;quote=298527;topic=4942.645Lendo esta noticia sobre o upgrade da BD cada vez mais me convenço que iremos ficar com as duas M que a Marinha Holandesa tem, ora vejamos:
A BD ficará pronta em 2019/20, seguindo-se a FdA que ficará pronta em 2021/22.
Se a MdG diz que estes upgrades permitirão que estejam ao serviço até 2035, nesse caso farão 41 anos de serviço quando forem abatidas, ou seja mais do mesmo.
Ora, como sabemos, MdG não fará nenhum upgrade, ou se o fizer, será mínimo nas VdG, e, estes Navios terão em 2022 a bonita idade de 31 anos e, em 2023/25, ficarão com 32/34 anos.
Refiro 2023/25, pois é a data em que a Marinha Holandesa começará a substituir as suas duas M, que, nesse ano terão 29/31 anos,
já modernizadas, e segundo se consta as nossas duas terão os mesmos upgrades, á excepção das alterações para receber os NH90, será ? mas dizia eu terão 29/31 anos, o que segundo a filosofia da nossa Marinha, terão ainda mais doze/dez anos de vida útil, ou seja estarão em situação muito semelhante ás duas BD, em 2022 quando forem modernizadas.
Concluo referindo que as duas BD quando foram adquiridas
em 2006, já com 12 anos nos custaram cerca de 120 milhões p/ Navio, se as duas M
forem compradas em 2023/25, já com 29/31 anos,
mesmo modernizadas serão muito, mais baratas, querem melhor negócio, pelos padrões Nacionais, penso que não haverá!!
estes são os meus cinco tostões para esta discussão sobre as possíveis substitutas das VdG. M-frigates
Main article: Future Surface Combatant (Koninklijke Marine)
The two multipurpose M-frigates which are still in service with the Royal Netherlands Navy are reaching the end of their life; they were designed to last until 2018/2023. Because of this the Dutch Ministry of Defence started design studies in 2013. The new frigates are again planned to fulfill a general purpose role with anti-submarine warfare as its specialty. However, since the Netherlands Royal Navy only owns six frigates in total by 2017, the new ships have to be able to perform well in all areas of the spectrum. This means that anti-air equipment also has to be present, in the form of VLS (vertical launch)-cells carrying Standard Missile 2 or ESSM-projectiles. Due to budget cuts, the replacement program was delayed and is now on schedule to deliver the first ships in 2025.
First designs[edit]
In November 2013 on a techbase in Amsterdam a 3D-printed model of one of the designs was shown to the public. The ships were going to be, just like their predicors, multipurpose-frigates with anti-submarine being the main task. This new class is going to have an integrated mast made by Thales Nederland; the ships of the Holland-class did also get this type of mast. At first this new class was to be replacing the Karel Doorman-class vessels in 2020; however, Minister of Defence Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has changed this date to 2023.[3] By 2017, it was made clear the new 'Future Surface Combatant (Koninklijke Marine)' will be developed in cooperation with the Belgian Marine Component and at least four vessels are to be built (two for the Royal Dutch Navy and two for the Belgian Marine Component), with the possibility more will be ordered as soon as the acquisition procedure reaches a more definitive phase.ços