Forças Armadas e Sistemas de Armas => Armadas/Sistemas de Armas => Tópico iniciado por: JLRC em Novembro 29, 2004, 10:00:02 pm

Título: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: JLRC em Novembro 29, 2004, 10:00:02 pm
Commissioning of the Nuclear-Powered Missile Submarine Le Vigilant
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; issued Nov. 26, 2004)

(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by
 PARIS --- The nuclear-powered missile submarine Le Vigilant, of the Triomphant class, has been officially commissioned into the fleet.  
Third boat of the SNLE Nouvelle Generation design, Le Vigilant will replace the SSBN L’Indomptable, which will be decommissioned in 2005. Operating as part of the navy’s Force Oceanique Strategique (FOST), Le Vigilant will contribute to permanently ensuring France’s nuclear deterrence.  
With a length of 138 meters and a displacement of 14,300 metric tonnes, Le Vigilant carries 16 M45 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, which from 2010 will be gradually phased out and replaced by the M51 missiles.  
The submarine’s performance, in terms of endurance and low acoustic signature, as well as its higher submerged speed, will protect Le Vigilant against current and future detection capabilities and ensure its operational invulnerability.  
As with all French nuclear submarines, Le Vigilant will be operated by two alternating crews (called Blue and Red). Each crew consists of 110 officers, NCOs and sailors, compared to 130 in boats of the previous generation, thanks to enhanced automation. The crews are on average 27 years old, and will alternate on board to allow the boats to be at sea almost permanently.  
The fourth and final boat of the Triomphant class, Le Terrible, is due to be commissioned in 2010.  
Título: 2º PA francês
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 26, 2005, 11:25:55 pm
Launch of the Design Phase of the Second Aircraft Carrier
(Source: French Ministry of Defence; dated Jan. 24, web-posted Jan. 25, 2005)

(Issued in French only; unofficial translation by
 PARIS --- The Minister of Defence, Mrs. Michèle Alliot-Marie, has launched the design phase for the French Navy’s second aircraft carrier.  
This step marks the end of the program’s preparatory phases, during which the aircraft carrier’s main technical and operational characteristics were defined. They also validated the French President’s decision to opt for conventional, rather than nuclear, propulsion for the new ship.  
Teams from the Ministry of Defence and participating manufacturers will now undertake the ship’s detailed design, which will lead to the beginning of the production phase, presently scheduled for 2006.  
A contract for the design work, worth approximately 100 million euros, will be awarded by the defence procurement agency, DGA, to DCN and Thales Naval France, which will act as joint prime contractors. Other major manufacturers involved in the naval sector, such as Alsthom-Chantiers de l’Atlantique and EADS, will also participate in the design phase.  
In line with the strategic guidelines decided during the French-British summit meeting of November 2004, the design phase will include risk reduction and cooperative opportunity studies so as to determine, by the summer of 2005, the feasibility and the scope of cooperation between the French and British aircraft carrier programs.  
The decision to equip the French navy with a second aircraft carrier was included in the multi-year defence planning law for 2003-2008. The new ship is to be commissioned in 2014, in time to ensure the French Navy’s uninterrupted naval air capabilities when the current aircraft carrier, the nuclear-powered “Charles de Gaulle,” will become unavailable due to its scheduled refuelling and refit.  
Título: 2º PA francês
Enviado por: JLRC em Janeiro 26, 2005, 11:35:48 pm
Second French Aircraft Carrier: Thales and DCN Ready for Launch of Design Phase
(Source: Thales; issued Jan. 26, 2005)
 Thales and DCN warmly welcome the 25 January announcement by the French defence minister, Michèle Alliot-Marie, concerning the launch of the design phase for France’s second aircraft carrier (PA2).  
This important step marks the end of the preparatory study phase, in which Thales and DCN have been closely involved.  
The current studies, which began in June 2004 and will be completed this summer, include risk reduction studies and an evaluation of opportunities for cooperation between the British and French aircraft carrier programmes. Once these studies have been completed, the final design definition phase will begin.  
In June 2004, Thales and DCN announced their decision to combine their strengths and set up an integrated Prime Contract Office to jointly lead the future French aircraft carrier programme. A jointly owned company will assume the role of prime contractor on this programme. This company will have a four-member board of directors, with equal representation by Thales and DCN, chaired by a DCN nominee.  
This company, which is currently being set up, will lead the PA2 programme from conception to completion and support implementation of cooperation with the United Kingdom’s future aircraft carrier programme.  
The new joint company will be 65% owned by DCN and 35% owned by Thales Naval France.  
Thales is a leading international electronics and systems group, serving defence, aerospace, security and services markets worldwide. The Group employs 62,000 people throughout the world and generated revenues of 10.6 billion euros in 2003.  
DCN — a world leader in prime contracting for fully-integrated warships — offers a vast range of high-performance products and added-value services. As a designer, builder and integrator of state-of-the-art warships, DCN offers capabilities spanning ail aspects of naval defence, from design concept to through-life support and decomrnissioning.  
Título: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: JLRC em Junho 02, 2005, 11:50:47 am
Operational Practice Firing of the Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier Self-Defence System  
(Source: Eurosam; dated May 25, issued June 1, 2005)
 On 25 May 2005, the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier conducted another operational practice firing of its SAAM-FR antimissile self-defence system.  
The purpose of this firing was to engage a high subsonic anti-ship target with a salvo of 2 Aster 15 equipped with warheads. All the objectives of this firing were achieved.  
Once again, the system demonstrated its outstanding precision, with a direct hit of the target engaged by the Aster 15 missile.  
This firing is the latest in a 100%-successful series of SAAM-FR practice firings using the Aster 15, including in particular, in 2004, a firing from the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier in December, and one firing from each of the 3 frigates in the SAWARI II programme, on 23 March, 7 September and 29 September 2004, respectively.  
Besides the SAAM-FR system (the SAAM-FR on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier is made up of a fire control system comprising the Arabal radar and SYLVER vertical launchers associated with the Aster 15 missile), Eurosam presents a family of naval systems designed to carry out different missions to meet new-generation threats:  
-- The SAAM, in its Italian configuration, SAAM-IT (SAAM-IT is made up of a fire control system comprising the EMPAR radar and SYLVER vertical launchers associated with the Aster 15 missile) has also completed its qualification programme; the “Cavour” aircraft carrier will be the first ship to be fitted with it.  
--The PAAMS (Principal Anti-Air Missile System) is made up of a fire control system comprising the EMPAR radar and SYLVER vertical launchers associated with the Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles) will be installed on the Horizon Franco-Italian frigates to provide self-protection and area defence.  
Título: Marinha francêsa sem dinheiro para combustível
Enviado por: JLRC em Outubro 18, 2006, 01:21:55 am
Afinal não é só cá, a Marine National também tem falta de combustível:


Depuis notre article du 4 juillet dernier, où nous vous révélions que la Marine nationale connaissait de gros problèmes de combustible, la situation ne semble pas s’être améliorée. Subissant le contrecoup de la hausse du prix du pétrole et le manque d’anticipation des budgets associés au poste carburant, l’état des réserves de la flotte serait toujours aussi critique, le niveau du stock de crise ayant même atteint, selon certaines sources, la zone rouge. Conséquence directe de cette situation, les navires, très sollicités cette année, risqueraient bien de voir leur activité sérieusement réduite dans les prochains mois, les entraînements et le moral des équipages faisant les frais de la pénurie de gasoil. En 2005 déjà, les crédits alloués n'avaient pu couvrir qu'entre 60 et 70% des besoins opérationnels. Cette année, la réduction des sorties en mer a empêché les bâtiments de la marine de remplir les objectifs de la loi de programmation militaire, soit 110 jours de mer par an. Si aucune rallonge budgétaire conséquente n’intervient rapidement, les problèmes devraient même se poursuivre l’année prochaine. En effet, si le projet de loi de finances 2007 constitue un léger mieux sur la question du combustible, cette hausse du poste resterait, aux dires de spécialistes, insuffisante pour reconstituer les réserves stratégiques.

450 M€ en 2007 pour les dépenses courantes

Alors que le plein d'une simple frégate du type La Fayette atteint près de 400.000 euros, les crédits alloués l'année prochaine aux dépenses de fonctionnement courantes, qui comprennent le carburant, n'atteignent que 450 M€. De même, si le ministère de la Défense consent à anticiper une dépense de 375 millions d’euros pour les opérations extérieures, cette somme ne correspond, environ, qu’à la moitié des dépenses moyennes réalisées chaque année par les armées pour les « opex ». Ironie du sort, c'est au moment où la flotte réduit la voilure qu'elle bénéficie à plein de la nouvelle politique d'entretien de ses unités. Après avoir atteint le taux de disponibilité record de 70% cette année (contre 64% en 2004), l'amélioration du maintient en condition opérationnelle (MCO) devrait porter ce chiffre à 72% en 2007.
Mer e Marine de 18-10-06
Enviado por: JoseMFernandes em Outubro 25, 2006, 09:05:26 pm
De um artigo do jornal francês 'Le Monde' de 26/10/06( na ed. impressa):


Desencadeou-se uma corrida para a industria naval de defesa a respeito dos sistemas de armas que a marinha francesa vir(i)a a dispor.Varios, ambiciosos e caros programas, entre os quais o segundo porta-aviões (PA2) é o mais emblematico, foram lançados sem que a sua realizaçao esteja garantida.
O horizonte proximo das eleiçoes presidenciais de 2007 constitui um factor de incerteza: o proximo Presidente da Republica ver-se-a obrigado a fazer economias orçamentais,  que as Forças Armadas receiam vir a ser uma das vitimas.No salão EURONAVAL, a ministra da Defesa Michéle Alliot-Marie reafirmou ( na quarta-feira 25/10) o seu apoio  ao projecto PA2, bem como aos submarinos nucleares de ataque Barracuda e o missil naval de cruzeiro SCALP.A ministra pretende por estes projectos ao abrigo das incertezas da politica.A principal inquietação diz respeito em especial ao PA2, um projecto franco-britanico (tres navios a construir, dos quais dois para a Inglaterra) em que a justificação do seu custo - mais de 2 000 milhões de euros para o navio frances-estao a ser contestados por alguns politicos e militares.
"podemos economizar um segundo porta-aviões" considera o secretário-geral do Partido Socialista,  François Hollande (por acaso também marido da principal favorita socialista a Presidente, Segoléne Royal).
Nicolas Sarkozy (o mais provavel candidato da direita) também já defendeu no passado a revisão em baixa dos créditos para a Defesa, embora um dos que lhe é próximo, lembre que uma vez chegado ao Eliseu o novo Presidente nao tarda em tomar consciência das responsabilidades estratégicas da França.

O PA2 nao tem porém a unanimidade no meio das Forças Armadas " no estado actual das coisas- diz um general- parece-me dificil de financiar.As economias esperadas nesta cooperação franco-britânica nao estarão a altura do que se esperava.O ponto de não-retorno poderia ser ultrapassado na altura do Orçamento 2008, mas essa escolha arrisca-se a ser entre um segundo porta-aviões e a supressão de outros equipamentos de que temos muita necessidade" acrescentou ele.
Clássicamente os 'marinheiros' sao favoraveis ao PA2, enquanto o Exército espreita os dividendos em matéria de equipamentos que espera poder aproveitar se o projecto for posto em causa, uma hipótese que nao desagradaria aos 'aviadores' que receiam uma diminuição de encomendas do RAFALE.

O PA2 "deve assegurar a permanência da nossa capacidade de poder" insistiu Alliot-Marie, que deseja "tornar este programa o mais irreversivel possivel".Pediu mesmo, indirectamente , aos industriais(DCN e Thales) para reduzirem as suas margens comerciais.

Também na Grã-Bretanha um debate parecido esta a desenrolar-se entre o Tesouro e o Ministro da Defesa, Gordon Brown, sucessor designado de Tony Blair, e que é favoravel a uma baixa nos créditos militares, mas isso nao quer dizer que ele esteja prestes a renunciar aos seus dois CVF (Carrier Vessel Future).
"Os ingleses lançaram o seu programa antes de nós, e irão até ao fim, asseguram no Ministério da Marinha,  porque eles estiveram sem porta-aviões durante vinte anos e sabem bem a falta que lhes fez".
Esta opinião é partilhada por peritos que pôem à frente a importância crescente da "guerra litoral" e a necessidade de poder "projectar as suas forças" sem necessidade de bases terrestres.Para esta escola de pensamento, um porta-aviões é um instrumento indispensavel para a independencia estratégica da França.


m/trad. e uma breve nota auxiliar:
PA2 (Paris e Londres assinaram em Fev/2004 um acordo de construçao de tres porta-aviões- 2 britânicos e um francês)
Barracuda- programa francês de submarinos nucleares de ataque.Seis encomendas esperadas até ao fim do ano com primeira entrega para 2016.
Enviado por: Lancero em Dezembro 22, 2006, 02:20:47 pm
Defesa:  França encomenda seis submarinos nucleares à DCN

Paris, 22 Dez (Lusa) - A ministra francesa da Defesa, MichŠle Alliot-Marie, oficializou hoje a encomenda de seis submarinos nucleares de ataque da nova geração Barracuda num montante de 7,9 mil milhões de euros, com vista a renovar a actual frota.

      A entrega dos seis submarinos, a cargo dos estaleiros navais da Direcção de Construções Navais (DCN) e do grupo nuclear Areva e ao Comissariado da Energia Atómico (todos estatais), acontecerá entre 2016 e 1017.

      Os Barracuda, embora a propulsão nuclear, serão também equipados com armas convencionais e substituirão os actuais submarinos nucleares Rubi, alguns com mais de 20 anos de serviço.

      Segundo o governo, as encomendas garantirão, até 2027, uma parte significativa da actividade das empresas fabricantes, designadamente na manutenção.

      Actualmente a DCN, que em tempos foi candidata ao fabrico dos submarinos convencionais para a marinha de guerra portuguesa, encontra- se em processo de fusão com a Thales (empresa de electrónica naval de defesa) sendo ainda responsável pela construção do segundo porta- aviões da armada francesa.
Enviado por: P44 em Março 03, 2007, 10:32:44 am
DGA Takes Delivery of BPC Tonnerre Built by DCN
(Source: DCN; issued March 1, 2007)

French defence procurement agency DGA took delivery of BPC-type force projection and command vessel Tonnerre built by naval defence group DCN. This important milestone will be followed by formal handover to the French Navy.  
On 14 February, BPC Tonnerre left Brest for Toulon where the combat system will undergo a final series of tests. Delivery to the DGA was previously scheduled to take place in May 2006. The ship was ready and all tests completed on schedule when nonconformities attributed to Chantiers de l'Atlantique (CAT) and its subcontractors were discovered in the accommodation area floors. The repairs resulted in a significant delay.  
Formal delivery means that ownership of the Tonnerre has been transferred to the DGA prior to handover to the French Navy.  
DCN designed and built the Mistral and its sister ship, the Tonnerre, as programme prime contractor to contract principal DGA. The industrial organisation adopted for this major programme enabled each contractor and subcontractor to contribute efficiently to the overall effort. CAT played a key role as designed and builder of the forward section of each ship.  
The 199 metre-long Tonnerre offers a displacement of 21,000 tonnes, a speed of 19 knots and sufficient endurance and range for global force projection. A typical payload might comprise 450 troops, 16 heavy helicopters, two hovercraft and four LCM landing craft or one-third of a mechanised regiment complete with armoured vehicles (1,000 tons).  
The design features electric propulsion using azimuth pods and high-level automation compatible with a complement of just 160. The class offers ample capacity as a hospital ship and for large-scale humanitarian evacuation missions. A high-performance communications suite makes the ship ideal as a command vessel.  
The class's exemplary capabilities and modular design ensure excellent prospects on the international market.  
Enviado por: Rui Elias em Março 05, 2007, 03:23:09 pm
Para quem pensava que os velhos Clemanceou e Foch (actual A-12 S. Paulo) eram grandes navios (e são-no):


Os dois principais navios de projecção de forças da Armada fancesa (eu consideraria o CdG e os navios de linha, nomeadamente os novos Horiozon como navios de projecção de poder) a partir de hoje, uma vez que os Orage e Oragan deverão ser desmantelados após as nóticias vinda a lume sobre a já não venda destes à Argentina, e quando é duvidoso o futuro do Foudre num horizonte de 4 ou 5 anos:

Enviado por: JLRC em Março 05, 2007, 03:50:47 pm
Citação de: "Rui Elias"
e quando é duvidoso o futuro do Foudre num horizonte de 4 ou 5 anos

Porquê duvidoso Rui? O que você sabe e que eu não sei? E porque é o futuro do Foudre duvidoso e o do Sciroco não?
Enviado por: Rui Elias em Março 05, 2007, 03:57:10 pm
Bueno, julgo saber que os Foudre poderão passar a uma espécie de reserva, lá para 2012, e nessa altura, ou serão acostados ou passarão a fazer companhis às "coloniais" Floreal, para missões  mais "civilistas" e menos eminentemente militares.
Enviado por: JLRC em Março 05, 2007, 04:24:15 pm
Não acredito nisso Rui. A França precisa de ter 4 navios anfíbios, motivo pelo qual o Orage ainda não foi desarmado, só o será depois do Tonerre estar 100% operativo, lá para o Verão. Aliás, a França recuperou o Bougainville para missões anfíbias e de apoio logístico, o que reflecte bem a necessidade que a França tem deste tipo de navios. Concluindo, a França necessita de 4/5 navios de apoio logístico permanentes, ficando futuramente com os 2 Mistral, os 2 Foudre e durante algum tempo com o Bougainville. Restam ainda os Batral, usados sobretudo no "Ultramar".
Enviado por: Rui Elias em Março 05, 2007, 04:34:56 pm
Se você o diz...   :?  :?
Enviado por: MERLIN em Março 05, 2007, 04:52:31 pm
Penso que o JLRC tem razão. O que marinha francesa tem previsto (sem falar das Horizon, das FREMM...) é por volta de 2015 ter pelo menos 4 navios anfibios (Os Mistral e os Foudre) e dois PA.
Enviado por: Rui Elias em Março 05, 2007, 04:56:22 pm

Mas manter os 2 Foudre completamente integrados na força e operacionais?

O que eu ouvi (melhor, li) seria que iriam para uma espécie de reserva, nada sobre serem abatidos o efectivo.
Enviado por: MERLIN em Março 05, 2007, 05:10:07 pm
Sim. Depois da entrada ao serviço activo dos Mistral, os Foudre vão substituir na pratica os OURAGAN e ORAGE. Um destes navios esta quase sempre em missoes ao largo do Senegal.
Enviado por: Rui Elias em Março 05, 2007, 05:18:31 pm

E está em condições de confirmar, ou não, de que o negócio dos Orage e Ouragam para a Argentina abortou?
Enviado por: MERLIN em Março 05, 2007, 05:36:46 pm
Segundo o site net-marine e o flotte de combat 2006, o OURAGAN foi vendido à Argentina, mas não o ORAGE. A venda do ORAGE à Argentina é que não foi avante.
Enviado por: lepanto em Março 06, 2007, 11:01:42 pm
El BPC Mistral volverá de nuevo a Brest a principios de junio. Después del ejercicio anfibio Skreo con el ejército de Tierra, que se desarrollará frente a la costa de la Charente, el BPC volverá a su astillero de construcción como su gemelo Tonnerre, para reparar defectos de la cubierta en la zona de proa, obra que inicialmente fueron realizados en los astilleros de Saint-Nazaire. Las cubiertas tienen un problema con una pasta de cemento que se le había aplicado, y que apareció durante una travesía de larga duración la primavera pasada. Inicialmente el Mistral estaba menos afectado que el tonnerre, pero la utilización intensiva del buque desde su entrega hace un año sobretodo en el verano durante la operación Baliste en el Líbano, no permitió arreglar el estado de la cubierta. Por lo tanto, la obra, prevista para durar alrededor de cuatro meses, según algunas fuentes, en realidad puede extenderse sobre 27 semanas. El tiempo asignado para los trabajos es objeto de negociaciones entre la Marina nacional y DCN, encargada de la obra del programa BPC.

Cuando el segundo buque este reparado, se espera conflicto, pues la ex dirección de Construcciones Navales deberá demandar a Alstom, en la época propietario de los Astilleros del Atlántico, que a su vez demandará a su antiguo subcontratista, responsable de la instalación de las cubiertas. Además del coste de las reparaciones, que asciende a varios millones de euros, DCN prevé reclamar daños y perjuicios por la pérdida de imagen sufrida en este asunto. Los problemas de cubierta del Tonnerre, suponen un retraso de 8 meses en la entrega del buque.
Enviado por: lepanto em Março 07, 2007, 09:46:07 pm
En todos os lados cocen fabas, despois dos problemas de posta a punto do sistema de combate e os problemas nos arbores de eixes, aparecidos nas primeiras probas de mar, detectanse inicios de corrosión na fragata Forbin. Esperabase que o asteleiro a entregase no 2008,  e repiten de novo as probas de mar no Atlántico. O eixo da banda de estribor sufriu danos nas primeiras probas de mar, cando o buque navegou a plena potenza rozando os 31 nos. A sua volta a Lorient, sustituiranse algunhas partes o seu paso polo dique seco. Ademais deste problema de propulsión, unha comisión da Marine National e dos asteleiros efectuou unha visita o buque en xaneiro, para evaluar un principio de corrosión xa que presenta "zonas muy corroídas, sen explicación", que nunca deberianse atopar nun navio novo. De outra banda os voceios da DCN, din ca presencia de oxido sobre o buque non ten nada de catastrófico: "É totalmente normal para un navio que fai as suas primeiras probas de mar." Tratase do que chaman zonas sucias, e ademais de forma superficial, sen que a corrosión sexa tal cos resultados ou a calidade da fragata poñase en duda. Os traballos faranse en 12 ou 15 meses.

