pakistan in the war against international terrorism including support for the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan.  
The administration's notice to Congress of the F-16 sale to Pakistan came just after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited the South Asian country on Tuesday, though officials here said the timing was coincidental.  
The officials said the go-ahead for the sale could have come earlier, but that the Islamabad government delayed the purchase because of the need to focus resources on recovery from the devastating earthquake in northern Pakistan last October.

3 C-27J para Bulgária (já noticiado ontem)
Finmeccanica: Alenia Aeronautica Signs a EUR 75 Million Contract for Three C-27Js with Lithuania
(Source: Finmeccanica; issued June 26, 2006)
The Lithuanian Republic's Armed Force and Alenia Aeronautica have signed today a EUR 75 million contract for the supply of three units of the new-generation tactical transport aircraft C-27J.  
The selection has been made within a bid for the renewal of the current fleet of Soviet-made twin-engine An-26s in service with the Lithuanian Air Force.  
The C-27Js will be used for troops and cargo transport, in and out of the national boundaries, within the operational scenarios ruled by NATO, of which Lithuania has been member from 2004.  
The delivery of the first C-27J is planned for the end of 2006 while the next ones will be supplied in the 2008 / 2009. The C-27J represents the most advanced new-generation medium tactical military airlifter and will allow the Lithuanian Air Force, engaged in a modernisation campaign, to fully respect the interoperability standards required by the NATO countries.  
The C-27J is the only aircraft of its category specifically designed as tactical transport aircraft and thanks to its operational characteristics ensures unique short take-off and landing performances, from paved and unimproved surfaces; full self deployment operations thanks to its APU, Auxiliary Power Unit; full interoperability with other aircraft in service with NATO Air Forces, thanks to the large cargo compartment that allows the use of NATO-standard pallets and to the state-of-the art avionic and self-protection systems, in order to operate in the most difficult operational scenarios.  
The Lithuanian choice confirms the C-27J as the most successful aircraft with the new NATO members and strengthens its candidacy in other bids under way in Europe and in America, where the operational performances are the key element to determine its choice by the different Air Forces.  
In addition to Lithuania, the aircraft has already been ordered so far by the Italian Air Force (12 aircraft), Greek Air Force (12 aircraft, plus 3 options) and by the Bulgarian Armed Forces (8 aircraft). In the United States, the C-27J runs for the JCA, Joint Cargo Aircraft program, for the renewal of the Army's and Air Forces' transport aircraft fleet, while in Canada it is proposed for the renewal of the Search and Rescue aircraft fleet.  
The C-27J is also under evaluation by Australia, Taiwan, Ireland, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and by other countries recently become NATO members, such as Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia.

Substituição de C-130 americanos “perdidos”
First Special Operations C-130 Combat Loss Aircraft Rolls Out
(Source: US Air Force Warner Robins Air Logistics Center; issued June 27, 2006)
ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. --- The C-130 Hercules is the workhorse of the Air Force and the Special Operations Command relies on several configurations for their operations. The war in Southwest Asia has resulted in combat loss of aircraft, thus the program name, combat loss replacement.  
Congress has mandated three and eventually 12 C-130H2s to be modified and put into service to replace lost aircraft. The aircraft will be designated as a MC-130W.  
Total program cost is $380 million with all 12 to be delivered by 2009.  
The Warner Robins Air Logistics Center made some 26 system modifications to a C-130H to make it capable to be mid-air fueled and then refuel helicopters mid-air to extend their limited range and conduct the full range of combat and civilian search and rescue capabilities and other missions.  
The first combat loss replacement aircraft tail number 286 arrived at Robins for modification October 15, 2004 and will be delivered to Air Force Special Operations Command Wednesday, June 28, 2006. Two more CLR aircraft are expected to be delivered in September 2006 and March 2007 respectively.  
The CLR program provides a vitally needed capability to prosecute the Global War on Terrorism.

Contracto helicópteros Indianos: BellVsEurocopter(EADS) ... _id=132010 (

Russia testa novo S-80 (civil)
Test of new Su-80 Airplane at Komsomol'sk-on-Amur
On 28 June, a test flight of the enterprise's newest offspring – the Su-80 airplane – was made at OAO Komsomol'sk-on-Amur Yu. A. Gagarin Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO), they reported to an IA Regnum correspondent at the enterprise.  
As the chief of management for the Su-80, Be-103 and Sa-20P programs, Sergey Drobyshev, and Sukhoy civil programs director, in which KnAAPO is included, Vladimir Chernikov, said, production of the Su-80 airplane is a first step into commercial aviation. More than 500 An-24, An-26 and Yak-40 airplanes, which today make up the main part of regional aviation, will be written off in the 2010 - 2015 timeframe. KnAAPO already is holding discussions with airlines of the Khabarovsk Kray, Kamchatka and Yakutia for the delivery of new airplanes. Knowledge of the enterprise's civil program will allow potential customers to express their proposals for outfitting the airplane.  
The Su-80 in development uses the latest achievements in the area of electronics and design. The airplane has minimal dimensions, high economical efficiency and can be serviced by the crew without utilization of ground systems. The sophisticated aircraft equipment allows flying to any point on earth. Low costs for use of the airplane allow lowering the cost of tickets by 2 –  2 ? times. The airplane is estimated for 26 – 30 seats.  
The Su-80 will cost interested airlines 230 – 280 million rubles. For provision of series deliveries, production of a pre-production batch of airplanes numbering eight units was started into production as soon as certification was obtained. Part of these airplanes as of today are at the component assembly stage of production.  
Production was arranged by its own efforts, without any state financing. More than 1,700,000 rubles already have been spend for production. As the management noted, OAO KnAAPO does not intend to lose the military manufacturing sector, but the introduction of civilian aircraft is a demand of the times.
Source:  28.06.06, Regnum
yahoo military news

Republica Checa modifica 4 L-159
Aero Signed Contract with Czech Ministry of Defence on Modification of Four L-159 Aircraft
(Source: Aero Vodochody; issued June 26, 2006)
On June 26, 2006 AERO Vodochody a.s. (AERO) signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic on modification of four L-159 aircraft.  
The subject of the contract is a modification of four at the moment single-seat L-159s into two-seat versions, related spare parts delivery, ground support equipment and documentation, and ground and flight personnel training. The modified aircraft will be delivered to the Czech Air Force (CzAF) during the year 2007.  
AERO has already started preparatory work on the basis of the General Agreement on follow-on support service of CzAF L-159 and L-39 aircraft from December 8, 2005.  
"This contract represents above all a very valuable reference for successful position of L-159 aircraft on foreign markets. The modification of single-seat aircraft is for the CzAF economically the most advantageous and fastest solution of an order for such a small number of units, maximally utilizing existing components and minimizing purchase of new items. New-built aircraft would be significantly more expensive and their production would take a lot longer," said Petr Klimes, AERO Chairman of the Board and President.  
"Primarily, the project allows relatively fast satisfaction of demand of the CzAF for training aircraft of this category and moreover increases chances of the extra aircraft on the market," explained the philosophy of the contract Zdenek Stuchlik, AERO Vice-chairman of the Board and Vice-president of the Military Program.

Rumsfeld usou informação incorrecta para salvar C-130J
Contracting and Funding for the C-130J Aircraft Program: Executive Summary
(Source: Project On Government Oversight – POGO; issued June 26, 2006)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: "Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld relied on potentially faulty data when he saved Lockheed Martin's C-130J Hercules from cancellation last year," the Washington Post reported June 24 quoting a report by the Pentagon inspector general that partly blamed a poorly written contract for keeping the transport plane alive.  
("The Pentagon had recommended canceling the program, which had been plagued by rising costs and questions about its performance. However, an Air Force report to Rumsfeld concluded that it would cost nearly as much to cancel the contract -- about $1.78 billion -- as it would to complete it. That finding, along with intense pressure from members of Congress and ...industry, prompted Rumsfeld to reverse course."  
(We publish here the Executive summary of the IG's report, and provide a link to the full report, posted in PDF format on POGO's website.)  
Who Should Read This Report and Why? Congressional, civilian, and military personnel involved in managing acquisition programs should read this report to obtain information about commercial item acquisition and contract management. This report discusses problems associated with commercial acquisition, contractor performance, contract modifications, and contract termination of the C-130J aircraft.  
The C-130J performs the intratheater portion of the airlift mission and is a platform for dropping troops and equipment into hostile areas. The Air Mobility Command, Theater Commands, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Air Force Special Operations Command, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard use the C-130 aircraft fleet in peace and war missions. The C-130J aircraft is a medium-range, tactical aircraft and is the newest upgrade to the C-130 fleet.  
The DoD Program Budget Decision (PBD) 753, December 23, 2004, called for the termination of the procurement of C-130J aircraft for the Air Force and the accelerated procurement of the remainder of the KC-130J aircraft for the Marine Corps in FY 2006.  
On May 10, 2005, the Secretary of Defense determined that it was in the best interest of DoD to complete the multiyear contract based on the estimated costs to terminate the contract.  
We performed this audit in response to four allegations made to the Defense Hotline concerning the C-130J Program. The first allegation was that the C-130J termination cost estimate was inaccurate; further, if the estimate was valid, there was a potential for an Antideficiency Act violation. The complainant also alleged that the Government misused funds to support the C-130J commercial venture, the Government funds spent on contract modification P00020 did not relate to new Air Force work requirements, and that the contracting officer did not appropriately evaluate the contractor's performance against contract default provisions.  
We substantiated the allegation that the C-130J termination cost estimate was unsupported, and that had the estimate been valid, there was a potential for an Antideficiency Act violation. Specifically, the Air Force acquisition personnel could not support the cost estimate to terminate the C-130J aircraft multiyear procurement contract.  
As a result, the Secretary of Defense did not have sufficient termination cost information to determine the cost-effectiveness of continuing or terminating the C-130J MYP contract. In addition, the FY 2006 President's Budget did not include sufficient funds to terminate the Air Force C-130J aircraft procurement and accelerate the Marine Corps KC-130J aircraft procurement if the unsupported cost estimate was valid.  
We did not substantiate the allegations that the Air Force C-130J System Program Office misused funds to support the C-130J commercial venture and that the funds for modification P00020 were not used for new work.  
We substantiated the allegation that the C-130J System Program Office contracting officer did not appropriately evaluate the contractor's performance against contract default provisions.  
The last three allegations discussed relate to a finding in a prior report and are addressed in Appendix B.  
Although no comments were required, the Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition) stated that the PBD 753 implementation cost estimate was based on information that was available at the time the estimate was submitted. Because the C-130J aircraft were procured under Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 12, the contractor was not required to provide certified cost data.  
The Air Force also stated that there was no potential for an Antideficiency Act violation because the Air Force would have been allowed to fund the program within its Total Obligation Authority. The Air Force acknowledged that the allegation was partially accurate.  
The Air Force stated that they did not terminate the C-130J contract for default because they were actively working with the contractor to address shortfalls in meeting the commercial specification that was on contract.  
We agree that the Air Force PBD 753 implementation cost estimate was based on the information that was available at the time the estimate was submitted. However, as we stated in the report, because the C-130J aircraft were procured under Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 12, the Air Force did not have cost and pricing data needed to perform a valid cost estimate. If PBD 753 had been implemented at the termination cost amounts the Air Force estimated, the FY 2006 President's Budget would not have had sufficient funds to pay for the termination.  
Though we agree that the Air Force would have been allowed to fund the implementation of PBD 753 within its Total Obligation Authority to avoid an Antideficiency Act violation, the Air Force should not have entered into a contract that could cost almost as much to cancel as to complete. Also the Government should require the contractor to deliver an aircraft compliant with the contract model specification, yet ten years after the first award in 1995, the contractor was still delivering non-compliant aircraft.  
The Air Force's acceptance of the deficient aircraft for such a long period limited its options in enforcement of the contract. This was compounded because the Air Force chose an inappropriate acquisition strategy and used ambiguous and vague contracting language.
e ... x.php#more (
Enviado por: Marauder em Julho 02, 2006, 11:26:20 am
Esta notícia é muito importante…o fim dos Canberra ao serviço do RU..serviu com orgulho o seu papel por 55 anos (e ainda falam das nossas FAs) ... 60628.aspx (

Paquistão e os F-16s ( ... 768982.htm ( ... -4205r.htm ( ... 006710.php ( ... 006709.php (

Coreia do Sul vai receber 20 F-15K a partir do próximo ano
Korea to Introduce 20 More F-15K Fighters From Next Year
(Source: Korean Overseas Information Service; issued June 30, 2006)
The Ministry of National Defense wants to introduce 20 more F-15K fighters as the Air Forces' next-generation fighter aircraft from next year and it will launch a pilot scheme under which enlisted men and women leaving the military are required to undergo mandatory medical checkups before rejoining society.  
The ministry submitted to the Ministry of Planning and Budget on Wednesday (June 28) a draft defense budget for next year containing these among other proposals.  
The proposed defense budget, scaled at 24.75 trillion won, was up 9.9 percent from this year's. The cost for improvements in defense capability was set at 6.91 trillion won, up 19 percent, and that for ordinary operations 17.84 trillion won, an increase of 6.8 percent.  
Highlights of the proposed defense budget are new projects to introduce sophisticated equipment intended to enhance fighting power as part of national defense reforms, and a raise in the salaries of enlisted service people, and improvements in their food, clothing and barracks to raise morale.  
The most notable of the projects is the introduction of more of the next-generation fighter jets. The ministry set aside 29 billion won for next year to secure 20 aircraft. The entire bill for the next-generation fighter project amounts to 2.3 trillion won.  
The ministry intends to raise the monthly pay of 65,000 won for a corporal to 80,000 won and the daily meal coverage to 5,000 won from 4,805 won as part of improving living conditions for the enlisted servicemen next year. It also wants to replace the traditional floor bedding in living quarters in 25 Army battalions, 25 living quarters in the Navy and Air Forces and 75 living quarters in posts in the DMZ with beds at a cost of 546.8 billion won.
Curiosamente o 1º F-15K despenhou-se…

Canada: EADS queixa-se que as regras favorecem a Lockheed Martin (e muito!..Canada não aceita A400 entrar no concurso) ... 80&k=50365 (

Fabrico do SU-34 vai começar
Manufacture of New Su-34 Fighter Starts in Novosibirsk
The first example of the super-modern Su-34 of a series ordered by the Russian Federation defense ministry has been assembled as the Novosibirsk V.P. Chkalov Aviation Production Association, they reported to Nakanune.RU at the press service of the AOS Byuro Propagandy" company.
The designing of this fighter bomber began at the start of the 1980s and the first flight of the experimental aircraft took place in December 1993. This project was a gleam in the eye at the V.P. Chkalov NAPO in operational development the following decade in view of the absence of financing, because air force commander-in-chief, Vladimir Mikhaylov, had not yet declared that the Su-34 was supposed to become the basis of tactical aviation's striking power in the coming years. In 2005, defense minister Sergey Ivanov visited Novosibirsk and formulated a concrete task for the aircraft builders: assemble a whole regiment of these aircraft by 2010.
The twin-seat Su-34 strike complex (the "Fullback" by NATO classification), while not looking at the extended time in entering series production, has kept the position of the best combat aircraft in its class in the opinion of specialists. The Su-34's main achievement is considered to be its ability to find, classify and destroy any, including submarine, targets in range up to 2,000 kilometers without refueling. It is no accident that journalists have christened it "the lord of large spaces," ironically renaming the "Fullback" to "Full beck" ((in English)) ("great regards") ((in Russian)).
As a fifth generation combat airplane, the Su-34 is integrated with ground and space support systems (for example, it can use satellite guidance for precision destruction of individual targets) and at the same time it possesses a high level of autonomous electronic and armor protection, successfully overcoming an enemy's active fire resistance and the use by him of jamming. The unfamiliar level of comfort for Russian combat airplanes, the ability to use the whole range of aviation weaponry and ideal maneuverability complete the portrait of this aerial predator, the most formidable in the whole history of worldwide military aircraft construction.
We shall note that the Novosibirsk aircraft builders have  timed the ceremonious rollout of the initial example of the series-built Su-34 from the assembly hall for 30 June. In particular, the V.P. Chkalov NAPO begins to mark its anniversary from this day: 75 years, over which the plant has produced 29,000 combat airplanes.  
((Your friendly translator doesn't get the joke, either, about "Fullback" and "Full beck."))
Source: 29.06.06, Nakanune.RU
yahoo military news

Austrália critica atraso no avião de recolhecimento da Boeing (já noticiado também) ... ralia.html (

Chile recebe 4 F-16 dos EUA (

A urgente substituição dos CC-130 canadianos (bom artigo) ... x.php#more (

US promete à Austrália tecnologia secreta, caso esta compre o F-35 ... m=6&y=2006 (

Bush tenciona renomear o F-35 JSF (talvez Phoenix) ... +next.html (
Enviado por: Marauder em Julho 07, 2006, 11:48:45 am
US vai vender mísseis ao Paquistão ... 79589.html (

US army e USAF juntos para o Joint Cargo Aircraft (C-27J VS CN235 ou CN295) ... 7D&keyword (

Jaguares indianos vão receber novo pods de reconhecimento ... _id=132628 (

Modernização dos “avionics” dos C-130 americanos em curso ... 0306a.html (

Saab envia primeiro de 28 Gripens para a África do Sul ... pens+.html (

Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant Upgrading Su-24M Tactical Bomber
The Novosibirsk Chkalov Aviation Production Association (NAPO) is beginning serial upgrade of the Russian air force's Su-24M tactical bombers, they reported at the defense industrial complex.
The Su-24 is one of the most widely produced combat airplanes of the Russian air force. It completed first flight in January 1970. It has been built in series at the Chkalov NAPO since 1972.  Construction of upgraded Su-24M was begun at Novosibirsk from 1979. Series production of all modifications of the Su-24 airplanes was completed in 1993.
In all nearly 1,200 airplanes were built, of them more than 770 are the Su-24M and its modifications. By the end of 1998, Russian tactical aviation had 365 Su-24 and Su-24M bombers at its disposal, and also 80 Su-24MR reconnaissance and Su-24MP electronic warfare airplanes. Moreover, there are nearly 70 Su-24 and Su-24M, and also 25 Su-24MR and MP in the Russian navy.
Source:  03.07.06, Tayga.INFO
yahoo military news
Enviado por: Sintra em Julho 12, 2006, 06:17:00 pm
SOURCE:Flight International

Germany, Italy and Sweden hold project talks on 'Agile' advanced UAV in bid to beat French-led Neuron

Peter La Franchi in London

Germany is discussing with Italy and Sweden the possible launch of a multinational advanced unmanned air vehicle effort that could demonstrate many capabilities years ahead of the French-led Neuron, which is not expected to enter flight testing until 2011.

The German ministry of defence is planning to stage a four-year “Agile UAV in a network-centric environmentâ€￾ project focused on multi-role, high-speed UAVs, using the recently unveiled EADS Barracuda demonstrator.

The invitation to Italy is aimed at involving the Alenia Aeronautica Sky-X demonstrator, while Sweden would participate with the Saab Filur low-observable UAV. The demonstrations may also involve the use of manned aircraft as UAV surrogates. Agile is to be managed by Germany’s BWB defence procurement agency, while the European Defence Agency could play a co-ordinating role.

The formation of national teams for the Agile effort is to be finalised by mid-August, allowing for combined defence agency/industry input into final project planning by the end of this year.

The BWB is proposing a three-phase programme. Phase 0 would start in early 2007 and focus on mission development, simulations and hardware-in-the-loop testing of air vehicles. Phase 1 would see reconnaissance missions demonstrated within Europe by the end of 2008. This would nominally involve a maritime scenario with a 100 x 100km (55 x 55nm) area of operations at a distance of 500km from the UAV’s home base. Phase 2 would see the demonstration of reconnaissance and attack missions by mid-2010.

The project would aim to demonstrate new-generation UAV capabilities ahead of the six-nation, French-led Neuron unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV). Dassault earlier this year signed a deal to co-ordinate the Neuron technology demonstrator programme under a €405 million ($507 million) contract from France’s DGA procurement agency. The partners are Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

The Agile project would be used to support risk reduction for any future common European advanced UAV and possible UCAV development and acquisition effort by identifying capability gaps and developing generic system architectures. EADS says it is supporting the demonstration and is committed to making the Barracuda available.

Meanwhile, Alenia has completed a third flight-test campaign for the Sky-X and plans a fourth campaign to start by mid-August. In the third campaign in May at Sweden’s Vidsel test range the UAV flew at 230kt (425km/h) and an altitude of 10,000ft (3,000m).
Spread the word: relatedbookmark it!diggit! (

 Lá vai a banda outra vez...  :x
Enviado por: Marauder em Agosto 05, 2006, 09:13:52 am
Feira internacional de Farnborough (17-23 Julho 2006)


Orion HALL UAV mock-up unveiled
Aurora Flight Sciences has unveiled a full-scale mock-up of a hydrogen-fuelled long-endurance unmanned air system (UAS) that it is developing in collaboration with Boeing's Phantom Works.

First Bahraini Hawk 129 handed over
The first Hawk 129 advanced jet trainer for the Royal Bahrain Air Force was handed over at the Farnborough International Air Show.

Lockheed Martin eyes India as source of revenue growth
Lockheed Martin has identified India as a source of additional growth, adding that Washington and New Delhi’s pending Civil Nuclear Initiative is a prerequisite to “potential defence trade opportunities” and future partnerships.

Lockheed Martin executive calls for stronger US government engagement with defence industry
Reinvigorated government and industry partnerships are needed to ensure the US maintains a healthy defence industrial base capable of supporting US global interest, according to a senior Lockheed Martin executive.

Senior US executive warns of "gathering support" for protectionism on both sides of the Atlantic
Lockheed Martin Chairman Robert Stevens has warned that "protectionism may be gathering support" both in the EU and the US.

EADS, DARE join forces for missile warning system development
EADS Defence Electronics has signed a strategic co-operative agreement with India's Defence Avionics Research Establishment for the joint development of a missile warning system for the Indian Air Force.

Medevac upgrade for Swedish Super Pumas
Three Super Puma helicopters of the Swedish Air Force are to be upgraded to medical evacuation configuration.

Ribbon cutting marks opening of US-International Pavilion at the 2006 Farnborough Airshow
The ribbon cutting opening the largest ever US-International Pavilion at the Farnborough Airshow took place at 1000 h local on 17 July, with Tom Kallman of Kallman Worldwide making the opening remarks.

A400M first flight remains on schedule for 2007
Airbus Military remains on track for the first flight of the A400M airlift aircraft by the end of 2007 as activity on the project moves rapidly forward.

Eurocopter seeks partner on ‘super lift’ helicopter development
Eurocopter is looking to find a partner to jointly work to develop a ‘super lift’ helicopter for France and Germany’s armed forces from 2020.

UK reviews airlift mix
Senior Royal Air Force (RAF) officers have launched a review of their ‘airlift mix’ to allow them to establish a clear plan for managing the introduction into service of new aircraft and the withdrawal of old platforms.

EADS expresses frustration on its UK Future Puma proposal
EADS executives have expressed frustration that the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has not yet made a decision on proposals to enhance its battlefield transport helicopter fleet by leasing EC225/725s.

FSTA clears US hurdle
Efforts to move the UK’s delayed FSTA project towards contract award accelerated last month.

EADS urges more military space spending from UK
Jobs would be lost unless the UK space mission is "revamped progressively", the chief executive of the satellite arm of EADS has warned.


UK chooses BAE Systems to provide Nimrod replacement
UK Defence Secretary Des Browne on 18 July announced that the full production contract for 12 Nimrod MRA.4 maritime patrol aircraft to replace the Nimrod MR.2 has been awarded to BAE Systems.

Raytheon unveils "multi-mission" version of T-6B
Raytheon Aircraft Company has unveiled a proposed multi-mission version of its T-6B basic trainer aircraft with upgraded cockpit protection, Link 16 datalink and sensor payload options.

Northrop Grumman and Selex seal DIRCM partnership
Northrop Grumman and Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems have further strengthened their partnership in the field of Directional Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) systems.

US and UK poised to launch combat ID acquisition programmes
The US Army Marine Corps Board's endorsement of the findings of Exercise ‘Urgent Quest’ may pave the way for combat ID acquisition programmes in the US and UK.

Saab congratulates itself on "fantastic" last six months
Saab has heralded the first half of 2006 as "fantastic", adding that the acquisition of Ericsson Microwave Systems (EMS) will have an effect “on the rest of the company’s future”.

Thales selects Barco for Belgian Air Force C-130 electronic warfare upgrade
Barco has been selected to provide cockpit head-down displays as part of the electronic warfare (EW) upgrade of Belgian Air Force C-130 aircraft.

JSF technology transfer issues resolved, says senior US official
The senior official in charge of the US-led programme to design a next-generation fighter jet says that agreements have been reached with all eight partner countries on technology transfer.

Ultra wins UK Typhoon pod deal
UK Royal Air Force (RAF) Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft will be equipped with Israel’s Rafael Armaments Development Authority Litening airborne laser targeting pod from 2008.

Russians offer MiG-31s to Middle Eastern customers
MiG and Russian defence export agency Rosboronexport are proposing to supply MiG-31 fighters to a number of Middle Eastern countries.

USMC officials sound bullish note on Osprey
Continuing mechanical and reliability problems with the MV-22 Osprey did not prevent senior US Marine Corps (USMC) officials from offering unwavering support for the helicopter during a press conference at the Farnborough Air Show on 17 July.

US Navy earmarks funding for JSOW Block III
The US Navy (USN) has earmarked funding for the development of the Block III variant of the Raytheon AGM-154 JSOW, Jane's has learned

LogicaCMG to unite UK armed forces’ C2 systems under single network
LogicaCMG has been chosen as preferred bidder for the UK’s the Joint Command and Control Support Programme in a novel procurement process.

Two competitors for Navy UCAS requirement prepare for contract notice
Boeing is facing a team comprising Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin in anticipation of the USN issuing a request for proposals to build its Unmanned Combat Aerial System (Navy UCAS) at some time between this month (July 2006) and early 2007.

Sentinel/ASTOR makes public debut at Farnborough
The latest aircraft for the UK Royal Air Force - the Raytheon Sentinel R.1 - made its public debut at the Farnborough Air Show as part of the UK’s ASTOR system.

Enviado por: Menacho em Agosto 20, 2006, 06:57:26 pm
Citação de: "menacho"
Excelentes noticias para nuestra industria......... yfjhm

Arabia Saudi compra 72 Eurofighter Tifon
Enviado por: Paisano em Agosto 22, 2006, 01:49:32 am
Acidente aéreo mata dois pilotos em Rondônia

Fonte: (

Caça peruano, que participaria de exercício militar em Goiás, cai logo após a decolagem

BELÉM. Um caça peruano caiu ontem pela manhã perto do aeroporto Jorge Teixeira, em Porto Velho, capital de Rondônia, e explodiu. Duas pessoas, o piloto e o co-piloto da aeronave, morreram carbonizados. Os militares iriam participar de um treinamento em Goiás, com a participação de mais seis países

O avião A-37 da Força Aérea Peruana caiu por volta das 11h na pista do aeroporto. O caça seria o primeiro de três aeronaves peruanas que iriam até o município de Anápolis, em Goiás, partindo de Rondônia, para se juntar a outros aviões das forças aéreas do Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguai, Venezuela e França, para dar início à Operação Cruzeiro do Sul. Chamado de Cruzex, um exercício militar reunirá cerca de 850 militares brasileiros e 920 militares estrangeiros durante cerca de 12 dias, em Anápolis (GO), Campo Grande (MS), Goiânia (GO), Uberlândia (MG) e Brasília (DF).

Os dois tripulantes tiveram morte imediata, logo após a explosão do avião, que despencou de uma altura de pouco mais de 70 metros, logo após a decolagem, na cabeceira da pista. A aeronave caiu em uma mata que fica ao lado do aeroporto e que separa a pista de pouso de uma movimentada avenida, a Lauro Sodré, utilizada no final de tarde para caminhadas e passeios de ciclistas.

Causas do acidente ainda estão sendo apuradas

O caça abriu uma clareira de cerca de 500 metros quadrados, deixando atrás de si pequenos incêndios, rapidamente controlados pelo Corpo de Bombeiros de Porto Velho. Logo após o acidente, a Base Aérea evacuou e cercou todo o local. Antes de explodir o caça ainda teria batido em um muro que separa o aeroporto da avenida Lauro Sodré.

- Ainda estamos apurando as causas. Não sabemos se o piloto se comunicou antes com o comando de vôo informando algum problema. Sabemos que a aeronave estava abastecida e tudo indica que foi detectada alguma pane no avião, que ainda iremos averiguar - disse o tenente da base aérea, Engler Maciel.

Após o acidente, o espaço aéreo de Porto Velho foi fechado. Aviões que faziam vôos comerciais foram desviados até Rio Branco, no Acre.

Os corpos foram resgatados após uma hora e meia e transportados até o Instituto Médico Legal de Porto Velho.

Enviado por: Paisano em Agosto 22, 2006, 01:54:14 am
Operação Cruzeiro do Sul - CRUZEX III


A Força Aérea Brasileira lamenta informar que, na manhã deste domingo (20 de agosto), às 11h55 (horário de Brasília), uma aeronave A-37 da Força Aérea Peruana (FAP) acidentou-se logo após decolar do Aeroporto Internacional Governador Jorge Teixeira, em Porto Velho (RO).

No acidente morreram os dois pilotos da aeronave, o Tenente-Coronel MICHAEL EDUARDO QUIROZ PLEFKE e o Major ALDO EMILIO CONSIGLIERI MUÑOZ.

A aeronave da FAP estava se dirigindo para a cidade de Anápolis (GO), a fim de participar da Operação CRUZEX III, um exercício militar combinado com a Força Aérea Brasileira.

A Força Aérea Brasileira iniciou imediatamente os trabalhos de investigação para determinar os fatores que contribuíram para o acidente.

Operação Cruzeiro do Sul (CRUZEX III)
Setor de Comunicação com a Imprensa
(62) 9974-7283 / 9974-7286

Fonte: (
Enviado por: Menacho em Agosto 23, 2006, 06:51:28 am
La Fuerza Aerea Brasileña adquiere/fabricara 50 CASA C-212:

 Sustituto del Bandeirante se fabricará en São Paulo
22 de agosto 2006
Fab va a fabricar 50 aviones en el Campo de Marte con tecnología del grupo europeo Eads Casa.
Ejército del aire Brasileño (FAB) confirmó la elección del turbopropulsor C-212, fabricado por el consorcio europeo Eads Casa, para substi tuir su flota de Bandeirantes. El contrato prevé la adquisición de 50 aviones, que serán montados por el FAB en el Campo de Marzo, zona norte de São Paulo, en un acuerdo que prevé la transferencia de tecnología. Los valores de la compra solamente se revelarán el 15 de septiembre, cuando está prevista la firma del contrato. Por eso participaron del proceso de elección los fabricantes Skytruck, de Polonia, y LET, de la República Checa. El exRepresent de Skytruck y también el representante de LET impugnaron el resultado de la elección.El primero ya entró con una solicitud formal de información y pretende entrar con mandato de seguridad para  intentar cancelar la compra. Aquél no es el primer contrato firmado por el FAB con el Eads Casa. En el último año, el consorcio firmó acuerdo de  700 millones $ que prevé la modernización de ocho aviones P-3 y la venta de 12 aviones de transporte militar C-295. El Pedido de la Aeronáutica informó de que la elección de  Casa se dio por "un conjunto de condiciones operativas y técnicas". La previsión del FAB es de que el primer avión comience a producirse  este año. Inicialmente, el Gobierno intentó convencer a Embraer que debe modernizarse el proyecto del Bandeirante, pero la sociedad no se interesó debido por el bajo contenido tecnológico. A FAB casi tiene hoy una flota de 100 Bandeirantes, que ya están al final de su vida operativa. Los aviones otorgan ayuda logística a las expediciones militares, además de servicos médicos, remedios y provisiones para la región amazónica. La idea de fabricar el avión en Brasil fue la forma encontrada por el Gobierno para reducir los costes del proyecto, aprovechando la mano de obra del FAB él mismo. Por eso están previstas algunas asociaciones con la industria nacional para la producción de partes . El Gobierno pretende aún atraer sociedades de aviación regional para comprar el avión, lo que podría ayudar a reducir los costes unitarios. C-212 se evalúa en USS 8 millones la unidad. Según fuentes del mercado, a propuesta este se habría reducido para USS 5.2 millones. A propuesta de LET, único de los tres competidores utilizado por sociedades regionales de aviación en el País, este fue de USS 3.8 millones. Se modificó el precio inicial del Skytruck era de USS 4.75 millones, pero a continuación que el fabricante cambió de representante. ExRepresent, Gran Herrero, se ha substituido después de levantar la sospecha, en entrevista en Estado, en mayo, de dónde el proceso selectivo estaba con cartas señaladas y el ganador era la Casa. El representanteDe LET,  Mário Moreira, deploró la decisión. "desgraciadamente, el precio y el coste operativo no fueron preponderantes en la evaluación." No se localizó al representante de Casa.
Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Agosto 26, 2006, 12:16:20 am
Do EXPRESSO de 26/8/2006:

Avião militar espanhol vai ser construído em Alverca
Enquanto espera pelos jactos brasileiros da Embraer, a OGMA vai produzir a fuselagem do C-295 para a EADS/CASA

OGMA faz novo avião

 Em vez de jactos da Embraer, a fábrica de Alverca vai produzir o CASA C-295 para ospanhóis
A OGMA (Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal) vai iniciar, a partir de Setembro, a fabricação de diversos componentes da fuselagem dos aviões de transporte táctico espanhóis CASA C-295. Este negócio acontece ao abrigo do contrato de contrapartidas, no valor de 460 milhões de euros, assinado com o construtor espanhol do Grupo EADS/Airbus pela aquisição das 12 unidades deste aparelho que irão substituir os Aviocar da Força Aérea Portuguesa.

«Numa primeira fase, a OGMA irá ligar os cinco anéis da fuselagem central do aparelho; numa segunda fase, irá montar totalmente o anel onde se situa o trem de aterragem (actualmente, fabricado em Espanha); e, numa terceira fase, prevista para 2007, vai fabricar e montar os cinco anéis», revelou ao EXPRESSO uma fonte ligada ao processo. Para este efeito, a OGMA está a ultimar um investimento numa nave de fabricação, em Alverca, de que resultará a criação de novos postos de trabalho. A OGMA emprega cerca de 1700 pessoas e as suas vendas em 2005 totalizaram 118 milhões de euros.

O contrato para a fabricação da fuselagem do CASA C-295 irá reforçar a componente fabricação da OGMA, a par dos aviões suíços Pilatus (construídos na sua quase totalidade em Portugal) e dos componentes para os helicópteros NH-90, escolhidos para a substituição dos Alouettes franceses. A Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal fabrica ainda componentes estruturais em alumínio e materiais compostos para a Boeing, Airbus, Dassault e Lockheed Martin.

Em Abril de 2005, a CASA (Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA) ganhou o concurso promovido pelo Ministério da Defesa para o fornecimento dos aviões militares que vão substituir os C-212 Aviocar fabricados pela mesma empresa nos anos 70. O negócio ficou fechado por 275 milhões de euros, mas prevendo contrapartidas que ascendem praticamente ao dobro e que beneficiarão directamente empresas como a OGMA (60% do total), Edisoft, EID, Efacec e Empordef TI. Dos 12 aparelhos adquiridos, dez ficarão para transporte táctico e dois serão vocacionados para patrulha marítima e fiscalização de pescas, prevendo-se que os primeiros aviões cheguem a Portugal no Verão de 2007.

A fabricação dos CASA C-295 na OGMA marca, também, a entrada efectiva do Grupo EADS/Airbus na empresa de Alverca, na qual detém indirectamente uma participação simbólica de 1%, adquirida no âmbito da privatização e em total consonância com os 65% controlados pela Embraer. O consórcio criou para o efeito a AIRHolding SGPS, controlada pela empresa brasileira (99%), mas o acordo prevê que a participação da EADS aumente progressivamente para 20% ou 30%. Por sua vez, a CASA integra o Grupo EADS desde 1999, onde a participação espanhola ascende a 5,5%.

Alexandre Coutinho

Robusto e polivalente
 O CASA C-295 possui um raio de acção de 5630 quilómetros e pode transportar até 71 pessoas, cinco paletes standard (88 x 108 polegadas) ou 24 macas.

 Apresenta boas qualidades para voar a baixa altitude e capacidade para transportar uma carga útil de nove toneladas à velocidade de 480 km/h.

 Efectua diversas missões: transporte táctico e logístico, largada de tropas, evacuação médica e patrulha marítima

Enviado por: pedro em Agosto 26, 2006, 01:00:02 am
Uma boa noticia.
Enviado por: TaGOs em Agosto 26, 2006, 01:00:46 pm
O contrato para a fabricação da fuselagem do CASA C-295 irá reforçar a componente fabricação da OGMA, a par dos aviões suíços Pilatus (construídos na sua quase totalidade em Portugal) e dos componentes para os helicópteros NH-90, escolhidos para a substituição dos Alouettes franceses.

Alguem reparou nisto??? Desde quando o nh-90 vai substituir o alouette?

Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 26, 2006, 01:57:23 pm
Outra gafe...
Mas sim, é sem dúvida uma excelente notícia para a OGMA.
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Agosto 26, 2006, 02:05:30 pm
Pode ser uma gafe, ou uma verdade escondida entre linhas, não se esqueçam que ainda não foi lançado nenhum concurso para a substituição dos Alouettes.
E depois ainda existe o boato da criação de "uma força conjunta de helicópteros atribuídos à Força Aérea, Marinha e Exército, que ficará sedeada no Montijo e sob a dependência do Chefe de Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas (CEMGFA), almirante Mendes Cabeçadas."
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 26, 2006, 02:35:03 pm
Mas a Força aérea vai precisar de helicopteros mais leves para dar os cursos. Se fosse assim ficavamos só com os EH-101 e os NH-90, o que não era mau, mas teriamos de formar os nossos militares noutro país.
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 26, 2006, 02:45:32 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Mas a Força aérea vai precisar de helicopteros mais leves para dar os cursos. Se fosse assim ficavamos só com os EH-101 e os NH-90, o que não era mau, mas teriamos de formar os nossos militares noutro país.

Já isso nós fazemos: Pilotos para o GALE instruem-se em Espanha (http://http). (Por favor não reabram o tópico)
Isso dos helicópteros já é algo que foi/está a ser discutido no tópico GALE (http://http).

Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 26, 2006, 03:23:46 pm
Mas para a GALE era uma simples poupança de tempo. Na FAP os pilotos 1º aprendem andar de avião e depois é que passam para os Helicopteros. Em Espanha os cursos demoram menos tempo porque aprende-se logo a pilotar os helicopteros. Acho que não estou a dizer nenhuma barbaridade, mas se tiver, corrigem-me.
A FAP continua a dar cursos tanta para pilotos da FAP como da Marinha.
Enviado por: Lightning em Agosto 28, 2006, 11:22:12 am
Citação de: "TaGOs"
O contrato para a fabricação da fuselagem do CASA C-295 irá reforçar a componente fabricação da OGMA, a par dos aviões suíços Pilatus (construídos na sua quase totalidade em Portugal) e dos componentes para os helicópteros NH-90, escolhidos para a substituição dos Alouettes franceses.

Alguem reparou nisto??? Desde quando o nh-90 vai substituir o alouette?


Acho que a palavra chave nessa frase é Alouettes FRANCESES!!!!!!
Enviado por: TaGOs em Agosto 28, 2006, 12:58:59 pm
Os nossos Alouettes não deixam de ser franceses... Mas a noticia até pode tar a referir-se aos da força aérea francesa.

Os franceses vão mesmo substituir os Alouettes por nh-90?

Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Outubro 11, 2006, 06:34:41 pm
"A conhecida empresa de transportes FedEx será a primeira a equipar os seus wide-bodies (entenda-se, neste caso e para já, 11 Boeing MD-10)com contra-medidas antimíssil utilizando o laser (DIRCM-Direct Infra Red Counter Measures) Guardian, fabricado pela Northrop Grumman cujo objectivo é eliminar automáticamente eventuais MANPADS "(Man Portable Air Defence Systems... ou enfim...mísseis portáteis terra-ar).
O custo deste sistema é contudo bastante elevado ( para já a FederalExpress provisionou cerca de 109 milhões de USD) mas mesmo assim várias outras companhias prevêem a possibilidade de também dotarem os seus aparelhos.
Neste momento estima-se que 40 aparelhos comerciais foram atacados com este tipo de mísseis desde os anos 70, causando a morte de 400 pessoas.
Uma pequena reflexão pessoal...este tipo especial de segurança aérea começou em aviões de...carga. Mas quem sabe se a médio prazo estará disponível em alguns aparelhos de transporte de passageiros(ou melhor dizendo em certas rotas) , mediante talvez mais um suplemento como o existente  para o custo de combustíveis? :?
Enviado por: garrulo em Outubro 23, 2006, 09:39:06 am
De La Razón digital de hoy.

EE UU puede eligir un avión español para renovar su flota de transporte de tropas

EADS-CASA construirá 145 aeronaves C-295 con un presupuesto de 4.000 millones de euros

Diego Mazón

madrid- La semana pasada, el Gobierno venezolano anunciaba la renuncia oficial a la compra de doce aviones a la empresa española EADS-CASA. Las trabas impuestas por Estados Unidos a la tecnología norteamericana que llevaban esas aeronaves hizo que la empresa renunciara al contrato debido a que la sustitución de esos elementos elevaba demasiado el coste de la transacción. Pero esa pérdida de 500 millones de euros en Venezuela puede convertirse en breve en un simple recuerdo fácil de olvidar.
   EADS-CASA, en consorcio con la empresa estadounidense Raytheon, tiene pie y medio en la puerta del mayor negocio de la historia de la industria armamentística española: 4.000 millones de euros. El Gobierno estadounidense se encuentra en la fase de decisión para dotar a sus ejércitos de Tierra y Aire de 145 nuevos aviones de transporte dentro del programa Joint Cargo Aircraft (JCA). Sobre la mesa del departamento de Defensa existen ya sólo dos opciones para el transporte de tropas: el C-295 español o el C-27J Spartan italiano, que concurre junto al gigante Boeing. Por el camino se han caído otras alternativas, entre ellas el también español CN-235.
   Las mejores características
   Según fuentes de la industria armamentística consultadas por LA RAZÓN, la opción española es la que más gusta a los mandos estadounidenses. De hecho, la prensa de aquel país recogía recientemente la noticia de que el C-295 había accedido a la fase II de selección y mostraba la felicidad del vicepresidente del equipo encargado del programa JCA, Jim Hvizd, que señalaba además que este aparato es el único totalmente certificado por la Administración de Aviación Federal para desplegarse en cualquier parte del mundo. Hvizd destacaba su firme convicción de que el avión español destacará por sí mismo como la «solución más efectiva para la doble y vital misión de proteger nuestro territorio y transportar a nuestros soldados al campo de batalla», al tiempo que recalcaba su deseo de partipar en la evaluación final de la aeronave española. El C-295 es el único testado en vuelo operativo y de combate compatible con los requerimientos del Joint Cargo Aircraft para estas misiones.
   Durante esta segunda fase de selección, el equipo encargado de la misma deberá examinar el rendimiento del sistema de vuelo del aparato español comparado con los estándares que ofrece la industria. Mientras Raytheon aportará la tecnología y los motores (principal escollo en la venta de los aparatos a Venezuela), la exigencia principal de las autoridades norteamericanas es que la plataforma, la estructura del aparato, sea totalmente española.
   En esta carrera por hacerse con el contrato estadounidense, España juega con varios factores favorables: el primero, la solvencia demostrada por el C-295, que tiene 53 unidades sirviendo en fuerzas aéreas de varios países, como Polonia, Argelia, Jordania, Brasil y Portugal, y pronto estará en Australia, Suiza y los Emiratos Árabes, mientras que el Spartan sólo tiene tres en uso en la fuerza aérea griega; en segundo lugar, Raytheon, socia de EADS-CASA en esta aventura, está tratando de dotar a los submarinos españoles S-80 del armamento que fabrica.
   Según publicaba el pasado mes de marzo Europa Press, el Gobierno estadounidense deberá decantarse por alguna de las dos opciones el próximo mes de diciembre o a más tardar a principios de 2007, de modo que en 2008 entren las primeras unidades en servicio. Este plan contempla que en una primera fase, 44 aviones C-23 Sherpa estadounidenses sean sustituidos por 33 de los aparatos seleccionados. A medida que pase el tiempo se completarán las 145 unidades previstas, con opción a una posible ampliación hasta llegar a las doscientas, en función de lo que necesite la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos.
   Para tan gigantesco pedido, el consorcio formado por EADS-CASA y Raytheon establecerá una fábrica de montaje en territorio estadounidense, dado que las capacidades de las cadenas de montaje españolas no son suficientes para fabricar la cantidad reclamada por la Administración norteamericana.
   La prensa de Estados Unidos destacaba igualmente entre las cualidades del avión C-295 que puede transportar una importante carga de material y hasta 61 soldados, «excediendo la capacidad de cualquier otro Joint Cargo Aircraft y protegiendo por tanto a más soldados de un improvisado ataque con explosivos». De la misma manera, indica que las capacidades de esta aeronave han sido probadas en combate por aliados en teatros de operaciones tan complicados como Irak o Afganistán, donde aún hoy permanece en servicio.
   El C-295, de fabricación casi totalmente española, está capacitado para llevar a cabo una amplia gama de misiones con una efectividad ya probada en diferentes puntos del mundo: transporte táctico y logístico, lanzamiento de paracaidistas y de cargas o evacuación médica. Pese a que es más pequeño que el Hércules, puede desempeñar el mismo tipo de misiones pero a un coste inferior a un tercio de lo que supone éste.
Enviado por: Elikan em Outubro 23, 2006, 08:48:43 pm
Excelente noticia solo falta que eligan por fin el C-295 frente al Spartan, seguro que nuestros amigos foristas Portugueses nos desean suerte para que los EEUU eligan nuestro avion :P
Enviado por: NVF em Outubro 25, 2006, 01:55:11 am
Citação de: "garrulo"
De La Razón digital de hoy.

   En esta carrera por hacerse con el contrato estadounidense, España juega con varios factores favorables: el primero, la solvencia demostrada por el C-295, que tiene 53 unidades sirviendo en fuerzas aéreas de varios países, como Polonia, Argelia, Jordania, Brasil y Portugal, y pronto estará en Australia, Suiza y los Emiratos Árabes, mientras que el Spartan sólo tiene tres en uso en la fuerza aérea griega; en segundo lugar, Raytheon, socia de EADS-CASA en esta aventura, está tratando de dotar a los submarinos españoles S-80 del armamento que fabrica.

Isto nao e' verdade! Misturam encomendas com aeronaves em servico. Que o aparelho da CASA tenha mais encomendas, tudo bem; mas certamente nao tem 53 unidades em servico. Depois mencionam os tres aparelhos da concorrencia em servico, em vez de -- por uma questao de coerrencia -- mencionarem as encomendas.

Sera' falta de rigor jornalistico, ou mera propaganda espanhola?
Enviado por: p_shadow em Outubro 25, 2006, 02:16:29 am
Citação de: "NVF"
Isto nao e' verdade! Misturam encomendas com aeronaves em servico. Que o aparelho da CASA tenha mais encomendas, tudo bem; mas certamente nao tem 53 unidades em servico. Depois mencionam os tres aparelhos da concorrencia em servico, em vez de -- por uma questao de coerrencia -- mencionarem as encomendas.

Sera' falta de rigor jornalistico, ou mera propaganda espanhola?

É este tipo de informação que "se come" do lado de lá.

E pelo que me tenho apercebido, os nossos vizinhos "comem com tanta sofreguidão" que nem "cheiram primeiro".

Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 25, 2006, 09:14:58 pm
Citação de: "NVF"
Citação de: "garrulo"
De La Razón digital de hoy.

   En esta carrera por hacerse con el contrato estadounidense, España juega con varios factores favorables: el primero, la solvencia demostrada por el C-295, que tiene 53 unidades sirviendo en fuerzas aéreas de varios países, como Polonia, Argelia, Jordania, Brasil y Portugal, y pronto estará en Australia, Suiza y los Emiratos Árabes, mientras que el Spartan sólo tiene tres en uso en la fuerza aérea griega; en segundo lugar, Raytheon, socia de EADS-CASA en esta aventura, está tratando de dotar a los submarinos españoles S-80 del armamento que fabrica.

Isto nao e' verdade! Misturam encomendas com aeronaves em servico. Que o aparelho da CASA tenha mais encomendas, tudo bem; mas certamente nao tem 53 unidades em servico. Depois mencionam os tres aparelhos da concorrencia em servico, em vez de -- por uma questao de coerrencia -- mencionarem as encomendas.

Sera' falta de rigor jornalistico, ou mera propaganda espanhola?

Para repor a verdade vou por aqui esta notícia:

Alenia Aeronautica: the First C-27J in Service with the Italian Air Force
(Source: Alenia Aeronautica; issued Oct. 24, 2006)
 ROME --- After completion of the test activities, the Italian Defence Ministry has accepted the first Alenia Aeronautica C-27J tactical transport aircraft.  
This aircraft is part of a 12-unit contract, and its related 5-year logistic support, whose supply will be completed by 2008 to the Italian Air Force 46th Wing, Pisa Air Force Base. A second aircraft will be presented to ItAF for test by the end of the year.  
The Italian Air Forces’ aircraft have the new C-27J standard configuration, with a flight-refuelling device, self-protection system and double head-up display.  
The C-27J Spartan, the only true next generation medium military airlifter in its class, is a twin-engine turboprop tactical transport aircraft with state-of-the-art technology avionics, propulsion and aircraft systems; it provides high performances, high cost effectiveness, extreme operating flexibility, best performances for aircraft of its category in all operational conditions and unique interoperability with heavier airlifters.  
The C-27J can perform many missions, among which cargo and troop transport, logistical re-supply, MEDEVAC, airdrop operations, SAR (Search and Rescue) missions, humanitarian assistance and missions in support of civil protection, operating from paved and unpaved runways.  
The C-27J has been ordered also by the Greek, Bulgarian and Lithuanian Air Forces. The Greek contract includes 12 C-27J new-generation tactical transport aircraft, plus three options, to the Hellenic Air Force (HAF). The first HAF aircraft is in service since September 2005. The Bulgarian contract, signed last February, is for 8 aircraft to Air Force (BuAF). The first BuAF C-27J will be delivered in November 2007. In June 2006 3 C-27Js were ordered by the Lithuanian Armed Forces to replace the current fleet of An-26 aircraft. The C-27J will allow the Lithuanian Armed Forces, engaged in a modernization campaign, to fully meet the interoperability standards of the Atlantic Alliance Countries.  
A range of potential American, European and Asian customers have also shown a keen interest in the C-27J. Particularly the C-27J was engaged in campaigns in the USA and Canada.  
In USA the C-27J Team, including Alenia North America, L-3 Communications, Boeing and GMAS is competing to provide the US Army and US Air Force with a solution for their joint program JCA – Joint Cargo Aircraft. The JCA program is a key component in the services upgrading of fixed wing fleets to meet the evolving requirements of current and future conflicts. To support the future force, the JCA must be a multirole and interoperable aircraft, able to perform logistical re-supply, MEDEVAC, troop transport, airdrop operations, humanitarian assistance and missions in support of homeland security. The JCA program is expected to replace the U.S. Army’s C-23 Sherpas, C-12 and C-26 aircraft and augment the U.S. Air Force’s current fleet of C-130s, C-17s, and C-5s.  
In Canada the C-27J is the best answer to the fixed wing search and rescue airlift requirement (today Canada operates a fleet of Buffalos and C-130s) of the Canadian Government, which could purchase 15 units.  
The aircraft has already been formally evaluated by the Air Forces of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ireland, Norway, Romania, Australia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, United Emirates and Taiwan.  
Enviado por: NVF em Outubro 25, 2006, 11:34:52 pm
Um jornalista italiano poderia portanto escrever que ha' 35 C-27J em servico (ou 38 com as opcoes gregas)   :twisted:
Título: N: Polónia compra mais dois EADS CASA C-295
Enviado por: Get_It em Outubro 26, 2006, 07:24:54 pm
Citação de: "EADS"
Poland purchases another two (2)
EADS CASA C-295 military transport aircraft

Hi-res (http://http)
Hi-res (http://http)

Polish Secretary of State of Defence, Marek Zajakala, Chief of Staff Polish Air Force, Lt. Gen. Stanislaw Targosz and Polish Air Force Lt. Gen. Magensky, on the Polish side, and Antonio R. Barberán, Vice President Sales at EADS Military Transport Aircraft Division, have signed today, in the presence of Spanish Ambassador in Warsaw, Rafael Mendivil Peydro, a new contract to provide Polish Air Force with two additional C-295 military transport aircraft. In August 2001, Poland purchased eight (8) C-295, from which last delivery took place in July 2005.

Antonio R. Barberán said during the signing ceremony: “We would like to thank and congratulate Polish Air Force for its professionality, and to specially mention the 6.000 flight hours in different missions under the most demanding and hard conditions performed with the C-295 in areas that extend from the Middle East to the Far East”

Poland is the first export customer for C-295 which repeats with new acquisitions (recurrent customer).

Thanks to excellent and flexible products, close collaboration with the customers and first class in-service support, EADS CASA has gained the confidence of many operators worldwide that have increased their fleet with new orders.

EADS CASA is the world leader in light and medium weight aircraft. The CN-235 and C-295 accumulate one million flights with more than 900.000 flight hours in five continents. The C-295 is in operation with air forces from Poland, Jordan, Algeria, Finland and Spain, and orders from Brazil and Portugal will soon start being delivered. Compared to its competitors, it is the only aircraft in its category that has been operated in real war scenarios like in the Balkans , Irak, or Afghanistan.

EADS CASA is the main shareholder of Polish aircraft company PZL Warszawa Okecie since 2001 and has contributed to its modernisation through investment and the transfer of new technologies. PZL benefits also from the powerful infrastructure of EADS.

The C-295 is a last generation medium military transport aircraft powered by 2 turboprop engines from Pratt and Whitney of Canada with a rear ramp access, a payload of more than 9000 kg. and sophisticated and modern avionics from Sextant Avionics, and it has the best life cycle cost (LCC) in its class.


Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 26, 2006, 11:47:27 pm
A CASA está de parabens, tem andado a ganhar concursos atrás de concursos. Pelos vistos a FAP tomou a decisão correcta quando escolheu este modelo sobre o C-27J Italiano.  :wink:
Enviado por: Menacho em Outubro 27, 2006, 08:07:50 pm
Hasta ahora todos los usuarios del CN-235 y CN-295 estan mui satisfeitos con los aparatos y la mayoria de ellos estan aumentando las compras, incluida Francia, donde es el transporte mas popular entre los pilotos.

La mejor publicidade de un avion es que sus usuarios esten satisfeitos y compren mais aparatos.............. :wink:
Enviado por: garrulo em Outubro 27, 2006, 08:19:55 pm
El EA español esta a punto de hacer otro pedido adicional a los 10 ya entregados, al haber decidido el gobierno terninar con uno de los dos escuadrones de cn235 que se transfprmaran en SAR y el resto para Canarias.

Tanto Francia como EEUU estan interesados en una version de reabastecimiento para helicöpteros.
Enviado por: p_shadow em Outubro 28, 2006, 04:37:26 am
Ninguém está a contestar as qualidades do avião, apenas a repôr alguma "calma" nos nºs por vós apresentados.

Cá para mim já andam chateados porque os nossos C-295 irão apresentar uma camuflagem mais bonita que os vossos!! :mrgreen:


Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Dezembro 01, 2006, 11:37:40 am
Contra-espionagem no espaço...
-Um satélite de espionagem americano foi alvo recentemente de um 'laser' chinês, que o teria 'cegado' quando passava sobre o território de China.Este 'laser' visa principalmente os captores ultra-sensiveis dos satélites impedindo-os de efectuarem observações com alta resolução.
A destruição dos satélites nao é, no entanto, o objectivo visado e a 'perturbação' causada é apenas temporária.
Segundo fontes americanas, a China tem capacidade de efectuar este tipo de operações, conforme já o demonstrou no passado (visando  diversas vezes os satélites gigantes Keyhole ) e consequentemente  os americanos tem procedido a testes de 'laser' sobre os seus próprios satélites com a finalidade de determinar qual o impacto causado nos captores de alta resolução embarcados.
Os sistemas espaciais, como os satélites, são alvos fáceis e vulneráveis pois as suas órbitas são conhecidas e os tempos de passagem  previsíveis.

(menção da publ. DSI  baseada em fontes da Emb. francesa nos EUA )
Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Janeiro 12, 2007, 04:49:32 pm
A USAirForce está a retirar, discretamente, do serviço  os seus F-117 (avião furtivo da 1ª geração) que 'voava' desde 1979 (mas apenas, e mesmo assim 'secretamente', em serviço  a partir de 1982) e   viria a entrar 'em combate' pela primeira vez em 1989, no Panamá.Sem explicações oficiais da USAirForce, a maior parte dos analistas pensa que poderia tratar-se de um sinal da maturidade tecnológica do F-22.
Alguns especialistas franceses notam contudo que devido as munições 'ar-solo' que o F-22 é capaz de transportar ( e que excluem de momento as guiadas por 'laser') seria muito mais provável o 'controverso' e ainda fora de serviço  F-35 , (cujo 1° voo efectuado há alguns dias durou 30 minutos e não 1 hora como estaria previsto, devido a problema não divulgado ) vir a ser o favorito.
(info da revista francesa DSI-Déf.Séc.Intern. de Jan-2007)
Enviado por: typhonman em Janeiro 13, 2007, 02:55:54 am
Ao que parece o Canadá prepara-se para adquirir C27J. ... ?nrnot=304 (
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Janeiro 14, 2007, 09:53:20 pm

LONDON [MENL] -- Iran has been developing an attack helicopter with Western assistance.

Industry sources said Iran has been developing and testing a multi-mission combat helicopter. The helicopter, dubbed Shahed, has been equipped with engines from Britain and Canada as well as sensors from France.

"This is regarded as a major military industry project and uses dual-use Western components," an industry source familiar with the program said.

Iran's Shahed Aviation Industries Research Center plans to produce several variants of Shahed, the sources said. The first platform was the OH-78, described as a light reconnaissance helicopter and armed with weapons and sensors. Test flights of the OH-78 began in 2005.

Middle East Newsline (http://http)
Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Janeiro 19, 2007, 07:53:08 pm
É notícia na primeira página do jornal francês 'LE MONDE' na sua edição 'weekend' a sair em 20-1-2006:

La Chine a testé un missile capable d'emporter une charge antisatellite

Vendredi 19 janvier, les Etats-Unis, le Japon et l'Australie ont fait part de leur inquiétude après la découverte, par les services de renseignement américains, que la Chine avait procédé avec succès à son premier essai d'une arme capable de neutraliser les satellites.

Confirmant une information parue dans l'hebdomadaire Aviation Week, un haut responsable de la Maison Blanche a indiqué que la Chine avait testé, le 11 janvier, une arme capable de détruire des satellites. L'expérience a visé un vieux satellite météo chinois avec une charge lancée par un missile balistique. " Les Etats-Unis estiment que la mise au point et l'essai de telles armes par la Chine est en contradiction avec l'esprit de coopération auquel aspirent nos deux pays dans le domaine de l'espace civil ", a déclaré Gordon Johndroe, porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale de la présidence américaine.

A Tokyo, le porte-parole du gouvernement, Yasuhisa Shiozaki, a exprimé les " inquiétudes " des autorités japonaises " du point de vue de l'exploitation pacifique de l'espace et de celui de la sécurité internationale ". Le ministre des affaires étrangères, Taro Aso, a fait état d'une conversation avec son homologue chinois, ce dernier assurant que les intentions de Pékin sont pacifiques.

"Os EUA, Japão e Austrália mostraram a sua inquietação após os serviços de informação americanos descobrirem que a China tinha lançado uma arma capaz de neutralizar satélites.
Confirmando uma notícia do semanario Aviation Week , um alto responsável da Casa Branca indicou que o teste de uma arma capaz de destruir satélites teria sido efectuado em 11 de Janeiro
.A experiência teria sido feita sobre um velho satélite meteorológico chines  com uma carga lançada num missil balistico.Apesar da 'inquietação' americana ("Os EUA pensam que a China estaria em contradição com o espirito de cooperação no ambito de um espaço civil" ) e japonesa (" as autoridades japonesas sentem-se inquietas do ponto de vista da exploração pacífica do espaço e da segurança internacional" ), o ministro dos negócios estrangeiros chinês teria assegurado que as intenções de Pequim eram pacíficas.No entanto o responsável japonês mostrou a sua decepção por Pequim nao ter feito nenhum aviso preliminar.
Por seu lado o governo australiano chamou  a embaixadora chinesa para esclarecimentos.Segundo um porta-voz australiano: 'Camberra procura obter uma explicação do governo chinês sobre a natureza deste incidente e uma avaliação do perigo causado pelos detritos originados pelo tiro do míssil'.
Oficialmente a China ainda nao admitiu este tiro, mesmo que tenha assegurado aos seus vizinhos que 'as suas intenções eram pacificas'.O míssil teria sido disparado a partir do centro espacial de Xichang e deste modo a China torna-se o terceiro país após a Rússia e os EUA a proceder a tiros de ensaios de armas anti-satélite.
Acontece que, aparentemente, nenhum ensaios destas armas tinha sido efectuado depois de 1985, até porque os americanos teriam considerado que essa actividade era prejudicial aos aparelhos em actividade no espaço.E isto será ainda mais verdadeiro nos nossos dias devido ao  desmesurado aumento de satélites.
O Pentágono, que suspeita  a China gastar cerca de 3 a 4 vezes mais que o seu orçamento 'oficial' de  35 000 milhoes de USDolares, vê assim confirmar-se a capacidade chinesa de neutralizar satélites militares ou espiões de outros países.Uma evidente demonstração de força, apesar do embargo imposto pelo Ocidente desde 1989 á venda de armas.
De resto convinha não esquecer as palavras de  Geng Ruguang v-director do grupo aerospacial chines (China Aviation Industry Corp.) quando apresentou á imprensa chinesa, há alguns dias atras, um modelo do avião de combate de última geração  Jian-10
- " A China tornou-se o quarto pais capaz de desenvolver os seus próprios aviões de caça avançados, os  reactores bem como os seus mísseis " -
(m/trad. adaptada)
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 19, 2007, 08:38:50 pm
Vem ai a Guerra das Estrelas!!! :shock:
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Janeiro 19, 2007, 09:19:12 pm
O "Gigante" acordou, e deu sinais de si c34x
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Janeiro 29, 2007, 09:21:19 pm
Espanha: 2 mortos e 2 feridos em queda de helicóptero militar

Dois militares morreram e dois ficaram gravemente feridos esta segunda-feira quando o helicóptero militar em que seguiam se despenhou próximo de Sesma (norte de Espanha), disseram fontes dos serviços de emergência.
As mesmas fontes referiram que o acidente ocorreu ao início da tarde próximo da estrada nacional 129, entre Los Arcos e Sesma, quando o aparelho participava em manobres militares com outro helicóptero.

Até ao momento desconhecem-se as razões da queda do helicóptero que se incendiou quando embateu no solo.

Os dois feridos foram transferidos para centros hospitalares em La Rioja e Navarra.

Diário Digital / Lusa

29-01-2007 17:56:15
Enviado por: Lancero em Fevereiro 06, 2007, 03:25:40 pm
WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - In a blow to Britain, the U.S. Defense Department renewed an effort on Monday to cancel a second engine for the world's largest warplane acquisition project.

"They determined to terminate funding for the (second) Joint Strike Fighter engine in FY08," Maj. Gen. Frank Faykes, the Air Force's chief budget official, said at a Friday briefing embargoed for release on Monday after the president presented his budget request to Congress

Fiscal 2008 begins on Oct. 1.

The decision to kill an alternate engine for Lockheed Martin Corp.'s (LMT.N: Quote, Profile , Research) F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is bound to raise opposition in Congress, which last year turned back a similar Pentagon effort.

The alternate engine is being designed by Britain's Rolls-Royce Plc (RR.L: Quote, Profile , Research) and General Electric Co. (GE.N: Quote, Profile , Research).

If the second engine is canceled, the program could be worth $60 billion to $100 billion to United Technologies Corp.'s (UTX.N: Quote, Profile , Research) Pratt & Whitney unit, which is building the initial F-35 engine, Aviation Week & Space Technology has reported

Faykes said Pentagon officials were seeking to cancel the alternate engine for the same reason as last year, to save money for higher-priority projects.

Rick Kennedy, a spokesman for General Electric, said the company was "disappointed that the Department of Defense is not supporting the congressional direction from last year to fund the competing engines."

GE has said it would in effect be removed from the market for future large fighter engines if funding for the JSF alternate engine is ended.

"Is it a massive financial blow for GE? No, but it's a strategic blow, because we won't be in that sector where we've been successful for decades," Kennedy said.

GE and Roll-Royce are 60-40 partners in the alternative engine development. They say an alternate engine benefits the Joint Strike Fighter program by creating competition between engine makers and making sure that if a problem develops with one engine, another is readily available.

GE has spent about $1.5 billion on developing the engine over the last 12 years or so.

The United States alone is planning to spend $276.5 billion to acquire more than 2,000 F-35 warplanes over the next 20 years, replacing a wide range of warplanes, including the F-16. The radar-evading F-35 is being developed with eight other countries. Britain has already put up $2 billion, the most of any U.S. partner. (Additional reporting by Bill Rigby in New York)

Fonte (http://http)
Enviado por: MAC em Maio 02, 2007, 06:53:32 pm
EADS CASA suministrará a Lockheed Martin otros cinco (5) aviones HC-235A multi-misión para el programa Deepwater de la Guardia Costera de EE.UU.

Madrid, 02 de Mayo de 2007
Lockheed Martin ha firmado con EADS CASA la adquisición de otros cinco (5) aviones HC-235A para el programa Deepwater de la Guardia Costera de EE.UU. Se entregarán a Lockheed Martin durante el año 2008.

Con estos cinco (5), el número de aviones adquiridos hasta la fecha asciende a ocho (8). La planificación de la Guardia Costera incluye hasta un total de treinta y seis (36) unidades. La primera entrega a Lockheed Martin tuvo lugar el 6 de diciembre de 2006 en las instalaciones de EADS CASA en Sevilla.

El Programa Deepwater es una iniciativa de gran envergadura, diseñada para dotar a la Guardia Costera de EE.UU. de un sistema integrado de equipos y capacidades. EL EADS CASA CN-235 fue seleccionado para servir como plataforma de Avión de Vigilancia y Patrulla Marítima de medio alcance para la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos. El contrato Deepwater fue otorgado en el año 2002 a ICGS (Integrated Coast Guard System – Sistema Integrado de la Guardia Costera) una joint venture entre Lockheed Martin y Northrop Grumman, de la que EADS CASA es proveedor del avión.

Una vez que el sistema de misión sobre palet se integre en el avión por Lockheed Martin, se utilizará para misiones de búsqueda y rescate, para obligar el cumplimiento de leyes, para intercepción del tráfico de drogas, y en misiones de patrulla internacionales – así como para el transporte de personas y material.
Enviado por: Lancero em Maio 03, 2007, 03:47:50 pm
Australia signs Super Hornet fighter deal
By Peter La Franchi

Australia has signed US foreign military sales contracts worth approximately AUD$2.9 billion ($2.4 billion) for its acquisition of 24 Boeing F/A-18F Block II Super Hornet fighters.

The deal, first announced in March, will see the new fighter enter operational service with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) from 2010 as a replacement for its ageing General Dynamics F-111 strike fighters.

The Australian Department of Defense (DoD) says the aircraft contract will be followed by additional FMS awards later this year for weapons acquisition and type sustainment. The US Navy is coordinating the deals.

Australia is acquiring the Raytheon AIM-9X within visual range air to air missile as part of the Super Hornet programme, and is also considering new stand-off weapons as part of the same package.

Total project costs are expected to reach $AUD6 billion ($4.9 billion) over the next ten years. The Australian DoD says that figure includes acquisition, support and personnel costs.

Planning for Australian industry support arrangements is continuing. The DoD says it is now “engaged with the USN to ensure that the maximum potential of Australian Industry Involvement is achieved.”

The first RAAF aircrews are to commence Super Hornet training in the US in 2009.

“The Block II Super Hornet has considerable similarity in support, training and tactics to our current fleet of F/A-18 and therefore allows a relatively rapid and low risk transition for our current air combat force,” says the Australian DoD.

Fonte (http://http)
Enviado por: Lancero em Maio 03, 2007, 05:46:41 pm
USAF says next bomber will be subsonic and manned
By Graham Warwick

The next US bomber will be subsonic and manned, the US Air Force has decided, ruling out supersonic and unmanned possibilities and the option of an FB-22 derivative of its F-22A Raptor stealth fighter.

Speaking at the Air Force Association’s Eaker Institute this week, Brig Gen Mark Matthews, director of plans and programmes at USAF Air Combat Command, said an analysis of alternatives for long-range strike has shown that a “new concept aircraft” best meets the requirements for a next-generation bomber in the 2018 timeframe.

Matthews said the technology available to meet the requirement to penetrate hostile air defences and persist over the target area points to a manned, subsonic aircraft.

The recently completed analysis of alternatives looked at the matrix of long-range strike options: subsonic and supersonic, manned and unmanned.

The next-generation bomber is expected to have a weapons payload of 14,000-28,000lb (6,500-13,000kg) and an unrefuelled radius of more than 2,000nm (3,700nm).

This places it between the USAF’s Boeing F-15E strike aircraft and Northrop Grumman B-2 stealth bomber, which has a 40,000lb payload and an unrefuelled range exceeding 6,000nm.

Matthews said the decision to go subsonic was determined by the technology available to meet the payload/range requirements by 2018, the USAF’s target for initial operational capability of the next-generation bomber.

The aircraft will feature advanced low-observability, he said, to enable it to penetrate hostile air defences and survive and persist over enemy territory to “find and fix” moving and hidden targets.

The bomber will be manned because the USAF needs the flexibility and adaptability of a crew in the aircraft to make decisions and react to the dynamic battle environment, Matthews said.

The USAF plans to explore advances in propulsion as well as advanced sensors and weapons and network-centric technologies, he said.

With the B-2 expected to remain in service until 2050, Northrop is proposing upgrades to keep the aircraft viable as a penetrating bomber beyond 2020.

Fonte (http://http)
Enviado por: Lancero em Maio 08, 2007, 01:06:20 pm
Açores: Coronel Jack Briggs vai comandar destacamento norte-americano nas Lajes    

   Lajes, ilha Terceira, 08 Mai (Lusa) - O coronel Jack Briggs, 48 anos,  vai passar a comandar o destacamento norte-americano da Base das Lajes,  na ilha Terceira, a partir de 20 de Junho, confirmou hoje à Lusa fonte militar.  

   Jack Briggs vai substituir naquelas funções o coronel Robert Winston,  que deverá ocupar uma posição no departamento das Operações Especiais no  Pentágono, em Washington.  

   Jack Briggs, que passará a ser o 37º comandante das forças do destacamento  norte-americano das Lajes, é actualmente vice-comandante da Base Aérea de  Ramstein, na Alemanha, no 38º Combat Support Wing.  

   O comando americano possui ao seu serviço cerca de mil militares dos  três ramos das Forças Armadas, 93 civis americanos que, em caso de necessidade,  e tendo em conta o Acordo de Defesa com Portugal, podem aumentar até aos  6.500 efectivos.  

   Residem, ainda, no perímetro externo da Base das Lajes cerca de 1.155  familiares ou dependentes dos militares americanos.  

   O comando norte-americano tem, também, ao seu serviço cerca de 900 trabalhadores  portugueses colocados em todas as áreas dos serviços civis, militares e  de abastecimento da base portuguesa.  

Enviado por: ricardonunes em Maio 10, 2007, 10:31:10 am
Força Aérea defende soberania dos Bálticos

Missão no quadro da NATO decorre no final do ano
Quatro caças F-16 portugueses vão garantir a defesa aérea dos três países bálticos - Estónia, Letónia e Lituânia - entre Novembro e Dezembro deste ano, disseram ao DN fontes militares.

Portugal assume aquela missão no quadro da NATO e por um período de seis semanas a partir de 1 de Novembro, substituindo a Roménia. A base de operações situa-se na Lituânia, mas a responsabilidade da Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) estende-se aos três Estados bálticos, referiu fonte oficial do ramo.

Entre a quase centena de militares (pilotos, controladores, mecânicos) a colocar pela FAP no terreno, numa fase já adiantada do Inverno árctico, vão estar meteorologistas - uma estreia nos destacamentos operacionais do ramo no estrangeiro, adiantou ao DN um desses especialistas. Essa oportunidade, embora limitada aos previsores do tempo, vai permitir a aquisição de uma estação meteorológica móvel. Registe-se que a Lituânia, que não tem aviação de combate, garante o apoio em certas áreas - como a da defesa NBQR (nuclear, biológica, química e radiológica).

Quanto aos rigores do clima lituano, que obriga os militares a usar dois uniformes (em certas circunstâncias, mesmo três), um porta-voz do ramo desvalorizou o problema. "A FAP, sendo uma força aérea expedicionária, tem vindo a preparar-se [para os diversos cenários de actuação] e, há poucas semanas, até participou num exercício com F-16 na Noruega, a fim de as aeronaves e tripulações serem sujeitas aos rigores do Árctico e poder confirmar-se que conseguem operar naquelas condições", disse o major Paulo Gonçalves.

"Estamos perfeitamente convictos que vai ser um obstáculo a ultrapassar", até porque o verdadeiro problema está nos aviões (óleos e combustíveis próprios, capas de aquecimento) e não nos militares - daí que a FAP espere ter o destacamento dos caças de intercepção pronto a partir "no princípio de Julho" e não planeie realizar qualquer treino ou preparação específica até ao momento da partida, acrescentou.

A missão da FAP vai realizar-se num contexto de agravamento das relações político-militares da Rússia com a NATO - alargamento para Leste, projecto de defesa antimíssil dos EUA na Europa - e com os próprios Bálticos, onde o recente derrube da estátua (na Estónia) de um herói russo gerou fortes protestos.

DN (http://http)
Enviado por: old em Maio 10, 2007, 12:24:52 pm
Hace poco, cuando Espanha envio los Mirages F1 al baltico recibio una pequeña recomendacion de Rusia, de tener cuidado ya que las fronteras son muy sinuososas.

Suerte a la mision de la FAP :wink:
Enviado por: MERLIN em Maio 10, 2007, 01:03:42 pm
Os aparelhos envolvidos serão os F16 AM ou A?
Enviado por: typhonman em Maio 10, 2007, 03:00:51 pm
Enviado por: MERLIN em Maio 10, 2007, 03:40:15 pm
Obrigado Typhonman :G-Ok:
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 17, 2007, 04:23:33 pm
FInland's F/A-18s to be Equipped with Aim-9X All-Aspect Sidewinders
Finland is planning to equip its F/A-18 aircraft with Raytheon's AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles. The 100 missiles acquisition will cost about $56 million.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 17, 2007, 04:55:58 pm
Elbit Unveils Full Size Hermes 900 Model
Via Cellular from the Paris Airshow: Just finished assemblying the Hermes 900 UAV, Elbit System's Yoeli is proud to show the newborn...
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 18, 2007, 01:34:17 pm
USAF Displays an Armed Predator at the Paris Airshow
The US Air Force is displaying this week its first armed UAV, the MQ-1 armed Predator. The aircraft is on display configured with two Hellfire AGM-114P Hellfire missiles and MTS EO payload.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 18, 2007, 01:36:57 pm
Bell / Agusta Display BA609 in Flight at the Paris AIrshow


Bell Agusta's BA609 is participating in the flight display at the Paris Airshow for the first time. Last year, at Farnborough International, Bell Boing demonstrated the V-22 Tilt-Rotor aircraft and this year the commercial equivalent is flying accross the channel. The aircraft first flew in March of 2003 in Textas, USA. The aircraft is designed for low life cycle maintenance and maximum operational flexibility. The civil tiltrotor will offer operators point-to-point transportation to city centers, at cruise speeds up to 275 knots and at ranges up to 750 nautical miles. The aircraft will be pressurized and certified for instrument flight into known icing conditions and features composite materials construction, an advanced glass cockpit, and digital flight controls.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 18, 2007, 01:39:36 pm
Where are the pilots?!
Unmanned aircraft are becoming popular displays at airshows, admittedly, only few of them actually fly here. In fact, much of the innovation is directed into unmanned platforms, offering shorter development cycles and faster time to market. UAVs are proposed primarily for military applications, but civilian uses are also on the horizon.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 18, 2007, 03:01:23 pm
F-16 entra em serviço na Polônia
Algo impensável há relativamente poucos anos acabou de acontecer: um jato de combate americano de primeira linha entrou em serviço na força aérea de um país do Leste europeu.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 29, 2007, 02:30:27 pm
Japão interessado nos F22
Japão está empenhado em conseguir que os Estados Unidos aceitem vender-lhe aviões F-22 Raptor, aparelhos que a fabricante Lockheed Martin já veio dizer que, em conjunto com os F-35, vão dominar os próximos 20 a 30 anos. A intenção do país é dotar-se da melhor tecnologia de combate aéreo disponível para fazer face à ameaça norte-coreana. No entanto, Washington tem-se mostrado relutante em comercializar os aparelhos (as vendas devem ser aprovadas pelo Congresso), o que poderá abrir portas para a europeia EADS que já acena com o Eurocopter F200 Typhon.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 29, 2007, 02:41:57 pm
Navy JSF Takes a Step Forward

Marketwatch reports that the F-35C variant of the Joint Strike Fighter has passed its Air System Critical Design Review (CDR), which according to the report is "a significant development milestone that verifies the design maturity of the aircraft and its associated systems." Completion of the CDR allows the F-35C to move into the Low Rate Initial Production phase of the acquisition cycle.

As most DT readers certainly know, the F-35C will be the Navy's first stealth aircraft. (Remember the A-12?) The JSF is designed to replace the legacy Hornet and serve alongside the Super Hornet.

The Marketwatch report breaks down the variants like this: "While it shares its fundamental design with the F-35A (conventional takeoff and landing) and F-35B (short takeoff/vertical landing), the F-35C is specialized for the catapult launches and arrested recoveries of large aircraft carriers. It features 30 percent more wing area than the other two variants, larger tails and control surfaces, and wingtip ailerons -- all contributing to the precise slow-speed handling characteristics required for carrier approaches. The F-35C's internal structure is strengthened to withstand the punishment of repeated catapult launches and arrested recoveries on the carrier deck."

Although the Navy variant is heavier than the Air Force variant, it'll be flown by Navy pilots and therefore be able to kick the F-35A's booty in any 1-v-1 scenarios.
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 10, 2007, 05:42:43 pm
Artigo do CEMFA publicado na revista "NATO'S Nations"


The right effect at the right place

A package of up to twelve F-16 aircraft capable of using precision guidance munitions will provide the PoAF's deployable national and multinational air capability by 2011.

The Portuguese Armed Forces are undergoing a profound adaptation to the requirements stemming from a deeply changed and unpredictable defence and security scenario. The Portuguese Air Force (POAF) structure is organized around the capabilities required to ensure the mission bound by Law. This requires capabilities to guarantee national air defence integrated with NATO, contribution to allied forces and global defence and cooperation in public oriented missions.

Considering the air/maritime characteristics of the strategic area of national interest, the Air Force dedicates great effort to SAR, TASMO, ASuW and ASW roles.

Air Transport is paramount to the reinforcement and logistic support of Madeira and Azores Islands, as well as to provide support to deployment/deployed national forces.

Government Policy related to the African Portuguese Speaking Countries, to East Timor and non-"article 5 Crisis Response Operations" are drivers for some of the tasks currently carried out by POAF. The Air Force is also expected to be called upon to help in the evacuation of national citizens out of conflict regions, and to provide help in situations like man-made disasters and natural catastrophes.

The POAF has been reorganizing organically and adapting its weapons systems in order to respond to the emerging threats and new national and NATO concept of operations. It is worth highlighting that the ongoing transformation process in order to build capabilities oriented to respond to an effects based approach have somewhat disrupted the capacity to commit more airpower to NATO forces. This is due to the fact that the different combat and combat support assets (F-16, P-3, EH-101, C-130, C-295) are being modernized or inserted in the inventory in order to respond to the most demanding requirements.

We are strongly convinced that the remarkable capabilities and characteristics of air power such as, speed, mobility, reach and flexibility are absolutely essential for the success of modern warfare operations. We also believe that, along with the traditional use of air assets in the counter-air, surveillance, search and rescue and air transport roles, the POAF's capabilities must encompass the ability to fully respond to the other surface components' needs. Our vision of the POAF in a near future, is one of a sensible organization, capable of performing all the array of missions in our national airspace, and in fact, wherever necessary. The concept of modular capabilities design will allow a seamless integration not only with other national forces, but also with international forces under NATO, EU or UN responsibility. To accomplish that, a suitable Command and Control system with "plug and play" capabilities with other forces' C2 systems is therefore necessary.

As conclusion, we anticipate the POAF possessing a high degree of expeditionary ability, with the corresponding aptitudes to interoperate with other forces in joint and combined operations. Deployable and modular capabilities as well as simple and efficient command and control processes and structures, will provide the POAF with the basic foundations for the political decision-maker to rely on a ready and effective force. It is expected that within a few years, after the ongoing transformation process has finished, the Portuguese Air Force may contribute in a more consistently mode and at higher standards to NATO, EU and UN operations.

The Portuguese Air Force is modernising its P-3 fleet by 2012 in order to improve the Maritime Patrol Operations capability (Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), Search and Rescue (SAR) and Surface Surveillance).

Air Power Evolution

The 21st century has shown already that political and military leaders are challenged with new scenarios that modify the strategy of war. This entails that strategies will have to ensure great precision, mainly because:

High casualties will not be politically tolerable;
Collateral damage must be minimized;
Manipulation of information will be critical;
Strategy will have to concentrate on an enemy's entire system of organization and activity and not simply on its armed forces.
That strategy should also target, an adversary's leadership, resources and infrastructure.
The goal is to make the cost (political, economic, and military) to the enemy higher than he is willing to pay.
Air power has and will continue to have the ability to respond on a global scale, at all levels of war, in real time, getting the right effect at the right place, in conventional and crisis response operations and in very likely asymmetrical scenarios.

Changing world proceedings, technology, national goals, and other events are factors that modify the way nations can use air forces. The air component of a military force faces undoubtedly numerous issues that will affect air power in the coming years. Let us review some of those issues:

Air forces will continue to debate whether their primary focus should concern the conduct of strategic and counter air operations, cooperation with ground and maritime forces, or a combination of both. It is unquestionable that the value of air power stands on its flexibility to conduct a variety of operations. An air component commander will need to organize and apply these flexible forces to satisfy many commanders' needs and requirements, mainly when a force faces unexpected threats in widely different environments.
The development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles / Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAV/UAS) of all types and sizes are proving their benefit everyday in operations around the world. From hurricane relief in New Orleans to combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are extremely flexible. They can be designed and built for small reconnaissance ground-teams, for strategic level commanders as well as for any intermediate level. Besides being flexible, they are also cost effective. Compared to other assets, UAS can complete their missions at relatively lower costs. The tremendous advances in technology and the exploding numbers of UAS offer even greater opportunities for aerospace power. But, unless these systems are properly integrated into a comprehensive command and control system, UAS will not meet their full potential. In the future, air leaders may decide to use a force predominantly made up of UASs in a particular situation or in some phases of an air campaign. UASs will change the face of combat due to the absence of a pilot and any potential casualties to aircrews and political leaders will be more willing to use this form of air power rather than ground forces.
The evolution of space systems has increased the potential for hypersonic travel, which may allow true aerospace vehicles to deliver munitions or supplies worldwide very quickly. Today, access to space holds political, economic, and military applications that significantly affect operations on the Earth's surface. The wide use of solutions concerning the deployment of military power from space will continue to revolutionize military affairs.
Political, military, social, and economic disparities and different interests in the world have heavily impacted the security environment with threats and conflicts involving many nations. Since the end of the Cold War, several nations have reduced their military forces, yet diverse and deadly threats still confront the world. That is a reason for air forces to require greater mobility and the capability of fighting a number of different conflicts while committing fewer forces. The emphasis on a more mobile, contingent force is quite different from the Cold War era, where stationary forces were ready to fight a set-piece war. The change to an expeditionary force will modify the composition and types of forces. Mobile forces require different types of resources that can be integrated jointly for such an expeditionary capability to be achievable. These smaller forces will have to be able to operate on their own or jointly, without as much support as the one previously provided.
Information warfare is becoming more and more of an issue for future conflicts, surely expanding the scope of conflict and operations that affect air forces. Air power relies not only on technology, but also on information. Problems associated with creating specialized organizations, training personnel, and equipping units to handle the expansion of potential information-related problems will continue to increase in the future. The idea is to respond with effectiveness in exploring this specific area.
The advancement of technology and innovation has also posed a challenge to military, and air doctrine. Information warfare, space systems, stealth aircraft, and other enhancements have transformed air forces in the recent past as well as doctrines, strategies and force structures. But we must bear in mind that technology advancement is not limited to air forces. Other military systems will also add new and better capabilities. Air leaders should be aware of the ways ground and sea forces have employed new technology. This awareness helps friendly forces plan and fight together by integrating their strengths and addressing the weaknesses of all forces. Similarly, understanding technology will also help future planners to think about a perceived enemy's capabilities and threats.
Political leadership is increasingly called upon to use military forces in many unique situations. Peacekeeping and humanitarian missions are becoming the norm - more so than in the past. Military leaders have focused on incorporating many different types of forces into a joint capability to support these missions. As already pointed out, doctrine, organizations, training, strategy, and operations are being transformed to encompass this new emphasis. Military commanders must be experts not only in the command of their specific forces but in the command of forces with a range of different components. The ability to work in a joint or multinational force structure has become a prerequisite for operating large theater-level forces.
These are just a few of the concerns and challenges that all airmen must face and debate. Thinking about these and other issues will help to build a strong foundation in knowing the capabilities of air forces. This knowledge will be of help in the development of new weapons, in a better deployment of forces, and improve working relationships between different military services and nations. Today's challenges to air power will certainly change and influence events with which tomorrow's leaders must contend.

Concerning the conflict in Afghanistan, it was an asymmetrical war fought by different actors with different goals and perceptions, against terrorism. The following are some of the issues we believe must be kept in mind:

Terrorists and states are expected to make an increasing use of civilians and civilian facilities as shields. Wrapping movements in the cloak of democratic, religious and ethnic values, exaggerating claims of civilian casualties and human suffering, as well as exploitation of human rights issues and international law are becoming an increasingly more sophisticated part of modern terrorism and asymmetric warfare.
The use of space-based technology and information operations will continue to grow.
In terms of air power, we witnessed an increased use of UAVs in combat operations - UCAVs. These aerial vehicles were used mainly for reconnaissance and surveillance purposes - URAVs. Using them in a wider range of situations will reduce the potential for casualties, lower the cost of the vehicle (no life-support systems for aircrews), increase the options for a commander to attack heavily defended targets with a centralized command center, and increase the number of vehicles available, because of their smaller size, as well as mobility and support requirements. This will surely increase the costs of the command and control systems. On the other hand, crews, maintenance personnel, and other equipment may not have to be deployed to a theater, releasing crucial mobility assets that can be used to transport other critical material or personnel to fight in another conflict.
Ground forces supported the air campaign. In order to have current target information and correct and precise deployment of weapons, forces from other services (such as special forces) were used in support of the air campaign. These joint teams avoided potential collateral damage and civilian casualties. This action combined with more capable munitions and equipment, improved the weapons' lethality and increased the likelihood of a successful attack on first attempt. This allowed air power to accomplish its mission on the first strike, without having to attack the target repeatedly.
Concerning the Iraqi War, there was no doubt about the coalition's superior strategic capabilities, operational flexibility and situational awareness that led to the quick success against a disorganized Iraqi with military and political problems:

Again, control of the air played a key role in the resolution of this military conflict. The air power demonstrated the capacity to adapt and react rapidly to fluid scenarios. The United States and the United Kingdom started with a war plan that reflected their experience in the area. When elements of that plan failed, or when new Iraqi tactics and capabilities emerged during the war, the coalition rapidly adapted and responded.
Since the Gulf War in 1991, the United States had improved every aspect of its intelligence, targeting and command and control capabilities. Since then, they observed all the military developments and Iraqi operations. So, they were well prepared for this war, with outstanding capabilities concerning intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR) and C4, providing them with situational awareness at every level.
The use of irregular forces and irregular warfare by the Iraqis in a few clashes granted them occasional minor successes, but the coalition quickly adjusted its tactics to bypass those situations.
Ultimately it was proven that joint war-fighting is beyond doubt the key factor to greater achievements on the battlefield. This conflict demonstrated that the integration of concepts, doctrine and equipment, while networking all systems at all military levels, is essential to impose the intended effect on the enemy.
Looking at these two conflicts, the Afghan conflict and the Iraqi War, we may conclude that U.S. air power, intelligence assets and targeting capabilities have become far more advanced than at the time of the Gulf War in 1991.

However, the advances in technology and tactics notwithstanding, allied forces are unlikely to succeed as they did in the Afghan and Iraqi conflicts unless they continue to maximize diplomacy and gather solid knowledge of local politics and global and regional political sensitivities in order to build flexible and adaptable coalitions.

The PoAF EH-101 helicopter fleet will be operational for SAR,CSAR (Personnel Recovery), Maritime Surveillance and Fishery Control missions by the end of the year, while IOC for Combat SAR is planned to be achieved by 2009.

If we look carefully to the latest developments in Afghanistan and the Iraq, we feel that they configure what theorists define as the fourth generation in warfare. This kind of warfare is fought in the enemy's mind, and as such deals mainly with messages and information. The graphical nature of those messages, the use of people traditionally considered of as non-combatants, or the exploitation of new media like the Internet, poses questions about the role of air power in fourth-generation warfare scenarios. This is an area of concern and that clearly must be further studied.

All in all, the dynamic nature of air operations will always force air leaders to evaluate their actions and other services in a more critical manner to enable them to solve increasingly complex problems. This means that we cannot rest on the present military advantages. We must seek continuous improvements to cope with future threats and changing environments, otherwise we will be left behind. We must continue peering hard into the future, to stay ahead of diligent competitors and give our air forces the highest probability of victory on the battlefields of the future.

Operational Doctrine and Procurement Plans

The new strategic environment is pushing the transformation of Defence and Security organizations. So, the Portuguese Air Force, in line with other NATO and EU Air Forces, is developing and implementing new doctrines and associated technologies, in order to achieve a high degree of readiness of home defence units and to participate with our allies in efforts to increase Peace and Stability in the Euro-Atlantic Region or in the areas where national interests are at stake.

The Procurement Law recently approved is focussed on enhanced command and control, mobility, force effectiveness, survivability, and deployment capabilities. In accordance with these priorities, the major ongoing programs are:

Improvement of Command and Control capabilities in Madeira and the Azores Islands, through the acquisition of radars, and communication and data transmission networks;
Improvement of Air Defence, Close Air Support and Tactical Air Support for Maritime Operations, by upgrading the F-16 fleet to the MNFP standard and acquiring air-to-air and air-to-ground/ship missiles;
Improvement of Armament stocks with the acquisition of precision guided weapons and targeting pods, which will allow combat aircraft to carry out their missions in all weather or visibility conditions and to reduce collateral damage;
Improvement of Search and Rescue capabilities in the very large Portuguese area of responsibility, and also improvement of CSAR in terms of personnel recovery capabilities, mainly due to introduction of the EH-101 helicopter fleet;
Improvement of the Maritime Patrol capability, extending the structural life of the P-3 airframe and upgrading the mission support system;
Improvement in Strategic and Tactical Airlift capabilities through the modernization of the C-130 and the replacement of the C-212 fleet by the C-295;
Improvement of the Training and Light Utility Helicopter capability through the replacement of the ALIII fleet;
Improvement of "deployment capability" by the acquisition of mobility equipment and related support systems.
Improvement of the Force Protection capability by the acquisition of equipments of detection, individual protection and decontamination that will allow deployed forces to survive in contaminated areas.
In the area of pilot training, Portugal is actively participating with other European countries in the program for the Advanced European Jet Pilot Training(AEJPT).

In addition, there is a vast program for the modernization of infrastructures, to improve operational conditions and to maintain a high standard of living, in order to preserve the critical asset - people - in an all - volunteer force.

In conclusion, these programs are essential for the Portuguese Air Force to face future challenges with the same determination we did in the past.

Procurement Plans

The POAF shall ensure the Homeland Air Defense through a dedicated system comprising:

A land-based C2 component, with air-surveillance radars for the full extent of national territory (Continental Mainland and Atlantic Islands);
A fighter interceptor capability provided by an alert aircraft system;
A ground-based anti-missile defense element;
Ascertain the availability of suitable capabilities and assets, to patrol and survey the areas of interest;
Guarantee the support to maritime and land operations in a single theatre;
Ensure a strategic and tactical airlift capability that suits national expeditionary requirements;
Sustain an organic power projection capability up to an air detachment consisting of a maximum of twelve combat aircraft.
Improvement in Strategic and Tactical Airlift capabilities through the modernisation of the C-130 and the replacement of the C-212 fleet by the C-295 is one of the major ongoing programmes of the Portuguese Air Force.

The POAF more relevant programs are:

The completion of the Homeland Air Defence Program by 2015;
The deployable National and Multinational Air capability. This will include a package of up-to twelve F16 aircraft capable of using precision guidance munitions, together with Command and Control, CIS, Radar Surveillance and Force Protection modules. This program is expected to be completed by 2011;
The SAR, CSAR (Personnel Recovery), Maritime Surveillance and Fishery Control capabilities consisting of EH101 helicopters are expected to be completed by the end of the year; The IOC for Combat SAR is planned to be achieved by 2009;
The modernization of the C-130H medium transport aircraft which will extend the available strategic/tactical airlift capability until 2015;
The modernization of the P-3 fleet until 2012 in order to improve the Maritime Patrol Operations capability (Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), Search and Rescue (SAR) and Surface Surveillance);
The replacement of C-212 fleet by C-295 aircraft in order to improve the In-Theather Tactical Airlift, SAR, Maritime Surveillance and Fishery Control capabilities by 2009;
Replacement of aging Allouette III helicopter fleet by a light helicopter fleet. (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Julho 10, 2007, 07:03:16 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Artigo do CEMFA publicado na revista "NATO'S Nations"


The right effect at the right place

A package of up to twelve F-16 aircraft capable of using precision guidance munitions will provide the PoAF's deployable national and multinational air capability by 2011.


The POAF more relevant programs are:

The completion of the Homeland Air Defence Program by 2015;
The deployable National and Multinational Air capability. This will include a package of up-to twelve F16 aircraft capable of using precision guidance munitions, together with Command and Control, CIS, Radar Surveillance and Force Protection modules. This program is expected to be completed by 2011;
The SAR, CSAR (Personnel Recovery), Maritime Surveillance and Fishery Control capabilities consisting of EH101 helicopters are expected to be completed by the end of the year; The IOC for Combat SAR is planned to be achieved by 2009;
The modernization of the C-130H medium transport aircraft which will extend the available strategic/tactical airlift capability until 2015;
The modernization of the P-3 fleet until 2012 in order to improve the Maritime Patrol Operations capability (Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), Search and Rescue (SAR) and Surface Surveillance);
The replacement of C-212 fleet by C-295 aircraft in order to improve the In-Theather Tactical Airlift, SAR, Maritime Surveillance and Fishery Control capabilities by 2009;
Replacement of aging Allouette III helicopter fleet by a light helicopter fleet. (

Sou eu que estou a interpretar mal ou só teremos 12 F-16 MLU e apenas em 2011? Também com o ritmo de modernização a ser de 1,5/2 aeronaves por ano até bate certo...Também sei que temos obrigação de ter 12 F-16 disponíveis para integrar a NATO, mas como referem "deployable National Air capability"
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 10, 2007, 08:27:09 pm
Pelos vistos... :shock:
Enviado por: Johnnie em Julho 10, 2007, 09:20:22 pm
Não me parece que seja esse o sentido do artigo mas deste pessoal já se espera tudo  :shock:
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 11, 2007, 12:37:29 am
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
Sou eu que estou a interpretar mal ou só teremos 12 F-16 MLU e apenas em 2011? Também com o ritmo de modernização a ser de 1,5/2 aeronaves por ano até bate certo...Também sei que temos obrigação de ter 12 F-16 disponíveis para integrar a NATO, mas como referem "deployable National Air capability"

Eu acho que está a interpretar mal, na minha opinião apenas se refere à termos a capacidade de formar um destacamento expedicionário até um máximo de 12 F-16, penso que é lógico que se esse valor fosse o total de caças na FAP seria impossivel te-los todos nessa força expedicionária, primeiro porque deixaria de existir aviões em alerta e depois porque raramente, ou mesmo nunca, estão todas as aeronaves operacionais devido a avarias e a inspecções periodicas.

Esta parte do texto penso que reforça a minha opinião.
"Sustain an organic power projection capability up to an air detachment consisting of a maximum of twelve combat aircraft."

Mas eu percebo que o texto seja extenso e um bocado maçador :lol: .

Uma parte do texto que por acaso me chamou à atenção foi a seguinte...

A ground-based anti-missile defense element.
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 11, 2007, 12:42:49 am
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :wink:
Enviado por: typhonman em Julho 11, 2007, 05:13:38 pm
Faltava um reabastecedor para os apoiar.

Na peça fala-se em misseis anti navio, Penguin? HarpoonII? ou mesmo SLAM-ER?
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 11, 2007, 06:16:36 pm
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Faltava um reabastecedor para os apoiar.

Quando há movimentações de caças é 1 reabastecedor por 4 caças, por isso no destacamento deviam estar 3 reabastecedores, e para que não houvessem problemas quando estes tivessem em manutenção, o melhor era mesmo serem uns 5  :wink: .
Enviado por: SSK em Agosto 01, 2007, 08:23:53 pm
Japão quer desenhar avião de combate de última geração

O ministério da Defesa japonês quebra um tabú com décadas ao quer desenhar um protótipo, de última geração, de um avião de combate. Este será o primeiro caça a ser desenhado oficialmente pelo Japão desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Enviado por: Lightning em Agosto 03, 2007, 04:19:20 pm
No site da FAP tem um novo filme promocional dos Asas de Portugal. (
Enviado por: André em Agosto 06, 2007, 12:53:07 am
Testado com êxito novo avião copiado do F-5

O Irão anunciou hoje ter testado com êxito um novo avião de combate fabricado localmente a partir de planos do F-5 norte-americano, como retaliação à venda milionária norte-americana de armamento aos países amigos do Médio Oriente.

«Azrakhsh» (Clarão) é o nome do caça-bombardeiro que fez o voo inaugural no decurso de uma cerimónia em Isfahan (centro) presidida pelo ministro da Defesa, general Mustafá Muhammad Najar, acompanhado por responsáveis militares, precisou a agência IRNA.

«Numa altura em que os Estados Unidos vendem armas aos aliados regionais, o Irão faz grandes progressos no sentido de ser auto-suficiente», declarou o ministro.

O fabrico deste aparelho decalcado do F-5 foi revelado em Setembro de 2006 por fontes militares iranianas. Anteriormente, o Irão desenvolveu o avião de combate «Saegheh» (Trovão) a partir do F-18 norte-americano.

As esquadrilhas iranianas contam com numerosos aparelhos norte-americanos herdados do regime do Shah Reza Palhevi, que caiu em 1979.

A ânsia iraniana pela auto-suficiência militar é justificada pelo embargo norte-americano e pelas sanções internacionais de que o país é alvo.

Washington deu a conhecer a semana passada um «pacote» de ajuda, nomeadamente militar, de 13.000 milhões de dólares (9.400 milhões de euros) ao Egipto, 22.000 milhões (15.900 milhões de euros) à Arábia Saudita e 30.000 milhões (21.700 milhões de euros) a Israel, como medida cautelar contra o regime dos ayatollahs.

São ainda beneficiados com esta medida cautelar extensiva à Síria, ao Hezbollah libanês e à Al-Qaeda os parceiros do Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo (CCG) Kuwait, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Qatar, Bahrein e Omã.

Diário Digital / Lusa

 :shock:  :lol:  :lol:
Enviado por: Lightning em Agosto 16, 2007, 04:14:21 pm
Rendição da equipa TACP no Afeganistão


A bordo de uma aeronave C-130, partiu para Cabul, em 13AGO07, uma equipa TACP (controlo aéreo táctico) que irá render o contingente actual de sete militares da Força Aérea integrado na Força Nacional Destacada (FND) da QRF/ISAF.

Na mesma aeronave seguiu também um grupo avançado de 50 militares da Brigada de Reacção Rápida do Exército.

O contingente actual da FND irá permanecer em território afegão durante os próximos seis meses. (
Enviado por: Cabecinhas em Agosto 16, 2007, 07:16:36 pm
Código: [Seleccione]
São ainda beneficiados com esta medida cautelar extensiva à Síria, ao Hezbollah libanês e à Al-Qaeda os parceiros do Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo (CCG) Kuwait, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Qatar, Bahrein e Omã.

Mas não é o Hezbollah "ajudado" pelo Irão ???
Título: India Test-flies Combat Helicopter
Enviado por: antoninho em Agosto 16, 2007, 10:27:29 pm
India Test-flies Combat Helicopter
By Agence France-Presse, Bangalore, India

India carried out the first flight Aug. 16 of a weaponized combat helicopter it is developing to equip its own armed forces as well as potential overseas customers, including Turkey.
State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) said the Dhruv (Pole Star) light helicopter was a “birthday gift” to the nation that celebrated 60 years of independence from Britain on Aug. 15.
India is trying to build military muscle in step with its increasing economic clout as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies after China.
The country, which has in the past developed the Chetak, Cheetah and Lancer light helicopters, has fought three wars with neighboring Pakistan.
The multirole Dhruv, equipped with “fire-and-forget” air-to-air missile capability and advanced avionics, was test-flown at a HAL air field in Bangalore.
The all-terrain, all-weather helicopter comes with systems that provide visual imagery of terrain and targets in complete darkness, HAL officials said.
A pilot would merely need to look at the target and the helicopter’s 20 mm swivel turret gun would automatically point to where it needs to fire its 70 mm rockets. It will be equipped with anti-tank guided missiles later.
“It has got everything to make it a very lethal machine for our military,” HAL Chairman Ashok Baweja told reporters.
The Dhruv has been under development for 23 years since it was first announced in 1984 amid changing demands of the Indian military and funding problems.
U.S. sanctions after Indian nuclear tests in 1998 embargoed the engine originally intended to power the helicopter.
About 75 units of the unarmed version have been delivered to the Indian armed forces, Israel and Nepal since 2002.
India’s armed forces as well as the coast guard will likely generate demand for 250 of the choppers, while civilian users may buy 50 nonweaponized versions, making for a combined market worth 105 billion rupees ($2.55 billion), Baweja said.
HAL is also in competition with aerospace giants such as Eurocopter to win orders from Turkey, Chile, Peru and Bolivia which are studying its bids, Baweja said.
At 350 million rupees ($8.5 million) apiece, the Dhruv costs a million dollars less than rivals, he said.
The Dhruv is powered by a “Shakti” engine that HAL developed jointly with Turbomeca, of France’s Safran group, to help tackle terrain such as Siachin, reputed to be the world’s highest battlefield.
India and Pakistan engaged in a mini-war there that left hundreds dead and wounded in 1999.
Further trials are needed before the weaponized version is delivered to the military, Baweja said.
HAL, which manufactures combat aircraft including Russian MiGs and Sukhois and British-designed Jaguars under license, last year logged 80 billion rupees ($1.94 billion) in sales, a 40 percent increase from the previous year.

e ainda...

 Indian Firm, Lockheed to Open C4ISR Lab Near New Delhi

U.S.-based defense giant Lockheed Martin and Indian information technology major Wipro Technologies inked a deal Aug. 13 to open a network-centric operations center, the Ambar Jyoti laboratory, at Gurgaon near here.
Ambar Jyoti will provide facilities for development and experimentation to identify future capabilities and requirements for civil and military network-centric applications.
The laboratory, to be operational by year’s end, is the first of its kind in India, where the network-centric market over the next five years is expected to be worth $5 billion, a Wipro executive said.
Lockheed Martin and Bangalore-based Wipro will fund the laboratory, which initially will have a staff of 50, on a 50-50 basis.
The services offered by the center will combine C4ISR capabilities — command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.
“It will be modeled on the Center for Innovation in Suffolk, Va., and the experimentation facility called Swift at the Farnborough Aerospace Centre in Britain,” both Lockheed facilities, a senior Wipro executive said.

Não parece haver duvidas o grande desconhecido para a Índia parece ser a
China que com os acordos feitos com p Paquistão e compras na Rússia começa a empurrar os indianos para os EU....
Enviado por: SSK em Agosto 19, 2007, 10:01:01 pm
AIR POWER Middle East Conference to take place in Dubai Sept 2-3, 2007

On 2nd September, delegates from key nations will gather in Dubai to attend the Air Power UV Middle East International Conference , which will focus on military fixed-wing aircrafts and unmanned systems in the middle east.
Defense Update is sponsoring this important event, together with leading aerospace and defense companies including Northrop Grumman, The Boeing Company, ELT Electronica, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, FR Aviation and the Cobham Flight Operations & Services and defense publications including the Arab Defence Journal and TA Armenment, sponsoring the event.
Air Power UV Middle East will welcome over 180 attendees from UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, UK, USA, France, Germany, Turkey, Pakistan, Jordan and Belgium. The event is endorsed and supported by the UAE Air Force. Military delegations from Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar will attend the event.

The conference will be held at the Armed Forces Officers Club & Hotel, in Abu Dhabi.

Enviado por: SSK em Agosto 22, 2007, 11:36:15 pm
Portugal Air Show vai "levantar voo" em Évora para três dias de festival aéreo  
Cerca de uma centena de empresas ligadas ao sector aeronáutico vão participar na edição deste ano do Portugal Air Show, bienal que vai animar os céus de Évora de 14 a 16 de Setembro, de acordo com o que  anunciou recentemente a organização. Promovida pela Câmara Municipal de Évora e organizada pela empresa "Aeropress", a sexta edição da bienal aeronáutica promete três dias de emoção e adrenalina, proporcionadas pela acrobacia e exibição de aeronaves. Apelidado pelos promotores como "o maior evento da especialidade realizado em Portugal", o Portugal Air Show vai decorrer no Aeródromo de Évora, que tem sido alvo, nor últimos anos, de obras de beneficiação e ampliação. Importa destacar que para a zona do aeródromo de Évora, que já acolhe uma academia aeronáutica e actividades desportivas ligadas à aviação e pára-quedismo, estão também previstos vários projectos de investimento, como o da Sky Aircraft Industries para a construção de aviões "Skylander". Além da Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP), que participa na exposição estática e em exibições aéreas, o Portugal Air Show conta também com a Marinha, que estará representada através da sua esquadrilha de helicópteros e do Corpo de Fuzileiros. Também o "Ejército del Aire" (Força Aérea de Espanha), irá evoluir nos céus de Évora com a patrulha acrobática ASPA, com helicópteros HE-25 da Eurocopter. Entre as aeronaves presentes, a organização destaca o histórico Lockeed L2 Electra, construído na década de 30. De salientar que outro avião que vai ser apresentado, pela primeira vez em Portugal, será um Air Tractor Fire Boss, um hidroavião rápido de combate a incêndios florestais. Além da realização da Copa Ibérica de Acrobacia, com cerca de 30 pilotos de várias nacionalidades, o Portugal Air Show vai oferecer ainda exposições túnel de vento, pára-quedismo e baptismos de voo.  

in  Dica da Semana
23 de Agosto de 2007
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Outubro 10, 2007, 10:55:12 am
Chinese Spies Build a Gunship

October 8, 2007: China is developing a helicopter gunship; the Z10, and recently released photos. Eight prototypes have been built so far. Despite the Western arms embargo on China since 1989 (because of the Tiananmen Square massacre), the Z10 is powered by a Canadian engine (two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6C-67Cs). The Canadian firm says it sold the engines to China with the understanding that they were for a new civilian transport helicopter.
Development of the Z-10 began during the early 1990s. China approached helicopter gunship manufacturers in South Africa and Italy for technical assistance. The South Africans turned them down in 2001, because all the Chinese apparently wanted was to buy a single Rooivalk gunship. The manufacturer, Denel, refused, realizing that the Chinese, as they have so often done in the past, simply wanted to reverse engineer elements of the Rooivalk, without paying for any technology used. Italian manufacturer Agusta/Westland was apparently more cooperative, and provided consulting services, and perhaps more. This was done in secret.

Pratt & Whitney Canada will not sell any more engines to China, which means that the Z-10 cannot enter mass production until China develops a suitable replacement for the PT6C-67C engine. That might take a few years, at least. Until recently, China refused to release any information about the Z-10, but for the last few years, there have been increasing rumors of Western firms secretly assisting in the gunship's development. The Z-10 appears to be similar to the Agusta/Westland A129, or the upgraded versions of the U.S. AH-1 (especially the AH-1 SuperCobra). The 4.6 ton A-129 was the first helicopter gunship designed and built in Western Europe, and was introduced in the 1980s. The Z10 appears to have a FLIR (night vision device), radar and is armed with a 23mm autocannon and hard points for up to eight missiles or a larger number of unguided rockets.  The Z10 is a Western style gunship. The only gunships the Chinese had previously were Russian designs. But even the Russians have since adopted the Western style, as pioneered with the AH-1. China has been developing its own helicopter for several decades. First they used helicopters and technical assistance from Russia, but for the last two decades, most of the tech has come from Europe. China will buy (license) technology when it can, but because China is a police state, and often acts like one, most Western military technology is unavailable for license.  So China steals it, or buys it in secret.

Strategy page (http://http)

Enviado por: comanche em Outubro 16, 2007, 01:45:42 pm
Força Aérea faz policiamento aéreo nos Bálticos

Quatro caças F-16 da Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) vão fazer, de Novembro a 15 de Dezembro, o policiamento aéreo dos três Estados bálticos e ficarão instalados numa antiga base do inimigo soviético, no norte da Lituânia.

A missão, em que participam cerca de 140 militares portugueses de Novembro a meados de Dezembro, resulta de um pedido de ajuda dos três países bálticos (ex-repúblicas da URSS) para o policiamento do seu espaço aéreo, depois de aderirem à aliança, em Março de 2004.

Portugal será o 12.º país da aliança a fazer esta missão na região, fronteira com a Rússia, e poderá voltar a fazê-lo no futuro dado que os três países anunciaram não ter condições de constituir uma força aérea até 2018.

Segundo as regras de empenhamento, as duas tripulações dos F-16 portugueses passam a estar em alerta de reacção rápida (Quick Reaction Alert) 24 horas por dia, sete dias durante as seis semanas de missão, de 01 de Novembro a 15 de Dezembro.

A Força Aérea Portuguesa adianta que o objectivo da "Baltics Air Policing 07" é "assegurar a soberania dos espaços aéreos da Estónia, Letónia e Lituânia, através de missões de `policiamento aéreo`, de forma a obter e manter a integridade do espaço aéreo aliado".

Durante a missão de policiamento da Espanha, em 2006, por exemplo, os Mirage F1 fizeram, em média, duas missões por dia, num total de mais de 100.

Os quatro F-16 vão substituir na missão os MiG 21, de fabrico soviético, da força aérea da Roménia.

Os cerca de 140 militares portugueses estarão divididos entre a estação de vigilância radar de Karmevala e na base aérea de Zokniai, nos arredores da cidade lituana de Siauliai.

A base aérea de Zokniai, nos arredores da cidade lituana de Siauliai, a norte da capital, Vilnius, foi uma das principais das forças soviéticas na região dos bálticos durante a Guerra Fria, mas foi abandonada em 1993, após o fim da União Soviética.

Numa mensagem publicada no "site" do Estado-Maior da Força Aérea (EMFA) dedicado à missão, o Chefe do Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas, general Valença Pinto, classifica esta missão como um "desafio significativo" e um contributo "para a estabilidade e a segurança internacionais".

"Esta missão de policiamento e vigilância do espaço aéreo dos países bálticos, com meios aéreos da Força Aérea Portuguesa, constitui uma primeira projecção de força de aeronaves F-16 em território do Norte da Europa e um desafio significativo para esta força nacional destacada, que permanecerá na Lituânia durante seis semanas", defende o general Valença Pinto.

Pela primeira vez, um ramo da Forças Armadas, a Força Aérea, criou um "site" dedicado uma missão no estrangeiro ( ( em que, além de informação sobre as forças no terreno e objectivos do destacamento, é possível enviar "e-mails" para os militares deslocados.

Na quarta-feira, o Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, visita a Base de Monte Real para conhecer a missão de policiamento aéreo da Força Aérea na Estónia, Letónia e Lituânia, entre Novembro e meados de Dezembro.

O Presidente da República, por inerência Comandante Supremo das Forças Armadas, será acompanhado, na visita pelo secretário de Estado da Defesa, João Mira Gomes, pelo Chefe do Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas, general Valença Pinto, e do Chefe do Estado-Maior da Força Aérea, general Luís Araújo.

Enviado por: european em Outubro 30, 2007, 04:08:06 pm
UAE air force eliminates BAE Systems' Hawk from trainer contest
By Craig Hoyle

In a surprise development ahead of November's Dubai air show, BAE Systems has confirmed that its Hawk 128 advanced jet trainer has been eliminated from a contest to equip the United Arab Emirates air force.

Already in production for the UK Royal Air Force, the Hawk 128 had been shortlisted against Alenia Aermacchi's M-346 and the Korea Aerospace Industries/Lockheed Martin T-50 for the UAE requirement, which will lead to the acquisition of a new fleet of AJTs to replace its current Hawk-series aircraft.

"We have been informed that we are no longer in the competition," says BAE, which told its Military Air Solutions employees of the news on 29 October. The company sent its two Hawk 128 development aircraft to the UAE for a two-week evaluation during August.

 Now hope the other european trainer to win the competition in EUA.

:) :)
Enviado por: André em Outubro 30, 2007, 07:17:52 pm
Missão da FAP na Lituânia arranca com atraso devido a avaria em avião de abastecimento da NATO

Uma avaria no avião que devia abastecer em vôo os quatro F-16 que partiram hoje de Portugal para a Lituânia obrigou os caças portugueses a aterrar na Bélgica, atrasando os planos iniciais da missão, considerada de "risco baixo".

Os caças F-16 que vão assegurar a partir de dia 1 de Novembro até 15 de Dezembro o policiamento do espaço aéreo da Estónia, Letónia e Lituânia, no âmbito da NATO, aterraram num aeródromo da Bélgica para abastecer, um "plano B" previsto neste tipo de situações, segundo disse aos jornalistas o major Gonçalves, das relações públicas da Força Aérea Portuguesa.

Os caças, que saíram da base aérea de Monte Real, Leiria, cerca das 08:50, hora de Lisboa, chegaram à base aérea de Zokniai, nos arredores de Siauliai, com um atraso de várias horas, um incidente considerado sem gravidade.

"Não é, nem de perto nem de longe, um caso que se possa considerar grave. O avião de reabastecimento da NATO teve uma avaria e informou a situação. Não penalizou a missão", assegurou o major Gonçalves.

Os caças F-16, que deviam ter chegado antes dos dois C-130 que trouxeram os militares portugueses e equipamento logístico e mecânico, chegaram horas depois, cerca das 18:30 locais (16:30 de Lisboa).

A missão, em que participam 74 militares resulta de um pedido de ajuda dos três países bálticos (ex-repúblicas da URSS) para o policiamento do seu espaço aéreo, depois de aderirem à aliança, em Março de 2004.

A cerimónia de transferência de autoridade, actualmente entregue à Roménia, decorre quarta-feira.

Do total de 18 pilotos empenhados na missão, seis estarão em permanência na base, havendo depois rotações ao longo de seis semanas.

Dois dos caças, os F-16 AM, estarão pela primeira vez em missão operacional fora de Portugal, constituindo a missão de policiamento também um teste à capacidade de projecção da Força Aérea neste tipo de missões.

"Se houver um avião que viole o espaço aéreo da região, os F-16 vão lá, identificam e forçam a aterragem se forem essas as instruções", explicou o major Gonçalves, adiantando que, no mesmo tipo de operação em Portugal, se detectam "20 a 30 violações do espaço aéreo", sobretudo "casos de contrabando".

Questionado pela Lusa, o comandante operacional da Força Aérea, general Alfredo Cruz, afirmou que o risco da missão "é considerado a um nível bastante baixo".

Alfredo Cruz rejeitou um eventual acréscimo de tensão por o policiamento ser feito numa região fronteira com a Rússia, país que não integra a Aliança Atlântica.

O comandante operacional da Força Aérea admitiu no entanto que a missão seja "mais exigente" desse ponto de vista, mas frisou que não espera qualquer tipo de problema porque "está tudo regulamentado".

"Estamos em tempo de paz, não há nenhum problema que possamos considerar. Não haverá nenhum problema com a Rússia", afirmou, desvalorizando os recentes "voos estratégicos" russos na região uma vez que não violaram o espaço soberano dos países bálticos.

Com 37 anos de carreira na Força Aérea, o general Alfredo Cruz afirmou ter vivido "intensamente" o período da queda da União Soviética, afirmando ver "com bastante alegria" que hoje existe "cooperação" entre países que há quase duas décadas estavam do lado inimigo.

A base de Zokniai, onde ficará instalado o destacamento português durante a "Baltics Air Policing", no total de 74 efectivos, foi uma das principais bases das forças soviéticas na região dos bálticos durante a Guerra Fria, abandonada em 1993, após o fim da União Soviética.

De dimensões "descomunais" como referiu o major Gonçalves, a base mostra sinais de degradação acentuados, excluindo-se a parte onde está instalada a missão, totalmente recuperada pela NATO.

Enviado por: Lancero em Novembro 10, 2007, 07:43:34 pm
New Army chopper overheats


SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The Army is spending $2.6 billion on hundreds of European-designed helicopters for homeland security and disaster relief that turn out to have a crucial flaw: They aren't safe to fly on hot days, according to an internal report obtained by The Associated Press.
While the Army scrambles to fix the problem — adding millions to the taxpayer cost — at least one high-ranking lawmaker is calling for the whole deal to be scrapped.
During flight tests in Southern California in mild, 80-degree weather, cockpit temperatures in the UH-72A Lakota soared above 104, the point at which the Army says the communication, navigation and flight control systems can overheat and shut down.
No cockpit equipment failed during the nearly 23 hours of testing, according to the Pentagon report, prepared in July. But the report concluded that the aircraft "is not effective for use in hot environments."
The Army told the AP that to fix the cockpit overheating problem, it will take the highly unusual step of adding air conditioners to many of the 322 helicopters ordered.
The retrofitting will cost at least $10 million and will come out of the Army's budget, according to the Army.
California Rep. Duncan Hunter, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, told the AP that the lightweight helicopter will still have too many weaknesses.
"In my view, we would be well advised to terminate the planned buy of 322 Lakota helicopters and purchase instead additional Blackhawk helicopters," Hunter said in a letter this week to Army Secretary Pete Geren.
But Army spokesman Maj. Tom McCuin at the Pentagon said: "It's certainly a concern to people out there in the field now because it's hot in those cockpits, but it's being fixed."
The Army has received 12 of the Lakotas so far from the American Eurocopter Corp., a North American division of Germany's European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co., or EADS. Testing on the first six by an independent arm of the Pentagon revealed the problems. The rest of the choppers are scheduled for delivery to the active-duty Army and the National Guard over the next eight years.
The Lakota represents the Army's first major effort to adapt commercially available helicopters for military use. Air conditioning is standard in commercial versions of the aircraft, which have not had overheating problems. But the military usually avoids air conditioning in military aircraft to reduce weight and increase performance.
"We don't need air conditioning in the Blackhawks, so we didn't think it would be an issue" in the Lakota, McCuin said. "But when we got the helicopter into the desert, we realized it was a problem."
The Army plans to use the Lakota for such things as search-and-rescue missions in disaster areas, evacuation of injured people, reconnaissance, disaster relief and VIP tours for members of Congress and Army brass. All of its missions will be in the U.S. or other non-combat zones.
Blackhawks, Chinooks and other helicopters will still be available for more demanding duties, such as fighting wildfires or mass evacuations.
EADS spokesman Guy Hicks declined to comment directly on the criticism leveled against the aircraft. "We're proud of our partnership with the Army and the UH-72A, but we defer on anything to do with aircraft requirements and performance. It's the Army's program and they should address that," he said.
The commercial purchase was designed partly to cut costs and quickly get aircraft into the field to replace two aging Vietnam-era helicopters, the Kiowa and Huey. The Army said the Lakota will also free up more Blackhawks to send to Iraq for medical evacuation flights.
The Lakota has another problem: Testers said it fails to meet the Army's requirement that it be able to simultaneously evacuate two critically injured patients. The Lakota can hold two patients, but the cabin is too cramped for medics to actually work on more than one of them at a time, the testers said.
Also, the Lakota cannot lift a standard 2,200-pound firefighting water bucket, though it can handle a 1,400-pound one. The Army said it had no intention of using the Lakota to fight wildfires anyway. But Hunter said the military should be buying versatile aircraft useful in any domestic disaster.
The report by Charles McQueary, the Defense Department's director of operational testing, said that overall, the Lakota performs better than the Kiowa or Huey and pilots found it easy to fly.
But the report said inadequate ventilation, heat emitted by aircraft electronics and sunlight streaming through the large windows caused cockpit temperatures to reach 104.9 degrees during a simulated mission in California.
The report did not say how long the helicopter was in the air before it reached that temperature. The Lakota is supposed to be able to fly for 2.8 hours.
The aircraft's safe operating limit is 104 degrees, according to the Army. Beyond that, alarms may sound, signaling the pilot has 30 minutes before possible system shutdown, the report said. It said pilots should land as soon as possible or take other action to cool the cockpit.
Kim Henry, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama, said that the Army began outfitting the helicopters with vents after the report was issued and that they have been effective at lowering temperatures.
However, the Army decided it still needs to put air conditioning on about a third of the choppers, including those bound for hot climates like the Southwest, and all of those configured for medical evacuations, McCuin said.
"The Minnesota Air National Guard probably doesn't need air conditioners," he said. The cost of an air conditioning unit per aircraft is about $98,000, McCuin said. Redesigns to add vents, scoops and other devices to increase cockpit ventilation for the rest of the fleet could add millions more.
Despite the needed fixes, McCuin and other officers familiar with the Lakota lauded the aircraft, pointing to parts of McQueary's report that found the aircraft does meet hovering, range, endurance and speed requirements.
The Army officials also stressed that the problems are being discovered and dealt with now, when just a few of the helicopters have arrived.
Loren Thompson, a military analyst with the Lexington Institute, a defense think tank in Virginia, said the Army is facing a new kind of criticism over the Lakota. Whereas the Army has been ridiculed for decades for overspending on aircraft, it now faces questions of whether it was too cost-conscious.
"The Army may be learning that its performance requirements are so demanding that adapting commercial helicopters is almost as hard as starting from scratch on a new military design," Thompson said.

Fonte (http://http)
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Novembro 16, 2007, 10:13:21 am
Incidente com helicóptero com Força Aérea provoca cinco feridos

Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, 16 Nov (Lusa) - Um incidente quinta-feira à noite com um helicóptero da Força Áerea, no aeródromo da ilha de São Jorge, durante a evacuação de uma mulher grávida, provocou cinco feridos, anunciou hoje o Hospital de Angra do Heroísmo.

De acordo com o comunicado da unidade de Saúde, ficaram feridos dois bombeiros, uma enfermeira do Centro de Saúde das Velas, São Jorge, uma enfermeira e a médica obstreta, esta com alguma gravidade que obrigou ao seu internamento para observações.

Até ao momento, não foi possível obter qualquer informação do Comando da Base das Lajes da Força Aérea Portuguesa, onde o helicóptero "EH-101" tem a sua base.

De acordo com as informações disponibilizadas por fonte hospitalar pelas 21:30 locais (22:30 minutos de Lisboa) "durante a operação de acomodação dos passageiros o aparelho efectuou um movimento brusco de subida e descida repentina".

O comunicado da unidade hospitalar adianta que a mulher grávida se encontra estável, enquanto o acompanhante e a enfermeira da unidade de evacuações aéreas já tiveram alta.


Enviado por: ricardonunes em Novembro 16, 2007, 10:15:06 am
Carlos César inteirou-se da situação dos feridos de incidente com helicóptero

Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, 16 Nov (Lusa) - O presidente do Governo açoriano, Carlos César, esteve no Hospital de Angra do Heroísmo para se inteirar da situação dos feridos do incidente com o helicóptero da Força Aérea na ilha de São Jorge, na quinta-feira à noite.

A informação foi hoje avançada por uma fonte hospitalar, que adiantou que o presidente do Governo se encontrou, posteriormente, com o comandante da Base Aérea das Lajes, encontro sobre o qual não foram revelados pormenores.

Quinta-feira à noite, um helicóptero "EH101 Merlin" que transportava uma mulher grávida a partir do aeródromo da ilha de São Jorge, terá efectuado um movimento inesperado e brusco de subida e descida, que provocou cinco feridos.

