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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #60 em: Outubro 15, 2013, 08:32:48 pm »
Pensam que a BBC nao e dada a lavagens cerebrais? Quem quer ser serio tem que mostrar os dois lados da historia.

Todos os indicios apontam para o casal: a inconsistencia nos depoimentos dos amigos dos Mccann, a conduta do casal ao longo do caso, a detecao do odor a cadaver por parte dos caes etc

Quem quer por mais uma moeda para dar mais uma volta no carrousel entretenha-se com o documentario da bbc

Quem quer uma investigacao minimamente seria fica com esta versao

Duvidas houvesse o estudo da linguagem corporal da-nos a "verdade".E tao evidente meu deus. Eles sabem bem demais
o que aconteceu a filha. Eles estao culpados da cabeca aos pes.

Agora entendo melhor o Goncalo Amaral quando falava dos amigos influentes e poderosos dos Mccann.

Este e mais um circo da corja britanica ao seu melhor estilo. A preocupacao com a imagem justifica tudo.
Cuidado com os manipuladores emocionais. Terao dito os McCann:Find the body and prove we killed her. Entao eles nao sabem que ela foi raptada?

A performance deles neste doc da BBC e de alguem confiante, alguem que sabe que esta safo.

ps- eu nao conheco o ex-inspector da PJ de lado nenhum,nem olho para estas coisas com patriotismo.

dois links sobre este caso


e uma carta (eu gosto de loiras burras americanas)


Yes, Kate,

It isn’t your breast size or weight that is causing your problems. It is you and your narcissist evaluation of the situation and your PR team’s equally stupid assessment of the situation that is making you look so bad in the public eye.

I am a criminal profiler with years of experience dealing with parents of murder victims and missing relatives. Your behavior and the behavior of your husband fall far outside or the norm for grieving parents. Now, this may be because you are just terribly narcisstic folks who had nothing to do with your child going missing (outside of neglecting your children and putting your needs to party before their needs for comfort and safety, a narcissistic behavior if I have ever seen one). You and Gerry may simply be so narcissistic you have no understanding of how other people view your behaviors and your PR team may share your narcissism so that no one on your team has a clue to normal human behavior.

But, SHUT UP! Every time you open your mouths you do more damage to yourselves. You seem guiltier by the day. Your attempt at “damage control” is so obvious and so very much a day late and a dollar short, everything you do or say seems a cover up and a transparent attempt at proving your innocence.

Let me make clear what I think is weird about what you say and do:

You choose words about Madeleine’s disappearance which make it appear you know there is no abductor and that Madeleine is dead.

Both you and Gerry state your only guilt in the matter is not being their when Madeleine “was taken.” This statement makes no sense for abduction as Madeleine could not be taken if either of you were with Maddie when an abductor would have shown up. It makes more sense in the context that Maddie died while you were not in the apartment.

Your statements and attitude about Madeleine being alive do not square with parents who really believe their daughter is in the hands of a pedophile or pedophiles who are brutally raping and torturing her daily.

Your attempts at “finding” Madeleine do not represent the manner most parents would choose if they were actively searching for a live child but appear more to be the actions of parents trying to prove after the fact of a child’s death that they “cared” (not care) about her.

Your behaviors of “keeping a normal routine” and “keeping up one’s appearance” is admirable, but extremely bizarre. I don’t know any other parents of missing children who can appear so together and cheery. When my daughter cooked our kittens by accident in the dryer, I cancelled Christmas.

Gerry’s blog creeps people out. It is too upbeat. Terrified and distraught parents of missing children are rarely able to jog and play tennis and go to park with their other kids and have a fun time. Over a long period of time, maybe, but this is usually years after the nightmare begins. Some parents never recover from the trauma and it is common for marriages to fail and the brothers and sisters to feel their parents went absent after their sibling went missing.

Your ability to sleep at night after the first five days, Kate, is beyond belief. It is the behavior of one who already knows the answer and even then, is quite a narcissistic trait. If you believed your daughter was being raped as you lay in bed at night, sleep would be very hard to come by. I guess you finally realize this and your mother is saying that NOW you can’t sleep and Madeleine comes to visit you in the night. What changed, Kate?