Pensase que tras isto pode estar un fenómeno de corrosión galvánica, pero ante "a amplitude do fenómeno", a reparación inmediata da fragata terá un impacto importante no calendario, retrasando a entrega en varios meses. A cabeza de serie do programa Horizont xa leva un retraso de ano e medio, o asteleiro ten previstas varias solucions para cando se reinicien os traballos de soldadura, e cales "zonas van modificarse completamente e que chapas cambiaranse." Se supon que este traballo realizarase dentro de 12 a 15 meses, destacando que " rehabilitaranse todas as zonas en cuestión antes da entrega". Ainda que os puntos mais críticos deberanse de tratar nas próximas semans. O conxunto das partes corroídas, radiografiarase e exercerase unha vixilancia unha vixiancia continua, estas actuacions se supon que beneficiaran á segunda fragata, la Chevalier Paul, botada en xullo pasado.
Enviado por: MERLIN em Março 09, 2007, 01:40:51 pm
Afinal a Argentina também desistiu da compra do Ouragan. O Orage (que sera desactivado no fim do ano) e o Ouragan vão para a sucata (
a não ser que apareça outra potencial cliente).

Enviado por: Rui Elias em Março 09, 2007, 02:07:22 pm
O que eu li, no ALIDE, foi que essa desistência se devia a que esses 2 navios tinham muito amianto, como o CV Clemanceou.

Ou então os argentnos não têm dinheiro, e arranjaram essa desculpa, à espera que a economia desse país lhes permita comprar coisa mais nova.

Afinal tratam-se de navios já dos anos 60.

Para isso, mais valia fazerem como a Índia, e tentarem junto dos EUA um Austin.
Enviado por: luis filipe silva em Março 09, 2007, 02:45:35 pm
Rui Elias escreveu:
Afinal tratam-se de navios já dos anos 60.

Para isso, mais valia fazerem como a Índia, e tentarem junto dos EUA um Austin.

Que têm mais amianto ainda, e veeeelhooos.
Enviado por: ricardonunes em Março 27, 2007, 03:12:07 pm
French Military Invest in Maritime Defence

23 March 2007 11:18

The French military has awarded a $9m contract to American firm Orbital Sciences Corp for the development of a maritime defence target rocket.

It is the first time that the Chandler wing of Orbital has sold the GQM-163A supersonic sea-skimming target vehicle to a foreign government.

The rocket replicates aerial threats targeting boats. The land-launched missile flies to 2,000ft, then dips back to the water surface, flying at Mach 2 about 15ft above the surface. The price includes support equipment, parts, technical data and additional support to the French navy. Additional rockets will cost about two-thirds the price.

Orbital uses its Chandler plant to build the majority of its rockets, including those used in the American Department of Defence missile defence program and many for NASA's space satellite program. The company employs more than 1,000 workers at the Chandler plant, which accounts for about 40% of the company's business.

Orbital overcame competition from the Boeing Co. and Lockheed Martin to land the contract.

Fonte (http://http)
Título: Forbin
Enviado por: tsahal em Março 27, 2007, 04:02:52 pm
A FORBIN da Marinha Francesa apesar de alguns problemas iniciais não deixa de ser um navio impressionante no que respeita a sua capacidade de poder de fogo, capacidades e aos diversos sistemas com os quais está a ser dotada.

Em Outubro de 2006, tive a oportunidade de visitar o interior do navio e pude constatar o alto nivel de automatização do navio, medidas de segurança  levadas ao extremo no que toca ao ordenameento do interior e dos equipamentos e ainda instalações que são proximas de um hotel de 3 estrelas.
Enviado por: MERLIN em Março 29, 2007, 12:59:14 pm
Alias, a marinha francesa adoptou a terminologia fragata mas a Forbin e a Chevalier Paul parecem ser verdadeiros DDG.
Título: Forbin.
Enviado por: tsahal em Março 29, 2007, 08:21:21 pm
Sem duvida alguma, as HORIZON tem uma capacidade de poder de fogo superior a um navio do tipo fragata. Inclusive, o aspecto do navio lembra mais um ``destroyer´´ do que uma fragata. Até colocava aqui uma das fotografias que tirei mas não sei como fazer.

Alto! Ainda posso ser alvo da DGSE!
Título: Re: Forbin.
Enviado por: old em Março 30, 2007, 10:37:57 am
Citação de: "tsahal"
Sem duvida alguma, as HORIZON tem uma capacidade de poder de fogo superior a um navio do tipo fragata. Inclusive, o aspecto do navio lembra mais um ``destroyer´´ do que uma fragata. Até colocava aqui uma das fotografias que tirei mas não sei como fazer.

Alto! Ainda posso ser alvo da DGSE!

El problema es que hoy en dia ningun pais bautiza a sus barcos con el nombre de "destructor" ya que es politicamente incorrecto y dentro del termino Fragata entran barcos de todo tipo. Desde antiguos barcos con 3.000 tn y apenas armamento hasta mosntruos como las Horizon que nada tienen que ver con los primeros.
Enviado por: MERLIN em Março 30, 2007, 03:47:56 pm
A experiência adquirida com as muito incompreendidas La Fayette, é, sem duvida, uma mais valia na arquitectura das horizon e das futuras FREMM.
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 19, 2007, 02:01:56 pm
Fotos de Submarinos Franceses, muito bom...
Enviado por: SSK em Junho 28, 2007, 10:50:08 pm
França testa com sucesso mísseis para submarinos nucleares
21/06/2007 - 09:28:42

É o segundo teste com o míssil M51 feito pelo Exército francês. O primeiro foi em novembro de 2006, também com bom resultado

 A França testou hoje com sucesso o lançamento do míssil M51, que a partir de 2010 vai equipar os seus submarinos nucleares, anunciou o ministro da Defesa, Hervé Morin.

O ministro se limitou a dizer que a prova foi "perfeitamente realizada", sem dar mais informações. Seus colaboradores ressaltaram que nenhuma carga nuclear foi utilizada.

É o segundo teste com o míssil M51 feito pelo Exército francês. O primeiro foi em novembro de 2006, também com bom resultado.

A previsão do Ministério da Defesa é equipar os submarinos nucleares com esse míssil a partir de 2010. O objetivo dos testes é verificar a capacidade do armamento para sua adaptação à força de dissuasão nuclear.

Os submarinos nucleares franceses devem substituir os mísseis M45 pelos M51, que têm um alcance de 8 mil quilômetros.

Agência EFE
Enviado por: Lancero em Julho 13, 2007, 06:58:44 pm

French President Nicolas Sarkozy (R) watches the nuclear submarine 'L'inflexible' in dry dock at the Navy base of Ile Longue, Western France, 13 July 2007. L'Inflexible S616 is the sixth and last of the Redoutable class SNLE ("Sous-marin Nucléaire Lanceur d'Engins", 'Nuclear Missile-Launching Submarine') of the FOST, the submarine nuclear deterrent component of the French Navy. Its construction began on 27 March 1980. She was launched on June 23, 1982 and was commissioned on 01 April 1985. L'Inflexible uses basically the same design as the other Redoutable-class vessels, but has yet benefited from technological advances over its predecessors, because It uses the M4 missile, which carries six independent 150 kilotonne of TNT equivalent nuclear warheads. Range is reported to be "over 4500 km'. EPA/MAXPPP/CLAUDE PRIGENT FRANCE OUT
Enviado por: SSK em Julho 13, 2007, 07:09:22 pm
Apesar dos misseis M4 serem potentes ele disse mais
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Maio 03, 2008, 02:08:11 pm
Bueno,voy a intentar reactivar un poco este topic,que lleva "muerto" desde el verano del año 2007 :wink: .Y lo voy a intentar hacer con 2 videos interesantes:

1)Este primer video esta sacado de la pagina "meretmarine" y trata acerca de como es el trascurso de un dia entero en una fragata antisubmarina,concretamente, la "Latouche-Tréville".Podemos ver el funcionamiento de algunos sensores,en su trabajo de dar caza a los submarinos,tales como ,por ejemplo,el uso del soñnar remolcado,y tambien podemos asistir en el video al lanzamiento de de un misil crotàle.

2)Este segundo video es sobre unos ejercicios anfibios y aeronavales que llevo a cabo la Marine National,en febrero de este año 2008,cerca de las costas de Toulon.
Enviado por: Lancero em Maio 03, 2008, 10:59:28 pm
Citação de: "AMRAAM"
2)Este segundo video es sobre unos ejercicios anfibios y aeronavales que llevo a cabo la Marine National,en febrero de este año 2008,cerca de las costas de Toulon.

Excelente vídeo :!:
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 15, 2008, 04:37:27 pm
Enviado por: AMRAAM em Maio 15, 2008, 05:09:16 pm
¡¡Gran reportaje!!Gracias P44 :lol:  :twisted:
Enviado por: luis filipe silva em Maio 15, 2008, 11:14:39 pm
P 44 escreveu:

Então e dpois? nenhuma informação a mais do que a que a Armada nos dá acerca do Megaprojecto NPO 2000/2020 !....
Enviado por: MERLIN em Maio 16, 2008, 09:03:12 am
Uma bela "maquina" sem duvida. E demorou quase menos tempo a construir do que os NPO!!! :twisted:
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 16, 2008, 01:07:02 pm
Citação de: "MERLIN"
Uma bela "maquina" sem duvida. E demorou quase menos tempo a construir do que os NPO!!! :?:  :?:  :!:
Enviado por: Sintra em Maio 16, 2008, 01:20:42 pm
Citação de: "P44"
Citação de: "MERLIN"
Uma bela "maquina" sem duvida. E demorou quase menos tempo a construir do que os NPO!!! :?:  :?:  :!:

 À velocidade que os NPO andam o Benfica ainda ganha o titulo antes de ser entregue o primeiro navio... NAAHHHHHHHH, estou a ser demasiado optimista...  :anjo:
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 16, 2008, 01:39:08 pm
Citação de: "Sintra"
Citação de: "P44"
Citação de: "MERLIN"
Uma bela "maquina" sem duvida. E demorou quase menos tempo a construir do que os NPO!!! :?:  :?:  :!:

 À velocidade que os NPO andam o Benfica ainda ganha o titulo antes de ser entregue o primeiro navio... NAAHHHHHHHH, estou a ser demasiado optimista...  :shock: andas desaparecido...tens andado a tentar empréstimos para pagares os salários aos jogadores, é???? :twisted:  :twisted:  c34x
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Setembro 08, 2008, 10:52:46 pm
Military Budget Law To Set French Priorities

The national homage paid, the hearings of three parliamentary committees and the involvement of the parliament in defense policy matters have affected the military community, Forissier said.

One recommendation of the white paper was to cut the number of new FREMM frigates to 11 from 18.

The Navy now expects to field two FREMMs as air defense ships to substitute for two Horizon ships that now will not be built, and the remaining nine will be anti-submarine warfare platforms. That does away with the planned land-attack versions of the FREMM, although the frigates will have the naval version of the Scalp cruise missile, which will give them a deep strike capability.

The smaller order means industry will have to renegotiate the overall contract as the prices agreed upon with suppliers were based on the announced buy of 18 ships, a defense industry executive said. Not only will there be fewer ships, but the deliveries are expected to be stretched out over time, he added.

The French Navy, as host for the Teissier conference, fielded the Latouche-Treville, patrol boat used for fisheries protection and a minehunter to showcase its capabilities. A conventional diesel electric submarine, used for training foreign crews, was also tied up alongside. (
Enviado por: old em Outubro 08, 2008, 09:49:01 am
Francia renuncia a las FREEM  de ataque a tierra. Solamente construiran 9 Freem y  4 Horizont. Una fuerza de escoltas de "solo" 13 unidades de primera linea para un pais como Francia. (

Europa camino del desarme.
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 08, 2008, 11:04:31 am
4 Horizon, não são só 2?

Les frégates françaises du type Horizon
n° . Nom Sur cale  Lancé En service  Port base
D620 - Forbin 16/01/2004 10/03/2005 2008 Toulon
D621 - Chevalier Paul 13/01/2005 12/07/2006 2009 Toulon (
Enviado por: Lightning em Outubro 08, 2008, 11:39:28 am
Citação de: "P44"
4 Horizon, não são só 2?

Les frégates françaises du type Horizon
n° . Nom Sur cale  Lancé En service  Port base
D620 - Forbin 16/01/2004 10/03/2005 2008 Toulon
D621 - Chevalier Paul 13/01/2005 12/07/2006 2009 Toulon (

4 no total.
2 para a Marinha Francesa.
2 para a Marinha Italiana.
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 08, 2008, 11:40:19 am
sim eu sei :)
Enviado por: Lightning em Outubro 08, 2008, 11:42:52 am
Citação de: "P44"
sim eu sei :)

Ahh já li, pois da maneira que escreveu parece que são as 4 para a França :lol: .
Enviado por: HaDeS em Dezembro 07, 2008, 08:35:30 pm
O NAe francês movido à propulsão nuclear Charles de Gaulle, terminou seu reequipamento e atualização em 1o. de dezembro de 2008. A contratada principal DCNS realizou o projeto em 15 meses, dentro do prazo estabelecido.
O principal objetivo foi reabilitar o navio e seus sistemas, realizar a revisão e o reabastecimento dos dois reatores nucleares, modernizar os sistemas de comando, controle e comunicações, e fazer modificações para acomodar novos sistemas de armamento, previstos para serem introduzidos em 2009, incluindo as aeronaves de combate Rafale F3, mísseis ASMP-A e Scalp Naval.
Os trabalhos no CDG custaram 300 milhões de euros, empregaram 2,5 milhões de homens/hora, aplicaram 40 toneladas de tinta e instalaram 80km de cabos elétricos.
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 11, 2008, 01:46:29 pm
Plano de Recuperação da Economia Francesa acelera construção de um 3º possibilidades de um 4º!!!!!!

Les futurs BPC et bâtiments logistiques de la marine construits à Saint-Nazaire ?


Enfin une bonne nouvelle pour la marine et les chantiers de Saint-Nazaire. Dans le cadre du plan de relance de l'économie lancé par le président de la République, le ministère de la Défense va disposer d'une rallonge budgétaire. Hervé Morin a indiqué que cette enveloppe pourrait permettre la commande anticipée du troisième bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC) du type Mistral (coût estimé à environ 300 millions d'euros). Les deux premières unités, les Mistral et Tonnerre, ont été coréalisés par DCNS et les Chantiers de l'Atlantique. Livrés en 2006 et 2007, ces navires ont été réalisés en deux parties. Les moitiés avant, réalisées à Saint-Nazaire en 2003 et 2004, avaient été remorquées à Brest où elles avaient été soudées aux parties arrières, assemblées par DCNS à partir de blocs produits en Pologne. Pour le troisième BPC, un tel montage ne devrait pas se reproduire, les chantiers nazairiens (aujourd'hui STX France) assurant sans doute la totalité de la construction. Cette commande permettrait de combler le trou de charge prévu à partir de la fin 2009. Si rien n'est encore acté, une notification est espérée l'an prochain pour une réalisation dans la foulée. « Nous avons commencé à travailler avec DCNS pour mettre en route ce projet et présenter une offre », explique Jacques Hardelay, directeur général de STX France, dont l'Etat a récemment pris 33% du capital. En période de crise, où les commandes de paquebots (activité principale de Saint-Nazaire) sont en sommeil, les pouvoirs publics devraient donc donner un coup de pousse à l'industriel, qui espère en parallèle voir se relancer rapidement le projet de second porte-avions. Nicolas Sarkozy avait indiqué en juin que la décision de construire, ou non, ce navire était renvoyée à 2011 ou 2012. Toutefois, si la situation à Saint-Nazaire devenait critique, on imagine mal comment le chef de l'Etat n'autoriserait pas cette commande salutaire (plusieurs années de charge assurées). Les syndicats, comme les élus locaux, inquiets de l'avenir des chantiers, appellaient d'ailleurs le gouvernement à soutenir l'activité industrielle en cette période délicate. « Ce serait intéressant de pouvoir réaliser à Saint-Nazaire ces navires militaires. Cela permettrait de combler le déficit de travail, notamment dans les bureaux d'études », estime Marie-Odile Bouillé, députée de Loire Atlantique.


Un troisième... et un quatrième BPC en jeu

Concernant le projet BPC, il convient de noter que le troisième bateau doit être suivi par un quatrième navire du même type (4 BPC sont prévus dans le nouveau modèle d'armée défini par le Livre Blanc et entériné par le projet de loi de programmation militaire). Les deux nouveaux bâtiments viendront remplacer les transports de chalands de débarquement Foudre et Sirocco, mis en service en 1990 et 1998. Afin de permettre à la marine de réaliser des économies d'échelle et de pouvoir vendre d'occasion ces TCD, la commande groupée des BPC 3 et 4 n'est d'ailleurs pas à exclure. STX pourrait, en outre, bénéficier d'éventuels contrats remportés à l'export par DCNS. Le groupe naval français cherche notamment à placer le concept du BPC en Afrique du Sud et pourquoi pas au Canada et au Portugal.
Pour mémoire, le Mistral mesure 199 mètres de long pour un déplacement de 21.500 tonnes en charge. Doté d'un centre de commandement et d'importantes infrastructures hospitalières, il peut transporter 16 hélicoptères, 450 soldats, 70 véhicules (dont 13 chars Leclerc) et 4 chalands de débarquement. Construit aux normes civiles, il est notamment équipé de cabines dérivées de celles installées sur les paquebots. C'est pourquoi la partie avant de ce bâtiment, faite à Saint-Nazaire, comprenait les « locaux vie » et l'hôpital embarqué (

aprenda sr. sócrates :!:  :!:
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 11, 2008, 03:01:46 pm
The French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle, is afloat again after undergoing a 15-month refit and upgrade. (DCNS photo)
Enviado por: MERLIN em Fevereiro 06, 2009, 02:01:26 pm
L'aéronautique navale touche ses premiers Rafale au standard F3

Rafale sur le Charles de Gaulle



L'usine Dassault d'Istres et les ateliers de Landivisiau ont livré à l'aéronautique navale ses premiers Rafale au standard F3. Mis en service au standard F2, les M14, M15 et M16 ont été « retrofités » pour pouvoir mettre en oeuvre les derniers armements et équipements prévus pour l'avion de combat (ASMP-A, Exocet AM39, pod Reco NG...) Alors qu'un quatrième avion, le M16, va sortir prochainement des ateliers, le M12, déjà mis au standard F3, est affecté au détachement du Centre d'Expérimentation Pratique de l'Aviation (CEPA) de Mont-de-Marsan. Cet appareil est, d'ailleurs, actuellement embarqué sur le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, en compagnie de 5 Rafale F2 appartenant à la flottille 12F.
Si les premiers F3 sont désormais câblés et volent au profit de la 12F, ils ne mettent pas encore en oeuvre de nouveaux équipements. La mise en service opérationnelle (MSO) du Rafale F3 devrait être prononcée en juillet prochain mais une MSO devra, ensuite, être prononcée pour chacune des capacités opérationnelles. Celle portant sur la mise en oeuvre du missile antinavire Exocet, devrait intervenir en 2011.

17 Rafale F3 dont 2 « F3 O » opérationnels à la fin de l'année

D'ici là, le retrofit des F2 va se poursuivre, l'objectif étant que la 12F dispose, en fin d'année, de 17 appareils, dont quinze F2 « retrofités ». Deux autres, les M27 et M28, seront des appareils neufs, prévus pour être livrés par Dassault Aviation en mai et novembre. Ces avions seront les premiers au standard « F3 O », qui voit le traitement d'obsolescences, notamment au niveau des calculateurs.
Quant aux 9 Rafale au standard F1 (livrés en urgence pour remplacer les Crusader retirés du service en 1997), leur sort est toujours incertain. Conservés à Landivisiau, ces appareils doivent être modernisés, mais cela coûterait très cher. Une autre piste serait à l'étude, celle d'une cession au Brésil, qui pourrait notamment les utiliser sur le Sao Paulo (ex-Foch français). Pour mémoire, c'est à bord de l'ancien porte-avions de la Marine nationale que les premiers appontages et catapultage du du prototype du Rafale avaient été réalisés. Le M01 y avait apponté pour la première fois en avril 1993
Enviado por: lepanto em Fevereiro 06, 2009, 07:34:42 pm
Cuando retornaba de una patrulla el submarino nuclear (SNLE) Le Triomphant chocó con un objeto sumergido, probablemente un contenedor, resultó dañado el domo del sonar, el incidente no provocó según la Marine nationale ningún problema en las instalaciones nucleares, entrando por sus propios medios escoltado por una fragata como es habitual.
Enviado por: MERLIN em Fevereiro 23, 2009, 04:00:39 pm
Reportagem muito interessante sobre o CdG (
Enviado por: teXou em Março 09, 2009, 07:57:23 pm
La Marine nationale va désarmer 8 bâtiments cette année


Patrouilleurs, chasseurs de mines, bâtiments de soutien... En métropole et outre-mer, la Marine nationale a prévu de désarmer, selon nos sources, pas moins de 8 bâtiments cette année. Vont, ainsi, être retirés du service deux des treize chasseurs de mines tripartite (CMT). Il s'agit du Persée, lancé à Lorient en 1988, et du Verseau, l'un des trois CMT rachetés à la Belgique en 1997. Le Persée est basé à Brest et le Verseau à Toulon, où il serait remplacé par la Lyre, venant de Brest. L'ex-Iris a été construit aux chantiers Béliard, à Ostende, et mis en service en 1988. La force de guerre des mines va aussi perdre le bâtiment de soutien mobile (BSM) Loire (1967), qui sera retiré après son ultime déploiement en océan Indien.
Du côté des patrouilleurs, la flotte française va débuter en 2009 le retrait des unités du type P400, déployés pour la plupart outre-mer. La Fougueuse, basée à Fort-de-France, dans les Antilles, sera le premier P400 à être retiré du service actif. Comme ses sisterships, il a été construit aux CMN, à Cherbourg, et est opérationnel depuis 1987.
Patrouilleur bien connu sur la côte atlantique, la Sterne va, elle aussi, tirer sa révérence. Construit à Lorient et mis en service il y a plus de 28 ans, le patrouilleur de service public (PSP) est dévolu à la police des pêches dans la zone économique exclusive.
Dans le domaine des unités logistiques, outre la Loire, le bâtiment atelier polyvalent (BAP) Jules Verne (1976) a réalisé sa dernière sortie en mer le mois dernier, avant de revenir à quai à Toulon, où il sera prochainement désarmé.
Toujours dans le Var, la marine a aussi prévu de désarmer cette année le bâtiment de soutien (BSR) de région Chevreuil, mis en service en 1977.
Enfin, à Lanvéoc, la Chimère, l'un des deux bâtiments d'instruction à la manoeuvre de l'Ecole navale, sera mise en retraite. Deux nouveaux BIM seront commandés dans les prochaines semaines pour remplacer la Chimère et le Farfadet. En revanche, aucun remplaçant n'est encore programmé pour les autres navires.

