Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea

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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #15 em: Maio 13, 2018, 01:38:10 am »
O Crotale, mesmo na sua versão NG, não é grande espiga. É tecnologia já com muitos anos em cima. Para quem gosta de material francês o MICA VL seria uma melhor escolha.

Claramente, o sistema que vamos adquirir é de curto alcance e tem a sua utilidade, mas uma defesa aérea deve ser composta de várias camadas (ou layers, como se diz na gíria anglo-saxónica). Obviamente, deixámos passar a oportunidade de adquirir sistemas Patriot a preços acessíveis — tal como os Leopard 2, os Patriot andaram a ser vendidos a preços relativamente baixos durante muitos anos por países como a Alemanha. A Espanha soube aproveitar esta oportunidade. Portugal, à altura, com os seus 20 F-16 deve ter achado que não se justificariam tais mariquices.

No actual quadro geostratégico, já não há mais Patriot baratuchos no mercado usado e nós não temos dinheiro para adquirir sistemas de longo alcance novos. Mas temos recursos suficientes para adquirir sistemas de médio alcance e devíamos adquiri-los para complementar os Stinger e o sistema cuja aquisição está em curso para o Exército.

Na categoria dos SAM de médio alcance, o meu favorito é o NASAMS 2 que tanto pode ser equipado com AMRAAM ou ESSM. É caro sem dúvida, mas é de boa qualidade e capacidade e utiliza mísseis que as nossas FFAA já operam ou irão operar no futuro próximo. É que no caso de países pobres como o nosso a questão logística é da maior importância mas, estranhamente, parece ser um aspecto que não parece preocupar muito as nossas chefias políticas e militares. O mais comum é não se comprar nada, cancelar após já se ter gasto milhões. ou quando se compra é pelo preço mais baixo e em pequenas quantidades, mesmo quando a aquisição de algo um pouco mais caro, ou em maior quantidade, pudesse levar a poupanças nos custos operacionais durante a vida do equipamento.
Talent de ne rien faire



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #16 em: Maio 13, 2018, 02:30:30 pm »
Sim o Crotale NG já não é nada de novo, mas em termos de defesa de ponto seria ainda do melhor que se pode comprar em comparação a MANPADS.
Sempre tem todos os sensores embutidos e é móvel sendo mais difícil de destruir.
Em termos de defesa aérea no geral o sistema NASAMS 2 seria indicado pois pode servir tanto de defesa de médio alcance (ESSM) como de longo alcance (AMRAAM´s), mas a configuração dos radares como o sistema se apresenta agora é no mínimo ridícula. É preciso posicionar 8 radares!?
Sendo assim penso que se torna desnecessariamente complicada a operação do sistema, existem muitas opções de radares 3D de médio e longo alcance e cortariam em muito o tempo necessário para colocar o sistema em operação.

"eight radars (AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel F1 Improved Sentinel X band 3D radar)"

E é necessário ver que a 165 milhões de $ por bateria, já não estamos a falar de trocos, por pouco mais e podia-se ir buscar um S300 - PMU2, do qual duas baterias dariam cobertura a quase todo o Portugal continental.

"S-300PMU-1 - (SA-20A): $160 million per fire unit (6 launchers, 48 missiles, command and support vehicles)"
"S-300PMU-2 - (SA-20B): $200 million per fire unit (6 launchers, 48 missiles, command and support vehicles)"

« Última modificação: Maio 13, 2018, 02:35:08 pm por Stalker79 »



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #17 em: Maio 13, 2018, 05:45:46 pm »
O que referes do NASAMS 2 é a configuração máxima permitida de 12 lançadores, cada um até uma distância máxima de 25 km do centro de controlo. Estamos, obviamente, a falar de uma aérea de muitos km2 que tem, necessariamente, que ser coberta por múltiplos radares tácticos — claro que podes simplesmente adquirir uma radar de longo alcance que custa varias centenas de milhões de dólares, mas isso tornaria o sistema mais vulnerável por depender de um único radar. É que tantos radares tácticos também conferem redundância no caso de um ataque SEAD.