A mesma fonte revelou que estão internadas uma enfermeira do Centro de Saúde das Velas, ilha de São Jorge, transportada mais tarde para a ilha Terceira, e uma médica obstetra, ambas com fracturas de vértebras, mas fora de perigo de vida.

Dois bombeiros, que também ficaram feridos, estão fora de perigo, ainda que um deles, que sofreu perdA de memória momentânea, tenha ficado em observação no Centro de Saúde das Velas.

A grávida continua estável e internada no serviço de obstetrícia e o seu acompanhante, que não sofreu qualquer ferimento, teve alta depois de observado no serviço de urgência, tal como uma enfermeira da unidade de evacuações aéreas do hospital de Angra do Heroísmo.


Enviado por: Lancero em Novembro 16, 2007, 11:38:50 am
Açores: Força Aérea abriu inquérito para apurar causas de incidente "inédito"

Lisboa, 16 Nov (Lusa) - A Força Aérea (FA) abriu já um inquérito para  apurar as causas do incidente com um helicóptero quinta-feira à noite no  aeródromo em São Jorge, Açores, que provocou cinco feridos, disse à Lusa  o porta-voz da instituição.  


   "Foi já aberto um inquérito", disse à Lusa o tenente-coronel António  Seabra, explicando que durante as operações de embarque de uma mulher grávida  quinta-feira cerca das 21:30, "numa manobra inesperada e súbita, o helicóptero  terá levantado cerca de um metro", provocando ferimentos em cinco pessoas.  


   O responsável afirmou tratar-se de um incidente "inédito" de que "não  há precedentes na FA", adiantando que o piloto do helicóptero "é muito experimentado"  e conseguiu resolver a situação com "o mínimo de prejuízos possível".  


   Segundo um comunicado do Hospital de Angra do Heroísmo, na ilha Terceira,  no incidente ficaram feridos dois bombeiros, uma enfermeira do Centro de  Saúde das Velas, São Jorge, uma enfermeira e a médica obstreta, esta com  alguma gravidade que obrigou ao seu internamento para observações.  


   O comunicado da unidade hospitalar adianta que a mulher grávida se encontra  estável, enquanto o acompanhante e a enfermeira da unidade de evacuações  aéreas já tiveram alta.  

Enviado por: Lancero em Dezembro 05, 2007, 04:48:46 pm
Caça norte-americano conseguiu destruir um míssil balístico

Washington, 05 Dez (Lusa) - Um caça-bombardeiro F-16 norte-americano  conseguiu segunda-feira pela primeira vez destruir um míssil balístico durante  a sua fase de lançamento, anunciou terça-feira um porta-voz da Agência de  Defesa Antimíssil dos Estados Unidos (MDA).  


   Este exercício bem sucedido entra no âmbito de um novo conceito de defesa  antimíssil, indicou o porta-voz.  


   O F-16 encontrava-se num raio de cerca de 160 quilómetros do seu alvo  e conseguiu abater o míssil dois ou três minutos após a sua descolagem,  graças a um míssil ar-ar muito rápido, que serviu para interceptar o alvo  na sua fase de ascensão.  


   O ensaio decorreu sobre uma base do Novo México.  


   O F-16 disparou dois mísseis modificados AIM-9X contra um foguete Orion.  


   O primeiro míssil destruiu o foguete e o segundo registou a intercepção,  indicou a MDA.  


   Segundo Rick Lehner, porta-voz da agência, este tipo de intercepção  poderá revelar-se muito útil numa situação de combate, servindo para contrariar  mísseis balísticos de curto e médio alcance.  

Enviado por: typhonman em Dezembro 05, 2007, 07:43:37 pm
Vontade da Força Aérea Americana
Treino dos F-35 e dos F-22 a partir da Base das Lajes

O comandante da Força Aérea norte-americana na Europa entende que a Base das Lajes reúne excelentes condições para o treino dos novos F-35 “Lightning II”. O general William Hobbins assumiu essa perspectiva num recente encontro com jornalistas.

O responsável militar adianta que o posicionamento da base no meio do Atlântico, estando rodeada por uma “vasta área de mar”, é um argumento favorável a essa possibilidade.

“Eu falei sobre esta possibilidade ao chefe do Estado Maior da Força Aérea Portuguesa e ele demonstrou muito interesse em explorá-la”, adiantou o general.

Contudo, Hobbins sublinha que a possibilidade é uma ideia, “que terá de seguir pelos canais adequados de aprovação entre Portugal e os Estados Unidos para que possa ser concretizada”.


O general assume que a presença norte-americana nas Lajes, as óptimas condições da pista e o espaço sem restrições ao redor da ilha são bons indicadores para a concretização desta ideia.

William Hobbins alega ainda que a extensão do espaço de mar em torno do arquipélago permitirá explorar as capacidades dos F-35 - “e também dos F-22 “Raptor”” - em voos supersónicos, “sem as restrições das actuais áreas de treino” da Força Aérea norte-americana”.

Além disso, o general que comanda a Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos localizada na Europa sublinha que o arquipélago açoriano se encontra a uma hora de voo da base de Langley, na Virginia (costa leste dos EUA), onde se situam a maior parte dos caças americanos.

William Hobbins explica que esse tempo de voo é menor do que o necessário para que os caças-bombardeiros americanos cheguem à base de Nellis, no Nevada, uma das principais áreas de treino actuais da Força Aérea norte-americana.

O posicionamento do arquipélago, segundo o general, permite ainda o treino conjunto destas aeronaves em operações anfíbias, terrestres, marítimas ou submarinas.


Segundo a mesma fonte, o general norte-americano admite ainda que a Base das Lajes reúne as condições para acomodar as facilidades necessárias ao teste de novos sistemas de armas, nomeadamente mísseis hipersónicos, armas de raios energéticos e novos tipos de plataformas aéreas.

No entanto, o responsável pelo Comando europeu assume que a base de Mikhail Kogalniceanu, na Roménia, reúne também boas condições para receber os treinos dos F-35 e dos F-22.

“Esta base é, sem dúvidas, um óptimo lugar para treinos”, admite o general Hobbins.

Enviado por: pedro em Dezembro 05, 2007, 08:06:51 pm
Se nos derem material do bom, entao serão bem-vindos. :lol:
Enviado por: Lancero em Dezembro 05, 2007, 08:30:15 pm
O homem vai para a reforma a 1 de Fevereiro...
Só se o sucessor (TENGEN Roger A. Brady) tiver a mesma 'simpatia'.
Enviado por: André em Dezembro 05, 2007, 08:31:06 pm
Citação de: "pedro"
Se nos derem material do bom, entao seram bem-vindos. :wink:
Enviado por: pedro em Dezembro 05, 2007, 10:17:36 pm
Mas caro Andre tem de admitir que eles ficavam mais bonitos com a cruz de cristo. :wink:
Enviado por: André em Dezembro 05, 2007, 10:20:31 pm
Citação de: "pedro"
Mas caro Andre tem de admitir que eles ficavam mais bonitos com a cruz de cristo. :wink:
Enviado por: pedro em Dezembro 05, 2007, 10:22:34 pm
Tambem entao que venham uns materias que nos possamos manter. :wink:
Enviado por: Lampuka em Dezembro 06, 2007, 01:27:37 am
Por mim, que sigam já para a Roménia.

É incompativel com a nossa agora actividade económica principal, o turismo. Neste momento já são muitas as restrições ao uso da pista pela parte civil, imagine-se depois...

De certeza que vai interferir com o dia a dia normal do pessoal cá da terra. Veja-se o que se tem passado em outras bases onde os meninos "top gun" andam a arranjar problemas. Como está é melhor: passam, abastecem... e seguem caminho.

Experiências com novas armas, que as façam no Nevada que até fica mais perto do país deles :wink:

Contrapartidas... oh meus amigos, vocês ainda continuam a acreditar no Pai Natal??? Então se nem as de agora são cumpridas. Se nunca obtivemos nada daquilo que, supostamente, teríamos direito, vai ser agora???
Enviado por: p_shadow em Dezembro 06, 2007, 03:09:25 am
Citação de: "Lancero"
Caça norte-americano conseguiu destruir um míssil balístico

O F-16 encontrava-se num raio de cerca de 160 quilómetros do seu alvo  e conseguiu abater o míssil dois ou três minutos após a sua descolagem,  graças a um míssil ar-ar muito rápido, que serviu para interceptar o alvo  na sua fase de ascensão.
O F-16 disparou dois mísseis modificados AIM-9X contra um foguete Orion...


A 160 kms do alvo.... passados 2 ou 3 minutos dispara os mísseis (AIM-9X)... e acerta!! :P

Enviado por: Luso em Dezembro 06, 2007, 11:22:32 am
Será outro míssil com a cabeça do AIM-9X? Também me parece muito estranho. 160Km é MUITA coisa.
Enviado por: Miguel em Dezembro 06, 2007, 11:53:01 am
Citação de: "Lampuka"
Por mim, que sigam já para a Roménia.

É incompativel com a nossa agora actividade económica principal, o turismo. Neste momento já são muitas as restrições ao uso da pista pela parte civil, imagine-se depois...

De certeza que vai interferir com o dia a dia normal do pessoal cá da terra. Veja-se o que se tem passado em outras bases onde os meninos "top gun" andam a arranjar problemas. Como está é melhor: passam, abastecem... e seguem caminho.

Experiências com novas armas, que as façam no Nevada que até fica mais perto do país deles :Palmas:
Enviado por: Luso em Dezembro 06, 2007, 12:32:19 pm
Aqui está o comunicado sobre o AIM-9X anti-míssil. ... ele=jdc_34 (

Successful Missile Defense Intercept Test Takes Place at White Sands Missile Range
(Source: US Missile Defense Agency; dated Dec. 3, web-posted Dec. 4, 2007)
 The Missile Defense Agency announced that a seeker characterization test for the Net-Centric Airborne Defense Element (NCADE) was successfully conducted today at approximately 11:07 a.m. EST at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM. Preliminary indications are that planned flight test objectives were achieved.  
This test involved the successful imaging at close range of a boosting Orion sounding rocket by an NCADE seeker equipped AIM-9X missile launched from an F-16 aircraft. Although not unexpected, the subsequent intercept destroyed the target.  
A second AIM-9X launched during the test observed through its seeker the intercept of the target by the first and was also on a trajectory to intercept the target. The target missile was launched from WSMR.  
The NCADE concept uses modified components of the existing AIM-9X and AIM-120 “AMRAAM” air-to-air missiles, combined with a new liquid propellant second stage to produce a missile capable of boost-phase intercepts.  
The proposed missile could be carried by manned fighters or unmanned aerial vehicles and could be used against all ranges of missiles in the boost phase in those cases where aircraft could penetrate to within about 100 miles of the launch site.  
The Ballistic Missile Defense System will be capable of providing a layered defense for the U.S. homeland, its deployed forces, friends and allies against ballistic missiles of all ranges in all phases of flight. (ends)  
 Raytheon Successfully Tests New Air-Launched Missile Defense System
(Source: Raytheon Co.; issued Dec. 4, 2007)
 TUCSON, Ariz. --- Raytheon Company has successfully flight tested a key component of the Network Centric Airborne Defense Element missile defense system with the intercept of a test ballistic missile. The Dec. 3 test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., demonstrated the NCADE infrared seeker's ability to acquire and track a ballistic missile target in the boost phase.  
NCADE is an air-launched weapon system designed to engage short- and medium-range ballistic missiles in the boost and ascent phase of flight.  
NCADE provides an interim or near-term solution to boost or ascent phase threats.  
"This test provides clear evidence that the NCADE seeker is a viable solution against a boosting ballistic missile threat," said Mike Booen, Raytheon Missile Systems vice president of Advanced Missile Defense. "NCADE fills a critical niche in the Ballistic Missile Defense system and provides a revolutionary, low-cost approach to interceptor development and acquisition."  
An Air National Guard F-16 test aircraft from the Air National Guard-Air Force Reserve Command Test Center, Tucson, Ariz., launched the AIM-9X airframe that carried the NCADE seeker.  
The NCADE interceptor leverages many proven components and technologies, including the aerodynamic design, aircraft interface and flight control system of Raytheon's Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile. The commonality with AMRAAM enables NCADE to launch from a wide variety of aircraft. NCADE's small size enables it to be carried by and launched from smaller unmanned aerial vehicles, providing a potential operational advantage.  
NCADE also leverages proven imaging infrared seeker components from existing Raytheon production programs. This enables a potentially rapid development and fielding path.  
Last year, Raytheon teammate Aerojet successfully tested the NCADE second stage axial propulsion system, demonstrating the maturity of this new propulsion system. Future testing will involve the missile's divert and attitude control system.  
Enviado por: typhonman em Dezembro 06, 2007, 05:53:35 pm
O Lampuka e o Miguel podiam juntar-se e levar uns cartazes de protesto e acamparem a frente da BA4 para exigir a retirada das forças imperiais americanas do solo portugûes..  :lol:
Enviado por: Miguel em Dezembro 06, 2007, 06:10:37 pm
Gostava de saber, se alguma vez fizemos um estudo sobre o impacto negativo da presença dos americanos nos Açores?

Lembro-me que os Alemaes deixarem-nos com os Alphajet uma boa tonelada de amianto na BA11. :?:
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 06, 2007, 06:18:48 pm
Citação de: "Miguel"

E se o americanos tiverem armas nucleares em transito na BA4, qual podia ser o impacto sobre as populaçoes???


Não leves a mal o que eu vou dizer, o unico impacto das nucleares, era caso arrebentassem deixariamos de ter uma ilha nos açores. c34x
Fora de brincadeiras e falando a sério, a base em si pode não trazer muitas vantagens para portugal, mas para a propria ilha deve ter enormes vantagens, pois o dinheiro que circula deve vir quase todo da base, e tenho quase a certeza que quando a base fechar, metade das pessoas que lá vivem vão emigrar.

Enviado por: typhonman em Dezembro 06, 2007, 06:47:50 pm
Iriam ter o destino que teve o Miguel..=x
Enviado por: Rui Conceicao em Dezembro 06, 2007, 07:52:45 pm
Se a BA 4 fecha-se aposto que quase toda a ilha tinha que emigrar.
EM Beja com a saida dos Alemães o comercio e o resto ficou as moscas.
Quero com isto dizer que Beja quase que "morreu"
Enviado por: pmdavila em Dezembro 06, 2007, 08:27:14 pm
Com o devido respeito, parece-me que não estão bem por dentro da realidade da Terceira...

Sim, é verdade que ainda trabalham algumas centenas de portugueses na BA4, e sim, é verdade que, a cada ano que passam, são cada vez menos. Os trabalhadores que existem lá estão a ser substituídos por...americanos. E até os americanos são cada vez menos.

A Base das Lajes, no passado, era o grande impulsionador económico da ilha. Hoje em dia isso já não se verifica. E ainda bem. Até o próprio sector dos serviços está a subir e a apanhar aquele que, sim, é o impulsionador da ilha: o agropecuário.

Quanto à possibilidade de se meterem com esquadrões de treino lá, concordo que iria trazer muitas restrições, mais ainda que as que já existem, à aviação civil. Isso sim, seria uma "desgraça" para a ilha, principalmente aspirando a Terceira a ser um pólo turístico dos Açores (o que está difícil, por muitas e variadas razões, que não vêm aqui para o caso).
Enviado por: Lampuka em Dezembro 06, 2007, 11:39:30 pm
Fora de brincadeiras e falando a sério, a base em si pode não trazer muitas vantagens para portugal, mas para a propria ilha deve ter enormes vantagens, pois o dinheiro que circula deve vir quase todo da base, e tenho quase a certeza que quando a base fechar, metade das pessoas que lá vivem vão emigrar.
Se a BA 4 fecha-se aposto que quase toda a ilha tinha que emigrar.

Meus amigos, vamos lá a ver se acabamos com algumas confusões que vão nessas cabeças:
1º - Já cá andamos há mais de quinhentos anos, umas vezes as coisas são mais fáceis e outras mais dificeis mas estámos cá para durar c34x   mesmo sem essas "modernices" de bases... já houve outras crises como a da laranja, do vinho, da baleia, dos sismos e dos vulcões, e outras, mas ficou sempre cá alguém.
2º - A Terceira é muito grande, os Açores ainda são maiores, e não é a dita cuja que nos faz sobreviver.
3º - Apesar de tudo, até temos uma economia "gira" para a nossa condição. Produzimos e até "exportamos" leite e derivados, carne, peixe, fruta, tabaco, rações, cerveja e refrigerantes, flores, etc..., o que, comparativamente a muitas outra regiões, até é uma grande diferença pela positiva
4º - A nova aposta é o turismo. Temos dado passos importantissimos e aí, a base, já se tem mostrado uma pedra na engrenagem. A Terceira que o diga. E o problema está só na utilização por parte dos americanos. É certo que o comando português assina em baixo (presta vassalagem e nunca contraria) mas são eles que criam os problemas.
Enviado por: Lampuka em Dezembro 06, 2007, 11:50:04 pm
O Lampuka e o Miguel podiam juntar-se e levar uns cartazes de protesto e acamparem a frente da BA4 para exigir a retirada das forças imperiais americanas do solo portugûes..

Nunca se sabe :roll: forças europeias, no estilo do que se passa actualmente com o porto de Ponta Delgada. Mesmo assim seria necessário "impor" condições à sua utilização, como por exemplo, o que poderia ser transportado por quem a utilizásse.
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 07, 2007, 10:39:55 am
Vamos lá ver se desta vez consigo escrever neste tópico...

Vejo que há muita ignorância em relação aos Açores, talvez os meus amigos que tenham tido essas afirmações menos esclarecidas me possam informar quantas vezes já foram a essa região.

O meu pai é Acoreano e como tal já lá fui repetidas vezes. É sem dúvida um sitio mágico e que lá vai nunca vem igual. Na última vez fui acompanhado pela minha mulher e ela até chorou quando vinhamos embora.

Os Açores tem uma agricultura fantástica, tem indústria e agora está apostar no turismo de qualidade.

Prevejo um grande futuro para aquela região.
Enviado por: comanche em Dezembro 26, 2007, 06:20:56 pm
Rússia vai fornecer sistemas de defesa antiaérea ao Irão

A Rússia anunciou hoje que vai reforçar a defesa antiaérea do Irão ao fornecer, em 2008, dezenas de sistemas de defesa de alcance médio S-300, que se juntarão aos Tor-M1 comprados por Teerão em 2005.
«A Rússia fornecerá ao Irão dezenas de S-300PMU1», afirmou uma fonte do complexo militar-industrial russo à agência Interfax.

Nos últimos meses, as autoridades iranianas confirmaram a auto-suficiência militar do país.

Os mísseis dos sistemas S-300 têm um alcance de até 200 km de distância, de baixas altitudes até o tecto máximo de aviões de combate.

Desta forma, segundo especialistas russos, Teerão está agora pronto para enfrentar uma possível invasão ou ataque aéreo israelita com caças do tipo Stealth, helicópteros, mísseis de cruzeiro e bombardeiros.

Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Dezembro 27, 2007, 11:43:03 pm
Hypersonic Missiles: Five Times Faster Than the Speed of Sound

Saab AB | Dec 26, 2007
Saab has developed and, in an advanced test, launched three hypersonic missiles to demonstrate how these can be designed for controlled flight at extreme speeds.  
Saab Bofors Dynamics has developed an experimental missile, in a technology program financed by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). The missile, three of which were built, has now been test launched at a maximum velocity exceeding Mach 5.5, corresponding to 6500 km/h.  
The test was successful, and Saab thereby becomes the first to demonstrate that it is possible to manoeuvre a missile at hypersonic speed.  
Moreover, the test successfully shows how a missile can be designed regarding materials, aerodynamics and guidance systems to enable controlled flight at hypersonic speeds.  

“Once again Sweden and Saab have shown that we are at the leading edge. We are the first to demonstrate that it is possible to manoeuvre a missile at these enormous speeds”, says Sören Wigren, program manager at Saab Bofors Dynamics.  
More difficult to oppose  
In the first two test launches the missile’s capacity for lateral manoeuvring and the ability to fly without rotating around its own axis were demonstrated. At the third launch the missile was guided on a programmed flight path.  
A manoeuvrable missile fired at hypersonic speeds is difficult to oppose. The speed means that reaction times are minimal and the missile’s hit ratio increases. At the same time the enormous speed means that it can be used against armoured targets.  
A significant technological challenge  
The experimental missile is a technology demonstrator that allows the study of the phenomena that occur during the test firing and the investigation of possible technical solutions for so called hypersonic missiles. Designing missiles for the phenomena that occur at such extreme speeds is a considerable challenge. The wind’s forces on fuselage and wings give unpredictable deflections. There is also significant heating resulting from the friction with the air.  
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Dezembro 28, 2007, 12:33:18 pm
Russia delivers fighter jets to Algeria

Xinhua News Agency | Dec 26, 2007
MOSCOW: Russia delivered two Sukhoi Su-30MKA fighter jets to Algeria on Tuesday, kicking off the implementation of an arms contract inked by the two governments.

An An-124 cargo plane carried parts of the first two multifunctional fighters to Algeria, where they will be assembled by Russian engineers, the Itar-Tass news agency reported, citing a spokesman of the Irkutsk aircraft plant.

"Plant specialists who arrived a few days ago are already waiting for the fighters at the airbase of the Algerian Air Force," the spokesman said.
Two Russian pilots will test fly the assembled aircraft after the New Year holidays before being officially transferred to the air force.

The contract for the delivery of the Su-30MKA fighters will be fully fulfilled in 2008, Itar-Tass said.

In 2006 Algeria and Russia reached an agreement on the sale of arms worth approximately 8 billion U.S. dollars that includes 28 Su-30 and 34 Mig-29 fighter jets.

India, Algeria and Malaysia are the main purchasers of the Sukhoi fighter.
Título: E nós???
Enviado por: Nitrox13 em Janeiro 01, 2008, 03:47:18 pm
Citação de: "comanche"
Rússia vai fornecer sistemas de defesa antiaérea ao Irão

A Rússia anunciou hoje que vai reforçar a defesa antiaérea do Irão ao fornecer, em 2008, dezenas de sistemas de defesa de alcance médio S-300, que se juntarão aos Tor-M1 comprados por Teerão em 2005.
«A Rússia fornecerá ao Irão dezenas de S-300PMU1», afirmou uma fonte do complexo militar-industrial russo à agência Interfax.

Nos últimos meses, as autoridades iranianas confirmaram a auto-suficiência militar do país.

Os mísseis dos sistemas S-300 têm um alcance de até 200 km de distância, de baixas altitudes até o tecto máximo de aviões de combate.

Desta forma, segundo especialistas russos, Teerão está agora pronto para enfrentar uma possível invasão ou ataque aéreo israelita com caças do tipo Stealth, helicópteros, mísseis de cruzeiro e bombardeiros.

E nos com sistemas de defesa anti-area praticamente nula, ja agora sabem qual o preço destes sistemas que o irão vai comprar???
Enviado por: P44 em Fevereiro 14, 2008, 04:00:27 pm
Russia strategic aviation holds "exercise"

MOSCOW, February 14 (Itar-Tass) - Crews of strategic missile-carrying planes drilled on Thursday operation in an area of imaginary radioactive contamination, the chief of the Russian Air Force’s information and public relations service, Colonel Alexander Drobyshvsky, told ITAR-TASS.
“According to the plan of the exercises, 12 missile carriers T-95, six long-haul bombers T-22 and 8 tanker planes Il-78 are in the air today,” he said.
“The crews are training passing an area of imaginary radioactive contamination. Then special radiochemical protection services do post-landing work of decontamination of the aircraft and special treatments of crews,” he said.
“The crews of the planes Tu-22 make combat use og conventional means og destruction at Dubrovichi Range in the Ryazan region. Crews of tanker planes Il-78 are refueling in the air space over the Arctic Ocean basin Tu-95 that are drilling air patrolling elements at northern latitudes,” Drobyshevsky said.
The adviser of the Russian long-range aviation, Major-General Valentin Rog, said that “in modern conditions and in the interests of national security, the long-range aviation is assigned to solving a number of important tasks, including a qualitatively new one – destruction of formations of ships carying cruise missile in the ocean:.
Rog said NATO navy forces used 870 cruise missiles, including 792 ship-borne, during the assault of Yugoslavia.

Enviado por: MaisAlto em Fevereiro 14, 2008, 09:09:12 pm
Citação de: "pmdavila"
Com o devido respeito, parece-me que não estão bem por dentro da realidade da Terceira...

Sim, é verdade que ainda trabalham algumas centenas de portugueses na BA4, e sim, é verdade que, a cada ano que passam, são cada vez menos. Os trabalhadores que existem lá estão a ser substituídos por...americanos. E até os americanos são cada vez menos.

A Base das Lajes, no passado, era o grande impulsionador económico da ilha. Hoje em dia isso já não se verifica. E ainda bem. Até o próprio sector dos serviços está a subir e a apanhar aquele que, sim, é o impulsionador da ilha: o agropecuário.

Quanto à possibilidade de se meterem com esquadrões de treino lá, concordo que iria trazer muitas restrições, mais ainda que as que já existem, à aviação civil. Isso sim, seria uma "desgraça" para a ilha, principalmente aspirando a Terceira a ser um pólo turístico dos Açores (o que está difícil, por muitas e variadas razões, que não vêm aqui para o caso).

As centenas de trabalhadores são pessoas de meia idade, maioritariamente de baixas qualificações e sem alternativa de emprego na ilha. Comparativamente com funções semelhantes no sector privado, são muito bem remunerados. Há depois uma actividade económica dependende do consumo diário do 65th ABW. Basta pensar que o 3.º maior consumidor de energia electrica da EDA na Terceira é o destacamento americano. Os únicos depósitos de combustível que abastecem a Ilha foram construídos pelos EUA na zona do Juncal, estando os demais todos desactivados. O porto da Praia, mas propriamente o molhe militar, tem vindo a ser recuperado e modernizado com fundos dos EUA.
No que toca  a restrições à aviação civil, a haver seria só na fase de aproximação ou descolagens, uma vez que as zonas de parqueamento e chegada são distintas.
Enviado por: pmdavila em Fevereiro 14, 2008, 10:16:21 pm
Citação de: "MaisAlto"
As centenas de trabalhadores são pessoas de meia idade, maioritariamente de baixas qualificações e sem alternativa de emprego na ilha. Comparativamente com funções semelhantes no sector privado, são muito bem remunerados. Há depois uma actividade económica dependende do consumo diário do 65th ABW. Basta pensar que o 3.º maior consumidor de energia electrica da EDA na Terceira é o destacamento americano. Os únicos depósitos de combustível que abastecem a Ilha foram construídos pelos EUA na zona do Juncal, estando os demais todos desactivados. O porto da Praia, mas propriamente o molhe militar, tem vindo a ser recuperado e modernizado com fundos dos EUA.
No que toca  a restrições à aviação civil, a haver seria só na fase de aproximação ou descolagens, uma vez que as zonas de parqueamento e chegada são distintas.

Caro MaisAlto, permita-me algumas correcções. A EDA só abastece a Base das Lajes há poucos anos, até agora a única fonte de energia da BA4 provinha das suas próprias centrais eléctricas, e não da energia produzida pela Central Termoeléctrica do Belo Jardim. Aliás, a população anda um bocado descontente com o facto de andarem a abastecer a BA4, porque para eles nunca falta a luz, e para o resto da ilha o serviço é...bem, não comento.

A Ilha Terceira não é abastecida pelos depósitos do Juncal, aliás, não me lembro de tal coisa (só talvez há muitos anos atrás, ou em alguma situação pontual devida à ruptura de stock na ilha). Existe/existia um parque de combustíveis situado em Angra do Heroísmo que abastecia a ilha e também outras do Grupo Central, quando necessário. Digo existia, porque acabou de ser inaugurado (este mês o no mês passado) o novo parque de combustíveis, situado no porto da Praia da Vitória, com capacidade para abastecer os Açores todos, e com capacidade de expansão.

É verdade que, na sua maioria, são trabalhadores de meia-idade. Aliás, grande parte deles já caminha para a reforma. São muito poucos os novos trabalhadores e, como já referi, volta e meia há despedimentos (para dar um exemplo, havia um Burger King lá que já foi encerrado, e agora estão para fechar mais um dos BX existentes). Fora isso, também aparecem aquelas notícias do tipo "aceitam-se candidaturas de todas as nacionalidades da NATO, excepto portugueses".

Continuo a achar que a Base, em termos de emprego para a população da Terceira, já deu o que tinha a dar. Só em caso de alguma mudança futura na estrutura da Base (como esta que tem vindo a lume, mas que nem foi abordada na reunião da comissão bilateral), é que talvez haja um aumento da empregabilidade lá.

Fora isso, é de relembrar que aumentos salariais de acordo com o que foi assinado, nem vê-los, e de que, apesar de, finalmente, começarem a surgir processos em Tribunal contra as FEUSAÇORES e a serem ganhos pelos trabalhadores, não tem resultado em nada, pela simples razão de que os EUA acham que a Lei da República Portuguesa não se lhes é aplicável.

Quanto ao molhe militar, é da responsabilidade dos EUA e as obras que se vêem são o simples resultado de que este foi destruído por um temporal que assolou a Ilha Terceira em 2001 (penso), que trouxe umas belas de umas ondas de 14 metros. Aliás, até me admira ainda não estar pronto, visto que o molhe comercial sofreu muito piores danos (praticamente deixou de existir e já quando a obra ia a meio, voltou a ser destruído por outro temporal) e já foi recuperado. Se o vão modernizar, não o sei, mas não me admira. Principalmente a parte das pipelines, visto ser a parte dos combustíveis aquela em que EUA têm investido mais.

Quanto às restrições de vôo, refiro-me mesmo ao movimento e não ao parqueamento (a pista é a mesma, mas são dois aeroportos diferentes).
Enviado por: MaisAlto em Fevereiro 14, 2008, 11:10:23 pm
"A EDA só abastece a Base das Lajes há poucos anos, até agora a única fonte de energia da BA4 provinha das suas próprias centrais eléctricas, e não da energia produzida pela Central Termoeléctrica do Belo Jardim. Aliás, a população anda um bocado descontente com o facto de andarem a abastecer a BA4, porque para eles nunca falta a luz, e para o resto da ilha o serviço é...bem, não comento. "

A EDA faz o abastecimento, mas os geradores militares da Av. do Império na BA4 continuam como back up, precisamente para suprir as quebras regulares. Quando se procedeu ao acordo com a EDA para o fornecimento de energia, as então ainda FEUSAÇORES tiveram de proceder à renovação total das linhas no interior da Base e, bem assim, às linhas de transporte do exterior, essas sim é que constituem um problema.

"A Ilha Terceira não é abastecida pelos depósitos do Juncal, aliás, não me lembro de tal coisa (só talvez há muitos anos atrás, ou em alguma situação pontual devida à ruptura de stock na ilha). Existe/existia um parque de combustíveis situado em Angra do Heroísmo que abastecia a ilha e também outras do Grupo Central, quando necessário. Digo existia, porque acabou de ser inaugurado (este mês o no mês passado) o novo parque de combustíveis, situado no porto da Praia da Vitória, com capacidade para abastecer os Açores todos, e com capacidade de expansão. "

Finalmente que há...
Mas acredite, o abastecimento era feito a partir do Juncal. A GALP dispunha ali de uma capacidade de armazenamento, estipulada em acordo decorrente do Acordo Técnico na versão inicial, Quando, por razões meteo ou técnicas não era possível proceder a transfegas de combustivel na Praia, avançava o combustível americano, que depois era reposto.

"É verdade que, na sua maioria, são trabalhadores de meia-idade. Aliás, grande parte deles já caminha para a reforma. São muito poucos os novos trabalhadores e, como já referi, volta e meia há despedimentos (para dar um exemplo, havia um Burger King lá que já foi encerrado, e agora estão para fechar mais um dos BX existentes). Fora isso, também aparecem aquelas notícias do tipo "aceitam-se candidaturas de todas as nacionalidades da NATO, excepto portugueses".

Tantas vezes o Diário Insular e a Associação Comercial da Praia consideraram os BX como os causadores da ruína do comercio tradicional local, que as restrições de acesso tiveram de ser implementadas, ou seja, restringiu-se o acesso dos nacionais aos BX. Como estes funcionam integrados numa estrutura não militar ( AAFES), assim que se começou a sentir diminuição nas vendas e nos lucros, cortaram nas despesas de pessoal, os sejam, efectuaram despedimentos, alem de reduzirem os stocks.

"Fora isso, é de relembrar que aumentos salariais de acordo com o que foi assinado, nem vê-los, e de que, apesar de, finalmente, começarem a surgir processos em Tribunal contra as FEUSAÇORES e a serem ganhos pelos trabalhadores, não tem resultado em nada, pela simples razão de que os EUA acham que a Lei da República Portuguesa não se lhes é aplicável"

E de facto até têm razão...
O Acordo de Cooperação e Defesa foi publicado em DR por Resolução da Assembléia da República, com o estatuto de tratado internacional bilateral. Acontece porém que a bilateralidade não existe uma vez que o Congresso dos EUA, oficialmente, não o ratificaram...logo, na perspectiva jurídica dos EUA, o Acordo de Coperação e Defesa é, tão só, um acordo técnico, não um tratado. Nesses termos, os aumentos salariais são aqueles em vigor segundo o estabelecido pelo DoD, que umas vezes podem ser mais do que o estabelecido segundo o Inquérito Laboral, outras vezes podem ser menos...

"Quanto ao molhe militar, é da responsabilidade dos EUA e as obras que se vêem são o simples resultado de que este foi destruído por um temporal que assolou a Ilha Terceira em 2001 (penso), que trouxe umas belas de umas ondas de 14 metros. Aliás, até me admira ainda não estar pronto, visto que o molhe comercial sofreu muito piores danos (praticamente deixou de existir e já quando a obra ia a meio, voltou a ser destruído por outro temporal) e já foi recuperado. Se o vão modernizar, não o sei, mas não me admira. Principalmente a parte das pipelines, visto ser a parte dos combustíveis aquela em que EUA têm investido mais. "

Em bom rigor, as obras são responsabilidade conjunta, trata-se de uma infraestrutura de uso conjunto...como nós assobiamos para o lado quanto a despesas, eles assumiram a conta final ! O investimento é brutal, basta pensar que a Somague montou uma fábrica de estruturas de cimento armado só para o efeito no local.
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 07, 2008, 12:05:56 pm
Top Air Force Leaders Resign Following Nuclear Component Mishandling
(Source: US Department of Defense; issued June 5, 2008)
 WASHINGTON --- Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates today announced the resignations of Air Force Secretary Michael W. Wynne and Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley following an investigation revealing a decline in the Air Force's nuclear program focus, performance and effective leadership.

Gates announced the resignations in the wake of a report detailing the accidental shipment of four non-nuclear ballistic missile nose-cone assembly components rather than the intended helicopter batteries to Taiwan in August 2006.

The report, prepared by Navy Adm. Kirkland H. Donald, director of naval nuclear propulsion, detailed what Gates called a shift of the Air Force leadership’s focus from, and degraded performance related to, its most sensitive mission.

Air Force leaders focused on the problem only after two internationally sensitive incidents -- one involving Taiwan and another in which an Air Force B-52 bomber flew across the United States carrying six armed nuclear cruise missiles, Gates said.

Both incidents could have been prevented if the Air Force had applied proper inspection and oversight, he said. He blamed a “lack of a critical self-assessment culture” within the Air Force nuclear program that might have identified and fixed systemic weaknesses.

Gates noted that he had to intervene personally to ensure a thorough investigation of what went wrong and how.

In the nose-cone incident, the secretary blamed the Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency for using supply system procedures designed to move large amounts of low-value material for shipping the sensitive classified parts.

“The specific cause of this event was the Air Force and Defense Logistics Agency’s sole reliance on, and lack of compliance with, existing supply system procedures to provide positive control of the four forward-section assemblies,” he said.

But Gates said the incident signals far deeper problems. “During the course of the investigation, other issues indicating a decline in the Air Force’s nuclear mission focus and performance became apparent,” he said. “Rather than an isolated occurrence, the shipment… was a symptom of a degradation of the authority, standards of excellence and technical competence within the nation’s ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) force.”

At a broader level, Gates cited declining expertise in the entire Air Force nuclear program – the result, he said, of lack of top-level focus and emphasis.

None of these problems happened overnight and some have root problems dating back a decade, he said. But Gates cited “contemporary failures and lack of effective oversight.”

In addition to removal of the top Air Force leadership, Gates announced a senior-level task force to recommend improvements needed to ensure accountability and control of nuclear weapons, delivery vehicles and components.

James Schlesinger, a former Defense Department and Energy Department secretary and CIA director, will lead the task force, Gates said. The task force will recommend organizational, procedural and policy changes needed within 60 days. Within 120 days, it will address defense-wide management and oversight of nuclear weapons and related materials and systems.

Gates said he plans to recommend a new Air Force secretary and chief of staff soon. Once they are confirmed, he said he will leave it to them to determine proper disciplinary actions for others identified in the Donald report.

The secretary expressed personal sadness about today’s decision, calling Wynne “a dedicated and honorable public servant” and noting Moseley’s decades of “courageous and devoted service.”

“They both deserve their gratitude for their service,” he said. “I have enjoyed serving with them and deeply regret that the issues before us require the actions I have taken.”

In his resignation letter, Wynne took accountability for the incidents and said he must live up to the same standards he expects of his airmen. Moseley said he takes “full responsibility for events which have hurt the Air Force’s reputation or raised a question of every airman’s commitment to our core values.”

Gates called today a sad day for the Air Force, the Defense Department and him personally, but said it also marks a return to the Air Force’s standards of excellence and accomplishment.

Noting his own Air Force roots, Gates said he stands in solid support of all airmen. “They have my respect, my support and my commitment to do everything I can in my remaining time to work with them and to sustain the tradition of service and excellence that has been the hallmark of the United States Air Force since its inception,” he said. (ends)
 Top Two Air Force Leaders Resign
(Source: US Air Force; issued June 5, 2008)
 The Air Force's top civilian and uniformed leader tendered their resignations to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates June 5.

"Recent events convince me that it is now time for a new leader to take the stick and for me to move on," said Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne in a statement. "Therefore I have given my request to resign to Secretary Gates. Even as I do, my heart, my thoughts and prayers remain with America's Airmen who will continue to do magnificent things for this great country."

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley, who was appointed the 18th Air Force chief of staff in September 2005, has also tendered his resignation.

"Recent events have highlighted a loss of focus on certain critical matters within the Air Force," General Moseley's statement reads. "As the Air Force's senior uniformed leader, I take full responsibility for events which have hurt the Air Force's reputation or raised a question of every Airman's commitment to our core values.

"I think the honorable thing to do is to step aside," the statement continues. "After consulting with my family, I have submitted my request to resign to Secretary Gates. The Air Force is bigger than one Airman, and I have full confidence that the Air Force will continue working with the joint team to win today's fight, take care of its Airmen and meet tomorrow's challenges. I love the Air Force and remain proud of America's Airmen." (ends)
 Resignation Statement from the Secretary of the Air Force
(Source: US Air Force; issued June 5, 2008)
 WASHINGTON --- Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne issued the following statement today:

Since November 3, 2005, it has been my privilege to serve this country as the 21st secretary of the Air Force. I have relished the opportunity President Bush gave me to lead the strongest Air Force in the world during a time of war, and I have marveled at the tremendous accomplishments of our Airmen and civilians in their valiant defense of this country and its interests.

It has been an honor and pleasure to serve as their secretary while working side-by-side with General Moseley and the magnificent patriots serving in the Department of Defense and the United States government to win today's fight, take care of our people and prepare for tomorrow's challenges.

Recent events convince me that it is now time for a new leader to take the stick and for me to move on. Therefore I have given my request to resign to Secretary Gates. Even as I do, my heart, my thoughts and prayers remain with America's Airmen who will continue to do magnificent things for this great country. (ends)
 Resignation Statement from the Air Force Chief of Staff
(Source: US Air Force; issued June 5, 2008)
 WASHINGTON --- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley issued the following statement today:

Recent events have highlighted a loss of focus on certain critical matters within the Air Force. As the Air Force's senior uniformed leader, I take full responsibility for events which have hurt the Air Force's reputation or raised a question of every Airman's commitment to our core values.

For the past 36 years I have been privileged to serve my country as an Airman in the United States Air Force in peacetime and combat. I was honored and humbled to be appointed the Air Force's 18th chief of staff and have been proud to serve our Airmen and their families. Upon taking office, I worked hard with Secretary Wynne to ensure the Air Force provided the right forces at the right time to help our nation and allies win the global war on terror.

I think the honorable thing to do is to step aside. After consulting with my family, I have submitted my request to resign to Secretary Gates. The Air Force is bigger than one Airman, and I have full confidence that the Air Force will continue working with the joint team to win today's fight, take care of its Airmen, and meet tomorrow's challenges. I love the Air Force and remain proud of America's Airmen.

Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 07, 2008, 04:31:33 pm
Citação de: "MaisAlto"
A EDA faz o abastecimento, mas os geradores militares da Av. do Império na BA4 continuam como back up, precisamente para suprir as quebras regulares.

É asim na BA4 e em todas as outras bases aéreas, ia ser bonito haver voos noturnos e depois a luz ir abaixo, ficava a pista sem iluminação, a torre de controlo desligada, etc, etc
Eles tem que ter uma maneira autonoma de ter energia electrica quando falha o fornecimento regular.

Axo perfeitamente normal que nos aeroportos civis também existam geradores de reserva para essas eventualidades.

Imaginem o Aeroporto da Portela sem luz :lol:  :lol:
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Junho 10, 2008, 09:42:36 pm
El Rey presidirá el día 26 en Sevilla la presentación oficial del A400M

El Rey Don Juan Carlos presidirá el próximo 26 de junio el acto oficial de presentación del avión A400M, la mayor aeronave de transporte militar europea, en la factoría de EADS-CASA en San Pablo, en Sevilla, según informó EADS a la agencia Europa Press.

El Monarca estará acompañado por los presidentes de EADS y EADS-CASA, Louis Gallois y Carlos Suárez, en la presentación oficial, a las 12 horas, del primer modelo de A400M, el MSN001, que realizará su salida de hangar (Roll out), uno de los últimos pasos en el proceso de fabricación antes de su estreno en vuelo previsto para este verano también en

Referente en el transporte
Llamado a ser un referente en el transporte estratégico europeo presente y futuro, el
avión A400M afrontará tras su salida de hangar uno de los momentos clave antes de su entrega al Ejército del Aire de la República francesa al encarar sus primeros ensayos en vuelo con sus cuatro potentes motores de hélices de 11.000 caballos.

Con una cartera de compras inicial de unas 180 unidades España ha encargado 27 aeronaves, el A400M es un avión de transporte con mayor capacidad de carga (podrá superar las 37 toneladas) y velocidad que el resistente Hércules C130 y de menor tamaño que el C17, al que se asimila en velocidades de crucero y en las posibilidades de transporte de vehículos y helicópteros.

Protagonismo sevillano. La factoría sevillana cobra así especial protagonismo en los primeros pasos de un avión militar único en su segmento, en lo que se refiere a capacidad de carga, superior a la de los aviones C130 y a cierta distancia de los jumbos de transporte de la Fuerza Aérea estadounidense, el C5 y el C17, y los modelos rusos marca Antonov e Ilyushin. La factoría de San Pablo será también testigo el próximo verano, según las previsiones actuales, del primer vuelo de un A400M, antes de su envío a Francia y su posterior entrega a la Fuerza Aérea gala.

El pasado 22 de abril, la planta de San Pablo fue el escenario de la primera presentación oficial a la prensa nacional e internacional de la Línea de Ensamblaje Final (FAL) del A400M y del primer exponente de la flota, el MSN001, que protagonizó con su gigantesca aleta estabilizadora horizontal la rueda de prensa ofrecida por Carlos Suárez.

Los responsables de la factoría mostraron entonces a los medios de comunicación varias de las estaciones en las que se monta el aparato desde que llegan sus componentes a bordo de un Airbus Beluga y los dos primeros modelos en el proceso de ensamblado, el MSN001 y el MSN002.

Enviado por: ShadIntel em Junho 12, 2008, 08:47:52 pm
Versão STOVL do F-35 JSF efectua o primeiro voo

The short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) version of the Joint Strike Fighter took to the air for the first time the morning of June 11 with a British pilot at the controls.

The F-35B Lightning II took off from Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas, facility at 10:17 a.m. central daylight time. Graham Tomlinson, a test pilot for BAE Systems, took the aircraft through a series of handling tests, engine power variations and subsystem checks at altitudes up to about 15,000 feet during the 44-minute flight.

Tomlinson, a former Royal Air Force Harrier pilot, said the F-35B gave him "a relaxed first flight, with the aircraft handling and performing just as we predicted."

The entire flight was conducted in conventional flight mode, Lockheed said in a press release. Transitions to short takeoffs, hovers and vertical landings are to begin in early 2009.

The STOVL aircraft will be used by the U.S. Marine Corps to replace its AV-8B Harrier II jump jets. Britain's Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, and the Italian Navy and Air Force also will operate the aircraft.

Although development of the F-35A conventional-takeoff and -landing version already is under way, the F-35B is to be the first of the three Lightning II variants to enter service when it begins Marine operations in 2012.

The first F-35A test plane flew in December 2006 and the first two production aircraft are under construction.

Development of the F-35C, intended to operate from U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, will follow.

The F-35B is billed as the world's first supersonic and stealthy STOVL aircraft. While not stealthy, the Harrier also can attain supersonic speeds in limited regimes. Two European experimental STOVL aircraft in the 1960s, the German Vertical Fighter 101C and French company Dassault's Mirage IIIV, also could attain supersonic speeds.

Lockheed is the prime contractor for the F-35 program, with Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems as principal industrial partners.

Fonte: Defense News (http://http)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 13, 2008, 09:04:13 am

Este é o video so seu primeiro video (
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Junho 26, 2008, 02:51:40 pm
Presentación del primer avión de transporte militar A400M

En una ceremonia presidida por Su Majestad el Rey, Airbus Military ha presentado hoy el primer avión de transporte militar completo que sale de las instalaciones de la Línea de Montaje Final en Sevilla.

El nuevo avión, que se presentó a los clientes y a la prensa mundial, representa una nueva era en la capacidad de transporte aéreo militar.

Diseñado según los requerimientos de las Fuerzas Aéreas Europeas para un nuevo avión de transporte militar, el A400M incorpora materiales y tecnología de última generación, procedentes de los que se utilizan en las flotas de aviones comerciales, y que están en permanente mejora. Características como los controles de vuelo electrónicos, estructura en materiales compuestos de fibra de carbono, o un sistema automatizado de vuelo, establecen nuevos estándares de operatividad y seguridad a las tripulaciones militares.

Lanzado en el año 2003, con un contrato de una sola fase, y 180 pedidos por parte de los clientes lanzadores europeos, el A400M representa el programa militar más ambicioso llevado a cabo en Europa hasta la fecha.

A las naciones lanzadoras del Programa, Bélgica, Francia, Luxemburgo, Alemania, España, Turquía y el Reino Unido, se unieron posteriormente Malasia y Sudáfrica, que reconocieron el gran potencial del nuevo avión para sus requerimientos, y elevaron el número total de pedidos hasta 192.

“Hoy es un gran día para nuestra Industria”, declaró Carlos Suárez, CEO de Airbus Military y máximo responsable de la División de Aviones de Transporte Militar de EADS: “Este es el resultado de los esfuerzos conjuntos y la determinación de aquellos que hemos participado en el proyecto. El programa ha recibido el apoyo de gobiernos nacionales – nuestros clientes, socios industriales, proveedores, y todos los empleados que han trabajado para crear este avión. Me gustaría agradecerles y felicitarles a todos”.

“Este evento es una prueba de nuestra determinación por demostrar que EADS puede diseñar y fabricar un avión de transporte militar de largo alcance que establecerá nuevos estándares en la capacidad de transporte militar y de gran potencial en los mercados internacionales. También demuestra que la confianza que nuestros clientes depositaron en nosotros cuando nos eligieron, está justifica”, afirmó Louis Gallois, CEO de EADS.

El contrato inicial, valorado en 20.000 millones de euros, se firmó entre Airbus Military y OCCAR (Organización Conjunta de Coordinación en Materia de Armamento), organismo que representa a los clientes europeos.

Versatilidad es la característica que mejor describe al A400M. Se concibió con capacidad tanto táctica como estratégica. Con una carga de pago de hasta 37 toneladas sobre una distancia de hasta 4700 millas náuticas, el A400M se ha diseñado para llevar todo tipo de cargas y vehículos según los estándares establecidos por el European Staff Requirement (ESR), para servir como plataforma de transporte aéreo y como avión de reabastecimiento en vuelo, tanto para aviones como para helicópteros.

El A400M es el avión de transporte militar de su categoría realmente nuevo, que se ha diseñado desde hace 30 años. Tiene el doble de capacidad que los aviones a los que remplazará. Está previsto que sea el nuevo estándar de transporte militar.  
( (http://http)[/img]  ENLACE CONTIENE VARIAS FOTOS :wink: )
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 26, 2008, 05:40:38 pm
Esperemos que seja o substituto do C-130H em Portugal.
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Junho 26, 2008, 05:47:27 pm
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Esperemos que seja o substituto do C-130H em Portugal.

Seria una gran eleccion,ya que se ganaria en capacidad de carga,alcance/autonomia,velocidad de vuelo,etc...Haber si hay suerte y voluntad politica y vemos a las fuerzas armadas portuguesas equipadas con estos aviones. :wink:
Enviado por: LuisC em Junho 27, 2008, 01:58:09 am
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Esperemos que seja o substituto do C-130H em Portugal.

Pois…esperemos que sim!
Embora seja um assunto já em debate noutro tópico, aproveito a deixa…3 A-400M e 2 A-310, estes últimos adquiridos em 2ª mão, julgo ser a melhor opção para a substituição dos 6 C-130H(H-30).

Enviado por: Instrutor em Junho 27, 2008, 10:39:36 am
Nada disso, ja foi discutido inumeras vezes que 6 Hercules são muito diferentes de 3 A400M embora este ultimo se trate de um aviao muito superior este não se pode desmembrar nas inumeras missoes que temos actualmente no exterior, se é realmente para substituir toda a frota de 6 Hercules C130 que se compre pelo menos outros 6 A400M deixem-me relembrar que os Hercules foram destacados ao mesmo tempo para:
- Timor;
- Afeganistão;
- Bósnia;
- Kosovo;
- Açores;
- Outro em manutenção nas OGMA,
 Ora se comprar-mos so 3 A400M como vai ser??? Eu defendo que devemos comprar cerca de 6 a 8 unidades deste magnifico avião, porque se nao for assim mais vale estar quieto, pois se percisar-mos de mais avioes toca aluga-los..... A FAP precisa de 6 a 8 avioes deste tipo e nao de tres.
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 27, 2008, 11:09:46 am
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Esperemos que seja o substituto do C-130H em Portugal.

e não era para ser????

Agradeçam ao paulo portas que nos retirou do consórcio :evil:
Enviado por: Instrutor em Junho 27, 2008, 11:16:39 am
Camarada P44 realmente tem razão o senhor PP só acertou numa em toda a sua governação que foram os Submarinos, agora em termos de avioes de transporte trocar o A400M pelo C-130J e trocar as fragatas OHP pelas BD ai minha nossa c34x
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 27, 2008, 11:27:54 am
Ao que consta a retirada do A400M deve-se a alguns favores políticos.
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 27, 2008, 12:04:18 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Ao que consta a retirada do A400M deve-se a alguns favores políticos.

Donald Rumsfeld...
Enviado por: Lancero em Junho 27, 2008, 12:57:58 pm
Citação de: "P44"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Ao que consta a retirada do A400M deve-se a alguns favores políticos.

Donald Rumsfeld...

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 27, 2008, 02:04:13 pm
Citação de: "Lancero"
Citação de: "P44"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Ao que consta a retirada do A400M deve-se a alguns favores políticos.

Donald Rumsfeld...


meio offtopic aconselho vos a ver a revista sábado da semana passada e vão ver lá umas coisas interessantes sobre empresas que fabricam componentes para automóveis e que participam  nos submarinos
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 27, 2008, 02:44:36 pm
Citação de: "Instrutor"
Nada disso, ja foi discutido inumeras vezes que 6 Hercules são muito diferentes de 3 A400M embora este ultimo se trate de um aviao muito superior este não se pode desmembrar nas inumeras missoes que temos actualmente no exterior, se é realmente para substituir toda a frota de 6 Hercules C130 que se compre pelo menos outros 6 A400M deixem-me relembrar que os Hercules foram destacados ao mesmo tempo para:
- Timor;
- Afeganistão;
- Bósnia;
- Kosovo;
- Açores;
- Outro em manutenção nas OGMA,
 Ora se comprar-mos so 3 A400M como vai ser??? Eu defendo que devemos comprar cerca de 6 a 8 unidades deste magnifico avião, porque se nao for assim mais vale estar quieto, pois se percisar-mos de mais avioes toca aluga-los..... A FAP precisa de 6 a 8 avioes deste tipo e nao de tres.

Supostamente os 12 C295 vão ficar com algumas dessas missões, como por exemplo Açores e outras internacionais em que não seja necessário um avião do tamanho e capacidade do A400M, é irreal comprar-mos 8 A400M, se vierem 6, o mesmo numero dos C-130, já ficava muito satisfeito, mas todos os artigos que falavam nisso quando ainda estavamos no programa referiam 4 A400M para Portugal.
Enviado por: Instrutor em Junho 27, 2008, 03:04:07 pm
Sim os C295M poderão sustituir os futuros A400M nalgumas missoes, contudo missoes no exterior afastadas como Timor, Afeganistao, Libano, mais recentemente Chade, os C295 tornam-se "impotentes" para realizarem essas missoes, embora o C295 seja um complemento ao A400M mas missoes mais proximas é necessário adquirir pelo menos e com certezas esses 4 e não tres como alguns camaradas dizem. Um dúvida onde irão ficam estacionados os futuros C295M e os A400M uma vez que a Esq. 601 a operar os P3 deslocaram-se para Beja e o Governo esta em pensar criar no Montijo a Base de Helicopteros das FA? Acham que os C295, os A400M e os helis das Forças Armadas ficaram todos na base Aérea nº6?
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 27, 2008, 06:42:20 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Instrutor"
Nada disso, ja foi discutido inumeras vezes que 6 Hercules são muito diferentes de 3 A400M embora este ultimo se trate de um aviao muito superior este não se pode desmembrar nas inumeras missoes que temos actualmente no exterior, se é realmente para substituir toda a frota de 6 Hercules C130 que se compre pelo menos outros 6 A400M deixem-me relembrar que os Hercules foram destacados ao mesmo tempo para:
- Timor;
- Afeganistão;
- Bósnia;
- Kosovo;
- Açores;
- Outro em manutenção nas OGMA,
 Ora se comprar-mos so 3 A400M como vai ser??? Eu defendo que devemos comprar cerca de 6 a 8 unidades deste magnifico avião, porque se nao for assim mais vale estar quieto, pois se percisar-mos de mais avioes toca aluga-los..... A FAP precisa de 6 a 8 avioes deste tipo e nao de tres.

Supostamente os 12 C295 vão ficar com algumas dessas missões, como por exemplo Açores e outras internacionais em que não seja necessário um avião do tamanho e capacidade do A400M, é irreal comprar-mos 8 A400M, se vierem 6, o mesmo numero dos C-130, já ficava muito satisfeito, mas todos os artigos que falavam nisso quando ainda estavamos no programa referiam 4 A400M para Portugal.

O numero referido em 2001/2002 era de 3 A-400M, mas na minha opinião deveriam ser 5.
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 27, 2008, 06:56:17 pm
Citação de: "Instrutor"
Um dúvida onde irão ficam estacionados os futuros C295M e os A400M uma vez que a Esq. 601 a operar os P3 deslocaram-se para Beja e o Governo esta em pensar criar no Montijo a Base de Helicopteros das FA? Acham que os C295, os A400M e os helis das Forças Armadas ficaram todos na base Aérea nº6?

A unica certeza a curto prazo é que em principio o C295 vai para a BA6, ocupar o lugar do P-3.

Mas essa historia do Comando Conjunto de Helicopteros ainda vai fazer correr muita tinta, o melhor é esperar pelos proximos episodios :lol: .

Se no futuro, se vier a criar, então a esquadra do Allouette vai de Beja para o Montijo, e se depois for para lá o UALE, a BA6 é capaz de ficar um bocado cheia, talve mudem uma esquadra para Beja para o hangar do Allouette? talvez activem uma base aérea em Ovar? e se a BA6 não poder operar aeronaves de asa fixa por causa do aeroporto de alcochete e ficar só com helicopteros (Allouette III e EH101 Força Aérea, Lynx da Marinha, NH-90 e futuro heli ligeiro do Exército)? para onde irao o C295 e a esquadra 501 (C-130 ou A400M)?

Há muitos "ses", mas agora o mais certo é o Aviocar acabar na BA1 - Sintra e o C295 ocupar o lugar do P-3 na BA6 - Montijo, o resto mantem-se na mesma.
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 27, 2008, 08:06:48 pm
Ainda continuo com serias duvidas acerca da presença do P-3C em Beja, mas já esta...
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 27, 2008, 09:04:57 pm
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Ainda continuo com serias duvidas acerca da presença do P-3C em Beja, mas já esta...

Está com duvidas sobre eles lá estarem realmente ou sobre se poderao continuar a fazer as suas missões como no Montijo?

É que se for a primeira então basta ir a Beja no proximo domingo para tirar as duvidas :lol: .
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 27, 2008, 10:17:02 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Ainda continuo com serias duvidas acerca da presença do P-3C em Beja, mas já esta...

Está com duvidas sobre eles lá estarem realmente ou sobre se poderao continuar a fazer as suas missões como no Montijo?

É que se for a primeira então basta ir a Beja no proximo domingo para tirar as duvidas :lol: .

Eu sei que estão em Beja na antiga placa da esquadra 301, o que quero dizer é que não vejo grande vantagem táctica em estarem em Beja...
Enviado por: Lightning em Junho 27, 2008, 11:14:22 pm
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Eu sei que estão em Beja na antiga placa da esquadra 301, o que quero dizer é que não vejo grande vantagem táctica em estarem em Beja...

Vantagem também penso que não há nenhuma, digamos que foi onde o conseguiram enfiar, há muito que se desejava a transferencia da esquadra 601 mas era para o Aerodromo de Ovar, até existe lá uma placa com repuchos para lavagem da estrutura do P-3 quando este vem de missões em alto mar que foi construida de proposito para o P-3, e de vez em quando os P-3 vao lá fazer essas lavagens.

A esquadra 601 não foi colocada em Ovar simplesmente porque a Força Aérea não possui efectivos para uma Base Aérea nova (e talvez também por motivos financeiros???), enquanto que na Base Aérea de Beja já existe um Grupo de Apoio, uma Esquadra de Trafego Aéreo, etc, etc tudo o necessário para uma esquadra de voo operar, no Aerodromo de Ovar todas essas sub-unidades de logistica e apoio teriam que ser construidas de raiz e/ou aumentadas caso já existam.
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 27, 2008, 11:46:04 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Typhonman"
Eu sei que estão em Beja na antiga placa da esquadra 301, o que quero dizer é que não vejo grande vantagem táctica em estarem em Beja...

Vantagem também penso que não há nenhuma, digamos que foi onde o conseguiram enfiar, há muito que se desejava a transferencia da esquadra 601 mas era para o Aerodromo de Ovar, até existe lá uma placa com repuchos para lavagem da estrutura do P-3 quando este vem de missões em alto mar que foi construida de proposito para o P-3, e de vez em quando os P-3 vao lá fazer essas lavagens.

A esquadra 601 não foi colocada em Ovar simplesmente porque a Força Aérea não possui efectivos para uma Base Aérea nova (e talvez também por motivos financeiros???), enquanto que na Base Aérea de Beja já existe um Grupo de Apoio, uma Esquadra de Trafego Aéreo, etc, etc tudo o necessário para uma esquadra de voo operar, no Aerodromo de Ovar todas essas sub-unidades de logistica e apoio teriam que ser construidas de raiz e/ou aumentadas caso já existam.

Concordo consigo, a uns tempos atras houve uns "zuns zuns" sobre a ida para Ovar e formar a BA nº13, provavelemente vai ser a casa da esquadra 601 para sempre, mudar de "casa" implica sempre arrastar as familias dos militares para outro lado diferente.
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Junho 29, 2008, 12:26:32 am
Citação de: "Instrutor"
Camarada P44 realmente tem razão o senhor PP só acertou numa em toda a sua governação que foram os Submarinos, agora em termos de avioes de transporte trocar o A400M pelo C-130J e trocar as fragatas OHP pelas BD ai minha nossa c34x


Sem querer ser o defensor de ninguém, não podemos é deturpar a realidade.

Aconselho-o a ler este tópico: ... ed250ba1a1 (

Do qual destaco:

Citação de: "lf2a"
Todavia e na prática, ainda não vimos nada de especial FEITO.
Pois é Luso!
Como sabe, infelizmente, a maior parte do material adquirido para as Forças Armadas demora o seu tempo a negociar, construir e a entregar pelo que, como é óbvio e como o mundo real é tremendamente injusto, os equipamentos que o ministro Paulo Portas negociou e contratualizou só começarão a chegar quando, provávelmente, tivermos um governo do PS (que nada fez para credibilizar e apoiar as Forças Armadas Portuguesas nos seus sucessivos governos anteriores) para recolher os louros. :evil:
E já agora deixo uma pequena lista do que refere como "nada de especial FEITO".

- Contrato para a construção de 10 NPO (sendo 2 destes NCP): Em execução (Já iniciada a construção)
- Contrato para a construção de 5 lanchas de fiscalização: Em execução (Em fase de projecto)
- Contrato para a construção de 2 U209/214PN (com opção de compra de um 3º): Em execução (Em fase de projecto final nos estaleiros da HDW)
- Projecto para o futuro NPL oferecido (Decorrente da aquisição dos submarinos) o que representa uma poupança de tempo de, diría eu, cerca de 5 anos de planeamento: Estatuto desconhecido
- Recuperação económica dos ENVC (decorrente das contrapartidas do contrato dos submarinos e dos contratos dos NPO): A decorrer
- Aquisição de 2 fragatas de defesa de área OHP usadas, a um custo mínimo: Em execução (Já iniciada a activação e reparação)
- Contrato para a aquisição de VTS (Radares de Vigilância Costeira): Em execução (A instalar em 2005 com activação plena em 2007)

Força Aérea:
- Modernização dos 40 F-16A/B para o parâmetro MLU: Em execução (Pelo menos 3 aeronaves já foram entregues)
- Aquisição de armamento diverso, incluindo misseis AMRAAM para as esquadras de F-16: Em execução
- Substituição dos P-3P pelos P-3C Holandeses (muito mais recentes): Em execução (já foi iniciada a activação e a reparação das células que se encontravam nas OGMA)
- Concurso para a substituição dos C-212 Aviocar: A decorrer
- Contrato para a aquisição de Radar 3D de Defesa Aérea para a futura UVD da Madeira (com opção de compra de mais 3 para a(s) futura(s) UVD dos Açores): A activação está prevista para 2008
- Recuperação económica das OGMA: A decorrer

- Concurso para a aquisição de 322 VBR (20 para os Fuzileiros): A decorrer (o anúncio do vencedor deveria estar para muito em breve)
- Contrato para a aquisição de 1200 Rádios Tácticos de última geração: Em execução
- Fim do Serviço Militar Obrigatório e consequente profissionalização do Exército: Executado
- Resolução do problema das pensões devidas aos ex-Combatentes: Em execução

Parece-lhe pouco???

A questão dos ex-combatentes também foi muito mal trabalhada.
Eu diria que com o pouco dinheiro disponível se arranjou uma solução de compromisso para pôr um ponto final numa saga que já se arrastava há demasiado tempo (30 anos!?!).

É interessante verificar que em dois casos em que a questão social tem directamente a ver com as Forças Armadas, estou óbviamente a falar das pensões devidas aos ex-Combatentes e do Fim do SMO, estes foram resolvidos (mal ou bem mas pelo menos resolvidos) pelo ministro Paulo Portas. O quê é que os (chamados) socialistas lá andaram a fazer nos seus mandatos governativos?
Para finalizar, parece-me que tem existido ao longo dos últimos 30 anos uma antipatia e até uma desconfiança excessiva por parte dos sucessivos governos (quer da esquerda, quer da direita) para com as instituições que garantem o desempenho da democracia no nosso país (as forças armadas e as forças policiais)!
Só espero que quem venha a seguir ao ministro Paulo Portas faça pelo menos tanto quanto ele fez!


Citação de: "Instrutor"
 ainda bem que la esteve pouco tempo e que agora voltou tudo a normalidade

Adiamentos, cortes, adiamentos e mais adiamentos! É essa a normalidade a que se refere?
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Junho 30, 2008, 11:52:02 pm
Los programas armamentísticos de Boeing y Lockheed peligran con Obama y McCain.

MADRID.- La industria armamentística estadounidense aguarda impaciente los resultados electorales de noviembre, cuando los candidatos a la presidencia Barack Obama, por el Partido Demócrata, y John McCain, por el Partido Republicano, tomarán el timón del país.

Aunque ambos difieren sobre la cuestión iraquí, invasion que rechazó el senador demócrata, ambos coinciden en que incrementarán el gasto militar y en que desconfían de los programas más costosos de las dos grandes compañías del sector, Boeing y Lockheed Martin, informa Bloomberg.

Las inversiones podrían recortarse en proyectos emblemáticos como el avión multifunción F22 'Raptor' de Lockheed Martin y el Sistema de Combate del Futuro de Boeing, valorado en 159.000 millones de dólares.

Frente a la 'guerra tecnológica' propuesta por ambas multinacionales, inspirada en la tradición y en la Guerra Fría, McCain y Obama apuestan por equipar a Estados Unidos de armamento mejor preparado para combatir en guerras poco convencionales donde las guerrillas y el terrorismo cobran protagonismo. Es decir, equipamiento para combates como los que se libran hoy en día en Irak y Afganistán.

El propio Pentágono canceló en 2004 el programa del helicóptero RAH-66 Comanche, encargado a Boeing y Sikorsky por 38.000 millones de dólares, debido a sus retrasos, al desvío de fondos a las guerras de Irak y Afganistán, y al alto precio a pagar por su tecnología furtiva cuando no tiene sentido su uso en una guerra de guerrillas.

Los programas favorecidos por la nueva visión de la Casa Blanca incluyen nuevos aviones de carga y cisterna para el apoyo logístico y un navío de combate costero de nueva generación. Proyectos que servirán para cubrir los recortes en los otros campos, como muestran los últimos pedidos del Pentágono para sus flotas de transporte con aviones C17 (3.900 millones de dólares el último encargo) y C130 (4.000 millones), además del colosal contrato de 40.000 millones de dólares firmado con EADS y Northrop Group para adquirir nuevos aviones cisterna.

Por contra, el emblemático avión F22 'Raptor' ha dejado de ser la 'joya' de la corona de la Fuerza Aérea estadounidense. El propio McCain ha citado a esta nave como mal ejemplo por sus sobrecostes y los retrasos en su entrega, y en un discurso pronunciado en Oklahoma dijo que Estados Unidos debía "tirar del enchufe antes de seguir perdiendo más y más dólares en armas que no ofrecen a nuestros guerreros lo que necesitan".

Así, el próximo gobierno estadounidense deberá decidir si suma más aviones F22 a los 183 de los que ya dispone, cuyo coste por unidad supera los 175 millones de dólares.

Cabe destacar que el escéptico McCain, de 71 años, quien tendrá que negociar duramente con la propia administración para aprobar los recortes en el presupuesto militar estadounidense, es un veterano de la Fuerza Aérea que combatió -y fue derribado- en Vietnam.

El senador republicano apuesta por incrementar el personal del Ejército y de Marines en más de 240.000 hombres, mientras que Obama estima un incremento de 92.000 personas.

Por otro lado, McCain defiende la inversión en el programa del escudo antimisiles, mientras que Obama critica sus excesivos gastos. Cabe destacar que el contrato de Boeing, la compañía más importante en este proyecto, tiene firmado un contrato de 154.000 millones de dólares que expira en diciembre.

Respecto a la Guerra de Irak, McCain afirma estar dispuesto a mantener las tropas el tiempo que sea necesario, mientras que Obama promete una retirada gradual.
Enviado por: Instrutor em Julho 01, 2008, 10:28:55 am
Nem mais caro Jorge Pereira, uma normalidade muito núbia....
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 03, 2008, 09:51:49 am
Turkey Orders 30 F-16C Block 50s et. al. for $2.9B

On Sept 28/06, the US DSCA notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Turkey of 30 more F-16C Block 50 aircraft, as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $2.9 billion. This sale is in addition to Turkey’s $1.1 billion upgrade program for its existing F-16 fleet, which aims to bring all of its aircraft to a common configuration. More than 200 F-16 aircraft currently make up the backbone of Turkey’s current fighter fleet, and this marks the 52nd follow-on buy of F-16s by 14 repeat customers. Over 4,300 F-16s have been delivered to 24 nations. The final Turkish F-16 under this contract will be delivered in 2013. (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 03, 2008, 12:13:23 pm
Evolution Of The F-22ski

October 2, 2008: The long promised Russian answer to the F-22, the T-50, is under construction and expected to have its first flight next year. Another experimental aircraft, the Su-35, had its first flight earlier this year. The Su-35 contains a lot of the technologies that will go into the T-50. Last Fall, the Russian Air Force showed off the first of two flyable prototypes of the Su-35. It was less than two years ago, that Russia announced its long promised Su-35 fighter, was back in development again. The Su35 is an enhanced Su-30 (itself a development of the Cold War era Su-27), and has been in development for over a decade. At one point, it was called the Su-37, but the name was changed back to Su-35. A dozen or more Su-35 prototypes have been built, and apparently no two are identical. This is typical for Russian aircraft development. They prefer to produce many incremental improvements, rather than make a huge jump to a very different new model. Thus you can trace an evolution from the Su-27 to the T-50.

The Russians want to sell their "Fifth Generation Fighter" (the T-50) to China, India and other foreign customers. There is already a deal for India to develop its own version of the T-50, while contributing some technologies (like lightweight materials) to the basic design. The Indians have announced that their version of the T-50 will be a two seater with longer range than the single seat Russian model. Russia now has the billions of dollars it will take to carry out the T-50 development program. India has become a partner, contributing cash, technology and manufacturing capability.

The T-50 is a 34 ton fighter that is more maneuverable than the 33 ton, Su-27, has much better electronics and is stealthy. It can cruise at above the speed of sound. It also costs at least fifty percent more than the Su-27. That would be some $60 million (for a barebones model, 50 percent more with all the options), about what a top-of-the-line F-16 costs. The Su-27 was originally developed to match the F-15, which is larger than the single engine F-16.

Russia is promising a fighter with a life of 6,000 flight hours, and engines good for 4,000 hours. Russia promises world-class avionics, plus a very pilot-friendly cockpit. The use of many thrusters and fly-by-wire will produce an aircraft even more maneuverable than earlier Su-30s (which have been extremely agile).

The T-50 is not meant to be a direct rival for the F-22, because the Russian aircraft is not as stealthy. But if the maneuverability and advanced electronics proposed Su-35 live up to the promises, the aircraft would be more than a match for every fighter out there except the F-22. If such an T-50 was sold for well under $100 million each, there would be a lot of buyers. Russia says it will begin production, and sales, in five years. That may be too ambitious, but for the moment, the T-50 is the only potential competitor for the F-22 in development. ... 81002.aspx (
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 06, 2008, 02:56:29 pm

OGMA Signs with French Air Force a New Maintenance Contract for C130 Aircraft

(Source: OGMA Industria Aeronautica de Portugal SA; dated Oct. 2, web-posted Oct. 3, 2008)
 OGMA has been awarded a new maintenance contract for the French Air Force’s fleet of 14 C-130 aircraft.

This new contract has a ten-year duration and comprises maintenance, logistical engineering support and fleet management services.

With this contract, OGMA consolidates its position as one of the world leaders in maintenance services for C-130 aircraft.

OGMA is an incorporated company whose shares are owned by Airholdings SPSG (Embraer 70% and EADS 30%), with a 65% share, and by the Portuguese Government through Empordef, with 65%. With headquarters in Alverca, approx. 20 km north of Lisbon, OGMA currently employs 1,637 people.

-ends- ... le=release (
Enviado por: Ricardo Pinheiro em Outubro 06, 2008, 04:40:43 pm
"...owned by Airholdings SPSG (Embraer 70% and EADS 30%), with a 65% share..." "...and by the Portuguese Government through Empordef, with 65%..."

 :lol: ...grandes contas... 130%???
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 07, 2008, 02:16:58 pm
Sistema para rearmar aeronaves em vôo
A empresa FAT Technologies,de Israel, requereu e recebeu o registro de propriedade industrial (patente) de um método e de um sistema para permitir o rearmamento de aeronaves durante o vôo. Nenhum detalhe foi liberado, a não ser a ilustração que se segue, que mostra um braço estendendo-se a partir da porta traseira de um C-130 e afixando uma carga subalar num F-16. Mesmo levando em consideração que a ilustração deve estar bem simplificada, é fácil perceber que seria muito difícil uma aeronave de combate voar tão perto e na mesma altitude de uma aeronave de porte bem maior, e ao mesmo tempo manter-se suficientemente estável para que a manobra de transferência da carga pudesse ser realizada com êxito. Evidentemente, deve haver alguns sistema automático de estabilização atuando simultaneamente sobre caça e ao braço, tornando-os estáveis um em relação ao outro. (

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 13, 2008, 10:44:35 am
Peru revitaliza frota de aviões MiG-29

A aviação militar do Peru terá toda a sua frota de 19 supersônicos modelo MiG-29 "Fulcrum", fabricados nos anos 80 na Rússia e na Ucrânia, revitalizada de forma a manter capacidade de combate e emprego até o ano 2028.

Segundo o Ministério da Defesa, em Lima, a modernização vai custar 106,5 milhões.

Os primeiros oito jatos já estão no parque aeronáutico Capitán Quiñones, na Província de Chiclayo. "Nossas especificações pretendem conferir à aeronave o mesmo status do modelo utilizado pela Força Aérea da Rússia", disse ao "Estado" o tenente-coronel Raúl Sequeros. O pacote prevê novos sistemas eletrônicos de bordo, duas telas coloridas de cristal líquido, conversão do radar para o arranjo de longo alcance, preparada para uso de mísseis com raio de ação além de 100 km e de ataque com bombas inteligentes, guiadas por laser. Os MiGs-29 ganharão capacidade de fazer reabastecimento em vôo e de enlace com estações de comando em terra ou aerotransportadas.

A versão SMT do MiG-29 é uma máquina notável. Voa a 2.450 hm/hora com raio de ação de 1.200 km com 4,5 toneladas de armamento. O limite do alcance do radar Phazotron é da ordem de 130 km. É uma aeronave de médio porte, mede 17,32 metros com envergadura de 11,36 metros. Leva 7 toneladas de carga máxima externa. A arma orgânica é um canhão de 30 milímetros municiado com 150 projéteis de diversos tipos. ... iG-29.html (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 14, 2008, 09:50:51 am
Chile Looking to Replace F-5s With More F-16s

Mercopress reports that Chile is looking to replace its 16 upgraded F-5E/F+ Tiger II aircraft with more second-hand F-16s. The F-5+ are slated for decommissioning in 2009, and Chile’s existing F-16 fleet currently includes 10 advanced F-16C/D Block 50/52 aircraft, and another 18 F-16A/B Mid-Life Upgrade aircraft bought from the Netherlands for $180 million. Mercopress places Chile’s next buy at $170 million for 16 more F-16A/B MLU fighters from The Netherlands, to be delivered in 2009.

Chilean military equipment purchases are somewhat unusual, in that they are financed by a set percentage of windfall earnings from copper mining, one of Chile’s major exports. That legislation dates back to Chile’s military dictatorship, and is scheduled to be amended, but the fund created by that arrangement is expected to hit $3 billion in the coming months.

This is so despite a slew of purchases that are modernizing Chile’s armed forces, after a long slump in copper prices that had put a crimp in Chile’s options. The last decade has seen purchases of F-16s, handfuls of Bell 412 and Eurocopter AS535 Super Puma helicopters, a strong core of used Leopard tanks and accompanying Marder IFVs for the Army, plus 2 new Scorpene Class submarines, 8 used frigates, and 3 new C-295 MP maritime patrol aircraft for use along Chile’s long naval frontier. If the reports of a new F-16 order turn out to be correct, Chile will have ended up replacing its 16-24 recently-retired Mirage 50CN Panteras and 16 F-5+ with 44 F-16s. ( ... 16s-05110/
Enviado por: cromwell em Outubro 14, 2008, 09:22:10 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Chile Looking to Replace F-5s With More F-16s

Mercopress reports that Chile is looking to replace its 16 upgraded F-5E/F+ Tiger II aircraft with more second-hand F-16s. The F-5+ are slated for decommissioning in 2009, and Chile’s existing F-16 fleet currently includes 10 advanced F-16C/D Block 50/52 aircraft, and another 18 F-16A/B Mid-Life Upgrade aircraft bought from the Netherlands for $180 million. Mercopress places Chile’s next buy at $170 million for 16 more F-16A/B MLU fighters from The Netherlands, to be delivered in 2009.

Chilean military equipment purchases are somewhat unusual, in that they are financed by a set percentage of windfall earnings from copper mining, one of Chile’s major exports. That legislation dates back to Chile’s military dictatorship, and is scheduled to be amended, but the fund created by that arrangement is expected to hit $3 billion in the coming months.

This is so despite a slew of purchases that are modernizing Chile’s armed forces, after a long slump in copper prices that had put a crimp in Chile’s options. The last decade has seen purchases of F-16s, handfuls of Bell 412 and Eurocopter AS535 Super Puma helicopters, a strong core of used Leopard tanks and accompanying Marder IFVs for the Army, plus 2 new Scorpene Class submarines, 8 used frigates, and 3 new C-295 MP maritime patrol aircraft for use along Chile’s long naval frontier. If the reports of a new F-16 order turn out to be correct, Chile will have ended up replacing its 16-24 recently-retired Mirage 50CN Panteras and 16 F-5+ with 44 F-16s. ( ... 16s-05110/

E por enquanto, Portugal vai vender diminuir os seus F-16, para 27, para depois ficarem com eles, segundo uma reportagem ao CEFMA na revista Take-off, até 2025.
Isto tudo por causa do nosso Luís Amado, que apesar de ter comprado as fragatas holandesa (graças a Deus!), pôs-se a vender os tal F-16, além de adiar a substituição do C-130 para daqui a 15 anos. :x
Realmente não sei porque, mas sem ofensa, parece que querem tramar a força aérea.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 15, 2008, 09:21:47 am
Parece que a fabrica da MIG está a passar por apertos:

Mighty MiG Fades Away

October 11, 2008: Russia has agreed to buy 28 MiG-29 fighters, right away, from the manufacturer. This is being done to prevent the MiG Aircraft Corporation from going bankrupt. Earlier this year, Algeria told Russia that it was cancelling the purchase of 28 MiG-29 fighters, and returning the ones already delivered. Algeria insisted that there were quality issues, and that some of the aircraft were assembled from old parts. The MiG-29 has been in service for 25 years, but stocks of Cold War era spare parts are still around, and apparently some were put to use to build the Algerian aircraft. These are supposed to be "new," but some of their components are not.

But the real reason for the Algerian reaction may be a better offer from France for more modern Rafael fighters. France is seen as a more useful ally than Russia, and France wants to sell some of those Rafaels real bad. Russia went along with the Algerians, if only because there were billions of dollars worth of other Russian weapons that the Algerians were accepting. But the loss of that large a sale threatened to sink the manufacturer, which has been losing out to Sukhoi, which has been much more successful selling its Su-27 and Su-30 series aircraft. ... 81011.aspx (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 18, 2008, 07:56:40 pm
Rússia começa a entregar MiGs para a Índia no início de 2009

A Rússia iniciará as entregas do MiG-29K Fulcrum-D embarcado para a Índia na começo de 2009, a disse um diretor da MiG esta semana. A Rússia e a Índia assinaram um contrato em 20 de janeiro de 2004 estipulando a entrega de 12 caças embarcados MiG-29K e quatro biplaces MiG-29K UB até 2009 para operarem no porta-aviões que está sendo modernizado para a Marinha da Índia, o Almirante Gorshkov.

”O primeiro quatro MiG-29K serão entregues a Índia no início de 2009”, disse Mikhail Globenko, acrescentando que os 12 restantes serão entregues até o final do ano.” O diretor da MiG disse que foi uma opção de contrato um adicional de mais 30 caças até 2015 e a empresa russa já discutiu com a marinha da Índia para exercer a opção de contrato.

”Estamos prontos (para exercer essa opção) e todas as novos pedidos da Índia”, disse Globenko. Ele disse também que pilotos da Índia começaram um curso de cinco meses de treinamento para operar os MiG-29K na Rússia e o pessoal técnico já está em treinamento por dois meses também no país. (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 28, 2008, 10:45:08 pm
China considers next-generation Su-33s for aircraft carrier programme

China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is close to reaching a decision on the procurement of aircraft for its aircraft carrier programme, Russian industry sources have told Jane's.

Negotiations between the PLAN and the Komsomolsk-na-Amure Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO) in Russia have been held intermittently for several years, with the Chinese military said to be unsure whether to purchase a version of the Sukhoi Su-33 carrier-capable fighter or develop its own carrier aircraft based on the Chengdu J-10.

Russian sources have now told Jane's that under the current proposal the Russian in-service Su-33 would be put back into production and the PLAN would acquire 14 of this type to be used for the training phase of the programme.

This option will see a carrier aircraft delivered to the PLAN in the shortest possible timeframe.

The development of a new-configuration aircraft to be used in actual carrier operations would take place in parallel with this training programme.

"The next step will be to modernise the Su-33, which was first designed in the late 1980s, with a new set of state-of-the-art onboard systems," a KnAAPO representative told Jane's on the eve of the biennial Air Show China in late October. "What this new aeroplane is most likely to be is a combination Su-33 airframe with a radar, avionics and cockpit instrumentation that is a 'developed' cofiguration based on the Su-30MK2, and this will be the PLAN's operational version." ... _1_n.shtml (

mais uma vez os comunas chineses mostram a sua veia de mentiroso e perigosa. Afinal a compra do porta-aviões russo não era para um casino mas sim para o reconstruir
Enviado por: Vicente de Lisboa em Outubro 28, 2008, 10:59:26 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
mais uma vez os comunas chineses mostram a sua veia de mentiroso e perigosa. Afinal a compra do porta-aviões russo não era para um casino mas sim para o reconstruir

O que não deixa de ser estranho, tentar saltar logo do não ter experiência nenhuma com CVs para um de 67.000. :?
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 29, 2008, 03:25:52 pm
Lockheed Martin Completes Modernization of Air Defense System for Romania
(Source: Lockheed Martin; issued Oct. 28, 2008)
 EAGAN, Minn. --- Lockheed Martin has completed installation of an air defense and communications network modernization project for the Romanian Air Force.

The project, completed by Lockheed Martin and several Romanian subcontractors, enhances the air defense and command and control capabilities of Romania's Air Sovereignty Operations Center (ASOC) by extending the air space management system's radar, voice, and data link communication network to provide an enhanced air surveillance picture covering the entire country.

"This project provides the Romanian Air Force with significantly improved situational awareness as well as modern command and control capabilities that are interoperable with other NATO assets," said Rick Udicious, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin's Tactical Systems business.

In November 2004, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract by the Romanian Ministry of Defense (MoD) to extend and enhance the capabilities of the ASOC that Lockheed Martin initially delivered to Romania in 1998. With the program's successful site acceptance tests on Sept. 19, 2008 - including flight tests - the backbone of this network modernization project was completed on schedule and within the planned budget.

Among the sensors that currently provide data for the Romanian air defense system are five Lockheed Martin AN/FPS-117 long-range radars which, under a separate 2007 contract, are ahead of schedule for upgrade to state-of-the art technology by the end of this year.

Earlier this year, Lockheed Martin and the Romanian MoD signed a contract for the co-production of 17 TPS-79 Multi-Mission Surveillance Radar systems for Phase II of the Air Force "Gap Filler" upgrade program. Once completed, these systems also will plug seamlessly into Romania's enhanced air defense network.

Since 1997, Lockheed Martin has installed ASOC airspace management and air defense systems - compatible with a variety of sensors - in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria and Romania.

Headquartered in Bethesda, MD, Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 140,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2007 sales of $41.9 billion.

-ends- ... le=release (
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 29, 2008, 03:31:26 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
China considers next-generation Su-33s for aircraft carrier programme

mais uma vez os comunas chineses mostram a sua veia de mentiroso e perigosa. Afinal a compra do porta-aviões russo não era para um casino mas sim para o reconstruir

ai os malvados! Isso é como que a descoberta da pólvora, já se sabia há que anos...

Ah e já agora para assustar mais um bocadinho :mrgreen:

Os Chineses têm OUTRO PortaAviões Ex-URSS, o Minsk, serve como Museu: (
Minsk World is a military theme park located in Dapeng Bay, Shatoujiao, Shenzhen, China. It includes the huge former Soviet (later Russian) aircraft carrier Minsk, redesigned as a tourist attraction. The theme park opened on May 10, 2000. As of 2005, it had attracted more than five million visitors and generated 450 million yuan in revenue.[1] (

Enviado por: Charlie Jaguar em Outubro 29, 2008, 03:55:55 pm
Citação de: "cromwell"
E por enquanto, Portugal vai vender diminuir os seus F-16, para 27, para depois ficarem com eles, segundo uma reportagem ao CEFMA na revista Take-off, até 2025.

Colega cromwell, se a intenção do Governo for avante, a FAP irá ter ao seu dispôr 28 caças e não 27 como mencionou. Perdeu-se o F-16A "15111" em 2002 num acidente trágico e em Janeiro deste ano o F-16BM "15140", uma das aeronaves que seriam para alienar. Restam 5 células para peças e sobressalentes e 38 aparelhos aos quais se subtrairmos 10 darão 28.  :wink:
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 04, 2008, 08:52:44 am
Italy to extend Lockheed Martin F-16 lease deal
By Pino Modola

Italy's defence ministry is negotiating an 18-month extension to a lease contract for about half of its F-16ADF fighters, say Lockheed Martin officials.

The Italian air force operates 31 F-16A/Bs from the 34 aircraft delivered under a five-year deal with a five-year option signed in March 2001. The current agreement provides for an expected total of 45,000 flight hours, 33,000 of which have been flown by aircraft assigned to the service's 5th Wing at Cervia and 37th Wing at Trapani-Birgi, Sicily. Three aircraft have been lost in accidents.

An 18-month extension to the lease agreement could be signed by January 2009, and would allow the 37th Wing to retain about 15 F-16s until late 2012, maintaining Italy's air defence fleet above the minimum threshold required pending the full availability of its Eurofighters.

Italy's commitment to the Eurofighter programme stands at 121 aircraft to equip four interceptor wings. Deliveries of its 47 Tranche 2 Eurofighters are scheduled to begin soon, while Rome has yet to sign a Tranche 3 deal for its remaining 47 aircraft, along with programme partners Germany, Spain and the UK. ( ... -deal.html
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 05, 2008, 10:02:13 pm
Venezuela Buys Chinese Jets

November 4, 2008: Venezuela is buying 18 K-8 jet trainers from China. Also known as the JL-8, it uses the 770 pound, 9.5 foot long Ukrainian Motor Sich AI-25TLK (3,300 pounds of thrust) jet engines, to power the 4.3 ton, two seat aircraft. Originally, China was going to use 3600 pound thrust American engines, but after the 1989 Chinese crackdown on pro-democracy groups, the United States cut off the supply of engines. This encouraged China to design and  build a similar engine (the WS-11). But China has had a hard time mastering the precise technologies and manufacturing techniques needed to build jet engines. So it has been buying the AI-25TLK instead.

The K-8 entered service in 1994, and over 500 have been built. The aircraft can be fitted with a 23mm cannon, and carry nearly a ton of missiles and bombs. Egypt and Pakistan also use the K-8, and Venezuela will begin receiving them in about two years. ... 81104.aspx (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 05, 2008, 10:04:46 pm
Rafale Converted Into A Satellite Launcher

November 5, 2008: Following the example of Russia and the United States, France plans to use its Rafale fighter to launch small, low orbit, satellites. The ten ton launcher would be hung from three of the Rafales hard points (one on the fuselage and two on the wings), and be able to put a 300 pound satellite into an 800 kilometers orbit.

The U.S. and Russia pioneered this sort of thing three decades ago. Russia developed an ASAT (Anti-Satellite Missile), in response to the United States program that actually resulted in the destruction of a low flying (555 kilometers up) satellite. Russia has since revised this system to launch low flying satellites using Su-30s fighters or Tu-22m bombers.

 The United States ASAT program used a specially equipped F-15 to zoom to a high altitude, and launch a 1.2 ton ASM-135A missile, which then homed in on the satellite and destroyed it. The missile had two stages, plus a homing warhead. Development began in 1977. The first, and only, live test took place in 1985, when a worn out communications satellite was destroyed by the missile. Shortly thereafter, Congress shut down the program, believing that ASAT violated treaties regarding the military use of space. This did not discourage the Russians, who began working on their own ASAT after the U.S. program was cancelled. Progress on the Russian ASAT was kept secret, although it was known (or believed) to exist.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, many previously secret Russian weapons projects were revealed, if only briefly, and often in little detail. One of them was the Russian ASAT. Now, the Kazcosmos company, in Kazakhstan, which developed the Russian ASAT (in cooperation with a Moscow based research institute), is putting together a satellite launching operation. The Russian ASAT used a MiG-31 recon aircraft to test launch the missile. Such a system can only launch small satellite (no more than a few hundred pounds.) But such "microsats" have become quite popular, due to cheaper and more effective miniature electronics. Many regular satellite launches now include one or more microsats as part of a multi satellite package. ... 81105.aspx (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 11, 2008, 11:20:18 am
aqui deixo uma lista de todos as forças aéreas ... emID=26061 (
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Novembro 11, 2008, 10:02:59 pm

 :?:  :?:

Enviado por: Xô Valente em Novembro 11, 2008, 10:11:21 pm
As nossas FA's têm heli de ataque?
Por acaso não sabia...
Enviado por: LuisC em Novembro 12, 2008, 12:30:17 am
O EC-120 é um excelente helicóptero para instrução. É relativamente barato, simples, sendo monomotor tem custos de operação baixos…é bem possível que seja essa a escolha.
Já quanto á quantidade (12) é que tenho as minhas dúvidas.
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 12, 2008, 04:44:39 pm
Citação de: "LuisC"
O EC-120 é um excelente helicóptero para instrução. É relativamente barato, simples, sendo monomotor tem custos de operação baixos…é bem possível que seja essa a escolha.
Já quanto á quantidade (12) é que tenho as minhas dúvidas.

O problema é que o mesmo modelo de helicóptero terá que servir para o Exército e a FAP. Duvido que o EC-120 esteja dentro das especificações do Exército e não estou a ver o MdD comprar 2 modelos diferentes.
Enviado por: joao do brasil em Novembro 12, 2008, 05:35:54 pm
Israel (Reuters) - A Elbit Systems de Israel informou nesta terça-feira que ganhou contrato da Embraer para o fornecimento de sistemas eletrônicos (aviônica) para o programa de modernização dos jatos de combate AMX da Força Aérea Brasileira.
O desenvolvimento inicial e a fase de protótipos do contrato somam 67 milhões de dólares. O contrato completo, incluindo a fase de produção subsequente, totaliza 187 milhões de dólares e deve ser concluído até 2014, divulgou a Elbit em comunicado.
A implementação da fase de produção, seguindo a conclusão do desenvolvimento e a fase de protótipos, está sujeita à aprovação futura.
De acordo com a Elbit, os trabalhos do projeto serão realizados pela sua subsidiária no Brasil, a Aeroeletrônica (AEL), que fornecerá o computador central de missões de batalha para o AMX, assim como os sistemas de tela, de gerenciamento de munições e sistemas adicionais.
A subsidiária israelense da Elbit, a Elisra, fornecerá os sistemas eletrônicos de combate. (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 13, 2008, 09:21:12 am
Oman in Talks To Buy Eurofighters: Report

LONDON - Oman is in talks to buy up to 24 Eurofighter Typhoon jets from British group BAE Systems in a deal worth at least 1.4 billion pounds ($2 billion, 1.7 billion euros), the Financial Times is reporting in Nov. 13 edition.

The business daily, citing British defense sources close to the negotiations, said the Gulf state wanted to replace its 24 ageing Jaguar jets with Typhoons within the next four years.

The Eurofighter multi-purpose combat jets have been developed by a consortium of Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain, with work divided in 1998 according to the number of aircraft each country planned to buy.

The FT said the jets planned for Oman would come out of the 88 that Britain is committed to buying, and help secure billions of pounds of maintenance and support work for BAE.

Saudi Arabia and Austria have also ordered the jets. ... =MID&s=AIR (

Completados testes de REVO do Typhoon com o KC-130J
Foram completados com sucesso os testes de reabastecimento em vôo envolvendo um Eurofighter Typhoon biposto e um KC-130J da Força Aérea Italiana (foto: Alenia Aeronautica). O Typhoon em questão era a aeronave PA-2, utilizada em testes da Alenia, e após completar uma série de ensaios no solo, executou um total de cinco missões de REVO (três em um mesmo dia). Um desses testes foi em configuração “limpa”, e os outros com três tanques suplementares (dois nas asas e um sob a fuselagem). Durante os testes, um dos quais foi noturno, o Typhoon realizou oito contatos “molhados” (isto é, com transferência de combustível) com a aeronave reabastecedora. (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 15, 2008, 06:56:12 pm
Russia Sells 12 Fighters to Sudan
MOSCOW - Russia has sold 12 MiG-29 fighter jets to Sudan, Sudanese Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussein said during a visit to Moscow on Nov. 14, Russian news agencies reported.

"Yes, it's all done. The planes have been bought," the defense minister was quoted as saying to reporters at a briefing in Moscow, in response to a question about a contract for the purchase of the 12 planes.

"We are very satisfied with our military relations with Russia," he said.

Russia was accused by human rights group Amnesty International last year of violating a U.N. resolution by supplying arms to Sudan that were then used in the war-torn Darfur region, a charge rejected by Russia's foreign ministry.

The U.N. Security Council imposed an embargo on sales and deliveries of arms to Darfur in 2004.

Some 300,000 people have died in the civil war in Darfur since 2003 and two million more have fled their homes, according to U.N. figures, although some sources put the toll much higher while Sudan says just 10,000 have died.

Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir earlier this month declared a ceasefire in Darfur. The main rebel movement in the region, the Justice and Equality Movement, has dismissed Beshir's call as a propaganda stunt for the West ... =MID&s=AIR (

 :evil:  :roll:
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 15, 2008, 07:10:45 pm
Swiss Referendum May Derail Fighter Jet Purchase ... ture45764/ (

Isto sim é um país que mostra o gosto que tem pelas forças armadas
Enviado por: pmdavila em Novembro 15, 2008, 08:18:07 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Swiss Referendum May Derail Fighter Jet Purchase ... ture45764/ (

Isto sim é um país que mostra o gosto que tem pelas forças armadas

Ou melhor...que não tem?
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 15, 2008, 08:25:05 pm
Citação de: "pmdavila"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Swiss Referendum May Derail Fighter Jet Purchase ... ture45764/ (

Isto sim é um país que mostra o gosto que tem pelas forças armadas

Ou melhor...que não tem?

não percebi
Enviado por: pmdavila em Novembro 15, 2008, 09:00:28 pm
O referendo está a ser proposto para não comprarem os caças. E, segundo o artigo, há grandes possibilidades do referendo ser favorável a essa proposta. Ou seja, F-5 e F-18 para durar e durar e durar...

E a petição é organizada por um grupo que se chama "Grupo por uma Suíça sem Exército" em tradução literal. Pelo menos ainda não ouvi falar de um grupo semelhante que consiga 500 mil assinaturas cá em Portugal...
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 15, 2008, 09:07:28 pm
Tem razão!!!
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 20, 2008, 01:01:21 pm


Lebanese Air Force Hawker Hunter jets make low fly passes over the capital Beirut and the southern coastline to the city of Sidon.



For the first time since 1994, a Lebanese Air Force Hawker Hunter jet has flown on a routine training mission from the Rayak base, making the type officially active again and restoring the fixed wing capability of the air force. (

Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 22, 2008, 03:45:02 pm
A força aérea do Sri Lanka - um país onde ainda hoje vivem perto de cinco mil lusodescendentes - recebeu os cinco MiG-29 que tinha negociado adquirir com a Rússia no começo deste ano.

Os caças cingaleses estão no padrão moderno MiG-29SM e juntaram-se a um MiG-29UB bilugar que já se encontrava no pais a treinar os pilotos do Sri Lanka.

Ainda que as operações de guerra convencional e de contra-guerrilha geralmente cumpridas pelo exercito cingalês contra a guerrilha separatista dos “tigres de Tamil” se exerça geralmente ou em missões de apoio a forças terrestres, a existência destes interceptores com alguma capacidade ar-terra vai permitir que a força aérea deste pais mantenha alguma da capacidade reativa que perdera nos últimos anos. É contudo uma decisão muito questionável… Pelo mesmo dinheiro poderiam ter-se comprado o dobro de aviões de ataque ao solo Super Tucano, SU-25 ou BAE Hawk…
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Novembro 22, 2008, 08:53:12 pm
Primeiro Typhoon Tranche 2 entregue à Força Aérea Italiana
O primeiro exemplar do Typhoon Tranche 2 entregue pela Alenia Aeronautica à Força Aérea Italiana (foto: Alenia Aeronáutica) é o primeiro de um total de 47 destinados àquela força até 2013. Durante os próximos cinco anos, o consórcio Eurofighter (Alenia Aeronautica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA e EADS Deutschland) vai produzir um total de 323 aeronaves do Tranche 2 (incluindo 72 para a Arábia Saudita), que se somará aos exemplares do Tranche 1 já entregues. Em comparação com seu antecessor, o padrão Tranche 2 possui algumas diferenças estruturais, uma maior capacidade de “software” e uma substancial capacidade de crescimento. (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 04, 2008, 09:40:27 am
Modernização dos Super Étendard argentinos
Com a aproximação da data prevista para a desativação das aeronaves Super Étendard na Marinha francesa (2011), a Armada Argentina foi convidada por aquela força a selecionar e adquirir as dez células que estiverem em melhores condições, uma vez que tenham dado baixa na França. Esses aviões não serão postos em serviço na Argentina, já que as células têm muitas horas de vôo e muitas operações em navios-aeródromo, razão pela qual sua vida útil remanescente não é grande. Por outro lado, as aeronaves argentinas (foto) voaram muito pouco (1.000 horas, em média) e nunca foram modernizadas. A idéia é retirar os “kit” de modernização aplicado aos aviões franceses e instalá-los em dez Super Étendard argentinos. O trabalho no primeiro exemplar estaria finalizado cerca de um ano e meio depois da chagada dos aviões. O plano é concluir o serviço, a ser executado no ARCE (Arsenal Comandante Espora) em todos os dez aviões, em dois a três anos

Argentina pode comprar Mi-17
O Ministério de Defensa da Argentina está avaliando a possível aquisição de seis helicópteros médios Kazan/Mil Mi-17, de fabricação russa, para a Fuerza Aérea Argentina (FAA). O plano seria testar um demonstrador no país até meados de 2009 e, caso se chegue a um acordo, seriam recebidos dois exemplares por ano. Esse tipo de aeronave tem autonomia suficiente para executar vôo de translado direto, com máxima carga interna de combustível, do continente até a Base Marambio (1.300km de distância), no setor Antártico argentino, cruzando o Estreito de Drake. Desde a retirada de serviço dos Boeing Chinook a FAA perdeu a capacidade de vôo direto até a Antártica com aeronaves de asa rotativa de transporte pesado. Em paralelo, seria descartado o oferecimento de helicópteros Kamov Ka-32C para operação pela Armada Argentina, pois esse modelo não pode ser hangarado a bordo do quebra-gelos “Almirante Irizar”, devido à sua altura (
Enviado por: TOMSK em Dezembro 04, 2008, 02:18:23 pm
Lisboa, 03 Dez (Lusa) - Um passageiro alemão com problemas cardíacos foi retirado hoje por um helicóptero da Força Aérea de um paquete que navegava a cerca de 450 quilómetros a Nordeste do Arquipélago da Madeira..

A evacuação do homem, de 56 anos, que necessitava de tratamento hospitalar urgente, foi efectuada depois de a Força Aérea ter recebido ao princípio da tarde um pedido de apoio do Centro Coordenador de Busca e Salvamento da Marinha.

O navio "AIDA CARA", com bandeira italiana, navegava em pleno Oceano Atlântico, a cerca de 450 quilómetros a Nordeste do Arquipélago da Madeira, revela a Força Aérea em comunicado.

O passageiro foi içado do paquete para bordo do helicóptero deitado numa maca suspensa por um cabo ligado ao guincho da aeronave, que aterrou às 19:00 no Aeroporto Militar de Figo Maduro, em Lisboa, tendo sido transportado para o hospital numa ambulância do Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica.

O helicóptero foi auxiliado por um avião de longo raio de alcance para patrulhamento marítimo, a fim de dar apoio à aeronave no contacto, identificação e orientação para o paquete.
Enviado por: Daniel em Dezembro 05, 2008, 06:09:22 am
O helicóptero foi auxiliado por um avião de longo raio de alcance para patrulhamento marítimo, a fim de dar apoio à aeronave no contacto, identificação e orientação para o paquete.

 :?:  :?:
Enviado por: LM em Dezembro 05, 2008, 11:20:51 am
Havia um excelente texto em um blog, escrito por um piloto dos EH-101, onde ele explicava a importancia de um avião de apoio em SAR a grandes distancias - basicamente o tempo disponível "em cima do alvo" é mínimo e um avião (que chega primeiro) pode dar informações (local exacto, ventos, mar, etc) para o heli estar preparado quando chegar e também preparar o "alvo" (direcção, preparativos, etc)... todos os minutos contam.
Enviado por: raphael em Dezembro 05, 2008, 12:13:28 pm
Nem mais, excelente explicação LM :D
Enviado por: Lightning em Dezembro 05, 2008, 03:41:35 pm
Citação de: "Daniel"
O helicóptero foi auxiliado por um avião de longo raio de alcance para patrulhamento marítimo, a fim de dar apoio à aeronave no contacto, identificação e orientação para o paquete.

 :?:  :?:

Qual é a dúvida? Um P-3 Orion foi "à frente" localizar com exactidão a posição do paquete para o EH101 não ter que andar à procura dele no meio do mar.

O Aviocar fazia muitas vezes isso nos Açores em apoio aos Pumas.

Desculpem, não tinha visto que já tinham respondido.
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 10, 2008, 09:49:57 am
Second of Three C-27J “Spartans” Bought Arrive In Lithuania  
(Source: Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania; issued December 8, 2008)
 The second of the three C-27J “Spartans” bought by Lithuania landed in the Lithuanian Air Force Aviation Base Siauliai Military Airfield in the evening of December 6.

Contract between the Lithuanian Armed Force and Italian Company Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A. on procurement of three C-27J “Spartan” aircraft was signed in June 2006. The third aircraft will be sent to the Lithuanian Armed Forces in 2009.

Total value of the contract amounts to 75m Euros (spare parts, logistic equipment, special equipment for VIP cabin, training for pilots and maintenance personnel).

Alenia Aeronautika S.p.A. Training Centre in Turin has already prepared two teams for operation and maintenance of the aircraft, and another two are on the way.

-ends- ... le=release (
Enviado por: JLRC em Dezembro 11, 2008, 01:49:41 pm
Do DN Online

Chefe da Força Aérea confirma erro do ministro

Defesa. O Chefe do Estado-Maior da Força Aérea lançou ontem uma pedrada no charco, ao assumir, numa tabela enviada aos seus subordinados, que os valores dos aumentos anunciados pelo Governo para o subsídio da condição militar são sensivelmente mais baixos do que os aumentos reais

Um primeiro sargento receberá menos 54,8%

A Força Aérea confirmou ontem oficialmente que os militares vão receber significativamente menos, com o aumento de 5,5% do subsídio da condição militar (SCM) em 2010, do que o prome- tido pelo ministro da Defesa.

A partir da tabela publicada pela Força Aérea, segundo contas feitas pelo DN, um coronel vai ganhar menos 38% do que o anunciado pelo ministro, um sargento-mor menos 39,1%, um primeiro-sargento menos 54,8% e um soldado menos 39%.

O ministro disse, numa conferência de imprensa realizada na passada quinta-feira e onde esteve acompanhado pelos quatro chefes militares, que a valorização do SCM iria dar "mais 250 euros" para os coronéis, "163 euros" para os sargentos-mores, "155 euros" para os primeiros-sargentos e "47 euros" para os soldados.

Politicamente, a decisão do Chefe do Estado-Maior da Força Aérea (CEMFA), general Luís Araújo, em mandar publicar a referida tabela acaba por ser a primeira tomada de posição de um chefe militar sobre o assunto, ao oficializar as discrepâncias de valores entre o anunciado pelo ministro e os números objectivos do aumento do SCM.

Os chefes da Armada e do Exército enviaram mensagens factuais aos subordinados. No caso da Marinha, o almirante Melo Gomes disse que "a decisão do Governo, trabalhada juntamente com as chefias militares, reconhece as exigências e especificidades da condição militar e visa contribuir para a justa valorização da função militar". Quanto ao Exército, a nota remetia os seus efectivos para o comunicado do Ministério da Defesa sobre o assunto na Net.

A Associação dos Oficiais das Forças Armadas (AOFA) disse ontem ao DN que "saúda a decisão do CEMFA, uma vez que veio permitir que os militares ficassem a saber, com exactidão, o que efectivamente podem esperar".

"Esta decisão tem de ser entendida, também, como a resposta necessária, por parte de quem exerce tão elevadas funções, ao mal-estar que se instalou na sequência dos números avançados" pelo ministro, "ainda por cima com os chefes do Estado-Maior a seu lado".

Para a AOFA há duas explicações possíveis para "os números inflacionados" do ministro: ou "uma tentativa, não conseguida, de tranquilizar os militares" ou "ir, desde já, condicionando a opinião pública para os afloramentos de insatisfação e desagrado que se irão verificar, um pouco na lógica do 'que é que eles querem se até foram muito aumentados?'."

Independentemente dos valores em causa, os militares reconhecem que o aumento do SCM para 20% representa um primeiro passo do Governo no reconhecimento da especificidade da condição militar dos quadros das Forças Armadas. A dúvida, com base no ocorrido com o anterior aumento do SCM em 1999, é se haverá continuidade.

Entretanto, passada uma semana após o anúncio público do aumento do SCM, continua por se conhecer uma explicação do ministro da Defesa sobre o assunto. É que, mesmo somando aumento da função pública para 2009 (2,9%) e estimando um valor semelhante para 2010, é impossível chegar aos números divulgados por Severiano Teixeira, enfatizaram as fontes do DN.  
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Dezembro 11, 2008, 02:00:20 pm
O GEN CEMFA Luís Araújo já subiu um ponto na minha consideração...mas não me admira nada que por isto possa receber, de forma mais ou menos encaputada, "guia de marcha"...Nomeadamente considerando o "gosto" do PM pela Propaganda e a "aversão" pelo contraditório... :roll:
Enviado por: Portucale em Dezembro 11, 2008, 10:37:35 pm
Infelizmente vivemos tempos de crispação na nossa sociedade, inclusivé na Instituição Militar.
É a consequência das mentiras e da perda de valores da sociedade moderna.
Hoje em dia o importante é sair bem na imagem, é secundário se o que se faz é justo e certo.

Esta atitude do CEMFA é um acto de coragem, determinação e verdade.
Contra as promessas expôs a realidade, não cria ilusões e transmite confiança aos Homens que comanda.

Necessitamos de Lideres como este pela sociedade fora.

Um somatório de mentiras e ilusões leva sempre ao fracasso.
Um somatório de verdades dá-nos as bases para trabalhar rumo ao sucesso.
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 16, 2008, 01:14:22 pm
Russia to hand over 10 MiG-29 fighters to Lebanon

16.12.2008, 14.53

 MOSCOW, December 16 (Itar-Tass) - Russia will hand over ten MiG-29 fighters to Lebanon, Lebanese Defense Minister Ilias Murr said after a meeting with his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov on Tuesday.
Opening the talks in expanded format, Anatoly Serdyukov noted "we're very much hoping that our talks will be productive and give a new impulse to bilateral military and military-technical cooperation."
"In the course of our talks in narrow format we discussed a broad range of issues, including the internal political situation in Russia and Lebanon. I am pleased that our first meeting passed in a positive, friendly atmosphere. We've received a list of the Lebanese armed forces’ needs and are ready to consider it in the nearest future," he emphasized.
For his part, Murr thanked the Russian minister for a warm welcome. He said he was hoping for more such meetings in the future, adding that the "narrow format talks were fruitful and good." He informed those present, than Lebanon would receive 10 MiG-29 fighters."The Russian warplanes will be given to Lebanon as aid," an official in the Lebanese delegation said.
Prior to the talks in expanded format, Serdyukov handed in to Murr the Russian Defence Ministry medal 'For the Strengthening of Comradeship-in-Arms.'
It was noted during the ceremony that Murr "is decorated for his contribution to the strengthening of bilateral military and military-technical cooperation and for assisting the Russian military contingent in rebuilding the Lebanese infrastructure."
The Lebanese defence chief announced his decision to visit Moscow after a meeting with director of Russia's Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation Mikhail Dmitriyev in Beirut on December 6.
Both parties stated an interest in military partnership, which "will give a new impulse to Russian-Lebanese ties."
The 72,000-strong Lebanese army has T-54 tanks and Russian-made howitzers in its arsenal. Those weapons were handed over to it after the 1975-1990 civil war as paramilitary units were being disarmed. The Lebanese side would like to modernize its air defences and increase the number of helicopters and armoured vehicles, Lebanese Defence Ministry officials said.
Russia and Lebanon established close military ties in 2006. Russia was one of the first countries to respond to the Lebanese government’s appeal to restore the country’s southern regions that had been destroyed during Israeli air bombardments.
The Russian construction battalion built nine road bridges during its two-month mission to Lebanon. The Russian military builders restored the most difficult sections of transport routes. The Lebanese authorities and the population highly praised their efforts.
Ilias Murr, 46, is a prominent Lebanese politician. An Orthodox Christian, he studied law in Switzerland. He repeatedly occupied government posts in the capacity of defence minister and interior minister. ... &PageNum=0 (
Enviado por: Instrutor em Dezembro 17, 2008, 10:18:23 pm
O Exmo. General CEMFA poderá perder a confiança do Governo, mas ganha respeito e orgulho de toda a família militar. Um bem haja a esse SENHOR.
Enviado por: HaDeS em Dezembro 21, 2008, 06:33:11 pm

Rússia começa a entregar mísseis ao Irã, diz agência oficial

Da Reuters
TEERÃ (Reuters) - A Rússia começou a entregar sistemas de defesa aérea S-300 ao Irã, que poderão ajudar a repelir qualquer ataque aéreo israelense ou norte-americano a áreas nucleares do país, informou a agência oficial IRNA neste domingo.

"Após alguns anos de negociações com a Rússia... agora o sistema S-300 está sendo entregue ao Irã", disse Email Kosari, vice-presidente de relações exteriores do Parlamento e do Comitê Nacional de Segurança, segundo a IRNA.

Kosari não disse quando começaram as entregas. O ministro das Relações Exteriores do Irã se recusou a comentar a informação. O ministro das Relações Exteriores da Rússia também não quis comentar, dizendo que pode dar uma posição na segunda-feira.

Os Estados Unidos, os seus aliados europeus e Israel dizem que o Irã está buscando compor armas nucleares sob o pretexto de um programa energético atômico para fins civis. O Irã nega a acusação.

A insistência de Israel de que o Irã não pode ter permissão para desenvolver uma bomba atômica alimentou especulações de que o Estado judaico, amplamente considerado como sendo o único país do Oriente Médio a ter um arsenal nuclear, poderá realizar o seu próprio ataque.

As versões mais avançadas do sistema S-300 podem perseguir alvos e atirar em aeronaves a 120 quilômetros de distância. O sistema é conhecido no Ocidente como SA-20.

As vendas de armas e a cooperação nuclear da Rússia com o Irã prejudicaram as relações com Washington, que diz que Teerã poderá usá-las contras os interesses dos Estados Unidos na região e também contra seus vizinhos.

Kosari disse que o sistema S-300 poderá ser usado "para reforçar a capacidade do Irá de defender as suas fronteiras".,,M ... ICIAL.html (,,MUL931292-5602,00-RUSSIA+COMECA+A+ENTREGAR+MISSEIS+AO+IRA+DIZ+AGENCIA+OFICIAL.html)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 24, 2008, 02:25:33 pm
Historia de la Fuerza Aerea del Ecuador ... riafae.pdf (
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 28, 2008, 06:11:01 pm
Japan likely to drop plan to buy F-22 fighters: report
Sat Dec 27, 10:17 pm ET
TOKYO (AFP) – Japan is likely to drop its attempts to buy state-of-the-art US F-22 Raptor stealth fighter planes since it expects the United States to stop producing them, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

The Japanese government had been trying to persuade the United States to sell it F-22 Raptors to replace its own aging F-15 fleet, despite Washington's reluctance.

Tokyo, however, is now abandoning the plan amid signs that US President-elect Barack Obama's new administration may halt production of the aircraft, the Daily Yomiuri said, quoting government sources.

"We have a firm impression that its production likely would be halted," a high-ranking official at the defence ministry was quoted by the daily as saying.

US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, reappointed to stay in the post under Obama, has said publicly that he favours halting production of the F-22.

Washington is also said to be skeptical about continuing production of the expensive planes due to the financial crisis and declining tax revenues.

US law prohibits export of Raptors as Congress remains anxious over the possible leaking of details of the Raptor's state-of-the-art technology. They are built to evade radar detection at supersonic speeds.

Japan's possible alternatives are the Eurofighter Typhoon, jointly developed by NATO members Britain, Italy, Spain and Germany, said the English version of the Yomiuri Shimbun.

Among other candidates are the US fighter F-15FX and the F-35 Lightning II, produced by the United States, Britain and other countries, it reported.

Some ministry officials favor the F-35, a high-performance fighter with sophisticated bombing capabilities, but this plane has not even been deployed so far by US forces, the daily said.

Japan has been officially pacifist since its defeat in World War II but has one of the world's largest defence budgets and is gradually expanding its military role. ... EYhd_uOrgF (;_ylt=AmokF2QJhc3kVXic4nEYhd_uOrgF)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 30, 2008, 11:42:23 pm
P-8 Replacing Tu-142

December 29, 2008: India is buying eight U.S. P-8 maritime reconnaissance aircraft, for about $220 million each. This deal has been stalled for months, but the growing expense of maintaining their Russian Tu-142M aircraft, and the need for a more capable recon aircraft, has made the P-8 buy certain. The first P-8I will arrive in 2014.

Last year India received another Russian built Tu-142 maritime reconnaissance aircraft. Beginning in 1988, when it received three of these aircraft, India has bought more and now has a fleet of eight in service. The Tu-142, which was introduced in the 1970s, is the patrol version of the Tu-95 heavy bomber. This aircraft entered service 51 years ago, and is expected to remain in service, along with the Tu-142 variant, for another three decades. Over 500 Tu-95s were built, and it is the largest and fastest turboprop aircraft in service. Russia still maintains a force of 60 Tu-95s, but has dozens in storage, which can be restored to service as either a bomber or a Tu-142.

The 188 ton aircraft has flight crew consisting of a pilot, copilot, engineer and radioman, and an unrefueled range of 15,000 kilometers. Max speed is 925 kilometers an hour, while cruising speed is 440 kilometers an hour. Originally designed as a nuclear bomber, the Tu-142 version still carries up to ten tons of weapons (torpedoes, mines, depth charges, anti-ship missiles, sonobuoys) and a lot more sensors (naval search radar, electronic monitoring gear). There are two 23mm autocannon mounted in the rear of the aircraft. The mission crew of a Tu-142 usually consists of eight personnel, who operate the radars and other electronic equipment. Patrol flights for the Tu-142 can last twelve hours or more, especially when in-flight refueling is used. Maximum altitude is 45,000 feet, although the aircraft flies much lower when searching for submarines. India requires aircraft like these for patrolling the vast India ocean waters that surround the subcontinent. India wanted to upgrade the electronics on its Tu-142s, but has been put off by the high price, and low performance, of what the Russians have offered.

The P-8A Poseidon is based on the widely used Boeing 737 airliner. India will get a version customized for their needs. Although the Boeing 737 based P-8A is a two engine jet, compared to the four engine turboprop P-3, it is a more capable plane. Cruise speed for the 737 is 910 kilometers an hour. This makes it possible for the P-8A to get to a patrol area faster, which is a major advantage when chasing down subs first spotted by sonar arrays or satellites. The P-8 has a crew of 10-11 pilots and equipment operators, who operate the search radar and various other sensors. The 737 has hard points on the wings for torpedoes or missiles.

The B-737 is a more modern design, and has been used successfully since the 1960s by commercial aviation. The Boeing 737 first flew in 1965, and over 5,000 have been built. The P-8A will be the first 737 designed with a bomb bay and four wing racks for weapons. The U.S. P-8 costs about $275 million each. ... 81229.aspx (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 03, 2009, 11:02:33 pm
Coréia do Sul dá sinal verde para o caça FA-50

A Administração do Programa de Aquisições de Defesa(DAPA) da Coréia do Sul assinou um contrato com a Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) para desenvolver uma aeronave de ataque leve até 2012. O acordo sobre a integração de sistemas e de desenvolvimento do novo caça terá um custo aproximado de US$ 317 milhões.

A KAI irá modificar e transformar quatro T-50 Golden Eagle nos protótipos do novo FA-50.

Uma vez iniciada a produção em massa em 2013, o FA-50 irá substituir os caças A-37, F-4 e F-5, caças de segunda linha da força aérea. Os FA-50 serão companheiros de operação dos KF-16, F-15K e de uma aeronave de 5ª geração a ser escolhida.

“ A DAPA e a KAI assinaram um contrato para o desenvolvimento de uma aeronave nacional de ataque leve baseada no T-50 Golden Eagle”, disse um funcionário da DAPA ao Korea Times. Ainda segundo o funcionário serão compradas inicialmente 60 aeronaves para a força aérea, porém o pedido deverá chegar a 150. A KAI também pretende oferecer o FA-50 no mercado internacional com apoio da Lockheed-Martin.

Desenvolvido em 2006 na Coréia do Sul, o T-50 é o primeiro avião supersônico sul-coreano e foi desenvolvido em parceria com a Lockheed Martin.

De acordo com oficiais da DAPA o FA-50 será equipado com o radar israelense EL/M-2032 da ELTA Systems que possui um alcance (look-up) de 65 a 100km, variando de acordo com o alvo.

As aeronaves também terão um avançado data-link, sistemas de armas e de navegação. O armamento incluirá o míssil AGM-65 Maverick e bombas JDAM, guiadas por GPS.

O desenvolvimento do FA-50 tinha sido paralisado durante alguns anos devido a problemas com a seleção do radar. A DAPA inicialmente havia selecionado o Vixen-500E (AESA) desenvolvido pela empresa britânica Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems. O problema ocorreu, pois para a instalação do radar a Lockheed-Martin deveria dar aos britânicos o código fonte da aeronave e isso foi negado.

“Em geral, o código fonte das aeronaves não podem ser transferidos para outras nações. Para instalar o equipamento no Reino Unido, o código fonte do FA-50 teria de ser partilhado com a empresa britânica, e isso era impossível”, disse Yang.

A Lockheed foi empurrando os sul-coreanos para selecionar seu próprio radar AN/APG-67(V)4, porém aparentemente sem êxito. Segundo algumas fontes houveram outras razões para a troca do radar pois o contrato com os americanos estipula que a família T-50 não poderia ter uma capacidade de combate melhor que a dos KF-16 e acredita-se que o FA-50 equipado com o radar Vixen-500E seria melhor que o jato americano. ... FA-50.html (

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 10, 2009, 10:18:09 pm
Super Tucano para a República Dominicana
A Embraer confirmou a venda de oito aeronaves Super Tucano para o governo da República Dominicana, com efetivação do contrato no final do ano passado. Os aviões serão operados pela Força Aérea do país em missões de segurança interna e patrulhamento de fronteiras, em um cenário de operações de combate ao narcotráfico. Este contrato representa a Terceira exportação da bem-sucedida aeronave, após as vendas para as Forças Aéreas da Colômbia (FAC) e do Chile (FACH).
A escolha da Força Aérea da República Dominicana vem confirmar a extrema versatilidade, associada ao bom desempenho, tanto para treinamento como para missões operacionais, e aos baixos custos de aquisição, operação e manutenção, tornando o Super Tucano um dos melhores aviões multimissão disponíveis no mercado. Até a presente data, 63 unidades do Super Tucano já foram entregues à Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) e 25 à FAC, utilizadas com sucesso na vigilância de fronteiras e em outras missões operacionais. No total, 144 aviões foram vendidos para quatro clientes na América Latina.
A FAC recebeu o 25º Super Tucano em agosto do ano passado, marcando o encerramento das entregas iniciadas em dezembro de 2006 para este cliente. Tal contrato, que incluiu um avançado sistema de treinamento e suporte à operação com estações em solo denominado TOSS (Training and Operation Support System), representou a primeira exportação dessa aeronave. O acordo com a FACH para a venda de 12 aeronaves também foi anunciado pela Embraer em agosto de 2008. O Super Tucano entrou em operação na FAB em dezembro de 2003 para ser empregado tanto no treinamento de pilotos como para executar missões operacionais. Esta capacidade coloca o Super Tucano como a única aeronave em produção no mundo capaz de cumprir missões de treinamento avançado de pilotos e realizar missões de vigilância e contra-insurgência, inclusive à noite, com o auxílio de óculos de visão noturna e sensores eletro-ópticos e infravermelhos. ... epDom.html (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 21, 2009, 03:35:52 pm
Novos aviões para a Bolívia
Através do Decreto Supremo Nº 29852, de 11 de dezembro de 2008, o Ministerio de Defensa Nacional da Bolívia autorizou a aquisição direta de seis aeronaves L-159 ALAC (Advanced Light Combat Aircraft, visto na foto), produzidos pela empresa tcheca Oakfield (ex-Aero Vodochody). Da compra fazem parte também um simulador de vôo, treinamento para pilotos e mecânicos, equipamento de apoio no solo, peças de reposição, ferramental e documentação técnica. A operação foi realizada a um custo de US$57,876 milhões, e os aviões deverão começar a substituir os Canadair T-33 Mk.3. (
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 22, 2009, 09:20:54 am ... 2008_2.pdf (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 28, 2009, 01:36:58 pm
Egypt named as F-16 sales candidate

A senior Lockheed Martin executive has named Egypt for the first time as a possible buyer for another round of new F-16s, perhaps throwing another lifeline for extending production of the single-engined fighter.

Bruce Tanner, chief financial officer, told analysts on 22 January that Egypt and Iraq represent near-term business opportunities, adding: "We still believe there is an opportunity to sell some [F-16s] in the Middle East."

Although Iraq has announced interest in acquiring F-16s, Egyptian officials have not made public similar plans, and Lockheed directed calls seeking elaboration to the US Department of State.

Egypt has since the early 1980s bought more than 200 F-16s, along with other US-made weapons, in six major allotments called Peace Vector I-VI. Lockheed is due to deliver the last F-16 purchased by Egypt under the Peace Vector VI project later this year.

The F-16 has been in production for more than three decades, but new business opportunities are still open. Lockheed has a backlog of 103 aircraft, and delivered 28 F-16s in 2008. In 2007, the company delivered 41 F-16s.

More F-16s could still be sold to Taiwan, which is seeking to overcome US political concerns about a notional purchase of 66 aircraft. Romania is also considering the F-16 for a purchase of 12-24 aircraft, Tanner says. Finally, the F-16IN remains a contender for a 126-aircraft order by the Indian air force.

But Lockheed executives acknowledge that the F-16's lifespan is nearing its end after a long run. Chief executive Robert Stevens told analysts as much during the same presentation, commenting: "I think demand is obviously narrow, but there are 24 countries that fly the airplane. There could be some replenishment or replacement aircraft. It's a contained universe now on the F-16. ... idate.html (
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 03, 2009, 04:05:00 pm
Força Aérea resgata pescador mordido por tubarão

Na sequência de solicitação do MRCC de Ponta Delgada, pelas 06H35 de hoje, 27 de Janeiro, descolaram da Base Aérea Nº 4 um helicóptero SA-330 PUMA e um C-212 AVIOCAR da Força Aérea para efectuar uma evacuação médica de um paciente do Navio Hospital JUAN DE LA COSTA. Este navio, de nacionalidade espanhola, presta auxílio médico a embarcações pesqueiras da Comunidade Europeia no Atlântico Norte e recolheu ontem, dia 26 de Janeiro, um tripulante da embarcação pesqueira NUEVO CEDES.      

O paciente, um espanhol de 49 anos de idade, apresentava lesões no antebraço esquerdo, devido a ter sido mordido por um tubarão, carecendo de cuidados médicos imediatos.      