Certos navios ainda poderiam ser úteis para a nossa marinha.
Ajudaria a esperar pelos NPO's, patrulheiros, etc ...  f2x2x
Enviado por: pedro em Março 09, 2009, 09:50:45 pm
texou se pode adicionar fotos dos navios?
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Março 09, 2009, 10:05:39 pm
Citação de: "pedro"
texou se pode adicionar fotos dos navios?

Basta seguir a ligação... (
Enviado por: pedro em Março 10, 2009, 02:10:51 pm
Enviado por: ShadIntel em Março 13, 2009, 07:39:07 pm
A poucas semanas de ser declarado operacional, depois de ano e meio de revisão, o porta-aviões Charles de Gaulle mais uma vez com problemas...

Le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle immobilisé jusqu'à "plusieurs mois"

PARIS (AFP) — Le porte-avions nucléaire Charles de Gaulle devra être immobilisé "entre plusieurs semaines et plusieurs mois" à la suite de la découverte d'une usure "anormale" de pièces sur les arbres de transmission du système de propulsion, a indiqué la Marine vendredi.

Le "programme d'activité à la mer" du navire a été suspendu après "le constat de l'usure anormale de deux pièces mécaniques d'entraînement des lignes d'arbres", a indiqué le service de communication de la Marine dans un communiqué, confirmant les informations du blog "secret défense" du quotidien Libération.

L'anomalie a été détectée en raison de "vibrations élevées dans le compartiment de propulsion" et "après examen, deux pièces d'accouplement reliant deux des quatre turbines du Charles De Gaulle à leurs lignes d'arbres se sont révélées anormalement usées".

Des "examens complémentaires" vont être réalisés et la "durée d'immobilisation pourrait durer entre plusieurs semaines et plusieurs mois", précise la Marine.

Après un an et demi de travaux pour sa première grande révision périodique, le Charles de Gaulle avait repris la mer en novembre et menait depuis un programme d'entraînement qui devait permettre de le déclarer de nouveau opérationnel à la fin du printemps.

Le navire avait connu des problèmes avec son système de propulsion avant même sa première mise en service officielle, en 2001. Une hélice s'était brisée lors d'essais en novembre 2000.
Enviado por: old em Março 14, 2009, 09:00:12 am
Mais problemas para el CdG?  :shock:

Supongo que los Franceses se habran dado cuenta de la necesidad de tener al menos dos Portaaviones para al menos asegurarse uno operativo siempre
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Portucale em Dezembro 08, 2009, 10:57:26 pm
Vídeo interessante sobre o que é um ‘navio polivalente logístico’. (

Título: Re: Marinha francesa
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Março 25, 2010, 10:51:49 pm
Porta-aviões nuclear francês visita Lisboa a partir de 30 de Março

Lisboa vai receber a partir do próximo dia 30 o porta-aviões nuclear francês Charles de Gaulle, que ficará fundeado ao largo do Tejo enquanto faz exercícios conjuntos com a Marinha e a Força Aérea portuguesas, informou a Embaixada francesa.

O Charles de Gaulle, que desloca 40 mil toneladas, é o navio bandeira da Marinha francesa e é o único porta-aviões nuclear em funcionamento fora da Marinha norte-americana.

O navio, que estará em Lisboa até 03 de abril, vem acompanhado por duas fragatas de escolta, a Forbin e a Cassard, que fazem parte do Grupo Aeronaval Francês, que participa no exercício Brillant Mariner, no Atlântico, em preparação para o comando da Força de Reação da Nato.

Com uma tripulação de 1800 homens, o Charles de Gaulle transporta cerca de 40 aviões, incluindo caças Dassault Rafale e Étendard e aviões de radar Hawkeye.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HaDeS em Outubro 18, 2010, 06:02:12 am
‘Charles de Gaulle’ quebra a caminho do Afeganistão e ficará semanas em reparos
O porta-aviões Charles de Gaulle da Marine Nationale precisará de algumas semanas de reparos no porto, antes de partir novamente para combater a pirataria no Oceano Índico e apoiar a missão da OTAN no Afeganistão, disseram os militares da Marinha no sábado.

O porta-voz da Marinha, Capitão Hugues d’Argentre, disse na quinta-feira que levaria alguns dias para realizar os reparos necessários na propulsão nuclear do Charles de Gaulle, enquanto se dirigia de volta ao seu porto de Toulon.

“Uma falha foi encontrada no isolamento de um painel elétrico no sistema de propulsão”, disse o oficial.
“Este problema de isolamento elétrico foi resolvido”, informou o serviço de informação militar Sirpa, neste sábado, mas acrescentou: “A investigação sobre o que causou a falha elétrica revelou uma disfunção numa válvula de segurança”.

Na sequência da análise, “a decisão tomada em 16 de outubro foi a de fazer uma mudança de rotina na válvula”, que levará “várias semanas”.
O Charles de Gaulle e seu grupo de batalha – duas fragatas, um submarino de ataque e um navio-tanque de reabastecimento – zarpou de Toulon na quarta-feira para passar quatro meses patrulhando o Oceano Índico, para combater a pirataria e apoiar as tropas da NATO no Afeganistão.

A França é o único país além dos Estados Unidos que opera porta-aviões nuclear capaz de lançar aeronaves de asa fixa, mas o navio tem sido flagelado com problemas técnicos desde que foi lançado em 1994.

Em novembro de 2000, o Charles de Gaulle retornou mancando ao porto, após perder um de seus hélices enormes no meio do Atlântico, e entre julho de 2007 e dezembro de 2008, foi retirado de serviço para uma grande reforma.


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Luís em Novembro 18, 2010, 02:07:33 pm
Citação de: "HaDeS"
‘Charles de Gaulle’ quebra a caminho do Afeganistão e ficará semanas em reparos
O porta-aviões Charles de Gaulle da Marine Nationale precisará de algumas semanas de reparos no porto, antes de partir novamente para combater a pirataria no Oceano Índico e apoiar a missão da OTAN no Afeganistão, disseram os militares da Marinha no sábado.

O porta-voz da Marinha, Capitão Hugues d’Argentre, disse na quinta-feira que levaria alguns dias para realizar os reparos necessários na propulsão nuclear do Charles de Gaulle, enquanto se dirigia de volta ao seu porto de Toulon.

“Uma falha foi encontrada no isolamento de um painel elétrico no sistema de propulsão”, disse o oficial.
“Este problema de isolamento elétrico foi resolvido”, informou o serviço de informação militar Sirpa, neste sábado, mas acrescentou: “A investigação sobre o que causou a falha elétrica revelou uma disfunção numa válvula de segurança”.

Na sequência da análise, “a decisão tomada em 16 de outubro foi a de fazer uma mudança de rotina na válvula”, que levará “várias semanas”.
O Charles de Gaulle e seu grupo de batalha – duas fragatas, um submarino de ataque e um navio-tanque de reabastecimento – zarpou de Toulon na quarta-feira para passar quatro meses patrulhando o Oceano Índico, para combater a pirataria e apoiar as tropas da NATO no Afeganistão.

A França é o único país além dos Estados Unidos que opera porta-aviões nuclear capaz de lançar aeronaves de asa fixa, mas o navio tem sido flagelado com problemas técnicos desde que foi lançado em 1994.

Em novembro de 2000, o Charles de Gaulle retornou mancando ao porto, após perder um de seus hélices enormes no meio do Atlântico, e entre julho de 2007 e dezembro de 2008, foi retirado de serviço para uma grande reforma.


Eu não conheço muito esse navio, mas deve ser dos melhores porta-aviões do mundo, não?
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 18, 2010, 02:13:25 pm
A nível de PA, há os da Marinha Norte-Americana e depois há todos os outros...
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Luís em Novembro 18, 2010, 02:35:09 pm
Quem mais tem os "outros"?

Espanha, França, Itália, RU...

Entre estes não será?
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Novembro 18, 2010, 02:48:09 pm
Brasil, India, Tailândia, Russia e não me estou a lembrar de mais nenhum.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Luís em Novembro 18, 2010, 03:24:36 pm
Antes da 2ª guerra mundial a marinha britânica era 3 vezes maior do que a francesa. Para não falar da diferença de qualidade. Hoje em dia já não será assim.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: teXou em Dezembro 15, 2010, 05:47:31 pm
Uma pequena visita do Mistral ou da Forbin ?

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Desertas em Dezembro 20, 2010, 12:38:39 am
Citação de: "Luís"
Citação de: "HaDeS"
‘Charles de Gaulle’ quebra a caminho do Afeganistão e ficará semanas em reparos
O porta-aviões Charles de Gaulle da Marine Nationale precisará de algumas semanas de reparos no porto, antes de partir novamente para combater a pirataria no Oceano Índico e apoiar a missão da OTAN no Afeganistão, disseram os militares da Marinha no sábado.

O porta-voz da Marinha, Capitão Hugues d’Argentre, disse na quinta-feira que levaria alguns dias para realizar os reparos necessários na propulsão nuclear do Charles de Gaulle, enquanto se dirigia de volta ao seu porto de Toulon.

“Uma falha foi encontrada no isolamento de um painel elétrico no sistema de propulsão”, disse o oficial.
“Este problema de isolamento elétrico foi resolvido”, informou o serviço de informação militar Sirpa, neste sábado, mas acrescentou: “A investigação sobre o que causou a falha elétrica revelou uma disfunção numa válvula de segurança”.

Na sequência da análise, “a decisão tomada em 16 de outubro foi a de fazer uma mudança de rotina na válvula”, que levará “várias semanas”.
O Charles de Gaulle e seu grupo de batalha – duas fragatas, um submarino de ataque e um navio-tanque de reabastecimento – zarpou de Toulon na quarta-feira para passar quatro meses patrulhando o Oceano Índico, para combater a pirataria e apoiar as tropas da NATO no Afeganistão.

A França é o único país além dos Estados Unidos que opera porta-aviões nuclear capaz de lançar aeronaves de asa fixa, mas o navio tem sido flagelado com problemas técnicos desde que foi lançado em 1994.

Em novembro de 2000, o Charles de Gaulle retornou mancando ao porto, após perder um de seus hélices enormes no meio do Atlântico, e entre julho de 2007 e dezembro de 2008, foi retirado de serviço para uma grande reforma.


Eu não conheço muito esse navio, mas deve ser dos melhores porta-aviões do mundo, não?

É impressão minha ou este navio costuma dar problemas?
Julgo que na fase de testes tiveram vários problemas com o reactor , e a entrega do mesmo foi por várias vezes adiada. Alguém poder-me-ia confirmar estes factos?
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: luis filipe silva em Dezembro 20, 2010, 01:45:10 am
desertas escreveu:
É impressão minha ou este navio costuma dar problemas?
Julgo que na fase de testes tiveram vários problemas com o reactor , e a entrega do mesmo foi por várias vezes adiada. Alguém poder-me-ia confirmar estes factos?
Aqui está quase toda a história do navio. (
Ver em historique.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Desertas em Dezembro 20, 2010, 02:01:11 am
Citação de: "luis filipe silva"
desertas escreveu:
É impressão minha ou este navio costuma dar problemas?
Julgo que na fase de testes tiveram vários problemas com o reactor , e a entrega do mesmo foi por várias vezes adiada. Alguém poder-me-ia confirmar estes factos?
Aqui está quase toda a história do navio. (
Ver em historique.

Obrigado !
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: AtInf em Dezembro 21, 2010, 11:02:07 am
Considerando o "carinho" e as "longas e cordiais" relações históricas entre a França e o RU, haverá alguém que arrisque um papite sobre o nome do terceiro PA ( aquele que vai ser partilhado entre ambos ). É que personalidades históricas comuns, e com boas recordações para ambos , hmmm.
Será que cada vez que sair com uma tripulação diferente muda o nome? :lol:
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: luis filipe silva em Dezembro 21, 2010, 11:30:43 am
Considerando o "carinho" e as "longas e cordiais" relações históricas entre a França e o RU, haverá alguém que arrisque um papite sobre o nome do terceiro PA ( aquele que vai ser partilhado entre ambos ). É que personalidades históricas comuns, e com boas recordações para ambos , hmmm.
Será que cada vez que sair com uma tripulação diferente muda o nome?
Meu caro. Está a ver mal o filme... A ser concretizada a ideia, os navios terão a sua própria nacionalidade. O Charles de Gaulle é francês, com aviões da marinha francesa, e guarnição francesa.
O mesmo sucederá com o inglês quando estiver pronto. Só as funções estratégicas serão partilhadas.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: teXou em Fevereiro 03, 2011, 08:55:16 am
France Adds New Torpedo To Submarine Arsenal

Torpedoes are potent weapons, if rarely used. Excluding the sinking of a South Korean ship last March by North Korea, the last torpedo used in combat was by the Royal Navy in the Falklands War, “and they used a torpedo from World War II,” says Marc Le Roy, director of BU ASM (Business Unit Armes Sous Marines), the underwater weapons business of French naval systems developer DCNS.

Nevertheless, France is investing in the development of a new generation of heavyweight torpedo, the F21, which will be the weapon of choice for its nuclear submarines over the next 30-40 years. “France is the latest country to develop a new heavyweight torpedo,” says Le Roy. Germany and the U.S., he adds, “have made incremental improvements to existing torpedoes, whereas with the F21 we are developing a completely up-to-date product.”

The F21 is scheduled to be operational in 2016. BU ASM plans to produce 100 of the torpedoes for the French navy’s Rubis-, Barracuda- and Le Terrible-class submarines. “Because these torpedoes are designed as part of the weapon system of nuclear submarines, they need to be extremely safe,” says Le Roy. There must be zero risk of an accidental launch or explosion. DCNS has developed an important component for safe deployment: an energy pack based on an aluminium/silver oxide electric battery that needs seawater for activation—an element unlikely to be found in the submarine.

To meet submarine safety requirements, the F21 will be launched by a technique in which it is pushed out of the boat by a piston, after which a valve in the torpedo opens and lets seawater into the battery to activate it. The battery “provides high energy density and is the best-performing [type] on the market.”

The battery is sufficiently compact that the overall length of the F21—6 meters (19.6-ft.) long with a 21-in. dia.—is compatible with legacy launchers. One problem with competitive torpedoes that are equipped with older-generation batteries is that to achieve the energy for their missions and countermeasures, they “need long batteries, which add so much to their length that they no longer fit into launchers,” Le Roy says. The torpedo must also have enough energy left once it has reached its target to attack and sink it. “We are talking about high-value targets such as aircraft carriers and frigates,” he adds.

This explains the importance of the primary battery as the energy source. The U.K., Russia, U.S. and Sweden have chosen thermal systems as their energy source. France specified this electric system “because it is safe and silent,” says Loic Beaurepaire, marketing and business development manager. “In underwater missions, silence is of the utmost importance to avoid detection by the enemy,” he remarks. “This system enables a totally silent attack.”

The F21 is digital and operates in depths of 15-500 meters, which means it can be used in littoral and blue-water operations. Beaurepaire says that in shallow waters there are “parasite” sounds that confuse torpedoes, which home in on targets acoustically. “We treat the sound signals digitally with the same up-to-date processing as in modern ship sonars, which enables us to largely overcome this difficulty.”

The new torpedo weighs 1.2 tons, has a range of 50 km. (31 mi.), speed of 50 kt., and 1-hr. endurance. It can attack multiple targets and has extended fiber-optic wire guidance. DCNS says it is resistant to most countermeasures.

The warhead contains PBX B2211, a high-impulse, high-bubble-energy, insensitive explosive that conforms to NATO’s Stanag 4439 and France’s Murat (Munitions a Risques Attenues) standards. The torpedo uses an all-electric “fuse-and-slapper” detonation technology. Primarily used in missiles, the plasma-based slapper system is more stable and safer than the conventional electro-mechanical detonation systems in most torpedoes.

The torpedo configuration can be changed from a weapon to a training device, Beaurepaire says. “We just put an exercise section on it instead of an explosive one. We can also change the primary battery, providing it with a secondary battery based on lithium-ion technology, which is reusable a great number of times.”
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Março 24, 2011, 02:51:24 am
A mesma vídeo mas de qualidade superior. ... aulle_news (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Vimara1 em Março 24, 2011, 02:55:16 pm
Video impressionante com o rafale a descolar.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Março 30, 2011, 08:56:07 pm
Manutenção no CDG

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Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 03, 2011, 11:59:05 am



DCNS floats Gowind OPV

The first DCNS Gowind-type offshore patrol vessel has been launched just one year after construction work began. Meeting this milestone highlights the programme’s excellent progress. The building and outfitting of the L’Adroit in record time – less than 20 months – has been made possible by new, improved design and production methods.

From ‘first cut’ on 7 May 2010 to float-out on 18 May 2011 took just 12 months. This innovative maritime safety & security vessel programme is consistent with DCNS’s ambitious shipbuilding targets.

“The floating of Gowind-type OPV L’Adroit demonstrates DCNS’s ability to design and build a highly innovative ship on time – in this case less than 20 months – and on budget,” says Marc Maynard, the Group’s Gowind OPV programme manager. “This highly symbolic event gives the management team an opportunity to thank everyone working on the programme and to say how happy it is with the contributions of all the DCNS teams involved as well as all investors, partners and co-contractors, along with the French Navy which is supporting both the programme and the planned export drive. All have contributed directly to the success achieved to date. The Gowind family of OPV/corvettes is a key element of the Group’s strategic growth plan.”

Eleven companies are supplying systems and equipment for the L’Adroit free of charge. In all, over 50 co-contractors are contributing to this showcase programme and will contribute further to the drive to promote the Gowind family and its systems and equipment.

The float-out or launch – always a major milestone – involved many people and considerable preparation. Last weekend, special-purpose crawlers moved the ship from its assembly hall to a nearby wharf, then to a barge on the Scorff estuary. From there, L’Adroit was taken to a drydock to be floated out.

Gowind-type OPV L’Adroit is now moored at a DCNS outfitting wharf for work on the upper deck equipment compartments and the installation of the single enclosed mast. Major tasks scheduled for June include the installation of the main radome and electronic systems. When quayside testing of the electronic systems and equipment has been completed, advanced-technology OPV L’Adroit will begin sea trials scheduled for the coming summer.

OPV L’Adroit is being built under a DCNS-funded programme.
On completion, the ship will be made available to the French Navy.

A three-year operational loan will enable the Navy to grant ‘sea proven’ and ‘operations qualified’ seals of approval, thereby giving DCNS two key arguments when promoting the Gowind family on the international market.

This loan introduces an innovative form of cooperation between the French government and a private company.

The Navy will demonstrate the Gowind’s relevance and operational worth for current and emerging missions on the high seas from area surveillance to anti-piracy, counter-terrorism, fisheries policing, drug interdiction, environmental protection, humanitarian aid, search & rescue and maritime safety & security.

Gowind-type OPVs offer three weeks’ blue-water endurance, a range of 8,000 nautical miles and a top speed of 21 knots. L’Adroit has a length overall of 87 metres. The design also includes full provision for reduced crewing by a complement of 30 and space for 30 passengers.

Innovations and capabilities of special interest to ship-based naval, commando and coast guard forces include a panoramic bridge offering 360° visibility, a single enclosed mast offering 360° sensor visibility, covert deployment of fast commando boats in less than five minutes and full provision for unmanned aerial and surface vehicles (UAVs and USVs). The Gowind family also benefits from DCNS’s vast experience in IT and command information systems. These vessels can be readily tailored for extended area surveillance and, when working in conjunction with shore-based control centres and other networked ships, for the automatic detection of suspicious behaviour by ships and other craft. ... pv-gowind/ (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Junho 04, 2011, 06:16:25 am
Fotografaria do CDG, do navio Navio Petroleiro/Abastecedor

Atteragem d'um C-2 Greyhound dos Estados Unidos

descolagem do Grumman E-2 Hawkeye do CDG, fragata La Fayette, Helicóptero de salvaguarda "Pedro"

Descolagem e ateragem de Rafale M e de SEM
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: MERLIN em Junho 04, 2011, 11:54:01 am
Belas fotos. Uma maquina de guerra bem oleada.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Junho 06, 2011, 03:54:10 am
Mais imagens do CDG
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Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Desertas em Junho 06, 2011, 11:41:48 am
Citação de: "borisdedante"
Mais imagens do CDG

( (http://http)

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A Força Aérea Francesa ( Armee de Láir )e o Exército estão operando helicópteros  a partir de Navios de guerra franceses .É comum acontecer este facto , ou é uma "estreia " ?