Mas como se trata de um sistema modular podes adquirir baterias mais pequenas. Por exemplo, a Lituânia adquiriu duas baterias de 4 lançadores cada. Obviamente, uma configuração como esta não necessita de tantos radares Sentinel.

Mais um dado, o ESSM tem maior alcance que o AMRAMM lançado de superfície. O alcance de qualquer míssil lançado de uma aeronave é sempre superior ao do mesmo míssil quando disparado de terra, porque no primeiro caso tem a vantagem da altitude e momento da plataforma de lançamento. Um C-7 tem um alcance de 100 ou 120 km quando lançado de um caça, mas disparado de superfície deve andar pelos 20 ou 25 km. O mesmo se passa com o MICA, com alcance respectivamente de 50 km (aéreo) e 20 km (superfície). Em contrapartida, o ESSM tem um alcance (oficioso) de 50 km e o ESSM 2 de 70 km — se fossem lançados de caças, como há quem defenda, teriam um alcance provável de 150-200 km.

Mais outro detalhe importante, um sistema russo não poderia ser integrado na defesa aérea da NATO. Foi o que aconteceu aos gregos, que integraram os S300 a nível nacional mas não a nível NATO. O NASAMS não padece desse problema e o facto de utilizar Link 16, significa que pode receber e enviar informação para os Viper e os P-3 da FAP e, no futuro, para as fragatas da Marinha.
Talent de ne rien faire
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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #18 em: Maio 15, 2018, 12:39:00 pm »
Army Sends New Helicopter-Attacking Stryker to Europe - Counter Russia - 2020

The Army plans to have its first air-defense-armed Stryker prototype by 2019

By Kris Osborn - Warrior Maven

The Army is fast-tracking newly configured Stryker vehicles armed with helicopter and drone-killing weapons to counter Russia in Europe and provide more support to maneuvering Brigade Combat Teams in combat.

“We are looking for a rapid solution for the near-term fight,” Maj. Gen. John Ferarri, Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation, told Warrior Maven in an interview.

The Strykers will fire a wide range of weapons to destroy close-in air threats attacking maneuvering ground units, to potentially include Hellfire or Stinger missiles. The program, which plans to deploy its first vehicles to Europe by 2020, is part of an Army effort called short-range-air-defense - Initial Maneuver (SHORAD).

Senior leaders say the service plans to build its first Stryker SHORAD prototype by 2019 as an step toward producing 144 initial systems.

Given that counterinsurgency tactics have taken center stage during the last 15 years of ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army now recognizes a need to better protect ground combat formations against more advanced, near-peer type enemy threats - such as drones, helicopters or low-flying aircraft.

“We are looking for an end to end system that is able to detect and defeat the rotary wing fixed wing and UAS (drone) threat to the maneuvering BCT (Brigade Combat Team),” Col. Charles Worshim, Project Manager for Cruise Missile Defense Systems, told Warrior Maven in an interview.

Worshim said the Army has sent a solicitation to a group of more than 500 weapons developers, looking for missiles, guns and other weapons like a 30mm cannon able to integrate onto a Stryker vehicle.

Although drone threats have been rapidly escalating around the globe, US enemies such as the Taliban or ISIS have not presented air-attacking threats such as helicopters, aircraft or large amounts of drones. However, as the Army evaluates it strategic calculus moving forward, there is widespread recognition that the service must be better equipped to face technically sophisticated enemies.

"We atrophied air defense if you think about it. With more near-peer major combat operations threats on the horizon, the need for SHORAD and high-tier weapons like THAAD and PATRIOT comes back to the forefront. This is a key notion of maneuverable SHORAD - if you are going to maneuver you need an air defense capability able to stay up with a formation," the senior Army official told Warrior Maven in an interview.

As part of its emerging fleet of SHORAD Stryker vehicles, the Army is exploring four different weapons areas to connect with on-board sensor and fire control, Worshim said; they include Hellfire missiles, Stinger missiles, gun capabilities and 30mm cannons.

Also, it goes without saying that any kind of major enemy ground assault is likely to include long range fire, massive air support as well as closer in helicopters and drones to support an advancing mechanized attack.