A recuperação do tripulante teve lugar pelas 08H45, através do sistema de guincho do helicóptero, a cerca de 130 Milhas Náuticas (240km) a Sudoeste de Faial.      

Após a recuperação do doente, o Puma dirigiu-se para a Base Aérea Nº 4, tendo a evacuação a partir daí sido assegurada pelo Aviocar até ao Aeroporto de Ponta Delgada, com vista a transferir o paciente para o Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo. A assistência médica a bordo das aeronaves foi garantida por uma equipa médica militar do Centro de Saúde da BA4.

 :shock:  :shock:
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Fevereiro 03, 2009, 04:37:03 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Força Aérea resgata pescador mordido por tubarão

Na sequência de solicitação do MRCC de Ponta Delgada, pelas 06H35 de hoje, 27 de Janeiro, descolaram da Base Aérea Nº 4 um helicóptero SA-330 PUMA e um C-212 AVIOCAR da Força Aérea para efectuar uma evacuação médica de um paciente do Navio Hospital JUAN DE LA COSTA. Este navio, de nacionalidade espanhola, presta auxílio médico a embarcações pesqueiras da Comunidade Europeia no Atlântico Norte e recolheu ontem, dia 26 de Janeiro, um tripulante da embarcação pesqueira NUEVO CEDES.      

O paciente, um espanhol de 49 anos de idade, apresentava lesões no antebraço esquerdo, devido a ter sido mordido por um tubarão, carecendo de cuidados médicos imediatos.      

A recuperação do tripulante teve lugar pelas 08H45, através do sistema de guincho do helicóptero, a cerca de 130 Milhas Náuticas (240km) a Sudoeste de Faial.      

Após a recuperação do doente, o Puma dirigiu-se para a Base Aérea Nº 4, tendo a evacuação a partir daí sido assegurada pelo Aviocar até ao Aeroporto de Ponta Delgada, com vista a transferir o paciente para o Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo. A assistência médica a bordo das aeronaves foi garantida por uma equipa médica militar do Centro de Saúde da BA4.

 :shock:  :shock:

Imagino que pensou o mesmo que eu de início: o que raio estava o pescador espanhol a fazer na água!
Na verdade, parece que foi mordido quando estava a recolher a rede para dentro do barco...
Enviado por: Menacho em Fevereiro 03, 2009, 06:55:16 pm
Un 10 por el SAR portugues y el navio espanhol Juan de la COSTA..... :D
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 04, 2009, 11:02:27 am
Pois mas o salvamento foi feito por um...SA-330 PUMA! :oops:
Enviado por: Lightning em Fevereiro 04, 2009, 12:48:17 pm
Exercício Táctico "Real Thaw 09"


Decorre entre os dias 19 de Janeiro e 12 de Fevereiro o Exercício da Força Aérea Portuguesa denominado “REAL THAW 09”.  Este Exercício procura maximizar o treino dos militares que aplicam o emprego táctico do Poder Aéreo, providenciando uma multiplicidade de cenários que retratam conflitos e ameaças actuais.  

O REAL THAW 09 é uma exercício combinado e conjunto, planeado e conduzido pelo Comando Operacional da Força Aérea, que se desenrola a partir da Esquadra 301, da Base Aérea Nº 5, em Monte Real, envolvendo meios de quatro Bases Aéreas, o Centro de Comando e Controlo da Força Aérea, cerca de 25 de aeronaves de vários tipos e categorias, bem como 400 militares da Força Aérea Portuguesa. Ainda no plano nacional, participam cerca de quatro dezenas de militares do Exército Português, nas vertentes de Operações Especiais e de Pára-quedistas, assim como vários meios navais e Fuzileiros integrados num exercício de instrução da Marinha Portuguesa. No plano internacional, o Exercício conta com a presença de Controladores Aéreos Tácticos (TACPs) dos Estados Unidos, quatro F-16 da Força Aérea Dinamarquesa, um avião-radar (E3A) da NATO e quatro F-18 da Força Aérea Espanhola.

A Serra da Estrela, particularmente a região de Seia, é o palco das actividades no terreno, onde a Força Aérea irá testar as suas capacidades de Defesa Aérea, Transporte Aéreo Táctico, Apoio Aéreo Próximo, Extracção e Evacuação de Elementos Não-combatentes. (
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 04, 2009, 01:32:32 pm
Os Páras são da Companhia de Precursores?
Enviado por: Lightning em Fevereiro 25, 2009, 02:39:29 pm
Citação de: "P44"
Lockheed wins $797 mln deal for Turkish fighters

Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:15pm EST

WASHINGTON, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) has won a $797 million contract modification to supply 14 F-16C and 16 F-16D Block 50 fighter jets to the Turkish government, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.

The Air Force modified an earlier firm, fixed-price contract with Lockheed, the Pentagon said in its daily digest of major arms deals.

In September 2006, the Pentagon approved the sale to Turkey of the 30 fighter jets, engines, radar and electronic warfare equipment, a deal valued at $2.9 billion if all options were exercised.

At the time, it said the sale would improve Turkey's ability to defend its own borders and better contribute to U.S.-led anti-terrorism efforts and NATO operations.

Lockheed, which signed a contract with Turkey in May 2007 for its part of the work, a deal valued at $1.78 billion, won an initial amount of $187 million in July 2007 to begin purchasing long-lead items for the fighter jets.

Tuesday's contract announcement paved the way for actual production work to begin on the aircraft, said a Lockheed spokeswoman. (Reporting by Andrea Shalal-Esa; Editing by Gary Hill and Jeffrey Benkoe) ... 0220090224 (
Enviado por: pchunter em Fevereiro 26, 2009, 11:40:03 am
UAE chooses M-346 as advanced lead-in fighter trainer
By Luca Peruzzi

The United Arab Emirates air force and air defence has selected Alenia Aermacchi's M-346 Master as its future advanced lead-in fighter trainer. The UAE government on 25 February announced at the International Defence Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi that negotiations have begun for the acquisition of 48 M-346s for an undisclosed sum. However, sources suggest the acquisition could be worth around €1 billion ($1.27 billion).

An undisclosed number of the aircraft are expected to be procured in a light attack configuration, with Finmeccanica company Alenia Aermacchi to also provide a full ground-based training system including flight simulators as part of the deal. Deliveries are planned from 2012.
The announcement also unveiled the creation of a joint venture in the UAE between Alenia Aermacchi and Mubadala Development to establish a final assembly line for the M-346. The agreement also foresees "the manufacturing of aerostructures in composite materials for the civil sector in Abu Dhabi," says Finmeccanica chief executive Pier Francesco Guarguaglini. The company says the pact is also the result of close collaboration between the Italian government and defence industry.

Alenia Aermacchi's M-346 was selected following a lengthy competition with the Korea Aerospace Industries/Lockheed Martin T-50. The UAE commitment represents the first export sale for the M-346, 15 of which will also be produced for the Italian air force.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Fevereiro 27, 2009, 02:31:09 pm
Turkey Orders 30 F-16C Block 50s et. al. for $2.9B ... 29b-02671/ (
Enviado por: Lancero em Março 09, 2009, 12:48:51 pm ... ywood.html (

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 09, 2009, 01:12:13 pm
muito á frente
Enviado por: Lightning em Março 11, 2009, 05:30:24 pm
Exercício "Vigiar e Actuar 2009"

Decorrerá entre os dias 30 de Março e 2 de Abril, no Campo de Tiro de Alcochete (CTA) e no Centro de Formação Militar e Técnica da Força Aérea (CFMTFA), na Ota, o exercício "Vigiar e Actuar 2009", organizado pelo Gabinete Coordenador de Segurança Militar da Força Aérea.

Neste exercício, constituído por quatro provas (Tiro, Orientação e Topografia, Combate Táctico e Pista de Obstáculos, participarão todas as Unidades da Força Aérea, que organicamente dispõem de uma Esquadra ou Esquadrilha de Polícia Aérea.

O "Vigiar e Actuar 2009" terá como objectivo fundamental testar e aferir a capacidade operacional das forças responsáveis pela segurança interna e defesa imediata das Unidades e Órgãos da Força Aérea, através da avaliação das suas capacidades físicas, técnicas e tácticas, bem como treinar procedimentos logísticos, administrativos e processuais, relativos à movimentação de significativos meios humanos e logísticos.

Este exercício envolverá cerca de 120 militares incluindo participantes, comissão organizadora, árbitros e pessoal de apoio. (
Enviado por: Lightning em Março 11, 2009, 05:35:09 pm
Centro de Treino Cinotécnico da Força Aérea organiza o “Kanicross 2009”

Decorrerá entre os dias 16 e 18 de Março, no Aeródromo de Manobra Nº1, em Maceda, o “Kanicross 2009”, um exercício de avaliação de equipas cinotécnicas, organizado pelo Centro de Treino Cinotécnico da Força Aérea (CTCFA) desde 2004.

Neste exercício, constituído por 21 obstáculos ao longo de oito quilómetros, participarão não só todas as Secções Cinotécnicas da Força Aérea, mas também equipas da PSP e do Exército (Pára-quedistas). O “Kanicross 2009” contará ainda com uma delegação da GNR, como elemento de observação.

A competição é destinada a testar a capacidade física do cão e do seu treinador, assim como a capacidade de controlo do cão, por parte do tratador e as suas capacidades de tiro. É também tida em conta a motivação do cão em acompanhar o seu treinador sob circunstâncias difíceis e exigentes.

Este exercício destina-se a avaliar o grau de preparação das equipas Cinotécnicas para o cumprimento das missões que lhes são atribuídas, assim como suscitar e desenvolver em todo o pessoal ligado aos cães uma saudável competição que contribua para melhorar a instrução e o emprego das equipas Cinotécnicas.

A utilização de equipas Cinotécnicas na Segurança Interna e Defesa Imediata das Unidades e Órgãos da Força Aérea como meios activos do dispositivo implementado, implica um treino continuado, abrangendo variadas vertentes, com destaque para a componente técnica a que é necessário aliar a destreza física e o conhecimento mútuo dos componentes da equipa. (
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Março 13, 2009, 10:20:10 am
Murtha Wants Speedy Mixed Air Force Tanker Buy

The top U.S. House defense appropriator is pushing a plan on Capitol Hill to speed the Air Force's years-long saga to buy new aerial tankers by giving work to both the Boeing and Northrop Grumman-EADS teams.
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., is chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee on defense.

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee, told a conference in Washington on March 12 that he is in talks with House and Senate Appropriations panel leaders to increase supplemental defense funding to finally end the decade-long KC-135 replacement effort.

His idea, floated during a conference at the National Press Club sponsored by Aviation Week and McAleese & Associates, is to inflate the $67 billion supplemental request the Obama administration will send to Congress in coming weeks with funds tagged for the competition and "development work" on each team's planes.

By putting the funds in the second 2009 supplemental, the Air Force would "get the planes sooner" than if appropriators waited to put the monies in the 2010 defense budget, due to Congress late in April.

Murtha's plan, if included in the final version of the supplemental, would add a new twist to the tanker saga by requiring the Air Force to buy some number of both planes.

Boeing and Northrop-EADS still would compete under the Murtha plan, but not for the entire 179-plane, $35 billion contract. Whichever team the service deems "put forward the best proposal would get more" of the 179-plane pie, he said, and the other team would get a lesser number.

That differs from talk of a "split buy," under which the Air Force would buy an equal number from each team.

Senior Air Force and Pentagon officials, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, oppose buying both planes under the KC-135 replacement program because they say sustainment and maintenance costs would be too high.

Asked by Defense News whether a mixed buy would keep the team awarded fewer KC-X tankers from protesting the decision, a move that could again delay the program by years, Murtha said lawmakers were still working through details of his plan.

"We hope we can work it out," Murtha said.

Asked whether a mixed or split buy would satisfy Boeing brass, Murtha grinned and replied: "Boeing will do what we ask them to do. They will be happy to get a tanker. ... Boeing has put a lot of money into this."

His comments came almost 24 hours after Rep. Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii, House Armed Services air and land subcommittee chairman, told the same conference he supports splitting the contract between Boeing and Northrop-EADS.

Abercrombie told reporters that because the Boeing and Northrop-EADS planes have different attributes, the Air Force could simply operate them in different regions of the globe.

Murtha and Abercrombie shot down a March 10 CQ Politics article that the White House Office of Management and Budget had ordered the Pentagon to delay the KC-X competition by five years to cut costs as part of the soon-to-conclude 2010 defense budget deliberations.

"That is just not true," a stern-sounding Murtha told the conference.

Defense News (http://http)
Enviado por: P44 em Março 21, 2009, 11:38:47 am
Greece has ordered a total of 170 F-16s in four batches, and will begin to take delivery in May of the final batch of 30 Block 52+ aircraft. An earlier F-16D Block 52+ is shown here. (Photo I. Lekkas)

Lockheed Martin, Hellenic Air Force Celebrate Inauguration of Newest Advanced F-16 Fighter

(Source: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company; issued March 19, 2009)

FORT WORTH, Texas --- Ceremonies were held today at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas, to commemorate the F-16 Peace Xenia IV program for Greece. The ceremony marks an important production milestone, demonstrating that the program is on schedule and on budget. This F-16 acquisition is the fourth for the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) and the nation of Greece.

Lt. Gen. Ioannis Giagkos, chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, accepted the first Peace Xenia IV F-16 Block 52 advanced aircraft on behalf of his nation and expressed satisfaction with its timely delivery. "I am grateful to everyone who contributed to the design and construction of this ultra-modern weapon system. With these new aircraft, the defense and deterrent force of the Hellenic Air Force will be significantly enhanced," he said.

U.S. officials attending the ceremony included Bruce Lemkin, deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for International Affairs. Hosting the ceremony were Ralph D. Heath, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin and president of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics; Dennys Plessas, vice president of business development in Greece; and John Larson, vice president of F-16 Programs.

"Lockheed Martin is pleased that through this government-to-government agreement, we are able to offer for the first time, a fully integrated and comprehensive weapon system, including a self-protection system, weapons and other subsystems which make this advanced version of the F-16 particularly effective for the operational needs of the Hellenic Air Force," said Plessas. "The recent completion of the infrastructure facilities as a special project in conjunction with this aircraft buy at Araxos Air Base, 116 Combat Wing guarantees the immediate use of this weapon system by the Hellenic Air Force."

"The F-16 we see before us today is a symbol of our 66-year friendship with the Hellenic Air Force, providing a path for the future to the next generation in aircraft with the F-35, as we continue to deliver on our promises between Lockheed Martin and the country of Greece," said Larson.

The Peace Xenia IV purchase program raises the total fighters ordered by the HAF to 170. The aircraft rolled out today is the first of 30 Block 52 Advanced F-16s being produced in the newest lot. The HAF received the F-16 Block 30 version starting in 1988, the Block 50 version starting in 1997 and the Block 52+ version in 2003. Greece has been a Lockheed Martin customer since 1943, when it acquired its first squadron of Martin A-30 Baltimore Mk III, IV and Vs.

The Peace Xenia IV program includes 20 F-16Cs and 10 F-16Ds, all powered by the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 engine. This first aircraft - a single-seat F-16C model - was accepted by the U.S. government (as agent for Greece in the Foreign Military Sales process) in January 2009, one month ahead of schedule. The U.S. government also accepted the first two-seat F-16D version in January. The first four aircraft will be ferried to Greece in May with the remainder following in 2009 and 2010.(Emphasis added—Ed.)


The F-16 is the choice of 25 nations. More than 4,400 aircraft have been delivered worldwide from assembly lines in five countries. The F-16 program has been characterized by unprecedented international cooperation among governments, air forces and aerospace industries. Major upgrades to all F-16 versions are being incorporated to keep the fleet modern and fully supportable over the aircraft's long service life.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 146,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2008 sales of $42.7 billion.

Enviado por: pchunter em Março 25, 2009, 12:25:20 pm
Embraer vende 24 super tucano Para o Equador.

(Sao Jose dos Campos, March 23, 2009) -- Embraer confirms signing the Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) for the sale of 24 Super Tucano turboprop aircraft, through a contract that was finalized last year. The tandem seat airplanes will be used on border patrol missions and for pilot training. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in late 2009.

"We are honored to expand our relationship with the Ecuadorian Government, which already operates many Embraer aircraft models," said Orlando Jose Ferreira Neto, Executive Vice President, Defense and Government Market. "The Super Tucano is the ideal aircraft for surveillance and training missions and we are certain it will fully meet the needs of the Ecuadorian Air Force. With this contract, we have now sold a total of 169 Super Tucano planes."

Relations between Embraer and the Ecuadorian Government have become much closer in recent years. TAME Linea Aerea del Ecuador, a state-owned airline, currently operates two EMBRAER 170 and three EMBRAER 190 jets. In September 2008, Embraer delivered a 50-seat ERJ 145 jet to the state-owned Petroecuador company, which uses the aircraft to transport employees between its business units within the country, and in December FAE received a 13-seat Legacy 600 jet.

The deal with FAE includes an extensive Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) package and an advanced Training and Operation Support System (TOSS), covering not only the aircraft, but also ground support stations and a flight simulator.

This is the fourth export contract signed by Embraer to supply Super Tucano aircraft to a Latin American air force. In August 2008, the Company announced a contract with the Chilean Air Force (FACh) for the sale of 12 aircraft, and at the beginning of 2009 it confirmed the sale of eight planes to the Dominican Republic Air Force. The Super Tucano currently operates in the air forces of Brazil and Colombia, successfully carrying out border patrol and other missions.

Source : Embraer
Enviado por: pchunter em Março 25, 2009, 08:59:55 pm
US Air Force F-22 Raptor crashes in California
By Jon Ostrower

A Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor has crashed near Edwards Air Force base in California, the US Air Force confirms.

According to a US Air Force statement, the highly advanced fifth-generation fighter went down in the area of Harper Dry Lake about 35 miles northeast of Edwards Air Force Based.

The crash occurred around 10:30 AM local time while the aircraft on a test mission.

The status of the pilot is currently unknown.


Edwards Air Force base is home to the 411th & 412th Flight Test Squadron responsible for developmental tests of F-22 enhancements and modernization.

In 2004, an F-22 Raptor crashed on a training mission in the Nevada desert.

A prototype YF-22 aircraft crashed on landing at Edwards Air Force Base in April 1992 during flight testing.

Most recently in October of 2007, an F-22 nearly crashed at Edwards after suffering a brief, dual-engine flameout while performing a negative-g 360-degree roll while testing a new weapons loadout.
Enviado por: Lancero em Março 26, 2009, 09:04:30 pm
Northrop Grumman Announces Customer Order for 500th LITENING Advanced
Targeting and Sensor Pod

   ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill. - March 26, 2009 - Northrop Grumman
Corporation (NYSE:NOC) today announced that the LITENING targeting and
sensor pod set another milestone by becoming the first 3rd generation
system to book customer orders for over 500 pods.

   The company's latest contract win from the United States Marine
Corp and Air National Guard for the LITENING G4 targeting and sensor
pods placed the company over the 500 pod threshold. Delivery of these
LITENING G4 pods will start in mid 2009.

   "100 percent of all target identification for 100 percent of
all weapons employed by my squadron was done using LITENING Video Down
Link to the JTAC and Ground Commander," said Major Rich Hunt, 104th FS
Weapons & Tactics Officer, Air National Guard, Martin State Airfield in
Baltimore. "The pod was used constantly to ensure 100 percent positive
identification of friendlies and civilians to prevent fratricide and
collateral damage. The pod just always worked."

   "With 543 total pods fielded or on order, LITENING has become
the pod of choice for both U.S. and coalition forces," said Mike
Lennon, vice president of Targeting and Surveillance programs at
Northrop Grumman's Defensive Systems Division. "Currently, there are
more LITENING pods deployed and in use than any other advanced
targeting system, providing the warfighter with unprecedented
capabilities to survive, prosecute and destroy the enemy."

   LITENING Advanced Targeting (AT) pods have proven their combat
capabilities and inherent flexibility to adapt to changing operational
requirements. Rapid integration on a wide variety of aircraft (AV-8B,
A-10A/C, B-52H, EA-6Bs, F-15E, F-16 and F/A-18s) serving all components
of the U.S. Air Force (active duty, Air National Guard and Air Force
Reserve Command), the U.S. Marine Corps (active duty and reserves), the
Italian and Spanish navies, the Israeli Air Force, the Royal Australian
Air Force, the Royal Netherlands Air Force, the Finnish Air Force and
the Portuguese Air Force, in addition to the wide fielding of internal
data links, are just two examples of the benefits realized by the
warfighter. Additionally, LITENING has pioneered such advanced
targeting technologies as precisely aligned and stable sensors;
coordinated air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities through laser
spot search and track and laser markers; and J-series weapons
employment capabilities.

   LITENING Gen 4 is the next step in the evolution of the
LITENING family and applies the latest in sensor technology to achieve
unprecedented levels of target detection, recognition and
identification ranges. The LITENING Gen 4 technology and capability is
also available in a kit form that allows current LITENING users to
upgrade their currently fielded LITENING pods to this new and advanced

   Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security
company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products,
and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems,
shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial
customers worldwide.
Enviado por: pchunter em Março 27, 2009, 12:44:27 am
Cada cavadela sua minhoca! Desta vez o V-22

Fifth V-22 with loose bolts points to design problem
By Stephen Trimble

US Naval Air Systems Command confirms today that a fifth MV-22 -- and the first US-based aircraft – is afflicted with the same “loose bolts” problem that caused the fleet to be grounded earlier this week

This discovery means all “high-time” V-22 airframes may have a safety-critical design problem, and is not isolated to the four Iraq-based MV-22s previously found with the problem.

The bolts are used to attach a swashplate that controls the pitch of the propeller blade. If the swashplate comes loose during flight, the aircraft could crash.

“You would essentially lose control of the aircraft,” Col Matt Mulhern, V-22 programme manager, told

While a root-cause investigation is ongoing, NAVAIR officials believe a design change will likely be required to ensure bolts in the proprotor cannot come loose, which if left unchecked would cause the aircraft to spin out of control.

Mulhern notes that investigators have not ruled out potential defects in maintenance or manufacturing either. But the new fact that both aircraft in Iraq and the US are affected suggests that poor maintenance is not a driving factor.

“We’re going to eventually need a material fix for this” problem, Mulhern said.

The problem was discovered on Saturday after an MV-22 landed at Al-Asad Air Base, Iraq. The crew heard strange noises, and the inspection found the bolts rattling loose inside one of the MV-22’s two engine nacelles. The bolts appear to have shaken loose after the aircraft landed, which could offer a clue to investigators.

“That has raised questions about what happens [to the bolts] when you take the load off of [the prop-rotor],” Mulhern said.

Two days after the first discovery, the USMC grounded all 73 MV-22s and 11 CV-22s for inspections as a safety precaution. Immediately, the inspections identified three more MV-22s at Al-Asad with loose bolts on the same component, although the bolts had not fallen completely from their holes.

Programme officials had hoped the problem was contained to the MV-22s deployed to Iraq, which could have suggested that the more intense operations were a contributing factor.

Instead, the discovery of the MV-22 based at New River, North Carolina, on Wednesday, changed the focus of the investigation. All five MV-22s shared a common trait as among the most “high-time” airframes in the fleet.

The “loose bolts” problem comes at a sensitive time for the programme. The Pentagon is preparing the final version of the Fiscal 2010 budget request. The US Special Operations Command is interested in accelerating purchases of CV-22s over the next five years.

“This is an event that aircraft go through, and it was a precautionary grounding,” Mulhern said. “But you’re always worried about how the politics play out.”
Enviado por: Lancero em Abril 13, 2009, 11:28:32 pm
Northrop Grumman's LITENING Precision Targeting System
Surpasses One Million Operational Hours Milestone

   ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill. – April 13, 2009 – Northrop Grumman
Corporation (NYSE:NOC) today announced the achievement of over one
million operational hours for the company's LITENING precision
targeting and sensor systems currently deployed with U.S. and allied

   "LITENING continues to be the precision targeting system most
called on, indicated by the one million operational hours milestone,"
said Mike Lennon, vice president of Targeting and Surveillance Programs
at Northrop Grumman's Defensive Systems Division. "LITENING has
pioneered such advanced targeting technologies as precisely aligned and
stable sensors, coordinated air-to-ground and air-to-air capabilities
through laser spot search and track and laser markers, data links for
coordinated air-ground attack and J-series weapons employment
capabilities, and we continue to refine our system today as proven by
the cutting-edge LITENING G4."

   Of the more than one million hours accumulated to date, just
under half have been logged under deployed and combat conditions, with
an operational availability of over 97 percent for over two consecutive
years, performance unequaled in industry, Lennon noted.

   LITENING Advanced Targeting (AT) pods have proven their combat
capabilities and inherent flexibility to adapt to changing operational
requirements. Rapid integration on a wide variety of aircraft (AV-8B,
A-10A/C, B-52H, EA-6Bs, F-15E, F-16 and F/A-18s), plus the wide
fielding of internal data links are just two examples of the benefits
realized by the warfighter. Customers for LITENING include all
components of the U.S. Air Force (active duty, Air National Guard (ANG)
and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)), the U.S. Marine Corps (active
duty and reserves), the Italian and Spanish navies, the Israeli Air
Force, the Royal Australian Air Force, the Royal Netherlands Air Force,
the Finnish Air Force and the Portuguese Air Force.

   Since its introduction in 1999 with the ANG and AFRC, the
LITENING system has undergone four spiral upgrades to ensure continued
combat relevance in an ever-changing battlespace. LITENING G4 is the
next step in the evolution of the LITENING family and applies the
latest in sensor technology to achieve unprecedented levels of target
detection, recognition and identification ranges. The LITENING G4 pod
includes an advanced 1k forward-looking infrared sensor, a 1,024 x
1,024 pixel charge-coupled device (1k CCD), laser target imaging,
advanced high power laser and advanced next-generation data links.
Deliveries of the LITENING G4 system will begin in mid-2009.

   The LITENING G4 technology and capability is also available in
a kit form that allows existing LITENING users to upgrade their
currently fielded LITENING pods to this new and advanced standard.

   Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security
company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products,
and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems,
shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial
customers worldwide.
Título: La fuerza Aerea Italia degrada sus capacidades
Enviado por: old em Abril 14, 2009, 03:35:53 pm
La Fuerza Aérea italiana se podría enfrentar en un futuro cercano a una degradación de sus capacidades, incluyendo la disminución de su flota de aviones de combate y entrenamiento debido a la rebaja de presupuestos de las Fuerzas Armadas.

Según el AJJEMA italiano, si los recortes continúan, hay riesgo de que toda la flota de AMX sea dada de baja, además de la reducción del número de aviones de entrenamiento MB-339, cosa esta última que no se podría paliar del todo con el uso de simuladores. En el aire quedaría también la escuadrilla acrobática italiana, Frecce Tricolori.

En los pasados tres años, la AMI ha visto reducidas sus horas de vuelo de 116000 a 87500, con la intención en un futuro cercano de operar solo dos tipos de aviones de combate, el Typhoon y el JSF.

La flota actual de 95 Tornado y 65 AMX se ha de ver reducida a 50 aviones de cada avión para el 2014. Del JSF se espera la compra de cien aviones, 60 F-35A y 40 F-35B . Esta última variante entrará primero en servicio para sustituir a los AMX.

De los 121 aviones comprometidos del programa Eurofighter, se espera que se puedan comprar 100.

Enter los varios programas de adquisición y modernización de aviones, uno de los puntos importantes será el modelo que sustituya al único G-222VS de recogida de información electrónica, siendo al parecer favorito el Gulfstream G550 modificado por IAI/Elta, del cual se comprarían dos unidades. ... e-una.html (
Enviado por: old em Abril 15, 2009, 10:49:50 am
Francia compra 6 C-295, a la espera del A400M ... p?cod=1346 (
Enviado por: Carlos Barbosa em Abril 17, 2009, 06:48:23 pm
Muitas forças aéreas estão em programas de renovação a Força aérea Indiana também não escapa, no seu programa para a aquisição de 126 aeronaves de combate, um já está de fora, o Rafale. Estranho? Talvez não...

Fonte: Reuters
NEW DELHI, April 16 (Reuters) - France's Dassault Aviation is out of the running for a $10 billion contract to supply India with 126 multi-role fighter jets, an Indian defence ministry spokesman said on Thursday.

Boeing (BA.N), Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N), Russia's MiG-35, Sweden's Saab (SAABb.ST) KAS-39 Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon, a consortium of British, German, Italian and Spanish companies, were the other parties that submitted bids last year for the contract, one of the biggest in the world.

"Rafale did not meet the usual requirement," the spokesman told Reuters.

"The other five companies are still in the race," he said.

In Paris, a Dassault Aviation (DAST.PA) spokesman had no immediate comment on the announcement.

Dassault's other leading partners in the Rafale project include Thales (TCFP.PA), which makes the radar, and engine maker Safran (SAF.PA).

India has said it will soon begin trials of the fighter jets, as it plans to replace its ageing Soviet-era fleet. Defence officials have said the trial process could begin by end-May and could take nearly a year to test the capability of the fighters.

"It will be a long process, as we will check various things, including the capabilities of the fighters in combat scenarios," the spokesman said.

India plans to spend more than $30 billion over the next five years to modernise its largely Soviet-era weapons systems and is also launching its first military spy satellite next year. (Additional reporting by Tim Hepher in Paris; Editing by John Mair)
Enviado por: old em Abril 20, 2009, 09:47:52 pm
Citação de: "old"
Francia compra 6 C-295, a la espera del A400M ... p?cod=1346 (

La Republica Checa compra otros 4.
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 20, 2009, 10:44:38 pm
Nova "insígnia"? da força aérea russa.
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 20, 2009, 10:46:53 pm
Nova insígnia da força aérea russa
Enviado por: Cabecinhas em Abril 21, 2009, 12:22:49 am
:shock:  :lol:
Enviado por: pchunter em Abril 22, 2009, 05:31:04 pm
O novo predador!

Jet-powered Predator C makes first flight and gains funding support
By Stephen Trimble

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems flew its jet-powered Predator C unmanned aircraft system for the first time in early April, chief executive Thomas Cassidy has told Flight International.

The next-generation surveillance and attack UAS completed the first flight with "absolutely no problems", Cassidy says. "It was ready to go again right after it landed."

Cassidy declines to reveal details about the secretive aircraft's features or performance. Since 2005, General Atomics has been internally developing the Predator C in anticipation of a US Air Force requirement for a next-generation UAS, but federal funding is likely to appear shortly.

Brian Bilbray, a California congressman, has asked to insert $26 million in an unnamed appropriations bill for the Predator C, citing personal interest from Gen David McKiernan, commander of US and international forces in Afghanistan.

"Predator C will provide the USAF and other customers with an additional covert capability, enhanced by much higher operational and transit speeds for quick response and quick repositioning for improved mission flexibility and survivability," Bilbray says.

It is understood that Duncan Hunter, another California congressman, also plans to submit a similar request for government funding for the Predator C.

Cassidy says the first flight, originally scheduled for the third quarter of last year, was delayed by several months due to technical and regulatory issues. In 2006, he described the Predator C as having a new wing-form and stealthy features.

The programme is moving forward even as the US Department of Defense plans to buy at least 66 MQ-9 Reapers (Predator Bs) over the next two years, as it seeks to establish 50 permanent orbits of Predator- and Reaper-class UAS.
Enviado por: pchunter em Abril 25, 2009, 12:04:34 pm
O Rafale não foi selecionado pelo Kuwait

Por: Anne-Sophie Galliano – Do E24.Fr – Adaptado por Vinna

A Dassault Aviation está passando por dias sombrios. Charles Edelstenne, CEO do grupo, admitiu há algumas semanas atrás que as encomendas de seus jatos executivos, Falcon, estão paralisadas. E agora a empresa sofre um novo revés através do seu caça Rafale. Segundo o Jornal Kuwaitiano TTU, o País teria escolhido o Saab Gripen ao invés do Rafale.

O jornal refere-se a duas razões. O primeiro é o preço. Um argumento que é freqüentemente mencionado no caso do caça Francês. Isso inclusive seria o obstáculo pelo qual o caça Francês estaria sendo preterido pela SUIÇA que estaria optando preferencialmente pela proposta da emanada pela SAAB fabricante do Gripen.

Ainda segundo o jornal TTU, a Saab tem uma política comercial muito agressiva. Sem opção de vender o avião a Força Aérea Sueca a SAAB tem de obter novas encomendas para o seu caça nos próximos dois anos, sob pena de ficarem com linhas de montagem vazias ".

A segunda razão é mais técnica. O espaço aéreo do Kuwait é muito pequeno. O Rafale tem a capacidade de reação de longo alcance, uma vantagem que não é necessariamente adequada no caso do Kuwait. Além destes contratempos os rumores vindos da Índia também não são animadores.
Enviado por: pchunter em Maio 13, 2009, 07:25:38 pm
Republica Checa compra 4 c-295
Enviado por: Carlos Barbosa em Maio 24, 2009, 10:37:02 pm
Tinha saído, mas parece que houve uns “toques” de alto nível para a reentrada o caça francês.

The Times of India
NEW DELHI: After some high-level diplomatic intervention by France, its fighter `Rafale' has flown back into the race for the `mother of all defence  
deals', the Rs 42,000 crore project to acquire 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft for IAF.

Rafale had earlier been ejected out of the race by the defence ministry for failing to respond properly in its technical bid towards the GSQRs (general staff qualitative requirements) drawn up by IAF.

"But since it was only paper-evaluation and the French company Dassault Aviation has now supplied the missing answers, the Defence Procurement Board has decided to allow Rafale to take part in the actual field trials,'' said a defence ministry official on Thursday.

Consequently, Rafale will now be part of the trials slated to begin in July-August, along with American F/A-18 `Super Hornet' (Boeing) and F-16 `Falcon' (Lockheed Martin), Russian MiG-35 (United Aircraft Corporation), Swedish Gripen (Saab) and Eurofighter Typhoon (consortium of British, German, Spanish and Italian companies).

France obviously did not want to left out of what will be the largest global defence contract, pegged at $10.4 billion, under which 18 jets will be bought off-the-shelf, while the rest will be manufactured in India under transfer of technology.

There will be at least two sets of field trials conducted in summer and winter, with the six jets being flown in the snow-capped peaks of Leh, the scorching Rajasthan deserts (Jaisalmer) and the humid conditions of south India (Bangalore).

The race, of course, is actually quite a marathon. The commercial bids will only be opened, examined and compared after a shortlist is made of two to three top contenders following the extensive field trials and staff evaluation.

With the final negotiations to begin thereafter, the entire process is expected to take a minimum of two years before the contract is actually inked. IAF, of course, is desperate to induct the first lot of the new fighters by 2012-2013.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 08, 2009, 11:14:53 am
os planes de la marina chilena consideran la adquisición de ocho aviones C-295 al fabricante aeroespacial español EADS CASA.

Tres ejemplares configurados para el rol de Exploración y Ataque Marítimo fueron encargados en Octubre del 2007, equipados con el sistema de control táctico FIST, un radar de Apertura Sintética (SAR) del fabricante estadounidense TELEPHONICS, sistema de visión nocturna FLIR, detector de anomalías magnéticas (MAD) y armados con misiles anti-buque Harpoon del fabricante estadounidense BOEING y torpedos ligeros antisubmarinos.

Los cinco aviones cuya adquisición está pendiente incluyen un cuarto aparato configurado para Exploración y Ataque Marítimo, tres aviones configurados para Patrullaje Aeromarítimo -equipados con el sistema táctico FIST, el radar SAR TELEPHONICS y el sistema FLIR- y un avión en configuración de transporte. Se espera que el financiamiento siendo aprobado en estos momentos cubra la compra de otros tres C-295, dejando pendiente la compra de los últimos dos aviones, que debería tener lugar en el 2010 ... -4950.html (
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 13, 2009, 06:00:22 pm
A Força Aérea Croata não terá estudantes na sua academia este ano.
Croatia without military pilots
Judging by this year's application results on the Faculty of traffic engineering for the military pilot course, Croatia might soon be without them. This year only 75 candidates applied, in contrast to not so distant times, when more than 1000 candidates were known to apply.

To make matters worse, of the 75 candidates none passed the physical exams, so this will be the first year there are no candidates that could, after four-year education, become Croatian airforce pilots, Militarium finds out.

Such a trend is not a coincidence, the interest of young people in becoming military pilots has been decreasing year after year, and several things have contributed to it. The Croatian government has postponed the acquisition of new fighter planes for several years, and it remains uncertain whether they will be purchased at all. Media have also reported many times on the state of the existing planes, and on the very dubious circumstances under which spare parts are acquired.

A good indicator is this year's fire season, at the beginning of which, of the 10 aircraft intended for fire extinguishing, only one could have fulfilled such a task.

The incomings are also not very stimulating, and it is still unclear how to solve the housing problem within the employment in armed forces. However, the worst thing is the fact that all of the candidates were medicaly incompetent.

This has only confirmed the results from previous years, when military service was obligatory.

A large part of the recruits over 18 years of age never served in the army because of medical reasons, a thing that was very rare some ten years ago. Clearly a part of the younger male population in Croatia is getting iller, and why is that so should be answered by medical experts.


Enviado por: Carlos Barbosa em Junho 14, 2009, 09:40:01 pm

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has shortlisted the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III as its new Very Heavy Lift Transport Aircraft (VHTAC), IANS reported today.

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal P.V. Naik is quoted by the India Strategic defence magazine as saying that the aircraft had been chosen after a thorough study because of its capability to take off and land on short runways with heavy loads, long range, and ease of operation.

IAF was looking at acquiring ten C-17s initially through the US government’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route, and a proposal in this regard was being considered by the Ministry of Defence (MoD), he said adding that the aircraft should come in about three years after a contract is signed.

by newsdefpro
Enviado por: LuisC em Junho 16, 2009, 03:36:52 am
Bem…essa imagem está brutal!
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 26, 2009, 06:31:51 pm
Muito curioso!!!
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 26, 2009, 06:47:10 pm
Citação de: "SSK"
Muito curioso!!!

Sim mas pelo que posso dizer o avião não é integralmente feito em cortiça. Mas sim partes do avião levam uma percentagem de cortiça. O projecto aerocork é sim um projecto interessante.
Enviado por: Chicken_Bone em Junho 26, 2009, 06:53:07 pm
A noticia deveria estar noutra secção. O tópico abaixo, parece ser o melhor candidato
 :arrow: (
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 26, 2009, 06:55:29 pm
Citação de: "Chicken_Bone"
A noticia deveria estar noutra secção. O tópico abaixo, parece ser o melhor candidato
 :arrow: (

concordo plenamente com o Nuno
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 29, 2009, 12:12:14 pm
24 F-16 block 52 for egypt

20:16 GMT, June 28, 2009 Egypt has requested the US to supply it 24 new Lockheed Martin F16 Block 52 fighter aircraft to upgrade its existing fleet.

Egypt's hosting of President Barack Obama's "mutual respect" speech to the Muslim world came at the same time the Obama administration quietly was agreeing to Egypt's longstanding request to purchase some 24 F-16 fighters, according to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

According to informed sources, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates relayed the commitment in his May 5 meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

The Egyptian request for Lockheed Martin’s F-16s and other munitions had been denied repeatedly by the former Bush administration over Egypt's record on human rights and democracy. Those munitions included the Longbow Apache helicopter, mobile air defense systems and the Joint Direct Attack Munition which is a guidance kit that converts existing unguided or "dumb" bombs into "smart" munitions.

Lockheed Martin chief executive officer Robert Stevens confirmed that the company had been notified of the Egyptian request.

The 24 F-16s would replace some of the other 220 F-16s of varying capability that Egypt has acquired on five separate occasions beginning in 1980 under direct U.S. Foreign Military Sales and through the Netherlands and Turkey.

Egypt has been flying the F-16 since 1982, and received 220 of the aircraft by 2002 (42 Block 15 F-16A/B, 40 Block 32 F-16C/D and 138 Block 40 F-16C/D). (
Enviado por: U209PN em Junho 29, 2009, 09:07:46 pm

Acho que já temos mais un F 16 MLU O N° 15101 Esquadao 201  ???

Aguem pode confimar! obrigado
Enviado por: old em Julho 10, 2009, 05:46:50 pm

En el Paris Air Show de este año se pudieron ver los Mirage F1 modernizados de la fuerza aerea de Marruecos

Entre otras cosas lleva el Radar Thales RDY-3 los misiles AA MICA y MAGIC, y antibuque MM-38 Exocet.

Unos aparatos muy a tener en cuenta.
Enviado por: legionario em Julho 10, 2009, 06:56:26 pm
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)
Enviado por: cromwell em Julho 10, 2009, 07:35:41 pm
Citação de: "legionario"
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)[/b]


Apesar de não estarmos em nenhuma guerra, Portugal precisa de meios anti-aéreos para não ficarmos mal vistos.

É vergonhoso para um país da Europa Ocidental nem ter mísseis de médio alcance e de ter apenas 20 e tal Stingers. :(
Enviado por: Crypter em Julho 10, 2009, 11:09:05 pm
Citação de: "legionario"
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)

Ficámos sem Força Aérea assim derrepente? É os nossos F-16 MLU são "provavelmente" melhorzitos que os Mirage...

Mas sim, que falta faz uns meios anti-aéreos eficientes .. :(
Enviado por: tgcastilho em Julho 10, 2009, 11:43:14 pm
Citação de: "legionario"
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)

Quando se fala do que não se sabe,mais valia estar calado.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 14, 2009, 10:15:38 pm
Apresentado o primeiro G.222 afegão
Foi realizada em Capodichino (Nápoles) a cerimônia de apresentação do primeiro G.222 a ser restaurado para condições de vôo, após ser modernizado com novos sistemas e aviônicos (foto: Alenia). Em setembro de 2008, a Alenia North America recebeu da USAF um contrato no valor de US$287 milhões para fornecer 18 cargueiros táticos G.222 modernizados para serem transferidos a seguir pelo Combined Security Transition Command para o Afghan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC). A primeira aeronave modernizada deverá voar no final de julho, e as entregas serão iniciadas em setembro. Dois dos 18 aviões serão configurados para transporte VIP.
( (

MiG-29K simulator for Indian Navy
( ... r-for.html (
Enviado por: legionario em Julho 15, 2009, 01:18:01 pm
Citação de: "tgcastilho"
Citação de: "legionario"
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)

Quando se fala do que não se sabe,mais valia estar calado.

Pois cale-se vc, amigo !  As nossas fragatas podem-se defender dum ataque de exocet's ?  Ou esta-se a fiar nos milagrosos phalanx ?

Eu sempre pensei e disse que nos temos graves lacunas em termos de defesa anti-aerea, mas cada vez que o escrevo aqui neste forum, ha muitos foristas que nao consideram  a defesa AA prioritaria...! Pois eu cada vez mais constato o contrario .
Enviado por: cromwell em Julho 15, 2009, 01:34:22 pm
Citação de: "legionario"
Citação de: "tgcastilho"
Citação de: "legionario"
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)

Quando se fala do que não se sabe,mais valia estar calado.

Pois cale-se vc, amigo !  As nossas fragatas podem-se defender dum ataque de exocet's ?  Ou esta-se a fiar nos milagrosos phalanx ?

Eu sempre pensei e disse que nos temos graves lacunas em termos de defesa anti-aerea, mas cada vez que o escrevo aqui neste forum, ha muitos foristas que nao consideram  a defesa AA prioritaria...! Pois eu cada vez mais constato o contrario .

Então você disse na sua mensagem anterior que nem precisamos de material anti-aéreo!


E não mande calar ninguém.

Somos todos irmãos lusitanos e devemo-nos respeitar a todos.
Enviado por: legionario em Julho 15, 2009, 01:47:15 pm
Amigo Cromwell, eu escrevi aquela frase com sentido ironico, que até assinalei com o respectivo icone :    :lol:
Vc nao é muito fino de espirito pois nao ?
Enviado por: tgcastilho em Julho 15, 2009, 08:08:10 pm
Citação de: "legionario"
Citação de: "tgcastilho"
Citação de: "legionario"
Ah pois ; claro que tem que se levar em conta ! meia duzia destes aparelhos equipados com exocet's  afundavam a Marinha lusa em algumas horas... Felizmente os marroquinos sao nossos amigos  :)

Quando se fala do que não se sabe,mais valia estar calado.

Pois cale-se vc, amigo !  As nossas fragatas podem-se defender dum ataque de exocet's ?  Ou esta-se a fiar nos milagrosos phalanx ?

Eu sempre pensei e disse que nos temos graves lacunas em termos de defesa anti-aerea, mas cada vez que o escrevo aqui neste forum, ha muitos foristas que nao consideram  a defesa AA prioritaria...! Pois eu cada vez mais constato o contrario .

Peço desculpa,senhor doutor professor engenheiro(de obras feitas ,é claro)

Eu da ultima vez que li era para isso,que os CIWS serviam,para abater misseis,lançados contra a embarcação ,mas já que é tão perspicaz e erudito,faça o favor de me explicar para,que serve Phalanx. :roll:
Enviado por: legionario em Julho 16, 2009, 07:15:42 am
Se quer saber para que serve o Phalanx, faça uma busca no Google ou consulte os topicos referentes aqui neste forum ...
Enviado por: tgcastilho em Julho 16, 2009, 08:16:27 pm
Citação de: "legionario"
Se quer saber para que serve o Phalanx, faça uma busca no Google ou consulte os topicos referentes aqui neste forum ...

Já descobri para ,que o Phalanx,serve...


Como Diz o outro P*TAS E VINHO VERDE
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 17, 2009, 10:03:23 am

Pardais...tu matas-me.
Enviado por: tgcastilho em Julho 17, 2009, 10:00:23 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"

Pardais...tu matas-me.

Foi a única resposta que me lembrei para responder a este senhor Doutor da Agua velha :roll:
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 20, 2009, 12:49:13 pm
O Vietnã comprou mais 12 caças Su-30MK2 por US$ 42 milhões cada com o primeiro entregue no fim de 2009. As novas aeronaves terão capacidade anti-navio. O Vietnã já opera 12 Su-30 e 36 Su-27.

Os Emirados Árabes Unidos planejam comprar 60 caças Rafale por 6 a 8 bilhões de Euros dependendo do pacote de armas e apoio logístico. (
Enviado por: Vicente de Lisboa em Julho 22, 2009, 09:30:07 am
Acabou-se o F-22 (http://http). Os Americans ficam com os que já têm, mas não se fazem mais.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 23, 2009, 10:13:37 am
Para quem tiver curiosidade:



Among the larger valued arms transfer agreements the United States concluded in 2007 with developing nations were: with the United Arab Emirates for 26 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters for over $800 million, and for 20 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) launchers and rockets for $595 million. Other U.S. arms agreements in 2007 were with Egypt for co-production of 125 M1A1 Abrams tanks for $771 million; with Saudi Arabia for 152 GE/Pratt&Whitney jet engines for $386 million, and for F-15 aircraft follow-on services for $319 million; with South Korea for 58 AN/VRC-90E SINCGAR radio systems for $427 million and for 210 SM-2 STANDARD Block III missiles for $210 million; with Colombia for 15 UH-60L Black Hawk helicopters for $217 million; and with Jordan for a C4SIR system for $208 million.


China has been Russia’s other key arms client in Asia, especially for advancedaircraft and naval systems. Since 1996, Russia has sold China Su-27 fighter aircraft and agreed to licensed production of them. It has sold the Chinese quantities of Su-30 multi-role fighter aircraft, Sovremenny-class destroyers equipped with Sunburn anti-ship missiles, and Kilo-class Project 636 submarines. Russia has also sold the Chinese a variety of other weapons systems and missiles. In 2005, Russia agreed to sell China 30 IL-76TD military transport aircraft and 8 IL-78M aerial refueling tanker aircraft for more than $1 billion. Russia also signed new arms transfer agreements with China for a number of AL-31F military aircraft engines for $1 billion, and agreed to sell jet engines for China’s FC-1 fighter aircraft at a cost in excess of $250 million.
    Among the most significant arms transfer deals Russia made in 2007 were with India. These agreements included the sale of 347 T-90 main battle tanks, 40 Su-30MKI combat fighter aircraft and a number of MiG-29 fighter aircraft.
 In 2007, Russia also made new arms sales with Indonesia for three Su-27SKM and three Su-30MK2 fighter aircraft for $355 million, and for Mi-17 and Mi35M helicopters for over $100 million. Iran contracted with Russia for five batteries of the S-300PMU1 air defense system, and Syria purchased the Buk-M1-2 air defense system.


China has sold surface-to-surface missiles to Pakistan, a longstanding
and important client. Iran and North Korea have also reportedly received
Chinese missile technology, which may have increased their capabilities to threaten other countries in their respective neighborhoods. China, among others, has been a key source of a variety of small arms and light
weapons transferred to African states

Weapons deliveries to the Near East

United States.
! 557 tanks and self-propelled guns
! 587 APCs and armored cars
! 6 minor surface combatants
! 94 supersonic combat aircraft
! 29 helicopters
! 748 surface-to-air missiles
! 77 anti-ship missiles

! 230 tanks and self-propelled guns
! 260 APCs and armored cars
! 30 supersonic combat aircraft
! 30 helicopters
! 1,640 surface-to-air missiles

! 60 other aircraft
! 80 anti-ship missiles

Major West European Suppliers.

! 20 tanks and self-propelled guns
! 60 APCs and armored cars
! 3 major surface combatants
! 27 minor surface combatants
! 6 guided missile boats
! 20 supersonic combat aircraft
! 10 helicopters
! 80 anti-ship missiles

All Other European Suppliers.
! 130 tanks and self-propelled guns
! 1,280 APCs and armored cars
! 10 minor surface combatants
! 9 guided missile boats
! 320 surface-to-air missiles
! 70 anti-ship missiles

All Other Suppliers.

! 560 APCs and armored cars
! 88 minor surface combatants
! 20 helicopters
! 30 surface-to-surface missiles
! 20 anti-ship missiles

o resto ... L34723.pdf (

Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 28, 2009, 10:51:00 am
Saudi Arabia Buys 3 A330s From France

audi Arabia has bought three more Airbus A330 in-flight refueling aircraft for an undisclosed amount, boosting its planned air tanking fleet to six planes, the French defense ministry said July 27.

"Defense minister Hervé Morin signed last week a government-to-government contract with his counterpart in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, crown prince and minister for defense and aviation," the ministry said in a statement.
Related Topics

    "This contract negotiated by the French state concerns the acquisition by the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) for three additional A330 MRTT (MultiRole Tanker Transport)," the ministry said ... =EUR&s=AIR (
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Julho 30, 2009, 02:11:46 pm
Citação de: "Vicente de Lisboa"
Acabou-se o F-22 (http://http). Os Americans ficam com os que já têm, mas não se fazem mais.

Isto pode ser o empurrão que faltava ao F-35 para se impor. O presidente Obama deu garantias de que o cancelamento deste pedido implicaria o reforço das verbas para o projecto do F-35.
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 30, 2009, 09:23:45 pm
O Ministério da Defesa Belga colocou à venda oito A109 (em francês)

Enviado por: Leonardo Besteiro em Julho 30, 2009, 11:32:18 pm
Caro Get_It você acha que seria uma boa para a FAP adiquirir esses A109?
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Julho 30, 2009, 11:43:23 pm
O problema é que os Alouette III da FAP serão substituídos através de um concurso público comum entre a FAP e o Exército (UALE - Unidade de Aviação Ligeira do Exército).

Portanto a aquisição desses 8 A109 (que até é um bom helicóptero) em 2.ª mão traz duas questões, por um lado são poucos (8) para serem suficientes para a FAP e para o Exército, por outro lado se fossem adquiridos teria então de ser encomendado um lote suplementar de A109 novos para complementar estes, o que obviamente acarreta alguns problemas ao nível de gestão da frota com dois lotes de aeronaves com idade/número de horas voadas tão dispares.
Enviado por: Leonardo Besteiro em Julho 31, 2009, 12:05:00 am
Esse oito poderiam ser modernizados para o padrão de novo de fabrica e a FAP poderia comprar uns 10 ou 15 novos. Poderiam assim barganhar no preço da modernização desses 8.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 31, 2009, 09:22:30 am
Citação de: "PereiraMarques"
O problema é que os Alouette III da FAP serão substituídos através de um concurso público comum entre a FAP e o Exército (UALE - Unidade de Aviação Ligeira do Exército).

Portanto a aquisição desses 8 A109 (que até é um bom helicóptero) em 2.ª mão traz duas questões, por um lado são poucos (8) para serem suficientes para a FAP e para o Exército, por outro lado se fossem adquiridos teria então de ser encomendado um lote suplementar de A109 novos para complementar estes, o que obviamente acarreta alguns problemas ao nível de gestão da frota com dois lotes de aeronaves com idade/número de horas voadas tão dispares.

mas não era algo impossível!
Enviado por: teXou em Julho 31, 2009, 01:11:50 pm
Pas en état de vol
"Le matériel est vendu en l'état -les huit hélicoptères ne sont actuellement pas en état de vol, nécessitant tous des inspections plus ou moins importantes-, sans la moindre garantie", ...

Não estão em estado de voar.  :rir:
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 31, 2009, 06:22:05 pm
Tira-se as caudas e as pás e ficam tipo carrinhos de golfe :lol: .
Enviado por: Jorge Pereira em Agosto 02, 2009, 09:34:33 pm
Six Dutch surplus F-16's Transferred to Jordan  

10:25 GMT, July 28, 2009 | According to the Dutch Ministry of Defence, this morning six Dutch surplus F-16's took off from Leeuwarden airbase, The Netherlands, towards Jordan. The F-16s, each in a two-seater configuration, have been sold to Jordan in 2007 as a result of cuts.

During the past weeks, the fighter aircraft have been prepared for the transfer at the Logistics Centre in Woensdrecht. Technicians from Jordan took part in this work. Subsequently, acceptance flights have been carried out during the past days at Leeuwarden by Dutch pilots and with pilots of the Jordanian Air Force in the back seats.

The aircraft flying today towards their new home near Amman are being flown by Jordanian pilots. They are expected to arrive in Jordan tomorrow.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 03, 2009, 03:25:55 pm
ECUADOR: Compran Cazabombarderos Mirage 50M “Pantera” a Chile

Fuentes en Santiago han confirmado la venta a Ecuador de 14 cazabombarderos DASSAULT Mirage 50M “Pantera, en una transacción que según las fuentes fue cerrada en Junio y cuyo valor no fue revelado. Las maquinas corresponden a aviones Mirage 50 de segunda mano, originalmente manufacturados como Mirage 5 para Israel, pero que en lugar de ser entregados a ese país fueron conservados y operados por el Ejército del Aire del país europeo.

Estos aparatos fueron adquiridos por Chile a fines de los años setenta, siendo repotenciados al estándar Mirage 50 mediante la incorporación del motor Atar 50K. Posteriormente fueron modernizados con asistencia israelí al estándar 50M – integrando nueva

electrónica y armas guiadas de precisión- entre la segunda mitad de los años ochenta y la primera mitad de los años noventa. Denominados “Pantera” por la Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACh), las aeronaves fueron retiradas de servicio a fines del 2007, cuando comenzaron a ser reemplazadas por cazabombarderos F-16 MLU adquiridos de segunda mano en Holanda.

Según fuentes cercanas a la transferencia, la Fuerza Aérea Ecuatoriana (FAE) planea operar sólo 10 de los aparatos, canibalizando el resto como fuente de repuestos. (
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 08, 2009, 05:41:31 pm
Brasil promete aviões de treino à Força Aérea de Moçambique
A aeronave, da marca P27, foi prometida em Março último, durante a visita que o ministro brasileiro da Defesa efectuou a Moçambique
Maputo - O avião prometido pelo ministro da Defesa do Brasil, Nelson Jobim, à Força Aérea moçambicana, será entregue formalmente no fim do corrente mês, segundo informações do governo moçambicano, noticia nesta segunda-feira o jornal Notícias.
A aeronave, da marca P27, foi prometida em Março último, durante a visita que o ministro brasileiro da Defesa efectuou a Moçambique. O aparelho faz parte de um número não especificado de aeronaves que o Brasil pretende oferecer a Moçambique, no quadro das relações de cooperação existentes entre os dois países, no domínio da Defesa.
Estas aeronaves deverão ser utilizadas para a formação de pilotos moçambicanos no país, com o apoio de técnicos brasileiros.
fonte: África 21 - DF 20/07/2009 - 08:45
Obs.: Entenda-se P27 por EMBRAER T-27 Tucano[/quote]
Enviado por: Cabecinhas em Agosto 08, 2009, 07:17:15 pm
Já é qualquer coisa... haja dinheiro para os ter operacionais e respectiva manutenção!
Enviado por: pchunter em Agosto 16, 2009, 07:34:10 pm
Aviões militares russos colidiram em pleno voo

Dois aviões militares Sukhoi-27 colidiram hoje, domingo, em pleno voo durante exercícios de acrobacia perto de Moscovo. Um dos pilotos morreu.
"Um dos pilotos morreu no acidente", declarou Vladimir Drik, porta-voz da Força Aérea russa, citado pela agência Interfax.
O piloto que morreu apresentava uma fractura da coluna vertebral, de acordo com esta fonte.
Um dos aparelhos caiu sobre uma casa, provocando um incêndio, segundo residentes na zona da queda dos aparelhos, citados pela agência oficial Ria Novosti.
"De acordo com as informações preliminares, as equipas de salvamento procuram um homem que poderá estar sob os escombros da casa", referiu a agência Interfax citando uma fonte das autoridades locais.
Cinco pessoas sofreram queimaduras, nomeadamente uma mulher com 60 por cento do corpo queimado, noticiaram os meios de comunicação social russos.
"Examinámos várias pistas, desde a possibilidade de uma colisão com um pássaro ou a eventualidade de erro de pilotagem", indicou uma fonte próxima da comissão de inquérito.
Os pilotos treinavam para um festival aeronáutico marcado para terça-feira em Joukovski, a 50 quilómetros da capital russa, no âmbito de uma feira da especialidade cujo objectivo é mostrar as últimas novidades do sector aeronáutico russo, atraindo habitualmente centenas de milhares de visitantes.
Altos responsáveis, incluindo Vladimir Putin, o ex-presidente agora primeiro-ministro, ou o rei da Jordânia, Abdallah II, visitaram a feira MAKS nas suas últimas edições.
De acordo com organizadores do certame, citados pelas agências russas, a feira abrirá ao público como previsto apesar do acidente.
Enviado por: Menacho em Setembro 01, 2009, 02:50:38 pm
Francia ve prioritario comprar entre seis y diez aviones EADS CASA CN235 ante el retraso del A400M

25/08/2009 ( Madrid - El Ejército del Aire francés considera "una prioridad" la compra de entre seis y doce aviones de transporte de tamaño medio ante el retraso del programa A400M. Concretamente, contempla la adquisición de las aeronaves CN 235 de EADS CASA (hoy Airbus Military).

En una entrevista concedida a Défense et Sécurité Internationale, y recogida por Europa Press, el vice-jefe de Planes y Programas de la Fuerza Aérea ala, el general Alain Silvy, confirmó que el Ejército del Aire galo evalúa la posibilidad de adquirir un lote de aviones tácticos y aseguró que la adquisición de "entre seis y diez CN235" representa "una prioridad".

El general explicó también que la compra de tres aviones de transporte Boeing C17 es una opción "seriamente estudiada" y que la "hipótesis" de incorporar a su flota aeronaves de transporte táctico C130J 'Super Hércules', fabricados por la compañía estadounidense Lockheed Martin, "ya no es un tabú".

El general indicó que la Fuerza Aérea prolongará varios años la vida operativa de "una decena" de sus aviones de transporte Transall C160, una actualización técnica que precisará una inversión próxima a los cien millones de euros, así como de "grandes inspecciones".

El CN-235 es un avión de transporte biturbohélice, de cabina presurizada y capaz de operar desde pistas cortas y sin pavimentar que ha logrado una buena reputación debido a su polivalencia y fiabilidad en todo tipo de condiciones operativas, así como por sus bajos costes de mantenimiento. En su inicio fue desarrollado conjuntamente por CASA en España e IPTN en Indonesia.

CN-235 está destinado a misiones de transporte de corto y medio alcance. Logra una velocidad máxima de crucero de 240 nudos con una carga de 3500 kilogramos y posee un plano bilarguero dividido en tres secciones y fuselaje presurizado provisto de una rampa posterior de carga.
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 09, 2009, 06:36:11 pm
Defensa. Entregan dos aviocar suecas
Hoy miércoles a la hora 10.30, en la Base Aérea Nº 1 (Carrasco) y con la presencia del ministro de Defensa, Gonzalo Fernández, tendrá lugar la ceremonia de recepción de las dos aeronaves C-212 Aviocar recientemente adquiridas a la Guardia Costera del Reino de Suecia. ... pais-en-5- (

Menos um cliente para a compra dos aviocares
Enviado por: sivispacem em Setembro 10, 2009, 12:26:37 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Defensa. Entregan dos aviocar suecas
Hoy miércoles a la hora 10.30, en la Base Aérea Nº 1 (Carrasco) y con la presencia del ministro de Defensa, Gonzalo Fernández, tendrá lugar la ceremonia de recepción de las dos aeronaves C-212 Aviocar recientemente adquiridas a la Guardia Costera del Reino de Suecia. ... pais-en-5- (

Menos um cliente para a compra dos aviocares

Com os anos de uso que os nosso possuem só mesmo um cliente na AL...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Setembro 24, 2009, 07:51:59 pm
Two French war planes crash, one pilot recovered

PARIS — Two French Rafale jet fighters crashed on Thursday in the Mediterranean sea off the coast of southern France, and one pilot was recovered, the French navy said.

"Major air and sea resources were deployed immediately in the zone to find the pilots and one has been recovered," a navy statement said, adding that rescue efforts were continuing.

The accident occurred around 6 pm (1600 GMT) about 30 kilometres (20 miles) east of the coastal city of Perpignan during a test flight in which the two aircraft were taking part, the statement added.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 20, 2009, 11:31:47 am
Um avião da TAP foi interceptado por dois caças alemães este domingo sobre a fronteira germânica com a Holanda, depois de o avião ter estado incontactável durante algum tempo, confirmou uma fonte da companhia aérea ao

A aeronave em causa, um A320-200, viajava de Lisboa para a capital dinamarquesa, Copenhaga, quando não respondeu a uma tentativa de contacto por parte dos Serviços de Controlo Aéreo da Bélgica, mesmo depois de terem sido utilizadas as frequências de emergência, de acordo com o site especializado «The Aviation Herald».

Segundo o site, o avião atravessou incontactável a Holanda e quando entrou em território alemão foi interceptado por dois caças germânicos.

Uma fonte das relações públicas da TAP disse ao que o comandante da aeronave recebeu um aviso desta intercepção por parte das autoridades alemãs perto da cidade holandesa de Maastricht, sem poder precisar se nessa altura as comunicações já estariam totalmente restabelecidas nos dois sentidos.

A TAP explica que a intercepção se deveu a um «um problema a nível das comunicações» que impediu «durante um período de tempo» o contacto do avião, sem que fosse adiantada a duração desse período. O «The Aviation Herald» diz que ela se prolongou durante 35 minutos e só se resolveu já com o avião sobre o Mar do Norte.

A TAP salienta que na «aviação a segurança é a prioridade» e que foi esse o motivo que levou a força aérea alemã a realizar a intercepção. Esta operação não representou, de acordo com a transportadora aérea portuguesa, «qualquer risco» para os passageiros, não teve «visibilidade» por parte dos ocupantes, nem foi motivo de «perturbação».

«O avião acabou por aterrar em segurança em Copenhaga», disse a fonte da TAP, salientando que o problema com as comunicações «foi reportado e está a ser avaliado». ... -4071.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 24, 2009, 08:00:05 pm
não teve «visibilidade» por parte dos ocupantes, nem foi motivo de «perturbação».

Foto: Miguel Guedes
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: pchunter em Dezembro 05, 2009, 12:32:43 am
Não me digam que os produtos Russos são bons.

Índia proíbe voos do «Flanker»
Mais sofisticado dos Sukhoi, não pode voar

A força aérea da Índia, determinou que toda a frota de caças Su-30MKi, um derivado do caça da era soviética Su-27 «Flanker» seja proibida de voar, até que os problemas do modelo sejam resolvidos e explicados.

A decisão de cancelar temporariamente todos os voos da frota de cerca de 100 aeronaves, vem na sequência de um acidente ocorrido no passado dia 30 de Novembro, e de outro ocorrido em 30 de Abril com outro Sukhoi Su-30MKi.

A força aérea da Índia tem sofrido um enorme numero de acidentes com as suas aeronaves e este ano já se perderam 13 aeronaves de vários modelos, em diversos tipos de acidentes.

A força aérea da Índia tem sido acusada pela imprensa de ter standards muito baixos relativamente à gestão e operacionalidade da frota.
A tentativa de nacionalizar sistemas no país, para reduzir a dependência directa dos fornecedores russos, não tem resultado, os materiais não conseguem cumprir com os padrões mínimos e a opção continua a ser a de comprar aos russos.
No entanto, mesmo os padrões russos não são sempre de confiar. O mesmo equipamento, pode ser fornecido por mais que uma empresa e os controles de qualidade são praticamente inexistentes.
Ainda recentemente as autoridades russas processaram uma empresa por ter fornecido materiais defeituosos para um fornecimento para caças Mig. Como não existe controlo efectivo de qualidade, a empresa apresentou peças de boa qualidade na proposta inicial, mas entregou materiais diferentes nos modelos de produção [1].

Se o numero de incidentes tem sido apontado à idade da frota e à necessidade de manter pilotos com um elevado numero de horas de voo – necessárias para manter uma alta operacionalidade – o facto de os Sukhoi Su-30MKi serem aeronaves muito recentes, deixa os analistas perplexos, pois em principio, uma aeronave recente, não deveria apresentar problemas que pudessem levar à queda de duas aeronaves em apenas sete meses.

Excesso de confiança

Entre as razões do problema poderá estar o excesso de confiança. O caça de origem russa, desenhado há mais de trinta anos, foi aprimorado para permitir aos pilotos uma manobrabilidade excepcional, que permitisse evitar os cada vez mais sofisticados mísseis ar-ar ocidentais.
No entanto, para beneficiar dessa manobrabilidade, é necessário correr um grande numero de riscos e ter uma preparação muito intensa e cara, que a maioria das forças pura e simplesmente não pode, nem quer pagar.

Para somar a isto, o Su-27, é visto como uma aeronave muito adequada para acrobacia aérea, mas, pelas razões acima referidas, nem todos os pilotos podem com facilidade efectuar as manobras, que sendo possíveis, são complicadas e perigosas, mesmo para pilotos de teste e demonstração.
O tipo, é muito apreciado em festivais aéreos, onde é sempre uma grande atracção, mas é também tristemente famoso pelo grande numero de acidentes, pois mesmo pilotos muito bem treinados têm perdido o controle do avião.

Record desastroso
No campo dos festivais aéreos, o ano de 2009 tem sido mau para o caça russo. Ainda no passado mês de Agosto, dois Su-27 chocaram em pleno voo durante um festival aéreo na Rússia, tendo morrido no acidente o comandante da força de acrobacia aérea russa.
Alguns dias mais tarde, uma aeronave do mesmo tipo, da força aérea da Bielorrússia, também se despenhou num festival aéreo na Polónia , num acidente do qual resultou a morte dos dois pilotos.
O caso mais grave ocorreu em 2002 na Ucrânia, quando um Su-27 da força aérea daquele país se despenhou sobre a multidão que assistia a um festival aéreo matando 85 pessoas.

O Su-27 e os seus derivados, têm constituído uma dor de cabeça para os países utilizadores. Os elevados custos de manutenção, levaram ainda recentemente a que em vez de proceder à substituição do Su-27 pelo mais moderno Su-30 forças aéreas do sudoeste asiático tenham considerado a sua substituição pelo muito mais barato MiG-29.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Dezembro 10, 2009, 03:43:00 pm
Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder Demonstrates Air-To-Surface Capability

21:15 GMT, December 9, 2009 TUCSON, Ariz. | Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) demonstrated the capability to employ the AIM-9X Sidewinder advanced infrared-guided air-to-air missile to attack surface targets.


During a Sept. 23 test, an AIM-9X fired from a U.S. Air Force F-16C fighter sank a rapidly moving target boat in the Gulf of Mexico.

"With a software upgrade, AIM-9X retains its air-to-air capabilities and gains an air-to-surface capability," said Harry Schulte, Raytheon Missile Systems vice president of Air Warfare Systems. "AIM-9X now has the potential to take on an additional mission at a very affordable cost."

The test marks the third time an AIM-9X engaged moving surface targets. In April 2008, a U.S. Air Force F-16 launched an AIM-9X and sank a maneuvering boat, and in March 2007, a U.S. Air Force F-15C fired an AIM-9X and destroyed a fast-moving armored personnel carrier.
Mais uma solução polivalente e relativamente barata para os F-16 MLU da FAP.

Defence Professionals (http://http)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: pchunter em Dezembro 11, 2009, 11:48:17 pm
Citação de: "ShadIntel"
Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder Demonstrates Air-To-Surface Capability

21:15 GMT, December 9, 2009 TUCSON, Ariz. | Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) demonstrated the capability to employ the AIM-9X Sidewinder advanced infrared-guided air-to-air missile to attack surface targets.


During a Sept. 23 test, an AIM-9X fired from a U.S. Air Force F-16C fighter sank a rapidly moving target boat in the Gulf of Mexico.

"With a software upgrade, AIM-9X retains its air-to-air capabilities and gains an air-to-surface capability," said Harry Schulte, Raytheon Missile Systems vice president of Air Warfare Systems. "AIM-9X now has the potential to take on an additional mission at a very affordable cost."

The test marks the third time an AIM-9X engaged moving surface targets. In April 2008, a U.S. Air Force F-16 launched an AIM-9X and sank a maneuvering boat, and in March 2007, a U.S. Air Force F-15C fired an AIM-9X and destroyed a fast-moving armored personnel carrier.
Mais uma solução polivalente e relativamente barata para os F-16 MLU da FAP.

Defence Professionals (http://http)

Já temos os capacetes faltam os misseis, ao contrario dos "nuestros hermanos" que têm os misseis mas faltam os capacetes.
Vá-se lá compreender os latinos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 23, 2009, 02:46:03 pm
Rússia vai fornecer 20 aviões Mig-29 à Birmânia

A Rússia assinou um contrato de fornecimento de 20 aviões Mig-29 com a Birmânia, revelou hoje o diário russo Kommersant, citando fontes próximas do processo.

O montante do contrato, que foi assinado há algumas semanas, ascende aos 400 milhões de euros, indicou fonte próxima da Rosoboronexport, empresa pública russa encarregue da venda de armas, citada pelo jornal.

«É o mais importante contrato sobre fornecimento de caças deste tipo após a ruptura de uma transacção similar com a Argélia em 2007», sublinhou a Kommersant.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 27, 2010, 03:48:38 pm
Tras anunciar compra de 18 aviones F-16, 12 Súper Tucano, 3 KC-135 y 12 helicópteros Bell-412
En una clara amenaza al Perú, el comandante general de la Fuerza Aérea chilena, Ricardo Ortega, afirmó, tras dar a conocer la adquisición de 45 aeronaves de guerra para el 2010, que ahora su país tiene la capacidad militar de “pegar fuerte”, por lo que los países vecinos deben evitar molestarlos.
“El concepto de disuasión dice: no se metan conmigo porque yo sí pego fuerte si me molestan. Todos los que nos están mirando, todos los que están alrededor nuestro saben que tenemos la capacidad de pegar fuerte, o sea, es mejor que nos dejen tranquilos”, advirtió luego que concluyera la ceremonia oficial en la que el ministro de Defensa sureño Francisco Vidal anunciara la adquisición de diversas aeronaves de combate en los próximos meses.
No obstante el elevado número de unidades, Ortega dijo que su país no estaba en una carrera armamentista, sino que son una inversión en seguridad que fortalece su política disuasiva.
“Chile ha crecido, es más fuerte económicamente, y nosotros tenemos que darle seguridad a los chilenos para seguir creciendo. Entonces, este es un seguro. Cada cosa tiene su ciclo. Los aviones cumplieron muy bien, pero había que reemplazarlos y esto nos da un horizonte de vida de 10 a 15 años. Es un orgullo que Chile tenga este tipo de material y equipos con sistemas de calidad a nivel mundial”, aseveró.
Ortega dijo que con estas adquisiciones culmina su plan de modernización y que una nueva adecuación de su equipamiento estaría prevista hacia el 2015.
Durante el evento, desarrollado en los hangares de la IIa Brigada Aérea de la FACh, Vidal Salinas dio a conocer la pronta llegada de 3 aeronaves de transporte KC-135 –adquiridos a EE UU–, 12 Súper Tucano de fabricación brasileña para entrenamiento, 12 helicópteros Bell-412 y 18 aviones de combate F-16.
Respecto de los F-16, se comunicó que EE UU ya dio la autorización final para que Chile pueda comprarlos de segunda mano a Holanda por 270 millones de dólares, con lo que la flota mapocha de este modelo llegaría a 44. Se precisó que los primeros seis aviones llegarán a Santiago en octubre próximo, pasando a ser dotación del Grupo de Aviación No7, Va Brigada Aérea, Antofagasta.
“Con esto, la Fuerza Aérea queda posicionada en los primeros lugares de América Latina en cuanto a tecnología y modernización”, dijo.
El primero de los aviones KC-135, arribará al vecino país en febrero, permitiendo consolidar la base de transporte estratégico al aumentar la capacidad de carga y transporte de la Fuerza Aérea, así como reabastecer en vuelo a los aviones de combate.
Los primeros seis Súper Tucano, en tanto, ya se encuentran en Chile y se espera la llegada del resto en los próximos meses. Esta aeronave, que irá reemplazando gradualmente a los A-36, fue adquirida para que los oficiales seleccionados para el área de combate, efectúen su curso táctico en el Grupo de Aviación No 1, en la Ia Brigada Aérea, en Iquique, cerca de la frontera con Perú.
Con respecto a los helicópteros, se destacó su apoyo en la ampliación de la capacidad de transporte de la rama castrense.
También misiles
El diario El Mercurio reveló que su país también negocia la compra de misiles aire-aire Amram de mediano alcance a Estados Unidos, pero el ministro de Defensa, Francisco Vidal, dijo que no se revelarán las cifras de la compra por ser un tema de seguridad nacional. Cabe indicar que en noviembre de 2009, el Pentágono autorizó la venta. ... 01&ta=2010 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Fevereiro 18, 2010, 09:59:22 pm
La Argentina podría volver a adquirir los Super Étendard franceses
Se está analizando en el Ministerio de Defensa francés una eventual transferencia de Super Étendard Modernizados (SEM) hacia la Argentina. La cesión de células y equipamiento de SEM podría concretarse hacia 2015, fecha programada para retirar de servicio a los aviones franceses, cuyo reemplazo en el seno de la aeronáutica naval está asegurada por el Rafale.

La eventual cesión dependerá nada menos que del potencial aún disponible en el momento del efectivo retiro de los SEM, el que a su vez depende de la fecha de entrega de los Rafale.
Si se suscribiera un acuerdo entre Francia y Argentina, esto no significaría a priori la transferencia de aviones para volar bajo bandera argentina. “La venta de los aviones o de las piezas en stock serviría solamente para asegurar la modernización de los Super Étenderd argentinos”, nos explica una fuente militar.

Durante 1979 Argentina ordenó 14 Super Étenderd, de los cuales 5 se entregaron previo al conflicto de Malvinas y el resto una vez finalizadas las hostilidades con Gran Bretaña.
El uso de los aviones se implementó a través del portaaviones ARA 25 de Mayo; los aparatos, de los cuales 11 están aún en servicio, se encuentran hoy en tierra (ya que el barco se desarmó en 1997). Las armadas francesa y argentina mantienen relaciones regulares debido al uso del mismo avión. Es así que hace muy poco, pilotos argentinos estuvieron en Francia para llevar a cabo entrenamientos en Landivisiau, donde pudieron apreciar la evolución del avión.

Concebido por Dassault Aviation, el Super Étenderd, realizó su primer vuelo en 1974. Fue puesto en servicio 4 años más tarde y la Marina nacional encargó 74 ejemplares. Desde su puesta en servicio, el aparato se vio beneficiado con múltiples modernizaciones, lo que le permitió seguir siendo un avión redituable y extremadamente polivalente (más de 45 configuraciones).
Entre 1991 y 1998, fueron modernizados 54 Super Étenderd a través de un radar Anémone, una plataforma laser Atlis, un detector Sherloc, un aparato de interferencia radiofónica Barracuda y señuelos (bait/Lure) Alka y Phimat.
Esta modernización se profundizó con la denominación láser del día (standard 3 en 1997) para los misiles AS-30 Laser así como la extensión de la dirección láser en las bombas de 125 y 250 kg (standard 4 en 2000).
El mismo año, cuatro SEM fueron entregados a la marina en una versión de reconocimiento, con el objetivo de reemplazar a los Étenderd IV P. A la luz de las últimas grandes operaciones en las cuales ha participado la aeronáutica naval, un nuevo programa de evolución se lanzó en 2003, para una puesta en línea de 25 aparatos a partir de 2008.
El Standar 5 permite reforzar las capacidades operacionales nocturnas y a su vez hacer uso del GPS y el láser para designar los objetivos. El avión ilumina el blanco a través de estos dos medios, con mayor prioridad del láser, con una precisión del orden de algunos pocos metros. Esta modernización ha de permitir que el SEM vuele al menos hasta 2015.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: borisdedante em Março 09, 2010, 01:14:31 am
"Tigre", "Caracale" e "Gazelle" francês no Afeganistão


viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9152&p=179306&sid=7700cf274a7b826c908df46123f2ae2a#p179306 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Março 09, 2010, 05:36:19 pm
Eu sei que são aeronaves, mas estas pertencem ao exército Francês, não teria mais lógica estarem no tópico do Exército?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vicente de Lisboa em Março 11, 2010, 08:58:13 am
EADS and America

Accusations fly

Did protectionism force EADS to scrap a $35 billion bid to supply the American air force?

Mar 9th 2010 | From The Economist online

THE announcement on Monday March 8th that Northrop Grumman and its European partner EADS were pulling out of a bid for a $35 billion contract to build air-refuelling tankers for the United States Air Force was no surprise. Northrop had said that it would not contest the terms of the latest contract proposal, even though it thought they had been drawn up to favour the rival Boeing bid. The British and German governments, along with the European Commission, expressed concern at what they see as the Pentagon rejecting open competition in order to bolster Boeing. Lord Mandelson, the British business secretary, said it was “very disappointing” that the Ameircan-European bidders felt the procurement process was so biased against them that it was not even worth making a bid.

The outcome is a blow to EADS, which on Tuesday announced a loss for 2009 caused by the need to post a €1.8 billion ($2.5 billion) charge because of cost over-runs on another military project, the A400M military troop carrier, and further charges caused by delays to its A380 super-jumbo passenger aircraft.

The tanker development is but the latest twist in a plot that goes back nearly ten years. In 2002 the defence department wanted to lease tanker aircraft based on Boeing ’s ageing 767 passenger jet, but Senator John McCain led a noisy campaign against what he called corporate welfare for Boeing. The 767 was seen as coming to the end of its commercial life and the leasing deal would have helped to keep a production line open. The Congressional Budget Office agreed with the senator that America’s air force could do better. After a scandal involving conflicts of interest and the hiring of a Pentagon procurement official by Boeing, the original lease deal was dropped by congress in 2004. Two Boeing executives were jailed and its chief executive, Phil Condit, resigned.

In 2006 the Pentagon restarted the process, and in February 2008 the Northrop-EADS bid was named the winner. Its tanker, based on the Airbus A330 jet, offered greater range and load-carrying capability than the Boeing design. Boeing immediately launched a campaign attacking the award; the Government Accountability Office found fault with the Air Force’s procurement process and the contract was cancelled.

When the Pentagon asked for renewed bids last year it was obvious that the new terms favoured Boeing. Whereas the original contract had to be judged on mission capability as well as price, the latest version laid more emphasis on the unit cost of each tanker plane, thus favouring the cheaper and more modest product offered by Boeing. After scrutinising the details, Northrop and EADS came to the conclusion it was no longer worth their while going through the motions of submitting a formal bid. So Boeing is left as the only bidder for a defence contract second only to the enormous Joint Strike Fighter contract won by Lockheed Martin in 2001.

The repercussions of this affair are likely to poison European-American trade relations and expose the administration to accusations of corporate welfare for America’s aerospace national champion. EADS was prepared to invest in an American factory to build the tankers and saw the contract as a foothold in the biggest defence market. The importance of the tanker deal and the A400M was that together they would help make EADS a more balanced aerospace company, less reliant on the performance of its Airbus subsidiary in the very cyclical civil aviation market. Now both these ventures are in trouble, while EADS’s rival, Boeing, is sitting more comfortably on a fat cushion of defence work. So much for Senator McCain’s original complaints about corporate welfare for Boeing.
Economist Dixit (http://http).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: old em Abril 05, 2010, 08:53:51 am
Francia compra 8 aviones de transporte CN 235 a Eads/Casa ante el retraso de los A400M ... nesdeeuros (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Abril 16, 2010, 07:09:32 pm
Finnish F-18 engine check reveals effects of volcanic dust

The Finnish air force has released images showing the effects of volcanic dust ingestion from inside the engines of a Boeing F-18 Hornet fighter, while it prepares to make inspections on several additional aircraft.

Five of the air force’s Hornets were involved in a training exercise on the morning of 15 April, just hours before the imposition of airspace restrictions due to the ash cloud spreading from a major volcanic eruption in Iceland.

One aircraft’s engines have been inspected so far using a boroscope, with melted ash clearly visible on its inside surface. The air force decided to release the images to show the potentially damaging effects of current flight activities, says chief information officer Joni Malkamäki.



“The images show that short-term flying can cause substantial damage to an aircraft engine,” the air force says. Continued operation could lead to overheating and potentially pose a threat to the aircraft and its pilot, it adds.

Checks will soon be made on the other four aircraft involved, and some engines will be removed to help Finnish company Patria – which provides in-service support for the nation’s F-18 fleet – to assess the extent of any damage caused. Its fleet comprises 55 single-seat F-18Cs and seven two-seat trainers, with each powered by two General Electric F404-402 engines.

Finland halted air force training flights yesterday, but the air force will continue to perform operational sorties as required, such as air policing missions and national security tasks.

One of its BAE Systems Hawk jet trainers also flew from Kauhava air base twice yesterday carrying an air sampling pod which collected dust from the atmosphere at various altitudes.

The air force is sharing the gathered information with the Finnish civil aviation authorities, and says it will stage more such flights as requested. ... canic.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 28, 2010, 04:34:51 pm
Rust Grounds the F-22 Fleet

May 28, 2010: Last February, the entire U.S. F-22 fleet was grounded when it was discovered that inadequate (and previously undetected) drainage in the cockpit had led to rust forming on components of the ejection seat. The problem was quickly fixed, and the F-22s returned to flight status.

This sort of thing, rust in an unexpected place, is typical of new weapons systems. While the growth of more powerful design and simulation software has greatly reduced situations like this, it still happens. The Department of Defense spends over $20 billion a year dealing with rust problems, and about a third of them are found to be preventable. One reason carrier aircraft cost so much more than similar models used only over land, is the additional rust-proofing required. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 10, 2010, 06:19:39 pm
O J-15 Chinês a voar:

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 31, 2010, 12:43:45 pm
Vimos o Neuron de perto


No dia 11 de junho de 2010 na Suécia pudemos visitar a área de montagem do primeiro protótipo do UCAV europeu Neuron, nas instalações da Saab.

Os jornalistas presentes só foram autorizados a fotografar o Neuron de poucos ângulos apenas, por causa dos segredos industriais.

As fotos deste post são as que fizemos durante os poucos minutos em que estivemos na área de montagem do Neuron. Alguns detalhes interessantes podem ser vistos nas fotos que tiramos do painel, com informações da futura aeronave não tripulada.



 :arrow: ... -de-perto/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 02, 2010, 09:21:13 pm
El comandante de la Fuerza Aérea Boliviana (FAB), general de división Tito Gandarillas, informó ayer que en febrero de 2011 el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia recibirá oficialmente seis aviones de entrenamiento y combate K-8 de industria china.

Una comisión del Gobierno y de esa institución militar se trasladará a ese país para recibir las aeronaves que serán entregadas por el presidente Evo Morales.

Los K-8 son biplazas, pueden llevar bombas guiadas y misiles de 50 libras, cuentan con un radar para aterrizar en misiones de ataque, tienen un cañón de 23 milímetros y vuelan a una velocidad de 800 kilómetros por hora.

Los cazas chinos de combate ligero demandarán un gasto de 58 millones de dólares proveniente de un crédito concesional de largo plazo ofrecido por el país asiático. El acuerdo fue ratificado en abril de 2010 en la visita que realizó el presidente Morales a China. “Después de más de 70 años en la historia aérea se están comprando naves que servirán para hacer respetar la soberanía nacional y luchar contra el narcotráfico”.

El jefe militar recordó que los primeros aviones de caza que tuvo la FAB fueron comprados durante la Guerra del Chaco (1932-1935), “luego siempre fueron donaciones”.

Según el general Gandarillas, los aviones K-8 vienen con equipamiento completo al igual que con un simulador de vuelo, el que será instalado en la ciudad de Cochabamba. Destacó que junto con las aeronaves se adquirirán los repuestos que les permitirán cubrir las exigencias y contingencias propias de los vuelos de entrenamiento y de reconocimiento por un buen tiempo.

De la misma manera, dijo que está en estudio la adquisición de nuevos helicópteros para reemplazar a los que ya no están en uso y los que se accidentaron.

“Estamos viendo las mejores opciones, porque para comprarlos deben estar adecuados a la topografía que tiene Bolivia”.

Las declaraciones del general Gandarillas fueron vertidas en oportunidad de celebrarse el 78 aniversario del Grupo Aéreo de Caza 31, cuyos pilotos vuelan en los aviones T-33 adquiridos en 1973 durante el gobierno del entonces presidente, general Hugo Banzer Suárez.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Agosto 11, 2010, 11:31:17 pm

RAF terá o número de aeronaves reduzida para níveis semelhantes da Primeira Guerra Mundial

O Ministério da Defesa do Reino Unido propôs um plano para reduzir significativamente a força da Royal Air Force (RAF) com o objetivo de economizar dinheiro.

Segundo a proposta a RAF perderá 7.000 membros efetivos, um sexto do seu quadro total, e 295 aeronaves. Isso deixará a força com menos de 200 aeronaves de caça, número esse pela primeira vez semelhante ao número de caças da Primeira Guerra Mundial em 1914, de acordo com o jornal

Toda frota de 120 aeronaves Tornado GR4 seriam desativadas para economizar £7,5 bilhões (US$11 bilhões) nos próximos cinco anos.

Palo plano, o número de caças Eurofighter Typhoon seria reduzido de 160 para 107 aeronaves, baseados numa única base aérea da RAF para economizar £1 bilhão (US$1,5 bilhão).

Toda frota de 36 aeronaves de transporte Hercules serão desativadas e substituídas por 22 novas aeronaves Airbus A400M.

Os £3,6 bilhões (US$5,7 bilhões) projetados para nove aeronaves de reconhecimento Nimrod MR$ também poderá ser provavelmente bloqueado, juntamente com um outro número de outras aeronaves de vigilância. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Agosto 15, 2010, 11:51:14 pm
Citação de: "HaDeS"

RAF terá o número de aeronaves reduzida para níveis semelhantes da Primeira Guerra Mundial

O Ministério da Defesa do Reino Unido propôs um plano para reduzir significativamente a força da Royal Air Force (RAF) com o objetivo de economizar dinheiro.

Segundo a proposta a RAF perderá 7.000 membros efetivos, um sexto do seu quadro total, e 295 aeronaves. Isso deixará a força com menos de 200 aeronaves de caça, número esse pela primeira vez semelhante ao número de caças da Primeira Guerra Mundial em 1914, de acordo com o jornal

Toda frota de 120 aeronaves Tornado GR4 seriam desativadas para economizar £7,5 bilhões (US$11 bilhões) nos próximos cinco anos.

Palo plano, o número de caças Eurofighter Typhoon seria reduzido de 160 para 107 aeronaves, baseados numa única base aérea da RAF para economizar £1 bilhão (US$1,5 bilhão).

Toda frota de 36 aeronaves de transporte Hercules serão desativadas e substituídas por 22 novas aeronaves Airbus A400M.

Os £3,6 bilhões (US$5,7 bilhões) projetados para nove aeronaves de reconhecimento Nimrod MR$ também poderá ser provavelmente bloqueado, juntamente com um outro número de outras aeronaves de vigilância. (

Vergonhoso para um país como o UK e a R.A.F. :x
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 27, 2010, 01:16:30 pm
Denmark Turns Down NATO Request for F-16s

Published: 26 Aug 2010 13:19

COPENHAGEN - Denmark has turned down a NATO request to send F-16 fighters to Afghanistan as it believes it has done enough for the international military mission there, the foreign minister said Thursday.

"We are one of the countries that contributes the most to Afghanistan," Foreign Minister Lene Espersen told the media after a meeting of parliament's foreign affairs committee.

"This is why we rejected the NATO request" which was also made to other member countries, she said.

Espersen said the committee "has a strong desire to scale down (Denmark's military) engagement" in Afghanistan as the Danish defense budget was "under pressure" and the government "is under no obligation to do more" there.

Denmark "can be proud" of its role in Afghanistan, she said, adding that "it's up to other countries to play a role and meet (NATO's) demands".

The F-16 requested by NATO is a multi-role fighter aircraft that is seen as highly maneuverable.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 16, 2010, 01:43:51 pm
Fast STOL - Lockheed's Speed Agile

Lockheed Martin is heading towards windtunnel tests next spring of a cruise-efficient STOL transport designed under the US Air Force Research Laboratory's Speed Agile concept demonstration. Boeing completed tunnel tests of its design in late 2009 and is preparing for piloted simulations in spring 2011.

Concept: Lockheed Martin

Lockheed's concept will be familar to those who have tracked the Air Force's long-running efforts to define a C-130 replacement, from AMC-X to AJACS to JFTL. But the latest design incorporates a number of refinements, as revealed in a presentation given by AFRL Air Vehicles Directorate engineer Cale Zeune at last week's International Powered Lift Conference in Philadelphia

The goal of Speed Agile is to demonstrate, well, "speed agility" - the ability to fly efficiently at the slow speeds required for short take-off and landing (around 70kt) and the transonic cruise speeds (Mach 0.8-plus) needed to share airspace with commercial airliners. The target field length is less than 2,000ft.

Traditional STOL aircraft cannot fly that fast, and the Speed Agile concepts use integrated lift systems to reduce drag. Boeing's design uses upper-surface blowing from embedded engines on the inboard wing and blown flaps for circulation control on the outboard wing. Lockheed's design also uses blown flaps outboard, but inboard uses patented reversing ejector nozzles.

Graphics: AFRL

As the illustration above shows, this nozzle can allow the engine exhaust to go either straight aft to produce thrust (Fig 4a); vector it downwards in an ejector/augmenter arrangement that boosts low-speed lift and thrust (Fig 4b); or turn it around to provide reverse thrust for short landings and ground maneuvering (Fig 4c). Vectoring the engine exhaust also provides pitch control, which avoids the oversized tail typical of other STOL designs, says Zeune.

Concept: Boeing

In a separate presentation at IPLC, Zeune briefed on progress with Boeing's Speed Agile design (above), which has completed more than 2,000h of low- and high-speed windtunnel testing. Initial tests used a 5%-scale model of a "narrowbody" design with 289,000lb take-off gross weight and 128in-wide cargo box.

AFRL then increased the STOL payload requirement to 65,000lb from 55,000lb to reflect the increasing size and weight of Army armoured vehicles like Stryker. Later tunnel tests used a 5% model of a "widebody" design with 303,000lb gross weight and "A400M-size" 158in-wide cargo box. Power comes from four IAE V2533 turbofans.

Zeune says early tests showed upper-surface blowing was not providing the additional lift required because the flow over the wing and flap was not turning through the required angle. A redesign of the nozzle and flaps doubled the turning angle to 60deg, with the flaps deflected 90deg, and achieved the lift goal, he says. Boeing is now preparing for pilot-in-the-loop flight simulations in NASA Ames' Vertical Motion Simulator to evaluate the handling qualities of its Speed Agile design.

Concept: Lockheed Martin

Lockheed's design (above), meanwhile, will undergo low-speed testing in the National Full-scale Aerodynamics Facility at Ames and high-speed testing in the National Transonic Facility at NASA Langley. The low-speed model will include reversing ejector nozzles and circulation-control wing; high-speed tests will investigate the use of blown flaps for transonic drag reduction.

What happens next? Well Zeune says AFRL's research into cruise-efficient STOL transports will end next year, with some $20 million having been spent since 2005 to bring technologies to a readiness level of around TRL 5/6. It will then be up to the customer - likely the USAF's Air Mobility Command - to decide whether to fund a flight demonstrator program.

With the budget pressures on DoD and the uncertainty surrounding the Air Force/Army Joint Future Theater Lift effort to begin work on a C-130 replacement, a demonstrator does not look likely in the near term.

Concept: Northrop Grumman
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Outubro 16, 2010, 06:04:15 pm
O Rafale luta para atingir o seu alvo no exterior
Nicolas Sarkozy gosta de retratar-se como Presidente Executivo. Ele se considera vendedor-chefe da França, promovendo as exportações dos carros-chefe do país, conquistando negócios ao redor do mundo, especialmente com o rápido crescimento dos países emergentes, como a China, Índia, Brasil, e as nações ricas em petróleo do Golfo. Ele até mesmo criou a chamada “sala de guerra” em seu Palácio Elysée, para apoiar as exportações civis e militares.

Mas, ultimamente, esta grande estratégia de exportação parece estar sofrendo dificuldades crescentes. A nova geração do EPR- Reator Pressurizado Europeu – tinha como escopo ser a ponta de lança das ambições do país para liderar o renascimento do mercado mundial nuclear – está a enfrentar todos os tipos de problemas, não apenas na Finlândia, mas nos Estados Unidos e em Abu Dhabi, onde ele perdeu para a Coréia do Sul.

Pior ainda, a Eurostar, a operadorora de trem de alta velocidade do Canal da Mancha, controlada pela SNCF, a estrada de ferro do Estado francês, acabou de encomendar trens da alemã Siemens, ao invés da francesa Alstom. Ainda mais preocupante, é a constante escassez de encomendas de exportação para o avião de caça Dassault Rafale.

A França ainda tem de vencer uma encomenda de exportação para o Rafale. Ela tem tentado por uma década, sem sucesso. Ganhar uma encomenda externa para estes aviões de combate, não é apenas uma questão de prestígio para a França. Afinal de contas, Serge Dassault, o veterano accionista majoritário da fabricante de aeronaves homônima, também é um senador e membro do partido que está no poder- UMP- e proprietário do Le Figaro, um Jornal pró Sarkozy.

Mas há razões mais importantes, porque as vendas de exportação do Rafale são tão cruciais. As exportações reduziriam o custo global do programa, e ao mesmo tempo forneceria fundos para ajudar a financiar novas pesquisas e tecnologias. Sem as exportações, há o risco de que a França já não seria capaz de garantir a autonomia da sua indústria de aviões militares, especialmente quando chegar o momento, eventualmente, de desenvolver um substituto para o Rafale.

Por último, o fracasso nas exportações dos aviões de combate, colocará mais um peso na já combalida economia do país. Na verdade, o Ministério da Defesa francês decidiu encomendar 11 Rafale adicionais no próximo ano, isto é, mais cedo do que a data previamente agendada, para garantir que as linhas de produção mantenham-se funcionando. Isso vai custar ao contribuinte francês um valor extra de 800 milhões de euros (US $1 1,1).

Não foi por falta de tentativa por parte do Presidente, que França não conseguiu até agora ganhar um pedido de exportação para o Rafale. Mas Nicolas Sarkozy também tem uma tendência de colocar a carroça na frente dos bois. Ele claramente considera difícil resistir ao impulso de anunciar ao mundo que ele finalmente conseguiu exportar o Rafale, mesmo antes do contrato ter sido assinado e o avião entregue.

Há um ano, ele anunciou com grande fanfarra, que a França tinha firmado uma relação privilegiada com o Presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, e que o Brasil tinha concordado em comprar um primeiro lote de 36 aviões Rafale. A longo prazo, a encomenda poderia ascender a 100 aviões de combate. Mas 12 meses mais tarde, o negócio ainda não foi finalizado, e há indícios de que os brasileiros, finalmente, podem optar pelo avião da sueca Saab, o Gripen NG, ao invés do Rafale, que é mais caro.

Um funcionário do governo brasileiro, confirmou esta semana, que o Brasil tinha decidido suspender uma decisão final até depois do segundo turno das eleições presidenciais do país, que acontecerá no final deste mês. Ele também sugeriu que a competição ainda está em aberto. Em outras palavras, o vencedor pode ser qualquer um.

Este verão, o presidente Sarkozy anunciou também que, os Emirados Árabes Unidos estavam pensando em substituir sua frota de 63 jatos Mirage, por Rafale. Mais uma vez, os franceses pareciam confiantes de que eles tinham finalmente garantido uma exportação para a aeronave em uma região que tem sido tradicionalmente um cliente importante para equipamentos de defesa de origem francesa. Mas este mês, os Emirados Árabes Unidos sugeriram que eles também estavam olhando para o Super Hornet como alternativa. Assim, a perspectiva de sucesso mais uma vez arrisca-se transformar em uma miragem.

Outros países, como o Kuwait e a Índia, estão à procura de novos aviões de combate, mas a concorrência é feroz. Por várias razões. A primeira é que o complexo militar-industrial dos EUA está intensificando a sua unidade de vendas de exportação, para compensar cortes pesados no orçamento do Pentágono. A segunda é que a Rússia está agora no jogo, e ultrapassou a França como a terceira maior exportadora de armas do mundo, depois dos Estados Unidos e do Reino Unido. O terceiro é um problema puramente da Europa.

Em todas as concorrências, a Europa invariavelmente oferece três caças que concorrem entre si – o Eurofighter Typhoon, o Rafale e o Saab Gripen – que é um a mais do que até mesmo os Estados Unidos normalmente oferecem. Ao fazê-lo, isso dá aos seus rivais dos EUA e da Russia uma vantagem óbvia. Até que os europeus finalmente decidam consolidar sua indústria de aviões de combate, eles só podem continuar a perder altitude.

FONTE: Financial Times
Tradução: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 19, 2010, 02:03:16 pm
RAF bases Lossiemouth & Kinloss face the chop as part of defence cuts

Oct 19 2010 By Torcuil Crichton

THOUSANDS of personnel at RAF bases in Scotland are in the frontline of defence cuts being announced by David Cameron today.

Raf Lossiemouth, home to Tornado strike jets, and RAF Kinloss, the base for Nimrod surveillance aircraft, look set to go. ... -22644448/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Novembro 08, 2010, 06:08:09 pm
Lack of Money Keeps F-16s Grounded
(Source: Volkskrant; published Nov. 4, 2010)
   (Published in Dutch; unofficial translation by
   THE HAGUE --- Continuing cuts in the defense budget are grounding more and more aircraft of the Dutch F-16 fleet. The aircraft are inoperative and require repairs, but money for replacement parts and repair operations is not available.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defence confirmed a report in the AD newspaper describing the budgetary emergency in the defense organization. "It's no secret that we do not have too many resources," the spokeswoman said.

According to the ACOM military union, two-thirds of the 87 Dutch F-16 fighters remain grounded because they require maintenance. The remaining third are kept in flying condition by cannibalizing parts and black boxes from other aircraft, according to ACOM president Jan Kleian. "At a certain point, there are only skeletons” in the hangar, he said.

The MoD spokeswoman would neither confirm nor deny the union’s figures, but noted that "It is a utopia to think that all 87 aircraft are available to fly at all times,” she explained. "There are always aircraft going through maintenance, and those numbers change and go through peaks and troughs.” However, she conceded, “the consequences of [government] policies are now clearly visible.''

"This is a creeping process” of degradation, Kleian says of the the increasing number of F-16s that are defective. "It generates a lot of frustration among the military staff. Three years ago, there were about 45 [F-16s] in flight condition, and this is now much lower. The military want to fix the machines, but there are just no parts, and no money to buy them. They cannot do their job. It's just sad.

“You don’t have so many F16s in the Netherlands just to keep them grounded, do you?”

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Dutch sources say the frustration in the Air Force about the availability of the F-16s is exacerbated by the fact that 18 newly-refurbished and upgraded aircraft have been sold to Chile. There is also some concern that the Dutch government has committed to buying the maintenance-intensive F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for reasons of prestige, when it already has no money to keep its F-16s flying.)

-ends- ... f_16s.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: pchunter em Novembro 10, 2010, 11:23:46 pm
Embraer vende oito aviões Super Tucano para Indonésia

A Embraer anunciou nesta quarta-feira que venceu concorrência para o fornecimento de oito aviões turboélice de ataque leve Super Tucano para a Força Aérea da Idonésia, com entregas a partir de 2012.
O negócio, cujo valor não foi revelado, inclui estações de apoio de solo e um pacote logístico integrado, segundo comunicado da Embraer, além de representar a estreia do Super Tucano na região da Ásia-Pacífico.
A Embraer venceu uma concorrência do Ministério da Defesa Indonésio para fornecer oito turboélices de ataque leve Super Tucano para a Força Aérea Indonésia. O negócio inclui estações de apoio de solo e um pacote logístico integrado e representa a estréia do Super Tucano na região da Ásia Pacífico. As entregas começarão em 2012.
“Temos a grande satisfação de receber a Força Aérea Indonésia como o mais novo cliente dos sistemas de defesa da Embraer”, disse Orlando José Ferreira Neto, Vice-Presidente Executivo da Embraer para o Mercado de Defesa. “O Super Tucano é um comprovado turboélice para ataque leve e treinamento avançado que voa atualmente em cinco forças aéreas, e temos certeza que atenderá perfeitamente as necessidades da Indonésia.”
O Super Tucano foi selecionado para substituir a frota de OV-10 Bronco devido à flexibilidade de executar uma ampla variedade de missões, incluindo ataque leve, vigilância, interceptação ar-ar e contra-insurgência. O Super Tucano é um avião maduro, de eficácia comprovada, com mais de 100 mil horas de vôo, sempre demonstrando elevados índices de confiabilidade e eficiência.
Preparado para missões militares e concebido para operar a partir de pistas não pavimentadas, o Super Tucano possui uma incomparável capacidade de armamentos, com capacidade para utilizar bombas convencionais e guiadas a laser, mísseis ar-ar, entre outros. A aeronave também é equipada com sensores eletro-ópticos infravermelho (Electro-Optical/Infrared – EO/IR), incluindo designador de mira a laser e rádio seguro com comunicação por enlace de dados.

Quem semeia acaba por colher.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Dezembro 15, 2010, 09:13:26 am
A RAF conta vir a ter só 6 esquadrões em 2020.
Só para perceber o significado: 33 esquadrões em 1990, 17 em 2003 e só 12 actualmente. Em April de 2011 passa a ter só 8 com a saída de serviço dos Harrier e dois esquadrões Tornado .
Em 2020 contam ter cerca de 107 Typhoon e 40 F35.
Como já dizia o outro: É a crise!
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Dezembro 20, 2010, 01:23:37 am
Citação de: "AtInf"
A RAF conta vir a ter só 6 esquadrões em 2020.
Só para perceber o significado: 33 esquadrões em 1990, 17 em 2003 e só 12 actualmente. Em April de 2011 passa a ter só 8 com a saída de serviço dos Harrier e dois esquadrões Tornado .
Em 2020 contam ter cerca de 107 Typhoon e 40 F35.
Como já dizia o outro: É a crise!

O site da RAF apresenta outros números .
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Dezembro 22, 2010, 02:41:10 pm
Declarações do comandante do 1º Grupo da RAF ( Aviação de Combate ) ao Defense News:

“We are heading for five Typhoon squadrons and one JSF [Joint Strike Fighter] squadron,” said Air Vice-Marshal Greg Bagwell, who commands the RAF’s air combat group. “It will be a six-squadron world; that’s what’s on the books.”

Dos 14 Esquadrões ( Tornado e Typhoon) que estão indicados no sitio da RAF, 2 são de reserva. A sua função é a de adaptação dos pilotos ao modelo ( no 15 é para Tornado e no 29 os Typhoon ). Portanto 12 Esquadrões ( não estão aqui incluidos os Hawk, Merlin, Chinook e Puma que tambem fazem parte do 1º Grupo, nem os Harrier que vão apanhar pó nos museus).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Janeiro 04, 2011, 03:59:38 pm
E agora, como diziam os monty python, algo de novo:
A India enviou o pedido de autorização aos EUA para a venda de 22 AH-64D APACHE.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 04, 2011, 04:18:02 pm
Os tipos querem Apaches? Por norma eles compram na Russia ou na europa (França). :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Janeiro 04, 2011, 05:11:49 pm
Isso do Apache para a Índia acho que não é nada definitivo.
Na Índia também a HAL está actualmente a desenvolver um helicóptero de ataque e já têm um protótipo (dois?) que inclusive fez bastantes horas de voo.

Actualmente só a força aérea indiana é que tem helicópteros de ataque (Mil Mi-35) e tanto o exército como a força aérea parece que vão encomendar o helicóptero de ataque ligeiro da HAL. Por acaso não arranjam um link para notícia do pedido para a venda dos Apache? É que muitas vezes também são feitos os pedidos ao congresso pelas empresas norte-americanas na possibilidade de venda -- vendas que não se acabam por realizar. No entanto também poderá ser que os helicópteros sejam para o exército que poderá muito bem querer arrancar a sério com uma unidade de helicópteros de ataque antes dos da HAL serem entregues.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Janeiro 05, 2011, 08:51:44 am
Citação de: "Get_It"
Isso do Apache para a Índia acho que não é nada definitivo.
Na Índia também a HAL está actualmente a desenvolver um helicóptero de ataque e já têm um protótipo (dois?) que inclusive fez bastantes horas de voo.

Actualmente só a força aérea indiana é que tem helicópteros de ataque (Mil Mi-35) e tanto o exército como a força aérea parece que vão encomendar o helicóptero de ataque ligeiro da HAL. Por acaso não arranjam um link para notícia do pedido para a venda dos Apache? É que muitas vezes também são feitos os pedidos ao congresso pelas empresas norte-americanas na possibilidade de venda -- vendas que não se acabam por realizar. No entanto também poderá ser que os helicópteros sejam para o exército que poderá muito bem querer arrancar a sério com uma unidade de helicópteros de ataque antes dos da HAL serem entregues.


A noticia foi divulgada em: (
Dado o historial é mais provavel que acabem por escolher o Mi28 e este suposto interesse por material americano pode ser só uma forma de conseguirem que os russos baixem o preço.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Janeiro 13, 2011, 06:36:36 pm

Israel barra exportação de radar AESA para Índia
O Ministério da Defesa de Israel bloqueou uma exportação em potencial do radar de varredura eletrônica ativa (AESA em inglês) EL/M-2052 para um determinado número de países, um deles é a Índia.

As restrições foram feitas pelos EUA, em no período de dois anos expôs várias vezes sua preocupação à venda desse tipo de radar a alguns países. As pressões de Washington se devem a possíveis prejuízos que o país terá, caso Israel entre no mercado de radares avançados.

Esse não é tambem um motivo novo. Em 2008, por solicitação do Departamento de Defesa Americano a IMI – Israel Military Industries (subsidiaria da IAI) se retirou da licitação para desenvolvimento do novo tanque do Exercito Turco. O motivo alegado a época era que Israel estaria oferecendo aos turcos de forma irregular tecnologia americana. O certame envolvia a cifra de 500 milhões de dólares e acabou vencido por uma indústria da Coréia do Sul.

Anteriormente, a empresa SAAB, que participa da concorrência para o fornecimento de 126 caças para a Força Aérea da Índia, ofereceu o seu caça, o Gripen NG com o radar israelense EL/M-2052. Afinal, a Força Aérea da Índia recentemente comprou 4 aeronaves russas de alerta antecipado e controle do vôo com o radar AESA israelense EL/M-2075. No entanto, a empresa sueca optou pelo radar AESA Selex Galileo ES05 Raven, que é tido com um dos mais modernos radares desse tipo existentes no mundo.

A empresa israelense IAI viu no programa Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) indiano boas perspectivas para a venda do seu radar AESA. O design modular pesa 130-180kg (286 £ 397) e consome 4-10kVA, dependendo da configuração do projeto, e foi construído com potencial de crescimento, diz a empresa.

Fonte: cavoc

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: pchunter em Janeiro 13, 2011, 09:57:11 pm
Os milhões em armas que vêem dos USA não são à borla. :lol:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 22, 2011, 12:18:52 pm
A Força Aérea Portuguesa entregou à Força Aérea de Moçambique 2 Cessna FTB 337G ao abrigo da cooperação técnico-militar. Estes aparelhos serão usados para criar a Escola de Aviação Militar Moçambicana, escola que está a ser criada com o apoio da FAP.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabecinhas em Janeiro 22, 2011, 03:42:35 pm
Terão eles capacidade de fazer manutenção dos "puxa-empurra"?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 22, 2011, 03:47:28 pm

foto de nuno calhau do forum
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 22, 2011, 04:30:12 pm
Citação de: "Cabecinhas"
Terão eles capacidade de fazer manutenção dos "puxa-empurra"?

A Força Aérea Portuguesa está a apoiar a Força Aérea de Moçambique, quer na criação de uma escola técnica de formação de sargentos, quer com pessoal de manutenção português que inicialmente vai apoiar a operação/manutenção desses aparelhos em Moçambique, uma especie de, on job training.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabecinhas em Janeiro 22, 2011, 04:38:48 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Cabecinhas"
Terão eles capacidade de fazer manutenção dos "puxa-empurra"?

A Força Aérea Portuguesa está a apoiar a Força Aérea de Moçambique, quer na criação de uma escola técnica de formação de sargentos, quer com pessoal de manutenção português que inicialmente vai apoiar a operação/manutenção desses aparelhos em Moçambique, uma especie de, on job training.

Eu referia-me mesmo aos custos!
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 22, 2011, 04:40:10 pm
Se não conseguem manter por causa dos custos um "puxa-empurra", então nem vale a pena terem Força Aérea.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Janeiro 22, 2011, 08:16:35 pm
Além dos 2 Cessna FTB 337G que a FAP entregou Moçambique tambem deve receber alguns T-27 Tucano oferecidos pelo Brasil.

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 22, 2011, 11:16:50 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Se não conseguem manter por causa dos custos um "puxa-empurra", então nem vale a pena terem Força Aérea.

Exacto, ainda por cima aquilo é quase um carro :mrgreen: .

Então nem vale a pena falar em coisas tipo F-16 :shock: .
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Charlie Jaguar em Janeiro 22, 2011, 11:24:44 pm
Citação de: "Lightning"
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Se não conseguem manter por causa dos custos um "puxa-empurra", então nem vale a pena terem Força Aérea.

Exacto, ainda por cima aquilo é quase um carro :mrgreen: .

Então nem vale a pena falar em coisas tipo F-16 :twisted:

Moçambique que já utilizava caças supersónicos como o MiG-21 e MiG-23 enquanto nós ainda passeávamos somente de T-38 Talon. Mauzinhos...  :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 23, 2011, 07:53:59 pm
Pois mas quem pagava a manutenção, era a União Soviética.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Charlie Jaguar em Janeiro 23, 2011, 08:20:27 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Pois mas quem pagava a manutenção, era a União Soviética.

E na maior parte das vezes os pilotos também eram soviéticos, os famosos conselheiros. Ainda assim, a verdade é que andavam de MiG e o contrário não pode ser dito.  :)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 23, 2011, 08:45:55 pm
Citação de: "Charlie Jaguar"
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Pois mas quem pagava a manutenção, era a União Soviética.

E na maior parte das vezes os pilotos também eram soviéticos, os famosos conselheiros. Ainda assim, a verdade é que andavam de MiG e o contrário não pode ser dito.  :)

Nisso concordo contigo!
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Janeiro 24, 2011, 12:24:04 am
Rússia e EUA negociam em Washington acordo sobre helicópteros para o Afeganistão
As negociações sobre a entrega de helicópteros russos para o Afeganistão serão realizadas este mês em Washington, informou um Ministro de Relações Exteriores da Rússia nessa sexta-feira.

Um grupo de especialistas, incluindo representantes do Ministério de Relações Exteriores e da agência de exportação de armas Rosoboronexport se encontrarão com membros dos EUA, disse Zamir Kabulov, do departamento asiático do ministério.

A Rússia informou que está preparada para fornecer 21 helicópteros multifunção Mi-17 através de um contrato da OTAN ou como parte de uma competição aberta pelos EUA para o fornecimento dos helicópteros para os militares do Afeganistão.

O contrato está estimado em US$ 400 milhões, incluindo peças sobressalentes.

O Mi-171 é uma versão de exportação do helicóptero Mi-8 Hip, que atualmente está em produção em duas fábrucas na área Volga da cidade de Kazan, e na Sibéria Oriental, na cidade de Ulan-Ude.

Em maio, os Estados Unidos retiraram as sanções contra a Rosoboronexport. As sanções haviam sido impostas em 2006 após o governo dos EUA acusarem a Rosoboronexport de violar o acorde de não proliferação nuclear.

Apesar do bloqueio, dezemnas de helicópteros Mi-17s foram adquiridos pelos Estados Unidos para o Afeganistão e Iraque nos últimos quatro anos via intermediários que compraram os exemplares como aeronaves comerciais, com isso evitando contatos diretos com a Rosoboronexport.

Fonte: RIA Novosti – Tradução: Cavok

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 27, 2011, 08:30:29 pm
FTB moçambicano


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Janeiro 31, 2011, 10:00:45 am
Ora bem, possiveis consequências do J-20: India interessada no F35, pressão sobre a China e Paquistão.

The United States may allow India to purchase its fifth generation F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter. According to Pentagon acquisitions Chief Ashton Carter, “there is nothing on our side, no principle which bars […] Indian participation in the Joint Strike Fighter. The decision to pursue the F-35 is India’s alone”. Offering the F-35 to India is not new – in 2007 Lockheed Martin briefed Indian officials on the F-35, but eventually the move was blocked by Washington.

Indeed, India has asked for the F-35. Lockheed Martin vice president Orville Prins confirmed his company already received a request for information from the Indian Navy, concerning the naval variants of the F-35 aircraft (F-35B STOVL and F-35C carrier conventional take off variants), both capable of operating from current and future Indian aircraft carriers. “We are going to offer our aircraft to them.” Prins confirmed. The aircraft are required to operate off two indigenously built aircraft carriers currently being constructed in India and due to enter service toward the end of this decade. The Indian Navy currently operates 11 Sea Harriers and has bought a squadron of MiG-29Ks to operate from the ex Russian Navy carrier due for delivery to India by 2012.

The possible release of JSF technology to India implies a substantial shift in U.S. policy toward India, which could be related to Washington shift to toward New Delhi, becoming a closer strategic ally that is equally concerned over the military growth of China. Sofar such a move was restrained by an effort to maintain U.S.-Pakistani relations at equal terms with U.S.-Indian relations. The new shift in Washington may indicate that the Pentagon is concerned about the status of the F-35, the program’s delays and the integrity of the JSF alliance, especially vis-a-vis the rapid progress of competitive programs in China and Russia – the latter, being a joint program with India. If the U.S. would wait for the PAK-FA program to mature, the U.S. could lose an opportunity to tap the Indian market for its 5th generation fighters. India is said to consider buying 250 T-50 5th generation fighters to be jointly developed with Sukhoi in Russia.

Another indicator of the policy shift is the rumor over a possible participation of a U.S. Air Force Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor stealth fighter at Aero-India. It is yet unclear if the aircraft will land at Bangalore or fly in for short flight display. Until now the participation of Raptors in international shows was limited to the U.K., and Japan.

Carter also referred to India’s Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition, where two U.S. fighters – Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper and Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet are competing against European and Russian rivals Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale, Saab JAS-39 Gripen and the Mikoyan MiG-35 for an order of 126 aircraft. According to Carter, the U.S.-built fighters are the most technologically advanced aircraft in the competition.

One of the key factors stressed by the Americans is the operational AESA radars integrated in their aircraft. While the Russian and European fighters are offered with AESA radars that have not been integrated yet on the aircraft, both F-16 and A/F-18E/F are operationally flying with second generation AESA radars. Highlighting affordability, Carter stressed the importance of lifecycle costs, attributed to 70 percent of a platform’s life cycle cost. The U.S. officials argue that both the F-16 and F/A-18 offer the lower lifecycle costs than the competition.

New Delhi was never critical over the level of technology represented with the U.S. fighters, but was reluctant to be lured into deals that could not be supported by technology transfer. In this field, the Americans are way behind, bound by complex regulation. The European competitors, primarily Sweden were eager to offer everything they could to pave the way for their fighters to win the Indian hearts and minds. In contrast, the U.S., limited by complex technology transfer regulation could not offer technology transfer and, when it comes to the moment of truth, may not be able to offer everything the Indians want to get.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 06, 2011, 05:54:04 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Fevereiro 06, 2011, 09:28:12 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"

Visto tratar-se dum gráfico de origem Russa , o mesmo será de fiar ?

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Fevereiro 07, 2011, 01:32:29 pm
X47 B voo inaugural ( pelo menos é o que dizem )

Providing more details about yesterday’s milestone X-47B flight, Janis Pamiljans, Northrop Grumman vice president and UCAS-D program manager, Northrop Grumman, says the air vehicle 1 (AV1) took off at 2.09pm PST at a speed of 180 kt, and reached a maximum speed of 240 kt during its 29-minute flight over Edwards AFB. On landing, the aircraft touched down around 60-ft ahead of where it was expected to hit, but “right on the centerline”, he adds. The touchdown was the equivalent of catching the ‘number one wire’ in Navy parlance, and gives the flight test team a good starting point from where to fine tune flight control software says Pamiljans.

The aircraft was originally targeted to fly before the end of December, but was delayed while Northrop Grumman worked to correct an asymmetric braking issue uncovered during taxi tests. A last-minute maintenance issue with an auxiliary power generation system forced the aircraft to miss its narrow flight test window on Thursday, leading to the flight attempt being made on Friday instead.

The second aircraft, AV2, has meanwhile completed its design limit load tests up to 130% with “no test anomalies” says Pamiljans. The test indicates the airframe is able to withstand the 2.4g loads it may see during air-to-air refueling maneuvers. “This aircraft is clearly carrier-capable,” he adds. AV2 is being prepared for the start of fuel testing before being transferred to Edwards around March. First flight is expected in August.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Upham em Fevereiro 07, 2011, 02:27:22 pm
Boa tarde!

Alguma razão para que este (suposto vôo inaugural) desta aeronave seja feito com o trem de aterragem descido?

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Edu em Fevereiro 07, 2011, 03:12:34 pm
Não sei exactamente a razão, mas normalmente todos os aviões militares fazem o primeiro voo com o trem de aterragem em baixo, o F-35 também fez assim como outras aeronaves militares, quanto a aviões civis não me posso pronunciar.

Penso que seja pelo facto de a recolha do trem involver o funcionamento de um mecanismo ainda não testado, e assim para evitar que ele suba e depois já não desça faz-se assim, mas esta é só a minha opinião.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Upham em Fevereiro 07, 2011, 05:52:14 pm


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Abril 28, 2011, 12:51:05 pm
India says no to US fighter planes

India has told the United States that it will not be buying American for its $10-billion fighter aircraft deal. This more or less leaves the Eurofighter Typhoon and the French Rafale as the only remaining contenders for the deal. The two US contenders, Boeing and Lockheed, received formal letters fr
om the Indian Ministry of Defence as to why their respective aircraft, the F/A-18 Superhornet and the F-16 Superviper, did not fulfil the technical requirements of Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft contract, said US and Indian sources.

Defence Minister AK Antony has been signaling privately for weeks that the Indian Air Force and his ministry would go for one of the European fighters.

The Russian contender, the MiG 30, along with the Swedish Gripen received similar notes as the US firms.

The Indian notification will come as a major shock to bilateral relations. Washington had seen such a purchase, the first time India would be buying a US warplane, as a sign of India's interest in upgrading strategic relations.

Indian officials were quick to say that Indo-US relations were greater than a single arms purchase. But  given that it follows on US nuclear reactor purchases being bogged down in liability issues, the decision will strengthen Indo-skeptics in Washington.

New Delhi will hide behind technical reasons, the two European fighters are generally seen as aerodynamically superior if not necessarily better fighting platforms.
Hindustan Times (http://http)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 28, 2011, 12:52:02 pm
Rafale e EF, quem ganhará a corrida?...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 28, 2011, 03:07:36 pm
Para a Índia voto no EF!  :G-Ok:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 28, 2011, 03:15:42 pm
Estou a ver mais o Rafale para eles. É que eles já são velhos clientes dos Franceses.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 28, 2011, 04:09:42 pm
Citação de: "Tighrope"
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: FoxTroop em Abril 28, 2011, 04:32:14 pm
Citação de: "ShadIntel"
India says no to US fighter planes

India has told the United States that it will not be buying American for its $10-billion fighter aircraft deal. This more or less leaves the Eurofighter Typhoon and the French Rafale as the only remaining contenders for the deal. The two US contenders, Boeing and Lockheed, received formal letters fr
om the Indian Ministry of Defence as to why their respective aircraft, the F/A-18 Superhornet and the F-16 Superviper, did not fulfil the technical requirements of Medium Multirole Combat Aircraft contract, said US and Indian sources.

Defence Minister AK Antony has been signaling privately for weeks that the Indian Air Force and his ministry would go for one of the European fighters.

The Russian contender, the MiG 30, along with the Swedish Gripen received similar notes as the US firms.

The Indian notification will come as a major shock to bilateral relations. Washington had seen such a purchase, the first time India would be buying a US warplane, as a sign of India's interest in upgrading strategic relations.

Indian officials were quick to say that Indo-US relations were greater than a single arms purchase. But  given that it follows on US nuclear reactor purchases being bogged down in liability issues, the decision will strengthen Indo-skeptics in Washington.

New Delhi will hide behind technical reasons, the two European fighters are generally seen as aerodynamically superior if not necessarily better fighting platforms.
Hindustan Times (http://http)

Apesar de os dois seleccionados para a avaliação final serem as duas aeronaves mais capazes, não deixa de ser muito significativo o retumbante fracasso da ofensiva diplomática norte-americana, com todas as promessas de transferência ilimitada de tecnologia e afins além do apoio explicito a um lugar no CS da ONU.

A ver nos próximos tempos o que acontecerá lá para as terras da Índia.....
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Abril 28, 2011, 10:22:38 pm
Parece-me que o vencedor será o RAFALE, pois já possui versão naval desenvolvida e a operar, já o Typhoon não...

Além do mais, a frota de M-2000 indiana, já possui armamento que é comum com o do Rafale..
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: FoxTroop em Abril 29, 2011, 10:18:48 am
Concordo consigo, caro Typhonman. Tudo indica que vai ser o Rafale.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Instrutor em Abril 29, 2011, 02:29:27 pm
x 2 eu também aposto no Rafale versão M para a Marinha e B/C para a Força Aérea Indiana.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 29, 2011, 03:09:35 pm
Mas eles não têm uns MIG-29 para esse serviço?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 29, 2011, 03:15:13 pm
Que serviço? Marinha? Força Aérea? A Força Aérea deles é um manto de retalhos, é Mirages, Mig, SU, etc.

A Marinha também não está melhor, é Harriers, é SU, etc.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 29, 2011, 03:21:57 pm
Para servir embarcados?
E os Rafale dá para aqueles PA? Com Sky ramp? Ou vais ser como o São Paulo?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 29, 2011, 05:25:43 pm
O MMRCA é só para comprar caças para a força aérea mas há quem espere se o Rafale seja escolhido que a Marinha também o compre. Um bocado no estilo como também foi discutido aquando o concurso para o novo caça brasileiro.
Citação de: "HSMW"
Para servir embarcados?
E os Rafale dá para aqueles PA? Com Sky ramp? Ou vais ser como o São Paulo?
Actualmente para o porta-aviões que eles compraram à Rússia foram também comprados caças MiG-29K. Além deste e do Viraat eles planeiam construir novos porta-aviões que poderão ainda ser desenhados para CATOBAR, e seria a partir destes novos porta-aviões "domésticos" que novos Rafale M poderiam vir a embarcar.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Portucale em Abril 29, 2011, 11:07:13 pm
A Índia tem um vasto programa de reequipamento da sua Força aérea, e neste programa prevê a compra de mais de 100 aeronaves.
Fica claro que os Indianos não acreditam nos USA, apostam no material deles em desenvolvimento, no Russo e no Europeu, provavelmente Francês onde já têm historial.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 30, 2011, 11:55:20 am
Penso que a escolha do rafale deveu-me mais ao plano de modernização do mirage 2000 do que outra coisa.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 30, 2011, 10:18:35 pm
Então aqui nesta foto o Rafale (ou EF) vai substituir que aeronaves?

(Façam clique direito e ver imagem  :x )
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: LuisC em Maio 01, 2011, 01:45:51 am
Pelo que consigo perceber, o HAL Tejas substituirá o Mig-21, enquanto o Rafale (ou EF) irá substituir o Mig-27 e o Jaguar.
Com a modernização do MIG-29 para o padrão SMT, a IAF ficará totalmente equipada com caças multi-role.
Um poder aéreo soberbo, diga-se de passagem.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 01, 2011, 02:16:08 am
Se assim é, parece-me muita maquina diferente para cumprir a mesma função.