Um Abraço
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: luis filipe silva em Junho 06, 2011, 04:05:15 pm
É comum.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Julho 31, 2011, 08:06:21 pm
L’Adroit, an OPV built by DCNS on its own funds, has begun its sea trials; it will be loaned, free of charge, to the French navy for three years to promote exports. (DCNS photo)

DCNS: Gowind OPV L’Adroit Begins First Sea Trials
(Source: DCNS; issued July 28, 2011)

The Gowind offshore patrol boat L'Adroit began its first sea trials on Wednesday 27 July for DCNS to validate the seakeeping and other nautical qualities of the vessel.

These initial sea trials mark the beginning of the next phase of the ambitious Gowind OPV programme, which spearheads DCNS's efforts to win a larger share of the markets for small- and medium-displacement surface ships. The sea trials are beginning in line with the contract schedule, just 14 months after construction started on the Gowind L’Adroit, an innovative offshore patrol boat designed for maritime safety & security missions.

“The start of these first sea trials is a symbolic milestone that testifies to the remarkable teamwork between DCNS, the project’s investors and co-contractors, and the trial crews,” said Gowind OPV programme manager Marc Maynard. “Everybody has brought their knowledge and expertise to the table, and their unflagging commitment has made it possible to consistently meet the programme’s ambitious industrial milestones.”

During the sea trials, more than 50 technicians on board the vessel are conducting an intensive test campaign to validate its seakeeping and other nautical qualities. After testing the ship’s fire-fighting, flood control and other safety systems, the onboard team will be running trials with the propulsion system and checking vessel manoeuvrability. Alongside these sea trials, tests will also be conducted on the ship’s navigation systems (log, position, heading), inertial platforms (positioning) and other systems.

When the vessel returns to dock, outfitting of the last equipment compartments and painting work will continue. Construction is scheduled for completion by DCNS at the end of 2011.

The start of sea trials with the Gowind OPV L’Adroit again demonstrates DCNS’s ability to design and build a highly innovative ship in less than 24 months and in strict compliance with budget commitments.

OPV L’Adroit is being built under a DCNS-funded programme and will be made available to the French Navy for three years on completion. The three-year loan period will enable the Navy to qualify the OPV as ‘sea proven’, giving DCNS an exceptionally strong argument when promoting the Gowind family on the international market.

The Navy will demonstrate the Gowind’s relevance and operational value for current and emerging missions on the high seas, from area surveillance to anti-piracy, counter-terrorism, fisheries policing, drug interdiction, environmental protection, humanitarian aid, search & rescue and maritime safety & security.

OPV L’Adroit has a length of 87 metres, an at-sea endurance of 3 weeks and a range of 8,000 nautical miles. With a top speed of 21 knots, the vessel has a helicopter flight deck and can accommodate UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) operations. It is designed for reduced crewing, with a complement of 30 and space for 30 passengers.

The ship features a number of major innovations for navies, commandos and coastguards: 360° panoramic visibility from the bridge, a single integrated mast for 360° radar coverage, covert deployment of fast commando boats in less than 5 minutes and provision for UAVs and USVs (unmanned surface vehicles). The Gowind family also benefits from DCNS’s extensive experience in IT and command information systems. Vessels in the Gowind family can be readily tailored for extended area surveillance and, when working in conjunction with shore-based control centres and other networked ships, for the automatic detection of suspicious behaviour by ships and other craft.

DCNS is a world leader in naval defence and an innovative player in energy. The Group's success as an advanced technology company with global reach is built on meeting customer needs by deploying exceptional know-how and unique industrial resources. DCNS designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. It also proposes services for naval shipyards and bases. The Group employs 12,500 people and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.5 billion.

-ends- ... rials.html (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 31, 2011, 09:45:24 pm
Citação de: "Desertas"
A Força Aérea Francesa ( Armee de Láir )e o Exército estão operando helicópteros  a partir de Navios de guerra franceses .É comum acontecer este facto , ou é uma "estreia " ?

Um Abraço

Exactamente, é comum, acontece a mesma coisa com os helicopteros do Exército depende é da missão que estão a efectuar, na França a Marinha apenas possui helicopteros ASW e para outras missões maritimas, para operações tipo operações especiais, CSAR talvez sejam empregues os helis Caracal da Força Aérea/Exército e em operações anfibias a partir dos navios Mistral é normal operarem helicopteros Tigre e da familia Puma/Cougar do Exército.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Janeiro 17, 2012, 05:34:06 pm
Dixmude, the French Navy’s third Mistral-class amphibious warfare ship, was handed over by DCNS and STX France on January 13, three months early. (DCNS photo)

STX France and DCNS Deliver BPC Dixmude Three Months Ahead of Schedule
(Source: DCNS; issued Jan. 14, 2012)

TOULON, France --- BPC Dixmude, the third Mistral-class force projection and command vessel for the French Navy, has been delivered to the French defence procurement agency (DGA) three months ahead of the initial contract schedule. The DGA took formal delivery of the ship on 3 January 2012. This success is the result of outstanding cooperation between industry partners DCNS and STX France. The design, construction and testing of the vessel was conducted in close partnership with DGA and French Navy teams.

Gérard Longuet, the French Minister for Defence and Veteran Affairs, praised this achievement after touring BPC Dixmude in Toulon on Saturday 14 January 2012.

The DGA ordered BPC Dixmude in April 2009 under the French government's economic stimulus package. It was scheduled for delivery to the DGA at the end of the first quarter of 2012 for entry into active service with the French Navy later in the year. However, the DGA was able to take formal delivery of the vessel on 3 January 2012, three months ahead of the contract deadline.

BPC Dixmude, France's third BPC-type force projection and command vessel, benefited from lessons learned during the construction of the first two Mistral-class ships and efficient cooperation between shipbuilder and outfitter STX France and DCNS, which has responsibility for the combat system and logistic support.

STX France coordinated industrial operations and built the platform and propulsion system as well as installing shipboard equipment. After successful sea trials, BPC Dixmude returned to Toulon in July 2011. DCNS then integrated and tested the combat system, including its communication, navigation and combat management capabilities.

Between April 2009, when the first steel was cut, and July 2011 when the platform was delivered, STX France consistently outpaced the production schedule. DCNS was also able to validate the combat system with just three sea trials, instead of the six scheduled under the contract.

The commitment and availability of the participating DGA and Navy teams and ready naval and air support ensured that the trials went very smoothly indeed.

The fact that BPC Dixmude’s Navy crew was able to work on board and familiarise itself with the new vessel from June 2011 contributed further to the success of the trials.

In 2012, BPC Dixmude will be used as a training ship for the French Navy's Jeanne d'Arc mission. In this capacity, it will host a new cohort of officer cadets for instruction and exercises at sea as well as a detachment of French Army personnel.

The first two Mistral-class vessels, BPC Mistral and BPC Tonnerre, were co-designed by DCNS and STX France and delivered to the French Navy in 2006 and 2007 respectively.

DCNS is a world leader in naval defence and an innovative player in energy. DCNS designs, builds and supports surface combatants, submarines and mission-critical systems and equipment incorporating the most advanced technologies. It also proposes services for naval shipyards and bases. The Group employs 12,000 people and generates annual revenues of around EUR 2.4 billion.

-ends- ... ship.html# (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Fevereiro 21, 2012, 02:41:07 pm
Imagens do treino e Exércício Anfíbio Conjunto Bold Alligator 2012 ... ator-2012/ (

Desembarco do 21e régiment d'infanterie de marine(21e RIMa)
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Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Abril 04, 2012, 02:28:00 pm
U.S. Navy officers serve on French aircraft carrier ... /704169892 (

ABOARD THE CHARLES DE GAULLE -- U.S. Navy Lt. Patrick Salmon is getting ready for another day at work, strapping himself into the cockpit of his strike jet and roaring off this French aircraft carrier for his daily attack mission against Moammar Gadhafi's ground forces.

He'll be launched into action by Kyle Caldwell, another U.S. Navy lieutenant who operates the flattop's catapult systems. When Salmon is ready to set his plane back on deck, yet a third U.S. Navy lieutenant, Philip Hoblet, will be standing by in a French rescue helicopter, hovering just off the ship's bow in case any of the returning pilots are forced to ditch into the sea.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Outubro 04, 2012, 06:41:35 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Novembro 24, 2012, 04:23:49 pm ... 20315.html (

A nova fragata FREMM Aquitaine.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Abril 02, 2013, 05:08:45 am
Testes do S-100 Camcopter



Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 10, 2013, 06:37:20 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Julho 03, 2013, 09:55:48 pm


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: chaimites em Setembro 27, 2013, 09:05:41 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 14, 2013, 09:48:42 pm

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Dezembro 07, 2013, 10:33:05 pm


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Dezembro 19, 2013, 11:49:42 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Fevereiro 15, 2014, 11:30:15 am
Ensaios com o V22 Osprey do USMC, realizados a bordo do BPC ‘Dixmude’ da Marinha francesa

 :arrow: (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 27, 2014, 02:29:26 pm

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Junho 16, 2014, 01:43:58 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 25, 2014, 04:17:05 pm
Sobre as FREMM
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 03, 2014, 08:12:27 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Julho 15, 2014, 07:07:24 pm

 :arrow: ... h-and.html (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 12, 2014, 11:47:24 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 25, 2014, 10:33:39 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Novembro 10, 2014, 08:01:34 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 17, 2014, 03:27:53 pm
Marinheiros da Base Naval de Brest, que operaram na barcaça, prenderam firmemente o casco da ex-Georges Leygues ao fundo com seis âncoras de doze toneladas e 24 correntes, e agora o navio desativado serve como quebra-mar para a marina, junto aos também desativados Tourville e De Grasse (de classes mais antigas de escoltas francesas).

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Janeiro 18, 2015, 11:13:43 am
A Embaixada do Brasil em Caiena e o Ministério da Defesa, em Brasília, estão informados de que, a partir do ano que vem, os pescadores brasileiros que se aventurarem, de forma ilícita, em águas jurisdicionais da Guiana, correrão um sério risco: enfrentar a nova classe de navios-patrulha que a Marinha francesa irá estacionar no porto militar guianense de Dégrad des Cannes, na foz do rio Mahury – principal base naval francesa no Caribe.

As embarcações, conhecidas, por enquanto, somente como patrouilleurs légers guyanais (“patrulheiras ligeiras guianesas”) – ou pela sigla PLG –, terão como destino, especificamente, a chamada Zone Économique Exclusive Guyanaise  (Zona Econômica Exclusiva Guianense), e estão sendo construídas pelo estaleiro Socarenam, de Boulogne.


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 07, 2015, 03:04:41 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 23, 2015, 09:08:04 pm
A França mobilizou nesta segunda-feira no Golfo seu porta-aviões nuclear Charles de Gaulle, como parte das operações da coalição internacional contra o grupo yihadista Estado Islâmico (EI) na regiâo.

Os primeiros aviões de combate Rafale decolaram pela manhã do CdG, que navega 120 milhas náuticas ao Norte de Bahrain, no Golfo, a caminho do Iraque.

A partir de sua nova posição os aviões franceses poderão alcançar seus alvos em uma hora e meia de voo, a metade em comparação com a base de Al-Dhafra, nos Emirados, utilizados pela Aviação francesa.

O CdG permanecerá várias semanas no Golfo, ao lado do porta-aviões nuclear americano Carl Vinson. Com seus aviões Rafale e Super Étendard a bordo, Paris duplica seu presença aérea na região, que contava com nove Rafale nos Emirados Arabes Unidos e seis Mirages 2000-D na Jordânia.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Março 30, 2015, 07:16:15 pm
France to upgrade its three amphibious assault ships


By the end of 2015, the French Navy is scheduled to have begun upgrade work on its three Mistral-class landing helicopter dock BPC (Bâtiment de Projection et Commandment) amphibious assault ships Mistral (L9013), Tonnerre (L9014) and Dixmude (L9015) with the aim of reinforcing their autonomous protection capability.

Each ship will be outfitted out with two Nexter Systems NARWHAL 208 remote weapon stations and two Sagem Electro-Optical Multifuncion System - New Generation (EOMS-NG) day-night, gyro-stabilised, infra-red search-and-track optronic system.

The current two 20 mm 20F2 cannons will be withdrawn, although the ships will keep their two MBDA SIMBAD launchers armed with two ready-to-fire MISTRAL very short range surface-to-air missiles.

Continua: Jane's (http://http)
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Abril 03, 2015, 08:28:49 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 25, 2015, 10:15:17 am
Antigo navio da Marinha Francesa, o Cruzador Anti-Aéreo Colbert (c611) da classe De Grasse, original e após a modernização já com as CL de 100mm e misseis Exocet à proa. A  sua única missão foi no Golfo em 1991, sendo poucos meses depois retirado de serviço.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 28, 2015, 04:40:47 pm
France flexes Asia-Pacific HADR* and power projection capabilities with latest Jeanne d'Arc deployment **

The French Navy's Mistral-class amphibious assault ship Dixmude berthed at Singapore Changi Naval Base after a five-day naval exercise with the Royal Malaysian Navy

France continues to play a significant humanitarian and security role in the Indo-Pacific region with its naval projection capabilities and prepositioned assets in the region.

Dixmude , which is leading a two-ship amphibious task force as part of the Navy's 2015 Jeanne d'Arc deployment, has an embarked air-mobile group comprising of two SA-300 Puma medium transport and two SA-341 Gazelle light utility helicopters, as well as an amphibious assault detachement that includes an Engin de Débarquement Amphibie-Rapide (EDA-R) fast amphibious landing catamaran and two Chalands de Transport de Matériel (CTM) landing craft. It is escorted by the La Fayette-class guided-missile frigate Aconit throughout the five-month deployment.

 Approximatelly 4,300 French troops are prepositioned in the country's  territories in the Indian and Pacific Oceans -including French Polynesia, New Caledonia and Réunion Island- which account for more than 30% of the 12,000-strong forces- that it has deployed overseas.

Besides the exercise with the Malaysian Navy, the Jeanne d'Arc task-force is also expected to engage in multilateral joint exercise with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force, Republic of Korea Navy and U.S. Navy in May. It will also make a port call at Shanghai as well as conduct a number of "limited" manoeuvres with the People's Liberation Army Navy.

* HADR= High Availability Disaster Recovery

* Jeanne d'Arc Deployment: ... eanne-darc (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 21, 2015, 11:54:03 am

O porta-aviões francês "Charles de Gaulle""  a  regressar a Toulon após apoiar quatro meses no Golfo os ataques contra o EI em Iraque.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 22, 2015, 09:21:37 pm

La fragata francesa "Aquitaine", la primera de la serie FREMM francesa, se ha convertido en el primer buque de superficie europeo que ha disparado un misil de crucero fabricado en Europa, el MdCN o "Scalp naval".  El disparo se realizó en el centro de ensayos de misiles que la Dirección General de Armamentos francesa tiene en la isla de Levant, frente a la costa Sureste del  país. ... iere-naval (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 26, 2015, 07:21:11 pm
Update to French Military Planning Law Means New Capabilities for Lafayette Class Frigates
The French Ministry of Defense just released an update to its Military Planning Law (Loie de Programmation Militaire) with some impact for the French Navy fleet: Lafayette class frigates will be fitted with sonars and FREMM and FTI Frigates programs will be accelerated.

The French Navy Lafayette frigate (designated light stealth frigate in the French Navy) is seen here launching its salvo of two MM40 Block II anti-ship missiles. Picture: French Navy
Excerpt from the French MoD Document (unofficial translation).

By the 2014-2019 timeframe, in addition to their capacity dedicated to the protection of our Maritime approaches and state action at sea, our naval forces will experience an important transformation in regards to anti-submarine warfare, action on land and sea control. The combined effect of increased level of commitment of our naval forces on 5 deployment areas, the increased requirements against the terrorist threat, the impact of export contracts (including Egypt) induce adjustments to match the original plan.

Carrier Strike Group
The second major technical refit of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will begin in 2017. In addition to reloading nuclear cores this refit will be put to use to perform an operation for the maintenance of key operational capabilities and adaptation to a carrier strike group centered on the Rafale, consecutive to the final withdrawal of Super-Etendard Modernisé in 2016.

At the end of 2018, the first of six new Barracuda type nuclear submarines, replacing Ruby, will be delivered and accepted for active service. The Barracuda will present multi-role capabilities in addition to intelligence capabilities with heavy torpedo, the naval cruise missile (MdCN) and, where necessary, combat swimmers.

The construction and admission to active duty of multi-mission frigates (FREMM) started before 2014 will continue: 6 will be delivered before mid-2019. The next two, delivered in 2021 and 2022, will have enhanced capacity to replace the two Cassard class air defense frigates. Rounding up to a capacity of 15 first-class frigates and comply with the principle of differentiation, a new program of "intermediate size frigates" (FTI) is advanced, with a target of first delivery in 2023.
In this context, a renovation program for the Lafayette class stealth frigates will be launched during the period: Renovations will be carried out over the scheduled technical shutdowns. These frigates renovation will consists (among other things) in the fitting of a sonar system. They will carry out the tasks arising from operational contracts in the transition phase that will accompany the delivery of future midsize frigates (FTI).
The FREMM will be fitted with naval cruise missile (MdCN) from 2015, the anti-ship missile Exocet MM 40 B3 extended range, anti-submarine torpedo MU 90, NFH90 ASW helicopter and ASTER air defense missile.

Logistical fleet
The Flotlog logistics fleet intended to replace existing replenishment oilers and other support vessels will include 3 units, the first of which will be commissioned at the end of the period.

The first modernized maritime patrol aircraft ATL 2 will be dedelivered in 2018 and the second in 2019 (out of the fifteen planned).

ASW Helicopter
The NFH90 (Nato Frigate Helicopter) "combat" variant is fitted on board FREMM and Horizon frigates. The Caiman also plays an active role in sea rescue missions in its "support" variant. To ensure these missions 27 NFH90 are being delivered. The first 24 will be delivered before the end of this military planning law.
In addition, it has to be noted that a fourth B2M vessel will be ordered (as French Defense Minister implied in February) as well as four offshore support vessels (BSAH program). French MoD also decided to speed up the procurement of a ninth FREMM Frigate compared to what was originally planned.

Finally, it is not clear yet what the Lafayette class frigate modernization program will consist in. French MoD only mentions "the fitting of a sonar among other things". Contacted by Navy Recognition, the French Navy, DCNS or French Procurement Agency could not make any comment. The possiblity of the class fitted with new radar and vertical launch surface to air missiles appear slim however. It is not clear yet if the sonar will be hull mounted or towed, however Thales' CAPTAS 2 variable depth sonar is a strong possibility.

With such an equipment (VDS sonar), Navy Recognition understands that Lafayette class Frigates (which are currently all based in Toulon, in the Mediterranean fleet) could be based in Brest in the future (French Navy Atlantic Fleet) for a new mission: securing the underwater maritime zones when French Navy SSBNs (also based near Brest) deploy on their patrols.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 19, 2015, 04:54:02 pm
French Shipyard Piriou to Build a Polar Logistics Support Vessel for the French Navy & State

French Minister of Overseas announced that a 50 Millions Euros contract was awarded to Piriou shipyard for the construction of one Polar Logistics Support Vessel (Navire Logistique Polaire or PLV). This contract was awarded through the collaboration between several French ministries: Overseas, research and defense. The PLV will replace the existing L'Albatros patrol vessel and L'Astrobale ice braker.

The PLV should be based on Reunion island and is expected to be shared between the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF) administration, the French National Antarctic Program (IPEV) and the French Navy.

The PLV is a logistics ship and patrol icebreaker, with an overall length of 72 meter and width of 16 meters that can accommodate up to 60 people on board, carrying 1,200 tons of cargo and accomodate one helicopter.

The ship, to be delivered in early summer 2017, will sail to the Indian Ocean in autumn 2017 and the Antarctic Ocean in the winter 2017 for a first refueling campaign of the French polar bases.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: NVF em Junho 19, 2015, 05:26:33 pm
DCNS delivers multi-mission frigate Provence, the second FREMM for the French Navy

On June 12th in Brest, DCNS delivered the FREMM multi-mission frigate Provence to the French Navy, as stipulated in the contract. This frigate is the second of the series ordered by OCCAR on behalf of the DGA (French armament procurement agency). Delivery of the FREMM multi-mission frigate Provence is the result of a design and construction process managed by DCNS in close cooperation with the French Navy, DGA and OCCAR teams.

All DCNS sites, its partners and subcontractors took part to this technological and industrial success to ensure compliance with the industrial milestones, in particular the launching in September 2013 and the first sea outing in September 2014.

The delivery of the second series to the French Navy took place just a few weeks after the first successful firing in Europe of a naval cruise missile from the first-of-class, the FREMM Aquitaine.

The sale of a frigate to the Royal Moroccan Navy and the Egyptian Navy, as well as the announcement of the launch of the intermediate-size frigates programme, boost DCNS ambitions for international development thanks to a broader offer of first of rank surface ships.

“The delivery of the FREMM Provence represents an opportunity to applaud the industrial and technological prowess of DCNS and its subcontractors. It underlines our ability to produce first of rankcombat ships that meet our client navies needs, such as those of Morocco and Egypt,” stated Anne Bianchi, Director of FREMM programmes. “Today, we are proud to deliver this second ship to the French Navy.”

SETIS®, one of the most effective sea-proven combat systems on the market
The delivery of the FREMM Provence marks the culmination in the ramping up of SETIS®, the latest-generation combat system developed by DCNS. The ship is now equipped with a cutting-edge solution that is perfectly integrated on board. Indeed, the successful firing of the naval cruise missile on May 19th2015 from the FREMM Aquitaine is a demonstration of the anti-land warfare capabilities directed at targets located deep in enemy territory. Added to the anti-submarine, anti-surface and anti-air warfare capabilities, the FREMM has now reached its full technological capabilities.
“DCNS has successfully accomplished this essential step for the FREMM SETIS® combat system. We are proud to have contributed to the successful firing of a cruise missile from a surface ship, a first in Europe. This result is a demonstration of DCNS expertise in the area of the design and integration of combat systems,” stressed Anne Bianchi.