As a result, ground infantry supported by armored vehicles, will need mobile air defenses to address these closer-in air threats. This is where the Stryker SHORAD comes in; infantry does not have the same fires or ground mobility as an armored Stryker, and hand held anti-aircraft weapons such as a hand-fired Stinger would not have the same defensive impact as a Hellfire or Stinger armed Stryker. In a large mechanized engagement, advancing infantry needs fortified armored support able to cross bridges and maneuver alongside foot soldiers.

Chinese or Russian helicopters and drones, for instance, are armed with rockets, missiles and small arms fire. A concept with SHORAD would be to engage and hit these kinds of threats prior to or alongside any enemy attack. SHORAD brings an armored, mobile air defense in real-time, in a way that most larger, less-mobile ground missiles can. PATRIOT missile, for instance, is better suited to hit incoming mid-range ballistic missiles and other attacking threats. While mobile, a PATRIOT might have less of an ability to support infantry by attacking fast-moving enemy helicopters and drones.

The Army is also developing a truck-mounted Multi-Mission Launcher designed to destroy drones and cruise missiles on the move in combat. The MML has already successfully fired Hellfire, AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles and other weapons as a mobile air-defense weapon. It is showing great promise in testing, fires multiple missiles, and brings something previous not there to Army forces. However, an Armed Stryker can fortify this mission - by moving faster in combat and providing additional armored vehicle support to infantry on the move in a high-threat combat environment.

The SHORAD effort has been under rapid development by the Army for several years now; last year, the service held a SHORAD “live-fire shooting demo” at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., where they fired a number of emerging platforms.

Some of the systems included in the demonstration included Israel's well-known Iron Dome air defense system, a Korean-build Hanwha Defense Systems armored vehicle air defense platform and a General Dynamics Land Systems Stryker Maneuver SHORAD Launcher.

US military officials familiar with the demonstration said the Hanwha platform used was a South Korean K30 Biho, called the Flying Tiger; it is a 30mm self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon which combines an electro-optically guided 30mm gun system with surveillance radar on a K200 chassis.

A General Dynamics Land Systems specially-armed Stryker vehicles were also among the systems which recently destroyed enemy drone targets during the demonstration at White Sands Missile Range, N.M. - according to Army officials familiar with the event.

One of the Strykers used was an infantry carrier armed with an Orbital ATK XM 81330mm 30mm cannon; this weapon can be fired from within the Stryker vehicle using a Remote Weapons Station, Army officials said.

An industry source familiar with the demonstration said Iron Dome hit its air targets but elected not to fire at surface targets, the Flying Tiger completely missed its targets, the Orbital ATK integrated gun failed to engage targets and General Dynamics Land Systems SHORAD hit all three targets out of three attempts.

Worshim emphasized that those vendors who participated in the demo will not necessarily be the technology chosen by the Army, however the event did greatly inform requirements development of the weapons systems. Also, while SHORAD has been integrated onto a Stryker, the Army only recently decided that it would be the ideal armored combat platform for the weapon.

At the same time, building similarly armed Bradleys or infantry carriers is by no means beyond the realm of the possible as the service rushes to adapt to new ground war threats.

“There could be an air and missile defense mission equipment package integrated onto other combat vehicles,” Worshim said.
7. Todos os animais são iguais mas alguns são mais iguais que os outros.




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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #19 em: Agosto 24, 2018, 12:56:36 pm »

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Portugal finalises advanced air-defence C2 system
Victor Barreira, Istanbul - Jane's International Defence Review
06 June 2018
The Portuguese Army recently completed building its SICCA3 (Sistema Integrado de Comando e Controlo para a ArtilhariaAntiaérea) air-defence integrated command-and-control (C2) system that is intended to improve Portugal’s National Air Defense System.SICCA3’s TOC and FDC modules are shown with their tactical 4x4 carriers. (Victor Barreira)
SICCA3’s TOC and FDC modules are shown with their tactical 4x4 carriers. (Victor Barreira)

The modular, transportable, and networked system is now fielded by the Air Defense Artillery Group (GAAA) located at the Air Defense Artillery Regiment No 1 in Queluz.

“We are establishing a roadmap for achieving initial operational capability [IOC and final operational capability [FOC] of the system, and taking steps to integrate it with the Portuguese Air Force’s ARS Monsanto [Air Control Centre, Recognized Air Picture Production Centre, and Sensor Fusion Post]”, Lieutenant Colonel Hélder Barreira, the GAAA’s commander, told Jane’s .