Your PR team coming up with an answer to every accusation, answers that are ludicrous in themselves, makes you seem awfully defensive, and, if there is no way you or Gerry had anything to do with Maddie’s disappearance, you have nothing to defend. Furthermore, if all you care about is finding Maddie, you shouldn’t be wasting your time on such silliness. After all, as Gerry said, Maddie is the only important thing, right?

So, SHUT UP, Kate. SHUT UP, GERRY. Fire your PR team as they are totally worthless. If both of you really are innocent and your think Maddie is alive, return to Portugal. Start searching for real (and it took six months to set up a hotline?). Cooperate with the police. Take the polygraphs as you have zero to hide and, with competent polygraph examiners, the questions are so simple you can’t screw them up. I will even give you the four questions that should be asked:

“Did Madeleine die while you were present?”
“Did you return to the apartment and find Madeleine dying or dead?”
“Did you move Madeleine’s body at any time?”
“Did your spouse move Madeleine’s body at any time?"

These are simple questions. The answer to all of them should be “No.” There is no ambiguity in these questions (unlike a question such as “Do you feel responsible for the disappearance of Madeleine?” which you could if you acknowledge leaving her without an adult caretaker is irresponsible; an affirmative answer to such a question would be useless to the detectives as it could falsely indicate that you had something to do with Maddie going missing when you are only feeling guilty over leaving her unattended. Also, an affirmative answer could mean you simply do not feel responsible for what happened to Maddie no matter what happened to her as a total narcissist might).

The above four questions are simple and unambiguous and even a narcissist can’t misconstrue the meaning of the questions. The answers will be a simple “Yes” or “No.” Have the polygraph session videotaped so the police will be unable to do any underhanded scare tactics or interrogation that might distort the results of the tests.

Quite frankly, Kate, you and Gerry had everything going for you as parents of a missing child if you hadn’t left your children unattended night after night to go out partying. THIS is what made people dislike you. It was to your advantage that you are both relatively attractive people because IF you had big breasts and a porky physique and were not well-heeled professionals, you would have become suspects right off the bat and you would have not had the incredible monetary support you have been blessed with nor all those kindly letters. You would have been viewed as just a pair of slobs who probably abused their children as well as neglected them and you wouldn’t have gotten the phenomenal amount of publicity worldwide concerning Maddie’s disappearance. Other parents have gone public, run campaigns, and had web sites, but your fortune with publicity and support has been unprecedented. And, you complain, Kate, that people are treating you badly because you are fit! It was being fit and professional and well-off that got you so much attention. It was you and Gerry’s fitness as parents and your peculiar behaviors that got you the negative attention.

I have a final suggestion. Ask the PJ if I can come analyze the case. My organization will send me pro bono. As a criminal profiler I can analyze the actual evidence to advise the investigators as to the best investigate strategy. I have no problem determining this crime as an abduction and finding the creep that took Madeleine if the evidence points that way. I don’t have to like you and Gerry as people to view the evidence in an impassionate and professional manner. No one should be convicted of a crime simply because of personality and because people don’t like the individual’s personality. Solid physical and circumstantial evidence must exist to the point where there is no question as to who committed the crime. I would work very diligently to assist the PJ with the evidence and the facts and do a thorough crime scene analysis that would move the case forward.

Furthermore, if you and Gerry get charged in Madeleine’s disappearance and must truly defend yourselves, my services are available to you and your lawyers. I will be more than happy to analyze the evidence and, if you are innocent, do all I can to serve in your defense.

Good luck, Kate. May the truth be brought to light soon and you and Gerry get the justice you deserve in the case of your missing daughter.

All the best,

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown



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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #61 em: Outubro 17, 2013, 12:13:43 pm »
Rapaz não sabes que eles la mostram menos as emoções,por razões culturais?
Se fossem Portugueses ficaria surpreendido sim mas neste caso não. A PJ não fez o q devia nas horas a seguir ao crime,ou seja,cortar as estrada,alem do facto de so uma hora depois ter aparecido