O Rafale, o Su-30, MiG-29, não faz tudo o mesmo?
Que salada...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 01, 2011, 04:49:55 am
Foi uma das maiores críticas (críticas como quem diz...) feitas ao MMRCA.
Se fosse escolhido o F-16 ou Gripen (vistos como caças ligeiros/pequenos) iria-se dizer que é na mesma classe que o Tejas.
Já o resto -- F-18, Eurofighter, Rafale, e MiG-35 -- ficam na mesma classe que os MiG-29SMT e o Su-30MKI. Estes Su-30MKI são bem novos.

Nunca vi os caças norte-americanos com possibilidade de ganhar a competição. Os norte-americanos não querem transferir tecnologia, não querem dar acesso ao software e se as coisas virarem para o torto ainda impõe restrições ou até bloqueiam o fornecimento de peças à Índia. A compra de caças norte-americanos por parte dos indianos seria a maior estupidez. Sem falar que a Índia já vai comprar P-8, C-17, C-130J e até possivelmente helicópteros Apache, logo os norte-americanos não podem queixar-se. Ainda mais quando andam a dar armamento de graça ao Paquistão.

Pode-se dizer que a relação com os russos ainda é muito boa mas com estes a exigirem muito mais dinheiro pelo porta-aviões os indianos claramente já não andam a ficar nada contentes. Mas o maior contra face ao MiG-35 é o Su-30MKI, é algo que é obviamente ao mesmo nível e ainda são bastante recentes.

Em teoria o MMRCA deveria ser um avião numa classe e num nível entre o Tejas e o Su-30. Logo resta o Eurofighter e o Rafale, embora não sejam propriamente caças "médios".
Acaba por fazer sentido, pois o Tejas é um programa nacional que tem tido alguns problemas, e a transferência de tecnologia vinda quer do consórcio do Eurofighter quer da Dassault vai ajudar imenso, mais propriamente nos motores. Os indianos acabam também por ter dois caças, um europeu (Typhoon ou Rafale) e um russo (dupla MiG-29/Su-30), que têm dois fornecedores distintos de tecnologia, armamento e peças, que no eventual "fechar da torneira" continuam a ter caças a voar.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Maio 02, 2011, 08:02:12 am
Airspace border tensions soar / ASDF scrambled 386 times to ward off foreign aircraft in FY10
The Yomiuri Shimbun

The number of Air Self-Defense Force sorties to intercept foreign aircraft flying near Japanese airspace jumped to 386 last fiscal year, up 29 percent from fiscal 2009, according to the Defense Ministry.

In the past two decades, the 2010 figure was the second-largest after the 488 sorties in fiscal 1991.

ASDF jets were scrambled to ward off planes from China 96 times, an increase of about 2.5 times from the previous fiscal year, and Russian aircraft on 264 occasions, an increase of 30 percent.

According to the ministry's Joint Staff Office, Russian aircraft accounted for 68 percent of the total number and Chinese planes 25 percent. Taiwan jets comprised 2 percent, or seven instances, while planes of other nationalities together made up 5 percent, or 19 incidents.

Last fiscal year, there were no instances of North Korean aircraft approaching Japanese airspace, although the ASDF scrambled on eight occasions against that country's jets in fiscal 2009.

The ministry said no foreign aircraft actually violated Japanese airspace in fiscal 2010.

However, Chinese military planes flew past the median line between Japan and China and came close to Japanese airspace over the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture for the first time on March 2. ASDF jets were scrambled after the Chinese aircraft--two Y-8 surveillance planes--were spotted flying over the East China Sea toward the Nansei Islands and approaching a point about 50 kilometers from Japanese airspace.

Meanwhile, two Russian aircraft--Sukhoi-27 and AN-12 fighters--came close to Japanese territory on March 21.

During the period after the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake through March 31, Russian aircraft were spotted 14 times and Chinese jets four times. This is little different from before the disaster, observers said.

The number of ASDF intercepts peaked in fiscal 1984 at 944, after which the figures declined. But the number rose again for two consecutive years in fiscal 2009 and fiscal 2010.

The increase in sorties to ward off foreign aircraft approaching the nation's airspace appears to correlate with the Democratic Party of Japan's 2009 ascent to power and subsequent tensions in the Japan-U.S. defense relationship.

A Defense Ministry senior official said, "[Foreign countries] might have been testing Japan's defense capability as they regarded Japan-U.S. relations as weakened."

(Apr. 30, 2011) (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Maio 02, 2011, 04:38:49 pm
No passado dia 16 de Abril passaram por Porto Santo 4 Eurocopter AS332L2 Super Puma a caminho de Angola .
Deixo aqui algumas fotos da passagem destas aeronaves



Já agora , alguém sabe explicar a razão porque o D2-EWP está com um X por cima ?

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Maio 03, 2011, 07:16:53 pm
Pela "lógica" indiana o rafale tem mais chances de vencer que o typhoon. Os EUA tinham pouca chance devido a questões de transferência de tecnologia e clausulas que bloqueiam o uso do armamento para determinados fim. A Rússia também estava platicamente descartada, pois se ganha-se ficaria como único fornecedor de caças de 1ª linha para os indianos, já que atualmente fornece os su-30 MKI e a índia tem intenções de compra de 200 a 250 pak-fa. O fato do tejas ser "semelhante" ao Gripen e a pouca força política sueca pesaram contra o gripen. A favor dos rafales está o fato da india operar caças franceses e o compromisso da França de atualizá-los de graça.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 04, 2011, 03:28:46 pm
A Defense Technology Blog
Stealth Helos Used In Osama Raid
Posted by Bill Sweetman at 5/3/2011 11:14 AM CDT

Well, now we know why all of us had trouble ID'ing the helicopter that crashed, or was brought down, in the Osama raid.


It was a secretly developed stealth helicopter, probably a highly modified version of an H-60 Blackhawk. Photos published in the Daily Mail and on the Secret Projects board show that the helicopter's tail features stealth-configured shapes on the boom and tip fairings, swept stabilizers and a "dishpan" cover over a non-standard five-or-six-blade tail rotor. It has a silver-loaded infra-red suppression finish similar to that seen on some V-22s.

No wonder the team tried to destroy it. The photos show that they did a thorough job - except for the end of the tailboom, which ended up outside the compound wall. (It almost looks as if the helo's tail hit the wall on landing.)

Stealth helicopter technology in itself is not new and was applied extensively to the RAH-66 Comanche. Priorities are usually different versus fixed-wing aircraft. Reducing noise and making it less conspicuous is the first job (more main and tail blades reduce the classic whop-whop signature). Listen here.

Noise can also be reduced by aerodynamic modifications and flight control changes that make it possible to slow the rotor down, particularly in forward flight below maximum speed. Infra-red reduction measures are crucial -- the Comanche had an elaborate system of exhaust ducts and fresh-air mixers in its tailboom.


Radar cross-section reduction is also possible - you can't make a helo as radar-stealthy as a fixed-wing airplane, because of all its moving parts, but on the other hand it is generally operating at low altitude in ground clutter, and is not an easy target. Reducing RCS also makes jamming more effective, whether from the aircraft itself or from a standoff jammer.

The willingness to compromise this technology shows the importance of the mission in the eyes of US commanders -- and what we're seeing here also explains why Pakistani defenses didn't see the first wave (at least) coming in.

Update: Quellish at Secret Projects mentions an ancestor system.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 06, 2011, 11:46:06 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Maio 11, 2011, 01:03:57 am
Citação de: "Desertas"
Já agora , alguém sabe explicar a razão porque o D2-EWP está com um X por cima ?

A unica coisa que sei é qie D2 significa aeronave civil registada em Angola, tal como se a matricula começar por F quer dizer registada na França, se a matricula começar por CS quer dizer registada em Portugal...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: zawevo em Maio 11, 2011, 11:52:29 am

"Desertas Escreveu:
Já agora , alguém sabe explicar a razão porque o D2-EWP está com um X por cima ?"

Este é um voo de entrega. A aeronave já tem a pintura final, mas enquanto não estiver entregue ainda é francesa. A matricula francesa será(?) um autocolante que é removido quando chegar ao destino e ao mesmo tempo removem o X da matricula do novo dono da aeronave. Vejam a foto em baixo as duas matriculas



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Maio 11, 2011, 02:55:10 pm
Ok Zawevo , obrigado pela informação . :G-beer2:

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Maio 12, 2011, 03:12:17 pm
Boeing entrega 1º avião C-17 Globemaster III aos Emirados Árabes Unidos.

Boeing Tuesday delivered the first of six C-17 Globemaster III airlifters that the United Arab Emirates has on order.

“It is with great pride that we accept delivery of our first C-17, which will help expand our ability to perform humanitarian and strategic-lift missions in the region and around the world,” UAE Maj. Gen. Staff Pilot Mohammed bin Suwaidan Saeed Al Qamzi said in accepting the aircraft at Boeing’s facility in Long Beach, Calif., according to a news release. “The C-17’s advanced capabilities, high reliability, and mission readiness rate met all of our requirements.”

Boeing is scheduled to deliver three more C-17s to the UAE this year and two in 2012. There are currently 231 C-17s in service worldwide, 210 of them with the U.S. Air Force and the rest with other countries, such as Qatar, the U.K., Canada and Australia.


Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Maio 12, 2011, 03:21:28 pm
A Boeing entregou no passado dia 20 o 500 Super Hornet /Growler .

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Maio 17, 2011, 09:55:34 pm
MMRCA: eliminados podem contestar decisão da IAF
Ajai Shukla

A eliminação de quatro dos seis concorrentes à venda bilionária de 126 caças para a Força Aérea da Índia (IAF) não ocorreu de forma silenciosa.

Segundo o ‘Business Standard’, o Ministério da Defesa da Índia (MoD) já recebeu cartas dos quatro consórcios eliminados solicitando informações sobre o motivo da desclassificação dos seus caças.

A primeira delas veio da Rússia , perguntando sobre os motivos do MiG-35 não atender aos requisitos da IAF.

Depois veio a embaixada dos EUA em Nova Deli, perguntando especificamente o motivo que levou à eliminação dos dois caças norte-americanos, o Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet e o Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper.

Fontes do MoD também confirmaram que a Gripen International encaminhou formalmente uma carta solicitando detalhes da desclassificação do Gripen NG.

No dia 27 de abril passado o MoD escreveu aos quatro consórcios informando sobre a eliminação deles, de forma sucinta, mas sem detalhar os motivos. Aos outros dois concorrentes – Eurofighter GmbH e a francesa Dassault - foi solicitado que estendessem a validade das respectivas propostas comerciais.

Manifestações de vendedores após a eliminação são comumente desconsideradas.Mas neste caso, um erro do  MoD pode trazer de volta os eliminados.

O Comitê de Supervisão Técnica (Technical Oversight Committee  – TOC) do MoD, que tem a obrigação de rever a avaliação técnica da IAF e verificar se procedimentos de contratação foram seguidos na íntegra, não tinha terminado seu relatório antes de o Ministério da Defesa enviar as cartas aos desclassificados.

Ainda permanece incerto o motivo pelo qual o MoD enviou as cartas antes do parecer do TOC.

Agora, o TOC  – composto pelo conselheiro de ciência do ministro da Defesa, VK Saraswat, pelo coordenador do Bharat Electronics Limited, Ashwini Datt e pelo brigadeiro da IAF, Anil Chopra - estão lutando para concluir esta revisão obrigatória.

Especialistas em aviação acreditam que esta lacuna processual possa ser explorada politicamente por grupos eliminados (entenda-se Boeing e Lockheed Martin) para serem readmitidos na licitação indiana.

Oficiais superiores da IAF, no entanto, descartam totalmente a reintegração dos dois concorrentes norte-americanos.

Um dos oficiais da IAF envolvido no processo afirmou que “as companhias norte-americanas, que se vangloriam da sua liderança tecnológica, estão sentidas porque seus caças foram declarados tecnologicamente inadequados. Mas elas erraram ao oferecer caças para a IAF, como o F-16 e F-18 que já existem há décadas. É arrogante afirmar que estes caças foram modernizados e são bons o suficiente para um país como a Índia. Mas se eles queriam discutir tecnologia, eles deveriam ter escalado o F-35. “

A russa RAC MiG também está desapontada com a eliminação, mas por um outro motivo.

“O MiG-35 foi desenvolvido na Rússia como um substituto natural para o MiG-21 que está próximo do final da sua vida operacional e dezenas de forças aéreas pelo mundo. Com a rejeição da IAF - que possui centenas de caças MiG – o construtor russo está preocupado com a mensagem negativa que foi dada ao restante dos países” disse Pushpindar Singh, especialista em aviação e editor-chefe da revista Vayu.

Neste meio tempo, a Gripen International está definindo sua estratégia para contrapor a rejeição da IAF.

Segundo a correspondência do MoD enviada à companhia sueca, o Gripen NG apresentou 51 não conformidades em relação aos requisitos da IAF, sendo que 43 delas estão relacionadas ao radar AESA.

A Gripen International argumenta que não é justo afirmar que a IAF não tenha recebido “prova de tecnologia”, ou prova de que o radar AESA da Selex (que ainda está em desenvolvimento) tenha superado os principais obstáculos tecnológicos necessários para a operacionalização no tempo de entrega para a Índia.

Isto se deve ao fato de que a Selex (em parceria com a Euroradar) está desenvolvendo o radar AESA do Eurofighter, que foi considerado tecnologicamente viável e aparentemente será fornecido em tempo para a IAF.

A Gripen destaca que se a Selex convenceu a IAF sobre a viabilidade tecnológica do radar AESA do Eurofighter, a mesma tecnologia será aplicada ao radar do Gripen NG.

Mas fontes da IAF revelaram que a Gripen falhou em provar que o desenvolvimento do seu radar AESA estaria dentro do cronograma para ser integrado no caça.

Em contraste, a Dassault integrou dois protótipos do radar AESA nos seus Rafafle, provando que eles estão em fase de conclusão.

O Eurofighter também realizou testes em voo com o protótipo do seu radar AESA para a avaliação da IAF, convencendo-os de que o equipamento estaria pronto para 2014-15.

Até o momento todos os seis concorrentes iniciais elogiaram os procedimentos técnicos e as avaliações em voo do MMRCA, dizendo que esta era a concorrência mais profissional que eles já haviam participado.

FONTE: Rediffnews

Leia mais (Read More): MMRCA: eliminados podem contestar decisão da IAF | Poder Aéreo - Informação e Discussão sobre Aviação Militar e Civil

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Maio 19, 2011, 10:58:03 pm
Índia recusa caças americanos e contraria o governo Obama
relação entre EUA e Índia, cultivada por Washington para contrabalançar a ascensão da China, foi estremecida com a decisão de Nova Déli de descartar os jatos militares americanos F18 em sua nova aquisição de caça-bombardeiros.

O embaixador americano em Déli, Thimothy Roemer, se disse "profundamente decepcionado". O anúncio veio cinco meses depois da visita em que o presidente Barack Obama apoiou a candidatura indiana a uma cadeira permanente no Conselho de Segurança da ONU.

O caso tem semelhança com a disputa para a encomenda dos 36 novos caças da FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira). O F18 da Boeing é um dos três finalistas nessa concorrência, com o Rafale francês e o Gripen sueco.

Na Índia, serão adquiridos 126 bombardeiros. O país é tradicional comprador de armas da Rússia, mas o MiG-35 russo também foi descartado e a disputa será decidida entre o Rafale e o Eurofighter Typhoon, desenvolvido por Alemanha, Reino Unido, Itália e Espanha.

Em artigo para a Al Jazeera, o ex-chanceler indiano Shashi Tharoor lista duas razões para a eliminação do F18 da competição.

O Rafale e o Typhoon teriam superioridade tecnológica e se adaptariam melhor às condições de clima e topografia da Caxemira -disputada com o Paquistão e um dos possíveis locais de utilização dos jatos.

Além disso, os EUA seriam um parceiro pouco confiável para a transferência de tecnologia e o suprimento de peças. "O país já suspendeu encomendas contratadas, impôs sanções contra amigos e inimigos (incluindo a Índia) e voltou atrás na entrega de produtos militares", escreve Tharoor.

O mesmo motivo é alegado pelos que se opõem à compra do F18 pelo Brasil. A Embraer foi impedida de vender seu Super Tucano à Venezuela porque o avião tem peças americanas.

Além de excluídos da concorrência dos caças, os EUA enfrentam dificuldade para concluir a venda à Índia de reatores para energia nuclear. Os americanos querem ser excluídos de responsabilização criminal em caso de acidentes.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Maio 21, 2011, 07:31:45 pm
Índia pronta para assinar modernização de seus Mirage 2000.
Fontes do Ministério da Defesa Indiano revelaram ao jornal The Economic Times na quarta-feira, 18 de maio, que o tão esperado acordo com a França para modernização dos 52 caças Mirage 2000 da Força Aérea Indiana está “finalmente pronto”, a um custo de aproximadamente Rs 11,000 crore (2,4 bilhões de dólares, ou 3,8 bilhões de reais).
Segundo uma fonte, o acordo está “indo para aprovação pelo CCS (Cabinet Committee on Security). Outro grande contrato, para compra de aproximadamente 450 mísseis ar-ar MICA para armar os caças Mirage modernizados, e que vinha progredindo simultaneamente, também está nos seus estágios finais agora”.
Ainda segundo as fontes do jornal, o acordo vem após longas negociações com as empresas francesas Dassault Aviation (fabricante da aeronave), Thales (integradora dos sistemas de armas) e MBDA (fornecedora dos mísseis), que “inicialmente estavam pedindo muito mais”.
Pelo contrato, entre quatro e seis aeronaves serão modernizadas na França, as demais sendo retrofitadas localmente pela Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), com transferência de tecnologia das empresas francesas. Isso significa que todo o pacote, incluindo os mísseis MICA e a infraestrutura a ser montada na HAL, poderá ultrapassar a marca de Rs 15,000-crore (aproximadamente 3,3 bilhões de dólares ou 5,3 bilhões de reais).
Ainda segundo o jornal, esses valores obviamente levantam questõs se seria mais prudente comprar novos caças ao invés de modernizar antigos a um custo tão alto. A Força Aérea Indiana, porém, argumenta que os Mirage “retrofitados” poderiam se manter como caças de primeira linha por mais duas décadas, equipados com novos aviônicos, radares, computadores de missão, paineis com telas multifunção, miras montadas no capacete, suítes de guerra eletrônica e sistemas de precisão para designação de alvos.
Outros projetos de modernização e aquisição de aeronaves de combate.

Com um número de esquadrões reduzido para apenas 32, de uma força autorizada de 39,5 (cada esquadrão é dotado de 16 a 18 jatos), a Força Aérea Indiana está se dedicando a uma mistura de modernizações e de novas compras, para manter sua hegemonia de combate sobre o Paquistão - vantagem que vem sendo erodida rapidamente.
Como exemplos, estão as modernizações de 63 caças MiG-29, em um acordo de 964 milhões de dólares (aproximadamente 1,5 bilhão de reais) assinado com a Rússia em março de 2008, a compra de 272 caças Sukhoi-30MKI contratados junto à Rússia por 12 bilhões de dólares (aprox. 19,3 bilhões de reais), além do primeiro lote de praticamente 120 aeronaves leves de combate Tejas, que deverão se juntar à força a partir de 2013.
A Índia também quer assinar, até dezembro deste ano, o projeto de 10,4 bilhões de dólares (aprox. 16,8 bilhões de reais) para a aquisição de 126 aviões de combate multitarefa de médio porte (MMRCA), em que restaram os concorrentes Rafale (França) e Typhoon (do consórcio europeu Eurofighter), após a eliminação dos EUA, Rússia e Suécia.
E, por fim, a Índia ainda espera incorporar à sua frota, a partir de 2020, entre 250 e 300 caças furtivos e avançados de quinta geração (FGFA), que estão sendo desenvolvidos cooperativamente com a Rússia. Esse programa de defesa é o mais caro de todos, sendo estimado em 35 bilhões de dólares (aprox. 56,5 bilhões de reais).

Fonte: The Economic Times

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Maio 31, 2011, 05:13:27 pm
Rússia entrega mais um lote de caças navais MiG-29K para Índia

A fabricante de aeronaves da Rússia MiG entregou em maio um novo lote de cinco caças embarcados em porta-aviões MiG-29K/KUB para a Marinha da Índia, conforme informações divulgadas pela MiG.

“Um simulador de treinamento de voo e outros equipamentos técnicos também foram entregues,” disse a  MiG num comunicado nessa segunda-feira, dia 30 de maio.

Os dois países assinaram um contrato estipulando o fornecimento de 12 caças monoplaces MiG-29Ks e quatro na versão biplace MiG-29KUBs para a Índia em janeiro de 2004. O contrato faz parte de um acordo de US$ 1,5 bilhão para entrega do porta-aviões Admiral Gorshkov, o qual está atualmente sendo reformado na Rússia para Marinha Indiana.

Os quatro primeiros caças MiG-29Ks e MiG-29KUBs para Índia foram oficialmente integrados na Marinha em fevereiro de 2010.

Em março de 2010, a Rússia e a Índia assinaram um novo contrato de US$ 1,5 bilhão para o fornecimento de mais 29 caças embarcados MiG-29K Fulcrum-D para Índia. Essas novas aeronaves começarão a ser entregues em 2012.

Os contratos dos caças incluem treinamentos para os pilotos e técnicos de manutenção, incluindo a entrega dos simuladores de voo e sistemas de treinamentos interativos em bases terrestres e no porta-aviões.

A Marinha da Índia deu o nome de “Black Panthers” ao seu novo esquadrão de caças MiG-29K, os quais ficarão baseados nos aeródromo do estado de Goa, na costa oeste da Índia, até que o Admiral Gorshkov junte-se a Marinha com o nome de INS Vikramaditya, no começo de 2013.

O porta-aviões Vikramaditya deverá levar até 24 caças MiG-29K/KUB. O novo porta-aviões indiano Vikrant, que está sendo fabricado na Índia, também levará os novos caças.

Fonte: RIA Novosti – Tradução: Cavok

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Maio 31, 2011, 05:37:57 pm
Citação de: "HaDeS"
Rússia entrega mais um lote de caças navais MiG-29K para Índia

A fabricante de aeronaves da Rússia MiG entregou em maio um novo lote de cinco caças embarcados em porta-aviões MiG-29K/KUB para a Marinha da Índia, conforme informações divulgadas pela MiG.

“Um simulador de treinamento de voo e outros equipamentos técnicos também foram entregues,” disse a  MiG num comunicado nessa segunda-feira, dia 30 de maio.

Os dois países assinaram um contrato estipulando o fornecimento de 12 caças monoplaces MiG-29Ks e quatro na versão biplace MiG-29KUBs para a Índia em janeiro de 2004. O contrato faz parte de um acordo de US$ 1,5 bilhão para entrega do porta-aviões Admiral Gorshkov, o qual está atualmente sendo reformado na Rússia para Marinha Indiana.

Os quatro primeiros caças MiG-29Ks e MiG-29KUBs para Índia foram oficialmente integrados na Marinha em fevereiro de 2010.

Em março de 2010, a Rússia e a Índia assinaram um novo contrato de US$ 1,5 bilhão para o fornecimento de mais 29 caças embarcados MiG-29K Fulcrum-D para Índia. Essas novas aeronaves começarão a ser entregues em 2012.

Os contratos dos caças incluem treinamentos para os pilotos e técnicos de manutenção, incluindo a entrega dos simuladores de voo e sistemas de treinamentos interativos em bases terrestres e no porta-aviões.

A Marinha da Índia deu o nome de “Black Panthers” ao seu novo esquadrão de caças MiG-29K, os quais ficarão baseados nos aeródromo do estado de Goa, na costa oeste da Índia, até que o Admiral Gorshkov junte-se a Marinha com o nome de INS Vikramaditya, no começo de 2013.

O porta-aviões Vikramaditya deverá levar até 24 caças MiG-29K/KUB. O novo porta-aviões indiano Vikrant, que está sendo fabricado na Índia, também levará os novos caças.

Fonte: RIA Novosti – Tradução: Cavok

Julgo que esta notícia não será muito boa para a Dassault  e o seu Rafale .

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 31, 2011, 05:53:11 pm
Não estou a ver porquê Desertas, o concurso ao qual o Rafale concorre com o EF é para a Força Aérea e não para a Marinha (que nem é concurso, mas sim as entregas de um outro concurso).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Desertas em Maio 31, 2011, 06:15:41 pm
Tens razão Martelo , mas julgo que se a marinha Indiana em Março do ano passado tivesse optado pelo Rafale , seria um ponto a favor da Dassault no actual concurso entre o Rafale e o EF .
É só a minha opinião , nada mais .

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 31, 2011, 08:51:26 pm
É verdade, mas os Indianos ainda não têm PA que possam usar os Rafales, só mesmo os Harriers e os Mig.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HaDeS em Junho 11, 2011, 01:34:41 am
Segundo piloto paquistanês, F-16s da PAF surraram Eurofighters britânicos

Militar revela entre outras informações inéditas, que americanos instalaram dispositivos de rastreamento nos F-16 Block 52 do Paquistão

Pilotos paquistaneses voando versões modernizadas do jato F-16 Falcon, cujo projeto é da década de 1970, derrotaram caças novíssimos Eurofighter Typhoon durantes exercícios de combate aéreo na Turquia, de acordo com um oficial paquistanês em entrevista publicada em site.

A entrevista com o piloto anônimo de F-16 da Pakistani Air Force (PAF) em intercâmbio com a Força Aérea Turca, foi postada no site oficial do esquadrão de demonstração da PAF e traz muitas informações intrigantes que têm sido debatidas em fóruns na Internet.
ENTREVISTA: Piloto de F-16 da Força Aérea do Paquistão

P1: O que um piloto da PAF faz na Turquia?

R: A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) e a Turkish Air Force (TuAF) têm um programa de intercâmbio de pilotos de longa duração, há mais de duas décadas em que, num dado momento, dois pilotos da PAF estão na Turquia e dois pilotos da TuAF estão no Paquistão. Uma vez que a PAF e a TuAF têm duas aeronaves em comum – o treinador T-37 e o F-16 – ambos os países trocam pilotos de cada um desses aviões. Então, nesse momento temos um piloto da PAF voando T-37 da TuAF e outro piloto voando F-16 na Turquia e um piloto da TuAF voando T-37 da PAF e um piloto da TuAF voando F-16 da PAF no Paquistão.

P2: Quanto tempo é a duração do intercâmbio?

R: O intercâmbio médio é de dois anos, mas pode ser menos ou mais, dependendo de vários fatores.

P3: Qual é a base para a seleção da PAF de um piloto para o intercâmbio para os esquadrões de F-16 da TuAF?

R: A seleção feita pela PAF se baseia exclusivamente no mérito. Eles começam com seus relatórios da Academia e o relatório final é dado pelo seu comandante de esquadrão. A exigência da TuAF é que o piloto deve ter um mínimo de 250 horas no F-16 antes de se juntar aos esquadrões de F-16 turcos.

P4: Qual é o critério da PAF para selecionar um piloto para os F-16 de seus esquadrões?

R: Um piloto deve ter um desempenho notável e um mínimo de 500 horas no F-7 ou Mirage ou em ambas as aeronaves. Além disso, ele deve ter a correta aptidão e capacidade para aprender e aplicar o seu aprendizado. O F-16 não é uma aeronave simples de voar. Normalmente, a maioria dos pilotos vai dos F-7 para os Mirage antes de vir para o F-16. Esta rota elimina os pilotos mais fracos.

P5: Qual caminho você seguiu?

R: Eu fui direto para o F-16 após registrar 450 horas no F-7P.

P6: Em qual esquadrão de F-16 da PAF você estava antes de voar com o intercâmbio da TuAF?

R: Esquadrão Número 9 “Grifos”.

P7: Em quais esquadrões e bases aéreas você voou na Turquia?

R: Eu voei a partir de bases diferentes com esquadrões diferentes em diferentes tipos de F-16 e isso depende da missão de treinamento que está sendo realizada em um determinado momento. Eu servi em duas bases aéreas – Mirzofen e Balekesir.

P8: Quais os tipos de F-16 que você voou na Turquia?

R: Eu voei os três “Blocks” de F-16 da TuAF – Blocks 30, 40 e 50. Fui o segundo piloto de intercâmbio da PAF a voar o Block 50 da TuAF, pois anteriormente os turcos não davam acesso de pilotos da PAF ao Block 50.

P9: Por que isso?

R: Restrições impostas pelos EUA. No entanto, uma vez que as sanções foram suspensas e as negociações começaram para a compra dos Block 52 para a PAF, já não era um problema, pois estaríamos voando uma versão mais avançada do que os turcos. Foi quando os EUA permitiram que os turcos nos dessem acesso ao Block 50. Os turcos têm sido muito cooperativos com a PAF.

P10: Que tipo de missão de treinamento você cumpria nos F-16s da TuAF?

A: Nós somos treinados para todos os tipos de missões desde que a maioria dos F-16 esquadrões da TuAF é multi-função. No entanto, eu era basicamente formado para combate ar-ar no papel de defesa aérea.

P11: Algum treinamento BVR?

R: Sim.

P12: Qual o míssil BVR?

R: O AIM-120 AMRAAM “Charlie”.

P13: Quais são as diferenças nas metodologias de formação entre a PAF e TuAF?

R: Existem diferenças substanciais. A TuAF segue as metodologias de formação dos EUA e da OTAN, onde tudo está escrito e você tem que seguir os procedimentos estabelecidos. Isso não é necessariamente ruim, porque estes procedimentos são baseados na experiência. Eles aprenderam isso depois de sua experiência ar-ar de combate aéreo no Vietnã. No entanto, a desvantagem é que você tende a ficar atolado em procedimentos e você se torna previsível. Na PAF, os pilotos têm mais liberdade para chegar às suas próprias soluções. Nossa abordagem de formação é mais parecida com os israelenses do que com a OTAN. Nós fazemos mais o tipo de voo “seat of the pants” e somos obrigados a ser mais criativos.

P14: Você tomou parte em algum exercício Anatolian Eagle?

R: A PAF tem participado do exercício anual Anatolian Eagle desde 2004. Participei em três Anatolian Eagles – um nacional e dois internacionais.

P15: Qual é a diferença entre o nacional e o internacional?

R: A TuAF realiza exercícios anuais Águia da Anatólia – uma versão é nacional, para a TuAF somente e o outro é internacional, com as forças aéreas amigas. A TuAF honrou a PAF também por deixar seus pilotos voarem no exercício Anatolian Eagle nacional, sob o comando turco e vestindo bandeiras e distintivos turcos. Esta é uma honra singular dada apenas para os pilotos da PAF. Os pilotos de intercâmbio também voam F-16 da TuAF nos exercícios Anatolian Eagle internacionais. Assim pode-se ter 6 pilotos da PAF voando seus próprios F-16 e um piloto de intercâmbio da PAF voando com os turcos num F-16 da TuAF.

P16: Alguma experiência memorável ​​que você gostaria de compartilhar?

R: Em uma ocasião – num dos Anatolian Eagles internacional - pilotos da PAF foram lançados contra os Typhoon da RAF, uma aeronave formidável. Houve três set-ups e em todos os três, derrubamos os Typhoon. Os pilotos da RAF ficaram chocados.

P17: Alguma razão em especial para o seu sucesso?

R: Os pilotos da OTAN não são proficientes em combates ar-ar à curta distância. Eles são treinados para combates BVR e suas táticas são baseadas em combates BVR. Estes foram exercícios de combate aéreo aproximado e tivemos a vantagem, porque combate aéreo aproximado é treinado por todos os pilotos da PAF e isso é algo que nós somos muito bons.

P18: Israel tem participado também em alguns Anatolian Eagles. Alguma oportunidade de voar com ou contra os israelenses?

R: A Turquia garante que a Força Aérea de Israel e a PAF sejam mantidas tão distantes entre si quanto possível e isso tem mais a ver com a relutância da Força Aérea de Israel de fazer parte de qualquer exercício militar envolvendo a PAF e vice-versa. Os israelenses disseram para os turcos que não querem qualquer paquistanês em ou perto de uma base na qual os israelenses estão estacionados.

P19: Os israelenses têm medo de quê?

R: O que eles mais temem é que podemos aprender sobre suas táticas, especialmente táticas de contramedidas BVR, que eles dominam.

P20: Eu ouvi um boato que a TuAF uma vez deu a pilotos da PAF a oportunidade de voar com e contra os israelenses. Pilotos da PAF fingindo ser pilotos turcos – participando até de briefing ACMI turco-israelense?

R: Não há comentários.

P21: Os turcos estão interessados ​​no JF-17?

R: Eles estão intrigados com ele e muito felizes pelo Paquistão ter sido capaz de alcançar.

P22: Alguma chance de eles fazerem encomendas?

R: Não há nenhuma indicação disso. Eles não estão na mesma situação que nós. Sendo membros da OTAN, têm muitas escolhas. Eles estão produzindo o F-16, por isso, enquanto eles estão felizes pelo Paquistão, eu não acho que eles vão comprar o JF-17, pois seus requisitos já são cumpridos pelo F-16.

P23: Que tal substituir seus velhos F-5?

R: Eles provavelmente vão substituir os F-5s com o F-16 e ir para o F-35 como caça high-tech.

P24: E depois da Turquia?

A: Eu vou ser transferido para a base Shahbaz da PAF, em Jacobabad este verão, para a conversão para o Block 52.

P25: Quem fará o treinamento de conversão?

R: A conversão será feita por pilotos da PAF que estão atualmente em formação de conversão nos EUA e voltarão ao Paquistão, em poucos meses.

P26: Você acha que você vai ter uma vantagem sobre outros pilotos da PAF que estão sendo colhidos a partir de esquadrões locais?

R: Não só eu tenho uma vantagem, eu serei responsável pela assistência aos instrutores do Block 52 com base na minha experiência com o Block 50.

P27: Os vídeos disponíveis publicamente e fotografias lançados recentemente pela Lockheed Martin mostram o primeiro F-16 da PAF Block 52 C/D sem tanques de combustível conformais (CFTs). Pode confirmar se as aeronaves da PAF estão vindo com CFTs?

R: Sim. Todos os 18 Block 52 serão equipados com CFTs quando forem liberados para a PAF, o que deverá ocorrer em junho deste ano. Os CFTs são ​​”add-ons” destacáveis e não é necessário para a PAF sempre voar com eles. Os CFTs podem ser unidos e destacados para atender às necessidades da PAF, em determinado momento.

P28: Uma das histórias por aí é que os F-16 Block 52s estão vindo com restrições: (i) a PAF só pode operá-los em uma base aérea, Jacobabad, (ii) não podem ser utilizados para operações ofensivas para além das fronteiras do Paquistão, ( iii) algum tipo de mecanismo de rastreamento será colocado para monitorar a localização de cada aeronave e (iv) a PAF não pode empregá-los fora do Paquistão sem a permissão dos EUA. Isto está correto?

R: Até certo ponto, sim. No entanto, é importante compreender a fundo a estas condições.
Quando a PAF pediu o Block 52, a reação inicial dos EUA foi “não”. Sua principal preocupação era que, se esta tecnologia potente fosse ser liberada para o Paquistão, mais cedo ou mais tarde, iria acabar nas mãos dos chineses que iriam fazer engenharia reversa. Foi a PAF que ofereceu uma solução. Poderíamos colocar o Block 52 em uma base aérea em separado, onde os chineses não teriam acesso. Isso significou uma base aérea que não tinha aviões chinês. Nós não poderíamos baseá-los em Sargodha porque não negariam o acesso da China à nossa mais importante base aérea. Jacobabad foi uma base avançada que tinha sido renovada pelos americanos para a Operação Enduring Freedom, incluindo uma nova pista de primeira classe, assim foi a primeira escolha. Os EUA concordaram com esta proposta, desde que tivessem o direito de monitorar a aeronave.

Para lembrar uma pequena história interessante: logo após o primeiro F-16 ter sido entregue ao Paquistão, em meados dos anos 80, o Chefe da PLAAF (Força Aérea do Exército de Libertação Popular da China) visitou Sargodha. Os americanos também estavam lá. Como um gesto de cortesia, a PAF mostrou ao Chefe da PLAAF um dos F-16s e o deixou sentar no cockpit. Alguns técnicos dos EUA estavam olhando. Assim que o chefe da PLAAF sentou no cockpit do F-16, a primeira coisa que ele fez foi começar a medir o HUD com os dedos, você sabe, quando você estende o seu dedo mindinho e o polegar para medir alguma coisa? Isso preocupou os norte-americanos.

P29: Quais são os mecanismos de monitoração? Ouvi dizer que vai ter pessoal dos EUA estacionado em Jacobabad?

R: O pessoal dos EUA estacionado em Jacobabad será transitório. Eles estarão treinando o pessoal da PAF na manutenção do Block 52. A maioria desses funcionários dos EUA será da Lockheed Martin. Os EUA não precisam ter pessoal fisicamente presente em Jacobabad para acompanhar os Block 52.

P30: Você poderia explicar melhor?

R: Eles têm maneiras de manter um olho no Block 52, sem estar pessoalmente presente. A principal preocupação é a transferência de tecnologia de ponta – os aviônicos e radar, o Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) e o pod Sniper. Eles colocaram selos digitais em todas as tecnologias sensíveis, que só podem ser abertos através de um código, que só eles sabem. Se houver uma avaria ou esses componentes precisarem ser reparados, eles serão retirados do Block 52 e enviados de volta para os EUA para reparos/manutenção. Se tentar forçar a abertura desses sistemas sem os códigos, alarmes internos serão repassadas para os americanos, o que levará a uma violação do contrato.

P31: Será que os americanos podem acompanhar as posições dos Block 52s por algum tipo de dispositivo de rastreamento escondido dentro do avião?

R: Se houver dispositivos de rastreamento, então eles vão estar dentro de sistemas fechados, como os aviônicos ou os pods Sniper, porque não teremos a capacidade de olhar dentro. Se os drones Predator e Reaper estão transmitindo suas posições GPS via satélite, isso pode acontecer com um F-16 Block 52.

Mesmo para a Turquia que produz o F-16, existem alguns componentes que são fabricados nos EUA e só vem para a Turquia para a montagem final. Em um incidente, um F-16 Block 50 turco caiu e o piloto faleceu. Eles recuperaram os destroços e o colocaram num hangar e começaram a colocar juntos os pedaços para descobrir a causa. Eles encontraram um pedaço de equipamento fechado, que tinha quebrado e dentro havia um dispositivo que parecia um inseto. Após investigação, descobriu-se que era um dispositivo de rastreamento.

P32: Isso não preocupa a PAF?

A: Eu tenho certeza que sim. No entanto, a PAF considera o Block 52 uma aeronave “bônus”. Nós não estamos dependendo dele para a nossa defesa aérea inteira. É um multiplicador de força temporário até que tenhamos o suficiente de esquadrões de JF-17 e FC-20. A oportunidade de conhecer o que há de mais recente em tecnologia é capaz de justificar suficientemente a aquisição destes aviões.

P33: Se a PAF não pode atravessar a fronteira com esses Block 52, qual é a finalidade dos pods Sniper e as munições ar-terra que estamos recebendo?

R: Esses equipamentos são para usar contra os terroristas que estão travando uma guerra contra o Paquistão. O fato é que os Block 52s nos darão a capacidade de montar operações bem sucedidas contra os terroristas em áreas tribais.

FONTE: ( via poder aéreo

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 17, 2011, 10:06:36 pm
Foram anunciados mais detalhes da versão gunship da aeronave de transporte IPTN CN-235. A aeronave será chamada de ACN-235-300 e será equipada com dois canhões M61A1 Vulcan de 20 mm na fuselagem dianteira esquerda e outra arma no lado direito. Um radar AN/APQ-180 também será  instalado no lado direito da fuselagem a frente dos canhões. A aeronave terá um sistema de vigilância e sistemas de autoproteção. Um container no compartimento de carga levará quatro ou cinco operadores de sistemas.

A aeronave faz parte de um contrato para conversão de duas aeronaves para a Jordânia para apoiar suas tropas de Operações Especiais. A entrega deve iniciar em 2013. A ATK foi contratada para atuar junto com a empresa KADDB jordaniana. ... -jordania/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 27, 2011, 03:55:10 pm
Novos brinquedos Bolivianos.  

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 02, 2011, 01:04:15 pm
Zeltweg is delirious with AIRPOWER

Austria's Airshow is in full swing. Check out our live stream from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - and the day's video-roundup this evening.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 05, 2011, 09:28:20 pm
Tegucigalpa.-Las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras planean adquirir en los próximos días al menos cuatro aviones tucanos de origen brasileño para el combate a las actividades del narcotráfico, cuyo valor global será de 40 millones de dólares.

“Ya tenemos una idea general de lo que necesita las Fuerzas Armadas, aunque no tenemos un estimado de lo que se debería invertir, para tener un estimado un avión súper tucano vale 10 millones de dólares”, confirmó el jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, general René Osorio Canales.

Según Osorio, “es necesario que tengamos ese equipo porque desde hace ya más de 30 años que las Fuerzas Armadas no cuenta con equipo y ya está todo deteriorado”, apuntó.

El Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano, también llamado ALX o A-29 por la Fuerza Aérea Brasileña, es un avión turbohélice diseñado para el ataque ligero, contrainsurgencia y entrenamiento avanzado de pilotos, provisto de modernos equipos de aviónica y sistemas de armas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Julho 20, 2011, 10:59:44 pm
Novo desarrollo del C-295, AEW


( Madrid - Airbus Military e Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) han acordado desarrollar y comercializar conjuntamente una nueva versión de la plataforma C295 de Airbus Military, equipada con un sistema Aerotransportado de Detección Temprana y Control (Airborne Early Warning and Control – AEW&C) producido por ELTA Systems, una filial participada al 100% por IAI.

El sensor primario del equipo AEW&C será el radar activo de barrido electrónico (AESA) de 4ª generación de IAI/ELTA que incorpora asimismo identificación amigo-enemigo (IFF), informaron ambas empresas en un comunicado de prensa.

A tal efecto se firmó en el Salón de Le Bourget un memorandum de entendimiento el vicepresidente de la corporación IAI y presidente de ELTA, Nissim Hadas, y el CEO de Airbus Military, Domingo Ureña, que permita a esta última ampliar sus competencias de misión al sector de Alerta Aérea Temprana y Control, mientras que ELTA ampliará la gama de su flota AEW&C con esta plataforma turbohélice.

El demostrador en Sevilla

El C295 AEW&C ha sido diseñado para proporcionar vigilancia de alta calidad en un entorno de 360º, generando en tiempo real una perspectiva integrada de la situación aérea y marítima y un orden de batalla electrónico. La Perspectiva de la Situación AEW&C se comparte con las fuerzas amigas a través de enlaces de datos para su conexión con operaciones basadas en el uso de redes.

Desde el pasado 8 de junio, un aparato C295 equipado con un demostrador rotodomo está llevando a cabo vuelos de prueba en las instalaciones de Airbus Military en Sevilla (Ver noticia). Los ensayos iniciales han demostrado que el avión es una excelente plataforma en cuanto a aerodinámica se refiere. ELTA Systems y Airbus Military están ahora llevando a cabo estudios de ingeniería para integrar en el aparato el equipo de misión que incluye el radar AESA, entre otros sensores. En la exposición estática del Salón Aeronáutico de Le Bourget se presenta el avión demostrador.

Respuesta a demanda creciente

Robusto, versátil, el C295 AEW&C proporciona una solución muy rentable en el hasta ahora desatendido segmento medio del mercado. Puede ir equipado con toda la gama de sistemas de sensores y control del mercado, entre los que se encuentran: radar aerotransportado de alerta temprana, identificación amigo-enemigo, medidas de vigilancia electrónica/inteligencia electrónica, seguimiento de señales de comunicaciones/inteligencia de comunicaciones, conjunto de medidas de autoprotección, mando y control, radar multimodo, y un exhaustivo conjunto de sistemas de comunicaciones entre los que se encuentran la conexión a redes de datos para operaciones basadas en el uso de redes (NCO) y enlaces vía satélite.

Domingo Ureña, CEO de Airbus Military, declaró: "Hemos percibido que existe una demanda creciente de sistemas y plataformas de alerta temprana de tamaño medio a precio asequible, tanto en el ámbito de la defensa antiaérea como de la seguridad del territorio. La presente cooperación entre ELTA Systems y Airbus Military, que combina las excelentes destrezas de ingeniería y experiencia de nuestras dos compañías en sus respectivas áreas, proporcionará al mercado una solución asequible y de gran eficiencia, la pionera en este segmento".

Refiriéndose a este acuerdo de colaboración mutua, el Vicepresidente de IAI y presidente de ELTA, Nissim Hadas, señaló: "los conflictos que están apareciendo por todo el globo ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las flotas dedicadas a misiones específicas. Estamos convencidos de que al unir nuestras fuerzas ofreceremos al mercado la solución correcta con la tecnología adecuada. Las soberbias competencias de Airbus Military y de IAI/ELTA en aeronaves para misiones especiales, sensores avanzados e integración de sistemas nos permiten suministrar una solución efectiva y probada de cara a estas necesidades cada vez mayores".

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 31, 2011, 04:14:54 pm
China to give squadron of J-10B fighters to Pakistan
2011-07-31 (China Military News cited from PTI) -- China will give Pakistan a squadron of the advanced J-10B multi-role, all-weather fighter aircraft in a bid to boost the strategic reach of its close ally, a media report has said.

China has made the offer to Pakistan Army's Chief of General Staff, Lt Gen Waheed Arshad, who has just concluded a week long visit to China, the Pakistani Urdu daily Jang said.

Pakistan will be the first country, after China, to have such advanced aircraft which are equipped with the latest weapons, it said
( ... istan.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 31, 2011, 11:02:57 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 13, 2012, 06:33:37 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 21, 2012, 05:45:38 pm
Omã compra oito aviões militares Airbus C295s

A Força Aérea de Omã comprou oito aviões militares C295s à Airbus, cinco dos quais de transporte e três de patrulha no mar e combate à pirataria, imigração ilegal e contrabando, revelou o fabricante europeu.
Os aviões serão entregues no próximo ano, acrescentou a empresa numa nota em que não é especificado o montante do negócio.

O responsável máximo da divisão militar da Airbus, Domingo Ureña Raso, destacou que a compra confirma o excelente resultado do modelo C295s em ambientes de deserto onde a a dureza e capacidade para lidar com calor extremo são criticas.

Com esta nova comprar das Forças Armadas de Omã, a Airbus Military já recebeu pedidos para 108 unidades do modelo C295s, dos quais 85 estão já em operação em 13 países diferentes.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 30, 2012, 12:10:20 am ... e-o-japao/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 31, 2012, 09:49:32 am
Japão continua investindo no seu novo caça de quinta geração, o “Espírito Divino” da Mitsubishi

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 02, 2012, 10:27:53 pm
Previsão de cotas de mercado 2012-2020.
UAC são os russos.
(United Aircraft Corporation) (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Camuflage em Dezembro 02, 2012, 11:44:50 pm
Força Aérea intercepta avião não identificado na Guarda ... -na-guarda (

Curioso nem Espanha nem Portugal conseguiram sequer fazer baixar um avião ligeiro...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Dezembro 08, 2012, 07:38:49 pm
Nao se derriban os avioes civiles, ni en Espanha ni en Portugal..... :roll:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 01, 2013, 11:36:12 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 04, 2013, 01:02:47 pm
Indonésia vai criar frota própria de aviões não tripulados

O Governo da Indonésia anunciou o desenvolvimento da sua própria frota de aviões não tripulados ('drones'), os quais vão desempenhar tarefas de vigilância e reconhecimento, informa hoje a imprensa local.

O ministro da Investigação e Tecnologia, Gusti Muhammad Hatta, indicou que os 'drones' estarão disponíveis ainda este ano, sendo que orçamento para o efeito, cujo valor não foi divulgado, será assumido pelo ministério da Defesa indonésio, refere a agência noticiosa espanhola Efe.

"A esquadrilha de aviões não tripulados terá capacidade para provocar chuva de forma artificial. Além de serem utilizados para monitorizar vulcões ativos e inativos e vigiar as atividades ilegais de pesca e explorações madeireiras", disse o ministro em declarações reproduzidas pelo diário Jakarta Post.

O ministro indicou ainda que a Indonésia tem planos para desenvolver tecnologia que lhe permita fabricar tanques.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Luso em Janeiro 04, 2013, 07:33:20 pm

Bulgarian Govt to Buy Third-Hand Fighter Jets from Portugal – Report (excerpt)
(Source: Sofia News Agency; published Jan. 3, 2013)

Bulgaria's much anticipated fighter jets purchase will likely come to a disappointing end as the Bulgarian Defense Ministry has decided to buy expensive third-hand F-16s from Portugal, according to the Bulgarian press.
Bulgaria's government is thus expected to pay BGN 700 M for nine F-16s Block 15 to Portugal even though in 1999 Portugal paid twice less – BGN 268 M – to the US government for 25 second-hand F-16 planes, the Bulgarian daily Sega reported Thursday. The Bulgarian Air Force is thus expected to get "third-hand" planes for a much higher price, the daily concludes, noting that the board numbers of the second-hand Portuguese F-16s were published at (, and the 9 planes destined for Bulgaria are from among the 25 planes that Portugal bought from the USA 13 years ago.
Shortly before New Year's Gen. Rumen Radev who is in charge of the working group of the Bulgarian Defense Ministry for the purchase of the jet fighters for the Bulgarian Air Force noted that the offers covering Bulgaria's requirements for the deal include new planes from Swedish producer Gripen, second-hand Eurofighters from Italy, and second-hand F-16s from Portugal.
Radev told the Presa daily that the Portuguese deal was the best option because it included everything necessary for the operation of the planes, while Gripen and Italy offered only the planes without arms and with only the most basic land equipment for their operation.
According to Radev, even though the second-hand fighter jets from Portugal are already 30-years-old, they can be used for 25 more years. (end of excerpt)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 25, 2013, 10:47:56 am
Alemanha quer comprar aviões não tripulados com capacidade de transporte de armas

O governo da chanceler alemã, Ângela Merkel, quer comprar urgentemente aviões não tripulados ou 'drones' de combate para melhorar a sua capacidade ofensiva e defensiva do exército nas suas missões no estrangeiro.

A edição digital do semanário Der Spiegel destaca hoje que o objetivo do governo é percebido numa resposta oficial do Executivo alemão a uma interpelação parlamentar.
A experiência das missões do exército deixa claro que esses aparelhos armados «são imprescindivelmente necessários como proteção para repentinos e graves mudanças» em situações de combate dos soldados alemães.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Janeiro 29, 2013, 12:07:26 pm
China’s Y-20 Large Transport Aircraft Completes First Flight
(Source: Chinese Ministry of Defence; issued Jan. 28, 2013)

China’s first Y-20 large military transport aircraft made its first flight on Jan. 26. Powered by Russian engines, it will be retrofitted with more powerful Chinese powerplants. (PRC internet photo)

China’s independently-developed Y-20 large transport aircraft successfully completed its first test flight on January 26, 2013, which is of important significance in promoting the construction of China’s economy and national defense modernization, and responding to such emergencies as disaster rescue and relief work and humanitarian assistance.

The Y-20 is China’s independently-developed large and multi-purpose transport aircraft. It can carry out the task of long-distance air transport of various materials and personnel under complicated weather conditions.

Code-named “Kunpeng” and mainly developed by the Xi’an Aircraft Industry (Group) Company Ltd., the Y-20 transport aircraft has strong taking-off and landing capability as evidenced by being able to take off and land at airstrips, and can carry all types of armored vehicles of the army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

Operated by three aircrew members, the Y-20 has the highest load-carrying capacity of 66 tons, a fuselage length of 47 meters, a wingspan of 45 meters and a height of 15 meters, and bears the maximum take-off weight of a little more than 200 tons. It has a traditional layout: tricycle landing gear and two 90-degree-deflecting wheels on the nose gear.

The aircraft will continue to carry out related tests and test flights as scheduled after its maiden flight.

-ends- ... fter.html# (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 12:46:40 pm

 :arrow: ... QzwAaXLByZ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 05:15:05 pm
Pelo que tenho lido é uma maquete.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: FoxTroop em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 07:01:23 pm
Claramente um modelo falso. O tamanho é ridículo. Na foto o piloto nem cabe como deve ser no cockpit.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 07:37:26 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"
Só a qualidade do "vidro"...  :roll:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 08:14:06 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Fevereiro 02, 2013, 10:13:13 pm
Não sei se isto é para rir ou para chorar :mrgreen: , o melhor é comparar com o F-35 :mrgreen:, comparar com o F-16, nem vale a pena com o F-35, aproveita-se a foto e também podem comparar os capacetes dos pilotos, o piloto Iraniano não tem um JHMCS.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 05, 2013, 12:05:55 am
Granda máquina (Qaher 313 Stealth Fighter).... :mrgreen:


Saudações  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Fevereiro 07, 2013, 08:52:55 pm
Na semana passada o “Centro de Ensayos en Vuelo” (CEV) da Força Aérea Argentina (FAA) deu início à campanha de ensaios com armamento do FMA IA-63 Pampa II para que a aeronave receba certificação das autoridades aeronáuticas locais.

Atualmente o IA-63 Pampa II com o novo motor Honeywell TFE-731-40-2N já está certificado para voo, mas sem o armamento. O objetivo da campanha é confirmar a utilização da carga externa projetada para a aeronave.

O desenvolvimento da mesma teve início em 13 de dezembro com o protótipo do IA-63 Pampa II (Ex-03) que se encontra no CEV e é pilotado pelo major Ariel Ambrogi e pelo capitão Ariel Spinsanti.

Já foram realizados voos empregando armamento ar-superfície, incluindo um casulo com canhão de 30 mm e um outro do tipo Colibrí com metralhadoras de 7,62 mm.

O término da campanha está previsto para o começo do próximo ano, quando a aeronave deverá obter o certificado definitivo em diferentes configurações.

Leia mais (Read More): IA-63 Pampa II com armamento ar-superfície | Poder Aéreo - Informação e Discussão sobre Aviação Militar e Civil
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Fevereiro 22, 2013, 10:20:34 am
China irá comprar novos jatos russos Su-35

20.02.2013, 12:02, hora de Moscou
RIA Novosti
O respectivo acordo intergovernamental foi assinado em janeiro passado.

Num futuro imediato, as partes procederão consultas para preparar um contrato correspondente, comunicou a jornalistas em Abu Dhabi o director-adjunto do Serviço Federal de Cooperação Técnico-Militar, Vyacheslav Dzirkaln.

Dzirkaln não especificou o número de aviões que irão ser fornecidos à China, mas destacou que se trata de uma entrega de aeronaves completamente prontas para operar. O Su-35 é um caça multifuncional e super-manobrável modernizado, que usa tecnologias de quinta geração. ... sos-Su-35/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 28, 2013, 11:19:19 am



            Sierra Nevada Corp., Sparks, Nev., has been awarded a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (FA8637 13 D 6003) to provide both an advanced aircrew trainer and a light air support aircraft to establish air combat capability for allied countries under the Building Partnership Capacity program.  Delivery Order 0001 was awarded for $427,459,708 for 20 Light Air Support Aircraft, one computer based trainer, one basic aviation training device, one flight training device, six mission planning stations, six mission debrief systems, long lead spares for interim contractor support, outside the continental United States base activation, site surveys, flight certification to U.S. Air Force military type certification standards, and data.  The location of performance for Delivery Order 0001 effort is Sparks, Nev., and Jacksonville, Fla.  The maximum amount that can be ordered under this contract is $950,000,000.  The contract period of performance goes through Feb. 26, 2019 and Delivery Order 0001 work is expected to be complete by April 2015.  This award is the result of a full and open competition, and two offers were received.  Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio is the contracting activity.

Será que é desta que a Embraer e a SNC conseguem colocar o Super Tucano a voar com as cores americanas ou a Beechcraft irá novamente tentar impugnar a decisão?  :shock:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 04, 2013, 10:21:02 am
China ultima protótipo de avião de transporte militar Y-20

A China realizou com êxito o primeiro voo experimental e duas provas adicionais, levadas a cabo este fim de semana, do protótipo do futuro avião de transporte militar Yun-20 (Y-20), noticia hoje o diário oficial Shanghai Daily. Apesar de ainda não ter fixado uma data para o início das operações com o modelo, desenvolvido totalmente pelo gigante asiático, e que, até ao momento, só realizou um voo, a 26 de janeiro, a China espera competir, nos próximos anos, com os únicos três países que produzem dispositivos similares: Estados Unidos, Rússia e Ucrânia.

«O êxito do voo de teste do Y-20 supõe um antes e um depois para o setor aeronáutico da China, dado que estamos a um passo mais perto de poder construir uma força aérea própria para o nosso país», afirmou o desenhador chefe, Tang Changhong, ao lembrar que o modelo foi criado em apenas cinco anos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Março 04, 2013, 05:50:44 pm
Citação de: "mafets"
Será que é desta que a Embraer e a SNC conseguem colocar o Super Tucano a voar com as cores americanas ou a Beechcraft irá novamente tentar impugnar a decisão?  :shock:


Não sei qual será a cor que esses aviões irão ter, mas acho que são para serem "doados" à Força Aérea Afegã.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 05, 2013, 09:53:46 pm
Não sei qual será a cor que esses aviões irão ter, mas acho que são para serem "doados" à Força Aérea Afegã.

O que está originalmente acordado é que serão para os afegãos, mas a titulo de mera curiosidade adianto possiveis esquemas tendo em conta as duas hipoteses (a segunda possibilidade é a usada pelos Super Tucano da Mauritânia)



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 04, 2013, 12:08:18 pm
Se viene el Mirage F-1 para la Fuerza Aérea Argentina

Fuentes confiables revelaron que la Argentina ya ha adquirido por unos 50 millones de dólares unos 12 cazas Mirage F-1 de segunda mano, probablemente jordanos. Los modelos han recibido una actualización y se espera permitan a los pilotos argentinos completar la habilitación de combate. Son 12 aviones con repuestos y asistencia técnica.

El poder aéreo argentino entra en los 80s... Si fuese renombrado localmente debieran llamarse Yehuén en lengua pampa.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 07, 2013, 12:04:20 am

Concepção artística da Embraer, que mostra o A-29 Super Tucano com um Pod de sensores (atrás do FLIR) onde se inclui o radar SAR.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Abril 30, 2013, 01:05:54 am
Afinal as missões de policiamento aéreo na Lituânia sempre servem para alguma coisa :lol:  :twisted: .

No ... n+Lituania (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Maio 01, 2013, 10:52:29 am
Citação de: "Lightning"
eles são simpáticos para toda a gente, são tão boas pessoas. toda a gente gosta dos suecos

No, a mi solo me gostan as suecAs................. :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Maio 03, 2013, 07:23:29 pm
Citação de: "Menacho"
No, a mi solo me gostan as suecAs................. :G-beer2: .
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 14, 2013, 04:35:49 pm
Algerian Military Testing An A330 MRTT at Boufarik
(Source: Le Matin DZ; published May 13, 2013)
   (Published in French; unofficial translation by
   Just weeks after the C17 evaluation that took place in Boufarik and the air force test center at Tamanrasset, an Airbus A330 MRTT tanker landed last week at the main air transport base in Boufarik.

According to the “secret difa3” blog, the Algerian Air Force is in the process of finalizing a contract to acquire three A330 aircraft to reinforce its tanker and long-range transport fleet. Besides their ability to refuel in-flight fighter and attack aircraft, the A330 MRTT will also support the C17 transports which are currently being acquired.

It should be noted that the central refueling boom was not fitted to the aircraft that landed at Boufarik this afternoon. Only two refueling pods were mounted on its wingtips. The integration of the EADS tanker will be relatively easier because Algerian air force crews are already familiar with the aircraft, as the A330 MRTT tanker is similar to the A340 aircraft already in the air force’s VIP flight.

The A330 MRTT is a military variant of the A330-200 commercial aircraft. It can carry up to 270 troops, or 8 standard pallets, and 65 tonnes of fuel. It can refuel six heavy fighters on a 4,000-km flight.

With the acquisition of the C-17 Globemaster III and the A330 MRTT, the Algerian Air Force is moving into high gear for the renewal of its transport fleet, and this opens the door to speculation about the future replacement of its 16 C-130 Hercules transports, which are currently undergoing a thorough modernization in the United States.

EDITOR’S NOTE: In an earlier post, the same blog reported that a Boeing C-17 belonging to the US Air Force’s 446th Military Airlift Wing, based at McChord AFB, Washington state, flew to Algeria in April for a series of demonstrations, which included in-flight evaluations by Algerian pilots.
The Algerian air force plans to shortly order six to eight C-17s, the report said without identifying its sources.)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 16, 2013, 09:05:24 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 19, 2013, 10:08:39 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 23, 2013, 09:48:46 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 05, 2013, 06:05:00 pm
Seul decide na próxima semana compra de 60 aviões de combate

A Coreia do Sul decide na próxima semana a compra de 60 novos aviões de combate por 8,3 mil milhões de wones (5.558 milhões de euros), numa licitação participada pelo consórcio europeu EADS e pelas norte-americanas Boeing e Lockheed Martin.

Esta última fase do processo de licitação, a realizar de 12 a 16 de agosto, foi paralisada quando o ministro da Defesa sul-coreano anunciou que as ofertas dos fabricantes aeronáuticos ultrapassavam o orçamento aprovado pelo Parlamento.

«Se todos os fabricantes mantiverem os seus preços acima do orçamento, o Programa de Gestão de Aquisição de Defesa (DAPA, na sigla em inglês), vai reconsiderar o plano de compra de caças», assegurou um dirigente do organismo em declarações recolhidas pela agência Yonhap.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 13, 2013, 02:07:32 pm
Exército indiano planeia comprar 50 aviões não tripulados de combate

O exército da Índia planeia adquirir 50 aviões não tripulados armados (drones) no valor de 600 milhões de dólares (cerca de 450,7 milhões de euros) como parte de um amplo programa de renovação militar.

Em breve, as Forças Armadas indianas devem convocar um concurso para que fabricantes israelitas e europeus possam apresentar ofertas, revelou a revista local especializada em defesa Geopolitics na última edição.

De acordo com fontes do Ministério de Defesa da Índia citadas pela fonte, os principais aspirantes a reforçar a frota aérea do gigante asiático são a companhia europeia MBDA e a Israelian Aerospace Industries (IAI).

Em 2009, as Forças Aéreas da Índia assinaram um contrato no valor de 100 milhões de dólares para comprar vários drones com capacidade de ataque do modelo Harop, de fabricação israelita.

Os primeiros exemplares Harop serão incorporados antes do final do ano à frota aérea do país asiático.

A Índia também conta actualmente com um grande número de aviões não tripulados sem capacidade de ataque, utilizados fundamentalmente em missões de observação e recolha de dados.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 31, 2013, 05:32:23 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 25, 2013, 07:14:08 pm
IRIAF receives air launched variants of Nasr and Qader AShMs

In a ceremony attended by Iran's new minister of defense IRIAF toke delivery of air launched variants of Nasr and Qader anti ship missiles.
Nasr has a range of 35km and Qader has a range of 200km.

( ... ost6861829 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 28, 2013, 03:29:37 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 13, 2013, 05:03:45 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 18, 2013, 11:40:33 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 23, 2013, 05:39:09 pm
Os KFIR Block 60 da FA Colombiana.
Aviação militar em 2013
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 03, 2014, 03:25:18 pm
As várias gerações dos caças.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 17, 2014, 07:57:24 pm
Outra calinada...
Será que usam aqueles programas que convertem texto para voz para narrar estas noticias?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 17, 2014, 11:21:21 pm
"avião de caça de tornados"  :mrgreen:  :|

Nem a net sabem ir confirmar o nome, tipo e capacidade do aparelho. Enfim, jornalismo da treta... :?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 17, 2014, 11:47:00 pm
Da ultima vez era os tanques Leopoldo II...  :mrgreen:
Está aqui uma casa a arder...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 18, 2014, 03:31:33 pm
Deviam aprender com os nossos PILAV, pelo menos quando caem é em Pinhais sem ninguém. :lol:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 18, 2014, 09:59:15 pm

O ministro da Defesa da Polônia, Tomasz Siemoniak, anunciou que a Força Aérea do seu país pretende modernizar os aviões de combate Sukhoi Su-22 ‘Fitter’. Atualmente a Polônia conta com uma frota de 26 aeronaves do modelo M4 (monoposto) e seis UM3K (biposto), operados a partir da base aérea Swidwin.

A decisão final sobre o futuro operacional do tipo será tomada em meados de março, e existem duas opções em análise. A primeira delas seria a de modernizar todas as aeronaves e mantê-las em serviço por mais três anos. A outra seria atualizar apenas um esquadrão de 16 caças e mantê-los em uso por 10 anos. O escopo desse trabalho não foi revelado, mas provavelmente incluiria a instalação de novos aviônicos juntamente com uma revisão estrutural a ser feita pelo parque de material WZL-2 em Bydgoszcz.

Modernizar o Su-22 dará a Varsóvia mais tempo para selecionar o seu sucessor. Alguns anos atrás o país disse que o jato seria substituído por caças Lockheed Martin F-16 de segunda mão ou por F-35, mas a falta de dinheiro impediu que a ideia avançasse.

 :arrow: ... 22-fitter/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 19, 2014, 03:55:01 pm
Moçambique poderá adquirir aviões de ataque Super Tucano ao Brasil

Moçambique poderá comprar aviões de ataque Super Tucano e um simulador de manobras navais ao Brasil, disse hoje, em Maputo, o ministro da Defesa brasileiro, Celso Amorim, depois de um encontro com o seu homólogo moçambicano Agostinho Mondlane.

Segundo Celso Amorim, que falava durante uma conferência de imprensa sobre o encontro bilateral na área da Defesa que os dois países promoveram hoje, Moçambique poderá contar com «financiamento a médio e longo prazo» do Brasil para adquirir três aviões Super Tucano (Embraer EMB-314).

«Se Moçambique confirmar o interesse que foi manifestado no passado de adquirir três aviões de ataque, que são relativamente caros, eles terão que ser vendidos, mas há possibilidade de financiamento a médio e longo prazo», afirmou o ministro brasileiro.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 21, 2014, 06:28:26 pm
Visita do comandante da Força Aérea Holandesa aos EUA, onde estão técnicos a receber formação para operar o Reaper UAV:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 22, 2014, 04:03:38 am
Greece to conduct Bulgarian air policing
Greek fighter aircraft will begin policing Bulgarian airspace by the middle of the year, following the signing of a landmark agreement between the two countries on 18 March.


The HAF is expected to begin policing Bulgarian airspace in mid-2014, within 120 days from the date of signing.

The Bulgarian Air Force has a limited and ageing fighter fleet, consisting of MiG-29 'Fulcrum' and MiG-21 'Fishbed' fighters. The agreement with the HAF is therefore a logical move, based on NATO's similar arrangements with Bosnia and Slovenia and the three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Fonte: (continua)

Embora não me pareça que a Bulgária queira desistir completamente de ter caças, vai ser interessante no futuro ver se vão conseguir adquirir novos caças ou se vão mesmo ser obrigados a entregar a defesa do espaço aéreo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 25, 2014, 05:10:29 pm
UAC – Capacidade técnica e experiência

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 18, 2014, 11:07:27 am
Os Alouette III fizeram 50 anos ao serviço da força aérea holandesa:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: AtInf em Abril 18, 2014, 06:07:25 pm
Primeiro ministro japonês anuncia voo de protótipo stealth  neste ano. O Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD-X) dará origem ao substituto do Mitsubishi F-2.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 23, 2014, 02:26:51 pm
Norway: “Only 15 of 57 F-16s ready for flight”

The combat force of the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF / Luftforsvaret) is in a sorrow state of readiness, according to local media on 22 April 2014. Most of the time only 15 of the 57 officially active Lockheed Martin F-16AM/BM Fighting Falcons are airworthy.
Norwegian magazine Vi Menn and national public broadcasting company NRK reported about the problems, both saying their stories build on information from sources within the Norwegian armed forces. The RNoAF fighter pilots reportedly don’t even meet NATO standards of 180 flight hours per year, because of the lack of available fighter aircraft at both Bodø and Ørland Main Air Bases.

The lack of available fighter aircraft comes at a crucial time, with Russia having increased its military flights close to the Norwegian border and in the Arctics since February. A spokesperson for the Norwegian Union of Military Officers says to the NRK the current F-16 force is under economic pressure to stay airworthy. Secondary, the Luftforsvaret has a lack of aviation technicians and engineers.

That economic pressure might come from the planned purchase of up to 52 new Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealthy, 5th generation multi-role fighters. So far Norway has allocated (or is about to do allocate) money for 16 of them, with the first under construction in the United States. But the F-35s are far from operational, meaning the RNoAF F-16s have to soldier on for many years to come. According to an official statement by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence the current fighter force “is capable to execute all operational tasks given”.

© 2014 AIRheads’ editor Marcel Burger ... or-flight/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 15, 2014, 09:50:09 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 18, 2014, 09:45:32 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 19, 2014, 09:02:02 am
Citação de: "mafets"


Espero que não se venham arrepender da decisão que tomaram.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 22, 2014, 09:19:18 pm
Citação de: "AIRheads↑Fly"
KAI starts Peruvian production of KT-1 / KA-1
Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced on 21 May it started the production of the KT-1 Woongbi for the Peruvian Air Force. Sixteen of the 20 aircraft ordered, comprising of 10 KT-1s advanced turboprop trainers and 10 armed KA-1s light attack aircraft, will be put together locally in Peru. The first four aircraft were entirely produced in South Korea.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 06, 2014, 06:04:05 pm
Swiss Army Selects Israeli Drone
Elbit systems will supply the new generation of UAS to the Swiss armed forces that have so far operated UAS developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

The ADS 95 Ranger UAS which the Swiss Armed Forces have been operating since 2001, will be replaced by 2020. The choice of the new model provides the basis for the dispatch on procurement.

The model that has been chosen is the “Hermes 900 HFE”, manufactured by the Israeli Elbit Systems company. It is an unarmed reconnaissance drone system, which has been preferred to its competitor “Super Heron” built by Israel Aerospace Industries. The Hermes 900 HFE has been favored because it delivered the better overall result in all assessed criteria. In the pre-evaluation, these two UAS systems were the best in meeting the requirements.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 26, 2014, 07:49:26 pm
Citação de: "AIRheads↑FLY"
Allright Austrian Alouette
The sound is the familair sound that lets everybody in the area know there’s an Alouette III helicopter about. It just took off from nearby Aigen-im-Enstall airbase for a training flight including winch operations next to the waterfall. It’s a routine operation for the pilots of Mehrzweckhubschrauberstaffel (utility helicopter squadron), who know the Alouette and the scenery surrounding Aigen-im-Enstall like the back of their hands. However, they also operate in theaters where they are less familair, the ongoing mission in Bosnia being a prime example. During the May 2014 floods, Austrian Alouette and Blackhawk helicopters hoisted many dozens of trapped civilians to safety.

“It was constant hard work for our colleagues. They flew 60 hours in three days”, says Thomas Schönauer, a Alouette pilot with 1.500 flight hours, 2.100 high mountain landings and 800 winch operations under his name. “Three of our 15 Alouette pilots are now in Bosnia, and in Austria we also always have an Alouette and pilot standing by in Schwarz and Klagenfurt. These operations take a big hit on or squadron, and while it seems a bit quiet here at Aigen-im-Enstall, we’ve actually been very busy for a long time.”
Citação de: "AIRheads↑FLY"
If it was up to the pilots at Aigen-im-Enstall, the Airbus Helicopters EC645 T2 is the helicopter to replace the ageing Alouette. “That is the helicopter that meets all our requirements. It operates in the spectrum that is required to keep up our experience. Unfortunately a decision has yet to be made on replacing the Alouette.”

So, until at least 2020, the sound of an Alouette will regularly reverberate across the Alps, be it during training missions or during an all important, actual search and rescue mission. Of course Austrians don’t worry when hearing the high pitched screeching sound; they know it’ll be allright.
fonte: (continua)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 04, 2014, 12:28:21 pm
Confessions Of A US Navy P-3 Orion Maritime Patrol Pilot

 :arrow: ... 1598415741 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 26, 2014, 03:26:59 pm
O adeus aos ultimos  A-7...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 29, 2014, 10:05:51 pm
Citação de: "AIRheads↑FLY"
Slovakia is eager to lease eight to twelve SAAB JAS 39C/D Gripen aircraft for the coming 10 to 15 years. According to Radio Slovakia on 28 July 2014, the Defense Minister of the East-European country, Martin Glváč, confirmed that Slovak fighter pilots will fly the Swedish jets.

Talks between Swedish authorities and Bratislava have been going on for some time now, with Slovakia aiming to have the new fighter enter service from 2016. The Slovaks are also cuddling up with the Czech, with whom they formed one country between 1918 and 1992. The Czech have been happily leasing Gripens since 2004.


The Slovakian Ministry of Defence has in the mean time knocked on the neighbours door. Plan is to first increase the co-operation between the Slovak Air Force’s (Vzdušné Sily Ozbrojených Síl Slovenskej Republiky) 1. Bojová letka at Sliač and the Czech Air Force’s (Vzdušné síly Armády České republiky) 211. Squadron at Čáslav already flying 14 SAAB Gripens.

[continua] (http://http)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Julho 29, 2014, 10:37:37 pm
Eles não modernizaram os MiG-29 recentemente ?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 30, 2014, 12:54:27 am
Citação de: "Alvalade"
Eles não modernizaram os MiG-29 recentemente ?
Sim, modernizaram uns poucos em 2008 e ano passado também assinaram outro contrato de modernização. O maior problema parece ser a nível de sobresselentes:

Citação de: "IHS Jane's"
The state of Slovakia's MiG-29s is controversial, with Slovakian Defence Minister Martin Glvác stating on 4 September that past support contracts were not enforced by the previous ministry leadership, leading to widespread cannibalisation of aircraft in order to source spares. According to Glvác, Slovakia has lacked sufficient spare engines, landing gear, and other major components to maintain its full fleet due to past support arrangements not being enforced.

In a statement, the Slovakian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said past support arrangements should have "ensured delivery of spare parts and repair" to damaged aircraft. However, this "never happened" as the past leadership "did not insist on the implementation of subscription agreement".

According to the MoD statement, the "consequence [of the cannibalisation] has been less serviceable aircraft, reduced pilot flight hours, higher fighter failure rates and finally threats to the security of the country".

Slovakia signed an upgrade contract in 2004 for 12 of its MiG-29s to be modernised and their service lives extended through to 2030-35. These aircraft were delivered back to Slovakia in 2008; however, IHS Jane's data has revealed that only four of these were believed to be fully operational by May 2011.

O artigo no meu post anterior também refere que a esquadra de MiG-29 só consegue mesmo ter dois caças a voar ao mesmo tempo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Julho 30, 2014, 09:04:58 am
A Coreia do Norte suspendeu os seus exercícios de voo com aviões de combate soviéticos MiG-19 depois de três deles se terem despenhado este ano, afirmaram hoje autoridades militares sul-coreanas.
«Despenharam-se em missões de treino pelo menos três dos MiG-19 norte-coreanos, um no início deste ano e outros dois no mês passado e início deste mês, respetivamente», disse uma força das Forças Armadas da Coreia do Sul à agência Yonhap.
A fonte afirmou que a causa dos acidentes poderia ser a «avançada idade» dos aparelhos.
Diário Digital / Lusa
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Agosto 10, 2014, 09:17:41 pm
WASHINGTON, September 19, 2013 - The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress on September 18 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Tunisia of F-5 avionics upgrades and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $60 million.

The Government of Tunisia has requested a possible sale of Block 1 Avionics Upgrades on Tunisia's fleet of 12 F-5 aircraft.  The upgrade includes 12 LN-260 Standard Positioning System Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems (GPS/INS), Control Display Unit, Electrical Power, and Environmental Control System, repairs, Material Condition Inspection, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support.  The estimated cost is $60 million.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a friendly country in North Africa.

The proposed sale will improve Tunisia's capability to deter regional threats and strengthen its homeland defense, as well as support counter-terrorism operations.  These systems will bolster Tunisia's ability to continue supporting its air and ground forces in counter-terrorism and border security operations.  Tunisia, which already has F-5 aircraft in its inventory, will have no difficulty absorbing this service and support into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be Northrop Grumman of St. Augustine, Florida.  There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of up to 23 U.S. contractor representatives to Tunisia for approximately two years.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 30, 2014, 09:33:53 pm
Citação de: "BBC News"
Nato aircraft in summit flypast over Newport and Cardiff
A display of 22 military aircraft from nine countries will fly over Newport and Cardiff during the Nato summit.

The RAF's Red Arrows will be joined by fighters from the USA, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal and the Netherlands.

The flypast takes place over the summit at the Celtic Manor Resort on Friday 5 September at 09:00 BST.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 04, 2014, 05:24:42 pm

Serbian Air Force Mig-29s returned to active service on Sept. 2, when a Fulcrum jet flew with accumulators provided by Russia.
The jets were grounded four months ago because of battery isses that made them unfit to fly.
According to the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic the donation, a gift by Russian President Vladimir Putin, enabled the Serbian Air Force to resume the air defense service after a long time.
Here is a video showing the first Serbian Mig-29 Fulcrum flying again for the first time since last Spring.

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 06, 2014, 05:52:39 pm
Denmark To Head NATO Effort To Increase Munition Availability
Denmark will take the lead in a NATO project to develop ways to increase the availability of munitions between alliance members.

The project will focus on multinational approaches toward air-to-ground precision-guided munitions and will establish an overall framework to strengthen international cooperation within the munitions sector, the alliance announced at the NATO summit taking place here Sept. 4-5.

“The project addresses lessons learned from recent operations [Libya] where countries ran out of stocks of guided munitions and could not quickly or easily use the stocks of other air forces,” NATO said in a statement.

The Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Portugal and Spain signed the agreement Sept. 4 on the sidelines of the summit being held at a golf resort here.

[continua] (http://http)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 11, 2014, 02:36:50 pm
Citação de: "Flightglobal"
France to evaluate M-345 as possible Alpha Jet replacement

France appears to have begun the process of seeking a replacement for its air force’s fleet of aged Dassault-Breguet/Dornier Alpha Jet trainers – and Alenia Aermacchi's M-345 is in the frame.

Officials from nation’s DGA defence procurement agency and the air force will later this month travel to Alenia Aermacchi’s plant in Venegono, Italy, to evaluate the M-345 high-efficiency trainer.

“There is very important interest in the M-345 in countries like France,” says the manufacturer. “During our discussions, France told us that they want the same number as the Italian air force – 35.”

Within Europe, Alenia Aermacchi has already sold the M-346 lead-in/advanced jet trainer to its home nation and Poland, and sees a potential deal with France as key to establishing a network of training sites across the region that could offer services to other countries.

[continua] (http://http)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 14, 2014, 08:26:20 pm

o meu desejo para substituir o alpha jet.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 03, 2014, 04:51:48 pm
A-29 Super Tucano for USAF Light Air Support (LAS) (12 fotos + vídeo)













Fotos: Embraer, via Facebook
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 03, 2014, 05:28:58 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 10, 2014, 04:35:29 pm
WASHINGTON -- Most of the C-27 transport aircraft given to the Afghanistan military as part of a failed $486 million Defense Department program were locally scrapped for just $32,000, federal auditors said Thursday.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 15, 2014, 11:38:50 am
India working on Mach 25 Hyperplane for long range targets

After launching missiles from land and sea, India is in the process of developing suspersonic missile aircraft that would hit long range targets from air, a noted scientist said here today.

 :arrow: ... 8xgEdRd9Q= (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 28, 2014, 06:44:40 pm
:?:  :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 13, 2014, 10:26:02 am
Ainda segundo a Xinhua, o JAS-39 Gripen, fabricado pela empresa aeronáutica sueca Saab, é visto como o mais provável substituto dos caças F-5. Um modelo similar já está em serviço na Tailândia, onde também substituiu o F-5. Além da Suécia, o caça é empregado pela República Tcheca, Hungria, África do Sul, Grã-Bretanha e será operado pelo Brasil (nota do editor: no texto original, a Xinhua já incluía a Força Aérea Brasileira como operadora atual do modelo).

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 18, 2014, 09:13:04 am
Segundo reportagem publicada pelo jornal sueco Expressen nesta segunda-feira, 17 de novembro, a Suécia sofreu uma nova violação no seu espaço aéreo. O fato ocorreu no sábado, desencadeando a decolagem de vários caças JAS-39 Gripen da Força Aérea Sueca. Porém, diferentemente de ocasião anterior, a invasão não foi feita por uma aeronave militar russa, e sim francesa.

A informação foi confirmada pelo porta-voz das Forças Armadas Suecas, Jesper Tengroth, que afirmou: “Posso confirmar que uma aeronave francesa esteve no espaço aéreo sueco no sábado.” A OTAN (Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte), que mantém um rodízio de destacamentos de forças aéreas de seus membros para a proteção do espaço aéreo dos países bálticos, informou que nenhuma de suas aeronaves esteve envolvida. Por seu lado, as Forças Armadas Francesas afirmaram não ter informações sobre o evento, e que buscariam junto à OTAN.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 08, 2014, 11:27:54 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Dezembro 08, 2014, 10:57:43 pm
Successful first live firing of MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile from a Typhoon multirole combat aircraft
A Typhoon aircraft has successfully completed the first in a series of live firings of the MBDA Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile. This continues the series of trials we lead to demonstrate integration of the Meteor missile with Typhoon's weapon system.
Following contract signature in 2013 for the full integration of Meteor onto Typhoon, the trials continue to demonstrate that the weapon operates effectively with the aircraft.

Led by BAE Systems with support from MBDA, Selex, Qinetic and MOD, the trials were conducted in November 2014 at the MOD’s Hebrides firing range in the UK and further developed and tested the integration of the missile with the weapon system as well as expanding the jettison envelope by conducting firings at different altitudes and speeds. The trials also tested the interface of the missile with the weapon system for both pre-launch priming and post launch datalink functions between the missile and radar.

Test pilot Nat Makepeace flew the sortie and said: “The aircraft and the weapon performed exactly as expected. It’s very easy and intuitive to operate, and the trials demonstrated that we can operate in an expanded envelope safely and accurately. This is a significant step forward for the full integration of the Meteor missile onto the Typhoon aircraft.”

Produced by MBDA, Meteor is an active radar guided missile designed to provide a multi-shot capability against long-range manoeuvring targets, such as fast jets, small unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles in a heavy electronic countermeasures environment.

Capable of engaging air targets during day and night, and in all-weather conditions, the Meteor will complement Typhoon’s existing missile systems, providing pilots with a greater choice of weapons during combat.

Further firing trials are scheduled to be carried out as part of the Meteor Integration contract to fully expand the launch envelope and weapon system integration which will culminate in the integration being complete in 2017.

These trials take place in a year that has seen progress across a range of programmes for Typhoon. The UK RAF are now operating the most advanced Typhoon to date with the latest Phase 1 Enhancement package now in operation. This upgrade delivers true simultaneous swing-role capability to Typhoon. Progress is also being made across a number of weapons programmes including the award of a full integration contract for the Storm Shadow weapon and the first multiple release of a Paveway IV bomb.

A £800m contract to develop and fit the Captor E-Scan radar was signed in November which will give Typhoon one of the most advanced radar systems in the world, providing a wider field of regard than any other combat aircraft. Typhoon is already regarded as one of the world’s leading swing-role combat aircraft and continues to be upgraded to provide decades of effective, relevant effect. ... craft.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 15, 2014, 05:48:21 pm
[]  Montevideo – Finalmente se han cerrado las negociaciones para la compra y puesta a punto de dos unidades de transporte táctico EADS-Casa (actual Airbus D&S)  C212-300 a la Fuerza Aérea de Portugal.

La compra, que asciende a 1.683.000 euros, contempla la adquisición de las dos aeronaves, que originalmente tenían instalado equipamiento de vigilancia marítima pero que ahora sólo conservan su radar de exploración en la nariz del aparato, las que serán puestas en orden de vuelo en Portugal para luego ser traídas a Uruguay.

Conjuntamente con los aparatos se incluye una partida de repuestos. Los números de serie de construcción son 459 y 460, correspondientes al año 1993 y desafectados recientemente de la Fuerza Aérea Portuguesa para su enajenación.

Pocas horas de vuelo

En la justificación técnica esgrimida por la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya se manifestó la importancia de adquirir aeronaves similares a las que ya existen en la Fuerza, pero más modernas, con pocas horas de vuelo y que permitirá “ampliar y complementar las capacidades en misiones de apoyo al sistema HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical System), mejoras en las Operaciones de vigilancia costera y alerta temprana de incendios forestales”.

La compra se financió casi íntegramente (95 por ciento ) con lo obtenido por la enajenación de un bien inmueble que la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya poseía en Chile.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Dezembro 20, 2014, 10:03:37 pm
( A Secretária de Estado Adjunta e da Defesa Nacional de Portugal, Berta Maria Correia de Almeida de Melo Cabral e o seu homólogo no Ministério da Defesa do Uruguai, Jorge Edgardo Menéndez Corte assinaram no dia 18 de Dezembro em Lisboa, Portugal o contrato de fornecimento por Portugal de duas aeronaves de vigilância marítima C212-300 Patrullero à Força Aérea do Uruguai (Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya ou FAU). O valor fixo do contrato é de 1,53 milhões de euros e poderá chegar a 1,683 milhões de euros se surgirem trabalhos do tipo "over & above". As aeronaves deverão ser entregues no verão de 2015 por vontade do Uruguai, que as quer receber juntas.

O programa de alienação das duas aeronaves conduzido pela Direção-Geral de Armamento e Infra-Estruturas de Defesa (DGAIED) do Ministério da Defesa Nacional de Portugal compreende ainda a entrega à FAU pela Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) de peças sobressalentes, documentação e realização de um conjunto de acções de manutenção necessárias para repor as aeronaves na condição de voo, incluindo inspecções estruturais e inspecções aos sistemas incluindo testes e ensaios funcionais. Estas serão cedidas à FAU com o radar frontal instalado.

A manifestação de interesse formal por parte do Uruguai em adquirir as aeronaves Portuguesas ocorreu no final de 2013, seguindo-se a assinatura de uma Carta de Intenções em 24 de Julho de 2014.

As duas aeronaves recebidas em Março de 1994 foram retiradas do serviço activo da FAP em Dezembro de 2011 juntamente com as restantes de 24 aeronaves de transporte C212-100A1/A2 Aviocar adquiridas na década de 70 à Espanhola Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA), hoje integrada na Airbus Defence & Space.

Na FAU, as duas aeronaves vão complementar três aeronaves de transporte C212-200 Aviocar e uma unidade de patrulha marítima C212-200MP operadas pela Esquadra Aérea Nº3 (Escuadrón Aéreo Nº3) a partir da Base Aérea Nº1 "General Cesáreo Berisso" em Carrasco. Na FAP, as duas aeronaves realizavam principalmente missões de busca e salvamento, e de vigilância marítima no âmbito do SIFICAP (Sistema Integrado de vigilância, Fiscalização e Controlo das Actividades da Pesca).

É já o segundo contrato que Portugal assina com as autoridades do Uruguai para a transferência de material militar retirado do serviço. Em Março de 2008, Portugal cedeu à marinha daquele país da América do Sul duas fragatas da Classe João Belo, as NRP "João Belo" (F480) e NRP "Sacadura Cabral" (F483) por um montante de 13 milhões de euros. Aos dois navios transferidos oficialmente em Abril de 2008, juntaram-se torpedos Mk44, munições, ferramentas de apoio, sobressalentes e a formação das tripulações. (Victor M.S. Barreira)

Fotografia: A Força Aérea do Uruguai receberá em 2015 duas aeronaves C212-300 Patrullero no passado operadas pela Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Dezembro 21, 2014, 02:55:57 am
Europe Expands Airtanking with Airbus A330 Selection
Citação de: "DefenseNews"
Three European nations plan are to pool their resources and purchase Airbus A330 multirole tanker transport aircraft starting in 2019.

The Netherlands, Poland and Norway are preparing to open negotiations with Airbus for a fleet of new aircraft, the European Defence Agency (EDA) announced on Friday.


The three nations have agreed to create a NATO Support Agency partnership to run the program and has tasked OCCAR, the European collaborative defense equipment management organization, to open negotiations with Airbus.


The new European fleet will be equipped with a rigid boom as well as underwing refueling pods.

A minimum of four airframes are expected to be purchased, although the final number depends on the cost of the airframes and whether other European nations opt to join the program.

Ten European Union states, led by the Dutch, signed a letter of intent in November 2012 to consider acquiring new multi-role aircraft.

Belgium, France, Spain, Hungary and Portugal were among the other nations that signed the letter alongside the three nations now pushing ahead with the program.


A EATC actualmente já suporta operações com reabastecimento aéreo utilizando meios da França, Holanda, Itália e Espanha.

Italian Reaper drones to be used for crowd monitoring
Citação de: "C4ISR&NETWORKS"
As their deployment to Afghanistan comes to an end, unarmed Italian Reaper UAVs are to be used to monitor soccer games and demonstrations in Italy’s cities, following a deal struck between the Italian Air Force and the country’s police forces.

The agreement, which could see the General Atomics UAVs flying over the streets of Rome, Milan and Turin, is the first of its kind in Europe and is the fruit of drone-friendly laws passed in Italy.

“We are the only European nation flying UAVs at home,” said Maj. Paolo Castelli, the deputy commander of the Italian Air Force’s 28th Squadron, which operates UAVs from Amendola air base in southern Italy.


A Predator A+ is also flying anti-piracy missions from Djibouti in Africa as part of a European Union mission.

As Italy’s commitment in Afghanistan winds down, Reapers deployed there are due to return home, while two Predator A+s have been dispatched to Kuwait to assist the effort against Islamic State fighters.

Now, the UAVs could also be called on to patrol closer to home.

“We discussed the possibility of finding synergies with the Italian police, and realized it could be beneficial for both,” said Col. Michele Oballa, head of the 32nd Wing, which runs Amendola.

“The mission would be similar to some types of operations that we have done in Afghanistan, while for the police, the Predators offer persistence and concealment, something they cannot always get in certain specific contexts.”

Police officials have said the Predators will be cheaper to operate than manned helicopters that keep tabs on large public gatherings.

Italian law already allows UAV flights in civil airspace in spaces and times when coordinated with Italy’s civil aviation authority. Predators overflew world leaders gathering in Italy for the G8 in 2009.


Interessante onde numa Itália que já tem uma grande gama de produtos de UAV domésticos/nacionais e que consegue ignorar problemas financeiros e gastar dinheiro a polícia e a força aérea conseguem colaborar para utilizar UAVs militares para auxiliar as autoridades. Entretanto, cá (http://http) temos já a PSP e PJ (e também o SIS?!) a operar os seus próprios UAVs e a GNR e indicar que também quer adquirir UAVs. Enquanto isso continua a não existir legislação clara sobre a sua utilização e a FAP continua apenas com um programa de investigação e desenvolvimento sem ninguém dar resposta definitiva se vai ser para avançar para o fabrico em produção ou aquisição de sistemas ou se vai ficar tudo em águas de bacalhau.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 10, 2015, 10:44:19 am
Um novo esquadrão de 19 jatos F-35 Joint Strike Fighter será incorporado a partir de 2019 à Força Aérea de Israel, após a decisão de comprar um outro lote de aviões ser confirmada pela IAF e funcionários do governo. Estes caças recém-projetados são um passo adiante em relação ao F-16I, especialmente com a adição de novas tecnologias furtivas e aviônicos no estado-da-arte.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Janeiro 26, 2015, 05:59:20 pm
Caros amigos, hoy en la Base de Albacete, sede del TLP, un F-16D griego, se ha estrellado sobre la plataforma, ocasionando de momento 10 fallecidos y 20 heridos.

Los dos pilotos griegos han muerto.


Al menos diez personas han muerto, dos griegos y ocho italianos,  después de que un avión F-16 griego se haya estrellado en la tarde de este lunes hacia las 15.45 en la base aérea de Los Llanos (Albacete). Otras trece personas han resultado heridas, diecinueve de ellas graves, diez franceses y nueve italianos, tal y como ha confirmado el Ministerio de Defensa,





List of participants TLP 2015-1

3 Lockheed Martin F-16C plus 1 F-16D, Hellenic Air Force (341 Mira from Almiros/Nea Anchialos)
4 Eurofighter EF2000s, Spanish Air Force (ALA 11)
2 Dassault Rafales, French Air Force
2 Dassault Mirage 2000Ds, French Air Force
2 Mirage 2000-5, French Air Force
5 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+, Italian Naval Aviation (MMI)
3 Boeing (McDonnel Douglas) F-15E Strike Eagle (Lakenheath AB)
2 Dornier / Dassault Alpha Jets, French Air Force
2 AMX, Italian Air Force
4 Panavia Tornado IDSs, German Air Force
2 British Aerospace Hawk, Royal Air Force

Probablemente 2 AMX italianos, 2 HAWK británicos, y 2 Alphajet franceses han sido destruidos además del F16 griego ... 61616.html (

 :(  Cumprimentos
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Janeiro 26, 2015, 06:54:39 pm
Que tragédia  :cry:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Luso em Janeiro 27, 2015, 12:12:55 am
Um aviso?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 27, 2015, 02:27:26 pm
Citação de: "Menacho"
Caros amigos, hoy en la Base de Albacete, sede del TLP, un F-16D griego, se ha estrellado sobre la plataforma, ocasionando de momento 10 fallecidos y 20 heridos.

Los dos pilotos griegos han muerto.


Al menos diez personas han muerto, dos griegos y ocho italianos,  después de que un avión F-16 griego se haya estrellado en la tarde de este lunes hacia las 15.45 en la base aérea de Los Llanos (Albacete). Otras trece personas han resultado heridas, diecinueve de ellas graves, diez franceses y nueve italianos, tal y como ha confirmado el Ministerio de Defensa,





List of participants TLP 2015-1

3 Lockheed Martin F-16C plus 1 F-16D, Hellenic Air Force (341 Mira from Almiros/Nea Anchialos)
4 Eurofighter EF2000s, Spanish Air Force (ALA 11)
2 Dassault Rafales, French Air Force
2 Dassault Mirage 2000Ds, French Air Force
2 Mirage 2000-5, French Air Force
5 McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+, Italian Naval Aviation (MMI)
3 Boeing (McDonnel Douglas) F-15E Strike Eagle (Lakenheath AB)
2 Dornier / Dassault Alpha Jets, French Air Force
2 AMX, Italian Air Force
4 Panavia Tornado IDSs, German Air Force
2 British Aerospace Hawk, Royal Air Force

Probablemente 2 AMX italianos, 2 HAWK británicos, y 2 Alphajet franceses han sido destruidos además del F16 griego ... 61616.html (

 :(  Cumprimentos

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Janeiro 27, 2015, 07:07:51 pm
Ukraine approves An-70 production, commits to fielding airlifter
Citação de: "IHS Jane's 360"
Ukraine has approved production of the Antonov An-70 transport aircraft and will introduce it into service with its armed forces, the company announced on 22 January.

The decision to adopt the An-70 was taken by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) following a test programme that was concluded in June 2014. Serial production will now begin, although the company did not specify numbers or timelines.

The An-70 is a four-engined propfan that has been jointly developed by Ukraine and Russia. With a cargo hold measuring 22.4 m in length, 4.80 m in width, and 4.40 m in height, the airlifter has a hold volume of 425 m cubed. This, combined with a range of 6,598 km (with a 20,000 kg payload) and a maximum payload of 47,000 kg, place the An-70 in the same category of airlifter as the A400M Atlas from Airbus Defence and Space.

[continua] (http://http)

Ukrainian Armed Forces to use AN-70 military transport aircraft
Citação de: "Army Technology"
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed an order to induct the AN-70 medium military freighter aircraft into service.

The decision is reportedly based on results obtained from joint state tests of the AN-70 and allows Antonov to start serial production of the aircraft and develop different modifications.

Powered by four Ivchenko Progress D-27 three-shaft propfan engines, the AN-70 is a short take-off and landing aircraft, and can be used for aerial delivery, air transportation of troops and tangible assets, as well as the provision of manoeuvres and troop activity.

[continua] (http://http)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Janeiro 27, 2015, 08:20:20 pm


Los dos capitanes griegos.

Hoy por desgracia ha fallecido uno de los heridos franceses, que estaba en estado crítico, elevando a 12 los fallecidos
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 28, 2015, 11:06:12 am
Impressionante essa tragédia! :shock:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 02, 2015, 05:11:41 pm
France Offers 18 Mirage 2000-5F Fighter to Colombia for $500 million
Citação de: "InfoDefensa, Defense-aerospace"
The Colombian government has received an offer to acquire Dassault Aviation Mirage 2000-5F multirole aircraft from the country’s air force, the Armée de l'Air.

The offer, revealed by industry sources, includes a total of eighteen units for an approximate cost of $ 500 million. Of this, $350 million are for the cost of the eighteen surplus aircraft, and the remaining $150 million is the cost of their initial logistics package.

These aircraft are in perfect operating conditions, according to the source, and would be delivered with the systems (electronic warfare (EW) in particular) requested by Colombia.

The offer comes just a month after in-flight tests that pilots of the Colombian Air Force (FAC) carried out in France aboard the Mirage 2000-5F, which were revealed by

[continua] (http://http)

Durante muitos anos o principal fornecedor de caças baratos e em segunda-mão para a esfera de influência ocidental foram os norte-americanos (F-86, F-5, A-7, etc.) mas agora com o facto deles não terem desenvolvido nenhum caça baratucho nestas últimas décadas (como foi o caso do F-5) e o que tem acontecido com o F-35 (bastante caro e tem obrigado os caças F-16 a ficarem ao serviço durante muito mais tempo) vão perder grande parte do mercado para os caças franceses e chineses.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 13, 2015, 12:32:09 am
France clinches first foreign sale of Rafale jets with Egypt contract
Citação de: "AFP/Yahoo"
France announced Thursday it will sell 24 Rafale fighters plus a frigate to Egypt in a 5.2 billion euro ($5.9 billion) deal that marks the first foreign contract for the multi-role combat jet.

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian will travel to Cairo on Monday to sign the contact with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a ministry source told AFP.

"The Rafale fighter jet has won its first export contract," French President Francois Hollande said in a statement issued by his office.

"The signing will take place in Cairo on February 16. I have asked the defence minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to sign on behalf of France," he added.

[continua] (http://http)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Fevereiro 16, 2015, 10:11:46 pm
Argentina likely to buy 20 Chinese-made FC-1 Xiaolong fighter aircraft


Argentina and China signed deal for 20 FC-1 fighter aircraft in order to increase aerial capabilities of the Argentina. The move, which further raised tensions in the South Atlantic last night, follows a three-day visit by President Kristina de Kirchner to Beijing last week, in which Argentina secured 15 economic agreements and significant financial investment to bolster its failing economy.
Argentina and China signed deal for 20 FC-1 fighter aircraft in order to increase aerial capabilities of the Argentina. The move, which further raised tensions in the South Atlantic last night, follows a three-day visit by President Kristina de Kirchner to Beijing last week, in which Argentina secured 15 economic agreements and significant financial investment to bolster its failing economy. China's FC-1 Xiaolong multi-role fighter aircraft
It comes after a decision by Buenos Aires to abandon talks with Vladimir Putin to secure 12 Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer" bombers.
Last night sources told the Sunday Express that the deal with Russia, revealed by the Sunday Express in September, had stalled after a series of delays and concerns over post-sale maintenance.

However, that failure will see Argentina now take delivery of 20 of the Chinese-made fighter jets.

In a "working group" formed by the two countries, Beijing agreed to supply around 20 FC-1 fighter jets produced by the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation.

The CAC FC-1 Xiaolong (Fierce Dragon), or PAC JF-17 Thunder, is a light-weight, single-engine, multi-role combat aircraft developed jointly by the Pakistan Air Force, the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and the Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAC) of China. Its designation "JF-17 Thunder" by Pakistan is short for "Joint Fighter-17", while the designation "FC-1 Xiaolong" by China means "Fighter China-1 Fierce Dragon".

The FC-1 can be armed with up to 3,629 kg (8,000 lb) of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry, as well as other equipment, mounted externally on the aircraft's seven hardpoints. The under-fuselage and inboard under-wing hardpoints are plumbed, enabling them to carry droptanks of various sizes for extra fuel. The single-seat, single-engine, fighter has a top speed of Mach 1.8 at altitude of 55,000 ft and combat range of 840 miles, allowing it to comfortably fly to Port Stanley and back from the Tierra del Fuego air base in southern Argentina. ... ew&id=1517 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 17, 2015, 02:31:17 pm
Last night sources told the Sunday Express that the deal with Russia, revealed by the Sunday Express in September, had stalled after a series of delays

Menacho, esta noticia es un corte y pega de un artículo publicado el domingo por el Sunday Express, semanario sensacionalista que cada poco tiempo ofrece "exclusivas" sobre un rearme argentino destinado a atacar las Malvinas.

Cualquiera que conozca el penoso estado de la FAA se toma esa "exclusiva" con gran escepticismo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 17, 2015, 11:35:41 pm
EUA autorizam exportação de "drones" armados

Os Estados Unidos anunciaram hoje que vão pela primeira vez autorizar a exportação de aeronaves não pilotadas armadas para alguns países aliados, no âmbito da luta global contra o terrorismo.

"Esta nova política rege a venda, a transferência e a utilização na esfera internacional de sistemas aeronáuticos militares sem piloto de origem norte-americana", anunciou o departamento de Estado num relatório hoje divulgado e intitulado "Política de exportação dos Estados Unidos para sistemas aeronáuticos militares sem piloto", isto é, "drones" armados.

A diplomacia norte-americana sublinha que "os Estados Unidos são os líderes tecnológicos mundiais em matéria de desenvolvimento e utilização" desses 'drones'.
"Outras nações começam a utilizar de maneira mais regular 'drones' militares e o mercado comercial dos 'drones' está a emergir", prossegue o departamento de Estado.
"Contudo, os Estados Unidos têm por responsabilidade garantir que as vendas, as transferências e utilizações internacionais de 'drones' de origem norte-americana correspondem aos interesses da segurança nacional norte-americana e aos de política externa", explica ainda o Governo.

Estas exportações de "sistemas sensíveis será feita através de um programa de vendas [de equipamentos] militares de Governo para Governo", segundo o departamento de Estado, que não cita qualquer dos países que serão clientes. O diário Washington Post, o primeiro a revelar hoje esta grande alteração na política de venda de armas dos Estados Unidos, sublinha que países aliados como a Itália, a Turquia e as monarquias do Golfo estarão muito interessados.

De acordo com um responsável norte-americano citado pelo jornal, Washington já vendeu 'drones' armados ao seu aliado mais próximo, o Reino Unido.
Quanto aos 'drones' não armados, que servem para operações de vigilância dos serviços secretos, já foram vendidos a aliados da NATO (Organização do Tratado Atlântico Norte, na denominação em português), como França e Itália, indica o Washington Post.

A utilização de 'drones' armados constitui uma pedra angular da luta global contra o terrorismo levada a cabo pela administração do Presidente Barack Obama, nomeadamente em operações realizadas em países como Afeganistão, Paquistão, Somália, Síria, Iraque e Iémen.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 24, 2015, 10:32:07 am
Festa - Em janeiro deste ano, o primeiro voo de um Mirage argentino completou seu 42º aniversário.

Das 42 aeronaves modelos III e VF alocadas, nas últimas décadas, às diferentes unidades aéreas do país, menos de dez podem ainda (sob certas condições) atender um acionamento de emergência.

Vinte e um meses atrás, durante a festa do Bicentenário da Revolução de Maio de 1813, o Grupo Aéreo nº 6 conseguiu que quatro de seus Mirages decolassem do Aeroporto Internacional de Ezeiza e sobrevoassem a região central de Buenos Aires. Seus pilotos pensaram que o voo em formação pudesse ser considerado como o da despedida em público, mas não foi assim.

No fim de 2013, a implantação, pelo governo Cristina Kirchner, de um plano especial de patrulhamento no noroeste da Argentina – para o combate ao narcotráfico e a outras formas de contrabando por meio de rotas terrestres e de voos ilegais –, forçou a FAA a disponibilizar alguns caças para as interceptações que se fizessem necessárias. Atualmente, entre dois e três Mirages da VI Brigada Aérea são mantidos permanentemente (ou quase permanentemente) em prontidão, para intervir na chamada Operação Escudo Norte.
Quarenta e dois anos de voo. É obra. E continua...  :mrgreen:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 27, 2015, 05:28:46 pm
Título: Re: Fotos Internacionais (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 12, 2015, 08:26:03 pm

Primer helicóptero MCH-101 de medidas contra minas entregado a la Fuerza de Autodefensa Marítima de Japón

El KHI MCH-101, versión del Agusta/Westland AW-10, construido bajo licencia por Kawasaki, ha recibido el sistema de búsqueda de minas aeroportado AN/AQS-24A y el sistema de detección de minas por láser desde el aire AN-AES-1 ALMDS (Airborne Laser Mine Detection System), ambos fabricados por la firma de Estados Unidos Northrop Grumman.

El primero es el único sistema cazaminas aeroportado de alta velocidad operacionalmente probado en el mundo. Se caracteriza por una alta resolución, escaneado lateral en tiempo real, detección, localización y clasificación, tanto de minas de fondo y amarradas, cubriendo una vasta área, así como una línea de escaneado por láser para identificación óptica de precisión de las subacuáticas.

El segundo emplea una iluminación por láser y receptores alojados en un pod externo para dar una imagen de todos los volúmenes próximos a la superficie que puedan contener minas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 15, 2015, 02:46:11 pm
Dos aviones indonesios de entrenamiento han colisionado en el aire en Malasia durante la preparación de la exposición internacional de la industria aeroespacial y naval LIMA-2015, que se inaugura en Malasia dentro de unos días, informa TASS.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 15, 2015, 04:27:58 pm
Milagrosamente, los pilotos de los dos aviones se han salvado tras saltar en paracaídas. Los dos aparatos, de la patrulla acrobática "Júpiter", de la fuerza aérea indonesia, eran del modelo "KAI KT-1 Woongbi", fabricados en Corea del Sur.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 24, 2015, 12:21:53 pm
Surinam Air Force has helicopters again.
Three helicopters ordered in 2009 and received in January 2015 per 13 million dollars.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 25, 2015, 07:56:36 pm
U.S. approves $1 billion CH-47 Chinook sale to Netherlands


The U.S. State Department has approved the sale of 17 Boeing Co. CH-47F Chinook cargo helicopters to the Netherlands, a deal that would be worth around $1.06 billion.

The new helicopters would eventually replace the ageing fleet of 11 CH-47D operated by the Netherlands. This country bought since 2012 a first batch of six CH-47F, a heavy-lift, high-altitude helicopter, used for military, humanitarian, disaster relief, search-and-rescue and firefighting  operations.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Março 25, 2015, 09:44:28 pm
Argentina envía una delegación a China para evaluar el caza multipropósito Chengdu JF-17

( ... engdu.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Março 26, 2015, 03:47:09 am
Os holandeses vão ficar com 23 CH-47F novos, pelo que se depreende que já não vão actualizar (para modelo F) os 11 CH-47D que possuem actualmente. Dos 13 CH-47D que a KLu adquiriu nos anos 90, 7 eram ex-canadianos construídos nos anos 70 e 6 novos, entregues em 1998. Infelizmente, dois do lote dos novos foram perdidos no Afeganistão. Ou seja, 4 dos aparelhos são relativamente novos -- será que é desta que o GALE vai ter helis e logo Chinook?  :mrgreen:

Mais realista para o GALE seriam os Cougar que vão ser substituídos pelos Chinook e NH-90.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 26, 2015, 10:21:03 am
Parte de Barajas el último de los seis A330 MRTT de Airbus para la Real Fuerza Aérea Saudita


( El contrato para la compra por la Real Fuerza Aérea Saudita de seis aviones Airbus Military A330-202 MRTT, firmado en enero de 2008 ha entrado en su fase final con la salida del último de esos aviones del aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas. El aparato salió de la cadena de montaje de Toulouse-Blagnac (Francia) hace once meses, en abril de 2014, cuando partió para su transformación a la configuración militar MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport/Avión de Transporte/Cisterna Multipropósito) en la planta de la Muñoza de IAG, que integra a Iberia y British Airways.

El aparato, matrícula MRTT032, el número 32 de ese tipo, realizó un vuelo de pruebas sobre el Mar de Alborán para aterrizar en la base militar de Getafe (Madrid), situada junto a la planta de Airbus Defence & Space responsable final del programa MRTT. Le quedan varios vuelos de pruebas y aceptación antes de su traslado al aeropuerto de Paris-Orly para ser pintado con los colores de la RFAS, antes de que ya con el serial militar 2406, realice el vuelo de entrega con destino a Arabia Saudita.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 26, 2015, 11:08:03 am
Ahhh, as emoções do Báltico.  :twisted:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 26, 2015, 09:46:56 pm
The Nigerian Air Force has acquired at least two second hand Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet trainer and light attack aircraft as it continues to expand its aerial fleet.

One of the jets was seen passing through the United Kingdom on 25 March, having travelled from the United States via Iceland. It then continued to Palma de Mallorca, Spain, on its way to Nigeria, reports Air Forces Daily.

It was flown by Air USA Inc, which specialises in military air combat readiness training and flies Hawks, Alpha Jets, MiG-29s and L-59 Super Albatroses. The Alpha Jet seen transiting the UK was cancelled from the United States register on 19 March together with a second Alpha Jet, both originally flown by the Luftwaffe before operating in the States.

podiam nos ter comprado o nosso li..., desculpem os nossos aviões, afinal dos 50, que nos foram dados e sabendo que só voam 6, o que não faltam são aviões desse calibre.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 13, 2015, 05:37:02 pm
Russia an U.S. trade blows over Baltic interception


Moscow and Wahington have traded blows over the interception of an United States surveillance aircraft by a Russian fighter over the Baltic Sea, which the later described as "reckless, unsafe and unprofessional". The incident, which took place on 7 April, saw a U.S. Air force Boeing RC-135 intercepted by a Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 "Flanker" fighter in international airspace. According to the Pentagon, the Russian jet flew about 7 m of its aircraft, in a fashion that, it said, endangered the lives of the crew.

Following the incident,  the U.S. government formally protested to the Kremlin. For its part, Russia claimed that the U.S. aircraftf was flying towards its airspace with its transponder switched off.

While interceptions between Russian and Western warplanes are now commonplace (a lull following the end of the Cold War in 1991 has been reversed over recent years as relations have soured)  this incident is unusual in that one of the parties has filed a formal complaint against the conduct of the other.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 14, 2015, 11:00:26 am
Drones portugueses invadem o Brasil

Nuno Sá Lourenço

14/04/2015 - 07:42

Ministro da Defesa leva delegação de 15 empresas portuguesas a feira internacional do sector no Brasil.

 :arrow: ... il-1692289 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 16, 2015, 12:01:55 pm
Cracking causes Switzerland to retire a third of its F-5E fleet


Switzerland is to retire one third of its fleet of Northrop F-5E Tiger II combat aircraft after cracks were discovered, Swiss media disclosed on 15 April. The flaws in the supporting structure of 10 of the air force's 30 aircraft were found during inspections that followed the grounding of the entire fleet of single-seat F-5Es in January after similar issues were identified. The air force twin-seat F-5Fs are not affected.

In addition to those 10 aircraft, a further six were found to have cracking issues too. These aircraft will be repaired and returned to service by the end of the first quarter of 2016, according to comments of the federal defence department.

Switzerland had planned to retire all of its 1970-built F-5s from 2016, and to replace them with the Saab Gripen E However, the expected deal was rejected during a national referendum in May 2014, meaning that there is now no replacement placed.

While the Swiss Air Force has 32 Boeing FA-18 C/D Hornet combat aircraft in its inventory, Defence Minister Ueli Maurer has acknowledged that the collapse of the Gripen deal has created "security gaps" in the country's defence. ... casse.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 18, 2015, 04:38:52 pm
A Nova Zelândia está a considerar adquirir dois C-17 para substituir ou complementar os C-130 em serviço. De notar que a NZDF não tem até ao momento aeronaves na classe do C-295/C-27J, portanto os C-130 deles têm de fazer muitas mais missões. :shock:

Two new Boeing C-17s to cost NZDF $600m
Citação de: "Isaac Davison, NZ Herald"
Two new Boeing C-17 aircraft will set back the New Zealand Defence Force at least $600 million, the Government has been advised.

The Boeing C-17 Globemaster is being considered as a replacement for the aging fleet of Hercules C-130s, some of which are nearly 50 years old.

Members of the Foreign Affairs and Defence select committee took one of the Australian Defence Force's C-17s for a test run in February.

In a report released last week, the committee said that the cost of two of the C-17s would be "a minimum of $600 million, with an operating cost of $20,000 per hour".

It said the C-17s would be a "desirable acquisition" and noted that there were only eight to 10 of the aircraft left for sale.

MPs on the committee sought advice on how money could be found to purchase the aircraft and whether it was practical to replace five Hercules with two Globemasters.

"We learned that the purchase has been provided for in the Defence Midpoint Rebalancing Review, and the possibility of making the funds available earlier is being considered," the report said.

Secretary of Defence Helene Quilter told the committee that any purchase of C-17s might not be a "complete replacement" for the Hercules and the two types of aircraft could possible operate side by side.

The Ministry of Defence was analysing information from Boeing on the price and availability of the aircraft, and it was also working with its Australian counterparts to determine whether it would offset some of the C-17's operating costs.

Around $50 million of the $300 million price tag was believed to be for operating costs and replacement parts.

[continua] (http://http)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 19, 2015, 07:32:16 pm

Virtual combat simulation of the Russian-made combined short to medium range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery weapon system "Pantsir S-1" (Nato code SA-22 Greyhound).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 20, 2015, 10:40:57 am
O Estado-Maior da Força Aérea Argentina (FAA) não exigirá que os caças sino-paquistaneses JF-17 que venha a comprar tenham a capacidade de disparar mísseis antinavio.

A informação foi obtida pelo Poder Aéreo junto a uma fonte do Congresso argentino próxima aos oficiais incumbidos de negociar a aquisição das aeronaves. A explicação para essa decisão é que ela obedece a uma postura doutrinária da FAA, relativa ao emprego do seu componente de combate. Posição que visa, inclusive (ou especialmente), evitar um desconforto para o Comando Aeronaval da Marinha local.

De qualquer forma, a opção dos brigadeiros argentinos representa um aceno diplomático às autoridades britânicas, que temem que a compra de caças pelo governo de Buenos Aires signifique uma ameaça ao tráfego marítimo ao redor do território ultramarino das Ilhas Falkland – chamadas de Malvinas pelos argentinos.

Probe - O comando da FAA concluiu que a oferta de caças sino-paquistaneses JF-17 Block II é superior às propostas feitas pelo governo francês (caças Mirage 2000), pelo governo espanhol (caças Mirage F.1) e pela IAI (caças Kfir modernizados).

Os argentinos tentarão, inclusive, que sua corporação receba três exemplares do JF-17 Block I ainda este ano, mesmo que essas aeronaves sejam entregues desprovidas, entre outros equipamentos, da lança para reabastecimento (probe) – componente que poderia ser instalado mais tarde, em território argentino.
JF-17 e seu armamento em exposição estática
Radar principal do JF-17 Block II

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 21, 2015, 04:48:21 pm
Poland has chosen the Airbus Caracal helicopter


The Polish Defence Ministry has decided to choose  for further tests the Airbus Helicopters "H225M Caracal" and to drop the offer of the British-Italian group AgustaWestland ("AW149") and the US manufacturer Sikorsky ("S 70i Black Hawk" and "S 70B Seahawk").

 This is an important step to decide the tender to replace Poland's Soviet-era fleet of 40 "Mil Mi-17" military helicopters. But the Polish government has reduced the number of tri-service choppers from 70 to 50 units, and says that, at this stage, no value can be given for the contract that, at first, was worth up to €2.5 billion.

Airbus Helicopters, formerly Eurocopters, said earlier this year that if it won the tender it would set an helicopter assembly line and a manufacturing centre for key helicopter parts in Poland's industrial hub of Lodz.

The "H225M Caracal"  has been chosen by France, Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 22, 2015, 02:18:24 pm
21 former German Dornier UH-1D (basically UH-1H) to be refurbished by a joint venture between Rice Aircraft Services Inc and Eagle Copters

The contract was signed on March 27, 2014 with a deadline for the delivery on September 23, 2014.

On April 2015 after receiving 7 helicopters and with the rest still stored at Clark airbase waiting for completion, the government announced has terminated the contract worth about P1.2 billion ( U$S 27M ) citing the supplier failure to deliver the air assets on time.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 23, 2015, 10:34:41 am
Ontem fui visitar a casa de um amigo plastimodelista para fotografar seus modelos de aeronaves, que serão alvo de futura matéria aqui no Poder Aéreo. Além dos excelentes modelos, meu amigo também tem uma valiosa coleção de kits antigos ainda por montar. Um desses kits é o Mirage IIIEBR da Revell, escala 1:32, que foi o primeiro kit que ganhei em meados dos anos 1970, de um tio já falecido. Muitos leitores aqui do blog com certeza também tiveram esse modelo.

Poder ver a caixa desse kit novamente ainda desmontado me fez voltar àquele tempo, em que ainda muito jovem era possível orgulhar-se do Brasil de possuir um dos mais modernos aviões de combate da época e sonhar com um futuro brilhante de ser piloto ou militar, ter esperança.

Hoje, diferentemente daqueles tempos, não temos mais os Mirage e o 1° Grupo de Defesa Aérea (antes 1ª ALADA) opera caças F-5 de 40 anos de idade, emprestados de outros esquadrões.

A crise moral e econômica que atinge o País está comprometendo vários programas da área de Defesa Nacional e muitos empregos de alta qualificação correm o risco de serem perdidos. Muitos jovens estão deixando as Forças Armadas ou nem cogitam mais a carreira militar por causa dos baixos soldos e equipamentos obsoletos.

A Aviação Militar é um dos símbolos da pujança de uma Nação e a manutenção de um Poder Aéreo crível dá prestígio ao País no cenário internacional.

Não podemos tolerar mais o sucateamento da Aviação de Caça brasileira.

No Dia da Aviação de Caça, fazemos um pedido às autoridades que têm o poder de decisão no Brasil: devolvam a esperança aos jovens brasileiros e a capacidade de sonhar e de se orgulhar do País.

Que nossos jovens possam voltar a montar os kits de novos caças da FAB e sonhar com o futuro!

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Abril 24, 2015, 07:59:25 pm

F-2 portando el XASM-3. (

Gracias a Alfavega
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 26, 2015, 10:37:13 am
A direção da Fábrica de Aviões Brigadeiro San Martín (FAdeA), da cidade de Córdoba – principal indústria aeronáutica argentina –, aguarda para as próximas semanas a chegada ao país do primeiro protótipo de um bimotor de ataque A-58 Pucará, de fabricação argentina, modernizado pela Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) por meio da instalação de dois motores Pratt & Whitney PT-6-62 no lugar dos velhos propulsores franceses Turbomeca Astazou XVIG, que já não são mais fabricados.

Uma vez em Córdoba, a aeronave será submetida a uma longa bateria de testes, que devem se estender por uns dez meses – até março de 2016. Nesse espaço de tempo, oficiais da Força Aérea Argentina e técnicos da FAdeA vão analisar a conveniência de o avião receber modificações em sua aviônica, com o aproveitamento de equipamentos produzidos pela empresa israelense Elbit e também pela IAI.
Até para a instalação dos novos motores vai para Israel. De facto, a industria Argentina "está nos píncaros".   :roll:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Abril 27, 2015, 11:17:44 pm

Bem, com esta noticia queria fazer um reparo: "Assim, hoje, todo o componente de defesa aérea da aviação militar suíça se resume a 32 caça-bombardeiros F/A-18C/D Hornet, de fabricação americana, e a 22 F-5E – números considerados insuficientes para a defesa aérea do país."
Para o governo suíço, ter 52 caças é "insuficiente para a defesa aérea do país"?  :roll:
Para não falar que, segundo a noticia, o Typhoon é o principal candidato, um dos mais caros e também bimotor com altos custos de operação.

De facto, há quem tenha tanto e não chega... já nós por cá, contentamo-nos com o que temos...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Abril 27, 2015, 11:27:52 pm
Citação de: "dc"

Bem, com esta noticia queria fazer um reparo: "Assim, hoje, todo o componente de defesa aérea da aviação militar suíça se resume a 32 caça-bombardeiros F/A-18C/D Hornet, de fabricação americana, e a 22 F-5E – números considerados insuficientes para a defesa aérea do país."
Para o governo suíço, ter 52 caças é "insuficiente para a defesa aérea do país"?  :roll:
Para não falar que, segundo a noticia, o Typhoon é o principal candidato, um dos mais caros e também bimotor com altos custos de operação.

De facto, há quem tenha tanto e não chega... já nós por cá, contentamo-nos com o que temos...

E chegou a ser notícia que a força aérea suíça só tinha QRA durante a "hora de expediente e nos dias úteis".

De facto, num país com um comprimento máximo de 350 km (Leste-Oeste), operar bimotores é ...uma preciosidade?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 29, 2015, 11:05:50 am
Sai mais dois Kc130 para o Chile, com possibilidade de se seguirem outros dois.  :wink:
Já se encontra na base aérea de Pudahuel, sede do Grupo de Aviación Nº 10 da Força Aérea Chilena (FACH), o primeiro dos dois aviões C-130 Hercules configurados para reabastecimento em voo, adquiridos pelo governo de Santiago por meio de solicitações apresentadas à Agência de Cooperação em Segurança e Defesa dos Estados Unidos.

A informação foi confirmada por um porta-voz da FACH, de forma oficial, a 20 de abril.

As aeronaves foram requisitadas em 2012 e em agosto de 2013. Consideradas Excess Defence Articles – Artigos de Defesa em Excesso – no arsenal americano, elas, segundo o grupo editorial britânico Jane’s (especializado em assuntos militares), foram transferidas aos chilenos pelo preço simbólico de 700.000 dólares cada uma.

Não se trata de aviões novos. Ao contrário. Os dois quadrimotores KC-130R, de reabastecimento, pertenceram primeiro à Força Aérea americana, e depois serviram, por vários anos, à aviação dos Marines (fuzileiros navais dos EUA). Eles se encontravam estocados (a céu aberto), desde 2009, na base de Davis-Monthan, no Arizona, sede do 309º Grupo de Regeneração e Manutenção Aeroespacial do Comando de Material da Força Aérea americana.

A FACh trabalha no sentido de comprar mais dois C-130 para o Grupo de Pudahuel, o que não apenas elevará o seu agrupamento aéreo; também permitirá a retirada do C-130B da ativa.
Em setembro de 2014 a cúpula da Força Aérea Chilena se deixou fotografar no galpão da Embraer onde era construído o primeiro protótipo do jato cargueiro KC-390, no município paulista de Gavião Peixoto

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 29, 2015, 04:17:05 pm
Secret documents: Jas has serious errors
Published April 21, 2015 23:16

JAS 39 Gripen has several serious errors, TV4 has revealed.

Screens that shuts down, landing aids (ILS) which have frozen and a g-suit without pressure.

- It may be wrong. But it is unacceptable when it becomes error on error on error, says Alf Ingesson Thoor, aviation specialist psychologist and former fighter pilot.

TV4 has studied the internal documents where serious errors at Jas 39 Gripen are revealed.

All planes are still flying, but many of them have limitations.

Landing aids ILS stops working, sometimes up to four times a day and it's been situation for the past three years.

"I consider it serious that pilots do not feel they can rely on such a fundamental feature as the aircraft landing aids," writes one employee in documents TV4 read.

Robert Persson, aviation security officer in the Air Force, recognizing that the problems lasted for a while.

- We handle it by taking some form of limitation in activity, he says.

A second problem is that the pressure in G-suit, which equalizes the effects of G-forces, disappears at some height. This is achieved by limiting the pilot's altitude. So it has been for five years.

- It has been a problem that has been quite protracted for the Gripen, says Robert Persson in TV4.

Finally the cockpit screens in the plane shuts down. Sometimes just one, at worst all of them. (navigation and radar screens, bumtish)

The plane can not be fully utilized becomes particularly serious when the threat against Sweden is increasing, according to many analysts.

The Defence Committee Chairman Allan Widman (FP) is surprised faults.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Abril 29, 2015, 06:22:34 pm
Citação de: "Colares"
Em que fase se encontra o projeto do helicóptero NH90, fabricado pelas indústrias NHI na qual Portugal aportou uma generosa quantidade de bons recursos para co-produção do aparelho?

Quando será a primeira entrega do NH90 para a FAP? procurei no google sem sucesso.