Four FREMMat different stages of construction at DCNS Lorient Shipyard
For DCNS, the FREMM programme currently involves the construction of ten frigates, eight of them for the French Navy. Six of these are to be delivered by 2019 and the remaining two frigates, equipped with extended anti-aircraft capabilities, will be delivered before 2022. Two other were sold for export clients: the Royal Moroccan Navy and the Egyptian Navy.
The delivery of the FREMM Provence takes place at a time when the FREMM programme is powering ahead on the DCNS site in Lorient. To date, three FREMM frigates are under construction and one is being prepared before being delivered:
• The FREMM Aquitaine, first in series, delivered in 2012.
• The FREMM Mohammed VI, for the Royal Moroccan Navy, delivered in 2014.
• The FREMM Provence, delivered today, 12 June 2015.
• The FREMM intended for the Egyptian Navy, formerly the FREMM Normandie, will be delivered in summer 2015.
• The FREMM Languedoc will make its first sea outing in autumn 2015.
• The FREMM Auvergne is currently in the final stages of construction and will be launched in September 2015.
• The FREMM Bretagne is currently being assembled.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 29, 2015, 11:33:49 am
Quero um sistema destes para os nosso P-3!
The French Navy (Marine Nationale) announced that on 18 June 2015, two Atlantique 2 (ATL2) maritime patrol crews were qualified to GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided bomb shooting procedures with self-designation. This flight marked the end of a training course which confronted crews to modern technologies used in air-to-ground support missions thanks to the Wescam MX-20D electro-optical turret fitted on ATL2 Standard V.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: pfsbca em Junho 30, 2015, 09:42:54 pm
Belas imagens

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 20, 2015, 07:11:32 pm

Two French minehunters, the 600-ton Andromède (M 643) and Aigle (M 647), being tranported by the Dutch heavy lift ship MV Jumbo Jubilee from Brest (France) to Dubai where they took part in a joint exercise with the UAE Navy.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 23, 2015, 09:26:55 am

Refit of the French Navy Cassard-class frigate "Jean Bart" (D 615). This operation is carried out in a dry dock located inside the French Navy base of Toulon, in  southern France. This ship, commissioned in 1989, belongs to F 70AA-type of antiaircraft frigate.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 09, 2015, 11:37:35 am
Naval Analyses ‏@D__Mitch 2h2 hours ago

Photos of the 1st of the four French Navy Bâtiment multi-mission offshore patrol vessels under construction.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Setembro 04, 2015, 05:42:18 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Setembro 04, 2015, 06:01:37 pm ... /71651330/ (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 14, 2015, 04:56:33 pm

The French Navy has created a seventh "Commando Marine"
This is a special forces unit named "Commando Ponchardier" ( ... 092015.htm (

The French Minister of Defense has presided the inauguration ceremony of the new Navy Commando, created on September 1, as the seventh special unit of the Force maritime des fusiliers marins et commandos (FORFUSCO).

 The new "Commando Ponchardier" has joined 6 existing Commandos Marine, all based in Lorient, Brittany, except for one based in Toulon, Southern France.

While FORFUSCO consists in a 2,500-man strong force today (approximately) Navy Recognition understands that this force will be strengthened with another 1,000 sailors by the end of 2016. Most of them, however, will join French naval infantry units (fusiliers marins) specialized in the protection and defence of vessels and key sites of the French Navy on land. With the increased terror threats, the French Government decided to deploy some of these units to secure key public sites on the French territory as well (such as airports, train stations and touristic areas).
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 17, 2015, 11:44:45 am
Passados 50 anos da “Guerra da Lagosta”, a MB autoriza um Navio Oceanográfico francês, o “Antea”, a realizar atividades de pesquisa científica em AJB, no litoral do Nordeste brasileiro.

Segundo o artigo 2ª, da Portaria nº 178 do ESTADO-MAIOR DA ARMADA, o objetivo científico da campanha oceanográfica é “a caracterização, em 3D, dos compartimentos bióticos e abióticos e suas interações, na costa nordeste brasileira, a fim de fornecer informações qualitativas e quantitativas sobre as espécies exploradas e inexploradas; melhorar a compreensão da dinâmica espaço-temporal dos processos físicos, biogeoquímicos e ecológicos ainda pouco compreendidos; e fornecer informações necessárias para calibrar e validar os modelos de simulação.”

Vale lembrar, que a vinda do Navio Oceanográfico francês decorre do acordo celebrado entre a Fundação Apolônio Salles de Desenvolvimento Educacional (FADURPE) e o “Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).

A fim de evitar que sejam coletados dados fora do propósito deste acordo, a MB terá permanentemente um representante a bordo do navio francês. Este representante terá autoridade para suspender os trabalhos, apreender todos os dados, informações e resultados obtidos pela pesquisa realizada, na hipótese da coleta de dados fora dos previstos e autorizados pela portaria..

Segue abaixo a Portaria nº 178 do ESTADO-MAIOR DA ARMADA:

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: NVF em Setembro 17, 2015, 01:19:09 pm
Acho que esse navio não pertence à Marinha de Guerra Francesa. O organismo a que pertence é um agrupamento de instituições científicas.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Setembro 19, 2015, 11:55:55 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Setembro 19, 2015, 02:04:27 pm
Citação de: "NVF"
Acho que esse navio não pertence à Marinha de Guerra Francesa. O organismo a que pertence é um agrupamento de instituições científicas.
Formalmente o navio pertence ao instituto público IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement). Mas desde 2011 que é a UMS ( joint service unit), a congregar e coordenar o trabalho de toda a Frota Oceanográfica francesa (incluindo o navio em questão), sendo uma parceria entre os vários institutos de pesquisa Franceses e a Marinha, de forma a incluir navios de um conjunto de instituições e da própria marinha francesa (a parceria tinha o seu período inicial a terminar em Março de 2015, mas não encontrei registos de que tenha terminado definitivamente). Parte dos navios oceanográficos franceses já eram operados em parceria com outros institutos como por exemplo o IFREMER (The Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer), pelo que a UMS só veio anexar os restantes num único organismo.
The French oceanographic research fleet consists of:

- Seven ocean-going vessels (Marion Dufresne, Pourquoi pas?, L'Atalante, Thalassa, Le Suroît, Antéa and Alis) capable of conducting oceanographic surveys on any ocean (except in polar regions). Measuring 30 to 120 metres in length, these ships are able to conduct bathymetric surveys of the seabed, to deploy deep underwater systems for sampling or even to collect sediment cores. A partnership agreement concluded with the Navy allows access to the ship Beautemps-Beaupré, while the Ocean Facilities Exchange Group (OFEG) partnership with six other European countries enables better coordination of vessel activities. The current European project Eurofleets will strengthen European integration of the fleet.

Pourquoi pas ?, navire amiral de l'Ifremer (Ifremer / Olivier Dugornay)
Aliás, a noticia postada poderia também ser colocada no espaço da Marinha Brasileira, já que a MB terá um representante a bordo, como autoridade para parar a pesquisa e recolher os dados, se existirem razões para isso.
A fim de evitar que sejam coletados dados fora do propósito deste acordo, a MB terá permanentemente um representante a bordo do navio francês. Este representante terá autoridade para suspender os trabalhos, apreender todos os dados, informações e resultados obtidos pela pesquisa realizada, na hipótese da coleta de dados fora dos previstos e autorizados pela portaria..

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Janeiro 22, 2016, 03:23:11 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 05, 2016, 01:09:36 pm

French Navy Carrier Strike Group Underway In The Persian/Arabian Gulf
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Fevereiro 20, 2016, 11:42:47 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: nelson38899 em Fevereiro 22, 2016, 11:23:21 pm
Não sei porquê, mas os canhões nunca me pareceram a melhor solução, para proteger os navios,  dos misseis disparados contra o navio!

sentiria-me mais seguro com o Goalkeeper  ou o phalanx, do que com sistemas similares, ao que esse navio usa.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 25, 2016, 02:31:57 pm


A nova classe "Barracuda" de submarinos nucleares franceses
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Fevereiro 26, 2016, 06:03:09 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Report on board  the "Charles de Gaulle"
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Março 17, 2016, 10:59:56 pm
Last Catapult Launch for French Navy Super Etendard Modernisé Fighter

O fim de um dos caças mais fraquinhos e que mesmo assim esteve 40 anos ao serviço.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Março 18, 2016, 01:37:09 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Março 27, 2016, 02:41:48 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Março 28, 2016, 09:42:59 pm
Last Catapult Launch for French Navy Super Etendard Modernisé Fighter

O fim de um dos caças mais fraquinhos e que mesmo assim esteve 40 anos ao serviço.

Mais fraquinho ? :N-icon-Axe:
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Março 28, 2016, 10:26:03 pm
Pronto... Excepto em capacidade de transporte de... tanques de combustível...
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Abril 01, 2016, 04:46:11 pm

France receives first B2M-class vessel

France has received its first multi-misión ship (Bâtiment Multi-mission - B2M) from shipbuilder Kership (...) 

D'Entrecastaux is the first of three B2M vessels ordered in later 2013 from Kership, a joint venture between the Piriou shipyard and DCNS.   The vessels are being constructed to support sovereignty missions in the French overseas territories. They are designed to be able to conduct marítime surveillance, force projection, logistics, counter-trafficking and humanitarian asistance roles, among others.

The 2,300 tonne B2M vessels have a crew of 20, can be armed with two 12.7x99 mm (50 cal) machine guns and have a maximum speed of 15 kt and an endurance of 30 days.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Abril 11, 2016, 06:54:11 am
Last Catapult Launch for French Navy Super Etendard Modernisé Fighter

O fim de um dos caças mais fraquinhos e que mesmo assim esteve 40 anos ao serviço.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 11, 2016, 12:39:01 pm
Na Marinha Francesa sempre foi avião de ataque. Os caças eram primeiro o F8 Crusader e depois o Rafale.
Agora poucos "caças" se podem gabar de ser um ShipKiller...  ;)

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Maio 21, 2016, 03:05:06 pm

Neuron programme extended to include maritime testing

France's DGA defence procurement agency has begun new testing of the Neuron unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) demonstrator in a maritime environment.

The testing will be extended to include involvement of the French Navy's aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle  (...)
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 26, 2016, 10:56:33 pm (

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 09, 2016, 12:45:56 pm

Neuron goes naval - UCAV demonstrator flight tested alongside French Navy Aircraft Carrier
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lightning em Julho 13, 2016, 06:56:44 pm
Video de homenagem ao SEM. Concordo que não é um avião que ganhasse nenhum concurso de beleza, mas eles não são construidos para isso lol, mas para combate, e o super etendard fez o seu trabalho, e veterano de guerras, há aviões que vão para a reforma sem nunca terem sido postos à prova.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Julho 13, 2016, 08:49:10 pm
Video de homenagem ao SEM. Concordo que não é um avião que ganhasse nenhum concurso de beleza, mas eles não são construidos para isso lol, mas para combate, e o super etendard fez o seu trabalho, e veterano de guerras, há aviões que vão para a reforma sem nunca terem sido postos à prova.

O argentinos amam este avião. E com justiça, pois foi graças a ele (e ao míssil exocet)  que os "argies" conseguiram empreender uma das maiores façanhas da história da aviação aeronaval.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 13, 2016, 09:11:28 pm

Hoje, fim oficial do "Super Étendard" na Marínha francesa

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Julho 23, 2016, 03:42:47 pm

França envia porta-aviões "Charles de Gaulle" para combater Daesh
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 23, 2016, 05:33:06 pm
OPV set for October delivery

23rd August 2016 - 12:30  by Richard Thomas in London 

French shipbuilders OCEA launched a Type 190 Mk2 OPV last month and the vessel, destined for an as yet unnamed West African country, is currently being fitted out ahead of a future delivery.

The vessel was floating at the Les Sables d’Olonne facility on 21 July following the awarding in 2013 of a contract to purchase an ocean capable patrol vessel to monitor national EEZ. OCEA themselves specialise in the design and construction of aluminium-hulled patrol vessels up to 85m in length.

The Type 190 Mk2 is powered by two MTU 16V 4000 engines with twin-fixed propellers, in addition to a bow thruster, and is capable of 24kt at full load. At 58m in length the vessel and 24-person crew can stay at sea for up to three weeks and embark a further 32 passengers.

( (

The multi-purpose vessel is capable of maritime police and patrol missions, fisheries surveillance, counter smuggling and trafficking, SAR and multilateral exercises at sea.

Due to enter service with the navy of a West Africa country, the contract for OCEA followed a restricted international consultation challenging Chinese and French shipyards for the programme.

A senior OCEA official told Shephard that progress on the vessel was ‘in accordance with the agreed timetable’ and will be delivered in October this year.

The waters off the western coast of Africa remain dangerous for merchant traffic transiting the region or loitering at anchorages. Numerous instances of piracy or robbery at sea have hit the region in recent years, although countries are putting resources into the training of naval and coast guard personnel and procuring new platforms.

Meanwhile, exactEarth has recently been selected by the Fisheries Commission (West Africa Fisheries Programme) – an agency of the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (MOFAD) in Ghana – for the provision of satellite AIS and small vessel tracking solutions.

The contract has been valued at up to $2 million for a 12-month period to enable Ghana to acquire the capability to monitor its coastlines and deter illegal fishing.

Along with a comprehensive satellite AIS data feed, exactEarth will provide MOFAD with 450 Class B AIS transceivers to be installed on inshore fishing vessels which will be tracked via satellite utilising the exactTrax small vessel tracking technology.

Earth ShipView will be upgraded to include a SOS alerting facility in an effort to support Ghana’s government and its SOLAS initiative. The company will work with an in-country partner and academic institutions to provide vessel movement analysis.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 23, 2016, 05:53:36 pm
Que armamento vai ter este NPO? 75 ou 127mm? 8)
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Agosto 23, 2016, 06:09:34 pm
Não é o mesmo que foi anunciado para o Senegal?

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Agosto 23, 2016, 07:16:07 pm
Que armamento vai ter este NPO? 75 ou 127mm? 8)

Penso que será uma 30mm !
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Agosto 24, 2016, 03:49:57 pm
Our French submarine builder in massive leak scandal

The French company that won the bid to design Australia’s new $50 billion submarine fleet has suffered a massive leak of secret documents, raising fears about the future security of top-secret data on the navy’s future fleet.

The stunning leak, which runs to 22,400 pages and has been seen by The Australian, details the ­entire secret combat capability of the six Scorpene-class submarines that French shipbuilder DCNS has designed for the Indian Navy.

A variant of the same French-designed Scorpene is also used by the navies of Malaysia, Chile and, from 2018, Brazil, so news of the Edward Snowden-sized leak — ­revealed today — will trigger alarm at the highest level in these countries. Marked “Restricted Scorpene India”, the DCNS documents ­detail the most sensitive combat capabilities of India’s new $US3 bn ($3.9bn) submarine fleet and would provide an ­intelligence bonanza if obtained by India’s strategic rivals, such as Pakistan or China.

The leak will spark grave concern in Australia and especially in the US where senior navy officials have privately expressed fears about the security of top-secret data entrusted to France.

In April DCNS, which is two-thirds owned by the French government, won the hotly contested bid over Germany and Japan to design 12 new submarines for Australia. Its proposed submarine for Australia — the yet-to-be-built Shortfin Barracuda — was chosen ahead of its rivals because it was considered to be the quietest in the water, making it perfectly suited to intelligence-gathering operations against China and others in the ­region.

Any stealth advantage for the navy’s new submarines would be gravely compromised if data on its planned combat and performance capabilities was leaked in the same manner as the data from the ­Scorpene. The leaked DCNS data details the secret stealth capabilities of the six new Indian submarines, including what frequencies they gather intelligence at, what levels of noise they make at various speeds and their diving depths, range and endurance — all sensitive information that is highly classified. The data tells the submarine crew where on the boat they can speak safely to avoid ­detection by the enemy. It also discloses magnetic, electromagnetic and infra-red data as well as the specifications of the submarine’s torpedo launch system and the combat system.

MORE: Can French keep a secret?

It details the speed and conditions needed for using the periscope, the noise specifications of the propeller and the radiated noise levels that occur when the submarine surfaces.

The data seen by The Australian includes 4457 pages on the submarine’s underwater sensors, 4209 pages on its above-water sensors, 4301 pages on its combat management system, 493 pages on its torpedo launch system and specifications, 6841 pages on the sub’s communications system and 2138 on its navigation systems.

The Australian has chosen to redact sensitive information from the documents.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said it was important to note the submarine DCNS was building for India was a completely different model to the one it will build for Australia and the leaked information was a few years out of date. Nevertheless, any leak of classified information was a concern.

“We have the highest security protections on all of our defence information, whether it is in partnership with other countries or entirely within Australia,” he told the Seven Network today.

“But clearly, it is a reminder that, particularly in this digital world, cyber security is of critical importance.”

Influential senator Nick Xenophon said he would pursue the security breach when parliament returns next week.

Senator Xenophon, who leads a bloc of three senators, said Australia needed serious explanations from DCNS, the federal government and the Defence Department about any implications for Australia.

“This is really quite disastrous to have thousands of pages of your combat system leaked in this way,” the senator told ABC radio.

Sea trials for the first of India’s six Scorpene submarines began in May. The project is running four years behind schedule.

The Indian Navy has boasted that its Scorpene submarines have superior stealth features, which give them a major advantage against other submarines.

The US will be alarmed by the leak of the DCNS data because Australia hopes to install an American combat system — with the latest US stealth technology — in the French Shortfin Barracuda.

If Washington does not feel confident that its “crown jewels’’ of stealth technology can be protected, it may decline to give Australia its state-of-the-art combat system.

DCNS yesterday sought to ­reassure Australians that the leak of the data on the Indian Scorpene submarine would not happen with its proposed submarine for Australia. The company also implied — but did not say directly — that the leak might have occurred at India’s end, rather than from France. “Uncontrolled technical data is not possible in the Australian ­arrangements,” the company said. “Multiple and independent controls exist within DCNS to prevent unauthorised access to data and all data movements are encrypted and recorded. In the case of India, where a DCNS design is built by a local company, DCNS is the provider and not the controller of technical data.

“In the case of Australia, and unlike India, DCNS is both the provider and in-country controller of technical data for the full chain of transmission and usage over the life of the submarines.”

However, The Australian has been told that the data on the Scorpene was written in France for India in 2011 and is suspected of being removed from France in that same year by a former French Navy officer who was at that time a DCNS subcontractor.

The data is then believed to have been taken to a company in Southeast Asia, possibly to assist in a commercial venture for a ­regional navy.

It was subsequently passed by a third party to a second company in the region before being sent on a data disk by regular mail to a company in Australia. It is unclear how widely the data has been shared in Asia or whether it has been obtained by foreign ­intelligence agencies.

The data seen by The Australian also includes separate confidential DCNS files on plans to sell French frigates to Chile and the French sale of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ship carrier to Russia. These DCNS projects have no link to India, which adds weight to the probability that the data files were removed from DCNS in France.

DCNS Australia this month signed a deed of agreement with the Defence Department, ­paving the way for talks over the contract which will guide the design phase of the new ­submarines. The government plans to build 12 submarines in Adelaide to replace the six-boat Collins-class fleet from the early 2030s. The Shortfin Barracuda will be a slightly shorter, conventionally powered version of France’s new fleet of Barracuda-class nuclear submarines.

Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne said his officials believed the leak had “no bearing” on the Australia’s submarine program.

“The Future Submarine Program operates under stringent security requirements that govern the manner in which all information and technical data is managed now and into the future,” Mr Pyne’s office said in a statement.

“The same requirements apply to the protection of all sensitive information and technical data for the Collins class submarines, and have operated successfully for decades.”

Restricted data

The secret information the leaked documents reveal:

• The stealth capabilities of the six new Indian Scorpene submarines

• The frequencies at which the subs gather intelligence

• The levels of noise the subs make at various speeds

• Diving depths, range and endurance

• Magnetic, electromagnetic and infra-red data

• Specifications of the submarine’s torpedo launch system and the combat system

• Speed and conditions needed for using the periscope

• Propeller’s noise specifications

• Radiated noise levels when the submarine surfaces

View the leaked documents below. If you are using a mobile device, you can view the extracts on the desktop version of

Secret submarine document one

Secret submarine document two

Secret submarine document three

Additional reporting: Jared Owens, AAP
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Agosto 24, 2016, 05:40:36 pm

Indian Scorpene-class-submarine "Kalvari"

France's DCNS says India submarine data leak may be "economic warfare"

French naval contractor DCNS said on Wednesday it may have been the victim of "economic warfare" after secrets about its Scorpene submarines being built in India were leaked. (...)

Asked if the leak could affect other contracts, a company spokesman said it had come against a difficult commercial backdrop and that corporate espionage could be to blame.

"Competition is getting tougher and tougher, and all means can be used in this context", she said. "There is India, Australia and other projects, and other countries could raise legitimate questions over DCNS. It's part of the tools in economic warfare".

DCNS, which is also vying for submarine contracts in Norway and Poland, beat German's ThyssenKrupp AG and a Japanese-government backed bid by Mitzubishi Heavy Industries in Australia. (...)

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 24, 2016, 05:50:55 pm
Tudo bem, DCNS, até que pode ter sido sabotagem por parte da concorrência, mas não será mais provável que tenha sido incompetência e estupidez humana?