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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #62 em: Outubro 18, 2013, 07:33:16 pm »
Citação de: "toto"
Rapaz não sabes que eles la mostram menos as emoções,por razões culturais?
Se fossem Portugueses ficaria surpreendido sim mas neste caso não. A PJ não fez o q devia nas horas a seguir ao crime,ou seja,cortar as estrada,alem do facto de so uma hora depois ter aparecido

e verdade. eu sei disso porque vivo em inglaterra. mas posso-lhe dar varios exemplos de parentes britanicos que vieram para a comunicacao social desfazerem-se em lagrimas porque as criancas desapareceram ou morreram quando se provou depois que tinham sido eles os culpados. portanto vamos por um travao em cliches faceis. estamos a falar da perda de um filho, uma das dores mais avassaladores, nao da inglaterra ter perdido mais uma vez nos penaltis ou a seleccao de rugby da escocia ter falhado uma conversao facil. a distancia e frieza deste casal nao me espanta. ao fim ao cabo eles atiraram os filhos para um canto como se de um objecto descartavel fosse para poderem beber uns copos com os amigos. nenhum pai/mae digno desse nome trata assim as suas criancas e este comportamento da uma ideia do tipo de pessoas com quem estamos a lidar. irresponsaveis, egoistas.

nao e atirar pedra a ninguem, mas dizem as estatisticas que nestas coisas das criancas (abusos e desaparecimentos) a maior parte das respostas estao no circulo familiar/conhecidos das criancas. Portanto a primeira coisa que a PJ deveria ter feito e ter os pais debaixo de olho.

os mccann nao fizeram outra coisa que nao fosse nao colaborar com as autoridades e contratar gente importante para lhes salvar a pele.

eu nao estive la para ver mas e dito que quando a gnr chegou ao aldeamento ambos os pais tiveram a mesma forma de consternacao, joelhos no chao e a baterem com as maos. afinal eles sempre tem uma forma expressiva de manifestar a dor, tem ou nao tem? isto e suspeito, e nao e natural. ambos os pais, da mesma forma,quais arabes de cabeca perdida ? isto e encenacao, estao a esconder algo.

quando um jornalista lhes diz que foi encontrado sangue no apartamento (nao e dito de quem e o sangue, ate podia ser do anterior ocupante que se cortou com um pedaco de vidro) gerry exalta-se, tira o microfone e recusa-se a continuar. afinal o homem tem sentimentos. este gajo se fosse bem espremido abria a goela.

quando se lhe pergunta se davam calpol as criancas, ele diz que nao e qual exemplo tirado dos livros de linguagem corporal vai cocar a orelhazinha. claro que esta a mentir. o papa da kate admitiu que eles faziam isso.

quando confrontado sobre os caes especialista terem detectado odor de cadaver no carro deles e apenas no deles a melhor resposta que lhe ocorre e: perguntem aos caes. enfim um pouco de humor escoces. o que e que uma pessoa inocente responde a esta pergunta? nao ha resposta possivel. uma pessoa inocente nao tem que enfrentar esta pergunta.

nao esquecer que houve uma vizinha que veio dizer que viu a bagageira do carro dos mccann sempre aberta, dia e noite. altamente suspeito.

os sinais estao todos la para serem lidos. e preciso fazer um desenho?

sem cadaver e sempre complicado mas juntando  as pecas tudo faz sentido. na gra-bretanha houve um caso recente, april jones. nunca se chegou a encontrar o cadaver, mas o principal suspeito foi condenado e nao restam duvidas.  a equipa do goncalo amaral descobriu a verdade da mentira. uma verdade que incomoda muita gente.

se fossem juris podem dormir descansados ao acusar os mccann no envolvimento do desaparecimento da filha que tomaram a decisao correcta

para finalizar vejam estes videos ate ao fim. um cheirinho apenas. para alguns sao balelas, para quem sabe da validade destas coisas e gritante. culpados da cabeca aos pes.




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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #63 em: Outubro 24, 2013, 08:15:43 pm »
O circo de que vos falava. (ver noticia abaixo)

Nao houve entrada forcada no apartamento, nao foram encontrados outros vestigios que nao fosse dos Mccann na janela, donde supostamente ela foi levada. Os caes especialistas tambem detetaram odor a cadaver dentro do apartamento.

Ja nao sabemos fazer contas da primeira classe?

O que e que o Goncalo Amaral andou a fazer? a cacar bruxas? a contaminar provas? a hipnotizar caes?

Se os pais desta crianca nao tivessem contactos, a esta hora eles cumpriam pena e a policia britanica tinha dado os parabens a PJ.

The McCanns’ spokesman added: “Kate and Gerry don’t want to get their hopes up too much. As vezes sai-lhes a boca para a verdade.