Como nunca houve intenção da FAP em adquirir tal aparelho bem podes continuar a procurar. Mas deixo-te aqui uma sugestão de amigo: se estás tão interessado no NH90 dá um salto ao tópico do Exército Português. Talvez finalmente percebas que o Zé Tuga não é tão manso quanto o Zé Carioca no que diz respeito às suas forças armadas e, quando é necessário criticar, critica duramente o que acha estar errado.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 29, 2015, 06:45:09 pm
Citação de: "NVF"
Como nunca houve intenção da FAP em adquirir tal aparelho bem podes continuar a procurar. Mas deixo-te aqui uma sugestão de amigo: se estás tão interessado no NH90 dá um salto ao tópico do Exército Português. Talvez finalmente percebas que o Zé Tuga não é tão manso quanto o Zé Carioca no que diz respeito às suas forças armadas e, quando é necessário criticar, critica duramente o que acha estar errado.
A FAP está bem servida com o EH101.
Mas de qualquer forma, quanto ao NH90 pode-se sempre encaminhar os "visitantes" para a UALE. Por lá já estão em "serviço 2" e irão "estar mais 8 até 2017". :mrgreen:
O Exército está pronto a receber, operar e manter o primeiro dos dez helicópteros NH-90, em Dezembro de 2012, a partir de uma Main Operating Base (MOB) em Itália e para, a partir da recepção da segunda aeronave, em Julho de 2013, trazer as duas para Território Nacional e garantir a sua operação, sustentação e manutenção a partir do Aeródromo Militar de Tancos. A partir de 2014 e até 2017 está prevista a recepção dos restantes oito helicópteros NH-90, num total de uma frota de dez aeronaves, constituindo-se a UALE como a MOB dos helicópteros do Exército.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Abril 29, 2015, 08:23:35 pm
Não baralhe o rapaz  :twisted:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 30, 2015, 02:56:11 pm

O Cabeça de Martelo postou umas fotos deste bicho, que não consigo ver. A imprensa russa publicou na terça-feira uma informação do tema. ... 68144.html (

E o China Daily News, na segunda. ... 559753.htm (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 30, 2015, 10:28:46 pm
Sweden mothballs quarter of C-130H fleet, looks to type replacement
Citação de: "Gareth Jennings, IHS Jane's 360"
Sweden has begun reducing its operational Lockheed Martin C-130H Hercules fleet as it looks for a replacement for the ageing airlifters, a service official disclosed on 29 April.

Speaking at the home of F17 Wing's forward dispersal base on the island of Gotland, Colonel Marcus Bjorkgren, Chief of Staff of the Swedish Air Force (SwAF), said that two of the country's eight C-130H aircraft had been flown to Marshall Aerospace in the UK, where they are to remain.

"We have six C-130s now being operated, with two parked at Marshalls. We may go down to four, and we will hopefully have something else [as a replacement] in the future," he said.

Having received the first of its C-130H aircraft in 1965, the SwAF had hoped to have them upgraded as part of the US Air Force's wider Avionics Modernization Program (AMP). However, Sweden had already pulled out of the programme on cost grounds by the time it was cancelled by the US Department of Defense in early 2012.

Regarding a replacement platform, Col Bjorkgren said that the Lockheed Martin C-130J would make for greater interoperability with Sweden's Nordic neighbours, with Norway and Denmark already operating the type. The Embraer KC-390 was raised as an option, given Brazil's recent decision to acquire the Saab Gripen E/F fighter, and he also noted that used Airbus A400M airlifters might become available in a few years.

The C-130 replacement will be formally launched from about 2021 and will run parallel to attempts to replace the Saab 105 trainer jet and the RBS 15 anti-ship missile.

The SwAF's effort to find a replacement for its C-130s will follow a wider drive to improve its capabilities out to the end of this decade. The latest Swedish defence bill sets out a budget increase of SEK10.2 billion (USD1.2 billion) from 2016 to 2020, a timeframe which will see a reorganisation of the SwAF's structure to four wings and six fighter squadrons (up from the four squadrons at present); an increase in the availability of the transport aircraft fleet; an increase in the SwAF's ability to disperse aircraft to and between 'war bases'; a focus on getting the NHIndustries NH90 helicopter fully operational; acquiring a new anti-ship missile for helicopters; perhaps increasing the number of Gripen E fighters to be procured from 60 to 70 (with a decision to come); acquiring a stand-off missile for the Gripen E; increasing the availability of operational units with more flight hours; and upgrading sensor and radar systems.

De lembrar que quando a Suíça escolheu o Gripen toda a gente previa que a Suécia iria adquirir os Pilatus PC-21 para substituir os Saab 105.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 07, 2015, 08:03:26 pm
Saudi Arabia to build AN-32 planes with Ukraine's Antonov


Saudi Arabia and Ukraine's Antonov have signed an agreement to build a modernized version of the AN-32 transport plane for military and civilian use in a deal strengthening the kingdom's drive to develop a domestic military industry. The propeller-driven AN-32 can carry paratroopers or cargo. The announcement does not disclose the value of the project, where in Saudi Arabia the plane would be built or when the project would start.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia, currently leading an aerial campaign against Houthi rebels in Yemen, overtook India to become the world's largest weapons importer last year, buying US $6.5 billion. It has done little military trade with Ukraine in the past. It makes aviation components and carries out aircraft maintenance, but not large-scale assembly of planes.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 08, 2015, 04:45:02 pm
Antonov begins An-178 flight trials


Antonov has begun flight trials of its new An-178 transport aircraft, some five years after the development of the type was first announced.

The maiden flight took place out of Kiev-Antonov Airport (Gostomel) yesterday and lasted for approximately one hour. No specific details related to the flight were revealed, neither were the timelines for the remainder of the flight test process or production plans for the prospective military customers.

First revealed in February 2010, the twin-jet An-178 is intended to replace the An-12 "Cub", the An-26 "Curl" and the An-32 "Cline" airlifters. The An-178 is, in essence, an An-158 regional jet with a rear losding ramp (the two types share a number of components, including the front fuselage and cockpit, and the nosewheel leg).

 Specification listed are: a cargo hold measuring 16,55 m including ramp or 12,58 m (excluding ramp); a 2.745 m width at the floor, and a height of 2.75 m; a floor area of 40 m2; and a hold volume of 125 m3, both including the ramp. Its wingspan is 28.84 m; 32.95 m in length; and 10.14 m tall.

The aircraft has a maximum payload of 18 tonnes; and a range of 1,000 km fully loaded. Its cruise speed is 445 kt, and it requires a 2,500 m runway from which to operate.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 11, 2015, 02:37:06 pm
O chefe de Doutrina da Força Aérea Argentina (FAA), brigadeiro José Videla, desmentiu que sua corporação pretenda fechar a base aérea de Tandil, sede da VI Brigada Aérea, nucleada em torno do Grupo 6 de Caça, dotado de interceptadores IAI Finger.

Os rumores sobre o fechamento da base foram atribuídos à baixíssima disponibilidade dos Finger que, apesar de serem aeronaves supersônicas, já não têm mais condições de realizar voos nessa velocidade.

Videla deu sua versão em entrevista publicada, nesta terça-feira (05.05) pelo Diário de Tandil. Segundo o oficial – um dos mais próximos do chefe do Estado-Maior da FAA, brigadeiro Mario Callejo –, sua corporação ainda espera para este ano ou, no mais tardar, para o próximo, uma decisão do Executivo argentino sobre a compra de um caça-tampão, que poderá ser do tipo Mirage F-1, disponível nos estoques da Força Aérea da Espanha, ou Kfir modernizado, comprado diretamente à IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries).

Esta compra em caráter emergencial permitirá à aviação de combate argentina aguardar com tranquilidade a entrada em operação do jato sino-paquistanês JF-17 Thunder (“Trovão”), cuja importação o governo de Buenos Aires vêm negociando desde fevereiro com a agência de exportação de aeronaves militares chinesa CATIC (China National Aero Technology Import Export).

Recusa – A compra dos JF-17 transcorre em ambiente de muitos segredos – relativos, especialmente, ao armamento que os caças poderão receber – e um número ainda maior de boatos.

O rumor mais recente diz respeito a uma suposta recusa dos fabricantes Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation, da China, e Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, do Paquistão, em fornecer os aparelhos à Argentina dotados de mísseis e outras armas sofisticadas.

A novidade (não-confirmada oficialmente) foi atribuída a uma recomendação expressa do governo de Pequim, já que as instituições bancárias chinesas têm muitos interesses no mercado financeiro de Londres, e Argentina e Inglaterra mantém um relacionamento hostil por causa do controle exercido pelos britânicos sobre o arquipélago das Malvinas (que os ingleses chamam de Falkland Islands)

O governo de Buenos Aires já havia anunciado que não compraria os caças sino-paquistaneses equipados com mísseis anti-navio, mas, aparentemente, esse compromisso não bastou para acalmar as autoridades do governo do Primeiro-Ministro David Cameron.

Na verdade, os pilotos argentinos haviam sonhado em dispor dos mísseis antinavio C-802 – vetores de 6,3 m de comprimento e 715 kg de peso –, aptos a alcançar alvos entre 120 km e 280 km.

Apagamento – As declarações de Videla sobre a manutenção da base aérea de Tandil aconteceram em um momento de diversas más notícias acerca das perspectivas da aviação de combate argentina.

Na Fábrica de Aviões Brigadeiro San Martín (FAdeA), em Córdoba, o jato subsônico Pampa II de matrícula Ex-03, que foi desmontado para ser convertido no protótipo do Pampa III (recentemente oferecido à Força Aérea Boliviana), dificilmente será remontado a tempo de fazer o seu roll out no mês de outubro próximo, conforme estava planejado.

Os argentinos decidiram procurar um fornecedor de atuadores hidráulicos na indústria aeronáutica brasileira ou entre os fornecedores das fábricas de aviões da República Checa. Também a aviônica israelense encomendada para o Pampa III está com sua entrega atrasada.

Outro problema para a produção das aeronaves Pampa, é que a FAdeA está precisando concentrar seus esforços na modernização dos bimotores de ataque Pucará, que constituem a dotação do Grupo 3 de Ataque da III Brigada Aérea, de Reconquista.

Nas redes sociais circula a informação de que, recentemente, um Pucará experimentou o apagamento de seus dois motores, e precipitou-se no solo por 4.000 metros, antes que um de seus motores (após cinco tentativas feitas pelo piloto) voltasse a funcionar. A aeronave estava a somente 500 metros do chão quando isso aconteceu. O aviador conseguiu pousar seu aparelho, mas tomou um enorme susto.

Outra informação dá conta de que, no início do ano, os técnicos do Grupo 5 de Caça, de Villa Reynolds, prepararam quatro caças-bombardeiros A-4AR Fightinghawk que haviam saído da revisão para um voo de formatura, e, após a checagem pré-voo, apenas um conseguiu alçar voo…
Cada vez mais a Argentina afigura-se como o parceiro ideal de qualquer país a nível aeronáutico...  :mrgreen:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 11, 2015, 02:53:07 pm
Seis caças russos Sukhoi-30 chegam a Angola na segunda metade de 2015

Os primeiros seis caças Sukhoi-30 adquiridos pelo Governo angolano, que estiveram ao serviço da força aérea indiana, são esperados em Angola no segundo semestre do ano, tornando-se o país no terceiro de África com este tipo de aeronave.

Estes primeiros seis caças - de um conjunto de 12 - estão a concluir um programa de revisão, reparação e modernização na fábrica do construtor russo Sukhoi em Baranovichi, na Bielorrússia, segundo o portal especializado Aviation International News (AIN). Durante o segundo semestre de 2015 vão intensificar-se as comemorações dos 40 anos da independência de Angola (11 de novembro de 1975), não sendo de descartar que a entrega destas aeronaves coincida com este programa.

Os aparelhos, que só estiveram ao serviço da força aérea indiana, fazem parte do pacote de compra de material de guerra russo, no valor de mil milhões de dólares (890 milhões de euros), acordado com a empresa russa Rosoboronexport. São caças de dois motores e dois lugares que podem atingir velocidades superiores a 2.100 quilómetros por hora e que começaram a ser produzidos pela empresa russa há cerca de 15 anos, sendo estes doze - com entre 1.000 a 1.500 horas de voo - originalmente destinados a equipar a força aérea bielorrussa.

Contudo, para o fabricante, segundo o AIN, esta venda a Angola serve de montra para conseguir outras encomendas em África, tendo em conta o potencial da negociação destas aeronaves em segunda mão com países sem recursos financeiros para fazerem a aquisição de equipamentos novos. Angola juntar-se-á à Argélia e ao Uganda na operação deste tipo de caça avançado, de fabrico russo.

A crise na cotação internacional do barril de petróleo obrigou o Governo angolano a cortar 17,2 por cento na verba inicialmente destinada à Defesa, Segurança e Ordem Pública para 2015, que passou a cifrar-se em 847,3 mil milhões de kwanzas (6,9 mil milhões de euros). Esta verba corresponde a 15,5% do total da despesa pública angolana programada para 2015 pelo executivo angolano, revista em março para 5,454 biliões de kwanzas (44,4 mil milhões de euros), uma redução de 24,8%.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Maio 11, 2015, 03:45:56 pm
F16 de Marruecos, estrellado en Yemen


A Moroccan F-16 warplane taking part in the Saudi Arabian-led coalition fighting in Yemen went missing on Sunday, the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces said in a statement.

Backed by the United States, a Saudi-led coalition has been conducting air strikes against the Houthis and army units loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh since March 26 with the aim of restoring the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Morocco announced its backing of Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the action and has had F-16 warplanes stationed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

"One of the F-16s of the Royal Armed Force (FAR) made at the disposal of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia to restore the legitimacy in Yemen went missing on Sunday at 6 pm local time," FAR's statement carried by the Moroccan state news agency MAP said.

The pilot of a second jet in the same squadron could not see if the pilot had ejected, it said. An investigation is under way, it added.

Yemen's dominant Houthi group accepted a five-day humanitarian ceasefire proposed by its adversary Saudi Arabia on Sunday but said it would respond to any violations of the pause.

Neighbouring Saudi Arabia had said on Friday the ceasefire could begin on Tuesday if the Iranian-allied militia agreed to the pause, which would let in badly needed food and medical supplies.

On Sunday, Arab planes bombed for a second day in a row the vast compound in the capital Sanaa which is home to ex-president Saleh, a key player in Yemen's political crisis whose loyalists in the army fight on the Houthis' side.

Morocco, along with Egypt, is one of the closest allies of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC) in North Africa. Four countries from GCC - Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and UAE - pledged $5 billion of aid to Morocco from 2012 to 2017 to help the North African kingdom overcome "Arab Spring" turmoil.

Morocco sent its F-16 squadron to UAE last year, when the U.S.-led coalition launched air strikes against the Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

It was the first mission of the Moroccan warplanes since the country bought 24 jets from the U.S. in 2011 to modernize its fleet.

( ... 0320150511 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 11, 2015, 07:40:45 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 11, 2015, 08:09:31 pm
À umas semanas estávamos a discutir (http://http) o treino de pilotos das forças aéreas da EPAF e agora vêm os holandeses alterar o seu treino:

Dutch pilots to train on M-346
Citação de: "AIRheads↑FLY"
Future Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) F-16 and possibly Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II pilots will train with the Italian Air Force on Alenia Aermacchi M-346 jets, thanks to an agreement that was signed last week by the Chiefs of Staff of the two air forces. The agreement envisages the detachment of an instructor and two student pilots of the Royal Netherlands Air Force, to be stationed at the Italian Air Force’s  flight school in Lecce.

It is the two countries’ intention that this first group of pilots represent the starting point for an extended cooperation in the years to come. The Dutch visited Lecce earlier this year.

The instructor and the two students will follow the standard training programmes of the Italian military pilots. The training system is already acknowledged and appreciated by other countries, which have sent their personnel to train at the Lecce-Galatina school. Austria is one of those countries


Dutch pilot training starts on the Pilatus PC-7, after which student pilots usually move to the US for training on the T-38 Talon. For that part, the Dutch now eye the M-346 with the Italians.

Dutch F-35 Pilots To Train on Italian M-346 (http://http)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 12, 2015, 10:45:48 am
Dois helicópteros H-36 Caracal do Esquadrão Falcão estão no Campo de Provas Brigadeiro Velloso, na Serra do Cachimbo – sul do Pará –, desde o último dia 4, para um treinamento de busca e salvamento em área de combate tipo CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) previsto para durar duas semanas.

Esse tipo de simulação é altamente considerado por muitas instituições militares ao redor do planeta. Neste domingo (10.05), tripulações das forças aéreas dos Estados Unidos, da Austrália e da Colômbia deram início, na Base Aérea de Little Rock, estado americano de Arkansas, ao Exercício Internacional de Treinamento em Operações Especiais Green Flag, que irá se estender até o dia 21 deste mês, priorizando voos  de evacuação médica (MedEvac) em cenários de batalha, missões de infiltração e exfiltração, e também de transporte de pessoal e de carga sob condições adversas.

Em Cachimbo estão sendo realizados disparos reais das metralhadoras laterais das aeronaves à noite. As tripulações realizam seu adestramento com o emprego dos óculos de visão noturna (NVG, do inglês Night Vision Goggles).

A cada dia, equipes compostas por pilotos, mecânicos, artilheiros e homens de resgate participam de um cenário de guerra simulada e têm que realizar todo o planejamento para o resgate de combatentes atrás das linhas inimigas (evasores).

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 16, 2015, 09:51:19 pm
A Malásia está a retirar os seus PC-7 Mk 1 do serviço, sendo estes substituídos pelos PC-7 Mk 2. Até ao final do ano vão ser também substituídos os seus últimos quatro Alouette III, utilizados para instrução, por seis HC120/EC 120.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 20, 2015, 10:35:23 am
O ajuste fiscal atingiu em cheio os repasses para a Política Nacional de Defesa (PND), programa coordenado pelo Ministério da Defesa que engloba as ações destinadas à defesa nacional. Até o fim de abril, apenas R$ 2,2 bilhões foram destinados às iniciativas da PND, valor que corresponde a 12% do orçamento autorizado para o programa durante todo o exercício – R$ 18 bilhões.

A quantia repassada ao Ministério da Defesa para a gestão do PND é inferior em mais de 50% ao transferido para o órgão até o mês quatro de 2014. No exercício passado, R$ 4,7 bilhões já haviam sido aplicado nas iniciativas do programa.

Voltada essencialmente para ameaças externas, a Política Nacional de Defesa estabelece objetivos e orientações para o preparo e o emprego dos setores militar e civil em todas as esferas do Poder, em prol da defesa nacional.

Questionado sobre a queda nas aplicações, o Ministério da Defesa não respondeu a solicitação do Contas Abertas. No entanto, o impacto do corte pode ser notado na execução orçamentária de várias ações.

O Sistema de Controle do Espaço Aéreo Brasileiro (SISCEAB), por exemplo, recebeu até abril apenas 2% (R$ 32,4 milhões) do valor autorizado para a iniciativa no Orçamento – R$ 1,7 bilhão. O restante do recursos repassados ao SISCEAB (R$ 296,1 milhões) corresponde a quitação de despesas de exercícios passados (restos a pagar).

O atraso nos pagamentos à iniciativa compromete a circulação segura do tráfego aéreo civil e militar no espaço aéreo brasileiro, pois a iniciativa tem como objetivo a ampliação da capacidade de defesa aérea, o controle do espaço e a segurança do voo.

Outra iniciativa cujos repasses estão praticamente parados é a que prevê a implantação de estaleiro e base naval para construção e manutenção de submarinos convencionais e nucleares. Dos R$ 1,1 bilhão autorizados pela Lei Orçamentária para a ação, apenas 8% foram desembolsados até abril (R$ 89 milhões). O valor inclui os restos a pagar pagos. No ano passado, R$ 776,4 milhões já haviam sido aplicados na iniciativa no mesmo período.

As ações de aquisição e desenvolvimento do Cargueiro Tático de 10 a 20 toneladas, em sua versão de reabastecedor aéreo (Projeto KC-X), também foram prejudicadas pelos cortes. A iniciativa recebeu até abril R$ 114 milhões, valor que corresponde a 7% dos R$ 1,6 bilhão liberados para o projeto. No mesmo período do ano passado, R$ 260,5 milhões já haviam sido repassados. Na versão civil, o cargueiro destina-se ao atendimento da necessidade de transporte de carga das empresas aéreas comerciais nacionais e da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT) na reformulação da Rede Postal Noturna (RPN).

Os R$ 1 bilhão autorizados no Orçamento de 2015 para a aquisição de 36 aeronaves de caça com armamentos, simuladores de voo e outros serviços de integração de sistemas nem chegaram a ser empenhados (comprometidos para pagamento posterior). Os recursos têm como finalidade a manutenção da capacidade da Força Aérea Brasileira de realizar suas missões constitucionais de defesa do espaço aéreo nacional. Confira aqui tabela com outras ações da PND.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 20, 2015, 04:06:19 pm
FAB vai equipar seus P-3 AM com míssil que atinge alvo a 278 km


O Brasil vai receber em breve um lote do mísseis antinavios AGM-84L Harpoon, que equiparão as aeronaves de patrulha marítima P-3 AM da FAB (Força Aérea Brasileira). O Harpoon será o primeiro míssil antinavio a ser operado por aviões no País.


As oito aeronaves P-3 AM, operadas a partir da base de Salvador, podem voar a mais de 3.000 quilômetros de distância, podendo atuar em todo o litoral. Quer ter uma ideia do alcance da nova arma? É como se um avião lançasse um míssil de Aracaju para atingir um alvo em Maceió, capital de Sergipe, por exemplo. Também é a mesma distância entre a cidade do Rio de Janeiro  e Ubatuba, no litoral de São Paulo.

O armamento tem 3,8 m de comprimento e 519 kg. Segundo a FAB, o Harpoon tem uma turbina e atinge 850 km/h. O míssil utiliza dados dos sistemas da aeronave lançadora para calcular a sua rota até o alvo e conta ainda com um radar próprio para corrigir a rota. Depois do lançamento, o Harpoon voa próximo ao mar para evitar ser detectado.

O P-3AM, avião que foi totalmente modernizado, possui uma das mais avançadas tecnologias embarcadas. O míssil que será acoplado ao avião tem 278 km de alcance e vai permitir a proteção do mar territorial brasileiro. O avião P-3AM, que receberá o armamento, é o único da FAB capaz de realizar missão antissubmarino. Os equipamentos e armamentos podem detectar, localizar, monitorar e destruir os alvos submersos. Com uma autonomia de 16 horas de voo, é possível ir à África e retornar ao Brasil em uma única decolagem.


As aeronaves de patrulha P-3AM passaram por um processo de reaparelhamento iniciado em março de 2000 e terminado em 2014. Adquiridas dos EUA, as aeronaves passaram por um processo de revitalização estrutural e modernização na fábrica da Airbus Military, em Sevilha, na Espanha. Seus sistemas foram atualizados e integrados a um moderno sistema tático de missão, operado por uma tripulação de até 12 militares. Agora, serão equipados com os mísseis Harpoon.


Fonte: ... -a-278-km/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 20, 2015, 04:30:52 pm
Esquadrões de asas rotativas da FAB participam de exercícios na Serra do Cachimbo


Os Esquadrões Falcão (1°/8°GAV) e Harpia (7°/8°GAV) participam, até o dia seis de junho, de exercícios de simulação de guerra no Campo de Provas Brigadeiro Velloso (CPBV), localizado na Serra do Cachimbo, no Sul do Pará.

As atividades, realizadas pelo Falcão, que é sediado na Base Aérea de Belém (BABE), iniciaram no dia quatro de maio e seguem até o dia 20, com o treinamento de busca e salvamento em área de combate. Chamada de CSAR, da sigla em inglês Combat Search and Rescue, a missão é uma das atividades mais complexas treinadas pelo esquadrão.


A cada dia, equipes compostas por pilotos, mecânicos, artilheiros e homens de resgate participam de um cenário de guerra simulada onde são executadas todas as fases necessárias para o resgate de combatentes atrás das linhas inimigas. Um outro grupo infiltrado próximo à área de resgate, equipado com fuzis, simula a chegada de inimigos, aumentando a complexidade do treinamento e dificultando o cumprimento da missão. A novidade dessa operação é o uso de metralhadoras laterais acopladas às aeronaves H-36 Caracal.


Já o Esquadrão Harpia, com sede na Base Aérea de Manaus (BAMN), entra em ação no dia 18 de maio com o helicóptero H-60 Black Hawk. Além das missões de CSAR com emprego de armamento em estande tático, a unidade realizará a formação de líderes de esquadrilha e de elemento, tripulantes operacionais e a formação dos pilotos que se apresentaram no início do ano. Ambos os esquadrões farão uso dos óculos de visão noturna (NVG, do inglês Night Vision Goggles).



Fonte: ... -cachimbo/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 20, 2015, 04:43:51 pm
Aviãozinho com 50 anos não é novo memo. Esses aí estiveram quase 20 anos parados no deserto até serem recuperados pela EADS. Curiosamente, parte da recuperação dessas aeronaves foi efectuada pelas OGMA em Alverca. Utilizam também o mesmo sistema FITS que a FAP tem nos C-295M MPA. Pena que a FAB não tenha fundos para adquirir versões mais recentes do Orion e em maior quantidade, já que apenas 9 unidades parece ser pouco para um 'país continente'.

Curioso que a FAB tenha optado por um míssil diferente da MB, mas faz sentido pois integrar os Exocet nos P-3 ia custar dinheiro. Além disso, o Harpoon é melhor, tem mais alcance e, nesta versão, consegue atingir alvos em terra. Parabéns à FAB pela escolha. Talvez a MB devesse adquirir também estes mísseis para seus submarinos, como fez a Marinha Portuguesa, mas é possível que o investimento não compense atendendo a que têm somente um submarino operacional.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: night_runner em Maio 20, 2015, 09:52:18 pm
Citação de: "NVF"
Curiosamente, parte da recuperação dessas aeronaves foi efectuada pelas OGMA em Alverca.
Além da formação de pessoal em Beja. :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 21, 2015, 10:45:16 am
Segundo reportagem publicada no site Flightglobal nesta quarta-feira, 20 de maio, a Suécia iniciou o processo que visa substituir sua frota de jatos treinadores SK 60 (Saab 105) por um novo sistema de treinamento de voo militar, sob a sigla MFTS (Military Flying Training System), a ser introduzido no final desta década e que deverá permanecer em uso pelo menos até 2040.

No final de abril, a FMV (administração nacional de defesa) do país expediu um pedido de informações (RFI) para fornecedores mundiais, em que destacou o desejo de que tenha baixo risco aceitável de desenvolvimento, e maior ênfase na relação efetividade/custo frente aos gastos com aquisição e apoio, podendo o apoio logístico ser terceirizado.

A frota atual de cerca de 50 jatos SK 60 voa aproximadamente 5.500 horas por ano, e o futuro MFTS deverá prover até 8.000 horas de voo por ano (e número equivalente de surtidas de instrução), além de 3.000 horas em simuladores completos de missão, devendo-se considerar um potencial de crescimento entre 10% e 30% nesses valores para o futuro.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 23, 2015, 03:05:19 pm

Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation announces the successful first flight of the S-97 "Raider" helicopter. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 23, 2015, 08:27:18 pm

The US Government clears the sale of 10 MH-60R Seahawk helicopters to the Royal Saudi Navy ... ia-412708/ (

The US State Department has approved a requested sale of 10 Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin MH-60R Seahawk anti-submarine helicopters to the Saudi Arabian government.

The approval announced on 20 May by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency means that a Foreign Military Sale (FMS) over the potentially $1.9 billion deal, including spares and logistical support, can move forward.

 The Royal Saudi Navy currently operates a fleet of ASS-332 Superpuma helicopters in the anti-submarine warfare role. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 24, 2015, 10:34:03 am
Cerca de 300 militares e 30 aeronaves de diferentes aviações da Força Aérea Brasileira estão envolvidos no exercício BVR realizado na Base Aérea de Anápolis (BAAN), em Goiás. O treinamento conjunto, que se encerra em 03 de junho, tem o objetivo de instruir as unidades de defesa aérea na doutrina de combate além do alcance visual (BVR, do inglês Beyond Visual Range), em situações onde os pilotos empregam mísseis de maior alcance que os mísseis infravermelhos usuais.

A cada edição, os coordenadores adicionam novos desafios, que tornam o cenário de conflito mais complexo, permitindo evolução e aprimoramento das técnicas treinadas pelas tripulações. Além disso, segundo o coordenador, é uma oportunidade de difundir e padronizar as doutrinas de combate mais modernas para todas as unidades aéreas da FAB. Serão treinadas missões de combate aéreo, controle e alarme em voo, reabastecimento em voo, escolta e defesa antiaérea.

Uma das novidades desta edição é o emprego da aeronave de reconhecimento R-35. Aeronaves de caça escoltam este avião, responsável por gerar informações de reconhecimento, respondendo aos fatores impostos por um possível cenário de crise. A área de instrução, onde os voos são realizados, também foi remodelada pelo Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo (DECEA). “Foram feitos todos os arranjos para desviar do tráfego civil”, explica o coordenador.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 26, 2015, 09:39:46 am
O Ministério da Defesa ainda está examinando com os comandos das Forças Singulares, os cortes de verbas que serão feitos nos principais programas militares, em decorrência do ajuste fiscal imposto pela área econômica do governo à administração federal. Mas o Poder Aéreo apurou que já existe consenso sobre ao menos dois projetos que não podem ser afetados pela tesoura dos economistas: a participação das Forças Armadas na segurança das Olimpíadas de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro, e o final do desenvolvimento do Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações (SGDC), previsto para subir ao espaço no último quadrimestre do ano que vem.

A presença dos militares no Rio durante os Jogos Olímpicos – preparados para monitorar e enfrentar situações extremas, como atentados terroristas – exigirá, de parte do Ministério da Defesa, o desembolso de, aproximadamente, 200 milhões de Reais.

Serão aproveitadas as experiências acumuladas pelas forças militares em eventos como a Copa das Confederações, em 2013, e a Copa do Mundo, no ano passado.

Já o satélite precisa ter sua construção preservada, porque o lançamento dele ao espaço, a bordo de um foguete francês Ariane 5 ECA, desde o Centro de Lançamentos Espaciais de Kourou, na Guiana Francesa, depende de janela meteorológica propícia, que se abrirá, possivelmente, no mês de setembro de 2016.

Dentro do ministério os comentários são de que programas da área militar que implicam em compromissos internacionais – como o PROSUB (de Desenvolvimento de Submarinos) e o do jato cargueiro Embraer KC-390, que é fruto de uma cooperação com outros três países – serão analisados com redobrada cautela, a fim de que não gerem encargos indesejados, como pesadas multas em moeda estrangeira.

O ministro da Defesa, Jaques Wagner, embarcou nesta segunda-feira (25.05) para a República de São Tomé e Príncipe, na costa ocidental africana, onde participará, até esta quarta-feira (27.05), de uma reunião dos ministros da Defesa dos países membros da Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa.
Estranho o Prosub, o Kc390 e os Gripen NG não serem logo uma prioridade. Ainda vão analisar o que?  :roll:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 27, 2015, 02:06:14 pm
Não há aviões a descolar em nenhum aeroporto belga e os voos com destino à Bélgica estão a ser desviados para os países vizinhos.

Fonte: Expresso
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Turlu em Maio 27, 2015, 02:34:51 pm
Citação de: "Cabeça de Martelo"
Não há aviões a descolar em nenhum aeroporto belga e os voos com destino à Bélgica estão a ser desviados para os países vizinhos.

Fonte: Expresso

Ao que parece tal facto deve-se a avaria eletrónica no controle aéreo (Diário de Notícias).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 27, 2015, 03:09:34 pm
Explicação oficial: uma falha no suministro eléctrico que atinge apenas a Belgocontrol, e mesmo (incredível) aos generadores de emergência. Após cinco horas algums aeroportos começam a funcionar. ... id=8990604 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 28, 2015, 11:48:58 am
Um avião com dois amazonenses a bordo foi abatido pela Força Aérea Venezuelana, da Força Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB), na madrugada do último domingo (24) no espaço aéreo do país vizinho, divulgou o Ministério para Relações Interiores, Justiça e Paz da Venezuela. Klender Hideo de Paula Ida, de 24 anos, e Fernando César Silva Da Graca, de 32, morreram no local e mais de 600 tabletes de cocaína foram encontrados na aeronave.

O avião bimotor Embraer EMB-820C, de prefixo PT-RCN – que teria supostamente saído do Aeroclube de Manaus e estava com a documentação em dia – foi derrubado no município de Ricaurte, no estado venezuelano de Cojedes, na Venezuela. Ele estava sendo pilotado por Klender Hideo, segundo autoridades. De acordo com informações, a família de Klender estava sem notícias do piloto há vários dias.

Uma coletiva de imprensa nesta terça-feira (26), encabeçada por Ascanio Irwin, presidente do Escritório Nacional Antidrogas da Venezuela, e com a presença do comandante da Defesa Integral e do prefeito de Cojedes, informou que a aeronave foi detectada ainda por volta de 19h45 de sábado (23) pelos radares, na região de Puerto Ayacucho, no Sul da Venezuela e próximo ao Amazonas.

A FANB solicitou a identificação e pouso do avião pilotado pelos amazonenses, sem resposta. De acordo com Irwin, o avião Embraer conseguiu despistar os dois caças que o seguiam, auxiliados pelo mau tempo meteorológico que se formou acima da cidade de Elorza, e fez menção de pousar, sumindo dos radares. Só quase 3 horas depois é que os caças avistaram a aeronave brasileira novamente, abatendo-a por volta de 0h40 de domingo.

No local da queda dos destroços, visitado por Irwin na segunda-feira (25), os corpos já estavam parcialmente carbonizados, mas documentos, como Carteira Nacional de Habilitação (CNH) e passaportes dos dois amazonenses, foram encontrados, assim como US$ 500, 1,7 mil pesos colombianos e algumas moedas de real.

Ao todo, 616 tabletes de cocaína (comprovado por laudos forenses apresentados pelas autoridades venezuelanas) também estavam no avião. O local onde a droga estava armazenada e o motivo de estare intacta, apesar do avião estar irreconhecível, não foram esclarecidos. Também foi comprovado que a aeronave tinha um prefixo venezuelano falso “colado” em cima da identificação real.

Procurado pela reportagem no início da tarde desta quarta-feira (27), o Aeroclube afirmou que só se pronunciará por meio de seus diretores, que estão no local apenas pela parte da manhã. Uma atendente, que não quis se identificar e nem pode responder oficialmente pela empresa, afirmou que funcionários ficaram sabendo do incidente por meio da imprensa.

A reportagem também entrou em contato com a Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB), que ficou sabendo do incidente nesta quarta-feira (27) e já deu início às investigações sobre o incidente. Mais informações serão repassadas ainda nesta quinta. Já a assessoria de comunicação da Polícia Federal no Amazonas informou que ainda não teve pedido para investigar o caso.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Maio 28, 2015, 11:55:29 am
São sempre os F-16, os SU-30 nunca aparecem  :conf:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 28, 2015, 12:05:52 pm
China recurre a la guerra electrónica para combatir a los drones espías de Estados Unidos


Drone Northrop-Grumman RQ-4 "Global Hawk"

China ha respondido al envío por parte de Estados Unidos de drones espías al Mar del Sur de China -donde Pekín ha decidido construir islas artificiales- tratando de interferir electronicamente las comunicaciones de estos aparatos.

 El portal conservador Washington Free Beacon ha publicado que al menos un drone de largo alcance "Global Hawk" fue objeto de un intento de bloqueo electrónico por parte de China (http://http) en las cercanías de las islas Spratly, donde los militares chinos están construyendo unas instalaciones sobre la isla Fiery Cross.

Además un avión de vigilancia P-8 de la Marina de Estados Unidos fue conminado hasta en ocho ocasiones por fuerzas militares chinas para que abandonase esa misma área.

Avión de vigilancia marítima Boeing P-8 "Poseidon"

Se trata de las primeras operaciones que la Marina da a conocer de su nuevo avión de vigilancia "P-8", armado con torpedos, que se ha desarrollado sobre la plataforma del "Boeing 737" comercial.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Maio 28, 2015, 02:20:55 pm
Embraer hace entrega del primer A-4 (AF-1) modernizado, el modelo pasa a ser llamado AF-1B (recordad, les han puesto una "suite" muy parecida a la de los F-5EM con el radar Grifo y posibilidad de emplear los R-Darter... ... rasil.aspx (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 28, 2015, 02:44:30 pm
Citação de: "Alvalade"
São sempre os F-16, os SU-30 nunca aparecem  :roll:) ...  :twisted:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Bravo Two Zero em Maio 28, 2015, 10:44:38 pm
Citação de: "mafets"
Citação de: "Alvalade"
São sempre os F-16, os SU-30 nunca aparecem  :roll:) ...  :twisted:


E os F-16 venezuelanos devem estar "pelos arames" devido ao embargo na cadeia de sobressalentes imposto pelo Congresso americano.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 29, 2015, 09:28:50 am
Um dos mais emblemáticos programas de desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do Brasil, a construção do VLS-1 (Veículo Lançador de Satélite), deve ser abandonado. Segundo o vice-diretor do DCTA (Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Aeronáutica), Wander Golfetto, o programa pode não ser concluído por falta de verba, recursos humanos qualificados e dificuldades tecnológicas.

Em audiência pública na terça-feira (26) na Câmara dos Deputados, Golfetto afirmou que há descontinuidade de recursos para o VLS, previstos no Programa Nacional de Atividades Espaciais.

No total, o programa deveria receber cerca de R$ 155 milhões. Segundo ele, até o momento, foram executados R$ 108 milhões.

Segundo Golfetto, o Brasil já teria decidido tirar o pé mais uma vez do VLS. Em vez de mirar no mercado de lançadores de grandes satélites, a ordem agora seria focar no mercado de microssatélites.

“Chegamos à conclusão de que não vale a pena desenvolvermos no país um veículo para satélites geoestacionários. Existem vários concorrentes no mercado e o Brasil não lançará muitos equipamentos deste porte. Nosso foco está mais voltado para o VLM (Veículo Lançador de Microssatélites). É um foguete mais simples, para transportar satélites menores. Acreditamos que ele entra em um nicho de mercado onde não existem lançadores naquela categoria”, disse Golfetto.

O lançamento do VLS-1 passa por diversos percalços desde o acidente na base de Alcântara, no Maranhão, em 2003. A explosão matou 21 importantes técnicos, destruiu instalações e interrompeu o projeto do VLS. Na tentativa de recuperação da base e com o objetivo de explorar o mercado de lançadores de satélites, o Brasil optou por focar na construção de outro foguete, numa fracassada parceria com a Ucrânia, que custou 12 anos e R$ 1 bilhão (dividido entre os dois países). O chamado Cyclone 4 seria maior que o VLS, capaz de lançar cargas mais pesadas como de satélites de telecomunicações (de até 800 kg e numa órbita geoestacionária, a 36 mil quilômetros de distância).

O VLS foi mantido, mas deixado de lado. Estava previsto para 2013, depois 2014, 2015 e agora 2016. Mesmo assim, o teste será em apenas partes do foguete: ele não deve ficar totalmente pronto, segundo estimativas do DCTA.

“Temos o veículo todo reprojetado. Estamos trabalhando em um lançamento de um voo tecnológico, que visa testar a parte baixa do VLS, onde tivemos algumas dificuldades no acendimento do segundo estágio e na separação dos estágios. A análise servirá também para avaliar o sistema de navegação inercial que foi desenvolvido dentro do DCTA. Ele é baseado em fibra óptica. Já foi testado em aviões, no solo, agora precisamos fazer um voo espacial para certificar este veículo”, explicou Golfetto.

O passo seguinte, que serviria para fazer com que o VLS colocasse um satélite em órbita, está impossibilitado. Além da falta de recursos, existem dificuldades técnicas no desenvolvimento de componentes para completar o foguete. Há também, segundo ele, a falta de mão de obra especializada.

“Se não houver reposição do quadro, em 2020, o DCTA terá uma redução de 44% da sua equipe em relação a 2011, em virtude do processo de aposentadoria. Há pouco tempo, foi autorizado concurso e pudemos contratar mais de 200 profissionais. No entanto, isto está aquém do necessário”, alertou o vice-diretor.

Novo foco

O Brasil nunca construiu um foguete capaz de decolar para além das zonas suborbitais. O país tem mesmo mais capacidade de reinar no mercado de lançamento de microssatélites, inclusive diversos foguetes seus são utilizados na Europa para lançar cargas carregando experimentos científicos e tecnológicos.

Há êxitos com os lançadores da família Sonda e dos veículos de sondagem VSB-30, VS-30 e VS-40. O VSB-30, por exemplo, abastece o programa europeu de microgravidade.

O processo de construção do VLM se dá em cooperação com o Centro Aeroespacial Alemão (DLR). Porém novamente a descontinuidade de recursos pode atrapalhar este projeto, que tinha previsão inicial de conclusão para este ano e foi reprogramado para 2017. Estimado em R$ 126,9 milhões, até o momento o programa recebeu R$ 10 milhões, segundo ele.

O setor no Brasil

Em termos de percentual relativo do PIB, o Programa Espacial Brasileiro destina dez vezes menos recursos que a Índia e 30 vezes menos que os Estados Unidos. Os norte-americanos detêm 41% do mercado global de satélites, enquanto a participação brasileira é de 1,9%, segundo um estudo feito pela Câmara dos Deputados.

No Brasil, os investimentos governamentais a partir do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial priorizaram setores de infraestrutura e indústria pesada e de bens de produção como mineração e petróleo. Nos últimos dez anos houve um aumento do interesse político no setor espacial, porém há diversas críticas em relação às constantes mudanças políticas, acidentes, atrasos e gasto maior que o planejado.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 29, 2015, 10:16:35 am
O problema deste projecto é mesmo "falta de verba", porque foguetões já se constroem desde 1940.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 29, 2015, 11:31:52 am
Gastou-se muito dinheiro neste projecto, mas faltou no passado um projecto devidamente estruturado, como os próprios Brasileiros dizem, faltou "foco".

Hoje em dia, é mesmo problema de falta de recursos, já que é algo que afecta todos os projectos governamentais.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Maio 29, 2015, 12:33:04 pm
Embraer presentará el KC-390 al concurso FWSAR canadiense: ... 90-412840/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 29, 2015, 03:34:50 pm
O problema deste projecto é mesmo "falta de verba", porque foguetões já se constroem desde 1940.

Gastou-se muito dinheiro neste projecto, mas faltou no passado um projecto devidamente estruturado, como os próprios Brasileiros dizem, faltou "foco".

Hoje em dia, é mesmo problema de falta de recursos, já que é algo que afecta todos os projectos governamentais.

Faltou o governo apostar mais no projeto, realmente faltou foco e diretrizes bem definidas. O acidente de 2003 matou grande parte dos quadros especialistas especiais brasileiros. O melhores cérebros do Brasil morreram no fatídico e muito suspeito acidente.

É uma pena, mas pelo menos o Brasil tem a expertise e consegue render divisas com o lançamento de micro satélites.

No mais, creio que os satélites brasileiros vão continuar sendo lançados ao espaço por foguetes chineses ou russos, apesar de que Alcântara é a melhor base de lançamento do mundo no que diz respeito a localização, muito próxima a linha do Equador, o que interfere consideravelmente na economia dos combustíveis dos foguetes.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 03, 2015, 09:43:36 am
A Força Aérea Colombiana (FAC) mobilizou três de seus grandes comandos – Grupo Aéreo del Amazonas (GAAMA), Comando Aéreo de Combate nº 2 (de Apiay, Meta) e Comando Aéreo de Combate nº 3 (Malambo) – para, na fronteira com o Brasil, exercitar suas tripulações juntamente com um Boeing E-3 americano, de alarme aéreo antecipado.

A convocação dessas organizações militares visa atualizar os colombianos nos procedimentos, no ar e em terra, do “Programa de Negação do Espaço Aéreo”, acordo operacional que os sul-americanos mantém com a Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos (USAF), visando combater os chamados “voos ilícitos” – de tráfico de drogas – nos céus colombianos.

O comando da FAC deslocou para a base aérea de Letícia, defronte à cidade amazonense de Tabatinga – a 1.108 km (em linha reta) de Manaus –, aeronaves de patrulha e ataque A-29 Super Tucano, jatos de detecção eletrônica SR-560 Citation e um monomotor de transporte Caravan C-208. Nos exercícios aéreos, este último modelo fará o papel de figurativo inimigo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 03, 2015, 02:57:36 pm
US approves E-2D sale to Japan

Key Points
-The state department has approved sale to Japan of four E-2D Advanced Hawkeye AEW&C aircraft
-The E-2D would enter service by 2019, augmenting Japan's 13-aircraft E-2C fleet

The US Department of State has approved sale to Japan of four Northrop Grumman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, the Pentagon announced on 1 June.

The deal, worth approximately USD1.7 billion, includes the aircraft, 10 engines (eight installed and two spares) and four APY-9 radars, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a notification to Congress. Tokyo would use the E-2D to provide AEW&C situational awareness of air and naval activity in the Pacific region and to augment its existing 13-aircraft E-2C Hawkeye AEW&C fleet, according to the announcement. The E-2D would enter service by 2019, eventually replacing the E-2C.

"Japan is one of the major political and economic powers in East Asia and the Western Pacific and a key partner of the United States in ensuring peace and stability in that region," the DSCA said in the notice to lawmakers. The sale "will not alter the basic military balance in the region", it added.

4 E-767 + 13 E-2C + 4 E-2D, sem dúvida uma frota AEW interessante.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 06, 2015, 09:56:15 am
Na quarta-feira, 3 de junho, a empresa sueca de defesa e segurança Saab informou a assinatura de um contrato com a empresa aeronáutica suíça Pilatus Aircraft, no valor de cerca de 100 milhões de coroas suecas (aproximadamente 12 milhões de dólares ou 37,6 milhões de reais). O contrato visa o fornecimento pela Saab de computador de missão e de gráficos, com função de mapa digital, para os aviões turboélice de treinamento PC-21, fabricados pela Pilatus.

Segundo a Saab, o contrato envolve o desenvolvimento, adaptação e entrega do computador de missão de arquitetura aberta, além da função de software (programa) de mapa digital. A entrega de exemplares de série deverá começar em 2016 e prosseguir ao longo da vida do programa PC-21, e o contrato inclui opções para encomendas adicionais, podendo incluir outras funções e sistemas da cabine.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 10, 2015, 11:20:50 am
O Poder Aéreo apurou que representantes do governo Masum já haviam conversado sobre o assunto, rapidamente, com o ministro Jaques Wagner, durante a LAAD 2015, na segunda semana de abril – ocasião em que ficou acertada a viagem do ministro Al-Jaafari viria ao Brasil.

Em Brasília, os dois trocaram declarações protocolares.

Al-Jaafari: “A guerra contra o terrorismo não é uma guerra convencional. Buscamos os países amigos e democráticos para defender aqueles que estão sofrendo com esse fenômeno”, disse o chanceler iraquiano.

Jaques Wagner retrucou: “o Brasil tem tradição, de longa data, de paz e solidariedade. Expressamos nossa total solidariedade ao Iraque em face das atrocidades que estão sendo perpetradas no país”.

Tudo aparentemente muito claro e inequívoco, mas também descompromissado… O mais provável é que a diplomacia brasileira só autorize as vendas dos armamentos brasileiros na metade final de 2016 – se, até lá, os iraquianos mantiverem seu interesse nesses produtos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 10, 2015, 09:05:35 pm
Governo mantém recursos para o KC-390 e o Gripen NG tendo já garantido R$ 771 milhões


Os programas de desenvolvimento do jato de transporte militar brasileiro KC-390 e dos aviões de combate supersônico Gripen NG não foram afetados pelo contingenciamento de verbas do governo para este ano. Segundo o presidente da Copac (Comissão Coordenadora do Programa Aeronave de Combate), brigadeiro do ar Paulo Roberto de Barros Chã, estão garantidos R$ 771 milhões para o KC-390 e R$ 1 bilhão para o programa dos caças F-X2 em 2015.

“O desenvolvimento do KC-390 é prioridade total. Não haverá atrasos, porque isso compromete as vendas no mercado internacional”, afirmou o brigadeiro. As restrições orçamentárias, porém, segundo ele, poderão atrasar o processo de aquisição das 28 aeronaves KC-390 encomendas pela FAB. “A Lei Orçamentária prevê R$ 400 milhões para a produção do KC-390 este ano, mas ainda não temos esses recursos confirmados”, disse.

O contrato de produção de 28 KC-390 para a FAB, avaliado em R$ 7,2 bilhões, foi assinado em maio do ano passado. A fase de desenvolvimento do avião tem custo estimado em cerca de R$ 5 bilhões e o contrato se estende até 2017. As atividades de produção seriada foram iniciadas em 2014. A FAB destinou R$ 20 milhões para o início desses trabalhos no ano passado.


O presidente da Copac informou ainda que a FAB regularizou todos os pagamentos relacionados ao desenvolvimento do KC-390 este ano. O primeiro protótipo do cargueiro realizou seu voo em fevereiro. O segundo voo, de acordo com o brigadeiro, deve acontecer entre julho e agosto.

A entrega do primeiro avião para a FAB está prevista para o fim de 2016. A Embraer prevê criar 1,1 mil empregos diretos e 5,5 mil indiretos com a produção em série do KC-390. O programa de desenvolvimento adicionou 1,5 mil postos de trabalho diretos na empresa e outros 7,5 mil indiretos. Além da encomenda da FAB, o KC-390 conta com 32 cartas de intenção de compra da Argentina, Portugal, República Tcheca e Colômbia. Os três países se tornaram parceiros industriais do projeto, por meio de suas empresas.

Segundo a Embraer Defesa e Segurança, a aeronave irá disputar um mercado de 728 unidades para 77 países, nos próximos 20 anos. O Valor apurou que a Força Aérea do Canadá solicitou à Embraer um pedido recente de proposta de venda do KC-390. O programa F-X2, por sua vez, inicia suas atividades este ano com a mobilização de 357 engenheiros e técnicos da indústria aeronáutica e de defesa brasileira para trabalhar no desenvolvimento dos caças Gripen NG na fábrica da Saab, na Suécia.


A maior parte deles, 240 profissionais, será enviada pela Embraer, empresa que coordenará as atividades de desenvolvimento, produção e montagem do avião no Brasil. O programa de desenvolvimento dos caças, segundo a Copac, vai receber este ano R$ 1 bilhão.

O presidente da Copac disse que, além da Embraer, mais cinco empresas brasileiras irão participar do desenvolvimento conjunto dos caças na Suécia: Inbra (43 profissionais), AEL Sistemas (8), Akaer (7), Atech (26) e Mectron (12). O Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA) também vai enviar 21 especialistas para a Suécia.

“Pelo acordo feito com o governo brasileiro, oito aeronaves serão produzidas na Suécia e 15 no Brasil. O aprendizado virá da participação direta dos nossos engenheiros no desenvolvimento de 13 aviões”, explicou. O contrato prevê a aquisição de 36 aviões avaliados em US$ 5,4 bilhões.

O acordo de financiamento da compra dos aviões, porém, ainda está sendo avaliado pelo Ministério da Fazenda, que enviará para aprovação no Senado. A expectativa da FAB é de que o acordo seja aprovado ainda neste semestre.

A parceria da Saab com a Embraer também contempla a exploração conjunta das oportunidades de vendas globais do Gripen NG, que irá disputar um mercado potencial de três mil caças nos próximos 20 anos.


Fonte: ... 4.facebook (

OBS.: Até que enfim uma boa notícia. As Forças Armadas Brasileiras agradecem.

 :G-beer2:  :G-beer2:  :G-beer2:  :o

Mafets... Não foi desta vez! :twisted:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 10, 2015, 09:40:46 pm
Citação de: "Vitor Santos"

Mafets... Não foi desta vez! :wink:
mok-up do gripen ng
Primeiro gripen ng para a Suécia: 2019
Primeiro esquadrão para o brasil:2019/2020
estado do primeiro protótipo do gripen ng em março de 2015
Contrato dá fab com os suecos para manutenção a partir de 2021:
primeiro e único voo do único protótipo do kc390
Atrasos nó pagamento à Embraer do mdb:
Realidade dá fab hoje:


P.s. quando o gripen ng e o kc390 estiverem em serviço na fab cá estarei para o analisar. Percebo que os "últimos acontecimentos" tenham levantado a moral do vitor santos, que apesar dos "mimos" dos seus conterrâneos, fartou-se de lhes distribuir agradecimentos (algo que sempre fez, inclusive quando insultavam e insultam os portugueses sem uma unica palavra de condenação dá sua parte. Muitas vezes até ajudava à festa :wink:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 10, 2015, 09:58:45 pm
Convenhamos que não deixam de ser boas notícias para a FAB. Pena que a MB — que está num estado bem pior que a FAB — nao tenha o mesmo tratamento  :(
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 10, 2015, 10:31:11 pm
Citação de: "NVF"
Convenhamos que não deixam de ser boas notícias para a FAB. Pena que a MB — que está num estado bem pior que a FAB — nao tenha o mesmo tratamento  :(

Concordo plenamente!

Nos Brasileiros só há uma coisa que me agrada, é o facto de eles já terem o futuro mais ou menos definido, quanto a caças e a transporte!

Ao contrário nós temos C130 nas últimas, AL3 a voar por pontas e Alpha jets na mesma e sucessores nem vê-los.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 10, 2015, 10:48:17 pm
Citação de: "nelson38899"
Citação de: "NVF"
Convenhamos que não deixam de ser boas notícias para a FAB. Pena que a MB — que está num estado bem pior que a FAB — nao tenha o mesmo tratamento  :roll: Quanto aos C130 e al3 já voei neles e o pessoal dá manutenção assegura que estão em condições, o que para mim basta. Aliás, o que o Brasil tem claramente definido é a frota de helis, pois já voa e é uma certeza, sejam os adquiridos ou fabricados nacionalmente, sendo que aí sim, está claramente num patamar superior a Portugal.  :G-beer2:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 11, 2015, 09:37:28 am
O Ministro da Defesa, Jaques Wagner, abriu na manhã desta quarta-feira (10/06), na Esplanada dos Ministérios, a exposição de uma maquete em tamanho real do Gripen NG, o futuro caça da Força Aérea Brasileira. Segundo ele, a aquisição das 36 aeronaves é garantida pela presidência da república e não deve ser afetada pelo ajuste fiscal. “Esses projetos não podem ser descontinuados”, afirmou.

Jaques Wagner ressaltou que, em agosto, 250 engenheiros brasileiros irão para a Suécia para participar do desenvolvimento e da fabricação das aeronaves, a serem entregues a partir de 2019. “O Brasil não quer ser só um mero comprador de armamento. O Brasil quer ser um produtor, um desenvolvedor de tecnologia”, disse, ressaltando que o projeto irá trazer benefícios para outros setores da economia.

A abertura da exposição contou ainda com a participação do Comandante da Aeronáutica, Tenente-Brigadeiro do Ar Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, e de militares da Marinha, do Exército e da Força Aérea. O caça, que está no gramado da Esplanada dos Ministérios, ficará no local até o próximo domingo (14/06), e poderá ser visto das 8h às 18 horas. A exposição é gratuita e aberta ao público.
Garante como já tinha garantido à 6, 3 e no ultimo mês, quer sobre o Gripen, mas também sobre o KC390. Estando tudo igual ao que estava à meses atrás, mesmo assim o ministro refere que a aquisição das aeronaves "não deve ser afectado pelo ajuste fiscal" o que é diferente de afirmar categoricamente com toda a certeza que o mesmo não será afectado. Falta dizer se o cronograma de intregas se mantém igual, sendo que na Suécia  o primeiro caça está previsto para 2019, estando o protótipo monolugar a ser montado.
Falta confirmar se os Gripen C/D sempre virão e quando (estava previsto para 2016). A estimativa estava para 2018 mas com o atraso na Suécia já foi atrasada para 2019. A primeira esquadrilha FAB deveria estar operacional em 2019/2021, mas o ultimo contrato assinado (de manutenção) vigora a partir de 2021. Agora é formar os 250 engenheiros brasileiros e fazer as mudanças de fábrica necessárias ao Fabrico do Gripen NG, parte montada na Suécia, a outra no Brasil.  :wink:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 11, 2015, 12:23:35 pm
P.s. quando o gripen ng e o kc390 estiverem em serviço na fab cá estarei para o analisar. Percebo que os "últimos acontecimentos" tenham levantado a moral do vitor santos, que apesar dos "mimos" dos seus conterrâneos, fartou-se de lhes distribuir agradecimentos (algo que sempre fez, inclusive quando insultavam e insultam os portugueses sem uma unica palavra de condenação dá sua parte. Muitas vezes até ajudava à festa :roll: ), mas lamento não gosto de "novelas" e as insenações teatrais não me comovem. Aliás, v.exma continua a ser o que já afirmei vários post atrás. Ah, e o que postou deixa tudo exactamente igual ao que estava. Não gosta dá realidade e vive 5 anos à frente, temos pena. Também não gosto de ficção e tenho de gramar a sua e de mais dois que por aí andam

Pelo menos nunca fiz algazarra e muito menos utilizei de palavras de baixo calão neste fórum. Por falar nisto, os bagunceiros já sumiram daqui, portanto nãoi vejo necessidade mais de deixarem bloqueado os tópicos do Exército, FAB  e MB.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 12, 2015, 10:08:28 am
Citação de: "Vitor Santos"
P.s. quando o gripen ng e o kc390 estiverem em serviço na fab cá estarei para o analisar. Percebo que os "últimos acontecimentos" tenham levantado a moral do vitor santos, que apesar dos "mimos" dos seus conterrâneos, fartou-se de lhes distribuir agradecimentos (algo que sempre fez, inclusive quando insultavam e insultam os portugueses sem uma unica palavra de condenação dá sua parte. Muitas vezes até ajudava à festa :mrgreen:  :wink:
Mensagempor Vitor Santos » segunda 13 abr, 2015 9:17

Podem espernear que vão ter o Gripen NG, talvez sim, talvez não, o futuro o dirá mas nada ainda é certo.[/i]

Ou vocês têm sérios problemas cerebrais ou sei lá, os brasileiros por aqui andam escrevendo em tupi-guarani. Está mais do que esclarecido que o Saab Gripen NG será da FAB e ponto final.

No dia em que a Força Aérea Brasileira tenha em sua posse legitima de um caça superior ao F-16 venham cá dar-me o troco.

Será em 2019 e pode anotar aí que serei o primeiro a vir aqui desaforar os infernos! Mantenha-se vivo até lá, beba uma taça de vinho antes do almoço e aproveite bem o azeite de oliva (seus produtos tipo exportação) para que você veja o grifo nas cores da FAB. Anote isso aí!

Até o Chile e a Venezuela têm melhor aviões que o Brasil enfim, neste momento o Brasil é grande só de tamanho, porque de resto valha-me Deus.

O Chile e Venezuela podem ter melhores aviões, mas e daí? Eles vão nos atacar? A Venezuela que não consegue abastecer nem de papel higiênico sua população e agora vai empreender um ataque contra o Brasil? Acho que não, né? E o Chile, do outro lado das Cordilheiras dos Andes vão invadir o Brasil a qualquer momento, não é? Francamente, vocês são hilários!

Quer dizer então que o Brasil é só tamanho? Tem certeza disso?

De tamanho vocês aí entendem, só que ao contrário. Angela Merkel manda lembranças, quer dizer, cobranças  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :G-beer2:
Mensagem por Vitor Santos » segunda 13 abr, 2015 2:57 am

"Resta saber se o Brasil o comprará:"

Não escreva besteira. Sua obsessão doentia beira o ridículo. Você quer burramente insistir numa tese de que o Gripen NG é apenas um projeto de papel. Sim, isso tecnicamente é quase um "fato". Mas o que você passa a entender, neste seu desespero infantil, é de que as indústrias aeronáutica sueca aliada à brasileira (lembre-se da EMBRAER, mesmo que a existência dela por ser BRASILEIRA corroa sua alma. Procure tratamento psiquiátrico, vai ajudá-lo a sanar esta sua amargura sufocante neste seu coração lusitano  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 12, 2015, 01:51:55 pm

Hungary suffers second Gripen crash in two months ... two-months (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 13, 2015, 11:15:39 am

Cumprimentos  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 14, 2015, 10:47:40 am
In Irkutsk continues test flights of Yak-130 Air Force Bangladesh. In January 2014 Bangladesh ordered 24 Yak-130. The aircraft will be bought with an extended loan from Russia.

The Yakovlev Yak-130 (NATO reporting name: Mitten) is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer/light attack aircraft or lead-in fighter trainer originally developed by Yakovlev and Aermacchi. Development of the plane began in 1991, and the maiden flight was conducted on 26 April 1996. In 2002, it won a Russian government tender for training aircraft, and in 2009 the aircraft entered service with the Russian Air Force.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 15, 2015, 09:54:41 am
O consórcio formado pelas empresas Chengdu Aerospace Corporation , chinesa, e Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), confirmou neste domingo (14.06) – a poucas horas da abertura, nesta segunda-feira, do 51º Salão de Aeronáutica e Espaço de Le Bourget – a primeira venda do caça-bombardeiro JF-17/FC-1 a uma força aérea estrangeira.

De acordo com o chefe de marketing do programa JF-17, Comodoro do Ar Khalid Mahmood, da aviação militar paquistanesa, foi um país asiático que adquiriu a aeronave, mas esse comprador prefere não ter sua identidade revelada de imediato, por motivos políticos.

As entregas da aeronave devem começar no segundo semestre de 2017.

A novidade foi publicada pelo articulista Greg Waldron, do site Flight Global.

Durante os últimos meses, analistas orientais vinham mencionando o forte interesse dos governos de Bangladesh e do Sri Lanka no caça sino-paquistanês.

Chengdu e PAC levaram três exemplares do JF-17 para o Paris Air Show. Um aparelho biposto ficará em exposição estática. Um monoposto fará demonstrações aéreas. E um terceiro jato desse modelo será mantido na reserva.

Block III – O Paquistão produz 58% do JF-17, e a China, 42%. A aeronave é impulsionada por um motor russo Klimov RD-93.

De acordo com Mahmood, 54 unidades do JF-17 já foram entregues à Força Aérea Paquistanesa, 50 delas na versão Block I. Mas esses caças estão sendo upgradeados para a versão Block II, que prevê aviônica aperfeiçoada, softwares mais modernos e a instalação de uma lança no nariz do aparelho, para que ele possa receber combustível em voo.

Os paquistaneses já compraram mais 46 JF-17 Block II, e estão propensos a firmar um terceiro contrato para a incorporação de outras 50 aeronaves, na versão Block III, o que totalizaria 150 aviões desse tipo em seu inventário.

Todos devem estar entregues até dezembro de 2018.

O modelo Block III incluirá radar AESA (active electronically scanned array) ou PESA (passive electronically scanned array), um sensor infravermelho de busca e traqueamento do alvo, mais pontos duros ao longo da fuselagem para pods e maior capacidade de transporte de armas de precisão.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 16, 2015, 10:53:36 am
Saab sees continued global sales opportunities for its Gripen C/D combat aircraft even though it is now actively marketing the more advanced E/F models, according to a senior company representative.

Speaking to reporters ahead of the Paris Air Show, the head of the Aeronautics division, Ulf Nilsson, said that Saab will carry on campaigning for the C/D aircraft, for which there will be a continuous upgrade programme to keep it at the forefront of military capabilities through to at least 2035.

"We won't stop promoting the C/D. It is still, and will continue to be, a very capable aircraft which will be in continuous development. It really doesn't matter if you join [the Gripen programme] with the C/D or with the E/F, there will always be a way for us to grow your capability through incremental upgrades," he said.

To date, Saab has sold 75 Gripen C and 25 Gripen D aircraft to Sweden (many of which were remanufactured from the 105 Gripen A and 13 Gripen B aircraft already in service), 17 C and 9 D aircraft to South Africa, 8 C and 4 D to Thailand; and has leased 12 C and 2 D to Hungary, 12 C and 2 D to the Czech Republic, and 1 D to the UK Empire Test Pilots School. As well, Slovakia recently selected the Gripen C/D for its new fighter aircraft.

With a contract now signed for 60 Gripen E fighters for Sweden (with a requirement for up to 80), as well as 28 E and 8 F platforms for Brazil, Saab told reporters that the company was keen to get across the message that it is not about to abandon the C/D to a gradual obsolescence.

Even though there are now no more C/D aircraft to deliver (the last one was handed over to the Swedish Air Force [SwAF] earlier in 2015), and the Linkoping production line has now begun work on the first E prototype (39-08), Nilsson said that there were options for potential new C/D customers.

"There are plenty of A/B airframes in storage that can be converted to C/D. I can't say precisely how many, as they belong to the SwAF and it's not my place to talk about its assets, but there is a significant number if required," he said.

According to Nilsson, there is very little price difference between a refurbished A/B to C/D or a new-build C/D aircraft, and that the airframe lives of the refurbished aircraft are very low. However, if a customer does not want refurbished A/B platforms then Saab could restart the C/D line, he said.

While the C/D will be cheaper to procure than the E/F, Nilsson said that the decision on which variant to pitch to which customer was being driven as much by timelines as it is by capabilities or costs.

"The first opportunity to accommodate orders on the E line beyond Sweden and Brazil will be in 2022. There are many near-term fighter requirements that won't wait until then, and so the C/D is a very viable proposal for those nations. Of course, just because they go for C/D now, does not mean they have to stay with it in the future - they can always go onto the E/F if they want to."

In terms of global opportunities, Nilsson said the company hoped to sell between 300 and 450 Gripen C/D/E/F platforms in the next 20 years (10 to 15% of the accessible market). Specifically, Saab sees potential in Austria (C/D or E/F as a Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 1 replacement); Belgium, (E/F most likely); Botswana (C/D); Bulgaria (C/D); Colombia (C/D or E/F); the Czech Republic (additional C/Ds); Ecuador (C/D or E/F); Finland (most likely for the E/F, depending on programme timelines); Hungary (additional C/Ds); India (E/F); Indonesia (C/D); Kenya (C/D); Malaysia (C/D); Mexico (C/D or E/F); Namibia (C/D); Peru (C/D or E/F); Philippines (C/D); Portugal (C/D); Slovakia (has selected the C/D, with a contract expected later this year); and Uruguay (C/D or E/F).

While Argentina has been touted in the media as a possible customer, Saab officials discounted any near-term deal chiefly on account of the current poor relations between that country and the UK, which manufactures many of the aircraft's key components and systems.
Para bom entendedor meia palavra basta. Tudo dito (mais uma vez) :wink:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 16, 2015, 01:11:46 pm
há aqui uma dúvida, porque razão Portugal leva com a versão C/D e outros países similares a nós levam com a E/F.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 16, 2015, 01:58:55 pm

Two PLAAF Xian H-6K strategic bombers flew over the Miyako Strait on 21 May. Source: Japan Air Self-Defense Force. (

China practises Taiwan invasion with civilian ferries, bomber flights in Bashi Channel

A series of Chinese military exercises between late May and early June showcases the ability of People's Liberation Army to project land, air and naval power into the area around Taiwan. (...)

 Perhaps the most interesting was the PLA's Daily's 10 June review of a mobility exercise from late May in which a 20,000-ton civilian roll-on roll-off (ro-ro) ferry was assigned to the Transportation Department of the People's Liberation Army Air Force  (PLAAF). It transported personnel and trucks from Bohai Sea to the South China Sea.

To compensate for the relatively small size of its formal naval amphibious transport fleet,  the PLA has co-funded construction of a large number of ferries used by civilian companies. They will be made available to the PLA during emergencies and are a frequent element in civil- military transport exercises. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 17, 2015, 09:38:24 am
De acordo com o órgão, a aeronave apresentou problemas técnicos durante o voo. Oito militares estavam a bordo e ninguém ficou ferido

Uma aeronave da Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) fez um pouso forçado na manhã desta segunda (15), no Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília, após apresentar problemas técnicos durante o voo. Segundo a FAB, o avião modelo Learjet (FAB 2716) estava com oito militares a bordo. Ninguém ficou ferido.

O pouso ocorreu às 11h50 e caminhões do Corpo de Bombeiros já aguardavam a aeronave no pátio do Aeroporto Juscelino Kubitschek. O avião estava em missão operacional e saiu de Recife (PE) com destino a Anápolis (GO). A FAB informou que vai investigar os fatores que contribuíram para a ocorrência. O avião já está no pátio da Base Aérea de Brasília.
Já é azar...  :roll:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 17, 2015, 03:55:37 pm

O Antonov 178 no Paris Air Show.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 18, 2015, 05:13:01 pm
Paris Air Show 2015: Indonesia buys two AS365s for SAR missions

State-owned Indonesian aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has ordered two AS365 N3+ Dauphin helicopters and will customise the platforms for search-and-rescue (SAR) missions.

IHS Jane's understands that the airframes are destined for the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency, BASARNAS.

"Airbus Helicopters will deliver these twin-engine rotorcraft to PTDI within one year," the company said on 15 June. "These helicopters will be reassembled, tested, qualified, completed, and customised by PTDI with mission equipment including hoists, flotation systems, direction finder, an electronic optical system, and casualty evacuation devices."

IHS Jane's reported in February 2014 that PTDI and Airbus Helicopters have expanded their existing collaboration to include the maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of Airbus Helicopters platforms operated within Indonesia including the AS365 Dauphin, EC725 Cougar, and AS350/AS555 Fennec.

"We are very familiar with the Dauphin platform and are confident that with the installation of dedicated SAR equipment, we will offer the right solution to the Indonesian government for its SAR demands," said PTDI president director Budi Santoso during a signing ceremony for the two helicopters at the Paris Air Show 2015.

The Indonesian government currently operates five Dauphin helicopters, two of which are in service with BASARNAS. The rest of the airframes are in service with the Indonesian police.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 18, 2015, 05:18:43 pm
Paris Air Show 2015: China close to first FTC-2000 supersonic trainer sale in Africa

China has signed a preliminary contract with an African country for the first sale of its low-cost Chengdu/Guizhou FTC-2000 supersonic trainer.

First revealed as a private initiative by Guizhou Aircraft Industries Corporation at the 2001 Zhuhai Airshow, the FTC-2000 combines the engine, empennage, and mechanical controls of the twin-seat Guizhou JJ-7/FT-7, with a new wing and forward fuselage with side air intakes and a modern 'glass' cockpit. This enables fourth-generation levels of supersonic training at reduced expense, company officials claim.

The JJ-7/FT-7 is the training version of the Chengdu J-7, itself a development of the MiG-21. China obtained partial engineering documentation for the MiG-21 just before the Sino-Soviet split in 1960 and went on to develop numerous versions, many of which remain in service with the China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

In additional developments, an official noted to IHS Jane's that a 2014 contract with Zambia for the sale of the Hongdu Aircraft Corporation's twin-turbofan L-15 trainer was being fulfilled. Discussions also continue with Venezuela regarding the sale of the L-15.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 20, 2015, 09:40:37 am
Airbus Defence and Space has delivered the sixth and final A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) to Saudi Arabia, IHS Jane's was told by a company official at the Paris Air Show on 18 June.

This is the third aircraft in a second batch of three MRTTs ordered by the kingdom in 2009. The previous two aircraft in the batch were delivered from 2014. The first three MRTTs ordered under a 2008 contract were delivered between 2011 and 2013.

The Airbus official also provided details of the new version of the MRTT, six of which will be delivered to Singapore as the launch customer. The changes relate to the fact that the baseline commercial airliner airframe from which the MRTT will be converted is a new model of the A330, the main difference being upgrades to the aircraft's flight computer.

As well as Saudi Arabia, the A330 MRTT is operated by the UK's Royal Air Force as the Voyager (11 of 14 aircraft delivered under a long-lease arrangement), United Arab Emirates (three aircraft), and Australia as the KC-30A (five aircraft). India has selected the platform for a six-aircraft tanker requirement, while 12 of the type are to be supplied to the French Air Force from 2018 in a configuration specific to that operator. Qatar announced an order for two aircraft at DIMDEX 2014.

The Netherlands, Poland, and Norway are negotiating with Airbus over the pooled acquisition of a common fleet of MRTTs under an initiative facilitated by the European Defence Agency. The MRTT is also a candidate for South Korea's requirement for four tankers and a selection of the winning bid is expected at the end of this month.

Airbus is also talking to existing MRTT customers about potential extra sales of one or two aircraft each. Australia publically expressed an interest in acquiring additional KC-30A tankers in August 2014.

With the order book swelling there is available capacity for additional MRTT conversions should there need to be a ramp-up in production, according to Airbus. Two buildings are dedicated to the conversion work at the company's Getafe facility in Spain, the process taking between 9 and 10 months to complete.

Spanish airline Iberia was sub-contracted for the conversion of two aircraft in the initial batch for Saudi Arabia at its facility at Barajas, and this capacity can be called upon again if necessary.
E ainda.  :wink:
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) of Saudi Arabia has purchased four Airbus Defence and Space C295W transport aircraft, the company announced during the Paris Air Show on 16 June.

The type was selected in an open competition because of its "excellent operational capabilities in hot and severe conditions, and its proven affordable maintenance and operational costs", Airbus said.

IHS Jane's understands these were four of eight previously undisclosed C295 orders, with the other four airframes due to be received in the near future by another unnamed customer outside the Middle East.

Photographs recently published on the internet by aviation enthusiasts show a C295W at Seville in the markings of the Uzbekistan Air Force, indicating this will be the recipient of the other four.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 21, 2015, 10:56:19 am
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) is a major step closer to operating a new world-class maritime helicopter fleet with the official acceptance of six CH-148 Cyclones on June 19, 2015.

Defence Minister Jason Kenney joined Public Works and Government Services Minister Diane Finley, as well as Regional Minister for Nova Scotia and Justice Minister Peter MacKay, at 12 Wing Shearwater, Nova Scotia, today to mark this important milestone. The six helicopters were accepted in accordance with the schedule set out in January 2014 and have the operational capability to allow the RCAF to begin retiring the Ch-124 Sea Kings.

“Today is an exciting day as we take another significant step forward in the Cyclone project,” said Defence Minister Kenney. “I am confident this modern aircraft will improve our aviators’ and sailors’ ability to work together in defence of Canada from current and future threats.”

The aircraft accepted today will be based at 12 Wing and are being used for training and testing with RCAF personnel. In its final configuration, the Cyclones will be capable of a full range of anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, search and rescue, and utility missions in various environments and will be one of the most capable maritime helicopters in the world.

After more than 50 years of distinguished service, the first two Sea Kings will be retired later this year. The Sea King fleet has served Canada proudly at home and abroad, including missions such as the first Gulf War in 1990-1991, and providing security support at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The Sea King fleet will continue operations until 2018 to allow for the transition to the Cyclone fleet.

“The Sea King has faithfully served Canada for more than 50 years and has proven to be incredibly effective in undertaking a high number of simultaneous operations at home and abroad,” said Brigadier-General Paul Ormsby, the director of the maritime helicopter project and a member of the RCAF. “I am honoured to be a part of this significant step toward providing Canada with the next generation of maritime helicopter capability, which will be one of the most capable maritime helicopters in the world.”

Sikorsky, the RCAF and the Royal Canadian Navy conducted sea trials with the CH-148 Cyclone on Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Halifax between December 2014 and May 2015. In support of the trials, the Cyclone conducted 67 sorties, including 322 landings and takeoffs from the frigate. The aircraft’s capabilities will continue to be enhanced through future deliveries, with the Cyclone maritime helicopter fleet fully taking over for the Sea King beginning in 2018.

With a maximum cruise speed of 250 kilometres per hour, CH-148 Cyclone helicopters will be approximately 10 per cent faster than the CH-124 Sea King. Further, the Cyclone has a 36 per cent larger usable cabin space, and it can exceed the range and endurance of a Sea King by 40 per cent at maximum weight and sensor performance.

In June 2014, the Government of Canada amended both the acquisition contract and in-service support to include an additional 10 years of support at rates based on those competed in 2004, thus generating significant value for taxpayers.

Título: Proposta de venda de caças F-16 ACE por Israel para a Croáci
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 22, 2015, 07:01:00 pm
Israel details F-16 ACE bid for Croatia
Israel is offering Croatia surplus Lockheed Martin F-16A/Bs upgraded to the ACE configuration, as replacements for its Mikoyan MiG-21 fighters.

The Israeli air force is phasing out its F-16A/B-model trainers, ahead of deliveries of the new-generation Lockheed F-35A, which are expected to begin in 2017.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Junho 22, 2015, 10:47:39 pm
Se ha hecho público, el resultado de la investigación del accidente del F-16D griego, en el TLP de Albacete que causó 11 muertos, ( 9 de ellos franceses),  y 20 heridos y no menos de 5 aviones destruidos.

Un objeto suelto en cabina, ( un mapa o una GO-PRO), se soltó en el despegue golpeando al trim del mando de vuelo desplazando el avión sin control hacia la plataforma. ... 43710.html (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 23, 2015, 08:23:49 pm
Canada gets six Cyclone helicopters

Key Points

    Sikorsky has delivered six CH-148 maritime helicopters to Canada
    A total of 28 Cyclones are expected to compose Ottawa's new maritime helicopter fleet by 2018

Sikorsky has delivered six CH-148 Cyclone maritime helicopters to Canada, the company announced on 19 June.

"I am confident this modern aircraft will improve our aviators' and sailors' ability to work together in defense of Canada from current and future threats," Jason Kenney, Canada's minister of national defence, said during a ceremony marking the event at the Canadian Forces' base in Shearwater.

The six helicopters were the first of 28 that Sikorsky is expected to deliver to the Canadian Armed Forces. The CH-148 was designed for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, search and rescue, and utility missions. Sikorsky plans to phase-in additional capabilities, while the Royal Canadian Air Force trains its pilots and maintenance personnel on the existing aircraft.

More than 40 military personnel have completed initial training, according to Sikorsky. "In parallel to the development effort, Sikorsky and our Canadian partners are committed to delivering world class, in-service support of the Cyclone to the men and women who fly and maintain the aircraft," said Bill Gostic, Sikorsky's vice president for the programme.

The Cyclone is replacing Canada's Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King fleet. Sea King divestment is expected to begin in 2018.

The last restructure of the programme occurred in early 2014, when Ottawa confirmed it had reached a principles of agreement with Sikorsky to begin deliveries of an interim CH-148 capability in 2015, with full operational capability by 2018. At that time the company agreed to pay damages in the amount of CAD88.6 million (USD72 million) to the Canadian government for the late delivery of the helicopters.

Royal Canadian Air Force 12 Wing commanding officer Colonel Peter Allan at the unveiling of the CH-148 Cyclone at 12 Wing Shearwater on 19 June. Source: RCAF
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 23, 2015, 08:27:46 pm
Australia requests HARM, AARGM for Growlers, Super Hornets

Australia has requested the sale of up to 14 AGM-88B high-speed anti-radiation missiles (HARM) and 16 AGM-88E advanced anti-radiation guided missiles (AARGM) together with associated equipment for an estimated cost of USD69 million.

The request, which was published in a US Defence Security Cooperation Agency notification on 19 June, includes four CATM-88B captive air training missiles, eight CATM-88E AARGM captive air training missiles, six AARGM guidance sections, five AARGM control sections, and two AARGM tactical telemetry missiles.

The proposed sale also involves containers, spares, technical publications, personnel training, and US government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services.

The principal contractor will be Orbital ATK Defence Electronic Services in Northridge, California.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 24, 2015, 03:21:12 am
Esta notícia deveria estar no tópico de indústrias de defesa ou no tópico de tecnologia militar, mas penso que aqui terá maior visibilidade. Talvez o melhor mesmo fosse ter criado um tópico dedicado ao Paris Air Show, mas parece ser demasiado tarde para isso.

Striking in Seconds!

Coupling RAFAEL’s latest reconnaissance and targeting pods with scene matching EO guided weapons enables air forces to tighten targeting cycles from days and hours to few seconds.

RAFAEL is unveiling the Litening 5 at the Paris Air Show; the fifth generation of the targeting pod that defined this product category two decades ago is now capable of targeting from long range, enabling strike aircraft to employ guided weapons from standoff range without relying on external support.

Litening 5 employs a new sensor pack, utilizing an optical assembly and larger aperture tailored specifically for the new sensors, enabling the increased identification and recognition distance. The pod uses two FLIRS – a Mid-Wave Infra-Red (IR) and Short Wave IR (SWIR). The later extends observation range using active laser illumination. Complementing the sensor pack is a color CCD HD-TV, improving target recognition and separation of man-made objects that are often harder to spot in the thermal, monochromatic image. Color improves the ability to share a common understanding with ground forces and recognize specific vehicles based on their color. Images can be fused or displayed separately, based on the level of avionics used in the aircraft.

Rafael’s ‘image based common targeting language’ also known as Matchguide is integrated in the new pod, enabling rapid target handoff between the targeting pod, or ground-based forward air controller and guided weapons carried on board. Matchguide is fully integrated in the Litening 5, enabling the pilot or ground controller to designate a target simply by touching its image on a display, to deliver three-dimensional guidance cues as scene and image-based targeting for EO-guided weapons (Spice, for example) or as coordinates,  to the attacking weapon – a method dramatically shortening the ‘sensor to shooter cycle’.

At the Paris Airshow RAFAEL is also introducing a new version of its tactical reconnaissance pod – RecceLite XR. This multi-spectral, multi-role, real time stand-off reconnaissance system consisting of an airborne pod, a wide digital datalink, and a ground exploitation station.

Similar to the Litening 5, Reccelite XR received an enhanced sensor package comprising megapixel-size arrays of Near-Infra-Red (NIR), MWIR, panchromatic (color) sensors and SWIR. As with the Litening 5, SWIR adds a significant long-range performance, since its spectral band is the least affected by atmospheric absorption. The gimbaled payload enables stabilized photography, irrespective of aircraft maneuvers or deviation from flight route.

Litening 5 and Reccelite XR share many common assemblies and modules and are carried by similar aircraft, thus contributing to efficient operation and lower life cycle support cost. Over 1,500 Litening targeting and navigation pods are currently flying on dozens of platform types with +25 air forces worldwide. RecceLite is in operational service with 10 air forces.

Meanwhile, Rafael’s US partner, Northrop Grumman has delivered the 500th AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING G4 targeting pod to the United States military, marking an important milestone as forces worldwide continue to transition their LITENING pods to G4 configuration.

LITENING G4 offers advanced 1K sensors, laser imaging and advanced image processing. Recent tests in the USA also included an integration of color imaging camera, as used in the Litening 5. Northrop Grumman has also designed a derivative of the Litening, fitted with an Infra-Red Search & Track (IRST) from Selex. This derivative is addressing the US Air Forces’ capability requirement set by the US Air Force for F-15C/D upgrades.

An F-16 model at Rafael’s display at the Paris Air Show 2015 showing a full loadout supporting stand-off attack at ranges of 100+ km. This loadout comprises a Litening 5 long-range targeting pod and eight Spice 250, each capable of hitting pinpoint target at long ranges. The configuration also includes two Spice 1000 EO precision guided weapons, two I-Derby ER missiles on the wing-tips provide an air/air range of +100 km and two Python 5 air/air missiles carried on outer under-wing stations 2 and 9. The aircraft is also networked with other airborne or surface based elements through the broadband, multi-channel BNET communications system. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update.

The Litening 5 targeting pod from Rafael comprises multiple apertures and more sensors supporting target acquisition and designation at extended range. Supporting image-based targeting (using RAFAEL’s Matchguide system) the pod can support scene matching EO-guided weapons such as the Spices, to their full extended range enabling all fighter aircraft types equipped with these combination of sensor and weapons an independent, stand-off attack capability. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

Rafael’s new Litening 5 targeting pod. Photo: RAFAEL

OpenPod, based on the Litening platform, is showing here an IRST sensor from Selex.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Junho 30, 2015, 10:03:45 am

Dos militares muertos en el accidente de un Tucano de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina

( La aeronave siniestrada es una Embraer EMB-312 Tucano de la Escuela de Aviación Militar que se precipitó a tierra  pasadas las 13:30 en un campo a 10 kilómetros de la localidad de Arroyito, en las inmediaciones del paraje "El Descaso", tras haber partido de Córdoba en un  vuelo de instrucción. Las víctimas fueron identificadas como primer teniente Matías Fabricius, de 30 años, y el alférez Sebastián Bolzi.

Aunque en algunos medios argentinos se afirma que pudo estallar en el aire, los motivos se están investigan. Algunos pobladores de la zona en que se produjo el siniestro señalaron que el avión cayó sobre un campo sembrado cuando había niebla espesa sobre la región. Tras el hecho, se dio parte a la Junta Investigadora de Accidentes de la Fuerza Aérea, a fin de que se determinen las causas. El Tucano es la aeronave en que realizan el curso básico de piloto los pilotos de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina. Cuando la nave cayó a tierra, se cumplía con una rutina básica, propia de un curso, según los investigadores.

A través de un comunicado, la Fuerza Aérea Argentina informó que "en las primeras horas de esta tarde, mientras cumplía un vuelo correspondiente al plan de instrucción de aviadores militares, se precipitó a tierra un avión Embraer EMB-312 Tucano, al sur de la localidad cordobesa de Arroyito; perteneciente a la dotación de la Escuela de Aviación Militar, con asiento en la provincia de Córdoba".

Accidentes del Tucano en Argentina
En agosto de 1988 un Tucano EMB 312 de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina recién adquirido sufría un accidente  en Córdoba, meses después, en diciembre del mismo año, se producía otro accidente, en La Lagunilla, Córdoba, con una aeronave de este tipo, el piloto logró eyectarse. El 21 de mayo de 1990 moría un piloto en un tercer accidente de un Tucano EMB 312, en  Las Varillas, Córdoba, perteneciente a la Escuela de Suboficiales. (Luis Piñeiro, corresponsal de Grupo Edefa en Argentina)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 30, 2015, 07:56:39 pm

South Korea opts for Airbus in tanker-transport requirement ... equirement (
Airbus has beaten off competition from both Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to supply the Republic of Korea with tanker-transport aircraft, the Government announced on 30 June.

 The Republic of Korea Air Force  (RoKAF) is to receive four Airbus Defence and Space (DS) A-330-300 MultiRole Tanker Transport  (MRTT) aircraft under a deal valued at approximately US $1.2 billion. Boeing had submitted its KC-46A Pegasus platform white IAI was proposing its B767-300 Multimission Tanker Transport  (MMTT).

 According to the  South Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration  (DAPA), the A330 MRTT won out over its rivals because of its superior performance (endurance, fuel capacity, personnel, and cargo capacity were specified), its pricing, and the fact that it is already in service with several air forces around the world  (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 01, 2015, 01:18:01 pm

 :arrow:   Indonesian president promises to modernize his country's ageing air fleet after the crash of a 51-year old C-130 which killed more than 140 people in Sumatra ... orce-fleet (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 02, 2015, 07:04:47 pm
Os búlgaros vão avançar com negociações com os belgas, holandeses e gregos para a possível compra de caças.

Bulgarian Cabinet Approves Negotiations for Purchase of New Fighter Jets
Citação de: "Novinite"
The Bulgarian cabinet approved on Wednesday the country's participation in negotiations for the purchase of new fighter jets.

This was announced by Defence Minister Nikolay Nenchev after the government granted him mandate to head negotiations with Belgium, the Netherlands and Greece.

It was still not clear whether the negotiations will concern the purchase of new jets or second-hand ones, daily Dnevnik reports.

Nenchev clarified that the above countries offered second-hand F-16s, but it was not excluded for negotiations to be led with producers on the purchase of new jets.

In order for ensuring the proper functioning of the Bulgarian air force, a squadron of least nine jets should be purchased.

The Defence Minister added that the Bulgarian state is not pushed by deadlines for the purchase of new fighter jets as the issue with the repair of the MiG-29s has been resolved.

An agreement on the repair of two or four of the engines is expected to be signed with Poland by the end of next month at the latest.

The second stage foresees for the repair of another 10-12 engines.

Nenchev pointed that Poland offered much more favourable terms and lower prices than Russia on the repair of the MiG-29s.

As regards the safeguard of the country's air space, which was regulated within the framework of NATO's Air Policing missions, only Poland has expressed interest.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 09, 2015, 05:01:30 pm
Indonesia may buy An-70 medium-range transport aircraft
Citação de: "Dylan Vosman, Defence Blog"
Indonesian National Army Air Force plans to replace heavy transport aircraft C-130 Hercules of the elderly. According to the Air Force Chief Marshal Agus Supriatna, studies on the Hercules replacement candidate has been sent to the Ministry of Defence.

“Already we send away the day before A-1310 Hercules crash in Medan last week,” said Agus at Headquarters Air Force, last weekend.

In a study sent to the Ministry of Defense, Air Force targeted two types of heavy transport aircraft, the Airbus A400M Atlas and Antonov An-70. About the price of each is the domain of the Ministry of Defence.

The Antonov An-70 is a four-engine medium-range transport aircraft, and the first large aircraft to be powered by propfan engines. It is being developed by Ukraine’s Antonov design bureau to replace the obsolete An-12 military transport aircraft. The maiden flight of the first prototype took place on 16 December 1994 in Kiev, Ukraine.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 18, 2015, 05:28:19 pm
Under stress: "Norway to cut flight ops F-16s, phase out aircraft"
Citação de: "AIRheads FLY"
The Royal Norwegian Air Force is going to be forced to limit the flight hours of its pilots, including of the jocks of the front-line combat units flying the Lockheed Martin F-16AM/BM Fighting Falcon jets out of Bodø (331/332 skvadron) and Ørland (338 skvadron). Moreover, Andøya/Andenes in the far north will be closed with its fleet of Lockheed P-3 Orion aircraft to be retired. Decommissioning is also awaiting the sole Electronic Warfare Unit of 717 skvadron flying two Dassault DA-20 Falcon jets – plus a third for VIP duties – out of Oslo-Gardermoen.

These are just a few points in the apparently leaked proposition by the Norwegian top generals led by admiral Haakon Bruun-Hanssen if NATO’s most northern country in Europe is to cope with the economic stress level set by the Norwegian government. First out with the leaked plans was Norwegian defence and security website

To meet the economic pressure the top brass suggest to demilitarize the search and rescue assets just when Norway is about to get 16 new AgustaWestland AW101s to replace its aging Sea Kings. Withdrawing from international operations like the one in Afghanistan that do not directly serve the security interest of Norway is another thing, as well as having ships and maritime helicopters spending less time at sea.

In order to fulfill Norway’s maritime and observation duties the general staff suggests buying drones to cover the Scandinavian country’s vast maritime responsibility. Active pilots will have to do much of their daily flight training on simulators instead, including those jocks who are to man the 52 F-35 Lightning II stealthy fighters that Norway is set to buy and are causing much of the economic problems.

That the leaked plans hurts, is clear. The general staff also sums up what it really wants: increase of operational flight hours, find a manned modern replacement for the Orions, increase the airlift capacity that currently is provided by only four C-130J Hercules aircraft and equip the Royal Norwegian Air Force with its own in-flight refuelling capacity – which could be incorporated on one or two newer Hercules aircraft (KC-130J) the way neighbouring Sweden does.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 24, 2015, 05:43:07 pm

 Israel donates Cobra helicopters to Jordan to combat the Islamic State ... amic-state (
Israel has given its surplus Bell AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters to Jordan to bolster its neighbour's defence against the Islamic State, the Reuters news agency reported on 23 July.

  Approximatelly 16 AH-1E/F Cobras that were retired from the Israeli Air Force in 2013 were refurbished and handed over to Jordan in 2014 in a deal which was approved by the United States.  The Royal Jordanian Air Force already fields 12 AH-1F helicopters (...)

 The ex-Israeli Cobras will join those already in service protecting Jordan's borderw with Syria and Iraq against possible incursions by Islamic State fighters.(...)  

The transfer of Cobra attack helicopters to Jordan is part of a wider effort by Washington to build up Amman's military capabilities to combat the Islamic State near its borders. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 27, 2015, 09:43:29 am
A China e o Paquistão realizaram há alguns meses um exercício de combate aéreo chamado “Exercise Eagle”. Todas as informações obtidas sobre o exercício indicam que ocorreram combates simulados entre os caças chineses J-10 e os F-16 paquistaneses. Na maioria das vezes, o J-10 teria sido derrotado pelo F-16.

A imagem de baixa qualidade divulgada mostra um J-10 chinês travado no HUD de um F-16 paquistanês, o que significaria a destruição do J-10 se o combate fosse real.

O J-10 e o F-16 são muito parecidos em termos de tamanho e desempenho e teoricamente o J-10 teria um raio de curva menor, por causa dos canards. Mas o nível de treinamento dos pilotos chineses deve ter pesado no resultado, pois a China não enfrenta combates aéreos reais há muitas décadas, ao contrário do Paquistão, que treina com a OTAN.

A China parece não ter medo da derrota e está muito ativa na busca de exercícios com outras forças aéreas nos últimos anos, para aprender e buscar a melhora da qualidade dos seus pilotos.
F16 Rules.... :wink:

Título: Air Tractors da F.A. Croata em patrulha contra incêndios
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 03, 2015, 08:19:37 pm
Lá fora é que é.

Croatian Air Tractors prevent worse
Citação de: "AIRheads FLY, Croatian Ministry of Defence"
The Croatian Air Force and Air Defence (Hrvatsko Ratno Zrakoplovstvo i Protuzračna Obrana) is very happy with their Air Tractor AT-802 Fire Bosses. By enrolling them into active patrols of fire risky areas they have proven to prevent worse.

An illustration of the effectiveness of the new working method – let the Air Tractors patrol with the heavier Canadair CL-415s on stand-by – presented itself on 3 August 2015. Scouting the area around Omis in the Split-Dalmatia area an Air Tractor pilot located a starting fire, started engaging it and requested immediate reinforcements which came in the form of two Canadairs. Moreover, a Croatian Air Force Mi-8MTV flew additional fire crews into the area.

In order to react faster the Croatians have put a single Canadair on stand-by in Dubrovnik since 22 July 2015, to help fighting fighters in the south of the country.

During the last five days the Air Tractors flew 13 patrol missions, locating nine wild fires. The Croatian Air Force began their own fire-fighting training in December 2014, at the 93. Air Force and Air Defence Base in Zemunik on a single Air Tractor AT-802 Fire Boss two-seater. Before that Spain provided the training.

The Fire Squadron (PPE) of the Croatian Air Force and Air Defence has a total of six Canadair CL-415s and 6 Air Tractor AT-802Fs (5 single-seaters, 1 two-seat).

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 04, 2015, 04:21:32 pm
Picture: US Embassy at Cairo.

US delivers eight advanced F-16 aircraft to Egypt ... egypt.html (

After having frozen major weapon deliveries to Egypt, the US has relented and delivered eight F-18 Block 52 fighters, just a week after France delivered its first three Rafales to the Egyptian air force,
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 07, 2015, 10:54:35 am
World air forces 2015 ... 201412.pdf (
Título: Jordânia adquire o PC-9M para treino de pilotos
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 10, 2015, 11:53:58 am
Pilatus PC-9 for Royal Jordanian Air Force
(10 de Agosto de 2015)
Citação de: "AIRheads FLY"
The Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) has signed a contract for the purchase of nine PC-9M training aircraft, Swiss company Pilatus announced on Monday 10 August. The order also includes a simulator, training equipment and a comprehensive logistics support package.


Título: França prepara competição para substituir o Alpha Jet
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 11, 2015, 01:51:57 am
France Sets Stage for Trainer Competition
(9 de Agosto de 2015)
Citação de: "Pierre Tran / DefenseNews"
France is laying the groundwork for a new trainer competition, with signs that the Pilatus PC-21 turboprop is well regarded inside the French Air Force.


Gen. Denis Mercier, the outgoing chief of the French Air Force, is following the golden rule of silence as the administration prepares to launch a tender for a new intermediate training aircraft for fighter pilots, but that discretion comes amid a preference in the service for the PC-21 turboprop, one analyst said.

The Air Force sees the PC-21 as "the right plane as it meets the requirements," said Jean-Vincent Brisset, senior fellow at think tank Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques. Brisset flew the Mirage IV strategic bomber and deep reconnaissance aircraft.

The PC-21’s advanced cockpit and low cost to fly and maintain are seen as positive, Brisset said. However, a tender will attract close competition, as there are many aircraft that fit the requirements.

The PC-21 may be popular inside the service, but that does not mean it is guaranteed to win.

Alenia Aermacchi was asked for information in April about its M-345 jet trainer, and submitted its candidacy on June 1, an Italian industrial source said. A formal request for proposal is due in the autumn.

The potential order could be 20 to 25 aircraft, plus ground training systems and 12,000 flight hours a year, the source said.

Czech firm Aero Vodochody is set to compete with its New Generation L-39, an update of its L-39 trainer, and expects a competition "at the very end of the year," a company official said in Paris.

BAE Systems would likely pitch the Hawk jet trainer, said Steve Timms, managing director of the military aviation businesses’ defense information, training and services operation.

"If the RFP is released, we would definitely be interested," Timms said in a telephone interview June 17. A partnering agreement with French industry was an option, but much depended on the nature of the contract requirement, he said.

The Beechcraft T-6 Texan may also enter the competition.

The planned trainers will carry "embedded simulation," which will play a key role in training fighter pilots at short notice for the Rafale, Mercier told Defense News TV at the Paris Airshow.


The service needs 290 fighter pilots, with each flying an annual 250 hours, of which 70 will be on a Rafale simulator. Of those pilots, 50 will fly an annual 40 hours in the Rafale and fly in the new trainer with a download of Rafale simulation in the cockpit, Mercier said.

That fleet of trainers aims to deliver fighter pilot training at short notice. Those pilots will not fly "first entry" missions of high intensity, but they will provide support by flying the Rafale on intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions, he said.

The high-entry training plane remains the Alpha jet, which the service hopes to upgrade. Most of the Alpha jets will be withdrawn  but the upgraded units will continue flying from the advanced jet training school at Cazaux airbase, western France, until 2028 or 2030, he said.

France lacks the budget to develop a new jet trainer to take over from the Alpha jet, Dassault Chairman Eric Trappier said at a press conference July 23.

“The advantage, which is bad news for us, is we build a solid plane which lasts a long time. The Alpha still has a long life ahead of it,” he said.

There has been little modernization of the plane, which could be upgraded with a simulator. The Air Force will focus its fighter pilot training at Cazaux and will avoid cutting the Alpha jet fleet.

"So the existing number of Alpha jets will continue for some time," Trappier said.

Dassault has proposed improvements on maintenance and a light modernization to significantly extend the life of the twin-jet. France could buy a trainer off the shelf or change its training model, he said.

By 2025, the Air Force will fly an upgraded Rafale and an unmanned combat aerial vehicle in the combat cloud, Mercier said, and the service seeks to avoid spending too much on the new trainer.

The service had hoped to acquire the new trainer in 2016 but that has slipped to the end of 2017, a defense source said.

The recently adopted revised multiyear defense budget includes funds for setting up in 2017 a new fighter pilot training system, supported by low cost trainer aircraft and a simulation system.

A partial reduction of the Alpha jets does not appear in the present multiyear defense budget and the withdrawal will start around 2020, an Air Force spokesman said. The service is studying the options and hopes to decide by summer 2016.

The options include the new trainer preparing pilots before and after the Alpha jet, the spokesman said.

The budget is tight, but the Air Force will have some political credit as the service has agreed to forgo Rafales so France can offer an early delivery of the fighter jet to export clients, Brisset said.

The DGA declined comment.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 11, 2015, 11:00:13 am
A Lockheed Martin noticiou que recebeu um contrato de compra da japonesa Mitsubishi Heavy Industries para integrar seu Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) no caça Mitsubishi F-2 da Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

O contrato inicial de 2014 inclui o casulo, componentes e equipamento de apoio para integração. O F-2 será a oitava plataforma a ser equipada com o Sniper ATP, juntando-se ao F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10, B-1, B-52 e Harrier.

Mais informações em inglês no Defense Forces.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 14, 2015, 11:03:25 am
The Nigerian military announced on 13 August that it had deployed additional combat aircraft to the northeast of the country as part of Operation 'Lafiya Dole' (peace by force): the current name of the counter-insurgency campaign against the militant group Boko Haram.

It did not say what aircraft had been deployed, but released photographs showing three Chengdu F-7 and two Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jets at Yola Air Base in Adamawa state, which is the only fast jet base in northeast Nigeria. F-7s and Alpha Jets have been seen at Yola in commercial satellite imagery since March 2014.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 14, 2015, 09:22:07 pm
Citação de: "mafets"
The Nigerian military announced on 13 August that it had deployed additional combat aircraft to the northeast of the country as part of Operation 'Lafiya Dole' (peace by force): the current name of the counter-insurgency campaign against the militant group Boko Haram.

It did not say what aircraft had been deployed, but released photographs showing three Chengdu F-7 and two Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jets at Yola Air Base in Adamawa state, which is the only fast jet base in northeast Nigeria. F-7s and Alpha Jets have been seen at Yola in commercial satellite imagery since March 2014.


Ainda vamos ver os Alfa-Jet em combate no século XXI.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 17, 2015, 11:39:32 pm
Argentine Air Force cuts working hours, retires Mirage fleet ... rage-fleet (

Mais detalles  :arrow: Adiós a una leyenda: los Mirage (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 17, 2015, 11:46:31 pm
Então não iam comprar não sei o quê aos chineses?!  :lol:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 17, 2015, 11:59:16 pm
Citação de: "HSMW"
Então não iam comprar não sei o quê aos chineses?!  :lol:

Palavras, palavras. O Governo argentino gosta muito de anùncios que depois não cumpre.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PereiraMarques em Agosto 18, 2015, 11:13:37 am
Citação de: "olisipo" (

sea el broche final de las operaciones con estas aeronaves supersónicas que tienen ya 43 años de uso
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 22, 2015, 09:14:08 pm

Ridículo como todos os canais censuraram as imagens do embate no solo...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Agosto 24, 2015, 08:04:45 pm
Após um periodo significativo de declínio, as Forças Armadas argentinas deixaram de ser um efetivo com capacidade militar real. Em Agosto deste ano, a Força Aérea do país retirou de serviço seus caças Mirage, sendo que poucas unidades ainda eram capazes de voar.

As coisas não são muito melhores para as outras Forças, a depauperada Marinha argentina raramente sai ao mar, quase não tem mais peças sobressalentes para sua frota e, em termos práticos, não tem munição para os armamentos. Em 2012 o navio-escola ARA Libertad foi confiscado em um porto em Gana a pedido de um grande fundo financeiro que exigia pagamento de dívidas por parte do governo argentino. Logo depois do incidente, a corveta ARA Espora foi retida na África do Sul por 73 dias, pois a empresa alemã contratada para os reparos em uma falha mecânica se recusou a fazer o trabalho por conta de dívidas anteriores de Buenos Aires. Em 2013 o contratorpedeiro ARA Santíssima Trindad, então fora de serviço, afundou no porto por conta da falta de manutenção adequada.

Até mesmo as tripulações dos submainos, apesar de terem recebido algumas melhorias, tiveram apenas 19 horas de pática de submersão em 2014, quando o necessário é 190 dias. Situação semelhante acontece com os quatro contratorpedeiros Almirante Brown, Heroina, La Argentina e Sarandí, que apresentam problemas em seus motores mas não contam com peças para reposição, além de não terem armamentos.

O Exército argentino conduziu operações nas quais faltaram até mesmo os equipamentos mais básicos, e raramente tem recursos para treinamento das tropas.

Já a Força Aérea é uma coleção de aeronaves obsoletas, a maioria dos anos 1970, e que passam boa parte do tempo em solo por estarem em condições precárias de funcionamento. E agora o país está se livrando de seu único caça semi-capaz.

De acordo com análise da agência IHS Jane’s:

“A Força Aérea argentina está cortando drasticamente as horas de trabalho de seu pessoal e descomissionando seu último caça em meio aos contínuos problemas de orçamento.

Um cronograma publicado recentemente aponta que o expediente foi reduzido – agora vai das 08hs às 13hs – além de haver orientações para o racionamento de comida, energia e material de escritório nas organizações e vilas militares. Atualmente apenas o pessoal mínimo exigido em bases, diretorias e comandos militares trabalham.

Essas ordens, emitidas em 11 de Agosto, passaram a vigorar no dia 18. O próximopasso será cortar os expedientes de segunda e terça-feira. Além disso, aoficiais da Força Aérea afirmaram que qualquer aeronave retirada de serviço não passará por manutenção, por enquanto”.

Nessas circunstâncias, as Forças Armadas argentinas contam com apenas dois tipos de aeronaves: A-4 e Ia-63, ambas subsônicas, com décadas de idade e por pouco capazes de operar. Buenos Aires cogitou adquirir novos caças gripen da Suécia através do Brasil, mas foi vetada pelo Reino Unido, reponsável pela fabricação de vários componentes internos do avião. Outra opção sondada foi o JF-17 da China, mas a modificação se mostrou cara demais.

Sob uma perspectiva mais ampla, qualquer revitalização das Forças Armadas aergentinas dependerá da economia geral do país, e a situação parece ainda longe de ser favorável. ... ente-nula/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 26, 2015, 04:16:15 pm

Argelia is receiving 14 Russian heavy-lift Mi-26T2 helicopters ... lift-helos (
Algeria has begun receiving the first of 14 Mil Mi-26T2 "Halo" heavy-lift helicopters that it has ordered in two batches, Russian media confirmed on 26 August.

The first two helicopters from the first batch of six were handed over to Algeria in the spring, the Interfax Military News Agency quoted a Rostvertol official as saying. The company is set to deliver a further two before the end of the year, and two more in early 2016. Deliveries of the second batch of eight helicopters will follow through to the end of 2017. (...)

 The Mi-26T2 is a modernised variant of the 20-tonne-payload Mi-26T heavy lift helicopter, equipped with new avionics that afford it an all-weather capability while reducing the crew numbers from five to just two or three, depending on the mission. The Mi-26T2 can be used to transport large sized cargo either internally or underslung or to transport personnel. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 02, 2015, 08:15:06 pm
Argentine MoD will purchase 12 Airbus H125 Ecureuil Helicopters
(2 de Setembro de 2015)
Citação de: "Defence Blog"
Argentine Ministry of Defense (MoD) will purchase  12 Airbus H125 Ecureuil Helicopters.

The Argentine MoD has issued order for 12 Airbus H125 Ecureuil helicopters. These will replace Air-Force and Army Aviation aging fleets of SA-315B Lama helicopters.

The H125 (previously named the AS350) outclasses all other single-engine helicopters for performance, versatility, safety, low maintenance, and low acquisition costs, while exceling in high & hot and extreme environments. In 2005, the AS350 B3 version broke the world record for the highest-altitude landing and takeoff, performed on Mount Everest at 8,850 meters (29,035 feet) – a title still held today.

Será a solução mais lógica, economicamente, para a substituição dos nossos Alouette III (http://http)?

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 02, 2015, 09:04:55 pm
Citação de: "Get_It"
Argentine MoD will purchase 12 Airbus H125 Ecureuil Helicopters
(2 de Setembro de 2015)
Citação de: "Defence Blog"
Argentine Ministry of Defense (MoD) will purchase  12 Airbus H125 Ecureuil Helicopters.

The Argentine MoD has issued order for 12 Airbus H125 Ecureuil helicopters. These will replace Air-Force and Army Aviation aging fleets of SA-315B Lama helicopters.

The H125 (previously named the AS350) outclasses all other single-engine helicopters for performance, versatility, safety, low maintenance, and low acquisition costs, while exceling in high & hot and extreme environments. In 2005, the AS350 B3 version broke the world record for the highest-altitude landing and takeoff, performed on Mount Everest at 8,850 meters (29,035 feet) – a title still held today.

Será a solução mais lógica, economicamente, para a substituição dos nossos Alouette III (http://http)?

Para mim serve como sempre serviu  (Aliás a APC já usa o modelo civil). E se os Argentinos que estão "nas lonas" compram é porque estão a "preço de saldo". Mas cá só é rápida a substituição dos "popós da AR com 5 anos de idade" ...  :twisted:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 05, 2015, 07:08:59 pm

Argentina: último vuelo de los Mirage (se retiran tras unos ejercicios que terminan el 11). El país se queda sin aviones supersónicos. Están paralizadas las negociaciones para la compra a China y Pakistán de aviones nuevos.

El último vuelo de los Mirage: después de 43 años, los protagonistas de Malvinas dejarán de operar ... rar_616500 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 07, 2015, 12:07:56 pm
The Mexican Air Force has selected the Cessna 206H Stationair to fulfill a requirement for 12 tactical intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms, it was disclosed by a May 2015 investment project document that was published by the country's Ministry of the Treasury and Public Finance in late August.

The document states that the air force intends to use the forward-looking, infrared-equipped aircraft for tracking and interception operations in direct support of ground troops. The 206Hs will operate as part of the Air Surveillance Squadron Command Post (PM-EVA, or Puesto de Mando del Escuadrón de Vigilancia Aérea) based at BAM-1 Santa Lucia airbase in Mexico State, but are usually deployed to Cozumel in Quintana Roo and Hermosillo, Sonora.

According to the document, PM-EVA is a special unit that reports directly to the Ministry of National Defense's High Command. That unit is currently equipped with one Fairchild C-26A Metro, two Beechcraft King Air 90A, and two Schweizer SA2-37A surveillance aircraft, most of which are presently suffering low availability rates. The King Air's avionics are reported as being obsolete, with the aircraft requiring a major 3,000-hour maintenance overhaul. However, these and the other ISR platforms will be augmented by the 206Hs rather than replaced by them.

In addition to the PM-EVA, the air force operates several surveillance flights equipped with three additional C-26A Metro, two Embraer EMB-145MP, and one EMB-145AEW platform. These three ISR flights are taking delivery of at least six Beechcraft King Air 350ER aircraft that have been modified for the ISR mission.

The document states that the Cessna 206H Stationair was selected on the basis of cost, adding that at USD325,000 per unit, plus USD287,000 for the surveillance package, presented the lowest price at USD612,000 each (compared with USD916,000 and USD845,000 for the Cessna Corvalis TTx and the Diamond DA50 Super Star alternatives). Procurement of the surveillance package will take place later in 2015, with deliveries of the ISR-configured Cessnas scheduled to begin in 2016 and run through to the end of 2017. The Cessna 206H is expected to remain in service with the Mexican Air Force until 2042.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 08, 2015, 11:08:26 pm

Indonésia seleciona o caça russo Su-35 para substituir o F-5E Tiger II ... -tiger-ii/ (  
O  Ministério da Defesa da Indonésia selecionou o caça russo multimissão Sukhoi Su-35 "Flanker-E" para substituir aos caças Northrop F-5E Tiger II da Força Aérea de Indonésia (...) que entraram en serviço no país en 1980 e que devem sair de serviço no final desta década.

Esta seria a primeira exportação do Su-35. A Força Aérea Russa encomendou 45 aviões do tipo, com entregas começando em 2012.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 10, 2015, 11:09:13 pm
Netherlands to buy 14 CH-47F Chinook helicopters

The Netherlands is to order 14 Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift helicopters from the United States, Dutch defence minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has told the House of Representatives.
The Netherlands currently operates 17 Chinooks, 11 of the old CH-47D model and six copies of the CH-47F modified for the requirements of the Dutch military. The 14 new CH-47F helicopters will replace these 11 older CH-47Ds and will see the total Dutch Chinook fleet rise from 17 to 20. All the Dutch Chinooks are operated by the Royal Netherlands Air Force's 298th Squadron at Gilze-Rijen.

The Netherlands had previously requested to buy 17 CH-47s from the US, according to a US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announcement confirming congressional approval for the proposed sale on 23 March. This proposed sale was valued at USD1.05 billion.

According to Hennis-Plasschaert, the purchase of the 14 CH-47Fs will cost EUR838 million (USD937 million), lower than the Netherlands Ministry of Defence's (MoD's) proposed EUR915 million budget. Although the decision has now been taken to purchase the helicopters, the actual order will not be placed until December in order to take advantage of the economies of scale generated by the US's second multiyear procurement package (MYII) for the CH-47F.

The 14 new helicopters will replace the Netherland's aging CH-47D-model Chinooks, one of which is pictured in Afghanistan in 2003 taking off on a medevac mission. Source: IHS/Patrick Allen

The Netherlands is to buy 14 more CH-47F Chinooks from Boeing. The country already operates 6 CH-47F (NL) helicopters, one of which is pictured. (IHS/Patrick Allen)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 11, 2015, 03:58:45 pm
:( (

Australia to buy 49 Pilatus PC-21 turboprop trainers ... g/72031512 (

The Australian Defense Force will buy 49 Pilatus PC-21 turboprop trainers and relocate its basic flying training activities from Tamworth in regional New South Wales to RAAF Base East Sale in Eastern Victoria by 2019.  

The announcement formally confirms Team 21, led by Lockheed-Martin Australia, as the winner of the ADF's Project Air 5428, the fixed-wing pilot training system, which will replace a mix of civilian-operated PAC CT -4B airtrainers and Royal Australian Air Force-owned Pilatus PC-9s.  

Team 21, which also includes Pilatus and Hawker Pacific, is the preferred tenderer for Air 5428 and will provide a turnkey service to the ADF, using the PC-21, 22 of which will be based at East Sale.  

Candidates from the RAAF, the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Army will undertake fixed-wing training under the new system. (...)

The unsuccessful bidder was a team lead by BAE Systems Australia, which offered the Beechcraft T-6 Texan II trainer. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 12, 2015, 11:50:02 am
O Kuwait concordou em comprar 28 jatos de combate Typhoon, em um negócio de bilhões de euros com o governo italiano, informaram fontes da indústria de defesa nesta sexta-feira.

O acordo ainda está em negociação, mas o Kuwait concordou em comprar 22 Typhoon monopostos e seis Typhoon bipostos em um acordo de governo para governo.

A divisão Alenia Aermacchi do conglomerado italiano Finmeccanica lidera o esforço para vender o Eurofighter Typhoon para os kuwaitianos.

As fontes também disseram que o acordo pode envolver a venda dos caças com radar de varredura eletrônica (AESA). Isso tornaria o Kuwait o primeiro cliente externo do jato europeu equipado com tal tecnologia.

Arábia Saudita e Omã já são clientes do caça na região. Os sauditas têm falado sobre uma nova compra de jatos. Bahrain também é outro potencial cliente do jato europeu.

Uma fonte dos Estados Unidos reconheceu que há possibilidade do Kuwait comprar caças de duas fontes diferentes e disse que as negociações sobre uma possível venda de caças Super Hornet para o Kuwait continua na mesa de negociação.

FONTE: Defense News (tradução e adaptação do Poder Aéreo a partir do original em inglês)
Assim se explicam os 0 refugiados e a ausência de pressão para que isto mude...

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 12, 2015, 01:04:35 pm
Kuwait e Eurofighter assinaram ontem um "memorandum of understanding", segundo o CEO da Eurofighter Alberto Gutiérrez. O preço definitivo oscila entre 7.000 e 8.000 milhões de euros. ... a-18710353 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 12, 2015, 07:53:46 pm

Good news for countries who are in need of a pure attack helicopter, as the Chinese government clears the WZ-19 Attack Helicopter for Export.

According to Aviation Industry Corp of China, the WZ-19 will be easier to operate and maintain when compared to other aircraft of the same type which are available on the market. The belief is that the WZ-19 will be attractive to small countries who want to deploy attack helicopters but would normally lack the budget to do so.
 It may also appeal to countries that unable to acquire military equipment because of sanctions imposed by established helicopter providers and China is the only Nation willing to sell to them.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 14, 2015, 09:57:30 pm
No lo serán porque, como nos aclaran fuentes de la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya (FAU), no forma parte de su propuesta el uso de esos sensores navales, ya que los aviones fueron adquiridos para integrar la flota de Transporte en el Escuadrón Aéreo Nº3, basado en Carrasco. Se sale al paso así de lo publicado en algunos medios brasileños acerca del alto costo que tendría modernizar los clásicos AN/APS-128 con los que cuanta la aeronave equipada originalmente para patrulla marítima, y que ya presentarían algunas dificultades operativas.

mais aqui:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 14, 2015, 11:17:28 pm

 Vídeo de propaganda da Real Força Aérea Saudita (Al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Malakiya as-Sa'udiya)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 15, 2015, 03:45:34 pm
AFA 2015: Poland becomes third JASSM FMS customer

Key Points

    The Polish Air Force has purchased the AGM-158 for its F-16s
    The purchase increases Poland's long-range strike capabilities

Lockheed Martin has received a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract from the US Air Force to equip the Polish Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 52 fleet with the AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM).

The US Congress first approved the sale to Poland of up to 40 JASSMs in October 2015. Poland had requested a sale of: 40 operational JASSMs; two JASSMs with Test Instrumentation Kits (TIK) and Flight Termination Systems (FTS); two inert AGM-158A JASSMs with TIK and FTS; and two Flight Certification Test Vehicles. The agreement also includes an Operational Flight Plan upgrade to M6.5 type for the fleet to comprise JASSM integration, spares, logistics, and other elements.

The estimated cost of the missiles, upgrades, associated equipment, parts, training, and logistical support is USD500 million.

The AGM-158A JASSM is a low-observable stand-off GPS/imaging infrared guided cruise missile designed to attack well-defended targets. The weight of the missile is 910 kg, with its WDU-42/B penetrating warhead weighing 450 kg. The AGM-158A was introduced into US Air Force service in 2009.

Poland becomes the third foreign customer for JASSM following Australia and Finland.

Poland is equipping its F-16s with JASSM in order to increase its long-range strike capabilities. Source: Lockheed Martin
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 15, 2015, 06:14:05 pm

The Future Vertical Lift: one of the projects, the Bell-280 Valor, recreation footage ... i/72267572 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 15, 2015, 08:17:22 pm

Dutch Air Force Chief Slams US Army Helicopter Plan ... re/120980/ (

The head of the Royal Netherlands Air Force has a message for his US Army colleagues developing the military belicopter of the future: "You're doing it all wrong". (...)

 Through a project called Future Vertical Lift, the Army has asked Bell Helicopter and a Sikorsky-Bell team to build prototypes that could evolve into the design for thousands of new helicopters for the  American military and its allies.

The Bell design is a new tiltrotor which has rotating propellers -like the V-22 Osprey- (...)

The Sikorsky-Bell design includes a compound main rotor and a rear propeller that pushes the helicopter forward, helping it reach high speeds.

Schnitger is not impressed.

"Is that really the cutting edge?", he said. "Is that truly disruptive, vertical lift technology?" (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Setembro 16, 2015, 04:29:23 pm
Colômbia aciona caças Kfir C10 para interceptar aviões da Venezuela


Depois das recentes violações deliberadas da soberania da Colômbia pela aviação militar Bolivariana da Venezuela, a Força Aérea Colombiana anunciou o desdobramento em todo o território nacional de aviões de combate Kfir C10. Segundo o comunicado, esta medida visa proteger o espaço aéreo colombiano contra todas as ameaças existentes e salvaguardar o bem-estar de todos os colombianos.

Em declarações dadas à imprensa nacional, o Chefe de Operações Aéreas da Força Aérea Colombiana, general da Força Aérea Jorge Tadeo Borbon, disse que parte da frota supersônica é para operações de controle do espaço aéreo, e que todas as aeronaves estarão disponíveis em um tempo muito curto.

Ele também destacou o grande processo de revisão a que foram submetidos os caças após o último acidente que aconteceu no ano passado. “É um processo que favorece a segurança, a segurança de nossos pilotos, era necessário fazer um desenvolvimento logístico para garantir o funcionamento de nossos aviões”, disse Bourbon.

Por último, o alto oficial disse que o Kfir está voando em todo o país, realizando missões de fronteira; e que a Força Aérea Colombiana vai sempre cumprir a sua missão constitucional, com aeronaves disponíveis, com tripulações capacitadas devido à experiência adquirida nos últimos anos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 17, 2015, 03:13:03 pm

Argélia compra 14 Sukhoi Su-30 russos. A FAA já tem 44 Su-30 MKA ... -jets.html (

 (...)The Su-30MKA operated by Algeria is a specialized variant of the Su-30MK fiited with a mix of French and Russsian avionics (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Setembro 18, 2015, 03:25:23 pm
Venezuela – Cai Sukhoi SU30


Em uma nota lida pela TelesurTV nesta madrugada (18SET15) o General Padrino López comunica a queda de um caça Sukhoi Su-30 da Aviación Militar Bolivariana (AMB) da Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB).

A nota oficial curiosamente divulgada pela rede TelesurTV e não pelas agências oficiais do governo da Venezuela é de uma leitura difícil. Muita propaganda e poucos fatos além de citar os nomes dos membros da tripulação integrada por dois capitães:Ronald Ramirez e Jackson García. O razão da missão junto à fronteira da Colômbia seria a detecção de uma aeronave realizando sobrevoo ilegal na região junto à fronteira com a Colômbia.

Segundo a nota da FANB esta rota é normalmente usada por narcotraficantes.
Através da sua conta do Twitter (@NicolasMaduro) o Presidente Maduro postou a seguinte mensagem nesta madrugada:

“Todo el apoyo y solidaridad de la Patria a la Aviación Militar Bolivariana, levantemos la moral y sigamos el combate”.

No sábado  e domingo aeronaves da Aviación Militar Bolivariana, anteriormente chamada de Fuerza Aerea Venezolana (FAV), realizaram incursões dentro do território Colombiano.

Fonte: ... hoi-SU30-/ (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 18, 2015, 06:52:56 pm

2 Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 de la RAF aterrizando en formación en la base aérea de Albacete

Tras el accidente de enero, vuelven los ejercicios del Tactical Leadership Program a Albacete ... s-albacete (  

Con la progresiva llegada de los aviones participantes, casi una cuarentena de aviones de combate, el 14 de septiembre se retomaron los cursos de vuelo del prestigioso Tactical Leadership Program  (TLP), en concreto el 2015-3, un aprendizaje de excelencia para las de por sí experimentadas tripulaciones de los más modernos aviones de combate que participan, tanto de la OTAN como de otras naciones occidentales. La que será de hecho la segunda edición de este año, representa la vuelta a la actividad en lo que se refiere a los cursos aéreos.

Recordar que no se finalizó el denominado TLP 2015-1 tras el grave accidente acaecido el 26 de enero de este año, que costó la vida a dos pilotos griegos y nueve profesionales del Armée de l'Air francés.

 [En este TLP 2015-3 participan] cazabombarderos de seis países diferentes: F-16 de Grecia y de Polonia, F-15C de Estados Unidos, Eurofighters de Italia y de Gran Bretaña, que además aporta dos Hawk, además de FA-18C de Suiza, a los que se suman EF-18 y FA-18A de España. (...)

 El TLP tiene como objetivo principal formar a las tripulaciones asistentes para que puedan liderar un Combined Air Operations formado por fuerzas multinacionales, a las que se oponen los elementos del bando "Red", como son los referidos Hawk de la RAF. Estamos ante un tipo de operaciones conjuntas que se han vuelto cada vez más habituales en las intervenciones internacionales  (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Setembro 19, 2015, 12:56:48 pm
The WWII-Era Plane Giving the F-35 a Run for Its Money

Written by John Ismay, Adrian Bonenberger, and Damien Spleeters

September 18, 2015 // 08:15 AM EST

On December 5, 2001, an American B-52 flying tens of thousands of feet above the ground mistakenly dropped a 2,000-pound satellite-guided bomb on an Army Special Forces team in Afghanistan. The aircrew had been fed the wrong coordinates, but had the plane been flying as low and slow as older generations of attack planes did, the crew might’ve realized their error simply by looking down at the ground.

It was not long after the Twin Towers fell, and American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by an American bomb dropped by an American plane. That this mistake happened illustrates just how poorly the air campaign in the United States’ longest war was executed, and how efforts ultimately failed to make things better by going after high-tech solutions that aren’t what they’re cracked up to be compared to the old tried and true technology.

That bomber was on a 30-plus hour round trip flight from the remote island of Diego Garcia, 900 miles south of India. The plane those Green Berets really needed, the low-and-slow flying A-10 Warthog, wasn’t available yet in Afghanistan. Famously rugged and even more famously lethal, the Warthog was the first American jet to actually land at the decrepit Bagram Airfield. Soon after the runway was repaired, many dozens of F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 fighter jets—wholly different creatures—came streaming in.

According to former Defense Department official Pierre Sprey, the US Air Force could have left those other jets out, had they sent three full squadrons of A-10s—72 planes total—to Afghanistan instead. But Sprey says the Air Force “never had more than 12 Warthogs in-country at any given time during the entire war.”

“The A-10 is the best ‘close attack’ plane ever made, period,” Sprey tells me. “But the Air Force hates that mission. They’ll do anything they can to kill that plane.” He says retiring the iconic A-10, a twin-engine attack jet with 30-mm cannons that hit with 14 times the kinetic energy of the 20-mm guns mounted on America’s current fleet of supersonic fighters, became an article of faith among high ranking Air Force officers, generations of whom had been raised to believe in the redemptive power of technological innovation.

They wanted something with more punch. More lethality. They soon found a plane built for exactly this purpose.

That mentality drove production of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the world’s first $1 trillion weapons system. Development of the F-35 was going on in the background throughout the Afghan War despite mountains of evidence that the stealthy jet would never be able to attack ground targets like the A-10 could. Far away from the fighting, the generals in Washington, DC supported the F-35 because they believed “more technology is always better.”

This same thinking drove the push for armed drones over Afghanistan too. But no matter their technological wizardry, remote-piloted hunter-killer aircraft like the Predator and Reaper were arguably even worse at helping ground troops than even the highest-tech manned jets.

So if the A-10 was never going to be around in enough numbers, what could be done? Only one group had enough distance from the Air Force and enough independent money to consider a viable alternative: buying a cheap, lightweight attack plane on their own. That was the Navy SEALs. A group of them met with the Secretary of the Navy in 2006 to tell him about the problems they faced with getting good enough air support.