Citação de: The Australian
However, The Australian has been told that the data on the Scorpene was written in France for India in 2011 and is suspected of being removed from France in that same year by a former French Navy officer who was at that time a DCNS subcontractor.

The data is then believed to have been taken to a company in Southeast Asia, possibly to assist in a commercial venture for a ­regional navy.

It was subsequently passed by a third party to a second company in the region before being sent on a data disk by regular mail to a company in Australia. It is unclear how widely the data has been shared in Asia or whether it has been obtained by foreign ­intelligence agencies.
Basicamente um trabalhador/wannabe-boy pegou na informação e nos dados e levou-os para o seu próximo emprego. Isso acontece com uma frequência assustadora e o que interessa são os interesses individuais e do pessoal e não os nacionais. Não é surpresa nenhuma que os dados ao andarem de mão em mão tenham saído cá para fora para todo o mundo ver.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Setembro 06, 2016, 07:41:45 am
The French Navy Admits B2M “d’Entrecasteaux”, First of Four New OPVs, to Adctive Duty

Source: French Navy; issued Sept 01, 2016

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D’Entrecasteaux is the first in a class of four new multi-mission offshore patrol vessels built to commercial shipping standards, and is intended for non-combat missions in France’s overseas possessions. (French Navy photo)

The Navy is modernizing. It is renewing its capabilities. Today, I signed the statement admitting to active duty the Batiment Multi-Mission (B2M) “d’Entrecasteaux,” home-ported in Nouméa, in New Caledonia.

 The B2M “d’Entrecasteaux” is intended to patrol, monitor and protect France’s national interests in the Exclusive Economic Zone of New Caledonia and the Wallis-et-Futuna islands, and to ensure territorial maritime defense and surveillance of protected maritime areas.

 On August 31, the Bâtiment Multi-Mission (B2M) d'Entrecasteaux was admitted to active duty by Admiral Prazuck, chief of staff of the Marine nationale. Lead ship of a class that will comprise four ships, it is now considered suitable to carry out all of its intended missions by the French navy.

 The D'Entrecasteaux reached its home port of Nouméa, the capital of the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia.

 The Bâtiments Multi-Missions (B2M) are 65 meters long, and are multipurpose vessels intended for sovereignty missions in France’s foreign dependencies. They will partially replace the Bâtiments de Transport Léger (BATRAL) light transport vessels until the arrival of their intended successor, the BATSIMAR program.

 The B2M ships illustrate the French Navy’s modernization. They benefit from the latest technological advances and will be manned by two crews of 20 officers and ratings which will alternate every four months. The will thus be able to remain at sea for a remarkable 250 days at sea every year.

 When they all enter service, the four B2Ms will be home-ported in New Caledonia, French Polynesia, La Reunion in the south-western Indian Ocean and the French Caribbean.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 18, 2016, 11:47:16 am

Foreign escorts for carrier battle group Arromanches

The battlefield group will be operating against Daesh under a fortnight at the eastern Mediterranean. The foreign vessels will be part and are in Toulon since a week. The German frigate F213 Augsburg (a type of frigate 122 ) and a US guided missile destroyer of the Arleigh Burke class, the DDG-71 Ross..

The frigate Augsburg (already deployed on the previous mandate Arromanches) is oriented primarily for the antisubmarine warfare, but it can also be used for air defense missions. She embarks Sea Sparrows missiles and RAM, as well as anti-ship Harpoon. A Sea Lynx is now on board, the two that can hold the helicopter hangar.

Ross entered service in 1997 and employs 281 sailors.  She can fire Tomahawk missiles and surface to air SM-2, as well as anti-ship Harpoon. She can carry up to two Sea Hawkins.

For now, these two ships, with Charles de Güllen,  are the only components recognised by the Navy.  In addition, it is expected to join the battle group a BCR for refueling at sea, an air defense frigate, a multimillion FREMM frigate, a nuclear attack submarine and ATL-2
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Setembro 20, 2016, 10:57:38 am

Timelapse: Construção da corvette Gowind em Lorient
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Setembro 29, 2016, 04:54:44 pm
Uma fotografaria rara do CDG com o seu grupo d' Aviação naval completo.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 13, 2016, 10:26:47 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 21, 2016, 05:59:18 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Luso em Outubro 21, 2016, 10:18:20 pm
Mas que bela "frigueite"!  ;)
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Outubro 22, 2016, 10:43:37 am
Seria uma boa opção para a Marinha Portuguesa a médio/longo prazo.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: olisipo em Novembro 17, 2016, 03:03:09 pm

The "Charles de Gaulle" aircraft carrier in the fight against the IS
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 15, 2016, 07:53:22 pm
Uma curiosidade, o antigo Destroyer Francês Maille Breze D627 como estrela de cinema do novo filme "Dunkirk"

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Março 08, 2017, 04:02:02 pm

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 08, 2017, 01:27:46 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Abril 21, 2017, 04:36:29 pm
France starts construction of five FTI frigates

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Photo: DCNS

French Minister of Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian today authorized shipbuilder DCNS to start the construction of five FTI (Fregate de Taille Intermediaire) medium-size frigates for the French Navy.

The 4,000-tonne front-line frigates, equipped for anti-submarine warfare with widened self-defence and commando-projection capacities, are set to start deliveries in 2023.

The first FTI frigate is expected to be commissioned in 2025.

DCNS’ partner in the construction, Thales, will be equipping the frigates with on-board equipment including their Sea Fire radar and the Captas variable depth sonar.

The new frigates, with an inverted bow design for greater stability at high speeds, are positioned between the 6,000-tonne FREMM multi-mission frigate and the 2,500- to 3,000-tonne Gowind corvettes. The FTIs are expected to replace the insufficiently armed La Fayette-class light frigates.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: NVF em Abril 21, 2017, 07:32:53 pm
Sai uma meia dúzia destas aqui para o burgo.  :D
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Maio 18, 2017, 06:44:11 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: perdadetempo em Dezembro 15, 2017, 12:13:47 am
Alouette III : En attendant HIL, la marine prête à louer des hélicoptères civils
Alouette III: Enquanto aguarda HIL, a Marinha está pronta para alugar helicópteros civis

A marinha Francesa propôs fazer o aluguer de helicópteros para substituir os  Alouette III nas missões de treino, transporte, salvamento e embarque nos navios de reabastecimento. Chegaram à conclusão que era necessário devido a terem algumas unidades com 50 anos, o custo da hora de voo ter passado dos 5000€ aos 11000 € em 4 anos e uma taxa de disponibilidade inferior a 34%. (

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 14, 2018, 12:42:54 am
Aeronaves da Marine Nationale operando à bordo do USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77)


Exercício Chesapeak 2018. Da guerra revolucionária até hoje, a parceria naval entre a US Navy e a Marine Nationale no Oceano Atlântico ocorre à toda força.


Este tipo de interação fortalece a interoperabilidade entre as forças navais, como aque está ocorrendo à bordo do porta aviões USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77), recebendo as aeronaves da Força Aeronaval francesa.


FONTE: US Fleet Forces -
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Outubro 11, 2018, 08:58:12 pm

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Fevereiro 05, 2019, 06:26:11 pm
Sea Platforms
OCCAR awards EUR1.7 billion contract for French Navy FLOTLOG support ships

Luca Peruzzi, Genoa - Jane's Navy International
04 February 2019

The new FLOTLOG support vessels will be based on the Italian Navy’s Vulcano-class design, but modified to meet the French Navy’s requirement for support of a carrier-based task group. Source: Chantiers de l’Atlantique

The Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR), on behalf of French procurement agency DGA, has signed a EUR1.7 billion (USD1.9 billion) contract with Chantiers de l'Atlantique and Naval Group to supply four logistic support ships (LSS) for the French Navy.

The ships - otherwise known as Batiments Ravitailleurs de Force (BRFs) - are being procured as part of the Franco-Italian OCCAR-led LSS programme to meet the French Navy's national Flotte Logistique (FLOTLOG) requirement for four new multirole afloat support vessels to replace its single-hull Durance-class vessels.

The new double-hulled support vessels - fully compliant to the latest international legislation - will be based on the Italian Navy's Vulcano-class design, but modified to meet the French Navy's requirement for support of a carrier-based task group. Deliveries are planned to start in late 2022 and conclude in early 2029. The contract also includes a logistic support package for the ships' first six years of operational maintenance (including training, in-service support, and documentation).

All four FLOTLOG vessels will be built by Chantiers de l'Atlantique (ex-STX France) in Saint-Nazaire in partnership with Naval Group (the latter taking responsibility for the combat system). Fincantieri could also contribute to the programme by building hull sections in Italy, while Thales will supply the ships' communications suites.

Displacing 31,000 tonnes at full load, with a length of 194 m, and a beam of 27.4 m, the BRFs feature a 25 MW electrical propulsion system (based on four diesel generators with two electric motors on two shafts) providing for a maximum speed of 20 kt. The new ships will have a crew of 130, with accommodations for an additional 60. Endurance will be 60 days.

To perform its replenishment at sea (RAS) and logistic support missions for French and allied navy vessels, including the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier-based task force and aviation group, the LSS will be able to carry 13,000 m 3 of fuel and 1,500 tonnes of cargo.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Abril 16, 2019, 10:37:15 am (
French task force “Jeanne d’Arc” 2019, a five month operational deployment of a two-vessel amphibious battle group, arrived in Cape Town on the morning of 12 April, having provided humanitarian assistance to those badly affected by Cyclone Idai in Mozambique.

The annual “Jeanne d’Arc” mission is a French Navy (Marine Nationale) joint and allied operational deployment focused on on-the-job training for Naval College (École Navale) cadet officers and international cooperation, allowing young midshipmen to get on-the-job training at sea, thus learning the complexity of missions and operational theatres.

For the 2019 iteration, built around the landing helicopter dock (LHD) Tonnerre and frigate La Fayette, the young men and women who left their home port of Toulon on 25 February will gain intimate knowledge of the planning and replanning required to account for unforeseen circumstances.


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Major Alvega em Abril 18, 2019, 11:26:18 pm

O Charles de Gaulle já modernizado. Por volta do minuto 5:18 aparece a fragata portuguesa Corte Real, especialista em cenários de baixa intensidade do séc. XXI no meio de FREEM's, Bazan's etc.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Red Baron em Maio 10, 2019, 09:55:27 pm
O Jean Bart esta cá ancorado, não para plantar uns quilos de droga e apreender o navio? ;D
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: dc em Maio 10, 2019, 10:58:44 pm
O Jean Bart esta cá ancorado, não para plantar uns quilos de droga e apreender o navio? ;D

Da classe Cassard? Antes fosse uma Aquitaine!  ::)
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Maio 11, 2019, 12:02:21 am
O Jean Bart esta cá ancorado, não para plantar uns quilos de droga e apreender o navio? ;D

Da classe Cassard? Antes fosse uma Aquitaine!  ::)


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Maio 24, 2019, 03:15:35 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 09, 2019, 11:21:07 am
O CdG a entrar em Goa

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 08, 2019, 04:10:13 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Julho 16, 2019, 10:40:42 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Viajante em Julho 22, 2019, 11:47:10 am
Submarino francês “La Minerve” encontrado meio século após o seu desaparecimento

Os destroços do submarino militar naufragado foram encontrados no mar Mediterrâneo por um navio americano. Estava desaparecido deste 1968 e tinha 52 pessoas a bordo.


O submarino francês “La Minerve”, que desapareceu em 1968 com 52 homens a bordo, foi encontrado ao largo de Toulon, 50 anos depois do seu naufrágio, anunciou a ministra das Forças Armadas francesa, Florence Parly.
“Acabamos de encontrar o [submarino] Minerve. É um sucesso, um alívio e um feito técnico. Penso nas famílias que esperavam por este momento há tanto tempo”, escreveu Florence Parly na sua conta da rede social Twitter.
Os destroços do submarino naufragado foram localizados no Mediterrâneo, a 45 quilómetros de Toulon, a 2.370 metros de profundidade, pelo navio americano Seabed Constructor, que chegou na passada terça-feira para participar nas buscas e forneceu uma confirmação visual da localização do Minerve, indicou um responsável da Marinha nacional à agência de notícias France-Presse.
Em 27 de Janeiro de 1968, o submarino militar, em exercício a cerca de 30 quilómetros de Toulon, afundou-se em apenas quatro minutos.
Apesar das operações de socorro imediatamente realizadas, os destroços nunca tinham sido localizados.
Em Outubro passado, familiares dos desaparecidos lançaram um apelo para que as buscas fossem retomadas.
Desde o anúncio de Florence Parly, no início do ano, da retoma das operações, especialistas propuseram-se a redefinir a área onde era mais provável que os destroços estivessem localizados.
Muitas causas foram mencionadas para explicar o acidente: uma avaria, uma colisão com um barco, a explosão de um míssil, um torpedo ou um acidente do tubo de ventilação.

Fotos do Submarino, antes do desaparecimento:



Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Julho 23, 2019, 12:45:14 am
Ultimas imagens da “La Minerve”
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Janeiro 03, 2020, 08:40:19 am
The President of the Republic Announces the Order for Six Patrol Vessels

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France has ordered six new large patrol vessels to replace those now deployed in her overseas territories, in addition to the three already ordered for the three territories in the Caribbean. (DGA image)

PARIS --- At the Maritime Economy Symposium in Montpellier today, the President of the Republic announced the order of six new patrol boats for France’s overseas dependencies.

In accordance with the strategic goals of the 2019-2025 military program law, this order reinforces the protection of our maritime territories, and advances the renewal of this capability by two years.

In a context of increasing threats to fishing resources, biodiversity and international rules of the law of the sea, France intends to fully exercise its sovereignty and responsibilities in France and in its overseas dependencies.

This announcement follows the Ministerial Investment Committee of November 19, 2019, when Armed Forces Minister Florence Parly decided to launch the Patrouilleur d’Outre Mer (Overseas Patrol Vessel) program, managed by the Directorate-General of Armaments (DGA).

That is why the renewal of naval assets for the surveillance of our overseas maritime territories, which began with the delivery of the three patrol vessels for the Antilles and Guiana between 2017 and 2019, continues today with this latest order, which will allow the replacement of the obsolete patrol vessels deployed in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Reunion Island between 2022 and 2025.

Designed with extensive capabilities – and equipped in particular with an aerial drone - these overseas patrol boats will carry out missions of sovereignty and protection in the France’s Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), intervention against marine pollution and in favor of the environment, as well as rescue and assistance.

Thus, between 2017 and 2025, all the patrol vessels stationed overseas will have been renewed.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Janeiro 23, 2020, 01:27:09 pm
Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle departing Toulon naval base on January 21, 2020. French Navy picture.

French Carrier Strike Group Begins ‘Foch’ Deployment

The French Navy (Marine Nationale) Carrier Strike Group set sail yesterday for a long operational deployment named "Foch". Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle and its escort set course to the Eastern Mediterranean before sailing for the Northern Atlantic area.

 Xavier Vavasseur 22 Jan 2020

The vessels composing the Carrier Strike Group (CSG) departed Toulon on Tuesday, January 21, for the “Foch” mission. This three-month long deployment will take the CSG, first, to the eastern Mediterranean to support the French forces of Operation Chammal, and then to the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea where its activities will mainly consists in cooperation exercises with American and European forces.

This deployment meets four major objectives:

    The operational deployment in areas of strategic interest for the benefit of European security and the stability of its approaches;
    To maintain the operational commitment of France and the French Navy in the fight against terrorism by contributing to the International Coalition against Daesh;
    To maintain the very high level of interoperability with France’s European and NATO partners;
    To maintain the quality of the relations which bind France and its international partners.

Charles de Gaulle’s CSG

The French multi-mission frigate (FREMM) “Provence” is seen from the flight deck of Charles de Gaulle during FANAL19. French Navy picture.

Departing from Toulon, the CSG consisted of the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle and its airwing, the multi-mission frigate (FREMM) Auvergne, the air defense frigate (FDA) Chevalier Paul, the command and refueling vessel (BCR) Var, the Hellenic Navy frigate HS Spetsai and a nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN).

Throughout the deployment, various French and allied vessels (Spanish, Portuguese, Belgian, Dutch and German) as well as an Atlantic 2 maritime patrol aircraft will integrate or have interactions with the CSG.

For the “Foch” deployment, Charles de Gaulle‘s airwing includes 18x Rafale M, 2x E-2C Hawkeye aircraft, 1x NH90 NFH helicopter and 2x Dauphin helicopters.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Janeiro 26, 2020, 03:54:23 pm
French Navy pilots complete Dauphin N3 conversion training
Richard Scott, London - Jane's Navy International

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The French Navy is now operating four Dauphin N3 helicopters owned by NHV France. Source: Henri-Pierre Grolleau

The first full-scale conversion course of five French Navy helicopter pilots graduated on 17 January at Lanvéoc-Poulmic Air Base in a ceremony that confirms that the fleet of four leased Airbus Helicopters Dauphin N3s is now fully up to speed.

The four helicopters, owned by NHV France, have been introduced to temporarily replace the outdated Aerospatiale Alouette IIIs in service with 22 Squadron until the Airbus Helicopters H160M Guépard enters service in 2028.

"In 2019 the four Dauphins have flown more than 2,000 hours," Rear-Admiral Guillaume Goutay, commander of the French Navy's air arm, Aéronavale, told Jane's.
"A trial course of two pilots had already graduated in 2019 but the ceremony held last week clearly shows that the Dauphins are now firmly in service. They clearly push us into modernity: they are fitted with state-of-the-art instrument panels with multifunction displays and are fitted with two turbines, like all [other] helicopters in [French naval] frontline service," he said.
"Another obvious advantage is that they are very similar to the other Dauphins and Panthers in service with Flottille 35F and 36F. This means that the young pilots coming out of training will be fully operational on their new mount in a shorter amount of time, without a requirement for a conversion course."

The French Navy has decided to further expand the number of Dauphins in service by leasing an extra 12 aircraft from Héli-Union, Rear Adm Goutay noted. The additional aircraft will enable the service to retire the Alouette III and operate a more modern type offering better payload and range.

"The contract was signed in December 2019 and the first helicopter will be delivered in late 2020/early 2021 to Flottille 35F, in Hyères," he said. "The 12 Dauphins are planned to be equally spread between 35F and 34F, based in Lanvéoc-Poulmic.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Fevereiro 27, 2020, 02:43:09 am

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 10, 2020, 12:10:31 pm
Suspected Covid-19 Case on Board the Aircraft Carrier Charles-de-Gaulle
(Source: French Armed Forces Ministry; issued April 8, 2020)
(Unofficial translation by
After a first suspected case of Covid-19 aboard the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle increased to 40 in a matter of days, the French armed forces ministry decided to bring her home to Toulon (pictured) two weeks earlier than initially planned. (FR Navy photo)
-- Aboard the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier currently deployed in the Atlantic as part of the “Foch Mission,” approximately 40 sailors are today under enhanced medical observation. They have symptoms consistent with a possible Covid-19 infection. These first symptoms have appeared recently.

-- The aircraft carrier has a medical component including an intensive care unit. The health measures already implemented on board have been reinforced.

-- The French Navy and the aircraft carrier command are closely monitoring the progress of the sailors’ health.

-- As of today, a screening team with medical tests will be dispatched to the aircraft carrier to investigate current cases and to prevent the spread of the virus aboard the ship.

-- After a mission which started on January 21, 2020 and initially committed to support Operation Chammal, the aircraft carrier was returning to the Mediterranean [from the North Sea.]

-- It was decided to immediately bring her back to Toulon, which was initially scheduled for April 23.

Sailors with symptoms are currently being taken care of and are subject to enhanced medical monitoring. They were placed in isolated confinement, as a precaution vis-à-vis the rest of the crew. No worsening was seen in these patients. Everything is being done to ensure the safety of the crew.

The aircraft carrier has robust capabilities to manage and monitor the progress of cases, including in the event of worsening:
-- A medical platform with a medical team comprising around twenty caregivers (doctors, nurses, surgeons);
-- Dedicated facilities: a hospital ward with a dozen beds, respirators, a scanner, as well as a containment space with one hundred places to isolate and monitor patients;
-- Evacuation capabilities by on-board helicopters, at short notice, to a higher-level hospital (in case of aggravation).

The organization on board has been adapted to continue the mission while ensuring the health of sailors. Barrier gestures and precautionary measures have also been reinforced and continue to be strictly applied:
-- Sailors on the aircraft carrier carry out twice a day cleaning of the common spaces, insisting on the disinfection of the ramps / handles / taps and in the common living areas and disinfect the workstations, telephones and shared computers after each use;
-- Daily reminders are repeated, and vigilance is maintained, on the barrier gestures to be followed;
-- The number of meetings and participants has been reduced, and gatherings in certain common life areas have been limited;
-- Masks have been distributed as a preventive measure to all personnel who may experience symptoms, especially coughing. These personnel are monitored twice a day by medical personnel.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 16, 2020, 04:05:18 pm
Mais de um terço da tripulação do porta-aviões Charles de Gaulle contaminada com COVID-19

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 25, 2020, 01:03:28 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 04, 2020, 10:00:49 am

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Maio 10, 2020, 04:14:40 am


Fragata Duguay-Trouin


E fragata D609 Aconit
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Vitor Santos em Junho 13, 2020, 05:23:01 pm
Le SNLE « Le Téméraire » a lancé avec succès un missile stratégique M-51.2 en conditions opérationnelles


Il y a quelques jours, la préfecture maritime de l’Atlantique a publié un avis informant que la la navigation au sud de la pointe de Penmarc’h [Finistère] allait être restreinte pour une durée d’un mois, à compter du 10 juin. Ce qui laissait supposer qu’un tir de missile balistique mer-sol M-51.2 était imminent.