Porque e que sera? eu se fosse pai e a minha filha tivesse desaparecida ficava muito esperancado com este breakthrough. e essa a psicologia natural nestes casos. um pai acredita sempre que o seu filho esta vivo.

Porque e que eles proprios nao acreditam?

Esta semana houve um caso duma crianca loira que esteve desaparecida e foi encontrada numa familia de ciganos.

A maddy continua por aparecer. Se quiserem respostas perguntem aos pais. Se quiserem finais felizes acreditem no pai natal.

By Martin Fricker, Tom Pettifor
Madeleine McCann: Portuguese police investigation into girl's disappearance IS to reopen
24 Oct 2013 13:16

It is believed that Portuguese police are now convinced the McCanns were not involved in their daughter’s disappearance

Police in Portugal today confirmed the search for missing Madeleine McCann IS to reopen.

Officers investigating how the three-year-old vanished in May 2007 during a family holiday in Praia da Luz closed the file in 2008.

But a team of officers in Porto have been reviewing the case and asked for permission from the country's Attorney General to reopen it.

Today a spokesman confirmed: "The Public Ministry has determined the reopening of the inquiry relating to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann following a request from the Policiia Judiciaria."

The dramatic move - first revealed by the Mirror - comes after British cold case detectives uncovered new leads and is seen as a huge boost for Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry.

The new investigations are expected to be carried out by the Policia Judiciaria police force based in the Algarve town of Portimao.

The Portuguese investigation will run in parallel with the Metropolitan Police's Operation Grange investigation.

AC Mark Rowley and DCI Andy Redwood attended a meeting with senior officers last week in Lisbon to discuss the new lines of inquiry,

The group were later joined by Kate and Gerry McCann who were briefed on the plans to apply to reopen the investigation.

AC Mark Rowley, Specialist Crime and Operations, said: "The meeting was very positive, and we and the Policia Judiciara have a shared determination to do everything possible to discover what happened to Madeleine.

"Colleagues in Portugal fully shared with us the developments in their review, and the fact that they were taking the significant step of applying for the investigation to be formally reopened.

"From the near future, MPS detectives from Operation Grange will travel regularly to Portugal under the terms of the ILOR in relation to the UK investigation.

"This is a welcome development, but both sides of the investigation are at relatively early stages, with much work remaining to be done.

"This new momentum is encouraging, but we still have a way to go, and as with all major investigations, not all lines of enquiry that look promising will yield results.

"Last week was a significant point in the investigation into Madeleine's disappearance, and I would like to thank the public across Europe for the overwhelming response to the appeals that we made here at home on Crimewatch, as well as in Germany and Holland.

"Today's development is good news. Combined with the formal re-opening of the Portuguese investigation today, and our ever closer working relationship, I believe that we have the best opportunity yet to finally understand what happened to Madeleine."

It is believed that Portuguese police are now convinced the McCanns were not involved in their daughter’s disappearance and are ready to probe the abduction theory.

A spokesman for the McCanns said last night the change of heart may be partly due to massive publicity surrounding the case, including an appeal on BBC’s ­Crimewatch and the recent discovery of a mystery blonde girl, Maria, who was found living with a gypsy family in Greece.

Scotland Yard says it has received more than 2,400 calls and emails since a number of TV programmes on Madeleine’s disappearance were broadcast across Europe.

The McCanns’ spokesman added: “Kate and Gerry don’t want to get their hopes up too much. But if the Portuguese do resume their investigation it would be a significant development and an important step forward.”

Home Secretary Theresa May, along with senior police and prosecutors, has been lobbying the Portuguese authorities to reopen their probe.

Earlier this month, police spoke of a possible breakthrough after it emerged officers were analysing data from the phone records of people who were in Praia da Luz when Madeleine vanished.

The Scotland Yard team, who began their review of the case in May 2011, have also revealed that new evidence adds further weight to claims that Madeleine’s abduction may have been pre-planned.

They say they have identified 41 “persons of interest”, including 12 Britons who were in Portugal at the time. They have also released two e-fit images of a man seen near the scene on the night Maddie was snatched.

Goncalo Amaral, head of the regional Policia Judiciaria during the initial investigation, was removed from the case and his post in October 2007 after criticising British police in a Portuguese newspaper interview.

He went on to publish a book in July 2008, making claims that were so controversial the McCanns sued him for libel – a lawsuit which is still ongoing.

