Guerra Fria II

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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #45 em: Junho 15, 2015, 04:48:43 pm »

Sweden denounces Russia's 'Very Dangerous' Airspace Provocation ... n/71219618

Sweden Air Force's chief denounced yesterday provocative tactics used by Russian pilots in the Baltic region as  "very dangerous" and said Swedish Air Force countermeasures, including scrambles and sensor use, are up 50 percent in the last two years. (...) "After Crimea and Ukraine, the million dollar question is 'What next'?", said Maj. Gen. Micael Byden (...) "I grew up with it, but it is unpredictable and I don't like the development, he said. (...)



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #46 em: Junho 15, 2015, 06:31:25 pm »

Rusia previene oficialmente a Estados Unidos de emplazar armas junto a sus fronteras ... 58731.html ... 21888.html

El Ministerio ruso de Exteriores ha alertado hoy a Washington de emplazar armas pesadas en Europa del Este para no torpedear el fundamento de las relaciones entre Rusia y la OTAN.

La nota dice que aumenta el riesgo de que la estrategia militar de Estados Unidos adquiera una inercia difícil de controlar e insta a "frenar la deriva de Europa hacia un nuevo antagonismo bélico, que podría tener graves consecuencias".

En una nota publicada esta tarde se afirma que Washington "caldea la atmósfera  y fomenta fobias anti-rusas con el objetivo de utilizar el momento complejo para aumentar su presencia militar -y como resultado su presencia en Europa".

Previamente, el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia anunció el despliegue de misiles tácticos Iskander M en la provincia de Kaliningrado, lo que parece ser una respuesta ante los planes del Pentágono de enviar armamento pesado a Europa del Este, escribe este lunes Nevazisimaya Gazeta.

El despliegue de los Iskander M en Kaliningrado, enclave ruso en la región báltica, deberá finalizar antes de 2018, según el general mayor Mijáil Matvéyevski, comandante de las Tropas de Misiles y Artillería del Ejército de Tierra de Rusia, al que cita el diario.(...)

 [En septiembre próximo] en la provincia rusa de Pskov, en el noroeste del país, tendrá lugar el simulacro conjunto Cooperación 2015 de los países del Tratado de Seguridad Colectiva, integrado por Armenia, Bielorrusia, Kazajistán, Kirguistán, Rusia y Tayikistán, indica Nevazisimaya . (...)



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #47 em: Junho 16, 2015, 06:27:43 pm »



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #48 em: Junho 17, 2015, 10:44:21 am »

 :arrow:   As Vladimir Putin Talks More Missiles and Might, Costs Tell Another Story ... .html?_r=0
« Última modificação: Junho 17, 2015, 10:39:12 pm por olisipo »



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #49 em: Junho 17, 2015, 10:01:28 pm »

O Kremlin não quer entrar em uma corrida armamentista, segundo um assessor de Putin

Yuri Ushakov, assessor do presidente russo, disse hoje que a Rússia não quer entrar em uma corrida armamentista. "Rússia quer com determinados meios reagir a determinadas ameaças, mas sem ir além" acrescentou. "Nós somos contrários a qualquer corrida armamentista, pois isto fragilizaria nossa capacidade económica", completou.

De acordo com analistas,  a corrida armamentista durante a Guerra Fria, que provocou investimentos gigantescos dos Estados Unidos e da União Soviética, foi uma das causas da asfixia da URSS e do seu fim. Nos últimos cinco anos, a Rússia dobrou o orçamento militar, que hoje representa 21% do orçamento total, segundo o Instituto Gaidar, um centro de estudos independente.



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #50 em: Junho 19, 2015, 10:18:14 am »



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #51 em: Junho 20, 2015, 12:02:15 am »

Russia warns Sweden it will face military action if it joins Nato ... 31397.html

Russia would take "military countermeasures" if Sweden were to join Nato, according to the Russian ambassador.

 In an interview with Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, Viktor Tatarinsev warned against joining the Nato alluiance, saying it would be "consequences"

Decrying what he called "aggressive ppropaganda campaign", by the media,  Tatarintsev stressed that "Sweden was not a target for our armed forces".