Sollicité par l’AFP au sujet de ces restrictions, le ministère des Armées n’a pas fait de commentaires. « Il n’y aura pas de communication détaillée sur ces activités puisque les activités opérationnelles et les essais de systèmes d’armes liés à la dissuasion nucléaire sont couverts par le secret-défense », a-t-il fait valoir.

À partir de là, on pouvait deviner que le sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d’engins [SNLE] « Le Téméraire » allait être à la manoeuvre, étant donné qu’il n’avait pas encore tiré de missile M-51 après avoir subi une refonte afin de lui intégrer le système de combat SYCOBS [SYstème de COmbat commun Barracuda SNLE] et lui permettre de lancer ce type de missile, aux dimensions plus imposantes que le M-45 qu’il emportait jusqu’alors.

Mais il n’aura finalement pas fallu attendre longtemps pour en avoir la confirmation. Ce 12 juin, la ministre des Armées, Florence Parly, a en effet exprimé sa « grande satisfaction après le succès […] du lancement d’un missile balistique M51 par le sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d’engins ‘Le Téméraire’ depuis la baie d’Audierne [Finistère]. »

La ministre a également adressé « ses très vives félicitations à l’ensemble des femmes et des hommes du ministère des Armées, du Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives [CEA] et des entreprises qui ont œuvré à sa réussite. »

Comme lors des précédents tests, le vol du missile M51 lancé par le « Le Téméraire » a été suivi par la DGA Essais de missiles, avec notamment le navire d’essais et de mesures Monge, mis en oeuvre par la Marine nationale.

« La zone de retombées se situe en Atlantique Nord à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de toute côte. Cet essai a été effectué sans charge nucléaire et dans le strict respect des engagements internationaux de la France », a souligné le ministère des Armées. « Ce tir valide la capacité opérationnelle du système d’arme global du SNLE Le Téméraire et démontre à nouveau l’excellence de la haute technologie que les industries françaises mettent en œuvre dans ce domaine », a-t-il encore fait valoir.

Le ministère des Armées a repris, au mot près, le communiqué qu’il avait diffusé le 1er juillet 2016, à l’occasion du tir réussi d’un missile M-51 par le SNLE « Le Triomphant ».

À l’époque, la réussite de cet essai était particulièrement importante étant donné qu’un tir, réalisé en 2013 par le SNLE « Le Vigilant », s’était soldé par un échec, expliqué en partie par des « faiblesses » constatées par les services « qualité » de la DGA. « Les enquêteurs chevronnés qui ont analysé les causes de l’échec du tir d’essai de mai 2013 appellent à des efforts, à la fois dans le management et dans l’attention portée aux outils d’ingénierie système », avait expliqué Laurent Collet-Billon, alors Délégué général pour l’armement. Cet échec avait ensuite été en partie effacé par le succès d’un tir de M51 depuis le centre d’essais de Biscarrosse [Landes], en septembre 2015.

La réussite du tir effectué par le SNLE « Le Téméraire » est également importante dans le contexte actuel, marqué par l’épidémie de Covid-19. Il montre en effet que cette dernière n’a pas impacté la dissuasion nucléaire française, alors que le monde de l’après-crise risque d’être « pire qu’avant », pour reprendre l’expression de Jean-Yves Le Drian, le ministre des Affaires étrangères. À ce sujet, les Forces aériennes stratégiques ont également pu démontrer leur capacité à agir avec un exercice de nuit ayant mobilisé une cinquantaine d’aéronefs.

Pour rappel, les missiles M51.2 emportent de nouvelles têtes océaniques [TNO] d’une puissance de 100 kilotonnes. Une nouvelle version – appelée M51.3 – est en cours de développement depuis 2014, dans le but d’augmenter la portée et d’améliorer les capacités de pénétration des défénses antimissiles adverses.

Photo: DGA / archive
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 19, 2020, 11:37:53 am
Primeiras fotos do Perle depois do incêndio
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 26, 2020, 10:13:08 am
Patrouilleur de haute-mer (PHM) "Commandant Birot". French Navy picture.

French Navy Ageing PHMs And PSPs Patrol Vessels To Be Replaced With 10 New OPVs

The French Navy (Marine Natioanle)'s ageing fleet of A69 type PHM and PSP patrol vessels will be replaced from 2025 by ten new offshore patrol vessels (OPV).
Xavier Vavasseur  25 Jun 2020

The French Minister of the Armed Forces launched on June 10 the future ocean patrol vessels known as PO or Patrouilleurs Océanique program.

Ten new generation OPVs will replace the A69 type (D’Estienne d’Orves-class) PHM (formerly Aviso / light frigates and then reclassified as patrol vessels) based in Brest and Toulon and the PSP patrol boats based in Cherbourg.

Part of the current military planning law (LPM 2019 – 2025), this future procurement will see the first deliveries starting from 2025.

In a context marked by the increase in maritime traffic and the toughening of threats at sea, patrol boats fulfill a very broad spectrum of missions: support for deterrence, presence in areas of sovereignty and interest, evacuation, protection, escort and intervention in the framework of State action at sea.

French Ministry of Armed Forces
The Ministry of the Armed Forces added that: “this armaments program will make the best use of national skills in the fields of development, construction and naval equipment. The first deliveries are scheduled for 2025.“

Contacted by Naval News, French naval expert Thibault Lamidel said: This is in accordance with the declaration of the DGA (French Defense Procurement Agency) of March 5, 2020, announcing the drafting of a “contract”. According to Philippe Chapleau, a first design contract should soon be awarded to Naval Group. The actual construction, from 2022, will be opened to competition between several shipyards by the launch of a tender procedure which will most likely take place at the end of 2020. Consequently, the schedule and the target of the program are respected, which is already a lot in itself. Even if there is every reason to note that the military planning law provided for a first delivery in 2024 and that this announcement is for 2025: the slight slippage of a few months of the program is confirmed. Two main questions remain: This alleged budget of around 1000 million euros for 10 patrouilleurs océaniques (according to Philippe Chapleau) represents an overall cost almost five times higher than the program for 6 overseas patrol boats (224 million euros). As a result, the unit cost is close to a River class OPV (Royal Navy) and almost double that of the offshore patrol boat “Adroit” (sold to Argentina). This amounts to saying that the design contract will relate to a new platform and not the resumption of existing proposals, despite the scale models or artist impressions which surfaced since Euronaval 2018. Could this be an implicit confirmation that the PO Patrouilleurs Océaniques program includes the French participation in the European Patrol Corvette program with a distribution between 4 EPC from PESCO project (~3000-3500 t) and 6 OPV from a whole new design (~1500 t), as mentioned previously ? Another question is whether these OPVs will have the capacity to support and operate a helicopter, not just a VTOL drone. The alleged high overall program cost would imply a positive answer to both those questions.

The future OPVs should be slightly larger than the POM vessels that were recently ordered for France’s overseas territories. POM vessels will be 80 meters long and 11.8 meters wide, with a draft of 3.5 meters and a displacement of 1,350 tons. This would put the future OPV right in line with Kership’s OPV 87 designed (similar to l’Adroit OPV). Yet the allocated budget, rumored to be close to 1 Billion Euros for 10 hulls, seems quite high for this type of “simple” OPV design.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: borisdedante em Julho 07, 2020, 02:49:14 am
 U.S. Congress Approves Possible E-2D Advanced Hawkeye FMS To France
The United States' State Department approved a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to the Government of France of three E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Aircraft and related equipment for an estimated cost of $2 billion.

 PANG: What We Know About France’s Future Aircraft Carrier
In the coming days, French President Macron is expected to give the "go ahead" to the French Navy's new generation aircraft carrier (PANG) program. Here is what we know so far.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Julho 23, 2020, 04:59:02 pm

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Julho 31, 2020, 10:09:54 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Get_It em Agosto 28, 2020, 07:46:17 pm
Reportagem/documentário acerca do Tonnerre da Marinha Francesa:

Ainda pensei em meter o vídeo no tópico do NAVPOL, mas depois acabei por pensar melhor.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: typhonman em Agosto 29, 2020, 10:57:20 am
Reportagem/documentário acerca do Tonnerre da Marinha Francesa:

Ainda pensei em meter o vídeo no tópico do NAVPOL, mas depois acabei por pensar melhor.


LOL, além de calados são cegos, por isso não adianta.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Setembro 24, 2020, 03:57:33 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: tenente em Outubro 10, 2020, 11:13:05 pm
France to arm future OPVs with RAPIDFire Naval CIWS

The 10 offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) to be acquired for the French Navy under the Patrouilleurs Océanique (PO) programme will be armed with the Thales/Nexter RAPIDFire Naval multirole close-in weapon system (CIWS), Commander Ghislain Deleplanque, head of the French Navy’s Protection & Safeguarding Office, Future Naval Programs, revealed during the Defence iQ's OPV International online conference.

( (
The RAPIDFire Naval CWIS is capable of engaging threats such as UAVs, helicopters, ground-attack fighters, cruise missiles, fast patrol boats, and sea-skimming missiles. (Thales)

The PO programme was formally launched in June by the French Ministry of the Armed Forces, with design activity currently being carried out by Naval Group. An acquisition and construction contract has yet to be placed.

The RAPIDFire Naval CIWS developed by Thales and Nexter comprises a non-penetrating gun mount fitted with the CTA International 40CTAS (40 mm Cased Telescoped Ammunition System) and an optronic fire-control system, an ammunition magazine for around 140 ready-to-fire rounds, gun control equipment and an automatic ammunition handling system. It can function either in an integrated or autonomous mode.

The gyrostabilised gun has a firing rate up to 200 rds/min with a typical burst against air threats of up to 10 anti-aerial air burst rounds, and an effective range up to 4,000 m and up to 2,500 m against surface threats using point detonating, air burst, and armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot rounds.

The 10 OPVs are scheduled to be commissioned between 2025 and 2029. They will have an overall length of around 90 m, a displacement of around 2,000 tonnes, and will carry a crew complement of 40

Estes Franceses são mesmo burros, armar os NPO's com CIWS ????
CIWS nos NPO, sacrilégio !!!
Não seria melhor fazerem como nós e terem os NPO desarmados ????
Os dois CIWS que temos em armazém devem estar guardados á espera que um grupo de ex militares os vão surripiar durante a noite, porque é melhor mantermos dois NPO's desarmados !!!!!

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 11, 2020, 03:40:03 pm

First steel cut for the POM program. French Ministry of the Armed Forces picture.
SOCARENAM Begins Construction On French Navy’s POM OPV
French Shipyard SOCARENAM started construction of the French Navy (Marine Nationale)'s first of six new offshore patrol vessels known as “POM” (Patrouilleur d’Outre-Mer). French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, attended the steel cutting ceremony at the shipyard in Saint Malo, Brittany.
Xavier Vavasseur  09 Oct 2020

The French Ministry of Armed Forces on January 17 2020 confirmed an order for six “POM” offshore patrol vessels. The contract was awarded on December 24 2019 to a Socarenam / CNN MCO consortium by the procurement agency DGA. Intended for the French Navy, these OPVs will be based in French overseas territories to replace the ageing P400-class patrol boats.:

Two POM vessels will be based in New Caledonia (Nouméa)
Two in la Réunion (Port-des-Galets)
And two in French Polynesia (Papeete).

About POM offshore patrol vessels


The POMs will be based in New Caledonia (Noumea), Reunion (Port-des-Galets) and French Polynesia (Papeete) Credit: Socarenam
The future POM patrol ships will carry out protection missions in France’s exclusive economic zones (EEZ), intervene against maritime pollution and in favor of environmental protection, as well as rescue and assistance to people.

The POM will have an endurance of 30 days without refueling. Each ship will accommodate a crew of 30 sailors and 23 passengers and operate an unmanned aerial vehicle. Their armament will include a 20mm caliber remote-controlled turret (Narwhal by Nexter), as well as 12.7 mm and 7.62mm machine guns. The POM vessel will be 80 meters long and 11.8 meters wide, with a draft of 3.5 meters.

Nexeya will supply the combat management system for these vessels.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 11, 2020, 03:56:41 pm
French Navy’s new FREMM frigate Alsace conducts 1st sea trials
October 9, 2020, by Naida Hakirevic
Alsace, the first of two multi-mission air-defense frigates in the FREMM program being built for the French Navy, has carried out its first sea trials.

The newbuilding — which is also the seventh French frigate of the FREMM program — left the Naval Group site in Lorient, France, on 5 October 2020 for its first sea trials campaign.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: dc em Outubro 11, 2020, 04:05:29 pm
O design do navio, pintado de branco, parece um iate.  :mrgreen:

Mas é notável a diferença entre os franceses e nós. Para responder à crise económica causada pela pandemia, eles continuam com os programas militares, nomeadamente a construção naval, talvez porque sabem que geram emprego e mantém o dinheiro a circular internamente (e os sempre podem gerar interesse internacional), por cá, nem o contrato para o resto dos NPOs assinam, mesmo sendo cá construídos. Mentalidades opostas.  ::)
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 11, 2020, 08:31:58 pm
Só avançavam com os NPOs se isso desse de mamar a alguma clientela...pelos vistos não deve ser o caso
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 26, 2020, 07:35:05 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Novembro 23, 2020, 11:04:39 am (

SAINT-CLOUD, França — Durante uma visita à fábrica da Dassault Aviation em Seclin, no norte da França, a Ministra das Forças Armadas da França, Florence Parly, anunciou no dia 19 de novembro a próxima notificação do contrato para a Vigilância Marítima “Albatros” e Programa de aeronaves de intervenção (AVSIMAR), que será baseado no Dassault Aviation Falcon 2000LXS.



Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 08, 2020, 06:08:51 pm
Projeto do novo porta aviões anunciado hoje por Macron
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Dezembro 09, 2020, 08:09:53 am
Mais acerca do novo PA
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Março 30, 2021, 03:36:27 pm

Naval Group gets deal for two more French Navy FDI frigates

March 30, 2021, by Naida Hakirevic

French defence contractor Naval Group has received an official order for two more FDI frigates by the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA).

This was unveiled during a visit of the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, to Lorient on 29 March 2021.

As explained, the acceleration of the Frégate de défense et d’intervention (FDI) program will support the activity of the Naval Group site in Lorient where the frigates are designed and built, also ensuring the preservation of skills.

The two frigates – the second and third in a series of five – will both be delivered in 2025, whereas the original plan was to deliver them every 18 months. They will be named Amiral Louzeau and Amiral Castex, respectively.

The first FDI, Amiral Ronarc’h, for which construction work began in 2020, is scheduled for delivery in 2024.

With a tonnage of more than 4,200 tonnes and a length of 121 metres, the FDI frigates are based on a digital and scalable architecture built around Naval Group’s SETIS 3.0 combat management system.

They can conduct all the missions of modern navies (anti-air, anti-surface, anti-submarine warfare or special forces projection) and address new threats such as cyber attacks and asymmetric threats.

The FDI also benefits from advanced naval technologies including the latest Thales multi-function radar with active antenna and fixed panels as well as a fully digital electronic warfare system.

The FDI newbuilds will join the French Navy’s FREMM and Horizon-class frigates.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 13, 2021, 07:12:02 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 16, 2021, 03:40:26 pm
France provides more details on next-generation aircraft carrier
by Jean-Marc Tanguy

France’s Armed Forces Ministry unveiled more details on the Porte-Avions de Nouvelle Génération (PANG) next-generation aircraft carrier during its weekly briefing on 8 April.

The PANG will have the capability to launch up to 60 fighter sorties a day. (Naval Group)

Assembly of the hull will be carried out in blocks at Chantiers de l'Atlantique in Saint-Nazaire, western France, between 2031 and 2034. The hull will then be fitted out in a basin between 2034 and 2036. A model of the hull is being tested in a lake in southern France after testing at an Armed Forces Ministry test centre in Val-de-Reuil, Normandy, where the United Kingdom also regularly carries out naval tests.

A naval Rafale M (Marine) will conduct tests with General Atomics’ Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) in Lakehurst, New Jersey, before 2030. New Generation Fighter (NGF) tests will also be necessary when the aircraft is available. The PANG will have two or three EMALS.

The 70,000-tonne aircraft carrier will have the capability to launch up to 60 fighter sorties a day and have a week of ammunition for high-intensity operations. Five or six helicopters and two E-2D airborne early warning and control aircraft will also initially be involved in air operations. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be included at a later point as loyal wingmen to support NGFs, and the French Navy is also paying attention to US experiments with aerial-refuelling UAVs.

The crew will number 300 by 2033 and eventually 1,100. In addition, the PANG will accommodate 600 sailors of the air-naval group, 100 staff, and 200 reinforcements. Berthing compartments will accommodate no more than eight sailors each, compared with a maximum of 24 on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 20, 2021, 01:54:12 pm
19 APRIL 2021

Naval Group delivers first FREMM air-defence frigate to French Navy
by Kate Tringham

French shipbuilder Naval Group delivered France’s first Aquitaine-class FREMM multimission frigate enhanced with air-defence capabilities on 16 April.

lsace: the first of two FREMM DA frigates enhanced with air-defence capabilities. (Naval Group)

Alsace, which is the seventh of eight planned Aquitaine-class frigates, was handed over to the European defence procurement body Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR) on behalf of the French procurement agency (DGA) during a ceremony held at the French Navy’s Toulon Naval Base in southern France.

Under the French Navy’s FREMM programme, the first six ships delivered by Naval Group were built as anti-submarine warfare (ASW) variants, while Alsace and eighth ship Lorraine are being built to a modified FREMM DA (défense aérienne) standard.

The FREMM DA frigates retain the core ASW sensor fit of the first six vessels, including the UMS 4110 CL hull-mounted sonar and CAPTAS-4 low-frequency active/passive variable depth sonar, but will not be equipped to fire the MdCN cruise missile.

The FREMM DA variant is instead equipped with four eight-cell Sylver A50 vertical launch systems in place of the A43/A70 short/long mix found on the ASW variants to accommodate up to 32 Aster 15/30 anti-air missiles.

Other notable changes include an extended-range variant of the Thales Herakles E/F-band multifunction radar, a Thales Nederland STIR EO MK 2 radar/electro-optical tracker, and Naval Group’s SETIS combat management system equipped with specific air-defence functions.

Under current planning, Lorraine is scheduled for delivery in the latter part of 2022.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Cabeça de Martelo em Abril 29, 2021, 12:57:56 pm
France Carries Out Unusual Ballistic Missile Test As American Spy Plane Looks On
French authorities have confirmed that the test involved an M51 submarine-launched ballistic missile fired from a land-based facility.


France says it successfully conducted a test launch of an M51 submarine-launched ballistic missile earlier today from a land-based site on the country's northwestern Bay of Biscay coastline. Online flight tracking software also showed a U.S. Air Force RC-135S Cobra Ball aircraft, which is specifically configured to gather intelligence about ballistic missile tests, flying near where the weapon's inert payload was expected to impact the Atlantic Ocean north of Bermuda. Warning notices ahead of this test had indicated certain peculiarities, as The War Zone explored earlier this week, which had prompted discussion about whether this might have been a test of a new M51 variant or even a hypersonic weapon.

The French Ministry of Armed Forces issued a statement on the launch on April 28, 2021, stressing that the missile was not carrying any live nuclear warheads at the time and that the impact area in the North Atlantic was "several hundred kilometers from any coast." The statement confirmed that the test was carried out from the DGA Essais de Missiles, the country's central ballistic missile test facility. It is very possible that the weapon was fired from a submerged platform there, which simulates a launch from a submarine and that has been used in previous M51 tests. France conducted another M51 test across the Atlantic last year, but fired the weapon from the Triomphant class ballistic missile submarine Le Téméraire.

This test was carried out ... in strict compliance with France's international commitments," according to a translation of the French-language statement. "This shot, carried out as part of the M51 program, once again demonstrates the excellence of high technology that French industries are implementing in this field.

French authorities did not say what version of the M51 was fired in this particular instance. They also did not offer an explanation as to why the impact area, as defined in navigation warnings for mariners issued last week, was significantly offset from the ballistic trajectory otherwise outlined in those notices.

he unusual position of the impact area, combined with the use of a land-based test site, rather than one of the French Navy's four Triomphant class ballistic missile submarines, had also led some to wonder whether a first flight test of France's V-Max hypersonic weapon demonstrator, which is, by most accounts, an unpowered boost-glide vehicle design, might have been imminent. A key attribute of boost-glide vehicles as compared to more traditional ballistic missiles is their ability to make significant and unpredictable maneuvers while traveling along an atmospheric flight trajectory, which could have accounted for the offset path in this case. Beyond the French government's confirmation that this was a test was in support of the M51 program, there are no other indications that the missile was carrying any such payload in this instance.

The variants of the M51 that France has in service now are a Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) design that can carry up to 10 individual warheads on a single payload bus, also referred to as a post-boost vehicle. These are then released, pointed at different targets, during the weapon's terminal stage of flight.

Deploying the reentry vehicles at an oblique angle could indicate a test of a new capability of some kind. France is in the process of developing a new M51.3 variant, which will have a greater range than existing versions, along with other improvements. At the same time, publicly available information suggests that flight tests of that design could still be years away.

The curious flight path could also be the product of more mundane factors. "This could be due to how close to the U.S. East Coast and shipping lanes that a nominal trajectory would take or because there is a specific aspect of their reentry-vehicles maneuverability or post-boost vehicle that they are testing," Scott LaFoy, Program Manager for National Security & Intelligence at Exiger Federal Solutions and an expert on missiles, space, and nuclear weapons technology, had told The War Zone earlier this week.

Whatever the case, the test appears to have been interesting enough for the United States to want to observe it. As was also the case during the M51 test in the Atlantic last year, a U.S. Air Force RC-135S Cobra Ball was tracked flying near the impact area.