Amaral was convicted of perjury in 2009 for falsifying documents in a separate case involving the disappearance of an eight-year-old Portuguese girl.




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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #64 em: Novembro 04, 2013, 08:19:16 pm »
a saga continua (ver noticia abaixo). contra o nojo a que jornalistas e policias nos querem submeter deixo (mais abaixo) um genero de documentario para perceberem melhor algumas coisas deste caso.

By David Collins
Madeleine McCann prime suspect pictured: Heroin addict who worked at hotel club
4 Nov 2013 06:03

Police are investigating the possibility that he kidnapped Maddie after being disturbed as he broke into her family’s apartment

key suspect in the abduction of Madeleine McCann was fired from the holiday complex where she vanished after police warned staff: “You can’t trust this man.”

Junkie and ex-jailbird Euclides Monteiro was sacked by the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz, Portugal, the year before the blonde three-year-old ­disappeared on May 3, 2007.

Yesterday, as the first picture of the 6ft 2in ex-waiter emerged, detectives were investigating the possibility that he kidnapped Madeleine after being disturbed as he broke into her ­family’s ­apartment.

Menteiro, known as Toni, died aged 40 in a tractor accident four years ago.

But phone records have placed him near the flats at the time she vanished. It is believed he may have been raiding guests’ rooms to feed his heroin habit.

His picture looks nothing like two e-fit images issued by Scotland Yard – but police stress they are still exploring every line of inquiry.

Nelson Rodrigues, 32, a barman and waiter at the Ocean Club for two years, worked alongside Monteiro in 2006.

He said yesterday: “On the surface he was a nice guy but there was something not right with him.

“He would turn up to work with bleary eyes, sometimes he didn’t seem like he was all there.

“And things were going missing about that time – laptops, jewellery, mobile phones, anything that was lying around.”

Mr Rodrigues said police were called after Monteiro was accused of stealing tips. He was searched, but nothing was found and he protested his innocence.

Later an officer for Portugal’s national guard took the staff to one side and warned them about Monteiro.

Mr Rodrigues recalled: “The officer told us, ‘We know him, you can’t trust that man’. They said he’d been in trouble in the past for drug offences.

“That’s the last time he worked at the Ocean Club. I never saw him again.”

Monteiro’s close friend Sergio Paulo, 44, a builder from Lagos, said: “Toni was a good guy but he became a slave to heroin. I know he would sometimes break into apartments and rob them.”

Monteiro, originally from Cape Verde islands off West Africa, was convicted of theft in 1996 but escaped deportation after a presidential pardon.

He was living in Lagos, a 15-minute drive from Praia da Luz, when Madeleine ­disappeared.

British expat, George Burke, from Liverpool, reported a possible sighting in Lagos.

He said he saw a girl “remarkably like Madeleine” being dragged along a road to Lagos marina at 6am the day after she went missing.

But Monteiro’s relatives claim police are just looking for a “scapegoat”.

His sister Paula said: “It’s ridiculous – the e-fit they released is a white man and my brother was black. He loved kids. He had a son and daughter and would never have harmed a young girl.”

Last week it was revealed Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry, are to apply under Portuguese law to become private “prosecutors”.

It may help them influence the course of the investigation and any future prosecution.




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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #65 em: Novembro 09, 2013, 06:59:31 pm »



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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #66 em: Novembro 10, 2013, 06:58:11 pm »



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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #67 em: Novembro 18, 2013, 06:57:11 pm »



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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #68 em: Novembro 29, 2013, 07:41:43 pm »
este documentario tem a duracao dum jogo de futebol.
nos dias que correm nunca e demais repetir algumas verdades




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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #69 em: Janeiro 04, 2014, 03:45:32 pm »
Dois porcos capitalistas dos nossos tempos.

"Que todo o mundo seja «Portugal», isto é, que no mundo toda a gente se comporte como têm comportado os portugueses na história"
Agostinho da Silva



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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #70 em: Fevereiro 10, 2014, 04:11:44 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #71 em: Março 12, 2014, 12:11:58 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.

Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: HSMW


Cabeça de Martelo

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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #72 em: Março 12, 2014, 06:20:47 pm »
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #73 em: Abril 10, 2014, 09:15:15 pm »
"All the world's a stage" William Shakespeare




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Re: Vários Documentários
« Responder #74 em: Abril 15, 2014, 09:50:49 pm »

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Cabeça de Martelo