Serviços Secretos em Acção

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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #120 em: Agosto 12, 2021, 03:56:23 pm »

um jovem, colocou imagens de F16's portugueses num forum!! e não é que essas fotos, foram apagadas por ser consideradas "secret defense"!!

 :rir:  :lol:

Nada mudou...
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #121 em: Agosto 12, 2021, 06:39:35 pm »
Há aqui quem ainda se devem lembrar do colega que teve problemas por ter colocado aqui no fórum fotografias tiradas, a partir do lado de fora dos ENVC, a um dos primeiros NPO quando ainda estava em construção.

Também nada mudou. Continua a ser um sistema de armas altamente moderno e top secret.

« Última modificação: Agosto 12, 2021, 06:40:55 pm por Get_It »
:snip: :snip: :Tanque:
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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #122 em: Agosto 13, 2021, 10:39:08 am »
Há aqui quem ainda se devem lembrar do colega que teve problemas por ter colocado aqui no fórum fotografias tiradas, a partir do lado de fora dos ENVC, a um dos primeiros NPO quando ainda estava em construção.

Também nada mudou. Continua a ser um sistema de armas altamente moderno e top secret.


Não foi do lado de fora, ele conseguiu "infiltrar-se" nos ENVC e até tirou fotos dentro dos navios em construção. Tá bem que era só chapa, mas mesmo assim...
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #123 em: Agosto 13, 2021, 06:53:14 pm »
Não foi do lado de fora, ele conseguiu "infiltrar-se" nos ENVC e até tirou fotos dentro dos navios em construção. Tá bem que era só chapa, mas mesmo assim...
Obrigado pela correcção. Das fotografias dele já só me lembro de umas que acho que foram tiradas ao NPO com uma vedação à frente.

:snip: :snip: :Tanque:



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #124 em: Agosto 14, 2021, 07:04:05 pm »
Há aqui quem ainda se devem lembrar do colega que teve problemas por ter colocado aqui no fórum fotografias tiradas, a partir do lado de fora dos ENVC, a um dos primeiros NPO quando ainda estava em construção.

Também nada mudou. Continua a ser um sistema de armas altamente moderno e top secret.


Não foi do lado de fora, ele conseguiu "infiltrar-se" nos ENVC e até tirou fotos dentro dos navios em construção. Tá bem que era só chapa, mas mesmo assim...

Sim, era o nosso programa de destroyers, que foi por água abaixo devido a este espião....
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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #125 em: Outubro 11, 2021, 11:37:15 am »
Caso de espionagem na marinha norte-americana

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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #126 em: Outubro 11, 2021, 02:49:39 pm »
A Nuclear Engineer and his wife are arrested by the FBI for selling US Navy Submarine Reactor Data to a Foreign Country
By Ryan White -October 10, 2021

According to court documents, a US Navy nuclear engineer and his wife were charged with repeatedly attempting to pass secrets about US nuclear submarines to a foreign government in an alleged espionage scheme found by the FBI.

The investigation began when the FBI obtained a package that had been sent to another country with operational manuals, technical details, and an offer to establish a covert relationship. The package was intercepted in the other country’s mail system and sent to an FBI legal attaché. The package was containing U.S. Navy documents, a letter, and instructions for how to conduct encrypted communications with the person offering the information. The letter in the package said: “Please forward this letter to your military intelligence agency. I believe this information will be of great value to your nation. This is not a hoax.”

The FBI followed the package’s instructions and started an encrypted communication with the sender, who offered Navy secrets in exchange for $100,000 in cryptocurrency. The FBI persuaded the sender to leave information at a dead drop in exchange for cryptocurrency payments through a series of transactions. The FBI arrested Jonathan and Diana Toebbe on October 9, after he placed yet another SD card at a pre-arranged “dead drop” at the second location in West Virginia.

The secret material in question includes plans for submarines that could be beneficial to a variety of countries. Because the reactors are fueled by highly enriched uranium, which can also be converted to bomb fuel for nuclear weapons, nuclear propulsion is one of the most tightly guarded secrets in the US Navy.

The details of the incident according to US Department of Justice as follows:
Jonathan and Diana Toebbe were arrested in Jefferson County, West Virginia by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) on Saturday, October 9, 2021.  They will have their initial appearances on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, in federal court in Martinsburg, West Virginia.  For almost a year, Jonathan Toebbe, 42, aided by his wife, Diana, 45, sold information known as Restricted Data concerning the design of nuclear-powered warships to a person they believed was a representative of a foreign power.  In actuality, that person was an undercover FBI agent. The Toebbes have been charged in a criminal complaint alleging violations of the Atomic Energy Act.

“The complaint charges a plot to transmit information relating to the design of our nuclear submarines to a foreign nation,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland.  “The work of the FBI, Department of Justice prosecutors, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the Department of Energy was critical in thwarting the plot charged in the complaint and taking this first step in bringing the perpetrators to justice.”