But with a recent surge of Swedish support for joining  Nato, the ambassador said: "If it it happens it  will have consequences, that Russia will have to resort to a response of the military kind, and reorienate our troops and missiles" (...)



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #52 em: Junho 24, 2015, 07:31:04 pm »

NATO approves military upgrades to aid alliance members
● It orders an increase of the Alliance Response force from 13,000 to 40,000
● It rejects charges that it is engaging in a arms race with Moscow
[Nato] Defence Ministers on Wednesday (24 june 2015) took key decisions on strengthening the Alliance's collective defence, including by increasing the strength and capability of the Nato Response Force. (...)

Nato Defence ministers decided on air, maritime and special forces components of the enhanced Nato Response Force (NRF). The NRF will now consist of up to 40,000 personnel - a major increase of the previous level of 13,000.(...)

Allies finalized details on the six small headquarters being set up in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. (...)

"We are carefully assessing the implications of what Russia is doing, including its nuclear activities", the Secretary General said. (...) "We do not seek confrontation, and we do not want a new arms race", Mr. Stoltenberg said. (...)

He further welcomed the announcement by US Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, on the pre-positioning of equipment and enablers in Europe, calling it proof of a "truly transatlantic effort to reinforce our collective defence" (...)



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #53 em: Junho 25, 2015, 03:03:47 pm »

Russia has no aggressive plans but Army's consistent development will continue - Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russia has not aggressive plans and poses no threat to anyone in the international scene, adding that Moscow is trying to resolve all disputable issues exclusively by political means.  (...)

Putin  said at the solemn ceremony in honor of graduates of higher military educational institutions (that) on the other hand  Russia will continue to develop its Armed Forces, because the strong Army guarantees the country's sovereignty in the conditions of current risks, including at Russia's borders.(...)

Putin added that Russia's strategic nuclear forces and aerospace defence units were being actively reinforced, and the combat potential of practically all types of troops had grown significantly. In accordance with the State Armaments Program, the military arsenals are replenished with state-of-art weapons and equipment,  aircraft, submarines and surface vessels.

 Supplies of high-precision weapons, combat robots and unmanned aerial vehicles, which were displayed at the Army 2015 forum, have grown.



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #54 em: Junho 27, 2015, 08:48:56 am »

Gobierno de Moscú: acciones de la OTAN cerca de "punto de no retorno" ... 40588.html
La expansión de la OTAN en el Este de Europa bajo el pretexto de un comportamiento agresivo de Rusia pone en peligro las relaciones entre la Alianza y Moscú, se desprende de un comunicado del Ministerio ruso de Exteriores.

"La retórica hostil e hipócrita (de la OTAN) va acompañada cada vez más de argumentos militares, que evidencian la intención de hacer irreversibles los pasos de la Alianza", dice la nota al comentar los resultados de la reunión de los ministros de Defensa de la OTAN, celebrada el 24 y el 25 de junio.

 Moscú considera inadecuado el rumbo al dominio militar en Europa, que los aliados reafirmaron en la cumbre de Gales del pasado septiembre.

"Una vuelta tan obvia de Estados Unidos y sus aliados a la lógica de la Guerra Fría, susceptible de provocar una escalada de tensiones y una carrera armamentista, puede envenenar por mucho tiempo el ambiente en el continente europeo", alerta la Cancillería. (...)



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #55 em: Junho 28, 2015, 07:16:57 pm »

La OTAN no invade Rusia por temor a sus armas nucleares, dice legislador ruso ... 64678.html

La OTAN no atacará a Rusia no por su "espíritu pacífico", sino porque el país eslavo dispone de armas nucleares, opina el jefe del Comité para Asuntos Internacionales de la Duma de Estado (Cámara Baja del Parlamento ruso), Alexéi Pushkov. (...)

"En los últimos 16 años Estados Unidos y los países de la OTAN libraron guerras en Yugoslavia, Afganistán y Libia y estaban a punto de empezar (una guerra) en Síria y ¿eso se llama amor por la paz?", preguntó el legislador ruso.

Anteriormente, se comunicó que el Distrito Militar Oeste recibirá hasta finales del año en curso sistemas de defensa antiaérea Pantsir-S y las lanzaderas de misiles antiaéreos S-400 Triumf.