Like other American combat troops in Afghanistan, the SEALs sometimes found that high-tech gear couldn’t reliably get the job done, or that cheaper, lower-tech solutions worked better. This is how the US military almost adopted the A-29 Super Tucano, a $4 million turboprop airplane reminiscent of WWII-era designs that troops wanted, commanders said was “urgently needed,” but Congress refused to buy.


 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 21, 2015, 11:17:49 pm

Venezuela vai comprar mais 12 caças Sukhoi ... as-sukhoi/ (  
O presidente da República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, informou neste domingo que o governo bolivariano solicitará ao presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, pelo menos 12 novos caças Sukhoi para reforçar a defesa do seu país.

Durante as declarações em homenagem aos pilotos que faleceram na queda de um Sukhoi Su-30 na semana passada, destacou também que foram feitas negociações com a República Popular da China para a aquisição de equipamentos militares. (...)

 "Vamos fortalecer a Aviação militar, para defender nosso espaço aéreo, nossa Venezuela e combatir o narcotráfico". Referente a esto último Maduro sinalizou que deu instruções para intensificar a batalla por ar, terra, rios e mares contra este flagelo, "venha de donde vier, principalmente da Colômbia"
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Crypter em Setembro 22, 2015, 12:18:33 pm
Citação de: "olisipo" ... as-sukhoi/ (  
O presidente da República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, informou neste domingo que o governo bolivariano solicitará ao presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, pelo menos 12 novos caças Sukhoi para reforçar a defesa do seu país.

Durante as declarações em homenagem aos pilotos que faleceram na queda de um Sukhoi Su-30 na semana passada, destacou também que foram feitas negociações com a República Popular da China para a aquisição de equipamentos militares. (...)

 "Vamos fortalecer a Aviação militar, para defender nosso espaço aéreo, nossa Venezuela e combatir o narcotráfico". Referente a esto último Maduro sinalizou que deu instruções para intensificar a batalla por ar, terra, rios e mares contra este flagelo, "venha de donde vier, principalmente da Colômbia"

Com o povo literalmente a morrer à fome e a lutar por um litro de leite..

El Kim Jon-Un da América do Sul..
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 22, 2015, 12:56:55 pm
Citação de: "Crypter"
Citação de: "olisipo" ... as-sukhoi/ (  
O presidente da República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, informou neste domingo que o governo bolivariano solicitará ao presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, pelo menos 12 novos caças Sukhoi para reforçar a defesa do seu país.

Durante as declarações em homenagem aos pilotos que faleceram na queda de um Sukhoi Su-30 na semana passada, destacou também que foram feitas negociações com a República Popular da China para a aquisição de equipamentos militares. (...)

 "Vamos fortalecer a Aviação militar, para defender nosso espaço aéreo, nossa Venezuela e combatir o narcotráfico". Referente a esto último Maduro sinalizou que deu instruções para intensificar a batalla por ar, terra, rios e mares contra este flagelo, "venha de donde vier, principalmente da Colômbia"

Com o povo literalmente a morrer à fome e a lutar por um litro de leite..

El Kim Jon-Un da América do Sul..
Podia esperar mais uns tempos e comprar logo 12 Sukoi T-50. Afinal à avião melhor contra o narcotráfico?  :twisted:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 22, 2015, 03:38:38 pm
Citação de: "mafets"
Citação de: "Crypter"
Citação de: "olisipo" ... as-sukhoi/ (

O presidente da República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, informou neste domingo que o governo bolivariano solicitará ao presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, pelo menos 12 novos caças Sukhoi para reforçar a defesa do seu país.

Durante as declarações em homenagem aos pilotos que faleceram na queda de um Sukhoi Su-30 na semana passada, destacou também que foram feitas negociações com a República Popular da China para a aquisição de equipamentos militares. (...)

 "Vamos fortalecer a Aviação militar, para defender nosso espaço aéreo, nossa Venezuela e combatir o narcotráfico". Referente a esto último Maduro sinalizou que deu instruções para intensificar a batalla por ar, terra, rios e mares contra este flagelo, "venha de donde vier, principalmente da Colômbia"

Com o povo literalmente a morrer à fome e a lutar por um litro de leite..  

    El Kim Jon-Un da América do Sul..

Podia esperar mais uns tempos e comprar logo 12 Sukoi T-50. Afinal à avião melhor contra o narcotráfico?  :twisted:


 :arrow: ¡Urge dar un parao a estos psicópatas! ... PSICOPATAS (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 28, 2015, 03:33:46 pm
The Afghan Air Force (AAF) lost one of its newly delivered MD Helicopters Inc (MDHI) MD 530F Cayuse Warrior ('Jengi' [Warrior]) light attack platforms in a landing accident near Kabul, The New York Times (NYT) disclosed on 26 September.

The scout and close air support helicopter was recently destroyed after a tailwind tipped it over the edge of a mountain that it had landed on, the NYT quoted a senior AAF officer as saying. The two crew members - a US instructor and Afghan trainee - reportedly managed to exit the aircraft before it rolled down the mountain.

Afghanistan has received 18 MD 530F helicopters since deliveries began in December 2011. Of the first batch of six unarmed trainers, one was lost when it landed on an improvised explosive device (IED) in September 2013. Twelve armed MD 530Fs were delivered to the AAF in 2015 (fitted with 12.7 mm machine guns, and to receive 70 mm rockets also), with the five remaining training helicopters to be upgraded to the armed configuration by early 2016.

The NYT disclosure of the loss of one of AAF's current fleet of 17 MD 530Fs was part of a wider report in which a senior service official questioned the suitability of the helicopter for Afghanistan.

Colonel Qalandar Shah Qalandari, who the NYT described as "Afghanistan's most decorated pilot", was quoted as saying that the single-engined helicopter does not have the range to attack Taliban targets from its homebase at Kabul International Airport, and neither does it have the power to operate effectively in Afghanistan's 'hot and high' environment. In the summer they cannot cross the mountain ranges that encircle Kabul, he said.

Further to these complaints, Col Qalandari noted the lack of armour and sighting systems for the helicopter's machine guns as being handicaps also.
Se estão descontentes podem sempre trocar com a FAP. De certeza que se arranjam uns Al III com foguetes e canhão lateral, veteranos de África...  :twisted:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Outubro 04, 2015, 05:20:32 pm
Ukrainian An-70 military transport aircraft successfully overpassed a distance more than 13,000 km
(4 de Outubro de 2015)
Citação de: "Dylan Vosman / Defence Blog"
From 22 to 26 September 2015, the AN−70 short takeoff and landing military transport performed an international flight and carried a military cargo within evaluation of transport capacity and widening the operational conditions.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 05, 2015, 12:53:33 pm
The first of 22 BAE Systems Hawk Mk 165 Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT) aircraft for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) is performing flight trials at the company's production facility in the United Kingdom ahead of delivery.

Aircraft ZB101 is performing a series of flight trials at Warton before being delivered to the kingdom in 2016.

The RSAF already operates 24 Hawk Mk 65 aircraft that it began receiving in 1987 and 16 Hawk Mk 65A aircraft from 1997. In 2012 it signed a GBP1.6 billion (USD2.5 billion at the time) contract for 22 of the latest-generation Hawks, plus 55 Pilatus PC-21s and 25 Cirrus SR22 primary training aircraft, as well as simulators, upgraded training facilities, spares, and support. Deliveries of the Cirrus SR22 were completed in the second half of 2013, while the Pilatus PC-21s began to enter the inventory in mid-2014.

The Hawks are being acquired as their 'glass' cokcpits more closely resemble those of the Eurofighter Typhoon and Boeing F-15SA Eagles onto which the student pilots will transition. Once in service, these latest Hawk Mk 165 AJTs will replace the Mk 65 and Mk 65A platforms that preceded them.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 08, 2015, 02:42:59 pm
JACARTA, Indonésia, 7 de outubro, 2015 – A Lockheed Martin trouxe seu demonstrador de cockpit do F-16 para a Indonésia nesta semana para destacar o F-16V, a última versão do venerável caça multifunção F-16 Fighting Falcon da empresa. O F-16V oferece a mais avançada capacidade de 4ª Geração disponível no mercado hoje, incluindo o Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) e melhorias no computador de missão, estrutura, cockpit e sistema de guerra eletrônica.

O F-16V é a configuração de próxima geração que alavanca uma infra-estrutura de apoio comum em todo o mundo e proporciona melhorias significativas na capacidade multi-função do caça mais acessível e eficaz do mundo. Esta configuração de atualização e de produção será a configuração predominante para a frota mundial do F-16. A nova configuração de aviônicos representa o mais significativo upgrade do F-16 até hoje.

Com mais de 4.500 caças F-16 entregues, o F-16V é um passo natural na evolução do caça de 4ª Geração mais bem sucedido do mundo. O programa Fighting Falcon evoluiu continuamente, começando com o caça leve F-16 A/B e, em seguida, F-16 C/D até o Block 60, atendendo aos requisitos dos clientes.

FONTE: Lockheed Martin

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 04, 2015, 07:42:10 pm
Libano anuncia compra de aeronaves Super Tucano

A Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) e a Força Aérea do Líbano (FAL) chegaram a um acordo para compra de seis aviões de ataque A-29 Super Tucano, que foi oficializado nessa segunda-feira (2) após a assinatura do contrato avaliado em US$ 173 milhões. A negociação já havia recebido aval do Departamento de Defesa do EUA, em junho.

Os Super Tucano vão incrementar a capacidade de ataque e defesa da FAL, além de ampliar a capacidade de apoio aéreo aproximado em um momento de crise no Oriente Médio. O país teme ações do grupo terrorista Estado Islâmico ao longo de sua fronteira com a Síria, que vive uma guerra civil. As seis aeronaves serão entregues ao Líbano até 2019.
O contrato de aquisição também inclui 2.000 foguetes guiados a laser (arma de ataque ao solo) e sistemas de contramedidas eletrônicas, que podem enganar radares e mísseis inimigos.

Os Super Tucanos destinados ao Líbano serão produzidos pela SNC em Jacksonville, na Florida, por meio da parceria com a Embraer, fabricante original da aeronave. Outro cliente do Super Tucano “norte-americano” é a Força Aérea do Afeganistão, com 20 unidades do aparelho.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 10, 2015, 01:17:20 pm
Libano anuncia compra de aeronaves Super Tucano

A Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) e a Força Aérea do Líbano (FAL) chegaram a um acordo para compra de seis aviões de ataque A-29 Super Tucano, que foi oficializado nessa segunda-feira (2) após a assinatura do contrato avaliado em US$ 173 milhões. A negociação já havia recebido aval do Departamento de Defesa do EUA, em junho.

Os Super Tucano vão incrementar a capacidade de ataque e defesa da FAL, além de ampliar a capacidade de apoio aéreo aproximado em um momento de crise no Oriente Médio. O país teme ações do grupo terrorista Estado Islâmico ao longo de sua fronteira com a Síria, que vive uma guerra civil. As seis aeronaves serão entregues ao Líbano até 2019.
O contrato de aquisição também inclui 2.000 foguetes guiados a laser (arma de ataque ao solo) e sistemas de contramedidas eletrônicas, que podem enganar radares e mísseis inimigos.

Os Super Tucanos destinados ao Líbano serão produzidos pela SNC em Jacksonville, na Florida, por meio da parceria com a Embraer, fabricante original da aeronave. Outro cliente do Super Tucano “norte-americano” é a Força Aérea do Afeganistão, com 20 unidades do aparelho.

Demonstrador Embraer A-29B Super Tucano

Nas imagens de divulgação, o Demonstrador Embraer A-29B Super Tucano que está presente no Dubai Airshow. O avião, que acaba de ter confirmada a encomenda de 6 unidades para o Líbano, está sendo apresentado com um esquema de cores especial.

A venda para o Líbano é a segunda dentro do escopo do programa LAS (Light Air Support) da USAF, em parceria com a Sierra Nevada Corporation dos EUA. A primeira compreende a entrega de 20 aeronaves para o Afeganistão.

A venda para a Força Aérea Libanesa abre as portas do Oriente Médio para o Super Tucano, considerado o melhor avião de ataque leve e apoio aéreo aproximado da atualidade.









Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 10, 2015, 02:23:02 pm
Excelente aquisição!!!  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 11, 2015, 02:52:53 pm

Kfir para a Argentina terá que aguardar decisão política
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 12, 2015, 08:37:09 pm
Primeiro caça Gripen NG entra em montagem final na Suécia


Entrou na linha de montagem a primeira aeronave de teste do Gripen New Generation, o modelo comprado pela Força Aérea Brasileira. O anúncio foi feito na terça-feira (11), no Dubai Air Show, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, pelo chefe da área de negócios de Aeronáutica na Saab, Ulf Nilsson. Segundo a assessoria de imprensa da Saab, o protótipo – a primeira aeronave de teste no programa Gripen E (de um assento) – foi para a montagem final na configuração utilizada pela Força Aérea da Suécia, que é diferente da solicitada pelo Brasil.

Uma das diferenças entre as versões é que a Suécia utiliza o caça Gripen, da também sueca Saab, com três visores para os pilotos no cockpit. O Brasil pediu aeronaves com apenas um visor panorâmico central, chamado de “wide display”. A FAB comprou, em outubro de 2014, 36 jatos Gripen – 24 unidades na versão E, de um assento, e 8 jatos de duas posições, para treinamento, pelo valor de SEK 39.882.335.471,65. A previsão é que os aviões chegem ao país a partir de 2019.

Segundo a Saab, “para o Gripen, este é um marco importante, confirmando o conceito de design modular e estabilidade do programa”. ”Uma vez que o contrato com o Brasil entrou em vigor em setembro de 2015, alguns engenheiros brasileiros chegaram à Suécia para começar a trabalhar na configuração brasileira do Gripen NG. Estamos ansiosos para anunciar o mesmo marco nesse programa”, informou a construtora.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 17, 2015, 04:35:04 pm
​Embraer promotes KC-390 military transport for search and rescue missions at the Canadian Aerospace Summit 2015


Ottawa, Canada, November 17, 2015 – Embraer is attending the 2015 Canadian Aerospace Summit, which takes place November 17-18 at the Shaw Center, in Ottawa, Canada. The Company is located at Booth 527 and is promoting the KC-390 tactical transport aircraft for search and rescue missions in Canada. The KC-390 is designed to set new standards in its category, while presenting the lowest life-cycle cost of the market and the ability to perform multiple missions such as transport and airdrop of troops and cargo, search and rescue (SAR), medical evacuation, aerial refueling and firefighting among others. Some of its features make the KC-390 the ideal aircraft for the scenario of SAR operations in Canada:
• High speed cruise, low speed flying capability;

• Long range and flying endurance;
• SAR ready from initial concept;
• High availability and low life-cycle cost.

“The KC-390 was designed to perform search and rescue missions in the most demanding environments since its conceptual stage. Therefore we are confident that this aircraft fully meets the operational requirements of the Royal Canadian Air Force.”, said Jackson Schneider, President and CEO of Embraer Defense and Security.

For this type of mission, the sooner you get to the search area, higher are the chances of success and the KC-390 is a turbofan aircraft what makes it the fastest fixed wing SAR aircraft in this category. Having been developed to airdrop troops and cargo, and also to refuel helicopters, the KC-390 wing design is very well suited to long endurance and low speed SAR missions.

Latest generation avionics, electro-optic/infrared and radar sensors, full compatibility with night vision goggles add to the aircraft's capability to perform SAR over land or sea. State of the art full fly-by-wire technology makes the aircraft easy to fly allowing the crew to focus on the mission. Internal cabin space can fit all gear required for search mission and fast reconfiguration allows the plane to act as a fast transport for injured victims, with litters and life support equipment. The KC-390 also takes advantage of Embraer´s proven experience on the commercial aircraft, with more than 85 airlines from over 50 countries, to bring to the military and SAR environments unprecedented reliability and availability numbers, while assuring the robustness that the military need.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 17, 2015, 10:03:42 pm


Governo argentino solicitou  aos EUA para comprar caças F-16
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 27, 2015, 04:48:36 pm (
Para a alegria de muitos aficionados em aviação de combate o Tomcat ainda está operacional. Um elemento (duas aeronaves) destes famosos caças foram filmados pelas tripulações dos bombardeiros russos Tu-95 que atacaram instalações do Estado Islâmico nesta semana. Os aviões pertenciam à IRIAF (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force), segundo e último usuário de Tomcat.
Pareciam os tempos da guerra fria.  ;D ;)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Novembro 27, 2015, 06:48:05 pm
A única diferença é que nos idos tempos da guerra fria os Tomcat iam para estes encontros carregadinhos de mísseis e tanques de combustível. Aliás, é extremamente raro encontrar fotos de Tomcats tão 'limpinhos'. Belas fotos!
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Dezembro 02, 2015, 11:28:55 am

Argentina retires Dassault Mirage fleet
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Dezembro 02, 2015, 07:02:49 pm


Lockheed Martin bags $914m contract to upgrade Singapore's F-16 fighter jets
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 14, 2015, 03:01:23 pm (
PRESS RELEASE – The South African Air Force’s (SAAF’s) 35 Squadron is to celebrate 80 years of Dakota Excellence by hosting a formal banquet inside their hangar at AFB Ysterplaat on 5 December. The type is still in active service as a transport and electronic warfare platform and is deployed in the Mozambique Channel for maritime surveillance. The Dakota has seen over 72 years of military service in South Africa. The aircraft entered SAAF service in 1943 when the RAF passed a number of their fleet onto the SAAF. By the end of World War Two, a total of 84 Lend-Lease Dakotas had been transferred to the SAAF.At the cessation of hostilities in 1945, a large number of surplus Dakotas were disposed of, including some being transferred to South African Airways. The survivors of the SAA fleet later found their way back to the SAAF in 1971.

When sanctions were imposed on South Africa in the mid-70s, a number of Dakotas were purchased from various sources to supplement those still in SAAF service. In total 16 were added to the SAAF strength. At one stage, the SAAF had the distinction of operating the largest remaining fleet of Dakotas in the world.The Dakota performed yeoman service during the Border War from the 1960s through to the end of hostilities in 1988, performing such roles as troop transport, resupply, medical evacuation, paratrooping and other ancillary activities. During one particular mission near the South West African/Angolan border on 1 May 1986, a Dakota of 44 Squadron, commanded by Captain Colin Green, was hit by a SAM-7 surface-to-air missile while transporting high-ranking officials. The missile strike resulted in the loss of most of the rudder and a large proportion of the elevators. The pilot managed to keep the aircraft in the air and on course to AFB Ondangwa, where it was landed safely with no injuries to its crew or passengers.Following the end of the Border War, the number of squadrons operating the Dakota was reduced, along with the disposal of airframes.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Dezembro 14, 2015, 04:47:13 pm
Ainda vamos comprar estes para substituir os C-130 :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Dezembro 17, 2015, 12:12:52 am

França confirma encomenda de oito aviões-tanque Airbus A330 MRTT
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 18, 2015, 03:21:16 pm (
Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, Head of the Manpower Division Maj. Gen. Hagai Toplonski, and Head of the Planning Directorate Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin flew in the last official flight.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Dezembro 30, 2015, 09:06:17 pm

Germany confirms deployment of AWACS planes to Turkey
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Janeiro 06, 2016, 04:34:54 pm

Algeria Order's 12 Su-34 'Fullback' Fighter-Bombers from Russia
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 08, 2016, 03:21:25 pm (
There was a time when the Fuerza Aérea Argentina (Argentine Air Force) was considered to be one of the best Air Forces in Latin America, if not the world. Created into its own independent entity out of the Argentine Army in 1945, the Argentine Air Force began a massive modernization program which saw them becoming the first country in South America to operate jet aircraft.

It is believed that in the years to come,  the Argentine Air Force will cease to exist as a major military component of the Argentine Armed Forces and with an economy in shambles and embargoes still in place due to the Falklands war, it is still unknown whether if the Argentine Air Force will ever fully recover. It is possible that what was once Latin America’s most formidable air forces, maybe flying into the sunset for the last time.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Janeiro 29, 2016, 12:04:14 pm

Argentinian MoD confirms all fighters grounded
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Janeiro 29, 2016, 07:54:55 pm

20 more P-8 "Poseidon" for US, Australia ordered from Boeing
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 05, 2016, 09:12:38 pm
Royal Thai Armed Forces to receive new H145M helicopters
The Royal Thai Navy ordered five H145M helicopters in October 2014. Deliveries are scheduled to commence in 2016. The Royal Thai Army signed for six H145M too  with a VIP installation, under the Light Utility Helicopter Type II requirement, to be deployed principally on official passenger transport duties, with deliveries scheduled to begin in 2016.

Fonte: (

Vejam lá a camuflagem aplicada aos helicópteros: ( :)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Fevereiro 06, 2016, 12:27:48 am
Provavelmente baseada na camuflagem utilizada pelos americanos nos 60, aquando do conflito do sudeste asiático.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 14, 2016, 09:29:59 pm

Belgian F-16 replacement process to start by mid-year
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Fevereiro 16, 2016, 09:00:47 pm
Afeganistão: Super Tucano se prepara para o combate


A Força Aérea do Afeganistão começará a empregar seus primeiros A-29 Super Tucano, da Embraer, em operações de combate, provavelmente na próxima semana, cerca de um mês antes do previsto. As missões terão como alvo  posições dos extremistas do Taleban e da Al-Qaeda abrigados sob a cadeia de montanhas que ocupa a maior parte do país.

Os primeiros quatro A-29 chegaram à capital, Cabul, no dia 15 de janeiro. Eles foram recebidos pelo ministro da Defesa, Mohamed Masoon, e incorporados à Força Aérea afegã.

A presença dos Super Tucanos na guerra que já dura treze anos, a qual  estaria agregando ao conflito os radicais do Estado Islâmico, é resultado de um complexo acordo diplomático. O governo dos Estados Unidos comprou um lote de vinte unidades da joint venture formada pela Embraer Defesa e Segurança (EDS) e sua parceira local Sierra Nevada Incorporation (SNI). O Pentágono é o contratante e está pagando US$ 428 milhões pelo pacote que abrange peças de reposição, treinamento técnico e componentes.

Até novembro do corrente ano, a Força Aérea afegã terá mais um esquadrão, totalizando oito Super Tucanos. No primeiro semestre de 2017, outros quatro vão entrar em ação. A frota será completada ao longo de 2018. O plano não termina aí. O Pentágono quer negociar uma segunda encomenda de 20 a 30 aviões, elevando o compromisso ao patamar de US$ 850 milhões baseado no atual valor da moeda norte-americana e sem alterações na configuração.

Ivan Plavetz
Fonte: Veja
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 17, 2016, 04:45:18 pm
Parceria entre a Saab e Bombardier:


Saab introduces GlobalEye AEW aircraft
Citação de: FlightGlobal
Saab has officially launched a new airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft called GlobalEye, combining its new Erieye ER active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar with Bombardier's Global 6000 business jet.

It means the wider market will now be offered the same configuration as ordered by the United Arab Emirates under a $1.27 billion two-aircraft deal signed during Dubai air show in November.

“We have a completely new platform but also a completely new radar. The radar has an extremely high capacity compared to the old one, so the performance is enhanced,” says Erik Winberg, director of business development at Saab.

[continua] (
Fonte: (

GlobalEye The all-new aew&c solution (
Saab CEO discusses new UAE airborne surveillance order (


Saab, Bombardier To Launch Maritime Patrol Aircraft Programs
Citação de: DefenseNews
With China’s island-building strategy in the South China Sea unnerving neighbors, Saab has used the Singapore Airshow to roll out a partnership with platform builder Bombardier to launch two new maritime patrol aircraft programs to compete in a market that may finally be stung into action by Beijing’s actions.

Saab is poised to announce Tuesday that it is to tempt potential customers in the region and elsewhere to acquire much needed maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) capability by offering its latest Swordfish mission system installed on either Bombardier’s Global 6000 business jet or the Canadian company’s Q400 turboprop.

The business jet will likely be armed with Saab’s RBS-15 anti-ship missile and a lightweight torpedo; possibly a EuroTorp weapon. The Q400 is planned to carry just the torpedo.

[continua] (
Fonte: (

SWORDFISH MPA at Singapore Airshow (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 18, 2016, 02:24:10 pm

Iranian Tomcats to receive 'new' Nasr missile
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 19, 2016, 05:55:29 pm

Take a look at these photographs of the Tu-160 bombers  intercepted by the RAF Typhoons
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 19, 2016, 10:25:27 pm

Saab 300 Swordfish, avião de patrulha marítima.

Saab, Bombardier to Launch Maritime Patrol Aircraft Program
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 23, 2016, 11:39:54 am (
AE and Draken International have partnered to bid for the Canadian Department of National Defence's (DND) contracted airborne training services (CATS) programme.

Upon winning the bid for the ten-year CATS programme, the companies will offer a comprehensive service for adversary and threat training, electronic warfare and target towing operations to the Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Canadian Navy, and Canadian Army.

CAE Canada vice-president and general manager Mike Greenley said: "Our solution leverages CAE's training systems integration capabilities and Nato Flying Training in Canada experience, and combines this with Draken's world-leading fleet of adversary fighter aircraft and unmatched aggressor training practises.

"The Canadian Forces need to train against future threat aircraft that cannot be replicated without combining actual live-flying fighter aircraft with simulated enhancements.

"Our comprehensive solution will provide a better and more challenging overall training experience for Canada's fighter pilots by providing actual fighter jet adversaries that will look and act like real-world threats."

The companies have proposed a fleet of upgraded Douglas A-4 Skyhawk fighter aircraft for the training programme.

Additionally, the proposal covers a research and development programme aimed at developing training capabilities for adversary air training services.

Draken International CEO Jared Isaacman said: "We believe our combined offering with CAE has the ability to revolutionise the combat support provided under the CATS programme in Canada, as well as advance adversary and aggressor air training support globally."

The CATS programme is currently delivered in locations across Canada.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 29, 2016, 11:57:51 am

Russian inspectors to perform since today observations flights over Spain, Portugal
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Março 11, 2016, 06:12:36 pm


Aeronave de ataque da Embraer é cogitada para substituir o "caçador de tanques" A-10

Um dos mais importantes aviões da Força Aérea dos Estados Unidos (USAF), o modelo de ataque ao solo Farchild Republic A-10, está chegando ao limite de sua vida-útil e em breve será aposentado. E um dos candidatos para substituí-lo é o Embraer A-29 Super Tucano.

Segundo o site Flight Global, o Super Tucano é uma das alternativas estudadas pela USAF no projeto de aquisição de um nova aeronave de “apoio aéreo aproximado” (CAS – Close Air Support) – avião de ataque ao solo que auxilia ações terrestres, como combates contra guerrilhas e tanques..

Outro candidato ao posto do A-10 é o Beechcraft AT-6 “Wolverine”, fabricado nos EUA e com características semelhantes às do avião da Embraer. Ambos têm motores turbo-hélice e podem ser equipados com um variado leque de sensores e armamentos “inteligentes”.

De acordo com o artigo, o comando militar dos EUA busca uma solução com custos operacionais menores, por isso a sugestão de substituir o A-10, com motores a jato, por modelos turbo-hélice, de manutenção mais baixa e menor consumo de combustível.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 04, 2016, 12:59:15 pm
O A10, para já é insubstituível ao nível do Cas. O Super Tucano é um candidato fortíssimo é para o chamado "Cas para cenários de baixa intensidade", que a USAF vem testando recorrendo ao Ov10 Bronco, que foi colocado de novo a voar (aliás, pelo teor da noticia parece vir daí esta hipótese)  ;) 
The twin-engine Broncos—each flown by a pair of naval aviators—completed 134 sorties, including 120 combat missions, over a span of 82 days beginning in May 2015 or shortly thereafter, according to U.S. Central Command, which oversees America’s wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan.
Central Command would not say exactly where the OV-10s were based or where they attacked, but did specify that the diminutive attack planes with their distinctive twin tail booms flew in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, the U.S.-led international campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The Pentagon has deployed warplanes to Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates, among other countries. (
Já agora e sobre o tema, apesar de ser de 1990 : (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 08, 2016, 07:16:01 pm

Algeria increases order of Russian-made Mi-28 attack helicopters from 8 to 42
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 12, 2016, 10:50:08 pm
Liberals considering privatizing search and rescue operations as part of Canadian Forces review
(11 de Abril de 2016)
Citação de: Lee Berthiaume, Ottawa Citizen
The Liberal government is asking if the military should continue to be involved in search-and-rescue missions, or whether private companies and other alternatives should be relied on to save Canadians in distress instead.

The idea has been raised as part of the government’s defence review, and is sure to stoke strong reactions both inside the military and across the country. The previous Conservative government aired a similar proposal five years ago, before letting it quietly die.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan said last week that everything was on the table as he launched consultations with the public, parliamentarians and defence experts on how the military should be structured for the future. Consultations will continue until the end of July, with a new defence policy to be released in early 2017.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 22, 2016, 02:24:17 pm
Hospital da Noruega pediu F-16 para salvar doente em risco de vida

Uma equipa médica norueguesa requisitou um avião de combate F-16 para transportar um equipamento indispensável para salvar a vida de um paciente, noticiou hoje a imprensa local.

O caso, ocorrido a 4 de abril, envolveu um paciente que necessitava de uma técnica de suporte vital de último recurso designada oxigenação por membrana extracorporal, conhecida pelo acrónimo ECMO, do inglês Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.

O hospital em causa, situado em Bodo, no centro da Noruega, não tinha o equipamento para realizar aquele procedimento, mas outro hospital, em Trondheim, 450 quilómetros a sul do primeiro, dispunha da máquina, uma espécie de pulmão artificial.

O hospital de Trondheim contactou então a força aérea pedindo ajuda para levar o equipamento e, segundo as notícias, o pedido chegou numa altura em que dois caças F-16 se preparavam para descolar de uma base aérea próxima.

"Não fizeram perguntas, apenas quiseram saber o tamanho da máquina", disse à imprensa o diretor da unidade de anestesia do hospital de Trondheim, Anders Wetting Carlsen.

Um dos F-16 que estavam próximos tinha um compartimento de carga externo que permitiu transportar o equipamento até Bodo.

"Normalmente fazemos essa distância em 35 minutos, mas dada a natureza especial da carga, o piloto acelerou e chegou ao destino em menos de 25 minutos", disse o chefe da esquadra, Borge Kleppe, ao diário Verdens Gang.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 26, 2016, 07:15:44 pm
Pakistan may buy Romanian IAR 330 Medium Utility Helicopter

Pakistan Minister of Defence Production showed interest in IAR 330 Medium Utility Helicopter are manufactured by Romania-based IAR Brasov.

Pakistan and Romania on Monday decided to enhance defence cooperation. This understanding reached during a meeting ofRomanian delegation and Rana Tanveer Hussain, Minister of Defence Production (MoDP). They exchanged views on matters of mutual interest and enhancing cooperation in defence production.

Metam lá uma cunha com os romenos e pode ser que os paquistaneses levem também os nossos Puma.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: raphael em Abril 27, 2016, 01:07:36 am
esta largada de hummvees com falhas enquadra-se aqui?

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 27, 2016, 09:55:52 am (
The US Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) is currently aiding the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) in building up the capabilities of its IOMAX AT-802 Block 1 Border Patrol Aircraft (BPA) force, it was recently disclosed.

An image released by the Air Force Reserve Command on 19 April shows maintainers from the 711th Special Operations Squadron (the reserve component of AFSOC's 6th Special Operations Squadron [Aviation Foreign Internal Defense]) supporting an IOMAX AT-802 Block 1 BPA of "an allied force" on a deployed operation in March.

A source has confirmed to IHS Jane's that the image was taken in Jordan and that the 6th Special Operations Squadron (SOS), which is tasked with assessing, training, advising, and assisting foreign nation aviation forces worldwide, is helping to train Jordanian pilots on the aircraft also. As the mission integrator, IOMAX is working closely with AFSOC to first train the 6th SOS's pilots on the aircraft and weapons systems before that special operations unit passes on this knowledge to the RJAF.

The Jordanians were gifted six AT-802 BPA Block 1 aircraft by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2013. These aircraft were delivered to RJAF with a fully functional laser guided weapons capability; however, they were limited to GBU-58 (250 lb) precision-guided munitions (PGMs) and AGM-114 Hellfire missiles due to wing pylon weight limitations. The RJAF is currently working with the UAE and IOMAX to upgrade the six Block 2 BPAs to Block 2 standard, enabling them to carry GBU-12 (500 lb) PGMs and Cirit laser-guided rockets as well.

Further to the six IOMAX AT-802s, the RJAF has also received four AT-802Us that have instead been built by Air Tractor and L-3 Communications. These aircraft were part of a US government programme destined for Yemen, and were never delivered.

It should be noted that, while both are built around a common platform and so look much the same on the outside, the Air Tractor/L-3 Communications and IOMAX platforms are very different in terms of their internal make-up and systems.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 05, 2016, 02:09:49 am
Entretanto aqui perto, por 100 milhões de dólares, compra-se isto: 24 Kiowa, 10 Hellfire, 82 'smart' rockets, 24 gatling 7.62, 24 M3 12.7, 48 lançadores de rockets, munições. Nada de merdas de ser o primeiro cliente e comprar equipamento não testada ou certificado.

Kiowa Warrior helicopter sale to Tunisia approved (

Tunisia is set to procure surplus Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior scout and light attack helicopters after the US government approved a sale valued at USD100.8 million.

The sale, which was announced by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) on 3 May, covers the helicopters, weapon systems, defensive aids, night-vision goggles (NVGs), communications and navigation systems, as well as training and support.

Specifically, the DCSA lists 24 Kiowa Warrior helicopters via the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) programme; 10 Lockheed Martin AGM-114R Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and six M279A1 launchers; 82 BAE Systems Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) rounds with M152 High Explosive warheads; one Dillon M134D 7.62 mm Gatling gun (plus 2.3 million rounds) per helicopter; one FN Herstal M3P 12.7 mm machine gun (plus 500,000 rounds) per helicopter; and two M260 70 mm rocket launchers per helicopter.

Each helicopter will also be fitted with the AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) that includes A965M1 decoy chaff cartridges, and M211 and M212 Advance Infrared Countermeasures Munition flares. In addition, this request includes 50 pairs of AN/AVS-6 NVGs; 25 Embedded GPS/Inertial (EGI) Navigation Systems (INS), as well as radio sets and other communications and navigation equipment.

The overall effort is to be supported by the US Army Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aviation Program Manager's Office and the Security Assistance Management Directorate. Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of approximately 10 additional US government and 15 contractor representatives to Tunisia for approximately 5 years to support the fielding, maintenance, and personnel training.

"This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by helping to improve the security of Tunisia which has been, and continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the North African region," the DSCA notification said, adding, "The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters … will improve Tunisia's capability to conduct border security and combat operations against terrorists, including Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Libya, and Ansar al-Sharia Tunisia (AAS-T).

Tunisia looks set to bolster its rotary-winged capabilities after the US government approved the sale of 24 OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters to the North African country. Source: US Army
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 06, 2016, 10:27:45 am
Takeoff Antonov AN-70   a new generation of the short takeoff and landing tactical military medium transports.

This aircraft is capable of solving qualitatively new tasks beyond possibilities of previous military transports. It was proved by the wide programme of the Joint State tests, main part of which had been completed. AN-70 can transport almost any item of aeromobile military and engineering vehicles used by armies of the world and to deliver them to poorly-equipped unpaved runways directly to the destination. On this ability, AN-70 surpasses all the existent airplanes.

AN-70 can perform the typical transport mission (transportation of 20 t payload at a range of 3000 km)  from unpaved airfield of 600-800 m length only. There is no other airplane with such ability.  Taking into account all likely possibilities it is possible to come to conclusion that the AN-70 STOL capabilities as much as twice reduce both the number of aircraft required for the mission and the cost of the operation. According to the design estimations, AN-70 can be operated from/to elevated airfields placed at altitudes up to 3000 m over sea level. In comparison with the analogues aircraft, the AN-70 can perform air dropping of cargoes and parachutists with twice less scatter and its crew can guide the aircraft to the calculated touchdown point with a pin-point accuracy.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 07, 2016, 01:58:06 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 07, 2016, 03:45:20 pm
EUA querem venda de Super Tucanos, da Embraer, à Nigéria para combate ao Boko Haram

O governo dos Estados Unidos busca aprovar a venda de até 12 aeronaves de ataque leve A-29 Super Tucano, da Embraer, para a Nigéria como auxílio no combate ao grupo extremista Boko Haram, disseram autoridades norte-americanas, em um voto de confiança à reforma conduzida pelo presidente Muhammadu Buhari para mudar o manchado histórico militar do país africano.

Washington também está dedicando mais ativos de inteligência, vigilância e reconhecimento para a campanha contra militantes islâmicos na região, e planeja providenciar mais treinamentos para as forças de infantaria nigerianas, disseram as autoridades à Reuters, falando sob condição de anonimato para discutir os planos do governo Obama para a Nigéria.

A possível venda dos Super Tucano -que autoridades dizem ser apoiada pela administração dos EUA, embora seja assunto de revisão pelo Congresso- destaca o profundo envolvimento norte-americano na ajuda a países do norte e oeste da África na luta contra grupos extremistas.

O Congresso dos EUA ainda não foi formalmente notificado sobre a possível aprovação da venda das aeronaves à Nigéria.

Os Super Tucanos podem ser usados para treinamento, vigilância e ataques. Os aviões podem ser armados com metralhadoras e carregar até 1.550 quilos de armas.

Uma linha de produção do Super Tucano fica na Flórida, onde a aeronave é fabricada com a empresa norte-americana Sierra Nevada Corp. As aeronaves que seriam vendidas à Nigéria vêm com "uma configuração armada bastante básica", disse uma das autoridades dos EUA.

A venda pode oferecer à Nigéria uma aeronave que pode permanecer no ar por longos períodos para atingir formações do Boko Haram. As autoridades não revelaram o custo dos aviões para serem vendidos para a Nigéria. No entanto, um contrato para vender 20 aeronaves similares para o Afeganistão teve custo de 428 milhões de dólares quando foi anunciado em 2013.

A ampliação da ajuda militar dos EUA é uma vitória política para o presidente nigeriano Buhari, que tomou posse no ano passado prometendo reprimir a corrupção desenfreada que tem minado as Forças Armadas no país mais populoso da África.

"A administração Buhari, eu acho, tem realmente reenergizado a relação bilateral de uma forma fundamental", disse um oficial dos EUA.

O governo nigeriano anterior de Goodluck Jonathan tinha desprezado os Estados Unidos por bloquear a venda de armas, em parte devido a preocupações com os direitos humanos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 12, 2016, 09:55:56 pm

Indonesia to buy Airbus A400M military transport planes: minister     

Indonesia plans to purchase some Airbus A400M military transport aircraft,  its defense minister told Reuters on Wednesday, in a potential  boost to Europe's largest defense project (...)

It is intended to fill a gap between the smaller Lockheed-Martin C-130 Hercules, many of which are in service in Indonesia, and the Boeing C-17 cargo jet (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 14, 2016, 07:39:09 pm
Bell Helicopter hopes to secure a contract in the coming months with Austria for its 407GT, as part of a wider international sales drive for the civil derived light attack and armed reconnaissance platform, a senior official said on 11 May.

Speaking to reporters at the site of the company's Prague facility in the Czech Republic, Jakub Hoda, managing director for Europe and Russia, said that the Austrian Air Force's requirement to replace its ageing light utility helicopter fleet represents the most promising near-term opportunity for Bell's newly introduced 407GT.

"The 407GT is already in service with a Middle Eastern and a South American customer, and we are pushing the aircraft across the Middle East, North Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe also. Austria has a requirement [that could be satisfied by the 407GT], and we would hope to have a decision by the end of the year."

For Austria, a 407GT procurement would enable the air force to retire its ageing Aerospatiale Alouette III and Bell OH-58B Kiowa helicopters. According to an IHS Jane's source, the government has drawn up its capabilities requirement for a light utility helicopter (LUH) replacement programme, and a request for information (RfI) is expected to be issued shortly. Between 12 and 14 platforms are likely to be procured, with a type selection to be made later this year.

The LUH programme is part of a wider fleet recapitalisation process that is set to include the replacement of the ageing Saab 105 jet trainer aircraft with a modern type; and upgrades of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk and Agusta-Bell AB212 helicopter fleets. It has also been suggested that Austria might be looking to replace its Eurofighter Typhoons with another aircraft type for budgetary reasons.

First revealed in March 2013, the 407GT is derived from the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior in service with the US Army. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 18, 2016, 11:05:04 am
Maiden flight of the Diamond Aircraft DART-450

On May 17, 2016 the turbine powered DART-450 took off for its first flight.

The DART-450 (Diamond Aircraft Reconnaissance Trainer) is the world's first all-carbon fiber tandem, 2-seat civilian and military trainer with a sidestick and pneumatic ejection seats.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 18, 2016, 03:15:24 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 18, 2016, 03:16:36 pm
Por falar em Upgrade dos F16...  :P
Taiwan's Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) has said the upgrade programme for the Republic of China Air Force's (RoCAF's) fleet of F-16A/Bs will begin on schedule in early 2017.

The company said on 7 May it is currently building a hangar large enough to ensure that 24 aircraft per year can be updated.

Taiwan is seeking to upgrade its entire fleet of 144 F-16A/Bs by 2022. While most of the aircraft will be upgraded at AIDC's facility in Taichung, central Taiwan, some of the fighters will be shipped to the US for Lockheed Martin to carry out the upgrade.

When completed, the upgrade programme will see all of Taiwan's F-16A/Bs fitted with Northrop Grumman's APG-83 active electronically scanned array (AESA) fire-control radar, a 6x8-inch centre pedestal display, and an upgraded mission computer.

While Taiwanese defence officials remain optimistic that the upgrade programme can be completed by the 2022 deadline, there are still questions over its funding.

For instance, the second phase of the upgrade still requires funding, as US-Taiwan Business Council president Rupert Hammond-Chambers told IHS Jane's .

"If you review the original congressional notification, the programme is valued at USD5.3 billion, but the [Taiwanese government] baulked at funding the whole thing upfront, so there's still a second phase of funding required."

There is also concern in Washington that the upgrade programme will put considerable strain on the RoCAF and that it may leave Taiwan at a considerable cross-strait disadvantage in terms of air power.

By Hammond-Chambers' calculations - based on a 75% operational rate as well as maintenance and/or other life cycle support - the RoCAF will have some 79 F-16A/Bs operational at any given time for the duration of the upgrade.

He also warned that these airframes will be worked harder because there are fewer to use and that over the longer term this will shorten the lifespan of each aircraft irrespective of the upgrade. (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 26, 2016, 06:17:26 pm
Quiçá a partir de 2018 fazem de agressores para os F16 da Fap...  ;D ;)
O site Flightglobal noticiou que a empresa de treinamento e simulação CAE (que pertence à Bombardier) está oferecendo ao Canadá, em parceria com a empresa americana Draken International, o fornecimento de 16 jatos Douglas A-4 Skyhawk para o treinamento de combate dos CF-18 Hornet da Royal Canadian Air Force.

A companhia também está oferecendo dois jatos Learjet 35 equipados com pods eletro-ópticos, infravermelhos e de guerra eletrônica, além de poder rebocar alvos. A CAE e a Draken oferecem seis Skyhawk monoposto e 10 bipostos para atuarem como “multi-role combat support fighters” no treinamento de missão dos pilotos dos caças Boeing CF-18.

O Douglas A-4 Skyhawk voou pela primeira vez em 1954, com 2.960 aeronaves produzidas até o ano de 1979, incluindo aproximadamente 550 bipostos. Os Skyhawk da Draken foram adquiridos da Nova Zelândia e são equipados com o radar APG-66 dos primeiros F-16.

A proposta de treinamento inclui elementos reais, virtuais e construtivos (LVC) para simular aviões inimigos modernos, como o Sukhoi Su-30 e caças chineses. A simulação construtiva por meio de links de rádio pode simular quatro ou seis aeronaves inimigas com apenas um par de aviões no ar.

Os jatos da Draken atuam nos EUA na base aérea de Nellis fornecendo treinamento aos pilotos de F-22 e F-35. (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 27, 2016, 04:24:43 pm

Vietnam will buy at least two early warning aircraft C-295 AEW&C
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 27, 2016, 06:02:48 pm
Quiçá a partir de 2018 fazem de agressores para os F16 da Fap...  ;D ;)

A Marinha do Brasil deve fazer mais barato e sempre há a língua em comum, apesar de o inglês ser a língua oficial da FAP.

Assim como assim, os A-4 brasucas sempre teriam alguma utilidade e seriam uma fonte de receita para a sua Marinha. De vez em quando até podiam operar dos Açores ou da Madeira, que sempre é mais parecido a um PA que o São Paulo ;D
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 27, 2016, 10:43:07 pm
Quiçá a partir de 2018 fazem de agressores para os F16 da Fap...  ;D ;)

A Marinha do Brasil deve fazer mais barato e sempre há a língua em comum, apesar de o inglês ser a língua oficial da FAP.

Assim como assim, os A-4 brasucas sempre teriam alguma utilidade e seriam uma fonte de receita para a sua Marinha. De vez em quando até podiam operar dos Açores ou da Madeira, que sempre é mais parecido a um PA que o São Paulo ;D

Se precisar eles estão prontos:







2018, não é? Então, um ano depois o Gripen E entrará em serviço ativo na FAB.


Quem sabe não há um exercício conjunto entre FAP, FAB e aviação de caça da MB em terras e ares lusos?

Ou, quem sabe nas próximas edições do Exercício Cruzex, que é o organizado pelo FAB, a FAP seja convidada? Seria algo muito interessante. ;) ;) :D
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 27, 2016, 11:35:55 pm
Quiçá a partir de 2018 fazem de agressores para os F16 da Fap...  ;D ;)

A Marinha do Brasil deve fazer mais barato e sempre há a língua em comum, apesar de o inglês ser a língua oficial da FAP.

Assim como assim, os A-4 brasucas sempre teriam alguma utilidade e seriam uma fonte de receita para a sua Marinha. De vez em quando até podiam operar dos Açores ou da Madeira, que sempre é mais parecido a um PA que o São Paulo ;D

Se precisar eles estão prontos:







2018, não é? Então, um ano depois o Gripen E entrará em serviço ativo na FAB.


Quem sabe não há um exercício conjunto entre FAP, FAB e aviação de caça da MB em terras e ares lusos?

Ou, quem sabe nas próximas edições do Exercício Cruzex, que é o organizado pelo FAB, a FAP seja convidada? Seria algo muito interessante. ;) ;) :D
Ou quiçá pode acontecer o mesmo que na Líbia, ou seja "sair-lhes o tiro pela culatra"...  ;D ;D
Denmark: The Royal Danish Air Force participated with six F-16AM fighters, one C-130J-30 Super Hercules military transport plane and the corresponding ground crews. Only four F-16s were used for offensive operations, while the remaining two acted as reserves.[96] The first airstrikes from Danish aircraft were carried out on 23 March, with four aircraft making twelve sorties as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn.[97] Danish F-16s flew a total of 43 missions dropping 107 precision bombs during Odyssey Dawn before switching to NATO command under Unified Protector[98] Danish flights bombed approximately 17 percent of all targets in Libya and together with Norwegian flights have been the most efficient in proportion to the number of flights involved.[99] Danish F-16s flew the last fast-jet mission of Operation Unified Protector on 31 October 2011[100] finishing with a total of 599 missions flown and 923 precision bombs dropped during the entire Libya intervention.[101] ( (

Saudações  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 28, 2016, 12:01:28 am
O camarada Vítor Santos está sempre atento! Mal vê uma referência ao Brasil, em qualquer parte deste site, rapidamente tem uma resposta. Felizmente, o camarada Vítor está cada vez mais familiarizado com o sentido de humor prevalecente neste fórum.  :G-beer2:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 28, 2016, 12:11:57 am
O camarada Vítor Santos está sempre atento! Mal vê uma referência ao Brasil, em qualquer parte deste site, rapidamente tem uma resposta. Felizmente, o camarada Vítor está cada vez mais familiarizado com o sentido de humor prevalecente neste fórum.  :G-beer2:

Quando falei que acharia muito interessante um exercício conjunto entre FAP, FAB e a aviação de caça da MB, digo sem tons provocativos. Apesar de interesses estratégicos distintos, ou seja, Portugal integrado à OTAN e às questões europeias, e o Brasil se afirmando como potência econômica e política da América do Sul, acho que uma aproximação militar entre os dois países seria de grande importância.

Sem querer conjecturar ilusões, o intercâmbio militar entre as duas nações poderia gerar resultados práticos satisfatórios, como no programa KC-390. Além do cargueiro tático da Embraer, enxergo o Super Tucano com grande potencial de equipar a FAP. Inclusive aviadores portugueses já andaram a pilotar o vetor na Base Aérea de Natal.

Enfim, deixemos as animosidades de lado.

Sem querer ser pedante mas, há mais "portugueses" no Brasil do que em Portugal, portanto é natural que um dia haja uma convergência de interesses e isso inclui o campo militar. 
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 31, 2016, 11:37:16 am

Algeria receives 2 first Mi-28NE Night Hunter attack helicopters of 42 purchased to Russia
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 10, 2016, 11:13:30 am
Decididamente não é a semana das patrulhas acrobáticas...  :-\
A F-5 from Swiss demonstration team crashed near Leeuwarden Air Base in the Netherlands prior to AirShow Friday and Saturday.

Eyewitnesses say that a second aircraft was involved in the accident, but that can not yet be confirmed.

During a preparation flight for an air show, 2 Patrouille de Suisse F-5s collided. One plane crashed, the pilot ejected.

The Patrouille Suisse is an aerobatic team of the Swiss Air Force. The team flies six Northrop F-5E Tiger II fighter/bomber jets.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 12, 2016, 02:33:50 pm

Um B-52 dos EUA no Báltico, acompanhado por 2 F-16 polacos, 4 F-16 norte-americanos, 2 Eurofighters alemães e 4 Gripens da Suécia. Foto: US Air Force (Erin Babin)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Junho 22, 2016, 06:37:33 pm

Argélia compra três aviões de reconhecimento Gulfstream G-550 ISR equipados por Raytheon
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 30, 2016, 10:31:34 pm
Anda animada a vida lá para os lados do Japão.  ;D :P (
The General staff of the defense Forces of Japan said that Japanese fighters were raised into the air due to the passage in the Pacific, two anti-submarine aircraft of the Russian Navy Il-38.

According to the Japanese Ministry, quoted by “Interfax”, the Russian planes flew to Japan from the Sakhalin island and passed over the southern part of the Kuril Islands.

The day before, on June 27, Russian aircraft also flew to Japan from the Sakhalin island. They passed over the southern part of the Kuril Islands, then Il-38 made a circle East of the Japanese island of Honshu and back almost the same route.

The Il-38 is designed for independent or joint anti-submarine ships, search and destruction of submarines, for Maritime surveillance, search and rescue operations, laying minefields.

In may, the Russian managers prevent dangerous convergence of three planes over the sea of Japan. Not answering the signals of the American spy plane was flying at a height designed for civil aviation. He could face two passenger Airliners.

Título: Kawasaki C-2
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 03, 2016, 02:55:08 pm
Kawasaki Heavy Industries' new transport aircraft, C-2, delivered to the JASDF
(30 de Junho de 2016, em japonês [tradução (])
Citação de: Aviation Wire, Yahoo
Kasawaki Heavy Industries has delivered to the Air Self-Defense Force its first version of the C-2 mass production aircraft (aircraft number 68-1203).

Fonte: ( (fotografia no artigo)

Duvido que os japoneses consigam exportar isto após anos e anos a isolarem-se do mercado internacional e dada a forte concorrência. Seria era interessante e surpreendente ver uma empresa norte-americana fazer como a Lockheed Martin fez com a KAI e o seu T-50 Golden Eagle; uma parceria para a produção e exportação do C-2 para rivalizar com os novos aviões chineses, visto até que os EUA deixaram de ter o C-17 para oferecer ao mercado externo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 12, 2016, 03:55:04 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Crypter em Julho 12, 2016, 05:02:45 pm

Qual é o objectivo de um avião de passageiros descolar na vertical??
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 14, 2016, 12:18:49 pm
IAF Hercules pilots see augmented reality on first test flights

Elbit unveils upgraded drone designed to send visual intelligence to ground forces
 Israel's Elbit wins $20 million contract for military radio system
Título: Future Of The Super Puma In Doubt?
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 26, 2016, 09:47:00 pm
Future Of The Super Puma In Doubt?
(22 de Julho de 2016)
Citação de: Daniel Williams, Aviation Week
The world of heavy helicopters is relatively small with just a handful of OEMs making them for the civilian market. Airbus Helicopters is a large player in this niche market, but is the Super Puma's future production in jeopardy?

If we look at operators of the Super Puma family, a large percentage of them are with offshore and military operators, and this lack of diversity is leading to poor sales for Airbus Helicopters' current production heavies (H215 & H225).

The heavy helicopter market started to struggle when the price of oil began to drop drastically, from over $100/barrel in mid 2014, to below $50/barrel today. Airbus Helicopters were dealt a further blow to their future production when a Polish order for 50 examples was canceled when a new Government took over, leaving the company left with some 'white tail' helicopters. To make matters worse, Airbus Helicopters have suffered even more with the recent loss of a EC225 near Bergen, Norway leading to a grounding of the EC225's & AS.332L2's in Europe and many other parts of the globe.


With the recent announcement of the CHC Group entering Chapter 11 Bankruptcy proceedings, the second hand helicopter market has been flooded with heavy helicopters that have been removed from the CHC fleet and returned to lessors. These very same lessors are responsible for a good percentage of the aircraft currently on order, so they will be trying to re-negotiate delivery slots and even cancel orders.

Fonte: (

Houvesse vontade política sempre se podia aproveitar para comprar uns tantos helicópteros para o Exército ( ou pelo menos (fosse na FAP ou Protecção Civil) para combate aos incêndios (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 28, 2016, 12:43:03 pm


Meteor - Conheça o míssil mais letal do mundo. Não é americano, mas europeu
Título: Nigeria’s Tiny, Low-Tech Alpha Jets Have Flown in Brutal Wars Across Africa
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 28, 2016, 07:38:23 pm
Nigeria’s Tiny, Low-Tech Alpha Jets Have Flown in Brutal Wars Across Africa
(28 de Julho de 2016)
Citação de: Sebastien Roblin, War is Boring
On the morning of June 19, 2016, seven Toyota Hilux trucks manned by Boko Haram fighters lay in wait near Daira Noro, Borno State in northeastern Nigeria.

Members of a fundamentalist insurgency infamous for its terrorist attacks and kidnappings of young girls, the fighters had recently been chased out of their camps in Sambisa forest by an African multi-national task force.

As the African forces advanced north in pursuit, the Boko Haram fighters had prepared a road-side ambush under tree cover. Two of their trucks were armed with heavy machine guns.

The distant whine of small airplane engines sounded overhead. An unarmed civilian plane flew by.

Then suddenly, a small twin-engine fighter — an Alpha Jet — came screaming over the horizon. Radioed the position of the Boko Haram fighters by the unarmed plane — actually a King Air 350 surveillance aircraft — the Alpha Jet unleashed a barrage of rockets on the concealed ambush, followed by 250-pound bombs and strafing runs.

The Toyotas were all destroyed and the ambush force thrown into chaos.

Nigerian ground forces followed close on the heels of the jet and chased off the survivors. They counted 15 bodies and two abandoned rocket-propelled grenades.

This incident, as reported by Nigerian air force Group Captain Ayodele Famuyiwa, highlights the role of air power in the struggle against the brutal Boko Haram insurgency in northern Nigeria.

In addition to the Alpha Jets, Hind attack helicopters and F-7 fighters — Chinese-built copies of the MiG-21 — have taken part in the air campaign. But the Alpha Jets, taken out of near-retirement five years ago, also played in important — and at times controversial — role supporting Nigerian peacekeeping troops in Liberia and Sierra Leone during the 1990s.

This is the story of how a diminutive jet trainer made its mark on West Africa.

[continua] (
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 31, 2016, 07:10:37 pm
Speculation over who Mikoyan was building 46 brand-new MiG-29M jets for has come to a end with Egypt being revealed as the customer.

Mig-29M para o Egipto a juntar aos Rafale, F-16, Mirage 2000...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Agosto 02, 2016, 07:57:10 pm
Croatia receives first OH-58 Kiowa helicopters (


The donated helicopters, the first of 16, and around 30 tonnes of additional equipment were delivered by a US Air Force Reserve Command Lockheed C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft. This is the first such shipment (at least one more is expected), fulfilling intergovernmental talks started in early 2015, and fully formalised in early 2016. The Croatian side of the deal was completed by March, with the Croatian government providing the funding on 25 May.

After the OH-58Ds were pulled out of US service as part of the '2013 Aviation Restructure Initiative', all 340 became available through EDA and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programmes. Croatia was the first country to show interest, picking out 16 lightly used aircraft formerly attached to the US Army 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment (Fort Bragg, North Carolina) in November 2015. A formal letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) for the aircraft was signed in mid-February 2016.

Besides the helicopters and initial training donated by the United States, Croatia also bought three OH-58D simulators, as well as a package of spare parts and armament.

Although the full value of the donation was estimated at around USD218 million, the contract value of the deal is set at USD29.14 million. Half was paid by the United States, and the rest is to be covered by Croatia between 2016 and 2020. All in all, Croatia will spend HRK188.4 million (USD27.9 million) on this new capability, with taxes included.

Croatia's first five Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters were delivered to Zemunik Air base on 30 July.

Croatia's first five OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters were delivered by a USAF C-5 Galaxy on 30 July. (Croatian Ministry of Defence)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 02, 2016, 09:28:35 pm
Croatia receives first OH-58 Kiowa helicopters (


The donated helicopters, the first of 16, and around 30 tonnes of additional equipment were delivered by a US Air Force Reserve Command Lockheed C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft. This is the first such shipment (at least one more is expected), fulfilling intergovernmental talks started in early 2015, and fully formalised in early 2016. The Croatian side of the deal was completed by March, with the Croatian government providing the funding on 25 May.

After the OH-58Ds were pulled out of US service as part of the '2013 Aviation Restructure Initiative', all 340 became available through EDA and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programmes. Croatia was the first country to show interest, picking out 16 lightly used aircraft formerly attached to the US Army 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment (Fort Bragg, North Carolina) in November 2015. A formal letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) for the aircraft was signed in mid-February 2016.

Besides the helicopters and initial training donated by the United States, Croatia also bought three OH-58D simulators, as well as a package of spare parts and armament.

Although the full value of the donation was estimated at around USD218 million, the contract value of the deal is set at USD29.14 million. Half was paid by the United States, and the rest is to be covered by Croatia between 2016 and 2020. All in all, Croatia will spend HRK188.4 million (USD27.9 million) on this new capability, with taxes included.

Croatia's first five Bell OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters were delivered to Zemunik Air base on 30 July.

Croatia's first five OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters were delivered by a USAF C-5 Galaxy on 30 July. (Croatian Ministry of Defence)

Ora bem, em minha opinião tinha sido porventura, há falta de meios para comprar melhor opção, uma boa escolha para substituir os nossos AL III, digo eu, pois quem não tem cão com gato caça........nós que nem dinheiro temos para mandar cantar uns......... até ficávamos bem servidos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 10, 2016, 09:14:08 pm

Kuwait finally signs $1bn deal for 30 Airbus H225M Caracal helicopters
Título: "Francia ofrece a Bolivia barcos y aviones de entrenamiento TB 30 Epsilon"
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 12, 2016, 06:54:21 pm
Francia ofrece a Bolivia barcos y aviones de entrenamiento TB 30 `Epsilon´
(12 de Agosto de 2016)
Francia está a la espera de que el gobierno de Bolivia acepte la propuesta para suministrarle aviones de entrenamiento Socata TB 30 Epsilon y embarcaciones para la Armada, entre otros equipos militares.

La revelación la hizo, el pasado 7 de agosto, el encargado de negocios de la Embajada de Francia en Bolivia, Jean Pierre Pauly, durante la entrega a la <strong>Fuerza Aérea Boliviana</strong> de dos helicópteros Airbus Helicopters AS332 C1e Super Puma.

"Tenemos un contrato para proveer radares militares, se va a dar a Bolivia soberanía en el aire y más seguridad”, y se espera que se acepte la propuesta para “la provisión de 16 aeronaves para capacitar a los efectivos de la Fuerza Aérea y barcos para la Armada Boliviana y muchas otras cosas ", señaló el diplomático francés.

Fonte: (

France offers to Bolivia TB 30 Epsilon light military trainer aircraft (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Alvalade em Agosto 12, 2016, 07:13:39 pm
A Marinha da Bolívia a investir para ultrapassar a Suíça.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 16, 2016, 06:43:49 pm

AgustaWestland  AW101


AgustaWestland AW109


AgustaWestland AW139

Algeria signs agreement to produce Leonardo-Finmeccanica helicopters

The establishment of an Algerian factory to produce Leonardo-Finmeccanica helicopters has moved a step forward with the signing of a memorandum of understanding on the new joint venture.

The agreement was signed on 11 August in Algiers (...)

The new facility will be built at the Ain Amat site in Setif province and will assemble light to medium helicopters such as the AW109, AW139 and AW 101. "From the first year and following the construction of the plant, the main objective of the company is to manufacture three types of light and medium helicopters  for various use including the transport of personnel and cargo, medical evacuation, surveillance and control", the ministry of defense said in a statement.

Algeria will own 51% of the helicopter manufacturing facility and Leonardo-Finmeccanica the rest. (...)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 17, 2016, 07:55:54 am (
QinetiQ, Thales and Textron AirLand have announced a collaboration that will offer the Scorpion jet for the UK’s upcoming Air Support to Defence Operational Training programme.

According to a press release, the operational training activities that will comprise the ASDOT programme are currently fulfilled by a number of providers, both military and civilian. This team will propose an innovative, cost effective, technologically advanced reliable managed service using the Textron AirLand Scorpion jet equipped with Thales and QinetiQ sensors to provide a broad spectrum of training for all three armed services. The competitive contract, expected to be awarded in September 2018 with a service delivery start in Jan 2020, is anticipated to be worth up to £1.2bn over 15 years.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 20, 2016, 11:25:22 am (
A Força Aérea Argentina não terá aviões de combate após 2018, pois os três caças A-4AR FightingHawk que permanecem operacionais serão desativados, de acordo com fontes do Ministério da Defesa argentino. No final de 2015, a administração cessante de Cristina Fernandez testemunhou o desmantelamento definitivo das poucas unidades operacionais do Mirage III de procedência francesa.

Com esta situação, o governo de Mauricio Macri está considerando opções, que incluem novos aviões italianos e até mesmo um esquadrão de Mirage F1 usados da França a serem fornecidos em condições muito generosas por Paris.

Um dos aviões cogitados é o Aermacchi M-346 Master da Itália, mas é considerado muito caro: US$ 30 milhões cada, mais um programa completamente novo de treinamento e ferramental.


Título: "New Zealand Issues RFI for New Transport, Surveillance Aircraft"
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 20, 2016, 11:30:09 am
Ainda à uns tempos falou-se nos C-130 da RNZAF no tópico do Programa de substituição do C-130 (

"New Zealand Issues RFI for New Transport, Surveillance Aircraft"
(19 de Agosto de 2016)
Citação de: Nick Lee-Frampton, DefenseNews
New Zealand’s Ministry of Defence issued a request for information Aug. 18  for aircraft to ensure continued air mobility and air surveillance operations beyond 2020.

Currently the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) relies on a fleet of five Lockheed C-130H Hercules and two Boeing 757-200 Combi aircraft for air transport and six Lockheed P-3K2 Orions for air surveillance.

The first Hercules replacement is to be delivered by February 2020 to allow initial operational capability to be declared in February 2021, with full operational capability achieved by February 2024.

The first B757-200 replacement aircraft will be required by Feb. 1, 2025 to allow IOC to be declared one year later.

With regard to the P-3K2 Orions, their withdrawal from RNZAF service is planned for the ‘middle of the next decade,’ and the replacement is expected to deliver ‘at least the current rates of effort, between 2,500 to 3,200 hours of airborne operations per year.’

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Agosto 23, 2016, 08:21:01 pm
Green Flag East 2016








Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Agosto 23, 2016, 08:21:53 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 31, 2016, 02:13:25 pm (
After the successful transaction and acceptance of the S-300 missile system from Russia, Iran is eyeing another deal for a huge number of aircraft.

That was reported by

Before Iran was smacked with sanctions by the western nations there were talks of buying new fourth generation fighter aircraft from either Russia or China. There were continuous negotiations and official press notes being released that most of the details on the deal has been ironed out and only the technological challenges remain. Soon, after Iran got smacked with sanctions and all of their foreign accounts were frozen. Now after a long hiatus things look slightly better for Iran as the sanctions have been eased on them and their accounts unfrozen.

The deal is official as Iran’s defence minister General Hossein Dehghan said during an interview in the national television. There has been no timeline set for the commencement of deliveries or the number of fighters and would Iran contribute to the production of the fighters and in what stages. The Iran has a requirement for more than 200 hundred aircraft as majority of the aircraft in the air force is in pitiable condition due to the ageing of the air frames and the lack of spares due to western sanctions imposed after the revolution.

If the deal is concluded than Iran after Israel would have one of the most advanced and largest fourth generation fighter fleet in the middle east and can also pose a very serious threat to any future American operation in the region and also to other regional powers like the Saudis. Certain reports came up that Iran wants a custom built flanker like the Indians and Iran did ask New Delhi repeatedly for availability of certain technologies like MFD displays and a custom built mission computers although New Delhi seems reluctant to do so but it offered assistance in Pilot training and maintenance.

Título: China vai produzir nova versão do Antonov An-225
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 31, 2016, 07:04:02 pm
Ukraine, China agree to jointly build new A-225 super-heavy transport aircraft
(31 de Agosto de 2016)
Citação de: Defence Blog
The Ukrainian state enterprise “Antonov” and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (abbreviated as AVIC) signed deals to cooperate on the construction of a new A-225 super-heavy transport aircraft based on An-225.

At the first stage, to produce second modernized An-225 “Mriya” aircraft at the production site of State Enterprise “Antonov” with its subsequent delivery to AVIC company. In the second phase plans establish production sites of the new A-225 heavy lift aircraft in China.

The Chinese group plans to build two production sites, one in Luzhou in Sichuan Province, and the second in Guigang which lies 300km west of Guangzhou.

The new A-225 manufatcured in China, of which the first could come out of the assembly line in early 2019, will be mainly used for cargo transportation.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 31, 2016, 07:47:23 pm
Algeria shows Mi-28NE helicopters for the first time

Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
31 August 2016

A still from Algerian television footage shows one of the country's new Mi-28NE attack helicopters. Source: Canal Algérie
The Algerian Ministry of National Defence (MDN) confirmed on 30 August that it has received its first Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter attack helicopters when it released coverage of Chief-of-Staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Gaïd Salah inspecting Ain Oussera Air Base, 135 km south of Algiers.

Two Mi-28NEs were seen fitted with the optional N025E mast-mounted radars and pods for 87 mm S-8 rockets. Lt Gen Salah was also seen inspecting a launch tube for either a 9M114 Kokon or 9M120 Ataka air-to-surface missile.

The Russian media has reported that Algeria has ordered 42 Mi-48NE that, unlike the Russian Air Force ones, have dual controls that enable both crewmembers to pilot the aircraft. Algeria's El-Khabar newspaper reported on 17 August that six have been delivered so far.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 04, 2016, 10:40:04 am

Baltic Air Policing: French Mirage 2005 take over the Portuguese F-16 which were there since May

In parallel, four German Eurofighter have replaced four British Typhoon/Eurofighter
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 06, 2016, 11:18:20 pm
Os sul-africanos têm tido problemas com a falta de aeronaves de patrulha marítima, estando a força aérea a utilizar aviões C-47 e C-130H para essa missão.

Recentemente duas empresas vieram oferecer vender cinco aeronaves Dornier 328, cujo contrato de leasing com a Australian Maritime Safety Authority terminou e foram agora substituídas por aeronaves Challenger 604.

Good Order at Sea: South Africa’s Plan B (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 10, 2016, 09:57:36 pm
O novo AN-132 não terá componentes russos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 15, 2016, 01:47:09 pm (
A Boeing acaba de revelar em St. Louis seu treinador T-X, feito em parceria com a Saab, que concorre para ser o novo treinador da USAF, no lugar do velho T-38 Talon.

A maior empresa aeroespacial do mundo enfrenta uma batalha com a Lockheed Martin, a Northrop Grumman e a Raytheon para o contrato de US$ 11 bilhões para produzir cerca de 350 jatos do programa treinador avançado T-X.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 16, 2016, 10:15:39 pm

Boeing T-X: Advanced Pilot Training
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 25, 2016, 09:59:28 pm
North Korea's first air show got off the ground on Saturday at Kalma Airport in Wonsan.

The two-day event features North Korean Air Force planes and helicopters as well as the civilian fleet of North Korean flag carrier Air Koryo.

Approximately two hundred aviation enthusiasts from around the world have flown in for the event. A crowd of thousands of North Koreans watched the air show.

A British tour company, Juche Travel Services, started organising trips years ago for plane spotters to fly around North Korea on its fleet of Russian planes.

( (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Outubro 06, 2016, 04:35:42 pm

A civilian-owned CF-104D Starfighter flew for its first time in 33 years in Norway
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 13, 2016, 12:05:55 pm (
Os quatro parceiros do Programa Eurofighter enfrentam decisões importantes nos próximos dois anos, com duas das quatro linhas de montagem final começando a ficar sem trabalho em 2018, enquanto a produção de componentes principais enfrenta uma suspensão de dois anos, até que seja retomada em 2018, para as aeronaves encomendadas pelo Kuwait no início de 2016.

Lidar com o fim da produção criará desafios complexos de gestão para as quatro empresas parceiras que possuem a contratante principal Eurofighter Jagdflugzug GmbH, (Airbus, com 46%, a BAE Systems com 33% e Leonardo-Finmeccanica, com 21%, de acordo com as últimas participações), bem como uma perda de receitas que irá levá-los a decidir se reivindicam compensações dos quatro governos parceiros para os cortes substanciais nos números totais de produção desde que o “contrato guarda-chuva” foi assinado.

O fechamento de uma linha de montagem final é parecido com o beijo da morte em um mercado tão competitivo como o de aeronaves de combate modernas. A Boeing (com o F-18E) e a Lockheed Martin (com o F-16) enfrentam problemas semelhantes, e ambas estão lutando para conseguir novas vendas antes que o trabalho acabe.

O fechamento das linhas de montagem do Eurofighter chega ironicamente num momento em que o avião está recebendo modernizações como radar AESA e novas armas, que o tornariam mais atrativo ao mercado. Mas as modernizações chegaram tarde demais, segundo especialistas.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 29, 2016, 11:12:22 am (
O Kuwait planeja comprar 28 caças Boeing F-18 Super Hornets, disse um oficial militar na segunda-feira, 10 dias depois que o Departamento de Estado norte-americano notificou o Congresso da possível venda de 40 dos aviões de combate ao Estado árabe do Golfo.

O general Lafi al-Azmi, chefe da Autoridade de Armamentos e Aquisições do Exército, também disse que o Kuwait planeja devolver uma série de F-18 desatualizados de seu inventário como parte do acordo de compra, informou a agência de notícias oficial do Kuwait.

Ele acrescentou que os detalhes da venda só seriam divulgados após a sua assinatura oficial.

“Dada a proximidade do Kuwait com locais turbulentos, certamente precisamos de equipamentos militares eficazes”, disse ele, em aparente referência às guerras no Iraque e na Síria.

Os aviões de caça são cada vez mais importantes para o Kuwait em meio a crescentes tensões regionais entre a Arábia Saudita e o Irã, cuja luta pela pré-dominação regional sustenta guerras e tensões políticas em todo o Oriente Médio. O Kuwait, um aliado da Arábia Saudita, também faz parte de uma coalizão liderada pelos sauditas no Iêmen.

A Boeing, a Northrop Grumman Corp, a Raytheon Co e a General Electric Co são os principais contratantes para a venda proposta.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Novembro 29, 2016, 03:59:05 pm
Parece que compraram 32 E e 8 F.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Dezembro 08, 2016, 09:16:38 pm

Canada's new search-and-rescue plane: Airbus C-295

Canada buys 16 C295 for $2.3 billion. The Spanish-made plane beats Embraer and Leonardo, which contested with the Embraer KC-390 and the C-27J Spartan
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 19, 2016, 10:03:45 am (
Key Points
Upgraded software insertion is the only requirement for the IRIS-T air-to-surface solution
No further air-to-surface trials currently planned with F-16 or other platforms
The Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) has tested a new air-to-surface capability developed by Diehl BGT Defence for the IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile (AAM).

A proof of concept test firing to acquire, track, and engage a target representing a small fast attack boat was conducted in Norway in September 2016, where the IRIS-T missile was launched from an RNoAF F-16AM multirole aircraft.

The IRIS-T AAM was developed through a six-nation industrial consortium, led by Diehl BGT Defence of Germany. Series delivery of the missile to the programme nations - Germany Greece, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Spain - started in December 2005. Since then, Austria, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand have also acquired the IRIS-T AAM. The missile is cleared for carriage with the AMX International AMX, Boeing F/A-18, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, Panavia Tornado, and Saab JAS 39 Gripen.

Conceived as a replacement for the legacy AIM-9 Sidewinder variants, the IRIS-T AAM is an agile short-range, all aspect imaging infrared (IIR) homing missile powered by a Nammo solid propellant motor. Similar in size and centre of gravity to the AIM-9L/M Sidewinder, IRIS-T is some 2.94 m in length, 127 mm in diameter, with a flight control surfaces span (wing) of 350 mm, and a total weight of 89 kg. Equipped with an 11.4 kg high-explosive (HE) (fragmentation) warhead fitted with a radar-assisted proximity fuze, the missile features with lock-on before launch (LOBL) and lock-on after launch (LOAL) capabilities for target engagement at ranges out to 13.5 n miles (25 km).

For the air-to-surface role, the missile retains the same standard IRIS-T AAM hardware configuration, including the HE warhead and IIR guidance package, with only an updated software insertion required to deliver the additional ground attack capability, a company spokesperson told IHS Jane's .

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: olisipo em Dezembro 20, 2016, 02:54:58 pm


The electronic warfare and surveillance plane Antonov 132D, jointly  manufactured by Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, has been presented this morning at Kiev Antonov headquarters
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 21, 2016, 10:41:58 am
 1º vôo do TX Boeing-SAAB

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Alejandro Noronha - Voou Primeiro que o Gripen  ;D (

Saudações  8) :P
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 02, 2017, 01:44:16 pm (
Textron AirLand conducted the maiden flight of the first production-standard Scorpion jet on 22 December, the company announced.

The flight took place out of McConnell Air Force Base (AFB) in Wichita, Kansas, and lasted for approximately 1 hr 42 min. During this first flight, the test pilots verified the aircraft's avionics and aerodynamic performance, as well as a number of its systems.

With more than 800 hours already accumulated on the pre-production standard prototype, the improved variant features a Garmin G3000-based avionics suite that features a large high-definition display complemented by two high-definition touch-screens in both front- and rear- cockpits.

Changes to the airframe include four degrees of sweep to the wings, an enhanced aft horizontal stabiliser for improved high-speed performance, a simplified landing gear design, a 'next-generation' head-up display (HUD), and hands-on throttle and stick (HOTAS) controls.

According to Textron, this production-standard aircraft will now undergo a comprehensive flight test programme, with the US Air Force looking or the first time to undertake an airworthiness assessment of a non-Department of Defence military aircraft design.

First revealed in September 2013, the tandem twin-seat and twin-engine Scorpion jet has been developed to suit mission sets including COIN, border patrol, maritime surveillance, counter-narcotics, and air defence, in a package set to cost no more than USD20 million.

This maiden flight of a production-standard jet followed the first air-to-surface live firings from the prototype that took place at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico in mid-October.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Janeiro 15, 2017, 08:32:44 am
Os italianos já estão a projectar um substituto para o A129.

Inicialmente pensei em unidades construídas novas semelhantes ao T129 turco, mas parece que será um projecto totalmente novo.
Um dos meus helicópteros favoritos da minha infância.  8)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 20, 2017, 09:39:49 am (
A Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) de Taiwan e a Lockheed Martin começaram a atualizar os quatro primeiros dos 144 caças F-16A/B para o mais recente padrão F-16V.

O Projeto Phoenix Rising de US$ 3,47 bilhões visa elevar todos os F-16A/B à versão F-16V. A frota inteira deve ser modernizada até 2023, informou o Taipei Times.
A atualização da frota nacional de aviões F-16 começou com o deslocamento de quatro aviões para a fábrica em Taichung onde vão passar por modernização.

Taiwan será a primeira nação do mundo a ter uma frota de F-16V, que o ministro da Defesa Nacional Feng Shih-kuan disse que poderá competir com o Chengdu J-20 da China.

A AIDC e a Lockheed Martin Corp, fabricante original do F-16, receberam o contrato para realizar as atualizações. A Lockheed Martin em 2015 completou primeiro uma atualização e teste de voo de um F-16 de propriedade de Taiwan, mas estacionado em uma base da Força Aérea dos EUA.

A AIDC é responsável pela execução do programa de modernização em Taiwan, com a expectativa de que os quatro primeiros F-16Vs sejam atualizados até o final deste ano.

“A AIDC deve completar a atualização de 25 a 28 caças F-16 por ano e a frota inteira da Força Aérea, incluindo 10 F-16 estacionados em uma base dos EUA, será atualizada até 2023”, disse Fan Ta-wei, Chefe do Estado Maior da Força Aérea da República da China, em uma sessão legislativa em novembro.

As aeronaves melhoradas devem ser equipadas com radar de controle de tiro de matriz eletrônica ativa (AESA) – a característica mais importante da atualização – que permite que os F-16V detectem aeronaves furtivas.

Os F-16Vs também serão equipados com aviônica avançada, incluindo um novo sistema de gerenciamento de voo e sistema de mira montado no capacete (HMD), e também com mísseis mais avançados, como os Sidewinder AIM-9X. Com um sistema de radar em pé de igualdade com os caças de quinta geração, os F-16V serão responsáveis pela defesa aérea de Taiwan nas próximas duas décadas.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 16, 2017, 07:53:23 pm
A Áustria vai processar a Airbus e o consórcio aeronáutico europeu Eurofighter por fraude e corrupção

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 03, 2017, 10:42:05 am
Numa altura que se fala tanto do A4 no Brasil...  ;)


Draken International, operator of the largest privately-owned fleet of ex-military aircraft in the world, marked another milestone providing adversary “Red Air” support for the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in support of Agile Lightning and Wing Fury from 26 to 31 January 2017.

The exercise demonstrated the F-35B’s ability to conduct expeditionary short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) operations.

Agile Lightning integrated a complex training environment featuring distributed operations and Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) operations.

The mission included nearly 2,000 Marines in air and ground roles, more than 16 aircraft from 7 squadrons across 3 Marine Air Wings, the U.S. Navy forces from the U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Navy Strike Fighter Squadron 97, and the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center participated.

Draken operated from Marine Corps Air Station Miramar during the exercise and marked their USMC adversary support debut with their virtually brand-new L-159 Advance Light Combat Aircraft (ALCA). ( (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Março 03, 2017, 11:34:59 am
Os italianos já estão a projectar um substituto para o A129.

Inicialmente pensei em unidades construídas novas semelhantes ao T129 turco, mas parece que será um projecto totalmente novo.
Um dos meus helicópteros favoritos da minha infância.  8)

Os italianos fizeram um convite formal ao Exército Brasileiro no sentido de participar (leia-se $$$) no projeto de desenvolvimento desta nova plataforma de ataque.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 06, 2017, 10:41:05 am (

L3 Technologies and Air Tractor are marketing their AT-802L (formerly AT-802U) as the OA-8 Longsword at the 2017 Avalon Airshow in Australia, as the partners look to secure regional sales for the armed turboprop aircraft.

Company representatives told Jane's on 1 March that there are a number of requirements in Australia, New Zealand, and the wider Asia-Pacific region that could suit the newly re-designated OA-8, but declined to be more specific.

Literature displayed by L3 and Air Tractor at the event gave the OA-8 a 400 n mile range with five hours of on-station time in an intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance configuration; a more than 10 hour endurance; a more than 2,812 kg payload (6,200 lb); an unprepared runway capability; and availability with a mobile command and ground control station. A model and imagery displayed showed the aircraft to be carrying 'dumb' bombs, rocket pods, and Gatling guns from its under-wing and under-fuselage hardpoints. A representative for L3 said that, while the OA-8 had performed a weapons drop during trials, it has not yet been certified.

The promotion of the OA-8 at the Australian International Aerospace and Defence Exposition in Geelong, near Melbourne, comes at a difficult time for the partnership of L3 and Air Tractor as its recently approved sale to Kenya of 12 AT-802L aircraft (plus two AT-504 trainers) is being investigated by the Congressman representing its chief competitor, IOMAX. Congressman Ted Budd contends that L3 and Air Tractor have misrepresented their product in Kenya and elsewhere to piggy-back on the success of the IOMAX AT-802 and Archangel platforms developed for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other potential customers.

Previously, Air Tractor had not responded to Jane's requests for comment on allegations pertaining to sales to Kenya and Egypt specifically, while L3 had responded that it had no comment.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 08, 2017, 09:21:06 am
53 anos de Mig 25.

Citar (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 09, 2017, 09:23:33 am
Como o calendário árabe é diferente o 1 de Abril já chegou por aquelas bandas...  ;D ;)~

Do you remember the Iranian stealth jet that was unveiled in 2013 and looked like a fake plane? Well, it would be in the final stages of production according to Tehran.
Little more than 4 years ago, Iran unveiled the Qaher F-313 stealth fighter jet “one of the most sophisticated fighter jets in the world,” according to Tehran.

Even if Iranian media outlets published articles that listed the aircraft’s top features, based on the first images released on Feb. 2, 2013, we explained that the Qaher was just a mock-up that would never fly unless it was extensively modified and improved.

In fact, the cockpit seemed too basic for a modern plane, the air intakes too small , the engine section lacked any kind of nozzle (meaning that the engine, with or without afterburner) would probably melt the aircraft’s back-end) and, generally speaking, the aircraft was way too small. Some of our readers may remember a photo of an Iranian pilot sitting in a cockpit that could not fit a normal-sized human being. (


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 15, 2017, 11:14:30 am

With 2,312 aircraft in “active” service across the globe, the F-16 is the world’s most prolific fighter. In fact, there are more F-16s than all the F-15s, F/A-18s and F-22s put together! (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: rbp em Março 22, 2017, 08:09:57 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Março 29, 2017, 10:46:38 am (
#USAF delivers five refurbished F-16s to Indonesia. The move is part of a $700 million deal signed in 2012 to supply the Southeast Asian nation with 24 ex-USAF F-16C/Ds upgraded from Block 25 to Block 52 standard by the end of 2017. Don’t you just love the Indonesian Viper’s color scheme?

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 02, 2017, 04:14:53 pm
1º Mig-29/35 para o Egito.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 05, 2017, 10:45:18 am
Citação de: akivrx78
Japan's SDF deploys largest-ever military transport aircraft

2017-03-31 10:35Xinhua Editor: Gu Liping

Japan's Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF) on Thursday held a ceremony at Miho Air Base in Tottori Prefecture, western Japan, to mark the official deployment there of three new C-2 transport aircraft.

The three advanced military transport aircraft, the largest transport planes operated by the Self-Defense Forces here, are designed and manufactured by Japan-based Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) and are to replace its smaller C-1 predecessor.

Japan's Air Self-Defense Force plans to have 10 of the transport aircraft deployed at the base by March 2021, with KHI having already taken orders for 40 C-2s to be built.

With similar dimensions and payload capacity to the Airbus A400M, Japan's Air Self-Defense Force's procurement of the twin-engine jet is purportedly to boost its transportation capacity.

Col. Yasuji Kitamura, the highest-ranking official at the Miho base, said that the role of the C-2 would be important in reinforcing aviation transportation capacity.

The C-2 is operated by a crew of three, with one member assigned to the payload and its deployment.

The 44 meter-length planes can be configured be used to transport troops, drop supplies and perform medical evacuations.

The transporter plane can carry a total of 120 troops, or 8 standard air cargo pallets. It is also capable of carrying a single UH-60J helicopter.

Critics of Japan's latest deployment of advanced military hardware have been quick to point out that Japan's pacifist Constitution forbids it from maintaining any war potential.

A key clause of the Constitution states that "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained."

( (

Dia 28 foi declarado o encerramento do desenvolvimento do C-2 pelo ministério de defesa e dia 31 foi incorporado 3 unidades.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 19, 2017, 10:22:15 am
Na volta... :G-sig:

By David Cenciotti
A new prototype of the weird Qaher 313 stealth jet has conducted taxi tests.
Footage and photographs showing a new prototype (marked “08”) of the famous Qaher F-313 stealth fighter jet have just emerged as Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani participated Saturday in an exhibition displaying the achievements that the Defense Ministry Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan gained during the past two years.

Indeed, an “upgraded version” of the “faux stealth fighter” can be observed performing taxi tests. The aircraft appears to be slightly different from the one unveiled on Feb. 2, 2013, that was nothing more than a poorly designed mock-up that would never fly unless it was extensively modified and heavily improved.

Four years ago, the cockpit was basic for any modern plane, the air intakes appeared to be too small, the engine section lacked any kind of nozzle meaning that the engine would probably melt the aircraft’s back-end. Above all, the aircraft was way too small to such an extent its cockpit could not fit a normal-sized human being. (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 23, 2017, 11:33:11 pm
Também não é preciso exagerar. Se voar já não é mau...  ;D  :rir: :jok: yu23x1 (
The F-313 has appeared before, in 2013, when War Is Boring pointed out that the jet was too small to carry its announced weapons payload or even fit a pilot.
Business Insider showed the footage to a senior scientist working on stealth aircraft who asked to remain anonymous because of the classified nature of his work.
As far as radar signature goes, "some parts are laughable," the scientist said. Specifically, he said the downturned wingtips reminded him of something out of "Star Trek" and the vertical or near vertical fins on the plane would light up a radar.
The scientist said he seriously doubted that Iran had the engineering processes and expertise in place to manufacture a stealth aircraft, the details of which need to be perfectly lined up to baffle radars. Iran has for years been under sanctions, prohibited from buying the kinds of components needed to build advanced stealth aircraft.
Writing for Vice's Motherboard, journalist David Axe said the F-313 — which does not fly in the video — had its tire pressure stenciled on the outside of the plane and that it was way too low for a full-sized airplane weighed down with instruments and fuel.
The scientist says the tire pressure "takes away all doubt that it's a fake."
Still, some experts say Iran could attain somewhat credible stealth aircraft in the near future, as China's J-31, an F-35 knockoff, nears production.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Abril 26, 2017, 04:59:35 pm
Força Aérea Colombiana vai continuar voando IAI Kfir


A Força Aérea da Colômbia deverá continuar operando sua frota de 20 caças de combate IAI Kfir de segunda mão por vários anos, já que a aquisição de um novo avião de combate não se materializará no curto prazo, disse uma fonte militar colombiana.

Conseqüentemente, a Força Aérea planeja adquirir duas aeronaves de treinamento de dois lugares Kfir TC-2 adicionais para substituir plataformas perdidas, embora o valor do contrato não tenha sido divulgado.

O primeiro Kfir TC-2 está sendo submetido a testes em Israel depois de ser revisado pela LAHAV, e as entregas de ambas as máquinas serão concluídas nos próximos meses, disse Netta Kerem, diretor de marketing da LAHAV, ao Jane’s.

FONTE: Jane’s
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Abril 26, 2017, 05:02:03 pm
Bulgária seleciona o caça Saab Gripen


A Bulgária decidiu iniciar conversações com a Suécia para adquirir oito novos jatos de combate Gripen fabricados pela Saab, disse o vice-primeiro-ministro interino búlgaro, Stefan Yanev, na quarta-feira, no momento em que o país balcânico busca substituir seus antigos caças MiG-29.

O país dos Balcãs escolheu a oferta sueca em vez de uma oferta de Portugal de F-16 de segunda mão equipados com armamento norte-americano e uma oferta da Itália de caças Eurofighter Typhoon de segunda mão.

Estima-se que o negócio valha cerca de 1,5 bilhão de levs (US$ 832 milhões).

Uma comissão especial para as negociações deverá ser criada dentro de uma semana, disse Yanev. As conversações com a Suécia serão realizadas pelo próximo governo da Bulgária, que deverá começar a funcionar na próxima semana.

“A oferta da Suécia está em primeiro lugar, seguida por Portugal e Itália”, disse Yanev. “É normal que as conversas comecem com o primeiro país classificado.”

No ano passado, o parlamento da Bulgária aprovou um plano para adquirir oito caças novos ou usados ​​entre 2018 e 2020, para melhorar a conformidade do país com os padrões da OTAN e substituir seus MiG-29.

Um acordo final ainda precisaria da aprovação parlamentar.

FONTE: Defensenews
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 29, 2017, 04:42:53 pm
On this day: 37 years ago, IDF/AF F-16As downed two Syrian Mi-8 helicopters over the Bekaa Valley to score the type's first air-to-air victory (April 28, 1980). (


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 12, 2017, 09:37:20 am
50 anos desde o primeiro voo do Gazelle. (
Developed and manufactured in cooperation with the United Kingdom at the end of the 1960s, more than 1,250 Gazelles have been delivered. Today, 470 rotorcraft are still in service
This year marks the Golden Jubilee for two of the most iconic rotorcrafts ever made. After the BO105 celebrations, is in fact time for Airbus Helicopters to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the SA341 – SA342 Gazelle’s maiden flight.
Fifty years after its maiden flight on April 7, 1967, the Aerospatiale (now part of Airbus Helicopters) Gazelle is still being operated by nearly 100 customers in 34 countries and it is appreciated for its ease of maintenance and high reliability.
Developed and manufactured in cooperation with the United Kingdom at the end of the 1960s, more than 1,250 Gazelles have been delivered. Today, 470 rotorcraft — more than a third of all Gazelles manufactured – are still in service, 100 of which are operated by the French army.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 07, 2017, 10:30:50 am
Key Points
AVIC unveils export version of FTC-2000 trainer aircraft.
First export customer believed to be Sudan.
The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has unveiled an export version of its low-cost FTC-2000 supersonic trainer. The aircraft – known in China as the JL-9 Shanying – is the latest in a series of platforms that are being adapted by AVIC and its subsidiaries specifically for international markets.

AVIC said the FTC-2000, which was rolled out by its subsidiary Guizhou Aircraft Industries Corporation (GAIC) on 5 June, will be delivered to an overseas client following trials. AVIC did not disclose the customer but it is thought to be Sudan. In China, the aircraft is operated by the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and Navy (PLAN).

Commenting on the development, the State Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) – the agency responsible for Chinese defence industrial development – said the aircraft represented the first export aircraft produced at GAIC’s assembly line in city of Anshun in Guizhou province. It added, “This marks a significant development in China’s export of aviation weapons and equipment.”

Hu Jianxing, deputy manager and chief designer at GAIC was quoted by the official Xinhua news agency as saying that the Chinese and export versions of the FTC-2000 are both powered by the Chinese developed WP-13 engines.

He added that major differences between the Chinese and export versions of the aircraft include various avionics systems, navigation guidance systems, and extra hardpoints to carry additional payloads. The latter, he said, is intended to meet “overseas clients’ demands for multiple missions”.

The twin-seat, single engine FTC-2000 made its first flight in 2003 and entered service with the PLAAF in 2009. Jane’s reported in November 2016 that an executive from GAIC had disclosed that Sudan had ordered six FTC-2000s and that other African countries were considering procuring the aircraft. (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: perdadetempo em Junho 22, 2017, 01:35:29 pm
PARIS AIR SHOW 2017 19-25 Junho

Do sita da Flight Global as notícias iniciais: (

Assim como a primeira revista: (


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Julho 03, 2017, 06:57:31 pm
Estes não têm medo de adquirir aeronaves através da NSPA.

Spain procures Super Pumas through NATO
(26 de Junho de 2017)
Citação de: David Ing / IHS Jane's Defence
The Spanish government on 26 June announced the purchase of two Airbus Helicopters Super Puma AS332s for the air force for EUR30 million (USD34 million) through the NATO Support and Procurement Agency.

The helicopters will be equipped for search and rescue (SAR) and replace two lost in accidents in March 2014 and October 2015, in which seven air crew died.

Both are destined to join 802 Squadron at Gando Air Base (Gran Canaria).
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 04, 2017, 11:25:29 am
Rússia comprara 200 bombardeiros SU-34
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 10, 2017, 06:23:22 pm
OA-X: pilotos americanos começam a treinar no A-29 Super Tucano


A Aviationweek informou que a Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), parceira da Embraer na produção do avião de ataque leve A-29 Super Tucano nos EUA, começou a treinar pilotos da USAF na aeronave em 7 de julho.

O treinamento visa preparar os pilotos para testar o A-29 no Programa OA-X, que vai analisar aeronaves disponíveis no mercado que possam complementar ou substituir os A-10 Thunderbolt II na função de apoio aéreo aproximado.

Os aviões da Textron, Scorpion AirLand e AT-6 Texan II, também vão participar da avaliação.

O A-29 é produzido pela SNC e Embraer em Jacksonville, Flórida. A US Air Force já certificou o A-29 através de programas de vendas militares estrangeiras (FMS) com o Afeganistão e o Líbano, e tem pilotos qualificados que fornecem treinamento de tripulantes e mantenedores nos Estados Unidos através do 81º Fighter Sqdn na Moody AFB, Geórgia.

Pilotos da USAF vão começar a testar o A-29 e seus concorrentes na Holloman AFB, no Novo México, a partir de 31 de julho.

Em uma entrevista de 29 de junho, Taco Gilbert, vice-presidente sênior da área de negócios de inteligência, vigilância e reconhecimento (ISR) da SNC, disse que “uma avaliação justa e completa favorecerá o A-29”. “Quanto mais dura a avaliação, mais o A-29 brilhará”, completou.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 14, 2017, 10:51:11 am (
Contractor Air Support provider Draken International, has deployed 11 Aero Vodochody L-159 Advanced Light Combat Aircraft (ALCA) to Nellis AFB, Nevada, to provide adversary support to the company’s USAF Adversary Air (ADAIR) contract. Upon arrival at Nellis, the L-159 aircraft took to the skies after receiving a Military Flight Release (MFR) authorizing the integration of the L-159 with USAF assets. The L-159’s join 13 A-4 Skyhawks that Draken is already operating in support of this contract, for a total of 24 Draken aircraft now based at Nellis.

Draken first debuted the company’s L-159 in January 2017 providing Red Air support for the US Marine Corps in support of Operation ‘Agile Lightning’. USAF training with the L-159s began in late April with adversary missions supporting the 16th Weapons Squadron (F-16/F-35), 17th Weapons Squadron (F-15E), and the 433rd Weapons Squadron (F-15C/F-22), 57th Wing, Nellis AFB, Nevada.

Sean Gustafson, Vice President of Business Development stated, ‘The aircraft has exceeded all expectations with exceptional reliability and remarkable radar performance.’ Draken is the only contract air service company operating fighters with modern fire-control radars. The L-159, affectionately named the ‘Honey Badger’ by Draken, is equipped with the FIAR Grifo radar.

Draken’s commercial adversary support for the USAF at Nellis since December of 2015 has seen it flying over 2,600+ sorties and 4,000+ flight hours in this time. Draken will grow its L-159 fleet to 21 aircraft by the end of 2017. Draken’s says its services deliver dramatic cost savings over the use of military assets, and have saved the USAF over $150 million to date.

In addition to this increased presence at Nellis, Draken has also supported the Fighter Weapons Instructor Training (FWIT) program hosted by the 322 Squadron of the Royal Netherlands Air Force. The Draken L-159s departed Nevada on June 19 and began the three-day Transatlantic journey after providing support for the USAF Weapons Instructor Course graduation exercise the week prior. Following the establishment of a cooperative partnership with Skyline Aviation, the Draken team began a four-week deployment at Leeuwarden Air Base, with four L-159s providing adversary support to European Participating Air Forces (EPAF) F-16 pilots enrolled in the FWIT program. The primary mission of FWIT is to develop qualified four-ship EPAF (i.e. The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, and Portugal) flight leads into Weapons Officers. Draken L-159s continue to support FWIT missions throughout July.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 14, 2017, 02:35:50 pm
Força Aérea de Israel compra Boeing 707 da FAB


Segundo o site Jerusalem Post, a Força Aérea de Israel comprou um Boeing 707 da Força Aérea Brasileira para usar como fonte de peças de reposicão como parte de uma grande atualização de sua frota de aviões tanque.

O avião foi comprado há vários meses em um contrato no valor de US$ 410 mil, de acordo com o Ministério da Defesa.

As aeronaves de reabastecimento da IAF Re’em (Boeing 707), muitas próximas de 60 anos de idade, são necessárias para missões de longo alcance.

Sem o reabastecimento de ar, os jatos só podem chegar muito longe “, disse um oficial sênior ao Jerusalem Post no Esquadrão de Re’em, durante uma visita à Base Aérea de Nevatim, a sudeste de Beersheba.

Acredita-se que o Ministério da Defesa esteja considerando alugar aviões-tanque Boeing KC-46A para substituir os 707, mas eles são considerados relativamente caros .

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 14, 2017, 02:40:46 pm
França e Alemanha desenvolverão novo avião de combate europeu


PARIS — A França e a Alemanha revelaram planos nesta quinta-feira para desenvolver um avião de combate europeu, enterrando rivalidades passadas como parte de uma série de medidas para fortalecer a cooperação em defesa e segurança.

O movimento para desenvolver um novo avião de guerra acelera os passos que se esperam que dê forma ao futuro da indústria europeia de combate e seus três programas existentes — o Eurofighter, o Rafale e o Gripen da Suécia.

A mudança também reflete os esforços para dar um novo impulso às relações franco-alemãs após a decisão da Grã-Bretanha de deixar a União Europeia e foi descrita pelos especialistas em defesa como um desafio para o poder militar líder da Europa.

A França e a Alemanha procuram criar um roteiro até meados de 2018 para desenvolver o novo avanço em conjunto para substituir as frotas de aviões de combate rivais existentes, de acordo com um documento emitido após uma reunião do gabinete franco-alemão em Paris.

“Hoje, existem muitos padrões e qualificações europeus e, às vezes, há concorrência entre os europeus internacionalmente”, afirmou o presidente francês Emmanuel Macron em uma coletiva de imprensa, acompanhado pela chanceler alemã Angela Merkel.

“Posso confirmar que esta é uma revolução profunda, mas não temos medo quando são realizadas de forma pacífica, de forma estruturada e ao longo do tempo”, disse Macron.

França e Alemanha disseram que seu novo sistema de combate, que os analistas dizem que poderia envolver uma mistura de aeronaves tripuladas e não tripuladas, substituiria o Rafale e o Eurofighter, jatos rivais que competem ferozmente pelas vendas globais.

Isso marcaria o fim de uma divisão de décadas, desde que a França se retirou do projeto Eurofighter na década de 1980 para produzir seu avião de combate Rafale com a Dassault Aviation.

Os especialistas da indústria da defesa disseram que o anúncio é um revés para o Reino Unido e sua principal contratada de armas, BAE Systems.

“É um sinal para os britânicos. Isso significa que você está saindo da UE e estamos a avançar. Não estamos mais interessados ​​em você bloqueando a defesa da UE”, disse à Reuters um alto funcionário da indústria de defesa alemã.


Grã-Bretanha no limbo?

A declaração conjunta não indicou o papel que, se for caso, a Grã-Bretanha desempenharia no desenvolvimento liderado por franco-alemães. O país é o maior em gastos de defesa da Europa e um parceiro no projeto Eurofighter, ao lado da Alemanha, Espanha e Itália.

A França e o Reino Unido — ambos membros permanentes do Conselho de Segurança da ONU com estreitos vínculos de defesa e segurança — concordaram em cooperar em tecnologia nuclear e mísseis em 2010, mas algumas autoridades francesas expressaram sua preocupação com o impacto do Brexit na defesa.

Alguns analistas e autoridades de defesa disseram que o empenho franco-alemão para criar um novo caça poderia conduzir a Grã-Bretanha em direção à cooperação industrial e de defesa com os Estados Unidos.

Atualmente, a Grã-Bretanha tem um pé em ambos os campos através do Lockheed Martin F-35 e uma participação do programa Eurofighter através da BAE.

“É quase inevitável que o Reino Unido considere uma nova parceria com a América para a próxima geração de caças”, disse Alexandra Ashbourne-Walmsley, colega associada do Royal United Services Institute, um grupo de estudos com sede em Londres.

“O Reino Unido aceitou que não pode construir outro caça por conta própria, tanto como uma evolução natural do programa F-35 e também por economias de escala, uma vez que ter uma pequena parte de um projeto dos EUA vale mais do que um programa Franco-Alemão.

No entanto, a declaração de quinta-feira também é vista por alguns como apenas o movimento de abertura em uma longa e imprevisível negociação europeia que afeta as empresas de defesa, incluindo a BAE e seus parceiros Airbus e Leonardo do Eurofighter.

Paris e Berlim também concordaram em criar um quadro de cooperação para o próximo modelo do helicóptero de ataque Airbus Tiger e para mísseis táticos ar-terra.

Além disso, eles trabalharão juntos na aquisição de sistemas terrestres, incluindo tanques pesados ​​e artilharia e disseram que um contrato deve ser assinado antes de 2019 para o projeto militar “Eurodrone”, que também inclui a Itália.

FONTE: New York Times/Reuters
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 14, 2017, 05:11:40 pm
France sells 64 second hand Mirage F1 jets to Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC)


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Julho 21, 2017, 03:13:23 pm
Russian Helicopters unveils Mi-171Sh-VN gunship

Nikolai Novichkov - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly


The Russian Helicopters holding, a subsidiary of the Rostec state corporation, has unveiled a new variant of the Mi-171Sh (Hip-H) utility helicopter reconfigured for special operations. Designated Mi-171Sh-VN, the helicopter was unveiled at the MAKS 2017 airshow at Zhukovsky, outside Moscow.

The Mi-171Sh-VN is designed to be more combat effective and survivable than the basic model. “The helicopter has been developed based on combat experience, including in Syria,” Russian Helicopters CEO Andrey Boginsky told Jane's . It will be marketed worldwide as the Mi-171Sh.

According to its official specifications, the Mi-171Sh-VN has a maximum take-off weight of 13,500 kg, a maximum payload of 4,000 kg, a ferry range of 1,065 km, a service ceiling of 6,000 m, a maximum speed of 280 km/h, and a cruising speed of 260 km/h. The aircraft has a crew of three and can transport up to 37 people. The Mi-171Sh-VN is powered by two engines with a power output of 1,900 hp each. It has composite main rotor blades and an X-type tail rotor.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 21, 2017, 07:47:51 pm
Iran made Combat Trainer Jet dubbed Kosar taxi test
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Túlio em Agosto 05, 2017, 06:50:17 pm
Mas o que está havendo com o Typhoon? Primeiro a Itália começa a oferecê-lo no mercado dos usados (e seu IOC lá só ocorreu há uns 12 anos), agora a Áustria quer se livrar dos seus até 2020... :o :o :o :o
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Agosto 06, 2017, 04:13:46 am
Mas o que está havendo com o Typhoon? Primeiro a Itália começa a oferecê-lo no mercado dos usados (e seu IOC lá só ocorreu há uns 12 anos), agora a Áustria quer se livrar dos seus até 2020... :o :o :o :o

Os Typhoon Tranche 1 têm hardware (bus) de geração anterior e capacidade limitada para ataque de superfície, pelo que o potencial upgrade para um standard mais recente teria um custo proibitivo. Por isso, quase todas as forças aéreas planeiam retirar os T1 dentro de poucos anos.  A própria RAF planeava retirar os T1 por completo dentro de dois anos. No entanto, devido ao aumento da actividade aérea russa vão manter dois esquadrões de T1 (24 acft) exclusivamente dedicados a defesa aérea, até aos anos 40.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Túlio em Agosto 06, 2017, 06:16:46 pm

Os Typhoon Tranche 1 têm hardware (bus) de geração anterior e capacidade limitada para ataque de superfície, pelo que o potencial upgrade para um standard mais recente teria um custo proibitivo. Por isso, quase todas as forças aéreas planeiam retirar os T1 dentro de poucos anos.  A própria RAF planeava retirar os T1 por completo dentro de dois anos. No entanto, devido ao aumento da actividade aérea russa vão manter dois esquadrões de T1 (24 acft) exclusivamente dedicados a defesa aérea, até aos anos 40.

Espantoso: então sequer fizeram um roadmap semelhante ao do Rafale ou Super Hornet (e presumivelmente Gripen E), no qual se vai aos poucos introduzindo melhorias? Se bem entendi, então no caso do Typhoon (que era um dos meus aviões preferidos) cada tranche é na verdade uma versão diferente e não uma evolução gradual? :o :o :o :o
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Agosto 07, 2017, 06:49:57 am
Foi um programa que levou 20 anos de desenvolvimento e a pressão para entrar rapidamente ao serviço era enorme, por razões políticas e práticas: os italianos tiveram que alugar Tornado ADV e F-16ADF devidos aos atrasos no programa; os Tornado ADV da RAF eram desadequados para combate aéreo; e os F-4F alemães estavam a dar as últimas (tal como os Jaguar britânicos).

As versões T2 e T3A são verdadeiramente multi-role (como o Rafale) e são compatíveis entre si, i.e. podem ser melhoradas para o mesmo nível e levar os mesmos equipamentos porque os sistemas falam a mesma linguagem electrónica.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Agosto 11, 2017, 08:32:54 pm
Vídeo: experimento OA-X da USAF – Scorpion, AT-6, A-29

Vídeo das aeronaves que estão participando do experimento OA-X da Força Aérea dos Estados, para missões de ataque leve e apoio aéreo aproximado.

Aparecem o Textron Scorpion, Beechcraft AT-6 Wolverine e o Sierra Nevada/Embraer A-29 Super Tucano que estão sendo testados em cenários de missão de combate no Light Attack Aircraft Experiment, na Holloman Air Force Base, no Novo México.

A avaliação OA-X visa testar as propostas disponíveis no mercado que poderão suprir uma necessidade de até 300 aeronaves no futuro, para treinamento, reconhecimento e ataque leve de forma econômica.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Agosto 11, 2017, 08:37:34 pm








Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 13, 2017, 06:35:12 pm
É suposto serem substituídos por sete MQ-4C Triton, mas parece que a aquisição ainda não foi oficializada.

Australia retires Heron 1 UAVs
(8 de Agosto de 2017)
Citação de: Gareth Jennings / IHS Jane's
Australia has retired from service the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Heron 1 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that it has fielded since 2010.

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) announced on 9 August that the medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV flew its final mission on 23 June, and that 5 Flight is to be officially disbanded at the end of the year.

The Australian Department of Defence (DoD) originally leased four Herons from Canadian firm MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd (MDA) for operations in Afghanistan, under the auspices of Operation 'Slipper' (three airframes served in-country, with the fourth being retained in Australia for training).

From January 2010 to November 2014, 5 Flight – operating as Task Unit 633.2.7 – provided intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance electronic warfare (ISREW) support to Australian forces and International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) partners in southern Afghanistan. "The aircraft has played a pivotal role in the air force's ability to deliver air-land integration effects in support of our national security interests, including in Afghanistan, where it completed more than 27,000 mission hours," the RAAF said.

Since the Afghan deployment, two Herons have continued to be utilised from RAAF Woomera, participating in military exercises and instructor courses.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 23, 2017, 04:50:16 pm
Indonesia outlines details of Su-35 offset programme

Jon Grevatt - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
23 August 2017


The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has disclosed further details regarding its countertrade and offset programmes with Russia to support its planned purchase of 11 Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E' multirole combat aircraft.

In a press release on 22 August, the MoD confirmed that the Su-35 procurement programme is worth USD1.14 billion, and that half of the contract's value – about USD570 million – will be financed through a counter-trade programme.

The MoD added that a further 35% of the value, about USD400 million, will be sourced through an offset programme. The Indonesian government will pay the remainder of approximately USD170 million in cash.

The details of the offset programme were not revealed, although Jane's understands that this will be centred on facilitating Russian technology transfers to support localised maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of the aircraft. The work will be undertaken by state-owned aerospace company PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

The MoD additionally provided details on the expected commodities it will export to Russia as part of the countertrade obligation. According to the ministry, these include palm oil, rubber, machinery, coffee, cocoa, textiles, tea, footwear, processed fish, furniture, copra, paper, and spices. A number of unidentified defence products will additionally be exported to Russia, said the MoD.

The statement added that details related to offset and countertrade are expected to be finalised in the near future, through an agreement signed earlier in August between Rostec, the holding group for Russia's defence industry, and Indonesia's state trading company PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia. The contract for procurement of the Su-35s is expected to be signed by the two countries subsequent to this agreement.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 08, 2017, 04:06:37 pm (

Qual Força Aérea?

No dia 20 de agosto, radares argentinos detectaram um "tráfego aéreo irregular", que voou por mais de três horas sobre o país, mas a Força Aérea foi incapaz de reagir em tempo pela simples razão de não ter aviões.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 11, 2017, 10:47:14 am
US State Department approves F-16V fighter jets sale to Bahrain

The estimated cost for the two sales is $3.8bn, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on its website.

The Government of Bahrain has requested a possible sale of 19 F-16V Aircraft; 19 M61 Vulcan 20mm Gun Systems; 22 F-16V F-110-GE-129 Engines (includes 3 spares); 22 APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radars (includes 3 spares); 22 Modular Mission Computers (includes 3 spares); 22 Embedded Global Navigation Systems/LN260 EGI (includes 3 spares); 22 Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDG) (includes 3 spares); and thirty-eight (38) LAU-129 Launchers.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 11, 2017, 09:02:00 pm
Bahrain F-16V procurement and upgrade approved (

Bahrain has been approved to procure 22 new Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons and to upgrade its existing fleet of 20 aircraft, in two separate deals valued at a combined USD3.86 billion.

The approvals, announced by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) on 8 September, comprise USD2.78 billion for the procurement of 22 new F-16V-standard fighters, and USD1.08 billion for the upgrade of 20 F-6C/D Block 40 aircraft to the same F-16V configuration.

In terms of the procurement of new F-16Vs, the proposed deal includes ancillary equipment, training, and support. The contract to modernise the existing aircraft includes a simulator, ancillary equipment, training, support, targeting pods, and limited quantities of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons.

Also referred to as the F-16 Block 70/72, the F-16V features the Northrop Grumman AN/APG-83 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar (derived from the F-16E/F Block 60 AN/APG-80 and also known as the Scalable Agile Beam Radar [SABR]), a new Raytheon mission computer, the Link 16 datalink, modern cockpit displays, an enhanced electronic warfare system, and a ground-collision avoidance system.

The former Obama administration delayed approval of the sale of new-build F-16Vs to the Royal Bahraini Air Force (RBAF) and the upgrade of the service's existing Block 40 fleet due to political concerns; however, in late March 2017 the Trump administration notified Congress that the sales could proceed. No reason has been disclosed as to the delay between the administration's notification and the DSCA's recent announcement.

Bahrain is to field 42 of the latest-variant F-16V under the terms of two notifications issued by the US DSCA on 8 September. Source: Lockheed Martin
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 11, 2017, 09:08:18 pm
Government of Bahrain – F-16V Aircraft with Support (

WASHINGTON, Sep. 8, 2017 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Bahrain for F-16V aircraft with support.  The estimated cost is $2.785 billion.  The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Bahrain has requested a possible sale of nineteen (19) F-16V Aircraft; nineteen (19) M61 Vulcan 20mm Gun Systems; twenty-two (22) F-16V F-110-GE-129 Engines (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radars (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) Modular Mission Computers (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) Embedded Global Navigation Systems/LN260 EGI (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDG) (includes 3 spares); and thirty-eight (38) LAU-129 Launchers.  This sale also includes nineteen (19) AN/ALQ-211 AIDEWS Systems, thirty-eight (38) LAU-118A Launchers, forty-two (42) AN/ARC-238 SINCGARS Radio or equivalent, twenty-two (22) AN/APX-126 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) system or equivalent, twenty-two (22) cryptographic appliques, secure communication equipment, spares and repair parts, personnel training and training equipment, simulators, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical support services, containers, missile support and test equipment, original equipment manufacturer integration and test, U.S. Government and contractor technical support and training services, site survey, design, construction studies/analysis/services, associated operations/maintenance/ training/support facilities, cybersecurity, critical computer resources support, force protection and other related elements of logistics and program support.  The total estimated program cost is $2.785 billion.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major Non-NATO ally, which has been and continues to be an important security partner in the region.  Our mutual defense interests anchor our relationship and the Royal Bahraini Air Force (RBAF) plays a significant role in Bahrain's defense.

The proposed sale improves Bahrain's capability to meet current and future threats.  Bahrain will use the capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense.  This purchase of F-16Vs will improve interoperability with United States and other regional allies.  Bahrain employs 20 older F-16 Block 40s and will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of these aircraft will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractor will be Lockheed Martin.  There are no know offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of at least ten (10) additional U.S. Government representatives and approximately seventy-five (75) contractor representatives to Bahrain.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.   

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs,]WASHINGTON, Sep. 8, 2017 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Bahrain for F-16V aircraft with support.  The estimated cost is $2.785 billion.  The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Bahrain has requested a possible sale of nineteen (19) F-16V Aircraft; nineteen (19) M61 Vulcan 20mm Gun Systems; twenty-two (22) F-16V F-110-GE-129 Engines (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radars (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) Modular Mission Computers (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) Embedded Global Navigation Systems/LN260 EGI (includes 3 spares); twenty-two (22) Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDG) (includes 3 spares); and thirty-eight (38) LAU-129 Launchers.  This sale also includes nineteen (19) AN/ALQ-211 AIDEWS Systems, thirty-eight (38) LAU-118A Launchers, forty-two (42) AN/ARC-238 SINCGARS Radio or equivalent, twenty-two (22) AN/APX-126 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) system or equivalent, twenty-two (22) cryptographic appliques, secure communication equipment, spares and repair parts, personnel training and training equipment, simulators, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical support services, containers, missile support and test equipment, original equipment manufacturer integration and test, U.S. Government and contractor technical support and training services, site survey, design, construction studies/analysis/services, associated operations/maintenance/ training/support facilities, cybersecurity, critical computer resources support, force protection and other related elements of logistics and program support.  The total estimated program cost is $2.785 billion.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major Non-NATO ally, which has been and continues to be an important security partner in the region.  Our mutual defense interests anchor our relationship and the Royal Bahraini Air Force (RBAF) plays a significant role in Bahrain's defense.

The proposed sale improves Bahrain's capability to meet current and future threats.  Bahrain will use the capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense.  This purchase of F-16Vs will improve interoperability with United States and other regional allies.  Bahrain employs 20 older F-16 Block 40s and will have no difficulty absorbing these aircraft into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of these aircraft will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractor will be Lockheed Martin.  There are no know offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of at least ten (10) additional U.S. Government representatives and approximately seventy-five (75) contractor representatives to Bahrain.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.   

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs,
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 11, 2017, 09:10:31 pm
Government of Bahrain – Upgrade of F-16 Block 40 Aircraft to F-16V Configuration (

WASHINGTON, Sep. 8, 2017 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Bahrain for upgrade of F-16 Block 40 aircraft to F-16V configuration.  The estimated cost is $1.082 billion.  The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Bahrain requested to upgrade its existing twenty (20) F-16 Block 40 aircraft to the F-16V configuration.  The requested sale comprises of twenty-three (23) F-110-GE-129 engines (includes 3 spares); twenty-three (23) APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radars (includes 3 spares); twenty-three (23) Modular Mission Computers (includes 3 spares); twenty-three (23) Embedded Global Navigation Systems/LN260 EGI (includes 3 spares); twenty-three (23) Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDGs) (includes 3 spares); forty (40) LAU-129 launchers; twenty-five (25) AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER Pods; two (2) AIM-9X Sidewinder Missiles; two (2) AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM); two (2) WGU-43 Guidance Control Unit (GBU) Guidance Control Unit (GCU) (for GBU-24 Paveway III); two (2) BSU-84 Air Foil Group (AFG) (for GBU-24 Paveway III); five (5) KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Tailkits (for GBU-38 JDAM and GBU-54 Laser JDAM);  two (2) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) Guided Test Vehicles (GTV); two (2) AGM-84 Harpoon Exercise Missiles; three (3) MAU-210 ECCG (for GBU-50 Enhanced Paveway II); three (3) BLU-109 Inert Bomb Bodies; four (4) MK-82/BLU-111 Inert Bomb Bodies; and two (2) GMU-152 or FMU-139 Fuzes.

This sale also includes one (1) Joint Mission Planning System, one (1) F-16V simulator, twenty (20) AN/ALQ-211 AIDEWS Systems, one (1) avionics level test station, six (6) DB-110 Advanced Reconnaissance Systems, two (2) LAU-118A Launchers, forty-five (45) AN/ARC-238 SINCGARS Radio or equivalent, twenty-three (23) Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) systems or equivalent; twenty-three (23) cryptographic appliques; two (2) CATM-9L/M, two (2) AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM), three (3) MXU-651 AFG (for GBU-50 Enhanced Paveway II), four (4) DSU-38 Precision Laser Guidance sets (PLGS) (for GBU-54 Laser JDAM), four (4) AGM-154 Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW) Captive Flight Vehicles (CFV), three (3) MK-84/BLU-117 Inert Bomb Bodies, two (2) FMU-152 D-1 Inert Fuzes, three (3) BRU-57 Bomb Racks, two (2) BRU-61 Bomb Racks for SDB, two (2) ADU-890 SDB adapter cable for CMBRE, two (2) ADU-891 AMRAAM/AIM-9X adapter cable for CMBRE, Telemetry for all flight test assets secure communication equipment, spares and repair parts, support equipment, personnel training and training equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical support services, containers, missile support and test equipment, integration test, site survey, design, construction studies/analyses/services, associate operations, maintenance, training, support facilities, cybersecurity, critical computer resources support, force protection, and other related elements of logistics and program support.  The total estimated program cost is $1.082 billion.

This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a major Non-NATO ally which has been and continues to be an important security partner in the region.  Our mutual defense interests anchor our relationship and the Royal Bahraini Air Force (RBAF) plays a significant role in Bahrain's defense.

The proposed sale improves Bahrain's capability to meet current and future threats.  Bahrain will use this capability as a deterrent to regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense.  The upgraded F-16Vs will provide an increase in the capability of existing aircraft to sustain operations, meet training requirements, and support transition training for pilots to the upgraded aircraft.  This upgrade will improve interoperability with U.S. forces and other regional allies.  Bahrain will have no difficulty absorbing this upgrade into its armed forces.

The proposed sale will not affect the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractor will be Lockheed Martin.  There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of at least five (5) additional U.S. Government representatives to Bahrain.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.   

This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs,
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Setembro 16, 2017, 06:11:32 pm
Draken International on Friday closed a deal with the Spanish Air Force, purchasing 20 Mirage F1 fighter aircraft. The supersonic F1s will complement Draken’s existing fleet, which is currently flying on contract at Nellis AFB, Nev., supporting the Air Warfare Center. “Our mission is to provide the most cost effective solution to complement organic Red Air assets. We deliver a turnkey solution at a fraction of the cost the Air Force would spend generating the same number of sorties we produce everyday. Not only are we generating four to five sorties for the cost of a single F-16 flight hour, each flying hour preserves valuable life on USAF aircraft. Tremendous savings happen when squadrons are not tapped to go TDY away from their families to support Nellis with an already tiring deployment schedule,” said Draken CEO Jared Isaacman. The Mirage F1s are projected to include a helmet mounted cueing system, infrared missile seekers, data link, and electronic jamming from its radar as well as radar warning receiver capabilities.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 07, 2017, 02:46:01 pm

Paramount Group da África do Sul compra Mirages F1
O Paramount Group da África do Sul adquiriu quatro caças Dassault Mirage F1 do governo francês para apoiar o treinamento de agressor.
Os caças franceses excedentes da força aérea serão operados pela subsidiária Paramount Aerospace Systems.
A Paramount declina divulgar o preço da compra, mas diz que é uma transação “multimilionária”.
Não foi tomada nenhuma decisão sobre datas de entrega ou locais de operação, com estes regidos pelos potenciais requisitos do cliente.
As aquisições juntar-se-ão à frota existente da empresa de Mirage F1s, que comprou da Força Aérea Sul-Africana em 2006.
Além do treinamento de agressores e pilotos, o Mirages serão usados para auxiliar no treinamento de manutenção e suporte.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 08, 2017, 05:47:04 pm
Japão compra três drones de vigilância RQ-4 Global Hawk fabricados nos EUA por US$ 130 milhões


A companhia norte-americana Northrop Grumman irá vender três drones de vigilância RQ-4 Global Hawk para o Japão por US$ 130 milhões, informou o Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos.

Os veículos aéreos não tripulados serão utilizados para monitorar os movimentos militares da Coreia do Norte. Os recentes testes balísticos de Pyongyang têm causado preocupação na comunidade internacional e um míssil norte-coreano sobrevoou o Japão no final de agosto.

Os drones serão construídos em San Diego, na Califórnia, e devem ser entregues até julho de 2018, afirma o Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos.

Além da tensão causada pelos exercícios militares norte-coreanos, Tóquio também se preocupa com o aumento da presença militar chinesa na região. Segundo o jornal Asian Times, o Japão tem planos para desenvolver seu próprios drones de combate e vigilância.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 10, 2017, 12:23:11 am

Primeiros dois Super Tucano para o Líbano.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 10, 2017, 02:35:19 pm (
A Força Aérea Colombiana (FAC) confirmou ao site que equipou seus caças-bombardeiros IAI Kfir com radares AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) IAI Elta EL/M-2052. O radar tem capacidades ar-ar, ar-superfície e BVR (Beyond Visual Range) e foi incorporado à frota de IAI Kfir C.10 da FAC.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 10, 2017, 04:20:23 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 26, 2017, 11:08:45 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 12, 2017, 07:06:43 pm
Dubai Airshow 2017: Calidus showcases B-250


UAE-based company Calidus has unveiled for the first time its new light attack aircraft, the B-250, with multirole capabilities at Dubai Airshow 2017 on 12 November. The B-250 has been part of the Bader programme that originated in 2015 with a range of partners including Brazilian company Novaer, the provider of the aircraft's structure, and Rockwell Collins, the manufacturer of the onboard avionics system with its Pro Line Fusion technology.

The aircraft is the first military fighter to be developed in the country and was a result of a capability gap, Hamdan Abdulla Al Shkeili, chief software engineer at Calidus, explained to Shephard. The first delivery of the aircraft is expected imminently.
‘Today we are introducing our project the B-250. It has very strong, cutting edge avionics to enable the aircraft to do its missions accurately and precisely,’ he said.

The Pro Line Fusion avionics suite will have graphical interfaces that are integrated with a digital HUD and multi-function display windows. Terrain awareness and EO/IR video displays are also expected to provide pilots with greater air space awareness.
The single/dual pilot aircraft’s mission capabilities will be centred around counter insurgency, ISR, close air support and advanced training operations.

In relation to the weapon capabilities, the B-250 can an array of weapons with capacity for seven munitions as well as an EO/IR.
‘It is designed to be flexible for end users. It can carry different kinds of weapons and rockets. It is fulfilling a gap that the market is needing for modern warfare with very low operational costs,’ Al Shkeili commented. He explained further that the company is receiving a lot of domestic and international interest in the B-250 and ‘active communication’ is currently taking place with end users.

Novaer developed the aircraft’s structure which comprises of carbon fibre which was a key requirement from Calidus due to its lightweight capabilities. ‘It has outstanding performance due to the fact that it is the first aircraft in this category to be totally made of carbon fibre. Carbon fibre means it has better weight and anti-fatigue [components] which gives the aircraft more lifetime,’ Al Shkeili said.
The production facility for the aircraft is in the early stages of development and will be located in Al Ain although Al Shkeili confirmed that there is an opportunity for a ‘very high production’ at the site. At this stage, the B-250 has flown more than 50 flight hours. According to reports, it is believed that in the summer of this year the first prototype of the aircraft undertook its first engine spin.
Currently, there are two aircraft at the show one on static and one participating in the flight display. There was no further confirmation on any other B-250s at this stage.

It utilises one 1,600shp P&WC PT6A-68 engine and the B-250’s maximum payload is 1,796kg. the aircraft’s service ceiling is 30,000ft with a range of 2,400nm at 301kt.

Título: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas) C295 ISR/Strike variant
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 15, 2017, 10:21:25 pm
DUBAI: Airbus bares C295's teeth
13 November, 2017 SOURCE: Flight Daily News BY: Ellis Taylor Dubai

( (
 Airbus Defence and Space is seeing strong interest from Middle East and North African nations for the heavily armed ISR/strike variant of its C295 tactical transport.

 The manufacturer will soon deliver the first two "light weaponised" versions of the C295 to an unnamed customer. In that version, the C295 is fitted with a palletised mission console, multi-mode radar, machine guns mounted at the rear paratrooper doors and an electro-optical/IR turret.

 At Dubai, however, Airbus is showing off a range of weapons that will be integrated into its heavy weaponised C295, including the Roketsan CIRIC and LUMTAS missiles, as well as the TERBER 82 laser-guidance kits for Mk 82 bombs. The munitions will be externally mounted on four hardpoints.