Jonathan Toebbe is an employee of the Department of the Navy who served as a nuclear engineer and was assigned to the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, also known as Naval Reactors. He held an active national security clearance through the U.S. Department of Defense, giving him access to Restricted Data. Toebbe worked with and had access to information concerning naval nuclear propulsion including information related to military sensitive design elements, operating parameters, and performance characteristics of the reactors for nuclear-powered warships.

The complaint affidavit alleges that on April 1, 2020, Jonathan Toebbe sent a package to a foreign government, listing a return address in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, containing a sample of Restricted Data and instructions for establishing a covert relationship to purchase additional Restricted Data. The affidavit also alleges that, thereafter, Toebbe began corresponding via encrypted email with an individual whom he believed to be a representative of the foreign government. The individual was really an undercover FBI agent.  Jonathan Toebbe continued this correspondence for several months, which led to an agreement to sell Restricted Data in exchange for thousands of dollars in cryptocurrency.

On June 8, 2021, the undercover agent sent $10,000 in cryptocurrency to Jonathan Toebbe as “good faith” payment.  Shortly afterwards, on June 26, 2021, Jonathan and Diana Toebbe traveled to a location in West Virginia.  There, with Diana Toebbe acting as a lookout, Jonathan Toebbe placed an SD card concealed within half a peanut butter sandwich at a pre-arranged “dead drop” location.  After retrieving the SD card, the undercover agent sent Jonathan Toebbe a $20,000 cryptocurrency payment.  In return, Jonathan Toebbe emailed the undercover agent a decryption key for the SD Card.  A review of the SD card revealed that it contained Restricted Data related to submarine nuclear reactors.  On August 28, 2021, Jonathan Toebbe made another “dead drop” of an SD card in eastern Virginia, this time concealing the card in a chewing gum package.  After making a payment to Toebbe of $70,000 in cryptocurrency, the FBI received a decryption key for the card.  It, too, contained Restricted Data related to submarine nuclear reactors.  The FBI arrested Jonathan and Diana Toebbe on October 9, after he placed yet another SD card at a pre-arranged “dead drop” at a second location in West Virginia.
"[Os portugueses são]um povo tão dócil e tão bem amestrado que até merecia estar no Jardim Zoológico"
-Dom Januário Torgal Ferreira, Bispo das Forças Armadas



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #127 em: Outubro 31, 2021, 06:24:07 pm »



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #128 em: Março 17, 2022, 11:25:44 am »

Slovakia expels three Russian embassy staff; report of arrests for espionage

PRAGUE, March 14 (Reuters) - Slovakia has decided to expel three Russian embassy staff based on information from the secret service and they must leave the country within 72 hours, the foreign ministry said on Monday.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs... at the same time strongly urges the Embassy of the Russian Federation that their representatives perform their activities in line with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations," it said in a statement.

The ministry did not give any details.

Slovak news website said without citing its sources that police arrested at least three Slovaks - a colonel from the Defence Ministry, a member of the Slovak counterintelligence service SIS, and a person related to a news website that the government shut down this month for spreading misinformation - for suspected espionage for Russia.

A spokesman for the police declined to comment, saying police representatives would hold a news conference on the matter on Tuesday.

The country's Defence Minister, Jaroslav Nad, pasted a screenshot of the article on his Facebook page and wrote that he could confirm that military intelligence provided police with "key intelligence information, including clear evidence" related to the case, but he gave no details.

"This is only the beginning, I believe the structure has opened through nicely. And we will go further. Clearly and thoroughly," the minister wrote.

The Russian embassy in Bratislava had no immediate comment.



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #129 em: Maio 06, 2022, 12:11:55 pm »
Caso “Pegasus”: pista marroquina põe em perigo pazes entre Madrid e Rabat

As explicações do Governo de Pedro Sánchez não convencem os lesados pelo escândalo de espionagem, que insistem na exigência de demissões. Caso divide não só a coligação no poder, como o próprio PSOE. O restabelecimento da relação diplomática de Espanha com Marrocos está no centro das suspeitas



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #130 em: Outubro 06, 2022, 03:33:30 pm »
Irão publica alegadas confissões de espionagem de dois franceses




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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #131 em: Janeiro 10, 2023, 01:47:49 pm »
Ana Montes: Top spy freed in US after more than 20 years



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #132 em: Janeiro 20, 2023, 01:08:18 pm »
Dois irmãos suecos condenados por espionarem a favor da Rússia

« Última modificação: Janeiro 20, 2023, 03:14:59 pm por Lusitano89 »



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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #133 em: Fevereiro 17, 2023, 03:42:11 pm »
Britânico condenado a 13 anos por espionagem a favor da Rússia




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Re: Serviços Secretos em Acção
« Responder #134 em: Abril 26, 2023, 08:42:25 pm »
Investigação revela rede de espiões russos nas representações diplomáticas

« Última modificação: Abril 26, 2023, 08:44:42 pm por Lusitano89 »