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #56 em: Julho 07, 2015, 02:15:54 am »
NATO’s Readiness Action Plan
3:07 - don't mess with NATO

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #57 em: Julho 16, 2015, 03:30:45 pm »

In the second quarter of 2015 Russia's Land Forces and Airborne Forces have
received more than 4,500 main weapons and military equipment pieces
Russian President Vladimir Putin has held on Thursday the single day of acceptance of military products. The country's Land Forces and Airborne Forces have received 4,500 pieces of military equipment.

According to the Defense Ministry, the overall share of modern equipment and weapons systems in the Russian Armed Forces has increased. "At the moment, this figure ranges from 30,5% to 70,7%. Thus, the advanced equipment supply criterion of 30% for 2015 defined by the 'May Decrees' of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief has been complied with",  the ministry materials say.

 "In the second quarter of 2015, the Land Forces and Airborne Forces have received more than 4,500 main weapons and military equipment pieces", according to the documents  (...)



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Re: 2ª Guerra Fria?
« Responder #58 em: Julho 25, 2015, 02:06:45 pm »
Os polacos até já estão a preparar as suas equipas de airsoft para enfrentarem os russos.  :roll:

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."



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Re: Guerra Fria II
« Responder #59 em: Fevereiro 08, 2016, 07:03:53 pm »
Russia Announces Surprise Military Drills in South

MOSCOW — Russia’s Defense Ministry announced a surprise military exercise on Monday that ordered troops garrisoned throughout the nation’s southern region to full combat readiness, a move that appeared intended to unnerve neighbors.

State television showed pilots clambering into their airplanes in snowy airfields and officers unfurling maps and speaking on telephones. The exercise began at 5 a.m.

“From that moment, we began our surprise check of the military preparedness in the southwest strategic direction,” Sergei K. Shoigu, the defense minister, said in comments carried on state television.

The military said the training was needed to test the military’s readiness to rebuff a foreign attack or help in a natural disaster in southern Russia.

The training put on alert troops in Russia’s southern military district, an area that includes the stretch of border with separatist regions in eastern Ukraine.

Military transport pilots and airborne troops elsewhere would also take part, as would sailors in the Black Sea Fleet and Caspian Sea flotilla, the Defense Ministry announcement said.

The ministry has ordered surprise maneuvers over the last three years as tensions between the East and West have worsened. The maneuvers have at times come as combat escalated in Ukraine and Syria.

The latest exercises came at the start of a week of planned talks with Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany on carrying out a peace accord in eastern Ukraine, and could strengthen Russia’s hand in those negotiations.

Also in the prelude to the talks, skirmishing along the line of control separating Russian-backed rebels and Ukrainian government forces has escalated in recent days. Ukraine’s military, for example, reported 61 artillery or sniper attacks on its positions on Sunday.

The exercises were ordered a week after Obama administration officials disclosed plans to substantially increase deployment of heavy weapons, armed vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe, in what was clearly a message to Russia.

The southern district’s armored vehicles include about 400 tanks, many of a type also commonly seen on both sides in the conflict in Ukraine, the T-72, the news portal reported.

With Russia now at odds with Turkey over the downing of a Russian warplane near the Syrian border on Nov. 24, cited a military analyst saying the air and naval maneuvers were intended to send “a little signal” to the Turks.

The air force in the southern military district, the report said, flies a range of fighter and bomber jets also flown in Syria — suggesting that they might easily be deployed there. These include the Sukhoi Su-30M Flanker, a dogfighter, and the Su-25 Frogfoot, a ground-attack jet.

In the war in Syria, where a government offensive with backing from Russia’s air force has nearly encircled the opposition-controlled districts of Aleppo, Russia has deployed forces under the designation of training.

Last summer, the Defense Ministry announced an exercise of its military air transport fleet that coincided with the airlift of about 2,000 troops to a base outside Latakia, Syria.

Russia’s military maneuvers are ramping up to levels unseen since the end of the Cold War, according to a report released last week by Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of NATO. Russia has held 18 major military exercises in the last three years.
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