 It is also showing a Rheinmetall 27mm autocannon and door gun system, which can be controlled from the Fully Integrated Tactical System within the aircraft. A second EO/IR sensor will also allow for both surveillance and weapons targeting.

 Miguel Candeal, marketing manager for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft at Airbus Defence and Space, says the aircraft’s up to 10h endurance and impressive weapons payload makes it a good alternative for Middle East nations to smaller strike aircraft in certain missions.

“There is a lot of interest in this region to have a heavily armed ISR aircraft,” he says, adding that other nations in Asia have shown more interest in the light armed version.

 Ground testing of the heavily armed C295 is set to begin before summer 2018, with the first flight tests set to start in October of that year, and a number of representative flight tests completed by the summer of 2019.

 Candeal says the delay in getting the aircraft into testing is due to the testbed aircraft being used for development work on Canada’s search-and-rescue configured C295s.

 Alongside the armed C295, Airbus is showing off a surveillance and maritime patrol variant that will be delivered to Saudi Arabia’s General Security Aviation Command. Flight Fleets Analyzer shows that it already operates one of the type, out of an order for four placed in 2015.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 17, 2017, 06:42:40 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 17, 2017, 07:42:39 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 18, 2017, 02:38:17 pm

With an "active" fleet of 157 aircraft, the Pakistan Air Force is the largest operator of the Dassault Mirage III/5. The Pakistani Mirage fleet consist of aircraft built for Pakistan (Mirage IIIEP) in the 60s and 70s as well as ex-French, Australian, Libyan and Lebanese fighters bought in the 1990s and early 2000s. (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas) Kawasaki C-2
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 20, 2017, 01:07:58 pm
Japan's C-2 airlifter makes its international debut

( (
 The Kawasaki C-2 transport plane was displayed on the international stage for the first time at Dubai Airshow, Nov. 12, 2017. (Jeff Martin/Staff)

 DUBAI — Japan showcased its new Kawasaki C-2 transport aircraft for the first time amid an international crowd at the Dubai Airshow.

 The air show, which runs from Nov. 12 to 16, is Japan’s first big opportunity to garner foreign interest for the C-2, which was developed and made in Japan by Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

“Our potential overseas customers know the C-2 from the internet or from its catalogue, so this is the first time to see the actual aircraft,” Col. Tokukazu Omine, the C-2 program manager for the Japan Air Self Defense Force told Defense News in a Nov 12 interview. “The best way to understand the aircraft is actually seeing it, so we hope for everyone to learn more about the C-2 through this airshow.”

The C-2 is the most high-profile aircraft making its international debut at the show, which typically emphasizes commercial aviation.

 The plane, which is powered by twin CF6-80CK1F turbofan engines, was designed be a more powerful alternative to Lockheed Martin’s C-130 Hercules, which is operated by the JASDF but was not meeting the country’s airlift requirements, Omine said.

 Japan’s ministry of defense has spent about 260 billion yen ($2.3 billion in U.S. dollars) in development costs on the program, and is under contract for 11 aircraft — although Omine said Japan currently plans to buy about 20 planes. Since March, Kawasaki has delivered three aircraft to the JASDF, with a fourth plane coming this month.

 Japan is in talks with several potential customers about the C-2, said Omine, who declined to say which countries or regions have shown interest. The Japanese MOD and Kawasaki believe the C-2 could compete in the same market as Lockheed Martin’s C-130 and Airbus A400M, and New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates are rumored to be interested in the aircraft.

 The JASDF is paying about 20 billion yen, or $176 million U.S. dollars, per aircraft. However, Omine noted the costs would be different for international customers based on the configuration of the aircraft and the volume of the procurement.

 The C-2 is the largest plane ever developed by a Japanese aircraft firm. It can travel a distance of 4,500 kilometers while carrying its maximum payload of 36 tons in its cargo bay, and can hit max speeds of about 0.82 Mach, according to the Japanese ministry of defense.

 The program wrapped up developmental tests in March, and has begun operational testing.

 Omine could not provide data about the number of fight hours clocked by the aircraft or give insight about how the aircraft have been used operationally since delivery, but said the JASDF has been satisfied with the aircraft.

PS este sim, um excelente acft para substituir os nossos C130.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Novembro 22, 2017, 06:18:24 pm

With an "active" fleet of 157 aircraft, the Pakistan Air Force is the largest operator of the Dassault Mirage III/5. The Pakistani Mirage fleet consist of aircraft built for Pakistan (Mirage IIIEP) in the 60s and 70s as well as ex-French, Australian, Libyan and Lebanese fighters bought in the 1990s and early 2000s. (


Y espanhois!!, 22 de elos:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Novembro 22, 2017, 10:41:38 pm
O Portas deve andar cheio de inveja.

Croatian Air Force conducts live firing from OH-58D helicopter
(17 de Novembro de 2017)
Citação de: Airforce Technology
The Croatian Air Force and Air Defence’s OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters have successfully conducted the first tactical live firing and rocket launching.

This group firing and launching on Kiowa helicopters follows the successful completion of the first round of live firing and rocket launching in September.

It was carried out by pilots of Helicopter Squadron of the 93rd Croatian Air Force and Air Defence.

To date, three cycles of firing and rocket launching have been conducted for the first group of Croatian pilots on Kiowa helicopters.

Conducted by Kiowa helicopters flying in pairs, the firing involved the 12.7mm machine gun, the Hydra 70mm unguided rockets, Helfire’s school missiles, and Heckler-Koch G-36CV guns.

Each team comprised of Croatian Air Force pilots flying two OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters.


The third cycle marks the completion of Croatian pilots training and will be followed by the test pilot check ride.

The three cycles allowed air technicians of all specialities to build helicopter attending skills and field operation in combat situations.

The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopter can be primarily used for scout attack role.

It can also perform transport and utility roles using equipment kits installed externally on existing hard points.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Menacho em Novembro 29, 2017, 02:09:06 pm
Amigos portugueses, tomen nota de esto, un F16 de la USAF alcanza las 9500 horas de voo!!

Old jet breaks new barriers


One of Misawa's most famous flightline assets hit a milestone this week. BOB--a Block 50 F-16 Fighting Falcon, tail number 808--surpassed 9,500 hours of flight time on Nov. 20 at the ripe age of 27, making it older than many lieutenants and captains who fly "him."

Almost every pilot stationed at Misawa since 1990 has had the opportunity to fly BOB as part of his or her training regimen, to include some of Misawa's current leadership.

Ten years ago, Lt. Col. Matt Kenkel, the 14th Fighter Squadron commander, flew BOB as a first-assignment F-16 pilot.

“Misawa was my first F-16 base,” said Kenkel. “I'm really living the dream coming back as the commander of the fighter squadron I grew up in--there's nothing better.”

Although Kenkel racked up numerous flying hours on BOB, he credits all the hard work in keeping the jet mission-ready to the maintainers.

“None of the credit goes to the pilots who flew BOB,” Kenkel said. “If you think about things like age, wear and tear, all the life cycles, engine changes, gear changes, corrosion preventive maintenance and fixing cracks in the skin, that's on the shoulders of the maintainers. It's really a tribute to those guys who have maintained BOB, giving him a 27-year lifespan and kept him flying this long.”

Like Kenkel, Senior Master Sgt. Jonathan Peck, the 14th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron lead production superintendent, worked with BOB during his first assignment. While deployed to Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia, as part of Operation Southern Watch in 1999, Peck worked on the aircraft as a maintainer.

“Remembering working on BOB as a crew chief and sharing pictures of the jet now with guys I was stationed with in the 90s and early 2000s is amazing,” said Peck. “It’s been really cool to see his progression to flagship; BOB brings back a lot of memories from when I was at my first assignment.”

As the years passed, younger Airmen took on Peck's former role. To ensure maximum safety and longevity of the jets, though, maintenance hours have drastically increased since Peck's time as a crew chief. For every flight hour, the 35th Maintenance Group has to expend 19.5 man-hours to ensure the jet operates at the highest standard, providing mission success and the preservation of the F-16.

“The precision and effort these maintainers put into each aircraft has allowed us to fly BOB up to 9,500 hours,” Peck said. “This is a direct relation to how well we maintain our equipment and how the technicians don't accept anything substandard, making these jets perfect for every mission.”

Wing leadership also recognizes the extraordinary measures the 35th Maintenance Group undertakes to keep the jets ready to "Fight Tonight."

“Extending and preserving the life of our Block 50 F-16s is one of our maintenance team's most challenging objectives,” said Col. R. Scott Jobe, the 35th Fighter Wing commander. “Hitting 9,500 hours on a jet slated to be phased out at 4,800 hours is astonishing, proving that, as technology continues to become more complex, the Airmen on the ground continue to meet and exceed the demands we confront them with. Thanks to the dedication of every Team Misawa maintenance professional, 'BOB' has the highest number of flying hours out of any of its kind in the U.S. Air Force.”

BOB is not slowing down anytime soon, either. The Air Force extended the life of every F-16 to 12,000 hours earlier this year, so tail number 808 will continue to grace Misawa's runways for many years to come.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 30, 2017, 03:52:12 pm
Força Aérea das Filipinas seleciona o Embraer A-29 Super Tucano

O A-29 Super Tucano é um avião turboélice robusto, versátil e poderoso, capaz de realizar uma ampla gama de missões, mesmo operando a partir de pistas não preparadas. Até o momento, o Super Tucano já foi selecionado por 14 forças aéreas em todo o mundo. Uma vez que a entrega dessas aeronaves esteja concluída, elas serão operadas e mantidas pelo 15º Esquadrão de Ataque, o usuário final dentro da PAF.

A Embraer anunciou hoje um pedido de seis aviões de ataque leve e treinamento avançado A-29 Super Tucano para a Força Aérea das Filipinas (PAF, na sigla em inglês).

Após um abrangente processo de licitação pública, que contou com a participação de vários fabricantes de todo o mundo, cumprindo os mais rigorosos processos de avaliação, o Super Tucano foi selecionado como parte do plano de modernização da PAF.


O demorado projeto de aquisição de aeronaves de Apoio Aéreo Aproximado (CAS), coordenado pelo Departamento de Defesa Nacional (DDN) e pelas Forças Armadas das Filipinas decidiu-se pela aeronave EMB-314 Super Tucano da Embraer, selecionada como a “proposta mais vantajosa, economicamente”. A escolha faz parte do Programa de Modernização da Força Aérea das Filipinas, batizado de First Horizon.

A aeronave será utilizada em missões de apoio aéreo tático, ataque leve, vigilância, intercepção e contra-insurgência. As entregas começarão em 2019. As seis aeronaves adquiridas substituirão os atuais aviões de ataque Rockwell OV-10 “Bronco”.


Ainda dentro do programa First Horizon está prevista a aquisição de duas aeronaves de patrulha de longo alcance e a conclusão do programa de aquisição dos jatos de ataque e treinamento de origem sul-coreana. Uma vez que a entrega dos A-29 esteja concluída, estes serão operadas pelo 15º Esquadrão de Ataque da PAF.

“Estamos orgulhosos de sermos selecionados pela Força Aérea das Filipinas, nosso segundo operador na região da Ásia-Pacífico, e pela confiança expressada por nossos clientes”, disse Jackson Schneider, presidente e CEO da Embraer Defesa & Segurança. “O Super Tucano é o melhor avião de ataque leve do mercado e estamos confiantes de que ele realizará com excelência as missões para as quais foi selecionado.”

O A-29 Super Tucano é um avião turboélice robusto, versátil e poderoso, capaz de realizar uma ampla gama de missões, mesmo operando a partir de pistas não preparadas. Até o momento, o Super Tucano já foi selecionado por 14 forças aéreas em todo o mundo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 01, 2017, 01:15:59 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Dezembro 24, 2017, 09:05:58 am
Bélgica junta-se ao programa MMF (Multinational MRTT Fleet). Depois da Alemanha e da Noruega é a vez da Bélgica se juntar ao programa com uma aeronave.

Belgium to invest in multi-role tanker plane
(22 de Dezembro de 2017)
Citação de: Robert-Jan Bartunek, Philip Blenkinsop / Reuters
Belgium will invest 258 million euros ($305.8 million) in a air-to-air refueling plane to expand European defense capacity, the Belgium ministry of defense said on Friday.

The investment will increase the number of European tanker planes to eight from seven and is part of a 2012 project to improve Europe's capacity in this regard.

Fonte: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Dezembro 28, 2017, 09:04:16 pm
Venda de Super Tucanos da Embraer para Nigéria é liberada pelos EUA em contrato de US $593 mi

Os Estados Unidos concordaram formalmente com a venda de 12 aviões militares Super Tucano A-29 e armamentos para a Nigéria, afirmou a Força Aérea do país africano, confirmando a retomada de um negócio congelado pelo governo de Barack Obama:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Dezembro 28, 2017, 09:07:58 pm
Venda de Super Tucanos da Embraer para Nigéria é liberada pelos EUA em contrato de US $593 mi

Os Estados Unidos concordaram formalmente com a venda de 12 aviões militares Super Tucano A-29 e armamentos para a Nigéria, afirmou a Força Aérea do país africano, confirmando a retomada de um negócio congelado pelo governo de Barack Obama:


País deve adquirir 12 aeronaves por US$ 593 milhões; modelos serão montados nos EUA


O Departamento de Estado dos Estados Unidos aprovou no início deste mês a venda de 12 aviões de ataque leve Embraer A-29 Super Tucano à Nigéria, informou o site Flight Global. A negociação foi aprovada pelo estafe do presidente Donald Trump , apesar das preocupações da administração anterior sobre o bombardeiros do governo nigeriano contra civis.

O departamento informou ao Congresso dos EUA que tem 30 dias para aprovar o acordo, avaliado em US$ 593 milhões. O pacote inclui aeronaves, armas, treinamento, peças sobressalentes e instalações para apoiar o programa.

Em janeiro de 2017, um caça da força aérea da Nigéria bombardeou um campo de refugiados do nordeste perto da fronteira com os Camarões, que teria matado ao menos 100 civis. O ataque levou a administração de Barack Obama a colocar a venda do Super Tucano em espera. A administração de Trump reiniciou o processo de aprovação alguns meses depois, apressando a negociação para apoiar a luta da Nigéria contra o grupo terrorista Boko Haram.

A venda marca outra grande chance para a Embraer, que está demonstrando o Super Tucano no projeto OA-X da força aérea dos EUA, no estado do Novo México. O programa, se aprovado nos testes, pode render a fabricante brasileira um contrato para cerca de 300 aeronaves.

Os EUA já adquiriram um total de 26 modelos A-29 desde 2014 para transferir para as forças aéreas do Líbano e do Afeganistão. Essas aeronaves, no caso, são montadas pela Sierra Nevada (SNC), fabricante norte-americana parceira da Embraer. Se a negociação com a Nigéria sobre os Super Tucanos seguir adiante, os aviões também serão montados pela SNC.

Super Tucano na África

Dos 14 clientes internacionais do Super Tucano, quatro deles estão na África. Além de ser cotado para equipar a frota da Nigéria, a aeronave desenvolvida no Brasil já é operada pelas forças armadas de Angola, Burkina Faso, Mali e Mauritânia. Gana e Senegal também têm planos de adquirir o avião de ataque da Embraer.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 14, 2018, 06:40:20 pm (
Royal Netherlands Air Force signs five-year deal with Empire Test Pilots School

QinetiQ has agreed its first ever multi-year training contract on behalf of the Empire Test Pilots School in a five-year deal with the Royal Netherlands Air Force.

Under the £5.5m contract, signed in December 2017, ETPS will continue to train the Dutch force’s test pilots and flight test engineers until at least 2022 say Qinetiq.

Until now, all ETPS courses have been booked on a rolling annual basis, but new multi-year contract options have been made possible by the recent 11-year commitment within the Long Term Partnering Agreement, under which QinetiQ manages ETPS in support of the UK Ministry of Defence.

Mr Nick Lay, Operations Director T&E and Training Transformation, QinetiQ, said:

“This commitment from the Royal Netherlands Air Force is a significant vote of confidence in the reinvigorated ETPS, and in QinetiQ’s strategy to modernise UK test aircrew training. The introduction of multi-year agreements raises exciting new possibilities for our customers, such as tailored courses, bespoke equipment and activities, and long-term cost savings.

They provide extra certainty, which increases our ability to plan for future opportunities and accommodate customer requirements, giving a huge boost to the school’s commercial appeal.”

According to Qinetiq in a press release:

“Dutch students on the 2018 course will be among the first to fly the school’s new aircraft, purchased in 2017 as part of a £85m drive to modernise the UK’s provision of test aircrew training. The new fleet comprises two Grob 120TP and two Pilatus PC-21 fixed wing aircraft, alongside four Airbus H125 helicopters. These aircraft will be complemented by new modular courses, featuring modern working environments, materials and teaching practices, including student-centred and distance learning. The school will continue to be led by military staff with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) being intrinsically involved in the running, supervision and oversight of courses.”

Air Commodore Richard Laurijssen, Royal Netherlands Air Force, said:

“We have sent test pilots from the Netherlands to the ETPS since 1945. We consider the ETPS to be one of the leading test pilot schools in the world, and as such its training is accredited by the Netherlands’ Military Aviation Authority. We therefore appreciate the partnership and have confidence in a future together. Signing a multi-year training contract underlines this, and also ensures the continuation of this valued cooperation.”


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Janeiro 14, 2018, 10:08:59 pm (
Royal Netherlands Air Force signs five-year deal with Empire Test Pilots School

QinetiQ has agreed its first ever multi-year training contract on behalf of the Empire Test Pilots School in a five-year deal with the Royal Netherlands Air Force.

Under the £5.5m contract, signed in December 2017, ETPS will continue to train the Dutch force’s test pilots and flight test engineers until at least 2022 say Qinetiq.

Until now, all ETPS courses have been booked on a rolling annual basis, but new multi-year contract options have been made possible by the recent 11-year commitment within the Long Term Partnering Agreement, under which QinetiQ manages ETPS in support of the UK Ministry of Defence.

Mr Nick Lay, Operations Director T&E and Training Transformation, QinetiQ, said:

“This commitment from the Royal Netherlands Air Force is a significant vote of confidence in the reinvigorated ETPS, and in QinetiQ’s strategy to modernise UK test aircrew training. The introduction of multi-year agreements raises exciting new possibilities for our customers, such as tailored courses, bespoke equipment and activities, and long-term cost savings.

They provide extra certainty, which increases our ability to plan for future opportunities and accommodate customer requirements, giving a huge boost to the school’s commercial appeal.”

According to Qinetiq in a press release:

“Dutch students on the 2018 course will be among the first to fly the school’s new aircraft, purchased in 2017 as part of a £85m drive to modernise the UK’s provision of test aircrew training. The new fleet comprises two Grob 120TP and two Pilatus PC-21 fixed wing aircraft, alongside four Airbus H125 helicopters. These aircraft will be complemented by new modular courses, featuring modern working environments, materials and teaching practices, including student-centred and distance learning. The school will continue to be led by military staff with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) being intrinsically involved in the running, supervision and oversight of courses.”

Air Commodore Richard Laurijssen, Royal Netherlands Air Force, said:

“We have sent test pilots from the Netherlands to the ETPS since 1945. We consider the ETPS to be one of the leading test pilot schools in the world, and as such its training is accredited by the Netherlands’ Military Aviation Authority. We therefore appreciate the partnership and have confidence in a future together. Signing a multi-year training contract underlines this, and also ensures the continuation of this valued cooperation.”



O futuro da FAP até ao final de vida dos Fs
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 18, 2018, 10:08:16 am
Para cá nunca serviram para nenhum dos ramos...   ::) :o (

A modernização dos helicópteros de resgate das Forças Armadas da Alemanha (Bundeswehr) está bastante atrasada. E até 2020, apenas os helicópteros Bell UH-1D, que datam da década de 1960, estarão disponíveis para emergências. De acordo com informações obtidas pela publicação Der Spiege


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 25, 2018, 01:20:31 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 30, 2018, 12:25:14 pm (
O governo canadense revelou a representantes da industria que pretende manter o CF-18 em operação até 2032. A primeira aeronave para substituir o Hornet deverá ser entregue em 2025. O Canadá vem atualizando o McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet ao longo dos anos para manter o jato em serviço além de 2032.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 01, 2018, 01:10:02 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 13, 2018, 12:03:16 am
Airbus apresenta a maqueta do H160M

According to the website, the French Army is looking at a new H160M helicopter that will have provisions for a forward-firing 20mm cannon, two door-mounted 7.62mm machine guns, and the ability to launch TDA Armements Aculeus laser-guided rockets.

The H160M is the military version of the H160 medium utility helicopter being developed by Airbus Helicopters. The H160M develops for replacing SA342 Gazelles in service of French Army and also would presumably replace the AS 565 Panther (the military version of the Dauphin) in the firm’s product line.

Some French source reported that H160M military helicopter will make a maiden flight in early-2020 and upon successful completion of the test programme Airbus Helicopters will start deliveries in service by 2023.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 13, 2018, 12:28:51 pm
Complementando. (

Le H160M au premier plan emporte un panier roquettes sous le marchepied et une nacelle avec une arme automatique à l’avant. A l’arrière plan, une autre configuration avec des mitrailleuses en sabord. Les deux appareils sont équipés d’une tourelle optronique. © Frédéric Lert/

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Charlie Jaguar em Fevereiro 14, 2018, 02:09:14 pm
Duas das mais novas aeronaves militares europeias, o A400M e o NH90, continuam a dar problemas e a levantar questões.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 16, 2018, 10:25:41 am (

It is planned that 32 attack helicopters would be acquired within the framework of the Kruk procurement programme. Nonetheless, the conclusions of the Strategic Defence Review document suggest that needs related to this type of armament bear even greater relevance, the Polish MoD informs. Requirements related to modernization of the Mi-24 gunships are being developed in parallel to the Kruk procedures. This is done for the sake of maintaining a proper level of capabilities, with the Hinds remaining operational, until their successor is acquired and introduced.

The information we have obtained from the Polish Ministry of Defence, concerning the Kruk attack helicopters acquisition programme, suggests that legal analyses are currently in progress, regarding the procurement method. – The Armament Inspectorate waits for the assessment results with regards to emergence of the “Basic National Security Interest”, which would influence further action plan – as the reply we have received from the Polish MoD’s media department reads. Assigning a status of national security interest would speed up the process making it possible to avoid involvement in a lengthy tendering procedure. It would also enable the MoD to indicate the preferred contractors and simplify the United States' involvement in the tender.

AH-64E Apache Guardian and AH-1Z Viper gunships, offered to Poland by Boeing and Bell respectively, are available solely as a part of the FMS programme. This is an intergovernmental (G2G) setting, with a rigid set of rules defining the shape of the procedure. The said rules often lack conformity with the tendering processes.

At the same time one should note that the Polish MoD has been issuing statements and declarations concerning the acquisition, requirements, defining a number of different aspects in relation to the Kruk programme since mid 2016. Back in 2016 the Parliamentary National Defence Committee received information on analytical and conceptual scrutiny undertaken by the General Staff and the Polish General Command of the Armed Forces, when it comes to the change of tactical and technological requirements, with the aforesaid “Basic National Security Interest” also being a part of the dialogue.

Modernization of the Mi-24 fleet is also considered to be a viable option. This was also confirmed by the Polish MoD, WHE. along with the information on progress, or lack of progress, in the Kruk programme, that modernization of the Mi-24 attack helicopter is also being considered as a viable option. The goal of such procedure would be to maintain operational capacity in case of the Polish Hinds at least until new Kruk-programme gunships are acquired are introduced. The release issued by the Ministry suggests that the General Command is currently analyzing options, regarding a Hind Mid-life Upgrade.

Extending the lifetimes of the Mi-24, with simultaneous provision of anti-armour capacity to the helicopter in question, are, at the moment, a priority. Not only should the above be done for the sake of maintaining the operational capabilities of the Armed Forces within that scope, as relevance which is even more critical concerns the aircrew training.

The Polish Mi-24 do not use any ATGMs as the present article is written. The armament of the Hind consists of Post-soviet unguided rockets and 12.7 mm machine gun. This renders the platform in question incapable of fighting tanks and precisely striking most of the targets, especially the moving ones. Furthermore, spare parts inventory for the four-barrel machine guns is also limited, which means that there is a risk that another piece of ordnance would be lost. Other problems include obsolete avionics and optoelectronics, or weak performance of the old engines, especially in a hot and high operational setting.

Read More: Senegal’s Mi-24 Helicopter Overhauled in Łódź

The modernization process may be completed by the domestic entities, led by the WZL-1 facility based in Łódź. Last year the above entity was overhauling the Senegalese Hinds, significantly enhancing their performance. The facility also presented a modernization package for the Polish Hind and Hip (Mi-24 and Mi-17) platforms, during the last year’s MSPO defence salon organized in Kielce. An upgrade as such would require, alongside funding, the administrator’s decisions concerning the scope of modifications that would concern armament, sensors or avionics. The above issue remains highly important within the context of installing the armament guidance systems.



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Charlie Jaguar em Fevereiro 16, 2018, 11:47:09 am
Dois programas europeus nos quais Portugal deveria participar igualmente, porém para já continua ausente: o desenvolvimento de uma nova aeronave polivalente de patrulha marítima baseada no Airbus A320neo, e o aumento da capacidade de reabastecimento aéreo da Aliança Atlântica.

Canada and Poland join six NATO Allies in developing next-generation maritime multi mission aircraft


Belgium joins Allied effort to deliver air-to-air refueling capacity


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 17, 2018, 10:38:36 am
O que vai valendo são os velhinhos F16, que com embargo ou não continuam a voar.  ;) (

Desde 1 de fevereiro, a Aviación Militar Bolivariana da Venezuela enviou à fronteira colombiana um esquadrão de bombardeiros F-16A/B Fighting Falcon para participar da Operação Aricagua 01-2018 que busca reforçar o aparelho militar venezuelano na área de fronteira convulsiva e especialmente no estado de Táchira.

O esquadrão composto por 4 aeronaves do Grupo de caça n.° 16 (dois monopostos e dois bipostos) foi desdobrado da Base Aérea El Libertador, localizada em Palo Negro (estado de Aragua) para a Base Aérea Tática Avançada Buenaventura Vivas (BAVIVAS) localizada na população de Santo Domingo (estado de Táchira) e muito perto da fronteira com a Colômbia.

O desdobramento dessas aeronaves de combate foi acompanhada por um destacamento de 58 técnicos e equipes de logística que se mudaram para esta base avançada a bordo de um avião de transporte Shaanxi Y-8.

Da mesma forma, em conformidade com a Operação Sentinel 2018, o governo venezuelano ordenou, na medida do possível, a implantação de 111 comandos das forças especiais do 322º Batalhão de Caribes “Coronel Francisco Carvajal”, especializado em contra-insurgência para a fronteira colombiana, no estado ocidental de Táchira que pode ser uma resposta ao deslocamento de militares no lado colombiano.

A transferência foi feita pelo Grupo de Transporte Aéreo Nº6 da AMB, em uma aeronave Y-8 do aeroporto José Tadeo Monagas, em Maturín, com destino ao estado de Táchira, onde “eles desempenharão funções de segurança nas fronteiras”, afirma a mensagem.



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 21, 2018, 09:52:51 am (

According to local media, the fuel used by the German Tornado fleet appears to have been mixed with ‘too much bio-diesel’.

According to news site Frankfurter Allgemeine, this was noticed during a routine check last Monday:

“The tolerance values ​​are minimally exceeded,” said Colonel Kristof Conrath of the Tactical Air Force Squadron 51. “It’s not that the aircraft would fall from the sky. For safety reasons, all tanks of the aircraft must be flushed.”

It is understood that this breakdown is particularly annoying for the Luftwaffe, as training of new Tornado pilots is already three months behind.

This comes after we reported that The German military is under-equipped to take on its upcoming role as leader of NATO’s Russian-aimed Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.

The Bundeswehr is due to take over leadership of NATO’s multinational Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) at the start of next year, but doesn’t have enough tanks, a leaked Defence Ministry document said.

Specifically, the Bundeswehr’s ninth tank brigade in Münster only has nine operational Leopard 2 tanks — even though it promised to have 44 ready for the VJTF — and only three of the promised 14 Marder armored infantry vehicles.

The paper also revealed the reason for this shortfall: a lack of spare parts and the high cost and time needed to maintain the vehicles. It added that it was also lacking night-vision equipment, automatic grenade launchers, winter clothing and body armor.

The German air force is also struggling to cover its NATO duties, the document revealed. The Luftwaffe’s main forces — the Eurofighter and Tornado fighter jets and its CH-53 transport helicopters — are only available for use an average of four months a year — the rest of the time the aircraft are grounded for repairs and rearmament.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 13, 2018, 09:30:45 pm
Chile é o comprador não revelado de 6 unidades do Super Tucano

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 14, 2018, 12:06:50 pm
Rússia fornecerá apoio logístico para os MiG-29 da Bulgária até 2022

O Ministério da Defesa da Bulgária escolheu a MiG Aircraft Corporation da Rússia para fornecer à sua Força Aérea o serviço de logística integrada para seus 15 caças MiG-29 nos próximos 48 meses, até 2022.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 15, 2018, 12:36:42 pm
Taiwan planeia comprar caças F-35 para se defender da China

O ministro da Defesa de Taiwan, Yen Teh-fa, anunciou hoje, no parlamento, a intenção governamental em adquirir aviões de combate norte-americanos F-35 para colmatar as necessidades defensivas do país, face à crescente intimidação militar chinesa.

Segundo Teh-fa, que falava numa reunião do Comité de Defesa e Negócios Estrangeiros do parlamento de Taiwan, a rapidez e a capacidade de aterragem vertical “satisfazem as necessidades” da Força Aérea taiwanesa, composta já por aviões F-16, norte-americanos, “Mirage 2000″, franceses, e “CCK”, locais.

Teh-fa não adiantou quantos aparelhos Taiwan pensa adquirir.

Na argumentação utilizada pelo governante de Taiwan é referida a modernização da frota aérea militar na China e as frequentes incursões de caças chineses na Zona de Identificação de Defesa Aérea taiwanesa desde 2017, razões pelas quais é necessário reforçar a capacidade de defesa do país.

A Força Aérea chinesa modernizou a sua frota graças à tecnologia de ponta que tem desenvolvido, contando também com o apoio russo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 29, 2018, 03:10:27 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 05, 2018, 05:46:09 am
FIDAE 2018: Air Tractor evaluating larger gun on AT-802L  Pat Host, Santiago - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

 04 April 2018

 - Air Tractor has performed engineering analysis for putting a larger gun on the AT-802L
 - This could open the aircraft up to new sales opportunities

 Air Tractor is open to putting a larger gun on its AT-802L Longsword light attack aircraft if it is desired by a potential customer nation, according to a company official.

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 Tom Menker, Air Tractor business development representative, told Jane’s on 4 April at the FIDAE air show that the company has performed engineering analysis of putting a 20 mm and 30 mm chain guns on the aircraft. The AT-802L currently operates 12.7 mm GAU-19/A three-barrel Gatling guns.

PS: andamos mesmo a dormir em toda a linha, ele é nos CL415MP para a patrulha marítima e combate aos FF e agora até neste AT802, enfim mais do mesmo  !!

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Viajante em Abril 11, 2018, 05:43:56 pm
Avião militar cai perto do aeroporto de Boufarik na Argélia e faz 257 mortos

O avião militar caiu durante a manhã desta quarta-feira, perto da capital argelina. As causas ainda não foram apuradas. O acidente é o pior desde a queda do MH17 da Malaysia Airlines, em 2014.


Um avião militar despenhou-se durante a manhã desta quarta-feira na Argélia provocando a morte de 257 pessoas, confirmou o Ministério da Defesa argelino. As causas do acidente — que aconteceu por volta das 8h, pouco depois de o avião ter saído da base militar de Boufarik, a menos de 32 quilómetros da capital, Argel — estão ainda por apurar. O desastre é o mais mortífero desde a queda do MH17, da Malaysia Airlines, em 2014.

O voo, que seguia para Bechar, no sudoeste da Argélia, esperava fazer uma paragem em Tinduf, localidade do sul do país que alberga milhares de refugiados do Saara Ocidental, região anexada por Marrocos. A aeronave, um Ilyushin Il-78, transportava entre 100 a 200 oficiais e dez tripulantes de bordo, e terá caído num campo de cultivo. Entre estes contar-se-iam 26 membros da Frente Polisário, um movimento separatista que tem disputado a região com os marroquinos, segundo o canal de televisão Ennahar, citado pela Aljazeera.

Nas últimas horas, o número das vítimas mortais não tem parado de aumentar, com uma fonte militar a revelar ao canal de notícias Al-Hadath que não houve sobreviventes. Ahmed Gaïd Salah, chefe do Estado Maior do Exército argelino, ordenou a abertura de uma investigação para apurar as causas do acidente.

No local, estão dezenas de ambulâncias e também os bombeiros. Imagens partilhadas nas redes sociais mostram uma grande nuvem de fumo negro sobre o local:

Governo argelino faz minuto de silêncio em memória das vítimas

O primeiro-ministro argelino, Ahmed Ouyahia, e restantes membros do governo fizeram um minuto de silêncio em memória das vítimas do acidente desta quarta-feira. Em comunicado, citado pelo site de notícias ALG25, o executivo disse que foi com “grande tristeza” que soube da queda do  Ilyushin Il-78, apresentando as suas “condolências” e “solidariedade” com o Exército.

A queda do Ilyushin Il-78 é o pior acidente aéreo na história da Argélia, mas não é o primero a envolver um avião militar. Em fevereiro de 2014, um C-130 Hercules despenhou-se no monte Djebel Fertas, na região de Oum El Bouaghi, no centro do país, provocando a morte de 77 pessoas. A aeronave, que terá caído devido às más condições atmosféricas, viaja rumo à cidade de Constantine.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 11, 2018, 09:23:42 pm
Governo argelino decreta três dias de luto nacional

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 21, 2018, 12:59:08 pm
Operacionalidade dos aparelhos da Força Aérea Alemã:

Operational readiness of planes and helicopters in 2017

Airbus A310 MRTT: 75%
Airbus A319: 100%
Airbus A340: 100%
Bombardier Global 5000: 100%
Airbus A400M: 37%
Airbus AS532 Cougar: 33%
Airbus Hel. Tiger: 31%
Eurofighter: 48%
Westland Sea King: 31%
Westland Sea Lynx: 31%
Lockheed Martin P-3C Orion: 40%
NH Industries NH90: 51%
Panavia Tornado: 41%
Sikorsky CH-53G/GS/GA: 40%
Airbus Helicopters H145M LUH/SOF: 77%
Transall C-160: 68%
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Daniel em Abril 25, 2018, 01:30:03 pm
Airbus e Dassault anunciam acordo para avião de combate aéreo franco-alemão
O consórcio europeu de aeronáutica Airbus e o grupo francês Dassault Aviation anunciaram esta quarta-feira um acordo de princípio para a construção do futuro avião de combate aéreo franco-alemão, uma intenção anunciada em julho por Paris e Berlim.

A Airbus e a Dassault “juntaram forças para o desenvolvimento e produção do Sistema de Combate Aéreo do Futuro (europeu)” no horizonte de 2040, anunciaram os dois grupos no salão aeronáutico de Berlim.

“É um acordo de princípio. A primeira mensagem é dizer ‘sim, estamos prontos'” para desenvolver o SCAF, declarou o presidente da Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, numa conferência de imprensa conjunta com o patrão da Airbus Defense and Space, Dirk Hoke, na capital alemã.

“Estamos prontos e queremos dizer aos nossos ministérios da Defesa, aos nossos responsáveis políticos: estamos prontos, avancem”, acrescentou.

“É um momento histórico para a indústria aeronáutica”, declarou Dirk Hoke, sublinhando que “é um passo em frente para desenvolver as comeptências na Europa e assegurar a soberania europeia”.

Paris e Berlim concordaram, no ano passado, com o desenvolvimento de um sistema destinado a substituir no horizonte de 2040 as atuais esquadras de aviões de combate, a Rafale (França) e a Eurofighter Typhoon (Alemanha).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Abril 25, 2018, 01:54:00 pm
Mais um projecto para ser cancelado....  ::)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 26, 2018, 11:21:44 am
Mais um projecto para ser cancelado....  ::)

Como assim, há carradas de projectos europeus. Tendem é a demorar muito a a custar horrores, mas isso já é outra questão.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 01, 2018, 09:50:46 am (

Germany is pitching for a seat at the UN Security Council, the UN’s most powerful arm in charge of the authorisation of military action through Security Council resolutions; it is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions to member states.

Should German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas be successful in his pitch (read more about that here), Germany would join the Security Council as a non-permanent member but it’s hard to see what kind of clout it could bring.

The vast majority of major weapons systems in the German military are unavailable for training exercises or deployment, according to a new German Defence Ministry report.

The ‘Report on the Operational Readiness of the Bundeswehr’s Primary Weapons Systems 2017,’ has been seen by local media and is set to be presented to Germany’s lower house of parliament on Wednesday.

The Defence Ministry’s report comes after the Bundestag’s military commissioner, Hans-Peter Bartels, complained about “large holes in personnel and equipment” in the Bundeswehr in a separate paper published in mid-February.

Number of German weapon systems ready for action:

Typhoon jets: 39 of 128
Tornado jets: 26 of 93
CH-53 transport helicopters: 16 of 72
NH-90 transport helicopters: 13 of 58
Tigre attack helicopters: 12 of 62
A400M transport aircraft: 3 of 15
Leopard 2 tanks: 105 of 224
Frigates: 5 of 13
Submarines: 0 out of 6
According to local media, the German Defence Ministry said that a higher number of training missions and deployments since Russia’s intervention in eastern Ukraine in 2014 had caused existing equipment to wear down quicker than it had previously.

“It’s a real disaster for the Navy, it’s the first time in history that there will not be any submarine operating for months,” warned the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Parliament, Hans-Peter Bartels, in an interview published on Sunday in the Berlin weekly Bild am Sonntag.

The problem, he explained, has worsened over time due to the German military not replacing out of date equipment.

The German Navy lost its last submarine in October, as the rudder of its last Type 212A was severely damaged in a collision with a rock off the Norwegian coast while the rest of the fleet was out of service. It is also understood that none of the new frigates, the Type 125s, are able to enter into operational service due to defects and a similar situation is faced by auxiliary ships, Berlin and Bonn, which were sent to dry dock for a year and a half of repairs.

In 2015, it was revealed that only 29 of Germany’s 66 Tornado jets are airworthy. Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen then stressed that only six of the operational Tornado jets would be needed for the proposed German mission in Syria. German chief of staff General Volker Wieker said:

It gets worse. According to local media, the fuel used by the German Tornado fleet appears to have been mixed with ‘too much bio-diesel’. According to news site Frankfurter Allgemeine, this was noticed during a routine check last Monday:

“The tolerance values ​​are minimally exceeded,” said Colonel Kristof Conrath of the Tactical Air Force Squadron 51. “It’s not that the aircraft would fall from the sky. For safety reasons, all tanks of the aircraft must be flushed.”

It is understood that this breakdown is particularly annoying for the Luftwaffe, as training of new Tornado pilots is already three months behind.

This comes after we reported that The German military is under-equipped to take on its upcoming role as leader of NATO’s Russian-aimed Very High Readiness Joint Task Force. The Bundeswehr is due to take over leadership of NATO’s multinational Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) at the start of next year, but doesn’t have enough tanks, a leaked Defence Ministry document said.

Specifically, the Bundeswehr’s ninth tank brigade in Münster only has nine operational Leopard 2 tanks — even though it promised to have 44 ready for the VJTF — and only three of the promised 14 Marder armored infantry vehicles.

The paper also revealed the reason for this shortfall: a lack of spare parts and the high cost and time needed to maintain the vehicles. It added that it was also lacking night-vision equipment, automatic grenade launchers, winter clothing and body armor.

The German air force is also struggling to cover its NATO duties, the document revealed. The Luftwaffe’s main forces — the Eurofighter and Tornado fighter jets and its CH-53 transport helicopters — are only available for use an average of four months a year — the rest of the time the aircraft are grounded for repairs and rearmament.

Believe it or not, there’s more.

German Tornado aircraft are still unable to fight at night, ministers have told lawmakers.

We understand that issues with personnel numbers and delays in equipment certification are to blame. According to local media, the problem is two part: Firstly, the current lights used by displays “are not suited for night-vision mode”, meaning pilots would be blinded by them should they use light enhancing goggle.

Secondly, it has been reported that certification officials are unsure they can obtain documentation from the goggles producer that would be required for a fleet-wide approval, according to DefenseNews.

Recently, a classified German Defense Ministry report says the country’s fleet of Tornado fighter jets may be unsuitable for conducting NATO missions, several media outlets said.
The report, first cited by the German magazine Spiegel, says the Panavia Tornado, which first entered service in the 1970s, has several equipment flaws that make it vulnerable and no longer suitable for duty. The fleet of fighter jets needs costly modernisation if Germany wants to keep them operational until 2035, as it plans.

It is understood that this is particularly annoying for the Luftwaffe, as training of new Tornado pilots is already three months behind. This comes after we reported that The German military is under-equipped to take on its upcoming role as leader of NATO’s Russian-aimed Very High Readiness Joint Task Force.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 01, 2018, 03:45:36 pm

Azerbaijan shows Hermes 900

Azerbaijan has confirmed the receipt of at least one Elbit Systems Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), with images posted on the government’s website showing the country’s president inspecting military equipment including the Israel-built platform.

The imagery posted on 30 April confirmed national media reports from August 2017 that Azerbaijan has procured the Israeli-made medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV. While only one aircraft was shown, the reports suggested that as many as 15 had been bought with deliveries to take place over the coming years.

The Azerbaijan Air Force (AzAF) and Air Defence Force was already known to have received a number of unmanned aircraft-types from Israel. Indeed, as Jane’s World Air Forces noted, Azerbaijan has so far fully relied on Israel for its UAV acquisitions, with the IAI Harop loitering munition as well as the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Heron 1 and the Elbit Hermes 450 tactical UAVs known to be in operation.

Praticamente a mesma área e população que Portugal, mas com um PIB que não chega a 16% do nosso. E no entanto...

A licence-production agreement is in place for Israel’s Aeronautics Defense Systems’ Aerostar and Orbiter 2M UAVs also.

Most details pertaining to the Hermes 900 that is the subject of this latest disclosure of Azeri UAV co-operation with Israel are classified, but Elbit and the Israeli Air Force have said that it can carry a variety of payloads.

The president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, walks past an Elbit Hermes 900 UAV during an inspection of military equipment in late April. Source: Office of the President of Azerbaijan
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 06, 2018, 10:33:53 pm
Boeing, Embraer form separate joint venture to boost KC-390

 05 July, 2018 SOURCE: BY: Stephen Trimble Washington DC

 Boeing and Embraer will create a joint venture to promote the KC-390 and other defence products and services for new markets and applications, the companies announced on 5 July.

 The new agreement expands a six-year-old relationship between Embraer and Boeing on the KC-390 programme. A joint press release issued on 5 July includes only two sentences about the formation of the new joint venture.

“Joint investments in the global marketing of the KC-390, as well as a series of specific agreements in the fields of engineering, research and development and the supply chain, will enhance mutual benefits and further enhance the competitiveness of Boeing and Embraer,” says Nelson Salgado, Embraer's executive vice-president, for financial and investor relations.

 The statement does not indicate that Boeing will assume ownership of the KC-390 programme, but rather invest in marketing, engineering and other areas. Embraer’s independence as a defence manufacturer was a key sticking point in negotiations about Boeing taking a stake in Embraer’s commercial aviation division.

 The Brazilian air force formed Embraer in 1969 to re-market a military transport for the commercial sector, and the company remains the service’s primary aircraft supplier.

 At the same time, Boeing has been involved in the KC-390 programme since early in the transport-tanker's development.

 Boeing agreed to provide technical support to Embraer on the twin-engined KC-390 in 2012, just as the US manufacturer’s production line for the four-engined C-17 airlifter neared an end. A year later, Boeing and Embraer expanded the agreement to allow the former to provide marketing support in new markets.

 The KC-390 is close to completing a nine-year-long development phase. Last month, Embraer re-affirmed that the first delivery of a production version of the KC-390 to the Brazilian air force is on track by the end of the year.

 One of Embraer’s two KC-390 test aircraft sustained damage during a runway test on 5 May in Brazil.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 10, 2018, 12:11:41 pm (

Draken International
6 de Julho às 13:47 ·

Reassembly begins in the USA 🇺🇸

First of 20 Mirage F1Ms to be returned to service as Adversaries for the USAF!!




Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 13, 2018, 06:14:44 pm
Mali receives four Super Tucanos


Mali’s four new Super Tucanos are seen during a welcoming ceremony at Air Base 101. Source: Présidence de la République du Mali

Erwan de Cherisey, Paris - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

The Malian Air Force formally inducted four Embraer EMB 314/A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft into service during a ceremony attended by President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, it was announced on 11 July.

Embraer announced in July 2015 that Mali had ordered six Super Tucanos, but a Brazilian source subsequently told Jane’s that delays were experienced due to financial issues and the order was reduced to four aircraft. The Malian presidency said the aircraft were entirely funded by the country.

The training syllabus was also delayed by difficulties in finding pilots for conversion training on the type, according to the Brazilian source. Photographs released by the presidency showed at least nine Malian Air Force personnel in anti- g flight suits standing in front of the four aircraft at Air Base 101, which is next to Bamako’s international airport.

The Super Tucanos delivered to Mali are armed with 12.7 mm machine guns and can carry 70 mm rocket pods and 250 kg bombs. The presidency indicated that Mali has also acquired 20 mm cannon pods for the aircraft.

With this delivery, Mali joins Angola, Burkina Faso, and Mauritania as African operators of the Super Tucano.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 17, 2018, 12:37:59 pm
FARNBOROUGH: Airbus details maritime patrol plans for A320

 16 July, 2018 SOURCE: BY: Craig Hoyle Farnborough

 Airbus Defence & Space is advancing plans to adapt the top-selling A320 for a broad range of military applications, with the need to replace ageing maritime patrol aircraft fleets in Europe driving early activities.

The company is using the Farnborough air show to outline the potential of its planned modular multi-mission product – dubbed the A320M3 – in roles that could also cover airborne early warning, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and signals intelligence-gathering.

 A leading application could come via a Franco-German requirement to replace the nations' existing Dassault ATL-2 Atlantique and Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion platforms. The partners earlier this year confirmed their intention to pursue a future maritime airborne warfare system, to enter use from around 2035.

 "We are at the beginning of understanding exactly what that common requirement could be, but believe we have a platform which can easily be turned into a system which can match it," says Airbus Defence & Space head of strategy Antoine Noguier.

 Beyond the needs of the European partners, he sees "a huge requirement with regard to replacing old maritime patrol aircraft", including those with other NATO nations.

 "If you look at our portfolio, we have a very successful C295, which we turned into a very cheap, reliable multi-mission aircraft, and then we have the A330, which is a tanker but can do much more," Noguier says. "We have a gap in between, and we believe that the A320 can nicely fill this gap."

 "In the past, we have been trying to promote the C295 maritime patrol aircraft in different parts of the world.

 Frequently, we come to the point where the C295's legs are too short: some nations need a bigger platform," says head of military aircraft Fernando Alonso. "Why not use the availability, reliability and simplicity of the A320 and build more capabilities on it?"

 Internally funded design studies are under way and the company expects to receive its first financial backing soon from the French and German governments to advance the activity.

 Alonso says Airbus is also assessing whether to best serve the market by offering new-build Neo aircraft, or offering conversions of second-hand airframes. Key questions facing the company include where to perform such modification work, and conducting design studies on integrating a bomb bay and other sensors onto the narrowbody.

 The A320M3 will enter the market after Boeing's 737NG-based P-8A Poseidon. The maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare derivative has already entered use with the US Navy and Australian and Indian militaries, with other future operators to include New Zealand, Norway and the UK. An AEW version of the 737 has also been delivered to the air forces of Australia, South Korea and Turkey.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 17, 2018, 07:02:32 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 24, 2018, 05:42:56 pm
Aqui está a Airbus a concorrer com a Boeing !!

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Julho 28, 2018, 07:58:15 pm
Apaches para Marrocos?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 01, 2018, 01:48:28 pm
Aviões "farejadores" belgas monitorizam poluição no mar do Norte

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 17, 2018, 02:21:25 pm
A frota da Draken já é maior que algumas forças aéreas que por aí andam...  ;D ;) (
Meanwhile in South Africa: Draken’s Cheetahs are in full production mode. Batch one to fly in a few weeks for return to service quals in SA. Then, we ship these beauties to Lakeland, FL. (Photos of jets # 3 & 4 on the production floor) Shout out to Denel Aeronautics and their team of pros getting our jets ready.



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 22, 2018, 09:52:13 pm
Belgium to take over Baltic Air Policing lead and Germany to augment

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The 48th rotation of detachments contributing to NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission is imminent, say the Alliance.
From September 2018, the Belgian Air Force will take the lead over the mission at Šiauliai, Lithuania, while the German Air Force will augment out of Ämari, Estonia.

This is the seventh time the Belgian Air Force will deploy to the NATO mission with F-16 fighter jets, airmen and equipment. The detachment will come from both fighter bases at Florennes and Kleine Brogel and stay until the end of the year. In March 2004, Belgium was the first nation to be responsible for safeguarding the airspace of the three Baltic States since their accession to NATO.

The German Air Force is going to augment the mission from Ämari Air Base, Estonia with Eurofighter Typhoons and its personnel from 74th Tactical Air Force Wing at Neuburg, Germany. It will be the German Air Force’s fourth time as augmenting nation and their ninth contribution to the mission over all. For the second time after 2016 the German Air Force is going to execute the NATO mission for two rotations in a row, from September 2018 to April 2019.

The rotation will replace detachments of the Portuguese, Spanish and French Air Forces which have been conducting the mission since May 2018.

NATO say Air Policing is a 24/7 collective peacetime mission overseen by Allied Air Command and tactically controlled by two Combined Air Operations Centres at Uedem, Germany and Torrejon, Spain. For all Allies that don’t have their own Air Policing capability, like the three Baltic States, agreements exist to maintain a standard of airspace security ensuring the integrity and protection of Allies’ airspace.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 23, 2018, 10:12:08 pm (

he Iraqi Air Force (IqAF) released a video on 21 August showing what it said were its F-16 fighters being refuelled by a US-led coalition tanker during a strike mission against Islamic State targets in Syria a week earlier.

The footage showed an unarmed IqAF F-16D linking up with the tanker’s boom refuelling system and then two F-16Cs carrying Paveway guided bombs, Sniper targeting pods, and Sidewinder air-to-air missiles doing the same.

The IqAF said on 16 August that F-16 jets had carried out a successful airstrike inside Syria that targeted Islamic State militants planning suicide attacks in Iraq.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 30, 2018, 11:44:34 pm
Indonesia develops gunship variant of CN-235 aircraft

Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly  29 August 2018

Key Points

 - PT Dirgantara has confirmed plans to market a gunship variant of the CN-235 turboprop aircraft
 - Work on a demonstrator platform is currently under way, and the company aims for its first flight in 2019

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An Indonesian Navy CN-235-220 maritime patrol aircraft on display at Singapore Airshow 2016. PTDI is working on a gunship variant of the aircraft. (IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat)

 Indonesian state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara (PTDI) has begun work on a gunship variant of the CN-235 twin-engine multipurpose aircraft, the company has confirmed to Jane’s .

 The aircraft, which is based on the company’s CN-235-220 airframe, is being developed as a demonstrator platform, and will be marketed to potential customers in the Middle Eastern, African, and Central and Southeast Asian regions, said the company.

 The aircraft is being modified to carry one single-barrelled 30 mm DEFA 553 aircraft cannon on the portside aft of its fuselage.

 The weapon has been salvaged from a retired Douglas A-4H Skyhawk that was formerly in service with the Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara: TNI-AU).

 The DEFA 553 cannon has a muzzle velocity of 810 m/s, and can fire up to 1,200 rds/min at both air and surface targets.

 There are also plans to complement this weapon with electro-optical targeting systems and a laser designator. However, the company has yet to decide on systems that will be selected for these roles on the demonstrator.

 Other differences that the gunship demonstrator will feature over earlier versions of PTDI’s CN-235 include using General Electric (GE) CT7-9 turboprop engines, instead of the older CT7-7. The aircraft has also been built with wingtip devices to improve the aircraft’s overall fuel efficiency.

PS Um sistema de armas que até daria muito jeito para a RCA............ quando chegar a altura.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Setembro 06, 2018, 06:20:19 pm
US extends Super Tucano procurement contract for Afghanistan


Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

The US Department of Defense (DoD) has extended the indefinite-delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract it has in place with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) to deliver SNC-Embraer A-29 Super Tucano light attack turboprop aircraft to Afghanistan.

The DoD announced on 4 September that it is extending the ID/IQ contract by a further five years from August 2019 to the end of December 2024, and raising the ceiling from USD1.043 billion to USD1.808 billion. Work will be performed at Moody Air Force Base (AFB) in Georgia, as well as at Kabul, Kandahar, and Mazari Sharif air bases in Afghanistan.

With 26 Super Tucanos already contracted for the Afghan Air Force (AAF), 22 had been delivered as of May. Nine of these are being used by the United States Air Force’s (USAF’s) 81st Fighter Squadron at Moody AFB to train AAF pilots and maintainers, with the remainder flying combat missions in Afghanistan.

The Super Tucano has been active in Afghanistan from early 2016, since which time it has served as the AAF’s only fixed-wing combat aircraft. The Super Tucano’s range, speed, service ceiling, and availability (coupled with its ability to dispense precision-guided munitions), enables it to operate effectively throughout Afghanistan.

Powered by a single 1,600 SHP Pratt & Whitney PT6A-68/3 turboprop engine, the Super Tucano carries two 12.7 mm machine guns (200 rounds each) in the wings, and can be configured with additional underwing weaponry such as 20 mm cannon pods, additional 12.7 mm machine guns, rocket pods, precision-guided munitions, and/or ‘dumb’ bombs of up to 1,500 kg. It has a seven-hour endurance and can operate from semi-prepared air fields.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 10, 2018, 10:47:31 am (

Fallon, NV (September 4, 2018) Draken International paid tribute to the late Senator McCain this week by personalizing one of their Douglas A-4 Skyhawks with the late senator’s name on the fuselage.  As a Navy Captain, John McCain flew Douglas A-4 Skyhawks during the Vietnam War.  On his twenty-third bombing mission during Operation Rolling Thunder in October 1967, he was shot down over Hanoi and subsequently endured five and a half years as a prisoner of war.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 18, 2018, 10:58:05 pm


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 19, 2018, 10:40:01 am
Começa a pesar a idade dos F5... (


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 20, 2018, 12:42:53 pm
Space Force could cost fraction of Air Force estimates

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon hasn’t released its official cost estimate to stand up a brand-new space service, but a top defense budget analyst has crunched the numbers and believes it may cost $550 million more per year for a Space Force — at most.

In order to add the headquarters staffing needed to run a Space Force, the Defense Department would need anywhere from an additional $300 million to $550 million per year on top of the money it already budgets for space personnel, operations and procurement, according to a new report by Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

All told, that amounts to a boost of $1.5 billion to a total of $2.7 billion over a five-year period.

That figure is roughly in line with Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan’s public statements last week that the initial costs of a Space Force could be as low as $5 billion and definitely within the “single digits” of billions of dollars.

And it’s a rebuke of the Air Force’s own estimate, signed off by Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, which predicted almost $13 billion in additional cost over the first five years of the Space Force’s creation.

The Air Force’s estimate initially sent a wave of panic among members of Congress, but Harrison decried the Air Force figures as “malicious compliance” meant to kill the Space Force plan by overinflating its costs — a characterization he stands by.

“They were not asked to produce that cost estimate, and they did it with the largest possible scope, without sufficient caveats to let people know that that was much more than the cost of the Space Force,” he told reporters in a Nov. 19 briefing. “And they previously made it known that they don’t like this idea.”

Wilson, for her part, defended the Air Force’s cost estimate last week, saying it was scoped appropriately to reflect the wishes of President Donald Trump to create a completely independent space force.

“Whatever is put forward needs to implement the president’s proposal. What we put forward was in the cost estimates to implement a standalone department," she said Thursday. "Our estimate that we gave to a lot of people in the Pentagon in September was the cost of a fully fledged stand-alone department and also a unified combatant command.”

Wilson’s choice to include the new combatant command — U.S. Space Command — and new procurement organization, called the Space Development Agency, in its proposal is an important distinction from Harrison’s estimates, which include neither.

Nor does Harrison’s assessment include a near-term bill for creating a Space Force, though he believes that the costs for one-time items like designing a uniform, emblem and flag would be incidental.

“Most of this is just a simple matter of organization and whether or not you think that is needed. The added cost is, you know, a handful of F-35s, or less than the [Defense Department] audit” he joked. “I don’t think cost actually should be that big of a factor in their decisions. I think the bigger factor is whether or not people think it’s needed. That’s what the debate should be about.”

To create his cost estimate, Harrison put forth three different options of how a space service could be organized.

The first, a Space Corps, would function independently but fall under the Department of the Air Force, similar to the Marine Corps’ placement under the Department of the Navy. The Space Corps would be comprised of the entirety of the Air Force’s space units, known at the 14th Air Force. Harrison estimates a total cost of $11.3 billion per year for that option, with only $300 million in new funds needed per year.

The second option, termed “Space Force Lite,” includes all of the Air Force’s space units as well as the space functions of the Navy and Army: the Army’s 1st Space Brigade, the Navy’s Program Executive Office Space Systems and the Navy Satellite Operations Center at Naval Air Station Point Magu. For that concept, an additional $400 million would be needed for a total of $13.4 billion annually.

Finally, a “Space Force Heavy” would add in some functions from the Army and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency used for space situational awareness and midcourse missile intercept capabilities. That would cost $21.5 billion total per year, with $500 million in new funding necessary.

So where do the new costs come from? New headquarters staff, and for the Space Force options, staffing for the secretary of the Space Force, Harrison said.

To arrive at those numbers, he set a baseline of 500 personnel for headquarters staff and added 5 percent of the services’ anticipated workforce size — coincidentally, about the same ratio of Coast Guard personnel to its own headquarters staffing, Harrison said.

Much of the cost growth cited in the Air Force’s own estimate is linked to an increase of about 13,000 personnel for new headquarters staff, direct reporting units and forward-operating activities, a “Space Force element,” and more staff for U.S. Space Command.

Harrison criticized the service’s proposal as being unclear on the role those new billets would perform.

“The Air Force was either adding new activities — things that aren’t being done today — which is a separate question from creating a new service, so they should not included them; or they are not transferring over all of the people who do space-related jobs in the air forces,” Harrison said. “They could be assuming that they’re going to keep some of those people and not move them over.”

If that’s the case, it could rack up the Defense Department budget. Increasing the headquarters staff of the Space Force or U.S. Space Command is another potential way to increase costs, Harrison said, but Congress has some power to limit that by putting staffing limits in place.

Whether the Space Force becomes a reality will be up to Congress, which is the only part of government able to create a new military service. With the Democrats controlling the House, successful passage is a “coin toss” that will be dependent on the specific proposal put forward in Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget, and how much support it seemingly has in Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Shanahan, Harrison said.

“How big of a scope do they envision? How disruptive is it going to be perceived as being? And I think another political factor, quite frankly is: Is this seen as being Trump’s Space Force, or is this something that the military is seen on get on board with?”
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Novembro 20, 2018, 05:57:36 pm
NATO Support and Procurement Agency as Lead Nation has requested a possible sale of precision guided munitions kits. The components that comprise the kits are: five hundred (500) KMU-556 F/B Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Kits for GBU-31 2000-lbs; forty (40) KMU-557 F/B JDAM Kits for GBU-31 2000-lbs; one thousand five hundred (1,500) KMU-572 F/B JDAM Kits for GBU-38 500-lbs; one thousand (1,000) Munitions Adapter Unit (MAU)-210 F/B Enhanced Computer Control Groups (ECCGs) for GBU-48 1,000-lb EPII; three hundred (300) MAU-210 F/B ECCGs for GBU-49 500-lbs EPII; three hundred (300) MXU-650K/B AFGs for GBU-49 500-lbs EPII; one thousand twenty-five (1,025) MAU-209 C/B or MAU-169 L/B CCGs for GBU-12 500 lbs Paveway II; one thousand twenty-five (1,025) MXU-650 K/B AFGs for GBU-12 500 lbs Paveway II; four thousand three hundred sixty-five (4,365) Joint Programmable Fuze, FMU-152 A/B for all GBU types. Also includes Detector Sensing Unit (DSU)-38A/B Laser kits, DSU-33D/B proximity sensors, Wireless Paveway Avionics Kit (WIPAK) interfaces for Enhanced Paveway II bombs, repair and return services, transportation, engineering services, and other support services. The estimated value is $320.5 million. This proposed sale supports the foreign policy and national security of the United States by increasing the flexibility of Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom - twelve NATO nations and one Partnership for Peace nation - to contribute to overseas contingency operations.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Novembro 23, 2018, 05:09:16 pm

Serbia receives first H145M helo
Igor Bozinovski, Belgrade and Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
23 November 2018

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One of Serbia’s nine H145M helicopters carrying the country’s defence minister at the Airbus production facility at Donauwörth in southern Germany. Source: Airbus Helicopters

Serbia has received the first of nine Airbus Helicopters H145M helicopters it ordered in 2017. Delivery of the first helicopter took place at Airbus's Donauwörth production facility in southern Germany on 22 November.

Of the nine helicopters ordered for the Serbian air force and police, the first helicopter to be handed over is destined for the air force and was delivered in a search-and-rescue configuration, equipped with a FLIR Systems Star SAFIRE 380HDc electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) sensor; Trakka Systems TrakkaBeam A800 searchlight; Goodrich rescue hoist; and a wire-strike protection system.

Serbia is the first customer to equip its H145M helicopters with the Airbus Helicopters new HForce Generic Weapon System (GWS). This system enables the customer to quickly and easily weaponise its helicopters by means of the Rockwell Collins Deutschland (RCD) FMC-4212 General Purpose Computer (GPC), the Thales' Scorpion monocular helmet-mounted sight display (HMSD), and a Wescam electro-optical sensor, as well as gunner armament weapon grips and weapon pods. Weapon options include 12.7 mm heavy machine gun pods (HMGPs), 20 mm cannon pods, and/or 68 mm and 70 mm unguided and guided rockets, as well as air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles.

Só mesmo para rir. Até a Sérvia compra helis melhores que nós !!!!

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Dezembro 01, 2018, 04:01:56 pm
A-29 Super Tucano: Pentágono anuncia contrato de US$ 344 milhões para fornecer 12 aviões à Nigéria


A Sierra Nevada Corp., Centennial, Colorado, foi premiada com um contrato UCA (undefinitized contract action) de US$ 329.076.750 para 12 aeronaves A-29 para a Força Aérea da Nigéria.

O montante total não-excedido do UCA é aprovado em US$ 344.727.439 para incluir um sistema FLIR para seis aeronaves. Esta peça é projetada para ser financiada logo após o contrato UCA.

Além das 12 aeronaves, este contrato prevê dispositivos de treinamento de solo, sistemas de missão, sistemas de debrief de missão, peças sobressalentes, equipamentos de apoio no solo, equipamentos de missões alternativas, apoio contíguo à contratação temporária dos EUA, apoio logístico no exterior do empreiteiro continental dos EUA (OCONUS) e cinco representantes de serviço de campo para suporte a OCONUS por três anos.

O trabalho será realizado em Jacksonville, Flórida, e deve ser concluído em maio de 2024. Os fundos de vendas militares estrangeiras (FMS – Foreign Military Sales) no valor de US$ 220.167.735 estão sendo obrigatórios no momento da concessão.

O Centro de Gerenciamento de Ciclo de Vida da Força Aérea, na Base da Força Aérea de Wright-Patterson, Ohio, é o supervisor de contratação.

FONTE: US Department of Defense -
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Dezembro 02, 2018, 10:24:33 am
Latvia signs for Black Hawk helos
Gareth Jennings, Berlin - Jane's Defence Weekly 30 November 2018

Latvia has signed a deal for four Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk transport helicopters that were approved earlier in the year, Jane’s was told on 28 November.

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Seen during a joint US-UK exercise, the Black Hawk should be in Latvian service in time for the retirement of the Mi-17 in 2021. (IHS Markit/Patrick Allen)

Speaking at the Berlin Security Conference, Jãnis Garisons, State Secretary for the Latvian Ministry of Defence (MoD), said the deal was signed “about a month ago”.
In August the US cleared the Baltic nation to acquire four UH-60s, along with equipment including Talon Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) systems, spares, support, and sustainment for USD200 million.

While Garisons did not provide a delivery timeline, he said that the Black Hawks should be in service in time to replace the air force’s Mil Mi-17 ‘Hip’ helicopters by 2021. He added that the process to introduce the new aircraft had already begun.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 03, 2018, 10:24:46 am (

Four Swedish air force pilots received U.S. Air Medals here during a ceremony on Nov. 28, 2018, recognizing their actions that took place over 31 years ago. Until last year the details of their mission remained classified.

During the 1980s, the height of the Cold War was still being felt. The U.S. was flying regular SR-71 aircraft reconnaissance missions in international waters over the Baltic Sea known as “Baltic Express” missions. But on June 29, 1987, during one of those missions, an SR-71 piloted by retired Lt. Cols. Duane Noll and Tom Veltri, experienced an inflight emergency.

Experiencing an engine failure in one of their engines, they piloted the aircraft down to approximately twenty-five thousand feet over Swedish airspace where they were intercepted by two different pairs of Swedish air force Viggens.

“We were performing an ordinary peace time operation exercise,” recalled retired Maj. Roger Moller, Swedish air force Viggen pilot. “Our fighter controller then asked me are you able to make an interception and identification of a certain interest. I thought immediately it must be an SR-71, otherwise he would have mentioned it. But at that time I didn’t know it was the Blackbird.”

According to the Air Medal citation, once the Swedish pilots intercepted the SR-71, they assessed the emergency situation and decided to render support to the aircraft by defending it from any potential third-party aircraft that might have tried to threaten it. The pilots then accompanied the aircraft beyond the territorial boundaries and ensured that it was safely recovered.

“I can’t say enough about these gentlemen,” said Veltri, who was at the ceremony. “I am so amazingly grateful for what they did, but also for the opportunity to recognize them in the fashion we are doing. What these guys did is truly monumental.”

Noll, who was not able to be at the ceremony, recorded a message which was played to those in attendance.

“Your obvious skills and judgement were definitely demonstrated on that faithful day many years ago. I want to thank you for your actions on that day,” said Noll. “We will never know what would or could have happened, but because of you, there was no international incident. The U.S. Air Force did not lose an irreplaceable aircraft, and two crew members’ lives were saved. Lt. Col. Veltri and I can’t thank you sufficiently for what you prevented. Thank you for being highly skilled and dedicated patriotic fellow aviators.”

U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. John Williams, Mobilization Assistant to the commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa, presented the Air Medals to Swedish air force Col. Lars-Eric Blad, Majs. Roger Moller and Krister Sjoberg and Lt. Bo Ignell.

“That day in 1987 showed us that we can always count on our Swedish partners in times of great peril,” said Williams. “Even when there was both political risk and great physical risk in the form of actual danger, there was no hesitation on your part to preserve the pilots on that day.”

The presentation of Air Medals to the Swedish pilots represented the gratitude from the U.S. and the continued longstanding partnership with Sweden.

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That Time Four Swedish Viggen pilots protected A Crippled SR-71 Blackbird that had an in-flight engine failure
November 30, 2018   Article, Fighter Jets World, Latest News 3,783 Views

That Time Four Swedish Viggen pilots protected A Crippled SR-71 Blackbird that had an in-flight engine failure

Four Swedish air force pilots received U.S. Air Medals during a ceremony held in Stockholm, Sweden, on Nov. 28, 2018, recognizing their actions that took place over 31 years ago.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 08, 2018, 08:18:03 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 09, 2018, 02:59:37 pm (

O governo de coalizão da Áustria está dividido sobre o que fazer com sua frota de jatos Eurofighter Typhoon, com o Partido da Liberdade de direita preferindo substituir os aviões por caças da Saab, informou o jornal Die Presse na sexta-feira.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Dezembro 09, 2018, 03:58:59 pm (

O governo de coalizão da Áustria está dividido sobre o que fazer com sua frota de jatos Eurofighter Typhoon, com o Partido da Liberdade de direita preferindo substituir os aviões por caças da Saab, informou o jornal Die Presse na sexta-feira.



É normal a Tranche 1 seja reformada, provavelmente outros países também o vão fazer.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Barlovento em Dezembro 15, 2018, 06:38:48 pm
El primer avión cisterna A330MRT de la flota de la OTAN ya vuela.

Los otros siete, seran entregados entre  220 y 2024. La pena es que no se integren el resto de países

Los socios del proyecto son: Alemania, Bélgica, Luxemburgo, Noruega y Holanda. La pena es que no se integren el resto de países.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 17, 2018, 11:46:25 am (

O primeiro dos 36 caças multifunção Boeing F-15QA encomendados pelo Qatar chegará ao emirado no início de 2021, disse o general-de-brigada Eisa al-Mohannadi, diretor da Força Aérea Qatari (QEAF) ao jornalistas durante uma viagem de imprensa a Al -Udeid Air Base em 26 de novembro.

“As entregas de aeronaves para o Catar começarão no início de 2021 e continuarão até o final de 2022, quando todas as 36 aeronaves estarão no país”, disse a Gen Eisa. A primeira entrega será composta por seis F-15QAs e toda a frota estará totalmente operacional até 2023, acrescentou.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 18, 2018, 02:50:39 pm
Sigam mais 14.  ;) (

O governo eslovaco assinou um contrato de aquisição de 1,6 bilhão de euros (US$ 1,8 bilhão) com o Departamento de Defesa dos EUA (DoD) para fornecimento de 14 aeronaves de combate multifunção Lockheed Martin F-16V Block 70/72.

“A República Eslovaca assinou oficialmente documentos com base nos quais adquirirá 12 caças monopostos e dois bipostos”, disse o primeiro-ministro eslovaco, Peter Pellegrini, em 12 de dezembro.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Dezembro 19, 2018, 10:09:59 pm
Sigam mais 14.  ;) (

O governo eslovaco assinou um contrato de aquisição de 1,6 bilhão de euros (US$ 1,8 bilhão) com o Departamento de Defesa dos EUA (DoD) para fornecimento de 14 aeronaves de combate multifunção Lockheed Martin F-16V Block 70/72.

“A República Eslovaca assinou oficialmente documentos com base nos quais adquirirá 12 caças monopostos e dois bipostos”, disse o primeiro-ministro eslovaco, Peter Pellegrini, em 12 de dezembro.



Mais de 100M a unidade? É bem que estejam mais serviços envolvidos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 20, 2018, 10:17:31 am
 ;) (

The Slovak Republic has requested a possible sale of fourteen (14) F-16 Block 70/72 V configuration aircraft; up to sixteen (16) F-16 F110 General Electric or F100 Pratt & Whitney engines (MDE); fifteen (15) M61 A1 Vulcan 20mm Guns (MDE); sixteen (16) APG-83 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars (MDE); fourteen (14) Modular Mission Computers (MDE); fourteen (14) LINK-16 (MIDS-JTRS) secure communication systems (MDE); sixteen (16) LN260 EGI Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial Navigation Systems (EGI) (MDE); fourteen (14) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (MDE); fourteen (14) Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDGs) (MDE); thirty (30) AIM-120C7 air-to-air missiles, one hundred (100) AIM-9X  air-to­ air missiles; twelve (12) AIM-9X Captive Air Training Missiles, two (2) AIM-120C7, twenty-four (24) AIM-9X additional guidance units; two hundred twenty-four (224) each Computer Control Groups and Airfoil Groups for GBU-12 Paveway II 5001b Guided Bomb Kits; twenty (20) Enhanced Computer Control Groups for Enhanced Paveway II (GBU-49); one hundred fifty (150) KMU-572F/B Guidance Kits for Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) 5001b Guided Bomb (GBU-38); sixty (60) LAU-129 Guided – Missile Launchers; thirty-six (36) MK-82 or BLU-111 500 lb Inert Fill Bomb; four hundred (400) MK-82 or BLU-111 500 lb Bomb Bodies; four hundred (400) FMU-152 Joint Programmable Fuzes; and six (6) AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Pods.  Also included are fourteen (14) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II; fourteen (14) AN/ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems; sixteen (16) AN/ALQ-211 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites; sixteen (16) AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispensers; Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF), Secure Communications and Cryptographic Appliques; Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS); ground training device (flight simulator); Electronic Combat International Security Assistance Program (ECISAP) support; software and support; facilities and construction support; spares and repair/replace parts; personnel training and training equipment; publications and technical documentation; missile containers; DSU-38A/B Illuminated Target Detector (GBU-54); munition support and test equipment; aircraft and munition integration and test support; studies and surveys; U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering and logistical support services; and other related elements of logistics and program support.  The estimated total cost is $2.91 billion.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 21, 2018, 10:29:45 am (

A Boeing entregou a última aeronave do Sistema de Alerta e Controle Aéreo (AWACS) modernizada com aviônica e uma cabine de comando digital para a Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) em Manching, Alemanha. Esta entrega é a final de 14 aviões.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 21, 2018, 01:12:21 pm
The Adcom Yabhon United 40 MALE UAV has been confirmed to be in Algerian service when footage of the UAE-developed platform was shown on national TV. (Algerian TV via Algerian Ministry of Defence)

Algeria shown to be operating UAE-developed UAVs

Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
21 December 2018
Algeria has received into service several unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) originally developed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as seen in footage aired on national TV and posted to the official Facebook page of the Algerian Ministry of Defence (MoD).

The footage posted on 20 December confirms the long-expected delivery of the Adcom Systems medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAVs to the North African country, with at least two armed Yabhon United 40 (named locally as ‘Algeria 54’) platforms and two smaller unarmed Yabhon Flash-20 (‘Algeria 55’) platforms shown on the flightline at Polygone Central de l’Air à Hassi Bahbah ahead of a military demonstration.

Jane’s was the first to report Algerian interest in the Block 5 version of the Yabhon United 40 armed intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) MALE UAV at the Dubai Airshow in 2013. At that time, the CEO and general designer for Adcom, Ali Al Dhaheri, said that the country was looking for an unmanned platform to track militants and traffickers in its vast southern desert regions. The Yabhon Flash-20 was first showcased at the same event two years later.

While the Yabhon United 40 Block 5 and Yabhon Flash-20 are two of a number of UAVs developed in the UAE by Adcom Systems, the company’s website and social media accounts appear to have become inactive from 2016 and the manufacturer did not appear at the most recent Dubai Air Show in 2017. This lack of activity chimes with a statement issued by the Algerian MoD in which it notes that the Algeria 54 and Algeria 55 UAVs have been domestically manufactured, suggesting that it has bought the rights from Adcom. “It should be noted that these drones were built locally by engineers, technicians, and executives of the National People’s Army,” the MoD said.

First revealed in scale-model form in 2007, the Yabhon United 40 Block 5 UAV features Adcom’s distinctive double fore and aft main-wing configuration.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 28, 2018, 04:07:14 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 10, 2019, 03:24:40 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 11, 2019, 10:12:08 am (
A aeronave de ataque leve HÜRKUS-C desenvolvida pela Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) realizou com sucesso um voo no distrito de Kahramankazan, capital de Ankara. Este foi o primeiro voo do Hurkus-C carregando armas e sistemas defensivos para facilitar missões de apoio aéreo aproximado.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Janeiro 14, 2019, 08:05:52 pm

A Marine Nationale francesa recebe os primeiros Rafale F3R-standard

 the F3R standard comprises major software and hardware upgrades that include the integration of the MBDA Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and the latest laser-guided version of the Sagem Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM) modular air-to-ground precision weapon; the Thales RBE2 active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar; the Thales TALIOS long-range airborne targeting pod; and automatic ground collision avoidance system (Auto-GCAS); an improved buddy-buddy refuelling pod; as well as the Spectra electronic warfare system.

France launches F4 upgrade for Rafale

“I am delighted by the Minister for Defense’s decision. The F4 standard will incorporate operational experience feedback and enable continuous improvement of the RAFALE to be maintained. It will reinforce the national skills and technological capabilities essential for preparing the development of the next generation of combat aircraft”, stated Eric Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. “I am also delighted that the Defense Ministry underlines the need to continue with acquisition of the RAFALE, beyond the 4th tranche currently in production, in order primarily to meet the needs of the French Air Force. Finally, this robust national foundation will constitute a launch pad for our aircraft in future export markets.”

Vamos ver se o F4 vem com motores vetoriais.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 18, 2019, 04:01:44 pm
Entretanto na Áustria.... (

O governo da Áustria reservou mais de US$ 341 milhões para comprar helicópteros militares, incluindo três Blackhawks, informou o país em comunicado na quinta-feira (17/01). Os primeiros helicópteros devem chegar até 2020.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 19, 2019, 01:27:45 am
Conheça o Boeing B-52J, Novo Padrão para Bombardeiros Estratégicos

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 20, 2019, 01:35:13 pm (

A fabricante estatal de aviões da Indonésia, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), está atualmente finalizando o desenvolvendo uma variante da aeronave CN-235-220 equipada com armas, ou gunship. O avião bimotor CN-235 de múltiplo propósito é fabricado sob licença pela PTDI.



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 22, 2019, 12:51:11 pm
Se ha estrellado un Mirage F1 marroqui al aterrizar, el piloto se ha eyectado.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 04, 2019, 01:17:22 pm

El caza F-15 Avanzado completa vuelos de prueba

Boeing ha anunciado el día de hoy que el caza F-15 Advanced Eagle (Aguila Avanzado) ha completado la campaña de vuelos de prueba. La fase de pruebas con la nueva variante del caza pesado F-15 se ha prolongado por cerca de cinco años.

Un equipo combinado de la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos (USAF) y Boeing, fabricante del avión de combate, han evaluado más de 15,000 ítems en el F-15 Advanced Eagle. La compañía lo denomina Advanced F-15. La nueva variante integra un sistema de control de vuelo Fly-By-Wire digital que permite mayores ángulos de ataque y mayor maniobrabilidad al caza de gran porte, una computadora de misión Advanced Display Core Processor 2 (ADCP 2) de gran velocidad que procesa 87 mil millones de instrucciones por segundo, una de las computadora más rápidas del mundo en su tipo, sino la más rápida que también gestiona el sistema de guerra electrónica de la aeronave, capacidad ampliada para carga de armamento para portar, entre otros, hasta 12 misiles aire-aire y municiones variadas en un solo caza, un radar de escaneo electrónico activo capaz de guiar misiles a múltiples objetivos.

En los vuelos de prueba se ha comprobado la capacidad del F-15 Avanzado de volar muy rápido, muy bajo, empleando un moderno altímetro radar que le habilita volar raudo a altitudes tan reducidas como 100 pies (poco más de 30 metros).

Gran parte de las pruebas se han llevado a cabo en zonas de prueba de la localidad de Palmdale, California.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 05, 2019, 11:05:34 am (
Company to Fly Supersonic Fighter Jets From Lakeland Airport
By Rick Elmhorst Polk County

LAKELAND, Fla. — A Lakeland based company will soon be flying supersonic fighter jets out of Lakeland Linder International airport.

Draken International recently got $280 million contract with U.S. Air Force
Most of its workers, including pilots, are former military
Goal is to provide challenge to current military fighter pilots
More Polk County headlines
Draken International is part of a growing defense trend.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vicente de Lisboa em Fevereiro 08, 2019, 01:55:30 pm

Take-off: France & Germany begin project to build new fighter jets

France and Germany have announced a €65 million contract to design a next-generation stealth fighter jet.

The new design will combine manned jet fighters with a swarm of cloud-connected drones, Dassault said in a release.

It is the first act of a joint programme that will see the building of a combat aircraft and associated weapons, such as drones.

The project, plans for which were first announced in 2017, has been hailed by both countries as a cornerstone for European defence.

Ursula von der Leyen, Germany's defence minister, and her French counterpart, Florence Parly, inaugurated the project at a Safran's site in northeastern Paris.

The French company will produce the jet's new engine in collaboration with Germany's MTU Aero Engines.

Dassault Aviation and Airbus will build the system which is expected to be operational from 2040.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 09, 2019, 05:10:23 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 11, 2019, 06:24:19 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Fevereiro 18, 2019, 07:44:31 pm
Dassault Rafale faz dois primeiros disparos de teste dos misseis Meteor.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 24, 2019, 04:28:37 pm
Mais oito para o Afeganistão.

Another group of MD530F Cayuse Warriors delivered to Afghanistan

Early February 2019, eight MD530F Cayuse Warriors were delivered to the Afghan Air Force (AAF) on board an all cargo B747. As far as we know this was the largest shipment in one delivery of this type of helicopter. The Boeing 747 most probably landed at Kabul International Airport.

The AAF MD530Fs are serialled 281, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292 and 293. All were formally cancelled from the US Register on 12 February 2019. So far 48 Cayuse Warriors have been delivered to Afghanistan, out of which five have been written off.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 24, 2019, 05:08:49 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 24, 2019, 06:23:09 pm
=68.ARBMibM53WbDMBZQ4s07gHA6vRVisLHwNXLyFyq9B9Uk6WfiyTnlBeb9ZFoq3XgTclI6gs43Nr90iy35GuBEUXR1UyO-BWN0lTajBWpBqYufOTcl1LeXffoZ_2jReY2mZqHs9VMSrGLFJ08OJdqcgMcFPBwchl2bYVd215RrWNTfzhZ-CjWKjOp1TaJLvYH0hbLoDB8PTeJGWMUdA9KMoVRbqMfhI9htEtPgi6hDusDhyp1XDoQUWJC6kEONUQ7eTkpKAunpucl4nqNUXVqP90SvZmFZfViKD6F-59xSttv58U1fIoAEzJKMDnUpbZBzY_YNpLI82Yf2f3T-SjnOy3nYAw][0]=68.ARBMibM53WbDMBZQ4s07gHA6vRVisLHwNXLyFyq9B9Uk6WfiyTnlBeb9ZFoq3XgTclI6gs43Nr90iy35GuBEUXR1UyO-BWN0lTajBWpBqYufOTcl1LeXffoZ_2jReY2mZqHs9VMSrGLFJ08OJdqcgMcFPBwchl2bYVd215RrWNTfzhZ-CjWKjOp1TaJLvYH0hbLoDB8PTeJGWMUdA9KMoVRbqMfhI9htEtPgi6hDusDhyp1XDoQUWJC6kEONUQ7eTkpKAunpucl4nqNUXVqP90SvZmFZfViKD6F-59xSttv58U1fIoAEzJKMDnUpbZBzY_YNpLI82Yf2f3T-SjnOy3nYAw ([0)

Reporting from South Africa. Batch 1 aircraft disassembled and ready for shipment. Batch 2 almost ready for flight trials. Batch 3 standing tall on new landing gear. Amazing work by the team at Denel Aviation(kempton Park)







Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 17, 2019, 10:03:54 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 22, 2019, 11:55:24 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 23, 2019, 01:07:19 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 23, 2019, 03:18:09 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 05, 2019, 08:32:24 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 07, 2019, 01:16:53 pm
the U.S. State Department has approved a possible $750 million sale of various weapons to support Bahrain F-16 aircraft fleet, the Pentagon said on Friday after notifying Congress of the certification.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said the State Department had approved the sale of
32 AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM missiles;
1 AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM guidance section;
32 AIM-9X missiles;
20 AGM-84 Block II Harpoon missiles;
2 ATM-84L-1 Block II Harpoon missiles;
40 AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) All-Up-Rounds;
50 AGM-88B High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM);
4 AGM-88 HARM training missiles;
100 GBU-39 250 lb Small Diameter Bomb (SDB-1) All-Up-Rounds;
400 MAU-209 C/B Computer Control Groups (GBU-10, -12);
80 MAU-210 Enhanced Computer Control Groups (GBU-49, -50);
340 MXU-650 Air Foil Group (GBU-12, -49);
140 MXU-651 Air Foil Groups (GBU-10, -50);
70 KMU-557 GBU-31 tail kits (GBU-31 JDAM, GBU-56 JDAM);
120 KMU-572 tail kits (GBU-38, -54);
100 DSU-38 proximity sensors (GBU-54);
462 MK-82 or BLU-111 500 lb Bomb Bodies;
210 BLU-109/BLU-117 or MK-84 2000 lb Bomb Bodies;
10 practice BLU-109/BLU-117;
670 FMU-152 fuses.

É Natal.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 07, 2019, 03:34:06 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 10, 2019, 02:05:40 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 18, 2019, 12:05:22 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 23, 2019, 03:14:55 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 24, 2019, 12:23:56 pm
Elbit BrightNite Declared Operational by NATO Force

Elbit Systems’ BrightNite visualisation system has been declared operational on PUMA330 helicopters by the air force of a NATO member state, the company announced on 22 May. User feedback has been extremely positive, with pilots emphasising the system’s contribution to degraded visibility environment (DVE) flight conditions and describing it as a “game-changer” and “a breakthrough in pitch dark night flight.”

( (

Low flying helicopters are vulnerable to threats such as hostile fire and obstacles including difficult terrain and utility wires. In addition, sorties must often be carried out in DVE conditions, adding to the already heavy workload and leaving flight crews to rely on night vision goggles to accomplish their mission. BrightNite is designed to overcome visibility limitations and enable to safe and efficient mission execution in pitch dark and DVE conditions, including poor weather, brownouts, whiteouts and sandstorms.

BrightNite transmits high-resolution video to the helmet-mounted display, allowing pilots to fly in a head-up, eyes-out position. The system processes real-time panoramic video as well as pre-loaded terrain and obstacle information, enhanced by a 3D conformal and intuitive symbology. The system uses unified location-based information culled from a wide field-of-view to display crystal clear images, regardless of visibility conditions. BrightNite can present information to multiple pilots simultaneously on an intuitive multi-functional display.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 26, 2019, 05:53:22 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 28, 2019, 04:13:30 pm
Airbus showcases H160M for French armed forces (

Airbus Helicopters showcased a mock-up of the H160M that it has developed for the French armed forces' Joint Light Helicopter (Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger: HIL) programme on 27 May.

The full-scale model was revealed during an event at the company's Marignane production facility. During this event French defence secretary Florence Parly announced that the formal launch of the HIL programme, which will see 169 helicopters delivered to the country's three armed forces, has been brought forward from 2022 to 2021. This earlier start to the programme will see the first helicopters delivered in 2026.

Under the HIL programme, the H160M will replace all helicopter types in the French military except for the NHIndustries NH90, Airbus Helicopters Tiger, and Airbus Helicopters H225M Caracal. The army will be the largest customer with 80, with the navy getting 49 and the air force 40.

Dubbed Guépard (Cheetah), the H160M is derived from the civil variant of the helicopter that was developed from the X4 and first launched at the Heli-Expo show in Florida in 2015. The H160 is billed as a 160 kt-capable helicopter that can carry 12 passengers at distances of up to 120 n miles (222 km) (or a 450 n mile range with 20-minute reserve for tasks such as search and rescue). Development of the helicopter began in 2013 and the configuration was finalised in 2015.

According to Airbus, the H160 is set apart from other helicopters by cutting-edge technologies. These include the noise-reducing and performance-enhancing Blue Edge main rotors designed to cut the noise signature by 50% (3 dB) and increase the lift capacity by 100 kg compared with conventional blades. The main rotor assembly is centred on the Spheriflex bearingless main rotor hub, which reduces weight and increases damage tolerance.

A mock-up of the H160M helicopter that has been developed for the French armed forces' HIL programme. Source: Airbus Helicopters
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 31, 2019, 12:49:31 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 31, 2019, 06:44:55 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 01, 2019, 10:35:41 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 02, 2019, 08:33:43 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 02, 2019, 09:39:24 pm
Swimming in A Fishbowl
(1 de Junho de 2019)
It appears that my post on Kuwaiti Hornets ( was overly optimistic. RMAF chief Gen. Affendi Buang downplayed the possibility in response to written questions posed to him ahead of the service’s 61st anniversary today. He said that although it welcome any offer of used aircraft, the conversations with Kuwait was only casual and not a firm commitment. He said the same thing when the question came up during an interview held for the same reason on May 29.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 03, 2019, 09:35:12 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 04, 2019, 12:30:07 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Junho 04, 2019, 06:32:52 pm

Só vão comprar 4 SNIPER´s, então dos 8 só esperam operar 4 ao mesmo tempo. :o
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 05, 2019, 12:18:48 am
Nós só temos 12 Litening AT. Nenhuma forca aérea tem 100 % da sua frota permanentemente operacional.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 06, 2019, 01:27:11 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 13, 2019, 01:28:17 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Junho 18, 2019, 09:40:28 am
França, Alemanha e Espanha assinam acordo do FCAS


PARIS – O presidente da República Francesa, Emmanuel Macron, presidiu a cerimônia de assinatura do acordo-quadro sobre o SCAF (Système de Combat Aérien du Futur) ou FCAS (Future Combat Air System) – sistema de combate aéreo do futuro.

Os ministros da Defesa Florence Parly (França), Ursula von der Leyen (Alemanha) e Margarita Robles (Espanha) assinaram hoje este acordo-quadro em Le Bourget, fazendo um verdadeiro compromisso legal para a produção de um sistema completo de aviões de combate e drones para entrar em serviço com as forças armadas em 2040.

Esta assinatura concretiza um passo fundamental na construção da defesa da Europa, combinando excelência tecnológica, vontade política e cooperação industrial.

Um modelo em grande escala foi revelado nesta ocasião, apresentando o culminar do conceito e trabalho de arquitetura dos industriais Dassault e Airbus. Traduzindo as primeiras escolhas importantes relativas ao jato de combate do futuro, esse modelo não é uma mera visão do artista, mas o resultado das primeiras decisões tecnológicas tomadas entre os países envolvidos.

Florence Parly, Ministra das Forças Armadas, congratulou-se com esta assinatura. “Prova concreta de que a Europa é capaz de antecipar os grandes desafios estratégicos de amanhã, o SCAF é uma peça importante na forma como poderemos enfrentar as lutas pelo poder na segunda metade do século XXI. O que está acontecendo hoje é histórico.”



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 18, 2019, 02:49:04 pm
EMBRAER e ELTA criam um novo segmento de mercado com o lançamento do P600 AEW


Paris, França, 18 de junho de 2019 – A EMBRAER Defensa & Segurança e a ELTA Systems Ltd (ELTA), subsidiária da Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), assinaram, no Paris Air Show, um Acordo de Cooperação Estratégica para desenvolvimento do P600 AEW (Alerta Aéreo Antecipado).

Concebido para atuar em um novo segmento do mercado de AEW, esta aeronave de última geração é baseada na moderna plataforma super midsize do jato executivo EMBRAER Praetor 600. O sensor primário do P600 AEW é o radar AESA (Digital Active Scanned Array) de 4ª geração da IAI/ELTA com capacidade de IFF integrada.

Nessa cooperação, a EMBRAER Defensa & Segurança fornecerá a plataforma aérea, sistemas de solo, sistemas de comunicações e integração de aeronaves, enquanto a IAI-ELTA fornecerá o radar AEW, SIGINT (inteligência de sinais) e outros sistemas eletrônicos.

O P600 AEW abrange o crescente mercado para capacidade aeroembarcadas de inteligência, vigilância e reconhecimento para países que exigem soluções economicamente viáveis, de alto desempenho e flexíveis para missões de defesa e segurança interna. O EMBRAER Praetor 600 é o jato executivo super midsize de melhor desempenho de sua categoria, oferecendo alcance intercontinental com excelente capacidade de carga útil, alta disponibilidade e confiabilidade, curto tempo de retomada de operação e baixo custo de ciclo de vida.

Juntamente com a tecnologia de ponta dos sensores da ELTA, a solução P600 AEW oferece os benefícios de sistemas comprovados e avançados e recursos disponibilizados, até agora, apenas em plataformas muito maiores.

O P600 AEW pode fornecer imagens situacionais de aérea integradas e estendidas monitorando a atividade aérea em áreas fora da cobertura dos radares terrestres. Pode executar várias missões, tais como defesa aérea, alerta antecipado, comando e controle, eficiência da frota de combate, defesa territorial e vigilância marítima.

Além disso, o P600 AEW pode ser configurado com uma vasta gama de sistemas de sensores de controle para alerta antecipado, incluindo a 4ª geração de radar AEW AESA Digital, IFF civil e militar, ESM/ELINT com capacidade de recepção de ameaças-radar, comando e controle, pacote de comunicação abrangente, incluindo redes de dados e links via satélite, além de um robusto sistema de autoproteção (SPS).

Uma solução de comunicações abrangente permite a capacidade de link de dados, bem como a comunicação por satélite para operações além da linha de visada. Também assegura a interoperabilidade com as forças aliadas. O recurso de guerra centrada em rede (NCW) transforma o P600 AEW em um membro de uma rede tática. Um sistema avançado de autoproteção (SPS) realiza a detecção de ameaças potenciais, ativando quaisquer medidas de suporte eletrônico necessárias.

“Esta plataforma oferece desempenho e flexibilidade superiores resultando na melhor proposta de valor em sua categoria”, disse Jackson Schneider, presidente e CEO da EMBRAER Defensa & Segurança. “Ele pode ser facilmente configurado para atender às necessidades do cliente e poder executar uma ampla variedade de missões de uma maneira mais eficiente e econômica”.

“Como parte da nova estratégia da IAI, estamos intensificando nossas colaborações com empresas globais, alavancando o know-how e a tecnologia acumulada ao longo de décadas de operações nas áreas aeroespacial e de defesa. Como pioneiros dos jatos executivos AEW, a ELTA Systems fez grandes progressos ao longo dos anos para oferecer recursos AEW econômicos para as crescentes necessidades globais” disse Yoav Tourgeman, presidente da ELTA e vice-presidente executivo da IAI. “Essa parceria forjada com a EMBRAER Defensa & Segurança nos permite introduzir um novo segmento de mercado, oferecendo um sistema AEW econômico em plataforma executiva de médio porte”.


Empresa aeroespacial global com sede no Brasil, a EMBRAER completa 50 anos de atuação nos segmentos de Aviação Comercial, Aviação Executiva, Defesa & Segurança, Aviação Agrícola. A Companhia projeta, desenvolve, fabrica e comercializa aeronaves e sistemas, além de fornecer Serviços & Suporte a clientes no pós-venda.

Desde que foi fundada, em 1969, a Embraer já entregou mais de 8 mil aeronaves. Em média, a cada 10 segundos uma aeronave fabricada pela Embraer decola de algum lugar do mundo, transportando anualmente mais de 145 milhões de passageiros.

A EMBRAER é líder na fabricação de jatos comerciais de até 150 assentos e a principal exportadora de bens de alto valor agregado do Brasil. A empresa mantém unidades industriais, escritórios, centros de serviço e de distribuição de peças, entre outras atividades, nas Américas, África, Ásia e Europa.

Sobre a Israel Aerospace Industries

A IAI Ltd. é a maior empresa aeroespacial e de defesa de Israel e líder mundial em tecnologia e inovação, especializada no desenvolvimento e fabricação de sistemas avançados para segurança aérea, espacial, marítima, terrestre, cibernética e doméstica. Desde 1953, a empresa fornece soluções tecnológicas avançadas para clientes governamentais e comerciais em todo o mundo, incluindo: satélites, mísseis, sistemas de armas e munições, sistemas não tripulados e robóticos, radares, C4ISR e muito mais. A IAI também projeta e fabrica jatos executivos e aeroestruturas, realiza revisão e manutenção em aeronaves comerciais e converte aeronaves de passageiros em configurações de reabastecimento e carga.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 18, 2019, 03:56:24 pm
Quatro destes, mais dois 600 configuração VIP seriam mais bem-vindos que o KC.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 20, 2019, 04:02:41 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 20, 2019, 05:00:59 pm
Detalhes técnicos da versão AEW&C do Embraer Praetor 600


Por Sérgio Santana*

No decorrer da edição 2019 do 53º Salão Internacional de Aeronáutica e Espaço que ocorrerá até o dia 23 deste mês no Parque de Exposições de Bourget em Paris, a Embraer e a Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) anunciaram uma parceria que resultou na versão Alerta Antecipado e Controle Aerostransportado do Embraer Praetor 600. De acordo com o comunicado conjunto, a aeronave oferece desempenho superior e flexibilidade que se traduz na proposta de maior valor em sua categoria, podendo ser facilmente configurada para atender às necessidades do cliente e executar uma ampla variedade de missões de uma maneira muito eficiente e econômica, com esta colaboração sendo parte da da nova estratégia da IAI em intensificar colaborações com entidades de negócios globais, alavancando o know-how e a tecnologia acumulada ao longo de décadas de operações aeroespaciais e de defesa.

A companhia israelense foi a primeira a produzir uma aeronave de AEW&C baseada em um jato executivo, o IAI Eitam, descrito pelo Poder Aéreo aqui, o que forneceu as bases para esta versão militar do Praetor 600.

A aposta no sucesso da nova aeronave se deve à crescente demanda por aeronaves dedicadas a missões de Alerta Antecipado e Controle Aerotransportado, caracterizada por duas razões principais: a miniaturização dos radares e demais equipamentos de missão (o que torna possível a sua instalação em aeronaves menores que um Boeing E-3 Sentry, por exemplo, daí resultando em menores custos de aquisição e operação) e a possibilidade, naturalmente característica do conceito, em transformar uma aeronave de AEW&C em uma plataforma multiplicadora de forças, possibilitando que cada exemplar atue como um centro de controle autônomo coordenando aeronaves e outros meios de combate, dentro da teoria da Guerra Centrada em Redes (Network Centric Warfare, NCW).


O Praetor 600

Lançado em outubro de 2018, o Praetor 600 é uma versão aperfeiçoada do Legacy 500, caracterizada principalmente por maior alcance, que foi obtido às custas de um par de winglets (com 57 cm a mais de altura em relação aos instalados no Legacy 500) e dois tanques de combustível (à frente e atrás das asas, totalizando 1.328 kg, em uma modificação que não alterou o centro de pressão nem o centro de gravidade da aeronave, cuja estabilidade é artificial, assegurada por comandos Fly-By-Wire redundantes e acionados por joysticks laterais, como nos Airbus)

Como resultado destas modificações, uma tripulação de dois pilotos pode conduzir até 12 passageiros por uma distância de até 7.441km, à velocidade máxima de 870km/h (regime de cruzeiro de alta velocidade, embora possa atingir o máximo de 880km/h), com o teto máximo de serviço sendo de 13.716 metros. A aviônica de navegação é da linha Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion, contando com Head Up Display e Sistema de Visão Sintética. O Praetor mede 20.74 metros de comprimento, 6.41 metros de altura e 21.50 metros de envergadura, sendo propulsado por dois turbofans Honeywell HTF7500E, cada um gerando 3.414kg de empuxo.

Equipamento de Missão

O principal sensor da versão militar do Praetor 600 é o radar ELTA EL/M-2096. Representando a última evolução do EL/M-2075, o primeiro radar de varredura eletrônica desenvolvido para missões AEW&C e atualmente equipando uma única aeronave (o IAI Condór da Força Aérea do Chile), o EL/M-2096 atua na Banda S (2-4 GHz) e apresenta uma capacidade de varredura de 240º (120° para cada lado), com seus módulos transmissores/receptores sendo compostos por Nitreto de Gálio, à semelhança dos módulos do Saab Global Eye, possibilitando maior sensibilidade contra alvos de baixa visibilidade radar, além de alcance ampliado em relação aos modelos anteriores. Ainda não foi divulgado um número acerca desta última característica, mas há fundadas razões para se acreditar que seja bem além do alcance do radar instalado no Condór chileno (400 km), da mesma forma que o radar Erieye ER instalado no Global Eye possui alcance divulgado como sendo 40% maior que o do Erieye da primeira geração. Também é digno de nota que o EL/M-2096 terá um sistema de Identificação Amigo/Inimigo integrado (IFF, Identification Friend or Foe), sistema esse que nas aeronaves de Alerta Antecipado Aerostransportado costuma apresentar um alcance ainda maior que o radar de missão em si.

Complementando o radar EL/M-2096 foi publicado que a versão do Praetor 600 dedicada às funções de AEW&C terá uma suíte com variadas opções de sistemas de autoproteção, inteligência eletrônica e de comunicações, de acordo com as necessidades específicas de cada cliente, seguindo uma tendência empregada pelo já mencionado Global Eye, de modo a não apenas possibilitar a diminuição dos custos operacionais e de aquisição, mas também a atrair a atenção dos operadores para um produto sob medida.

As revelações da imagem “congelada” do “P600 AEW” e possíveis alterações internas

Em um projeto aeronáutico diz-se que sua configuração está “congelada” quando se apresenta definitiva ou que sofrerá quase nenhuma alteração até sua entrada em serviço. A imagem “congelada” da versão de AEW&C do Praetor 600 já permite ver algumas características visuais que certamente permanecerão no seu projeto, como a instalação do compartimento da antena do EL/M-2096 em ângulo inclinado em relação à fuselagem para permitir que o radar permaneça alinhado com o horizonte enquanto a aeronave voa “cabrada” (com alguns graus de ângulo de ataque), a fim de continuar na velocidade que lhe proporcione o maior tempo de vigilância possível. Como uma consequência desta característica foi instalado um par de aletas sob a porção posterior da fuselagem. Ressalte-se que ambas as soluções foram empregadas no processo de conversão do EMB-145LR em R-99A (denominação que foi alterada para E-99 em 2008).

Outras características externas são o domo de comunicações por satélite (SATCOM) sobre o cockpit, à semelhança do que existe nas versões do EMB-145 AEW&C operacionais nas forças aéreas da Índia (onde é denominado EMB-145I “Netra”, olho) e do México (na qual é conhecido informalmente como “Fortaleza”) e as protuberâncias laterais que alojarão os dispositivos de inteligência eletrônica e de comunicações, presentes no “Netra”.

Apesar do alcance notável do Praetor 600 em sua versão civil (mais que o dobro do já mencionado EMB-145LR, com seus 3.000km) as alterações no formato aerodinâmico da aeronave (causadas pelo compartimento da antena, adição de aletas e protuberâncias de dispositivos), geram peso e arrasto, influindo diretamente não apenas no alcances e velocidades possíveis, mas também no número de horas em que a aeronave permanecerá orbitando na sua área de missão (item vital para um vetor AEW&C), o que pode determinar a instalação de tanques internos de combustível, tal como ocorreu na conversão do EMB-145LR em R-99A/E-99. No caso do Praetor 600, boa parte do espaço interno originalmente concebido para abrigar confortavelmente até 12 pessoas, pode servir, além de reservatório de combustível, também para alojar uma nova APU, geradores elétricos e um sistema de refrigeração mais potente, destinados respectivamente a fornecer energia para os equipamentos de missão e mantê-los em temperatura adequada ao seu funcionamento.

Substituto dos E-99 na FAB?

A versão de AEW&C do Praetor 600 não foi concebida para substituir a frota de cinco E-99 da Força Aérea Brasileira (que se encontram em processo de modernização, após o qual serão denominados E-99M e terão pela frente ao menos mais uma década de serviço). Uma aquisição deste tipo não resultaria em retorno adequado ao que foi investido pelos parceiros do programa), mas para ser oferecida ao mercado de exportação, notadamente para os países de orçamento de defesa baixo, mas que pretendem ter o potencial que a aeronave pode oferecer.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 24, 2019, 06:27:53 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 22, 2019, 03:39:44 pm
RIAT: Leonardo stays on target with armed M-346FA

20 July, 2019 SOURCE: BY: Dominic Perry London

Leonardo anticipates achieving service entry in 2021 for the M-346FA – an armed variant of its advanced jet trainer – as certification and integration work continues.

Although it has yet to secure a launch customer for the attack version, the Italian airframer is engaged in several sales campaigns, including for Argentina, which is "looking with interest" at the twinjet.

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Separation tests of bombs and air-to-air missiles, including Raytheon's AIM-9L Sidewinder, have already been performed, with integration of the Grifo M-346 radar and updated avionics now under way in the laboratory.

Certification from Italy's Armaereo military approvals body is anticipated in late 2020, ahead of probable service entry the following year, says Leonardo.

Achieving that milestone will be key to securing future orders, says Eduardo Munhos De Campos, vice-president of product solutions at the airframer.

"We believe that as soon as we fly the fighter-attack version in its final configuration and we secure certification, this will open up new markets for the M-346," he says.

The M-346FA will be able to carry a variety of sensors and weapons on its seven external hardpoints, including guided bombs, MBDA Brimstone air-to-surface missiles or a gun pod.

In addition, the company is also working to secure additional orders for the baseline trainer variant, says De Campos.

Late last year, the M-346 lost out to a rival Boeing bid for the US Air Force's T-X contest, which will see the service acquire around 350 new trainer aircraft.

Although that huge sales volume – and US backing – could give Boeing the edge in future sales campaigns, De Campos is certain that there are "a lot of countries that will prefer our solution", noting that Leonardo's jet is already in service with four nations.

So far, the company has taken orders for a combined 76 examples of the twin Honeywell F124-GA-200-powered type from Israel, Italy, Poland and Singapore.

Leonardo is also developing its smaller, single-engined M-345 trainer, which should secure certification this year, ahead of service entry with the Italian air force in 2020. Rome has so far committed to take 18 examples, with two additional undisclosed customers also in "advanced negotiations".

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 24, 2019, 08:43:30 pm
Bangladesh to receive five surplus UK C-130J airlifters by end of year

Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Defence Weekly 24 July 2019

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Bangladesh is to receive five short-bodied C-130Js that the UK is divesting itself of, with all deliveries to take place by the end of the year. Source: IHS Markit/Patrick Allen

Bangladesh is to receive five UK-surplus Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules transport aircraft by the end of 2019, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) told Jane’s on 24 July.

The ‘short-bodied’ C-130Js (designated C5 in Royal Air Force [RAF] service) were ordered in two batches of two and three aircraft in 2018 and earlier in 2019. The deals were initially revealed via maintenance contracts announced by Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group (ADG), although it was the MoD that confirmed to Jane’s the total number.

The Bangladesh Air Force has previously noted that the acquisition of C-130J aircraft from the RAF provides a key enhancement to its current airlift capability. As well as performing in-country support of the aircraft, Marshalls will also be modifying the aircraft, including designing, developing, and installing a medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) capability, to enable the Bangladeshi Air Force to carry out tasks within the country and overseas in support of UN missions.

The acquisition of the C-130Js will enable the Bangladeshi Air Force to retire the four C-130Bs that it has fielded since 2001 (these were acquired secondhand from the United States) at the same time as augmenting its three Antonov An-32 ‘Cline’ and three L-410UVP-200 transport aircraft that date from 1989 and 2015 respectively.

Further to the air force’s transport fleet, the Bangladesh Army has received a single Airbus Defence and Space (DS) C295W tactical transport aircraft that it ordered in 2016.

Os cinco J's em questão tem 20 anos

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Camuflage em Julho 30, 2019, 03:14:02 pm
Air Force adds hand-to-hand combat as requirement during basic training:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 30, 2019, 11:19:13 pm (

Successful Kruger anti-poaching demonstration for Helix aircraft

CADG’s Helix ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) aircraft has carried out a successful demonstration in the Kruger National Park where it has helped in the apprehension of half a dozen suspected wildlife poachers.

The Helix was deployed to the southern areas of the park between mid-May and the end of June this year.

Theo Pistorius, Helix Project Manager and Chief Pilot, said that half a dozen suspected poachers were apprehended after being detected by the Helix aircraft, including during night operations. After being tracked from the air, rangers with tracker dogs were then deployed to capture the suspects.

The aircraft also took part in a demonstration where simulated poachers approached a camp hosting an anti-poaching fundraiser event, with the aircraft beaming live footage of the ‘poachers’ approaching guests before they were apprehended.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 31, 2019, 06:24:02 pm
Fighter variant of M-346 secures launch deal

31 July, 2019 SOURCE: BY: Dominic Perry London

Leonardo has secured a launch order for six examples of the M-346FA – the fighter attack variant of its advanced jet trainer – from a major "international customer".

Speaking on a half-year results call on 30 July, Leonardo chief executive Alessandro Profumo said the deal was signed during the last month.

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"We have just signed the first order for six M-346 fighter-attack planes, the new version of our M-346 platform, with an international customer," he says.

"This is important because we have a large customer for this new order of the 346."

Leonardo recently indicated that certification for the FA variant from Italy's Armaereo military approvals body is anticipated in late 2020, ahead of probable service entry the following year.

Profumo says the company also expects to announce an international customer for the smaller, single-engined M-345 trainer by year-end.

So far, the sole customer for the jet is the Italian air force, which has committed to take 18 examples.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Agosto 01, 2019, 02:53:42 am
Queres ver... Nah.  :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Red Baron em Agosto 02, 2019, 12:47:28 pm
Morocco requests Apache helos

Morocco has requested from the United States the procurement of several Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters, the US government revealed in its Country Commercial Guide listings.

The North African nation requested 24 of the latest-variant Apaches for USD1.5 billion as part of a wider equipment procurement programme for Morocco, which is looking to expand its defence budget to USD3.9 billion by 2022.

Prospective Foreign Military Sale (FMS) notifications of this nature are usually listed by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), although this particular request from Morocco has not been disclosed by the agency.

The Royal Moroccan Air Force (RMAF), which operates all the military’s aviation assets, does not currently field a dedicated attack helicopter.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Agosto 04, 2019, 11:38:07 pm
Toda a gente a nossa volta se está a "armar até aos dentes", Espanha,Marrocos,Argélia etc. e Portugal?

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 13, 2019, 01:05:29 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 16, 2019, 01:14:04 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Agosto 23, 2019, 10:17:18 am
Entretanto os checos... (
Czechs are First Foreign Military with UH-1Y + AH-1Z
The Czech Republic is the first foreign customer to acquired a mixed fleet of Bell helicopters UH-1Y Venom and AH-1Z Viper. Twelve helicopters ordered worth $622. Bahrain and Pakistan have the AH-1Z in order.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: MATRA em Agosto 23, 2019, 11:13:01 am
Uau :o
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 26, 2019, 06:58:54 am
Em termos de caças as oscilações de NATO e Europa, até 2029.

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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Setembro 12, 2019, 10:14:33 am
Algeria orders more Russian fighters

Jeremy Binnie, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
12 September 2019

Algeria has ordered additional Su-30MKA and MiG-29M/M2 fighters, the Russian business daily newspaper Vedomosti reported on 10 September.

Algeria has ordered another 16 Su-30MKAs in addition to the 58 it has already received. (Algerian Ministry of National Defense)

The order was first reported by the MENA Defense website, which focuses on the Algerian military, and was corroborated by defence industry sources consulted by Vedomosti .

One source said the contract is worth about USD1.8 billion and covers 16 Su-30MKA (the Algerian version of the Su-30MKI) and 14 MiG-29M/M2 aircraft. He added that Algeria was expanding its fleet of Su-30MKAs - 58 of which have already been delivered - and also wanted to replace some of the obsolete MiG-29s it bought from Belarus and Ukraine in the early 2000s. Another source told the newspaper that the deal would be worth more than USD2 billion when weapons and other equipment are added.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 03, 2019, 07:48:44 pm
Entretanto Marrocos triplica o numero de F-16.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 22, 2019, 02:24:43 pm
Emirados Árabes Unidos encomendam 24 aviões de ataque leve Calidus B-250


A empresa aeroespacial dos Emirados Árabes Unidos (EAU) Calidus LCC assinou seu primeiro contrato para a aeronave de ataque leve B-250, quando as Forças Armadas dos Emirados Árabes Unidos fizeram um pedido de 24 aviões no Dubai Air Show em 20 de novembro de 2019.

O contrato, no valor de 260 milhões de dólares, representa a primeira vez que os militares dos Emirados Árabes Unidos compram uma aeronave produzida no país. O primeiro avião B-250 foi apresentado no Dubai Airshow 2017 após o lançamento em 2015.

A Calidus é uma empresa de desenvolvimento e fabricação de tecnologia de defesa, com sede em Abu Dhabi (Emirados Árabes Unidos). Foi fundada em 2015 e é parte integrante da estrutura de defesa dos Emirados Árabes Unidos. O B-250 foi desenvolvido em conjunto com a empresa Novaer no Brasil.

O programa B-250 foi lançado em 2015 e seu primeiro protótipo foi desenvolvido em um período recorde de 25 meses, completando seu voo inaugural em julho de 2017. O designer-chefe do projeto foi Joseph Kovács, que também era membro da equipe de projeto da aeronave de ataque leve Embraer Tucano. A Calidus planeja construir uma fábrica na cidade de Al Ain para facilitar a produção em larga escala do B-250.

Dois protótipos foram construídos no Brasil e transportados por frete aéreo para os Emirados. Um B-250 todo preto com registro PR-ZNT (mais tarde, serial 980) voou durante o Dubai 2017 Air Show. Um B-250 cinza camuflado, série 981 (ex PR-ZNU), foi exibido no show aéreo de Dubai deste ano, com várias armas externas fabricadas localmente em exibição.


O Calidus B-250 é descrito ainda como uma aeronave de ataque leve superior e altamente eficiente, projetada especialmente para zonas de guerra assimétricas. A aeronave se adapta facilmente às condições mais difíceis do terreno e do clima.

Incorpora uma estrutura de fibra de carbono, capaz de enfrentar os terrenos mais acidentados. Apresenta tecnologia inovadora para oferecer a melhor versatilidade e transportabilidade do mercado, com baixos custos operacionais. O B-250 é capaz de apoio aéreo aproximado (CAS), inteligência, vigilância e reconhecimento (ISR), contra-insurgência (COIN), apoio aéreo persistente (PAS) e treinamento avançado e básico.

O B-250 é um treinador básico de asa baixa, biposto e turboélice, com capacidade de contra-insurgência. Sua estrutura de asa e fuselagem é construída inteiramente de fibra de carbono, tornando-a muito mais leve que seus concorrentes. Possui sete pontos duros para armas, além de sensores EO/IR, com capacidade de até 1.800 kg.

Possui um cockpit espaçoso e os sistemas aviônicos Rockwell Collins Pro Line Fusion II. O grupo motopropulsor consiste em um turboélice Pratt & Whitney Canada PT-6A-68, capaz de 1.600 SHP de potência. Sob o nariz, pode ser montada uma torre eletro-óptica/infravermelha Wescam MX-15.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Dezembro 02, 2019, 07:23:11 pm
Venham ver o KaCê a Lisboa, venham…….

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Charlie Jaguar em Dezembro 28, 2019, 01:26:06 pm
E continua a escalada militar aqui bem perto de nós no Magrebe entre os arqui-inimigos Marrocos e Argélia. Desta feita Argel irá encomendar caças Su-57 e caças-bombardeiros Su-34, que se juntarão a encomendas anteriores de Su-35, MiG-29M2 e Yak-130, e aos Su-30MKA já em serviço.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: FoxTroop em Dezembro 28, 2019, 01:52:21 pm
E continua a escalada militar aqui bem perto de nós no Magrebe entre os arqui-inimigos Marrocos e Argélia. Desta feita Argel irá encomendar caças Su-57 e caças-bombardeiros Su-34, que se juntarão a encomendas anteriores de Su-35, MiG-29M2 e Yak-130, e aos Su-30MKA já em serviço.

A preocupação argelina neste momento está do lado leste das suas fronteiras. A situação na Líbia está a levar a um conflito aberto entre a Turquia, a quem o governo de Trípoli acabou de pedir oficialmente ajuda militar, e o Egipto, que apoia abertamente a outra facção.
A ultima coisa que a Argélia quer são egípcios ou turcos nas suas fronteiras e, muitos menos a combater entre si. Como existe a ameaça velada por parte do Egipto que qualquer navio turco, militar ou não, que tenha como destino a Líbia será interceptado e aí o Egipto está a contar com ajuda grega e há negociações em curso nesse sentido, pois a armada egípcia não é rival para ninguém ali, podemos bem ver o potencial para dar porcaria da grossa que está ali, mesmo na fronteira sul da Europa.
A Líbia de Gaddafi era o escudo avançado da Europa na sua fronteira Sul e é nestas alturas que gostaria de ver aqui os tais defensores do sarkozinho e da bela esterqueira em que as acções na Líbia mergulharam a zona.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Dezembro 28, 2019, 02:18:33 pm
First Images of Sino-Pakistani JF-17 Block 3 Next Generation Fighter Released

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 08, 2020, 01:52:50 pm
The US Navy prepares to receive first Super Hornet Block 3 test aircraft

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 25, 2020, 12:48:53 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Fevereiro 03, 2020, 12:36:49 am
Flight International World Air Forces 2020 (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Viajante em Fevereiro 17, 2020, 05:57:45 pm
Arma laser anti-drone que literalmente fritar os drones a quilómetros de distância (da Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 21, 2020, 11:20:06 am (

França, Alemanha e Espanha assinaram, no dia 20 de fevereiro, acordos sobre o desenvolvimento do Futuro Sistema de Combate Aéreo (FCAS, em francês: Système de combat aérien futur; SCAF).


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 29, 2020, 12:28:25 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Viajante em Março 06, 2020, 02:44:35 am
Elon Musk avisa Força Aérea de que os caças "tripulados" estão acabados (no título original refere caças a jacto)


O CEO da Tesla e da SpaceX, numa sala repleta de oficiais da Força Aérea dos EUA, disse que a era dos caças a jato já passou e que o futuro da aviação passa por drones não tripulados

O Air Warfare Symposium na Florida foi o palco onde Elon Musk disse que o futuro passa por drones não tripulados, de produção comparativamente mais barata face aos aviões caça a jato. O fundador da SpaceX e da Tesla explicou que “o combate de drones é o que nos espera no futuro (…) não é o que eu quero que seja, é o que vai mesmo ser”, noticia a CNBC.

Ainda no mesmo sentido, Musk criticou a falta de competição para o novo F-35, um caça a jato que terá custado mais de um bilião de dólares para criar nos EUA e que tem passado por alguns problemas. “A competição devia ser um drone caça, controlado remotamente por um humano, mas com capacidade de manobra aumentada pela autonomia (…) O F-35 não teria qualquer hipótese”, escreveu o executivo no Twitter.

O CEO da SpaceX deixou o alerta de que os EUA devem aumentar a aposta na inovação espacial para não perderem a corrida para a China: “Não era um risco no passado, mas é agora. Não tenho qualquer dúvida de que se os EUA não procurarem inovação no espaço, vamos ser os segundos”.

Continuando o discurso premonitório, Musk disse que vai ser estranho quando a economia chinesa representar o dobro ou mesmo o triplo daquilo que representam is EUA. “A fundação da guerra é económica (…) se tens metade dos recursos do teu rival, é melhor que sejas realmente inovador. Se não o fores, vais perder”, avisou o executivo.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Março 11, 2020, 06:42:14 pm
Mais informações sobre os A-29 Super Tucano da USAF


A Sierra Nevada Corporation ganhou um contrato de US$ 129 milhões para fornecer duas aeronaves de ataque leve Sierra Nevada/Embraer A-29 para a Força Aérea dos EUA (USAF).

O contrato inclui equipamentos de apoio no solo, treinamento de pilotos, suporte logístico, economia e manutenção de aeronaves, afirma a Sierra Nevada em 3 de março.

“A Força Aérea dos EUA agora terá a oportunidade de implantar o A-29 em apoio às operações dos EUA e aliados”, diz Mark Williams, vice-presidente de planos e programas estratégicos da área de negócios de aviação e segurança da Sierra Nevada.

O A-29 é um avião de ataque leve turboélice originalmente projetado e construído pela Embraer. A empresa brasileira também constrói a aeronave nos EUA por meio de sua parceria com a Sierra Nevada. O acordo com a Sierra Nevada, com sede nos EUA, permite que o A-29 seja vendido para serviços militares dos EUA e clientes internacionais por meio do processo de vendas militares estrangeiras (FMS) dos EUA.

A última venda de duas aeronaves não está relacionada ao programa Armed Overwatch, anunciado recentemente pelo Comando de Operações Especiais da Força Aérea, que é uma iniciativa separada, diz a Sierra Nevada. Em vez disso, o contrato é para continuar o experimento de ataque leve da USAF. O serviço também planeja comprar dois ou três exemplares da aeronave de ataque leve Textron Aviation AT-6 como parte desse esforço.

O experimento de ataque leve evoluiu ao longo de vários anos. Originalmente, a USAF pretendia encontrar um avião de ataque ao solo barato de voar. No entanto, recentemente, a iniciativa se transformou em um esforço para desenvolver uma plataforma aérea para transportar equipamentos de comunicação que ajudariam os aliados a coordenar ataques ar-terra com os EUA.

Esse kit de comunicação é chamado de Airborne Extensible Relay Over-Horizon Network ou AERONet. A USAF prevê um sistema capaz de fornecer vídeo, voz, chat, comando e controle às nações parceiras por menos de US$ 500.000 por unidade.

A Sierra Nevada diz que começará a fabricar as aeronaves imediatamente a partir de suas instalações em Jacksonville, Flórida, e Centennial, Colorado. A empresa planeja entregar aeronaves em 2021, com atividades de treinamento e suporte continuando até 2024.


FONTE: FlightGlobal /
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Março 17, 2020, 11:38:19 am

………...Cirium fleets data shows 26 orders for the type: 12 for RSW Aviation, 10 for SkyTech and four for the Senegal air force.

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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Abril 19, 2020, 12:26:49 am
Primeiro A-29 Super Tucano da Força Aérea da Nigéria completa voo inaugural com sucesso


Jacksonville, Flórida, 17 de abril de 2020 – A Embraer Defesa & Segurança e a Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) anunciam que a primeira aeronave de ataque leve e treinamento avançado A-29 Super Tucano destinada à Força Aérea da Nigéria completou com sucesso o voo inaugural na fábrica de Jacksonville, na Flórida (EUA). A Força Aérea da Nigéria encomendou 12 aeronaves.

As aeronaves A-29 Super Tucano destinadas à Nigéria estão atualmente sendo produzidas pela Embraer e pela SNC, em Jacksonville, com entregas previstas em 2021.

As primeiras aeronaves A-29 da Força Aérea da Nigéria serão enviadas para Centennial, no Colorado, onde serão realizadas modificações dos sistemas de missão além de alguns testes finais. Em seguida, os pilotos da Força Aérea da Nigéria serão treinados nas aeronaves, em uma etapa que antecede as entregas.

“Este é um marco significativo na produção dos A-29 Super Tucano para a Força Aérea da Nigéria. A linha de produção de Jacksonville está ativa e a Embraer e a SNC estão confiantes de que a produção de outras aeronaves será concluída nos próximos meses”, disse Jackson Schneider, presidente e CEO da Embraer Defesa & Segurança.

“A aeronave atendeu ou superou todos todos os requisitos e estamos muito satisfeitos, pois o voo foi muito bem-sucedido”, disse Ed Topps, vice-presidente de Sistemas de Aeronaves Táticas e programas de Inteligência, Vigilância e Reconhecimento da SNC. “A SNC e a nossa parceira Embraer estão confiantes de que a Força Aérea da Nigéria ficará muito satisfeita com essas aeronaves”.

O A-29 Super Tucano tem histórico comprovado de combate e é reconhecido como referência de excelência em aeronaves de ataque leve e reconhecimento no mundo todo. A aeronave foi projetada e construída para missões como a da Nigéria.



O A-29 Super Tucano é a solução mais confiável e com melhor custo-benefício para voos básicos e avançados, assim como para o treinamento de combate, operações de apoio aéreo tático, ISR (Inteligência, Vigilância e Reconhecimento), vigilância armada, contrainsurgência e cenários de guerra irregular.

A aeronave já foi selecionada por 15 forças aéreas em todo o mundo para missões de apoio aéreo tático e de reconhecimento com excelente custo-benefício.

Em dezembro de 2018, a Embraer Defesa & Segurança e a SNC receberam uma encomenda para 12 aeronaves de ataque leve A-29 Super Tucano destinadas à Força Aérea da Nigéria. O contrato inclui dispositivos de treinamento de solo, sistemas de planejamento de missão, sistemas de missão, peças sobressalentes, equipamentos de apoio no solo, equipamentos de missões alternativas, apoio interino contratado dos Estados Unidos, apoio logístico do contratante fora do continente norte-americano (OCONUS) e representantes de serviço de campo para apoio ao OCONUS.



Sobre o A-29


O A-29 Super Tucano é referência de excelência para aeronaves de ataque leve, combate e reconhecimento no mundo todo. Construído nos EUA pela Embraer Defesa & Segurança, em parceria com a Sierra Nevada Corporation, o A-29 foi selecionado por 15 forças aéreas em todo o mundo, incluindo Afeganistão e Líbano.

O A-29 é uma aeronave turboélice versátil e poderosa que é reconhecida por seu design robusto e durável, capaz de operar em pistas não preparadas e em bases avançadas, em ambientes austeros e terrenos acidentados. O A-29 é a única aeronave de ataque leve do mundo com um Certificado de Tipo Militar da Força Aérea dos EUA.