SICCA3 was designed as an automated computer-based information system to perform tasks such as aircraft surveillance, flight tracking, and communications functions, thus helping the army to plan, direct, and monitor tactical air control operations. Specifically, it enables generating and disseminating a local air picture (LAP) and receives and disseminates a recognised air picture (RAP) and common operational picture (COP). It relies on NATO’s Link 16 and Link 11b, JREAP-A/B/C, and LAAAPI data links standards, and NATO ADatP-3 and JC3IEDM BL3 message exchange formats for communications. It is also linked to the Portuguese Army’s SIC-T, SICOM, and SIC-Op networks.

SICCA3 consists of tactical operation centre (TOC) and fire detection cente (FDC) modules based on 4.260x2.450x2.438 mm shelters supplied by Teknel; two Renault Trucks Kerax 4x4 trucks; modular tents; camouflage nets; and two trailer-mounted 32 kW gensets for power. When deployed, they form an ‘air-defence and airspace cell’.

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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #20 em: Agosto 24, 2018, 02:17:22 pm »

Portugal finalises advanced air-defence C2 system
Victor Barreira, Istanbul - Jane's International Defence Review
06 June 2018
The Portuguese Army recently completed building its SICCA3 (Sistema Integrado de Comando e Controlo para a ArtilhariaAntiaérea) air-defence integrated command-and-control (C2) system that is intended to improve Portugal’s National Air Defense System.SICCA3’s TOC and FDC modules are shown with their tactical 4x4 carriers. (Victor Barreira)
SICCA3’s TOC and FDC modules are shown with their tactical 4x4 carriers. (Victor Barreira)

The modular, transportable, and networked system is now fielded by the Air Defense Artillery Group (GAAA) located at the Air Defense Artillery Regiment No 1 in Queluz.

“We are establishing a roadmap for achieving initial operational capability [IOC and final operational capability [FOC] of the system, and taking steps to integrate it with the Portuguese Air Force’s ARS Monsanto [Air Control Centre, Recognized Air Picture Production Centre, and Sensor Fusion Post]”, Lieutenant Colonel Hélder Barreira, the GAAA’s commander, told Jane’s .

SICCA3 was designed as an automated computer-based information system to perform tasks such as aircraft surveillance, flight tracking, and communications functions, thus helping the army to plan, direct, and monitor tactical air control operations. Specifically, it enables generating and disseminating a local air picture (LAP) and receives and disseminates a recognised air picture (RAP) and common operational picture (COP). It relies on NATO’s Link 16 and Link 11b, JREAP-A/B/C, and LAAAPI data links standards, and NATO ADatP-3 and JC3IEDM BL3 message exchange formats for communications. It is also linked to the Portuguese Army’s SIC-T, SICOM, and SIC-Op networks.

SICCA3 consists of tactical operation centre (TOC) and fire detection cente (FDC) modules based on 4.260x2.450x2.438 mm shelters supplied by Teknel; two Renault Trucks Kerax 4x4 trucks; modular tents; camouflage nets; and two trailer-mounted 32 kW gensets for power. When deployed, they form an ‘air-defence and airspace cell’.

Apenas incluo a foto do artigo em causa.

Quando um Povo/Governo não Respeita as Suas FFAA, Não Respeita a Sua História nem se Respeita a Si Próprio  !!



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #21 em: Agosto 24, 2018, 02:52:42 pm »

Portugal finalises advanced air-defence C2 system
Victor Barreira, Istanbul - Jane's International Defence Review
06 June 2018
The Portuguese Army recently completed building its SICCA3 (Sistema Integrado de Comando e Controlo para a ArtilhariaAntiaérea) air-defence integrated command-and-control (C2) system that is intended to improve Portugal’s National Air Defense System.SICCA3’s TOC and FDC modules are shown with their tactical 4x4 carriers. (Victor Barreira)
SICCA3’s TOC and FDC modules are shown with their tactical 4x4 carriers. (Victor Barreira)

The modular, transportable, and networked system is now fielded by the Air Defense Artillery Group (GAAA) located at the Air Defense Artillery Regiment No 1 in Queluz.