The Cobra Balls, including the RC-135S with the serial number 62-4128 that was spotted operating near Bermuda, have various sensor systems that allow them to collect imagery of ballistic missile launches, or warheads returning to earth, as well as associated telemetry data and electronic intelligence.

There are only three Cobra Balls in service today, making them a very low-density asset that the U.S. Air Force has to deploy judiciously to meet intelligence collection demands around the world. It is also known that RC-135Ss have been used to gather information about missile tests carried out by U.S. allies and partners, as well as potential adversaries, as part of a standing intelligence-gathering operation nicknamed Olympic Titan.

One of the French Navy's Dassault Falcon 50 business jets, which are configured for maritime surveillance and patrol, was also spotted flying off the coast of the U.S. state of North Carolina, some 600 miles to the west of Bermuda, today. While we don't know for sure if this aircraft was involved in this missile test, another one of these jets was also present during the 2020 M51 launch. This plane would be well-suited to keeping an eye out for any aircraft or ships deliberately intruding or accidentally straying into the impact area.

The French Navy's missile range instrumentation ship Monge, which is configured to gather telemetry and other data about missile tests, including ballistic missile launches, was also spotted leaving Norfolk, Virginia earlier this month. While its unclear where that vessel is right now, it was also involved in the M51 test in the Atlantic last year.

Back in France, a French Air Force E-3F Sentry Airborne Warning And Control System (AWACS) aircraft was spotted flying an orbit to the north of the DGA Essais de Missiles facility. It would not be surprising that the French military would want to ensure that no unwanted guest flew into the launch area during the test.

Only time will tell now whether or not any additional information emerges about the exact reasons for the offset impact area, as well as the use of a land-based test site in this instance versus a Triomphant class ballistic missile submarine.

Contact the author:

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 07, 2021, 07:56:17 am

French Navy Launches ‘Marine Nationale’ Brand And E-Shop

The French Navy just launched its "Marine Nationale" brand and E-Store, in order to reinforce its brand recognition among the public.

Accessible to all, the E-shop offers “a line of quality and varied products, bearing many emblematic symbols of the French Navy and its sailors”.

The French Navy says it has developed a brand built around its aesthetic codes and its professional universe close to the sea. The brand offers lines of clothing, watches, luggage, accessories and decorative items.

The opening of this boutique aims to make the world of the Navy accessible to the greatest number of people and to share its authentic values such as the crew spirit and the taste for adventure.

French Navy statement


“The French Navy is launching its brand with one objective: to be better known by the French people it serves every day, all over the world. It will thus enter in an unusual way into the daily lives of those who wish to show their support and affirm that they share the same values. I wish the “Marine Nationale” brand the best of luck, and I am certain that thanks to it, we will soon be able to feel the sea air of the open sea everywhere in France.”

Admiral Vandier, Chief of Staff of the French Navy

The profits generated by the brand will be used for the French Navy’s social works.

For the record, the move follows the Italian Navy which launched its “Marina Militare” brand several years ago, and has now several physical stores across Italy’s main cities and airports.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Get_It em Maio 07, 2021, 08:14:14 am
Um guarda-chuva com um logótipo/símbolo da Marine Nationale a 139€. :mrgreen: Têm bom olho para o negócio.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 07, 2021, 12:47:56 pm
Estão no séc XXI, ao contrário de outros que ainda estão no séc XIX  :mrgreen:
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: HSMW em Junho 14, 2021, 02:53:30 am

Sylver (SYstème de Lancement VERtical), a vertical launching system (VLS) designed by the French naval shipbuilding company Naval Group (formerly known as Direction des Constructions Navales or DCNS), and the missiles it can hold and fire.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Julho 23, 2021, 10:06:10 am
Artist impression: A French Navy FREMM frigate fitted with a laser weapon system. French Navy image.
French Navy To Test New Laser Weapon System At Sea
The French Armament General Directorate (DGA), French Company CILAS and the French Navy (Marine Nationale) are set to test the HELMA-P laser weapon system from a vessel at sea in 2022.
Martin Manaranche  23 Jul 2021

The DGA, in cooperation with CILAS, demonstrated the destruction of a drone by a laser weapon system on July 7, 2021. This demonstration took place at the DGA’s missile test center located in South Western France.

“I am proud to have seen this excellence at work today. This is an exceptional experiment. A drone has just been destroyed by a high-powered laser, a major step in the fight against drones has just been taken. Thanks to you, France is proving today that she is up to the task and will be able to defend herself against her enemies.”

Florence Parly, Minister of Armed Forces

Artist impression: A French Navy FDI frigate fitted with a laser weapon system. TALOS image.

The ship on which the system will be tested has yet to be disclosed, but in the future, the final objective is to equip the laser weapon on frigates (FREMM, FDI) or patrol vessels “sailing through dangerous or coastal areas from which asymmetric threats can be launched” said CILAS.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 14, 2021, 10:38:30 am

Two French LHDs And 25 Helicopters Take Part In Large Amphibious Exercise

The French Navy and French Army are currently conducting a joint, large scale, amphibious exercise named Cormoran 21. The goal is to train both services in a high intensity combat scenario representative of what the French Military may face tomorrow.
Xavier Vavasseur  13 Oct 2021

2 Mistral-class LHDs, 1 Horizon type Air Defense Destroyer, 1 FREMM Frigate, 25 helicopters and 1,500 personel are taking part in Cormoran 21.

Since September 27 and until October 15, 2021, a large Amphibious Ready Group with a focus on vertical lift (french designation: Groupe naval aéromobile or GNAM) is conducting exercise Cormoran 21 in the Mediterranean, a power projection exercise. Nearly 1,500 personnel from the French Navy and the French Army are engaged in this high intensity exercise. For the first time, a GNAM made up of the two Mistral-class LHDs: Tonnerre and Mistral is deployed, with two helicopter groups (from 3 units: 1st, 3rd and 5th RHC combat helicopter regiment) as well as an amphibious engagement group and two escort vessels.

During the night of October 7 to 8, 10 helicopters from the GNAM carried out a first raid from the sea, as part of the operational readiness for high intensity combat. 3 Tiger, 4 Caiman, 2 Puma and one Gazelle helicopter took part in this first night raid, this power projection action was performed in a manner that was as fluid as it was discreet: It was conducted in pitch black and without radio transmission, in a coastal environment that the scenario made particularly hostile.

The helicopters were assigned to deploy two teams from the amphibious engagement group in the target area. This group was then tasked to provide information on the enemy.

French Navy picture

At the same time, the air defense destroyer Forbin and the multi-mission frigate Provence provided close protection for Task Group 471.01 against air threats, while standing ready to conduct a coastal fire support mission. Earlier that day, the escorts had successfully kept opposing naval units out of the GNAM range, helping to ensure the task force’s discretion and the freedom of action of the two LHDs.

After 10 days of integration and training, the success of this first raid illustrates the ability of the GNAL to operate in particularly demanding conditions.

Admiral Pierre Vandier, the Chief of Staff of the French Navy said in a message on Twitter:

“The LHD Tonnerre and Mistral are participating in the exercise Cormoran 21. The main goal is to train the crew and their comrades of the army to conduct projection operations from sea to land, under high threat and in degraded conditions. Facing operational challenges of the coming world means not only mastering its codes but also being able to innovate in all fields and environments. These exercises are the incubators of tomorrow’s military responses. High intensity combat readiness and interoperability with other forces are a necessity. Yesterday, we witnessed a complex air raid illustrating the ability of our forces to operate in demanding conditions.”

Les hélicoptères nouvelle génération #Tigre et #NH90 Caïman arment progressivement les trois régiments de la 4e brigade d'aérocombat.

— 4e brigade d’aérocombat (@4e_BAC) October 12, 2021
According to the French Navy, the Cormoran 21 exercise allows units of the two services to train in the projection of about two dozens of combat helicopters from two LHDs, by carrying out several night power projection actions, from the sea towards land based objectives, in a high intensity setting. It allows the French Navy and the Army to strengthen their interoperability by integrating the new generation equipment of the SCORPION program, which should make it possible to outclass an adversary of equivalent power.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mafets em Outubro 15, 2021, 02:06:18 pm
Olha os francius voltarem a esta ideia e converter os Mistral?  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 18, 2021, 10:02:36 am

One of the two MBDA Sadral systems aboard Courbet. Note the Crotale launcher in the background, aboard sistership Guepratte.

The obsolete CROTALE anti-air warfare system is replaced by two MBDA Sadral sextuple launchers taken from decommissioned Georges Leygues-class ASW frigates. They are refurbished in order to operate the new MISTRAL 3 missile. While the missile doesn’t have the range and payload of the Crotale, it is adapted to counter new asymmetrical threats as well as sea skimming anti-ship missiles. Alongside its anti-aircraft and anti-missile ability, the Mistral 3 can destroy fast surface vessel, including USVs and fast attack boats.

Courbet berthed in Toulon naval base following her upgrade (note the Sadral launcher on top of the helicopter hangar).
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Stalker79 em Outubro 18, 2021, 03:23:07 pm
Sim, mas estes lançadores Sadral com 6 misseis ainda tem capacidade de reposta. Agora os mais comum só com dois misseis...
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Novembro 23, 2021, 09:57:18 am

French Navy’s First Air Defense FREMM ‘Alsace’ Enters Active Duty
The French Navy (Marine Nationale) multi-mission frigate (FREMM) "Alsace" entered "active duty" (admission au service actif in French) on 22 November 2021. It is the seventh Aquitaine-class FREMM overall but the first of two air-defense frigate in the FREMM DA (Frégate Européenne Multimissions de Défense Aérienne) variant.
Xavier Vavasseur  22 Nov 2021

This means the vessel is now able to conduct operational missions. Alsace is currently taking part in the large scale exercise POLARIS, as part of the Charles de Gaulle strike group.

La frégate multi-missions Alsace est prête pour les opérations. Elle appartient à une classe de frégates mondialement reconnue pour ses capacités de combat. Le renouvellement des équipements de la @MarineNationale est indispensable dans l’environnement stratégique actuel.

— Florence Parly (@florence_parly) November 22, 2021
“The multi-mission frigate Alsace is ready for operations. It belongs to a class of frigates recognized worldwide for its combat capabilities. The renewal of the Marine Nationale equipment is essential in the current strategic environment. To protect our coasts and our exclusive economic zone, in the face of obstacles to freedom of navigation, in the face of attempted intimidation at sea, in the face of the desire to deny access to certain areas, France needs a strong, efficient and credible Navy”.

French Defense minister Florence Parly
On 17 November, the successful firing of the Aster 30 anti-aircraft missile validated Alsace‘s operational capabilities. She now joins the other FREMMs that form the backbone of the French surface fleet.

The FREMM DA Alsace  was launched April 18, 2019 at the Naval Group shipyard of Lorient thirteen months after its keel laying. It is the ninth FREMM frigate built by Naval Group and the seventh one for the French Navy. The FREMM DA program started in 2008. Alsace and Lorraine are replacing the two Cassard-class (Type F70 AA) frigates and their ageing SM-1 surface to air missiles. Cassard was decommissioned on 15 march 2019 and Jean Bart was decommissioned earlier this year.

Alsace‘ sistership, Lorraine, (the final FREMM for the French Navy) was launched in November 2020 and is set to be delivered in the second half of 2022.  Following the delivery of its last FREMM, Naval Group will transition to the FDI, the next generation of frigates for the French Navy.

All six FREMM in their ASW (anti-submarine warfare) variant have been delivered between 2012 and 2019 to the French Navy. Aquitaine in 2012, Provence in 2015, Languedoc in 2016, Auvergne in April 2017, Bretagne in July 2018 and Normandie in July 2019. On the international side, Morocco received the Mohammed VI in 2014 and Egypt the Tahya Misr in 2015.


According to Naval Group, the FREMM DA Alsace is a strongly armed surface combatant fitted with the most performant weapon systems and equipment such as: the Herakles multifunction radar, the Aster 15 and 30 surface to air missiles, the Excocet MM 40 anti-ship missiles or the MU 90 torpedo. The performance of its combat system are reinforced with increased radar and communication capacities, a new fire control radar, and a SETIS CMS fitted with specific anti-air defense functions.

While the FREMM DA retains the same anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities as earlier vessels of the Aquitaine-class (with CAPTAS-4 and UMS 4110 CL sonars), its so called “increased capabilities in air defense” consists in a few notable changes:

The Thales Herakles multi-function radar is more powerful, has more transmitter modules, additional wave-forms and search modes for long range air defense
A Thales STIR EO MK 2 fire control radar replaces the Najir by Sagem (providing better AAW and ASuW capabilities to the 76mm main gun)
Reinforced bridge structure to accommodate the extra weight of the above
4x Sylver A50 vertical launch systems for a total of 32x MBDA Aster 15 or 30 surface to air missiles
Additional communication systems and antennas
3x additional consoles in the CIC (the global arrangement inside the CIC has been modified accordingly) for a total of 20 aboard the ship
Modifications to the SETIS combat management system with specific air defense functions
Additional berthing
According to the French Navy’s FREMM program manager, the FREMM DA main mission will be area air defense of major Marine Nationale units such as the Charles de Gaulle aircraft-carrier and the three Mistral-class LHDs, within a carrier-strike group or as part of an amphibious group.


Technical characteristics of the FREMM DA
Overall length: 142 m
Beam: 20 m
Displacement: 6,000 tonnes
Max. speed: 27 knots
Complement: 119 sailors (+ 14 for the aviation crew)
Accommodation: 165 men and women
Range: 6,000 at 15 knots
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 13, 2022, 07:22:10 pm
Não tenho acompanhado o topico da Marinha francesa por isso posso estar a repetir algo já dito antes.

Com a ida do porta-avioes britanico à Asia com F35B dos US Marines deu-me uma ideia, os franceses como só tem um porta-avioes, às vezes ele está indisponível, os franceses e os americanos podiam ter um acordo para operar um esquadrão de Rafale a partir do PA americano que estivesse no Mediterrâneo.

Complicado se calhar, mas seria interessante de ver. ;D

Eles tem alguma cooperação, o PA francês usa muita tecnologia americana, os procedimentos são iguais, já houve oficiais americanos temporariamente no PA francês e provavelmente o contrário, já houve exercícios conjuntos de Rafale a aterrar no PA americano e F/A-18 a aterrar no CdG, isto seria levar esta cooperação ainda mais longe.

Nós tivemos um Lynx alemão numa fragata nossa, são exemplos.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Janeiro 20, 2022, 12:25:51 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: mayo em Janeiro 20, 2022, 12:27:35 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: dc em Janeiro 20, 2022, 01:18:12 pm
Não tenho acompanhado o topico da Marinha francesa por isso posso estar a repetir algo já dito antes.

Com a ida do porta-avioes britanico à Asia com F35B dos US Marines deu-me uma ideia, os franceses como só tem um porta-avioes, às vezes ele está indisponível, os franceses e os americanos podiam ter um acordo para operar um esquadrão de Rafale a partir do PA americano que estivesse no Mediterrâneo.

Complicado se calhar, mas seria interessante de ver. ;D

Eles tem alguma cooperação, o PA francês usa muita tecnologia americana, os procedimentos são iguais, já houve oficiais americanos temporariamente no PA francês e provavelmente o contrário, já houve exercícios conjuntos de Rafale a aterrar no PA americano e F/A-18 a aterrar no CdG, isto seria levar esta cooperação ainda mais longe.

Nós tivemos um Lynx alemão numa fragata nossa, são exemplos.

E porque não comprar F-35B, e operá-los a partir dos Mistral (após as necessárias modificações)? Passavam de 1 para 4 porta-aviões, por uma fracção do custo que seria de construir navios novos. Mesmo que só fizessem as alterações a um dos Mistral, já era qualquer coisa. O único senão é que teriam de colocar uma rampa, e reforçar o pavimento devido ao calor do escape dos F-35B...
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 20, 2022, 04:57:37 pm

Espetáculo, é mesmo isso. É pena terem operado apenas duas semanas, mas deve ser o necessário para manter as qualificações.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lightning em Janeiro 20, 2022, 04:59:58 pm
E porque não comprar F-35B, e operá-los a partir dos Mistral (após as necessárias modificações)? Passavam de 1 para 4 porta-aviões, por uma fracção do custo que seria de construir navios novos. Mesmo que só fizessem as alterações a um dos Mistral, já era qualquer coisa. O único senão é que teriam de colocar uma rampa, e reforçar o pavimento devido ao calor do escape dos F-35B...

E ver se os elevadores e hangares por baixo servem.
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 11, 2022, 04:12:58 pm

A proa invertida da primeira fragata FDI em construção

Naval analyses
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 13, 2022, 04:21:08 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Abril 29, 2022, 04:49:57 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 02, 2022, 03:24:42 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 23, 2022, 08:36:53 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 04, 2022, 08:30:19 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 18, 2022, 10:30:25 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Setembro 16, 2022, 03:16:28 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Outubro 27, 2022, 08:43:01 pm
First FDI frigate for French Navy, the future FS Amiral Ronarc'h, will reportedly be launched on Nov. 7 in the presence of the French and Greek defmins.

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Janeiro 15, 2023, 10:25:19 am

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Fevereiro 01, 2023, 05:52:43 pm

‘Jacques Chevallier’ Logistic Support Ship Sea Trials Kick-Off

Feb. 01, 2023
(Source: OCCAR; issued Jan 31, 2023)

The 'Jacques Chevallier' is the first of four logistic supply ships being built by the French Navy by the French Chantiers de l'Atlantique shipyards jointly with Italy's Fincantieri. (French Navy photo)
In the wake of her first sea sortie, executed on the 20th of December 2022, the Logistic Support Ship (LSS) “Jacques Chevallier ” has successfully performed her initial sea trial sequence from the 25th until the 28th of January 2023.

It has allowed carrying several platform trials with a dedicated focus on navigation. This sequence is the first step towards the qualification, and then the acceptance, of the First of Class which will occur in several months.

Jacques Chevallier was a naval engineer. He was a pioneer in the nuclear propulsion field for French submarines and assumed the role of “Délégué Général pour l’Armement” from 1986 until 1989.


Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Fevereiro 01, 2023, 06:51:10 pm
Depois das FREEM, a MF remove os números de identificação dos Mistral
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Fevereiro 02, 2023, 06:50:58 pm

First Sea Trials for New French AOR Jacques Chevallier

 5 hours ago SeaWaves Press
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Março 03, 2023, 05:53:50 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Março 13, 2023, 10:47:02 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: smg em Março 14, 2023, 09:34:41 pm
Para complementar a informação acima publicada , deixo este vídeo .
Um abraço .
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 02, 2023, 04:33:46 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 12, 2023, 04:06:24 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 01, 2023, 02:49:26 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Maio 08, 2023, 11:13:53 am
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 19, 2023, 03:33:07 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: goldfinger em Maio 28, 2023, 11:31:14 am
A los franceses también les han saboteado una fragata en construcción:

En construction, la frégate de défense et d’intervention Amiral Ronarc’h aurait été la cible d’un sabotage

Plus tôt, ce mois-ci, BAE Systems a indiqué qu’au moins 60 câbles [sur 23’000] avait été « intentionnellement endommagés » à bord de la frégate de Type 26 HMS Glasgow, en cours de construction au chantier naval de Scotstoun [Écosse]. « Nous avons immédiatement lancé une enquête interne, aux côtés de nos fournisseurs, et avons temporairement suspendu les travaux sur le navire pour en inspecter chaque zone et nous assurer que nos normes élevées et nos contrôles de qualité sont respectés », a ensuite précisé l’industriel.

Cela étant, ce cas de sabotage « présumé » n’est pas isolé… En effet, selon des informations révélées par « Le Télégramme », la Frégate de défense et d’intervention [FDI] Amiral Ronarc’h, première d’une série de cinq unités, a été visée par des « actes de malveillance », alors qu’elle est encore en construction à Lorient. Ainsi, comme le HMS Glasgow, « plusieurs câbles ont été volontairement sectionnés ». Les faits se seraient produits il y a « quelques semaines », avance le quotidien.

Une plainte a été déposée par Naval Group après la découverte de ce sabotage. Le parquet de Rennes, compétent pour les affaires militaires, a été saisi de cette affaire. Une enquête pour « destruction de bien de nature à porter atteinte aux intérêts fondamentaux de la Nation » a été ouverte. Les investigations ont été confiées à la Gendarmerie maritime.

Par ailleurs, Naval Group a indiqué avoir renforcé la surveillance de son site de Lorient. Mais il ne souhaite pas donner plus de détails sur ces actes de malveillance ayant visé la FDI Amiral Ronarc’h, lancée en novembre 2022. La même discrétion est de mise du côté de la justice. « eu égard au contexte de ces faits, je n’envisage d’apporter aucune précision sur leur matérialité », a confié Philippe Astruc, le procureur de Rennes.

Au regard du contexte international, le ministre des Armées, Sébastien Lecornu, avait évoqué, en septembre 2022, un « risque de sabotage contre les chaînes de production des industriels français de l’armement ». Et d’ajouter : « Nous constatons et nous surveillons un certain nombre d’agissements. Je n’irai pas plus loin parce que cela est couvert par le secret ».

( (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Junho 07, 2023, 04:36:56 pm
"eles" andem aí

In an echo of the recent HMS Glasgow incident, French frigate Amiral Ronarc'h under construction in Lorient had cables cut in act of sabotage.

( (
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Agosto 05, 2023, 07:48:29 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 13, 2023, 02:01:32 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 15, 2023, 08:23:47 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: P44 em Agosto 31, 2023, 01:17:01 pm
Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Abril 17, 2024, 02:30:10 pm
Jornalistas têm acesso raro a submarino nuclear francês da classe Rubis

Título: Re: Marinha Francesa
Enviado por: Lusitano89 em Maio 07, 2024, 03:28:54 pm