Sobre a Embraer Defesa & Segurança

A Embraer Defesa & Segurança é líder na indústria aeroespacial e de defesa da América Latina. Além das aeronaves A-29 Super Tucano, de ataque leve e treinamento avançado, e C-390 Millennium, de transporte militar multimissão, oferece uma linha completa de soluções integradas e aplicações de Comando e Controle (C4I), radares, ISR (Inteligência, Vigilância e Reconhecimento) e espaço. Isso inclui sistemas integrados de informação, comunicação, monitoramento e vigilância de fronteiras, bem como aeronaves para transporte de autoridades e missões especiais. Com crescente atuação no mercado global, os produtos e soluções da Embraer Defesa & Segurança estão presentes em mais de 60 países.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Abril 29, 2020, 05:41:03 pm
Saab compra a empresa brasileira de radares Atmos Sistemas


Sueca Saab faz primeira aquisição no Brasil e assume operações da Atmos Sistemas

O Valor Econômico noticiou que a Saab comprou 100% da empresa de radares Atmos Sistemas.

A aquisição, em valor não divulgado, envolve a Atmos Sistemas – companhia, com sede em São Paulo, especializada no desenvolvimento e na manutenção de radares meteorológicos para uso civil e militar.

Fundada em 2004 e com 100% de capital nacional até agora, a Atmos participa do que se chama de aviônica na indústria de defesa (os sistemas tecnológicos embarcados em uma aeronave). Com a transferência de controle, ela se mudará para as instalações do grupo sueco em São Bernardo do Campo (SP) e passará a chamar-se Saab Sensores e Serviços do Brasil.

Os suecos já têm participação acionária de 40% na Akaer, empresa de engenharia voltada para os mercados aeroespacial e de defesa, mas é a primeira vez que adquirem o controle de uma companhia no país.

A “nova” Atmos deverá ser responsável pela manutenção de radares dos caças Gripen que começam a chegar neste ano ao Brasil, mas também tem o objetivo de atender a clientes civis e militares, no mercado doméstico e no exterior, segundo Saito.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 02, 2020, 06:09:06 pm

A 2 de Maio de 2011 ficávamos a saber da versão furtiva do BlackHawk.

A imagem de cima é o conceito original e da outra a versão mais recente e provável.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 16, 2020, 09:03:38 pm
NATO prepares to receive first A330 tanker-transports

NATO is set to receive its first Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft into Eindhoven Airbase in the Netherlands over the coming weeks.

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The European Union/NATO Multinational Multi Role Tanker Transport Fleet will comprise six countries operating eight MRTT tankers.
The first two of eight MRTT aircraft to be operated jointly by NATO members Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Norway under the NATO Support and Procurement Agency’s (NSPA’s) Multinational Multi-Role Tanker and Transport Fleet (MMF) are on course to be delivered in June, the agency reported on 14 May.

Managed by the NSPA, with support of the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR), the MMF capability will provide the six participating nations pooled access to aerial refuelling (hose-and-drogue and boom/receptacle) strategic passenger and cargo airlift, as well as aero-medical evacuation (medevac) capabilities.

The Netherlands and Luxembourg initially launched the programme in July 2016, with the first one as the lead nation of the project. Germany and Norway joined in 2017, Belgium followed in early 2018, and Czech Republic lastly joined the MMF programme in October 2019.
Germany is the largest contributor with a share of 5,500 hours per year.
The Netherlands will take up 2,000 hours per year.
Belgium will take 1,000 hours.
Luxembourg 200 hours, and Norway and Czech Republic will take 100 hours a year each.

As the projected utilisation will be 1,100 flying hours per aircraft per year, the fleet of eight aircraft is fully committed. The MMF nations will use these capabilities in support of national missions as well as in support of NATO, EU, and other multinational commitments.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 18, 2020, 08:07:22 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 20, 2020, 04:26:01 am
DESAER e CEIIA (Portugal) criam Joit Venture para o desenvolvimento do ATL 100


A DESAER Desenvolvimento Aeronáutico, empresa brasileira especializada no desenvolvimento de aeronaves de diversas tipologias e o CEIIA (Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento), com sede em Portugal, firmaram um Acordo de Joint-Venture para o desenvolvimento, industrialização e comercialização de uma aeronave de transporte leve.

O ATL-100 é uma aeronave de uso civil e militar, com configurações para o transporte de passageiros (até 19 pax.) e para carga (2,5 ton.), com o objetivo de atender as necessidades de transporte regional em áreas já adensadas e nas regiões mais remotas, necessitando de pouco apoio de infraestrutura no solo e possibilidade de pousar em pistas curtas e não pavimentadas.

A fase de desenvolvimento do projeto, agora com decisiva participação do CEIIA, será executada em 3 anos, seguida das fases de industrialização e comercialização. Em todas as fases, o projeto vai ser executado por profissionais portugueses e brasileiros em infraestruturas localizadas em Portugal e no Brasil.


O desenvolvimento do ATL-100 terá como alicerce o foco na sustentabilidade, não só pela aplicação de tecnologias menos poluentes em seus componentes, mas, também, pela perspectiva de utilização, no futuro, de novas tecnologias como motores elétricos.

O CEIIA e a DESAER entendem que esta parceria, que agrega competências complementares do setor aeroespacial de Portugal e do Brasil, além de ser um importante projeto de inovação tecnológico, e de criação de renda e emprego em ambos os países, surge com especial relevância agora como um contra-ataque aos efeitos danosos sobre a economia mundial causados pela crise da Covid-19.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 20, 2020, 06:39:09 am
Querem ver que vai ser esta lindeza que irá substituir os 295. :N-icon-Axe:

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 20, 2020, 05:40:44 pm
Vuela el Cessna Skycourier


El aeropuerto Beech Field, a las afueras de Wichita (Kansas), donde está enclavada la factoría de Beechcraft, fue el punto de origen y destino del primer vuelo del nuevo Cessna Skycourier.

El vuelo tuvo una duración de dos horas y quince minutos con los pilotos de pruebas de Cessna Corey Eckhart y Aaron Tobias a los mandos. En el mismo los pilotos llevaron a cabo las habituales pruebas de control aerodinámico, sistemas y de los motores en todo primer vuelo.

Corey Eckhart señaló tras el mismo que el avión se había mostrado muy estable en el despegue y aterrizaje y que durante el vuelo todo se había desarrollado como esperaban y habían podido completar las pruebas previstas.

Cessna usará seis aviones en el programa de certificación, tanto para las pruebas de vuelo como para las de fatiga y estáticas en tierra.

El SkyCourier podrá transportar a un máximo de 19 pasajeros o 2.700 kg de carga o una combinación de ambos a un máximo de 1.650 km. Su aviónica es la Garmin G1000 NXi y sus motores los Pratt & Whitney PT6A-65A que le dan una velocidad máxima de crucero de 200 nudos.

Fly news
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Maio 22, 2020, 05:37:25 am
Evakuação com estilo.

Italy reveals Leonardo helo sales to Egypt (

According to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Leonardo has sold 24 AW149 and eight AW189 helicopters to the Egyptian military for approximately EUR871 million (USD957 million). The sales were recorded in the ministry’s 2019 arms exports report to the Italian Senate of the Republic.

The documents do not disclose any further information pertaining to production or delivery timelines, aircraft roles, or which branch of the Egyptian military will field them.

While the Italian government report provided no details as to the intended role of the helicopters within the Egyptian military, it did note that the AW149s would be configured with eight seats (it can normally carry up to 18 passengers), while the similarly-sized AW189s will be configured with the maximum 19 seats. These configurations suggest that the AW149s will perform a specialist military task that requires the fitting of bespoke mission equipment, while the AW189s will be used for general passenger transport.

Leonardo has not commented on the report nor the sales contained within it.

Seen in Italian military markings, the Italian government has confirmed that the AW149 has now been sold to Egypt.

Seen here in UK coastguard service, the AW189 is the civil variant of the military AW149 and has also now been sold to Egypt.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Maio 25, 2020, 11:31:21 am
Angola Recebeu os primeiros K8 chineses para treinos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Maio 25, 2020, 03:18:30 pm
O que é que este Viper, A4N Skyhawk, andará a fazer em França ????

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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 25, 2020, 05:40:06 pm
O que é que este Viper, A4N Skyhawk, andará a fazer em França ????
Em território francês poderá ser por a Draken ter (tido?) um contrato para apoiar o treino dos franceses como também pode ser por causa desta parceria: (

Também poderá estar de passagem por causa disto: Defence Contractor Draken International Offers Air Adversary Training (http://Defence Contractor Draken International Offers Air Adversary Training). Só não sei se ainda continua activo.
Citação de:
From these locations, tailored detachments of aircrew and groundcrew deploy to wherever they are needed, not exclusively in the US; for example, a Draken detachment recently deployed in support of a Fighter Weapons School course at Leeuwarden Air Base for the European Participating Air Forces (EPAF), a consortium of F-16 users comprising The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Denmark.

EDIT: O mais provável é que deverá ser treino com a marinha francesa, visto que a actividade observada é perto das bases aéreas navais:
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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 27, 2020, 07:30:39 pm
Brazilian Desaer and Brazilian CEiiA to Develop ATL-100 Light Transport Aircraft


The Brazilian firm Desenvolvimento Aeronáutico (DESAER) is teaming up with the Portuguese centre of engineering and product development (CEiiA) to proceed with the development of the ATL-100 lightweight twin-turboprop multirole aircraft. The venture agreement, revealed in mid-May, will enable DESAER and CEiiA to jointly develop, manufacture, and market the ATL-100. The aircraft will have civilian and military variants. The military version will perform roles such as troop transport, logistics support, search and rescue, paratrooper airdropping maritime patrol, liaison, border surveillance, medical evacuation, and special operations.

The ATL-100 offers 7,500 kg maximum take-off weight, 380 km/h cruising speed, 16 m length, 6 m height, 20 m wingspan, 2,500 kg maximum payload, 430 km/h cruising speed, 1,500 m maximum range, and a 25,000 ft maximum operating altitude. With configurations for the transport of passengers (up to 19 people) and for cargo (2.5 tonnes), it aims to “address the needs of regional transport in already densely populated areas and in the most remote regions, requiring little infrastructure support on the ground. and the possibility of landing on short, unpaved runways. The ATL is a logistic aircraft that needs to be available and ready for the operator to fulfill its varied range of missions.

The collaboration, which includes the development, production and marketing of the platform, will be carried out with the Portuguese engineering and product development centre, CEiiA. The industrialization and commercialization phases will follow, and “in all phases, the project will be carried out by Portuguese and Brazilian professionals in infrastructures located in Portugal and Brazil. CEiiA and Desaer consider that this partnership, which adds complementary skills to the aerospace sector in Portugal and Brazil, in addition to being an important project for technological innovation and the creation of income and jobs in both countries.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Junho 05, 2020, 12:53:26 pm
The L-39NG Fatigue Test Has Started; Should Confirm Triple Lifespan

Fatigue testing of the Aero L-39NG began on May 25 at the Czech Aerospace Research Center and will take almost two years. Aero Vodochody has committed to test the first two service lives, but anticipates a triple lifespan. (VZLU photo)

The fatigue test of the L-39NG jet aircraft, proving the service life of the new airframe in the length of 5,000 flight hours, has started in the Czech Aerospace Research Centre (VZLÚ).

The process of airframe tests will be performed by fatigue load sequence simulating the real operating loads of the aircraft. In total, up to five service lives will be tested, where 1 life (5,000 flight hours) will consist of at average 650,000 cycles. The number of proven service lives is in accordance with the European military regulation EMACC, which defines the rules for the L-39NG type certification.

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Compared to its predecessor L-39 Albatros, the new-generation aircraft should have three times longer lifespan. "Depending on how the aircraft is used, according to the loads on the structure during flights, the estimated life of the L-39NG is up to 15,000 hours, which is significantly higher than the lifespan of the L-39 Albatros. This is one of many arguments for our potential customers, confirming that their investment in the new aircraft will bring them great benefit," said Dieter John, President & CEO of AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE.

For the purpose of the fatigue test, the company Aero Vodochody produced an aircraft with manufacturing serial number 7003. "The aircraft 7003 was delivered to VZLÚ in several parts. After installation of some testing equipment, it was assembled by experts from Aero. The testing equipment consists mainly of units for load transfer and balancing of own weight," says David Novotný, the test engineer of VZLÚ responsible for this project.

The fatigue test at VZLÚ has begun on May 25, 2020 and will take almost two years. For the purpose of certification, Aero Vodochody has committed to test the first two service lives, which is expected by autumn 2020 thanks to the continuous run of the test, interrupted only by regular inspections.

The airframe was placed in a sophisticated test rig that will simulate operation of the aircraft through controlled loading of individual parts of the aircraft. The testing will simulate take-offs and landings, the flight itself, as well as various additional cases specific for aircraft with underwing weapons. Thanks to the 24/7 test regime, interrupted only by regular inspections, it is expected to prove the 1st and 2nd life by the autumn 2020.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Junho 17, 2020, 01:27:44 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Junho 23, 2020, 02:17:35 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 20, 2020, 11:16:10 pm

Dutch NH90 helicopter crashed in the Caribbean
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Julho 21, 2020, 12:53:45 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 21, 2020, 02:25:42 pm
E prontos... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (

A Grécia pretende assinar um contrato para a aquisição de 20 caças furtivos F-35A de quinta geração, no valor de quase US$ 3 bilhões, em 2021 (custo unitário de US$ 85 milhões, com a primeira entrega em 2025-2026.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 28, 2020, 12:31:07 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Barlovento em Agosto 14, 2020, 09:28:56 am
El Mando de Operaciónes Especiales de Estados Unidos firma contrato con Airbus para la modernización de cinco C-212-200.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Agosto 29, 2020, 09:22:14 am
 :arrow: (

    Era engraçado ver o F-23 a voar, no Japão e quem sabe nos USA.

    A USAF com, A-10,F-16,F-15,F-22,F23,F-35,B-1,B-2,B-52.  :o

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Setembro 01, 2020, 06:35:01 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 05, 2020, 11:23:44 am

The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded Bell Textron Inc. nearly $272 million in contract related to the UH-1Y and AH-1Z helicopters for the government of the Czech Republic.

The contract award from Naval Air Systems Command enables the company to produce and deliver eight UH-1Y and four AH-1Z helicopters for the Czech Republic.
The procurement will replace its aging Russian Mi-24, Mi-35 and Mi-171 helicopters. As part of the army modernization and compliance with NATO standards, the Czech Republic is planning to replace 30-35 ageing helicopters, which are currently in use and almost have come out of use.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: tenente em Setembro 18, 2020, 05:36:18 pm
Força Aérea Afegã tem mais quatro super tucanos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Major Alvega em Setembro 21, 2020, 10:07:13 pm (

 Os hungaros a formar com os alemães uma unidade multinacional de transporte com A400M's. Que passam a partir de agora a ter disponível uma frota de aeronaves de transporte de super luxo com C-17's, A400M, A319 e Falcon 7X. Para "fassistas" não está nada mal, não senhor.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 23, 2020, 11:31:47 am
Isso é cena de pobre. O Ká-Cê serve perfeitamente para as nossas necessidades, graças ao amplo número de modos FBW, capacidade de masturbo-reabastecimento e combate a incêndios. Para necessidades mais pesadas vai-se ao mercado e alugam-se os Toinovs. Tá feito!

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 25, 2020, 11:43:29 pm

Disaster has struck Ukrainian Air Force. An-26 transport aircraft carrying 5 crew members and 23 Air Force Academy cadets crashed during landing in the vicinity of Kharkiv. Only two servicemen survived a crash, but the are not expected to pull through. Technical malfunction (engine failure) is considered the primary cause of an accident.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 28, 2020, 12:14:22 am

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Outubro 05, 2020, 10:39:19 am

Força Aérea Romena com Patriot PAC3.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Outubro 05, 2020, 12:15:10 pm
In November 2017, the U.S. State Department approved a $10.5 billion sale of four Patriot missile defense systems to Poland.

 :o Estou curioso para saber o que está incluído nos "four Patriot missile defense systems", é que por esse valor, compram-se 8 a 9 Arleigh Burkes novinhos em folha. Presumo que sejam vários radares, lançadores e sobretudo mísseis.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 05, 2020, 09:34:45 pm
Misseis e não devem ser poucos. Bastantes até!
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Outubro 06, 2020, 02:19:02 am
Os AB novos, estão na casa dos 2.000 milhões de USD.

Para mais tarde recordar: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Outubro 06, 2020, 11:25:21 pm
Os AB novos, estão na casa dos 2.000 milhões de USD.

Para mais tarde recordar: (

Os ? :D
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 15, 2020, 09:11:35 am
Filipinas essa Super potência
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 31, 2020, 06:06:48 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Novembro 03, 2020, 11:25:36 am
A ITPS no Canadá está a preparar-se para trocar os seus L-39 pelo TA-50.

ITPS signs MOU with Korean Aerospace Industries
(2 de Novembro de 2020)
Citação de: ITPS Press Release
The International Test Pilots School (ITPS) Canada has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) to promote the KAI FA-50 for tactical and adversary training. ITPS will promote the FA-50 to customers with the school’s International Tactical Training Center (ITTC).

ITPS has been a leading provider of tactical training since 2001. Its International Tactical Training Center is the only commercial entity providing advanced fighter pilot training including Fighter Weapons Instructor courses, Advanced Tactics courses and Mission Commander courses to international customers.

ITTC is currently providing Fighter Lead-In Training (FLIT) to the Royal Malaysian Air Force in London, Ont. ITTC operates a fleet of Aero Vodochody L-39 aircraft featuring upgraded avionics for the FLIT program. The school plans to replace its L-39 fleet with the FA-50.

"The KAI FA-50 is a great aircraft," said ITPS president Giorgio Clementi. "The aircraft’s performance, flying qualities and mission capabilities make it the ideal platform for tactical and adversary training missions, and a great fit for ITPS to replace our L-39 fleet. A new aircraft supported by the manufacturer and with the associated engineering and logistical support ensures reliable and cost-effective operations into the future. The FA-50 is a winner, and we are delighted to be collaborating with KAI!"
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Novembro 17, 2020, 01:13:37 pm
Hungria assina contrato para aquisição de duas aeronaves multimissão KC-390 Millennium


O Governo Húngaro e a Embraer assinaram hoje um contrato para a aquisição de duas aeronaves de transporte multimissão de nova geração Embraer C-390 Millennium, na configuração de reabastecimento aéreo (AAR), designado KC-390.

Além disso, estão contemplados no contrato treinamento de pilotos e técnicos, bem como outros serviços e suporte. A aquisição é parte do processo de fortalecimento das Forças Armadas da Hungria, especificamente nas funções de transporte aéreo tático, AAR e evacuação médica, bem como em outras missões de interesse público. As entregas estão programadas para começar em 2023.

“Após a aquisição de aeronaves de transporte aéreo de pessoal em 2018, a aeronave KC-390 será entregue à Hungria, em 2023 e 24, com capacidade tanto de lançar grandes cargas militares em um ambiente operacional como de reabastecimento aéreo. Estamos adquirindo uma frota de transporte multimissão para que as Forças Armadas da Hungria cumpram, de maneira soberana, a mais ampla gama de tarefas no âmbito nacional”, disse Gáspár Maróth, Comissário do Governo para o Desenvolvimento da Defesa.

“Estamos honrados por termos sido selecionados pelo Governo Húngaro e pelas Forças Armadas da Hungria para fornecer a aeronave de transporte multimissão mais avançada disponível no mercado”, disse Jackson Schneider, Presidente e CEO da Embraer Defesa & Segurança. “A Hungria é a segunda nação europeia e membro da OTAN a selecionar o C-390 Millennium, uma aeronave altamente capaz que oferece excelente produtividade por meio de combinação incomparável de velocidade, carga útil e reconfiguração rápida para operações multimissão.”

O KC-390 para as Forças Armadas da Hungria será o primeiro do mundo com a opção de configuração para Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, recurso essencial para o desempenho de missões humanitárias. A aeronave atende plenamente aos requisitos das Forças Armadas da Hungria, podendo realizar diversos tipos de missões militares e civis, incluindo Apoio Humanitário, Evacuação Médica, Busca e Resgate, Transporte de Carga e Tropas, Lançamento de Carga de Precisão, Operações de Paraquedistas e AAR. Estes KC-390 são totalmente compatíveis com as operações da OTAN, não apenas em termos de hardware, mas também em sua configuração de aviônica e comunicações. Além disso, o sistema de reabastecimento do KC-390, de sonda e cesto, permite à aeronave reabastecer o JAS 39 Gripen húngaro, bem como outras aeronaves que usam a mesma tecnologia.


O C-390 Millennium está totalmente operacional e, desde o recebimento da primeira aeronave, em 2019, a Força Aérea Brasileira utilizou o avião em diversas missões críticas no Brasil e no exterior com alto grau disponibilidade. Adicionalmente, o Governo de Portugal assinou um contrato para a aquisição de cinco C-390 Millennium em 2019 que se encontram atualmente na linha de produção e estarão em serviço em 2023.

O C-390 é um jato de transporte tático projetado para estabelecer novos padrões em sua categoria. Alguns dos pontos fortes da aeronave são a mobilidade, design robusto, maior flexibilidade, tecnologia comprovada de última geração e manutenção mais fácil. O C-390 Millennium e a variante KC-390 voam mais rápido e carregam mais carga e são as plataformas ideais para os principais cenários de utilização. Um número minimizado de inspeções e manutenção sob demanda, combinados com sistemas e componentes altamente confiáveis, reduzem o tempo da aeronave no solo e os custos totais da operação, contribuindo para níveis de disponibilidade excelentes e baixo custo do ciclo de vida.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Novembro 25, 2020, 05:06:25 pm
E que ganhe o melhor lobby...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Novembro 27, 2020, 07:40:23 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Dezembro 09, 2020, 10:47:03 pm
A-29 Super Tucano para o Turcomenistão


Circulam nas redes sociais fotos dos primeiros dois Embraer A-29 Super Tucano destinados ao Turcomenistão.

Os dois aviões, com matrícula PT-ZHI e ZHJ, devem iniciar em breve a viagem de entrega ao país da Ásia Central.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: LM em Dezembro 18, 2020, 12:31:47 pm
Tunisia Signs $80 Million Deal for Three Turkish Anka-S Combat Drones (

The medium-altitude, long-endurance UAV is the latest in the Anka series of drones.

Tunisia has reportedly signed a contract with Turkish Aerospace Industries to buy three Anka-S Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) at a cost of $80 million.

The deal also includes three ground control stations and the training of 52 Tunisian Air Force pilots and maintenance personnel in Turkey.

The agreement is the culmination of nearly two years of negotiations between the Tunisian ministry of defense and the Turkish government-owned combat drone manufacturer, reported Turkish online news outlet

Türk Eximbank will provide the financing for the deal. The bank will provide $80 million in loans to Tunisia to buy the aircraft, according to Haberturk, another Turkish outlet.
Anka-S Features

The medium-altitude, long-endurance UAV is the latest in the Anka series of drones, which have been in service in the Turkish armed forces since 2017.

Currently, 30 Anka drones are reportedly serving in the Turkish defense forces.

One of the main features of the Anka-S is that it is satellite-controlled, which allows it to fly beyond line-of-sight distance, the Haberler report stated.

The outlet added that the latest in the Anka series now has increased resistance to environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and rain, while its landing and take-off wind limits were designed keeping in mind the most challenging conditions a drone of this caliber could possibly face.

The Anka-S can conduct a range of missions such as real-time intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, communication relay, target acquisition, and tracking.

It can also carry weapons such as the Roketsan Smart Micro Munition’s air-launched missile launcher and the Cirit 2.75-inch guided rocket pod in its two underwing weapons stations to engage light-armored vehicles, personnel, military shelters and ground radar stations.
Turkish Drones in Demand

Demand for Turkish drones, particularly the Bayraktar TB2, has seen a many-fold increase following their performance in the Nagorno Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Recently, Kazakhstan reportedly showed interest in buying the armed drone when a delegation of the country’s defense officials visited Turkey’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Base Command in the southeast city of Batman.

Earlier, Ukraine announced its decision to buy five TB2s from Turkey next year following the completion of an October tactical military exercise.

In early October, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said his country is negotiating to buy the Turkish UAV, even though the European nation had already welcomed the arrival of Chinese CH-92A armed drones in July.

E nós com as nossas questões "Ogassa VTOL"...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 08, 2021, 11:36:47 pm
La India comprará 56 aviones de transporte C295 en un contrato de 2.500 millones de dólares.


El martes 5 de enero, el periódico de la India, Hindustan Times, editado en lengua inglesa, informó que Airbus Defence and Space y Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) habían acordado desarrollar conjuntamente un proyecto para equipar a la Fuerza Aérea de la India con nuevos aviones de transporte medio en el marco de la iniciativa Make-in-India en el sector aeroespacial.

El posible acuerdo, que comprende un total de 56 aeronaves de transporte militar, tiene un valor estimado de 2.500 millones de dólares.

La nueva generación de aviones tácticos reemplazará a los viejos aviones Avro-748 de la Fuerza Aérea de la India.

Según el contrato, Airbus suministrará los primeros 16 aviones en condiciones de vuelo, mientras que los 40 restantes serán ensamblados en la India por TASL, según los funcionarios del gobierno indio.

La adquisición de 56 C-295 de Airbus con la participación de una agencia de producción india para la fabricación de 40 aviones de un total de 56 está en fase de aprobación financiera y es probable que el contrato se firme en un futuro próximo, dijo el Ministerio de Defensa en su informe de fin de año.

“El caso es el primero de este tipo que prevé la participación de empresas privadas y resultaría un impulso muy importante para nuestra industria de defensa”, dijo el ministro.

Mientras que los C-295 estarán destinados a sustituir a los aviones de transporte Avro-748, los nuevos aviones también serán adecuados para las exigentes funciones que desempeña actualmente el AN-32, según informó el Hindustan Times.

Antonov AN-32
El Avro-748 entró en servicio con la Fuerza Aérea a principios de los años 60 y hace tiempo que debería ser reemplazado, dijo el Mariscal del Aire Manmohan Bahadur, director general adicional del Centro de Estudios de la Fuerza Aérea.

“El proyecto para el reemplazo con el C-295 ha estado en desarrollo durante los últimos ocho años y ha generado un nuevo tipo- el modelo Avro – en el campo de la adquisición debido al camino único que se adoptó. El C-295 también sería el sustituto natural de los AN-32, que también se eliminarían pronto”, dijo Bahadur.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Janeiro 11, 2021, 11:53:15 pm
Este ano não requer registo, é só fazer o download do pdf. (

PS: pelos vistos é oficial que a frota P-3C foi reduzida a 04 células. E pensar que há cerca de 8 anos se completou a modernização destes aparelhos, cujo custo total (aquisição + modernização) excedeu os 300 milhões de euros.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 12, 2021, 06:44:23 am
Este ano não requer registo, é só fazer o download do pdf. (

PS: pelos vistos é oficial que a frota P-3C foi reduzida a 04 células. E pensar que há cerca de 8 anos se completou a modernização destes aparelhos, cujo custo total (aquisição + modernização) excedeu os 300 milhões de euros.

La flota mundial de P3 modelo C sufre de problemas de corrosión por un cambio en la aleación que hizo el fabricante en su día, ese problema aceleró su retirada en la US Navy, y por eso otros muchos paises no optan por modernizarlo por el mal estado de las células.
Ese problema no lo tenían los modelos A y B.
España por eso descarto comprar células P3C ex Us Navy y sigue con lo B ex-noruegos
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Janeiro 12, 2021, 07:11:03 pm
Este ano não requer registo, é só fazer o download do pdf. (

PS: pelos vistos é oficial que a frota P-3C foi reduzida a 04 células. E pensar que há cerca de 8 anos se completou a modernização destes aparelhos, cujo custo total (aquisição + modernização) excedeu os 300 milhões de euros.

Na altura em 2003, esteve previsto o SLEP para o P-3P, para as 6 células, em conjunto com a compra dos C-130J e eventualmente C-27J, no entanto, o "destino" não quiz assim.

Penso que o SLEP dos 6 P-3, apesar de mais caro, iria garantir as 6 células, por bastante tempo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Janeiro 27, 2021, 11:22:05 am
MQ-9B SkyGuardian / SeaGuardian



GA-ASI has developed a variant of the Predator® B Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) series that meets NATO standards (STANAG-4671), and in cooperation with the FAA, will subsequently meet airworthiness certification standards domestically and around the world. It leverages both the Predator B RPA and Certifiable Ground Control Station (CGCS) as points-of-departure systems and identifies and incorporates the changes needed to achieve a "Type-Certifiable" system. The Royal Air Force was the very first to acquire the SkyGuardian, referred to as PROTECTOR by the British acquisition program, as a replacement for its Reaper fleet.

MQ-9B contains both hardware and software upgrades, such as improved structural fatigue and damage tolerance and more robust flight control software, as well as enhancements allowing operations in adverse weather including icing conditions. Additionally, the aircraft will be designed to survive bird and lightning strikes.

A highly modular and is easily configured platform with a variety of payloads to meet mission requirements. The aircraft is capable of carrying multiple mission payloads and includes a state-of-the art Detect and Avoid (DAA) system including space, weight, and power provisions to enable the retrofitting of an airborne Due Regard Radar (DRR) for operation in non-cooperative airspace.

The maritime variant of MQ-9B, SeaGuardian, can be configured with cross-domain capabilities for a vast range of maritime surveillance operations, including:

Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW)
Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
HA/DR – Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief
Search and Rescue
Law Enforcement (Drug Trafficking, Illegal Immigration, Piracy
OMSI – Oceanic Maritime Security Initiative)
Airborne Counter Mine Capability (Developmental)

Learn more about SeaGuardian here:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 30, 2021, 09:12:31 pm
First Contractor-Owned F-16 Aggressors Include MiG Killers, Veteran Of Iraqi Reactor Raid







Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 31, 2021, 09:01:40 am
Posible venta de F16 a India, Filipinas  y Colombia:

Lockheed Martin, Owego, New York, has been awarded a $64,266,809 supply contract for F-16 Foreign Military Sales (FMS) mission planning. This contract provides for the development, integration, test and delivery of the Joint Mission Planning System Unique Planning Component/Mission Planning Environment software updates. Work will be performed in Owego, New York, and is expected to be completed by January 2029. This contract involves FMS to Slovakia, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Morocco, Greece, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia and Thailand. This award is the result of a directed-source acquisition. FMS funds in the amount of $17,172,548 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, is the contracting activity (FA8730-21-C-0001).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 17, 2021, 07:30:37 pm



Sikorsky construirá para el USMC 23 helicópteros presidenciales VH-92A en los próximos años. Se basarán, como es lógico, en el S-92, un modelo que acumula más de 1,7 millones de horas de vuelo desde su entrada en servicio
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Fevereiro 17, 2021, 11:01:22 pm
Ai se o Costinha vê isto...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Fevereiro 18, 2021, 12:06:55 am
Ai se o Costinha vê isto...

Ias ver se não arranjava logo dinheiro para ir buscar aqueles dois Merlin que estão a servir de mulas, e convertê-los em algo idêntico ao VH-92.  :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Fevereiro 18, 2021, 03:28:10 am
E depois ainda ia fazer pirraça com o Biden e dizer eu tenho três turbinas e tu só tens duas.  :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Fevereiro 18, 2021, 12:32:12 pm
Nem tenho dúvidas disso. Depois ainda ouvíamos aquele discurso de "Portugal estar ao nível dos seus parceiros da NATO com este programa". "Ainda este ano, vamos comprar um A380 e converter no Air Force One português".  :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Fevereiro 19, 2021, 03:12:07 pm
Nem tenho dúvidas disso. Depois ainda ouvíamos aquele discurso de "Portugal estar ao nível dos seus parceiros da NATO com este programa". "Ainda este ano, vamos comprar um A380 e converter no Air Force One português".  :mrgreen:

Air Force One é 747. Os Japoneses tinham o seu à venda por só 28 milenas... òoo Costa...  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

( (

Saudações  :-P c56x1
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 19, 2021, 05:46:02 pm
Ensayos de una nueva versión del C295 con JDAMS


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Fevereiro 20, 2021, 01:35:17 am
Parabéns, finalmente Castela conseguiu arrumar com as FFAA portuguesas. Oh Goldfinger, nem sabes a desgraça que causaste. O nosso ministro vai já vender o que resta dos nossos F-16 e depois fazer ainda mais perguntas, pois pouco mais sabe fazer.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Fevereiro 22, 2021, 10:54:57 am  (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Fevereiro 26, 2021, 06:45:15 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Março 09, 2021, 05:28:55 pm
Embraer destaca plataforma Praetor 600 AEW&C em conferência C2ISR


De 8 a 12 de março, a Embraer e a ELTA Systems participam online da C2ISR Week, juntamente com outros líderes de mercado, em uma programação de 5 dias que reúne conferências sobre defesa aérea, terrestre e marítima, organizadas pela Defence IQ.

Painéis, apresentações e grupos de discussão serão realizados e a equipe da Embraer apresentará detalhes sobre a plataforma AEW&C do Praetor 600. Simon Johns, Vice-Presidente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios e Vendas da Embraer para Europa e Norte da África, apresentará a solução da Embraer Defesa e Segurança durante o evento.


Apresentando painéis, apresentações e novos grupos de discussão a portas fechadas, a conferência online será única em reunir profissionais de todos os serviços e equipes conjuntas, enquanto também une os responsáveis ??pela coleta e análise de inteligência com aqueles que exploram a inteligência operacionalmente.

A Semana C2ISR será a primeira conferência na Europa a trabalhar com a declaração de missão de unificar abordagens de nível de serviço para o domínio C2 múltiplo e conjunto. Essa unidade de esforço é essencial para entregar integração de domínio na prática.


Os tópicos de discussão incluirão: IA, computação em nuvem, ASW, ISR tático para forças especiais, sistemas não tripulados, alerta antecipado aerotransportado e estruturas de comando futuras.

Concebido para atuar em um novo segmento do mercado de AEW, esta aeronave de última geração é baseada na moderna plataforma super midsize do jato executivo EMBRAER Praetor 600. O sensor primário do P600 AEW é o radar AESA (Digital Active Scanned Array) de 4ª geração da IAI/ELTA com capacidade de IFF integrada.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 15, 2021, 09:28:50 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 19, 2021, 09:20:41 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Março 24, 2021, 10:42:34 pm
no botswana...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 27, 2021, 10:31:49 am
Mozambique’s military will soon start using Mi-17 and Mi-24 helicopters in the fight against insurgents in Cabo Delgado province as Dyck Advisory Group (DAG) private military contractors have their involvement reduced.

This is according to Zitamar News, which reported that DAG is to end its involvement in the conflict on 6 April 2021.

A well-placed source told Zitamar that DAG’s helicopter support would come to an end on 6 April, and from then on, air support would be provided by Mozambican military helicopters recently acquired from Paramount, and flown by Mozambican pilots trained by Paramount and its partner company, Burnham Global. DAG has used Gazelle, Alouette III and Jet Ranger helicopters in Mozambique.

Zitamar sources told the news company that the Mozambican pilots would operate four Gazelle helicopters, while two Russian-made helicopters — an Mi-17 and an Mi-24 — would be operated by Ukrainian crews.

Journalist Nuno Rogeiro late last year reported that Mozambique would be getting several upgraded Mi-17 and Mi-24 helicopters from Paramount, fitted with weapons, sensors and other equipment. While Mozambique has its own Mi-24 and Mi-17 helicopters, they are all understood to be grounded/unserviceable and the new acquisitions are refurbished second hand models.

In February this year, two ex-UK Army Gazelles were seen at Nacala Airport in Mozambique in Mozambican military colours. They were supplied by Paramount, and it is understood another four were destined to be transferred from the UK to South Africa before making their way to Mozambique or perhaps the Paramount Academy in Polokwane or another African defence force.

Africa Intelligence in December last year reported that an agreement between Mozambique and Paramount covers at least 12 Marauder armoured vehicles and four Gazelle helicopters, with the Gazelles to be delivered by February.

Fifteen Mozambican pilots were being trained at the Paramount Technical Training Academy based at Polokwane International Airport, Africa Intelligence reported. Burnham Global is also providing training in the operation of the armoured vehicles on the ground in Mozambique, according to the Daily Maverick.

On 23 February Paramount and Burnham Global announced a multimillion dollar contract with an African government to provide a range of military training and advisory services. This country is believed to be Mozambique.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 08, 2021, 11:16:14 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Abril 20, 2021, 07:44:07 pm
Exposing a new layer of long-range striking power for the U.S. Navy carrier battle group, a photo obtained by Aerospace DAILY shows what appears to be a Raytheon RIM-174 SM-6 missile integrated on a left wing pylon of a Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet in flight.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Abril 21, 2021, 01:12:50 am
O derradeiro substituto da combinação F-14/AIM-54 Phoenix, não me surpreendendo que o SM-6 "ar-ar" venha a ter o dobro do alcance do Phoenix. Certamente que se terá em conta a implementação do mesmo míssil nos F-15 e quem sabe nos F-16.

Já começa a cheirar cada vez mais a "guerra fria".
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Abril 21, 2021, 01:31:34 am
Com um alcance de mais de 300 km, as maiores limitações  — além do custo — vão ser o alcance dos radares e o tamanho dos alvos. Ideal contra alvos grandes, como plataformas AEW, bombardeiros, aviões de transporte e reabastecedores. Vai, igualmente, ser um game changer contra navios e outros alvos de superfície — o primeiro míssil anti-navio supersónico ocidental.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Abril 21, 2021, 11:19:49 am (

E com o US Army a testar o uso do míssil como míssil balístico, o SM-6 é um verdadeiro míssil de triplo-uso, mesmo ao gosto tuga (só falta apagar incêndios  :mrgreen:).

Este míssil, nos Super Hornet, tem mesmo os H-6 chineses na mira.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Abril 21, 2021, 11:35:21 am
E nos Viper da Formosa...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Abril 21, 2021, 06:31:59 pm (

Quando vi o thumbnail no vídeo, pensei que fosse photoshop.  :o
Não resultaram feridos do sucedido.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 04, 2021, 05:57:29 pm
Egipto confirma la compra de 30 aviones Rafale a Francia.

El ejército egipcio ha confirmado que ha realizado un pedido de 30 aviones de combate Rafale a la empresa de defensa francesa Dassault Aviation para reforzar la “seguridad nacional”.

El pedido, que sigue a la compra en 2015 de 24 aviones Rafale, se financiará mediante un préstamo a 10 años, dijo el ejército en un comunicado a última hora de ayer lunes.

El sitio de investigación Disclose había informado a primera hora del lunes de que el pedido formaba parte de un megaacuerdo secreto de defensa por valor de casi 4.000 millones de euros (4.800 millones de dólares).

Egipto es el tercer mayor importador de armas del mundo después de Arabia Saudita e India, según el Instituto Internacional de Investigación para la Paz de Estocolmo.

A sumar a los 24 ya pedidos.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 10, 2021, 01:33:20 pm
A Suécia vai substituir os seus Saab 105 por sete Grob 120TP e respectivo(s) simulador(es): Sweden orders Grob 120TP as new basic trainer ( (6 de Maio de 2021).

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 11, 2021, 10:46:46 pm
Entretanto na Coreia do Sul...

South Korea unveils design for future military transport aircraft
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 17, 2021, 03:07:08 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Viajante em Maio 17, 2021, 03:14:11 pm
França, Espanha e Alemanha anunciam acordo para novo sistema de combate aéreo

França, Espanha e Alemanha chegaram a um acordo sobre a nova fase de desenvolvimento do Futuro Sistema de Combate Aéreo (SCAF, na sigla em francês), após negociações intensas entre os três países, anunciou hoje o Ministério da Defesa francês.


Esta fase, denominada como ‘fase 1B’, prevê o investimento de cerca de 3,5 mil milhões de euros, divididos igualmente pelos três países entre 2021 e 2024, para o desenvolvimento da ‘fase 2′, uma demonstração da nova geração de aviões de combate europeus para determinar a fiabilidade das tecnologias utilizadas, prevista para começar a voar em 2027.

O projeto inclui também o desenvolvimento de drones (veículos aéreos não tripulados) e sistemas eletrónicos avançados para formar uma “nuvem de combate” entre outros meios militares envolvidos numa operação, com o envolvimento de empresas europeias como a Airbus, Dassault e Indra.

Após meses de discussão entre os Governos e empresas dos três países, o acordo é “equilibrado entre os diferentes parceiros para a próxima fase”, afirmou a ministra da Defesa da França, Florence Parly, em declaração conjunta com as suas homólogas alemã e espanhola, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer e Margarita Robles, respetivamente.

O acordo terá de ser ratificado pelo Parlamento alemão até ao final do mês de junho, de forma a aprovar o financiamento do país no programa.

O projeto foi lançado em 2017 pela França e Alemanha, com a Espanha a aderir pouco tempo depois, com o objetivo de substituir o atual Eurofighter (desenvolvido por vários países europeus) e os caças franceses Rafale até 2040.

“O esquema de cooperação acordado oferece uma oportunidade inédita para reforçar as capacidades industriais dos três países participantes, assegurando a competitividade do novo sistema”, acrescenta a declaração.

Os três ministros concluíram que o programa “reforçará consideravelmente o estatuto da Europa” no setor da Defesa e permitirá aos três parceiros agir “de forma soberana” na sua defesa estratégica.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Maio 17, 2021, 11:35:56 pm
França, Espanha e Alemanha anunciam acordo para novo sistema de combate aéreo

França, Espanha e Alemanha chegaram a um acordo sobre a nova fase de desenvolvimento do Futuro Sistema de Combate Aéreo (SCAF, na sigla em francês), após negociações intensas entre os três países, anunciou hoje o Ministério da Defesa francês.


Esta fase, denominada como ‘fase 1B’, prevê o investimento de cerca de 3,5 mil milhões de euros, divididos igualmente pelos três países entre 2021 e 2024, para o desenvolvimento da ‘fase 2′, uma demonstração da nova geração de aviões de combate europeus para determinar a fiabilidade das tecnologias utilizadas, prevista para começar a voar em 2027.

O projeto inclui também o desenvolvimento de drones (veículos aéreos não tripulados) e sistemas eletrónicos avançados para formar uma “nuvem de combate” entre outros meios militares envolvidos numa operação, com o envolvimento de empresas europeias como a Airbus, Dassault e Indra.

Após meses de discussão entre os Governos e empresas dos três países, o acordo é “equilibrado entre os diferentes parceiros para a próxima fase”, afirmou a ministra da Defesa da França, Florence Parly, em declaração conjunta com as suas homólogas alemã e espanhola, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer e Margarita Robles, respetivamente.

O acordo terá de ser ratificado pelo Parlamento alemão até ao final do mês de junho, de forma a aprovar o financiamento do país no programa.

O projeto foi lançado em 2017 pela França e Alemanha, com a Espanha a aderir pouco tempo depois, com o objetivo de substituir o atual Eurofighter (desenvolvido por vários países europeus) e os caças franceses Rafale até 2040.

“O esquema de cooperação acordado oferece uma oportunidade inédita para reforçar as capacidades industriais dos três países participantes, assegurando a competitividade do novo sistema”, acrescenta a declaração.

Os três ministros concluíram que o programa “reforçará consideravelmente o estatuto da Europa” no setor da Defesa e permitirá aos três parceiros agir “de forma soberana” na sua defesa estratégica.

O artigo está errado, falta Portugal e o nosso ministro Tirrreteigon. LOL
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 20, 2021, 06:12:02 pm

Pilots eject in St Louis airport from new F-15QA
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 22, 2021, 10:57:11 am
Polónia: O ministro da defesa polaco anunciou que vão adquirir 24 Bayraktar TB2 turcos com armamento anti-tanque; deverão começar a ser entregues em 2022.

República Checa: O primeiro dos dois novos C-295MW chegou a território checo.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 28, 2021, 02:24:17 pm
Croácia confirma compra de doze caças Dassault Rafale por US$ 1,2 bilhão


Os doze aviões Rafale substituirão os MiGs russos da Croácia na maior compra de armas do país desde a guerra de independência da Iugoslávia na década de 1990

A Croácia informou hoje que concordou em comprar um lote de caças Rafale F3R usados da França, disse o primeiro-ministro Andrej Plenkovic na sexta-feira, em um negócio avaliado em US$ 1,2 bilhão.

Os doze aviões Rafale substituirão os MiG-21s russos da Croácia na maior compra de armas do país desde a guerra de independência da Iugoslávia na década de 1990.

O membro da União Europeia escolheu o pacote da França em vez de licitações de Israel, Suécia e Estados Unidos e espera receber os seis primeiros jatos até 2024.

Plenkovic disse em uma sessão de gabinete que a oferta francesa de fornecer os aviões por 999 milhões de euros era o melhor negócio.

O contrato inclui 10 aviões de combate Rafale C monopostos e dois biplaces Rafale B, bem como sistemas de armas, peças sobressalentes, logística e treinamento. Os primeiros seis Rafale F3Rs serão entregues à Croácia em 2024, com os últimos seis previstos para o ano seguinte.

“Pelo preço mais favorável, a Croácia obtém o avião com a melhor classificação e melhor equipado”, disse o primeiro-ministro.

Em janeiro de 2020, a Croácia enviou uma solicitação de licitação visando a compra de um esquadrão de caças novos ou usados em um esforço para modernizar sua força aérea. O país tem tentado substituir seus antigos caças MiG-21BisD / UMD da era soviética. Uma primeira tentativa de adquirir 12 caças F-16 usados de Israel fracassou depois que este último não recebeu a aprovação dos Estados Unidos para a venda.


Críticos sugeriram que o governo deveria concentrar seus esforços em ajudar a economia atingida pela pandemia a se recuperar, em vez de gastar em armamentos.

Mas o ministro da Defesa, Mario Banozic, disse à mídia local na sexta-feira que a decisão de comprar os jatos não se tratava de dar aos militares “brinquedos novos”.

“Esses aviões são simplesmente a base de nossa segurança”, disse ele.

Em dezembro de 2020, após receber quatro ofertas, a saber, da Saab para seu JAS39 Gripen, de Israel novamente para seu F-16 Bloco 30, da Lockheed-Martin para o F-16 Viper e da França para os jatos Rafale F3R usados, uma comissão interagências decidiu que a escolha deveria ser feita entre os dois últimos.

A Croácia aderiu à OTAN em 2009 e à União Europeia quatro anos depois.

A Croácia gasta um pouco menos de US$ 1 bilhão por ano em defesa, de acordo com números da OTAN, ficando um pouco abaixo da recomendação da aliança de que os membros gastem 2% do PIB.

Mas Plenkovic disse que a compra do jato levaria os gastos da Croácia além do limite de 2%.

O novo padrão F3R do Rafale, que atingiu plena capacidade operacional em 17 de março de 2021, compreende várias atualizações, que incluem o sistema de radar RBE2 AESA, o míssil ar-ar de longo alcance METEOR, o pod designador TALIOS e uma atualização do conjunto de guerra eletrônica SPECTRA.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 30, 2021, 11:25:44 am
Notícia com alguns dias sobre os F-16 da Top Aces serem certificados pela FAA.

Top Aces F-16 Fighter Cleared for Aggressor Duties
(20 de Maio de 2021)
Citação de: David Donald, AIN online
Contracted air service provider Top Aces Corp. has received FAA certification for the General Dynamics (Lockheed Martin) F-16A for the “red air” aggressor mission. The company also performed the first flight of the upgraded and overhauled aircraft since their arrival from Israel.

The first aircraft to be completed, formerly USAF serial 78-0322/Israeli serial 129 and now registered as N854TA, made its initial flight on May 18. Aggressor operations with the supersonic, fourth-generation fighter are due to begin later this year.


Top Aces is expected to ultimately receive 29 of the F-16A/Bs, although whether all will be restored to flying status is not yet known. The aircraft are from the first batch of F-16A/Bs supplied to Israel, which named this version “Netz.” Most of the aircraft have seen combat and some have had aerial victories. The first aircraft to fly is a veteran of the 1981 Israeli bombing raid on the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq.

Formerly known as Discovery Air Defence Services, the company is Canadian but has a large operation in the U.S. providing adversary services and joint terminal air controller (JTAC) training. In addition to its U.S. contracts, it is the main adversary supplier to the Canadian forces and also has a contract with the German Luftwaffe that was renewed last month. Its existing fleet comprises AESA-equipped A-4N Skyhawks, Alpha Jets, and Learjet 35As.

Adding the F-16 to the roster is a major advance as the need for more realistic training grows. Rivals ATAC and Draken are already using Dassault Mirage F1s on U.S. contracts. Meanwhile, in France, a company known as ARES (a merger of Secapem Defence Training Solutions and Secaero) hopes to use the Mirage 2000 in the adversary role. Another French company, Procor, acquired nine Mirage 2000s from the Brazilian air force in 2019 and is advertising them as adversary aircraft.
Fonte: (

Top Aces Announces FAA Certification of F-16 Fighter Aircraft (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Maio 31, 2021, 10:08:11 pm
Provável ida de 30 F-18C/D do Kuwait para a Tunísia.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Junho 06, 2021, 02:50:36 pm
Seguem mais 4 KC...digo C-130J para a Argélia ! ;D
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Junho 24, 2021, 01:30:15 pm
A ponte é uma passagem... para a outra margem.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: (

Chegou a Alverca hoje, 21 de Junho de 2021, o segundo lote de aviões A-29B Super Tucano alegadamente destinados ao Turquemenistão.

As três aeronaves com o padrão de camuflagem da Força Aérea do Turquemenistão, mas com os símbolos nacionais tapados e utilizando  matrículas temporárias brasileiras (PT-ZHN, PT-ZHK e PT-ZHO) aterraram ao início da tarde, na pista da lezíria ribatejana.


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 30, 2021, 03:47:35 pm
Philippines gets approval for F-16, missile buy worth over $2 billion

MELBOURNE, Australia — The U.S. State Department has paved the way for the Philippines to potentially acquire Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon multirole fighter jets and associated weapons, as the U.S. ally moves toward a decision for a key component of its military modernization program.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, or DSCA, notification released Thursday afternoon cleared the Southeast Asian nation to buy:

10 F-16C Block 70/72 aircraft.
Two two-seat F-16D Block 70/72 aircraft.
15 Northrop Grumman AN/APG-83 scalable agile beam radars.
24 Raytheon AIM-120 advanced, medium-range, air-to-air missiles in the C-7 or C-8 variant.
GPS/laser guidance kits.
Associated and support equipment.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Junho 30, 2021, 04:39:22 pm
F35 a Patriot para a Suíça.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Daniel em Julho 01, 2021, 09:18:11 am
Bundesrat beschliesst Beschaffung von 36 US-Kampfjets des Typs F-35

O Conselho Federal Suiço decidiu adquirir 36 caças F-35 aos EUA, ainda segundo o jornal, na avaliação, o F-35 deixou de longe a melhor impressão geral e, em termos de custos totais, é 2 bilhões de francos mais barato que o resto.
A Suiça vai pagar pelos 36 F-35, 15,5 bilhões de francos em trinta anos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Julho 01, 2021, 01:18:09 pm
36 F-35.  :o
Nada mau para um pequeno país no centro da Europa.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Julho 07, 2021, 10:02:32 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: MATRA em Julho 07, 2021, 11:07:25 am

Germany's Purchase of Boeing P-8A Poseidon Casts Doubts over Franco-German MPA Program

Ainda há uns dias falei nisso, com esta compra a Airbus perdeu mais um possível cliente, e logo um do seu núcleo duro de fabricantes.

Resta saber que vão fazer os franceses para substituir os seus Atlantique 2. Mas se avançarem para um A320 MPA, pode ser que se juntem Espanha e os Gregos que, mais cedo ou mais tarde, vão querer substituir os seus 4 P3B,

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 10, 2021, 08:39:38 pm
Paquistão contrata Leonardo converter aeronaves Embraer para patrulha marítima


Empresa Paramount da África do Sul também participará do programa paquistanês

O Paquistão contratou a empresa de defesa italiana Leonardo para converter três jatos regionais Embraer Lineage 1000 em aeronaves de patrulha marítima de longo alcance para sua Marinha.

O contrato com a Leonardo envolve a aquisição de duas aeronaves para integrar ao avião Lineage 1000 que já está no Paquistão, seguida do projeto, modificação, instalação e integração de um pacote de guerra anti-submarino e patrulha marítima. Os três aviões serão então introduzidos em serviço como aeronaves de patrulha Sea Sultan.


Os contratos subsequentes devem trazer o número total de Sea Sultans para 10, substituindo a frota P-3C Orion do país.

Um concurso fechado foi lançado em novembro de 2020 envolvendo Leonardo, Rheinland Air Services da Alemanha e Turkish Aerospace Industries, com base em sua experiência comprovada de conversão de aeronaves de patrulha marítima.

A Rheinland já havia ganhado um pedido para a conversão de aeronaves de patrulha marítima Sea Eagle dos turboélices ATR 72 para a Marinha do Paquistão, vencendo uma oferta rival da TAI, que oferecia um pacote baseado no desenvolvido para o ATR 72 da Marinha turca.


Apenas a Leonardo foi selecionada em uma base técnica para a conversão do Lineage 1000. Isso ocorreu principalmente com base no radar Leonardo SeaSpray instalado na aeronave RAS 72 Sea Eagle e nos helicópteros Sea King, e nos confiáveis ??sistemas de liberação de torpedo de origem italiana já instalados nas aeronaves de guerra anti-submarino da Marinha do Paquistão, e que certamente será instalado no Sea Sultan.

A Leonardo também tem um bom relacionamento com outros ramos militares do Paquistão, fornecendo radares Grifo para caças Mirage III e F-7PG Fishcan, entregando helicópteros AW139 e ajudando a adquirir obuses autopropelidos M109 recondicionados.


Após três meses de discussões técnicas detalhadas e a obtenção de fundos internos do Plano de Desenvolvimento das Forças Armadas do Paquistão, um contrato de US$ 190 milhões foi assinado entre o Ministério da Produção de Defesa e Leonardo na penúltima semana de junho.

O Brasil, onde a Embraer está sediada, também está desenvolvendo um programa de aeronaves de patrulha marítima baseado na conversão do Lineage 1000 para substituir a frota P-3B Orion, mas parece não haver cooperação entre os dois programas.
A aquisição, em 2010, dos mísseis PAA-1 Piranha fabricados pela Mectron no Paquistão (agora SIATT depois que a empresa-mãe desmembrou a unidade Mectron) e mísseis anti-radiação MAR-1 não levou à cooperação da indústria de defesa prometida anteriormente.


O especialista aeroespacial Justin Bronk do Royal United Services Institute disse que as expectativas de cooperação internacional nos programas de conversão do Lineage 1000 não eram realistas.

“Os sistemas de missão da MPA são na verdade alguns dos programas mais sensíveis no mundo da aviação de defesa e, portanto, pode haver razões de segurança pelas quais o Paquistão e/ou o Brasil optariam por não cooperar na conversão do Lineage 1000”, disse ele.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 10, 2021, 09:07:55 pm
Possível venda de AWACS russos à Argélia
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Agosto 14, 2021, 08:35:21 pm
Today five Russian servicemen and three Turkish citizens were killed on board a Be-200 fire fighting aircraft that has crashed in Turkey.




DEP :'( :palmas:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 18, 2021, 04:18:35 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 01, 2021, 11:56:43 am
Entretanto na Nigéria...  ::) (

A Nigéria deve receber vinte e quatro aeronaves M-346 Master da fabricante italiana Leonardo. Ainda não está certa a variante exata do M-346 encomendada pela Nigéria, seja a versão básica M-346FT (Fighter Trainer) ou as variantes M-346FA (Fighter Attack).

O negócio está avaliado em um valor estimado de € 1,2 bilhão e verá os jatos italianos substituindo os antigos jatos Dassault Alpha Jet A/E em uso pela Força Aérea Nigeriana (NAF).


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Setembro 02, 2021, 10:18:45 pm
Merecido retiro para un veterano. Ojo, 28000h de vuelo y 47 años de servicio, casi nada.




Yesterday the 55th ECG said its farewell to the EC-130H Compass Call, tail number 580. This aircraft is 47 years old and flew for over 28,000 hours.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Setembro 07, 2021, 10:04:55 pm
A FA da Républica Checa (essa potência), receberá ofertas para 18 F-16V ou 18 F-35A ou 27 JAS-39E.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 07, 2021, 10:17:05 pm

Então e ao atuais Gripen?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 07, 2021, 10:42:24 pm
Então e ao atuais Gripen?
O leasing chega ao fim em 2027 ou 2029. Há alguns anos atrás o comandante da força aérea queria fazer leasing de mais alguns Gripens. Presumo que isto agora seja uma forma de aumentar a frota e adquirir meios mais modernos ao mesmo tempo.

Seja como for, os actuais Gripen deverão ser devolvidos à força aérea sueca em 2027/29. Deverão ser mantidos ao serviço ou canibalizados para usar os componentes que conseguirem para os novos Gripen E.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: typhonman em Setembro 10, 2021, 02:09:41 pm
Entretanto a FA da Indonésia, encomendou C-130J/J-30.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Setembro 15, 2021, 03:30:39 pm
Entretanto a FA da Indonésia, encomendou C-130J/J-30.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 01, 2021, 09:24:41 am
Algeria has contracted 24 Chinese Wing Loong II drone UAVs in the amount of $ 120 million.Delivery of the entire batch should be completed in 2022.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Outubro 06, 2021, 06:03:16 pm
Se forem tão bons, como os que foram comprados pela Jordânia, chegam todos em 22 e são postos à venda em 23.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 02, 2021, 09:45:06 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 26, 2021, 03:17:36 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Dezembro 21, 2021, 01:42:13 pm
Hungría comprará misiles aire-aire IRIS-T.


Hungría ha firmado un acuerdo con el fabricante de defensa alemán Diehl para el suministro de misiles aire-aire de corto alcance IRIS-T para sus cazas Gripen.

El Comisario de Desarrollo de la Defensa, Gáspár Maróth, dijo que la compra de los nuevos misiles con la próxima actualización del Gripen elevará los aviones a los más altos estándares de la aviación moderna.

El sistema de misiles IRIS-T tiene una pronunciada característica de desviación angular, lo que permite a los pilotos alcanzar a los aviones enemigos y otros objetivos que vuelan por los lados y por detrás del Gripen. También posee una gran maniobrabilidad gracias a su dirección vectorial de empuje y a la dirección aerodinámica convencional.

Maróth añadió que el misil autoguiado por infrarrojos puede utilizarse en las situaciones de ataque aéreo más difíciles, incluso con una fuerte sobrecarga, una capacidad que no tiene el actual misil Sidewinder.

Además de adquirir misiles antiaéreos de corto alcance IRIS-T, Hungría tiene previsto desarrollar misiles de mayor alcance y otros sistemas de armas aire-tierra.

El misil IRIS-T

Considerado el más avanzado de su clase, el misil IRIS-T cuenta con una electrónica de última generación y una maniobrabilidad mejorada. Puede montarse en cualquier avión que dispare el AIM-9, lo que lo convierte en el sustituto ideal del Sidewinder.

El misil utiliza la localización por infrarrojos, lo que le permite rastrear objetivos por su firma térmica. También está diseñado para resistir las contramedidas electrónicas.

El misil IRIS-T alcanza una velocidad de Mach 3 (3.703 kilómetros por hora) y destruye las aeronaves enemigas con una ojiva de fragmentación activada por un fusible de proximidad altamente explosivo.

El arma también incluye funciones de bloqueo antes del lanzamiento y de bloqueo después del lanzamiento, lo que dificulta su seguimiento y mejora su precisión.

Joe Saballa

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 22, 2021, 09:20:06 pm
18 mísseis! Para combater a China, Força Aérea do Japão desenvolverá o F-15 "Super Interceptador"

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 03, 2022, 10:23:19 pm
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Enviado por: goldfinger em Janeiro 28, 2022, 07:15:22 am
Following an incident aboard the USS Carl Vinson on Monday 24th January 2022, A United States Navy F-35C fell into the South China sea. The crew ejected successfully in their Martin-Baker US16E Ejection Seat.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 20, 2022, 11:58:19 am
Albânia investe em nova base aérea em Kucove

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 05, 2022, 07:33:31 pm
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Enviado por: Nuno Bento em Julho 14, 2022, 07:47:39 pm
Acabei de ver 2 v22 no aeroporto de lisboa .
O que será ?

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 21, 2022, 01:29:25 am
ust announced by PM and Czech MoD minister, The Czech Republic is going for 24 F-35's as replacement for Gripens by 2027
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 10, 2022, 11:03:52 am

Not a valid vimeo URL
Com capacidade de STOL e 1,600 kg de carga.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lightning em Agosto 17, 2022, 09:05:25 pm
Acabei de ver 2 v22 no aeroporto de lisboa .
O que será ?

Operação de evacuação da embaixada americana  :mrgreen:.

Ou vieram comprar uns pasteis de Belém... ou quem sabe uns apartamentos (acho que os americanos (alem de brasileiros, franceses), também são das nacionalidades que mais andam a comprar...).
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 28, 2022, 10:04:00 am
Na África do Sul continua o desastre com a orçamentação e gestão da SAAF:

Dlamini defends Presidential charter flight
(22 de Agosto de 2022)
Citação de: defenceWeb
The Department of Defence (DoD), in the form of its Head of Communication (HoC), came out with verbal guns blazing to defend a chartered aircraft taking President Cyril Ramaphosa and his entourage to a Southern African Development Community (SADC) summit in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week.


he need for a charter was said by Dlamini to be because "Inkwazi", the VVIP Boeing 737-7ED operated by 21 Squadron, along with other executive aircraft in the Air Force Base (AFB) Waterkloof squadron inventory, “are currently out of commission”.

He gives no reasons for Inkwazi’s grounding which weekend reports have it is due to non-payment of subscription fees for the Jeppesen flight database.

The SAAF finds itself in the proverbial financial pickle, unable to fly its frontline fighters or use a simulator to maintain pilot currency on the Gripen. The airborne component of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) battles to keep its fleet of workhorse Oryx medium transport helicopters airworthy and four Super Lynx maritime helicopters have been grounded for some time. As far as airlift is concerned, 28 Squadron can apparently offer two C-130BZs at any given time as the SAAF’s lone heavy transport unit.

Darren Olivier, African Defence Review director, confirmed that Inkwazi’s grounding is because the SAAF has not paid its monthly subscription fees to update the flight database. No aircraft flying internationally is allowed to fly without the latest flight data. Apart from the VIP fleet, this also affects the C-130BZ Hercules supply flights into the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique.

"Contract renewal decisions are a mess in the Air Force at the moment, both because of the tight budget and some questionable decisions by senior leadership," Olivier maintains.

"It’s time for a complete top to bottom rethink of procurement in the SANDF and whether it truly makes sense to apply things like local content from Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act regulations to services only foreign OEMs can provide. It’s poor strategic thinking.

"If you’re mandating that a key capability be established and maintained locally for security of supply, that’s one thing. But SANDF procurement is ever increasingly just the use of local middlemen skimming off the top by reselling services and equipment provided by foreign suppliers," Olivier stated.

Elaborating further on the Inkwazi’s grounding, Olivier explained that the non-renewal of flight databases was amongst contracts (including for fuel and spares) affected by National Treasury’s February order to stop advertising new tenders. Although this was lifted in May with additional requirements, "the DoD interpreted it as a ban. For some reason that process of getting Treasury’s exemption for SANDF tenders in certain areas has been going terribly."


Olivier does not blame the SAAF’s Directorate of Air Safety, or arguably even the Air Force, which did everything it could by the book. "The root cause of the issue is that the tender process is broken, the DoD is becoming ever less capable of managing an ever more convoluted process with requirements that don’t suit defence needs, and neither the Minister of Defence nor Secretary of Defence are effective.

"The moratorium and subsequent issues have seriously affected all SAAF procurement tenders including those for fuel, spare parts, and maintenance. It’s a slow-moving disaster without any real sense of urgency from the top," Olivier concluded.
Fonte: (

Will SAAF Gripens ever fly?
(25 de Agosto de 2022)
Citação de: defenceWeb
The sharp end of the SA Air Force (SAAF) – its Gripen fighters – have been grounded for over a year and, despite encouraging words to the contrary, there appears to be only slow progress in bringing them and those who fly the single-engined Swedish-built combat jets back to any semblance of operational status.

Air Force Base (AFB) Makhado-based 2 Squadron has not been able to fly its Gripens since August last year. This sad state of affairs was brought about because budget cuts and disagreements over contract terms resulted in the support contracts with Saab and GKN being allowed to lapse.

African Defence Review (ADR) director Darren Olivier, writing in FlightCom, notes, tellingly: "Without support contracts in place, or adequately certified workarounds, the SAAF Military Airworthiness Board cannot issue or renew approvals for flight".

The first inkling all was not well at the Limpopo base came in December when Department of Defence (DoD) Head of Communication (HoC) Siphiwe Dlamini indicated the SAAF Gripens were "temporarily grounded". He neglected to say the same applied to the squadron level mission trainer (SqLMT) at Makhado, meaning pilots could not retain currency via simulator hours.


He explains: "For a year the country has been without any air defence capability whatsoever. And yet leadership complacently stood by with no apparent sense of urgency while a critical strategic capability acquired at great cost has fallen apart. One would have thought those in positions of power would have been moving heaven and earth to resolve the situation".

"The SAAF and Armscor, as the procurement agency, haven’t been entirely idle and engaged in back and forth negotiations with both Saab and GKN (Gripen engine supplier) to find a workable solution that fits in with the SAAF’s pitiful budget allocation, yet provides the necessary level of support to keep these highly complex aircraft flying. Progress has been slow, suffocated by red tape and indecision at the highest levels and characterised by stop-start spurts of activity and waiting that wasted crucial time.

"Worse, negotiations have been taking place since early 2021, long before the contract was due to lapse and providing plenty of time to avoid the situation.

"At the most basic level, the cause is simple: The SAAF Combat Systems Directorate has an annual budget of just over R300 million, ludicrously inadequate to maintain even a single modern fighter squadron, let alone a squadron of Hawk Mk 120 fighter-trainers alongside it. Benchmarking against similar fighter squadrons around the world shows an annual budget of R1 billion is needed just to maintain a basic capability level, with R3 billion or so a year needed for full operational capability and utilisation.

"Expecting to work with just R300-400 million a year falls in the realm of fantasy and magical thinking, not sound governance. Add to that chronic indecision plaguing the SANDF and indeed South Africa as a whole of late, increasing red tape around procurement and misapplication of preferential procurement regulations to strategic defence contracts that clearly can’t support them and it’s no surprise things have reached this point.

"Absurdly, according to people familiar with the negotiations, much of the time was wasted by Armscor’s insistence on applying the 30% local content requirement from the preferential procurement regulations, even though there aren’t any local companies that could perform any of the work required. At best, it would mean some local company acting entirely as a rent seeker, placing orders with Saab and GKN for spare parts and adding its own mark up on top while adding no value and harming what’s already a low margin contract.


In another telling implication of the SAAF, Olivier has it the airborne arm of the SANDF "will not have any real fighter capability before 2023 at the earliest and only for a handful of aircraft at first. There is now no hope of returning to capability levels and numbers 2 Squadron had before the grounding. At best only a token force can be restored by 2024/2025 under current funding levels".

There is a small chance one or two Gripens may be flying at the Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) exhibition next month, as it is believed Saab has been helping the SAAF with Gripen serviceability while the contract renewal is being finalised.

Worse is coming on the horizon because key obsolescence issues haven’t been addressed.

"The SAAF is going to be faced with another budget crisis on the Gripens when it next needs to renew the contract. Then it may be impossible to resolve" is Olivier's gloomy prognosis.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 07, 2022, 10:09:04 am
Gripen flies after 12 month grounding
(6 de Setembro de 2022)
Citação de: defenceWeb
Months of uncertainty ended on Monday (5 September) for the SA Air Force’s (SAAF’s) front line combat fleet when a single-seat Gripen C (tail number 3918) took off from Air Force Base (AFB) Makhado in the wake of "intense work by 2 Squadron technicians and pilots".

Details of the sortie – the first by a SAAF Gripen in a year – have not been made official with African Defence Review (ADR) director Darren Olivier saying 3918's return to the skies followed "final signing of a delayed support contract" and the sweat equity put in by 2 Squadron personnel. He called it "a remarkable achievement", given the timescales and resources available. Further evidence the single-engined jet fighter's take-off was truly a team effort came via the involvement of former 2 Squadron personnel volunteering reserve duty to assist.


The ever-present spectre of funds, more specifically the lack thereof, means the newly concluded support contract covers only 13 aircraft. This Olivier sees as sufficient to rebuild air combat capability, retain scarce skills and provide "some operational deployability". The three year contract is, according to him, important for stability and rebuilding capability. The capability side goes further than 2 Squadron and its air and ground crews. Forward air controllers (FACs) and other musterings rely on 2 Squadron for currency and qualification.

On paper the SAAF has a Gripen strength of 26, but one was damaged beyond economic repair and 12 will be mothballed to stay under the budget ceiling, leaving 13 aircraft operational.

There is talk of putting the Gripen into the air above AFB Waterkloof during the 21 to 25 September Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) exhibition.

Late last month Armscor told Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (PCDMV) that all SAAF aircraft maintenance contracts were resolved, with 40-odd contracts in place, including the Gripen and Pilatus fleets as well as the VIP aircraft.

In February this year, only 25% of SAAF aircraft were serviceable with Armscor at the time evaluating bids for aircraft support contracts.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Subsea7 em Setembro 09, 2022, 12:09:46 am
Polacos, muito pouco holísticos...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Setembro 20, 2022, 01:37:52 pm
Nuevo KAI  MC-X ORCA, desarrollado por Corea del Sur


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 22, 2022, 10:47:00 pm
Mwari ready for first delivery
(21 de Setembro de 2022)
Citação de: defenceWeb
Paramount Aerospace is delivering its first Mwari intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and precision strike aircraft to a launch customer in Africa, and revealed additional orders.

Series production Mwaris were spotted flying from Wonderboom in August and now handover of the first aircraft to the customer is imminent. Four aircraft are on the production line at the Wonderboom Airport factory; Paramount has orders for nine of the aircraft.

"The orders for several new Mwaris represent an important milestone in its commercial success and has resulted in full levels of production at Paramount Group's state-of-the-art aircraft factory," Paramount said.

The CEO of Paramount Aerospace Industries, Mike Levy stated: "This is a proud moment for Paramount and our continent’s aerospace industry. The development and deployment of Mwari underscores the strategic importance of a world-class, indigenous African aerospace industry, one that can quickly and collaboratively address the increasing security threats, conflicts and insurgencies which Africa presently faces".

Eric Ichikowitz, Senior Vice President of Paramount International, stated: "Mwari is a game-changer for air forces; it’s purposefully designed for the kind of asymmetrical warfare that modern military forces across the world are today being asked to conduct. The aircraft has a critical role to play in the connected battlefield providing forces on the ground and in the air with a force multiplier competitive advantage."

Fonte: (

Alguma chance de ser Moçambique? Apareceu uma notícia em tempos que um Mwari tinha sido empregue em Cabo Delgado.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 23, 2022, 10:17:02 am
A USAF quer criar um SAC africano.

USAF Wants African Nations To Buy C-130s For Shared Relief Missions
(20 de Setembro de 2022)
Citação de: Brian Everstine / Aviation Week
The U.S. Air Force plans to call on a collection of African nations to pool funds to buy a small number of Lockheed Martin C-130s to comprise a new, shared fleet to help with humanitarian missions.

Gen. James Hecker, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, says the idea will be a main discussion point at a meeting of the Association of African Air Forces (AAAF) in Senegal in October. The group recently met at a lower level to talk about the idea before the air chiefs come together.

Hecker says the goal is for C-130s to initially focus on the shared humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) missions from a central location on the continent. While the focus will be on HADR, the C-130s could eventually help with counter-extremism operations, Hecker tells Aviation Week in an interview. The AAAF includes 28 nations, which formally signed an agreement in 2015 to network air capabilities on the continent. Ten African nations operate the aircraft already, according to Aviation Week data.

The model is based on the Strategic Airlift Capability’s Heavy Airlift Wing—a small fleet of C-17s based in Hungary that are used by member-states Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and the U.S.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 05, 2022, 11:50:10 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 20, 2022, 07:52:04 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Dezembro 31, 2022, 03:46:04 pm
Queda de F-16 coreano atribuída a um erro na manutenção em 2010:

Last month's KF-16C crash attributable to maintenance error: Air Force
(30 de Dezembro de 2022)
Citação de: The Korea Times
The Korean Air Force on Friday attributed last month's crash of a KF-16C fighter jet to a maintenance error that led to the abrasion of a fuel pump part and an engine stoppage.

Wrapping up a monthlong investigation, the armed service said that the crash on Nov. 20 was ascribed to a failure by maintenance staff to lock a nut - used to fixate the drive shaft of the engine fuel pump - during maintenance work in 2010.

The absence of the nut caused the abrasion of a cogwheel on the drive shaft, which blocked the normal transfer of fuel to the engine.

The Air Force plans to conduct special inspections on the same engines installed in fighter jets to see if there is any such problem.

It is considering seeking disciplinary action as well as legal punishments against the maintenance staff, officials said.

The single-engine jet of the 19th Fighter Wing crashed in a mountainous area, about 20 kilometers west of an air base in Wonju, some 85 km east of Seoul. Its pilot ejected safely.
Fonte: (

Vídeo: ‘너트’ 빠뜨려 KF-16 추락…군, 10년 넘게 몰랐다 / KBS 2022.12.31. (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Janeiro 18, 2023, 07:52:55 am
Korea's KF-21 fighter jet achieves first supersonic flight (

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Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 28, 2023, 09:36:46 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 02, 2023, 02:51:16 pm

DARPA Selects Two Teams For Liberty Lifter X-Plane Program

Two teams -- General Atomics working with Maritime Applied Physics Corporation and Aurora Flight Sciences working with Gibbs & Cox and ReconCraft -- will develop designs for DARPA’s Liberty Lifter Seaplane Wing-in-Ground Effect full-scale demonstrator.

DARPA press release

The Liberty Lifter program aims to demonstrate a leap-ahead in operational capability by designing, building, floating, and flying a long-range, low-cost X-Plane capable of seaborne strategic and tactical heavy lift.

The planned Liberty Lifter demonstrator will be a large flying boat similar in size and capacity to the C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft. Goals include takeoff and land in Sea State 4, sustained on-water operation up to Sea State 5, and extended flight close to the water in ground effect with the capability to fly out of ground effect at altitudes up to 10,000 feet above sea level.

“We are excited to kick off this program and looking forward to working closely with both performer teams as they mature their point-of-departure design concepts through Phase 1. The two teams have taken distinctly different design approaches that will enable us to explore a relatively large design space during Phase 1.”

DARPA Liberty Lifter Program Manager Christopher Kent.

The General Atomics team has selected a twin-hull, mid-wing design to optimize on-water stability and seakeeping. It employs distributed propulsion using twelve turboshaft engines.

General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Liberty Lifter concept

Aurora Flight Sciences point-of-departure design more closely resembles a traditional flying boat, with a single hull, high wing and eight turboprops for primary propulsion.

Aurora Flight Sciences Liberty Lifter concept

During Phase 1, DARPA will work with both performer teams and Department of Defense stakeholders to refine the Liberty Lifter designs with particular attention to operational needs and operating concepts. The Phase 1 contract awards are for an 18-month period of performance with six months of conceptual design work and nine months of design maturation culminating in a preliminary design review. There will be an additional three months for manufacturing planning and test/demonstration planning reviews.

As scheduled, Phase 1 will transition into Phase 2 in mid-2024 with continued detailed design, manufacturing, and demonstration of a full-scale Liberty Lifter X-Plane. DARPA anticipates teaming with one or more DoD Service and international partners for those activities and further development of the Liberty Lifter concept into an operational vehicle.
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Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 19, 2023, 08:57:53 am
Citação de: @MoorishFighter
Exit of a #Moroccan #AirForce 🇲🇦 C-130 Hercules from a D-Check visit, which is now done in #Morocco, in RMAF facilities, through various partnerships with foreign partners. 

Before, Morocco sent its #C130 to make D-Check type visits abroad. (

Morocco moves to become maintenance hub for F-16s, C-130s  ( (29 de Abril de 2022)

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 19, 2023, 10:36:22 am
Helicóptero abatendo uma aeronave a 100km com míssil AIM-120? Pode acontecer em breve!

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Subsea7 em Fevereiro 19, 2023, 11:57:53 am
Por cá não teriam ficado mal...
Oh wait, temos de pagar a vinda do Papa... Prioridades...
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 25, 2023, 11:07:19 am
Boeing vai fechar a linha de produção em 2025 a menos que a Índia adquira o Super Hornet. De momento a marinha Indiana já tinha recomendado a compra do Rafale: Indian Navy Greenflags Rafale In Deck Jet Contest ( (15 de Fevereiro de 2023).

Boeing will close Super Hornet production line in 2025
(23 de Fevereiro de 2023)
Citação de: Megan Eckstein / DefenseNews
Boeing will end the F/A-18E-F Super Hornet production line in 2025 and will not accept any more U.S. orders beyond the eight aircraft Congress added to the fiscal 2023 budget.

The company, describing the move as a "pivot," will refocus its people and facilities on other projects and look ahead at future work, it said in a Feb. 23 statement.

With the St. Louis-based workforce and production facility freed up, Boeing said it will be able to increase production of the T-7A Red Hawk all-digital training system, F-15EX Eagle IIs and 777X wing components for the U.S. Air Force and the MQ-25 Stingray unmanned tanker drone for the U.S. Navy.

Additionally, the company plans to devote more attention to developing future programs.

The company is building three new facilities in St. Louis for advanced crewed and uncrewed platforms. These, plus the MQ-25 production facility at the MidAmerica St. Louis Airport, a new Advanced Composite Fabrication Center in Arizona, and new design and production tools at existing St. Louis plants, represent a $1 billion investment in the company’s future in military aircraft, according to the news release.

Boeing's announcement caps off a decade of fluctuations for the Super Hornet production line. The Navy initially planned to stop buying the jets in FY14, amid sequestration budget caps, only for Congress to continue adding planes incrementally over the next few years. The Navy eventually began planning for additional purchases, including a multiyear contract covering fiscal years 2019 through 2021, to help manage a projected fighter shortfall in its inventory.

The service intended to end its Super Hornet orders after that multiyear contract wrapped up. But Congress intervened again and added $977 million in FY22 for 12 planes and $600 million in the current year’s budget for eight additional aircraft.

Boeing spokeswoman Deborah VanNierop told Defense News these eight would roll off the production line in 2025 and be the last American Super Hornets ever built. The Navy will have bought a total of 698 Super Hornets over 30 years, according to budget documents.

India is still in the process of selecting a fighter, and the Super Hornet is one option under consideration. If the Indian Navy selects the Super Hornet, Boeing would build those aircraft and shut down the line in 2027 upon their completion, she said.

Asked about the timing of the decision to close the production line, VanNierop cited internal and external factors.

"We must inform our customer and supply base as long-lead aircraft parts and components are ordered and built well ahead of Boeing’s final assembly schedule," she said. "Announcing this decision now also allows us to work with our teams to successfully staff F/A-18 in the future and meet the production ramp-ups on T-7A and MQ-25."

Fonte: (

Malaysia picks South Korea’s FA-50 light combat jet over Indian bid
(24 de Fevereiro de 2023)
Citação de: Mike Yeo / DefenseNews
Korea Aerospace Industries has won a competition to supply light attack aircraft to Malaysia, the company announced, marking its latest export for the line of trainer/light attack jets.

The South Korean company said the contract, worth $920 million, will see it deliver 18 FA-50 jets to the Southeast Asian country, with the first due for delivery in 2026.

The FA-50 beat the Tejas light combat aircraft, made by India's Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., for the Malaysian requirement. The country had shortlisted the two types out of an initial field that included the JF-17, made by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, and the Russian-made MiG-35.

Malaysia is seeking to bolster its air combat and training capabilities as it seeks to replace its fleet of BAE Systems-made Hawk trainers and light combat aircraft, which has suffered from a high attrition rate in recent years.

The country also wants to replace 16 MiG-29 interceptors it retired in 2017 due to inadequate funding for sustainment. But a planned multirole combat aircraft program to replace the aircraft also stalled due to budget constraints.

Malaysia previously said it required 36 jets, meaning it will continue looking for an additional 18 aircraft.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Fevereiro 25, 2023, 11:14:04 am
NATO begins assessment of E-3A replacement; Wedgetail, GlobalEye in the running
(24 de Fevereiro de 2023)
Citação de: Tim Martin / Breaking Defense
The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) has started assessment of industry bids for the alliance's Allied Future Surveillance and Control (AFSC) capability program, launched to source a replacement for 14 Boeing E-3A Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) aircraft set to retire in 2035.

Based on an "initial" AFSC capability Request for Information (RFI) solicitation issued by NSPA in December 2022, interested competitors were asked to provide Rough Order of Magnitude price and availability of individual aircraft solutions and evidence of "existing market capabilities, potential applicable contractual frameworks, and potential benefits of a cooperative approach."

The AFSC capability program aims to define "a new generation of surveillance and control capabilities" underpinned by a systems of systems architecture approach, intended to integrate "multiple capabilities and platforms" for future multidomain operations, according to the RFI.

"Answers to the RFI are currently being assessed," said a NSPA spokesperson in a Feb. 22 statement.

NSPA also told Breaking Defense that as lead agency for conducting studies and developing technical concepts for AFSC, the system of systems approach covers "potential combinations" of air, ground, maritime and space assets working collaboratively to collect and share information.

The agency spokesperson said that "named invitees and respondents" who had engaged with the RFI had not been made public, but "some companies chose to announce their involvement."

That includes Swedish manufacturer Saab, which announced it has responded to the RFI, pitching the GlobalEye Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft. Currently under order from both Sweden and the UAE, the spy plane is a modified version of the Bombardier Global 6000 business jet series integrated with Saab’s distinctive Erieye long-range radar and other sensors for detection of items across air, land and sea domains.


Boeing also confirmed in a Feb. 22 statement to Breaking Defense that it was "pleased to offer" the E-7 Wedgetail in response to the AFSC RFI.


The US Air Force decided to replace some E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft with the E-7 in April 2022, saying at the time that as part of "notional schedule plans" a fiscal 2025 production decision was being targeted. The UK has also ordered three E-7 platforms, all of which are undergoing conversion by STS Aviation Services in Birmingham, England. Additionally, the Royal Australian Air Force's (RAAF) No. 2 Squadron operates six Wedgetail’s from RAAF Base Williamtown.

As NATO's main airborne surveillance and control asset, the E-3A has been in service with the alliance since the 1980's and has been heavily involved in Eastern Flank operations over the course of Russia's war in Ukraine. Most recently, a detachment of three aircraft arrived in Bucharest, Romania, on 17 January 2023 for a deployment to "monitor Russian military activity" across the region. The deployment is set to last "several weeks," noted NATO's website.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 03, 2023, 06:25:09 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Malagueta em Março 04, 2023, 08:13:47 am
A Força Aérea norte-americana divulgou, no final do mês passado, imagens de um teste de um ataque aéreo a partir de um jato, com o projétil a destruir e a afundar um navio cargueiro de teste em apenas 40 segundos.

O vídeo do poderoso míssil foi capturado por aviões das forças armadas e por câmaras colocadas no navio, demonstrado o forte impacto que a arma consegue ter.

O exercício foi levado a cabo no Golfo do México, em águas norte-americanas. O cargueiro já tinha como destino a sucata, pelo que as forças armadas aproveitaram assim para realizar um treino.

Num comunicado, o laboratório de pesquisa da força aérea norte-americana explica que o míssil, denominado 'Quicksink' (que, traduzido à letra, significa 'afundar rápido') pesa cerca de 900 quilos, é feito propositadamente para atacar e afundar navios inimigos.

As forças armadas explicam também que a munição foi lançada a partir de um jato de baixa altitude, um F-15E, e que a bomba tem um serviço de GPS.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 06, 2023, 11:28:05 pm
Romênia quer assinar contrato para compra de caças F-35 ainda este ano
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Março 07, 2023, 08:30:17 am
Australia International Airshow 2023

Fotos: (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 25, 2023, 04:49:43 pm
Nordic countries plan joint air defence to counter Russian threat


Norway has 57 F-16 fighter jets and 37 F-35 fighter jets with 15 more of the latter on order. Finland has 62 F/A-18 Hornet jets and 64 F-35s on order, while Denmark has 58 F-16s and 27 F-35s on order. Sweden has more than 90 Gripens jets.


143 F35 +90 Gripens = 233 caças!!!
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 29, 2023, 07:40:17 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Março 31, 2023, 10:45:47 am
Gripen para as Filipinas?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Abril 13, 2023, 09:11:59 am
Os norte-americanos parecem estar a prometer financiamento aos filipinos, por isso...

The Joneses…Vipers and Chinooks For Pinoys?
(13 de Abril de 2023)
Citação de: Marhalim Abas / Malaysian Defence
Vipers and Chinooks for Philippines. The Philippines may well be getting a dozen or so F-16 fighters and Chinook heavy lift helicopters soon, based on recent statements coming out from Washington.

US Secretary of State Blinken, US Secretary of Defense Austin, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Manalo, and Senior Undersecretary and Officer in Charge (OIC) of National Defense Galvez (referred to collectively as “the Secretaries”) convened the third U.S. Philippines 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue in Washington, D.C., on April 11, 2023 (

Recognizing the importance of the U.S.-Philippines alliance to regional peace and stability, the Secretaries put forth a shared vision that supports the international rules-based order, deepens our economic ties, provides for our peoples’ broad-based prosperity, and addresses evolving regional and global security challenges.

Strengthen bilateral planning and interoperability to ensure readiness to respond to a range of crises and scenarios, through the conduct of high impact and high value joint exercises, trainings, and other activities as well as by fast tracking ongoing discussions on a new U.S.-Philippines Bilateral Defense Guidelines;

Prioritize the modernization of shared defense capabilities, particularly in the maritime domain, through various modalities, including U.S. Foreign Military Financing and Excess Defense Articles. The adoption of a Security Sector Assistance Roadmap in the coming months will guide shared defense modernization investments and inform the delivery of priority platforms over the next 5 to 10 years. In addition, the Security Sector Assistance Roadmap will identify areas for capacity-building to enhance the Philippines’ core institutions and support security sector governance. Meanwhile, both sides underscored the importance of fast-tracking discussions on an acquisition plan for a fleet of multi-role fighter aircraft for the Philippine Air Force, as well as of leveraging the additional $100 million in Foreign Military Financing that the United States announced last fall to acquire medium lift helicopters;

Accelerate the implementation of EDCA projects and increase investments in EDCA Agreed Locations to further support combined training, exercises, and interoperability between the U.S. and Philippine Armed Forces, as well as the Philippines’ civilian-led disaster preparedness and response capacities. The United States expects to have allocated over $100 million by the end of fiscal year 2023 toward infrastructure investments at the existing five EDCA sites and to support swift operationalization of the four new sites;

The statement above of course did not mention F-16s and Chinooks but we know that the Philippines are looking at least a dozen multi-role fighters. The air force has down selected the F-16 and JAS-39 Gripen for the project but with the statement above it is likely that if the US is funding the fighter deal, the Viper will be selected.

The Chinooks have been in the works since the US was instrumental in pushing Philippines to drop a deal to buy a dozen or Mi-17 helicopters from Russia during the last two years. Even by reimbursing the deposit paid by the Philippines. The US recently donated two Cyclone patrol boats to the Philippines Navy to add the sole one already operational.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PTWolf em Abril 18, 2023, 04:24:18 pm
 was awarded a follow-on contract worth approximately USD100 million to convert commercial aircraft into intelligence and electronic warfare aircraft. The contract will be performed over a period of three years.

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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 27, 2023, 12:10:01 pm

Citação de: Ragıp Soylu
Turkey’s fifth generation fighter TFX prototype is painted. Looks good



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Barlovento em Maio 30, 2023, 10:10:36 am
Seis F-35B y un A-330MRT en viaje de Portugal a UK, hacen escala en Santiago de Compostela por problemas técnicos.

Cinco de los F-35 continuaron vuelo al día siguiente, acompañados por el MRTT y uno se quedó en Santiago.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Junho 06, 2023, 11:20:38 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 13, 2023, 09:28:03 am
Curioso. Uma medida mesmo stopgag ou o negócio do Rafale vai ao ar? Tivemos notícias que os indonésios andavam com problemas para começar a pagar os Rafale e depois notícias que iam comprar mais 18 Rafale.

Qatar to export 12 Mirage 2000-5 fighters to Indonesia
(13 de Junho de 2023)
Citação de: Eyal Pinko / IsraelDefense

Recently, a transfer of 12 Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets from Qatar to Indonesia had begun. These aircrafts, part of the Qatari fleet, were sold following French approval. They prepared for transportation by Defense Conseil International (DCI), a French-owned private company based in Qatatr, and were transported by Antonov 124 cargo planes.

The deal between Qatar and Indonesia was tailored by E-Systems Solutions, a Dubai-based company owned by a French businessman and former French air force officer named Habib Boukharouba. Following his retirement from service, Boukharouba established in Dubai a flourishing business for selling and chartering cargo planes. The company has been operating in the Gulf countries and in Africa for the past ten years.


Since the start of the war on Ukraine, CSG was involved in the sales of ammunition to Kiev. In recent months, the company had signed many contract in Indonesia, including one signed in December 2022 to supply aerial defense missiles, manufactured by Turkey’s Roketsan.

With the Miraj contract, Indonesia is trying to close the operational gap, created by the aging of its Su-27 and Su-30 fighter aircrafts array.

As far as known, Indonesia's air force did not especially desire the Qatari fighter jets, which initially were meant to be sold to Bulgaria or Ukraine. However, through Subiano’s mediation and after several months of negotiations, the decision was made.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 19, 2023, 10:48:45 am
Maiden flight of Diamond DART-750 prototype
(17 de Junho de 2023)
Citação de: Scramble
On 12 June 2023, the prototype of a new military trainer, the Diamond DART-750, with registration OE-VHS, made its first flight from Wiener Neustadt, Austria. DART stands for Diamond Aircraft Reconnaissance Trainer.

The DART-750 is powered by the well-known Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-25C of 550 kW (750 shaft HP). This engine gives the new 750 some external commonality with other trainers like the T-6 Texan II and the Super Tucano. But, in contrast with the latter aircraft types the Diamond is a full composite airframe.

The structure is both strong and saves weight, which gives full aerobatic characteristics with safety from +6 to -4 G. The cockpit layout is state of the art with Garmin 3000 avionics.

The 750 is offered as part of a full package of basic training which, next to the planes, includes simulator and computer based training. EASA certification of the DART-750 is expected in 2024.

The 750 model is the third in a line of single engine tandem seat turboprop trainers. The earliest model, the 450 was launched in 2014. It was powered by an Ivchenko Progress AI-450S engine of 370 kW (500 HP). The prototype, OE-VDA, made its first flight on 17 May 2016.


In October 2020, representatives of the Luchtcomponent (BAF, Belgian Air Force) visited the Diamond factory in Wiener Neustadt to inspect and fly the DART-550. It is one of the candidates for the replacement of the fleet of Belgian SF260 primary trainers.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Junho 27, 2023, 03:22:00 pm

Citação de: @Rupprecht_A
Well ... it's almost something to celebrate!

Not only new images of PLAN NA Z-20 naval variants, but even more so, such good ones.
Here Z-20J prototype no. 6215

(Image via @还是捣蛋 from Weibo)
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Junho 27, 2023, 10:21:52 pm
Seis Mwari para a RDC.

Democratic Republic of Congo emerges as Mwari’s next customer
(27 de Junho de 2023)
Citação de: Guy Martin / DefenceWeb
After selling three Mwari aircraft to Mozambique’s military, Paramount is providing six of the aircraft to the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is also a customer for Paramount armoured personnel carriers.

The Mwari was seen in Mozambican markings at the end of January, and now the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been named as the next customer. During the Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition in September last year, Paramount just said it had orders for nine from two air forces.

Canadian firm PAL Aerospace will supply intelligence and surveillance systems for the DRC's and Mozambique's Mwaris, according to Africa Intelligence (,109997405-art). The aircraft will apparently be equipped with Thales Search Master maritime surveillance radars and MX-15 electro-optical/infrared cameras.


The Mwari is marketed as a relatively inexpensive alternative to high-end military aircraft for surveillance, maritime patrol and counter-insurgency operations. It can also be used for training. The Mwari has been designed to easily perform multiple missions thanks to an innovative Interchangeable Mission Systems Bay (IMSB), located in the belly of the aircraft, providing near-endless sensor and payload options which can be integrated and be swapped out in less than two hours. Open-architecture and flexible systems allows for the quick and low-cost integration of new pods, avionics, cargo, special mission equipment, weapons and sensors.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Julho 07, 2023, 06:01:43 pm
A Suécia contratou a Thales para o fornecimento de radares fixos SMART-L

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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Julho 07, 2023, 06:05:28 pm
Embora possa nem tudo ir para as forças aéreas respetivas fica aqui para já

A Áustria e Suíça juntaram-se hoje oficialmente ao European Sky Shield Initiative podendo entrar na compra conjunta de sistemas de defesa aérea

A Áustria em particular mostrou interesse no IRIS-T SLM e Skyranger 30
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Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 15, 2023, 04:22:09 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 21, 2023, 04:08:51 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PTWolf em Julho 21, 2023, 06:51:58 pm

Não sei como é a nivel operacional, mas em termos de design "o bicho" é bonito  :2gunsfiring:
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Mentat em Julho 21, 2023, 08:50:35 pm
A Suécia contratou a Thales para o fornecimento de radares fixos SMART-L

( (

É uma pergunta que nunca consegui ver respondida assertivamente, mas que suspeito saber a resposta.
O nosso sistema de radares fixos, está extraordinariamente obsoleto, somente obsoleto ou...?
Com uma FAP incapaz de fornecer AEW, a capacidade dos radares fixos é particularmente importante, daí a pergunta.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Mentat em Julho 21, 2023, 08:51:31 pm
A Suécia contratou a Thales para o fornecimento de radares fixos SMART-L

( (

É uma pergunta que nunca consegui ver respondida assertivamente, mas que suspeito saber a resposta.
Os nossos sistemas de radares fixos estão extraordinariamente obsoletos, somente obsoletos ou...?
Com uma FAP incapaz de fornecer AEW, a capacidade dos radares fixos é particularmente importante, daí a pergunta.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 21, 2023, 10:12:18 pm
A Suécia contratou a Thales para o fornecimento de radares fixos SMART-L

( (

É uma pergunta que nunca consegui ver respondida assertivamente, mas que suspeito saber a resposta.
Os nossos sistemas de radares fixos estão extraordinariamente obsoletos, somente obsoletos ou...?
Com uma FAP incapaz de fornecer AEW, a capacidade dos radares fixos é particularmente importante, daí a pergunta.

Existe alguma informação neste tópico sobre SDA.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Julho 22, 2023, 10:57:42 am
Se houvesse visão, a FAP adquiria os SMART-L das DZP que estão a ser substituídos. Mas enfim, tecnologia com 40 anos ainda vai a meio da sua vida operacional. É a sina das FFAA tugas.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 30, 2023, 04:05:02 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 30, 2023, 11:05:26 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 02, 2023, 08:47:29 am
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L3Harris: NATO could make E-3A replacement downselects over "next 6 months"
(28 de Julho de 2023)
Citação de: Tim Martin / Breaking Defense
NATO could reduce an industry field for its Alliance Future Surveillance and Control (AFSC) program, meant to replace the aging E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft, in the next half year, according to an official with competitor L3Harris.

"In the next six months we believe there will be some discussions [between NATO and AFSC competitors] and downselects with a lot of pending politics behind it," Tara Martin, senior director business development, ISR sector at L3Harris told Breaking Defense in a recent interview.

The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) issued an AFSC capability Request for Information (RFI) in December 2022 that asked competitors to provide aircraft pricing, availability and evidence of "existing market capabilities." NATO is currently evaluating those responses, Martin said.


"Discussions with the bidders could be as soon as the third quarter of this year, but realistically they [NATO] do need to get a number of nations behind this and just discuss amongst them how they’re going to support this both from the personnel standpoint and the funding standpoint," Martin explained.

Long term, NATO has said AFSC will see 14 E-3A aircraft replaced with Full Operational Capability [FOC] for a new platform targeted in 2035. The first aircraft delivery is planned for 2031.

The E-3 has been in service with the alliance since the 1980’s and continues to be deployed regularly for eastern flank operations in response to Russia's war in Ukraine.

For the replacement effort, L3Harris has proposed a Bombardier Global 6500 business jet integrated or "cross decked" with a Conformal Airborne Early Warning (CAEW) mission system fitted on Gulfstream G550 platforms, although the latter aircraft is no longer in production.

"NATO are looking for a mature solution [for AFSC] so we have partnered with the ELTA division of IAI [Israel Aerospace Industries] who have previously delivered the CAEW aircraft to Italy," said Martin. IAI's ELTA division specializes in mission systems, radars, electronic warfare (EW) and communication systems.

The US State Department originally approved the sale of two G550 CAEW platforms to Italy in December 2020 at a cost of $500 million.

As a result of the G550 not in production, L3Harris decided to opt for the Global 6500 for AFSC as it has a "long production lifetime ahead of it" and use company experience of cross decking mission systems from one business jet to another.

"We are moving most of our ISR capabilities going forward from the Gulfstream G550 to the Bombardier 6500 so it was a natural transition," added Martin.

L3Harris has also previously developed the US Army Airborne Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare System (ARES) technology demonstrator based on the Global 6000/6500 series, completing a first flight in 2021.

Back in the US, L3 Harris is currently under contract to produce 15 Air Tractor AT-802U Sky Warden multi-mission aircraft, according to Martin, as part of USSOCOM's Armed Overwatch program. The effort is expected to see delivery of 75 platforms overall.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 03, 2023, 11:30:11 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 05, 2023, 10:22:05 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 08, 2023, 07:15:45 am
Apresentado o primeiro L-39NG para o Vietname:

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Fonte: (

First Vietnam L-39NG in full livery
(7 de Agosto de 2023)
Citação de: Scramble
On 7 August 2023, Czech aircraft manufacturer AERO Vodochody presented the first Không quân Nhân dân Việt Nam (Vietnam People's Air Force) L-39NG in its full livery.

The L-39NG, with serial 2303, will soon be heading to its new owner. On 24 April 2023, AERO Vodochody has successfully flown the first series produced L-39NG. The aircraft, temporary serial 0517 (c/n 167005), flew 40 minutes and verified functions and behaviour in all flight phases. It is not known if this aircraft is the presented L-39NG Vietnam People's Air Force 2303.

In February 2021, the Ministry of Defence of Vietnam signed a contract for the delivery of twelve L-39NG jet trainers. The contract includes the training of pilots, instructors, ground crew and mechanics. Also included will be the supply of aircraft spare parts, as well as the supply of equipment for ground-based training, logistics support or specialized airport systems.

The L-39NGs will be delivered in the 2023-2024 timeframe. The fresh paint scheme looks very familiar with the Aero L-39C Albatros' training aircraft, which are operated by the 910th Aviation Training Regiment of the Air Force Officer School at Dong Tac Airport. The Vietnam People's Air Force has long operated the L-39C Albatros, one of the most prolific communist jet trainers.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: PTWolf em Agosto 08, 2023, 04:05:21 pm
Por curiosade, é possivel comparar o L-39NG com o Super Tucano?
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 10, 2023, 09:45:41 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 13, 2023, 10:19:18 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 14, 2023, 10:49:43 pm


Um dos meus favoritos e uma relíquia que ia tornando possível excelentes vídeos.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 15, 2023, 04:12:12 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 17, 2023, 09:11:17 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 17, 2023, 04:14:13 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 28, 2023, 08:43:48 am
Nova vida para três C-160 alemães. Curioso que foram vendidos a uma empresa australiana mas pelos vistos podem depois ir parar a outro país qualquer.

First Transall on its way to Australia
(27 de Agosto de 2023)
Citação de: Scramble
After the first leg of its ferry flight to Australia, C-160 Transall VH-RPR (c/n D120) landed at Malta-Luqa on 25 August 2023. The transport is former Luftwaffe (German Air Force, GAF) 50+83 and one of three Transalls destined for 'Down Under'.

On 14 December 2022 Scramble reported on the acquisition of the trio by the Wieland Aviation Group PTY Ltd. For as far as Scramble knows the Transalls will be converted into firefighters.

After their retirement at Hohn, the three were flown to Kiel in northern Germany to prepare them for the journey across the globe. The other two, registered as VH-RFW (c/n D125, former GAF 50+88), and VH-TIT (c/n D77, former GAF 50+55) are still located in Kiel. On 7 July VH-TIT made a short local flight and returned to Kiel.

The ferry route to its final destination is depicted here:

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 28, 2023, 04:30:36 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Setembro 01, 2023, 07:31:31 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Setembro 28, 2023, 03:37:28 pm (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Setembro 29, 2023, 08:35:52 am
Na ITPS no Canadá converteram um Hawker Hunter para emular um caça de quinta geração:

First Flight of 5th gen. Surrogate Training Aircraft (5STA)
(26 de Setembro de 2023)
Citação de: ITPS Canada
The high operating costs of 5th generation fighters have many current and prospective operators looking at ways to cut the number of training flight hours on these assets, and transfer them to Surrogate Training Aircrafts which have much lower operating costs, and a useful performance envelope featuring avionics representative of those to be found in the latest generation fighters.

Facing a similar challenge with training the test pilots of the future, the International Test Pilots School (ITPS) started development three years ago of the 5th generation Surrogate Training Aircraft (5STA). This unique training asset is a Hawker Hunter, featuring a 5th gen. Human Machine Interface (HMI), Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) and Live Virtual Constructive Training (LVCT) via data link. The aircraft will be employed at the school, on fundamental avionics testing exercises but also on a new series of exercises evaluating workload and system mission suitability during representative missions.

The transonic jet trainer will also be employed for Performance and Flying Qualities testing exercises. 5STA makes ITPS is the first test pilot school to offer its students this novel capability which is based on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software, therefore accessible by all customers.

Giorgio Clementi, the concept originator, Chief Engineer and Head of Flight Test for ITPS commented, “Meticulous planning and flawless execution led to success! Congratulations to the team on the first flight of our 5th gen. Surrogate Training Aircraft (5STA). It has been a long road with many hurdles, but the ITPS team kept the faith and it has borne fruit. Over the coming months, we will develop it to its full capabilities! Well done, team! We can justifiably be proud of this achievement!”.

ITPS Canada Ltd. is the largest school of experimental flight testing in the world, with campuses in Canada and Turkey. It is an internationally recognized school of experimental flight testing and advanced military flight training, offering countless courses such as the one-year Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer Graduate Courses, Diploma Courses, bespoke Short Courses and online Professional Certificates.

ITPS is an Ontario Ministry of Education Designated learning Institution, offering Master of Science degrees in Flight Test Engineering that are recognized worldwide. ITPS is also a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Approved Training Organization (ATO) 00.30, and is recognized by the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) and the Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE).
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 08, 2023, 05:22:03 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: NVF em Outubro 17, 2023, 01:22:26 pm
Vitor Santos, posso ficar com parte da comissão da EMB?

República Tcheca seleciona o C-390 Millennium como sua nova aeronave de transporte militar


Praga, República Tcheca, 17 de Outubro de 2023 – O Ministério da Defesa e as Forças Armadas da República Tcheca anunciaram hoje o início das negociações para a potencial aquisição do Embraer C-390 Millennium como sua aeronave de transporte militar. A decisão de iniciar as negociações para a possível compra foi baseada em uma avaliação e análise de mercado preparada pelo Ministério da Defesa da República Tcheca, que identificou o C-390 como a solução mais adequada para atender aos requisitos do Exército do país.

A República Tcheca pretende adquirir duas aeronaves que ampliarão significativamente sua capacidade de transporte aéreo, permitindo que o Exército da República Tcheca realize operações de assalto aéreo, reabastecimento aéreo, evacuação médica, ajuda humanitária e combate a incêndios. Além disso, o C-390 Millennium tem menos manutenção quando comparado a outras aeronaves, resultando em maior disponibilidade e menores custos ao longo de seu ciclo de operações.

“Estamos honrados pela seleção do Ministério da Defesa e das Forças Armadas para iniciar as negociações desta aquisição significativa. Estamos prontos para fornecer à República Tcheca a mais avançada aeronave de transporte tático disponível no mercado”, disse Bosco da Costa Junior, Presidente e CEO da Embraer Defesa & Segurança. “O C-390 Millennium está atraindo a atenção de várias nações ao redor do mundo, devido à sua combinação imbatível de alta produtividade e flexibilidade operacional com baixos custos operacionais.”

As negociações iniciais já começaram e preveem a assinatura de um contrato de aquisição de duas aeronaves e suporte associado. O contrato inclui também uma solução completa de treinamento para pilotos e técnicos, fornecimento de peças de reposição e um plano robusto de entrada em operação com a presença local da equipe da Embraer no país no início do processo.


Após esse anúncio, a República Tcheca se torna a sexta nação e o quarto país da OTAN na Europa a escolher o C-390, seguido do Brasil, Portugal, Hungria, Holanda e Áustria. O C-390 está redefinindo o transporte aéreo militar e desafiando a mentalidade por trás das plataformas de geração atual e futura, com capacidade multimissão e interoperabilidade construídas por design.

Após esse anúncio, a República Tcheca se torna a sexta nação e o quarto país da OTAN na Europa a escolher o C-390, seguido do Brasil, Portugal, Hungria, Holanda e Áustria. O C-390 está redefinindo o transporte aéreo militar e desafiando a mentalidade por trás das plataformas de geração atual e futura, com capacidade multimissão e interoperabilidade construídas por design.

Desde sua fundação, em 1969, a Embraer já entregou mais de 8 mil aeronaves. Em média, a cada 10 segundos, uma aeronave fabricada pela Embraer decola de algum lugar do mundo, transportando anualmente mais de 145 milhões de passageiros.

A Embraer é líder na fabricação de jatos comerciais de até 150 assentos e a principal exportadora de bens de alto valor agregado do Brasil. A empresa mantém unidades industriais, escritórios, centros de serviço e de distribuição de peças, entre outras atividades, nas Américas, África, Ásia e Europa.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Outubro 22, 2023, 01:54:32 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 23, 2023, 04:09:54 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: dc em Outubro 23, 2023, 11:36:13 pm

Interessante. A se confirmar o alcance de 370km, acaba por fazer o mesmo que muitos mísseis de cruzeiro no mercado, por uma fracção do custo. O que acabará também por permitir preservar os mais caros mísseis de cruzeiro (tipo JASSM-ER) para alvos mais complexos e distâncias muito maiores.

Na imagem do meio, aparece com a ponta redonda, que tanto pode ser o laser seeker, usado pela LJDAM, como pode ser o sensor airburst DSU-33.
Se for um laser seeker, e pegando na frase que diz que tem opção para vários sensores, uma variante P-LJDAM, permitirá que esta arma stand-off low cost, ataque alvos móveis. Por outras palavras, não só permitirá ter uma espécie de Maverick de extra longo alcance (tornando-se uma boa arma anti carro), como poderá ser usada contra navios! Estamos a falar de uma arma com o cerca do dobro ou triplo do alcance do Harpoon, com uma ogiva similar, e que pode ser transportada em maior quantidade pela aeronave lançadora. Certo que se ficar limitada a guiamento por GPS e Laser, terá uma capacidade anti-navio "all weather" limitada, se a meteorologia permitir e usando drones como designador laser... tem um potencial gigante.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Outubro 29, 2023, 03:26:02 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Outubro 30, 2023, 11:01:47 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Novembro 12, 2023, 02:02:54 pm

"The first Romanian Black Hawk of the General Aviation Inspectorate of the MAI arrived. Next week 3 more will arrive,7  total. Three Black Hawks are equipped for sea search, three for land and one for Police. The MAI paid more than 170 million euros for these devices, 80% being EU funds ."
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 15, 2023, 03:14:15 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 20, 2023, 10:06:02 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Novembro 23, 2023, 04:07:24 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Dezembro 05, 2023, 10:03:28 am
Último de los 141 F-16 de segunda mano modernizado al estándar F-16V con radar AESA del programa Phoenix Rising  de la Fuerza Aéra Taiwanesa. Ahora faltan los más de 60 nuevos que llegarán en los próximos años.



Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 09, 2023, 03:05:25 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 17, 2023, 03:28:08 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Subsea7 em Dezembro 17, 2023, 05:15:08 pm

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Dezembro 28, 2023, 01:57:39 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Dezembro 29, 2023, 05:26:06 pm
Problemas graves en los C27 Spartan

Graves grietas en los fuselajes.


defensa ha confirmado que un número no revelado de los diez aviones de transporte Leonardo C-27J Spartan de la Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana han sido inmovilizados en tierra después de que se encontraron grietas por fatiga en sus empenajes.
Los aviones fueron inspeccionados tras un Boletín de Servicio de Alerta emitido por Leonardo, el fabricante italiano del fuselaje, que advertía sobre grietas por fatiga detectadas alrededor de los puntos de fijación de las aletas y del estabilizador horizontal.

"La Real Fuerza Aérea Australiana ha iniciado inspecciones en la flota C-27J de Australia e identificado problemas similares", dijo un portavoz de Defensa. "Los aviones que presenten grietas no volarán hasta que se haya completado una evaluación de ingeniería".

La noticia sigue a un informe de Forbes en los EE. UU. de que los 14 Spartans pilotados por la Guardia Costera de los EE. UU. han sido castigados por problemas similares.

El informe dice que Leonardo ha desarrollado un plan de reparación, pero no está claro si esto también se aplicará a los aviones australianos.

Actualmente, DST Group está llevando a cabo pruebas de fatiga de una estructura C-27J en Fisherman's Bend en Melbourne, pero tampoco está claro si este programa detectó el agrietamiento.

Australia adquirió diez C-27J en el marco del Proyecto Air 8000 Fase 2 (Capacidad de transporte aéreo de campo de batalla) y el primer avión llegó a Australia en junio de 2015. A pesar de que Leonardo construyó y voló el avión ecológico en Turín, los aviones de la RAAF se compraron bajo un Acuerdo de Ventas Militares Extranjeras (FMS) con los EE.UU. Los aviones completos volaron a Waco en Texas, donde L3 los modificó para el ahora desaparecido Joint Cargo Aircraft (JCA).

A pesar de alcanzar la Capacidad Operativa Inicial (IOC) en 2016, los Spartans de la RAAF no han alcanzado la Capacidad Operativa Final (FOC) -o al menos, la FOC no se ha anunciado públicamente- y en 2021 la flota fue relegada del transporte aéreo del campo de batalla al transporte aéreo humanitario y regional. roles de asistencia. (

Grietas estructurales arruinan todos los aviones de patrulla Spartan C-27J de la Guardia Costera de EE. UU.


El agrietamiento estructural ha obligado a la Guardia Costera de EE. UU. a dejar en tierra toda su flota de 14 aviones de patrulla marítima C-27J Spartan, recortando las capacidades de vigilancia de ala fija y transporte ligero de la Guardia Costera.

Como medida de precaución, la Guardia Costera puso en tierra por primera vez su flota bimotor C-27J durante el fin de semana, después de que el fabricante del avión, el conglomerado aeroespacial italiano Leonardo, emitiera un Boletín de Servicio de Alerta ordenando a los usuarios que inspeccionaran en busca de grietas en la parte superior trasera del avión. , donde los estabilizadores horizontales y verticales del Spartan se unen al fuselaje.

Según un portavoz de la Guardia Costera, los 14 aviones C-27J del inventario "han sido inspeccionados y tienen grietas de diversos grados".

Leonardo emitió una declaración confiada el martes por la noche, diciendo que la compañía "ya ha identificado una solución de reparación en caso de que realmente se detecte un problema" y "los operadores pueden realizar dicha reparación en las instalaciones del cliente y no requiere un esfuerzo significativo". "

Leonardo continuó diciendo: "Por lo tanto, no se espera que el problema informado afecte las operaciones de aeronaves planificadas".

Desafortunadamente, el problema ya había sido detectado y ya parece estar afectando las operaciones de los aviones estadounidenses, y la Guardia Costera dijo, claramente, que su flota de C-27J “permanecerá en tierra hasta que se complete una evaluación exhaustiva y se resuelva cualquier problema”. .”

Si la inmovilización se prolonga, las consecuencias operativas para la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos probablemente resultarán significativas. El avión de patrulla de ala fija y alcance medio opera principalmente en el Pacífico, donde es un elemento fundamental para las misiones de interdicción de drogas y migrantes, respuesta a desastres y búsqueda y rescate de la Guardia Costera. (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 08, 2024, 10:38:19 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Janeiro 16, 2024, 06:16:11 pm
( (
( (
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Barlovento em Janeiro 17, 2024, 01:00:51 pm
Chequia participará en el próximo Tactical Leadership Program con sus Saab JAS-39 Gripen.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Drecas em Janeiro 23, 2024, 06:28:51 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 28, 2024, 06:33:16 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 30, 2024, 03:11:53 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Fevereiro 15, 2024, 03:26:26 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 25, 2024, 03:22:49 am

Dezasseis JF-17 block 3 para o Azerbaijão.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 10, 2024, 08:11:52 am
'Political decisions': Saab CEO says NATO rushed E-3 replacement decision in favor of E-7 Wedgetail
(8 de Março de 2024)
Citação de: Tim Martin / Breaking Defense
After losing out to Boeing on NATO's initial Allied Future Surveillance and Control (iAFSC) program to replace E-3A Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft, Saab CEO Micael Johansson voiced frustration, alleging that alliance procurement authorities rushed a quick decision in favor of the E-7 Wedgetail out of fear of the planes being delivered behind schedule.

"I didn't like that [procurement] process," Johansson told Breaking Defense in a one-on-one interview last month. "We were asked to put in our offer, and then they [the NATO Support and Procurement Agency] didn't really go into discussion with us, because they had already decided they had to go and buy Wedgetail, and they had to do it quickly because otherwise they wouldn't get capability until 2032."

He claimed that Saab could have delivered a "whole fleet" of GlobalEye AWACS aircraft, derived from Bombardier Global 6000 business jets, "way before" Boeing's E-7 schedule.

The alliance selected the E-7, which is based on 737 Next Generation commercial airliners, in November, opting to acquire six aircraft, the first of which the alliance said will be "ready for operational duty in 2031." Additional airframes, however, could be eventually purchased to replace the full E-3A fleet of 14 planes, expected to retire in 2035.


Boeing referred Breaking Defense to NATO for comment for this report.

The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) "closely assessed the RFI/P&A [price and availability] responses as well as capabilities of firms identified on NSPA Source File and through defence industry research, including comparable acquisition in US and UK," said a NSPA spokesperson in a statement today. "It was assessed that Boeing E-7A AEW&C (Wedgetail) is the only known military-off-the-shelf/non-developmental system currently capable of fulfilling the strategic commands' essential operational requirements and key performance parameters and available for delivery within the timeframe required. Initial Operational Capability (IOC) is planned for 2031."

The spokesperson also identified six key performance parameters that were "particularly important" to assessing competitor offers: Aircraft endurance and capacity with a focus on mission duration, crew size, number of operator workstations and crew rest, mission systems (uniform display size and resolution), surveillance coverage, growth capacity aligned to size weight and power issues, design and deliver risks and survivability.

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 10, 2024, 08:23:30 am
A Coreia do Sul vai retomar o desenvolvimento do FA-50 mono-lugar:


KAI announces major investment in autonomous drones and single-seat FA-50 fighter.
(10 de Março de 2024)
Citação de: alert5
KAI's board meeting on March 8th greenlit a total investment of approximately $69.7 million. A substantial portion will be directed towards the initial phase of AAV development. This initial phase will focus on creating prototype models and implementing distributed electrical propulsion systems.

The investment underscores KAI's recognition of the growing global demand for AAVs, particularly in light of the recent effectiveness showcased by unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) in various conflicts. KAI aims for commercialization of both military and civilian AAVs by 2030, with an ambitious sales target of 23,000 units by 2050.

The remaining approximately $27 million will be allocated for developing the single-seat version of the FA-50 fighter jet. This project targets the global multi-role fighter jet market.

The FA-50, derived from South Korea's TA-50 supersonic trainer aircraft and developed in collaboration with Lockheed Martin, offers several advantages. Similarities to the F-16 in terms of size, flight characteristics, and controls allow for minimal pilot retraining when transitioning from the F-16 to the FA-50. Furthermore, with 138 double-seater FA-50 jets exported as of February 2024, there is a readily identifiable global demand for a single-seat variant.

KAI estimates the global demand for single-seat multi-role fighter jets to be around 450 units. They aim to capture a significant share of this market with a sales target exceeding 300 units, achieving a market share of over 50%.
Fonte: ( (

KAI advances with the development of the single-seat version of the FA-50
(8 de Março de 2024)
Citação de: Gastón Dubois / Aviacionline
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (KAI) unveiled a new investment plan to develop a single-seat version of the FA-50 to meet future market demands for light combat aircrafts.

According to The Korean Economic Daily, KAI reported that its board of directors plans to invest 35.6 billion won (about US$26.5 million) in the development of a single-seat version of the FA-50 (the F-50?) to meet the growing demand for this model in the global market for light multi-role combat aircraft, also with the intention of creating new markets by expanding its product portfolio.


"Our goal is to increase investments in future business to dominate the future aerospace industry," said Kang Goo-young, CEO of KAI.

The single-seat FA-50 is expected to diversify KAI's business opportunities by offering a lightweight, cost-effective fighter aircraft with a longer range and better overall multirole mission capabilities over the two-seat version, meeting customers' needs through various options.

The Korean company's goal is to achieve the "light combat aircraft market" share of more than 50 percent, which would translate into a theoretical production of around 450 units, including overseas exports and domestic orders.

Unmanned FA-50

Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Get_It em Março 13, 2024, 09:54:22 am
KAI to develop single-seat version of FA-50
(12 de Março de 2024)
Citação de: Scramble
Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) plans to capture over 50% of the global single-seat light fighter market by developing a single-seat version of its FA-50 light combat aircraft. The recent sales of FA-50s to Poland and Malaysia have prompted the revival of earlier plans for a single-seat version. These plans were initially abandoned in favor of the KF-21 development.

The single-seater, designated as the F-50, will be offered to nations that still operate older aircraft models such as F-5, A-37, A-4, older MiG, and Sukhoi models. To meet the requirements of these nations, the F-50 will be tailor-made according to their specific needs.

To reduce costs, the F-50 will retain its current canopy and overall appearance. Special emphasis will be given to increasing its range by replacing the back seat with a large fuel tank and enabling air-to-air refueling. The start of the project is expected to begin this year, with development planned for completion by 2028.

KAI expects total sales to be upwards of 300 aircraft, with the first country targeted for sales being Malaysia. With that country already acquiring the FA-50, KAI hopes the Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM, Malaysian Air Force) will also consider the F-50 (or KF-21) as a replacement for its Su-30 Flanker and F/A-18 Hornet. At present, the Dae Han Min Guk Gong Gun (RoKAF, Republic of Korea Air Force) has not shown any interest in this FA-50 development.
Fonte: (

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: goldfinger em Março 13, 2024, 12:10:31 pm
300    C-295

The Airbus C295 medium tactical transport aircraft has reached 300 orders. 🎉
From the Pacific Ocean 🌊 to the Arabian desert 🏜️, from the tropical jungle to the Sahel and the Kazakh steppe, the C295 and its market share have become a success story for the European and Spanish aerospace industry in its almost three decades of operations.
Read the full story here: (


Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 16, 2024, 03:20:54 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 19, 2024, 02:24:56 pm
South Korean KF-21 fighter jet completes its first aerial refueling test
Defense News March 2024 Global Security army industry

On Tuesday, March 14, the KF-21, a supersonic fighter jet developed by South Korea, achieved a major step by completing its first aerial refueling test, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced. This test involved prototype number 5, which took off from the 3rd training airfield in Sacheon, South Gyeongsang Province.

South Korea KF-21 twin-seat fighter jet (Picture source: Wikimedia)

During the test, an Air Force KC-330 tanker aircraft successfully connected a refueling rod to the KF-21 to inject fuel mid-flight. The test's primary objective was to assess the impact of turbulence during aerial refueling on the KF-21 and to ensure that the procedures for connecting and disconnecting with the tanker aircraft could proceed without incident.

According to DAPA, this success is expected to significantly increase the operational radius of the KF-21 by about 50%, thereby improving its endurance and payload capacity. This, in turn, should optimize the operational performance of the aircraft, especially for long-distance missions, and enhance the combat power of the Air Force.

Noh Ji-man, the head of DAPA's Korean fighter project division, stated that further tests on the KF-21's aerial refueling capabilities at various altitudes and speeds are planned, with about 60 trials by March 2025. To date, six prototypes of the KF-21 have been built and have undergone tests assessing various capabilities, including supersonic flight and air-to-air weapon separation.

The development of the KF-21, also known as KF-X (Korean Fighter eXperimental), is a joint project between South Korea and Indonesia aimed at producing a next-generation fighter aircraft. Launched in 2015 in partnership with Indonesia, the KF-21 project aims to replace the aging F-4 and F-5 jets of the Air Force. Despite challenges, such as an investigation into an attempted theft of technological data by two Indonesian engineers and delays in Indonesia's financial contributions, which are supposed to cover 20% of the total project cost, estimated at $6.5 billion, DAPA insists that these payments must be completed by 2026.

Despite these challenges, the KF-21 has made progress in its development. Several prototypes have been built and have successfully undergone various tests, including supersonic flight tests and weapon separation tests. The KF-21 is equipped with advanced technologies such as state-of-the-art sensors, communication systems, and avionics.

The first production model of the KF-21 is scheduled to be delivered to the Air Force in the first half of 2026, marking a significant advancement for South Korea's air defense capabilities.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 22, 2024, 12:15:20 pm
Saab recebe pedido para estudos de conceito de futuro caça sueco


A Saab recebeu um pedido da Administração Sueca de Materiais de Defesa (FMV) referente a estudos conceituais para futuros sistemas de caça. O período do contrato é 2024-2025.

Isto inclui estudos conceituais de soluções tripuladas e não tripuladas em uma perspectiva sistêmica, desenvolvimento de tecnologia e demonstrações. A Saab colaborará estreitamente com a FMV, as Forças Armadas Suecas, a Agência Sueca de Pesquisa de Defesa, a GKN Aerospace e outros parceiros da indústria.


“A Saab está em uma posição forte e, tendo desenvolvido recentemente o Gripen E e o GlobalEye, temos a tecnologia avançada e o conhecimento de engenharia para levar adiante o futuro conceito de caça. Isto significa que continuaremos a fornecer soluções inovadoras para atender às futuras necessidades operacionais das Forças Armadas Suecas e de outros clientes”, afirma Lars Tossman, chefe da área de negócios Aeronáutica da Saab.

A Saab desenvolverá ainda mais colaborações com partes interessadas que trabalham com tecnologias emergentes e disruptivas, que desempenharão um papel importante nos futuros sistemas de aeronaves de combate. A Saab também explorará plataformas de inovação, incluindo a Iniciativa de Inovação em Defesa do Governo Sueco e o Acelerador de Inovação em Defesa da OTAN para o Atlântico Norte.

Os estudos de conceito incluídos neste contrato ocorrerão paralelamente à atualização do Gripen C/D da Saab e à introdução do Gripen E na Suécia e no Brasil.

Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 27, 2024, 09:05:06 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: P44 em Março 29, 2024, 10:42:33 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 31, 2024, 04:07:03 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 10, 2024, 10:08:53 am
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 17, 2024, 11:59:37 am
The russian 'Stealth' Was Fake: Research Shows no Radar-Absorbent Coating on Kh-101 Missile

Tu-95MS bomber with Kh-101 missiles under its wings / Open source illustrative photo

Out of three stealth technology components, the Kh-101 cruise missile has only one, the body geometry, but then again, sloppy and barely any effective

The russian federation did not manage to replicate the process of making radar-absorbent materials (RAM) to make their aerial vehicles less detectable for enemy surveillance systems. Ukrainian researchers from a specialized design bureau examined the coating of the Kh-101 missiles downed in Ukraine, the report on their findings was obtained by Defense Express.

The results of research show that despite russian claims, Kh-101 is not covered with a special paint that reduces reflection of radiation. This kind of paint is one of the integral components of the stealth technology, along with the peculiar "angular" form of the hull and the use of radio wave transparent materials.


Firstly, the bodies of the examined Kh-101 missiles themselves were made of aluminum alloy with some elements made of stainless steel. The share of composite materials in the body of a cruise missile is insignificant, they are used only in aerodynamic rudders and in coverings for sockets with radio systems, such as the radar altimeter and the satellite guidance receiver.


Secondly, they measured the reflection coefficient of the Kh-101 surface and proved that it in no way affects the visibility of the rocket in the radio spectrum. Thirdly, the missile body is not even intended to do so, because even if it had such properties, the walls are too thick to have an absorbing effect in the frequencies that radars operate in – 2 to 12 GHz.

In other words, all the russian stories about RAM coating on the Kh-101 body turned out to be nothing but propaganda. This, in turn, raises questions about the coating of their new Su-57 fighter.

However, an important feature is that the outlines of the Kh-101 body are actually created with the intent to minimize radar signature facilitated by the missile's low-altitude flight path. By flying low, the missile has a naturally, due to physics, reduced detection range limited by the radio horizon.

Kh-101 missile / Open source illustrative photo

Nonetheless, these findings about the Kh-101 are another example of the russian way of following the "cargo-cult" of stealth technology, which is characterized by ignoring radar-absorbing paint and radio-transparent materials and using just one, the most simple element. Although the Kh-101 missile still does not adhere to the principle thoroughly since it has its engine placed externally.
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Abril 22, 2024, 10:55:30 pm
Título: Re: Notícias (Forças Aéreas/Sistemas de Armas)
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 11, 2024, 07:30:03 pm