“We are establishing a roadmap for achieving initial operational capability [IOC and final operational capability [FOC] of the system, and taking steps to integrate it with the Portuguese Air Force’s ARS Monsanto [Air Control Centre, Recognized Air Picture Production Centre, and Sensor Fusion Post]”, Lieutenant Colonel Hélder Barreira, the GAAA’s commander, told Jane’s .

SICCA3 was designed as an automated computer-based information system to perform tasks such as aircraft surveillance, flight tracking, and communications functions, thus helping the army to plan, direct, and monitor tactical air control operations. Specifically, it enables generating and disseminating a local air picture (LAP) and receives and disseminates a recognised air picture (RAP) and common operational picture (COP). It relies on NATO’s Link 16 and Link 11b, JREAP-A/B/C, and LAAAPI data links standards, and NATO ADatP-3 and JC3IEDM BL3 message exchange formats for communications. It is also linked to the Portuguese Army’s SIC-T, SICOM, and SIC-Op networks.

SICCA3 consists of tactical operation centre (TOC) and fire detection cente (FDC) modules based on 4.260x2.450x2.438 mm shelters supplied by Teknel; two Renault Trucks Kerax 4x4 trucks; modular tents; camouflage nets; and two trailer-mounted 32 kW gensets for power. When deployed, they form an ‘air-defence and airspace cell’.

Apenas incluo a foto do artigo em causa.

Só nos falta o sistema anti aéreo  :G-bigun:



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #22 em: Outubro 21, 2018, 10:26:54 pm »

Para mim um dos sistemas europeus mais interessantes.

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Stalker79



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #23 em: Outubro 21, 2018, 11:41:42 pm »

Sem sombra de duviva, o SAMP/T é um sistema SAM excelente, especialmente por usar o Aster 30 Block1 NG.
Tem bom alcance e a Mach 4.5 não deve haver muito que lhe fuja.
O maior problema que vejo é o preço de cada bateria....

"SAMP/T Battery: ~$400-450 million for radar, command systems, 6 launchers, & 96 Aster 30 missiles"

« Última modificação: Outubro 21, 2018, 11:43:49 pm por HSMW »



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #24 em: Outubro 21, 2018, 11:45:12 pm »
Isso é apenas metade do valor da próxima injecção no novo banco...

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: jorgeshot1, Stalker79



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #25 em: Outubro 22, 2018, 10:26:07 am »
Isso é apenas metade do valor da próxima injecção no novo banco...

Não sei se está a falar a sério ou a brincar, mas de qualquer das maneiras informo, que de facto está uma verba de 400 milhões € para o Novo Banco no OE 2019, e alguns analistas dizem que este valor não é suficiente.



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #26 em: Novembro 04, 2018, 03:07:29 pm »
Isso é apenas metade do valor da próxima injecção no novo banco...

Não sei se está a falar a sério ou a brincar, mas de qualquer das maneiras informo, que de facto está uma verba de 400 milhões € para o Novo Banco no OE 2019, e alguns analistas dizem que este valor não é suficiente.

É mesmo a sério!
E ainda há mais....

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Stalker79



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #27 em: Novembro 04, 2018, 04:14:45 pm »
Isso é apenas metade do valor da próxima injecção no novo banco...

Não sei se está a falar a sério ou a brincar, mas de qualquer das maneiras informo, que de facto está uma verba de 400 milhões € para o Novo Banco no OE 2019, e alguns analistas dizem que este valor não é suficiente.

É mesmo a sério!
E ainda há mais....

Mais quase 900 milhões de € para a m***a dos bancos!?
ORA FO****E!!!



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #28 em: Novembro 28, 2018, 09:10:57 pm »

Em 2º lugar este.

"Tudo pela Nação, nada contra a Nação."
Os seguintes utilizadores agradeceram esta mensagem: Stalker79



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Re: Novos Sistemas de Defesa Aérea
« Responder #29 em: Dezembro 02, 2018, 04:37:22 pm »

Em 2º lugar este.

Está em 2º lugar no concurso?

Mas o NASAMS não é medio alcance ?

e o CAMM?